[pkg-bioc] wiki directions/script needs to be adjusted for recent changes in bioc website

Yaroslav Halchenko debian at onerussian.com
Tue Jan 9 21:24:43 CET 2007


Thanks for nice scripts

I've build cran repository recently and now need to do the same for bioc
but unfortunately it doesn't work -- it seems that the repository
hierarchy got changed or smth like that. it ends up with

yoh at node27:~/deb/nobackup_auto/cran/bioc$ ./cran2deb.pl 
Repository: bioc
Could not locate mirror in any of the following directories: packages/bioc/devel/src/contrib/Source packages/data/annotation/stable/src/contrib/Source packages/data/experiment/stable/src/contrib/Source
Cannot open file packages/bioc/devel/src/contrib/Source/../html/index.html

even if I correct that path it fails later one. Could anyone please
have a look? 

Thanks in advance

P.S. I am not on the list, please CC me
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Keep in touch                    // \\     (yoh@|www.)onerussian.com
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