[pkg-bioc] R statistics aggregator thread

Steffen Moeller moeller at inb.uni-luebeck.de
Fri Jun 29 15:06:58 UTC 2007

On Friday 29 June 2007 16:31:52 Dirk Eddelbuettel wrote:
> On 29 June 2007 at 16:11, Steffen Moeller wrote:
> | You question is if we could possibly come up with an rss feed to inform
> | the world about updates?
> Yes, I had long rambled and dreamed about a service that watch
> $CRAN/src/contrib and puts out messages for
>  - new package, possibly copying all of DESCRIPTION
>  - updated packages, ideally showing the ChangeLog entry but given that it
> is missing (in a standardized / guaranteed form) from CRAN source, maybe
> just use diffstat, as well as stateful info from the db (days since last
> update etc)

It should probably be at the r_pkg_upload.pl level. That script should just 
write the rdf files whenever it has successfully executed the scp towards the 
shared repository.

I am not much of a blogger, so I must admit. Not knowing abou the feeding 
process, the remainder should be fairly trivial, though.  Could we use the 
pkg-bioc.alioth.d.o news section for that purpose, too? if not, shouldn't 
this be possible?


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