[Pkg-blender-maintainers] Random thoughts/todos about blender in debian

Cyril Brulebois cyril.brulebois at enst-bretagne.fr
Fri Apr 13 20:49:01 UTC 2007

Hi all, and sorry for the long mail...


Cyril Brulebois <cyril.brulebois at enst-bretagne.fr> (13/04/2007):
> > JFTR, this stuff was taken from Ubuntu in 2.42a-2. Given that Lukas
> > Fittl just approached the list he might give some input on this as
> > well.
> I'll be talking with Lukas about this one, and send a digest to the
> list.

Lukas is like me: quite new to blender packaging, and doesn't know more
about this. I was thinking about eventually adding a target in
debian/rules to run this process *once* and create an appropriate patch
(dpatch) to store in debian/patches, so that once for each new release,
it has to be run only once. That would please any developer and any
buildd, but also generate a bigger diff.gz, but it could be interesting
though, IMHO.

Other options are:
 - try to speed up the python scripts (although I'm no python expert at
 - investigate to find out whether it is still needed (things might have
 - ask upstream for info, since they have no such process, so it might
   have become extraneous.

But IMHO, that can easily been postponed to a later revision, this is
not that urgent.


Other remarks:
 * I also commited the installation of all icon sizes, not the only svg
 * I'll have a look at ubuntu's bugs to see whether they also apply to
   debian. It looks like the collaboration with Lukas will be fruitful.
   At least a little problem is a missing icon in the title bar under
   Gnome and Xfce, which I can reproduce with either 2.42 or 2.43. I
   don't known Gnome and Xfce enough to dig this out, but I'll ask the
   Xfce team soon for input.
 * Our desktop files are quite poor WRT to translations, I guess that
   we could call for translation, IIRC on debian-i18n or something like
   that, not necessarily for the first debian revision. ;-)

Florian: should the last commiter rewrite the footer of the changelog
entry to match his name and the date of the last revision?

I'll be commiting an additional desktop file soon (so that one is able
to select either a windowed version or a fullscreen one, as it is
possible with the menu file), with an updated footer, since it is was
what you did. Please let me know if there's something I should pay
special attention to WRT that.

Please also note that I'll be working on graphviz (2 major upstream
release late...) in the next days, so I won't be contacting upstream
right now, either for genpot or for the items I mentioned in my previous


Cyril Brulebois
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