[boinc] 01/01: Imported Upstream version 7.4.41+dfsg

Gianfranco Costamagna locutusofborg-guest at moszumanska.debian.org
Fri Jan 23 09:45:34 UTC 2015

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

locutusofborg-guest pushed a commit to annotated tag upstream/7.4.41+dfsg
in repository boinc.

commit ca2af65ebb24b7054aa44be38a82b0b7b4058d71
Author: Gianfranco Costamagna <costamagnagianfranco at yahoo.it>
Date:   Fri Jan 23 10:37:40 2015 +0100

    Imported Upstream version 7.4.41+dfsg
 android/BOINC/AndroidManifest.xml                  |   13 +-
 android/BOINC/res/values-bg/strings.xml            |    2 -
 android/BOINC/res/values-ca/strings.xml            |    2 -
 android/BOINC/res/values-da/strings.xml            |    2 -
 android/BOINC/res/values-de/strings.xml            |    2 -
 android/BOINC/res/values-fi/strings.xml            |    2 -
 android/BOINC/res/values-he/strings.xml            |    2 -
 android/BOINC/res/values-it-rIT/strings.xml        |    2 -
 android/BOINC/res/values-ko/strings.xml            |    2 -
 android/BOINC/res/values-lt/strings.xml            |    2 -
 android/BOINC/res/values-nl/strings.xml            |    2 -
 android/BOINC/res/values-pt-rPT/strings.xml        |    2 -
 android/BOINC/res/values-ro/strings.xml            |    2 -
 android/BOINC/res/values-ru/strings.xml            |    2 -
 android/BOINC/res/values-sl/strings.xml            |    2 -
 android/BOINC/res/values-tr/strings.xml            |    2 -
 android/BOINC/res/values-uk/strings.xml            |    2 -
 android/BOINC/res/values-zh-rTW/strings.xml        |    2 -
 .../edu/berkeley/boinc/EventLogClientFragment.java |   20 +-
 .../src/edu/berkeley/boinc/client/IMonitor.aidl    |    4 +-
 .../src/edu/berkeley/boinc/client/Monitor.java     |    4 +-
 android/build_boinc_arm.sh                         |    6 +-
 android/build_boinc_mips.sh                        |    6 +-
 android/build_boinc_x86.sh                         |    6 +-
 android/build_curl_arm.sh                          |    6 +-
 android/build_curl_mips.sh                         |    6 +-
 android/build_curl_x86.sh                          |    6 +-
 android/build_libraries_arm.sh                     |    6 +-
 android/build_libraries_mips.sh                    |    6 +-
 android/build_libraries_x86.sh                     |    6 +-
 android/build_openssl_arm.sh                       |    6 +-
 android/build_openssl_mips.sh                      |    6 +-
 android/build_openssl_x86.sh                       |    6 +-
 api/boinc_api.cpp                                  |   16 +-
 api/boinc_api.h                                    |    3 +
 api/boinc_opencl.cpp                               |  125 +-
 client/acct_setup.cpp                              |   34 +-
 client/acct_setup.h                                |    1 +
 client/app.cpp                                     |    2 +-
 client/app_config.cpp                              |  140 +-
 client/app_config.h                                |    3 +-
 client/app_control.cpp                             |   68 +-
 client/boinc.xml                                   |    2 +
 client/boinc_cmd.cpp                               |   32 +-
 client/client_msgs.cpp                             |    6 +-
 client/client_state.cpp                            |   36 +-
 client/client_state.h                              |    2 +-
 client/client_types.cpp                            |   30 +
 client/client_types.h                              |   12 +-
 client/coproc_sched.cpp                            |  111 +-
 client/cpu_sched.cpp                               |   43 +-
 client/cs_notice.cpp                               |   43 +-
 client/cs_notice.h                                 |    2 +
 client/cs_platforms.cpp                            |   19 +-
 client/cs_prefs.cpp                                |    5 +-
 client/cs_scheduler.cpp                            |   18 +-
 client/cs_statefile.cpp                            |   10 +-
 client/gpu_detect.cpp                              |   59 +-
 client/gpu_nvidia.cpp                              |   15 +-
 client/gpu_opencl.cpp                              |   25 +-
 client/hostinfo_unix.cpp                           |   11 +-
 client/hostinfo_win.cpp                            |  125 +-
 client/log_flags.cpp                               |   79 +-
 client/log_flags.h                                 |    4 +-
 client/makefile_sim                                |    2 +-
 client/project.cpp                                 |    8 +-
 client/project.h                                   |   10 +-
 client/result.cpp                                  |    7 +-
 client/result.h                                    |    8 +-
 client/rr_sim.cpp                                  |   19 +-
 client/sandbox.cpp                                 |    2 +-
 client/scheduler_op.cpp                            |    4 +-
 client/sim.cpp                                     |   20 +-
 client/sysmon_win.cpp                              |    4 +-
 client/work_fetch.cpp                              |  433 +-
 client/work_fetch.h                                |   41 +-
 clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp                      |   73 +-
 clientgui/AccountInfoPage.h                        |   16 +-
 clientgui/AccountManagerInfoPage.cpp               |   30 +-
 clientgui/AccountManagerInfoPage.h                 |    4 -
 clientgui/AccountManagerProcessingPage.cpp         |   43 +-
 clientgui/AccountManagerPropertiesPage.cpp         |   37 +-
 clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp                        |   67 +-
 clientgui/AsyncRPC.cpp                             |    2 +-
 clientgui/AsyncRPC.h                               |    4 +-
 clientgui/BOINCBaseView.cpp                        |    6 +
 clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp                          |   58 +-
 clientgui/BOINCListCtrl.cpp                        |   51 +-
 clientgui/BOINCListCtrl.h                          |   11 +-
 clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp                         |   10 +-
 clientgui/BOINCTaskCtrl.cpp                        |    5 +-
 clientgui/CompletionPage.cpp                       |    8 +-
 clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp                    |   23 +-
 clientgui/DlgDiagnosticLogFlags.cpp                |   39 +-
 clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp                          |   25 +-
 clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp                    |   88 +-
 clientgui/Events.h                                 |    1 +
 clientgui/MainDocument.cpp                         |   73 +-
 clientgui/MainDocument.h                           |   12 +
 clientgui/Makefile.am                              |    7 +-
 clientgui/NoticeListCtrl.cpp                       |    7 +
 clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp                      |  255 +-
 clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.h                        |   27 +-
 clientgui/ProjectProcessingPage.cpp                |   45 +-
 clientgui/ProjectPropertiesPage.cpp                |   31 +-
 clientgui/ProjectWelcomePage.cpp                   |  291 ++
 clientgui/ProjectWelcomePage.h                     |   95 +
 clientgui/SkinManager.cpp                          |   31 +-
 clientgui/TermsOfUsePage.cpp                       |    2 +-
 clientgui/WizardAttach.cpp                         |  187 +-
 clientgui/WizardAttach.h                           |   77 +-
 clientgui/browser.cpp                              |  108 +-
 clientgui/browser.h                                |   29 +-
 clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp                  |   55 +-
 clientgui/sg_CustomControls.cpp                    |    3 -
 clientgui/sg_DlgMessages.cpp                       |   21 +-
 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp                    |   67 +-
 clientgui/sg_PanelBase.h                           |    3 +-
 clientgui/sg_ProjectPanel.cpp                      |   49 +-
 clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp                         |   64 +-
 clientgui/stdwx.h                                  |    1 +
 configure.ac                                       |   48 +-
 doc/projects.inc                                   |    3 +-
 html/languages/translations/da.po                  |  601 ++-
 html/languages/translations/ja.po                  |   19 +-
 html/languages/translations/ko.po                  |  877 ++--
 html/languages/translations/pl.po                  |   16 +-
 html/languages/translations/ru.po                  |  638 +--
 html/languages/translations/sl.po                  |   17 +-
 html/user/get_project_config.php                   |    4 +
 html/user/lookup_account.php                       |   80 +-
 lib/Makefile.am                                    |    4 +-
 lib/Makefile.mingw                                 |    4 -
 lib/app_ipc.cpp                                    |   23 +-
 lib/cc_config.cpp                                  |   22 +-
 lib/cc_config.h                                    |    5 +-
 lib/coproc.cpp                                     |    1 +
 lib/coproc.h                                       |   52 +-
 lib/crypt.cpp                                      |   30 +-
 lib/diagnostics.cpp                                |    1 +
 lib/diagnostics.h                                  |    2 +-
 lib/error_numbers.h                                |    2 +
 lib/gui_rpc_client.cpp                             |    6 +-
 lib/gui_rpc_client.h                               |    6 +-
 lib/gui_rpc_client_ops.cpp                         |   19 +-
 lib/gui_rpc_client_print.cpp                       |    1 +
 lib/{md5.c => md5.cpp}                             |    0
 lib/network.cpp                                    |   28 +-
 lib/notice.cpp                                     |    5 +-
 lib/opencl_boinc.cpp                               |   19 +-
 lib/opencl_boinc.h                                 |    3 +-
 lib/parse.cpp                                      |    7 +-
 lib/procinfo_mac.cpp                               |   18 +-
 lib/str_util.cpp                                   |    2 +
 lib/url.cpp                                        |    3 +
 lib/url.h                                          |    1 +
 lib/util.cpp                                       |    5 +-
 lib/win_util.cpp                                   |   10 +-
 lib/win_util.h                                     |    4 +-
 locale/bg/BOINC-Android.po                         |   12 +-
 locale/bg/BOINC-Manager.po                         | 3428 ++++++++--------
 locale/ca/BOINC-Manager.po                         | 3440 ++++++++--------
 locale/ca/BOINC-Setup.mo                           |  Bin 3220 -> 3220 bytes
 locale/cs/BOINC-Manager.po                         | 3422 ++++++++--------
 locale/da/BOINC-Manager.mo                         |  Bin 77534 -> 73510 bytes
 locale/da/BOINC-Manager.po                         | 3582 +++++++++--------
 locale/da/BOINC-Setup.mo                           |  Bin 2882 -> 3098 bytes
 locale/da/BOINC-Setup.po                           |   12 +-
 locale/da/BOINC-Web.mo                             |  Bin 21256 -> 20495 bytes
 locale/da/BOINC-Web.po                             |   11 +-
 locale/de/BOINC-Manager.po                         | 3470 ++++++++--------
 locale/el/BOINC-Manager.po                         | 3387 ++++++++--------
 locale/es/BOINC-Android.po                         |   57 +-
 locale/es/BOINC-Manager.po                         | 3430 ++++++++--------
 locale/es/BOINC-Web.po                             |  172 +-
 locale/fi/BOINC-Manager.po                         | 3420 ++++++++--------
 locale/fr/BOINC-Manager.po                         | 3470 ++++++++--------
 locale/he/BOINC-Manager.po                         | 3392 ++++++++--------
 locale/hr/BOINC-Manager.po                         | 3076 +++++++-------
 locale/hu/BOINC-Android.po                         |   22 +-
 locale/hu/BOINC-Manager.po                         | 3416 ++++++++--------
 locale/it_IT/BOINC-Manager.mo                      |  Bin 81140 -> 76912 bytes
 locale/it_IT/BOINC-Manager.po                      | 3587 +++++++++--------
 locale/it_IT/BOINC-Project-Generic.po              |  634 +--
 locale/it_IT/BOINC-Setup.mo                        |  Bin 2957 -> 3199 bytes
 locale/it_IT/BOINC-Setup.po                        |   57 +-
 locale/it_IT/BOINC-Web.mo                          |  Bin 35829 -> 36748 bytes
 locale/it_IT/BOINC-Web.po                          |  317 +-
 locale/ja/BOINC-Manager.po                         | 3392 ++++++++--------
 locale/ja/BOINC-Project-Generic.po                 |   19 +-
 locale/ko/BOINC-Manager.mo                         |  Bin 79278 -> 79278 bytes
 locale/ko/BOINC-Manager.po                         | 3400 ++++++++--------
 locale/ko/BOINC-Project-Generic.po                 |   14 +-
 locale/ko/BOINC-Web.mo                             |  Bin 38856 -> 38853 bytes
 locale/ko/BOINC-Web.po                             |    3 -
 locale/lt/BOINC-Manager.po                         | 3254 ++++++++-------
 locale/lv/BOINC-Manager.mo                         |  Bin 75675 -> 75675 bytes
 locale/lv/BOINC-Manager.po                         | 3451 ++++++++--------
 locale/ms/BOINC-Client.mo                          |  Bin 0 -> 418 bytes
 locale/ms/BOINC-Manager.mo                         |  Bin 0 -> 418 bytes
 locale/ms/BOINC-Manager.po                         | 2736 +++++++------
 locale/{nb => ms}/BOINC-Setup.mo                   |  Bin 554 -> 418 bytes
 locale/ms/BOINC-Web.mo                             |  Bin 0 -> 24728 bytes
 locale/nb/BOINC-Android.po                         |  549 +--
 locale/nb/BOINC-Client.mo                          |  Bin 4401 -> 4835 bytes
 locale/nb/BOINC-Client.po                          |   43 +-
 locale/nb/BOINC-Manager.mo                         |  Bin 42831 -> 73317 bytes
 locale/nb/BOINC-Manager.po                         | 3855 +++++++++---------
 locale/nb/BOINC-Project-Generic.po                 | 1252 +++---
 locale/nb/BOINC-Setup.mo                           |  Bin 554 -> 3584 bytes
 locale/nb/BOINC-Setup.po                           |   60 +-
 locale/nb/BOINC-Web.mo                             |  Bin 1679 -> 7946 bytes
 locale/nb/BOINC-Web.po                             |  221 +-
 locale/nl/BOINC-Manager.mo                         |  Bin 74048 -> 73561 bytes
 locale/nl/BOINC-Manager.po                         | 3446 ++++++++--------
 locale/nl/BOINC-Setup.mo                           |  Bin 2880 -> 2880 bytes
 locale/nl/BOINC-Setup.po                           |   34 +-
 locale/nl/BOINC-Web.mo                             |  Bin 36888 -> 36813 bytes
 locale/nl/BOINC-Web.po                             |  213 +-
 locale/pl/BOINC-Manager.po                         | 3410 ++++++++--------
 locale/pl/BOINC-Project-Generic.po                 |   16 +-
 locale/pt_BR/BOINC-Manager.po                      | 2942 +++++++-------
 locale/pt_PT/BOINC-Manager.po                      | 3440 ++++++++--------
 locale/ro/BOINC-Manager.po                         | 3444 ++++++++--------
 locale/ro/BOINC-Project-Generic.po                 |   64 +-
 locale/ru/BOINC-Manager.mo                         |  Bin 104507 -> 102199 bytes
 locale/ru/BOINC-Manager.po                         | 3500 ++++++++--------
 locale/ru/BOINC-Project-Generic.po                 |   12 +-
 locale/ru/BOINC-Setup.mo                           |  Bin 3748 -> 4058 bytes
 locale/ru/BOINC-Setup.po                           |    9 +-
 locale/ru/BOINC-Web.mo                             |  Bin 50013 -> 50326 bytes
 locale/ru/BOINC-Web.po                             |   10 +-
 locale/sk/BOINC-Manager.mo                         |  Bin 80015 -> 74529 bytes
 locale/sk/BOINC-Manager.po                         | 3579 +++++++++--------
 locale/sk/BOINC-Project-Generic.po                 |  589 ++-
 locale/sk/BOINC-Setup.mo                           |  Bin 554 -> 554 bytes
 locale/sk/BOINC-Setup.po                           |   44 +-
 locale/sk/BOINC-Web.mo                             |  Bin 3607 -> 3607 bytes
 locale/sk/BOINC-Web.po                             |  215 +-
 locale/sl/BOINC-Android.po                         |   11 +-
 locale/sl/BOINC-Manager.po                         | 3386 ++++++++--------
 locale/sl/BOINC-Project-Generic.po                 |   17 +-
 locale/sl/BOINC-Web.mo                             |  Bin 7041 -> 7070 bytes
 locale/sl/BOINC-Web.po                             |    8 +-
 locale/{nb => sv_SE}/BOINC-Android.po              |   13 +-
 locale/sv_SE/BOINC-Client.po                       |   32 +-
 locale/sv_SE/BOINC-Manager.po                      | 4177 +++++++++++---------
 locale/sv_SE/BOINC-Project-Generic.po              | 1533 +++----
 locale/sv_SE/BOINC-Setup.po                        |   45 +-
 locale/sv_SE/BOINC-Web.po                          | 1178 +++---
 locale/templates/BOINC-Manager.pot                 | 2750 +++++++------
 locale/tr/BOINC-Manager.po                         | 3440 ++++++++--------
 locale/tr/BOINC-Web.mo                             |  Bin 24698 -> 25051 bytes
 locale/tr/BOINC-Web.po                             |   95 +-
 locale/uk/BOINC-Manager.po                         | 3440 ++++++++--------
 locale/updatetrans.sh                              |    2 +-
 locale/zh_CN/BOINC-Manager.po                      | 3410 ++++++++--------
 locale/zh_CN/BOINC-Web.mo                          |  Bin 33428 -> 33431 bytes
 locale/zh_CN/BOINC-Web.po                          |    6 +-
 locale/zh_TW/BOINC-Manager.po                      | 3414 ++++++++--------
 py/Boinc/boinc_db.py                               |    6 +
 sched/handle_request.cpp                           |    5 +
 sched/hr.cpp                                       |    2 +-
 sched/hr_info.h                                    |    7 +
 sched/sched_send.cpp                               |    2 +-
 sched/script_validator.cpp                         |  128 +
 version.log                                        |    2 +-
 zip/unzip/ttyio.c                                  |    4 +
 268 files changed, 67494 insertions(+), 59162 deletions(-)

diff --git a/android/BOINC/AndroidManifest.xml b/android/BOINC/AndroidManifest.xml
index 04b9715..71a52b3 100644
--- a/android/BOINC/AndroidManifest.xml
+++ b/android/BOINC/AndroidManifest.xml
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
   This file is part of BOINC.
-  Copyright (C) 2012 University of California
+  Copyright (C) 2014 University of California
   BOINC is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
   under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License
@@ -20,8 +20,8 @@
 <manifest xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android"
-    android:versionCode="110"
-    android:versionName="7.4.37" > <!-- installation on SD card would break boot receiver -->
+    android:versionCode="113"
+    android:versionName="7.4.41" > <!-- installation on SD card would break boot receiver -->
     <!-- Add Google Play store metadata informing the store we can run on tablets and other large screen devices -->
@@ -32,9 +32,8 @@
         android:xlargeScreens="true" />
-    <!-- CAUTION: increasing targetSDK to >9 removes menu button on new devices -->
-        android:minSdkVersion="9"
+        android:minSdkVersion="16"
         android:targetSdkVersion="19" />
     <!-- Required Permissions -->
@@ -49,8 +48,8 @@
-        android:theme="@style/Theme.Styled" > <!-- android:largeHeap="true" , possible api level > 10. grants application larger dalvik vm heap. better performance when showing many slideshow pictures. -->
+        android:theme="@style/Theme.Styled"
+        android:largeHeap="true">
diff --git a/android/BOINC/res/values-bg/strings.xml b/android/BOINC/res/values-bg/strings.xml
index 4ced014..666a22a 100644
--- a/android/BOINC/res/values-bg/strings.xml
+++ b/android/BOINC/res/values-bg/strings.xml
@@ -99,7 +99,6 @@
   <string name="prefs_category_memory">Памет</string>
   <string name="prefs_category_debug">Отстраняване на грешки</string>
   <string name="prefs_show_advanced_header">Покажи разширените предпочитания и контролери…</string>
-  <string name="prefs_run_on_battery_header">Изчислявай на Батерия</string>
   <string name="battery_charge_min_pct_header">Мин. ниво на батерия</string>
   <string name="battery_charge_min_pct_description">BOINC временно прекратява изчисленията под определено ниво на зареждане на батерията.</string>
   <string name="battery_temperature_max_header">Макс. температура на батерия</string>
@@ -112,7 +111,6 @@
   <string name="prefs_network_daily_xfer_limit_mb_description">Ограничава дневния трафик на данни породен от BOINC.</string>
   <string name="prefs_network_wifi_only_header">Прехвърляй задачи само през WiFi</string>
   <string name="prefs_autostart_header">Автоматично стартиране</string>
-  <string name="prefs_show_notification_header">Покажи уведомления когато е временно прекратен</string>
   <string name="prefs_cpu_number_cpus_header">Използвани CPU ядра</string>
   <string name="prefs_cpu_number_cpus_description">Ограничава броя CPU ядра които BOINC използва за изчисления.</string>
   <string name="prefs_cpu_other_load_suspension_header">Пауза при CPU употреба над</string>
diff --git a/android/BOINC/res/values-ca/strings.xml b/android/BOINC/res/values-ca/strings.xml
index 179ac1f..bfc8d72 100644
--- a/android/BOINC/res/values-ca/strings.xml
+++ b/android/BOINC/res/values-ca/strings.xml
@@ -111,7 +111,6 @@
   <string name="prefs_category_memory">Memòria</string>
   <string name="prefs_category_debug">Depura</string>
   <string name="prefs_show_advanced_header">Mostra les preferències i controls avançats...</string>
-  <string name="prefs_run_on_battery_header">Processar amb només Bateria</string>
   <string name="battery_charge_min_pct_header">Nivell mínim de la bateria</string>
   <string name="battery_charge_min_pct_description">BOINC atura la computació si el nivell de càrrega de la bateria per sota del definit.</string>
   <string name="battery_temperature_max_header">Temperatura màxima de la bateria</string>
@@ -124,7 +123,6 @@
   <string name="prefs_network_daily_xfer_limit_mb_description">Limita el tràfic diàri de dades degut a BOINC</string>
   <string name="prefs_network_wifi_only_header">Transferir tasques només amb WiFi</string>
   <string name="prefs_autostart_header">Inici automàtic</string>
-  <string name="prefs_show_notification_header">Mostra una notificació quan estigui suspés</string>
   <string name="prefs_cpu_number_cpus_header">Nuclis de CPU usats</string>
   <string name="prefs_cpu_number_cpus_description">Limita el nombre de nuclis de CPU que BOINC utilitza per la computació.</string>
   <string name="prefs_cpu_other_load_suspension_header">Pausa en l\'ús de la CPU per sobre de</string>
diff --git a/android/BOINC/res/values-da/strings.xml b/android/BOINC/res/values-da/strings.xml
index c95b1cb..e3aad88 100644
--- a/android/BOINC/res/values-da/strings.xml
+++ b/android/BOINC/res/values-da/strings.xml
@@ -111,7 +111,6 @@
   <string name="prefs_category_memory">Hukommelse</string>
   <string name="prefs_category_debug">Fejlsøgning</string>
   <string name="prefs_show_advanced_header">Vis avancerede indstillinger…</string>
-  <string name="prefs_run_on_battery_header">Beregn i batteritilstand</string>
   <string name="battery_charge_min_pct_header">Min. batteriniveau</string>
   <string name="battery_charge_min_pct_description">BOINC stopper beregninger under defineret batteriniveau.</string>
   <string name="battery_temperature_max_header">Max. batteritemperatur</string>
@@ -124,7 +123,6 @@
   <string name="prefs_network_daily_xfer_limit_mb_description">Begrænser den daglige datatraffik forårsaget af BOINC.</string>
   <string name="prefs_network_wifi_only_header">Overfør kun opgaver over WiFi</string>
   <string name="prefs_autostart_header">Autostart</string>
-  <string name="prefs_show_notification_header">Vis notifikation under suspendering</string>
   <string name="prefs_cpu_number_cpus_header">Brugte CPU-kerner</string>
   <string name="prefs_cpu_number_cpus_description">Begrænser antallet af CPU-kerner, som BOINC bruger til beregninger.</string>
   <string name="prefs_cpu_other_load_suspension_header">Pause ved CPU-belastning over</string>
diff --git a/android/BOINC/res/values-de/strings.xml b/android/BOINC/res/values-de/strings.xml
index b3b7fc6..00b0232 100644
--- a/android/BOINC/res/values-de/strings.xml
+++ b/android/BOINC/res/values-de/strings.xml
@@ -110,7 +110,6 @@
   <string name="prefs_category_memory">Fehlerdiagnose</string>
   <string name="prefs_category_debug">Fehlerdiagnose</string>
   <string name="prefs_show_advanced_header">Zeige erweiterte Einstellungen und Steuerungen…</string>
-  <string name="prefs_run_on_battery_header">Berechnen im Batteriebetrieb</string>
   <string name="battery_charge_min_pct_header">Min. Akku-Ladestand</string>
   <string name="battery_charge_min_pct_description">BOINC hält die Berechnung an, wenn der Akkuladestand unter den gewählten Wert sinkt.</string>
   <string name="battery_temperature_max_header">Max. Akkutemperatur</string>
@@ -123,7 +122,6 @@
   <string name="prefs_network_daily_xfer_limit_mb_description">Begrenzt die Datenmenge welche täglich durch BOINC übertragen wird.</string>
   <string name="prefs_network_wifi_only_header">Übertrage Aufgaben nur per WLAN</string>
   <string name="prefs_autostart_header">Automatisch starten</string>
-  <string name="prefs_show_notification_header">Zeige Nachrichten wenn angehalten</string>
   <string name="prefs_cpu_number_cpus_header">Benutzte Prozessoren</string>
   <string name="prefs_cpu_number_cpus_description">Limitiert die Anzahl der Prozessoren welche BOINC nutzen darf.</string>
   <string name="prefs_cpu_other_load_suspension_header">Anhalten wenn Prozessornutzung über</string>
diff --git a/android/BOINC/res/values-fi/strings.xml b/android/BOINC/res/values-fi/strings.xml
index eb2b9a8..6ce6d10 100644
--- a/android/BOINC/res/values-fi/strings.xml
+++ b/android/BOINC/res/values-fi/strings.xml
@@ -107,7 +107,6 @@
   <string name="prefs_category_memory">Muisti</string>
   <string name="prefs_category_debug">Virheenjäljitys</string>
   <string name="prefs_show_advanced_header">Näytä lisäasetukset ja ohjaimet…</string>
-  <string name="prefs_run_on_battery_header">Laskenta akkukäytöllä</string>
   <string name="battery_charge_min_pct_header">Pienin varaustaso</string>
   <string name="battery_charge_min_pct_description">BOINC hyllyttää laskennan kun asetettu akun varaustason alaraja saavutetaan.</string>
   <string name="battery_temperature_max_header">Suurin akun lämpötila</string>
@@ -120,7 +119,6 @@
   <string name="prefs_network_daily_xfer_limit_mb_description">Rajoitus BOINCin päivittäiselle tiedonsiirrolle.</string>
   <string name="prefs_network_wifi_only_header">Siirrä tehtävät vain WiFin kautta</string>
   <string name="prefs_autostart_header">Automaattikäynnistys</string>
-  <string name="prefs_show_notification_header">Näytä ilmoitus kun hyllytetty</string>
   <string name="prefs_cpu_number_cpus_header">Käytetyt CPU-ytimet</string>
   <string name="prefs_cpu_number_cpus_description">Rajoittaa CPU-ytimien määrää, jota BOINC käyttää laskentaan.</string>
   <string name="prefs_cpu_other_load_suspension_header">Tauota prosessorikäytön ylittäessä</string>
diff --git a/android/BOINC/res/values-he/strings.xml b/android/BOINC/res/values-he/strings.xml
index 190c9d0..0605499 100644
--- a/android/BOINC/res/values-he/strings.xml
+++ b/android/BOINC/res/values-he/strings.xml
@@ -76,7 +76,6 @@
   <string name="prefs_category_memory">Muisti</string>
   <string name="prefs_category_debug">Virheenjäljitys</string>
   <string name="prefs_show_advanced_header">Näytä lisäasetukset ja ohjaimet…</string>
-  <string name="prefs_run_on_battery_header">Laskenta akkukäytöllä</string>
   <string name="battery_charge_min_pct_header">Pienin varaustaso</string>
   <string name="battery_charge_min_pct_description">BOINC hyllyttää laskennan kun asetettu akun varaustason alaraja saavutetaan.</string>
   <string name="battery_temperature_max_header">Suurin akun lämpötila</string>
@@ -89,7 +88,6 @@
   <string name="prefs_network_daily_xfer_limit_mb_description">Rajoitus BOINCin päivittäiselle tiedonsiirrolle.</string>
   <string name="prefs_network_wifi_only_header">Siirrä tehtävät vain WiFin kautta</string>
   <string name="prefs_autostart_header">Automaattikäynnistys</string>
-  <string name="prefs_show_notification_header">Näytä ilmoitus kun hyllytetty</string>
   <string name="prefs_cpu_number_cpus_header">Käytetyt CPU-ytimet</string>
   <string name="prefs_cpu_number_cpus_description">Rajoittaa CPU-ytimien määrää, jota BOINC käyttää laskentaan.</string>
   <string name="prefs_cpu_other_load_suspension_header">Tauota prosessorikäytön ylittäessä</string>
diff --git a/android/BOINC/res/values-it-rIT/strings.xml b/android/BOINC/res/values-it-rIT/strings.xml
index fb18837..d39a97b 100644
--- a/android/BOINC/res/values-it-rIT/strings.xml
+++ b/android/BOINC/res/values-it-rIT/strings.xml
@@ -112,7 +112,6 @@
   <string name="prefs_category_memory">Memoria</string>
   <string name="prefs_category_debug">Debug</string>
   <string name="prefs_show_advanced_header">Visualizza preferenze avanzate e controlli…</string>
-  <string name="prefs_run_on_battery_header">Elabora quando alimentato a Batteria</string>
   <string name="battery_charge_min_pct_header">Minimo livello batteria</string>
   <string name="battery_charge_min_pct_description">BOINC sospende l\'elaborazione sotto il livello definito di carica della batteria.</string>
   <string name="battery_temperature_max_header">Temperatura massima della batteria</string>
@@ -125,7 +124,6 @@
   <string name="prefs_network_daily_xfer_limit_mb_description">Limita il traffico giornaliero causato da BOINC.</string>
   <string name="prefs_network_wifi_only_header">Trasferisce i lavori solo su WiFi</string>
   <string name="prefs_autostart_header">Avvio automatico</string>
-  <string name="prefs_show_notification_header">Visualizza le notifiche quando sospeso</string>
   <string name="prefs_cpu_number_cpus_header">Usa questo numero di core CPU</string>
   <string name="prefs_cpu_number_cpus_description">Limita il numero di core CPU che BOINC usa per l\'elaborazione.</string>
   <string name="prefs_cpu_other_load_suspension_header">Pausa con utilizzo CPU superiore a</string>
diff --git a/android/BOINC/res/values-ko/strings.xml b/android/BOINC/res/values-ko/strings.xml
index 2faf72f..1da5b13 100644
--- a/android/BOINC/res/values-ko/strings.xml
+++ b/android/BOINC/res/values-ko/strings.xml
@@ -112,7 +112,6 @@
   <string name="prefs_category_memory">메모리</string>
   <string name="prefs_category_debug">디버그</string>
   <string name="prefs_show_advanced_header">고급 환경 설정과 제어판을 보여주기…</string>
-  <string name="prefs_run_on_battery_header">배터리로 가동 중에도 연산</string>
   <string name="battery_charge_min_pct_header">최소 배터리 량</string>
   <string name="battery_charge_min_pct_description">아래 지정된 배터리 충전량이 되면 BOINC는 연산을 일시 정지합니다.</string>
   <string name="battery_temperature_max_header">최고 배터리 온도</string>
@@ -125,7 +124,6 @@
   <string name="prefs_network_daily_xfer_limit_mb_description">하루에 BOINC가 전송할 데이터 제한량</string>
   <string name="prefs_network_wifi_only_header">WiFi에서만 태스크 전송</string>
   <string name="prefs_autostart_header">자동 시작</string>
-  <string name="prefs_show_notification_header">일시 정지시 알림 표시</string>
   <string name="prefs_cpu_number_cpus_header">사용할 CPU 코어 수</string>
   <string name="prefs_cpu_number_cpus_description">BOINC가 연산에 사용할 CPU 코어 수 제한</string>
   <string name="prefs_cpu_other_load_suspension_header">CPU 사용량 제한 도달시 정지</string>
diff --git a/android/BOINC/res/values-lt/strings.xml b/android/BOINC/res/values-lt/strings.xml
index 2faf72f..1da5b13 100644
--- a/android/BOINC/res/values-lt/strings.xml
+++ b/android/BOINC/res/values-lt/strings.xml
@@ -112,7 +112,6 @@
   <string name="prefs_category_memory">메모리</string>
   <string name="prefs_category_debug">디버그</string>
   <string name="prefs_show_advanced_header">고급 환경 설정과 제어판을 보여주기…</string>
-  <string name="prefs_run_on_battery_header">배터리로 가동 중에도 연산</string>
   <string name="battery_charge_min_pct_header">최소 배터리 량</string>
   <string name="battery_charge_min_pct_description">아래 지정된 배터리 충전량이 되면 BOINC는 연산을 일시 정지합니다.</string>
   <string name="battery_temperature_max_header">최고 배터리 온도</string>
@@ -125,7 +124,6 @@
   <string name="prefs_network_daily_xfer_limit_mb_description">하루에 BOINC가 전송할 데이터 제한량</string>
   <string name="prefs_network_wifi_only_header">WiFi에서만 태스크 전송</string>
   <string name="prefs_autostart_header">자동 시작</string>
-  <string name="prefs_show_notification_header">일시 정지시 알림 표시</string>
   <string name="prefs_cpu_number_cpus_header">사용할 CPU 코어 수</string>
   <string name="prefs_cpu_number_cpus_description">BOINC가 연산에 사용할 CPU 코어 수 제한</string>
   <string name="prefs_cpu_other_load_suspension_header">CPU 사용량 제한 도달시 정지</string>
diff --git a/android/BOINC/res/values-nl/strings.xml b/android/BOINC/res/values-nl/strings.xml
index 8a3620b..e6bb3ba 100644
--- a/android/BOINC/res/values-nl/strings.xml
+++ b/android/BOINC/res/values-nl/strings.xml
@@ -112,7 +112,6 @@
   <string name="prefs_category_memory">Geheugen</string>
   <string name="prefs_category_debug">Foutoplossing</string>
   <string name="prefs_show_advanced_header">Toon geavanceerde voorkeuren en instellingen...</string>
-  <string name="prefs_run_on_battery_header">Rekenen op Batterij</string>
   <string name="battery_charge_min_pct_header">Min. batterijniveau</string>
   <string name="battery_charge_min_pct_description">BOINC pauzeert de berekening wanneer de batterijlading onder een gegeven niveau zakt.</string>
   <string name="battery_temperature_max_header">Max. batterij temperatuur</string>
@@ -125,7 +124,6 @@
   <string name="prefs_network_daily_xfer_limit_mb_description">Beperkt het dagelijkse dataverkeer van BOINC.</string>
   <string name="prefs_network_wifi_only_header">Taken alleen bijwerken via WiFi</string>
   <string name="prefs_autostart_header">Autostart</string>
-  <string name="prefs_show_notification_header">Laat bericht zien indien opgeschort</string>
   <string name="prefs_cpu_number_cpus_header">Gebruikte CPU cores</string>
   <string name="prefs_cpu_number_cpus_description">Beperkt het aantal gebruikte CPU cores voor BOINC berekeningen.</string>
   <string name="prefs_cpu_other_load_suspension_header">Pauzeer bij CPU gebruik van meer dan</string>
diff --git a/android/BOINC/res/values-pt-rPT/strings.xml b/android/BOINC/res/values-pt-rPT/strings.xml
index 2084a1a..00e8851 100644
--- a/android/BOINC/res/values-pt-rPT/strings.xml
+++ b/android/BOINC/res/values-pt-rPT/strings.xml
@@ -112,7 +112,6 @@
   <string name="prefs_category_memory">Memória</string>
   <string name="prefs_category_debug">Debug</string>
   <string name="prefs_show_advanced_header">Mostrar preferências avançadas e controlos...</string>
-  <string name="prefs_run_on_battery_header">Realizar computação quando estiver só em Bateria</string>
   <string name="battery_charge_min_pct_header">Nível de bateria minímo</string>
   <string name="battery_charge_min_pct_description">O BOINC suspende a computação abaixo do nível de bateria definido.</string>
   <string name="battery_temperature_max_header">Temperatura máxima da bateria</string>
@@ -125,7 +124,6 @@
   <string name="prefs_network_daily_xfer_limit_mb_description">Limita o tráfico diário causado pelo BOINC.</string>
   <string name="prefs_network_wifi_only_header">Transferir tarefas em WiFi apenas</string>
   <string name="prefs_autostart_header">Começo Automático</string>
-  <string name="prefs_show_notification_header">Mostrar notificação quando suspenso</string>
   <string name="prefs_cpu_number_cpus_header">Cores de CPU usados</string>
   <string name="prefs_cpu_number_cpus_description">Limita o número de cores de CPU que o BOINC usa para computação.</string>
   <string name="prefs_cpu_other_load_suspension_header">Pausa no CPU quando a utilização for acima de</string>
diff --git a/android/BOINC/res/values-ro/strings.xml b/android/BOINC/res/values-ro/strings.xml
index 8e25eeb..19462d4 100644
--- a/android/BOINC/res/values-ro/strings.xml
+++ b/android/BOINC/res/values-ro/strings.xml
@@ -111,7 +111,6 @@
   <string name="prefs_category_memory">Memorie</string>
   <string name="prefs_category_debug">Depanare</string>
   <string name="prefs_show_advanced_header">Arată preferinţe şi control avansat…</string>
-  <string name="prefs_run_on_battery_header">Calculează pe Baterie</string>
   <string name="battery_charge_min_pct_header">Nivel minim baterie</string>
   <string name="battery_charge_min_pct_description">BOINC suspendă calculele când nivelul bateriei este sub cel definit.</string>
   <string name="battery_temperature_max_header">Temperatură maximă baterie</string>
@@ -124,7 +123,6 @@
   <string name="prefs_network_daily_xfer_limit_mb_description">Limitează traficul zilnic realizat de BOINC.</string>
   <string name="prefs_network_wifi_only_header">Transferă task-uri doar pe WiFi</string>
   <string name="prefs_autostart_header">Pornire automată</string>
-  <string name="prefs_show_notification_header">Arată notificare când este suspendat</string>
   <string name="prefs_cpu_number_cpus_header">Nuclee CPU folosite</string>
   <string name="prefs_cpu_number_cpus_description">Limitează numărul de nuclee CPU folosite de BOINC pentru calcule.</string>
   <string name="prefs_cpu_other_load_suspension_header">Pauză la utilizare CPU peste</string>
diff --git a/android/BOINC/res/values-ru/strings.xml b/android/BOINC/res/values-ru/strings.xml
index 7bec6cd..131b4d7 100644
--- a/android/BOINC/res/values-ru/strings.xml
+++ b/android/BOINC/res/values-ru/strings.xml
@@ -111,7 +111,6 @@
   <string name="prefs_category_memory">Память</string>
   <string name="prefs_category_debug">Отладка</string>
   <string name="prefs_show_advanced_header">Показать дополнительные настройки и элементы управления…</string>
-  <string name="prefs_run_on_battery_header">Выполнять расчёты при работе от батареи</string>
   <string name="battery_charge_min_pct_header">Мин. уровень заряда батареи</string>
   <string name="battery_charge_min_pct_description">BOINC приостановит расчёты, когда заряд батареи будет ниже указанного уровня.</string>
   <string name="battery_temperature_max_header">Макс. температура батареи</string>
@@ -124,7 +123,6 @@
   <string name="prefs_network_daily_xfer_limit_mb_description">Ограничивает ежедневный трафик данных, вызванный BOINC.</string>
   <string name="prefs_network_wifi_only_header">Передавать задания только по WiFi</string>
   <string name="prefs_autostart_header">Автозапуск</string>
-  <string name="prefs_show_notification_header">Показывать уведомление, когда приостановлен</string>
   <string name="prefs_cpu_number_cpus_header">Используемые ядра процессора</string>
   <string name="prefs_cpu_number_cpus_description">Ограничивает количество ядер процессора, которые использует BOINC для расчётов.</string>
   <string name="prefs_cpu_other_load_suspension_header">Пауза при использовании процессора выше</string>
diff --git a/android/BOINC/res/values-sl/strings.xml b/android/BOINC/res/values-sl/strings.xml
index 4808256..467187c 100644
--- a/android/BOINC/res/values-sl/strings.xml
+++ b/android/BOINC/res/values-sl/strings.xml
@@ -35,7 +35,6 @@
   <string name="prefs_loading">Чтение настроек…</string>
   <string name="prefs_dialog_title_selection">Выбрать:</string>
   <string name="prefs_show_advanced_header">Показать дополнительные настройки и элементы управления…</string>
-  <string name="prefs_run_on_battery_header">Выполнять расчёты при работе от батареи</string>
   <string name="battery_charge_min_pct_header">Мин. уровень заряда батареи</string>
   <string name="battery_charge_min_pct_description">BOINC приостановит расчёты, когда заряд батареи будет ниже указанного уровня.</string>
   <string name="battery_temperature_max_header">Макс. температура батареи</string>
@@ -48,7 +47,6 @@
   <string name="prefs_network_daily_xfer_limit_mb_description">Ограничивает ежедневный трафик данных, вызванный BOINC.</string>
   <string name="prefs_network_wifi_only_header">Передавать задания только по WiFi</string>
   <string name="prefs_autostart_header">Автозапуск</string>
-  <string name="prefs_show_notification_header">Показывать уведомление, когда приостановлен</string>
   <string name="prefs_cpu_number_cpus_header">Используемые ядра процессора</string>
   <string name="prefs_cpu_number_cpus_description">Ограничивает количество ядер процессора, которые использует BOINC для расчётов.</string>
   <string name="prefs_cpu_other_load_suspension_header">Пауза при использовании процессора выше</string>
diff --git a/android/BOINC/res/values-tr/strings.xml b/android/BOINC/res/values-tr/strings.xml
index fc6b15b..0cedec9 100644
--- a/android/BOINC/res/values-tr/strings.xml
+++ b/android/BOINC/res/values-tr/strings.xml
@@ -111,7 +111,6 @@
   <string name="prefs_category_memory">Bellek</string>
   <string name="prefs_category_debug">Hata kaydı</string>
   <string name="prefs_show_advanced_header">Gelişmiş tercihler ve kontrolleri görüntüle...</string>
-  <string name="prefs_run_on_battery_header">Pil gücündeyken hesapla</string>
   <string name="battery_charge_min_pct_header">En az pil seviyesi</string>
   <string name="battery_charge_min_pct_description">BOINC, pil seviyesi bu değerin altına düşerse hesaplamayı duraklatır.</string>
   <string name="battery_temperature_max_header">En çok pil sıcaklığı</string>
@@ -124,7 +123,6 @@
   <string name="prefs_network_daily_xfer_limit_mb_description">BOINC\'in günlük internet kullanım kotası.</string>
   <string name="prefs_network_wifi_only_header">İşleri yalnızca WiFi\'dayken aktar</string>
   <string name="prefs_autostart_header">Cihaz açılınca otomatik başla</string>
-  <string name="prefs_show_notification_header">Durakladığında bildirim görüntüle</string>
   <string name="prefs_cpu_number_cpus_header">Kullanılacak CPU çekirdekleri</string>
   <string name="prefs_cpu_number_cpus_description">BOINC\'in hesaplama için kullanabileceği işlemci (CPU) çekirdeği sayısı.</string>
   <string name="prefs_cpu_other_load_suspension_header">CPU kullanımı fazlaysa duraklat</string>
diff --git a/android/BOINC/res/values-uk/strings.xml b/android/BOINC/res/values-uk/strings.xml
index ee19598..164d1db 100644
--- a/android/BOINC/res/values-uk/strings.xml
+++ b/android/BOINC/res/values-uk/strings.xml
@@ -112,7 +112,6 @@
   <string name="prefs_category_memory">Пам`ять</string>
   <string name="prefs_category_debug">Діагностика</string>
   <string name="prefs_show_advanced_header">Показати додаткові налаштування і елементи керування...</string>
-  <string name="prefs_run_on_battery_header">Обчислювати на батареї</string>
   <string name="battery_charge_min_pct_header">Низький заряд батареї</string>
   <string name="battery_charge_min_pct_description">BOINC призупиняє обчислення нижче визначеного рівня заряду акумулятора.</string>
   <string name="battery_temperature_max_header">Макс. температура батареї</string>
@@ -125,7 +124,6 @@
   <string name="prefs_network_daily_xfer_limit_mb_description">Обмеження щоденної передачі даних, що здійснює BOINC.</string>
   <string name="prefs_network_wifi_only_header">Передавати завдання тільки через WiFi</string>
   <string name="prefs_autostart_header">Автозапуск</string>
-  <string name="prefs_show_notification_header">Показати повідомлення коли призупинено</string>
   <string name="prefs_cpu_number_cpus_header">Використано ядер ЦП</string>
   <string name="prefs_cpu_number_cpus_description">Обмежує кількість ядер ЦП, які BOINC використовує для обчислень.</string>
   <string name="prefs_cpu_other_load_suspension_header">Використання ЦП призупинене</string>
diff --git a/android/BOINC/res/values-zh-rTW/strings.xml b/android/BOINC/res/values-zh-rTW/strings.xml
index 304871f..d56ecf3 100644
--- a/android/BOINC/res/values-zh-rTW/strings.xml
+++ b/android/BOINC/res/values-zh-rTW/strings.xml
@@ -111,7 +111,6 @@
   <string name="prefs_category_memory">記憶體</string>
   <string name="prefs_category_debug">偵錯</string>
   <string name="prefs_show_advanced_header">顯示進階的偏好設定...</string>
-  <string name="prefs_run_on_battery_header">使用電池運算</string>
   <string name="battery_charge_min_pct_header">最低電量</string>
   <string name="battery_charge_min_pct_description">BOINC 在低於設定的電量時即暫停運算。</string>
   <string name="battery_temperature_max_header">最高電池溫度</string>
@@ -124,7 +123,6 @@
   <string name="prefs_network_daily_xfer_limit_mb_description">限制 BOINC 的每日數據流量。</string>
   <string name="prefs_network_wifi_only_header">只用 WiFi 傳輸</string>
   <string name="prefs_autostart_header">自動執行</string>
-  <string name="prefs_show_notification_header">暫停時顯示訊息</string>
   <string name="prefs_cpu_number_cpus_header">使用 CPU 核心</string>
   <string name="prefs_cpu_number_cpus_description">限制 BOINC 運算時使用的核心數。</string>
   <string name="prefs_cpu_other_load_suspension_header">暫停,當CPU使用率高於</string>
diff --git a/android/BOINC/src/edu/berkeley/boinc/EventLogClientFragment.java b/android/BOINC/src/edu/berkeley/boinc/EventLogClientFragment.java
index edc0fc0..833af77 100644
--- a/android/BOINC/src/edu/berkeley/boinc/EventLogClientFragment.java
+++ b/android/BOINC/src/edu/berkeley/boinc/EventLogClientFragment.java
@@ -64,7 +64,7 @@ public class EventLogClientFragment extends Fragment {
 	// appends older messages to data list
-	private void loadPastMsgs(List<Message> tmpA) {
+	private void loadPastMsgs(List<edu.berkeley.boinc.rpc.Message> tmpA) {
 		// Append old messages to the event log
 		try {
 			for(int x = tmpA.size()-1; x >= 0; x--) {
@@ -76,7 +76,7 @@ public class EventLogClientFragment extends Fragment {
 	// updates data list with most recent messages
-	private void loadRecentMsgs(ArrayList<Message> tmpA) {
+	private void loadRecentMsgs(ArrayList<edu.berkeley.boinc.rpc.Message> tmpA) {
 		// Prepend new messages to the event log
 		try {
 			int y = 0;
@@ -118,7 +118,7 @@ public class EventLogClientFragment extends Fragment {
-	private final class RetrieveRecentClientMsgs extends AsyncTask<Void,Void,ArrayList<Message>> {
+	private final class RetrieveRecentClientMsgs extends AsyncTask<Void,Void,ArrayList<edu.berkeley.boinc.rpc.Message>> {
 		private Integer mostRecentSeqNo = 0;
@@ -128,24 +128,24 @@ public class EventLogClientFragment extends Fragment {
-		protected ArrayList<Message> doInBackground(Void... params) {
+		protected ArrayList<edu.berkeley.boinc.rpc.Message> doInBackground(Void... params) {
 			try {
-				return (ArrayList<Message>) ((EventLogActivity)getActivity()).getMonitorService().getMessages(mostRecentSeqNo);
+				return (ArrayList<edu.berkeley.boinc.rpc.Message>) ((EventLogActivity)getActivity()).getMonitorService().getMessages(mostRecentSeqNo);
 			} catch (RemoteException e) {
 				// TODO Auto-generated catch block
-				return new ArrayList<Message>();
+				return new ArrayList<edu.berkeley.boinc.rpc.Message>();
-		protected void onPostExecute(ArrayList<Message> result) {
+		protected void onPostExecute(ArrayList<edu.berkeley.boinc.rpc.Message> result) {
 			// back in UI thread
-	private final class RetrievePastClientMsgs extends AsyncTask<Void,Void,List<Message>> {
+	private final class RetrievePastClientMsgs extends AsyncTask<Void,Void,List<edu.berkeley.boinc.rpc.Message>> {
 		//private int mostRecentSeqNo = 0; // most recent (highest) seqNo
 		private int pastSeqNo = -1; // oldest (lowest) seqNo currently loaded to GUI
@@ -170,12 +170,12 @@ public class EventLogClientFragment extends Fragment {
 			} catch (RemoteException e) {
 				// TODO Auto-generated catch block
-				return new ArrayList<Message>();
+				return new ArrayList<edu.berkeley.boinc.rpc.Message>();
-		protected void onPostExecute(List<Message> result) {
+		protected void onPostExecute(List<edu.berkeley.boinc.rpc.Message> result) {
 			// back in UI thread
diff --git a/android/BOINC/src/edu/berkeley/boinc/client/IMonitor.aidl b/android/BOINC/src/edu/berkeley/boinc/client/IMonitor.aidl
index b999800..6ab4c11 100644
--- a/android/BOINC/src/edu/berkeley/boinc/client/IMonitor.aidl
+++ b/android/BOINC/src/edu/berkeley/boinc/client/IMonitor.aidl
@@ -48,8 +48,8 @@ AcctMgrInfo getAcctMgrInfo();               // implement: call clientInterface.g
 boolean synchronizeAcctMgr(in String url);         // implement: call clientInterface.synchronizeAcctMgr(String);
 boolean setRunMode(in int mode);                // implement: call clientInterface.setRunMode(Integer);
 boolean setNetworkMode(in int mode);            // implement: call clientInterface.setNetworkMode(Integer);
-List<Message> getEventLogMessages(in int seq, in int num);  // implement: call clientInterface.getEventLogMessages(int, Integer);
-List<Message> getMessages(in int seq);        // implement: call clientInterface.getMessages(Integer);
+List<edu.berkeley.boinc.rpc.Message> getEventLogMessages(in int seq, in int num);  // implement: call clientInterface.getEventLogMessages(int, Integer);
+List<edu.berkeley.boinc.rpc.Message> getMessages(in int seq);        // implement: call clientInterface.getMessages(Integer);
 List<Notice> getNotices(in int seq);          // implement: call clientInterface.getNotices(int);
 boolean setCcConfig(in String config);                // implement: call clientInterface.setCcConfig(String);
 boolean setGlobalPreferences(in GlobalPreferences pref);   // implement: call clientInterface.setGlobalPreferences(GlobalPreferences);
diff --git a/android/BOINC/src/edu/berkeley/boinc/client/Monitor.java b/android/BOINC/src/edu/berkeley/boinc/client/Monitor.java
index d64e270..5330b8c 100644
--- a/android/BOINC/src/edu/berkeley/boinc/client/Monitor.java
+++ b/android/BOINC/src/edu/berkeley/boinc/client/Monitor.java
@@ -978,12 +978,12 @@ public class Monitor extends Service {
-		public List<Message> getMessages(int seq) throws RemoteException {
+		public List<edu.berkeley.boinc.rpc.Message> getMessages(int seq) throws RemoteException {
 			return clientInterface.getMessages(seq);
-		public List<Message> getEventLogMessages(int seq, int num)
+		public List<edu.berkeley.boinc.rpc.Message> getEventLogMessages(int seq, int num)
 				throws RemoteException {
 			return clientInterface.getEventLogMessages(seq, num);
diff --git a/android/build_boinc_arm.sh b/android/build_boinc_arm.sh
index 52183cc..fe26b12 100755
--- a/android/build_boinc_arm.sh
+++ b/android/build_boinc_arm.sh
@@ -22,9 +22,9 @@ export PATH="$PATH:$TCBINARIES:$TCINCLUDES/bin"
 export CC=arm-linux-androideabi-gcc
 export CXX=arm-linux-androideabi-g++
 export LD=arm-linux-androideabi-ld
-export CFLAGS="--sysroot=$TCSYSROOT -DANDROID -DDECLARE_TIMEZONE -Wall -I$TCINCLUDES/include -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer"
-export CXXFLAGS="--sysroot=$TCSYSROOT -DANDROID -Wall -I$TCINCLUDES/include -funroll-loops -fexceptions -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer"
-export LDFLAGS="-L$TCSYSROOT/usr/lib -L$TCINCLUDES/lib -llog"
+export CFLAGS="--sysroot=$TCSYSROOT -DANDROID -DDECLARE_TIMEZONE -Wall -I$TCINCLUDES/include -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer -fPIE"
+export CXXFLAGS="--sysroot=$TCSYSROOT -DANDROID -Wall -I$TCINCLUDES/include -funroll-loops -fexceptions -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer -fPIE"
+export LDFLAGS="-L$TCSYSROOT/usr/lib -L$TCINCLUDES/lib -llog -fPIE -pie"
 export GDB_CFLAGS="--sysroot=$TCSYSROOT -Wall -g -I$TCINCLUDES/include"
diff --git a/android/build_boinc_mips.sh b/android/build_boinc_mips.sh
index c2bf21a..9b30558 100755
--- a/android/build_boinc_mips.sh
+++ b/android/build_boinc_mips.sh
@@ -22,9 +22,9 @@ export PATH="$PATH:$TCBINARIES:$TCINCLUDES/bin"
 export CC=mipsel-linux-android-gcc
 export CXX=mipsel-linux-android-g++
 export LD=mipsel-linux-android-ld
-export CFLAGS="--sysroot=$TCSYSROOT -DANDROID -DDECLARE_TIMEZONE -Wall -I$TCINCLUDES/include -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer"
-export CXXFLAGS="--sysroot=$TCSYSROOT -DANDROID -Wall -I$TCINCLUDES/include -funroll-loops -fexceptions -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer"
-export LDFLAGS="-L$TCSYSROOT/usr/lib -L$TCINCLUDES/lib -llog"
+export CFLAGS="--sysroot=$TCSYSROOT -DANDROID -DDECLARE_TIMEZONE -Wall -I$TCINCLUDES/include -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer -fPIE"
+export CXXFLAGS="--sysroot=$TCSYSROOT -DANDROID -Wall -I$TCINCLUDES/include -funroll-loops -fexceptions -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer -fPIE"
+export LDFLAGS="-L$TCSYSROOT/usr/lib -L$TCINCLUDES/lib -llog -fPIE -pie"
 export GDB_CFLAGS="--sysroot=$TCSYSROOT -Wall -g -I$TCINCLUDES/include"
diff --git a/android/build_boinc_x86.sh b/android/build_boinc_x86.sh
index ff9c78d..079e78a 100755
--- a/android/build_boinc_x86.sh
+++ b/android/build_boinc_x86.sh
@@ -22,9 +22,9 @@ export PATH="$PATH:$TCBINARIES:$TCINCLUDES/bin"
 export CC=i686-linux-android-gcc
 export CXX=i686-linux-android-g++
 export LD=i686-linux-android-ld
-export CFLAGS="--sysroot=$TCSYSROOT -DANDROID -DDECLARE_TIMEZONE -Wall -I$TCINCLUDES/include -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer"
-export CXXFLAGS="--sysroot=$TCSYSROOT -DANDROID -Wall -I$TCINCLUDES/include -funroll-loops -fexceptions -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer"
-export LDFLAGS="-L$TCSYSROOT/usr/lib -L$TCINCLUDES/lib -llog"
+export CFLAGS="--sysroot=$TCSYSROOT -DANDROID -DDECLARE_TIMEZONE -Wall -I$TCINCLUDES/include -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer -fPIE"
+export CXXFLAGS="--sysroot=$TCSYSROOT -DANDROID -Wall -I$TCINCLUDES/include -funroll-loops -fexceptions -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer -fPIE"
+export LDFLAGS="-L$TCSYSROOT/usr/lib -L$TCINCLUDES/lib -llog -fPIE -pie"
 export GDB_CFLAGS="--sysroot=$TCSYSROOT -Wall -g -I$TCINCLUDES/include"
diff --git a/android/build_curl_arm.sh b/android/build_curl_arm.sh
index 8145344..04f6942 100755
--- a/android/build_curl_arm.sh
+++ b/android/build_curl_arm.sh
@@ -22,9 +22,9 @@ export PATH="$PATH:$TCBINARIES:$TCINCLUDES/bin"
 export CC=arm-linux-androideabi-gcc
 export CXX=arm-linux-androideabi-g++
 export LD=arm-linux-androideabi-ld
-export CFLAGS="--sysroot=$TCSYSROOT -DANDROID -Wall -I$TCINCLUDES/include -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer"
-export CXXFLAGS="--sysroot=$TCSYSROOT -DANDROID -Wall -funroll-loops -fexceptions -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer"
-export LDFLAGS="-L$TCSYSROOT/usr/lib -L$TCINCLUDES/lib -llog"
+export CFLAGS="--sysroot=$TCSYSROOT -DANDROID -Wall -I$TCINCLUDES/include -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer -fPIE"
+export CXXFLAGS="--sysroot=$TCSYSROOT -DANDROID -Wall -funroll-loops -fexceptions -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer -fPIE"
+export LDFLAGS="-L$TCSYSROOT/usr/lib -L$TCINCLUDES/lib -llog -fPIE -pie"
 export GDB_CFLAGS="--sysroot=$TCSYSROOT -Wall -g -I$TCINCLUDES/include"
 # Prepare android toolchain and environment
diff --git a/android/build_curl_mips.sh b/android/build_curl_mips.sh
index be4189f..10513c1 100755
--- a/android/build_curl_mips.sh
+++ b/android/build_curl_mips.sh
@@ -22,9 +22,9 @@ export PATH="$PATH:$TCBINARIES:$TCINCLUDES/bin"
 export CC=mipsel-linux-android-gcc
 export CXX=mipsel-linux-android-g++
 export LD=mipsel-linux-android-ld
-export CFLAGS="--sysroot=$TCSYSROOT -DANDROID -Wall -I$TCINCLUDES/include -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer"
-export CXXFLAGS="--sysroot=$TCSYSROOT -DANDROID -Wall -funroll-loops -fexceptions -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer"
-export LDFLAGS="-L$TCSYSROOT/usr/lib -L$TCINCLUDES/lib -llog"
+export CFLAGS="--sysroot=$TCSYSROOT -DANDROID -Wall -I$TCINCLUDES/include -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer -fPIE"
+export CXXFLAGS="--sysroot=$TCSYSROOT -DANDROID -Wall -funroll-loops -fexceptions -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer -fPIE"
+export LDFLAGS="-L$TCSYSROOT/usr/lib -L$TCINCLUDES/lib -llog -fPIE -pie"
 export GDB_CFLAGS="--sysroot=$TCSYSROOT -Wall -g -I$TCINCLUDES/include"
 # Prepare android toolchain and environment
diff --git a/android/build_curl_x86.sh b/android/build_curl_x86.sh
index 6aef435..6370fad 100755
--- a/android/build_curl_x86.sh
+++ b/android/build_curl_x86.sh
@@ -22,9 +22,9 @@ export PATH="$PATH:$TCBINARIES:$TCINCLUDES/bin"
 export CC=i686-linux-android-gcc
 export CXX=i686-linux-android-g++
 export LD=i686-linux-android-ld
-export CFLAGS="--sysroot=$TCSYSROOT -DANDROID -Wall -I$TCINCLUDES/include -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer"
-export CXXFLAGS="--sysroot=$TCSYSROOT -DANDROID -Wall -funroll-loops -fexceptions -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer"
-export LDFLAGS="-L$TCSYSROOT/usr/lib -L$TCINCLUDES/lib -llog"
+export CFLAGS="--sysroot=$TCSYSROOT -DANDROID -Wall -I$TCINCLUDES/include -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer -fPIE"
+export CXXFLAGS="--sysroot=$TCSYSROOT -DANDROID -Wall -funroll-loops -fexceptions -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer -fPIE"
+export LDFLAGS="-L$TCSYSROOT/usr/lib -L$TCINCLUDES/lib -llog -fPIE -pie"
 export GDB_CFLAGS="--sysroot=$TCSYSROOT -Wall -g -I$TCINCLUDES/include"
 # Prepare android toolchain and environment
diff --git a/android/build_libraries_arm.sh b/android/build_libraries_arm.sh
index 94d7a91..1e3c9d0 100755
--- a/android/build_libraries_arm.sh
+++ b/android/build_libraries_arm.sh
@@ -23,9 +23,9 @@ export PATH="$PATH:$TCBINARIES:$TCINCLUDES/bin"
 export CC=arm-linux-androideabi-gcc
 export CXX=arm-linux-androideabi-g++
 export LD=arm-linux-androideabi-ld
-export CFLAGS="--sysroot=$TCSYSROOT -DANDROID -DDECLARE_TIMEZONE -Wall -I$TCINCLUDES/include -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer"
-export CXXFLAGS="--sysroot=$TCSYSROOT -DANDROID -Wall -I$TCINCLUDES/include -funroll-loops -fexceptions -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer"
-export LDFLAGS="-L$TCSYSROOT/usr/lib -L$TCINCLUDES/lib -llog"
+export CFLAGS="--sysroot=$TCSYSROOT -DANDROID -DDECLARE_TIMEZONE -Wall -I$TCINCLUDES/include -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer -fPIE"
+export CXXFLAGS="--sysroot=$TCSYSROOT -DANDROID -Wall -I$TCINCLUDES/include -funroll-loops -fexceptions -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer -fPIE"
+export LDFLAGS="-L$TCSYSROOT/usr/lib -L$TCINCLUDES/lib -llog -fPIE -pie"
 export GDB_CFLAGS="--sysroot=$TCSYSROOT -Wall -g -I$TCINCLUDES/include"
diff --git a/android/build_libraries_mips.sh b/android/build_libraries_mips.sh
index 50973e7..34b9a15 100755
--- a/android/build_libraries_mips.sh
+++ b/android/build_libraries_mips.sh
@@ -23,9 +23,9 @@ export PATH="$PATH:$TCBINARIES:$TCINCLUDES/bin"
 export CC=mipsel-linux-android-gcc
 export CXX=mipsel-linux-android-g++
 export LD=mipsel-linux-android-ld
-export CFLAGS="--sysroot=$TCSYSROOT -DANDROID -DDECLARE_TIMEZONE -Wall -I$TCINCLUDES/include -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer"
-export CXXFLAGS="--sysroot=$TCSYSROOT -DANDROID -Wall -I$TCINCLUDES/include -funroll-loops -fexceptions -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer"
-export LDFLAGS="-L$TCSYSROOT/usr/lib -L$TCINCLUDES/lib -llog"
+export CFLAGS="--sysroot=$TCSYSROOT -DANDROID -DDECLARE_TIMEZONE -Wall -I$TCINCLUDES/include -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer -fPIE"
+export CXXFLAGS="--sysroot=$TCSYSROOT -DANDROID -Wall -I$TCINCLUDES/include -funroll-loops -fexceptions -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer -fPIE"
+export LDFLAGS="-L$TCSYSROOT/usr/lib -L$TCINCLUDES/lib -llog -fPIE -pie"
 export GDB_CFLAGS="--sysroot=$TCSYSROOT -Wall -g -I$TCINCLUDES/include"
diff --git a/android/build_libraries_x86.sh b/android/build_libraries_x86.sh
index de9deb9..23a4b1f 100755
--- a/android/build_libraries_x86.sh
+++ b/android/build_libraries_x86.sh
@@ -23,9 +23,9 @@ export PATH="$PATH:$TCBINARIES:$TCINCLUDES/bin"
 export CC=i686-linux-android-gcc
 export CXX=i686-linux-android-g++
 export LD=i686-linux-android-ld
-export CFLAGS="--sysroot=$TCSYSROOT -DANDROID -DDECLARE_TIMEZONE -Wall -I$TCINCLUDES/include -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer"
-export CXXFLAGS="--sysroot=$TCSYSROOT -DANDROID -Wall -I$TCINCLUDES/include -funroll-loops -fexceptions -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer"
-export LDFLAGS="-L$TCSYSROOT/usr/lib -L$TCINCLUDES/lib -llog"
+export CFLAGS="--sysroot=$TCSYSROOT -DANDROID -DDECLARE_TIMEZONE -Wall -I$TCINCLUDES/include -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer -fPIE"
+export CXXFLAGS="--sysroot=$TCSYSROOT -DANDROID -Wall -I$TCINCLUDES/include -funroll-loops -fexceptions -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer -fPIE"
+export LDFLAGS="-L$TCSYSROOT/usr/lib -L$TCINCLUDES/lib -llog -fPIE -pie"
 export GDB_CFLAGS="--sysroot=$TCSYSROOT -Wall -g -I$TCINCLUDES/include"
diff --git a/android/build_openssl_arm.sh b/android/build_openssl_arm.sh
index 5225a96..7bae5e7 100755
--- a/android/build_openssl_arm.sh
+++ b/android/build_openssl_arm.sh
@@ -22,9 +22,9 @@ export PATH="$PATH:$TCBINARIES:$TCINCLUDES/bin"
 export CC=arm-linux-androideabi-gcc
 export CXX=arm-linux-androideabi-g++
 export LD=arm-linux-androideabi-ld
-export CFLAGS="--sysroot=$TCSYSROOT -DANDROID -Wall -I$TCINCLUDES/include -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer"
-export CXXFLAGS="--sysroot=$TCSYSROOT -DANDROID -Wall -funroll-loops -fexceptions -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer"
-export LDFLAGS="-L$TCSYSROOT/usr/lib -L$TCINCLUDES/lib -llog"
+export CFLAGS="--sysroot=$TCSYSROOT -DANDROID -Wall -I$TCINCLUDES/include -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer -fPIE"
+export CXXFLAGS="--sysroot=$TCSYSROOT -DANDROID -Wall -funroll-loops -fexceptions -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer -fPIE"
+export LDFLAGS="-L$TCSYSROOT/usr/lib -L$TCINCLUDES/lib -llog -fPIE -pie"
 export GDB_CFLAGS="--sysroot=$TCSYSROOT -Wall -g -I$TCINCLUDES/include"
 # Prepare android toolchain and environment
diff --git a/android/build_openssl_mips.sh b/android/build_openssl_mips.sh
index df4ca31..38c22df 100755
--- a/android/build_openssl_mips.sh
+++ b/android/build_openssl_mips.sh
@@ -22,9 +22,9 @@ export PATH="$PATH:$TCBINARIES:$TCINCLUDES/bin"
 export CC=mipsel-linux-android-gcc
 export CXX=mipsel-linux-android-g++
 export LD=mipsel-linux-android-ld
-export CFLAGS="--sysroot=$TCSYSROOT -DANDROID -Wall -I$TCINCLUDES/include -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer"
-export CXXFLAGS="--sysroot=$TCSYSROOT -DANDROID -Wall -funroll-loops -fexceptions -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer"
-export LDFLAGS="-L$TCSYSROOT/usr/lib -L$TCINCLUDES/lib -llog"
+export CFLAGS="--sysroot=$TCSYSROOT -DANDROID -Wall -I$TCINCLUDES/include -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer -fPIE"
+export CXXFLAGS="--sysroot=$TCSYSROOT -DANDROID -Wall -funroll-loops -fexceptions -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer -fPIE"
+export LDFLAGS="-L$TCSYSROOT/usr/lib -L$TCINCLUDES/lib -llog -fPIE -pie"
 export GDB_CFLAGS="--sysroot=$TCSYSROOT -Wall -g -I$TCINCLUDES/include"
 # Prepare android toolchain and environment
diff --git a/android/build_openssl_x86.sh b/android/build_openssl_x86.sh
index 76c8a4b..92ee963 100755
--- a/android/build_openssl_x86.sh
+++ b/android/build_openssl_x86.sh
@@ -22,9 +22,9 @@ export PATH="$PATH:$TCBINARIES:$TCINCLUDES/bin"
 export CC=i686-linux-android-gcc
 export CXX=i686-linux-android-g++
 export LD=i686-linux-android-ld
-export CFLAGS="--sysroot=$TCSYSROOT -DANDROID -Wall -I$TCINCLUDES/include -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer"
-export CXXFLAGS="--sysroot=$TCSYSROOT -DANDROID -Wall -funroll-loops -fexceptions -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer"
-export LDFLAGS="-L$TCSYSROOT/usr/lib -L$TCINCLUDES/lib -llog"
+export CFLAGS="--sysroot=$TCSYSROOT -DANDROID -Wall -I$TCINCLUDES/include -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer -fPIE"
+export CXXFLAGS="--sysroot=$TCSYSROOT -DANDROID -Wall -funroll-loops -fexceptions -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer -fPIE"
+export LDFLAGS="-L$TCSYSROOT/usr/lib -L$TCINCLUDES/lib -llog -fPIE -pie"
 export GDB_CFLAGS="--sysroot=$TCSYSROOT -Wall -g -I$TCINCLUDES/include"
 # Prepare android toolchain and environment
diff --git a/api/boinc_api.cpp b/api/boinc_api.cpp
index f24f8c2..dea49f9 100644
--- a/api/boinc_api.cpp
+++ b/api/boinc_api.cpp
@@ -682,7 +682,7 @@ static void send_trickle_up_msg() {
 // an "unrecoverable error", which will be reported back to server. 
 // A zero exit-status tells the client we've successfully finished the result.
-int boinc_finish(int status) {
+int boinc_finish_message(int status, const char* msg, bool is_notice) {
     char buf[256];
     fraction_done = 1;
@@ -693,9 +693,15 @@ int boinc_finish(int status) {
     boinc_sleep(2.0);   // let the timer thread send final messages
     boinc_disable_timer_thread = true;     // then disable it
-    if (options.main_program && status==0) {
+    if (options.main_program) {
         FILE* f = fopen(BOINC_FINISH_CALLED_FILE, "w");
-        if (f) fclose(f);
+        if (f) {
+            fprintf(f, "%d\n", status);
+            if (msg) {
+                fprintf(f, "%s\n%s\n", msg, is_notice?"notice":"");
+            }
+            fclose(f);
+        }
@@ -703,6 +709,10 @@ int boinc_finish(int status) {
     return 0;   // never reached
+int boinc_finish(int status) {
+    return boinc_finish_message(status, NULL, false);
 int boinc_temporary_exit(int delay, const char* reason, bool is_notice) {
     FILE* f = fopen(TEMPORARY_EXIT_FILE, "w");
     if (!f) {
diff --git a/api/boinc_api.h b/api/boinc_api.h
index 9c56df3..f34d8d1 100644
--- a/api/boinc_api.h
+++ b/api/boinc_api.h
@@ -145,6 +145,9 @@ extern int boinc_report_app_status_aux(
 extern int boinc_temporary_exit(
     int delay, const char* reason=NULL, bool is_notice=false
+extern int boinc_finish_message(
+    int status, const char* message, bool is_notice
 /////////// API ENDS HERE
diff --git a/api/boinc_opencl.cpp b/api/boinc_opencl.cpp
index 7b0fa9a..908bdf8 100644
--- a/api/boinc_opencl.cpp
+++ b/api/boinc_opencl.cpp
@@ -41,6 +41,8 @@
 #include "boinc_opencl.h"
+static int compareBOINCVersionTo(int toMajor, int toMinor, int toRelease);
 // A few complicating factors:
 // Windows & Linux have a separate OpenCL platform for each vendor
 //  (NVIDIA, AMD, Intel).
@@ -95,7 +97,7 @@ int boinc_get_opencl_ids_aux(
     int device_num_for_type = -1;
     int device_index;
-    if ((!type) || (!strlen(type))) return CL_DEVICE_NOT_FOUND;
+    if ((!type) || (!strlen(type))) return CL_INVALID_DEVICE_TYPE;
     retval = clGetPlatformIDs(MAX_OPENCL_PLATFORMS, platforms, &num_platforms);
     if (num_platforms == 0) return CL_DEVICE_NOT_FOUND;
@@ -110,25 +112,23 @@ int boinc_get_opencl_ids_aux(
         // Use gpu_opencl_dev_index if available
         if (opencl_device_index >= 0) {
-            if (opencl_device_index >= (int)num_devices) {
-                fprintf(stderr, "Invalid OpenCL GPU index: %d \n", opencl_device_index);
-                return CL_INVALID_DEVICE;
-            }
+            if (opencl_device_index < (int)num_devices) {
+                device_id = devices[opencl_device_index];
+                retval = get_vendor(device_id, vendor, sizeof(vendor));
+                if (retval != CL_SUCCESS) continue;
-            device_id = devices[opencl_device_index];
-            retval = get_vendor(device_id, vendor, sizeof(vendor));
-            if (retval != CL_SUCCESS) continue;
-            if (!strcmp(vendor, type)) {
-                *device = device_id;
-                *platform = platforms[platform_index];
-                return 0;
+                if (!strcmp(vendor, type)) {
+                    *device = device_id;
+                    *platform = platforms[platform_index];
+                    return 0;
+                }
-        // Older versions of init_data.xml don't have gpu_opencl_dev_index field
+        // Older versions of init_data.xml don't have the gpu_opencl_dev_index
+        // field so use the value of gpu_device_num.
         // NOTE: This may return the wrong device on older versions of BOINC if
         // OpenCL does not recognize all GPU models detected by CUDA or CAL
         for (device_index=0; device_index<(int)num_devices; ++device_index) {
@@ -147,6 +147,9 @@ int boinc_get_opencl_ids_aux(
+    fprintf(stderr, "GPU not found: type=%s, opencl_device_index=%d, device_num=%d\n",
+                        type, opencl_device_index, device_num);
     return CL_DEVICE_NOT_FOUND;
@@ -157,14 +160,15 @@ int boinc_get_opencl_ids_aux(
 //       (it may also be 0, but then it will fail on older clients.)
-// The argc, argv and type arguments are ignored for 7.0.12 or later clients.
+// The argc, argv and type arguments are ignored for 6.13.3 or later clients.
 // returns
 // - 0 if success
 // - ERR_FOPEN if init_data.xml missing
 // - ERR_XML_PARSE if can't parse init_data.xml
 // - CL_INVALID_DEVICE_TYPE if unable to get gpu_type information
-// - ERR_NOT_FOUND if unable to get opencl_device_index or gpu device_num
+// - CL_INVALID_DEVICE if unable to get opencl_device_index or gpu device_num
+// - CL_DEVICE_NOT_FOUND if the requested device was not found
 // - an OpenCL error number if OpenCL error
 int boinc_get_opencl_ids(
@@ -203,24 +207,39 @@ int boinc_get_opencl_ids(
     if (aid.gpu_opencl_dev_index < 0) {
-        // Older versions of init_data.xml don't have gpu_opencl_dev_index field
-        //
+         if (compareBOINCVersionTo(7,0,12) >= 0) {
+            // gpu_opencl_dev_index was added in BOINC version 7.0.12.
+            // A gpu_opencl_dev_index value of -1 in version 7.0.12 or later
+            // means BOINC client did not assign an OpenCL GPU to this task.
+            fprintf(stderr, "Illegal value for gpu_opencl_dev_index: %d in BOINC Client %d.%d.%d\n",
+                        aid.gpu_opencl_dev_index, aid.major_version, aid.minor_version, aid.release);
+            return CL_INVALID_DEVICE;
+        }
+        // Older versions of init_data.xml don't have the gpu_opencl_dev_index
+        // field so use the value of gpu_device_num if available.
         gpu_device_num = aid.gpu_device_num;
         if (gpu_device_num < 0) {
-            // Even older versions of init_data.xml don't have gpu_device_num field
-            for (i=0; i<argc-1; i++) {
-                if ((!strcmp(argv[i], "--device")) || (!strcmp(argv[i], "-device"))) {
-                    gpu_device_num = atoi(argv[i+1]);
-                    break;
+             if (compareBOINCVersionTo(6,13,3) < 0) {
+                // gpu_device_num and gpu_type fields were added in BOINC version 6.13.3.
+                // Very old versions of init_data.xml don't have gpu_device_num field
+                // but instead pass the device number as a command-line argument.
+                for (i=0; i<argc-1; i++) {
+                    if ((!strcmp(argv[i], "--device")) || (!strcmp(argv[i], "-device"))) {
+                        gpu_device_num = atoi(argv[i+1]);
+                        break;
+                    }
+            if (gpu_device_num < 0) {
+                // BOINC client apparently did not assign a GPU to this task.
+                fprintf(stderr, "Illegal value for gpu_device_num: %d in BOINC Client %d.%d.%d\n",
+                        aid.gpu_device_num, aid.major_version, aid.minor_version, aid.release);
+                return CL_INVALID_DEVICE;
+            }
-    }
-    if ((aid.gpu_opencl_dev_index < 0) && (gpu_device_num < 0)) {
-        fprintf(stderr, "GPU device # not found in %s\n", INIT_DATA_FILE);
-        return ERR_NOT_FOUND;
-    }
+    }   // End if (aid.gpu_opencl_dev_index < 0)
     retval = boinc_get_opencl_ids_aux(
         gpu_type, aid.gpu_opencl_dev_index, gpu_device_num, device, platform
@@ -236,7 +255,9 @@ int boinc_get_opencl_ids(
 // - 0 if success
 // - ERR_FOPEN if init_data.xml missing
 // - ERR_XML_PARSE if can't parse init_data.xml
-// - ERR_NOT_FOUND if missing <gpu_type> or <gpu_device_num> fields
+// - CL_INVALID_DEVICE_TYPE if unable to get gpu_type information
+// - CL_INVALID_DEVICE if unable to get opencl_device_index or gpu device_num
+// - CL_DEVICE_NOT_FOUND if the requested device was not found
 // - an OpenCL error number if OpenCL error
 int boinc_get_opencl_ids(cl_device_id* device, cl_platform_id* platform) {
@@ -249,12 +270,29 @@ int boinc_get_opencl_ids(cl_device_id* device, cl_platform_id* platform) {
     if (!strlen(aid.gpu_type)) {
         fprintf(stderr, "GPU type not found in %s\n", INIT_DATA_FILE);
-        return ERR_NOT_FOUND;
+        return CL_INVALID_DEVICE_TYPE;
-    if ((aid.gpu_opencl_dev_index < 0) && (aid.gpu_device_num < 0)) {
-        fprintf(stderr, "GPU device # not found in %s\n", INIT_DATA_FILE);
-        return ERR_NOT_FOUND;
+    if (aid.gpu_opencl_dev_index < 0) {
+        if (compareBOINCVersionTo(7,0,12) >= 0) {
+            // gpu_opencl_dev_index was added in BOINC version 7.0.12.
+            // A gpu_opencl_dev_index value of -1 in version 7.0.12 or
+            // later means BOINC did not assign an OpenCL GPU to this task.
+            fprintf(stderr, "Illegal value for gpu_opencl_dev_index: %d in BOINC Client %d.%d.%d\n",
+                        aid.gpu_opencl_dev_index, aid.major_version, aid.minor_version, aid.release);
+            return CL_INVALID_DEVICE;
+        }
+        if (aid.gpu_device_num < 0) {
+             if (compareBOINCVersionTo(6,13,3) >= 0) {
+                // gpu_device_num and gpu_type fields were added in BOINC version 6.13.3.
+                // A gpu_device_num value of -1 in version 6.13.3 or later means
+                // BOINC did not assign a GPU to this task.
+            fprintf(stderr, "Illegal value for gpu_device_num: %d in BOINC Client %d.%d.%d\n",
+                        aid.gpu_device_num, aid.major_version, aid.minor_version, aid.release);
+                return CL_INVALID_DEVICE;
+            }
+        }
     retval = boinc_get_opencl_ids_aux(
@@ -263,3 +301,20 @@ int boinc_get_opencl_ids(cl_device_id* device, cl_platform_id* platform) {
     return retval;
+static int compareBOINCVersionTo(int toMajor, int toMinor, int toRelease) {
+    APP_INIT_DATA aid;
+    boinc_get_init_data(aid);
+    if (aid.major_version < toMajor) return -1;
+    if (aid.major_version > toMajor) return 1;
+    if (aid.minor_version < toMinor) return -1;
+    if (aid.minor_version > toMinor) return 1;
+    if (aid.release < toRelease) return -1;
+    if (aid.release > toRelease) return 1;
+    return 0;
diff --git a/client/acct_setup.cpp b/client/acct_setup.cpp
index 5faaff4..79da0a7 100644
--- a/client/acct_setup.cpp
+++ b/client/acct_setup.cpp
@@ -82,6 +82,7 @@ void ACCOUNT_IN::parse(XML_PARSER& xp) {
     passwd_hash = "";
     user_name = "";
     team_name = "";
+    ldap_auth = false;
     while (!xp.get_tag()) {
         if (xp.parse_string("url", url)) continue;
@@ -89,6 +90,7 @@ void ACCOUNT_IN::parse(XML_PARSER& xp) {
         if (xp.parse_string("passwd_hash", passwd_hash)) continue;
         if (xp.parse_string("user_name", user_name)) continue;
         if (xp.parse_string("team_name", team_name)) continue;
+        if (xp.parse_bool("ldap_auth", ldap_auth)) continue;
@@ -132,16 +134,32 @@ int LOOKUP_ACCOUNT_OP::do_rpc(ACCOUNT_IN& ai) {
     url = ai.url;
+    url += "lookup_account.php";
+    if (ai.ldap_auth && !strchr(ai.email_addr.c_str(), '@')) {
+        // LDAP case
+        //
+        if (!is_https(ai.url.c_str())) return ERR_NEED_HTTPS;
+        url += "?ldap_auth=1&ldap_uid=";
+        parameter = ai.email_addr;
+        escape_url(parameter);
+        url += parameter;
-    url += "lookup_account.php?email_addr=";
-    parameter = ai.email_addr;
-    escape_url(parameter);
-    url += parameter;
+        url += "&passwd=";
+        parameter = ai.passwd_hash;
+        escape_url(parameter);
+        url += parameter;
+    } else {
+        url += "?email_addr=";
+        parameter = ai.email_addr;
+        escape_url(parameter);
+        url += parameter;
-    url += "&passwd_hash=";
-    parameter = ai.passwd_hash;
-    escape_url(parameter);
-    url += parameter;
+        url += "&passwd_hash=";
+        parameter = ai.passwd_hash;
+        escape_url(parameter);
+        url += parameter;
+    }
     retval = gui_http->do_rpc(
         this, url.c_str(), LOOKUP_ACCOUNT_FILENAME, false
diff --git a/client/acct_setup.h b/client/acct_setup.h
index 10f8f75..6bc8be7 100644
--- a/client/acct_setup.h
+++ b/client/acct_setup.h
@@ -43,6 +43,7 @@ struct ACCOUNT_IN {
         // the suggested friendly name for the user during account creation.
     std::string team_name;
     std::string passwd_hash;
+    bool ldap_auth;
     void parse(XML_PARSER&);
diff --git a/client/app.cpp b/client/app.cpp
index 3c85200..f721d40 100644
--- a/client/app.cpp
+++ b/client/app.cpp
@@ -166,7 +166,7 @@ int ACTIVE_TASK::preempt(int preempt_type, int reason) {
         // GPU jobs: always remove from mem, since it's tying up GPU RAM
-        if (result->uses_coprocs()) {
+        if (result->uses_gpu()) {
             remove = true;
diff --git a/client/app_config.cpp b/client/app_config.cpp
index 5e01e7e..79527e4 100644
--- a/client/app_config.cpp
+++ b/client/app_config.cpp
@@ -27,9 +27,49 @@
 bool have_max_concurrent = false;
+int APP_CONFIG::parse_gpu_versions(XML_PARSER& xp, PROJECT* p) {
+    double x;
+    while (!xp.get_tag()) {
+        if (xp.match_tag("/gpu_versions")) return 0;
+        else if (xp.parse_double("gpu_usage", x)) {
+            if (x <= 0) {
+                msg_printf(p, MSG_USER_ALERT,
+                    "gpu_usage must be positive in app_config.xml"
+                );
+            } else {
+                gpu_gpu_usage = x;
+            }
+            continue;
+        }
+        else if (xp.parse_double("cpu_usage", x)) {
+            if (x < 0) {
+                msg_printf(p, MSG_USER_ALERT,
+                    "cpu_usage must be non-negative in app_config.xml"
+                );
+            } else {
+                gpu_cpu_usage = x;
+            }
+            continue;
+        }
+        if (log_flags.unparsed_xml) {
+            msg_printf(p, MSG_INFO,
+                "Unparsed line in app_config.xml: %s",
+                xp.parsed_tag
+            );
+        }
+    }
+    msg_printf_notice(p, false, NULL,
+        "missing </gpu_versions> in app_config.xml"
+    );
+    return ERR_XML_PARSE;
+// In these parsing functions, if there's an error you must
+// - generate a notice containing the string "app_config.xml"
+// - return an error code
 int APP_CONFIG::parse(XML_PARSER& xp, PROJECT* p) {
     memset(this, 0, sizeof(APP_CONFIG));
-    double x;
     while (!xp.get_tag()) {
         if (xp.match_tag("/app")) return 0;
@@ -39,34 +79,16 @@ int APP_CONFIG::parse(XML_PARSER& xp, PROJECT* p) {
         if (xp.match_tag("gpu_versions")) {
-            while (!xp.get_tag()) {
-                if (xp.match_tag("/gpu_versions")) break;
-                if (xp.parse_double("gpu_usage", x)) {
-                    if (x <= 0) {
-                        msg_printf(p, MSG_USER_ALERT,
-                            "gpu_usage must be positive in app_config.xml"
-                        );
-                    } else {
-                        gpu_gpu_usage = x;
-                    }
-                    continue;
-                }
-                if (xp.parse_double("cpu_usage", x)) {
-                    if (x < 0) {
-                        msg_printf(p, MSG_USER_ALERT,
-                            "cpu_usage must be non-negative in app_config.xml"
-                        );
-                    } else {
-                        gpu_cpu_usage = x;
-                    }
-                    continue;
-                }
-            }
+            int retval = parse_gpu_versions(xp, p);
+            if (retval) return retval;
         if (xp.parse_bool("fraction_done_exact", fraction_done_exact)) {
+        // unparsed XML not considered an error; maybe it should be?
+        //
         if (log_flags.unparsed_xml) {
             msg_printf(p, MSG_INFO,
                 "Unparsed line in app_config.xml: %s",
@@ -75,6 +97,9 @@ int APP_CONFIG::parse(XML_PARSER& xp, PROJECT* p) {
         xp.skip_unexpected(log_flags.unparsed_xml, "APP_CONFIG::parse");
+    msg_printf(p, MSG_USER_ALERT,
+        "missing </app> in app_config.xml"
+    );
     return ERR_XML_PARSE;
@@ -82,6 +107,12 @@ int APP_VERSION_CONFIG::parse(XML_PARSER& xp, PROJECT* p) {
     memset(this, 0, sizeof(APP_VERSION_CONFIG));
     while (!xp.get_tag()) {
+        if (!xp.is_tag) {
+            msg_printf_notice(p, false, NULL,
+                "unexpected text '%s' in app_config.xml", xp.parsed_tag
+            );
+            return ERR_XML_PARSE;
+        }
         if (xp.match_tag("/app_version")) return 0;
         if (xp.parse_str("app_name", app_name, 256)) continue;
         if (xp.parse_str("plan_class", plan_class, 256)) continue;
@@ -96,29 +127,36 @@ int APP_VERSION_CONFIG::parse(XML_PARSER& xp, PROJECT* p) {
         xp.skip_unexpected(log_flags.unparsed_xml, "APP_VERSION_CONFIG::parse");
+    msg_printf(p, MSG_USER_ALERT,
+        "missing </app_version> in app_config.xml"
+    );
     return ERR_XML_PARSE;
 int APP_CONFIGS::parse(XML_PARSER& xp, PROJECT* p) {
     int n;
-    app_configs.clear();
+    clear();
     if (!xp.parse_start("app_config")) return ERR_XML_PARSE;
     while (!xp.get_tag()) {
+        if (!xp.is_tag) {
+            msg_printf_notice(p, false, NULL,
+                "unexpected text '%s' in app_config.xml", xp.parsed_tag
+            );
+            return ERR_XML_PARSE;
+        }
         if (xp.match_tag("/app_config")) return 0;
         if (xp.match_tag("app")) {
             APP_CONFIG ac;
             int retval = ac.parse(xp, p);
-            if (!retval) {
-                app_configs.push_back(ac);
-            }
+            if (retval) return retval;
+            app_configs.push_back(ac);
         if (xp.match_tag("app_version")) {
             APP_VERSION_CONFIG avc;
             int retval = avc.parse(xp, p);
-            if (!retval) {
-                app_version_configs.push_back(avc);
-            }
+            if (retval) return retval;
+            app_version_configs.push_back(avc);
         if (xp.parse_int("project_max_concurrent", n)) {
@@ -128,14 +166,16 @@ int APP_CONFIGS::parse(XML_PARSER& xp, PROJECT* p) {
-        if (log_flags.unparsed_xml) {
-            msg_printf(p, MSG_INFO,
-                "Unparsed line in app_config.xml: %s",
-                xp.parsed_tag
-            );
-        }
+        msg_printf_notice(p, false, NULL,
+            "Unknown tag in app_config.xml: %s",
+            xp.parsed_tag
+        );
         xp.skip_unexpected(log_flags.unparsed_xml, "APP_CONFIGS::parse");
+    msg_printf(p, MSG_USER_ALERT,
+        "missing </app_config> in app_config.xml"
+    );
     return ERR_XML_PARSE;
@@ -143,8 +183,7 @@ int APP_CONFIGS::parse_file(FILE* f, PROJECT* p) {
     MIOFILE mf;
     XML_PARSER xp(&mf);
-    int retval = parse(xp, p);
-    return retval;
+    return parse(xp, p);
 static void show_warning(PROJECT* p, char* name) {
@@ -154,13 +193,17 @@ static void show_warning(PROJECT* p, char* name) {
-void APP_CONFIGS::config_app_versions(PROJECT* p, bool show_warnings) {
+int APP_CONFIGS::config_app_versions(PROJECT* p, bool show_warnings) {
     unsigned int i;
+    bool showed_notice = false;
     for (i=0; i<app_configs.size(); i++) {
         APP_CONFIG& ac = app_configs[i];
         APP* app = gstate.lookup_app(p, ac.name);
         if (!app) {
-            if (show_warnings) show_warning(p, ac.name);
+            if (show_warnings) {
+                show_warning(p, ac.name);
+                showed_notice = true;
+            }
         app->max_concurrent = ac.max_concurrent;
@@ -179,7 +222,10 @@ void APP_CONFIGS::config_app_versions(PROJECT* p, bool show_warnings) {
         APP_VERSION_CONFIG& avc = app_version_configs[i];
         APP* app = gstate.lookup_app(p, avc.app_name);
         if (!app) {
-            if (show_warnings) show_warning(p, avc.app_name);
+            if (show_warnings) {
+                show_warning(p, avc.app_name);
+                showed_notice = true;
+            }
         bool found = false;
@@ -200,10 +246,13 @@ void APP_CONFIGS::config_app_versions(PROJECT* p, bool show_warnings) {
         if (!found) {
             msg_printf(p, MSG_USER_ALERT,
-                "Entry in app_config.xml for app '%s', plan class '%s' doesn't match any app versions", avc.app_name, avc.plan_class
+                "Entry in app_config.xml for app '%s', plan class '%s' doesn't match any app versions",
+                avc.app_name, avc.plan_class
+    if (showed_notice) return ERR_XML_PARSE;
+    return 0;
 void max_concurrent_init() {
@@ -247,7 +296,10 @@ void check_app_config() {
         msg_printf(p, MSG_INFO, "Found %s", APP_CONFIG_FILE_NAME);
         int retval = p->app_configs.parse_file(f, p);
         if (!retval) {
-            p->app_configs.config_app_versions(p, true);
+            retval = p->app_configs.config_app_versions(p, true);
+            if (!retval) {
+                notices.remove_notices(p, REMOVE_APP_CONFIG_MSG);
+            }
diff --git a/client/app_config.h b/client/app_config.h
index 3d54570..0bb198f 100644
--- a/client/app_config.h
+++ b/client/app_config.h
@@ -35,6 +35,7 @@ struct APP_CONFIG {
     bool fraction_done_exact;
     int parse(XML_PARSER&, PROJECT*);
+    int parse_gpu_versions(XML_PARSER&, PROJECT*);
@@ -54,7 +55,7 @@ struct APP_CONFIGS {
     int parse(XML_PARSER&, PROJECT*);
     int parse_file(FILE*, PROJECT*);
-    void config_app_versions(PROJECT*, bool show_warnings);
+    int config_app_versions(PROJECT*, bool show_warnings);
     void clear() {
diff --git a/client/app_control.cpp b/client/app_control.cpp
index ee64e5a..bb6fb0d 100644
--- a/client/app_control.cpp
+++ b/client/app_control.cpp
@@ -210,10 +210,10 @@ int ACTIVE_TASK::request_abort() {
 #ifdef _WIN32
-static void kill_app_process(int pid, bool will_restart) {
+static void kill_app_process(int pid, bool will_restart, bool show_errors) {
     int retval = 0;
     retval = kill_program(pid, will_restart?0:EXIT_ABORTED_BY_CLIENT);
-    if (retval && log_flags.task_debug) {
+    if (retval && log_flags.task_debug && show_errors) {
         msg_printf(0, MSG_INFO,
             "[task] kill_app_process() failed: %s",
@@ -221,11 +221,11 @@ static void kill_app_process(int pid, bool will_restart) {
-static void kill_app_process(int pid, bool) {
+static void kill_app_process(int pid, bool, bool show_errors) {
     int retval = 0;
     if (g_use_sandbox) {
         retval = kill_via_switcher(pid);
-        if (retval && log_flags.task_debug) {
+        if (retval && log_flags.task_debug && show_errors) {
             msg_printf(0, MSG_INFO,
                 "[task] kill_via_switcher() failed: %s (%d)",
                 (retval>=0) ? strerror(errno) : boincerror(retval), retval
@@ -233,7 +233,7 @@ static void kill_app_process(int pid, bool) {
     } else {
         retval = kill(pid, SIGKILL);
-        if (retval && log_flags.task_debug) {
+        if (retval && log_flags.task_debug && show_errors) {
             msg_printf(0, MSG_INFO,
                 "[task] kill() failed: %s",
@@ -243,30 +243,30 @@ static void kill_app_process(int pid, bool) {
-static inline void kill_processes(vector<int> pids, bool will_restart) {
-    for (unsigned int i=0; i<pids.size(); i++) {
-        kill_app_process(pids[i], will_restart);
-    }
 // Kill a task whose main process is still running
 // Just kill the main process; shared mem and subsidiary processes
 // will be cleaned up after it exits, by cleanup_task();
 int ACTIVE_TASK::kill_running_task(bool will_restart) {
-    kill_app_process(pid, will_restart);
+    kill_app_process(pid, will_restart, true);
     return 0;
-// Clean up the subsidiary processes of a task whose main process has exited,
+// Kill any remaining subsidiary processes
+// of a task whose main process has exited,
 // namely:
 // - its descendants (as recently enumerated; it's too late to do that now)
 //   This list will be populated only in the quit and abort cases.
 // - its "other" processes, e.g. VMs
 int ACTIVE_TASK::kill_subsidiary_processes() {
-    kill_processes(other_pids, true);
-    kill_processes(descendants, true);
+    unsigned int i;
+    for (i=0; i<other_pids.size(); i++) {
+        kill_app_process(other_pids[i], false, false);
+    }
+    for (i=0; i<descendants.size(); i++) {
+        kill_app_process(descendants[i], false, false);
+    }
     return 0;
@@ -371,12 +371,12 @@ void ACTIVE_TASK::handle_temporary_exit(
     } else {
         if (is_notice) {
             msg_printf(result->project, MSG_USER_ALERT,
-                "Can't run task: %s", reason
+                "Task postponed: %s", reason
         } else {
-            if (log_flags.task_debug) {
+            if (log_flags.task) {
                 msg_printf(result->project, MSG_INFO,
-                    "[task] task called temporary_exit(%f, %s)", backoff, reason
+                    "task postponed %f sec: %s", backoff, reason
@@ -587,10 +587,30 @@ void ACTIVE_TASK::handle_exited_app(int stat) {
     gstate.request_work_fetch("application exited");
+// structure of a finish file (see boinc_api.cpp)):
+// exit status (int)
+// message
+// "notice" or blank line
+// ... or empty
 bool ACTIVE_TASK::finish_file_present() {
-    char path[MAXPATHLEN];
+    char path[MAXPATHLEN], buf[1024], buf2[256];
+    strcpy(buf, "");
+    strcpy(buf2, "");
     sprintf(path, "%s/%s", slot_dir, BOINC_FINISH_CALLED_FILE);
-    return (boinc_file_exists(path) != 0);
+    FILE* f = fopen(path, "r");
+    if (!f) return false;
+    fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), f);
+    fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), f);
+    fgets(buf2, sizeof(buf2), f);
+    if (strlen(buf)) {
+        msg_printf(result->project,
+            strstr(buf2, "notice")?MSG_USER_ALERT:MSG_INFO,
+            "Message from task: %s", buf
+        );
+    }
+    fclose(f);
+    return true;
 bool ACTIVE_TASK::temporary_exit_file_present(
@@ -1135,6 +1155,10 @@ void ACTIVE_TASK_SET::suspend_all(int reason) {
+        if (cc_config.dont_suspend_nci && atp->result->non_cpu_intensive()) {
+            continue;
+        }
         // handle CPU throttling separately
         if (reason == SUSPEND_REASON_CPU_THROTTLE) {
@@ -1471,7 +1495,9 @@ void ACTIVE_TASK_SET::get_msgs() {
         if (!atp->process_exists()) continue;
         old_time = atp->checkpoint_cpu_time;
         if (atp->scheduler_state == CPU_SCHED_SCHEDULED) {
-            atp->elapsed_time += atp->result->dont_throttle()?et_diff:et_diff_throttle;
+            double x = atp->result->dont_throttle()?et_diff:et_diff_throttle;
+            atp->elapsed_time += x;
+            atp->wup->project->elapsed_time += x;
         if (atp->get_app_status_msg()) {
             if (old_time != atp->checkpoint_cpu_time) {
diff --git a/client/boinc.xml b/client/boinc.xml
index 0e7903a..1612f66 100644
--- a/client/boinc.xml
+++ b/client/boinc.xml
@@ -11,6 +11,8 @@
       <supportedOS Id="{4a2f28e3-53b9-4441-ba9c-d69d4a4a6e38}"/>
       <!-- Windows 8.1 -->
       <supportedOS Id="{1f676c76-80e1-4239-95bb-83d0f6d0da78}"/>
+      <!-- Windows 10 -->
+      <supportedOS Id="{8e0f7a12-bfb3-4fe8-b9a5-48fd50a15a9a}"/>
diff --git a/client/boinc_cmd.cpp b/client/boinc_cmd.cpp
index 652aa09..f578aff 100644
--- a/client/boinc_cmd.cpp
+++ b/client/boinc_cmd.cpp
@@ -127,7 +127,7 @@ int main(int argc, char** argv) {
     MESSAGES messages;
     NOTICES notices;
     char passwd_buf[256], hostname_buf[256], *hostname=0;
-    char* passwd = passwd_buf, *p;
+    char* passwd = passwd_buf, *p, *q;
     bool unix_domain = false;
 #ifdef _WIN32
@@ -154,11 +154,33 @@ int main(int argc, char** argv) {
     if (!strcmp(argv[i], "--host")) {
         if (++i == argc) usage();
         strlcpy(hostname_buf, argv[i], sizeof(hostname_buf));
-        hostname = hostname_buf;
-        p = strchr(hostname, ':');
+        // see if port is specified.
+        // syntax:
+        // [a:b:..]:port for IPv6
+        // a.b.c.d:port for IPv4
+        // hostname:port for domain names
+        //
+        p = strchr(hostname_buf, '[');
         if (p) {
-            port = atoi(p+1);
-            *p=0;
+            q = strchr(p, ']');
+            if (!q) {
+                fprintf(stderr, "invalid IPv6 syntax: %s\n", hostname_buf);
+                exit(1);
+            }
+            hostname = p+1;
+            *q = 0;
+            port = atoi(q+1);
+        } else {
+            hostname = hostname_buf;
+            p = strchr(hostname, ':');
+            if (p) {
+                q = strchr(p+1, ':');
+                if (!q) {
+                    port = atoi(p+1);
+                    *p=0;
+                }
+            }
diff --git a/client/client_msgs.cpp b/client/client_msgs.cpp
index 30c5a69..024898f 100644
--- a/client/client_msgs.cpp
+++ b/client/client_msgs.cpp
@@ -93,11 +93,9 @@ void show_message(
         char buf[1024];
         if (is_html) {
-            xml_escape(message, buf, 1024);
+            strcpy(buf, message);
         } else {
-            char buf2[1024];
-            xml_escape(message, buf2, 1024);
-            xml_escape(buf2, buf, 1024);
+            xml_escape(message, buf, 1024);
         NOTICE n;
         n.description = buf;
diff --git a/client/client_state.cpp b/client/client_state.cpp
index dc803b7..45bd9bd 100644
--- a/client/client_state.cpp
+++ b/client/client_state.cpp
@@ -246,11 +246,8 @@ void CLIENT_STATE::show_host_info() {
     } else {
 #if defined (_WIN32) && !defined(_WIN64)
         if (!strcmp(get_primary_platform(), "windows_x86_64")) {
-            msg_printf(NULL, MSG_INFO,
-                "VirtualBox: can't detect because this is a 32-bit client"
-            );
-            msg_printf(NULL, MSG_INFO,
-                "  (to use VirtualBox, install a 64-bit BOINC client)."
+            msg_printf(NULL, MSG_USER_ALERT,
+                "Can't detect VirtualBox because this is a 32-bit version of BOINC; to fix, please install a 64-bit version."
@@ -421,12 +418,7 @@ int CLIENT_STATE::init() {
     // check for GPUs.
-    for (int j=1; j<coprocs.n_rsc; j++) {
-        msg_printf(NULL, MSG_INFO, "GPU specified in cc_config.xml: %d %s",
-            coprocs.coprocs[j].count,
-            coprocs.coprocs[j].type
-        );
-    }
+    coprocs.bound_counts();     // show GPUs described in cc_config.xml
     if (!cc_config.no_gpus
 #ifdef _WIN32
         && !executing_as_daemon
@@ -876,7 +868,7 @@ bool CLIENT_STATE::poll_slow_events() {
     if (user_active != old_user_active) {
-        request_schedule_cpus("Idle state change");
+        request_schedule_cpus(user_active?"Not idle":"Idle");
 #if 0
@@ -974,6 +966,7 @@ bool CLIENT_STATE::poll_slow_events() {
             } else {
                 msg_printf(NULL, MSG_INFO, "Resuming file transfers");
+            request_schedule_cpus("network resumed");
         // if we're emerging from a bandwidth quota suspension,
@@ -1158,8 +1151,6 @@ int CLIENT_STATE::link_file_info(PROJECT* p, FILE_INFO* fip) {
 int CLIENT_STATE::link_app_version(PROJECT* p, APP_VERSION* avp) {
     APP* app;
-    FILE_INFO* fip;
-    unsigned int i;
     avp->project = p;
     app = lookup_app(p, avp->app_name);
@@ -1187,9 +1178,9 @@ int CLIENT_STATE::link_app_version(PROJECT* p, APP_VERSION* avp) {
     strcpy(avp->graphics_exec_path, "");
     strcpy(avp->graphics_exec_file, "");
-    for (i=0; i<avp->app_files.size(); i++) {
+    for (unsigned int i=0; i<avp->app_files.size(); i++) {
         FILE_REF& file_ref = avp->app_files[i];
-        fip = lookup_file_info(p, file_ref.file_name);
+        FILE_INFO* fip = lookup_file_info(p, file_ref.file_name);
         if (!fip) {
             msg_printf(p, MSG_INTERNAL_ERROR,
                 "State file error: missing application file %s",
@@ -1602,6 +1593,10 @@ bool CLIENT_STATE::garbage_collect_always() {
     for (fi_iter = file_infos.begin(); fi_iter!=file_infos.end(); fi_iter++) {
         fip = *fi_iter;
+        if (fip->sticky_expire_time && now > fip->sticky_expire_time) {
+            fip->sticky = false;
+            fip->sticky_expire_time = 0;
+        }
         if (!fip->sticky) continue;
         if (fip->status < 0) continue;
@@ -1957,6 +1952,15 @@ int CLIENT_STATE::reset_project(PROJECT* project, bool detaching) {
+#ifdef ANDROID
+    // space is likely to be an issue on Android, so clean out project dir
+    // If we did this on other platforms we'd need to avoid deleting
+    // app_config.xml, but this isn't likely to exist on Android.
+    //
+    if (!project->anonymous_platform) {
+        client_clean_out_dir(project->project_dir(), "reset project");
+    }
     // force refresh of scheduler URLs
diff --git a/client/client_state.h b/client/client_state.h
index 8d6d3ad..bd2e6b4 100644
--- a/client/client_state.h
+++ b/client/client_state.h
@@ -111,7 +111,7 @@ struct CLIENT_STATE {
     char language[16];                // ISO language code reported by GUI
     char client_brand[256];
-        // contents of client_brand.txt, e.g. "HTP Power to Give"
+        // contents of client_brand.txt, e.g. "HTC Power to Give"
         // reported to scheduler
     VERSION_INFO core_client_version;
     string statefile_platform_name;
diff --git a/client/client_types.cpp b/client/client_types.cpp
index 28036ab..400d121 100644
--- a/client/client_types.cpp
+++ b/client/client_types.cpp
@@ -188,6 +188,8 @@ FILE_INFO::FILE_INFO() {
     executable = false;
     uploaded = false;
     sticky = false;
+    sticky_lifetime = 0;
+    sticky_expire_time = 0;
     gzip_when_done = false;
     download_gzipped = false;
     signature_required = false;
@@ -279,6 +281,8 @@ int FILE_INFO::set_permissions(const char* path) {
+// parse a <file_info>, from state file or scheduler RPC reply
 int FILE_INFO::parse(XML_PARSER& xp) {
     char buf2[1024];
     std::string url;
@@ -366,6 +370,10 @@ int FILE_INFO::parse(XML_PARSER& xp) {
         if (xp.parse_bool("executable", executable)) continue;
         if (xp.parse_bool("uploaded", uploaded)) continue;
         if (xp.parse_bool("sticky", sticky)) continue;
+        if (xp.parse_double("sticky_expire_time", sticky_expire_time)) continue;
+            // state file has this
+        if (xp.parse_double("sticky_lifetime", sticky_lifetime)) continue;
+            // scheduler RPC reply has this
         if (xp.parse_bool("gzip_when_done", gzip_when_done)) continue;
         if (xp.parse_bool("download_gzipped", download_gzipped)) continue;
         if (xp.parse_bool("signature_required", signature_required)) continue;
@@ -450,6 +458,11 @@ int FILE_INFO::write(MIOFILE& out, bool to_server) {
         if (is_user_file) out.printf("    <is_user_file/>\n");
         if (strlen(file_signature)) out.printf("    <file_signature>\n%s\n</file_signature>\n", file_signature);
+    if (sticky_expire_time) {
+        out.printf("    <sticky_expire_time>%f</sticky_expire_time>\n",
+            sticky_expire_time
+        );
+    }
     for (i=0; i<download_urls.urls.size(); i++) {
         xml_escape(download_urls.urls[i].c_str(), buf, sizeof(buf));
         out.printf("    <download_url>%s</download_url>\n", buf);
@@ -618,6 +631,23 @@ int FILE_INFO::merge_info(FILE_INFO& new_info) {
         return retval;
+    // sticky attributes
+    //
+    if (new_info.sticky) {
+        sticky = true;
+        if (new_info.sticky_lifetime) {
+            double x = gstate.now + new_info.sticky_lifetime;
+            if (x > sticky_expire_time) {
+                sticky_expire_time = x;
+            }
+        } else {
+            sticky_expire_time = 0;
+        }
+    } else {
+        sticky = false;
+        sticky_expire_time = 0;
+    }
     return 0;
diff --git a/client/client_types.h b/client/client_types.h
index 908b21e..684843f 100644
--- a/client/client_types.h
+++ b/client/client_types.h
@@ -105,6 +105,12 @@ struct FILE_INFO {
     bool executable;        // change file protections to make executable
     bool uploaded;          // file has been uploaded
     bool sticky;            // don't delete unless instructed to do so
+    double sticky_lifetime;
+        // how long file should stay sticky.
+        // passed from the server;
+        // used by client to calculate sticky_expire_time.
+    double sticky_expire_time;
+        // if nonzero, when sticky status expires
     bool signature_required;    // true iff associated with app version
     bool is_user_file;
     bool is_project_file;
@@ -252,7 +258,7 @@ struct APP {
         // Can also specify in client_state.xml (for client emulator)
     int n_concurrent;
         // temp during job scheduling, to enforce max_concurrent
-    int non_excluded_instances[MAX_RSC];
+    COPROC_INSTANCE_BITMAP non_excluded_instances[MAX_RSC];
         // for each resource type, bitmap of the non-excluded instances
 #ifdef SIM
     double latency_bound;
@@ -270,7 +276,7 @@ struct APP {
 struct GPU_USAGE {
-    int rsc_type;
+    int rsc_type;   // index into COPROCS array
     double usage;
@@ -308,6 +314,8 @@ struct APP_VERSION {
     double missing_coproc_usage;
     char missing_coproc_name[256];
     bool dont_throttle;
+        // jobs of this app version are exempt from CPU throttling
+        // Set for coprocessor apps
     bool is_vm_app;
         // currently this set if plan class includes "vbox" (kludge)
     bool is_wrapper;
diff --git a/client/coproc_sched.cpp b/client/coproc_sched.cpp
index 14babce..34d6956 100644
--- a/client/coproc_sched.cpp
+++ b/client/coproc_sched.cpp
@@ -120,9 +120,8 @@ static inline void increment_pending_usage(
 // if the app is still running, it has enough RAM
 static inline bool current_assignment_ok(
-    RESULT* rp, double usage, COPROC* cp, bool& defer_sched
+    RESULT* rp, double usage, COPROC* cp
 ) {
-    defer_sched = false;
     double x = (usage<1)?usage:1;
     for (int i=0; i<usage; i++) {
         int j = rp->coproc_indices[i];
@@ -153,17 +152,11 @@ static inline void confirm_current_assignment(
                 cp->type, j, x, rp->name
-        cp->available_ram_temp[j] -= rp->avp->gpu_ram;
-static inline bool get_fractional_assignment(
-    RESULT* rp, double usage, COPROC* cp, bool& defer_sched
-) {
+static inline bool get_fractional_assignment(RESULT* rp, double usage, COPROC* cp) {
     int i;
-    defer_sched = false;
     // try to assign an instance that's already fractionally assigned
@@ -174,13 +167,6 @@ static inline bool get_fractional_assignment(
         if ((cp->usage[i] || cp->pending_usage[i])
             && (cp->usage[i] + cp->pending_usage[i] + usage <= 1)
         ) {
-            if (rp->avp->gpu_ram > cp->available_ram_temp[i]) {
-                defer_sched = true;
-                continue;
-            }
-            cp->available_ram_temp[i] -= rp->avp->gpu_ram;
             rp->coproc_indices[0] = i;
             cp->usage[i] += usage;
             if (log_flags.coproc_debug) {
@@ -200,13 +186,6 @@ static inline bool get_fractional_assignment(
         if (!cp->usage[i]) {
-            if (rp->avp->gpu_ram > cp->available_ram_temp[i]) {
-                defer_sched = true;
-                continue;
-            }
-            cp->available_ram_temp[i] -= rp->avp->gpu_ram;
             rp->coproc_indices[0] = i;
             cp->usage[i] += usage;
             if (log_flags.coproc_debug) {
@@ -229,10 +208,9 @@ static inline bool get_fractional_assignment(
 static inline bool get_integer_assignment(
-    RESULT* rp, double usage, COPROC* cp, bool& defer_sched
+    RESULT* rp, double usage, COPROC* cp
 ) {
     int i;
-    defer_sched = false;
     // make sure we have enough free instances
@@ -242,18 +220,6 @@ static inline bool get_integer_assignment(
         if (!cp->usage[i]) {
-            if (rp->avp->gpu_ram > cp->available_ram_temp[i]) {
-                defer_sched = true;
-                if (log_flags.coproc_debug) {
-                    msg_printf(rp->project, MSG_INFO,
-                        "[coproc]  task %s needs %.0fMB RAM, %s GPU %d has %.0fMB available",
-                        rp->name, rp->avp->gpu_ram/MEGA, cp->type, i, cp->available_ram_temp[i]/MEGA
-                    );
-                }
-                continue;
-            };
@@ -263,11 +229,6 @@ static inline bool get_integer_assignment(
                 "[coproc] Insufficient %s for %s; need %d, available %d",
                 cp->type, rp->name, (int)usage, nfree
-            if (defer_sched) {
-                msg_printf(rp->project, MSG_INFO,
-                    "[coproc] some instances lack available memory"
-                );
-            }
         return false;
@@ -280,16 +241,8 @@ static inline bool get_integer_assignment(
         if (!can_use_gpu(rp, cp, i)) {
-        if (!cp->usage[i]
-            && !cp->pending_usage[i]
-            && (rp->avp->gpu_ram <= cp->available_ram_temp[i])
-        ) {
+        if (!cp->usage[i] && !cp->pending_usage[i]) {
             cp->usage[i] = 1;
-            cp->available_ram_temp[i] -= rp->avp->gpu_ram;
             rp->coproc_indices[n++] = i;
             if (log_flags.coproc_debug) {
                 msg_printf(rp->project, MSG_INFO,
@@ -307,15 +260,8 @@ static inline bool get_integer_assignment(
         if (!can_use_gpu(rp, cp, i)) {
-        if (!cp->usage[i]
-            && (rp->avp->gpu_ram <= cp->available_ram_temp[i])
-        ) {
+        if (!cp->usage[i]) {
             cp->usage[i] = 1;
-            cp->available_ram_temp[i] -= rp->avp->gpu_ram;
             rp->coproc_indices[n++] = i;
             if (log_flags.coproc_debug) {
                 msg_printf(rp->project, MSG_INFO,
@@ -335,43 +281,12 @@ static inline bool get_integer_assignment(
     return false;
-static inline void mark_as_defer_sched(RESULT* rp) {
-    int i = rp->avp->gpu_usage.rsc_type;
-    if (i) {
-        rp->project->rsc_defer_sched[i] = true;
-    }
-    rp->schedule_backoff = gstate.now + 300; // try again in 5 minutes
-    gstate.request_schedule_cpus("insufficient GPU RAM");
-static void copy_available_ram(COPROC& cp, const char* name) {
-    int rt = rsc_index(name);
-    if (rt > 0) {
-        for (int i=0; i<MAX_COPROC_INSTANCES; i++) {
-            coprocs.coprocs[rt].available_ram_temp[i] = cp.available_ram;
-        }
-    }
 void assign_coprocs(vector<RESULT*>& jobs) {
     unsigned int i;
     COPROC* cp;
     double usage;
-    if (coprocs.have_nvidia()) {
-        copy_available_ram(coprocs.nvidia, GPU_TYPE_NVIDIA);
-    }
-    if (coprocs.have_ati()) {
-        copy_available_ram(coprocs.ati, GPU_TYPE_ATI);
-    }
-    if (coprocs.have_intel()) {
-        copy_available_ram(coprocs.intel_gpu, GPU_TYPE_INTEL);
-    }
     // fill in pending usage
@@ -407,34 +322,24 @@ void assign_coprocs(vector<RESULT*>& jobs) {
         ACTIVE_TASK* atp = gstate.lookup_active_task_by_result(rp);
-        bool defer_sched;
         if (atp && atp->is_gpu_task_running()) {
-            if (current_assignment_ok(rp, usage, cp, defer_sched)) {
+            if (current_assignment_ok(rp, usage, cp)) {
                 confirm_current_assignment(rp, usage, cp);
             } else {
-                if (defer_sched) {
-                    mark_as_defer_sched(rp);
-                }
                 job_iter = jobs.erase(job_iter);
         } else {
             if (usage < 1) {
-                if (get_fractional_assignment(rp, usage, cp, defer_sched)) {
+                if (get_fractional_assignment(rp, usage, cp)) {
                 } else {
-                    if (defer_sched) {
-                        mark_as_defer_sched(rp);
-                    }
                     job_iter = jobs.erase(job_iter);
             } else {
-                if (get_integer_assignment(rp, usage, cp, defer_sched)) {
+                if (get_integer_assignment(rp, usage, cp)) {
                 } else {
-                    if (defer_sched) {
-                        mark_as_defer_sched(rp);
-                    }
                     job_iter = jobs.erase(job_iter);
diff --git a/client/cpu_sched.cpp b/client/cpu_sched.cpp
index b54a515..b8e40b7 100644
--- a/client/cpu_sched.cpp
+++ b/client/cpu_sched.cpp
@@ -151,14 +151,17 @@ struct PROC_RESOURCES {
         if (rp->schedule_backoff > gstate.now) return false;
-        if (rp->uses_coprocs()) {
+        if (rp->uses_gpu()) {
             if (gpu_suspend_reason) return false;
+        }
+        if (rp->uses_coprocs()) {
             if (sufficient_coprocs(*rp)) {
                 return true;
             } else {
                 return false;
         } else if (rp->avp->avg_ncpus > 1) {
+            if (ncpus_used_mt == 0) return true;
             return (ncpus_used_mt + rp->avp->avg_ncpus <= ncpus);
         } else {
             return (ncpus_used_st < ncpus);
@@ -525,13 +528,6 @@ static RESULT* earliest_deadline_result(int rsc_type) {
     if (!best_result) return NULL;
-    if (log_flags.cpu_sched_debug) {
-        msg_printf(best_result->project, MSG_INFO,
-            "[cpu_sched_debug] earliest deadline: %.0f %s",
-            best_result->report_deadline, best_result->name
-        );
-    }
     return best_result;
@@ -1051,7 +1047,7 @@ void CLIENT_STATE::append_unfinished_time_slice(vector<RESULT*> &run_list) {
         ACTIVE_TASK* atp = active_tasks.active_tasks[i];
         atp->overdue_checkpoint = false;
         if (!atp->result->runnable()) continue;
-        if (atp->result->uses_coprocs() && gpu_suspend_reason) continue;
+        if (atp->result->uses_gpu() && gpu_suspend_reason) continue;
         if (atp->result->non_cpu_intensive()) continue;
         if (atp->scheduler_state != CPU_SCHED_SCHEDULED) continue;
         if (finished_time_slice(atp)) continue;
@@ -1147,12 +1143,6 @@ bool CLIENT_STATE::enforce_run_list(vector<RESULT*>& run_list) {
-    for (i=0; i<projects.size(); i++) {
-        for (int j=1; j<coprocs.n_rsc; j++) {
-            projects[i]->rsc_defer_sched[j] = false;
-        }
-    }
     // schedule non-CPU-intensive tasks,
     // and look for backed-off GPU jobs
@@ -1174,17 +1164,6 @@ bool CLIENT_STATE::enforce_run_list(vector<RESULT*>& run_list) {
             //ram_left -= atp->procinfo.working_set_size_smoothed;
             swap_left -= atp->procinfo.swap_size;
-        if (rp->schedule_backoff) {
-            if (rp->schedule_backoff > gstate.now) {
-                int r = rp->avp->gpu_usage.rsc_type;
-                if (r) {
-                    rp->project->rsc_defer_sched[r] = true;
-                }
-            } else {
-                rp->schedule_backoff = 0;
-                request_schedule_cpus("schedule backoff finished");
-            }
-        }
     // assign coprocessors to coproc jobs,
@@ -1213,7 +1192,7 @@ bool CLIENT_STATE::enforce_run_list(vector<RESULT*>& run_list) {
         // if we're already using all the CPUs,
         // don't allow additional CPU jobs;
-        // allow GPU jobs if the resulting CPU load is at most ncpus+1
+        // allow coproc jobs if the resulting CPU load is at most ncpus+1
         if (ncpus_used >= ncpus) {
             if (rp->uses_coprocs()) {
@@ -1240,7 +1219,7 @@ bool CLIENT_STATE::enforce_run_list(vector<RESULT*>& run_list) {
 #if 0
         // Don't overcommit CPUs by > 1 if a MT job is scheduled.
-        // Skip this check for GPU jobs.
+        // Skip this check for coproc jobs.
         if (!rp->uses_coprocs()
             && (scheduled_mt || (rp->avp->avg_ncpus > 1))
@@ -1278,7 +1257,9 @@ bool CLIENT_STATE::enforce_run_list(vector<RESULT*>& run_list) {
         if (log_flags.cpu_sched_debug) {
             msg_printf(rp->project, MSG_INFO,
-                "[cpu_sched_debug] scheduling %s", rp->name
+                "[cpu_sched_debug] scheduling %s%s",
+                rp->name,
+                rp->edf_scheduled?" (high priority)":""
@@ -1323,6 +1304,7 @@ bool CLIENT_STATE::enforce_run_list(vector<RESULT*>& run_list) {
     bool coproc_quit_pending = false;
     for (i=0; i<active_tasks.active_tasks.size(); i++) {
         atp = active_tasks.active_tasks[i];
+#if 0
         if (log_flags.cpu_sched_debug) {
             msg_printf(atp->result->project, MSG_INFO,
                 "[cpu_sched_debug] %s sched state %d next %d task state %d",
@@ -1330,6 +1312,7 @@ bool CLIENT_STATE::enforce_run_list(vector<RESULT*>& run_list) {
                 atp->next_scheduler_state, atp->task_state()
         int preempt_type = REMOVE_MAYBE_SCHED;
         switch (atp->next_scheduler_state) {
         case CPU_SCHED_PREEMPTED:
@@ -1358,7 +1341,7 @@ bool CLIENT_STATE::enforce_run_list(vector<RESULT*>& run_list) {
                 // remove from memory GPU jobs that were suspended by CPU throttling
                 // and are now unscheduled.
-                if (atp->result->uses_coprocs()) {
+                if (atp->result->uses_gpu()) {
                     request_schedule_cpus("removed suspended GPU task");
diff --git a/client/cs_notice.cpp b/client/cs_notice.cpp
index 416d01c..f24f44f 100644
--- a/client/cs_notice.cpp
+++ b/client/cs_notice.cpp
@@ -286,8 +286,12 @@ static inline bool string_equal_nodigits(string& s1, string& s2) {
 static inline bool same_text(NOTICE& n1, NOTICE& n2) {
-    if (strcmp(n1.title, n2.title)) return false;
-    if (!string_equal_nodigits(n1.description, n2.description)) return false;
+    if (strcmp(n1.title, n2.title)) {
+        return false;
+    }
+    if (!string_equal_nodigits(n1.description, n2.description)) {
+        return false;
+    }
     return true;
@@ -340,11 +344,24 @@ bool NOTICES::remove_dups(NOTICE& n) {
     double min_time = gstate.now - 30*86400;
     while (i != notices.end()) {
         NOTICE& n2 = *i;
+        if (log_flags.notice_debug) {
+            msg_printf(0, MSG_INFO,
+                "[notice] scanning old notice %d: %s",
+                n2.seqno, strlen(n2.title)?n2.title:n2.description.c_str()
+            );
+        }
         if (n2.arrival_time < min_time
             || (n2.create_time && n2.create_time < min_time)
         ) {
             i = notices.erase(i);
             removed_something = true;
+            if (log_flags.notice_debug) {
+                msg_printf(0, MSG_INFO,
+                    "[notice] removing old notice %d: %s",
+                    n2.seqno, strlen(n2.title)?n2.title:n2.description.c_str()
+                );
+            }
 #if 0
         // this check prevents news item edits from showing; skip it
         } else if (same_guid(n, n2)) {
@@ -363,10 +380,20 @@ bool NOTICES::remove_dups(NOTICE& n) {
             if (n.create_time > n2.create_time + min_diff) {
                 i = notices.erase(i);
                 removed_something = true;
+                if (log_flags.notice_debug) {
+                    msg_printf(0, MSG_INFO,
+                        "[notice] replacing identical older notice %d", n2.seqno
+                    );
+                }
             } else {
                 n2.keep = true;
                 retval = false;
+                if (log_flags.notice_debug) {
+                    msg_printf(0, MSG_INFO,
+                        "[notice] keeping identical older notice %d", n2.seqno
+                    );
+                }
         } else {
@@ -383,6 +410,12 @@ bool NOTICES::remove_dups(NOTICE& n) {
 // add a notice.
 bool NOTICES::append(NOTICE& n) {
+    if (log_flags.notice_debug) {
+        msg_printf(0, MSG_INFO,
+            "[notice] processing notice: %s",
+            strlen(n.title)?n.title:n.description.c_str()
+        );
+    }
     if (!remove_dups(n)) {
         return false;
@@ -393,8 +426,7 @@ bool NOTICES::append(NOTICE& n) {
     if (log_flags.notice_debug) {
         msg_printf(0, MSG_INFO,
-            "[notice] appending notice %d: %s",
-            n.seqno, strlen(n.title)?n.title:n.description.c_str()
+            "[notice] adding notice %d", n.seqno
@@ -512,6 +544,9 @@ void NOTICES::remove_notices(PROJECT* p, int which) {
         case REMOVE_APP_INFO_MSG:
             remove = (strstr(n.description.c_str(), "app_info.xml") != NULL);
+        case REMOVE_APP_CONFIG_MSG:
+            remove = (strstr(n.description.c_str(), "app_config.xml") != NULL);
+            break;
         if (remove) {
             i = notices.erase(i);
diff --git a/client/cs_notice.h b/client/cs_notice.h
index 1ba59e8..8d6384f 100644
--- a/client/cs_notice.h
+++ b/client/cs_notice.h
@@ -94,6 +94,8 @@ struct NOTICES {
     // notices about cc_config.xml
 #define REMOVE_APP_INFO_MSG     4
     // notices about project/app_info.xml
+    // notices about project/app_config.xml
 extern NOTICES notices;
diff --git a/client/cs_platforms.cpp b/client/cs_platforms.cpp
index bd257b5..91bad0b 100644
--- a/client/cs_platforms.cpp
+++ b/client/cs_platforms.cpp
@@ -98,24 +98,11 @@ void CLIENT_STATE::detect_platforms() {
 #elif defined(__APPLE__)
-#if defined(__i386__) || defined(__x86_64__)
-    int response = 0;
-    int retval = 0;
-    size_t len = sizeof(response);
-    retval = sysctlbyname("hw.optional.x86_64", &response, &len, NULL, 0);
-    if (!retval) {
-        add_platform("x86_64-apple-darwin");
-    }
-    // Supported on both Mac Intel architectures
+#ifdef __x86_64__
+    add_platform("x86_64-apple-darwin");
-    // We no longer request PowerPC applications on Intel Macs
-    // because all projects supporting Macs should have Intel
-    // applications by now, and PowerPC emulation ("Rosetta")
-    // is not always supported in newer versions of OS X.
-    add_platform("powerpc-apple-darwin");
+#error Mac client now requires a 64-bit system
 #elif defined(__linux__) && ( defined(__i386__) || defined(__x86_64__) )
diff --git a/client/cs_prefs.cpp b/client/cs_prefs.cpp
index df7e1d4..2b83a49 100644
--- a/client/cs_prefs.cpp
+++ b/client/cs_prefs.cpp
@@ -463,8 +463,9 @@ void CLIENT_STATE::check_suspend_network() {
 #ifndef ANDROID
-// allow network transfers while user active, i.e. screen on.
-// otherwise nothing (visible to the user) happens after intial attach
+    // allow network transfers while user active, i.e. screen on.
+    // otherwise nothing (visible to the user) happens after initial attach
+    //
     if (!global_prefs.run_if_user_active && user_active) {
         file_xfers_suspended = true;
         if (!recent_rpc) network_suspended = true;
diff --git a/client/cs_scheduler.cpp b/client/cs_scheduler.cpp
index 9fbdf57..fb44134 100644
--- a/client/cs_scheduler.cpp
+++ b/client/cs_scheduler.cpp
@@ -811,6 +811,9 @@ int CLIENT_STATE::handle_scheduler_reply(
         } else {
             fip = new FILE_INFO;
             *fip = sr.file_infos[i];
+            if (fip->sticky_lifetime) {
+                fip->sticky_expire_time = now + fip->sticky_lifetime;
+            }
             retval = link_file_info(project, fip);
             if (retval) {
                 msg_printf(project, MSG_INTERNAL_ERROR,
@@ -916,10 +919,17 @@ int CLIENT_STATE::handle_scheduler_reply(
         est_rsc_runtime[j] = 0;
     for (i=0; i<sr.results.size(); i++) {
-        if (lookup_result(project, sr.results[i].name)) {
-            msg_printf(project, MSG_INTERNAL_ERROR,
-                "Already have task %s\n", sr.results[i].name
-            );
+        RESULT* rp2 = lookup_result(project, sr.results[i].name);
+        if (rp2) {
+            // see if project wants to change the job's deadline
+            //
+            if (sr.results[i].report_deadline != rp2->report_deadline) {
+                rp2->report_deadline = sr.results[i].report_deadline;
+            } else {
+                msg_printf(project, MSG_INTERNAL_ERROR,
+                    "Already have task %s\n", sr.results[i].name
+                );
+            }
         RESULT* rp = new RESULT;
diff --git a/client/cs_statefile.cpp b/client/cs_statefile.cpp
index 34e3737..10c4c74 100644
--- a/client/cs_statefile.cpp
+++ b/client/cs_statefile.cpp
@@ -116,7 +116,6 @@ int CLIENT_STATE::parse_state_file() {
 int CLIENT_STATE::parse_state_file_aux(const char* fname) {
     PROJECT *project=NULL;
     int retval=0;
-    int failnum;
     string stemp;
     FILE* f = fopen(fname, "r");
@@ -224,6 +223,7 @@ int CLIENT_STATE::parse_state_file_aux(const char* fname) {
             // If the file had a failure before,
             // don't start another file transfer
+            int failnum;
             if (fip->had_failure(failnum)) {
                 if (fip->pers_file_xfer) {
                     delete fip->pers_file_xfer;
@@ -402,6 +402,7 @@ int CLIENT_STATE::parse_state_file_aux(const char* fname) {
 #ifdef SIM
             retval = host_info.parse(xp, false);
             coprocs = host_info.coprocs;
+            coprocs.bound_counts();
             retval = host_info.parse(xp, true);
@@ -899,6 +900,13 @@ int CLIENT_STATE::parse_app_info(PROJECT* p, FILE* in) {
                 delete avp;
+            if (cc_config.dont_use_vbox && strstr(avp->plan_class, "vbox")) {
+                msg_printf(p, MSG_INFO,
+                    "skipping vbox app in app_info.xml; vbox disabled in cc_config.xml"
+                );
+                delete avp;
+                continue;
+            }
             if (strlen(avp->platform) == 0) {
                 safe_strcpy(avp->platform, get_primary_platform());
diff --git a/client/gpu_detect.cpp b/client/gpu_detect.cpp
index f17380f..0d6cb28 100644
--- a/client/gpu_detect.cpp
+++ b/client/gpu_detect.cpp
@@ -200,6 +200,17 @@ void COPROCS::correlate_gpus(
                 "CUDA: NVIDIA GPU %d (not used): %s",
                 nvidia_gpus[i].device_num, buf
+#ifdef __APPLE__
+            if ((nvidia_gpus[i].cuda_version >= 6050) &&
+                            nvidia_gpus[i].prop.major < 2) {
+                // This will be called only if CUDA recognized and reported the GPU
+                msg_printf(NULL, MSG_USER_ALERT, "NVIDIA GPU %d: %s %s",
+                    nvidia_gpus[i].device_num, nvidia_gpus[i].prop.name,
+                    _("cannot be used for CUDA or OpenCL computation with CUDA driver 6.5 or later")
+                );
+            }
@@ -235,6 +246,13 @@ void COPROCS::correlate_gpus(
     // Create descriptions for OpenCL NVIDIA GPUs
     for (i=0; i<nvidia_opencls.size(); i++) {
+        if (nvidia_opencls[i].warn_bad_cuda) {
+            // This will be called only if CUDA did _not_ recognize and report the GPU
+            msg_printf(NULL, MSG_USER_ALERT, "NVIDIA GPU %d: %s %s",
+                nvidia_opencls[i].device_num, nvidia_opencls[i].name,
+                _("cannot be used for CUDA or OpenCL computation with CUDA driver 6.5 or later")
+            );
+        }
         nvidia_opencls[i].description(buf, sizeof(buf), proc_type_name(PROC_TYPE_NVIDIA_GPU));
@@ -286,9 +304,11 @@ void COPROCS::correlate_gpus(
-// This is called from CLIENT_STATE::init() after adding NVIDIA, ATI and Intel GPUs
+// This is called from CLIENT_STATE::init()
+// after adding NVIDIA, ATI and Intel GPUs
 // If we don't care about the order of GPUs in COPROCS::coprocs[], 
 // this code could be included at the end of COPROCS::correlate_gpus().
 int COPROCS::add_other_coproc_types() {
     int retval = 0;
@@ -300,8 +320,10 @@ int COPROCS::add_other_coproc_types() {
         COPROC c;
-        // For other device types other than NVIDIA, ATI or Intel GPU coprocessor.
-        // we put each instance into a separate other_opencls element, so count=1.
+        // For device types other than NVIDIA, ATI or Intel GPU.
+        // we put each instance into a separate other_opencls element,
+        // so count=1.
+        //
         c.count = 1;
         c.opencl_device_count = 1;
         c.opencl_prop = other_opencls[i];
@@ -349,6 +371,11 @@ int COPROCS::write_coproc_info_file(vector<string> &warnings) {
     mf.printf("    <coprocs>\n");
+    if (nvidia.have_cuda) {
+        mf.printf("    <have_cuda>1</have_cuda>\n");
+        mf.printf("    <cuda_version>%d</cuda_version>\n", nvidia.cuda_version);
+    }
     for (i=0; i<ati_gpus.size(); ++i) {
        ati_gpus[i].write_xml(mf, false);
@@ -425,6 +452,11 @@ int COPROCS::read_coproc_info_file(vector<string> &warnings) {
             return 0;
+        if (xp.parse_bool("have_cuda", nvidia.have_cuda)) continue;
+        if (xp.parse_int("cuda_version", nvidia.cuda_version)) {
+             continue;
+        }
         if (xp.match_tag("coproc_ati")) {
             retval = my_ati_gpu.parse(xp);
             if (retval) {
@@ -630,3 +662,24 @@ int COPROCS::launch_child_process_to_detect_gpus() {
     return 0;
+// print descriptions of coprocs specified in cc_config.xml,
+// and make sure counts are <= 64
+void COPROCS::bound_counts() {
+    for (int j=1; j<n_rsc; j++) {
+        msg_printf(NULL, MSG_INFO, "Coprocessor specified in cc_config.xml: type %s count %d",
+            coprocs[j].type,
+            coprocs[j].count
+        );
+        if (coprocs[j].count > MAX_COPROC_INSTANCES) {
+            msg_printf(NULL, MSG_USER_ALERT,
+                "%d instances of %s specified in cc_config.xml; max is %d",
+                coprocs[j].count,
+                coprocs[j].type,
+                MAX_COPROC_INSTANCES
+            );
+            coprocs[j].count = MAX_COPROC_INSTANCES;
+        }
+    }
diff --git a/client/gpu_nvidia.cpp b/client/gpu_nvidia.cpp
index 9f20296..cff103b 100644
--- a/client/gpu_nvidia.cpp
+++ b/client/gpu_nvidia.cpp
@@ -351,6 +351,8 @@ void COPROC_NVIDIA::get(
+    have_cuda = true;
     retval = (*__cuDeviceGetCount)(&cuda_ndevs);
     if (retval) {
         sprintf(buf, "cuDeviceGetCount() returned %d", retval);
@@ -414,7 +416,6 @@ void COPROC_NVIDIA::get(
         cc.display_driver_version = nvidia_driver_version();
-        have_cuda = true;
         cc.have_cuda = true;
         cc.cuda_version = cuda_version;
         cc.device_num = j;
@@ -441,6 +442,13 @@ void COPROC_NVIDIA::correlate(
     bool first = true;
     for (i=0; i<nvidia_gpus.size(); i++) {
         if (in_vector(nvidia_gpus[i].device_num, ignore_devs)) continue;
+#ifdef __APPLE__
+        if ((nvidia_gpus[i].cuda_version >= 6050) && nvidia_gpus[i].prop.major < 2) {
+            // Can't use GPUs with compute capability < 2 with CUDA drivers >= 6.5.x
+            nvidia_gpus[i].is_used = COPROC_UNUSED;
+            continue;
+        }
         if (first) {
             *this = nvidia_gpus[i];
             first = false;
@@ -460,6 +468,11 @@ void COPROC_NVIDIA::correlate(
             nvidia_gpus[i].is_used = COPROC_UNUSED;
         } else if (this->have_cuda && !nvidia_gpus[i].have_cuda) {
             nvidia_gpus[i].is_used = COPROC_UNUSED;
+#ifdef __APPLE__
+        } else if (nvidia_gpus[i].is_used == COPROC_UNUSED) {
+            // Can't use GPUs with compute capability < 2 with CUDA drivers >= 6.5.x
+            continue;
         } else if (use_all || !nvidia_compare(nvidia_gpus[i], *this, true)) {
             device_nums[count] = nvidia_gpus[i].device_num;
             pci_infos[count] = nvidia_gpus[i].pci_info;
diff --git a/client/gpu_opencl.cpp b/client/gpu_opencl.cpp
index 2ba3a14..9eddf7b 100644
--- a/client/gpu_opencl.cpp
+++ b/client/gpu_opencl.cpp
@@ -385,6 +385,7 @@ void COPROCS::get_opencl(
             //////////// NVIDIA //////////////
             if (is_NVIDIA(prop.vendor)) {
+                bool cuda_match_found = false;
                 if (nvidia.have_cuda) {
                     // Mac OpenCL does not recognize all NVIDIA GPUs returned by
                     // CUDA but we assume that OpenCL and CUDA return devices 
@@ -394,6 +395,8 @@ void COPROCS::get_opencl(
                     // On other systems, assume OpenCL and CUDA return devices 
                     // in the same order.
+                    int saved_CUDA_index = current_CUDA_index;
                     while (1) {
                         if (current_CUDA_index >= (int)(nvidia_gpus.size())) {
                             snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf),
@@ -401,11 +404,22 @@ void COPROCS::get_opencl(
-                            return; // Should never happen
+                            // Newer versions of CUDA driver don't support older NVIDIA GPUs
+                            if (nvidia.cuda_version >= 6050) {
+                                prop.device_num = (int)(nvidia_opencls.size());
+                                current_CUDA_index = saved_CUDA_index;
+                                prop.warn_bad_cuda = true;
+                                break;
+                            } else {
+                                // Older CUDA drivers should report all NVIDIA GPUs reported by OpenCL
+                                return; // Should never happen
+                            }
                         if (!strcmp(prop.name,
                             ) {
+                            cuda_match_found = true;
+                            prop.device_num = devnums_pci_slot_sort[current_CUDA_index];
                             break;  // We have a match
                         // This CUDA GPU is not recognized by OpenCL,
@@ -413,13 +427,12 @@ void COPROCS::get_opencl(
-                    prop.device_num = devnums_pci_slot_sort[current_CUDA_index];
                 } else {
                     prop.device_num = (int)(nvidia_opencls.size());
                 prop.opencl_device_index = device_index;
-                if (nvidia.have_cuda) {
+                if (cuda_match_found) {
                     prop.peak_flops = nvidia_gpus[prop.device_num].peak_flops;
                 } else {
                     COPROC_NVIDIA c;
@@ -427,7 +440,7 @@ void COPROCS::get_opencl(
                     prop.peak_flops = c.peak_flops;
-                if (nvidia_gpus.size()) {
+                if (cuda_match_found) {
                     // Assumes OpenCL device_num and CUDA device_num now match
                     prop.opencl_available_ram = nvidia_gpus[prop.device_num].available_ram;
@@ -441,7 +454,7 @@ void COPROCS::get_opencl(
                 nvidia_opencls.insert(it, prop);
-                ++current_CUDA_index;
+                if (cuda_match_found) ++current_CUDA_index;
             //////////// AMD / ATI //////////////
@@ -853,6 +866,8 @@ void COPROC::merge_opencl(
     unsigned int i, j;
     for (i=0; i<opencls.size(); i++) {
+        opencls[i].is_used = COPROC_UNUSED;
         if (in_vector(opencls[i].device_num, ignore_dev)) {
             opencls[i].is_used = COPROC_IGNORED;
diff --git a/client/hostinfo_unix.cpp b/client/hostinfo_unix.cpp
index 8a6730e..bbac65c 100644
--- a/client/hostinfo_unix.cpp
+++ b/client/hostinfo_unix.cpp
@@ -1260,9 +1260,6 @@ int HOST_INFO::get_cpu_info() {
 #elif defined( __APPLE__)
-    int mib[2];
-    size_t len;
 #elif defined(__EMX__)
     CPU_INFO_t    cpuInfo;
@@ -1366,6 +1363,9 @@ int HOST_INFO::get_cpu_count() {
     p_ncpus = sysconf(_SC_NPROCESSORS_ONLN);
 #elif defined(HAVE_SYS_SYSCTL_H) && defined(CTL_HW) && defined(HW_NCPU)
     // Get number of CPUs
+    int mib[2];
+    size_t len;
     mib[0] = CTL_HW;
     mib[1] = HW_NCPU;
     len = sizeof(p_ncpus);
@@ -1576,7 +1576,10 @@ int HOST_INFO::get_host_info(bool init) {
     // a run of the client
-    get_virtualbox_version();
+    if (!cc_config.dont_use_vbox) {
+        get_virtualbox_version();
+    }
diff --git a/client/hostinfo_win.cpp b/client/hostinfo_win.cpp
index c04bffe..84b8332 100644
--- a/client/hostinfo_win.cpp
+++ b/client/hostinfo_win.cpp
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@
 #define snprintf _snprintf
+#ifndef __CYGWIN__
 #include <intrin.h>
@@ -140,94 +140,17 @@
 #define PRODUCT_CLOUD_STORAGE_SERVER                0x0000006E
-/* HAVE_DECL__XGETBV should be set by autoconf or in boinc_win.h */
-#define _xgetbv(x) xgetbv(x)
-#define _xgetbv(x) __xgetbv(x)
-static unsigned long long _xgetbv(unsigned int index){
-      unsigned int A=0, D=0;
-#ifdef __GNUC__
-      __asm__ __volatile__("xgetbv" : "=a"(A), "=d"(D) : "c"(index));
-  #else
-      __asm__ __volatile__(".byte 0x0f, 0x01, 0xd0": "=a"(A), "=d"(D) : "c"(index));
-  #endif
-#elif defined(_MSC_VER)
-  #ifdef _M_IX86
-      __asm {
-                       mov ecx,index
-                       __emit 00fh
-                       __emit 001h
-                       __emit 0d0h
-                       mov D,edx
-                       mov A,eax
-       }
-  #elif defined(_M_AMD64)
-      // damn Microsoft for not having inline assembler in 64-bit code
-      // so this is in an NASM compiled library
-      return asm_xgetbv(index);
-  #endif
-      return ((unsigned long long)D << 32) | A;
-/* HAVE_DECL___CPUID should be set by autoconf or in boinc_win.h */
-#if !defined(HAVE_DECL___CPUID) || !HAVE_DECL___CPUID
-#define __cpuid(x,y) cpuid(x,y)
-#define __cpuid(x,y) _cpuid(x,y)
-static void __cpuid(unsigned int cpuinfo[4], unsigned int type)  {
-#ifdef __GNUC__
-      __asm__ __volatile__("cpuid" 
-                            : "=a" (cpuinfo[0]), "=b" (cpuinfo[1]), 
-                              "=c" (cpuinfo[2]), "=d" (cpuinfo[3]) 
-                            : "a" (type));
-  #else
-      __asm__ __volatile__(".byte 0x0f, 0xa2" 
-                            : "=a" (cpuinfo[0]), "=b" (cpuinfo[1]), 
-                              "=c" (cpuinfo[2]), "=d" (cpuinfo[3]) 
-                            : "a" (type));
-  #endif
-#elif defined(_MSC_VER)
-  #ifdef _M_IX86
-      __asm {
-                       mov eax,type
-                       __emit 00fh
-                       __emit 0a2h
-                       mov cpuinfo[0],eax
-                       mov cpuinfo[1],ebx
-                       mov cpuinfo[2],ecx
-                       mov cpuinfo[3],edx
-       }
-  #elif defined(_M_AMD64)
-      // damn Microsoft for not having inline assembler in 64-bit code
-      // so this is in an NASM compiled library
-      asm_cpuid(cpuinfo,type);
-  #endif
 // Returns the number of seconds difference from UTC
-int get_timezone(int& tz) {
+int get_timezone(int& timezone) {
     memset(&tzi, 0, sizeof(TIME_ZONE_INFORMATION));
     DWORD result = GetTimeZoneInformation(&tzi);
     if (result == TIME_ZONE_ID_DAYLIGHT) {
-        tz = -(tzi.Bias + tzi.DaylightBias) * 60;
+        timezone = -(tzi.Bias + tzi.DaylightBias) * 60;
     } else {
-        tz = -(tzi.Bias + tzi.StandardBias) * 60;
+        timezone = -(tzi.Bias + tzi.StandardBias) * 60;
     return 0;
@@ -734,12 +657,13 @@ int get_os_information(
 int get_cpuid(unsigned int info_type, unsigned int& a, unsigned int& b, unsigned int& c, unsigned int& d) {
+#ifdef _MSC_VER
+    // Microsoft compiler - use intrinsic
     int retval = 1;
     int CPUInfo[4] = {0,0,0,0};
-#ifdef _MSC_VER
     __try {
         __cpuid(CPUInfo, info_type);
         a = CPUInfo[0];
@@ -748,11 +672,19 @@ int get_cpuid(unsigned int info_type, unsigned int& a, unsigned int& b, unsigned
         d = CPUInfo[3];
         retval = 0;
-#ifdef _MSC_VER
     return retval;
+#elif defined(__GNUC__)
+    // GCC compiler
+    __asm__ __volatile__ ("cpuid": "=a" (a), "=b" (b), "=c" (c), "=d" (d) : "a" (info_type));
+    return 0;
+    return 1;
@@ -862,9 +794,7 @@ int get_processor_cache(int& cache) {
     return 0;
 // Returns true if the AVX instruction set is supported with the current
 // combination of OS and CPU.
 // see: http://insufficientlycomplicated.wordpress.com/2011/11/07/detecting-intel-advanced-vector-extensions-avx-in-visual-studio/
@@ -873,7 +803,9 @@ bool is_avx_supported() {
     bool supported = false;
-    // Checking for AVX on Windows requires 3 things:
+    // If Visual Studio 2010 SP1 or later
+#if (_MSC_FULL_VER >= 160040219)
+    // Checking for AVX requires 3 things:
     // 1) CPUID indicates that the OS uses XSAVE and XRSTORE
     //     instructions (allowing saving YMM registers on context
     //     switch)
@@ -883,11 +815,11 @@ bool is_avx_supported() {
     // Note that XGETBV is only available on 686 or later CPUs, so
     // the instruction needs to be conditionally run.
-    unsigned int a,b,c,d;
-    get_cpuid(1, a, b, c, d);
+    int cpuInfo[4];
+    __cpuid(cpuInfo, 1);
-    bool osUsesXSAVE_XRSTORE = c & (1 << 27) || false;
-    bool cpuAVXSuport = c & (1 << 28) || false;
+    bool osUsesXSAVE_XRSTORE = cpuInfo[2] & (1 << 27) || false;
+    bool cpuAVXSuport = cpuInfo[2] & (1 << 28) || false;
     if (osUsesXSAVE_XRSTORE && cpuAVXSuport)
@@ -895,6 +827,7 @@ bool is_avx_supported() {
         unsigned long long xcrFeatureMask = _xgetbv(_XCR_XFEATURE_ENABLED_MASK);
         supported = (xcrFeatureMask & 0x6) || false;
     return supported;
@@ -1207,14 +1140,18 @@ int HOST_INFO::get_host_info(bool init) {
             "get_filesystem_info(): %s", boincerror(retval)
     if (!init) return 0;
     ::get_memory_info(m_nbytes, m_swap);
         os_name, sizeof(os_name), os_version, sizeof(os_version)
-    get_virtualbox_version();
+    if (!cc_config.dont_use_vbox) {
+        get_virtualbox_version();
+    }
         p_vendor, sizeof(p_vendor),
         p_model, sizeof(p_model),
diff --git a/client/log_flags.cpp b/client/log_flags.cpp
index 433c07d..a7d4774 100644
--- a/client/log_flags.cpp
+++ b/client/log_flags.cpp
@@ -159,6 +159,9 @@ void CC_CONFIG::show() {
     if (no_gpus) {
         msg_printf(NULL, MSG_INFO, "Config: don't use coprocessors");
+    if (dont_use_vbox) {
+        msg_printf(NULL, MSG_INFO, "Config: don't use VirtualBox");
+    }
     if (no_info_fetch) {
         msg_printf(NULL, MSG_INFO, "Config: don't fetch project list or client version info");
@@ -245,7 +248,6 @@ void CC_CONFIG::show() {
 // (It's separate so that we can write messages in it)
 int CC_CONFIG::parse_options_client(XML_PARSER& xp) {
-    char path[MAXPATHLEN];
     string s;
     int n, retval;
@@ -299,6 +301,7 @@ int CC_CONFIG::parse_options_client(XML_PARSER& xp) {
                 msg_printf_notice(NULL, false, NULL,
                     "Can't parse <coproc> element in cc_config.xml"
+                continue;
             retval = config_coprocs.add(c);
             if (retval) {
@@ -308,16 +311,11 @@ int CC_CONFIG::parse_options_client(XML_PARSER& xp) {
-        if (xp.parse_str("data_dir", path, sizeof(path))) {
-            if (chdir(path)) {
-                perror("chdir");
-                exit(1);
-            }
-            continue;
-        }
         if (xp.parse_bool("disallow_attach", disallow_attach)) continue;
         if (xp.parse_bool("dont_check_file_sizes", dont_check_file_sizes)) continue;
         if (xp.parse_bool("dont_contact_ref_site", dont_contact_ref_site)) continue;
+        if (xp.parse_bool("dont_suspend_nci", dont_suspend_nci)) continue;
+        if (xp.parse_bool("dont_use_vbox", dont_use_vbox)) continue;
         if (xp.match_tag("exclude_gpu")) {
             EXCLUDE_GPU eg;
             retval = eg.parse(xp);
@@ -521,19 +519,6 @@ int read_config_file(bool init, const char* fname) {
     if (init) {
         coprocs = cc_config.config_coprocs;
-        if (strlen(cc_config.data_dir)) {
-#ifdef _WIN32
-            _chdir(cc_config.data_dir);
-            if (chdir(cc_config.data_dir)) {
-                msg_printf(NULL, MSG_INFO,
-                    "Couldn't change to directory specified in cc_config.xml: %s",
-                    cc_config.data_dir
-                );
-                return ERR_OPENDIR;
-            }
-        }
     } else {
         select_proxy_info();        // in case added or removed proxy info
@@ -609,7 +594,9 @@ void process_gpu_exclusions() {
         APP* app = gstate.apps[i];
         for (int k=1; k<coprocs.n_rsc; k++) {
             COPROC& cp = coprocs.coprocs[k];
-            app->non_excluded_instances[k] = (1<<cp.count)-1;  // all 1's
+            for (int h=0; h<cp.count; h++) {
+                app->non_excluded_instances[k] |= ((COPROC_INSTANCE_BITMAP)1)<<h;
+            }
@@ -617,18 +604,23 @@ void process_gpu_exclusions() {
         p = gstate.projects[i];
         for (int k=1; k<coprocs.n_rsc; k++) {
             COPROC& cp = coprocs.coprocs[k];
-            int all_instances = (1<<cp.count)-1;  // bitmap of 1 for all inst
+            COPROC_INSTANCE_BITMAP all_instances = 0;
+            // bitmap of 1 for all instances
+            //
+            for (int h=0; h<cp.count; h++) {
+                all_instances |= ((COPROC_INSTANCE_BITMAP)1)<<h;
+            }
             for (j=0; j<cc_config.exclude_gpus.size(); j++) {
                 EXCLUDE_GPU& eg = cc_config.exclude_gpus[j];
                 if (!eg.type.empty() && (eg.type != cp.type)) continue;
                 if (strcmp(eg.url.c_str(), p->master_url)) continue;
-                int mask;
+                COPROC_INSTANCE_BITMAP mask;
                 if (eg.device_num >= 0) {
                     int index = cp.device_num_index(eg.device_num);
                     // exclusion may refer to nonexistent GPU
                     if (index < 0) continue;
-                    mask = 1<<index;
+                    mask = ((COPROC_INSTANCE_BITMAP)1)<<index;
                 } else {
                     mask = all_instances;
@@ -669,7 +661,7 @@ void process_gpu_exclusions() {
             p->rsc_pwf[k].ncoprocs_excluded = 0;
             for (int b=0; b<cp.count; b++) {
-                int mask = 1<<b;
                 for (a=0; a<gstate.apps.size(); a++) {
                     APP* app = gstate.apps[a];
                     if (app->project != p) continue;
@@ -723,3 +715,38 @@ bool gpu_excluded(APP* app, COPROC& cp, int ind) {
     return false;
+// if the configuration file disallows the use of a GPU type
+// for a project, set a flag to that effect
+void set_no_rsc_config() {
+    for (unsigned int i=0; i<gstate.projects.size(); i++) {
+        PROJECT& p = *gstate.projects[i];
+        for (int j=1; j<coprocs.n_rsc; j++) {
+            bool allowed[MAX_COPROC_INSTANCES];
+            memset(allowed, 0, sizeof(allowed));
+            COPROC& c = coprocs.coprocs[j];
+            for (int k=0; k<c.count; k++) {
+                allowed[c.device_nums[k]] = true;
+            }
+            for (unsigned int k=0; k<cc_config.exclude_gpus.size(); k++) {
+                EXCLUDE_GPU& e = cc_config.exclude_gpus[k];
+                if (strcmp(e.url.c_str(), p.master_url)) continue;
+                if (!e.type.empty() && strcmp(e.type.c_str(), c.type)) continue;
+                if (!e.appname.empty()) continue;
+                if (e.device_num < 0) {
+                    memset(allowed, 0, sizeof(allowed));
+                    break;
+                }
+                allowed[e.device_num] = false;
+            }
+            p.no_rsc_config[j] = true;
+            for (int k=0; k<c.count; k++) {
+                if (allowed[c.device_nums[k]]) {
+                    p.no_rsc_config[j] = false;
+                    break;
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    }
diff --git a/client/log_flags.h b/client/log_flags.h
index 9eeb47a..8b001a0 100644
--- a/client/log_flags.h
+++ b/client/log_flags.h
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 // This file is part of BOINC.
 // http://boinc.berkeley.edu
-// Copyright (C) 2008 University of California
+// Copyright (C) 2014 University of California
 // BOINC is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
 // under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License
@@ -39,6 +39,6 @@ extern CC_CONFIG cc_config;
 extern int read_config_file(bool init, const char* fname=CONFIG_FILE);
 extern void process_gpu_exclusions();
 extern bool gpu_excluded(APP* app, COPROC& cp, int ind);
+extern void set_no_rsc_config();
diff --git a/client/makefile_sim b/client/makefile_sim
index f504d9d..6af9d01 100644
--- a/client/makefile_sim
+++ b/client/makefile_sim
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 # makefile for client simulator
+CXXFLAGS = -g -DSIM -Wall \
     -I ../lib \
     -I ..
diff --git a/client/project.cpp b/client/project.cpp
index 555a0d7..78de25f 100644
--- a/client/project.cpp
+++ b/client/project.cpp
@@ -49,7 +49,6 @@ void PROJECT::init() {
         no_rsc_config[i] = false;
         no_rsc_apps[i] = false;
         no_rsc_ams[i] = false;
-        rsc_defer_sched[i] = false;
     strcpy(host_venue, "");
     using_venue_specific_prefs = false;
@@ -107,6 +106,7 @@ void PROJECT::init() {
     too_many_uploading_results = false;
     njobs_success = 0;
     njobs_error = 0;
+    elapsed_time = 0;
 #ifdef SIM
@@ -217,7 +217,7 @@ int PROJECT::parse_state(XML_PARSER& xp) {
         if (xp.parse_int("nrpc_failures", nrpc_failures)) continue;
         if (xp.parse_int("master_fetch_failures", master_fetch_failures)) continue;
-        if (xp.parse_double("min_rpc_time", x)) continue;
+        if (xp.parse_double("min_rpc_time", min_rpc_time)) continue;
         if (xp.parse_bool("master_url_fetch_pending", master_url_fetch_pending)) continue;
         if (xp.parse_int("sched_rpc_pending", sched_rpc_pending)) continue;
         if (xp.parse_double("next_rpc_time", next_rpc_time)) continue;
@@ -317,6 +317,7 @@ int PROJECT::parse_state(XML_PARSER& xp) {
         if (xp.parse_double("desired_disk_usage", desired_disk_usage)) continue;
         if (xp.parse_int("njobs_success", njobs_success)) continue;
         if (xp.parse_int("njobs_error", njobs_error)) continue;
+        if (xp.parse_double("elapsed_time", elapsed_time)) continue;
 #ifdef SIM
         if (xp.match_tag("available")) {
             available.parse(xp, "/available");
@@ -381,6 +382,7 @@ int PROJECT::write_state(MIOFILE& out, bool gui_rpc) {
         "    <send_job_log>%d</send_job_log>\n"
         "    <njobs_success>%d</njobs_success>\n"
         "    <njobs_error>%d</njobs_error>\n"
+        "    <elapsed_time>%f</elapsed_time>\n"
@@ -416,6 +418,7 @@ int PROJECT::write_state(MIOFILE& out, bool gui_rpc) {
+        elapsed_time,
         anonymous_platform?"    <anonymous_platform/>\n":"",
         master_url_fetch_pending?"    <master_url_fetch_pending/>\n":"",
         trickle_up_pending?"    <trickle_up_pending/>\n":"",
@@ -573,6 +576,7 @@ void PROJECT::copy_state_fields(PROJECT& p) {
     use_symlinks = p.use_symlinks;
     njobs_success = p.njobs_success;
     njobs_error = p.njobs_error;
+    elapsed_time = p.elapsed_time;
 // Write project statistic to GUI RPC reply
diff --git a/client/project.h b/client/project.h
index 1b42f90..16de165 100644
--- a/client/project.h
+++ b/client/project.h
@@ -71,12 +71,6 @@ struct PROJECT : PROJ_AM {
     bool no_rsc_ams[MAX_RSC];
-    // the following set dynamically
-    //
-    bool rsc_defer_sched[MAX_RSC];
-        // This project has a GPU job for which there's insuff. video RAM.
-        // Don't fetch more jobs of this type; they might have same problem
     char host_venue[256];
         // logically, this belongs in the client state file
         // rather than the account file.
@@ -304,6 +298,10 @@ struct PROJECT : PROJ_AM {
     int njobs_success;
     int njobs_error;
+    // total elapsed time of this project's jobs (for export to GUI)
+    //
+    double elapsed_time;
     void init();
diff --git a/client/result.cpp b/client/result.cpp
index 0f223ad..8a27848 100644
--- a/client/result.cpp
+++ b/client/result.cpp
@@ -532,7 +532,12 @@ bool RESULT::runnable() {
     if (state() != RESULT_FILES_DOWNLOADED) return false;
     if (coproc_missing) return false;
     if (schedule_backoff > gstate.now) return false;
-    if (avp->needs_network && gstate.network_suspended) return false;
+    if (avp->needs_network && gstate.file_xfers_suspended) {
+        // check file_xfers_suspended rather than network_suspended;
+        // the latter remains false for a period after GUI RPCs
+        //
+        return false;
+    }
     return true;
diff --git a/client/result.h b/client/result.h
index aa39d88..c96cddb 100644
--- a/client/result.h
+++ b/client/result.h
@@ -144,6 +144,12 @@ struct RESULT {
     inline bool uses_coprocs() {
         return (avp->gpu_usage.rsc_type != 0);
+    inline bool uses_gpu() {
+        int rt = avp->gpu_usage.rsc_type;
+        if (!rt) return false;
+        if (coprocs.coprocs[rt].non_gpu) return false;
+        return true;
+    }
     inline int resource_type() {
         return avp->gpu_usage.rsc_type;
@@ -185,7 +191,7 @@ struct RESULT {
         // textual description of resources used
     double schedule_backoff;
         // don't try to schedule until this time
-        // (wait for free GPU RAM)
+        // (because the app called boinc_temporary_exit())
     char schedule_backoff_reason[256];
diff --git a/client/rr_sim.cpp b/client/rr_sim.cpp
index d0f1c0f..a8b7e66 100644
--- a/client/rr_sim.cpp
+++ b/client/rr_sim.cpp
@@ -64,12 +64,14 @@ inline void rsc_string(RESULT* rp, char* buf) {
 // set "nused" bits of the source bitmap in the dest bitmap
-static inline void set_bits(int src, double nused, int& dst) {
+static inline void set_bits(
+) {
     // if all bits are already set, we're done
     if ((src&dst) == src) return;
-    int bit = 1;
-    for (int i=0; i<32; i++) {
+    for (int i=0; i<MAX_COPROC_INSTANCES; i++) {
         if (nused <= 0) break;
         if (bit & src) {
             dst |= bit;
@@ -126,7 +128,7 @@ struct RR_SIM {
 void set_rrsim_flops(RESULT* rp) {
     // For coproc jobs, use app version estimate
-    if (rp->uses_coprocs()) {
+    if (rp->uses_gpu()) {
         rp->rrsim_flops = rp->avp->flops * gstate.overall_gpu_frac();
     } else if (rp->avp->needs_network) {
         rp->rrsim_flops =  rp->avp->flops * gstate.overall_cpu_and_network_frac();
@@ -459,7 +461,7 @@ void RR_SIM::simulate() {
                 // update busy time of relevant processor types
-                double frac = rpbest->uses_coprocs()?gstate.overall_gpu_frac():gstate.overall_cpu_frac();
+                double frac = rpbest->uses_gpu()?gstate.overall_gpu_frac():gstate.overall_cpu_frac();
                 double dur = rpbest->estimated_runtime_remaining() / frac;
                 rsc_work_fetch[0].update_busy_time(dur, rpbest->avp->avg_ncpus);
                 int rt = rpbest->avp->gpu_usage.rsc_type;
@@ -524,11 +526,14 @@ void RR_SIM::simulate() {
         RSC_WORK_FETCH& rwf = rsc_work_fetch[i];
         if (!rwf.has_exclusions) continue;
         COPROC& cp = coprocs.coprocs[i];
-        int mask = (1<<cp.count)-1;
+        COPROC_INSTANCE_BITMAP mask = 0;
+        for (int j=0; j<cp.count; j++) {
+            mask |= ((COPROC_INSTANCE_BITMAP)1)<<j;
+        }
         rwf.sim_excluded_instances = ~(rwf.sim_used_instances) & mask;
         if (log_flags.rrsim_detail) {
             msg_printf(0, MSG_INFO,
-                "[rrsim_detail] rsc %d: sim_used_inst %d mask %d sim_excluded_instances %d",
+                "[rrsim_detail] rsc %d: sim_used_inst %lld mask %lld sim_excluded_instances %lld",
                 i, rwf.sim_used_instances, mask, rwf.sim_excluded_instances
diff --git a/client/sandbox.cpp b/client/sandbox.cpp
index df215e8..5a31917 100644
--- a/client/sandbox.cpp
+++ b/client/sandbox.cpp
@@ -226,7 +226,7 @@ int set_to_project_group(const char* path) {
 int get_project_gid() {
     return 0;
-int set_to_project_group(const char* path) {
+int set_to_project_group(const char*) {
     return 0;
 #endif // ! _WIN32
diff --git a/client/scheduler_op.cpp b/client/scheduler_op.cpp
index edc39fc..5ad82ec 100644
--- a/client/scheduler_op.cpp
+++ b/client/scheduler_op.cpp
@@ -247,9 +247,9 @@ int SCHEDULER_OP::start_rpc(PROJECT* p) {
         if (strlen(buf)) {
             msg_printf(p, MSG_INFO, "Requesting new tasks for %s", buf);
         } else {
-            if (p->pwf.cant_fetch_work_reason) {
+            if (p->pwf.project_reason) {
                 msg_printf(p, MSG_INFO,
-                    "Not requesting tasks: %s", cant_fetch_work_string(p, buf)
+                    "Not requesting tasks: %s", project_reason_string(p, buf)
             } else {
                 msg_printf(p, MSG_INFO, "Not requesting tasks");
diff --git a/client/sim.cpp b/client/sim.cpp
index 1056a64..3e4e82f 100644
--- a/client/sim.cpp
+++ b/client/sim.cpp
@@ -342,7 +342,6 @@ double get_estimated_delay(RESULT* rp) {
 bool CLIENT_STATE::simulate_rpc(PROJECT* p) {
     char buf[256], buf2[256];
     vector<IP_RESULT> ip_results;
-    int infeasible_count = 0;
     vector<RESULT*> new_results;
     bool avail;
@@ -449,8 +448,8 @@ bool CLIENT_STATE::simulate_rpc(PROJECT* p) {
     njobs += new_results.size();
-    msg_printf(0, MSG_INFO, "Got %d tasks", new_results.size());
-    sprintf(buf, "got %d tasks<br>", new_results.size());
+    msg_printf(0, MSG_INFO, "Got %lu tasks", new_results.size());
+    sprintf(buf, "got %lu tasks<br>", new_results.size());
     html_msg += buf;
@@ -458,7 +457,8 @@ bool CLIENT_STATE::simulate_rpc(PROJECT* p) {
     work_fetch.handle_reply(p, &sr, new_results);
     p->nrpc_failures = 0;
     p->sched_rpc_pending = 0;
-    p->min_rpc_time = now + 900;
+    //p->min_rpc_time = now + 900;
+    p->min_rpc_time = now;
     if (sent_something) {
@@ -583,7 +583,7 @@ bool ACTIVE_TASK_SET::poll() {
         ACTIVE_TASK* atp = active_tasks[i];
         if (atp->task_state() != PROCESS_EXECUTING) continue;
         RESULT* rp = atp->result;
-        if (rp->uses_coprocs()) {
+        if (rp->uses_gpu()) {
             if (gpu_active) {
                 cpu_usage_gpu += rp->avp->avg_ncpus;
@@ -605,12 +605,12 @@ bool ACTIVE_TASK_SET::poll() {
         ACTIVE_TASK* atp = active_tasks[i];
         if (atp->task_state() != PROCESS_EXECUTING) continue;
         RESULT* rp = atp->result;
-        if (!gpu_active && rp->uses_coprocs()) {
+        if (!gpu_active && rp->uses_gpu()) {
         atp->elapsed_time += diff;
         double flops = rp->avp->flops;
-        if (!rp->uses_coprocs()) {
+        if (!rp->uses_gpu()) {
             flops *= cpu_scale;
@@ -1091,7 +1091,7 @@ void simulate() {
     fprintf(summary_file, "Jobs\n");
-    for (int i=0; i<gstate.results.size(); i++) {
+    for (unsigned int i=0; i<gstate.results.size(); i++) {
         RESULT* rp = gstate.results[i];
             "   %s time left %s deadline %s\n",
@@ -1329,7 +1329,6 @@ void cull_projects() {
     for (i=0; i<gstate.app_versions.size(); i++) {
         APP_VERSION* avp = gstate.app_versions[i];
         if (avp->app->ignore) continue;
-        int rt = avp->gpu_usage.rsc_type;
     for (i=0; i<gstate.apps.size(); i++) {
         APP* app = gstate.apps[i];
@@ -1454,6 +1453,7 @@ void do_client_simulation() {
+    set_no_rsc_config();
@@ -1525,7 +1525,7 @@ char* next_arg(int argc, char** argv, int& i) {
 int main(int argc, char** argv) {
-    int i, retval;
+    int i;
     char buf[256];
diff --git a/client/sysmon_win.cpp b/client/sysmon_win.cpp
index 20a65bb..77b87fd 100644
--- a/client/sysmon_win.cpp
+++ b/client/sysmon_win.cpp
@@ -295,7 +295,7 @@ static void windows_detect_autoproxy_settings() {
     autoproxy_options.fAutoLogonIfChallenged = TRUE;
-    network_test_url = A2W(cc_config.network_test_url).c_str();
+    network_test_url = boinc_ascii_to_wide(cc_config.network_test_url).c_str();
     hWinHttp = WinHttpOpen(
         L"BOINC client",
@@ -316,7 +316,7 @@ static void windows_detect_autoproxy_settings() {
         // For the time being check to see if proxy_info.lpszProxy is non-null.
         if (proxy_info.lpszProxy) {
-            std::string proxy(W2A(std::wstring(proxy_info.lpszProxy)));
+            std::string proxy(boinc_wide_to_ascii(std::wstring(proxy_info.lpszProxy)));
             std::string new_proxy;
             if (log_flags.proxy_debug) {
diff --git a/client/work_fetch.cpp b/client/work_fetch.cpp
index 1fc6078..7f73875 100644
--- a/client/work_fetch.cpp
+++ b/client/work_fetch.cpp
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 // This file is part of BOINC.
 // http://boinc.berkeley.edu
-// Copyright (C) 2008 University of California
+// Copyright (C) 2014 University of California
 // BOINC is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
 // under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License
@@ -46,49 +46,6 @@ using std::vector;
 RSC_WORK_FETCH rsc_work_fetch[MAX_RSC];
 WORK_FETCH work_fetch;
-static inline int dont_fetch(PROJECT* p, int rsc_type) {
-    if (p->no_rsc_pref[rsc_type]) return DONT_FETCH_PREFS;
-    if (p->no_rsc_config[rsc_type]) return DONT_FETCH_CONFIG;
-    if (p->no_rsc_apps[rsc_type]) return DONT_FETCH_NO_APPS;
-    if (p->no_rsc_ams[rsc_type]) return DONT_FETCH_AMS;
-    return 0;
-// if the configuration file disallows the use of a GPU type
-// for a project, set a flag to that effect
-void set_no_rsc_config() {
-    for (unsigned int i=0; i<gstate.projects.size(); i++) {
-        PROJECT& p = *gstate.projects[i];
-        for (int j=1; j<coprocs.n_rsc; j++) {
-            bool allowed[MAX_COPROC_INSTANCES];
-            memset(allowed, 0, sizeof(allowed));
-            COPROC& c = coprocs.coprocs[j];
-            for (int k=0; k<c.count; k++) {
-                allowed[c.device_nums[k]] = true;
-            }
-            for (unsigned int k=0; k<cc_config.exclude_gpus.size(); k++) {
-                EXCLUDE_GPU& e = cc_config.exclude_gpus[k];
-                if (strcmp(e.url.c_str(), p.master_url)) continue;
-                if (!e.type.empty() && strcmp(e.type.c_str(), c.type)) continue;
-                if (!e.appname.empty()) continue;
-                if (e.device_num < 0) {
-                    memset(allowed, 0, sizeof(allowed));
-                    break;
-                }
-                allowed[e.device_num] = false;
-            }
-            p.no_rsc_config[j] = true;
-            for (int k=0; k<c.count; k++) {
-                if (allowed[c.device_nums[k]]) {
-                    p.no_rsc_config[j] = false;
-                    break;
-                }
-            }
-        }
-    }
 // does the (NCI) project have a job that's running or uploading?
 // (don't request another job from NCI project if so)
@@ -115,14 +72,7 @@ inline bool has_coproc_app(PROJECT* p, int rsc_type) {
 ///////////////  RSC_PROJECT_WORK_FETCH  ///////////////
-bool RSC_PROJECT_WORK_FETCH::compute_may_have_work(PROJECT* p, int rsc_type) {
-    if (dont_fetch(p, rsc_type)) return false;
-    if (p->rsc_defer_sched[rsc_type]) return false;
-    return (backoff_time < gstate.now);
-void RSC_PROJECT_WORK_FETCH::rr_init(PROJECT* p, int rsc_type) {
-    may_have_work = compute_may_have_work(p, rsc_type);
+void RSC_PROJECT_WORK_FETCH::rr_init() {
     fetchable_share = 0;
     n_runnable_jobs = 0;
     sim_nused = 0;
@@ -146,6 +96,66 @@ void RSC_PROJECT_WORK_FETCH::resource_backoff(PROJECT* p, const char* name) {
+// checks for whether we should ask this project for work of this type.
+// check for backoff must go last, so that if that's the reason
+// we know that there are no other reasons (for piggyback)
+int RSC_PROJECT_WORK_FETCH::compute_rsc_project_reason(
+    PROJECT *p, int rsc_type
+) {
+    RSC_WORK_FETCH& rwf = rsc_work_fetch[rsc_type];
+    // see whether work fetch for this resource is banned
+    // by prefs, config, project, or acct mgr
+    //
+    if (p->no_rsc_pref[rsc_type]) return DONT_FETCH_PREFS;
+    if (p->no_rsc_config[rsc_type]) return DONT_FETCH_CONFIG;
+    if (p->no_rsc_apps[rsc_type]) return DONT_FETCH_NO_APPS;
+    if (p->no_rsc_ams[rsc_type]) return DONT_FETCH_AMS;
+    if (p->rsc_pwf[rsc_type].has_deferred_job) return DONT_FETCH_DEFER_SCHED;
+    // if project has zero resource share,
+    // only fetch work if a device is idle
+    //
+    if (p->resource_share == 0 && rwf.nidle_now == 0 && rwf.sim_excluded_instances==0) {
+        return DONT_FETCH_ZERO_SHARE;
+    }
+    // if project has excluded GPUs of this type,
+    // we need to avoid fetching work just because there's an idle instance
+    // or a shortfall;
+    // fetching work might not alleviate either of these,
+    // and we'd end up fetching unbounded work.
+    // At the same time, we want to respect work buf params if possible.
+    //
+    // Current policy:
+    // don't fetch work if remaining time of this project's jobs
+    // exceeds work_buf_min * (#usable instances / #instances)
+    //
+    // TODO: THIS IS FAIRLY CRUDE. Making it smarter would require
+    // computing shortfall etc. on a per-project basis
+    //
+    int nexcl = ncoprocs_excluded;
+    if (rsc_type && nexcl) {
+        int n_not_excluded = rwf.ninstances - nexcl;
+        if (n_runnable_jobs >= n_not_excluded
+            && queue_est > (gstate.work_buf_min() * n_not_excluded)/rwf.ninstances
+        ) {
+            return DONT_FETCH_BUFFER_FULL;
+        }
+    }
+    if (anonymous_platform_no_apps) {
+        return DONT_FETCH_NO_APPS;
+    }
+    // this must go last
+    //
+    if (backoff_time > gstate.now) {
+        return DONT_FETCH_BACKED_OFF;
+    }
+    return 0;
 ///////////////  RSC_WORK_FETCH  ///////////////
 void RSC_WORK_FETCH::copy_request(COPROC& c) {
@@ -278,34 +288,27 @@ void RSC_WORK_FETCH::print_state(const char* name) {
         shortfall, nidle_now, saturated_time,
-    msg_printf(0, MSG_INFO, "[work_fetch] sim used inst %d sim excl inst %d",
-        sim_used_instances, sim_excluded_instances
-    );
+//    msg_printf(0, MSG_INFO, "[work_fetch] sim used inst %d sim excl inst %d",
+//        sim_used_instances, sim_excluded_instances
+//    );
     for (unsigned int i=0; i<gstate.projects.size(); i++) {
         char buf[256];
         PROJECT* p = gstate.projects[i];
         if (p->non_cpu_intensive) continue;
-        RSC_PROJECT_WORK_FETCH& pwf = project_state(p);
-        bool no_rsc_pref = p->no_rsc_pref[rsc_type];
-        bool no_rsc_config = p->no_rsc_config[rsc_type];
-        bool no_rsc_apps = p->no_rsc_apps[rsc_type];
-        bool no_rsc_ams = p->no_rsc_ams[rsc_type];
-        double bt = pwf.backoff_time>gstate.now?pwf.backoff_time-gstate.now:0;
+        RSC_PROJECT_WORK_FETCH& rpwf = project_state(p);
+        double bt = rpwf.backoff_time>gstate.now?rpwf.backoff_time-gstate.now:0;
         if (bt) {
             sprintf(buf, " (resource backoff: %.2f, inc %.2f)",
-                bt, pwf.backoff_interval
+                bt, rpwf.backoff_interval
         } else {
             strcpy(buf, "");
         msg_printf(p, MSG_INFO,
-            "[work_fetch] fetch share %.3f%s%s%s%s%s",
-            pwf.fetchable_share,
-            buf,
-            no_rsc_pref?" (blocked by prefs)":"",
-            no_rsc_apps?" (no apps)":"",
-            no_rsc_ams?" (blocked by account manager)":"",
-            no_rsc_config?" (blocked by configuration file)":""
+            "[work_fetch] share %.3f %s %s",
+            rpwf.fetchable_share,
+            rsc_project_reason_string(rpwf.rsc_project_reason),
+            buf
@@ -317,7 +320,7 @@ void RSC_WORK_FETCH::clear_request() {
 ///////////////  PROJECT_WORK_FETCH  ///////////////
-int PROJECT_WORK_FETCH::compute_cant_fetch_work_reason(PROJECT* p) {
+int PROJECT_WORK_FETCH::compute_project_reason(PROJECT* p) {
     if (p->non_cpu_intensive) return CANT_FETCH_WORK_NON_CPU_INTENSIVE;
     if (p->suspended_via_gui) return CANT_FETCH_WORK_SUSPENDED_VIA_GUI;
     if (p->master_url_fetch_pending) return CANT_FETCH_WORK_MASTER_URL_FETCH_PENDING;
@@ -326,7 +329,8 @@ int PROJECT_WORK_FETCH::compute_cant_fetch_work_reason(PROJECT* p) {
     if (p->some_result_suspended()) return CANT_FETCH_WORK_RESULT_SUSPENDED;
     if (p->too_many_uploading_results) return CANT_FETCH_WORK_TOO_MANY_UPLOADS;
-    // this goes last
+    // this goes last, so that if this is the reason we know
+    // that there are no other reasons
     if (p->min_rpc_time > gstate.now) return CANT_FETCH_WORK_MIN_RPC_TIME;
     return 0;
@@ -338,97 +342,64 @@ void PROJECT_WORK_FETCH::reset(PROJECT* p) {
-///////////////  WORK_FETCH  ///////////////
+void PROJECT_WORK_FETCH::rr_init(PROJECT* p) {
+    project_reason = compute_project_reason(p);
+    n_runnable_jobs = 0;
-// mark the projects from which we can fetch work
-void WORK_FETCH::compute_cant_fetch_work_reason() {
-    for (unsigned int i=0; i<gstate.projects.size(); i++) {
-        PROJECT* p = gstate.projects[i];
-        p->pwf.cant_fetch_work_reason = p->pwf.compute_cant_fetch_work_reason(p);
+void PROJECT_WORK_FETCH::print_state(PROJECT* p) {
+    char buf[1024], buf2[1024];
+    if (project_reason) {
+        sprintf(buf, "can't request work: %s", project_reason_string(p, buf2));
+    } else {
+        strcpy(buf, "can request work");
+    if (p->min_rpc_time > gstate.now) {
+        sprintf(buf2, " (%.2f sec)", p->min_rpc_time - gstate.now);
+        strcat(buf, buf2);
+    }
+    msg_printf(p, MSG_INFO, "[work_fetch] REC %.3f prio %.3f %s",
+        rec,
+        p->sched_priority,
+        buf
+    );
+///////////////  WORK_FETCH  ///////////////
 void WORK_FETCH::rr_init() {
-    for (int i=0; i<coprocs.n_rsc; i++) {
-        rsc_work_fetch[i].rr_init();
-    }
-    compute_cant_fetch_work_reason();
+    // compute PROJECT::RSC_PROJECT_WORK_FETCH::has_deferred_job
+    //
     for (unsigned int i=0; i<gstate.projects.size(); i++) {
         PROJECT* p = gstate.projects[i];
-        p->pwf.n_runnable_jobs = 0;
         for (int j=0; j<coprocs.n_rsc; j++) {
-            p->rsc_pwf[j].rr_init(p, j);
+            p->rsc_pwf[j].has_deferred_job = false;
-#if 0
-// if the given project is highest-priority among the projects
-// eligible for the resource, set request fields
-void RSC_WORK_FETCH::supplement(PROJECT* pp) {
-    double x = pp->sched_priority;
-    for (unsigned i=0; i<gstate.projects.size(); i++) {
-        PROJECT* p = gstate.projects[i];
-        if (p == pp) continue;
-        if (p->pwf.cant_fetch_work_reason) continue;
-        if (!project_state(p).may_have_work) continue;
-        RSC_PROJECT_WORK_FETCH& rpwf = project_state(p);
-        if (rpwf.anon_skip) continue;
-        if (p->sched_priority > x) {
-            if (log_flags.work_fetch_debug) {
-                msg_printf(pp, MSG_INFO,
-                    "[work_fetch]: not requesting work for %s: %s has higher priority",
-                    rsc_name_long(rsc_type), p->get_project_name()
-                );
+    for (unsigned int i=0; i<gstate.results.size(); i++) {
+        RESULT* rp = gstate.results[i];
+        if (rp->schedule_backoff) {
+            if (rp->schedule_backoff > gstate.now) {
+                int rt = rp->avp->gpu_usage.rsc_type;
+                rp->project->rsc_pwf[rt].has_deferred_job = true;
+            } else {
+                rp->schedule_backoff = 0;
+                gstate.request_schedule_cpus("schedule backoff finished");
-            return;
-    // didn't find a better project; ask for work
-    //
-    set_request(pp);
-// we're going to ask the given project for work of the given type.
-// (or -1 if none)
-// Set requests for this type and perhaps other types
-void WORK_FETCH::set_all_requests_hyst(PROJECT* p, int rsc_type) {
     for (int i=0; i<coprocs.n_rsc; i++) {
-        if (i == rsc_type) {
-            rsc_work_fetch[i].set_request(p);
-        } else {
-            // don't fetch work for a resource if the buffer is above max
-            //
-            if (rsc_work_fetch[i].saturated_time > gstate.work_buf_total()) {
-                continue;
-            }
-            // don't fetch work if backup project and no idle instances
-            //
-            if (p->resource_share==0 && rsc_work_fetch[i].nidle_now==0) {
-                continue;
-            }
-            if (i>0 && !gpus_usable) {
-                continue;
-            }
-            rsc_work_fetch[i].supplement(p);
-        }
+        rsc_work_fetch[i].rr_init();
-void WORK_FETCH::set_all_requests(PROJECT* p) {
-    for (int i=0; i<coprocs.n_rsc; i++) {
-        if (i==0 || gpus_usable) {
-            rsc_work_fetch[i].set_request(p);
+    for (unsigned int i=0; i<gstate.projects.size(); i++) {
+        PROJECT* p = gstate.projects[i];
+        p->pwf.rr_init(p);
+        for (int j=0; j<coprocs.n_rsc; j++) {
+            p->rsc_pwf[j].rr_init();
 // copy request fields from RSC_WORK_FETCH to COPROCS
 void WORK_FETCH::copy_requests() {
@@ -458,21 +429,7 @@ void WORK_FETCH::print_state() {
     msg_printf(0, MSG_INFO, "[work_fetch] --- project states ---");
     for (unsigned int i=0; i<gstate.projects.size(); i++) {
         PROJECT* p = gstate.projects[i];
-        char buf[1024], buf2[1024];
-        if (p->pwf.cant_fetch_work_reason) {
-            sprintf(buf, "can't req work: %s", cant_fetch_work_string(p, buf2));
-        } else {
-            strcpy(buf, "can req work");
-        }
-        if (p->min_rpc_time > gstate.now) {
-            sprintf(buf2, " (backoff: %.2f sec)", p->min_rpc_time - gstate.now);
-            strcat(buf, buf2);
-        }
-        msg_printf(p, MSG_INFO, "[work_fetch] REC %.3f prio %.6f %s",
-            p->pwf.rec,
-            p->sched_priority,
-            buf
-        );
+        p->pwf.print_state(p);
     for (int i=0; i<coprocs.n_rsc; i++) {
@@ -510,7 +467,7 @@ void WORK_FETCH::piggyback_work_request(PROJECT* p) {
-    switch (p->pwf.cant_fetch_work_reason) {
+    switch (p->pwf.project_reason) {
     case 0:
@@ -539,9 +496,13 @@ void WORK_FETCH::piggyback_work_request(PROJECT* p) {
             rwf.dont_fetch_reason = DONT_FETCH_GPUS_NOT_USABLE;
-        rwf.dont_fetch_reason = rwf.cant_fetch(p);
-        if (rwf.dont_fetch_reason) {
-            WF_DEBUG(msg_printf(p, MSG_INFO, "piggyback: can't fetch %s", rsc_name_long(i));)
+        RSC_PROJECT_WORK_FETCH& rpwf = rwf.project_state(p);
+        switch (rpwf.rsc_project_reason) {
+        case 0:
+        case DONT_FETCH_BACKED_OFF:
+            break;
+        default:
+            WF_DEBUG(msg_printf(p, MSG_INFO, "piggyback: can't fetch %s: %s", rsc_name_long(i), rsc_project_reason_string(rpwf.rsc_project_reason));)
         bool buffer_low = (rwf.saturated_time < gstate.work_buf_total());
@@ -559,12 +520,13 @@ void WORK_FETCH::piggyback_work_request(PROJECT* p) {
             for (unsigned int j=0; j<gstate.projects.size(); j++) {
                 p2 = gstate.projects[j];
                 if (p2 == p) break;
-				if (p2->sched_priority == p->sched_priority) continue;
-                if (p2->pwf.cant_fetch_work_reason) {
+                if (p2->sched_priority == p->sched_priority) continue;
+                if (p2->pwf.project_reason) {
                     WF_DEBUG(msg_printf(p, MSG_INFO, "piggyback: %s can't fetch work", p2->project_name);)
-                if (!rwf.cant_fetch(p2) && !rwf.backed_off(p2)) {
+                RSC_PROJECT_WORK_FETCH& rpwf2 = rwf.project_state(p2);
+                if (!rpwf2.rsc_project_reason) {
                     WF_DEBUG(msg_printf(p, MSG_INFO, "piggyback: better proj %s", p2->project_name);)
@@ -582,7 +544,7 @@ void WORK_FETCH::piggyback_work_request(PROJECT* p) {
     if (!requested_work()) {
-        p->pwf.cant_fetch_work_reason = CANT_FETCH_WORK_DONT_NEED;
+        p->pwf.project_reason = CANT_FETCH_WORK_DONT_NEED;
@@ -606,71 +568,6 @@ static bool higher_priority(PROJECT *p1, PROJECT *p2) {
     return (p1->sched_priority > p2->sched_priority);
-// check resource-level backoff
-bool RSC_WORK_FETCH::backed_off(PROJECT* p) {
-    if (project_state(p).backoff_time > gstate.now) {
-        WF_DEBUG(msg_printf(p, MSG_INFO, "skip: backoff");)
-        return true;
-    }
-    return false;
-// a variety of checks for whether we should ask this project
-// for work of this type
-int RSC_WORK_FETCH::cant_fetch(PROJECT *p) {
-    // see whether work fetch for this resource is banned
-    // by prefs, config, project, or acct mgr
-    //
-    int reason = dont_fetch(p, rsc_type);
-    if (reason) {
-        WF_DEBUG(msg_printf(p, MSG_INFO, "skip: dont_fetch");)
-        return reason;
-    }
-    RSC_PROJECT_WORK_FETCH& rpwf = project_state(p);
-    // if project has zero resource share,
-    // only fetch work if a device is idle
-    //
-    if (p->resource_share == 0 && nidle_now == 0 && sim_excluded_instances==0) {
-        WF_DEBUG(msg_printf(p, MSG_INFO, "skip: zero share");)
-        return DONT_FETCH_ZERO_SHARE;
-    }
-    // if project has excluded GPUs of this type,
-    // we need to avoid fetching work just because there's an idle instance
-    // or a shortfall;
-    // fetching work might not alleviate either of these,
-    // and we'd end up fetching unbounded work.
-    // At the same time, we want to respect work buf params if possible.
-    //
-    // Current policy:
-    // don't fetch work if remaining time of this project's jobs
-    // exceeds work_buf_min * (#usable instances / #instances)
-    //
-    // TODO: THIS IS FAIRLY CRUDE. Making it smarter would require
-    // computing shortfall etc. on a per-project basis
-    //
-    int nexcl = rpwf.ncoprocs_excluded;
-    if (rsc_type && nexcl) {
-        int n_not_excluded = ninstances - nexcl;
-        if (rpwf.n_runnable_jobs >= n_not_excluded
-            && rpwf.queue_est > (gstate.work_buf_min() * n_not_excluded)/ninstances
-        ) {
-            WF_DEBUG(msg_printf(p, MSG_INFO, "skip: too much work");)
-            return DONT_FETCH_BUFFER_FULL;
-        }
-    }
-    if (rpwf.anon_skip) {
-        WF_DEBUG(msg_printf(p, MSG_INFO, "skip: anon");)
-        return DONT_FETCH_NO_APPS;
-    }
-    return 0;
 // return true if there is exclusion starvation
 // and this project can use the starved instances
@@ -690,6 +587,19 @@ void WORK_FETCH::setup() {
+    // Compute rsc_project_reason.
+    // Must do this after rr_simulation() because the logic for
+    // zero-resource-share projects uses #idle instances
+    //
+    for (unsigned int i=0; i<gstate.projects.size(); i++) {
+        PROJECT* p = gstate.projects[i];
+        for (int j=0; j<coprocs.n_rsc; j++) {
+            RSC_PROJECT_WORK_FETCH& rpwf = p->rsc_pwf[j];
+            rpwf.rsc_project_reason = rpwf.compute_rsc_project_reason(p, j);
+        }
+    }
@@ -712,8 +622,8 @@ void WORK_FETCH::setup() {
     int job_limit = 1000;
     for (unsigned int i=0; i<gstate.projects.size(); i++) {
         PROJECT* p = gstate.projects[i];
-        if (p->pwf.n_runnable_jobs > job_limit && !p->pwf.cant_fetch_work_reason) {
-            p->pwf.cant_fetch_work_reason = CANT_FETCH_WORK_TOO_MANY_RUNNABLE;
+        if (p->pwf.n_runnable_jobs > job_limit && !p->pwf.project_reason) {
+            p->pwf.project_reason = CANT_FETCH_WORK_TOO_MANY_RUNNABLE;
@@ -735,10 +645,6 @@ void WORK_FETCH::setup() {
 PROJECT* WORK_FETCH::choose_project() {
     PROJECT* p;
-    if (log_flags.work_fetch_debug) {
-        msg_printf(0, MSG_INFO, "[work_fetch] entering choose_project()");
-    }
     p = non_cpu_intensive_project_needing_work();
     if (p) return p;
@@ -754,8 +660,8 @@ PROJECT* WORK_FETCH::choose_project() {
     for (unsigned int j=0; j<gstate.projects.size(); j++) {
         p = gstate.projects[j];
         WF_DEBUG(msg_printf(p, MSG_INFO, "scanning");)
-        if (p->pwf.cant_fetch_work_reason) {
-            WF_DEBUG(msg_printf(p, MSG_INFO, "skip: cfwr %d", p->pwf.cant_fetch_work_reason);)
+        if (p->pwf.project_reason) {
+            WF_DEBUG(msg_printf(p, MSG_INFO, "skip: cfwr %d", p->pwf.project_reason);)
@@ -770,13 +676,14 @@ PROJECT* WORK_FETCH::choose_project() {
         for (int i=0; i<coprocs.n_rsc; i++) {
             if (i && !gpus_usable) continue;
             RSC_WORK_FETCH& rwf = rsc_work_fetch[i];
-            if (!rwf.cant_fetch(p) && !rwf.backed_off(p)) {
+            RSC_PROJECT_WORK_FETCH& rpwf = rwf.project_state(p);
+            if (!rpwf.rsc_project_reason) {
                 if (!rwf.found_project) {
                     rwf.found_project = p;
                 WF_DEBUG(msg_printf(p, MSG_INFO, "can fetch %s", rsc_name_long(i));)
             } else {
-                WF_DEBUG(msg_printf(p, MSG_INFO, "can't fetch %s", rsc_name_long(i));)
+                WF_DEBUG(msg_printf(p, MSG_INFO, "can't fetch %s: %s", rsc_name_long(i), rsc_project_reason_string(rpwf.rsc_project_reason));)
             if (rwf.saturated_time < gstate.work_buf_min()) {
@@ -821,9 +728,16 @@ PROJECT* WORK_FETCH::choose_project() {
                         WF_DEBUG(msg_printf(p, MSG_INFO, "%s don't need", rsc_name_long(i));)
-                    int reason = rwf.cant_fetch(p);
-                    if (reason) {
-                        WF_DEBUG(msg_printf(p, MSG_INFO, "%s can't fetch", rsc_name_long(i));)
+                    RSC_PROJECT_WORK_FETCH& rpwf = rwf.project_state(p);
+                    int reason = rpwf.rsc_project_reason;
+                    switch (reason) {
+                    case 0:
+                    case DONT_FETCH_BACKED_OFF:
+                        // request even if backed off - no reason not to.
+                        //
+                        break;
+                    default:
+                        WF_DEBUG(msg_printf(p, MSG_INFO, "%s can't fetch: %s", rsc_name_long(i), rsc_project_reason_string(reason));)
@@ -879,9 +793,9 @@ void WORK_FETCH::compute_shares() {
     for (i=0; i<gstate.projects.size(); i++) {
         p = gstate.projects[i];
         if (p->non_cpu_intensive) continue;
-        if (p->pwf.cant_fetch_work_reason) continue;
+        if (p->pwf.project_reason) continue;
         for (int j=0; j<coprocs.n_rsc; j++) {
-            if (p->rsc_pwf[j].may_have_work) {
+            if (!p->rsc_pwf[j].rsc_project_reason) {
                 rsc_work_fetch[j].total_fetchable_share += p->resource_share;
@@ -889,9 +803,9 @@ void WORK_FETCH::compute_shares() {
     for (i=0; i<gstate.projects.size(); i++) {
         p = gstate.projects[i];
         if (p->non_cpu_intensive) continue;
-        if (p->pwf.cant_fetch_work_reason) continue;
+        if (p->pwf.project_reason) continue;
         for (int j=0; j<coprocs.n_rsc; j++) {
-            if (p->rsc_pwf[j].may_have_work) {
+            if (!p->rsc_pwf[j].rsc_project_reason) {
                 p->rsc_pwf[j].fetchable_share = rsc_work_fetch[j].total_fetchable_share?p->resource_share/rsc_work_fetch[j].total_fetchable_share:1;
@@ -1030,12 +944,12 @@ void WORK_FETCH::init() {
         PROJECT* p = gstate.projects[i];
         if (!p->anonymous_platform) continue;
         for (int k=0; k<coprocs.n_rsc; k++) {
-            p->rsc_pwf[k].anon_skip = true;
+            p->rsc_pwf[k].anonymous_platform_no_apps = true;
         for (j=0; j<gstate.app_versions.size(); j++) {
             APP_VERSION* avp = gstate.app_versions[j];
             if (avp->project != p) continue;
-            p->rsc_pwf[avp->gpu_usage.rsc_type].anon_skip = false;
+            p->rsc_pwf[avp->gpu_usage.rsc_type].anonymous_platform_no_apps = false;
@@ -1176,23 +1090,26 @@ void CLIENT_STATE::generate_new_host_cpid() {
-inline const char* dont_fetch_string(int reason) {
+const char* rsc_project_reason_string(int reason) {
     switch (reason) {
+    case 0: return "";
     case DONT_FETCH_GPUS_NOT_USABLE: return "GPUs not usable";
     case DONT_FETCH_PREFS: return "blocked by project preferences";
     case DONT_FETCH_CONFIG: return "client configuration";
     case DONT_FETCH_NO_APPS: return "no applications";
     case DONT_FETCH_AMS: return "account manager prefs";
-    case DONT_FETCH_BACKOFF: return "backoff";
     case DONT_FETCH_ZERO_SHARE: return "zero resource share";
     case DONT_FETCH_BUFFER_FULL: return "job cache full";
     case DONT_FETCH_NOT_HIGHEST_PRIO: return "not highest priority project";
+    case DONT_FETCH_BACKED_OFF: return "project is backed off";
+    case DONT_FETCH_DEFER_SCHED: return "a job is deferred";
-    return "";
+    return "unknown project reason";
-const char* cant_fetch_work_string(PROJECT* p, char* buf) {
-    switch (p->pwf.cant_fetch_work_reason) {
+const char* project_reason_string(PROJECT* p, char* buf) {
+    switch (p->pwf.project_reason) {
+    case 0: return "";
         return "non CPU intensive";
@@ -1216,7 +1133,7 @@ const char* cant_fetch_work_string(PROJECT* p, char* buf) {
         if (coprocs.n_rsc == 1) {
             sprintf(buf, "don't need (%s)",
-                dont_fetch_string(rsc_work_fetch[0].dont_fetch_reason)
+                rsc_project_reason_string(rsc_work_fetch[0].dont_fetch_reason)
         } else {
             string x;
@@ -1225,7 +1142,7 @@ const char* cant_fetch_work_string(PROJECT* p, char* buf) {
                 char buf2[256];
                 sprintf(buf2, "%s: %s",
-                    dont_fetch_string(rsc_work_fetch[i].dont_fetch_reason)
+                    rsc_project_reason_string(rsc_work_fetch[i].dont_fetch_reason)
                 x += buf2;
                 if (i < coprocs.n_rsc-1) {
@@ -1237,5 +1154,5 @@ const char* cant_fetch_work_string(PROJECT* p, char* buf) {
         return buf;
-    return "";
+    return "unknown reason";
diff --git a/client/work_fetch.h b/client/work_fetch.h
index a2d0e23..6c0ece6 100644
--- a/client/work_fetch.h
+++ b/client/work_fetch.h
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@
 #define RSC_TYPE_ANY    -1
 #define RSC_TYPE_CPU    0
-// reasons for not fetching work
+// reasons for not fetching work from a project
@@ -48,10 +48,11 @@
 #define DONT_FETCH_CONFIG                           3
 #define DONT_FETCH_NO_APPS                          4
 #define DONT_FETCH_AMS                              5
-#define DONT_FETCH_BACKOFF                          6
 #define DONT_FETCH_ZERO_SHARE                       7
 #define DONT_FETCH_BUFFER_FULL                      8
 #define DONT_FETCH_NOT_HIGHEST_PRIO                 9
+#define DONT_FETCH_BACKED_OFF                       10
+#define DONT_FETCH_DEFER_SCHED                      11
 struct PROJECT;
 struct RESULT;
@@ -60,6 +61,9 @@ struct RSC_WORK_FETCH;
 struct APP_VERSION;
+typedef long long COPROC_INSTANCE_BITMAP;
+    // should be at least MAX_COPROC_INSTANCES (64) bits
 // state per (resource, project) pair
@@ -74,7 +78,7 @@ struct RSC_PROJECT_WORK_FETCH {
     double queue_est;
         // an estimate of instance-secs of queued work;
-    bool anon_skip;
+    bool anonymous_platform_no_apps;
         // set if this project is anonymous platform
         // and it has no app version that uses this resource
     double fetchable_share;
@@ -87,7 +91,7 @@ struct RSC_PROJECT_WORK_FETCH {
     double nused_total;     // sum of instances over all runnable jobs
     int ncoprocs_excluded;
         // number of excluded instances
-    int non_excluded_instances;
+    COPROC_INSTANCE_BITMAP non_excluded_instances;
         // bitmap of non-excluded instances
         // (i.e. instances this project's jobs can run on)
     int deadlines_missed;
@@ -95,13 +99,17 @@ struct RSC_PROJECT_WORK_FETCH {
         // copy of the above used during schedule_cpus()
     std::deque<RESULT*> pending;
     std::deque<RESULT*>::iterator pending_iter;
+    bool has_deferred_job;
+        // This project has a coproc job of the given type for which
+        // the job is deferred because of a temporary_exit() call.
+        // Don't fetch more jobs of this type; they might have same problem
         backoff_time = 0;
         backoff_interval = 0;
         secs_this_rec_interval = 0;
         queue_est = 0;
-        anon_skip = false;
+        anonymous_platform_no_apps = false;
         fetchable_share = 0;
         n_runnable_jobs = 0;
         sim_nused = 0;
@@ -110,6 +118,7 @@ struct RSC_PROJECT_WORK_FETCH {
         non_excluded_instances = 0;
         deadlines_missed = 0;
         deadlines_missed_copy = 0;
+        has_deferred_job = false;
     inline void reset() {
@@ -117,10 +126,10 @@ struct RSC_PROJECT_WORK_FETCH {
         backoff_interval = 0;
-    bool may_have_work;
-    bool compute_may_have_work(PROJECT*, int rsc_type);
+    int rsc_project_reason;
+    int compute_rsc_project_reason(PROJECT*, int rsc_type);
     void resource_backoff(PROJECT*, const char*);
-    void rr_init(PROJECT*, int rsc_type);
+    void rr_init();
     void clear_backoff() {
         backoff_time = 0;
         backoff_interval = 0;
@@ -194,10 +203,10 @@ struct RSC_WORK_FETCH {
         // seconds of idle instances between now and now+work_buf_total()
     double nidle_now;
     double sim_nused;
-    int sim_used_instances;
+    COPROC_INSTANCE_BITMAP sim_used_instances;
         // bitmap of instances used in simulation,
         // taking into account GPU exclusions
-    int sim_excluded_instances;
+    COPROC_INSTANCE_BITMAP sim_excluded_instances;
         // bitmap of instances not used (i.e. starved because of exclusion)
     double total_fetchable_share;
         // total RS of projects from which we could fetch jobs for this device
@@ -272,8 +281,8 @@ struct PROJECT_WORK_FETCH {
         // temporary copy used during schedule_cpus() and work fetch
     double rec_temp_save;
         // temporary used during RR simulation
-    int cant_fetch_work_reason;
-    int compute_cant_fetch_work_reason(PROJECT*);
+    int project_reason;
+    int compute_project_reason(PROJECT*);
     int n_runnable_jobs;
     bool request_if_idle_and_uploading;
         // Set when a job finishes.
@@ -283,6 +292,8 @@ struct PROJECT_WORK_FETCH {
         memset(this, 0, sizeof(*this));
     void reset(PROJECT*);
+    void rr_init(PROJECT*);
+    void print_state(PROJECT*);
 // global work fetch state
@@ -305,7 +316,6 @@ struct WORK_FETCH {
     void set_all_requests_hyst(PROJECT*, int rsc_type);
     void print_state();
     void init();
-    void compute_cant_fetch_work_reason();
     void rr_init();
     void clear_request();
     void compute_shares();
@@ -318,14 +328,13 @@ struct WORK_FETCH {
 extern RSC_WORK_FETCH rsc_work_fetch[MAX_RSC];
 extern WORK_FETCH work_fetch;
-extern void set_no_rsc_config();
 extern void project_priority_init(bool for_work_fetch);
 extern double project_priority(PROJECT*);
 extern void adjust_rec_sched(RESULT*);
 extern void adjust_rec_work_fetch(RESULT*);
 extern double total_peak_flops();
-extern const char* cant_fetch_work_string(PROJECT* p, char* buf);
+extern const char* project_reason_string(PROJECT* p, char* buf);
+extern const char* rsc_project_reason_string(int);
diff --git a/clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp b/clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp
index 1a0ca51..48eecc0 100644
--- a/clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp
+++ b/clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp
@@ -54,9 +54,9 @@ IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS( CAccountInfoPage, wxWizardPageEx )
 BEGIN_EVENT_TABLE( CAccountInfoPage, wxWizardPageEx )
 ////@begin CAccountInfoPage event table entries
-    EVT_WIZARDEX_PAGE_CHANGED( -1, CAccountInfoPage::OnPageChanged )
-    EVT_WIZARDEX_PAGE_CHANGING( -1, CAccountInfoPage::OnPageChanging )
-    EVT_WIZARDEX_CANCEL( -1, CAccountInfoPage::OnCancel )
+    EVT_WIZARDEX_PAGE_CHANGED( wxID_ANY, CAccountInfoPage::OnPageChanged )
+    EVT_WIZARDEX_PAGE_CHANGING( wxID_ANY, CAccountInfoPage::OnPageChanging )
+    EVT_WIZARDEX_CANCEL( wxID_ANY, CAccountInfoPage::OnCancel )
     EVT_RADIOBUTTON( ID_ACCOUNTCREATECTRL, CAccountInfoPage::OnAccountCreateCtrlSelected )
     EVT_RADIOBUTTON( ID_ACCOUNTUSEEXISTINGCTRL, CAccountInfoPage::OnAccountUseExistingCtrlSelected )
 ////@end CAccountInfoPage event table entries
@@ -213,14 +213,6 @@ void CAccountInfoPage::CreateControls()
     m_pAccountForgotPasswordCtrl->Create( itemWizardPage56, ID_ACCOUNTFORGOTPASSWORDCTRL, wxT(" "), wxT(" "), wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, wxNO_BORDER | wxHL_ALIGN_LEFT | wxHL_CONTEXTMENU );
     itemBoxSizer57->Add(m_pAccountForgotPasswordCtrl, 0, wxGROW|wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL|wxALL, 5);
-    // Set validators
-    // m_pAccountEmailAddressCtrl/m_pAccountUsernameCtrl is setup when the OnPageChange event is fired since
-    //   it can be a username or an email address.
-    m_pAccountEmailAddressCtrl->SetValidator( wxTextValidator(wxFILTER_NONE, &m_strAccountEmailAddress) );
-    m_pAccountUsernameCtrl->SetValidator( wxTextValidator(wxFILTER_NONE, &m_strAccountUsername) );
-    m_pAccountPasswordCtrl->SetValidator( wxTextValidator(wxFILTER_NONE, &m_strAccountPassword) );
-    m_pAccountConfirmPasswordCtrl->SetValidator( wxTextValidator(wxFILTER_NONE, &m_strAccountConfirmPassword) );
 #ifdef __WXMAC__
     HIViewRef buttonView = (HIViewRef)m_pAccountCreateCtrl->GetHandle();
@@ -306,24 +298,6 @@ void CAccountInfoPage::OnPageChanged( wxWizardExEvent& event ) {
-    wxASSERT(m_pTitleStaticCtrl);
-    wxASSERT(m_pCookieDetectionFailedStaticCtrl);
-    wxASSERT(m_pCookieDetectionFailedCtrl);
-    wxASSERT(m_pAccountQuestionStaticCtrl);
-    wxASSERT(m_pAccountInformationStaticCtrl);
-    wxASSERT(m_pAccountCreateCtrl);
-    wxASSERT(m_pAccountUseExistingCtrl);
-    wxASSERT(m_pAccountEmailAddressStaticCtrl);
-    wxASSERT(m_pAccountEmailAddressCtrl);
-    wxASSERT(m_pAccountUsernameStaticCtrl);
-    wxASSERT(m_pAccountUsernameCtrl);
-    wxASSERT(m_pAccountPasswordStaticCtrl);
-    wxASSERT(m_pAccountPasswordCtrl);
-    wxASSERT(m_pAccountConfirmPasswordStaticCtrl);
-    wxASSERT(m_pAccountConfirmPasswordCtrl);
-    wxASSERT(m_pAccountPasswordRequirmentsStaticCtrl);
-    wxASSERT(m_pAccountManagerLinkLabelStaticCtrl);
-    wxASSERT(m_pAccountForgotPasswordCtrl);
     wxASSERT(wxDynamicCast(pSkinAdvanced, CSkinAdvanced));
     wxASSERT(wxDynamicCast(pSkinWizardATAM, CSkinWizardATAM));
@@ -345,7 +319,7 @@ void CAccountInfoPage::OnPageChanged( wxWizardExEvent& event ) {
-        if (!(pWA->m_bCookieRequired && !pWA->m_bCredentialsDetected)) {
+        if (!(pWA->IsCookieRequired() && !pWA->IsCredentialsDetected())) {
         } else {
@@ -362,7 +336,7 @@ void CAccountInfoPage::OnPageChanged( wxWizardExEvent& event ) {
-        if (pWA->m_bCookieRequired && !pWA->m_bCredentialsDetected) {
+        if (pWA->IsCookieRequired() && !pWA->IsCredentialsDetected()) {
@@ -408,7 +382,7 @@ void CAccountInfoPage::OnPageChanged( wxWizardExEvent& event ) {
             _("&Yes, existing user")
     } else {
-        if (pWA->m_bCookieRequired && !pWA->m_bCredentialsDetected) {
+        if (pWA->IsCookieRequired() && !pWA->IsCredentialsDetected()) {
                 _("We were not able to set up your account information\nautomatically.\n\nPlease click on the 'Find login information' link\nbelow to find out what to put in the email address and\npassword fields.")
@@ -416,7 +390,7 @@ void CAccountInfoPage::OnPageChanged( wxWizardExEvent& event ) {
                 _("Find login information")
-                pWA->m_strCookieFailureURL
+                pWA->GetCookieFailureURL()
@@ -492,9 +466,11 @@ void CAccountInfoPage::OnPageChanged( wxWizardExEvent& event ) {
-        m_pAccountEmailAddressCtrl->SetValidator(
-            CValidateEmailAddress(&m_strAccountEmailAddress)
-        );
+        if (!pc.ldap_auth) {
+            m_pAccountEmailAddressCtrl->SetValidator(
+                CValidateEmailAddress(&m_strAccountEmailAddress)
+            );
+        }
             wxTextValidator(wxFILTER_NONE, &m_strAccountUsername)
@@ -504,9 +480,15 @@ void CAccountInfoPage::OnPageChanged( wxWizardExEvent& event ) {
-        m_pAccountEmailAddressStaticCtrl->SetLabel(
-            _("&Email address:")
-        );
+        if (pc.ldap_auth) {
+            m_pAccountEmailAddressStaticCtrl->SetLabel(
+                _("&Email address or LDAP ID:")
+            );
+        } else {
+            m_pAccountEmailAddressStaticCtrl->SetLabel(
+                _("&Email address:")
+            );
+        }
@@ -522,7 +504,7 @@ void CAccountInfoPage::OnPageChanged( wxWizardExEvent& event ) {
             _("Forgot your password?")
-            wxString(pWA->m_ProjectInfoPage->GetProjectURL() + _T("get_passwd.php"))
+            wxString(pWA->GetProjectURL() + _T("get_passwd.php"))
     } else {
@@ -532,7 +514,7 @@ void CAccountInfoPage::OnPageChanged( wxWizardExEvent& event ) {
             _("Account manager web site")
-            wxString(pWA->m_AccountManagerInfoPage->GetProjectURL())
+            wxString(pWA->GetProjectURL())
@@ -610,6 +592,7 @@ void CAccountInfoPage::OnPageChanging( wxWizardExEvent& event ) {
         if (bDisplayError) {
@@ -617,6 +600,14 @@ void CAccountInfoPage::OnPageChanging( wxWizardExEvent& event ) {
+        } else {
+            // Update authoritative data in CWizardAttach
+            pWA->SetAccountEmailAddress(m_strAccountEmailAddress);
+            pWA->SetAccountUsername(m_strAccountUsername);
+            pWA->SetAccountPassword(m_pAccountPasswordCtrl->GetValue());
diff --git a/clientgui/AccountInfoPage.h b/clientgui/AccountInfoPage.h
index d007e9f..4efb37f 100644
--- a/clientgui/AccountInfoPage.h
+++ b/clientgui/AccountInfoPage.h
@@ -71,18 +71,6 @@ public:
     /// Gets the next page.
     virtual wxWizardPageEx* GetNext() const;
-    wxString GetAccountEmailAddress() const { return m_strAccountEmailAddress ; }
-    void SetAccountEmailAddress(wxString value) { m_strAccountEmailAddress = value ; }
-    wxString GetAccountPassword() const { return m_strAccountPassword ; }
-    void SetAccountPassword(wxString value) { m_strAccountPassword = value ; }
-    wxString GetAccountConfirmPassword() const { return m_strAccountConfirmPassword ; }
-    void SetAccountConfirmPassword(wxString value) { m_strAccountConfirmPassword = value ; }
-    wxString GetAccountUsername() const { return m_strAccountUsername ; }
-    void SetAccountUsername(wxString value) { m_strAccountUsername = value ; }
     /// Retrieves bitmap resources
     wxBitmap GetBitmapResource( const wxString& name );
@@ -112,11 +100,9 @@ public:
     wxStaticText* m_pAccountPasswordRequirmentsStaticCtrl;
     wxStaticText* m_pAccountManagerLinkLabelStaticCtrl;
     wxHyperlinkCtrl* m_pAccountForgotPasswordCtrl;
+////@end CAccountInfoPage member variables
     wxString m_strAccountEmailAddress;
     wxString m_strAccountUsername;
-    wxString m_strAccountPassword;
-    wxString m_strAccountConfirmPassword;
-////@end CAccountInfoPage member variables
diff --git a/clientgui/AccountManagerInfoPage.cpp b/clientgui/AccountManagerInfoPage.cpp
index 4d88ddd..f72f130 100644
--- a/clientgui/AccountManagerInfoPage.cpp
+++ b/clientgui/AccountManagerInfoPage.cpp
@@ -117,8 +117,8 @@ void CAccountManagerInfoPage::CreateControls()
 #define LISTBOXWIDTH 225
-#define LISTBOXWIDTH 150
     CAccountManagerInfoPage* itemWizardPage23 = this;
@@ -142,7 +142,7 @@ void CAccountManagerInfoPage::CreateControls()
     itemBoxSizer24->Add(itemFlexGridSizer3, 1, wxGROW|wxALL, 5);
     wxArrayString m_pProjectsCtrlStrings;
-    m_pProjectListCtrl = new wxListBox( itemWizardPage23, ID_PROJECTS, wxDefaultPosition, wxSize(LISTBOXWIDTH, 175), m_pProjectsCtrlStrings, wxLB_SINGLE|wxLB_SORT );
+    m_pProjectListCtrl = new wxListBox( itemWizardPage23, ID_PROJECTS, wxDefaultPosition, wxSize(LISTBOXWIDTH, ADJUSTFORYDPI(175)), m_pProjectsCtrlStrings, wxLB_SINGLE|wxLB_SORT );
     itemFlexGridSizer3->Add(m_pProjectListCtrl, 0, wxGROW|wxRIGHT, 10);
     wxFlexGridSizer* itemFlexGridSizer4 = new wxFlexGridSizer(3, 1, 0, 0);
@@ -153,7 +153,7 @@ void CAccountManagerInfoPage::CreateControls()
     m_pProjectDetailsStaticCtrl->Create( itemWizardPage23, wxID_ANY, wxEmptyString, wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, 0 );
     itemFlexGridSizer4->Add(m_pProjectDetailsStaticCtrl, 0, wxBOTTOM, 5);
-    m_pProjectDetailsDescriptionCtrl = new wxTextCtrl( itemWizardPage23, ID_PROJECTDESCRIPTION, wxT(""), wxDefaultPosition, wxSize(DESCRIPTIONSWIDTH, 100), wxTE_MULTILINE|wxTE_READONLY );
+    m_pProjectDetailsDescriptionCtrl = new wxTextCtrl( itemWizardPage23, ID_PROJECTDESCRIPTION, wxT(""), wxDefaultPosition, wxSize(DESCRIPTIONSWIDTH, ADJUSTFORYDPI(100)), wxTE_MULTILINE|wxTE_READONLY );
     itemFlexGridSizer4->Add(m_pProjectDetailsDescriptionCtrl, 0, wxGROW);
 	m_pOpenWebSiteButton = new wxButton( this, ID_PROJECTWEBPAGECTRL, wxEmptyString, wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, 0 );
@@ -179,8 +179,6 @@ void CAccountManagerInfoPage::CreateControls()
     m_pProjectUrlCtrl->Create( itemWizardPage23, ID_PROJECTURLCTRL, wxEmptyString, wxDefaultPosition, wxSize(200, -1), 0 );
     itemFlexGridSizer14->Add(m_pProjectUrlCtrl, 0, wxGROW|wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL|wxALL, 5);
-    // Set validators
-    m_pProjectUrlCtrl->SetValidator( CValidateURL( & m_strProjectURL ) );
     ////@end CAccountManagerInfoPage content construction
@@ -257,7 +255,7 @@ void CAccountManagerInfoPage::OnPageChanged( wxWizardExEvent& event ) {
     unsigned int      i;
-    CMainDocument*    pDoc = wxGetApp().GetDocument();
+    CMainDocument* pDoc = wxGetApp().GetDocument();
@@ -320,12 +318,10 @@ void CAccountManagerInfoPage::OnPageChanged( wxWizardExEvent& event ) {
         if (m_pProjectListCtrl->GetCount()) {
             CAcctMgrListItem* pItem = (CAcctMgrListItem*)(m_pProjectListCtrl->GetClientData(0));
-            SetProjectURL(pItem->GetURL());
+            m_pProjectUrlCtrl->SetValue(pItem->GetURL());
-        TransferDataToWindow();
         m_bAccountManagerListPopulated = true;
@@ -341,7 +337,12 @@ void CAccountManagerInfoPage::OnPageChanged( wxWizardExEvent& event ) {
 void CAccountManagerInfoPage::OnPageChanging( wxWizardExEvent& event ) {
-    event.Skip();
+    if (event.GetDirection() == false) return;
+    CWizardAttach* pWA = ((CWizardAttach*)GetParent());
+    // Update authoritative data in CWizardAttach
+    pWA->SetProjectURL(m_pProjectUrlCtrl->GetValue());
@@ -351,14 +352,13 @@ void CAccountManagerInfoPage::OnPageChanging( wxWizardExEvent& event ) {
 void CAccountManagerInfoPage::OnProjectSelected( wxCommandEvent& /*event*/ ) {
     int sel = m_pProjectListCtrl->GetSelection();
     if (sel == wxNOT_FOUND) {
-        SetProjectURL(wxEmptyString);
+        m_pProjectUrlCtrl->SetValue(wxEmptyString);
     } else {
         CAcctMgrListItem* pItem = (CAcctMgrListItem*)(m_pProjectListCtrl->GetClientData(sel));
-        SetProjectURL(pItem->GetURL());
+        m_pProjectUrlCtrl->SetValue(pItem->GetURL());
-    TransferDataToWindow();
diff --git a/clientgui/AccountManagerInfoPage.h b/clientgui/AccountManagerInfoPage.h
index 2a72656..1b9fb15 100644
--- a/clientgui/AccountManagerInfoPage.h
+++ b/clientgui/AccountManagerInfoPage.h
@@ -102,9 +102,6 @@ public:
     /// Gets the next page.
     virtual wxWizardPageEx* GetNext() const;
-    wxString GetProjectURL() const { return m_strProjectURL ; }
-    void SetProjectURL(wxString value) { m_strProjectURL = value ; }
     /// Retrieves bitmap resources
     wxBitmap GetBitmapResource( const wxString& name );
@@ -125,7 +122,6 @@ public:
     wxStaticText* m_pProjectUrlStaticCtrl;
     wxTextCtrl* m_pProjectUrlCtrl;
 ////@end CAccountManagerInfoPage member variables
-    wxString m_strProjectURL;
     bool m_bAccountManagerListPopulated;
diff --git a/clientgui/AccountManagerProcessingPage.cpp b/clientgui/AccountManagerProcessingPage.cpp
index 5d6c40e..9289a4d 100644
--- a/clientgui/AccountManagerProcessingPage.cpp
+++ b/clientgui/AccountManagerProcessingPage.cpp
@@ -156,7 +156,7 @@ void CAccountManagerProcessingPage::CreateControls()
     wxBitmap itemBitmap41(GetBitmapResource(wxT("res/wizprogress01.xpm")));
     m_pProgressIndicator = new wxStaticBitmap;
-    m_pProgressIndicator->Create( itemWizardPage36, ID_PROGRESSCTRL, itemBitmap41, wxDefaultPosition, wxSize(184, 48), 0 );
+    m_pProgressIndicator->Create( itemWizardPage36, ID_PROGRESSCTRL, itemBitmap41, wxDefaultPosition, wxSize(ADJUSTFORXDPI(184), ADJUSTFORYDPI(48)), 0 );
     itemFlexGridSizer40->Add(m_pProgressIndicator, 0, wxALIGN_CENTER_HORIZONTAL|wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL|wxALL, 5);
     itemFlexGridSizer40->Add(5, 5, 0, wxGROW|wxALL, 5);
@@ -178,12 +178,12 @@ void CAccountManagerProcessingPage::OnPageChanged( wxWizardExEvent& event )
-    if (!pWA->m_strProjectName.IsEmpty()) {
+    if (!pWA->GetProjectName().IsEmpty()) {
         wxString str;
         // %s is the project name
         //    i.e. 'BOINC', 'GridRepublic'
-        str.Printf(_("Communicating with %s."), pWA->m_strProjectName.c_str());
+        str.Printf(_("Communicating with %s."), pWA->GetProjectName().c_str());
@@ -259,15 +259,15 @@ void CAccountManagerProcessingPage::OnStateChange( CAccountManagerProcessingPage
             if (!pWA->project_config.master_url.empty()) {
                 url = pWA->project_config.master_url;
             } else {
-                url = (const char*)pWA->m_AccountManagerInfoPage->GetProjectURL().mb_str();
+                url = (const char*)pWA->GetProjectURL().mb_str();
             if (pWA->project_config.uses_username) {
-                username = (const char*)pWA->m_AccountInfoPage->GetAccountUsername().mb_str();
+                username = (const char*)pWA->GetAccountUsername().mb_str();
             } else {
-                username = (const char*)pWA->m_AccountInfoPage->GetAccountEmailAddress().mb_str();
+                username = (const char*)pWA->GetAccountEmailAddress().mb_str();
-            password = (const char*)pWA->m_AccountInfoPage->GetAccountPassword().mb_str();
+            password = (const char*)pWA->GetAccountPassword().mb_str();
             // Wait until we are done processing the request.
             dtStartExecutionTime = wxDateTime::Now();
@@ -286,7 +286,7 @@ void CAccountManagerProcessingPage::OnStateChange( CAccountManagerProcessingPage
-                        pWA->m_bCredentialsCached
+                        pWA->IsCredentialsCached()
@@ -313,7 +313,7 @@ void CAccountManagerProcessingPage::OnStateChange( CAccountManagerProcessingPage
                 ) {
                     // For any logon error, make sure we do not attempt to use cached credentials
                     //   on any follow-ups.
-                    pWA->m_bCredentialsCached = false;
+                    pWA->SetCredentialsCached(false);
                 } else {
@@ -421,65 +421,66 @@ void CAccountManagerProcessingPage::FinishProgress(wxStaticBitmap* pBitmap) {
 wxBitmap CAccountManagerProcessingPage::GetBitmapResource( const wxString& name )
+// TODO: Choose from multiple size images if provided, else resize the closest one
     // Bitmap retrieval
     if (name == wxT("res/wizprogress01.xpm"))
-        wxBitmap bitmap(wizprogress01_xpm);
+        wxBitmap bitmap(GetScaledBitmapFromXPMData(wizprogress01_xpm));
         return bitmap;
     else if (name == wxT("res/wizprogress02.xpm"))
-        wxBitmap bitmap(wizprogress02_xpm);
+        wxBitmap  bitmap(GetScaledBitmapFromXPMData(wizprogress02_xpm));
         return bitmap;
     else if (name == wxT("res/wizprogress03.xpm"))
-        wxBitmap bitmap(wizprogress03_xpm);
+        wxBitmap  bitmap(GetScaledBitmapFromXPMData(wizprogress03_xpm));
         return bitmap;
     else if (name == wxT("res/wizprogress04.xpm"))
-        wxBitmap bitmap(wizprogress04_xpm);
+        wxBitmap  bitmap(GetScaledBitmapFromXPMData(wizprogress04_xpm));
         return bitmap;
     else if (name == wxT("res/wizprogress05.xpm"))
-        wxBitmap bitmap(wizprogress05_xpm);
+        wxBitmap  bitmap(GetScaledBitmapFromXPMData(wizprogress05_xpm));
         return bitmap;
     else if (name == wxT("res/wizprogress06.xpm"))
-        wxBitmap bitmap(wizprogress06_xpm);
+        wxBitmap  bitmap(GetScaledBitmapFromXPMData(wizprogress06_xpm));
         return bitmap;
     else if (name == wxT("res/wizprogress07.xpm"))
-        wxBitmap bitmap(wizprogress07_xpm);
+        wxBitmap  bitmap(GetScaledBitmapFromXPMData(wizprogress07_xpm));
         return bitmap;
     else if (name == wxT("res/wizprogress08.xpm"))
-        wxBitmap bitmap(wizprogress08_xpm);
+        wxBitmap  bitmap(GetScaledBitmapFromXPMData(wizprogress08_xpm));
         return bitmap;
     else if (name == wxT("res/wizprogress09.xpm"))
-        wxBitmap bitmap(wizprogress09_xpm);
+        wxBitmap  bitmap(GetScaledBitmapFromXPMData(wizprogress09_xpm));
         return bitmap;
     else if (name == wxT("res/wizprogress10.xpm"))
-        wxBitmap bitmap(wizprogress10_xpm);
+        wxBitmap  bitmap(GetScaledBitmapFromXPMData(wizprogress10_xpm));
         return bitmap;
     else if (name == wxT("res/wizprogress11.xpm"))
-        wxBitmap bitmap(wizprogress11_xpm);
+        wxBitmap  bitmap(GetScaledBitmapFromXPMData(wizprogress11_xpm));
         return bitmap;
     else if (name == wxT("res/wizprogress12.xpm"))
-        wxBitmap bitmap(wizprogress12_xpm);
+        wxBitmap  bitmap(GetScaledBitmapFromXPMData(wizprogress12_xpm));
         return bitmap;
     return wxNullBitmap;
diff --git a/clientgui/AccountManagerPropertiesPage.cpp b/clientgui/AccountManagerPropertiesPage.cpp
index ea1c070..5ac422e 100644
--- a/clientgui/AccountManagerPropertiesPage.cpp
+++ b/clientgui/AccountManagerPropertiesPage.cpp
@@ -163,7 +163,7 @@ void CAccountManagerPropertiesPage::CreateControls()
     wxBitmap itemBitmap41(GetBitmapResource(wxT("res/wizprogress01.xpm")));
     m_pProgressIndicator = new wxStaticBitmap;
-    m_pProgressIndicator->Create( itemWizardPage36, ID_PROGRESSCTRL, itemBitmap41, wxDefaultPosition, wxSize(184, 48), 0 );
+    m_pProgressIndicator->Create( itemWizardPage36, ID_PROGRESSCTRL, itemBitmap41, wxDefaultPosition, wxSize(ADJUSTFORXDPI(184), ADJUSTFORYDPI(48)), 0 );
     itemFlexGridSizer40->Add(m_pProgressIndicator, 0, wxALIGN_CENTER_HORIZONTAL|wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL|wxALL, 5);
     itemFlexGridSizer40->Add(5, 5, 0, wxGROW|wxGROW|wxALL, 5);
@@ -184,12 +184,12 @@ void CAccountManagerPropertiesPage::OnPageChanged( wxWizardExEvent& /*event*/ )
-    if (!pWA->m_strProjectName.IsEmpty()) {
+    if (!pWA->GetProjectName().IsEmpty()) {
         wxString str;
         // %s is the project name
         //    i.e. 'BOINC', 'GridRepublic'
-        str.Printf(_("Communicating with %s."), pWA->m_strProjectName.c_str());
+        str.Printf(_("Communicating with %s."), pWA->GetProjectName().c_str());
@@ -276,7 +276,7 @@ void CAccountManagerPropertiesPage::OnStateChange( CAccountManagerPropertiesPage
             ) {
                 if (ERR_RETRY == pc->error_num) {
-                        (const char*)pWA->m_AccountManagerInfoPage->GetProjectURL().mb_str()
+                        (const char*)pWA->GetProjectURL().mb_str()
@@ -303,7 +303,7 @@ void CAccountManagerPropertiesPage::OnStateChange( CAccountManagerPropertiesPage
-                pWA->m_strProjectName = wxString(pc->name.c_str(), wxConvUTF8);
+                pWA->SetProjectName(wxString(pc->name.c_str(), wxConvUTF8));
             } else {
@@ -378,7 +378,7 @@ void CAccountManagerPropertiesPage::OnStateChange( CAccountManagerPropertiesPage
             // Determine if the account settings are already pre-populated.
             //   If so, advance to the Account Manager Processing page.
-            SetCredentialsAlreadyAvailable(pWA->m_bCredentialsCached || pWA->m_bCredentialsDetected);
+            SetCredentialsAlreadyAvailable(pWA->IsCredentialsCached() || pWA->IsCredentialsDetected());
@@ -483,65 +483,66 @@ void CAccountManagerPropertiesPage::FinishProgress(wxStaticBitmap* pBitmap) {
 wxBitmap CAccountManagerPropertiesPage::GetBitmapResource( const wxString& name )
+// TODO: Choose from multiple size images if provided, else resize the closest one
     // Bitmap retrieval
     if (name == wxT("res/wizprogress01.xpm"))
-        wxBitmap bitmap(wizprogress01_xpm);
+        wxBitmap bitmap(GetScaledBitmapFromXPMData(wizprogress01_xpm));
         return bitmap;
     else if (name == wxT("res/wizprogress02.xpm"))
-        wxBitmap bitmap(wizprogress02_xpm);
+        wxBitmap  bitmap(GetScaledBitmapFromXPMData(wizprogress02_xpm));
         return bitmap;
     else if (name == wxT("res/wizprogress03.xpm"))
-        wxBitmap bitmap(wizprogress03_xpm);
+        wxBitmap  bitmap(GetScaledBitmapFromXPMData(wizprogress03_xpm));
         return bitmap;
     else if (name == wxT("res/wizprogress04.xpm"))
-        wxBitmap bitmap(wizprogress04_xpm);
+        wxBitmap  bitmap(GetScaledBitmapFromXPMData(wizprogress04_xpm));
         return bitmap;
     else if (name == wxT("res/wizprogress05.xpm"))
-        wxBitmap bitmap(wizprogress05_xpm);
+        wxBitmap  bitmap(GetScaledBitmapFromXPMData(wizprogress05_xpm));
         return bitmap;
     else if (name == wxT("res/wizprogress06.xpm"))
-        wxBitmap bitmap(wizprogress06_xpm);
+        wxBitmap  bitmap(GetScaledBitmapFromXPMData(wizprogress06_xpm));
         return bitmap;
     else if (name == wxT("res/wizprogress07.xpm"))
-        wxBitmap bitmap(wizprogress07_xpm);
+        wxBitmap  bitmap(GetScaledBitmapFromXPMData(wizprogress07_xpm));
         return bitmap;
     else if (name == wxT("res/wizprogress08.xpm"))
-        wxBitmap bitmap(wizprogress08_xpm);
+        wxBitmap  bitmap(GetScaledBitmapFromXPMData(wizprogress08_xpm));
         return bitmap;
     else if (name == wxT("res/wizprogress09.xpm"))
-        wxBitmap bitmap(wizprogress09_xpm);
+        wxBitmap  bitmap(GetScaledBitmapFromXPMData(wizprogress09_xpm));
         return bitmap;
     else if (name == wxT("res/wizprogress10.xpm"))
-        wxBitmap bitmap(wizprogress10_xpm);
+        wxBitmap  bitmap(GetScaledBitmapFromXPMData(wizprogress10_xpm));
         return bitmap;
     else if (name == wxT("res/wizprogress11.xpm"))
-        wxBitmap bitmap(wizprogress11_xpm);
+        wxBitmap  bitmap(GetScaledBitmapFromXPMData(wizprogress11_xpm));
         return bitmap;
     else if (name == wxT("res/wizprogress12.xpm"))
-        wxBitmap bitmap(wizprogress12_xpm);
+        wxBitmap  bitmap(GetScaledBitmapFromXPMData(wizprogress12_xpm));
         return bitmap;
     return wxNullBitmap;
diff --git a/clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp b/clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp
index be0dae8..664faf5 100644
--- a/clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp
+++ b/clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp
@@ -53,6 +53,7 @@
 #include "DlgDiagnosticLogFlags.h"
 #include "DlgGenericMessage.h"
 #include "DlgEventLog.h"
+#include "browser.h"
 #include "wizardex.h"
 #include "BOINCBaseWizard.h"
 #include "WizardAttach.h"
@@ -61,7 +62,6 @@
 #include "res/connect.xpm"
 #include "res/disconnect.xpm"
@@ -355,7 +355,8 @@ bool CAdvancedFrame::CreateMenu() {
 #ifdef __WXMAC__
+        wxID_PREFERENCES,
+        _("Preferences...")
@@ -616,7 +617,6 @@ bool CAdvancedFrame::CreateMenu() {
         _("Enable or disable various diagnostic messages")
     // Help menu
     wxMenu *menuHelp = new wxMenu;
@@ -719,10 +719,6 @@ bool CAdvancedFrame::CreateMenu() {
     // Force a redraw of the menu under Ubuntu's new interface
-#ifdef __WXMAC__
-    m_pMenubar->MacInstallMenuBar();
-    MacLocalizeBOINCMenu();
     if (m_pOldMenubar) {
         delete m_pOldMenubar;
@@ -805,12 +801,12 @@ bool CAdvancedFrame::CreateNotebookPage( CBOINCBaseView* pwndNewNotebookPage) {
     pImageList = m_pNotebook->GetImageList();
     if (!pImageList) {
-        pImageList = new wxImageList(16, 16, true, 0);
+        pImageList = new wxImageList(ADJUSTFORXDPI(16), ADJUSTFORYDPI(16), true, 0);
         wxASSERT(pImageList != NULL);
-    iImageIndex = pImageList->Add(wxBitmap(pwndNewNotebookPage->GetViewIcon()));
+    iImageIndex = pImageList->Add(GetScaledBitmapFromXPMData(pwndNewNotebookPage->GetViewIcon()));
     m_pNotebook->AddPage(pwndNewNotebookPage, pwndNewNotebookPage->GetViewDisplayName(), TRUE, iImageIndex);
     wxLogTrace(wxT("Function Start/End"), wxT("CAdvancedFrame::CreateNotebookPage - Function End"));
@@ -1100,10 +1096,8 @@ void CAdvancedFrame::OnWizardAttach( wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(event) ) {
         CWizardAttach* pWizard = new CWizardAttach(this);
-        wxString strName = wxEmptyString;
         wxString strURL = wxEmptyString;
-        wxString strTeamName = wxEmptyString;
-        pWizard->Run( strName, strURL, strTeamName, false );
+        pWizard->Run(strURL, false);
         if (pWizard) {
@@ -1362,9 +1356,9 @@ void CAdvancedFrame::OnSelectComputer(wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(event)) {
             lRetVal = pDoc->Connect(
-                hostName,
+                hostName.c_str(),
-                password,
+                password.c_str(),
@@ -1669,6 +1663,12 @@ void CAdvancedFrame::OnConnect(CFrameEvent& WXUNUSED(event)) {
     wxString strTeamName = wxEmptyString;
     wxString strDialogTitle = wxEmptyString;
     wxString strDialogDescription = wxEmptyString;
+    std::string strProjectName;
+    std::string strProjectURL;
+    std::string strProjectAuthenticator;
+    std::string strProjectInstitution;
+    std::string strProjectDescription;
+    std::string strProjectKnown;
     bool bCachedCredentials = false;
     ACCT_MGR_INFO ami;
@@ -1726,11 +1726,39 @@ void CAdvancedFrame::OnConnect(CFrameEvent& WXUNUSED(event)) {
-    if (ami.acct_mgr_url.size() && ami.have_credentials) {
+    if (detect_simple_account_credentials(
+            strProjectName, strProjectURL, strProjectAuthenticator, strProjectInstitution, strProjectDescription, strProjectKnown
+        )
+    ){
+        wasShown = IsShown();
+        Show();
+        wasVisible = wxGetApp().IsApplicationVisible();
+        if (!wasVisible) {
+            wxGetApp().ShowApplication(true);
+        }
+        pWizard = new CWizardAttach(this);
+        if (pWizard->RunSimpleProjectAttach(
+                wxURI::Unescape(strProjectName),
+                wxURI::Unescape(strProjectURL),
+                wxURI::Unescape(strProjectAuthenticator),
+                wxURI::Unescape(strProjectInstitution),
+                wxURI::Unescape(strProjectDescription),
+                wxURI::Unescape(strProjectKnown)
+            )
+        ) {
+            // If successful, display the projects tab
+            m_pNotebook->SetSelection(ID_ADVTASKSVIEW - ID_ADVVIEWBASE);
+        } else {
+            // If failure, display the notices tab
+            m_pNotebook->SetSelection(ID_ADVNOTICESVIEW - ID_ADVVIEWBASE);
+        }
+    } else if (ami.acct_mgr_url.size() && ami.have_credentials) {
         // Fall through
-        // There isn't a need to bring up the attach wizard, the account manager will
-        // take care of attaching to projects when it completes the RPCs
+        // There isn't a need to bring up the attach wizard, the client will
+        // take care of attaching to projects when it completes the needed RPCs
     } else if (ami.acct_mgr_url.size() && !ami.have_credentials) {
         wasShown = IsShown();
@@ -1742,6 +1770,7 @@ void CAdvancedFrame::OnConnect(CFrameEvent& WXUNUSED(event)) {
         pWizard = new CWizardAttach(this);
         if (pWizard->SyncToAccountManager()) {
             // are defined for those branded builds on Windows only
 #if defined(_GRIDREPUBLIC) || defined(_PROGRESSTHRUPROCESSORS) || defined(_CHARITYENGINE) || defined(__WXMAC__)
@@ -1802,12 +1831,10 @@ void CAdvancedFrame::OnConnect(CFrameEvent& WXUNUSED(event)) {
         pWizard = new CWizardAttach(this);
-        strName = wxString(pis.name.c_str(), wxConvUTF8);
         strURL = wxString(pis.url.c_str(), wxConvUTF8);
-        strTeamName = wxString(pis.team_name.c_str(), wxConvUTF8);
         bCachedCredentials = pis.url.length() && pis.has_account_key;
-        if (pWizard->Run(strName, strURL, strTeamName, bCachedCredentials)) {
+        if (pWizard->Run(strURL, bCachedCredentials)) {
             // If successful, display the work tab
             m_pNotebook->SetSelection(ID_ADVTASKSVIEW - ID_ADVVIEWBASE);
         } else {
diff --git a/clientgui/AsyncRPC.cpp b/clientgui/AsyncRPC.cpp
index dc50edb..c638824 100644
--- a/clientgui/AsyncRPC.cpp
+++ b/clientgui/AsyncRPC.cpp
@@ -256,7 +256,7 @@ int RPCThread::ProcessRPCRequest() {
         // RPC_GET_SIMPLE_GUI_INFO2 is equivalent to doing both 
-        retval = (m_pDoc->rpcClient).get_results(*(RESULTS*)(current_request->arg3));
+        retval = (m_pDoc->rpcClient).get_results(*(RESULTS*)(current_request->arg3), *(bool*)(current_request->arg4));
         if (!retval) {
             retval = (m_pDoc->rpcClient).get_project_status(*(PROJECTS*)(current_request->arg1));
diff --git a/clientgui/AsyncRPC.h b/clientgui/AsyncRPC.h
index 2fe79cc..0788bd6 100644
--- a/clientgui/AsyncRPC.h
+++ b/clientgui/AsyncRPC.h
@@ -236,8 +236,8 @@ public:
             { return RPC_Wait(RPC_GET_FILE_TRANSFERS, (void*)&arg1); }
     int get_simple_gui_info(SIMPLE_GUI_INFO& arg1)
             { return RPC_Wait(RPC_GET_SIMPLE_GUI_INFO1, (void*)&arg1); }
-    int get_simple_gui_info(PROJECTS& arg1, CC_STATE& ccbuf, RESULTS& rbuf)
-            { return RPC_Wait(RPC_GET_SIMPLE_GUI_INFO2, (void*)&arg1, (void*)&ccbuf, (void*)&rbuf); }
+    int get_simple_gui_info(PROJECTS& arg1, CC_STATE& ccbuf, RESULTS& rbuf, bool& activeTasksOnly)
+            { return RPC_Wait(RPC_GET_SIMPLE_GUI_INFO2, (void*)&arg1, (void*)&ccbuf, (void*)&rbuf, (void*)&activeTasksOnly); }
     int get_project_status(PROJECTS& arg1, CC_STATE& arg2)
             { return RPC_Wait(RPC_GET_PROJECT_STATUS1, (void*)&arg1, (void*)&arg2); }
     int get_project_status(PROJECTS& arg1)
diff --git a/clientgui/BOINCBaseView.cpp b/clientgui/BOINCBaseView.cpp
index 287577a..6656267 100644
--- a/clientgui/BOINCBaseView.cpp
+++ b/clientgui/BOINCBaseView.cpp
@@ -544,6 +544,12 @@ void CBOINCBaseView::OnColClick(wxListEvent& event) {
     m_bIgnoreUIEvents = false;
+    // Write the change to the registry
+    wxConfigBase* pConfig = wxConfigBase::Get(false);
+    pConfig->SetPath(wxT("/") + GetViewName());
+    m_pListPane->OnSaveState(pConfig);
diff --git a/clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp b/clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp
index bf55d7e..31dc7a6 100644
--- a/clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp
+++ b/clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp
@@ -412,6 +412,8 @@ bool CBOINCGUIApp::OnInit() {
     wxSystemOptions::SetOption(wxT("msw.staticbox.optimized-paint"), 0);
 #ifdef __WXMAC__
+    bool launchedFromLogin = false;
     // In wxMac-2.8.7, default wxListCtrl::RefreshItem() does not work
     // so use traditional generic implementation.
     // This has been fixed in wxMac-2.8.8, but the Mac native implementation:
@@ -645,6 +647,36 @@ bool CBOINCGUIApp::OnInit() {
+#ifdef __WXMAC__
+    ProcessSerialNumber psn;
+    ProcessInfoRec pInfo;
+    OSStatus err;
+    memset(&pInfo, 0, sizeof(pInfo));
+    pInfo.processInfoLength = sizeof( ProcessInfoRec );
+    err = GetProcessInformation(&m_psnCurrentProcess, &pInfo);
+    if (!err) {
+        psn = pInfo.processLauncher;
+        memset(&pInfo, 0, sizeof(pInfo));
+        pInfo.processInfoLength = sizeof( ProcessInfoRec );
+        err = GetProcessInformation(&psn, &pInfo);
+    }
+    // Don't open main window if we were started automatically at login
+    if (pInfo.processSignature == 'lgnw') {  // Login Window app
+        launchedFromLogin = true;
+        // Prevent a situation where wxSingleInstanceChecker lock file
+        // from last login auto start (with same pid) was not deleted.
+        // This path must match that in DetectDuplicateInstance()
+        wxString lockFilePath = wxString(wxFileName::GetHomeDir() +
+                                            "/Library/Application Support/BOINC/" +
+                                            wxTheApp->GetAppName() +
+                                            '-' + wxGetUserId()
+                                        );
+        boinc_delete_file(lockFilePath.utf8_str());
+    }
     // Detect if BOINC Manager is already running, if so, bring it into the
     // foreground and then exit.
     if (DetectDuplicateInstance()) {
@@ -693,21 +725,7 @@ bool CBOINCGUIApp::OnInit() {
 #ifdef __WXMAC__
-    ProcessSerialNumber psn;
-    ProcessInfoRec pInfo;
-    OSStatus err;
-    memset(&pInfo, 0, sizeof(pInfo));
-    pInfo.processInfoLength = sizeof( ProcessInfoRec );
-    err = GetProcessInformation(&m_psnCurrentProcess, &pInfo);
-    if (!err) {
-        psn = pInfo.processLauncher;
-        memset(&pInfo, 0, sizeof(pInfo));
-        pInfo.processInfoLength = sizeof( ProcessInfoRec );
-        err = GetProcessInformation(&psn, &pInfo);
-    }
-    // Don't open main window if we were started automatically at login
-    if (pInfo.processSignature == 'lgnw') {  // Login Window app
+    if (launchedFromLogin) {
         m_bGUIVisible = false;
         // If the system was just started, we usually get a "Connection
@@ -819,6 +837,16 @@ int CBOINCGUIApp::OnExit() {
 void CBOINCGUIApp::OnEndSession(wxCloseEvent& ) {
     s_bSkipExitConfirmation = true;
+    // On Windows Vista with UAC turned on, we have to spawn a new process to change the
+    // state of a service.  When Windows is shutting down it'll prevent new processes from
+    // being created.  Sometimes it'll present a crash dialog for the newly spawned application.
+    //
+    // So, we will just let the OS shutdown the service via the service control manager.
+    //
+    if (m_iShutdownCoreClient && m_pDocument->m_pClientManager->IsBOINCConfiguredAsDaemon()) {
+        m_iShutdownCoreClient = false;
+    }
     CBOINCBaseFrame* pFrame = wxGetApp().GetFrame();
     wxCommandEvent evt(wxEVT_COMMAND_MENU_SELECTED, wxID_EXIT);
     // The event loop has already been stopped,
diff --git a/clientgui/BOINCListCtrl.cpp b/clientgui/BOINCListCtrl.cpp
index 1e61bf4..78889d8 100644
--- a/clientgui/BOINCListCtrl.cpp
+++ b/clientgui/BOINCListCtrl.cpp
@@ -25,6 +25,23 @@
 #include "Events.h"
+BEGIN_EVENT_TABLE(MyEvtHandler, wxEvtHandler)
+    EVT_PAINT(MyEvtHandler::OnPaint)
+IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS(MyEvtHandler, wxEvtHandler)
+MyEvtHandler::MyEvtHandler() {}
+MyEvtHandler::MyEvtHandler(CBOINCListCtrl *theListControl) {
+    m_listCtrl = theListControl;
+#ifdef __WXGTK__
+    m_view_startX = 0;
-BEGIN_EVENT_TABLE(MyEvtHandler, wxEvtHandler)
-    EVT_PAINT(MyEvtHandler::OnPaint)
@@ -381,6 +393,20 @@ void MyEvtHandler::OnPaint(wxPaintEvent & event)
     if (m_listCtrl) {
+#ifdef __WXGTK__
+        // Work around a wxWidgets 3.0 bug in wxGenericListCtrl (Linux
+        // only) which causes headers to be misaligned after horizontal
+        // scrolling due to wxListHeaderWindow::OnPaint() calling
+        // parent->GetViewStart() before the parent window has been
+        // scrolled to the new position.
+        int view_startX;
+        m_listCtrl->GetViewStart( &view_startX, NULL );
+        if (view_startX != m_view_startX) {
+            m_view_startX = view_startX;
+            ((wxWindow *)m_listCtrl->m_headerWin)->Refresh();
+            ((wxWindow *)m_listCtrl->m_headerWin)->Update();
+        }
     } else {
@@ -416,21 +442,6 @@ void CBOINCListCtrl::OnMouseDown(wxMouseEvent& event) {
 void CBOINCListCtrl::RefreshCell(int row, int col) {
     wxRect r;
-#if (defined (__WXMSW__) && wxCHECK_VERSION(2,8,0))
     GetSubItemRect(row, col, r);
-    int i;
-    GetItemRect(row, r);
-    r.y = r.y - GetHeaderHeight() - 1;
-    for (i=0; i< col; i++) {
-        r.x += GetColumnWidth(i);
-    }
-    r.width = GetColumnWidth(col);
diff --git a/clientgui/BOINCListCtrl.h b/clientgui/BOINCListCtrl.h
index 00296cd..5e345e0 100644
--- a/clientgui/BOINCListCtrl.h
+++ b/clientgui/BOINCListCtrl.h
@@ -161,12 +161,21 @@ END_DECLARE_EVENT_TYPES()
 // Define a custom event handler
 class MyEvtHandler : public wxEvtHandler
-    MyEvtHandler(CBOINCListCtrl *theListControl) { m_listCtrl = theListControl; }
+    MyEvtHandler();
+    MyEvtHandler(CBOINCListCtrl *theListControl);
     void                    OnPaint(wxPaintEvent & event);
     CBOINCListCtrl *        m_listCtrl;
+#ifdef __WXGTK__
+    int                     m_view_startX;
diff --git a/clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp b/clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp
index 680347c..3f226af 100644
--- a/clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp
+++ b/clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp
@@ -509,10 +509,12 @@ wxMenu *CTaskBarIcon::BuildContextMenu() {
     wxASSERT(wxDynamicCast(pSkinAdvanced, CSkinAdvanced));
     // Prevent recursive entry of CMainDocument::RequestRPC() 
-     if (!pDoc->WaitingForRPC()) {
-        // Account managers have a different menu arrangement
-        pDoc->rpc.acct_mgr_info(ami);
-        is_acct_mgr_detected = ami.acct_mgr_url.size() ? true : false;
+    if (!pDoc->WaitingForRPC()) {
+        if (pDoc->IsConnected()) {
+            // Account managers have a different menu arrangement
+            pDoc->rpc.acct_mgr_info(ami);
+            is_acct_mgr_detected = ami.acct_mgr_url.size() ? true : false;
+        }
     if (is_acct_mgr_detected) {
diff --git a/clientgui/BOINCTaskCtrl.cpp b/clientgui/BOINCTaskCtrl.cpp
index 551bbf0..064e59b 100644
--- a/clientgui/BOINCTaskCtrl.cpp
+++ b/clientgui/BOINCTaskCtrl.cpp
@@ -22,9 +22,10 @@
 #include "stdwx.h"
 #include "BOINCBaseView.h"
 #include "BOINCTaskCtrl.h"
+#include "MainDocument.h"
-#define TASKPANEWIDTH 200
diff --git a/clientgui/CompletionPage.cpp b/clientgui/CompletionPage.cpp
index 354a6a5..c6184de 100644
--- a/clientgui/CompletionPage.cpp
+++ b/clientgui/CompletionPage.cpp
@@ -230,7 +230,7 @@ void CCompletionPage::OnPageChanged( wxWizardExEvent& event ) {
             if (pSkinAdvanced->IsBranded()) {
                     _("Update from %s completed."),
-                    pWAP->m_strProjectName.c_str()
+                    pWAP->GetProjectName().c_str()
             } else {
                 strTitle = _("Update completed.");
@@ -250,7 +250,7 @@ void CCompletionPage::OnPageChanged( wxWizardExEvent& event ) {
                 wxString strWelcome;
                     _("Welcome to %s!"),
-                    pWAP->m_strProjectName.c_str()
+                    pWAP->GetProjectName().c_str()
@@ -261,7 +261,7 @@ void CCompletionPage::OnPageChanged( wxWizardExEvent& event ) {
             if (pSkinAdvanced->IsBranded()) {
                     _("You are now using %s to manage accounts."),
-                    pWAP->m_strProjectName.c_str()
+                    pWAP->GetProjectName().c_str()
             } else {
                 strBrandedMessage = _("You are now using this account manager.");
@@ -285,7 +285,7 @@ void CCompletionPage::OnPageChanged( wxWizardExEvent& event ) {
     // Is this supposed to be completely automated?
     // If so, then go ahead and close the wizard down now.
-    if (pWAP->close_when_completed) {
+    if (pWAP->IsCloseWhenCompleted()) {
diff --git a/clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp b/clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp
index 715d7a3..1a3ec56 100644
--- a/clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp
+++ b/clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp
@@ -71,20 +71,25 @@ CDlgAdvPreferences::CDlgAdvPreferences(wxWindow* parent) : CDlgAdvPreferencesBas
     int iImageIndex = 0;
     wxImageList* pImageList = m_Notebook->GetImageList();
     if (!pImageList) {
-        pImageList = new wxImageList(16, 16, true, 0);
+        pImageList = new wxImageList(ADJUSTFORXDPI(16), ADJUSTFORYDPI(16), true, 0);
         wxASSERT(pImageList != NULL);
-    iImageIndex = pImageList->Add(wxBitmap(proj_xpm));
+    iImageIndex = pImageList->Add(GetScaledBitmapFromXPMData(proj_xpm));
-    iImageIndex = pImageList->Add(wxBitmap(xfer_xpm));
+    iImageIndex = pImageList->Add(GetScaledBitmapFromXPMData(xfer_xpm));
-    iImageIndex = pImageList->Add(wxBitmap(usage_xpm));
+    iImageIndex = pImageList->Add(GetScaledBitmapFromXPMData(usage_xpm));
+#ifdef __WXMSW__
+    wxSize size = wxSize(wxSystemSettings::GetMetric(wxSYS_SMALLICON_X), wxSystemSettings::GetMetric(wxSYS_SMALLICON_Y));
+    iImageIndex = pImageList->Add(pSkinAdvanced->GetApplicationSnoozeIcon()->GetIcon(size, wxIconBundle::FALLBACK_NEAREST_LARGER));
     iImageIndex = pImageList->Add(pSkinAdvanced->GetApplicationSnoozeIcon()->GetIcon(wxSize(16,16)));
     //setting warning bitmap
@@ -102,18 +107,17 @@ CDlgAdvPreferences::CDlgAdvPreferences(wxWindow* parent) : CDlgAdvPreferencesBas
 #ifdef __WXMSW__
-    int margin = 0, tabwidth = 0;
+    int tabStart = 0, tabwidth = 0;
     RECT r;
     BOOL success = TabCtrl_GetItemRect(m_Notebook->GetHWND(), 0, &r);
     if (success) {
-        margin = r.left;
+        tabStart = r.left;
     success = TabCtrl_GetItemRect(m_Notebook->GetHWND(), m_Notebook->GetPageCount()-1, &r);
     if (success) {
-        tabwidth += r.right;
+        tabwidth = r.right - tabStart + ADJUSTFORXDPI(4);
-    tabwidth += margin;
     wxSize sz = m_Notebook->GetBestSize();
     if (sz.x < tabwidth) {
         sz.x = tabwidth;
@@ -121,8 +125,9 @@ CDlgAdvPreferences::CDlgAdvPreferences(wxWindow* parent) : CDlgAdvPreferencesBas
-    this->Layout();
+    Layout();
+    Centre();
 /* destructor */
diff --git a/clientgui/DlgDiagnosticLogFlags.cpp b/clientgui/DlgDiagnosticLogFlags.cpp
index 67ca0bc..e9e6a97 100755
--- a/clientgui/DlgDiagnosticLogFlags.cpp
+++ b/clientgui/DlgDiagnosticLogFlags.cpp
@@ -30,8 +30,10 @@
 #include "SkinManager.h"
 IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS(CDlgDiagnosticLogFlags, wxDialog)
@@ -45,7 +47,7 @@ END_EVENT_TABLE()
 /* Constructor */
 CDlgDiagnosticLogFlags::CDlgDiagnosticLogFlags(wxWindow* parent) :
     wxDialog( parent, ID_ANYDIALOG, wxEmptyString, wxDefaultPosition,
             ) {
@@ -71,11 +73,11 @@ CDlgDiagnosticLogFlags::CDlgDiagnosticLogFlags(wxWindow* parent) :
     pDoc->rpc.get_cc_config(m_cc_config, log_flags);
-    SetSizeHints( wxDefaultSize, wxDefaultSize );
     SetExtraStyle( GetExtraStyle() | wxWS_EX_VALIDATE_RECURSIVELY );
     wxBoxSizer* bSizer1 = new wxBoxSizer( wxVERTICAL );
-    m_headingSizer = new wxGridSizer( 1 );
+    m_headingSizer = new wxFlexGridSizer( 1 );
         _("These flags enable various types of diagnostic messages in the Event Log.")
@@ -85,6 +87,21 @@ CDlgDiagnosticLogFlags::CDlgDiagnosticLogFlags(wxWindow* parent) :
     m_headingSizer->Add(m_heading, 1, wxLEFT | wxRIGHT, 25);
+    wxString strURL = pSkinAdvanced->GetOrganizationHelpUrl();
+    wxString helpURL;
+    helpURL.Printf(
+            wxT("%s?target=notice&controlid=log_flags"),
+            strURL.c_str()
+        );
+     m_headingSizer->Add(
+        new wxHyperlinkCtrl(
+            this, wxID_ANY, _("More info ..."), helpURL,
+            wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, wxHL_DEFAULT_STYLE
+        ),
+        0, wxLEFT | wxRIGHT, 25
+    );
     bSizer1->Add( m_headingSizer, 0, wxEXPAND | wxALL, 5 );
@@ -116,8 +133,6 @@ CDlgDiagnosticLogFlags::CDlgDiagnosticLogFlags(wxWindow* parent) :
     SetSizer( bSizer1 );
     Center( wxBOTH );
@@ -200,15 +215,15 @@ bool CDlgDiagnosticLogFlags::RestoreState() {
-    pConfig->Read(wxT("Width"), &iWidth, DLGDIAGNOSTICS_INITIAL_SIZE);
-    pConfig->Read(wxT("Height"), &iHeight, DLGDIAGNOSTICS_INITIAL_SIZE);
+    pConfig->Read(wxT("Width"), &iWidth, DLGDIAGNOSTICS_INITIAL_WIDTH);
+    pConfig->Read(wxT("Height"), &iHeight, DLGDIAGNOSTICS_INITIAL_HEIGHT);
     // Guard against a rare situation where registry values are zero
-    if ((iWidth < 50) && (iWidth != wxDefaultCoord)) iWidth = DLGDIAGNOSTICS_INITIAL_SIZE;
-    if ((iHeight < 50) && (iHeight != wxDefaultCoord)) iHeight = DLGDIAGNOSTICS_INITIAL_SIZE;
+    if ((iWidth < 50) && (iWidth != wxDefaultCoord)) iWidth = DLGDIAGNOSTICS_INITIAL_WIDTH;
+    if ((iHeight < 50) && (iHeight != wxDefaultCoord)) iHeight = DLGDIAGNOSTICS_INITIAL_HEIGHT;
     // Set size to saved values or defaults if no saved values
-    SetSize(std::max(iWidth, DLGDIAGNOSTICS_MIN_SIZE), std::max(iHeight, DLGDIAGNOSTICS_MIN_SIZE));
+    SetSize(std::max(iWidth, DLGDIAGNOSTICS_MIN_WIDTH), std::max(iHeight, DLGDIAGNOSTICS_MIN_HEIGHT));
     return true;
diff --git a/clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp b/clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp
index 1cdef6a..79feef7 100644
--- a/clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp
+++ b/clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp
@@ -37,7 +37,6 @@
 #include "DlgEventLog.h"
 #include "AdvancedFrame.h"
 #include "DlgDiagnosticLogFlags.h"
-#include <wx/display.h>
 #ifdef __WXMAC__
 #include <time.h>
@@ -49,6 +48,10 @@
 ////@begin XPM images
 ////@end XPM images
 #define COLUMN_PROJECT              0
 #define COLUMN_TIME                 1
@@ -172,8 +175,10 @@ bool CDlgEventLog::Create( wxWindow* parent, wxWindowID id, const wxString& capt
 #ifdef __WXMSW__
         // Get the current display space for the current window
 		int iDisplay = wxNOT_FOUND;
-		if ( wxGetApp().GetFrame() != NULL ) iDisplay = wxDisplay::GetFromWindow(wxGetApp().GetFrame());
-		if ( iDisplay == wxNOT_FOUND ) iDisplay = 0;
+		if ( wxGetApp().GetFrame() != NULL )
+            iDisplay = wxDisplay::GetFromWindow(wxGetApp().GetFrame());
+		if ( iDisplay == wxNOT_FOUND )
+            iDisplay = 0;
         wxDisplay *display = new wxDisplay(iDisplay);
         wxRect rDisplay = display->GetClientArea();
@@ -198,7 +203,6 @@ bool CDlgEventLog::Create( wxWindow* parent, wxWindowID id, const wxString& capt
         delete display;
 #ifdef __WXMAC__
         // If the user has changed the arrangement of multiple 
         // displays, make sure the window title bar is still on-screen.
@@ -213,6 +217,7 @@ bool CDlgEventLog::Create( wxWindow* parent, wxWindowID id, const wxString& capt
     wxDialog::Create( parent, id, caption, oTempPoint, oTempSize, style );
     // Initialize Application Title
@@ -778,16 +783,16 @@ void CDlgEventLog::GetWindowDimensions( wxPoint& position, wxSize& size ) {
     pConfig->Read(wxT("YPos"), &iTop, 30);
     pConfig->Read(wxT("XPos"), &iLeft, 30);
-    pConfig->Read(wxT("Width"), &iWidth, 640);
-    pConfig->Read(wxT("Height"), &iHeight, 480);
+    pConfig->Read(wxT("Width"), &iWidth, DLGEVENTLOG_INITIAL_WIDTH);
+    pConfig->Read(wxT("Height"), &iHeight, DLGEVENTLOG_INITIAL_HEIGHT);
     // Guard against a rare situation where registry values are zero
-    if (iWidth < 50) iWidth = 640;
-    if (iHeight < 50) iHeight = 480;
+    if (iWidth < 50) iWidth = DLGEVENTLOG_INITIAL_WIDTH;
+    if (iHeight < 50) iHeight = DLGEVENTLOG_INITIAL_HEIGHT;
     position.y = iTop;
     position.x = iLeft;
-    size.x = iWidth;
-    size.y = iHeight;
+    size.x = std::max(iWidth, DLGEVENTLOG_MIN_WIDTH);
+    size.y = std::max(iHeight, DLGEVENTLOG_MIN_HEIGHT);
diff --git a/clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp b/clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp
index 791922e..42724c0 100644
--- a/clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp
+++ b/clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp
@@ -71,8 +71,6 @@ CDlgItemProperties::CDlgItemProperties(wxWindow* parent) :
     SetSizer( m_bSizer1 );
-    Centre( wxBOTH );
     int currentTabView = pFrame->GetCurrentViewPage();
@@ -106,59 +104,87 @@ bool CDlgItemProperties::SaveState() {
     pConfig->Write(wxT("Width"), GetSize().GetWidth());
     pConfig->Write(wxT("Height"), GetSize().GetHeight());
-#ifdef __WXMAC__
     pConfig->Write(wxT("XPos"), GetPosition().x);
     pConfig->Write(wxT("YPos"), GetPosition().y);
     return true;
-/* restores former dialog size and (on Mac) position */
+/* restores former dialog size and position */
 bool CDlgItemProperties::RestoreState() {
-    wxConfigBase*   pConfig = wxConfigBase::Get(FALSE);
-    int                iWidth, iHeight;
+    wxConfigBase* pConfig = wxConfigBase::Get(FALSE);
+    wxPoint oTempPoint;
+    wxSize  oTempSize;
     if (!pConfig) return false;
-    pConfig->Read(wxT("Width"), &iWidth, wxDefaultCoord);
-    pConfig->Read(wxT("Height"), &iHeight, wxDefaultCoord);
+    pConfig->Read(wxT("YPos"), &oTempPoint.y, wxDefaultCoord);
+    pConfig->Read(wxT("XPos"), &oTempPoint.x, wxDefaultCoord);
+    pConfig->Read(wxT("Width"), &oTempSize.x, wxDefaultCoord);
+    pConfig->Read(wxT("Height"), &oTempSize.y, wxDefaultCoord);
     // Guard against a rare situation where registry values are zero
-    if ((iWidth < 50) && (iWidth != wxDefaultCoord)) iWidth = wxDefaultCoord;
-    if ((iHeight < 50) && (iHeight != wxDefaultCoord)) iHeight = wxDefaultCoord;
-#ifndef __WXMAC__
-    // Set size to saved values or defaults if no saved values
-    SetSize(iWidth, iHeight);    
-    int                iTop, iLeft;
-    pConfig->Read(wxT("YPos"), &iTop, wxDefaultCoord);
-    pConfig->Read(wxT("XPos"), &iLeft, wxDefaultCoord);
+    if ((oTempSize.x < 50) && (oTempSize.x != wxDefaultCoord)) oTempSize.x = wxDefaultCoord;
+    if ((oTempSize.y < 50) && (oTempSize.y != wxDefaultCoord)) oTempSize.y = wxDefaultCoord;
     // If either co-ordinate is less then 0 then set it equal to 0 to ensure
     // it displays on the screen.
-    if ((iLeft < 0) && (iLeft != wxDefaultCoord)) iLeft = 30;
-    if ((iTop < 0) && (iTop != wxDefaultCoord)) iTop = 30;
+    if ((oTempPoint.x < 0) && (oTempPoint.x != wxDefaultCoord)) oTempPoint.x = wxDefaultCoord;
+    if ((oTempPoint.y < 0) && (oTempPoint.y != wxDefaultCoord)) oTempPoint.y = wxDefaultCoord;
     // Set size and position to saved values or defaults if no saved values
-    SetSize(iLeft, iTop, iWidth, iHeight, wxSIZE_USE_EXISTING);
+    SetSize(oTempPoint.x, oTempPoint.y, oTempSize.x, oTempSize.y, wxSIZE_USE_EXISTING);
     // Now make sure window is on screen
-    GetScreenPosition(&iLeft, &iTop);
-    GetSize(&iWidth, &iHeight);
-    if (!IsWindowOnScreen(iLeft, iTop, iWidth, iHeight)) {
-        iTop = iLeft = 30;
-        SetSize(iLeft, iTop, iWidth, iHeight, wxSIZE_USE_EXISTING);
-    }
+    oTempPoint = GetScreenPosition();
+    oTempSize = GetSize();
+#ifdef __WXMSW__
+    // Get the current display space for the current window
+	int iDisplay = wxNOT_FOUND;
+	if ( wxGetApp().GetFrame() != NULL )
+        iDisplay = wxDisplay::GetFromWindow(this);
+	if ( iDisplay == wxNOT_FOUND )
+        iDisplay = 0;
+    wxDisplay *display = new wxDisplay(iDisplay);
+    wxRect rDisplay = display->GetClientArea();
+	// Check that the saved height and width is not larger than the displayable space.
+	// If it is, then reduce the size.
+    if ( oTempSize.GetWidth() > rDisplay.width ) oTempSize.SetWidth(rDisplay.width);
+    if ( oTempSize.GetHeight() > rDisplay.height ) oTempSize.SetHeight(rDisplay.height);
+    // Check if part of the display was going to be off the screen, if so, center the 
+    // display on that axis
+	if ( oTempPoint.x < rDisplay.x ) {
+		oTempPoint.x = rDisplay.x;
+	} else if ( oTempPoint.x + oTempSize.GetWidth() > rDisplay.x + rDisplay.width ) {
+		oTempPoint.x = rDisplay.x + rDisplay.width - oTempSize.GetWidth();
+	}
+	if ( oTempPoint.y < rDisplay.y ) {
+		oTempPoint.y = rDisplay.y;
+	} else if ( oTempPoint.y + oTempSize.GetHeight() > rDisplay.y + rDisplay.height ) {
+		oTempPoint.y = rDisplay.y + rDisplay.height - oTempSize.GetHeight();
+	}
+    delete display;
+#ifdef __WXMAC__
+    // If the user has changed the arrangement of multiple 
+    // displays, make sure the window title bar is still on-screen.
+    if (!IsWindowOnScreen(oTempPoint.x, oTempPoint.y, oTempSize.GetWidth(), oTempSize.GetHeight())) {
+        oTempPoint.y = oTempPoint.x = 30;
+    }
+#endif  // ! __WXMAC__
+    // Set size and position to saved values or defaults if no saved values
+    SetSize(oTempPoint.x, oTempPoint.y, oTempSize.x, oTempSize.y, wxSIZE_USE_EXISTING);
     return true;
diff --git a/clientgui/Events.h b/clientgui/Events.h
index 0e648f7..3927200 100644
--- a/clientgui/Events.h
+++ b/clientgui/Events.h
@@ -87,6 +87,7 @@
 #define ID_EVENTLOG                             6058
 #define ID_LAUNCHNEWINSTANCE                    6059
 #define ID_DIAGNOSTICLOGFLAGS                   6060
+#define ID_TEST1CLICKATTACH                     6061
 // Help Menu
 #define ID_HELPBOINC                            6035  // Locked: Used by manager_links.php
diff --git a/clientgui/MainDocument.cpp b/clientgui/MainDocument.cpp
index 2f8dd65..2c3845e 100644
--- a/clientgui/MainDocument.cpp
+++ b/clientgui/MainDocument.cpp
@@ -1148,6 +1148,7 @@ void CMainDocument::RunPeriodicRPCs(int frameRefreshRate) {
             request.arg1 = &async_projects_update_buf;
             request.arg2 = &state;
             request.arg3 = &async_results_buf;
+            request.arg4 = &m_ActiveTasksOnly;
             request.exchangeBuf = &results;
             request.rpcType = RPC_TYPE_ASYNC_WITH_REFRESH_AFTER;
             request.completionTime = &m_dtCachedSimpleGUITimestamp;
@@ -2390,7 +2391,7 @@ int CMainDocument::CachedSimpleGUIUpdate(bool bForce) {
     if (m_dtCachedSimpleGUITimestamp.IsEqualTo(wxDateTime((time_t)0))) bForce = true;
     if (bForce) {
         m_dtCachedSimpleGUITimestamp = wxDateTime::Now();
-        m_iGet_simple_gui2_rpc_result = rpc.get_simple_gui_info(async_projects_update_buf, state, results);
+        m_iGet_simple_gui2_rpc_result = rpc.get_simple_gui_info(async_projects_update_buf, state, results, m_ActiveTasksOnly);
     if (m_iGet_simple_gui2_rpc_result) {
@@ -2517,11 +2518,7 @@ wxString result_description(RESULT* result, bool show_resources) {
             } else if (result->needs_shmem) {
                 strBuffer += _("Waiting for shared memory");
             } else if (result->scheduler_state == CPU_SCHED_SCHEDULED) {
-                if (result->edf_scheduled) {
-                    strBuffer += _("Running, high priority");
-                } else {
-                    strBuffer += _("Running");
-                }
+                strBuffer += _("Running");
                 if (project && project->non_cpu_intensive) {
                     strBuffer += _(" (non-CPU-intensive)");
@@ -2538,15 +2535,14 @@ wxString result_description(RESULT* result, bool show_resources) {
         if (result->scheduler_wait) {
             if (strlen(result->scheduler_wait_reason)) {
-                strBuffer += _(" (Scheduler wait: ");
+                strBuffer = _("Postponed: ");
                 strBuffer += wxString(result->scheduler_wait_reason, wxConvUTF8);
-                strBuffer += _(")");
             } else {
-                strBuffer += _(" (Scheduler wait)");
+                strBuffer = _("Postponed");
         if (result->network_wait) {
-            strBuffer += _(" (Waiting for network access)");
+            strBuffer = _("Waiting for network access");
@@ -2626,8 +2622,8 @@ static void hsv2rgb(
 void color_cycle(int i, int n, wxColour& color) {
     double h = (double)i/(double)n;
     double r, g, b;
-    double v = .6;
-    if (n > 6) v = .5 + (i % 3)*.125;
+    double v = .75;
+    if (n > 6) v = .6 + (i % 3)*.1;
         // cycle through 3 different brightnesses
     hsv2rgb(h*6, .5, v, r, g, b);
     unsigned char cr = (unsigned char) (r*256);
@@ -2635,3 +2631,56 @@ void color_cycle(int i, int n, wxColour& color) {
     unsigned char cb = (unsigned char) (b*256);
     color = wxColour(cr, cg, cb);
+#ifdef __WXMSW__
+static float XDPIScaleFactor = 0.0;
+static float YDPIScaleFactor = 0.0;
+void GetDPIScaling() {
+	XDPIScaleFactor = 1.0;
+	YDPIScaleFactor = 1.0;
+	// SetProcessDPIAware() requires Windows Vista or later
+	HMODULE hUser32 = LoadLibrary(_T("user32.dll"));
+	typedef BOOL (*SetProcessDPIAwareFunc)();
+	SetProcessDPIAwareFunc setDPIAware = (SetProcessDPIAwareFunc)GetProcAddress(hUser32, "SetProcessDPIAware");
+	if (setDPIAware) {
+		setDPIAware();
+		HWND hWnd = GetForegroundWindow();
+		HDC hdc = GetDC(hWnd);
+		XDPIScaleFactor = GetDeviceCaps(hdc, LOGPIXELSX) / 96.0f;
+		YDPIScaleFactor = GetDeviceCaps(hdc, LOGPIXELSY) / 96.0f;
+		ReleaseDC(hWnd, hdc);
+	}
+	FreeLibrary(hUser32);
+float GetXDPIScaling() {
+	if (XDPIScaleFactor == 0.0) {
+		GetDPIScaling();
+	}
+	return XDPIScaleFactor;
+float GetYDPIScaling() {
+	if (YDPIScaleFactor == 0.0) {
+		GetDPIScaling();
+	}
+	return YDPIScaleFactor;
+// TODO: Choose from multiple size images if provided, else resize the closest one
+wxBitmap GetScaledBitmapFromXPMData(const char** XPMData) {
+#ifdef __WXMSW__
+    if ((GetXDPIScaling() > 1.05) || (GetYDPIScaling() > 1.05)) {
+        wxImage img = wxImage(XPMData);
+        img.Rescale((int) (img.GetWidth()*GetXDPIScaling()), 
+                    (int) (img.GetHeight()*GetYDPIScaling()), 
+                    wxIMAGE_QUALITY_BILINEAR
+                );
+        wxBitmap *bm = new wxBitmap(img);
+        return *bm;
+    }
+    return wxBitmap(XPMData);
diff --git a/clientgui/MainDocument.h b/clientgui/MainDocument.h
index 0348f45..028537d 100644
--- a/clientgui/MainDocument.h
+++ b/clientgui/MainDocument.h
@@ -417,6 +417,18 @@ extern void remove_eols(wxString& strMessage);
 extern void https_to_http(wxString& strMessage);
 extern void color_cycle(int i, int n, wxColour& color);
+#ifdef __WXMSW__
+#define ADJUSTFORXDPI(x) (int)(x * GetXDPIScaling())
+#define ADJUSTFORYDPI(y) (int)(y * GetYDPIScaling())
+extern float GetXDPIScaling();
+extern float GetYDPIScaling();
+#define ADJUSTFORXDPI(x) x
+#define ADJUSTFORYDPI(y) y
+wxBitmap GetScaledBitmapFromXPMData(const char** XPMData);
 #ifdef SANDBOX
 #define BOINC_MASTER_GROUP_NAME "boinc_master"
diff --git a/clientgui/Makefile.am b/clientgui/Makefile.am
index 744d084..3fe999d 100644
--- a/clientgui/Makefile.am
+++ b/clientgui/Makefile.am
@@ -65,6 +65,7 @@ boincmgr_SOURCES = \
     ProjectInfoPage.cpp \
     ProjectProcessingPage.cpp \
     ProjectPropertiesPage.cpp \
+	ProjectWelcomePage.cpp \
     ProxyInfoPage.cpp \
     ProxyPage.cpp \
     sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp \
@@ -100,9 +101,9 @@ EXTRA_DIST = *.h \
     ../lib/error_numbers.h \
-boincmgr_LDFLAGS = $(LIBBOINC) $(SQLITE3_LIBS) $(LIBNOTIFY_LIBS) $(CLIENTGUILIBS) $(BOINC_EXTRA_LIBS) $(CLIENTLIBS) `pkg-config --libs gtk+-2.0` -lnotify
 win_config.h: $(top_srcdir)/config.h
 	grep '#define.*BOINC.*VERSION' $^ > $@
diff --git a/clientgui/NoticeListCtrl.cpp b/clientgui/NoticeListCtrl.cpp
index 251606c..40903c8 100644
--- a/clientgui/NoticeListCtrl.cpp
+++ b/clientgui/NoticeListCtrl.cpp
@@ -189,6 +189,13 @@ void CNoticeListCtrl::SetItemCount(int newCount) {
             strDescription.Replace(wxT("\"//"), wxT("\"http://"));
 			strDescription.Replace(wxT("</a>"), wxT("</a> "));
+            // Apparently attempting to follow links with other targets specified
+            // fails to fire our event handler.  For now we will just strip out
+            // the special _blank/_new target which is supposed to open a new
+            // browser window anyways.  
+            strDescription.Replace(wxT("target=\"_blank\""), wxT(""));
+            strDescription.Replace(wxT("target=\"_new\""), wxT(""));
             strCreateTime = dtBuffer.Format();
diff --git a/clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp b/clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp
index ad9ae5c..426d620 100644
--- a/clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp
+++ b/clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp
@@ -105,9 +105,9 @@ BEGIN_EVENT_TABLE( CProjectInfoPage, wxWizardPageEx )
 ////@begin CProjectInfoPage event table entries
     EVT_COMBOBOX( ID_CATEGORIES, CProjectInfoPage::OnProjectCategorySelected )
     EVT_LISTBOX( ID_PROJECTS, CProjectInfoPage::OnProjectSelected )
-    EVT_WIZARDEX_PAGE_CHANGED( -1, CProjectInfoPage::OnPageChanged )
-    EVT_WIZARDEX_PAGE_CHANGING( -1, CProjectInfoPage::OnPageChanging )
-    EVT_WIZARDEX_CANCEL( -1, CProjectInfoPage::OnCancel )
+    EVT_WIZARDEX_PAGE_CHANGED( wxID_ANY, CProjectInfoPage::OnPageChanged )
+    EVT_WIZARDEX_PAGE_CHANGING( wxID_ANY, CProjectInfoPage::OnPageChanging )
+    EVT_WIZARDEX_CANCEL( wxID_ANY, CProjectInfoPage::OnCancel )
 ////@end CProjectInfoPage event table entries
@@ -139,6 +139,8 @@ CProjectInfoPage::~CProjectInfoPage( )
         delete pEntry;
+    delete m_apl;
@@ -200,25 +202,28 @@ void CProjectInfoPage::CreateControls()
 ////@begin CProjectInfoPage content construction
 #ifdef __WXMAC__
-#define LISTBOXWIDTH 225
-#define LISTBOXWIDTH 150
+    wxArrayString aCategories;
+    CMainDocument* pDoc = wxGetApp().GetDocument();
+    wxASSERT(pDoc);
+    wxASSERT(wxDynamicCast(pDoc, CMainDocument));
     CProjectInfoPage* itemWizardPage23 = this;
     wxBoxSizer* itemBoxSizer24 = new wxBoxSizer(wxVERTICAL);
     m_pTitleStaticCtrl = new wxStaticText;
-    m_pTitleStaticCtrl->Create( itemWizardPage23, wxID_STATIC, wxT(""), wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, 0 );
+    m_pTitleStaticCtrl->Create( itemWizardPage23, wxID_STATIC, _("Choose a project"), wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, 0 );
     m_pTitleStaticCtrl->SetFont(wxFont(10, wxSWISS, wxNORMAL, wxBOLD, FALSE, _T("Verdana")));
     itemBoxSizer24->Add(m_pTitleStaticCtrl, 0, wxALIGN_LEFT|wxALL, 5);
     m_pDescriptionStaticCtrl = new wxStaticText;
-    m_pDescriptionStaticCtrl->Create( itemWizardPage23, wxID_STATIC, wxT(""), wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, 0 );
+    m_pDescriptionStaticCtrl->Create( itemWizardPage23, wxID_STATIC, _("To choose a project, click its name or type its URL below."), wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, 0 );
     itemBoxSizer24->Add(m_pDescriptionStaticCtrl, 0, wxALIGN_LEFT|wxALL, 5);
     itemBoxSizer24->Add(5, 5, 0, wxALIGN_LEFT|wxALL, 5);
@@ -228,26 +233,33 @@ void CProjectInfoPage::CreateControls()
     itemBoxSizer24->Add(itemFlexGridSizer4, 0, wxGROW|wxALL, 0);
-    wxFlexGridSizer* itemFlexGridSizer6 = new wxFlexGridSizer(2, 2, 0, 0);
-    itemFlexGridSizer6->AddGrowableRow(1);
-    itemFlexGridSizer6->AddGrowableCol(1);
+    wxFlexGridSizer* itemFlexGridSizer6 = new wxFlexGridSizer(2, 0, 0);
     itemFlexGridSizer4->Add(itemFlexGridSizer6, 0, wxGROW|wxALL, 0);
     wxBoxSizer* itemBoxSizer7 = new wxBoxSizer(wxVERTICAL);
     itemFlexGridSizer6->Add(itemBoxSizer7, 0, wxALIGN_LEFT|wxALIGN_TOP, 0);
-    m_pProjectCategoriesStaticCtrl = new wxStaticText( itemWizardPage23, wxID_STATIC, wxT(""), wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, 0 );
+    m_pProjectCategoriesStaticCtrl = new wxStaticText( itemWizardPage23, wxID_STATIC, _("Categories:"), wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, 0 );
     itemBoxSizer7->Add(m_pProjectCategoriesStaticCtrl, 0, wxALIGN_LEFT|wxRIGHT|wxBOTTOM, 5);
-    wxArrayString m_pProjectCategoriesCtrlStrings;
-    m_pProjectCategoriesCtrl = new wxComboBox( itemWizardPage23, ID_CATEGORIES, wxT(""), wxDefaultPosition, wxSize(LISTBOXWIDTH, -1), m_pProjectCategoriesCtrlStrings, wxCB_READONLY
-#ifndef __WXMAC__   // wxCB_SORT is not available in wxCocoa 2.9.5
+    // We must populate the combo box before our sizers can calculate its width.
+    // The combo box will be repopulated in  CProjectInfoPage::OnPageChanged(), 
+    // so we don't need to worry about duplicate entries here.
+    // Get the project list
+    m_apl = new ALL_PROJECTS_LIST;
+    pDoc->rpc.get_all_projects_list(*m_apl);
+    for (int i=0; i<m_apl->projects.size(); i++) {
+        wxString strGeneralArea = wxGetTranslation(wxString(m_apl->projects[i]->general_area.c_str(), wxConvUTF8));
+        aCategories.Add(strGeneralArea);
+    }
+    m_pProjectCategoriesCtrl = new wxComboBox( itemWizardPage23, ID_CATEGORIES, wxT(""), wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, aCategories, wxCB_READONLY
+#ifndef __WXMAC__   // wxCB_SORT is not available in wxCocoa 3.0
-     );
+    );
     itemBoxSizer7->Add(m_pProjectCategoriesCtrl, 0, wxGROW|wxLEFT|wxRIGHT, 5);
-    m_pProjectsStaticCtrl = new wxStaticText( itemWizardPage23, wxID_STATIC, wxT(""), wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, 0 );
+    m_pProjectsStaticCtrl = new wxStaticText( itemWizardPage23, wxID_STATIC, _("Projects:"), wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, 0 );
     itemBoxSizer7->Add(m_pProjectsStaticCtrl, 0, wxALIGN_LEFT|wxTOP|wxRIGHT|wxBOTTOM, 5);
     wxFlexGridSizer* itemFlexGridSizer11 = new wxFlexGridSizer(1, 0, 0);
@@ -256,21 +268,20 @@ void CProjectInfoPage::CreateControls()
     itemBoxSizer7->Add(itemFlexGridSizer11, 0, wxGROW|wxALL, 0);
     wxArrayString m_pProjectsCtrlStrings;
-    m_pProjectsCtrl = new wxListBox( itemWizardPage23, ID_PROJECTS, wxDefaultPosition, wxSize(LISTBOXWIDTH, 175), m_pProjectsCtrlStrings, wxLB_SINGLE|wxLB_SORT );
+    m_pProjectsCtrl = new wxListBox( itemWizardPage23, ID_PROJECTS, wxDefaultPosition, wxSize(-1, ADJUSTFORYDPI(175)), m_pProjectsCtrlStrings, wxLB_SINGLE|wxLB_SORT );
     itemFlexGridSizer11->Add(m_pProjectsCtrl, 0, wxGROW|wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL|wxLEFT|wxRIGHT, 0);
-    m_pProjectDetailsStaticCtrl = new wxStaticBox(itemWizardPage23, wxID_ANY, wxT(""));
+    m_pProjectDetailsStaticCtrl = new wxStaticBox(itemWizardPage23, wxID_ANY, _("Project details"));
     wxStaticBoxSizer* itemStaticBoxSizer13 = new wxStaticBoxSizer(m_pProjectDetailsStaticCtrl, wxVERTICAL);
     itemFlexGridSizer6->Add(itemStaticBoxSizer13, 0, wxGROW|wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL|wxALL, 5);
-    m_pProjectDetailsDescriptionCtrl = new wxTextCtrl( itemWizardPage23, ID_PROJECTDESCRIPTION, wxT(""), wxDefaultPosition, wxSize(DESCRIPTIONSWIDTH, 100), wxTE_MULTILINE|wxTE_READONLY );
+    m_pProjectDetailsDescriptionCtrl = new wxTextCtrl( itemWizardPage23, ID_PROJECTDESCRIPTION, wxT(""), wxDefaultPosition, wxSize(DESCRIPTIONSWIDTH, ADJUSTFORYDPI(100)), wxTE_MULTILINE|wxTE_READONLY );
     itemStaticBoxSizer13->Add(m_pProjectDetailsDescriptionCtrl, 0, wxGROW|wxLEFT|wxTOP|wxBOTTOM, 5);
     wxFlexGridSizer* itemFlexGridSizer16 = new wxFlexGridSizer(2, 0, 0);
     itemStaticBoxSizer13->Add(itemFlexGridSizer16, 0, wxGROW|wxALL, 0);
-    m_pProjectDetailsResearchAreaStaticCtrl = new wxStaticText( itemWizardPage23, wxID_STATIC, wxT(""), wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, 0 );
+    m_pProjectDetailsResearchAreaStaticCtrl = new wxStaticText( itemWizardPage23, wxID_STATIC, _("Research area:"), wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, 0 );
     itemFlexGridSizer16->Add(m_pProjectDetailsResearchAreaStaticCtrl, 0, wxALIGN_CENTER_HORIZONTAL|wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL|wxRIGHT|wxBOTTOM, 2);
     m_pProjectDetailsResearchAreaCtrl = new wxStaticText( itemWizardPage23, wxID_STATIC, wxEmptyString, wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, 0 );
@@ -280,7 +291,7 @@ void CProjectInfoPage::CreateControls()
     itemStaticBoxSizer13->Add(itemFlexGridSizer19, 0, wxGROW|wxALL, 0);
-    m_pProjectDetailsOrganizationStaticCtrl = new wxStaticText( itemWizardPage23, wxID_STATIC, wxT(""), wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, 0 );
+    m_pProjectDetailsOrganizationStaticCtrl = new wxStaticText( itemWizardPage23, wxID_STATIC, _("Organization:"), wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, 0 );
     itemFlexGridSizer19->Add(m_pProjectDetailsOrganizationStaticCtrl, 0, wxALIGN_CENTER_HORIZONTAL|wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL|wxRIGHT|wxBOTTOM, 2);
     m_pProjectDetailsOrganizationCtrl = new wxStaticText( itemWizardPage23, wxID_STATIC, wxEmptyString, wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, 0 );
@@ -290,7 +301,7 @@ void CProjectInfoPage::CreateControls()
     itemStaticBoxSizer13->Add(itemFlexGridSizer20, 0, wxGROW|wxALL, 0);
-    m_pProjectDetailsURLStaticCtrl = new wxStaticText( itemWizardPage23, wxID_STATIC, wxT(""), wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, 0 );
+    m_pProjectDetailsURLStaticCtrl = new wxStaticText( itemWizardPage23, wxID_STATIC, _("Web site:"), wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, 0 );
     itemFlexGridSizer20->Add(m_pProjectDetailsURLStaticCtrl, 0, wxALIGN_LEFT|wxRIGHT|wxBOTTOM, 2);
     m_pProjectDetailsURLCtrl = new wxHyperlinkCtrl( itemWizardPage23, wxID_STATIC, wxT("BOINC"), wxT("http://boinc.berkeley.edu/"), wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, wxNO_BORDER|wxHL_CONTEXTMENU|wxHL_ALIGN_LEFT);
@@ -301,7 +312,7 @@ void CProjectInfoPage::CreateControls()
     itemStaticBoxSizer13->Add(itemFlexGridSizer24, 0, wxGROW|wxALL, 0);
-    m_pProjectDetailsSupportedPlatformsStaticCtrl = new wxStaticText( itemWizardPage23, wxID_STATIC, wxT(""), wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, 0 );
+    m_pProjectDetailsSupportedPlatformsStaticCtrl = new wxStaticText( itemWizardPage23, wxID_STATIC, _("Supported systems:"), wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, 0 );
     itemFlexGridSizer24->Add(m_pProjectDetailsSupportedPlatformsStaticCtrl, 0, wxALIGN_LEFT|wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL|wxRIGHT|wxBOTTOM, 5);
     wxBoxSizer* itemBoxSizer26 = new wxBoxSizer(wxHORIZONTAL);
@@ -338,7 +349,7 @@ void CProjectInfoPage::CreateControls()
     itemFlexGridSizer4->Add(itemFlexGridSizer33, 0, wxGROW|wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL|wxALL, 0);
-    m_pProjectURLStaticCtrl = new wxStaticText( itemWizardPage23, ID_PROJECTURLSTATICCTRL, wxT(""), wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, 0 );
+    m_pProjectURLStaticCtrl = new wxStaticText( itemWizardPage23, ID_PROJECTURLSTATICCTRL, _("Project URL:"), wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, 0 );
     itemFlexGridSizer33->Add(m_pProjectURLStaticCtrl, 0, wxALIGN_LEFT|wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL|wxALL, 5);
     m_pProjectURLCtrl = new wxTextCtrl( itemWizardPage23, ID_PROJECTURLCTRL, wxEmptyString, wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, 0 );
@@ -347,7 +358,7 @@ void CProjectInfoPage::CreateControls()
     itemFlexGridSizer33->Add(0, 10, 0);
     // Set validators
-    m_pProjectURLCtrl->SetValidator( CValidateURL( & m_strProjectURL ) );
+    m_pProjectURLCtrl->SetValidator(CValidateURL(&m_strProjectURL));
     ////@end CProjectInfoPage content construction
@@ -467,21 +478,14 @@ wxIcon CProjectInfoPage::GetIconResource( const wxString& WXUNUSED(name) )
 void CProjectInfoPage::OnProjectCategorySelected( wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(event) ) {
     wxLogTrace(wxT("Function Start/End"), wxT("CProjectInfoPage::OnProjectCategorySelected - Function Begin"));
-    wxLogTrace(wxT("Function Status"), wxT("CProjectInfoPage::OnProjectCategorySelected - Clearing list box"));
     // Populate the list box with the list of project names that belong to eith the specific
     // category or all of them.
-    wxLogTrace(wxT("Function Status"), wxT("CProjectInfoPage::OnProjectCategorySelected - Adding desired projects"));
     for (unsigned int i=0; i<m_Projects.size(); i++) {
         if ((m_pProjectCategoriesCtrl->GetValue() == _("All")) || 
             (m_pProjectCategoriesCtrl->GetValue() == m_Projects[i]->m_strGeneralArea)
         ) {
-            wxLogTrace(
-                wxT("Function Status"), 
-                wxT("CProjectInfoPage::OnProjectCategorySelected - Adding '%s'"),
-                m_Projects[i]->m_strName.c_str()
-            );
             m_pProjectsCtrl->Append(m_Projects[i]->m_strName, m_Projects[i]);
@@ -518,11 +522,10 @@ void CProjectInfoPage::OnProjectSelected( wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(event) ) {
         desc.Replace(wxT("</sup>"), wxT(""), true);
         desc.Replace(wxT("<"), wxT("<"), true);
-        m_pProjectDetailsDescriptionCtrl->SetValue(desc);
-        // Set tooltip to full text in case ellipsed
+        m_pProjectDetailsDescriptionCtrl->SetValue(desc);
@@ -542,22 +545,20 @@ void CProjectInfoPage::OnProjectSelected( wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(event) ) {
         if (pProjectInfo->m_bProjectSupportsVirtualBox) m_pProjectDetailsSupportedPlatformVirtualBoxCtrl->Show();
         // Populate non-control data for use in other places of the wizard
-        SetProjectURL( pProjectInfo->m_strURL );
-        SetProjectSupported( pProjectInfo->m_bSupportedPlatformFound );
+        m_strProjectURL = pProjectInfo->m_strURL;
+        m_bProjectSupported = pProjectInfo->m_bSupportedPlatformFound;
-        TransferDataToWindow();
+        TransferDataToWindow();
         wxString strResearchArea = pProjectInfo->m_strSpecificArea;
         EllipseStringIfNeeded(strResearchArea, m_pProjectDetailsResearchAreaCtrl);
-        m_pProjectDetailsResearchAreaCtrl->SetLabel(strResearchArea);
-        // Set tooltip to full text in case ellipsed
-        m_pProjectDetailsResearchAreaCtrl->SetToolTip(pProjectInfo->m_strSpecificArea);
         wxString strOrganization = pProjectInfo->m_strOrganization;
         EllipseStringIfNeeded(strOrganization, m_pProjectDetailsOrganizationCtrl);
+        m_pProjectDetailsResearchAreaCtrl->SetLabel(strResearchArea);
+        m_pProjectDetailsResearchAreaCtrl->SetToolTip(pProjectInfo->m_strSpecificArea);
-        // Set tooltip to full text in case ellipsed
@@ -576,113 +577,34 @@ void CProjectInfoPage::OnPageChanged( wxWizardExEvent& event ) {
     CMainDocument*              pDoc = wxGetApp().GetDocument();
     unsigned int                i = 0, j = 0, k = 0;
-    ALL_PROJECTS_LIST           pl;
     wxArrayString               aClientPlatforms;
     wxArrayString               aProjectPlatforms;
     wxArrayString               aCategories;
     bool                        bCategoryFound = false;
     CProjectInfo*               pProjectInfo = NULL;
-    wxASSERT(pDoc);
-    wxASSERT(wxDynamicCast(pDoc, CMainDocument));
-    wxASSERT(m_pTitleStaticCtrl);
-    wxASSERT(m_pDescriptionStaticCtrl);
-    wxASSERT(m_pProjectCategoriesStaticCtrl);
-    wxASSERT(m_pProjectCategoriesCtrl);
-    wxASSERT(m_pProjectsStaticCtrl);
-    wxASSERT(m_pProjectsCtrl);
-    wxASSERT(m_pProjectDetailsStaticCtrl);
-    wxASSERT(m_pProjectDetailsDescriptionCtrl);
-    wxASSERT(m_pProjectDetailsResearchAreaStaticCtrl);
-    wxASSERT(m_pProjectDetailsResearchAreaCtrl);
-    wxASSERT(m_pProjectDetailsOrganizationStaticCtrl);
-    wxASSERT(m_pProjectDetailsOrganizationStaticCtrl);
-    wxASSERT(m_pProjectDetailsURLStaticCtrl);
-    wxASSERT(m_pProjectDetailsURLCtrl);
-    wxASSERT(m_pProjectDetailsSupportedPlatformsStaticCtrl);
-    wxASSERT(m_pProjectDetailsSupportedPlatformWindowsCtrl);
-    wxASSERT(m_pProjectDetailsSupportedPlatformMacCtrl);
-    wxASSERT(m_pProjectDetailsSupportedPlatformLinuxCtrl);
-    wxASSERT(m_pProjectDetailsSupportedPlatformFreeBSDCtrl);
-    wxASSERT(m_pProjectDetailsSupportedPlatformATICtrl);
-    wxASSERT(m_pProjectDetailsSupportedPlatformNvidiaCtrl);
-    wxASSERT(m_pProjectDetailsSupportedPlatformAndroidCtrl);
-    wxASSERT(m_pProjectDetailsSupportedPlatformVirtualBoxCtrl);
-    wxASSERT(m_pProjectURLStaticCtrl);
-    wxASSERT(m_pProjectURLCtrl);
-    m_pTitleStaticCtrl->SetLabel(
-        _("Choose a project")
-    );
-    m_pDescriptionStaticCtrl->SetLabel(
-        _("To choose a project, click its name or type its URL below.")
-    );
-    m_pProjectCategoriesStaticCtrl->SetLabel(
-        _("Categories:")
-    );
-    m_pProjectsStaticCtrl->SetLabel(
-        _("Projects:")
-    );
-    m_pProjectDetailsStaticCtrl->SetLabel(
-        _("Project details")
-    );
-    m_pProjectDetailsResearchAreaStaticCtrl->SetLabel(
-        _("Research area:")
-    );
-    m_pProjectDetailsOrganizationStaticCtrl->SetLabel(
-        _("Organization:")
-    );
-    m_pProjectDetailsURLStaticCtrl->SetLabel(
-        _("Web site:")
-    );
-    m_pProjectDetailsSupportedPlatformsStaticCtrl->SetLabel(
-        _("Supported systems:")
-    );
-    m_pProjectURLStaticCtrl->SetLabel(
-        _("Project URL:")
-    );
     // Populate the ProjectInfo data structure with the list of projects we want to show and
     // any other activity we need to prep the page.
     if (!m_bProjectListPopulated) {
-        // Get the project list
-        pDoc->rpc.get_all_projects_list(pl);
         // Convert the supported client platforms into something useful
         for (i=0; i<pDoc->state.platforms.size(); i++) {
             aClientPlatforms.Add(wxString(pDoc->state.platforms[i].c_str(), wxConvUTF8));
         // Iterate through the project list and add them to the ProjectInfo data structure
-        for (i=0; i<pl.projects.size(); i++) {
+        for (i=0; i<m_apl->projects.size(); i++) {
             pProjectInfo = new CProjectInfo();
-            wxLogTrace(
-                wxT("Function Status"),
-                wxT("CProjectInfoPage::OnPageChanged - Name: '%s', URL: '%s'"),
-                wxString(pl.projects[i]->name.c_str(), wxConvUTF8).c_str(),
-                wxString(pl.projects[i]->url.c_str(), wxConvUTF8).c_str()
-            );
             // Convert the easy stuff
-            pProjectInfo->m_strURL = wxGetTranslation(wxString(pl.projects[i]->url.c_str(), wxConvUTF8));
-            pProjectInfo->m_strName = wxGetTranslation(wxString(pl.projects[i]->name.c_str(), wxConvUTF8));
-            pProjectInfo->m_strDescription = wxGetTranslation(wxString(pl.projects[i]->description.c_str(), wxConvUTF8));
-            pProjectInfo->m_strGeneralArea = wxGetTranslation(wxString(pl.projects[i]->general_area.c_str(), wxConvUTF8));
-            pProjectInfo->m_strSpecificArea = wxGetTranslation(wxString(pl.projects[i]->specific_area.c_str(), wxConvUTF8));
-            pProjectInfo->m_strOrganization = wxGetTranslation(wxString(pl.projects[i]->home.c_str(), wxConvUTF8));
+            pProjectInfo->m_strURL = wxGetTranslation(wxString(m_apl->projects[i]->url.c_str(), wxConvUTF8));
+            pProjectInfo->m_strName = wxGetTranslation(wxString(m_apl->projects[i]->name.c_str(), wxConvUTF8));
+            pProjectInfo->m_strDescription = wxGetTranslation(wxString(m_apl->projects[i]->description.c_str(), wxConvUTF8));
+            pProjectInfo->m_strGeneralArea = wxGetTranslation(wxString(m_apl->projects[i]->general_area.c_str(), wxConvUTF8));
+            pProjectInfo->m_strSpecificArea = wxGetTranslation(wxString(m_apl->projects[i]->specific_area.c_str(), wxConvUTF8));
+            pProjectInfo->m_strOrganization = wxGetTranslation(wxString(m_apl->projects[i]->home.c_str(), wxConvUTF8));
             // Add the category if it isn't already in the category list
             bCategoryFound = false;
@@ -697,8 +619,8 @@ void CProjectInfoPage::OnPageChanged( wxWizardExEvent& event ) {
             // Convert the supported project platforms into something useful
-            for (j=0; j<pl.projects[i]->platforms.size(); j++) {
-                aProjectPlatforms.Add(wxString(pl.projects[i]->platforms[j].c_str(), wxConvUTF8));
+            for (j=0; j<m_apl->projects[i]->platforms.size(); j++) {
+                aProjectPlatforms.Add(wxString(m_apl->projects[i]->platforms[j].c_str(), wxConvUTF8));
             // Can the core client support a platform that this project supports?
@@ -754,20 +676,6 @@ void CProjectInfoPage::OnPageChanged( wxWizardExEvent& event ) {
 			if (aProjectPlatforms.size() == 0) {
 				pProjectInfo->m_bSupportedPlatformFound = true;
-            wxLogTrace(
-                wxT("Function Status"),
-                wxT("CProjectInfoPage::OnPageChanged - Windows: '%d', Mac: '%d', Linux: '%d', FreeBSD: '%d', Nvidia: '%d', ATI: '%d', Android: '%d',  VirtualBox: '%d', Platform: '%d'"),
-                pProjectInfo->m_bProjectSupportsWindows,
-                pProjectInfo->m_bProjectSupportsMac,
-                pProjectInfo->m_bProjectSupportsLinux,
-                pProjectInfo->m_bProjectSupportsFreeBSD,
-                pProjectInfo->m_bProjectSupportsCUDA,
-                pProjectInfo->m_bProjectSupportsCAL,
-                pProjectInfo->m_bProjectSupportsAndroid,
-                pProjectInfo->m_bProjectSupportsVirtualBox,
-                pProjectInfo->m_bSupportedPlatformFound
-            );
@@ -800,12 +708,13 @@ void CProjectInfoPage::OnPageChanged( wxWizardExEvent& event ) {
 void CProjectInfoPage::OnPageChanging( wxWizardExEvent& event ) {
     if (event.GetDirection() == false) return;
-    wxLogTrace(wxT("Function Start/End"), wxT("CProjectInfoPage::OnPageChanging - Function Begin"));
+    CWizardAttach* pWA = ((CWizardAttach*)GetParent());
     CMainDocument* pDoc = wxGetApp().GetDocument(); 
     CSkinAdvanced* pSkinAdvanced = wxGetApp().GetSkinManager()->GetAdvanced();
     wxString       strTitle;
     int            iAnswer;
+    bool           bAlreadyAttached = false;
     wxASSERT(wxDynamicCast(pDoc, CMainDocument));
@@ -820,7 +729,7 @@ void CProjectInfoPage::OnPageChanging( wxWizardExEvent& event ) {
     // Check to see if the project is supported:
-    if ( !GetProjectSupported() ) {
+    if (!m_bProjectSupported) {
         iAnswer = wxGetApp().SafeMessageBox(
             _("This project may not have work for your type of computer.  Do you want to add it anyway?"),
@@ -833,34 +742,40 @@ void CProjectInfoPage::OnPageChanging( wxWizardExEvent& event ) {
-    } else {
+    }
-        // Check if we are already attached to that project: 
- 	    for (int i = 0; i < pDoc->GetProjectCount(); ++i) { 
- 	        PROJECT* project = pDoc->project(i);
-            if (project) {
-                std::string project_url = project->master_url;
-                std::string new_project_url = (const char*)m_strProjectURL.mb_str();
+    // Check if we are already attached to that project: 
+ 	for (int i = 0; i < pDoc->GetProjectCount(); ++i) { 
+ 	    PROJECT* project = pDoc->project(i);
+        if (project) {
+            std::string project_url = project->master_url;
+            std::string new_project_url = (const char*)m_strProjectURL.mb_str();
-                canonicalize_master_url(project_url);
-                canonicalize_master_url(new_project_url);
+            canonicalize_master_url(project_url);
+            canonicalize_master_url(new_project_url);
-                if (project_url == new_project_url) {
-                    wxGetApp().SafeMessageBox(
-                        _("You already added this project. Please choose a different project."),
-                        strTitle,
-                        wxCENTER | wxOK | wxICON_INFORMATION
-                    );
-                    // We are already attached to that project, 
-                    event.Veto();
-                    break;
-                }
-            } 
+            if (project_url == new_project_url) {
+                bAlreadyAttached = true;
+                break;
+            }
-    wxLogTrace(wxT("Function Start/End"), wxT("CProjectInfoPage::OnPageChanging - Function End"));
+    if (bAlreadyAttached) {
+        wxGetApp().SafeMessageBox(
+            _("You already added this project. Please choose a different project."),
+            strTitle,
+            wxCENTER | wxOK | wxICON_INFORMATION
+        );
+        event.Veto();
+    } else {
+        // Update authoritative data in CWizardAttach
+        pWA->SetProjectURL(m_strProjectURL);
+    }
diff --git a/clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.h b/clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.h
index d5c80e6..7e08f2d 100644
--- a/clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.h
+++ b/clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.h
@@ -67,8 +67,6 @@ public:
     /// wxEVT_WIZARD_CANCEL event handler for ID_PROJECTINFOPAGE
     void OnCancel( wxWizardExEvent& event );
-    void EllipseStringIfNeeded(wxString& s, wxWindow *win);
 ////@end CProjectInfoPage event handler declarations
 ////@begin CProjectInfoPage member function declarations
@@ -79,24 +77,6 @@ public:
     /// Gets the next page.
     virtual wxWizardPageEx* GetNext() const;
-    wxString GetProjectURL() const { return m_strProjectURL ; }
-    void SetProjectURL(wxString value) { m_strProjectURL = value ; }
-    wxString GetProjectDetailsDescription() const { return m_strProjectDetailsDescription ; }
-    void SetProjectDetailsDescription(wxString value) { m_strProjectDetailsDescription = value ; }
-    wxString GetProjectDetailsResearchArea() const { return m_strProjectDetailsResearchArea ; }
-    void SetProjectDetailsResearchArea(wxString value) { m_strProjectDetailsResearchArea = value ; }
-    wxString GetProjectDetailsOrganization() const { return m_strProjectDetailsOrganization ; }
-    void SetProjectDetailsOrganization(wxString value) { m_strProjectDetailsOrganization = value ; }
-    wxString GetProjectDetailsURL() const { return m_strProjectDetailsURL ; }
-    void SetProjectDetailsURL(wxString value) { m_strProjectDetailsURL = value ; }
-    bool GetProjectSupported() const { return m_bProjectSupported ; }
-    void SetProjectSupported(bool value) { m_bProjectSupported = value ; }
     /// Retrieves bitmap resources
     wxBitmap GetBitmapResource( const wxString& name );
@@ -107,6 +87,8 @@ public:
     /// Should we show tooltips?
     static bool ShowToolTips();
+    void EllipseStringIfNeeded(wxString& s, wxWindow *win);
 ////@begin CProjectInfoPage member variables
     wxStaticText* m_pTitleStaticCtrl;
     wxStaticText* m_pDescriptionStaticCtrl;
@@ -136,11 +118,8 @@ public:
     wxTextCtrl* m_pProjectURLCtrl;
 ////@end CProjectInfoPage member variables
+    ALL_PROJECTS_LIST* m_apl;
     wxString m_strProjectURL;
-    wxString m_strProjectDetailsDescription;
-    wxString m_strProjectDetailsResearchArea;
-    wxString m_strProjectDetailsOrganization;
-    wxString m_strProjectDetailsURL;
     std::vector<CProjectInfo*> m_Projects;
     bool m_bProjectSupported;
     bool m_bProjectListPopulated;
diff --git a/clientgui/ProjectProcessingPage.cpp b/clientgui/ProjectProcessingPage.cpp
index f03f631..305f84b 100644
--- a/clientgui/ProjectProcessingPage.cpp
+++ b/clientgui/ProjectProcessingPage.cpp
@@ -153,7 +153,7 @@ void CProjectProcessingPage::CreateControls()
     wxBitmap itemBitmap41(GetBitmapResource(wxT("res/wizprogress01.xpm")));
     m_pProgressIndicator = new wxStaticBitmap;
-    m_pProgressIndicator->Create( itemWizardPage36, ID_PROGRESSCTRL, itemBitmap41, wxDefaultPosition, wxSize(184, 48), 0 );
+    m_pProgressIndicator->Create( itemWizardPage36, ID_PROGRESSCTRL, itemBitmap41, wxDefaultPosition, wxSize(ADJUSTFORXDPI(184), ADJUSTFORYDPI(48)), 0 );
     itemFlexGridSizer40->Add(m_pProgressIndicator, 0, wxALIGN_CENTER_HORIZONTAL|wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL|wxALL, 5);
     itemFlexGridSizer40->Add(5, 5, 0, wxGROW|wxGROW|wxALL, 5);
@@ -230,65 +230,66 @@ void CProjectProcessingPage::FinishProgress(wxStaticBitmap* pBitmap) {
 wxBitmap CProjectProcessingPage::GetBitmapResource( const wxString& name )
+// TODO: Choose from multiple size images if provided, else resize the closest one
     // Bitmap retrieval
     if (name == wxT("res/wizprogress01.xpm"))
-        wxBitmap bitmap(wizprogress01_xpm);
+        wxBitmap bitmap(GetScaledBitmapFromXPMData(wizprogress01_xpm));
         return bitmap;
     else if (name == wxT("res/wizprogress02.xpm"))
-        wxBitmap bitmap(wizprogress02_xpm);
+        wxBitmap  bitmap(GetScaledBitmapFromXPMData(wizprogress02_xpm));
         return bitmap;
     else if (name == wxT("res/wizprogress03.xpm"))
-        wxBitmap bitmap(wizprogress03_xpm);
+        wxBitmap  bitmap(GetScaledBitmapFromXPMData(wizprogress03_xpm));
         return bitmap;
     else if (name == wxT("res/wizprogress04.xpm"))
-        wxBitmap bitmap(wizprogress04_xpm);
+        wxBitmap  bitmap(GetScaledBitmapFromXPMData(wizprogress04_xpm));
         return bitmap;
     else if (name == wxT("res/wizprogress05.xpm"))
-        wxBitmap bitmap(wizprogress05_xpm);
+        wxBitmap  bitmap(GetScaledBitmapFromXPMData(wizprogress05_xpm));
         return bitmap;
     else if (name == wxT("res/wizprogress06.xpm"))
-        wxBitmap bitmap(wizprogress06_xpm);
+        wxBitmap  bitmap(GetScaledBitmapFromXPMData(wizprogress06_xpm));
         return bitmap;
     else if (name == wxT("res/wizprogress07.xpm"))
-        wxBitmap bitmap(wizprogress07_xpm);
+        wxBitmap  bitmap(GetScaledBitmapFromXPMData(wizprogress07_xpm));
         return bitmap;
     else if (name == wxT("res/wizprogress08.xpm"))
-        wxBitmap bitmap(wizprogress08_xpm);
+        wxBitmap  bitmap(GetScaledBitmapFromXPMData(wizprogress08_xpm));
         return bitmap;
     else if (name == wxT("res/wizprogress09.xpm"))
-        wxBitmap bitmap(wizprogress09_xpm);
+        wxBitmap  bitmap(GetScaledBitmapFromXPMData(wizprogress09_xpm));
         return bitmap;
     else if (name == wxT("res/wizprogress10.xpm"))
-        wxBitmap bitmap(wizprogress10_xpm);
+        wxBitmap  bitmap(GetScaledBitmapFromXPMData(wizprogress10_xpm));
         return bitmap;
     else if (name == wxT("res/wizprogress11.xpm"))
-        wxBitmap bitmap(wizprogress11_xpm);
+        wxBitmap  bitmap(GetScaledBitmapFromXPMData(wizprogress11_xpm));
         return bitmap;
     else if (name == wxT("res/wizprogress12.xpm"))
-        wxBitmap bitmap(wizprogress12_xpm);
+        wxBitmap  bitmap(GetScaledBitmapFromXPMData(wizprogress12_xpm));
         return bitmap;
     return wxNullBitmap;
@@ -386,14 +387,13 @@ void CProjectProcessingPage::OnStateChange( CProjectProcessingPageEvent& WXUNUSE
             } else if (!pWA->project_config.master_url.empty()) {
                 ai->url = pWA->project_config.master_url;
             } else {
-                ai->url = (const char*)pWA->m_ProjectInfoPage->GetProjectURL().mb_str();
+                ai->url = (const char*)pWA->GetProjectURL().mb_str();
             if (!pWA->GetProjectAuthenticator().IsEmpty() || 
-                pWA->m_bCredentialsCached || 
-                pWA->m_bCredentialsDetected
+                pWA->IsCredentialsCached() || pWA->IsCredentialsDetected()
             ) {
-                if (!pWA->m_bCredentialsCached || pWA->m_bCredentialsDetected) {
+                if (!pWA->IsCredentialsCached() || pWA->IsCredentialsDetected()) {
                     ao->authenticator = (const char*)pWA->GetProjectAuthenticator().mb_str();
@@ -401,16 +401,17 @@ void CProjectProcessingPage::OnStateChange( CProjectProcessingPageEvent& WXUNUSE
                 // Setup initial values for both the create and lookup API
                 if (pWA->project_config.uses_username) {
-                    ai->email_addr = (const char*)pWA->m_AccountInfoPage->GetAccountUsername().mb_str();
+                    ai->email_addr = (const char*)pWA->GetAccountUsername().mb_str();
                 } else {
-                    ai->email_addr = (const char*)pWA->m_AccountInfoPage->GetAccountEmailAddress().mb_str();
+                    ai->email_addr = (const char*)pWA->GetAccountEmailAddress().mb_str();
-                ai->passwd = (const char*)pWA->m_AccountInfoPage->GetAccountPassword().mb_str();
+                ai->passwd = (const char*)pWA->GetAccountPassword().mb_str();
                 ai->user_name = (const char*)::wxGetUserName().mb_str();
                 if (ai->user_name.empty()) {
                     ai->user_name = (const char*)::wxGetUserId().mb_str();
                 //ai->team_name = (const char*)pWA->GetTeamName().mb_str();
+                ai->ldap_auth = pWA->project_config.ldap_auth;
                 if (pWA->m_AccountInfoPage->m_pAccountCreateCtrl->GetValue()) {
 					creating_account = true;
@@ -538,14 +539,14 @@ void CProjectProcessingPage::OnStateChange( CProjectProcessingPageEvent& WXUNUSE
                 ) {
                     if (ERR_RETRY == reply.error_num) {
-                        if (pWA->m_bCredentialsCached) {
+                        if (pWA->IsCredentialsCached()) {
                         } else {
                             std::string master_url;
                             if (!pWA->project_config.master_url.empty()) {
                                 master_url = pWA->project_config.master_url;
                             } else {
-                                master_url = (const char*)pWA->m_ProjectInfoPage->GetProjectURL().mb_str();
+                                master_url = (const char*)pWA->GetProjectURL().mb_str();
diff --git a/clientgui/ProjectPropertiesPage.cpp b/clientgui/ProjectPropertiesPage.cpp
index 5a7ddc1..00579e0 100644
--- a/clientgui/ProjectPropertiesPage.cpp
+++ b/clientgui/ProjectPropertiesPage.cpp
@@ -157,7 +157,7 @@ void CProjectPropertiesPage::CreateControls()
     wxBitmap itemBitmap41(GetBitmapResource(wxT("res/wizprogress01.xpm")));
     m_pProgressIndicator = new wxStaticBitmap;
-    m_pProgressIndicator->Create( itemWizardPage36, ID_PROGRESSCTRL, itemBitmap41, wxDefaultPosition, wxSize(184, 48), 0 );
+    m_pProgressIndicator->Create( itemWizardPage36, ID_PROGRESSCTRL, itemBitmap41, wxDefaultPosition, wxSize(ADJUSTFORXDPI(184), ADJUSTFORYDPI(48)), 0 );
     itemFlexGridSizer40->Add(m_pProgressIndicator, 0, wxALIGN_CENTER_HORIZONTAL|wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL|wxALL, 5);
     itemFlexGridSizer40->Add(5, 5, 0, wxGROW|wxALL, 5);
@@ -243,65 +243,66 @@ void CProjectPropertiesPage::FinishProgress(wxStaticBitmap* pBitmap) {
 wxBitmap CProjectPropertiesPage::GetBitmapResource( const wxString& name )
+// TODO: Choose from multiple size images if provided, else resize the closest one
     // Bitmap retrieval
     if (name == wxT("res/wizprogress01.xpm"))
-        wxBitmap bitmap(wizprogress01_xpm);
+        wxBitmap bitmap(GetScaledBitmapFromXPMData(wizprogress01_xpm));
         return bitmap;
     else if (name == wxT("res/wizprogress02.xpm"))
-        wxBitmap bitmap(wizprogress02_xpm);
+        wxBitmap  bitmap(GetScaledBitmapFromXPMData(wizprogress02_xpm));
         return bitmap;
     else if (name == wxT("res/wizprogress03.xpm"))
-        wxBitmap bitmap(wizprogress03_xpm);
+        wxBitmap  bitmap(GetScaledBitmapFromXPMData(wizprogress03_xpm));
         return bitmap;
     else if (name == wxT("res/wizprogress04.xpm"))
-        wxBitmap bitmap(wizprogress04_xpm);
+        wxBitmap  bitmap(GetScaledBitmapFromXPMData(wizprogress04_xpm));
         return bitmap;
     else if (name == wxT("res/wizprogress05.xpm"))
-        wxBitmap bitmap(wizprogress05_xpm);
+        wxBitmap  bitmap(GetScaledBitmapFromXPMData(wizprogress05_xpm));
         return bitmap;
     else if (name == wxT("res/wizprogress06.xpm"))
-        wxBitmap bitmap(wizprogress06_xpm);
+        wxBitmap  bitmap(GetScaledBitmapFromXPMData(wizprogress06_xpm));
         return bitmap;
     else if (name == wxT("res/wizprogress07.xpm"))
-        wxBitmap bitmap(wizprogress07_xpm);
+        wxBitmap  bitmap(GetScaledBitmapFromXPMData(wizprogress07_xpm));
         return bitmap;
     else if (name == wxT("res/wizprogress08.xpm"))
-        wxBitmap bitmap(wizprogress08_xpm);
+        wxBitmap  bitmap(GetScaledBitmapFromXPMData(wizprogress08_xpm));
         return bitmap;
     else if (name == wxT("res/wizprogress09.xpm"))
-        wxBitmap bitmap(wizprogress09_xpm);
+        wxBitmap  bitmap(GetScaledBitmapFromXPMData(wizprogress09_xpm));
         return bitmap;
     else if (name == wxT("res/wizprogress10.xpm"))
-        wxBitmap bitmap(wizprogress10_xpm);
+        wxBitmap  bitmap(GetScaledBitmapFromXPMData(wizprogress10_xpm));
         return bitmap;
     else if (name == wxT("res/wizprogress11.xpm"))
-        wxBitmap bitmap(wizprogress11_xpm);
+        wxBitmap  bitmap(GetScaledBitmapFromXPMData(wizprogress11_xpm));
         return bitmap;
     else if (name == wxT("res/wizprogress12.xpm"))
-        wxBitmap bitmap(wizprogress12_xpm);
+        wxBitmap  bitmap(GetScaledBitmapFromXPMData(wizprogress12_xpm));
         return bitmap;
     return wxNullBitmap;
@@ -403,7 +404,7 @@ void CProjectPropertiesPage::OnStateChange( CProjectPropertiesPageEvent& WXUNUSE
             ) {
                 if (ERR_RETRY == pc->error_num) {
-                        (const char*)pWAP->m_ProjectInfoPage->GetProjectURL().mb_str()
+                        (const char*)pWAP->GetProjectURL().mb_str()
@@ -501,7 +502,7 @@ void CProjectPropertiesPage::OnStateChange( CProjectPropertiesPageEvent& WXUNUSE
             // Determine if the account settings are already pre-populated.
             //   If so, advance to the Project Processing page.
-            SetCredentialsAlreadyAvailable(pWAP->m_bCredentialsCached || pWAP->m_bCredentialsDetected);
+            SetCredentialsAlreadyAvailable(pWAP->IsCredentialsCached() || pWAP->IsCredentialsDetected());
diff --git a/clientgui/ProjectWelcomePage.cpp b/clientgui/ProjectWelcomePage.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..083c604
--- /dev/null
+++ b/clientgui/ProjectWelcomePage.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,291 @@
+// This file is part of BOINC.
+// http://boinc.berkeley.edu
+// Copyright (C) 2008 University of California
+// BOINC is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+// under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License
+// as published by the Free Software Foundation,
+// either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+// BOINC is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+// See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
+// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
+// along with BOINC.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+#if defined(__GNUG__) && !defined(__APPLE__)
+#pragma implementation "ProjectWelcomePage.h"
+#include "stdwx.h"
+#include "diagnostics.h"
+#include "util.h"
+#include "mfile.h"
+#include "miofile.h"
+#include "parse.h"
+#include "error_numbers.h"
+#include "wizardex.h"
+#include "error_numbers.h"
+#include "BOINCGUIApp.h"
+#include "SkinManager.h"
+#include "MainDocument.h"
+#include "BOINCBaseWizard.h"
+#include "WizardAttach.h"
+#include "ProjectWelcomePage.h"
+////@begin XPM images
+////@end XPM images
+ * CProjectWelcomePage type definition
+ */
+IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS( CProjectWelcomePage, wxWizardPageEx )
+ * CProjectWelcomePage event table definition
+ */
+BEGIN_EVENT_TABLE( CProjectWelcomePage, wxWizardPageEx )
+////@begin CProjectWelcomePage event table entries
+    EVT_WIZARDEX_PAGE_CHANGED( -1, CProjectWelcomePage::OnPageChanged )
+    EVT_WIZARDEX_CANCEL( -1, CProjectWelcomePage::OnCancel )
+////@end CProjectWelcomePage event table entries
+ * CProjectWelcomePage constructors
+ */
+CProjectWelcomePage::CProjectWelcomePage( )
+CProjectWelcomePage::CProjectWelcomePage( CBOINCBaseWizard* parent )
+    Create( parent );
+ * WizardPage creator
+ */
+bool CProjectWelcomePage::Create( CBOINCBaseWizard* parent )
+////@begin CProjectWelcomePage member initialisation
+////@end CProjectWelcomePage member initialisation
+	((CWizardAttach*)parent)->IsFirstPass = false;
+////@begin CProjectWelcomePage creation
+    wxWizardPageEx::Create( parent, ID_PROJECTWELCOMEPAGE );
+    CreateControls();
+    GetSizer()->Fit(this);
+////@end CProjectWelcomePage creation
+	return TRUE;
+ * Control creation for WizardPage
+ */
+void CProjectWelcomePage::CreateControls()
+////@begin CWelcomePage content construction
+    CProjectWelcomePage* itemWizardPage2 = this;
+    wxBoxSizer* itemBoxSizer3 = new wxBoxSizer(wxVERTICAL);
+    itemWizardPage2->SetSizer(itemBoxSizer3);
+    title_ctrl = new wxStaticText;
+    title_ctrl->Create( itemWizardPage2, wxID_STATIC, wxEmptyString, wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, 0 );
+    title_ctrl->SetFont(wxFont(12, wxSWISS, wxNORMAL, wxBOLD, FALSE, _T("Verdana")));
+    itemBoxSizer3->Add(title_ctrl, 0, wxALIGN_LEFT|wxALL, 5);
+    intro_ctrl = new wxStaticText;
+    intro_ctrl->Create( itemWizardPage2, wxID_STATIC, wxEmptyString, wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, 0 );
+    itemBoxSizer3->Add(intro_ctrl, 0, wxALIGN_LEFT|wxALL, 5);
+    itemBoxSizer3->Add(5, 5, 0, wxALIGN_LEFT|wxALL, 5);
+    wxFlexGridSizer* grid = new wxFlexGridSizer(5, 2, 0, 0);
+    grid->AddGrowableCol(1);
+    grid->SetFlexibleDirection(wxBOTH);
+    itemBoxSizer3->Add(grid, 0, wxEXPAND|wxALL, 5);
+    project_name1_ctrl = new wxStaticText;
+    project_name1_ctrl->Create( itemWizardPage2, wxID_STATIC, wxEmptyString, wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, 0 );
+    grid->Add(project_name1_ctrl, 0, wxALIGN_LEFT|wxALL, 5);
+    project_name2_ctrl = new wxStaticText;
+    project_name2_ctrl->Create( itemWizardPage2, wxID_STATIC, wxEmptyString, wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, 0 );
+    grid->Add(project_name2_ctrl, 0, wxALIGN_LEFT|wxALL|wxEXPAND, 5);
+    project_inst1_ctrl = new wxStaticText;
+    project_inst1_ctrl->Create( itemWizardPage2, wxID_STATIC, wxEmptyString, wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, 0 );
+    grid->Add(project_inst1_ctrl, 0, wxALIGN_LEFT|wxALL, 5);
+    project_inst2_ctrl = new wxStaticText;
+    project_inst2_ctrl->Create( itemWizardPage2, wxID_STATIC, wxEmptyString, wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, 0 );
+    grid->Add(project_inst2_ctrl, 0, wxALIGN_LEFT|wxALL|wxEXPAND, 5);
+    project_desc1_ctrl = new wxStaticText;
+    project_desc1_ctrl->Create( itemWizardPage2, wxID_STATIC, wxEmptyString, wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, 0 );
+    grid->Add(project_desc1_ctrl, 0, wxALIGN_LEFT|wxALL, 5);
+    project_desc2_ctrl = new wxStaticText;
+    project_desc2_ctrl->Create( itemWizardPage2, wxID_STATIC, wxEmptyString, wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, 0 );
+    grid->Add(project_desc2_ctrl, 0, wxALIGN_LEFT|wxALL|wxEXPAND, 5);
+    project_url1_ctrl = new wxStaticText;
+    project_url1_ctrl->Create( itemWizardPage2, wxID_STATIC, wxEmptyString, wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, 0 );
+    grid->Add(project_url1_ctrl, 0, wxALIGN_LEFT|wxALL, 5);
+    project_url2_ctrl = new wxStaticText;
+    project_url2_ctrl->Create( itemWizardPage2, wxID_STATIC, wxEmptyString, wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, 0 );
+    grid->Add(project_url2_ctrl, 0, wxALIGN_LEFT|wxALL|wxEXPAND, 5);
+    user_name1_ctrl = new wxStaticText;
+    user_name1_ctrl->Create( itemWizardPage2, wxID_STATIC, wxEmptyString, wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, 0 );
+    grid->Add(user_name1_ctrl, 0, wxALIGN_LEFT|wxALL, 5);
+    user_name2_ctrl = new wxStaticText;
+    user_name2_ctrl->Create( itemWizardPage2, wxID_STATIC, wxEmptyString, wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, 0 );
+    grid->Add(user_name2_ctrl, 0, wxALIGN_LEFT|wxALL|wxEXPAND, 5);
+    warning_ctrl = new wxStaticText;
+    warning_ctrl->Create( itemWizardPage2, wxID_STATIC, wxEmptyString, wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, 0 );
+    itemBoxSizer3->Add(warning_ctrl, 0, wxALIGN_LEFT|wxALL|wxEXPAND, 5);
+    continue_ctrl = new wxStaticText;
+    continue_ctrl->Create( itemWizardPage2, wxID_STATIC, wxEmptyString, wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, 0 );
+    itemBoxSizer3->Add(continue_ctrl, 0, wxALIGN_LEFT|wxALL, 5);
+    itemWizardPage2->SetSizer(itemBoxSizer3);
+////@end CWelcomePage content construction
+ * Gets the previous page.
+ */
+wxWizardPageEx* CProjectWelcomePage::GetPrev() const
+    return NULL;
+ * Gets the next page.
+ */
+wxWizardPageEx* CProjectWelcomePage::GetNext() const
+    CWizardAttach* pWA  = ((CWizardAttach*)GetParent());
+    wxASSERT(pWA);
+        // Cancel Event Detected
+    } else if (pWA->GetProjectAuthenticator().IsEmpty()) {
+    } else {
+    }
+    return NULL;
+ * Should we show tooltips?
+ */
+bool CProjectWelcomePage::ShowToolTips()
+    return TRUE;
+ * Get bitmap resources
+ */
+wxBitmap CProjectWelcomePage::GetBitmapResource( const wxString& WXUNUSED(name) )
+    // Bitmap retrieval
+////@begin CWelcomePage bitmap retrieval
+    return wxNullBitmap;
+////@end CWelcomePage bitmap retrieval
+ * Get icon resources
+ */
+wxIcon CProjectWelcomePage::GetIconResource( const wxString& WXUNUSED(name) )
+    // Icon retrieval
+////@begin CWelcomePage icon retrieval
+    return wxNullIcon;
+////@end CWelcomePage icon retrieval
+ */
+void CProjectWelcomePage::OnPageChanged( wxWizardExEvent& event ) {
+    if (event.GetDirection() == false) return;
+    wxLogTrace(wxT("Function Start/End"), wxT("CProjectWelcomePage::OnPageChanged - Function Begin"));
+    CWizardAttach* pWA  = ((CWizardAttach*)GetParent());
+    wxString buf;
+    buf.Printf(_("Welcome to %s."), pWA->GetProjectName().c_str());
+    title_ctrl->SetLabel(buf);
+    intro_ctrl->SetLabel(_("You have volunteered to compute for this project:"));
+    project_name1_ctrl->SetLabel(_("Name:"));
+    project_name2_ctrl->SetLabel(pWA->GetProjectName());
+    if (!pWA->GetProjectInstitution().IsEmpty()) {
+        project_inst1_ctrl->SetLabel(_("Home:"));
+        project_inst2_ctrl->SetLabel(pWA->GetProjectInstitution());
+    }
+    if (!pWA->GetProjectDescription().IsEmpty()) {
+        project_desc1_ctrl->SetLabel(_("Description:"));
+        project_desc2_ctrl->SetLabel(pWA->GetProjectDescription());
+    }
+    project_url1_ctrl->SetLabel(_("URL:"));
+    project_url2_ctrl->SetLabel(pWA->GetProjectURL());
+    if (!pWA->GetProjectUserName().IsEmpty()) {
+        user_name1_ctrl->SetLabel(_("User:"));
+        user_name2_ctrl->SetLabel(pWA->GetProjectUserName());
+    }
+    if (!pWA->IsProjectKnown()) {
+        warning_ctrl->SetLabel(_("WARNING: This project is not registered with BOINC.  Make sure you trust it before continuing."));
+    }
+    continue_ctrl->SetLabel(
+        _("To continue, click Next.")
+    );
+    Layout();
+    wxLogTrace(wxT("Function Start/End"), wxT("CProjectWelcomePage::OnPageChanged - Function End"));
+ */
+void CProjectWelcomePage::OnCancel( wxWizardExEvent& event ) {
diff --git a/clientgui/ProjectWelcomePage.h b/clientgui/ProjectWelcomePage.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2aa24e1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/clientgui/ProjectWelcomePage.h
@@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
+// This file is part of BOINC.
+// http://boinc.berkeley.edu
+// Copyright (C) 2008 University of California
+// BOINC is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+// under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License
+// as published by the Free Software Foundation,
+// either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+// BOINC is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+// See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
+// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
+// along with BOINC.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+#if defined(__GNUG__) && !defined(__APPLE__)
+#pragma interface "ProjectWelcomePage.cpp"
+ * CWelcomePage class declaration
+ */
+class CProjectWelcomePage: public wxWizardPageEx
+    DECLARE_DYNAMIC_CLASS( CProjectWelcomePage )
+    /// Constructors
+    CProjectWelcomePage( );
+    CProjectWelcomePage( CBOINCBaseWizard* parent );
+    /// Creation
+    bool Create( CBOINCBaseWizard* parent );
+    /// Creates the controls and sizers
+    void CreateControls();
+////@begin CProjectWelcomePage event handler declarations
+    void OnPageChanged( wxWizardExEvent& event );
+    void OnCancel( wxWizardExEvent& event );
+////@end CProjectWelcomePage event handler declarations
+////@begin CProjectWelcomePage member function declarations
+    /// Gets the previous page.
+    virtual wxWizardPageEx* GetPrev() const;
+    /// Gets the next page.
+    virtual wxWizardPageEx* GetNext() const;
+    /// Retrieves bitmap resources
+    wxBitmap GetBitmapResource( const wxString& name );
+    /// Retrieves icon resources
+    wxIcon GetIconResource( const wxString& name );
+////@end CProjectWelcomePage member function declarations
+    /// Should we show tooltips?
+    static bool ShowToolTips();
+////@begin CProjectWelcomePage member variables
+    wxStaticText* title_ctrl;
+    wxStaticText* intro_ctrl;
+    wxStaticText* project_name1_ctrl;
+    wxStaticText* project_name2_ctrl;
+    wxStaticText* project_inst1_ctrl;
+    wxStaticText* project_inst2_ctrl;
+    wxStaticText* project_desc1_ctrl;
+    wxStaticText* project_desc2_ctrl;
+    wxStaticText* project_url1_ctrl;
+    wxStaticText* project_url2_ctrl;
+    wxStaticText* user_name1_ctrl;
+    wxStaticText* user_name2_ctrl;
+    wxStaticText* warning_ctrl;
+    wxStaticText* continue_ctrl;
+////@end CProjectWelcomePage member variables
+#endif // _WIZ_WELCOMEPAGE_H_
diff --git a/clientgui/SkinManager.cpp b/clientgui/SkinManager.cpp
index 43fa059..badfcaf 100644
--- a/clientgui/SkinManager.cpp
+++ b/clientgui/SkinManager.cpp
@@ -29,6 +29,7 @@
 #include "BOINCGUIApp.h"
 #include "BOINCBaseFrame.h"
 #include "SkinManager.h"
+#include "MainDocument.h"
 #include "version.h"
@@ -152,13 +153,25 @@ bool CSkinImage::SetDefaults(wxString strComponentName, const char** ppDefaultBi
 bool CSkinImage::Validate() {
     if (!m_bmpBitmap.Ok()) {
         if (!m_strDesiredBitmap.IsEmpty()) {
-            m_bmpBitmap = wxBitmap(wxImage(m_strDesiredBitmap, wxBITMAP_TYPE_ANY));
+            wxImage img = wxImage(m_strDesiredBitmap, wxBITMAP_TYPE_ANY);
+            if (img.IsOk()) {
+#ifdef __WXMSW__
+// TODO: Choose from multiple size images if provided, else resize the closest one
+                if ((GetXDPIScaling() > 1.05) || (GetYDPIScaling() > 1.05)) {
+                    img.Rescale((int) (img.GetWidth()*GetXDPIScaling()), 
+                                (int) (img.GetHeight()*GetYDPIScaling()), 
+                                wxIMAGE_QUALITY_BILINEAR
+                            );
+                }
+                m_bmpBitmap = wxBitmap(img);
+            }
         if (!m_bmpBitmap.Ok()) {
             if (show_error_msgs) {
                 fprintf(stderr, "Skin Manager: Failed to load '%s' image. Using default.\n", (const char *)m_strComponentName.mb_str());
-            m_bmpBitmap = wxBitmap(m_ppDefaultBitmap);
+            m_bmpBitmap = GetScaledBitmapFromXPMData(m_ppDefaultBitmap);
@@ -480,7 +493,19 @@ int CSkinAdvanced::Parse(MIOFILE& in) {
                     wxString(strBuffer.c_str(), wxConvUTF8)
                 if (boinc_file_exists(str.c_str())) {
-                    m_bitmapApplicationLogo = wxBitmap(wxImage(str.c_str(), wxBITMAP_TYPE_ANY));
+                    wxImage img = wxImage(str.c_str(), wxBITMAP_TYPE_ANY);
+                    if (img.IsOk()) {
+#ifdef __WXMSW__
+// TODO: Choose from multiple size images if provided, else resize the closest one
+                        if ((GetXDPIScaling() > 1.05) || (GetYDPIScaling() > 1.05)) {
+                            img.Rescale((int) (img.GetWidth()*GetXDPIScaling()), 
+                                        (int) (img.GetHeight()*GetYDPIScaling()), 
+                                        wxIMAGE_QUALITY_BILINEAR
+                                    );
+                        }
+                        m_bitmapApplicationLogo = wxBitmap(img);
+                    }
diff --git a/clientgui/TermsOfUsePage.cpp b/clientgui/TermsOfUsePage.cpp
index 9700808..ba7d71e 100644
--- a/clientgui/TermsOfUsePage.cpp
+++ b/clientgui/TermsOfUsePage.cpp
@@ -268,7 +268,7 @@ void CTermsOfUsePage::OnPageChanging( wxWizardExEvent& event ) {
         // Determine if the account settings are already pre-populated.
         //   If so, advance to the Account Manager Processing page or the
         //   Project Processing page.
-        if ( pWA->m_bCredentialsCached || pWA->m_bCredentialsDetected) {
+        if ( pWA->IsCredentialsCached() || pWA->IsCredentialsDetected()) {
         } else {
diff --git a/clientgui/WizardAttach.cpp b/clientgui/WizardAttach.cpp
index 7beaa8a..94a7196 100644
--- a/clientgui/WizardAttach.cpp
+++ b/clientgui/WizardAttach.cpp
@@ -39,6 +39,7 @@
 #include "ProjectInfoPage.h"
 #include "ProjectPropertiesPage.h"
 #include "ProjectProcessingPage.h"
+#include "ProjectWelcomePage.h"
 #include "AccountManagerInfoPage.h"
 #include "AccountManagerPropertiesPage.h"
 #include "AccountManagerProcessingPage.h"
@@ -96,6 +97,7 @@ bool CWizardAttach::Create( wxWindow* parent, wxWindowID id, const wxString& /*
     m_ProjectInfoPage = NULL;
     m_ProjectPropertiesPage = NULL;
     m_ProjectProcessingPage = NULL;
+    m_ProjectWelcomePage = NULL;
     m_AccountManagerInfoPage = NULL;
     m_AccountManagerPropertiesPage = NULL;
     m_AccountManagerProcessingPage = NULL;
@@ -130,11 +132,10 @@ bool CWizardAttach::Create( wxWindow* parent, wxWindowID id, const wxString& /*
     account_created_successfully = false;
     attached_to_project_successfully = false;
-    close_when_completed = false;
+    m_bCloseWhenCompleted = false;
-    m_strTeamName.Empty();
     m_bCredentialsCached = false;
     m_bCredentialsDetected = false;
@@ -206,6 +207,10 @@ void CWizardAttach::CreateControls()
     m_ProjectProcessingPage->Create( itemWizard1 );
+    m_ProjectWelcomePage = new CProjectWelcomePage;
+    m_ProjectWelcomePage->Create( itemWizard1 );
+    GetPageAreaSizer()->Add(m_ProjectWelcomePage);
     m_AccountInfoPage = new CAccountInfoPage;
     m_AccountInfoPage->Create( itemWizard1 );
@@ -252,100 +257,6 @@ void CWizardAttach::CreateControls()
 ////@end CWizardAttach content construction
-    wxLogTrace(wxT("Function Status"), wxT("CWizardAttach::CreateControls - Begin Page Map"));
-    wxLogTrace(
-        wxT("Function Status"),
-        wxT("CWizardAttach::CreateControls -     m_WelcomePage = id: '%d', location: '%p', height: '%d', width: '%d'"),
-        m_WelcomePage->GetId(), m_WelcomePage, m_WelcomePage->GetBestSize().GetHeight(), m_WelcomePage->GetBestSize().GetWidth()
-    );
-    wxLogTrace(
-        wxT("Function Status"), 
-        wxT("CWizardAttach::CreateControls -     m_ProjectInfoPage = id: '%d', location: '%p', height: '%d', width: '%d'"),
-        m_ProjectInfoPage->GetId(), m_ProjectInfoPage, m_ProjectInfoPage->GetBestSize().GetHeight(), m_ProjectInfoPage->GetBestSize().GetWidth()
-    );
-    wxLogTrace(
-        wxT("Function Status"),
-        wxT("CWizardAttach::CreateControls -     m_ProjectPropertiesPage = id: '%d', location: '%p', height: '%d', width: '%d'"),
-        m_ProjectPropertiesPage->GetId(), m_ProjectPropertiesPage, m_ProjectPropertiesPage->GetBestSize().GetHeight(), m_ProjectPropertiesPage->GetBestSize().GetWidth()
-    );
-    wxLogTrace(
-        wxT("Function Status"),
-        wxT("CWizardAttach::CreateControls -     m_ProjectProcessingPage = id: '%d', location: '%p', height: '%d', width: '%d'"),
-        m_ProjectProcessingPage->GetId(), m_ProjectProcessingPage, m_ProjectProcessingPage->GetBestSize().GetHeight(), m_ProjectProcessingPage->GetBestSize().GetWidth()
-    );
-    wxLogTrace(
-        wxT("Function Status"),
-        wxT("CWizardAttach::CreateControls -     m_AccountManagerInfoPage = id: '%d', location: '%p', height: '%d', width: '%d'"),
-        m_AccountManagerInfoPage->GetId(), m_AccountManagerInfoPage, m_AccountManagerInfoPage->GetBestSize().GetHeight(), m_AccountManagerInfoPage->GetBestSize().GetWidth()
-    );
-    wxLogTrace(
-        wxT("Function Status"),
-        wxT("CWizardAttach::CreateControls -     m_AccountManagerPropertiesPage = id: '%d', location: '%p', height: '%d', width: '%d'"),
-        m_AccountManagerPropertiesPage->GetId(), m_AccountManagerPropertiesPage, m_AccountManagerPropertiesPage->GetBestSize().GetHeight(), m_AccountManagerPropertiesPage->GetBestSize().GetWidth()
-    );
-    wxLogTrace(
-        wxT("Function Status"),
-        wxT("CWizardAttach::CreateControls -     m_AccountManagerProcessingPage = id: '%d', location: '%p', height: '%d', width: '%d'"),
-        m_AccountManagerProcessingPage->GetId(), m_AccountManagerProcessingPage, m_AccountManagerProcessingPage->GetBestSize().GetHeight(), m_AccountManagerProcessingPage->GetBestSize().GetWidth()
-    );
-    wxLogTrace(
-        wxT("Function Status"),
-        wxT("CWizardAttach::CreateControls -     m_TermsOfUsePage = id: '%d', location: '%p', height: '%d', width: '%d'"),
-        m_TermsOfUsePage->GetId(), m_TermsOfUsePage, m_TermsOfUsePage->GetBestSize().GetHeight(), m_TermsOfUsePage->GetBestSize().GetWidth()
-    );
-    wxLogTrace(
-        wxT("Function Status"),
-        wxT("CWizardAttach::CreateControls -     m_AccountInfoPage = id: '%d', location: '%p', height: '%d', width: '%d'"),
-        m_AccountInfoPage->GetId(), m_AccountInfoPage, m_AccountInfoPage->GetBestSize().GetHeight(), m_AccountInfoPage->GetBestSize().GetWidth()
-    );
-    wxLogTrace(
-        wxT("Function Status"),
-        wxT("CWizardAttach::CreateControls -     m_CompletionPage = id: '%d', location: '%p', height: '%d', width: '%d'"),
-        m_CompletionPage->GetId(), m_CompletionPage, m_CompletionPage->GetBestSize().GetHeight(), m_CompletionPage->GetBestSize().GetWidth()
-    );
-    wxLogTrace(
-        wxT("Function Status"),
-        wxT("CWizardAttach::CreateControls -     m_CompletionErrorPage = id: '%d', location: '%p', height: '%d', width: '%d'"),
-        m_CompletionErrorPage->GetId(), m_CompletionErrorPage, m_CompletionErrorPage->GetBestSize().GetHeight(), m_CompletionErrorPage->GetBestSize().GetWidth()
-    );
-    wxLogTrace(
-        wxT("Function Status"),
-        wxT("CWizardAttach::CreateControls -     m_ErrNotDetectedPage = id: '%d', location: '%p', height: '%d', width: '%d'"),
-        m_ErrNotDetectedPage->GetId(), m_ErrNotDetectedPage, m_ErrNotDetectedPage->GetBestSize().GetHeight(), m_ErrNotDetectedPage->GetBestSize().GetWidth()
-    );
-    wxLogTrace(
-        wxT("Function Status"),
-        wxT("CWizardAttach::CreateControls -     m_ErrUnavailablePage = id: '%d', location: '%p', height: '%d', width: '%d'"),
-        m_ErrUnavailablePage->GetId(), m_ErrUnavailablePage, m_ErrUnavailablePage->GetBestSize().GetHeight(), m_ErrUnavailablePage->GetBestSize().GetWidth()
-    );
-    wxLogTrace(
-        wxT("Function Status"),
-        wxT("CWizardAttach::CreateControls -     m_ErrNoInternetConnectionPage = id: '%d', location: '%p', height: '%d', width: '%d'"),
-        m_ErrNoInternetConnectionPage->GetId(), m_ErrNoInternetConnectionPage, m_ErrNoInternetConnectionPage->GetBestSize().GetHeight(), m_ErrNoInternetConnectionPage->GetBestSize().GetWidth()
-    );
-    wxLogTrace(
-        wxT("Function Status"),
-        wxT("CWizardAttach::CreateControls -     m_ErrNotFoundPage = id: '%d', location: '%p', height: '%d', width: '%d'"),
-        m_ErrNotFoundPage->GetId(), m_ErrNotFoundPage, m_ErrNotFoundPage->GetBestSize().GetHeight(), m_ErrNotFoundPage->GetBestSize().GetWidth()
-    );
-    wxLogTrace(
-        wxT("Function Status"),
-        wxT("CWizardAttach::CreateControls -     m_ErrAlreadyExistsPage = id: '%d', location: '%p', height: '%d', width: '%d'"),
-        m_ErrAlreadyExistsPage->GetId(), m_ErrAlreadyExistsPage, m_ErrAlreadyExistsPage->GetBestSize().GetHeight(), m_ErrAlreadyExistsPage->GetBestSize().GetWidth()
-    );
-    wxLogTrace(
-        wxT("Function Status"),
-        wxT("CWizardAttach::CreateControls -     m_ErrProxyInfoPage = id: '%d', location: '%p', height: '%d', width: '%d'"),
-        m_ErrProxyInfoPage->GetId(), m_ErrProxyInfoPage, m_ErrProxyInfoPage->GetBestSize().GetHeight(), m_ErrProxyInfoPage->GetBestSize().GetWidth()
-    );
-    wxLogTrace(
-        wxT("Function Status"),
-        wxT("CWizardAttach::CreateControls -     m_ErrProxyPage = id: '%d', location: '%p', height: '%d', width: '%d'"),
-        m_ErrProxyPage->GetId(), m_ErrProxyPage, m_ErrProxyPage->GetBestSize().GetHeight(), m_ErrProxyPage->GetBestSize().GetWidth()
-    );
-    wxLogTrace(wxT("Function Status"), wxT("CWizardAttach::CreateControls - End Page Map"));
     wxLogTrace(wxT("Function Start/End"), wxT("CWizardAttach::CreateControls - Function End"));
@@ -353,32 +264,29 @@ void CWizardAttach::CreateControls()
  * Runs the wizard.
 bool CWizardAttach::Run(
-    wxString& WXUNUSED(strName), wxString& strURL, wxString& strTeamName,
-    bool bCredentialsCached
+    wxString strProjectURL, bool bCredentialsCached
 ) {
-    m_strTeamName = strTeamName;
-    if (strURL.Length()) {
-        m_ProjectInfoPage->SetProjectURL( strURL );
-        m_bCredentialsCached = bCredentialsCached;
+    if (strProjectURL.Length()) {
+        SetProjectURL(strProjectURL);
+        SetCredentialsCached(bCredentialsCached);
     // If credentials are not cached, then we should try one last place to look up the
     //   authenticator.  Some projects will set a "Setup" cookie off of their URL with a
     //   pretty short timeout.  Lets take a crack at detecting it.
-    if (!strURL.IsEmpty() && !bCredentialsCached) {
-        std::string url = std::string(strURL.mb_str());
+    if (!strProjectURL.IsEmpty() && !bCredentialsCached) {
+        std::string url = std::string(strProjectURL.mb_str());
         std::string authenticator;
         if (detect_setup_authenticator(url, authenticator)) {
-            m_bCredentialsDetected = true;
-            close_when_completed = true;
+            SetCredentialsDetected(true);
+            SetCloseWhenCompleted(true);
             SetProjectAuthenticator(wxString(authenticator.c_str(), wxConvUTF8));
-    if (strURL.Length() && m_ProjectPropertiesPage) {
+    if (strProjectURL.Length() && m_ProjectPropertiesPage) {
         return RunWizard(m_ProjectPropertiesPage);
     } else if (m_WelcomePage) {
         return RunWizard(m_WelcomePage);
@@ -388,6 +296,22 @@ bool CWizardAttach::Run(
+bool CWizardAttach::RunSimpleProjectAttach(
+    wxString strName, wxString strURL, wxString strAuthenticator, wxString strInstitution, wxString strDescription, wxString strKnown
+) {
+    SetProjectName(strName);
+    SetProjectURL(strURL);
+    SetProjectInstitution(strInstitution);
+    SetProjectDescription(strDescription);
+    if (strAuthenticator.size()) {
+        SetProjectAuthenticator(strAuthenticator);
+    }
+    SetProjectKnown(strKnown.length() > 0);
+    return RunWizard(m_ProjectWelcomePage);
 bool CWizardAttach::SyncToAccountManager() {
     ACCT_MGR_INFO ami;
     CMainDocument* pDoc = wxGetApp().GetDocument();
@@ -401,15 +325,13 @@ bool CWizardAttach::SyncToAccountManager() {
     if (ami.acct_mgr_url.size()) {
-        m_strProjectName = wxString(ami.acct_mgr_name.c_str(), wxConvUTF8);
-        m_AccountManagerInfoPage->SetProjectURL( 
-            wxString(ami.acct_mgr_url.c_str(), wxConvUTF8)
-        );
-        m_bCredentialsCached = ami.have_credentials;
-        m_bCookieRequired = ami.cookie_required;
-        m_strCookieFailureURL = wxString(ami.cookie_failure_url.c_str(), wxConvUTF8);
-        if (m_bCredentialsCached) {
+        SetProjectName(wxString(ami.acct_mgr_name.c_str(), wxConvUTF8));
+        SetProjectURL(wxString(ami.acct_mgr_url.c_str(), wxConvUTF8));
+        SetCredentialsCached(ami.have_credentials);
+        SetCookieRequired(ami.cookie_required);
+        SetCookieFailureURL(wxString(ami.cookie_failure_url.c_str(), wxConvUTF8));
+        if (IsCredentialsCached()) {
             IsAccountManagerUpdateWizard = true;
@@ -424,18 +346,17 @@ bool CWizardAttach::SyncToAccountManager() {
             wxString strPasswordHash;
             wxString strReturnURL;
-            strLogin = wxURL::Unescape( wxString(login.c_str(), wxConvUTF8) );
-            strPasswordHash = wxURL::Unescape( wxString(password_hash.c_str(), wxConvUTF8) );
-            strReturnURL = wxURL::Unescape( wxString(return_url.c_str(), wxConvUTF8) );
+            strLogin = wxURL::Unescape(wxString(login.c_str(), wxConvUTF8));
+            strPasswordHash = wxURL::Unescape(wxString(password_hash.c_str(), wxConvUTF8));
+            strReturnURL = wxURL::Unescape(wxString(return_url.c_str(), wxConvUTF8));
-            m_AccountInfoPage->SetAccountEmailAddress( strLogin );
-            m_AccountInfoPage->SetAccountUsername( strLogin );
-            m_AccountInfoPage->SetAccountPassword(
-                wxString(_T("hash:")) +
-                strPasswordHash
+            SetCredentialsDetected(true);
+            SetReturnURL(strReturnURL);
+            SetAccountEmailAddress(strLogin);
+            SetAccountUsername(strLogin);
+            SetAccountPassword(
+                wxString(_T("hash:")) + strPasswordHash
-            m_strReturnURL = strReturnURL;
-            m_bCredentialsDetected = true;
@@ -505,7 +426,7 @@ bool CWizardAttach::HasNextPage( wxWizardPageEx* page )
 bool CWizardAttach::HasPrevPage( wxWizardPageEx* page )
-    if ((page == m_WelcomePage) || (page == m_CompletionPage) || (page == m_CompletionErrorPage))
+    if ((page == m_WelcomePage) || (page == m_ProjectWelcomePage) || (page == m_CompletionPage) || (page == m_CompletionErrorPage))
         return false;
     return true;
@@ -568,6 +489,9 @@ wxWizardPageEx* CWizardAttach::_PushPageTransition( wxWizardPageEx* pCurrentPage
             pPage = m_ProjectProcessingPage;
+        if (ID_PROJECTWELCOMEPAGE == ulPageID)
+            pPage = m_ProjectWelcomePage;
             pPage = m_AccountManagerInfoPage;
@@ -652,7 +576,8 @@ void CWizardAttach::_ProcessCancelEvent( wxWizardExEvent& event ) {
         bCancelWithoutNextPage |= (page == m_ErrAlreadyExistsPage);
     } else {
         bCancelWithoutNextPage |= (page == m_WelcomePage);
-    }
+        bCancelWithoutNextPage |= (page == m_ProjectWelcomePage);
+   }
     if (wxYES != iRetVal) {
@@ -670,8 +595,8 @@ void CWizardAttach::OnFinished( wxWizardExEvent& event ) {
     if (IsAccountManagerWizard) {
         // Attached to an account manager
-        if (!m_strReturnURL.empty() && GetAttachedToProjectSuccessfully()) {
-            wxLaunchDefaultBrowser(m_strReturnURL);
+        if (!GetReturnURL().empty() && GetAttachedToProjectSuccessfully()) {
+            wxLaunchDefaultBrowser(GetReturnURL());
     } else {
         // Attached to a project
diff --git a/clientgui/WizardAttach.h b/clientgui/WizardAttach.h
index ba0f07a..056920e 100644
--- a/clientgui/WizardAttach.h
+++ b/clientgui/WizardAttach.h
@@ -50,6 +50,7 @@
 // Account Manager Wizard Pages
@@ -149,6 +150,7 @@ class CErrUserDisagreesPage;
 class CProjectInfoPage;
 class CProjectPropertiesPage;
 class CProjectProcessingPage;
+class CProjectWelcomePage;
 class CAccountManagerInfoPage;
 class CAccountManagerPropertiesPage;
 class CAccountManagerProcessingPage;
@@ -220,13 +222,21 @@ public:
     /// Runs the wizard.
     bool Run(
-        wxString& strName,
-        wxString& strURL,
-        wxString& wxString,
+        wxString strProjectURL,
         bool bCredentialsCached = true
-    // Synchronize to Account Manager
+    /// Runs the wizard.
+    bool RunSimpleProjectAttach(
+        wxString strProjectName,
+        wxString strProjectURL,
+        wxString strAuthenticator, 
+        wxString strProjectInstitution,
+        wxString strProjectDescription,
+        wxString strKnown
+    );
+    /// Synchronize to Account Manager
     bool SyncToAccountManager();
     /// Retrieves bitmap resources
@@ -234,7 +244,8 @@ public:
     /// Retrieves icon resources
     wxIcon GetIconResource( const wxString& name );
-////@end CWizardAttachProject member function declarations
+    ////@end CWizardAttachProject member function declarations
     /// Overrides
     virtual bool HasNextPage( wxWizardPageEx* page );
@@ -260,9 +271,51 @@ public:
     wxString GetProjectURL() const { return m_strProjectUrl ; }
     void SetProjectURL(wxString value) { m_strProjectUrl = value ; }
+    wxString GetProjectUserName() const { return m_strProjectUserName ; }
+    void SetProjectUserName(wxString value) { m_strProjectUserName = value ; }
     wxString GetProjectAuthenticator() const { return m_strProjectAuthenticator ; }
     void SetProjectAuthenticator(wxString value) { m_strProjectAuthenticator = value ; }
+    wxString GetProjectInstitution() const { return m_strProjectInstitution ; }
+    void SetProjectInstitution(wxString value) { m_strProjectInstitution = value ; }
+    wxString GetProjectDescription() const { return m_strProjectDescription ; }
+    void SetProjectDescription(wxString value) { m_strProjectDescription = value ; }
+    bool IsProjectKnown() const { return m_bProjectKnown ; }
+    void SetProjectKnown(bool value) { m_bProjectKnown = value ; }
+    wxString GetAccountEmailAddress() const { return m_strAccountEmailAddress ; }
+    void SetAccountEmailAddress(wxString value) { m_strAccountEmailAddress = value ; }
+    wxString GetAccountUsername() const { return m_strAccountUsername ; }
+    void SetAccountUsername(wxString value) { m_strAccountUsername = value ; }
+    wxString GetAccountPassword() const { return m_strAccountPassword ; }
+    void SetAccountPassword(wxString value) { m_strAccountPassword = value ; }
+    wxString GetAccountConfirmPassword() const { return m_strAccountConfirmPassword ; }
+    void SetAccountConfirmPassword(wxString value) { m_strAccountConfirmPassword = value ; }
+    wxString GetReturnURL() const { return m_strReturnURL ; }
+    void SetReturnURL(wxString value) { m_strReturnURL = value ; }
+    wxString GetCookieFailureURL() const { return m_strCookieFailureURL ; }
+    void SetCookieFailureURL(wxString value) { m_strCookieFailureURL = value ; }
+    bool IsCredentialsCached() const { return m_bCredentialsCached ; }
+    void SetCredentialsCached(bool value) { m_bCredentialsCached = value ; }
+    bool IsCredentialsDetected() const { return m_bCredentialsDetected ; }
+    void SetCredentialsDetected(bool value) { m_bCredentialsDetected = value ; }
+    bool IsCloseWhenCompleted() const { return m_bCloseWhenCompleted ; }
+    void SetCloseWhenCompleted(bool value) { m_bCloseWhenCompleted = value ; }
+    bool IsCookieRequired() const { return m_bCookieRequired ; }
+    void SetCookieRequired(bool value) { m_bCookieRequired = value ; }
     /// Should we show tooltips?
     static bool ShowToolTips();
@@ -271,6 +324,7 @@ public:
     CProjectInfoPage* m_ProjectInfoPage;
     CProjectPropertiesPage* m_ProjectPropertiesPage;
     CProjectProcessingPage* m_ProjectProcessingPage;
+    CProjectWelcomePage* m_ProjectWelcomePage;
     CAccountManagerInfoPage* m_AccountManagerInfoPage;
     CAccountManagerPropertiesPage* m_AccountManagerPropertiesPage;
     CAccountManagerProcessingPage* m_AccountManagerProcessingPage;
@@ -302,15 +356,22 @@ public:
     ACCOUNT_OUT         account_out;
     bool                account_created_successfully;
     bool                attached_to_project_successfully;
-    bool                close_when_completed;
+    bool                m_bCloseWhenCompleted;
     bool                m_bCredentialsCached;
     bool                m_bCredentialsDetected;
+    bool                m_bCookieRequired;
     wxString            m_strProjectName;
     wxString            m_strProjectUrl;
     wxString            m_strProjectAuthenticator;
-    wxString            m_strTeamName;
+    wxString            m_strProjectInstitution;
+    wxString            m_strProjectDescription;
+    wxString            m_strProjectUserName;
+    bool                m_bProjectKnown;
+    wxString            m_strAccountEmailAddress;
+    wxString            m_strAccountUsername;
+    wxString            m_strAccountPassword;
+    wxString            m_strAccountConfirmPassword;
     wxString            m_strReturnURL;
-    bool                m_bCookieRequired;
     wxString            m_strCookieFailureURL;
diff --git a/clientgui/browser.cpp b/clientgui/browser.cpp
index 4ee63a8..2d9c0cb 100644
--- a/clientgui/browser.cpp
+++ b/clientgui/browser.cpp
@@ -42,6 +42,7 @@ BOOL WINAPI InternetGetCookieA( LPCSTR lpszUrl, LPCSTR lpszCookieName, LPSTR lps
 #include <time.h>
+#include <sqlite3.h>
 #include "error_numbers.h"
 #include "mfile.h"
 #include "miofile.h"
@@ -593,10 +594,6 @@ bool detect_cookie_mozilla_v3(
     int         rc;
-#if defined(__APPLE__)
-    // sqlite3 is not available on Mac OS 10.3.9
-    if (sqlite3_open == NULL) return false;
     // determine the project hostname using the project url
     parse_hostname_mozilla_compatible(project_url, hostname);
@@ -805,10 +802,6 @@ bool detect_cookie_chrome(
     int         rc;
     CHROME_COOKIE_SQL cookie;
-#if defined(__APPLE__)
-    // sqlite3 is not available on Mac OS 10.3.9
-    if (sqlite3_open == NULL) return false;
     // determine the project hostname using the project url
     parse_hostname_chrome_compatible(project_url, hostname);
@@ -819,7 +812,12 @@ bool detect_cookie_chrome(
     rc = sqlite3_open(tmp.c_str(), &db);
     if ( rc ) {
-        return false;
+        tmp = profile_root + "Safe Browsing Cookies";
+        rc = sqlite3_open(tmp.c_str(), &db);
+        if ( rc ) {
+            sqlite3_close(db);
+            return false;
+        }
     // construct SQL query to extract the desired cookie
@@ -923,7 +921,7 @@ bool detect_cookie_ie_supported(std::string& project_url, std::string& name, std
         strCookieName = strCookieFragment.substr(0, uiDelimeterLocation);
         strCookieValue = strCookieFragment.substr(uiDelimeterLocation + 1);
-        if (name == strCookieName) {
+        if (0 == strcmp(name.c_str(), strCookieName.c_str())) {
             // Now we found it!  Yea - auto attach!
             value = strCookieValue;
             bReturnValue = true;
@@ -974,15 +972,15 @@ bool detect_cookie_ie_supported_uac(std::string& project_url, std::string& name,
     // Convert name into wide character string
-    name_w = A2W(name);
+    name_w = boinc_ascii_to_wide(name);
     // if we don't find the cookie at the exact project dns name, check one higher
     //   (i.e. www.worldcommunitygrid.org becomes worldcommunitygrid.org
     parse_hostname_ie_compatible(project_url, hostname, domainname);
     // InternetGetCookie expects them in URL format
-    hostname_w = std::wstring(_T("http://")) + A2W(hostname) + std::wstring(_T("/"));
-    domainname_w = std::wstring(_T("http://")) + A2W(domainname) + std::wstring(_T("/"));
+    hostname_w = std::wstring(_T("http://")) + boinc_ascii_to_wide(hostname) + std::wstring(_T("/"));
+    domainname_w = std::wstring(_T("http://")) + boinc_ascii_to_wide(domainname) + std::wstring(_T("/"));
     // First check to see if the desired cookie is assigned to the hostname.
     rc = pIEGPMC(hostname_w.c_str(), NULL, szCookieBuffer, &dwSize, NULL) == TRUE;
@@ -1011,9 +1009,9 @@ bool detect_cookie_ie_supported_uac(std::string& project_url, std::string& name,
         strCookieName = strCookieFragment.substr(0, uiDelimeterLocation);
         strCookieValue = strCookieFragment.substr(uiDelimeterLocation + 1);
-        if (name_w == strCookieName) {
+        if (0 == wcscmp(name_w.c_str(), strCookieName.c_str())) {
             // Now we found it!  Yea - auto attach!
-            value = W2A(strCookieValue);
+            value = boinc_wide_to_ascii(strCookieValue);
             bReturnValue = true;
@@ -1271,6 +1269,86 @@ END:
 // walk through the various browsers looking up the
+// various cookies that make up the simple account creation scheme.
+// give preference to the default platform specific browers first before going
+// to the platform independant browsers since most people don't switch from
+// the default.
+bool detect_simple_account_credentials(
+    std::string& project_name, std::string& project_url, std::string& authenticator, 
+    std::string& project_institution, std::string& project_description, std::string& known
+) {
+    bool retval = false;
+    std::string strCookieServer("http://boinc.berkeley.edu");
+    std::string strCookieProjectName("attach_project_name");
+    std::string strCookieProjectURL("attach_master_url");
+    std::string strCookieAuthenticator("attach_auth");
+    std::string strCookieProjectInstitution("attach_project_inst");
+    std::string strCookieProjectDescription("attach_project_desc");
+    std::string strCookieKnown("attach_known");
+#ifdef _WIN32
+    if ( detect_cookie_ie(strCookieServer, strCookieProjectName, project_name) &&
+         detect_cookie_ie(strCookieServer, strCookieProjectURL, project_url)
+    ){
+        detect_cookie_ie(strCookieServer, strCookieAuthenticator, authenticator);
+        detect_cookie_ie(strCookieServer, strCookieProjectInstitution, project_institution);
+        detect_cookie_ie(strCookieServer, strCookieProjectDescription, project_description);
+        detect_cookie_ie(strCookieServer, strCookieKnown, known);
+        goto END;
+    }
+#ifdef __APPLE__
+    if ( detect_cookie_safari(strCookieServer, strCookieProjectName, project_name) &&
+         detect_cookie_safari(strCookieServer, strCookieProjectURL, project_url)
+    ){
+        detect_cookie_safari(strCookieServer, strCookieAuthenticator, authenticator);
+        detect_cookie_safari(strCookieServer, strCookieProjectInstitution, project_institution);
+        detect_cookie_safari(strCookieServer, strCookieProjectDescription, project_description);
+        detect_cookie_safari(strCookieServer, strCookieKnown, known);
+        goto END;
+    }
+    if ( detect_cookie_chrome(strCookieServer, strCookieProjectName, project_name) &&
+         detect_cookie_chrome(strCookieServer, strCookieProjectURL, project_url)
+    ){
+        detect_cookie_chrome(strCookieServer, strCookieAuthenticator, authenticator);
+        detect_cookie_chrome(strCookieServer, strCookieProjectInstitution, project_institution);
+        detect_cookie_chrome(strCookieServer, strCookieProjectDescription, project_description);
+        detect_cookie_chrome(strCookieServer, strCookieKnown, known);
+        goto END;
+    }
+    if ( detect_cookie_firefox_3(strCookieServer, strCookieProjectName, project_name) &&
+         detect_cookie_firefox_3(strCookieServer, strCookieProjectURL, project_url)
+    ){
+        detect_cookie_firefox_3(strCookieServer, strCookieAuthenticator, authenticator);
+        detect_cookie_firefox_3(strCookieServer, strCookieProjectInstitution, project_institution);
+        detect_cookie_firefox_3(strCookieServer, strCookieProjectDescription, project_description);
+        detect_cookie_firefox_3(strCookieServer, strCookieKnown, known);
+        goto END;
+    }
+    if ( detect_cookie_firefox_2(strCookieServer, strCookieProjectName, project_name) &&
+         detect_cookie_firefox_2(strCookieServer, strCookieProjectURL, project_url)
+    ){
+        detect_cookie_firefox_2(strCookieServer, strCookieAuthenticator, authenticator);
+        detect_cookie_firefox_2(strCookieServer, strCookieProjectInstitution, project_institution);
+        detect_cookie_firefox_2(strCookieServer, strCookieProjectDescription, project_description);
+        detect_cookie_firefox_2(strCookieServer, strCookieKnown, known);
+        goto END;
+    }
+    if (!project_name.empty() && !project_url.empty()) {
+        retval = true;
+    }
+    return retval;
+// walk through the various browsers looking up the
 // account manager cookies until the account manager's 'Login' and 'Password_Hash'
 // cookies are found.
diff --git a/clientgui/browser.h b/clientgui/browser.h
index dac9ac3..587a589 100644
--- a/clientgui/browser.h
+++ b/clientgui/browser.h
@@ -18,8 +18,6 @@
 #ifndef _BROWSER_
 #define _BROWSER_
-#include <sqlite3.h>
 // The BOINC client now supports the ability to lookup a users
 //   authenticator during automatic attachments via a browser
@@ -27,7 +25,17 @@
 bool detect_setup_authenticator(std::string& project_url, std::string& authenticator);
-bool detect_account_manager_credentials(std::string& project_url, std::string& login, std::string& password_hash, std::string& return_url);
+bool detect_simple_account_credentials(
+    std::string& project_name, std::string& project_url, std::string& authenticator, 
+    std::string& project_institution, std::string& project_description, std::string& known
+bool detect_account_manager_credentials(
+    std::string& project_url, std::string& login, std::string& password_hash,
+    std::string& return_url
 bool is_authenticator_valid(const std::string authenticator);
 // platform specific browsers
@@ -45,19 +53,4 @@ bool detect_cookie_firefox_2(std::string& project_url, std::string& name, std::s
 bool detect_cookie_firefox_3(std::string& project_url, std::string& name, std::string& value);
 bool detect_cookie_chrome(std::string& project_url, std::string& name, std::string& value);
-#if 0 //defined(__APPLE__)
-#undef sqlite3_free
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-extern "C" {
-    // sqlite3 is not available on Mac OS 10.3.9
-    extern int sqlite3_open(const char *filename, sqlite3 **ppDb) __attribute__((weak_import));
-    extern int sqlite3_close(sqlite3 *) __attribute__((weak_import));
-    extern int sqlite3_exec(sqlite3*,  const char *sql, sqlite3_callback, void *, char **errmsg) __attribute__((weak_import));
-    extern void sqlite3_free(void *z) __attribute__((weak_import));
-#ifdef __cplusplus
diff --git a/clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp b/clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp
index 9fceeae..f8a6f85 100755
--- a/clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp
+++ b/clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp
@@ -32,6 +32,7 @@
 #include "MainDocument.h"
 #include "Events.h"
 #include "BOINCBaseFrame.h"
+#include "browser.h"
 #include "wizardex.h"
 #include "BOINCBaseWizard.h"
 #include "WizardAttach.h"
@@ -145,7 +146,8 @@ CSimpleFrame::CSimpleFrame(wxString title, wxIconBundle* icons, wxPoint position
 #ifdef __WXMAC__
+        wxID_PREFERENCES,
+        _("Preferences...")
@@ -294,9 +296,6 @@ CSimpleFrame::CSimpleFrame(wxString title, wxIconBundle* icons, wxPoint position
 #ifdef __WXMAC__
-    m_pMenubar->MacInstallMenuBar();
-    MacLocalizeBOINCMenu();
     // Mac needs a short delay to ensure that controls are
     // created in proper order to allow keyboard navigation
     m_iFrameRefreshRate = 1;    // 1 millisecond
@@ -655,10 +654,8 @@ void CSimpleFrame::OnProjectsAttachToProject() {
         CWizardAttach* pWizard = new CWizardAttach(this);
-        wxString strName = wxEmptyString;
         wxString strURL = wxEmptyString;
-        wxString strTeamName = wxEmptyString;
-        pWizard->Run( strName, strURL, strTeamName, false );
+        pWizard->Run(strURL, false);
         if (pWizard)
@@ -680,6 +677,12 @@ void CSimpleFrame::OnConnect(CFrameEvent& WXUNUSED(event)) {
     wxString strName = wxEmptyString;
     wxString strURL = wxEmptyString;
     wxString strTeamName = wxEmptyString;
+    std::string strProjectName;
+    std::string strProjectURL;
+    std::string strProjectAuthenticator;
+    std::string strProjectInstitution;
+    std::string strProjectDescription;
+    std::string strProjectKnown;
     bool bCachedCredentials = false;
     ACCT_MGR_INFO ami;
@@ -705,7 +708,28 @@ void CSimpleFrame::OnConnect(CFrameEvent& WXUNUSED(event)) {
-    if (ami.acct_mgr_url.size() && ami.have_credentials) {
+    if (detect_simple_account_credentials(
+            strProjectName, strProjectURL, strProjectAuthenticator, strProjectInstitution, strProjectDescription, strProjectKnown
+        )
+    ){
+        wasShown = IsShown();
+        Show();
+        wasVisible = wxGetApp().IsApplicationVisible();
+        if (!wasVisible) {
+            wxGetApp().ShowApplication(true);
+        }
+        pWizard = new CWizardAttach(this);
+        pWizard->RunSimpleProjectAttach(
+            wxURI::Unescape(strProjectName),
+            wxURI::Unescape(strProjectURL),
+            wxURI::Unescape(strProjectAuthenticator),
+            wxURI::Unescape(strProjectInstitution),
+            wxURI::Unescape(strProjectDescription),
+            wxURI::Unescape(strProjectKnown)
+        );
+    } else if (ami.acct_mgr_url.size() && ami.have_credentials) {
         // Fall through
         // There isn't a need to bring up the attach wizard, the account manager will
@@ -721,6 +745,7 @@ void CSimpleFrame::OnConnect(CFrameEvent& WXUNUSED(event)) {
         pWizard = new CWizardAttach(this);
         if (pWizard->SyncToAccountManager()) {
             // are defined for those branded builds on Windows only
 #if defined(_GRIDREPUBLIC) || defined(_PROGRESSTHRUPROCESSORS) || defined(_CHARITYENGINE) || defined(__WXMAC__)
@@ -753,13 +778,11 @@ void CSimpleFrame::OnConnect(CFrameEvent& WXUNUSED(event)) {
-        strName = wxString(pis.name.c_str(), wxConvUTF8);
         strURL = wxString(pis.url.c_str(), wxConvUTF8);
-        strTeamName = wxString(pis.team_name.c_str(), wxConvUTF8);
         bCachedCredentials = pis.url.length() && pis.has_account_key;
         pWizard = new CWizardAttach(this);
-        pWizard->Run(strName, strURL, strTeamName, bCachedCredentials);
+        pWizard->Run(strURL, bCachedCredentials);
  	if (pWizard) {
@@ -828,12 +851,12 @@ CSimpleGUIPanel::CSimpleGUIPanel(wxWindow* parent) :
     m_projPanel = new CSimpleProjectPanel(this);
     // Box Sizer
-	mainSizer = new wxBoxSizer(wxVERTICAL);
-	mainSizer->AddSpacer(68);
+    mainSizer = new wxBoxSizer(wxVERTICAL);
+    mainSizer->AddSpacer(ADJUSTFORYDPI(68));
     mainSizer->Add(m_taskPanel, 1, wxLEFT | wxRIGHT | wxEXPAND | wxALIGN_CENTER, SIDEMARGINS);
-	mainSizer->AddSpacer(8);
+    mainSizer->AddSpacer(ADJUSTFORYDPI(8));
     mainSizer->Add(m_projPanel, 0, wxLEFT | wxRIGHT | wxEXPAND | wxALIGN_CENTER, SIDEMARGINS);
-	mainSizer->AddSpacer(8);
+    mainSizer->AddSpacer(ADJUSTFORYDPI(8));
 	wxBoxSizer* buttonsSizer;
 	buttonsSizer = new wxBoxSizer( wxHORIZONTAL );
@@ -864,7 +887,7 @@ CSimpleGUIPanel::CSimpleGUIPanel(wxWindow* parent) :
 	mainSizer->Add( buttonsSizer, 0, wxLEFT | wxRIGHT | wxEXPAND, 2 * SIDEMARGINS );
-	mainSizer->AddSpacer(10);
+    mainSizer->AddSpacer(ADJUSTFORYDPI(10));
diff --git a/clientgui/sg_CustomControls.cpp b/clientgui/sg_CustomControls.cpp
index b5487e9..2e51e33 100644
--- a/clientgui/sg_CustomControls.cpp
+++ b/clientgui/sg_CustomControls.cpp
@@ -41,7 +41,6 @@ bool CTransparentStaticLine::Create(wxWindow* parent, wxWindowID id, const wxPoi
     bool bRetVal = wxPanel::Create(parent, id, pos, size, style|wxTRANSPARENT_WINDOW, name);
-    SetBackgroundStyle(wxBG_STYLE_COLOUR);
@@ -79,7 +78,6 @@ bool CTransparentStaticText::Create(wxWindow* parent, wxWindowID id, const wxStr
     bool bRetVal = wxStaticText::Create(parent, id, label, pos, size, style|wxTRANSPARENT_WINDOW, name);
-//    SetBackgroundStyle(wxBG_STYLE_COLOUR);
     return bRetVal;
@@ -153,7 +151,6 @@ bool CTransparentStaticTextAssociate::Create(wxWindow* parent, wxWindowID id, co
-    SetBackgroundStyle(wxBG_STYLE_COLOUR);
     return bRetVal;
diff --git a/clientgui/sg_DlgMessages.cpp b/clientgui/sg_DlgMessages.cpp
index 01a748a..632b32d 100644
--- a/clientgui/sg_DlgMessages.cpp
+++ b/clientgui/sg_DlgMessages.cpp
@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@
 #include "sg_DlgMessages.h"
 #include "NoticeListCtrl.h"
 ////@begin includes
 ////@end includes
@@ -125,7 +125,7 @@ void CPanelMessages::CreateControls()
                                     wxPoint(20, 20), wxDefaultSize, 0
-    itemFlexGridSizer2->Add(m_FetchingNoticesText, 0, wxEXPAND | wxLEFT | wxRIGHT, 5);
+    itemFlexGridSizer2->Add(m_FetchingNoticesText, 0, wxEXPAND | wxLEFT | wxRIGHT, ADJUSTFORXDPI(5));
     m_NoNoticesText = new wxStaticText(
                                     this, wxID_ANY, 
@@ -133,24 +133,24 @@ void CPanelMessages::CreateControls()
                                     wxPoint(20, 20), wxDefaultSize, 0
-    itemFlexGridSizer2->Add(m_NoNoticesText, 0, wxEXPAND | wxLEFT | wxRIGHT, 5);
+    itemFlexGridSizer2->Add(m_NoNoticesText, 0, wxEXPAND | wxLEFT | wxRIGHT, ADJUSTFORXDPI(5));
     m_pHtmlListPane = new CNoticeListCtrl(itemDialog1);
-    itemFlexGridSizer2->Add(m_pHtmlListPane, 0, wxGROW|wxALL, 5);
+    itemFlexGridSizer2->Add(m_pHtmlListPane, 0, wxGROW|wxALL, ADJUSTFORXDPI(5));
     wxBoxSizer* itemBoxSizer4 = new wxBoxSizer(wxHORIZONTAL);
     wxButton* itemButton44 = new wxButton(itemDialog1, wxID_OK, _("Close"),  wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize);
-    itemBoxSizer4->Add(itemButton44, 0, wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL|wxALL, 5);
+    itemBoxSizer4->Add(itemButton44, 0, wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL|wxALL, ADJUSTFORXDPI(5));
 #ifdef __WXMAC__            // Don't let Close button overlap window's grow icon
-    itemFlexGridSizer2->Add(itemBoxSizer4, 0, wxALIGN_RIGHT|wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL|wxALL, 12);
+    itemFlexGridSizer2->Add(itemBoxSizer4, 0, wxALIGN_RIGHT|wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL|wxALL, ADJUSTFORXDPI(12));
-    itemFlexGridSizer2->Add(itemBoxSizer4, 0, wxALIGN_RIGHT|wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL|wxALL, 5);
+    itemFlexGridSizer2->Add(itemBoxSizer4, 0, wxALIGN_RIGHT|wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL|wxALL, ADJUSTFORXDPI(5));
@@ -190,11 +190,16 @@ void CPanelMessages::OnEraseBackground(wxEraseEvent& event){
     w = bmp.GetWidth();
     h = bmp.GetHeight();
     // Fill the dialog with a magenta color so people can detect when something
     //   is wrong
     dc.DrawRectangle(0, 0, sz.GetWidth(), sz.GetHeight());
+    wxColour bgColor(*pSkinSimple->GetDialogBackgroundImage()->GetBackgroundColor());
+    SetBackgroundColour(bgColor);
     // Is the bitmap smaller than the window?
     if ( (w < sz.x) || (h < sz.y) ) {
@@ -397,7 +402,7 @@ bool CDlgMessages::Create( wxWindow* parent, wxWindowID id, const wxString& capt
-#ifdef __WXDEBUG__
     SetBackgroundColour(wxColour(255, 0, 255));
diff --git a/clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp b/clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp
index 2be84be..2c6c8ad 100644
--- a/clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp
+++ b/clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp
@@ -36,6 +36,8 @@
 #include "sg_CustomControls.h"
 #include "sg_DlgPreferences.h"
 using std::string;
 #ifdef __WXMAC__
@@ -263,7 +265,7 @@ void CPanelPreferences::CreateControls()
     wxFlexGridSizer* itemFlexGridSizer3 = new wxFlexGridSizer(1, 0, 0);
-    itemBoxSizer2->Add(itemFlexGridSizer3, 0, wxGROW|wxALL, 5);
+    itemBoxSizer2->Add(itemFlexGridSizer3, 0, wxGROW|wxALL, ADJUSTFORXDPI(5));
     CTransparentStaticText* itemStaticText4 = new CTransparentStaticText( itemDialog1, wxID_ANY, _("This dialog controls preferences for this computer only."), wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, 0 );
@@ -280,7 +282,7 @@ void CPanelPreferences::CreateControls()
 //    itemStaticText6->SetFont(wxFont(MEDIUM_FONT, wxSWISS, wxNORMAL, wxBOLD, false, _T("Arial")));
     itemFlexGridSizer3->Add(itemStaticText6, 0, wxALL, 0);
-    itemFlexGridSizer3->AddSpacer(10);
+    itemFlexGridSizer3->AddSpacer(ADJUSTFORYDPI(10));
     CTransparentStaticText* itemStaticText7 = new CTransparentStaticText( itemDialog1, wxID_ANY, _("For additional settings, select Computing Preferences in the Advanced View."), wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, 0 );
@@ -289,14 +291,14 @@ void CPanelPreferences::CreateControls()
     CTransparentStaticLine* itemStaticLine8 = new CTransparentStaticLine( itemDialog1, wxID_ANY, wxDefaultPosition, wxSize(300, 1), wxLI_HORIZONTAL|wxNO_BORDER );
-    itemBoxSizer2->Add(itemStaticLine8, 0, wxALIGN_CENTER_HORIZONTAL|wxLEFT|wxRIGHT, 20);
+    itemBoxSizer2->Add(itemStaticLine8, 0, wxALIGN_CENTER_HORIZONTAL|wxLEFT|wxRIGHT, ADJUSTFORXDPI(20));
     wxFlexGridSizer* itemFlexGridSizer9 = new wxFlexGridSizer(1, 1, 0, 0);
-    itemBoxSizer2->Add(itemFlexGridSizer9, 0, wxGROW|wxALL, 5);
+    itemBoxSizer2->Add(itemFlexGridSizer9, 0, wxGROW|wxALL, ADJUSTFORXDPI(5));
     wxBoxSizer* itemBoxSizer11 = new wxBoxSizer(wxVERTICAL);
-    itemBoxSizer2->Add(itemBoxSizer11, 0, wxALIGN_CENTER_HORIZONTAL|wxLEFT, 20);
+    itemBoxSizer2->Add(itemBoxSizer11, 0, wxALIGN_CENTER_HORIZONTAL|wxLEFT, ADJUSTFORXDPI(20));
     wxFlexGridSizer* itemFlexGridSizer15 = new wxFlexGridSizer(7, 2, 0, 0);
@@ -313,7 +315,7 @@ void CPanelPreferences::CreateControls()
     CTransparentStaticText* itemStaticText16 = new CTransparentStaticText( itemDialog1, wxID_ANY, _("Do work only between:"), wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, wxALIGN_RIGHT );
     itemStaticText16->SetFont(wxFont(SMALL_FONT, wxSWISS, wxNORMAL, wxNORMAL, false, _T("Arial")));
-    itemFlexGridSizer15->Add(itemStaticText16, 0, wxALIGN_RIGHT|wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL|wxALL|wxADJUST_MINSIZE, 5);
+    itemFlexGridSizer15->Add(itemStaticText16, 0, wxALIGN_RIGHT|wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL|wxALL|wxADJUST_MINSIZE, ADJUSTFORXDPI(5));
     wxBoxSizer* itemBoxSizer17 = new wxBoxSizer(wxHORIZONTAL);
     itemFlexGridSizer15->Add(itemBoxSizer17, 0, wxALIGN_CENTER_HORIZONTAL|wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL|wxALL, 0);
@@ -321,21 +323,21 @@ void CPanelPreferences::CreateControls()
     wxString* m_WorkBetweenBeginCtrlStrings = NULL;
     m_WorkBetweenBeginCtrl = new wxComboBox( itemDialog1, ID_WORKBETWEENBEGIN, _T(""), wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, 0, m_WorkBetweenBeginCtrlStrings, wxCB_READONLY );
-    itemBoxSizer17->Add(m_WorkBetweenBeginCtrl, 0, wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL|wxTOP|wxBOTTOM, 5);
+    itemBoxSizer17->Add(m_WorkBetweenBeginCtrl, 0, wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL|wxTOP|wxBOTTOM, ADJUSTFORXDPI(5));
     CTransparentStaticText* itemStaticText19 = new CTransparentStaticText( itemDialog1, wxID_ANY, _("and"), wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, 0 );
     itemStaticText19->SetFont(wxFont(SMALL_FONT, wxSWISS, wxNORMAL, wxNORMAL, false, _T("Arial")));
-    itemBoxSizer17->Add(itemStaticText19, 0, wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL|wxALL|wxADJUST_MINSIZE, 5);
+    itemBoxSizer17->Add(itemStaticText19, 0, wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL|wxALL|wxADJUST_MINSIZE, ADJUSTFORXDPI(5));
     wxString* m_WorkBetweenEndCtrlStrings = NULL;
     m_WorkBetweenEndCtrl = new wxComboBox( itemDialog1, ID_WORKBETWEENEND, _T(""), wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, 0, m_WorkBetweenEndCtrlStrings, wxCB_READONLY );
-    itemBoxSizer17->Add(m_WorkBetweenEndCtrl, 0, wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL|wxRIGHT|wxTOP|wxBOTTOM, 5);
+    itemBoxSizer17->Add(m_WorkBetweenEndCtrl, 0, wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL|wxRIGHT|wxTOP|wxBOTTOM, ADJUSTFORXDPI(5));
     CTransparentStaticText* itemStaticText21 = new CTransparentStaticText( itemDialog1, wxID_ANY, _("Connect to internet only between:"), wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, wxALIGN_RIGHT );
     itemStaticText21->SetFont(wxFont(SMALL_FONT, wxSWISS, wxNORMAL, wxNORMAL, false, _T("Arial")));
-    itemFlexGridSizer15->Add(itemStaticText21, 0, wxALIGN_RIGHT|wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL|wxALL|wxADJUST_MINSIZE, 5);
+    itemFlexGridSizer15->Add(itemStaticText21, 0, wxALIGN_RIGHT|wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL|wxALL|wxADJUST_MINSIZE, ADJUSTFORXDPI(5));
     wxBoxSizer* itemBoxSizer22 = new wxBoxSizer(wxHORIZONTAL);
     itemFlexGridSizer15->Add(itemBoxSizer22, 0, wxALIGN_CENTER_HORIZONTAL|wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL|wxALL, 0);
@@ -343,21 +345,21 @@ void CPanelPreferences::CreateControls()
     wxString* m_ConnectBetweenBeginCtrlStrings = NULL;
     m_ConnectBetweenBeginCtrl = new wxComboBox( itemDialog1, ID_CONNECTBETWEENBEGIN, _T(""), wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, 0, m_ConnectBetweenBeginCtrlStrings, wxCB_READONLY );
-    itemBoxSizer22->Add(m_ConnectBetweenBeginCtrl, 0, wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL|wxTOP|wxBOTTOM, 5);
+    itemBoxSizer22->Add(m_ConnectBetweenBeginCtrl, 0, wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL|wxTOP|wxBOTTOM, ADJUSTFORXDPI(5));
     CTransparentStaticText* itemStaticText24 = new CTransparentStaticText( itemDialog1, wxID_ANY, _("and"), wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, 0 );
     itemStaticText24->SetFont(wxFont(SMALL_FONT, wxSWISS, wxNORMAL, wxNORMAL, false, _T("Arial")));
-    itemBoxSizer22->Add(itemStaticText24, 0, wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL|wxALL|wxADJUST_MINSIZE, 5);
+    itemBoxSizer22->Add(itemStaticText24, 0, wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL|wxALL|wxADJUST_MINSIZE, ADJUSTFORXDPI(5));
     wxString* m_ConnectBetweenEndCtrlStrings = NULL;
     m_ConnectBetweenEndCtrl = new wxComboBox( itemDialog1, ID_CONNECTBETWEENEND, _T(""), wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, 0, m_ConnectBetweenEndCtrlStrings, wxCB_READONLY );
-    itemBoxSizer22->Add(m_ConnectBetweenEndCtrl, 0, wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL|wxRIGHT|wxTOP|wxBOTTOM, 5);
+    itemBoxSizer22->Add(m_ConnectBetweenEndCtrl, 0, wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL|wxRIGHT|wxTOP|wxBOTTOM, ADJUSTFORXDPI(5));
     CTransparentStaticText* itemStaticText26 = new CTransparentStaticText( itemDialog1, wxID_ANY, _("Use no more than:"), wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, wxALIGN_RIGHT );
     itemStaticText26->SetFont(wxFont(SMALL_FONT, wxSWISS, wxNORMAL, wxNORMAL, false, _T("Arial")));
-    itemFlexGridSizer15->Add(itemStaticText26, 0, wxALIGN_RIGHT|wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL|wxALL|wxADJUST_MINSIZE, 5);
+    itemFlexGridSizer15->Add(itemStaticText26, 0, wxALIGN_RIGHT|wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL|wxALL|wxADJUST_MINSIZE, ADJUSTFORXDPI(5));
     wxBoxSizer* itemBoxSizer27 = new wxBoxSizer(wxHORIZONTAL);
     itemFlexGridSizer15->Add(itemBoxSizer27, 0, wxALIGN_LEFT|wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL|wxALL, 0);
@@ -365,16 +367,16 @@ void CPanelPreferences::CreateControls()
     wxString* m_MaxDiskUsageCtrlStrings = NULL;
     m_MaxDiskUsageCtrl = new wxComboBox( itemDialog1, ID_MAXDISKUSAGE, _T(""), wxDefaultPosition, wxSize(-1, -1), 0, m_MaxDiskUsageCtrlStrings, wxCB_READONLY );
-    itemBoxSizer27->Add(m_MaxDiskUsageCtrl, 0, wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL|wxTOP|wxBOTTOM, 5);
+    itemBoxSizer27->Add(m_MaxDiskUsageCtrl, 0, wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL|wxTOP|wxBOTTOM, ADJUSTFORXDPI(5));
     CTransparentStaticText* itemStaticText29 = new CTransparentStaticText( itemDialog1, wxID_ANY, _("of disk space"), wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, 0 );
     itemStaticText29->SetFont(wxFont(SMALL_FONT, wxSWISS, wxNORMAL, wxNORMAL, false, _T("Arial")));
-    itemBoxSizer27->Add(itemStaticText29, 0, wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL|wxALL|wxADJUST_MINSIZE, 5);
+    itemBoxSizer27->Add(itemStaticText29, 0, wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL|wxALL|wxADJUST_MINSIZE, ADJUSTFORXDPI(5));
     CTransparentStaticText* itemStaticText30 = new CTransparentStaticText( itemDialog1, wxID_ANY, _("Use no more than:"), wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, wxALIGN_RIGHT );
     itemStaticText30->SetFont(wxFont(SMALL_FONT, wxSWISS, wxNORMAL, wxNORMAL, false, _T("Arial")));
-    itemFlexGridSizer15->Add(itemStaticText30, 0, wxALIGN_RIGHT|wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL|wxALL|wxADJUST_MINSIZE, 5);
+    itemFlexGridSizer15->Add(itemStaticText30, 0, wxALIGN_RIGHT|wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL|wxALL|wxADJUST_MINSIZE, ADJUSTFORXDPI(5));
     wxBoxSizer* itemBoxSizer31 = new wxBoxSizer(wxHORIZONTAL);
     itemFlexGridSizer15->Add(itemBoxSizer31, 0, wxALIGN_LEFT|wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL|wxALL, 0);
@@ -382,16 +384,16 @@ void CPanelPreferences::CreateControls()
     wxString* m_MaxCPUUsageCtrlStrings = NULL;
     m_MaxCPUUsageCtrl = new wxComboBox( itemDialog1, ID_MAXCPUUSAGE, _T(""), wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, 0, m_MaxCPUUsageCtrlStrings, wxCB_READONLY );
-    itemBoxSizer31->Add(m_MaxCPUUsageCtrl, 0, wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL|wxTOP|wxBOTTOM, 5);
+    itemBoxSizer31->Add(m_MaxCPUUsageCtrl, 0, wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL|wxTOP|wxBOTTOM, ADJUSTFORXDPI(5));
     CTransparentStaticText* itemStaticText33 = new CTransparentStaticText( itemDialog1, wxID_ANY, _("of the processor"), wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, 0 );
     itemStaticText33->SetFont(wxFont(SMALL_FONT, wxSWISS, wxNORMAL, wxNORMAL, false, _T("Arial")));
-    itemBoxSizer31->Add(itemStaticText33, 0, wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL|wxALL|wxADJUST_MINSIZE, 5);
+    itemBoxSizer31->Add(itemStaticText33, 0, wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL|wxALL|wxADJUST_MINSIZE, ADJUSTFORXDPI(5));
     CTransparentStaticText* itemStaticText37 = new CTransparentStaticText( itemDialog1, wxID_ANY, _("Do work while on battery?"), wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, wxALIGN_RIGHT );
     itemStaticText37->SetFont(wxFont(SMALL_FONT, wxSWISS, wxNORMAL, wxNORMAL, false, _T("Arial")));
-    itemFlexGridSizer15->Add(itemStaticText37, 0, wxALIGN_RIGHT|wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL|wxALL|wxADJUST_MINSIZE, 5);
+    itemFlexGridSizer15->Add(itemStaticText37, 0, wxALIGN_RIGHT|wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL|wxALL|wxADJUST_MINSIZE, ADJUSTFORXDPI(5));
     wxBoxSizer* itemBoxSizer38 = new wxBoxSizer(wxHORIZONTAL);
     itemFlexGridSizer15->Add(itemBoxSizer38, 0, wxALIGN_LEFT|wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL|wxALL, 0);
@@ -399,12 +401,12 @@ void CPanelPreferences::CreateControls()
     m_WorkWhileOnBatteryCtrl = new wxCheckBox( itemDialog1, ID_WORKWHILEONBATTERY, _T(""), wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, wxCHK_2STATE );
-    itemBoxSizer38->Add(m_WorkWhileOnBatteryCtrl, 0, wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL|wxTOP|wxBOTTOM, 5);
+    itemBoxSizer38->Add(m_WorkWhileOnBatteryCtrl, 0, wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL|wxTOP|wxBOTTOM, ADJUSTFORXDPI(5));
     CTransparentStaticText* itemStaticText40 = new CTransparentStaticText( itemDialog1, wxID_ANY, _("Do work after idle for:"), wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, wxALIGN_RIGHT );
     itemStaticText40->SetFont(wxFont(SMALL_FONT, wxSWISS, wxNORMAL, wxNORMAL, false, _T("Arial")));
-    itemFlexGridSizer15->Add(itemStaticText40, 0, wxALIGN_RIGHT|wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL|wxALL|wxADJUST_MINSIZE, 5);
+    itemFlexGridSizer15->Add(itemStaticText40, 0, wxALIGN_RIGHT|wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL|wxALL|wxADJUST_MINSIZE, ADJUSTFORXDPI(5));
     wxBoxSizer* itemBoxSizer41 = new wxBoxSizer(wxHORIZONTAL);
     itemFlexGridSizer15->Add(itemBoxSizer41, 0, wxALIGN_LEFT|wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL|wxALL, 0);
@@ -412,26 +414,26 @@ void CPanelPreferences::CreateControls()
     wxString* m_WorkWhenIdleCtrlStrings = NULL;
     m_WorkWhenIdleCtrl = new wxComboBox( itemDialog1, ID_WORKWHENIDLE, _T(""), wxDefaultPosition, wxSize(-1, -1), 0, m_WorkWhenIdleCtrlStrings, wxCB_READONLY );
-    itemBoxSizer41->Add(m_WorkWhenIdleCtrl, 0, wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL|wxTOP|wxBOTTOM, 5);
+    itemBoxSizer41->Add(m_WorkWhenIdleCtrl, 0, wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL|wxTOP|wxBOTTOM, ADJUSTFORXDPI(5));
     CTransparentStaticText* itemStaticText43 = new CTransparentStaticText( itemDialog1, wxID_ANY, _("minutes"), wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, 0 );
     itemStaticText43->SetFont(wxFont(SMALL_FONT, wxSWISS, wxNORMAL, wxNORMAL, false, _T("Arial")));
-    itemBoxSizer41->Add(itemStaticText43, 0, wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL|wxALL|wxADJUST_MINSIZE, 5);
+    itemBoxSizer41->Add(itemStaticText43, 0, wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL|wxALL|wxADJUST_MINSIZE, ADJUSTFORXDPI(5));
     wxBoxSizer* itemBoxSizer44 = new wxBoxSizer(wxHORIZONTAL);
-    itemBoxSizer2->Add(itemBoxSizer44, 0, wxALIGN_RIGHT|wxALL, 5);
+    itemBoxSizer2->Add(itemBoxSizer44, 0, wxALIGN_RIGHT|wxALL, ADJUSTFORXDPI(5));
     wxButton* itemButton44 = new wxButton( itemDialog1, wxID_OK, _("OK"), wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, 0 );
-    itemBoxSizer44->Add(itemButton44, 0, wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL|wxALL, 5);
+    itemBoxSizer44->Add(itemButton44, 0, wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL|wxALL, ADJUSTFORXDPI(5));
     m_btnClear = new wxButton( this, ID_SGPREFERENCESCLEAR, _("Clear"), wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, 0 );
     m_btnClear->SetToolTip( _("Clear all local preferences listed above and close the dialog") );
-    itemBoxSizer44->Add(m_btnClear, 0, wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL|wxALL, 5);
+    itemBoxSizer44->Add(m_btnClear, 0, wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL|wxALL, ADJUSTFORXDPI(5));
     wxButton* itemButton45 = new wxButton( itemDialog1, wxID_CANCEL, _("Cancel"), wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, 0 );
-    itemBoxSizer44->Add(itemButton45, 0, wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL|wxALL, 5);
+    itemBoxSizer44->Add(itemButton45, 0, wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL|wxALL, ADJUSTFORXDPI(5));
 #ifndef __WXMSW__
@@ -445,7 +447,7 @@ void CPanelPreferences::CreateControls()
     wxContextHelpButton* itemButton46 = new wxContextHelpButton(this);
-    itemBoxSizer44->Add(itemButton46, 0, wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL|wxALL, 5);
+    itemBoxSizer44->Add(itemButton46, 0, wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL|wxALL, ADJUSTFORXDPI(5));
     // Set validators
@@ -529,11 +531,16 @@ void CPanelPreferences::OnEraseBackground( wxEraseEvent& event ) {
     w = bmp.GetWidth();
     h = bmp.GetHeight();
     // Fill the dialog with a magenta color so people can detect when something
     //   is wrong
     dc.DrawRectangle(0, 0, sz.GetWidth(), sz.GetHeight());
+    wxColour bgColor(*pSkinSimple->GetDialogBackgroundImage()->GetBackgroundColor());
+    SetBackgroundColour(bgColor);
     // Is the bitmap smaller than the window?
     if ( (w < sz.x) || (h < sz.y) ) {
@@ -955,7 +962,7 @@ bool CDlgPreferences::Create( wxWindow* parent, wxWindowID id, const wxString& c
-#ifdef __WXDEBUG__
     SetBackgroundColour(wxColour(255, 0, 255));
diff --git a/clientgui/sg_PanelBase.h b/clientgui/sg_PanelBase.h
index c5087ea..db1ae6b 100644
--- a/clientgui/sg_PanelBase.h
+++ b/clientgui/sg_PanelBase.h
@@ -20,6 +20,7 @@
 #include "sg_CustomControls.h" 
 #include "sg_BoincSimpleFrame.h"
+#include "MainDocument.h"
@@ -34,7 +35,7 @@
 #define LARGE_FONT 16
-#define SIDEMARGINS 30
diff --git a/clientgui/sg_ProjectPanel.cpp b/clientgui/sg_ProjectPanel.cpp
index 581c05d..bc20f9b 100644
--- a/clientgui/sg_ProjectPanel.cpp
+++ b/clientgui/sg_ProjectPanel.cpp
@@ -55,8 +55,6 @@ static wxString tempArray[] = {_T("String1"), _T("String2"), _T("String3"), _T("
 static wxBitmap bmArray[3];
-#define SIDEMARGINS 30
 CSimpleProjectPanel::CSimpleProjectPanel() {
@@ -87,10 +85,10 @@ CSimpleProjectPanel::CSimpleProjectPanel( wxWindow* parent ) :
     wxBoxSizer* bSizer2;
     bSizer2 = new wxBoxSizer( wxHORIZONTAL );
-    bSizer1->AddSpacer(5);
+    bSizer1->AddSpacer(ADJUSTFORYDPI(5));
     m_myProjectsLabel = new CTransparentStaticText( this, wxID_ANY, _("Projects:"), wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, 0 );
     m_myProjectsLabel->Wrap( -1 );
-    bSizer2->Add( m_myProjectsLabel, 0, wxRIGHT, 5 );
+    bSizer2->Add( m_myProjectsLabel, 0, wxRIGHT, ADJUSTFORXDPI(5) );
     int addProjectWidth, synchronizeWidth, y;
@@ -102,10 +100,10 @@ CSimpleProjectPanel::CSimpleProjectPanel( wxWindow* parent ) :
     bSizer2->Add( m_TaskAddProjectButton, 0, wxRIGHT | wxEXPAND | wxALIGN_RIGHT, SIDEMARGINS );
-    bSizer1->Add( bSizer2, 0, wxEXPAND | wxTOP | wxLEFT, 10 );
+    bSizer1->Add( bSizer2, 0, wxEXPAND | wxTOP | wxLEFT, ADJUSTFORXDPI(10) );
 #ifndef __WXMAC__
-    bSizer1->AddSpacer(5);
+    bSizer1->AddSpacer(ADJUSTFORYDPI(5));
@@ -128,7 +126,7 @@ CSimpleProjectPanel::CSimpleProjectPanel( wxWindow* parent ) :
     bSizer1->Add( m_ProjectSelectionCtrl, 0, wxLEFT | wxRIGHT | wxEXPAND, SIDEMARGINS );
 #ifndef __WXMAC__
-    bSizer1->AddSpacer(8);
+    bSizer1->AddSpacer(ADJUSTFORYDPI(8));
     // Make sure m_TotalCreditValue string is large enough 
@@ -139,7 +137,7 @@ CSimpleProjectPanel::CSimpleProjectPanel( wxWindow* parent ) :
     bSizer1->Add( m_TotalCreditValue, 0, wxLEFT | wxRIGHT | wxEXPAND, SIDEMARGINS );
-    bSizer1->AddSpacer(5);
+    bSizer1->AddSpacer(ADJUSTFORYDPI(5));
     wxBoxSizer* bSizer3;
     bSizer3 = new wxBoxSizer( wxHORIZONTAL );
@@ -153,11 +151,20 @@ CSimpleProjectPanel::CSimpleProjectPanel( wxWindow* parent ) :
     bSizer1->Add( bSizer3, 0, wxLEFT | wxRIGHT | wxEXPAND, SIDEMARGINS );
-    bSizer1->AddSpacer(10);
+    bSizer1->AddSpacer(ADJUSTFORYDPI(10));
+    // Temporarily insert a dummy entry so sizer can 
+    // get correct height of m_ProjectSelectionCtrl
+    CSkinSimple* pSkinSimple = wxGetApp().GetSkinManager()->GetSimple();
+    wxBitmap* defaultBM = pSkinSimple->GetProjectImage()->GetBitmap();
+    m_ProjectSelectionCtrl->Insert("", *defaultBM, 0, (void*)NULL);
     this->SetSizer( bSizer1 );
+    // Remove the dummy entry
+    m_ProjectSelectionCtrl->Delete(0);
@@ -532,11 +539,29 @@ wxBitmap* CSimpleProjectPanel::GetProjectSpecificBitmap(char* project_url) {
     // Only update it if project specific is found
     if(boinc_resolve_filename(GetProjectIconLoc(project_url).c_str(), defaultIcnPath, sizeof(defaultIcnPath)) == 0) {
-        wxBitmap* projectBM = new wxBitmap();
+        wxBitmap* projectBM;
         wxString strIconPath = wxString(defaultIcnPath,wxConvUTF8);
         if (wxFile::Exists(strIconPath)) {
-            if ( projectBM->LoadFile(strIconPath, wxBITMAP_TYPE_ANY) ) {
-                return projectBM;
+#ifdef __WXMSW__
+            if ((GetXDPIScaling() > 1.05) || (GetYDPIScaling() > 1.05)) {
+                wxImage img = wxImage(strIconPath, wxBITMAP_TYPE_ANY);
+                if (img.IsOk()) {
+                    img.Rescale((int) (img.GetWidth()*GetXDPIScaling()), 
+                                (int) (img.GetHeight()*GetYDPIScaling()), 
+                                wxIMAGE_QUALITY_BILINEAR
+                            );
+                    projectBM = new wxBitmap(img);
+                    if (projectBM->IsOk()) {
+                        return projectBM;
+                    }
+                }
+            } else 
+            {
+                projectBM = new wxBitmap();
+                if ( projectBM->LoadFile(strIconPath, wxBITMAP_TYPE_ANY) ) {
+                    return projectBM;
+                }
diff --git a/clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp b/clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp
index 98b931a..6628fe2 100644
--- a/clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp
+++ b/clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp
@@ -28,8 +28,8 @@
 #define SORTTASKLIST 1  /* TRUE to sort task selection control alphabetically */
@@ -70,7 +70,7 @@ CScrolledTextBox::~CScrolledTextBox() {
 void CScrolledTextBox::SetValue(const wxString& s) {
-    int lineHeight, totalLines, totalWidth, usableWidth;
+    int lineHeight, totalLines, totalWidth;
     wxString t = s;
     // Delete sizer & its children (CTransparentStaticText objects)
@@ -85,15 +85,15 @@ void CScrolledTextBox::SetValue(const wxString& s) {
     totalWidth = GetSize().GetWidth();
     totalLines = Wrap(t, totalWidth, &lineHeight);
-    usableWidth = GetClientSize().GetWidth();
-    if (usableWidth < totalWidth) {
+    SetScrollRate(1, lineHeight);
+    int scrollLines = GetScrollLines(wxVERTICAL);   // Returns 0 if no scrollbar
+    if (scrollLines > 0) {
+        int sbwidth = wxSystemSettings::GetMetric(wxSYS_VSCROLL_X);
         // It has a vertical scroll bar, so wrap again for reduced width
-        totalLines = Wrap(t, usableWidth - SCROLLBARSPACER, &lineHeight);
+        totalLines = Wrap(t, totalWidth - sbwidth - SCROLLBARSPACER, &lineHeight);
-    SetScrollRate(1, lineHeight);
@@ -355,25 +355,27 @@ numSlides = 0;
         ratio = 1.0;
         xRatio = (double)SLIDESHOWWIDTH / (double)m_SlideBitmap.GetWidth();
         yRatio = (double)SLIDESHOWHEIGHT / (double)m_SlideBitmap.GetHeight();
-        if ( xRatio < ratio ) {
-            ratio = xRatio;
-        }
+        ratio = xRatio;
         if ( yRatio < ratio ) {
             ratio = yRatio;
-        if ( ratio < 1.0 ) {
+        if ( (ratio < 0.95) || (ratio > 1.05) ) {
             wxImage img = m_SlideBitmap.ConvertToImage();
-            img.Rescale((int) (m_SlideBitmap.GetWidth()*ratio), (int) (m_SlideBitmap.GetHeight()*ratio));
+            img.Rescale((int) (m_SlideBitmap.GetWidth()*ratio), 
+						(int) (m_SlideBitmap.GetHeight()*ratio), 
+					);
             wxBitmap *bm = new wxBitmap(img);
             m_SlideBitmap = *bm;
             delete bm;
-void CSlideShowPanel::OnPaint(wxPaintEvent& WXUNUSED(event)) 
+void CSlideShowPanel::OnPaint(wxPaintEvent& WXUNUSED(event))
     wxPaintDC dc(this);
@@ -408,10 +410,10 @@ numSlides = 0;
-            dc.DrawBitmap(m_SlideBitmap,
-                            (w - m_SlideBitmap.GetWidth())/2,
-                            (h - m_SlideBitmap.GetHeight())/2
-                            ); 
+		    dc.DrawBitmap(m_SlideBitmap,
+                        (w - m_SlideBitmap.GetWidth())/2,
+                        (h - m_SlideBitmap.GetHeight())/2
+                        ); 
@@ -477,7 +479,7 @@ CSimpleTaskPanel::CSimpleTaskPanel( wxWindow* parent ) :
     m_myTasksLabel = new CTransparentStaticText( this, wxID_ANY, _("Tasks:"), wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, 0 );
     m_myTasksLabel->Wrap( -1 );
-    bSizer2->Add( m_myTasksLabel, 0, wxRIGHT, 5 );
+    bSizer2->Add( m_myTasksLabel, 0, wxRIGHT, ADJUSTFORXDPI(5) );
     m_TaskSelectionCtrl = new CBOINCBitmapComboBox( this, ID_SGTASKSELECTOR, wxT(""), wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, 0, NULL, wxCB_READONLY ); 
     // TODO: Might want better wording for Task Selection Combo Box tooltip
@@ -485,16 +487,16 @@ CSimpleTaskPanel::CSimpleTaskPanel( wxWindow* parent ) :
     bSizer2->Add( m_TaskSelectionCtrl, 1, wxRIGHT | wxEXPAND, SIDEMARGINS );
-    bSizer1->Add( bSizer2, 0, wxEXPAND | wxTOP | wxLEFT, 10 );
+    bSizer1->Add( bSizer2, 0, wxEXPAND | wxTOP | wxLEFT, ADJUSTFORXDPI(10) );
-    bSizer1->AddSpacer(5);
+    bSizer1->AddSpacer(ADJUSTFORYDPI(5));
     wxBoxSizer* bSizer3;
     bSizer3 = new wxBoxSizer( wxHORIZONTAL );
     m_TaskProjectLabel = new CTransparentStaticText( this, wxID_ANY, _("From:"), wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, 0 );
     m_TaskProjectLabel->Wrap( -1 );
-    bSizer3->Add( m_TaskProjectLabel, 0, wxRIGHT, 5 );
+    bSizer3->Add( m_TaskProjectLabel, 0, wxRIGHT, ADJUSTFORXDPI(5) );
     m_TaskProjectName = new CTransparentStaticText( this, wxID_ANY, wxT("SETI at home"), wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, wxST_NO_AUTORESIZE );
     m_TaskProjectName->Wrap( -1 );
@@ -512,7 +514,7 @@ CSimpleTaskPanel::CSimpleTaskPanel( wxWindow* parent ) :
     bSizer1->Add( m_TaskApplicationName, 0, wxLEFT | wxRIGHT | wxEXPAND, SIDEMARGINS );
-    bSizer1->AddSpacer(10);
+    bSizer1->AddSpacer(ADJUSTFORYDPI(10));
     m_SlideShowArea = new CSlideShowPanel(this);
@@ -520,19 +522,19 @@ CSimpleTaskPanel::CSimpleTaskPanel( wxWindow* parent ) :
     bSizer1->Add( m_SlideShowArea, 0, wxLEFT | wxRIGHT | wxEXPAND, SIDEMARGINS );
-    bSizer1->AddSpacer(10);
+    bSizer1->AddSpacer(ADJUSTFORYDPI(10));
     m_ElapsedTimeValue = new CTransparentStaticText( this, wxID_ANY, wxEmptyString, wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, wxST_NO_AUTORESIZE );
     m_ElapsedTimeValue->Wrap( -1 );
     bSizer1->Add( m_ElapsedTimeValue, 0, wxLEFT | wxRIGHT | wxEXPAND, SIDEMARGINS );
-    bSizer1->AddSpacer(7);
+    bSizer1->AddSpacer(ADJUSTFORYDPI(7));
     m_TimeRemainingValue = new CTransparentStaticText( this, wxID_ANY, wxEmptyString, wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, wxST_NO_AUTORESIZE );
     m_TimeRemainingValue->Wrap( -1 );
     bSizer1->Add( m_TimeRemainingValue, 0, wxLEFT | wxRIGHT | wxEXPAND, SIDEMARGINS );
-    bSizer1->AddSpacer(7);
+    bSizer1->AddSpacer(ADJUSTFORYDPI(7));
     wxBoxSizer* bSizer4;
     bSizer4 = new wxBoxSizer( wxHORIZONTAL );
@@ -545,9 +547,9 @@ CSimpleTaskPanel::CSimpleTaskPanel( wxWindow* parent ) :
     m_ipctDoneX1000 = 100000;
     m_ProgressBar->SetValue( 100 );
     GetTextExtent(wxT("0"), &w, &h);
-    m_ProgressBar->SetMinSize(wxSize(245, h));
+    m_ProgressBar->SetMinSize(wxSize(ADJUSTFORXDPI(245), h));
     m_ProgressBar->SetToolTip(_("This task's progress"));
-    bSizer4->Add( m_ProgressBar, 0, wxRIGHT, 5 );
+    bSizer4->Add( m_ProgressBar, 0, wxRIGHT, ADJUSTFORXDPI(5) );
     m_ProgressValueText = new CTransparentStaticText( this, wxID_ANY, wxT("100.000%"), wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, wxALIGN_RIGHT | wxST_NO_AUTORESIZE );
     m_ProgressValueText->Wrap( -1 );
@@ -555,20 +557,20 @@ CSimpleTaskPanel::CSimpleTaskPanel( wxWindow* parent ) :
     bSizer1->Add( bSizer4, 0, wxLEFT | wxRIGHT | wxEXPAND, SIDEMARGINS );
-    bSizer1->AddSpacer(7);
+    bSizer1->AddSpacer(ADJUSTFORYDPI(7));
     // TODO: Can we determine the longest status string and initialize with it?
     m_StatusValueText = new CTransparentStaticText( this, wxID_ANY, m_sNoProjectsString, wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, wxST_NO_AUTORESIZE );
     m_StatusValueText->Wrap( -1 );
     bSizer1->Add( m_StatusValueText, 0, wxLEFT | wxRIGHT | wxEXPAND, SIDEMARGINS );
-    bSizer1->AddSpacer(7);
+    bSizer1->AddSpacer(ADJUSTFORYDPI(7));
     m_TaskCommandsButton = new CSimpleTaskPopupButton( this, ID_TASKSCOMMANDBUTTON, _("Task Commands"), wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, 0 );
     m_TaskCommandsButton->SetToolTip(_("Pop up a menu of commands to apply to this task"));
     bSizer1->Add( m_TaskCommandsButton, 0, wxLEFT | wxRIGHT | wxEXPAND | wxALIGN_CENTER_HORIZONTAL, SIDEMARGINS );
-    bSizer1->AddSpacer(10);
+    bSizer1->AddSpacer(ADJUSTFORYDPI(10));
     this->SetSizer( bSizer1 );
diff --git a/clientgui/stdwx.h b/clientgui/stdwx.h
index 82eee92..2c0bb5a 100644
--- a/clientgui/stdwx.h
+++ b/clientgui/stdwx.h
@@ -122,6 +122,7 @@
 #include <wx/snglinst.h>
 #include <wx/bmpcbox.h>
 #include <wx/evtloop.h>
+#include <wx/display.h>
 #ifdef _WIN32
diff --git a/configure.ac b/configure.ac
index f9c3a57..58b2378 100644
--- a/configure.ac
+++ b/configure.ac
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ dnl not sure exactly what the minimum version is (but 2.13 wont work)
 dnl Set the BOINC version here.  You can also use the set-version script.
-AC_INIT(BOINC, 7.4.37)
+AC_INIT(BOINC, 7.4.41)
 LIBBOINC_VERSION=`echo ${PACKAGE_VERSION} | sed 's/\./:/g'`
@@ -108,12 +108,6 @@ AC_ARG_ENABLE(install-headers,
-    AS_HELP_STRING([--disable-xss],
-                   [disable building the boinc client with the Xss library]),
-    [enable_xss=${enableval}],
-    [enable_xss=yes])
                    [enable building the boinc zip library]),
@@ -599,15 +593,6 @@ fi
 AM_CONDITIONAL(BUILD_GRAPHICS_API, [ test "$have_glut" = yes -a "$have_jpeg" = 1])
-dnl check for X screen saver lib
-if test "$enable_xss" == yes; then
-    AC_CHECK_LIB([Xss], [XScreenSaverAllocInfo], [have_Xss="yes"], [have_Xss="no"])
-    AC_CHECK_HEADER([X11/extensions/scrnsaver.h], [have_Xss="yes"], [have_Xss="no"])
-    if test "$have_Xss" == no; then
-        AC_MSG_WARN([libxss missing, disabling X ScreenSaver user idle detection])
-    fi
 dnl --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 dnl put double-inclusion protection into config.h
@@ -893,16 +878,14 @@ fi
 dnl ---------- libNotify --------------------------------------------------
 if test "${enable_manager}" = yes ; then
-  pkg_config_args=libnotify
-  AC_PATH_PROG(PKG_CONFIG, pkg-config, no)
-  LIBNOTIFY_CFLAGS=`$PKG_CONFIG libnotify --cflags`
-  LIBNOTIFY_LIBS=`$PKG_CONFIG libnotify --libs`
+dnl ---------- GTK2 -------------------------------------------------------
+if test "${enable_manager}" = yes ; then
+  PKG_CHECK_MODULES(GTK, [gtk+-2.0])
 dnl ---------- Sqlite3 ----------------------------------------------------
 if test "${enable_manager}" = yes ; then
@@ -1003,19 +986,6 @@ if test "${ac_cv_func_res_init}" != "yes" ; then
-if (test "$enable_xss" == yes) && (test "$have_Xss" == yes); then
-    SAH_CHECK_LIB([Xext],[DPMSQueryExtension],[
-        AC_DEFINE([HAVE_DPMS],[1],[Define to 1 if you have xcb-dpms library])
-        CLIENTLIBS="${sah_lib_last} ${CLIENTLIBS}"])
-    SAH_CHECK_LIB([Xss],[XScreenSaverAllocInfo],[
-        AC_DEFINE([HAVE_XSS],[1],[Define to 1 if you have xss library])
-        CLIENTLIBS="${sah_lib_last} ${CLIENTLIBS}"])
-    SAH_CHECK_LIB([X11],[XOpenDisplay],[
-        AC_DEFINE([HAVE_X11],[1],[Define to 1 if you have X11 library])
-        CLIENTLIBS="${sah_lib_last} ${CLIENTLIBS}"])
     AC_DEFINE([HAVE_RESOLV],[1],[Define to 1 if you have the resolv library])
     CLIENTLIBS="${sah_lib_last} ${CLIENTLIBS}"])
@@ -1057,7 +1027,7 @@ AC_ARG_ENABLE(wx-debug,
 if test "${enable_client_release}" = "yes" ; then
    if test "x${WX_LIBS_STATIC}" = "x" ; then
diff --git a/doc/projects.inc b/doc/projects.inc
index 0ee41e5..a4350c6 100644
--- a/doc/projects.inc
+++ b/doc/projects.inc
@@ -253,7 +253,8 @@ $astro_phys_chem = array(
             "The International Centre for Radio Astronomy Research (Perth, Australia)",
-            tra("We will combine the spectral coverage of GALEX, Pan-STARRS1, and WISE to generate a multi-wavelength UV-optical-NIR galaxy atlas for the nearby Universe. We will measure physical parameters (such as stellar mass surface density, star formation rate surface density, attenuation, and first-order star formation history) on a resolved pixel-by-pixel basis using spectral energy distribution (SED) fitting techniques in a distributed computing mode."),
+            tra("TheSkyNet POGS is an astronomy project studying 16 different properties of galaxies, including brightness, mass, amount of dust and how fast stars are forming. We are using your processing power to conduct pixel-by-pixel calculations on multi-wavelength (ultraviolet, optical and near-infrared light) images of galaxies to produce an atlas that will help astronomers to better understand the distant universe."),
             "Analyze images of space"
diff --git a/html/languages/translations/da.po b/html/languages/translations/da.po
index 925f102..64aad77 100644
--- a/html/languages/translations/da.po
+++ b/html/languages/translations/da.po
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ msgid ""
 msgstr ""
 "Project-Id-Version: BOINC Project (Generic) 6.x\n"
 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: BOINC translation team <boinc_loc at boinc.berkeley.edu>\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2013-10-29 10:57 PDT\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-01-10 00:00 PST\n"
 "PO-Revision-Date: 2013-10-12 18:56+0000\n"
 "Last-Translator: pryds <thomas at pryds.eu>\n"
 "Language-Team: BOINC Development Team <boinc_loc at ssl.berkeley.edu>\n"
@@ -194,19 +194,19 @@ msgstr "Søg i forummet"
 msgid "Advanced search"
 msgstr "Avanceret søgning"
-#: ../inc/forum.inc:132 ../inc/user.inc:252 ../user/pm.php:69
+#: ../inc/forum.inc:132 ../inc/user.inc:253 ../user/pm.php:69
 #: ../user/pm.php:133
 msgid "Private messages"
 msgstr "Personlige beskeder"
 #: ../inc/forum.inc:151 ../user/bs_sample_index.php:63
-#: ../user/forum_forum.php:71 ../user/sample_index.php:119
+#: ../user/forum_forum.php:71 ../user/sample_index.php:130
 msgid "Questions and Answers"
 msgstr "Spørgsmål og svar (Q&A)"
-#: ../inc/forum.inc:151 ../inc/forum.inc:183 ../inc/user.inc:249
-#: ../inc/user.inc:374 ../user/bs_sample_index.php:62
-#: ../user/forum_forum.php:73 ../user/sample_index.php:118
+#: ../inc/forum.inc:151 ../inc/forum.inc:183 ../inc/user.inc:250
+#: ../inc/user.inc:375 ../user/bs_sample_index.php:62
+#: ../user/forum_forum.php:73 ../user/sample_index.php:129
 #: ../project.sample/project.inc:43
 msgid "Message boards"
 msgstr "Forum"
@@ -278,7 +278,7 @@ msgstr "ulæst"
 msgid "Message %1"
 msgstr "Meddelelse"
-#: ../inc/forum.inc:624 ../inc/user.inc:330 ../user/forum_forum.php:174
+#: ../inc/forum.inc:624 ../inc/user.inc:331 ../user/forum_forum.php:174
 msgid "hidden"
 msgstr "skjult"
@@ -478,7 +478,7 @@ msgstr ""
 msgid "Thread"
 msgstr "Emne"
-#: ../inc/forum.inc:1174 ../inc/team.inc:127 ../user/forum_forum.php:136
+#: ../inc/forum.inc:1174 ../inc/team.inc:128 ../user/forum_forum.php:136
 #: ../user/forum_index.php:94
 msgid "Posts"
 msgstr "Indlæg"
@@ -487,7 +487,7 @@ msgstr "Indlæg"
 msgid "Views"
 msgstr "Visninger"
-#: ../inc/forum.inc:1177 ../inc/team.inc:127 ../user/forum_forum.php:139
+#: ../inc/forum.inc:1177 ../inc/team.inc:128 ../user/forum_forum.php:139
 #: ../user/forum_help_desk.php:46 ../user/forum_index.php:95
 msgid "Last post"
 msgstr "Sidste indlæg"
@@ -528,7 +528,7 @@ msgid "Home"
 msgstr ""
 #: ../inc/host.inc:57 ../inc/prefs.inc:641 ../inc/prefs.inc:1049
-#: ../user/server_status.php:329
+#: ../user/server_status.php:314
 msgid "Work"
 msgstr ""
@@ -595,9 +595,9 @@ msgid "Created"
 msgstr "Opret"
 #: ../inc/host.inc:113 ../inc/host.inc:226 ../inc/host.inc:231
-#: ../inc/host.inc:681 ../inc/team.inc:101 ../inc/team.inc:214
-#: ../inc/team.inc:219 ../inc/team.inc:221 ../inc/team.inc:363
-#: ../inc/team.inc:368 ../inc/user.inc:125 ../inc/user.inc:138
+#: ../inc/host.inc:681 ../inc/team.inc:101 ../inc/team.inc:215
+#: ../inc/team.inc:220 ../inc/team.inc:222 ../inc/team.inc:364
+#: ../inc/team.inc:369 ../inc/user.inc:125 ../inc/user.inc:138
 #: ../user/profile_search_action.php:43
 #: ../user/team_change_founder_form.php:78 ../user/team_email_list.php:64
 #: ../user/team_remove_inactive_form.php:41 ../user/top_users.php:54
@@ -689,7 +689,7 @@ msgstr ""
 #: ../inc/host.inc:159 ../inc/host.inc:166 ../inc/result.inc:216
 #: ../inc/result.inc:226 ../inc/result.inc:244 ../inc/result.inc:262
 #: ../inc/result.inc:278 ../user/explain_state.php:56
-#: ../user/host_app_versions.php:29
+#: ../user/host_app_versions.php:30
 msgid "Unknown"
 msgstr ""
@@ -697,7 +697,7 @@ msgstr ""
 msgid "Average download rate"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/host.inc:169 ../user/host_app_versions.php:64
+#: ../inc/host.inc:169 ../user/host_app_versions.php:65
 msgid "Average turnaround time"
 msgstr ""
@@ -775,7 +775,7 @@ msgstr ""
 msgid "Computer info"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/host.inc:221 ../inc/host.inc:676 ../inc/team.inc:356
+#: ../inc/host.inc:221 ../inc/host.inc:676 ../inc/team.inc:357
 #: ../user/top_users.php:48
 msgid "Rank"
 msgstr "Rang"
@@ -784,9 +784,9 @@ msgstr "Rang"
 msgid "Avg. credit"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/host.inc:230 ../inc/team.inc:102 ../inc/team.inc:215
-#: ../inc/team.inc:224 ../inc/team.inc:226 ../inc/team.inc:362
-#: ../inc/team.inc:367 ../inc/user.inc:139
+#: ../inc/host.inc:230 ../inc/team.inc:102 ../inc/team.inc:216
+#: ../inc/team.inc:225 ../inc/team.inc:227 ../inc/team.inc:363
+#: ../inc/team.inc:368 ../inc/user.inc:139
 #: ../user/team_change_founder_form.php:79 ../user/team_email_list.php:64
 #: ../user/team_remove_inactive_form.php:42 ../user/top_users.php:53
 #: ../user/top_users.php:58
@@ -877,9 +877,9 @@ msgstr ""
 msgid "Computer ID"
 msgstr "Computere"
-#: ../inc/host.inc:669 ../inc/result.inc:628 ../inc/team.inc:209
-#: ../inc/team.inc:357 ../inc/user.inc:199 ../user/account_finish.php:41
-#: ../user/create_account_form.php:80 ../user/team_admins.php:62
+#: ../inc/host.inc:669 ../inc/result.inc:628 ../inc/team.inc:210
+#: ../inc/team.inc:358 ../inc/user.inc:199 ../user/account_finish.php:41
+#: ../user/create_account_form.php:79 ../user/team_admins.php:62
 #: ../user/team_change_founder_form.php:77 ../user/team_email_list.php:64
 #: ../user/top_users.php:49 ../user/user_search.php:139
 msgid "Name"
@@ -889,7 +889,7 @@ msgstr "Navn"
 msgid "BOINC<br>version"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/host.inc:745 ../user/merge_by_name.php:67
+#: ../inc/host.inc:745 ../user/merge_by_name.php:65
 msgid "Merge computers by name"
 msgstr ""
@@ -914,12 +914,12 @@ msgstr "Indbakke"
 msgid "Write"
 msgstr "Skriv"
-#: ../inc/pm.inc:33 ../inc/user.inc:377
+#: ../inc/pm.inc:33 ../inc/user.inc:378
 msgid "Send private message"
 msgstr "Send personlig meddelelse"
 #: ../inc/pm.inc:35 ../inc/pm.inc:37 ../inc/pm.inc:89
-#: ../user/ffmail_form.php:59 ../user/forum_edit.php:99
+#: ../user/ffmail_form.php:58 ../user/forum_edit.php:99
 #: ../user/forum_edit.php:101 ../user/forum_edit.php:145
 #: ../user/forum_post.php:61 ../user/forum_post.php:87
 #: ../user/forum_post.php:89 ../user/forum_post.php:130
@@ -1100,7 +1100,7 @@ msgid "Maintain enough tasks to keep busy for at least%1(max 10 days).%2"
 msgstr ""
 #: ../inc/prefs.inc:223 ../inc/prefs.inc:228 ../inc/prefs.inc:270
-#: ../inc/util.inc:258
+#: ../inc/util.inc:274
 msgid "days"
 msgstr ""
@@ -1176,7 +1176,7 @@ msgid "Use NVIDIA GPU %1 Enforced by version 6.10+ %2"
 msgstr ""
 #: ../inc/prefs.inc:344
-msgid "Use Intel GPU %1 Enforced by version 7.0+ %2"
+msgid "Use Intel GPU %1 Enforced by version 7.2+ %2"
 msgstr ""
 #: ../inc/prefs.inc:358
@@ -1286,7 +1286,7 @@ msgstr ""
 msgid "Primary (default) preferences"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/prefs.inc:871 ../user/add_venue.php:43 ../user/add_venue.php:67
+#: ../inc/prefs.inc:871 ../user/add_venue.php:39 ../user/add_venue.php:63
 #: ../user/prefs_edit.php:40 ../user/prefs_edit.php:64
 #: ../user/prefs_edit.php:92
 #, fuzzy
@@ -1345,41 +1345,41 @@ msgstr ""
 msgid "Database error"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/profile.inc:192
+#: ../inc/profile.inc:193
 msgid ""
 "To prevent spam, profiles of users with an average credit of less than %1 "
 "are displayed only to logged-in users. We apologize for this inconvenience."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/profile.inc:196
+#: ../inc/profile.inc:197
 msgid "User is banished"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/profile.inc:210
+#: ../inc/profile.inc:211
 msgid "No profile exists for that user ID."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/profile.inc:218 ../user/create_profile.php:313
+#: ../inc/profile.inc:219 ../user/create_profile.php:313
 msgid "Edit your profile"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/profile.inc:261
+#: ../inc/profile.inc:262
 msgid "Your feedback on this profile"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/profile.inc:263
+#: ../inc/profile.inc:264
 msgid "Recommend this profile for User of the Day:"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/profile.inc:264
+#: ../inc/profile.inc:265
 msgid "I %1like%2 this profile"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/profile.inc:267
+#: ../inc/profile.inc:268
 msgid "Alert administrators to an offensive profile:"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/profile.inc:268
+#: ../inc/profile.inc:269
 msgid "I %1do not like%2 this profile"
 msgstr ""
@@ -1387,7 +1387,7 @@ msgstr ""
 msgid "Anonymous platform"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/result.inc:53
+#: ../inc/result.inc:53 ../user/host_app_versions.php:26
 msgid "NVIDIA GPU"
 msgstr ""
@@ -1395,7 +1395,7 @@ msgstr ""
 msgid "ATI GPU"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/result.inc:57
+#: ../inc/result.inc:57 ../user/host_app_versions.php:28
 msgid "Intel GPU"
 msgstr ""
@@ -1653,7 +1653,7 @@ msgstr ""
 msgid "explain"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/result.inc:376 ../user/server_status.php:256
+#: ../inc/result.inc:376 ../user/server_status.php:241
 msgid "Status"
 msgstr ""
@@ -1749,17 +1749,17 @@ msgstr "Nøgleord"
 msgid "Find teams with these words in their names or descriptions"
 msgstr "Find hold med disse ord i deres navn eller beskrivelse"
-#: ../inc/team.inc:43 ../inc/team.inc:121 ../inc/team.inc:232
-#: ../inc/team.inc:372 ../inc/team.inc:456 ../inc/user.inc:205
-#: ../inc/user.inc:316 ../user/account_finish.php:45
-#: ../user/create_account_form.php:99 ../user/edit_user_info_form.php:40
+#: ../inc/team.inc:43 ../inc/team.inc:122 ../inc/team.inc:233
+#: ../inc/team.inc:373 ../inc/team.inc:455 ../inc/user.inc:205
+#: ../inc/user.inc:317 ../user/account_finish.php:45
+#: ../user/create_account_form.php:98 ../user/edit_user_info_form.php:38
 #: ../user/profile_search_action.php:42 ../user/team_email_list.php:64
 #: ../user/team_search.php:72 ../user/top_users.php:63
 #: ../user/user_search.php:53 ../user/user_search.php:140
 msgid "Country"
 msgstr "Land"
-#: ../inc/team.inc:49 ../inc/team.inc:454
+#: ../inc/team.inc:49 ../inc/team.inc:453
 msgid "Type of team"
 msgstr "Holdets type"
@@ -1767,7 +1767,7 @@ msgstr "Holdets type"
 msgid "Show only active teams"
 msgstr "Vis kun aktive hold"
-#: ../inc/team.inc:52 ../user/profile_menu.php:77 ../user/user_search.php:70
+#: ../inc/team.inc:52 ../user/profile_menu.php:76 ../user/user_search.php:70
 msgid "Search"
 msgstr "Søg"
@@ -1787,8 +1787,8 @@ msgstr "Startet af dig"
 msgid "founder response deadline is %1"
 msgstr "deadline for grundlæggerens svar er %1"
-#: ../inc/team.inc:72 ../inc/team.inc:556 ../inc/user.inc:280
-#: ../inc/user.inc:370
+#: ../inc/team.inc:72 ../inc/team.inc:555 ../inc/user.inc:281
+#: ../inc/user.inc:371
 msgid "None"
 msgstr "Ingen"
@@ -1812,28 +1812,28 @@ msgstr "Beskrivelse"
 msgid "Web site"
 msgstr "Website"
-#: ../inc/team.inc:119
+#: ../inc/team.inc:120
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Cross-project stats"
 msgstr "Cross-project statistik"
-#: ../inc/team.inc:122 ../inc/team.inc:373 ../user/team_search.php:71
+#: ../inc/team.inc:123 ../inc/team.inc:374 ../user/team_search.php:71
 msgid "Type"
 msgstr "Type"
-#: ../inc/team.inc:126 ../user/team_manage.php:63
+#: ../inc/team.inc:127 ../user/team_manage.php:63
 msgid "Message board"
 msgstr "Forum"
-#: ../inc/team.inc:127 ../user/forum_forum.php:135 ../user/forum_index.php:93
+#: ../inc/team.inc:128 ../user/forum_forum.php:135 ../user/forum_index.php:93
 msgid "Threads"
 msgstr "Emner"
-#: ../inc/team.inc:135
+#: ../inc/team.inc:136
 msgid "Join this team"
 msgstr "Bliv medlem"
-#: ../inc/team.inc:136
+#: ../inc/team.inc:137
 msgid ""
 "Note: if 'OK to email' is set in your project preferences, joining a team "
 "gives its founder access to your email address."
@@ -1842,79 +1842,79 @@ msgstr ""
 "lederen af det hold du bliver medlem i få adgang til din email "
-#: ../inc/team.inc:139
+#: ../inc/team.inc:140
 msgid "Not accepting new members"
 msgstr "Accepterer ikke nye medlemmer"
-#: ../inc/team.inc:146
+#: ../inc/team.inc:147
 msgid "Foundership change requested"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/team.inc:147
+#: ../inc/team.inc:148
 msgid "Respond by %1"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/team.inc:151
+#: ../inc/team.inc:152
 msgid "Team foundership change"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/team.inc:155 ../inc/team.inc:358
+#: ../inc/team.inc:156 ../inc/team.inc:359
 msgid "Members"
 msgstr "Medlemmer"
-#: ../inc/team.inc:156 ../inc/team.inc:253
+#: ../inc/team.inc:157 ../inc/team.inc:254
 msgid "Founder"
 msgstr "Hold-leder"
-#: ../inc/team.inc:168
+#: ../inc/team.inc:169
 msgid "Admins"
 msgstr "Admins"
-#: ../inc/team.inc:183
+#: ../inc/team.inc:184
 msgid "New members in last day"
 msgstr "Nye medlemmer siden igår"
-#: ../inc/team.inc:184
+#: ../inc/team.inc:185
 msgid "Total members"
 msgstr "Medlemmer ialt"
-#: ../inc/team.inc:184 ../inc/team.inc:185 ../inc/team.inc:186
+#: ../inc/team.inc:185 ../inc/team.inc:186 ../inc/team.inc:187
 msgid "view"
 msgstr "se"
-#: ../inc/team.inc:185
+#: ../inc/team.inc:186
 msgid "Active members"
 msgstr "Aktive medlemmer"
-#: ../inc/team.inc:186
+#: ../inc/team.inc:187
 msgid "Members with credit"
 msgstr "Medlemmer med points"
-#: ../inc/team.inc:255
+#: ../inc/team.inc:256
 msgid "Admin"
 msgstr "Admin"
-#: ../inc/team.inc:276 ../user/forum_user_posts.php:122
+#: ../inc/team.inc:277 ../user/forum_user_posts.php:122
 #: ../user/top_hosts.php:93 ../user/top_teams.php:121
 #: ../user/top_users.php:127
 msgid "Previous %1"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/team.inc:280 ../user/forum_user_posts.php:131
+#: ../inc/team.inc:281 ../user/forum_user_posts.php:131
 #: ../user/profile_search_action.php:61 ../user/top_hosts.php:98
 #: ../user/top_teams.php:126 ../user/top_users.php:132
 msgid "Next %1"
 msgstr "Næste %1"
-#: ../inc/team.inc:288
+#: ../inc/team.inc:289
 msgid "No such team."
 msgstr "Holdet findes ikke."
-#: ../inc/team.inc:301
+#: ../inc/team.inc:302
 msgid "This operation requires foundership."
 msgstr "Denne funktion kræver at du er leder af holdet."
-#: ../inc/team.inc:325
+#: ../inc/team.inc:326
 msgid "This operation requires team admin privileges"
 msgstr "Denne funktion kræver at du har hold-administrator rettigheder"
@@ -1924,7 +1924,7 @@ msgid ""
 "be overwritten. Edit the %1BOINC-wide team%2 instead."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/team.inc:429
+#: ../inc/team.inc:428
 msgid ""
 "%1Privacy note%2: if you create a team, your project preferences (resource "
 "share, graphics preferences) will be visible to the public."
@@ -1933,48 +1933,48 @@ msgstr ""
 "(dvs. resource-fordeling, grafik-indstillinger osv.) blive "
 "tilgængelige for offentligheden."
-#: ../inc/team.inc:433
+#: ../inc/team.inc:432
 msgid "Team name, text version"
 msgstr "Hold navn, rentekst-udgave"
-#: ../inc/team.inc:434
+#: ../inc/team.inc:433
 msgid "Don't use HTML tags."
 msgstr "Brug ikke HTML tags."
-#: ../inc/team.inc:437
+#: ../inc/team.inc:436
 msgid "Team name, HTML version"
 msgstr "Hold navn, HTML-udgave"
-#: ../inc/team.inc:439 ../inc/team.inc:449
+#: ../inc/team.inc:438 ../inc/team.inc:448
 msgid "You may use %1limited HTML tags%2."
 msgstr "Du kan bruge %1nogle HTML tags%2."
-#: ../inc/team.inc:440
+#: ../inc/team.inc:439
 msgid "If you don't know HTML, leave this box blank."
 msgstr "Hvis ikke du kan HTML kan du lade feltet være tomt."
-#: ../inc/team.inc:443
+#: ../inc/team.inc:442
 msgid "URL of team web page, if any"
 msgstr "Holdets hjemmeside-URL, hvis den findes"
-#: ../inc/team.inc:443
+#: ../inc/team.inc:442
 msgid "without \"http://\""
 msgstr "uden \"http://\""
-#: ../inc/team.inc:444
+#: ../inc/team.inc:443
 msgid "This URL will be linked to from the team's page on this site."
 msgstr ""
 "Der vil blive linket til denne URL fra holdets side på dette website."
-#: ../inc/team.inc:447
+#: ../inc/team.inc:446
 msgid "Description of team"
 msgstr "Beskrivelse af holdet"
-#: ../inc/team.inc:463
+#: ../inc/team.inc:462
 msgid "Accept new members?"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/uotd.inc:27
+#: ../inc/uotd.inc:28
 msgid "User profile"
 msgstr ""
@@ -2007,7 +2007,7 @@ msgid "Computers on this account"
 msgstr "Computere på denne konto"
 #: ../inc/user.inc:151 ../inc/user.inc:152 ../inc/user.inc:217
-#: ../inc/user.inc:242 ../inc/user.inc:328 ../inc/user.inc:401
+#: ../inc/user.inc:243 ../inc/user.inc:329 ../inc/user.inc:402
 #: ../user/view_profile.php:64
 msgid "View"
 msgstr "Se"
@@ -2024,8 +2024,8 @@ msgstr "Cross-project statistik"
 msgid "Account"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/user.inc:165 ../inc/user.inc:280 ../inc/user.inc:368
-#: ../inc/user.inc:370 ../user/user_search.php:139
+#: ../inc/user.inc:165 ../inc/user.inc:281 ../inc/user.inc:369
+#: ../inc/user.inc:371 ../user/user_search.php:139
 msgid "Team"
 msgstr "Hold"
@@ -2049,12 +2049,12 @@ msgstr ""
 msgid "Account information"
 msgstr "Konto-information"
-#: ../inc/user.inc:200 ../user/edit_passwd_form.php:48
+#: ../inc/user.inc:200 ../user/edit_passwd_form.php:45
 #: ../user/get_passwd.php:40 ../user/team_email_list.php:64
 msgid "Email address"
 msgstr "Emailaddresse"
-#: ../inc/user.inc:203 ../inc/user.inc:321
+#: ../inc/user.inc:203 ../inc/user.inc:322
 msgid "URL"
 msgstr "URL"
@@ -2062,7 +2062,7 @@ msgstr "URL"
 msgid "Postal code"
 msgstr "Postboks (områdenummer)"
-#: ../inc/user.inc:207 ../inc/user.inc:315
+#: ../inc/user.inc:207 ../inc/user.inc:316
 msgid "%1 member since"
 msgstr "Medlem af %1 siden"
@@ -2082,7 +2082,7 @@ msgstr "password"
 msgid "other account info"
 msgstr "anden konto-information"
-#: ../inc/user.inc:213 ../inc/user.inc:314
+#: ../inc/user.inc:213 ../inc/user.inc:315
 msgid "User ID"
 msgstr "Bruger ID"
@@ -2119,184 +2119,180 @@ msgstr "Forum-indstillinger"
 msgid "Preferences for this project"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/user.inc:233 ../user/prefs.php:32
+#: ../inc/user.inc:233 ../user/prefs.php:29
 msgid "%1 preferences"
 msgstr "%1-indstillinger"
 #: ../inc/user.inc:239 ../user/bs_sample_index.php:59
-#: ../user/sample_index.php:114
+#: ../user/sample_index.php:125
 msgid "Community"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/user.inc:242 ../user/pm.php:107 ../user/pm.php:147
+#: ../inc/user.inc:243 ../user/pm.php:107 ../user/pm.php:147
 msgid "Delete"
 msgstr "Slet"
-#: ../inc/user.inc:244
+#: ../inc/user.inc:245
 msgid "Create"
 msgstr "Opret"
-#: ../inc/user.inc:246 ../inc/user.inc:401 ../inc/util.inc:498
+#: ../inc/user.inc:247 ../inc/user.inc:402 ../inc/util.inc:514
 msgid "Profile"
 msgstr "Profil"
-#: ../inc/user.inc:249 ../inc/user.inc:374
+#: ../inc/user.inc:250 ../inc/user.inc:375
 msgid "%1 posts"
 msgstr "%1 indlæg"
-#: ../inc/user.inc:261 ../user/edit_forum_preferences_form.php:51
+#: ../inc/user.inc:262 ../user/edit_forum_preferences_form.php:51
 msgid "Notifications"
 msgstr "Notificering"
-#: ../inc/user.inc:268
+#: ../inc/user.inc:269
 msgid "Quit team"
 msgstr "Forlad holdet"
-#: ../inc/user.inc:270 ../inc/user.inc:287
+#: ../inc/user.inc:271 ../inc/user.inc:288
 msgid "Administer"
 msgstr "Administrer"
-#: ../inc/user.inc:276 ../inc/user.inc:289
+#: ../inc/user.inc:277 ../inc/user.inc:290
 msgid "(foundership change request pending)"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/user.inc:278
+#: ../inc/user.inc:279
 msgid "Member of team"
 msgstr "Medlem af hold"
-#: ../inc/user.inc:280
+#: ../inc/user.inc:281
 msgid "find a team"
 msgstr "find et hold"
-#: ../inc/user.inc:291
+#: ../inc/user.inc:292
 msgid "Founder but not member of"
 msgstr "Leder men ikke medlem af"
-#: ../inc/user.inc:297
+#: ../inc/user.inc:298
 msgid "Find friends"
 msgstr "Find venner"
-#: ../inc/user.inc:304 ../inc/user.inc:306 ../inc/user.inc:384
-#: ../inc/user.inc:386 ../inc/user.inc:395
+#: ../inc/user.inc:305 ../inc/user.inc:307 ../inc/user.inc:385
+#: ../inc/user.inc:387 ../inc/user.inc:396
 msgid "Friends"
 msgstr "Venner"
-#: ../inc/user.inc:328 ../inc/user.inc:330 ../user/server_status.php:408
+#: ../inc/user.inc:329 ../inc/user.inc:331 ../user/server_status.php:392
 msgid "Computers"
 msgstr "Computere"
-#: ../inc/user.inc:337
+#: ../inc/user.inc:338
 msgid "Donor"
 msgstr "Donor"
-#: ../inc/user.inc:377
+#: ../inc/user.inc:378
 msgid "Contact"
 msgstr "Kontakt"
-#: ../inc/user.inc:380
+#: ../inc/user.inc:381
 msgid "This person is a friend"
 msgstr "Denne person er en ven"
-#: ../inc/user.inc:381 ../user/friend.php:238
+#: ../inc/user.inc:382 ../user/friend.php:238
 msgid "Cancel friendship"
 msgstr "Afbryd venskab"
-#: ../inc/user.inc:384 ../user/friend.php:37
+#: ../inc/user.inc:385 ../user/friend.php:37
 msgid "Request pending"
 msgstr "Forespørgsel igang"
-#: ../inc/user.inc:386
+#: ../inc/user.inc:387
 msgid "Add as friend"
 msgstr "Tilføj som ven"
-#: ../inc/user.inc:445
+#: ../inc/user.inc:446
 msgid "user name cannot have leading or trailing white space"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/user.inc:449
+#: ../inc/user.inc:450
 msgid "user name must be nonempty"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/user.inc:453
+#: ../inc/user.inc:454
 msgid "user name may not contain HTML tags"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/util.inc:116
+#: ../inc/util.inc:131
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "log out"
 msgstr "Log ud"
-#: ../inc/util.inc:118
+#: ../inc/util.inc:133
 msgid "log in"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/util.inc:188 ../user/login_form.php:30 ../user/login_form.php:55
+#: ../inc/util.inc:204 ../user/login_form.php:30 ../user/login_form.php:66
 msgid "Log in"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/util.inc:189 ../user/create_account_form.php:31
+#: ../inc/util.inc:205 ../user/create_account_form.php:40
 msgid "Create an account"
 msgstr "Opret en konto"
-#: ../inc/util.inc:190
+#: ../inc/util.inc:206
 msgid "Server status page"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/util.inc:232
+#: ../inc/util.inc:248
 msgid ""
 "A database error occurred while handling your request; please try again "
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/util.inc:241
+#: ../inc/util.inc:257
 msgid "Unable to handle request"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/util.inc:261
+#: ../inc/util.inc:277
 msgid "hours"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/util.inc:264
+#: ../inc/util.inc:280
 msgid "min"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/util.inc:267
+#: ../inc/util.inc:283
 msgid "sec"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/util.inc:428
+#: ../inc/util.inc:444
 msgid "Link has timed out. Please click Back, refresh the page, and try again."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/util.inc:497
+#: ../inc/util.inc:513
 msgid "View the profile of %1"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/util.inc:553
+#: ../inc/util.inc:569
 msgid "Use BBCode tags to format your text"
 msgstr "Du kan bruge BBCode-tags til at formatere din tekst"
-#: ../inc/util.inc:780
+#: ../inc/util.inc:796
 msgid "Project down for maintenance"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/util.inc:783
+#: ../inc/util.inc:799
 msgid "%1 is temporarily shut down for maintenance.  Please try again later."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/util.inc:801
+#: ../inc/util.inc:817
 msgid "Unable to connect to database - please try again later"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/util.inc:802
-msgid "Error:"
-msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/util.inc:806
+#: ../inc/util.inc:821
 msgid "Unable to select database - please try again later"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/util_ops.inc:136 ../user/get_passwd.php:72
+#: ../inc/util_ops.inc:109 ../user/get_passwd.php:72
 msgid "Stay logged in on this computer"
 msgstr ""
@@ -2304,21 +2300,21 @@ msgstr ""
 msgid "Finish account setup"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../user/account_finish.php:41 ../user/create_account_form.php:80
+#: ../user/account_finish.php:41 ../user/create_account_form.php:79
 msgid "Identifies you on our web site. Use your real name or a nickname."
 msgstr ""
 "Identificerer dig på vores website. Brug dit rigtige navn eller et "
-#: ../user/account_finish.php:45 ../user/create_account_form.php:99
+#: ../user/account_finish.php:45 ../user/create_account_form.php:98
 msgid "Select the country you want to represent, if any."
 msgstr "Vælg det land, om noget, du gerne vil repræsentere."
-#: ../user/account_finish.php:51 ../user/create_account_form.php:105
+#: ../user/account_finish.php:51 ../user/create_account_form.php:104
 msgid "Postal or ZIP Code"
 msgstr "Postbox (områdenummer)"
-#: ../user/account_finish.php:51 ../user/create_account_form.php:105
+#: ../user/account_finish.php:51 ../user/create_account_form.php:104
 msgid "Optional"
 msgstr "Ikke påkrævet"
@@ -2331,12 +2327,12 @@ msgstr "Du skal angive en invitationskode for at oprette en konto."
 msgid "HTML tags not allowed in name"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../user/add_venue.php:85
+#: ../user/add_venue.php:81
 msgid "Add %1 preferences for %2"
 msgstr ""
 #: ../user/apps.php:32 ../user/bs_sample_index.php:55
-#: ../user/sample_index.php:109
+#: ../user/sample_index.php:120
 msgid "Applications"
 msgstr "Applikationer"
@@ -2496,17 +2492,17 @@ msgstr "Hold"
 msgid "create or join a team"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../user/bs_sample_index.php:51 ../user/sample_index.php:180
+#: ../user/bs_sample_index.php:51 ../user/sample_index.php:191
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "User of the day"
 msgstr "Dagens Bruger"
-#: ../user/bs_sample_index.php:52 ../user/server_status.php:254
+#: ../user/bs_sample_index.php:52 ../user/server_status.php:239
 msgid "Server status"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../user/bs_sample_index.php:60 ../user/profile_menu.php:35
-#: ../user/sample_index.php:116
+#: ../user/bs_sample_index.php:60 ../user/profile_menu.php:32
+#: ../user/sample_index.php:127
 msgid "Profiles"
 msgstr "Profiler"
@@ -2543,7 +2539,7 @@ msgid "Languages"
 msgstr ""
 #: ../user/bs_sample_index.php:149 ../user/info.php:24
-#: ../user/sample_index.php:74
+#: ../user/sample_index.php:79
 msgid "Read our rules and policies"
 msgstr "Læs vores regler og politik"
@@ -2556,69 +2552,52 @@ msgstr "Opret brugerkonto"
 msgid "Click your browser's <b>Back</b> button to try again."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../user/create_account_action.php:38 ../user/create_account_action.php:40
-#: ../user/create_account_form.php:36
-msgid "Account creation is disabled"
-msgstr "Der er lukket for oprettelse af nye brugerkonti"
-#: ../user/create_account_action.php:41
-msgid ""
-"Sorry, this project has disabled the creation of new accounts.\n"
-"Please try again later."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../user/create_account_action.php:53
+#: ../user/create_account_action.php:47
 msgid "Your reCAPTCHA response was not correct. Please try again."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../user/create_account_action.php:77
+#: ../user/create_account_action.php:70
 msgid "You must supply an invitation code to create an account."
 msgstr "Du skal angive en invitationskode for at oprette en konto."
-#: ../user/create_account_action.php:80
+#: ../user/create_account_action.php:73
 msgid "The invitation code you gave is not valid."
 msgstr "Den invitationskode du angav var ikke korrekt."
-#: ../user/create_account_action.php:91
+#: ../user/create_account_action.php:84
 #, fuzzy
 msgid ""
 "Invalid email address: you must enter a valid address of the form name at domain"
 msgstr "Det skal være en gyldig adresse på formen 'navn at domain'."
-#: ../user/create_account_action.php:95
+#: ../user/create_account_action.php:88
 msgid "There's already an account with that email address."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../user/create_account_action.php:101 ../user/edit_passwd_action.php:33
+#: ../user/create_account_action.php:94 ../user/edit_passwd_action.php:33
 msgid "New passwords are different"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../user/create_account_action.php:108 ../user/edit_passwd_action.php:41
+#: ../user/create_account_action.php:101 ../user/edit_passwd_action.php:41
 msgid "Passwords may only include ASCII characters."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../user/create_account_action.php:113 ../user/edit_passwd_action.php:45
+#: ../user/create_account_action.php:106 ../user/edit_passwd_action.php:45
 msgid "New password is too short: minimum password length is %1 characters."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../user/create_account_action.php:134
+#: ../user/create_account_action.php:127
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Couldn't create account"
 msgstr "Opret brugerkonto"
-#: ../user/create_account_form.php:37
-msgid "Account creation is currently disabled. Please try again later."
-msgstr ""
-"Der er midlertidigt lukket for oprettelse af nye brugerkonto, men "
-"prøv igen senere."
-#: ../user/create_account_form.php:46
+#: ../user/create_account_form.php:44
 msgid ""
 "NOTE: If you use the BOINC Manager, don't use this form. Just run BOINC, "
 "select Add Project, and enter an email address and password."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../user/create_account_form.php:62
+#: ../user/create_account_form.php:61
 msgid ""
 "This account will belong to the team %1 and will have the project "
 "preferences of its founder."
@@ -2626,39 +2605,39 @@ msgstr ""
 "Denne brugerkonto vil blive tilmeldt holder '%1' og vil få tildelt "
 "projekt-indstillingers fra dette holds leder."
-#: ../user/create_account_form.php:74
+#: ../user/create_account_form.php:73
 msgid "Invitation Code"
 msgstr "Invitationskode"
-#: ../user/create_account_form.php:74
+#: ../user/create_account_form.php:73
 msgid "A valid invitation code is required to create an account."
 msgstr "A valid invitation code is required to create an account."
-#: ../user/create_account_form.php:84
+#: ../user/create_account_form.php:83
 msgid "Email Address"
 msgstr "Emailaddresse"
-#: ../user/create_account_form.php:84
+#: ../user/create_account_form.php:83
 msgid "Must be a valid address of the form 'name at domain'."
 msgstr "Det skal være en gyldig adresse på formen 'navn at domain'."
-#: ../user/create_account_form.php:93 ../user/edit_email_form.php:49
+#: ../user/create_account_form.php:92 ../user/edit_email_form.php:47
 msgid "Password"
 msgstr "Password"
-#: ../user/create_account_form.php:94
+#: ../user/create_account_form.php:93
 msgid "Must be at least %1 characters"
 msgstr "Skal være på mindst %1 bogstaver"
-#: ../user/create_account_form.php:97
+#: ../user/create_account_form.php:96
 msgid "Confirm password"
 msgstr "Bekræft password"
-#: ../user/create_account_form.php:114
+#: ../user/create_account_form.php:113
 msgid "Please enter the words shown in the image"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../user/create_account_form.php:120
+#: ../user/create_account_form.php:119
 msgid "Create account"
 msgstr "Opret brugerkonto"
@@ -2808,7 +2787,7 @@ msgstr ""
 #: ../user/delete_account.php:79 ../user/delete_profile.php:52
 #: ../user/donations.php:322 ../user/donations.php:326 ../user/friend.php:238
-#: ../user/prefs_remove.php:55 ../user/user_search.php:59
+#: ../user/prefs_remove.php:52 ../user/user_search.php:59
 #: ../user/user_search.php:64
 msgid "Yes"
 msgstr ""
@@ -3024,26 +3003,26 @@ msgstr ""
 "Der er midlertidigt lukket for oprettelse af nye brugerkonto, men "
 "prøv igen senere."
-#: ../user/edit_email_form.php:29 ../user/edit_email_form.php:53
+#: ../user/edit_email_form.php:27 ../user/edit_email_form.php:51
 msgid "Change email address"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../user/edit_email_form.php:38
+#: ../user/edit_email_form.php:36
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Change the email address of your account"
 msgstr "emailaddresse"
-#: ../user/edit_email_form.php:39
+#: ../user/edit_email_form.php:37
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "New email address"
 msgstr "emailaddresse"
-#: ../user/edit_email_form.php:40
+#: ../user/edit_email_form.php:38
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Must be a valid address of the form 'name at domain'"
 msgstr "Det skal være en gyldig adresse på formen 'navn at domain'."
-#: ../user/edit_email_form.php:50
+#: ../user/edit_email_form.php:48
 msgid "No password?"
 msgstr ""
@@ -3265,8 +3244,8 @@ msgstr ""
 msgid "Invalid password"
 msgstr "Bekræft password"
-#: ../user/edit_passwd_action.php:63 ../user/edit_passwd_form.php:28
-#: ../user/edit_passwd_form.php:58
+#: ../user/edit_passwd_action.php:63 ../user/edit_passwd_form.php:25
+#: ../user/edit_passwd_form.php:55
 msgid "Change password"
 msgstr ""
@@ -3284,36 +3263,36 @@ msgstr ""
 "Der er midlertidigt lukket for oprettelse af nye brugerkonto, men "
 "prøv igen senere."
-#: ../user/edit_passwd_form.php:42
+#: ../user/edit_passwd_form.php:39
 msgid "You can identify yourself using either"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../user/edit_passwd_form.php:44
+#: ../user/edit_passwd_form.php:41
 msgid "your email address and old password"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../user/edit_passwd_form.php:45
+#: ../user/edit_passwd_form.php:42
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "your account key"
 msgstr "Svag kontonøgle"
-#: ../user/edit_passwd_form.php:49
+#: ../user/edit_passwd_form.php:46
 msgid "Current password"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../user/edit_passwd_form.php:51
+#: ../user/edit_passwd_form.php:48
 msgid "<b>OR</b>: Account key"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../user/edit_passwd_form.php:52
+#: ../user/edit_passwd_form.php:49
 msgid "Get account key by email"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../user/edit_passwd_form.php:56
+#: ../user/edit_passwd_form.php:53
 msgid "New password"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../user/edit_passwd_form.php:57
+#: ../user/edit_passwd_form.php:54
 msgid "New password, again"
 msgstr ""
@@ -3330,24 +3309,24 @@ msgstr "Du skal angive en invitationskode for at oprette en konto."
 msgid "Couldn't update user info."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../user/edit_user_info_form.php:29
+#: ../user/edit_user_info_form.php:27
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Edit account information"
 msgstr "Konto-information"
-#: ../user/edit_user_info_form.php:34
+#: ../user/edit_user_info_form.php:32
 msgid "Name %1 real name or nickname%2"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../user/edit_user_info_form.php:37
+#: ../user/edit_user_info_form.php:35
 msgid "URL %1 of your web page; optional%2"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../user/edit_user_info_form.php:45
+#: ../user/edit_user_info_form.php:43
 msgid "Postal (ZIP) code %1 Optional%2"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../user/edit_user_info_form.php:49
+#: ../user/edit_user_info_form.php:47
 msgid "Update info"
 msgstr ""
@@ -3548,51 +3527,51 @@ msgid ""
 "1return to the form%2 and enter them."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../user/ffmail_form.php:31
+#: ../user/ffmail_form.php:30
 msgid ""
-"This project hasn\\'t created an email message - please notify its "
+"This project hasn't created an email message - please notify its "
 msgstr ""
-#: ../user/ffmail_form.php:34
+#: ../user/ffmail_form.php:33
 msgid "Tell your friends about %1"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../user/ffmail_form.php:38
+#: ../user/ffmail_form.php:37
 msgid "Help us by telling your friends, family and coworkers about %1"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../user/ffmail_form.php:40
+#: ../user/ffmail_form.php:39
 msgid ""
 "Fill in this form with the names and email addresses of people you think "
 "might be interested in %1. We'll send them an email in your name, and you "
 "can add your own message if you like."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../user/ffmail_form.php:43
+#: ../user/ffmail_form.php:42
 msgid "Your name:"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../user/ffmail_form.php:43
+#: ../user/ffmail_form.php:42
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Your email address:"
 msgstr "emailaddresse"
-#: ../user/ffmail_form.php:49
+#: ../user/ffmail_form.php:48
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Friend's name:"
 msgstr "Venner"
-#: ../user/ffmail_form.php:49
+#: ../user/ffmail_form.php:48
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Friend's email address:"
 msgstr "emailaddresse"
-#: ../user/ffmail_form.php:57
+#: ../user/ffmail_form.php:56
 msgid "Additional message (optional)"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../user/ffmail_form.php:60
+#: ../user/ffmail_form.php:59
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Send"
 msgstr "Afsender"
@@ -4636,53 +4615,49 @@ msgstr ""
 msgid "If you have not already done so, %1download BOINC client software%2."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../user/host_app_versions.php:26
-msgid "nvidia GPU"
-msgstr ""
-#: ../user/host_app_versions.php:36
+#: ../user/host_app_versions.php:37
 msgid "Anonymous platform, missing app"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../user/host_app_versions.php:39
+#: ../user/host_app_versions.php:40
 msgid "anonymous platform"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../user/host_app_versions.php:42
+#: ../user/host_app_versions.php:43
 msgid "Missing app version"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../user/host_app_versions.php:44
+#: ../user/host_app_versions.php:45
 msgid "Missing app"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../user/host_app_versions.php:46
+#: ../user/host_app_versions.php:47
 msgid "Missing platform"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../user/host_app_versions.php:55
+#: ../user/host_app_versions.php:56
 msgid "Number of tasks completed"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../user/host_app_versions.php:56
+#: ../user/host_app_versions.php:57
 msgid "Max tasks per day"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../user/host_app_versions.php:57
+#: ../user/host_app_versions.php:58
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Number of tasks today"
 msgstr "Dagens Bruger"
-#: ../user/host_app_versions.php:58
+#: ../user/host_app_versions.php:59
 msgid "Consecutive valid tasks"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../user/host_app_versions.php:62
+#: ../user/host_app_versions.php:63
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Average processing rate"
 msgstr "Løbende gennemsnit"
-#: ../user/host_app_versions.php:71
+#: ../user/host_app_versions.php:72
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Application details for host %1"
 msgstr "Applikationer"
@@ -5086,37 +5061,37 @@ msgstr "Emailaddresse"
 msgid "forgot email address?"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../user/login_form.php:47
+#: ../user/login_form.php:48
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Password:"
 msgstr "Password"
-#: ../user/login_form.php:47
+#: ../user/login_form.php:48
 msgid "forgot password?"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../user/login_form.php:50
+#: ../user/login_form.php:51
 msgid "Stay logged in"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../user/login_form.php:56
+#: ../user/login_form.php:62
 msgid "or %1create an account%2."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../user/merge_by_name.php:33
+#: ../user/merge_by_name.php:31
 msgid "Processing %1"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../user/merge_by_name.php:45
+#: ../user/merge_by_name.php:43
 msgid "Merged %1 into %2"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../user/merge_by_name.php:74
+#: ../user/merge_by_name.php:72
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Return to the list of your computers"
 msgstr "Kør kun %1 på computere hvor du har lov til det"
-#: ../user/merge_by_name.php:78
+#: ../user/merge_by_name.php:76
 msgid ""
 "This operation merges computers based on their domain name.\n"
 "        <p>\n"
@@ -5126,11 +5101,11 @@ msgid ""
 "        <p>"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../user/merge_by_name.php:84
+#: ../user/merge_by_name.php:82
 msgid "Go ahead and do this"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../user/merge_by_name.php:85
+#: ../user/merge_by_name.php:83
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Return to the list of computers"
 msgstr "Kør kun %1 på computere hvor du har lov til det"
@@ -5345,14 +5320,14 @@ msgstr "For at genåbne adgangen, besø %1forum-indstillingerne%2"
 msgid "Unknown action"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../user/prefs.php:35
+#: ../user/prefs.php:32
 msgid ""
 "Your preferences have been updated, and\n"
 "          will take effect when your computer communicates with %1\n"
 "          or you issue the %2Update%3 command from the BOINC Manager."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../user/prefs.php:44
+#: ../user/prefs.php:41
 msgid ""
 "Your preferences have been reset to the defaults, and\n"
 "          will take effect when your computer communicates with %1\n"
@@ -5367,24 +5342,24 @@ msgstr ""
 msgid "Back to preferences"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../user/prefs_remove.php:48
+#: ../user/prefs_remove.php:45
 msgid "Confirm delete preferences"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../user/prefs_remove.php:51
+#: ../user/prefs_remove.php:48
 msgid "Are you sure you want to delete your separate %1 preferences for %2?"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../user/prefs_remove.php:55
+#: ../user/prefs_remove.php:52
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Remove preferences"
 msgstr "%1-indstillinger"
-#: ../user/prefs_remove.php:57
+#: ../user/prefs_remove.php:54
 msgid "Cancel"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../user/profile_menu.php:38
+#: ../user/profile_menu.php:35
 msgid ""
 "%1Profiles%2 let individuals share backgrounds and opinions with the %3 "
@@ -5392,7 +5367,7 @@ msgstr ""
 "%1Profiler%2 lader brugere dele deres baggrund og synspunkter med andre %"
-#: ../user/profile_menu.php:39
+#: ../user/profile_menu.php:36
 msgid ""
 "Explore the diversity of your fellow volunteers, and contribute your own "
 "views for others to enjoy."
@@ -5400,7 +5375,7 @@ msgstr ""
 "Udforsk mangfoldigheden blandt de andre deltagere - og bidrag med dine egne "
 "synspunkter og holdninger"
-#: ../user/profile_menu.php:40
+#: ../user/profile_menu.php:37
 msgid ""
 "If you haven't already, you can %1create your own user profile%2 for others "
 "to see!"
@@ -5408,23 +5383,23 @@ msgstr ""
 "Hvis du ikke allere har gjort det kan du %1oprette din egen profil%2 "
 "så andre kan se den!"
-#: ../user/profile_menu.php:45
+#: ../user/profile_menu.php:42
 msgid "User of the Day"
 msgstr "Dagens Bruger"
-#: ../user/profile_menu.php:58
+#: ../user/profile_menu.php:57
 msgid "User Profile Explorer"
 msgstr "Bruger-profil Visning"
-#: ../user/profile_menu.php:61
+#: ../user/profile_menu.php:60
 msgid "View the %1User Picture Gallery%2."
 msgstr "Se %1Brugernes Billedgalleri%2."
-#: ../user/profile_menu.php:62
+#: ../user/profile_menu.php:61
 msgid "Browse profiles %1by country%2."
 msgstr "Gennemse profiler sortered %1efter land%2."
-#: ../user/profile_menu.php:63
+#: ../user/profile_menu.php:62
 msgid ""
 "Browse profiles %1at random%2, %3at random with pictures%2, or %4at random "
 "without pictures%2."
@@ -5432,19 +5407,19 @@ msgstr ""
 "Gennemse profiler %1tilfældigt%2, %3tilfældigt med billeder%2, "
 "or %4tilfældigt uden billeder%2."
-#: ../user/profile_menu.php:67
+#: ../user/profile_menu.php:66
 msgid "Alphabetical profile listings:"
 msgstr "Alfabetisk profilliste:"
-#: ../user/profile_menu.php:73
+#: ../user/profile_menu.php:72
 msgid "Search profile text"
 msgstr "Søg i profil-teksten"
-#: ../user/profile_menu.php:99
+#: ../user/profile_menu.php:98
 msgid "No profiles"
 msgstr "Ingen profiler"
-#: ../user/profile_menu.php:100
+#: ../user/profile_menu.php:99
 msgid "No profiles matched your query."
 msgstr "Ingen profiler passede med din søgning."
@@ -5530,136 +5505,136 @@ msgstr ""
 msgid "Disabled"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../user/server_status.php:246
+#: ../user/server_status.php:231
 msgid "Project status"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../user/server_status.php:248
+#: ../user/server_status.php:233
 msgid "Server software version: %1"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../user/server_status.php:256
+#: ../user/server_status.php:241
 msgid "Program"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../user/server_status.php:256
+#: ../user/server_status.php:241
 msgid "Host"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../user/server_status.php:267
+#: ../user/server_status.php:252
 msgid "data-driven web pages"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../user/server_status.php:273
+#: ../user/server_status.php:258
 msgid "upload/download server"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../user/server_status.php:276
+#: ../user/server_status.php:261
 msgid "scheduler"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../user/server_status.php:309
+#: ../user/server_status.php:294
 msgid "Running:"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../user/server_status.php:310
+#: ../user/server_status.php:295
 msgid "Program is operating normally"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../user/server_status.php:311
+#: ../user/server_status.php:296
 msgid "Not Running:"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../user/server_status.php:312
+#: ../user/server_status.php:297
 msgid "Program failed or the project is down"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../user/server_status.php:313
+#: ../user/server_status.php:298
 msgid "Disabled:"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../user/server_status.php:314
+#: ../user/server_status.php:299
 msgid "Program is disabled"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../user/server_status.php:318
+#: ../user/server_status.php:303
 msgid "Computing status"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../user/server_status.php:324
+#: ../user/server_status.php:309
 msgid "The database server is not accessible"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../user/server_status.php:341
+#: ../user/server_status.php:326
 msgid "Tasks ready to send"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../user/server_status.php:346 ../user/workunit.php:55
+#: ../user/server_status.php:331 ../user/workunit.php:55
 msgid "Tasks in progress"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../user/server_status.php:351
+#: ../user/server_status.php:336
 msgid "Workunits waiting for validation"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../user/server_status.php:356
+#: ../user/server_status.php:341
 msgid "Workunits waiting for assimilation"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../user/server_status.php:361
+#: ../user/server_status.php:346
 msgid "Workunits waiting for file deletion"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../user/server_status.php:366
+#: ../user/server_status.php:351
 msgid "Tasks waiting for file deletion"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../user/server_status.php:383
+#: ../user/server_status.php:367
 msgid "Transitioner backlog (hours)"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../user/server_status.php:390
+#: ../user/server_status.php:374
 msgid "Users"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../user/server_status.php:393 ../user/server_status.php:411
+#: ../user/server_status.php:377 ../user/server_status.php:395
 msgid "with recent credit"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../user/server_status.php:398 ../user/server_status.php:416
+#: ../user/server_status.php:382 ../user/server_status.php:400
 msgid "with credit"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../user/server_status.php:403 ../user/server_status.php:421
+#: ../user/server_status.php:387 ../user/server_status.php:405
 msgid "registered in past 24 hours"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../user/server_status.php:427
+#: ../user/server_status.php:411
 msgid "current GigaFLOPs"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../user/server_status.php:436
+#: ../user/server_status.php:420
 msgid "Tasks by application"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../user/server_status.php:439 ../user/workunit.php:40
+#: ../user/server_status.php:423 ../user/workunit.php:40
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "application"
 msgstr "Applikationer"
-#: ../user/server_status.php:440
+#: ../user/server_status.php:424
 msgid "unsent"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../user/server_status.php:441
+#: ../user/server_status.php:425
 msgid "in progress"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../user/server_status.php:442
+#: ../user/server_status.php:426
 msgid "avg runtime of last 100 results in h (min-max)"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../user/server_status.php:443
+#: ../user/server_status.php:427
 msgid "users in last 24h"
 msgstr ""
@@ -5839,7 +5814,7 @@ msgid "Couldn't add admin"
 msgstr ""
 #: ../user/team_admins.php:111 ../user/team_manage.php:85
-#: ../user/team_quit_form.php:30 ../user/team_remove_inactive_action.php:28
+#: ../user/team_quit_form.php:28 ../user/team_remove_inactive_action.php:28
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "No such team"
 msgstr "Holdet findes ikke."
@@ -5910,6 +5885,10 @@ msgstr ""
 msgid "Change founder"
 msgstr ""
+#: ../user/team_change_founder_form.php:108
+msgid "There are no users to transfer team to."
+msgstr ""
 #: ../user/team_create_action.php:29
 msgid "You must choose a non-blank team name"
 msgstr ""
@@ -6195,7 +6174,7 @@ msgid ""
 msgstr ""
 #: ../user/team_join.php:32 ../user/team_join_action.php:32
-#: ../user/team_join_form.php:31
+#: ../user/team_join_form.php:29
 msgid "The team %1 is not joinable."
 msgstr ""
@@ -6219,23 +6198,23 @@ msgstr ""
 msgid "You have joined %1."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../user/team_join_form.php:34
+#: ../user/team_join_form.php:32
 msgid "Join %1"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../user/team_join_form.php:35
+#: ../user/team_join_form.php:33
 msgid "Please note:"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../user/team_join_form.php:37
+#: ../user/team_join_form.php:35
 msgid "Joining a team gives its founder access to your email address."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../user/team_join_form.php:38
+#: ../user/team_join_form.php:36
 msgid "Joining a team does not affect your account's credit."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../user/team_join_form.php:45
+#: ../user/team_join_form.php:43
 msgid "Join team"
 msgstr ""
@@ -6371,19 +6350,19 @@ msgstr ""
 msgid "Members of %1"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../user/team_quit_action.php:34
+#: ../user/team_quit_action.php:32
 msgid "Unable to quit team"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../user/team_quit_action.php:35
+#: ../user/team_quit_action.php:33
 msgid "Team doesn't exist, or you don't belong to it."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../user/team_quit_form.php:33
+#: ../user/team_quit_form.php:31
 msgid "Quit %1"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../user/team_quit_form.php:34
+#: ../user/team_quit_form.php:32
 msgid ""
 "<strong>Please note before quitting a team:</strong>\n"
 "         <ul>\n"
@@ -6394,7 +6373,7 @@ msgid ""
 "         </ul>"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../user/team_quit_form.php:42
+#: ../user/team_quit_form.php:40
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Quit Team"
 msgstr "Forlad holdet"
@@ -6784,6 +6763,14 @@ msgstr ""
 msgid "(all applications)"
 msgstr ""
+#~ msgid "Account creation is disabled"
+#~ msgstr "Der er lukket for oprettelse af nye brugerkonti"
+#~ msgid "Account creation is currently disabled. Please try again later."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Der er midlertidigt lukket for oprettelse af nye brugerkonto, men "
+#~ "prøv igen senere."
 #, fuzzy
 #~ msgid "No such task"
 #~ msgstr "Holdet findes ikke."
diff --git a/html/languages/translations/ja.po b/html/languages/translations/ja.po
index 7378ca2..962d68e 100644
--- a/html/languages/translations/ja.po
+++ b/html/languages/translations/ja.po
@@ -7,17 +7,18 @@ msgstr ""
 "Project-Id-Version: \n"
 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: BOINC translation team <boinc_loc at boinc.berkeley.edu>\n"
 "POT-Creation-Date: 2014-01-10 00:00 PST\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-03-16 11:43+0200\n"
-"Last-Translator: Kai <www.carrotsoft at gmail.com>\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-10-28 15:20+0000\n"
+"Last-Translator: Anonymous Pootle User\n"
 "Language-Team: \n"
 "Language: ja\n"
 "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
 "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
 "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
 "Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\n"
-"X-Generator: Pootle 2.1.6\n"
+"X-Generator: Pootle 2.5.0\n"
 "X-Poedit-SourceCharset: utf-8\n"
 "X-BOINC-UTF8-Marker: 日本語\n"
+"X-POOTLE-MTIME: 1382973625.0\n"
 # The name of this language in this language
@@ -1208,8 +1209,9 @@ msgid "Use NVIDIA GPU %1 Enforced by version 6.10+ %2"
 msgstr "NVIDIA GPU を計算に使うか %1 Version 6.10以降で有効 %2"
 #: ../inc/prefs.inc:344
+#, fuzzy
 msgid "Use Intel GPU %1 Enforced by version 7.2+ %2"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "ATI GPU を計算に使うか %1 Version 6.10以降で有効 %2"
 #: ../inc/prefs.inc:358
 msgid ""
@@ -1759,8 +1761,9 @@ msgid "State"
 msgstr "状態"
 #: ../inc/result.inc:747
+#, fuzzy
 msgid "Task name:"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "タスク名"
 #: ../inc/team.inc:40
 msgid "Search criteria (use one or more)"
@@ -2114,8 +2117,9 @@ msgid "Used in community functions"
 msgstr "コミュニティ機能の中で使われる ID です"
 #: ../inc/user.inc:216 ../user/weak_auth.php:25
+#, fuzzy
 msgid "Account keys"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "アカウント・キー"
 #: ../inc/user.inc:221
 msgid "Preferences"
@@ -2564,8 +2568,9 @@ msgid "Top GPU models"
 msgstr ""
 #: ../user/bs_sample_index.php:70
+#, fuzzy
 msgid "Languages"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "言語"
 # #######################################
 # Rules and Policies page (info.php)
diff --git a/html/languages/translations/ko.po b/html/languages/translations/ko.po
index a47d70e..114f787 100644
--- a/html/languages/translations/ko.po
+++ b/html/languages/translations/ko.po
@@ -1,21 +1,26 @@
+# BOINC web translation
+# Copyright (C) 2008 University of California
+# This file is distributed under the same license as BOINC.
+# FileID  : $Id$
 msgid ""
 msgstr ""
 "Project-Id-Version: 2013/12/3\n"
 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: BOINC translation team <boinc_loc at boinc.berkeley.edu>\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2013-12-17 00:00 PST\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-12-18 14:45+0900\n"
-"Last-Translator: Lee Kangsan <treppolse at gmail.com>\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-01-10 00:00 PST\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2014-07-27 06:45+0000\n"
+"Last-Translator: Kangsan Lee <treppolse at gmail.com>\n"
 "Language-Team: SETIKAH at KOREA\n"
 "Language: ko\n"
 "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
 "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
 "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
 "Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\n"
-"X-Generator: Poedit 1.5.7\n"
-"X-Poedit-SourceCharset: UTF-8\n"
-"X-Poedit-Basepath: C:\\Src\\BOINCSVN\\trunk\\boinc\n"
+"X-Generator: Pootle 2.5.0\n"
+"X-Poedit-SourceCharset: utf-8\n"
 "X-BOINC-UTF8-Marker: 简体中文, 日本語\n"
 "X-Poedit-SearchPath-0: html\\user\n"
+"X-Poedit-Basepath: C:\\Src\\BOINCSVN\\trunk\\boinc\n"
+"X-POOTLE-MTIME: 1406443547.0\n"
 # The name of this language in this language
@@ -70,9 +75,7 @@ msgstr "글씨 색상"
 #: ../inc/bbcode_html.inc:43
 msgid ""
 "Font color: [color=red]text[/color]  Tip: you can also use color=#FF0000"
-msgstr ""
-"글씨 색상: [color=red]text[/color]  팁: 또한 컬러 코드(=#FF0000)도 사용할 수 "
+msgstr "글씨 색상: [color=red]text[/color]  팁: 또한 컬러 코드(=#FF0000)도 사용할 수 있습니다"
 #: ../inc/bbcode_html.inc:44 ../inc/bbcode_html.inc:59 ../inc/prefs.inc:638
 msgid "Default"
@@ -190,7 +193,7 @@ msgstr "포럼 검색"
 msgid "Advanced search"
 msgstr "고급 검색"
-#: ../inc/forum.inc:132 ../inc/user.inc:252 ../user/pm.php:69
+#: ../inc/forum.inc:132 ../inc/user.inc:253 ../user/pm.php:69
 #: ../user/pm.php:133
 msgid "Private messages"
 msgstr "쪽지"
@@ -200,8 +203,8 @@ msgstr "쪽지"
 msgid "Questions and Answers"
 msgstr "질문과 답변"
-#: ../inc/forum.inc:151 ../inc/forum.inc:183 ../inc/user.inc:249
-#: ../inc/user.inc:374 ../user/bs_sample_index.php:62
+#: ../inc/forum.inc:151 ../inc/forum.inc:183 ../inc/user.inc:250
+#: ../inc/user.inc:375 ../user/bs_sample_index.php:62
 #: ../user/forum_forum.php:73 ../user/sample_index.php:129
 #: ../project.sample/project.inc:43
 msgid "Message boards"
@@ -267,7 +270,7 @@ msgstr "읽지 않음"
 msgid "Message %1"
 msgstr "메세지 %1"
-#: ../inc/forum.inc:624 ../inc/user.inc:330 ../user/forum_forum.php:174
+#: ../inc/forum.inc:624 ../inc/user.inc:331 ../user/forum_forum.php:174
 msgid "hidden"
 msgstr "숨김"
@@ -293,11 +296,9 @@ msgstr "마지막 수정: %1"
 #: ../inc/forum.inc:640
 msgid ""
-"This post is not shown because the sender is on your 'ignore' list.  Click "
-"%1here%2 to view this post"
-msgstr ""
-"작성자가 '무시' 목록에 있으므로 이 포스트를 보여주지 않습니다. 이 포스트를 보"
-"려면 %1여기%2를 누르세요"
+"This post is not shown because the sender is on your 'ignore' list.  Click %"
+"1here%2 to view this post"
+msgstr "작성자가 '무시' 목록에 있으므로 이 포스트를 보여주지 않습니다. 이 포스트를 보려면 %1여기%2를 누르세요"
 #: ../inc/forum.inc:668 ../inc/forum.inc:679
 msgid "Report this post as offensive"
@@ -448,8 +449,7 @@ msgid ""
 "In order to create a new thread in %1 you must have a certain amount of "
 "credit. This is to prevent and protect against abuse of the system."
 msgstr ""
-"%1에 새로운 스레드를 만들려면 여러분은 크레딧을 어느 정도 가지고 있어야 합니"
-"다. 이 것은 시스템 남용을 막으면서 보호해줍니다. "
+"%1에 새로운 스레드를 만들려면 여러분은 크레딧을 어느 정도 가지고 있어야 합니다. 이 것은 시스템 남용을 막으면서 보호해줍니다. "
 #: ../inc/forum.inc:1133
 msgid ""
@@ -457,17 +457,14 @@ msgid ""
 "trying again. This delay has been enforced to protect against abuse of the "
 msgstr ""
-"지금은 더 이상 새로운 스레드를 만들 수 없습니다. 다시 시도하시기 전에 잠시 기"
-"다려주십시오. 이러한 지연은 시스템을 남용으로부터 보호하기 위해서 시행하고 있"
+"지금은 더 이상 새로운 스레드를 만들 수 없습니다. 다시 시도하시기 전에 잠시 기다려주십시오. 이러한 지연은 시스템을 남용으로부터 "
+"보호하기 위해서 시행하고 있습니다."
 #: ../inc/forum.inc:1140
 msgid ""
 "This thread is locked. Only forum moderators and administrators are allowed "
 "to post there."
-msgstr ""
-"이 스레드는 잠겼습니다. 오직 포럼 관리자와 운영자만 여기에 글을 쓸 수 있습니"
+msgstr "이 스레드는 잠겼습니다. 오직 포럼 관리자와 운영자만 여기에 글을 쓸 수 있습니다."
 #: ../inc/forum.inc:1145
 msgid "Can't post to a hidden thread."
@@ -477,7 +474,7 @@ msgstr "숨겨진 스레드에 글을 쓸 수 없습니다."
 msgid "Thread"
 msgstr "스레드"
-#: ../inc/forum.inc:1174 ../inc/team.inc:127 ../user/forum_forum.php:136
+#: ../inc/forum.inc:1174 ../inc/team.inc:128 ../user/forum_forum.php:136
 #: ../user/forum_index.php:94
 msgid "Posts"
 msgstr "포스트"
@@ -486,7 +483,7 @@ msgstr "포스트"
 msgid "Views"
 msgstr "보기"
-#: ../inc/forum.inc:1177 ../inc/team.inc:127 ../user/forum_forum.php:139
+#: ../inc/forum.inc:1177 ../inc/team.inc:128 ../user/forum_forum.php:139
 #: ../user/forum_help_desk.php:46 ../user/forum_index.php:95
 msgid "Last post"
 msgstr "마지막 포스트"
@@ -524,7 +521,7 @@ msgid "Home"
 msgstr "집"
 #: ../inc/host.inc:57 ../inc/prefs.inc:641 ../inc/prefs.inc:1049
-#: ../user/server_status.php:329
+#: ../user/server_status.php:314
 msgid "Work"
 msgstr "직장"
@@ -590,9 +587,9 @@ msgid "Created"
 msgstr "생성 시각"
 #: ../inc/host.inc:113 ../inc/host.inc:226 ../inc/host.inc:231
-#: ../inc/host.inc:681 ../inc/team.inc:101 ../inc/team.inc:214
-#: ../inc/team.inc:219 ../inc/team.inc:221 ../inc/team.inc:363
-#: ../inc/team.inc:368 ../inc/user.inc:125 ../inc/user.inc:138
+#: ../inc/host.inc:681 ../inc/team.inc:101 ../inc/team.inc:215
+#: ../inc/team.inc:220 ../inc/team.inc:222 ../inc/team.inc:364
+#: ../inc/team.inc:369 ../inc/user.inc:125 ../inc/user.inc:138
 #: ../user/profile_search_action.php:43
 #: ../user/team_change_founder_form.php:78 ../user/team_email_list.php:64
 #: ../user/team_remove_inactive_form.php:41 ../user/top_users.php:54
@@ -768,7 +765,7 @@ msgstr "마지막 통신"
 msgid "Computer info"
 msgstr "컴퓨터 정보"
-#: ../inc/host.inc:221 ../inc/host.inc:676 ../inc/team.inc:356
+#: ../inc/host.inc:221 ../inc/host.inc:676 ../inc/team.inc:357
 #: ../user/top_users.php:48
 msgid "Rank"
 msgstr "순위"
@@ -777,9 +774,9 @@ msgstr "순위"
 msgid "Avg. credit"
 msgstr "평균 크레딧"
-#: ../inc/host.inc:230 ../inc/team.inc:102 ../inc/team.inc:215
-#: ../inc/team.inc:224 ../inc/team.inc:226 ../inc/team.inc:362
-#: ../inc/team.inc:367 ../inc/user.inc:139
+#: ../inc/host.inc:230 ../inc/team.inc:102 ../inc/team.inc:216
+#: ../inc/team.inc:225 ../inc/team.inc:227 ../inc/team.inc:363
+#: ../inc/team.inc:368 ../inc/user.inc:139
 #: ../user/team_change_founder_form.php:79 ../user/team_email_list.php:64
 #: ../user/team_remove_inactive_form.php:42 ../user/top_users.php:53
 #: ../user/top_users.php:58
@@ -867,8 +864,8 @@ msgstr "최근 30일동안 활동한 컴퓨터만 보기"
 msgid "Computer ID"
 msgstr "컴퓨터 ID"
-#: ../inc/host.inc:669 ../inc/result.inc:628 ../inc/team.inc:209
-#: ../inc/team.inc:357 ../inc/user.inc:199 ../user/account_finish.php:41
+#: ../inc/host.inc:669 ../inc/result.inc:628 ../inc/team.inc:210
+#: ../inc/team.inc:358 ../inc/user.inc:199 ../user/account_finish.php:41
 #: ../user/create_account_form.php:79 ../user/team_admins.php:62
 #: ../user/team_change_founder_form.php:77 ../user/team_email_list.php:64
 #: ../user/top_users.php:49 ../user/user_search.php:139
@@ -904,7 +901,7 @@ msgstr "목록"
 msgid "Write"
 msgstr "쓰기"
-#: ../inc/pm.inc:33 ../inc/user.inc:377
+#: ../inc/pm.inc:33 ../inc/user.inc:378
 msgid "Send private message"
 msgstr "쪽지 보내기"
@@ -954,9 +951,7 @@ msgstr "글을 작성할 수 없습니다"
 msgid ""
 "You are not allowed to send privates messages so often. Please wait some "
 "time before sending more messages."
-msgstr ""
-"쪽지를 일정 시간 안에 일정량 이상 보낼 수 없습니다. 새로운 쪽지를 보내실려면 "
-"일정시간 기다리셔야 합니다."
+msgstr "쪽지를 일정 시간 안에 일정량 이상 보낼 수 없습니다. 새로운 쪽지를 보내실려면 일정시간 기다리셔야 합니다."
 #: ../inc/pm.inc:176 ../user/forum_forum.php:186
 msgid "unread"
@@ -974,9 +969,7 @@ msgstr "쪽지"
 msgid ""
 "Suspend work while computer is on battery power? %1 Matters only for "
 "portable computers %2"
-msgstr ""
-"컴퓨터가 배터리로 작동할때 작업을 일시중지할까요? %1 휴대용 컴퓨터에만 해당됩"
-"니다 %2"
+msgstr "컴퓨터가 배터리로 작동할때 작업을 일시중지할까요? %1 휴대용 컴퓨터에만 해당됩니다 %2"
 #: ../inc/prefs.inc:85
 msgid "Suspend work while computer is in use?"
@@ -985,8 +978,7 @@ msgstr "컴퓨터가 사용 중일 동안 작업을 일시중지할까요?"
 #: ../inc/prefs.inc:91
 msgid ""
 "Suspend GPU work while computer is in use? %1 Enforced by version 6.6.21+ %2"
-msgstr ""
-"컴퓨터가 사용 중일 동안 GPU 작업을 일시중지할까요? .6.21 이상 버전 필요%2"
+msgstr "컴퓨터가 사용 중일 동안 GPU 작업을 일시중지할까요? .6.21 이상 버전 필요%2"
 #: ../inc/prefs.inc:99
 msgid "'In use' means mouse/keyboard activity in last"
@@ -1000,17 +992,13 @@ msgstr "분"
 msgid ""
 "Suspend work if no mouse/keyboard activity in last %1 Needed to enter low-"
 "power mode on some computers %2"
-msgstr ""
-"마우스/키보드 입력이 다음 시간 동안 없으면 작업 일시중지 %1 특정 컴퓨터에서 "
-"저전력 모드로 들어가려면 필요합니다 %2"
+msgstr "마우스/키보드 입력이 다음 시간 동안 없으면 작업 일시중지 %1 특정 컴퓨터에서 저전력 모드로 들어가려면 필요합니다 %2"
 #: ../inc/prefs.inc:114
 msgid ""
 "Suspend work when non-BOINC CPU usage is above %1 0 means no "
 "restriction<br>Enforced by version 6.10.30+ %2"
-msgstr ""
-"비 BOINC CPU 사용량이 다음보다 높으면 작업 일시중지 %1 0은 무제한을 뜻합니다"
-"<br>6.10.30이상 버전 필요 %2"
+msgstr "비 BOINC CPU 사용량이 다음보다 높으면 작업 일시중지 %1 0은 무제한을 뜻합니다<br>6.10.30이상 버전 필요 %2"
 #: ../inc/prefs.inc:122
 msgid "Do work only between the hours of %1 No restriction if equal %2"
@@ -1020,9 +1008,7 @@ msgstr "이 시간 사이에만 작업 실행 %1 똑같으면 제한 없음 %2"
 msgid ""
 "Leave tasks in memory while suspended? %1 Suspended tasks will consume swap "
 "space if 'yes' %2"
-msgstr ""
-"일시중지 시에도 태스크를 메모리에 남겨둘까요? %1 '네'일 경우 일시중지된 태스"
-"크는 스왑영역을 차지합니다 %2"
+msgstr "일시중지 시에도 태스크를 메모리에 남겨둘까요? %1 '네'일 경우 일시중지된 태스크는 스왑영역을 차지합니다 %2"
 #: ../inc/prefs.inc:139
 msgid "Switch between tasks every %1 Recommended: 60 minutes %2"
@@ -1109,8 +1095,7 @@ msgstr "... 추가적으로 유지할 태스크"
 msgid ""
 "Confirm before connecting to Internet? %1 Matters only if you have a modem, "
 "ISDN or VPN connection %2"
-msgstr ""
-"인터넷에 연결시 확인하시겠습니까? %1 모뎀, ISDN, VPN 연결에만 해당됩니다 %2"
+msgstr "인터넷에 연결시 확인하시겠습니까? %1 모뎀, ISDN, VPN 연결에만 해당됩니다 %2"
 #: ../inc/prefs.inc:241
 msgid ""
@@ -1148,9 +1133,8 @@ msgid ""
 "modifies image files (UMTS does this, for example). %2 Skipping verification "
 "reduces the security of BOINC. %3"
 msgstr ""
-"이미지 파일 검증을 건너뛸까요? %1 인터넷 제공자가 이미지 파일을 변경할 경우에"
-"만 체크하세요 (대표적으로 UMTS). %2 검증을 건너뛰게 되면 BOINC의 보안이 감소"
-"하게 됩니다. %3"
+"이미지 파일 검증을 건너뛸까요? %1 인터넷 제공자가 이미지 파일을 변경할 경우에만 체크하세요 (대표적으로 UMTS). %2 검증을 "
+"건너뛰게 되면 BOINC의 보안이 감소하게 됩니다. %3"
 #: ../inc/prefs.inc:287
 msgid ""
@@ -1159,9 +1143,8 @@ msgid ""
 "with resource shares of 100 and 200, the first will get 1/3 of your "
 "resources and the second will get 2/3. %2"
 msgstr ""
-"자원 공유 %1 이 프로젝트에서 사용할 자원 배분치를 결정하세요. 예: 여러분이 각"
-"각 100과 200의 자원을 공유하기로 한 BOINC 프로젝트에 참여하고 계시면 첫 번째"
-"는 1/3의 자원을 쓰게 되고, 두 번째는 2/3를 쓰게 됩니다. %2"
+"자원 공유 %1 이 프로젝트에서 사용할 자원 배분치를 결정하세요. 예: 여러분이 각각 100과 200의 자원을 공유하기로 한 BOINC "
+"프로젝트에 참여하고 계시면 첫 번째는 1/3의 자원을 쓰게 되고, 두 번째는 2/3를 쓰게 됩니다. %2"
 #: ../inc/prefs.inc:298
 msgid "Accelerate GPU tasks by dedicating a CPU to each one?"
@@ -1187,15 +1170,12 @@ msgstr "Intel GPU 사용 %1 7.2 이상 버전이 필요 %2"
 msgid ""
 "Run test applications? %1 This helps us develop applications, but may cause "
 "jobs to fail on your computer %2"
-msgstr ""
-"테스트 프로그램을 실행할까요? %1 이는 프로그램 개발에 도움을 주지만, 해당 컴"
-"퓨터에서 실행에 실패할 수도 있습니다 %2"
+msgstr "테스트 프로그램을 실행할까요? %1 이는 프로그램 개발에 도움을 주지만, 해당 컴퓨터에서 실행에 실패할 수도 있습니다 %2"
 #: ../inc/prefs.inc:367
 msgid ""
 "Emails will be sent from %1; make sure your spam filter accepts this address."
-msgstr ""
-"email은 %1에서 보냅니다. 여러분의 스팸 필터에서 이 주소를 허용해 주세요."
+msgstr "email은 %1에서 보냅니다. 여러분의 스팸 필터에서 이 주소를 허용해 주세요."
 #: ../inc/prefs.inc:374
 msgid "Is it OK for %1 and your team (if any) to email you?"
@@ -1226,9 +1206,7 @@ msgstr "이 환경 설정은 여러분이 참여하는 모든 BOINC 프로젝트
 msgid ""
 "%1Unable to update preferences.%2 The values marked in red below were out of "
 "range or not numeric."
-msgstr ""
-"%1환경 설정을 업데이트할 수 없습니다.%2 빨간 색으로 표시된 곳이 범위를 넘어서"
-"거나 숫자가 아닙니다."
+msgstr "%1환경 설정을 업데이트할 수 없습니다.%2 빨간 색으로 표시된 곳이 범위를 넘어서거나 숫자가 아닙니다."
 #: ../inc/prefs.inc:445
 msgid "bad venue: %1"
@@ -1307,9 +1285,7 @@ msgstr "이 값들은 여러분이 참여하는 모든 BOINC 프로젝트에 적
 msgid ""
 "On computers participating in multiple projects, the most recently modified "
 "preferences will be used."
-msgstr ""
-"여러 프로젝트에 참여하는 컴퓨터의 경우 가장 최근에 수정된 환경 설정을 사용하"
-"게 될 것입니다."
+msgstr "여러 프로젝트에 참여하는 컴퓨터의 경우 가장 최근에 수정된 환경 설정을 사용하게 될 것입니다."
 #: ../inc/prefs.inc:889
 msgid "These preferences do not apply to Android devices."
@@ -1339,17 +1315,13 @@ msgstr "와"
 msgid ""
 "Your profile will be made visible to other people as soon as it has been "
 "approved by the project. This may take up to a few days."
-msgstr ""
-"여러분의 프로필은 프로젝트에서 승인하는 순간 다른 사람들에게 공개됩니다. 이 "
-"작업은 며칠정도 소요됩니다."
+msgstr "여러분의 프로필은 프로젝트에서 승인하는 순간 다른 사람들에게 공개됩니다. 이 작업은 며칠정도 소요됩니다."
 #: ../inc/profile.inc:92
 msgid ""
 "Your profile has been marked as unacceptable. It is not visible to other "
 "people. Please change it."
-msgstr ""
-"여러분의 프로필이 승인되지 않았습니다. 다른 사람들에게 공개되지 않습니다. 다"
-"르게 바꿔 주세요."
+msgstr "여러분의 프로필이 승인되지 않았습니다. 다른 사람들에게 공개되지 않습니다. 다르게 바꿔 주세요."
 #: ../inc/profile.inc:172 ../user/friend.php:105 ../user/friend.php:172
 msgid "Database error"
@@ -1359,9 +1331,7 @@ msgstr "데이터베이스 오류"
 msgid ""
 "To prevent spam, profiles of users with an average credit of less than %1 "
 "are displayed only to logged-in users. We apologize for this inconvenience."
-msgstr ""
-"스팸을 방지하기 위해서 평균 크레딧이 %1 이하인 사용자의 프로필은 로그인한 사"
-"용자에게만 표시됩니다. 불편을 드려서 죄송합니다."
+msgstr "스팸을 방지하기 위해서 평균 크레딧이 %1 이하인 사용자의 프로필은 로그인한 사용자에게만 표시됩니다. 불편을 드려서 죄송합니다."
 #: ../inc/profile.inc:197
 msgid "User is banished"
@@ -1660,7 +1630,7 @@ msgstr "보고 시각<br />혹은 마감 시각"
 msgid "explain"
 msgstr "상세 정보"
-#: ../inc/result.inc:376 ../user/server_status.php:256
+#: ../inc/result.inc:376 ../user/server_status.php:241
 msgid "Status"
 msgstr "상태"
@@ -1752,9 +1722,9 @@ msgstr "키워드"
 msgid "Find teams with these words in their names or descriptions"
 msgstr "이름이나 개요에 있는 단어로 팀을 찾으십시오"
-#: ../inc/team.inc:43 ../inc/team.inc:121 ../inc/team.inc:232
-#: ../inc/team.inc:372 ../inc/team.inc:456 ../inc/user.inc:205
-#: ../inc/user.inc:316 ../user/account_finish.php:45
+#: ../inc/team.inc:43 ../inc/team.inc:122 ../inc/team.inc:233
+#: ../inc/team.inc:373 ../inc/team.inc:455 ../inc/user.inc:205
+#: ../inc/user.inc:317 ../user/account_finish.php:45
 #: ../user/create_account_form.php:98 ../user/edit_user_info_form.php:38
 #: ../user/profile_search_action.php:42 ../user/team_email_list.php:64
 #: ../user/team_search.php:72 ../user/top_users.php:63
@@ -1762,7 +1732,7 @@ msgstr "이름이나 개요에 있는 단어로 팀을 찾으십시오"
 msgid "Country"
 msgstr "국가"
-#: ../inc/team.inc:49 ../inc/team.inc:454
+#: ../inc/team.inc:49 ../inc/team.inc:453
 msgid "Type of team"
 msgstr "팀 종류"
@@ -1790,8 +1760,8 @@ msgstr "요청됨"
 msgid "founder response deadline is %1"
 msgstr "창설자 응답 기한은 %1입니다"
-#: ../inc/team.inc:72 ../inc/team.inc:556 ../inc/user.inc:280
-#: ../inc/user.inc:370
+#: ../inc/team.inc:72 ../inc/team.inc:555 ../inc/user.inc:281
+#: ../inc/user.inc:371
 msgid "None"
 msgstr "없음"
@@ -1815,107 +1785,107 @@ msgstr "개요"
 msgid "Web site"
 msgstr "웹 사이트"
-#: ../inc/team.inc:119
+#: ../inc/team.inc:120
 msgid "Cross-project stats"
 msgstr "공유 프로젝트 통계"
-#: ../inc/team.inc:122 ../inc/team.inc:373 ../user/team_search.php:71
+#: ../inc/team.inc:123 ../inc/team.inc:374 ../user/team_search.php:71
 msgid "Type"
 msgstr "종류"
-#: ../inc/team.inc:126 ../user/team_manage.php:63
+#: ../inc/team.inc:127 ../user/team_manage.php:63
 msgid "Message board"
 msgstr "게시판"
-#: ../inc/team.inc:127 ../user/forum_forum.php:135 ../user/forum_index.php:93
+#: ../inc/team.inc:128 ../user/forum_forum.php:135 ../user/forum_index.php:93
 msgid "Threads"
 msgstr "스레드"
-#: ../inc/team.inc:135
+#: ../inc/team.inc:136
 msgid "Join this team"
 msgstr "이 팀에 가입"
-#: ../inc/team.inc:136
+#: ../inc/team.inc:137
 msgid ""
 "Note: if 'OK to email' is set in your project preferences, joining a team "
 "gives its founder access to your email address."
 msgstr ""
-"노트:만약 'OK to email\"이 프로젝트 환경설정에 설정되어 있으면, 가입한 팀의 "
-"창설자가 여러분의 email주소를 알 수 있습니다."
+"노트:만약 'OK to email\"이 프로젝트 환경설정에 설정되어 있으면, 가입한 팀의 창설자가 여러분의 email주소를 알 수 "
-#: ../inc/team.inc:139
+#: ../inc/team.inc:140
 msgid "Not accepting new members"
 msgstr "회원 가입을 허가하지 않습니다"
-#: ../inc/team.inc:146
+#: ../inc/team.inc:147
 msgid "Foundership change requested"
 msgstr "창설자 교체 요청이 있습니다"
-#: ../inc/team.inc:147
+#: ../inc/team.inc:148
 msgid "Respond by %1"
 msgstr "%1에 응답함"
-#: ../inc/team.inc:151
+#: ../inc/team.inc:152
 msgid "Team foundership change"
 msgstr "팀 창설자 변경"
-#: ../inc/team.inc:155 ../inc/team.inc:358
+#: ../inc/team.inc:156 ../inc/team.inc:359
 msgid "Members"
 msgstr "맴버들"
-#: ../inc/team.inc:156 ../inc/team.inc:253
+#: ../inc/team.inc:157 ../inc/team.inc:254
 msgid "Founder"
 msgstr "창설자"
-#: ../inc/team.inc:168
+#: ../inc/team.inc:169
 msgid "Admins"
 msgstr "관리자"
-#: ../inc/team.inc:183
+#: ../inc/team.inc:184
 msgid "New members in last day"
 msgstr "전 날의 새로운 맴버"
-#: ../inc/team.inc:184
+#: ../inc/team.inc:185
 msgid "Total members"
 msgstr "전체 맴버"
-#: ../inc/team.inc:184 ../inc/team.inc:185 ../inc/team.inc:186
+#: ../inc/team.inc:185 ../inc/team.inc:186 ../inc/team.inc:187
 msgid "view"
 msgstr "보기"
-#: ../inc/team.inc:185
+#: ../inc/team.inc:186
 msgid "Active members"
 msgstr "활동하는 맴버"
-#: ../inc/team.inc:186
+#: ../inc/team.inc:187
 msgid "Members with credit"
 msgstr "크레딧을 가진 맴버"
-#: ../inc/team.inc:255
+#: ../inc/team.inc:256
 msgid "Admin"
 msgstr "관리"
-#: ../inc/team.inc:276 ../user/forum_user_posts.php:122
+#: ../inc/team.inc:277 ../user/forum_user_posts.php:122
 #: ../user/top_hosts.php:93 ../user/top_teams.php:121
 #: ../user/top_users.php:127
 msgid "Previous %1"
 msgstr "이전 %1"
-#: ../inc/team.inc:280 ../user/forum_user_posts.php:131
+#: ../inc/team.inc:281 ../user/forum_user_posts.php:131
 #: ../user/profile_search_action.php:61 ../user/top_hosts.php:98
 #: ../user/top_teams.php:126 ../user/top_users.php:132
 msgid "Next %1"
 msgstr "다음 %1"
-#: ../inc/team.inc:288
+#: ../inc/team.inc:289
 msgid "No such team."
 msgstr "해당 팀이 없습니다."
-#: ../inc/team.inc:301
+#: ../inc/team.inc:302
 msgid "This operation requires foundership."
 msgstr "이 기능은 창설자 권한이 필요합니다."
-#: ../inc/team.inc:325
+#: ../inc/team.inc:326
 msgid "This operation requires team admin privileges"
 msgstr "이 기능은 팀 관리자 권한이 필요합니다"
@@ -1924,58 +1894,56 @@ msgid ""
 "WARNING: this is a BOINC-wide team. If you make changes here, they will soon "
 "be overwritten. Edit the %1BOINC-wide team%2 instead."
 msgstr ""
-"경고: 이 팀은 BOINC 광역 팀입니다. 만약 이 곳을 변경하게 되면 덮어쓰게 됩니"
-"다. 그 대신에 %1BOINC 광역 팀%2을 수정하세요."
+"경고: 이 팀은 BOINC 광역 팀입니다. 만약 이 곳을 변경하게 되면 덮어쓰게 됩니다. 그 대신에 %1BOINC 광역 팀%2을 "
-#: ../inc/team.inc:429
+#: ../inc/team.inc:428
 msgid ""
 "%1Privacy note%2: if you create a team, your project preferences (resource "
 "share, graphics preferences) will be visible to the public."
-msgstr ""
-"%1개인적 노트%2: 팀을 만들면, 프로젝트 환경 설정(자원 공유, 그래픽 설정)이 모"
-"든 사람에게 공개됩니다."
+msgstr "%1개인적 노트%2: 팀을 만들면, 프로젝트 환경 설정(자원 공유, 그래픽 설정)이 모든 사람에게 공개됩니다."
-#: ../inc/team.inc:433
+#: ../inc/team.inc:432
 msgid "Team name, text version"
 msgstr "팀 이름, 텍스트 버전"
-#: ../inc/team.inc:434
+#: ../inc/team.inc:433
 msgid "Don't use HTML tags."
 msgstr "HTML 태그를 사용하지 않습니다."
-#: ../inc/team.inc:437
+#: ../inc/team.inc:436
 msgid "Team name, HTML version"
 msgstr "팀 이름, HTML 버전"
-#: ../inc/team.inc:439 ../inc/team.inc:449
+#: ../inc/team.inc:438 ../inc/team.inc:448
 msgid "You may use %1limited HTML tags%2."
 msgstr "%1제한된 HTML 태그%2를 사용할 수 있습니다."
-#: ../inc/team.inc:440
+#: ../inc/team.inc:439
 msgid "If you don't know HTML, leave this box blank."
 msgstr "만약 HTML을 모른다면, 이 박스는 빈칸으로 남겨두세요."
-#: ../inc/team.inc:443
+#: ../inc/team.inc:442
 msgid "URL of team web page, if any"
 msgstr "팀 웹 페이지 URL(있을 경우)"
-#: ../inc/team.inc:443
+#: ../inc/team.inc:442
 msgid "without \"http://\""
 msgstr "\"http://\" 제외"
-#: ../inc/team.inc:444
+#: ../inc/team.inc:443
 msgid "This URL will be linked to from the team's page on this site."
 msgstr "이 URL은 이 사이트의 팀 페이지로 링크됩니다."
-#: ../inc/team.inc:447
+#: ../inc/team.inc:446
 msgid "Description of team"
 msgstr "팀 개요"
-#: ../inc/team.inc:463
+#: ../inc/team.inc:462
 msgid "Accept new members?"
 msgstr "회원 가입을 허가할까요?"
-#: ../inc/uotd.inc:30
+#: ../inc/uotd.inc:28
 msgid "User profile"
 msgstr "사용자 프로필"
@@ -2008,7 +1976,7 @@ msgid "Computers on this account"
 msgstr "이 계정의 컴퓨터 목록"
 #: ../inc/user.inc:151 ../inc/user.inc:152 ../inc/user.inc:217
-#: ../inc/user.inc:242 ../inc/user.inc:328 ../inc/user.inc:412
+#: ../inc/user.inc:243 ../inc/user.inc:329 ../inc/user.inc:402
 #: ../user/view_profile.php:64
 msgid "View"
 msgstr "보기"
@@ -2025,8 +1993,8 @@ msgstr "공유-프로젝트 통계"
 msgid "Account"
 msgstr "계정"
-#: ../inc/user.inc:165 ../inc/user.inc:280 ../inc/user.inc:368
-#: ../inc/user.inc:370 ../user/user_search.php:139
+#: ../inc/user.inc:165 ../inc/user.inc:281 ../inc/user.inc:369
+#: ../inc/user.inc:371 ../user/user_search.php:139
 msgid "Team"
 msgstr "팀"
@@ -2055,7 +2023,7 @@ msgstr "계정 정보"
 msgid "Email address"
 msgstr "Email 주소"
-#: ../inc/user.inc:203 ../inc/user.inc:321
+#: ../inc/user.inc:203 ../inc/user.inc:322
 msgid "URL"
 msgstr "URL"
@@ -2063,7 +2031,7 @@ msgstr "URL"
 msgid "Postal code"
 msgstr "우편 번호"
-#: ../inc/user.inc:207 ../inc/user.inc:315
+#: ../inc/user.inc:207 ../inc/user.inc:316
 msgid "%1 member since"
 msgstr "%1 참여 시작일"
@@ -2083,7 +2051,7 @@ msgstr "비밀번호"
 msgid "other account info"
 msgstr "다른 계정 정보"
-#: ../inc/user.inc:213 ../inc/user.inc:314
+#: ../inc/user.inc:213 ../inc/user.inc:315
 msgid "User ID"
 msgstr "사용자 ID"
@@ -2128,96 +2096,96 @@ msgstr "%1 환경 설정"
 msgid "Community"
 msgstr "커뮤니티"
-#: ../inc/user.inc:242 ../user/pm.php:107 ../user/pm.php:147
+#: ../inc/user.inc:243 ../user/pm.php:107 ../user/pm.php:147
 msgid "Delete"
 msgstr "삭제"
-#: ../inc/user.inc:244
+#: ../inc/user.inc:245
 msgid "Create"
 msgstr "생성"
-#: ../inc/user.inc:246 ../inc/user.inc:412 ../inc/util.inc:514
+#: ../inc/user.inc:247 ../inc/user.inc:402 ../inc/util.inc:514
 msgid "Profile"
 msgstr "프로필"
-#: ../inc/user.inc:249 ../inc/user.inc:374
+#: ../inc/user.inc:250 ../inc/user.inc:375
 msgid "%1 posts"
 msgstr "%1 포스트"
-#: ../inc/user.inc:261 ../user/edit_forum_preferences_form.php:51
+#: ../inc/user.inc:262 ../user/edit_forum_preferences_form.php:51
 msgid "Notifications"
 msgstr "공지"
-#: ../inc/user.inc:268
+#: ../inc/user.inc:269
 msgid "Quit team"
 msgstr "팀 탈퇴"
-#: ../inc/user.inc:270 ../inc/user.inc:287
+#: ../inc/user.inc:271 ../inc/user.inc:288
 msgid "Administer"
 msgstr "관리자"
-#: ../inc/user.inc:276 ../inc/user.inc:289
+#: ../inc/user.inc:277 ../inc/user.inc:290
 msgid "(foundership change request pending)"
 msgstr "(창설자 변경 요청 대기중)"
-#: ../inc/user.inc:278
+#: ../inc/user.inc:279
 msgid "Member of team"
 msgstr "팀 구성원"
-#: ../inc/user.inc:280
+#: ../inc/user.inc:281
 msgid "find a team"
 msgstr "팀 찾기"
-#: ../inc/user.inc:291
+#: ../inc/user.inc:292
 msgid "Founder but not member of"
 msgstr "창설자 (맴버 제외)"
-#: ../inc/user.inc:297
+#: ../inc/user.inc:298
 msgid "Find friends"
 msgstr "친구 찾기"
-#: ../inc/user.inc:304 ../inc/user.inc:306 ../inc/user.inc:384
-#: ../inc/user.inc:386 ../inc/user.inc:395
+#: ../inc/user.inc:305 ../inc/user.inc:307 ../inc/user.inc:385
+#: ../inc/user.inc:387 ../inc/user.inc:396
 msgid "Friends"
 msgstr "친구들"
-#: ../inc/user.inc:328 ../inc/user.inc:330 ../user/server_status.php:408
+#: ../inc/user.inc:329 ../inc/user.inc:331 ../user/server_status.php:392
 msgid "Computers"
 msgstr "컴퓨터들"
-#: ../inc/user.inc:337
+#: ../inc/user.inc:338
 msgid "Donor"
 msgstr "기부자"
-#: ../inc/user.inc:377
+#: ../inc/user.inc:378
 msgid "Contact"
 msgstr "접촉"
-#: ../inc/user.inc:380
+#: ../inc/user.inc:381
 msgid "This person is a friend"
 msgstr "이 사람은 친구입니다"
-#: ../inc/user.inc:381 ../user/friend.php:238
+#: ../inc/user.inc:382 ../user/friend.php:238
 msgid "Cancel friendship"
 msgstr "친구 관계 취소"
-#: ../inc/user.inc:384 ../user/friend.php:37
+#: ../inc/user.inc:385 ../user/friend.php:37
 msgid "Request pending"
 msgstr "요청이 보류되었습니다"
-#: ../inc/user.inc:386
+#: ../inc/user.inc:387
 msgid "Add as friend"
 msgstr "친구로 추가"
-#: ../inc/user.inc:456
+#: ../inc/user.inc:446
 msgid "user name cannot have leading or trailing white space"
 msgstr "사용자 이름의 처음 또는 끝부분에 공백이 있습니다"
-#: ../inc/user.inc:460
+#: ../inc/user.inc:450
 msgid "user name must be nonempty"
 msgstr "사용자 이름에는 공백을 쓸 수 없습니다"
-#: ../inc/user.inc:464
+#: ../inc/user.inc:454
 msgid "user name may not contain HTML tags"
 msgstr "사용자 이름은 HTML 태그를 포함할 수 없습니다"
@@ -2245,9 +2213,7 @@ msgstr "서버 상태 페이지"
 msgid ""
 "A database error occurred while handling your request; please try again "
-msgstr ""
-"사용자 요청 처리 중에 데이터베이스 오류가 발생했습니다. 나중에 다시 시도하세"
+msgstr "사용자 요청 처리 중에 데이터베이스 오류가 발생했습니다. 나중에 다시 시도하세요."
 #: ../inc/util.inc:257
 msgid "Unable to handle request"
@@ -2267,9 +2233,7 @@ msgstr "초"
 #: ../inc/util.inc:444
 msgid "Link has timed out. Please click Back, refresh the page, and try again."
-msgstr ""
-"연결 시간 초과. '뒤로 가기'를 누르신 후 페이지를 새로 고치시고 다시 시도하세"
+msgstr "연결 시간 초과. '뒤로 가기'를 누르신 후 페이지를 새로 고치시고 다시 시도하세요."
 #: ../inc/util.inc:513
 msgid "View the profile of %1"
@@ -2285,8 +2249,7 @@ msgstr "정기 점검을 위해 서버가 꺼짐"
 #: ../inc/util.inc:799
 msgid "%1 is temporarily shut down for maintenance.  Please try again later."
-msgstr ""
-"%1는 현재 정기 점검때문에 일시적으로 종료되었습니다. 나중에 다시 시도하세요."
+msgstr "%1는 현재 정기 점검때문에 일시적으로 종료되었습니다. 나중에 다시 시도하세요."
 #: ../inc/util.inc:817
 msgid "Unable to connect to database - please try again later"
@@ -2296,7 +2259,7 @@ msgstr "선택한 데이터베이스에 접속할 수 없습니다. 나중에 
 msgid "Unable to select database - please try again later"
 msgstr "선택한 데이터베이스를 사용할 수 없습니다. 나중에 다시 시도해주세요"
-#: ../inc/util_ops.inc:136 ../user/get_passwd.php:72
+#: ../inc/util_ops.inc:109 ../user/get_passwd.php:72
 msgid "Stay logged in on this computer"
 msgstr "이 컴퓨터에서 로그인 유지"
@@ -2306,8 +2269,7 @@ msgstr "계정 설정 완료"
 #: ../user/account_finish.php:41 ../user/create_account_form.php:79
 msgid "Identifies you on our web site. Use your real name or a nickname."
-msgstr ""
-"이 웹 사이트에서 여러분을 식별합니다. 여러분의 본명이나 별명을 써주세요."
+msgstr "이 웹 사이트에서 여러분을 식별합니다. 여러분의 본명이나 별명을 써주세요."
 #: ../user/account_finish.php:45 ../user/create_account_form.php:98
 msgid "Select the country you want to represent, if any."
@@ -2345,10 +2307,9 @@ msgid ""
 "computer. The current version of the application will be downloaded to your "
 "computer. This happens automatically; you don't have to do anything."
 msgstr ""
-"현재 %1(은)는 다음 응용 프로그램을 사용합니다. 여러분이 %1에 참여할 때 하나 "
-"이상의 응용 프로그램이 여러분 컴퓨터로 할당됩니다. 최신 버전의 응용 프로그램"
-"이 여러분 컴퓨터로 다운로드될 것입니다. 이 것은 자동으로 처리됩니다. 여러분"
-"은 아무 것도 하실 필요가 없습니다."
+"현재 %1(은)는 다음 응용 프로그램을 사용합니다. 여러분이 %1에 참여할 때 하나 이상의 응용 프로그램이 여러분 컴퓨터로 할당됩니다. "
+"최신 버전의 응용 프로그램이 여러분 컴퓨터로 다운로드될 것입니다. 이 것은 자동으로 처리됩니다. 여러분은 아무 것도 하실 필요가 "
 #: ../user/apps.php:50
 msgid "Platform"
@@ -2499,7 +2460,7 @@ msgstr "팀 생성 혹은 가입"
 msgid "User of the day"
 msgstr "오늘의 사용자"
-#: ../user/bs_sample_index.php:52 ../user/server_status.php:254
+#: ../user/bs_sample_index.php:52 ../user/server_status.php:239
 msgid "Server status"
 msgstr "서버 상태"
@@ -2593,16 +2554,14 @@ msgid ""
 "NOTE: If you use the BOINC Manager, don't use this form. Just run BOINC, "
 "select Add Project, and enter an email address and password."
 msgstr ""
-"비고: BOINC 관리자를 사용할 경우, 이 양식을 사용하지 마십시오. BOINC를 실행하"
-"고, 프로젝트 추가를 선택한 후 이메일 주소와 비밀번호를 입력해주세요."
+"비고: BOINC 관리자를 사용할 경우, 이 양식을 사용하지 마십시오. BOINC를 실행하고, 프로젝트 추가를 선택한 후 이메일 주소와 "
+"비밀번호를 입력해주세요."
 #: ../user/create_account_form.php:61
 msgid ""
 "This account will belong to the team %1 and will have the project "
 "preferences of its founder."
-msgstr ""
-"이 계정은 %1팀에 속하게 되며 프로젝트 환경 설정은 그 팀 창설자를 따르게 됩니"
+msgstr "이 계정은 %1팀에 속하게 되며 프로젝트 환경 설정은 그 팀 창설자를 따르게 됩니다."
 #: ../user/create_account_form.php:73
 msgid "Invitation Code"
@@ -2652,8 +2611,7 @@ msgstr "%1 프로필 사진은 왼쪽에 표시됩니다."
 msgid ""
 "To replace it, click the \"Browse\" button and select a JPEG or PNG file (%1 "
 "or less)."
-msgstr ""
-"교체하려면 \"찾아보기\" 버튼을 누르고 JPEG나 PNG 파일을 선택하세요 (%1이하)"
+msgstr "교체하려면 \"찾아보기\" 버튼을 누르고 JPEG나 PNG 파일을 선택하세요 (%1이하)"
 #: ../user/create_profile.php:69
 msgid "To remove it from your profile, check this box:"
@@ -2664,8 +2622,8 @@ msgid ""
 "If you would like include a picture with your profile, click the \"Browse\" "
 "button and select a JPEG or PNG file. Please select images of %1 or less."
 msgstr ""
-"만약 여러분 프로필에 사진을 포함시킬려면 \"찾아보기\" 버튼을 누르고 JPEG나 "
-"PNG 파일을 선택하세요. %1이하의 이미지를 선택해주세요."
+"만약 여러분 프로필에 사진을 포함시킬려면 \"찾아보기\" 버튼을 누르고 JPEG나 PNG 파일을 선택하세요. %1이하의 이미지를 "
 #: ../user/create_profile.php:89
 msgid "Language"
@@ -2695,8 +2653,7 @@ msgstr "업로드한 이미지 파일 포맷은 지원하지 않습니다."
 msgid ""
 "Your %1profile%2 lets you share your opinions and background with the %3 "
-msgstr ""
-"%1프로필%2은 여러분의 의견과 배경등을 %3 커뮤니티에서 공유하도록 합니다."
+msgstr "%1프로필%2은 여러분의 의견과 배경등을 %3 커뮤니티에서 공유하도록 합니다."
 #: ../user/create_profile.php:213
 msgid "Your ReCaptcha response was not correct.  Please try again."
@@ -2706,17 +2663,13 @@ msgstr "ReCaptcha 응답이 틀렸습니다. 다시 시도해 주세요."
 msgid ""
 "Your first response was flagged as spam by the Akismet anti-spam system.  "
 "Please modify your text and try again."
-msgstr ""
-"첫번째 응답은 Akismet 스팸방어 시스템이 스팸으로 분류하였습니다. 텍스트를 수"
-"정하고 다시 시도해주세요."
+msgstr "첫번째 응답은 Akismet 스팸방어 시스템이 스팸으로 분류하였습니다. 텍스트를 수정하고 다시 시도해주세요."
 #: ../user/create_profile.php:230
 msgid ""
 "Your second response was flagged as spam by the Akismet anti-spam system.  "
 "Please modify your text and try again."
-msgstr ""
-"두번째 응답은 Akismet 스팸방어 시스템이 스팸으로 분류하였습니다. 텍스트를 수"
-"정하고 다시 시도해주세요."
+msgstr "두번째 응답은 Akismet 스팸방어 시스템이 스팸으로 분류하였습니다. 텍스트를 수정하고 다시 시도해주세요."
 #: ../user/create_profile.php:246
 msgid "Your profile submission was empty."
@@ -2737,8 +2690,7 @@ msgstr "프로필이 저장되었습니다"
 #: ../user/create_profile.php:304
 msgid ""
 "Congratulations! Your profile was successfully entered into our database."
-msgstr ""
-"축하합니다! 여러분의 프로필이 성공적으로 데이터베이스에 입력되었습니다."
+msgstr "축하합니다! 여러분의 프로필이 성공적으로 데이터베이스에 입력되었습니다."
 #: ../user/create_profile.php:306
 msgid "%1View your profile%2"
@@ -2752,9 +2704,7 @@ msgstr "프로필 만들기"
 msgid ""
 "To prevent spam, an average credit of %1 or greater is required to create or "
 "edit a profile.  We apologize for this inconvenience."
-msgstr ""
-"스팸을 방지하기 위해서 프로필을 작성하거나 수정하려면 크레딧을 평균 %1 이상 "
-"가지고 있어야 합니다. 불편을 드려서 죄송합니다."
+msgstr "스팸을 방지하기 위해서 프로필을 작성하거나 수정하려면 크레딧을 평균 %1 이상 가지고 있어야 합니다. 불편을 드려서 죄송합니다."
 #: ../user/delete_account.php:57
 msgid "Couldn't delete account"
@@ -2971,9 +2921,7 @@ msgstr "여러 항목의 응용 프로그램을 다운로드할 수 있습니다
 #: ../user/download_network.php:31
 msgid ""
 "These applications are not endorsed by %1 and you use them at your own risk."
-msgstr ""
-"이들 응용 프로그램은 %1에서 승인받지 않았으며 여러분이 위험부담을 안고 사용하"
-"셔야 합니다."
+msgstr "이들 응용 프로그램은 %1에서 승인받지 않았으며 여러분이 위험부담을 안고 사용하셔야 합니다."
 #: ../user/download_network.php:33
 msgid ""
@@ -2983,8 +2931,7 @@ msgid ""
 "If this is not enough you should contact the author."
 msgstr ""
 "저희는 이들 응용 프로그램을 설치하기 위한 설명서를 제공하지 않습니다.\n"
-"그러나 작성자는 응용 프로그램 설치나 삭제에 관해서 약간의 도움말을 제공할 수"
-"도 있습니다.\n"
+"그러나 작성자는 응용 프로그램 설치나 삭제에 관해서 약간의 도움말을 제공할 수도 있습니다.\n"
 "그 것으로 충분하지 않다면 작성자에게 연락하세요."
 #: ../user/download_network.php:36
@@ -3027,9 +2974,7 @@ msgstr "이 %1이메일 주소를 인증%2해 주세요."
 msgid ""
 "We can't update your email address due to a database problem.  Please try "
 "again later."
-msgstr ""
-"데이터베이스 문제로 이메일 주소를 업데이트할 수 없습니다.  나중에 다시 시도해"
+msgstr "데이터베이스 문제로 이메일 주소를 업데이트할 수 없습니다.  나중에 다시 시도해주세요."
 #: ../user/edit_email_form.php:27 ../user/edit_email_form.php:51
 msgid "Change email address"
@@ -3059,9 +3004,7 @@ msgstr "재설정 확인"
 msgid ""
 "This action will erase any changes you have made in your community "
 "preferences. To cancel, click your browser's Back button."
-msgstr ""
-"이 행위는 여러분의 커뮤니티 환경설정에서 바꾼 모든 변경 사항을 지울 것입니"
-"다. 취소하려면 브라우저의 '뒤로' 버튼을 누르세요."
+msgstr "이 행위는 여러분의 커뮤니티 환경설정에서 바꾼 모든 변경 사항을 지울 것입니다. 취소하려면 브라우저의 '뒤로' 버튼을 누르세요."
 #: ../user/edit_forum_preferences_action.php:38
 msgid "Reset preferences"
@@ -3084,9 +3027,7 @@ msgstr "해당 사용자가 없습니다: %1"
 msgid ""
 "How should we notify you of new private messages, friend requests, posts in "
 "subscribed threads, and other events?"
-msgstr ""
-"새로운 쪽지, 친구 요청, 구독 중인 스레드의 포스트, 기타 다른 사건을 저희가 얼"
-"마나 자주 알려주길 원하십니까?"
+msgstr "새로운 쪽지, 친구 요청, 구독 중인 스레드의 포스트, 기타 다른 사건을 저희가 얼마나 자주 알려주길 원하십니까?"
 #: ../user/edit_forum_preferences_form.php:57
 msgid "On my Account page (no email)"
@@ -3276,9 +3217,7 @@ msgstr "비밀번호가 변경되었습니다."
 msgid ""
 "We can't update your password due to a database problem. Please try again "
-msgstr ""
-"데이터베이스 문제로 비밀번호를 업데이트할 수 없습니다.  나중에 다시 시도해주"
+msgstr "데이터베이스 문제로 비밀번호를 업데이트할 수 없습니다.  나중에 다시 시도해주세요."
 #: ../user/edit_passwd_form.php:39
 msgid "You can identify yourself using either"
@@ -3354,16 +3293,14 @@ msgid ""
 "computer, and if so whether the computer has finished it. Possible values "
 msgstr ""
-"태스크 <b>서버 현황</b>은 태스크가 클라이언트로 보내졌는지, 만약 그렇다면 해"
-"당 클라이언트가 작업을 마쳤는지 카르켜 줍니다. 가능한 값:"
+"태스크 <b>서버 현황</b>은 태스크가 클라이언트로 보내졌는지, 만약 그렇다면 해당 클라이언트가 작업을 마쳤는지 카르켜 줍니다. 가능한 "
 #: ../user/explain_state.php:35
 msgid ""
 "The task is not ready to send (for example, because its input files are "
-msgstr ""
-"태스크 전송 준비가 되지 않았습니다(예를 들어 해당 입력 파일을 사용할 수 없습"
+msgstr "태스크 전송 준비가 되지 않았습니다(예를 들어 해당 입력 파일을 사용할 수 없습니다)"
 #: ../user/explain_state.php:38
 msgid "The task is ready to send, but hasn't been sent yet."
@@ -3381,9 +3318,7 @@ msgstr "태스크가 전송되었습니다. 완료를 기다리는 중."
 msgid ""
 "The task has been sent to a computer and either it has timed out or the "
 "computer has reported its completion."
-msgstr ""
-"태스크가 클라이언트로 전송되었으며 태스크의 마감이 지났거나 클라이언트에서 연"
-"산 완료를 보고했습니다."
+msgstr "태스크가 클라이언트로 전송되었으며 태스크의 마감이 지났거나 클라이언트에서 연산 완료를 보고했습니다."
 #: ../user/explain_state.php:49
 msgid "Outcomes"
@@ -3393,17 +3328,13 @@ msgstr "결과"
 msgid ""
 "A tasks's <b>outcome</b> is defined if its server state is <b>over</b>. "
 "Possible values are:"
-msgstr ""
-"태스크 <b>결과</b>는 태스크 서버 현황이 <b>완료</b>됨을 정의합니다. 가능한 "
+msgstr "태스크 <b>결과</b>는 태스크 서버 현황이 <b>완료</b>됨을 정의합니다. 가능한 값:"
 #: ../user/explain_state.php:57
 msgid ""
 "The task was sent to a computer, but the computer has not yet completed the "
 "work and reported the outcome."
-msgstr ""
-"태스크가 클라이언트로 전송되었으나, 클라이언트에서 아직 연산이 완료되지 않았"
-"으며 결과를 보고하지 않았습니다."
+msgstr "태스크가 클라이언트로 전송되었으나, 클라이언트에서 아직 연산이 완료되지 않았으며 결과를 보고하지 않았습니다."
 #: ../user/explain_state.php:60
 msgid "A computer completed and reported the task successfully."
@@ -3413,9 +3344,7 @@ msgstr "클라이언트에서 연산을 완료했으며 성공적으로 보고
 msgid ""
 "The server wasn't able to send the task to a computer (perhaps because its "
 "resource requirements were too large)"
-msgstr ""
-"서버에서 클라이언트로 태스크를 전송할 수 없습니다 (아마도 해당 자원의 요구 사"
-"항이 너무 큰 듯 합니다)"
+msgstr "서버에서 클라이언트로 태스크를 전송할 수 없습니다 (아마도 해당 자원의 요구 사항이 너무 큰 듯 합니다)"
 #: ../user/explain_state.php:65
 msgid "Client error"
@@ -3429,24 +3358,19 @@ msgstr "태스크가 클라이언트로 전송되었으나 오류가 발생했
 msgid ""
 "The task was sent to a computer and no reply was received within the time "
-msgstr ""
-"태스크가 클라이언트로 전송되었으나 마감 시각까지 어떤 응답도 받지 못했습니다."
+msgstr "태스크가 클라이언트로 전송되었으나 마감 시각까지 어떤 응답도 받지 못했습니다."
 #: ../user/explain_state.php:72
 msgid ""
 "The task wasn't sent to a computer because enough other tasks were completed "
 "for this workunit."
-msgstr ""
-"해당 작업 유닛의 다른 태스크가 충분히 완료되었기에 클라이언트에게 태스크를 전"
-"송하지 않았습니다."
+msgstr "해당 작업 유닛의 다른 태스크가 충분히 완료되었기에 클라이언트에게 태스크를 전송하지 않았습니다."
 #: ../user/explain_state.php:75
 msgid ""
 "The task was reported but could not be validated, typically because the "
 "output files were lost on the server."
-msgstr ""
-"태스크가 보고되었으나 인정되지 않았습니다. 일반적으로 출력 파일이 서버에서 유"
-"실되었기 때문입니다."
+msgstr "태스크가 보고되었으나 인정되지 않았습니다. 일반적으로 출력 파일이 서버에서 유실되었기 때문입니다."
 #: ../user/explain_state.php:80
 msgid "Client states"
@@ -3456,8 +3380,7 @@ msgstr "클라이언트 상태"
 msgid ""
 "A result's <b>client state</b> indicates the stage of processing at which an "
 "error occurred."
-msgstr ""
-"결과물의 <b>클라이언트 상황</b>은 오류가 발생한 연산 과정을 가르켜 줍니다."
+msgstr "결과물의 <b>클라이언트 상황</b>은 오류가 발생한 연산 과정을 가르켜 줍니다."
 #: ../user/explain_state.php:86
 msgid "The computer has not yet completed the task."
@@ -3487,9 +3410,7 @@ msgstr "보고 시각 및 마감 시각"
 msgid ""
 "A task's <b>Time reported or deadline</b> field depends on whether the task "
 "has been reported yet:"
-msgstr ""
-"태스크 <b>보고된 시간 또는 마감 시각</b> 필드는 태스크가 이미 보고되었는지 여"
-"부에 따라 다릅니다:"
+msgstr "태스크 <b>보고된 시간 또는 마감 시각</b> 필드는 태스크가 이미 보고되었는지 여부에 따라 다릅니다:"
 #: ../user/explain_state.php:110
 msgid "Already reported"
@@ -3553,18 +3474,15 @@ msgstr "%1을 친구들에게 전해주어서 감사합니다"
 #: ../user/ffmail_action.php:94
 msgid ""
-"You forgot to enter your friends' names and/or email addresses; Please "
-"%1return to the form%2 and enter them."
-msgstr ""
-"친구의 이름 혹은 이메일 주소를 입력하지 않았습니다. 빠진 부분을 %1입력 폼으"
-"로 돌아가서 입력%2해주시기 바랍니다."
+"You forgot to enter your friends' names and/or email addresses; Please %"
+"1return to the form%2 and enter them."
+msgstr "친구의 이름 혹은 이메일 주소를 입력하지 않았습니다. 빠진 부분을 %1입력 폼으로 돌아가서 입력%2해주시기 바랍니다."
 #: ../user/ffmail_form.php:30
 msgid ""
 "This project hasn't created an email message - please notify its "
-msgstr ""
-"이 프로젝트는 이메일 메세지를 생성할 수 없습니다 - 관리자에게 문의해 주세요"
+msgstr "이 프로젝트는 이메일 메세지를 생성할 수 없습니다 - 관리자에게 문의해 주세요"
 #: ../user/ffmail_form.php:33
 msgid "Tell your friends about %1"
@@ -3580,9 +3498,8 @@ msgid ""
 "might be interested in %1. We'll send them an email in your name, and you "
 "can add your own message if you like."
 msgstr ""
-"%1에 흥미를 가질 것 같은 사람들의 이름과 이메일 주소를 이 양식에 채워주세요. "
-"여러분의 이름이 들어간 이메일(원한다면 메세지를 추가할 수도 있습니다.)을 저희"
-"가 그들에게 보낼 것입니다."
+"%1에 흥미를 가질 것 같은 사람들의 이름과 이메일 주소를 이 양식에 채워주세요. 여러분의 이름이 들어간 이메일(원한다면 메세지를 추가할 "
+"수도 있습니다.)을 저희가 그들에게 보낼 것입니다."
 #: ../user/ffmail_form.php:42
 msgid "Your name:"
@@ -3631,17 +3548,14 @@ msgid ""
 "for chosen time period.<br/>It should be done only if %1 has consistently "
 "exhibited trollish behavior."
 msgstr ""
-"정말로 %1을 차단하시겠습니까?<br />이로써 지정된 기간 동안 %1은 포스팅을 할 "
-"수 없게 됩니다.<br />이 기능은 오직 %1이 유해한 행동을 일관되게 저지를 경우에"
-"만 사용하십시오."
+"정말로 %1을 차단하시겠습니까?<br />이로써 지정된 기간 동안 %1은 포스팅을 할 수 없게 됩니다.<br />이 기능은 오직 %1이 "
+"유해한 행동을 일관되게 저지를 경우에만 사용하십시오."
 #: ../user/forum_banishment_vote.php:61
 msgid ""
 "Select the reason category, optionally write a longer description of why the "
 "user should be banished."
-msgstr ""
-"이유 카테고리를 선택하세요. 추가적으로 왜 이 사용자가 차단되어야 하는지 보다 "
-"긴 설명을 쓸 수 있습니다."
+msgstr "이유 카테고리를 선택하세요. 추가적으로 왜 이 사용자가 차단되어야 하는지 보다 긴 설명을 쓸 수 있습니다."
 #: ../user/forum_banishment_vote.php:62 ../user/forum_moderate_thread.php:50
 msgid "Category"
@@ -3693,9 +3607,7 @@ msgstr "행동을 지정해야 합니다..."
 msgid ""
 "You can no longer edit this post.<br/>Posts can only be edited at most %1 "
 "minutes after they have been created."
-msgstr ""
-"더 이상 이 포스트를 편집할 수 없습니다.<br />포스트는 생성되고나서 %1 분 후"
-"에 편집할 수 있습니다."
+msgstr "더 이상 이 포스트를 편집할 수 없습니다.<br />포스트는 생성되고나서 %1 분 후에 편집할 수 있습니다."
 #: ../user/forum_edit.php:47
 msgid "You are not authorized to edit this post."
@@ -3809,11 +3721,9 @@ msgstr "질문과 답변"
 #: ../user/forum_help_desk.php:30
 msgid ""
-"Talk live via Skype with a volunteer, in any of several languages. Go to "
-"%1BOINC Online Help%2."
-msgstr ""
-"Skype를 통해서 여러 언어로 기여자들과 실시간으로 이야기하세요. %1BOINC 온라"
-"인 도움말%2로 가세요."
+"Talk live via Skype with a volunteer, in any of several languages. Go to %"
+"1BOINC Online Help%2."
+msgstr "Skype를 통해서 여러 언어로 기여자들과 실시간으로 이야기하세요. %1BOINC 온라인 도움말%2로 가세요."
 #: ../user/forum_help_desk.php:44 ../user/forum_index.php:92
 msgid "Topic"
@@ -3835,8 +3745,7 @@ msgstr "%1 게시판"
 msgid ""
 "If you have a question or problem, please use the %1Questions & Answers%2 "
 "section of the message boards."
-msgstr ""
-"질문이 있거나 문제가 생기면 게시판에서 %1질문 & 답변%2 섹션을 이용해 주세요."
+msgstr "질문이 있거나 문제가 생기면 게시판에서 %1질문 & 답변%2 섹션을 이용해 주세요."
 #: ../user/forum_index.php:123
 msgid "Subscribed threads"
@@ -3949,9 +3858,7 @@ msgstr "스레드 '%1' 관리하기"
 msgid ""
 "Select the reason category, or write a longer description of why you're "
 "hiding or locking the thread; then press OK."
-msgstr ""
-"이유 카테고리를 선택하세요. 아니면 왜 이 스레드를 숨기거나 잠겨야 하는지 보"
-"다 긴 설명을 쓸 수 있습니다. 확인을 누르세요."
+msgstr "이유 카테고리를 선택하세요. 아니면 왜 이 스레드를 숨기거나 잠겨야 하는지 보다 긴 설명을 쓸 수 있습니다. 확인을 누르세요."
 #: ../user/forum_moderate_thread.php:72
 msgid "Current forum"
@@ -3969,17 +3876,13 @@ msgstr "새 제목:"
 msgid ""
 "Only project admins may create a thread here. However, you may reply to "
 "existing threads."
-msgstr ""
-"오직 프로젝트 관리자만 이곳에 스레드를 생성할 수 있습니다. 그러나 기존 스레드"
-"에 리플은 달 수 있습니다."
+msgstr "오직 프로젝트 관리자만 이곳에 스레드를 생성할 수 있습니다. 그러나 기존 스레드에 리플은 달 수 있습니다."
 #: ../user/forum_post.php:60
 msgid ""
 "Your message was flagged as spam by the Akismet anti-spam system. Please "
 "modify your text and try again."
-msgstr ""
-"여러분의 글을 Akismet 스팸방어 시스템이 스팸으로 분류하였습니다. 텍스트를 수"
-"정하고 다시 시도해주세요."
+msgstr "여러분의 글을 Akismet 스팸방어 시스템이 스팸으로 분류하였습니다. 텍스트를 수정하고 다시 시도해주세요."
 #: ../user/forum_post.php:70
 msgid "Create new thread"
@@ -4048,9 +3951,7 @@ msgstr "해결 의뢰할 문제를 투표하기"
 msgid ""
 "Your post has been flagged as spam by the Akismet anti-spam system. Please "
 "modify your text and try again."
-msgstr ""
-"여러분의 글을 Akismet 스팸방어 시스템이 스팸으로 분류하였습니다. 텍스트를 수"
-"정하고 다시 시도해주세요."
+msgstr "여러분의 글을 Akismet 스팸방어 시스템이 스팸으로 분류하였습니다. 텍스트를 수정하고 다시 시도해주세요."
 #: ../user/forum_reply.php:88 ../user/forum_thread.php:158
 #: ../user/forum_thread.php:274
@@ -4089,9 +3990,7 @@ msgstr "여러분의 응답이 기록되었습니다. 입력해주셔서 감사
 msgid ""
 "A moderator will now look at your report and decide what will happen - this "
 "may take a little while, so please be patient"
-msgstr ""
-"관리자가 여러분의 보고서를 보고 다음에 어떻게 할지 결정합니다. 이는 시간이 "
-"꽤 걸립니다. 그러므로 기다려 주세요."
+msgstr "관리자가 여러분의 보고서를 보고 다음에 어떻게 할지 결정합니다. 이는 시간이 꽤 걸립니다. 그러므로 기다려 주세요."
 #: ../user/forum_report_post.php:71
 msgid "Report a forum post"
@@ -4103,9 +4002,8 @@ msgid ""
 "enough users rate a post negatively it will eventually be hidden.<br />You "
 "can find the rating system at the bottom of the post."
 msgstr ""
-"이 포스트를 신고하기 전에 +/- 등급 시스템 사용을 고려해 보세요. 만약 충분한 "
-"사용자들이 포스트에 부정적인 등급을 매겼다면 결국 숨김 처리될 것입니다.<br />"
-"포스트 하단부에서 등급 시스템을 찾을 수 있습니다."
+"이 포스트를 신고하기 전에 +/- 등급 시스템 사용을 고려해 보세요. 만약 충분한 사용자들이 포스트에 부정적인 등급을 매겼다면 결국 숨김 "
+"처리될 것입니다.<br />포스트 하단부에서 등급 시스템을 찾을 수 있습니다."
 #: ../user/forum_report_post.php:80
 msgid "Report post"
@@ -4117,8 +4015,7 @@ msgid ""
 "that a person that\n"
 "has not yet read the thread will quickly be able to identify the issue.%2"
 msgstr ""
-"왜 불쾌한 포스트를 찾습니까?: %1충분한 정보를 제공하세요. 그렇게 함으로써 사"
-"람들이 아직 읽지\n"
+"왜 불쾌한 포스트를 찾습니까?: %1충분한 정보를 제공하세요. 그렇게 함으로써 사람들이 아직 읽지\n"
 "않은 스레드에서 신속하게 문제 사항을 식별할 수 있게 됩니다.%2"
 #: ../user/forum_report_post.php:90
@@ -4243,8 +4140,8 @@ msgid ""
 "Sorry, couldn't find anything matching your search query. You can try to "
 "broaden your search by using less words (or less specific words)."
 msgstr ""
-"죄송합니다. 검색 큐와 일치하는 어떤 것도 찾을 수 없습니다. 더 적은 단어(또는 "
-"더 적은 특정 단어)를 사용해서 검색 범위를 넓힐 수 있습니다."
+"죄송합니다. 검색 큐와 일치하는 어떤 것도 찾을 수 없습니다. 더 적은 단어(또는 더 적은 특정 단어)를 사용해서 검색 범위를 넓힐 수 "
 #: ../user/forum_search_action.php:219
 msgid "You can also %1try the same search on Google.%2"
@@ -4281,9 +4178,7 @@ msgstr "구독 해제에 성공했습니다"
 msgid ""
 "You are no longer subscribed to %1. You will no longer receive notifications "
 "for this thread."
-msgstr ""
-"더 이상 %1을 구독하지 않기로 했습니다. 더 이상 이 스레드에 관한 알림을 받지 "
-"못할 것입니다."
+msgstr "더 이상 %1을 구독하지 않기로 했습니다. 더 이상 이 스레드에 관한 알림을 받지 못할 것입니다."
 #: ../user/forum_subscribe.php:66
 msgid "Unsubscription failed"
@@ -4328,8 +4223,7 @@ msgstr "구독 취소"
 #: ../user/forum_thread.php:172
 msgid "You are subscribed to this thread.  Click here to unsubscribe."
-msgstr ""
-"여러분은 이 스레드를 구독하고 계십니다. 구독을 취소하려면 여기를 누르세요."
+msgstr "여러분은 이 스레드를 구독하고 계십니다. 구독을 취소하려면 여기를 누르세요."
 #: ../user/forum_thread.php:178
 msgid "Subscribe"
@@ -4337,8 +4231,7 @@ msgstr "구독하기"
 #: ../user/forum_thread.php:179
 msgid "Click to get email when there are new posts in this thread"
-msgstr ""
-"이 스레드에 새로운 포스트가 올라올 때 이메일로 보내주길 원하면 클릭하세요"
+msgstr "이 스레드에 새로운 포스트가 올라올 때 이메일로 보내주길 원하면 클릭하세요"
 #: ../user/forum_thread.php:190
 msgid "Unhide this thread"
@@ -4448,9 +4341,7 @@ msgstr "친구로 추가"
 msgid ""
 "You have asked to add %1 as a friend. We will notify %1 and will ask him/her "
 "to confirm that you are friends."
-msgstr ""
-"%1을 친구로 추가하길 요청했습니다. %1에게 알리고 그에게 당신을 친구로 할지 확"
-"인하도록 요청할 것입니다."
+msgstr "%1을 친구로 추가하길 요청했습니다. %1에게 알리고 그에게 당신을 친구로 할지 확인하도록 요청할 것입니다."
 #: ../user/friend.php:77
 msgid "Add an optional message here:"
@@ -4555,23 +4446,19 @@ msgstr "계정 정보를 잊었습니까?"
 #: ../user/get_passwd.php:28
 msgid ""
 "1) If you know your account's email address, and you can receive email there:"
-msgstr ""
-"1) 만약 해당 계정의 이메일 주소를 알고 있으며, 이메일을 받을 수 있는 경우:"
+msgstr "1) 만약 해당 계정의 이메일 주소를 알고 있으며, 이메일을 받을 수 있는 경우:"
 #: ../user/get_passwd.php:29
 msgid ""
 "Enter the email address below, and click OK. You will be sent email "
 "instructions for resetting your password."
-msgstr ""
-"하단에 이메일 주소를 입력하고 확인을 누르세요. 비밀번호를 초기화하기 위한 절"
-"차가 이메일로 전송됩니다."
+msgstr "하단에 이메일 주소를 입력하고 확인을 누르세요. 비밀번호를 초기화하기 위한 절차가 이메일로 전송됩니다."
 #: ../user/get_passwd.php:46
 msgid ""
 "2) If you forgot your account's email address, or you can't receive email "
-msgstr ""
-"2) 만약 해당 계정의 이메일 주소를 잊었거나, 이메일을 받을 수 없는 경우:"
+msgstr "2) 만약 해당 계정의 이메일 주소를 잊었거나, 이메일을 받을 수 없는 경우:"
 #: ../user/get_passwd.php:47
 msgid ""
@@ -4583,9 +4470,7 @@ msgstr "해당 계정으로 BOINC를 실행하고 있다면 계속 접근할 수
 msgid ""
 "Go to the BOINC data directory on your computer (its location is written to "
 "the Event Log at startup)."
-msgstr ""
-"컴퓨터상의 BOINC 데이터 디렉토리로 이동하세요.(해당 디렉토리 위치는 BOINC 관"
-"리자의 이벤트 기록에 쓰여져 있습니다.)"
+msgstr "컴퓨터상의 BOINC 데이터 디렉토리로 이동하세요.(해당 디렉토리 위치는 BOINC 관리자의 이벤트 기록에 쓰여져 있습니다.)"
 #: ../user/get_passwd.php:51
 msgid "Find your account file for this project; it will be named <b>%1</b>."
@@ -4607,9 +4492,7 @@ msgstr "하단의 입력란에 문자열을 붙여넣고 확인을 누르세요.
 msgid ""
 "You will now be logged in to your account; update the email and password of "
 "your account."
-msgstr ""
-"여러분 계정은 로그인 상태를 유지할 것입니다. 여러분 계정의 메일 주소와 비밀번"
-"호를 업데이트하세요."
+msgstr "여러분 계정은 로그인 상태를 유지할 것입니다. 여러분 계정의 메일 주소와 비밀번호를 업데이트하세요."
 #: ../user/get_passwd.php:71
 msgid "Log in with authenticator"
@@ -4623,9 +4506,7 @@ msgstr "보고된 GPU 태스크가 없습니다"
 msgid ""
 "The following lists show the most productive GPU models on different "
 "platforms.  Relative speeds are shown in parentheses."
-msgstr ""
-"다음 목록은 다른 플랫폼에서 가장 효율성이 높은 GPU 종류를 보여줍니다.  괄호 "
-"안 내용은 상대적인 속도를 나타냅니다."
+msgstr "다음 목록은 다른 플랫폼에서 가장 효율성이 높은 GPU 종류를 보여줍니다.  괄호 안 내용은 상대적인 속도를 나타냅니다."
 #: ../user/home.php:42
 msgid "Welcome to %1"
@@ -4633,13 +4514,11 @@ msgstr "%1에 오신 걸 환영합니다"
 #: ../user/home.php:43
 msgid "View and edit your account preferences using the links below."
-msgstr ""
-"하단에 표시된 링크를 사용해서 계정 환경 설정을 보고 수정할 수 있습니다."
+msgstr "하단에 표시된 링크를 사용해서 계정 환경 설정을 보고 수정할 수 있습니다."
 #: ../user/home.php:46
 msgid "If you have not already done so, %1download BOINC client software%2."
-msgstr ""
-"만약 아직 그렇지 않다면 %1BOINC 클라이언트 소프트웨어를 다운로드하세요%2."
+msgstr "만약 아직 그렇지 않다면 %1BOINC 클라이언트 소프트웨어를 다운로드하세요%2."
 #: ../user/host_app_versions.php:37
 msgid "Anonymous platform, missing app"
@@ -4695,9 +4574,8 @@ msgid ""
 "contains work for it. You must wait a few days until the work for this "
 "computer has been deleted from the project database."
 msgstr ""
-"이 컴퓨터의 저희 기록을 삭제할 수 없습니다. 왜냐하면 저희 DB는 여전히 그 것"
-"을 포함한 채 작동하기 때문입니다. 프로젝트 DB에서 해당 컴퓨터의 작업이 삭제되"
-"기 전까지 며칠간 기다려야 합니다."
+"이 컴퓨터의 저희 기록을 삭제할 수 없습니다. 왜냐하면 저희 DB는 여전히 그 것을 포함한 채 작동하기 때문입니다. 프로젝트 DB에서 "
+"해당 컴퓨터의 작업이 삭제되기 전까지 며칠간 기다려야 합니다."
 #: ../user/host_delete.php:40
 msgid "Delete record of computer"
@@ -4724,8 +4602,8 @@ msgid ""
 "Sometimes BOINC assigns separate identities to the same computer by mistake. "
 "You can correct this by merging old identities with the newest one."
 msgstr ""
-"때때로 BOINC는 실수로 같은 컴퓨터를 개별적인 존재로 인정합니다. 여러분은 오래"
-"된 것을 새로운 것으로 통합시켜서 바로잡을 수 있습니다."
+"때때로 BOINC는 실수로 같은 컴퓨터를 개별적인 존재로 인정합니다. 여러분은 오래된 것을 새로운 것으로 통합시켜서 바로잡을 수 "
 #: ../user/host_edit_form.php:56
 msgid "No hosts are eligible for merging with this one."
@@ -4780,9 +4658,7 @@ msgstr "이 호스트의 위치가 %1로 설정되었습니다."
 msgid ""
 "This change will take effect the next time the host communicates with this "
-msgstr ""
-"이 변화는 다음 번에 해당 호스트가 이 프로젝트 서버와 통신할 경우 적용될 것입"
+msgstr "이 변화는 다음 번에 해당 호스트가 이 프로젝트 서버와 통신할 경우 적용될 것입니다."
 #: ../user/host_venue_action.php:50
 msgid "Return to host page"
@@ -4841,9 +4717,7 @@ msgstr "사전 정의됨"
 msgid ""
 "image; height cannot exceed 450 pixels. Please do not link to images without "
 "permission of the web site where the image is hosted."
-msgstr ""
-"이미지: 높이는 450 픽셀을 초과할 수 없습니다. 이미지가 올려진, 권한없는 웹 사"
-"이트에 이미지를 링크하지 마십시오."
+msgstr "이미지: 높이는 450 픽셀을 초과할 수 없습니다. 이미지가 올려진, 권한없는 웹 사이트에 이미지를 링크하지 마십시오."
 #: ../user/html.php:35
 msgid "You can also use ampersand notation for special characters."
@@ -4859,9 +4733,8 @@ msgid ""
 "owner's permission. Some companies and schools have policies that prohibit "
 "using their computers for projects such as %1."
 msgstr ""
-"%1(은)는 여러분이 가진 컴퓨터 또는 소유자의 허락을 얻은 컴퓨터로 수행하십시"
-"오. 어떤 회사와 학교는 %1(과)와 같은 프로젝트를 수행하지 못하게 하려고 그들"
-"의 컴퓨터를 사용하지 못하게 하는 정책을 가지고 있습니다."
+"%1(은)는 여러분이 가진 컴퓨터 또는 소유자의 허락을 얻은 컴퓨터로 수행하십시오. 어떤 회사와 학교는 %1(과)와 같은 프로젝트를 "
+"수행하지 못하게 하려고 그들의 컴퓨터를 사용하지 못하게 하는 정책을 가지고 있습니다."
 #: ../user/info.php:38
 msgid "How %1 will use your computer"
@@ -4873,17 +4746,16 @@ msgid ""
 "power, disk space, and network bandwidth. You can control how much of your "
 "resources are used by %1, and when it uses them."
 msgstr ""
-"%1(을)를 실행하실 경우 여러분 컴퓨터의 CPU, 디스크 공간, 네트워크 대역폭 중 "
-"일부를 사용하게 됩니다. 여러분은 언제, 얼마만큼 %1이 여러분의 컴퓨터 자원을 "
-"사용할지 제어할 수 있습니다."
+"%1(을)를 실행하실 경우 여러분 컴퓨터의 CPU, 디스크 공간, 네트워크 대역폭 중 일부를 사용하게 됩니다. 여러분은 언제, 얼마만큼 "
+"%1이 여러분의 컴퓨터 자원을 사용할지 제어할 수 있습니다."
 #: ../user/info.php:40
 msgid ""
 "The work done by your computer contributes to the goals of %1, as described "
 "on its web site. The application programs may change from time to time."
 msgstr ""
-"여러분이 가진 컴퓨터로 한 작업은 %1 웹 사이트에 설명된 목표에 도달하는데 공헌"
-"하고 있습니다. 응용 프로그램은 시간이 지나면 바뀔 수 있습니다."
+"여러분이 가진 컴퓨터로 한 작업은 %1 웹 사이트에 설명된 목표에 도달하는데 공헌하고 있습니다. 응용 프로그램은 시간이 지나면 바뀔 수 "
 #: ../user/info.php:42
 msgid "Privacy policy"
@@ -4896,9 +4768,8 @@ msgid ""
 "done for %1. If you want to be anonymous, choose a name that doesn't reveal "
 "your identity."
 msgstr ""
-"%1(은)는 여러분이 선택한 이름을 바탕으로 여러분을 식별합니다. 이 이름은 %1 "
-"웹 사이트에서 여러분의 컴퓨터로  %1(을)를 수행한 결과와 함께 보여질 것입니"
-"다. 만약 익명으로 남길 원한다면 여러분의 이름을 밝히지 않도록 선택하십시오."
+"%1(은)는 여러분이 선택한 이름을 바탕으로 여러분을 식별합니다. 이 이름은 %1 웹 사이트에서 여러분의 컴퓨터로  %1(을)를 수행한 "
+"결과와 함께 보여질 것입니다. 만약 익명으로 남길 원한다면 여러분의 이름을 밝히지 않도록 선택하십시오."
 #: ../user/info.php:44
 msgid ""
@@ -4908,22 +4779,19 @@ msgid ""
 "also be shown on %1's web site. Nothing that reveals your computer's "
 "location (e.g. its domain name or network address) will be shown."
 msgstr ""
-"만약 여러분이 %1에 참여한다면 여러분의 컴퓨터 정보(프로세서 종류, 메모리 용"
-"량, 기타)가 %1 서버에 기록됩니다. 이 것은 여러분 컴퓨터로 어떤 작업을 할당할"
-"지 결정하기 위해 사용됩니다. 이 정보는 또한 %1 웹 사이트에 공개됩니다. 여러"
-"분 컴퓨터의 위치를 알 수 있는 정보(예를 들어 도메인 네임이나 네트워크 주소)"
-"는 아무 것도 공개되지 않습니다."
+"만약 여러분이 %1에 참여한다면 여러분의 컴퓨터 정보(프로세서 종류, 메모리 용량, 기타)가 %1 서버에 기록됩니다. 이 것은 여러분 "
+"컴퓨터로 어떤 작업을 할당할지 결정하기 위해 사용됩니다. 이 정보는 또한 %1 웹 사이트에 공개됩니다. 여러분 컴퓨터의 위치를 알 수 "
+"있는 정보(예를 들어 도메인 네임이나 네트워크 주소)는 아무 것도 공개되지 않습니다."
 #: ../user/info.php:45
 msgid ""
 "To participate in %1, you must give an address where you receive email. This "
-"address will not be shown on the %1 web site or shared with organizations. "
-"%1 may send you periodic newsletters; however, you can opt out at any time."
+"address will not be shown on the %1 web site or shared with organizations. %"
+"1 may send you periodic newsletters; however, you can opt out at any time."
 msgstr ""
-"%1에 참여하려면 여러분이 실제로 받아볼 수 있는 email 주소를 제공해야 합니다. "
-"이 주소는 %1 웹 사이트에 공개되지 않으며, 다른 기관과 공유하지도 않습니다. %1"
-"(은)는 여러분에게 주기적으로 소식지를 보낼 수도 있습니다. 그러나 이 것은 언제"
-"든지 거부할 수 있습니다."
+"%1에 참여하려면 여러분이 실제로 받아볼 수 있는 email 주소를 제공해야 합니다. 이 주소는 %1 웹 사이트에 공개되지 않으며, 다른 "
+"기관과 공유하지도 않습니다. %1(은)는 여러분에게 주기적으로 소식지를 보낼 수도 있습니다. 그러나 이 것은 언제든지 거부할 수 "
 #: ../user/info.php:46
 msgid ""
@@ -4933,11 +4801,9 @@ msgid ""
 "them to your %2message filter%3.  This will prevent you from seeing any "
 "public or private messages from that user."
 msgstr ""
-"%1 웹 사이트를 통해 보낸 쪽지는 송신자와 수신자만 볼 수 있습니다. %1은 쪽지 "
-"내용을 검사하거나 감시하지 않습니다. 만약 여러분이 다른 %1 사용자에게서 쪽지"
-"를 받길 원하지 않는다면 그 것들을 %2메세지 필터%3에 추가할 수 있습니다. 이 것"
-"은 불특정 다수에게 보여지거나 혹은 다른 사용자에게서 온 쪽지로부터 원하지 않"
-"는 메세지를 막아줍니다."
+"%1 웹 사이트를 통해 보낸 쪽지는 송신자와 수신자만 볼 수 있습니다. %1은 쪽지 내용을 검사하거나 감시하지 않습니다. 만약 여러분이 "
+"다른 %1 사용자에게서 쪽지를 받길 원하지 않는다면 그 것들을 %2메세지 필터%3에 추가할 수 있습니다. 이 것은 불특정 다수에게 "
+"보여지거나 혹은 다른 사용자에게서 온 쪽지로부터 원하지 않는 메세지를 막아줍니다."
 #: ../user/info.php:47
 msgid ""
@@ -4946,10 +4812,8 @@ msgid ""
 "members.  By posting to the forums, you are granting irrevocable license for "
 "anyone to view and copy your posts."
 msgstr ""
-"만약 우리 웹사이트 포럼을 이용하려면 %2글 쓰기 가이드라인%3을 따라야 합니다. "
-"%1 포럼에 작성된 게시물은 멤버가 아닌 사람을 포함한 누구나 볼 수 있습니다. 포"
-"럼에 글을 쓰면 여러분의 포스트들은 누구나 볼 수 있고 복사할 수 있는 권리를 부"
-"여받게 됩니다."
+"만약 우리 웹사이트 포럼을 이용하려면 %2글 쓰기 가이드라인%3을 따라야 합니다. %1 포럼에 작성된 게시물은 멤버가 아닌 사람을 포함한 "
+"누구나 볼 수 있습니다. 포럼에 글을 쓰면 여러분의 포스트들은 누구나 볼 수 있고 복사할 수 있는 권리를 부여받게 됩니다."
 #: ../user/info.php:48
 msgid "Is it safe to run %1?"
@@ -4965,28 +4829,23 @@ msgid ""
 "all executable files are digitally signed on a secure computer not connected "
 "to the Internet."
 msgstr ""
-"언제든지 여러분은 인터넷을 통해서 프로그램을 다운로드할 수 있습니다. 어떤 때"
-"는 프로그램이 위험한 오류를 가지고 있을 수 도 있고 다운로드 서버가 해킹당했"
-"을 수도 있습니다. %1(은)는 이러한 위험을 최소화하기 위해 노력합니다. 우리는 "
-"우리의 응용 프로그램을 조심히 테스트합니다. 우리 서버는 높은 보안성을 위해서 "
-"방화벽 뒤에 두고 있습니다. 프로그램 다운로드를 안전하게 하기 위해서 모든 실행"
-"가능한 파일은 인터넷에 연결되지 않은 안전한 컴퓨터로 디지털 서명을 하고 있습"
+"언제든지 여러분은 인터넷을 통해서 프로그램을 다운로드할 수 있습니다. 어떤 때는 프로그램이 위험한 오류를 가지고 있을 수 도 있고 "
+"다운로드 서버가 해킹당했을 수도 있습니다. %1(은)는 이러한 위험을 최소화하기 위해 노력합니다. 우리는 우리의 응용 프로그램을 조심히 "
+"테스트합니다. 우리 서버는 높은 보안성을 위해서 방화벽 뒤에 두고 있습니다. 프로그램 다운로드를 안전하게 하기 위해서 모든 실행가능한 "
+"파일은 인터넷에 연결되지 않은 안전한 컴퓨터로 디지털 서명을 하고 있습니다."
 #: ../user/info.php:50
 msgid ""
 "The applications run by %1 may cause some computers to overheat. If this "
 "happens, stop running %1 or use a %2utility program%3 that limits CPU usage."
 msgstr ""
-"%1 응용을 수행 중에 어떤 컴퓨터는 과부하가 걸릴 수 있습니다. 만약 그렇게 되었"
-"다면 %1 수행을 중지하시거나 CPU사용량을 제한하기 위해 %2유틸리티 프로그램%3"
-"(을)를 사용하십시오."
+"%1 응용을 수행 중에 어떤 컴퓨터는 과부하가 걸릴 수 있습니다. 만약 그렇게 되었다면 %1 수행을 중지하시거나 CPU사용량을 제한하기 "
+"위해 %2유틸리티 프로그램%3(을)를 사용하십시오."
 #: ../user/info.php:51
 msgid ""
 "%1 was developed by %2. BOINC was developed at the University of California."
-msgstr ""
-"%1(은)는 %2에서 개발했습니다. BOINC는 California 대학에서 개발했습니다."
+msgstr "%1(은)는 %2에서 개발했습니다. BOINC는 California 대학에서 개발했습니다."
 #: ../user/info.php:53
 msgid "Liability"
@@ -4995,11 +4854,11 @@ msgstr "책임"
 #: ../user/info.php:54
 msgid ""
 "%1 and %2 assume no liability for damage to your computer, loss of data, or "
-"any other event or condition that may occur as a result of participating in "
+"any other event or condition that may occur as a result of participating in %"
 msgstr ""
-"%1(과)와 %2(은)는 %1에 참여한 결과로 인해 발생할지도 모르는 컴퓨터가 입은 충"
-"격, 데이터 손실, 혹은 어떤 사건이나 손해도 책임지지 않습니다."
+"%1(과)와 %2(은)는 %1에 참여한 결과로 인해 발생할지도 모르는 컴퓨터가 입은 충격, 데이터 손실, 혹은 어떤 사건이나 손해도 "
+"책임지지 않습니다."
 #: ../user/info.php:56
 msgid "Other BOINC projects"
@@ -5011,9 +4870,8 @@ msgid ""
 "participating in one or more of these projects. By doing so, your computer "
 "will do useful work even when %1 has no work available for it."
 msgstr ""
-"다른 프로젝트도 %1처럼 BOINC 플랫폼을 사용합니다. 여러분이 이들 프로젝트에 하"
-"나 이상 참여할 생각이 들지도 모릅니다. 그렇게 함으로서 %1에서 수행할 작업이 "
-"없어도 여러분 컴퓨터는 유용한 작업을 수행할 수 있습니다. "
+"다른 프로젝트도 %1처럼 BOINC 플랫폼을 사용합니다. 여러분이 이들 프로젝트에 하나 이상 참여할 생각이 들지도 모릅니다. 그렇게 "
+"함으로서 %1에서 수행할 작업이 없어도 여러분 컴퓨터는 유용한 작업을 수행할 수 있습니다. "
 #: ../user/info.php:58
 msgid ""
@@ -5021,9 +4879,8 @@ msgid ""
 "their security practices or the nature of their research. Join them at your "
 "own risk."
 msgstr ""
-"다른 프로젝트는 %1(과)와 아무 관련이 없으며, 그들의 보안 상태나 그들이 하는 "
-"연구의 성격을 보증할 수 없습니다. 여러분은 위험을 감수하고서 그 것에 참여하셔"
-"야 합니다."
+"다른 프로젝트는 %1(과)와 아무 관련이 없으며, 그들의 보안 상태나 그들이 하는 연구의 성격을 보증할 수 없습니다. 여러분은 위험을 "
+"감수하고서 그 것에 참여하셔야 합니다."
 #: ../user/language_select.php:47
 msgid "Language selection"
@@ -5039,9 +4896,7 @@ msgstr "이 웹 사이트는 다양한 언어로 이용할 수 있습니다. 현
 msgid ""
 "Normally the choice of language is determined by your browser's language "
 "setting, which is: %1.  You can change this setting using:"
-msgstr ""
-"보통 언어 설정은 여러분의 브라우저 언어 설정을 따릅니다. 현재 언어: %1  이 언"
-"어로 바꾸기: "
+msgstr "보통 언어 설정은 여러분의 브라우저 언어 설정을 따릅니다. 현재 언어: %1  이 언어로 바꾸기: "
 #: ../user/language_select.php:83
 msgid "Firefox: Tools/Options/General"
@@ -5057,9 +4912,8 @@ msgid ""
 "send your browser a cookie; make sure your browser accepts cookies from our "
 msgstr ""
-"또는 다음 링크 중 하나를 클릭해서 언어를 선택할 수 있습니다.  이 사항은 브라"
-"우저에 쿠키로 저장됩니다. 브라우저가 이 도메인의 쿠키를 허용하도록 해야 합니"
+"또는 다음 링크 중 하나를 클릭해서 언어를 선택할 수 있습니다.  이 사항은 브라우저에 쿠키로 저장됩니다. 브라우저가 이 도메인의 쿠키를 "
+"허용하도록 해야 합니다"
 #: ../user/language_select.php:95
 msgid "Language name (click to select)"
@@ -5071,11 +4925,9 @@ msgstr "브라우저 언어 설정 사용"
 #: ../user/language_select.php:113
 msgid ""
-"Translations are done by volunteers.  If your native language is not here, "
-"%1you can provide a translation%2."
-msgstr ""
-"번역은 자원봉사로 이루어 집니다. 만약 여러분의 언어가 여기에 없다면 %1번역을 "
-"할 수도 있습니다%2."
+"Translations are done by volunteers.  If your native language is not here, %"
+"1you can provide a translation%2."
+msgstr "번역은 자원봉사로 이루어 집니다. 만약 여러분의 언어가 여기에 없다면 %1번역을 할 수도 있습니다%2."
 #: ../user/login_form.php:45
 msgid "Email address:"
@@ -5192,8 +5044,7 @@ msgstr ""
 "관리자는 이 규정을 위반한 포스트를 삭제할 것입니다.\n"
 "삭제된 포스트는 작성자에게 이메일로 통보됩니다.\n"
 "상습적인 위반자는 일시적으로 글을 쓸 권한을 잃게 될 것입니다.\n"
-"(그렇지만 남용을 방지하기 위해서 오직 프로젝트 운영자만 그럴 권한을 갖습니"
+"(그렇지만 남용을 방지하기 위해서 오직 프로젝트 운영자만 그럴 권한을 갖습니다.)\n"
 "추가적으로 안 좋은 행동(다른 참여자들의 IP 주소를 수집하기 위한 함정을\n"
 "놓는 \"도청\" 포스트, 포럼 내에 과도한 스레드를 생성해서 도배하는\n"
 "행위, 기타)은 공식 규정에 명시되지 않았지만 유사한 패널티를\n"
@@ -5347,8 +5198,7 @@ msgstr "제한된 숫자의 사용자를 차단할 수 있다는 걸 알아두
 msgid ""
 "Once the user has been blocked you can unblock it using forum preferences "
-msgstr ""
-"사용자가 차단되었습니다. 포럼 환경 설정 페이지에서 차단을 해제할 수 있습니다."
+msgstr "사용자가 차단되었습니다. 포럼 환경 설정 페이지에서 차단을 해제할 수 있습니다."
 #: ../user/pm.php:252
 msgid "No, cancel"
@@ -5422,24 +5272,19 @@ msgstr "취소"
 msgid ""
 "%1Profiles%2 let individuals share backgrounds and opinions with the %3 "
-msgstr ""
-"%1프로필%2은 배경 지식과 의견을 %3 커뮤니티에서 개별적으로 공유하도록 합니다."
+msgstr "%1프로필%2은 배경 지식과 의견을 %3 커뮤니티에서 개별적으로 공유하도록 합니다."
 #: ../user/profile_menu.php:36
 msgid ""
 "Explore the diversity of your fellow volunteers, and contribute your own "
 "views for others to enjoy."
-msgstr ""
-"여러분과 같은 기여자들의 다양성을 경험하고, 다른 사람과 즐기기 위해서 공헌할 "
-"수 있습니다."
+msgstr "여러분과 같은 기여자들의 다양성을 경험하고, 다른 사람과 즐기기 위해서 공헌할 수 있습니다."
 #: ../user/profile_menu.php:37
 msgid ""
 "If you haven't already, you can %1create your own user profile%2 for others "
 "to see!"
-msgstr ""
-"만약 아직 만들지 않았다면, 다른 사람에게 보여주기위해 %1사용자 프로필을 생"
-"성%2할 수 있습니다!"
+msgstr "만약 아직 만들지 않았다면, 다른 사람에게 보여주기위해 %1사용자 프로필을 생성%2할 수 있습니다!"
 #: ../user/profile_menu.php:42
 msgid "User of the Day"
@@ -5461,9 +5306,7 @@ msgstr "%1 국가%2로 프로필 탐색"
 msgid ""
 "Browse profiles %1at random%2, %3at random with pictures%2, or %4at random "
 "without pictures%2."
-msgstr ""
-"%1 무작위%2, %3 무작위 사진 있음%2, 혹은 %4 무작위 사진 없음%2으로 프로필 탐"
+msgstr "%1 무작위%2, %3 무작위 사진 있음%2, 혹은 %4 무작위 사진 없음%2으로 프로필 탐색."
 #: ../user/profile_menu.php:66
 msgid "Alphabetical profile listings:"
@@ -5561,135 +5404,135 @@ msgstr "미실행중"
 msgid "Disabled"
 msgstr "비활성화"
-#: ../user/server_status.php:246
+#: ../user/server_status.php:231
 msgid "Project status"
 msgstr "프로젝트 상태"
-#: ../user/server_status.php:248
+#: ../user/server_status.php:233
 msgid "Server software version: %1"
 msgstr "서버 소프트웨어 버전: %1"
-#: ../user/server_status.php:256
+#: ../user/server_status.php:241
 msgid "Program"
 msgstr "프로그램"
-#: ../user/server_status.php:256
+#: ../user/server_status.php:241
 msgid "Host"
 msgstr "호스트"
-#: ../user/server_status.php:267
+#: ../user/server_status.php:252
 msgid "data-driven web pages"
 msgstr "데이터 웹 페이지 서버"
-#: ../user/server_status.php:273
+#: ../user/server_status.php:258
 msgid "upload/download server"
 msgstr "업로드/다운로드 서버"
-#: ../user/server_status.php:276
+#: ../user/server_status.php:261
 msgid "scheduler"
 msgstr "스케쥴러"
-#: ../user/server_status.php:309
+#: ../user/server_status.php:294
 msgid "Running:"
 msgstr "가동 중:"
-#: ../user/server_status.php:310
+#: ../user/server_status.php:295
 msgid "Program is operating normally"
 msgstr "프로그램이 정상적으로 작동합니다"
-#: ../user/server_status.php:311
+#: ../user/server_status.php:296
 msgid "Not Running:"
 msgstr "미가동 중:"
-#: ../user/server_status.php:312
+#: ../user/server_status.php:297
 msgid "Program failed or the project is down"
 msgstr "프로그램 실행 실패 혹은 프로젝트 서버 다운됨"
-#: ../user/server_status.php:313
+#: ../user/server_status.php:298
 msgid "Disabled:"
 msgstr "비활성화:"
-#: ../user/server_status.php:314
+#: ../user/server_status.php:299
 msgid "Program is disabled"
 msgstr "프로그램이 꺼졌습니다"
-#: ../user/server_status.php:318
+#: ../user/server_status.php:303
 msgid "Computing status"
 msgstr "컴퓨팅 현황"
-#: ../user/server_status.php:324
+#: ../user/server_status.php:309
 msgid "The database server is not accessible"
 msgstr "DB 서버에 접근할 수 없습니다"
-#: ../user/server_status.php:341
+#: ../user/server_status.php:326
 msgid "Tasks ready to send"
 msgstr "전송 준비된 태스크"
-#: ../user/server_status.php:346 ../user/workunit.php:55
+#: ../user/server_status.php:331 ../user/workunit.php:55
 msgid "Tasks in progress"
 msgstr "진행 중인 태스크"
-#: ../user/server_status.php:351
+#: ../user/server_status.php:336
 msgid "Workunits waiting for validation"
 msgstr "검증 대기 중인 작업 유닛"
-#: ../user/server_status.php:356
+#: ../user/server_status.php:341
 msgid "Workunits waiting for assimilation"
 msgstr "통합 대기 중인 작업 유닛"
-#: ../user/server_status.php:361
+#: ../user/server_status.php:346
 msgid "Workunits waiting for file deletion"
 msgstr "삭제 대기 중인 작업 유닛"
-#: ../user/server_status.php:366
+#: ../user/server_status.php:351
 msgid "Tasks waiting for file deletion"
 msgstr "파일 삭제 대기 중인 태스크"
-#: ../user/server_status.php:383
+#: ../user/server_status.php:367
 msgid "Transitioner backlog (hours)"
 msgstr "변환기 처리 목록 (시간)"
-#: ../user/server_status.php:390
+#: ../user/server_status.php:374
 msgid "Users"
 msgstr "사용자"
-#: ../user/server_status.php:393 ../user/server_status.php:411
+#: ../user/server_status.php:377 ../user/server_status.php:395
 msgid "with recent credit"
 msgstr "최근 크레딧 소유"
-#: ../user/server_status.php:398 ../user/server_status.php:416
+#: ../user/server_status.php:382 ../user/server_status.php:400
 msgid "with credit"
 msgstr "크레딧 소유"
-#: ../user/server_status.php:403 ../user/server_status.php:421
+#: ../user/server_status.php:387 ../user/server_status.php:405
 msgid "registered in past 24 hours"
 msgstr "최근 24시간 이내에 등록"
-#: ../user/server_status.php:427
+#: ../user/server_status.php:411
 msgid "current GigaFLOPs"
 msgstr "현재 GFLOPs"
-#: ../user/server_status.php:436
+#: ../user/server_status.php:420
 msgid "Tasks by application"
 msgstr "태스크 수행 프로그램"
-#: ../user/server_status.php:439 ../user/workunit.php:40
+#: ../user/server_status.php:423 ../user/workunit.php:40
 msgid "application"
 msgstr "응용 프로그램"
-#: ../user/server_status.php:440
+#: ../user/server_status.php:424
 msgid "unsent"
 msgstr "미전송"
-#: ../user/server_status.php:441
+#: ../user/server_status.php:425
 msgid "in progress"
 msgstr "진행 중"
-#: ../user/server_status.php:442
+#: ../user/server_status.php:426
 msgid "avg runtime of last 100 results in h (min-max)"
 msgstr "평균 100개의 결과물 실행 시간 (시, 최소-최대)"
-#: ../user/server_status.php:443
+#: ../user/server_status.php:427
 msgid "users in last 24h"
 msgstr "최근 24시간 내 사용자"
@@ -5709,9 +5552,7 @@ msgstr "통계 %1"
 msgid ""
 "More detailed statistics for %1 and other BOINC-based projects are available "
 "at several web sites:"
-msgstr ""
-"%1에 대한 더 자세한 통계와 다른 BOINC 기반 프로젝트들은 여러 웹사이트에서 이"
-"용 가능합니다:"
+msgstr "%1에 대한 더 자세한 통계와 다른 BOINC 기반 프로젝트들은 여러 웹사이트에서 이용 가능합니다:"
 #: ../user/stats.php:40
 msgid ""
@@ -5724,8 +5565,7 @@ msgid ""
 "Additionally you can get your individual statistics summed across all BOINC "
 "projects from several sites; see your %1home page%2."
 msgstr ""
-"거기다 모든 BOINC 프로젝트들을 통틀어서 정리된 개인별 통계는 여러 사이트에서 "
-"얻을 수 있습니다. %1홈 페이지%2를 봅니다."
+"거기다 모든 BOINC 프로젝트들을 통틀어서 정리된 개인별 통계는 여러 사이트에서 얻을 수 있습니다. %1홈 페이지%2를 봅니다."
 #: ../user/team.php:27
 msgid "%1 participants may form %2teams%3."
@@ -5734,9 +5574,7 @@ msgstr "%1 참여자는 %2팀%3 형식을 띄고 있습니다."
 #: ../user/team.php:29
 msgid ""
 "You may belong to only one team. You can join or quit a team at any time."
-msgstr ""
-"여러분은 오직 한 팀에만 소속될 수 있습니다. 언제든지 팀에 가입하거나 탈퇴할 "
-"수 있습니다."
+msgstr "여러분은 오직 한 팀에만 소속될 수 있습니다. 언제든지 팀에 가입하거나 탈퇴할 수 있습니다."
 #: ../user/team.php:31
 msgid "Each team has a %1founder%2 who may:"
@@ -5785,9 +5623,7 @@ msgstr "새로운 팀 만들기"
 #: ../user/team.php:59
 msgid ""
 "If you cannot find a team that is right for you, you can %1create a team%2."
-msgstr ""
-"만약 여러분에게 맞는 팀을 찾지 못하셨다면 여러분은 %1팀을 만들 수도 있습니"
+msgstr "만약 여러분에게 맞는 팀을 찾지 못하셨다면 여러분은 %1팀을 만들 수도 있습니다%2."
 #: ../user/team_admins.php:34
 msgid "Remove Team Admin status from this member"
@@ -5813,9 +5649,7 @@ msgstr "팀 가입/탈퇴 기록 보기"
 msgid ""
 "Moderate the team forum, if any (admins get email notification of moderation "
 "events and red X reports)"
-msgstr ""
-"모든 팀 포럼 관리 (관리자는 관리 기록 사항 또는 빨간 X 보고서 등을 이메일로 "
-"받아볼 수 있습니다)"
+msgstr "모든 팀 포럼 관리 (관리자는 관리 기록 사항 또는 빨간 X 보고서 등을 이메일로 받아볼 수 있습니다)"
 #: ../user/team_admins.php:47
 msgid "Team Admins cannot:"
@@ -5837,9 +5671,7 @@ msgstr "만약 팀 관리자가 팀을 탈퇴하면 팀 관리자도 그만두
 msgid ""
 "We recommend that you select only people you know and trust very well as "
 "Team Admins."
-msgstr ""
-"우리는 여러분이 잘 알고 있고 신뢰할 수 있는 사람을 팀 관리자로 선택하기를 추"
+msgstr "우리는 여러분이 잘 알고 있고 신뢰할 수 있는 사람을 팀 관리자로 선택하기를 추천합니다."
 #: ../user/team_admins.php:59
 msgid "There are currently no Team Admins"
@@ -5909,17 +5741,14 @@ msgstr "%1 창설자 변경"
 msgid ""
 "Team member %1 requested this team's foundership on %2, but left the team, "
 "thus canceling the request."
-msgstr ""
-"팀원 %1은 %2의 팀 창설자로 요청되었습니다. 그러나 팀을 떠나게 되면 요청은 취"
+msgstr "팀원 %1은 %2의 팀 창설자로 요청되었습니다. 그러나 팀을 떠나게 되면 요청은 취소됩니다."
 #: ../user/team_change_founder_form.php:49
 msgid ""
 "Team member %1 has requested this team's foundership. This may be because "
 "you left the team or haven't had contact with the team for a long time."
 msgstr ""
-"팀원 %1은 이 팀의 창설자로 요청되었습니다. 그 것은 당신이 팀을 떠났거나 오랜 "
-"시간동안 팀에 접촉하지 않았기 때문일 것입니다."
+"팀원 %1은 이 팀의 창설자로 요청되었습니다. 그 것은 당신이 팀을 떠났거나 오랜 시간동안 팀에 접촉하지 않았기 때문일 것입니다."
 #: ../user/team_change_founder_form.php:55
 msgid "decline request"
@@ -5932,10 +5761,8 @@ msgid ""
 "                  To accept the request, assign foundership to %3 using the "
 "form below."
 msgstr ""
-"%1의 요구를 거부하지 않는다면 %2는 팀 창설자에 취임할 선택권을 가지게 됩니다."
-"<br /><br />\n"
-"                  요청을 수락하려면 하단에 양식을 이용해서 %3을 창설자로 임명"
+"%1의 요구를 거부하지 않는다면 %2는 팀 창설자에 취임할 선택권을 가지게 됩니다.<br /><br />\n"
+"                  요청을 수락하려면 하단에 양식을 이용해서 %3을 창설자로 임명하세요."
 #: ../user/team_change_founder_form.php:66
 msgid "No transfer request is pending."
@@ -5946,8 +5773,8 @@ msgid ""
 "To assign foundership of this team to another member, check the box next to "
 "member name and click <strong>Change founder</strong> below."
 msgstr ""
-"이 팀의 다른 사람을 창설자로 임명하려면 멤버 이름 옆 상자에 체크하고 하단에 "
-"있는 <strong>창설자 변경</strong>을 클릭하세요."
+"이 팀의 다른 사람을 창설자로 임명하려면 멤버 이름 옆 상자에 체크하고 하단에 있는 <strong>창설자 변경</strong>을 "
 #: ../user/team_change_founder_form.php:76
 msgid "New founder?"
@@ -5957,6 +5784,10 @@ msgstr "새 창설자로 바꿀까요?"
 msgid "Change founder"
 msgstr "창설자 변경"
+#: ../user/team_change_founder_form.php:108
+msgid "There are no users to transfer team to."
+msgstr "팀에서 인계받을 사용자를 찾지 못했습니다."
 #: ../user/team_create_action.php:29
 msgid "You must choose a non-blank team name"
 msgstr "공백없이 팀 이름을 입력하셔야 합니다"
@@ -5976,9 +5807,7 @@ msgstr "팀을 만듭니다"
 #: ../user/team_create_form.php:30
 msgid ""
 "You belong to %1. You must %2quit this team%3 before creating a new one."
-msgstr ""
-"%1에 소속되었습니다. 새로운 팀을 만들려면, 그 전에 %2이 팀을 탈퇴%3하셔야 됩"
+msgstr "%1에 소속되었습니다. 새로운 팀을 만들려면, 그 전에 %2이 팀을 탈퇴%3하셔야 됩니다."
 #: ../user/team_delta.php:65
 msgid "Not founder or admin"
@@ -6102,8 +5931,7 @@ msgid ""
 "posts will be permanently removed. (You may, however, create a new message "
 "board later)."
 msgstr ""
-"정말로 팀 게시판을 제거하시겠습니까? 모든 스레드와 포스트는 즉각 삭제됩니다. "
-"(그러나 이후에 새로 게시판을 만들 수도 있습니다)"
+"정말로 팀 게시판을 제거하시겠습니까? 모든 스레드와 포스트는 즉각 삭제됩니다. (그러나 이후에 새로 게시판을 만들 수도 있습니다)"
 #: ../user/team_forum.php:100
 msgid "Yes - remove message board"
@@ -6116,8 +5944,7 @@ msgstr "게시판이 제거되었습니다"
 #: ../user/team_forum.php:124
 msgid ""
 "Your team's message board has been removed. You may now %1create a new one%2."
-msgstr ""
-"팀 게시판이 삭제되었습니다. 지금부터 %1새로운 게시판을 만들 수 있습니다%2."
+msgstr "팀 게시판이 삭제되었습니다. 지금부터 %1새로운 게시판을 만들 수 있습니다%2."
 #: ../user/team_forum.php:143
 msgid "Team Message Board Updated"
@@ -6151,8 +5978,7 @@ msgid ""
 "will be allowed to become the founder."
 msgstr ""
 "현 창설자에게 당신의 요청 사항을 email과 쪽지로 알렸습니다.<br /><br />\n"
-"                       창설자가 60일 이내에 응답이 없으면 당신이 창설자가 되"
-"는 것이 허용됩니다."
+"                       창설자가 60일 이내에 응답이 없으면 당신이 창설자가 되는 것이 허용됩니다."
 #: ../user/team_founder_transfer_action.php:102
 #: ../user/team_founder_transfer_action.php:113
@@ -6167,9 +5993,7 @@ msgstr "%1의 창설자로 임명되었습니다"
 msgid ""
 "Congratulations, you are now the founder of team %1. Go to %2Your Account "
 "page%3 to find the Team Admin options."
-msgstr ""
-"축하합니다. 당신은 지금부터 %1 팀의 창설자입니다. %2계정 관리%3에 가서 팀 관"
-"리자 옵션을 찾아보세요."
+msgstr "축하합니다. 당신은 지금부터 %1 팀의 창설자입니다. %2계정 관리%3에 가서 팀 관리자 옵션을 찾아보세요."
 #: ../user/team_founder_transfer_action.php:120
 msgid "Decline founder change request"
@@ -6212,9 +6036,7 @@ msgstr "%2의 %1에게 창설자 변경를 신청했습니다."
 msgid ""
 "60 days have elapsed since your request, and the founder has not responded. "
 "You may now assume foundership by clicking here:"
-msgstr ""
-"요청이 있은지 60일이 지났습니다. 그리고 창설자는 응답하지 않았습니다. 여기를 "
-"클릭하면 창설자에 임명됩니다:"
+msgstr "요청이 있은지 60일이 지났습니다. 그리고 창설자는 응답하지 않았습니다. 여기를 클릭하면 창설자에 임명됩니다:"
 #: ../user/team_founder_transfer_form.php:50
 msgid "Assume foundership"
@@ -6224,9 +6046,7 @@ msgstr "창설자 취임"
 msgid ""
 "The founder was notified of your request. If he/she does not respond by %1 "
 "you will be given an option to become founder."
-msgstr ""
-"창설자에게 요청 사항을 알렸습니다. 만약 그가 %1에 응답하지 않으면 당신은 창설"
-"자가 될 권한을 얻습니다."
+msgstr "창설자에게 요청 사항을 알렸습니다. 만약 그가 %1에 응답하지 않으면 당신은 창설자가 될 권한을 얻습니다."
 #: ../user/team_founder_transfer_form.php:60
 msgid ""
@@ -6237,10 +6057,9 @@ msgid ""
 "will be allowed to become the founder.<br /><br />\n"
 "                       Are you sure you want to request foundership?"
 msgstr ""
-"만약 팀 창설자가 활동을 안 하고 있고 당신이 창설자에 임명되길 원하면, 하단에 "
-"있는 버튼을 누르세요. 현 창설자에게 당신의 요청 사항이 이메일로 전송되고 당신"
-"에게 창설자 권한을 주거나 요청을 거부할 수 있습니다. 만약 창설자가 60일 동안 "
-"응답이 없으면 창설자가 되도록 허용됩니다.<br /><br />\n"
+"만약 팀 창설자가 활동을 안 하고 있고 당신이 창설자에 임명되길 원하면, 하단에 있는 버튼을 누르세요. 현 창설자에게 당신의 요청 사항이 "
+"이메일로 전송되고 당신에게 창설자 권한을 주거나 요청을 거부할 수 있습니다. 만약 창설자가 60일 동안 응답이 없으면 창설자가 되도록 "
+"허용됩니다.<br /><br />\n"
 "                       정말로 창설권 요청을 하시겠습니까?"
 #: ../user/team_founder_transfer_form.php:65
@@ -6255,9 +6074,7 @@ msgstr "%2의 %1가 창설자 교체 요청을 이미 했습니다."
 msgid ""
 "A foundership change was requested during the last 90 days, so new requests "
 "are not allowed. Please try again later."
-msgstr ""
-"최근 90일 이내에 창설자 교체 요청이 있었기 때문에 새 요청은 허용되지 않습니"
-"다. 나중에 다시 시도해 주세요."
+msgstr "최근 90일 이내에 창설자 교체 요청이 있었기 때문에 새 요청은 허용되지 않습니다. 나중에 다시 시도해 주세요."
 #: ../user/team_join.php:32 ../user/team_join_action.php:32
 #: ../user/team_join_form.php:29
@@ -6322,11 +6139,9 @@ msgstr "100개 이상의 팀이 검색 조건을 만족합니다. 상위 100개
 #: ../user/team_lookup.php:104
 msgid ""
-"End of results. %1 If you cannot find the team you are looking for, you may "
-"%2create a team%3 yourself."
-msgstr ""
-"검색 종료. %1 만약 여러분에게 맞는 팀을 찾지 못하셨다면 여러분은 스스로 %2팀"
-"을 만들 수도%3 있습니다."
+"End of results. %1 If you cannot find the team you are looking for, you may %"
+"2create a team%3 yourself."
+msgstr "검색 종료. %1 만약 여러분에게 맞는 팀을 찾지 못하셨다면 여러분은 스스로 %2팀을 만들 수도%3 있습니다."
 #: ../user/team_manage.php:26
 msgid "Team administration for %1"
@@ -6409,24 +6224,19 @@ msgid ""
 "To have this team created on all BOINC projects (current and future) you can "
 "make it into a %1BOINC-wide team%2."
 msgstr ""
-"이 팀이 모든 BOINC 프로젝트에 생성되길 원하시면 (현재 및 미래에) 여러분은 "
-"%1BOINC 광역 팀으로 만들 수 있습니다%2."
+"이 팀이 모든 BOINC 프로젝트에 생성되길 원하시면 (현재 및 미래에) 여러분은 %1BOINC 광역 팀으로 만들 수 있습니다%2."
 #: ../user/team_manage.php:73
 msgid ""
 "Team admins are encouraged to join and participate in the Google %1boinc-"
 "team-founders%2 group."
-msgstr ""
-"팀 관리자들은 구글 %1boinc-team-founders%2 그룹에 가입하고 참여하길 권장합니"
+msgstr "팀 관리자들은 구글 %1boinc-team-founders%2 그룹에 가입하고 참여하길 권장합니다."
 #: ../user/team_manage.php:75
 msgid ""
 "Other resources for BOINC team admins are available from a third-party site, "
-msgstr ""
-"BOINC 팀 관리자들을 위한 다른 자원은 써드 파티 사이트에서 이용 가능합니다. "
+msgstr "BOINC 팀 관리자들을 위한 다른 자원은 써드 파티 사이트에서 이용 가능합니다. %1www.boincteams.com%2"
 #: ../user/team_manage.php:91
 msgid "Can't delete non-empty team"
@@ -6468,10 +6278,8 @@ msgid ""
 msgstr ""
 "<strong>팀을 탈퇴하기 전에 읽어주세요:</strong>\n"
 "         <ul>\n"
-"         <li>팀을 탈퇴하게 되면 나중에 재가입하거나 원하는 다른 팀으로 가입"
-"할 수 있습니다\n"
-"         <li>팀 탈퇴는 어떤 방식으로든 개인의 크레딧에 어떤 영향도 주지 않습"
+"         <li>팀을 탈퇴하게 되면 나중에 재가입하거나 원하는 다른 팀으로 가입할 수 있습니다\n"
+"         <li>팀 탈퇴는 어떤 방식으로든 개인의 크레딧에 어떤 영향도 주지 않습니다.\n"
 "         </ul>"
 #: ../user/team_quit_form.php:40
@@ -6544,9 +6352,7 @@ msgstr "검색 변경"
 msgid ""
 "You can team up with other people with similar interests, or from the same "
 "country, company, or school."
-msgstr ""
-"여러분은 유사한 흥미를 가졌거나 같은 국가, 회사, 학교등의 다른 사람들과 팀을 "
-"이룰 수 있습니다."
+msgstr "여러분은 유사한 흥미를 가졌거나 같은 국가, 회사, 학교등의 다른 사람들과 팀을 이룰 수 있습니다."
 #: ../user/team_search.php:183
 msgid "Use this form to find teams that might be right for you."
@@ -6683,9 +6489,7 @@ msgstr "인증 email 발송"
 msgid ""
 "An email has been sent to %1. Visit the link it contains to validate your "
 "email address."
-msgstr ""
-"%1에게 이메일이 전송되었습니다. 여러분 이메일 주소를 인증하기 위한 링크를 방"
-"문해 주세요."
+msgstr "%1에게 이메일이 전송되었습니다. 여러분 이메일 주소를 인증하기 위한 링크를 방문해 주세요."
 #: ../user/validate_email_addr.php:44
 msgid "No such user."
@@ -6726,8 +6530,7 @@ msgid ""
 "    or by using an assigned 'account key'.\n"
 "    Your account key is:"
 msgstr ""
-"여러분은 여러분의 이메일 주소와 비밀번호를 사용해서 계정에 접근할 수도 있지"
+"여러분은 여러분의 이메일 주소와 비밀번호를 사용해서 계정에 접근할 수도 있지만\n"
 "    한편으로 서명된 '계정 키'를 이용할 수도 있습니다.\n"
 "    여러분의 계정 키:"
@@ -6764,10 +6567,8 @@ msgid ""
 "    do so using your weak account key.\n"
 "    Your weak account key is:"
 msgstr ""
-"'약한 계정 키'는 위에서 설명한 대로 여러분이 가진 계정을 컴퓨터에 추가할 수 "
-"    해줍니다. 그러나 어떠한 방법으로든 계정에 로그인하거나 정보를 변경할 수"
-"는 없습니다.\n"
+"'약한 계정 키'는 위에서 설명한 대로 여러분이 가진 계정을 컴퓨터에 추가할 수 있게\n"
+"    해줍니다. 그러나 어떠한 방법으로든 계정에 로그인하거나 정보를 변경할 수는 없습니다.\n"
 "    만약 신뢰할 수 없거나 안전하지 않은 컴퓨터에 계정을 추가하고 싶다면\n"
 "    약한 계정 키를 사용해 주시기 바랍니다.\n"
 "    여러분의 약한 계정 키:"
@@ -6776,9 +6577,7 @@ msgstr ""
 msgid ""
 "If you change your password, your weak account key changes, and your "
 "previous weak account key becomes invalid."
-msgstr ""
-"만약 비밀번호를 바꾸면, 약한 계정 키도 바뀝니다. 또한 기존에 있던 약한 계정 "
-"키로는 인증이 되지 않습니다."
+msgstr "만약 비밀번호를 바꾸면, 약한 계정 키도 바뀝니다. 또한 기존에 있던 약한 계정 키로는 인증이 되지 않습니다."
 #: ../user/workunit.php:32
 msgid "can't find workunit"
@@ -6844,9 +6643,7 @@ msgstr "자기 소개"
 msgid ""
 "Tell us about yourself. You could tell us where you're from, your age, "
 "occupation, hobbies, or anything else about yourself."
-msgstr ""
-"당신에 대해 얘기해보세요. 당신이 어디에서 왔는지, 나이, 직업, 취미, 기타 당신"
-"에 관한 것들을 얘기할 수 있습니다."
+msgstr "당신에 대해 얘기해보세요. 당신이 어디에서 왔는지, 나이, 직업, 취미, 기타 당신에 관한 것들을 얘기할 수 있습니다."
 #: ../project.sample/project.inc:87
 msgid "Your opinions about %1"
@@ -6882,9 +6679,7 @@ msgstr "선택된 응용 프로그램만 실행"
 msgid ""
 "If no work for selected applications is available, accept work from other "
-msgstr ""
-"선택된 응용 프로그램용 작업이 없을 경우에 다른 프로그램 실행을 허용하시겠습니"
+msgstr "선택된 응용 프로그램용 작업이 없을 경우에 다른 프로그램 실행을 허용하시겠습니까?"
 #: ../project.sample/project_specific_prefs.inc:91
 msgid "(all applications)"
diff --git a/html/languages/translations/pl.po b/html/languages/translations/pl.po
index c546307..cc26564 100644
--- a/html/languages/translations/pl.po
+++ b/html/languages/translations/pl.po
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ msgstr ""
 "Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: BOINC translation team <boinc_loc at boinc.berkeley.edu>\n"
 "POT-Creation-Date: 2014-01-10 00:00 PST\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-01-20 16:11+0200\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-01-20 16:11+0000\n"
 "Last-Translator: Pawel <pawel.pbm at gmail.com>\n"
 "Language-Team: LANGUAGE <LL at li.org>\n"
 "Language: pl\n"
@@ -16,11 +16,12 @@ msgstr ""
 "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
 "Plural-Forms: nplurals=3; plural=(n==1 ? 0 : n%10>=2 && n%10<=4 && (n%100<10 "
 "|| n%100>=20) ? 1 : 2);\n"
-"X-Generator: Pootle 2.1.6\n"
+"X-Generator: Pootle 2.5.0\n"
 "X-Poedit-SourceCharset: utf-8\n"
+"X-BOINC-UTF8-Marker: 简体中文, 日本語\n"
 "X-Poedit-SearchPath-0: html\\user\n"
 "X-Poedit-Basepath: C:\\Src\\BOINCSVN\\trunk\\boinc\n"
-"X-BOINC-UTF8-Marker: 简体中文, 日本語\n"
+"X-POOTLE-MTIME: 1358698319.0\n"
 # The name of this language in this language
@@ -1218,8 +1219,9 @@ msgid "Use NVIDIA GPU %1 Enforced by version 6.10+ %2"
 msgstr "Używaj karty graficznej NVIDIA %1 Egzekwowane od wersji 6.10+ %2"
 #: ../inc/prefs.inc:344
+#, fuzzy
 msgid "Use Intel GPU %1 Enforced by version 7.2+ %2"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Używaj karty graficznej ATI %1 Egzekwowane od wersji 6.10+ %2"
 #: ../inc/prefs.inc:358
 msgid ""
@@ -1783,8 +1785,9 @@ msgid "State"
 msgstr "Stan"
 #: ../inc/result.inc:747
+#, fuzzy
 msgid "Task name:"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Nazwa zadania"
 #: ../inc/team.inc:40
 msgid "Search criteria (use one or more)"
@@ -2602,8 +2605,9 @@ msgid "Top GPU models"
 msgstr ""
 #: ../user/bs_sample_index.php:70
+#, fuzzy
 msgid "Languages"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Język"
 # #######################################
 # Rules and Policies page (info.php)
diff --git a/html/languages/translations/ru.po b/html/languages/translations/ru.po
index 926ae5e..e5e9889 100644
--- a/html/languages/translations/ru.po
+++ b/html/languages/translations/ru.po
@@ -6,9 +6,9 @@ msgid ""
 msgstr ""
 "Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: BOINC translation team <boinc_loc at boinc.berkeley.edu>\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2013-10-29 10:57 PDT\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-11-20 16:46+0000\n"
-"Last-Translator: akuloboy <oleg_kras at rambler.ru>\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-01-10 00:00 PST\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2014-08-17 17:09+0000\n"
+"Last-Translator: Nikolay Saharov <saharovna at gmail.com>\n"
 "Language-Team: LANGUAGE <LL at li.org>\n"
 "Language: ru\n"
 "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ msgstr ""
 "10<=4 && (n%100<10 || n%100>=20) ? 1 : 2);\n"
 "X-Generator: Pootle 2.5.0\n"
 "X-Poedit-SourceCharset: utf-8\n"
-"X-POOTLE-MTIME: 1384965965.0\n"
+"X-POOTLE-MTIME: 1408295381.0\n"
 # The name of this language in this language
 # Имя языка в этом файле
@@ -196,19 +196,19 @@ msgstr "Найти в форумах"
 msgid "Advanced search"
 msgstr "Расширенный поиск"
-#: ../inc/forum.inc:132 ../inc/user.inc:252 ../user/pm.php:69
+#: ../inc/forum.inc:132 ../inc/user.inc:253 ../user/pm.php:69
 #: ../user/pm.php:133
 msgid "Private messages"
 msgstr "Личные сообщения"
 #: ../inc/forum.inc:151 ../user/bs_sample_index.php:63
-#: ../user/forum_forum.php:71 ../user/sample_index.php:119
+#: ../user/forum_forum.php:71 ../user/sample_index.php:130
 msgid "Questions and Answers"
 msgstr "Вопросы и ответы"
-#: ../inc/forum.inc:151 ../inc/forum.inc:183 ../inc/user.inc:249
-#: ../inc/user.inc:374 ../user/bs_sample_index.php:62
-#: ../user/forum_forum.php:73 ../user/sample_index.php:118
+#: ../inc/forum.inc:151 ../inc/forum.inc:183 ../inc/user.inc:250
+#: ../inc/user.inc:375 ../user/bs_sample_index.php:62
+#: ../user/forum_forum.php:73 ../user/sample_index.php:129
 #: ../project.sample/project.inc:43
 msgid "Message boards"
 msgstr "Доска сообщений"
@@ -273,7 +273,7 @@ msgstr "Непрочитанный"
 msgid "Message %1"
 msgstr "Сообщение %1"
-#: ../inc/forum.inc:624 ../inc/user.inc:330 ../user/forum_forum.php:174
+#: ../inc/forum.inc:624 ../inc/user.inc:331 ../user/forum_forum.php:174
 msgid "hidden"
 msgstr "скрыто"
@@ -491,7 +491,7 @@ msgstr "Нельзя написать сообщение в скрытом об
 msgid "Thread"
 msgstr "Обсуждение"
-#: ../inc/forum.inc:1174 ../inc/team.inc:127 ../user/forum_forum.php:136
+#: ../inc/forum.inc:1174 ../inc/team.inc:128 ../user/forum_forum.php:136
 #: ../user/forum_index.php:94
 msgid "Posts"
 msgstr "Сообщения"
@@ -500,7 +500,7 @@ msgstr "Сообщения"
 msgid "Views"
 msgstr "Просмотры"
-#: ../inc/forum.inc:1177 ../inc/team.inc:127 ../user/forum_forum.php:139
+#: ../inc/forum.inc:1177 ../inc/team.inc:128 ../user/forum_forum.php:139
 #: ../user/forum_help_desk.php:46 ../user/forum_index.php:95
 msgid "Last post"
 msgstr "Последнее сообщение"
@@ -538,7 +538,7 @@ msgid "Home"
 msgstr "Дом"
 #: ../inc/host.inc:57 ../inc/prefs.inc:641 ../inc/prefs.inc:1049
-#: ../user/server_status.php:329
+#: ../user/server_status.php:314
 msgid "Work"
 msgstr "Работа"
@@ -604,9 +604,9 @@ msgid "Created"
 msgstr "Создан"
 #: ../inc/host.inc:113 ../inc/host.inc:226 ../inc/host.inc:231
-#: ../inc/host.inc:681 ../inc/team.inc:101 ../inc/team.inc:214
-#: ../inc/team.inc:219 ../inc/team.inc:221 ../inc/team.inc:363
-#: ../inc/team.inc:368 ../inc/user.inc:125 ../inc/user.inc:138
+#: ../inc/host.inc:681 ../inc/team.inc:101 ../inc/team.inc:215
+#: ../inc/team.inc:220 ../inc/team.inc:222 ../inc/team.inc:364
+#: ../inc/team.inc:369 ../inc/user.inc:125 ../inc/user.inc:138
 #: ../user/profile_search_action.php:43
 #: ../user/team_change_founder_form.php:78 ../user/team_email_list.php:64
 #: ../user/team_remove_inactive_form.php:41 ../user/top_users.php:54
@@ -698,7 +698,7 @@ msgstr "%1 Кб/с"
 #: ../inc/host.inc:159 ../inc/host.inc:166 ../inc/result.inc:216
 #: ../inc/result.inc:226 ../inc/result.inc:244 ../inc/result.inc:262
 #: ../inc/result.inc:278 ../user/explain_state.php:56
-#: ../user/host_app_versions.php:29
+#: ../user/host_app_versions.php:30
 msgid "Unknown"
 msgstr "Неизвестно"
@@ -706,7 +706,7 @@ msgstr "Неизвестно"
 msgid "Average download rate"
 msgstr "Средняя скорость загрузки данных"
-#: ../inc/host.inc:169 ../user/host_app_versions.php:64
+#: ../inc/host.inc:169 ../user/host_app_versions.php:65
 msgid "Average turnaround time"
 msgstr "Среднее время обработки"
@@ -782,7 +782,7 @@ msgstr "Последний контакт"
 msgid "Computer info"
 msgstr "Информация о компьютере"
-#: ../inc/host.inc:221 ../inc/host.inc:676 ../inc/team.inc:356
+#: ../inc/host.inc:221 ../inc/host.inc:676 ../inc/team.inc:357
 #: ../user/top_users.php:48
 msgid "Rank"
 msgstr "Позиция"
@@ -791,9 +791,9 @@ msgstr "Позиция"
 msgid "Avg. credit"
 msgstr "В среднем за день"
-#: ../inc/host.inc:230 ../inc/team.inc:102 ../inc/team.inc:215
-#: ../inc/team.inc:224 ../inc/team.inc:226 ../inc/team.inc:362
-#: ../inc/team.inc:367 ../inc/user.inc:139
+#: ../inc/host.inc:230 ../inc/team.inc:102 ../inc/team.inc:216
+#: ../inc/team.inc:225 ../inc/team.inc:227 ../inc/team.inc:363
+#: ../inc/team.inc:368 ../inc/user.inc:139
 #: ../user/team_change_founder_form.php:79 ../user/team_email_list.php:64
 #: ../user/team_remove_inactive_form.php:42 ../user/top_users.php:53
 #: ../user/top_users.php:58
@@ -881,9 +881,9 @@ msgstr "Только компьютеры, активные за последн
 msgid "Computer ID"
 msgstr "ID компьютера"
-#: ../inc/host.inc:669 ../inc/result.inc:628 ../inc/team.inc:209
-#: ../inc/team.inc:357 ../inc/user.inc:199 ../user/account_finish.php:41
-#: ../user/create_account_form.php:80 ../user/team_admins.php:62
+#: ../inc/host.inc:669 ../inc/result.inc:628 ../inc/team.inc:210
+#: ../inc/team.inc:358 ../inc/user.inc:199 ../user/account_finish.php:41
+#: ../user/create_account_form.php:79 ../user/team_admins.php:62
 #: ../user/team_change_founder_form.php:77 ../user/team_email_list.php:64
 #: ../user/top_users.php:49 ../user/user_search.php:139
 msgid "Name"
@@ -893,7 +893,7 @@ msgstr "Имя"
 msgid "BOINC<br>version"
 msgstr "Версия<br>BOINC"
-#: ../inc/host.inc:745 ../user/merge_by_name.php:67
+#: ../inc/host.inc:745 ../user/merge_by_name.php:65
 msgid "Merge computers by name"
 msgstr "Объединить компьютеры по имени"
@@ -918,12 +918,12 @@ msgstr "Входящие"
 msgid "Write"
 msgstr "Написать"
-#: ../inc/pm.inc:33 ../inc/user.inc:377
+#: ../inc/pm.inc:33 ../inc/user.inc:378
 msgid "Send private message"
 msgstr "Отправить личное сообщение"
 #: ../inc/pm.inc:35 ../inc/pm.inc:37 ../inc/pm.inc:89
-#: ../user/ffmail_form.php:59 ../user/forum_edit.php:99
+#: ../user/ffmail_form.php:58 ../user/forum_edit.php:99
 #: ../user/forum_edit.php:101 ../user/forum_edit.php:145
 #: ../user/forum_post.php:61 ../user/forum_post.php:87
 #: ../user/forum_post.php:89 ../user/forum_post.php:130
@@ -1126,7 +1126,7 @@ msgstr ""
 "менее%1(максимум 10 дней).%2"
 #: ../inc/prefs.inc:223 ../inc/prefs.inc:228 ../inc/prefs.inc:270
-#: ../inc/util.inc:258
+#: ../inc/util.inc:274
 msgid "days"
 msgstr "дней"
@@ -1215,8 +1215,8 @@ msgid "Use NVIDIA GPU %1 Enforced by version 6.10+ %2"
 msgstr "Использовать ГП NVIDIA %1 Начиная с версии 6.10+ %2"
 #: ../inc/prefs.inc:344
-msgid "Use Intel GPU %1 Enforced by version 7.0+ %2"
-msgstr "Использовать ГП Intel %1 начиная с версии 7.0+ %2"
+msgid "Use Intel GPU %1 Enforced by version 7.2+ %2"
+msgstr "Использовать ГП Intel %1 начиная с версии 7.2+ %2"
 #: ../inc/prefs.inc:358
 msgid ""
@@ -1330,7 +1330,7 @@ msgstr "Определённые параметры проекта"
 msgid "Primary (default) preferences"
 msgstr "Основные настройки (по умолчанию)"
-#: ../inc/prefs.inc:871 ../user/add_venue.php:43 ../user/add_venue.php:67
+#: ../inc/prefs.inc:871 ../user/add_venue.php:39 ../user/add_venue.php:63
 #: ../user/prefs_edit.php:40 ../user/prefs_edit.php:64
 #: ../user/prefs_edit.php:92
 msgid "Edit %1 preferences"
@@ -1394,7 +1394,7 @@ msgstr ""
 msgid "Database error"
 msgstr "Ошибка базы данных"
-#: ../inc/profile.inc:192
+#: ../inc/profile.inc:193
 msgid ""
 "To prevent spam, profiles of users with an average credit of less than %1 "
 "are displayed only to logged-in users. We apologize for this inconvenience."
@@ -1403,35 +1403,35 @@ msgstr ""
 "меньше чем %1 показываются только вошедшим пользователям. Мы приносим "
 "извинения за это неудобство."
-#: ../inc/profile.inc:196
+#: ../inc/profile.inc:197
 msgid "User is banished"
 msgstr "Пользователь заблокирован"
-#: ../inc/profile.inc:210
+#: ../inc/profile.inc:211
 msgid "No profile exists for that user ID."
 msgstr "Профиль не существует для пользователя с этим ID."
-#: ../inc/profile.inc:218 ../user/create_profile.php:313
+#: ../inc/profile.inc:219 ../user/create_profile.php:313
 msgid "Edit your profile"
 msgstr "Редактировать профиль"
-#: ../inc/profile.inc:261
+#: ../inc/profile.inc:262
 msgid "Your feedback on this profile"
 msgstr "Ваш отзыв на этот профиль"
-#: ../inc/profile.inc:263
+#: ../inc/profile.inc:264
 msgid "Recommend this profile for User of the Day:"
 msgstr "Рекомендовать этот профиль в качестве Пользователя дня:"
-#: ../inc/profile.inc:264
+#: ../inc/profile.inc:265
 msgid "I %1like%2 this profile"
 msgstr "Мне %1нравится%2 этот профиль"
-#: ../inc/profile.inc:267
+#: ../inc/profile.inc:268
 msgid "Alert administrators to an offensive profile:"
 msgstr "Предупредить администраторов об оскорбительном профиле:"
-#: ../inc/profile.inc:268
+#: ../inc/profile.inc:269
 msgid "I %1do not like%2 this profile"
 msgstr "Мне %1не нравится%2 этот профиль"
@@ -1439,7 +1439,7 @@ msgstr "Мне %1не нравится%2 этот профиль"
 msgid "Anonymous platform"
 msgstr "Анонимная платформа"
-#: ../inc/result.inc:53
+#: ../inc/result.inc:53 ../user/host_app_versions.php:26
 msgid "NVIDIA GPU"
 msgstr "ГП NVIDIA"
@@ -1447,7 +1447,7 @@ msgstr "ГП NVIDIA"
 msgid "ATI GPU"
 msgstr "ГП ATI"
-#: ../inc/result.inc:57
+#: ../inc/result.inc:57 ../user/host_app_versions.php:28
 msgid "Intel GPU"
 msgstr "ГП Intel"
@@ -1701,7 +1701,7 @@ msgstr "Время подтверждения<br />или крайний сро
 msgid "explain"
 msgstr "объяснить"
-#: ../inc/result.inc:376 ../user/server_status.php:256
+#: ../inc/result.inc:376 ../user/server_status.php:241
 msgid "Status"
 msgstr "Статус"
@@ -1793,17 +1793,17 @@ msgstr "Ключевые слова"
 msgid "Find teams with these words in their names or descriptions"
 msgstr "Найти команды с этими словами в их названиях или описаниях"
-#: ../inc/team.inc:43 ../inc/team.inc:121 ../inc/team.inc:232
-#: ../inc/team.inc:372 ../inc/team.inc:456 ../inc/user.inc:205
-#: ../inc/user.inc:316 ../user/account_finish.php:45
-#: ../user/create_account_form.php:99 ../user/edit_user_info_form.php:40
+#: ../inc/team.inc:43 ../inc/team.inc:122 ../inc/team.inc:233
+#: ../inc/team.inc:373 ../inc/team.inc:455 ../inc/user.inc:205
+#: ../inc/user.inc:317 ../user/account_finish.php:45
+#: ../user/create_account_form.php:98 ../user/edit_user_info_form.php:38
 #: ../user/profile_search_action.php:42 ../user/team_email_list.php:64
 #: ../user/team_search.php:72 ../user/top_users.php:63
 #: ../user/user_search.php:53 ../user/user_search.php:140
 msgid "Country"
 msgstr "Страна"
-#: ../inc/team.inc:49 ../inc/team.inc:454
+#: ../inc/team.inc:49 ../inc/team.inc:453
 msgid "Type of team"
 msgstr "Тип команды"
@@ -1811,7 +1811,7 @@ msgstr "Тип команды"
 msgid "Show only active teams"
 msgstr "Показать только активные команды"
-#: ../inc/team.inc:52 ../user/profile_menu.php:77 ../user/user_search.php:70
+#: ../inc/team.inc:52 ../user/profile_menu.php:76 ../user/user_search.php:70
 msgid "Search"
 msgstr "Найти"
@@ -1831,8 +1831,8 @@ msgstr "Запрошен Вами"
 msgid "founder response deadline is %1"
 msgstr "крайний срок ответа основателя %1"
-#: ../inc/team.inc:72 ../inc/team.inc:556 ../inc/user.inc:280
-#: ../inc/user.inc:370
+#: ../inc/team.inc:72 ../inc/team.inc:555 ../inc/user.inc:281
+#: ../inc/user.inc:371
 msgid "None"
 msgstr "Нет"
@@ -1856,27 +1856,27 @@ msgstr "Описание"
 msgid "Web site"
 msgstr "Вебсайт"
-#: ../inc/team.inc:119
+#: ../inc/team.inc:120
 msgid "Cross-project stats"
 msgstr "Объединенная статистика по проектам"
-#: ../inc/team.inc:122 ../inc/team.inc:373 ../user/team_search.php:71
+#: ../inc/team.inc:123 ../inc/team.inc:374 ../user/team_search.php:71
 msgid "Type"
 msgstr "Тип"
-#: ../inc/team.inc:126 ../user/team_manage.php:63
+#: ../inc/team.inc:127 ../user/team_manage.php:63
 msgid "Message board"
 msgstr "Доска сообщений"
-#: ../inc/team.inc:127 ../user/forum_forum.php:135 ../user/forum_index.php:93
+#: ../inc/team.inc:128 ../user/forum_forum.php:135 ../user/forum_index.php:93
 msgid "Threads"
 msgstr "Обсуждения"
-#: ../inc/team.inc:135
+#: ../inc/team.inc:136
 msgid "Join this team"
 msgstr "Присоединиться к этой команде"
-#: ../inc/team.inc:136
+#: ../inc/team.inc:137
 msgid ""
 "Note: if 'OK to email' is set in your project preferences, joining a team "
 "gives its founder access to your email address."
@@ -1885,79 +1885,79 @@ msgstr ""
 "уведомления по электронной почте', присоединение к команде дает доступ ее "
 "основателя к Вашему адресу электронной почты."
-#: ../inc/team.inc:139
+#: ../inc/team.inc:140
 msgid "Not accepting new members"
 msgstr "Не принимать новых участников"
-#: ../inc/team.inc:146
+#: ../inc/team.inc:147
 msgid "Foundership change requested"
 msgstr "Запрошена смена основателя"
-#: ../inc/team.inc:147
+#: ../inc/team.inc:148
 msgid "Respond by %1"
 msgstr "Ответить до %1"
-#: ../inc/team.inc:151
+#: ../inc/team.inc:152
 msgid "Team foundership change"
 msgstr "Смена основателя команды"
-#: ../inc/team.inc:155 ../inc/team.inc:358
+#: ../inc/team.inc:156 ../inc/team.inc:359
 msgid "Members"
 msgstr "Участники"
-#: ../inc/team.inc:156 ../inc/team.inc:253
+#: ../inc/team.inc:157 ../inc/team.inc:254
 msgid "Founder"
 msgstr "Основатель"
-#: ../inc/team.inc:168
+#: ../inc/team.inc:169
 msgid "Admins"
 msgstr "Администраторы"
-#: ../inc/team.inc:183
+#: ../inc/team.inc:184
 msgid "New members in last day"
 msgstr "Новые участники за последний день"
-#: ../inc/team.inc:184
+#: ../inc/team.inc:185
 msgid "Total members"
 msgstr "Всего участников"
-#: ../inc/team.inc:184 ../inc/team.inc:185 ../inc/team.inc:186
+#: ../inc/team.inc:185 ../inc/team.inc:186 ../inc/team.inc:187
 msgid "view"
 msgstr "просмотр"
-#: ../inc/team.inc:185
+#: ../inc/team.inc:186
 msgid "Active members"
 msgstr "Активных участников"
-#: ../inc/team.inc:186
+#: ../inc/team.inc:187
 msgid "Members with credit"
 msgstr "Участников с заработанными очками"
-#: ../inc/team.inc:255
+#: ../inc/team.inc:256
 msgid "Admin"
 msgstr "Администратор"
-#: ../inc/team.inc:276 ../user/forum_user_posts.php:122
+#: ../inc/team.inc:277 ../user/forum_user_posts.php:122
 #: ../user/top_hosts.php:93 ../user/top_teams.php:121
 #: ../user/top_users.php:127
 msgid "Previous %1"
 msgstr "Предыдущие %1"
-#: ../inc/team.inc:280 ../user/forum_user_posts.php:131
+#: ../inc/team.inc:281 ../user/forum_user_posts.php:131
 #: ../user/profile_search_action.php:61 ../user/top_hosts.php:98
 #: ../user/top_teams.php:126 ../user/top_users.php:132
 msgid "Next %1"
 msgstr "Следующие %1"
-#: ../inc/team.inc:288
+#: ../inc/team.inc:289
 msgid "No such team."
 msgstr "Нет такой команды."
-#: ../inc/team.inc:301
+#: ../inc/team.inc:302
 msgid "This operation requires foundership."
 msgstr "Эта операция требует прав основателя."
-#: ../inc/team.inc:325
+#: ../inc/team.inc:326
 msgid "This operation requires team admin privileges"
 msgstr "Эта операция требует прав администратора команды"
@@ -1970,7 +1970,7 @@ msgstr ""
 "здесь, то они будут скоро перезаписаны. Поэтому редактируйте %1глобальную "
 "команду BOINC%2."
-#: ../inc/team.inc:429
+#: ../inc/team.inc:428
 msgid ""
 "%1Privacy note%2: if you create a team, your project preferences (resource "
 "share, graphics preferences) will be visible to the public."
@@ -1978,47 +1978,47 @@ msgstr ""
 "%1Примечание безопасности%2: если Вы создадите команду, то Ваши настройки "
 "проекта (доля ресурсов, графические настройки) будут видны всем."
-#: ../inc/team.inc:433
+#: ../inc/team.inc:432
 msgid "Team name, text version"
 msgstr "Название команды, текстовая версия"
-#: ../inc/team.inc:434
+#: ../inc/team.inc:433
 msgid "Don't use HTML tags."
 msgstr "Не использовать тэги HTML."
-#: ../inc/team.inc:437
+#: ../inc/team.inc:436
 msgid "Team name, HTML version"
 msgstr "Название команды, HTML версия"
-#: ../inc/team.inc:439 ../inc/team.inc:449
+#: ../inc/team.inc:438 ../inc/team.inc:448
 msgid "You may use %1limited HTML tags%2."
 msgstr "Вы можете использовать %1ограниченные тэги HTML%2."
-#: ../inc/team.inc:440
+#: ../inc/team.inc:439
 msgid "If you don't know HTML, leave this box blank."
 msgstr "Если Вы не знаете HTML, оставьте это поле пустым."
-#: ../inc/team.inc:443
+#: ../inc/team.inc:442
 msgid "URL of team web page, if any"
 msgstr "URL веб-страницы команды, если есть"
-#: ../inc/team.inc:443
+#: ../inc/team.inc:442
 msgid "without \"http://\""
 msgstr "без \"http://\""
-#: ../inc/team.inc:444
+#: ../inc/team.inc:443
 msgid "This URL will be linked to from the team's page on this site."
 msgstr "Этот URL будет вызываться со страницы команды на этом сайте."
-#: ../inc/team.inc:447
+#: ../inc/team.inc:446
 msgid "Description of team"
 msgstr "Описание команды"
-#: ../inc/team.inc:463
+#: ../inc/team.inc:462
 msgid "Accept new members?"
 msgstr "Принимать новых участников?"
-#: ../inc/uotd.inc:27
+#: ../inc/uotd.inc:28
 msgid "User profile"
 msgstr "Профиль пользователя"
@@ -2051,7 +2051,7 @@ msgid "Computers on this account"
 msgstr "Компьютеры в этой учётной записи"
 #: ../inc/user.inc:151 ../inc/user.inc:152 ../inc/user.inc:217
-#: ../inc/user.inc:242 ../inc/user.inc:328 ../inc/user.inc:401
+#: ../inc/user.inc:243 ../inc/user.inc:329 ../inc/user.inc:402
 #: ../user/view_profile.php:64
 msgid "View"
 msgstr "Просмотр"
@@ -2068,8 +2068,8 @@ msgstr "Объединенная статистика по проектам"
 msgid "Account"
 msgstr "Учётная запись"
-#: ../inc/user.inc:165 ../inc/user.inc:280 ../inc/user.inc:368
-#: ../inc/user.inc:370 ../user/user_search.php:139
+#: ../inc/user.inc:165 ../inc/user.inc:281 ../inc/user.inc:369
+#: ../inc/user.inc:371 ../user/user_search.php:139
 msgid "Team"
 msgstr "Команда"
@@ -2093,12 +2093,12 @@ msgstr "Неизвестный тип уведомления: %1"
 msgid "Account information"
 msgstr "Учётная информация"
-#: ../inc/user.inc:200 ../user/edit_passwd_form.php:48
+#: ../inc/user.inc:200 ../user/edit_passwd_form.php:45
 #: ../user/get_passwd.php:40 ../user/team_email_list.php:64
 msgid "Email address"
 msgstr "Адрес email"
-#: ../inc/user.inc:203 ../inc/user.inc:321
+#: ../inc/user.inc:203 ../inc/user.inc:322
 msgid "URL"
 msgstr "URL"
@@ -2106,7 +2106,7 @@ msgstr "URL"
 msgid "Postal code"
 msgstr "Почтовый индекс"
-#: ../inc/user.inc:207 ../inc/user.inc:315
+#: ../inc/user.inc:207 ../inc/user.inc:316
 msgid "%1 member since"
 msgstr "Участник %1 с"
@@ -2126,7 +2126,7 @@ msgstr "пароль"
 msgid "other account info"
 msgstr "другая учётная информация"
-#: ../inc/user.inc:213 ../inc/user.inc:314
+#: ../inc/user.inc:213 ../inc/user.inc:315
 msgid "User ID"
 msgstr "ID пользователя"
@@ -2162,129 +2162,129 @@ msgstr "Настройки сообщества"
 msgid "Preferences for this project"
 msgstr "Настройки для этого проекта"
-#: ../inc/user.inc:233 ../user/prefs.php:32
+#: ../inc/user.inc:233 ../user/prefs.php:29
 msgid "%1 preferences"
 msgstr "Настройки %1"
 #: ../inc/user.inc:239 ../user/bs_sample_index.php:59
-#: ../user/sample_index.php:114
+#: ../user/sample_index.php:125
 msgid "Community"
 msgstr "Сообщество"
-#: ../inc/user.inc:242 ../user/pm.php:107 ../user/pm.php:147
+#: ../inc/user.inc:243 ../user/pm.php:107 ../user/pm.php:147
 msgid "Delete"
 msgstr "Удалить"
-#: ../inc/user.inc:244
+#: ../inc/user.inc:245
 msgid "Create"
 msgstr "Создать"
-#: ../inc/user.inc:246 ../inc/user.inc:401 ../inc/util.inc:498
+#: ../inc/user.inc:247 ../inc/user.inc:402 ../inc/util.inc:514
 msgid "Profile"
 msgstr "Профиль"
-#: ../inc/user.inc:249 ../inc/user.inc:374
+#: ../inc/user.inc:250 ../inc/user.inc:375
 msgid "%1 posts"
 msgstr "%1 сообщений"
-#: ../inc/user.inc:261 ../user/edit_forum_preferences_form.php:51
+#: ../inc/user.inc:262 ../user/edit_forum_preferences_form.php:51
 msgid "Notifications"
 msgstr "Уведомления"
-#: ../inc/user.inc:268
+#: ../inc/user.inc:269
 msgid "Quit team"
 msgstr "Выйти из команды"
-#: ../inc/user.inc:270 ../inc/user.inc:287
+#: ../inc/user.inc:271 ../inc/user.inc:288
 msgid "Administer"
 msgstr "Управление"
-#: ../inc/user.inc:276 ../inc/user.inc:289
+#: ../inc/user.inc:277 ../inc/user.inc:290
 msgid "(foundership change request pending)"
 msgstr "(запрос на смену основателя в ожидании)"
-#: ../inc/user.inc:278
+#: ../inc/user.inc:279
 msgid "Member of team"
 msgstr "Участник команды"
-#: ../inc/user.inc:280
+#: ../inc/user.inc:281
 msgid "find a team"
 msgstr "найти команду"
-#: ../inc/user.inc:291
+#: ../inc/user.inc:292
 msgid "Founder but not member of"
 msgstr "Основатель, но не участник"
-#: ../inc/user.inc:297
+#: ../inc/user.inc:298
 msgid "Find friends"
 msgstr "Найти друзей"
-#: ../inc/user.inc:304 ../inc/user.inc:306 ../inc/user.inc:384
-#: ../inc/user.inc:386 ../inc/user.inc:395
+#: ../inc/user.inc:305 ../inc/user.inc:307 ../inc/user.inc:385
+#: ../inc/user.inc:387 ../inc/user.inc:396
 msgid "Friends"
 msgstr "Друзья"
-#: ../inc/user.inc:328 ../inc/user.inc:330 ../user/server_status.php:408
+#: ../inc/user.inc:329 ../inc/user.inc:331 ../user/server_status.php:392
 msgid "Computers"
 msgstr "Компьютеры"
-#: ../inc/user.inc:337
+#: ../inc/user.inc:338
 msgid "Donor"
 msgstr "Донор"
-#: ../inc/user.inc:377
+#: ../inc/user.inc:378
 msgid "Contact"
 msgstr "Контакт"
-#: ../inc/user.inc:380
+#: ../inc/user.inc:381
 msgid "This person is a friend"
 msgstr "Персона является другом"
-#: ../inc/user.inc:381 ../user/friend.php:238
+#: ../inc/user.inc:382 ../user/friend.php:238
 msgid "Cancel friendship"
 msgstr "Прекратить дружбу"
-#: ../inc/user.inc:384 ../user/friend.php:37
+#: ../inc/user.inc:385 ../user/friend.php:37
 msgid "Request pending"
 msgstr "Запрос в ожидании"
-#: ../inc/user.inc:386
+#: ../inc/user.inc:387
 msgid "Add as friend"
 msgstr "Добавить друга"
-#: ../inc/user.inc:445
+#: ../inc/user.inc:446
 msgid "user name cannot have leading or trailing white space"
 msgstr "имя пользователя не может иметь начальные или конечные пробелы"
-#: ../inc/user.inc:449
+#: ../inc/user.inc:450
 msgid "user name must be nonempty"
 msgstr "имя пользователя не может быть пустым"
-#: ../inc/user.inc:453
+#: ../inc/user.inc:454
 msgid "user name may not contain HTML tags"
 msgstr "имя пользователя не должно содержать тэги HTML"
-#: ../inc/util.inc:116
+#: ../inc/util.inc:131
 msgid "log out"
 msgstr "выйти"
-#: ../inc/util.inc:118
+#: ../inc/util.inc:133
 msgid "log in"
 msgstr "войти"
-#: ../inc/util.inc:188 ../user/login_form.php:30 ../user/login_form.php:55
+#: ../inc/util.inc:204 ../user/login_form.php:30 ../user/login_form.php:66
 msgid "Log in"
 msgstr "Войти"
-#: ../inc/util.inc:189 ../user/create_account_form.php:31
+#: ../inc/util.inc:205 ../user/create_account_form.php:40
 msgid "Create an account"
 msgstr "Создание учётной записи"
-#: ../inc/util.inc:190
+#: ../inc/util.inc:206
 msgid "Server status page"
 msgstr "Информация о состоянии сервера"
-#: ../inc/util.inc:232
+#: ../inc/util.inc:248
 msgid ""
 "A database error occurred while handling your request; please try again "
@@ -2292,60 +2292,56 @@ msgstr ""
 "Произошла ошибка базы данных во время обработки вашего запроса; пожалуйста "
 "попробуйте ещё раз позже."
-#: ../inc/util.inc:241
+#: ../inc/util.inc:257
 msgid "Unable to handle request"
 msgstr "Невозможно обработать запрос"
-#: ../inc/util.inc:261
+#: ../inc/util.inc:277
 msgid "hours"
 msgstr "часов"
-#: ../inc/util.inc:264
+#: ../inc/util.inc:280
 msgid "min"
 msgstr "мин."
-#: ../inc/util.inc:267
+#: ../inc/util.inc:283
 msgid "sec"
 msgstr "сек."
-#: ../inc/util.inc:428
+#: ../inc/util.inc:444
 msgid "Link has timed out. Please click Back, refresh the page, and try again."
 msgstr ""
 "Ссылка просрочена. Пожалуйста щёлкните Назад, обновите страницу, и "
 "попробуйте ещё раз."
-#: ../inc/util.inc:497
+#: ../inc/util.inc:513
 msgid "View the profile of %1"
 msgstr "Посмотреть профиль участника %1"
-#: ../inc/util.inc:553
+#: ../inc/util.inc:569
 msgid "Use BBCode tags to format your text"
 msgstr "Используйте тэги BBCode для форматирования Вашего текста"
-#: ../inc/util.inc:780
+#: ../inc/util.inc:796
 msgid "Project down for maintenance"
 msgstr "Проект остановлен для обслуживания"
-#: ../inc/util.inc:783
+#: ../inc/util.inc:799
 msgid "%1 is temporarily shut down for maintenance.  Please try again later."
 msgstr ""
 "%1 временно остановлен для обслуживания.  Пожалуйста попробуйте ещё раз "
-#: ../inc/util.inc:801
+#: ../inc/util.inc:817
 msgid "Unable to connect to database - please try again later"
 msgstr ""
 "Невозможно подключиться к базе данных - пожалуйста попробуйте ещё раз позже"
-#: ../inc/util.inc:802
-msgid "Error:"
-msgstr "Ошибка:"
-#: ../inc/util.inc:806
+#: ../inc/util.inc:821
 msgid "Unable to select database - please try again later"
 msgstr "Невозможно выбрать базу данных - пожалуйста попробуйте ещё раз позже"
-#: ../inc/util_ops.inc:136 ../user/get_passwd.php:72
+#: ../inc/util_ops.inc:109 ../user/get_passwd.php:72
 msgid "Stay logged in on this computer"
 msgstr "Оставаться авторизованным на этом компьютере"
@@ -2353,21 +2349,21 @@ msgstr "Оставаться авторизованным на этом комп
 msgid "Finish account setup"
 msgstr "Завершение настройки учётной записи"
-#: ../user/account_finish.php:41 ../user/create_account_form.php:80
+#: ../user/account_finish.php:41 ../user/create_account_form.php:79
 msgid "Identifies you on our web site. Use your real name or a nickname."
 msgstr ""
 "Идентифицирует Вас на нашем web-сайте. Введите Ваше настоящее имя или "
-#: ../user/account_finish.php:45 ../user/create_account_form.php:99
+#: ../user/account_finish.php:45 ../user/create_account_form.php:98
 msgid "Select the country you want to represent, if any."
 msgstr "Выберите страну, которую представляете, если хотите."
-#: ../user/account_finish.php:51 ../user/create_account_form.php:105
+#: ../user/account_finish.php:51 ../user/create_account_form.php:104
 msgid "Postal or ZIP Code"
 msgstr "Почтовый индекс или ZIP-код"
-#: ../user/account_finish.php:51 ../user/create_account_form.php:105
+#: ../user/account_finish.php:51 ../user/create_account_form.php:104
 msgid "Optional"
 msgstr "Необязательно"
@@ -2379,12 +2375,12 @@ msgstr "Вы должны указать имя для вашей учётной
 msgid "HTML tags not allowed in name"
 msgstr "Тэги HTML недопустимы в Вашем имени"
-#: ../user/add_venue.php:85
+#: ../user/add_venue.php:81
 msgid "Add %1 preferences for %2"
 msgstr "Добавить настройки %1 для конфигурации %2"
 #: ../user/apps.php:32 ../user/bs_sample_index.php:55
-#: ../user/sample_index.php:109
+#: ../user/sample_index.php:120
 msgid "Applications"
 msgstr "Приложения"
@@ -2548,16 +2544,16 @@ msgstr "Команды"
 msgid "create or join a team"
 msgstr "создать или присоединиться к команде"
-#: ../user/bs_sample_index.php:51 ../user/sample_index.php:180
+#: ../user/bs_sample_index.php:51 ../user/sample_index.php:191
 msgid "User of the day"
 msgstr "Пользователь Дня"
-#: ../user/bs_sample_index.php:52 ../user/server_status.php:254
+#: ../user/bs_sample_index.php:52 ../user/server_status.php:239
 msgid "Server status"
 msgstr "Статус сервера"
-#: ../user/bs_sample_index.php:60 ../user/profile_menu.php:35
-#: ../user/sample_index.php:116
+#: ../user/bs_sample_index.php:60 ../user/profile_menu.php:32
+#: ../user/sample_index.php:127
 msgid "Profiles"
 msgstr "Профили"
@@ -2592,7 +2588,7 @@ msgid "Languages"
 msgstr "Языки"
 #: ../user/bs_sample_index.php:149 ../user/info.php:24
-#: ../user/sample_index.php:74
+#: ../user/sample_index.php:79
 msgid "Read our rules and policies"
 msgstr "Прочтите наши правила и политику"
@@ -2604,65 +2600,46 @@ msgstr "Не удалось создать учётную запись"
 msgid "Click your browser's <b>Back</b> button to try again."
 msgstr "Нажмите кнопку <b>Назад</b> вашего браузера, чтобы попытаться ещё раз."
-#: ../user/create_account_action.php:38 ../user/create_account_action.php:40
-#: ../user/create_account_form.php:36
-msgid "Account creation is disabled"
-msgstr "Создание учётной записи запрещено"
-#: ../user/create_account_action.php:41
-msgid ""
-"Sorry, this project has disabled the creation of new accounts.\n"
-"Please try again later."
-msgstr ""
-"Извините, но этот проект запретил создание новых учётных записей.\n"
-"Пожалуйста попробуйте ещё раз позже."
-#: ../user/create_account_action.php:53
+#: ../user/create_account_action.php:47
 msgid "Your reCAPTCHA response was not correct. Please try again."
 msgstr "Ваш ответ reCAPTCHA был неправилен. Пожалуйста попробуйте ещё раз."
-#: ../user/create_account_action.php:77
+#: ../user/create_account_action.php:70
 msgid "You must supply an invitation code to create an account."
 msgstr "Чтобы создать учётную запись, Вы должны указать пригласительный код."
-#: ../user/create_account_action.php:80
+#: ../user/create_account_action.php:73
 msgid "The invitation code you gave is not valid."
 msgstr "Указанный Вами пригласительный код не действителен."
-#: ../user/create_account_action.php:91
+#: ../user/create_account_action.php:84
 msgid ""
 "Invalid email address: you must enter a valid address of the form name at domain"
 msgstr ""
 "Неправильный адрес электронной почты: Вы должны указать правильный адрес в "
 "форме name at domain"
-#: ../user/create_account_action.php:95
+#: ../user/create_account_action.php:88
 msgid "There's already an account with that email address."
 msgstr "Уже имеется учётная запись с таким же адресом электронной почты."
-#: ../user/create_account_action.php:101 ../user/edit_passwd_action.php:33
+#: ../user/create_account_action.php:94 ../user/edit_passwd_action.php:33
 msgid "New passwords are different"
 msgstr "Новые пароли отличаются"
-#: ../user/create_account_action.php:108 ../user/edit_passwd_action.php:41
+#: ../user/create_account_action.php:101 ../user/edit_passwd_action.php:41
 msgid "Passwords may only include ASCII characters."
 msgstr "Пароли могут содержать только ASCII-символы."
-#: ../user/create_account_action.php:113 ../user/edit_passwd_action.php:45
+#: ../user/create_account_action.php:106 ../user/edit_passwd_action.php:45
 msgid "New password is too short: minimum password length is %1 characters."
 msgstr "Новый пароль слишком короткий: минимальная длина пароля - %1 символов."
-#: ../user/create_account_action.php:134
+#: ../user/create_account_action.php:127
 msgid "Couldn't create account"
 msgstr "Не удалось создать учётную запись"
-#: ../user/create_account_form.php:37
-msgid "Account creation is currently disabled. Please try again later."
-msgstr ""
-"Создание учётной записи в данный момент запрещено. Пожалуйста, попробуйте "
-"ещё раз немного позднее."
-#: ../user/create_account_form.php:46
+#: ../user/create_account_form.php:44
 msgid ""
 "NOTE: If you use the BOINC Manager, don't use this form. Just run BOINC, "
 "select Add Project, and enter an email address and password."
@@ -2671,7 +2648,7 @@ msgstr ""
 "этого запустите BOINC, выберите Добавить проект, и введите свой e-mail и "
-#: ../user/create_account_form.php:62
+#: ../user/create_account_form.php:61
 msgid ""
 "This account will belong to the team %1 and will have the project "
 "preferences of its founder."
@@ -2679,40 +2656,40 @@ msgstr ""
 "Эта учётная запись будет относиться к команде '%1' и будет иметь настройки "
 "проекта как у её основателя."
-#: ../user/create_account_form.php:74
+#: ../user/create_account_form.php:73
 msgid "Invitation Code"
 msgstr "Пригласительный код"
-#: ../user/create_account_form.php:74
+#: ../user/create_account_form.php:73
 msgid "A valid invitation code is required to create an account."
 msgstr ""
 "Для создания учётной записи необходим действительный пригласительный код."
-#: ../user/create_account_form.php:84
+#: ../user/create_account_form.php:83
 msgid "Email Address"
 msgstr "Адрес электронной почты"
-#: ../user/create_account_form.php:84
+#: ../user/create_account_form.php:83
 msgid "Must be a valid address of the form 'name at domain'."
 msgstr "Должен быть действительным адресом в форме 'name at domain'."
-#: ../user/create_account_form.php:93 ../user/edit_email_form.php:49
+#: ../user/create_account_form.php:92 ../user/edit_email_form.php:47
 msgid "Password"
 msgstr "Пароль"
-#: ../user/create_account_form.php:94
+#: ../user/create_account_form.php:93
 msgid "Must be at least %1 characters"
 msgstr "Должно быть по крайней мере %1 символов"
-#: ../user/create_account_form.php:97
+#: ../user/create_account_form.php:96
 msgid "Confirm password"
 msgstr "Подтвердите пароль"
-#: ../user/create_account_form.php:114
+#: ../user/create_account_form.php:113
 msgid "Please enter the words shown in the image"
 msgstr "Пожалуйста, введите слова, показанные на картинке"
-#: ../user/create_account_form.php:120
+#: ../user/create_account_form.php:119
 msgid "Create account"
 msgstr "Создать учётную запись"
@@ -2879,7 +2856,7 @@ msgstr "Вы уверены, что хотите удалить вашу учё
 #: ../user/delete_account.php:79 ../user/delete_profile.php:52
 #: ../user/donations.php:322 ../user/donations.php:326 ../user/friend.php:238
-#: ../user/prefs_remove.php:55 ../user/user_search.php:59
+#: ../user/prefs_remove.php:52 ../user/user_search.php:59
 #: ../user/user_search.php:64
 msgid "Yes"
 msgstr "Да"
@@ -3113,23 +3090,23 @@ msgstr ""
 "Невозможно обновить ваш адрес электронной почты из-за проблем с базой "
 "данных.  Пожалуйста попробуйте ещё раз позже."
-#: ../user/edit_email_form.php:29 ../user/edit_email_form.php:53
+#: ../user/edit_email_form.php:27 ../user/edit_email_form.php:51
 msgid "Change email address"
 msgstr "Поменять адрес email"
-#: ../user/edit_email_form.php:38
+#: ../user/edit_email_form.php:36
 msgid "Change the email address of your account"
 msgstr "Изменение адреса электронной почты вашей учётной записи"
-#: ../user/edit_email_form.php:39
+#: ../user/edit_email_form.php:37
 msgid "New email address"
 msgstr "Новый адрес email"
-#: ../user/edit_email_form.php:40
+#: ../user/edit_email_form.php:38
 msgid "Must be a valid address of the form 'name at domain'"
 msgstr "Должен быть действительным адресом в форме 'name at domain'"
-#: ../user/edit_email_form.php:50
+#: ../user/edit_email_form.php:48
 msgid "No password?"
 msgstr "Нет пароля?"
@@ -3350,8 +3327,8 @@ msgstr "Не найдена учётная запись с таким адрес
 msgid "Invalid password"
 msgstr "Неправильный пароль"
-#: ../user/edit_passwd_action.php:63 ../user/edit_passwd_form.php:28
-#: ../user/edit_passwd_form.php:58
+#: ../user/edit_passwd_action.php:63 ../user/edit_passwd_form.php:25
+#: ../user/edit_passwd_form.php:55
 msgid "Change password"
 msgstr "Поменять пароль"
@@ -3367,35 +3344,35 @@ msgstr ""
 "Невозможно обновить ваш пароль из-за проблем с базой данных. Пожалуйста "
 "попробуйте ещё раз позже."
-#: ../user/edit_passwd_form.php:42
+#: ../user/edit_passwd_form.php:39
 msgid "You can identify yourself using either"
 msgstr "Вы можете идентифицировать себя используя"
-#: ../user/edit_passwd_form.php:44
+#: ../user/edit_passwd_form.php:41
 msgid "your email address and old password"
 msgstr "Ваш адрес email и старый пароль"
-#: ../user/edit_passwd_form.php:45
+#: ../user/edit_passwd_form.php:42
 msgid "your account key"
 msgstr "Ваш ключ учётной записи"
-#: ../user/edit_passwd_form.php:49
+#: ../user/edit_passwd_form.php:46
 msgid "Current password"
 msgstr "Текущий пароль"
-#: ../user/edit_passwd_form.php:51
+#: ../user/edit_passwd_form.php:48
 msgid "<b>OR</b>: Account key"
 msgstr "<b>ИЛИ</b>: Ключ учётной записи"
-#: ../user/edit_passwd_form.php:52
+#: ../user/edit_passwd_form.php:49
 msgid "Get account key by email"
 msgstr "Получить ключ учётной записи по электронной почте"
-#: ../user/edit_passwd_form.php:56
+#: ../user/edit_passwd_form.php:53
 msgid "New password"
 msgstr "Новый пароль"
-#: ../user/edit_passwd_form.php:57
+#: ../user/edit_passwd_form.php:54
 msgid "New password, again"
 msgstr "Новый пароль, ещё раз"
@@ -3411,23 +3388,23 @@ msgstr "Вы должны указать имя для вашей учётной
 msgid "Couldn't update user info."
 msgstr "Невозможно обновить информацию о пользователе."
-#: ../user/edit_user_info_form.php:29
+#: ../user/edit_user_info_form.php:27
 msgid "Edit account information"
 msgstr "Редактировать учётную информацию"
-#: ../user/edit_user_info_form.php:34
+#: ../user/edit_user_info_form.php:32
 msgid "Name %1 real name or nickname%2"
 msgstr "Имя %1 настоящее имя или псевдоним%2"
-#: ../user/edit_user_info_form.php:37
+#: ../user/edit_user_info_form.php:35
 msgid "URL %1 of your web page; optional%2"
 msgstr "URL %1 вашей веб-страницы; необязательно%2"
-#: ../user/edit_user_info_form.php:45
+#: ../user/edit_user_info_form.php:43
 msgid "Postal (ZIP) code %1 Optional%2"
 msgstr "Почтовый (ZIP) индекс %1 необязательно%2"
-#: ../user/edit_user_info_form.php:49
+#: ../user/edit_user_info_form.php:47
 msgid "Update info"
 msgstr "Обновить информацию"
@@ -3651,23 +3628,23 @@ msgstr ""
 "Вы забыли ввести имена и/или адреса электронной почты ваших друзей; "
 "пожалуйста %1вернитесь в форму%2 и введите их."
-#: ../user/ffmail_form.php:31
+#: ../user/ffmail_form.php:30
 msgid ""
-"This project hasn\\'t created an email message - please notify its "
+"This project hasn't created an email message - please notify its "
 msgstr ""
-"Этот проект не создал электронное письмо - пожалуйста, сообщите об этом "
+"Этот проект не создал электронное сообщение - пожалуйста, сообщите об этом "
+"администраторам проекта"
-#: ../user/ffmail_form.php:34
+#: ../user/ffmail_form.php:33
 msgid "Tell your friends about %1"
 msgstr "Расскажите своим друзьям о %1"
-#: ../user/ffmail_form.php:38
+#: ../user/ffmail_form.php:37
 msgid "Help us by telling your friends, family and coworkers about %1"
 msgstr "Окажите нам помощь, расскажите своим друзьям, семье и сотрудникам о %1"
-#: ../user/ffmail_form.php:40
+#: ../user/ffmail_form.php:39
 msgid ""
 "Fill in this form with the names and email addresses of people you think "
 "might be interested in %1. We'll send them an email in your name, and you "
@@ -3677,27 +3654,27 @@ msgstr ""
 "вашему мнению, могут быть заинтересованы в %1. Мы отправим им письмо от "
 "вашего имени, и если Вы пожелаете, Вы можете добавить своё сообщение."
-#: ../user/ffmail_form.php:43
+#: ../user/ffmail_form.php:42
 msgid "Your name:"
 msgstr "Ваше имя:"
-#: ../user/ffmail_form.php:43
+#: ../user/ffmail_form.php:42
 msgid "Your email address:"
 msgstr "Ваш адрес электронной почты:"
-#: ../user/ffmail_form.php:49
+#: ../user/ffmail_form.php:48
 msgid "Friend's name:"
 msgstr "Имя друга:"
-#: ../user/ffmail_form.php:49
+#: ../user/ffmail_form.php:48
 msgid "Friend's email address:"
 msgstr "Адрес электронной почты друга:"
-#: ../user/ffmail_form.php:57
+#: ../user/ffmail_form.php:56
 msgid "Additional message (optional)"
 msgstr "Дополнительное сообщение (необязательно)"
-#: ../user/ffmail_form.php:60
+#: ../user/ffmail_form.php:59
 msgid "Send"
 msgstr "Отправить"
@@ -4767,51 +4744,47 @@ msgstr ""
 msgid "If you have not already done so, %1download BOINC client software%2."
 msgstr "Если Вы этого ещё не сделали, %1загрузите клиентское ПО BOINC%2."
-#: ../user/host_app_versions.php:26
-msgid "nvidia GPU"
-msgstr "ГП NVIDIA"
-#: ../user/host_app_versions.php:36
+#: ../user/host_app_versions.php:37
 msgid "Anonymous platform, missing app"
 msgstr "анонимная платформа, приложение отсутствует"
-#: ../user/host_app_versions.php:39
+#: ../user/host_app_versions.php:40
 msgid "anonymous platform"
 msgstr "анонимная платформа"
-#: ../user/host_app_versions.php:42
+#: ../user/host_app_versions.php:43
 msgid "Missing app version"
 msgstr "Версия приложения отсутствует"
-#: ../user/host_app_versions.php:44
+#: ../user/host_app_versions.php:45
 msgid "Missing app"
 msgstr "Приложение отсутствует"
-#: ../user/host_app_versions.php:46
+#: ../user/host_app_versions.php:47
 msgid "Missing platform"
 msgstr "Платформа отсутствует"
-#: ../user/host_app_versions.php:55
+#: ../user/host_app_versions.php:56
 msgid "Number of tasks completed"
 msgstr "Число завершённых заданий"
-#: ../user/host_app_versions.php:56
+#: ../user/host_app_versions.php:57
 msgid "Max tasks per day"
 msgstr "Максимум заданий в день"
-#: ../user/host_app_versions.php:57
+#: ../user/host_app_versions.php:58
 msgid "Number of tasks today"
 msgstr "Число заданий сегодня"
-#: ../user/host_app_versions.php:58
+#: ../user/host_app_versions.php:59
 msgid "Consecutive valid tasks"
 msgstr "Правильные задания завершённые подряд"
-#: ../user/host_app_versions.php:62
+#: ../user/host_app_versions.php:63
 msgid "Average processing rate"
 msgstr "Средняя скорость обработки"
-#: ../user/host_app_versions.php:71
+#: ../user/host_app_versions.php:72
 msgid "Application details for host %1"
 msgstr "Подробная информация о приложениях для компьютера %1"
@@ -5229,35 +5202,35 @@ msgstr "Адрес email:"
 msgid "forgot email address?"
 msgstr "забыли адрес email?"
-#: ../user/login_form.php:47
+#: ../user/login_form.php:48
 msgid "Password:"
 msgstr "Пароль:"
-#: ../user/login_form.php:47
+#: ../user/login_form.php:48
 msgid "forgot password?"
 msgstr "забыли пароль?"
-#: ../user/login_form.php:50
+#: ../user/login_form.php:51
 msgid "Stay logged in"
 msgstr "Оставаться авторизованным"
-#: ../user/login_form.php:56
+#: ../user/login_form.php:62
 msgid "or %1create an account%2."
 msgstr "или %1создать учётную запись%2."
-#: ../user/merge_by_name.php:33
+#: ../user/merge_by_name.php:31
 msgid "Processing %1"
 msgstr "Обработка %1"
-#: ../user/merge_by_name.php:45
+#: ../user/merge_by_name.php:43
 msgid "Merged %1 into %2"
 msgstr "%1 объединён с %2"
-#: ../user/merge_by_name.php:74
+#: ../user/merge_by_name.php:72
 msgid "Return to the list of your computers"
 msgstr "Вернуться к списку ваших компьютеров"
-#: ../user/merge_by_name.php:78
+#: ../user/merge_by_name.php:76
 msgid ""
 "This operation merges computers based on their domain name.\n"
 "        <p>\n"
@@ -5273,11 +5246,11 @@ msgstr ""
 "Несовместимые компьютеры не будут объединены.\n"
-#: ../user/merge_by_name.php:84
+#: ../user/merge_by_name.php:82
 msgid "Go ahead and do this"
 msgstr "Вперёд, сделать это"
-#: ../user/merge_by_name.php:85
+#: ../user/merge_by_name.php:83
 msgid "Return to the list of computers"
 msgstr "Вернуться к списку компьютеров"
@@ -5527,7 +5500,7 @@ msgstr "Чтобы разблокировать, посетите %1настро
 msgid "Unknown action"
 msgstr "Неизвестное действие"
-#: ../user/prefs.php:35
+#: ../user/prefs.php:32
 msgid ""
 "Your preferences have been updated, and\n"
 "          will take effect when your computer communicates with %1\n"
@@ -5537,7 +5510,7 @@ msgstr ""
 "          будут задействованы, когда ваш компьютер свяжется с %1,\n"
 "          или Вы выполните команду %2Обновить%3 из Менеджера BOINC."
-#: ../user/prefs.php:44
+#: ../user/prefs.php:41
 msgid ""
 "Your preferences have been reset to the defaults, and\n"
 "          will take effect when your computer communicates with %1\n"
@@ -5555,25 +5528,25 @@ msgstr "%1 для конфигурации %2"
 msgid "Back to preferences"
 msgstr "Назад к настройкам"
-#: ../user/prefs_remove.php:48
+#: ../user/prefs_remove.php:45
 msgid "Confirm delete preferences"
 msgstr "Подтверждение удаления настроек"
-#: ../user/prefs_remove.php:51
+#: ../user/prefs_remove.php:48
 msgid "Are you sure you want to delete your separate %1 preferences for %2?"
 msgstr ""
 "Вы уверены, что хотите удалить ваши отдельные настройки %1 для конфигурации "
-#: ../user/prefs_remove.php:55
+#: ../user/prefs_remove.php:52
 msgid "Remove preferences"
 msgstr "Удалить настройки"
-#: ../user/prefs_remove.php:57
+#: ../user/prefs_remove.php:54
 msgid "Cancel"
 msgstr "Отмена"
-#: ../user/profile_menu.php:38
+#: ../user/profile_menu.php:35
 msgid ""
 "%1Profiles%2 let individuals share backgrounds and opinions with the %3 "
@@ -5581,7 +5554,7 @@ msgstr ""
 "%1Профили%2 позволяют людям разделять биографические данные и личные мнения "
 "с сообществом %3."
-#: ../user/profile_menu.php:39
+#: ../user/profile_menu.php:36
 msgid ""
 "Explore the diversity of your fellow volunteers, and contribute your own "
 "views for others to enjoy."
@@ -5589,7 +5562,7 @@ msgstr ""
 "Исследуйте разнообразие ваших единомышленников-добровольцев, и представьте "
 "вашу собственную точку зрения другим."
-#: ../user/profile_menu.php:40
+#: ../user/profile_menu.php:37
 msgid ""
 "If you haven't already, you can %1create your own user profile%2 for others "
 "to see!"
@@ -5597,23 +5570,23 @@ msgstr ""
 "Если Вы этого еще не сделали, Вы можете %1создать свой собственный профиль "
 "пользователя%2, чтобы другие смогли его увидеть!"
-#: ../user/profile_menu.php:45
+#: ../user/profile_menu.php:42
 msgid "User of the Day"
 msgstr "Пользователь Дня"
-#: ../user/profile_menu.php:58
+#: ../user/profile_menu.php:57
 msgid "User Profile Explorer"
 msgstr "Обозреватель профилей пользователей"
-#: ../user/profile_menu.php:61
+#: ../user/profile_menu.php:60
 msgid "View the %1User Picture Gallery%2."
 msgstr "Посмотреть %1Галерею картинок пользователей%2."
-#: ../user/profile_menu.php:62
+#: ../user/profile_menu.php:61
 msgid "Browse profiles %1by country%2."
 msgstr "Просмотреть профили %1по странам%2."
-#: ../user/profile_menu.php:63
+#: ../user/profile_menu.php:62
 msgid ""
 "Browse profiles %1at random%2, %3at random with pictures%2, or %4at random "
 "without pictures%2."
@@ -5621,19 +5594,19 @@ msgstr ""
 "Просмотреть профили %1в случайном порядке%2, %3в случайном порядке с "
 "картинками%2, или %4в случайном порядке без картинок%2."
-#: ../user/profile_menu.php:67
+#: ../user/profile_menu.php:66
 msgid "Alphabetical profile listings:"
 msgstr "Алфавитные списки профилей:"
-#: ../user/profile_menu.php:73
+#: ../user/profile_menu.php:72
 msgid "Search profile text"
 msgstr "Поиск по тексту профиля"
-#: ../user/profile_menu.php:99
+#: ../user/profile_menu.php:98
 msgid "No profiles"
 msgstr "Нет профилей"
-#: ../user/profile_menu.php:100
+#: ../user/profile_menu.php:99
 msgid "No profiles matched your query."
 msgstr "Нет профилей, соответствующих Вашему запросу."
@@ -5717,135 +5690,135 @@ msgstr "Не работает"
 msgid "Disabled"
 msgstr "Отключен"
-#: ../user/server_status.php:246
+#: ../user/server_status.php:231
 msgid "Project status"
 msgstr "Статус проекта"
-#: ../user/server_status.php:248
+#: ../user/server_status.php:233
 msgid "Server software version: %1"
 msgstr "Версия серверного ПО: %1"
-#: ../user/server_status.php:256
+#: ../user/server_status.php:241
 msgid "Program"
 msgstr "Программа"
-#: ../user/server_status.php:256
+#: ../user/server_status.php:241
 msgid "Host"
 msgstr "Имя сервера"
-#: ../user/server_status.php:267
+#: ../user/server_status.php:252
 msgid "data-driven web pages"
 msgstr "Веб-страницы, управляемые данными"
-#: ../user/server_status.php:273
+#: ../user/server_status.php:258
 msgid "upload/download server"
 msgstr "Сервер загрузки/выгрузки"
-#: ../user/server_status.php:276
+#: ../user/server_status.php:261
 msgid "scheduler"
 msgstr "Планировщик"
-#: ../user/server_status.php:309
+#: ../user/server_status.php:294
 msgid "Running:"
 msgstr "Работает:"
-#: ../user/server_status.php:310
+#: ../user/server_status.php:295
 msgid "Program is operating normally"
 msgstr "Программа работает нормально"
-#: ../user/server_status.php:311
+#: ../user/server_status.php:296
 msgid "Not Running:"
 msgstr "Не работает:"
-#: ../user/server_status.php:312
+#: ../user/server_status.php:297
 msgid "Program failed or the project is down"
 msgstr "Программа завершилась с ошибкой или проект выключен"
-#: ../user/server_status.php:313
+#: ../user/server_status.php:298
 msgid "Disabled:"
 msgstr "Отключен:"
-#: ../user/server_status.php:314
+#: ../user/server_status.php:299
 msgid "Program is disabled"
 msgstr "Программа была остановлена"
-#: ../user/server_status.php:318
+#: ../user/server_status.php:303
 msgid "Computing status"
 msgstr "Статус вычислений"
-#: ../user/server_status.php:324
+#: ../user/server_status.php:309
 msgid "The database server is not accessible"
 msgstr "Сервер базы данных не доступен"
-#: ../user/server_status.php:341
+#: ../user/server_status.php:326
 msgid "Tasks ready to send"
 msgstr "Задания, готовые к отправке"
-#: ../user/server_status.php:346 ../user/workunit.php:55
+#: ../user/server_status.php:331 ../user/workunit.php:55
 msgid "Tasks in progress"
 msgstr "Задания обрабатываются"
-#: ../user/server_status.php:351
+#: ../user/server_status.php:336
 msgid "Workunits waiting for validation"
 msgstr "Задачи, ожидающие проверки"
-#: ../user/server_status.php:356
+#: ../user/server_status.php:341
 msgid "Workunits waiting for assimilation"
 msgstr "Задачи, ожидающие слияния"
-#: ../user/server_status.php:361
+#: ../user/server_status.php:346
 msgid "Workunits waiting for file deletion"
 msgstr "Задачи, ожидающие удаления"
-#: ../user/server_status.php:366
+#: ../user/server_status.php:351
 msgid "Tasks waiting for file deletion"
 msgstr "Задания, ожидающие удаления"
-#: ../user/server_status.php:383
+#: ../user/server_status.php:367
 msgid "Transitioner backlog (hours)"
 msgstr "Отставание в обработке (часы)"
-#: ../user/server_status.php:390
+#: ../user/server_status.php:374
 msgid "Users"
 msgstr "Участников"
-#: ../user/server_status.php:393 ../user/server_status.php:411
+#: ../user/server_status.php:377 ../user/server_status.php:395
 msgid "with recent credit"
 msgstr "с недавними очками"
-#: ../user/server_status.php:398 ../user/server_status.php:416
+#: ../user/server_status.php:382 ../user/server_status.php:400
 msgid "with credit"
 msgstr "с очками"
-#: ../user/server_status.php:403 ../user/server_status.php:421
+#: ../user/server_status.php:387 ../user/server_status.php:405
 msgid "registered in past 24 hours"
 msgstr "зарегистрировались за последние 24 ч."
-#: ../user/server_status.php:427
+#: ../user/server_status.php:411
 msgid "current GigaFLOPs"
 msgstr "текущая скорость (гигафлопс)"
-#: ../user/server_status.php:436
+#: ../user/server_status.php:420
 msgid "Tasks by application"
 msgstr "Распределение заданий по приложениям"
-#: ../user/server_status.php:439 ../user/workunit.php:40
+#: ../user/server_status.php:423 ../user/workunit.php:40
 msgid "application"
 msgstr "приложение"
-#: ../user/server_status.php:440
+#: ../user/server_status.php:424
 msgid "unsent"
 msgstr "неотправленных"
-#: ../user/server_status.php:441
+#: ../user/server_status.php:425
 msgid "in progress"
 msgstr "в обработке"
-#: ../user/server_status.php:442
+#: ../user/server_status.php:426
 msgid "avg runtime of last 100 results in h (min-max)"
 msgstr "среднее время обработки последних 100 результатов (в ч.) (мин.-макс.)"
-#: ../user/server_status.php:443
+#: ../user/server_status.php:427
 msgid "users in last 24h"
 msgstr "пользователей за последние 24ч."
@@ -6042,7 +6015,7 @@ msgid "Couldn't add admin"
 msgstr "Невозможно добавить администратора"
 #: ../user/team_admins.php:111 ../user/team_manage.php:85
-#: ../user/team_quit_form.php:30 ../user/team_remove_inactive_action.php:28
+#: ../user/team_quit_form.php:28 ../user/team_remove_inactive_action.php:28
 msgid "No such team"
 msgstr "Нет такой команды"
@@ -6123,6 +6096,10 @@ msgstr "Новый основатель?"
 msgid "Change founder"
 msgstr "Поменять основателя"
+#: ../user/team_change_founder_form.php:108
+msgid "There are no users to transfer team to."
+msgstr "Нет участников, которым можно передать команду."
 #: ../user/team_create_action.php:29
 msgid "You must choose a non-blank team name"
 msgstr "Вы должны выбрать непустое название команды"
@@ -6435,7 +6412,7 @@ msgstr ""
 "запросы не разрешены. Пожалуйста, попробуйте ещё раз позже."
 #: ../user/team_join.php:32 ../user/team_join_action.php:32
-#: ../user/team_join_form.php:31
+#: ../user/team_join_form.php:29
 msgid "The team %1 is not joinable."
 msgstr "Команда %1 не допускает присоединений."
@@ -6460,25 +6437,25 @@ msgstr "Присоединение к команде %1."
 msgid "You have joined %1."
 msgstr "Вы присоединились к команде %1."
-#: ../user/team_join_form.php:34
+#: ../user/team_join_form.php:32
 msgid "Join %1"
 msgstr "Присоединение к команде %1."
-#: ../user/team_join_form.php:35
+#: ../user/team_join_form.php:33
 msgid "Please note:"
 msgstr "Пожалуйста, примите во внимание:"
-#: ../user/team_join_form.php:37
+#: ../user/team_join_form.php:35
 msgid "Joining a team gives its founder access to your email address."
 msgstr ""
 "Присоединение к команде дает доступ её основателю к вашему адресу "
 "электронной почты."
-#: ../user/team_join_form.php:38
+#: ../user/team_join_form.php:36
 msgid "Joining a team does not affect your account's credit."
 msgstr "Присоединение к команде не повлияет на очки вашей учётной записи."
-#: ../user/team_join_form.php:45
+#: ../user/team_join_form.php:43
 msgid "Join team"
 msgstr "Присоединиться к команде"
@@ -6626,19 +6603,19 @@ msgstr "Предел превышен:  Можно показать только
 msgid "Members of %1"
 msgstr "Участники команды %1"
-#: ../user/team_quit_action.php:34
+#: ../user/team_quit_action.php:32
 msgid "Unable to quit team"
 msgstr "Невозможно выйти из команды"
-#: ../user/team_quit_action.php:35
+#: ../user/team_quit_action.php:33
 msgid "Team doesn't exist, or you don't belong to it."
 msgstr "Команда не существует, или Вы не принадлежите ей."
-#: ../user/team_quit_form.php:33
+#: ../user/team_quit_form.php:31
 msgid "Quit %1"
 msgstr "Выход из команды %1"
-#: ../user/team_quit_form.php:34
+#: ../user/team_quit_form.php:32
 msgid ""
 "<strong>Please note before quitting a team:</strong>\n"
 "         <ul>\n"
@@ -6655,7 +6632,7 @@ msgstr ""
 "         <li>Выход из команды никак не повлияет на вашу личную статистику.\n"
 "         </ul>"
-#: ../user/team_quit_form.php:42
+#: ../user/team_quit_form.php:40
 msgid "Quit Team"
 msgstr "Выйти из команды"
@@ -7079,6 +7056,37 @@ msgstr ""
 msgid "(all applications)"
 msgstr "(все приложения)"
+#~ msgid "Use Intel GPU %1 Enforced by version 7.0+ %2"
+#~ msgstr "Использовать ГП Intel %1 начиная с версии 7.0+ %2"
+#~ msgid "Error:"
+#~ msgstr "Ошибка:"
+#~ msgid "Account creation is disabled"
+#~ msgstr "Создание учётной записи запрещено"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Sorry, this project has disabled the creation of new accounts.\n"
+#~ "Please try again later."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Извините, но этот проект запретил создание новых учётных записей.\n"
+#~ "Пожалуйста попробуйте ещё раз позже."
+#~ msgid "Account creation is currently disabled. Please try again later."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Создание учётной записи в данный момент запрещено. Пожалуйста, попробуйте "
+#~ "ещё раз немного позднее."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "This project hasn\\'t created an email message - please notify its "
+#~ "administrators"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Этот проект не создал электронное письмо - пожалуйста, сообщите об этом "
+#~ "администраторам"
+#~ msgid "nvidia GPU"
+#~ msgstr "ГП NVIDIA"
 #~ msgid ""
 #~ "These apply to all BOINC projects in which you participate.<br>\n"
 #~ "             On computers participating in multiple projects, the most "
diff --git a/html/languages/translations/sl.po b/html/languages/translations/sl.po
index 1017ed9..e7e039d 100644
--- a/html/languages/translations/sl.po
+++ b/html/languages/translations/sl.po
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ msgstr ""
 "Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: BOINC translation team <boinc_loc at boinc.berkeley.edu>\n"
 "POT-Creation-Date: 2014-01-10 00:00 PST\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-06-05 20:02+0200\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2014-08-07 14:54+0000\n"
 "Last-Translator: Anonymous Pootle User\n"
 "Language-Team: LANGUAGE <LL at li.org>\n"
 "Language: sl\n"
@@ -16,8 +16,9 @@ msgstr ""
 "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
 "Plural-Forms: nplurals=4; plural=(n%100==1 ? 0 : n%100==2 ? 1 : n%100==3 || "
 "n%100==4 ? 2 : 3);\n"
-"X-Generator: Pootle 2.1.6\n"
+"X-Generator: Pootle 2.5.0\n"
 "X-Poedit-SourceCharset: utf-8\n"
+"X-POOTLE-MTIME: 1407423277.0\n"
 msgstr "Slovenščina"
@@ -1200,8 +1201,9 @@ msgid "Use NVIDIA GPU %1 Enforced by version 6.10+ %2"
 msgstr "Uporabi NVIDIA grafični procesor %1 Velja za različice od 6.10 dalje %2"
 #: ../inc/prefs.inc:344
+#, fuzzy
 msgid "Use Intel GPU %1 Enforced by version 7.2+ %2"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Uporabi ATI grafični procesor %1 Velja za različice od 6.10 dalje %2"
 #: ../inc/prefs.inc:358
 msgid ""
@@ -1762,8 +1764,9 @@ msgid "State"
 msgstr "Status"
 #: ../inc/result.inc:747
+#, fuzzy
 msgid "Task name:"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Ime opravila"
 #: ../inc/team.inc:40
 msgid "Search criteria (use one or more)"
@@ -2118,8 +2121,9 @@ msgid "Used in community functions"
 msgstr "Uporabljeno v funkcijah skupnosti"
 #: ../inc/user.inc:216 ../user/weak_auth.php:25
+#, fuzzy
 msgid "Account keys"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Ključ računa"
 #: ../inc/user.inc:221
 msgid "Preferences"
@@ -2566,8 +2570,9 @@ msgid "Top GPU models"
 msgstr ""
 #: ../user/bs_sample_index.php:70
+#, fuzzy
 msgid "Languages"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Jezik"
 #: ../user/bs_sample_index.php:149 ../user/info.php:24
 #: ../user/sample_index.php:79
diff --git a/html/user/get_project_config.php b/html/user/get_project_config.php
index 793bf58..0dbfc3c 100644
--- a/html/user/get_project_config.php
+++ b/html/user/get_project_config.php
@@ -107,6 +107,10 @@ if (file_exists($tou_file)) {
+if (LDAP_HOST) {
+    echo "<ldap_auth/>\n";
 echo "</project_config>";
diff --git a/html/user/lookup_account.php b/html/user/lookup_account.php
index f86a83a..67e53c6 100644
--- a/html/user/lookup_account.php
+++ b/html/user/lookup_account.php
@@ -22,45 +22,65 @@ require_once("../inc/boinc_db.inc");
 $retval = db_init_xml();
 if ($retval) xml_error($retval);
-$email_addr = get_str("email_addr");
-$passwd_hash = get_str("passwd_hash", true);
+$ldap_auth = get_str("ldap_auth", true);
-$email_addr = BoincDb::escape_string($email_addr);
-$user = BoincUser::lookup("email_addr='$email_addr'");
-if (!$user) {
-    xml_error(ERR_DB_NOT_FOUND);
+if (LDAP_HOST && $ldap_auth) {
+    // LDAP case.
+    //
+    $ldap_uid = get_str("ldap_uid");
+    $passwd = get_str("passwd");
+    list ($ldap_user, $error_msg) = ldap_auth($ldap_uid, $passwd);
+    if ($error_msg) {
+        xml_error(ERR_BAD_USER_NAME, $error_msg);
+    }
+    $x = ldap_email_string($ldap_uid);
+    $user = BoincUser::lookup_email_addr($x);
+    if (!$user) {
+        $user = make_user_ldap($x, $ldap_user->name);
+        if (!$user) {
+            xml_error(-1, "user record creation failed");
+        }
+    }
+} else {
+    // normal (non-LDAP) case
+    $email_addr = get_str("email_addr");
+    $passwd_hash = get_str("passwd_hash", true);
-if (!$passwd_hash) {
-    echo "<account_out>
-    <success/>
-    exit();
+    $email_addr = BoincDb::escape_string($email_addr);
+    $user = BoincUser::lookup("email_addr='$email_addr'");
+    if (!$user) {
+        xml_error(ERR_DB_NOT_FOUND);
+    }
-$auth_hash = md5($user->authenticator.$user->email_addr);
+    if (!$passwd_hash) {
+        echo "<account_out>\n";
+        echo "   <success/>\n";
+        echo "</account_out>\n";
+        exit();
+    }
-// if no password set, set password to account key
-if (!strlen($user->passwd_hash)) {
-    $user->passwd_hash = $auth_hash;
-    $user->update("passwd_hash='$user->passwd_hash'");
+    $auth_hash = md5($user->authenticator.$user->email_addr);
-// if the given password hash matches (auth+email), accept it
-if ($user->passwd_hash == $passwd_hash || $auth_hash == $passwd_hash) {
-    echo "<account_out>\n";
-    echo "<authenticator>$user->authenticator</authenticator>\n";
-    echo "</account_out>\n";
-} else {
-    xml_error(ERR_BAD_PASSWD);
+    // if no password set, set password to account key
+    //
+    if (!strlen($user->passwd_hash)) {
+        $user->passwd_hash = $auth_hash;
+        $user->update("passwd_hash='$user->passwd_hash'");
+    }
+    // if the given password hash matches (auth+email), accept it
+    //
+    if ($user->passwd_hash != $passwd_hash && $auth_hash != $passwd_hash) {
+        xml_error(ERR_BAD_PASSWD);
+    }
+echo "<account_out>\n";
+echo "<authenticator>$user->authenticator</authenticator>\n";
+echo "</account_out>\n";
diff --git a/lib/Makefile.am b/lib/Makefile.am
index 28ec1c7..a153948 100644
--- a/lib/Makefile.am
+++ b/lib/Makefile.am
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ libfcgi_sources = \
     coproc.cpp \
     filesys.cpp \
     hostinfo.cpp \
-    md5.c \
+    md5.cpp \
     md5_file.cpp \
     mfile.cpp \
     miofile.cpp \
@@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ generic_sources = \
     gui_rpc_client_ops.cpp \
     gui_rpc_client_print.cpp \
     hostinfo.cpp \
-    md5.c \
+    md5.cpp \
     md5_file.cpp \
     mem_usage.cpp \
     mfile.cpp \
diff --git a/lib/Makefile.mingw b/lib/Makefile.mingw
index 6ddf11a..0ce05c6 100644
--- a/lib/Makefile.mingw
+++ b/lib/Makefile.mingw
@@ -205,10 +205,6 @@ wrapper.o: $(BOINC_SRC)/samples/wrapper/wrapper.cpp
 %.o: $(BOINC_SRC)/samples/wrapper/%.c
 	$(CC) -c $< -o $@ $(CPPFLAGS) $(CFLAGS)
-# C-mode file
-md5.o: $(BOINC_SRC)/lib/md5.c
-	$(CXX) -c $(BOINC_SRC)/lib/md5.c -o md5.o $(CPPFLAGS) $(CXXFLAGS)
 # for boinc_zip. Don't change the order!
 	mkdir -p $@
diff --git a/lib/app_ipc.cpp b/lib/app_ipc.cpp
index 3aa6066..bea2839 100644
--- a/lib/app_ipc.cpp
+++ b/lib/app_ipc.cpp
@@ -32,10 +32,11 @@
 #include "str_replace.h"
 #include "str_util.h"
 #include "url.h"
+#include "util.h"
 #include "app_ipc.h"
-#ifdef _MSC_VER
+#if (!defined(HAVE_STRDUP) && defined(HAVE__STRDUP)) || defined(_MSC_VER)
 #define strdup _strdup
@@ -186,7 +187,7 @@ int write_init_data_file(FILE* f, APP_INIT_DATA& ai) {
-        "<vm_extensions_disabled>%d</vm_extensions_disabled>"
+        "<vm_extensions_disabled>%d</vm_extensions_disabled>\n"
@@ -281,9 +282,14 @@ void APP_INIT_DATA::clear() {
     fraction_done_start = 0;
     fraction_done_end = 0;
     checkpoint_period = 0;
+    // gpu_type is an empty string for client versions before 6.13.3 without this
+    // field or (on newer clients) if BOINC did not assign an OpenCL GPU to task.
     strcpy(gpu_type, "");
+    // gpu_device_num < 0 for client versions before 6.13.3 without this field
+    // or (on newer clients) if BOINC did not assign an OpenCL GPU to task.
     gpu_device_num = -1;
-    // -1 means an older version without gpu_opencl_dev_index field
+    // gpu_opencl_dev_index < 0 for client versions before 7.0.12 without this
+    // field or (on newer clients) if BOINC did not assign any GPU to task.
     gpu_opencl_dev_index = -1;
     gpu_usage = 0;
     ncpus = 0;
@@ -301,7 +307,9 @@ int parse_init_data_file(FILE* f, APP_INIT_DATA& ai) {
     XML_PARSER xp(&mf);
     if (!xp.parse_start("app_init_data")) {
-        fprintf(stderr, "no start tag in app init data\n");
+        fprintf(stderr, "%s: no start tag in app init data\n",
+            time_to_string(dtime())
+        );
         return ERR_XML_PARSE;
@@ -316,7 +324,8 @@ int parse_init_data_file(FILE* f, APP_INIT_DATA& ai) {
     while (!xp.get_tag()) {
         if (!xp.is_tag) {
-                "unexpected text in init_data.xml: %s\n", xp.parsed_tag
+                "%s: unexpected text in init_data.xml: %s\n",
+                time_to_string(dtime()), xp.parsed_tag
@@ -395,7 +404,9 @@ int parse_init_data_file(FILE* f, APP_INIT_DATA& ai) {
         if (xp.parse_bool("vbox_window", ai.vbox_window)) continue;
         xp.skip_unexpected(false, "parse_init_data_file");
-    fprintf(stderr, "parse_init_data_file: no end tag\n");
+    fprintf(stderr, "%s: parse_init_data_file: no end tag\n",
+        time_to_string(dtime())
+    );
     return ERR_XML_PARSE;
diff --git a/lib/cc_config.cpp b/lib/cc_config.cpp
index efe486a..8a3ed06 100644
--- a/lib/cc_config.cpp
+++ b/lib/cc_config.cpp
@@ -205,10 +205,11 @@ void CC_CONFIG::defaults() {
     client_new_version_text = "";
     client_version_check_url = "http://boinc.berkeley.edu/download.php?xml=1";
-    data_dir[0] = 0;
     disallow_attach = false;
     dont_check_file_sizes = false;
     dont_contact_ref_site = false;
+    dont_suspend_nci = false;
+    dont_use_vbox = false;
@@ -335,12 +336,11 @@ int CC_CONFIG::parse_options(XML_PARSER& xp) {
-        if (xp.parse_str("data_dir", data_dir, sizeof(data_dir))) {
-            continue;
-        }
         if (xp.parse_bool("disallow_attach", disallow_attach)) continue;
         if (xp.parse_bool("dont_check_file_sizes", dont_check_file_sizes)) continue;
         if (xp.parse_bool("dont_contact_ref_site", dont_contact_ref_site)) continue;
+        if (xp.parse_bool("dont_suspend_nci", dont_suspend_nci)) continue;
+        if (xp.parse_bool("dont_use_vbox", dont_use_vbox)) continue;
         if (xp.match_tag("exclude_gpu")) {
             EXCLUDE_GPU eg;
             retval = eg.parse(xp);
@@ -539,19 +539,17 @@ int CC_CONFIG::write(MIOFILE& out, LOG_FLAGS& log_flags) {
-    // Older versions of BOINC choke on empty data_dir string 
-    //
-    if (strlen(data_dir)) {
-        out.printf("        <data_dir>%s</data_dir>\n", data_dir);
-    }
         "        <disallow_attach>%d</disallow_attach>\n"
         "        <dont_check_file_sizes>%d</dont_check_file_sizes>\n"
-        "        <dont_contact_ref_site>%d</dont_contact_ref_site>\n",
+        "        <dont_contact_ref_site>%d</dont_contact_ref_site>\n"
+        "        <dont_suspend_nci>%d</dont_suspend_nci>\n"
+        "        <dont_use_vbox>%d</dont_use_vbox>\n",
-        dont_contact_ref_site
+        dont_contact_ref_site,
+        dont_suspend_nci,
+        dont_use_vbox
     for (i=0; i<exclude_gpus.size(); i++) {
diff --git a/lib/cc_config.h b/lib/cc_config.h
index 5b1eb50..b10ca9a 100644
--- a/lib/cc_config.h
+++ b/lib/cc_config.h
@@ -146,11 +146,11 @@ struct CC_CONFIG {
     std::string client_new_version_text;
     std::string client_version_check_url;
     COPROCS config_coprocs;
-    char data_dir[256];
     bool disallow_attach;
     bool dont_check_file_sizes;
-    int max_event_log_lines;
     bool dont_contact_ref_site;
+    bool dont_suspend_nci;
+    bool dont_use_vbox;
     std::vector<EXCLUDE_GPU> exclude_gpus;
     std::vector<std::string> exclusive_apps;
     std::vector<std::string> exclusive_gpu_apps;
@@ -164,6 +164,7 @@ struct CC_CONFIG {
     int http_transfer_timeout_bps;
     int http_transfer_timeout;
     std::vector<int> ignore_gpu_instance[NPROC_TYPES];
+    int max_event_log_lines;
     int max_file_xfers;
     int max_file_xfers_per_project;
     int max_stderr_file_size;
diff --git a/lib/coproc.cpp b/lib/coproc.cpp
index 9f581f0..e017aa2 100644
--- a/lib/coproc.cpp
+++ b/lib/coproc.cpp
@@ -157,6 +157,7 @@ int COPROC::parse(XML_PARSER& xp) {
+        if (xp.parse_bool("non_gpu", non_gpu)) continue;
     return ERR_XML_PARSE;
diff --git a/lib/coproc.h b/lib/coproc.h
index 2d699df..b68c814 100644
--- a/lib/coproc.h
+++ b/lib/coproc.h
@@ -89,31 +89,18 @@
 #include "cl_boinc.h"
 #include "opencl_boinc.h"
 #define MAX_RSC 8
     // max # of processing resources types
 // arguments to proc_type_name() and proc_type_name_xml().
-enum {
-extern const char* proc_type_names_xml[NPROC_TYPES];
-extern const char* proc_type_names[NPROC_TYPES];
+#define PROC_TYPE_CPU        0
+#define PROC_TYPE_AMD_GPU    2
+#define NPROC_TYPES          5
 extern const char* proc_type_name(int);
     // user-readable name
@@ -125,13 +112,6 @@ extern int coproc_type_name_to_num(const char* name);
 #define GPU_TYPE_NVIDIA proc_type_name_xml(PROC_TYPE_NVIDIA_GPU)
 #define GPU_TYPE_ATI proc_type_name_xml(PROC_TYPE_AMD_GPU)
 #define GPU_TYPE_INTEL proc_type_name_xml(PROC_TYPE_INTEL_GPU)
-#define COPROC_TYPE_A proc_type_name_xml(PROC_TYPE_A)
-#define COPROC_TYPE_B proc_type_name_xml(PROC_TYPE_B)
-#define COPROC_TYPE_C proc_type_name_xml(PROC_TYPE_C)
-#define COPROC_TYPE_D proc_type_name_xml(PROC_TYPE_D)
-#define COPROC_TYPE_E proc_type_name_xml(PROC_TYPE_E)
-#define COPROC_TYPE_F proc_type_name_xml(PROC_TYPE_F)
-#define COPROC_TYPE_G proc_type_name_xml(PROC_TYPE_G)
 // represents a requirement for a coproc.
 // This is a parsed version of the <coproc> elements in an <app_version>
@@ -162,6 +142,7 @@ struct PCI_INFO {
 struct COPROC {
     char type[256];     // must be unique
     int count;          // how many are present
+    bool non_gpu;       // coproc is not a GPU
     double peak_flops;
     double used;        // how many are in use (used by client)
     bool have_cuda;     // True if this GPU supports CUDA on this computer
@@ -202,10 +183,6 @@ struct COPROC {
     bool running_graphics_app[MAX_COPROC_INSTANCES];
         // is this GPU running a graphics app (NVIDIA only)
-    double available_ram_temp[MAX_COPROC_INSTANCES];
-        // used during job scheduling
     double last_print_time;
@@ -221,6 +198,7 @@ struct COPROC {
         // can't just memcpy() - trashes vtable
         type[0] = 0;
         count = 0;
+        non_gpu = false;
         peak_flops = 0;
         used = 0;
         have_cuda = false;
@@ -493,11 +471,23 @@ struct COPROCS {
         coprocs[n_rsc++] = c;
         return 0;
-    COPROC* type_to_coproc(int t) {
+    void bound_counts();
+        // make sure instance counts are within legal range
+    COPROC* lookup_type(const char* t) {
+        for (int i=1; i<n_rsc; i++) {
+            if (!strcmp(t, coprocs[i].type)) {
+                return &coprocs[i];
+            }
+        }
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    COPROC* proc_type_to_coproc(int t) {
         switch(t) {
         case PROC_TYPE_NVIDIA_GPU: return &nvidia;
         case PROC_TYPE_AMD_GPU: return &ati;
         case PROC_TYPE_INTEL_GPU: return &intel_gpu;
+        case PROC_TYPE_MINER_ASIC: return lookup_type("miner_asic");
         return NULL;
diff --git a/lib/crypt.cpp b/lib/crypt.cpp
index d1a0e1b..208d925 100644
--- a/lib/crypt.cpp
+++ b/lib/crypt.cpp
@@ -52,6 +52,7 @@
 #include "cert_sig.h"
 #include "filesys.h"
 #include "error_numbers.h"
+#include "util.h"
 #include "crypt.h"
@@ -161,7 +162,10 @@ static int sscan_hex_data(const char* p, DATA_BLOCK& x) {
         n = sscanf(p, "%2x", &m);
         if (n <= 0) break;
         if (nleft<=0) {
-            fprintf(stderr, "sscan_hex_data: buffer overflow\n");
+            fprintf(stderr,
+                "%s: sscan_hex_data: buffer overflow\n",
+                time_to_string(dtime())
+            );
             return ERR_BAD_HEX_FORMAT;
         x.data[x.len++] = m;
@@ -349,7 +353,8 @@ int check_file_signature(
     retval = decrypt_public(key, signature, clear_signature);
     if (retval) {
-            "check_file_signature: decrypt_public error %d\n", retval
+            "%s: check_file_signature: decrypt_public error %d\n",
+            time_to_string(dtime()), retval
         return retval;
@@ -370,7 +375,9 @@ int check_file_signature2(
     retval = sscan_key_hex(key_text, (KEY*)&key, sizeof(key));
     if (retval) {
-        fprintf(stderr, "check_file_signature2: sscan_key_hex failed\n");
+        fprintf(stderr, "%s: check_file_signature2: sscan_key_hex failed\n",
+            time_to_string(dtime())
+        );
         return retval;
     signature.data = signature_buf;
@@ -428,13 +435,16 @@ int read_key_file(const char* keyfile, R_RSA_PRIVATE_KEY& key) {
     FCGI_FILE* fkey = FCGI::fopen(keyfile, "r");
     if (!fkey) {
-        fprintf(stderr, "can't open key file (%s)\n", keyfile);
+        fprintf(stderr,
+            "%s: can't open key file (%s)\n",
+            time_to_string(dtime()), keyfile
+        );
         return ERR_FOPEN;
     retval = scan_key_hex(fkey, (KEY*)&key, sizeof(key));
     if (retval) {
-        fprintf(stderr, "can't parse key\n");
+        fprintf(stderr, "%s: can't parse key\n", time_to_string(dtime()));
         return retval;
     return 0;
@@ -544,7 +554,10 @@ int check_validity_of_cert(
     if (retval != 1) {
-        fprintf(stderr,"ERROR: Cannot verify certificate ('%s')\n", cFile);
+        fprintf(stderr,
+            "%s: ERROR: Cannot verify certificate ('%s')\n",
+            time_to_string(dtime()), cFile
+        );
         return 0;
     pubKey = X509_get_pubkey(cert);
@@ -573,7 +586,10 @@ int check_validity_of_cert(
     if (pubKey->type == EVP_PKEY_DSA) {
-        fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: DSA keys are not supported.\n");
+        fprintf(stderr,
+            "%s: ERROR: DSA keys are not supported.\n",
+            time_to_string(dtime())
+        );
         return 0;
diff --git a/lib/diagnostics.cpp b/lib/diagnostics.cpp
index 5eed0ed..9da98ad 100644
--- a/lib/diagnostics.cpp
+++ b/lib/diagnostics.cpp
@@ -610,6 +610,7 @@ int diagnostics_cycle_logs() {
             boinc_copy(stderr_log, stderr_archive);
             stderr_file_size = 0;
             stderr_file = freopen(stderr_log, "w", stderr);
+            setbuf(stderr_file, 0);
             if (NULL == stderr_file) return ERR_FOPEN;
diff --git a/lib/diagnostics.h b/lib/diagnostics.h
index 6ab71d1..d13bcc2 100644
--- a/lib/diagnostics.h
+++ b/lib/diagnostics.h
@@ -255,7 +255,7 @@ extern format_backtrace_line_t format_backtrace_line;
 #define BOINCTRACE(...)     boinc_trace
 #else  // __MINGW32__
 #define BOINCASSERT(expr)   __noop
-#define BOINCTRACE          boinc_trace
+#define BOINCTRACE          __noop
 #endif // __MINGW32__
 #endif // _DEBUG
diff --git a/lib/error_numbers.h b/lib/error_numbers.h
index fc7d14e..f6e3033 100644
--- a/lib/error_numbers.h
+++ b/lib/error_numbers.h
@@ -95,6 +95,7 @@
 #define ERR_BAD_HEX_FORMAT  -134
     // hex-format key data is bad
+#define ERR_GETADDRINFO     -135
 #define ERR_DB_NOT_FOUND    -136
     // no rows found in lookup() or enumerate()
 #define ERR_DB_NOT_UNIQUE   -137
@@ -203,6 +204,7 @@
 #define ERR_PROC_PARSE      -235
 #define ERR_STATFS          -236
 #define ERR_PIPE            -237
+#define ERR_NEED_HTTPS      -238
 // PLEASE: add a text description of your error to 
 // the text description function boincerror() in str_util.cpp.
diff --git a/lib/gui_rpc_client.cpp b/lib/gui_rpc_client.cpp
index bedb3dd..a6c2a15 100644
--- a/lib/gui_rpc_client.cpp
+++ b/lib/gui_rpc_client.cpp
@@ -95,7 +95,7 @@ int RPC_CLIENT::get_ip_addr(const char* host, int port) {
     //printf("trying port %d\n", htons(addr.sin_port));
     int retval;
     if (host) {
-        retval = resolve_hostname(host, addr);
+        retval = resolve_hostname_or_ip_addr(host, addr);
         if (retval) {
             return ERR_GETHOSTBYNAME;
@@ -383,7 +383,9 @@ int RPC::parse_reply() {
             return n;
         if (parse_str(buf, "<error>", error_msg, sizeof(error_msg))) {
-            fprintf(stderr, "RPC error: %s\n", error_msg);
+            fprintf(stderr, "%s: GUI RPC error: %s\n",
+                time_to_string(dtime()), error_msg
+            );
             if (strstr(error_msg, "unauthorized")) return ERR_AUTHENTICATOR;
             if (strstr(error_msg, "Missing authenticator")) return ERR_AUTHENTICATOR;
             if (strstr(error_msg, "Missing URL")) return ERR_INVALID_URL;
diff --git a/lib/gui_rpc_client.h b/lib/gui_rpc_client.h
index 757aab4..2004efd 100644
--- a/lib/gui_rpc_client.h
+++ b/lib/gui_rpc_client.h
@@ -170,6 +170,7 @@ struct PROJECT {
     char venue[256];
     int njobs_success;
     int njobs_error;
+    double elapsed_time;
     char external_cpid[64];
     // NOTE: if you add any data items above,
@@ -558,6 +559,8 @@ struct PROJECT_CONFIG {
         // before allowing attachment to continue.
     std::vector<std::string> platforms;
         // platforms supported by project, or empty
+    bool ldap_auth;
+        // project supports LDAP authentication
@@ -571,10 +574,11 @@ struct ACCOUNT_IN {
     std::string url;
         // URL prefix for web RPCs
     std::string email_addr;
-        // the account identifier (email address or user name)
+        // the account identifier (email address, user name, or LDAP uid)
     std::string user_name;
     std::string passwd;
     std::string team_name;
+    bool ldap_auth;
diff --git a/lib/gui_rpc_client_ops.cpp b/lib/gui_rpc_client_ops.cpp
index 2a90055..228cd17 100644
--- a/lib/gui_rpc_client_ops.cpp
+++ b/lib/gui_rpc_client_ops.cpp
@@ -459,6 +459,7 @@ int PROJECT::parse(XML_PARSER& xp) {
         if (xp.parse_str("venue", venue, sizeof(venue))) continue;
         if (xp.parse_int("njobs_success", njobs_success)) continue;
         if (xp.parse_int("njobs_error", njobs_error)) continue;
+        if (xp.parse_double("elapsed_time", elapsed_time)) continue;
         if (xp.parse_str("external_cpid", external_cpid, sizeof(external_cpid))) continue;
     return ERR_XML_PARSE;
@@ -513,6 +514,7 @@ void PROJECT::clear() {
     strcpy(venue, "");
     njobs_success = 0;
     njobs_error = 0;
+    elapsed_time = 0;
     strcpy(external_cpid, "");
@@ -1344,6 +1346,7 @@ int PROJECT_CONFIG::parse(XML_PARSER& xp) {
+        if (xp.parse_bool("ldap_auth", ldap_auth)) continue;
     return ERR_XML_PARSE;
@@ -1364,6 +1367,7 @@ void PROJECT_CONFIG::clear() {
     sched_stopped = false;
     web_stopped = false;
     min_client_version = 0;
+    ldap_auth = false;
@@ -2301,18 +2305,27 @@ int RPC_CLIENT::lookup_account(ACCOUNT_IN& ai) {
     SET_LOCALE sl;
     char buf[1024];
     RPC rpc(this);
+    string passwd_hash;
-    downcase_string(ai.email_addr);
-    string passwd_hash = get_passwd_hash(ai.passwd, ai.email_addr);
+    if (ai.ldap_auth && !strchr(ai.email_addr.c_str(), '@')) {
+        // LDAP case
+        //
+        passwd_hash = ai.passwd;
+    } else {
+        downcase_string(ai.email_addr);
+        passwd_hash = get_passwd_hash(ai.passwd, ai.email_addr);
+    }
     snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf),
         "   <url>%s</url>\n"
         "   <email_addr>%s</email_addr>\n"
         "   <passwd_hash>%s</passwd_hash>\n"
+        "   <ldap_auth>%d</ldap_auth>\n"
-        passwd_hash.c_str()
+        passwd_hash.c_str(),
+        ai.ldap_auth?1:0
     buf[sizeof(buf)-1] = 0;
diff --git a/lib/gui_rpc_client_print.cpp b/lib/gui_rpc_client_print.cpp
index 4f576c1..b03c117 100644
--- a/lib/gui_rpc_client_print.cpp
+++ b/lib/gui_rpc_client_print.cpp
@@ -108,6 +108,7 @@ void PROJECT::print() {
     printf("   jobs succeeded: %d\n", njobs_success);
     printf("   jobs failed: %d\n", njobs_error);
+    printf("   elapsed time: %f\n", elapsed_time);
     printf("   cross-project ID: %s\n", external_cpid);
diff --git a/lib/md5.c b/lib/md5.cpp
similarity index 100%
rename from lib/md5.c
rename to lib/md5.cpp
diff --git a/lib/network.cpp b/lib/network.cpp
index cb7444a..a479270 100644
--- a/lib/network.cpp
+++ b/lib/network.cpp
@@ -39,6 +39,8 @@
 #include "error_numbers.h"
+#include "str_util.h"
+#include "util.h"
 #include "network.h"
@@ -146,8 +148,12 @@ int resolve_hostname(const char* hostname, sockaddr_storage &ip_addr) {
     if (!hep) {
         return ERR_GETHOSTBYNAME;
-    ip_addr.sin_family = AF_INET;
-    ip_addr.sin_addr.s_addr = *(int*)hep->h_addr_list[0];
+    for (int i=0; ; i++) {
+        if (!hep->h_addr_list[i]) break;
+        ip_addr.sin_family = AF_INET;
+        ip_addr.sin_addr.s_addr = *(int*)hep->h_addr_list[i];
+        if ((ip_addr.sin_addr.s_addr&0xff) != 0x7f) return 0;     // look for non-loopback addr
+    }
     return 0;
@@ -159,10 +165,18 @@ int resolve_hostname(const char* hostname, sockaddr_storage &ip_addr) {
     hints.ai_protocol = IPPROTO_TCP;
     int retval = getaddrinfo(hostname, NULL, &hints, &res);
     if (retval) {
-        perror("getaddrinfo");
-        return retval;
+        char buf[256];
+        sprintf(buf, "%s: getaddrinfo", time_to_string(dtime()));
+        perror(buf);
+        return ERR_GETADDRINFO;
+    }
+    struct addrinfo* aip = res;
+    while (aip) {
+        memcpy(&ip_addr, aip->ai_addr, aip->ai_addrlen);
+        sockaddr_in* sin = (sockaddr_in*)&ip_addr;
+        if ((sin->sin_addr.s_addr&0xff) != 0x7f) break;
+        aip = aip->ai_next;
-    memcpy(&ip_addr, res->ai_addr, res->ai_addrlen);
     return 0;
@@ -205,7 +219,9 @@ int resolve_hostname_or_ip_addr(
 int boinc_socket(int& fd, int protocol) {
     fd = (int)socket(protocol, SOCK_STREAM, 0);
     if (fd < 0) {
-        perror("socket");
+        char buf[256];
+        sprintf(buf, "%s: socket", time_to_string(dtime()));
+        perror("buf");
         return ERR_SOCKET;
 #ifndef _WIN32
diff --git a/lib/notice.cpp b/lib/notice.cpp
index 5f907e9..f26e591 100644
--- a/lib/notice.cpp
+++ b/lib/notice.cpp
@@ -49,10 +49,7 @@ int NOTICE::parse(XML_PARSER& xp) {
         if (xp.parse_int("seqno", seqno)) continue;
         if (xp.parse_str("title", title, sizeof(title))) continue;
-        if (xp.parse_string("description", description)) {
-            xml_unescape(description);   // 2nd pass
-            continue;
-        }
+        if (xp.parse_string("description", description)) continue;
         if (xp.parse_double("create_time", create_time)) continue;
         if (xp.parse_double("arrival_time", arrival_time)) continue;
         if (xp.parse_bool("is_private", is_private)) continue;
diff --git a/lib/opencl_boinc.cpp b/lib/opencl_boinc.cpp
index c4d0982..4efd376 100644
--- a/lib/opencl_boinc.cpp
+++ b/lib/opencl_boinc.cpp
@@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ void OPENCL_DEVICE_PROP::write_xml(MIOFILE& f, const char* tag, bool temp_file)
-        vendor_id,
+        (unsigned long)vendor_id,
         available ? 1 : 0,
@@ -76,24 +76,24 @@ void OPENCL_DEVICE_PROP::write_xml(MIOFILE& f, const char* tag, bool temp_file)
-        max_clock_frequency,
-        max_compute_units,
+        (unsigned long)max_clock_frequency,
+        (unsigned long)max_compute_units,
     if (temp_file) {
-            "      <is_used>%d</is_used>\n"
             "      <device_num>%d</device_num>\n"
             "      <peak_flops>%f</peak_flops>\n"
             "      <opencl_available_ram>%f</opencl_available_ram>\n"
-            "      <opencl_device_index>%d</opencl_device_index>\n",
-            is_used,
+            "      <opencl_device_index>%d</opencl_device_index>\n"
+            "      <warn_bad_cuda>%d</warn_bad_cuda>\n",
-            opencl_device_index
+            opencl_device_index,
+            warn_bad_cuda
     f.printf("   </%s>\n", tag);
@@ -182,10 +182,6 @@ int OPENCL_DEVICE_PROP::parse(XML_PARSER& xp, const char* end_tag) {
         // The following are used only in the
         // COPROC_INFO_FILENAME temporary file
-        if (xp.parse_int("is_used", n)) {
-            is_used = (COPROC_USAGE)n;
-            continue;
-        }
         if (xp.parse_int("device_num", n)) {
             device_num = n;
@@ -196,6 +192,7 @@ int OPENCL_DEVICE_PROP::parse(XML_PARSER& xp, const char* end_tag) {
             opencl_device_index = n;
+        if (xp.parse_bool("warn_bad_cuda", warn_bad_cuda)) continue;
     return ERR_XML_PARSE;
diff --git a/lib/opencl_boinc.h b/lib/opencl_boinc.h
index 7e16aa6..aaf490e 100644
--- a/lib/opencl_boinc.h
+++ b/lib/opencl_boinc.h
@@ -63,7 +63,8 @@ struct OPENCL_DEVICE_PROP {
     double peak_flops;                  // temp used in scan process
     COPROC_USAGE is_used;               // temp used in scan process
     double opencl_available_ram;        // temp used in scan process
-    int opencl_device_index;            // zero-based device number within this COPROC type
+    int opencl_device_index;            // zero-based device number within this OpenCL platform
+    bool warn_bad_cuda;                 // If true, warn we can't use GPU due to CUDA version
     void write_xml(MIOFILE&, const char* tag, bool temp_file=false);
     int parse(XML_PARSER&, const char* end_tag);
diff --git a/lib/parse.cpp b/lib/parse.cpp
index 0e965e1..91b3a06 100644
--- a/lib/parse.cpp
+++ b/lib/parse.cpp
@@ -48,8 +48,9 @@
 #include "error_numbers.h"
-#include "str_util.h"
 #include "str_replace.h"
+#include "str_util.h"
+#include "util.h"
 #include "parse.h"
@@ -834,8 +835,8 @@ void XML_PARSER::skip_unexpected(
     if (verbose) {
-            "Unrecognized XML tag '<%s>' in %s; skipping\n",
-            start_tag, where
+            "%s: Unrecognized XML tag '<%s>' in %s; skipping\n",
+            time_to_string(dtime()), start_tag, where
     if (strchr(start_tag, '/')) return;
diff --git a/lib/procinfo_mac.cpp b/lib/procinfo_mac.cpp
index 639a463..cfe05ec 100644
--- a/lib/procinfo_mac.cpp
+++ b/lib/procinfo_mac.cpp
@@ -51,7 +51,6 @@ int procinfo_setup(PROC_MAP& pm) {
     int c, real_mem, virtual_mem, hours;
     char* lf;
     static long iBrandID = -1;
-    int priority;
     if (iBrandID < 0) {
         iBrandID = BOINC_BRAND_ID;
@@ -105,7 +104,7 @@ int procinfo_setup(PROC_MAP& pm) {
 // from a process that has the DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable set.
 // "env -i command" prevents the command from inheriting the caller's 
 // environment, which avoids the spurious warning.
-    fd = popen("env -i ps -axcopid,ppid,rss,vsz,pagein,pri,time,command", "r");
+    fd = popen("env -i ps -axcopid,ppid,rss,vsz,pagein,time,command", "r");
     if (!fd) return ERR_FOPEN;
     // Skip over the header line
@@ -119,13 +118,12 @@ int procinfo_setup(PROC_MAP& pm) {
     while (1) {
-        c = fscanf(fd, "%d%d%d%d%lu%d%d:%lf ",
+        c = fscanf(fd, "%d%d%d%d%lu%d:%lf ",
-            &priority,
@@ -137,7 +135,17 @@ int procinfo_setup(PROC_MAP& pm) {
         p.swap_size = (double)virtual_mem * 1024.;
         p.user_time += 60. * (float)hours;
         p.is_boinc_app = (p.id == pid || strcasestr(p.command, "boinc"));
-        p.is_low_priority = (priority <= 12);
+        // Ideally, we should count ScreenSaverEngine.app as a BOINC process
+        // only if BOINC is set as the screensaver.  We could set a flag in
+        // the client when the get_screensaver_tasks rpc is called, but that
+        // would not be 100% reliable for several reasons.
+        if (strcasestr(p.command, "screensaverengine")) p.is_boinc_app = true;
+        // We do not mark Mac processes as low priority because some processes
+        // (e.g., Finder) change priority frequently, which would cause
+        // procinfo_non_boinc() and ACTIVE_TASK_SET::get_memory_usage() to get
+        // incorrect results for the % CPU used.
+        p.is_low_priority = false;
         switch (iBrandID) {
diff --git a/lib/str_util.cpp b/lib/str_util.cpp
index 041a57b..54c97e5 100644
--- a/lib/str_util.cpp
+++ b/lib/str_util.cpp
@@ -441,6 +441,7 @@ const char* boincerror(int which_error) {
         case ERR_GETRUSAGE: return "getrusage() failed";
         case ERR_BENCHMARK_FAILED: return "benchmark failed";
         case ERR_BAD_HEX_FORMAT: return "hex format key data bad";
+        case ERR_GETADDRINFO: return "getaddrinfo() failed";
         case ERR_DB_NOT_FOUND: return "no database rows found in lookup/enumerate";
         case ERR_DB_NOT_UNIQUE: return "database lookup not unique";
         case ERR_DB_CANT_CONNECT: return "can't connect to database";
@@ -528,6 +529,7 @@ const char* boincerror(int which_error) {
         case ERR_ABORTED_ON_EXIT: return "job was aborted on client exit";
         case ERR_PROC_PARSE: return "a /proc entry was not parsed correctly";
         case ERR_PIPE: return "pipe() failed";
+        case ERR_NEED_HTTPS: return "HTTPS needed";
         case 404: return "HTTP file not found";
         case 407: return "HTTP proxy authentication failure";
         case 416: return "HTTP range request error";
diff --git a/lib/url.cpp b/lib/url.cpp
index 6b093bf..a1a2e35 100644
--- a/lib/url.cpp
+++ b/lib/url.cpp
@@ -290,3 +290,6 @@ void escape_project_url(char *in, char* out) {
+bool is_https(const char* url) {
+    return (strncmp(url, "https://", 8) == 0);
diff --git a/lib/url.h b/lib/url.h
index 32b715b..c687554 100644
--- a/lib/url.h
+++ b/lib/url.h
@@ -45,5 +45,6 @@ extern void escape_project_url(char *in, char* out);
 extern bool valid_master_url(char*);
 extern void canonicalize_master_url(char *url, int len);
 extern void canonicalize_master_url(std::string&);
+extern bool is_https(const char*);
diff --git a/lib/util.cpp b/lib/util.cpp
index 5ec56a3..66c4f37 100644
--- a/lib/util.cpp
+++ b/lib/util.cpp
@@ -413,7 +413,10 @@ int run_program(
     if (!retval) {
         windows_format_error_string(GetLastError(), error_msg, sizeof(error_msg));
-        fprintf(stderr, "CreateProcess failed: '%s'\n", error_msg);
+        fprintf(stderr,
+            "%s: CreateProcess failed: '%s'\n",
+            time_to_string(dtime()), error_msg
+        );
         return -1; // CreateProcess returns 1 if successful, false if it failed.
diff --git a/lib/win_util.cpp b/lib/win_util.cpp
index 1916ce5..fe4b15f 100644
--- a/lib/win_util.cpp
+++ b/lib/win_util.cpp
@@ -121,7 +121,7 @@ void chdir_to_data_dir() {
     if (lpszExpandedValue) free(lpszExpandedValue);
-std::wstring A2W(const std::string& str) {
+std::wstring boinc_ascii_to_wide(const std::string& str) {
   int length_wide = MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, str.data(), -1, NULL, 0);
   wchar_t *string_wide = static_cast<wchar_t*>(_alloca((length_wide * sizeof(wchar_t)) + sizeof(wchar_t)));
   MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, str.data(), -1, string_wide, length_wide);
@@ -129,7 +129,7 @@ std::wstring A2W(const std::string& str) {
   return result;
-std::string W2A(const std::wstring& str) {
+std::string boinc_wide_to_ascii(const std::wstring& str) {
   int length_ansi = WideCharToMultiByte(CP_UTF8, 0, str.data(), -1, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL);
   char* string_ansi = static_cast<char*>(_alloca(length_ansi + sizeof(char)));
   WideCharToMultiByte(CP_UTF8, 0, str.data(), -1, string_ansi, length_ansi, NULL, NULL);
@@ -158,12 +158,8 @@ char* windows_format_error_string(
     if (dwRet != 0) {
-        // convert from current character encoding into UTF8
-        std::string encoded_message = W2A(std::wstring(lpszTemp));
         // include the hex error code as well
-        snprintf(pszBuf, iSize, "%s (0x%x)", encoded_message.c_str(), dwError);
+        snprintf(pszBuf, iSize, "%S (0x%x)", lpszTemp, dwError);
         if (lpszTemp) {
             LocalFree((HLOCAL) lpszTemp);
diff --git a/lib/win_util.h b/lib/win_util.h
index 5c58f2f..4830a8b 100644
--- a/lib/win_util.h
+++ b/lib/win_util.h
@@ -21,8 +21,8 @@
 extern BOOL TerminateProcessById(DWORD dwProcessId);
 extern void chdir_to_data_dir();
-extern std::wstring A2W(const std::string& str);
-extern std::string W2A(const std::wstring& str);
+extern std::wstring boinc_ascii_to_wide(const std::string& str);
+extern std::string boinc_wide_to_ascii(const std::wstring& str);
 extern char* windows_format_error_string(
     unsigned long dwError, char* pszBuf, int iSize
diff --git a/locale/bg/BOINC-Android.po b/locale/bg/BOINC-Android.po
index e503d48..24e8fc0 100644
--- a/locale/bg/BOINC-Android.po
+++ b/locale/bg/BOINC-Android.po
@@ -14,9 +14,10 @@ msgstr ""
 "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
 "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8\n"
 "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
-"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1)\n"
-"X-Generator: Translate Toolkit 1.10.0\n"
+"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
+"X-Generator: Pootle 2.5.0\n"
 "Generated-By: Babel 1.0dev\n"
+"X-POOTLE-MTIME: 1379512450.0\n"
 #. app global
 msgctxt "app_name"
@@ -211,11 +212,11 @@ msgstr ""
 msgctxt "attachproject_acctmgr_header_pwd"
 msgid "Password:"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Парола:"
 msgctxt "attachproject_acctmgr_header_pwd_confirm"
 msgid "… Retype:"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "… Напишете отново:"
 msgctxt "attachproject_acctmgr_button"
 msgid "Add"
@@ -340,9 +341,10 @@ msgid "Synchronize"
 msgstr ""
 #. main activity
+#, fuzzy
 msgctxt "main_noproject_warning"
 msgid "Tab here to choose a project."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Етикирайте тук за да изберете проект."
 msgctxt "main_error"
 msgid "Whooops"
diff --git a/locale/bg/BOINC-Manager.po b/locale/bg/BOINC-Manager.po
index 6ef45e9..b70c75b 100644
--- a/locale/bg/BOINC-Manager.po
+++ b/locale/bg/BOINC-Manager.po
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ msgid ""
 msgstr ""
 "Project-Id-Version: BOINC Manager 6.x\n"
 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-02-02 00:00-0800\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-12-15 14:15-0500\n"
 "PO-Revision-Date: 2013-09-10 11:32+0000\n"
 "Last-Translator: Dimitar <mexicoman at abv.bg>\n"
 "Language-Team: AMD Powered @ Home Team <timeros at gmail.com>\n"
@@ -16,23 +16,23 @@ msgstr ""
 "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
 "Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
 "X-Generator: Pootle 2.5.0\n"
-"X-BOINC-UTF8-Marker: 简体中文, 日本語\n"
-"X-Poedit-SearchPath-1: clientgui/msw\n"
-"X-Poedit-SearchPath-2: clientgui/gtk\n"
-"X-Poedit-SearchPath-3: clientgui/mac\n"
+"X-Poedit-Basepath: C:\\Src\\BOINCGIT\\boinc_7.4\n"
 "X-Poedit-SearchPath-0: clientgui\n"
 "X-Poedit-SourceCharset: utf-8\n"
-"X-Poedit-Basepath: C:\\Src\\BOINCGIT\\boinc\n"
 "X-POOTLE-MTIME: 1378812727.0\n"
+"X-Poedit-SearchPath-1: clientgui/msw\n"
+"X-Poedit-SearchPath-2: clientgui/gtk\n"
+"X-Poedit-SearchPath-3: clientgui/mac\n"
+"X-BOINC-UTF8-Marker: 简体中文, 日本語\n"
 # 100%
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:387
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:387
 #, c-format
 #, c-format, c-format
 msgid "Identify your account at %s"
 msgstr "Идентифицирайте Вашия акаунт в %s"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:393
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:393
 msgid ""
 "Please enter your account information\n"
 "(to create an account, visit the project's web site)"
@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ msgstr ""
 "Моля въведете информацията за своя акаунт\n"
 "(за да създадете акаунт, посетете интернет страницата на проекта)"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:397
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:397
 msgid ""
 "This project is not currently accepting new accounts.\n"
 "You can add it only if you already have an account."
@@ -48,19 +48,19 @@ msgstr ""
 "Този проект в момента не приема нови акаунти.\n"
 "Можете да го добавите само ако вече имате регистриран акаунт."
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:401
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:401
 msgid "Are you already running this project?"
 msgstr "Вече участвате ли в този проект?"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:405
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:405
 msgid "&No, new user"
 msgstr "&Не, нов потребител"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:408
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:408
 msgid "&Yes, existing user"
 msgstr "&Да, съществуващ потребител"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:413
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:413
 msgid ""
 "We were not able to set up your account information\n"
@@ -76,45 +76,51 @@ msgstr ""
 "по-долу за да разберете какво да попълните в полетата\n"
 "за имейл адрес и парола."
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:416
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:416
 msgid "Find login information"
 msgstr "Намери информация за вход"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:436 AccountInfoPage.cpp:641
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:436
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:649
 msgid "&Password:"
 msgstr "&Парола:"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:443 AccountInfoPage.cpp:665
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:443
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:673
 msgid "Choose a &password:"
 msgstr "Изберете &парола:"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:446
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:446
 msgid "C&onfirm password:"
 msgstr "П&отвърдете парола:"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:453
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:453
 #, c-format
 msgid "Are you already running %s?"
 msgstr "Вече участвате ли в %s?"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:482
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:482
 msgid "&Username:"
 msgstr "&Потребителско име:"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:508
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:511
+msgid "&Email address or LDAP ID:"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:515
 msgid "&Email address:"
 msgstr "&Имейл адрес:"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:515
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:523
 #, c-format
 msgid "minimum length %d"
 msgstr "минимална дължина %d"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:522
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:530
 msgid "Forgot your password?"
 msgstr "Забравили сте паролата си?"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:529
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:537
 msgid ""
 "If you have not yet registered with this account manager,\n"
 "please do so before proceeding.  Click on the link below\n"
@@ -124,46 +130,45 @@ msgstr ""
 "моля направете го преди да продължите.  Натиснете на връзката\n"
 "по-долу за да се регистрирате или за да получите отново забравена парола."
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:532
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:540
 msgid "Account manager web site"
 msgstr ""
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:574 WelcomePage.cpp:348
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:582
 msgid "Add project"
 msgstr "Добави проект"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:576
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:584
 msgid "Update account manager"
 msgstr "Обнови акаунт мениджъра"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:578 WelcomePage.cpp:307 WelcomePage.cpp:321
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:586
 msgid "Use account manager"
 msgstr "Използвай акаунт мениджър"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:585
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:593
 msgid "Please enter a user name."
 msgstr ""
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:587
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:595
 msgid "Please enter an email address."
 msgstr ""
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:597
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:605
 #, c-format
 msgid "Please enter a password of at least %d characters."
 msgstr ""
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:607
-msgid ""
-"The password and confirmation password do not match. Please type them again."
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:615
+msgid "The password and confirmation password do not match. Please type them again."
 msgstr ""
 "Паролата и паролата за потвърждение не са еднакви. Моля напишете ги отново."
-#: AccountManagerInfoPage.cpp:272
+#: clientgui/AccountManagerInfoPage.cpp:272
 msgid "Choose an account manager"
 msgstr "Изберете акаунт мениджър"
-#: AccountManagerInfoPage.cpp:275
+#: clientgui/AccountManagerInfoPage.cpp:275
 msgid ""
 "To choose an account manager, click its name or \n"
 "type its URL below."
@@ -171,382 +176,399 @@ msgstr ""
 "За да изберете акаунт мениджър натиснете на неговото име или \n"
 "напишете неговия URL отдолу."
-#: AccountManagerInfoPage.cpp:279
+#: clientgui/AccountManagerInfoPage.cpp:279
 msgid "Account manager details:"
 msgstr ""
-#: AccountManagerInfoPage.cpp:283
+#: clientgui/AccountManagerInfoPage.cpp:283
 msgid "Account manager &URL:"
 msgstr ""
-#: AccountManagerInfoPage.cpp:287
+#: clientgui/AccountManagerInfoPage.cpp:287
 msgid "Open web page"
 msgstr ""
-#: AccountManagerInfoPage.cpp:290
+#: clientgui/AccountManagerInfoPage.cpp:290
 msgid "Visit this account manager's web site"
 msgstr ""
-#: AccountManagerProcessingPage.cpp:187 AccountManagerPropertiesPage.cpp:193
+#: clientgui/AccountManagerProcessingPage.cpp:186
+#: clientgui/AccountManagerPropertiesPage.cpp:192
 #, c-format
 msgid "Communicating with %s."
 msgstr "Комуникация с %s."
-#: AccountManagerProcessingPage.cpp:194 AccountManagerPropertiesPage.cpp:200
+#: clientgui/AccountManagerProcessingPage.cpp:193
+#: clientgui/AccountManagerPropertiesPage.cpp:199
 msgid "Communicating with server."
 msgstr "Комуникация със сървър."
-#: AccountManagerProcessingPage.cpp:199 AccountManagerPropertiesPage.cpp:205
+#: clientgui/AccountManagerProcessingPage.cpp:198
+#: clientgui/AccountManagerPropertiesPage.cpp:204
 msgid "Please wait..."
 msgstr "Моля изчакайте..."
-#: AccountManagerProcessingPage.cpp:326
+#: clientgui/AccountManagerProcessingPage.cpp:325
 msgid "An internal server error has occurred.\n"
 msgstr "Възникна вътрешна грешка на сървъра.\n"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:95
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:96
 msgid "Connected"
 msgstr "Свързан"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:103
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:104
 msgid "Disconnected"
 msgstr "Прекъснат"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:322 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:119
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:318
 #, c-format
 msgid "Close the %s window"
 msgstr "Затворете прозореца на %s"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:325 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:122
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:321
 msgid "&Close Window"
 msgstr "&Затворете Прозореца"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:336 AdvancedFrame.cpp:343 AdvancedFrame.cpp:350
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:332
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:339
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:346
 #, c-format
 msgid "Exit %s"
 msgstr "Изход от %s"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:371
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:359
+msgid "Preferences..."
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:368
 msgid "&Notices\tCtrl+Shift+N"
 msgstr "&Известия\tCtrl+Shift+N"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:372
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:369
 msgid "Display notices"
 msgstr "Покажи известия"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:377
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:374
 msgid "&Projects\tCtrl+Shift+P"
 msgstr "&Проекти\tCtrl+Shift+P"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:378
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:375
 msgid "Display projects"
 msgstr "Покажи проекти"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:383
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:380
 msgid "&Tasks\tCtrl+Shift+T"
 msgstr "&Задачи\tCtrl+Shift+T"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:384
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:381
 msgid "Display tasks"
 msgstr "Покажи задачи"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:389
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:386
 msgid "Trans&fers\tCtrl+Shift+X"
 msgstr "Транс&фери\tCtrl+Shift+X"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:390
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:387
 msgid "Display transfers"
 msgstr "Покажи трансфери"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:395
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:392
 msgid "&Statistics\tCtrl+Shift+S"
 msgstr "&Статистика\tCtrl+Shift+S"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:396
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:393
 msgid "Display statistics"
 msgstr "Покажи статистика"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:401
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:398
 msgid "&Disk usage\tCtrl+Shift+D"
 msgstr "&Употреба на диска\tCtrl+Shift+D"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:402
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:399
 msgid "Display disk usage"
 msgstr "Покажи употреба на диска"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:409
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:406
 msgid "Simple &View...\tCtrl+Shift+V"
 msgstr "Прост &Изглед...\tCtrl+Shift+V"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:410
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:407
 msgid "Display the simple graphical interface."
 msgstr "Покажи простия графически интерфейс."
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:424
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:421
 msgid "&Add project or account manager..."
 msgstr "&Добави проект или акаунт мениджър..."
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:425 sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:76
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:422
 msgid "Volunteer for any or all of 30+ projects in many areas of science"
 msgstr ""
 "Стани доброволец за някои или за всички 30+ проекта в много области на "
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:429
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:426
 #, c-format
 msgid "&Synchronize with %s"
 msgstr "&Синхронизирай с %s"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:433
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:430
 #, c-format
 msgid "Get current settings from %s"
 msgstr "Вземи текущи настройки от %s"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:443
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:440
 msgid "&Add project..."
 msgstr "&Добави проект..."
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:444
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:441
 msgid "Add a project"
 msgstr "Добави проект"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:447
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:444
 #, c-format
 msgid "S&top using %s..."
 msgstr "С&при да използваш %s..."
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:453
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:450
 msgid "Remove this computer from account manager control."
 msgstr "Премахни този компютър от контрола на акаунт мениджъра."
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:458 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:178
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:455
 msgid "&Options..."
 msgstr "&Опции..."
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:459 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:179
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:456
 msgid "Configure display options and proxy settings"
 msgstr "Конфигурирай опциите на дисплея и настройките на проксито"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:463 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:172
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:460
 msgid "Computing &preferences..."
 msgstr "Изчислителни &предпочитания..."
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:464 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:173
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:461
 msgid "Configure computing preferences"
 msgstr "Настройте изчислителните предпочитания"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:472
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:469
 msgid "&Run always"
 msgstr "&Работи винаги"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:473
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:470
 msgid "Allow work regardless of preferences"
 msgstr "Позволи работа независимо от предпочитанията"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:477
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:474
 msgid "Run based on &preferences"
 msgstr "Работи на база на &предпочитанията"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:478
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:475
 msgid "Allow work according to preferences"
 msgstr "Позволи работа според предпочитанията"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:482
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:479
 msgid "&Suspend"
 msgstr "&Временно прекрати"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:483
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:480
 msgid "Stop work regardless of preferences"
 msgstr "Спри работа независимо от предпочитанията"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:508
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:505
 msgid "Use GPU always"
 msgstr "Използвай GPU винаги"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:509
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:506
 msgid "Allow GPU work regardless of preferences"
 msgstr "Позволи GPU работа независимо от предпочитанията"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:513
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:510
 msgid "Use GPU based on preferences"
 msgstr "Използвай GPU на база на предпочитанията"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:514
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:511
 msgid "Allow GPU work according to preferences"
 msgstr "Позволи GPU работа според предпочитанията"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:518
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:515
 msgid "Suspend GPU"
 msgstr "Временно прекрати GPU"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:519
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:516
 msgid "Stop GPU work regardless of preferences"
 msgstr "Спри GPU работа независимо от предпочитанията"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:543
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:540
 msgid "Network activity always available"
 msgstr "Мрежовата дейност е винаги възможна"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:544
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:541
 msgid "Allow network activity regardless of preferences"
 msgstr "Позволи връзка по мрежата независимо от предпочитанията"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:548
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:545
 msgid "Network activity based on preferences"
 msgstr "Мрежова дейност на база на предпочитанията"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:549
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:546
 msgid "Allow network activity according to preferences"
 msgstr "Позволи мрежова дейност според предпочитанията"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:553
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:550
 msgid "Network activity suspended"
 msgstr "Мрежовата дейност е временно прекратена"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:554
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:551
 msgid "Stop BOINC network activity"
 msgstr "Спри мрежовата дейност на BOINC"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:564
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:561
 #, c-format
 msgid "Connect to another computer running %s"
 msgstr "Свържи се с друг компютър, който има стартиран %s"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:569
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:566
 msgid "Select computer..."
 msgstr "Избери компютър..."
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:574
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:571
 msgid "Shut down connected client..."
 msgstr "Изключи свързания клиент..."
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:575
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:572
 msgid "Shut down the currently connected client"
 msgstr "Изключи свързаният в момента клиент"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:579
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:576
 msgid "Run CPU &benchmarks"
 msgstr "Стартирай референтните CPU &показатели"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:580
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:577
 msgid "Runs BOINC CPU benchmarks"
 msgstr "Стартира BOINC референтни CPU показатели"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:584
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:581
 msgid "Do network communication"
 msgstr "Извърши комуникация по мрежата"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:585
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:582
 msgid "Do all pending network communication"
 msgstr "Извърши всички изчакващи връзки по мрежата"
 # 94%
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:589
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:586
 msgid "Read config files"
 msgstr "Прочети конфигуриращите файлове"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:590
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:587
 msgid "Read configuration info from cc_config.xml and any app_config.xml files"
 msgstr ""
 "Прочети конфигуриращата информация от файловете cc_config.xml и "
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:594
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:591
 msgid "Read local prefs file"
 msgstr "Прочети файла с локални предпочитания"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:595
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:592
 msgid "Read preferences from global_prefs_override.xml."
 msgstr "Прочети предпочитанията от global_prefs_override.xml."
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:600
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:597
 #, c-format
 msgid "Launch another instance of %s..."
 msgstr "Стартирай още един брой от %s..."
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:604
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:601
 #, c-format
 msgid "Launch another %s"
 msgstr "Стартирай още един %s"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:614
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:611
 msgid "Event Log...\tCtrl+Shift+E"
 msgstr "Регистър на събитията...\tCtrl+Shift+E"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:615
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:612
 msgid "Display diagnostic messages."
 msgstr "Покажи диагностични съобщения."
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:625 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:188
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:616
+msgid "Event Log Diagnostic Flags...\tCtrl+Shift+F"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:617
+msgid "Enable or disable various diagnostic messages"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:626
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s &help"
 msgstr "%s &помощ"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:631 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:194
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:632
 #, c-format
 msgid "Show information about %s"
 msgstr "Покажи информация за %s"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:643
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:644
 #, c-format
 msgid "&%s help"
 msgstr "&%s помощ"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:649 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:212
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:650
 #, c-format
 msgid "Show information about the %s"
 msgstr "Покажи информация за %s"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:661 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:224
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:662
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s &web site"
 msgstr ""
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:667 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:230
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:668
 #, c-format
 msgid "Show information about BOINC and %s"
 msgstr "Покажи информация за BOINC и %s"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:679 BOINCTaskBar.cpp:530 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:242
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:680
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:544
 #, c-format
 msgid "&About %s..."
 msgstr "&Относно %s..."
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:685 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:248
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:686
 msgid "Licensing and copyright information."
 msgstr "Информация за лицензи и авторски права."
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:692 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:255
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:693
 msgid "&File"
 msgstr "&Файл"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:696 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:259
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:697
 msgid "&View"
 msgstr "&Изглед"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:700 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:263
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:701
 msgid "&Tools"
 msgstr "И&нструменти"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:704
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:705
 msgid "&Activity"
 msgstr "&Дейност"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:708
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:709
 msgid "A&dvanced"
 msgstr "За &напреднали"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:712 DlgEventLog.cpp:332 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:267
-#: wizardex.cpp:374 wizardex.cpp:381
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:713
 msgid "&Help"
 msgstr "&Помощ"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:1199
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1185
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - Stop using %s"
 msgstr "%s - Спри да използваш %s"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:1204
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1190
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "If you stop using %s,\n"
@@ -561,12 +583,12 @@ msgstr ""
 "Искате ли да спрете да използвате %s?"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:1401
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1397
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - Shut down the current client..."
 msgstr "%s - Изключи текущия клиент..."
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:1410
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1406
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "%s will shut down the current client\n"
@@ -575,36 +597,36 @@ msgstr ""
 "%s ще изключи текущия клиент\n"
 "и ще Ви предложи да се свържете към друг хост."
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:1745 DlgAbout.cpp:119
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1806
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s"
 msgstr "%s"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:1754
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1815
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s has successfully added %s"
 msgstr "%s успешно добави %s"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:1893
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1953
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - (%s)"
 msgstr "%s - (%s)"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:1897
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1957
 #, c-format
 msgid "Connecting to %s"
 msgstr "Свързване към %s"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:1900
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1960
 #, c-format
 msgid "Connected to %s (%s)"
 msgstr "Свързан към %s (%s)"
-#: AlreadyExistsPage.cpp:184
+#: clientgui/AlreadyExistsPage.cpp:184
 msgid "Username already in use"
 msgstr "Потребителското име е вече заето"
-#: AlreadyExistsPage.cpp:187
+#: clientgui/AlreadyExistsPage.cpp:187
 msgid ""
 "An account with that username already exists and has a\n"
 "different password than the one you entered.\n"
@@ -616,11 +638,11 @@ msgstr ""
 "Моля посетете уеб сайта на проекта и следвайте инструкциите там."
-#: AlreadyExistsPage.cpp:191
+#: clientgui/AlreadyExistsPage.cpp:191
 msgid "Email address already in use"
 msgstr "Имейл адреса вече е използван"
-#: AlreadyExistsPage.cpp:194
+#: clientgui/AlreadyExistsPage.cpp:194
 msgid ""
 "An account with that email address already exists and has a\n"
 "different password than the one you entered.\n"
@@ -632,45 +654,44 @@ msgstr ""
 "Моля посетете уеб сайта на проекта и следвайте инструкциите там."
-#: AsyncRPC.cpp:1031
+#: clientgui/AsyncRPC.cpp:1031
 msgid "Communicating with BOINC client.  Please wait ..."
 msgstr "Комуникация с BOINC клиент.  Моля изчакайте ..."
-#: AsyncRPC.cpp:1034
+#: clientgui/AsyncRPC.cpp:1034
 #, c-format
 msgid "&Quit %s"
 msgstr "&Напусни %s"
-#: AsyncRPC.cpp:1036
+#: clientgui/AsyncRPC.cpp:1036
 #, c-format
 msgid "E&xit %s"
 msgstr "И&зход от %s"
-#: AsyncRPC.cpp:1040
+#: clientgui/AsyncRPC.cpp:1040
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - Communication"
 msgstr "%s - Предаване на информация"
-#: AsyncRPC.cpp:1056 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:107 sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:433
+#: clientgui/AsyncRPC.cpp:1056
 msgid "Cancel"
 msgstr "Отказ"
-#: BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:505
+#: clientgui/BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:504
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - Connection Error"
 msgstr "%s - Грешка при Връзката"
-#: BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:514
+#: clientgui/BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:513
 msgid ""
 "You currently are not authorized to manage the client.\n"
-"Please contact your administrator to add you to the 'boinc_users' local user "
+"Please contact your administrator to add you to the 'boinc_users' local user group."
 msgstr ""
 "В момента не сте оторизиран да управлявате клиента.\n"
 "Моля свържете се с вашия администратор за да Ви добави към локалната "
 "'boinc_клиенти' група."
-#: BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:523
+#: clientgui/BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:522
 msgid ""
 "Authorization failed connecting to running client.\n"
 "Make sure you start this program in the same directory as the client."
@@ -678,20 +699,20 @@ msgstr ""
 "Оторизацията не успя да се свърже с работещ клиент.\n"
 "Проверете дали стартирате програмата в същата папка в която е клиента."
-#: BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:525
+#: clientgui/BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:524
 msgid "Authorization failed connecting to running client."
 msgstr "Оторизацията не успя да се свърже с работещ клиент."
-#: BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:533
+#: clientgui/BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:532
 msgid "The password you have provided is incorrect, please try again."
 msgstr "Паролата която въведохте е грешна, моля опитайте отново."
-#: BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:577
+#: clientgui/BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:576
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - Connection Failed"
 msgstr "%s - Неуспешно Свързване"
-#: BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:586
+#: clientgui/BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:585
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "%s is not able to connect to a %s client.\n"
@@ -700,23 +721,22 @@ msgstr ""
 "%s не успява да се свърже с %s клиент.\n"
 "Искате ли да опитате да се свържете отново?"
-#: BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:622
+#: clientgui/BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:621
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - Daemon Start Failed"
 msgstr "%s - Демон Неуспешно Стартиране"
-#: BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:632
+#: clientgui/BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:631
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "%s is not able to start a %s client.\n"
-"Please launch the Control Panel->Administative Tools->Services applet and "
-"start the BOINC service."
+"Please launch the Control Panel->Administative Tools->Services applet and start the BOINC service."
 msgstr ""
 "%s не успява да стартира %s клиент.\n"
 "Моля стартирайте приложението Control Panel->Administrative Tools->Services "
 "и от там стартирайте BOINC сервиза."
-#: BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:638
+#: clientgui/BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:637
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "%s is not able to start a %s client.\n"
@@ -725,17 +745,16 @@ msgstr ""
 "%s не успява да стартира %s клиент.\n"
 "Моля стартирайте демона и опитайте отново."
-#: BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:689
+#: clientgui/BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:688
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - Connection Status"
 msgstr "%s - Статус на Връзката"
-#: BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:700
+#: clientgui/BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:699
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "%s is not currently connected to a %s client.\n"
-"Please use the 'Advanced\\Select Computer...' menu option to connect up to a "
-"%s client.\n"
+"Please use the 'Advanced\\Select Computer...' menu option to connect up to a %s client.\n"
 "To connect up to your local computer please use 'localhost' as the host name."
 msgstr ""
 "%s в момента не е свързан към %s клиент.\n"
@@ -744,16 +763,16 @@ msgstr ""
 "За да се свържете към локалния Ви компютър моля използвайте 'localhost' за "
 "име на хоста."
-#: BOINCBaseView.cpp:779
+#: clientgui/BOINCBaseView.cpp:752
 msgid "Project web pages"
 msgstr "Уеб страници на проекта"
-#: BOINCClientManager.cpp:575
+#: clientgui/BOINCClientManager.cpp:573
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - Unexpected Exit"
 msgstr "%s - Неочакван Изход"
-#: BOINCClientManager.cpp:585
+#: clientgui/BOINCClientManager.cpp:583
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "The %s client has exited unexpectedly 3 times within the last %d minutes.\n"
@@ -762,12 +781,12 @@ msgstr ""
 "Клиента %s се изключи неочаквано 3 пъти за последните %d минути.\n"
 "Искате ли да го рестартирате отново?"
-#: BOINCDialupManager.cpp:61
+#: clientgui/BOINCDialupManager.cpp:61
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - Network Status"
 msgstr "%s - Статус на Връзката"
-#: BOINCDialupManager.cpp:241
+#: clientgui/BOINCDialupManager.cpp:241
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "%s needs to connect to the Internet.\n"
@@ -776,22 +795,22 @@ msgstr ""
 "%s трябва да се свърже с Интернет.\n"
 "Може ли да го направи сега?"
-#: BOINCDialupManager.cpp:254
+#: clientgui/BOINCDialupManager.cpp:254
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s is connecting to the Internet."
 msgstr "%s се свързва към Интернет."
-#: BOINCDialupManager.cpp:303
+#: clientgui/BOINCDialupManager.cpp:303
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s has successfully connected to the Internet."
 msgstr "%s успя да се свърже към Интернет."
-#: BOINCDialupManager.cpp:331
+#: clientgui/BOINCDialupManager.cpp:331
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s failed to connect to the Internet."
 msgstr "%s не успя да се свърже към Интернет."
-#: BOINCDialupManager.cpp:372
+#: clientgui/BOINCDialupManager.cpp:372
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "%s has detected it is now connected to the Internet.\n"
@@ -800,17 +819,17 @@ msgstr ""
 "%s установи, че сега е свързан към Интернет.\n"
 "Обновяване на всички проекти и възстановяване на всички трансфери."
-#: BOINCDialupManager.cpp:417
+#: clientgui/BOINCDialupManager.cpp:417
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s has successfully disconnected from the Internet."
 msgstr "%s успя да прекъсне връзката с Интернет."
-#: BOINCDialupManager.cpp:433
+#: clientgui/BOINCDialupManager.cpp:433
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s failed to disconnected from the Internet."
 msgstr "%s не успя да прекъсне връзката с Интернет."
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:339
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:595
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "You currently are not authorized to manage the client.\n"
@@ -831,7 +850,7 @@ msgstr ""
 "- свържете се с вашия администратор за да Ви добави към\n"
 "'boinc_master' потребителска група."
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:345
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:601
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "%s ownership or permissions are not set properly; please reinstall %s.\n"
@@ -841,16 +860,15 @@ msgstr ""
 "(Код за грешка %d"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:351
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:607
 msgid " at "
 msgstr " @ "
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:354 MainDocument.cpp:2484 MainDocument.cpp:2534
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2554 ViewTransfers.cpp:803
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:610
 msgid ")"
 msgstr ")"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:384
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:640
 msgid ""
 "A reboot is required in order for BOINC to run properly.\n"
 "Please reboot your computer and try again."
@@ -858,186 +876,190 @@ msgstr ""
 "За да работи правилно BOINC се нуждае от рестартиране.\n"
 "Моля рестартирайте Вашия компютър и опитайте отново."
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:385 DlgAbout.cpp:153
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:641
 msgid "BOINC Manager"
 msgstr "BOINC Мениджър"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:572
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:902
 msgid "BOINC Manager was started by the operating system automatically"
 msgstr "BOINC Мениджър бе стартиран от операционната система автоматично"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:574
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:904
 msgid "Startup BOINC so only the system tray icon is visible"
 msgstr "Стартирай BOINC така че само иконата в системната лента да е видима"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:576
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:906
 msgid "Directory containing the BOINC Client executable"
 msgstr "Папка съдържаща изпълнимия BOINC Клиент файл"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:577
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:907
 msgid "BOINC data directory"
 msgstr "Папка с BOINC данни"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:579
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:909
 msgid "Host name or IP address"
 msgstr "Име на хоста или IP адрес"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:580
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:910
 msgid "GUI RPC port number"
 msgstr "GUI RPC номер на порт"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:581
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:911
 msgid "Password"
 msgstr "Парола"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:582
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:912
 msgid "Startup BOINC with these optional arguments"
 msgstr "Стартирай BOINC с тези аргументи по избор"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:583
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:913
 msgid "disable BOINC security users and permissions"
 msgstr "изключи BOINC защитени потребители и разрешения"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:584
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:914
 msgid "set skin debugging mode to enable skin manager error messages"
 msgstr ""
 "задайте режим на отстраняване на грешки за да позволите съобщения за грешки "
 "от мениджърa"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:585
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:915
 msgid "multiple instances of BOINC Manager allowed"
 msgstr "позволени множество прозорци на BOINC Мениджъра"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:587
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:917
 msgid "Not used: workaround for bug in XCode 4.2"
 msgstr "Не се използва: заобиколно решение за бъг в XCode 4.2"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:814
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:1164
 msgid "(Automatic Detection)"
 msgstr "(Автоматично Разпознаване)"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:815
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:1165
 msgid "(Unknown)"
 msgstr "(Непознат)"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:816
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:1166
 msgid "(User Defined)"
 msgstr "(Дефиниран от Потребителя)"
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:508
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:522
 #, c-format
 msgid "Open %s Web..."
 msgstr "Отвори %s Интернет страница..."
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:515
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:529
 #, c-format
 msgid "Open %s..."
 msgstr "Отвори %s..."
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:522 BOINCTaskBar.cpp:619 BOINCTaskBar.cpp:627
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:536
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:633
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:641
 msgid "Snooze"
 msgstr "Почивка"
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:524 BOINCTaskBar.cpp:646 BOINCTaskBar.cpp:654
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:538
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:660
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:668
 msgid "Snooze GPU"
 msgstr "Почивка за GPU"
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:542
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:556
 msgid "E&xit"
 msgstr "И&зход"
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:612 ViewProjects.cpp:718 ViewWork.cpp:795
-#: sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:758 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:110
-#: sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:102
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:626
 msgid "Resume"
 msgstr "Възобнови работа"
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:639
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:653
 msgid "Resume GPU"
 msgstr "Възобнови GPU работа"
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:713
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:727
 msgid "Computing is enabled"
 msgstr "Изчисленията са позволени"
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:717
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:731
 msgid "Computing is suspended - "
 msgstr "Изчисленията за временно прекратени - "
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:727
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:741
 msgid "GPU computing is enabled"
 msgstr "GPU изчисленията са позволени"
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:730
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:744
 msgid "GPU computing is suspended - "
 msgstr "GPU изчисленията са временно прекратени - "
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:739
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:753
 msgid "Network is enabled"
 msgstr "Мрежата е активирана"
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:742
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:756
 msgid "Network is suspended - "
 msgstr "Мрежата е временно деактивирана - "
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:750
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:764
 msgid "Reconnecting to client."
 msgstr "Повторно свързване с клиента."
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:752
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:766
 msgid "Not connected to a client."
 msgstr "Не сте свързан с клиент."
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:805
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:819
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s Notices"
 msgstr "%s Известия"
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:811
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:825
 msgid "There are new notices - click to view."
 msgstr "Има нови известия - натиснете за преглед."
-#: CompletionErrorPage.cpp:199
+#: clientgui/CompletionErrorPage.cpp:199
 msgid "Failed to add project"
 msgstr "Неуспех при добавяне на проект"
-#: CompletionErrorPage.cpp:204
+#: clientgui/CompletionErrorPage.cpp:204
 msgid "Failed to update account manager"
 msgstr "Неуспех при обновяване на акаунт мениджъра"
-#: CompletionErrorPage.cpp:208
+#: clientgui/CompletionErrorPage.cpp:208
 msgid "Failed to remove account manager"
 msgstr "Неуспех при премахване на акаунт мениджъра"
-#: CompletionErrorPage.cpp:212
+#: clientgui/CompletionErrorPage.cpp:212
 msgid "Failed to add account manager"
 msgstr "Неуспех при добавяне на акаунт мениджъра"
-#: CompletionErrorPage.cpp:221
+#: clientgui/CompletionErrorPage.cpp:221
 msgid ""
 "Please try again later.\n"
 "Click Finish to close."
 msgstr ""
-#: CompletionErrorPage.cpp:225 CompletionPage.cpp:222 CompletionPage.cpp:242
-#: CompletionPage.cpp:273
+#: clientgui/CompletionErrorPage.cpp:225
+#: clientgui/CompletionPage.cpp:222
+#: clientgui/CompletionPage.cpp:242
+#: clientgui/CompletionPage.cpp:273
 msgid "Click Finish to close."
 msgstr "Натиснете Приключи за да затворите."
-#: CompletionErrorPage.cpp:234
+#: clientgui/CompletionErrorPage.cpp:234
 msgid "Messages from server:"
 msgstr "Съобщения от сървъра:"
-#: CompletionPage.cpp:207
+#: clientgui/CompletionPage.cpp:207
 msgid "Project added"
 msgstr "Проектът е добавен"
-#: CompletionPage.cpp:213
+#: clientgui/CompletionPage.cpp:213
 msgid "This project has been successfully added."
 msgstr "Този проект бе успешно добавен."
-#: CompletionPage.cpp:218
+#: clientgui/CompletionPage.cpp:218
 msgid ""
 "When you click Finish, your web browser will go to a page where\n"
 "you can set your account name and preferences."
@@ -1045,122 +1067,124 @@ msgstr ""
 "Когато натиснете Приключи, уеб браузърът Ви ще отиде на страница\n"
 "където можете да настроите свето акаунт име и предпочитания."
-#: CompletionPage.cpp:232
+#: clientgui/CompletionPage.cpp:232
 #, c-format
 msgid "Update from %s completed."
 msgstr "Обновяването от %s приключи."
-#: CompletionPage.cpp:236
+#: clientgui/CompletionPage.cpp:236
 msgid "Update completed."
 msgstr "Обновяването приключи."
-#: CompletionPage.cpp:247
+#: clientgui/CompletionPage.cpp:247
 msgid "Now using account manager"
 msgstr "Сега използвате акаунт мениджър"
-#: CompletionPage.cpp:252
+#: clientgui/CompletionPage.cpp:252
 #, c-format
 msgid "Welcome to %s!"
 msgstr "Добре дошли в %s!"
-#: CompletionPage.cpp:263
+#: clientgui/CompletionPage.cpp:263
 #, c-format
 msgid "You are now using %s to manage accounts."
 msgstr "Сега използвате %s за да управлявате акаунти."
-#: CompletionPage.cpp:267
+#: clientgui/CompletionPage.cpp:267
 msgid "You are now using this account manager."
 msgstr "Сега използвате този акаунт мениджър."
-#: DlgAbout.cpp:113 mac/Mac_GUI.cpp:96
+#: clientgui/DlgAbout.cpp:113
 #, c-format
 msgid "About %s"
 msgstr "Относно %s"
-#: DlgAbout.cpp:172
+#: clientgui/DlgAbout.cpp:172
 msgid "Version:"
 msgstr "Версия:"
-#: DlgAbout.cpp:180
+#: clientgui/DlgAbout.cpp:180
 msgid "wxWidgets Version:"
 msgstr "wxWidgets Версия:"
-#: DlgAbout.cpp:188
+#: clientgui/DlgAbout.cpp:188
 msgid "Copyright:"
 msgstr "Авторски права:"
-# 98%
-#: DlgAbout.cpp:192
+#: clientgui/DlgAbout.cpp:192
 msgid ""
-"(C) 2003-2013 University of California, Berkeley.\n"
+"(C) 2003-2014 University of California, Berkeley.\n"
 "All Rights Reserved."
 msgstr ""
-"(C) 2003-2013 Калифорнийски Университет, Бъркли.\n"
-"Всички Права Запазени."
-#: DlgAbout.cpp:196
+#: clientgui/DlgAbout.cpp:196
 msgid "Berkeley Open Infrastructure for Network Computing"
 msgstr "Отворена Инфраструктура на Бъркли за Изчисления в Мрежа"
-#: DlgAbout.cpp:208 DlgExitMessage.cpp:173 DlgGenericMessage.cpp:120
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:396 DlgSelectComputer.cpp:163
+#: clientgui/DlgAbout.cpp:208
+#: clientgui/DlgExitMessage.cpp:173
+#: clientgui/DlgGenericMessage.cpp:120
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:399
+#: clientgui/DlgSelectComputer.cpp:163
 msgid "&OK"
 msgstr "&OK"
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:544
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:602
 msgid "invalid number"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:545
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:603
 msgid "invalid time, format is HH:MM"
 msgstr "невалиден час, формата е ЧЧ:ММ"
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:546
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:604
 msgid "invalid time interval, format is HH:MM-HH:MM"
 msgstr "невалиден часови интервал, формата е ЧЧ:ММ-ЧЧ:ММ"
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:751
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:817
 msgid "invalid input value detected"
 msgstr "засечена невалидна въведена стойност"
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:753
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:819
 msgid "Validation Error"
 msgstr "Грешка при Проверка"
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:885 DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:891
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:897
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:969
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:975
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:981
 msgid "Applications to add"
 msgstr "Приложения за добавяне"
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:914
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:998
 #, c-format
 msgid "'%s' is not an executable application."
 msgstr "'%s' не е изпълнимо приложение."
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:915 DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:962
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:986
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:999
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:1046
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:1070
 msgid "Add Exclusive App"
 msgstr "Добави Ексклузивно Приложение"
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:927
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:1011
 msgid "Name of application to add?"
 msgstr "Име на приложение за добавяне?"
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:927
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:1011
 msgid "Add exclusive app"
 msgstr "Добави ексклузивно приложение"
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:961
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:1045
 #, c-format
 msgid "Application names must end with '%s'"
 msgstr "Имената на приложенията трябва да завършват с '%s'"
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:985
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:1069
 #, c-format
 msgid "'%s' is already in the list."
 msgstr "'%s' е вече в списъка."
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:1077
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:1161
 msgid ""
 "Do you really want to clear all local preferences?\n"
 "(This will not affect exclusive applications.)"
@@ -1168,16 +1192,16 @@ msgstr ""
 "Наистина ли искате да изтриете всички локални предпочитания?\n"
 "(Това няма да засегне ексклузивните приложения.)"
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:1078 sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:1030
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:1162
 msgid "Confirmation"
 msgstr "Потвърждение"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:46 sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:946
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:49
 #, c-format
-msgid "%s - Preferences"
-msgstr "%s - Предпочитания"
+msgid "%s - Computing preferences"
+msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:62
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:66
 msgid ""
 "This dialog controls preferences for this computer only.\n"
 "Click OK to set preferences.\n"
@@ -1188,280 +1212,291 @@ msgstr ""
 "Натиснете Изчисти за да възстановите уеб-базираните настройки (с изключение "
 "на ексклузивните приложения)."
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:65 sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:428
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:69
 msgid "Clear"
 msgstr "Изчисти"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:66
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:70
 msgid "clear all local preferences and close the dialog"
 msgstr "изчиства всички локални предпочитания и затваря диалога"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:81
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:85
 msgid "processor usage"
 msgstr "използване на процесора"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:84
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:88
 msgid "network usage"
 msgstr "използване на мрежата"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:87
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:91
 msgid "disk and memory usage"
 msgstr "използване на диска и паметта"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:90
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:94
 msgid "exclusive applications"
 msgstr "ексклузивни приложения"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:102 sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:424
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:107
+#: clientgui/DlgDiagnosticLogFlags.cpp:104
 msgid "OK"
 msgstr "OK"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:103
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:108
 msgid "save all values and close the dialog"
 msgstr "запазва всички стойности и затваря диалога"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:108
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:114
 msgid "close the dialog without saving"
 msgstr "затваря диалоговия прозорец без да запази"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:112 Localization.cpp:35 Localization.cpp:121
-#: Localization.cpp:139 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:794 sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:439
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:118
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:35
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:121
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:139
 msgid "Help"
 msgstr "Помощ"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:113
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:119
 msgid "shows the preferences web page"
 msgstr "показва предпочитанията от интернет страницата"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:135
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:141
 msgid "Computing allowed"
 msgstr "Изчисленията са разрешени"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:139
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:146
 msgid "While computer is on batteries"
 msgstr "Докато компютъра работи на батерии"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:142
-msgid ""
-"check this if you want this computer to do work while it runs on batteries"
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:149
+msgid "check this if you want this computer to do work while it runs on batteries"
 msgstr ""
 "отметнете това ако искате този компютър да изчислява докато работи на "
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:148
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:155
 msgid "While computer is in use"
 msgstr "Докато компютъра се използва"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:151
-msgid ""
-"check this if you want this computer to do work even when you're using it"
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:158
+msgid "check this if you want this computer to do work even when you're using it"
 msgstr ""
 "отметнете това ако искате този компютър да изчислява докато го използвате"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:157
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:164
 msgid "Use GPU while computer is in use"
 msgstr "Използвай GPU докато компютъра се използва"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:160
-msgid ""
-"check this if you want your GPU to do work even when you're using the "
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:167
+msgid "check this if you want your GPU to do work even when you're using the computer"
 msgstr ""
 "отметнете това ако искате вашето GPU да изчислява дори когато използвате "
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:172
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:179
 msgid "Only after computer has been idle for"
 msgstr "Само след като компютъра е бил неактивен за"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:182
-msgid ""
-"do work only after you haven't used the computer for this number of minutes"
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:188
+msgid "do work only after you haven't used the computer for this number of minutes"
 msgstr ""
 "изчислявай само след като не сте използвали компютъра от толкова на брой "
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:187 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:336
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:417
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:193
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:342
 msgid "minutes"
 msgstr "минути"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:206
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:212
 msgid "While processor usage is less than"
 msgstr "Докато използвате процесора по-малко от"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:216
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:221
 msgid "suspend work if processor usage exceeds this level"
 msgstr "временно прекратява работа ако използвате процесора над това ниво"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:221
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:226
 msgid "percent (0 means no restriction)"
 msgstr "процента (0 означава, че няма ограничение)"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:235 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:496
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:240
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:506
 msgid "Every day between hours of"
 msgstr "Всеки ден в часовия диапазон от"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:239
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:244
 msgid "start work at this time"
 msgstr "започни работа в този час"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:243 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:504
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:326 sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:348
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:248
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:514
 msgid "and"
 msgstr "и"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:247
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:252
 msgid "stop work at this time"
 msgstr "спри работа в този час"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:251 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:512
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:256
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:522
 msgid "(no restriction if equal)"
 msgstr "(няма ограничение ако са равни)"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:256 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:517
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:261
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:527
 msgid "Day-of-week override:"
 msgstr "Ден от седмицата за незачитане:"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:261 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:522
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:266
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:532
 msgid "check box to specify hours for this day of week"
 msgstr "поставете отметка за да уточните часове за този ден от седмицата"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:267 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:528
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:272
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:538
 msgid "Monday"
 msgstr "Понеделник"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:274 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:535
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:279
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:545
 msgid "Tuesday"
 msgstr "Вторник"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:281 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:542
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:286
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:552
 msgid "Wednesday"
 msgstr "Сряда"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:288 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:549
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:293
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:559
 msgid "Thursday"
 msgstr "Четвъртък"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:295 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:556
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:300
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:566
 msgid "Friday"
 msgstr "Петък"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:302 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:563
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:307
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:573
 msgid "Saturday"
 msgstr "Събота"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:309 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:570
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:314
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:580
 msgid "Sunday"
 msgstr "Неделя"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:323
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:328
 msgid "Other options"
 msgstr "Други опции"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:330
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:336
 msgid "Switch between applications every"
 msgstr "Превключване между приложенията на всеки"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:339
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:345
 msgid "On multiprocessor systems, use at most"
 msgstr "При мултипроцесорни системи, използвай максимум"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:346
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:352
 #, no-c-format
-msgid "% of the processors (0 means ignore this setting)"
+msgid "% of the processors (0 means no restriction)"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:349 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:605
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:627 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:648
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:669 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:679
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:355
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:618
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:640
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:661
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:683
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:694
 msgid "Use at most"
 msgstr "Използвай максимум"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:356
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:362
 #, no-c-format
-msgid "% CPU time"
-msgstr "% CPU време"
+msgid "% of CPU time (0 means no restriction)"
+msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:378
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:386
 msgid "General options"
 msgstr "Основни опции"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:386
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:395
 msgid "Maximum download rate"
 msgstr "Максимална скорост на даунлоуд"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:392 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:401
-msgid "KBytes/sec."
-msgstr "Кбайта/сек."
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:401
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:410
+msgid "KBytes/second (0 means no restriction)"
+msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:395
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:404
 msgid "Maximum upload rate"
 msgstr "Максимална скорост на ъплоуд"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:406
-msgid "Transfer at most"
-msgstr "Прехвърляй максимум"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:412
-msgid "Mbytes"
-msgstr "Мбайта"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:415
-msgid "every"
-msgstr "всеки"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:421 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:444
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:463
-msgid "days"
-msgstr "дни"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:429
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:417
 msgid "Minimum work buffer"
 msgstr "Минимален буфер за работа"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:438
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:425
 msgid "Try to maintain enough tasks to keep busy for this many days"
 msgstr "Опитай да поддържаш достатъчно задачи за да си зает за този брой дни"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:450
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:431
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:449
+msgid "days (maximum value: 10)"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:437
 msgid "Max additional work buffer"
 msgstr "Максимален допълнителен буфер за работа"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:459
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:445
 msgid "In addition, maintain enough tasks for up to this many days"
 msgstr "Допълнително, поддържай достатъчно задачи за максимум този брой дни"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:466
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:454
+msgid "Transfer at most"
+msgstr "Прехвърляй максимум"
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:462
+msgid "MBytes every"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:468
+msgid "days (0 means no restriction)"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:476
 msgid "Skip image file verification"
 msgstr "Пропусни проверка с файл с изображение"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:468
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:478
 msgid "check this if your Internet provider modifies image files"
 msgstr ""
 "отметнете това ако вашия Интернет доставчик променя файлове с изображение"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:476
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:484
 msgid "Connect options"
 msgstr "Опции при свързване"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:478
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:487
 msgid "Confirm before connecting to internet"
 msgstr "Потвърди преди свързване с интернет"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:480
-msgid ""
-"if checked, a confirmation dialog will be displayed before trying to connect "
-"to the Internet"
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:489
+msgid "if checked, a confirmation dialog will be displayed before trying to connect to the Internet"
 msgstr ""
 "ако е отметнато, ще се появи прозорец за потвърждение преди да се опита да "
 "се свърже с Интернет"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:484
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:493
 msgid "Disconnect when done"
 msgstr "Прекъсни връзката когато си готов"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:486
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:495
 msgid ""
 "if checked, BOINC hangs up when network usage is done\n"
 "(only relevant for dialup-connection)"
@@ -1470,197 +1505,222 @@ msgstr ""
 "(приложимо само при свързване през телефонна линия)"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:492
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:501
 msgid "Network usage allowed"
 msgstr "Позволено е използване на мрежата"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:500
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:510
 msgid "network usage start hour"
 msgstr "начален час за използване на мрежата"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:508
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:518
 msgid "network usage stop hour"
 msgstr "краен час за използване на мрежата"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:598 DlgItemProperties.cpp:231
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:610
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:257
 msgid "Disk usage"
 msgstr "Употреба на диска"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:609
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:622
 msgid "the maximum disk space used by BOINC (in Gigabytes)"
 msgstr ""
 "максимумът използвано пространство на твърдия диск от BOINC (в Гигабайти)"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:613
-msgid "Gigabytes disk space"
-msgstr "Гигабайти дисково пространство"
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:626
+msgid "Gigabytes disk space (0 means no restriction)"
+msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:616
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:629
 msgid "Leave at least"
 msgstr "Остави поне"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:620
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:633
 msgid "BOINC leaves at least this amount of disk space free (in Gigabytes)"
 msgstr ""
 "BOINC оставя поне това количество дисково пространство свободно (в "
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:624
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:637
 msgid "Gigabytes disk space free"
 msgstr "Гигабайти свободно дисково пространство"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:631
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:644
 msgid "BOINC uses at most this percentage of total disk space"
 msgstr "BOINC използва максимум този процент от общото дисково пространство"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:636
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:649
 #, no-c-format
 msgid "% of total disk space"
 msgstr "% от общото дисково пространство"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:639
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:652
 msgid "Tasks checkpoint to disk at most every"
 msgstr "Задачите се запазват на диска на всеки максимум"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:645
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:658
 msgid "seconds"
 msgstr "секунди"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:655
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:668
 #, no-c-format
 msgid "% of page file (swap space)"
 msgstr "% от виртуална памет (суап пространство)"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:662
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:675
 msgid "Memory usage"
 msgstr "Употреба на паметта"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:676
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:691
 #, no-c-format
 msgid "% when computer is in use"
 msgstr "% когато компютъра се използва"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:686
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:701
 #, no-c-format
 msgid "% when computer is idle"
 msgstr "% когато компютъра не се използва"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:691
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:706
 msgid "Leave applications in memory while suspended"
 msgstr "Остави приложенията в паметта докато са временно прекратени"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:693
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:708
 msgid "if checked, suspended work units are left in memory"
 msgstr "ако е отметнато, временно прекратените задачи остават в паметта"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:713
-msgid ""
-"Suspend processor and network usage when these applications are running:"
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:728
+msgid "Suspend processor and network usage when these applications are running:"
 msgstr ""
 "Временно прекрати употребата на процесора и мрежата когато следните "
 "приложения работят:"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:722
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:738
 msgid "Add..."
 msgstr "Добави..."
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:723
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:739
 msgid "Add an application to this list"
 msgstr "Добавете приложение към този списък"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:728 ViewProjects.cpp:202
-#: sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:85
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:744
 msgid "Remove"
 msgstr "Премахни"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:729
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:745
 msgid "Remove an application from this list"
 msgstr "Премахнете приложение от този списък"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:738
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:754
 msgid "For advanced options, refer to "
 msgstr "За допълнителни опции се обърнете към "
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:219
+#: clientgui/DlgDiagnosticLogFlags.cpp:65
+#, c-format
+msgid "%s Diagnostic Log Flags"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/DlgDiagnosticLogFlags.cpp:83
+msgid "These flags enable various types of diagnostic messages in the Event Log."
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/DlgDiagnosticLogFlags.cpp:105
+msgid "Save all values and close the dialog"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/DlgDiagnosticLogFlags.cpp:108
+msgid "Defaults"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/DlgDiagnosticLogFlags.cpp:109
+msgid "Restore default settings"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/DlgDiagnosticLogFlags.cpp:113
+msgid "Close the dialog without saving"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:226
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - Event Log"
 msgstr "%s - Регистър на Събитията"
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:232 ViewMessages.cpp:117 ViewProjects.cpp:219
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:435 ViewStatistics.cpp:2009 ViewTransfers.cpp:182
-#: ViewWork.cpp:232
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:236
 msgid "Project"
 msgstr "Проект"
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:233 ViewMessages.cpp:118
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:237
 msgid "Time"
 msgstr "Време"
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:234 ViewMessages.cpp:119
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:238
 msgid "Message"
 msgstr "Съобщение"
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:290 DlgEventLog.cpp:354
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:300
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:364
 msgid "&Show only this project"
 msgstr "&Покажи само този проект"
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:294
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:304
 msgid "Copy &All"
 msgstr "Копирай &Всичко"
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:296 DlgEventLog.cpp:300 ViewMessages.cpp:89
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:306
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:310
 msgid "Copy all the messages to the clipboard."
 msgstr "Копира всички съобщения в клип-борда."
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:305
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:315
 msgid "Copy &Selected"
 msgstr "Копирай &Избраното"
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:308 DlgEventLog.cpp:316 ViewMessages.cpp:97
-msgid ""
-"Copy the selected messages to the clipboard. You can select multiple "
-"messages by holding down the shift or command key while clicking on messages."
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:318
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:326
+msgid "Copy the selected messages to the clipboard. You can select multiple messages by holding down the shift or command key while clicking on messages."
 msgstr ""
 "Копира избраните съобщения в клип-борда. Може да изберете няколко съобщения "
 "като задържите клавиша Shift или командния клавиш, докато кликвате на "
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:310 DlgEventLog.cpp:318 ViewMessages.cpp:99
-msgid ""
-"Copy the selected messages to the clipboard. You can select multiple "
-"messages by holding down the shift or control key while clicking on messages."
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:320
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:328
+msgid "Copy the selected messages to the clipboard. You can select multiple messages by holding down the shift or control key while clicking on messages."
 msgstr ""
 "Копира избраните съобщения в клип-борда. Можете да изберете няколко "
 "съобщения като задържите клавиша Shift или Ctrl, докато кликвате на "
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:325 DlgItemProperties.cpp:67
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:335
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:67
 msgid "&Close"
 msgstr "&Затвори"
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:334 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:798 sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:442
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:344
 #, c-format
 msgid "Get help with %s"
 msgstr "Вземи помощ с %s"
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:348
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:358
 msgid "Show all &messages"
 msgstr "Покажи всички &съобщения"
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:349 DlgEventLog.cpp:351
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:359
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:361
 msgid "Show messages for all projects"
 msgstr "Показва съобщения за всички проекти"
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:355 DlgEventLog.cpp:357
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:365
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:367
 msgid "Show only the messages for the selected project"
 msgstr "Покажи само съобщенията за избрания проект"
-#: DlgExitMessage.cpp:82
+#: clientgui/DlgExitMessage.cpp:82
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - Exit Confirmation"
 msgstr "%s - Потвърждение за Изход"
-#: DlgExitMessage.cpp:130
+#: clientgui/DlgExitMessage.cpp:130
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "You have requested to exit the %s,\n"
@@ -1677,7 +1737,7 @@ msgstr ""
 "Ако също така искате да изключите и задачите,\n"
 "изберете измежду следните възможности:"
-#: DlgExitMessage.cpp:135
+#: clientgui/DlgExitMessage.cpp:135
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "This will shut down %s and its tasks until either the\n"
@@ -1694,394 +1754,420 @@ msgstr ""
 "отколкото да излезете от приложението; това ще позволи на %s да стартира\n"
 "задачите според часовите диапазони избрани във вашите предпочитания."
-#: DlgExitMessage.cpp:153
+#: clientgui/DlgExitMessage.cpp:153
 #, c-format
 msgid "Stop running tasks when exiting the %s"
 msgstr "Спри работещите задачи при излизане от %s"
-#: DlgExitMessage.cpp:165
+#: clientgui/DlgExitMessage.cpp:165
 msgid "Remember this decision and do not show this dialog."
 msgstr "Запомни това решение и не показвай повече този диалог."
-#: DlgExitMessage.cpp:178 DlgGenericMessage.cpp:125 DlgOptions.cpp:401
-#: DlgSelectComputer.cpp:168 wizardex.cpp:378
+#: clientgui/DlgExitMessage.cpp:178
+#: clientgui/DlgGenericMessage.cpp:125
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:404
+#: clientgui/DlgSelectComputer.cpp:168
 msgid "&Cancel"
 msgstr "&Откажи"
-#: DlgGenericMessage.cpp:112
+#: clientgui/DlgGenericMessage.cpp:112
 msgid "Don't show this dialog again."
 msgstr "Не показвай този диалог повече."
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:168 DlgItemProperties.cpp:171
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:174 DlgItemProperties.cpp:177
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:194
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:197
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:200
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:203
 msgid "Don't fetch tasks for "
 msgstr "Не взимай задачи за "
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:168
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:194
 msgid "Project preference"
 msgstr "Предпочитание на проекта"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:171
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:197
 msgid "Account manager preference"
 msgstr "Предпочитание на акаунт мениджъра"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:174
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:200
 msgid "Project has no apps for "
 msgstr "Проекта няма приложения за "
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:177
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:203
 msgid "Client configuration excludes "
 msgstr "Конфигурацията на клиента изключва "
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:181
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:207
 msgid " work fetch deferred for"
 msgstr " вземането на работа е отсрочено за"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:182
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:208
 msgid " work fetch deferral interval"
 msgstr " вземането на работа е отсрочено за интервала"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:213
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:239
 msgid "Properties of project "
 msgstr "Свойства на проект "
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:217 DlgOptions.cpp:218
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:243
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:221
 msgid "General"
 msgstr "Основни"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:218
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:244
 msgid "Master URL"
 msgstr "Главен URL"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:219
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:245
 msgid "User name"
 msgstr "Потребителско име"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:220
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:246
 msgid "Team name"
 msgstr "Име на отбор"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:221 ViewProjects.cpp:224
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:247
 msgid "Resource share"
 msgstr "Подялба на ресурс"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:223
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:249
 msgid "Scheduler RPC deferred for"
 msgstr "Scheduler RPC е отсрочен за"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:226
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:252
 msgid "File downloads deferred for"
 msgstr "Сваляне на файловете е отсрочено за"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:229
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:255
 msgid "File uploads deferred for"
 msgstr "Качване на файловете е отсрочено за"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:232
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:258
 msgid "Computer ID"
 msgstr "Идентификатор на компютъра"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:234
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:260
 msgid "Non CPU intensive"
 msgstr "Не натоварващи CPU"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:234 DlgItemProperties.cpp:236
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:237 DlgItemProperties.cpp:239
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:242 DlgItemProperties.cpp:251
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:254 DlgItemProperties.cpp:257
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:260
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:262
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:263
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:265
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:268
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:277
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:280
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:283
 msgid "yes"
 msgstr "да"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:236
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:262
 msgid "Suspended via GUI"
 msgstr "Временно прекратен чрез GUI"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:236 DlgItemProperties.cpp:237
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:262
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:263
 msgid "no"
 msgstr "не"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:237
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:263
 msgid "Don't request more work"
 msgstr "Не искай повече работа"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:239
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:265
 msgid "Scheduler call in progress"
 msgstr "В ход е повикване на Планировчика"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:242
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:268
 msgid "Trickle-up pending"
 msgstr "В ход е съобщения към сървъра"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:245 DlgItemProperties.cpp:247
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:271
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:273
 msgid "Host location"
 msgstr "Местоположение на хоста"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:247
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:273
 msgid "default"
 msgstr "по подразбиране"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:251
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:277
 msgid "Added via account manager"
 msgstr "Добавен чрез акаунт мениджър"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:254
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:280
 msgid "Remove when tasks done"
 msgstr "Премахни когато задачите приключат"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:257
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:283
 msgid "Ended"
 msgstr "Приключен"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:259
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:285
+msgid "Tasks completed"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:286
+msgid "Tasks failed"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:288
 msgid "Credit"
 msgstr "Кредит"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:260
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:289
 msgid "User"
 msgstr "Потребител"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:267
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:296
 msgid "Host"
 msgstr "Хост"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:276
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:305
 msgid "Scheduling"
 msgstr "Планиране"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:277
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:306
 msgid "Scheduling priority"
 msgstr "Приоритет при планиране"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:278
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:307
 msgid "CPU"
 msgstr "CPU"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:302
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:331
 msgid "Duration correction factor"
 msgstr "Коригиращ коефициент за продължителност"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:316
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:345
 msgid "Properties of task "
 msgstr "Свойства на задача "
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:328 ViewWork.cpp:238
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:357
 msgid "Application"
 msgstr "Приложение"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:329 ViewWork.cpp:239
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:358
 msgid "Name"
 msgstr "Име"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:330
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:359
 msgid "State"
 msgstr "Състояние"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:333
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:362
 msgid "Received"
 msgstr "Получени"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:336
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:365
 msgid "Report deadline"
 msgstr "Срок за докладване"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:338
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:367
 msgid "Resources"
 msgstr "Ресурси"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:341
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:370
 msgid "Estimated computation size"
 msgstr "Очакван изчислителен размер"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:344
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:373
 msgid "CPU time at last checkpoint"
 msgstr "CPU време при последната проверка"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:345 DlgItemProperties.cpp:360
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:374
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:389
 msgid "CPU time"
 msgstr "CPU време"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:347 DlgItemProperties.cpp:361
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:376
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:390
 msgid "Elapsed time"
 msgstr "Изминало време"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:349
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:378
 msgid "Estimated time remaining"
 msgstr "Очаквано оставащо време"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:350
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:379
 msgid "Fraction done"
 msgstr "Готова част"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:351
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:380
 msgid "Virtual memory size"
 msgstr "Размер на виртуалната памет"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:352
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:381
 msgid "Working set size"
 msgstr "Размер на работния комплект"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:354
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:383
 msgid "Directory"
 msgstr "Папка"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:357
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:386
 msgid "Process ID"
 msgstr "Идентификатор на процес"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:427 ViewWork.cpp:1032 sg_TaskPanel.cpp:823
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:456
 msgid "Local: "
 msgstr "Локален: "
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:129 DlgOptions.cpp:135
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:129
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:135
 msgid "Options"
 msgstr "Опции"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:175
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:178
 msgid "Language:"
 msgstr "Език:"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:182
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:185
 msgid "What language should BOINC use?"
 msgstr "Кой език да използва BOINC?"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:186
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:189
 msgid "Notice reminder interval:"
 msgstr "Интервал за напомнящи известия:"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:193
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:196
 msgid "How often should BOINC remind you of new notices?"
 msgstr "Колко често следва BOINC да Ви напомня за нови известия?"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:198
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:201
 msgid "Run Manager at login?"
 msgstr "Стартирай Мениджъра при влизане?"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:204
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:207
 msgid "Run the BOINC Manager when you log on."
 msgstr "Стартирай BOINC Мениджъра при включване."
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:209
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:212
 msgid "Enable Manager exit dialog?"
 msgstr "Активиране на диалог при излизане от Мениджъра?"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:215
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:218
 msgid "Display the exit dialog when shutting down the Manager."
 msgstr "Покажи диалоговия прозорец за изход когато Мениждъра се изключва."
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:226
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:229
 msgid "Dial-up and Virtual Private Network settings"
 msgstr "Dial-up и Virtual Private Network настройки"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:240
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:243
 msgid "&Set Default"
 msgstr "&Задай стойности по подразбиране"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:245
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:248
 msgid "&Clear Default"
 msgstr "&Изчисти стойности по подразбиране"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:252
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:255
 msgid "Default Connection:"
 msgstr "Връзка по подразбиране:"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:259
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:262
 msgid "Connections"
 msgstr "Връзки"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:268
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:271
 msgid "Connect via HTTP proxy server"
 msgstr "Свържи се чрез HTTP прокси сървър"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:272
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:275
 msgid "HTTP Proxy Server Configuration"
 msgstr "Настройки на HTTP Прокси Сървър"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:280 DlgOptions.cpp:344
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:283
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:347
 msgid "Address:"
 msgstr "Адрес:"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:288 DlgOptions.cpp:352 ProxyPage.cpp:340 ProxyPage.cpp:360
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:291
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:355
 msgid "Port:"
 msgstr "Порт:"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:296 DlgOptions.cpp:360
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:299
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:363
 msgid "Don't use proxy for:"
 msgstr "Не използвай прокси за:"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:303 DlgOptions.cpp:367
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:306
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:370
 msgid "Leave these blank if not needed"
 msgstr "Остави тези полета празни ако не са нужни"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:309 DlgOptions.cpp:373 ProxyPage.cpp:343 ProxyPage.cpp:363
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:312
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:376
 msgid "User Name:"
 msgstr "Потребителско Име:"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:317 DlgOptions.cpp:381 DlgSelectComputer.cpp:152
-#: ProxyPage.cpp:346 ProxyPage.cpp:366
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:320
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:384
+#: clientgui/DlgSelectComputer.cpp:152
 msgid "Password:"
 msgstr "Парола:"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:324
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:327
 msgid "HTTP Proxy"
 msgstr "HTTP Прокси"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:332
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:335
 msgid "Connect via SOCKS proxy server"
 msgstr "Свържи се чрез SOCKS прокси сървър"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:336
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:339
 msgid "SOCKS Proxy Server Configuration"
 msgstr "Настройки на SOCKS Прокси Сървър"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:388
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:391
 msgid "SOCKS Proxy"
 msgstr "SOCKS Прокси"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:586
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:589
 msgid "always"
 msgstr "винаги"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:587
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:590
 msgid "1 hour"
 msgstr "1 час"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:588
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:591
 msgid "6 hours"
 msgstr "6 часа"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:589
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:592
 msgid "1 day"
 msgstr "1 ден"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:590
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:593
 msgid "1 week"
 msgstr "1 седмица"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:591
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:594
 msgid "never"
 msgstr "никога"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:688
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:691
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - Language Selection"
 msgstr "%s - Избор на Език"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:695
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:698
 #, c-format
 #, c-format, c-format
-msgid ""
-"The %s's language has been changed.  In order for this change to take "
-"effect, you must restart the %s."
+msgid "The %s's language has been changed.  In order for this change to take effect, you must restart the %s."
 msgstr ""
 "Езикът на %s беше променен.  За да влезе в сила тази промяна, трябва да "
 "рестартирате %s."
-#: DlgSelectComputer.cpp:91
+#: clientgui/DlgSelectComputer.cpp:91
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - Select Computer"
 msgstr "%s - Избери Компютър"
-#: DlgSelectComputer.cpp:125
+#: clientgui/DlgSelectComputer.cpp:125
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "Another instance of %s is already running \n"
@@ -2090,420 +2176,422 @@ msgstr ""
 "Още един %s е вече стартиран на този \n"
 "компютър.  Моля изберете клиент който да наблюдавате."
-#: DlgSelectComputer.cpp:143
+#: clientgui/DlgSelectComputer.cpp:143
 msgid "Host name:"
 msgstr "Име на хоста:"
-#: Localization.cpp:31 Localization.cpp:69
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:31
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:69
 msgid "Message boards"
 msgstr "Форуми"
-#: Localization.cpp:33
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:33
 msgid "Correspond with other users on the SETI at home message boards"
 msgstr "Общувайте с други потребители във форумите на SETI at home"
-#: Localization.cpp:37
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:37
 msgid "Ask questions and report problems"
 msgstr "Задавайте въпроси и докладвайте проблеми"
-#: Localization.cpp:39 Localization.cpp:81 Localization.cpp:111
-#: Localization.cpp:129
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:39
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:81
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:111
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:129
 msgid "Your account"
 msgstr "Вашият акаунт"
-#: Localization.cpp:41 Localization.cpp:87 Localization.cpp:113
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:41
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:87
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:113
 msgid "View your account information and credit totals"
 msgstr "Вижте информацията за вашия акаунт и общите суми кредит"
-#: Localization.cpp:43
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:43
 msgid "Your preferences"
 msgstr "Вашите предпочитания"
-#: Localization.cpp:45
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:45
 msgid "View and modify your SETI at home account profile and preferences"
 msgstr "Вижте и променете своя профил на акаунта и предпочитания в SETI at home"
-#: Localization.cpp:47 Localization.cpp:89
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:47
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:89
 msgid "Your results"
 msgstr "Вашите резултати"
-#: Localization.cpp:49 Localization.cpp:91
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:49
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:91
 msgid "View your last week (or more) of computational results and work"
 msgstr ""
 "Вижте изчислените от Вас резултати и работа за последната седмица (или "
-#: Localization.cpp:51 Localization.cpp:93
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:51
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:93
 msgid "Your computers"
 msgstr "Вашите компютри"
-#: Localization.cpp:53
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:53
 msgid "View a listing of all the computers on which you are running SETI at Home"
 msgstr "Вижте списък на всички ваши компютри, които работят по SETI at Home"
-#: Localization.cpp:55 Localization.cpp:97
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:55
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:97
 msgid "Your team"
 msgstr "Вашият отбор"
-#: Localization.cpp:57 Localization.cpp:99
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:57
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:99
 msgid "View information about your team"
 msgstr "Вижте информация за вашия отбор"
-#: Localization.cpp:61
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:61
 msgid "Common questions"
 msgstr "Често задавани въпроси"
-#: Localization.cpp:63
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:63
 msgid "Read the Einstein at Home Frequently Asked Question list"
 msgstr "Прочетете списъка с Често Задавани Въпроси за Einstein at Home"
-#: Localization.cpp:65
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:65
 msgid "Screensaver info"
 msgstr "Информация за скрийн-сейвъра"
-#: Localization.cpp:67
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:67
 msgid "Read a detailed description of the Einstein at Home screensaver"
 msgstr "Прочетете подробно описание за скрийн-сейвъра на Einstein at Home"
-#: Localization.cpp:71
-msgid ""
-"Correspond with admins and other users on the Einstein at Home message boards"
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:71
+msgid "Correspond with admins and other users on the Einstein at Home message boards"
 msgstr "Общувайте с админи и други потребители във форума на Einstein at Home"
-#: Localization.cpp:73
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:73
 msgid "Einstein status"
 msgstr "Einstein статус"
-#: Localization.cpp:75
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:75
 msgid "Current status of the Einstein at Home server"
 msgstr "Текущ статус на Einstein at Home сървъра"
-#: Localization.cpp:77
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:77
 msgid "Report problems"
 msgstr "Докладвайте проблеми"
-#: Localization.cpp:79
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:79
 msgid "A link to the Einstein at Home problems and bug reports message board"
 msgstr "Линк към форума на Einstein at Home за проблеми и бъгове"
-#: Localization.cpp:83
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:83
 msgid "View and modify your Einstein at Home account profile and preferences"
 msgstr ""
 "Вижте и променете профила и предпочитанията на своя Einstein at Home акаунт"
-#: Localization.cpp:85
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:85
 msgid "Account summary"
 msgstr "Обобщена информация за акаунта"
-#: Localization.cpp:95
-msgid ""
-"View a listing of all the computers on which you are running Einstein at Home"
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:95
+msgid "View a listing of all the computers on which you are running Einstein at Home"
 msgstr "Вижте списък с всички ваши компютри, които работят по Einstein at Home"
-#: Localization.cpp:101
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:101
 msgid "LIGO project"
 msgstr "Проект LIGO"
-#: Localization.cpp:103
-msgid ""
-"The home page of the Laser Interferometer Gravitational-wave Observatory "
-"(LIGO) project"
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:103
+msgid "The home page of the Laser Interferometer Gravitational-wave Observatory (LIGO) project"
 msgstr ""
 "Начална страница на проекта Laser Interferometer Gravitational-wave "
 "Observatory (LIGO)"
-#: Localization.cpp:105
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:105
 msgid "GEO-600 project"
 msgstr "Проект GEO-600"
-#: Localization.cpp:107
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:107
 msgid "The home page of the GEO-600 project"
 msgstr "Начална страница на проекта GEO-600"
-#: Localization.cpp:115 Localization.cpp:133 ViewProjects.cpp:221
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:465
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:115
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:133
 msgid "Team"
 msgstr "Отбор"
-#: Localization.cpp:117
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:117
 msgid "Info about your Team"
 msgstr "Информация за вашия Отбор"
-#: Localization.cpp:123
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:123
 msgid "Get help for climateprediction.net"
 msgstr "Получете помощ за climateprediction.net"
-#: Localization.cpp:125
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:125
 msgid "News"
 msgstr "Новини"
-#: Localization.cpp:127
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:127
 msgid "climateprediction.net News"
 msgstr "Новини от climateprediction.net"
-#: Localization.cpp:131
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:131
 msgid "View your account information, credits, and trickles"
 msgstr "Вижте информацията за своя акаунт, кредити и съобщения"
-#: Localization.cpp:135
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:135
 msgid "Info about your team"
 msgstr "Информация за вашия отбор"
-#: Localization.cpp:141
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:141
 msgid "Search for help in our help system"
 msgstr "Потърсете помощ в нашата система за помощ"
-#: Localization.cpp:143
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:143
 msgid "Global Statistics"
 msgstr "Глобална Статистика"
-#: Localization.cpp:145
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:145
 msgid "Summary statistics for World Community Grid"
 msgstr "Обобщена статистика за World Community Grid"
-#: Localization.cpp:147
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:147
 msgid "My Grid"
 msgstr "Моята Мрежа"
-#: Localization.cpp:149
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:149
 msgid "Your statistics and settings"
 msgstr "Вашата статистика и настройки"
-#: Localization.cpp:151
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:151
 msgid "Device Profiles"
 msgstr "Профили на Устройства"
-#: Localization.cpp:153
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:153
 msgid "Update your device settings"
 msgstr "Обновете настройките на устройството си"
-#: Localization.cpp:155
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:155
 msgid "Research"
 msgstr "Проучване"
-#: Localization.cpp:157
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:157
 msgid "Learn about the projects hosted at World Community Grid"
 msgstr "Научи за проектите включени в World Community Grid"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:583
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:583
 msgid "Starting client"
 msgstr "Стартиране на клиент"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:591
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:591
 msgid "Connecting to client"
 msgstr "Свързване към клиент"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:1195
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:1205
 msgid "Retrieving system state; please wait..."
 msgstr "Получаване на информация за състоянието на системата; моля изчакайте..."
-#: MainDocument.cpp:1816
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:1826
 msgid "Missing application"
 msgstr "Липсващо приложение"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:1817
-msgid ""
-"Please download and install the CoRD application from http://cord."
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:1827
+msgid "Please download and install the CoRD application from http://cord.sourceforge.net"
 msgstr ""
 "Моля изтеглете и инсталирайте приложението CoRD от "
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2432
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2442
 msgid "on batteries"
 msgstr "на батерии"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2433
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2443
 msgid "computer is in use"
 msgstr "компютъра се използва"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2434
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2444
 msgid "user request"
 msgstr "заявка от потребителя"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2435
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2445
 msgid "time of day"
 msgstr "ограничителни часове"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2436
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2446
 msgid "CPU benchmarks in progress"
 msgstr "CPU изчисляване на референтни показатели е в прогрес"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2437
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2447
 msgid "need disk space - check preferences"
 msgstr "нуждае се от дисково пространство - проверете предпочитанията"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2438
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2448
 msgid "computer is not in use"
 msgstr "компютъра не се използва"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2439
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2449
 msgid "starting up"
 msgstr "стартиране"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2440
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2450
 msgid "an exclusive app is running"
 msgstr "стартирано е ексклузивно приложение"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2441
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2451
 msgid "CPU is busy"
 msgstr "CPU е зает"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2442
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2452
 msgid "network bandwidth limit exceeded"
 msgstr "лимита за мрежов трафик е надхвърлен"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2443
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2453
 msgid "requested by operating system"
 msgstr "поискано от операционната система"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2445
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2455
 msgid "unknown reason"
 msgstr "неизвестна причина"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2467
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2477
 msgid "GPU missing, "
 msgstr "GPU липсва, "
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2474
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2484
 msgid "New"
 msgstr "Нов"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2478
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2488
 msgid "Download failed"
 msgstr "Свалянето е неуспешно"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2480
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2490
 msgid "Downloading"
 msgstr "Сваляне"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2482 MainDocument.cpp:2552
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2492
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2557
 msgid " (suspended - "
 msgstr " (временно прекратен - "
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2490
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2500
 msgid "Project suspended by user"
 msgstr "Проектът е временно прекратен от потребителя"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2492
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2502
 msgid "Task suspended by user"
 msgstr "Задачата е временно прекратена от потребителя"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2494
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2504
 msgid "Suspended - "
 msgstr "Временно прекратен - "
 # 75%
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2500
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2510
 msgid "GPU suspended - "
 msgstr "GPU временно прекратено - "
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2507
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2517
 msgid "Waiting for memory"
 msgstr "Изчакване на паметта"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2509
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2519
 msgid "Waiting for shared memory"
 msgstr "Изчакване на споделената памет"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2512
-msgid "Running, high priority"
-msgstr "Работи, висок приоритет"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2514
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2521
 msgid "Running"
 msgstr "Работи"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2517
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2523
 msgid " (non-CPU-intensive)"
 msgstr " (не-CPU-интензивен)"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2520
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2526
 msgid "Waiting to run"
 msgstr "Изчаква да работи"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2522 MainDocument.cpp:2528
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2528
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2534
 msgid "Ready to start"
 msgstr "Готова да започне"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2532
-msgid " (Scheduler wait: "
-msgstr " (Изчакване от Планировчика: "
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2538
+msgid "Postponed: "
+msgstr ""
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2536
-msgid " (Scheduler wait)"
-msgstr " (Изчакване от Планировчика)"
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2541
+msgid "Postponed"
+msgstr ""
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2540
-msgid " (Waiting for network access)"
-msgstr " (Изчакване за достъп до мрежата)"
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2545
+msgid "Waiting for network access"
+msgstr ""
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2544
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2549
 msgid "Computation error"
 msgstr "Изчислителна грешка"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2548
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2553
 msgid "Upload failed"
 msgstr "Изпращането неуспешно"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2550
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2555
 msgid "Uploading"
 msgstr "Изпращане"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2561
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2566
 msgid "Aborted by user"
 msgstr "Прекратена от потребителя"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2564
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2569
 msgid "Aborted by project"
 msgstr "Прекратена от проекта"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2567
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2572
 msgid "Aborted: not started by deadline"
 msgstr "Прекратена: не е стартирана преди крайния срок"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2570
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2575
 msgid "Aborted: disk limit exceeded"
 msgstr "Прекратена: надхвърлен лимит на диска"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2573
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2578
 msgid "Aborted: run time limit exceeded"
 msgstr "Прекратена: надхвърлен работен лимит от време"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2576
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2581
 msgid "Aborted: memory limit exceeded"
 msgstr "Прекратена: надхвърлен лимит памет"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2579
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2584
 msgid "Aborted"
 msgstr "Прекратена"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2584
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2589
 msgid "Acknowledged"
 msgstr "Придобита"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2586
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2591
 msgid "Ready to report"
 msgstr "Готова за докладване"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2588
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2593
 #, c-format
 msgid "Error: invalid state '%d'"
 msgstr "Грешка: невалидно състояние '%d'"
-#: NoInternetConnectionPage.cpp:179
+#: clientgui/NoInternetConnectionPage.cpp:179
 msgid "No Internet connection"
 msgstr "Няма връзка с Интернет"
-#: NoInternetConnectionPage.cpp:182
+#: clientgui/NoInternetConnectionPage.cpp:182
 msgid "Please connect to the Internet and try again."
 msgstr "Моля свържете се с Интернет и опитайте отново."
-#: NotDetectedPage.cpp:181
+#: clientgui/NotDetectedPage.cpp:181
 msgid "Project not found"
 msgstr "Проекта не е намерен"
-#: NotDetectedPage.cpp:184
+#: clientgui/NotDetectedPage.cpp:184
 msgid ""
 "The URL you supplied is not that of a BOINC-based project.\n"
@@ -2513,11 +2601,11 @@ msgstr ""
 "Моля проверете URL-то и опитайте отново."
-#: NotDetectedPage.cpp:188
+#: clientgui/NotDetectedPage.cpp:188
 msgid "Account manager not found"
 msgstr "Акаунт мениджър не е намерен"
-#: NotDetectedPage.cpp:191
+#: clientgui/NotDetectedPage.cpp:191
 msgid ""
 "The URL you supplied is not that of a BOINC-based account\n"
@@ -2529,93 +2617,94 @@ msgstr ""
 "Моля проверете URL-то и опитайте отново."
-#: NotFoundPage.cpp:181
+#: clientgui/NotFoundPage.cpp:181
 msgid "Login Failed."
 msgstr "Входа е Неуспешен."
-#: NotFoundPage.cpp:185
+#: clientgui/NotFoundPage.cpp:185
 msgid "Check the username and password, and try again."
 msgstr "Проверете потребителското име и парола и опитайте отново."
-#: NotFoundPage.cpp:189
+#: clientgui/NotFoundPage.cpp:189
 msgid "Check the email address and password, and try again."
 msgstr "Проверете имейл адреса и паролата, и опитайте отново."
-#: NoticeListCtrl.cpp:222
+#: clientgui/NoticeListCtrl.cpp:229
 msgid "more..."
 msgstr "още..."
-#: ProjectInfoPage.cpp:477 ProjectInfoPage.cpp:778 ProjectInfoPage.cpp:782
-msgid "All"
-msgstr "Всички"
-#: ProjectInfoPage.cpp:615
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:221
 msgid "Choose a project"
 msgstr "Изберете проект"
-#: ProjectInfoPage.cpp:619
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:228
 msgid "To choose a project, click its name or type its URL below."
 msgstr ""
 "За да изберете проект, натиснете на неговото име или напишете URL-то му "
-#: ProjectInfoPage.cpp:623
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:246
 msgid "Categories:"
 msgstr "Категории:"
-#: ProjectInfoPage.cpp:627 sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:89
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:267
 msgid "Projects:"
 msgstr "Проекти:"
-#: ProjectInfoPage.cpp:631
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:279
 msgid "Project details"
 msgstr "Подробности за проекта"
-#: ProjectInfoPage.cpp:635
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:291
 msgid "Research area:"
 msgstr "Сфера на проучване:"
-#: ProjectInfoPage.cpp:639
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:302
 msgid "Organization:"
 msgstr "Организация:"
-#: ProjectInfoPage.cpp:643
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:313
 msgid "Web site:"
 msgstr "Интернет страница:"
-#: ProjectInfoPage.cpp:647
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:325
 msgid "Supported systems:"
 msgstr "Поддържани системи:"
-#: ProjectInfoPage.cpp:651
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:363
 msgid "Project URL:"
 msgstr "URL на Проекта:"
-#: ProjectInfoPage.cpp:826
-msgid ""
-"This project may not have work for your type of computer.  Do you want to "
-"add it anyway?"
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:499
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:754
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:758
+msgid "All"
+msgstr "Всички"
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:802
+msgid "This project may not have work for your type of computer.  Do you want to add it anyway?"
 msgstr ""
 "Този проект може да няма работа за вашия тип компютър.  Искате ли да го "
 "добавите все пак?"
-#: ProjectInfoPage.cpp:850
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:826
 msgid "You already added this project. Please choose a different project."
 msgstr "Вече сте добавили този проект. Моля изберете различен проект."
-#: ProjectProcessingPage.cpp:321
+#: clientgui/ProjectProcessingPage.cpp:321
 msgid "Communicating with project."
 msgstr "Комуникация с проект."
-#: ProjectProcessingPage.cpp:509
+#: clientgui/ProjectProcessingPage.cpp:510
 msgid "Required files not found on the server."
 msgstr "Необходимите файлове не са намерени на сървъра."
-#: ProjectProcessingPage.cpp:512 ProjectProcessingPage.cpp:574
+#: clientgui/ProjectProcessingPage.cpp:513
+#: clientgui/ProjectProcessingPage.cpp:586
 msgid "An internal server error has occurred."
 msgstr "Възникна вътрешна грешка на сървъра."
-#: ProjectPropertiesPage.cpp:334
+#: clientgui/ProjectPropertiesPage.cpp:334
 msgid ""
 "Communicating with project\n"
 "Please wait..."
@@ -2623,11 +2712,48 @@ msgstr ""
 "Комуникация с проекта\n"
 "Моля изчакайте..."
-#: ProxyInfoPage.cpp:195
+#: clientgui/ProjectWelcomePage.cpp:251
+#, c-format
+msgid "Welcome to %s."
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ProjectWelcomePage.cpp:254
+msgid "You have volunteered to compute for this project:"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ProjectWelcomePage.cpp:255
+msgid "Name:"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ProjectWelcomePage.cpp:258
+msgid "Home:"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ProjectWelcomePage.cpp:262
+msgid "Description:"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ProjectWelcomePage.cpp:265
+msgid "URL:"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ProjectWelcomePage.cpp:268
+msgid "User:"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ProjectWelcomePage.cpp:273
+msgid "WARNING: This project is not registered with BOINC.  Make sure you trust it before continuing."
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ProjectWelcomePage.cpp:277
+msgid "To continue, click Next."
+msgstr "За да продължите, натиснете Напред."
+#: clientgui/ProxyInfoPage.cpp:195
 msgid "Network communication failure"
 msgstr "Неуспешно свързване"
-#: ProxyInfoPage.cpp:199
+#: clientgui/ProxyInfoPage.cpp:199
 msgid ""
 "The World Community Grid - BOINC software failed to communicate\n"
 "over the Internet. The most likely reasons are:\n"
@@ -2657,7 +2783,7 @@ msgstr ""
 "3) Вие използвате прокси сървър.\n"
 "Натиснете Напред за да зададете настройките на проксито на BOINC програмата."
-#: ProxyInfoPage.cpp:203
+#: clientgui/ProxyInfoPage.cpp:203
 msgid ""
 "BOINC failed to communicate on the Internet.\n"
 "The most likely reasons are:\n"
@@ -2687,1270 +2813,1361 @@ msgstr ""
 "3) Вие използвате прокси сървър.\n"
 "Натиснете Напред за да зададете настройките на проксито на BOINC програмата."
-#: ProxyPage.cpp:331
+#: clientgui/ProxyPage.cpp:331
 msgid "Proxy configuration"
 msgstr "Прокси настройки"
-#: ProxyPage.cpp:334
+#: clientgui/ProxyPage.cpp:334
 msgid "HTTP proxy"
 msgstr "HTTP прокси"
-#: ProxyPage.cpp:337 ProxyPage.cpp:357
+#: clientgui/ProxyPage.cpp:337
+#: clientgui/ProxyPage.cpp:357
 msgid "Server:"
 msgstr "Сървър:"
-#: ProxyPage.cpp:350
+#: clientgui/ProxyPage.cpp:350
 msgid "Autodetect"
 msgstr "Автоматично засичане"
-#: ProxyPage.cpp:354
+#: clientgui/ProxyPage.cpp:354
 msgid "SOCKS proxy"
 msgstr "SOCKS прокси"
-#: TermsOfUsePage.cpp:218
-msgid "Terms of Use"
-msgstr "Условия за Ползване"
+#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:167
+msgid "Advanced View...\tCtrl+Shift+A"
+msgstr "Разширен Изглед...\t Ctrl+Shift+A"
-#: TermsOfUsePage.cpp:222
-msgid "Please read the following terms of use:"
-msgstr "Моля прочетете следните условия за ползване:"
+#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:168
+msgid "Display the advanced graphical interface."
+msgstr "Показване на разширения графичен интерфейс."
-#: TermsOfUsePage.cpp:231
-msgid "I agree to the terms of use."
-msgstr "Съгласен съм с условията на ползване."
+#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:175
+msgid "Skin"
+msgstr "Скин"
-#: TermsOfUsePage.cpp:237
-msgid "I do not agree to the terms of use."
-msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:177
+msgid "Select the appearance of the user interface."
+msgstr "Изберете изгледа на потребителския интерфейс."
-#: UnavailablePage.cpp:183
-msgid "Project temporarily unavailable"
-msgstr "Проекта е временно недостъпен"
+#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:224
+#, c-format
+msgid "&%s"
+msgstr "&%s"
-#: UnavailablePage.cpp:186
-msgid ""
-"The project is temporarily unavailable.\n"
-"Please try again later."
-msgstr ""
-"Проекта е временно недостъпен.\n"
-"Моля опитайте отново по-късно."
+#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:405
+msgid "Default"
+msgstr "По подразбиране"
-#: UnavailablePage.cpp:190
-msgid "Account manager temporarily unavailable"
-msgstr "Акаунт мениджъра е временно недостъпен"
+#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:848
+msgid "Suspend"
+msgstr "Временно прекратяване"
-#: UnavailablePage.cpp:193
-msgid ""
-"The account manager is temporarily unavailable.\n"
-"Please try again later."
-msgstr ""
-"Акаунт мениджъра е временно недостъпен.\n"
-"Моля опитайте отново по-късно."
+#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:850
+msgid "Suspend Computing"
+msgstr "Временно прекратете Изчисленията"
-#: ValidateAccountKey.cpp:68
-msgid "Please specify an account key to continue."
-msgstr "Моля посочете ключ на акаунта, за да продължите."
+#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:851
+msgid "Resume Computing"
+msgstr "Подновете Изчисленията"
-#: ValidateAccountKey.cpp:71
-msgid "Invalid Account Key; please enter a valid Account Key"
-msgstr "Невалиден Ключ на Акаунта; моля въведете валиден Ключ на Акаунта"
+#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:867
+msgid "Notices"
+msgstr "Известия"
-#: ValidateAccountKey.cpp:82 ValidateEmailAddress.cpp:86
-msgid "Validation conflict"
-msgstr "Конфликт при потвърждаване"
+#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:868
+msgid "Open a window to view notices from projects or BOINC"
+msgstr "Отворете прозорец за да прегледате известията от проектите или от BOINC"
-#: ValidateEmailAddress.cpp:72
-msgid "Please specify an email address"
-msgstr "Моля посочете имейл адрес"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgMessages.cpp:124
+msgid "Fetching notices; please wait..."
+msgstr "Търсене на известия; моля изчакайте..."
-#: ValidateEmailAddress.cpp:75
-msgid "Invalid email address; please enter a valid email address"
-msgstr "Невалиден имейл адрес; моля въведете валиден имейл адрес"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgMessages.cpp:132
+msgid "There are no notices at this time."
+msgstr "Няма известия в този момент."
-#: ValidateURL.cpp:69
-msgid "Missing URL"
-msgstr "Липсващ URL"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgMessages.cpp:146
+msgid "Close"
+msgstr "Затвори"
-#: ValidateURL.cpp:70
-msgid ""
-"Please specify a URL.\n"
-"For example:\n"
-msgstr ""
-"Моля посочете URL.\n"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgMessages.cpp:394
+#, c-format
+msgid "%s - Notices"
+msgstr "%s - Известия"
-#: ValidateURL.cpp:83 ValidateURL.cpp:87 ValidateURL.cpp:91
-#: ValidateURL.cpp:103 ValidateURL.cpp:107 ValidateURL.cpp:110
-msgid "Invalid URL"
-msgstr "Невалиден URL"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:270
+msgid "This dialog controls preferences for this computer only."
+msgstr "Този диалог контролира предпочитанията само за този компютър."
-#: ValidateURL.cpp:84 ValidateURL.cpp:88 ValidateURL.cpp:92
-msgid ""
-"Please specify a valid URL.\n"
-"For example:\n"
-msgstr ""
-"Моля въведете валиден URL.\n"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:275
+msgid "Click OK to set preferences."
+msgstr "Натиснете ОК за да зададете предпочитания."
-#: ValidateURL.cpp:104 ValidateURL.cpp:108
-#, c-format
-msgid "'%s' does not contain a valid host name."
-msgstr "'%s' не съдържа валидно име на хост."
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:280
+msgid "Click Clear to restore web-based settings for all preferences listed below."
+msgstr ""
-#: ValidateURL.cpp:111
-#, c-format
-msgid "'%s' does not contain a valid path."
-msgstr "'%s' не съдържа валидна пътека."
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:287
+msgid "For additional settings, select Computing Preferences in the Advanced View."
+msgstr ""
-#: ViewMessages.cpp:84 ViewProjects.cpp:170 ViewStatistics.cpp:1978
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:160 ViewWork.cpp:183
-msgid "Commands"
-msgstr "Команди"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:315
+msgid "Do work only between:"
+msgstr "Извършвай работа само между:"
-#: ViewMessages.cpp:88
-msgid "Copy all messages"
-msgstr "Копирай всички съобщения"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:337
+msgid "Connect to internet only between:"
+msgstr "Свързвай се с интернет само между:"
-#: ViewMessages.cpp:95
-msgid "Copy selected messages"
-msgstr "Копирай избраните съобщения"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:359
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:376
+msgid "Use no more than:"
+msgstr "Не използвай повече от:"
-#: ViewMessages.cpp:106 ViewMessages.cpp:502
-msgid "Show only this project"
-msgstr "Покажи само този проект"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:372
+msgid "of disk space"
+msgstr "дисково пространство"
-#: ViewMessages.cpp:107 ViewMessages.cpp:503
-msgid "Show only the messages for the selected project."
-msgstr "Покажи само съобщенията от избрания проект."
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:389
+msgid "of the processor"
+msgstr "от процесора"
-#: ViewMessages.cpp:164
-msgid "Messages"
-msgstr "Съобщения"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:393
+msgid "Do work while on battery?"
+msgstr "Да извършва ли работа докато е на батерии?"
-#: ViewMessages.cpp:187
-msgid "Copying all messages to the clipboard..."
-msgstr "Копиране на всички съобщения в клип-борда..."
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:406
+msgid "Do work after idle for:"
+msgstr "Извършвай работа след като си бил неактивен за:"
-#: ViewMessages.cpp:223
-msgid "Copying selected messages to the clipboard..."
-msgstr "Копиране на избраните съобщения в клип-борда..."
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:431
+msgid "Clear all local preferences listed above and close the dialog"
+msgstr ""
-#: ViewMessages.cpp:286
-msgid "Filtering messages..."
-msgstr "Филтриране на съобщения..."
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:609
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:612
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:688
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:692
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:704
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:708
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:851
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:862
+msgid "Anytime"
+msgstr "По всяко време"
-#: ViewMessages.cpp:494
-msgid "Show all messages"
-msgstr "Покажи всички съобщения"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:645
+msgid "100 MB"
+msgstr "100 MB"
-#: ViewMessages.cpp:495
-msgid "Show messages for all projects."
-msgstr "Показва съобщенията за всички проекти."
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:646
+msgid "200 MB"
+msgstr "200 MB"
-#: ViewNotices.cpp:58 sg_DlgMessages.cpp:124
-msgid "Fetching notices; please wait..."
-msgstr "Търсене на известия; моля изчакайте..."
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:647
+msgid "500 MB"
+msgstr "500 MB"
-#: ViewNotices.cpp:65 sg_DlgMessages.cpp:132
-msgid "There are no notices at this time."
-msgstr "Няма известия в този момент."
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:648
+msgid "1 GB"
+msgstr "1 GB"
-#: ViewNotices.cpp:99 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:776
-msgid "Notices"
-msgstr "Известия"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:649
+msgid "2 GB"
+msgstr "2 GB"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:174 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:61
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:650
+msgid "5 GB"
+msgstr "5 GB"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:651
+msgid "10 GB"
+msgstr "10 GB"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:652
+msgid "20 GB"
+msgstr "20 GB"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:653
+msgid "50 GB"
+msgstr "50 GB"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:654
+msgid "100 GB"
+msgstr "100 GB"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:724
+#, c-format
+msgid "%d MB"
+msgstr "%d MB"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:726
+#, c-format
+msgid "%4.2f GB"
+msgstr "%4.2f GB"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:767
+#, c-format
+msgid "%d%%"
+msgstr "%d%%"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:803
+msgid "0 (Run Always)"
+msgstr "0 (Работи Винаги)"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:806
+#, c-format
+msgid "%d"
+msgstr "%d"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:953
+#, c-format
+msgid "%s - Computing Preferences"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:1033
+msgid "Do you really want to clear all local preferences?\n"
+msgstr "Наистина ли искате да изчистите всички локални предпочитания?\n"
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:66
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:179
 msgid "Update"
 msgstr "Обнови проекта"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:175 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:62
-msgid ""
-"Report all completed tasks, get latest credit, get latest preferences, and "
-"possibly get more tasks."
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:67
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:180
+msgid "Report all completed tasks, get latest credit, get latest preferences, and possibly get more tasks."
 msgstr ""
 "Докладва всички приключили задачи, получава най-новия кредит, получава "
 "най-новите предпочитания и е възможно да вземе още задачи."
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:181 ViewProjects.cpp:722 ViewWork.cpp:208 ViewWork.cpp:801
-#: sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:757 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:67
-#: sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:113 sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:66
-#: sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:106
-msgid "Suspend"
-msgstr "Временно прекратяване"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:182 ViewProjects.cpp:722 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:68
-#: sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:114
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:73
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:129
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:187
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:727
 msgid "Suspend tasks for this project."
 msgstr "Временно прекратява задачите по този проект."
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:188 ViewProjects.cpp:741 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:73
-#: sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:121
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:78
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:136
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:193
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:746
 msgid "No new tasks"
 msgstr "Без нови задачи"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:189 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:74
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:79
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:194
 msgid "Don't get new tasks for this project."
 msgstr "Не взимай нови задачи за този проект."
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:195 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:79
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:84
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:200
 msgid "Reset project"
 msgstr "Нулирай проекта"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:196 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:80
-msgid ""
-"Delete all files and tasks associated with this project, and get new tasks.  "
-"You can update the project first to report any completed tasks."
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:85
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:201
+msgid "Delete all files and tasks associated with this project, and get new tasks.  You can update the project first to report any completed tasks."
 msgstr ""
 "Изтрива всички файлове и задачи асоциирани с този проект, и взима нови "
 "задачи.  Можете първо да обновите проекта, за да докладвате завършените "
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:203 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:86
-msgid ""
-"Remove this project.  Tasks in progress will be lost (use 'Update' first to "
-"report any completed tasks)."
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:91
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:208
+msgid "Remove this project.  Tasks in progress will be lost (use 'Update' first to report any completed tasks)."
 msgstr ""
 "Премахва този проект.  Задачите по които се работи ще бъдат изгубени "
 "(използвайте първо 'Обнови' за да докладвате завършените задачи)."
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:209 ViewWork.cpp:222 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:91
-#: sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:78
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:96
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:84
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:214
 msgid "Properties"
 msgstr "Свойства"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:210 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:92
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:97
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:215
 msgid "Show project details."
 msgstr "Покажи детайли на проекта."
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:220 ViewStatistics.cpp:450
-msgid "Account"
-msgstr "Акаунт"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:222
-msgid "Work done"
-msgstr "Извършена работа"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:223
-msgid "Avg. work done"
-msgstr "Средно извършена работа"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:225 ViewTransfers.cpp:188 ViewWork.cpp:234
-msgid "Status"
-msgstr "Статус"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:250
-msgid "Projects"
-msgstr "Проекти"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:302
-msgid "Updating project..."
-msgstr "Обновяване на проект..."
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:344
-msgid "Resuming project..."
-msgstr "Подновяване на проект..."
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:348
-msgid "Suspending project..."
-msgstr "Временно прекратяване на проект..."
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:126
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:723
+msgid "Resume tasks for this project."
+msgstr "Поднови задачите по този проект."
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:385
-msgid "Telling project to allow additional task downloads..."
-msgstr "Казва на проекта да позволи взимането на допълнителни задачи..."
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:133
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:742
+msgid "Allow new tasks"
+msgstr "Позволи нови задачи"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:389
-msgid "Telling project to not fetch any additional tasks..."
-msgstr "Казва на проекта да не взима допълнителни задачи..."
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:134
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:742
+msgid "Allow fetching new tasks for this project."
+msgstr "Позволява взимането на нови задачи за този проект."
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:425
-msgid "Resetting project..."
-msgstr "Нулиране на проект..."
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:137
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:746
+msgid "Don't fetch new tasks for this project."
+msgstr "Не взимай нови задачи за този проект."
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:438 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:214
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:229
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:443
 #, c-format
 msgid "Are you sure you want to reset project '%s'?"
 msgstr "Сигурни ли сте, че искате да нулирате проекта '%s'?"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:444 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:220
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:235
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:449
 msgid "Reset Project"
 msgstr "Нулирай Проекта"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:483
-msgid "Removing project..."
-msgstr "Премахване на проект..."
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:496 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:251
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:266
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:501
 #, c-format
 #, c-format, c-format
 msgid "Are you sure you want to remove project '%s'?"
 msgstr "Сигурни ли сте, че искате да премахнете проект '%s'?"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:502 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:257
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:272
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:507
 msgid "Remove Project"
 msgstr "Премахни Проекта"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:543 ViewWork.cpp:599
-msgid "Launching browser..."
-msgstr "Стартиране на браузър..."
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:718 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:111
-msgid "Resume tasks for this project."
-msgstr "Поднови задачите по този проект."
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:72
+msgid "Add Project"
+msgstr "Добави Проект"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:737 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:118
-msgid "Allow new tasks"
-msgstr "Позволи нови задачи"
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:73
+msgid "Synchronize"
+msgstr "Синхронизирай"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:737 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:119
-msgid "Allow fetching new tasks for this project."
-msgstr "Позволява взимането на нови задачи за този проект."
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:74
+msgid "Work done for this project"
+msgstr "Работа приключена за този проект"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:741 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:122
-msgid "Don't fetch new tasks for this project."
-msgstr "Не взимай нови задачи за този проект."
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:77
+msgid "Synchronize projects with account manager system"
+msgstr "Синхронизирайте проекти със системата на акаунт мениджър"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1058
-msgid "Requested by user"
-msgstr "По желание на потребителя"
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:124
+msgid "Select a project to access with the controls below"
+msgstr "Изберете проект до който да имате достъп със контролерите по-долу"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1059
-msgid "To fetch work"
-msgstr "За да изтегли работа"
+# 88%
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:145
+msgid "Project Web Pages"
+msgstr "Интернет Страници на Проекта"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1060
-msgid "To report completed tasks"
-msgstr "За да докладва приключени задачи"
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:149
+msgid "Project Commands"
+msgstr "Команди на Проекта"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1061
-msgid "To send trickle-up message"
-msgstr "За да изпрати изходящо съобщение"
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:276
+#, c-format
+msgid "Pop up a menu of web sites for project %s"
+msgstr ""
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1062
-msgid "Requested by account manager"
-msgstr "По желание на акаунт мениджъра"
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:278
+#, c-format
+msgid "Pop up a menu of commands to apply to project %s"
+msgstr "Появява се меню с команди, които да прилагате за проект %s"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1063
-msgid "Project initialization"
-msgstr "Инициализация на проекта"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:66
+msgid "Show graphics"
+msgstr "Покажи графики"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1064
-msgid "Requested by project"
-msgstr "По желание на проекта"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:67
+msgid "Show application graphics in a window."
+msgstr "Покажи графиката от приложението в прозорец."
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1065
-msgid "Unknown reason"
-msgstr "Неизвестна причина"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:73
+msgid "Suspend this task."
+msgstr "Временно прекрати тази задача."
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1079
-msgid "Suspended by user"
-msgstr "Временно прекратено от потребителя"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:78
+msgid "Abort"
+msgstr "Прекрати"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1082
-msgid "Won't get new tasks"
-msgstr "Няма да взима нови задачи"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:79
+msgid "Abandon this task. You will get no credit for it."
+msgstr "Изоставя тази задача. Вие няма да получите кредит за нея."
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1085
-msgid "Project ended - OK to remove"
-msgstr "Проектът е приключен - ОК да бъде премахнат"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:85
+msgid "Show task details."
+msgstr "Покажи подробности по задачата."
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1088
-msgid "Will remove when tasks done"
-msgstr "Ще премахне когато задачите са готови"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:119
+msgid "Resume work for this task."
+msgstr "Поднови работа по тази задача."
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1091
-msgid "Scheduler request pending"
-msgstr "Очаква се заявка от Планировчика"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:123
+msgid "Suspend work for this task."
+msgstr "Временно прекрати работа по тази задача."
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1097
-msgid "Scheduler request in progress"
-msgstr "Тече заявка от Планировчика"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:267
+#, c-format
+#, c-format, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Are you sure you want to abort this task '%s'?\n"
+"(Progress: %.1lf%%, Status: %s)"
+msgstr ""
+"Сугурни ли сте, че искате да прекратите тази задача '%s'?\n"
+"(Прогрес: %.1lf%%, Статус: %s)"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1100
-msgid "Trickle up message pending"
-msgstr "Очаква се изходящо съобщение"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:272
+msgid "Abort task"
+msgstr "Прекрати задача"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1106
-msgid "Communication deferred "
-msgstr "Връзката е отложена "
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:468
+msgid "You don't have any projects.  Please Add a Project."
+msgstr "Нямате добавени проекти.  Моля Добавете Проект."
-#: ViewResources.cpp:62
-msgid "Total disk usage"
-msgstr "Общо използвано дисково пространство"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:469
+msgid "Not available"
+msgstr "Няма на разположение"
-#: ViewResources.cpp:83
-msgid "Disk usage by BOINC projects"
-msgstr "Използвано дисково пространство от BOINC проекти"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:480
+msgid "Tasks:"
+msgstr "Задачи:"
-#: ViewResources.cpp:116
-msgid "Disk"
-msgstr "Дисково пространство"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:486
+msgid "Select a task to access"
+msgstr "Изберете задача, до която да получите достъп"
-#: ViewResources.cpp:249
-msgid "no projects: 0 bytes used"
-msgstr "няма проекти: 0 байта заети"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:497
+msgid "From:"
+msgstr "От:"
-#: ViewResources.cpp:286
-msgid "used by BOINC: "
-msgstr "използвано от BOINC: "
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:551
+msgid "This task's progress"
+msgstr "Прогреса на тази задача"
-#: ViewResources.cpp:296
-msgid "free, available to BOINC: "
-msgstr "свободно, достъпно за BOINC: "
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:569
+msgid "Task Commands"
+msgstr "Команди за Задача"
-#: ViewResources.cpp:306
-msgid "free, not available to BOINC: "
-msgstr "свободно, недостъпно за BOINC: "
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:570
+msgid "Pop up a menu of commands to apply to this task"
+msgstr "Появява се меню с команди, които да прилагате върху тази задача"
-#: ViewResources.cpp:316
-msgid "free: "
-msgstr "свободно: "
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:705
+#, c-format
+#, c-format, c-format
+msgid "Application: %s"
+msgstr "Приложение: %s"
-#: ViewResources.cpp:326
-msgid "used by other programs: "
-msgstr "използвано от други програми: "
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:728
+#, c-format
+msgid "%.3f%%"
+msgstr "%.3f%%"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:1205
-msgid "User Total"
-msgstr "Общ кредит на потребителя"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:736
+msgid "Application: Not available"
+msgstr "Приложение: Няма на разположение"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:1206
-msgid "User Average"
-msgstr "Среден кредит на потребителя"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:836
+msgid "Not Available"
+msgstr "Няма на Разположение"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:1207
-msgid "Host Total"
-msgstr "Общ кредит на хоста"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:851
+#, c-format
+msgid "Elapsed: %s"
+msgstr "Изминало време: %s"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:1208
-msgid "Host Average"
-msgstr "Среден кредит на хоста"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:865
+#, c-format
+msgid "Remaining (estimated): %s"
+msgstr "Оставащо време (пресметнато): %s"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:1355
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:880
 #, c-format
-msgid "Last update: %.0f days ago"
-msgstr "Последно обновяване: преди %.0f дни"
+msgid "Status: %s"
+msgstr "Статус: %s"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:1982
-msgid "Show user total"
-msgstr "Покажи общия кредит на потребителя"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1227
+msgid "Retrieving current status."
+msgstr "Изтегляне на текущия статус."
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:1983
-msgid "Show total credit for user"
-msgstr "Покажи общия кредит на потребителя"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1233
+msgid "Downloading work from the server."
+msgstr "Изтегляне на работа от сървъра."
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:1989
-msgid "Show user average"
-msgstr "Покажи среден кредит на потребителя"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1238
+msgid "Processing Suspended:  Running On Batteries."
+msgstr "Процесите са Временно Прекратени:  Работи се На Батерии."
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:1990
-msgid "Show average credit for user"
-msgstr "Покажи среден кредит на потребителя"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1240
+msgid "Processing Suspended:  User Active."
+msgstr "Процесите са Временно Прекратени:  Потребителя е Активен."
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:1996
-msgid "Show host total"
-msgstr "Покажи общ кредит на хоста"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:1997
-msgid "Show total credit for host"
-msgstr "Покажи общия кредит на хоста"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2003
-msgid "Show host average"
-msgstr "Покажи среден кредит на хоста"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1242
+msgid "Processing Suspended:  User paused processing."
+msgstr ""
+"Процесите са Временно Прекратени:  Потребителят спря на пауза процесите."
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2004
-msgid "Show average credit for host"
-msgstr "Покажи среден кредит на хоста"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1244
+msgid "Processing Suspended:  Time of Day."
+msgstr "Процесите са Временно Прекратени:  Ограничителни Часове."
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2013
-msgid "< &Previous project"
-msgstr "< &Предходен проект"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1246
+msgid "Processing Suspended:  Benchmarks Running."
+msgstr ""
+"Процесите са Временно Прекратени:  Изчисляват се Референтните Показатели."
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2014
-msgid "Show chart for previous project"
-msgstr "Покажи диаграма за предходния проект"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1248
+msgid "Processing Suspended."
+msgstr "Процесите са Временно Прекратени."
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2019
-msgid "&Next project >"
-msgstr "&Следващ проект >"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1252
+msgid "Waiting to contact project servers."
+msgstr "Изчаква за свързване със сървърите на проекта."
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2020
-msgid "Show chart for next project"
-msgstr "Покажи диаграма за следващия проект"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1256
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1265
+msgid "Retrieving current status"
+msgstr "Извличане на текущ статус"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2026 ViewStatistics.cpp:2416
-msgid "Hide project list"
-msgstr "Скрий списъка с проекти"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1260
+msgid "No work available to process"
+msgstr "Няма налична работа за обработване"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2027 ViewStatistics.cpp:2416
-msgid "Use entire area for graphs"
-msgstr "Използвай цялата област за графики"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1262
+msgid "Unable to connect to the core client"
+msgstr "Не може да се свърже с централния клиент"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2032
-msgid "Mode view"
-msgstr "Режим изглед"
+#: clientgui/TermsOfUsePage.cpp:218
+msgid "Terms of Use"
+msgstr "Условия за Ползване"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2036
-msgid "One project"
-msgstr "Един проект"
+#: clientgui/TermsOfUsePage.cpp:222
+msgid "Please read the following terms of use:"
+msgstr "Моля прочетете следните условия за ползване:"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2037
-msgid "Show one chart with selected project"
-msgstr "Покажи една диаграма с избрания проект"
+#: clientgui/TermsOfUsePage.cpp:231
+msgid "I agree to the terms of use."
+msgstr "Съгласен съм с условията на ползване."
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2043
-msgid "All projects (separate)"
-msgstr "Всички проекти (по отделно)"
+#: clientgui/TermsOfUsePage.cpp:237
+msgid "I do not agree to the terms of use."
+msgstr ""
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2044
-msgid "Show all projects, one chart per project"
-msgstr "Покажи всички проекти, с по една диаграма за всеки проект"
+#: clientgui/UnavailablePage.cpp:183
+msgid "Project temporarily unavailable"
+msgstr "Проекта е временно недостъпен"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2050
-msgid "All projects (together)"
-msgstr "Всички проекти (заедно)"
+#: clientgui/UnavailablePage.cpp:186
+msgid ""
+"The project is temporarily unavailable.\n"
+"Please try again later."
+msgstr ""
+"Проекта е временно недостъпен.\n"
+"Моля опитайте отново по-късно."
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2051
-msgid "Show one chart with all projects"
-msgstr "Покажи една диаграма с всички проекти"
+#: clientgui/UnavailablePage.cpp:190
+msgid "Account manager temporarily unavailable"
+msgstr "Акаунт мениджъра е временно недостъпен"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2057
-msgid "All projects (sum)"
-msgstr "Всички проекти (сума)"
+#: clientgui/UnavailablePage.cpp:193
+msgid ""
+"The account manager is temporarily unavailable.\n"
+"Please try again later."
+msgstr ""
+"Акаунт мениджъра е временно недостъпен.\n"
+"Моля опитайте отново по-късно."
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2058
-msgid "Show one chart with sum of projects"
-msgstr "Покажи една диаграма със сумата от проектите"
+#: clientgui/ValidateAccountKey.cpp:68
+msgid "Please specify an account key to continue."
+msgstr "Моля посочете ключ на акаунта, за да продължите."
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2079
-msgid "Statistics"
-msgstr "Статистики"
+#: clientgui/ValidateAccountKey.cpp:71
+msgid "Invalid Account Key; please enter a valid Account Key"
+msgstr "Невалиден Ключ на Акаунта; моля въведете валиден Ключ на Акаунта"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2103 ViewStatistics.cpp:2124 ViewStatistics.cpp:2145
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2167 ViewStatistics.cpp:2188 ViewStatistics.cpp:2209
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2230 ViewStatistics.cpp:2251 ViewStatistics.cpp:2272
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2296
-msgid "Updating charts..."
-msgstr "Обновяване на диаграмите..."
+#: clientgui/ValidateAccountKey.cpp:82
+#: clientgui/ValidateEmailAddress.cpp:86
+msgid "Validation conflict"
+msgstr "Конфликт при потвърждаване"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2420
-msgid "Show project list"
-msgstr "Покажи списъка с проекти"
+#: clientgui/ValidateEmailAddress.cpp:72
+msgid "Please specify an email address"
+msgstr "Моля посочете имейл адрес"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2420
-msgid "Uses smaller area for graphs"
-msgstr "Използва по-малка област за графики"
+#: clientgui/ValidateEmailAddress.cpp:75
+msgid "Invalid email address; please enter a valid email address"
+msgstr "Невалиден имейл адрес; моля въведете валиден имейл адрес"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:164
-msgid "Retry Now"
-msgstr "Опитай отново сега"
+#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:69
+msgid "Missing URL"
+msgstr "Липсващ URL"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:165
-msgid "Retry the file transfer now"
-msgstr "Опитай отново файлов трансфер сега"
+#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:70
+msgid ""
+"Please specify a URL.\n"
+"For example:\n"
+msgstr ""
+"Моля посочете URL.\n"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:171
-msgid "Abort Transfer"
-msgstr "Прекрати Трансфер"
+#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:83
+#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:87
+#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:91
+#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:103
+#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:107
+#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:110
+msgid "Invalid URL"
+msgstr "Невалиден URL"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:172
-msgid "Abort this file transfer.  You won't get credit for the task."
+#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:84
+#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:88
+#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:92
+msgid ""
+"Please specify a valid URL.\n"
+"For example:\n"
 msgstr ""
-"Прекрати този файлов трансфер.  Вие няма да получите кредит за задачата."
+"Моля въведете валиден URL.\n"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:183
-msgid "File"
-msgstr "Файл"
+#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:104
+#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:108
+#, c-format
+msgid "'%s' does not contain a valid host name."
+msgstr "'%s' не съдържа валидно име на хост."
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:184 ViewWork.cpp:233
-msgid "Progress"
-msgstr "Прогрес"
+#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:111
+#, c-format
+msgid "'%s' does not contain a valid path."
+msgstr "'%s' не съдържа валидна пътека."
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:185
-msgid "Size"
-msgstr "Размер"
+#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:84
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:175
+msgid "Commands"
+msgstr "Команди"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:186
-msgid "Elapsed Time"
-msgstr "Изминало време"
+#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:88
+msgid "Copy all messages"
+msgstr "Копирай всички съобщения"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:187
-msgid "Speed"
-msgstr "Скорост"
+#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:95
+msgid "Copy selected messages"
+msgstr "Копирай избраните съобщения"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:213
-msgid "Transfers"
-msgstr "Трансфери"
+#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:106
+#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:502
+msgid "Show only this project"
+msgstr "Покажи само този проект"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:280
-msgid "Network activity is suspended - "
-msgstr "Мрежовата активност е временно прекратена - "
+#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:107
+#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:503
+msgid "Show only the messages for the selected project."
+msgstr "Покажи само съобщенията от избрания проект."
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:282
-msgid ""
-"You can enable it using the Activity menu."
-msgstr ""
-"Можете да я активирате с помощта на менюто Дейности."
+#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:164
+msgid "Messages"
+msgstr "Съобщения"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:285
-msgid "BOINC"
-msgstr "BOINC"
+#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:187
+msgid "Copying all messages to the clipboard..."
+msgstr "Копиране на всички съобщения в клип-борда..."
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:292
-msgid "Retrying transfer now..."
-msgstr "Повторен опит за трансфер сега..."
+#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:223
+msgid "Copying selected messages to the clipboard..."
+msgstr "Копиране на избраните съобщения в клип-борда..."
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:330
-msgid "Aborting transfer..."
-msgstr "Прекъсване на трансфера..."
+#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:286
+msgid "Filtering messages..."
+msgstr "Филтриране на съобщения..."
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:343
-#, c-format
-msgid ""
-"Are you sure you want to abort this file transfer '%s'?\n"
-"NOTE: Aborting a transfer will invalidate a task and you\n"
-"will not receive credit for it."
-msgstr ""
-"Сигурни ли сте, че искате да прекратите прехвърлянето на този файл '%s'?\n"
-"ВНИМАНИЕ: Прекратяването на трансфера ще направи\n"
-"невалидна задачата и Вие няма да получите кредит за нея."
+#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:494
+msgid "Show all messages"
+msgstr "Покажи всички съобщения"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:349
-msgid "Abort File Transfer"
-msgstr "Прекъсни Трансфер на Файла"
+#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:495
+msgid "Show messages for all projects."
+msgstr "Показва съобщенията за всички проекти."
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:780
-msgid "Upload"
-msgstr "Качване"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:225
+msgid "Account"
+msgstr "Акаунт"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:780
-msgid "Download"
-msgstr "Сваляне"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:227
+msgid "Work done"
+msgstr "Извършена работа"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:784
-msgid "retry in "
-msgstr "нов опит след "
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:228
+msgid "Avg. work done"
+msgstr "Средно извършена работа"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:786
-msgid "failed"
-msgstr "неуспешен"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:230
+msgid "Status"
+msgstr "Статус"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:789
-msgid "suspended"
-msgstr "временно прекъснат"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:255
+msgid "Projects"
+msgstr "Проекти"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:794
-msgid "active"
-msgstr "активен"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:307
+msgid "Updating project..."
+msgstr "Обновяване на проект..."
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:796
-msgid "pending"
-msgstr "в очакване"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:349
+msgid "Resuming project..."
+msgstr "Подновяване на проект..."
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:803
-msgid " (project backoff: "
-msgstr " (отстъп на проекта: "
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:353
+msgid "Suspending project..."
+msgstr "Временно прекратяване на проект..."
-#: ViewWork.cpp:187 ViewWork.cpp:777
-msgid "Show active tasks"
-msgstr "Покажи активните задачи"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:390
+msgid "Telling project to allow additional task downloads..."
+msgstr "Казва на проекта да позволи взимането на допълнителни задачи..."
-#: ViewWork.cpp:188 ViewWork.cpp:778
-msgid "Show only active tasks."
-msgstr "Покажи само активните задачи."
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:394
+msgid "Telling project to not fetch any additional tasks..."
+msgstr "Казва на проекта да не взима допълнителни задачи..."
-#: ViewWork.cpp:194 sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:60
-msgid "Show graphics"
-msgstr "Покажи графики"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:430
+msgid "Resetting project..."
+msgstr "Нулиране на проект..."
-#: ViewWork.cpp:195 sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:61
-msgid "Show application graphics in a window."
-msgstr "Покажи графиката от приложението в прозорец."
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:488
+msgid "Removing project..."
+msgstr "Премахване на проект..."
-#: ViewWork.cpp:201
-msgid "Show VM Console"
-msgstr "Покажи VM Конзола"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:548
+msgid "Launching browser..."
+msgstr "Стартиране на браузър..."
-#: ViewWork.cpp:202
-msgid "Show VM Console in a window."
-msgstr "Показва VM Конзола в прозорец."
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1063
+msgid "Requested by user"
+msgstr "По желание на потребителя"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:209
-msgid "Suspend work for this result."
-msgstr "Временно прекрати работа по този резултат."
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1064
+msgid "To fetch work"
+msgstr "За да изтегли работа"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:215 sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:72
-msgid "Abort"
-msgstr "Прекрати"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1065
+msgid "To report completed tasks"
+msgstr "За да докладва приключени задачи"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:216
-msgid "Abandon work on the result. You will get no credit for it."
-msgstr "Отказвате се от работа по резултата. Няма да получите кредит за него."
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1066
+msgid "To send trickle-up message"
+msgstr "За да изпрати изходящо съобщение"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:223 sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:79
-msgid "Show task details."
-msgstr "Покажи подробности по задачата."
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1067
+msgid "Requested by account manager"
+msgstr "По желание на акаунт мениджъра"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:235
-msgid "Elapsed"
-msgstr "Изминало"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1068
+msgid "Project initialization"
+msgstr "Инициализация на проекта"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:236
-msgid "Remaining (estimated)"
-msgstr "Оставащо (предполагаема стойност)"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1069
+msgid "Requested by project"
+msgstr "По желание на проекта"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:237
-msgid "Deadline"
-msgstr "Краен срок"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1070
+msgid "Unknown reason"
+msgstr "Неизвестна причина"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:264
-msgid "Tasks"
-msgstr "Задачи"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1084
+msgid "Suspended by user"
+msgstr "Временно прекратено от потребителя"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:357
-msgid "Resuming task..."
-msgstr "Подновяване на задача..."
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1087
+msgid "Won't get new tasks"
+msgstr "Няма да взима нови задачи"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:360
-msgid "Suspending task..."
-msgstr "Временно прекратяване на задача..."
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1090
+msgid "Project ended - OK to remove"
+msgstr "Проектът е приключен - ОК да бъде премахнат"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:389
-msgid "Showing graphics for task..."
-msgstr "Показване на графики за задача..."
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1093
+msgid "Will remove when tasks done"
+msgstr "Ще премахне когато задачите са готови"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:426
-msgid "Showing VM console for task..."
-msgstr "Показване на VM конзола за задача..."
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1096
+msgid "Scheduler request pending"
+msgstr "Очаква се заявка от Планировчика"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:479
-#, c-format
-msgid ""
-"Are you sure you want to abort this task '%s'?\n"
-"(Progress: %s, Status: %s)"
-msgstr ""
-"Сигурни ли сте, че искате да прекъснете тази задача '%s'?\n"
-"(Прогрес: %s, Статус: %s)"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1102
+msgid "Scheduler request in progress"
+msgstr "Тече заявка от Планировчика"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:485
-#, c-format
-msgid "Are you sure you want to abort these %d tasks?"
-msgstr "Сигурни ли сте, че искате да прекъснете тези %d задачи?"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1105
+msgid "Trickle up message pending"
+msgstr "Очаква се изходящо съобщение"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:490 sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:256
-msgid "Abort task"
-msgstr "Прекрати задача"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1111
+msgid "Communication deferred "
+msgstr "Връзката е отложена "
-# 75%
-#: ViewWork.cpp:499
-msgid "Aborting task..."
-msgstr "Прекратяване на задача..."
+#: clientgui/ViewResources.cpp:62
+msgid "Total disk usage"
+msgstr "Общо използвано дисково пространство"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:771
-msgid "Show all tasks"
-msgstr "Покажи всички задачи"
+#: clientgui/ViewResources.cpp:83
+msgid "Disk usage by BOINC projects"
+msgstr "Използвано дисково пространство от BOINC проекти"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:772
-msgid "Show all tasks."
-msgstr "Покажи всички задачи."
+#: clientgui/ViewResources.cpp:116
+msgid "Disk"
+msgstr "Дисково пространство"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:796 sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:103
-msgid "Resume work for this task."
-msgstr "Поднови работа по тази задача."
+#: clientgui/ViewResources.cpp:225
+msgid "no projects: 0 bytes used"
+msgstr "няма проекти: 0 байта заети"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:802 sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:107
-msgid "Suspend work for this task."
-msgstr "Временно прекрати работа по тази задача."
+#: clientgui/ViewResources.cpp:262
+msgid "used by BOINC: "
+msgstr "използвано от BOINC: "
-#: WelcomePage.cpp:284
-msgid "Add project or account manager"
-msgstr "Добавете проект или акаунт мениджър"
+#: clientgui/ViewResources.cpp:272
+msgid "free, available to BOINC: "
+msgstr "свободно, достъпно за BOINC: "
-#: WelcomePage.cpp:288
-msgid "Add project or use BOINC Account Manager"
-msgstr "Добавете проект или използвайте BOINC Акаунт Мениджър"
+#: clientgui/ViewResources.cpp:282
+msgid "free, not available to BOINC: "
+msgstr "свободно, недостъпно за BOINC: "
-#: WelcomePage.cpp:297
-#, c-format
-msgid ""
-"If possible, add projects at the\n"
-"%s web site.\n"
-"Projects added via this wizard will not be\n"
-"listed on or managed via %s."
-msgstr ""
-"По възможност, добавайте проекти с помощта на\n"
-"%s интернет страницата.\n"
-"Проекти добавени чрез този съветник няма да бъдат\n"
-"показани или управлявани чрез %s."
+#: clientgui/ViewResources.cpp:292
+msgid "free: "
+msgstr "свободно: "
-#: WelcomePage.cpp:313
-msgid ""
-"There are over 30 BOINC-based projects\n"
-"doing research in many areas of science,\n"
-"and you can volunteer for as many of them as you like.\n"
-"You can add a project directly,\n"
-"or use an 'Account Manager' web site to select projects."
-msgstr ""
-"Има над 30 BOINC-базирани проекти извършващи\n"
-"проучвания в много области на науката и Вие можете\n"
-"да се включите доброволно в толкова от тях колкото пожелаете.\n"
-"Можете да добавите проект директно,\n"
-"или да използвате Интернет страница на 'Акаунт Мениджър' за да изберете "
+#: clientgui/ViewResources.cpp:302
+msgid "used by other programs: "
+msgstr "използвано от други програми: "
-#: WelcomePage.cpp:325
-msgid ""
-"You have chosen to add a new volunteer computing project or change which "
-"you contribute to.\n"
-"Some of these projects are run and managed by World Community Grid, while "
-"are run and managed by other researchers or organizations. The BOINC "
-"can divide your spare processing power among any combination of projects.\n"
-"Alternatively, if you have registered with a BOINC Account Manager, you can "
-"this to choose which projects to support.\n"
-"Please choose which type of change you would like to make:\n"
-msgstr ""
-"Вие сте избрали да добавите нов доброволен изчислителен проект или да "
-"към кои проекти допринасяте.\n"
-"Някои от тези проекти са стартирани и управлявани от World Community Grid, "
-"докато други\n"
-"са стартирани и управлявани от други изследователи или организации. "
-"Софтуерът BOINC\n"
-"може да разпредели вашата свободна изчислителна мощ за всякаква комбинация "
-"от проекти.\n"
-"Като алтернатива, ако сте се регистрирали с BOINC Акаунт Мениджър, можете да "
-"него за да изберете кои проекти да подкрепите.\n"
-"Моля изберете кой тип промяна искате да направите:\n"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1181
+msgid "User Total"
+msgstr "Общ кредит на потребителя"
-#: WelcomePage.cpp:339
-msgid "Use a BOINC Account Manager"
-msgstr "Използвай BOINC Акаунт Мениджър"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1182
+msgid "User Average"
+msgstr "Среден кредит на потребителя"
-#: WelcomePage.cpp:352
-msgid "To continue, click Next."
-msgstr "За да продължите, натиснете Напред."
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1183
+msgid "Host Total"
+msgstr "Общ кредит на хоста"
-#: WelcomePage.cpp:358
-msgid "Add or change your World Community Grid projects"
-msgstr "Добавяйте или променяйте вашите World Community Grid проекти"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1184
+msgid "Host Average"
+msgstr "Среден кредит на хоста"
-#: WelcomePage.cpp:361
-msgid "Add projects run by other researchers or organizations"
-msgstr "Добави проекти управлявани от други изследователи или организации"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1331
+#, c-format
+msgid "Last update: %.0f days ago"
+msgstr "Последно обновяване: преди %.0f дни"
-#: WizardAttach.cpp:634
-msgid "Do you really want to cancel?"
-msgstr "Сигурни ли сте че искате да се откажете?"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1956
+msgid "Show user total"
+msgstr "Покажи общия кредит на потребителя"
-#: WizardAttach.cpp:635
-msgid "Question"
-msgstr "Въпрос"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1957
+msgid "Show total credit for user"
+msgstr "Покажи общия кредит на потребителя"
-#: sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:149
-msgid "Advanced View...\tCtrl+Shift+A"
-msgstr "Разширен Изглед...\t Ctrl+Shift+A"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1963
+msgid "Show user average"
+msgstr "Покажи среден кредит на потребителя"
-#: sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:150
-msgid "Display the advanced graphical interface."
-msgstr "Показване на разширения графичен интерфейс."
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1964
+msgid "Show average credit for user"
+msgstr "Покажи среден кредит на потребителя"
-#: sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:157
-msgid "Skin"
-msgstr "Скин"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1970
+msgid "Show host total"
+msgstr "Покажи общ кредит на хоста"
-#: sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:159
-msgid "Select the appearance of the user interface."
-msgstr "Изберете изгледа на потребителския интерфейс."
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1971
+msgid "Show total credit for host"
+msgstr "Покажи общия кредит на хоста"
-#: sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:206
-#, c-format
-msgid "&%s"
-msgstr "&%s"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1977
+msgid "Show host average"
+msgstr "Покажи среден кредит на хоста"
-#: sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:390
-msgid "Default"
-msgstr "По подразбиране"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1978
+msgid "Show average credit for host"
+msgstr "Покажи среден кредит на хоста"
-#: sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:759
-msgid "Suspend Computing"
-msgstr "Временно прекратете Изчисленията"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1987
+msgid "< &Previous project"
+msgstr "< &Предходен проект"
-#: sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:760
-msgid "Resume Computing"
-msgstr "Подновете Изчисленията"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1988
+msgid "Show chart for previous project"
+msgstr "Покажи диаграма за предходния проект"
-#: sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:777
-msgid "Open a window to view notices from projects or BOINC"
-msgstr "Отворете прозорец за да прегледате известията от проектите или от BOINC"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1993
+msgid "&Next project >"
+msgstr "&Следващ проект >"
-#: sg_DlgMessages.cpp:146
-msgid "Close"
-msgstr "Затвори"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1994
+msgid "Show chart for next project"
+msgstr "Покажи диаграма за следващия проект"
-#: sg_DlgMessages.cpp:389
-#, c-format
-msgid "%s - Notices"
-msgstr "%s - Известия"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2000
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2390
+msgid "Hide project list"
+msgstr "Скрий списъка с проекти"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:268
-msgid "This dialog controls preferences for this computer only."
-msgstr "Този диалог контролира предпочитанията само за този компютър."
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2001
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2390
+msgid "Use entire area for graphs"
+msgstr "Използвай цялата област за графики"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:273
-msgid "Click OK to set preferences."
-msgstr "Натиснете ОК за да зададете предпочитания."
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2006
+msgid "Mode view"
+msgstr "Режим изглед"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:278
-msgid ""
-"Click Clear to restore web-based settings for all preferences listed below."
-msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2010
+msgid "One project"
+msgstr "Един проект"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:285
-msgid ""
-"For additional settings, select Computing Preferences in the Advanced View."
-msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2011
+msgid "Show one chart with selected project"
+msgstr "Покажи една диаграма с избрания проект"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:313
-msgid "Do work only between:"
-msgstr "Извършвай работа само между:"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2017
+msgid "All projects (separate)"
+msgstr "Всички проекти (по отделно)"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:335
-msgid "Connect to internet only between:"
-msgstr "Свързвай се с интернет само между:"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2018
+msgid "Show all projects, one chart per project"
+msgstr "Покажи всички проекти, с по една диаграма за всеки проект"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:357 sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:374
-msgid "Use no more than:"
-msgstr "Не използвай повече от:"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2024
+msgid "All projects (together)"
+msgstr "Всички проекти (заедно)"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:370
-msgid "of disk space"
-msgstr "дисково пространство"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2025
+msgid "Show one chart with all projects"
+msgstr "Покажи една диаграма с всички проекти"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:387
-msgid "of the processor"
-msgstr "от процесора"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2031
+msgid "All projects (sum)"
+msgstr "Всички проекти (сума)"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:391
-msgid "Do work while on battery?"
-msgstr "Да извършва ли работа докато е на батерии?"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2032
+msgid "Show one chart with sum of projects"
+msgstr "Покажи една диаграма със сумата от проектите"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:404
-msgid "Do work after idle for:"
-msgstr "Извършвай работа след като си бил неактивен за:"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2053
+msgid "Statistics"
+msgstr "Статистики"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:429
-msgid "Clear all local preferences listed above and close the dialog"
-msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2077
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2098
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2119
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2141
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2162
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2183
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2204
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2225
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2246
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2270
+msgid "Updating charts..."
+msgstr "Обновяване на диаграмите..."
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:602 sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:605
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:681 sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:685
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:697 sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:701
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:844 sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:855
-msgid "Anytime"
-msgstr "По всяко време"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2394
+msgid "Show project list"
+msgstr "Покажи списъка с проекти"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:638
-msgid "100 MB"
-msgstr "100 MB"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2394
+msgid "Uses smaller area for graphs"
+msgstr "Използва по-малка област за графики"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:639
-msgid "200 MB"
-msgstr "200 MB"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:169
+msgid "Retry Now"
+msgstr "Опитай отново сега"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:640
-msgid "500 MB"
-msgstr "500 MB"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:170
+msgid "Retry the file transfer now"
+msgstr "Опитай отново файлов трансфер сега"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:641
-msgid "1 GB"
-msgstr "1 GB"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:176
+msgid "Abort Transfer"
+msgstr "Прекрати Трансфер"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:642
-msgid "2 GB"
-msgstr "2 GB"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:177
+msgid "Abort this file transfer.  You won't get credit for the task."
+msgstr ""
+"Прекрати този файлов трансфер.  Вие няма да получите кредит за задачата."
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:643
-msgid "5 GB"
-msgstr "5 GB"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:188
+msgid "File"
+msgstr "Файл"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:644
-msgid "10 GB"
-msgstr "10 GB"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:189
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:238
+msgid "Progress"
+msgstr "Прогрес"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:645
-msgid "20 GB"
-msgstr "20 GB"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:190
+msgid "Size"
+msgstr "Размер"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:646
-msgid "50 GB"
-msgstr "50 GB"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:191
+msgid "Elapsed Time"
+msgstr "Изминало време"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:647
-msgid "100 GB"
-msgstr "100 GB"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:192
+msgid "Speed"
+msgstr "Скорост"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:717
-#, c-format
-msgid "%d MB"
-msgstr "%d MB"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:218
+msgid "Transfers"
+msgstr "Трансфери"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:719
-#, c-format
-msgid "%4.2f GB"
-msgstr "%4.2f GB"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:285
+msgid "Network activity is suspended - "
+msgstr "Мрежовата активност е временно прекратена - "
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:760
-#, c-format
-msgid "%d%%"
-msgstr "%d%%"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:287
+msgid ""
+"You can enable it using the Activity menu."
+msgstr ""
+"Можете да я активирате с помощта на менюто Дейности."
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:796
-msgid "0 (Run Always)"
-msgstr "0 (Работи Винаги)"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:290
+msgid "BOINC"
+msgstr "BOINC"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:799
-#, c-format
-msgid "%d"
-msgstr "%d"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:297
+msgid "Retrying transfer now..."
+msgstr "Повторен опит за трансфер сега..."
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:1029
-msgid "Do you really want to clear all local preferences?\n"
-msgstr "Наистина ли искате да изчистите всички локални предпочитания?\n"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:335
+msgid "Aborting transfer..."
+msgstr "Прекъсване на трансфера..."
-#: sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:72
-msgid "Add Project"
-msgstr "Добави Проект"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:348
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Are you sure you want to abort this file transfer '%s'?\n"
+"NOTE: Aborting a transfer will invalidate a task and you\n"
+"will not receive credit for it."
+msgstr ""
+"Сигурни ли сте, че искате да прекратите прехвърлянето на този файл '%s'?\n"
+"ВНИМАНИЕ: Прекратяването на трансфера ще направи\n"
+"невалидна задачата и Вие няма да получите кредит за нея."
-#: sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:73
-msgid "Synchronize"
-msgstr "Синхронизирай"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:354
+msgid "Abort File Transfer"
+msgstr "Прекъсни Трансфер на Файла"
-#: sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:74
-msgid "Work done for this project"
-msgstr "Работа приключена за този проект"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:785
+msgid "Upload"
+msgstr "Качване"
-#: sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:77
-msgid "Synchronize projects with account manager system"
-msgstr "Синхронизирайте проекти със системата на акаунт мениджър"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:785
+msgid "Download"
+msgstr "Сваляне"
-#: sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:124
-msgid "Select a project to access with the controls below"
-msgstr "Изберете проект до който да имате достъп със контролерите по-долу"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:789
+msgid "retry in "
+msgstr "нов опит след "
-# 88%
-#: sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:145
-msgid "Project Web Pages"
-msgstr "Интернет Страници на Проекта"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:791
+msgid "failed"
+msgstr "неуспешен"
-#: sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:149
-msgid "Project Commands"
-msgstr "Команди на Проекта"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:794
+msgid "suspended"
+msgstr "временно прекъснат"
-#: sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:267
-#, c-format
-msgid "Pop up a menu of web sites for project %s"
-msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:799
+msgid "active"
+msgstr "активен"
-#: sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:269
-#, c-format
-msgid "Pop up a menu of commands to apply to project %s"
-msgstr "Появява се меню с команди, които да прилагате за проект %s"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:801
+msgid "pending"
+msgstr "в очакване"
-#: sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:67
-msgid "Suspend this task."
-msgstr "Временно прекрати тази задача."
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:808
+msgid " (project backoff: "
+msgstr " (отстъп на проекта: "
-#: sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:73
-msgid "Abandon this task. You will get no credit for it."
-msgstr "Изоставя тази задача. Вие няма да получите кредит за нея."
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:192
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:782
+msgid "Show active tasks"
+msgstr "Покажи активните задачи"
-#: sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:251
-#, c-format
-#, c-format, c-format
-msgid ""
-"Are you sure you want to abort this task '%s'?\n"
-"(Progress: %.1lf%%, Status: %s)"
-msgstr ""
-"Сугурни ли сте, че искате да прекратите тази задача '%s'?\n"
-"(Прогрес: %.1lf%%, Статус: %s)"
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:193
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:783
+msgid "Show only active tasks."
+msgstr "Покажи само активните задачи."
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:464
-msgid "You don't have any projects.  Please Add a Project."
-msgstr "Нямате добавени проекти.  Моля Добавете Проект."
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:206
+msgid "Show VM Console"
+msgstr "Покажи VM Конзола"
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:465
-msgid "Not available"
-msgstr "Няма на разположение"
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:207
+msgid "Show VM Console in a window."
+msgstr "Показва VM Конзола в прозорец."
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:476
-msgid "Tasks:"
-msgstr "Задачи:"
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:214
+msgid "Suspend work for this result."
+msgstr "Временно прекрати работа по този резултат."
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:482
-msgid "Select a task to access"
-msgstr "Изберете задача, до която да получите достъп"
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:221
+msgid "Abandon work on the result. You will get no credit for it."
+msgstr "Отказвате се от работа по резултата. Няма да получите кредит за него."
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:493
-msgid "From:"
-msgstr "От:"
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:240
+msgid "Elapsed"
+msgstr "Изминало"
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:547
-msgid "This task's progress"
-msgstr "Прогреса на тази задача"
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:241
+msgid "Remaining (estimated)"
+msgstr "Оставащо (предполагаема стойност)"
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:565
-msgid "Task Commands"
-msgstr "Команди за Задача"
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:242
+msgid "Deadline"
+msgstr "Краен срок"
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:566
-msgid "Pop up a menu of commands to apply to this task"
-msgstr "Появява се меню с команди, които да прилагате върху тази задача"
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:269
+msgid "Tasks"
+msgstr "Задачи"
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:701
-#, c-format
-#, c-format, c-format
-msgid "Application: %s"
-msgstr "Приложение: %s"
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:362
+msgid "Resuming task..."
+msgstr "Подновяване на задача..."
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:724
-#, c-format
-msgid "%.3f%%"
-msgstr "%.3f%%"
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:365
+msgid "Suspending task..."
+msgstr "Временно прекратяване на задача..."
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:732
-msgid "Application: Not available"
-msgstr "Приложение: Няма на разположение"
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:394
+msgid "Showing graphics for task..."
+msgstr "Показване на графики за задача..."
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:832
-msgid "Not Available"
-msgstr "Няма на Разположение"
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:431
+msgid "Showing VM console for task..."
+msgstr "Показване на VM конзола за задача..."
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:847
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:484
 #, c-format
-msgid "Elapsed: %s"
-msgstr "Изминало време: %s"
+msgid ""
+"Are you sure you want to abort this task '%s'?\n"
+"(Progress: %s, Status: %s)"
+msgstr ""
+"Сигурни ли сте, че искате да прекъснете тази задача '%s'?\n"
+"(Прогрес: %s, Статус: %s)"
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:861
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:490
 #, c-format
-msgid "Remaining (estimated): %s"
-msgstr "Оставащо време (пресметнато): %s"
+msgid "Are you sure you want to abort these %d tasks?"
+msgstr "Сигурни ли сте, че искате да прекъснете тези %d задачи?"
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:876
-#, c-format
-msgid "Status: %s"
-msgstr "Статус: %s"
+# 75%
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:504
+msgid "Aborting task..."
+msgstr "Прекратяване на задача..."
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1223
-msgid "Retrieving current status."
-msgstr "Изтегляне на текущия статус."
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:776
+msgid "Show all tasks"
+msgstr "Покажи всички задачи"
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1229
-msgid "Downloading work from the server."
-msgstr "Изтегляне на работа от сървъра."
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:777
+msgid "Show all tasks."
+msgstr "Покажи всички задачи."
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1234
-msgid "Processing Suspended:  Running On Batteries."
-msgstr "Процесите са Временно Прекратени:  Работи се На Батерии."
+#: clientgui/WelcomePage.cpp:284
+msgid "Add project or account manager"
+msgstr "Добавете проект или акаунт мениджър"
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1236
-msgid "Processing Suspended:  User Active."
-msgstr "Процесите са Временно Прекратени:  Потребителя е Активен."
+#: clientgui/WelcomePage.cpp:288
+msgid "Add project or use BOINC Account Manager"
+msgstr "Добавете проект или използвайте BOINC Акаунт Мениджър"
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1238
-msgid "Processing Suspended:  User paused processing."
+#: clientgui/WelcomePage.cpp:297
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"If possible, add projects at the\n"
+"%s web site.\n"
+"Projects added via this wizard will not be\n"
+"listed on or managed via %s."
 msgstr ""
-"Процесите са Временно Прекратени:  Потребителят спря на пауза процесите."
+"По възможност, добавайте проекти с помощта на\n"
+"%s интернет страницата.\n"
+"Проекти добавени чрез този съветник няма да бъдат\n"
+"показани или управлявани чрез %s."
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1240
-msgid "Processing Suspended:  Time of Day."
-msgstr "Процесите са Временно Прекратени:  Ограничителни Часове."
+#: clientgui/WelcomePage.cpp:313
+msgid ""
+"There are over 30 BOINC-based projects\n"
+"doing research in many areas of science,\n"
+"and you can volunteer for as many of them as you like.\n"
+"You can add a project directly,\n"
+"or use an 'Account Manager' web site to select projects."
+msgstr ""
+"Има над 30 BOINC-базирани проекти извършващи\n"
+"проучвания в много области на науката и Вие можете\n"
+"да се включите доброволно в толкова от тях колкото пожелаете.\n"
+"Можете да добавите проект директно,\n"
+"или да използвате Интернет страница на 'Акаунт Мениджър' за да изберете "
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1242
-msgid "Processing Suspended:  Benchmarks Running."
+#: clientgui/WelcomePage.cpp:325
+msgid ""
+"You have chosen to add a new volunteer computing project or change which projects\n"
+"you contribute to.\n"
+"Some of these projects are run and managed by World Community Grid, while others\n"
+"are run and managed by other researchers or organizations. The BOINC software\n"
+"can divide your spare processing power among any combination of projects.\n"
+"Alternatively, if you have registered with a BOINC Account Manager, you can use\n"
+"this to choose which projects to support.\n"
+"Please choose which type of change you would like to make:\n"
 msgstr ""
-"Процесите са Временно Прекратени:  Изчисляват се Референтните Показатели."
+"Вие сте избрали да добавите нов доброволен изчислителен проект или да "
+"към кои проекти допринасяте.\n"
+"Някои от тези проекти са стартирани и управлявани от World Community Grid, "
+"докато други\n"
+"са стартирани и управлявани от други изследователи или организации. "
+"Софтуерът BOINC\n"
+"може да разпредели вашата свободна изчислителна мощ за всякаква комбинация "
+"от проекти.\n"
+"Като алтернатива, ако сте се регистрирали с BOINC Акаунт Мениджър, можете да "
+"него за да изберете кои проекти да подкрепите.\n"
+"Моля изберете кой тип промяна искате да направите:\n"
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1244
-msgid "Processing Suspended."
-msgstr "Процесите са Временно Прекратени."
+#: clientgui/WelcomePage.cpp:339
+msgid "Use a BOINC Account Manager"
+msgstr "Използвай BOINC Акаунт Мениджър"
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1248
-msgid "Waiting to contact project servers."
-msgstr "Изчаква за свързване със сървърите на проекта."
+#: clientgui/WelcomePage.cpp:358
+msgid "Add or change your World Community Grid projects"
+msgstr "Добавяйте или променяйте вашите World Community Grid проекти"
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1252 sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1261
-msgid "Retrieving current status"
-msgstr "Извличане на текущ статус"
+#: clientgui/WelcomePage.cpp:361
+msgid "Add projects run by other researchers or organizations"
+msgstr "Добави проекти управлявани от други изследователи или организации"
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1256
-msgid "No work available to process"
-msgstr "Няма налична работа за обработване"
+#: clientgui/WizardAttach.cpp:673
+msgid "Do you really want to cancel?"
+msgstr "Сигурни ли сте че искате да се откажете?"
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1258
-msgid "Unable to connect to the core client"
-msgstr "Не може да се свърже с централния клиент"
+#: clientgui/WizardAttach.cpp:674
+msgid "Question"
+msgstr "Въпрос"
-#: wizardex.cpp:377 wizardex.cpp:553
+#: clientgui/wizardex.cpp:377
+#: clientgui/wizardex.cpp:553
 msgid "&Next >"
 msgstr "На&пред >"
-#: wizardex.cpp:383
+#: clientgui/wizardex.cpp:383
 msgid "< &Back"
 msgstr "< На&зад"
-#: wizardex.cpp:553
+#: clientgui/wizardex.cpp:553
 msgid "&Finish"
 msgstr "&Приключи"
-#: mac/Mac_GUI.cpp:110
-msgid "Preferences…"
-msgstr "Предпочитания…"
+#: clientgui/common/wxPieCtrl.cpp:64
+msgid "Pie Ctrl"
+msgstr "Контрол на Диаграмата"
-#: mac/Mac_GUI.cpp:122
+#: clientgui/mac/Mac_GUI.cpp:35
 msgid "Services"
 msgstr "Услуги"
-#: mac/Mac_GUI.cpp:144
+#: clientgui/mac/Mac_GUI.cpp:36
 #, c-format
 msgid "Hide %s"
 msgstr "Скрий %s"
-#: mac/Mac_GUI.cpp:158
+#: clientgui/mac/Mac_GUI.cpp:37
 msgid "Hide Others"
 msgstr "Скрий Други"
-#: mac/Mac_GUI.cpp:172
+#: clientgui/mac/Mac_GUI.cpp:38
 msgid "Show All"
 msgstr "Покажи Всички"
-#: mac/Mac_GUI.cpp:186
+#: clientgui/mac/Mac_GUI.cpp:39
 #, c-format
 msgid "Quit %s"
 msgstr "Напусни %s"
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.h:30
+msgid "specify work start and stop hours in format HH:MM-HH:MM"
+msgstr "посочете часове за започване и спиране на работа във формат ЧЧ:ММ-ЧЧ:ММ"
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.h:31
+msgid "specify network usage start and stop hours in format HH:MM-HH:MM"
+msgstr ""
+"посочете часове за започване и спиране на използване на мрежата във формат "
+# 98%
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "(C) 2003-2013 University of California, Berkeley.\n"
+#~ "All Rights Reserved."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "(C) 2003-2013 Калифорнийски Университет, Бъркли.\n"
+#~ "Всички Права Запазени."
+#, c-format
+#~ msgid "%s - Preferences"
+#~ msgstr "%s - Предпочитания"
+#, no-c-format
+#~ msgid "% CPU time"
+#~ msgstr "% CPU време"
+#~ msgid "KBytes/sec."
+#~ msgstr "Кбайта/сек."
+#~ msgid "Mbytes"
+#~ msgstr "Мбайта"
+#~ msgid "every"
+#~ msgstr "всеки"
+#~ msgid "days"
+#~ msgstr "дни"
+#~ msgid "Gigabytes disk space"
+#~ msgstr "Гигабайти дисково пространство"
+#~ msgid "Running, high priority"
+#~ msgstr "Работи, висок приоритет"
+#~ msgid " (Scheduler wait: "
+#~ msgstr " (Изчакване от Планировчика: "
+#~ msgid " (Scheduler wait)"
+#~ msgstr " (Изчакване от Планировчика)"
+#~ msgid " (Waiting for network access)"
+#~ msgstr " (Изчакване за достъп до мрежата)"
+#~ msgid "Preferences…"
+#~ msgstr "Предпочитания…"
 #~ msgid "I do not agree with the terms of use."
 #~ msgstr "Не съм съгласен с условията на ползване."
@@ -4279,17 +4496,6 @@ msgstr "Напусни %s"
 #~ msgid "OnDropTarget: index by HitTest = %i"
 #~ msgstr "OnDropTarget: index by HitTest = %i"
-#~ msgid "Pie Ctrl"
-#~ msgstr "Контрол на Диаграмата"
-#~ msgid "specify work start and stop hours in format HH:MM-HH:MM"
-#~ msgstr "посочете часове за започване и спиране на работа във формат ЧЧ:ММ-ЧЧ:ММ"
-#~ msgid "specify network usage start and stop hours in format HH:MM-HH:MM"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "посочете часове за започване и спиране на използване на мрежата във формат "
-#~ "ЧЧ:ММ-ЧЧ:ММ"
 #~ msgid "Identify your account "
 #~ msgstr "Идентифицирайте Вашия акаунт "
diff --git a/locale/ca/BOINC-Manager.po b/locale/ca/BOINC-Manager.po
index 421feed..3bf9196 100644
--- a/locale/ca/BOINC-Manager.po
+++ b/locale/ca/BOINC-Manager.po
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ msgid ""
 msgstr ""
 "Project-Id-Version: BOINC Manager 6.x\n"
 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-02-02 00:00-0800\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-12-15 14:15-0500\n"
 "PO-Revision-Date: 2014-02-03 21:27+0000\n"
 "Last-Translator: Xavier <xavi.mormur at gmail.com>\n"
 "Language-Team: BOINC Development Team <boinc_loc at ssl.berkeley.edu>\n"
@@ -16,22 +16,22 @@ msgstr ""
 "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
 "Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
 "X-Generator: Pootle 2.5.0\n"
-"X-BOINC-UTF8-Marker: 简体中文, 日本語\n"
-"X-Poedit-SearchPath-1: clientgui/msw\n"
-"X-Poedit-SearchPath-2: clientgui/gtk\n"
-"X-Poedit-SearchPath-3: clientgui/mac\n"
+"X-Poedit-Basepath: C:\\Src\\BOINCGIT\\boinc_7.4\n"
 "X-Poedit-SearchPath-0: clientgui\n"
 "X-Poedit-SourceCharset: utf-8\n"
-"X-Poedit-Basepath: C:\\Src\\BOINCGIT\\boinc\n"
 "X-POOTLE-MTIME: 1391462848.0\n"
+"X-Poedit-SearchPath-1: clientgui/msw\n"
+"X-Poedit-SearchPath-2: clientgui/gtk\n"
+"X-Poedit-SearchPath-3: clientgui/mac\n"
+"X-BOINC-UTF8-Marker: 简体中文, 日本語\n"
 # 81%
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:387
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:387
 #, c-format
 msgid "Identify your account at %s"
 msgstr "Identifiqui el seu compte a %s"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:393
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:393
 msgid ""
 "Please enter your account information\n"
 "(to create an account, visit the project's web site)"
@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ msgstr ""
 "Si us plau, entri la informació del seu compte\n"
 "(per crear un compte, visiti la pàgina web del projecte)"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:397
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:397
 msgid ""
 "This project is not currently accepting new accounts.\n"
 "You can add it only if you already have an account."
@@ -47,19 +47,19 @@ msgstr ""
 "Aquest projecte en aquest moments no accepta nous comptes.\n"
 "El pot afegir només si ja disposa d'un compte."
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:401
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:401
 msgid "Are you already running this project?"
 msgstr "Està executant ja aquest projecte?"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:405
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:405
 msgid "&No, new user"
 msgstr "&No, usuari nou"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:408
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:408
 msgid "&Yes, existing user"
 msgstr "&Si, usuari ja existent"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:413
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:413
 msgid ""
 "We were not able to set up your account information\n"
@@ -75,45 +75,51 @@ msgstr ""
 "per saber el que ha de posar en els camps adreça de correu i\n"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:416
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:416
 msgid "Find login information"
 msgstr "Obtenir informació d'inici de sessió"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:436 AccountInfoPage.cpp:641
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:436
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:649
 msgid "&Password:"
 msgstr "&Contrasenya:"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:443 AccountInfoPage.cpp:665
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:443
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:673
 msgid "Choose a &password:"
 msgstr "Escolleixi una &contrasenya:"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:446
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:446
 msgid "C&onfirm password:"
 msgstr "C&onfirmi la contrasenya:"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:453
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:453
 #, c-format
 msgid "Are you already running %s?"
 msgstr "Ja està executant %s?"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:482
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:482
 msgid "&Username:"
 msgstr "Nom de l'&usuari:"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:508
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:511
+msgid "&Email address or LDAP ID:"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:515
 msgid "&Email address:"
 msgstr "&Adreça de correu:"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:515
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:523
 #, c-format
 msgid "minimum length %d"
 msgstr "longitud mínima %d"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:522
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:530
 msgid "Forgot your password?"
 msgstr "Ha oblidat la contrasenya?"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:529
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:537
 msgid ""
 "If you have not yet registered with this account manager,\n"
 "please do so before proceeding.  Click on the link below\n"
@@ -123,46 +129,45 @@ msgstr ""
 "si us plau faci-ho abans de continuar.  Premi el següent accés per\n"
 "registrar-se o recuperar la contrasenya que ha oblidat."
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:532
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:540
 msgid "Account manager web site"
 msgstr "Pàgina web de l'administrador de comptes"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:574 WelcomePage.cpp:348
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:582
 msgid "Add project"
 msgstr "Afegir un projecte"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:576
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:584
 msgid "Update account manager"
 msgstr "Actualitzar el administrador de comptes"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:578 WelcomePage.cpp:307 WelcomePage.cpp:321
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:586
 msgid "Use account manager"
 msgstr "Utilitzar l'administrador de comptes"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:585
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:593
 msgid "Please enter a user name."
 msgstr "Si us plau introdueix un nom."
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:587
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:595
 msgid "Please enter an email address."
 msgstr "Si us plau entra un compte de correu."
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:597
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:605
 #, c-format
 msgid "Please enter a password of at least %d characters."
 msgstr "Si us plau introdueix una contrasenya d'almenys %d caràcters."
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:607
-msgid ""
-"The password and confirmation password do not match. Please type them again."
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:615
+msgid "The password and confirmation password do not match. Please type them again."
 msgstr ""
 "La contrasenya i la confirmació no son iguals. Si us plau entri-les de nou."
-#: AccountManagerInfoPage.cpp:272
+#: clientgui/AccountManagerInfoPage.cpp:272
 msgid "Choose an account manager"
 msgstr "Esculli un administrador de comptes"
-#: AccountManagerInfoPage.cpp:275
+#: clientgui/AccountManagerInfoPage.cpp:275
 msgid ""
 "To choose an account manager, click its name or \n"
 "type its URL below."
@@ -170,382 +175,399 @@ msgstr ""
 "Per escollir un administrador de comptes, premi el seu nom o \n"
 "introdueixi la seva URL a continuació."
-#: AccountManagerInfoPage.cpp:279
+#: clientgui/AccountManagerInfoPage.cpp:279
 msgid "Account manager details:"
 msgstr "Informació de l'administrador de comptes"
-#: AccountManagerInfoPage.cpp:283
+#: clientgui/AccountManagerInfoPage.cpp:283
 msgid "Account manager &URL:"
 msgstr "&URL del Administrador de Comptes:"
-#: AccountManagerInfoPage.cpp:287
+#: clientgui/AccountManagerInfoPage.cpp:287
 msgid "Open web page"
 msgstr "Pàgina web oberta"
-#: AccountManagerInfoPage.cpp:290
+#: clientgui/AccountManagerInfoPage.cpp:290
 msgid "Visit this account manager's web site"
 msgstr "Visita la pàgina web d'aquest administrador de comptes"
-#: AccountManagerProcessingPage.cpp:187 AccountManagerPropertiesPage.cpp:193
+#: clientgui/AccountManagerProcessingPage.cpp:186
+#: clientgui/AccountManagerPropertiesPage.cpp:192
 #, c-format
 msgid "Communicating with %s."
 msgstr "Establint comunicació amb %s."
-#: AccountManagerProcessingPage.cpp:194 AccountManagerPropertiesPage.cpp:200
+#: clientgui/AccountManagerProcessingPage.cpp:193
+#: clientgui/AccountManagerPropertiesPage.cpp:199
 msgid "Communicating with server."
 msgstr "Establint comunicació amb el servidor."
-#: AccountManagerProcessingPage.cpp:199 AccountManagerPropertiesPage.cpp:205
+#: clientgui/AccountManagerProcessingPage.cpp:198
+#: clientgui/AccountManagerPropertiesPage.cpp:204
 msgid "Please wait..."
 msgstr "Si us plau, esperi..."
-#: AccountManagerProcessingPage.cpp:326
+#: clientgui/AccountManagerProcessingPage.cpp:325
 msgid "An internal server error has occurred.\n"
 msgstr "Ha ocorregut un error intern del servidor.\n"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:95
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:96
 msgid "Connected"
 msgstr "Connectat"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:103
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:104
 msgid "Disconnected"
 msgstr "Desconnectat"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:322 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:119
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:318
 #, c-format
 msgid "Close the %s window"
 msgstr "Tancar la finestra %s"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:325 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:122
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:321
 msgid "&Close Window"
 msgstr "Tan&car la Finestra"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:336 AdvancedFrame.cpp:343 AdvancedFrame.cpp:350
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:332
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:339
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:346
 #, c-format
 msgid "Exit %s"
 msgstr "Tancar %s"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:371
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:359
+msgid "Preferences..."
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:368
 msgid "&Notices\tCtrl+Shift+N"
 msgstr "&Notícies\tCtrl+Shift+N"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:372
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:369
 msgid "Display notices"
 msgstr "Mostra anuncis"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:377
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:374
 msgid "&Projects\tCtrl+Shift+P"
 msgstr "&Projectes\tCtrl+Shift+P"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:378
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:375
 msgid "Display projects"
 msgstr "Mostrar els projectes"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:383
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:380
 msgid "&Tasks\tCtrl+Shift+T"
 msgstr "&Tasques\tCtrl+Shift+T"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:384
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:381
 msgid "Display tasks"
 msgstr "Mostrar les tasques"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:389
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:386
 msgid "Trans&fers\tCtrl+Shift+X"
 msgstr "&Lliuraments\tCtrl+Shift+X"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:390
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:387
 msgid "Display transfers"
 msgstr "Mostrar els lliuraments"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:395
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:392
 msgid "&Statistics\tCtrl+Shift+S"
 msgstr "&Estadístiques\tCtrl+Shift+S"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:396
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:393
 msgid "Display statistics"
 msgstr "Mostrar les estadístiques"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:401
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:398
 msgid "&Disk usage\tCtrl+Shift+D"
 msgstr "Utilització de &Disc\t Ctrl+Shift+D"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:402
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:399
 msgid "Display disk usage"
 msgstr "Mostrar la utilització de disc"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:409
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:406
 msgid "Simple &View...\tCtrl+Shift+V"
 msgstr "&Vista Senzilla...\t Ctrl+Shift+V"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:410
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:407
 msgid "Display the simple graphical interface."
 msgstr "Mostrar la interfície gràfica senzilla."
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:424
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:421
 msgid "&Add project or account manager..."
 msgstr "&Afegir un projecte o un administrador de comptes..."
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:425 sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:76
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:422
 msgid "Volunteer for any or all of 30+ projects in many areas of science"
 msgstr ""
 "Voluntariat per a tots o algun dels més de 30 projectes en moltes àrees de "
 "la ciència"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:429
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:426
 #, c-format
 msgid "&Synchronize with %s"
 msgstr "&Sincronitzar amb %s"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:433
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:430
 #, c-format
 msgid "Get current settings from %s"
 msgstr "Obtenir la configuració actual des de %s"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:443
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:440
 msgid "&Add project..."
 msgstr "&Afegir el projecte..."
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:444
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:441
 msgid "Add a project"
 msgstr "Afegir un projecte"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:447
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:444
 #, c-format
 msgid "S&top using %s..."
 msgstr "A&turar la utilització de %s..."
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:453
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:450
 msgid "Remove this computer from account manager control."
 msgstr "Eliminar aquest ordinador del administrador de comptes."
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:458 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:178
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:455
 msgid "&Options..."
 msgstr "&Opcions..."
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:459 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:179
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:456
 msgid "Configure display options and proxy settings"
 msgstr "Configureu les opcions de visualització i la configuració de proxy"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:463 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:172
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:460
 msgid "Computing &preferences..."
 msgstr "&Preferències de computació..."
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:464 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:173
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:461
 msgid "Configure computing preferences"
 msgstr "Configurar les preferències de computació"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:472
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:469
 msgid "&Run always"
 msgstr "Executar &sempre"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:473
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:470
 msgid "Allow work regardless of preferences"
 msgstr "Permetre treballs tot i les preferències"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:477
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:474
 msgid "Run based on &preferences"
 msgstr "Executar segons les &preferències"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:478
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:475
 msgid "Allow work according to preferences"
 msgstr "Permetre treballs d'acord a les preferències"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:482
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:479
 msgid "&Suspend"
 msgstr "&Suspendre"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:483
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:480
 msgid "Stop work regardless of preferences"
 msgstr "Aturar les tasques tot i les preferències"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:508
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:505
 msgid "Use GPU always"
 msgstr "Utilitzeu sempre la GPU"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:509
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:506
 msgid "Allow GPU work regardless of preferences"
 msgstr "Permetre treballar la GPU tot i les preferències"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:513
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:510
 msgid "Use GPU based on preferences"
 msgstr "Utilitzar la GPU basant-se en les preferències"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:514
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:511
 msgid "Allow GPU work according to preferences"
 msgstr "Permetre treballar la GPU d'acord a les preferències"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:518
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:515
 msgid "Suspend GPU"
 msgstr "Suspendre la GPU"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:519
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:516
 msgid "Stop GPU work regardless of preferences"
 msgstr "Aturar les tasques de la GPU tot i les preferències"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:543
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:540
 msgid "Network activity always available"
 msgstr "Accés a la xarxa sempre disponible"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:544
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:541
 msgid "Allow network activity regardless of preferences"
 msgstr "Permetre l'accés al xarxa tot i les preferències"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:548
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:545
 msgid "Network activity based on preferences"
 msgstr "Accés a la xarxa basat en les preferències"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:549
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:546
 msgid "Allow network activity according to preferences"
 msgstr "Permetre l'accés a la xarxa d'acord a les preferències"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:553
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:550
 msgid "Network activity suspended"
 msgstr "Suspès l'accés a la xarxa"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:554
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:551
 msgid "Stop BOINC network activity"
 msgstr "Aturar l'accés de BOINC a la xarxa"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:564
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:561
 #, c-format
 msgid "Connect to another computer running %s"
 msgstr "Connectar a un altre ordinador executant %s"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:569
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:566
 msgid "Select computer..."
 msgstr "Seleccioni un ordinador..."
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:574
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:571
 msgid "Shut down connected client..."
 msgstr "Aturar el client connectat..."
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:575
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:572
 msgid "Shut down the currently connected client"
 msgstr "Aturar el client actualment connectat"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:579
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:576
 msgid "Run CPU &benchmarks"
 msgstr "Executar les proves de la CPU"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:580
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:577
 msgid "Runs BOINC CPU benchmarks"
 msgstr "Executa les proves de la CPU de BOINC"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:584
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:581
 msgid "Do network communication"
 msgstr "Establir comunicació per xarxa"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:585
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:582
 msgid "Do all pending network communication"
 msgstr "Executar les comunicacions pendents per xarxa"
 # 94%
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:589
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:586
 msgid "Read config files"
 msgstr "Llegiu els fitxers de configuració"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:590
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:587
 msgid "Read configuration info from cc_config.xml and any app_config.xml files"
 msgstr ""
 "Llegiu la informació de configuració a cc_config.xml i qualsevol arxiu "
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:594
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:591
 msgid "Read local prefs file"
 msgstr "Llegir el fitxer de preferències locals"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:595
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:592
 msgid "Read preferences from global_prefs_override.xml."
 msgstr "Llegir les preferències des de global_prefs_override.xml."
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:600
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:597
 #, c-format
 msgid "Launch another instance of %s..."
 msgstr "Inicieu una altra instància de %s..."
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:604
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:601
 #, c-format
 msgid "Launch another %s"
 msgstr "Iniciar un altre %s"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:614
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:611
 msgid "Event Log...\tCtrl+Shift+E"
 msgstr "Registre d'Esdeveniments...\t Ctrl+Shift+E"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:615
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:612
 msgid "Display diagnostic messages."
 msgstr "Mostrar els missatges de diagnòstic."
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:625 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:188
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:616
+msgid "Event Log Diagnostic Flags...\tCtrl+Shift+F"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:617
+msgid "Enable or disable various diagnostic messages"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:626
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s &help"
 msgstr "&ajuda de %s"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:631 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:194
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:632
 #, c-format
 msgid "Show information about %s"
 msgstr "Mostrar la informació de %s"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:643
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:644
 #, c-format
 msgid "&%s help"
 msgstr "ajuda de &%s"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:649 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:212
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:650
 #, c-format
 msgid "Show information about the %s"
 msgstr "Mostrar la informació de %s"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:661 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:224
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:662
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s &web site"
 msgstr "pàgina &web de %s"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:667 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:230
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:668
 #, c-format
 msgid "Show information about BOINC and %s"
 msgstr "Mostrar la informació de BOINC i %s"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:679 BOINCTaskBar.cpp:530 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:242
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:680
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:544
 #, c-format
 msgid "&About %s..."
 msgstr "&A propòsit de %s..."
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:685 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:248
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:686
 msgid "Licensing and copyright information."
 msgstr "Informació de la llicència i copyright."
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:692 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:255
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:693
 msgid "&File"
 msgstr "&Fitxer"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:696 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:259
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:697
 msgid "&View"
 msgstr "&Veure"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:700 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:263
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:701
 msgid "&Tools"
 msgstr "&Utilitats"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:704
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:705
 msgid "&Activity"
 msgstr "&Activitat"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:708
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:709
 msgid "A&dvanced"
 msgstr "&Avançat"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:712 DlgEventLog.cpp:332 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:267
-#: wizardex.cpp:374 wizardex.cpp:381
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:713
 msgid "&Help"
 msgstr "&Ajuda"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:1199
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1185
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - Stop using %s"
 msgstr "%s - Deixi d'utilitzar %s"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:1204
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1190
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "If you stop using %s,\n"
@@ -560,12 +582,12 @@ msgstr ""
 "Desitja finalitzar la utilització de %s?"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:1401
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1397
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - Shut down the current client..."
 msgstr "%s - Aturar el client actual..."
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:1410
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1406
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "%s will shut down the current client\n"
@@ -574,36 +596,36 @@ msgstr ""
 "%s aturarà el client connectat actiu\n"
 "i demanarà per connectar-vos a un altre servidor."
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:1745 DlgAbout.cpp:119
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1806
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s"
 msgstr "%s"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:1754
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1815
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s has successfully added %s"
 msgstr "%s ha adjuntat satisfactòriament %s"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:1893
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1953
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - (%s)"
 msgstr "%s - (%s)"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:1897
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1957
 #, c-format
 msgid "Connecting to %s"
 msgstr "Connectant a %s"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:1900
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1960
 #, c-format
 msgid "Connected to %s (%s)"
 msgstr "Connectat a %s (%s)"
-#: AlreadyExistsPage.cpp:184
+#: clientgui/AlreadyExistsPage.cpp:184
 msgid "Username already in use"
 msgstr "Aquest nom d'usuari ja està en ús"
-#: AlreadyExistsPage.cpp:187
+#: clientgui/AlreadyExistsPage.cpp:187
 msgid ""
 "An account with that username already exists and has a\n"
 "different password than the one you entered.\n"
@@ -615,11 +637,11 @@ msgstr ""
 "Si us plau, visiti la pàgina web del projecte i segueixi les instruccions."
-#: AlreadyExistsPage.cpp:191
+#: clientgui/AlreadyExistsPage.cpp:191
 msgid "Email address already in use"
 msgstr "L'adreça de correu ja està en ús"
-#: AlreadyExistsPage.cpp:194
+#: clientgui/AlreadyExistsPage.cpp:194
 msgid ""
 "An account with that email address already exists and has a\n"
 "different password than the one you entered.\n"
@@ -631,45 +653,44 @@ msgstr ""
 "Si us plau, visiti la pàgina web del projecte i segueixi les instruccions."
-#: AsyncRPC.cpp:1031
+#: clientgui/AsyncRPC.cpp:1031
 msgid "Communicating with BOINC client.  Please wait ..."
 msgstr "Establint comunicació amb el client BOINC.  Esperi si us plau ..."
-#: AsyncRPC.cpp:1034
+#: clientgui/AsyncRPC.cpp:1034
 #, c-format
 msgid "&Quit %s"
 msgstr "&Sortir de %s"
-#: AsyncRPC.cpp:1036
+#: clientgui/AsyncRPC.cpp:1036
 #, c-format
 msgid "E&xit %s"
 msgstr "&Tancar %s"
-#: AsyncRPC.cpp:1040
+#: clientgui/AsyncRPC.cpp:1040
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - Communication"
 msgstr "%s - Comunicació"
-#: AsyncRPC.cpp:1056 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:107 sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:433
+#: clientgui/AsyncRPC.cpp:1056
 msgid "Cancel"
 msgstr "Cancel·lar"
-#: BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:505
+#: clientgui/BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:504
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - Connection Error"
 msgstr "%s - Error de connexió"
-#: BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:514
+#: clientgui/BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:513
 msgid ""
 "You currently are not authorized to manage the client.\n"
-"Please contact your administrator to add you to the 'boinc_users' local user "
+"Please contact your administrator to add you to the 'boinc_users' local user group."
 msgstr ""
 "Actualment no està autoritzat per administrar el client.\n"
 "Si us plau posi's en contacte amb l'administrador per afegir-lo al grup "
 "local 'boinc_users'."
-#: BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:523
+#: clientgui/BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:522
 msgid ""
 "Authorization failed connecting to running client.\n"
 "Make sure you start this program in the same directory as the client."
@@ -678,21 +699,21 @@ msgstr ""
 "Asseguri's d'iniciar aquest programa en el mateix directori que el client en "
-#: BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:525
+#: clientgui/BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:524
 msgid "Authorization failed connecting to running client."
 msgstr "L'autorització ha fallat connectant amb el client en execució."
-#: BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:533
+#: clientgui/BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:532
 msgid "The password you have provided is incorrect, please try again."
 msgstr ""
 "La contrasenya proporcionada és incorrecte, si us plau intenti-ho de nou."
-#: BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:577
+#: clientgui/BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:576
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - Connection Failed"
 msgstr "%s - Ha fallat la connexió"
-#: BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:586
+#: clientgui/BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:585
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "%s is not able to connect to a %s client.\n"
@@ -701,23 +722,22 @@ msgstr ""
 "%s no pot connectar amb el client %s.\n"
 "Desitja intentar connectar de nou?"
-#: BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:622
+#: clientgui/BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:621
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - Daemon Start Failed"
 msgstr "%s - Ha fallat l'inici del servei"
-#: BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:632
+#: clientgui/BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:631
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "%s is not able to start a %s client.\n"
-"Please launch the Control Panel->Administative Tools->Services applet and "
-"start the BOINC service."
+"Please launch the Control Panel->Administative Tools->Services applet and start the BOINC service."
 msgstr ""
 "%s no capaç d'iniciar el client %s.\n"
 "Si us plau inicii el Panell de Control->Eines Administratives->Serveis i "
 "inicieu el servei BOINC."
-#: BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:638
+#: clientgui/BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:637
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "%s is not able to start a %s client.\n"
@@ -726,17 +746,16 @@ msgstr ""
 "%s no capaç d'iniciar el client %s.\n"
 "Si us plau inicii el servei i provi-ho de nou."
-#: BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:689
+#: clientgui/BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:688
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - Connection Status"
 msgstr "%s - Estat de la connexió"
-#: BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:700
+#: clientgui/BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:699
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "%s is not currently connected to a %s client.\n"
-"Please use the 'Advanced\\Select Computer...' menu option to connect up to a "
-"%s client.\n"
+"Please use the 'Advanced\\Select Computer...' menu option to connect up to a %s client.\n"
 "To connect up to your local computer please use 'localhost' as the host name."
 msgstr ""
 "%s no està connectat a un client %s.\n"
@@ -745,16 +764,16 @@ msgstr ""
 "Per connectar amb el propi ordinador si us plau utilitzi 'localhost' com a "
 "nom d'ordinador."
-#: BOINCBaseView.cpp:779
+#: clientgui/BOINCBaseView.cpp:752
 msgid "Project web pages"
 msgstr "Pàgines web del projecte"
-#: BOINCClientManager.cpp:575
+#: clientgui/BOINCClientManager.cpp:573
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - Unexpected Exit"
 msgstr "%s - Sortida inesperada"
-#: BOINCClientManager.cpp:585
+#: clientgui/BOINCClientManager.cpp:583
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "The %s client has exited unexpectedly 3 times within the last %d minutes.\n"
@@ -764,12 +783,12 @@ msgstr ""
 "Desitja iniciar-lo un cop més?"
-#: BOINCDialupManager.cpp:61
+#: clientgui/BOINCDialupManager.cpp:61
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - Network Status"
 msgstr "%s - Estat de la xarxa"
-#: BOINCDialupManager.cpp:241
+#: clientgui/BOINCDialupManager.cpp:241
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "%s needs to connect to the Internet.\n"
@@ -778,22 +797,22 @@ msgstr ""
 "%s necessita connectar a Internet.\n"
 "Pot fer-ho ara?"
-#: BOINCDialupManager.cpp:254
+#: clientgui/BOINCDialupManager.cpp:254
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s is connecting to the Internet."
 msgstr "%s està connectant a Internet."
-#: BOINCDialupManager.cpp:303
+#: clientgui/BOINCDialupManager.cpp:303
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s has successfully connected to the Internet."
 msgstr "%s a connectat a Internet."
-#: BOINCDialupManager.cpp:331
+#: clientgui/BOINCDialupManager.cpp:331
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s failed to connect to the Internet."
 msgstr "%s no ha pogut connectar a Internet."
-#: BOINCDialupManager.cpp:372
+#: clientgui/BOINCDialupManager.cpp:372
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "%s has detected it is now connected to the Internet.\n"
@@ -802,17 +821,17 @@ msgstr ""
 "%s ha detectat que està connectat a Internet.\n"
 "Actualitzant tots els projectes i intentant de nou totes les transferències."
-#: BOINCDialupManager.cpp:417
+#: clientgui/BOINCDialupManager.cpp:417
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s has successfully disconnected from the Internet."
 msgstr "%s s'ha desconnectat d'Internet."
-#: BOINCDialupManager.cpp:433
+#: clientgui/BOINCDialupManager.cpp:433
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s failed to disconnected from the Internet."
 msgstr "%s no ha pogut desconnectar-se d'Internet."
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:339
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:595
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "You currently are not authorized to manage the client.\n"
@@ -833,7 +852,7 @@ msgstr ""
 "  - contacti amb el seu administrador per afegir-lo al grup\n"
 "     d'usuaris 'boinc_master'."
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:345
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:601
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "%s ownership or permissions are not set properly; please reinstall %s.\n"
@@ -843,16 +862,15 @@ msgstr ""
 "reinstal·li %s.\n"
 "(Codi d'error %d"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:351
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:607
 msgid " at "
 msgstr " a "
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:354 MainDocument.cpp:2484 MainDocument.cpp:2534
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2554 ViewTransfers.cpp:803
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:610
 msgid ")"
 msgstr ")"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:384
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:640
 msgid ""
 "A reboot is required in order for BOINC to run properly.\n"
 "Please reboot your computer and try again."
@@ -861,164 +879,166 @@ msgstr ""
 "Si us plau reiniciï l'ordinador i provi-ho de nou."
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:385 DlgAbout.cpp:153
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:641
 msgid "BOINC Manager"
 msgstr "Administrador BOINC"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:572
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:902
 msgid "BOINC Manager was started by the operating system automatically"
 msgstr "El sistema ha iniciat automàticament l'Administrador BOINC"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:574
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:904
 msgid "Startup BOINC so only the system tray icon is visible"
 msgstr ""
 "Iniciar BOINC de manera que només la icona de la barra de tasques sigui "
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:576
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:906
 msgid "Directory containing the BOINC Client executable"
 msgstr "Directori que conté l'executable del Client BOINC"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:577
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:907
 msgid "BOINC data directory"
 msgstr "Directori de les dades de BOINC"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:579
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:909
 msgid "Host name or IP address"
 msgstr "Nom de host o adreça IP"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:580
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:910
 msgid "GUI RPC port number"
 msgstr "GUI RPC nombre de port"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:581
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:911
 msgid "Password"
 msgstr "Contrasenya"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:582
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:912
 msgid "Startup BOINC with these optional arguments"
 msgstr "Iniciar BOINC amb aquests arguments opcionals"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:583
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:913
 msgid "disable BOINC security users and permissions"
 msgstr "desactivar la seguretat d'usuaris i permisos BOINC"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:584
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:914
 msgid "set skin debugging mode to enable skin manager error messages"
 msgstr ""
 "seleccioni el mode de depuració per activar els missatges d'error de "
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:585
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:915
 msgid "multiple instances of BOINC Manager allowed"
 msgstr "estan permeses diverses instàncies de BOINC Manager"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:587
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:917
 msgid "Not used: workaround for bug in XCode 4.2"
 msgstr "No s'utilitza: solució per l'informe d'error al XCode 4.2"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:814
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:1164
 msgid "(Automatic Detection)"
 msgstr "(Detecció Automàtica)"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:815
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:1165
 msgid "(Unknown)"
 msgstr "(Desconegut)"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:816
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:1166
 msgid "(User Defined)"
 msgstr "(Definit per l'Usuari)"
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:508
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:522
 #, c-format
 msgid "Open %s Web..."
 msgstr "Obrir la pàgina web %s..."
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:515
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:529
 #, c-format
 msgid "Open %s..."
 msgstr "Obrir %s..."
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:522 BOINCTaskBar.cpp:619 BOINCTaskBar.cpp:627
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:536
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:633
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:641
 msgid "Snooze"
 msgstr "Becaina"
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:524 BOINCTaskBar.cpp:646 BOINCTaskBar.cpp:654
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:538
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:660
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:668
 msgid "Snooze GPU"
 msgstr "Becaina de la GPU"
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:542
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:556
 msgid "E&xit"
 msgstr "&Sortir"
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:612 ViewProjects.cpp:718 ViewWork.cpp:795
-#: sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:758 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:110
-#: sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:102
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:626
 msgid "Resume"
 msgstr "Continuar"
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:639
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:653
 msgid "Resume GPU"
 msgstr "Continuar GPU"
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:713
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:727
 msgid "Computing is enabled"
 msgstr "La computació està habilitada"
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:717
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:731
 msgid "Computing is suspended - "
 msgstr "La computació està suspesa - "
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:727
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:741
 msgid "GPU computing is enabled"
 msgstr "La computació de la GPU està disponible"
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:730
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:744
 msgid "GPU computing is suspended - "
 msgstr "La computació de la GPU està suspesa - "
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:739
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:753
 msgid "Network is enabled"
 msgstr "La xarxa està activada"
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:742
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:756
 msgid "Network is suspended - "
 msgstr "La xarxa està suspesa - "
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:750
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:764
 msgid "Reconnecting to client."
 msgstr "Tornant a connectar amb el client."
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:752
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:766
 msgid "Not connected to a client."
 msgstr "No connectat a cap client."
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:805
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:819
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s Notices"
 msgstr "%s Notícies"
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:811
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:825
 msgid "There are new notices - click to view."
 msgstr "Hi ha noves comunicacions - feu clic per veure-les."
-#: CompletionErrorPage.cpp:199
+#: clientgui/CompletionErrorPage.cpp:199
 msgid "Failed to add project"
 msgstr "No s'ha pogut afegir el projecte"
-#: CompletionErrorPage.cpp:204
+#: clientgui/CompletionErrorPage.cpp:204
 msgid "Failed to update account manager"
 msgstr "Ha fallat l'actualització de l'administrador de comptes"
-#: CompletionErrorPage.cpp:208
+#: clientgui/CompletionErrorPage.cpp:208
 msgid "Failed to remove account manager"
 msgstr "Ha fallat l'eliminació de l'administrador de comptes"
-#: CompletionErrorPage.cpp:212
+#: clientgui/CompletionErrorPage.cpp:212
 msgid "Failed to add account manager"
 msgstr "Ha fallat afegir l'administrador de comptes"
-#: CompletionErrorPage.cpp:221
+#: clientgui/CompletionErrorPage.cpp:221
 msgid ""
 "Please try again later.\n"
@@ -1028,24 +1048,26 @@ msgstr ""
 "Prem per tancar."
-#: CompletionErrorPage.cpp:225 CompletionPage.cpp:222 CompletionPage.cpp:242
-#: CompletionPage.cpp:273
+#: clientgui/CompletionErrorPage.cpp:225
+#: clientgui/CompletionPage.cpp:222
+#: clientgui/CompletionPage.cpp:242
+#: clientgui/CompletionPage.cpp:273
 msgid "Click Finish to close."
 msgstr "Premi Finalitzar per tancar."
-#: CompletionErrorPage.cpp:234
+#: clientgui/CompletionErrorPage.cpp:234
 msgid "Messages from server:"
 msgstr "Missatges del servidor:"
-#: CompletionPage.cpp:207
+#: clientgui/CompletionPage.cpp:207
 msgid "Project added"
 msgstr "Projecte afegit"
-#: CompletionPage.cpp:213
+#: clientgui/CompletionPage.cpp:213
 msgid "This project has been successfully added."
 msgstr "Aquest projecte ha estat afegit amb èxit."
-#: CompletionPage.cpp:218
+#: clientgui/CompletionPage.cpp:218
 msgid ""
 "When you click Finish, your web browser will go to a page where\n"
 "you can set your account name and preferences."
@@ -1053,122 +1075,124 @@ msgstr ""
 "Quan premi Finalitzar, el seu navegador obrirà la pàgina on\n"
 "podrà establir el seu nom de compte i les preferències."
-#: CompletionPage.cpp:232
+#: clientgui/CompletionPage.cpp:232
 #, c-format
 msgid "Update from %s completed."
 msgstr "Actualització des de %s finalitzada."
-#: CompletionPage.cpp:236
+#: clientgui/CompletionPage.cpp:236
 msgid "Update completed."
 msgstr "Actualització finalitzada."
-#: CompletionPage.cpp:247
+#: clientgui/CompletionPage.cpp:247
 msgid "Now using account manager"
 msgstr "Ara està utilitzant el gestor de comptes"
-#: CompletionPage.cpp:252
+#: clientgui/CompletionPage.cpp:252
 #, c-format
 msgid "Welcome to %s!"
 msgstr "Benvingut a %s!"
-#: CompletionPage.cpp:263
+#: clientgui/CompletionPage.cpp:263
 #, c-format
 msgid "You are now using %s to manage accounts."
 msgstr "Està fent servir %s per administrar els comptes."
-#: CompletionPage.cpp:267
+#: clientgui/CompletionPage.cpp:267
 msgid "You are now using this account manager."
 msgstr "Ara està fent servir aquest administrador de comptes."
-#: DlgAbout.cpp:113 mac/Mac_GUI.cpp:96
+#: clientgui/DlgAbout.cpp:113
 #, c-format
 msgid "About %s"
 msgstr "Sobre %s"
-#: DlgAbout.cpp:172
+#: clientgui/DlgAbout.cpp:172
 msgid "Version:"
 msgstr "Versió:"
-#: DlgAbout.cpp:180
+#: clientgui/DlgAbout.cpp:180
 msgid "wxWidgets Version:"
 msgstr "Versió wxWidgets:"
-#: DlgAbout.cpp:188
+#: clientgui/DlgAbout.cpp:188
 msgid "Copyright:"
 msgstr "Copyright:"
-# 98%
-#: DlgAbout.cpp:192
+#: clientgui/DlgAbout.cpp:192
 msgid ""
-"(C) 2003-2013 University of California, Berkeley.\n"
+"(C) 2003-2014 University of California, Berkeley.\n"
 "All Rights Reserved."
 msgstr ""
-"(C) 2003-2013 Universitat de Califòrnia, Berkeley.\n"
-"Tots els Drets Reservats."
-#: DlgAbout.cpp:196
+#: clientgui/DlgAbout.cpp:196
 msgid "Berkeley Open Infrastructure for Network Computing"
 msgstr "Infraestructura Oberta de Berkeley per la Computació en xarxa"
-#: DlgAbout.cpp:208 DlgExitMessage.cpp:173 DlgGenericMessage.cpp:120
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:396 DlgSelectComputer.cpp:163
+#: clientgui/DlgAbout.cpp:208
+#: clientgui/DlgExitMessage.cpp:173
+#: clientgui/DlgGenericMessage.cpp:120
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:399
+#: clientgui/DlgSelectComputer.cpp:163
 msgid "&OK"
 msgstr "&OK"
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:544
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:602
 msgid "invalid number"
 msgstr "número incorrecte"
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:545
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:603
 msgid "invalid time, format is HH:MM"
 msgstr "hora incorrecte, el format es HH:MM"
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:546
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:604
 msgid "invalid time interval, format is HH:MM-HH:MM"
 msgstr "període de temps incorrecte, el format es HH:MM-HH:MM"
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:751
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:817
 msgid "invalid input value detected"
 msgstr "detectat valor d'entrada incorrecte"
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:753
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:819
 msgid "Validation Error"
 msgstr "Error de validació"
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:885 DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:891
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:897
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:969
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:975
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:981
 msgid "Applications to add"
 msgstr "Aplicacions per afegir"
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:914
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:998
 #, c-format
 msgid "'%s' is not an executable application."
 msgstr "'%s' no és una aplicació executable."
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:915 DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:962
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:986
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:999
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:1046
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:1070
 msgid "Add Exclusive App"
 msgstr "Afegeix l'aplicació exclusiva"
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:927
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:1011
 msgid "Name of application to add?"
 msgstr "Nom de l'aplicació per afegir?"
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:927
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:1011
 msgid "Add exclusive app"
 msgstr "Afegir aplicació exclusiva"
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:961
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:1045
 #, c-format
 msgid "Application names must end with '%s'"
 msgstr "Els noms d'aplicació han d'acabar amb '%s'"
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:985
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:1069
 #, c-format
 msgid "'%s' is already in the list."
 msgstr "'%s' ja està a la llista."
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:1077
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:1161
 msgid ""
 "Do you really want to clear all local preferences?\n"
 "(This will not affect exclusive applications.)"
@@ -1176,16 +1200,16 @@ msgstr ""
 "Do you really want to clear all local preferences?\n"
 "(Això no afectarà a les aplicacions exclusives.)"
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:1078 sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:1030
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:1162
 msgid "Confirmation"
 msgstr "Confirmació"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:46 sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:946
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:49
 #, c-format
-msgid "%s - Preferences"
-msgstr "%s - Preferències"
+msgid "%s - Computing preferences"
+msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:62
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:66
 msgid ""
 "This dialog controls preferences for this computer only.\n"
 "Click OK to set preferences.\n"
@@ -1196,284 +1220,295 @@ msgstr ""
 "Premi Netejar per restaurar les preferències basades en la web (excepte les "
 "aplicacions exclusives)."
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:65 sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:428
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:69
 msgid "Clear"
 msgstr "Netejar"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:66
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:70
 msgid "clear all local preferences and close the dialog"
 msgstr "netejar totes les preferències locals i tancar la finestra"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:81
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:85
 msgid "processor usage"
 msgstr "utilització de processador"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:84
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:88
 msgid "network usage"
 msgstr "utilització de la xarxa"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:87
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:91
 msgid "disk and memory usage"
 msgstr "utilització de disc i memòria"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:90
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:94
 msgid "exclusive applications"
 msgstr "aplicacions exclusives"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:102 sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:424
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:107
+#: clientgui/DlgDiagnosticLogFlags.cpp:104
 msgid "OK"
 msgstr "OK"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:103
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:108
 msgid "save all values and close the dialog"
 msgstr "guardar tots els valors i tancar la finestra"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:108
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:114
 msgid "close the dialog without saving"
 msgstr "tancar la finestra sense guardar"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:112 Localization.cpp:35 Localization.cpp:121
-#: Localization.cpp:139 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:794 sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:439
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:118
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:35
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:121
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:139
 msgid "Help"
 msgstr "Ajuda"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:113
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:119
 msgid "shows the preferences web page"
 msgstr "mostra la pàgina web de les preferències"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:135
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:141
 msgid "Computing allowed"
 msgstr "Computació disponible"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:139
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:146
 msgid "While computer is on batteries"
 msgstr "Mentre l'ordinador utilitza les bateries"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:142
-msgid ""
-"check this if you want this computer to do work while it runs on batteries"
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:149
+msgid "check this if you want this computer to do work while it runs on batteries"
 msgstr ""
 "seleccioni-ho si desitja que l'ordinador realitzi feina mentre utilitza "
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:148
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:155
 msgid "While computer is in use"
 msgstr "Mentre l'ordinador està en us"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:151
-msgid ""
-"check this if you want this computer to do work even when you're using it"
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:158
+msgid "check this if you want this computer to do work even when you're using it"
 msgstr ""
 "seleccioni aquesta opció si desitja que l'ordinador treballi mentre l'està "
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:157
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:164
 msgid "Use GPU while computer is in use"
 msgstr "Utilitzar la GPU mentre l'ordinador està en us"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:160
-msgid ""
-"check this if you want your GPU to do work even when you're using the "
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:167
+msgid "check this if you want your GPU to do work even when you're using the computer"
 msgstr ""
 "seleccioni aquesta opció si desitja utilitzar la GPU per fer feina al mateix "
 "temps que està utilitzant l'ordinador"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:172
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:179
 msgid "Only after computer has been idle for"
 msgstr "Només després de que l'ordinador hagi estat inactiu uns"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:182
-msgid ""
-"do work only after you haven't used the computer for this number of minutes"
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:188
+msgid "do work only after you haven't used the computer for this number of minutes"
 msgstr ""
 "fer feina només després de no haver utilitzat l'ordinador en el següent "
 "nombre de minuts"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:187 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:336
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:417
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:193
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:342
 msgid "minutes"
 msgstr "minuts"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:206
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:212
 msgid "While processor usage is less than"
 msgstr "Mentre la utilització del processador és inferior a"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:216
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:221
 msgid "suspend work if processor usage exceeds this level"
 msgstr "suspendre el treball si el processador excedeix aquest nivell"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:221
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:226
 msgid "percent (0 means no restriction)"
 msgstr "perntatge (0 significa sense restriccions)"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:235 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:496
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:240
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:506
 msgid "Every day between hours of"
 msgstr "Cada dia entre les hores"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:239
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:244
 msgid "start work at this time"
 msgstr "començar a fer feina a aquesta hora"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:243 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:504
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:326 sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:348
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:248
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:514
 msgid "and"
 msgstr "i"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:247
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:252
 msgid "stop work at this time"
 msgstr "aturar de fer feina a aquesta hora"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:251 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:512
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:256
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:522
 msgid "(no restriction if equal)"
 msgstr "(cap restricció si és igual)"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:256 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:517
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:261
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:527
 msgid "Day-of-week override:"
 msgstr ""
 "Horari preferit dels dies de la setmana. Aquesta selecció és la que "
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:261 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:522
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:266
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:532
 msgid "check box to specify hours for this day of week"
 msgstr ""
 "marcar la casella per especificar les hores per aquest dia de la setmana"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:267 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:528
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:272
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:538
 msgid "Monday"
 msgstr "Dilluns"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:274 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:535
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:279
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:545
 msgid "Tuesday"
 msgstr "Dimarts"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:281 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:542
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:286
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:552
 msgid "Wednesday"
 msgstr "Dimecres"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:288 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:549
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:293
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:559
 msgid "Thursday"
 msgstr "Dijous"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:295 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:556
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:300
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:566
 msgid "Friday"
 msgstr "Divendres"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:302 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:563
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:307
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:573
 msgid "Saturday"
 msgstr "Dissabte"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:309 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:570
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:314
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:580
 msgid "Sunday"
 msgstr "Diumenge"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:323
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:328
 msgid "Other options"
 msgstr "Altres opcions"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:330
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:336
 msgid "Switch between applications every"
 msgstr "Canviar entre aplicacions cada"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:339
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:345
 msgid "On multiprocessor systems, use at most"
 msgstr "En equips multi-processador, utilitzar com a màxim"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:346
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:352
 #, no-c-format
-msgid "% of the processors (0 means ignore this setting)"
-msgstr "% dels processadors (0 significa ignorar aquesta opció)"
+msgid "% of the processors (0 means no restriction)"
+msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:349 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:605
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:627 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:648
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:669 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:679
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:355
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:618
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:640
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:661
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:683
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:694
 msgid "Use at most"
 msgstr "Utilitzar com a màxim"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:356
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:362
 #, no-c-format
-msgid "% CPU time"
-msgstr "% temps de CPU"
+msgid "% of CPU time (0 means no restriction)"
+msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:378
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:386
 msgid "General options"
 msgstr "Opcions generals"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:386
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:395
 msgid "Maximum download rate"
 msgstr "Màxima taxa de descàrrega"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:392 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:401
-msgid "KBytes/sec."
-msgstr "KBytes/seg."
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:401
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:410
+msgid "KBytes/second (0 means no restriction)"
+msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:395
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:404
 msgid "Maximum upload rate"
 msgstr "Màxima taxa de càrrega"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:406
-msgid "Transfer at most"
-msgstr "Transferir com a molt"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:412
-msgid "Mbytes"
-msgstr "Mbytes"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:415
-msgid "every"
-msgstr "cada"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:421 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:444
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:463
-msgid "days"
-msgstr "dies"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:429
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:417
 msgid "Minimum work buffer"
 msgstr "Buffer mínim de treball"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:438
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:425
 msgid "Try to maintain enough tasks to keep busy for this many days"
 msgstr ""
 "Intenti mantenir suficients tasques per mantenir-lo ocupat durant molts dies"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:450
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:431
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:449
+msgid "days (maximum value: 10)"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:437
 msgid "Max additional work buffer"
 msgstr "Màxim buffer addicional de treball"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:459
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:445
 msgid "In addition, maintain enough tasks for up to this many days"
 msgstr "A més, mantenir les tasques suficients per tenir-lo actiu molts dies"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:466
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:454
+msgid "Transfer at most"
+msgstr "Transferir com a molt"
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:462
+msgid "MBytes every"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:468
+msgid "days (0 means no restriction)"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:476
 msgid "Skip image file verification"
 msgstr "Ometre la verificació del fitxer"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:468
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:478
 msgid "check this if your Internet provider modifies image files"
 msgstr "seleccioni-ho si el seu proveïdor d'Internet modifica els fitxers"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:476
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:484
 msgid "Connect options"
 msgstr "Opcions de connexió"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:478
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:487
 msgid "Confirm before connecting to internet"
 msgstr "Confirmar abans de connectar a internet"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:480
-msgid ""
-"if checked, a confirmation dialog will be displayed before trying to connect "
-"to the Internet"
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:489
+msgid "if checked, a confirmation dialog will be displayed before trying to connect to the Internet"
 msgstr ""
 "si està seleccionat, una finestra de confirmació es mostrarà abans "
 "d'intentar connectar a Internet"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:484
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:493
 msgid "Disconnect when done"
 msgstr "Desconnectar en finalitzar"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:486
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:495
 msgid ""
 "if checked, BOINC hangs up when network usage is done\n"
 "(only relevant for dialup-connection)"
@@ -1481,192 +1516,217 @@ msgstr ""
 "si està seleccionat, BOINC penja quan finalitza l'activitat de xarxa\n"
 "(només es vàlid per connexions telefòniques)"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:492
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:501
 msgid "Network usage allowed"
 msgstr "Es permet la utilització de la xarxa"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:500
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:510
 msgid "network usage start hour"
 msgstr "hora d'inici d'utilització de la xarxa"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:508
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:518
 msgid "network usage stop hour"
 msgstr "hora de fi d'utilització de la xarxa"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:598 DlgItemProperties.cpp:231
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:610
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:257
 msgid "Disk usage"
 msgstr "Utilització de disc"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:609
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:622
 msgid "the maximum disk space used by BOINC (in Gigabytes)"
 msgstr "màxim espai en disc utilitzat per BOINC (en Gigabytes)"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:613
-msgid "Gigabytes disk space"
-msgstr "Gigabytes de espai en disc"
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:626
+msgid "Gigabytes disk space (0 means no restriction)"
+msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:616
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:629
 msgid "Leave at least"
 msgstr "Deixar al menys"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:620
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:633
 msgid "BOINC leaves at least this amount of disk space free (in Gigabytes)"
 msgstr "BOINC deixa lliure al menys aquest espai en disc (en Gigabytes)"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:624
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:637
 msgid "Gigabytes disk space free"
 msgstr "Gigabytes d'espai en disc lliure"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:631
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:644
 msgid "BOINC uses at most this percentage of total disk space"
 msgstr "BOINC utilitza com a mínim aquest percentatge del total d'espai en disc"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:636
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:649
 #, no-c-format
 msgid "% of total disk space"
 msgstr "% del total d'espai en disc"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:639
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:652
 msgid "Tasks checkpoint to disk at most every"
 msgstr "Actualitzar els punts de control de les tasques cada"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:645
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:658
 msgid "seconds"
 msgstr "segons"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:655
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:668
 #, no-c-format
 msgid "% of page file (swap space)"
 msgstr "% del fitxer d'intercanvi (espai d'intercanvi)"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:662
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:675
 msgid "Memory usage"
 msgstr "Utilització de memòria"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:676
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:691
 #, no-c-format
 msgid "% when computer is in use"
 msgstr "% quan l'ordinador està en ús"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:686
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:701
 #, no-c-format
 msgid "% when computer is idle"
 msgstr "% quan l'ordinador està en repòs"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:691
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:706
 msgid "Leave applications in memory while suspended"
 msgstr "Deixar les aplicacions en memòria mentre estan en suspens"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:693
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:708
 msgid "if checked, suspended work units are left in memory"
 msgstr "si està seleccionat, els treballs aturats es deixen en memòria"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:713
-msgid ""
-"Suspend processor and network usage when these applications are running:"
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:728
+msgid "Suspend processor and network usage when these applications are running:"
 msgstr ""
 "Suspendre l'ús del processador i de la xarxa quan aquestes aplicacions "
 "s'estan executant:"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:722
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:738
 msgid "Add..."
 msgstr "Afegir..."
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:723
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:739
 msgid "Add an application to this list"
 msgstr "Afegir una aplicació a la llista"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:728 ViewProjects.cpp:202
-#: sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:85
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:744
 msgid "Remove"
 msgstr "Eliminar"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:729
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:745
 msgid "Remove an application from this list"
 msgstr "Eliminar una aplicació d'aquesta llista"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:738
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:754
 msgid "For advanced options, refer to "
 msgstr "Per a les opcions avançades, vegeu "
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:219
+#: clientgui/DlgDiagnosticLogFlags.cpp:65
+#, c-format
+msgid "%s Diagnostic Log Flags"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/DlgDiagnosticLogFlags.cpp:83
+msgid "These flags enable various types of diagnostic messages in the Event Log."
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/DlgDiagnosticLogFlags.cpp:105
+msgid "Save all values and close the dialog"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/DlgDiagnosticLogFlags.cpp:108
+msgid "Defaults"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/DlgDiagnosticLogFlags.cpp:109
+msgid "Restore default settings"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/DlgDiagnosticLogFlags.cpp:113
+msgid "Close the dialog without saving"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:226
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - Event Log"
 msgstr "%s - Registre d'esdeveniments"
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:232 ViewMessages.cpp:117 ViewProjects.cpp:219
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:435 ViewStatistics.cpp:2009 ViewTransfers.cpp:182
-#: ViewWork.cpp:232
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:236
 msgid "Project"
 msgstr "Projecte"
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:233 ViewMessages.cpp:118
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:237
 msgid "Time"
 msgstr "Hora"
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:234 ViewMessages.cpp:119
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:238
 msgid "Message"
 msgstr "Missatge"
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:290 DlgEventLog.cpp:354
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:300
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:364
 msgid "&Show only this project"
 msgstr "&Mostrar només aquest projecte"
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:294
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:304
 msgid "Copy &All"
 msgstr "&Copiar-ho Tot"
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:296 DlgEventLog.cpp:300 ViewMessages.cpp:89
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:306
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:310
 msgid "Copy all the messages to the clipboard."
 msgstr "Copiar tots els missatges al porta papers."
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:305
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:315
 msgid "Copy &Selected"
 msgstr "Copiar els &seleccionats"
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:308 DlgEventLog.cpp:316 ViewMessages.cpp:97
-msgid ""
-"Copy the selected messages to the clipboard. You can select multiple "
-"messages by holding down the shift or command key while clicking on messages."
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:318
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:326
+msgid "Copy the selected messages to the clipboard. You can select multiple messages by holding down the shift or command key while clicking on messages."
 msgstr ""
 "Copiar els missatges seleccionats al porta papers. Pot seleccionar diversos "
 "missatges prement les tecles shift o control mentre prem en els missatges."
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:310 DlgEventLog.cpp:318 ViewMessages.cpp:99
-msgid ""
-"Copy the selected messages to the clipboard. You can select multiple "
-"messages by holding down the shift or control key while clicking on messages."
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:320
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:328
+msgid "Copy the selected messages to the clipboard. You can select multiple messages by holding down the shift or control key while clicking on messages."
 msgstr ""
 "Copiar els missatges seleccionats al porta papers. Pot seleccionar diversos "
 "missatges prement les tecles shift o control mentre prem en els missatges."
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:325 DlgItemProperties.cpp:67
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:335
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:67
 msgid "&Close"
 msgstr "&Tancar"
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:334 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:798 sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:442
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:344
 #, c-format
 msgid "Get help with %s"
 msgstr "Obtenir ajuda amb %s"
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:348
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:358
 msgid "Show all &messages"
 msgstr "Mostrar &tots els missatges"
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:349 DlgEventLog.cpp:351
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:359
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:361
 msgid "Show messages for all projects"
 msgstr "Mostrar els missatges de tots els projectes"
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:355 DlgEventLog.cpp:357
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:365
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:367
 msgid "Show only the messages for the selected project"
 msgstr "Mostrar només el missatges del projecte seleccionat"
-#: DlgExitMessage.cpp:82
+#: clientgui/DlgExitMessage.cpp:82
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - Exit Confirmation"
 msgstr "%s - Confirmació de Sortida"
-#: DlgExitMessage.cpp:130
+#: clientgui/DlgExitMessage.cpp:130
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "You have requested to exit the %s,\n"
@@ -1683,7 +1743,7 @@ msgstr ""
 "Si també desitja aturar l'execució de les tasques,\n"
 "triar entre les següents opcions:"
-#: DlgExitMessage.cpp:135
+#: clientgui/DlgExitMessage.cpp:135
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "This will shut down %s and its tasks until either the\n"
@@ -1700,394 +1760,420 @@ msgstr ""
 "de finalitzar l'aplicació; això permetrà %s executar les seves tasques\n"
 "en els períodes de temps que ha seleccionat en les seves preferències."
-#: DlgExitMessage.cpp:153
+#: clientgui/DlgExitMessage.cpp:153
 #, c-format
 msgid "Stop running tasks when exiting the %s"
 msgstr "Aturar l'execució de tasques en sortir de %s"
-#: DlgExitMessage.cpp:165
+#: clientgui/DlgExitMessage.cpp:165
 msgid "Remember this decision and do not show this dialog."
 msgstr "Recordar aquesta opció i no mostrar aquesta finestra."
-#: DlgExitMessage.cpp:178 DlgGenericMessage.cpp:125 DlgOptions.cpp:401
-#: DlgSelectComputer.cpp:168 wizardex.cpp:378
+#: clientgui/DlgExitMessage.cpp:178
+#: clientgui/DlgGenericMessage.cpp:125
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:404
+#: clientgui/DlgSelectComputer.cpp:168
 msgid "&Cancel"
 msgstr "&Cancel·lar"
-#: DlgGenericMessage.cpp:112
+#: clientgui/DlgGenericMessage.cpp:112
 msgid "Don't show this dialog again."
 msgstr "No tornar a mostrar aquesta finestra."
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:168 DlgItemProperties.cpp:171
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:174 DlgItemProperties.cpp:177
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:194
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:197
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:200
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:203
 msgid "Don't fetch tasks for "
 msgstr "No obtenir tasques per "
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:168
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:194
 msgid "Project preference"
 msgstr "Projecte preferent"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:171
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:197
 msgid "Account manager preference"
 msgstr "Preferències de l'administrador de comptes"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:174
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:200
 msgid "Project has no apps for "
 msgstr "El projecte no té aplicacions per "
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:177
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:203
 msgid "Client configuration excludes "
 msgstr "La configuració del client exclou "
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:181
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:207
 msgid " work fetch deferred for"
 msgstr " feina ajornada durant"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:182
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:208
 msgid " work fetch deferral interval"
 msgstr " interval d'ajornament de la feina"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:213
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:239
 msgid "Properties of project "
 msgstr "Propietats del projecte "
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:217 DlgOptions.cpp:218
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:243
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:221
 msgid "General"
 msgstr "General"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:218
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:244
 msgid "Master URL"
 msgstr "URL principal"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:219
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:245
 msgid "User name"
 msgstr "Nom del usuari"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:220
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:246
 msgid "Team name"
 msgstr "Nom de l'equip"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:221 ViewProjects.cpp:224
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:247
 msgid "Resource share"
 msgstr "Compartició de recursos"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:223
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:249
 msgid "Scheduler RPC deferred for"
 msgstr "La programació RPC s'ha ajornat durant"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:226
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:252
 msgid "File downloads deferred for"
 msgstr "Descàrrega de fitxers posposada durant"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:229
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:255
 msgid "File uploads deferred for"
 msgstr "Lliurament de fitxers posposada durant"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:232
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:258
 msgid "Computer ID"
 msgstr "ID de l'ordinador"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:234
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:260
 msgid "Non CPU intensive"
 msgstr "Us no intensiu de la CPU"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:234 DlgItemProperties.cpp:236
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:237 DlgItemProperties.cpp:239
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:242 DlgItemProperties.cpp:251
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:254 DlgItemProperties.cpp:257
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:260
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:262
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:263
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:265
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:268
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:277
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:280
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:283
 msgid "yes"
 msgstr "si"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:236
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:262
 msgid "Suspended via GUI"
 msgstr "Aturat via GUI"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:236 DlgItemProperties.cpp:237
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:262
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:263
 msgid "no"
 msgstr "no"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:237
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:263
 msgid "Don't request more work"
 msgstr "No demanar més feina"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:239
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:265
 msgid "Scheduler call in progress"
 msgstr "Petició programada en execució"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:242
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:268
 msgid "Trickle-up pending"
 msgstr "Informació pendent"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:245 DlgItemProperties.cpp:247
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:271
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:273
 msgid "Host location"
 msgstr "Ubicació dl'ordinador central"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:247
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:273
 msgid "default"
 msgstr "per defecte"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:251
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:277
 msgid "Added via account manager"
 msgstr "Afegit via l'administrador de comptes"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:254
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:280
 msgid "Remove when tasks done"
 msgstr "Eliminar quan les tasques hagin finalitzat"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:257
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:283
 msgid "Ended"
 msgstr "Finalitzat"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:259
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:285
+msgid "Tasks completed"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:286
+msgid "Tasks failed"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:288
 msgid "Credit"
 msgstr "Crèdit"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:260
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:289
 msgid "User"
 msgstr "Usuari"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:267
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:296
 msgid "Host"
 msgstr "Ordinador central"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:276
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:305
 msgid "Scheduling"
 msgstr "Planificant"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:277
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:306
 msgid "Scheduling priority"
 msgstr "Planificació prioritària"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:278
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:307
 msgid "CPU"
 msgstr "CPU"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:302
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:331
 msgid "Duration correction factor"
 msgstr "Durada del factor de correcció"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:316
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:345
 msgid "Properties of task "
 msgstr "Propietats de la tasca "
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:328 ViewWork.cpp:238
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:357
 msgid "Application"
 msgstr "Aplicació"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:329 ViewWork.cpp:239
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:358
 msgid "Name"
 msgstr "Nom"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:330
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:359
 msgid "State"
 msgstr "Estat"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:333
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:362
 msgid "Received"
 msgstr "Rebut"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:336
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:365
 msgid "Report deadline"
 msgstr "Data límit per informar"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:338
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:367
 msgid "Resources"
 msgstr "Recursos"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:341
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:370
 msgid "Estimated computation size"
 msgstr "Càlcul estimat de computació"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:344
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:373
 msgid "CPU time at last checkpoint"
 msgstr "Temps de CPU en el darrer punt de control"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:345 DlgItemProperties.cpp:360
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:374
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:389
 msgid "CPU time"
 msgstr "Temps de CPU"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:347 DlgItemProperties.cpp:361
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:376
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:390
 msgid "Elapsed time"
 msgstr "Temps transcorregut"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:349
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:378
 msgid "Estimated time remaining"
 msgstr "Temps estimat que resta"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:350
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:379
 msgid "Fraction done"
 msgstr "Fracció realitzada"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:351
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:380
 msgid "Virtual memory size"
 msgstr "Grandària de la memòria virtual"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:352
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:381
 msgid "Working set size"
 msgstr "Grandària del bloc de treball"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:354
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:383
 msgid "Directory"
 msgstr "Directori"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:357
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:386
 msgid "Process ID"
 msgstr "ID del procés"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:427 ViewWork.cpp:1032 sg_TaskPanel.cpp:823
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:456
 msgid "Local: "
 msgstr "Local: "
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:129 DlgOptions.cpp:135
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:129
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:135
 msgid "Options"
 msgstr "Opcions"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:175
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:178
 msgid "Language:"
 msgstr "Idioma:"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:182
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:185
 msgid "What language should BOINC use?"
 msgstr "Quin idioma ha d'utilitzar BOINC?"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:186
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:189
 msgid "Notice reminder interval:"
 msgstr "Interval recordatori de notificacions:"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:193
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:196
 msgid "How often should BOINC remind you of new notices?"
 msgstr "Quants cops ha de recordar-li BOINC les notícies noves?"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:198
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:201
 msgid "Run Manager at login?"
 msgstr "Executar l'administrador en iniciar?"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:204
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:207
 msgid "Run the BOINC Manager when you log on."
 msgstr "Executar l'administrador BOINC quan s'identifiqui en el sistema."
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:209
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:212
 msgid "Enable Manager exit dialog?"
 msgstr "Activar el diàleg de sortida de l'administrador?"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:215
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:218
 msgid "Display the exit dialog when shutting down the Manager."
 msgstr "Mostrar el diàleg de sortida en finalitzar l'administrador."
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:226
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:229
 msgid "Dial-up and Virtual Private Network settings"
 msgstr "Paràmetres de trucada i Xarxa Privada Virtual"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:240
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:243
 msgid "&Set Default"
 msgstr "&Aplicar valors per defecte"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:245
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:248
 msgid "&Clear Default"
 msgstr "&Netejar valors per defecte"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:252
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:255
 msgid "Default Connection:"
 msgstr "Connexió per defecte:"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:259
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:262
 msgid "Connections"
 msgstr "Connexions"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:268
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:271
 msgid "Connect via HTTP proxy server"
 msgstr "Connectar utilitzant un servidor proxy HTTP"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:272
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:275
 msgid "HTTP Proxy Server Configuration"
 msgstr "Configuració del Servidor Proxy HTTP"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:280 DlgOptions.cpp:344
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:283
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:347
 msgid "Address:"
 msgstr "Adreça:"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:288 DlgOptions.cpp:352 ProxyPage.cpp:340 ProxyPage.cpp:360
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:291
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:355
 msgid "Port:"
 msgstr "Port:"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:296 DlgOptions.cpp:360
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:299
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:363
 msgid "Don't use proxy for:"
 msgstr "No utilitzar un proxy per:"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:303 DlgOptions.cpp:367
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:306
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:370
 msgid "Leave these blank if not needed"
 msgstr "Deixar en blanc si no es necessita"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:309 DlgOptions.cpp:373 ProxyPage.cpp:343 ProxyPage.cpp:363
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:312
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:376
 msgid "User Name:"
 msgstr "Nom d'usuari:"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:317 DlgOptions.cpp:381 DlgSelectComputer.cpp:152
-#: ProxyPage.cpp:346 ProxyPage.cpp:366
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:320
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:384
+#: clientgui/DlgSelectComputer.cpp:152
 msgid "Password:"
 msgstr "Contrasenya:"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:324
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:327
 msgid "HTTP Proxy"
 msgstr "Proxy HTTP"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:332
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:335
 msgid "Connect via SOCKS proxy server"
 msgstr "Connectar utilitzant un servidor proxy SOCKS"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:336
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:339
 msgid "SOCKS Proxy Server Configuration"
 msgstr "Configuració del Servidor Proxy SOCKS"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:388
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:391
 msgid "SOCKS Proxy"
 msgstr "Proxy SOCKS"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:586
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:589
 msgid "always"
 msgstr "sempre"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:587
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:590
 msgid "1 hour"
 msgstr "1 hora"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:588
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:591
 msgid "6 hours"
 msgstr "6 hores"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:589
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:592
 msgid "1 day"
 msgstr "1 dia"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:590
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:593
 msgid "1 week"
 msgstr "1 setmana"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:591
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:594
 msgid "never"
 msgstr "mai"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:688
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:691
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - Language Selection"
 msgstr "%s - Selecció d'idioma"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:695
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:698
 #, c-format
 #, c-format, c-format
-msgid ""
-"The %s's language has been changed.  In order for this change to take "
-"effect, you must restart the %s."
+msgid "The %s's language has been changed.  In order for this change to take effect, you must restart the %s."
 msgstr ""
 "L'idioma de %s ha estat canviat.  Per tal de que el canvi tingui efecte, heu "
 "de tornar a iniciar %s."
-#: DlgSelectComputer.cpp:91
+#: clientgui/DlgSelectComputer.cpp:91
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - Select Computer"
 msgstr "%s - Seleccionar un Ordinador"
-#: DlgSelectComputer.cpp:125
+#: clientgui/DlgSelectComputer.cpp:125
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "Another instance of %s is already running \n"
@@ -2096,426 +2182,428 @@ msgstr ""
 "Una altra instància de %s ja s'està executant \n"
 "en aquest equip.  Si us plau, seleccioneu un client per controlar-la."
-#: DlgSelectComputer.cpp:143
+#: clientgui/DlgSelectComputer.cpp:143
 msgid "Host name:"
 msgstr "Nom ordinador:"
-#: Localization.cpp:31 Localization.cpp:69
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:31
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:69
 msgid "Message boards"
 msgstr "Taulers de missatges"
-#: Localization.cpp:33
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:33
 msgid "Correspond with other users on the SETI at home message boards"
 msgstr ""
 "Correspondència amb altres usuaris en els taulers de missatges de SETI at home"
-#: Localization.cpp:37
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:37
 msgid "Ask questions and report problems"
 msgstr "Feu preguntes i informeu dels problemes"
-#: Localization.cpp:39 Localization.cpp:81 Localization.cpp:111
-#: Localization.cpp:129
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:39
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:81
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:111
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:129
 msgid "Your account"
 msgstr "El vostre compte"
-#: Localization.cpp:41 Localization.cpp:87 Localization.cpp:113
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:41
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:87
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:113
 msgid "View your account information and credit totals"
 msgstr "Veure la informació del seu compte i crèdits totals"
-#: Localization.cpp:43
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:43
 msgid "Your preferences"
 msgstr "Les seves preferències"
-#: Localization.cpp:45
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:45
 msgid "View and modify your SETI at home account profile and preferences"
 msgstr "Veure i modificar el perfil i preferències del seu compte a SETI at home"
-#: Localization.cpp:47 Localization.cpp:89
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:47
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:89
 msgid "Your results"
 msgstr "Els seus resultats"
-#: Localization.cpp:49 Localization.cpp:91
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:49
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:91
 msgid "View your last week (or more) of computational results and work"
 msgstr ""
 "Veure la seva darrera setmana (o més) de resultats i treballs de computació"
-#: Localization.cpp:51 Localization.cpp:93
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:51
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:93
 msgid "Your computers"
 msgstr "Els seus ordinadors"
-#: Localization.cpp:53
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:53
 msgid "View a listing of all the computers on which you are running SETI at Home"
 msgstr ""
 "Veure la llista de tots els ordinadors en els que vostè està executant "
 "SETI at Home"
-#: Localization.cpp:55 Localization.cpp:97
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:55
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:97
 msgid "Your team"
 msgstr "El seu equip"
-#: Localization.cpp:57 Localization.cpp:99
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:57
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:99
 msgid "View information about your team"
 msgstr "Veure la informació sobre el seu equip"
-#: Localization.cpp:61
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:61
 msgid "Common questions"
 msgstr "Preguntes freqüents"
-#: Localization.cpp:63
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:63
 msgid "Read the Einstein at Home Frequently Asked Question list"
 msgstr "Llegeixi la llista de preguntes freqüents de Einstein at Home"
-#: Localization.cpp:65
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:65
 msgid "Screensaver info"
 msgstr "Informació del salva pantalles"
-#: Localization.cpp:67
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:67
 msgid "Read a detailed description of the Einstein at Home screensaver"
 msgstr "Llegeixi una descripció detallada del salva pantalles de Einstein at Home"
-#: Localization.cpp:71
-msgid ""
-"Correspond with admins and other users on the Einstein at Home message boards"
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:71
+msgid "Correspond with admins and other users on the Einstein at Home message boards"
 msgstr ""
 "Correspondència amb els administradors i altres usuaris en el taulers de "
 "missatges de Einstein at Home"
-#: Localization.cpp:73
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:73
 msgid "Einstein status"
 msgstr "Estat de Einstein"
-#: Localization.cpp:75
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:75
 msgid "Current status of the Einstein at Home server"
 msgstr "Estat actual del servidor de Einstein at Home"
-#: Localization.cpp:77
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:77
 msgid "Report problems"
 msgstr "Informar de problemes"
-#: Localization.cpp:79
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:79
 msgid "A link to the Einstein at Home problems and bug reports message board"
 msgstr "Enllaç al tauler de missatges de problemes i errors de Einstein at Home"
-#: Localization.cpp:83
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:83
 msgid "View and modify your Einstein at Home account profile and preferences"
 msgstr ""
 "Veure i modificar el perfil i preferències del seu compte a Einstein at Home"
-#: Localization.cpp:85
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:85
 msgid "Account summary"
 msgstr "Resum del compte"
-#: Localization.cpp:95
-msgid ""
-"View a listing of all the computers on which you are running Einstein at Home"
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:95
+msgid "View a listing of all the computers on which you are running Einstein at Home"
 msgstr ""
 "Veure la llista de tots els ordinadors en els que vostè està executant "
 "Einstein at Home"
-#: Localization.cpp:101
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:101
 msgid "LIGO project"
 msgstr "Projecte LIGO"
-#: Localization.cpp:103
-msgid ""
-"The home page of the Laser Interferometer Gravitational-wave Observatory "
-"(LIGO) project"
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:103
+msgid "The home page of the Laser Interferometer Gravitational-wave Observatory (LIGO) project"
 msgstr ""
 "Pàgina del projecte Observatori de Interferometria d'Ones Gravitacionals "
-#: Localization.cpp:105
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:105
 msgid "GEO-600 project"
 msgstr "Projecte GEO-600"
-#: Localization.cpp:107
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:107
 msgid "The home page of the GEO-600 project"
 msgstr "Pàgina del projecte GEO-600"
-#: Localization.cpp:115 Localization.cpp:133 ViewProjects.cpp:221
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:465
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:115
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:133
 msgid "Team"
 msgstr "Equip"
-#: Localization.cpp:117
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:117
 msgid "Info about your Team"
 msgstr "Informació respecte de l'equip"
-#: Localization.cpp:123
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:123
 msgid "Get help for climateprediction.net"
 msgstr "Obtingui ajuda per a climateprediction.net"
-#: Localization.cpp:125
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:125
 msgid "News"
 msgstr "Novetats"
-#: Localization.cpp:127
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:127
 msgid "climateprediction.net News"
 msgstr "Novetats de climateprediction.net"
-#: Localization.cpp:131
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:131
 msgid "View your account information, credits, and trickles"
 msgstr "Veure la informació del seu compte, crèdits i preguntes"
-#: Localization.cpp:135
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:135
 msgid "Info about your team"
 msgstr "Informació respecte al seu equip"
-#: Localization.cpp:141
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:141
 msgid "Search for help in our help system"
 msgstr "Cercar ajuda en el nostre sistema d'ajuda"
-#: Localization.cpp:143
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:143
 msgid "Global Statistics"
 msgstr "Estadístiques Globals"
-#: Localization.cpp:145
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:145
 msgid "Summary statistics for World Community Grid"
 msgstr "Resum estadístiques de World Community Grid"
-#: Localization.cpp:147
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:147
 msgid "My Grid"
 msgstr "La meva graella"
-#: Localization.cpp:149
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:149
 msgid "Your statistics and settings"
 msgstr "Les seves estadístiques i paràmetres"
-#: Localization.cpp:151
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:151
 msgid "Device Profiles"
 msgstr "Perfils de Dispositius"
-#: Localization.cpp:153
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:153
 msgid "Update your device settings"
 msgstr "Actualitzar els paràmetres dels seus dispositius"
-#: Localization.cpp:155
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:155
 msgid "Research"
 msgstr "Recerca"
-#: Localization.cpp:157
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:157
 msgid "Learn about the projects hosted at World Community Grid"
 msgstr "Aprendre respecte del projectes controlats per la World Community Grid"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:583
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:583
 msgid "Starting client"
 msgstr "Iniciant client"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:591
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:591
 msgid "Connecting to client"
 msgstr "Connectant amb el client"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:1195
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:1205
 msgid "Retrieving system state; please wait..."
 msgstr "Recuperant l'estat del sistema; esperi si us plau..."
-#: MainDocument.cpp:1816
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:1826
 msgid "Missing application"
 msgstr "Manca l'aplicació"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:1817
-msgid ""
-"Please download and install the CoRD application from http://cord."
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:1827
+msgid "Please download and install the CoRD application from http://cord.sourceforge.net"
 msgstr ""
 "Si us plau, descarregueu i instal l'aplicació CoRD des de "
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2432
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2442
 msgid "on batteries"
 msgstr "en bateries"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2433
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2443
 msgid "computer is in use"
 msgstr "l'ordinador està en us"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2434
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2444
 msgid "user request"
 msgstr "sol.licitud de l'usuari"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2435
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2445
 msgid "time of day"
 msgstr "hora del dia"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2436
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2446
 msgid "CPU benchmarks in progress"
 msgstr "Test de la CPU en progrés"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2437
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2447
 msgid "need disk space - check preferences"
 msgstr "necessitat d'espai en disc - comprovar les preferències"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2438
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2448
 msgid "computer is not in use"
 msgstr "l'ordinador no està en us"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2439
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2449
 msgid "starting up"
 msgstr "iniciant"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2440
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2450
 msgid "an exclusive app is running"
 msgstr "s'està executant una aplicació amb exclusivitat"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2441
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2451
 msgid "CPU is busy"
 msgstr "La CPU està ocupada"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2442
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2452
 msgid "network bandwidth limit exceeded"
 msgstr "s'ha superat el límit d'ample de banda"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2443
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2453
 msgid "requested by operating system"
 msgstr "sol·licitat pel sistema operatiu"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2445
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2455
 msgid "unknown reason"
 msgstr "raó desconeguda"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2467
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2477
 msgid "GPU missing, "
 msgstr "GPU inexistent, "
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2474
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2484
 msgid "New"
 msgstr "Nou"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2478
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2488
 msgid "Download failed"
 msgstr "La descàrrega ha fallat"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2480
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2490
 msgid "Downloading"
 msgstr "Descarregant"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2482 MainDocument.cpp:2552
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2492
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2557
 msgid " (suspended - "
 msgstr " (suspès - "
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2490
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2500
 msgid "Project suspended by user"
 msgstr "Projecte suspès per l'usuari"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2492
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2502
 msgid "Task suspended by user"
 msgstr "Tasca suspesa per l'usuari"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2494
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2504
 msgid "Suspended - "
 msgstr "Suspès - "
 # 75%
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2500
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2510
 msgid "GPU suspended - "
 msgstr "GPU suspesa - "
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2507
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2517
 msgid "Waiting for memory"
 msgstr "Esperant memòria"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2509
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2519
 msgid "Waiting for shared memory"
 msgstr "Esperant memòria compartida"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2512
-msgid "Running, high priority"
-msgstr "Executant, alta prioritat"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2514
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2521
 msgid "Running"
 msgstr "Executant"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2517
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2523
 msgid " (non-CPU-intensive)"
 msgstr " (no-CPU-intensiva)"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2520
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2526
 msgid "Waiting to run"
 msgstr "Esperant per executar"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2522 MainDocument.cpp:2528
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2528
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2534
 msgid "Ready to start"
 msgstr "A punt per començar"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2532
-msgid " (Scheduler wait: "
-msgstr " (Espera del programador: "
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2538
+msgid "Postponed: "
+msgstr ""
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2536
-msgid " (Scheduler wait)"
-msgstr " (Espera del programador)"
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2541
+msgid "Postponed"
+msgstr ""
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2540
-msgid " (Waiting for network access)"
-msgstr " (Esperant accés a la xarxa)"
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2545
+msgid "Waiting for network access"
+msgstr ""
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2544
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2549
 msgid "Computation error"
 msgstr "Error de computació"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2548
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2553
 msgid "Upload failed"
 msgstr "La càrrega ha fallat"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2550
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2555
 msgid "Uploading"
 msgstr "Carregant"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2561
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2566
 msgid "Aborted by user"
 msgstr "Avortat per l'usuari"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2564
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2569
 msgid "Aborted by project"
 msgstr "Avortat per el projecte"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2567
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2572
 msgid "Aborted: not started by deadline"
 msgstr "Avortat: no s'ha iniciat per haver superat el de temps de finalització"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2570
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2575
 msgid "Aborted: disk limit exceeded"
 msgstr "Avortat: s'ha superat el límit d'espai en disc"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2573
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2578
 msgid "Aborted: run time limit exceeded"
 msgstr "Avortat: s'ha superat el temps límit d'execució"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2576
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2581
 msgid "Aborted: memory limit exceeded"
 msgstr "Avortat: s'ha superat el límit de memòria"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2579
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2584
 msgid "Aborted"
 msgstr "Avortat"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2584
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2589
 msgid "Acknowledged"
 msgstr "Reconegut"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2586
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2591
 msgid "Ready to report"
 msgstr "A punt per informar"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2588
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2593
 #, c-format
 msgid "Error: invalid state '%d'"
 msgstr "Error: estat incorrecte '%d'"
-#: NoInternetConnectionPage.cpp:179
+#: clientgui/NoInternetConnectionPage.cpp:179
 msgid "No Internet connection"
 msgstr "No hi ha connexió a Internet"
-#: NoInternetConnectionPage.cpp:182
+#: clientgui/NoInternetConnectionPage.cpp:182
 msgid "Please connect to the Internet and try again."
 msgstr "Si us plau connecti's a Internet i provi-ho de nou."
-#: NotDetectedPage.cpp:181
+#: clientgui/NotDetectedPage.cpp:181
 msgid "Project not found"
 msgstr "Projecte no trobat"
-#: NotDetectedPage.cpp:184
+#: clientgui/NotDetectedPage.cpp:184
 msgid ""
 "The URL you supplied is not that of a BOINC-based project.\n"
@@ -2525,11 +2613,11 @@ msgstr ""
 "Si us plau verifiqui la URL i provi-ho de nou."
-#: NotDetectedPage.cpp:188
+#: clientgui/NotDetectedPage.cpp:188
 msgid "Account manager not found"
 msgstr "Administrador de comptes no trobat"
-#: NotDetectedPage.cpp:191
+#: clientgui/NotDetectedPage.cpp:191
 msgid ""
 "The URL you supplied is not that of a BOINC-based account\n"
@@ -2541,94 +2629,95 @@ msgstr ""
 "Si us plau verifiqui la URL i provi-ho de nou."
-#: NotFoundPage.cpp:181
+#: clientgui/NotFoundPage.cpp:181
 msgid "Login Failed."
 msgstr "Ha Fallat la Identificació."
-#: NotFoundPage.cpp:185
+#: clientgui/NotFoundPage.cpp:185
 msgid "Check the username and password, and try again."
 msgstr "Verifiqui el nom d'usuari i contrasenya, i provi-ho de nou."
-#: NotFoundPage.cpp:189
+#: clientgui/NotFoundPage.cpp:189
 msgid "Check the email address and password, and try again."
 msgstr ""
 "Verifiqui l'adreça de correu electrònic i contrasenya, i provi-ho de nou."
-#: NoticeListCtrl.cpp:222
+#: clientgui/NoticeListCtrl.cpp:229
 msgid "more..."
 msgstr "més..."
-#: ProjectInfoPage.cpp:477 ProjectInfoPage.cpp:778 ProjectInfoPage.cpp:782
-msgid "All"
-msgstr "Tot"
-#: ProjectInfoPage.cpp:615
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:221
 msgid "Choose a project"
 msgstr "Esculli un projecte"
-#: ProjectInfoPage.cpp:619
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:228
 msgid "To choose a project, click its name or type its URL below."
 msgstr ""
 "Per escollir un projecte, premi el seu nom o introdueixi la seva URL a "
-#: ProjectInfoPage.cpp:623
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:246
 msgid "Categories:"
 msgstr "Catagories:"
-#: ProjectInfoPage.cpp:627 sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:89
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:267
 msgid "Projects:"
 msgstr "Projectes:"
-#: ProjectInfoPage.cpp:631
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:279
 msgid "Project details"
 msgstr "Detalls del projecte"
-#: ProjectInfoPage.cpp:635
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:291
 msgid "Research area:"
 msgstr "Àrea de recerca:"
-#: ProjectInfoPage.cpp:639
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:302
 msgid "Organization:"
 msgstr "Organització:"
-#: ProjectInfoPage.cpp:643
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:313
 msgid "Web site:"
 msgstr "Pàgina web:"
-#: ProjectInfoPage.cpp:647
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:325
 msgid "Supported systems:"
 msgstr "Sistemes compatibles:"
-#: ProjectInfoPage.cpp:651
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:363
 msgid "Project URL:"
 msgstr "&URL del projecte:"
-#: ProjectInfoPage.cpp:826
-msgid ""
-"This project may not have work for your type of computer.  Do you want to "
-"add it anyway?"
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:499
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:754
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:758
+msgid "All"
+msgstr "Tot"
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:802
+msgid "This project may not have work for your type of computer.  Do you want to add it anyway?"
 msgstr ""
 "Aquest projecte poder no te feina per al seu ordinador.  Vol afegir-lo de "
 "totes maneres?"
-#: ProjectInfoPage.cpp:850
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:826
 msgid "You already added this project. Please choose a different project."
 msgstr "Ja va afegir aquest projecte. Si us plau esculli un projecte diferent."
-#: ProjectProcessingPage.cpp:321
+#: clientgui/ProjectProcessingPage.cpp:321
 msgid "Communicating with project."
 msgstr "Establint comunicació amb el servidor."
-#: ProjectProcessingPage.cpp:509
+#: clientgui/ProjectProcessingPage.cpp:510
 msgid "Required files not found on the server."
 msgstr "Els fitxers sol·licitats no s'han trobat en el servidor."
-#: ProjectProcessingPage.cpp:512 ProjectProcessingPage.cpp:574
+#: clientgui/ProjectProcessingPage.cpp:513
+#: clientgui/ProjectProcessingPage.cpp:586
 msgid "An internal server error has occurred."
 msgstr "Ha ocorregut un error intern del servidor."
-#: ProjectPropertiesPage.cpp:334
+#: clientgui/ProjectPropertiesPage.cpp:334
 msgid ""
 "Communicating with project\n"
 "Please wait..."
@@ -2636,11 +2725,48 @@ msgstr ""
 "Comunicant amb el projecte\n"
 "Si us plau, esperi..."
-#: ProxyInfoPage.cpp:195
+#: clientgui/ProjectWelcomePage.cpp:251
+#, c-format
+msgid "Welcome to %s."
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ProjectWelcomePage.cpp:254
+msgid "You have volunteered to compute for this project:"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ProjectWelcomePage.cpp:255
+msgid "Name:"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ProjectWelcomePage.cpp:258
+msgid "Home:"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ProjectWelcomePage.cpp:262
+msgid "Description:"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ProjectWelcomePage.cpp:265
+msgid "URL:"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ProjectWelcomePage.cpp:268
+msgid "User:"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ProjectWelcomePage.cpp:273
+msgid "WARNING: This project is not registered with BOINC.  Make sure you trust it before continuing."
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ProjectWelcomePage.cpp:277
+msgid "To continue, click Next."
+msgstr "Per continuar, prémer Següent."
+#: clientgui/ProxyInfoPage.cpp:195
 msgid "Network communication failure"
 msgstr "Fallo en la comunicació per xarxa"
-#: ProxyInfoPage.cpp:199
+#: clientgui/ProxyInfoPage.cpp:199
 msgid ""
 "The World Community Grid - BOINC software failed to communicate\n"
 "over the Internet. The most likely reasons are:\n"
@@ -2671,7 +2797,7 @@ msgstr ""
 "3) Esteu fent servir un servidor proxy.\n"
 "Premeu Següent per configurar els paràmetres proxy de BOINC."
-#: ProxyInfoPage.cpp:203
+#: clientgui/ProxyInfoPage.cpp:203
 msgid ""
 "BOINC failed to communicate on the Internet.\n"
 "The most likely reasons are:\n"
@@ -2701,1269 +2827,1364 @@ msgstr ""
 "3) Esteu fent servir un servidor proxy.\n"
 "Premeu Següent per configurar els paràmetres proxy de BOINC."
-#: ProxyPage.cpp:331
+#: clientgui/ProxyPage.cpp:331
 msgid "Proxy configuration"
 msgstr "Configuració del proxy"
-#: ProxyPage.cpp:334
+#: clientgui/ProxyPage.cpp:334
 msgid "HTTP proxy"
 msgstr "Proxy HTTP"
-#: ProxyPage.cpp:337 ProxyPage.cpp:357
+#: clientgui/ProxyPage.cpp:337
+#: clientgui/ProxyPage.cpp:357
 msgid "Server:"
 msgstr "Servidor:"
-#: ProxyPage.cpp:350
+#: clientgui/ProxyPage.cpp:350
 msgid "Autodetect"
 msgstr "Auto detectar"
-#: ProxyPage.cpp:354
+#: clientgui/ProxyPage.cpp:354
 msgid "SOCKS proxy"
 msgstr "SOCKS proxy"
-#: TermsOfUsePage.cpp:218
-msgid "Terms of Use"
-msgstr "Condicions d'ús"
+#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:167
+msgid "Advanced View...\tCtrl+Shift+A"
+msgstr "Vista Avançada...\tCTRL+SHIFT+A"
-#: TermsOfUsePage.cpp:222
-msgid "Please read the following terms of use:"
-msgstr "Si us plau, llegeixi les següents condicions d'ús:"
+#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:168
+msgid "Display the advanced graphical interface."
+msgstr "Mostrar la interfície gràfica avançada."
-#: TermsOfUsePage.cpp:231
-msgid "I agree to the terms of use."
-msgstr "Accepto les condicions d'ús."
+#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:175
+msgid "Skin"
+msgstr "Aspecte"
-#: TermsOfUsePage.cpp:237
-msgid "I do not agree to the terms of use."
-msgstr "No accepto les condicions d'ús."
+#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:177
+msgid "Select the appearance of the user interface."
+msgstr "Seleccionar l'aparença de la interfície d'usuari."
-#: UnavailablePage.cpp:183
-msgid "Project temporarily unavailable"
-msgstr "Projecte temporalment no disponible"
+#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:224
+#, c-format
+msgid "&%s"
+msgstr "&%s"
-#: UnavailablePage.cpp:186
-msgid ""
-"The project is temporarily unavailable.\n"
-"Please try again later."
-msgstr ""
-"El Projecte no està disponible temporalment.\n"
-"Si us plau, provi-ho mes tard."
+#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:405
+msgid "Default"
+msgstr "Per defecte"
-#: UnavailablePage.cpp:190
-msgid "Account manager temporarily unavailable"
-msgstr "Administrador de comptes temporalment no disponible"
+#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:848
+msgid "Suspend"
+msgstr "Suspendre"
-#: UnavailablePage.cpp:193
-msgid ""
-"The account manager is temporarily unavailable.\n"
-"Please try again later."
-msgstr ""
-"L'administrador de comptes no està disponible temporalment.\n"
-"Si us plau, provi-ho mes tard."
+#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:850
+msgid "Suspend Computing"
+msgstr "Suspendre la computació"
-#: ValidateAccountKey.cpp:68
-msgid "Please specify an account key to continue."
-msgstr "Si us plau entri una clau de compte per continuar."
+#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:851
+msgid "Resume Computing"
+msgstr "Restaurar la computació"
-#: ValidateAccountKey.cpp:71
-msgid "Invalid Account Key; please enter a valid Account Key"
-msgstr "Clau de Compte invàlida; si us plau entri una Clau de Compte vàlida"
+#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:867
+msgid "Notices"
+msgstr "Notícies"
-#: ValidateAccountKey.cpp:82 ValidateEmailAddress.cpp:86
-msgid "Validation conflict"
-msgstr "Verificació fallida"
+#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:868
+msgid "Open a window to view notices from projects or BOINC"
+msgstr "Obrir una finestra per veure les notícies del's projectes o BOINC"
-#: ValidateEmailAddress.cpp:72
-msgid "Please specify an email address"
-msgstr "Si us plau entri el seu compte de correu"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgMessages.cpp:124
+msgid "Fetching notices; please wait..."
+msgstr "Obtenint noticies, si us plau esperi..."
-#: ValidateEmailAddress.cpp:75
-msgid "Invalid email address; please enter a valid email address"
-msgstr ""
-"Compte de correu incorrecte; si us plau, introdueixi un compte de correu "
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgMessages.cpp:132
+msgid "There are no notices at this time."
+msgstr "No hi han notícies en aquest moment."
-#: ValidateURL.cpp:69
-msgid "Missing URL"
-msgstr "Falta la URL"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgMessages.cpp:146
+msgid "Close"
+msgstr "Tancar"
-#: ValidateURL.cpp:70
-msgid ""
-"Please specify a URL.\n"
-"For example:\n"
-msgstr ""
-"Si us plau especifiqui la URL.\n"
-"Per exemple:\n"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgMessages.cpp:394
+#, c-format
+msgid "%s - Notices"
+msgstr "%s - Notícies"
-#: ValidateURL.cpp:83 ValidateURL.cpp:87 ValidateURL.cpp:91
-#: ValidateURL.cpp:103 ValidateURL.cpp:107 ValidateURL.cpp:110
-msgid "Invalid URL"
-msgstr "URL incorrecte"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:270
+msgid "This dialog controls preferences for this computer only."
+msgstr "Aquest quadre de diàleg controla les preferències només d'aquest equip."
-#: ValidateURL.cpp:84 ValidateURL.cpp:88 ValidateURL.cpp:92
-msgid ""
-"Please specify a valid URL.\n"
-"For example:\n"
-msgstr ""
-"Si us plau especifiqui la URL.\n"
-"Per exemple:\n"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:275
+msgid "Click OK to set preferences."
+msgstr "Prem OK per confirmar preferències."
-#: ValidateURL.cpp:104 ValidateURL.cpp:108
-#, c-format
-msgid "'%s' does not contain a valid host name."
-msgstr "'%s' no conté un nom vàlid de d'ordinador."
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:280
+msgid "Click Clear to restore web-based settings for all preferences listed below."
+msgstr ""
+"Prem Restaura per restaurar la configuració bassada en el web que es mostren "
+"a continuació."
-#: ValidateURL.cpp:111
-#, c-format
-msgid "'%s' does not contain a valid path."
-msgstr "'%s' no conté una ruta vàlida."
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:287
+msgid "For additional settings, select Computing Preferences in the Advanced View."
+msgstr ""
+"Per altres paràmetres, selecciona Preferències de Computació a la Vista "
-#: ViewMessages.cpp:84 ViewProjects.cpp:170 ViewStatistics.cpp:1978
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:160 ViewWork.cpp:183
-msgid "Commands"
-msgstr "Ordres"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:315
+msgid "Do work only between:"
+msgstr "Fer feina només entre:"
-#: ViewMessages.cpp:88
-msgid "Copy all messages"
-msgstr "Copiar tots els missatges"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:337
+msgid "Connect to internet only between:"
+msgstr "Connectar a internet només entre:"
-#: ViewMessages.cpp:95
-msgid "Copy selected messages"
-msgstr "Copiar els missatges seleccionats"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:359
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:376
+msgid "Use no more than:"
+msgstr "No utilitzar més de:"
-#: ViewMessages.cpp:106 ViewMessages.cpp:502
-msgid "Show only this project"
-msgstr "Mostrar només aquest projecte"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:372
+msgid "of disk space"
+msgstr "de l'espai en disc"
-#: ViewMessages.cpp:107 ViewMessages.cpp:503
-msgid "Show only the messages for the selected project."
-msgstr "Mostrar només el missatges del projecte seleccionat."
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:389
+msgid "of the processor"
+msgstr "del processador"
-#: ViewMessages.cpp:164
-msgid "Messages"
-msgstr "Missatges"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:393
+msgid "Do work while on battery?"
+msgstr "Fer feina mentre funcioni en bateries?"
-#: ViewMessages.cpp:187
-msgid "Copying all messages to the clipboard..."
-msgstr "Copiar tots els missatges al porta papers..."
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:406
+msgid "Do work after idle for:"
+msgstr "Fer feina després d'estar inactiu durant:"
-#: ViewMessages.cpp:223
-msgid "Copying selected messages to the clipboard..."
-msgstr "Copiant els missatges seleccionats al porta papers..."
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:431
+msgid "Clear all local preferences listed above and close the dialog"
+msgstr ""
+"Netejar totes les preferències locals que es mostren i tancar la finestra"
-#: ViewMessages.cpp:286
-msgid "Filtering messages..."
-msgstr "Filtrant missatges..."
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:609
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:612
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:688
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:692
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:704
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:708
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:851
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:862
+msgid "Anytime"
+msgstr "En qualsevol moment"
-#: ViewMessages.cpp:494
-msgid "Show all messages"
-msgstr "Mostrar tots els missatges"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:645
+msgid "100 MB"
+msgstr "100 MB"
-#: ViewMessages.cpp:495
-msgid "Show messages for all projects."
-msgstr "Mostrar els missatges de tots els projectes."
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:646
+msgid "200 MB"
+msgstr "200 MB"
-#: ViewNotices.cpp:58 sg_DlgMessages.cpp:124
-msgid "Fetching notices; please wait..."
-msgstr "Obtenint noticies, si us plau esperi..."
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:647
+msgid "500 MB"
+msgstr "500 MB"
-#: ViewNotices.cpp:65 sg_DlgMessages.cpp:132
-msgid "There are no notices at this time."
-msgstr "No hi han notícies en aquest moment."
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:648
+msgid "1 GB"
+msgstr "1 GB"
-#: ViewNotices.cpp:99 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:776
-msgid "Notices"
-msgstr "Notícies"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:649
+msgid "2 GB"
+msgstr "2 GB"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:650
+msgid "5 GB"
+msgstr "5 GB"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:651
+msgid "10 GB"
+msgstr "10 GB"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:652
+msgid "20 GB"
+msgstr "20 GB"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:653
+msgid "50 GB"
+msgstr "50 GB"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:654
+msgid "100 GB"
+msgstr "100 GB"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:724
+#, c-format
+msgid "%d MB"
+msgstr "%d MB"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:726
+#, c-format
+msgid "%4.2f GB"
+msgstr "%4.2f GB"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:767
+#, c-format
+msgid "%d%%"
+msgstr "%d%%"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:803
+msgid "0 (Run Always)"
+msgstr "0 (Executar Sempre)"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:806
+#, c-format
+msgid "%d"
+msgstr "%d"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:953
+#, c-format
+msgid "%s - Computing Preferences"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:1033
+msgid "Do you really want to clear all local preferences?\n"
+msgstr "Està segur d'eliminar totes les preferències locals?\n"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:174 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:61
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:66
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:179
 msgid "Update"
 msgstr "Actualitzar"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:175 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:62
-msgid ""
-"Report all completed tasks, get latest credit, get latest preferences, and "
-"possibly get more tasks."
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:67
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:180
+msgid "Report all completed tasks, get latest credit, get latest preferences, and possibly get more tasks."
 msgstr ""
 "Informar de totes les tasques finalitzades, obtenir els darrers crèdits, i "
 "possiblement obtenir noves tasques."
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:181 ViewProjects.cpp:722 ViewWork.cpp:208 ViewWork.cpp:801
-#: sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:757 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:67
-#: sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:113 sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:66
-#: sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:106
-msgid "Suspend"
-msgstr "Suspendre"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:182 ViewProjects.cpp:722 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:68
-#: sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:114
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:73
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:129
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:187
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:727
 msgid "Suspend tasks for this project."
 msgstr "Suspendre les tasques d'aquest projecte."
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:188 ViewProjects.cpp:741 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:73
-#: sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:121
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:78
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:136
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:193
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:746
 msgid "No new tasks"
 msgstr "No descarregar tasques noves"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:189 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:74
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:79
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:194
 msgid "Don't get new tasks for this project."
 msgstr "No obtenir noves tasques per aquest projecte."
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:195 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:79
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:84
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:200
 msgid "Reset project"
 msgstr "Reiniciar el projecte"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:196 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:80
-msgid ""
-"Delete all files and tasks associated with this project, and get new tasks.  "
-"You can update the project first to report any completed tasks."
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:85
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:201
+msgid "Delete all files and tasks associated with this project, and get new tasks.  You can update the project first to report any completed tasks."
 msgstr ""
 "Eliminar tots els fitxers i tasques associades amb aquest projecte, i "
 "obtenir tasques noves.  Abans podeu actualitzar el projecte per informar de "
 "les tasques finalitzades."
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:203 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:86
-msgid ""
-"Remove this project.  Tasks in progress will be lost (use 'Update' first to "
-"report any completed tasks)."
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:91
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:208
+msgid "Remove this project.  Tasks in progress will be lost (use 'Update' first to report any completed tasks)."
 msgstr ""
 "Eliminar aquest projecte.  Les tasques en execució es perdran (abans "
 "utilitzi 'Actualitzar' per informar de les tasques finalitzades)."
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:209 ViewWork.cpp:222 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:91
-#: sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:78
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:96
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:84
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:214
 msgid "Properties"
 msgstr "Propietats"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:210 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:92
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:97
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:215
 msgid "Show project details."
 msgstr "Mostrar els detalls del projecte."
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:220 ViewStatistics.cpp:450
-msgid "Account"
-msgstr "Compte"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:222
-msgid "Work done"
-msgstr "Feina finalitzada"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:223
-msgid "Avg. work done"
-msgstr "Mitjana de la feina realitzada"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:225 ViewTransfers.cpp:188 ViewWork.cpp:234
-msgid "Status"
-msgstr "Estat"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:250
-msgid "Projects"
-msgstr "Projectes"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:302
-msgid "Updating project..."
-msgstr "Actualitzant el projecte..."
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:344
-msgid "Resuming project..."
-msgstr "Continuant el projecte..."
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:348
-msgid "Suspending project..."
-msgstr "Suspenent el projecte..."
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:126
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:723
+msgid "Resume tasks for this project."
+msgstr "Continuar les tasques d'aquest projecte."
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:385
-msgid "Telling project to allow additional task downloads..."
-msgstr "Informant al projecte que es poden descarregar noves tasques..."
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:133
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:742
+msgid "Allow new tasks"
+msgstr "Permetre noves tasques"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:389
-msgid "Telling project to not fetch any additional tasks..."
-msgstr "Informant al projecte de no es volen descarregar noves tasques..."
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:134
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:742
+msgid "Allow fetching new tasks for this project."
+msgstr "Permetre l'obtenció de noves tasques per aquest projecte."
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:425
-msgid "Resetting project..."
-msgstr "Reiniciant el projecte..."
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:137
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:746
+msgid "Don't fetch new tasks for this project."
+msgstr "No obtenir noves tasques per aquest projecte."
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:438 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:214
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:229
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:443
 #, c-format
 msgid "Are you sure you want to reset project '%s'?"
 msgstr "Està segur que vol reiniciar el projecte '%s'?"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:444 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:220
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:235
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:449
 msgid "Reset Project"
 msgstr "Reiniciar el Projecte"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:483
-msgid "Removing project..."
-msgstr "Eliminant el projecte..."
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:496 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:251
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:266
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:501
 #, c-format
 msgid "Are you sure you want to remove project '%s'?"
 msgstr "Està segur que vol eliminar el projecte '%s'?"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:502 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:257
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:272
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:507
 msgid "Remove Project"
 msgstr "Eliminar el Projecte"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:543 ViewWork.cpp:599
-msgid "Launching browser..."
-msgstr "Activant el navegador..."
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:718 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:111
-msgid "Resume tasks for this project."
-msgstr "Continuar les tasques d'aquest projecte."
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:72
+msgid "Add Project"
+msgstr "Afegeix un projecte"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:737 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:118
-msgid "Allow new tasks"
-msgstr "Permetre noves tasques"
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:73
+msgid "Synchronize"
+msgstr "Sincronitzar"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:737 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:119
-msgid "Allow fetching new tasks for this project."
-msgstr "Permetre l'obtenció de noves tasques per aquest projecte."
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:74
+msgid "Work done for this project"
+msgstr "Treball realitzat per aquest projecte"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:741 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:122
-msgid "Don't fetch new tasks for this project."
-msgstr "No obtenir noves tasques per aquest projecte."
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:77
+msgid "Synchronize projects with account manager system"
+msgstr "Sincronitzar els projectes amb el sistema de l'administrador de comptes"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1058
-msgid "Requested by user"
-msgstr "Sol.licitat per l'usuari"
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:124
+msgid "Select a project to access with the controls below"
+msgstr "Seleccioneu un projecte per a l'accés amb els controls de baix"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1059
-msgid "To fetch work"
-msgstr "Per obtenir feina"
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:145
+msgid "Project Web Pages"
+msgstr "Pàgines Web del Projecte"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1060
-msgid "To report completed tasks"
-msgstr "Per informar sobre les tasques completades"
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:149
+msgid "Project Commands"
+msgstr "Comandaments del Projecte"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1061
-msgid "To send trickle-up message"
-msgstr "Per enviar un missatge"
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:276
+#, c-format
+msgid "Pop up a menu of web sites for project %s"
+msgstr "Obre un menú dels llocs web del projecte %s"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1062
-msgid "Requested by account manager"
-msgstr "Sol·licitat per l'administrador de comptes"
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:278
+#, c-format
+msgid "Pop up a menu of commands to apply to project %s"
+msgstr "Obre un menú d'ordres per aplicar al projecte %s"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1063
-msgid "Project initialization"
-msgstr "Inicialització del projecte"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:66
+msgid "Show graphics"
+msgstr "Mostrar els gràfics"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1064
-msgid "Requested by project"
-msgstr "Sol·licitat per el projecte"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:67
+msgid "Show application graphics in a window."
+msgstr "Mostrar els gràfics de l'aplicació en una finestra."
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1065
-msgid "Unknown reason"
-msgstr "Raó desconeguda"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:73
+msgid "Suspend this task."
+msgstr "Suspendre aquesta tasca."
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1079
-msgid "Suspended by user"
-msgstr "Suspès per l'usuari"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:78
+msgid "Abort"
+msgstr "Avortar"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1082
-msgid "Won't get new tasks"
-msgstr "No es desitgen noves tasques"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:79
+msgid "Abandon this task. You will get no credit for it."
+msgstr "Abandona aquesta tasca. No rebràs cap crèdit per ella."
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1085
-msgid "Project ended - OK to remove"
-msgstr "Projecte finalitzat - OK per eliminar-lo"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:85
+msgid "Show task details."
+msgstr "Mostrar els detalls de la tasca."
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1088
-msgid "Will remove when tasks done"
-msgstr "S'eliminarà quan les tasques hagin finalitzat"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:119
+msgid "Resume work for this task."
+msgstr "Continuar la feina per aquesta tasca."
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1091
-msgid "Scheduler request pending"
-msgstr "Petició programada en espera"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:123
+msgid "Suspend work for this task."
+msgstr "Aturar el treball d'aquesta tasca."
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1097
-msgid "Scheduler request in progress"
-msgstr "Petició programada en execució"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:267
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Are you sure you want to abort this task '%s'?\n"
+"(Progress: %.1lf%%, Status: %s)"
+msgstr ""
+"Està segur de voler avortar aquesta tasca '%s'?\n"
+"(Progrés: %.1lf%%, Estat: %s)"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1100
-msgid "Trickle up message pending"
-msgstr "Degoteig de dades pendent"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:272
+msgid "Abort task"
+msgstr "Avortar la tasca"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1106
-msgid "Communication deferred "
-msgstr "Comunicació posposada "
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:468
+msgid "You don't have any projects.  Please Add a Project."
+msgstr "No te cap projecte. Si us plau, afegeixi un  projecte."
-#: ViewResources.cpp:62
-msgid "Total disk usage"
-msgstr "Espai usat del total del disc"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:469
+msgid "Not available"
+msgstr "No disponible"
-#: ViewResources.cpp:83
-msgid "Disk usage by BOINC projects"
-msgstr "Espai del disc usat per els projectes BOINC"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:480
+msgid "Tasks:"
+msgstr "Tasques:"
-#: ViewResources.cpp:116
-msgid "Disk"
-msgstr "Disc"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:486
+msgid "Select a task to access"
+msgstr "Seleccioneu una tasca per accedir-hi"
-#: ViewResources.cpp:249
-msgid "no projects: 0 bytes used"
-msgstr "cap projecte: 0 bytes utilitzats"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:497
+msgid "From:"
+msgstr "De:"
-#: ViewResources.cpp:286
-msgid "used by BOINC: "
-msgstr "utilitzat per BOINC: "
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:551
+msgid "This task's progress"
+msgstr "Progrés d'aquesta tasca"
-#: ViewResources.cpp:296
-msgid "free, available to BOINC: "
-msgstr "lliure, disponible per BOINC: "
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:569
+msgid "Task Commands"
+msgstr "Ordres de la tasca"
-#: ViewResources.cpp:306
-msgid "free, not available to BOINC: "
-msgstr "lliure, no disponible per BOINC: "
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:570
+msgid "Pop up a menu of commands to apply to this task"
+msgstr "Obre un menú d'ordres per aplicar a aquesta tasca"
-#: ViewResources.cpp:316
-msgid "free: "
-msgstr "lliure: "
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:705
+#, c-format
+msgid "Application: %s"
+msgstr "Aplicació: %s"
-#: ViewResources.cpp:326
-msgid "used by other programs: "
-msgstr "utilitzat per altres programes: "
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:728
+#, c-format
+msgid "%.3f%%"
+msgstr "%.3f%%"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:1205
-msgid "User Total"
-msgstr "Total de l'Usuari"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:736
+msgid "Application: Not available"
+msgstr "Aplicació: No disponible"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:1206
-msgid "User Average"
-msgstr "Mitjana de l'Usuari"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:836
+msgid "Not Available"
+msgstr "No Disponible"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:1207
-msgid "Host Total"
-msgstr "Total de l'Ordinador"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:851
+#, c-format
+msgid "Elapsed: %s"
+msgstr "Transcorregut: %s"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:1208
-msgid "Host Average"
-msgstr "Mitjana de l'Ordinador"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:865
+#, c-format
+msgid "Remaining (estimated): %s"
+msgstr "Pendent (estimat): %s"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:1355
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:880
 #, c-format
-msgid "Last update: %.0f days ago"
-msgstr "Darrera actualització: fa %.0f dies"
+msgid "Status: %s"
+msgstr "Estat: %s"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:1982
-msgid "Show user total"
-msgstr "Mostrar el total de l'usuari"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1227
+msgid "Retrieving current status."
+msgstr "Recuperant estat actual."
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:1983
-msgid "Show total credit for user"
-msgstr "Mostrar els crèdits totals de l'usuari"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1233
+msgid "Downloading work from the server."
+msgstr "Descarregant feina des del servidor."
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:1989
-msgid "Show user average"
-msgstr "Mostrar la mitjana de l'usuari"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1238
+msgid "Processing Suspended:  Running On Batteries."
+msgstr "Procés en suspens:  Execució En Bateries."
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:1990
-msgid "Show average credit for user"
-msgstr "Mostrar el crèdit mitjà de l'usuari"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1240
+msgid "Processing Suspended:  User Active."
+msgstr "Procés en suspens:  Usuari Actiu."
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:1996
-msgid "Show host total"
-msgstr "Mostrar el total de l'ordinador"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1242
+msgid "Processing Suspended:  User paused processing."
+msgstr "Procés en suspens:  L'usuari ha aturat l'execució."
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:1997
-msgid "Show total credit for host"
-msgstr "Mostrar el crèdit total de l'ordinador"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1244
+msgid "Processing Suspended:  Time of Day."
+msgstr "Procés en suspens:  Canviar Hora."
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2003
-msgid "Show host average"
-msgstr "Mostrar la mitjana de l'ordinador"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1246
+msgid "Processing Suspended:  Benchmarks Running."
+msgstr "Procés en suspens:  Executant Test de Rendiment."
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2004
-msgid "Show average credit for host"
-msgstr "Mostrar el crèdit mitjà de l'ordinador"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1248
+msgid "Processing Suspended."
+msgstr "Procés en suspens."
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2013
-msgid "< &Previous project"
-msgstr "< Projecte &anterior"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1252
+msgid "Waiting to contact project servers."
+msgstr "Esperant contactar amb els servidors del projecte."
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2014
-msgid "Show chart for previous project"
-msgstr "Mostrar gràfica del projecte anterior"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1256
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1265
+msgid "Retrieving current status"
+msgstr "Recuperant l'estat actual"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2019
-msgid "&Next project >"
-msgstr "Projecte &següent >"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1260
+msgid "No work available to process"
+msgstr "No hi ha feina disponible a processar"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2020
-msgid "Show chart for next project"
-msgstr "Mostrar la gràfica del projecte següent"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1262
+msgid "Unable to connect to the core client"
+msgstr "Impossible connectar amb el client"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2026 ViewStatistics.cpp:2416
-msgid "Hide project list"
-msgstr "Amaga la llista de projectes"
+#: clientgui/TermsOfUsePage.cpp:218
+msgid "Terms of Use"
+msgstr "Condicions d'ús"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2027 ViewStatistics.cpp:2416
-msgid "Use entire area for graphs"
-msgstr "Utilitzeu tota l'espai per els gràfics"
+#: clientgui/TermsOfUsePage.cpp:222
+msgid "Please read the following terms of use:"
+msgstr "Si us plau, llegeixi les següents condicions d'ús:"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2032
-msgid "Mode view"
-msgstr "Mode visual"
+#: clientgui/TermsOfUsePage.cpp:231
+msgid "I agree to the terms of use."
+msgstr "Accepto les condicions d'ús."
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2036
-msgid "One project"
-msgstr "Un projecte"
+#: clientgui/TermsOfUsePage.cpp:237
+msgid "I do not agree to the terms of use."
+msgstr "No accepto les condicions d'ús."
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2037
-msgid "Show one chart with selected project"
-msgstr "Mostrar la gràfica del projecte seleccionat"
+#: clientgui/UnavailablePage.cpp:183
+msgid "Project temporarily unavailable"
+msgstr "Projecte temporalment no disponible"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2043
-msgid "All projects (separate)"
-msgstr "Tots els projectes (per separat)"
+#: clientgui/UnavailablePage.cpp:186
+msgid ""
+"The project is temporarily unavailable.\n"
+"Please try again later."
+msgstr ""
+"El Projecte no està disponible temporalment.\n"
+"Si us plau, provi-ho mes tard."
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2044
-msgid "Show all projects, one chart per project"
-msgstr "Mostrar tots els projectes, una gràfica per projecte"
+#: clientgui/UnavailablePage.cpp:190
+msgid "Account manager temporarily unavailable"
+msgstr "Administrador de comptes temporalment no disponible"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2050
-msgid "All projects (together)"
-msgstr "Tots els projectes (junts)"
+#: clientgui/UnavailablePage.cpp:193
+msgid ""
+"The account manager is temporarily unavailable.\n"
+"Please try again later."
+msgstr ""
+"L'administrador de comptes no està disponible temporalment.\n"
+"Si us plau, provi-ho mes tard."
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2051
-msgid "Show one chart with all projects"
-msgstr "Mostrar una gràfica amb tots els projectes"
+#: clientgui/ValidateAccountKey.cpp:68
+msgid "Please specify an account key to continue."
+msgstr "Si us plau entri una clau de compte per continuar."
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2057
-msgid "All projects (sum)"
-msgstr "Tots els projectes (suma)"
+#: clientgui/ValidateAccountKey.cpp:71
+msgid "Invalid Account Key; please enter a valid Account Key"
+msgstr "Clau de Compte invàlida; si us plau entri una Clau de Compte vàlida"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2058
-msgid "Show one chart with sum of projects"
-msgstr "Mostrar una gràfica amb tots els projectes sumats"
+#: clientgui/ValidateAccountKey.cpp:82
+#: clientgui/ValidateEmailAddress.cpp:86
+msgid "Validation conflict"
+msgstr "Verificació fallida"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2079
-msgid "Statistics"
-msgstr "Estadístiques"
+#: clientgui/ValidateEmailAddress.cpp:72
+msgid "Please specify an email address"
+msgstr "Si us plau entri el seu compte de correu"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2103 ViewStatistics.cpp:2124 ViewStatistics.cpp:2145
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2167 ViewStatistics.cpp:2188 ViewStatistics.cpp:2209
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2230 ViewStatistics.cpp:2251 ViewStatistics.cpp:2272
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2296
-msgid "Updating charts..."
-msgstr "Actualitzant les gràfiques..."
+#: clientgui/ValidateEmailAddress.cpp:75
+msgid "Invalid email address; please enter a valid email address"
+msgstr ""
+"Compte de correu incorrecte; si us plau, introdueixi un compte de correu "
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2420
-msgid "Show project list"
-msgstr "Mostrar la llista de projectes"
+#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:69
+msgid "Missing URL"
+msgstr "Falta la URL"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2420
-msgid "Uses smaller area for graphs"
-msgstr "Utilitza un àrea més petita per als gràfics"
+#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:70
+msgid ""
+"Please specify a URL.\n"
+"For example:\n"
+msgstr ""
+"Si us plau especifiqui la URL.\n"
+"Per exemple:\n"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:164
-msgid "Retry Now"
-msgstr "Re-intentar ara"
+#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:83
+#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:87
+#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:91
+#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:103
+#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:107
+#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:110
+msgid "Invalid URL"
+msgstr "URL incorrecte"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:165
-msgid "Retry the file transfer now"
-msgstr "Re intentar ara la transferència d'arxius"
+#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:84
+#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:88
+#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:92
+msgid ""
+"Please specify a valid URL.\n"
+"For example:\n"
+msgstr ""
+"Si us plau especifiqui la URL.\n"
+"Per exemple:\n"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:171
-msgid "Abort Transfer"
-msgstr "Avortar el lliurament"
+#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:104
+#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:108
+#, c-format
+msgid "'%s' does not contain a valid host name."
+msgstr "'%s' no conté un nom vàlid de d'ordinador."
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:172
-msgid "Abort this file transfer.  You won't get credit for the task."
-msgstr "Avortar la transferència d'arxius.  No rebràs cap crèdit per la tasca."
+#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:111
+#, c-format
+msgid "'%s' does not contain a valid path."
+msgstr "'%s' no conté una ruta vàlida."
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:183
-msgid "File"
-msgstr "Fitxer"
+#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:84
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:175
+msgid "Commands"
+msgstr "Ordres"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:184 ViewWork.cpp:233
-msgid "Progress"
-msgstr "Progrés"
+#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:88
+msgid "Copy all messages"
+msgstr "Copiar tots els missatges"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:185
-msgid "Size"
-msgstr "Mida"
+#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:95
+msgid "Copy selected messages"
+msgstr "Copiar els missatges seleccionats"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:186
-msgid "Elapsed Time"
-msgstr "Temps transcorregut"
+#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:106
+#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:502
+msgid "Show only this project"
+msgstr "Mostrar només aquest projecte"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:187
-msgid "Speed"
-msgstr "Velocitat"
+#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:107
+#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:503
+msgid "Show only the messages for the selected project."
+msgstr "Mostrar només el missatges del projecte seleccionat."
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:213
-msgid "Transfers"
-msgstr "Lliuraments"
+#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:164
+msgid "Messages"
+msgstr "Missatges"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:280
-msgid "Network activity is suspended - "
-msgstr "Activitat de xarxa suspesa - "
+#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:187
+msgid "Copying all messages to the clipboard..."
+msgstr "Copiar tots els missatges al porta papers..."
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:282
-msgid ""
-"You can enable it using the Activity menu."
-msgstr ""
-"Pot activar-la utilitzant el menú Activitat."
+#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:223
+msgid "Copying selected messages to the clipboard..."
+msgstr "Copiant els missatges seleccionats al porta papers..."
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:285
-msgid "BOINC"
-msgstr "BOINC"
+#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:286
+msgid "Filtering messages..."
+msgstr "Filtrant missatges..."
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:292
-msgid "Retrying transfer now..."
-msgstr "Re-intentar el lliurament ara..."
+#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:494
+msgid "Show all messages"
+msgstr "Mostrar tots els missatges"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:330
-msgid "Aborting transfer..."
-msgstr "Avortant la transferència..."
+#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:495
+msgid "Show messages for all projects."
+msgstr "Mostrar els missatges de tots els projectes."
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:343
-#, c-format
-msgid ""
-"Are you sure you want to abort this file transfer '%s'?\n"
-"NOTE: Aborting a transfer will invalidate a task and you\n"
-"will not receive credit for it."
-msgstr ""
-"Està segur que vol avortar el lliurament del fitxer '%s'?\n"
-"NOTA: Cancel·lant el lliurament invalidarà la tasca i\n"
-"no rebrà crèdit per ella."
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:225
+msgid "Account"
+msgstr "Compte"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:349
-msgid "Abort File Transfer"
-msgstr "Avortar el Lliurament del Fitxer"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:227
+msgid "Work done"
+msgstr "Feina finalitzada"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:780
-msgid "Upload"
-msgstr "Pujar"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:228
+msgid "Avg. work done"
+msgstr "Mitjana de la feina realitzada"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:780
-msgid "Download"
-msgstr "Descarregar"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:230
+msgid "Status"
+msgstr "Estat"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:784
-msgid "retry in "
-msgstr "re-intentar en "
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:255
+msgid "Projects"
+msgstr "Projectes"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:786
-msgid "failed"
-msgstr "ha fallat"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:307
+msgid "Updating project..."
+msgstr "Actualitzant el projecte..."
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:789
-msgid "suspended"
-msgstr "suspès"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:349
+msgid "Resuming project..."
+msgstr "Continuant el projecte..."
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:794
-msgid "active"
-msgstr "actiu"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:353
+msgid "Suspending project..."
+msgstr "Suspenent el projecte..."
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:796
-msgid "pending"
-msgstr "pendent"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:390
+msgid "Telling project to allow additional task downloads..."
+msgstr "Informant al projecte que es poden descarregar noves tasques..."
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:803
-msgid " (project backoff: "
-msgstr " (backoff del projecte: "
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:394
+msgid "Telling project to not fetch any additional tasks..."
+msgstr "Informant al projecte de no es volen descarregar noves tasques..."
-#: ViewWork.cpp:187 ViewWork.cpp:777
-msgid "Show active tasks"
-msgstr "Mostrar les tasques actives"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:430
+msgid "Resetting project..."
+msgstr "Reiniciant el projecte..."
-#: ViewWork.cpp:188 ViewWork.cpp:778
-msgid "Show only active tasks."
-msgstr "Mostrar només les tasques actives."
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:488
+msgid "Removing project..."
+msgstr "Eliminant el projecte..."
-#: ViewWork.cpp:194 sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:60
-msgid "Show graphics"
-msgstr "Mostrar els gràfics"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:548
+msgid "Launching browser..."
+msgstr "Activant el navegador..."
-#: ViewWork.cpp:195 sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:61
-msgid "Show application graphics in a window."
-msgstr "Mostrar els gràfics de l'aplicació en una finestra."
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1063
+msgid "Requested by user"
+msgstr "Sol.licitat per l'usuari"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:201
-msgid "Show VM Console"
-msgstr "Mostrar la consola de la VM"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1064
+msgid "To fetch work"
+msgstr "Per obtenir feina"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:202
-msgid "Show VM Console in a window."
-msgstr "Mostra la consola de la VM en una finestra."
-#: ViewWork.cpp:209
-msgid "Suspend work for this result."
-msgstr "Suspendre la feina per aquest resultat."
-#: ViewWork.cpp:215 sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:72
-msgid "Abort"
-msgstr "Avortar"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1065
+msgid "To report completed tasks"
+msgstr "Per informar sobre les tasques completades"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:216
-msgid "Abandon work on the result. You will get no credit for it."
-msgstr "Abandonar la feina per aquest resultat. No obtindrà crèdit per ella."
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1066
+msgid "To send trickle-up message"
+msgstr "Per enviar un missatge"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:223 sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:79
-msgid "Show task details."
-msgstr "Mostrar els detalls de la tasca."
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1067
+msgid "Requested by account manager"
+msgstr "Sol·licitat per l'administrador de comptes"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:235
-msgid "Elapsed"
-msgstr "Transcorregut"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1068
+msgid "Project initialization"
+msgstr "Inicialització del projecte"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:236
-msgid "Remaining (estimated)"
-msgstr "Pendent (estimat)"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1069
+msgid "Requested by project"
+msgstr "Sol·licitat per el projecte"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:237
-msgid "Deadline"
-msgstr "Temps límit"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1070
+msgid "Unknown reason"
+msgstr "Raó desconeguda"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:264
-msgid "Tasks"
-msgstr "Tasques"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1084
+msgid "Suspended by user"
+msgstr "Suspès per l'usuari"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:357
-msgid "Resuming task..."
-msgstr "Continuar la tasca..."
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1087
+msgid "Won't get new tasks"
+msgstr "No es desitgen noves tasques"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:360
-msgid "Suspending task..."
-msgstr "Suspendre la tasca..."
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1090
+msgid "Project ended - OK to remove"
+msgstr "Projecte finalitzat - OK per eliminar-lo"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:389
-msgid "Showing graphics for task..."
-msgstr "Mostrant els gràfics de la tasca..."
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1093
+msgid "Will remove when tasks done"
+msgstr "S'eliminarà quan les tasques hagin finalitzat"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:426
-msgid "Showing VM console for task..."
-msgstr "Mostrant consola de la VM per a la tasca..."
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1096
+msgid "Scheduler request pending"
+msgstr "Petició programada en espera"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:479
-#, c-format
-msgid ""
-"Are you sure you want to abort this task '%s'?\n"
-"(Progress: %s, Status: %s)"
-msgstr ""
-"Està segur de voler avortar aquesta tasca '%s'?\n"
-"(Progrés: %s, Estat: %s)"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1102
+msgid "Scheduler request in progress"
+msgstr "Petició programada en execució"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:485
-#, c-format
-msgid "Are you sure you want to abort these %d tasks?"
-msgstr "Està segur que vol avortar aquestes %d tasques?"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1105
+msgid "Trickle up message pending"
+msgstr "Degoteig de dades pendent"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:490 sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:256
-msgid "Abort task"
-msgstr "Avortar la tasca"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1111
+msgid "Communication deferred "
+msgstr "Comunicació posposada "
-# 75%
-#: ViewWork.cpp:499
-msgid "Aborting task..."
-msgstr "Avortant la tasca..."
+#: clientgui/ViewResources.cpp:62
+msgid "Total disk usage"
+msgstr "Espai usat del total del disc"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:771
-msgid "Show all tasks"
-msgstr "Mostrar totes les tasques"
+#: clientgui/ViewResources.cpp:83
+msgid "Disk usage by BOINC projects"
+msgstr "Espai del disc usat per els projectes BOINC"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:772
-msgid "Show all tasks."
-msgstr "Mostrar totes les tasques."
+#: clientgui/ViewResources.cpp:116
+msgid "Disk"
+msgstr "Disc"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:796 sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:103
-msgid "Resume work for this task."
-msgstr "Continuar la feina per aquesta tasca."
+#: clientgui/ViewResources.cpp:225
+msgid "no projects: 0 bytes used"
+msgstr "cap projecte: 0 bytes utilitzats"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:802 sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:107
-msgid "Suspend work for this task."
-msgstr "Aturar el treball d'aquesta tasca."
+#: clientgui/ViewResources.cpp:262
+msgid "used by BOINC: "
+msgstr "utilitzat per BOINC: "
-#: WelcomePage.cpp:284
-msgid "Add project or account manager"
-msgstr "Afegir un projecte o administrador de comptes"
+#: clientgui/ViewResources.cpp:272
+msgid "free, available to BOINC: "
+msgstr "lliure, disponible per BOINC: "
-#: WelcomePage.cpp:288
-msgid "Add project or use BOINC Account Manager"
-msgstr "Afegir un projecte o utilitzar l'Administrador de Comptes de BOINC"
+#: clientgui/ViewResources.cpp:282
+msgid "free, not available to BOINC: "
+msgstr "lliure, no disponible per BOINC: "
-#: WelcomePage.cpp:297
-#, c-format
-msgid ""
-"If possible, add projects at the\n"
-"%s web site.\n"
-"Projects added via this wizard will not be\n"
-"listed on or managed via %s."
-msgstr ""
-"Si és possible, afegeixi projectes en la\n"
-"pàgina web %s.\n"
-"Els projectes afegits amb aquest assessor no seran\n"
-"mostrats o administrats amb %s."
+#: clientgui/ViewResources.cpp:292
+msgid "free: "
+msgstr "lliure: "
-#: WelcomePage.cpp:313
-msgid ""
-"There are over 30 BOINC-based projects\n"
-"doing research in many areas of science,\n"
-"and you can volunteer for as many of them as you like.\n"
-"You can add a project directly,\n"
-"or use an 'Account Manager' web site to select projects."
-msgstr ""
-"Hi ha més de 30 projectes basats en BOINC\n"
-"fent recerca en moltes àrees de la ciència,\n"
-"i pot ser voluntari per a tants d'ells com vulgui.\n"
-"Pot unir-se directament a un projecte,\n"
-"o utilitzar un 'Administrador de comptes' per seleccionar els projectes."
+#: clientgui/ViewResources.cpp:302
+msgid "used by other programs: "
+msgstr "utilitzat per altres programes: "
-#: WelcomePage.cpp:325
-msgid ""
-"You have chosen to add a new volunteer computing project or change which "
-"you contribute to.\n"
-"Some of these projects are run and managed by World Community Grid, while "
-"are run and managed by other researchers or organizations. The BOINC "
-"can divide your spare processing power among any combination of projects.\n"
-"Alternatively, if you have registered with a BOINC Account Manager, you can "
-"this to choose which projects to support.\n"
-"Please choose which type of change you would like to make:\n"
-msgstr ""
-"Has escollit afegir un nou projecte de computació voluntària o canviar els "
-"en els que contribueixes.\n"
-"Alguns d'aquests projectes són administrats i manejats per World Community "
-"Grid, mentre que d'altres\n"
-"són executats i administrats per altres investigadors o organitzacions. El "
-"programari BOINC\n"
-"pot repartir la potència de processament entre qualsevol combinació de "
-"Alternativament, si s'ha registrat a un administrador de comptes de BOINC, "
-"pot utilitzar-lo\n"
-"per a triar quins projectes donar suport.\n"
-"Si us plau, esculli quin tipus de canvi que vol fer:\n"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1181
+msgid "User Total"
+msgstr "Total de l'Usuari"
-#: WelcomePage.cpp:339
-msgid "Use a BOINC Account Manager"
-msgstr "Utilitzar un administrador de comptes de BOINC"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1182
+msgid "User Average"
+msgstr "Mitjana de l'Usuari"
-#: WelcomePage.cpp:352
-msgid "To continue, click Next."
-msgstr "Per continuar, prémer Següent."
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1183
+msgid "Host Total"
+msgstr "Total de l'Ordinador"
-#: WelcomePage.cpp:358
-msgid "Add or change your World Community Grid projects"
-msgstr "Afegir o canviar els teus projectes de World Community Grid"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1184
+msgid "Host Average"
+msgstr "Mitjana de l'Ordinador"
-#: WelcomePage.cpp:361
-msgid "Add projects run by other researchers or organizations"
-msgstr "Afegir projectes dirigits per altres investigadors o organitzacions"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1331
+#, c-format
+msgid "Last update: %.0f days ago"
+msgstr "Darrera actualització: fa %.0f dies"
-#: WizardAttach.cpp:634
-msgid "Do you really want to cancel?"
-msgstr "Realment vol cancel·lar?"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1956
+msgid "Show user total"
+msgstr "Mostrar el total de l'usuari"
-#: WizardAttach.cpp:635
-msgid "Question"
-msgstr "Pregunta"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1957
+msgid "Show total credit for user"
+msgstr "Mostrar els crèdits totals de l'usuari"
-#: sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:149
-msgid "Advanced View...\tCtrl+Shift+A"
-msgstr "Vista Avançada...\tCTRL+SHIFT+A"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1963
+msgid "Show user average"
+msgstr "Mostrar la mitjana de l'usuari"
-#: sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:150
-msgid "Display the advanced graphical interface."
-msgstr "Mostrar la interfície gràfica avançada."
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1964
+msgid "Show average credit for user"
+msgstr "Mostrar el crèdit mitjà de l'usuari"
-#: sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:157
-msgid "Skin"
-msgstr "Aspecte"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1970
+msgid "Show host total"
+msgstr "Mostrar el total de l'ordinador"
-#: sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:159
-msgid "Select the appearance of the user interface."
-msgstr "Seleccionar l'aparença de la interfície d'usuari."
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1971
+msgid "Show total credit for host"
+msgstr "Mostrar el crèdit total de l'ordinador"
-#: sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:206
-#, c-format
-msgid "&%s"
-msgstr "&%s"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1977
+msgid "Show host average"
+msgstr "Mostrar la mitjana de l'ordinador"
-#: sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:390
-msgid "Default"
-msgstr "Per defecte"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1978
+msgid "Show average credit for host"
+msgstr "Mostrar el crèdit mitjà de l'ordinador"
-#: sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:759
-msgid "Suspend Computing"
-msgstr "Suspendre la computació"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1987
+msgid "< &Previous project"
+msgstr "< Projecte &anterior"
-#: sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:760
-msgid "Resume Computing"
-msgstr "Restaurar la computació"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1988
+msgid "Show chart for previous project"
+msgstr "Mostrar gràfica del projecte anterior"
-#: sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:777
-msgid "Open a window to view notices from projects or BOINC"
-msgstr "Obrir una finestra per veure les notícies del's projectes o BOINC"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1993
+msgid "&Next project >"
+msgstr "Projecte &següent >"
-#: sg_DlgMessages.cpp:146
-msgid "Close"
-msgstr "Tancar"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1994
+msgid "Show chart for next project"
+msgstr "Mostrar la gràfica del projecte següent"
-#: sg_DlgMessages.cpp:389
-#, c-format
-msgid "%s - Notices"
-msgstr "%s - Notícies"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2000
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2390
+msgid "Hide project list"
+msgstr "Amaga la llista de projectes"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:268
-msgid "This dialog controls preferences for this computer only."
-msgstr "Aquest quadre de diàleg controla les preferències només d'aquest equip."
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2001
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2390
+msgid "Use entire area for graphs"
+msgstr "Utilitzeu tota l'espai per els gràfics"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:273
-msgid "Click OK to set preferences."
-msgstr "Prem OK per confirmar preferències."
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2006
+msgid "Mode view"
+msgstr "Mode visual"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:278
-msgid ""
-"Click Clear to restore web-based settings for all preferences listed below."
-msgstr ""
-"Prem Restaura per restaurar la configuració bassada en el web que es mostren "
-"a continuació."
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2010
+msgid "One project"
+msgstr "Un projecte"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:285
-msgid ""
-"For additional settings, select Computing Preferences in the Advanced View."
-msgstr ""
-"Per altres paràmetres, selecciona Preferències de Computació a la Vista "
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2011
+msgid "Show one chart with selected project"
+msgstr "Mostrar la gràfica del projecte seleccionat"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:313
-msgid "Do work only between:"
-msgstr "Fer feina només entre:"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2017
+msgid "All projects (separate)"
+msgstr "Tots els projectes (per separat)"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:335
-msgid "Connect to internet only between:"
-msgstr "Connectar a internet només entre:"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2018
+msgid "Show all projects, one chart per project"
+msgstr "Mostrar tots els projectes, una gràfica per projecte"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:357 sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:374
-msgid "Use no more than:"
-msgstr "No utilitzar més de:"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2024
+msgid "All projects (together)"
+msgstr "Tots els projectes (junts)"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:370
-msgid "of disk space"
-msgstr "de l'espai en disc"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2025
+msgid "Show one chart with all projects"
+msgstr "Mostrar una gràfica amb tots els projectes"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:387
-msgid "of the processor"
-msgstr "del processador"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2031
+msgid "All projects (sum)"
+msgstr "Tots els projectes (suma)"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:391
-msgid "Do work while on battery?"
-msgstr "Fer feina mentre funcioni en bateries?"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2032
+msgid "Show one chart with sum of projects"
+msgstr "Mostrar una gràfica amb tots els projectes sumats"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:404
-msgid "Do work after idle for:"
-msgstr "Fer feina després d'estar inactiu durant:"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2053
+msgid "Statistics"
+msgstr "Estadístiques"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:429
-msgid "Clear all local preferences listed above and close the dialog"
-msgstr ""
-"Netejar totes les preferències locals que es mostren i tancar la finestra"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2077
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2098
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2119
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2141
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2162
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2183
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2204
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2225
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2246
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2270
+msgid "Updating charts..."
+msgstr "Actualitzant les gràfiques..."
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:602 sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:605
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:681 sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:685
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:697 sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:701
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:844 sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:855
-msgid "Anytime"
-msgstr "En qualsevol moment"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2394
+msgid "Show project list"
+msgstr "Mostrar la llista de projectes"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:638
-msgid "100 MB"
-msgstr "100 MB"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2394
+msgid "Uses smaller area for graphs"
+msgstr "Utilitza un àrea més petita per als gràfics"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:639
-msgid "200 MB"
-msgstr "200 MB"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:169
+msgid "Retry Now"
+msgstr "Re-intentar ara"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:640
-msgid "500 MB"
-msgstr "500 MB"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:170
+msgid "Retry the file transfer now"
+msgstr "Re intentar ara la transferència d'arxius"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:641
-msgid "1 GB"
-msgstr "1 GB"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:176
+msgid "Abort Transfer"
+msgstr "Avortar el lliurament"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:642
-msgid "2 GB"
-msgstr "2 GB"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:177
+msgid "Abort this file transfer.  You won't get credit for the task."
+msgstr "Avortar la transferència d'arxius.  No rebràs cap crèdit per la tasca."
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:643
-msgid "5 GB"
-msgstr "5 GB"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:188
+msgid "File"
+msgstr "Fitxer"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:644
-msgid "10 GB"
-msgstr "10 GB"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:189
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:238
+msgid "Progress"
+msgstr "Progrés"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:645
-msgid "20 GB"
-msgstr "20 GB"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:190
+msgid "Size"
+msgstr "Mida"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:646
-msgid "50 GB"
-msgstr "50 GB"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:191
+msgid "Elapsed Time"
+msgstr "Temps transcorregut"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:647
-msgid "100 GB"
-msgstr "100 GB"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:192
+msgid "Speed"
+msgstr "Velocitat"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:717
-#, c-format
-msgid "%d MB"
-msgstr "%d MB"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:218
+msgid "Transfers"
+msgstr "Lliuraments"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:719
-#, c-format
-msgid "%4.2f GB"
-msgstr "%4.2f GB"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:285
+msgid "Network activity is suspended - "
+msgstr "Activitat de xarxa suspesa - "
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:760
-#, c-format
-msgid "%d%%"
-msgstr "%d%%"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:287
+msgid ""
+"You can enable it using the Activity menu."
+msgstr ""
+"Pot activar-la utilitzant el menú Activitat."
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:796
-msgid "0 (Run Always)"
-msgstr "0 (Executar Sempre)"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:290
+msgid "BOINC"
+msgstr "BOINC"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:799
-#, c-format
-msgid "%d"
-msgstr "%d"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:297
+msgid "Retrying transfer now..."
+msgstr "Re-intentar el lliurament ara..."
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:1029
-msgid "Do you really want to clear all local preferences?\n"
-msgstr "Està segur d'eliminar totes les preferències locals?\n"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:335
+msgid "Aborting transfer..."
+msgstr "Avortant la transferència..."
-#: sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:72
-msgid "Add Project"
-msgstr "Afegeix un projecte"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:348
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Are you sure you want to abort this file transfer '%s'?\n"
+"NOTE: Aborting a transfer will invalidate a task and you\n"
+"will not receive credit for it."
+msgstr ""
+"Està segur que vol avortar el lliurament del fitxer '%s'?\n"
+"NOTA: Cancel·lant el lliurament invalidarà la tasca i\n"
+"no rebrà crèdit per ella."
-#: sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:73
-msgid "Synchronize"
-msgstr "Sincronitzar"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:354
+msgid "Abort File Transfer"
+msgstr "Avortar el Lliurament del Fitxer"
-#: sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:74
-msgid "Work done for this project"
-msgstr "Treball realitzat per aquest projecte"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:785
+msgid "Upload"
+msgstr "Pujar"
-#: sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:77
-msgid "Synchronize projects with account manager system"
-msgstr "Sincronitzar els projectes amb el sistema de l'administrador de comptes"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:785
+msgid "Download"
+msgstr "Descarregar"
-#: sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:124
-msgid "Select a project to access with the controls below"
-msgstr "Seleccioneu un projecte per a l'accés amb els controls de baix"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:789
+msgid "retry in "
+msgstr "re-intentar en "
-#: sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:145
-msgid "Project Web Pages"
-msgstr "Pàgines Web del Projecte"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:791
+msgid "failed"
+msgstr "ha fallat"
-#: sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:149
-msgid "Project Commands"
-msgstr "Comandaments del Projecte"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:794
+msgid "suspended"
+msgstr "suspès"
-#: sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:267
-#, c-format
-msgid "Pop up a menu of web sites for project %s"
-msgstr "Obre un menú dels llocs web del projecte %s"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:799
+msgid "active"
+msgstr "actiu"
-#: sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:269
-#, c-format
-msgid "Pop up a menu of commands to apply to project %s"
-msgstr "Obre un menú d'ordres per aplicar al projecte %s"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:801
+msgid "pending"
+msgstr "pendent"
-#: sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:67
-msgid "Suspend this task."
-msgstr "Suspendre aquesta tasca."
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:808
+msgid " (project backoff: "
+msgstr " (backoff del projecte: "
-#: sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:73
-msgid "Abandon this task. You will get no credit for it."
-msgstr "Abandona aquesta tasca. No rebràs cap crèdit per ella."
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:192
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:782
+msgid "Show active tasks"
+msgstr "Mostrar les tasques actives"
-#: sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:251
-#, c-format
-msgid ""
-"Are you sure you want to abort this task '%s'?\n"
-"(Progress: %.1lf%%, Status: %s)"
-msgstr ""
-"Està segur de voler avortar aquesta tasca '%s'?\n"
-"(Progrés: %.1lf%%, Estat: %s)"
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:193
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:783
+msgid "Show only active tasks."
+msgstr "Mostrar només les tasques actives."
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:464
-msgid "You don't have any projects.  Please Add a Project."
-msgstr "No te cap projecte. Si us plau, afegeixi un  projecte."
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:206
+msgid "Show VM Console"
+msgstr "Mostrar la consola de la VM"
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:465
-msgid "Not available"
-msgstr "No disponible"
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:207
+msgid "Show VM Console in a window."
+msgstr "Mostra la consola de la VM en una finestra."
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:476
-msgid "Tasks:"
-msgstr "Tasques:"
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:214
+msgid "Suspend work for this result."
+msgstr "Suspendre la feina per aquest resultat."
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:482
-msgid "Select a task to access"
-msgstr "Seleccioneu una tasca per accedir-hi"
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:221
+msgid "Abandon work on the result. You will get no credit for it."
+msgstr "Abandonar la feina per aquest resultat. No obtindrà crèdit per ella."
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:493
-msgid "From:"
-msgstr "De:"
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:240
+msgid "Elapsed"
+msgstr "Transcorregut"
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:547
-msgid "This task's progress"
-msgstr "Progrés d'aquesta tasca"
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:241
+msgid "Remaining (estimated)"
+msgstr "Pendent (estimat)"
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:565
-msgid "Task Commands"
-msgstr "Ordres de la tasca"
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:242
+msgid "Deadline"
+msgstr "Temps límit"
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:566
-msgid "Pop up a menu of commands to apply to this task"
-msgstr "Obre un menú d'ordres per aplicar a aquesta tasca"
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:269
+msgid "Tasks"
+msgstr "Tasques"
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:701
-#, c-format
-msgid "Application: %s"
-msgstr "Aplicació: %s"
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:362
+msgid "Resuming task..."
+msgstr "Continuar la tasca..."
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:724
-#, c-format
-msgid "%.3f%%"
-msgstr "%.3f%%"
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:365
+msgid "Suspending task..."
+msgstr "Suspendre la tasca..."
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:732
-msgid "Application: Not available"
-msgstr "Aplicació: No disponible"
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:394
+msgid "Showing graphics for task..."
+msgstr "Mostrant els gràfics de la tasca..."
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:832
-msgid "Not Available"
-msgstr "No Disponible"
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:431
+msgid "Showing VM console for task..."
+msgstr "Mostrant consola de la VM per a la tasca..."
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:847
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:484
 #, c-format
-msgid "Elapsed: %s"
-msgstr "Transcorregut: %s"
+msgid ""
+"Are you sure you want to abort this task '%s'?\n"
+"(Progress: %s, Status: %s)"
+msgstr ""
+"Està segur de voler avortar aquesta tasca '%s'?\n"
+"(Progrés: %s, Estat: %s)"
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:861
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:490
 #, c-format
-msgid "Remaining (estimated): %s"
-msgstr "Pendent (estimat): %s"
+msgid "Are you sure you want to abort these %d tasks?"
+msgstr "Està segur que vol avortar aquestes %d tasques?"
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:876
-#, c-format
-msgid "Status: %s"
-msgstr "Estat: %s"
+# 75%
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:504
+msgid "Aborting task..."
+msgstr "Avortant la tasca..."
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1223
-msgid "Retrieving current status."
-msgstr "Recuperant estat actual."
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:776
+msgid "Show all tasks"
+msgstr "Mostrar totes les tasques"
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1229
-msgid "Downloading work from the server."
-msgstr "Descarregant feina des del servidor."
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:777
+msgid "Show all tasks."
+msgstr "Mostrar totes les tasques."
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1234
-msgid "Processing Suspended:  Running On Batteries."
-msgstr "Procés en suspens:  Execució En Bateries."
+#: clientgui/WelcomePage.cpp:284
+msgid "Add project or account manager"
+msgstr "Afegir un projecte o administrador de comptes"
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1236
-msgid "Processing Suspended:  User Active."
-msgstr "Procés en suspens:  Usuari Actiu."
+#: clientgui/WelcomePage.cpp:288
+msgid "Add project or use BOINC Account Manager"
+msgstr "Afegir un projecte o utilitzar l'Administrador de Comptes de BOINC"
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1238
-msgid "Processing Suspended:  User paused processing."
-msgstr "Procés en suspens:  L'usuari ha aturat l'execució."
+#: clientgui/WelcomePage.cpp:297
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"If possible, add projects at the\n"
+"%s web site.\n"
+"Projects added via this wizard will not be\n"
+"listed on or managed via %s."
+msgstr ""
+"Si és possible, afegeixi projectes en la\n"
+"pàgina web %s.\n"
+"Els projectes afegits amb aquest assessor no seran\n"
+"mostrats o administrats amb %s."
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1240
-msgid "Processing Suspended:  Time of Day."
-msgstr "Procés en suspens:  Canviar Hora."
+#: clientgui/WelcomePage.cpp:313
+msgid ""
+"There are over 30 BOINC-based projects\n"
+"doing research in many areas of science,\n"
+"and you can volunteer for as many of them as you like.\n"
+"You can add a project directly,\n"
+"or use an 'Account Manager' web site to select projects."
+msgstr ""
+"Hi ha més de 30 projectes basats en BOINC\n"
+"fent recerca en moltes àrees de la ciència,\n"
+"i pot ser voluntari per a tants d'ells com vulgui.\n"
+"Pot unir-se directament a un projecte,\n"
+"o utilitzar un 'Administrador de comptes' per seleccionar els projectes."
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1242
-msgid "Processing Suspended:  Benchmarks Running."
-msgstr "Procés en suspens:  Executant Test de Rendiment."
+#: clientgui/WelcomePage.cpp:325
+msgid ""
+"You have chosen to add a new volunteer computing project or change which projects\n"
+"you contribute to.\n"
+"Some of these projects are run and managed by World Community Grid, while others\n"
+"are run and managed by other researchers or organizations. The BOINC software\n"
+"can divide your spare processing power among any combination of projects.\n"
+"Alternatively, if you have registered with a BOINC Account Manager, you can use\n"
+"this to choose which projects to support.\n"
+"Please choose which type of change you would like to make:\n"
+msgstr ""
+"Has escollit afegir un nou projecte de computació voluntària o canviar els "
+"en els que contribueixes.\n"
+"Alguns d'aquests projectes són administrats i manejats per World Community "
+"Grid, mentre que d'altres\n"
+"són executats i administrats per altres investigadors o organitzacions. El "
+"programari BOINC\n"
+"pot repartir la potència de processament entre qualsevol combinació de "
+"Alternativament, si s'ha registrat a un administrador de comptes de BOINC, "
+"pot utilitzar-lo\n"
+"per a triar quins projectes donar suport.\n"
+"Si us plau, esculli quin tipus de canvi que vol fer:\n"
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1244
-msgid "Processing Suspended."
-msgstr "Procés en suspens."
+#: clientgui/WelcomePage.cpp:339
+msgid "Use a BOINC Account Manager"
+msgstr "Utilitzar un administrador de comptes de BOINC"
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1248
-msgid "Waiting to contact project servers."
-msgstr "Esperant contactar amb els servidors del projecte."
+#: clientgui/WelcomePage.cpp:358
+msgid "Add or change your World Community Grid projects"
+msgstr "Afegir o canviar els teus projectes de World Community Grid"
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1252 sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1261
-msgid "Retrieving current status"
-msgstr "Recuperant l'estat actual"
+#: clientgui/WelcomePage.cpp:361
+msgid "Add projects run by other researchers or organizations"
+msgstr "Afegir projectes dirigits per altres investigadors o organitzacions"
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1256
-msgid "No work available to process"
-msgstr "No hi ha feina disponible a processar"
+#: clientgui/WizardAttach.cpp:673
+msgid "Do you really want to cancel?"
+msgstr "Realment vol cancel·lar?"
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1258
-msgid "Unable to connect to the core client"
-msgstr "Impossible connectar amb el client"
+#: clientgui/WizardAttach.cpp:674
+msgid "Question"
+msgstr "Pregunta"
-#: wizardex.cpp:377 wizardex.cpp:553
+#: clientgui/wizardex.cpp:377
+#: clientgui/wizardex.cpp:553
 msgid "&Next >"
 msgstr "&Següent >"
-#: wizardex.cpp:383
+#: clientgui/wizardex.cpp:383
 msgid "< &Back"
 msgstr "< &Enrere"
-#: wizardex.cpp:553
+#: clientgui/wizardex.cpp:553
 msgid "&Finish"
 msgstr "&Finalitzar"
-#: mac/Mac_GUI.cpp:110
-msgid "Preferences…"
-msgstr "Preferències…"
+#: clientgui/common/wxPieCtrl.cpp:64
+msgid "Pie Ctrl"
+msgstr "Ctrl de Pastis"
-#: mac/Mac_GUI.cpp:122
+#: clientgui/mac/Mac_GUI.cpp:35
 msgid "Services"
 msgstr "Serveis"
-#: mac/Mac_GUI.cpp:144
+#: clientgui/mac/Mac_GUI.cpp:36
 #, c-format
 msgid "Hide %s"
 msgstr "Amaga %s"
-#: mac/Mac_GUI.cpp:158
+#: clientgui/mac/Mac_GUI.cpp:37
 msgid "Hide Others"
 msgstr "Amaga Altres"
-#: mac/Mac_GUI.cpp:172
+#: clientgui/mac/Mac_GUI.cpp:38
 msgid "Show All"
 msgstr "Mostra Tot"
-#: mac/Mac_GUI.cpp:186
+#: clientgui/mac/Mac_GUI.cpp:39
 #, c-format
 msgid "Quit %s"
 msgstr "Sortir de %s"
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.h:30
+msgid "specify work start and stop hours in format HH:MM-HH:MM"
+msgstr "especifiqui les hores de inici i fi de treball en el format HH:MM-HH:MM"
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.h:31
+msgid "specify network usage start and stop hours in format HH:MM-HH:MM"
+msgstr ""
+"especifiqui les hores de inici i fi d'ús de la xarxa en el format HH:MM-"
+# 98%
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "(C) 2003-2013 University of California, Berkeley.\n"
+#~ "All Rights Reserved."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "(C) 2003-2013 Universitat de Califòrnia, Berkeley.\n"
+#~ "Tots els Drets Reservats."
+#, c-format
+#~ msgid "%s - Preferences"
+#~ msgstr "%s - Preferències"
+#, no-c-format
+#~ msgid "% of the processors (0 means ignore this setting)"
+#~ msgstr "% dels processadors (0 significa ignorar aquesta opció)"
+#, no-c-format
+#~ msgid "% CPU time"
+#~ msgstr "% temps de CPU"
+#~ msgid "KBytes/sec."
+#~ msgstr "KBytes/seg."
+#~ msgid "Mbytes"
+#~ msgstr "Mbytes"
+#~ msgid "every"
+#~ msgstr "cada"
+#~ msgid "days"
+#~ msgstr "dies"
+#~ msgid "Gigabytes disk space"
+#~ msgstr "Gigabytes de espai en disc"
+#~ msgid "Running, high priority"
+#~ msgstr "Executant, alta prioritat"
+#~ msgid " (Scheduler wait: "
+#~ msgstr " (Espera del programador: "
+#~ msgid " (Scheduler wait)"
+#~ msgstr " (Espera del programador)"
+#~ msgid " (Waiting for network access)"
+#~ msgstr " (Esperant accés a la xarxa)"
+#~ msgid "Preferences…"
+#~ msgstr "Preferències…"
 #~ msgid "I do not agree with the terms of use."
 #~ msgstr "No accepto les condicions d'ús."
@@ -4289,17 +4510,6 @@ msgstr "Sortir de %s"
 #~ msgid "OnDropTarget: index by HitTest = %i"
 #~ msgstr "OnDropTarget: índex per HitTest = %i"
-#~ msgid "Pie Ctrl"
-#~ msgstr "Ctrl de Pastis"
-#~ msgid "specify work start and stop hours in format HH:MM-HH:MM"
-#~ msgstr "especifiqui les hores de inici i fi de treball en el format HH:MM-HH:MM"
-#~ msgid "specify network usage start and stop hours in format HH:MM-HH:MM"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "especifiqui les hores de inici i fi d'ús de la xarxa en el format HH:MM-"
-#~ "HH:MM"
 #~ msgid "Identify your account "
 #~ msgstr "Identifiqui el seu compte "
diff --git a/locale/ca/BOINC-Setup.mo b/locale/ca/BOINC-Setup.mo
index 85cde98..ba86fb5 100644
Binary files a/locale/ca/BOINC-Setup.mo and b/locale/ca/BOINC-Setup.mo differ
diff --git a/locale/cs/BOINC-Manager.po b/locale/cs/BOINC-Manager.po
index 507f67f..d1a9d03 100644
--- a/locale/cs/BOINC-Manager.po
+++ b/locale/cs/BOINC-Manager.po
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ msgid ""
 msgstr ""
 "Project-Id-Version: BOINC Manager 6.x\n"
 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-02-02 00:00-0800\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-12-15 14:15-0500\n"
 "PO-Revision-Date: 2013-08-30 20:59+0000\n"
 "Last-Translator: Lycan <santdel at gmail.com>\n"
 "Language-Team: BOINC Development Team <boinc_loc at ssl.berkeley.edu>\n"
@@ -16,22 +16,22 @@ msgstr ""
 "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
 "Plural-Forms: nplurals=3; plural=(n==1) ? 0 : (n>=2 && n<=4) ? 1 : 2;\n"
 "X-Generator: Pootle 2.5.0\n"
-"X-BOINC-UTF8-Marker: 简体中文, 日本語\n"
-"X-Poedit-SearchPath-1: clientgui/msw\n"
-"X-Poedit-SearchPath-2: clientgui/gtk\n"
-"X-Poedit-SearchPath-3: clientgui/mac\n"
+"X-Poedit-Basepath: C:\\Src\\BOINCGIT\\boinc_7.4\n"
 "X-Poedit-SearchPath-0: clientgui\n"
 "X-Poedit-SourceCharset: utf-8\n"
-"X-Poedit-Basepath: C:\\Src\\BOINCGIT\\boinc\n"
 "X-POOTLE-MTIME: 1377896370.0\n"
+"X-Poedit-SearchPath-1: clientgui/msw\n"
+"X-Poedit-SearchPath-2: clientgui/gtk\n"
+"X-Poedit-SearchPath-3: clientgui/mac\n"
+"X-BOINC-UTF8-Marker: 简体中文, 日本語\n"
 # 81%
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:387
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:387
 #, c-format
 msgid "Identify your account at %s"
 msgstr "Zadejte údaje k vašemu účtu u %s"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:393
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:393
 msgid ""
 "Please enter your account information\n"
 "(to create an account, visit the project's web site)"
@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ msgstr ""
 "Zadejte prosím údaje k vašemu účtu\n"
 "(účet si vytvoříte na webových stránkách projektu)"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:397
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:397
 msgid ""
 "This project is not currently accepting new accounts.\n"
 "You can add it only if you already have an account."
@@ -47,19 +47,19 @@ msgstr ""
 "Tento projekt momentálně neumožňuje vytváření nových účtů.\n"
 "Můžete jej přidat pouze, pokud již máte existující účet."
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:401
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:401
 msgid "Are you already running this project?"
 msgstr "Máte již vytvořený účet u tohoto projektu?"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:405
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:405
 msgid "&No, new user"
 msgstr "&Ne, jsem nový uživatel"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:408
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:408
 msgid "&Yes, existing user"
 msgstr "Ano, již mám účet"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:413
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:413
 msgid ""
 "We were not able to set up your account information\n"
@@ -74,45 +74,51 @@ msgstr ""
 "Pro nápovědu co zadat do kolonek Emailová adresa a Heslo\n"
 "klikněte dole na odkaz 'Získat přihlašovací informace'."
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:416
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:416
 msgid "Find login information"
 msgstr "Získat přihlašovací informace"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:436 AccountInfoPage.cpp:641
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:436
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:649
 msgid "&Password:"
 msgstr "Heslo:"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:443 AccountInfoPage.cpp:665
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:443
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:673
 msgid "Choose a &password:"
 msgstr "Zvolte si heslo:"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:446
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:446
 msgid "C&onfirm password:"
 msgstr "P&otvrďte heslo:"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:453
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:453
 #, c-format
 msgid "Are you already running %s?"
 msgstr "Používáte již %s?"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:482
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:482
 msgid "&Username:"
 msgstr "&Uživatelské jméno:"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:508
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:511
+msgid "&Email address or LDAP ID:"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:515
 msgid "&Email address:"
 msgstr "&Emailová adresa:"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:515
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:523
 #, c-format
 msgid "minimum length %d"
 msgstr "minimální délka je %d znaků"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:522
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:530
 msgid "Forgot your password?"
 msgstr "Zapomněli jste heslo?"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:529
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:537
 msgid ""
 "If you have not yet registered with this account manager,\n"
 "please do so before proceeding.  Click on the link below\n"
@@ -122,47 +128,46 @@ msgstr ""
 "učiňte tak, než budete pokračovat. Pro registraci nebo\n"
 "získání zapomenutého hesla klikněte na odkaz dole."
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:532
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:540
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Account manager web site"
 msgstr "Webové stránky Správce účtu"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:574 WelcomePage.cpp:348
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:582
 msgid "Add project"
 msgstr "Přidat projekt"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:576
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:584
 msgid "Update account manager"
 msgstr "Aktualizovat Správce účtu"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:578 WelcomePage.cpp:307 WelcomePage.cpp:321
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:586
 msgid "Use account manager"
 msgstr "Použít Správce účtu"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:585
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:593
 msgid "Please enter a user name."
 msgstr ""
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:587
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:595
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Please enter an email address."
 msgstr "Zadejte prosím emailovou adresu"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:597
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:605
 #, c-format
 msgid "Please enter a password of at least %d characters."
 msgstr ""
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:607
-msgid ""
-"The password and confirmation password do not match. Please type them again."
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:615
+msgid "The password and confirmation password do not match. Please type them again."
 msgstr "Zadaná hesla se neshodují. Prosím napište je znovu."
-#: AccountManagerInfoPage.cpp:272
+#: clientgui/AccountManagerInfoPage.cpp:272
 msgid "Choose an account manager"
 msgstr "Zvolte Správce účtu"
-#: AccountManagerInfoPage.cpp:275
+#: clientgui/AccountManagerInfoPage.cpp:275
 msgid ""
 "To choose an account manager, click its name or \n"
 "type its URL below."
@@ -170,383 +175,400 @@ msgstr ""
 "Zvolte Správce účtu kliknutím na jeho jméno \n"
 "nebo napište do kolonky dole jeho URL adresu."
-#: AccountManagerInfoPage.cpp:279
+#: clientgui/AccountManagerInfoPage.cpp:279
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Account manager details:"
 msgstr "Webové stránky Správce účtu"
-#: AccountManagerInfoPage.cpp:283
+#: clientgui/AccountManagerInfoPage.cpp:283
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Account manager &URL:"
 msgstr "&URL adresa Správce účtu:"
-#: AccountManagerInfoPage.cpp:287
+#: clientgui/AccountManagerInfoPage.cpp:287
 msgid "Open web page"
 msgstr ""
-#: AccountManagerInfoPage.cpp:290
+#: clientgui/AccountManagerInfoPage.cpp:290
 msgid "Visit this account manager's web site"
 msgstr ""
-#: AccountManagerProcessingPage.cpp:187 AccountManagerPropertiesPage.cpp:193
+#: clientgui/AccountManagerProcessingPage.cpp:186
+#: clientgui/AccountManagerPropertiesPage.cpp:192
 #, c-format
 msgid "Communicating with %s."
 msgstr "Komunikuji s %s."
-#: AccountManagerProcessingPage.cpp:194 AccountManagerPropertiesPage.cpp:200
+#: clientgui/AccountManagerProcessingPage.cpp:193
+#: clientgui/AccountManagerPropertiesPage.cpp:199
 msgid "Communicating with server."
 msgstr "Komunikuji se serverem."
-#: AccountManagerProcessingPage.cpp:199 AccountManagerPropertiesPage.cpp:205
+#: clientgui/AccountManagerProcessingPage.cpp:198
+#: clientgui/AccountManagerPropertiesPage.cpp:204
 msgid "Please wait..."
 msgstr "Čekejte prosím..."
-#: AccountManagerProcessingPage.cpp:326
+#: clientgui/AccountManagerProcessingPage.cpp:325
 msgid "An internal server error has occurred.\n"
 msgstr "Na serveru se vyskytla vnitřní chyba. \n"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:95
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:96
 msgid "Connected"
 msgstr "Připojen"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:103
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:104
 msgid "Disconnected"
 msgstr "Odpojen"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:322 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:119
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:318
 #, c-format
 msgid "Close the %s window"
 msgstr "Zavřít %s okno"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:325 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:122
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:321
 msgid "&Close Window"
 msgstr "Zavřít okno"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:336 AdvancedFrame.cpp:343 AdvancedFrame.cpp:350
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:332
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:339
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:346
 #, c-format
 msgid "Exit %s"
 msgstr "Ukončit %s"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:371
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:359
+msgid "Preferences..."
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:368
 msgid "&Notices\tCtrl+Shift+N"
 msgstr "Zprávy\tCtrl+Shift+N"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:372
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:369
 msgid "Display notices"
 msgstr "Zobrazit zprávy"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:377
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:374
 msgid "&Projects\tCtrl+Shift+P"
 msgstr "&Projekty\tCtrl+Shift+P"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:378
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:375
 msgid "Display projects"
 msgstr "Zobrazit projekty"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:383
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:380
 msgid "&Tasks\tCtrl+Shift+T"
 msgstr "Úkoly\tCtrl+Shift+T"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:384
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:381
 msgid "Display tasks"
 msgstr "Zobrazit úkoly"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:389
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:386
 msgid "Trans&fers\tCtrl+Shift+X"
 msgstr "Přenos\tCtrl+Shift+X"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:390
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:387
 msgid "Display transfers"
 msgstr "Zobrazit přenosy"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:395
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:392
 msgid "&Statistics\tCtrl+Shift+S"
 msgstr "&Statistiky\tCtrl+Shift+S"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:396
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:393
 msgid "Display statistics"
 msgstr "Zobrazit statistiky"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:401
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:398
 msgid "&Disk usage\tCtrl+Shift+D"
 msgstr "Využití &disku\tCtrl+Shift+D"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:402
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:399
 msgid "Display disk usage"
 msgstr "Zobrazit využití disku"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:409
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:406
 msgid "Simple &View...\tCtrl+Shift+V"
 msgstr "Jednoduché zobrazení...\tCtrl+Shift+V"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:410
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:407
 msgid "Display the simple graphical interface."
 msgstr "Přepnout do Jednoduchého zobrazení"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:424
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:421
 msgid "&Add project or account manager..."
 msgstr "Přid&at projekt nebo nastavit Správce účtu..."
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:425 sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:76
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:422
 msgid "Volunteer for any or all of 30+ projects in many areas of science"
 msgstr ""
 "Staňte se dobrovolníkem v kterémkoliv z více než 30 projektů v mnoha "
 "vědeckých oblastech"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:429
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:426
 #, c-format
 msgid "&Synchronize with %s"
 msgstr "&Synchronizovat s %s"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:433
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:430
 #, c-format
 msgid "Get current settings from %s"
 msgstr "Použít aktuální nastavení z %s"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:443
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:440
 msgid "&Add project..."
 msgstr "Přid&at projekt..."
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:444
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:441
 msgid "Add a project"
 msgstr "Přid&at projekt"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:447
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:444
 #, c-format
 msgid "S&top using %s..."
 msgstr "Ukončit %s..."
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:453
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:450
 msgid "Remove this computer from account manager control."
 msgstr "Odebrat počítač ze správy Správce účtu."
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:458 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:178
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:455
 msgid "&Options..."
 msgstr "M&ožnosti..."
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:459 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:179
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:456
 msgid "Configure display options and proxy settings"
 msgstr "Nastavit vzhled a způsob připojení k Internetu (proxy server)"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:463 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:172
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:460
 msgid "Computing &preferences..."
 msgstr "Výpočetní &předvolby..."
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:464 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:173
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:461
 msgid "Configure computing preferences"
 msgstr "Nastavit výpočetní předvolby"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:472
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:469
 msgid "&Run always"
 msgstr "Počítat stále"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:473
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:470
 msgid "Allow work regardless of preferences"
 msgstr "Povolit práci bez ohledu na předvolby"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:477
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:474
 msgid "Run based on &preferences"
 msgstr "Počítat podle &předvoleb"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:478
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:475
 msgid "Allow work according to preferences"
 msgstr "Povolit práci podle předvoleb"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:482
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:479
 msgid "&Suspend"
 msgstr "Poza&stavit"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:483
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:480
 msgid "Stop work regardless of preferences"
 msgstr "Pozastavit práci bez ohledu na předvolby"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:508
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:505
 msgid "Use GPU always"
 msgstr "Vždy používat GPU"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:509
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:506
 msgid "Allow GPU work regardless of preferences"
 msgstr "Povolit práci na GPU bez ohledu na předvolby"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:513
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:510
 msgid "Use GPU based on preferences"
 msgstr "Používat GPU podle předvoleb"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:514
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:511
 msgid "Allow GPU work according to preferences"
 msgstr "Povolit práci na GPU podle předvoleb"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:518
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:515
 msgid "Suspend GPU"
 msgstr "Pozastavit GPU"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:519
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:516
 msgid "Stop GPU work regardless of preferences"
 msgstr "Pozastavit práci na GPU bez ohledu na předvolby"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:543
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:540
 msgid "Network activity always available"
 msgstr "Trvale povolit přístup k Internetu"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:544
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:541
 msgid "Allow network activity regardless of preferences"
 msgstr "Povolit přístup k Internetu bez ohledu na předvolby"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:548
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:545
 msgid "Network activity based on preferences"
 msgstr "Připojovat k Internetu podle předvoleb"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:549
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:546
 msgid "Allow network activity according to preferences"
 msgstr "Využívat připojení k Internetu podle předvoleb"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:553
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:550
 msgid "Network activity suspended"
 msgstr "Zakázat přístup k Internetu"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:554
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:551
 msgid "Stop BOINC network activity"
 msgstr "Zakázat Správci BOINC přistupovat k Internetu"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:564
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:561
 #, c-format
 msgid "Connect to another computer running %s"
 msgstr "Připojit se k jinému počítači se spuštěným klientem %s"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:569
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:566
 msgid "Select computer..."
 msgstr "Zvolit počítač..."
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:574
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:571
 msgid "Shut down connected client..."
 msgstr "Vypnout připojeného klien&ta..."
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:575
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:572
 msgid "Shut down the currently connected client"
 msgstr "Vypnout aktuálně připojeného klienta"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:579
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:576
 msgid "Run CPU &benchmarks"
 msgstr "Spustit testy procesoru"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:580
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:577
 msgid "Runs BOINC CPU benchmarks"
 msgstr "Spustit BOINC testy procesoru"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:584
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:581
 msgid "Do network communication"
 msgstr "Obnovit všechny přenosy"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:585
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:582
 msgid "Do all pending network communication"
 msgstr "Obnovit veškerou čekající síťovou komunikaci"
 # 94%
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:589
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:586
 msgid "Read config files"
 msgstr "Načíst konfigurační soubory"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:590
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:587
 msgid "Read configuration info from cc_config.xml and any app_config.xml files"
 msgstr "Načíst konfiguraci ze souborů cc_config.xml a app_config.xml."
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:594
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:591
 msgid "Read local prefs file"
 msgstr "Načíst předvolby z lokálního souboru"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:595
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:592
 msgid "Read preferences from global_prefs_override.xml."
 msgstr "Načíst předvolby z 'global_prefs_override.xml'"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:600
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:597
 #, c-format
 msgid "Launch another instance of %s..."
 msgstr "Spustit další instanci %s..."
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:604
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:601
 #, c-format
 msgid "Launch another %s"
 msgstr "Spustit další %s"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:614
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:611
 msgid "Event Log...\tCtrl+Shift+E"
 msgstr "Záznam událostí...\tCtrl+Shift+E"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:615
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:612
 msgid "Display diagnostic messages."
 msgstr "Zobrazit diagnostické zprávy."
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:625 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:188
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:616
+msgid "Event Log Diagnostic Flags...\tCtrl+Shift+F"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:617
+msgid "Enable or disable various diagnostic messages"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:626
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s &help"
 msgstr "Nápověda k platformě %s"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:631 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:194
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:632
 #, c-format
 msgid "Show information about %s"
 msgstr "Zobrazit webovou stránku s nápovědou k platformě %s"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:643
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:644
 #, c-format
 msgid "&%s help"
 msgstr "Nápověda k programu %s"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:649 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:212
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:650
 #, c-format
 msgid "Show information about the %s"
 msgstr "Zobrazit webovou stránku s nápovědou k programu %s"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:661 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:224
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:662
 #, c-format
 #, c-format, fuzzy
 msgid "%s &web site"
 msgstr "&Webové stránky %s"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:667 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:230
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:668
 #, c-format
 msgid "Show information about BOINC and %s"
 msgstr "Zobrazit webovou stránku s informacemi o projektu BOINC a o programu %s"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:679 BOINCTaskBar.cpp:530 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:242
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:680
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:544
 #, c-format
 msgid "&About %s..."
 msgstr "Inform&ace o %s..."
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:685 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:248
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:686
 msgid "Licensing and copyright information."
 msgstr "Zobrazit informace o aktuální verzi BOINC (licence a autorská práva)."
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:692 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:255
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:693
 msgid "&File"
 msgstr "Soubor"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:696 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:259
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:697
 msgid "&View"
 msgstr "Zobrazení"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:700 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:263
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:701
 msgid "&Tools"
 msgstr "Nás&troje"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:704
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:705
 msgid "&Activity"
 msgstr "&Aktivity"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:708
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:709
 msgid "A&dvanced"
 msgstr "Pokročilé"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:712 DlgEventLog.cpp:332 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:267
-#: wizardex.cpp:374 wizardex.cpp:381
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:713
 msgid "&Help"
 msgstr "Nápověda"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:1199
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1185
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - Stop using %s"
 msgstr "%s - Přestat používat %s"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:1204
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1190
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "If you stop using %s,\n"
@@ -561,12 +583,12 @@ msgstr ""
 "Chcete přestanete používat %s?"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:1401
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1397
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - Shut down the current client..."
 msgstr "%s - Vypnout aktuálního klienta..."
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:1410
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1406
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "%s will shut down the current client\n"
@@ -575,36 +597,36 @@ msgstr ""
 "%s vypne aktuálně připojeného klienta\n"
 "a vyzve vás k připojení k jinému počítači."
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:1745 DlgAbout.cpp:119
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1806
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s"
 msgstr "%s"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:1754
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1815
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s has successfully added %s"
 msgstr "%s úspěšně přidal %s"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:1893
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1953
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - (%s)"
 msgstr "%s - (%s)"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:1897
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1957
 #, c-format
 msgid "Connecting to %s"
 msgstr "Připojuji se k %s"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:1900
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1960
 #, c-format
 msgid "Connected to %s (%s)"
 msgstr "Připojeno k %s (%s)"
-#: AlreadyExistsPage.cpp:184
+#: clientgui/AlreadyExistsPage.cpp:184
 msgid "Username already in use"
 msgstr "Toto uživatelské jméno je již použito"
-#: AlreadyExistsPage.cpp:187
+#: clientgui/AlreadyExistsPage.cpp:187
 msgid ""
 "An account with that username already exists and has a\n"
 "different password than the one you entered.\n"
@@ -616,11 +638,11 @@ msgstr ""
 "Navštivte prosím stránky projektu a tam pokračujte podle instrukcí."
-#: AlreadyExistsPage.cpp:191
+#: clientgui/AlreadyExistsPage.cpp:191
 msgid "Email address already in use"
 msgstr "Tato emailová adresa je již použita"
-#: AlreadyExistsPage.cpp:194
+#: clientgui/AlreadyExistsPage.cpp:194
 msgid ""
 "An account with that email address already exists and has a\n"
 "different password than the one you entered.\n"
@@ -632,45 +654,44 @@ msgstr ""
 "Navštivte prosím stránky projektu a tam pokračujte podle instrukcí."
-#: AsyncRPC.cpp:1031
+#: clientgui/AsyncRPC.cpp:1031
 msgid "Communicating with BOINC client.  Please wait ..."
 msgstr "Komunikuji s BOINC klientem.  Prosím čekejte ..."
-#: AsyncRPC.cpp:1034
+#: clientgui/AsyncRPC.cpp:1034
 #, c-format
 msgid "&Quit %s"
 msgstr "Opustit %s"
-#: AsyncRPC.cpp:1036
+#: clientgui/AsyncRPC.cpp:1036
 #, c-format
 msgid "E&xit %s"
 msgstr "Ukončit %s"
-#: AsyncRPC.cpp:1040
+#: clientgui/AsyncRPC.cpp:1040
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - Communication"
 msgstr "%s - Komunikace"
-#: AsyncRPC.cpp:1056 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:107 sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:433
+#: clientgui/AsyncRPC.cpp:1056
 msgid "Cancel"
 msgstr "Zrušit"
-#: BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:505
+#: clientgui/BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:504
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - Connection Error"
 msgstr "%s - Chyba připojení"
-#: BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:514
+#: clientgui/BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:513
 msgid ""
 "You currently are not authorized to manage the client.\n"
-"Please contact your administrator to add you to the 'boinc_users' local user "
+"Please contact your administrator to add you to the 'boinc_users' local user group."
 msgstr ""
 "Momentálně nejste oprávněn spravovat tohoto klienta.\n"
 "Kontaktujte prosím vašeho administrátora, aby vás přidal do lokální "
 "uživatelské skupiny 'boinc_users'."
-#: BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:523
+#: clientgui/BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:522
 msgid ""
 "Authorization failed connecting to running client.\n"
 "Make sure you start this program in the same directory as the client."
@@ -678,20 +699,20 @@ msgstr ""
 "Chyba autorizace při připojení k běžícímu klientu.\n"
 "Ujistěte se, že jste tento program spustili ze stejné složky jako klienta."
-#: BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:525
+#: clientgui/BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:524
 msgid "Authorization failed connecting to running client."
 msgstr "Selhala autorizace při připojení k běžícímu klientovi."
-#: BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:533
+#: clientgui/BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:532
 msgid "The password you have provided is incorrect, please try again."
 msgstr "Zadané heslo je chybné. Zkuste to prosím znova."
-#: BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:577
+#: clientgui/BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:576
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - Connection Failed"
 msgstr "%s - Připojení selhalo"
-#: BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:586
+#: clientgui/BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:585
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "%s is not able to connect to a %s client.\n"
@@ -700,23 +721,22 @@ msgstr ""
 "%s nemůže navázat spojení s klientem %s.\n"
 "Chcete pokus opakovat?"
-#: BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:622
+#: clientgui/BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:621
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - Daemon Start Failed"
 msgstr "%s - Start daemona selhal"
-#: BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:632
+#: clientgui/BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:631
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "%s is not able to start a %s client.\n"
-"Please launch the Control Panel->Administative Tools->Services applet and "
-"start the BOINC service."
+"Please launch the Control Panel->Administative Tools->Services applet and start the BOINC service."
 msgstr ""
 "%s není schopen spustit klienta %s.\n"
 "Spusťte prosím 'Ovládací panely -> Nástroje pro správu -> Služby' a spusťte "
 "službu BOINC."
-#: BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:638
+#: clientgui/BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:637
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "%s is not able to start a %s client.\n"
@@ -725,17 +745,16 @@ msgstr ""
 "%s není schopen spustit klienta %s.\n"
 "Spusťe prosím daemona a zkuste to znova."
-#: BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:689
+#: clientgui/BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:688
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - Connection Status"
 msgstr "%s - Stav připojení"
-#: BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:700
+#: clientgui/BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:699
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "%s is not currently connected to a %s client.\n"
-"Please use the 'Advanced\\Select Computer...' menu option to connect up to a "
-"%s client.\n"
+"Please use the 'Advanced\\Select Computer...' menu option to connect up to a %s client.\n"
 "To connect up to your local computer please use 'localhost' as the host name."
 msgstr ""
 "%s není momentálně připojen ke klientu %s.\n"
@@ -743,16 +762,16 @@ msgstr ""
 "Chcete-li se připojit ke klientu běžícímu na vašem počítači, \n"
 "do kolonky 'Jméno počítače' zadejte 'localhost'."
-#: BOINCBaseView.cpp:779
+#: clientgui/BOINCBaseView.cpp:752
 msgid "Project web pages"
 msgstr "Webové stránky projektu"
-#: BOINCClientManager.cpp:575
+#: clientgui/BOINCClientManager.cpp:573
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - Unexpected Exit"
 msgstr "%s - Nečekané ukončení"
-#: BOINCClientManager.cpp:585
+#: clientgui/BOINCClientManager.cpp:583
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "The %s client has exited unexpectedly 3 times within the last %d minutes.\n"
@@ -761,12 +780,12 @@ msgstr ""
 "Klient %s 3x nečekaně ukončil práci během posledních %d minut.\n"
 "Přejete si ho restartovat?"
-#: BOINCDialupManager.cpp:61
+#: clientgui/BOINCDialupManager.cpp:61
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - Network Status"
 msgstr "%s - Stav sítě"
-#: BOINCDialupManager.cpp:241
+#: clientgui/BOINCDialupManager.cpp:241
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "%s needs to connect to the Internet.\n"
@@ -775,22 +794,22 @@ msgstr ""
 "%s vyžaduje připojení k Internetu.\n"
 "Připojit nyní?"
-#: BOINCDialupManager.cpp:254
+#: clientgui/BOINCDialupManager.cpp:254
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s is connecting to the Internet."
 msgstr "%s se připojuje k Internetu."
-#: BOINCDialupManager.cpp:303
+#: clientgui/BOINCDialupManager.cpp:303
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s has successfully connected to the Internet."
 msgstr "%s se úspěšně připojil k Internetu."
-#: BOINCDialupManager.cpp:331
+#: clientgui/BOINCDialupManager.cpp:331
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s failed to connect to the Internet."
 msgstr "%s se nezvládl připojit k Internetu."
-#: BOINCDialupManager.cpp:372
+#: clientgui/BOINCDialupManager.cpp:372
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "%s has detected it is now connected to the Internet.\n"
@@ -799,17 +818,17 @@ msgstr ""
 "%s detekoval připojení k Internetu.\n"
 "Bude znovu zahájen přenos a aktualizovány všechny projekty."
-#: BOINCDialupManager.cpp:417
+#: clientgui/BOINCDialupManager.cpp:417
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s has successfully disconnected from the Internet."
 msgstr "%s se úspěšně odpojil od Internetu."
-#: BOINCDialupManager.cpp:433
+#: clientgui/BOINCDialupManager.cpp:433
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s failed to disconnected from the Internet."
 msgstr "%s se nezvládl odpojit od Internetu."
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:339
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:595
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "You currently are not authorized to manage the client.\n"
@@ -830,7 +849,7 @@ msgstr ""
 "- kontaktujte vašeho administrátora, aby vás přidal\n"
 "do uživatelské skupiny 'boinc_master'."
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:345
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:601
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "%s ownership or permissions are not set properly; please reinstall %s.\n"
@@ -840,16 +859,15 @@ msgstr ""
 "prosím %s.\n"
 "(Chybový kód %d"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:351
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:607
 msgid " at "
 msgstr " v "
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:354 MainDocument.cpp:2484 MainDocument.cpp:2534
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2554 ViewTransfers.cpp:803
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:610
 msgid ")"
 msgstr ")"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:384
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:640
 msgid ""
 "A reboot is required in order for BOINC to run properly.\n"
 "Please reboot your computer and try again."
@@ -857,186 +875,190 @@ msgstr ""
 "Pro správné fungování BOINC je vyžadován restart.\n"
 "Prosím restartujte počítač a zkuste to znova."
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:385 DlgAbout.cpp:153
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:641
 msgid "BOINC Manager"
 msgstr "Správce BOINC"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:572
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:902
 msgid "BOINC Manager was started by the operating system automatically"
 msgstr "Správce BOINC byl automaticky spuštěn operačním systémem"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:574
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:904
 msgid "Startup BOINC so only the system tray icon is visible"
 msgstr "Spustit BOINC pouze s ikonou v systémové liště"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:576
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:906
 msgid "Directory containing the BOINC Client executable"
 msgstr "Složka obsahující spustitelného BOINC klienta"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:577
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:907
 msgid "BOINC data directory"
 msgstr "Složka pro BOINC data"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:579
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:909
 msgid "Host name or IP address"
 msgstr "Jméno počítače nebo IP adresa"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:580
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:910
 msgid "GUI RPC port number"
 msgstr "Číslo portu pro GUI RPC"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:581
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:911
 msgid "Password"
 msgstr "Heslo"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:582
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:912
 msgid "Startup BOINC with these optional arguments"
 msgstr "Spouštět BOINC s těmito volitelnými parametry"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:583
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:913
 msgid "disable BOINC security users and permissions"
 msgstr "zrušit bezpečnostní uživatele a práva BOINC"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:584
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:914
 msgid "set skin debugging mode to enable skin manager error messages"
 msgstr ""
 "Nastavit ladící režim správce vzhledů pro zobrazení chybových zpráv správce "
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:585
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:915
 msgid "multiple instances of BOINC Manager allowed"
 msgstr "povoleno více instancí Správce BOINC"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:587
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:917
 msgid "Not used: workaround for bug in XCode 4.2"
 msgstr "Nepoužito: oprava pro chybu v XCode 4.2"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:814
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:1164
 msgid "(Automatic Detection)"
 msgstr "(Zjištěno automaticky)"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:815
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:1165
 msgid "(Unknown)"
 msgstr "(Neznámé)"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:816
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:1166
 msgid "(User Defined)"
 msgstr "(Definováno uživatelem)"
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:508
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:522
 #, c-format
 msgid "Open %s Web..."
 msgstr "Otevřít webové stránky %s..."
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:515
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:529
 #, c-format
 msgid "Open %s..."
 msgstr "Otevřít %s..."
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:522 BOINCTaskBar.cpp:619 BOINCTaskBar.cpp:627
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:536
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:633
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:641
 msgid "Snooze"
 msgstr "Uspat"
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:524 BOINCTaskBar.cpp:646 BOINCTaskBar.cpp:654
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:538
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:660
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:668
 msgid "Snooze GPU"
 msgstr "Uspat GPU"
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:542
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:556
 msgid "E&xit"
 msgstr "Ukončit"
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:612 ViewProjects.cpp:718 ViewWork.cpp:795
-#: sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:758 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:110
-#: sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:102
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:626
 msgid "Resume"
 msgstr "Obnovit"
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:639
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:653
 msgid "Resume GPU"
 msgstr "Obnovit GPU"
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:713
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:727
 msgid "Computing is enabled"
 msgstr "Počítání je povoleno"
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:717
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:731
 msgid "Computing is suspended - "
 msgstr "Počítání je pozastaveno - "
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:727
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:741
 msgid "GPU computing is enabled"
 msgstr "GPU počítání je povoleno"
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:730
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:744
 msgid "GPU computing is suspended - "
 msgstr "GPU počítání je pozastaveno - "
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:739
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:753
 msgid "Network is enabled"
 msgstr "Přístup k Internetu je povolen"
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:742
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:756
 msgid "Network is suspended - "
 msgstr "Přístup k Internetu je pozastaven - "
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:750
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:764
 msgid "Reconnecting to client."
 msgstr "Obnovuji spojení s klientem."
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:752
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:766
 msgid "Not connected to a client."
 msgstr "Nepřipojeno ke klientu."
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:805
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:819
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s Notices"
 msgstr "%s Zprávy"
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:811
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:825
 msgid "There are new notices - click to view."
 msgstr "Jsou dostupné nové zprávy - klikněte pro zobrazení."
-#: CompletionErrorPage.cpp:199
+#: clientgui/CompletionErrorPage.cpp:199
 msgid "Failed to add project"
 msgstr "Selhalo přidání projektu"
-#: CompletionErrorPage.cpp:204
+#: clientgui/CompletionErrorPage.cpp:204
 msgid "Failed to update account manager"
 msgstr "Selhala aktualizace Správce účtu"
-#: CompletionErrorPage.cpp:208
+#: clientgui/CompletionErrorPage.cpp:208
 msgid "Failed to remove account manager"
 msgstr "Selhalo odebrání Správce účtu"
-#: CompletionErrorPage.cpp:212
+#: clientgui/CompletionErrorPage.cpp:212
 msgid "Failed to add account manager"
 msgstr "Selhalo přidání Správce účtu"
-#: CompletionErrorPage.cpp:221
+#: clientgui/CompletionErrorPage.cpp:221
 msgid ""
 "Please try again later.\n"
 "Click Finish to close."
 msgstr ""
-#: CompletionErrorPage.cpp:225 CompletionPage.cpp:222 CompletionPage.cpp:242
-#: CompletionPage.cpp:273
+#: clientgui/CompletionErrorPage.cpp:225
+#: clientgui/CompletionPage.cpp:222
+#: clientgui/CompletionPage.cpp:242
+#: clientgui/CompletionPage.cpp:273
 msgid "Click Finish to close."
 msgstr "Okno zavřete kliknutím na Dokončit."
-#: CompletionErrorPage.cpp:234
+#: clientgui/CompletionErrorPage.cpp:234
 msgid "Messages from server:"
 msgstr "Zprávy ze serveru:"
-#: CompletionPage.cpp:207
+#: clientgui/CompletionPage.cpp:207
 msgid "Project added"
 msgstr "Projekt přidán"
-#: CompletionPage.cpp:213
+#: clientgui/CompletionPage.cpp:213
 msgid "This project has been successfully added."
 msgstr "Přidání projektu proběhlo úspěšně."
-#: CompletionPage.cpp:218
+#: clientgui/CompletionPage.cpp:218
 msgid ""
 "When you click Finish, your web browser will go to a page where\n"
 "you can set your account name and preferences."
@@ -1045,125 +1067,126 @@ msgstr ""
 "ve které si budete moci nastavit jméno účtu a další předvolby."
-#: CompletionPage.cpp:232
+#: clientgui/CompletionPage.cpp:232
 #, c-format
 msgid "Update from %s completed."
 msgstr "Aktualizace z %s dokončena."
-#: CompletionPage.cpp:236
+#: clientgui/CompletionPage.cpp:236
 msgid "Update completed."
 msgstr "Aktualizace dokončena."
-#: CompletionPage.cpp:247
+#: clientgui/CompletionPage.cpp:247
 msgid "Now using account manager"
 msgstr "Nyní je používán Správce účtu"
-#: CompletionPage.cpp:252
+#: clientgui/CompletionPage.cpp:252
 #, c-format
 msgid "Welcome to %s!"
 msgstr "Vítejte v %s!"
-#: CompletionPage.cpp:263
+#: clientgui/CompletionPage.cpp:263
 #, c-format
 msgid "You are now using %s to manage accounts."
 msgstr "Nyní používáte %s pro správu účtů."
-#: CompletionPage.cpp:267
+#: clientgui/CompletionPage.cpp:267
 msgid "You are now using this account manager."
 msgstr "Nyní používáte tohoto Správce účtu."
-#: DlgAbout.cpp:113 mac/Mac_GUI.cpp:96
+#: clientgui/DlgAbout.cpp:113
 #, c-format
 msgid "About %s"
 msgstr "O aplikaci %s"
-#: DlgAbout.cpp:172
+#: clientgui/DlgAbout.cpp:172
 msgid "Version:"
 msgstr "Verze:"
-#: DlgAbout.cpp:180
+#: clientgui/DlgAbout.cpp:180
 msgid "wxWidgets Version:"
 msgstr "Verze wxWidgets:"
-#: DlgAbout.cpp:188
+#: clientgui/DlgAbout.cpp:188
 msgid "Copyright:"
 msgstr "Copyright:"
-# 98%
-#: DlgAbout.cpp:192
+#: clientgui/DlgAbout.cpp:192
 msgid ""
-"(C) 2003-2013 University of California, Berkeley.\n"
+"(C) 2003-2014 University of California, Berkeley.\n"
 "All Rights Reserved."
 msgstr ""
-"(C) 2003-2013 Kalifornská Univerzita, Berkeley.\n"
-"Všechna práva vyhrazena.\n"
-"Překlad do češtiny: Spok a Necroman"
-#: DlgAbout.cpp:196
+#: clientgui/DlgAbout.cpp:196
 msgid "Berkeley Open Infrastructure for Network Computing"
 msgstr ""
 "Berkeley Open Infrastructure for Network Computing \n"
 "(Berkeleyská Otevřená Infrastruktura pro Síťové Výpočty)"
-#: DlgAbout.cpp:208 DlgExitMessage.cpp:173 DlgGenericMessage.cpp:120
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:396 DlgSelectComputer.cpp:163
+#: clientgui/DlgAbout.cpp:208
+#: clientgui/DlgExitMessage.cpp:173
+#: clientgui/DlgGenericMessage.cpp:120
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:399
+#: clientgui/DlgSelectComputer.cpp:163
 msgid "&OK"
 msgstr "&OK"
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:544
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:602
 msgid "invalid number"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:545
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:603
 msgid "invalid time, format is HH:MM"
 msgstr "neplatný čas, formát je HH:MM"
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:546
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:604
 msgid "invalid time interval, format is HH:MM-HH:MM"
 msgstr "neplatný časový interval, formát je HH:MM-HH:MM"
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:751
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:817
 msgid "invalid input value detected"
 msgstr "zadaná neplatná vstupní hodnota"
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:753
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:819
 msgid "Validation Error"
 msgstr "Chyba při validaci"
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:885 DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:891
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:897
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:969
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:975
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:981
 msgid "Applications to add"
 msgstr "Aplikace, které lze přidat"
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:914
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:998
 #, c-format
 msgid "'%s' is not an executable application."
 msgstr "'%s' není exkluzivní aplikace."
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:915 DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:962
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:986
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:999
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:1046
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:1070
 msgid "Add Exclusive App"
 msgstr "Přidat exkluzivní aplikaci"
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:927
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:1011
 msgid "Name of application to add?"
 msgstr "Jména aplikací pro přidání?"
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:927
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:1011
 msgid "Add exclusive app"
 msgstr "Přidat exkluzivní aplikaci"
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:961
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:1045
 #, c-format
 msgid "Application names must end with '%s'"
 msgstr "Jména aplikací musí končit na '%s'"
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:985
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:1069
 #, c-format
 msgid "'%s' is already in the list."
 msgstr "'%s' již je v seznamu."
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:1077
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:1161
 msgid ""
 "Do you really want to clear all local preferences?\n"
 "(This will not affect exclusive applications.)"
@@ -1171,16 +1194,16 @@ msgstr ""
 "Opravdu chcete vymazat všechny lokální předvolby?\n"
 "(netýká se exkluzivních aplikací)"
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:1078 sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:1030
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:1162
 msgid "Confirmation"
 msgstr "Potvrzení"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:46 sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:946
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:49
 #, c-format
-msgid "%s - Preferences"
-msgstr "%s - Předvolby"
+msgid "%s - Computing preferences"
+msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:62
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:66
 msgid ""
 "This dialog controls preferences for this computer only.\n"
 "Click OK to set preferences.\n"
@@ -1191,283 +1214,294 @@ msgstr ""
 "Klikněte Vymazat pro obnovení předvoleb z webu (netýká se exkluzivních "
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:65 sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:428
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:69
 msgid "Clear"
 msgstr "Vymazat"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:66
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:70
 msgid "clear all local preferences and close the dialog"
 msgstr "Smazat všechny místní předvolby a zavřít nabídku"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:81
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:85
 msgid "processor usage"
 msgstr "Využití procesoru"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:84
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:88
 msgid "network usage"
 msgstr "Využití Internetu"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:87
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:91
 msgid "disk and memory usage"
 msgstr "Využití disku a paměti"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:90
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:94
 msgid "exclusive applications"
 msgstr "Exkluzivní aplikace"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:102 sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:424
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:107
+#: clientgui/DlgDiagnosticLogFlags.cpp:104
 msgid "OK"
 msgstr "OK"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:103
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:108
 msgid "save all values and close the dialog"
 msgstr "uložit všechny hodnoty a zavřít nabídku"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:108
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:114
 msgid "close the dialog without saving"
 msgstr "zavřít nabídku bez uložení nových hodnot"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:112 Localization.cpp:35 Localization.cpp:121
-#: Localization.cpp:139 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:794 sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:439
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:118
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:35
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:121
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:139
 msgid "Help"
 msgstr "Nápověda"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:113
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:119
 msgid "shows the preferences web page"
 msgstr "zobrazí webovou stránku s předvolbami"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:135
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:141
 msgid "Computing allowed"
 msgstr "Počítání povoleno"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:139
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:146
 msgid "While computer is on batteries"
 msgstr "Při provozu počítače na baterie"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:142
-msgid ""
-"check this if you want this computer to do work while it runs on batteries"
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:149
+msgid "check this if you want this computer to do work while it runs on batteries"
 msgstr ""
 "Zaškrtněte, pokud si přejete, aby výpočty na tomto počítači probíhaly i při "
 "provozu na baterie"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:148
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:155
 msgid "While computer is in use"
 msgstr "Je-li počítač používán"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:151
-msgid ""
-"check this if you want this computer to do work even when you're using it"
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:158
+msgid "check this if you want this computer to do work even when you're using it"
 msgstr ""
 "zaškrtněte, pokud si přejete, aby výpočty na tomto počítači probíhaly, i "
 "když jej právě používáte"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:157
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:164
 msgid "Use GPU while computer is in use"
 msgstr "Používat GPU pro výpočty, i když je počítač právě používán"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:160
-msgid ""
-"check this if you want your GPU to do work even when you're using the "
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:167
+msgid "check this if you want your GPU to do work even when you're using the computer"
 msgstr ""
 "zaškrtněte, pokud si přejete, aby výpočty na GPU probíhaly, i když je "
 "počítač právě používán"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:172
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:179
 msgid "Only after computer has been idle for"
 msgstr "Pouze pokud je počítač nečinný po dobu"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:182
-msgid ""
-"do work only after you haven't used the computer for this number of minutes"
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:188
+msgid "do work only after you haven't used the computer for this number of minutes"
 msgstr ""
 "výpočty budou zahájeny až poté, co počítač nebyl používán po stanovenou dobu "
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:187 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:336
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:417
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:193
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:342
 msgid "minutes"
 msgstr "minut"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:206
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:212
 msgid "While processor usage is less than"
 msgstr "Při vytížení procesoru nižším než"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:216
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:221
 msgid "suspend work if processor usage exceeds this level"
 msgstr "pozastavit práci, pokud vytížení procesoru překročí tuto úroveň"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:221
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:226
 msgid "percent (0 means no restriction)"
 msgstr "procent (0 znamená bez omezení)"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:235 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:496
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:240
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:506
 msgid "Every day between hours of"
 msgstr "Každý den v těchto hodinách"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:239
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:244
 msgid "start work at this time"
 msgstr "Začít práci v tuto dobu"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:243 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:504
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:326 sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:348
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:248
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:514
 msgid "and"
 msgstr "a"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:247
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:252
 msgid "stop work at this time"
 msgstr "Ukončit práci v tuto dobu"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:251 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:512
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:256
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:522
 msgid "(no restriction if equal)"
 msgstr "(bez omezení, pokud jsou časy shodné)"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:256 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:517
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:261
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:527
 msgid "Day-of-week override:"
 msgstr "Nastavení pro dny v týdnu:"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:261 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:522
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:266
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:532
 msgid "check box to specify hours for this day of week"
 msgstr ""
 "Po zaškrtnutí budete moci nastavit hodiny individuálně pro daný den v týdnu"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:267 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:528
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:272
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:538
 msgid "Monday"
 msgstr "Pondělí"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:274 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:535
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:279
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:545
 msgid "Tuesday"
 msgstr "Úterý"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:281 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:542
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:286
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:552
 msgid "Wednesday"
 msgstr "Středa"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:288 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:549
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:293
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:559
 msgid "Thursday"
 msgstr "Čtvrtek"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:295 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:556
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:300
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:566
 msgid "Friday"
 msgstr "Pátek"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:302 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:563
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:307
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:573
 msgid "Saturday"
 msgstr "Sobota"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:309 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:570
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:314
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:580
 msgid "Sunday"
 msgstr "Neděle"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:323
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:328
 msgid "Other options"
 msgstr "Ostatní nastavení"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:330
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:336
 msgid "Switch between applications every"
 msgstr "Přepínat mezi aplikacemi každých"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:339
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:345
 msgid "On multiprocessor systems, use at most"
 msgstr "Na víceprocesorových systémech použít nejvýše"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:346
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:352
 #, no-c-format
-msgid "% of the processors (0 means ignore this setting)"
+msgid "% of the processors (0 means no restriction)"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:349 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:605
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:627 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:648
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:669 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:679
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:355
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:618
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:640
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:661
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:683
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:694
 msgid "Use at most"
 msgstr "Použít nejvýše"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:356
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:362
 #, no-c-format
-msgid "% CPU time"
-msgstr "% procesorového času"
+msgid "% of CPU time (0 means no restriction)"
+msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:378
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:386
 msgid "General options"
 msgstr "Obecné nastavení"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:386
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:395
 msgid "Maximum download rate"
 msgstr "Max. rychlost stahování"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:392 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:401
-msgid "KBytes/sec."
-msgstr "KB/s"
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:401
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:410
+msgid "KBytes/second (0 means no restriction)"
+msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:395
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:404
 msgid "Maximum upload rate"
 msgstr "Max. rychlost odesílání"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:406
-msgid "Transfer at most"
-msgstr "Přenést nejvýše"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:412
-msgid "Mbytes"
-msgstr "MB"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:415
-msgid "every"
-msgstr "každých"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:421 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:444
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:463
-msgid "days"
-msgstr "dní"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:429
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:417
 msgid "Minimum work buffer"
 msgstr "Minimální zásoba práce"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:438
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:425
 msgid "Try to maintain enough tasks to keep busy for this many days"
 msgstr "Pokusit se udržet dostatečnou zásobu práce aspoň na tolik dní"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:450
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:431
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:449
+msgid "days (maximum value: 10)"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:437
 msgid "Max additional work buffer"
 msgstr "Maximální dodatečná zásoba práce"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:459
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:445
 msgid "In addition, maintain enough tasks for up to this many days"
 msgstr "Udržet navíc zásobu práce aspoň na tolik dní"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:466
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:454
+msgid "Transfer at most"
+msgstr "Přenést nejvýše"
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:462
+msgid "MBytes every"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:468
+msgid "days (0 means no restriction)"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:476
 msgid "Skip image file verification"
 msgstr "Přeskočit ověřování souborů s obrázky"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:468
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:478
 msgid "check this if your Internet provider modifies image files"
 msgstr ""
 "zaškrtněte, pokud váš poskytovatel připojení k Internetu modifikuje soubory "
 "s obrázky"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:476
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:484
 msgid "Connect options"
 msgstr "Nastavení připojení"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:478
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:487
 msgid "Confirm before connecting to internet"
 msgstr "Zobrazit dotaz před připojením k Internetu"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:480
-msgid ""
-"if checked, a confirmation dialog will be displayed before trying to connect "
-"to the Internet"
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:489
+msgid "if checked, a confirmation dialog will be displayed before trying to connect to the Internet"
 msgstr ""
 "Je-li zaškrtnuto, bude před každým pokusem o připojení k Internetu zobrazeno "
 "okno vyžadující potvrzení"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:484
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:493
 msgid "Disconnect when done"
 msgstr "Odpojit po ukončení komunikace"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:486
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:495
 msgid ""
 "if checked, BOINC hangs up when network usage is done\n"
 "(only relevant for dialup-connection)"
@@ -1476,192 +1510,217 @@ msgstr ""
 "(má význam jen pro vytáčená/dial-up připojení)"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:492
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:501
 msgid "Network usage allowed"
 msgstr "Povolené využití přístupu k Internetu"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:500
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:510
 msgid "network usage start hour"
 msgstr "Povolit přístup v tuto dobu"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:508
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:518
 msgid "network usage stop hour"
 msgstr "Ukončit přístup v tuto dobu"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:598 DlgItemProperties.cpp:231
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:610
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:257
 msgid "Disk usage"
 msgstr "Využití disku"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:609
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:622
 msgid "the maximum disk space used by BOINC (in Gigabytes)"
 msgstr "Povolené místo na disku pro BOINC (v GB)"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:613
-msgid "Gigabytes disk space"
-msgstr "GB na disku"
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:626
+msgid "Gigabytes disk space (0 means no restriction)"
+msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:616
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:629
 msgid "Leave at least"
 msgstr "Ponechat aspoň"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:620
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:633
 msgid "BOINC leaves at least this amount of disk space free (in Gigabytes)"
 msgstr "BOINC ponechá nejméně tolik GB na disku volných"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:624
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:637
 msgid "Gigabytes disk space free"
 msgstr "GB na disku volných"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:631
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:644
 msgid "BOINC uses at most this percentage of total disk space"
 msgstr "BOINC využije nejvýše tolik procent z celkové kapacity disku"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:636
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:649
 #, no-c-format
 msgid "% of total disk space"
 msgstr "% celkového místa na disku"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:639
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:652
 msgid "Tasks checkpoint to disk at most every"
 msgstr "Ukládat kontrolní bod na disk nejvýše každých"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:645
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:658
 msgid "seconds"
 msgstr "vteřin"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:655
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:668
 #, no-c-format
 msgid "% of page file (swap space)"
 msgstr "% stránkovacího souboru"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:662
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:675
 msgid "Memory usage"
 msgstr "Využití paměti"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:676
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:691
 #, no-c-format
 msgid "% when computer is in use"
 msgstr "% je-li počítač používán"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:686
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:701
 #, no-c-format
 msgid "% when computer is idle"
 msgstr "% není-li počítač používán"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:691
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:706
 msgid "Leave applications in memory while suspended"
 msgstr "Při pozastavení výpočtů ponechat aplikaci v paměti"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:693
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:708
 msgid "if checked, suspended work units are left in memory"
 msgstr ""
 "Je-li zaškrtnuto, budou pozastavené úkoly, které byly zpracovávány, "
 "ponechány v paměti"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:713
-msgid ""
-"Suspend processor and network usage when these applications are running:"
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:728
+msgid "Suspend processor and network usage when these applications are running:"
 msgstr "Přerušit výpočty a přistup na Internet, pokud běží tyto aplikace:"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:722
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:738
 msgid "Add..."
 msgstr "Přidat..."
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:723
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:739
 msgid "Add an application to this list"
 msgstr "Přidat aplikaci do tohoto seznamu"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:728 ViewProjects.cpp:202
-#: sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:85
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:744
 msgid "Remove"
 msgstr "Odebrat"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:729
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:745
 msgid "Remove an application from this list"
 msgstr "Odebrat aplikci z tohoto seznamu"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:738
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:754
 msgid "For advanced options, refer to "
 msgstr "Pro pokročilé možnosti přejděte na"
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:219
+#: clientgui/DlgDiagnosticLogFlags.cpp:65
+#, c-format
+msgid "%s Diagnostic Log Flags"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/DlgDiagnosticLogFlags.cpp:83
+msgid "These flags enable various types of diagnostic messages in the Event Log."
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/DlgDiagnosticLogFlags.cpp:105
+msgid "Save all values and close the dialog"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/DlgDiagnosticLogFlags.cpp:108
+msgid "Defaults"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/DlgDiagnosticLogFlags.cpp:109
+msgid "Restore default settings"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/DlgDiagnosticLogFlags.cpp:113
+msgid "Close the dialog without saving"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:226
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - Event Log"
 msgstr "%s - Záznam událostí"
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:232 ViewMessages.cpp:117 ViewProjects.cpp:219
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:435 ViewStatistics.cpp:2009 ViewTransfers.cpp:182
-#: ViewWork.cpp:232
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:236
 msgid "Project"
 msgstr "Projekt"
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:233 ViewMessages.cpp:118
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:237
 msgid "Time"
 msgstr "Čas"
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:234 ViewMessages.cpp:119
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:238
 msgid "Message"
 msgstr "Zpráva"
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:290 DlgEventLog.cpp:354
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:300
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:364
 msgid "&Show only this project"
 msgstr "Zobrazit jen tento projekt"
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:294
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:304
 msgid "Copy &All"
 msgstr "Kopírov&at vše"
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:296 DlgEventLog.cpp:300 ViewMessages.cpp:89
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:306
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:310
 msgid "Copy all the messages to the clipboard."
 msgstr "Zkopíruje všechny zprávy do schránky."
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:305
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:315
 msgid "Copy &Selected"
 msgstr "Kopírovat vybrané"
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:308 DlgEventLog.cpp:316 ViewMessages.cpp:97
-msgid ""
-"Copy the selected messages to the clipboard. You can select multiple "
-"messages by holding down the shift or command key while clicking on messages."
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:318
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:326
+msgid "Copy the selected messages to the clipboard. You can select multiple messages by holding down the shift or command key while clicking on messages."
 msgstr ""
 "Zkopíruje označené zprávy do schránky. Označit více zpráv je možno klikáním "
 "na zprávy se současně stisknutou klávesou Shift nebo Command."
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:310 DlgEventLog.cpp:318 ViewMessages.cpp:99
-msgid ""
-"Copy the selected messages to the clipboard. You can select multiple "
-"messages by holding down the shift or control key while clicking on messages."
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:320
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:328
+msgid "Copy the selected messages to the clipboard. You can select multiple messages by holding down the shift or control key while clicking on messages."
 msgstr ""
 "Zkopíruje označené zprávy do schránky. Označit více zpráv je možno klikáním "
 "na zprávy se současně stisknutou klávesou Shift nebo Ctrl."
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:325 DlgItemProperties.cpp:67
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:335
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:67
 msgid "&Close"
 msgstr "Zavřít"
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:334 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:798 sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:442
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:344
 #, c-format
 msgid "Get help with %s"
 msgstr "Zobrazit nápovědu pro %s"
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:348
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:358
 msgid "Show all &messages"
 msgstr "Zobrazit všechny zprávy"
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:349 DlgEventLog.cpp:351
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:359
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:361
 msgid "Show messages for all projects"
 msgstr "Zobrazit zprávy všech projektů."
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:355 DlgEventLog.cpp:357
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:365
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:367
 msgid "Show only the messages for the selected project"
 msgstr "Zobrazit pouze zprávy vybraného projektu"
-#: DlgExitMessage.cpp:82
+#: clientgui/DlgExitMessage.cpp:82
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - Exit Confirmation"
 msgstr "%s - Potvrdit ukončení"
-#: DlgExitMessage.cpp:130
+#: clientgui/DlgExitMessage.cpp:130
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "You have requested to exit the %s,\n"
@@ -1678,7 +1737,7 @@ msgstr ""
 "Pokud si přejete ukončit i probíhající výpočty,\n"
 "vyberte z následujících možností:"
-#: DlgExitMessage.cpp:135
+#: clientgui/DlgExitMessage.cpp:135
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "This will shut down %s and its tasks until either the\n"
@@ -1695,392 +1754,418 @@ msgstr ""
 "než zavírat celou aplikaci. Tím umožníte %s pokračovat\n"
 "ve výpočtech v době, kterou jste si zvolili v předvolbách."
-#: DlgExitMessage.cpp:153
+#: clientgui/DlgExitMessage.cpp:153
 #, c-format
 msgid "Stop running tasks when exiting the %s"
 msgstr "Ukončit běžící výpočy při ukončení %s"
-#: DlgExitMessage.cpp:165
+#: clientgui/DlgExitMessage.cpp:165
 msgid "Remember this decision and do not show this dialog."
 msgstr "Zapamatovat si toto rozhodnutí a tuto nabídku již nezobrazovat."
-#: DlgExitMessage.cpp:178 DlgGenericMessage.cpp:125 DlgOptions.cpp:401
-#: DlgSelectComputer.cpp:168 wizardex.cpp:378
+#: clientgui/DlgExitMessage.cpp:178
+#: clientgui/DlgGenericMessage.cpp:125
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:404
+#: clientgui/DlgSelectComputer.cpp:168
 msgid "&Cancel"
 msgstr "Zrušit"
-#: DlgGenericMessage.cpp:112
+#: clientgui/DlgGenericMessage.cpp:112
 msgid "Don't show this dialog again."
 msgstr "Toto okno již nezobrazovat."
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:168 DlgItemProperties.cpp:171
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:174 DlgItemProperties.cpp:177
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:194
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:197
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:200
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:203
 msgid "Don't fetch tasks for "
 msgstr "Nepřijímat úkoly pro "
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:168
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:194
 msgid "Project preference"
 msgstr "Předvolby projektu"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:171
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:197
 msgid "Account manager preference"
 msgstr "Předvolby správce účtu"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:174
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:200
 msgid "Project has no apps for "
 msgstr "Projekt nemá žádné aplikace pro "
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:177
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:203
 msgid "Client configuration excludes "
 msgstr "Konfigurace klienta nezahrnuje "
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:181
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:207
 msgid " work fetch deferred for"
 msgstr " vyzvedávání práce odloženo pro"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:182
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:208
 msgid " work fetch deferral interval"
 msgstr " interval odkládání vyzvedávání práce pro"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:213
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:239
 msgid "Properties of project "
 msgstr "Vlastnosti projektu "
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:217 DlgOptions.cpp:218
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:243
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:221
 msgid "General"
 msgstr "Obecné"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:218
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:244
 msgid "Master URL"
 msgstr "Hlavní URL adresa"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:219
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:245
 msgid "User name"
 msgstr "Uživatelské jméno"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:220
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:246
 msgid "Team name"
 msgstr "Název týmu"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:221 ViewProjects.cpp:224
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:247
 msgid "Resource share"
 msgstr "Rozdělení práce"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:223
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:249
 msgid "Scheduler RPC deferred for"
 msgstr "RPC plánovače odloženo o"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:226
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:252
 msgid "File downloads deferred for"
 msgstr "Stahování souborů odloženo o"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:229
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:255
 msgid "File uploads deferred for"
 msgstr "Odesílání souborů odloženo o"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:232
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:258
 msgid "Computer ID"
 msgstr "ID počítače"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:234
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:260
 msgid "Non CPU intensive"
 msgstr "Nenáročné na procesor"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:234 DlgItemProperties.cpp:236
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:237 DlgItemProperties.cpp:239
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:242 DlgItemProperties.cpp:251
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:254 DlgItemProperties.cpp:257
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:260
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:262
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:263
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:265
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:268
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:277
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:280
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:283
 msgid "yes"
 msgstr "ano"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:236
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:262
 msgid "Suspended via GUI"
 msgstr "Pozastaveno přes GUI"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:236 DlgItemProperties.cpp:237
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:262
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:263
 msgid "no"
 msgstr "ne"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:237
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:263
 msgid "Don't request more work"
 msgstr "Nepřijímat další práci"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:239
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:265
 msgid "Scheduler call in progress"
 msgstr "Zpracovávám požadavek plánovače"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:242
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:268
 msgid "Trickle-up pending"
 msgstr "Vyčkávající zpráva o průběhu"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:245 DlgItemProperties.cpp:247
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:271
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:273
 msgid "Host location"
 msgstr "Umístění počítače"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:247
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:273
 msgid "default"
 msgstr "výchozí"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:251
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:277
 msgid "Added via account manager"
 msgstr "Připojeno přes Správce účtu"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:254
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:280
 msgid "Remove when tasks done"
 msgstr "Odebrat po dokončení úkolů"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:257
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:283
 msgid "Ended"
 msgstr "Ukončeno"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:259
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:285
+msgid "Tasks completed"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:286
+msgid "Tasks failed"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:288
 msgid "Credit"
 msgstr "Kredit"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:260
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:289
 msgid "User"
 msgstr "Uživatel"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:267
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:296
 msgid "Host"
 msgstr "Počítač"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:276
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:305
 msgid "Scheduling"
 msgstr "Plánování"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:277
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:306
 msgid "Scheduling priority"
 msgstr "Priorita plánovávní"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:278
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:307
 msgid "CPU"
 msgstr "CPU"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:302
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:331
 msgid "Duration correction factor"
 msgstr "Korekční faktor pro dobu trvání "
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:316
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:345
 msgid "Properties of task "
 msgstr "Vlastnosti úkolu "
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:328 ViewWork.cpp:238
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:357
 msgid "Application"
 msgstr "Aplikace"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:329 ViewWork.cpp:239
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:358
 msgid "Name"
 msgstr "Jméno"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:330
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:359
 msgid "State"
 msgstr "Stav"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:333
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:362
 msgid "Received"
 msgstr "Přijato"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:336
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:365
 msgid "Report deadline"
 msgstr "Odevzdat do "
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:338
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:367
 msgid "Resources"
 msgstr "Prostředky"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:341
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:370
 msgid "Estimated computation size"
 msgstr "Odhadovaná doba výpočtu"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:344
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:373
 msgid "CPU time at last checkpoint"
 msgstr "Procesorový čas při posledním uložení "
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:345 DlgItemProperties.cpp:360
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:374
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:389
 msgid "CPU time"
 msgstr "Procesorový čas"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:347 DlgItemProperties.cpp:361
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:376
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:390
 msgid "Elapsed time"
 msgstr "Čas"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:349
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:378
 msgid "Estimated time remaining"
 msgstr "Odhadovaný zbývající čas "
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:350
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:379
 msgid "Fraction done"
 msgstr "Hotová část"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:351
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:380
 msgid "Virtual memory size"
 msgstr "Velikost virtuální paměti"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:352
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:381
 msgid "Working set size"
 msgstr "Velikost pracovní sady"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:354
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:383
 msgid "Directory"
 msgstr "Adresář"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:357
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:386
 msgid "Process ID"
 msgstr "ID procesu"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:427 ViewWork.cpp:1032 sg_TaskPanel.cpp:823
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:456
 msgid "Local: "
 msgstr "Místní:"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:129 DlgOptions.cpp:135
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:129
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:135
 msgid "Options"
 msgstr "Možnosti"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:175
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:178
 msgid "Language:"
 msgstr "Jazyk: "
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:182
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:185
 msgid "What language should BOINC use?"
 msgstr "Jaký jazyk používat pro zobrazení Správce BOINC?"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:186
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:189
 msgid "Notice reminder interval:"
 msgstr "Interval připomínání nových zpráv:"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:193
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:196
 msgid "How often should BOINC remind you of new notices?"
 msgstr "Jak často má BOINC upozorňovat na nové zprávy?"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:198
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:201
 msgid "Run Manager at login?"
 msgstr "Spustit Správce po přihlášení?"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:204
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:207
 msgid "Run the BOINC Manager when you log on."
 msgstr "Spustit Správce BOINC hned po přihlášení."
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:209
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:212
 msgid "Enable Manager exit dialog?"
 msgstr "Zobrazovat dotaz při vypínání Správce?"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:215
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:218
 msgid "Display the exit dialog when shutting down the Manager."
 msgstr "Zobrazovat dotaz s informacemi při ukončování Správce."
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:226
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:229
 msgid "Dial-up and Virtual Private Network settings"
 msgstr "Nastavení vytáčeného/dial-up připojení a Virtual Private Network"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:240
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:243
 msgid "&Set Default"
 msgstr "Na&stavit výchozí"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:245
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:248
 msgid "&Clear Default"
 msgstr "Zrušit vý&chozí"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:252
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:255
 msgid "Default Connection:"
 msgstr "Výchozí připojení:"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:259
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:262
 msgid "Connections"
 msgstr "Připojení"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:268
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:271
 msgid "Connect via HTTP proxy server"
 msgstr "Připojit přes HTTP proxy server"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:272
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:275
 msgid "HTTP Proxy Server Configuration"
 msgstr "Nastavení HTTP proxy serveru"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:280 DlgOptions.cpp:344
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:283
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:347
 msgid "Address:"
 msgstr "Adresa:"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:288 DlgOptions.cpp:352 ProxyPage.cpp:340 ProxyPage.cpp:360
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:291
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:355
 msgid "Port:"
 msgstr "Port:"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:296 DlgOptions.cpp:360
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:299
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:363
 msgid "Don't use proxy for:"
 msgstr "Nepoužívat proxy pro:"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:303 DlgOptions.cpp:367
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:306
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:370
 msgid "Leave these blank if not needed"
 msgstr "Ponechte prázdné, pokud není vyžadováno"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:309 DlgOptions.cpp:373 ProxyPage.cpp:343 ProxyPage.cpp:363
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:312
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:376
 msgid "User Name:"
 msgstr "Uživatelské jméno:"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:317 DlgOptions.cpp:381 DlgSelectComputer.cpp:152
-#: ProxyPage.cpp:346 ProxyPage.cpp:366
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:320
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:384
+#: clientgui/DlgSelectComputer.cpp:152
 msgid "Password:"
 msgstr "Heslo:"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:324
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:327
 msgid "HTTP Proxy"
 msgstr "HTTP proxy server"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:332
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:335
 msgid "Connect via SOCKS proxy server"
 msgstr "Připojit přes SOCKS proxy server"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:336
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:339
 msgid "SOCKS Proxy Server Configuration"
 msgstr "Nastavení SOCKS proxy serveru"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:388
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:391
 msgid "SOCKS Proxy"
 msgstr "SOCKS proxy server"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:586
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:589
 msgid "always"
 msgstr "vždy"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:587
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:590
 msgid "1 hour"
 msgstr "1 hodina"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:588
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:591
 msgid "6 hours"
 msgstr "6 hodin"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:589
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:592
 msgid "1 day"
 msgstr "1 den"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:590
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:593
 msgid "1 week"
 msgstr "1 týden"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:591
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:594
 msgid "never"
 msgstr "nikdy"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:688
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:691
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - Language Selection"
 msgstr "%s - Volba jazyka"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:695
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:698
 #, c-format
 #, c-format, c-format
-msgid ""
-"The %s's language has been changed.  In order for this change to take "
-"effect, you must restart the %s."
+msgid "The %s's language has been changed.  In order for this change to take effect, you must restart the %s."
 msgstr "Jazyk %s byl změněn. Aby se změna projevila, je nutné restartovat %s."
-#: DlgSelectComputer.cpp:91
+#: clientgui/DlgSelectComputer.cpp:91
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - Select Computer"
 msgstr "%s - Zvolit počítač "
-#: DlgSelectComputer.cpp:125
+#: clientgui/DlgSelectComputer.cpp:125
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "Another instance of %s is already running \n"
@@ -2089,422 +2174,424 @@ msgstr ""
 "Na tomto počítači již běží jiná instance %s.\n"
 "Vyberte prosím klienta pro monitorování."
-#: DlgSelectComputer.cpp:143
+#: clientgui/DlgSelectComputer.cpp:143
 msgid "Host name:"
 msgstr "Jméno počítače:"
-#: Localization.cpp:31 Localization.cpp:69
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:31
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:69
 msgid "Message boards"
 msgstr "Diskuzní fóra"
-#: Localization.cpp:33
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:33
 msgid "Correspond with other users on the SETI at home message boards"
 msgstr "Diskutovat s ostatními uživateli na diskuzním fóru SETI at home"
-#: Localization.cpp:37
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:37
 msgid "Ask questions and report problems"
 msgstr "Položit otázku nebo ohlásit problém"
-#: Localization.cpp:39 Localization.cpp:81 Localization.cpp:111
-#: Localization.cpp:129
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:39
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:81
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:111
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:129
 msgid "Your account"
 msgstr "Váš účet "
-#: Localization.cpp:41 Localization.cpp:87 Localization.cpp:113
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:41
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:87
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:113
 msgid "View your account information and credit totals"
 msgstr "Zobrazit informaci o vašem účtu a kreditech"
-#: Localization.cpp:43
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:43
 msgid "Your preferences"
 msgstr "Vaše předvolby"
-#: Localization.cpp:45
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:45
 msgid "View and modify your SETI at home account profile and preferences"
 msgstr ""
 "Zobrazit či změnit nastavení profilu či předvoleb u vašeho SETI at home účtu"
-#: Localization.cpp:47 Localization.cpp:89
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:47
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:89
 msgid "Your results"
 msgstr "Vaše výsledky"
-#: Localization.cpp:49 Localization.cpp:91
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:49
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:91
 msgid "View your last week (or more) of computational results and work"
 msgstr "Zobrazit výsledky vaší práce za poslední týden, či déle"
-#: Localization.cpp:51 Localization.cpp:93
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:51
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:93
 msgid "Your computers"
 msgstr "Vaše počítače"
-#: Localization.cpp:53
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:53
 msgid "View a listing of all the computers on which you are running SETI at Home"
 msgstr "Zobrazit seznam všech počítačů, na kterých provozujete SETI at home"
-#: Localization.cpp:55 Localization.cpp:97
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:55
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:97
 msgid "Your team"
 msgstr "Váš tým"
-#: Localization.cpp:57 Localization.cpp:99
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:57
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:99
 msgid "View information about your team"
 msgstr "Zobrazit informace o vašem týmu"
-#: Localization.cpp:61
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:61
 msgid "Common questions"
 msgstr "Obvyklé dotazy"
-#: Localization.cpp:63
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:63
 msgid "Read the Einstein at Home Frequently Asked Question list"
 msgstr "Přečtěte si Často kladené dotazy projektu Einstein at Home"
-#: Localization.cpp:65
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:65
 msgid "Screensaver info"
 msgstr "Informace o spořiči obrazovky"
-#: Localization.cpp:67
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:67
 msgid "Read a detailed description of the Einstein at Home screensaver"
 msgstr "Přečtěte si podrobný popis spořiče obrazovky Einstein at Home"
-#: Localization.cpp:71
-msgid ""
-"Correspond with admins and other users on the Einstein at Home message boards"
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:71
+msgid "Correspond with admins and other users on the Einstein at Home message boards"
 msgstr ""
 "Diskutovat se správci a ostatními uživateli na diskuzních fórech "
 "Einstein at Home"
-#: Localization.cpp:73
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:73
 msgid "Einstein status"
 msgstr "Stav projektu Einstein"
-#: Localization.cpp:75
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:75
 msgid "Current status of the Einstein at Home server"
 msgstr "Současný stav serveru Einstein at Home"
-#: Localization.cpp:77
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:77
 msgid "Report problems"
 msgstr "Nahlásit problémy"
-#: Localization.cpp:79
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:79
 msgid "A link to the Einstein at Home problems and bug reports message board"
 msgstr "Odkaz na stránky pro nahlašování problémů a chyb Einstein at Home"
-#: Localization.cpp:83
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:83
 msgid "View and modify your Einstein at Home account profile and preferences"
 msgstr ""
 "Zobrazit či změnit nastavení profilu či předvoleb u vašeho Einstein at Home "
-#: Localization.cpp:85
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:85
 msgid "Account summary"
 msgstr "Přehled účtu "
-#: Localization.cpp:95
-msgid ""
-"View a listing of all the computers on which you are running Einstein at Home"
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:95
+msgid "View a listing of all the computers on which you are running Einstein at Home"
 msgstr "Zobrazit seznam všech počítačů, na kterých provozujete Einstein at home"
-#: Localization.cpp:101
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:101
 msgid "LIGO project"
 msgstr "Projekt LIGO"
-#: Localization.cpp:103
-msgid ""
-"The home page of the Laser Interferometer Gravitational-wave Observatory "
-"(LIGO) project"
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:103
+msgid "The home page of the Laser Interferometer Gravitational-wave Observatory (LIGO) project"
 msgstr ""
 "Domovská stránka projektu LIGO (Laser Interferometer Gravitational-wave "
-#: Localization.cpp:105
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:105
 msgid "GEO-600 project"
 msgstr "Projekt GEO-600"
-#: Localization.cpp:107
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:107
 msgid "The home page of the GEO-600 project"
 msgstr "Domovská stránka projektu GEO-600"
-#: Localization.cpp:115 Localization.cpp:133 ViewProjects.cpp:221
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:465
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:115
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:133
 msgid "Team"
 msgstr "Tým"
-#: Localization.cpp:117
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:117
 msgid "Info about your Team"
 msgstr "Informace o vašem týmu"
-#: Localization.cpp:123
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:123
 msgid "Get help for climateprediction.net"
 msgstr "Zobrazit nápovědu projektu climateprediction.net"
-#: Localization.cpp:125
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:125
 msgid "News"
 msgstr "Novinky"
-#: Localization.cpp:127
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:127
 msgid "climateprediction.net News"
 msgstr "Novinky projektu climateprediction.net"
-#: Localization.cpp:131
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:131
 msgid "View your account information, credits, and trickles"
 msgstr "Zobrazit informace o vašem účtu, kreditech a průběhu"
-#: Localization.cpp:135
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:135
 msgid "Info about your team"
 msgstr "Informace o vašem týmu"
-#: Localization.cpp:141
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:141
 msgid "Search for help in our help system"
 msgstr "Vyhledat radu v naší Nápovědě"
-#: Localization.cpp:143
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:143
 msgid "Global Statistics"
 msgstr "Globální statistiky"
-#: Localization.cpp:145
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:145
 msgid "Summary statistics for World Community Grid"
 msgstr "Celková statistika World Community Grid"
-#: Localization.cpp:147
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:147
 msgid "My Grid"
 msgstr "Můj Grid"
-#: Localization.cpp:149
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:149
 msgid "Your statistics and settings"
 msgstr "Vaše statistiky a nastavení"
-#: Localization.cpp:151
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:151
 msgid "Device Profiles"
 msgstr "Profily počítačů"
-#: Localization.cpp:153
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:153
 msgid "Update your device settings"
 msgstr "Aktualizovat nastavení vašich počítačů"
-#: Localization.cpp:155
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:155
 msgid "Research"
 msgstr "Výzkum"
-#: Localization.cpp:157
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:157
 msgid "Learn about the projects hosted at World Community Grid"
 msgstr "Dozvědět se víc o projektech umístěných na World Community Grid"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:583
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:583
 msgid "Starting client"
 msgstr "Startuji klienta"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:591
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:591
 msgid "Connecting to client"
 msgstr "Připojuji se ke klientovi"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:1195
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:1205
 msgid "Retrieving system state; please wait..."
 msgstr "Zjišťuji stav systému, prosím čekejte..."
-#: MainDocument.cpp:1816
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:1826
 msgid "Missing application"
 msgstr "Chybějící aplikace"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:1817
-msgid ""
-"Please download and install the CoRD application from http://cord."
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:1827
+msgid "Please download and install the CoRD application from http://cord.sourceforge.net"
 msgstr ""
 "Stáhněte si prosím a naistalujte aplikaci CoRD z adresy "
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2432
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2442
 msgid "on batteries"
 msgstr "na bateriích"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2433
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2443
 msgid "computer is in use"
 msgstr "počítač je používán"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2434
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2444
 msgid "user request"
 msgstr "požadavek uživatele"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2435
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2445
 msgid "time of day"
 msgstr "čas"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2436
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2446
 msgid "CPU benchmarks in progress"
 msgstr "probíhají testy procesoru"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2437
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2447
 msgid "need disk space - check preferences"
 msgstr "nedostatek místa na disku - zkontrolujte prosím předvolby"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2438
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2448
 msgid "computer is not in use"
 msgstr "počítač není používán"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2439
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2449
 msgid "starting up"
 msgstr "startuji"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2440
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2450
 msgid "an exclusive app is running"
 msgstr "běží důležitější aplikace"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2441
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2451
 msgid "CPU is busy"
 msgstr "procesor je vytížen"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2442
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2452
 msgid "network bandwidth limit exceeded"
 msgstr "překročen limit přenosu dat po síti"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2443
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2453
 msgid "requested by operating system"
 msgstr "vyžádáno operačním systémem"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2445
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2455
 msgid "unknown reason"
 msgstr "neznámý důvod"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2467
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2477
 msgid "GPU missing, "
 msgstr "GPU nenalezena, "
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2474
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2484
 msgid "New"
 msgstr "Nový"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2478
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2488
 msgid "Download failed"
 msgstr "Chyba při stahování"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2480
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2490
 msgid "Downloading"
 msgstr "Stahuji"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2482 MainDocument.cpp:2552
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2492
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2557
 msgid " (suspended - "
 msgstr " (pozastaveno - "
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2490
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2500
 msgid "Project suspended by user"
 msgstr "Projekt pozastaven uživatelem"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2492
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2502
 msgid "Task suspended by user"
 msgstr "Úkol pozastaven uživatelem"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2494
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2504
 msgid "Suspended - "
 msgstr "Pozastaveno - "
 # 75%
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2500
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2510
 msgid "GPU suspended - "
 msgstr "GPU pozastaveno - "
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2507
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2517
 msgid "Waiting for memory"
 msgstr "Čekám na uvolnění paměti"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2509
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2519
 msgid "Waiting for shared memory"
 msgstr "Čekám na uvolnění sdílené paměti"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2512
-msgid "Running, high priority"
-msgstr "Počítám s vysokou prioritou"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2514
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2521
 msgid "Running"
 msgstr "Počítám"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2517
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2523
 msgid " (non-CPU-intensive)"
 msgstr " (nenáročný na procesor)"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2520
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2526
 msgid "Waiting to run"
 msgstr "Čekám na zpracování"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2522 MainDocument.cpp:2528
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2528
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2534
 msgid "Ready to start"
 msgstr "Připraven"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2532
-msgid " (Scheduler wait: "
-msgstr " (Vyčkávání plánovače: "
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2538
+msgid "Postponed: "
+msgstr ""
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2536
-msgid " (Scheduler wait)"
-msgstr "(vyčkávání plánovače)"
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2541
+msgid "Postponed"
+msgstr ""
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2540
-msgid " (Waiting for network access)"
-msgstr "(Čekám na připojení k Internetu)"
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2545
+msgid "Waiting for network access"
+msgstr ""
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2544
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2549
 msgid "Computation error"
 msgstr "Chyba při výpočtu"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2548
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2553
 msgid "Upload failed"
 msgstr "Chyba při odesílání"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2550
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2555
 msgid "Uploading"
 msgstr "Odesílám"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2561
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2566
 msgid "Aborted by user"
 msgstr "Zrušeno uživatelem"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2564
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2569
 msgid "Aborted by project"
 msgstr "Zrušeno projektem"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2567
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2572
 msgid "Aborted: not started by deadline"
 msgstr "Zrušeno: vypršela lhůta před započetím"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2570
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2575
 msgid "Aborted: disk limit exceeded"
 msgstr "Zrušeno: překročeno povolené místo na disku"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2573
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2578
 msgid "Aborted: run time limit exceeded"
 msgstr "Zrušeno: překročena maximální délka výpočtu"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2576
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2581
 msgid "Aborted: memory limit exceeded"
 msgstr "Zrušeno: překročen povolený limit paměti"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2579
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2584
 msgid "Aborted"
 msgstr "Zrušeno"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2584
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2589
 msgid "Acknowledged"
 msgstr "Potvrzeno"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2586
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2591
 msgid "Ready to report"
 msgstr "Odeslán. Připraven k ohlášení"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2588
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2593
 #, c-format
 msgid "Error: invalid state '%d'"
 msgstr "Chyba: Neplatný stav '%d'"
-#: NoInternetConnectionPage.cpp:179
+#: clientgui/NoInternetConnectionPage.cpp:179
 msgid "No Internet connection"
 msgstr "Není připojení k Internetu"
-#: NoInternetConnectionPage.cpp:182
+#: clientgui/NoInternetConnectionPage.cpp:182
 msgid "Please connect to the Internet and try again."
 msgstr "Prosím obnovte připojení k Internetu a zkuste znova."
-#: NotDetectedPage.cpp:181
+#: clientgui/NotDetectedPage.cpp:181
 msgid "Project not found"
 msgstr "Projekt nenalezen"
-#: NotDetectedPage.cpp:184
+#: clientgui/NotDetectedPage.cpp:184
 msgid ""
 "The URL you supplied is not that of a BOINC-based project.\n"
@@ -2514,11 +2601,11 @@ msgstr ""
 "Zkontrolujte prosím zadávanou adresu a zkuste znova."
-#: NotDetectedPage.cpp:188
+#: clientgui/NotDetectedPage.cpp:188
 msgid "Account manager not found"
 msgstr "Správce účtu nenalezen"
-#: NotDetectedPage.cpp:191
+#: clientgui/NotDetectedPage.cpp:191
 msgid ""
 "The URL you supplied is not that of a BOINC-based account\n"
@@ -2529,92 +2616,93 @@ msgstr ""
 "Zkontrolujte prosím zadávanou adresu a zkuste znova."
-#: NotFoundPage.cpp:181
+#: clientgui/NotFoundPage.cpp:181
 msgid "Login Failed."
 msgstr "Přihlášení selhalo."
-#: NotFoundPage.cpp:185
+#: clientgui/NotFoundPage.cpp:185
 msgid "Check the username and password, and try again."
 msgstr "Zkontrolujte uživatelské jméno a heslo a zkuste to znova."
-#: NotFoundPage.cpp:189
+#: clientgui/NotFoundPage.cpp:189
 msgid "Check the email address and password, and try again."
 msgstr "Zkontrolujte zadanou emailovou adresu a heslo a zkuste to znova."
-#: NoticeListCtrl.cpp:222
+#: clientgui/NoticeListCtrl.cpp:229
 msgid "more..."
 msgstr "více..."
-#: ProjectInfoPage.cpp:477 ProjectInfoPage.cpp:778 ProjectInfoPage.cpp:782
-msgid "All"
-msgstr "Vše"
-#: ProjectInfoPage.cpp:615
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:221
 msgid "Choose a project"
 msgstr "Výběr projektu"
-#: ProjectInfoPage.cpp:619
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:228
 msgid "To choose a project, click its name or type its URL below."
 msgstr ""
 "Vyberte si projekt kliknutím na jeho jméno\n"
 "nebo napište jeho URL adresu do textového pole níže."
-#: ProjectInfoPage.cpp:623
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:246
 msgid "Categories:"
 msgstr "Kategorie:"
-#: ProjectInfoPage.cpp:627 sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:89
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:267
 msgid "Projects:"
 msgstr "Projekty:"
-#: ProjectInfoPage.cpp:631
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:279
 msgid "Project details"
 msgstr "Detaily projektu"
-#: ProjectInfoPage.cpp:635
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:291
 msgid "Research area:"
 msgstr "Oblast výzkumu:"
-#: ProjectInfoPage.cpp:639
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:302
 msgid "Organization:"
 msgstr "Organizace:"
-#: ProjectInfoPage.cpp:643
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:313
 msgid "Web site:"
 msgstr "Webové stránky:"
-#: ProjectInfoPage.cpp:647
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:325
 msgid "Supported systems:"
 msgstr "Podporované systémy:"
-#: ProjectInfoPage.cpp:651
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:363
 msgid "Project URL:"
 msgstr "URL adresa projektu:"
-#: ProjectInfoPage.cpp:826
-msgid ""
-"This project may not have work for your type of computer.  Do you want to "
-"add it anyway?"
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:499
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:754
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:758
+msgid "All"
+msgstr "Vše"
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:802
+msgid "This project may not have work for your type of computer.  Do you want to add it anyway?"
 msgstr ""
 "Tento projekt nemusí mít práci pro váš typ počítače. Chcete ho i tak přidat?"
-#: ProjectInfoPage.cpp:850
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:826
 msgid "You already added this project. Please choose a different project."
 msgstr "Tento projekt již máte přidaný. Zvolte prosím jiný projekt."
-#: ProjectProcessingPage.cpp:321
+#: clientgui/ProjectProcessingPage.cpp:321
 msgid "Communicating with project."
 msgstr "Komunikuji se projektem."
-#: ProjectProcessingPage.cpp:509
+#: clientgui/ProjectProcessingPage.cpp:510
 msgid "Required files not found on the server."
 msgstr "Potřebné soubory nenalezeny na serveru."
-#: ProjectProcessingPage.cpp:512 ProjectProcessingPage.cpp:574
+#: clientgui/ProjectProcessingPage.cpp:513
+#: clientgui/ProjectProcessingPage.cpp:586
 msgid "An internal server error has occurred."
 msgstr "Na serveru se vyskytla vnitřní chyba."
-#: ProjectPropertiesPage.cpp:334
+#: clientgui/ProjectPropertiesPage.cpp:334
 msgid ""
 "Communicating with project\n"
 "Please wait..."
@@ -2622,11 +2710,48 @@ msgstr ""
 "Komunikuji s projektem.\n"
 "Čekejte prosím..."
-#: ProxyInfoPage.cpp:195
+#: clientgui/ProjectWelcomePage.cpp:251
+#, c-format
+msgid "Welcome to %s."
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ProjectWelcomePage.cpp:254
+msgid "You have volunteered to compute for this project:"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ProjectWelcomePage.cpp:255
+msgid "Name:"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ProjectWelcomePage.cpp:258
+msgid "Home:"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ProjectWelcomePage.cpp:262
+msgid "Description:"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ProjectWelcomePage.cpp:265
+msgid "URL:"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ProjectWelcomePage.cpp:268
+msgid "User:"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ProjectWelcomePage.cpp:273
+msgid "WARNING: This project is not registered with BOINC.  Make sure you trust it before continuing."
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ProjectWelcomePage.cpp:277
+msgid "To continue, click Next."
+msgstr "Pokračujte kliknutím na tlačítko Další."
+#: clientgui/ProxyInfoPage.cpp:195
 msgid "Network communication failure"
 msgstr "Selhala síťová komunikace"
-#: ProxyInfoPage.cpp:199
+#: clientgui/ProxyInfoPage.cpp:199
 msgid ""
 "The World Community Grid - BOINC software failed to communicate\n"
 "over the Internet. The most likely reasons are:\n"
@@ -2657,7 +2782,7 @@ msgstr ""
 "3) Jste připojeni k Internetu přes proxy server.\n"
 "Klikněte na Dále pro konfiguraci připojení BOINC přes proxy server."
-#: ProxyInfoPage.cpp:203
+#: clientgui/ProxyInfoPage.cpp:203
 msgid ""
 "BOINC failed to communicate on the Internet.\n"
 "The most likely reasons are:\n"
@@ -2688,1260 +2813,1354 @@ msgstr ""
 "3) Jste připojeni k Internetu přes proxy server.\n"
 "Klikněte na Dále pro konfiguraci připojení BOINC přes proxy server."
-#: ProxyPage.cpp:331
+#: clientgui/ProxyPage.cpp:331
 msgid "Proxy configuration"
 msgstr "Nastavení proxy serveru"
-#: ProxyPage.cpp:334
+#: clientgui/ProxyPage.cpp:334
 msgid "HTTP proxy"
 msgstr "HTTP proxy server"
-#: ProxyPage.cpp:337 ProxyPage.cpp:357
+#: clientgui/ProxyPage.cpp:337
+#: clientgui/ProxyPage.cpp:357
 msgid "Server:"
 msgstr "Server:"
-#: ProxyPage.cpp:350
+#: clientgui/ProxyPage.cpp:350
 msgid "Autodetect"
 msgstr "Autodekce"
-#: ProxyPage.cpp:354
+#: clientgui/ProxyPage.cpp:354
 msgid "SOCKS proxy"
 msgstr "SOCKS proxy server"
-#: TermsOfUsePage.cpp:218
-msgid "Terms of Use"
-msgstr "Podmínky použití"
+#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:167
+msgid "Advanced View...\tCtrl+Shift+A"
+msgstr "Pokročilé zobrazení...\tCtrl+Shift+A"
-#: TermsOfUsePage.cpp:222
-msgid "Please read the following terms of use:"
-msgstr "Přečtěte si prosím následující podmínky použití:"
+#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:168
+msgid "Display the advanced graphical interface."
+msgstr "Zobrazit rozšířené grafické rozhraní."
-#: TermsOfUsePage.cpp:231
-msgid "I agree to the terms of use."
-msgstr "Souhlasím s podmínkami použití."
+#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:175
+msgid "Skin"
+msgstr "Vzhled"
-#: TermsOfUsePage.cpp:237
-msgid "I do not agree to the terms of use."
-msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:177
+msgid "Select the appearance of the user interface."
+msgstr "Vyberte si vzhled aplikace."
-#: UnavailablePage.cpp:183
-msgid "Project temporarily unavailable"
-msgstr "Projekt je dočasně nedostupný"
+#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:224
+#, c-format
+msgid "&%s"
+msgstr "&%s"
-#: UnavailablePage.cpp:186
-msgid ""
-"The project is temporarily unavailable.\n"
-"Please try again later."
-msgstr ""
-"Projekt je dočasně nedostupný.\n"
-"Zkuste to prosím později. "
+#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:405
+msgid "Default"
+msgstr "Výchozí"
-#: UnavailablePage.cpp:190
-msgid "Account manager temporarily unavailable"
-msgstr "Správce účtu je dočasně nedostupný"
+#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:848
+msgid "Suspend"
+msgstr "Pozastavit"
-#: UnavailablePage.cpp:193
-msgid ""
-"The account manager is temporarily unavailable.\n"
-"Please try again later."
-msgstr ""
-"Správce účtu je dočasně nedostupný.\n"
-"Zkuste to prosím později. "
+#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:850
+msgid "Suspend Computing"
+msgstr "Pozastavit výpočty"
-#: ValidateAccountKey.cpp:68
-msgid "Please specify an account key to continue."
-msgstr "Zadej prosím klíč k účtu pro pokračování."
+#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:851
+msgid "Resume Computing"
+msgstr "Pokračovat ve výpočtech"
-#: ValidateAccountKey.cpp:71
-msgid "Invalid Account Key; please enter a valid Account Key"
-msgstr "Neplatný klíč k účtu - vložte prosím platný klíč"
+#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:867
+msgid "Notices"
+msgstr "Zprávy"
-#: ValidateAccountKey.cpp:82 ValidateEmailAddress.cpp:86
-msgid "Validation conflict"
-msgstr "Chyba při validaci"
+#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:868
+msgid "Open a window to view notices from projects or BOINC"
+msgstr "Otevřít okno s informačními zprávami projektů nebo BOINC"
-#: ValidateEmailAddress.cpp:72
-msgid "Please specify an email address"
-msgstr "Zadejte prosím emailovou adresu"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgMessages.cpp:124
+msgid "Fetching notices; please wait..."
+msgstr "Načítám zprávy, prosím čekejte..."
-#: ValidateEmailAddress.cpp:75
-msgid "Invalid email address; please enter a valid email address"
-msgstr "Neplatná emailová adresa - vložte prosím platnou adresu"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgMessages.cpp:132
+msgid "There are no notices at this time."
+msgstr "Nejsou dostupné žádné zprávy."
-#: ValidateURL.cpp:69
-msgid "Missing URL"
-msgstr "Chybí URL adresa"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgMessages.cpp:146
+msgid "Close"
+msgstr "Zavřít"
-#: ValidateURL.cpp:70
-msgid ""
-"Please specify a URL.\n"
-"For example:\n"
-msgstr ""
-"Zadejte prosím URL adresu.\n"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgMessages.cpp:394
+#, c-format
+msgid "%s - Notices"
+msgstr "%s - Zprávy"
-#: ValidateURL.cpp:83 ValidateURL.cpp:87 ValidateURL.cpp:91
-#: ValidateURL.cpp:103 ValidateURL.cpp:107 ValidateURL.cpp:110
-msgid "Invalid URL"
-msgstr "Neplatná URL adresa"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:270
+msgid "This dialog controls preferences for this computer only."
+msgstr "Toto okno nastavuje předvolby jen pro tento počítač."
-#: ValidateURL.cpp:84 ValidateURL.cpp:88 ValidateURL.cpp:92
-msgid ""
-"Please specify a valid URL.\n"
-"For example:\n"
-msgstr ""
-"Zadejte prosím platnou URL adresu.\n"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:275
+msgid "Click OK to set preferences."
+msgstr "Klikněte na OK pro uložení předvoleb."
-#: ValidateURL.cpp:104 ValidateURL.cpp:108
-#, c-format
-msgid "'%s' does not contain a valid host name."
-msgstr "'%s' neobsahuje platné jméno počítače."
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:280
+msgid "Click Clear to restore web-based settings for all preferences listed below."
+msgstr ""
-#: ValidateURL.cpp:111
-#, c-format
-msgid "'%s' does not contain a valid path."
-msgstr "'%s' neobsahuje platnou cestu."
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:287
+msgid "For additional settings, select Computing Preferences in the Advanced View."
+msgstr ""
-#: ViewMessages.cpp:84 ViewProjects.cpp:170 ViewStatistics.cpp:1978
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:160 ViewWork.cpp:183
-msgid "Commands"
-msgstr "Příkazy"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:315
+msgid "Do work only between:"
+msgstr "Počítej pouze mezi: "
-#: ViewMessages.cpp:88
-msgid "Copy all messages"
-msgstr "Zkopírovat všechny zprávy"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:337
+msgid "Connect to internet only between:"
+msgstr "Připojuj se k Internetu pouze mezi: "
-#: ViewMessages.cpp:95
-msgid "Copy selected messages"
-msgstr "Zkopírovat označené zprávy"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:359
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:376
+msgid "Use no more than:"
+msgstr "Použij nejvýše "
-#: ViewMessages.cpp:106 ViewMessages.cpp:502
-msgid "Show only this project"
-msgstr "Zobrazit jen tento projekt"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:372
+msgid "of disk space"
+msgstr "místa na disku"
-#: ViewMessages.cpp:107 ViewMessages.cpp:503
-msgid "Show only the messages for the selected project."
-msgstr "Zobrazit pouze zprávy vybraného projektu."
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:389
+msgid "of the processor"
+msgstr "výkonu procesoru"
-#: ViewMessages.cpp:164
-msgid "Messages"
-msgstr "Zprávy"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:393
+msgid "Do work while on battery?"
+msgstr "Počítat při běhu na baterie?"
-#: ViewMessages.cpp:187
-msgid "Copying all messages to the clipboard..."
-msgstr "Kopíruji všechny zprávy do schránky..."
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:406
+msgid "Do work after idle for:"
+msgstr "Počítat po nečinnosti: "
-#: ViewMessages.cpp:223
-msgid "Copying selected messages to the clipboard..."
-msgstr "Kopíruji označené zprávy do schránky..."
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:431
+msgid "Clear all local preferences listed above and close the dialog"
+msgstr ""
-#: ViewMessages.cpp:286
-msgid "Filtering messages..."
-msgstr "Filtruji zprávy..."
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:609
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:612
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:688
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:692
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:704
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:708
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:851
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:862
+msgid "Anytime"
+msgstr "Kdykoliv"
-#: ViewMessages.cpp:494
-msgid "Show all messages"
-msgstr "Zobrazit všechny zprávy"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:645
+msgid "100 MB"
+msgstr "100 MB"
-#: ViewMessages.cpp:495
-msgid "Show messages for all projects."
-msgstr "Zobrazit zprávy všech projektů."
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:646
+msgid "200 MB"
+msgstr "200 MB"
-#: ViewNotices.cpp:58 sg_DlgMessages.cpp:124
-msgid "Fetching notices; please wait..."
-msgstr "Načítám zprávy, prosím čekejte..."
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:647
+msgid "500 MB"
+msgstr "500 MB"
-#: ViewNotices.cpp:65 sg_DlgMessages.cpp:132
-msgid "There are no notices at this time."
-msgstr "Nejsou dostupné žádné zprávy."
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:648
+msgid "1 GB"
+msgstr "1 GB"
-#: ViewNotices.cpp:99 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:776
-msgid "Notices"
-msgstr "Zprávy"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:649
+msgid "2 GB"
+msgstr "2 GB"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:174 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:61
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:650
+msgid "5 GB"
+msgstr "5 GB"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:651
+msgid "10 GB"
+msgstr "10 GB"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:652
+msgid "20 GB"
+msgstr "20 GB"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:653
+msgid "50 GB"
+msgstr "50 GB"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:654
+msgid "100 GB"
+msgstr "100 GB"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:724
+#, c-format
+msgid "%d MB"
+msgstr "%d MB"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:726
+#, c-format
+msgid "%4.2f GB"
+msgstr "%4.2f GB"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:767
+#, c-format
+msgid "%d%%"
+msgstr "%d%%"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:803
+msgid "0 (Run Always)"
+msgstr "0 (Počítat trvale)"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:806
+#, c-format
+msgid "%d"
+msgstr "%d"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:953
+#, c-format
+msgid "%s - Computing Preferences"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:1033
+msgid "Do you really want to clear all local preferences?\n"
+msgstr "Opravdu chcete vymazat všechny lokální předvolby?\n"
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:66
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:179
 msgid "Update"
 msgstr "Aktualizovat"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:175 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:62
-msgid ""
-"Report all completed tasks, get latest credit, get latest preferences, and "
-"possibly get more tasks."
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:67
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:180
+msgid "Report all completed tasks, get latest credit, get latest preferences, and possibly get more tasks."
 msgstr ""
 "Nahlásit veškerou dokončenou práci, získat aktuální údaj o kreditu a "
 "nastavení a je-li možno, přijmout další práci."
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:181 ViewProjects.cpp:722 ViewWork.cpp:208 ViewWork.cpp:801
-#: sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:757 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:67
-#: sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:113 sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:66
-#: sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:106
-msgid "Suspend"
-msgstr "Pozastavit"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:182 ViewProjects.cpp:722 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:68
-#: sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:114
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:73
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:129
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:187
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:727
 msgid "Suspend tasks for this project."
 msgstr "Pozastavit práci tohoto projektu."
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:188 ViewProjects.cpp:741 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:73
-#: sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:121
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:78
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:136
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:193
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:746
 msgid "No new tasks"
 msgstr "Nepřijímat další práci"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:189 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:74
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:79
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:194
 msgid "Don't get new tasks for this project."
 msgstr "Zakázat projektu přijímat další práci."
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:195 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:79
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:84
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:200
 msgid "Reset project"
 msgstr "Restartovat projekt"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:196 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:80
-msgid ""
-"Delete all files and tasks associated with this project, and get new tasks.  "
-"You can update the project first to report any completed tasks."
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:85
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:201
+msgid "Delete all files and tasks associated with this project, and get new tasks.  You can update the project first to report any completed tasks."
 msgstr ""
 "Smazat všechny soubory a úkoly související s tímto projektem a stáhnout "
 "nové. Před restartováním doporučujeme projekt aktualizovat, čímž odešlete a "
 "ohlásíte všechny dokončené úkoly."
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:203 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:86
-msgid ""
-"Remove this project.  Tasks in progress will be lost (use 'Update' first to "
-"report any completed tasks)."
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:91
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:208
+msgid "Remove this project.  Tasks in progress will be lost (use 'Update' first to report any completed tasks)."
 msgstr ""
 "Odebrat tento projekt. Započatá práce bude ztracena. Před odebráním "
 "doporučujeme projekt aktualizovat, čímž odešlete a ohlásíte všechny "
 "dokončené úkoly. "
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:209 ViewWork.cpp:222 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:91
-#: sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:78
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:96
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:84
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:214
 msgid "Properties"
 msgstr "Vlastnosti"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:210 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:92
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:97
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:215
 msgid "Show project details."
 msgstr "Zobrazit detaily projektu."
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:220 ViewStatistics.cpp:450
-msgid "Account"
-msgstr "Účet"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:222
-msgid "Work done"
-msgstr "Kredit"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:223
-msgid "Avg. work done"
-msgstr "Průměrný kredit"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:225 ViewTransfers.cpp:188 ViewWork.cpp:234
-msgid "Status"
-msgstr "Stav"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:250
-msgid "Projects"
-msgstr "Projekty"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:302
-msgid "Updating project..."
-msgstr "Aktualizuji projekt..."
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:344
-msgid "Resuming project..."
-msgstr "Obnovuji projekt..."
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:348
-msgid "Suspending project..."
-msgstr "Pozastavuji projekt..."
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:126
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:723
+msgid "Resume tasks for this project."
+msgstr "Obnovit práci pro tento projekt."
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:385
-msgid "Telling project to allow additional task downloads..."
-msgstr "Povoluji projektu přijímat další práci..."
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:133
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:742
+msgid "Allow new tasks"
+msgstr "Povolit další práci"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:389
-msgid "Telling project to not fetch any additional tasks..."
-msgstr "Zakazuji projektu přijímat další práci..."
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:134
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:742
+msgid "Allow fetching new tasks for this project."
+msgstr "Povolit tomuto projektu přijímat další práci."
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:425
-msgid "Resetting project..."
-msgstr "Restartuji projekt..."
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:137
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:746
+msgid "Don't fetch new tasks for this project."
+msgstr "Zakázat tomuto projektu přijímat další práci."
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:438 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:214
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:229
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:443
 #, c-format
 msgid "Are you sure you want to reset project '%s'?"
 msgstr "Opravdu chcete restartovat projekt '%s'?"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:444 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:220
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:235
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:449
 msgid "Reset Project"
 msgstr "Restartovat projekt"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:483
-msgid "Removing project..."
-msgstr "Odebírám projekt..."
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:496 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:251
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:266
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:501
 #, c-format
 msgid "Are you sure you want to remove project '%s'?"
 msgstr "Opravdu chcete odebrat projekt '%s'?"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:502 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:257
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:272
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:507
 msgid "Remove Project"
 msgstr "Odebrat projekt"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:543 ViewWork.cpp:599
-msgid "Launching browser..."
-msgstr "Spouštím internetový prohlížeč..."
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:718 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:111
-msgid "Resume tasks for this project."
-msgstr "Obnovit práci pro tento projekt."
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:737 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:118
-msgid "Allow new tasks"
-msgstr "Povolit další práci"
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:72
+msgid "Add Project"
+msgstr "Přidat projekt"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:737 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:119
-msgid "Allow fetching new tasks for this project."
-msgstr "Povolit tomuto projektu přijímat další práci."
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:73
+msgid "Synchronize"
+msgstr "Synchronizovat"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:741 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:122
-msgid "Don't fetch new tasks for this project."
-msgstr "Zakázat tomuto projektu přijímat další práci."
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:74
+msgid "Work done for this project"
+msgstr "Práce hotova pro tento projekt"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1058
-msgid "Requested by user"
-msgstr "Vyžádáno uživatelem"
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:77
+msgid "Synchronize projects with account manager system"
+msgstr "Synchronizovat projekty se systémem Správce účtu"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1059
-msgid "To fetch work"
-msgstr "Získat novou práci"
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:124
+msgid "Select a project to access with the controls below"
+msgstr "Zvolte projekt, který chcete ovládat prvky dole"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1060
-msgid "To report completed tasks"
-msgstr "Nahlásit dokončené úkoly"
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:145
+msgid "Project Web Pages"
+msgstr "Webové stránky projektu"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1061
-msgid "To send trickle-up message"
-msgstr "Odeslat zprávu o průběhu"
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:149
+msgid "Project Commands"
+msgstr "Příkazy projektu"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1062
-msgid "Requested by account manager"
-msgstr "Vyžádáno správcem účtu"
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:276
+#, c-format
+#, c-format, fuzzy
+msgid "Pop up a menu of web sites for project %s"
+msgstr "Otevřít menu s webovými stránkami projektu %s"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1063
-msgid "Project initialization"
-msgstr "Prvotní nastavení projektu"
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:278
+#, c-format
+msgid "Pop up a menu of commands to apply to project %s"
+msgstr "Otevřít menu s příkazy pro projekt %s"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1064
-msgid "Requested by project"
-msgstr "Vyžádáno projektem"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:66
+msgid "Show graphics"
+msgstr "Zobrazit grafiku"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1065
-msgid "Unknown reason"
-msgstr "Neznámý důvod"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:67
+msgid "Show application graphics in a window."
+msgstr "Zobrazit grafické okno aplikace."
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1079
-msgid "Suspended by user"
-msgstr "Pozastaveno uživatelem"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:73
+msgid "Suspend this task."
+msgstr "Pozastavit tento úkol."
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1082
-msgid "Won't get new tasks"
-msgstr "Neobdrží další práci"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:78
+msgid "Abort"
+msgstr "Zrušit"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1085
-msgid "Project ended - OK to remove"
-msgstr "Projekt ukončen - nyní je možné projekt opustit"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:79
+msgid "Abandon this task. You will get no credit for it."
+msgstr "Zrušit tento úkol. Neobdržíte za něj žádný kredit."
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1088
-msgid "Will remove when tasks done"
-msgstr "Bude odebrán po dokončení úkolů"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:85
+msgid "Show task details."
+msgstr "Zobrazit detaily úkolu."
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1091
-msgid "Scheduler request pending"
-msgstr "Nevyřízený požadavek plánovače"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:119
+msgid "Resume work for this task."
+msgstr "Obnovit práci na tomto úkolu."
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1097
-msgid "Scheduler request in progress"
-msgstr "Zpracovávám požadavek plánovače"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:123
+msgid "Suspend work for this task."
+msgstr "Pozastavit práci na tomto úkolu."
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1100
-msgid "Trickle up message pending"
-msgstr "Nevyřízené odeslání zprávy o průběhu"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:267
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Are you sure you want to abort this task '%s'?\n"
+"(Progress: %.1lf%%, Status: %s)"
+msgstr ""
+"Opravdu chcete zrušit tento úkol '%s'?\n"
+"(Průběh: %.1lf%%, Stav: %s)"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1106
-msgid "Communication deferred "
-msgstr "Přenos odložen "
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:272
+msgid "Abort task"
+msgstr "Zrušit úkol"
-#: ViewResources.cpp:62
-msgid "Total disk usage"
-msgstr "Obsazené místo na disku"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:468
+msgid "You don't have any projects.  Please Add a Project."
+msgstr "Nemáte žádný projekt. Přidejte si prosím nějaký projekt."
-#: ViewResources.cpp:83
-msgid "Disk usage by BOINC projects"
-msgstr "Využití disku projekty BOINC"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:469
+msgid "Not available"
+msgstr "Nedostupné"
-#: ViewResources.cpp:116
-msgid "Disk"
-msgstr "Disk"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:480
+msgid "Tasks:"
+msgstr "Úkoly:"
-#: ViewResources.cpp:249
-msgid "no projects: 0 bytes used"
-msgstr "žádné projekty: 0 bajtů použito"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:486
+msgid "Select a task to access"
+msgstr "Zvolit úkol"
-#: ViewResources.cpp:286
-msgid "used by BOINC: "
-msgstr "prostor využitý BOINC: "
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:497
+msgid "From:"
+msgstr "Od:"
-#: ViewResources.cpp:296
-msgid "free, available to BOINC: "
-msgstr "volné, dostupné pro BOINC: "
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:551
+msgid "This task's progress"
+msgstr "Průběh tohoto úkolu"
-#: ViewResources.cpp:306
-msgid "free, not available to BOINC: "
-msgstr "volné, nedostupné pro BOINC: "
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:569
+msgid "Task Commands"
+msgstr "Příkazy úkolu"
-#: ViewResources.cpp:316
-msgid "free: "
-msgstr "volné místo: "
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:570
+msgid "Pop up a menu of commands to apply to this task"
+msgstr "Otevřít menu s příkazy pro tento úkol"
-#: ViewResources.cpp:326
-msgid "used by other programs: "
-msgstr "využité ostatními programy: "
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:705
+#, c-format
+msgid "Application: %s"
+msgstr "Aplikace: %s"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:1205
-msgid "User Total"
-msgstr "Celkový kredit uživatele"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:728
+#, c-format
+msgid "%.3f%%"
+msgstr "%.3f%%"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:1206
-msgid "User Average"
-msgstr "Průměrný kredit uživatele"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:736
+msgid "Application: Not available"
+msgstr "Aplikace: Nedostupná"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:1207
-msgid "Host Total"
-msgstr "Celkový kredit počítače"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:836
+msgid "Not Available"
+msgstr "Nedostupný"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:1208
-msgid "Host Average"
-msgstr "Průměrný kredit počítače"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:851
+#, c-format
+msgid "Elapsed: %s"
+msgstr "Uplynulo: &s"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:1355
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:865
 #, c-format
-msgid "Last update: %.0f days ago"
-msgstr "Poslední akualizace - před %.0f dny"
+msgid "Remaining (estimated): %s"
+msgstr "Zbývá (odhad): %s"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:1982
-msgid "Show user total"
-msgstr "Celkový kredit uživatele"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:880
+#, c-format
+msgid "Status: %s"
+msgstr "Stav: %s"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:1983
-msgid "Show total credit for user"
-msgstr "Zobrazit celkový kredit uživatele"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1227
+msgid "Retrieving current status."
+msgstr "Zjišťuji aktuální stav."
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:1989
-msgid "Show user average"
-msgstr "Průměrný kredit uživatele"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1233
+msgid "Downloading work from the server."
+msgstr "Stahuji práci ze serveru."
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:1990
-msgid "Show average credit for user"
-msgstr "Zobrazit průměrný kredit uživatele"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1238
+msgid "Processing Suspended:  Running On Batteries."
+msgstr "Výpočty pozastaveny:  Provoz na baterie."
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:1996
-msgid "Show host total"
-msgstr "Celkový kredit počítače"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1240
+msgid "Processing Suspended:  User Active."
+msgstr "Výpočty pozastaveny:  Uživatel je aktivní."
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:1997
-msgid "Show total credit for host"
-msgstr "Zobrazit celkový kredit počítače"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2003
-msgid "Show host average"
-msgstr "Průměrný kredit počítače"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1242
+msgid "Processing Suspended:  User paused processing."
+msgstr "Výpočty pozastaveny:  Pozastaveno uživatelem."
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2004
-msgid "Show average credit for host"
-msgstr "Zobrazit průměrný kredit počítače"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1244
+msgid "Processing Suspended:  Time of Day."
+msgstr "Výpočty pozastaveny:  Denní doba."
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2013
-msgid "< &Previous project"
-msgstr "< &Předchozí projekt"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1246
+msgid "Processing Suspended:  Benchmarks Running."
+msgstr "Výpočty pozastaveny:  Probíhají testy procesoru."
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2014
-msgid "Show chart for previous project"
-msgstr "Zobrazit graf předchozího projektu"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1248
+msgid "Processing Suspended."
+msgstr "Výpočty pozastaveny."
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2019
-msgid "&Next project >"
-msgstr "Další projekt >"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1252
+msgid "Waiting to contact project servers."
+msgstr "Čekám na kontakt se servery projektu."
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2020
-msgid "Show chart for next project"
-msgstr "Zobrazit graf následujícího projektu"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1256
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1265
+msgid "Retrieving current status"
+msgstr "Zjišťuji aktuální stav"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2026 ViewStatistics.cpp:2416
-msgid "Hide project list"
-msgstr "Schovat seznam projektů"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1260
+msgid "No work available to process"
+msgstr "Není k dispozici žádná práce"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2027 ViewStatistics.cpp:2416
-msgid "Use entire area for graphs"
-msgstr "Použít celou oblast pro grafy"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1262
+msgid "Unable to connect to the core client"
+msgstr "Selhalo spojení s klientem"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2032
-msgid "Mode view"
-msgstr "Zobrazení"
+#: clientgui/TermsOfUsePage.cpp:218
+msgid "Terms of Use"
+msgstr "Podmínky použití"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2036
-msgid "One project"
-msgstr "Jeden projekt"
+#: clientgui/TermsOfUsePage.cpp:222
+msgid "Please read the following terms of use:"
+msgstr "Přečtěte si prosím následující podmínky použití:"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2037
-msgid "Show one chart with selected project"
-msgstr "Zobrazit jeden graf se zvoleným projektem"
+#: clientgui/TermsOfUsePage.cpp:231
+msgid "I agree to the terms of use."
+msgstr "Souhlasím s podmínkami použití."
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2043
-msgid "All projects (separate)"
-msgstr "Všechny projekty (zvlášť)"
+#: clientgui/TermsOfUsePage.cpp:237
+msgid "I do not agree to the terms of use."
+msgstr ""
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2044
-msgid "Show all projects, one chart per project"
-msgstr "Zobrazit všechny projekty, každý ve svém grafu"
+#: clientgui/UnavailablePage.cpp:183
+msgid "Project temporarily unavailable"
+msgstr "Projekt je dočasně nedostupný"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2050
-msgid "All projects (together)"
-msgstr "Všechny projekty (dohromady)"
+#: clientgui/UnavailablePage.cpp:186
+msgid ""
+"The project is temporarily unavailable.\n"
+"Please try again later."
+msgstr ""
+"Projekt je dočasně nedostupný.\n"
+"Zkuste to prosím později. "
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2051
-msgid "Show one chart with all projects"
-msgstr "Zobrazit jeden graf se všemi projekty"
+#: clientgui/UnavailablePage.cpp:190
+msgid "Account manager temporarily unavailable"
+msgstr "Správce účtu je dočasně nedostupný"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2057
-msgid "All projects (sum)"
-msgstr "Všechny projekty (součet)"
+#: clientgui/UnavailablePage.cpp:193
+msgid ""
+"The account manager is temporarily unavailable.\n"
+"Please try again later."
+msgstr ""
+"Správce účtu je dočasně nedostupný.\n"
+"Zkuste to prosím později. "
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2058
-msgid "Show one chart with sum of projects"
-msgstr "Zobrazit jeden graf se součtem všech projektů"
+#: clientgui/ValidateAccountKey.cpp:68
+msgid "Please specify an account key to continue."
+msgstr "Zadej prosím klíč k účtu pro pokračování."
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2079
-msgid "Statistics"
-msgstr "Statistiky"
+#: clientgui/ValidateAccountKey.cpp:71
+msgid "Invalid Account Key; please enter a valid Account Key"
+msgstr "Neplatný klíč k účtu - vložte prosím platný klíč"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2103 ViewStatistics.cpp:2124 ViewStatistics.cpp:2145
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2167 ViewStatistics.cpp:2188 ViewStatistics.cpp:2209
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2230 ViewStatistics.cpp:2251 ViewStatistics.cpp:2272
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2296
-msgid "Updating charts..."
-msgstr "Aktualizuji grafy..."
+#: clientgui/ValidateAccountKey.cpp:82
+#: clientgui/ValidateEmailAddress.cpp:86
+msgid "Validation conflict"
+msgstr "Chyba při validaci"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2420
-msgid "Show project list"
-msgstr "Zobrazit seznam projektů"
+#: clientgui/ValidateEmailAddress.cpp:72
+msgid "Please specify an email address"
+msgstr "Zadejte prosím emailovou adresu"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2420
-msgid "Uses smaller area for graphs"
-msgstr "Používá menší oblast pro grafy"
+#: clientgui/ValidateEmailAddress.cpp:75
+msgid "Invalid email address; please enter a valid email address"
+msgstr "Neplatná emailová adresa - vložte prosím platnou adresu"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:164
-msgid "Retry Now"
-msgstr "Obnovit přenos"
+#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:69
+msgid "Missing URL"
+msgstr "Chybí URL adresa"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:165
-msgid "Retry the file transfer now"
-msgstr "Obnovit přenost souborů"
+#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:70
+msgid ""
+"Please specify a URL.\n"
+"For example:\n"
+msgstr ""
+"Zadejte prosím URL adresu.\n"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:171
-msgid "Abort Transfer"
-msgstr "Zrušit přenos"
+#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:83
+#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:87
+#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:91
+#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:103
+#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:107
+#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:110
+msgid "Invalid URL"
+msgstr "Neplatná URL adresa"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:172
-msgid "Abort this file transfer.  You won't get credit for the task."
-msgstr "Zrušit přenos souborů. Neobdržíte žádný kredit za tento úkol."
+#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:84
+#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:88
+#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:92
+msgid ""
+"Please specify a valid URL.\n"
+"For example:\n"
+msgstr ""
+"Zadejte prosím platnou URL adresu.\n"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:183
-msgid "File"
-msgstr "Soubor"
+#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:104
+#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:108
+#, c-format
+msgid "'%s' does not contain a valid host name."
+msgstr "'%s' neobsahuje platné jméno počítače."
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:184 ViewWork.cpp:233
-msgid "Progress"
-msgstr "Průběh"
+#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:111
+#, c-format
+msgid "'%s' does not contain a valid path."
+msgstr "'%s' neobsahuje platnou cestu."
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:185
-msgid "Size"
-msgstr "Velikost"
+#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:84
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:175
+msgid "Commands"
+msgstr "Příkazy"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:186
-msgid "Elapsed Time"
-msgstr "Čas"
+#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:88
+msgid "Copy all messages"
+msgstr "Zkopírovat všechny zprávy"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:187
-msgid "Speed"
-msgstr "Rychlost"
+#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:95
+msgid "Copy selected messages"
+msgstr "Zkopírovat označené zprávy"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:213
-msgid "Transfers"
-msgstr "Přenos"
+#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:106
+#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:502
+msgid "Show only this project"
+msgstr "Zobrazit jen tento projekt"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:280
-msgid "Network activity is suspended - "
-msgstr "Přístup k síti je pozastaven - "
+#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:107
+#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:503
+msgid "Show only the messages for the selected project."
+msgstr "Zobrazit pouze zprávy vybraného projektu."
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:282
-msgid ""
-"You can enable it using the Activity menu."
-msgstr ""
-"Můžete ho obnovit v menu Aktivity."
+#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:164
+msgid "Messages"
+msgstr "Zprávy"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:285
-msgid "BOINC"
-msgstr "BOINC"
+#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:187
+msgid "Copying all messages to the clipboard..."
+msgstr "Kopíruji všechny zprávy do schránky..."
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:292
-msgid "Retrying transfer now..."
-msgstr "Pokouším se obnovit přenos..."
+#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:223
+msgid "Copying selected messages to the clipboard..."
+msgstr "Kopíruji označené zprávy do schránky..."
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:330
-msgid "Aborting transfer..."
-msgstr "Ruším přenos..."
+#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:286
+msgid "Filtering messages..."
+msgstr "Filtruji zprávy..."
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:343
-#, c-format
-msgid ""
-"Are you sure you want to abort this file transfer '%s'?\n"
-"NOTE: Aborting a transfer will invalidate a task and you\n"
-"will not receive credit for it."
-msgstr ""
-"Skutečně chcete zrušit přenos tohoto souboru '%s'?\n"
-"Pozn: Zrušením přenosu souboru zrušíte daný úkol\n"
-"a neobdržíte za něj kredit."
+#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:494
+msgid "Show all messages"
+msgstr "Zobrazit všechny zprávy"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:349
-msgid "Abort File Transfer"
-msgstr "Zrušit přenos souboru"
+#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:495
+msgid "Show messages for all projects."
+msgstr "Zobrazit zprávy všech projektů."
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:780
-msgid "Upload"
-msgstr "Odesílání"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:225
+msgid "Account"
+msgstr "Účet"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:780
-msgid "Download"
-msgstr "Stáhování"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:227
+msgid "Work done"
+msgstr "Kredit"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:784
-msgid "retry in "
-msgstr "zkusit znova za "
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:228
+msgid "Avg. work done"
+msgstr "Průměrný kredit"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:786
-msgid "failed"
-msgstr "selhalo"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:230
+msgid "Status"
+msgstr "Stav"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:789
-msgid "suspended"
-msgstr "pozastaveno"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:255
+msgid "Projects"
+msgstr "Projekty"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:794
-msgid "active"
-msgstr "probíhá"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:307
+msgid "Updating project..."
+msgstr "Aktualizuji projekt..."
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:796
-msgid "pending"
-msgstr "vyčkává"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:349
+msgid "Resuming project..."
+msgstr "Obnovuji projekt..."
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:803
-msgid " (project backoff: "
-msgstr " (odložení projektu: "
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:353
+msgid "Suspending project..."
+msgstr "Pozastavuji projekt..."
-#: ViewWork.cpp:187 ViewWork.cpp:777
-msgid "Show active tasks"
-msgstr "Zobrazit aktivní úkoly "
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:390
+msgid "Telling project to allow additional task downloads..."
+msgstr "Povoluji projektu přijímat další práci..."
-#: ViewWork.cpp:188 ViewWork.cpp:778
-msgid "Show only active tasks."
-msgstr "Zobrazit pouze aktivní úkoly."
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:394
+msgid "Telling project to not fetch any additional tasks..."
+msgstr "Zakazuji projektu přijímat další práci..."
-#: ViewWork.cpp:194 sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:60
-msgid "Show graphics"
-msgstr "Zobrazit grafiku"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:430
+msgid "Resetting project..."
+msgstr "Restartuji projekt..."
-#: ViewWork.cpp:195 sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:61
-msgid "Show application graphics in a window."
-msgstr "Zobrazit grafické okno aplikace."
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:488
+msgid "Removing project..."
+msgstr "Odebírám projekt..."
-#: ViewWork.cpp:201
-msgid "Show VM Console"
-msgstr "Zobrazit VM konzoli"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:548
+msgid "Launching browser..."
+msgstr "Spouštím internetový prohlížeč..."
-#: ViewWork.cpp:202
-msgid "Show VM Console in a window."
-msgstr "Zobrazit VM konzoli v okně."
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1063
+msgid "Requested by user"
+msgstr "Vyžádáno uživatelem"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:209
-msgid "Suspend work for this result."
-msgstr "Pozastavit práci na tomto úkolu."
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1064
+msgid "To fetch work"
+msgstr "Získat novou práci"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:215 sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:72
-msgid "Abort"
-msgstr "Zrušit"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1065
+msgid "To report completed tasks"
+msgstr "Nahlásit dokončené úkoly"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:216
-msgid "Abandon work on the result. You will get no credit for it."
-msgstr "Ukončit práci na tomto úkolu. Za úkol nebude přidělen žádný kredit."
-#: ViewWork.cpp:223 sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:79
-msgid "Show task details."
-msgstr "Zobrazit detaily úkolu."
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1066
+msgid "To send trickle-up message"
+msgstr "Odeslat zprávu o průběhu"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:235
-msgid "Elapsed"
-msgstr "Čas"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1067
+msgid "Requested by account manager"
+msgstr "Vyžádáno správcem účtu"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:236
-msgid "Remaining (estimated)"
-msgstr "Zbývá (odhad)"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1068
+msgid "Project initialization"
+msgstr "Prvotní nastavení projektu"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:237
-msgid "Deadline"
-msgstr "Odevzdat do"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1069
+msgid "Requested by project"
+msgstr "Vyžádáno projektem"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:264
-msgid "Tasks"
-msgstr "Úkoly"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1070
+msgid "Unknown reason"
+msgstr "Neznámý důvod"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:357
-msgid "Resuming task..."
-msgstr "Obnovuji úkol..."
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1084
+msgid "Suspended by user"
+msgstr "Pozastaveno uživatelem"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:360
-msgid "Suspending task..."
-msgstr "Pozastavuji úkol..."
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1087
+msgid "Won't get new tasks"
+msgstr "Neobdrží další práci"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:389
-msgid "Showing graphics for task..."
-msgstr "Zobrazuji grafické okno pro úkol..."
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1090
+msgid "Project ended - OK to remove"
+msgstr "Projekt ukončen - nyní je možné projekt opustit"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:426
-msgid "Showing VM console for task..."
-msgstr "Zobrazuji VM konzoli pro úkol..."
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1093
+msgid "Will remove when tasks done"
+msgstr "Bude odebrán po dokončení úkolů"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:479
-#, c-format
-msgid ""
-"Are you sure you want to abort this task '%s'?\n"
-"(Progress: %s, Status: %s)"
-msgstr ""
-"Opravdu chcete zrušit tento úkol '%s'?\n"
-"(Průběh: %s, Stav: %s)"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1096
+msgid "Scheduler request pending"
+msgstr "Nevyřízený požadavek plánovače"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:485
-#, c-format
-msgid "Are you sure you want to abort these %d tasks?"
-msgstr "Opravdu chcete zrušit těchto %d úkolů?"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1102
+msgid "Scheduler request in progress"
+msgstr "Zpracovávám požadavek plánovače"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:490 sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:256
-msgid "Abort task"
-msgstr "Zrušit úkol"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1105
+msgid "Trickle up message pending"
+msgstr "Nevyřízené odeslání zprávy o průběhu"
-# 75%
-#: ViewWork.cpp:499
-msgid "Aborting task..."
-msgstr "Ruším úkol..."
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1111
+msgid "Communication deferred "
+msgstr "Přenos odložen "
-#: ViewWork.cpp:771
-msgid "Show all tasks"
-msgstr "Zobrazit všechny úkoly "
+#: clientgui/ViewResources.cpp:62
+msgid "Total disk usage"
+msgstr "Obsazené místo na disku"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:772
-msgid "Show all tasks."
-msgstr "Zobrazit všechny úkoly."
+#: clientgui/ViewResources.cpp:83
+msgid "Disk usage by BOINC projects"
+msgstr "Využití disku projekty BOINC"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:796 sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:103
-msgid "Resume work for this task."
-msgstr "Obnovit práci na tomto úkolu."
+#: clientgui/ViewResources.cpp:116
+msgid "Disk"
+msgstr "Disk"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:802 sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:107
-msgid "Suspend work for this task."
-msgstr "Pozastavit práci na tomto úkolu."
+#: clientgui/ViewResources.cpp:225
+msgid "no projects: 0 bytes used"
+msgstr "žádné projekty: 0 bajtů použito"
-#: WelcomePage.cpp:284
-msgid "Add project or account manager"
-msgstr "Přidat projekt nebo nastavit Správce účtu"
+#: clientgui/ViewResources.cpp:262
+msgid "used by BOINC: "
+msgstr "prostor využitý BOINC: "
-#: WelcomePage.cpp:288
-msgid "Add project or use BOINC Account Manager"
-msgstr "Přidat projekt nebo použít BOINC správce účtů"
+#: clientgui/ViewResources.cpp:272
+msgid "free, available to BOINC: "
+msgstr "volné, dostupné pro BOINC: "
-#: WelcomePage.cpp:297
-#, c-format
-msgid ""
-"If possible, add projects at the\n"
-"%s web site.\n"
-"Projects added via this wizard will not be\n"
-"listed on or managed via %s."
-msgstr ""
-"Pokud je to možné, přidejte projekty\n"
-"na webové stránce %s.\n"
-"Projekty přidané tímto průvodcem nebudou\n"
-"na seznamu %s a nepůjdou zde spravovat."
+#: clientgui/ViewResources.cpp:282
+msgid "free, not available to BOINC: "
+msgstr "volné, nedostupné pro BOINC: "
-#: WelcomePage.cpp:313
-msgid ""
-"There are over 30 BOINC-based projects\n"
-"doing research in many areas of science,\n"
-"and you can volunteer for as many of them as you like.\n"
-"You can add a project directly,\n"
-"or use an 'Account Manager' web site to select projects."
-msgstr ""
-"Je dostupno více než 30 BOINC projektů\n"
-"provádějících výzkum v mnoha vědeckých oblastech.\n"
-"Můžete se připojit k libovolného množství projektů.\n"
-"Projekt lze přidat buď přímo, nebo s využitím\n"
-"některého Správce účtu, u kterého si na webu vyberete projekty."
+#: clientgui/ViewResources.cpp:292
+msgid "free: "
+msgstr "volné místo: "
-#: WelcomePage.cpp:325
-msgid ""
-"You have chosen to add a new volunteer computing project or change which "
-"you contribute to.\n"
-"Some of these projects are run and managed by World Community Grid, while "
-"are run and managed by other researchers or organizations. The BOINC "
-"can divide your spare processing power among any combination of projects.\n"
-"Alternatively, if you have registered with a BOINC Account Manager, you can "
-"this to choose which projects to support.\n"
-"Please choose which type of change you would like to make:\n"
-msgstr ""
-"Chcete přidat nový projekt pro dobrovolné výpočty, nebo upravit projekty,\n"
-"na kterých se již podílíte.\n"
-"Některé z těchto projektů jsou spravované organizací World Community Grid,\n"
-"zatímco další jsou provozované jinými výzkumníky a organizacemi.\n"
-"Aplikace BOINC vám umožní přerozdělit výpočetní sílu mezi vámi zvolenou\n"
-"libovolnou kombinaci projektů.\n"
-"Nebo pokud jste registrovaní u BOINC správce účtu, je možný spravovat\n"
-"váš výběr projektů přes něj.\n"
-"Vyberte si prosím typ změny, kterou chcete provést.\n"
+#: clientgui/ViewResources.cpp:302
+msgid "used by other programs: "
+msgstr "využité ostatními programy: "
-#: WelcomePage.cpp:339
-msgid "Use a BOINC Account Manager"
-msgstr "Použít BOINC správce účtu"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1181
+msgid "User Total"
+msgstr "Celkový kredit uživatele"
-#: WelcomePage.cpp:352
-msgid "To continue, click Next."
-msgstr "Pokračujte kliknutím na tlačítko Další."
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1182
+msgid "User Average"
+msgstr "Průměrný kredit uživatele"
-#: WelcomePage.cpp:358
-msgid "Add or change your World Community Grid projects"
-msgstr "Přidat nebo změnit projekty pro World Community Grid"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1183
+msgid "Host Total"
+msgstr "Celkový kredit počítače"
-#: WelcomePage.cpp:361
-msgid "Add projects run by other researchers or organizations"
-msgstr "Přidat projekty spravované jinými výzkumníky nebo organizacemi"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1184
+msgid "Host Average"
+msgstr "Průměrný kredit počítače"
-#: WizardAttach.cpp:634
-msgid "Do you really want to cancel?"
-msgstr "Opravdu chcete operaci zrušit?"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1331
+#, c-format
+msgid "Last update: %.0f days ago"
+msgstr "Poslední akualizace - před %.0f dny"
-#: WizardAttach.cpp:635
-msgid "Question"
-msgstr "Dotaz"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1956
+msgid "Show user total"
+msgstr "Celkový kredit uživatele"
-#: sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:149
-msgid "Advanced View...\tCtrl+Shift+A"
-msgstr "Pokročilé zobrazení...\tCtrl+Shift+A"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1957
+msgid "Show total credit for user"
+msgstr "Zobrazit celkový kredit uživatele"
-#: sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:150
-msgid "Display the advanced graphical interface."
-msgstr "Zobrazit rozšířené grafické rozhraní."
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1963
+msgid "Show user average"
+msgstr "Průměrný kredit uživatele"
-#: sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:157
-msgid "Skin"
-msgstr "Vzhled"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1964
+msgid "Show average credit for user"
+msgstr "Zobrazit průměrný kredit uživatele"
-#: sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:159
-msgid "Select the appearance of the user interface."
-msgstr "Vyberte si vzhled aplikace."
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1970
+msgid "Show host total"
+msgstr "Celkový kredit počítače"
-#: sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:206
-#, c-format
-msgid "&%s"
-msgstr "&%s"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1971
+msgid "Show total credit for host"
+msgstr "Zobrazit celkový kredit počítače"
-#: sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:390
-msgid "Default"
-msgstr "Výchozí"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1977
+msgid "Show host average"
+msgstr "Průměrný kredit počítače"
-#: sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:759
-msgid "Suspend Computing"
-msgstr "Pozastavit výpočty"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1978
+msgid "Show average credit for host"
+msgstr "Zobrazit průměrný kredit počítače"
-#: sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:760
-msgid "Resume Computing"
-msgstr "Pokračovat ve výpočtech"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1987
+msgid "< &Previous project"
+msgstr "< &Předchozí projekt"
-#: sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:777
-msgid "Open a window to view notices from projects or BOINC"
-msgstr "Otevřít okno s informačními zprávami projektů nebo BOINC"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1988
+msgid "Show chart for previous project"
+msgstr "Zobrazit graf předchozího projektu"
-#: sg_DlgMessages.cpp:146
-msgid "Close"
-msgstr "Zavřít"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1993
+msgid "&Next project >"
+msgstr "Další projekt >"
-#: sg_DlgMessages.cpp:389
-#, c-format
-msgid "%s - Notices"
-msgstr "%s - Zprávy"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1994
+msgid "Show chart for next project"
+msgstr "Zobrazit graf následujícího projektu"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:268
-msgid "This dialog controls preferences for this computer only."
-msgstr "Toto okno nastavuje předvolby jen pro tento počítač."
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2000
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2390
+msgid "Hide project list"
+msgstr "Schovat seznam projektů"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:273
-msgid "Click OK to set preferences."
-msgstr "Klikněte na OK pro uložení předvoleb."
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2001
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2390
+msgid "Use entire area for graphs"
+msgstr "Použít celou oblast pro grafy"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:278
-msgid ""
-"Click Clear to restore web-based settings for all preferences listed below."
-msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2006
+msgid "Mode view"
+msgstr "Zobrazení"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:285
-msgid ""
-"For additional settings, select Computing Preferences in the Advanced View."
-msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2010
+msgid "One project"
+msgstr "Jeden projekt"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:313
-msgid "Do work only between:"
-msgstr "Počítej pouze mezi: "
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2011
+msgid "Show one chart with selected project"
+msgstr "Zobrazit jeden graf se zvoleným projektem"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:335
-msgid "Connect to internet only between:"
-msgstr "Připojuj se k Internetu pouze mezi: "
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2017
+msgid "All projects (separate)"
+msgstr "Všechny projekty (zvlášť)"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:357 sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:374
-msgid "Use no more than:"
-msgstr "Použij nejvýše "
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2018
+msgid "Show all projects, one chart per project"
+msgstr "Zobrazit všechny projekty, každý ve svém grafu"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:370
-msgid "of disk space"
-msgstr "místa na disku"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2024
+msgid "All projects (together)"
+msgstr "Všechny projekty (dohromady)"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:387
-msgid "of the processor"
-msgstr "výkonu procesoru"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2025
+msgid "Show one chart with all projects"
+msgstr "Zobrazit jeden graf se všemi projekty"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:391
-msgid "Do work while on battery?"
-msgstr "Počítat při běhu na baterie?"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2031
+msgid "All projects (sum)"
+msgstr "Všechny projekty (součet)"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:404
-msgid "Do work after idle for:"
-msgstr "Počítat po nečinnosti: "
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2032
+msgid "Show one chart with sum of projects"
+msgstr "Zobrazit jeden graf se součtem všech projektů"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:429
-msgid "Clear all local preferences listed above and close the dialog"
-msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2053
+msgid "Statistics"
+msgstr "Statistiky"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:602 sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:605
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:681 sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:685
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:697 sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:701
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:844 sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:855
-msgid "Anytime"
-msgstr "Kdykoliv"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2077
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2098
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2119
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2141
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2162
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2183
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2204
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2225
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2246
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2270
+msgid "Updating charts..."
+msgstr "Aktualizuji grafy..."
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:638
-msgid "100 MB"
-msgstr "100 MB"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2394
+msgid "Show project list"
+msgstr "Zobrazit seznam projektů"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:639
-msgid "200 MB"
-msgstr "200 MB"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2394
+msgid "Uses smaller area for graphs"
+msgstr "Používá menší oblast pro grafy"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:640
-msgid "500 MB"
-msgstr "500 MB"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:169
+msgid "Retry Now"
+msgstr "Obnovit přenos"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:641
-msgid "1 GB"
-msgstr "1 GB"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:170
+msgid "Retry the file transfer now"
+msgstr "Obnovit přenost souborů"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:642
-msgid "2 GB"
-msgstr "2 GB"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:176
+msgid "Abort Transfer"
+msgstr "Zrušit přenos"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:643
-msgid "5 GB"
-msgstr "5 GB"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:177
+msgid "Abort this file transfer.  You won't get credit for the task."
+msgstr "Zrušit přenos souborů. Neobdržíte žádný kredit za tento úkol."
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:644
-msgid "10 GB"
-msgstr "10 GB"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:188
+msgid "File"
+msgstr "Soubor"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:645
-msgid "20 GB"
-msgstr "20 GB"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:189
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:238
+msgid "Progress"
+msgstr "Průběh"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:646
-msgid "50 GB"
-msgstr "50 GB"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:190
+msgid "Size"
+msgstr "Velikost"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:647
-msgid "100 GB"
-msgstr "100 GB"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:191
+msgid "Elapsed Time"
+msgstr "Čas"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:717
-#, c-format
-msgid "%d MB"
-msgstr "%d MB"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:192
+msgid "Speed"
+msgstr "Rychlost"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:719
-#, c-format
-msgid "%4.2f GB"
-msgstr "%4.2f GB"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:218
+msgid "Transfers"
+msgstr "Přenos"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:760
-#, c-format
-msgid "%d%%"
-msgstr "%d%%"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:285
+msgid "Network activity is suspended - "
+msgstr "Přístup k síti je pozastaven - "
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:796
-msgid "0 (Run Always)"
-msgstr "0 (Počítat trvale)"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:287
+msgid ""
+"You can enable it using the Activity menu."
+msgstr ""
+"Můžete ho obnovit v menu Aktivity."
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:799
-#, c-format
-msgid "%d"
-msgstr "%d"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:290
+msgid "BOINC"
+msgstr "BOINC"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:1029
-msgid "Do you really want to clear all local preferences?\n"
-msgstr "Opravdu chcete vymazat všechny lokální předvolby?\n"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:297
+msgid "Retrying transfer now..."
+msgstr "Pokouším se obnovit přenos..."
-#: sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:72
-msgid "Add Project"
-msgstr "Přidat projekt"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:335
+msgid "Aborting transfer..."
+msgstr "Ruším přenos..."
-#: sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:73
-msgid "Synchronize"
-msgstr "Synchronizovat"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:348
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Are you sure you want to abort this file transfer '%s'?\n"
+"NOTE: Aborting a transfer will invalidate a task and you\n"
+"will not receive credit for it."
+msgstr ""
+"Skutečně chcete zrušit přenos tohoto souboru '%s'?\n"
+"Pozn: Zrušením přenosu souboru zrušíte daný úkol\n"
+"a neobdržíte za něj kredit."
-#: sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:74
-msgid "Work done for this project"
-msgstr "Práce hotova pro tento projekt"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:354
+msgid "Abort File Transfer"
+msgstr "Zrušit přenos souboru"
-#: sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:77
-msgid "Synchronize projects with account manager system"
-msgstr "Synchronizovat projekty se systémem Správce účtu"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:785
+msgid "Upload"
+msgstr "Odesílání"
-#: sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:124
-msgid "Select a project to access with the controls below"
-msgstr "Zvolte projekt, který chcete ovládat prvky dole"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:785
+msgid "Download"
+msgstr "Stáhování"
-#: sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:145
-msgid "Project Web Pages"
-msgstr "Webové stránky projektu"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:789
+msgid "retry in "
+msgstr "zkusit znova za "
-#: sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:149
-msgid "Project Commands"
-msgstr "Příkazy projektu"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:791
+msgid "failed"
+msgstr "selhalo"
-#: sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:267
-#, c-format
-#, c-format, fuzzy
-msgid "Pop up a menu of web sites for project %s"
-msgstr "Otevřít menu s webovými stránkami projektu %s"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:794
+msgid "suspended"
+msgstr "pozastaveno"
-#: sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:269
-#, c-format
-msgid "Pop up a menu of commands to apply to project %s"
-msgstr "Otevřít menu s příkazy pro projekt %s"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:799
+msgid "active"
+msgstr "probíhá"
-#: sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:67
-msgid "Suspend this task."
-msgstr "Pozastavit tento úkol."
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:801
+msgid "pending"
+msgstr "vyčkává"
-#: sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:73
-msgid "Abandon this task. You will get no credit for it."
-msgstr "Zrušit tento úkol. Neobdržíte za něj žádný kredit."
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:808
+msgid " (project backoff: "
+msgstr " (odložení projektu: "
-#: sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:251
-#, c-format
-msgid ""
-"Are you sure you want to abort this task '%s'?\n"
-"(Progress: %.1lf%%, Status: %s)"
-msgstr ""
-"Opravdu chcete zrušit tento úkol '%s'?\n"
-"(Průběh: %.1lf%%, Stav: %s)"
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:192
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:782
+msgid "Show active tasks"
+msgstr "Zobrazit aktivní úkoly "
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:464
-msgid "You don't have any projects.  Please Add a Project."
-msgstr "Nemáte žádný projekt. Přidejte si prosím nějaký projekt."
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:193
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:783
+msgid "Show only active tasks."
+msgstr "Zobrazit pouze aktivní úkoly."
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:465
-msgid "Not available"
-msgstr "Nedostupné"
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:206
+msgid "Show VM Console"
+msgstr "Zobrazit VM konzoli"
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:476
-msgid "Tasks:"
-msgstr "Úkoly:"
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:207
+msgid "Show VM Console in a window."
+msgstr "Zobrazit VM konzoli v okně."
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:482
-msgid "Select a task to access"
-msgstr "Zvolit úkol"
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:214
+msgid "Suspend work for this result."
+msgstr "Pozastavit práci na tomto úkolu."
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:493
-msgid "From:"
-msgstr "Od:"
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:221
+msgid "Abandon work on the result. You will get no credit for it."
+msgstr "Ukončit práci na tomto úkolu. Za úkol nebude přidělen žádný kredit."
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:547
-msgid "This task's progress"
-msgstr "Průběh tohoto úkolu"
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:240
+msgid "Elapsed"
+msgstr "Čas"
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:565
-msgid "Task Commands"
-msgstr "Příkazy úkolu"
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:241
+msgid "Remaining (estimated)"
+msgstr "Zbývá (odhad)"
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:566
-msgid "Pop up a menu of commands to apply to this task"
-msgstr "Otevřít menu s příkazy pro tento úkol"
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:242
+msgid "Deadline"
+msgstr "Odevzdat do"
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:701
-#, c-format
-msgid "Application: %s"
-msgstr "Aplikace: %s"
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:269
+msgid "Tasks"
+msgstr "Úkoly"
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:724
-#, c-format
-msgid "%.3f%%"
-msgstr "%.3f%%"
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:362
+msgid "Resuming task..."
+msgstr "Obnovuji úkol..."
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:732
-msgid "Application: Not available"
-msgstr "Aplikace: Nedostupná"
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:365
+msgid "Suspending task..."
+msgstr "Pozastavuji úkol..."
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:832
-msgid "Not Available"
-msgstr "Nedostupný"
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:394
+msgid "Showing graphics for task..."
+msgstr "Zobrazuji grafické okno pro úkol..."
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:847
-#, c-format
-msgid "Elapsed: %s"
-msgstr "Uplynulo: &s"
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:431
+msgid "Showing VM console for task..."
+msgstr "Zobrazuji VM konzoli pro úkol..."
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:861
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:484
 #, c-format
-msgid "Remaining (estimated): %s"
-msgstr "Zbývá (odhad): %s"
+msgid ""
+"Are you sure you want to abort this task '%s'?\n"
+"(Progress: %s, Status: %s)"
+msgstr ""
+"Opravdu chcete zrušit tento úkol '%s'?\n"
+"(Průběh: %s, Stav: %s)"
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:876
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:490
 #, c-format
-msgid "Status: %s"
-msgstr "Stav: %s"
+msgid "Are you sure you want to abort these %d tasks?"
+msgstr "Opravdu chcete zrušit těchto %d úkolů?"
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1223
-msgid "Retrieving current status."
-msgstr "Zjišťuji aktuální stav."
+# 75%
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:504
+msgid "Aborting task..."
+msgstr "Ruším úkol..."
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1229
-msgid "Downloading work from the server."
-msgstr "Stahuji práci ze serveru."
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:776
+msgid "Show all tasks"
+msgstr "Zobrazit všechny úkoly "
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1234
-msgid "Processing Suspended:  Running On Batteries."
-msgstr "Výpočty pozastaveny:  Provoz na baterie."
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:777
+msgid "Show all tasks."
+msgstr "Zobrazit všechny úkoly."
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1236
-msgid "Processing Suspended:  User Active."
-msgstr "Výpočty pozastaveny:  Uživatel je aktivní."
+#: clientgui/WelcomePage.cpp:284
+msgid "Add project or account manager"
+msgstr "Přidat projekt nebo nastavit Správce účtu"
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1238
-msgid "Processing Suspended:  User paused processing."
-msgstr "Výpočty pozastaveny:  Pozastaveno uživatelem."
+#: clientgui/WelcomePage.cpp:288
+msgid "Add project or use BOINC Account Manager"
+msgstr "Přidat projekt nebo použít BOINC správce účtů"
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1240
-msgid "Processing Suspended:  Time of Day."
-msgstr "Výpočty pozastaveny:  Denní doba."
+#: clientgui/WelcomePage.cpp:297
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"If possible, add projects at the\n"
+"%s web site.\n"
+"Projects added via this wizard will not be\n"
+"listed on or managed via %s."
+msgstr ""
+"Pokud je to možné, přidejte projekty\n"
+"na webové stránce %s.\n"
+"Projekty přidané tímto průvodcem nebudou\n"
+"na seznamu %s a nepůjdou zde spravovat."
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1242
-msgid "Processing Suspended:  Benchmarks Running."
-msgstr "Výpočty pozastaveny:  Probíhají testy procesoru."
+#: clientgui/WelcomePage.cpp:313
+msgid ""
+"There are over 30 BOINC-based projects\n"
+"doing research in many areas of science,\n"
+"and you can volunteer for as many of them as you like.\n"
+"You can add a project directly,\n"
+"or use an 'Account Manager' web site to select projects."
+msgstr ""
+"Je dostupno více než 30 BOINC projektů\n"
+"provádějících výzkum v mnoha vědeckých oblastech.\n"
+"Můžete se připojit k libovolného množství projektů.\n"
+"Projekt lze přidat buď přímo, nebo s využitím\n"
+"některého Správce účtu, u kterého si na webu vyberete projekty."
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1244
-msgid "Processing Suspended."
-msgstr "Výpočty pozastaveny."
+#: clientgui/WelcomePage.cpp:325
+msgid ""
+"You have chosen to add a new volunteer computing project or change which projects\n"
+"you contribute to.\n"
+"Some of these projects are run and managed by World Community Grid, while others\n"
+"are run and managed by other researchers or organizations. The BOINC software\n"
+"can divide your spare processing power among any combination of projects.\n"
+"Alternatively, if you have registered with a BOINC Account Manager, you can use\n"
+"this to choose which projects to support.\n"
+"Please choose which type of change you would like to make:\n"
+msgstr ""
+"Chcete přidat nový projekt pro dobrovolné výpočty, nebo upravit projekty,\n"
+"na kterých se již podílíte.\n"
+"Některé z těchto projektů jsou spravované organizací World Community Grid,\n"
+"zatímco další jsou provozované jinými výzkumníky a organizacemi.\n"
+"Aplikace BOINC vám umožní přerozdělit výpočetní sílu mezi vámi zvolenou\n"
+"libovolnou kombinaci projektů.\n"
+"Nebo pokud jste registrovaní u BOINC správce účtu, je možný spravovat\n"
+"váš výběr projektů přes něj.\n"
+"Vyberte si prosím typ změny, kterou chcete provést.\n"
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1248
-msgid "Waiting to contact project servers."
-msgstr "Čekám na kontakt se servery projektu."
+#: clientgui/WelcomePage.cpp:339
+msgid "Use a BOINC Account Manager"
+msgstr "Použít BOINC správce účtu"
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1252 sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1261
-msgid "Retrieving current status"
-msgstr "Zjišťuji aktuální stav"
+#: clientgui/WelcomePage.cpp:358
+msgid "Add or change your World Community Grid projects"
+msgstr "Přidat nebo změnit projekty pro World Community Grid"
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1256
-msgid "No work available to process"
-msgstr "Není k dispozici žádná práce"
+#: clientgui/WelcomePage.cpp:361
+msgid "Add projects run by other researchers or organizations"
+msgstr "Přidat projekty spravované jinými výzkumníky nebo organizacemi"
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1258
-msgid "Unable to connect to the core client"
-msgstr "Selhalo spojení s klientem"
+#: clientgui/WizardAttach.cpp:673
+msgid "Do you really want to cancel?"
+msgstr "Opravdu chcete operaci zrušit?"
+#: clientgui/WizardAttach.cpp:674
+msgid "Question"
+msgstr "Dotaz"
-#: wizardex.cpp:377 wizardex.cpp:553
+#: clientgui/wizardex.cpp:377
+#: clientgui/wizardex.cpp:553
 msgid "&Next >"
 msgstr "Další >"
-#: wizardex.cpp:383
+#: clientgui/wizardex.cpp:383
 msgid "< &Back"
 msgstr "< Zpět"
-#: wizardex.cpp:553
+#: clientgui/wizardex.cpp:553
 msgid "&Finish"
 msgstr "Dokončit"
-#: mac/Mac_GUI.cpp:110
-msgid "Preferences…"
-msgstr "Předvolby…"
+#: clientgui/common/wxPieCtrl.cpp:64
+msgid "Pie Ctrl"
+msgstr "Pie Ctrl"
-#: mac/Mac_GUI.cpp:122
+#: clientgui/mac/Mac_GUI.cpp:35
 msgid "Services"
 msgstr "Služby"
-#: mac/Mac_GUI.cpp:144
+#: clientgui/mac/Mac_GUI.cpp:36
 #, c-format
 msgid "Hide %s"
 msgstr "Skrýt %s"
-#: mac/Mac_GUI.cpp:158
+#: clientgui/mac/Mac_GUI.cpp:37
 msgid "Hide Others"
 msgstr "Skrýt ostatní"
-#: mac/Mac_GUI.cpp:172
+#: clientgui/mac/Mac_GUI.cpp:38
 msgid "Show All"
 msgstr "Zobrazit vše"
-#: mac/Mac_GUI.cpp:186
+#: clientgui/mac/Mac_GUI.cpp:39
 #, c-format
 msgid "Quit %s"
 msgstr "Opustit %s"
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.h:30
+msgid "specify work start and stop hours in format HH:MM-HH:MM"
+msgstr ""
+"určete časové rozmezí, kdy bude povoleno provádět výpočty - ve formátu HH"
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.h:31
+msgid "specify network usage start and stop hours in format HH:MM-HH:MM"
+msgstr ""
+"určete časové rozmezí, kdy bude povolen přístup k Internetu - ve formátu HH"
+# 98%
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "(C) 2003-2013 University of California, Berkeley.\n"
+#~ "All Rights Reserved."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "(C) 2003-2013 Kalifornská Univerzita, Berkeley.\n"
+#~ "Všechna práva vyhrazena.\n"
+#~ "Překlad do češtiny: Spok a Necroman"
+#, c-format
+#~ msgid "%s - Preferences"
+#~ msgstr "%s - Předvolby"
+#, no-c-format
+#~ msgid "% CPU time"
+#~ msgstr "% procesorového času"
+#~ msgid "KBytes/sec."
+#~ msgstr "KB/s"
+#~ msgid "Mbytes"
+#~ msgstr "MB"
+#~ msgid "every"
+#~ msgstr "každých"
+#~ msgid "days"
+#~ msgstr "dní"
+#~ msgid "Gigabytes disk space"
+#~ msgstr "GB na disku"
+#~ msgid "Running, high priority"
+#~ msgstr "Počítám s vysokou prioritou"
+#~ msgid " (Scheduler wait: "
+#~ msgstr " (Vyčkávání plánovače: "
+#~ msgid " (Scheduler wait)"
+#~ msgstr "(vyčkávání plánovače)"
+#~ msgid " (Waiting for network access)"
+#~ msgstr "(Čekám na připojení k Internetu)"
+#~ msgid "Preferences…"
+#~ msgstr "Předvolby…"
 #~ msgid "I do not agree with the terms of use."
 #~ msgstr "Nesouhlasím s podmínkami použití."
@@ -4266,19 +4485,6 @@ msgstr "Opustit %s"
 #~ msgid "OnDropTarget: index by HitTest = %i"
 #~ msgstr "OnDropTarget: index by HitTest = %i"
-#~ msgid "Pie Ctrl"
-#~ msgstr "Pie Ctrl"
-#~ msgid "specify work start and stop hours in format HH:MM-HH:MM"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "určete časové rozmezí, kdy bude povoleno provádět výpočty - ve formátu HH"
-#~ ":MM-HH:MM"
-#~ msgid "specify network usage start and stop hours in format HH:MM-HH:MM"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "určete časové rozmezí, kdy bude povolen přístup k Internetu - ve formátu HH"
-#~ ":MM-HH:MM"
 #~ msgid "Identify your account "
 #~ msgstr "Zadejte údaje k vašemu účtu "
diff --git a/locale/da/BOINC-Manager.mo b/locale/da/BOINC-Manager.mo
index 82452b8..01f5252 100644
Binary files a/locale/da/BOINC-Manager.mo and b/locale/da/BOINC-Manager.mo differ
diff --git a/locale/da/BOINC-Manager.po b/locale/da/BOINC-Manager.po
index b5bec6e..e534dcc 100644
--- a/locale/da/BOINC-Manager.po
+++ b/locale/da/BOINC-Manager.po
@@ -6,8 +6,8 @@ msgid ""
 msgstr ""
 "Project-Id-Version: BOINC Manager 6.x\n"
 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-02-02 00:00-0800\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-11-07 18:12+0000\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-12-15 14:15-0500\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2014-08-30 09:57+0000\n"
 "Last-Translator: pryds <thomas at pryds.eu>\n"
 "Language-Team: BOINC Development Team <boinc_loc at ssl.berkeley.edu>\n"
 "Language: da\n"
@@ -16,21 +16,21 @@ msgstr ""
 "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
 "Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
 "X-Generator: Pootle 2.5.0\n"
-"X-BOINC-UTF8-Marker: 简体中文, 日本語\n"
+"X-Poedit-Basepath: C:\\Src\\BOINCGIT\\boinc_7.4\n"
+"X-Poedit-SearchPath-0: clientgui\n"
+"X-Poedit-SourceCharset: utf-8\n"
+"X-POOTLE-MTIME: 1409392636.0\n"
 "X-Poedit-SearchPath-1: clientgui/msw\n"
 "X-Poedit-SearchPath-2: clientgui/gtk\n"
 "X-Poedit-SearchPath-3: clientgui/mac\n"
-"X-Poedit-SearchPath-0: clientgui\n"
-"X-Poedit-SourceCharset: utf-8\n"
-"X-Poedit-Basepath: C:\\Src\\BOINCGIT\\boinc\n"
-"X-POOTLE-MTIME: 1383847933.0\n"
+"X-BOINC-UTF8-Marker: 简体中文, 日本語\n"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:387
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:387
 #, c-format
 msgid "Identify your account at %s"
 msgstr "Identificér din konto hos %s"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:393
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:393
 msgid ""
 "Please enter your account information\n"
 "(to create an account, visit the project's web site)"
@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ msgstr ""
 "Indtast venligst din kontoinformation\n"
 "(for at oprette en konto kan du besøge projektets hjemmeside)"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:397
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:397
 msgid ""
 "This project is not currently accepting new accounts.\n"
 "You can add it only if you already have an account."
@@ -46,19 +46,19 @@ msgstr ""
 "Dette projekt accepterer i øjeblikket ikke nye brugerkonti.\n"
 "Du kan kun tilføje projektet, hvis du allerede har en konto."
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:401
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:401
 msgid "Are you already running this project?"
 msgstr "Kører du allerede dette projekt?"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:405
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:405
 msgid "&No, new user"
 msgstr "&Nej, ny bruger"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:408
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:408
 msgid "&Yes, existing user"
 msgstr "&Ja, eksisterende bruger"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:413
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:413
 msgid ""
 "We were not able to set up your account information\n"
@@ -70,49 +70,55 @@ msgstr ""
 "Vi kunne ikke opsætte din kontoinformation\n"
-"Klik venligst på linket 'Find loginoplysninger'\n"
+"Klik venligst på linket \"Find loginoplysninger\"\n"
 "herunder for at finde ud af, hvad du skal skrive i emailadresse- og\n"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:416
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:416
 msgid "Find login information"
 msgstr "Find loginoplysninger"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:436 AccountInfoPage.cpp:641
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:436
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:649
 msgid "&Password:"
 msgstr "&Kodeord:"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:443 AccountInfoPage.cpp:665
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:443
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:673
 msgid "Choose a &password:"
 msgstr "Vælg et &kodeord:"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:446
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:446
 msgid "C&onfirm password:"
 msgstr "&Bekræft kodeord:"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:453
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:453
 #, c-format
 msgid "Are you already running %s?"
 msgstr "Kører du allerede %s?"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:482
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:482
 msgid "&Username:"
 msgstr "&Brugernavn:"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:508
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:511
+msgid "&Email address or LDAP ID:"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:515
 msgid "&Email address:"
 msgstr "&Emailadresse:"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:515
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:523
 #, c-format
 msgid "minimum length %d"
 msgstr "Minimal længde %d"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:522
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:530
 msgid "Forgot your password?"
 msgstr "Har du glemt din adgangskode?"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:529
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:537
 msgid ""
 "If you have not yet registered with this account manager,\n"
 "please do so before proceeding.  Click on the link below\n"
@@ -122,47 +128,46 @@ msgstr ""
 "bedes du gøre det, før du fortsætter. Klik på nedenstående link\n"
 "for at registrere eller for at hente en glemt adgangskode."
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:532
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:540
 msgid "Account manager web site"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Hjemmeside for kontohåndtering"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:574 WelcomePage.cpp:348
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:582
 msgid "Add project"
 msgstr "Tilføj projekt"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:576
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:584
 msgid "Update account manager"
 msgstr "Opdatér kontohåndtering"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:578 WelcomePage.cpp:307 WelcomePage.cpp:321
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:586
 msgid "Use account manager"
 msgstr "Brug kontohåndtering"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:585
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:593
 msgid "Please enter a user name."
 msgstr "Angiv venligst et brugernavn."
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:587
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:595
 msgid "Please enter an email address."
 msgstr "Angiv venligst en emailadresse."
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:597
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:605
 #, c-format
 msgid "Please enter a password of at least %d characters."
 msgstr "Angiv venligst et kodeord på mindst %d tegn."
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:607
-msgid ""
-"The password and confirmation password do not match. Please type them again."
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:615
+msgid "The password and confirmation password do not match. Please type them again."
 msgstr ""
 "Kodeordet og bekræftelsen af kodeordet stemmer ikke overens. Indtast dem "
 "venligst igen."
-#: AccountManagerInfoPage.cpp:272
+#: clientgui/AccountManagerInfoPage.cpp:272
 msgid "Choose an account manager"
 msgstr "Vælg en kontohåndtering"
-#: AccountManagerInfoPage.cpp:275
+#: clientgui/AccountManagerInfoPage.cpp:275
 msgid ""
 "To choose an account manager, click its name or \n"
 "type its URL below."
@@ -170,383 +175,400 @@ msgstr ""
 "For at vælge en kontohåndtering skal du klikke på navnet eller \n"
 "skrive dens URL herunder."
-#: AccountManagerInfoPage.cpp:279
+#: clientgui/AccountManagerInfoPage.cpp:279
 msgid "Account manager details:"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Detaljer for kontohåndtering:"
-#: AccountManagerInfoPage.cpp:283
+#: clientgui/AccountManagerInfoPage.cpp:283
 msgid "Account manager &URL:"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "&URL for kontohåndtering:"
-#: AccountManagerInfoPage.cpp:287
+#: clientgui/AccountManagerInfoPage.cpp:287
 msgid "Open web page"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Åbn hjemmeside"
-#: AccountManagerInfoPage.cpp:290
+#: clientgui/AccountManagerInfoPage.cpp:290
 msgid "Visit this account manager's web site"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Besøg hjemmesiden for denne kontohåndtering"
-#: AccountManagerProcessingPage.cpp:187 AccountManagerPropertiesPage.cpp:193
+#: clientgui/AccountManagerProcessingPage.cpp:186
+#: clientgui/AccountManagerPropertiesPage.cpp:192
 #, c-format
 msgid "Communicating with %s."
 msgstr "Kommunikerer med %s."
-#: AccountManagerProcessingPage.cpp:194 AccountManagerPropertiesPage.cpp:200
+#: clientgui/AccountManagerProcessingPage.cpp:193
+#: clientgui/AccountManagerPropertiesPage.cpp:199
 msgid "Communicating with server."
 msgstr "Kommunikerer med server."
-#: AccountManagerProcessingPage.cpp:199 AccountManagerPropertiesPage.cpp:205
+#: clientgui/AccountManagerProcessingPage.cpp:198
+#: clientgui/AccountManagerPropertiesPage.cpp:204
 msgid "Please wait..."
-msgstr "Vent venligst…"
+msgstr "Vent venligst …"
-#: AccountManagerProcessingPage.cpp:326
+#: clientgui/AccountManagerProcessingPage.cpp:325
 msgid "An internal server error has occurred.\n"
 msgstr "Der er opstået en intern serverfejl.\n"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:95
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:96
 msgid "Connected"
 msgstr "Forbundet"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:103
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:104
 msgid "Disconnected"
 msgstr "Afbrudt"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:322 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:119
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:318
 #, c-format
 msgid "Close the %s window"
 msgstr "Luk %s-vinduet"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:325 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:122
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:321
 msgid "&Close Window"
 msgstr "&Luk vindue"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:336 AdvancedFrame.cpp:343 AdvancedFrame.cpp:350
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:332
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:339
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:346
 #, c-format
 msgid "Exit %s"
 msgstr "Afslut %s"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:371
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:359
+msgid "Preferences..."
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:368
 msgid "&Notices\tCtrl+Shift+N"
 msgstr "&Meddelelser\tCtrl+Shift+N"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:372
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:369
 msgid "Display notices"
 msgstr "Vis meddelelser"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:377
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:374
 msgid "&Projects\tCtrl+Shift+P"
 msgstr "&Projekter\tCtrl+Shift+P"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:378
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:375
 msgid "Display projects"
 msgstr "Vis projekter"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:383
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:380
 msgid "&Tasks\tCtrl+Shift+T"
 msgstr "&Opgaver\tCtrl+Shift+T"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:384
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:381
 msgid "Display tasks"
 msgstr "Vis opgaver"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:389
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:386
 msgid "Trans&fers\tCtrl+Shift+X"
 msgstr "Over&førsler\tCtrl+Shift+X"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:390
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:387
 msgid "Display transfers"
 msgstr "Vis overførsler"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:395
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:392
 msgid "&Statistics\tCtrl+Shift+S"
 msgstr "&Statistik\tCtrl+Shift+S"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:396
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:393
 msgid "Display statistics"
 msgstr "Vis statistik"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:401
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:398
 msgid "&Disk usage\tCtrl+Shift+D"
 msgstr "&Diskforbrug\tCtrl+Shift+D"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:402
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:399
 msgid "Display disk usage"
 msgstr "Vis diskforbrug"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:409
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:406
 msgid "Simple &View...\tCtrl+Shift+V"
-msgstr "Simpel &visning…\tCtrl+Shift+V"
+msgstr "Simpel &visning …\tCtrl+Shift+V"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:410
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:407
 msgid "Display the simple graphical interface."
 msgstr "Vis den simple grafiske grænseflade."
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:424
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:421
 msgid "&Add project or account manager..."
-msgstr "&Tilføj projekt eller kontohåndtering…"
+msgstr "&Tilføj projekt eller kontohåndtering …"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:425 sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:76
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:422
 msgid "Volunteer for any or all of 30+ projects in many areas of science"
 msgstr ""
 "Meld dig som frivillig til en eller flere af de mere end 30 projekter "
 "indenfor videnskabens mange områder"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:429
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:426
 #, c-format
 msgid "&Synchronize with %s"
 msgstr "&Synkronisér med %s"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:433
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:430
 #, c-format
 msgid "Get current settings from %s"
-msgstr "Hent nuværende indstillinger fra %s"
+msgstr "Hent nuværende opsætning fra %s"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:443
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:440
 msgid "&Add project..."
-msgstr "Tilføj &projekt…"
+msgstr "Tilføj &projekt …"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:444
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:441
 msgid "Add a project"
 msgstr "Tilføj et projekt"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:447
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:444
 #, c-format
 #, c-format, c-format
 msgid "S&top using %s..."
-msgstr "S&top med at bruge %s…"
+msgstr "S&top med at bruge %s …"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:453
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:450
 msgid "Remove this computer from account manager control."
 msgstr "Fjern denne computer fra kontohåndtering."
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:458 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:178
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:455
 msgid "&Options..."
-msgstr "&Indstillinger…"
+msgstr "&Indstillinger …"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:459 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:179
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:456
 msgid "Configure display options and proxy settings"
-msgstr "Konfigurér visningsvalgmuligheder og proxy-indstillinger"
+msgstr "Konfigurér visningsvalgmuligheder og proxy-opsætning"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:463 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:172
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:460
 msgid "Computing &preferences..."
-msgstr "&Beregningsindstillinger…"
+msgstr "&Beregningsindstillinger …"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:464 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:173
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:461
 msgid "Configure computing preferences"
 msgstr "Konfigurér indstillinger for beregning"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:472
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:469
 msgid "&Run always"
 msgstr "Kør &altid"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:473
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:470
 msgid "Allow work regardless of preferences"
 msgstr "Tillad arbejde uanset indstillinger"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:477
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:474
 msgid "Run based on &preferences"
 msgstr "Kør efter &indstillinger"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:478
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:475
 msgid "Allow work according to preferences"
 msgstr "Tillad arbejde i henhold til indstillinger"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:482
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:479
 msgid "&Suspend"
 msgstr "&Suspendér"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:483
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:480
 msgid "Stop work regardless of preferences"
 msgstr "Suspendér arbejde uanset indstillinger"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:508
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:505
 msgid "Use GPU always"
 msgstr "Brug altid GPU"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:509
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:506
 msgid "Allow GPU work regardless of preferences"
 msgstr "Tillad GPU-arbejde uanset indstillinger"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:513
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:510
 msgid "Use GPU based on preferences"
 msgstr "Brug GPU efter indstillinger"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:514
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:511
 msgid "Allow GPU work according to preferences"
 msgstr "Tillad GPU-arbejde i henhold til indstillinger"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:518
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:515
 msgid "Suspend GPU"
 msgstr "Suspendér GPU"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:519
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:516
 msgid "Stop GPU work regardless of preferences"
 msgstr "Stop GPU-arbejde uanset indstillinger"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:543
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:540
 msgid "Network activity always available"
 msgstr "Netværksaktivitet altid tilgængelig"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:544
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:541
 msgid "Allow network activity regardless of preferences"
 msgstr "Tillad netværksaktivitet uanset indstillinger"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:548
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:545
 msgid "Network activity based on preferences"
 msgstr "Netværksaktivitet efter indstillinger"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:549
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:546
 msgid "Allow network activity according to preferences"
 msgstr "Tillad netværksaktivitet efter indstillinger"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:553
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:550
 msgid "Network activity suspended"
 msgstr "Netværksaktivitet suspenderet"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:554
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:551
 msgid "Stop BOINC network activity"
 msgstr "Stop BOINC netværksaktivitet"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:564
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:561
 #, c-format
 msgid "Connect to another computer running %s"
 msgstr "Forbind til en anden computer, der kører %s"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:569
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:566
 msgid "Select computer..."
-msgstr "Vælg computer…"
+msgstr "Vælg computer …"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:574
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:571
 msgid "Shut down connected client..."
-msgstr "Stop den forbundne klient…"
+msgstr "Stop den forbundne klient …"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:575
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:572
 msgid "Shut down the currently connected client"
 msgstr "Stop den nuværende forbundne klient"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:579
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:576
 msgid "Run CPU &benchmarks"
 msgstr "Kør CPU-&ydelsesmåling"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:580
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:577
 msgid "Runs BOINC CPU benchmarks"
 msgstr "Kører BOINC CPU-ydelsesmåling"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:584
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:581
 msgid "Do network communication"
 msgstr "Udfør netværkskommunikation"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:585
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:582
 msgid "Do all pending network communication"
 msgstr "Udfør al afventende netværkskommunikation"
 # 94%
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:589
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:586
 msgid "Read config files"
 msgstr "Læs konfigurationsfiler"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:590
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:587
 msgid "Read configuration info from cc_config.xml and any app_config.xml files"
 msgstr ""
 "Læs konfigurationsinfo fra cc_config.xml og eventuelle app_config.xml filer"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:594
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:591
 msgid "Read local prefs file"
 msgstr "Læs lokal indstillingsfil"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:595
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:592
 msgid "Read preferences from global_prefs_override.xml."
 msgstr "Læs indstillinger fra global_prefs_override.xml."
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:600
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:597
 #, c-format
 msgid "Launch another instance of %s..."
-msgstr "Kør endnu en instans af %s…"
+msgstr "Kør endnu en instans af %s …"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:604
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:601
 #, c-format
 msgid "Launch another %s"
 msgstr "Kør endnu en %s"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:614
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:611
 msgid "Event Log...\tCtrl+Shift+E"
-msgstr "Hændelseslog\tCtrl+Shift+E"
+msgstr "Hændelseslog …\tCtrl+Shift+E"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:615
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:612
 msgid "Display diagnostic messages."
 msgstr "Vis diagnosticeringsbeskeder."
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:625 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:188
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:616
+msgid "Event Log Diagnostic Flags...\tCtrl+Shift+F"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:617
+msgid "Enable or disable various diagnostic messages"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:626
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s &help"
 msgstr "%s &hjælp"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:631 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:194
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:632
 #, c-format
 #, c-format, c-format
 msgid "Show information about %s"
 msgstr "Vis information om %s"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:643
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:644
 #, c-format
 msgid "&%s help"
 msgstr "&%s hjælp"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:649 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:212
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:650
 #, c-format
 msgid "Show information about the %s"
 msgstr "Vis information om %s"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:661 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:224
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:662
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s &web site"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "%s hjemmeside"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:667 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:230
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:668
 #, c-format
 msgid "Show information about BOINC and %s"
 msgstr "Vis information om BOINC og %s"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:679 BOINCTaskBar.cpp:530 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:242
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:680
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:544
 #, c-format
 msgid "&About %s..."
-msgstr "&Om %s…"
+msgstr "&Om %s …"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:685 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:248
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:686
 msgid "Licensing and copyright information."
 msgstr "Licens- og copyrightinformation."
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:692 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:255
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:693
 msgid "&File"
 msgstr "&Filer"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:696 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:259
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:697
 msgid "&View"
 msgstr "&Vis"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:700 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:263
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:701
 msgid "&Tools"
 msgstr "&Værktøjer"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:704
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:705
 msgid "&Activity"
 msgstr "&Aktivitet"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:708
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:709
 msgid "A&dvanced"
 msgstr "Avan&ceret"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:712 DlgEventLog.cpp:332 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:267
-#: wizardex.cpp:374 wizardex.cpp:381
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:713
 msgid "&Help"
 msgstr "&Hjælp"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:1199
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1185
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - Stop using %s"
-msgstr "%s - Stop med at bruge %s"
+msgstr "%s – Stop med at bruge %s"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:1204
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1190
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "If you stop using %s,\n"
@@ -561,13 +583,13 @@ msgstr ""
 "Vil du stoppe med at bruge %s?"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:1401
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1397
 #, c-format
 #, c-format, c-format
 msgid "%s - Shut down the current client..."
-msgstr "%s - Luk den nuværende klient ned…"
+msgstr "%s – Luk den nuværende klient ned …"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:1410
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1406
 #, c-format
 #, c-format, c-format
 msgid ""
@@ -577,37 +599,37 @@ msgstr ""
 "%s vil lukke den nuværende klient ned\n"
 "og vil derefter spørge efter en ny vært at forbinde til."
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:1745 DlgAbout.cpp:119
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1806
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s"
 msgstr "%s"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:1754
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1815
 #, c-format
 #, c-format, c-format
 msgid "%s has successfully added %s"
 msgstr "%s har tilføjet %s med succes"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:1893
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1953
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - (%s)"
-msgstr "%s - (%s)"
+msgstr "%s – (%s)"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:1897
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1957
 #, c-format
 msgid "Connecting to %s"
 msgstr "Forbinder til %s"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:1900
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1960
 #, c-format
 msgid "Connected to %s (%s)"
 msgstr "Forbundet til %s (%s)"
-#: AlreadyExistsPage.cpp:184
+#: clientgui/AlreadyExistsPage.cpp:184
 msgid "Username already in use"
 msgstr "Brugernavnet er allerede i brug"
-#: AlreadyExistsPage.cpp:187
+#: clientgui/AlreadyExistsPage.cpp:187
 msgid ""
 "An account with that username already exists and has a\n"
 "different password than the one you entered.\n"
@@ -619,11 +641,11 @@ msgstr ""
 "Besøg venligst projektets hjemmeside og følg instruktionerne der."
-#: AlreadyExistsPage.cpp:191
+#: clientgui/AlreadyExistsPage.cpp:191
 msgid "Email address already in use"
 msgstr "Emailadressen er allerede i brug"
-#: AlreadyExistsPage.cpp:194
+#: clientgui/AlreadyExistsPage.cpp:194
 msgid ""
 "An account with that email address already exists and has a\n"
 "different password than the one you entered.\n"
@@ -635,45 +657,44 @@ msgstr ""
 "Besøg venligst projektets hjemmeside og følg instruktionerne der."
-#: AsyncRPC.cpp:1031
+#: clientgui/AsyncRPC.cpp:1031
 msgid "Communicating with BOINC client.  Please wait ..."
-msgstr "Kommunikerer med BOINC-klienten. Vent venligst…"
+msgstr "Kommunikerer med BOINC-klienten. Vent venligst …"
-#: AsyncRPC.cpp:1034
+#: clientgui/AsyncRPC.cpp:1034
 #, c-format
 msgid "&Quit %s"
 msgstr "&Afslut %s"
-#: AsyncRPC.cpp:1036
+#: clientgui/AsyncRPC.cpp:1036
 #, c-format
 msgid "E&xit %s"
 msgstr "&Afslut %s"
-#: AsyncRPC.cpp:1040
+#: clientgui/AsyncRPC.cpp:1040
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - Communication"
-msgstr "%s - Kommunikation"
+msgstr "%s – Kommunikation"
-#: AsyncRPC.cpp:1056 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:107 sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:433
+#: clientgui/AsyncRPC.cpp:1056
 msgid "Cancel"
 msgstr "&Annullér"
-#: BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:505
+#: clientgui/BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:504
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - Connection Error"
-msgstr "%s - Forbindelsesfejl"
+msgstr "%s – Forbindelsesfejl"
-#: BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:514
+#: clientgui/BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:513
 msgid ""
 "You currently are not authorized to manage the client.\n"
-"Please contact your administrator to add you to the 'boinc_users' local user "
+"Please contact your administrator to add you to the 'boinc_users' local user group."
 msgstr ""
 "Du er i øjeblikket ikke autoriseret til at styre klienten.\n"
 "Kontakt venligst din administrator for at tilføje dig til den lokale "
-"'boinc_users' brugergruppe."
+"\"boinc_users\" brugergruppe."
-#: BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:523
+#: clientgui/BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:522
 msgid ""
 "Authorization failed connecting to running client.\n"
 "Make sure you start this program in the same directory as the client."
@@ -681,20 +702,20 @@ msgstr ""
 "Autorisering mislykkedes under forbindelse til den kørende klient.\n"
 "Vær sikker på at starte dette program i den samme mappe som klienten."
-#: BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:525
+#: clientgui/BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:524
 msgid "Authorization failed connecting to running client."
 msgstr "Autorisering mislykkedes under forbindelse til den kørende klient."
-#: BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:533
+#: clientgui/BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:532
 msgid "The password you have provided is incorrect, please try again."
 msgstr "Det angivne kodeord er ikke korrekt. Prøv venligst igen."
-#: BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:577
+#: clientgui/BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:576
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - Connection Failed"
-msgstr "%s - Forbindelsen mislykkedes"
+msgstr "%s – Forbindelsen mislykkedes"
-#: BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:586
+#: clientgui/BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:585
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "%s is not able to connect to a %s client.\n"
@@ -703,23 +724,22 @@ msgstr ""
 "%s kan ikke forbinde til en %s-klient.\n"
 "Vil du prøve at forbinde igen?"
-#: BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:622
+#: clientgui/BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:621
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - Daemon Start Failed"
-msgstr "%s - Start af dæmon mislykkedes"
+msgstr "%s – Start af dæmon mislykkedes"
-#: BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:632
+#: clientgui/BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:631
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "%s is not able to start a %s client.\n"
-"Please launch the Control Panel->Administative Tools->Services applet and "
-"start the BOINC service."
+"Please launch the Control Panel->Administative Tools->Services applet and start the BOINC service."
 msgstr ""
 "%s er ikke i stand til at starte en %s-klient.\n"
 "Kør venligst appleten Kontrolpanel -> Administrative værktøjer -> Tjenester "
 "og start BOINC-tjenesten."
-#: BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:638
+#: clientgui/BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:637
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "%s is not able to start a %s client.\n"
@@ -728,34 +748,33 @@ msgstr ""
 "%s er ikke i stand til at starte en %s-klient.\n"
 "Start venligst dæmonen og prøv igen."
-#: BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:689
+#: clientgui/BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:688
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - Connection Status"
-msgstr "%s - Forbindelsesstatus"
+msgstr "%s – Forbindelsesstatus"
-#: BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:700
+#: clientgui/BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:699
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "%s is not currently connected to a %s client.\n"
-"Please use the 'Advanced\\Select Computer...' menu option to connect up to a "
-"%s client.\n"
+"Please use the 'Advanced\\Select Computer...' menu option to connect up to a %s client.\n"
 "To connect up to your local computer please use 'localhost' as the host name."
 msgstr ""
 "%s er ikke forbundet til en %s-klient lige nu.\n"
-"Brug 'Avanceret\\Vælg computer…'-menupunktet for at forbinde til en %"
+"Brug \"Avanceret\\Vælg computer …\"-menupunktet for at forbinde til en %"
-"For at forbinde til din lokale computer, brug 'localhost' som værtsnavn."
+"For at forbinde til din lokale computer, brug \"localhost\" som værtsnavn."
-#: BOINCBaseView.cpp:779
+#: clientgui/BOINCBaseView.cpp:752
 msgid "Project web pages"
 msgstr "Projekt-hjemmesider"
-#: BOINCClientManager.cpp:575
+#: clientgui/BOINCClientManager.cpp:573
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - Unexpected Exit"
-msgstr "%s - Uventet afslutning"
+msgstr "%s – Uventet afslutning"
-#: BOINCClientManager.cpp:585
+#: clientgui/BOINCClientManager.cpp:583
 #, c-format
 #, c-format, c-format
 msgid ""
@@ -765,12 +784,12 @@ msgstr ""
 "%s-klienten har afsluttet uventet 3 gange inden for de sidste %d minutter.\n"
 "Vil du prøve at genstarte den igen?"
-#: BOINCDialupManager.cpp:61
+#: clientgui/BOINCDialupManager.cpp:61
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - Network Status"
-msgstr "%s - Netværksstatus"
+msgstr "%s – Netværksstatus"
-#: BOINCDialupManager.cpp:241
+#: clientgui/BOINCDialupManager.cpp:241
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "%s needs to connect to the Internet.\n"
@@ -779,22 +798,22 @@ msgstr ""
 "%s har behov for at forbinde til Internet.\n"
 "Må den gøre det nu?"
-#: BOINCDialupManager.cpp:254
+#: clientgui/BOINCDialupManager.cpp:254
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s is connecting to the Internet."
 msgstr "%s forbinder til Internet."
-#: BOINCDialupManager.cpp:303
+#: clientgui/BOINCDialupManager.cpp:303
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s has successfully connected to the Internet."
 msgstr "%s har fået forbindelse til Internet."
-#: BOINCDialupManager.cpp:331
+#: clientgui/BOINCDialupManager.cpp:331
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s failed to connect to the Internet."
 msgstr "%s kunne ikke forbinde til Internet."
-#: BOINCDialupManager.cpp:372
+#: clientgui/BOINCDialupManager.cpp:372
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "%s has detected it is now connected to the Internet.\n"
@@ -803,17 +822,17 @@ msgstr ""
 "%s har registreret, at den nu er forbundet til Internet.\n"
 "Opdaterer alle projekter og prøver at starte alle overførsler igen."
-#: BOINCDialupManager.cpp:417
+#: clientgui/BOINCDialupManager.cpp:417
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s has successfully disconnected from the Internet."
 msgstr "%s har afbrudt forbindelsen til Internet."
-#: BOINCDialupManager.cpp:433
+#: clientgui/BOINCDialupManager.cpp:433
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s failed to disconnected from the Internet."
 msgstr "%s kunne ikke afbryde fra Internet."
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:339
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:595
 #, c-format
 #, c-format, c-format
 msgid ""
@@ -833,9 +852,9 @@ msgstr ""
 "    ikke-administrative brugere\n"
 " eller\n"
 "  - kontakt din administrator for at tilføje dig til brugergruppen\n"
-"    'boinc_master'."
+"    \"boinc_master\"."
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:345
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:601
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "%s ownership or permissions are not set properly; please reinstall %s.\n"
@@ -845,16 +864,15 @@ msgstr ""
 "venligst %s.\n"
 "(Fejlkode %d"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:351
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:607
 msgid " at "
-msgstr " - "
+msgstr " – "
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:354 MainDocument.cpp:2484 MainDocument.cpp:2534
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2554 ViewTransfers.cpp:803
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:610
 msgid ")"
 msgstr ")"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:384
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:640
 msgid ""
 "A reboot is required in order for BOINC to run properly.\n"
 "Please reboot your computer and try again."
@@ -862,161 +880,163 @@ msgstr ""
 "En genstart er nødvendig for, at BOINC kan køre ordentligt.\n"
 "Genstart venligst din computer og prøv igen."
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:385 DlgAbout.cpp:153
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:641
 msgid "BOINC Manager"
 msgstr "BOINC-håndtering"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:572
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:902
 msgid "BOINC Manager was started by the operating system automatically"
 msgstr "BOINC-håndtering blev startet automatisk af operativsystemet"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:574
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:904
 msgid "Startup BOINC so only the system tray icon is visible"
 msgstr "Start BOINC så kun ikonet i statusfeltet er synligt"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:576
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:906
 msgid "Directory containing the BOINC Client executable"
 msgstr "Mappe, der indeholder den eksekvérbare fil for BOINC-klienten"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:577
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:907
 msgid "BOINC data directory"
 msgstr "BOINC-datamappe"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:579
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:909
 msgid "Host name or IP address"
 msgstr "Værtsnavn eller IP-adresse"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:580
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:910
 msgid "GUI RPC port number"
 msgstr "GUI RPC portnummer"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:581
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:911
 msgid "Password"
 msgstr "Kodeord"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:582
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:912
 msgid "Startup BOINC with these optional arguments"
 msgstr "Start BOINC med disse valgfrie argumenter"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:583
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:913
 msgid "disable BOINC security users and permissions"
 msgstr "deaktivér BOINCs sikkerhedsbrugere og -tilladelser"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:584
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:914
 msgid "set skin debugging mode to enable skin manager error messages"
 msgstr ""
 "sæt tema-fejlfindingstilstand for at slå fejlbeskeder til for skinhåndtering"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:585
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:915
 msgid "multiple instances of BOINC Manager allowed"
 msgstr "adskillige instanser af BOINC-håndtering tillades"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:587
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:917
 msgid "Not used: workaround for bug in XCode 4.2"
 msgstr "Bruges ikke: workaround for fejl i XCode 4.2"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:814
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:1164
 msgid "(Automatic Detection)"
 msgstr "(Automatisk registrering)"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:815
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:1165
 msgid "(Unknown)"
 msgstr "(Ukendt)"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:816
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:1166
 msgid "(User Defined)"
 msgstr "(Brugerdefineret)"
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:508
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:522
 #, c-format
 msgid "Open %s Web..."
-msgstr "Åbn %s web…"
+msgstr "Åbn %s web …"
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:515
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:529
 #, c-format
 msgid "Open %s..."
-msgstr "Åbn %s…"
+msgstr "Åbn %s …"
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:522 BOINCTaskBar.cpp:619 BOINCTaskBar.cpp:627
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:536
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:633
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:641
 msgid "Snooze"
 msgstr "Pause"
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:524 BOINCTaskBar.cpp:646 BOINCTaskBar.cpp:654
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:538
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:660
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:668
 msgid "Snooze GPU"
 msgstr "GPU-pause"
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:542
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:556
 msgid "E&xit"
 msgstr "&Afslut"
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:612 ViewProjects.cpp:718 ViewWork.cpp:795
-#: sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:758 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:110
-#: sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:102
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:626
 msgid "Resume"
 msgstr "Genoptag"
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:639
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:653
 msgid "Resume GPU"
 msgstr "Genoptag GPU"
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:713
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:727
 msgid "Computing is enabled"
 msgstr "Beregning er slået til"
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:717
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:731
 msgid "Computing is suspended - "
-msgstr "Beregning er suspenderet - "
+msgstr "Beregning er suspenderet – "
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:727
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:741
 msgid "GPU computing is enabled"
 msgstr "GPU-beregning er slået til"
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:730
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:744
 msgid "GPU computing is suspended - "
-msgstr "GPU-beregning er suspenderet - "
+msgstr "GPU-beregning er suspenderet – "
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:739
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:753
 msgid "Network is enabled"
 msgstr "Netværksadgang er slået til"
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:742
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:756
 msgid "Network is suspended - "
-msgstr "Netværksadgang er suspenderet - "
+msgstr "Netværksadgang er suspenderet – "
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:750
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:764
 msgid "Reconnecting to client."
 msgstr "Genforbinder til klienten."
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:752
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:766
 msgid "Not connected to a client."
 msgstr "Ikke forbundet til en klient."
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:805
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:819
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s Notices"
 msgstr "%s-meddelelser"
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:811
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:825
 msgid "There are new notices - click to view."
-msgstr "Der er nye meddelelser - klik for at se."
+msgstr "Der er nye meddelelser – klik for at se."
-#: CompletionErrorPage.cpp:199
+#: clientgui/CompletionErrorPage.cpp:199
 msgid "Failed to add project"
 msgstr "Tilføjelse af projekt mislykkedes"
-#: CompletionErrorPage.cpp:204
+#: clientgui/CompletionErrorPage.cpp:204
 msgid "Failed to update account manager"
 msgstr "Opdatering af kontohåndtering mislykkedes"
-#: CompletionErrorPage.cpp:208
+#: clientgui/CompletionErrorPage.cpp:208
 msgid "Failed to remove account manager"
 msgstr "Fjernelse af kontohåndtering mislykkedes"
-#: CompletionErrorPage.cpp:212
+#: clientgui/CompletionErrorPage.cpp:212
 msgid "Failed to add account manager"
 msgstr "Tilføjelse af kontohåndtering mislykkedes"
-#: CompletionErrorPage.cpp:221
+#: clientgui/CompletionErrorPage.cpp:221
 msgid ""
 "Please try again later.\n"
@@ -1026,24 +1046,26 @@ msgstr ""
 "Klik Færdig for at lukke."
-#: CompletionErrorPage.cpp:225 CompletionPage.cpp:222 CompletionPage.cpp:242
-#: CompletionPage.cpp:273
+#: clientgui/CompletionErrorPage.cpp:225
+#: clientgui/CompletionPage.cpp:222
+#: clientgui/CompletionPage.cpp:242
+#: clientgui/CompletionPage.cpp:273
 msgid "Click Finish to close."
 msgstr "Klik på Afslut for at lukke."
-#: CompletionErrorPage.cpp:234
+#: clientgui/CompletionErrorPage.cpp:234
 msgid "Messages from server:"
 msgstr "Beskeder fra server:"
-#: CompletionPage.cpp:207
+#: clientgui/CompletionPage.cpp:207
 msgid "Project added"
 msgstr "Projekt tilføjet"
-#: CompletionPage.cpp:213
+#: clientgui/CompletionPage.cpp:213
 msgid "This project has been successfully added."
 msgstr "Dette projekt er tilføjet med succes."
-#: CompletionPage.cpp:218
+#: clientgui/CompletionPage.cpp:218
 msgid ""
 "When you click Finish, your web browser will go to a page where\n"
 "you can set your account name and preferences."
@@ -1051,122 +1073,124 @@ msgstr ""
 "Når du klikker Afslut, vil din browser gå til en side, hvor du kan\n"
 "indstille din brugernavn og dine indstillinger."
-#: CompletionPage.cpp:232
+#: clientgui/CompletionPage.cpp:232
 #, c-format
 msgid "Update from %s completed."
 msgstr "Opdatering fra %s fuldført."
-#: CompletionPage.cpp:236
+#: clientgui/CompletionPage.cpp:236
 msgid "Update completed."
 msgstr "Opdatering fuldført."
-#: CompletionPage.cpp:247
+#: clientgui/CompletionPage.cpp:247
 msgid "Now using account manager"
 msgstr "Bruger nu kontohåndtering"
-#: CompletionPage.cpp:252
+#: clientgui/CompletionPage.cpp:252
 #, c-format
 msgid "Welcome to %s!"
 msgstr "Velkommen til %s!"
-#: CompletionPage.cpp:263
+#: clientgui/CompletionPage.cpp:263
 #, c-format
 msgid "You are now using %s to manage accounts."
 msgstr "Du bruger nu %s til at håndtere konti."
-#: CompletionPage.cpp:267
+#: clientgui/CompletionPage.cpp:267
 msgid "You are now using this account manager."
 msgstr "Du bruger nu denne kontohåndtering."
-#: DlgAbout.cpp:113 mac/Mac_GUI.cpp:96
+#: clientgui/DlgAbout.cpp:113
 #, c-format
 msgid "About %s"
 msgstr "Om %s"
-#: DlgAbout.cpp:172
+#: clientgui/DlgAbout.cpp:172
 msgid "Version:"
 msgstr "Version:"
-#: DlgAbout.cpp:180
+#: clientgui/DlgAbout.cpp:180
 msgid "wxWidgets Version:"
 msgstr "wxWidgets-version:"
-#: DlgAbout.cpp:188
+#: clientgui/DlgAbout.cpp:188
 msgid "Copyright:"
 msgstr "Copyright:"
-# 98%
-#: DlgAbout.cpp:192
+#: clientgui/DlgAbout.cpp:192
 msgid ""
-"(C) 2003-2013 University of California, Berkeley.\n"
+"(C) 2003-2014 University of California, Berkeley.\n"
 "All Rights Reserved."
 msgstr ""
-"(C) 2003-2013 University of California, Berkeley.\n"
-"Alle rettigheder forbeholdes."
-#: DlgAbout.cpp:196
+#: clientgui/DlgAbout.cpp:196
 msgid "Berkeley Open Infrastructure for Network Computing"
 msgstr "Berkeley Open Infrastructure for Network Computing"
-#: DlgAbout.cpp:208 DlgExitMessage.cpp:173 DlgGenericMessage.cpp:120
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:396 DlgSelectComputer.cpp:163
+#: clientgui/DlgAbout.cpp:208
+#: clientgui/DlgExitMessage.cpp:173
+#: clientgui/DlgGenericMessage.cpp:120
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:399
+#: clientgui/DlgSelectComputer.cpp:163
 msgid "&OK"
 msgstr "&O.k."
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:544
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:602
 msgid "invalid number"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "ugyldigt tal"
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:545
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:603
 msgid "invalid time, format is HH:MM"
 msgstr "ugyldig tid, formatet er TT:MM"
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:546
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:604
 msgid "invalid time interval, format is HH:MM-HH:MM"
 msgstr "ugyldigt tidsinterval, formatet er TT:MM-TT:MM"
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:751
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:817
 msgid "invalid input value detected"
 msgstr "ugyldig input-værdi registreret"
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:753
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:819
 msgid "Validation Error"
 msgstr "Valideringsfejl"
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:885 DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:891
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:897
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:969
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:975
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:981
 msgid "Applications to add"
 msgstr "Applikationer, der skal tilføjes"
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:914
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:998
 #, c-format
 msgid "'%s' is not an executable application."
-msgstr "'%s' er ikke en eksekverbar applikation."
+msgstr "\"%s\" er ikke en eksekverbar applikation."
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:915 DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:962
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:986
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:999
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:1046
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:1070
 msgid "Add Exclusive App"
 msgstr "Tilføj eksklusiv app"
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:927
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:1011
 msgid "Name of application to add?"
 msgstr "Navn på applikation, der skal tilføjes?"
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:927
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:1011
 msgid "Add exclusive app"
 msgstr "Tilføj eksklusiv app"
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:961
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:1045
 #, c-format
 msgid "Application names must end with '%s'"
-msgstr "Applikationsnavne skal ende med '%s'"
+msgstr "Applikationsnavne skal ende med \"%s\""
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:985
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:1069
 #, c-format
 msgid "'%s' is already in the list."
-msgstr "'%s' er allerede på listen"
+msgstr "\"%s\" er allerede på listen"
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:1077
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:1161
 msgid ""
 "Do you really want to clear all local preferences?\n"
 "(This will not affect exclusive applications.)"
@@ -1174,16 +1198,16 @@ msgstr ""
 "Vil du virkelig nulstille alle lokale indstillinger?\n"
 "(Dette vil ikke have effekt på eksklusive applikationer.)"
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:1078 sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:1030
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:1162
 msgid "Confirmation"
 msgstr "Bekræftelse"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:46 sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:946
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:49
 #, c-format
-msgid "%s - Preferences"
-msgstr "%s - Indstillinger"
+msgid "%s - Computing preferences"
+msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:62
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:66
 msgid ""
 "This dialog controls preferences for this computer only.\n"
 "Click OK to set preferences.\n"
@@ -1191,284 +1215,295 @@ msgid ""
 msgstr ""
 "Denne dialogboks styrer indstillinger der udelukkende gælder denne computer.\n"
 "Klik O.k. for at sætte indstillingerne.\n"
-"Klik på Nulstil for at genskabe de web-baserede indstillinger (undtaget for "
+"Klik på Nulstil for at genskabe den webbaserede opsætning (undtaget for "
 "eksklusive apps)."
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:65 sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:428
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:69
 msgid "Clear"
 msgstr "Nulstil"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:66
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:70
 msgid "clear all local preferences and close the dialog"
 msgstr "nulstil alle lokale indstillinger og luk denne dialogboks"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:81
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:85
 msgid "processor usage"
 msgstr "processorforbrug"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:84
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:88
 msgid "network usage"
 msgstr "netværksforbrug"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:87
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:91
 msgid "disk and memory usage"
 msgstr "disk- og hukommelsesforbrug"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:90
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:94
 msgid "exclusive applications"
 msgstr "eksklusive applikationer"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:102 sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:424
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:107
+#: clientgui/DlgDiagnosticLogFlags.cpp:104
 msgid "OK"
 msgstr "O.k."
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:103
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:108
 msgid "save all values and close the dialog"
 msgstr "gem alle værdier og luk dialogboksen"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:108
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:114
 msgid "close the dialog without saving"
 msgstr "luk dialogboksen uden at gemme"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:112 Localization.cpp:35 Localization.cpp:121
-#: Localization.cpp:139 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:794 sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:439
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:118
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:35
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:121
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:139
 msgid "Help"
 msgstr "Hjælp"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:113
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:119
 msgid "shows the preferences web page"
 msgstr "viser indstillingswebsiden"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:135
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:141
 msgid "Computing allowed"
 msgstr "Beregninger tilladt"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:139
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:146
 msgid "While computer is on batteries"
 msgstr "Mens computeren kører på batterier"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:142
-msgid ""
-"check this if you want this computer to do work while it runs on batteries"
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:149
+msgid "check this if you want this computer to do work while it runs on batteries"
 msgstr ""
 "vælg dette hvis du ønsker, at computeren skal arbejde, mens den kører på "
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:148
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:155
 msgid "While computer is in use"
 msgstr "Mens computeren er i brug"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:151
-msgid ""
-"check this if you want this computer to do work even when you're using it"
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:158
+msgid "check this if you want this computer to do work even when you're using it"
 msgstr ""
 "vælg dette hvis du ønsker, at computeren skal arbejde, selv om du bruger den"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:157
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:164
 msgid "Use GPU while computer is in use"
 msgstr "Brug GPU mens computeren er i brug"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:160
-msgid ""
-"check this if you want your GPU to do work even when you're using the "
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:167
+msgid "check this if you want your GPU to do work even when you're using the computer"
 msgstr ""
 "vælg dette hvis du ønsker, at din GPU skal arbejde, selv om du bruger "
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:172
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:179
 msgid "Only after computer has been idle for"
 msgstr "Kun efter at computeren ikke har været i brug i"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:182
-msgid ""
-"do work only after you haven't used the computer for this number of minutes"
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:188
+msgid "do work only after you haven't used the computer for this number of minutes"
 msgstr ""
 "udfør kun arbejde efter at computeren ikke har været i brug i dette antal "
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:187 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:336
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:417
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:193
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:342
 msgid "minutes"
 msgstr "minutter"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:206
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:212
 msgid "While processor usage is less than"
 msgstr "Mens processorforbrug er mindre end"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:216
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:221
 msgid "suspend work if processor usage exceeds this level"
 msgstr "suspendér arbejde hvis processorforbrug overstiger dette niveau"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:221
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:226
 msgid "percent (0 means no restriction)"
 msgstr "procent (0 betyder ingen begrænsning)"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:235 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:496
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:240
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:506
 msgid "Every day between hours of"
 msgstr "Hver dag imellem"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:239
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:244
 msgid "start work at this time"
 msgstr "start arbejde på dette tidspunkt"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:243 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:504
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:326 sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:348
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:248
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:514
 msgid "and"
 msgstr "og"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:247
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:252
 msgid "stop work at this time"
 msgstr "stop arbejde på dette tidspunkt"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:251 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:512
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:256
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:522
 msgid "(no restriction if equal)"
 msgstr "(ingen begrænsning hvis de er ens)"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:256 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:517
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:261
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:527
 msgid "Day-of-week override:"
 msgstr "Undtagelser for ugedage:"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:261 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:522
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:266
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:532
 msgid "check box to specify hours for this day of week"
 msgstr "marker feltet for at specificere timetal for denne ugedag"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:267 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:528
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:272
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:538
 msgid "Monday"
 msgstr "Mandag"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:274 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:535
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:279
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:545
 msgid "Tuesday"
 msgstr "Tirsdag"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:281 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:542
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:286
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:552
 msgid "Wednesday"
 msgstr "Onsdag"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:288 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:549
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:293
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:559
 msgid "Thursday"
 msgstr "Torsdag"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:295 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:556
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:300
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:566
 msgid "Friday"
 msgstr "Fredag"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:302 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:563
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:307
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:573
 msgid "Saturday"
 msgstr "Lørdag"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:309 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:570
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:314
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:580
 msgid "Sunday"
 msgstr "Søndag"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:323
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:328
 msgid "Other options"
 msgstr "Andre valgmuligheder"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:330
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:336
 msgid "Switch between applications every"
 msgstr "Skift imellem projekter hver"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:339
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:345
 msgid "On multiprocessor systems, use at most"
 msgstr "På multiprocessor-systemer, brug højst"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:346
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:352
 #, no-c-format
-msgid "% of the processors (0 means ignore this setting)"
-msgstr "% af processorerne (0 betyder ignorér denne indstilling)"
+msgid "% of the processors (0 means no restriction)"
+msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:349 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:605
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:627 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:648
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:669 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:679
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:355
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:618
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:640
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:661
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:683
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:694
 msgid "Use at most"
 msgstr "Brug højst"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:356
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:362
 #, no-c-format
-msgid "% CPU time"
-msgstr "% CPU-tid"
+msgid "% of CPU time (0 means no restriction)"
+msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:378
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:386
 msgid "General options"
 msgstr "Generelle valgmuligheder"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:386
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:395
 msgid "Maximum download rate"
 msgstr "Maksimal downloadhastighed"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:392 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:401
-msgid "KBytes/sec."
-msgstr "KBytes/sek"
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:401
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:410
+msgid "KBytes/second (0 means no restriction)"
+msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:395
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:404
 msgid "Maximum upload rate"
 msgstr "Maksimal uploadhastighed"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:406
-msgid "Transfer at most"
-msgstr "Overfør højst"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:412
-msgid "Mbytes"
-msgstr "Mbytes"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:415
-msgid "every"
-msgstr "for hver"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:421 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:444
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:463
-msgid "days"
-msgstr "dage"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:429
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:417
 msgid "Minimum work buffer"
 msgstr "Minimum arbejdsbuffer"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:438
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:425
 msgid "Try to maintain enough tasks to keep busy for this many days"
 msgstr ""
 "Prøv at opretholde nok opgaver til at holde computeren optaget i så mange "
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:450
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:431
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:449
+msgid "days (maximum value: 10)"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:437
 msgid "Max additional work buffer"
 msgstr "Maks. ekstra arbejdsbuffer"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:459
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:445
 msgid "In addition, maintain enough tasks for up to this many days"
 msgstr "Der ud over, oprethold nok opgaver til op til så mange dage"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:466
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:454
+msgid "Transfer at most"
+msgstr "Overfør højst"
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:462
+msgid "MBytes every"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:468
+msgid "days (0 means no restriction)"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:476
 msgid "Skip image file verification"
 msgstr "Spring billedfilsverifikation over"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:468
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:478
 msgid "check this if your Internet provider modifies image files"
 msgstr "marker dette, hvis din internetudbyder ændrer på billedfiler"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:476
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:484
 msgid "Connect options"
 msgstr "Forbindelsesindstillinger"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:478
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:487
 msgid "Confirm before connecting to internet"
 msgstr "Bekræft før der tilsluttes Internet"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:480
-msgid ""
-"if checked, a confirmation dialog will be displayed before trying to connect "
-"to the Internet"
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:489
+msgid "if checked, a confirmation dialog will be displayed before trying to connect to the Internet"
 msgstr ""
 "markeres dette vil en dialogboks vises før forsøg på at forbinde til "
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:484
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:493
 msgid "Disconnect when done"
 msgstr "Kobl af Internet når færdig"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:486
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:495
 msgid ""
 "if checked, BOINC hangs up when network usage is done\n"
 "(only relevant for dialup-connection)"
@@ -1476,190 +1511,215 @@ msgstr ""
 "markeres dette vil BOINC lægge på, når netværksbrug er færdig\n"
 "(kun relevant for opkaldsforbindelser)"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:492
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:501
 msgid "Network usage allowed"
 msgstr "Netværksforbrug tilladt"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:500
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:510
 msgid "network usage start hour"
 msgstr "netværksforbrug starttime"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:508
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:518
 msgid "network usage stop hour"
 msgstr "netværksforbrug sluttime"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:598 DlgItemProperties.cpp:231
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:610
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:257
 msgid "Disk usage"
 msgstr "Diskforbrug"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:609
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:622
 msgid "the maximum disk space used by BOINC (in Gigabytes)"
 msgstr "maksimal mængde diskplads brugt af BOINC (i gigabytes)"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:613
-msgid "Gigabytes disk space"
-msgstr "Gigabytes diskplads"
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:626
+msgid "Gigabytes disk space (0 means no restriction)"
+msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:616
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:629
 msgid "Leave at least"
 msgstr "Frihold mindst"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:620
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:633
 msgid "BOINC leaves at least this amount of disk space free (in Gigabytes)"
 msgstr "BOINC efterlader mindst denne mængde diskplads fri (i gigabytes)"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:624
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:637
 msgid "Gigabytes disk space free"
 msgstr "Gigabytes diskplads fri"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:631
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:644
 msgid "BOINC uses at most this percentage of total disk space"
 msgstr "BOINC bruger højst denne procentdel af den samlede diskplads"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:636
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:649
 #, no-c-format
 msgid "% of total disk space"
 msgstr "% af samlet diskplads"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:639
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:652
 msgid "Tasks checkpoint to disk at most every"
 msgstr "Opgaver tilgår checkpoints på disk højst hver"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:645
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:658
 msgid "seconds"
 msgstr "sekunder"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:655
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:668
 #, no-c-format
 msgid "% of page file (swap space)"
 msgstr "% af sidefil (swapplads)"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:662
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:675
 msgid "Memory usage"
 msgstr "Hukommelsesforbrug"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:676
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:691
 #, no-c-format
 msgid "% when computer is in use"
 msgstr "% når computeren er i brug"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:686
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:701
 #, no-c-format
 msgid "% when computer is idle"
 msgstr "% når computeren ikke er i brug"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:691
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:706
 msgid "Leave applications in memory while suspended"
 msgstr "Efterlad applikationer i hukommelsen under suspendering"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:693
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:708
 msgid "if checked, suspended work units are left in memory"
-msgstr "markeres dette vil suspenderede arbejdsenheder blive gemt i hukkomelsen"
+msgstr "markeres dette vil suspenderede arbejdsenheder blive gemt i hukommelsen"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:713
-msgid ""
-"Suspend processor and network usage when these applications are running:"
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:728
+msgid "Suspend processor and network usage when these applications are running:"
 msgstr "Suspendér processor- og netværksforbrug, når disse applikationer kører:"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:722
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:738
 msgid "Add..."
-msgstr "Tilføj…"
+msgstr "Tilføj …"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:723
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:739
 msgid "Add an application to this list"
 msgstr "Tilføj en applikation til denne liste"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:728 ViewProjects.cpp:202
-#: sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:85
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:744
 msgid "Remove"
 msgstr "Fjern"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:729
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:745
 msgid "Remove an application from this list"
 msgstr "Fjern en applikation fra denne liste"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:738
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:754
 msgid "For advanced options, refer to "
 msgstr "For avancerede valgmuligheder, se"
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:219
+#: clientgui/DlgDiagnosticLogFlags.cpp:65
+#, c-format
+msgid "%s Diagnostic Log Flags"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/DlgDiagnosticLogFlags.cpp:83
+msgid "These flags enable various types of diagnostic messages in the Event Log."
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/DlgDiagnosticLogFlags.cpp:105
+msgid "Save all values and close the dialog"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/DlgDiagnosticLogFlags.cpp:108
+msgid "Defaults"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/DlgDiagnosticLogFlags.cpp:109
+msgid "Restore default settings"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/DlgDiagnosticLogFlags.cpp:113
+msgid "Close the dialog without saving"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:226
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - Event Log"
-msgstr "%s - Begivenhedslog"
+msgstr "%s – Begivenhedslog"
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:232 ViewMessages.cpp:117 ViewProjects.cpp:219
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:435 ViewStatistics.cpp:2009 ViewTransfers.cpp:182
-#: ViewWork.cpp:232
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:236
 msgid "Project"
 msgstr "Projekt"
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:233 ViewMessages.cpp:118
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:237
 msgid "Time"
 msgstr "Tid"
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:234 ViewMessages.cpp:119
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:238
 msgid "Message"
 msgstr "Besked"
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:290 DlgEventLog.cpp:354
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:300
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:364
 msgid "&Show only this project"
 msgstr "Vis kun dette &projekt"
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:294
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:304
 msgid "Copy &All"
 msgstr "Kopiér &alle"
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:296 DlgEventLog.cpp:300 ViewMessages.cpp:89
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:306
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:310
 msgid "Copy all the messages to the clipboard."
 msgstr "Kopiér alle beskederne til udklipsholderen."
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:305
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:315
 msgid "Copy &Selected"
 msgstr "Kopiér &valgte"
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:308 DlgEventLog.cpp:316 ViewMessages.cpp:97
-msgid ""
-"Copy the selected messages to the clipboard. You can select multiple "
-"messages by holding down the shift or command key while clicking on messages."
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:318
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:326
+msgid "Copy the selected messages to the clipboard. You can select multiple messages by holding down the shift or command key while clicking on messages."
 msgstr ""
 "Kopiér de valgte beskeder til udklipsholderen. Du kan vælge flere beskeder "
 "ved at holde shift- eller command-tasten nede, mens du vælger."
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:310 DlgEventLog.cpp:318 ViewMessages.cpp:99
-msgid ""
-"Copy the selected messages to the clipboard. You can select multiple "
-"messages by holding down the shift or control key while clicking on messages."
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:320
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:328
+msgid "Copy the selected messages to the clipboard. You can select multiple messages by holding down the shift or control key while clicking on messages."
 msgstr ""
 "Kopiér de valgte beskeder til udklipsholderen. Du kan vælge flere beskeder "
 "ved at holde shift- eller control-tasten nede, mens du vælger."
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:325 DlgItemProperties.cpp:67
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:335
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:67
 msgid "&Close"
 msgstr "&Luk"
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:334 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:798 sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:442
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:344
 #, c-format
 msgid "Get help with %s"
 msgstr "Få hjælp til %s"
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:348
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:358
 msgid "Show all &messages"
 msgstr "Vis alle &beskeder"
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:349 DlgEventLog.cpp:351
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:359
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:361
 msgid "Show messages for all projects"
 msgstr "Vis beskeder fra alle projekter."
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:355 DlgEventLog.cpp:357
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:365
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:367
 msgid "Show only the messages for the selected project"
 msgstr "Vis kun beskeder for det valgte projekt"
-#: DlgExitMessage.cpp:82
+#: clientgui/DlgExitMessage.cpp:82
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - Exit Confirmation"
-msgstr "%s - Afslutningsbekræftelse"
+msgstr "%s – Afslutningsbekræftelse"
-#: DlgExitMessage.cpp:130
+#: clientgui/DlgExitMessage.cpp:130
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "You have requested to exit the %s,\n"
@@ -1676,7 +1736,7 @@ msgstr ""
 "Hvis du også vil stoppe med at køre opgaverne\n"
 "kan du vælge fra de følgende muligheder:"
-#: DlgExitMessage.cpp:135
+#: clientgui/DlgExitMessage.cpp:135
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "This will shut down %s and its tasks until either the\n"
@@ -1693,393 +1753,419 @@ msgstr ""
 "til forskel fra at afslutte applikationen. Det vil tillade %s at køre\n"
 "dens opgaver på de tidspunkter, du har valgt i dine indstillinger."
-#: DlgExitMessage.cpp:153
+#: clientgui/DlgExitMessage.cpp:153
 #, c-format
 msgid "Stop running tasks when exiting the %s"
 msgstr "Stop med at køre opgaver, når %s afsluttes"
-#: DlgExitMessage.cpp:165
+#: clientgui/DlgExitMessage.cpp:165
 msgid "Remember this decision and do not show this dialog."
 msgstr "Husk dette valg og vis ikke denne dialogboks fremover."
-#: DlgExitMessage.cpp:178 DlgGenericMessage.cpp:125 DlgOptions.cpp:401
-#: DlgSelectComputer.cpp:168 wizardex.cpp:378
+#: clientgui/DlgExitMessage.cpp:178
+#: clientgui/DlgGenericMessage.cpp:125
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:404
+#: clientgui/DlgSelectComputer.cpp:168
 msgid "&Cancel"
 msgstr "&Annullér"
-#: DlgGenericMessage.cpp:112
+#: clientgui/DlgGenericMessage.cpp:112
 msgid "Don't show this dialog again."
 msgstr "Vis ikke denne dialogboks igen."
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:168 DlgItemProperties.cpp:171
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:174 DlgItemProperties.cpp:177
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:194
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:197
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:200
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:203
 msgid "Don't fetch tasks for "
 msgstr "Hent ikke opgaver for"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:168
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:194
 msgid "Project preference"
 msgstr "Projektindstilling"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:171
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:197
 msgid "Account manager preference"
 msgstr "Kontohåndteringsindstilling"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:174
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:200
 msgid "Project has no apps for "
 msgstr "Projekt har ingen apps for"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:177
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:203
 msgid "Client configuration excludes "
 msgstr "Klientkonfiguration ekskluderer"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:181
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:207
 msgid " work fetch deferred for"
 msgstr " hentning af arbejde udsat med"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:182
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:208
 msgid " work fetch deferral interval"
 msgstr " udsættelsesinterval for hentning af arbejde"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:213
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:239
 msgid "Properties of project "
 msgstr "Egenskaber for projekt"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:217 DlgOptions.cpp:218
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:243
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:221
 msgid "General"
 msgstr "Generelt"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:218
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:244
 msgid "Master URL"
 msgstr "Hoved-URL"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:219
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:245
 msgid "User name"
 msgstr "Brugernavn"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:220
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:246
 msgid "Team name"
 msgstr "Holdnavn"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:221 ViewProjects.cpp:224
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:247
 msgid "Resource share"
 msgstr "Resourcefordeling"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:223
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:249
 msgid "Scheduler RPC deferred for"
 msgstr "Planlægger-RPC udsat med"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:226
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:252
 msgid "File downloads deferred for"
 msgstr "Fildownload udsat med"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:229
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:255
 msgid "File uploads deferred for"
 msgstr "Filupload udsat med"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:232
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:258
 msgid "Computer ID"
 msgstr "Computer-ID"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:234
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:260
 msgid "Non CPU intensive"
 msgstr "Ikke CPU-intensiv"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:234 DlgItemProperties.cpp:236
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:237 DlgItemProperties.cpp:239
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:242 DlgItemProperties.cpp:251
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:254 DlgItemProperties.cpp:257
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:260
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:262
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:263
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:265
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:268
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:277
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:280
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:283
 msgid "yes"
 msgstr "ja"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:236
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:262
 msgid "Suspended via GUI"
 msgstr "Suspenderet via GUI"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:236 DlgItemProperties.cpp:237
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:262
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:263
 msgid "no"
 msgstr "nej"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:237
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:263
 msgid "Don't request more work"
-msgstr "Efterspørg ikke mere arbejde"
+msgstr "Forespørg ikke mere arbejde"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:239
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:265
 msgid "Scheduler call in progress"
 msgstr "Planlæggeropslag igang"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:242
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:268
 msgid "Trickle-up pending"
 msgstr "Sivebesked til server afventer"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:245 DlgItemProperties.cpp:247
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:271
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:273
 msgid "Host location"
 msgstr "Værtssted"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:247
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:273
 msgid "default"
 msgstr "standard"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:251
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:277
 msgid "Added via account manager"
 msgstr "Tilføjet via kontohåndtering"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:254
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:280
 msgid "Remove when tasks done"
 msgstr "Fjern når opgaver er færdige"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:257
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:283
 msgid "Ended"
 msgstr "Afsluttet"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:259
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:285
+msgid "Tasks completed"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:286
+msgid "Tasks failed"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:288
 msgid "Credit"
 msgstr "Points"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:260
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:289
 msgid "User"
 msgstr "Bruger"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:267
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:296
 msgid "Host"
 msgstr "Vært"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:276
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:305
 msgid "Scheduling"
 msgstr "Planlægning"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:277
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:306
 msgid "Scheduling priority"
 msgstr "Planlægningsprioritet"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:278
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:307
 msgid "CPU"
 msgstr "CPU"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:302
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:331
 msgid "Duration correction factor"
 msgstr "Korrektionsfaktor for varighed"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:316
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:345
 msgid "Properties of task "
 msgstr "Egenskaber for opgave"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:328 ViewWork.cpp:238
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:357
 msgid "Application"
 msgstr "Applikation"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:329 ViewWork.cpp:239
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:358
 msgid "Name"
 msgstr "Navn"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:330
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:359
 msgid "State"
 msgstr "Tilstand"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:333
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:362
 msgid "Received"
 msgstr "Modtaget"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:336
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:365
 msgid "Report deadline"
 msgstr "Rapporterings-frist"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:338
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:367
 msgid "Resources"
 msgstr "Ressourcer"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:341
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:370
 msgid "Estimated computation size"
 msgstr "Estimeret beregningsstørrelse"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:344
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:373
 msgid "CPU time at last checkpoint"
 msgstr "CPU-tid ved sidste checkpoint"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:345 DlgItemProperties.cpp:360
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:374
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:389
 msgid "CPU time"
 msgstr "CPU-tid"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:347 DlgItemProperties.cpp:361
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:376
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:390
 msgid "Elapsed time"
 msgstr "Forløben tid"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:349
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:378
 msgid "Estimated time remaining"
 msgstr "Estimeret resterende tid"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:350
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:379
 msgid "Fraction done"
 msgstr "Procentdel færdig"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:351
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:380
 msgid "Virtual memory size"
 msgstr "Størrelse på virtuel hukommelse"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:352
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:381
 msgid "Working set size"
 msgstr "Størrelse på arbejdssæt"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:354
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:383
 msgid "Directory"
 msgstr "Mappe"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:357
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:386
 msgid "Process ID"
 msgstr "Proces-ID"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:427 ViewWork.cpp:1032 sg_TaskPanel.cpp:823
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:456
 msgid "Local: "
 msgstr "Lokal:"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:129 DlgOptions.cpp:135
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:129
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:135
 msgid "Options"
 msgstr "Indstillinger"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:175
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:178
 msgid "Language:"
 msgstr "Sprog:"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:182
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:185
 msgid "What language should BOINC use?"
 msgstr "Hvilket sprog skal BOINC benytte?"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:186
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:189
 msgid "Notice reminder interval:"
 msgstr "Interval for påmindelse om meddelelser:"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:193
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:196
 msgid "How often should BOINC remind you of new notices?"
 msgstr "Hvor ofte skal BOINC påminde dig om nye meddelelser?"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:198
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:201
 msgid "Run Manager at login?"
 msgstr "Kør manageren ved login?"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:204
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:207
 msgid "Run the BOINC Manager when you log on."
 msgstr "Kør BOINC-manageren, når du logger ind."
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:209
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:212
 msgid "Enable Manager exit dialog?"
 msgstr "Vis dialogboks under afslutning?"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:215
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:218
 msgid "Display the exit dialog when shutting down the Manager."
 msgstr "Vis afslutningsdialogboksen når manageren lukkes."
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:226
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:229
 msgid "Dial-up and Virtual Private Network settings"
-msgstr "Indstillinger for opkald og virtuelle private netværk"
+msgstr "Opsætning for opkald og virtuelle private netværk"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:240
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:243
 msgid "&Set Default"
 msgstr "&Sæt standard"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:245
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:248
 msgid "&Clear Default"
 msgstr "&Nulstil standard"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:252
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:255
 msgid "Default Connection:"
 msgstr "Standardforbindelse:"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:259
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:262
 msgid "Connections"
 msgstr "Forbindelser"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:268
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:271
 msgid "Connect via HTTP proxy server"
 msgstr "Forbind via HTTP proxy server"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:272
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:275
 msgid "HTTP Proxy Server Configuration"
 msgstr "Konfiguration af HTTP Proxy Server"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:280 DlgOptions.cpp:344
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:283
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:347
 msgid "Address:"
 msgstr "Adresse:"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:288 DlgOptions.cpp:352 ProxyPage.cpp:340 ProxyPage.cpp:360
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:291
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:355
 msgid "Port:"
 msgstr "Port:"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:296 DlgOptions.cpp:360
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:299
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:363
 msgid "Don't use proxy for:"
 msgstr "Brug ikke proxy til:"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:303 DlgOptions.cpp:367
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:306
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:370
 msgid "Leave these blank if not needed"
 msgstr "Lad disse være tomme hvis der ikke er brug for dem"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:309 DlgOptions.cpp:373 ProxyPage.cpp:343 ProxyPage.cpp:363
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:312
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:376
 msgid "User Name:"
 msgstr "Brugernavn:"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:317 DlgOptions.cpp:381 DlgSelectComputer.cpp:152
-#: ProxyPage.cpp:346 ProxyPage.cpp:366
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:320
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:384
+#: clientgui/DlgSelectComputer.cpp:152
 msgid "Password:"
 msgstr "Kodeord:"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:324
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:327
 msgid "HTTP Proxy"
 msgstr "HTTP Proxy"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:332
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:335
 msgid "Connect via SOCKS proxy server"
 msgstr "Forbind via SOCKS proxy server"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:336
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:339
 msgid "SOCKS Proxy Server Configuration"
 msgstr "Konfiguration af SOCKS Proxy Server"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:388
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:391
 msgid "SOCKS Proxy"
 msgstr "SOCKS Proxy"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:586
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:589
 msgid "always"
 msgstr "altid"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:587
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:590
 msgid "1 hour"
 msgstr "1 time"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:588
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:591
 msgid "6 hours"
 msgstr "6 timer"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:589
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:592
 msgid "1 day"
 msgstr "1 dag"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:590
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:593
 msgid "1 week"
 msgstr "1 uge"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:591
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:594
 msgid "never"
 msgstr "aldrig"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:688
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:691
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - Language Selection"
-msgstr "%s - Sprogvalg"
+msgstr "%s – Sprogvalg"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:695
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:698
 #, c-format
 #, c-format, c-format
-msgid ""
-"The %s's language has been changed.  In order for this change to take "
-"effect, you must restart the %s."
+msgid "The %s's language has been changed.  In order for this change to take effect, you must restart the %s."
 msgstr ""
 "%s's sprog er ændret. For at dette kan træde i kraft, skal du genstarte %s."
-#: DlgSelectComputer.cpp:91
+#: clientgui/DlgSelectComputer.cpp:91
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - Select Computer"
-msgstr "%s - Vælg computer"
+msgstr "%s – Vælg computer"
-#: DlgSelectComputer.cpp:125
+#: clientgui/DlgSelectComputer.cpp:125
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "Another instance of %s is already running \n"
@@ -2088,418 +2174,420 @@ msgstr ""
 "En anden instans af %s kører allerede \n"
 "på denne computer. Vælg venligst en klient at overvåge."
-#: DlgSelectComputer.cpp:143
+#: clientgui/DlgSelectComputer.cpp:143
 msgid "Host name:"
 msgstr "Værtsnavn:"
-#: Localization.cpp:31 Localization.cpp:69
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:31
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:69
 msgid "Message boards"
 msgstr "Forum"
-#: Localization.cpp:33
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:33
 msgid "Correspond with other users on the SETI at home message boards"
 msgstr "Konversér med andre brugere på SETI at home's forum"
-#: Localization.cpp:37
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:37
 msgid "Ask questions and report problems"
 msgstr "Stil spørgsmål og rapportér problemer"
-#: Localization.cpp:39 Localization.cpp:81 Localization.cpp:111
-#: Localization.cpp:129
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:39
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:81
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:111
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:129
 msgid "Your account"
 msgstr "Din konto"
-#: Localization.cpp:41 Localization.cpp:87 Localization.cpp:113
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:41
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:87
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:113
 msgid "View your account information and credit totals"
 msgstr "Se dine kontoinformationer og pointtotaler"
-#: Localization.cpp:43
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:43
 msgid "Your preferences"
 msgstr "Dine indstillinger"
-#: Localization.cpp:45
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:45
 msgid "View and modify your SETI at home account profile and preferences"
 msgstr "Se og ændr din SETI at home-profil og -indstillinger"
-#: Localization.cpp:47 Localization.cpp:89
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:47
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:89
 msgid "Your results"
 msgstr "Dine resultater"
-#: Localization.cpp:49 Localization.cpp:91
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:49
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:91
 msgid "View your last week (or more) of computational results and work"
 msgstr ""
 "Se beregningsarbejde fra og -resultater for den seneste uge (eller mere)"
-#: Localization.cpp:51 Localization.cpp:93
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:51
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:93
 msgid "Your computers"
 msgstr "Dine computere"
-#: Localization.cpp:53
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:53
 msgid "View a listing of all the computers on which you are running SETI at Home"
 msgstr "Se en liste af alle de computere, hvor du kører SETI at home"
-#: Localization.cpp:55 Localization.cpp:97
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:55
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:97
 msgid "Your team"
 msgstr "Dit hold"
-#: Localization.cpp:57 Localization.cpp:99
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:57
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:99
 msgid "View information about your team"
 msgstr "Se information om dit hold"
-#: Localization.cpp:61
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:61
 msgid "Common questions"
 msgstr "Almindelige spørgsmål"
-#: Localization.cpp:63
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:63
 msgid "Read the Einstein at Home Frequently Asked Question list"
 msgstr "Læs Einstein at Home's liste over ofte stillede spørgsmål (FAQ)"
-#: Localization.cpp:65
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:65
 msgid "Screensaver info"
 msgstr "Info for pauseskærm"
-#: Localization.cpp:67
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:67
 msgid "Read a detailed description of the Einstein at Home screensaver"
 msgstr "Læs en detaljeret beskrivelse af Einstein at Home's pauseskærm"
-#: Localization.cpp:71
-msgid ""
-"Correspond with admins and other users on the Einstein at Home message boards"
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:71
+msgid "Correspond with admins and other users on the Einstein at Home message boards"
 msgstr "Konversér med administratorer og andre brugere på Einstein at Home's forum"
-#: Localization.cpp:73
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:73
 msgid "Einstein status"
 msgstr "Einstein-status"
-#: Localization.cpp:75
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:75
 msgid "Current status of the Einstein at Home server"
 msgstr "Nuværende status for Einstein at Home-serveren"
-#: Localization.cpp:77
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:77
 msgid "Report problems"
 msgstr "Rapportér problemer"
-#: Localization.cpp:79
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:79
 msgid "A link to the Einstein at Home problems and bug reports message board"
 msgstr "Et link til Einstein at Home's forum med problemer og fejlrapporter"
-#: Localization.cpp:83
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:83
 msgid "View and modify your Einstein at Home account profile and preferences"
 msgstr "Se og ændr din Einstein at home-profil og -indstillinger"
-#: Localization.cpp:85
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:85
 msgid "Account summary"
 msgstr "Kontooversigt"
-#: Localization.cpp:95
-msgid ""
-"View a listing of all the computers on which you are running Einstein at Home"
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:95
+msgid "View a listing of all the computers on which you are running Einstein at Home"
 msgstr "Se en liste af alle de computere, hvor du kører Einstein at home"
-#: Localization.cpp:101
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:101
 msgid "LIGO project"
 msgstr "LIGO-projekt"
-#: Localization.cpp:103
-msgid ""
-"The home page of the Laser Interferometer Gravitational-wave Observatory "
-"(LIGO) project"
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:103
+msgid "The home page of the Laser Interferometer Gravitational-wave Observatory (LIGO) project"
 msgstr ""
 "Hjemmesiden for projektet Laser Interferometer Gravitational-wave "
 "Observatory (LIGO)"
-#: Localization.cpp:105
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:105
 msgid "GEO-600 project"
 msgstr "GEO-600-projekt"
-#: Localization.cpp:107
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:107
 msgid "The home page of the GEO-600 project"
 msgstr "Hjemmesiden for GEO-600-projektet"
-#: Localization.cpp:115 Localization.cpp:133 ViewProjects.cpp:221
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:465
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:115
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:133
 msgid "Team"
 msgstr "Hold"
-#: Localization.cpp:117
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:117
 msgid "Info about your Team"
 msgstr "Info om dit hold"
-#: Localization.cpp:123
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:123
 msgid "Get help for climateprediction.net"
 msgstr "Få hjælp til climateprediction.net"
-#: Localization.cpp:125
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:125
 msgid "News"
 msgstr "Nyheder"
-#: Localization.cpp:127
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:127
 msgid "climateprediction.net News"
 msgstr "climateprediction.net-nyheder"
-#: Localization.cpp:131
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:131
 msgid "View your account information, credits, and trickles"
 msgstr "Se dine kontoinformationer, points og sivebeskeder"
-#: Localization.cpp:135
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:135
 msgid "Info about your team"
 msgstr "Info om dit hold"
-#: Localization.cpp:141
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:141
 msgid "Search for help in our help system"
 msgstr "Søg efter hjælp i vores hjælpesystem"
-#: Localization.cpp:143
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:143
 msgid "Global Statistics"
 msgstr "Samlede statistikker"
-#: Localization.cpp:145
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:145
 msgid "Summary statistics for World Community Grid"
 msgstr "Samlede statistikker for World Community Grid"
-#: Localization.cpp:147
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:147
 msgid "My Grid"
 msgstr "Mit grid"
-#: Localization.cpp:149
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:149
 msgid "Your statistics and settings"
-msgstr "Dine statistikker og indstillinger"
+msgstr "Dine statistikker og opsætning"
-#: Localization.cpp:151
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:151
 msgid "Device Profiles"
 msgstr "Enhedsprofiler"
-#: Localization.cpp:153
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:153
 msgid "Update your device settings"
-msgstr "Opdatér dine enhedsindstillinger"
+msgstr "Opdatér din enhedsopsætning"
-#: Localization.cpp:155
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:155
 msgid "Research"
 msgstr "Forskning"
-#: Localization.cpp:157
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:157
 msgid "Learn about the projects hosted at World Community Grid"
 msgstr "Lær om projekter hos World Community Grid"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:583
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:583
 msgid "Starting client"
 msgstr "Starter klient"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:591
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:591
 msgid "Connecting to client"
 msgstr "Forbinder til klient"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:1195
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:1205
 msgid "Retrieving system state; please wait..."
-msgstr "Henter systemtilstand; vent venligst…"
+msgstr "Henter systemtilstand; vent venligst …"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:1816
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:1826
 msgid "Missing application"
 msgstr "Manglende applikation"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:1817
-msgid ""
-"Please download and install the CoRD application from http://cord."
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:1827
+msgid "Please download and install the CoRD application from http://cord.sourceforge.net"
 msgstr ""
 "Download og installér venligst CoRD-applikationen fra "
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2432
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2442
 msgid "on batteries"
 msgstr "på batterier"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2433
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2443
 msgid "computer is in use"
 msgstr "computeren er i brug"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2434
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2444
 msgid "user request"
 msgstr "brugerforespørgsel"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2435
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2445
 msgid "time of day"
 msgstr "tidspunkt på dagen"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2436
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2446
 msgid "CPU benchmarks in progress"
 msgstr "kører CPU-ydelsesmåling"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2437
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2447
 msgid "need disk space - check preferences"
-msgstr "behøver diskplads - check indstillinger"
+msgstr "behøver diskplads – check indstillinger"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2438
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2448
 msgid "computer is not in use"
 msgstr "computeren er ikke i brug"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2439
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2449
 msgid "starting up"
 msgstr "starter op"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2440
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2450
 msgid "an exclusive app is running"
 msgstr "en eksklusiv applikation kører"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2441
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2451
 msgid "CPU is busy"
 msgstr "CPU er optaget"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2442
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2452
 msgid "network bandwidth limit exceeded"
 msgstr "begrænsning for netværksbåndbredde nået"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2443
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2453
 msgid "requested by operating system"
 msgstr "forespurgt af operativsystem"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2445
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2455
 msgid "unknown reason"
 msgstr "ukendt begrundelse"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2467
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2477
 msgid "GPU missing, "
 msgstr "GPU mangler,"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2474
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2484
 msgid "New"
 msgstr "Ny"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2478
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2488
 msgid "Download failed"
 msgstr "Download mislykkedes"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2480
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2490
 msgid "Downloading"
 msgstr "Downloader"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2482 MainDocument.cpp:2552
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2492
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2557
 msgid " (suspended - "
-msgstr "(suspenderet - "
+msgstr "(suspenderet – "
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2490
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2500
 msgid "Project suspended by user"
 msgstr "Projekt suspenderet af bruger"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2492
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2502
 msgid "Task suspended by user"
 msgstr "Opgave suspenderet af bruger"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2494
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2504
 msgid "Suspended - "
-msgstr "Suspenderet - "
+msgstr "Suspenderet – "
 # 75%
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2500
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2510
 msgid "GPU suspended - "
-msgstr "GPU suspenderet - "
+msgstr "GPU suspenderet – "
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2507
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2517
 msgid "Waiting for memory"
 msgstr "Venter på hukommelse"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2509
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2519
 msgid "Waiting for shared memory"
 msgstr "Venter på delt hukommelse"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2512
-msgid "Running, high priority"
-msgstr "Kører, høj prioritet"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2514
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2521
 msgid "Running"
 msgstr "Kører"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2517
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2523
 msgid " (non-CPU-intensive)"
 msgstr " (ikke CPU-intensiv)"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2520
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2526
 msgid "Waiting to run"
 msgstr "Venter på at køre"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2522 MainDocument.cpp:2528
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2528
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2534
 msgid "Ready to start"
 msgstr "Klar til at starte"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2532
-msgid " (Scheduler wait: "
-msgstr " (Planlægger venter: "
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2538
+msgid "Postponed: "
+msgstr ""
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2536
-msgid " (Scheduler wait)"
-msgstr " (Planlægger venter)"
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2541
+msgid "Postponed"
+msgstr ""
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2540
-msgid " (Waiting for network access)"
-msgstr " (Venter på netværksadgang)"
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2545
+msgid "Waiting for network access"
+msgstr ""
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2544
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2549
 msgid "Computation error"
 msgstr "Beregningsfejl"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2548
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2553
 msgid "Upload failed"
 msgstr "Upload mislykkedes"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2550
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2555
 msgid "Uploading"
 msgstr "Uploader"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2561
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2566
 msgid "Aborted by user"
 msgstr "Afbrudt af bruger"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2564
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2569
 msgid "Aborted by project"
 msgstr "Afbrudt af projekt"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2567
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2572
 msgid "Aborted: not started by deadline"
 msgstr "Afbrudt: ikke startet før frist"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2570
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2575
 msgid "Aborted: disk limit exceeded"
 msgstr "Afbrudt: diskbegrænsning overtrådt"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2573
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2578
 msgid "Aborted: run time limit exceeded"
 msgstr "Afbrudt: Køretidsbegrænsning overtrådt"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2576
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2581
 msgid "Aborted: memory limit exceeded"
 msgstr "Afbrudt: hukommelsesbegrænsning overtrådt"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2579
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2584
 msgid "Aborted"
 msgstr "Afbrudt"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2584
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2589
 msgid "Acknowledged"
 msgstr "Anerkendt"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2586
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2591
 msgid "Ready to report"
 msgstr "Klar til rapportering"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2588
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2593
 #, c-format
 msgid "Error: invalid state '%d'"
-msgstr "Fejl: Ugydig tilstand '%d'"
+msgstr "Fejl: Ugydig tilstand \"%d\""
-#: NoInternetConnectionPage.cpp:179
+#: clientgui/NoInternetConnectionPage.cpp:179
 msgid "No Internet connection"
 msgstr "Ingen Internetforbindelse"
-#: NoInternetConnectionPage.cpp:182
+#: clientgui/NoInternetConnectionPage.cpp:182
 msgid "Please connect to the Internet and try again."
 msgstr "Forbind venligst til Internet og prøv igen."
-#: NotDetectedPage.cpp:181
+#: clientgui/NotDetectedPage.cpp:181
 msgid "Project not found"
 msgstr "Projekt ikke fundet"
-#: NotDetectedPage.cpp:184
+#: clientgui/NotDetectedPage.cpp:184
 msgid ""
 "The URL you supplied is not that of a BOINC-based project.\n"
@@ -2509,11 +2597,11 @@ msgstr ""
 "Check venligst URL'en og prøv igen."
-#: NotDetectedPage.cpp:188
+#: clientgui/NotDetectedPage.cpp:188
 msgid "Account manager not found"
 msgstr "Kontohåndtering blev ikke fundet"
-#: NotDetectedPage.cpp:191
+#: clientgui/NotDetectedPage.cpp:191
 msgid ""
 "The URL you supplied is not that of a BOINC-based account\n"
@@ -2525,105 +2613,143 @@ msgstr ""
 "Check venligst URL'en og prøv igen."
-#: NotFoundPage.cpp:181
+#: clientgui/NotFoundPage.cpp:181
 msgid "Login Failed."
 msgstr "Login mislykkedes."
-#: NotFoundPage.cpp:185
+#: clientgui/NotFoundPage.cpp:185
 msgid "Check the username and password, and try again."
 msgstr "Check dit brugernavn og kodeord, og prøv igen."
-#: NotFoundPage.cpp:189
+#: clientgui/NotFoundPage.cpp:189
 msgid "Check the email address and password, and try again."
 msgstr "Check emailadresse og kodeord, og prøv igen."
-#: NoticeListCtrl.cpp:222
+#: clientgui/NoticeListCtrl.cpp:229
 msgid "more..."
-msgstr "mere…"
-#: ProjectInfoPage.cpp:477 ProjectInfoPage.cpp:778 ProjectInfoPage.cpp:782
-msgid "All"
-msgstr "Alle"
+msgstr "mere …"
-#: ProjectInfoPage.cpp:615
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:221
 msgid "Choose a project"
 msgstr "Vælg et projekt"
-#: ProjectInfoPage.cpp:619
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:228
 msgid "To choose a project, click its name or type its URL below."
 msgstr ""
 "For at vælge et projekt skal du klikke på dets navn eller skrive dets URL "
-#: ProjectInfoPage.cpp:623
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:246
 msgid "Categories:"
 msgstr "Kategorier:"
-#: ProjectInfoPage.cpp:627 sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:89
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:267
 msgid "Projects:"
 msgstr "Projekter:"
-#: ProjectInfoPage.cpp:631
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:279
 msgid "Project details"
 msgstr "Projektdetaljer"
-#: ProjectInfoPage.cpp:635
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:291
 msgid "Research area:"
 msgstr "Forskningsområde:"
-#: ProjectInfoPage.cpp:639
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:302
 msgid "Organization:"
 msgstr "Organisation:"
-#: ProjectInfoPage.cpp:643
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:313
 msgid "Web site:"
 msgstr "Hjemmeside:"
-#: ProjectInfoPage.cpp:647
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:325
 msgid "Supported systems:"
 msgstr "Understøttede systemer:"
-#: ProjectInfoPage.cpp:651
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:363
 msgid "Project URL:"
 msgstr "Projekt URL:"
-#: ProjectInfoPage.cpp:826
-msgid ""
-"This project may not have work for your type of computer.  Do you want to "
-"add it anyway?"
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:499
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:754
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:758
+msgid "All"
+msgstr "Alle"
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:802
+msgid "This project may not have work for your type of computer.  Do you want to add it anyway?"
 msgstr ""
 "Dette projekt har måske ikke arbejde til din type computer. Vil du tilføje "
 "det alligevel?"
-#: ProjectInfoPage.cpp:850
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:826
 msgid "You already added this project. Please choose a different project."
 msgstr "Du har allerede tilføjet dette projekt. Vælg venligst et andet projekt."
-#: ProjectProcessingPage.cpp:321
+#: clientgui/ProjectProcessingPage.cpp:321
 msgid "Communicating with project."
 msgstr "Kommunikerer med projekt."
-#: ProjectProcessingPage.cpp:509
+#: clientgui/ProjectProcessingPage.cpp:510
 msgid "Required files not found on the server."
 msgstr "Nødvendige filer blev ikke fundet på serveren."
-#: ProjectProcessingPage.cpp:512 ProjectProcessingPage.cpp:574
+#: clientgui/ProjectProcessingPage.cpp:513
+#: clientgui/ProjectProcessingPage.cpp:586
 msgid "An internal server error has occurred."
 msgstr "Der er opstået en intern serverfejl."
-#: ProjectPropertiesPage.cpp:334
+#: clientgui/ProjectPropertiesPage.cpp:334
 msgid ""
 "Communicating with project\n"
 "Please wait..."
 msgstr ""
 "Kommunikerer med projekt\n"
-"Vent venligst…"
+"Vent venligst …"
+#: clientgui/ProjectWelcomePage.cpp:251
+#, c-format
+msgid "Welcome to %s."
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ProjectWelcomePage.cpp:254
+msgid "You have volunteered to compute for this project:"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ProjectWelcomePage.cpp:255
+msgid "Name:"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ProjectWelcomePage.cpp:258
+msgid "Home:"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ProjectWelcomePage.cpp:262
+msgid "Description:"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ProjectWelcomePage.cpp:265
+msgid "URL:"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ProjectWelcomePage.cpp:268
+msgid "User:"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ProjectWelcomePage.cpp:273
+msgid "WARNING: This project is not registered with BOINC.  Make sure you trust it before continuing."
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ProjectWelcomePage.cpp:277
+msgid "To continue, click Next."
+msgstr "Klik Næste for at fortsætte."
-#: ProxyInfoPage.cpp:195
+#: clientgui/ProxyInfoPage.cpp:195
 msgid "Network communication failure"
 msgstr "Netværkskommunikationsfejl"
-#: ProxyInfoPage.cpp:199
+#: clientgui/ProxyInfoPage.cpp:199
 msgid ""
 "The World Community Grid - BOINC software failed to communicate\n"
 "over the Internet. The most likely reasons are:\n"
@@ -2639,21 +2765,21 @@ msgid ""
 "3) You are using a proxy server.\n"
 "Click Next to configure BOINC's proxy settings."
 msgstr ""
-"World Community Grid - BOINC software kunne ikke kommunikere\n"
+"World Community Grid – BOINC software kunne ikke kommunikere\n"
 "via Internet. De mest almindelige grunde er:\n"
 "1) Forbindelsesproblem. Check dit netværk eller\n"
 "modemforbindelse og klik på Tilbage for at prøve igen.\n"
 "2) Din personlige firewall blokerer World Community\n"
-"Grid - BOINC software. Konfigurér din personlige firewall til at\n"
+"Grid – BOINC software. Konfigurér din personlige firewall til at\n"
 "lade BOINC og BOINC-manageren kommunikere på port 80 og port 443.\n"
 "Derefter, klik på Tilbage for at prøve igen.\n"
 "3) Du bruger en proxy-server.\n"
-"Klik Næste for at konfigurere BOINC's proxy-indstillinger."
+"Klik Næste for at konfigurere BOINC's proxy-opsætning."
-#: ProxyInfoPage.cpp:203
+#: clientgui/ProxyInfoPage.cpp:203
 msgid ""
 "BOINC failed to communicate on the Internet.\n"
 "The most likely reasons are:\n"
@@ -2681,1269 +2807,1366 @@ msgstr ""
 "Derefter, klik på Tilbage for at prøve igen.\n"
 "3) Du bruger en proxy-server.\n"
-"Klik Næste for at konfigurere BOINC's proxy-indstillinger."
+"Klik Næste for at konfigurere BOINC's proxy-opsætning."
-#: ProxyPage.cpp:331
+#: clientgui/ProxyPage.cpp:331
 msgid "Proxy configuration"
 msgstr "Proxy-konfiguration"
-#: ProxyPage.cpp:334
+#: clientgui/ProxyPage.cpp:334
 msgid "HTTP proxy"
 msgstr "HTTP-proxy"
-#: ProxyPage.cpp:337 ProxyPage.cpp:357
+#: clientgui/ProxyPage.cpp:337
+#: clientgui/ProxyPage.cpp:357
 msgid "Server:"
 msgstr "Server:"
-#: ProxyPage.cpp:350
+#: clientgui/ProxyPage.cpp:350
 msgid "Autodetect"
 msgstr "Autoregistrering"
-#: ProxyPage.cpp:354
+#: clientgui/ProxyPage.cpp:354
 msgid "SOCKS proxy"
 msgstr "SOCKS-proxy"
-#: TermsOfUsePage.cpp:218
-msgid "Terms of Use"
-msgstr "Brugsvilkår"
+#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:167
+msgid "Advanced View...\tCtrl+Shift+A"
+msgstr "Avanceret visning …\tCtrl+Shift+A"
-#: TermsOfUsePage.cpp:222
-msgid "Please read the following terms of use:"
-msgstr "Læs venligst følgende brugsvilkår:"
+#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:168
+msgid "Display the advanced graphical interface."
+msgstr "Vis den avancerede grafiske grænseflade."
-#: TermsOfUsePage.cpp:231
-msgid "I agree to the terms of use."
-msgstr "Jeg er enig i brugsvilkårene."
+#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:175
+msgid "Skin"
+msgstr "Tema"
-#: TermsOfUsePage.cpp:237
-msgid "I do not agree to the terms of use."
-msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:177
+msgid "Select the appearance of the user interface."
+msgstr "Vælg udseende for brugergrænseflade."
-#: UnavailablePage.cpp:183
-msgid "Project temporarily unavailable"
-msgstr "Projektet er midlertidigt utilgængeligt"
+#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:224
+#, c-format
+msgid "&%s"
+msgstr "&%s"
-#: UnavailablePage.cpp:186
-msgid ""
-"The project is temporarily unavailable.\n"
-"Please try again later."
-msgstr ""
-"Projektet er midlertidigt utilgængeligt.\n"
-"Prøv venligst igen senere."
+#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:405
+msgid "Default"
+msgstr "Standard"
-#: UnavailablePage.cpp:190
-msgid "Account manager temporarily unavailable"
-msgstr "Kontohåndteringen er midlertidigt utilgængelig"
+#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:848
+msgid "Suspend"
+msgstr "Suspendér"
-#: UnavailablePage.cpp:193
-msgid ""
-"The account manager is temporarily unavailable.\n"
-"Please try again later."
-msgstr ""
-"Kontohåndteringen er midlertidigt utilgængelig.\n"
-"Prøv venligst igen senere."
+#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:850
+msgid "Suspend Computing"
+msgstr "Suspendér beregning"
-#: ValidateAccountKey.cpp:68
-msgid "Please specify an account key to continue."
-msgstr "Angiv venligst en kontonøgle for at fortsætte."
+#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:851
+msgid "Resume Computing"
+msgstr "Genoptag beregning"
-#: ValidateAccountKey.cpp:71
-msgid "Invalid Account Key; please enter a valid Account Key"
-msgstr "Ugyldig kontonøgle; Indtast venligst en gyldig kontonøgle"
+#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:867
+msgid "Notices"
+msgstr "Meddelelser"
-#: ValidateAccountKey.cpp:82 ValidateEmailAddress.cpp:86
-msgid "Validation conflict"
-msgstr "Valideringskonflikt"
+#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:868
+msgid "Open a window to view notices from projects or BOINC"
+msgstr "Åbn en vindue, for at se meddelelser fra projekter eller BOINC"
-#: ValidateEmailAddress.cpp:72
-msgid "Please specify an email address"
-msgstr "Angiv venligst en emailadresse"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgMessages.cpp:124
+msgid "Fetching notices; please wait..."
+msgstr "Henter meddelelser; vent venligst …"
-#: ValidateEmailAddress.cpp:75
-msgid "Invalid email address; please enter a valid email address"
-msgstr "Ugyldig emailadresse; Indtast venligst en gyldig emailadresse"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgMessages.cpp:132
+msgid "There are no notices at this time."
+msgstr "Der er ingen meddelelser på nuværende tidspunkt."
-#: ValidateURL.cpp:69
-msgid "Missing URL"
-msgstr "Manglende URL"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgMessages.cpp:146
+msgid "Close"
+msgstr "Luk"
-#: ValidateURL.cpp:70
-msgid ""
-"Please specify a URL.\n"
-"For example:\n"
-msgstr ""
-"Angiv venligst en URL.\n"
-"For eksempel:\n"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgMessages.cpp:394
+#, c-format
+msgid "%s - Notices"
+msgstr "%s – Meddelelser"
-#: ValidateURL.cpp:83 ValidateURL.cpp:87 ValidateURL.cpp:91
-#: ValidateURL.cpp:103 ValidateURL.cpp:107 ValidateURL.cpp:110
-msgid "Invalid URL"
-msgstr "Ugyldig URL"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:270
+msgid "This dialog controls preferences for this computer only."
+msgstr "Denne dislogboks styrer kun indstillinger for denne computer."
-#: ValidateURL.cpp:84 ValidateURL.cpp:88 ValidateURL.cpp:92
-msgid ""
-"Please specify a valid URL.\n"
-"For example:\n"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:275
+msgid "Click OK to set preferences."
+msgstr "Klik O.k. for at sætte indstillinger."
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:280
+msgid "Click Clear to restore web-based settings for all preferences listed below."
 msgstr ""
-"Angiv venligst en gyldig URL.\n"
-"For eksempel:\n"
+"Klik Nulstil for at genskabe den webbaserede opsætning for alle "
+"indstillinger herunder."
-#: ValidateURL.cpp:104 ValidateURL.cpp:108
-#, c-format
-msgid "'%s' does not contain a valid host name."
-msgstr "'%s' indeholder ikke et gyldigt værtsnavn."
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:287
+msgid "For additional settings, select Computing Preferences in the Advanced View."
+msgstr ""
+"For yderligere opsætning, vælg Beregningsindstillinger under Avanceret "
-#: ValidateURL.cpp:111
-#, c-format
-msgid "'%s' does not contain a valid path."
-msgstr "'%s' indeholder ikke en gyldig sti."
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:315
+msgid "Do work only between:"
+msgstr "Arbejd kun imellem:"
-#: ViewMessages.cpp:84 ViewProjects.cpp:170 ViewStatistics.cpp:1978
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:160 ViewWork.cpp:183
-msgid "Commands"
-msgstr "Kommandoer"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:337
+msgid "Connect to internet only between:"
+msgstr "Forbind kun til Internet imellem:"
-#: ViewMessages.cpp:88
-msgid "Copy all messages"
-msgstr "Kopiér alle beskeder"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:359
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:376
+msgid "Use no more than:"
+msgstr "Brug ikke mere end:"
-#: ViewMessages.cpp:95
-msgid "Copy selected messages"
-msgstr "Kopier valgte beskeder"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:372
+msgid "of disk space"
+msgstr "af diskpladsen"
-#: ViewMessages.cpp:106 ViewMessages.cpp:502
-msgid "Show only this project"
-msgstr "Vis kun dette projekt"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:389
+msgid "of the processor"
+msgstr "af processoren"
-#: ViewMessages.cpp:107 ViewMessages.cpp:503
-msgid "Show only the messages for the selected project."
-msgstr "Vis kun beskeder for det valgte projekt."
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:393
+msgid "Do work while on battery?"
+msgstr "Udfør arbejde på batterier?"
-#: ViewMessages.cpp:164
-msgid "Messages"
-msgstr "Beskeder"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:406
+msgid "Do work after idle for:"
+msgstr "Udfør arbejde efter computeren har været ubrugt i:"
-#: ViewMessages.cpp:187
-msgid "Copying all messages to the clipboard..."
-msgstr "Kopierer alle beskeder til udklipsholderen…"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:431
+msgid "Clear all local preferences listed above and close the dialog"
+msgstr "Nulstil alle lokale indstillinger herover og luk dialogboksen"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:609
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:612
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:688
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:692
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:704
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:708
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:851
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:862
+msgid "Anytime"
+msgstr "Til hver en tid"
-#: ViewMessages.cpp:223
-msgid "Copying selected messages to the clipboard..."
-msgstr "Kopierer de valgte beskeder til udklipsholderen…"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:645
+msgid "100 MB"
+msgstr "100 MB"
-#: ViewMessages.cpp:286
-msgid "Filtering messages..."
-msgstr "Filtrerer beskeder…"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:646
+msgid "200 MB"
+msgstr "200 MB"
-#: ViewMessages.cpp:494
-msgid "Show all messages"
-msgstr "Vis alle beskeder"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:647
+msgid "500 MB"
+msgstr "500 MB"
-#: ViewMessages.cpp:495
-msgid "Show messages for all projects."
-msgstr "Vis beskeder fra alle projekter."
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:648
+msgid "1 GB"
+msgstr "1 GB"
-#: ViewNotices.cpp:58 sg_DlgMessages.cpp:124
-msgid "Fetching notices; please wait..."
-msgstr "Henter meddelelser; vent venligst…"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:649
+msgid "2 GB"
+msgstr "2 GB"
-#: ViewNotices.cpp:65 sg_DlgMessages.cpp:132
-msgid "There are no notices at this time."
-msgstr "Der er ingen meddelelser på nuværende tidspunkt."
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:650
+msgid "5 GB"
+msgstr "5 GB"
-#: ViewNotices.cpp:99 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:776
-msgid "Notices"
-msgstr "Meddelelser"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:651
+msgid "10 GB"
+msgstr "10 GB"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:174 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:61
-msgid "Update"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:652
+msgid "20 GB"
+msgstr "20 GB"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:653
+msgid "50 GB"
+msgstr "50 GB"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:654
+msgid "100 GB"
+msgstr "100 GB"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:724
+#, c-format
+msgid "%d MB"
+msgstr "%d MB"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:726
+#, c-format
+msgid "%4.2f GB"
+msgstr "%4.2f GB"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:767
+#, c-format
+msgid "%d%%"
+msgstr "%d%%"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:803
+msgid "0 (Run Always)"
+msgstr "0 (Kør altid)"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:806
+#, c-format
+msgid "%d"
+msgstr "%d"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:953
+#, c-format
+msgid "%s - Computing Preferences"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:1033
+msgid "Do you really want to clear all local preferences?\n"
+msgstr "Er du sikker på, at du vil nulstille alle lokale indstillinger?\n"
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:66
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:179
+msgid "Update"
 msgstr "Opdatér"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:175 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:62
-msgid ""
-"Report all completed tasks, get latest credit, get latest preferences, and "
-"possibly get more tasks."
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:67
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:180
+msgid "Report all completed tasks, get latest credit, get latest preferences, and possibly get more tasks."
 msgstr ""
 "Rapportér alle færdige opgaver, hent seneste points, indstillinger, og hvis "
 "muligt, flere opgaver."
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:181 ViewProjects.cpp:722 ViewWork.cpp:208 ViewWork.cpp:801
-#: sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:757 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:67
-#: sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:113 sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:66
-#: sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:106
-msgid "Suspend"
-msgstr "Suspendér"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:182 ViewProjects.cpp:722 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:68
-#: sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:114
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:73
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:129
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:187
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:727
 msgid "Suspend tasks for this project."
 msgstr "Suspendér opgaver for dette projekt."
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:188 ViewProjects.cpp:741 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:73
-#: sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:121
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:78
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:136
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:193
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:746
 msgid "No new tasks"
 msgstr "Ingen nye opgaver"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:189 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:74
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:79
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:194
 msgid "Don't get new tasks for this project."
 msgstr "Hent ikke nye opgaver for dette projekt."
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:195 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:79
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:84
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:200
 msgid "Reset project"
 msgstr "Nulstil projekt"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:196 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:80
-msgid ""
-"Delete all files and tasks associated with this project, and get new tasks.  "
-"You can update the project first to report any completed tasks."
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:85
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:201
+msgid "Delete all files and tasks associated with this project, and get new tasks.  You can update the project first to report any completed tasks."
 msgstr ""
 "Sletter alle filer og opgaver tilhørende dette projekt og henter nye "
 "opgaver. Du kan opdatere projektet først for at rapportere eventuelle "
 "færdige opgaver."
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:203 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:86
-msgid ""
-"Remove this project.  Tasks in progress will be lost (use 'Update' first to "
-"report any completed tasks)."
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:91
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:208
+msgid "Remove this project.  Tasks in progress will be lost (use 'Update' first to report any completed tasks)."
 msgstr ""
-"Fjerner dette projekt. Igangværende opgaver vil blive tabt (brug 'Opdatér' "
+"Fjerner dette projekt. Igangværende opgaver vil blive tabt (brug \"Opdatér\" "
 "først for at rapportere eventuelle færdige opgaver)."
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:209 ViewWork.cpp:222 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:91
-#: sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:78
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:96
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:84
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:214
 msgid "Properties"
 msgstr "Egenskaber"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:210 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:92
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:97
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:215
 msgid "Show project details."
 msgstr "Vis projektdetajler."
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:220 ViewStatistics.cpp:450
-msgid "Account"
-msgstr "Konto"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:222
-msgid "Work done"
-msgstr "Udført arbejde"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:223
-msgid "Avg. work done"
-msgstr "Gennemsnitligt udført arbejde"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:225 ViewTransfers.cpp:188 ViewWork.cpp:234
-msgid "Status"
-msgstr "Status"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:250
-msgid "Projects"
-msgstr "Projekter"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:302
-msgid "Updating project..."
-msgstr "Opdaterer projekt…"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:344
-msgid "Resuming project..."
-msgstr "Genoptager projekt…"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:348
-msgid "Suspending project..."
-msgstr "Suspenderer projekt…"
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:126
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:723
+msgid "Resume tasks for this project."
+msgstr "Genoptag opgaver for dette projekt."
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:385
-msgid "Telling project to allow additional task downloads..."
-msgstr "Tillader projektet at sende flere opgaver…"
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:133
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:742
+msgid "Allow new tasks"
+msgstr "Tillad nye opgaver"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:389
-msgid "Telling project to not fetch any additional tasks..."
-msgstr "Beder projektet om ikke at sende flere opgaver…"
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:134
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:742
+msgid "Allow fetching new tasks for this project."
+msgstr "Tillad hentning af nye opgaver for dette projekt."
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:425
-msgid "Resetting project..."
-msgstr "Nulstiller projekt…"
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:137
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:746
+msgid "Don't fetch new tasks for this project."
+msgstr "Hent ikke nye opgaver for dette projekt."
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:438 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:214
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:229
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:443
 #, c-format
 msgid "Are you sure you want to reset project '%s'?"
-msgstr "Er du sikker på, at du vil nulstille projektet '%s'?"
+msgstr "Er du sikker på, at du vil nulstille projektet \"%s\"?"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:444 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:220
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:235
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:449
 msgid "Reset Project"
 msgstr "Nulstil projekt"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:483
-msgid "Removing project..."
-msgstr "Fjerner projekt…"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:496 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:251
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:266
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:501
 #, c-format
 #, c-format, c-format
 msgid "Are you sure you want to remove project '%s'?"
-msgstr "Er du sikker på, at du vil fjerne projektet '%s'?"
+msgstr "Er du sikker på, at du vil fjerne projektet \"%s\"?"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:502 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:257
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:272
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:507
 msgid "Remove Project"
 msgstr "Fjern projekt"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:543 ViewWork.cpp:599
-msgid "Launching browser..."
-msgstr "Starter browser…"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:718 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:111
-msgid "Resume tasks for this project."
-msgstr "Genoptag opgaver for dette projekt."
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:737 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:118
-msgid "Allow new tasks"
-msgstr "Tillad nye opgaver"
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:72
+msgid "Add Project"
+msgstr "Tilføj projekt"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:737 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:119
-msgid "Allow fetching new tasks for this project."
-msgstr "Tillad hentning af nye opgaver for dette projekt."
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:73
+msgid "Synchronize"
+msgstr "Synkronisér"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:741 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:122
-msgid "Don't fetch new tasks for this project."
-msgstr "Hent ikke nye opgaver for dette projekt."
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:74
+msgid "Work done for this project"
+msgstr "Udført arbejde for dette projekt"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1058
-msgid "Requested by user"
-msgstr "Forespurgt af bruger"
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:77
+msgid "Synchronize projects with account manager system"
+msgstr "Synkronisér projekter med kontohåndteringssystem"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1059
-msgid "To fetch work"
-msgstr "For at hende arbejde"
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:124
+msgid "Select a project to access with the controls below"
+msgstr "Vælg et projekt, der skal tilgås med knapperne herunder"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1060
-msgid "To report completed tasks"
-msgstr "For at rapportere færdiggjorte opgaver"
+# 88%
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:145
+msgid "Project Web Pages"
+msgstr "Projektwebsider"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1061
-msgid "To send trickle-up message"
-msgstr "For at sende sivebesked til server"
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:149
+msgid "Project Commands"
+msgstr "Projektkommandoer"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1062
-msgid "Requested by account manager"
-msgstr "Forespurgt af kontohåndtering"
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:276
+#, c-format
+msgid "Pop up a menu of web sites for project %s"
+msgstr "Vis en pop op-menu med hjemmesider for projektet %s"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1063
-msgid "Project initialization"
-msgstr "Projektinitialisering"
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:278
+#, c-format
+msgid "Pop up a menu of commands to apply to project %s"
+msgstr "Vis en menu med kommandoer for projektet %s"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1064
-msgid "Requested by project"
-msgstr "Forespurgt af projekt"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:66
+msgid "Show graphics"
+msgstr "Vis grafik"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1065
-msgid "Unknown reason"
-msgstr "Ukendt begrundelse"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:67
+msgid "Show application graphics in a window."
+msgstr "Viser applikationsgrafik i et vindue."
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1079
-msgid "Suspended by user"
-msgstr "Suspenderet af bruger"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:73
+msgid "Suspend this task."
+msgstr "Suspendér denne opgave."
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1082
-msgid "Won't get new tasks"
-msgstr "Henter ikke nye opgaver"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:78
+msgid "Abort"
+msgstr "Afbryd"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1085
-msgid "Project ended - OK to remove"
-msgstr "Projektet er slut - det er OK af fjerne"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:79
+msgid "Abandon this task. You will get no credit for it."
+msgstr "Opgiv denne opgave. Du vil ikke modtage points for den."
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1088
-msgid "Will remove when tasks done"
-msgstr "Fjernes når opgaver er færdige"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:85
+msgid "Show task details."
+msgstr "Vis detaljer for opgave."
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1091
-msgid "Scheduler request pending"
-msgstr "Planlægger-forespørgsel afventer"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:119
+msgid "Resume work for this task."
+msgstr "Genoptag arbejde for denne opgave."
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1097
-msgid "Scheduler request in progress"
-msgstr "Planlægger-forespørgsel igang"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:123
+msgid "Suspend work for this task."
+msgstr "Suspendér arbejde for denne opgave."
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1100
-msgid "Trickle up message pending"
-msgstr "Sivebesked til server afventer"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:267
+#, c-format
+#, c-format, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Are you sure you want to abort this task '%s'?\n"
+"(Progress: %.1lf%%, Status: %s)"
+msgstr ""
+"Er du sikker på, at du vil afbryde denne opgave \"%s\"?\n"
+"(Udført: %.1lf%%, Status: %s)"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1106
-msgid "Communication deferred "
-msgstr "Kommunikation udsat "
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:272
+msgid "Abort task"
+msgstr "Afbryd opgave"
-#: ViewResources.cpp:62
-msgid "Total disk usage"
-msgstr "Total diskforbrug"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:468
+msgid "You don't have any projects.  Please Add a Project."
+msgstr "Du har ingen projekter. Tilføj venligst et projekt."
-#: ViewResources.cpp:83
-msgid "Disk usage by BOINC projects"
-msgstr "Diskforbrug af BOINC-projekter"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:469
+msgid "Not available"
+msgstr "Ikke tilgængelig"
-#: ViewResources.cpp:116
-msgid "Disk"
-msgstr "Disk"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:480
+msgid "Tasks:"
+msgstr "Opgaver:"
-#: ViewResources.cpp:249
-msgid "no projects: 0 bytes used"
-msgstr "ingen projekter: 0 bytes brugt"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:486
+msgid "Select a task to access"
+msgstr "Vælg en opgave at tilgå"
-#: ViewResources.cpp:286
-msgid "used by BOINC: "
-msgstr "brugt af BOINC: "
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:497
+msgid "From:"
+msgstr "Fra:"
-#: ViewResources.cpp:296
-msgid "free, available to BOINC: "
-msgstr "fri, tilgængeligt for BOINC: "
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:551
+msgid "This task's progress"
+msgstr "Denne opgaves fremgang"
-#: ViewResources.cpp:306
-msgid "free, not available to BOINC: "
-msgstr "fri, ikke tilgængeligt for BOINC: "
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:569
+msgid "Task Commands"
+msgstr "Opgavekommandoer"
-#: ViewResources.cpp:316
-msgid "free: "
-msgstr "fri: "
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:570
+msgid "Pop up a menu of commands to apply to this task"
+msgstr "Vis en menu med kommandoer for denne opgave"
-#: ViewResources.cpp:326
-msgid "used by other programs: "
-msgstr "brugt af andre programmer: "
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:705
+#, c-format
+#, c-format, c-format
+msgid "Application: %s"
+msgstr "Applikation: %s"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:1205
-msgid "User Total"
-msgstr "Bruger-total"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:728
+#, c-format
+msgid "%.3f%%"
+msgstr "%.3f%%"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:1206
-msgid "User Average"
-msgstr "Brugergennemsnit"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:736
+msgid "Application: Not available"
+msgstr "Applikation: ikke tilgængelig"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:1207
-msgid "Host Total"
-msgstr "Vært-total"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:836
+msgid "Not Available"
+msgstr "Ikke tilgængelig"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:1208
-msgid "Host Average"
-msgstr "Værtsgennemsnit"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:851
+#, c-format
+msgid "Elapsed: %s"
+msgstr "Forløbet: %s"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:1355
+# 84%
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:865
 #, c-format
-msgid "Last update: %.0f days ago"
-msgstr "Seneste opdatering: %.0f dage siden"
+#, c-format, c-format
+msgid "Remaining (estimated): %s"
+msgstr "Resterende (estimeret): %s"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:1982
-msgid "Show user total"
-msgstr "Vis bruger-total"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:880
+#, c-format
+msgid "Status: %s"
+msgstr "Status: %s"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:1983
-msgid "Show total credit for user"
-msgstr "Vis total antal points for bruger"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1227
+msgid "Retrieving current status."
+msgstr "Henter nuværende status."
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:1989
-msgid "Show user average"
-msgstr "Vis brugergennemsnit"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1233
+msgid "Downloading work from the server."
+msgstr "Henter arbejde fra serveren."
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:1990
-msgid "Show average credit for user"
-msgstr "Vis løbende gennemsnitspoint for bruger"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1238
+msgid "Processing Suspended:  Running On Batteries."
+msgstr "Beregning suspenderet: Kører på batterier."
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:1996
-msgid "Show host total"
-msgstr "Vis vært-total"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1240
+msgid "Processing Suspended:  User Active."
+msgstr "Beregning suspenderet: Bruger er aktiv."
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:1997
-msgid "Show total credit for host"
-msgstr "Vis total antal points for vært"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1242
+msgid "Processing Suspended:  User paused processing."
+msgstr "Beregning suspenderet: Bruger satte beregning på pause."
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2003
-msgid "Show host average"
-msgstr "Vis værtsgennemsnit"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1244
+msgid "Processing Suspended:  Time of Day."
+msgstr "Beregning suspenderet: Tidspunkt på dagen."
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2004
-msgid "Show average credit for host"
-msgstr "Vis løbende gennemsnitspoint for vært"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1246
+msgid "Processing Suspended:  Benchmarks Running."
+msgstr "Beregning suspenderet: Ydelsesmåling kører."
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2013
-msgid "< &Previous project"
-msgstr "< &Forrige projekt"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1248
+msgid "Processing Suspended."
+msgstr "Beregning suspenderet."
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2014
-msgid "Show chart for previous project"
-msgstr "Vis graf for det forrige projekt"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1252
+msgid "Waiting to contact project servers."
+msgstr "Venter på at kontakte projektservere."
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2019
-msgid "&Next project >"
-msgstr "&Næste projekt >"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1256
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1265
+msgid "Retrieving current status"
+msgstr "Henter nuværende status"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2020
-msgid "Show chart for next project"
-msgstr "Vis graf for det næste projekt"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1260
+msgid "No work available to process"
+msgstr "Intet arbejde tilgængeligt"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2026 ViewStatistics.cpp:2416
-msgid "Hide project list"
-msgstr "Gem projektliste"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1262
+msgid "Unable to connect to the core client"
+msgstr "Kan ikke forbinde til kerneklienten"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2027 ViewStatistics.cpp:2416
-msgid "Use entire area for graphs"
-msgstr "Brug hele området til grafer"
+#: clientgui/TermsOfUsePage.cpp:218
+msgid "Terms of Use"
+msgstr "Brugsvilkår"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2032
-msgid "Mode view"
-msgstr "Tilstandsvisning"
+#: clientgui/TermsOfUsePage.cpp:222
+msgid "Please read the following terms of use:"
+msgstr "Læs venligst følgende brugsvilkår:"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2036
-msgid "One project"
-msgstr "Et projekt"
+#: clientgui/TermsOfUsePage.cpp:231
+msgid "I agree to the terms of use."
+msgstr "Jeg er enig i brugsvilkårene."
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2037
-msgid "Show one chart with selected project"
-msgstr "Vis en graf over valgt projekt"
+#: clientgui/TermsOfUsePage.cpp:237
+msgid "I do not agree to the terms of use."
+msgstr "Jeg er ikke enig i brugsvilkårene."
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2043
-msgid "All projects (separate)"
-msgstr "Alle projekter (separat)"
+#: clientgui/UnavailablePage.cpp:183
+msgid "Project temporarily unavailable"
+msgstr "Projektet er midlertidigt utilgængeligt"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2044
-msgid "Show all projects, one chart per project"
-msgstr "Vis alle projekter, en graf for hvert"
+#: clientgui/UnavailablePage.cpp:186
+msgid ""
+"The project is temporarily unavailable.\n"
+"Please try again later."
+msgstr ""
+"Projektet er midlertidigt utilgængeligt.\n"
+"Prøv venligst igen senere."
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2050
-msgid "All projects (together)"
-msgstr "Alle projekter (sammen)"
+#: clientgui/UnavailablePage.cpp:190
+msgid "Account manager temporarily unavailable"
+msgstr "Kontohåndteringen er midlertidigt utilgængelig"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2051
-msgid "Show one chart with all projects"
-msgstr "Vis en graf med alle projekter"
+#: clientgui/UnavailablePage.cpp:193
+msgid ""
+"The account manager is temporarily unavailable.\n"
+"Please try again later."
+msgstr ""
+"Kontohåndteringen er midlertidigt utilgængelig.\n"
+"Prøv venligst igen senere."
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2057
-msgid "All projects (sum)"
-msgstr "Alle projekter (sum)"
+#: clientgui/ValidateAccountKey.cpp:68
+msgid "Please specify an account key to continue."
+msgstr "Angiv venligst en kontonøgle for at fortsætte."
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2058
-msgid "Show one chart with sum of projects"
-msgstr "Vis en graf med sum for alle projekter"
+#: clientgui/ValidateAccountKey.cpp:71
+msgid "Invalid Account Key; please enter a valid Account Key"
+msgstr "Ugyldig kontonøgle; Indtast venligst en gyldig kontonøgle"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2079
-msgid "Statistics"
-msgstr "Statistik"
+#: clientgui/ValidateAccountKey.cpp:82
+#: clientgui/ValidateEmailAddress.cpp:86
+msgid "Validation conflict"
+msgstr "Valideringskonflikt"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2103 ViewStatistics.cpp:2124 ViewStatistics.cpp:2145
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2167 ViewStatistics.cpp:2188 ViewStatistics.cpp:2209
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2230 ViewStatistics.cpp:2251 ViewStatistics.cpp:2272
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2296
-msgid "Updating charts..."
-msgstr "Opdaterer grafer…"
+#: clientgui/ValidateEmailAddress.cpp:72
+msgid "Please specify an email address"
+msgstr "Angiv venligst en emailadresse"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2420
-msgid "Show project list"
-msgstr "Vis projektliste"
+#: clientgui/ValidateEmailAddress.cpp:75
+msgid "Invalid email address; please enter a valid email address"
+msgstr "Ugyldig emailadresse; Indtast venligst en gyldig emailadresse"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2420
-msgid "Uses smaller area for graphs"
-msgstr "Bruger mindre område for grafer"
+#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:69
+msgid "Missing URL"
+msgstr "Manglende URL"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:164
-msgid "Retry Now"
-msgstr "Prøv igen nu"
+#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:70
+msgid ""
+"Please specify a URL.\n"
+"For example:\n"
+msgstr ""
+"Angiv venligst en URL.\n"
+"For eksempel:\n"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:165
-msgid "Retry the file transfer now"
-msgstr "Prøv filoverførslen nu"
+#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:83
+#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:87
+#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:91
+#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:103
+#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:107
+#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:110
+msgid "Invalid URL"
+msgstr "Ugyldig URL"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:171
-msgid "Abort Transfer"
-msgstr "Afbryd overførsel"
+#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:84
+#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:88
+#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:92
+msgid ""
+"Please specify a valid URL.\n"
+"For example:\n"
+msgstr ""
+"Angiv venligst en gyldig URL.\n"
+"For eksempel:\n"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:172
-msgid "Abort this file transfer.  You won't get credit for the task."
-msgstr "Afbryd denne filoverførsel. Du får ikke points for opgaven."
+#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:104
+#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:108
+#, c-format
+msgid "'%s' does not contain a valid host name."
+msgstr "\"%s\" indeholder ikke et gyldigt værtsnavn."
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:183
-msgid "File"
-msgstr "Fil"
+#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:111
+#, c-format
+msgid "'%s' does not contain a valid path."
+msgstr "\"%s\" indeholder ikke en gyldig sti."
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:184 ViewWork.cpp:233
-msgid "Progress"
-msgstr "Udført"
+#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:84
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:175
+msgid "Commands"
+msgstr "Kommandoer"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:185
-msgid "Size"
-msgstr "Størrelse"
+#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:88
+msgid "Copy all messages"
+msgstr "Kopiér alle beskeder"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:186
-msgid "Elapsed Time"
-msgstr "Forløben tid"
+#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:95
+msgid "Copy selected messages"
+msgstr "Kopier valgte beskeder"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:187
-msgid "Speed"
-msgstr "Hastighed"
+#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:106
+#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:502
+msgid "Show only this project"
+msgstr "Vis kun dette projekt"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:213
-msgid "Transfers"
-msgstr "Overførsler"
+#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:107
+#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:503
+msgid "Show only the messages for the selected project."
+msgstr "Vis kun beskeder for det valgte projekt."
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:280
-msgid "Network activity is suspended - "
-msgstr "Netværksaktivitet er suspenderet - "
+#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:164
+msgid "Messages"
+msgstr "Beskeder"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:282
-msgid ""
-"You can enable it using the Activity menu."
-msgstr ""
-"Du kan slå det til vha. menuen Aktivitet."
+#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:187
+msgid "Copying all messages to the clipboard..."
+msgstr "Kopierer alle beskeder til udklipsholderen …"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:285
-msgid "BOINC"
-msgstr "BOINC"
+#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:223
+msgid "Copying selected messages to the clipboard..."
+msgstr "Kopierer de valgte beskeder til udklipsholderen …"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:292
-msgid "Retrying transfer now..."
-msgstr "Prøver overførsel igen nu…"
+#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:286
+msgid "Filtering messages..."
+msgstr "Filtrerer beskeder …"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:330
-msgid "Aborting transfer..."
-msgstr "Afbryder overførsel…"
+#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:494
+msgid "Show all messages"
+msgstr "Vis alle beskeder"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:343
-#, c-format
-msgid ""
-"Are you sure you want to abort this file transfer '%s'?\n"
-"NOTE: Aborting a transfer will invalidate a task and you\n"
-"will not receive credit for it."
-msgstr ""
-"Er du sikker på du vil afbryde denne filoverførsel '%s'?\n"
-"BEMÆRK: Hvis du afbryder en overførsel, vil opgaven\n"
-"invalideres, og du vil ikke få points for den."
+#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:495
+msgid "Show messages for all projects."
+msgstr "Vis beskeder fra alle projekter."
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:349
-msgid "Abort File Transfer"
-msgstr "Afbryd filoverførsel"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:225
+msgid "Account"
+msgstr "Konto"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:780
-msgid "Upload"
-msgstr "Upload"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:227
+msgid "Work done"
+msgstr "Udført arbejde"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:780
-msgid "Download"
-msgstr "Download"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:228
+msgid "Avg. work done"
+msgstr "Gennemsnitligt udført arbejde"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:784
-msgid "retry in "
-msgstr "prøv igen om "
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:230
+msgid "Status"
+msgstr "Status"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:786
-msgid "failed"
-msgstr "mislykkedes"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:255
+msgid "Projects"
+msgstr "Projekter"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:789
-msgid "suspended"
-msgstr "suspenderet"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:307
+msgid "Updating project..."
+msgstr "Opdaterer projekt …"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:794
-msgid "active"
-msgstr "aktiv"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:349
+msgid "Resuming project..."
+msgstr "Genoptager projekt …"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:796
-msgid "pending"
-msgstr "afventer"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:353
+msgid "Suspending project..."
+msgstr "Suspenderer projekt …"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:803
-msgid " (project backoff: "
-msgstr " (projekt backoff:"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:390
+msgid "Telling project to allow additional task downloads..."
+msgstr "Tillader projektet at sende flere opgaver …"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:187 ViewWork.cpp:777
-msgid "Show active tasks"
-msgstr "Vis aktive opgaver"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:394
+msgid "Telling project to not fetch any additional tasks..."
+msgstr "Beder projektet om ikke at sende flere opgaver …"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:188 ViewWork.cpp:778
-msgid "Show only active tasks."
-msgstr "Vis kun aktive opgaver."
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:430
+msgid "Resetting project..."
+msgstr "Nulstiller projekt …"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:194 sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:60
-msgid "Show graphics"
-msgstr "Vis grafik"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:488
+msgid "Removing project..."
+msgstr "Fjerner projekt …"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:195 sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:61
-msgid "Show application graphics in a window."
-msgstr "Viser applikationsgrafik i et vindue."
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:548
+msgid "Launching browser..."
+msgstr "Starter browser …"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:201
-msgid "Show VM Console"
-msgstr "Vis VM-konsol"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1063
+msgid "Requested by user"
+msgstr "Forespurgt af bruger"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:202
-msgid "Show VM Console in a window."
-msgstr "Vis VM-konsol i et vindue."
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1064
+msgid "To fetch work"
+msgstr "For at hende arbejde"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:209
-msgid "Suspend work for this result."
-msgstr "Suspender arbejde for dette resultat."
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1065
+msgid "To report completed tasks"
+msgstr "For at rapportere færdiggjorte opgaver"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:215 sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:72
-msgid "Abort"
-msgstr "Afbryd"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1066
+msgid "To send trickle-up message"
+msgstr "For at sende sivebesked til server"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:216
-msgid "Abandon work on the result. You will get no credit for it."
-msgstr "Opgiv arbejde på resultatet. Du vil ikke få points for det."
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1067
+msgid "Requested by account manager"
+msgstr "Forespurgt af kontohåndtering"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:223 sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:79
-msgid "Show task details."
-msgstr "Vis detaljer for opgave."
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1068
+msgid "Project initialization"
+msgstr "Projektinitialisering"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:235
-msgid "Elapsed"
-msgstr "Forløben"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1069
+msgid "Requested by project"
+msgstr "Forespurgt af projekt"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:236
-msgid "Remaining (estimated)"
-msgstr "Resterende (estimeret)"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1070
+msgid "Unknown reason"
+msgstr "Ukendt begrundelse"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:237
-msgid "Deadline"
-msgstr "Frist"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1084
+msgid "Suspended by user"
+msgstr "Suspenderet af bruger"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:264
-msgid "Tasks"
-msgstr "Opgaver"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1087
+msgid "Won't get new tasks"
+msgstr "Henter ikke nye opgaver"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:357
-msgid "Resuming task..."
-msgstr "Genoptager opgave…"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1090
+msgid "Project ended - OK to remove"
+msgstr "Projektet er slut – det er OK af fjerne"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:360
-msgid "Suspending task..."
-msgstr "Suspenderer opgave…"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1093
+msgid "Will remove when tasks done"
+msgstr "Fjernes når opgaver er færdige"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:389
-msgid "Showing graphics for task..."
-msgstr "Viser grafik for opgave…"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:426
-msgid "Showing VM console for task..."
-msgstr "Viser VM-konsol for opgave…"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1096
+msgid "Scheduler request pending"
+msgstr "Planlægger-forespørgsel afventer"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:479
-#, c-format
-msgid ""
-"Are you sure you want to abort this task '%s'?\n"
-"(Progress: %s, Status: %s)"
-msgstr ""
-"Er du sikker på, at du vil afbryde denne opgave '%s'?\n"
-"(Udført: %s, Status: %s)"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1102
+msgid "Scheduler request in progress"
+msgstr "Planlægger-forespørgsel igang"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:485
-#, c-format
-msgid "Are you sure you want to abort these %d tasks?"
-msgstr "Er du sikker på, at du vil afbryde disse %d opgaver?"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1105
+msgid "Trickle up message pending"
+msgstr "Sivebesked til server afventer"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:490 sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:256
-msgid "Abort task"
-msgstr "Afbryd opgave"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1111
+msgid "Communication deferred "
+msgstr "Kommunikation udsat "
-# 75%
-#: ViewWork.cpp:499
-msgid "Aborting task..."
-msgstr "Afbryder opgave…"
+#: clientgui/ViewResources.cpp:62
+msgid "Total disk usage"
+msgstr "Total diskforbrug"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:771
-msgid "Show all tasks"
-msgstr "Vis alle opgaver"
+#: clientgui/ViewResources.cpp:83
+msgid "Disk usage by BOINC projects"
+msgstr "Diskforbrug af BOINC-projekter"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:772
-msgid "Show all tasks."
-msgstr "Vis alle opgaver."
+#: clientgui/ViewResources.cpp:116
+msgid "Disk"
+msgstr "Disk"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:796 sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:103
-msgid "Resume work for this task."
-msgstr "Genoptag arbejde for denne opgave."
+#: clientgui/ViewResources.cpp:225
+msgid "no projects: 0 bytes used"
+msgstr "ingen projekter: 0 bytes brugt"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:802 sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:107
-msgid "Suspend work for this task."
-msgstr "Suspendér arbejde for denne opgave."
+#: clientgui/ViewResources.cpp:262
+msgid "used by BOINC: "
+msgstr "brugt af BOINC: "
-#: WelcomePage.cpp:284
-msgid "Add project or account manager"
-msgstr "Tilføj projekt eller kontohåndtering"
+#: clientgui/ViewResources.cpp:272
+msgid "free, available to BOINC: "
+msgstr "fri, tilgængeligt for BOINC: "
-#: WelcomePage.cpp:288
-msgid "Add project or use BOINC Account Manager"
-msgstr "Tilføj projekt eller brug BOINC-kontohåndtering"
+#: clientgui/ViewResources.cpp:282
+msgid "free, not available to BOINC: "
+msgstr "fri, ikke tilgængeligt for BOINC: "
-#: WelcomePage.cpp:297
-#, c-format
-msgid ""
-"If possible, add projects at the\n"
-"%s web site.\n"
-"Projects added via this wizard will not be\n"
-"listed on or managed via %s."
-msgstr ""
-"Hvis det er muligt, bør du tilføje projekter fra\n"
-"Projekter tilføjet via denne guide vil ikke optræde\n"
-"på eller kunne styres fra %s."
+#: clientgui/ViewResources.cpp:292
+msgid "free: "
+msgstr "fri: "
-#: WelcomePage.cpp:313
-msgid ""
-"There are over 30 BOINC-based projects\n"
-"doing research in many areas of science,\n"
-"and you can volunteer for as many of them as you like.\n"
-"You can add a project directly,\n"
-"or use an 'Account Manager' web site to select projects."
-msgstr ""
-"Der er mere end 30 BOINC-baserede projekter,\n"
-"som udfører forskning inden for mange områder af videnskaben,\n"
-"og du kan melde dig frivilligt for så mange, du ønsker.\n"
-"Du kan tilføje et projekt direkte, eller bruge\n"
-"en kontohåndteringswebside for at vælge projekter."
+#: clientgui/ViewResources.cpp:302
+msgid "used by other programs: "
+msgstr "brugt af andre programmer: "
-#: WelcomePage.cpp:325
-msgid ""
-"You have chosen to add a new volunteer computing project or change which "
-"you contribute to.\n"
-"Some of these projects are run and managed by World Community Grid, while "
-"are run and managed by other researchers or organizations. The BOINC "
-"can divide your spare processing power among any combination of projects.\n"
-"Alternatively, if you have registered with a BOINC Account Manager, you can "
-"this to choose which projects to support.\n"
-"Please choose which type of change you would like to make:\n"
-msgstr ""
-"Du har valgt at tilføje et nyt frivilligt beregningsprojekt eller ændre "
-"hvilke projekter,\n"
-"du bidrager til.\n"
-"Nogle af disse projekter køres og håndteres af World Community Grid, mens "
-"køres og håndteres af andre forskere og organisationer. BOINC-softwaren\n"
-"kan fordele din overskydende processorkraft mellem enhver kombination af "
-"Alternativt, hvis du har registreret dig hos en BOINC-kontohåndtering, kan "
-"du bruge\n"
-"denne til at vælge, hvilke projekter du vil støtte.\n"
-"Overvej venligst, hvilken type ændring du gerne vil lave:\n"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1181
+msgid "User Total"
+msgstr "Bruger-total"
-#: WelcomePage.cpp:339
-msgid "Use a BOINC Account Manager"
-msgstr "Brug en BOINC-kontohåndtering"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1182
+msgid "User Average"
+msgstr "Brugergennemsnit"
-#: WelcomePage.cpp:352
-msgid "To continue, click Next."
-msgstr "Klik Næste for at fortsætte."
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1183
+msgid "Host Total"
+msgstr "Vært-total"
-#: WelcomePage.cpp:358
-msgid "Add or change your World Community Grid projects"
-msgstr "Tilføj eller ændr dine World Community Grid-projekter"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1184
+msgid "Host Average"
+msgstr "Værtsgennemsnit"
-#: WelcomePage.cpp:361
-msgid "Add projects run by other researchers or organizations"
-msgstr "Tilføj projekter, der køres af andre forskere og organisationer"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1331
+#, c-format
+msgid "Last update: %.0f days ago"
+msgstr "Seneste opdatering: %.0f dage siden"
-#: WizardAttach.cpp:634
-msgid "Do you really want to cancel?"
-msgstr "Er du sikker på, at du vil annullere?"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1956
+msgid "Show user total"
+msgstr "Vis bruger-total"
-#: WizardAttach.cpp:635
-msgid "Question"
-msgstr "Spørgsmål"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1957
+msgid "Show total credit for user"
+msgstr "Vis total antal points for bruger"
-#: sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:149
-msgid "Advanced View...\tCtrl+Shift+A"
-msgstr "Avanceret visning…\tCtrl+Shift+A"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1963
+msgid "Show user average"
+msgstr "Vis brugergennemsnit"
-#: sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:150
-msgid "Display the advanced graphical interface."
-msgstr "Vis den avancerede grafiske grænseflade."
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1964
+msgid "Show average credit for user"
+msgstr "Vis løbende gennemsnitspoint for bruger"
-#: sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:157
-msgid "Skin"
-msgstr "Tema"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1970
+msgid "Show host total"
+msgstr "Vis vært-total"
-#: sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:159
-msgid "Select the appearance of the user interface."
-msgstr "Vælg udseende for brugergrænseflade."
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1971
+msgid "Show total credit for host"
+msgstr "Vis total antal points for vært"
-#: sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:206
-#, c-format
-msgid "&%s"
-msgstr "&%s"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1977
+msgid "Show host average"
+msgstr "Vis værtsgennemsnit"
-#: sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:390
-msgid "Default"
-msgstr "Standard"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1978
+msgid "Show average credit for host"
+msgstr "Vis løbende gennemsnitspoint for vært"
-#: sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:759
-msgid "Suspend Computing"
-msgstr "Suspendér beregning"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1987
+msgid "< &Previous project"
+msgstr "< &Forrige projekt"
-#: sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:760
-msgid "Resume Computing"
-msgstr "Genoptag beregning"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1988
+msgid "Show chart for previous project"
+msgstr "Vis graf for det forrige projekt"
-#: sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:777
-msgid "Open a window to view notices from projects or BOINC"
-msgstr "Åbn en vindue, for at se meddelelser fra projekter eller BOINC"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1993
+msgid "&Next project >"
+msgstr "&Næste projekt >"
-#: sg_DlgMessages.cpp:146
-msgid "Close"
-msgstr "Luk"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1994
+msgid "Show chart for next project"
+msgstr "Vis graf for det næste projekt"
-#: sg_DlgMessages.cpp:389
-#, c-format
-msgid "%s - Notices"
-msgstr "%s - Meddelelser"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2000
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2390
+msgid "Hide project list"
+msgstr "Gem projektliste"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:268
-msgid "This dialog controls preferences for this computer only."
-msgstr "Denne dislogboks styrer kun indstillinger for denne computer."
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2001
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2390
+msgid "Use entire area for graphs"
+msgstr "Brug hele området til grafer"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:273
-msgid "Click OK to set preferences."
-msgstr "Klik O.k. for at sætte indstillinger."
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2006
+msgid "Mode view"
+msgstr "Tilstandsvisning"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:278
-msgid ""
-"Click Clear to restore web-based settings for all preferences listed below."
-msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2010
+msgid "One project"
+msgstr "Et projekt"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:285
-msgid ""
-"For additional settings, select Computing Preferences in the Advanced View."
-msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2011
+msgid "Show one chart with selected project"
+msgstr "Vis en graf over valgt projekt"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:313
-msgid "Do work only between:"
-msgstr "Arbejd kun imellem:"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2017
+msgid "All projects (separate)"
+msgstr "Alle projekter (separat)"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:335
-msgid "Connect to internet only between:"
-msgstr "Forbind kun til Internet imellem:"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2018
+msgid "Show all projects, one chart per project"
+msgstr "Vis alle projekter, en graf for hvert"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:357 sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:374
-msgid "Use no more than:"
-msgstr "Brug ikke mere end:"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2024
+msgid "All projects (together)"
+msgstr "Alle projekter (sammen)"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:370
-msgid "of disk space"
-msgstr "af diskpladsen"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2025
+msgid "Show one chart with all projects"
+msgstr "Vis en graf med alle projekter"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:387
-msgid "of the processor"
-msgstr "af processoren"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2031
+msgid "All projects (sum)"
+msgstr "Alle projekter (sum)"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:391
-msgid "Do work while on battery?"
-msgstr "Udfør arbejde på batterier?"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2032
+msgid "Show one chart with sum of projects"
+msgstr "Vis en graf med sum for alle projekter"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:404
-msgid "Do work after idle for:"
-msgstr "Udfør arbejde efter computeren har været ubrugt i:"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2053
+msgid "Statistics"
+msgstr "Statistik"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:429
-msgid "Clear all local preferences listed above and close the dialog"
-msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2077
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2098
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2119
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2141
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2162
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2183
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2204
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2225
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2246
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2270
+msgid "Updating charts..."
+msgstr "Opdaterer grafer …"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:602 sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:605
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:681 sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:685
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:697 sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:701
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:844 sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:855
-msgid "Anytime"
-msgstr "Til hver en tid"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2394
+msgid "Show project list"
+msgstr "Vis projektliste"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:638
-msgid "100 MB"
-msgstr "100 MB"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2394
+msgid "Uses smaller area for graphs"
+msgstr "Bruger mindre område for grafer"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:639
-msgid "200 MB"
-msgstr "200 MB"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:169
+msgid "Retry Now"
+msgstr "Prøv igen nu"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:640
-msgid "500 MB"
-msgstr "500 MB"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:170
+msgid "Retry the file transfer now"
+msgstr "Prøv filoverførslen nu"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:641
-msgid "1 GB"
-msgstr "1 GB"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:176
+msgid "Abort Transfer"
+msgstr "Afbryd overførsel"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:642
-msgid "2 GB"
-msgstr "2 GB"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:177
+msgid "Abort this file transfer.  You won't get credit for the task."
+msgstr "Afbryd denne filoverførsel. Du får ikke points for opgaven."
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:643
-msgid "5 GB"
-msgstr "5 GB"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:188
+msgid "File"
+msgstr "Fil"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:644
-msgid "10 GB"
-msgstr "10 GB"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:189
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:238
+msgid "Progress"
+msgstr "Udført"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:645
-msgid "20 GB"
-msgstr "20 GB"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:190
+msgid "Size"
+msgstr "Størrelse"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:646
-msgid "50 GB"
-msgstr "50 GB"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:191
+msgid "Elapsed Time"
+msgstr "Forløben tid"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:647
-msgid "100 GB"
-msgstr "100 GB"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:192
+msgid "Speed"
+msgstr "Hastighed"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:717
-#, c-format
-msgid "%d MB"
-msgstr "%d MB"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:218
+msgid "Transfers"
+msgstr "Overførsler"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:719
-#, c-format
-msgid "%4.2f GB"
-msgstr "%4.2f GB"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:285
+msgid "Network activity is suspended - "
+msgstr "Netværksaktivitet er suspenderet – "
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:760
-#, c-format
-msgid "%d%%"
-msgstr "%d%%"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:287
+msgid ""
+"You can enable it using the Activity menu."
+msgstr ""
+"Du kan slå det til vha. menuen Aktivitet."
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:796
-msgid "0 (Run Always)"
-msgstr "0 (Kør altid)"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:290
+msgid "BOINC"
+msgstr "BOINC"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:799
-#, c-format
-msgid "%d"
-msgstr "%d"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:297
+msgid "Retrying transfer now..."
+msgstr "Prøver overførsel igen nu …"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:1029
-msgid "Do you really want to clear all local preferences?\n"
-msgstr "Er du sikker på, at du vil nulstille alle lokale indstillinger?\n"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:335
+msgid "Aborting transfer..."
+msgstr "Afbryder overførsel …"
-#: sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:72
-msgid "Add Project"
-msgstr "Tilføj projekt"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:348
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Are you sure you want to abort this file transfer '%s'?\n"
+"NOTE: Aborting a transfer will invalidate a task and you\n"
+"will not receive credit for it."
+msgstr ""
+"Er du sikker på du vil afbryde denne filoverførsel \"%s\"?\n"
+"BEMÆRK: Hvis du afbryder en overførsel, vil opgaven\n"
+"invalideres, og du vil ikke få points for den."
-#: sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:73
-msgid "Synchronize"
-msgstr "Synkronisér"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:354
+msgid "Abort File Transfer"
+msgstr "Afbryd filoverførsel"
-#: sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:74
-msgid "Work done for this project"
-msgstr "Udført arbejde for dette projekt"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:785
+msgid "Upload"
+msgstr "Upload"
-#: sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:77
-msgid "Synchronize projects with account manager system"
-msgstr "Synkronisér projekter med kontohåndteringssystem"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:785
+msgid "Download"
+msgstr "Download"
-#: sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:124
-msgid "Select a project to access with the controls below"
-msgstr "Vælg et projekt, der skal tilgås med knapperne herunder"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:789
+msgid "retry in "
+msgstr "prøv igen om "
-# 88%
-#: sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:145
-msgid "Project Web Pages"
-msgstr "Projektwebsider"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:791
+msgid "failed"
+msgstr "mislykkedes"
-#: sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:149
-msgid "Project Commands"
-msgstr "Projektkommandoer"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:794
+msgid "suspended"
+msgstr "suspenderet"
-#: sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:267
-#, c-format
-msgid "Pop up a menu of web sites for project %s"
-msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:799
+msgid "active"
+msgstr "aktiv"
-#: sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:269
-#, c-format
-msgid "Pop up a menu of commands to apply to project %s"
-msgstr "Vis en menu med kommandoer for projektet %s"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:801
+msgid "pending"
+msgstr "afventer"
-#: sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:67
-msgid "Suspend this task."
-msgstr "Suspendér denne opgave."
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:808
+msgid " (project backoff: "
+msgstr " (projekt backoff:"
-#: sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:73
-msgid "Abandon this task. You will get no credit for it."
-msgstr "Opgiv denne opgave. Du vil ikke modtage points for den."
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:192
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:782
+msgid "Show active tasks"
+msgstr "Vis aktive opgaver"
-#: sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:251
-#, c-format
-#, c-format, c-format
-msgid ""
-"Are you sure you want to abort this task '%s'?\n"
-"(Progress: %.1lf%%, Status: %s)"
-msgstr ""
-"Er du sikker på, at du vil afbryde denne opgave '%s'?\n"
-"(Udført: %.1lf%%, Status: %s)"
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:193
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:783
+msgid "Show only active tasks."
+msgstr "Vis kun aktive opgaver."
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:464
-msgid "You don't have any projects.  Please Add a Project."
-msgstr "Du har ingen projekter. Tilføj venligst et projekt."
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:206
+msgid "Show VM Console"
+msgstr "Vis VM-konsol"
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:465
-msgid "Not available"
-msgstr "Ikke tilgængelig"
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:207
+msgid "Show VM Console in a window."
+msgstr "Vis VM-konsol i et vindue."
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:476
-msgid "Tasks:"
-msgstr "Opgaver:"
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:214
+msgid "Suspend work for this result."
+msgstr "Suspender arbejde for dette resultat."
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:482
-msgid "Select a task to access"
-msgstr "Vælg en opgave at tilgå"
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:221
+msgid "Abandon work on the result. You will get no credit for it."
+msgstr "Opgiv arbejde på resultatet. Du vil ikke få points for det."
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:493
-msgid "From:"
-msgstr "Fra:"
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:240
+msgid "Elapsed"
+msgstr "Forløben"
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:547
-msgid "This task's progress"
-msgstr "Denne opgaves fremgang"
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:241
+msgid "Remaining (estimated)"
+msgstr "Resterende (estimeret)"
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:565
-msgid "Task Commands"
-msgstr "Opgavekommandoer"
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:242
+msgid "Deadline"
+msgstr "Frist"
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:566
-msgid "Pop up a menu of commands to apply to this task"
-msgstr "Vis en menu med kommandoer for denne opgave"
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:269
+msgid "Tasks"
+msgstr "Opgaver"
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:701
-#, c-format
-#, c-format, c-format
-msgid "Application: %s"
-msgstr "Applikation: %s"
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:362
+msgid "Resuming task..."
+msgstr "Genoptager opgave …"
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:724
-#, c-format
-msgid "%.3f%%"
-msgstr "%.3f%%"
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:365
+msgid "Suspending task..."
+msgstr "Suspenderer opgave …"
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:732
-msgid "Application: Not available"
-msgstr "Applikation: ikke tilgængelig"
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:394
+msgid "Showing graphics for task..."
+msgstr "Viser grafik for opgave …"
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:832
-msgid "Not Available"
-msgstr "Ikke tilgængelig"
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:431
+msgid "Showing VM console for task..."
+msgstr "Viser VM-konsol for opgave …"
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:847
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:484
 #, c-format
-msgid "Elapsed: %s"
-msgstr "Forløbet: %s"
+msgid ""
+"Are you sure you want to abort this task '%s'?\n"
+"(Progress: %s, Status: %s)"
+msgstr ""
+"Er du sikker på, at du vil afbryde denne opgave \"%s\"?\n"
+"(Udført: %s, Status: %s)"
-# 84%
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:861
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:490
 #, c-format
-#, c-format, c-format
-msgid "Remaining (estimated): %s"
-msgstr "Resterende (estimeret): %s"
+msgid "Are you sure you want to abort these %d tasks?"
+msgstr "Er du sikker på, at du vil afbryde disse %d opgaver?"
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:876
-#, c-format
-msgid "Status: %s"
-msgstr "Status: %s"
+# 75%
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:504
+msgid "Aborting task..."
+msgstr "Afbryder opgave …"
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1223
-msgid "Retrieving current status."
-msgstr "Henter nuværende status."
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:776
+msgid "Show all tasks"
+msgstr "Vis alle opgaver"
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1229
-msgid "Downloading work from the server."
-msgstr "Henter arbejde fra serveren."
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:777
+msgid "Show all tasks."
+msgstr "Vis alle opgaver."
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1234
-msgid "Processing Suspended:  Running On Batteries."
-msgstr "Beregning suspenderet: Kører på batterier."
+#: clientgui/WelcomePage.cpp:284
+msgid "Add project or account manager"
+msgstr "Tilføj projekt eller kontohåndtering"
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1236
-msgid "Processing Suspended:  User Active."
-msgstr "Beregning suspenderet: Bruger er aktiv."
+#: clientgui/WelcomePage.cpp:288
+msgid "Add project or use BOINC Account Manager"
+msgstr "Tilføj projekt eller brug BOINC-kontohåndtering"
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1238
-msgid "Processing Suspended:  User paused processing."
-msgstr "Beregning suspenderet: Bruger satte beregning på pause."
+#: clientgui/WelcomePage.cpp:297
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"If possible, add projects at the\n"
+"%s web site.\n"
+"Projects added via this wizard will not be\n"
+"listed on or managed via %s."
+msgstr ""
+"Hvis det er muligt, bør du tilføje projekter fra\n"
+"Projekter tilføjet via denne guide vil ikke optræde\n"
+"på eller kunne styres fra %s."
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1240
-msgid "Processing Suspended:  Time of Day."
-msgstr "Beregning suspenderet: Tidspunkt på dagen."
+#: clientgui/WelcomePage.cpp:313
+msgid ""
+"There are over 30 BOINC-based projects\n"
+"doing research in many areas of science,\n"
+"and you can volunteer for as many of them as you like.\n"
+"You can add a project directly,\n"
+"or use an 'Account Manager' web site to select projects."
+msgstr ""
+"Der er mere end 30 BOINC-baserede projekter,\n"
+"som udfører forskning inden for mange områder af videnskaben,\n"
+"og du kan melde dig frivilligt for så mange, du ønsker.\n"
+"Du kan tilføje et projekt direkte, eller bruge\n"
+"en kontohåndteringswebside for at vælge projekter."
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1242
-msgid "Processing Suspended:  Benchmarks Running."
-msgstr "Beregning suspenderet: Ydelsesmåling kører."
+#: clientgui/WelcomePage.cpp:325
+msgid ""
+"You have chosen to add a new volunteer computing project or change which projects\n"
+"you contribute to.\n"
+"Some of these projects are run and managed by World Community Grid, while others\n"
+"are run and managed by other researchers or organizations. The BOINC software\n"
+"can divide your spare processing power among any combination of projects.\n"
+"Alternatively, if you have registered with a BOINC Account Manager, you can use\n"
+"this to choose which projects to support.\n"
+"Please choose which type of change you would like to make:\n"
+msgstr ""
+"Du har valgt at tilføje et nyt frivilligt beregningsprojekt eller ændre "
+"hvilke projekter,\n"
+"du bidrager til.\n"
+"Nogle af disse projekter køres og håndteres af World Community Grid, mens "
+"køres og håndteres af andre forskere og organisationer. BOINC-softwaren\n"
+"kan fordele din overskydende processorkraft mellem enhver kombination af "
+"Alternativt, hvis du har registreret dig hos en BOINC-kontohåndtering, kan "
+"du bruge\n"
+"denne til at vælge, hvilke projekter du vil støtte.\n"
+"Overvej venligst, hvilken type ændring du gerne vil lave:\n"
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1244
-msgid "Processing Suspended."
-msgstr "Beregning suspenderet."
+#: clientgui/WelcomePage.cpp:339
+msgid "Use a BOINC Account Manager"
+msgstr "Brug en BOINC-kontohåndtering"
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1248
-msgid "Waiting to contact project servers."
-msgstr "Venter på at kontakte projektservere."
+#: clientgui/WelcomePage.cpp:358
+msgid "Add or change your World Community Grid projects"
+msgstr "Tilføj eller ændr dine World Community Grid-projekter"
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1252 sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1261
-msgid "Retrieving current status"
-msgstr "Henter nuværende status"
+#: clientgui/WelcomePage.cpp:361
+msgid "Add projects run by other researchers or organizations"
+msgstr "Tilføj projekter, der køres af andre forskere og organisationer"
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1256
-msgid "No work available to process"
-msgstr "Intet arbejde tilgængeligt"
+#: clientgui/WizardAttach.cpp:673
+msgid "Do you really want to cancel?"
+msgstr "Er du sikker på, at du vil annullere?"
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1258
-msgid "Unable to connect to the core client"
-msgstr "Kan ikke forbinde til kerneklienten"
+#: clientgui/WizardAttach.cpp:674
+msgid "Question"
+msgstr "Spørgsmål"
-#: wizardex.cpp:377 wizardex.cpp:553
+#: clientgui/wizardex.cpp:377
+#: clientgui/wizardex.cpp:553
 msgid "&Next >"
 msgstr "&Næste >"
-#: wizardex.cpp:383
+#: clientgui/wizardex.cpp:383
 msgid "< &Back"
 msgstr "< &Tilbage"
-#: wizardex.cpp:553
+#: clientgui/wizardex.cpp:553
 msgid "&Finish"
 msgstr "&Afslut"
-#: mac/Mac_GUI.cpp:110
-msgid "Preferences…"
-msgstr "Indstillinger…"
+#: clientgui/common/wxPieCtrl.cpp:64
+msgid "Pie Ctrl"
+msgstr "Pie Ctrl"
-#: mac/Mac_GUI.cpp:122
+#: clientgui/mac/Mac_GUI.cpp:35
 msgid "Services"
 msgstr "Servicer"
-#: mac/Mac_GUI.cpp:144
+#: clientgui/mac/Mac_GUI.cpp:36
 #, c-format
 msgid "Hide %s"
 msgstr "Gem %s"
-#: mac/Mac_GUI.cpp:158
+#: clientgui/mac/Mac_GUI.cpp:37
 msgid "Hide Others"
 msgstr "Gem andre"
-#: mac/Mac_GUI.cpp:172
+#: clientgui/mac/Mac_GUI.cpp:38
 msgid "Show All"
 msgstr "Vis alle"
-#: mac/Mac_GUI.cpp:186
+#: clientgui/mac/Mac_GUI.cpp:39
 #, c-format
 msgid "Quit %s"
 msgstr "Afslut %s"
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.h:30
+msgid "specify work start and stop hours in format HH:MM-HH:MM"
+msgstr "angiv timetal for start og stop af arbejde i formatet TT:MM-TT:MM"
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.h:31
+msgid "specify network usage start and stop hours in format HH:MM-HH:MM"
+msgstr "angiv timetal for start og stop af netværksbrug i formatet TT:MM-TT:MM"
+# 98%
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "(C) 2003-2013 University of California, Berkeley.\n"
+#~ "All Rights Reserved."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "(C) 2003-2013 University of California, Berkeley.\n"
+#~ "Alle rettigheder forbeholdes."
+#, c-format
+#~ msgid "%s - Preferences"
+#~ msgstr "%s – Indstillinger"
+#, no-c-format
+#~ msgid "% of the processors (0 means ignore this setting)"
+#~ msgstr "% af processorerne (0 betyder ignorér denne indstilling)"
+#, no-c-format
+#~ msgid "% CPU time"
+#~ msgstr "% CPU-tid"
+#~ msgid "KBytes/sec."
+#~ msgstr "KBytes/sek"
+#~ msgid "Mbytes"
+#~ msgstr "Mbytes"
+#~ msgid "every"
+#~ msgstr "for hver"
+#~ msgid "days"
+#~ msgstr "dage"
+#~ msgid "Gigabytes disk space"
+#~ msgstr "Gigabytes diskplads"
+#~ msgid "Running, high priority"
+#~ msgstr "Kører, høj prioritet"
+#~ msgid " (Scheduler wait: "
+#~ msgstr " (Planlægger venter: "
+#~ msgid " (Scheduler wait)"
+#~ msgstr " (Planlægger venter)"
+#~ msgid " (Waiting for network access)"
+#~ msgstr " (Venter på netværksadgang)"
+#~ msgid "Preferences…"
+#~ msgstr "Indstillinger …"
 #~ msgid "Account manager website"
 #~ msgstr "Hjemmeside for kontohåndtering"
@@ -4267,15 +4490,6 @@ msgstr "Afslut %s"
 #~ msgid "OnDropTarget: index by HitTest = %i"
 #~ msgstr "OnDropTarget: indeks af HitTest = %i"
-#~ msgid "Pie Ctrl"
-#~ msgstr "Pie Ctrl"
-#~ msgid "specify work start and stop hours in format HH:MM-HH:MM"
-#~ msgstr "angiv timetal for start og stop af arbejde i formatet TT:MM-TT:MM"
-#~ msgid "specify network usage start and stop hours in format HH:MM-HH:MM"
-#~ msgstr "angiv timetal for start og stop af netværksbrug i formatet TT:MM-TT:MM"
 #~ msgid "Read config file"
 #~ msgstr "Læs konfigurationsfilen"
diff --git a/locale/da/BOINC-Setup.mo b/locale/da/BOINC-Setup.mo
index a001ec4..966325a 100644
Binary files a/locale/da/BOINC-Setup.mo and b/locale/da/BOINC-Setup.mo differ
diff --git a/locale/da/BOINC-Setup.po b/locale/da/BOINC-Setup.po
index a3a3fce..dffef92 100644
--- a/locale/da/BOINC-Setup.po
+++ b/locale/da/BOINC-Setup.po
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ msgstr ""
 "Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
 "POT-Creation-Date: 2014-01-26 00:00-0800\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-10-07 20:03+0000\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2014-08-29 15:04+0000\n"
 "Last-Translator: pryds <thomas at pryds.eu>\n"
 "Language-Team: LANGUAGE <LL at li.org>\n"
 "Language: da\n"
@@ -15,17 +15,17 @@ msgstr ""
 "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
 "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
 "Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
-"X-Generator: Poedit 1.5.5\n"
+"X-Generator: Pootle 2.5.0\n"
 "X-Poedit-SearchPath-0: mac_installer\n"
 "X-Poedit-SourceCharset: UTF-8\n"
 "X-Poedit-Basepath: /Volumes/Cheer/BOINC_GIT/boinc_trunk\n"
-"X-POOTLE-MTIME: 1381176195.0\n"
+"X-POOTLE-MTIME: 1409324665.0\n"
 "X-Poedit-KeywordsList: _\n"
 #: Installer.cpp:124
 #, c-format
 msgid "Sorry, this version of %s requires system 10.5 or higher."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Desværre, denne version af %s kræver system 10.5 eller nyere."
 #: PostInstall.cpp:130 PostInstall.cpp:1136 uninstall.cpp:1618
 msgid "Yes"
@@ -105,6 +105,8 @@ msgid ""
 "Do you also want to remove VirtualBox from your computer?\n"
 "(VirtualBox was installed along with BOINC.)"
 msgstr ""
+"Vil du også fjerne VirtualBox fra din computer?\n"
+"(VirtualBox blev installeret sammen med BOINC.)"
 #: uninstall.cpp:312
 #, c-format
@@ -142,7 +144,7 @@ msgstr "Annuller"
 #: uninstall.cpp:1617
 msgid "Continue..."
-msgstr "Fortsæt..."
+msgstr "Fortsæt …"
 #, c-format
 #~ msgid "Sorry, this version of %s requires system 10.4 or higher."
diff --git a/locale/da/BOINC-Web.mo b/locale/da/BOINC-Web.mo
index 62930f5..1a50d3d 100644
Binary files a/locale/da/BOINC-Web.mo and b/locale/da/BOINC-Web.mo differ
diff --git a/locale/da/BOINC-Web.po b/locale/da/BOINC-Web.po
index 0b20737..6e746a5 100644
--- a/locale/da/BOINC-Web.po
+++ b/locale/da/BOINC-Web.po
@@ -7,8 +7,8 @@ msgstr ""
 "Project-Id-Version: BOINC Web 6.x\n"
 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: BOINC translation team <boinc_loc at ssl.berkeley.edu>\n"
 "POT-Creation-Date: 2014-02-01 00:00 PST\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-11-07 18:18+0000\n"
-"Last-Translator: pryds <thomas at pryds.eu>\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2014-08-29 14:53+0000\n"
+"Last-Translator: Anonymous Pootle User\n"
 "Language-Team: BOINC Development Team <boinc_loc at ssl.berkeley.edu>\n"
 "Language: da\n"
 "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ msgstr ""
 "X-BOINC-UTF8-Marker: 简体中文, 日本語\n"
 "X-Poedit-SearchPath-0: doc\n"
 "X-Poedit-Basepath: C:\\Src\\BOINCSVN\\trunk\\boinc\n"
-"X-POOTLE-MTIME: 1383848313.0\n"
+"X-POOTLE-MTIME: 1409324007.0\n"
 "X-Poedit-KeywordsList: tra\n"
 #: docutil.php:21
@@ -47,8 +47,9 @@ msgid "Learn more about VirtualBox."
 msgstr ""
 #: download.php:51
+#, fuzzy
 msgid "Download BOINC + VirtualBox"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Download BOINC + Virtualbox"
 #: download.php:54 download.php:69
 #, php-format
@@ -401,7 +402,7 @@ msgstr "BOINC har base på The University of California, Berkeley"
 #: projects.inc:14
 msgid "Distributed sensing"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Distribueret føling"
 #: projects.inc:19
 msgid "Stanford University"
diff --git a/locale/de/BOINC-Manager.po b/locale/de/BOINC-Manager.po
index a3791a3..ba8523e 100644
--- a/locale/de/BOINC-Manager.po
+++ b/locale/de/BOINC-Manager.po
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ msgid ""
 msgstr ""
 "Project-Id-Version: BOINC Manager 6.4x\n"
 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-02-02 00:00-0800\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-12-15 14:15-0500\n"
 "PO-Revision-Date: 2014-04-06 14:05+0000\n"
 "Last-Translator: Christian <djangofett at gmx.net>\n"
 "Language-Team: BOINC.DE Team <webmaster at boinc.de>\n"
@@ -16,23 +16,23 @@ msgstr ""
 "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
 "Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
 "X-Generator: Pootle 2.5.0\n"
-"X-BOINC-UTF8-Marker: 简体中文, 日本語\n"
-"X-Poedit-SearchPath-1: clientgui/msw\n"
-"X-Poedit-SearchPath-2: clientgui/gtk\n"
-"X-Poedit-SearchPath-3: clientgui/mac\n"
+"X-Poedit-Basepath: C:\\Src\\BOINCGIT\\boinc_7.4\n"
 "X-Poedit-SearchPath-0: clientgui\n"
 "X-Poedit-SourceCharset: utf-8\n"
-"X-Poedit-Basepath: C:\\Src\\BOINCGIT\\boinc\n"
 "X-POOTLE-MTIME: 1396793150.0\n"
+"X-Poedit-SearchPath-1: clientgui/msw\n"
+"X-Poedit-SearchPath-2: clientgui/gtk\n"
+"X-Poedit-SearchPath-3: clientgui/mac\n"
+"X-BOINC-UTF8-Marker: 简体中文, 日本語\n"
 # 81%
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:387
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:387
 #, c-format
 #, c-format, c-format
 msgid "Identify your account at %s"
 msgstr "Identifizieren Sie Ihr Benutzerkonto bei %s"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:393
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:393
 msgid ""
 "Please enter your account information\n"
 "(to create an account, visit the project's web site)"
@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ msgstr ""
 "Bitte geben Sie Ihre Kontoinformationen ein.\n"
 "(Zum Erstellen eines Benutzerkontos, Projektseite besuchen)"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:397
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:397
 msgid ""
 "This project is not currently accepting new accounts.\n"
 "You can add it only if you already have an account."
@@ -49,19 +49,19 @@ msgstr ""
 "Sie können es nur hinzufügen, wenn Sie bereits über ein\n"
 "Teilnehmerkonto verfügen."
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:401
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:401
 msgid "Are you already running this project?"
 msgstr "Nehmen Sie bereits an diesem Projekt teil?"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:405
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:405
 msgid "&No, new user"
 msgstr "&Nein, neuer Benutzer"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:408
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:408
 msgid "&Yes, existing user"
 msgstr "&Ja, existierender Benutzer"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:413
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:413
 msgid ""
 "We were not able to set up your account information\n"
@@ -77,45 +77,51 @@ msgstr ""
 "um die richtigen Eingaben für die E-Mail-Adresse und \n"
 "das Passwort zu finden."
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:416
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:416
 msgid "Find login information"
 msgstr "Kontoinformationen suchen"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:436 AccountInfoPage.cpp:641
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:436
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:649
 msgid "&Password:"
 msgstr "&Passwort:"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:443 AccountInfoPage.cpp:665
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:443
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:673
 msgid "Choose a &password:"
 msgstr "&Passwort wählen:"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:446
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:446
 msgid "C&onfirm password:"
 msgstr "Passwort &bestätigen:"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:453
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:453
 #, c-format
 msgid "Are you already running %s?"
 msgstr "Läuft %s bereits?"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:482
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:482
 msgid "&Username:"
 msgstr "Benutzername:"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:508
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:511
+msgid "&Email address or LDAP ID:"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:515
 msgid "&Email address:"
 msgstr "E-Mail-Adresse:"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:515
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:523
 #, c-format
 msgid "minimum length %d"
 msgstr "minimale Länge %d"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:522
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:530
 msgid "Forgot your password?"
 msgstr "Haben Sie ihr Passwort vergessen?"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:529
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:537
 msgid ""
 "If you have not yet registered with this account manager,\n"
 "please do so before proceeding.  Click on the link below\n"
@@ -126,47 +132,46 @@ msgstr ""
 "den folgenden Link, um sich zu registrieren oder ein\n"
 "neues Passwort anzufordern."
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:532
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:540
 msgid "Account manager web site"
 msgstr "Webseite der Kontoverwaltung"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:574 WelcomePage.cpp:348
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:582
 msgid "Add project"
 msgstr "Projekt hinzufügen"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:576
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:584
 msgid "Update account manager"
 msgstr "Kontoverwaltung aktualisieren"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:578 WelcomePage.cpp:307 WelcomePage.cpp:321
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:586
 msgid "Use account manager"
 msgstr "Kontoverwaltung benutzen"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:585
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:593
 msgid "Please enter a user name."
 msgstr "Geben Sie bitte einen Benutzernamen ein."
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:587
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:595
 msgid "Please enter an email address."
 msgstr "Geben Sie bitte eine E-Mail-Adresse ein."
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:597
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:605
 #, c-format
 msgid "Please enter a password of at least %d characters."
 msgstr "Geben Sie bitte ein Passwort mit mindestens %d Zeichen ein."
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:607
-msgid ""
-"The password and confirmation password do not match. Please type them again."
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:615
+msgid "The password and confirmation password do not match. Please type them again."
 msgstr ""
 "Das Passwort und die Bestätigung weichen voneinander ab. Bitte wiederholen "
 "sie die Eingabe."
-#: AccountManagerInfoPage.cpp:272
+#: clientgui/AccountManagerInfoPage.cpp:272
 msgid "Choose an account manager"
 msgstr "Wählen Sie eine Kontoverwaltung"
-#: AccountManagerInfoPage.cpp:275
+#: clientgui/AccountManagerInfoPage.cpp:275
 msgid ""
 "To choose an account manager, click its name or \n"
 "type its URL below."
@@ -174,388 +179,405 @@ msgstr ""
 "Um eine Kontoverwaltung zu wählen, klicken Sie auf den Namen\n"
 "oder geben Sie die Kontoverwaltungsadresse ein."
-#: AccountManagerInfoPage.cpp:279
+#: clientgui/AccountManagerInfoPage.cpp:279
 msgid "Account manager details:"
 msgstr "Details der Kontoverwaltung:"
-#: AccountManagerInfoPage.cpp:283
+#: clientgui/AccountManagerInfoPage.cpp:283
 msgid "Account manager &URL:"
 msgstr "Kontoverwaltung &URL:"
-#: AccountManagerInfoPage.cpp:287
+#: clientgui/AccountManagerInfoPage.cpp:287
 msgid "Open web page"
 msgstr "Webseite öffnen"
-#: AccountManagerInfoPage.cpp:290
+#: clientgui/AccountManagerInfoPage.cpp:290
 msgid "Visit this account manager's web site"
 msgstr "Die Webseite dieser Kontoverwaltung besuchen"
-#: AccountManagerProcessingPage.cpp:187 AccountManagerPropertiesPage.cpp:193
+#: clientgui/AccountManagerProcessingPage.cpp:186
+#: clientgui/AccountManagerPropertiesPage.cpp:192
 #, c-format
 msgid "Communicating with %s."
 msgstr "Kommunikation mit %s."
-#: AccountManagerProcessingPage.cpp:194 AccountManagerPropertiesPage.cpp:200
+#: clientgui/AccountManagerProcessingPage.cpp:193
+#: clientgui/AccountManagerPropertiesPage.cpp:199
 msgid "Communicating with server."
 msgstr "Kommunikation mit dem Server."
-#: AccountManagerProcessingPage.cpp:199 AccountManagerPropertiesPage.cpp:205
+#: clientgui/AccountManagerProcessingPage.cpp:198
+#: clientgui/AccountManagerPropertiesPage.cpp:204
 msgid "Please wait..."
 msgstr "Bitte warten..."
-#: AccountManagerProcessingPage.cpp:326
+#: clientgui/AccountManagerProcessingPage.cpp:325
 msgid "An internal server error has occurred.\n"
 msgstr "Ein interner Server-Fehler ist aufgetreten.\n"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:95
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:96
 msgid "Connected"
 msgstr "Verbunden"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:103
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:104
 msgid "Disconnected"
 msgstr "Verbindung getrennt"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:322 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:119
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:318
 #, c-format
 msgid "Close the %s window"
 msgstr "Das %s Fenster schließen."
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:325 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:122
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:321
 msgid "&Close Window"
 msgstr "Fenster &Schließen"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:336 AdvancedFrame.cpp:343 AdvancedFrame.cpp:350
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:332
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:339
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:346
 #, c-format
 msgid "Exit %s"
 msgstr "Beende %s"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:371
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:359
+msgid "Preferences..."
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:368
 msgid "&Notices\tCtrl+Shift+N"
 msgstr "&Nachrichten\tCtrl+Shift+N"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:372
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:369
 msgid "Display notices"
 msgstr "Nachrichten anzeigen"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:377
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:374
 msgid "&Projects\tCtrl+Shift+P"
 msgstr "&Projekte\tCtrl+Shift+P"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:378
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:375
 msgid "Display projects"
 msgstr "Projekte anzeigen"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:383
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:380
 msgid "&Tasks\tCtrl+Shift+T"
 msgstr "&Aufgaben\tCtrl+Shift+A"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:384
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:381
 msgid "Display tasks"
 msgstr "Aufgaben anzeigen"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:389
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:386
 msgid "Trans&fers\tCtrl+Shift+X"
 msgstr "Ü&bertragungen\tCtrl+Shift+B"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:390
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:387
 msgid "Display transfers"
 msgstr "Übertragungen anzeigen"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:395
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:392
 msgid "&Statistics\tCtrl+Shift+S"
 msgstr "&Statistiken\tCtrl+Shift+S"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:396
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:393
 msgid "Display statistics"
 msgstr "Statistiken anzeigen"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:401
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:398
 msgid "&Disk usage\tCtrl+Shift+D"
 msgstr "&Festplatte\tCtrl+Shift+F"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:402
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:399
 msgid "Display disk usage"
 msgstr "Festplattennutzung anzeigen"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:409
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:406
 msgid "Simple &View...\tCtrl+Shift+V"
 msgstr "&Einfache Ansicht...\tCtrl+Shift+E"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:410
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:407
 msgid "Display the simple graphical interface."
 msgstr "Schaltet auf die vereinfachte BOINC-Grafikoberfläche um."
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:424
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:421
 msgid "&Add project or account manager..."
 msgstr "Ein &Projekt oder eine Kontoverwaltung hinzufügen..."
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:425 sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:76
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:422
 msgid "Volunteer for any or all of 30+ projects in many areas of science"
 msgstr ""
 "Nimm an einigen oder allen der über 30 Projekte aus verschiedenen Bereichen "
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:429
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:426
 #, c-format
 msgid "&Synchronize with %s"
 msgstr "&Synchronisiere mit %s"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:433
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:430
 #, c-format
 msgid "Get current settings from %s"
 msgstr "Hole die aktuellen Einstellungen von %s"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:443
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:440
 msgid "&Add project..."
 msgstr "Projekt &hinzufügen..."
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:444
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:441
 msgid "Add a project"
 msgstr "Ein Projekt hinzufügen"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:447
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:444
 #, c-format
 msgid "S&top using %s..."
 msgstr "&Stoppe die Nutzung von %s ..."
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:453
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:450
 msgid "Remove this computer from account manager control."
 msgstr "Trennt diesen Client von der Kontoverwaltung."
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:458 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:178
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:455
 msgid "&Options..."
 msgstr "&Optionen..."
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:459 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:179
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:456
 msgid "Configure display options and proxy settings"
 msgstr ""
 "Das Aussehen des BOINC Managers und die Proxy Einstellungen konfigurieren."
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:463 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:172
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:460
 msgid "Computing &preferences..."
 msgstr "&Einstellungen..."
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:464 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:173
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:461
 msgid "Configure computing preferences"
 msgstr "Die lokalen Einstellungen konfigurieren."
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:472
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:469
 msgid "&Run always"
 msgstr "&Immer ausführen"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:473
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:470
 msgid "Allow work regardless of preferences"
 msgstr ""
 "BOINC arbeitet permanent. Andere Einstellungen, ausgenommen zum "
 "Netzwerkzugriff, werden übersteuert."
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:477
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:474
 msgid "Run based on &preferences"
 msgstr "Ausführen nach &Voreinstellung"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:478
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:475
 msgid "Allow work according to preferences"
 msgstr "BOINC arbeitet entsprechend der Einstellungen."
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:482
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:479
 msgid "&Suspend"
 msgstr "&Anhalten"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:483
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:480
 msgid "Stop work regardless of preferences"
 msgstr ""
 "BOINC unterbricht alle Arbeiten. Andere Einstellungen werden übersteuert."
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:508
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:505
 msgid "Use GPU always"
 msgstr "GPU immer nutzen"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:509
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:506
 msgid "Allow GPU work regardless of preferences"
 msgstr "Erlaubt GPU-Arbeit ungeachtet der Voreinstellungen"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:513
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:510
 msgid "Use GPU based on preferences"
 msgstr "GPU-Nutzung nach &Voreinstellung"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:514
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:511
 msgid "Allow GPU work according to preferences"
 msgstr "BOINC nutzt die GPU entsprechend der Einstellungen."
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:518
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:515
 msgid "Suspend GPU"
 msgstr "GPU anhalten"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:519
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:516
 msgid "Stop GPU work regardless of preferences"
 msgstr "Stoppt GPU-Arbeit ungeachtet der Voreinstellungen."
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:543
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:540
 msgid "Network activity always available"
 msgstr "Netzwerkzugriff immer &erlaubt"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:544
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:541
 msgid "Allow network activity regardless of preferences"
 msgstr "Erlaubt BOINC immer auf das Internet zuzugreifen."
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:548
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:545
 msgid "Network activity based on preferences"
 msgstr "Netzwerkaktivität nach V&oreinstellung"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:549
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:546
 msgid "Allow network activity according to preferences"
 msgstr "Erlaubt BOINC den Internetzugriff entsprechend den Einstellungen."
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:553
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:550
 msgid "Network activity suspended"
 msgstr "Netzwerkzugriff a&bgeschaltet"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:554
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:551
 msgid "Stop BOINC network activity"
 msgstr "Verhindert dass BOINC auf das Internet zugreift."
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:564
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:561
 #, c-format
 msgid "Connect to another computer running %s"
 msgstr "Verbindet mit einem anderen Computer auf dem %s läuft."
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:569
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:566
 msgid "Select computer..."
 msgstr "&Computer auswählen..."
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:574
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:571
 msgid "Shut down connected client..."
 msgstr "Beenden des aktuell verbundenen Client..."
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:575
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:572
 msgid "Shut down the currently connected client"
 msgstr "Beendet den aktuell verbundenen Client."
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:579
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:576
 msgid "Run CPU &benchmarks"
 msgstr "Bench&marks ausführen"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:580
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:577
 msgid "Runs BOINC CPU benchmarks"
 msgstr "Startet die BOINC CPU Benchmarks."
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:584
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:581
 msgid "Do network communication"
 msgstr "Netzwerk-&Kommunikation ausführen"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:585
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:582
 msgid "Do all pending network communication"
 msgstr "Ausstehende Netzwerk-Kommunikation ausführen."
 # 94%
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:589
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:586
 msgid "Read config files"
 msgstr "Konfigurationsdateien einlesen"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:590
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:587
 msgid "Read configuration info from cc_config.xml and any app_config.xml files"
 msgstr ""
 "Die Einstellungen der cc_config.xml Datei und etwaiger app_config.xml "
 "Dateien einlesen."
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:594
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:591
 msgid "Read local prefs file"
 msgstr "Lokale Einstellungsdatei lesen"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:595
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:592
 msgid "Read preferences from global_prefs_override.xml."
 msgstr "Einstellungen aus global_prefs_override.xml lesen."
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:600
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:597
 #, c-format
 msgid "Launch another instance of %s..."
 msgstr "Eine neue Instanz von %s starten..."
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:604
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:601
 #, c-format
 msgid "Launch another %s"
 msgstr "Weiteren %s starten"
 # Das Eventlog in 6.12 ist das Meldungstab aus 6.10 hier sollte der Name konsistent bleiben.
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:614
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:611
 msgid "Event Log...\tCtrl+Shift+E"
 msgstr "Meldungen... \t Ctrl+Shift+M"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:615
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:612
 msgid "Display diagnostic messages."
 msgstr "Zeige Diagnosenachrichten."
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:625 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:188
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:616
+msgid "Event Log Diagnostic Flags...\tCtrl+Shift+F"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:617
+msgid "Enable or disable various diagnostic messages"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:626
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s &help"
 msgstr "%s &Hilfe"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:631 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:194
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:632
 #, c-format
 msgid "Show information about %s"
 msgstr "Zeige Informationen über %s"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:643
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:644
 #, c-format
 msgid "&%s help"
 msgstr "&%s Hilfe"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:649 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:212
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:650
 #, c-format
 msgid "Show information about the %s"
 msgstr "Zeige Informationen über %s"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:661 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:224
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:662
 #, c-format
 #, c-format, c-format
 msgid "%s &web site"
 msgstr "%s &Webseite"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:667 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:230
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:668
 #, c-format
 msgid "Show information about BOINC and %s"
 msgstr "Zeige Informationen über BOINC und %s"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:679 BOINCTaskBar.cpp:530 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:242
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:680
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:544
 #, c-format
 msgid "&About %s..."
 msgstr "&Über %s..."
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:685 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:248
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:686
 msgid "Licensing and copyright information."
 msgstr "Lizenz- und Urheberrechts-Informationen."
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:692 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:255
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:693
 msgid "&File"
 msgstr "&Datei"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:696 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:259
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:697
 msgid "&View"
 msgstr "&Ansicht"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:700 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:263
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:701
 msgid "&Tools"
 msgstr "Ass&istenten"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:704
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:705
 msgid "&Activity"
 msgstr "&Steuerung"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:708
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:709
 msgid "A&dvanced"
 msgstr "&Extras"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:712 DlgEventLog.cpp:332 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:267
-#: wizardex.cpp:374 wizardex.cpp:381
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:713
 msgid "&Help"
 msgstr "&Hilfe"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:1199
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1185
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - Stop using %s"
 msgstr "%s - Nutzung von %s beenden"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:1204
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1190
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "If you stop using %s,\n"
@@ -570,12 +592,12 @@ msgstr ""
 "Wollen Sie mit der Abmeldung von %s fortfahren?"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:1401
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1397
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - Shut down the current client..."
 msgstr "%s - Beende den aktuellen Client..."
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:1410
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1406
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "%s will shut down the current client\n"
@@ -584,37 +606,37 @@ msgstr ""
 "%s - beendet den aktuell verbundenen Client,\n"
 "und fragt nach einem anderen Rechner zum Verbinden."
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:1745 DlgAbout.cpp:119
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1806
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s"
 msgstr "%s"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:1754
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1815
 #, c-format
 #, c-format,
 msgid "%s has successfully added %s"
 msgstr "%s hat erfolgreich %s hinzugefügt."
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:1893
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1953
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - (%s)"
 msgstr "%s - (%s)"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:1897
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1957
 #, c-format
 msgid "Connecting to %s"
 msgstr "Verbinden mit %s"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:1900
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1960
 #, c-format
 msgid "Connected to %s (%s)"
 msgstr "Verbunden mit %s (%s)"
-#: AlreadyExistsPage.cpp:184
+#: clientgui/AlreadyExistsPage.cpp:184
 msgid "Username already in use"
 msgstr "Der Benutzername wird bereits verwendet!"
-#: AlreadyExistsPage.cpp:187
+#: clientgui/AlreadyExistsPage.cpp:187
 msgid ""
 "An account with that username already exists and has a\n"
 "different password than the one you entered.\n"
@@ -626,11 +648,11 @@ msgstr ""
 "Bitte besuchen Sie die Projektwebseite und folgen Sie dort den Anweisungen."
-#: AlreadyExistsPage.cpp:191
+#: clientgui/AlreadyExistsPage.cpp:191
 msgid "Email address already in use"
 msgstr "Diese E-Mail-Adresse wird bereits benutzt!"
-#: AlreadyExistsPage.cpp:194
+#: clientgui/AlreadyExistsPage.cpp:194
 msgid ""
 "An account with that email address already exists and has a\n"
 "different password than the one you entered.\n"
@@ -642,45 +664,44 @@ msgstr ""
 "Bitte besuchen Sie die Projektwebseite und folgen Sie dort den Anweisungen."
-#: AsyncRPC.cpp:1031
+#: clientgui/AsyncRPC.cpp:1031
 msgid "Communicating with BOINC client.  Please wait ..."
 msgstr "Kommuniziere mit dem BOINC Client. Bitte warten ..."
-#: AsyncRPC.cpp:1034
+#: clientgui/AsyncRPC.cpp:1034
 #, c-format
 msgid "&Quit %s"
 msgstr "&Schließe %s"
-#: AsyncRPC.cpp:1036
+#: clientgui/AsyncRPC.cpp:1036
 #, c-format
 msgid "E&xit %s"
 msgstr "B&eende %s"
-#: AsyncRPC.cpp:1040
+#: clientgui/AsyncRPC.cpp:1040
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - Communication"
 msgstr "%s - Kommunikation"
-#: AsyncRPC.cpp:1056 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:107 sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:433
+#: clientgui/AsyncRPC.cpp:1056
 msgid "Cancel"
 msgstr "&Abbrechen"
-#: BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:505
+#: clientgui/BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:504
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - Connection Error"
 msgstr "%s - Verbindungsfehler"
-#: BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:514
+#: clientgui/BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:513
 msgid ""
 "You currently are not authorized to manage the client.\n"
-"Please contact your administrator to add you to the 'boinc_users' local user "
+"Please contact your administrator to add you to the 'boinc_users' local user group."
 msgstr ""
 "Sie sind nicht autorisiert den Client zu verwalten.\n"
 "Bitte fragen Sie Ihren Administrator, ob er sie zu der lokalen Nutzergruppe "
 "'boinc_users' hinzufügen kann."
-#: BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:523
+#: clientgui/BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:522
 msgid ""
 "Authorization failed connecting to running client.\n"
 "Make sure you start this program in the same directory as the client."
@@ -690,22 +711,22 @@ msgstr ""
 "Überprüfen Sie, ob das Programm im selben Verzeichnis wie der Client "
 "gestartet wurde."
-#: BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:525
+#: clientgui/BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:524
 msgid "Authorization failed connecting to running client."
 msgstr ""
 "Autorisation fehlgeschlagen beim Versuch mit dem laufenden Client zu "
-#: BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:533
+#: clientgui/BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:532
 msgid "The password you have provided is incorrect, please try again."
 msgstr "Das eingegebene Passwort ist falsch. Bitte erneut versuchen."
-#: BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:577
+#: clientgui/BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:576
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - Connection Failed"
 msgstr "%s - Verbindung fehlgeschlagen"
-#: BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:586
+#: clientgui/BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:585
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "%s is not able to connect to a %s client.\n"
@@ -714,23 +735,22 @@ msgstr ""
 "%s kann sich nicht mit einem %s Client verbinden.\n"
 "Wollen Sie es erneut versuchen?"
-#: BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:622
+#: clientgui/BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:621
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - Daemon Start Failed"
 msgstr "Start des %s - Dienstes fehlgeschlagen."
-#: BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:632
+#: clientgui/BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:631
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "%s is not able to start a %s client.\n"
-"Please launch the Control Panel->Administative Tools->Services applet and "
-"start the BOINC service."
+"Please launch the Control Panel->Administative Tools->Services applet and start the BOINC service."
 msgstr ""
 "%s ist nicht in der Lage einen %s Client zu starten.\n"
 "Bitte öffnen Sie die Systemsteuerung->Verwaltung->Dienste und starten Sie "
 "den BOINC Dienst."
-#: BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:638
+#: clientgui/BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:637
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "%s is not able to start a %s client.\n"
@@ -739,17 +759,16 @@ msgstr ""
 "%s ist nicht in der Lage einen %s Client zu starten.\n"
 "Bitte starten Sie den Dienst und versuchen Sie es erneut."
-#: BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:689
+#: clientgui/BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:688
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - Connection Status"
 msgstr "%s - Verbindungsstatus"
-#: BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:700
+#: clientgui/BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:699
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "%s is not currently connected to a %s client.\n"
-"Please use the 'Advanced\\Select Computer...' menu option to connect up to a "
-"%s client.\n"
+"Please use the 'Advanced\\Select Computer...' menu option to connect up to a %s client.\n"
 "To connect up to your local computer please use 'localhost' as the host name."
 msgstr ""
 "%s ist augenblicklich nicht mit mit dem %s Client verbunden.\n"
@@ -760,16 +779,16 @@ msgstr ""
 # 88%
-#: BOINCBaseView.cpp:779
+#: clientgui/BOINCBaseView.cpp:752
 msgid "Project web pages"
 msgstr "Projekt-Webseite"
-#: BOINCClientManager.cpp:575
+#: clientgui/BOINCClientManager.cpp:573
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - Unexpected Exit"
 msgstr "%s - Unerwartetes Ende"
-#: BOINCClientManager.cpp:585
+#: clientgui/BOINCClientManager.cpp:583
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "The %s client has exited unexpectedly 3 times within the last %d minutes.\n"
@@ -779,12 +798,12 @@ msgstr ""
 "Soll er erneut gestartet werden?"
-#: BOINCDialupManager.cpp:61
+#: clientgui/BOINCDialupManager.cpp:61
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - Network Status"
 msgstr "%s - Netzwerkstatus"
-#: BOINCDialupManager.cpp:241
+#: clientgui/BOINCDialupManager.cpp:241
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "%s needs to connect to the Internet.\n"
@@ -793,22 +812,22 @@ msgstr ""
 "%s benötigt eine Verbindung zum Netzwerk.\n"
 "Darf es sich jetzt einwählen?"
-#: BOINCDialupManager.cpp:254
+#: clientgui/BOINCDialupManager.cpp:254
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s is connecting to the Internet."
 msgstr "%s verbindet sich mit dem Internet."
-#: BOINCDialupManager.cpp:303
+#: clientgui/BOINCDialupManager.cpp:303
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s has successfully connected to the Internet."
 msgstr "%s konnte sich erfolgreich mit dem Internet verbinden."
-#: BOINCDialupManager.cpp:331
+#: clientgui/BOINCDialupManager.cpp:331
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s failed to connect to the Internet."
 msgstr "%s konnte sich nicht mit dem Internet verbinden."
-#: BOINCDialupManager.cpp:372
+#: clientgui/BOINCDialupManager.cpp:372
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "%s has detected it is now connected to the Internet.\n"
@@ -817,17 +836,17 @@ msgstr ""
 "%s ist jetzt mit dem Internet verbunden.\n"
 "Alle Projekte werden aktualisiert und alle Übertragungen fortgesetzt."
-#: BOINCDialupManager.cpp:417
+#: clientgui/BOINCDialupManager.cpp:417
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s has successfully disconnected from the Internet."
 msgstr "%s hat die Internetverbindung erfolgreich beendet."
-#: BOINCDialupManager.cpp:433
+#: clientgui/BOINCDialupManager.cpp:433
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s failed to disconnected from the Internet."
 msgstr "%s konnte die Internetverbindung nicht beenden."
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:339
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:595
 #, c-format
 #, c-format, c-format
 msgid ""
@@ -849,7 +868,7 @@ msgstr ""
 "  - Ihren Administrator kontaktieren damit Sie in die\n"
 "    Benutzergruppe 'boinc_master'  aufgenommen werden."
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:345
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:601
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "%s ownership or permissions are not set properly; please reinstall %s.\n"
@@ -859,16 +878,15 @@ msgstr ""
 "installieren Sie %s neu.\n"
 "(Fehlercode %d"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:351
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:607
 msgid " at "
 msgstr " bei "
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:354 MainDocument.cpp:2484 MainDocument.cpp:2534
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2554 ViewTransfers.cpp:803
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:610
 msgid ")"
 msgstr ")"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:384
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:640
 msgid ""
 "A reboot is required in order for BOINC to run properly.\n"
 "Please reboot your computer and try again."
@@ -877,162 +895,164 @@ msgstr ""
 "funktioniert. Bitte starten sie den Computer neu und\n"
 "versuchen es erneut."
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:385 DlgAbout.cpp:153
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:641
 msgid "BOINC Manager"
 msgstr "BOINC-Manager"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:572
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:902
 msgid "BOINC Manager was started by the operating system automatically"
 msgstr "Der BOINC-Manager wurde automatisch vom Betriebssystem gestartet."
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:574
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:904
 msgid "Startup BOINC so only the system tray icon is visible"
 msgstr ""
 "Starte BOINC so, dass nur das Symbol im Infobereich der Taskleiste sichtbar "
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:576
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:906
 msgid "Directory containing the BOINC Client executable"
 msgstr "Verzeichnis der BOINC-Client Programmdateien"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:577
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:907
 msgid "BOINC data directory"
 msgstr "Datenverzeichnis des BOINC-Client"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:579
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:909
 msgid "Host name or IP address"
 msgstr "Rechnername oder IP-Adresse"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:580
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:910
 msgid "GUI RPC port number"
 msgstr "GUI RPC Portnummer"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:581
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:911
 msgid "Password"
 msgstr "Passwort"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:582
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:912
 msgid "Startup BOINC with these optional arguments"
 msgstr "Starte BOINC mit diesen optionalen Argumenten"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:583
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:913
 msgid "disable BOINC security users and permissions"
 msgstr "BOINC Sicherheit Benutzer und Rechte abschalten"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:584
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:914
 msgid "set skin debugging mode to enable skin manager error messages"
 msgstr "Skin-Debugmodus einschalten um Skin-Manager Fehlermeldungen zu sehen"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:585
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:915
 msgid "multiple instances of BOINC Manager allowed"
 msgstr "mehrere Instanzen des BOINC Managers erlauben"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:587
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:917
 msgid "Not used: workaround for bug in XCode 4.2"
 msgstr "Nicht verwendet: Workaround für den Fehler in XCode 4.2"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:814
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:1164
 msgid "(Automatic Detection)"
 msgstr "(Automatische Erkennung)"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:815
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:1165
 msgid "(Unknown)"
 msgstr "(Unbekannt)"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:816
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:1166
 msgid "(User Defined)"
 msgstr "(Benutzerauswahl)"
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:508
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:522
 #, c-format
 msgid "Open %s Web..."
 msgstr "Öffne %s Web..."
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:515
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:529
 #, c-format
 msgid "Open %s..."
 msgstr "Öffne %s..."
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:522 BOINCTaskBar.cpp:619 BOINCTaskBar.cpp:627
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:536
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:633
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:641
 msgid "Snooze"
 msgstr "BOINC anhalten"
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:524 BOINCTaskBar.cpp:646 BOINCTaskBar.cpp:654
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:538
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:660
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:668
 msgid "Snooze GPU"
 msgstr "GPU pausieren"
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:542
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:556
 msgid "E&xit"
 msgstr "&Beenden"
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:612 ViewProjects.cpp:718 ViewWork.cpp:795
-#: sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:758 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:110
-#: sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:102
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:626
 msgid "Resume"
 msgstr "Fortsetzen"
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:639
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:653
 msgid "Resume GPU"
 msgstr "GPU fortsetzen"
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:713
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:727
 msgid "Computing is enabled"
 msgstr "Rechnen ist erlaubt"
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:717
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:731
 msgid "Computing is suspended - "
 msgstr "Berechnung wurde angehalten - "
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:727
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:741
 msgid "GPU computing is enabled"
 msgstr "Rechnen mit GPU ist erlaubt"
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:730
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:744
 msgid "GPU computing is suspended - "
 msgstr "GPU Berechnung wurde angehalten - "
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:739
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:753
 msgid "Network is enabled"
 msgstr "Nutzung des Netzwerks erlaubt"
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:742
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:756
 msgid "Network is suspended - "
 msgstr "Netzwerkzugriff ist abgeschaltet - "
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:750
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:764
 msgid "Reconnecting to client."
 msgstr "Wiederherstellen der Verbindung zu einem Client."
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:752
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:766
 msgid "Not connected to a client."
 msgstr "Nicht mit einem Client verbunden."
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:805
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:819
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s Notices"
 msgstr "%s Nachrichten"
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:811
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:825
 msgid "There are new notices - click to view."
 msgstr "Es gibt neue Nachrichten - klicken zum anzeigen."
-#: CompletionErrorPage.cpp:199
+#: clientgui/CompletionErrorPage.cpp:199
 msgid "Failed to add project"
 msgstr "Hinzufügen des Projekts fehlgeschlagen"
-#: CompletionErrorPage.cpp:204
+#: clientgui/CompletionErrorPage.cpp:204
 msgid "Failed to update account manager"
 msgstr "Aktualisieren der Kontoverwaltung fehlgeschlagen!"
-#: CompletionErrorPage.cpp:208
+#: clientgui/CompletionErrorPage.cpp:208
 msgid "Failed to remove account manager"
 msgstr "Entfernen der Kontoverwaltung fehlgeschlagen!"
-#: CompletionErrorPage.cpp:212
+#: clientgui/CompletionErrorPage.cpp:212
 msgid "Failed to add account manager"
 msgstr "Anmelden an der Kontoverwaltung fehlgeschlagen."
-#: CompletionErrorPage.cpp:221
+#: clientgui/CompletionErrorPage.cpp:221
 msgid ""
 "Please try again later.\n"
@@ -1042,24 +1062,26 @@ msgstr ""
 "Klick auf Beenden zum Schließen."
-#: CompletionErrorPage.cpp:225 CompletionPage.cpp:222 CompletionPage.cpp:242
-#: CompletionPage.cpp:273
+#: clientgui/CompletionErrorPage.cpp:225
+#: clientgui/CompletionPage.cpp:222
+#: clientgui/CompletionPage.cpp:242
+#: clientgui/CompletionPage.cpp:273
 msgid "Click Finish to close."
 msgstr "Klicke [Beenden] zum Schließen."
-#: CompletionErrorPage.cpp:234
+#: clientgui/CompletionErrorPage.cpp:234
 msgid "Messages from server:"
 msgstr "Nachricht vom Server:"
-#: CompletionPage.cpp:207
+#: clientgui/CompletionPage.cpp:207
 msgid "Project added"
 msgstr "Projekt hinzugefügt"
-#: CompletionPage.cpp:213
+#: clientgui/CompletionPage.cpp:213
 msgid "This project has been successfully added."
 msgstr "Das Projekt wurde erfolgreich hinzugefügt."
-#: CompletionPage.cpp:218
+#: clientgui/CompletionPage.cpp:218
 msgid ""
 "When you click Finish, your web browser will go to a page where\n"
 "you can set your account name and preferences."
@@ -1067,122 +1089,124 @@ msgstr ""
 "Wenn Sie auf [Beenden] klicken wird Ihr Webbrowser zu\n"
 "einer Webseite geführt, wo sie Kontoname und Einstellungen anpassen können."
-#: CompletionPage.cpp:232
+#: clientgui/CompletionPage.cpp:232
 #, c-format
 msgid "Update from %s completed."
 msgstr "Aktualisierung von %s abgeschlossen."
-#: CompletionPage.cpp:236
+#: clientgui/CompletionPage.cpp:236
 msgid "Update completed."
 msgstr "Aktualisierung abgeschlossen."
-#: CompletionPage.cpp:247
+#: clientgui/CompletionPage.cpp:247
 msgid "Now using account manager"
 msgstr "Kontoverwaltung wird jetzt genutzt."
-#: CompletionPage.cpp:252
+#: clientgui/CompletionPage.cpp:252
 #, c-format
 msgid "Welcome to %s!"
 msgstr "Willkommen bei %s!"
-#: CompletionPage.cpp:263
+#: clientgui/CompletionPage.cpp:263
 #, c-format
 msgid "You are now using %s to manage accounts."
 msgstr "Sie benutzen jetzt %s als Kontoverwaltung."
-#: CompletionPage.cpp:267
+#: clientgui/CompletionPage.cpp:267
 msgid "You are now using this account manager."
 msgstr "Sie benutzen jetzt diese Kontoverwaltung."
-#: DlgAbout.cpp:113 mac/Mac_GUI.cpp:96
+#: clientgui/DlgAbout.cpp:113
 #, c-format
 msgid "About %s"
 msgstr "Über %s"
-#: DlgAbout.cpp:172
+#: clientgui/DlgAbout.cpp:172
 msgid "Version:"
 msgstr "Version:"
-#: DlgAbout.cpp:180
+#: clientgui/DlgAbout.cpp:180
 msgid "wxWidgets Version:"
 msgstr "wxWidgets Version:"
-#: DlgAbout.cpp:188
+#: clientgui/DlgAbout.cpp:188
 msgid "Copyright:"
 msgstr "Copyright:"
-# 98%
-#: DlgAbout.cpp:192
+#: clientgui/DlgAbout.cpp:192
 msgid ""
-"(C) 2003-2013 University of California, Berkeley.\n"
+"(C) 2003-2014 University of California, Berkeley.\n"
 "All Rights Reserved."
 msgstr ""
-"(C) 2003-2013 University of California, Berkeley.\n"
-"Alle Rechte vorbehalten."
-#: DlgAbout.cpp:196
+#: clientgui/DlgAbout.cpp:196
 msgid "Berkeley Open Infrastructure for Network Computing"
 msgstr "Berkeley Open Infrastructure for Network Computing"
-#: DlgAbout.cpp:208 DlgExitMessage.cpp:173 DlgGenericMessage.cpp:120
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:396 DlgSelectComputer.cpp:163
+#: clientgui/DlgAbout.cpp:208
+#: clientgui/DlgExitMessage.cpp:173
+#: clientgui/DlgGenericMessage.cpp:120
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:399
+#: clientgui/DlgSelectComputer.cpp:163
 msgid "&OK"
 msgstr "&OK"
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:544
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:602
 msgid "invalid number"
 msgstr "ungültige Zahl"
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:545
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:603
 msgid "invalid time, format is HH:MM"
 msgstr "Ungültige Zeitangabe, Format ist HH:MM"
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:546
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:604
 msgid "invalid time interval, format is HH:MM-HH:MM"
 msgstr "Ungültige Zeitangabe, Format ist HH:MM-HH:MM"
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:751
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:817
 msgid "invalid input value detected"
 msgstr "Ungültiger Eingabewert entdeckt"
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:753
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:819
 msgid "Validation Error"
 msgstr "Gültigkeitsproblem"
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:885 DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:891
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:897
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:969
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:975
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:981
 msgid "Applications to add"
 msgstr "Anwendungen hinzufügen"
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:914
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:998
 #, c-format
 msgid "'%s' is not an executable application."
 msgstr "'%s' ist keine ausführbare Anwendung."
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:915 DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:962
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:986
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:999
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:1046
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:1070
 msgid "Add Exclusive App"
 msgstr "Exklusive Anwendung hinzufügen"
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:927
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:1011
 msgid "Name of application to add?"
 msgstr "Name der Anwendung die hinzugefügt werden soll?"
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:927
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:1011
 msgid "Add exclusive app"
 msgstr "Exklusive Anwendung hinzufügen"
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:961
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:1045
 #, c-format
 msgid "Application names must end with '%s'"
 msgstr "Der Name der Anwendung muss mit '%s' enden"
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:985
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:1069
 #, c-format
 msgid "'%s' is already in the list."
 msgstr "'%s' ist bereits in der Liste."
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:1077
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:1161
 msgid ""
 "Do you really want to clear all local preferences?\n"
 "(This will not affect exclusive applications.)"
@@ -1190,16 +1214,16 @@ msgstr ""
 "Wollen Sie wirklich alle lokalen Einstellungen löschen?\n"
 "(Exklusive Anwendungen bleiben erhalten.)"
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:1078 sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:1030
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:1162
 msgid "Confirmation"
 msgstr "Bestätigung"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:46 sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:946
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:49
 #, c-format
-msgid "%s - Preferences"
-msgstr "%s - Einstellungen"
+msgid "%s - Computing preferences"
+msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:62
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:66
 msgid ""
 "This dialog controls preferences for this computer only.\n"
 "Click OK to set preferences.\n"
@@ -1210,288 +1234,299 @@ msgstr ""
 "Klicken Sie auf Löschen zum Wiederherstellen der webbasierten\n"
 "Einstellungen (ausgenommen der exklusiven Anwendungen)."
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:65 sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:428
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:69
 msgid "Clear"
 msgstr "Löschen"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:66
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:70
 msgid "clear all local preferences and close the dialog"
 msgstr "alle lokalen Einstellungen löschen und den Dialog schließen"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:81
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:85
 msgid "processor usage"
 msgstr "Nutzung des Prozessors"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:84
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:88
 msgid "network usage"
 msgstr "Nutzung des Netzwerks"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:87
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:91
 msgid "disk and memory usage"
 msgstr "Nutzung von Festplatte und Speicher"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:90
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:94
 msgid "exclusive applications"
 msgstr "Exklusive Anwendungn"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:102 sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:424
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:107
+#: clientgui/DlgDiagnosticLogFlags.cpp:104
 msgid "OK"
 msgstr "OK"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:103
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:108
 msgid "save all values and close the dialog"
 msgstr "speichert alle Änderungen und schließt den Dialog"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:108
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:114
 msgid "close the dialog without saving"
 msgstr "schließt den Dialog ohne die Änderungen zu speichern"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:112 Localization.cpp:35 Localization.cpp:121
-#: Localization.cpp:139 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:794 sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:439
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:118
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:35
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:121
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:139
 msgid "Help"
 msgstr "Hilfe"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:113
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:119
 msgid "shows the preferences web page"
 msgstr "zeigt die Einstellungen-Webseite"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:135
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:141
 msgid "Computing allowed"
 msgstr "Rechnen erlaubt"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:139
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:146
 msgid "While computer is on batteries"
 msgstr " Wenn der Computer im Batteriebetrieb ist"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:142
-msgid ""
-"check this if you want this computer to do work while it runs on batteries"
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:149
+msgid "check this if you want this computer to do work while it runs on batteries"
 msgstr ""
 "aktiviere diese Option, wenn der Computer im Batteriebetrieb rechnen soll"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:148
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:155
 msgid "While computer is in use"
 msgstr " Wenn der Computer benutzt wird"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:151
-msgid ""
-"check this if you want this computer to do work even when you're using it"
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:158
+msgid "check this if you want this computer to do work even when you're using it"
 msgstr ""
 "aktiviere diese Option, wenn der Computer rechnen soll, selbst wenn er "
 "benutzt wird"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:157
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:164
 msgid "Use GPU while computer is in use"
 msgstr "Nutze die GPU wenn der Computer benutzt wird"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:160
-msgid ""
-"check this if you want your GPU to do work even when you're using the "
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:167
+msgid "check this if you want your GPU to do work even when you're using the computer"
 msgstr ""
 "aktiviere diese Option, wenn die Grafikkarte rechnen soll, selbst wenn der "
 "Computer benutzt wird"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:172
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:179
 msgid "Only after computer has been idle for"
 msgstr "Nur wenn der Computer nicht beschäftigt war seit"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:182
-msgid ""
-"do work only after you haven't used the computer for this number of minutes"
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:188
+msgid "do work only after you haven't used the computer for this number of minutes"
 msgstr ""
 "rechnet nur, wenn der Computer seit dieser Anzahl von Minuten nicht in "
 "Benutzung war"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:187 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:336
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:417
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:193
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:342
 msgid "minutes"
 msgstr "Minuten"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:206
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:212
 msgid "While processor usage is less than"
 msgstr "Wenn CPU-Auslastung geringer als"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:216
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:221
 msgid "suspend work if processor usage exceeds this level"
 msgstr ""
 "Unterbricht die Arbeit wenn die CPU-Auslastung diesen Wert überschreitet"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:221
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:226
 msgid "percent (0 means no restriction)"
 msgstr "% (0 = keine Einschränkung)"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:235 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:496
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:240
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:506
 msgid "Every day between hours of"
 msgstr "Jeden Tag in der Zeit zwischen"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:239
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:244
 msgid "start work at this time"
 msgstr "beginne Arbeit zu dieser Zeit"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:243 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:504
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:326 sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:348
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:248
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:514
 msgid "and"
 msgstr "und"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:247
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:252
 msgid "stop work at this time"
 msgstr "beende Arbeit zu dieser Zeit"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:251 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:512
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:256
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:522
 msgid "(no restriction if equal)"
 msgstr "(keine Einschränkungen, wenn gleich)"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:256 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:517
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:261
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:527
 msgid "Day-of-week override:"
 msgstr "Ausnahmen für Wochentage:"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:261 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:522
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:266
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:532
 msgid "check box to specify hours for this day of week"
 msgstr ""
 "markiere Kontrollkästchen, um die Stunden für diesen Wochentag festzulegen"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:267 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:528
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:272
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:538
 msgid "Monday"
 msgstr "Montag"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:274 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:535
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:279
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:545
 msgid "Tuesday"
 msgstr "Dienstag"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:281 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:542
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:286
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:552
 msgid "Wednesday"
 msgstr "Mittwoch"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:288 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:549
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:293
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:559
 msgid "Thursday"
 msgstr "Donnerstag"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:295 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:556
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:300
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:566
 msgid "Friday"
 msgstr "Freitag"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:302 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:563
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:307
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:573
 msgid "Saturday"
 msgstr "Samstag"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:309 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:570
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:314
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:580
 msgid "Sunday"
 msgstr "Sonntag"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:323
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:328
 msgid "Other options"
 msgstr "Andere Optionen"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:330
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:336
 msgid "Switch between applications every"
 msgstr "Wechsel zwischen den Anwendungen alle"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:339
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:345
 msgid "On multiprocessor systems, use at most"
 msgstr "Nutze auf Multiprozessorsystemen höchstens"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:346
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:352
 #, no-c-format
-msgid "% of the processors (0 means ignore this setting)"
-msgstr "% der Prozessoren (0 für keine Einschränkung)"
+msgid "% of the processors (0 means no restriction)"
+msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:349 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:605
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:627 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:648
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:669 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:679
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:355
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:618
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:640
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:661
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:683
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:694
 msgid "Use at most"
 msgstr "Nutze höchstens"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:356
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:362
 #, no-c-format
-msgid "% CPU time"
-msgstr "% Prozessor-Zeit"
+msgid "% of CPU time (0 means no restriction)"
+msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:378
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:386
 msgid "General options"
 msgstr "Allgemeine Einstellungen"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:386
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:395
 msgid "Maximum download rate"
 msgstr "Maximale Download-Rate"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:392 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:401
-msgid "KBytes/sec."
-msgstr "KByte/Sek."
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:401
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:410
+msgid "KBytes/second (0 means no restriction)"
+msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:395
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:404
 msgid "Maximum upload rate"
 msgstr "Maximale Upload-Rate"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:406
-msgid "Transfer at most"
-msgstr "Übertrage höchstens"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:412
-msgid "Mbytes"
-msgstr "MB"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:415
-msgid "every"
-msgstr "pro"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:421 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:444
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:463
-msgid "days"
-msgstr "Tage"
 # Vielleicht könnte man hier auch irgendwie Zwischenspeicher einbauen? Das ist aber auch nicht der eigentliche Sinn.
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:429
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:417
 msgid "Minimum work buffer"
 msgstr "Mindest Arbeitspuffer"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:438
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:425
 msgid "Try to maintain enough tasks to keep busy for this many days"
 msgstr ""
 "Versuche genug Arbeitspakete zu erhalten um für diese Anzahl Tage "
 "beschäftigt zu sein."
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:431
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:449
+msgid "days (maximum value: 10)"
+msgstr ""
 # 80%
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:450
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:437
 msgid "Max additional work buffer"
 msgstr "Max. zusätzlicher Arbeitspuffer"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:459
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:445
 msgid "In addition, maintain enough tasks for up to this many days"
 msgstr ""
 "Versuche zusätzlich genug Arbeitspakete für diese Anzahl Tage zu erhalten."
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:466
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:454
+msgid "Transfer at most"
+msgstr "Übertrage höchstens"
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:462
+msgid "MBytes every"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:468
+msgid "days (0 means no restriction)"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:476
 msgid "Skip image file verification"
 msgstr "Bild-Dateien nicht überprüfen"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:468
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:478
 msgid "check this if your Internet provider modifies image files"
 msgstr ""
 "aktiviere diese Option, wenn die Image-Dateien durch den Internetprovider "
 "verändert werden"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:476
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:484
 msgid "Connect options"
 msgstr "Verbindungseinstellungen"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:478
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:487
 msgid "Confirm before connecting to internet"
 msgstr "Bestätigen, bevor mit dem Internet verbunden wird."
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:480
-msgid ""
-"if checked, a confirmation dialog will be displayed before trying to connect "
-"to the Internet"
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:489
+msgid "if checked, a confirmation dialog will be displayed before trying to connect to the Internet"
 msgstr ""
 "wenn aktiviert, wird ein Abfragedialog eingeblendet, bevor eine "
 "Internetverbindung versucht wird"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:484
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:493
 msgid "Disconnect when done"
 msgstr "Verbindung trennen, wenn fertig"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:486
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:495
 msgid ""
 "if checked, BOINC hangs up when network usage is done\n"
 "(only relevant for dialup-connection)"
@@ -1500,194 +1535,219 @@ msgstr ""
 "benötigt wird\n"
 "(nur von Bedeutung bei Nutzung von Einwählverbindungen)"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:492
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:501
 msgid "Network usage allowed"
 msgstr "Nutzung des Netzwerks erlaubt"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:500
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:510
 msgid "network usage start hour"
 msgstr "Anfang der Netzwerknutzung"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:508
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:518
 msgid "network usage stop hour"
 msgstr "Ende der Netzwerknutzung"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:598 DlgItemProperties.cpp:231
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:610
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:257
 msgid "Disk usage"
 msgstr "Nutzung der Festplatte"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:609
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:622
 msgid "the maximum disk space used by BOINC (in Gigabytes)"
 msgstr "der maximal von BOINC benutzte Festplattenplatz (in GByte)"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:613
-msgid "Gigabytes disk space"
-msgstr "GByte Festplattenplatz"
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:626
+msgid "Gigabytes disk space (0 means no restriction)"
+msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:616
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:629
 msgid "Leave at least"
 msgstr "Lasse mindestens"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:620
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:633
 msgid "BOINC leaves at least this amount of disk space free (in Gigabytes)"
 msgstr "BOINC läßt dieses Minimum an Festplattenplatz frei (in GByte)"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:624
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:637
 msgid "Gigabytes disk space free"
 msgstr "GByte Festplattenplatz frei"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:631
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:644
 msgid "BOINC uses at most this percentage of total disk space"
 msgstr "BOINC nutzt höchstens diesen Anteil in % vom gesamten Festplattenplatz"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:636
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:649
 #, no-c-format
 msgid "% of total disk space"
 msgstr "% des gesamten Festplattenplatzes"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:639
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:652
 msgid "Tasks checkpoint to disk at most every"
 msgstr "Schreibe auf Festplatte höchstens alle"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:645
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:658
 msgid "seconds"
 msgstr "Sekunden"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:655
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:668
 #, no-c-format
 msgid "% of page file (swap space)"
 msgstr "% der Auslagerungsdatei (des Swap-Speichers)"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:662
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:675
 msgid "Memory usage"
 msgstr "Nutzung des Speichers"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:676
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:691
 #, no-c-format
 msgid "% when computer is in use"
 msgstr "%, wenn der Rechner benutzt wird"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:686
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:701
 #, no-c-format
 msgid "% when computer is idle"
 msgstr "%, wenn der Rechner nicht beschäftigt ist"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:691
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:706
 msgid "Leave applications in memory while suspended"
 msgstr "Lasse Anwendung im Speicher, wenn sie pausiert"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:693
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:708
 msgid "if checked, suspended work units are left in memory"
 msgstr "wenn aktiviert, verbleiben unterbrochene Arbeitseinheiten im Speicher"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:713
-msgid ""
-"Suspend processor and network usage when these applications are running:"
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:728
+msgid "Suspend processor and network usage when these applications are running:"
 msgstr ""
 "Die Nutzung von Prozessor und Netzwerk anhalten, wenn diese Anwendungen "
 "aktiv sind:"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:722
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:738
 msgid "Add..."
 msgstr "Hinzufügen..."
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:723
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:739
 msgid "Add an application to this list"
 msgstr "Füge eine Anwendung zur dieser Liste hinzu"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:728 ViewProjects.cpp:202
-#: sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:85
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:744
 msgid "Remove"
 msgstr "Entfernen"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:729
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:745
 msgid "Remove an application from this list"
 msgstr "Entferne eine Anwendung aus dieser Liste"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:738
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:754
 msgid "For advanced options, refer to "
 msgstr "Für weitere Einstellungen, bitte hier schauen "
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:219
+#: clientgui/DlgDiagnosticLogFlags.cpp:65
+#, c-format
+msgid "%s Diagnostic Log Flags"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/DlgDiagnosticLogFlags.cpp:83
+msgid "These flags enable various types of diagnostic messages in the Event Log."
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/DlgDiagnosticLogFlags.cpp:105
+msgid "Save all values and close the dialog"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/DlgDiagnosticLogFlags.cpp:108
+msgid "Defaults"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/DlgDiagnosticLogFlags.cpp:109
+msgid "Restore default settings"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/DlgDiagnosticLogFlags.cpp:113
+msgid "Close the dialog without saving"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:226
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - Event Log"
 msgstr "%s - Ereignisanzeige"
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:232 ViewMessages.cpp:117 ViewProjects.cpp:219
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:435 ViewStatistics.cpp:2009 ViewTransfers.cpp:182
-#: ViewWork.cpp:232
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:236
 msgid "Project"
 msgstr "Projekt"
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:233 ViewMessages.cpp:118
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:237
 msgid "Time"
 msgstr "Zeit"
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:234 ViewMessages.cpp:119
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:238
 msgid "Message"
 msgstr "Meldung"
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:290 DlgEventLog.cpp:354
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:300
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:364
 msgid "&Show only this project"
 msgstr "Zeige nur dieses &Projekt"
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:294
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:304
 msgid "Copy &All"
 msgstr "&Alles kopieren"
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:296 DlgEventLog.cpp:300 ViewMessages.cpp:89
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:306
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:310
 msgid "Copy all the messages to the clipboard."
 msgstr "Kopiert alle Meldungen in die Zwischenablage."
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:305
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:315
 msgid "Copy &Selected"
 msgstr "au&sgewählte Meldungen kopieren"
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:308 DlgEventLog.cpp:316 ViewMessages.cpp:97
-msgid ""
-"Copy the selected messages to the clipboard. You can select multiple "
-"messages by holding down the shift or command key while clicking on messages."
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:318
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:326
+msgid "Copy the selected messages to the clipboard. You can select multiple messages by holding down the shift or command key while clicking on messages."
 msgstr ""
 "Kopiert alle ausgewählten (markierten) Meldungen in die Zwischenablage. "
 "Durch Drücken und Halten der Umschalt- oder Strg-Taste können Sie mehrere "
 "Meldungen gleichzeitig markieren."
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:310 DlgEventLog.cpp:318 ViewMessages.cpp:99
-msgid ""
-"Copy the selected messages to the clipboard. You can select multiple "
-"messages by holding down the shift or control key while clicking on messages."
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:320
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:328
+msgid "Copy the selected messages to the clipboard. You can select multiple messages by holding down the shift or control key while clicking on messages."
 msgstr ""
 "Kopiert alle ausgewählten (markierten) Meldungen in die Zwischenablage.\n"
 "Durch Drücken und Halten der Umschalt- oder Strg-Taste können Sie \n"
 "mehrere Meldungen gleichzeitig markieren."
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:325 DlgItemProperties.cpp:67
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:335
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:67
 msgid "&Close"
 msgstr "Schli&eßen"
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:334 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:798 sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:442
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:344
 #, c-format
 msgid "Get help with %s"
 msgstr "Hilfe für %s bekommen"
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:348
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:358
 msgid "Show all &messages"
 msgstr "Zeige alle &Meldungen"
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:349 DlgEventLog.cpp:351
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:359
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:361
 msgid "Show messages for all projects"
 msgstr "Zeige Meldungen für alle Projekte."
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:355 DlgEventLog.cpp:357
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:365
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:367
 msgid "Show only the messages for the selected project"
 msgstr "Zeigt nur die Meldungen für das gewählte Projekt."
-#: DlgExitMessage.cpp:82
+#: clientgui/DlgExitMessage.cpp:82
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - Exit Confirmation"
 msgstr "%s - Bestätigung schließen"
-#: DlgExitMessage.cpp:130
+#: clientgui/DlgExitMessage.cpp:130
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "You have requested to exit the %s,\n"
@@ -1704,7 +1764,7 @@ msgstr ""
 "Wenn Sie die aufgaben ebenfalls anhalten möchten,\n"
 "wählen Sie bitte aus den folgenden Optionen."
-#: DlgExitMessage.cpp:135
+#: clientgui/DlgExitMessage.cpp:135
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "This will shut down %s and its tasks until either the\n"
@@ -1722,395 +1782,421 @@ msgstr ""
 "seine Aufgaben zu den Zeiten auszuführen die Sie in den Einstellungen\n"
 "vorgegeben haben."
-#: DlgExitMessage.cpp:153
+#: clientgui/DlgExitMessage.cpp:153
 #, c-format
 msgid "Stop running tasks when exiting the %s"
 msgstr "Aufgaben ebenfalls beenden wenn der %s geschloßen wird"
-#: DlgExitMessage.cpp:165
+#: clientgui/DlgExitMessage.cpp:165
 msgid "Remember this decision and do not show this dialog."
 msgstr "Diese Einstellung merken und den Dialog nicht wieder anzeigen."
-#: DlgExitMessage.cpp:178 DlgGenericMessage.cpp:125 DlgOptions.cpp:401
-#: DlgSelectComputer.cpp:168 wizardex.cpp:378
+#: clientgui/DlgExitMessage.cpp:178
+#: clientgui/DlgGenericMessage.cpp:125
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:404
+#: clientgui/DlgSelectComputer.cpp:168
 msgid "&Cancel"
 msgstr "&Abbrechen"
-#: DlgGenericMessage.cpp:112
+#: clientgui/DlgGenericMessage.cpp:112
 msgid "Don't show this dialog again."
 msgstr "Diesen Dialog nicht wieder anzeigen."
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:168 DlgItemProperties.cpp:171
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:174 DlgItemProperties.cpp:177
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:194
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:197
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:200
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:203
 msgid "Don't fetch tasks for "
 msgstr "Keine Aufgaben mehr für "
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:168
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:194
 msgid "Project preference"
 msgstr "Projekteinstellungen"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:171
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:197
 msgid "Account manager preference"
 msgstr "Kontomanager-Einstellungen"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:174
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:200
 msgid "Project has no apps for "
 msgstr "Projekt hat keine Anwendungen für "
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:177
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:203
 msgid "Client configuration excludes "
 msgstr "Die Konfiguration des Clients schließt aus, dass"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:181
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:207
 msgid " work fetch deferred for"
 msgstr " CPU Arbeitsabruf verzögert für"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:182
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:208
 msgid " work fetch deferral interval"
 msgstr " Verzögerungsintervall für CPU Arbeitsabruf"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:213
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:239
 msgid "Properties of project "
 msgstr "Projekteigenschaften "
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:217 DlgOptions.cpp:218
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:243
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:221
 msgid "General"
 msgstr "Allgemein"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:218
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:244
 msgid "Master URL"
 msgstr "Master URL"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:219
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:245
 msgid "User name"
 msgstr "Benutzername"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:220
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:246
 msgid "Team name"
 msgstr "Teamname"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:221 ViewProjects.cpp:224
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:247
 msgid "Resource share"
 msgstr "Ressourcenaufteilung"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:223
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:249
 msgid "Scheduler RPC deferred for"
 msgstr "Scheduleranfrage verzögert für"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:226
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:252
 msgid "File downloads deferred for"
 msgstr "Dateidownloads verzögert für"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:229
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:255
 msgid "File uploads deferred for"
 msgstr "Dateiuploads verzögert für"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:232
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:258
 msgid "Computer ID"
 msgstr "Computer ID"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:234
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:260
 msgid "Non CPU intensive"
 msgstr "Nicht CPU intensiv"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:234 DlgItemProperties.cpp:236
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:237 DlgItemProperties.cpp:239
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:242 DlgItemProperties.cpp:251
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:254 DlgItemProperties.cpp:257
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:260
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:262
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:263
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:265
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:268
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:277
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:280
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:283
 msgid "yes"
 msgstr "Ja"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:236
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:262
 msgid "Suspended via GUI"
 msgstr "Über das Menü angehalten"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:236 DlgItemProperties.cpp:237
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:262
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:263
 msgid "no"
 msgstr "Nein"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:237
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:263
 msgid "Don't request more work"
 msgstr "Keine weiteren Aufgaben anfordern"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:239
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:265
 msgid "Scheduler call in progress"
 msgstr "Laufende Scheduleranfrage"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:242
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:268
 msgid "Trickle-up pending"
 msgstr "Trickle-Up Meldung ausstehend"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:245 DlgItemProperties.cpp:247
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:271
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:273
 msgid "Host location"
 msgstr "Rechnerstandort"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:247
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:273
 msgid "default"
 msgstr "Standard"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:251
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:277
 msgid "Added via account manager"
 msgstr "Von der Kontoverwaltung hinzugefügt"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:254
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:280
 msgid "Remove when tasks done"
 msgstr "Abmelden wenn alle Arbeit erledigt ist"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:257
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:283
 msgid "Ended"
 msgstr "Beendet"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:259
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:285
+msgid "Tasks completed"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:286
+msgid "Tasks failed"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:288
 msgid "Credit"
 msgstr "Punkte"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:260
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:289
 msgid "User"
 msgstr "Benutzer"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:267
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:296
 msgid "Host"
 msgstr "Rechner"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:276
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:305
 msgid "Scheduling"
 msgstr "Planung"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:277
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:306
 msgid "Scheduling priority"
 msgstr "Planungspriorität"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:278
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:307
 msgid "CPU"
 msgstr "Prozessor"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:302
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:331
 msgid "Duration correction factor"
 msgstr "Duration correction factor"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:316
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:345
 msgid "Properties of task "
 msgstr "Eigenschaften der Aufgabe "
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:328 ViewWork.cpp:238
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:357
 msgid "Application"
 msgstr "Anwendung"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:329 ViewWork.cpp:239
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:358
 msgid "Name"
 msgstr "Name"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:330
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:359
 msgid "State"
 msgstr "Status"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:333
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:362
 msgid "Received"
 msgstr "erhalten"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:336
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:365
 msgid "Report deadline"
 msgstr "Ablaufdatum"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:338
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:367
 msgid "Resources"
 msgstr "Ressourcen"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:341
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:370
 msgid "Estimated computation size"
 msgstr "Geschätzter Berechnungsaufwand"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:344
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:373
 msgid "CPU time at last checkpoint"
 msgstr "Prozessor-Zeit beim letzten Checkpoint"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:345 DlgItemProperties.cpp:360
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:374
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:389
 msgid "CPU time"
 msgstr "Prozessorzeit"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:347 DlgItemProperties.cpp:361
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:376
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:390
 msgid "Elapsed time"
 msgstr "bisherige Laufzeit"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:349
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:378
 msgid "Estimated time remaining"
 msgstr "Geschätzte verbleibende Zeit"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:350
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:379
 msgid "Fraction done"
 msgstr "Fortschritt"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:351
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:380
 msgid "Virtual memory size"
 msgstr "benötigter Arbeitsspeicher"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:352
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:381
 msgid "Working set size"
 msgstr "Größe des Arbeitspakets"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:354
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:383
 msgid "Directory"
 msgstr "Verzeichnis"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:357
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:386
 msgid "Process ID"
 msgstr "Prozess-Nr."
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:427 ViewWork.cpp:1032 sg_TaskPanel.cpp:823
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:456
 msgid "Local: "
 msgstr "Lokal: "
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:129 DlgOptions.cpp:135
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:129
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:135
 msgid "Options"
 msgstr "Optionen"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:175
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:178
 msgid "Language:"
 msgstr "Sprache:"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:182
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:185
 msgid "What language should BOINC use?"
 msgstr "Welche Sprache soll der BOINC Manager verwenden?"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:186
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:189
 msgid "Notice reminder interval:"
 msgstr "An Nachrichten erinnern alle:"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:193
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:196
 msgid "How often should BOINC remind you of new notices?"
 msgstr ""
 "Wie oft soll der BOINC Manager Sie erinnern wenn neue Nachrichten verfügbar "
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:198
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:201
 msgid "Run Manager at login?"
 msgstr "Manager bei der Anmeldung starten?"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:204
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:207
 msgid "Run the BOINC Manager when you log on."
 msgstr "Startet den BOINC-Manager wenn Sie sich anmelden."
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:209
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:212
 msgid "Enable Manager exit dialog?"
 msgstr "Ende-Dialog anzeigen?"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:215
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:218
 msgid "Display the exit dialog when shutting down the Manager."
 msgstr "Zeigt den Ende-Dialog beim Verlassen des BOINC-Managers an."
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:226
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:229
 msgid "Dial-up and Virtual Private Network settings"
 msgstr "&Wähl- und Virtual Private Network Einstellungen"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:240
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:243
 msgid "&Set Default"
 msgstr "Standard &festlegen"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:245
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:248
 msgid "&Clear Default"
 msgstr "Standard &löschen"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:252
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:255
 msgid "Default Connection:"
 msgstr "Standardverbindung:"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:259
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:262
 msgid "Connections"
 msgstr "Verbindungen"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:268
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:271
 msgid "Connect via HTTP proxy server"
 msgstr "Über HTTP Proxyserver verbinden"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:272
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:275
 msgid "HTTP Proxy Server Configuration"
 msgstr "HTTP Proxyserver Konfiguration"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:280 DlgOptions.cpp:344
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:283
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:347
 msgid "Address:"
 msgstr "Adresse:"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:288 DlgOptions.cpp:352 ProxyPage.cpp:340 ProxyPage.cpp:360
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:291
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:355
 msgid "Port:"
 msgstr "Port:"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:296 DlgOptions.cpp:360
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:299
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:363
 msgid "Don't use proxy for:"
 msgstr "Keinen Proxyserver benutzen für:"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:303 DlgOptions.cpp:367
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:306
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:370
 msgid "Leave these blank if not needed"
 msgstr "Bitte leer lassen, falls nicht benötigt."
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:309 DlgOptions.cpp:373 ProxyPage.cpp:343 ProxyPage.cpp:363
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:312
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:376
 msgid "User Name:"
 msgstr "Benutzername:"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:317 DlgOptions.cpp:381 DlgSelectComputer.cpp:152
-#: ProxyPage.cpp:346 ProxyPage.cpp:366
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:320
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:384
+#: clientgui/DlgSelectComputer.cpp:152
 msgid "Password:"
 msgstr "Passwort:"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:324
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:327
 msgid "HTTP Proxy"
 msgstr "HTTP Proxyserver"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:332
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:335
 msgid "Connect via SOCKS proxy server"
 msgstr "Über SOCKS Proxyserver verbinden"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:336
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:339
 msgid "SOCKS Proxy Server Configuration"
 msgstr "SOCKS Proxyserver Konfiguration"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:388
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:391
 msgid "SOCKS Proxy"
 msgstr "SOCKS Proxyserver"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:586
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:589
 msgid "always"
 msgstr "ständig"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:587
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:590
 msgid "1 hour"
 msgstr "1 Stunde"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:588
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:591
 msgid "6 hours"
 msgstr "6 Stunden"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:589
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:592
 msgid "1 day"
 msgstr "1 Tag"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:590
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:593
 msgid "1 week"
 msgstr "1 Woche"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:591
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:594
 msgid "never"
 msgstr "niemals"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:688
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:691
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - Language Selection"
 msgstr "Sprachauswahl: %s"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:695
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:698
 #, c-format
-msgid ""
-"The %s's language has been changed.  In order for this change to take "
-"effect, you must restart the %s."
+msgid "The %s's language has been changed.  In order for this change to take effect, you must restart the %s."
 msgstr ""
 "Die %s Sprache wurde gewechselt. Bitte starten Sie %s erneut um die Änderung "
-#: DlgSelectComputer.cpp:91
+#: clientgui/DlgSelectComputer.cpp:91
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - Select Computer"
 msgstr "%s - wähle Rechner"
-#: DlgSelectComputer.cpp:125
+#: clientgui/DlgSelectComputer.cpp:125
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "Another instance of %s is already running \n"
@@ -2120,428 +2206,430 @@ msgstr ""
 "Computer gestartet.\n"
 "Bitte einen Client zum überwachen auswählen."
-#: DlgSelectComputer.cpp:143
+#: clientgui/DlgSelectComputer.cpp:143
 msgid "Host name:"
 msgstr "Rechnername:"
-#: Localization.cpp:31 Localization.cpp:69
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:31
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:69
 msgid "Message boards"
 msgstr "Foren"
-#: Localization.cpp:33
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:33
 msgid "Correspond with other users on the SETI at home message boards"
 msgstr "Unterhalten Sie sich mit anderen Benutzern in den SETI at home-Foren"
-#: Localization.cpp:37
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:37
 msgid "Ask questions and report problems"
 msgstr "Stellen Sie Fragen und berichten Sie über Probleme"
-#: Localization.cpp:39 Localization.cpp:81 Localization.cpp:111
-#: Localization.cpp:129
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:39
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:81
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:111
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:129
 msgid "Your account"
 msgstr "Ihr Benutzerkonto"
-#: Localization.cpp:41 Localization.cpp:87 Localization.cpp:113
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:41
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:87
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:113
 msgid "View your account information and credit totals"
 msgstr "Anzeigen von Kontoinformationen und Punktestand"
-#: Localization.cpp:43
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:43
 msgid "Your preferences"
 msgstr "Ihre Einstellungen"
-#: Localization.cpp:45
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:45
 msgid "View and modify your SETI at home account profile and preferences"
 msgstr ""
 "Anzeigen und Ändern des SETI at home-Benutzerprofils und der -Einstellungen"
-#: Localization.cpp:47 Localization.cpp:89
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:47
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:89
 msgid "Your results"
 msgstr "Ihre Resultate"
-#: Localization.cpp:49 Localization.cpp:91
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:49
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:91
 msgid "View your last week (or more) of computational results and work"
 msgstr ""
 "Anzeige der Ergebnisse und Berechnungen der letzten Woche (oder länger)."
-#: Localization.cpp:51 Localization.cpp:93
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:51
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:93
 msgid "Your computers"
 msgstr "Ihre Computer"
-#: Localization.cpp:53
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:53
 msgid "View a listing of all the computers on which you are running SETI at Home"
 msgstr ""
 "Rufen Sie eine Liste aller Computer ab auf denen Sie SETI at home ablaufen "
-#: Localization.cpp:55 Localization.cpp:97
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:55
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:97
 msgid "Your team"
 msgstr "Ihr Team"
-#: Localization.cpp:57 Localization.cpp:99
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:57
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:99
 msgid "View information about your team"
 msgstr "Sehen sie Informationen über Ihr Team"
-#: Localization.cpp:61
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:61
 msgid "Common questions"
 msgstr "Allgemeine Fragen"
-#: Localization.cpp:63
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:63
 msgid "Read the Einstein at Home Frequently Asked Question list"
 msgstr "Die Einstein at home \"Häufig gestellte Fragen\" Liste."
-#: Localization.cpp:65
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:65
 msgid "Screensaver info"
 msgstr "Bildschirmschoner Info"
-#: Localization.cpp:67
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:67
 msgid "Read a detailed description of the Einstein at Home screensaver"
 msgstr ""
 "Lesen Sie eine detailliere Beschreibung des Einstein at home "
-#: Localization.cpp:71
-msgid ""
-"Correspond with admins and other users on the Einstein at Home message boards"
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:71
+msgid "Correspond with admins and other users on the Einstein at Home message boards"
 msgstr ""
 "Unterhalten Sie sich mit Administratoren und anderen Benutzern in den "
 "Einstein at home Foren"
-#: Localization.cpp:73
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:73
 msgid "Einstein status"
 msgstr "Einstein Status"
-#: Localization.cpp:75
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:75
 msgid "Current status of the Einstein at Home server"
 msgstr "Aktueller Status der Einstein at home Server"
-#: Localization.cpp:77
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:77
 msgid "Report problems"
 msgstr "Probleme berichten"
-#: Localization.cpp:79
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:79
 msgid "A link to the Einstein at Home problems and bug reports message board"
 msgstr "Ein Link zu den Einstein at home \"Probleme und Fehlerberichte\" Foren"
-#: Localization.cpp:83
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:83
 msgid "View and modify your Einstein at Home account profile and preferences"
 msgstr ""
 "Anzeigen und Ändern des Einstein at home Benutzerprofils und der Einstellungen"
-#: Localization.cpp:85
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:85
 msgid "Account summary"
 msgstr "Kontoübersicht"
-#: Localization.cpp:95
-msgid ""
-"View a listing of all the computers on which you are running Einstein at Home"
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:95
+msgid "View a listing of all the computers on which you are running Einstein at Home"
 msgstr ""
 "Rufen Sie eine Liste aller Computer ab auf denen Sie Einstein at home ablaufen "
-#: Localization.cpp:101
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:101
 msgid "LIGO project"
 msgstr "LIGO Projekt"
-#: Localization.cpp:103
-msgid ""
-"The home page of the Laser Interferometer Gravitational-wave Observatory "
-"(LIGO) project"
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:103
+msgid "The home page of the Laser Interferometer Gravitational-wave Observatory (LIGO) project"
 msgstr ""
 "Die Homepage des \"Laser Interferometer Gravitationswellen Observatorium\" "
 "(LIGO) Projektes"
-#: Localization.cpp:105
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:105
 msgid "GEO-600 project"
 msgstr "GEO-600 Projekt"
-#: Localization.cpp:107
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:107
 msgid "The home page of the GEO-600 project"
 msgstr "Die Homepage des GEO-600 Projektes"
-#: Localization.cpp:115 Localization.cpp:133 ViewProjects.cpp:221
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:465
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:115
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:133
 msgid "Team"
 msgstr "Team"
-#: Localization.cpp:117
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:117
 msgid "Info about your Team"
 msgstr "Sehen sie Informationen über Ihr Team"
-#: Localization.cpp:123
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:123
 msgid "Get help for climateprediction.net"
 msgstr "Hilfe für climateprediction.net"
-#: Localization.cpp:125
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:125
 msgid "News"
 msgstr "Neuigkeiten"
-#: Localization.cpp:127
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:127
 msgid "climateprediction.net News"
 msgstr "Neues von climateprediction.net"
-#: Localization.cpp:131
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:131
 msgid "View your account information, credits, and trickles"
 msgstr "Anzeigen von Kontoinformationen und Punktestand"
-#: Localization.cpp:135
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:135
 msgid "Info about your team"
 msgstr "Sehen sie Informationen über Ihr Team"
-#: Localization.cpp:141
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:141
 msgid "Search for help in our help system"
 msgstr "Suchen Sie nach Hilfe in unserem Hilfesystem"
-#: Localization.cpp:143
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:143
 msgid "Global Statistics"
 msgstr "Globale Statistiken"
-#: Localization.cpp:145
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:145
 msgid "Summary statistics for World Community Grid"
 msgstr "Projektstatistiken für World Community Grid"
-#: Localization.cpp:147
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:147
 msgid "My Grid"
 msgstr "Mein Grid"
-#: Localization.cpp:149
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:149
 msgid "Your statistics and settings"
 msgstr "Ihre Statistiken und Einstellungen"
-#: Localization.cpp:151
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:151
 msgid "Device Profiles"
 msgstr "Geräteprofile"
-#: Localization.cpp:153
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:153
 msgid "Update your device settings"
 msgstr "Aktualisieren Sie Ihre Geräteeinstellungen"
-#: Localization.cpp:155
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:155
 msgid "Research"
 msgstr "Forschung"
-#: Localization.cpp:157
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:157
 msgid "Learn about the projects hosted at World Community Grid"
 msgstr "Erfahren Sie mehr über die auf World Community Grid gehosteten Projekte"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:583
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:583
 msgid "Starting client"
 msgstr "Starte Client"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:591
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:591
 msgid "Connecting to client"
 msgstr "Verbindung zum Client wird hergestellt."
-#: MainDocument.cpp:1195
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:1205
 msgid "Retrieving system state; please wait..."
 msgstr "Ermittlung des BOINC-Systemstatus. Bitte etwas Geduld..."
-#: MainDocument.cpp:1816
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:1826
 msgid "Missing application"
 msgstr "fehlende Anwendung"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:1817
-msgid ""
-"Please download and install the CoRD application from http://cord."
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:1827
+msgid "Please download and install the CoRD application from http://cord.sourceforge.net"
 msgstr ""
 "Bitte installieren Sie die CoRD Anwendung von http://cord.sourceforge.net"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2432
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2442
 msgid "on batteries"
 msgstr "Batteriebetrieb"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2433
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2443
 msgid "computer is in use"
 msgstr "Computer wird benutzt"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2434
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2444
 msgid "user request"
 msgstr "Benutzergefordert"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2435
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2445
 msgid "time of day"
 msgstr "Tageszeit"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2436
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2446
 msgid "CPU benchmarks in progress"
 msgstr "CPU Benchmarks laufen"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2437
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2447
 msgid "need disk space - check preferences"
 msgstr "Festplattenplatz benötigt - Einstellungen überprüfen"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2438
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2448
 msgid "computer is not in use"
 msgstr "Computer wird nicht benutzt"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2439
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2449
 msgid "starting up"
 msgstr "starte"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2440
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2450
 msgid "an exclusive app is running"
 msgstr "eine Anwendung läuft exklusiv"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2441
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2451
 msgid "CPU is busy"
 msgstr "CPU ist beschäftigt"
 # Gemeint ist eigentlich keine Geschwindigkeit sondern eine Trafficbegrenzung.
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2442
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2452
 msgid "network bandwidth limit exceeded"
 msgstr "Maximales Datenübertragungsvolumen überschritten"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2443
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2453
 msgid "requested by operating system"
 msgstr "vom Betriebssystem angefordert"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2445
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2455
 msgid "unknown reason"
 msgstr "Ursache unbekannt"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2467
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2477
 msgid "GPU missing, "
 msgstr "GPU nicht gefunden, "
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2474
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2484
 msgid "New"
 msgstr "Neu"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2478
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2488
 msgid "Download failed"
 msgstr "Herunterladen fehlgeschlagen"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2480
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2490
 msgid "Downloading"
 msgstr "Am herunterladen"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2482 MainDocument.cpp:2552
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2492
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2557
 msgid " (suspended - "
 msgstr " (angehalten - "
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2490
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2500
 msgid "Project suspended by user"
 msgstr "Projekt angehalten durch Benutzer"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2492
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2502
 msgid "Task suspended by user"
 msgstr "Angehalten durch Benutzer"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2494
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2504
 msgid "Suspended - "
 msgstr "Angehalten- "
 # 75%
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2500
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2510
 msgid "GPU suspended - "
 msgstr "GPU angehalten - "
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2507
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2517
 msgid "Waiting for memory"
 msgstr "Warten auf Speicher"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2509
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2519
 msgid "Waiting for shared memory"
 msgstr "Warten auf geteilten Speicher"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2512
-msgid "Running, high priority"
-msgstr "Aktiv, hohe Priorität"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2514
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2521
 msgid "Running"
 msgstr "Aktiv"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2517
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2523
 msgid " (non-CPU-intensive)"
 msgstr " (nicht CPU-intensiv)"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2520
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2526
 msgid "Waiting to run"
 msgstr "Verdrängt"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2522 MainDocument.cpp:2528
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2528
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2534
 msgid "Ready to start"
 msgstr "Zur Ausführung bereit"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2532
-msgid " (Scheduler wait: "
-msgstr " (Planungspause: "
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2538
+msgid "Postponed: "
+msgstr ""
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2536
-msgid " (Scheduler wait)"
-msgstr " (Planungspause)"
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2541
+msgid "Postponed"
+msgstr ""
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2540
-msgid " (Waiting for network access)"
-msgstr " (Warte auf Netzwerkzugriff)"
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2545
+msgid "Waiting for network access"
+msgstr ""
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2544
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2549
 msgid "Computation error"
 msgstr "Berechnungsfehler"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2548
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2553
 msgid "Upload failed"
 msgstr "Hochladen fehlgeschlagen"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2550
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2555
 msgid "Uploading"
 msgstr "Lädt hoch"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2561
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2566
 msgid "Aborted by user"
 msgstr "Abgebrochen durch Benutzer"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2564
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2569
 msgid "Aborted by project"
 msgstr "Abgebrochen durch das Projekt"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2567
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2572
 msgid "Aborted: not started by deadline"
 msgstr "Abgebrochen: kein Start vor Stichtag möglich."
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2570
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2575
 msgid "Aborted: disk limit exceeded"
 msgstr "Abgebrochen: Festplattenlimit überschritten"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2573
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2578
 msgid "Aborted: run time limit exceeded"
 msgstr "Abgebrochen: Laufzeitlimit überschritten"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2576
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2581
 msgid "Aborted: memory limit exceeded"
 msgstr "Abgebrochen: Arbeitsspeicherlimit überschritten"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2579
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2584
 msgid "Aborted"
 msgstr "Abgebrochen"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2584
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2589
 msgid "Acknowledged"
 msgstr "Bestätigt"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2586
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2591
 msgid "Ready to report"
 msgstr "Hochgeladen, meldebereit"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2588
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2593
 #, c-format
 msgid "Error: invalid state '%d'"
 msgstr "Fehler: Ungültiger Status '%d'"
-#: NoInternetConnectionPage.cpp:179
+#: clientgui/NoInternetConnectionPage.cpp:179
 msgid "No Internet connection"
 msgstr "Keine Internetverbindung!"
-#: NoInternetConnectionPage.cpp:182
+#: clientgui/NoInternetConnectionPage.cpp:182
 msgid "Please connect to the Internet and try again."
 msgstr "Bitte starten sie Ihre Internetverbindung und versuchen es erneut!"
-#: NotDetectedPage.cpp:181
+#: clientgui/NotDetectedPage.cpp:181
 msgid "Project not found"
 msgstr "Projekt nicht gefunden!"
-#: NotDetectedPage.cpp:184
+#: clientgui/NotDetectedPage.cpp:184
 msgid ""
 "The URL you supplied is not that of a BOINC-based project.\n"
@@ -2551,11 +2639,11 @@ msgstr ""
 "Bitte prüfen Sie die URL und versuchen Sie es erneut."
-#: NotDetectedPage.cpp:188
+#: clientgui/NotDetectedPage.cpp:188
 msgid "Account manager not found"
 msgstr "Kontoverwaltung nicht gefunden!"
-#: NotDetectedPage.cpp:191
+#: clientgui/NotDetectedPage.cpp:191
 msgid ""
 "The URL you supplied is not that of a BOINC-based account\n"
@@ -2566,96 +2654,97 @@ msgstr ""
 "Bitte prüfen Sie die URL und versuchen Sie es erneut."
-#: NotFoundPage.cpp:181
+#: clientgui/NotFoundPage.cpp:181
 msgid "Login Failed."
 msgstr "Anmeldung fehlgeschlagen."
-#: NotFoundPage.cpp:185
+#: clientgui/NotFoundPage.cpp:185
 msgid "Check the username and password, and try again."
 msgstr ""
 "Überprüfen Sie Benutzername und Passwort und versuchen Sie es dann erneut."
-#: NotFoundPage.cpp:189
+#: clientgui/NotFoundPage.cpp:189
 msgid "Check the email address and password, and try again."
 msgstr ""
 "Bitte überprüfen Sie die E-Mail-Adresse und das Passwort und versuchen es "
 "dann erneut."
-#: NoticeListCtrl.cpp:222
+#: clientgui/NoticeListCtrl.cpp:229
 msgid "more..."
 msgstr "weiterlesen..."
-#: ProjectInfoPage.cpp:477 ProjectInfoPage.cpp:778 ProjectInfoPage.cpp:782
-msgid "All"
-msgstr "Alle"
-#: ProjectInfoPage.cpp:615
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:221
 msgid "Choose a project"
 msgstr "Wähle ein Projekt"
-#: ProjectInfoPage.cpp:619
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:228
 msgid "To choose a project, click its name or type its URL below."
 msgstr ""
 "Um ein Projekt zu wählen, klicke auf dessen Namen oder gib die "
 "Projektadresse ein."
-#: ProjectInfoPage.cpp:623
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:246
 msgid "Categories:"
 msgstr "Kategorien:"
-#: ProjectInfoPage.cpp:627 sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:89
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:267
 msgid "Projects:"
 msgstr "Projekte:"
-#: ProjectInfoPage.cpp:631
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:279
 msgid "Project details"
 msgstr "Projektdetails"
-#: ProjectInfoPage.cpp:635
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:291
 msgid "Research area:"
 msgstr "Forschungsgebiet:"
-#: ProjectInfoPage.cpp:639
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:302
 msgid "Organization:"
 msgstr "Organisation:"
-#: ProjectInfoPage.cpp:643
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:313
 msgid "Web site:"
 msgstr "Webseite:"
-#: ProjectInfoPage.cpp:647
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:325
 msgid "Supported systems:"
 msgstr "Unterstützte Systeme:"
-#: ProjectInfoPage.cpp:651
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:363
 msgid "Project URL:"
 msgstr "Projektadresse:"
-#: ProjectInfoPage.cpp:826
-msgid ""
-"This project may not have work for your type of computer.  Do you want to "
-"add it anyway?"
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:499
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:754
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:758
+msgid "All"
+msgstr "Alle"
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:802
+msgid "This project may not have work for your type of computer.  Do you want to add it anyway?"
 msgstr ""
 "Dieses Projekt scheint keine Aufgaben für Ihren Computertyp zu haben. "
 "Wirklich fortsetzen?"
-#: ProjectInfoPage.cpp:850
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:826
 msgid "You already added this project. Please choose a different project."
 msgstr "Projekt schon vorhanden. Bitte wählen Sie ein anderes Projekt."
-#: ProjectProcessingPage.cpp:321
+#: clientgui/ProjectProcessingPage.cpp:321
 msgid "Communicating with project."
 msgstr "Kommunikation mit dem Server."
-#: ProjectProcessingPage.cpp:509
+#: clientgui/ProjectProcessingPage.cpp:510
 msgid "Required files not found on the server."
 msgstr "Benötigte Dateien wurden auf Server nicht gefunden."
-#: ProjectProcessingPage.cpp:512 ProjectProcessingPage.cpp:574
+#: clientgui/ProjectProcessingPage.cpp:513
+#: clientgui/ProjectProcessingPage.cpp:586
 msgid "An internal server error has occurred."
 msgstr "Ein interner Server-Fehler ist aufgetreten."
-#: ProjectPropertiesPage.cpp:334
+#: clientgui/ProjectPropertiesPage.cpp:334
 msgid ""
 "Communicating with project\n"
 "Please wait..."
@@ -2663,11 +2752,48 @@ msgstr ""
 "Kommunikation mit dem Projekt\n"
 "Bitte warten..."
-#: ProxyInfoPage.cpp:195
+#: clientgui/ProjectWelcomePage.cpp:251
+#, c-format
+msgid "Welcome to %s."
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ProjectWelcomePage.cpp:254
+msgid "You have volunteered to compute for this project:"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ProjectWelcomePage.cpp:255
+msgid "Name:"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ProjectWelcomePage.cpp:258
+msgid "Home:"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ProjectWelcomePage.cpp:262
+msgid "Description:"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ProjectWelcomePage.cpp:265
+msgid "URL:"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ProjectWelcomePage.cpp:268
+msgid "User:"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ProjectWelcomePage.cpp:273
+msgid "WARNING: This project is not registered with BOINC.  Make sure you trust it before continuing."
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ProjectWelcomePage.cpp:277
+msgid "To continue, click Next."
+msgstr "Um fortzufahren auf [Weiter >] klicken."
+#: clientgui/ProxyInfoPage.cpp:195
 msgid "Network communication failure"
 msgstr "Netzwerkfehler"
-#: ProxyInfoPage.cpp:199
+#: clientgui/ProxyInfoPage.cpp:199
 msgid ""
 "The World Community Grid - BOINC software failed to communicate\n"
 "over the Internet. The most likely reasons are:\n"
@@ -2699,7 +2825,7 @@ msgstr ""
 "Klicken Sie auf [Weiter] um die BOINC Proxyeinstellungen\n"
 "zu konfigurieren."
-#: ProxyInfoPage.cpp:203
+#: clientgui/ProxyInfoPage.cpp:203
 msgid ""
 "BOINC failed to communicate on the Internet.\n"
 "The most likely reasons are:\n"
@@ -2730,1292 +2856,1385 @@ msgstr ""
 "Klicken Sie auf [Weiter] um die BOINC Proxyeinstellungen\n"
 "zu konfigurieren."
-#: ProxyPage.cpp:331
+#: clientgui/ProxyPage.cpp:331
 msgid "Proxy configuration"
 msgstr "Proxykonfiguration"
-#: ProxyPage.cpp:334
+#: clientgui/ProxyPage.cpp:334
 msgid "HTTP proxy"
 msgstr "HTTP Proxy"
-#: ProxyPage.cpp:337 ProxyPage.cpp:357
+#: clientgui/ProxyPage.cpp:337
+#: clientgui/ProxyPage.cpp:357
 msgid "Server:"
 msgstr "Server:"
-#: ProxyPage.cpp:350
+#: clientgui/ProxyPage.cpp:350
 msgid "Autodetect"
 msgstr "Automatische Erkennung"
-#: ProxyPage.cpp:354
+#: clientgui/ProxyPage.cpp:354
 msgid "SOCKS proxy"
 msgstr "SOCKS Proxy"
-#: TermsOfUsePage.cpp:218
-msgid "Terms of Use"
-msgstr "Nutzungsbedingungen"
+#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:167
+msgid "Advanced View...\tCtrl+Shift+A"
+msgstr "Erweiterte &Ansicht...\tCtrl+Shift+A"
-#: TermsOfUsePage.cpp:222
-msgid "Please read the following terms of use:"
-msgstr "Bitte lesen Sie die folgenden Nutzungsbedingungen:"
+#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:168
+msgid "Display the advanced graphical interface."
+msgstr "Die fortgeschrittene Grafikoberfläche anzeigen."
-#: TermsOfUsePage.cpp:231
-msgid "I agree to the terms of use."
-msgstr "Ich stimme den Nutzungsbedingungen zu."
+#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:175
+msgid "Skin"
+msgstr "Skin"
-#: TermsOfUsePage.cpp:237
-msgid "I do not agree to the terms of use."
-msgstr "Ich stimme den Nutzungsbedingungen nicht zu."
+#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:177
+msgid "Select the appearance of the user interface."
+msgstr "Wählen Sie das Aussehen der Benutzeroberfläche."
-#: UnavailablePage.cpp:183
-msgid "Project temporarily unavailable"
-msgstr "Projekt ist vorübergehend nicht erreichbar"
+#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:224
+#, c-format
+msgid "&%s"
+msgstr "&%s"
-#: UnavailablePage.cpp:186
-msgid ""
-"The project is temporarily unavailable.\n"
-"Please try again later."
-msgstr ""
-"Das Projekt ist vorübergehend nicht zu erreichen.\n"
-"Bitte versuchen Sie es später nochmal."
+#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:405
+msgid "Default"
+msgstr "Standard"
-#: UnavailablePage.cpp:190
-msgid "Account manager temporarily unavailable"
-msgstr "Die Kontoverwaltung ist vorübergehend nicht zu erreichen."
+#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:848
+msgid "Suspend"
+msgstr "Anhalten"
-#: UnavailablePage.cpp:193
-msgid ""
-"The account manager is temporarily unavailable.\n"
-"Please try again later."
-msgstr ""
-"Die Kontoverwaltung ist vorübergehend nicht zu erreichen.\n"
-"Bitte versuchen Sie es später nochmal."
+#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:850
+msgid "Suspend Computing"
+msgstr "Berechnungen anhalten"
-#: ValidateAccountKey.cpp:68
-msgid "Please specify an account key to continue."
-msgstr "Bitte geben Sie einen Kontoschlüssel ein um fortzufahren."
+#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:851
+msgid "Resume Computing"
+msgstr "Berechnung fortsetzen"
-#: ValidateAccountKey.cpp:71
-msgid "Invalid Account Key; please enter a valid Account Key"
-msgstr ""
-"Unzulässiger oder fehlender Kontoschlüssel (Account Key); bitte geben Sie "
-"einen gültigen Schlüssel ein."
+#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:867
+msgid "Notices"
+msgstr "Nachrichten"
-#: ValidateAccountKey.cpp:82 ValidateEmailAddress.cpp:86
-msgid "Validation conflict"
-msgstr "Überprüfungskonflikt"
+#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:868
+msgid "Open a window to view notices from projects or BOINC"
+msgstr "Öffne ein Fenster um Projekt oder BOINC Nachrichten anzuzeigen"
-#: ValidateEmailAddress.cpp:72
-msgid "Please specify an email address"
-msgstr "Bitte geben Sie eine E-Mail-Adresse ein."
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgMessages.cpp:124
+msgid "Fetching notices; please wait..."
+msgstr "Nachrichten werden abgerufen. Bitte warten..."
-#: ValidateEmailAddress.cpp:75
-msgid "Invalid email address; please enter a valid email address"
-msgstr ""
-"Unzulässige E-Mail-Adresse; bitte geben Sie eine gültige E-Mail-Adresse ein."
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgMessages.cpp:132
+msgid "There are no notices at this time."
+msgstr "Es sind zur Zeit keine Nachrichten verfügbar."
-#: ValidateURL.cpp:69
-msgid "Missing URL"
-msgstr "Fehlende URL"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgMessages.cpp:146
+msgid "Close"
+msgstr "Schließen"
-#: ValidateURL.cpp:70
-msgid ""
-"Please specify a URL.\n"
-"For example:\n"
-msgstr ""
-"Bitte geben sie eine URL ein.\n"
-"Zum Beispiel:\n"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgMessages.cpp:394
+#, c-format
+msgid "%s - Notices"
+msgstr "%s - Nachrichten"
-#: ValidateURL.cpp:83 ValidateURL.cpp:87 ValidateURL.cpp:91
-#: ValidateURL.cpp:103 ValidateURL.cpp:107 ValidateURL.cpp:110
-msgid "Invalid URL"
-msgstr "Falsche URL"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:270
+msgid "This dialog controls preferences for this computer only."
+msgstr "Dieser Dialog verwaltet die Einstellungen nur für diesen Computer."
-#: ValidateURL.cpp:84 ValidateURL.cpp:88 ValidateURL.cpp:92
-msgid ""
-"Please specify a valid URL.\n"
-"For example:\n"
-msgstr ""
-"Bitte geben Sie eine gültige Internetadresse ein.\n"
-"Zum Beispiel:\n"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:275
+msgid "Click OK to set preferences."
+msgstr "Mit OK die Einstellungen bestätigen."
-#: ValidateURL.cpp:104 ValidateURL.cpp:108
-#, c-format
-msgid "'%s' does not contain a valid host name."
-msgstr "'%s' Enthält keinen zulässigen Rechnernamen."
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:280
+msgid "Click Clear to restore web-based settings for all preferences listed below."
+msgstr ""
+"Klicken Sie auf \"Löschen\", um alle unten aufgeführten Web-Einstellungen auf "
+"die Standards zurückzustellen."
-#: ValidateURL.cpp:111
-#, c-format
-msgid "'%s' does not contain a valid path."
-msgstr "'%s' enhält keine zulässige Pfadangabe."
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:287
+msgid "For additional settings, select Computing Preferences in the Advanced View."
+msgstr ""
+"Weitere Einstellungen stehen unter 'Assistenten' -> 'Einstellungen...' in "
+"der Erweiterten Ansicht."
-#: ViewMessages.cpp:84 ViewProjects.cpp:170 ViewStatistics.cpp:1978
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:160 ViewWork.cpp:183
-msgid "Commands"
-msgstr "Befehle"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:315
+msgid "Do work only between:"
+msgstr "Arbeite nur zwischen:"
-#: ViewMessages.cpp:88
-msgid "Copy all messages"
-msgstr "Alles kopieren"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:337
+msgid "Connect to internet only between:"
+msgstr "Verbinde mit dem Internet nur zwischen:"
-#: ViewMessages.cpp:95
-msgid "Copy selected messages"
-msgstr "Auswahl kopieren"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:359
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:376
+msgid "Use no more than:"
+msgstr "Nutze nicht mehr als:"
-#: ViewMessages.cpp:106 ViewMessages.cpp:502
-msgid "Show only this project"
-msgstr "Zeige nur dieses Projekt"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:372
+msgid "of disk space"
+msgstr "Festplattenplatz"
-#: ViewMessages.cpp:107 ViewMessages.cpp:503
-msgid "Show only the messages for the selected project."
-msgstr "Zeigt nur die Meldungen für dieses Projekt."
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:389
+msgid "of the processor"
+msgstr "Prozessorleistung"
-#: ViewMessages.cpp:164
-msgid "Messages"
-msgstr "Meldungen"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:393
+msgid "Do work while on battery?"
+msgstr "Arbeiten im Batteriebetrieb?"
-#: ViewMessages.cpp:187
-msgid "Copying all messages to the clipboard..."
-msgstr "Kopiert alle Meldungen in die Zwischenablage..."
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:406
+msgid "Do work after idle for:"
+msgstr "Arbeiten beginnen nach Leerlauf von:"
-#: ViewMessages.cpp:223
-msgid "Copying selected messages to the clipboard..."
-msgstr "Kopiere ausgewählte Meldungen in die Zwischenablage..."
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:431
+msgid "Clear all local preferences listed above and close the dialog"
+msgstr "Alle lokalen Einstellungen löschen und den Dialog schließen."
-#: ViewMessages.cpp:286
-msgid "Filtering messages..."
-msgstr "Filtere Meldungen..."
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:609
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:612
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:688
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:692
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:704
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:708
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:851
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:862
+msgid "Anytime"
+msgstr "Jederzeit"
-#: ViewMessages.cpp:494
-msgid "Show all messages"
-msgstr "Zeige alle Meldungen"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:645
+msgid "100 MB"
+msgstr "100 MB"
-#: ViewMessages.cpp:495
-msgid "Show messages for all projects."
-msgstr "Zeige Meldungen für alle Projekte."
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:646
+msgid "200 MB"
+msgstr "200 MB"
-#: ViewNotices.cpp:58 sg_DlgMessages.cpp:124
-msgid "Fetching notices; please wait..."
-msgstr "Nachrichten werden abgerufen. Bitte warten..."
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:647
+msgid "500 MB"
+msgstr "500 MB"
-#: ViewNotices.cpp:65 sg_DlgMessages.cpp:132
-msgid "There are no notices at this time."
-msgstr "Es sind zur Zeit keine Nachrichten verfügbar."
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:648
+msgid "1 GB"
+msgstr "1 GB"
-#: ViewNotices.cpp:99 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:776
-msgid "Notices"
-msgstr "Nachrichten"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:649
+msgid "2 GB"
+msgstr "2 GB"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:650
+msgid "5 GB"
+msgstr "5 GB"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:651
+msgid "10 GB"
+msgstr "10 GB"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:652
+msgid "20 GB"
+msgstr "20 GB"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:653
+msgid "50 GB"
+msgstr "50 GB"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:654
+msgid "100 GB"
+msgstr "100 GB"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:724
+#, c-format
+msgid "%d MB"
+msgstr "%d MB"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:726
+#, c-format
+msgid "%4.2f GB"
+msgstr "%4.2f GB"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:767
+#, c-format
+msgid "%d%%"
+msgstr "%d%%"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:803
+msgid "0 (Run Always)"
+msgstr "0 (Immer ausführen)"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:806
+#, c-format
+msgid "%d"
+msgstr "%d"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:953
+#, c-format
+msgid "%s - Computing Preferences"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:1033
+msgid "Do you really want to clear all local preferences?\n"
+msgstr "Wollen Sie wirklich alle lokalen Einstellungen löschen?\n"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:174 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:61
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:66
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:179
 msgid "Update"
 msgstr "Aktualisieren"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:175 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:62
-msgid ""
-"Report all completed tasks, get latest credit, get latest preferences, and "
-"possibly get more tasks."
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:67
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:180
+msgid "Report all completed tasks, get latest credit, get latest preferences, and possibly get more tasks."
 msgstr ""
 "Berichtet über alle fertig gestellten Aufgaben des ausgewählten (markierten) "
 "Projekts, holt die letzten Statistiken und Einstellungen und erhält "
 "eventuell mehr Aufgaben."
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:181 ViewProjects.cpp:722 ViewWork.cpp:208 ViewWork.cpp:801
-#: sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:757 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:67
-#: sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:113 sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:66
-#: sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:106
-msgid "Suspend"
-msgstr "Anhalten"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:182 ViewProjects.cpp:722 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:68
-#: sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:114
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:73
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:129
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:187
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:727
 msgid "Suspend tasks for this project."
 msgstr ""
 "Unterbricht zeitweilig die Arbeit an dem ausgewählten (markierten) Projekt."
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:188 ViewProjects.cpp:741 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:73
-#: sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:121
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:78
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:136
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:193
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:746
 msgid "No new tasks"
 msgstr "Keine neuen Aufgaben"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:189 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:74
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:79
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:194
 msgid "Don't get new tasks for this project."
 msgstr ""
 "Fordert keine neuen Aufgaben für das ausgewählte (markierte) Projekt mehr "
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:195 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:79
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:84
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:200
 msgid "Reset project"
 msgstr "Zurücksetzen"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:196 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:80
-msgid ""
-"Delete all files and tasks associated with this project, and get new tasks.  "
-"You can update the project first to report any completed tasks."
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:85
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:201
+msgid "Delete all files and tasks associated with this project, and get new tasks.  You can update the project first to report any completed tasks."
 msgstr ""
 "Entfernt alle Arbeitspakete und Anwendungen des ausgewählten (markierten) "
 "Projekts von diesem Computer. Sie sollten das Projekt vorher aktualisieren "
 "um alle erledigten Aufgaben dem Server zu melden."
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:203 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:86
-msgid ""
-"Remove this project.  Tasks in progress will be lost (use 'Update' first to "
-"report any completed tasks)."
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:91
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:208
+msgid "Remove this project.  Tasks in progress will be lost (use 'Update' first to report any completed tasks)."
 msgstr ""
 "Entfernt dieses Projekt von diesem Computer. Sie sollten vorher das Projekt "
 "aktualisieren um alle erledigten Aufgaben dem Server zu melden."
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:209 ViewWork.cpp:222 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:91
-#: sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:78
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:96
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:84
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:214
 msgid "Properties"
 msgstr "Eigenschaften"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:210 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:92
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:97
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:215
 msgid "Show project details."
 msgstr "Zeige Projekt-Details."
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:220 ViewStatistics.cpp:450
-msgid "Account"
-msgstr "Konto"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:222
-msgid "Work done"
-msgstr "Arbeit erledigt"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:223
-msgid "Avg. work done"
-msgstr "Durchschn. geleistete Arbeit"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:225 ViewTransfers.cpp:188 ViewWork.cpp:234
-msgid "Status"
-msgstr "Status"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:250
-msgid "Projects"
-msgstr "Projekte"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:302
-msgid "Updating project..."
-msgstr "Projekt wird aktualisiert..."
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:344
-msgid "Resuming project..."
-msgstr "Projekt wird fortgesetzt..."
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:348
-msgid "Suspending project..."
-msgstr "Projekt wird angehalten..."
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:126
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:723
+msgid "Resume tasks for this project."
+msgstr ""
+"Setzt die unterbrochene Arbeit an dem ausgewählten (markierten) Projekt "
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:385
-msgid "Telling project to allow additional task downloads..."
-msgstr "Erlaubt dem Projekt neue Aufgaben anzufordern..."
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:133
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:742
+msgid "Allow new tasks"
+msgstr "Neue Aufgaben zulassen"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:389
-msgid "Telling project to not fetch any additional tasks..."
-msgstr "Verbietet dem Projekt neue Aufgaben anzufordern..."
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:134
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:742
+msgid "Allow fetching new tasks for this project."
+msgstr ""
+"Erlaubt das Anfordern von neuen Aufgaben für das ausgewählte (markierte) "
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:425
-msgid "Resetting project..."
-msgstr "Projekt wird zurückgesetzt..."
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:137
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:746
+msgid "Don't fetch new tasks for this project."
+msgstr ""
+"Fordert keine neuen Aufgaben für das ausgewählte (markierte) Projekt mehr "
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:438 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:214
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:229
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:443
 #, c-format
 msgid "Are you sure you want to reset project '%s'?"
 msgstr "Wollen Sie das Projekt '%s' wirklich zurücksetzen?"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:444 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:220
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:235
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:449
 msgid "Reset Project"
 msgstr "Projekt zurücksetzen"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:483
-msgid "Removing project..."
-msgstr "Projekt wird entfernt..."
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:496 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:251
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:266
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:501
 #, c-format
 msgid "Are you sure you want to remove project '%s'?"
 msgstr "Wollen Sie das Projekt '%s' wirklich entfernen?"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:502 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:257
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:272
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:507
 msgid "Remove Project"
 msgstr "Projekt entfernen"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:543 ViewWork.cpp:599
-msgid "Launching browser..."
-msgstr "Webbrowser wird gestartet..."
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:718 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:111
-msgid "Resume tasks for this project."
-msgstr ""
-"Setzt die unterbrochene Arbeit an dem ausgewählten (markierten) Projekt "
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:737 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:118
-msgid "Allow new tasks"
-msgstr "Neue Aufgaben zulassen"
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:72
+msgid "Add Project"
+msgstr "Projekt hinzufügen"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:737 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:119
-msgid "Allow fetching new tasks for this project."
-msgstr ""
-"Erlaubt das Anfordern von neuen Aufgaben für das ausgewählte (markierte) "
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:73
+msgid "Synchronize"
+msgstr "Synchronisieren"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:741 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:122
-msgid "Don't fetch new tasks for this project."
-msgstr ""
-"Fordert keine neuen Aufgaben für das ausgewählte (markierte) Projekt mehr "
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:74
+msgid "Work done for this project"
+msgstr "erledigte Arbeit für dieses Projekt"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1058
-msgid "Requested by user"
-msgstr "Vom Benutzer angefragt"
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:77
+msgid "Synchronize projects with account manager system"
+msgstr "Synchronisiere Projekt mit der Kontoverwaltung"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1059
-msgid "To fetch work"
-msgstr "Um Arbeit zu holen"
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:124
+msgid "Select a project to access with the controls below"
+msgstr "Wähle ein Projekt für den Zugriff mit den unteren Bedienelementen aus"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1060
-msgid "To report completed tasks"
-msgstr "Um fertige Aufgaben zu melden"
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:145
+msgid "Project Web Pages"
+msgstr "Projekt -Webseite"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1061
-msgid "To send trickle-up message"
-msgstr "Um eine Zwischenmeldung zu senden"
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:149
+msgid "Project Commands"
+msgstr "Projekt-Befehle"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1062
-msgid "Requested by account manager"
-msgstr "Von der Kontenverwaltung angefordert"
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:276
+#, c-format
+#, c-format, c-format
+msgid "Pop up a menu of web sites for project %s"
+msgstr "Öffne Menü für die Webseiten von %s"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1063
-msgid "Project initialization"
-msgstr "Projektinitialisierung"
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:278
+#, c-format
+#, c-format,
+msgid "Pop up a menu of commands to apply to project %s"
+msgstr "Blende ein Menü mit Befehlen für Projekt %s ein"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1064
-msgid "Requested by project"
-msgstr "Vom Projekt angefordert"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:66
+msgid "Show graphics"
+msgstr "Grafik anzeigen"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1065
-msgid "Unknown reason"
-msgstr "Unbekannte Ursache"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:67
+msgid "Show application graphics in a window."
+msgstr ""
+"Zeigt die Anwendungsgrafik der ausgewählten (markierten), aktiven Berechnung "
+"in einem Fenster."
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1079
-msgid "Suspended by user"
-msgstr "Angehalten durch Benutzer"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:73
+msgid "Suspend this task."
+msgstr "Diese Aufgabe anhalten."
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1082
-msgid "Won't get new tasks"
-msgstr "Erhält keine neue Aufgaben"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:78
+msgid "Abort"
+msgstr "Abbrechen"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1085
-msgid "Project ended - OK to remove"
-msgstr "Projekt beendet - Bereit zum entfernen"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:79
+msgid "Abandon this task. You will get no credit for it."
+msgstr "Diese Aufgabe abbrechen. Es werden keine Punkte angerechnet."
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1088
-msgid "Will remove when tasks done"
-msgstr "Entfernen, sobald Aufgaben erledigt sind"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:85
+msgid "Show task details."
+msgstr "Zeige Aufgabendetails."
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1091
-msgid "Scheduler request pending"
-msgstr "Wartende Scheduleranfrage"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:119
+msgid "Resume work for this task."
+msgstr "Berechnung für diese Aufgabe wiederaufnehmen."
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1097
-msgid "Scheduler request in progress"
-msgstr "Laufende Scheduleranfrage"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:123
+msgid "Suspend work for this task."
+msgstr "Unterbricht die Arbeit an der ausgewählten (markierte) Aufgabe."
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1100
-msgid "Trickle up message pending"
-msgstr "Zwischenmeldung ausstehend"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:267
+#, c-format
+#, c-format,
+msgid ""
+"Are you sure you want to abort this task '%s'?\n"
+"(Progress: %.1lf%%, Status: %s)"
+msgstr ""
+"Sind Sie sicher dass Sie die Aufgabe abbrechen wollen '%s'?\n"
+"(Fortscshritt: %.1lf%%, Status: %s)"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1106
-msgid "Communication deferred "
-msgstr "Kommunikation verzögert um "
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:272
+msgid "Abort task"
+msgstr "Aufgabe abbrechen"
-#: ViewResources.cpp:62
-msgid "Total disk usage"
-msgstr "Festplattennutzung gesamt"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:468
+msgid "You don't have any projects.  Please Add a Project."
+msgstr "Sie haben kein Projekt eingetragen. Bitte fügen Sie ein Projekt hinzu."
-#: ViewResources.cpp:83
-msgid "Disk usage by BOINC projects"
-msgstr "Festplattennutzung durch BOINC-Projekte"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:469
+msgid "Not available"
+msgstr "Nicht Verfügbar"
-#: ViewResources.cpp:116
-msgid "Disk"
-msgstr "Festplatte"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:480
+msgid "Tasks:"
+msgstr "Aufgaben:"
-#: ViewResources.cpp:249
-msgid "no projects: 0 bytes used"
-msgstr "keine Projekte: 0 Bytes benutzt"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:486
+msgid "Select a task to access"
+msgstr "Wähle eine Aufgabe"
-#: ViewResources.cpp:286
-msgid "used by BOINC: "
-msgstr "Von BOINC belegt: "
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:497
+msgid "From:"
+msgstr "Von:"
-#: ViewResources.cpp:296
-msgid "free, available to BOINC: "
-msgstr "Frei, für BOINC verfügbar: "
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:551
+msgid "This task's progress"
+msgstr "Fortschritt dieser Aufgabe"
-#: ViewResources.cpp:306
-msgid "free, not available to BOINC: "
-msgstr "Frei, nicht für BOINC verfügbar: "
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:569
+msgid "Task Commands"
+msgstr "Aufgabenbefehle"
-#: ViewResources.cpp:316
-msgid "free: "
-msgstr "Frei: "
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:570
+msgid "Pop up a menu of commands to apply to this task"
+msgstr "Blende ein Menü ein für anwendbare Befehle für diese Aufgabe"
-#: ViewResources.cpp:326
-msgid "used by other programs: "
-msgstr "Anderweitig belegt: "
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:705
+#, c-format
+#, c-format,
+msgid "Application: %s"
+msgstr "Anwendung: %s"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:1205
-msgid "User Total"
-msgstr "Benutzer Gesamt"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:728
+#, c-format
+msgid "%.3f%%"
+msgstr "%.3f%%"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:1206
-msgid "User Average"
-msgstr "Benutzer Durchschnitt"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:736
+msgid "Application: Not available"
+msgstr "Anwendung: Nicht Verfügbar"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:1207
-msgid "Host Total"
-msgstr "Rechner Gesamt"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:836
+msgid "Not Available"
+msgstr "Nicht Verfügbar"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:1208
-msgid "Host Average"
-msgstr "Rechner Durchschnitt"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:851
+#, c-format
+msgid "Elapsed: %s"
+msgstr "Vergangen: %s"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:1355
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:865
 #, c-format
-msgid "Last update: %.0f days ago"
-msgstr "Letztes Update: Vor %.0f Tagen."
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:1982
-msgid "Show user total"
-msgstr "Benutzer Gesamt"
+msgid "Remaining (estimated): %s"
+msgstr "Verbleibend (geschätzt): %s"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:1983
-msgid "Show total credit for user"
-msgstr "Gesamtpunktzahl des Benutzers anzeigen"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:880
+#, c-format
+msgid "Status: %s"
+msgstr "Status: %s"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:1989
-msgid "Show user average"
-msgstr "Benutzer Durchschnitt"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1227
+msgid "Retrieving current status."
+msgstr "Aktueller Status wird ermittelt."
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:1990
-msgid "Show average credit for user"
-msgstr "Durchschnittliche Punktzahl des Benutzers anzeigen"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1233
+msgid "Downloading work from the server."
+msgstr "Lade neue Aufgaben vom Server."
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:1996
-msgid "Show host total"
-msgstr "Rechner Gesamt"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1238
+msgid "Processing Suspended:  Running On Batteries."
+msgstr "Berechnungen angehalten: Batteriebetrieb."
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:1997
-msgid "Show total credit for host"
-msgstr "Gesamtpunktzahl für den Computer anzeigen"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1240
+msgid "Processing Suspended:  User Active."
+msgstr "Berechnungen angehalten: Benutzer ist aktiv."
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2003
-msgid "Show host average"
-msgstr "Rechner Durchschnitt"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1242
+msgid "Processing Suspended:  User paused processing."
+msgstr "Berechnungen angehalten: Angehalten durch Benutzer."
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2004
-msgid "Show average credit for host"
-msgstr "Durchschnittliche Punktzahl für den Computer anzeigen"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1244
+msgid "Processing Suspended:  Time of Day."
+msgstr "Berechnungen angehalten: Zeitbegrenzung."
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2013
-msgid "< &Previous project"
-msgstr "< &Vorheriges Projekt"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1246
+msgid "Processing Suspended:  Benchmarks Running."
+msgstr "Berechnungen angehalten: Benchmarks laufen."
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2014
-msgid "Show chart for previous project"
-msgstr "Zeige Grafik für das vorherige Projekt"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1248
+msgid "Processing Suspended."
+msgstr "Berechnungen angehalten."
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2019
-msgid "&Next project >"
-msgstr "&Nächstes Projekt >"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1252
+msgid "Waiting to contact project servers."
+msgstr "Warte auf Kontakt zum Projektserver."
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2020
-msgid "Show chart for next project"
-msgstr "Grafik für das nächste Projekt anzeigen"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1256
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1265
+msgid "Retrieving current status"
+msgstr "Ermittle den aktuellen Status."
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2026 ViewStatistics.cpp:2416
-msgid "Hide project list"
-msgstr "Projektliste ausblenden"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1260
+msgid "No work available to process"
+msgstr "Keine Aufgaben zu bearbeiten."
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2027 ViewStatistics.cpp:2416
-msgid "Use entire area for graphs"
-msgstr "Den ganzen Bereich für Grafiken nutzen"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1262
+msgid "Unable to connect to the core client"
+msgstr "Verbindung mit dem Basisclient nicht möglich."
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2032
-msgid "Mode view"
-msgstr "Ansicht"
+#: clientgui/TermsOfUsePage.cpp:218
+msgid "Terms of Use"
+msgstr "Nutzungsbedingungen"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2036
-msgid "One project"
-msgstr "Ein Projekt"
+#: clientgui/TermsOfUsePage.cpp:222
+msgid "Please read the following terms of use:"
+msgstr "Bitte lesen Sie die folgenden Nutzungsbedingungen:"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2037
-msgid "Show one chart with selected project"
-msgstr "Eine Grafik mit dem ausgewählten Projekt anzeigen"
+#: clientgui/TermsOfUsePage.cpp:231
+msgid "I agree to the terms of use."
+msgstr "Ich stimme den Nutzungsbedingungen zu."
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2043
-msgid "All projects (separate)"
-msgstr "Alle Projekte (separat)"
+#: clientgui/TermsOfUsePage.cpp:237
+msgid "I do not agree to the terms of use."
+msgstr "Ich stimme den Nutzungsbedingungen nicht zu."
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2044
-msgid "Show all projects, one chart per project"
-msgstr "Alle Projekte anzeigen, eine Grafik je Projekt"
+#: clientgui/UnavailablePage.cpp:183
+msgid "Project temporarily unavailable"
+msgstr "Projekt ist vorübergehend nicht erreichbar"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2050
-msgid "All projects (together)"
-msgstr "Alle Projekte (zusammen)"
+#: clientgui/UnavailablePage.cpp:186
+msgid ""
+"The project is temporarily unavailable.\n"
+"Please try again later."
+msgstr ""
+"Das Projekt ist vorübergehend nicht zu erreichen.\n"
+"Bitte versuchen Sie es später nochmal."
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2051
-msgid "Show one chart with all projects"
-msgstr "Eine Grafik mit allen Projekten anzeigen"
+#: clientgui/UnavailablePage.cpp:190
+msgid "Account manager temporarily unavailable"
+msgstr "Die Kontoverwaltung ist vorübergehend nicht zu erreichen."
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2057
-msgid "All projects (sum)"
-msgstr "Alle Projekte (Summe)"
+#: clientgui/UnavailablePage.cpp:193
+msgid ""
+"The account manager is temporarily unavailable.\n"
+"Please try again later."
+msgstr ""
+"Die Kontoverwaltung ist vorübergehend nicht zu erreichen.\n"
+"Bitte versuchen Sie es später nochmal."
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2058
-msgid "Show one chart with sum of projects"
-msgstr "Eine Grafik mit allen Projekten (summiert) anzeigen"
+#: clientgui/ValidateAccountKey.cpp:68
+msgid "Please specify an account key to continue."
+msgstr "Bitte geben Sie einen Kontoschlüssel ein um fortzufahren."
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2079
-msgid "Statistics"
-msgstr "Statistiken"
+#: clientgui/ValidateAccountKey.cpp:71
+msgid "Invalid Account Key; please enter a valid Account Key"
+msgstr ""
+"Unzulässiger oder fehlender Kontoschlüssel (Account Key); bitte geben Sie "
+"einen gültigen Schlüssel ein."
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2103 ViewStatistics.cpp:2124 ViewStatistics.cpp:2145
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2167 ViewStatistics.cpp:2188 ViewStatistics.cpp:2209
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2230 ViewStatistics.cpp:2251 ViewStatistics.cpp:2272
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2296
-msgid "Updating charts..."
-msgstr "Grafiken werden aktualisiert..."
+#: clientgui/ValidateAccountKey.cpp:82
+#: clientgui/ValidateEmailAddress.cpp:86
+msgid "Validation conflict"
+msgstr "Überprüfungskonflikt"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2420
-msgid "Show project list"
-msgstr "Projektliste anzeigen"
+#: clientgui/ValidateEmailAddress.cpp:72
+msgid "Please specify an email address"
+msgstr "Bitte geben Sie eine E-Mail-Adresse ein."
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2420
-msgid "Uses smaller area for graphs"
-msgstr "Kleineren Bereich für Grafiken nutzen"
+#: clientgui/ValidateEmailAddress.cpp:75
+msgid "Invalid email address; please enter a valid email address"
+msgstr ""
+"Unzulässige E-Mail-Adresse; bitte geben Sie eine gültige E-Mail-Adresse ein."
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:164
-msgid "Retry Now"
-msgstr "Jetzt nochmal versuchen"
+#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:69
+msgid "Missing URL"
+msgstr "Fehlende URL"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:165
-msgid "Retry the file transfer now"
-msgstr "Den Dateitransfer jetzt erneut versuchen."
+#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:70
+msgid ""
+"Please specify a URL.\n"
+"For example:\n"
+msgstr ""
+"Bitte geben sie eine URL ein.\n"
+"Zum Beispiel:\n"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:171
-msgid "Abort Transfer"
-msgstr "Abbrechen"
+#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:83
+#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:87
+#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:91
+#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:103
+#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:107
+#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:110
+msgid "Invalid URL"
+msgstr "Falsche URL"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:172
-msgid "Abort this file transfer.  You won't get credit for the task."
+#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:84
+#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:88
+#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:92
+msgid ""
+"Please specify a valid URL.\n"
+"For example:\n"
 msgstr ""
-"Diese Dateiübertragung abbrechen. Es werden keine Punkte für diese Aufgabe "
+"Bitte geben Sie eine gültige Internetadresse ein.\n"
+"Zum Beispiel:\n"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:183
-msgid "File"
-msgstr "Datei"
+#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:104
+#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:108
+#, c-format
+msgid "'%s' does not contain a valid host name."
+msgstr "'%s' Enthält keinen zulässigen Rechnernamen."
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:184 ViewWork.cpp:233
-msgid "Progress"
-msgstr "Fortschritt"
+#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:111
+#, c-format
+msgid "'%s' does not contain a valid path."
+msgstr "'%s' enhält keine zulässige Pfadangabe."
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:185
-msgid "Size"
-msgstr "Größe"
+#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:84
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:175
+msgid "Commands"
+msgstr "Befehle"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:186
-msgid "Elapsed Time"
-msgstr "Vergangene Zeit"
+#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:88
+msgid "Copy all messages"
+msgstr "Alles kopieren"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:187
-msgid "Speed"
-msgstr "Geschwindigkeit"
+#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:95
+msgid "Copy selected messages"
+msgstr "Auswahl kopieren"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:213
-msgid "Transfers"
-msgstr "Übertragung"
+#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:106
+#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:502
+msgid "Show only this project"
+msgstr "Zeige nur dieses Projekt"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:280
-msgid "Network activity is suspended - "
-msgstr "Netzwerkzugriff ist abgeschaltet - "
+#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:107
+#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:503
+msgid "Show only the messages for the selected project."
+msgstr "Zeigt nur die Meldungen für dieses Projekt."
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:282
-msgid ""
-"You can enable it using the Activity menu."
-msgstr ""
-"Kann über das Menü Steuerung aktiviert werden."
+#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:164
+msgid "Messages"
+msgstr "Meldungen"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:285
-msgid "BOINC"
-msgstr "BOINC"
+#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:187
+msgid "Copying all messages to the clipboard..."
+msgstr "Kopiert alle Meldungen in die Zwischenablage..."
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:292
-msgid "Retrying transfer now..."
-msgstr "Übertragung wird jetzt wiederholt..."
+#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:223
+msgid "Copying selected messages to the clipboard..."
+msgstr "Kopiere ausgewählte Meldungen in die Zwischenablage..."
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:330
-msgid "Aborting transfer..."
-msgstr "Übertragung wird abgebrochen..."
+#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:286
+msgid "Filtering messages..."
+msgstr "Filtere Meldungen..."
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:343
-#, c-format
-msgid ""
-"Are you sure you want to abort this file transfer '%s'?\n"
-"NOTE: Aborting a transfer will invalidate a task and you\n"
-"will not receive credit for it."
-msgstr ""
-"Sind Sie sicher dass Sie die Dateiübertragung \"%s\" abbrechen wollen?\n"
-"Achtung: Das Abbrechen der Übertragung macht diese ungültig\n"
-"und Sie werden keine Punkte dafür bekommen."
+#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:494
+msgid "Show all messages"
+msgstr "Zeige alle Meldungen"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:349
-msgid "Abort File Transfer"
-msgstr "Dateiübertragug abbrechen"
+#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:495
+msgid "Show messages for all projects."
+msgstr "Zeige Meldungen für alle Projekte."
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:780
-msgid "Upload"
-msgstr "Hochladen"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:225
+msgid "Account"
+msgstr "Konto"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:780
-msgid "Download"
-msgstr "Herunterladen"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:227
+msgid "Work done"
+msgstr "Arbeit erledigt"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:784
-msgid "retry in "
-msgstr "Wiederhole in "
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:228
+msgid "Avg. work done"
+msgstr "Durchschn. geleistete Arbeit"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:786
-msgid "failed"
-msgstr "fehlgeschlagen"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:230
+msgid "Status"
+msgstr "Status"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:789
-msgid "suspended"
-msgstr "angehalten"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:255
+msgid "Projects"
+msgstr "Projekte"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:794
-msgid "active"
-msgstr "aktiv"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:307
+msgid "Updating project..."
+msgstr "Projekt wird aktualisiert..."
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:796
-msgid "pending"
-msgstr "ausstehend"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:349
+msgid "Resuming project..."
+msgstr "Projekt wird fortgesetzt..."
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:803
-msgid " (project backoff: "
-msgstr " (Projektverzögerung: "
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:353
+msgid "Suspending project..."
+msgstr "Projekt wird angehalten..."
-#: ViewWork.cpp:187 ViewWork.cpp:777
-msgid "Show active tasks"
-msgstr "Zeige aktive Aufgaben"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:390
+msgid "Telling project to allow additional task downloads..."
+msgstr "Erlaubt dem Projekt neue Aufgaben anzufordern..."
-#: ViewWork.cpp:188 ViewWork.cpp:778
-msgid "Show only active tasks."
-msgstr "Zeigt nur aktive Aufgaben an."
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:394
+msgid "Telling project to not fetch any additional tasks..."
+msgstr "Verbietet dem Projekt neue Aufgaben anzufordern..."
-#: ViewWork.cpp:194 sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:60
-msgid "Show graphics"
-msgstr "Grafik anzeigen"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:430
+msgid "Resetting project..."
+msgstr "Projekt wird zurückgesetzt..."
-#: ViewWork.cpp:195 sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:61
-msgid "Show application graphics in a window."
-msgstr ""
-"Zeigt die Anwendungsgrafik der ausgewählten (markierten), aktiven Berechnung "
-"in einem Fenster."
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:488
+msgid "Removing project..."
+msgstr "Projekt wird entfernt..."
-#: ViewWork.cpp:201
-msgid "Show VM Console"
-msgstr "Zeige die VM Konsole"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:548
+msgid "Launching browser..."
+msgstr "Webbrowser wird gestartet..."
-#: ViewWork.cpp:202
-msgid "Show VM Console in a window."
-msgstr "Zeigt die VM Konsole in einem eigenen Fenster"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1063
+msgid "Requested by user"
+msgstr "Vom Benutzer angefragt"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:209
-msgid "Suspend work for this result."
-msgstr "Unterbricht die Arbeit an der ausgewählten (markierten) Berechnung."
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1064
+msgid "To fetch work"
+msgstr "Um Arbeit zu holen"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:215 sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:72
-msgid "Abort"
-msgstr "Abbrechen"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1065
+msgid "To report completed tasks"
+msgstr "Um fertige Aufgaben zu melden"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:216
-msgid "Abandon work on the result. You will get no credit for it."
-msgstr ""
-"Bricht die Arbeit an der ausgewählten (markierten) Berechnung dauerhaft ab. "
-"Diese zählt dann auch nicht mehr für die Statistik. Das kann nicht "
-"rückgängig gemacht werden."
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1066
+msgid "To send trickle-up message"
+msgstr "Um eine Zwischenmeldung zu senden"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:223 sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:79
-msgid "Show task details."
-msgstr "Zeige Aufgabendetails."
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1067
+msgid "Requested by account manager"
+msgstr "Von der Kontenverwaltung angefordert"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:235
-msgid "Elapsed"
-msgstr "Vergangen"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1068
+msgid "Project initialization"
+msgstr "Projektinitialisierung"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:236
-msgid "Remaining (estimated)"
-msgstr "Verbleibend (geschätzt)"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1069
+msgid "Requested by project"
+msgstr "Vom Projekt angefordert"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:237
-msgid "Deadline"
-msgstr "Ablaufdatum"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1070
+msgid "Unknown reason"
+msgstr "Unbekannte Ursache"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:264
-msgid "Tasks"
-msgstr "Aufgaben"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1084
+msgid "Suspended by user"
+msgstr "Angehalten durch Benutzer"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:357
-msgid "Resuming task..."
-msgstr "Aufgabe wird fortgesetzt..."
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1087
+msgid "Won't get new tasks"
+msgstr "Erhält keine neue Aufgaben"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:360
-msgid "Suspending task..."
-msgstr "Aufgabe wird angehalten..."
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1090
+msgid "Project ended - OK to remove"
+msgstr "Projekt beendet - Bereit zum entfernen"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:389
-msgid "Showing graphics for task..."
-msgstr "Zeigt die Grafik für Aufgabe..."
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1093
+msgid "Will remove when tasks done"
+msgstr "Entfernen, sobald Aufgaben erledigt sind"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:426
-msgid "Showing VM console for task..."
-msgstr "Zeige die VM Konsole einer Aufgabe..."
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1096
+msgid "Scheduler request pending"
+msgstr "Wartende Scheduleranfrage"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:479
-#, c-format
-msgid ""
-"Are you sure you want to abort this task '%s'?\n"
-"(Progress: %s, Status: %s)"
-msgstr ""
-"Wollen Sie die Aufgabe '%s' wirklich abbrechen?\n"
-"(Fortschritt: %s, Status: %s)"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1102
+msgid "Scheduler request in progress"
+msgstr "Laufende Scheduleranfrage"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:485
-#, c-format
-msgid "Are you sure you want to abort these %d tasks?"
-msgstr "Wollen Sie diese %d Aufgaben wirklich abbrechen?"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1105
+msgid "Trickle up message pending"
+msgstr "Zwischenmeldung ausstehend"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:490 sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:256
-msgid "Abort task"
-msgstr "Aufgabe abbrechen"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1111
+msgid "Communication deferred "
+msgstr "Kommunikation verzögert um "
-# 75%
-#: ViewWork.cpp:499
-msgid "Aborting task..."
-msgstr "Aufgabe wird abgebrochen..."
+#: clientgui/ViewResources.cpp:62
+msgid "Total disk usage"
+msgstr "Festplattennutzung gesamt"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:771
-msgid "Show all tasks"
-msgstr "Zeige alle Aufgaben"
+#: clientgui/ViewResources.cpp:83
+msgid "Disk usage by BOINC projects"
+msgstr "Festplattennutzung durch BOINC-Projekte"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:772
-msgid "Show all tasks."
-msgstr "Zeige alle Aufgaben."
+#: clientgui/ViewResources.cpp:116
+msgid "Disk"
+msgstr "Festplatte"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:796 sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:103
-msgid "Resume work for this task."
-msgstr "Berechnung für diese Aufgabe wiederaufnehmen."
+#: clientgui/ViewResources.cpp:225
+msgid "no projects: 0 bytes used"
+msgstr "keine Projekte: 0 Bytes benutzt"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:802 sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:107
-msgid "Suspend work for this task."
-msgstr "Unterbricht die Arbeit an der ausgewählten (markierte) Aufgabe."
+#: clientgui/ViewResources.cpp:262
+msgid "used by BOINC: "
+msgstr "Von BOINC belegt: "
-#: WelcomePage.cpp:284
-msgid "Add project or account manager"
-msgstr "Ein Projekt oder Kontomanager hinzufügen."
+#: clientgui/ViewResources.cpp:272
+msgid "free, available to BOINC: "
+msgstr "Frei, für BOINC verfügbar: "
-#: WelcomePage.cpp:288
-msgid "Add project or use BOINC Account Manager"
-msgstr "Projekt hinzufügen oder BOINC Kontomanager benutzen"
+#: clientgui/ViewResources.cpp:282
+msgid "free, not available to BOINC: "
+msgstr "Frei, nicht für BOINC verfügbar: "
-#: WelcomePage.cpp:297
-#, c-format
-msgid ""
-"If possible, add projects at the\n"
-"%s web site.\n"
-"Projects added via this wizard will not be\n"
-"listed on or managed via %s."
-msgstr ""
-"Wenn möglich, fügen Sie Projekte auf der\n"
-" %s-Webseite hinzu.\n"
-"Projekte, die mit diesem Assistenten hinzugefügt werden, werden nicht\n"
-"gelistet von oder verwaltet mittels %s."
+#: clientgui/ViewResources.cpp:292
+msgid "free: "
+msgstr "Frei: "
-#: WelcomePage.cpp:313
-msgid ""
-"There are over 30 BOINC-based projects\n"
-"doing research in many areas of science,\n"
-"and you can volunteer for as many of them as you like.\n"
-"You can add a project directly,\n"
-"or use an 'Account Manager' web site to select projects."
-msgstr ""
-"Es gibt über 30 BOINC-Projekte,\n"
-"in verschiedenen wissenschaftlichen\n"
-"Richtungen, wo nach belieben teilgenommen werden kann.\n"
-"Man kann sich direkt bei einem Projekt anmelden\n"
-"oder eine 'Kontoverwaltung' benutzen um Projekte auszuwählen."
+#: clientgui/ViewResources.cpp:302
+msgid "used by other programs: "
+msgstr "Anderweitig belegt: "
-#: WelcomePage.cpp:325
-msgid ""
-"You have chosen to add a new volunteer computing project or change which "
-"you contribute to.\n"
-"Some of these projects are run and managed by World Community Grid, while "
-"are run and managed by other researchers or organizations. The BOINC "
-"can divide your spare processing power among any combination of projects.\n"
-"Alternatively, if you have registered with a BOINC Account Manager, you can "
-"this to choose which projects to support.\n"
-"Please choose which type of change you would like to make:\n"
-msgstr ""
-"Sie haben sich dazu entschieden, ein neues Projekt für verteiltes Rechnen "
-"hinzuzufügen, oder die Einstellungen, zu welchen Projekten\n"
-"sie beitragen, zu verändern.\n"
-"Einige dieser Projekte werden vom World Community Grid betrieben und "
-"verwaltet, andere\n"
-"von anderen Forschern oder Organisationen. Die BOINC-Software\n"
-"kann Ihre ungenutze Rechenleistung beliebig zwischen verschiedenen Projekten "
-"Falls Sie sich bei einer BOINC-Accountverwaltung registriert haben, können "
-"Sie hier außerdem\n"
-"entscheiden, welche Projekte Sie unterstützen möchten.\n"
-"Bitte wählen Sie die Änderungen, die Sie vornehmen möchten:\n"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1181
+msgid "User Total"
+msgstr "Benutzer Gesamt"
-#: WelcomePage.cpp:339
-msgid "Use a BOINC Account Manager"
-msgstr "Einen BOINC Kontomanager benutzen"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1182
+msgid "User Average"
+msgstr "Benutzer Durchschnitt"
-#: WelcomePage.cpp:352
-msgid "To continue, click Next."
-msgstr "Um fortzufahren auf [Weiter >] klicken."
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1183
+msgid "Host Total"
+msgstr "Rechner Gesamt"
-#: WelcomePage.cpp:358
-msgid "Add or change your World Community Grid projects"
-msgstr "Hinzufügen oder ändern Ihrer World Community Grid Projekte"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1184
+msgid "Host Average"
+msgstr "Rechner Durchschnitt"
-#: WelcomePage.cpp:361
-msgid "Add projects run by other researchers or organizations"
-msgstr ""
-"Projekte hinzufügen welche von anderen Wissenschaftlern oder Organisationen "
-"betrieben werden"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1331
+#, c-format
+msgid "Last update: %.0f days ago"
+msgstr "Letztes Update: Vor %.0f Tagen."
-#: WizardAttach.cpp:634
-msgid "Do you really want to cancel?"
-msgstr "Wollen Sie wirklich abbrechen?"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1956
+msgid "Show user total"
+msgstr "Benutzer Gesamt"
-#: WizardAttach.cpp:635
-msgid "Question"
-msgstr "Frage"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1957
+msgid "Show total credit for user"
+msgstr "Gesamtpunktzahl des Benutzers anzeigen"
-#: sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:149
-msgid "Advanced View...\tCtrl+Shift+A"
-msgstr "Erweiterte &Ansicht...\tCtrl+Shift+A"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1963
+msgid "Show user average"
+msgstr "Benutzer Durchschnitt"
-#: sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:150
-msgid "Display the advanced graphical interface."
-msgstr "Die fortgeschrittene Grafikoberfläche anzeigen."
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1964
+msgid "Show average credit for user"
+msgstr "Durchschnittliche Punktzahl des Benutzers anzeigen"
-#: sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:157
-msgid "Skin"
-msgstr "Skin"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1970
+msgid "Show host total"
+msgstr "Rechner Gesamt"
-#: sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:159
-msgid "Select the appearance of the user interface."
-msgstr "Wählen Sie das Aussehen der Benutzeroberfläche."
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1971
+msgid "Show total credit for host"
+msgstr "Gesamtpunktzahl für den Computer anzeigen"
-#: sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:206
-#, c-format
-msgid "&%s"
-msgstr "&%s"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1977
+msgid "Show host average"
+msgstr "Rechner Durchschnitt"
-#: sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:390
-msgid "Default"
-msgstr "Standard"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1978
+msgid "Show average credit for host"
+msgstr "Durchschnittliche Punktzahl für den Computer anzeigen"
-#: sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:759
-msgid "Suspend Computing"
-msgstr "Berechnungen anhalten"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1987
+msgid "< &Previous project"
+msgstr "< &Vorheriges Projekt"
-#: sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:760
-msgid "Resume Computing"
-msgstr "Berechnung fortsetzen"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1988
+msgid "Show chart for previous project"
+msgstr "Zeige Grafik für das vorherige Projekt"
-#: sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:777
-msgid "Open a window to view notices from projects or BOINC"
-msgstr "Öffne ein Fenster um Projekt oder BOINC Nachrichten anzuzeigen"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1993
+msgid "&Next project >"
+msgstr "&Nächstes Projekt >"
-#: sg_DlgMessages.cpp:146
-msgid "Close"
-msgstr "Schließen"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1994
+msgid "Show chart for next project"
+msgstr "Grafik für das nächste Projekt anzeigen"
-#: sg_DlgMessages.cpp:389
-#, c-format
-msgid "%s - Notices"
-msgstr "%s - Nachrichten"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2000
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2390
+msgid "Hide project list"
+msgstr "Projektliste ausblenden"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:268
-msgid "This dialog controls preferences for this computer only."
-msgstr "Dieser Dialog verwaltet die Einstellungen nur für diesen Computer."
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2001
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2390
+msgid "Use entire area for graphs"
+msgstr "Den ganzen Bereich für Grafiken nutzen"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:273
-msgid "Click OK to set preferences."
-msgstr "Mit OK die Einstellungen bestätigen."
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2006
+msgid "Mode view"
+msgstr "Ansicht"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:278
-msgid ""
-"Click Clear to restore web-based settings for all preferences listed below."
-msgstr ""
-"Klicken Sie auf \"Löschen\", um alle unten aufgeführten Web-Einstellungen auf "
-"die Standards zurückzustellen."
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2010
+msgid "One project"
+msgstr "Ein Projekt"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:285
-msgid ""
-"For additional settings, select Computing Preferences in the Advanced View."
-msgstr ""
-"Weitere Einstellungen stehen unter 'Assistenten' -> 'Einstellungen...' in "
-"der Erweiterten Ansicht."
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2011
+msgid "Show one chart with selected project"
+msgstr "Eine Grafik mit dem ausgewählten Projekt anzeigen"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:313
-msgid "Do work only between:"
-msgstr "Arbeite nur zwischen:"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2017
+msgid "All projects (separate)"
+msgstr "Alle Projekte (separat)"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:335
-msgid "Connect to internet only between:"
-msgstr "Verbinde mit dem Internet nur zwischen:"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2018
+msgid "Show all projects, one chart per project"
+msgstr "Alle Projekte anzeigen, eine Grafik je Projekt"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:357 sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:374
-msgid "Use no more than:"
-msgstr "Nutze nicht mehr als:"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2024
+msgid "All projects (together)"
+msgstr "Alle Projekte (zusammen)"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:370
-msgid "of disk space"
-msgstr "Festplattenplatz"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2025
+msgid "Show one chart with all projects"
+msgstr "Eine Grafik mit allen Projekten anzeigen"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:387
-msgid "of the processor"
-msgstr "Prozessorleistung"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2031
+msgid "All projects (sum)"
+msgstr "Alle Projekte (Summe)"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:391
-msgid "Do work while on battery?"
-msgstr "Arbeiten im Batteriebetrieb?"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2032
+msgid "Show one chart with sum of projects"
+msgstr "Eine Grafik mit allen Projekten (summiert) anzeigen"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:404
-msgid "Do work after idle for:"
-msgstr "Arbeiten beginnen nach Leerlauf von:"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2053
+msgid "Statistics"
+msgstr "Statistiken"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:429
-msgid "Clear all local preferences listed above and close the dialog"
-msgstr "Alle lokalen Einstellungen löschen und den Dialog schließen."
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2077
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2098
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2119
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2141
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2162
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2183
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2204
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2225
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2246
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2270
+msgid "Updating charts..."
+msgstr "Grafiken werden aktualisiert..."
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:602 sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:605
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:681 sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:685
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:697 sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:701
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:844 sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:855
-msgid "Anytime"
-msgstr "Jederzeit"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2394
+msgid "Show project list"
+msgstr "Projektliste anzeigen"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:638
-msgid "100 MB"
-msgstr "100 MB"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2394
+msgid "Uses smaller area for graphs"
+msgstr "Kleineren Bereich für Grafiken nutzen"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:639
-msgid "200 MB"
-msgstr "200 MB"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:169
+msgid "Retry Now"
+msgstr "Jetzt nochmal versuchen"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:640
-msgid "500 MB"
-msgstr "500 MB"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:170
+msgid "Retry the file transfer now"
+msgstr "Den Dateitransfer jetzt erneut versuchen."
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:641
-msgid "1 GB"
-msgstr "1 GB"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:176
+msgid "Abort Transfer"
+msgstr "Abbrechen"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:642
-msgid "2 GB"
-msgstr "2 GB"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:177
+msgid "Abort this file transfer.  You won't get credit for the task."
+msgstr ""
+"Diese Dateiübertragung abbrechen. Es werden keine Punkte für diese Aufgabe "
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:643
-msgid "5 GB"
-msgstr "5 GB"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:188
+msgid "File"
+msgstr "Datei"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:644
-msgid "10 GB"
-msgstr "10 GB"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:189
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:238
+msgid "Progress"
+msgstr "Fortschritt"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:645
-msgid "20 GB"
-msgstr "20 GB"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:190
+msgid "Size"
+msgstr "Größe"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:646
-msgid "50 GB"
-msgstr "50 GB"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:191
+msgid "Elapsed Time"
+msgstr "Vergangene Zeit"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:647
-msgid "100 GB"
-msgstr "100 GB"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:192
+msgid "Speed"
+msgstr "Geschwindigkeit"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:717
-#, c-format
-msgid "%d MB"
-msgstr "%d MB"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:218
+msgid "Transfers"
+msgstr "Übertragung"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:719
-#, c-format
-msgid "%4.2f GB"
-msgstr "%4.2f GB"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:285
+msgid "Network activity is suspended - "
+msgstr "Netzwerkzugriff ist abgeschaltet - "
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:760
-#, c-format
-msgid "%d%%"
-msgstr "%d%%"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:287
+msgid ""
+"You can enable it using the Activity menu."
+msgstr ""
+"Kann über das Menü Steuerung aktiviert werden."
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:796
-msgid "0 (Run Always)"
-msgstr "0 (Immer ausführen)"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:290
+msgid "BOINC"
+msgstr "BOINC"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:799
-#, c-format
-msgid "%d"
-msgstr "%d"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:297
+msgid "Retrying transfer now..."
+msgstr "Übertragung wird jetzt wiederholt..."
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:1029
-msgid "Do you really want to clear all local preferences?\n"
-msgstr "Wollen Sie wirklich alle lokalen Einstellungen löschen?\n"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:335
+msgid "Aborting transfer..."
+msgstr "Übertragung wird abgebrochen..."
-#: sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:72
-msgid "Add Project"
-msgstr "Projekt hinzufügen"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:348
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Are you sure you want to abort this file transfer '%s'?\n"
+"NOTE: Aborting a transfer will invalidate a task and you\n"
+"will not receive credit for it."
+msgstr ""
+"Sind Sie sicher dass Sie die Dateiübertragung \"%s\" abbrechen wollen?\n"
+"Achtung: Das Abbrechen der Übertragung macht diese ungültig\n"
+"und Sie werden keine Punkte dafür bekommen."
-#: sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:73
-msgid "Synchronize"
-msgstr "Synchronisieren"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:354
+msgid "Abort File Transfer"
+msgstr "Dateiübertragug abbrechen"
-#: sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:74
-msgid "Work done for this project"
-msgstr "erledigte Arbeit für dieses Projekt"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:785
+msgid "Upload"
+msgstr "Hochladen"
-#: sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:77
-msgid "Synchronize projects with account manager system"
-msgstr "Synchronisiere Projekt mit der Kontoverwaltung"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:785
+msgid "Download"
+msgstr "Herunterladen"
-#: sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:124
-msgid "Select a project to access with the controls below"
-msgstr "Wähle ein Projekt für den Zugriff mit den unteren Bedienelementen aus"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:789
+msgid "retry in "
+msgstr "Wiederhole in "
-#: sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:145
-msgid "Project Web Pages"
-msgstr "Projekt -Webseite"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:791
+msgid "failed"
+msgstr "fehlgeschlagen"
-#: sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:149
-msgid "Project Commands"
-msgstr "Projekt-Befehle"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:794
+msgid "suspended"
+msgstr "angehalten"
-#: sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:267
-#, c-format
-#, c-format, c-format
-msgid "Pop up a menu of web sites for project %s"
-msgstr "Öffne Menü für die Webseiten von %s"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:799
+msgid "active"
+msgstr "aktiv"
-#: sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:269
-#, c-format
-#, c-format,
-msgid "Pop up a menu of commands to apply to project %s"
-msgstr "Blende ein Menü mit Befehlen für Projekt %s ein"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:801
+msgid "pending"
+msgstr "ausstehend"
-#: sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:67
-msgid "Suspend this task."
-msgstr "Diese Aufgabe anhalten."
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:808
+msgid " (project backoff: "
+msgstr " (Projektverzögerung: "
-#: sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:73
-msgid "Abandon this task. You will get no credit for it."
-msgstr "Diese Aufgabe abbrechen. Es werden keine Punkte angerechnet."
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:192
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:782
+msgid "Show active tasks"
+msgstr "Zeige aktive Aufgaben"
-#: sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:251
-#, c-format
-#, c-format,
-msgid ""
-"Are you sure you want to abort this task '%s'?\n"
-"(Progress: %.1lf%%, Status: %s)"
-msgstr ""
-"Sind Sie sicher dass Sie die Aufgabe abbrechen wollen '%s'?\n"
-"(Fortscshritt: %.1lf%%, Status: %s)"
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:193
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:783
+msgid "Show only active tasks."
+msgstr "Zeigt nur aktive Aufgaben an."
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:464
-msgid "You don't have any projects.  Please Add a Project."
-msgstr "Sie haben kein Projekt eingetragen. Bitte fügen Sie ein Projekt hinzu."
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:206
+msgid "Show VM Console"
+msgstr "Zeige die VM Konsole"
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:465
-msgid "Not available"
-msgstr "Nicht Verfügbar"
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:207
+msgid "Show VM Console in a window."
+msgstr "Zeigt die VM Konsole in einem eigenen Fenster"
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:476
-msgid "Tasks:"
-msgstr "Aufgaben:"
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:214
+msgid "Suspend work for this result."
+msgstr "Unterbricht die Arbeit an der ausgewählten (markierten) Berechnung."
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:482
-msgid "Select a task to access"
-msgstr "Wähle eine Aufgabe"
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:221
+msgid "Abandon work on the result. You will get no credit for it."
+msgstr ""
+"Bricht die Arbeit an der ausgewählten (markierten) Berechnung dauerhaft ab. "
+"Diese zählt dann auch nicht mehr für die Statistik. Das kann nicht "
+"rückgängig gemacht werden."
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:493
-msgid "From:"
-msgstr "Von:"
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:240
+msgid "Elapsed"
+msgstr "Vergangen"
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:547
-msgid "This task's progress"
-msgstr "Fortschritt dieser Aufgabe"
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:241
+msgid "Remaining (estimated)"
+msgstr "Verbleibend (geschätzt)"
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:565
-msgid "Task Commands"
-msgstr "Aufgabenbefehle"
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:242
+msgid "Deadline"
+msgstr "Ablaufdatum"
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:566
-msgid "Pop up a menu of commands to apply to this task"
-msgstr "Blende ein Menü ein für anwendbare Befehle für diese Aufgabe"
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:269
+msgid "Tasks"
+msgstr "Aufgaben"
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:701
-#, c-format
-#, c-format,
-msgid "Application: %s"
-msgstr "Anwendung: %s"
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:362
+msgid "Resuming task..."
+msgstr "Aufgabe wird fortgesetzt..."
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:724
-#, c-format
-msgid "%.3f%%"
-msgstr "%.3f%%"
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:365
+msgid "Suspending task..."
+msgstr "Aufgabe wird angehalten..."
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:732
-msgid "Application: Not available"
-msgstr "Anwendung: Nicht Verfügbar"
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:394
+msgid "Showing graphics for task..."
+msgstr "Zeigt die Grafik für Aufgabe..."
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:832
-msgid "Not Available"
-msgstr "Nicht Verfügbar"
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:431
+msgid "Showing VM console for task..."
+msgstr "Zeige die VM Konsole einer Aufgabe..."
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:847
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:484
 #, c-format
-msgid "Elapsed: %s"
-msgstr "Vergangen: %s"
+msgid ""
+"Are you sure you want to abort this task '%s'?\n"
+"(Progress: %s, Status: %s)"
+msgstr ""
+"Wollen Sie die Aufgabe '%s' wirklich abbrechen?\n"
+"(Fortschritt: %s, Status: %s)"
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:861
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:490
 #, c-format
-msgid "Remaining (estimated): %s"
-msgstr "Verbleibend (geschätzt): %s"
+msgid "Are you sure you want to abort these %d tasks?"
+msgstr "Wollen Sie diese %d Aufgaben wirklich abbrechen?"
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:876
-#, c-format
-msgid "Status: %s"
-msgstr "Status: %s"
+# 75%
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:504
+msgid "Aborting task..."
+msgstr "Aufgabe wird abgebrochen..."
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1223
-msgid "Retrieving current status."
-msgstr "Aktueller Status wird ermittelt."
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:776
+msgid "Show all tasks"
+msgstr "Zeige alle Aufgaben"
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1229
-msgid "Downloading work from the server."
-msgstr "Lade neue Aufgaben vom Server."
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:777
+msgid "Show all tasks."
+msgstr "Zeige alle Aufgaben."
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1234
-msgid "Processing Suspended:  Running On Batteries."
-msgstr "Berechnungen angehalten: Batteriebetrieb."
+#: clientgui/WelcomePage.cpp:284
+msgid "Add project or account manager"
+msgstr "Ein Projekt oder Kontomanager hinzufügen."
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1236
-msgid "Processing Suspended:  User Active."
-msgstr "Berechnungen angehalten: Benutzer ist aktiv."
+#: clientgui/WelcomePage.cpp:288
+msgid "Add project or use BOINC Account Manager"
+msgstr "Projekt hinzufügen oder BOINC Kontomanager benutzen"
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1238
-msgid "Processing Suspended:  User paused processing."
-msgstr "Berechnungen angehalten: Angehalten durch Benutzer."
+#: clientgui/WelcomePage.cpp:297
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"If possible, add projects at the\n"
+"%s web site.\n"
+"Projects added via this wizard will not be\n"
+"listed on or managed via %s."
+msgstr ""
+"Wenn möglich, fügen Sie Projekte auf der\n"
+" %s-Webseite hinzu.\n"
+"Projekte, die mit diesem Assistenten hinzugefügt werden, werden nicht\n"
+"gelistet von oder verwaltet mittels %s."
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1240
-msgid "Processing Suspended:  Time of Day."
-msgstr "Berechnungen angehalten: Zeitbegrenzung."
+#: clientgui/WelcomePage.cpp:313
+msgid ""
+"There are over 30 BOINC-based projects\n"
+"doing research in many areas of science,\n"
+"and you can volunteer for as many of them as you like.\n"
+"You can add a project directly,\n"
+"or use an 'Account Manager' web site to select projects."
+msgstr ""
+"Es gibt über 30 BOINC-Projekte,\n"
+"in verschiedenen wissenschaftlichen\n"
+"Richtungen, wo nach belieben teilgenommen werden kann.\n"
+"Man kann sich direkt bei einem Projekt anmelden\n"
+"oder eine 'Kontoverwaltung' benutzen um Projekte auszuwählen."
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1242
-msgid "Processing Suspended:  Benchmarks Running."
-msgstr "Berechnungen angehalten: Benchmarks laufen."
+#: clientgui/WelcomePage.cpp:325
+msgid ""
+"You have chosen to add a new volunteer computing project or change which projects\n"
+"you contribute to.\n"
+"Some of these projects are run and managed by World Community Grid, while others\n"
+"are run and managed by other researchers or organizations. The BOINC software\n"
+"can divide your spare processing power among any combination of projects.\n"
+"Alternatively, if you have registered with a BOINC Account Manager, you can use\n"
+"this to choose which projects to support.\n"
+"Please choose which type of change you would like to make:\n"
+msgstr ""
+"Sie haben sich dazu entschieden, ein neues Projekt für verteiltes Rechnen "
+"hinzuzufügen, oder die Einstellungen, zu welchen Projekten\n"
+"sie beitragen, zu verändern.\n"
+"Einige dieser Projekte werden vom World Community Grid betrieben und "
+"verwaltet, andere\n"
+"von anderen Forschern oder Organisationen. Die BOINC-Software\n"
+"kann Ihre ungenutze Rechenleistung beliebig zwischen verschiedenen Projekten "
+"Falls Sie sich bei einer BOINC-Accountverwaltung registriert haben, können "
+"Sie hier außerdem\n"
+"entscheiden, welche Projekte Sie unterstützen möchten.\n"
+"Bitte wählen Sie die Änderungen, die Sie vornehmen möchten:\n"
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1244
-msgid "Processing Suspended."
-msgstr "Berechnungen angehalten."
+#: clientgui/WelcomePage.cpp:339
+msgid "Use a BOINC Account Manager"
+msgstr "Einen BOINC Kontomanager benutzen"
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1248
-msgid "Waiting to contact project servers."
-msgstr "Warte auf Kontakt zum Projektserver."
+#: clientgui/WelcomePage.cpp:358
+msgid "Add or change your World Community Grid projects"
+msgstr "Hinzufügen oder ändern Ihrer World Community Grid Projekte"
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1252 sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1261
-msgid "Retrieving current status"
-msgstr "Ermittle den aktuellen Status."
+#: clientgui/WelcomePage.cpp:361
+msgid "Add projects run by other researchers or organizations"
+msgstr ""
+"Projekte hinzufügen welche von anderen Wissenschaftlern oder Organisationen "
+"betrieben werden"
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1256
-msgid "No work available to process"
-msgstr "Keine Aufgaben zu bearbeiten."
+#: clientgui/WizardAttach.cpp:673
+msgid "Do you really want to cancel?"
+msgstr "Wollen Sie wirklich abbrechen?"
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1258
-msgid "Unable to connect to the core client"
-msgstr "Verbindung mit dem Basisclient nicht möglich."
+#: clientgui/WizardAttach.cpp:674
+msgid "Question"
+msgstr "Frage"
-#: wizardex.cpp:377 wizardex.cpp:553
+#: clientgui/wizardex.cpp:377
+#: clientgui/wizardex.cpp:553
 msgid "&Next >"
 msgstr "&Weiter >"
-#: wizardex.cpp:383
+#: clientgui/wizardex.cpp:383
 msgid "< &Back"
 msgstr "< &Zurück"
-#: wizardex.cpp:553
+#: clientgui/wizardex.cpp:553
 msgid "&Finish"
 msgstr "&Beenden"
-#: mac/Mac_GUI.cpp:110
-msgid "Preferences…"
-msgstr "Einstellungen..."
+#: clientgui/common/wxPieCtrl.cpp:64
+msgid "Pie Ctrl"
+msgstr "Diagrammsteuerung"
-#: mac/Mac_GUI.cpp:122
+#: clientgui/mac/Mac_GUI.cpp:35
 msgid "Services"
 msgstr "Dienste"
-#: mac/Mac_GUI.cpp:144
+#: clientgui/mac/Mac_GUI.cpp:36
 #, c-format
 msgid "Hide %s"
 msgstr "%s ausblenden"
-#: mac/Mac_GUI.cpp:158
+#: clientgui/mac/Mac_GUI.cpp:37
 msgid "Hide Others"
 msgstr "Andere ausblenden"
-#: mac/Mac_GUI.cpp:172
+#: clientgui/mac/Mac_GUI.cpp:38
 msgid "Show All"
 msgstr "Alle einblenden"
-#: mac/Mac_GUI.cpp:186
+#: clientgui/mac/Mac_GUI.cpp:39
 #, c-format
 #, c-format,
 msgid "Quit %s"
 msgstr "Beende %s"
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.h:30
+msgid "specify work start and stop hours in format HH:MM-HH:MM"
+msgstr "gebe Anfangs- und Endzeit für das Rechnen im Format HH:MM-HH:MM ein"
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.h:31
+msgid "specify network usage start and stop hours in format HH:MM-HH:MM"
+msgstr "gebe Anfangs- und Endzeit der Netzwerknutzung im Format HH:MM-HH:MM ein"
+# 98%
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "(C) 2003-2013 University of California, Berkeley.\n"
+#~ "All Rights Reserved."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "(C) 2003-2013 University of California, Berkeley.\n"
+#~ "Alle Rechte vorbehalten."
+#, c-format
+#~ msgid "%s - Preferences"
+#~ msgstr "%s - Einstellungen"
+#, no-c-format
+#~ msgid "% of the processors (0 means ignore this setting)"
+#~ msgstr "% der Prozessoren (0 für keine Einschränkung)"
+#, no-c-format
+#~ msgid "% CPU time"
+#~ msgstr "% Prozessor-Zeit"
+#~ msgid "KBytes/sec."
+#~ msgstr "KByte/Sek."
+#~ msgid "Mbytes"
+#~ msgstr "MB"
+#~ msgid "every"
+#~ msgstr "pro"
+#~ msgid "days"
+#~ msgstr "Tage"
+#~ msgid "Gigabytes disk space"
+#~ msgstr "GByte Festplattenplatz"
+#~ msgid "Running, high priority"
+#~ msgstr "Aktiv, hohe Priorität"
+#~ msgid " (Scheduler wait: "
+#~ msgstr " (Planungspause: "
+#~ msgid " (Scheduler wait)"
+#~ msgstr " (Planungspause)"
+#~ msgid " (Waiting for network access)"
+#~ msgstr " (Warte auf Netzwerkzugriff)"
+#~ msgid "Preferences…"
+#~ msgstr "Einstellungen..."
 #~ msgid "I do not agree with the terms of use."
 #~ msgstr "Ich stimme den Nutzungsbedingungen nicht zu."
@@ -4345,15 +4564,6 @@ msgstr "Beende %s"
 #~ msgid "OnDropTarget: index by HitTest = %i"
 #~ msgstr "OnDropTarget: index by HitTest = %i"
-#~ msgid "Pie Ctrl"
-#~ msgstr "Diagrammsteuerung"
-#~ msgid "specify work start and stop hours in format HH:MM-HH:MM"
-#~ msgstr "gebe Anfangs- und Endzeit für das Rechnen im Format HH:MM-HH:MM ein"
-#~ msgid "specify network usage start and stop hours in format HH:MM-HH:MM"
-#~ msgstr "gebe Anfangs- und Endzeit der Netzwerknutzung im Format HH:MM-HH:MM ein"
 #, c-format
 #~ msgid "The %s's default language has been changed, in order for this change to take affect you must restart the %s."
 #~ msgstr ""
diff --git a/locale/el/BOINC-Manager.po b/locale/el/BOINC-Manager.po
index aa24eba..4f33337 100644
--- a/locale/el/BOINC-Manager.po
+++ b/locale/el/BOINC-Manager.po
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ msgid ""
 msgstr ""
 "Project-Id-Version: BOINC Manager 4.x\n"
 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-02-02 00:00-0800\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-12-15 14:15-0500\n"
 "PO-Revision-Date: 2013-10-21 15:23+0000\n"
 "Last-Translator: chris g <chr1407 at hotmail.com>\n"
 "Language-Team: BOINC Development Team <rwalton at ssl.berkeley.edu>\n"
@@ -16,23 +16,23 @@ msgstr ""
 "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
 "Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
 "X-Generator: Pootle 2.5.0\n"
-"X-BOINC-UTF8-Marker: 简体中文, 日本語\n"
-"X-Poedit-SearchPath-1: clientgui/msw\n"
-"X-Poedit-SearchPath-2: clientgui/gtk\n"
-"X-Poedit-SearchPath-3: clientgui/mac\n"
+"X-Poedit-Basepath: C:\\Src\\BOINCGIT\\boinc_7.4\n"
 "X-Poedit-SearchPath-0: clientgui\n"
 "X-Poedit-SourceCharset: utf-8\n"
-"X-Poedit-Basepath: C:\\Src\\BOINCGIT\\boinc\n"
 "X-POOTLE-MTIME: 1382369003.0\n"
+"X-Poedit-SearchPath-1: clientgui/msw\n"
+"X-Poedit-SearchPath-2: clientgui/gtk\n"
+"X-Poedit-SearchPath-3: clientgui/mac\n"
+"X-BOINC-UTF8-Marker: 简体中文, 日本語\n"
 # 81%
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:387
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:387
 #, c-format
 #, c-format, c-format
 msgid "Identify your account at %s"
 msgstr "Αναγνωρίστε τον λογαριασμό σας στο %s"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:393
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:393
 msgid ""
 "Please enter your account information\n"
 "(to create an account, visit the project's web site)"
@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ msgstr ""
 "Παρακαλώ εισάγετε τις πληροφορίες του λογαριασμού σας(για να δημιουργήσετε "
 "έναν λογαριασμό, επισκεφτείτε την ιστοσελίδα του έργου)"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:397
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:397
 msgid ""
 "This project is not currently accepting new accounts.\n"
 "You can add it only if you already have an account."
@@ -48,19 +48,19 @@ msgstr ""
 "Αυτό το πρόγραμμα δεν δέχεται νέους λογαριασμούς αυτή τη στιγμή.\n"
 "Μπορείτε να το προσθέσετε μόνο εάν έχετε ήδη έναν λογαριασμό."
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:401
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:401
 msgid "Are you already running this project?"
 msgstr "Εκτελείτε ήδη αυτό το έργο;"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:405
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:405
 msgid "&No, new user"
 msgstr "&Όχι, νέος χρήστης"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:408
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:408
 msgid "&Yes, existing user"
 msgstr "&Ναι, υπάρχων χρήστης"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:413
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:413
 #, fuzzy
 msgid ""
 "We were not able to set up your account information\n"
@@ -78,45 +78,51 @@ msgstr ""
 "ηλεκτρονικού ταχυδρομείου (e-mail) και\n"
 "του κωδικού."
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:416
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:416
 msgid "Find login information"
 msgstr "Εύρεση πληροφοριών σύνδεσης"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:436 AccountInfoPage.cpp:641
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:436
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:649
 msgid "&Password:"
 msgstr "&Κωδικός:"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:443 AccountInfoPage.cpp:665
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:443
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:673
 msgid "Choose a &password:"
 msgstr "Επιλέξτε έναν &κωδικό:"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:446
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:446
 msgid "C&onfirm password:"
 msgstr "Ε&πιβεβαίωση Κωδικού:"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:453
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:453
 #, c-format
 msgid "Are you already running %s?"
 msgstr "Εκτελείτε ήδη %;"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:482
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:482
 msgid "&Username:"
 msgstr "&Όνομα χρήστη:"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:508
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:511
+msgid "&Email address or LDAP ID:"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:515
 msgid "&Email address:"
 msgstr "&Διεύθυνση ηλεκτρονικού ταχυδρομείου (Email):"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:515
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:523
 #, c-format
 msgid "minimum length %d"
 msgstr "ελάχιστο μήκος %"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:522
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:530
 msgid "Forgot your password?"
 msgstr "Ξεχάσατε τον κωδικό σας;"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:529
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:537
 msgid ""
 "If you have not yet registered with this account manager,\n"
 "please do so before proceeding.  Click on the link below\n"
@@ -126,49 +132,48 @@ msgstr ""
 "παρακαλούμε κάντε το προτού προσωρήσετε. Πατήστε στον παρακάτω σύνδεσμο\n"
 "για να εγγραφείτε ή για να ανακτήσετε έναν ξεχασμένο κωδικό."
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:532
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:540
 msgid "Account manager web site"
 msgstr ""
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:574 WelcomePage.cpp:348
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:582
 msgid "Add project"
 msgstr "Προσθήκη έργου"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:576
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:584
 msgid "Update account manager"
 msgstr "Ενημέρωση του προγράμματος διαχείρισης λογαριασμού"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:578 WelcomePage.cpp:307 WelcomePage.cpp:321
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:586
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Use account manager"
 msgstr "Χρήση διαχειριστή λογαριασμού"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:585
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:593
 msgid "Please enter a user name."
 msgstr "Παρακαλώ εισάγετε ένα όνομα χρήστη."
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:587
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:595
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Please enter an email address."
 msgstr "Παρακαλώ προσδιορίστε μια διεύθυνση ηλεκτρονικού ταχυδρομίου (email)."
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:597
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:605
 #, c-format
 msgid "Please enter a password of at least %d characters."
 msgstr "Παρακαλώ εισάγετε έναν κωδικό με τουλάχιστον %d χαρακτήρες."
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:607
-msgid ""
-"The password and confirmation password do not match. Please type them again."
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:615
+msgid "The password and confirmation password do not match. Please type them again."
 msgstr ""
 "Ο κωδικός και ο κωδικός επιβεβαίωσης δεν ταιριάζουν. Παρακαλούμε "
 "επαναπληκτρολογήστε τους."
-#: AccountManagerInfoPage.cpp:272
+#: clientgui/AccountManagerInfoPage.cpp:272
 msgid "Choose an account manager"
 msgstr "Επιλέξτε ένα πρόγραμμα διαχείρισης λογαριασμού"
-#: AccountManagerInfoPage.cpp:275
+#: clientgui/AccountManagerInfoPage.cpp:275
 msgid ""
 "To choose an account manager, click its name or \n"
 "type its URL below."
@@ -176,388 +181,405 @@ msgstr ""
 "Για να επιλέξετε έναν διαχειριστή λογαριασμών, πατήστε το όνομά του ή \n"
 "πληκτρολογήστε την ηλεκτρονική του διεύθυνση παρακάτω."
-#: AccountManagerInfoPage.cpp:279
+#: clientgui/AccountManagerInfoPage.cpp:279
 msgid "Account manager details:"
 msgstr ""
-#: AccountManagerInfoPage.cpp:283
+#: clientgui/AccountManagerInfoPage.cpp:283
 msgid "Account manager &URL:"
 msgstr ""
-#: AccountManagerInfoPage.cpp:287
+#: clientgui/AccountManagerInfoPage.cpp:287
 msgid "Open web page"
 msgstr ""
-#: AccountManagerInfoPage.cpp:290
+#: clientgui/AccountManagerInfoPage.cpp:290
 msgid "Visit this account manager's web site"
 msgstr ""
-#: AccountManagerProcessingPage.cpp:187 AccountManagerPropertiesPage.cpp:193
+#: clientgui/AccountManagerProcessingPage.cpp:186
+#: clientgui/AccountManagerPropertiesPage.cpp:192
 #, c-format
 msgid "Communicating with %s."
 msgstr "Επικοινωνία με %s."
-#: AccountManagerProcessingPage.cpp:194 AccountManagerPropertiesPage.cpp:200
+#: clientgui/AccountManagerProcessingPage.cpp:193
+#: clientgui/AccountManagerPropertiesPage.cpp:199
 msgid "Communicating with server."
 msgstr "Γίνεται επικοινωνία με τον διακομιστή(server)."
-#: AccountManagerProcessingPage.cpp:199 AccountManagerPropertiesPage.cpp:205
+#: clientgui/AccountManagerProcessingPage.cpp:198
+#: clientgui/AccountManagerPropertiesPage.cpp:204
 msgid "Please wait..."
 msgstr "Παρακαλώ περιμένετε..."
-#: AccountManagerProcessingPage.cpp:326
+#: clientgui/AccountManagerProcessingPage.cpp:325
 msgid "An internal server error has occurred.\n"
 msgstr "Συνέβει ένα εσωτερικό σφάλμα στον διακομιστή.\n"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:95
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:96
 msgid "Connected"
 msgstr "Συνδεδεμένος"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:103
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:104
 msgid "Disconnected"
 msgstr "Αποσυνδεδεμένος"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:322 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:119
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:318
 #, c-format
 msgid "Close the %s window"
 msgstr "Κλείσιμο του παραθύρου %s"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:325 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:122
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:321
 msgid "&Close Window"
 msgstr "&Κλείσιμο Παράθυρου"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:336 AdvancedFrame.cpp:343 AdvancedFrame.cpp:350
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:332
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:339
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:346
 #, c-format
 msgid "Exit %s"
 msgstr "Έξοδος %s"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:371
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:359
+msgid "Preferences..."
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:368
 msgid "&Notices\tCtrl+Shift+N"
 msgstr "&Ανακοινώσεις\tCtrl+Shift+N"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:372
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:369
 msgid "Display notices"
 msgstr "Εμφάνιση ανακοινώσεων"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:377
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:374
 msgid "&Projects\tCtrl+Shift+P"
 msgstr "&Προγράμματα\tCtrl+Shift+Π"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:378
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:375
 msgid "Display projects"
 msgstr "Εμφάνιση έργων"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:383
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:380
 msgid "&Tasks\tCtrl+Shift+T"
 msgstr "&Εργασίες\tCtrl+Shift+T"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:384
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:381
 msgid "Display tasks"
 msgstr "Εμφάνιση εργασιών"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:389
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:386
 msgid "Trans&fers\tCtrl+Shift+X"
 msgstr "Μετα&φορές\tCtrl+Shift+X"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:390
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:387
 msgid "Display transfers"
 msgstr "Εμφάνιση μεταφορών"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:395
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:392
 msgid "&Statistics\tCtrl+Shift+S"
 msgstr "&Στατιστικά\tCtrl+Shift+Σ"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:396
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:393
 msgid "Display statistics"
 msgstr "Εμφάνιση στατιστικών"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:401
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:398
 msgid "&Disk usage\tCtrl+Shift+D"
 msgstr "Χρήση &δίσκου\tCtrl+Shift+Δ"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:402
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:399
 msgid "Display disk usage"
 msgstr "Εμφάνιση χρήσης δίσκου"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:409
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:406
 msgid "Simple &View...\tCtrl+Shift+V"
 msgstr "Απλή &Εμφάνιση...\tCtrl+Shift+Ε"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:410
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:407
 msgid "Display the simple graphical interface."
 msgstr "Εμφάνιση απλού γραφικού περιβάλλοντος.                "
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:424
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:421
 msgid "&Add project or account manager..."
 msgstr "&Προσθήκη έργου ή διαχειριστή λογαριασμού..."
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:425 sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:76
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:422
 msgid "Volunteer for any or all of 30+ projects in many areas of science"
 msgstr ""
 "Προσφέρετε εθελοντικό έργο για οποιοδήποτε απο τα 30+ ή και για όλα τα έργα "
 "σε πολλούς επιστημονικούς τομείς "
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:429
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:426
 #, c-format
 msgid "&Synchronize with %s"
 msgstr "&Συγχρονισμός με %s"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:433
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:430
 #, c-format
 msgid "Get current settings from %s"
 msgstr "Παραλαβή τρεχόντων ρυθμίσεων από το %s"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:443
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:440
 msgid "&Add project..."
 msgstr "&Προσθήκη έργου..."
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:444
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:441
 msgid "Add a project"
 msgstr "Προσθήκη ενός έργου"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:447
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:444
 #, c-format
 msgid "S&top using %s..."
 msgstr "Π&αύση χρήσης του %s..."
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:453
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:450
 msgid "Remove this computer from account manager control."
 msgstr ""
 "Αφαίρεση αυτού του υπολογιστή απο τον έλεγχο του διαχειριστή λογαριασμών."
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:458 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:178
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:455
 msgid "&Options..."
 msgstr "&Επιλογές..."
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:459 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:179
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:456
 msgid "Configure display options and proxy settings"
 msgstr "Διαμόρφωση επιλογών προβολής και ρυθμίσεων proxy"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:463 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:172
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:460
 msgid "Computing &preferences..."
 msgstr "&Προτιμήσεις επεξεργασίας..."
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:464 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:173
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:461
 msgid "Configure computing preferences"
 msgstr "Διαμόρφωση προτιμήσεων επεξεργασίας"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:472
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:469
 msgid "&Run always"
 msgstr "&Διαρκής εκτέλεση"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:473
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:470
 msgid "Allow work regardless of preferences"
 msgstr "Εκτέλεση &ανεξαρτήτως των προτιμήσεων"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:477
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:474
 msgid "Run based on &preferences"
 msgstr "Εκτέλεση βάσει &προτιμήσεων"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:478
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:475
 msgid "Allow work according to preferences"
 msgstr "Εκτέλεση σύμφωνα με τις προτιμήσεις σας"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:482
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:479
 msgid "&Suspend"
 msgstr "Προσωρινή παύση"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:483
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:480
 msgid "Stop work regardless of preferences"
 msgstr "Παύση ανεξαρτήτως των προτιμήσεων"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:508
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:505
 msgid "Use GPU always"
 msgstr "Συνεχής χρήση της μονάδας επεξεργασίας γραφικών"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:509
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:506
 msgid "Allow GPU work regardless of preferences"
 msgstr ""
 "Εκτέλεση εργασιών για τη μονάδα επεξεργασίας γραφικών ανεξαρτήτως των "
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:513
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:510
 msgid "Use GPU based on preferences"
 msgstr "Χρήση της μονάδα επεξεργασίας γραφικών βάση των προτιμήσεων"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:514
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:511
 msgid "Allow GPU work according to preferences"
 msgstr ""
 "Χρήση εργασιών για τη μονάδα επεξεργασίας γραφικών σύμφωνα με τις "
 "προτιμήσεις σας"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:518
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:515
 msgid "Suspend GPU"
 msgstr "Παύση της μονάδας επεξεργασίας γραφικών"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:519
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:516
 msgid "Stop GPU work regardless of preferences"
 msgstr "Παύση της μονάδας επεξεργασίας γραφικών ανεξαρτήτως των προτιμήσεων"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:543
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:540
 msgid "Network activity always available"
 msgstr "Συνεχής πρόβαση στο δίκτυο"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:544
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:541
 msgid "Allow network activity regardless of preferences"
 msgstr "Σύνδεση στο δίκτυο &ανεξαρτήτως των προτιμήσεων"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:548
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:545
 msgid "Network activity based on preferences"
 msgstr "Πρόσβαση στο δίκτυο βάση προτιμήσεων"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:549
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:546
 msgid "Allow network activity according to preferences"
 msgstr "Σύνδεση στο δίκτυο σύμφωνα με τις προτιμήσεις"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:553
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:550
 msgid "Network activity suspended"
 msgstr "Παύση πρόσβασης στο δίκτυο"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:554
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:551
 msgid "Stop BOINC network activity"
 msgstr "Να σταματήσει η χρήση του δικτύου απο το BOINC"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:564
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:561
 #, c-format
 msgid "Connect to another computer running %s"
 msgstr "Σύνδεση σε κάποιον άλλον υπολογιστή εκτελόντας %s"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:569
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:566
 msgid "Select computer..."
 msgstr "Επιλογή Υπολογιστή..."
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:574
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:571
 msgid "Shut down connected client..."
 msgstr "Κλείσιμο συνδεδεμένου προογράμματος..."
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:575
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:572
 msgid "Shut down the currently connected client"
 msgstr "Κλείσιμο του τρέχοντος συνδεδεμένου προγράμματος"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:579
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:576
 msgid "Run CPU &benchmarks"
 msgstr "Εκτέλεση &μετρήσεων κεντρικής μονάδας επεξεργασίας"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:580
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:577
 msgid "Runs BOINC CPU benchmarks"
 msgstr "Εκτέλεση μετρήσεων υπολογιστικής ισχύως επεξεργαστή για το BOINC"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:584
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:581
 msgid "Do network communication"
 msgstr "Επικοινωνία με το δίκτυο"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:585
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:582
 msgid "Do all pending network communication"
 msgstr "Εκτέλεση επικοινωνιών με το δίκτυο που εκκρεμούν"
 # 94%
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:589
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:586
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Read config files"
 msgstr "Άνοιγμα αρχείων διαμόρφωσης"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:590
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:587
 msgid "Read configuration info from cc_config.xml and any app_config.xml files"
 msgstr ""
 "Άνοιγμα πληροφοριών διαμόρφωσης απο τα αρχεία cc_config.xml και "
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:594
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:591
 msgid "Read local prefs file"
 msgstr "Διαβάστε το αρχείο προτιμήσεων"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:595
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:592
 msgid "Read preferences from global_prefs_override.xml."
 msgstr "Άνοιγμα των προτιμήσεων από το αρχείο global_prefs_override.xml."
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:600
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:597
 #, c-format
 msgid "Launch another instance of %s..."
 msgstr "Εκτέλεση ενός αντίτυπου του %s..."
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:604
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:601
 #, c-format
 msgid "Launch another %s"
 msgstr "Εκτέλεση ενός %s"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:614
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:611
 msgid "Event Log...\tCtrl+Shift+E"
 msgstr "Ημερολόγιο γεγονότων...\t Ctrl+Shift+E"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:615
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:612
 msgid "Display diagnostic messages."
 msgstr "Εμφάνιση διαγνωστικών μηνυμάτων."
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:625 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:188
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:616
+msgid "Event Log Diagnostic Flags...\tCtrl+Shift+F"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:617
+msgid "Enable or disable various diagnostic messages"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:626
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s &help"
 msgstr "%s& βοήθεια"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:631 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:194
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:632
 #, c-format
 msgid "Show information about %s"
 msgstr "Έμφάνιση πληροφοριών για%s"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:643
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:644
 #, c-format
 msgid "&%s help"
 msgstr "&Βοήθεια για το %s "
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:649 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:212
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:650
 #, c-format
 msgid "Show information about the %s"
 msgstr "Προβολή πληροφοριών σχετικά με το %s"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:661 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:224
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:662
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s &web site"
 msgstr ""
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:667 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:230
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:668
 #, c-format
 msgid "Show information about BOINC and %s"
 msgstr "Προβολή πληροφοριών για το BOINC και το %s"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:679 BOINCTaskBar.cpp:530 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:242
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:680
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:544
 #, c-format
 msgid "&About %s..."
 msgstr "&Σχετικά με το %s..."
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:685 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:248
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:686
 msgid "Licensing and copyright information."
 msgstr "Πληροφορίες άδειας χρήσης και copyright."
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:692 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:255
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:693
 msgid "&File"
 msgstr "&Αρχείο"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:696 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:259
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:697
 msgid "&View"
 msgstr "&Προβολή"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:700 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:263
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:701
 msgid "&Tools"
 msgstr "&Εργαλεία"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:704
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:705
 msgid "&Activity"
 msgstr "&Δραστηριότητα"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:708
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:709
 msgid "A&dvanced"
 msgstr "&Για προχωρημένους"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:712 DlgEventLog.cpp:332 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:267
-#: wizardex.cpp:374 wizardex.cpp:381
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:713
 msgid "&Help"
 msgstr "&Βοήθεια"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:1199
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1185
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - Stop using %s"
 msgstr "%s - Παύση χρήσης του %s"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:1204
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1190
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "If you stop using %s,\n"
@@ -572,12 +594,12 @@ msgstr ""
 "Θέλετε όντως να σταματήσετε να χρησιμοποιείτε το %s;"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:1401
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1397
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - Shut down the current client..."
 msgstr "%s - Κλείσιμο του τρέχοντος προγράμματος..."
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:1410
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1406
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "%s will shut down the current client\n"
@@ -586,36 +608,36 @@ msgstr ""
 "%s θα κλείσει το τρέχον πρόγραμμα\n"
 "και θα σας παρακινήσει για να συνδεθείτε σε άλλο πάροχο."
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:1745 DlgAbout.cpp:119
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1806
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s"
 msgstr "%s"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:1754
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1815
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s has successfully added %s"
 msgstr "%s προσέθεσε επιτυχώς το %s"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:1893
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1953
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - (%s)"
 msgstr "%s - (%s)"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:1897
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1957
 #, c-format
 msgid "Connecting to %s"
 msgstr "Σύνδεση στο %s"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:1900
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1960
 #, c-format
 msgid "Connected to %s (%s)"
 msgstr "Συνδέθηκε στο %s (%s)"
-#: AlreadyExistsPage.cpp:184
+#: clientgui/AlreadyExistsPage.cpp:184
 msgid "Username already in use"
 msgstr "Το όνομα του χρήστη χρησιμοποιείται ήδη"
-#: AlreadyExistsPage.cpp:187
+#: clientgui/AlreadyExistsPage.cpp:187
 msgid ""
 "An account with that username already exists and has a\n"
 "different password than the one you entered.\n"
@@ -628,11 +650,11 @@ msgstr ""
 "Παρακαλούμε επισκεφθείτε την ιστοσελίδα του έργου και ακολουθήστε τις "
 "οδηγίες εκεί."
-#: AlreadyExistsPage.cpp:191
+#: clientgui/AlreadyExistsPage.cpp:191
 msgid "Email address already in use"
 msgstr "Αυτή η διεύθυνση email χρησιμοποείται ήδη"
-#: AlreadyExistsPage.cpp:194
+#: clientgui/AlreadyExistsPage.cpp:194
 msgid ""
 "An account with that email address already exists and has a\n"
 "different password than the one you entered.\n"
@@ -645,45 +667,44 @@ msgstr ""
 "Παρακαλούμε επισκεφθείτε την ιστοσελίδα του προγράμματος και ακολουθήστε τις "
 "οδηγίες εκεί."
-#: AsyncRPC.cpp:1031
+#: clientgui/AsyncRPC.cpp:1031
 msgid "Communicating with BOINC client.  Please wait ..."
 msgstr "Γίνεται επικοινωνία με το πρόγραμμα του BOINC. Παρακαλώ περιμένετε..."
-#: AsyncRPC.cpp:1034
+#: clientgui/AsyncRPC.cpp:1034
 #, c-format
 msgid "&Quit %s"
 msgstr "&Έξοδος %s"
-#: AsyncRPC.cpp:1036
+#: clientgui/AsyncRPC.cpp:1036
 #, c-format
 msgid "E&xit %s"
 msgstr "Έ&ξοδος %s"
-#: AsyncRPC.cpp:1040
+#: clientgui/AsyncRPC.cpp:1040
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - Communication"
 msgstr "%s - Επικοινωνία"
-#: AsyncRPC.cpp:1056 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:107 sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:433
+#: clientgui/AsyncRPC.cpp:1056
 msgid "Cancel"
 msgstr "Ακύρωση"
-#: BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:505
+#: clientgui/BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:504
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - Connection Error"
 msgstr "%s - Σφάλμα Επικοινωνίας"
-#: BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:514
+#: clientgui/BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:513
 msgid ""
 "You currently are not authorized to manage the client.\n"
-"Please contact your administrator to add you to the 'boinc_users' local user "
+"Please contact your administrator to add you to the 'boinc_users' local user group."
 msgstr ""
 "Αυτή τη στιγμή δεν έχετε δικαίωμα να διαχειριστείτε το πρόγραμμα.\n"
 "Παρακαλώ επικοινωνήστε με τον διαχειριστή σας για να σας προσθέσει στην "
 "τοπική λίστα χρηστών 'χρήστες του BOINC'.  "
-#: BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:523
+#: clientgui/BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:522
 msgid ""
 "Authorization failed connecting to running client.\n"
 "Make sure you start this program in the same directory as the client."
@@ -691,20 +712,20 @@ msgstr ""
 "Η άδεια σύνδεσης για την εκτέλεση του προγράμματος απέτυχε.\n"
 "Φροντίστε να ξεκινήσετε το έργο στην ίδια τοποθεσία με το πρόγραμμα."
-#: BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:525
+#: clientgui/BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:524
 msgid "Authorization failed connecting to running client."
 msgstr "Η άδεια εισόδου για την εκτέλεση του προγράμματος απέτυχε."
-#: BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:533
+#: clientgui/BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:532
 msgid "The password you have provided is incorrect, please try again."
 msgstr "Ο κωδικός που εισάγατε είναι λανθασμένος, παρακαλούμε ξαναδοκιμάστε"
-#: BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:577
+#: clientgui/BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:576
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - Connection Failed"
 msgstr "%s- Η σύνδεση απέτυχε"
-#: BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:586
+#: clientgui/BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:585
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "%s is not able to connect to a %s client.\n"
@@ -713,24 +734,23 @@ msgstr ""
 "%s δε μπορεί να συνδεθεί στο %s πρόγραμμα.\n"
 "Θέλετε να δοκιμάσετε ξανά;"
-#: BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:622
+#: clientgui/BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:621
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - Daemon Start Failed"
 msgstr "%s - Η εκκίνηση του Daemon απέτυχε"
-#: BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:632
+#: clientgui/BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:631
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "%s is not able to start a %s client.\n"
-"Please launch the Control Panel->Administative Tools->Services applet and "
-"start the BOINC service."
+"Please launch the Control Panel->Administative Tools->Services applet and start the BOINC service."
 msgstr ""
 "%s δε μπορεί να εκκινήσει το %s πρόγραμμα.\n"
 "Παρακαλώ ανοίξτε τον Πίνακα Ελέγχου->Εργαλεία Διαχειριστή->Πρόγραμμα "
 "υπηρεσιών και ξεκινήστε την υπηρεσία BOINC."
 # daemon??
-#: BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:638
+#: clientgui/BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:637
 #, c-format
 #, c-format, fuzzy
 msgid ""
@@ -740,18 +760,17 @@ msgstr ""
 "%s δε μπορεί να εκκινήσει το %s πρόγραμμα.\n"
 "Παρακαλώ ανοίξτε το daemon και δοκιμάστε ξανά."
-#: BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:689
+#: clientgui/BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:688
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - Connection Status"
 msgstr "%s - Κατάσταση Σύνδεσης"
-#: BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:700
+#: clientgui/BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:699
 #, c-format
 #, c-format, fuzzy
 msgid ""
 "%s is not currently connected to a %s client.\n"
-"Please use the 'Advanced\\Select Computer...' menu option to connect up to a "
-"%s client.\n"
+"Please use the 'Advanced\\Select Computer...' menu option to connect up to a %s client.\n"
 "To connect up to your local computer please use 'localhost' as the host name."
 msgstr ""
 "%s δεν ειναι συνδεδεμένο αυτή τη στιγμή σε ένα %s πρόγραμμα.\n"
@@ -760,17 +779,17 @@ msgstr ""
 "Για να συνδεθείτε στον τοπικό σας υπολογιστή, παρακαλώ χρησιμοποιείστε το "
 "\"τοπικός φιλοξενητής\" ως όνομα φιλοξενητή."
-#: BOINCBaseView.cpp:779
+#: clientgui/BOINCBaseView.cpp:752
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Project web pages"
 msgstr "Ιστοσελίδες Έργου"
-#: BOINCClientManager.cpp:575
+#: clientgui/BOINCClientManager.cpp:573
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - Unexpected Exit"
 msgstr "%s - Απρόσμενη Έξοδος"
-#: BOINCClientManager.cpp:585
+#: clientgui/BOINCClientManager.cpp:583
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "The %s client has exited unexpectedly 3 times within the last %d minutes.\n"
@@ -780,12 +799,12 @@ msgstr ""
 "%d λεπτών.\n"
 "Θα θέλατε να γίνει επανεκκίνηση ξανά;                "
-#: BOINCDialupManager.cpp:61
+#: clientgui/BOINCDialupManager.cpp:61
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - Network Status"
 msgstr "%s- Κατάσταση δικτύου"
-#: BOINCDialupManager.cpp:241
+#: clientgui/BOINCDialupManager.cpp:241
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "%s needs to connect to the Internet.\n"
@@ -794,22 +813,22 @@ msgstr ""
 "%s χρειάζεται να συνδεθεί στο διαδίκτυο.\n"
 "Να το επιχειρήσει τώρα;"
-#: BOINCDialupManager.cpp:254
+#: clientgui/BOINCDialupManager.cpp:254
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s is connecting to the Internet."
 msgstr "%s συνδέεται στο διαδίκτυο."
-#: BOINCDialupManager.cpp:303
+#: clientgui/BOINCDialupManager.cpp:303
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s has successfully connected to the Internet."
 msgstr "%s συνθέθηκε επιτυχώς στο διαδίκτυο."
-#: BOINCDialupManager.cpp:331
+#: clientgui/BOINCDialupManager.cpp:331
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s failed to connect to the Internet."
 msgstr "%s απέτυχε να συνδεθεί στο διαδίκτυο."
-#: BOINCDialupManager.cpp:372
+#: clientgui/BOINCDialupManager.cpp:372
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "%s has detected it is now connected to the Internet.\n"
@@ -818,17 +837,17 @@ msgstr ""
 "%s εντόπισε ότι είναι συνδεδεμένο στο διαδίκτυο.\n"
 "Ενημέρωση όλων των έργων και επανάληψη όλων των μεταφορών."
-#: BOINCDialupManager.cpp:417
+#: clientgui/BOINCDialupManager.cpp:417
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s has successfully disconnected from the Internet."
 msgstr "%s αποσυνδέθηκε επιτυχώς από το διαδίκτυο."
-#: BOINCDialupManager.cpp:433
+#: clientgui/BOINCDialupManager.cpp:433
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s failed to disconnected from the Internet."
 msgstr "%s απέτυχε να αποσυνδεθεί από το διαδίκτυο."
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:339
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:595
 #, c-format
 #, fuzzy, c-format
 msgid ""
@@ -851,7 +870,7 @@ msgstr ""
 "λίστα χρηστών."
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:345
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:601
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "%s ownership or permissions are not set properly; please reinstall %s.\n"
@@ -861,16 +880,15 @@ msgstr ""
 "παρακαλώ επαναγκαταστείστε το %s.\n"
 "(Κωδικός σφάλματος %d"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:351
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:607
 msgid " at "
 msgstr "στο"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:354 MainDocument.cpp:2484 MainDocument.cpp:2534
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2554 ViewTransfers.cpp:803
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:610
 msgid ")"
 msgstr ")"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:384
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:640
 msgid ""
 "A reboot is required in order for BOINC to run properly.\n"
 "Please reboot your computer and try again."
@@ -878,186 +896,190 @@ msgstr ""
 "Χρειάζεται να γίνει επανεκκίνηση ώστε το BOINC να τρέξει σωστά.\n"
 "Παρακαλώ επανακκινείστε τον υπολογιστή σας και δοκιμάστε ξανά."
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:385 DlgAbout.cpp:153
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:641
 msgid "BOINC Manager"
 msgstr "Διαχειριστής του BOINC"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:572
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:902
 msgid "BOINC Manager was started by the operating system automatically"
 msgstr "Ο διαχειριστής του BOINC ξεκίνησε αυτόματα με το λειτουργικό σύστημα"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:574
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:904
 msgid "Startup BOINC so only the system tray icon is visible"
 msgstr ""
 "Εκίννηση του BOINC ούτως ώστε μόνο το εικονίδιο στη μπάρα να είναι ορατό"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:576
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:906
 msgid "Directory containing the BOINC Client executable"
 msgstr "Διεύθυνση που περιέχει το εκτελέσιμο πρόγραμμα του BOINC"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:577
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:907
 msgid "BOINC data directory"
 msgstr "διεύθυνση δεδομένων του BOINC"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:579
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:909
 msgid "Host name or IP address"
 msgstr "Όνομα παρόχου ή διεύθυνση IP"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:580
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:910
 msgid "GUI RPC port number"
 msgstr "Αριθμός θύρας GUI RPC"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:581
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:911
 msgid "Password"
 msgstr "Κωδικός"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:582
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:912
 msgid "Startup BOINC with these optional arguments"
 msgstr "Εκκίνηση του Boinc με αυτές τις προαιρετικές ρυθμίσεις"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:583
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:913
 msgid "disable BOINC security users and permissions"
 msgstr "Απενεργοποιήστε τις ασφάλειες και τα δικαιώματα του χρήστη"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:584
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:914
 msgid "set skin debugging mode to enable skin manager error messages"
 msgstr ""
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:585
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:915
 msgid "multiple instances of BOINC Manager allowed"
 msgstr ""
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:587
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:917
 msgid "Not used: workaround for bug in XCode 4.2"
 msgstr ""
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:814
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:1164
 msgid "(Automatic Detection)"
 msgstr "(Αυτόματη Αναγνώριση)"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:815
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:1165
 msgid "(Unknown)"
 msgstr "(Άγνωστο)"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:816
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:1166
 msgid "(User Defined)"
 msgstr "(Καθορισμός από το Χρήστη)"
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:508
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:522
 #, c-format
 msgid "Open %s Web..."
 msgstr "Άνοιγμα %s ιστού..."
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:515
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:529
 #, c-format
 msgid "Open %s..."
 msgstr "Άνοιγμα %s..."
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:522 BOINCTaskBar.cpp:619 BOINCTaskBar.cpp:627
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:536
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:633
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:641
 msgid "Snooze"
 msgstr "Αδρανοποίηση"
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:524 BOINCTaskBar.cpp:646 BOINCTaskBar.cpp:654
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:538
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:660
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:668
 msgid "Snooze GPU"
 msgstr "Αδρανοποίηση μονάδας επεξεργασίας γραφικών"
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:542
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:556
 msgid "E&xit"
 msgstr "Έ%ξοδος"
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:612 ViewProjects.cpp:718 ViewWork.cpp:795
-#: sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:758 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:110
-#: sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:102
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:626
 msgid "Resume"
 msgstr "Συνέχεια"
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:639
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:653
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Resume GPU"
 msgstr "Συνέχεια μετά από παύση"
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:713
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:727
 msgid "Computing is enabled"
 msgstr "Η επεξεργασία έχει ενεργοποιηθεί"
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:717
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:731
 msgid "Computing is suspended - "
 msgstr "Η επεξεργασία έχει παυθεί -"
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:727
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:741
 msgid "GPU computing is enabled"
 msgstr "Η επεξεργασία με την μονάδα επεξεργασίας γραφικών έχει ενεργοποιηθεί"
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:730
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:744
 msgid "GPU computing is suspended - "
 msgstr "Η επεξεργασία με την μονάδα επεξεργασίας γραφικών έχει παυθεί -"
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:739
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:753
 msgid "Network is enabled"
 msgstr "Το δίκτυο έχει ενεργοποιηθεί"
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:742
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:756
 msgid "Network is suspended - "
 msgstr "Το δίκτυο έχει παυθεί -"
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:750
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:764
 msgid "Reconnecting to client."
 msgstr "Επανασύνδεση με το πρόγραμμα."
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:752
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:766
 msgid "Not connected to a client."
 msgstr "Μη συνδεδεμένος με το πρόγραμμα."
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:805
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:819
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s Notices"
 msgstr "%s Ανακοινώσεις"
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:811
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:825
 msgid "There are new notices - click to view."
 msgstr "Υπάρχουν νέες ανακοινώσεις - πατήστε για να τις δείτε."
-#: CompletionErrorPage.cpp:199
+#: clientgui/CompletionErrorPage.cpp:199
 msgid "Failed to add project"
 msgstr "Αποτυχία προσθήκης έργου"
-#: CompletionErrorPage.cpp:204
+#: clientgui/CompletionErrorPage.cpp:204
 msgid "Failed to update account manager"
 msgstr "Αποτυχία ενημέρωσης του διαχειριστή λογαριασμού"
-#: CompletionErrorPage.cpp:208
+#: clientgui/CompletionErrorPage.cpp:208
 msgid "Failed to remove account manager"
 msgstr "Αποτυχία αφαίρεσης διαχειριστή λογαριασμού"
-#: CompletionErrorPage.cpp:212
+#: clientgui/CompletionErrorPage.cpp:212
 msgid "Failed to add account manager"
 msgstr "Αποτυχία προσθήκης του διαχειριστή λογαριασμού"
-#: CompletionErrorPage.cpp:221
+#: clientgui/CompletionErrorPage.cpp:221
 msgid ""
 "Please try again later.\n"
 "Click Finish to close."
 msgstr ""
-#: CompletionErrorPage.cpp:225 CompletionPage.cpp:222 CompletionPage.cpp:242
-#: CompletionPage.cpp:273
+#: clientgui/CompletionErrorPage.cpp:225
+#: clientgui/CompletionPage.cpp:222
+#: clientgui/CompletionPage.cpp:242
+#: clientgui/CompletionPage.cpp:273
 msgid "Click Finish to close."
 msgstr "Πατήστε Τέλος για να κλείσετε"
-#: CompletionErrorPage.cpp:234
+#: clientgui/CompletionErrorPage.cpp:234
 msgid "Messages from server:"
 msgstr "Μηνύματα από το διακομιστή:"
-#: CompletionPage.cpp:207
+#: clientgui/CompletionPage.cpp:207
 msgid "Project added"
 msgstr "Το έργο προστέθηκε"
-#: CompletionPage.cpp:213
+#: clientgui/CompletionPage.cpp:213
 msgid "This project has been successfully added."
 msgstr "Αυτό το έργο προστέθηκε με επιτυχία."
-#: CompletionPage.cpp:218
+#: clientgui/CompletionPage.cpp:218
 msgid ""
 "When you click Finish, your web browser will go to a page where\n"
 "you can set your account name and preferences."
@@ -1066,124 +1088,125 @@ msgstr ""
 "μπορείτε να καθορίσετε το όνομα του λογαριασμού σας και τις προτιμήσεις σας."
-#: CompletionPage.cpp:232
+#: clientgui/CompletionPage.cpp:232
 #, c-format
 msgid "Update from %s completed."
 msgstr "Η ενημέρωση απο το %s ολοκληρώθηκε."
-#: CompletionPage.cpp:236
+#: clientgui/CompletionPage.cpp:236
 msgid "Update completed."
 msgstr "Η ενημέρωση ολοκληρώθηκε."
-#: CompletionPage.cpp:247
+#: clientgui/CompletionPage.cpp:247
 msgid "Now using account manager"
 msgstr "Τώρα γίνεται χρήση διαχειριστή λογαριασμού"
-#: CompletionPage.cpp:252
+#: clientgui/CompletionPage.cpp:252
 #, c-format
 msgid "Welcome to %s!"
 msgstr "Καλώς Ήρθατε στο %s!"
-#: CompletionPage.cpp:263
+#: clientgui/CompletionPage.cpp:263
 #, c-format
 msgid "You are now using %s to manage accounts."
 msgstr ""
 "Αυτή τη στιγμή χρησιμοποιείτε %s για να διαχειριστείτε του λογαριασμούς."
-#: CompletionPage.cpp:267
+#: clientgui/CompletionPage.cpp:267
 msgid "You are now using this account manager."
 msgstr "Αυτή τη στιγμή γίνεται χρήση αυτού του διαχειριστή λογαριασμού."
-#: DlgAbout.cpp:113 mac/Mac_GUI.cpp:96
+#: clientgui/DlgAbout.cpp:113
 #, c-format
 msgid "About %s"
 msgstr "Σχετικά με %s"
-#: DlgAbout.cpp:172
+#: clientgui/DlgAbout.cpp:172
 msgid "Version:"
 msgstr "Έκδοση:"
-#: DlgAbout.cpp:180
+#: clientgui/DlgAbout.cpp:180
 msgid "wxWidgets Version:"
 msgstr "Έκδοση των wxWidgets:"
-#: DlgAbout.cpp:188
+#: clientgui/DlgAbout.cpp:188
 msgid "Copyright:"
 msgstr "Copyright:"
-# 98%
-#: DlgAbout.cpp:192
-#, fuzzy
+#: clientgui/DlgAbout.cpp:192
 msgid ""
-"(C) 2003-2013 University of California, Berkeley.\n"
+"(C) 2003-2014 University of California, Berkeley.\n"
 "All Rights Reserved."
 msgstr ""
-"(C) 2003-2010 Πανεπιστήμιο της Καλιφόρνια, Μπερκελέυ.\n"
-"Όλα τα δικαιώματα κατοχυρώθηκαν."
-#: DlgAbout.cpp:196
+#: clientgui/DlgAbout.cpp:196
 msgid "Berkeley Open Infrastructure for Network Computing"
 msgstr "Berkeley Open Infrastructure for Network Computing"
-#: DlgAbout.cpp:208 DlgExitMessage.cpp:173 DlgGenericMessage.cpp:120
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:396 DlgSelectComputer.cpp:163
+#: clientgui/DlgAbout.cpp:208
+#: clientgui/DlgExitMessage.cpp:173
+#: clientgui/DlgGenericMessage.cpp:120
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:399
+#: clientgui/DlgSelectComputer.cpp:163
 msgid "&OK"
 msgstr "Εντάξει"
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:544
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:602
 msgid "invalid number"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:545
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:603
 msgid "invalid time, format is HH:MM"
 msgstr "Εσφαλμένος χρόνος, η μορφή είναι ΩΩ:ΛΛ"
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:546
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:604
 msgid "invalid time interval, format is HH:MM-HH:MM"
 msgstr "εσφαλμένο χρονικό διάστημα, η μορφή είναι ΩΩ:ΛΛ-ΩΩ:ΛΛ"
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:751
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:817
 msgid "invalid input value detected"
 msgstr "εντοπίστηκε εσφαλμένη εισαγμένη τιμή"
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:753
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:819
 msgid "Validation Error"
 msgstr "Σφάλμα επικύρωσης"
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:885 DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:891
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:897
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:969
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:975
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:981
 msgid "Applications to add"
 msgstr "Εφαρμογές για να προσθέσετε"
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:914
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:998
 #, c-format
 msgid "'%s' is not an executable application."
 msgstr "'%s' δεν είναι μια εκτελέσιμη εφαρμογή."
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:915 DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:962
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:986
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:999
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:1046
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:1070
 msgid "Add Exclusive App"
 msgstr "Προσθήκη Αποκλειστικής εφαρμογής"
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:927
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:1011
 msgid "Name of application to add?"
 msgstr "Όνομα εφαρμογής που προσθέτετε;"
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:927
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:1011
 msgid "Add exclusive app"
 msgstr "Προσθήκη αποκλειστικής εφαρμογής"
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:961
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:1045
 #, c-format
 msgid "Application names must end with '%s'"
 msgstr "Τα ονόματα εφαρμογών πρέπει να τελειώνουν σε '%s'"
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:985
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:1069
 #, c-format
 msgid "'%s' is already in the list."
 msgstr "'%s' υπάρχει ήδη στη λίστα."
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:1077
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:1161
 msgid ""
 "Do you really want to clear all local preferences?\n"
 "(This will not affect exclusive applications.)"
@@ -1191,16 +1214,16 @@ msgstr ""
 "Θέλετε πραγματικά να σβήσετε όλες τις τοπικές προτιμήσεις;\n"
 "(Αυτό δε θα επηρεάσει τις αποκλειστικές εφαρμογές.)"
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:1078 sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:1030
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:1162
 msgid "Confirmation"
 msgstr "Επιβεβαίωση"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:46 sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:946
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:49
 #, c-format
-msgid "%s - Preferences"
-msgstr "%s - Προτιμήσεις"
+msgid "%s - Computing preferences"
+msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:62
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:66
 #, fuzzy
 msgid ""
 "This dialog controls preferences for this computer only.\n"
@@ -1212,284 +1235,295 @@ msgstr ""
 "Πατήστε Εκκαθάριση για να επαναφέρετε τις προεπιλεγμένες ρυθμίσεις "
 "(εξαιρούνται οι αποκλειστικές εφαρμογές)."
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:65 sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:428
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:69
 msgid "Clear"
 msgstr "Εκκαθάριση"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:66
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:70
 msgid "clear all local preferences and close the dialog"
 msgstr "εκκαθάριση όλων των τοπικών προτιμήσεων και κλείσιμο διαλόγου"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:81
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:85
 msgid "processor usage"
 msgstr "χρήση επεξεργαστή"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:84
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:88
 msgid "network usage"
 msgstr "χρήση δικτύου"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:87
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:91
 msgid "disk and memory usage"
 msgstr "χρήση δίσκου και μνήμης"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:90
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:94
 msgid "exclusive applications"
 msgstr "αποκλειστικές εφαρμογές"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:102 sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:424
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:107
+#: clientgui/DlgDiagnosticLogFlags.cpp:104
 msgid "OK"
 msgstr "ΕΝΤΑΞΕΙ"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:103
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:108
 msgid "save all values and close the dialog"
 msgstr "σώσε όλες τις τιμές και κλείσε το παράθυρο"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:108
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:114
 msgid "close the dialog without saving"
 msgstr "κλείσε το παράθυρο χωρίς να σωθούν οι τιμές"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:112 Localization.cpp:35 Localization.cpp:121
-#: Localization.cpp:139 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:794 sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:439
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:118
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:35
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:121
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:139
 msgid "Help"
 msgstr "Βοήθεια"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:113
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:119
 msgid "shows the preferences web page"
 msgstr "δείχνει την ιστοσελίδα προτιμήσεων"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:135
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:141
 msgid "Computing allowed"
 msgstr "Επεξεργασία επιτρέπεται"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:139
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:146
 msgid "While computer is on batteries"
 msgstr "Ενώ ο υπολογιστής τροφοδοτείται απο μπαταρίες"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:142
-msgid ""
-"check this if you want this computer to do work while it runs on batteries"
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:149
+msgid "check this if you want this computer to do work while it runs on batteries"
 msgstr ""
 "επιλέξτε αυτό αν θέλετε ο υπολογιστής σας να εκτελεί εργασίες , ενώ "
 "τροφοδοτείται απο μπαταρίες"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:148
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:155
 msgid "While computer is in use"
 msgstr "Όταν ο υπολογιστης είναι σε χρήση"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:151
-msgid ""
-"check this if you want this computer to do work even when you're using it"
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:158
+msgid "check this if you want this computer to do work even when you're using it"
 msgstr ""
 "επιλέξτε αυτό αν θέλετε ο υπολογιστής σας να εκτελεί εργασίες ακόμη και αν "
 "τον χρησιμοποιείτε"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:157
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:164
 msgid "Use GPU while computer is in use"
 msgstr ""
 "Χρήση της μονάδας επεξεργασίας γραφικών ενώ ο υπολογιστής χρησιμοποιείται"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:160
-msgid ""
-"check this if you want your GPU to do work even when you're using the "
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:167
+msgid "check this if you want your GPU to do work even when you're using the computer"
 msgstr ""
 "επιλέξτε αυτό, αν θέλετε η μονάδα επεξεργασίας γραφικών να εκτελεί εργασίες "
 "ακόμη και αν χρησιμοποιείτε τον υπολογιστή σας"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:172
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:179
 msgid "Only after computer has been idle for"
 msgstr "Μόνο αν ο υπολογιστής ήταν αδρανής για"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:182
-msgid ""
-"do work only after you haven't used the computer for this number of minutes"
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:188
+msgid "do work only after you haven't used the computer for this number of minutes"
 msgstr ""
 "εκτέλεση εργασιών μόνο αν δεν έχετε χρησιμοποιήσει τον υπολογιστή σας για "
 "τον εξής αριθμό λεπτών"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:187 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:336
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:417
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:193
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:342
 msgid "minutes"
 msgstr "λεπτά"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:206
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:212
 msgid "While processor usage is less than"
 msgstr "Ενώ η χρήση του επεξεργαστή είναι μικρότερη απο"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:216
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:221
 msgid "suspend work if processor usage exceeds this level"
 msgstr "αναστολή εργασιών εάν η χρήση του επεξεργαστή υπερβεί το όριο"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:221
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:226
 msgid "percent (0 means no restriction)"
 msgstr "τοις εκατό (0 σημαίνει κανένας περιορισμός)"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:235 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:496
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:240
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:506
 msgid "Every day between hours of"
 msgstr "Κάθε μέρα μεταξύ των ορών"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:239
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:244
 msgid "start work at this time"
 msgstr "εκκίνηση εργασιών αυτή την ώρα"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:243 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:504
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:326 sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:348
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:248
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:514
 msgid "and"
 msgstr "και"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:247
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:252
 msgid "stop work at this time"
 msgstr "σταμάτημα εργασιών αυτή την ώρα"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:251 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:512
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:256
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:522
 msgid "(no restriction if equal)"
 msgstr "(κανένας περιορισμός εάν είναι ίσα)"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:256 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:517
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:261
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:527
 msgid "Day-of-week override:"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:261 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:522
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:266
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:532
 msgid "check box to specify hours for this day of week"
 msgstr ""
 "επιλέξτε το κουτάκι για να προσδιορίσετε τις ώρες για αυτή τη μέρα της "
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:267 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:528
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:272
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:538
 msgid "Monday"
 msgstr "Δευτέρα"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:274 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:535
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:279
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:545
 msgid "Tuesday"
 msgstr "Τρίτη"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:281 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:542
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:286
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:552
 msgid "Wednesday"
 msgstr "Τετάρτη"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:288 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:549
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:293
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:559
 msgid "Thursday"
 msgstr "Πέμπτη"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:295 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:556
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:300
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:566
 msgid "Friday"
 msgstr "Παρασκευή"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:302 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:563
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:307
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:573
 msgid "Saturday"
 msgstr "Σάββατο"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:309 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:570
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:314
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:580
 msgid "Sunday"
 msgstr "Κυριακή"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:323
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:328
 msgid "Other options"
 msgstr "Άλλες επιλογές"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:330
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:336
 msgid "Switch between applications every"
 msgstr "Αλλαγή ανάμεσα στις εφαρμογές κάθε"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:339
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:345
 msgid "On multiprocessor systems, use at most"
 msgstr "Σε πολυεπεξεργαστικά συστήματα, χρήση μέχρι"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:346
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:352
 #, no-c-format
-msgid "% of the processors (0 means ignore this setting)"
+msgid "% of the processors (0 means no restriction)"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:349 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:605
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:627 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:648
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:669 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:679
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:355
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:618
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:640
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:661
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:683
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:694
 msgid "Use at most"
 msgstr "Χρήση μέχρι"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:356
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:362
 #, no-c-format
-msgid "% CPU time"
-msgstr "% χρόνος χρήσης κεντρικής μονάδας επεξεργασίας"
+msgid "% of CPU time (0 means no restriction)"
+msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:378
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:386
 msgid "General options"
 msgstr "Γενικές επιλογές"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:386
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:395
 msgid "Maximum download rate"
 msgstr "Μέγιστος ρυθμός λήψης"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:392 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:401
-msgid "KBytes/sec."
-msgstr "ΚBytes/sec."
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:401
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:410
+msgid "KBytes/second (0 means no restriction)"
+msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:395
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:404
 msgid "Maximum upload rate"
 msgstr "Μέγιστος ρυθμός αποστολής"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:406
-msgid "Transfer at most"
-msgstr "Μεταφορά το μέγιστο"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:412
-msgid "Mbytes"
-msgstr "Mbytes"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:415
-msgid "every"
-msgstr "κάθε"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:421 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:444
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:463
-msgid "days"
-msgstr "μέρες"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:429
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:417
 msgid "Minimum work buffer"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:438
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:425
 msgid "Try to maintain enough tasks to keep busy for this many days"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:450
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:431
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:449
+msgid "days (maximum value: 10)"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:437
 msgid "Max additional work buffer"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:459
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:445
 msgid "In addition, maintain enough tasks for up to this many days"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:466
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:454
+msgid "Transfer at most"
+msgstr "Μεταφορά το μέγιστο"
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:462
+msgid "MBytes every"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:468
+msgid "days (0 means no restriction)"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:476
 msgid "Skip image file verification"
 msgstr "Παράκαμψη επαλήθευσης αρχείου εικόνας"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:468
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:478
 msgid "check this if your Internet provider modifies image files"
 msgstr ""
 "επιλέξτε αυτό εάν ο διαδικτυακός σας πάροχος τροποποιεί τα εικονικά αρχεία"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:476
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:484
 msgid "Connect options"
 msgstr "Επιλογές σύνδεσης"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:478
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:487
 msgid "Confirm before connecting to internet"
 msgstr "Επιβεβαιώστε πρωτού συνδεθείτε στο διαδίκτυο"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:480
-msgid ""
-"if checked, a confirmation dialog will be displayed before trying to connect "
-"to the Internet"
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:489
+msgid "if checked, a confirmation dialog will be displayed before trying to connect to the Internet"
 msgstr ""
 "εάν επιλεχθεί, ένα παράθυρο επιβεβαίωσης θα εμφανιστεί πρωτού προσπαθήσετε "
 "να συνδεθείτε στο διαδίκτυο"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:484
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:493
 msgid "Disconnect when done"
 msgstr "Αποσύνδεση όταν τελειώσει"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:486
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:495
 msgid ""
 "if checked, BOINC hangs up when network usage is done\n"
 "(only relevant for dialup-connection)"
@@ -1497,199 +1531,224 @@ msgstr ""
 "εάν επιλεχθεί, το BOINC θα κολλάει όταν η χρήση του δικτύου ολοκληρώνεται\n"
 "(σχετικό μόνο με dialup-συνδέσεις)"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:492
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:501
 msgid "Network usage allowed"
 msgstr "Χρήση του δικτύου επιτρέπεται"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:500
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:510
 msgid "network usage start hour"
 msgstr "Ώρα εκκίνησης χρήσης δικτύου"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:508
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:518
 msgid "network usage stop hour"
 msgstr "Ώρα σταματήματος χρήσης δικτύου"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:598 DlgItemProperties.cpp:231
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:610
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:257
 msgid "Disk usage"
 msgstr "Χρήση δίσκου"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:609
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:622
 msgid "the maximum disk space used by BOINC (in Gigabytes)"
 msgstr "μέγιστος χώρος χρήσης του δίσκου απο το BOINC (σε Gigabytes)"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:613
-msgid "Gigabytes disk space"
-msgstr "Gigabytes χώρος δίσκου"
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:626
+msgid "Gigabytes disk space (0 means no restriction)"
+msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:616
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:629
 msgid "Leave at least"
 msgstr "Άφησε τουλάχιστον "
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:620
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:633
 msgid "BOINC leaves at least this amount of disk space free (in Gigabytes)"
 msgstr ""
 "Το BOINC αφήνει τουλάχιστον αυτό το ποσό του δίσκου ελεύθερο (σε Gigabytes)"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:624
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:637
 msgid "Gigabytes disk space free"
 msgstr "Gigabytes ελεύθερου χώρου στο δίσκο"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:631
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:644
 msgid "BOINC uses at most this percentage of total disk space"
 msgstr "Το BOINC χρησιμοποιεί μέγιστο αυτό το ποσοστό του χώρου του δίσκου"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:636
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:649
 #, no-c-format
 msgid "% of total disk space"
 msgstr "% του συνολικού χώρου του δίσκου"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:639
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:652
 msgid "Tasks checkpoint to disk at most every"
 msgstr "Εγγραφή σημείων ελέγχου της εφαρμογής στο δίσκο κάθε"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:645
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:658
 msgid "seconds"
 msgstr "δευτερόλεπτα"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:655
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:668
 #, no-c-format
 #, fuzzy, no-c-format
 msgid "% of page file (swap space)"
 msgstr "% του αρχείου σελίδας (swap χώρος)"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:662
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:675
 msgid "Memory usage"
 msgstr "Χρήση μνήμης"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:676
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:691
 #, no-c-format
 msgid "% when computer is in use"
 msgstr "% όταν ο υπολογιστης είναι σε χρήση"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:686
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:701
 #, no-c-format
 msgid "% when computer is idle"
 msgstr "% όταν ο υπολογιστής είναι αδρανής"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:691
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:706
 msgid "Leave applications in memory while suspended"
 msgstr "Παραμονή των εφαρμογών στην μνήμη ενώ έχου παυθεί οι εργασίες"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:693
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:708
 msgid "if checked, suspended work units are left in memory"
 msgstr "εάν επιλεγεί, οι αναβληθείσες εργασίες παραμένουν στη μνήμη"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:713
-msgid ""
-"Suspend processor and network usage when these applications are running:"
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:728
+msgid "Suspend processor and network usage when these applications are running:"
 msgstr ""
 "Παύση χρήσης επεξεργαστή και δικτύου όταν εκτελούνται αυτές οι εφαρμογές:"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:722
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:738
 msgid "Add..."
 msgstr "Προσθήκη..."
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:723
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:739
 msgid "Add an application to this list"
 msgstr "Προσθήκη μιας εφαρμογής στη λίστα"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:728 ViewProjects.cpp:202
-#: sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:85
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:744
 msgid "Remove"
 msgstr "Αφαίρεση"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:729
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:745
 msgid "Remove an application from this list"
 msgstr "Αφαίρεση μιας εφαρμογής απο τη λίστα"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:738
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:754
 msgid "For advanced options, refer to "
 msgstr "Για προχωρημένες επιλογές, ανατρέξτε στο"
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:219
+#: clientgui/DlgDiagnosticLogFlags.cpp:65
+#, c-format
+msgid "%s Diagnostic Log Flags"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/DlgDiagnosticLogFlags.cpp:83
+msgid "These flags enable various types of diagnostic messages in the Event Log."
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/DlgDiagnosticLogFlags.cpp:105
+msgid "Save all values and close the dialog"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/DlgDiagnosticLogFlags.cpp:108
+msgid "Defaults"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/DlgDiagnosticLogFlags.cpp:109
+msgid "Restore default settings"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/DlgDiagnosticLogFlags.cpp:113
+msgid "Close the dialog without saving"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:226
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - Event Log"
 msgstr "%s - Καταγραφέας Συμβάντων"
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:232 ViewMessages.cpp:117 ViewProjects.cpp:219
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:435 ViewStatistics.cpp:2009 ViewTransfers.cpp:182
-#: ViewWork.cpp:232
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:236
 msgid "Project"
 msgstr "Πρόγραμμα"
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:233 ViewMessages.cpp:118
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:237
 msgid "Time"
 msgstr "Χρόνος"
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:234 ViewMessages.cpp:119
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:238
 msgid "Message"
 msgstr "Μήνυμα"
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:290 DlgEventLog.cpp:354
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:300
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:364
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "&Show only this project"
 msgstr "&Εμφάνιση μόνο αυτού του προγράμματος"
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:294
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:304
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Copy &All"
 msgstr "Αντιγραφή &Όλων"
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:296 DlgEventLog.cpp:300 ViewMessages.cpp:89
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:306
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:310
 msgid "Copy all the messages to the clipboard."
 msgstr "Αντιγραφή όλων των μηνυμάτων στο πρόχειρο"
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:305
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:315
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Copy &Selected"
 msgstr "Αντιγραφή Επιλεγμένων"
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:308 DlgEventLog.cpp:316 ViewMessages.cpp:97
-msgid ""
-"Copy the selected messages to the clipboard. You can select multiple "
-"messages by holding down the shift or command key while clicking on messages."
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:318
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:326
+msgid "Copy the selected messages to the clipboard. You can select multiple messages by holding down the shift or command key while clicking on messages."
 msgstr ""
 "Αντιγραφή των επιλεγμένων μηνυμάτων στο πρόχειρο. Μπορείτε να επιλέξετε "
 "πολλαπλά μηνύματα κρατώντας πατημένο το κουμπί shift ή control ενώ πατάτε "
 "στα μηνύματα."
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:310 DlgEventLog.cpp:318 ViewMessages.cpp:99
-msgid ""
-"Copy the selected messages to the clipboard. You can select multiple "
-"messages by holding down the shift or control key while clicking on messages."
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:320
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:328
+msgid "Copy the selected messages to the clipboard. You can select multiple messages by holding down the shift or control key while clicking on messages."
 msgstr ""
 "Αντιγραφή επιλεγμένων μηνυμάτων στο clipboard. Μπορείτε να επιλέξετε "
 "πολλαπλά μηνύματα κρατώντας πατημένο το κουμπί shift ή control όταν κάνετε "
 "κλίκ στα μηνύματα."
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:325 DlgItemProperties.cpp:67
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:335
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:67
 msgid "&Close"
 msgstr "&Έξοδος"
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:334 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:798 sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:442
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:344
 #, c-format
 msgid "Get help with %s"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:348
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:358
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Show all &messages"
 msgstr "Εμφάνιση όλων των μηνυμάτων"
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:349 DlgEventLog.cpp:351
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:359
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:361
 msgid "Show messages for all projects"
 msgstr "Εμφάνιση μηνυμάτων για όλα τα έργα."
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:355 DlgEventLog.cpp:357
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:365
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:367
 msgid "Show only the messages for the selected project"
 msgstr "Εμφάνιση μόνο των μηνυμάτων για το επιλεγμένο έργο"
-#: DlgExitMessage.cpp:82
+#: clientgui/DlgExitMessage.cpp:82
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - Exit Confirmation"
 msgstr "%s- Έξοδος επιβεβαίωσης"
-#: DlgExitMessage.cpp:130
+#: clientgui/DlgExitMessage.cpp:130
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "You have requested to exit the %s,\n"
@@ -1700,7 +1759,7 @@ msgid ""
 "choose from the following options:"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgExitMessage.cpp:135
+#: clientgui/DlgExitMessage.cpp:135
 #, c-format
 #, fuzzy, c-format
 msgid ""
@@ -1720,406 +1779,432 @@ msgstr ""
 "εργασίες τις στιγμές που έχετε επιλέξει στις προτιμήσεις σας. "
-#: DlgExitMessage.cpp:153
+#: clientgui/DlgExitMessage.cpp:153
 #, c-format
 msgid "Stop running tasks when exiting the %s"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgExitMessage.cpp:165
+#: clientgui/DlgExitMessage.cpp:165
 msgid "Remember this decision and do not show this dialog."
 msgstr ""
 "Να απομνημονευτεί η απόφαση και να μην εμφανιστεί ξανά αυτό το παράθυρο."
-#: DlgExitMessage.cpp:178 DlgGenericMessage.cpp:125 DlgOptions.cpp:401
-#: DlgSelectComputer.cpp:168 wizardex.cpp:378
+#: clientgui/DlgExitMessage.cpp:178
+#: clientgui/DlgGenericMessage.cpp:125
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:404
+#: clientgui/DlgSelectComputer.cpp:168
 msgid "&Cancel"
 msgstr "Ακύρωση"
-#: DlgGenericMessage.cpp:112
+#: clientgui/DlgGenericMessage.cpp:112
 msgid "Don't show this dialog again."
 msgstr "Μην ξαναεμφανίσεις αυτό το μήνυμα."
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:168 DlgItemProperties.cpp:171
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:174 DlgItemProperties.cpp:177
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:194
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:197
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:200
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:203
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Don't fetch tasks for "
 msgstr "Δεν δέχεται νέες εργασίες"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:168
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:194
 msgid "Project preference"
 msgstr "Προτιμήσεις έργου"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:171
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:197
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Account manager preference"
 msgstr "Ιστοσελίδα του προγράμματος διαχείρισης λογαριασμού"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:174
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:200
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Project has no apps for "
 msgstr "Το πρόγραμμα δεν έχει εφαρμογές για"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:177
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:203
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Client configuration excludes "
 msgstr "Η παραμετροποίηση του προγράμματος αποκλείει"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:181
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:207
 #, fuzzy
 msgid " work fetch deferred for"
 msgstr "η λήψη εργασιών αναβλήθηκε για "
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:182
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:208
 msgid " work fetch deferral interval"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:213
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:239
 msgid "Properties of project "
 msgstr "Ρυθμίσεις του προγράμματος"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:217 DlgOptions.cpp:218
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:243
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:221
 msgid "General"
 msgstr "Γενικά"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:218
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:244
 msgid "Master URL"
 msgstr "Κεντρική ηλεκρονική διεύθυνση"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:219
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:245
 msgid "User name"
 msgstr "Όνομα Χρήστη"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:220
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:246
 msgid "Team name"
 msgstr "Όνομα ομάδας"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:221 ViewProjects.cpp:224
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:247
 msgid "Resource share"
 msgstr "Μερίδα πόρων"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:223
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:249
 msgid "Scheduler RPC deferred for"
 msgstr "Το χρονοδιάγραμμα RPC αναβλήθηκε για"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:226
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:252
 msgid "File downloads deferred for"
 msgstr "Η λήψη του αρχείου αναβλήθηκε για"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:229
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:255
 msgid "File uploads deferred for"
 msgstr "Η αποστολή του αρχείου αναβλήθηκε για"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:232
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:258
 msgid "Computer ID"
 msgstr "Ταυτότητα υπολογιστή"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:234
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:260
 msgid "Non CPU intensive"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:234 DlgItemProperties.cpp:236
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:237 DlgItemProperties.cpp:239
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:242 DlgItemProperties.cpp:251
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:254 DlgItemProperties.cpp:257
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:260
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:262
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:263
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:265
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:268
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:277
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:280
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:283
 msgid "yes"
 msgstr "ναί"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:236
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:262
 msgid "Suspended via GUI"
 msgstr "Παύθηκε μέσω GUI"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:236 DlgItemProperties.cpp:237
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:262
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:263
 msgid "no"
 msgstr "όχι"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:237
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:263
 msgid "Don't request more work"
 msgstr "Μη ζητήσετε επιπλέον εργασίες"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:239
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:265
 msgid "Scheduler call in progress"
 msgstr "Κλήση χρονοδιαγράμματος σε εξέλιξη"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:242
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:268
 msgid "Trickle-up pending"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:245 DlgItemProperties.cpp:247
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:271
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:273
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Host location"
 msgstr "Τοποθεσία Φιλοξενητή"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:247
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:273
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "default"
 msgstr "Εξ'ορισμού"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:251
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:277
 msgid "Added via account manager"
 msgstr "Προστέθηκε μέσω του διαχειριστή λογαριασμού"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:254
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:280
 msgid "Remove when tasks done"
 msgstr "Αφαίρεση όταν οι εργασίες ολοκληρωθούν"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:257
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:283
 msgid "Ended"
 msgstr "Τελειωμένο"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:259
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:285
+msgid "Tasks completed"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:286
+msgid "Tasks failed"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:288
 msgid "Credit"
 msgstr "Πόντοι"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:260
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:289
 msgid "User"
 msgstr "Χρήστης"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:267
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:296
 msgid "Host"
 msgstr "Πάροχος"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:276
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:305
 msgid "Scheduling"
 msgstr "Χρήση χρονοδιαγράμματος"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:277
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:306
 msgid "Scheduling priority"
 msgstr "Προγραμματισμός προτεραιότητας"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:278
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:307
 msgid "CPU"
 msgstr "Επεξεργαστής"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:302
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:331
 msgid "Duration correction factor"
 msgstr "Παράγοντας διόρθωσης διάρκειας"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:316
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:345
 msgid "Properties of task "
 msgstr "Ιδιότητες εργασίας"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:328 ViewWork.cpp:238
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:357
 msgid "Application"
 msgstr "Εφαρμογή"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:329 ViewWork.cpp:239
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:358
 msgid "Name"
 msgstr "Όνομα"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:330
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:359
 msgid "State"
 msgstr "Κατάσταση"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:333
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:362
 msgid "Received"
 msgstr "Ληφθέντα"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:336
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:365
 msgid "Report deadline"
 msgstr "Προθεσμία αναφοράς"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:338
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:367
 msgid "Resources"
 msgstr "Πόροι"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:341
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:370
 msgid "Estimated computation size"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:344
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:373
 msgid "CPU time at last checkpoint"
 msgstr ""
 "Χρόνος χρήσης κεντρικής μονάδας επεξεργασίας στο τελευταίο σημείο ελέγχου"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:345 DlgItemProperties.cpp:360
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:374
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:389
 msgid "CPU time"
 msgstr "Χρόνος Επεξεργαστή"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:347 DlgItemProperties.cpp:361
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:376
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:390
 msgid "Elapsed time"
 msgstr "Χρόνος που έχει περάσει"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:349
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:378
 msgid "Estimated time remaining"
 msgstr "Εκτιμώμενος χρόνος που απομένει"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:350
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:379
 msgid "Fraction done"
 msgstr "Ολοκλήρωση κλάσματος"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:351
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:380
 msgid "Virtual memory size"
 msgstr "Μέγεθος εικονικής μνήμης"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:352
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:381
 msgid "Working set size"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:354
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:383
 msgid "Directory"
 msgstr "Διεύθυνση"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:357
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:386
 msgid "Process ID"
 msgstr "Ταυτότητα διαδικασίας"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:427 ViewWork.cpp:1032 sg_TaskPanel.cpp:823
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:456
 msgid "Local: "
 msgstr "Τοπικό:"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:129 DlgOptions.cpp:135
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:129
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:135
 msgid "Options"
 msgstr "Επιλογές"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:175
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:178
 msgid "Language:"
 msgstr "Γλώσσα:"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:182
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:185
 msgid "What language should BOINC use?"
 msgstr "Τι γλώσσα να χρησιμοποιεί το BOINC;"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:186
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:189
 msgid "Notice reminder interval:"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:193
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:196
 msgid "How often should BOINC remind you of new notices?"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:198
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:201
 msgid "Run Manager at login?"
 msgstr "Εκτέλεση διαχειριστή κατά τη σύνδεση;"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:204
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:207
 msgid "Run the BOINC Manager when you log on."
 msgstr "Εκτέλεση του BOINC διαχειριστή όταν συνδέεστε."
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:209
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:212
 msgid "Enable Manager exit dialog?"
 msgstr "Ενεργοποίηση παράθυρου εξόδου Διαχειριστή;"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:215
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:218
 msgid "Display the exit dialog when shutting down the Manager."
 msgstr "Εμφάνιση του παράθυρου εξόδου όταν τερματίζεται ο Διαχειριστής."
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:226
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:229
 msgid "Dial-up and Virtual Private Network settings"
 msgstr "Ρυθμίσεις σύνδεσης μέσω τηλεφώνου και Ιδιωτικού Εικονικού Δικτύου"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:240
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:243
 msgid "&Set Default"
 msgstr "Καθορισμός Εξ' ορισμού"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:245
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:248
 msgid "&Clear Default"
 msgstr "Καθάρισμα Εξ' ορισμού"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:252
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:255
 msgid "Default Connection:"
 msgstr "Εξ' ορισμού Σύνδεση:"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:259
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:262
 msgid "Connections"
 msgstr "Συνδέσεις"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:268
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:271
 msgid "Connect via HTTP proxy server"
 msgstr "Σύνδεση μέσω διακομιστή HTTP proxy"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:272
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:275
 msgid "HTTP Proxy Server Configuration"
 msgstr "Ρυθμίσεις διακομιστή HTTP Proxy"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:280 DlgOptions.cpp:344
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:283
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:347
 msgid "Address:"
 msgstr "Διεύθυνση:"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:288 DlgOptions.cpp:352 ProxyPage.cpp:340 ProxyPage.cpp:360
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:291
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:355
 msgid "Port:"
 msgstr "Θύρα:"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:296 DlgOptions.cpp:360
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:299
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:363
 msgid "Don't use proxy for:"
 msgstr "Να μη χρησιμοποιείται η proy για:"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:303 DlgOptions.cpp:367
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:306
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:370
 msgid "Leave these blank if not needed"
 msgstr "Αφήστε τα κενά εάν δεν χρειάζονται"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:309 DlgOptions.cpp:373 ProxyPage.cpp:343 ProxyPage.cpp:363
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:312
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:376
 msgid "User Name:"
 msgstr "Όνομα Χρήστη"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:317 DlgOptions.cpp:381 DlgSelectComputer.cpp:152
-#: ProxyPage.cpp:346 ProxyPage.cpp:366
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:320
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:384
+#: clientgui/DlgSelectComputer.cpp:152
 msgid "Password:"
 msgstr "Κωδικός:"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:324
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:327
 msgid "HTTP Proxy"
 msgstr "HTTP Proxy"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:332
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:335
 msgid "Connect via SOCKS proxy server"
 msgstr "Σύνδεση μέσω διακομιστή SOCKS proxy"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:336
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:339
 msgid "SOCKS Proxy Server Configuration"
 msgstr "Ρυθμίσεις διακομιστή SOCKS Proxy"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:388
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:391
 msgid "SOCKS Proxy"
 msgstr "SOCKS Proxy"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:586
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:589
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "always"
 msgstr "&Διαρκής εκτέλεση"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:587
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:590
 msgid "1 hour"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:588
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:591
 msgid "6 hours"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:589
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:592
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "1 day"
 msgstr "1 μέρα"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:590
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:593
 msgid "1 week"
 msgstr "1 εβδομάδα"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:591
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:594
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "never"
 msgstr "ποτέ"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:688
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:691
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - Language Selection"
 msgstr "%s- Επιλογή γλώσσας"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:695
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:698
 #, c-format
 #, fuzzy, c-format
-msgid ""
-"The %s's language has been changed.  In order for this change to take "
-"effect, you must restart the %s."
+msgid "The %s's language has been changed.  In order for this change to take effect, you must restart the %s."
 msgstr ""
 "Η %s γλώσσα έχει αλλάξει.  Για να τεθεί σε εφαρμογή αυτή η αλλαγή, πρέπει να "
 "επανεκκινήσετε το %s."
-#: DlgSelectComputer.cpp:91
+#: clientgui/DlgSelectComputer.cpp:91
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - Select Computer"
 msgstr "%s - Επιλογή Υπολογιστή"
-#: DlgSelectComputer.cpp:125
+#: clientgui/DlgSelectComputer.cpp:125
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "Another instance of %s is already running \n"
@@ -2129,449 +2214,450 @@ msgstr ""
 "σε αυτόν τον υπολογιστή. Παρακαλώ επιλέξτε ένα άλλο πρόγραμμα για να "
-#: DlgSelectComputer.cpp:143
+#: clientgui/DlgSelectComputer.cpp:143
 msgid "Host name:"
 msgstr "Όνομα host:"
-#: Localization.cpp:31 Localization.cpp:69
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:31
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:69
 msgid "Message boards"
 msgstr "Ομάδες Συζητήσεων"
-#: Localization.cpp:33
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:33
 msgid "Correspond with other users on the SETI at home message boards"
 msgstr "Επικοινωνήστε με άλλους χρήστες στις ομάδες συζητήσεων του SETI at Home"
-#: Localization.cpp:37
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:37
 msgid "Ask questions and report problems"
 msgstr "Υποβάλετε ερωτήσεις να αναφέρετε προβλήματα"
-#: Localization.cpp:39 Localization.cpp:81 Localization.cpp:111
-#: Localization.cpp:129
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:39
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:81
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:111
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:129
 msgid "Your account"
 msgstr "Ο Λογαριασμός σας"
-#: Localization.cpp:41 Localization.cpp:87 Localization.cpp:113
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:41
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:87
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:113
 msgid "View your account information and credit totals"
 msgstr ""
 "Εμφάνιση πληροφοριών σχετικών με το λογαριασμό σας και το σύνολο των βαθμών "
-#: Localization.cpp:43
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:43
 msgid "Your preferences"
 msgstr "Οι Προτιμήσεις σας"
-#: Localization.cpp:45
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:45
 msgid "View and modify your SETI at home account profile and preferences"
 msgstr ""
 "Εμφάνιση και επεξεργασία του προφίλ λογαριασμού σας στο SETI at Home και των "
 "προτιμήσεών σας."
-#: Localization.cpp:47 Localization.cpp:89
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:47
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:89
 msgid "Your results"
 msgstr "Τα Αποτελέσματά σας"
-#: Localization.cpp:49 Localization.cpp:91
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:49
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:91
 msgid "View your last week (or more) of computational results and work"
 msgstr ""
 "Εμφάνιση των αποτελεσμάτων και εργασιών της τελευταιας εβδομάδας (ή "
-#: Localization.cpp:51 Localization.cpp:93
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:51
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:93
 msgid "Your computers"
 msgstr "Οι Υπολογιστές σας"
-#: Localization.cpp:53
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:53
 msgid "View a listing of all the computers on which you are running SETI at Home"
 msgstr ""
 "Εμφάνιση λίστας με όλους τους υπολογιστές στους οποίους εκτελείτε στο "
 "SETI at Home"
-#: Localization.cpp:55 Localization.cpp:97
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:55
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:97
 msgid "Your team"
 msgstr "Η Ομάδα σας"
-#: Localization.cpp:57 Localization.cpp:99
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:57
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:99
 msgid "View information about your team"
 msgstr "Πληροφορίες σχετικά με την ομάδα σας"
-#: Localization.cpp:61
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:61
 msgid "Common questions"
 msgstr "Κοινές ερωτήσεις"
-#: Localization.cpp:63
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:63
 msgid "Read the Einstein at Home Frequently Asked Question list"
 msgstr "Διαβάστε τη λίστα με τις συχνές ερωτήσεις του Einstein at Home"
-#: Localization.cpp:65
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:65
 msgid "Screensaver info"
 msgstr "Πληροφορίες προφύλαξης οθόνης"
-#: Localization.cpp:67
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:67
 msgid "Read a detailed description of the Einstein at Home screensaver"
 msgstr "Διαβάστε τη λεπτομερή περιγραφή της προφύλαξης οθόνης του Einstein at Home"
-#: Localization.cpp:71
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:71
 #, fuzzy
-msgid ""
-"Correspond with admins and other users on the Einstein at Home message boards"
+msgid "Correspond with admins and other users on the Einstein at Home message boards"
 msgstr ""
 "Αντιστοιχούν με διαχειριστές και άλλους χρήστε στους πίνακες μηνυμάτων του "
 "Einstein at Home"
-#: Localization.cpp:73
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:73
 msgid "Einstein status"
 msgstr "Κατάσταση του Einstein"
-#: Localization.cpp:75
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:75
 msgid "Current status of the Einstein at Home server"
 msgstr "Τρέχουσα κατάσταση του διακομιστή του Einstein at Home"
-#: Localization.cpp:77
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:77
 msgid "Report problems"
 msgstr "Αναφορά προβλημάτων"
-#: Localization.cpp:79
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:79
 msgid "A link to the Einstein at Home problems and bug reports message board"
 msgstr ""
 "Ένας σύνδεσμος για τον πίνακα μηνυμάτων σχετικά με προβλήματα και αναφορά "
 "σφαλμάτων του Einstein at Home"
-#: Localization.cpp:83
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:83
 msgid "View and modify your Einstein at Home account profile and preferences"
 msgstr ""
 "Εμφάνιση και επεξεργασία του προφίλ λογαριασμού σας στο Einstein at Home και "
 "των προτιμήσεών σας."
-#: Localization.cpp:85
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:85
 msgid "Account summary"
 msgstr "Σύνωψη λογαριασμού"
-#: Localization.cpp:95
-msgid ""
-"View a listing of all the computers on which you are running Einstein at Home"
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:95
+msgid "View a listing of all the computers on which you are running Einstein at Home"
 msgstr ""
 "Εμφάνιση λίστας με όλους τους υπολογιστές στους οποίους εκτελείτε το "
 "Einstein at Home"
-#: Localization.cpp:101
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:101
 msgid "LIGO project"
 msgstr "Πρόγραμμα LIGO"
-#: Localization.cpp:103
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:103
 #, fuzzy
-msgid ""
-"The home page of the Laser Interferometer Gravitational-wave Observatory "
-"(LIGO) project"
+msgid "The home page of the Laser Interferometer Gravitational-wave Observatory (LIGO) project"
 msgstr ""
 "Η κεντρική ιστοσελίδα του προγάμματος LIGO Laser Interferometer "
 "Gravitational-wave Observatory"
-#: Localization.cpp:105
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:105
 msgid "GEO-600 project"
 msgstr "Έργο GEO-600"
-#: Localization.cpp:107
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:107
 msgid "The home page of the GEO-600 project"
 msgstr "Η ιστοσελίδα του έργου GEO-600"
-#: Localization.cpp:115 Localization.cpp:133 ViewProjects.cpp:221
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:465
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:115
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:133
 msgid "Team"
 msgstr "Ομάδα"
-#: Localization.cpp:117
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:117
 msgid "Info about your Team"
 msgstr "Πληροφορίες σχετικά με την ομάδα σας"
-#: Localization.cpp:123
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:123
 msgid "Get help for climateprediction.net"
 msgstr "Λάβετε βοήθεια για το climaprediction.net"
-#: Localization.cpp:125
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:125
 msgid "News"
 msgstr "Νέα"
-#: Localization.cpp:127
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:127
 msgid "climateprediction.net News"
 msgstr "Νέα του climateprediction.net"
-#: Localization.cpp:131
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:131
 msgid "View your account information, credits, and trickles"
 msgstr ""
 "Προβολή των πληροφοριών του λογαριασμού σας, πιστοποιητικα, και trickles"
-#: Localization.cpp:135
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:135
 msgid "Info about your team"
 msgstr "Πληροφορίες για την ομάδα σας"
-#: Localization.cpp:141
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:141
 msgid "Search for help in our help system"
 msgstr "Ψάξτε για βοήθεια στο σύστημα βοήθειάς μας"
-#: Localization.cpp:143
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:143
 msgid "Global Statistics"
 msgstr "Σφαιρικά στατιστικά"
-#: Localization.cpp:145
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:145
 msgid "Summary statistics for World Community Grid"
 msgstr "Συγκεντρωτικά στατιστικά για το World Community Grid"
-#: Localization.cpp:147
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:147
 msgid "My Grid"
 msgstr "Τα έργα μου"
-#: Localization.cpp:149
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:149
 msgid "Your statistics and settings"
 msgstr "Τα στατιστικά σας και οι ρυθμίσεις σας"
-#: Localization.cpp:151
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:151
 msgid "Device Profiles"
 msgstr "Προφίλ Συσκευής"
-#: Localization.cpp:153
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:153
 msgid "Update your device settings"
 msgstr "Ενημέρωση των ρυθμίσεων της συσκευής σας"
-#: Localization.cpp:155
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:155
 msgid "Research"
 msgstr "Έρευνα"
-#: Localization.cpp:157
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:157
 msgid "Learn about the projects hosted at World Community Grid"
 msgstr "Μάθετε για τα προγράμματα που φιλοξενούνται στο World Community Grid"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:583
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:583
 msgid "Starting client"
 msgstr "Εκκίνηση προγράμματος"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:591
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:591
 msgid "Connecting to client"
 msgstr "Σύνδεση με το πρόγραμμα"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:1195
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:1205
 msgid "Retrieving system state; please wait..."
 msgstr "Ανάκτηση κατάστασης συστήματος, παρακαλώ περιμένετε..."
-#: MainDocument.cpp:1816
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:1826
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Missing application"
 msgstr "Λείπει η εφαρμογή"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:1817
-msgid ""
-"Please download and install the CoRD application from http://cord."
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:1827
+msgid "Please download and install the CoRD application from http://cord.sourceforge.net"
 msgstr ""
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2432
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2442
 msgid "on batteries"
 msgstr ""
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2433
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2443
 msgid "computer is in use"
 msgstr "ο υπολογιστης είναι σε χρήση"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2434
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2444
 msgid "user request"
 msgstr "αίτημα του χρήστη"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2435
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2445
 msgid "time of day"
 msgstr "ώρα της ημέρας"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2436
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2446
 msgid "CPU benchmarks in progress"
 msgstr "Εκτέλεση μετρήσεων επεξεργαστή σε πρόοδο"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2437
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2447
 msgid "need disk space - check preferences"
 msgstr "χρειάζεται επιπλέον χώρος στο δίσκο - ελέγξτε προτιμήσεις"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2438
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2448
 msgid "computer is not in use"
 msgstr "ο υπολογιστής δε χρησιμοποιείται"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2439
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2449
 msgid "starting up"
 msgstr "γίνεται εκκίνηση"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2440
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2450
 msgid "an exclusive app is running"
 msgstr "μια αποκλειστική εφαρμογή εκτελείται"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2441
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2451
 msgid "CPU is busy"
 msgstr "η κεντρική μονάδα επεξεργασίας είναι απασχολημένη"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2442
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2452
 msgid "network bandwidth limit exceeded"
 msgstr "ξεπεράστηκε το όριο εύρους ζώνης του δικτύου"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2443
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2453
 msgid "requested by operating system"
 msgstr "ζητήθηκε απο το λειτουργικό σύστημα"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2445
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2455
 msgid "unknown reason"
 msgstr "άγνωστος λόγος"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2467
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2477
 msgid "GPU missing, "
 msgstr "η μονάδα επεξεργασίας γραφικών απουσιάζει,"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2474
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2484
 msgid "New"
 msgstr "Νέο"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2478
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2488
 msgid "Download failed"
 msgstr "Αποτυχία λήψης"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2480
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2490
 msgid "Downloading"
 msgstr "Λήψη"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2482 MainDocument.cpp:2552
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2492
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2557
 msgid " (suspended - "
 msgstr "(παύθηκε -"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2490
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2500
 msgid "Project suspended by user"
 msgstr "Το πρόγραμμα παύθηκε απο τον χρήστη"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2492
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2502
 msgid "Task suspended by user"
 msgstr "Η εγασία παύθηκε απο τον χρήστη"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2494
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2504
 msgid "Suspended - "
 msgstr "Παύθηκε -"
 # 75%
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2500
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2510
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "GPU suspended - "
 msgstr "Παύθηκε η χρήση της GPU -"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2507
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2517
 msgid "Waiting for memory"
 msgstr "Αναμονή της μνήμης"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2509
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2519
 msgid "Waiting for shared memory"
 msgstr "Αναμονή της μοιραζόμενης μνήμης"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2512
-msgid "Running, high priority"
-msgstr "Εκτελείται, υψηλή προτεραιότητα"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2514
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2521
 msgid "Running"
 msgstr "Εκτελείται"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2517
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2523
 msgid " (non-CPU-intensive)"
 msgstr ""
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2520
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2526
 msgid "Waiting to run"
 msgstr "Αναμένοντας για εκτέλεση"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2522 MainDocument.cpp:2528
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2528
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2534
 msgid "Ready to start"
 msgstr "Έτοιμο για εκκίνηση"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2532
-msgid " (Scheduler wait: "
-msgstr "(Προγραμματιστής περιμένει:"
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2538
+msgid "Postponed: "
+msgstr ""
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2536
-msgid " (Scheduler wait)"
-msgstr "(Προγραμματιστής περιμένει)"
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2541
+msgid "Postponed"
+msgstr ""
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2540
-#, fuzzy
-msgid " (Waiting for network access)"
-msgstr "(Αναμονή για πρόσβαση στο δίκτυο)"
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2545
+msgid "Waiting for network access"
+msgstr ""
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2544
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2549
 msgid "Computation error"
 msgstr "Λάθος Υπολογισμών"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2548
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2553
 msgid "Upload failed"
 msgstr "Αποτυχία ανεβάσματος"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2550
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2555
 msgid "Uploading"
 msgstr "Ανέβασμα"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2561
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2566
 msgid "Aborted by user"
 msgstr "Εγκαταλείφθηκε από το χρήστη"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2564
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2569
 msgid "Aborted by project"
 msgstr "Εγκαταλείφθηκε απο το πρόγραμμα"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2567
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2572
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Aborted: not started by deadline"
 msgstr "Απορριφθηκε: δεν ξεκίνησε μέσα στη διορία"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2570
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2575
 msgid "Aborted: disk limit exceeded"
 msgstr "Απορρίφθηκε: το όριο του δίσκου ξεπεράστηκε"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2573
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2578
 msgid "Aborted: run time limit exceeded"
 msgstr "Απορρίφθηκε: ξεπεράστηκε ο χρόνος εκτέλεσης"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2576
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2581
 msgid "Aborted: memory limit exceeded"
 msgstr "Απορρίφθηκε: ξεπεράστηκε το όριο μνήμης"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2579
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2584
 msgid "Aborted"
 msgstr "Εγκαταλείφθηκε"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2584
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2589
 msgid "Acknowledged"
 msgstr "Αναγνωρίστηκε"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2586
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2591
 msgid "Ready to report"
 msgstr "Έτοιμο για αναφορά"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2588
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2593
 #, c-format
 msgid "Error: invalid state '%d'"
 msgstr "Σφάλμα: μη έγκυρη κατάσταση '%d'"
-#: NoInternetConnectionPage.cpp:179
+#: clientgui/NoInternetConnectionPage.cpp:179
 msgid "No Internet connection"
 msgstr "Καμία σύνδεση στο διαδίκτυο"
-#: NoInternetConnectionPage.cpp:182
+#: clientgui/NoInternetConnectionPage.cpp:182
 msgid "Please connect to the Internet and try again."
 msgstr "Παρακαλούμε συνδεθείτε στο διαδίκτυο και ξαναδοκιμάστε."
-#: NotDetectedPage.cpp:181
+#: clientgui/NotDetectedPage.cpp:181
 msgid "Project not found"
 msgstr "Δεν βρέθηκε το πρόγραμμα"
-#: NotDetectedPage.cpp:184
+#: clientgui/NotDetectedPage.cpp:184
 msgid ""
 "The URL you supplied is not that of a BOINC-based project.\n"
 "Please check the URL and try again."
 msgstr ""
-#: NotDetectedPage.cpp:188
+#: clientgui/NotDetectedPage.cpp:188
 msgid "Account manager not found"
 msgstr "Δεν βρέθηκε ο διαχειριστής λογαριασμού"
-#: NotDetectedPage.cpp:191
+#: clientgui/NotDetectedPage.cpp:191
 msgid ""
 "The URL you supplied is not that of a BOINC-based account\n"
@@ -2579,97 +2665,98 @@ msgid ""
 "Please check the URL and try again."
 msgstr ""
-#: NotFoundPage.cpp:181
+#: clientgui/NotFoundPage.cpp:181
 msgid "Login Failed."
 msgstr "Η σύνδεση απέτυχε."
-#: NotFoundPage.cpp:185
+#: clientgui/NotFoundPage.cpp:185
 msgid "Check the username and password, and try again."
 msgstr "Ελέγξτε το όνομα χρήστη και τον κωδικό, και ξαναπροσπαθήστε."
-#: NotFoundPage.cpp:189
+#: clientgui/NotFoundPage.cpp:189
 msgid "Check the email address and password, and try again."
 msgstr "Ελέγξτε τη διεύθυνση ηλεκτρονικού ταχυδρομίου, και ξαναπροσπαθήστε."
-#: NoticeListCtrl.cpp:222
+#: clientgui/NoticeListCtrl.cpp:229
 msgid "more..."
 msgstr "περισσότερα..."
-#: ProjectInfoPage.cpp:477 ProjectInfoPage.cpp:778 ProjectInfoPage.cpp:782
-msgid "All"
-msgstr ""
-#: ProjectInfoPage.cpp:615
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:221
 msgid "Choose a project"
 msgstr "Επιλέξτε ένα πρόγραμμα"
-#: ProjectInfoPage.cpp:619
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:228
 msgid "To choose a project, click its name or type its URL below."
 msgstr ""
 "Για να επιλέξετε ένα έργο, πατήστε το όνομά του ή πληκτρολογήστε τη "
 "διεύθυνσή του παρακάτω."
-#: ProjectInfoPage.cpp:623
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:246
 msgid "Categories:"
 msgstr ""
-#: ProjectInfoPage.cpp:627 sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:89
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:267
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Projects:"
 msgstr "Προγράμματα"
-#: ProjectInfoPage.cpp:631
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:279
 msgid "Project details"
 msgstr "Λεπτομέρειες προγράμματος"
-#: ProjectInfoPage.cpp:635
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:291
 msgid "Research area:"
 msgstr "Χώρος έρευνας:"
-#: ProjectInfoPage.cpp:639
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:302
 msgid "Organization:"
 msgstr "Οργανισμός:"
-#: ProjectInfoPage.cpp:643
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:313
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Web site:"
 msgstr "Ιστοσελίδα:"
-#: ProjectInfoPage.cpp:647
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:325
 msgid "Supported systems:"
 msgstr "Υποστηριζόμενα συστήματα:"
-#: ProjectInfoPage.cpp:651
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:363
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Project URL:"
 msgstr "Ηλεκτοκτρονική διεύθυνση προγράμματος"
-#: ProjectInfoPage.cpp:826
-msgid ""
-"This project may not have work for your type of computer.  Do you want to "
-"add it anyway?"
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:499
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:754
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:758
+msgid "All"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:802
+msgid "This project may not have work for your type of computer.  Do you want to add it anyway?"
 msgstr ""
 "Αυτό το έργο πιθανόν να μην έχει εργασίες για τον τύπο του υπολογιστή σας. "
 "Θέλετε να το προσθέσετε οπωσδήποτε;"
-#: ProjectInfoPage.cpp:850
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:826
 msgid "You already added this project. Please choose a different project."
 msgstr ""
 "Έχετε ήδη προσθέσει αυτό το έργο. Παρακαλώ επιλέξτε ένα διαφορετικό έργο."
-#: ProjectProcessingPage.cpp:321
+#: clientgui/ProjectProcessingPage.cpp:321
 msgid "Communicating with project."
 msgstr "Επικοινωνία με το έργο."
-#: ProjectProcessingPage.cpp:509
+#: clientgui/ProjectProcessingPage.cpp:510
 msgid "Required files not found on the server."
 msgstr "Απαραίτητα αρχεία δε βρέθηκαν στον διακομιστή."
-#: ProjectProcessingPage.cpp:512 ProjectProcessingPage.cpp:574
+#: clientgui/ProjectProcessingPage.cpp:513
+#: clientgui/ProjectProcessingPage.cpp:586
 msgid "An internal server error has occurred."
 msgstr "Προέκυψε ένα εσωτερικό σφάλμα στον διακομιστή."
-#: ProjectPropertiesPage.cpp:334
+#: clientgui/ProjectPropertiesPage.cpp:334
 msgid ""
 "Communicating with project\n"
 "Please wait..."
@@ -2677,11 +2764,48 @@ msgstr ""
 "Γίνεται επικοινωνία με το έργο\n"
 "Παρακαλούμε περιμένετε..."
-#: ProxyInfoPage.cpp:195
+#: clientgui/ProjectWelcomePage.cpp:251
+#, c-format
+msgid "Welcome to %s."
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ProjectWelcomePage.cpp:254
+msgid "You have volunteered to compute for this project:"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ProjectWelcomePage.cpp:255
+msgid "Name:"
+msgstr "Όνομα:"
+#: clientgui/ProjectWelcomePage.cpp:258
+msgid "Home:"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ProjectWelcomePage.cpp:262
+msgid "Description:"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ProjectWelcomePage.cpp:265
+msgid "URL:"
+msgstr "Διεύθυνση:"
+#: clientgui/ProjectWelcomePage.cpp:268
+msgid "User:"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ProjectWelcomePage.cpp:273
+msgid "WARNING: This project is not registered with BOINC.  Make sure you trust it before continuing."
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ProjectWelcomePage.cpp:277
+msgid "To continue, click Next."
+msgstr "Για συνέχεια πατήστε στο Επόμενο."
+#: clientgui/ProxyInfoPage.cpp:195
 msgid "Network communication failure"
 msgstr "Αποτυχία σύνδεσης με το δίκτυο"
-#: ProxyInfoPage.cpp:199
+#: clientgui/ProxyInfoPage.cpp:199
 #, fuzzy
 msgid ""
 "The World Community Grid - BOINC software failed to communicate\n"
@@ -2714,7 +2838,7 @@ msgstr ""
 "3) Χρησιμοποιείτε ένα διακομιστή proxy.\n"
 "Πατήστε Επόμενο για να διαμορφώσετε τις ρυθμίσεις του proxy του BOINC."
-#: ProxyInfoPage.cpp:203
+#: clientgui/ProxyInfoPage.cpp:203
 #, fuzzy
 msgid ""
 "BOINC failed to communicate on the Internet.\n"
@@ -2745,1264 +2869,1355 @@ msgstr ""
 "3) Χρησιμοποιείτε διακομιστή proxy.\n"
 "Πατήστε επόμενο για να διαμορφώσετε τις ρυθμίσεις του proxy του BOINC."
-#: ProxyPage.cpp:331
+#: clientgui/ProxyPage.cpp:331
 msgid "Proxy configuration"
 msgstr "Ρυθμίσεις proxy"
-#: ProxyPage.cpp:334
+#: clientgui/ProxyPage.cpp:334
 msgid "HTTP proxy"
 msgstr "HTTP proxy"
-#: ProxyPage.cpp:337 ProxyPage.cpp:357
+#: clientgui/ProxyPage.cpp:337
+#: clientgui/ProxyPage.cpp:357
 msgid "Server:"
 msgstr "Διακομιστής:"
-#: ProxyPage.cpp:350
+#: clientgui/ProxyPage.cpp:350
 msgid "Autodetect"
 msgstr "Αυτόματος εντοπισμός"
-#: ProxyPage.cpp:354
+#: clientgui/ProxyPage.cpp:354
 msgid "SOCKS proxy"
 msgstr "SOCKS proxy"
-#: TermsOfUsePage.cpp:218
-msgid "Terms of Use"
-msgstr "Όροι χρήσης"
+#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:167
+msgid "Advanced View...\tCtrl+Shift+A"
+msgstr "Προηγμένη προβολή...\t Ctrl+Shift+A"
-#: TermsOfUsePage.cpp:222
-msgid "Please read the following terms of use:"
-msgstr "Παρακαλώ διαβάστε τους ακόλουθους όρους χρήσης:"
+#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:168
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Display the advanced graphical interface."
+msgstr "Εμφάνιση της απλής γραφικής διεπιφάνειας."
-#: TermsOfUsePage.cpp:231
-msgid "I agree to the terms of use."
-msgstr "Συμφωνώ στους όρους χρήσης."
+#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:175
+msgid "Skin"
+msgstr "Εμφάνιση"
-#: TermsOfUsePage.cpp:237
-msgid "I do not agree to the terms of use."
+#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:177
+msgid "Select the appearance of the user interface."
 msgstr ""
-#: UnavailablePage.cpp:183
-msgid "Project temporarily unavailable"
-msgstr "Το πρόγραμμα είναι προσωρινά μη διαθέσιμο"
+#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:224
+#, c-format
+msgid "&%s"
+msgstr "&%s"
-#: UnavailablePage.cpp:186
-msgid ""
-"The project is temporarily unavailable.\n"
-"Please try again later."
-msgstr ""
-"Το πρόγραμμα είναι προσωρινά μη διαθέσιμο.\n"
-"Παρακαλούμε δοκιμάστε αργότερα."
+#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:405
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Default"
+msgstr "Καθορισμός Εξ' ορισμού"
-#: UnavailablePage.cpp:190
-msgid "Account manager temporarily unavailable"
-msgstr "Ο διαχειριστής λογαριασμού είναι προσωρινά μη διαθέσιμος"
+#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:848
+msgid "Suspend"
+msgstr "Παύση"
-#: UnavailablePage.cpp:193
-msgid ""
-"The account manager is temporarily unavailable.\n"
-"Please try again later."
+#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:850
+msgid "Suspend Computing"
 msgstr ""
-"Ο διαχειριστής λογαριασμού είναι προσωρινά μη διαθέσιμος.\n"
-"Παρακαλούμε δοκιμάστε αργότερα."
-#: ValidateAccountKey.cpp:68
-msgid "Please specify an account key to continue."
-msgstr "Παρακαλούμε καθορίστε ένα κλειδί λογαριασμού για να συνεχίσετε."
-#: ValidateAccountKey.cpp:71
-msgid "Invalid Account Key; please enter a valid Account Key"
+#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:851
+msgid "Resume Computing"
 msgstr ""
-"Μη έγκυρο κλειδί λογαριασμού: Παρακαλούμε εισάγετε ένα έγκυρο κλειδί "
-#: ValidateAccountKey.cpp:82 ValidateEmailAddress.cpp:86
-msgid "Validation conflict"
-msgstr "Αντίθεση κατά την επικύρωση"
-#: ValidateEmailAddress.cpp:72
-msgid "Please specify an email address"
-msgstr "Παρακαλώ προσδιορίστε μια διεύθυνση ηλεκτρονικού ταχυδρομίου"
+#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:867
+msgid "Notices"
+msgstr "Ανακοινώσεις"
-#: ValidateEmailAddress.cpp:75
-msgid "Invalid email address; please enter a valid email address"
+#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:868
+msgid "Open a window to view notices from projects or BOINC"
 msgstr ""
-#: ValidateURL.cpp:69
-msgid "Missing URL"
-msgstr "Δεν βρέθηκε διεύθυνση"
-#: ValidateURL.cpp:70
-msgid ""
-"Please specify a URL.\n"
-"For example:\n"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgMessages.cpp:124
+msgid "Fetching notices; please wait..."
 msgstr ""
-"Παρακαλούμε καθορίστε μια διεύθυνση.\n"
-"Για παράδειγμα:\n"
-#: ValidateURL.cpp:83 ValidateURL.cpp:87 ValidateURL.cpp:91
-#: ValidateURL.cpp:103 ValidateURL.cpp:107 ValidateURL.cpp:110
-msgid "Invalid URL"
-msgstr "Μη έγκυση διεύθυνση"
-#: ValidateURL.cpp:84 ValidateURL.cpp:88 ValidateURL.cpp:92
-msgid ""
-"Please specify a valid URL.\n"
-"For example:\n"
-msgstr ""
-"Παρακαολούμε καθορίστε μια έγκυρη URL.\n"
-"Για παράδειγμα:\n"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgMessages.cpp:132
+msgid "There are no notices at this time."
+msgstr "Δεν υπάρχουν ανακοινώσεις αυτή τη στιγμή."
-#: ValidateURL.cpp:104 ValidateURL.cpp:108
-#, c-format
-msgid "'%s' does not contain a valid host name."
-msgstr "Το '%s' δεν περιέχει ένα έκγυρο όνομα υπολογιστή"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgMessages.cpp:146
+msgid "Close"
+msgstr "Έξοδος"
-#: ValidateURL.cpp:111
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgMessages.cpp:394
 #, c-format
-msgid "'%s' does not contain a valid path."
-msgstr "Το '%s' δεν περιέχει μια έγκυρη διαδρομή."
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "%s - Notices"
+msgstr "%s Ανακοινώσεις"
-#: ViewMessages.cpp:84 ViewProjects.cpp:170 ViewStatistics.cpp:1978
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:160 ViewWork.cpp:183
-msgid "Commands"
-msgstr "Εντολές"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:270
+msgid "This dialog controls preferences for this computer only."
+msgstr ""
-#: ViewMessages.cpp:88
-msgid "Copy all messages"
-msgstr "Αντιγραφή όλων των μηνυμάτων"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:275
+msgid "Click OK to set preferences."
+msgstr ""
-#: ViewMessages.cpp:95
-msgid "Copy selected messages"
-msgstr "Αντιγραφή επιλεγμένων μηνυμάτων"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:280
+msgid "Click Clear to restore web-based settings for all preferences listed below."
+msgstr ""
-#: ViewMessages.cpp:106 ViewMessages.cpp:502
-msgid "Show only this project"
-msgstr "Εμφάνιση μόνο αυτού του προγράμματος"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:287
+msgid "For additional settings, select Computing Preferences in the Advanced View."
+msgstr ""
-#: ViewMessages.cpp:107 ViewMessages.cpp:503
-msgid "Show only the messages for the selected project."
-msgstr "Εμφάνιση μηνυμάτων μόνο για το επιλεγμένο έργο."
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:315
+msgid "Do work only between:"
+msgstr "Εκτέλεση εργασιών μόνο μεταξύ:"
-#: ViewMessages.cpp:164
-msgid "Messages"
-msgstr "Μηνύματα"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:337
+msgid "Connect to internet only between:"
+msgstr "Σύνδεση στο διαδίκτυο μόνο μεταξύ:"
-#: ViewMessages.cpp:187
-msgid "Copying all messages to the clipboard..."
-msgstr "Αντιγραφή όλων των μηνυμάτων στο πρόχειρο..."
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:359
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:376
+msgid "Use no more than:"
+msgstr "Χρήση όχι περισσότερο απο:"
-#: ViewMessages.cpp:223
-msgid "Copying selected messages to the clipboard..."
-msgstr "Αντιγραφή των επιλεγμένων μηνυμάτων στο πρόχειρο..."
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:372
+msgid "of disk space"
+msgstr "του χώρου του δίσκου"
-#: ViewMessages.cpp:286
-msgid "Filtering messages..."
-msgstr "Φιλτράρισμα μηνυμάτων..."
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:389
+msgid "of the processor"
+msgstr "του επεξεργαστή"
-#: ViewMessages.cpp:494
-msgid "Show all messages"
-msgstr "Εμφάνιση όλων των μηνυμάτων"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:393
+msgid "Do work while on battery?"
+msgstr ""
-#: ViewMessages.cpp:495
-msgid "Show messages for all projects."
-msgstr "Εμφάνιση μηνυμάτων για όλα τα προγράμματα."
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:406
+msgid "Do work after idle for:"
+msgstr "Εκτέλεση εργασίων ενώ είναι αδρανής για:"
-#: ViewNotices.cpp:58 sg_DlgMessages.cpp:124
-msgid "Fetching notices; please wait..."
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:431
+msgid "Clear all local preferences listed above and close the dialog"
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewNotices.cpp:65 sg_DlgMessages.cpp:132
-msgid "There are no notices at this time."
-msgstr "Δεν υπάρχουν ανακοινώσεις αυτή τη στιγμή."
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:609
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:612
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:688
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:692
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:704
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:708
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:851
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:862
+msgid "Anytime"
+msgstr "Οποιαδήποτε στιγμη"
-#: ViewNotices.cpp:99 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:776
-msgid "Notices"
-msgstr "Ανακοινώσεις"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:645
+msgid "100 MB"
+msgstr "100 MB"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:174 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:61
-msgid "Update"
-msgstr "Ενημέρωση"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:646
+msgid "200 MB"
+msgstr "200 MB"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:175 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:62
-msgid ""
-"Report all completed tasks, get latest credit, get latest preferences, and "
-"possibly get more tasks."
-msgstr ""
-"Αναφορά όλων των ολοκληρωμένων εργασιών, ανάκτηση βαθμολογίας, ανάκτηση "
-"προτιμήσεων και πιθανών νέων εργασιών."
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:647
+msgid "500 MB"
+msgstr "500 MB"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:181 ViewProjects.cpp:722 ViewWork.cpp:208 ViewWork.cpp:801
-#: sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:757 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:67
-#: sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:113 sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:66
-#: sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:106
-msgid "Suspend"
-msgstr "Παύση"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:648
+msgid "1 GB"
+msgstr "1 GB"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:649
+msgid "2 GB"
+msgstr "2 GB"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:650
+msgid "5 GB"
+msgstr "5 GB"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:651
+msgid "10 GB"
+msgstr "10 GB"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:652
+msgid "20 GB"
+msgstr "20 GB"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:653
+msgid "50 GB"
+msgstr "50 GB"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:654
+msgid "100 GB"
+msgstr "100 GB"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:724
+#, c-format
+msgid "%d MB"
+msgstr "%d MB"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:726
+#, c-format
+msgid "%4.2f GB"
+msgstr "%4.2f GB"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:767
+#, c-format
+msgid "%d%%"
+msgstr "%d%%"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:182 ViewProjects.cpp:722 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:68
-#: sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:114
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:803
+msgid "0 (Run Always)"
+msgstr "0 (Διαρκής Εκτέλεση)"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:806
+#, c-format
+msgid "%d"
+msgstr "%d"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:953
+#, c-format
+msgid "%s - Computing Preferences"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:1033
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Do you really want to clear all local preferences?\n"
+msgstr "Θέλετε όντως να αφαιρέσετε όλες τις τοπικές προτιμήσεις;"
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:66
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:179
+msgid "Update"
+msgstr "Ενημέρωση"
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:67
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:180
+msgid "Report all completed tasks, get latest credit, get latest preferences, and possibly get more tasks."
+msgstr ""
+"Αναφορά όλων των ολοκληρωμένων εργασιών, ανάκτηση βαθμολογίας, ανάκτηση "
+"προτιμήσεων και πιθανών νέων εργασιών."
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:73
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:129
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:187
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:727
 msgid "Suspend tasks for this project."
 msgstr "Παύση εργασιών για αυτό το έργο."
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:188 ViewProjects.cpp:741 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:73
-#: sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:121
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:78
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:136
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:193
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:746
 msgid "No new tasks"
 msgstr "Καμία νέα εργασία"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:189 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:74
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:79
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:194
 msgid "Don't get new tasks for this project."
 msgstr "Να μη λαμβάνονται νέες εργασίες για αυτό το έργο."
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:195 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:79
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:84
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:200
 msgid "Reset project"
 msgstr "Επανεκκίνηση προγράμματος"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:196 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:80
-msgid ""
-"Delete all files and tasks associated with this project, and get new tasks.  "
-"You can update the project first to report any completed tasks."
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:85
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:201
+msgid "Delete all files and tasks associated with this project, and get new tasks.  You can update the project first to report any completed tasks."
 msgstr ""
 "Διαγραφή όλων των αρχείων και των εργασιων που σχετίζονται με αυτό το έργο, "
 "και λήψη νέων εργασιών. Μπορείτε να κάνετε ενημέρωση του έργου πρώτα ώστε να "
 "αναφέρετε τυχόν ολοκληρωμένες εργασίες."
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:203 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:86
-msgid ""
-"Remove this project.  Tasks in progress will be lost (use 'Update' first to "
-"report any completed tasks)."
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:91
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:208
+msgid "Remove this project.  Tasks in progress will be lost (use 'Update' first to report any completed tasks)."
 msgstr ""
 "Αφαίρεση αυτού του έργου. Οι εργασίες που δεν έχουν ολοκληρωθεί θα χαθούν "
 "(χρησιμοποιήστε την 'Ενημέρωση' πρώτα για να αναφέρετε τυχών ολοκληρωμένες "
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:209 ViewWork.cpp:222 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:91
-#: sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:78
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:96
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:84
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:214
 msgid "Properties"
 msgstr "Ιδιότητες"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:210 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:92
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:97
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:215
 msgid "Show project details."
 msgstr "Εμφάνιση λεπτομερειών προγράμματος."
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:220 ViewStatistics.cpp:450
-msgid "Account"
-msgstr "Λογαριασμός"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:222
-msgid "Work done"
-msgstr "Ολοκληρωμένες εργασίες"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:223
-msgid "Avg. work done"
-msgstr "Μέσος όρος ολοκληρωμένων εργασιών"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:225 ViewTransfers.cpp:188 ViewWork.cpp:234
-msgid "Status"
-msgstr "Κατάσταση"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:250
-msgid "Projects"
-msgstr "Προγράμματα"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:302
-msgid "Updating project..."
-msgstr "Ανανέωση εκτέλεσης προγράμματος..."
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:344
-msgid "Resuming project..."
-msgstr "Επανέναρξη εκτέλεσης προγράμματος..."
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:348
-msgid "Suspending project..."
-msgstr "Παύση εκτέλεσης προγράμματος..."
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:126
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:723
+msgid "Resume tasks for this project."
+msgstr "Συνέχεια εργασιών για αυτό το έργο."
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:385
-msgid "Telling project to allow additional task downloads..."
-msgstr "Ορίζει στο έργο να επιτρέπει επιπλέον λήψεις εργασιών..."
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:133
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:742
+msgid "Allow new tasks"
+msgstr "Να επιτρέπονται νέες εργασίες"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:389
-msgid "Telling project to not fetch any additional tasks..."
-msgstr "Απαγορεύει στο έργο να δέχεται επιπλέον εργασίες..."
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:134
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:742
+msgid "Allow fetching new tasks for this project."
+msgstr "Να επιτρέπεται η ανάκτηση νέων εργασιών για αυτό το έργο."
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:425
-msgid "Resetting project..."
-msgstr "Επανεκκίνηση προγράμματος..."
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:137
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:746
+msgid "Don't fetch new tasks for this project."
+msgstr "Να μην επιτρέπεται η ανάκτηση νέων εργασιών για αυτό το έργο."
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:438 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:214
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:229
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:443
 #, c-format
 msgid "Are you sure you want to reset project '%s'?"
 msgstr "Είστε σίγουρος ότι θέλετε να επανεκκινήσετε το πρόγραμμα '%s';"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:444 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:220
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:235
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:449
 msgid "Reset Project"
 msgstr "Επανεκκίνηση Προγράμματος"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:483
-msgid "Removing project..."
-msgstr "Γίνεται αφαίρεση έργου..."
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:496 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:251
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:266
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:501
 #, c-format
 msgid "Are you sure you want to remove project '%s'?"
 msgstr "Είστε σίγουρος ότι θέλετε να αφαιρέσετε το έργο '%s';"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:502 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:257
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:272
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:507
 msgid "Remove Project"
 msgstr "Αφαίρεση προγράμματος"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:543 ViewWork.cpp:599
-msgid "Launching browser..."
-msgstr "Άνοιγμα φυλλομετρητή..."
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:718 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:111
-msgid "Resume tasks for this project."
-msgstr "Συνέχεια εργασιών για αυτό το έργο."
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:72
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Add Project"
+msgstr "Προσθήκη έργου"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:737 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:118
-msgid "Allow new tasks"
-msgstr "Να επιτρέπονται νέες εργασίες"
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:73
+msgid "Synchronize"
+msgstr ""
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:737 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:119
-msgid "Allow fetching new tasks for this project."
-msgstr "Να επιτρέπεται η ανάκτηση νέων εργασιών για αυτό το έργο."
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:74
+msgid "Work done for this project"
+msgstr ""
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:741 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:122
-msgid "Don't fetch new tasks for this project."
-msgstr "Να μην επιτρέπεται η ανάκτηση νέων εργασιών για αυτό το έργο."
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:77
+msgid "Synchronize projects with account manager system"
+msgstr ""
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1058
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Requested by user"
-msgstr "Παύθηκε από τον χρήστη"
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:124
+msgid "Select a project to access with the controls below"
+msgstr ""
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1059
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:145
 #, fuzzy
-msgid "To fetch work"
-msgstr "Όχι νέα εργασία"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1060
-msgid "To report completed tasks"
-msgstr "Για αναφορά ολοκληρωμένων εργασιών"
+msgid "Project Web Pages"
+msgstr "Ιστοσελίδα Έργου"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1061
-msgid "To send trickle-up message"
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:149
+msgid "Project Commands"
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1062
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Requested by account manager"
-msgstr "Ζητήθηκε απο τον διαχειριστή λογαριασμού"
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:276
+#, c-format
+msgid "Pop up a menu of web sites for project %s"
+msgstr ""
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1063
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Project initialization"
-msgstr "Εκκίνηση έργου"
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:278
+#, c-format
+msgid "Pop up a menu of commands to apply to project %s"
+msgstr ""
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1064
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Requested by project"
-msgstr "Ζητήθηκε απο το έργο"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:66
+msgid "Show graphics"
+msgstr "Εμφάνιση γραφικών"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1065
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Unknown reason"
-msgstr "Άγνωστος λόγος"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:67
+msgid "Show application graphics in a window."
+msgstr "Εμφάνιση γραφικών εφαρμογής σε παράθυρο"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1079
-msgid "Suspended by user"
-msgstr "Παύθηκε από τον χρήστη"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:73
+msgid "Suspend this task."
+msgstr ""
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1082
-msgid "Won't get new tasks"
-msgstr "Δε θα δέχεται νέες εργασίες"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:78
+msgid "Abort"
+msgstr "Ακύρωση"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1085
-msgid "Project ended - OK to remove"
-msgstr "Το έργο τελείωσε - ΟΚ για αφαίρεση"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:79
+msgid "Abandon this task. You will get no credit for it."
+msgstr ""
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1088
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Will remove when tasks done"
-msgstr "Αφαίρεση όταν οι εργασίες ολοκληρωθούν"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:85
+msgid "Show task details."
+msgstr "Εμφάνιση λεπτομερειών εργασίας."
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1091
-msgid "Scheduler request pending"
-msgstr "Αναμονή αίτησης χρονοδιαγράμματος"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:119
+msgid "Resume work for this task."
+msgstr "Συνέχεια επεξεργασίας για αυτή την εργασία."
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1097
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Scheduler request in progress"
-msgstr "Αίτημα χρονοδιαγράμματος σε εξέλιξη"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:123
+msgid "Suspend work for this task."
+msgstr "Παύση επεξεργασίας για αυτή την εργασία."
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1100
-msgid "Trickle up message pending"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:267
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Are you sure you want to abort this task '%s'?\n"
+"(Progress: %.1lf%%, Status: %s)"
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1106
-msgid "Communication deferred "
-msgstr "Η επικοινωνία αναβλήθηκε"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:272
+msgid "Abort task"
+msgstr "Ακύρωση εργασίας"
-#: ViewResources.cpp:62
-msgid "Total disk usage"
-msgstr "Συνολική χρήση δίσκου"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:468
+msgid "You don't have any projects.  Please Add a Project."
+msgstr "Δεν έχετε άλλα προγράμματα. Παρακαλώ προσθέστε ένα πρόγραμμα."
-#: ViewResources.cpp:83
-msgid "Disk usage by BOINC projects"
-msgstr "Χρήση δίσκου απο τα προγράμματα του BOINC"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:469
+msgid "Not available"
+msgstr ""
-#: ViewResources.cpp:116
-msgid "Disk"
-msgstr "Δίσκος"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:480
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Tasks:"
+msgstr "Εργασίες"
-#: ViewResources.cpp:249
-msgid "no projects: 0 bytes used"
-msgstr "κανένα έργο: 0 bytes χρησιμοποιούνται"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:486
+msgid "Select a task to access"
+msgstr ""
-#: ViewResources.cpp:286
-msgid "used by BOINC: "
-msgstr "χρησιμοποιείται απο το BOINC:"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:497
+msgid "From:"
+msgstr ""
-#: ViewResources.cpp:296
-msgid "free, available to BOINC: "
-msgstr "ελεύθερο, διαθέσιμο για το BOINC:"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:551
+msgid "This task's progress"
+msgstr ""
-#: ViewResources.cpp:306
-msgid "free, not available to BOINC: "
-msgstr "ελεύθερο, μη διαθέσιμο για το BOINC:"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:569
+msgid "Task Commands"
+msgstr ""
-#: ViewResources.cpp:316
-msgid "free: "
-msgstr "ελεύθερο:"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:570
+msgid "Pop up a menu of commands to apply to this task"
+msgstr ""
-#: ViewResources.cpp:326
-msgid "used by other programs: "
-msgstr "χρησιμοποιείται απο άλλα προγράμματα:"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:705
+#, c-format
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "Application: %s"
+msgstr "Εφαρμογή:"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:1205
-msgid "User Total"
-msgstr "Σύνολο χρήστη"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:728
+#, c-format
+msgid "%.3f%%"
+msgstr ""
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:1206
-msgid "User Average"
-msgstr "Μέσος Όρος Χρήστη"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:736
+msgid "Application: Not available"
+msgstr ""
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:1207
-msgid "Host Total"
-msgstr "Σύνολο Υπολογιστή"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:836
+msgid "Not Available"
+msgstr ""
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:1208
-msgid "Host Average"
-msgstr "Μέσος Όρος Υπολογιστή"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:851
+#, c-format
+msgid "Elapsed: %s"
+msgstr ""
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:1355
+# 84%
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:865
 #, c-format
-msgid "Last update: %.0f days ago"
-msgstr "Τελευταία ενημέρωση: %.0f μέρες πριν"
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "Remaining (estimated): %s"
+msgstr "Απομένει"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:1982
-msgid "Show user total"
-msgstr "Εμφάνιση συνόλου χρήστη"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:880
+#, c-format
+msgid "Status: %s"
+msgstr ""
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:1983
-msgid "Show total credit for user"
-msgstr "Εμφάνιση ολικών πόντων χρήστη"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:1989
-msgid "Show user average"
-msgstr "Εμφάνιση μέσου όρου χρήστη"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1227
+msgid "Retrieving current status."
+msgstr "Ανάκτηση τρέχουσας κατάστασης."
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:1990
-msgid "Show average credit for user"
-msgstr "Εμφάνιση μέσου όρου πόντων χρήστη"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1233
+msgid "Downloading work from the server."
+msgstr "Λήψη εργασιών απο τον διακομιστή."
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:1996
-msgid "Show host total"
-msgstr "Εμφάνιση συνόλου υπολογιστή"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1238
+msgid "Processing Suspended:  Running On Batteries."
+msgstr "Επεξεργασία παύθηκε:Λειτουργία απο μπαταρίες."
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:1997
-msgid "Show total credit for host"
-msgstr "Εμφάνιση συνολικών πόντων πάροχου"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1240
+msgid "Processing Suspended:  User Active."
+msgstr "Επεξεργασία παύθηκε:Χρήστης ενεργός."
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2003
-msgid "Show host average"
-msgstr "Εμφάνιση μέσου όρου πάροχου"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1242
+msgid "Processing Suspended:  User paused processing."
+msgstr "Επεξεργασία παύθηκε: Η επεξεργασία παύθηκε απο τον χρήστη."
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2004
-msgid "Show average credit for host"
-msgstr "Εμφάνιση μέσου όρου πόντων πάροχου"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1244
+msgid "Processing Suspended:  Time of Day."
+msgstr "Επεξεργασία παύθηκε: Ώρα της ημέρας."
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2013
-msgid "< &Previous project"
-msgstr "< &Προηγούμενο έργο"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1246
+msgid "Processing Suspended:  Benchmarks Running."
+msgstr ""
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2014
-msgid "Show chart for previous project"
-msgstr "Εμφάνιση γραφήματος για προηγούμενο πρόγραμμα"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1248
+msgid "Processing Suspended."
+msgstr "Επεξεργασία παύθηκε."
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2019
-msgid "&Next project >"
-msgstr "&Επόμενο πρόγραμμα>"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1252
+msgid "Waiting to contact project servers."
+msgstr "Αναμονή για επικοινωνία με τους διακομιστές του έργου."
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2020
-msgid "Show chart for next project"
-msgstr "Εμφάνιση γραφήματος για επόμενο πρόγραμμα"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1256
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1265
+msgid "Retrieving current status"
+msgstr "Ανακτώντας την τρέχουσα κατάσταση"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2026 ViewStatistics.cpp:2416
-msgid "Hide project list"
-msgstr "Απόκρυψη λίστας έργων"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1260
+msgid "No work available to process"
+msgstr "Καμία εργασία διαθέσιμη για επεξεργασία"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2027 ViewStatistics.cpp:2416
-msgid "Use entire area for graphs"
-msgstr "Χρήση ολόκληρου του χώρου για τα γραφικά"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1262
+msgid "Unable to connect to the core client"
+msgstr "Αδύνατη η σύνδεση με τον πυρήνα του προγράμματος"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2032
-msgid "Mode view"
-msgstr "Τρόπος προβολής"
+#: clientgui/TermsOfUsePage.cpp:218
+msgid "Terms of Use"
+msgstr "Όροι χρήσης"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2036
-msgid "One project"
-msgstr "Ένα πρόγραμμα"
+#: clientgui/TermsOfUsePage.cpp:222
+msgid "Please read the following terms of use:"
+msgstr "Παρακαλώ διαβάστε τους ακόλουθους όρους χρήσης:"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2037
-msgid "Show one chart with selected project"
-msgstr "Εμφάνιση ενός προγράμματος με τα επιλεγμένα προγράμματα"
+#: clientgui/TermsOfUsePage.cpp:231
+msgid "I agree to the terms of use."
+msgstr "Συμφωνώ στους όρους χρήσης."
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2043
-msgid "All projects (separate)"
-msgstr "Όλα τα έργα (ξεχωριστά)"
+#: clientgui/TermsOfUsePage.cpp:237
+msgid "I do not agree to the terms of use."
+msgstr ""
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2044
-msgid "Show all projects, one chart per project"
-msgstr "Εμφάνιση όλων των προγραμμάτων, ένα γράφημα για κάθε πρόγραμμα"
+#: clientgui/UnavailablePage.cpp:183
+msgid "Project temporarily unavailable"
+msgstr "Το πρόγραμμα είναι προσωρινά μη διαθέσιμο"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2050
-msgid "All projects (together)"
-msgstr "Όλα τα έργα (μαζί)"
+#: clientgui/UnavailablePage.cpp:186
+msgid ""
+"The project is temporarily unavailable.\n"
+"Please try again later."
+msgstr ""
+"Το πρόγραμμα είναι προσωρινά μη διαθέσιμο.\n"
+"Παρακαλούμε δοκιμάστε αργότερα."
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2051
-msgid "Show one chart with all projects"
-msgstr "Εμφάνιση ενός γραφήματος με όλα τα προγράμματα"
+#: clientgui/UnavailablePage.cpp:190
+msgid "Account manager temporarily unavailable"
+msgstr "Ο διαχειριστής λογαριασμού είναι προσωρινά μη διαθέσιμος"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2057
-msgid "All projects (sum)"
-msgstr "Όλα τα έργα (αθροιστικά)"
+#: clientgui/UnavailablePage.cpp:193
+msgid ""
+"The account manager is temporarily unavailable.\n"
+"Please try again later."
+msgstr ""
+"Ο διαχειριστής λογαριασμού είναι προσωρινά μη διαθέσιμος.\n"
+"Παρακαλούμε δοκιμάστε αργότερα."
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2058
-msgid "Show one chart with sum of projects"
-msgstr "Εμφάνιση ενός γραφήματος με όλα τα έργα αθροιστικά"
+#: clientgui/ValidateAccountKey.cpp:68
+msgid "Please specify an account key to continue."
+msgstr "Παρακαλούμε καθορίστε ένα κλειδί λογαριασμού για να συνεχίσετε."
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2079
-msgid "Statistics"
-msgstr "Στατιστικά"
+#: clientgui/ValidateAccountKey.cpp:71
+msgid "Invalid Account Key; please enter a valid Account Key"
+msgstr ""
+"Μη έγκυρο κλειδί λογαριασμού: Παρακαλούμε εισάγετε ένα έγκυρο κλειδί "
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2103 ViewStatistics.cpp:2124 ViewStatistics.cpp:2145
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2167 ViewStatistics.cpp:2188 ViewStatistics.cpp:2209
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2230 ViewStatistics.cpp:2251 ViewStatistics.cpp:2272
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2296
-msgid "Updating charts..."
-msgstr "Ανανέωση γραφημάτων..."
+#: clientgui/ValidateAccountKey.cpp:82
+#: clientgui/ValidateEmailAddress.cpp:86
+msgid "Validation conflict"
+msgstr "Αντίθεση κατά την επικύρωση"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2420
-msgid "Show project list"
-msgstr "Εμφάνιση λίστας έργων"
+#: clientgui/ValidateEmailAddress.cpp:72
+msgid "Please specify an email address"
+msgstr "Παρακαλώ προσδιορίστε μια διεύθυνση ηλεκτρονικού ταχυδρομίου"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2420
-msgid "Uses smaller area for graphs"
-msgstr "Χρήση μικρότερου χώρου για τα γραφηκά"
+#: clientgui/ValidateEmailAddress.cpp:75
+msgid "Invalid email address; please enter a valid email address"
+msgstr ""
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:164
-msgid "Retry Now"
-msgstr "Επανάληψη Τώρα"
+#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:69
+msgid "Missing URL"
+msgstr "Δεν βρέθηκε διεύθυνση"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:165
-msgid "Retry the file transfer now"
-msgstr "Επανάληψη μεταφοράς αρχείου τώρα"
+#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:70
+msgid ""
+"Please specify a URL.\n"
+"For example:\n"
+msgstr ""
+"Παρακαλούμε καθορίστε μια διεύθυνση.\n"
+"Για παράδειγμα:\n"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:171
-msgid "Abort Transfer"
-msgstr "Ακύρωση Μεταφοράς"
+#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:83
+#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:87
+#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:91
+#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:103
+#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:107
+#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:110
+msgid "Invalid URL"
+msgstr "Μη έγκυση διεύθυνση"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:172
-msgid "Abort this file transfer.  You won't get credit for the task."
+#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:84
+#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:88
+#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:92
+msgid ""
+"Please specify a valid URL.\n"
+"For example:\n"
 msgstr ""
+"Παρακαολούμε καθορίστε μια έγκυρη URL.\n"
+"Για παράδειγμα:\n"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:183
-msgid "File"
-msgstr "Αρχείο"
+#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:104
+#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:108
+#, c-format
+msgid "'%s' does not contain a valid host name."
+msgstr "Το '%s' δεν περιέχει ένα έκγυρο όνομα υπολογιστή"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:184 ViewWork.cpp:233
-msgid "Progress"
-msgstr "Πρόοδος"
+#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:111
+#, c-format
+msgid "'%s' does not contain a valid path."
+msgstr "Το '%s' δεν περιέχει μια έγκυρη διαδρομή."
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:185
-msgid "Size"
-msgstr "Μέγεθος"
+#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:84
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:175
+msgid "Commands"
+msgstr "Εντολές"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:186
-msgid "Elapsed Time"
-msgstr "Χρόνος που περάσει"
+#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:88
+msgid "Copy all messages"
+msgstr "Αντιγραφή όλων των μηνυμάτων"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:187
-msgid "Speed"
-msgstr "Ταχύτητα"
+#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:95
+msgid "Copy selected messages"
+msgstr "Αντιγραφή επιλεγμένων μηνυμάτων"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:213
-msgid "Transfers"
-msgstr "Μεταφορές"
+#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:106
+#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:502
+msgid "Show only this project"
+msgstr "Εμφάνιση μόνο αυτού του προγράμματος"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:280
-msgid "Network activity is suspended - "
-msgstr "Η δραστηριότητα του δικτύου παύθηκε -"
+#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:107
+#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:503
+msgid "Show only the messages for the selected project."
+msgstr "Εμφάνιση μηνυμάτων μόνο για το επιλεγμένο έργο."
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:282
-msgid ""
-"You can enable it using the Activity menu."
-msgstr ""
-"Μπορείτε να το ενεργοποιήσετε χρησιμοποιόντας το μενού Επιλογών."
+#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:164
+msgid "Messages"
+msgstr "Μηνύματα"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:285
-msgid "BOINC"
-msgstr "BOINC"
+#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:187
+msgid "Copying all messages to the clipboard..."
+msgstr "Αντιγραφή όλων των μηνυμάτων στο πρόχειρο..."
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:292
-msgid "Retrying transfer now..."
-msgstr "Επανάληψη μεταφοράς τώρα..."
+#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:223
+msgid "Copying selected messages to the clipboard..."
+msgstr "Αντιγραφή των επιλεγμένων μηνυμάτων στο πρόχειρο..."
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:330
-msgid "Aborting transfer..."
-msgstr "Ακύρωση μεταφοράς..."
+#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:286
+msgid "Filtering messages..."
+msgstr "Φιλτράρισμα μηνυμάτων..."
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:343
-#, c-format
-msgid ""
-"Are you sure you want to abort this file transfer '%s'?\n"
-"NOTE: Aborting a transfer will invalidate a task and you\n"
-"will not receive credit for it."
-msgstr ""
-"Είστε σίγουροι οτι θέλετε να ακυρώσετε τη μεταφορά του αρχείου '%s';\n"
-"ΣΗΜΕΙΩΣΗ: Η Ακύρωση της μεταφοράς συνεπάγεται ακύρωση της εργασίας και εσείς\n"
-"δε θα λάβετε πόντους για αυτήν."
+#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:494
+msgid "Show all messages"
+msgstr "Εμφάνιση όλων των μηνυμάτων"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:349
-msgid "Abort File Transfer"
-msgstr "Ακύρωση Μεταφοράς Αρχείου"
+#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:495
+msgid "Show messages for all projects."
+msgstr "Εμφάνιση μηνυμάτων για όλα τα προγράμματα."
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:780
-msgid "Upload"
-msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:225
+msgid "Account"
+msgstr "Λογαριασμός"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:780
-msgid "Download"
-msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:227
+msgid "Work done"
+msgstr "Ολοκληρωμένες εργασίες"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:784
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "retry in "
-msgstr "Επανάληψη σε"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:228
+msgid "Avg. work done"
+msgstr "Μέσος όρος ολοκληρωμένων εργασιών"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:786
-msgid "failed"
-msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:230
+msgid "Status"
+msgstr "Κατάσταση"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:789
-msgid "suspended"
-msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:255
+msgid "Projects"
+msgstr "Προγράμματα"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:794
-msgid "active"
-msgstr "ενεργό"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:307
+msgid "Updating project..."
+msgstr "Ανανέωση εκτέλεσης προγράμματος..."
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:796
-msgid "pending"
-msgstr "εκκρεμεί"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:349
+msgid "Resuming project..."
+msgstr "Επανέναρξη εκτέλεσης προγράμματος..."
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:803
-msgid " (project backoff: "
-msgstr "(υπαναχώρηση έργου:"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:353
+msgid "Suspending project..."
+msgstr "Παύση εκτέλεσης προγράμματος..."
-#: ViewWork.cpp:187 ViewWork.cpp:777
-msgid "Show active tasks"
-msgstr "Εμφάνιση ενεργών εργασίων"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:390
+msgid "Telling project to allow additional task downloads..."
+msgstr "Ορίζει στο έργο να επιτρέπει επιπλέον λήψεις εργασιών..."
-#: ViewWork.cpp:188 ViewWork.cpp:778
-msgid "Show only active tasks."
-msgstr "Εμφάνιση μόνο ενεργών εργασιών."
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:394
+msgid "Telling project to not fetch any additional tasks..."
+msgstr "Απαγορεύει στο έργο να δέχεται επιπλέον εργασίες..."
-#: ViewWork.cpp:194 sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:60
-msgid "Show graphics"
-msgstr "Εμφάνιση γραφικών"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:430
+msgid "Resetting project..."
+msgstr "Επανεκκίνηση προγράμματος..."
-#: ViewWork.cpp:195 sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:61
-msgid "Show application graphics in a window."
-msgstr "Εμφάνιση γραφικών εφαρμογής σε παράθυρο"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:488
+msgid "Removing project..."
+msgstr "Γίνεται αφαίρεση έργου..."
-#: ViewWork.cpp:201
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Show VM Console"
-msgstr "Εμφάνιση κονσόλας VM"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:548
+msgid "Launching browser..."
+msgstr "Άνοιγμα φυλλομετρητή..."
-#: ViewWork.cpp:202
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1063
 #, fuzzy
-msgid "Show VM Console in a window."
-msgstr "Εμφάνιση κονσόλας VM σε ένα παράθυρο."
+msgid "Requested by user"
+msgstr "Παύθηκε από τον χρήστη"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:209
-msgid "Suspend work for this result."
-msgstr "Παύση εργασίας για αυτό το αποτέλεσμα."
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1064
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "To fetch work"
+msgstr "Όχι νέα εργασία"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:215 sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:72
-msgid "Abort"
-msgstr "Ακύρωση"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1065
+msgid "To report completed tasks"
+msgstr "Για αναφορά ολοκληρωμένων εργασιών"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:216
-msgid "Abandon work on the result. You will get no credit for it."
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1066
+msgid "To send trickle-up message"
 msgstr ""
-"Εγκατάλειψη εργασίας για αυτό το αποτέλεσμα. Δεν θα λάβετε βαθμούς για αυτό."
-#: ViewWork.cpp:223 sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:79
-msgid "Show task details."
-msgstr "Εμφάνιση λεπτομερειών εργασίας."
-#: ViewWork.cpp:235
-msgid "Elapsed"
-msgstr "Που έχει περάσει"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:236
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1067
 #, fuzzy
-msgid "Remaining (estimated)"
-msgstr "Απομένει (εκτιμάται)"
+msgid "Requested by account manager"
+msgstr "Ζητήθηκε απο τον διαχειριστή λογαριασμού"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:237
-msgid "Deadline"
-msgstr "Προθεσμία αναφοράς"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1068
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Project initialization"
+msgstr "Εκκίνηση έργου"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:264
-msgid "Tasks"
-msgstr "Εργασίες"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1069
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Requested by project"
+msgstr "Ζητήθηκε απο το έργο"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:357
-msgid "Resuming task..."
-msgstr "Γίνεται συνέχιση επεξεργασίας εργασίας..."
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1070
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Unknown reason"
+msgstr "Άγνωστος λόγος"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:360
-msgid "Suspending task..."
-msgstr "Γίνεται παύση εργασίας..."
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1084
+msgid "Suspended by user"
+msgstr "Παύθηκε από τον χρήστη"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:389
-msgid "Showing graphics for task..."
-msgstr "Εμφάνιση γραφικών για την εργασία..."
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1087
+msgid "Won't get new tasks"
+msgstr "Δε θα δέχεται νέες εργασίες"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:426
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1090
+msgid "Project ended - OK to remove"
+msgstr "Το έργο τελείωσε - ΟΚ για αφαίρεση"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1093
 #, fuzzy
-msgid "Showing VM console for task..."
-msgstr "Εμφάνιση κονσόλας VM για την εργασία..."
+msgid "Will remove when tasks done"
+msgstr "Αφαίρεση όταν οι εργασίες ολοκληρωθούν"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:479
-#, c-format
-msgid ""
-"Are you sure you want to abort this task '%s'?\n"
-"(Progress: %s, Status: %s)"
-msgstr ""
-"Είστε σίγουροι οτι θέλετε να ματαιώσετε αυτή την εργασία '%s';\n"
-"(Πρόοδος: %s, Κατάσταση: %s)"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1096
+msgid "Scheduler request pending"
+msgstr "Αναμονή αίτησης χρονοδιαγράμματος"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:485
-#, c-format
-msgid "Are you sure you want to abort these %d tasks?"
-msgstr "Είστε σίγουρος ότι θέλετε να εγκαταλείψετε τις εργασίες %d;"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1102
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Scheduler request in progress"
+msgstr "Αίτημα χρονοδιαγράμματος σε εξέλιξη"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:490 sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:256
-msgid "Abort task"
-msgstr "Ακύρωση εργασίας"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1105
+msgid "Trickle up message pending"
+msgstr ""
-# 75%
-#: ViewWork.cpp:499
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Aborting task..."
-msgstr "Ακύρωση εργασίας..."
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1111
+msgid "Communication deferred "
+msgstr "Η επικοινωνία αναβλήθηκε"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:771
-msgid "Show all tasks"
-msgstr "Εμφάνιση όλων των εργασιών"
+#: clientgui/ViewResources.cpp:62
+msgid "Total disk usage"
+msgstr "Συνολική χρήση δίσκου"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:772
-msgid "Show all tasks."
-msgstr "Εμφάνιση όλων των εργασιών."
+#: clientgui/ViewResources.cpp:83
+msgid "Disk usage by BOINC projects"
+msgstr "Χρήση δίσκου απο τα προγράμματα του BOINC"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:796 sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:103
-msgid "Resume work for this task."
-msgstr "Συνέχεια επεξεργασίας για αυτή την εργασία."
+#: clientgui/ViewResources.cpp:116
+msgid "Disk"
+msgstr "Δίσκος"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:802 sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:107
-msgid "Suspend work for this task."
-msgstr "Παύση επεξεργασίας για αυτή την εργασία."
+#: clientgui/ViewResources.cpp:225
+msgid "no projects: 0 bytes used"
+msgstr "κανένα έργο: 0 bytes χρησιμοποιούνται"
-#: WelcomePage.cpp:284
-msgid "Add project or account manager"
-msgstr "Προσθήκη έργου ή διαχειριστή λογαριασμού"
+#: clientgui/ViewResources.cpp:262
+msgid "used by BOINC: "
+msgstr "χρησιμοποιείται απο το BOINC:"
-#: WelcomePage.cpp:288
-msgid "Add project or use BOINC Account Manager"
-msgstr "Προσθήκη έργου ή χρήση Διαχειριστή Λογιαριασμού BOINC"
+#: clientgui/ViewResources.cpp:272
+msgid "free, available to BOINC: "
+msgstr "ελεύθερο, διαθέσιμο για το BOINC:"
-#: WelcomePage.cpp:297
-#, c-format
-msgid ""
-"If possible, add projects at the\n"
-"%s web site.\n"
-"Projects added via this wizard will not be\n"
-"listed on or managed via %s."
-msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ViewResources.cpp:282
+msgid "free, not available to BOINC: "
+msgstr "ελεύθερο, μη διαθέσιμο για το BOINC:"
-#: WelcomePage.cpp:313
-msgid ""
-"There are over 30 BOINC-based projects\n"
-"doing research in many areas of science,\n"
-"and you can volunteer for as many of them as you like.\n"
-"You can add a project directly,\n"
-"or use an 'Account Manager' web site to select projects."
-msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ViewResources.cpp:292
+msgid "free: "
+msgstr "ελεύθερο:"
-#: WelcomePage.cpp:325
-msgid ""
-"You have chosen to add a new volunteer computing project or change which "
-"you contribute to.\n"
-"Some of these projects are run and managed by World Community Grid, while "
-"are run and managed by other researchers or organizations. The BOINC "
-"can divide your spare processing power among any combination of projects.\n"
-"Alternatively, if you have registered with a BOINC Account Manager, you can "
-"this to choose which projects to support.\n"
-"Please choose which type of change you would like to make:\n"
-msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ViewResources.cpp:302
+msgid "used by other programs: "
+msgstr "χρησιμοποιείται απο άλλα προγράμματα:"
-#: WelcomePage.cpp:339
-msgid "Use a BOINC Account Manager"
-msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1181
+msgid "User Total"
+msgstr "Σύνολο χρήστη"
-#: WelcomePage.cpp:352
-msgid "To continue, click Next."
-msgstr "Για συνέχεια πατήστε στο Επόμενο."
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1182
+msgid "User Average"
+msgstr "Μέσος Όρος Χρήστη"
-#: WelcomePage.cpp:358
-msgid "Add or change your World Community Grid projects"
-msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1183
+msgid "Host Total"
+msgstr "Σύνολο Υπολογιστή"
-#: WelcomePage.cpp:361
-msgid "Add projects run by other researchers or organizations"
-msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1184
+msgid "Host Average"
+msgstr "Μέσος Όρος Υπολογιστή"
-#: WizardAttach.cpp:634
-msgid "Do you really want to cancel?"
-msgstr "Είστε σίγουρος ότι θέλετε να ακυρώστε;"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1331
+#, c-format
+msgid "Last update: %.0f days ago"
+msgstr "Τελευταία ενημέρωση: %.0f μέρες πριν"
-#: WizardAttach.cpp:635
-msgid "Question"
-msgstr "Ερώτηση"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1956
+msgid "Show user total"
+msgstr "Εμφάνιση συνόλου χρήστη"
-#: sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:149
-msgid "Advanced View...\tCtrl+Shift+A"
-msgstr "Προηγμένη προβολή...\t Ctrl+Shift+A"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1957
+msgid "Show total credit for user"
+msgstr "Εμφάνιση ολικών πόντων χρήστη"
-#: sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:150
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Display the advanced graphical interface."
-msgstr "Εμφάνιση της απλής γραφικής διεπιφάνειας."
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1963
+msgid "Show user average"
+msgstr "Εμφάνιση μέσου όρου χρήστη"
-#: sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:157
-msgid "Skin"
-msgstr "Εμφάνιση"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1964
+msgid "Show average credit for user"
+msgstr "Εμφάνιση μέσου όρου πόντων χρήστη"
-#: sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:159
-msgid "Select the appearance of the user interface."
-msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1970
+msgid "Show host total"
+msgstr "Εμφάνιση συνόλου υπολογιστή"
-#: sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:206
-#, c-format
-msgid "&%s"
-msgstr "&%s"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1971
+msgid "Show total credit for host"
+msgstr "Εμφάνιση συνολικών πόντων πάροχου"
-#: sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:390
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Default"
-msgstr "Καθορισμός Εξ' ορισμού"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1977
+msgid "Show host average"
+msgstr "Εμφάνιση μέσου όρου πάροχου"
-#: sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:759
-msgid "Suspend Computing"
-msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1978
+msgid "Show average credit for host"
+msgstr "Εμφάνιση μέσου όρου πόντων πάροχου"
-#: sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:760
-msgid "Resume Computing"
-msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1987
+msgid "< &Previous project"
+msgstr "< &Προηγούμενο έργο"
-#: sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:777
-msgid "Open a window to view notices from projects or BOINC"
-msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1988
+msgid "Show chart for previous project"
+msgstr "Εμφάνιση γραφήματος για προηγούμενο πρόγραμμα"
-#: sg_DlgMessages.cpp:146
-msgid "Close"
-msgstr "Έξοδος"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1993
+msgid "&Next project >"
+msgstr "&Επόμενο πρόγραμμα>"
-#: sg_DlgMessages.cpp:389
-#, c-format
-#, fuzzy, c-format
-msgid "%s - Notices"
-msgstr "%s Ανακοινώσεις"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1994
+msgid "Show chart for next project"
+msgstr "Εμφάνιση γραφήματος για επόμενο πρόγραμμα"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:268
-msgid "This dialog controls preferences for this computer only."
-msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2000
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2390
+msgid "Hide project list"
+msgstr "Απόκρυψη λίστας έργων"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:273
-msgid "Click OK to set preferences."
-msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2001
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2390
+msgid "Use entire area for graphs"
+msgstr "Χρήση ολόκληρου του χώρου για τα γραφικά"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:278
-msgid ""
-"Click Clear to restore web-based settings for all preferences listed below."
-msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2006
+msgid "Mode view"
+msgstr "Τρόπος προβολής"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:285
-msgid ""
-"For additional settings, select Computing Preferences in the Advanced View."
-msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2010
+msgid "One project"
+msgstr "Ένα πρόγραμμα"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:313
-msgid "Do work only between:"
-msgstr "Εκτέλεση εργασιών μόνο μεταξύ:"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2011
+msgid "Show one chart with selected project"
+msgstr "Εμφάνιση ενός προγράμματος με τα επιλεγμένα προγράμματα"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:335
-msgid "Connect to internet only between:"
-msgstr "Σύνδεση στο διαδίκτυο μόνο μεταξύ:"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2017
+msgid "All projects (separate)"
+msgstr "Όλα τα έργα (ξεχωριστά)"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:357 sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:374
-msgid "Use no more than:"
-msgstr "Χρήση όχι περισσότερο απο:"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2018
+msgid "Show all projects, one chart per project"
+msgstr "Εμφάνιση όλων των προγραμμάτων, ένα γράφημα για κάθε πρόγραμμα"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:370
-msgid "of disk space"
-msgstr "του χώρου του δίσκου"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2024
+msgid "All projects (together)"
+msgstr "Όλα τα έργα (μαζί)"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:387
-msgid "of the processor"
-msgstr "του επεξεργαστή"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2025
+msgid "Show one chart with all projects"
+msgstr "Εμφάνιση ενός γραφήματος με όλα τα προγράμματα"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:391
-msgid "Do work while on battery?"
-msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2031
+msgid "All projects (sum)"
+msgstr "Όλα τα έργα (αθροιστικά)"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:404
-msgid "Do work after idle for:"
-msgstr "Εκτέλεση εργασίων ενώ είναι αδρανής για:"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2032
+msgid "Show one chart with sum of projects"
+msgstr "Εμφάνιση ενός γραφήματος με όλα τα έργα αθροιστικά"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:429
-msgid "Clear all local preferences listed above and close the dialog"
-msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2053
+msgid "Statistics"
+msgstr "Στατιστικά"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:602 sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:605
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:681 sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:685
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:697 sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:701
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:844 sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:855
-msgid "Anytime"
-msgstr "Οποιαδήποτε στιγμη"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2077
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2098
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2119
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2141
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2162
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2183
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2204
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2225
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2246
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2270
+msgid "Updating charts..."
+msgstr "Ανανέωση γραφημάτων..."
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:638
-msgid "100 MB"
-msgstr "100 MB"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2394
+msgid "Show project list"
+msgstr "Εμφάνιση λίστας έργων"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:639
-msgid "200 MB"
-msgstr "200 MB"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2394
+msgid "Uses smaller area for graphs"
+msgstr "Χρήση μικρότερου χώρου για τα γραφηκά"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:640
-msgid "500 MB"
-msgstr "500 MB"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:169
+msgid "Retry Now"
+msgstr "Επανάληψη Τώρα"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:641
-msgid "1 GB"
-msgstr "1 GB"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:170
+msgid "Retry the file transfer now"
+msgstr "Επανάληψη μεταφοράς αρχείου τώρα"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:642
-msgid "2 GB"
-msgstr "2 GB"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:176
+msgid "Abort Transfer"
+msgstr "Ακύρωση Μεταφοράς"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:643
-msgid "5 GB"
-msgstr "5 GB"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:177
+msgid "Abort this file transfer.  You won't get credit for the task."
+msgstr ""
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:644
-msgid "10 GB"
-msgstr "10 GB"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:188
+msgid "File"
+msgstr "Αρχείο"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:645
-msgid "20 GB"
-msgstr "20 GB"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:189
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:238
+msgid "Progress"
+msgstr "Πρόοδος"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:646
-msgid "50 GB"
-msgstr "50 GB"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:190
+msgid "Size"
+msgstr "Μέγεθος"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:647
-msgid "100 GB"
-msgstr "100 GB"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:191
+msgid "Elapsed Time"
+msgstr "Χρόνος που περάσει"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:717
-#, c-format
-msgid "%d MB"
-msgstr "%d MB"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:192
+msgid "Speed"
+msgstr "Ταχύτητα"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:719
-#, c-format
-msgid "%4.2f GB"
-msgstr "%4.2f GB"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:218
+msgid "Transfers"
+msgstr "Μεταφορές"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:760
-#, c-format
-msgid "%d%%"
-msgstr "%d%%"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:285
+msgid "Network activity is suspended - "
+msgstr "Η δραστηριότητα του δικτύου παύθηκε -"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:796
-msgid "0 (Run Always)"
-msgstr "0 (Διαρκής Εκτέλεση)"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:287
+msgid ""
+"You can enable it using the Activity menu."
+msgstr ""
+"Μπορείτε να το ενεργοποιήσετε χρησιμοποιόντας το μενού Επιλογών."
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:799
-#, c-format
-msgid "%d"
-msgstr "%d"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:290
+msgid "BOINC"
+msgstr "BOINC"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:1029
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Do you really want to clear all local preferences?\n"
-msgstr "Θέλετε όντως να αφαιρέσετε όλες τις τοπικές προτιμήσεις;"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:297
+msgid "Retrying transfer now..."
+msgstr "Επανάληψη μεταφοράς τώρα..."
-#: sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:72
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Add Project"
-msgstr "Προσθήκη έργου"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:335
+msgid "Aborting transfer..."
+msgstr "Ακύρωση μεταφοράς..."
-#: sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:73
-msgid "Synchronize"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:348
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Are you sure you want to abort this file transfer '%s'?\n"
+"NOTE: Aborting a transfer will invalidate a task and you\n"
+"will not receive credit for it."
 msgstr ""
+"Είστε σίγουροι οτι θέλετε να ακυρώσετε τη μεταφορά του αρχείου '%s';\n"
+"ΣΗΜΕΙΩΣΗ: Η Ακύρωση της μεταφοράς συνεπάγεται ακύρωση της εργασίας και εσείς\n"
+"δε θα λάβετε πόντους για αυτήν."
-#: sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:74
-msgid "Work done for this project"
-msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:354
+msgid "Abort File Transfer"
+msgstr "Ακύρωση Μεταφοράς Αρχείου"
-#: sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:77
-msgid "Synchronize projects with account manager system"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:785
+msgid "Upload"
 msgstr ""
-#: sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:124
-msgid "Select a project to access with the controls below"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:785
+msgid "Download"
 msgstr ""
-#: sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:145
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:789
 #, fuzzy
-msgid "Project Web Pages"
-msgstr "Ιστοσελίδα Έργου"
+msgid "retry in "
+msgstr "Επανάληψη σε"
-#: sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:149
-msgid "Project Commands"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:791
+msgid "failed"
 msgstr ""
-#: sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:267
-#, c-format
-msgid "Pop up a menu of web sites for project %s"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:794
+msgid "suspended"
 msgstr ""
-#: sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:269
-#, c-format
-msgid "Pop up a menu of commands to apply to project %s"
-msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:799
+msgid "active"
+msgstr "ενεργό"
-#: sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:67
-msgid "Suspend this task."
-msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:801
+msgid "pending"
+msgstr "εκκρεμεί"
-#: sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:73
-msgid "Abandon this task. You will get no credit for it."
-msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:808
+msgid " (project backoff: "
+msgstr "(υπαναχώρηση έργου:"
-#: sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:251
-#, c-format
-msgid ""
-"Are you sure you want to abort this task '%s'?\n"
-"(Progress: %.1lf%%, Status: %s)"
-msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:192
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:782
+msgid "Show active tasks"
+msgstr "Εμφάνιση ενεργών εργασίων"
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:464
-msgid "You don't have any projects.  Please Add a Project."
-msgstr "Δεν έχετε άλλα προγράμματα. Παρακαλώ προσθέστε ένα πρόγραμμα."
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:193
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:783
+msgid "Show only active tasks."
+msgstr "Εμφάνιση μόνο ενεργών εργασιών."
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:465
-msgid "Not available"
-msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:206
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Show VM Console"
+msgstr "Εμφάνιση κονσόλας VM"
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:476
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:207
 #, fuzzy
-msgid "Tasks:"
-msgstr "Εργασίες"
+msgid "Show VM Console in a window."
+msgstr "Εμφάνιση κονσόλας VM σε ένα παράθυρο."
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:482
-msgid "Select a task to access"
-msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:214
+msgid "Suspend work for this result."
+msgstr "Παύση εργασίας για αυτό το αποτέλεσμα."
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:493
-msgid "From:"
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:221
+msgid "Abandon work on the result. You will get no credit for it."
 msgstr ""
+"Εγκατάλειψη εργασίας για αυτό το αποτέλεσμα. Δεν θα λάβετε βαθμούς για αυτό."
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:547
-msgid "This task's progress"
-msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:240
+msgid "Elapsed"
+msgstr "Που έχει περάσει"
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:565
-msgid "Task Commands"
-msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:241
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Remaining (estimated)"
+msgstr "Απομένει (εκτιμάται)"
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:566
-msgid "Pop up a menu of commands to apply to this task"
-msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:242
+msgid "Deadline"
+msgstr "Προθεσμία αναφοράς"
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:701
-#, c-format
-#, fuzzy, c-format
-msgid "Application: %s"
-msgstr "Εφαρμογή:"
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:269
+msgid "Tasks"
+msgstr "Εργασίες"
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:724
-#, c-format
-msgid "%.3f%%"
-msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:362
+msgid "Resuming task..."
+msgstr "Γίνεται συνέχιση επεξεργασίας εργασίας..."
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:732
-msgid "Application: Not available"
-msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:365
+msgid "Suspending task..."
+msgstr "Γίνεται παύση εργασίας..."
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:832
-msgid "Not Available"
-msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:394
+msgid "Showing graphics for task..."
+msgstr "Εμφάνιση γραφικών για την εργασία..."
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:847
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:431
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Showing VM console for task..."
+msgstr "Εμφάνιση κονσόλας VM για την εργασία..."
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:484
 #, c-format
-msgid "Elapsed: %s"
+msgid ""
+"Are you sure you want to abort this task '%s'?\n"
+"(Progress: %s, Status: %s)"
 msgstr ""
+"Είστε σίγουροι οτι θέλετε να ματαιώσετε αυτή την εργασία '%s';\n"
+"(Πρόοδος: %s, Κατάσταση: %s)"
-# 84%
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:861
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:490
 #, c-format
-#, fuzzy, c-format
-msgid "Remaining (estimated): %s"
-msgstr "Απομένει"
+msgid "Are you sure you want to abort these %d tasks?"
+msgstr "Είστε σίγουρος ότι θέλετε να εγκαταλείψετε τις εργασίες %d;"
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:876
-#, c-format
-msgid "Status: %s"
-msgstr ""
+# 75%
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:504
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Aborting task..."
+msgstr "Ακύρωση εργασίας..."
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1223
-msgid "Retrieving current status."
-msgstr "Ανάκτηση τρέχουσας κατάστασης."
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:776
+msgid "Show all tasks"
+msgstr "Εμφάνιση όλων των εργασιών"
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1229
-msgid "Downloading work from the server."
-msgstr "Λήψη εργασιών απο τον διακομιστή."
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:777
+msgid "Show all tasks."
+msgstr "Εμφάνιση όλων των εργασιών."
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1234
-msgid "Processing Suspended:  Running On Batteries."
-msgstr "Επεξεργασία παύθηκε:Λειτουργία απο μπαταρίες."
+#: clientgui/WelcomePage.cpp:284
+msgid "Add project or account manager"
+msgstr "Προσθήκη έργου ή διαχειριστή λογαριασμού"
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1236
-msgid "Processing Suspended:  User Active."
-msgstr "Επεξεργασία παύθηκε:Χρήστης ενεργός."
+#: clientgui/WelcomePage.cpp:288
+msgid "Add project or use BOINC Account Manager"
+msgstr "Προσθήκη έργου ή χρήση Διαχειριστή Λογιαριασμού BOINC"
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1238
-msgid "Processing Suspended:  User paused processing."
-msgstr "Επεξεργασία παύθηκε: Η επεξεργασία παύθηκε απο τον χρήστη."
+#: clientgui/WelcomePage.cpp:297
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"If possible, add projects at the\n"
+"%s web site.\n"
+"Projects added via this wizard will not be\n"
+"listed on or managed via %s."
+msgstr ""
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1240
-msgid "Processing Suspended:  Time of Day."
-msgstr "Επεξεργασία παύθηκε: Ώρα της ημέρας."
+#: clientgui/WelcomePage.cpp:313
+msgid ""
+"There are over 30 BOINC-based projects\n"
+"doing research in many areas of science,\n"
+"and you can volunteer for as many of them as you like.\n"
+"You can add a project directly,\n"
+"or use an 'Account Manager' web site to select projects."
+msgstr ""
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1242
-msgid "Processing Suspended:  Benchmarks Running."
+#: clientgui/WelcomePage.cpp:325
+msgid ""
+"You have chosen to add a new volunteer computing project or change which projects\n"
+"you contribute to.\n"
+"Some of these projects are run and managed by World Community Grid, while others\n"
+"are run and managed by other researchers or organizations. The BOINC software\n"
+"can divide your spare processing power among any combination of projects.\n"
+"Alternatively, if you have registered with a BOINC Account Manager, you can use\n"
+"this to choose which projects to support.\n"
+"Please choose which type of change you would like to make:\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1244
-msgid "Processing Suspended."
-msgstr "Επεξεργασία παύθηκε."
+#: clientgui/WelcomePage.cpp:339
+msgid "Use a BOINC Account Manager"
+msgstr ""
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1248
-msgid "Waiting to contact project servers."
-msgstr "Αναμονή για επικοινωνία με τους διακομιστές του έργου."
+#: clientgui/WelcomePage.cpp:358
+msgid "Add or change your World Community Grid projects"
+msgstr ""
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1252 sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1261
-msgid "Retrieving current status"
-msgstr "Ανακτώντας την τρέχουσα κατάσταση"
+#: clientgui/WelcomePage.cpp:361
+msgid "Add projects run by other researchers or organizations"
+msgstr ""
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1256
-msgid "No work available to process"
-msgstr "Καμία εργασία διαθέσιμη για επεξεργασία"
+#: clientgui/WizardAttach.cpp:673
+msgid "Do you really want to cancel?"
+msgstr "Είστε σίγουρος ότι θέλετε να ακυρώστε;"
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1258
-msgid "Unable to connect to the core client"
-msgstr "Αδύνατη η σύνδεση με τον πυρήνα του προγράμματος"
+#: clientgui/WizardAttach.cpp:674
+msgid "Question"
+msgstr "Ερώτηση"
-#: wizardex.cpp:377 wizardex.cpp:553
+#: clientgui/wizardex.cpp:377
+#: clientgui/wizardex.cpp:553
 msgid "&Next >"
 msgstr "&Επόμενο >"
-#: wizardex.cpp:383
+#: clientgui/wizardex.cpp:383
 msgid "< &Back"
 msgstr "< &Προηγούμενο"
-#: wizardex.cpp:553
+#: clientgui/wizardex.cpp:553
 msgid "&Finish"
 msgstr "&Τέλος"
-#: mac/Mac_GUI.cpp:110
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Preferences…"
-msgstr "Προτιμήσεις"
+#: clientgui/common/wxPieCtrl.cpp:64
+msgid "Pie Ctrl"
+msgstr ""
-#: mac/Mac_GUI.cpp:122
+#: clientgui/mac/Mac_GUI.cpp:35
 msgid "Services"
 msgstr ""
-#: mac/Mac_GUI.cpp:144
+#: clientgui/mac/Mac_GUI.cpp:36
 #, c-format
 msgid "Hide %s"
 msgstr ""
-#: mac/Mac_GUI.cpp:158
+#: clientgui/mac/Mac_GUI.cpp:37
 msgid "Hide Others"
 msgstr ""
-#: mac/Mac_GUI.cpp:172
+#: clientgui/mac/Mac_GUI.cpp:38
 msgid "Show All"
 msgstr ""
-#: mac/Mac_GUI.cpp:186
+#: clientgui/mac/Mac_GUI.cpp:39
 #, c-format
 #, fuzzy, c-format
 msgid "Quit %s"
 msgstr "&Έξοδος %s"
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.h:30
+msgid "specify work start and stop hours in format HH:MM-HH:MM"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.h:31
+msgid "specify network usage start and stop hours in format HH:MM-HH:MM"
+msgstr ""
+# 98%
+#, fuzzy
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "(C) 2003-2013 University of California, Berkeley.\n"
+#~ "All Rights Reserved."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "(C) 2003-2010 Πανεπιστήμιο της Καλιφόρνια, Μπερκελέυ.\n"
+#~ "Όλα τα δικαιώματα κατοχυρώθηκαν."
+#, c-format
+#~ msgid "%s - Preferences"
+#~ msgstr "%s - Προτιμήσεις"
+#, no-c-format
+#~ msgid "% CPU time"
+#~ msgstr "% χρόνος χρήσης κεντρικής μονάδας επεξεργασίας"
+#~ msgid "KBytes/sec."
+#~ msgstr "ΚBytes/sec."
+#~ msgid "Mbytes"
+#~ msgstr "Mbytes"
+#~ msgid "every"
+#~ msgstr "κάθε"
+#~ msgid "days"
+#~ msgstr "μέρες"
+#~ msgid "Gigabytes disk space"
+#~ msgstr "Gigabytes χώρος δίσκου"
+#~ msgid "Running, high priority"
+#~ msgstr "Εκτελείται, υψηλή προτεραιότητα"
+#~ msgid " (Scheduler wait: "
+#~ msgstr "(Προγραμματιστής περιμένει:"
+#~ msgid " (Scheduler wait)"
+#~ msgstr "(Προγραμματιστής περιμένει)"
+#, fuzzy
+#~ msgid " (Waiting for network access)"
+#~ msgstr "(Αναμονή για πρόσβαση στο δίκτυο)"
+#, fuzzy
+#~ msgid "Preferences…"
+#~ msgstr "Προτιμήσεις"
 #~ msgid "I do not agree with the terms of use."
 #~ msgstr "Δε συμφωνώ με τους όρους χρήσης."
@@ -4558,15 +4773,9 @@ msgstr "&Έξοδος %s"
 #~ msgid "Your current account manager is:"
 #~ msgstr "Ο τρέχον διαχειριστής λογαριασμού σας είναι:"
-#~ msgid "Name:"
-#~ msgstr "Όνομα:"
 #~ msgid "foo"
 #~ msgstr "foo"
-#~ msgid "URL:"
-#~ msgstr "Διεύθυνση:"
 #~ msgid "&Update"
 #~ msgstr "Ανανέωση"
diff --git a/locale/es/BOINC-Android.po b/locale/es/BOINC-Android.po
index a22c933..eccb8ba 100644
--- a/locale/es/BOINC-Android.po
+++ b/locale/es/BOINC-Android.po
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ msgstr ""
 "Project-Id-Version: PROJECT VERSION\n"
 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: EMAIL at ADDRESS\n"
 "POT-Creation-Date: 2013-10-18 00:00-0700\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-09-22 20:57+0000\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2014-12-15 21:24+0000\n"
 "Last-Translator: Anonymous Pootle User\n"
 "Language-Team: es <LL at li.org>\n"
 "Language: es\n"
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ msgstr ""
 "Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
 "X-Generator: Pootle 2.5.0\n"
 "Generated-By: Babel 1.0dev\n"
-"X-POOTLE-MTIME: 1379883430.0\n"
+"X-POOTLE-MTIME: 1418678690.0\n"
 #. app global
 msgctxt "app_name"
@@ -94,11 +94,11 @@ msgstr "Android:"
 msgctxt "attachproject_login_platform_supported"
 msgid "This project supports Android devices"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Este proyecto admite dispositivos Android"
 msgctxt "attachproject_login_platform_not_supported"
 msgid "This project does not support Android devices"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Este proyecto no admite dispositivos Android"
 msgctxt "attachproject_login_category_terms_of_use"
 msgid "Terms of use for"
@@ -146,11 +146,11 @@ msgstr "Das Projekt erlaubt zur Zeit keine neuen Konten!"
 msgctxt "attachproject_login_button_registration"
 msgid "Register"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Registrarse"
 msgctxt "attachproject_login_button_login"
 msgid "Sign in"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Entrar"
 msgctxt "attachproject_login_button_forgotpw"
 msgid "Forgot Password"
@@ -204,7 +204,7 @@ msgstr "Kontoverwaltung hinzufügen"
 msgctxt "attachproject_acctmgr_header_url"
 msgid "URL"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "URL"
 msgctxt "attachproject_acctmgr_header_name"
 msgid "User:"
@@ -269,7 +269,7 @@ msgstr "E-Mail-Adresse ist bereits registriert"
 msgctxt "attachproject_error_project_down"
 msgid "Project is offline"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "El proyecto está caído"
 msgctxt "attachproject_error_email_bad_syntax"
 msgid "eMail refused"
@@ -310,7 +310,7 @@ msgstr "…"
 msgctxt "attachproject_working_finished"
 msgid "."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "."
 msgctxt "attachproject_working_description"
 msgid ":"
@@ -326,7 +326,7 @@ msgstr "Konto überprüfen"
 msgctxt "attachproject_working_register"
 msgid "Register account"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Crear una cuenta"
 msgctxt "attachproject_working_login"
 msgid "Log in"
@@ -343,7 +343,7 @@ msgstr "Synchronisieren"
 #. main activity
 msgctxt "main_noproject_warning"
 msgid "Tab here to choose a project."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Pulse aquí para elegir un proyecto."
 msgctxt "main_error"
 msgid "Whooops"
@@ -417,7 +417,7 @@ msgstr "angehalten"
 msgctxt "status_computing_disabled_long"
 msgid "Press play to resume network and computation."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Pulse play para volver a conectarse y computar."
 msgctxt "status_launching"
 msgid "Starting…"
@@ -454,7 +454,7 @@ msgstr "Neuen Wert eingeben:"
 msgctxt "prefs_dialog_title_selection"
 msgid "Select:"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Elija:"
 msgctxt "prefs_category_general"
 msgid "General"
@@ -490,7 +490,7 @@ msgstr "Zeige erweiterte Einstellungen und Steuerungen…"
 msgctxt "prefs_run_on_battery_header"
 msgid "Compute on Battery"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Computar con la batería"
 msgctxt "battery_charge_min_pct_header"
 msgid "Min. battery level"
@@ -516,7 +516,7 @@ msgstr ""
 msgctxt "prefs_disk_max_pct_header"
 msgid "Max. used storage space"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Máximo espacio de almacenamiento usado"
 msgctxt "prefs_disk_max_pct_description"
 msgid "How many percent of your device's storage space is BOINC allowed to use?"
@@ -528,7 +528,7 @@ msgstr "min. freizuhaltender Speicher"
 msgctxt "prefs_disk_min_free_gb_description"
 msgid "How much of your device's storage space shall stay free?"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "¿Cuánto espacio de almacenamiento debe quedar libre?"
 msgctxt "prefs_network_daily_xfer_limit_mb_header"
 msgid "Daily transfer limit"
@@ -564,16 +564,15 @@ msgstr "Anhalten wenn Prozessornutzung über"
 msgctxt "prefs_cpu_other_load_suspension_description"
 msgid "Determines when BOINC pauses computation due to other app's CPU usage."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Define cuándo deja de calcular BOINC porque otra aplicación use la CPU."
 msgctxt "prefs_cpu_time_max_header"
 msgid "CPU limit"
 msgstr "Prozessorbegrenzung"
-#, fuzzy
 msgctxt "prefs_cpu_time_max_description"
 msgid "Limits the CPU time BOINC uses for computation."
-msgstr "Limitiert die Anzahl der Prozessoren welche BOINC nutzen darf."
+msgstr "Limita el tiempo de la CPU que usa BOINC para calcular."
 msgctxt "prefs_memory_max_idle_header"
 msgid "RAM limit"
@@ -589,11 +588,11 @@ msgstr "BOINC Client Protokolleinstellungen"
 msgctxt "prefs_gui_log_level_header"
 msgid "GUI log level"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Nivel de registro de la GUI"
 msgctxt "prefs_gui_log_level_description"
 msgid "Specifies verbosity of GUI log messages."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Especifica la verbosidad de los mensajes del registro de la GUI."
 msgctxt "prefs_unit_mb"
 msgid "MB"
@@ -615,7 +614,7 @@ msgstr "°C"
 #. projects tab strings
 msgctxt "projects_loading"
 msgid "Reading projects…"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Leyendo los proyectos..."
 msgctxt "projects_add"
 msgid "Add project"
@@ -740,10 +739,9 @@ msgctxt "projects_confirm_reset_title"
 msgid "Reset project"
 msgstr "Projekt zurücksetzen"
-#, fuzzy
 msgctxt "projects_confirm_reset_message"
 msgid "Are you sure you want to reset"
-msgstr "Wollen Sie wirklich zurücksetzen"
+msgstr "¿Está seguro de que quiere reiniciar"
 msgctxt "projects_confirm_reset_confirm"
 msgid "Reset"
@@ -847,10 +845,9 @@ msgctxt "confirm_abort_task_title"
 msgid "Abort task?"
 msgstr "Aufgabe abbrechen?"
-#, fuzzy
 msgctxt "confirm_abort_task_message"
 msgid "Abort task:"
-msgstr "Aufgabe abbrechen?"
+msgstr "Abortar la tarea:"
 msgctxt "confirm_abort_task_confirm"
 msgid "Abort"
@@ -899,7 +896,7 @@ msgstr "ausstehend"
 msgctxt "trans_projectbackoff"
 msgid "project backoff"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "marcha atrás del proyecto"
 msgctxt "trans_header_name"
 msgid "File:"
@@ -915,7 +912,7 @@ msgstr "Übertragung abbrechen?"
 msgctxt "confirm_abort_trans_message"
 msgid "Abort File:"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Abortar el archivo:"
 msgctxt "confirm_abort_trans_confirm"
 msgid "Abort"
@@ -962,7 +959,7 @@ msgstr "Benutzer ist aktiv."
 msgctxt "suspend_tod"
 msgid "Out of computation time-frame."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Fuera del plazo de computación."
 msgctxt "suspend_bm"
 msgid "BOINC is benchmarking your device…"
@@ -974,7 +971,7 @@ msgstr "Kein Speicherplatz mehr verfügbar."
 msgctxt "suspend_cputhrottle"
 msgid "Scheduled CPU throttle."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Regulación de la CPU programada."
 msgctxt "suspend_noinput"
 msgid "No recent user activity."
diff --git a/locale/es/BOINC-Manager.po b/locale/es/BOINC-Manager.po
index d1ad6fe..0b9ad08 100644
--- a/locale/es/BOINC-Manager.po
+++ b/locale/es/BOINC-Manager.po
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ msgid ""
 msgstr ""
 "Project-Id-Version: BOINC Manager 4.x\n"
 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-02-02 00:00-0800\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-12-15 14:15-0500\n"
 "PO-Revision-Date: 2013-09-22 20:57+0000\n"
 "Last-Translator: Anonymous Pootle User\n"
 "Language-Team: BOINC Development Team <rwalton at ssl.berkeley.edu>\n"
@@ -16,22 +16,22 @@ msgstr ""
 "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
 "Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
 "X-Generator: Pootle 2.5.0\n"
-"X-BOINC-UTF8-Marker: 简体中文, 日本語\n"
-"X-Poedit-SearchPath-1: clientgui/msw\n"
-"X-Poedit-SearchPath-2: clientgui/gtk\n"
-"X-Poedit-SearchPath-3: clientgui/mac\n"
+"X-Poedit-Basepath: C:\\Src\\BOINCGIT\\boinc_7.4\n"
 "X-Poedit-SearchPath-0: clientgui\n"
 "X-Poedit-SourceCharset: utf-8\n"
-"X-Poedit-Basepath: C:\\Src\\BOINCGIT\\boinc\n"
 "X-POOTLE-MTIME: 1379883430.0\n"
+"X-Poedit-SearchPath-1: clientgui/msw\n"
+"X-Poedit-SearchPath-2: clientgui/gtk\n"
+"X-Poedit-SearchPath-3: clientgui/mac\n"
+"X-BOINC-UTF8-Marker: 简体中文, 日本語\n"
 # 81%
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:387
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:387
 #, c-format
 msgid "Identify your account at %s"
 msgstr "Identifique su cuenta en %s"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:393
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:393
 msgid ""
 "Please enter your account information\n"
 "(to create an account, visit the project's web site)"
@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ msgstr ""
 "Por favor introduzca la información de su cuenta\n"
 "(para crear una cuenta, visite la página del proyecto)"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:397
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:397
 msgid ""
 "This project is not currently accepting new accounts.\n"
 "You can add it only if you already have an account."
@@ -47,19 +47,19 @@ msgstr ""
 "Este proyecto no acepta actualmente nuevas cuentas.\n"
 "Usted puede unirse sólo si ya tiene una cuenta."
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:401
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:401
 msgid "Are you already running this project?"
 msgstr "¿Ha ejecutando este proyecto antes?"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:405
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:405
 msgid "&No, new user"
 msgstr "&No, nuevo usuario"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:408
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:408
 msgid "&Yes, existing user"
 msgstr "Sí, usuario &existente"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:413
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:413
 msgid ""
 "We were not able to set up your account information\n"
@@ -75,45 +75,51 @@ msgstr ""
 "debajo para encontrar que poner en los campos\n"
 "dirección de correo y contraseña."
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:416
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:416
 msgid "Find login information"
 msgstr "Buscar información de acceso"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:436 AccountInfoPage.cpp:641
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:436
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:649
 msgid "&Password:"
 msgstr "C&lave:"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:443 AccountInfoPage.cpp:665
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:443
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:673
 msgid "Choose a &password:"
 msgstr "Escoja una c&lave:"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:446
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:446
 msgid "C&onfirm password:"
 msgstr "C&onfirmar clave:"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:453
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:453
 #, c-format
 msgid "Are you already running %s?"
 msgstr "¿Está usted ejecutando ya %s?"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:482
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:482
 msgid "&Username:"
 msgstr "&Nombre  de usuario:"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:508
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:511
+msgid "&Email address or LDAP ID:"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:515
 msgid "&Email address:"
 msgstr "&Dirección de correo:"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:515
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:523
 #, c-format
 msgid "minimum length %d"
 msgstr "longitud mínima %d"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:522
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:530
 msgid "Forgot your password?"
 msgstr "¿Olvidó su clave?"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:529
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:537
 msgid ""
 "If you have not yet registered with this account manager,\n"
 "please do so before proceeding.  Click on the link below\n"
@@ -123,49 +129,48 @@ msgstr ""
 "por favor, hágalo antes de continuar.  Pulse en el vínculo de debajo\n"
 "para registrarse o recuperar una contraseña olvidada."
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:532
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:540
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Account manager web site"
 msgstr "Sitio web del administrador de cuentas"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:574 WelcomePage.cpp:348
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:582
 msgid "Add project"
 msgstr "Añadir proyecto"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:576
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:584
 msgid "Update account manager"
 msgstr "Actualizar el administrador de cuentas"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:578 WelcomePage.cpp:307 WelcomePage.cpp:321
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:586
 msgid "Use account manager"
 msgstr "Usar administrador de cuentas"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:585
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:593
 msgid "Please enter a user name."
 msgstr ""
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:587
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:595
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Please enter an email address."
 msgstr "Por favor especifique una dirección de correo"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:597
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:605
 #, c-format
 msgid "Please enter a password of at least %d characters."
 msgstr ""
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:607
-msgid ""
-"The password and confirmation password do not match. Please type them again."
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:615
+msgid "The password and confirmation password do not match. Please type them again."
 msgstr ""
 "La clave y la confirmación de clave no concuerdan. Por favor tecléelas de "
-#: AccountManagerInfoPage.cpp:272
+#: clientgui/AccountManagerInfoPage.cpp:272
 msgid "Choose an account manager"
 msgstr "Elija un administrador de cuentas"
-#: AccountManagerInfoPage.cpp:275
+#: clientgui/AccountManagerInfoPage.cpp:275
 msgid ""
 "To choose an account manager, click its name or \n"
 "type its URL below."
@@ -173,385 +178,402 @@ msgstr ""
 "Para elegir un administrador de cuentas, pulse sobre su nombre o \n"
 "introduzca su URL debajo."
-#: AccountManagerInfoPage.cpp:279
+#: clientgui/AccountManagerInfoPage.cpp:279
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Account manager details:"
 msgstr "Sitio web del administrador de cuentas"
-#: AccountManagerInfoPage.cpp:283
+#: clientgui/AccountManagerInfoPage.cpp:283
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Account manager &URL:"
 msgstr "U&RL del Administrador de Cuentas:"
-#: AccountManagerInfoPage.cpp:287
+#: clientgui/AccountManagerInfoPage.cpp:287
 msgid "Open web page"
 msgstr ""
-#: AccountManagerInfoPage.cpp:290
+#: clientgui/AccountManagerInfoPage.cpp:290
 msgid "Visit this account manager's web site"
 msgstr ""
-#: AccountManagerProcessingPage.cpp:187 AccountManagerPropertiesPage.cpp:193
+#: clientgui/AccountManagerProcessingPage.cpp:186
+#: clientgui/AccountManagerPropertiesPage.cpp:192
 #, c-format
 msgid "Communicating with %s."
 msgstr "Comunicándose con %s."
-#: AccountManagerProcessingPage.cpp:194 AccountManagerPropertiesPage.cpp:200
+#: clientgui/AccountManagerProcessingPage.cpp:193
+#: clientgui/AccountManagerPropertiesPage.cpp:199
 msgid "Communicating with server."
 msgstr "Comunicándose con el servidor."
-#: AccountManagerProcessingPage.cpp:199 AccountManagerPropertiesPage.cpp:205
+#: clientgui/AccountManagerProcessingPage.cpp:198
+#: clientgui/AccountManagerPropertiesPage.cpp:204
 msgid "Please wait..."
 msgstr "Por favor espere..."
-#: AccountManagerProcessingPage.cpp:326
+#: clientgui/AccountManagerProcessingPage.cpp:325
 msgid "An internal server error has occurred.\n"
 msgstr "Ha ocurrido un error interno en el servidor.\n"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:95
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:96
 msgid "Connected"
 msgstr "Conectado"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:103
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:104
 msgid "Disconnected"
 msgstr "Desconectado"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:322 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:119
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:318
 #, c-format
 msgid "Close the %s window"
 msgstr "Cerrar la ventana %s"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:325 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:122
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:321
 msgid "&Close Window"
 msgstr "&Cerrar Ventana"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:336 AdvancedFrame.cpp:343 AdvancedFrame.cpp:350
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:332
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:339
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:346
 #, c-format
 msgid "Exit %s"
 msgstr "Salir de %s"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:371
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:359
+msgid "Preferences..."
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:368
 msgid "&Notices\tCtrl+Shift+N"
 msgstr "&Avisos\t Ctrl+Shift+A"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:372
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:369
 msgid "Display notices"
 msgstr "Visualiza los anuncios"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:377
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:374
 msgid "&Projects\tCtrl+Shift+P"
 msgstr "&Proyectos\t Crtl+Shift+P"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:378
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:375
 msgid "Display projects"
 msgstr "Visualizar los proyectos"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:383
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:380
 msgid "&Tasks\tCtrl+Shift+T"
 msgstr "&Tareas\tCtrl+Shift+T"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:384
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:381
 msgid "Display tasks"
 msgstr "Visualizar las tareas"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:389
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:386
 msgid "Trans&fers\tCtrl+Shift+X"
 msgstr "Trans&ferencias\tCtrl+Shift+F"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:390
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:387
 msgid "Display transfers"
 msgstr "Visualizar las transferencias"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:395
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:392
 msgid "&Statistics\tCtrl+Shift+S"
 msgstr "&Estadísticas\t Ctrl+Shift+E"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:396
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:393
 msgid "Display statistics"
 msgstr "Visualizar las estadísticas"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:401
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:398
 msgid "&Disk usage\tCtrl+Shift+D"
 msgstr "&Disco\tCtrl+Shift+D"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:402
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:399
 msgid "Display disk usage"
 msgstr "Visualizar uso del disco"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:409
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:406
 msgid "Simple &View...\tCtrl+Shift+V"
 msgstr "&Vista Simple...\tCtrl+Shift+V"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:410
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:407
 msgid "Display the simple graphical interface."
 msgstr "Muestra el interfaz gráfico simple de BOINC."
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:424
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:421
 msgid "&Add project or account manager..."
 msgstr "&Añadir un proyecto o un administrador de cuentas..."
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:425 sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:76
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:422
 msgid "Volunteer for any or all of 30+ projects in many areas of science"
 msgstr ""
 "Ser voluntario de alguno o todos de los más de 30 proyectos en muchas áreas "
 "de la ciencia"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:429
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:426
 #, c-format
 msgid "&Synchronize with %s"
 msgstr "&Sincronizar con %s"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:433
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:430
 #, c-format
 msgid "Get current settings from %s"
 msgstr "Obtener las preferencias actuales de %s"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:443
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:440
 msgid "&Add project..."
 msgstr "&Añadir proyecto..."
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:444
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:441
 msgid "Add a project"
 msgstr "Añadir un proyecto"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:447
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:444
 #, c-format
 msgid "S&top using %s..."
 msgstr "&Parar de usar %s..."
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:453
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:450
 msgid "Remove this computer from account manager control."
 msgstr "Eliminar el control de este ordenador por el administrador de cuentas."
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:458 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:178
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:455
 msgid "&Options..."
 msgstr "&Opciones..."
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:459 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:179
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:456
 msgid "Configure display options and proxy settings"
 msgstr "Configurar las opciones del interfaz de usuario y los valores del proxy"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:463 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:172
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:460
 msgid "Computing &preferences..."
 msgstr "&Preferencias de computación..."
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:464 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:173
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:461
 msgid "Configure computing preferences"
 msgstr "Configurar preferencias de computación"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:472
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:469
 msgid "&Run always"
 msgstr "&Ejecutar siempre"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:473
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:470
 msgid "Allow work regardless of preferences"
 msgstr "Permitir el trabajo sin tener en cuenta sus preferencias"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:477
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:474
 msgid "Run based on &preferences"
 msgstr "Ejecutar según &preferencias"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:478
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:475
 msgid "Allow work according to preferences"
 msgstr "Permitir el trabajo de acuerdo con sus preferencias"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:482
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:479
 msgid "&Suspend"
 msgstr "S&uspender"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:483
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:480
 msgid "Stop work regardless of preferences"
 msgstr "Detiene el trabajo sin tener en cuenta sus preferencias"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:508
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:505
 msgid "Use GPU always"
 msgstr "Usar la GPU siempre"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:509
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:506
 msgid "Allow GPU work regardless of preferences"
 msgstr "Permitir trabajar a la GPU sin tener en cuenta sus preferencias"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:513
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:510
 msgid "Use GPU based on preferences"
 msgstr "Usar &GPU según preferencias"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:514
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:511
 msgid "Allow GPU work according to preferences"
 msgstr "Permitir trabajar a la GPU de acuerdo con sus preferencias"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:518
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:515
 msgid "Suspend GPU"
 msgstr "Suspender GPU"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:519
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:516
 msgid "Stop GPU work regardless of preferences"
 msgstr "Detiene el trabajo de la GPU sin tener en cuenta sus preferencias"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:543
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:540
 msgid "Network activity always available"
 msgstr "Actividad de red siempre &disponible"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:544
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:541
 msgid "Allow network activity regardless of preferences"
 msgstr "Actividad de red sin tener en cuenta sus preferencias"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:548
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:545
 msgid "Network activity based on preferences"
 msgstr "Actividad de red basada en sus preferencias"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:549
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:546
 msgid "Allow network activity according to preferences"
 msgstr "Perimitir actividad de red de acuerdo con sus preferencias"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:553
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:550
 msgid "Network activity suspended"
 msgstr "Actividad de red suspendida"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:554
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:551
 msgid "Stop BOINC network activity"
 msgstr "Detiene la actividad de red de BOINC"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:564
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:561
 #, c-format
 msgid "Connect to another computer running %s"
 msgstr "Conecta a otro ordenador ejecutando %s"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:569
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:566
 msgid "Select computer..."
 msgstr "Seleccionar orde&nador..."
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:574
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:571
 msgid "Shut down connected client..."
 msgstr "Cerrar c&liente conectado..."
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:575
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:572
 msgid "Shut down the currently connected client"
 msgstr "Cerrar el cliente actualmente conectado"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:579
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:576
 msgid "Run CPU &benchmarks"
 msgstr "Ejecutar &pruebas de rendimiento de la CPU"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:580
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:577
 msgid "Runs BOINC CPU benchmarks"
 msgstr "Ejecuta las pruebas de rendimiento de BOINC"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:584
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:581
 msgid "Do network communication"
 msgstr "Ejecutar comunicaciones de red"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:585
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:582
 msgid "Do all pending network communication"
 msgstr "Ejecutar todas las comunicaciones de red pendientes"
 # 94%
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:589
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:586
 msgid "Read config files"
 msgstr "Leer ficheros de configuración"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:590
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:587
 msgid "Read configuration info from cc_config.xml and any app_config.xml files"
 msgstr ""
 "Leer información de configuración de los ficheros cc_config.xml y todos los "
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:594
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:591
 msgid "Read local prefs file"
 msgstr "Leer a&rchivo local de preferencias"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:595
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:592
 msgid "Read preferences from global_prefs_override.xml."
 msgstr "Leer preferencias de global_prefs_override.xml."
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:600
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:597
 #, c-format
 msgid "Launch another instance of %s..."
 msgstr "Ejecutar otro proceso de %s..."
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:604
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:601
 #, c-format
 msgid "Launch another %s"
 msgstr "Ejecutar otro %s"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:614
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:611
 msgid "Event Log...\tCtrl+Shift+E"
 msgstr "Registro de sucesos... \t Ctrl+Shift+E"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:615
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:612
 msgid "Display diagnostic messages."
 msgstr "Visualizar mensajes de diagnóstico."
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:625 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:188
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:616
+msgid "Event Log Diagnostic Flags...\tCtrl+Shift+F"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:617
+msgid "Enable or disable various diagnostic messages"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:626
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s &help"
 msgstr "A&yuda %s"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:631 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:194
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:632
 #, c-format
 msgid "Show information about %s"
 msgstr "Muestra información acerca de  %s"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:643
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:644
 #, c-format
 msgid "&%s help"
 msgstr "Ayuda &%s"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:649 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:212
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:650
 #, c-format
 msgid "Show information about the %s"
 msgstr "Muestra información acerca de %s"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:661 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:224
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:662
 #, c-format
 #, c-format, fuzzy
 msgid "%s &web site"
 msgstr "Página &web de %s"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:667 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:230
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:668
 #, c-format
 msgid "Show information about BOINC and %s"
 msgstr "Muestra información acerca de BOINC y %s"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:679 BOINCTaskBar.cpp:530 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:242
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:680
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:544
 #, c-format
 msgid "&About %s..."
 msgstr "A&cerca de %s..."
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:685 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:248
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:686
 msgid "Licensing and copyright information."
 msgstr "Información de licencia y copyright"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:692 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:255
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:693
 msgid "&File"
 msgstr "&Archivo"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:696 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:259
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:697
 msgid "&View"
 msgstr "&Ver"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:700 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:263
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:701
 msgid "&Tools"
 msgstr "&Herramientas"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:704
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:705
 msgid "&Activity"
 msgstr "Ac&tividad"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:708
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:709
 msgid "A&dvanced"
 msgstr "Avan&zado"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:712 DlgEventLog.cpp:332 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:267
-#: wizardex.cpp:374 wizardex.cpp:381
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:713
 msgid "&Help"
 msgstr "A&yuda"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:1199
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1185
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - Stop using %s"
 msgstr "%s - Dejar de usar %s"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:1204
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1190
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "If you stop using %s,\n"
@@ -566,12 +588,12 @@ msgstr ""
 "¿Quiere dejar de usar %s?"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:1401
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1397
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - Shut down the current client..."
 msgstr "%s - Cerrar el cliente actual..."
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:1410
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1406
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "%s will shut down the current client\n"
@@ -580,36 +602,36 @@ msgstr ""
 "%s cerrá el cliente actual y le pedirá\n"
 "otro ordenador al que conectarse (host)."
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:1745 DlgAbout.cpp:119
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1806
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s"
 msgstr "%s"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:1754
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1815
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s has successfully added %s"
 msgstr "%s ha agregado con éxito %s"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:1893
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1953
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - (%s)"
 msgstr "%s - (%s)"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:1897
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1957
 #, c-format
 msgid "Connecting to %s"
 msgstr "Conectando a %s"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:1900
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1960
 #, c-format
 msgid "Connected to %s (%s)"
 msgstr "Conectado a %s (%s)"
-#: AlreadyExistsPage.cpp:184
+#: clientgui/AlreadyExistsPage.cpp:184
 msgid "Username already in use"
 msgstr "Nombre de usuario ya en uso."
-#: AlreadyExistsPage.cpp:187
+#: clientgui/AlreadyExistsPage.cpp:187
 msgid ""
 "An account with that username already exists and has a\n"
 "different password than the one you entered.\n"
@@ -621,11 +643,11 @@ msgstr ""
 "Por favor visite la página web del proyecto y siga allí las instrucciones."
-#: AlreadyExistsPage.cpp:191
+#: clientgui/AlreadyExistsPage.cpp:191
 msgid "Email address already in use"
 msgstr "Dirección de correo ya en uso."
-#: AlreadyExistsPage.cpp:194
+#: clientgui/AlreadyExistsPage.cpp:194
 msgid ""
 "An account with that email address already exists and has a\n"
 "different password than the one you entered.\n"
@@ -637,45 +659,44 @@ msgstr ""
 "Por favor visite la página web del proyecto y siga allí las instrucciones."
-#: AsyncRPC.cpp:1031
+#: clientgui/AsyncRPC.cpp:1031
 msgid "Communicating with BOINC client.  Please wait ..."
 msgstr "Comunicando con cliente BOINC._ Por favor, espere ..."
-#: AsyncRPC.cpp:1034
+#: clientgui/AsyncRPC.cpp:1034
 #, c-format
 msgid "&Quit %s"
 msgstr "&Cerrar %s"
-#: AsyncRPC.cpp:1036
+#: clientgui/AsyncRPC.cpp:1036
 #, c-format
 msgid "E&xit %s"
 msgstr "&Salir de %s"
-#: AsyncRPC.cpp:1040
+#: clientgui/AsyncRPC.cpp:1040
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - Communication"
 msgstr "%s - Comunicación"
-#: AsyncRPC.cpp:1056 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:107 sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:433
+#: clientgui/AsyncRPC.cpp:1056
 msgid "Cancel"
 msgstr "Cancelar"
-#: BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:505
+#: clientgui/BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:504
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - Connection Error"
 msgstr "%s - Error de Conexión"
-#: BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:514
+#: clientgui/BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:513
 msgid ""
 "You currently are not authorized to manage the client.\n"
-"Please contact your administrator to add you to the 'boinc_users' local user "
+"Please contact your administrator to add you to the 'boinc_users' local user group."
 msgstr ""
 "Usted no está autorizado actualmente a administrar el cliente.\n"
 "Por favor, contacte con su administrador para que le añada al grupo de "
 "usuarios locales 'boinc_users'."
-#: BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:523
+#: clientgui/BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:522
 msgid ""
 "Authorization failed connecting to running client.\n"
 "Make sure you start this program in the same directory as the client."
@@ -683,20 +704,20 @@ msgstr ""
 "Fallo en la autorización para conectarse a un cliente en ejecución.\n"
 "Asegúrese de que inicia este programa en el mismo directorio que el cliente."
-#: BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:525
+#: clientgui/BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:524
 msgid "Authorization failed connecting to running client."
 msgstr "Falló la autorización la conectar a cliente en ejecución."
-#: BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:533
+#: clientgui/BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:532
 msgid "The password you have provided is incorrect, please try again."
 msgstr "La clave que ha introducido no es válida, por favor inténtelo de nuevo."
-#: BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:577
+#: clientgui/BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:576
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - Connection Failed"
 msgstr "%s - Conexión Fallida"
-#: BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:586
+#: clientgui/BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:585
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "%s is not able to connect to a %s client.\n"
@@ -705,23 +726,22 @@ msgstr ""
 "%s no ha podido conectar con un cliente %s.\n"
 "¿Le gustaría intentarlo de nuevo?"
-#: BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:622
+#: clientgui/BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:621
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - Daemon Start Failed"
 msgstr "%s - Inicio de Servicio Fallido"
-#: BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:632
+#: clientgui/BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:631
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "%s is not able to start a %s client.\n"
-"Please launch the Control Panel->Administative Tools->Services applet and "
-"start the BOINC service."
+"Please launch the Control Panel->Administative Tools->Services applet and start the BOINC service."
 msgstr ""
 "%s no puede iniciar un cliente %s.\n"
 "Por favor, vaya a Panel de Control->Herramientas Administrativas->Servicios "
 "e inicie el servicio BOINC."
-#: BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:638
+#: clientgui/BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:637
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "%s is not able to start a %s client.\n"
@@ -730,17 +750,16 @@ msgstr ""
 "%s no puede iniciar un cliente %s.\n"
 "Por favor inicie el servicio e inténtelo de nuevo"
-#: BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:689
+#: clientgui/BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:688
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - Connection Status"
 msgstr "%s - Estado de la Conexión"
-#: BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:700
+#: clientgui/BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:699
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "%s is not currently connected to a %s client.\n"
-"Please use the 'Advanced\\Select Computer...' menu option to connect up to a "
-"%s client.\n"
+"Please use the 'Advanced\\Select Computer...' menu option to connect up to a %s client.\n"
 "To connect up to your local computer please use 'localhost' as the host name."
 msgstr ""
 "%s no está actualmente conectado a un cliente %s.\n"
@@ -749,16 +768,16 @@ msgstr ""
 "Para conectar a su ordenador local por favor utilice 'localhost' como nombre "
 "del ordenador."
-#: BOINCBaseView.cpp:779
+#: clientgui/BOINCBaseView.cpp:752
 msgid "Project web pages"
 msgstr "Páginas web del proyecto"
-#: BOINCClientManager.cpp:575
+#: clientgui/BOINCClientManager.cpp:573
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - Unexpected Exit"
 msgstr "%s - Salida inesperada"
-#: BOINCClientManager.cpp:585
+#: clientgui/BOINCClientManager.cpp:583
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "The %s client has exited unexpectedly 3 times within the last %d minutes.\n"
@@ -768,12 +787,12 @@ msgstr ""
 "¿Desea reiniciarlo de nuevo?"
-#: BOINCDialupManager.cpp:61
+#: clientgui/BOINCDialupManager.cpp:61
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - Network Status"
 msgstr "%s - Estado de la Red"
-#: BOINCDialupManager.cpp:241
+#: clientgui/BOINCDialupManager.cpp:241
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "%s needs to connect to the Internet.\n"
@@ -782,22 +801,22 @@ msgstr ""
 "%s necesita conectar a Internet.\n"
 "¿Puede hacerlo ahora?"
-#: BOINCDialupManager.cpp:254
+#: clientgui/BOINCDialupManager.cpp:254
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s is connecting to the Internet."
 msgstr "%s está conectando a Internet."
-#: BOINCDialupManager.cpp:303
+#: clientgui/BOINCDialupManager.cpp:303
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s has successfully connected to the Internet."
 msgstr "%s se ha conectado a Internet con éxito."
-#: BOINCDialupManager.cpp:331
+#: clientgui/BOINCDialupManager.cpp:331
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s failed to connect to the Internet."
 msgstr "%s falló al conectarse a Internet."
-#: BOINCDialupManager.cpp:372
+#: clientgui/BOINCDialupManager.cpp:372
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "%s has detected it is now connected to the Internet.\n"
@@ -806,17 +825,17 @@ msgstr ""
 "%s ha detectado que ahora está conectado a Internet.\n"
 "Actualizando todos los proyectos y reintentando todas las transferencias."
-#: BOINCDialupManager.cpp:417
+#: clientgui/BOINCDialupManager.cpp:417
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s has successfully disconnected from the Internet."
 msgstr "%s se ha desconectado de Internet con éxito."
-#: BOINCDialupManager.cpp:433
+#: clientgui/BOINCDialupManager.cpp:433
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s failed to disconnected from the Internet."
 msgstr "%s falló al desconectarse de Internet."
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:339
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:595
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "You currently are not authorized to manage the client.\n"
@@ -837,7 +856,7 @@ msgstr ""
 "    - contacte con su administrador para que le añada al\n"
 "           grupo de usuarios 'boinc_master'."
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:345
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:601
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "%s ownership or permissions are not set properly; please reinstall %s.\n"
@@ -847,16 +866,15 @@ msgstr ""
 "por favor reinstale %s.\n"
 "(Código de error %d"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:351
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:607
 msgid " at "
 msgstr " en "
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:354 MainDocument.cpp:2484 MainDocument.cpp:2534
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2554 ViewTransfers.cpp:803
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:610
 msgid ")"
 msgstr ")"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:384
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:640
 msgid ""
 "A reboot is required in order for BOINC to run properly.\n"
 "Please reboot your computer and try again."
@@ -864,190 +882,194 @@ msgstr ""
 "Es necesario reiniciar para que BOINC funcione correctamente.\n"
 "Por favor, reinicie su ordenador e inténtelo de nuevo."
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:385 DlgAbout.cpp:153
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:641
 msgid "BOINC Manager"
 msgstr "Administrador BOINC"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:572
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:902
 msgid "BOINC Manager was started by the operating system automatically"
 msgstr ""
 "El Administrador BOINC ha sido iniciado por el sistema operativo "
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:574
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:904
 msgid "Startup BOINC so only the system tray icon is visible"
 msgstr ""
 "Inicia BOINC de forma que sólo sea visible el icono en el área de "
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:576
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:906
 msgid "Directory containing the BOINC Client executable"
 msgstr "Carpeta que contiene el ejecutable del Cliente BOINC"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:577
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:907
 msgid "BOINC data directory"
 msgstr "Carpeta con los datos de BOINC"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:579
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:909
 msgid "Host name or IP address"
 msgstr "Nombre del ordenador o dirección IP"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:580
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:910
 msgid "GUI RPC port number"
 msgstr "Número de puerto GUI RPC"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:581
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:911
 msgid "Password"
 msgstr "Contraseña"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:582
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:912
 msgid "Startup BOINC with these optional arguments"
 msgstr "Arrancar BOINC con estos argumentos opcionales"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:583
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:913
 msgid "disable BOINC security users and permissions"
 msgstr "desactiva la seguridad de usuarios y permisos en BOINC"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:584
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:914
 msgid "set skin debugging mode to enable skin manager error messages"
 msgstr ""
 "activar modo depuración de pieles (skin) para permitir los mensajes de error "
 "del administrador de pieles"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:585
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:915
 msgid "multiple instances of BOINC Manager allowed"
 msgstr "permitidas múltiples instancias del administrador BOINC"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:587
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:917
 msgid "Not used: workaround for bug in XCode 4.2"
 msgstr "No usado: solución temporal para el error en XCode 4.2"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:814
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:1164
 msgid "(Automatic Detection)"
 msgstr "(Detección Automática)"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:815
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:1165
 msgid "(Unknown)"
 msgstr "(Desconocido)"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:816
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:1166
 msgid "(User Defined)"
 msgstr "(Definido por el Usuario)"
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:508
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:522
 #, c-format
 msgid "Open %s Web..."
 msgstr "Abrir la web %s..."
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:515
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:529
 #, c-format
 msgid "Open %s..."
 msgstr "Abrir %s..."
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:522 BOINCTaskBar.cpp:619 BOINCTaskBar.cpp:627
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:536
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:633
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:641
 msgid "Snooze"
 msgstr "Dormitar"
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:524 BOINCTaskBar.cpp:646 BOINCTaskBar.cpp:654
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:538
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:660
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:668
 msgid "Snooze GPU"
 msgstr "Dormitar la GPU"
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:542
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:556
 msgid "E&xit"
 msgstr "&Salir"
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:612 ViewProjects.cpp:718 ViewWork.cpp:795
-#: sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:758 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:110
-#: sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:102
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:626
 msgid "Resume"
 msgstr "Reanudar"
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:639
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:653
 msgid "Resume GPU"
 msgstr "Reanudar GPU"
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:713
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:727
 msgid "Computing is enabled"
 msgstr "Computación permitida"
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:717
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:731
 msgid "Computing is suspended - "
 msgstr "Computación suspendida - "
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:727
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:741
 msgid "GPU computing is enabled"
 msgstr "Computación de la GPU permitida"
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:730
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:744
 msgid "GPU computing is suspended - "
 msgstr "Computación de la GPU suspendida - "
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:739
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:753
 msgid "Network is enabled"
 msgstr "Uso de la red permitido"
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:742
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:756
 msgid "Network is suspended - "
 msgstr "Actividad de red suspendida - "
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:750
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:764
 msgid "Reconnecting to client."
 msgstr "Reconectando a cliente."
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:752
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:766
 msgid "Not connected to a client."
 msgstr "No conectado a un cliente."
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:805
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:819
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s Notices"
 msgstr "%s Avisos"
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:811
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:825
 msgid "There are new notices - click to view."
 msgstr "Hay nuevos avisos - haz click para verlos."
-#: CompletionErrorPage.cpp:199
+#: clientgui/CompletionErrorPage.cpp:199
 msgid "Failed to add project"
 msgstr "Fallo al añadir el proyecto"
-#: CompletionErrorPage.cpp:204
+#: clientgui/CompletionErrorPage.cpp:204
 msgid "Failed to update account manager"
 msgstr "Fallo al actualizar el administrador de cuentas"
-#: CompletionErrorPage.cpp:208
+#: clientgui/CompletionErrorPage.cpp:208
 msgid "Failed to remove account manager"
 msgstr "Fallo al borrar el administrador de cuentas"
-#: CompletionErrorPage.cpp:212
+#: clientgui/CompletionErrorPage.cpp:212
 msgid "Failed to add account manager"
 msgstr "Fallo al añadir el administrador de cuentas"
-#: CompletionErrorPage.cpp:221
+#: clientgui/CompletionErrorPage.cpp:221
 msgid ""
 "Please try again later.\n"
 "Click Finish to close."
 msgstr ""
-#: CompletionErrorPage.cpp:225 CompletionPage.cpp:222 CompletionPage.cpp:242
-#: CompletionPage.cpp:273
+#: clientgui/CompletionErrorPage.cpp:225
+#: clientgui/CompletionPage.cpp:222
+#: clientgui/CompletionPage.cpp:242
+#: clientgui/CompletionPage.cpp:273
 msgid "Click Finish to close."
 msgstr "Haga clic en Finalizar para cerrar."
-#: CompletionErrorPage.cpp:234
+#: clientgui/CompletionErrorPage.cpp:234
 msgid "Messages from server:"
 msgstr "Mensajes del servidor:"
-#: CompletionPage.cpp:207
+#: clientgui/CompletionPage.cpp:207
 msgid "Project added"
 msgstr "Proyecto añadido"
-#: CompletionPage.cpp:213
+#: clientgui/CompletionPage.cpp:213
 msgid "This project has been successfully added."
 msgstr "Este proyecto ha sido añadido correctamente."
-#: CompletionPage.cpp:218
+#: clientgui/CompletionPage.cpp:218
 msgid ""
 "When you click Finish, your web browser will go to a page where\n"
 "you can set your account name and preferences."
@@ -1055,122 +1077,124 @@ msgstr ""
 "Cuando haga clic en Finalizar, su navegador irá a la página donde\n"
 "usted pueda establecer su nombre de cuenta y preferencias."
-#: CompletionPage.cpp:232
+#: clientgui/CompletionPage.cpp:232
 #, c-format
 msgid "Update from %s completed."
 msgstr "Actualización desde %s completada."
-#: CompletionPage.cpp:236
+#: clientgui/CompletionPage.cpp:236
 msgid "Update completed."
 msgstr "Actualización completada."
-#: CompletionPage.cpp:247
+#: clientgui/CompletionPage.cpp:247
 msgid "Now using account manager"
 msgstr "Actualmente se está usando administrador de cuentas"
-#: CompletionPage.cpp:252
+#: clientgui/CompletionPage.cpp:252
 #, c-format
 msgid "Welcome to %s!"
 msgstr "¡Bienvenido a %s!"
-#: CompletionPage.cpp:263
+#: clientgui/CompletionPage.cpp:263
 #, c-format
 msgid "You are now using %s to manage accounts."
 msgstr "Usted está utilizando %s para administrar sus cuentas."
-#: CompletionPage.cpp:267
+#: clientgui/CompletionPage.cpp:267
 msgid "You are now using this account manager."
 msgstr "Usted está usando este administrador de cuentas."
-#: DlgAbout.cpp:113 mac/Mac_GUI.cpp:96
+#: clientgui/DlgAbout.cpp:113
 #, c-format
 msgid "About %s"
 msgstr "Acerca de %s"
-#: DlgAbout.cpp:172
+#: clientgui/DlgAbout.cpp:172
 msgid "Version:"
 msgstr "Versión:"
-#: DlgAbout.cpp:180
+#: clientgui/DlgAbout.cpp:180
 msgid "wxWidgets Version:"
 msgstr "Versión de wxWidgets"
-#: DlgAbout.cpp:188
+#: clientgui/DlgAbout.cpp:188
 msgid "Copyright:"
 msgstr "Copyright:"
-# 98%
-#: DlgAbout.cpp:192
+#: clientgui/DlgAbout.cpp:192
 msgid ""
-"(C) 2003-2013 University of California, Berkeley.\n"
+"(C) 2003-2014 University of California, Berkeley.\n"
 "All Rights Reserved."
 msgstr ""
-"(C) 2003-2013 Universidad de California, Berkeley.\n"
-"Reservados Todos los Derechos."
-#: DlgAbout.cpp:196
+#: clientgui/DlgAbout.cpp:196
 msgid "Berkeley Open Infrastructure for Network Computing"
 msgstr "Infraestructura Abierta de Berkeley para Computación en Red"
-#: DlgAbout.cpp:208 DlgExitMessage.cpp:173 DlgGenericMessage.cpp:120
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:396 DlgSelectComputer.cpp:163
+#: clientgui/DlgAbout.cpp:208
+#: clientgui/DlgExitMessage.cpp:173
+#: clientgui/DlgGenericMessage.cpp:120
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:399
+#: clientgui/DlgSelectComputer.cpp:163
 msgid "&OK"
 msgstr "&Aceptar"
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:544
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:602
 msgid "invalid number"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:545
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:603
 msgid "invalid time, format is HH:MM"
 msgstr "hora inválida, el format es HH:MM"
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:546
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:604
 msgid "invalid time interval, format is HH:MM-HH:MM"
 msgstr "intervalo de tiempo inválido, el formato es HH:MM-HH:MM"
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:751
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:817
 msgid "invalid input value detected"
 msgstr "detectada introducción de valor inválido"
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:753
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:819
 msgid "Validation Error"
 msgstr "Error de Validación"
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:885 DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:891
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:897
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:969
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:975
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:981
 msgid "Applications to add"
 msgstr "Aplicaciones a añadir"
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:914
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:998
 #, c-format
 msgid "'%s' is not an executable application."
 msgstr "'%s' no es una aplicación ejecutable."
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:915 DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:962
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:986
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:999
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:1046
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:1070
 msgid "Add Exclusive App"
 msgstr "Añadir Aplicación Exclusiva"
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:927
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:1011
 msgid "Name of application to add?"
 msgstr "¿Nombre de la aplicación a añadir?"
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:927
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:1011
 msgid "Add exclusive app"
 msgstr "Añadir aplicación exclusiva"
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:961
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:1045
 #, c-format
 msgid "Application names must end with '%s'"
 msgstr "Los nombres de aplicación deben terminar en '%s'"
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:985
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:1069
 #, c-format
 msgid "'%s' is already in the list."
 msgstr "'%s' ya está en la lista."
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:1077
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:1161
 msgid ""
 "Do you really want to clear all local preferences?\n"
 "(This will not affect exclusive applications.)"
@@ -1178,16 +1202,16 @@ msgstr ""
 "¿Quiere realmente borrar todas las preferencias locales?\n"
 "(Esto no afectará a las aplicaciones exclusivas.)"
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:1078 sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:1030
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:1162
 msgid "Confirmation"
 msgstr "Confirmación"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:46 sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:946
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:49
 #, c-format
-msgid "%s - Preferences"
-msgstr "%s - Preferencias"
+msgid "%s - Computing preferences"
+msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:62
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:66
 msgid ""
 "This dialog controls preferences for this computer only.\n"
 "Click OK to set preferences.\n"
@@ -1198,284 +1222,295 @@ msgstr ""
 "Pulse Restablecer para restaurar las preferencias basadas en web (excepto "
 "aplicaciones exclusivas)."
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:65 sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:428
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:69
 msgid "Clear"
 msgstr "Restablecer"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:66
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:70
 msgid "clear all local preferences and close the dialog"
 msgstr "restaurar todas las preferencias locales y cerrar la ventana"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:81
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:85
 msgid "processor usage"
 msgstr "uso del procesador"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:84
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:88
 msgid "network usage"
 msgstr "uso de la red"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:87
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:91
 msgid "disk and memory usage"
 msgstr "uso de disco y memoria"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:90
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:94
 msgid "exclusive applications"
 msgstr "aplicaciones exclusivas"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:102 sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:424
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:107
+#: clientgui/DlgDiagnosticLogFlags.cpp:104
 msgid "OK"
 msgstr "Aceptar"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:103
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:108
 msgid "save all values and close the dialog"
 msgstr "grabar todos los valores y cerrar la ventana"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:108
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:114
 msgid "close the dialog without saving"
 msgstr "cerrar la ventana sin grabar"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:112 Localization.cpp:35 Localization.cpp:121
-#: Localization.cpp:139 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:794 sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:439
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:118
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:35
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:121
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:139
 msgid "Help"
 msgstr "Ayuda"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:113
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:119
 msgid "shows the preferences web page"
 msgstr "muestra la página web de preferencias"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:135
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:141
 msgid "Computing allowed"
 msgstr "Computación permitida"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:139
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:146
 msgid "While computer is on batteries"
 msgstr "Cuando el ordenador funcione con baterías"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:142
-msgid ""
-"check this if you want this computer to do work while it runs on batteries"
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:149
+msgid "check this if you want this computer to do work while it runs on batteries"
 msgstr ""
 "márquela si quiere que este ordenador trabaje mientras está funcionando con "
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:148
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:155
 msgid "While computer is in use"
 msgstr "Cuando el ordenador está en uso"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:151
-msgid ""
-"check this if you want this computer to do work even when you're using it"
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:158
+msgid "check this if you want this computer to do work even when you're using it"
 msgstr ""
 "márquela si quiere que este ordenador trabaje incluso cuando usted lo está "
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:157
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:164
 msgid "Use GPU while computer is in use"
 msgstr "Usar la GPU cuando el ordenador está en uso"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:160
-msgid ""
-"check this if you want your GPU to do work even when you're using the "
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:167
+msgid "check this if you want your GPU to do work even when you're using the computer"
 msgstr ""
 "márquela si quiere que su GPU ejecute tareas incluso cuando usted esté "
 "usando su ordenador"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:172
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:179
 msgid "Only after computer has been idle for"
 msgstr "Sólo si el ordenador ha estado inactivo durante"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:182
-msgid ""
-"do work only after you haven't used the computer for this number of minutes"
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:188
+msgid "do work only after you haven't used the computer for this number of minutes"
 msgstr ""
 "hacer trabajo sólo cuando no se haya usado el ordenador durante este número "
 "de minutos"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:187 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:336
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:417
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:193
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:342
 msgid "minutes"
 msgstr "minutos"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:206
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:212
 msgid "While processor usage is less than"
 msgstr "Cuando el uso del procesador es menor que"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:216
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:221
 msgid "suspend work if processor usage exceeds this level"
 msgstr "suspender el trabajo si el uso del procesador excede este nivel"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:221
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:226
 msgid "percent (0 means no restriction)"
 msgstr "porciento (0 significa sin restricciones)"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:235 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:496
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:240
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:506
 msgid "Every day between hours of"
 msgstr "Cada día entre las horas"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:239
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:244
 msgid "start work at this time"
 msgstr "empezar el trabajo a esta hora"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:243 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:504
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:326 sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:348
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:248
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:514
 msgid "and"
 msgstr "y"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:247
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:252
 msgid "stop work at this time"
 msgstr "suspender el trabajo a esta hora"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:251 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:512
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:256
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:522
 msgid "(no restriction if equal)"
 msgstr "(sin restricciones si son iguales)"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:256 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:517
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:261
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:527
 msgid "Day-of-week override:"
 msgstr "Inactividad por día de la semana:"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:261 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:522
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:266
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:532
 msgid "check box to specify hours for this day of week"
 msgstr ""
 "seleccione el cuadro para especificar las horas para este día de la semana"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:267 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:528
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:272
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:538
 msgid "Monday"
 msgstr "Lunes"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:274 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:535
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:279
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:545
 msgid "Tuesday"
 msgstr "Martes"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:281 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:542
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:286
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:552
 msgid "Wednesday"
 msgstr "Miércoles"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:288 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:549
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:293
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:559
 msgid "Thursday"
 msgstr "Jueves"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:295 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:556
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:300
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:566
 msgid "Friday"
 msgstr "Viernes"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:302 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:563
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:307
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:573
 msgid "Saturday"
 msgstr "Sábado"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:309 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:570
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:314
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:580
 msgid "Sunday"
 msgstr "Domingo"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:323
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:328
 msgid "Other options"
 msgstr "Otras opciones"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:330
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:336
 msgid "Switch between applications every"
 msgstr "Cambio entre aplicaciones cada"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:339
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:345
 msgid "On multiprocessor systems, use at most"
 msgstr "En sistemas multiprocesador, utilizar como máximo"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:346
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:352
 #, no-c-format
-msgid "% of the processors (0 means ignore this setting)"
+msgid "% of the processors (0 means no restriction)"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:349 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:605
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:627 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:648
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:669 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:679
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:355
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:618
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:640
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:661
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:683
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:694
 msgid "Use at most"
 msgstr "Utilizar como  máximo"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:356
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:362
 #, no-c-format
-msgid "% CPU time"
-msgstr "% del tiempo de la CPU"
+msgid "% of CPU time (0 means no restriction)"
+msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:378
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:386
 msgid "General options"
 msgstr "Opciones generales"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:386
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:395
 msgid "Maximum download rate"
 msgstr "Velocidad máxima de descarga"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:392 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:401
-msgid "KBytes/sec."
-msgstr "KB/s"
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:401
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:410
+msgid "KBytes/second (0 means no restriction)"
+msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:395
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:404
 msgid "Maximum upload rate"
 msgstr "Velocidad máxima de envío"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:406
-msgid "Transfer at most"
-msgstr "Transferir como máximo"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:412
-msgid "Mbytes"
-msgstr "Mbytes"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:415
-msgid "every"
-msgstr "cada"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:421 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:444
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:463
-msgid "days"
-msgstr "días"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:429
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:417
 msgid "Minimum work buffer"
 msgstr "Bufer mínimo de trabajo"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:438
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:425
 msgid "Try to maintain enough tasks to keep busy for this many days"
 msgstr ""
 "Trata de mantener suficientes tareas para estar ocupado durante todos estos "
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:450
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:431
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:449
+msgid "days (maximum value: 10)"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:437
 msgid "Max additional work buffer"
 msgstr "Bufer máximo de trabajo adicional"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:459
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:445
 msgid "In addition, maintain enough tasks for up to this many days"
 msgstr ""
 "Adicionalmente, mantener suficientes tareas como máximo para todos estos "
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:466
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:454
+msgid "Transfer at most"
+msgstr "Transferir como máximo"
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:462
+msgid "MBytes every"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:468
+msgid "days (0 means no restriction)"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:476
 msgid "Skip image file verification"
 msgstr "No verificar archivos de imagen"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:468
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:478
 msgid "check this if your Internet provider modifies image files"
 msgstr "márquela si su proveedor de Internet modifica los archivos de imágenes"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:476
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:484
 msgid "Connect options"
 msgstr "Opciones de conexión"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:478
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:487
 msgid "Confirm before connecting to internet"
 msgstr "Confirmar antes de conectar a Internet"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:480
-msgid ""
-"if checked, a confirmation dialog will be displayed before trying to connect "
-"to the Internet"
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:489
+msgid "if checked, a confirmation dialog will be displayed before trying to connect to the Internet"
 msgstr ""
 "si está marcada, una venta aparecerá antes de intentar conectar a Internet"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:484
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:493
 msgid "Disconnect when done"
 msgstr "Desconectar cuando finalice"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:486
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:495
 msgid ""
 "if checked, BOINC hangs up when network usage is done\n"
 "(only relevant for dialup-connection)"
@@ -1483,197 +1518,222 @@ msgstr ""
 "si está marcada, BOINC cuelga cuando ha terminado de usar la red\n"
 "( sólo para conexiones  a través de módem) "
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:492
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:501
 msgid "Network usage allowed"
 msgstr "Uso de la red permitido"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:500
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:510
 msgid "network usage start hour"
 msgstr "hora de comienzo de uso de la red"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:508
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:518
 msgid "network usage stop hour"
 msgstr "hora de finalización de uso de la red"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:598 DlgItemProperties.cpp:231
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:610
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:257
 msgid "Disk usage"
 msgstr "Uso del disco"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:609
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:622
 msgid "the maximum disk space used by BOINC (in Gigabytes)"
 msgstr "el espacio máximo de disco usado por BOINC (en gigabytes)"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:613
-msgid "Gigabytes disk space"
-msgstr "gigabytes de espacio en disco"
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:626
+msgid "Gigabytes disk space (0 means no restriction)"
+msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:616
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:629
 msgid "Leave at least"
 msgstr "Dejar como mínimo"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:620
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:633
 msgid "BOINC leaves at least this amount of disk space free (in Gigabytes)"
 msgstr ""
 "BOINC deja como mínimo esta cantidad de espacio de disco libre (en "
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:624
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:637
 msgid "Gigabytes disk space free"
 msgstr "gigabytes de espacio libre en disco"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:631
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:644
 msgid "BOINC uses at most this percentage of total disk space"
 msgstr "BOINC usa como máximo este porcentaje del espacio total del disco"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:636
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:649
 #, no-c-format
 msgid "% of total disk space"
 msgstr "% del espacio total de disco"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:639
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:652
 msgid "Tasks checkpoint to disk at most every"
 msgstr "Las tareas vuelcan al disco al menos cada"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:645
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:658
 msgid "seconds"
 msgstr "segundos"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:655
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:668
 #, no-c-format
 msgid "% of page file (swap space)"
 msgstr "% del archivo de paginación (espacio de intercambio)"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:662
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:675
 msgid "Memory usage"
 msgstr "Uso de memoria"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:676
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:691
 #, no-c-format
 msgid "% when computer is in use"
 msgstr "% cuando el ordenador se usa"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:686
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:701
 #, no-c-format
 msgid "% when computer is idle"
 msgstr "% cuando el ordenador esta inactivo"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:691
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:706
 msgid "Leave applications in memory while suspended"
 msgstr "Dejar las aplicaciones en memoria mientras están suspendidas"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:693
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:708
 msgid "if checked, suspended work units are left in memory"
 msgstr ""
 "si está marcada, las unidades de trabajo suspendidas son dejadas en memoria"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:713
-msgid ""
-"Suspend processor and network usage when these applications are running:"
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:728
+msgid "Suspend processor and network usage when these applications are running:"
 msgstr ""
 "Suspender el uso del procesador y la red cuando estas aplicaciones estén "
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:722
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:738
 msgid "Add..."
 msgstr "Añadir..."
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:723
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:739
 msgid "Add an application to this list"
 msgstr "Añadir una aplicación a esta lista"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:728 ViewProjects.cpp:202
-#: sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:85
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:744
 msgid "Remove"
 msgstr "Eliminar"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:729
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:745
 msgid "Remove an application from this list"
 msgstr "Eliminar una aplicación de esta lista"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:738
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:754
 msgid "For advanced options, refer to "
 msgstr "Para opciones avanzadas, dirigirse a "
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:219
+#: clientgui/DlgDiagnosticLogFlags.cpp:65
+#, c-format
+msgid "%s Diagnostic Log Flags"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/DlgDiagnosticLogFlags.cpp:83
+msgid "These flags enable various types of diagnostic messages in the Event Log."
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/DlgDiagnosticLogFlags.cpp:105
+msgid "Save all values and close the dialog"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/DlgDiagnosticLogFlags.cpp:108
+msgid "Defaults"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/DlgDiagnosticLogFlags.cpp:109
+msgid "Restore default settings"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/DlgDiagnosticLogFlags.cpp:113
+msgid "Close the dialog without saving"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:226
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - Event Log"
 msgstr "%s - Registro de Sucesos"
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:232 ViewMessages.cpp:117 ViewProjects.cpp:219
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:435 ViewStatistics.cpp:2009 ViewTransfers.cpp:182
-#: ViewWork.cpp:232
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:236
 msgid "Project"
 msgstr "Proyecto"
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:233 ViewMessages.cpp:118
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:237
 msgid "Time"
 msgstr "Hora"
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:234 ViewMessages.cpp:119
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:238
 msgid "Message"
 msgstr "Mensaje"
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:290 DlgEventLog.cpp:354
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:300
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:364
 msgid "&Show only this project"
 msgstr "Mostrar sólo este &proyecto"
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:294
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:304
 msgid "Copy &All"
 msgstr "Copiar &Todo"
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:296 DlgEventLog.cpp:300 ViewMessages.cpp:89
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:306
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:310
 msgid "Copy all the messages to the clipboard."
 msgstr "Copia todos los mensajes al portapapeles"
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:305
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:315
 msgid "Copy &Selected"
 msgstr "Copiar &Selección"
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:308 DlgEventLog.cpp:316 ViewMessages.cpp:97
-msgid ""
-"Copy the selected messages to the clipboard. You can select multiple "
-"messages by holding down the shift or command key while clicking on messages."
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:318
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:326
+msgid "Copy the selected messages to the clipboard. You can select multiple messages by holding down the shift or command key while clicking on messages."
 msgstr ""
 "Copia los mensajes seleccionados al portapapeles. Puede seleccionar "
 "múltiples mensajes manteniendo pulsadas las teclas Shift o Control mientras "
 "hace clic en los mensajes."
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:310 DlgEventLog.cpp:318 ViewMessages.cpp:99
-msgid ""
-"Copy the selected messages to the clipboard. You can select multiple "
-"messages by holding down the shift or control key while clicking on messages."
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:320
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:328
+msgid "Copy the selected messages to the clipboard. You can select multiple messages by holding down the shift or control key while clicking on messages."
 msgstr ""
 "Copia los mensajes seleccionados al portapapeles. Puede seleccionar "
 "múltiples mensajes manteniendo pulsadas las teclas Shift y/o Control "
 "mientras hace clic en los mensajes."
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:325 DlgItemProperties.cpp:67
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:335
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:67
 msgid "&Close"
 msgstr "&Cerrar"
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:334 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:798 sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:442
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:344
 #, c-format
 msgid "Get help with %s"
 msgstr "Obtener ayuda con %s"
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:348
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:358
 msgid "Show all &messages"
 msgstr "Mostrar todos los &mensajes"
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:349 DlgEventLog.cpp:351
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:359
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:361
 msgid "Show messages for all projects"
 msgstr "Mostar los mensajes de todos los proyectos"
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:355 DlgEventLog.cpp:357
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:365
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:367
 msgid "Show only the messages for the selected project"
 msgstr "Mostrar sólo los mensajes para el proyecto seleccionado"
-#: DlgExitMessage.cpp:82
+#: clientgui/DlgExitMessage.cpp:82
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - Exit Confirmation"
 msgstr "%s - Confirmación de Salir"
-#: DlgExitMessage.cpp:130
+#: clientgui/DlgExitMessage.cpp:130
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "You have requested to exit the %s,\n"
@@ -1690,7 +1750,7 @@ msgstr ""
 "Si también quiere parar de ejecutar las tareas,\n"
 "elija entre las siguientes opciones:"
-#: DlgExitMessage.cpp:135
+#: clientgui/DlgExitMessage.cpp:135
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "This will shut down %s and its tasks until either the\n"
@@ -1707,394 +1767,420 @@ msgstr ""
 "más que salir de la aplicación, eso le permitirá a %s ejecutar sus\n"
 "tareas a las horas que usted seleccionó en sus preferencias."
-#: DlgExitMessage.cpp:153
+#: clientgui/DlgExitMessage.cpp:153
 #, c-format
 msgid "Stop running tasks when exiting the %s"
 msgstr "Detener la ejecución de tareas al salir de %s"
-#: DlgExitMessage.cpp:165
+#: clientgui/DlgExitMessage.cpp:165
 msgid "Remember this decision and do not show this dialog."
 msgstr "Recordar esta opción y no volver a mostrar este mensaje."
-#: DlgExitMessage.cpp:178 DlgGenericMessage.cpp:125 DlgOptions.cpp:401
-#: DlgSelectComputer.cpp:168 wizardex.cpp:378
+#: clientgui/DlgExitMessage.cpp:178
+#: clientgui/DlgGenericMessage.cpp:125
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:404
+#: clientgui/DlgSelectComputer.cpp:168
 msgid "&Cancel"
 msgstr "&Cancelar"
-#: DlgGenericMessage.cpp:112
+#: clientgui/DlgGenericMessage.cpp:112
 msgid "Don't show this dialog again."
 msgstr "No mostrar este mensaje de nuevo."
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:168 DlgItemProperties.cpp:171
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:174 DlgItemProperties.cpp:177
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:194
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:197
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:200
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:203
 msgid "Don't fetch tasks for "
 msgstr "No buscar tareas para "
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:168
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:194
 msgid "Project preference"
 msgstr "Preferencia del proyecto"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:171
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:197
 msgid "Account manager preference"
 msgstr "Preferencia del administrador de cuentas"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:174
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:200
 msgid "Project has no apps for "
 msgstr "El proyecto no tiene aplicaciones para "
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:177
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:203
 msgid "Client configuration excludes "
 msgstr "La configuración del cliente excluye "
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:181
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:207
 msgid " work fetch deferred for"
 msgstr " búsqueda de trabajo aplazada"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:182
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:208
 msgid " work fetch deferral interval"
 msgstr " intervalo diferido la búsqueda de trabajo "
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:213
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:239
 msgid "Properties of project "
 msgstr "Propiedades del proyecto "
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:217 DlgOptions.cpp:218
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:243
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:221
 msgid "General"
 msgstr "General"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:218
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:244
 msgid "Master URL"
 msgstr "URL principal"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:219
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:245
 msgid "User name"
 msgstr "Nombre de usuario:"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:220
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:246
 msgid "Team name"
 msgstr "Nombre del equipo"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:221 ViewProjects.cpp:224
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:247
 msgid "Resource share"
 msgstr "Asignación de recursos"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:223
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:249
 msgid "Scheduler RPC deferred for"
 msgstr "Petición (RPC) del planificador aplazada"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:226
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:252
 msgid "File downloads deferred for"
 msgstr "Descargas de archivos aplazada durante"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:229
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:255
 msgid "File uploads deferred for"
 msgstr "Envíos de archivos aplazados durante"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:232
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:258
 msgid "Computer ID"
 msgstr "ID del ordenador"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:234
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:260
 msgid "Non CPU intensive"
 msgstr "Uso no intensivo de CPU"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:234 DlgItemProperties.cpp:236
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:237 DlgItemProperties.cpp:239
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:242 DlgItemProperties.cpp:251
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:254 DlgItemProperties.cpp:257
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:260
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:262
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:263
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:265
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:268
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:277
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:280
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:283
 msgid "yes"
 msgstr "si"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:236
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:262
 msgid "Suspended via GUI"
 msgstr "Suspendido mediante interfaz gráfica (GUI)"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:236 DlgItemProperties.cpp:237
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:262
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:263
 msgid "no"
 msgstr "no"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:237
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:263
 msgid "Don't request more work"
 msgstr "No solicitar más trabajo"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:239
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:265
 msgid "Scheduler call in progress"
 msgstr "Llamada al planificador en progreso"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:242
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:268
 msgid "Trickle-up pending"
 msgstr "Trickle-up pendiente"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:245 DlgItemProperties.cpp:247
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:271
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:273
 msgid "Host location"
 msgstr "Ubicación del host"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:247
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:273
 msgid "default"
 msgstr "predeterminado"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:251
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:277
 msgid "Added via account manager"
 msgstr "Añadido mediante administrador de cuentas"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:254
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:280
 msgid "Remove when tasks done"
 msgstr "Eliminar cuando las tareas estén terminadas"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:257
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:283
 msgid "Ended"
 msgstr "Finalizado"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:259
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:285
+msgid "Tasks completed"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:286
+msgid "Tasks failed"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:288
 msgid "Credit"
 msgstr "Crédito"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:260
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:289
 msgid "User"
 msgstr "Usuario"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:267
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:296
 msgid "Host"
 msgstr "Ordenador"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:276
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:305
 msgid "Scheduling"
 msgstr "Planificando"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:277
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:306
 msgid "Scheduling priority"
 msgstr "Planificando prioridad"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:278
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:307
 msgid "CPU"
 msgstr "CPU"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:302
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:331
 msgid "Duration correction factor"
 msgstr "Factor de corrección de duración"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:316
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:345
 msgid "Properties of task "
 msgstr "Propiedades de la tarea "
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:328 ViewWork.cpp:238
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:357
 msgid "Application"
 msgstr "Programa"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:329 ViewWork.cpp:239
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:358
 msgid "Name"
 msgstr "Nombre"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:330
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:359
 msgid "State"
 msgstr "Estado"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:333
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:362
 msgid "Received"
 msgstr "Recibido"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:336
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:365
 msgid "Report deadline"
 msgstr "Límite para informar"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:338
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:367
 msgid "Resources"
 msgstr "Recursos"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:341
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:370
 msgid "Estimated computation size"
 msgstr "Tamaño de cálculo estimado"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:344
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:373
 msgid "CPU time at last checkpoint"
 msgstr "Tiempo de CPU en el último chequeo"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:345 DlgItemProperties.cpp:360
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:374
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:389
 msgid "CPU time"
 msgstr "Tiempo de CPU"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:347 DlgItemProperties.cpp:361
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:376
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:390
 msgid "Elapsed time"
 msgstr "Tiempo transcurrido"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:349
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:378
 msgid "Estimated time remaining"
 msgstr "Tiempo restante aproximado"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:350
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:379
 msgid "Fraction done"
 msgstr "Parte hecha"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:351
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:380
 msgid "Virtual memory size"
 msgstr "Tamaño de la memoria virtual"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:352
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:381
 msgid "Working set size"
 msgstr "Tamaño conjunto trabajo"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:354
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:383
 msgid "Directory"
 msgstr "Carpeta"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:357
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:386
 msgid "Process ID"
 msgstr "ID de proceso"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:427 ViewWork.cpp:1032 sg_TaskPanel.cpp:823
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:456
 msgid "Local: "
 msgstr "Local: "
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:129 DlgOptions.cpp:135
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:129
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:135
 msgid "Options"
 msgstr "Opciones"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:175
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:178
 msgid "Language:"
 msgstr "Idioma:"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:182
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:185
 msgid "What language should BOINC use?"
 msgstr "¿Qué idioma debe usar BOINC?"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:186
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:189
 msgid "Notice reminder interval:"
 msgstr "Intervalo de recuerdo de avisos:"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:193
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:196
 msgid "How often should BOINC remind you of new notices?"
 msgstr "¿Con qué frecuencia debe BOINC recordarle los nuevos avisos?"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:198
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:201
 msgid "Run Manager at login?"
 msgstr "¿Ejecutar el Administrador al iniciar la sesión?"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:204
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:207
 msgid "Run the BOINC Manager when you log on."
 msgstr "Ejecutar el Administrador BOINC cuando inicie la sesión."
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:209
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:212
 msgid "Enable Manager exit dialog?"
 msgstr "¿Habilitar el mensaje de salida del Administrador?"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:215
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:218
 msgid "Display the exit dialog when shutting down the Manager."
 msgstr "Visualizar el mensaje de salida cuando cierre el Administrador."
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:226
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:229
 msgid "Dial-up and Virtual Private Network settings"
 msgstr "Configuración de Módem de Acceso Telefónico y Red Privada Virtual"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:240
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:243
 msgid "&Set Default"
 msgstr "&Establecer como Predeterminada"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:245
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:248
 msgid "&Clear Default"
 msgstr "&Borrar como Predeterminada"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:252
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:255
 msgid "Default Connection:"
 msgstr "Conexión por Defecto:"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:259
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:262
 msgid "Connections"
 msgstr "Conexiones"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:268
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:271
 msgid "Connect via HTTP proxy server"
 msgstr "Conectar vía servidor proxy HTTP"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:272
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:275
 msgid "HTTP Proxy Server Configuration"
 msgstr "Configuración Servidor Proxy HTTP"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:280 DlgOptions.cpp:344
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:283
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:347
 msgid "Address:"
 msgstr "Dirección:"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:288 DlgOptions.cpp:352 ProxyPage.cpp:340 ProxyPage.cpp:360
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:291
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:355
 msgid "Port:"
 msgstr "Puerto:"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:296 DlgOptions.cpp:360
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:299
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:363
 msgid "Don't use proxy for:"
 msgstr "No usar proxy para:"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:303 DlgOptions.cpp:367
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:306
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:370
 msgid "Leave these blank if not needed"
 msgstr "Dejarlos en blanco si no se necesitan"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:309 DlgOptions.cpp:373 ProxyPage.cpp:343 ProxyPage.cpp:363
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:312
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:376
 msgid "User Name:"
 msgstr "Nombre de usuario:"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:317 DlgOptions.cpp:381 DlgSelectComputer.cpp:152
-#: ProxyPage.cpp:346 ProxyPage.cpp:366
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:320
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:384
+#: clientgui/DlgSelectComputer.cpp:152
 msgid "Password:"
 msgstr "Clave:"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:324
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:327
 msgid "HTTP Proxy"
 msgstr "Proxy HTTP"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:332
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:335
 msgid "Connect via SOCKS proxy server"
 msgstr "Conectar vía servidor proxy SOCKS"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:336
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:339
 msgid "SOCKS Proxy Server Configuration"
 msgstr "Configuración Servidor Proxy SOCKS"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:388
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:391
 msgid "SOCKS Proxy"
 msgstr "Proxy SOCKS"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:586
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:589
 msgid "always"
 msgstr "siempre"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:587
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:590
 msgid "1 hour"
 msgstr "1 hora"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:588
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:591
 msgid "6 hours"
 msgstr "6 horas"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:589
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:592
 msgid "1 day"
 msgstr "1 día"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:590
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:593
 msgid "1 week"
 msgstr "1 semana"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:591
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:594
 msgid "never"
 msgstr "nunca"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:688
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:691
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - Language Selection"
 msgstr "%s - Selección de Idioma"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:695
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:698
 #, c-format
 #, c-format, c-format
-msgid ""
-"The %s's language has been changed.  In order for this change to take "
-"effect, you must restart the %s."
+msgid "The %s's language has been changed.  In order for this change to take effect, you must restart the %s."
 msgstr ""
 "Se ha cambiado el idioma de %s.   Para que este cambio tenga efecto usted "
 "debe reiniciar %s."
-#: DlgSelectComputer.cpp:91
+#: clientgui/DlgSelectComputer.cpp:91
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - Select Computer"
 msgstr "%s - Seleccionar ordenador"
-#: DlgSelectComputer.cpp:125
+#: clientgui/DlgSelectComputer.cpp:125
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "Another instance of %s is already running \n"
@@ -2103,423 +2189,425 @@ msgstr ""
 "Otra instancia de %s ya está ejecutándose\n"
 "en este ordenador.   Por favor seleccione un cliente a monitorizar."
-#: DlgSelectComputer.cpp:143
+#: clientgui/DlgSelectComputer.cpp:143
 msgid "Host name:"
 msgstr "Nombre del ordenador:"
-#: Localization.cpp:31 Localization.cpp:69
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:31
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:69
 msgid "Message boards"
 msgstr "Foros"
-#: Localization.cpp:33
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:33
 msgid "Correspond with other users on the SETI at home message boards"
 msgstr "Escríbase con otros usuarios en los foros de SETI at home"
-#: Localization.cpp:37
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:37
 msgid "Ask questions and report problems"
 msgstr "Haga preguntas e informe de problemas"
-#: Localization.cpp:39 Localization.cpp:81 Localization.cpp:111
-#: Localization.cpp:129
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:39
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:81
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:111
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:129
 msgid "Your account"
 msgstr "Su cuenta"
-#: Localization.cpp:41 Localization.cpp:87 Localization.cpp:113
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:41
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:87
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:113
 msgid "View your account information and credit totals"
 msgstr "Vea información de su cuenta y sus créditos totales"
-#: Localization.cpp:43
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:43
 msgid "Your preferences"
 msgstr "Sus preferencias"
-#: Localization.cpp:45
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:45
 msgid "View and modify your SETI at home account profile and preferences"
 msgstr "Vea y modifique su perfil y preferencias de su cuenta SETI at home"
-#: Localization.cpp:47 Localization.cpp:89
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:47
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:89
 msgid "Your results"
 msgstr "Sus resultados"
-#: Localization.cpp:49 Localization.cpp:91
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:49
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:91
 msgid "View your last week (or more) of computational results and work"
 msgstr "Vea el trabajo y resultados de su última semana (o más)"
-#: Localization.cpp:51 Localization.cpp:93
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:51
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:93
 msgid "Your computers"
 msgstr "Sus ordenadores"
-#: Localization.cpp:53
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:53
 msgid "View a listing of all the computers on which you are running SETI at Home"
 msgstr ""
 "Vea una lista de todos los ordenadores en los que usted está ejecutando "
 "SETI at home"
-#: Localization.cpp:55 Localization.cpp:97
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:55
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:97
 msgid "Your team"
 msgstr "Su equipo"
-#: Localization.cpp:57 Localization.cpp:99
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:57
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:99
 msgid "View information about your team"
 msgstr "Vea información acerca de su equipo"
-#: Localization.cpp:61
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:61
 msgid "Common questions"
 msgstr "Preguntas más frecuentes"
-#: Localization.cpp:63
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:63
 msgid "Read the Einstein at Home Frequently Asked Question list"
 msgstr "Lea la lista de Preguntas Más Frecuentes en Einstein at Home"
-#: Localization.cpp:65
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:65
 msgid "Screensaver info"
 msgstr "Información del salvapantallas"
-#: Localization.cpp:67
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:67
 msgid "Read a detailed description of the Einstein at Home screensaver"
 msgstr "Lea la descripción detallada del salvapantallas de Einstein at Home"
-#: Localization.cpp:71
-msgid ""
-"Correspond with admins and other users on the Einstein at Home message boards"
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:71
+msgid "Correspond with admins and other users on the Einstein at Home message boards"
 msgstr ""
 "Escríbase con lo administradores y otros usuarios en los foros de "
 "Einstein at Home"
-#: Localization.cpp:73
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:73
 msgid "Einstein status"
 msgstr "Estado de Einstein"
-#: Localization.cpp:75
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:75
 msgid "Current status of the Einstein at Home server"
 msgstr "Estado actual del servidor de Einstein at Home"
-#: Localization.cpp:77
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:77
 msgid "Report problems"
 msgstr "Informe de problemas"
-#: Localization.cpp:79
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:79
 msgid "A link to the Einstein at Home problems and bug reports message board"
 msgstr "Un enlace a los foros de informe de problemas y fallos en Einstein at Home"
-#: Localization.cpp:83
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:83
 msgid "View and modify your Einstein at Home account profile and preferences"
 msgstr "Vea y modifique su perfil y preferencias de su cuenta Einstein at Home"
-#: Localization.cpp:85
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:85
 msgid "Account summary"
 msgstr "Sumario de cuentas"
-#: Localization.cpp:95
-msgid ""
-"View a listing of all the computers on which you are running Einstein at Home"
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:95
+msgid "View a listing of all the computers on which you are running Einstein at Home"
 msgstr ""
 "Vea una lista de todos los ordenadores en los que usted está ejecutando "
 "Einstein at Home"
-#: Localization.cpp:101
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:101
 msgid "LIGO project"
 msgstr "Proyecto LIGO"
-#: Localization.cpp:103
-msgid ""
-"The home page of the Laser Interferometer Gravitational-wave Observatory "
-"(LIGO) project"
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:103
+msgid "The home page of the Laser Interferometer Gravitational-wave Observatory (LIGO) project"
 msgstr ""
 "La página de inicio del proyecto LIGO (Observatorio de Ondas Gravitacionales "
 "por Interferometría Laser)"
-#: Localization.cpp:105
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:105
 msgid "GEO-600 project"
 msgstr "Proyecto GEO-600"
-#: Localization.cpp:107
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:107
 msgid "The home page of the GEO-600 project"
 msgstr "La página de inicio del proyecto GEO-600"
-#: Localization.cpp:115 Localization.cpp:133 ViewProjects.cpp:221
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:465
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:115
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:133
 msgid "Team"
 msgstr "Equipo"
-#: Localization.cpp:117
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:117
 msgid "Info about your Team"
 msgstr "Información acerca de su Equipo"
-#: Localization.cpp:123
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:123
 msgid "Get help for climateprediction.net"
 msgstr "Consiga ayuda para climateprediction.net"
-#: Localization.cpp:125
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:125
 msgid "News"
 msgstr "Noticias"
-#: Localization.cpp:127
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:127
 msgid "climateprediction.net News"
 msgstr "Noticias de climateprediction.net"
-#: Localization.cpp:131
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:131
 msgid "View your account information, credits, and trickles"
 msgstr "Vea la información de su cuenta, créditos totales y progresos"
-#: Localization.cpp:135
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:135
 msgid "Info about your team"
 msgstr "Información acerca de su equipo"
-#: Localization.cpp:141
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:141
 msgid "Search for help in our help system"
 msgstr "Buscar ayuda en nuestro sistema de ayuda"
-#: Localization.cpp:143
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:143
 msgid "Global Statistics"
 msgstr "Estadísticas Globales"
-#: Localization.cpp:145
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:145
 msgid "Summary statistics for World Community Grid"
 msgstr "Sumario de las estadísticas de World Community Grid"
-#: Localization.cpp:147
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:147
 msgid "My Grid"
 msgstr "Mis datos"
-#: Localization.cpp:149
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:149
 msgid "Your statistics and settings"
 msgstr "Sus estadísticas y configuración"
-#: Localization.cpp:151
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:151
 msgid "Device Profiles"
 msgstr "Perfiles de Dispositivo"
-#: Localization.cpp:153
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:153
 msgid "Update your device settings"
 msgstr "Actualiza la configuración de su dispositivo"
-#: Localization.cpp:155
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:155
 msgid "Research"
 msgstr "Investigación"
-#: Localization.cpp:157
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:157
 msgid "Learn about the projects hosted at World Community Grid"
 msgstr "Aprenda acerca de los proyectos albergados en World Community Grid"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:583
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:583
 msgid "Starting client"
 msgstr "Iniciando cliente"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:591
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:591
 msgid "Connecting to client"
 msgstr "Conectando al cliente"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:1195
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:1205
 msgid "Retrieving system state; please wait..."
 msgstr "Recuperando estado del sistema; por favor espere..."
-#: MainDocument.cpp:1816
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:1826
 msgid "Missing application"
 msgstr "Aplicación perdida"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:1817
-msgid ""
-"Please download and install the CoRD application from http://cord."
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:1827
+msgid "Please download and install the CoRD application from http://cord.sourceforge.net"
 msgstr ""
 "Por favor descargue e instale la aplicación CoRD de "
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2432
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2442
 msgid "on batteries"
 msgstr "con baterías"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2433
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2443
 msgid "computer is in use"
 msgstr "ordenador está en uso"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2434
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2444
 msgid "user request"
 msgstr "petición del usuario"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2435
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2445
 msgid "time of day"
 msgstr "hora del día"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2436
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2446
 msgid "CPU benchmarks in progress"
 msgstr "benchmarks de CPU en progreso"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2437
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2447
 msgid "need disk space - check preferences"
 msgstr "se necesita espacio en disco - compruebe las preferencias"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2438
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2448
 msgid "computer is not in use"
 msgstr "ordenador no está en uso"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2439
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2449
 msgid "starting up"
 msgstr "Iniciando"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2440
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2450
 msgid "an exclusive app is running"
 msgstr "una aplicación se está ejecuntando en exclusiva"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2441
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2451
 msgid "CPU is busy"
 msgstr "la CPU está ocupada"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2442
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2452
 msgid "network bandwidth limit exceeded"
 msgstr "límite de ancho de banda de red excedido"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2443
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2453
 msgid "requested by operating system"
 msgstr "solicitado por el sistema operativo"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2445
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2455
 msgid "unknown reason"
 msgstr "razón desconocida"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2467
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2477
 msgid "GPU missing, "
 msgstr "falta GPU,  "
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2474
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2484
 msgid "New"
 msgstr "Nuevo"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2478
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2488
 msgid "Download failed"
 msgstr "Descarga fallida"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2480
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2490
 msgid "Downloading"
 msgstr "Descargando"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2482 MainDocument.cpp:2552
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2492
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2557
 msgid " (suspended - "
 msgstr " (suspendido - "
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2490
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2500
 msgid "Project suspended by user"
 msgstr "Proyecto suspendido por el usuario"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2492
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2502
 msgid "Task suspended by user"
 msgstr "Tarea suspendida por el usuario"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2494
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2504
 msgid "Suspended - "
 msgstr "Suspendido - "
 # 75%
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2500
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2510
 msgid "GPU suspended - "
 msgstr "GPU suspendida - "
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2507
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2517
 msgid "Waiting for memory"
 msgstr "Esperando memoria"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2509
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2519
 msgid "Waiting for shared memory"
 msgstr "Esperando memoria compartida"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2512
-msgid "Running, high priority"
-msgstr "Ejecutando, alta prioridad"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2514
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2521
 msgid "Running"
 msgstr "Ejecutando"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2517
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2523
 msgid " (non-CPU-intensive)"
 msgstr "(no-CPU-intensivo)"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2520
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2526
 msgid "Waiting to run"
 msgstr "Esperando para ejecutar"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2522 MainDocument.cpp:2528
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2528
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2534
 msgid "Ready to start"
 msgstr "Listo para comenzar"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2532
-msgid " (Scheduler wait: "
-msgstr "  (Planificador en espera: "
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2538
+msgid "Postponed: "
+msgstr ""
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2536
-msgid " (Scheduler wait)"
-msgstr "  (Planificador en espera)"
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2541
+msgid "Postponed"
+msgstr ""
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2540
-msgid " (Waiting for network access)"
-msgstr " (Esperando acceso a la red)"
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2545
+msgid "Waiting for network access"
+msgstr ""
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2544
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2549
 msgid "Computation error"
 msgstr "Error de cálculo"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2548
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2553
 msgid "Upload failed"
 msgstr "Envío fallido"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2550
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2555
 msgid "Uploading"
 msgstr "Enviando"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2561
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2566
 msgid "Aborted by user"
 msgstr "Abortado por el usuario"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2564
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2569
 msgid "Aborted by project"
 msgstr "Abortado por el proyecto"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2567
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2572
 msgid "Aborted: not started by deadline"
 msgstr "Abortado: no iniciado por el límite de tiempo"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2570
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2575
 msgid "Aborted: disk limit exceeded"
 msgstr "Abortado: límite de disco excedido"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2573
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2578
 msgid "Aborted: run time limit exceeded"
 msgstr "Abortado: límite de tiempo de ejecución excedido"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2576
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2581
 msgid "Aborted: memory limit exceeded"
 msgstr "Abortado: límite de memoria excedido"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2579
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2584
 msgid "Aborted"
 msgstr "Abortado"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2584
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2589
 msgid "Acknowledged"
 msgstr "Aceptado"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2586
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2591
 msgid "Ready to report"
 msgstr "Listo para informar"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2588
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2593
 #, c-format
 msgid "Error: invalid state '%d'"
 msgstr "Error: estado inválido '%d'"
-#: NoInternetConnectionPage.cpp:179
+#: clientgui/NoInternetConnectionPage.cpp:179
 msgid "No Internet connection"
 msgstr "Sin conexión a Internet"
-#: NoInternetConnectionPage.cpp:182
+#: clientgui/NoInternetConnectionPage.cpp:182
 msgid "Please connect to the Internet and try again."
 msgstr "Por favor conecte a Internet e inténtelo de nuevo."
-#: NotDetectedPage.cpp:181
+#: clientgui/NotDetectedPage.cpp:181
 msgid "Project not found"
 msgstr "Proyecto no encontrado"
-#: NotDetectedPage.cpp:184
+#: clientgui/NotDetectedPage.cpp:184
 msgid ""
 "The URL you supplied is not that of a BOINC-based project.\n"
@@ -2529,11 +2617,11 @@ msgstr ""
 "Por favor compruebe la dirección e inténtelo de nuevo."
-#: NotDetectedPage.cpp:188
+#: clientgui/NotDetectedPage.cpp:188
 msgid "Account manager not found"
 msgstr "Administrador de cuentas no encontrado"
-#: NotDetectedPage.cpp:191
+#: clientgui/NotDetectedPage.cpp:191
 msgid ""
 "The URL you supplied is not that of a BOINC-based account\n"
@@ -2545,92 +2633,93 @@ msgstr ""
 "Por favor compruebe la dirección e inténtelo de nuevo."
-#: NotFoundPage.cpp:181
+#: clientgui/NotFoundPage.cpp:181
 msgid "Login Failed."
 msgstr "Identificación Fallida."
-#: NotFoundPage.cpp:185
+#: clientgui/NotFoundPage.cpp:185
 msgid "Check the username and password, and try again."
 msgstr "Verifique su nombre de usuario y clave e inténtelo de nuevo."
-#: NotFoundPage.cpp:189
+#: clientgui/NotFoundPage.cpp:189
 msgid "Check the email address and password, and try again."
 msgstr "Verifique que su dirección de correo y clave e inténtelo de nuevo."
-#: NoticeListCtrl.cpp:222
+#: clientgui/NoticeListCtrl.cpp:229
 msgid "more..."
 msgstr "más..."
-#: ProjectInfoPage.cpp:477 ProjectInfoPage.cpp:778 ProjectInfoPage.cpp:782
-msgid "All"
-msgstr "Todo"
-#: ProjectInfoPage.cpp:615
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:221
 msgid "Choose a project"
 msgstr "Elegir un proyecto"
-#: ProjectInfoPage.cpp:619
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:228
 msgid "To choose a project, click its name or type its URL below."
 msgstr ""
 "Para elegir un proyecto, pulse sobre su nombre o introduzca su URL debajo."
-#: ProjectInfoPage.cpp:623
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:246
 msgid "Categories:"
 msgstr "Categorías:"
-#: ProjectInfoPage.cpp:627 sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:89
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:267
 msgid "Projects:"
 msgstr "Proyectos:"
-#: ProjectInfoPage.cpp:631
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:279
 msgid "Project details"
 msgstr "Detalles del proyecto"
-#: ProjectInfoPage.cpp:635
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:291
 msgid "Research area:"
 msgstr "Área de investigación:"
-#: ProjectInfoPage.cpp:639
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:302
 msgid "Organization:"
 msgstr "Organización:"
-#: ProjectInfoPage.cpp:643
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:313
 msgid "Web site:"
 msgstr "Sitio web:"
-#: ProjectInfoPage.cpp:647
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:325
 msgid "Supported systems:"
 msgstr "Sistemas soportados:"
-#: ProjectInfoPage.cpp:651
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:363
 msgid "Project URL:"
 msgstr "URL del proyecto:"
-#: ProjectInfoPage.cpp:826
-msgid ""
-"This project may not have work for your type of computer.  Do you want to "
-"add it anyway?"
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:499
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:754
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:758
+msgid "All"
+msgstr "Todo"
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:802
+msgid "This project may not have work for your type of computer.  Do you want to add it anyway?"
 msgstr ""
 "Puede que este proyecto no tenga trabajo para su tipo de ordenador.  ¿Quiere "
 "añadirlo de todas formas?"
-#: ProjectInfoPage.cpp:850
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:826
 msgid "You already added this project. Please choose a different project."
 msgstr "Usted ya ha agregado este proyecto. Por favor, elija otro proyecto."
-#: ProjectProcessingPage.cpp:321
+#: clientgui/ProjectProcessingPage.cpp:321
 msgid "Communicating with project."
 msgstr "Comunicando con el proyecto."
-#: ProjectProcessingPage.cpp:509
+#: clientgui/ProjectProcessingPage.cpp:510
 msgid "Required files not found on the server."
 msgstr "Los archivos requeridos no se encuentran en el servidor."
-#: ProjectProcessingPage.cpp:512 ProjectProcessingPage.cpp:574
+#: clientgui/ProjectProcessingPage.cpp:513
+#: clientgui/ProjectProcessingPage.cpp:586
 msgid "An internal server error has occurred."
 msgstr "Ha ocurrido un error interno en el servidor."
-#: ProjectPropertiesPage.cpp:334
+#: clientgui/ProjectPropertiesPage.cpp:334
 msgid ""
 "Communicating with project\n"
 "Please wait..."
@@ -2638,11 +2727,48 @@ msgstr ""
 "Comunicando con el proyecto\n"
 "Por favor espere..."
-#: ProxyInfoPage.cpp:195
+#: clientgui/ProjectWelcomePage.cpp:251
+#, c-format
+msgid "Welcome to %s."
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ProjectWelcomePage.cpp:254
+msgid "You have volunteered to compute for this project:"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ProjectWelcomePage.cpp:255
+msgid "Name:"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ProjectWelcomePage.cpp:258
+msgid "Home:"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ProjectWelcomePage.cpp:262
+msgid "Description:"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ProjectWelcomePage.cpp:265
+msgid "URL:"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ProjectWelcomePage.cpp:268
+msgid "User:"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ProjectWelcomePage.cpp:273
+msgid "WARNING: This project is not registered with BOINC.  Make sure you trust it before continuing."
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ProjectWelcomePage.cpp:277
+msgid "To continue, click Next."
+msgstr "Para continuar, haga clic en Siguiente."
+#: clientgui/ProxyInfoPage.cpp:195
 msgid "Network communication failure"
 msgstr "Fallo en comunicación de red"
-#: ProxyInfoPage.cpp:199
+#: clientgui/ProxyInfoPage.cpp:199
 msgid ""
 "The World Community Grid - BOINC software failed to communicate\n"
 "over the Internet. The most likely reasons are:\n"
@@ -2672,7 +2798,7 @@ msgstr ""
 "2) Usted está utilizando un servidor proxy.\n"
 "Haga clic en Siguiente para configurar los parámetros proxy de BOINC."
-#: ProxyInfoPage.cpp:203
+#: clientgui/ProxyInfoPage.cpp:203
 msgid ""
 "BOINC failed to communicate on the Internet.\n"
 "The most likely reasons are:\n"
@@ -2702,1268 +2828,1360 @@ msgstr ""
 "2) Usted está utilizando un servidor proxy.\n"
 "Haga clic en Siguiente para configurar los parámetros proxy de BOINC."
-#: ProxyPage.cpp:331
+#: clientgui/ProxyPage.cpp:331
 msgid "Proxy configuration"
 msgstr "Configuración proxy"
-#: ProxyPage.cpp:334
+#: clientgui/ProxyPage.cpp:334
 msgid "HTTP proxy"
 msgstr "Proxy HTTP"
-#: ProxyPage.cpp:337 ProxyPage.cpp:357
+#: clientgui/ProxyPage.cpp:337
+#: clientgui/ProxyPage.cpp:357
 msgid "Server:"
 msgstr "Servidor:"
-#: ProxyPage.cpp:350
+#: clientgui/ProxyPage.cpp:350
 msgid "Autodetect"
 msgstr "Autodetección"
-#: ProxyPage.cpp:354
+#: clientgui/ProxyPage.cpp:354
 msgid "SOCKS proxy"
 msgstr "Proxy SOCKS"
-#: TermsOfUsePage.cpp:218
-msgid "Terms of Use"
-msgstr "Terminos de Uso"
+#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:167
+msgid "Advanced View...\tCtrl+Shift+A"
+msgstr "Vista Avanzada\tCtrl+Shift+A"
-#: TermsOfUsePage.cpp:222
-msgid "Please read the following terms of use:"
-msgstr "Por favor, lea los siguientes términos de uso:"
+#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:168
+msgid "Display the advanced graphical interface."
+msgstr "Muestra la interfaz gráfica avanzada."
-#: TermsOfUsePage.cpp:231
-msgid "I agree to the terms of use."
-msgstr "Acepto los términos de uso."
+#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:175
+msgid "Skin"
+msgstr "Piel"
-#: TermsOfUsePage.cpp:237
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "I do not agree to the terms of use."
-msgstr "No acepto los términos de uso:"
+#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:177
+msgid "Select the appearance of the user interface."
+msgstr "Seleccione el aspecto de la interfaz de usuario."
-#: UnavailablePage.cpp:183
-msgid "Project temporarily unavailable"
-msgstr "Proyecto temporalmente no disponible"
+#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:224
+#, c-format
+msgid "&%s"
+msgstr "&%s"
-#: UnavailablePage.cpp:186
-msgid ""
-"The project is temporarily unavailable.\n"
-"Please try again later."
-msgstr ""
-"El proyecto actualmente no está disponible.\n"
-"Por favor inténtelo más tarde."
+#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:405
+msgid "Default"
+msgstr "Predeterminado"
-#: UnavailablePage.cpp:190
-msgid "Account manager temporarily unavailable"
-msgstr "Administrador de cuentas temporalmente no disponible"
+#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:848
+msgid "Suspend"
+msgstr "Suspender"
-#: UnavailablePage.cpp:193
-msgid ""
-"The account manager is temporarily unavailable.\n"
-"Please try again later."
-msgstr ""
-"El administrador de cuentas no está actualmente disponible.\n"
-"Por favor inténtelo más tarde."
+#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:850
+msgid "Suspend Computing"
+msgstr "Suspender la Computación"
-#: ValidateAccountKey.cpp:68
-msgid "Please specify an account key to continue."
-msgstr "Por favor especifique una clave de cuenta para continuar."
+#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:851
+msgid "Resume Computing"
+msgstr "Reanudar la Computación"
-#: ValidateAccountKey.cpp:71
-msgid "Invalid Account Key; please enter a valid Account Key"
-msgstr "Clave de Cuenta inválida; por favor introduzca una clave válida"
+#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:867
+msgid "Notices"
+msgstr "Avisos"
-#: ValidateAccountKey.cpp:82 ValidateEmailAddress.cpp:86
-msgid "Validation conflict"
-msgstr "Error de validación"
+#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:868
+msgid "Open a window to view notices from projects or BOINC"
+msgstr "Abrir una ventana para ver avisos de los proyectos o de BOINC"
-#: ValidateEmailAddress.cpp:72
-msgid "Please specify an email address"
-msgstr "Por favor especifique una dirección de correo"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgMessages.cpp:124
+msgid "Fetching notices; please wait..."
+msgstr "Buscando avisos; por favor espere..."
-#: ValidateEmailAddress.cpp:75
-msgid "Invalid email address; please enter a valid email address"
-msgstr "Dirección de correo inválida; por favor introduzca una dirección válida"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgMessages.cpp:132
+msgid "There are no notices at this time."
+msgstr "No hay avisos en este momento."
-#: ValidateURL.cpp:69
-msgid "Missing URL"
-msgstr "URL no introducida"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgMessages.cpp:146
+msgid "Close"
+msgstr "Cerrar"
-#: ValidateURL.cpp:70
-msgid ""
-"Please specify a URL.\n"
-"For example:\n"
-msgstr ""
-"Por favor especifique una URL.\n"
-"Por ejemplo:\n"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgMessages.cpp:394
+#, c-format
+msgid "%s - Notices"
+msgstr "%s - Avisos"
-#: ValidateURL.cpp:83 ValidateURL.cpp:87 ValidateURL.cpp:91
-#: ValidateURL.cpp:103 ValidateURL.cpp:107 ValidateURL.cpp:110
-msgid "Invalid URL"
-msgstr "URL inválida"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:270
+msgid "This dialog controls preferences for this computer only."
+msgstr "Este diálogo contola las preferencias de este ordenador solamente."
-#: ValidateURL.cpp:84 ValidateURL.cpp:88 ValidateURL.cpp:92
-msgid ""
-"Please specify a valid URL.\n"
-"For example:\n"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:275
+msgid "Click OK to set preferences."
+msgstr "Pulse Aceptar para establecer las preferencias."
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:280
+msgid "Click Clear to restore web-based settings for all preferences listed below."
 msgstr ""
-"Por favor especifique una URL válida.\n"
-"Por ejemplo:\n"
-#: ValidateURL.cpp:104 ValidateURL.cpp:108
-#, c-format
-msgid "'%s' does not contain a valid host name."
-msgstr "'%s' no contiene un nombre válido de ordenador."
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:287
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "For additional settings, select Computing Preferences in the Advanced View."
+msgstr "Para ajustes adicionales, seleccione Preferencias de Computación en"
-#: ValidateURL.cpp:111
-#, c-format
-msgid "'%s' does not contain a valid path."
-msgstr "'%s' no contiene una ruta válida."
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:315
+msgid "Do work only between:"
+msgstr "Trabajar sólo entre:"
-#: ViewMessages.cpp:84 ViewProjects.cpp:170 ViewStatistics.cpp:1978
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:160 ViewWork.cpp:183
-msgid "Commands"
-msgstr "Comandos"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:337
+msgid "Connect to internet only between:"
+msgstr "Conectar a Internet sólo entre:"
-#: ViewMessages.cpp:88
-msgid "Copy all messages"
-msgstr "Copiar todos los mensajes"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:359
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:376
+msgid "Use no more than:"
+msgstr "No usar más de:"
-#: ViewMessages.cpp:95
-msgid "Copy selected messages"
-msgstr "Copiar los mensajes seleccionados"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:372
+msgid "of disk space"
+msgstr "de espacio en disco"
-#: ViewMessages.cpp:106 ViewMessages.cpp:502
-msgid "Show only this project"
-msgstr "Mostrar sólo este proyecto"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:389
+msgid "of the processor"
+msgstr "del procesador"
-#: ViewMessages.cpp:107 ViewMessages.cpp:503
-msgid "Show only the messages for the selected project."
-msgstr "Mostrar sólo los mensajes del proyecto seleccionado."
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:393
+msgid "Do work while on battery?"
+msgstr "¿Trabajar cuando use baterías?"
-#: ViewMessages.cpp:164
-msgid "Messages"
-msgstr "Mensajes"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:406
+msgid "Do work after idle for:"
+msgstr "Trabajar después de estar inactivo durante:"
-#: ViewMessages.cpp:187
-msgid "Copying all messages to the clipboard..."
-msgstr "Copiando todos los mensajes al portapapeles..."
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:431
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Clear all local preferences listed above and close the dialog"
+msgstr "restaurar todas las preferencias locales y cerrar la ventana"
-#: ViewMessages.cpp:223
-msgid "Copying selected messages to the clipboard..."
-msgstr "Copiando los mensajes seleccionados al portapapeles..."
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:609
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:612
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:688
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:692
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:704
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:708
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:851
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:862
+msgid "Anytime"
+msgstr "En cualquier momento"
-#: ViewMessages.cpp:286
-msgid "Filtering messages..."
-msgstr "Filtrando mensajes..."
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:645
+msgid "100 MB"
+msgstr "100 MB"
-#: ViewMessages.cpp:494
-msgid "Show all messages"
-msgstr "Mostrar todos los mensajes"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:646
+msgid "200 MB"
+msgstr "200 MB"
-#: ViewMessages.cpp:495
-msgid "Show messages for all projects."
-msgstr "Mostar los mensajes de todos los proyectos."
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:647
+msgid "500 MB"
+msgstr "500 MB"
-#: ViewNotices.cpp:58 sg_DlgMessages.cpp:124
-msgid "Fetching notices; please wait..."
-msgstr "Buscando avisos; por favor espere..."
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:648
+msgid "1 GB"
+msgstr "1 GB"
-#: ViewNotices.cpp:65 sg_DlgMessages.cpp:132
-msgid "There are no notices at this time."
-msgstr "No hay avisos en este momento."
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:649
+msgid "2 GB"
+msgstr "2 GB"
-#: ViewNotices.cpp:99 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:776
-msgid "Notices"
-msgstr "Avisos"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:650
+msgid "5 GB"
+msgstr "5 GB"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:651
+msgid "10 GB"
+msgstr "10 GB"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:652
+msgid "20 GB"
+msgstr "20 GB"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:653
+msgid "50 GB"
+msgstr "50 GB"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:654
+msgid "100 GB"
+msgstr "100 GB"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:724
+#, c-format
+msgid "%d MB"
+msgstr "%d MB"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:726
+#, c-format
+msgid "%4.2f GB"
+msgstr "%4.2f GB"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:767
+#, c-format
+msgid "%d%%"
+msgstr "%d%%"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:803
+msgid "0 (Run Always)"
+msgstr "0 (Ejecutar siempre)"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:806
+#, c-format
+msgid "%d"
+msgstr "%d"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:953
+#, c-format
+msgid "%s - Computing Preferences"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:1033
+msgid "Do you really want to clear all local preferences?\n"
+msgstr "¿Realmente desea borrar todas las preferencias locales?"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:174 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:61
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:66
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:179
 msgid "Update"
 msgstr "Actualizar"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:175 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:62
-msgid ""
-"Report all completed tasks, get latest credit, get latest preferences, and "
-"possibly get more tasks."
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:67
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:180
+msgid "Report all completed tasks, get latest credit, get latest preferences, and possibly get more tasks."
 msgstr ""
 "Enviar todas las tareas completadas, actualizar los créditos, actualizar sus "
 "preferencias y posiblemente descargar más tareas."
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:181 ViewProjects.cpp:722 ViewWork.cpp:208 ViewWork.cpp:801
-#: sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:757 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:67
-#: sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:113 sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:66
-#: sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:106
-msgid "Suspend"
-msgstr "Suspender"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:182 ViewProjects.cpp:722 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:68
-#: sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:114
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:73
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:129
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:187
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:727
 msgid "Suspend tasks for this project."
 msgstr "Suspender las tareas de este proyecto."
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:188 ViewProjects.cpp:741 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:73
-#: sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:121
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:78
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:136
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:193
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:746
 msgid "No new tasks"
 msgstr "No pedir nuevas tareas"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:189 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:74
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:79
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:194
 msgid "Don't get new tasks for this project."
 msgstr "No pedir más tareas para este proyecto."
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:195 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:79
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:84
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:200
 msgid "Reset project"
 msgstr "Reiniciar proyecto"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:196 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:80
-msgid ""
-"Delete all files and tasks associated with this project, and get new tasks.  "
-"You can update the project first to report any completed tasks."
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:85
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:201
+msgid "Delete all files and tasks associated with this project, and get new tasks.  You can update the project first to report any completed tasks."
 msgstr ""
 "Borrar todos los archivos y tareas asociadas a este proyecto, y pedir nuevas "
 "tareas. Puede actualizar antes el proyecto para enviar cualquier tarea "
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:203 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:86
-msgid ""
-"Remove this project.  Tasks in progress will be lost (use 'Update' first to "
-"report any completed tasks)."
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:91
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:208
+msgid "Remove this project.  Tasks in progress will be lost (use 'Update' first to report any completed tasks)."
 msgstr ""
 "Eliminar este proyecto.   Las tareas en progreso se perderán (use "
 "'Actualizar' en primer lugar para informar las tareas completadas)."
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:209 ViewWork.cpp:222 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:91
-#: sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:78
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:96
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:84
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:214
 msgid "Properties"
 msgstr "Propiedades"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:210 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:92
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:97
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:215
 msgid "Show project details."
 msgstr "Mostrar los detalles del proyecto."
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:220 ViewStatistics.cpp:450
-msgid "Account"
-msgstr "Cuenta"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:222
-msgid "Work done"
-msgstr "Trabajo finalizado"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:223
-msgid "Avg. work done"
-msgstr "Promedio trabajo realizado"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:225 ViewTransfers.cpp:188 ViewWork.cpp:234
-msgid "Status"
-msgstr "Estado"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:250
-msgid "Projects"
-msgstr "Proyectos"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:302
-msgid "Updating project..."
-msgstr "Actualizando proyecto..."
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:344
-msgid "Resuming project..."
-msgstr "Reanudando proyecto..."
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:348
-msgid "Suspending project..."
-msgstr "Suspendiendo proyecto..."
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:126
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:723
+msgid "Resume tasks for this project."
+msgstr "Reanudar las tareas para este proyecto"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:385
-msgid "Telling project to allow additional task downloads..."
-msgstr "Solicitando al proyecto que permita la descarga de más tareas..."
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:133
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:742
+msgid "Allow new tasks"
+msgstr "Permitir nuevas tareas"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:389
-msgid "Telling project to not fetch any additional tasks..."
-msgstr "Solicitando al proyecto que no consiga más tareas..."
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:134
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:742
+msgid "Allow fetching new tasks for this project."
+msgstr "Permitir conseguir nuevas tareas para este proyecto."
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:425
-msgid "Resetting project..."
-msgstr "Reiniciando proyecto..."
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:137
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:746
+msgid "Don't fetch new tasks for this project."
+msgstr "No pedir más tareas para este proyecto."
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:438 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:214
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:229
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:443
 #, c-format
 msgid "Are you sure you want to reset project '%s'?"
 msgstr "¿Está seguro de que quiere reiniciar el proyecto '%s'?"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:444 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:220
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:235
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:449
 msgid "Reset Project"
 msgstr "Reiniciar Proyecto"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:483
-msgid "Removing project..."
-msgstr "Eliminando proyecto..."
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:496 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:251
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:266
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:501
 #, c-format
 msgid "Are you sure you want to remove project '%s'?"
 msgstr "¿Está seguro de que quiere eliminar el proyecto '%s'?"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:502 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:257
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:272
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:507
 msgid "Remove Project"
 msgstr "Eliminar Proyecto"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:543 ViewWork.cpp:599
-msgid "Launching browser..."
-msgstr "Lanzando navegador..."
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:718 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:111
-msgid "Resume tasks for this project."
-msgstr "Reanudar las tareas para este proyecto"
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:72
+msgid "Add Project"
+msgstr "Añadir proyecto"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:737 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:118
-msgid "Allow new tasks"
-msgstr "Permitir nuevas tareas"
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:73
+msgid "Synchronize"
+msgstr "Sincronizar"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:737 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:119
-msgid "Allow fetching new tasks for this project."
-msgstr "Permitir conseguir nuevas tareas para este proyecto."
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:74
+msgid "Work done for this project"
+msgstr "Trabajo realizado para este proyecto"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:741 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:122
-msgid "Don't fetch new tasks for this project."
-msgstr "No pedir más tareas para este proyecto."
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:77
+msgid "Synchronize projects with account manager system"
+msgstr "Sincronizar los proyectos con el sistema de administrador de cuentas"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1058
-msgid "Requested by user"
-msgstr "Pedido por el usuario"
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:124
+msgid "Select a project to access with the controls below"
+msgstr "Seleccione un proyecto al que acceder con los controles de abajo"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1059
-msgid "To fetch work"
-msgstr "Buscar trabajo"
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:145
+msgid "Project Web Pages"
+msgstr "Páginas Web del Proyecto"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1060
-msgid "To report completed tasks"
-msgstr "Informar las tareas completadas"
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:149
+msgid "Project Commands"
+msgstr "Comandos del Proyecto"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1061
-msgid "To send trickle-up message"
-msgstr "Enviar mensaje trickle-up"
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:276
+#, c-format
+#, c-format, fuzzy
+msgid "Pop up a menu of web sites for project %s"
+msgstr "Saca un menú de sitios web del proyecto %s"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1062
-msgid "Requested by account manager"
-msgstr "Pedido por el administrador de cuentas"
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:278
+#, c-format
+msgid "Pop up a menu of commands to apply to project %s"
+msgstr "Saca un menú de comandos a aplicar al proyecto %s"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1063
-msgid "Project initialization"
-msgstr "Iniciación del proyecto"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:66
+msgid "Show graphics"
+msgstr "Mostrar gráficos"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1064
-msgid "Requested by project"
-msgstr "Pedido por el proyecto"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:67
+msgid "Show application graphics in a window."
+msgstr "Mostrar los gráficos de la aplicación en una ventana."
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1065
-msgid "Unknown reason"
-msgstr "Razón desconocida"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:73
+msgid "Suspend this task."
+msgstr "Suspender esta tarea."
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1079
-msgid "Suspended by user"
-msgstr "Suspendido por el usuario"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:78
+msgid "Abort"
+msgstr "Cancelar"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1082
-msgid "Won't get new tasks"
-msgstr "No se descargarán nuevas tareas"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:79
+msgid "Abandon this task. You will get no credit for it."
+msgstr "Abandonar este tarea. No obtendrá crédito por ella."
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1085
-msgid "Project ended - OK to remove"
-msgstr "Proyecto finalizado - listo para eliminarlo"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:85
+msgid "Show task details."
+msgstr "Mostrar detalles de la tarea."
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1088
-msgid "Will remove when tasks done"
-msgstr "Se eliminará cuando las tareas estén terminadas"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:119
+msgid "Resume work for this task."
+msgstr "Reanudar el trabajo para esta tarea."
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1091
-msgid "Scheduler request pending"
-msgstr "Pendiente petición al Planificador"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:123
+msgid "Suspend work for this task."
+msgstr "Suspender el trabajo para esta tarea."
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1097
-msgid "Scheduler request in progress"
-msgstr "Petición al planificador en progreso"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:267
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Are you sure you want to abort this task '%s'?\n"
+"(Progress: %.1lf%%, Status: %s)"
+msgstr ""
+"¿Está seguro de querer cancelar la tarea '%s'?\n"
+"(Progreso: %.1lf%%, Estado: %s)"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1100
-msgid "Trickle up message pending"
-msgstr "Mensaje trickle up pendiente"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:272
+msgid "Abort task"
+msgstr "Cancelar tarea"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1106
-msgid "Communication deferred "
-msgstr "Comunicación aplazada "
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:468
+msgid "You don't have any projects.  Please Add a Project."
+msgstr "Usted no tiene ningún proyecto. Por favor únase a uno."
-#: ViewResources.cpp:62
-msgid "Total disk usage"
-msgstr "Total de disco utilizado"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:469
+msgid "Not available"
+msgstr "No disponible"
-#: ViewResources.cpp:83
-msgid "Disk usage by BOINC projects"
-msgstr "Disco utilizado por los proyectos BOINC"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:480
+msgid "Tasks:"
+msgstr "Tareas:"
-#: ViewResources.cpp:116
-msgid "Disk"
-msgstr "Disco"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:486
+msgid "Select a task to access"
+msgstr "Seleccione una tarea a la que acceder"
-#: ViewResources.cpp:249
-msgid "no projects: 0 bytes used"
-msgstr "sin proyectos: 0 bytes usados"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:497
+msgid "From:"
+msgstr "De:"
-#: ViewResources.cpp:286
-msgid "used by BOINC: "
-msgstr "utilizado por BOINC:  "
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:551
+msgid "This task's progress"
+msgstr "Progreso de esta tarea"
-#: ViewResources.cpp:296
-msgid "free, available to BOINC: "
-msgstr "libre, disponible para BOINC: "
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:569
+msgid "Task Commands"
+msgstr "Comandos de la Tarea"
-#: ViewResources.cpp:306
-msgid "free, not available to BOINC: "
-msgstr "libre, no disponible para BOINC: "
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:570
+msgid "Pop up a menu of commands to apply to this task"
+msgstr "Visualizar un menú de comandos aplicables a esta tarea"
-#: ViewResources.cpp:316
-msgid "free: "
-msgstr "libre: "
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:705
+#, c-format
+msgid "Application: %s"
+msgstr "Aplicación: %s"
-#: ViewResources.cpp:326
-msgid "used by other programs: "
-msgstr "utilizado por otros programas:  "
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:728
+#, c-format
+msgid "%.3f%%"
+msgstr "%.3f%%"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:1205
-msgid "User Total"
-msgstr "Total Usuario"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:736
+msgid "Application: Not available"
+msgstr "Aplicación: No disponible"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:1206
-msgid "User Average"
-msgstr "Promedio Usuario"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:836
+msgid "Not Available"
+msgstr "No Disponible"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:1207
-msgid "Host Total"
-msgstr "Total Ordenador"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:851
+#, c-format
+msgid "Elapsed: %s"
+msgstr "Transcurrido: %s"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:1208
-msgid "Host Average"
-msgstr "Promedio Ordenador"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:865
+#, c-format
+msgid "Remaining (estimated): %s"
+msgstr "Restante (estimado): %s"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:1355
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:880
 #, c-format
-msgid "Last update: %.0f days ago"
-msgstr "Última actualización: hace %.0f días"
+msgid "Status: %s"
+msgstr "Estado: %s"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:1982
-msgid "Show user total"
-msgstr "Mostrar totales del usuario"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1227
+msgid "Retrieving current status."
+msgstr "Recuperando estado actual."
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:1983
-msgid "Show total credit for user"
-msgstr "Muestra el crédito total del usuario"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1233
+msgid "Downloading work from the server."
+msgstr "Descargando trabajo del servidor."
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:1989
-msgid "Show user average"
-msgstr "Mostrar promedios del usuario"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1238
+msgid "Processing Suspended:  Running On Batteries."
+msgstr "Procesamiento Suspendido: Funcionando con Baterías."
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:1990
-msgid "Show average credit for user"
-msgstr "Muestra el crédito promedio del usuario"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1240
+msgid "Processing Suspended:  User Active."
+msgstr "Procesamiento Suspendido: Usuario Activo."
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:1996
-msgid "Show host total"
-msgstr "Mostrar totales del ordenador"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:1997
-msgid "Show total credit for host"
-msgstr "Muestra el crédito total del ordenador"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2003
-msgid "Show host average"
-msgstr "Mostrar promedios del ordenador"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1242
+msgid "Processing Suspended:  User paused processing."
+msgstr "Procesamiento Suspendido: Usuario suspendió actividad."
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2004
-msgid "Show average credit for host"
-msgstr "Muestra el crédito promedio del ordenador"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1244
+msgid "Processing Suspended:  Time of Day."
+msgstr "Procesamiento Suspendido: Hora del Día."
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2013
-msgid "< &Previous project"
-msgstr "< Proyecto &anterior"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1246
+msgid "Processing Suspended:  Benchmarks Running."
+msgstr "Procesamiento Suspendido: Ejecutando Pruebas Rendimiento."
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2014
-msgid "Show chart for previous project"
-msgstr "Muestra el gráfico del proyecto anterior"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1248
+msgid "Processing Suspended."
+msgstr "Procesamiento Suspendido."
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2019
-msgid "&Next project >"
-msgstr "&Siguiente proyecto >"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1252
+msgid "Waiting to contact project servers."
+msgstr "Esperando a contactar con los servidores del proyecto."
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2020
-msgid "Show chart for next project"
-msgstr "Muestra el gráfico del siguiente proyecto"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1256
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1265
+msgid "Retrieving current status"
+msgstr "Recuperando estado actual"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2026 ViewStatistics.cpp:2416
-msgid "Hide project list"
-msgstr "Ocultar la lista de proyectos"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1260
+msgid "No work available to process"
+msgstr "No hay trabajo disponible para procesar"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2027 ViewStatistics.cpp:2416
-msgid "Use entire area for graphs"
-msgstr "Usar todo el área para gráficos"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1262
+msgid "Unable to connect to the core client"
+msgstr "No se puede conectar al cliente núcleo"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2032
-msgid "Mode view"
-msgstr "Modo de presentación"
+#: clientgui/TermsOfUsePage.cpp:218
+msgid "Terms of Use"
+msgstr "Terminos de Uso"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2036
-msgid "One project"
-msgstr "Un proyecto"
+#: clientgui/TermsOfUsePage.cpp:222
+msgid "Please read the following terms of use:"
+msgstr "Por favor, lea los siguientes términos de uso:"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2037
-msgid "Show one chart with selected project"
-msgstr "Muestra un gráfico del proyecto seleccionado"
+#: clientgui/TermsOfUsePage.cpp:231
+msgid "I agree to the terms of use."
+msgstr "Acepto los términos de uso."
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2043
-msgid "All projects (separate)"
-msgstr "Todos los proyectos (separados)"
+#: clientgui/TermsOfUsePage.cpp:237
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "I do not agree to the terms of use."
+msgstr "No acepto los términos de uso:"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2044
-msgid "Show all projects, one chart per project"
-msgstr "Muestra todos los proyectos, un gráfico por proyecto"
+#: clientgui/UnavailablePage.cpp:183
+msgid "Project temporarily unavailable"
+msgstr "Proyecto temporalmente no disponible"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2050
-msgid "All projects (together)"
-msgstr "Todos los proyectos (juntos)"
+#: clientgui/UnavailablePage.cpp:186
+msgid ""
+"The project is temporarily unavailable.\n"
+"Please try again later."
+msgstr ""
+"El proyecto actualmente no está disponible.\n"
+"Por favor inténtelo más tarde."
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2051
-msgid "Show one chart with all projects"
-msgstr "Muestra un gráfico con todos los proyectos"
+#: clientgui/UnavailablePage.cpp:190
+msgid "Account manager temporarily unavailable"
+msgstr "Administrador de cuentas temporalmente no disponible"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2057
-msgid "All projects (sum)"
-msgstr "Todos los proyectos (suma)"
+#: clientgui/UnavailablePage.cpp:193
+msgid ""
+"The account manager is temporarily unavailable.\n"
+"Please try again later."
+msgstr ""
+"El administrador de cuentas no está actualmente disponible.\n"
+"Por favor inténtelo más tarde."
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2058
-msgid "Show one chart with sum of projects"
-msgstr "Muestra un gráfico con la suma de los proyectos"
+#: clientgui/ValidateAccountKey.cpp:68
+msgid "Please specify an account key to continue."
+msgstr "Por favor especifique una clave de cuenta para continuar."
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2079
-msgid "Statistics"
-msgstr "Estadísticas"
+#: clientgui/ValidateAccountKey.cpp:71
+msgid "Invalid Account Key; please enter a valid Account Key"
+msgstr "Clave de Cuenta inválida; por favor introduzca una clave válida"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2103 ViewStatistics.cpp:2124 ViewStatistics.cpp:2145
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2167 ViewStatistics.cpp:2188 ViewStatistics.cpp:2209
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2230 ViewStatistics.cpp:2251 ViewStatistics.cpp:2272
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2296
-msgid "Updating charts..."
-msgstr "Actualizando gráficas..."
+#: clientgui/ValidateAccountKey.cpp:82
+#: clientgui/ValidateEmailAddress.cpp:86
+msgid "Validation conflict"
+msgstr "Error de validación"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2420
-msgid "Show project list"
-msgstr "Mostrar la lista de proyectos"
+#: clientgui/ValidateEmailAddress.cpp:72
+msgid "Please specify an email address"
+msgstr "Por favor especifique una dirección de correo"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2420
-msgid "Uses smaller area for graphs"
-msgstr "Usar un área menor para gráficos"
+#: clientgui/ValidateEmailAddress.cpp:75
+msgid "Invalid email address; please enter a valid email address"
+msgstr "Dirección de correo inválida; por favor introduzca una dirección válida"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:164
-msgid "Retry Now"
-msgstr "Reintentar Ahora"
+#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:69
+msgid "Missing URL"
+msgstr "URL no introducida"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:165
-msgid "Retry the file transfer now"
-msgstr "Reintentar la transferencia del archivo ahora"
+#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:70
+msgid ""
+"Please specify a URL.\n"
+"For example:\n"
+msgstr ""
+"Por favor especifique una URL.\n"
+"Por ejemplo:\n"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:171
-msgid "Abort Transfer"
-msgstr "Abortar Transferencia"
+#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:83
+#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:87
+#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:91
+#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:103
+#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:107
+#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:110
+msgid "Invalid URL"
+msgstr "URL inválida"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:172
-msgid "Abort this file transfer.  You won't get credit for the task."
+#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:84
+#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:88
+#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:92
+msgid ""
+"Please specify a valid URL.\n"
+"For example:\n"
 msgstr ""
-"Abortar la transferencia de este archivo.   No obtendrá crédito por la "
+"Por favor especifique una URL válida.\n"
+"Por ejemplo:\n"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:183
-msgid "File"
-msgstr "Archivo"
+#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:104
+#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:108
+#, c-format
+msgid "'%s' does not contain a valid host name."
+msgstr "'%s' no contiene un nombre válido de ordenador."
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:184 ViewWork.cpp:233
-msgid "Progress"
-msgstr "Progreso"
+#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:111
+#, c-format
+msgid "'%s' does not contain a valid path."
+msgstr "'%s' no contiene una ruta válida."
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:185
-msgid "Size"
-msgstr "Tamaño"
+#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:84
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:175
+msgid "Commands"
+msgstr "Comandos"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:186
-msgid "Elapsed Time"
-msgstr "Tiempo transcurrido"
+#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:88
+msgid "Copy all messages"
+msgstr "Copiar todos los mensajes"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:187
-msgid "Speed"
-msgstr "Velocidad"
+#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:95
+msgid "Copy selected messages"
+msgstr "Copiar los mensajes seleccionados"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:213
-msgid "Transfers"
-msgstr "Transferencias"
+#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:106
+#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:502
+msgid "Show only this project"
+msgstr "Mostrar sólo este proyecto"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:280
-msgid "Network activity is suspended - "
-msgstr "La actividad de red está suspendida - "
+#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:107
+#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:503
+msgid "Show only the messages for the selected project."
+msgstr "Mostrar sólo los mensajes del proyecto seleccionado."
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:282
-msgid ""
-"You can enable it using the Activity menu."
-msgstr ""
-"Usted puede habilitarlo usando el menú Actividad."
+#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:164
+msgid "Messages"
+msgstr "Mensajes"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:285
-msgid "BOINC"
-msgstr "BOINC"
+#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:187
+msgid "Copying all messages to the clipboard..."
+msgstr "Copiando todos los mensajes al portapapeles..."
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:292
-msgid "Retrying transfer now..."
-msgstr "Reintentando transferencia ahora..."
+#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:223
+msgid "Copying selected messages to the clipboard..."
+msgstr "Copiando los mensajes seleccionados al portapapeles..."
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:330
-msgid "Aborting transfer..."
-msgstr "Cancelando la transferencia..."
+#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:286
+msgid "Filtering messages..."
+msgstr "Filtrando mensajes..."
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:343
-#, c-format
-msgid ""
-"Are you sure you want to abort this file transfer '%s'?\n"
-"NOTE: Aborting a transfer will invalidate a task and you\n"
-"will not receive credit for it."
-msgstr ""
-"¿Está seguro de que quiere abortar la transferencia de este fichero  '%s'?\n"
-"NOTA: Abortar una transferencia invalidará la tarea y usted\n"
-"no recibirá créditos por ella."
+#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:494
+msgid "Show all messages"
+msgstr "Mostrar todos los mensajes"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:349
-msgid "Abort File Transfer"
-msgstr "Cancelar Transferencia de Archivo"
+#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:495
+msgid "Show messages for all projects."
+msgstr "Mostar los mensajes de todos los proyectos."
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:780
-msgid "Upload"
-msgstr "Enviar"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:225
+msgid "Account"
+msgstr "Cuenta"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:780
-msgid "Download"
-msgstr "Descargar"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:227
+msgid "Work done"
+msgstr "Trabajo finalizado"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:784
-msgid "retry in "
-msgstr "reintentar en "
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:228
+msgid "Avg. work done"
+msgstr "Promedio trabajo realizado"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:786
-msgid "failed"
-msgstr "falló"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:230
+msgid "Status"
+msgstr "Estado"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:789
-msgid "suspended"
-msgstr "suspendido"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:255
+msgid "Projects"
+msgstr "Proyectos"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:794
-msgid "active"
-msgstr "activo"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:307
+msgid "Updating project..."
+msgstr "Actualizando proyecto..."
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:796
-msgid "pending"
-msgstr "pendiente"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:349
+msgid "Resuming project..."
+msgstr "Reanudando proyecto..."
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:803
-msgid " (project backoff: "
-msgstr "  (proyecto parado:_"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:353
+msgid "Suspending project..."
+msgstr "Suspendiendo proyecto..."
-#: ViewWork.cpp:187 ViewWork.cpp:777
-msgid "Show active tasks"
-msgstr "Mostrar tareas activas"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:390
+msgid "Telling project to allow additional task downloads..."
+msgstr "Solicitando al proyecto que permita la descarga de más tareas..."
-#: ViewWork.cpp:188 ViewWork.cpp:778
-msgid "Show only active tasks."
-msgstr "Mostrar sólo tareas activas."
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:394
+msgid "Telling project to not fetch any additional tasks..."
+msgstr "Solicitando al proyecto que no consiga más tareas..."
-#: ViewWork.cpp:194 sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:60
-msgid "Show graphics"
-msgstr "Mostrar gráficos"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:430
+msgid "Resetting project..."
+msgstr "Reiniciando proyecto..."
-#: ViewWork.cpp:195 sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:61
-msgid "Show application graphics in a window."
-msgstr "Mostrar los gráficos de la aplicación en una ventana."
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:488
+msgid "Removing project..."
+msgstr "Eliminando proyecto..."
-#: ViewWork.cpp:201
-msgid "Show VM Console"
-msgstr "Mostrar Consola VM"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:548
+msgid "Launching browser..."
+msgstr "Lanzando navegador..."
-#: ViewWork.cpp:202
-msgid "Show VM Console in a window."
-msgstr "Mostrar la Consola VM en una ventana."
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1063
+msgid "Requested by user"
+msgstr "Pedido por el usuario"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:209
-msgid "Suspend work for this result."
-msgstr "Suspender el trabajo para este resultado."
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1064
+msgid "To fetch work"
+msgstr "Buscar trabajo"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:215 sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:72
-msgid "Abort"
-msgstr "Cancelar"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1065
+msgid "To report completed tasks"
+msgstr "Informar las tareas completadas"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:216
-msgid "Abandon work on the result. You will get no credit for it."
-msgstr "Abandonar el trabajo con el resultado. No conseguirá crédito por él."
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1066
+msgid "To send trickle-up message"
+msgstr "Enviar mensaje trickle-up"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:223 sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:79
-msgid "Show task details."
-msgstr "Mostrar detalles de la tarea."
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1067
+msgid "Requested by account manager"
+msgstr "Pedido por el administrador de cuentas"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:235
-msgid "Elapsed"
-msgstr "Transcurrido"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1068
+msgid "Project initialization"
+msgstr "Iniciación del proyecto"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:236
-msgid "Remaining (estimated)"
-msgstr "Restante (estimado)"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1069
+msgid "Requested by project"
+msgstr "Pedido por el proyecto"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:237
-msgid "Deadline"
-msgstr "Límite para informar"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1070
+msgid "Unknown reason"
+msgstr "Razón desconocida"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:264
-msgid "Tasks"
-msgstr "Tareas"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1084
+msgid "Suspended by user"
+msgstr "Suspendido por el usuario"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:357
-msgid "Resuming task..."
-msgstr "Reanudando tareas..."
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1087
+msgid "Won't get new tasks"
+msgstr "No se descargarán nuevas tareas"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:360
-msgid "Suspending task..."
-msgstr "Suspendiendo tareas..."
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1090
+msgid "Project ended - OK to remove"
+msgstr "Proyecto finalizado - listo para eliminarlo"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:389
-msgid "Showing graphics for task..."
-msgstr "Mostrando gráficos para la tarea..."
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1093
+msgid "Will remove when tasks done"
+msgstr "Se eliminará cuando las tareas estén terminadas"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:426
-msgid "Showing VM console for task..."
-msgstr "Mostrando consola VM para la tarea..."
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1096
+msgid "Scheduler request pending"
+msgstr "Pendiente petición al Planificador"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:479
-#, c-format
-msgid ""
-"Are you sure you want to abort this task '%s'?\n"
-"(Progress: %s, Status: %s)"
-msgstr ""
-"¿Está seguro de querer cancelar esta tarea '%s'?\n"
-"(Progreso: %s, Estado: %s)"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1102
+msgid "Scheduler request in progress"
+msgstr "Petición al planificador en progreso"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:485
-#, c-format
-msgid "Are you sure you want to abort these %d tasks?"
-msgstr "¿Está seguro de querer abortar estas %d tareas?"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1105
+msgid "Trickle up message pending"
+msgstr "Mensaje trickle up pendiente"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:490 sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:256
-msgid "Abort task"
-msgstr "Cancelar tarea"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1111
+msgid "Communication deferred "
+msgstr "Comunicación aplazada "
-# 75%
-#: ViewWork.cpp:499
-msgid "Aborting task..."
-msgstr "Abortando tarea..."
+#: clientgui/ViewResources.cpp:62
+msgid "Total disk usage"
+msgstr "Total de disco utilizado"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:771
-msgid "Show all tasks"
-msgstr "Mostrar todas las tareas"
+#: clientgui/ViewResources.cpp:83
+msgid "Disk usage by BOINC projects"
+msgstr "Disco utilizado por los proyectos BOINC"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:772
-msgid "Show all tasks."
-msgstr "Mostrar todas las tareas."
+#: clientgui/ViewResources.cpp:116
+msgid "Disk"
+msgstr "Disco"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:796 sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:103
-msgid "Resume work for this task."
-msgstr "Reanudar el trabajo para esta tarea."
+#: clientgui/ViewResources.cpp:225
+msgid "no projects: 0 bytes used"
+msgstr "sin proyectos: 0 bytes usados"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:802 sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:107
-msgid "Suspend work for this task."
-msgstr "Suspender el trabajo para esta tarea."
+#: clientgui/ViewResources.cpp:262
+msgid "used by BOINC: "
+msgstr "utilizado por BOINC:  "
-#: WelcomePage.cpp:284
-msgid "Add project or account manager"
-msgstr "Añadir proyecto o administrador de cuentas"
+#: clientgui/ViewResources.cpp:272
+msgid "free, available to BOINC: "
+msgstr "libre, disponible para BOINC: "
-#: WelcomePage.cpp:288
-msgid "Add project or use BOINC Account Manager"
-msgstr "Añadir proyecto o usar Administrador de Cuentas BOINC"
+#: clientgui/ViewResources.cpp:282
+msgid "free, not available to BOINC: "
+msgstr "libre, no disponible para BOINC: "
-#: WelcomePage.cpp:297
-#, c-format
-msgid ""
-"If possible, add projects at the\n"
-"%s web site.\n"
-"Projects added via this wizard will not be\n"
-"listed on or managed via %s."
-msgstr ""
-"Si es posible, añada proyectos desde el\n"
-"sitio web de %s.\n"
-"Los proyectos que son añadidos a través de esta opción no serán\n"
-"listados o administrados a través de %s."
+#: clientgui/ViewResources.cpp:292
+msgid "free: "
+msgstr "libre: "
-#: WelcomePage.cpp:313
-msgid ""
-"There are over 30 BOINC-based projects\n"
-"doing research in many areas of science,\n"
-"and you can volunteer for as many of them as you like.\n"
-"You can add a project directly,\n"
-"or use an 'Account Manager' web site to select projects."
-msgstr ""
-"Hay más de 30 proyectos basados en BOINC\n"
-"investigando en muchas áreas de la ciencia,\n"
-"y usted puede ser voluntario en tantos de ellos como desee.\n"
-"Usted puede unirse a un proyecto directamente,\n"
-"o usar un sitio web 'Administrador de cuentas' para elegir los proyectos."
+#: clientgui/ViewResources.cpp:302
+msgid "used by other programs: "
+msgstr "utilizado por otros programas:  "
-#: WelcomePage.cpp:325
-msgid ""
-"You have chosen to add a new volunteer computing project or change which "
-"you contribute to.\n"
-"Some of these projects are run and managed by World Community Grid, while "
-"are run and managed by other researchers or organizations. The BOINC "
-"can divide your spare processing power among any combination of projects.\n"
-"Alternatively, if you have registered with a BOINC Account Manager, you can "
-"this to choose which projects to support.\n"
-"Please choose which type of change you would like to make:\n"
-msgstr ""
-"Usted ha elegido añadir un nuevo proyecto de computación voluntaria o "
-"cambiar los proyectos\n"
-"con los que contribuye.\n"
-"Algunos de estos proyectos son mantenidos y dirigidos por World Community "
-"Grid, mientras que otros\n"
-"son mantenidos y dirigidos por otros investigadores u organizaciones. El "
-"programa BOINC\n"
-"puede dividir la potencia de procesamiento libre entre cualquier combinación "
-"de proyectos.\n"
-"Alternativamente, si usted se ha registrado con un Administrador de Cuentas "
-"BOINC, usted puede usarlo\n"
-"para elegir qué proyectos apoyar.\n"
-"Por favor, elija qué tipo de cambio le gustaría hacer:\n"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1181
+msgid "User Total"
+msgstr "Total Usuario"
-#: WelcomePage.cpp:339
-msgid "Use a BOINC Account Manager"
-msgstr "Usar un Administrador de Cuentas BOINC"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1182
+msgid "User Average"
+msgstr "Promedio Usuario"
-#: WelcomePage.cpp:352
-msgid "To continue, click Next."
-msgstr "Para continuar, haga clic en Siguiente."
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1183
+msgid "Host Total"
+msgstr "Total Ordenador"
-#: WelcomePage.cpp:358
-msgid "Add or change your World Community Grid projects"
-msgstr "Añadir o cambiar sus proyectos de World Community Grid"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1184
+msgid "Host Average"
+msgstr "Promedio Ordenador"
-#: WelcomePage.cpp:361
-msgid "Add projects run by other researchers or organizations"
-msgstr "Agregar proyectos dirigidos por otros investigadores u organizaciones"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1331
+#, c-format
+msgid "Last update: %.0f days ago"
+msgstr "Última actualización: hace %.0f días"
-#: WizardAttach.cpp:634
-msgid "Do you really want to cancel?"
-msgstr "¿Realmente desea cancelar?"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1956
+msgid "Show user total"
+msgstr "Mostrar totales del usuario"
-#: WizardAttach.cpp:635
-msgid "Question"
-msgstr "Pregunta"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1957
+msgid "Show total credit for user"
+msgstr "Muestra el crédito total del usuario"
-#: sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:149
-msgid "Advanced View...\tCtrl+Shift+A"
-msgstr "Vista Avanzada\tCtrl+Shift+A"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1963
+msgid "Show user average"
+msgstr "Mostrar promedios del usuario"
-#: sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:150
-msgid "Display the advanced graphical interface."
-msgstr "Muestra la interfaz gráfica avanzada."
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1964
+msgid "Show average credit for user"
+msgstr "Muestra el crédito promedio del usuario"
-#: sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:157
-msgid "Skin"
-msgstr "Piel"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1970
+msgid "Show host total"
+msgstr "Mostrar totales del ordenador"
-#: sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:159
-msgid "Select the appearance of the user interface."
-msgstr "Seleccione el aspecto de la interfaz de usuario."
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1971
+msgid "Show total credit for host"
+msgstr "Muestra el crédito total del ordenador"
-#: sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:206
-#, c-format
-msgid "&%s"
-msgstr "&%s"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1977
+msgid "Show host average"
+msgstr "Mostrar promedios del ordenador"
-#: sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:390
-msgid "Default"
-msgstr "Predeterminado"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1978
+msgid "Show average credit for host"
+msgstr "Muestra el crédito promedio del ordenador"
-#: sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:759
-msgid "Suspend Computing"
-msgstr "Suspender la Computación"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1987
+msgid "< &Previous project"
+msgstr "< Proyecto &anterior"
-#: sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:760
-msgid "Resume Computing"
-msgstr "Reanudar la Computación"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1988
+msgid "Show chart for previous project"
+msgstr "Muestra el gráfico del proyecto anterior"
-#: sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:777
-msgid "Open a window to view notices from projects or BOINC"
-msgstr "Abrir una ventana para ver avisos de los proyectos o de BOINC"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1993
+msgid "&Next project >"
+msgstr "&Siguiente proyecto >"
-#: sg_DlgMessages.cpp:146
-msgid "Close"
-msgstr "Cerrar"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1994
+msgid "Show chart for next project"
+msgstr "Muestra el gráfico del siguiente proyecto"
-#: sg_DlgMessages.cpp:389
-#, c-format
-msgid "%s - Notices"
-msgstr "%s - Avisos"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2000
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2390
+msgid "Hide project list"
+msgstr "Ocultar la lista de proyectos"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:268
-msgid "This dialog controls preferences for this computer only."
-msgstr "Este diálogo contola las preferencias de este ordenador solamente."
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2001
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2390
+msgid "Use entire area for graphs"
+msgstr "Usar todo el área para gráficos"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:273
-msgid "Click OK to set preferences."
-msgstr "Pulse Aceptar para establecer las preferencias."
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2006
+msgid "Mode view"
+msgstr "Modo de presentación"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:278
-msgid ""
-"Click Clear to restore web-based settings for all preferences listed below."
-msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2010
+msgid "One project"
+msgstr "Un proyecto"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:285
-#, fuzzy
-msgid ""
-"For additional settings, select Computing Preferences in the Advanced View."
-msgstr "Para ajustes adicionales, seleccione Preferencias de Computación en"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2011
+msgid "Show one chart with selected project"
+msgstr "Muestra un gráfico del proyecto seleccionado"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:313
-msgid "Do work only between:"
-msgstr "Trabajar sólo entre:"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2017
+msgid "All projects (separate)"
+msgstr "Todos los proyectos (separados)"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:335
-msgid "Connect to internet only between:"
-msgstr "Conectar a Internet sólo entre:"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2018
+msgid "Show all projects, one chart per project"
+msgstr "Muestra todos los proyectos, un gráfico por proyecto"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:357 sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:374
-msgid "Use no more than:"
-msgstr "No usar más de:"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2024
+msgid "All projects (together)"
+msgstr "Todos los proyectos (juntos)"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:370
-msgid "of disk space"
-msgstr "de espacio en disco"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2025
+msgid "Show one chart with all projects"
+msgstr "Muestra un gráfico con todos los proyectos"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:387
-msgid "of the processor"
-msgstr "del procesador"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2031
+msgid "All projects (sum)"
+msgstr "Todos los proyectos (suma)"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:391
-msgid "Do work while on battery?"
-msgstr "¿Trabajar cuando use baterías?"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2032
+msgid "Show one chart with sum of projects"
+msgstr "Muestra un gráfico con la suma de los proyectos"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:404
-msgid "Do work after idle for:"
-msgstr "Trabajar después de estar inactivo durante:"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2053
+msgid "Statistics"
+msgstr "Estadísticas"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:429
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Clear all local preferences listed above and close the dialog"
-msgstr "restaurar todas las preferencias locales y cerrar la ventana"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2077
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2098
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2119
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2141
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2162
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2183
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2204
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2225
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2246
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2270
+msgid "Updating charts..."
+msgstr "Actualizando gráficas..."
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:602 sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:605
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:681 sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:685
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:697 sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:701
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:844 sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:855
-msgid "Anytime"
-msgstr "En cualquier momento"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2394
+msgid "Show project list"
+msgstr "Mostrar la lista de proyectos"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:638
-msgid "100 MB"
-msgstr "100 MB"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2394
+msgid "Uses smaller area for graphs"
+msgstr "Usar un área menor para gráficos"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:639
-msgid "200 MB"
-msgstr "200 MB"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:169
+msgid "Retry Now"
+msgstr "Reintentar Ahora"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:640
-msgid "500 MB"
-msgstr "500 MB"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:170
+msgid "Retry the file transfer now"
+msgstr "Reintentar la transferencia del archivo ahora"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:641
-msgid "1 GB"
-msgstr "1 GB"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:176
+msgid "Abort Transfer"
+msgstr "Abortar Transferencia"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:642
-msgid "2 GB"
-msgstr "2 GB"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:177
+msgid "Abort this file transfer.  You won't get credit for the task."
+msgstr ""
+"Abortar la transferencia de este archivo.   No obtendrá crédito por la "
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:643
-msgid "5 GB"
-msgstr "5 GB"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:188
+msgid "File"
+msgstr "Archivo"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:644
-msgid "10 GB"
-msgstr "10 GB"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:189
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:238
+msgid "Progress"
+msgstr "Progreso"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:645
-msgid "20 GB"
-msgstr "20 GB"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:190
+msgid "Size"
+msgstr "Tamaño"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:646
-msgid "50 GB"
-msgstr "50 GB"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:191
+msgid "Elapsed Time"
+msgstr "Tiempo transcurrido"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:647
-msgid "100 GB"
-msgstr "100 GB"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:192
+msgid "Speed"
+msgstr "Velocidad"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:717
-#, c-format
-msgid "%d MB"
-msgstr "%d MB"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:218
+msgid "Transfers"
+msgstr "Transferencias"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:719
-#, c-format
-msgid "%4.2f GB"
-msgstr "%4.2f GB"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:285
+msgid "Network activity is suspended - "
+msgstr "La actividad de red está suspendida - "
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:760
-#, c-format
-msgid "%d%%"
-msgstr "%d%%"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:287
+msgid ""
+"You can enable it using the Activity menu."
+msgstr ""
+"Usted puede habilitarlo usando el menú Actividad."
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:796
-msgid "0 (Run Always)"
-msgstr "0 (Ejecutar siempre)"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:290
+msgid "BOINC"
+msgstr "BOINC"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:799
-#, c-format
-msgid "%d"
-msgstr "%d"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:297
+msgid "Retrying transfer now..."
+msgstr "Reintentando transferencia ahora..."
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:1029
-msgid "Do you really want to clear all local preferences?\n"
-msgstr "¿Realmente desea borrar todas las preferencias locales?"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:335
+msgid "Aborting transfer..."
+msgstr "Cancelando la transferencia..."
-#: sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:72
-msgid "Add Project"
-msgstr "Añadir proyecto"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:348
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Are you sure you want to abort this file transfer '%s'?\n"
+"NOTE: Aborting a transfer will invalidate a task and you\n"
+"will not receive credit for it."
+msgstr ""
+"¿Está seguro de que quiere abortar la transferencia de este fichero  '%s'?\n"
+"NOTA: Abortar una transferencia invalidará la tarea y usted\n"
+"no recibirá créditos por ella."
-#: sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:73
-msgid "Synchronize"
-msgstr "Sincronizar"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:354
+msgid "Abort File Transfer"
+msgstr "Cancelar Transferencia de Archivo"
-#: sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:74
-msgid "Work done for this project"
-msgstr "Trabajo realizado para este proyecto"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:785
+msgid "Upload"
+msgstr "Enviar"
-#: sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:77
-msgid "Synchronize projects with account manager system"
-msgstr "Sincronizar los proyectos con el sistema de administrador de cuentas"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:785
+msgid "Download"
+msgstr "Descargar"
-#: sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:124
-msgid "Select a project to access with the controls below"
-msgstr "Seleccione un proyecto al que acceder con los controles de abajo"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:789
+msgid "retry in "
+msgstr "reintentar en "
-#: sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:145
-msgid "Project Web Pages"
-msgstr "Páginas Web del Proyecto"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:791
+msgid "failed"
+msgstr "falló"
-#: sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:149
-msgid "Project Commands"
-msgstr "Comandos del Proyecto"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:794
+msgid "suspended"
+msgstr "suspendido"
-#: sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:267
-#, c-format
-#, c-format, fuzzy
-msgid "Pop up a menu of web sites for project %s"
-msgstr "Saca un menú de sitios web del proyecto %s"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:799
+msgid "active"
+msgstr "activo"
-#: sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:269
-#, c-format
-msgid "Pop up a menu of commands to apply to project %s"
-msgstr "Saca un menú de comandos a aplicar al proyecto %s"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:801
+msgid "pending"
+msgstr "pendiente"
-#: sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:67
-msgid "Suspend this task."
-msgstr "Suspender esta tarea."
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:808
+msgid " (project backoff: "
+msgstr "  (proyecto parado:_"
-#: sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:73
-msgid "Abandon this task. You will get no credit for it."
-msgstr "Abandonar este tarea. No obtendrá crédito por ella."
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:192
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:782
+msgid "Show active tasks"
+msgstr "Mostrar tareas activas"
-#: sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:251
-#, c-format
-msgid ""
-"Are you sure you want to abort this task '%s'?\n"
-"(Progress: %.1lf%%, Status: %s)"
-msgstr ""
-"¿Está seguro de querer cancelar la tarea '%s'?\n"
-"(Progreso: %.1lf%%, Estado: %s)"
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:193
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:783
+msgid "Show only active tasks."
+msgstr "Mostrar sólo tareas activas."
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:464
-msgid "You don't have any projects.  Please Add a Project."
-msgstr "Usted no tiene ningún proyecto. Por favor únase a uno."
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:206
+msgid "Show VM Console"
+msgstr "Mostrar Consola VM"
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:465
-msgid "Not available"
-msgstr "No disponible"
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:207
+msgid "Show VM Console in a window."
+msgstr "Mostrar la Consola VM en una ventana."
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:476
-msgid "Tasks:"
-msgstr "Tareas:"
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:214
+msgid "Suspend work for this result."
+msgstr "Suspender el trabajo para este resultado."
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:482
-msgid "Select a task to access"
-msgstr "Seleccione una tarea a la que acceder"
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:221
+msgid "Abandon work on the result. You will get no credit for it."
+msgstr "Abandonar el trabajo con el resultado. No conseguirá crédito por él."
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:493
-msgid "From:"
-msgstr "De:"
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:240
+msgid "Elapsed"
+msgstr "Transcurrido"
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:547
-msgid "This task's progress"
-msgstr "Progreso de esta tarea"
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:241
+msgid "Remaining (estimated)"
+msgstr "Restante (estimado)"
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:565
-msgid "Task Commands"
-msgstr "Comandos de la Tarea"
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:242
+msgid "Deadline"
+msgstr "Límite para informar"
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:566
-msgid "Pop up a menu of commands to apply to this task"
-msgstr "Visualizar un menú de comandos aplicables a esta tarea"
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:269
+msgid "Tasks"
+msgstr "Tareas"
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:701
-#, c-format
-msgid "Application: %s"
-msgstr "Aplicación: %s"
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:362
+msgid "Resuming task..."
+msgstr "Reanudando tareas..."
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:724
-#, c-format
-msgid "%.3f%%"
-msgstr "%.3f%%"
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:365
+msgid "Suspending task..."
+msgstr "Suspendiendo tareas..."
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:732
-msgid "Application: Not available"
-msgstr "Aplicación: No disponible"
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:394
+msgid "Showing graphics for task..."
+msgstr "Mostrando gráficos para la tarea..."
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:832
-msgid "Not Available"
-msgstr "No Disponible"
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:431
+msgid "Showing VM console for task..."
+msgstr "Mostrando consola VM para la tarea..."
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:847
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:484
 #, c-format
-msgid "Elapsed: %s"
-msgstr "Transcurrido: %s"
+msgid ""
+"Are you sure you want to abort this task '%s'?\n"
+"(Progress: %s, Status: %s)"
+msgstr ""
+"¿Está seguro de querer cancelar esta tarea '%s'?\n"
+"(Progreso: %s, Estado: %s)"
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:861
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:490
 #, c-format
-msgid "Remaining (estimated): %s"
-msgstr "Restante (estimado): %s"
+msgid "Are you sure you want to abort these %d tasks?"
+msgstr "¿Está seguro de querer abortar estas %d tareas?"
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:876
-#, c-format
-msgid "Status: %s"
-msgstr "Estado: %s"
+# 75%
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:504
+msgid "Aborting task..."
+msgstr "Abortando tarea..."
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1223
-msgid "Retrieving current status."
-msgstr "Recuperando estado actual."
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:776
+msgid "Show all tasks"
+msgstr "Mostrar todas las tareas"
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1229
-msgid "Downloading work from the server."
-msgstr "Descargando trabajo del servidor."
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:777
+msgid "Show all tasks."
+msgstr "Mostrar todas las tareas."
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1234
-msgid "Processing Suspended:  Running On Batteries."
-msgstr "Procesamiento Suspendido: Funcionando con Baterías."
+#: clientgui/WelcomePage.cpp:284
+msgid "Add project or account manager"
+msgstr "Añadir proyecto o administrador de cuentas"
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1236
-msgid "Processing Suspended:  User Active."
-msgstr "Procesamiento Suspendido: Usuario Activo."
+#: clientgui/WelcomePage.cpp:288
+msgid "Add project or use BOINC Account Manager"
+msgstr "Añadir proyecto o usar Administrador de Cuentas BOINC"
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1238
-msgid "Processing Suspended:  User paused processing."
-msgstr "Procesamiento Suspendido: Usuario suspendió actividad."
+#: clientgui/WelcomePage.cpp:297
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"If possible, add projects at the\n"
+"%s web site.\n"
+"Projects added via this wizard will not be\n"
+"listed on or managed via %s."
+msgstr ""
+"Si es posible, añada proyectos desde el\n"
+"sitio web de %s.\n"
+"Los proyectos que son añadidos a través de esta opción no serán\n"
+"listados o administrados a través de %s."
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1240
-msgid "Processing Suspended:  Time of Day."
-msgstr "Procesamiento Suspendido: Hora del Día."
+#: clientgui/WelcomePage.cpp:313
+msgid ""
+"There are over 30 BOINC-based projects\n"
+"doing research in many areas of science,\n"
+"and you can volunteer for as many of them as you like.\n"
+"You can add a project directly,\n"
+"or use an 'Account Manager' web site to select projects."
+msgstr ""
+"Hay más de 30 proyectos basados en BOINC\n"
+"investigando en muchas áreas de la ciencia,\n"
+"y usted puede ser voluntario en tantos de ellos como desee.\n"
+"Usted puede unirse a un proyecto directamente,\n"
+"o usar un sitio web 'Administrador de cuentas' para elegir los proyectos."
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1242
-msgid "Processing Suspended:  Benchmarks Running."
-msgstr "Procesamiento Suspendido: Ejecutando Pruebas Rendimiento."
+#: clientgui/WelcomePage.cpp:325
+msgid ""
+"You have chosen to add a new volunteer computing project or change which projects\n"
+"you contribute to.\n"
+"Some of these projects are run and managed by World Community Grid, while others\n"
+"are run and managed by other researchers or organizations. The BOINC software\n"
+"can divide your spare processing power among any combination of projects.\n"
+"Alternatively, if you have registered with a BOINC Account Manager, you can use\n"
+"this to choose which projects to support.\n"
+"Please choose which type of change you would like to make:\n"
+msgstr ""
+"Usted ha elegido añadir un nuevo proyecto de computación voluntaria o "
+"cambiar los proyectos\n"
+"con los que contribuye.\n"
+"Algunos de estos proyectos son mantenidos y dirigidos por World Community "
+"Grid, mientras que otros\n"
+"son mantenidos y dirigidos por otros investigadores u organizaciones. El "
+"programa BOINC\n"
+"puede dividir la potencia de procesamiento libre entre cualquier combinación "
+"de proyectos.\n"
+"Alternativamente, si usted se ha registrado con un Administrador de Cuentas "
+"BOINC, usted puede usarlo\n"
+"para elegir qué proyectos apoyar.\n"
+"Por favor, elija qué tipo de cambio le gustaría hacer:\n"
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1244
-msgid "Processing Suspended."
-msgstr "Procesamiento Suspendido."
+#: clientgui/WelcomePage.cpp:339
+msgid "Use a BOINC Account Manager"
+msgstr "Usar un Administrador de Cuentas BOINC"
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1248
-msgid "Waiting to contact project servers."
-msgstr "Esperando a contactar con los servidores del proyecto."
+#: clientgui/WelcomePage.cpp:358
+msgid "Add or change your World Community Grid projects"
+msgstr "Añadir o cambiar sus proyectos de World Community Grid"
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1252 sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1261
-msgid "Retrieving current status"
-msgstr "Recuperando estado actual"
+#: clientgui/WelcomePage.cpp:361
+msgid "Add projects run by other researchers or organizations"
+msgstr "Agregar proyectos dirigidos por otros investigadores u organizaciones"
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1256
-msgid "No work available to process"
-msgstr "No hay trabajo disponible para procesar"
+#: clientgui/WizardAttach.cpp:673
+msgid "Do you really want to cancel?"
+msgstr "¿Realmente desea cancelar?"
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1258
-msgid "Unable to connect to the core client"
-msgstr "No se puede conectar al cliente núcleo"
+#: clientgui/WizardAttach.cpp:674
+msgid "Question"
+msgstr "Pregunta"
-#: wizardex.cpp:377 wizardex.cpp:553
+#: clientgui/wizardex.cpp:377
+#: clientgui/wizardex.cpp:553
 msgid "&Next >"
 msgstr "&Siguiente >"
-#: wizardex.cpp:383
+#: clientgui/wizardex.cpp:383
 msgid "< &Back"
 msgstr "< &Anterior"
-#: wizardex.cpp:553
+#: clientgui/wizardex.cpp:553
 msgid "&Finish"
 msgstr "&Finalizar"
-#: mac/Mac_GUI.cpp:110
-msgid "Preferences…"
-msgstr "Preferencias..."
+#: clientgui/common/wxPieCtrl.cpp:64
+msgid "Pie Ctrl"
+msgstr "Control de Gráficas"
-#: mac/Mac_GUI.cpp:122
+#: clientgui/mac/Mac_GUI.cpp:35
 msgid "Services"
 msgstr "Servicios"
-#: mac/Mac_GUI.cpp:144
+#: clientgui/mac/Mac_GUI.cpp:36
 #, c-format
 msgid "Hide %s"
 msgstr "Ocultar %s"
-#: mac/Mac_GUI.cpp:158
+#: clientgui/mac/Mac_GUI.cpp:37
 msgid "Hide Others"
 msgstr "Ocultar los Otros"
-#: mac/Mac_GUI.cpp:172
+#: clientgui/mac/Mac_GUI.cpp:38
 msgid "Show All"
 msgstr "Mostrar Todo"
-#: mac/Mac_GUI.cpp:186
+#: clientgui/mac/Mac_GUI.cpp:39
 #, c-format
 msgid "Quit %s"
 msgstr "Cerrar %s"
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.h:30
+msgid "specify work start and stop hours in format HH:MM-HH:MM"
+msgstr ""
+"especificar horas de comienzo y final del trabajo en el formato HH:MM-HH:MM"
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.h:31
+msgid "specify network usage start and stop hours in format HH:MM-HH:MM"
+msgstr ""
+"especificar horas de comienzo y final de uso de la red en el formato HH:MM-"
+# 98%
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "(C) 2003-2013 University of California, Berkeley.\n"
+#~ "All Rights Reserved."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "(C) 2003-2013 Universidad de California, Berkeley.\n"
+#~ "Reservados Todos los Derechos."
+#, c-format
+#~ msgid "%s - Preferences"
+#~ msgstr "%s - Preferencias"
+#, no-c-format
+#~ msgid "% CPU time"
+#~ msgstr "% del tiempo de la CPU"
+#~ msgid "KBytes/sec."
+#~ msgstr "KB/s"
+#~ msgid "Mbytes"
+#~ msgstr "Mbytes"
+#~ msgid "every"
+#~ msgstr "cada"
+#~ msgid "days"
+#~ msgstr "días"
+#~ msgid "Gigabytes disk space"
+#~ msgstr "gigabytes de espacio en disco"
+#~ msgid "Running, high priority"
+#~ msgstr "Ejecutando, alta prioridad"
+#~ msgid " (Scheduler wait: "
+#~ msgstr "  (Planificador en espera: "
+#~ msgid " (Scheduler wait)"
+#~ msgstr "  (Planificador en espera)"
+#~ msgid " (Waiting for network access)"
+#~ msgstr " (Esperando acceso a la red)"
+#~ msgid "Preferences…"
+#~ msgstr "Preferencias..."
 #~ msgid "I do not agree with the terms of use."
 #~ msgstr "No acepto los términos de uso:"
@@ -4289,18 +4507,6 @@ msgstr "Cerrar %s"
 #~ msgid "OnDropTarget: index by HitTest = %i"
 #~ msgstr "AlSoltarObjetivo: índice por HitTest = %i"
-#~ msgid "Pie Ctrl"
-#~ msgstr "Control de Gráficas"
-#~ msgid "specify work start and stop hours in format HH:MM-HH:MM"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "especificar horas de comienzo y final del trabajo en el formato HH:MM-HH:MM"
-#~ msgid "specify network usage start and stop hours in format HH:MM-HH:MM"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "especificar horas de comienzo y final de uso de la red en el formato HH:MM-"
-#~ "HH:MM"
 #~ msgid "Identify your account "
 #~ msgstr "Identifique su cuenta "
diff --git a/locale/es/BOINC-Web.po b/locale/es/BOINC-Web.po
index f00e466..57dbd7f 100644
--- a/locale/es/BOINC-Web.po
+++ b/locale/es/BOINC-Web.po
@@ -7,8 +7,8 @@ msgstr ""
 "Project-Id-Version: \n"
 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: BOINC translation team <boinc_loc at ssl.berkeley.edu>\n"
 "POT-Creation-Date: 2014-02-01 00:00 PST\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-08-29 18:47+0000\n"
-"Last-Translator: David M <davidcomp2 at telefonica dot net>\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2014-12-15 21:25+0000\n"
+"Last-Translator: Anonymous Pootle User\n"
 "Language-Team: \n"
 "Language: es\n"
 "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ msgstr ""
 "X-BOINC-UTF8-Marker: 简体中文, 日本語\n"
 "X-Poedit-SearchPath-0: doc\n"
 "X-Poedit-Basepath: C:\\Src\\BOINCSVN\\trunk\\boinc\n"
-"X-POOTLE-MTIME: 1377802038.0\n"
+"X-POOTLE-MTIME: 1418678709.0\n"
 "X-Poedit-KeywordsList: tra\n"
 #: docutil.php:21
@@ -41,29 +41,31 @@ msgid ""
 "We recommend that you also install VirtualBox, so your computer can work on "
 "science projects that require it."
 msgstr ""
+"Le recomendamos que instale también VirtualBox, para que su computador pueda "
+"trabajar para los proyectos científicos que lo requieren."
 #: download.php:41
 msgid "Learn more about VirtualBox."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Saber más sobre VirtualBox."
 #: download.php:51
 msgid "Download BOINC + VirtualBox"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Bajar BOINC y VirtualBox"
 #: download.php:54 download.php:69
 #, php-format
 msgid "for %s"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "para %s"
 #: download.php:57 download.php:72
 #, php-format
 msgid "BOINC version %s"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Versión %s de BOINC"
 #: download.php:59
 #, php-format
 msgid "VirtualBox version %s"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Versión %s de VirtualBox"
 # #######################################
 # download.php
@@ -82,12 +84,17 @@ msgid ""
 "projects like SETI at home, Climateprediction.net, Rosetta at home, World "
 "Community Grid, and many others."
 msgstr ""
+"BOINC es un programa que le permite donar el tiempo en que su computador "
+"está inactivo a proyectos científicos como SETI at home, Climateprediction.net, "
+"Rosetta at home, World Community Grid y muchos otros."
 #: download.php:125
 msgid ""
 "After installing BOINC on your computer, you can connect it to as many of "
 "these projects as you like."
 msgstr ""
+"Después de instalar BOINC en su computador, puede conectarlo con tantos "
+"proyectos como quiera."
 #: download.php:127
 msgid ""
@@ -102,6 +109,8 @@ msgid ""
 "We recommend that you download BOINC from the Google Play Store or Amazon "
 "Appstore, not from here."
 msgstr ""
+"Le recomendamos que descargue BOINC de Google Play o Amazon Appstore, no de "
 #: download.php:167
 msgid "System requirements"
@@ -125,7 +134,7 @@ msgstr "Historial de las versiones"
 #: download.php:172
 msgid "GPU computing"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Computación con GPU"
 #: download.php:190
 msgid "BOINC: compute for science"
@@ -242,9 +251,8 @@ msgstr "de media en 24 horas:"
 # 80%
 #: index.php:56
-#, fuzzy
 msgid "PetaFLOPS."
-msgstr "TeraFLOPS."
+msgstr "PetaFLOPS."
 #: index.php:68
 msgid "News"
@@ -271,11 +279,11 @@ msgstr "Documentación"
 #: index.php:88
 msgid "Add-ons"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Complementos"
 #: index.php:89
 msgid "Links"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Enlaces"
 #: index.php:94
 msgid ""
@@ -283,18 +291,22 @@ msgid ""
 "diseases, study global warming, discover pulsars, and do many other types of "
 "scientific research.  It's safe, secure, and easy:"
 msgstr ""
+"Use el tiempo en que su computador está inactivo (Windows, Mac, Linux o "
+"Android) para curar enfermedades, estudiar el calentamiento global, "
+"descubrir púlsares y muchos otros tipos de investigaciones científicas. Es "
+"seguro y fácil:"
 #: index.php:96
 msgid "Choose projects"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Elija proyectos"
 #: index.php:97
 msgid "Download BOINC software"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Descargue los programas BOINC"
 #: index.php:98
 msgid "Enter an email address and password."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Escriba una dirección de email y una contraseña."
 #: index.php:102
 #, php-format
@@ -413,7 +425,7 @@ msgstr "BOINC está emplazado en la Universidad de California, Berkeley"
 #: projects.inc:14
 msgid "Distributed sensing"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Sensores distribuidos"
 # 78%
 #: projects.inc:19
@@ -422,7 +434,7 @@ msgstr "Universidad de Stanford"
 #: projects.inc:20
 msgid "Seismology"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Sismología"
 #: projects.inc:21
 msgid ""
@@ -430,14 +442,17 @@ msgid ""
 "using sensors attached to Internet-connected computers.  You must buy a "
 "sensor to participate."
 msgstr ""
+"La Quake-Catcher Network está desarrollando la mayor red sísmica del mundo "
+"usando computadores con sensores conectados con Internet. Tiene que comprar "
+"un sensor para participar."
 #: projects.inc:27
 msgid "BOINC Poland Foundation"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Fundación BOINC Polonia"
 #: projects.inc:28
 msgid "Environmental research"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Investigación medioambiental"
 #: projects.inc:29
 msgid ""
@@ -445,12 +460,17 @@ msgid ""
 "levels by using sensors connected to volunteers' computers.  You must buy a "
 "sensor to participate."
 msgstr ""
+"Este proyecto está creando un mapa de niveles de radiación libre y "
+"actualizado continuamente usando sensores conectados con los computadores de "
+"los voluntarios. Tiene que comprar un sensor para participar."
 #: projects.inc:33
 msgid ""
 "To participate in these projects you must buy a sensor and attach it to your "
 msgstr ""
+"Para participar en estos proyectos tiene que comprar un sensor y conectarlo "
+"con su computador."
 #: projects.inc:37
 msgid "Cognitive science and artifical intelligence"
@@ -483,11 +503,11 @@ msgstr "Biología y Medicina"
 #: projects.inc:82
 msgid "University College Dublin"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Colegio Universitario de Dublín"
 #: projects.inc:83
 msgid "Antimalarial drug discovery"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Descubrimiento de medicamentos antimalaria"
 #: projects.inc:84
 msgid ""
@@ -497,6 +517,12 @@ msgid ""
 "the parasite. The FightMalaria at Home project is aimed at finding these new "
 msgstr ""
+"El parásito que causa la malaria sigue desarrollando resistencia a la "
+"medicación disponible. Por tanto, necesitamos urgentemente descubrir "
+"medicamentos nuevos para reemplazar a los existentes. Y lo más importante, "
+"estos medicamentos deben estar dirigidos a proteínas del parásito NUEVAS. El "
+"objetivo del proyecto FightMalaria at Home es encontrar estas proteínas "
 #: projects.inc:90
 msgid "University of Karlsruhe (Germany)"
@@ -704,17 +730,19 @@ msgstr ""
 #: projects.inc:207
 msgid "Physical Science"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Ciencias físicas"
 #: projects.inc:213
 msgid "Mechanical engineering"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Ingeniería mecánica"
 #: projects.inc:214
 msgid ""
 "Currently we are calculating the optimum design of a structure call the 52 "
 "bar truss"
 msgstr ""
+"En la actualidad estamos calculando el diseño óptimo de una estructura "
+"llamada el armazón de 52 barras"
 #: projects.inc:224 projects.inc:263 projects.inc:271
 msgid "Astronomy"
@@ -729,6 +757,14 @@ msgid ""
 "star formation history) on a resolved pixel-by-pixel basis using spectral "
 "energy distribution (SED) fitting techniques in a distributed computing mode."
 msgstr ""
+"Combinaremos los rangos espectrales de GALEX, Pan-STARRS1 y WISE para "
+"generar un atlas de galaxias del universo cercano multifrecuencia, en "
+"ultravioleta, visible e infrarrojo cercano. Mediremos parámetros físicos "
+"(como la densidad superficial de la masa estelar, la densidad superficial de "
+"la tasa de formación estelar, la atenuación y la historia de primer orden "
+"de la formación estelar) con resolución completa, píxel por píxel, usando "
+"técnicas de ajuste de la distribución de la energía espectral (DES) en modo "
+"de computación distribuida."
 #: projects.inc:247
 msgid "University of Texas at Austin"
@@ -764,9 +800,8 @@ msgstr ""
 # 95%
 #: projects.inc:262
-#, fuzzy
 msgid "University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign"
-msgstr "Universidad de Illinois en Urbana-Chamapign"
+msgstr "Universidad de Illinois en Urbana-Champaign"
 #: projects.inc:264
 msgid ""
@@ -805,6 +840,12 @@ msgid ""
 "argon, or to test the validity of the ideal gas law by actually doing the "
 "simulations through the grid."
 msgstr ""
+"Cálculos de ciencia de superficies usando dinámica clásica. Leiden Classical "
+"permite a voluntarios, estudiantes y otros científicos enviar sus cálculos "
+"personales a la red. Cada usuario tiene su propia cola personal de tareas de "
+"dinámica clásica. Los estudiantes han usado el grid de esta manera para "
+"simular argón líquido o comprobar la validez de la ley de los gases ideales "
+"haciendo simulaciones reales mediante la red."
 #: projects.inc:294
 msgid "Univ. of Wisconsin - Milwaukee, Max Planck Institute"
@@ -822,6 +863,11 @@ msgid ""
 "supported by the American Physical Society (APS) and by a number of "
 "international organizations."
 msgstr ""
+"Busca estrellas de neutrones en rotación (llamadas también púlsares) usando "
+"datos de los detectores de ondas gravitatorias LIGO y GEO, y del "
+"radiotelescopio de Arecibo. Einstein at Home es un proyecto del Año Mundial de "
+"la Física 2005 financiado por la Sociedad Estadounidense de Física y "
+"diversas organizaciones extranjeras."
 #: projects.inc:310 projects.inc:318
 msgid "CERN (European Organization for Nuclear Research)"
@@ -839,6 +885,12 @@ msgid ""
 "investigate on particles proprieties. LHC at home runs simulations to improve "
 "the design of LHC and its detectors."
 msgstr ""
+"El Gran Colisionador de Hadrones (LHC, por sus siglas en inglés) es un "
+"acelerador de partículas del CERN, la Organización Europea para la "
+"Investigación Nuclear, el mayor laboratorio de física de partículas del "
+"mundo. Es el instrumento más potente jamás construido para investigar las "
+"propiedades de las partículas. LHC at home ejecuta simulaciones para mejorar el "
+"diseño del LHC y sus detectores."
 #: projects.inc:320
 msgid ""
@@ -846,6 +898,10 @@ msgid ""
 "LHC event physics simulation on volunteer computers.  Requires that you "
 "install VirtualBox on your computer"
 msgstr ""
+"Este proyecto usa tecnología de máquinas virtuales creada por el CERN para "
+"simular la física de los eventos del LHC con todo detalle en los "
+"computadores de los voluntarios. Requiere que instale VirtualBox en su "
 #: projects.inc:326
 msgid "University of California, Berkeley"
@@ -863,6 +919,12 @@ msgid ""
 "signals from space. Such signals are not known to occur naturally, so a "
 "detection would provide evidence of extraterrestrial technology."
 msgstr ""
+"La búsqueda de inteligencia extraterrestre (SETI, por sus siglas en inglés) "
+"es un campo científico cuyo objetivo es detectar vida inteligente fuera de "
+"la Tierra. Un enfoque, conocido como radioSETI, usa radiotelescopios para "
+"escuchar señales de radio del espacio de banda estrecha. No se conocen "
+"señales de ese tipo que ocurran de forma natural, por lo que una detección "
+"nos daría una evidencia de tecnología extraterrestre."
 #: projects.inc:342
 msgid "Bielefeld University of Applied Sciences"
@@ -879,6 +941,10 @@ msgid ""
 "applications in medicine (such as local tumor chemotherapy) and "
 msgstr ""
+"El estudio de los imanes moleculares y el magnetismo a nanoescala "
+"controlado. Estas moléculas magnéticas se pueden usar para desarrollar "
+"minúsculos interruptores magnéticos, con aplicaciones en medicina (como "
+"quimioterapia local de tumores) y biotecnología."
 #: projects.inc:351
 msgid "Multiple applications"
@@ -898,6 +964,9 @@ msgid ""
 "adopt the technologies of volunteer computing and volunteer thinking for "
 "their research."
 msgstr ""
+"El objetivo de CAS at home is fomentar y ayudar a los científicos de China a "
+"adoptar las tecnologías de la computación voluntaria y el pensamiento "
+"voluntario para sus investigaciones."
 #: projects.inc:365
 msgid "Mathematics, physics, evolution"
@@ -908,6 +977,8 @@ msgid ""
 "Yoyo at home is an adapter between BOINC and several existing volunteer "
 "computing projects: ECM, Muon, Evolution at home, and distributed.net"
 msgstr ""
+"Yoyo at home es un adaptador entre BOINC y varios proyectos de computación "
+"voluntaria existentes: ECM, Muon, Evolution at home y distributed.net"
 #: projects.inc:371 projects.inc:527
 msgid "MTA-SZTAKI Laboratory of Parallel and Distributed Systems (Hungary)"
@@ -924,6 +995,10 @@ msgid ""
 "processed by the volunteers of this project. The scientific projects covered "
 "by the project include math, physics, biology, etc."
 msgstr ""
+"El proyecto EDGeS at Home Beta integra la computación voluntaria en la red de "
+"grids de servicio de Europa permitiendo a los grids de servicio enviar "
+"tareas para que las procesen los voluntarios del proyecto. Los proyectos "
+"científicos que cubre EDGeS at Home son de matemáticas, física, biología, etc."
 #: projects.inc:379
 msgid "Spanish universities and research centers"
@@ -939,11 +1014,11 @@ msgstr "Investigación en física, ciencia de los materiales, y biomedicina"
 #: projects.inc:387
 msgid "IBM Corporate Citizenship"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Ciudadanía Corporativa de IBM"
 #: projects.inc:388
 msgid "Medical, environmental and other humanitarian research"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Investigación humanitaria en medicina, medio ambiente y otros campos"
 #: projects.inc:389
 msgid ""
@@ -952,6 +1027,11 @@ msgid ""
 "includes HIV-AIDS, cancer, tropical and neglected diseases, solar energy, "
 "clean water and many more."
 msgstr ""
+"Desarrollar investigaciones cruciales sin ánimo de lucro sobre algunos de "
+"los problemas más acuciantes de la humanidad creando la mayor red de "
+"computación voluntaria del mundo. Los campos de investigación incluyen el "
+"SIDA-VIH, el cáncer, las enfermedades tropicales y olvidadas, la energía "
+"solar, la depuración del agua y muchos otros."
 #: projects.inc:395
 msgid "Mathematics, computing, and games"
@@ -959,15 +1039,15 @@ msgstr "Matemáticas, computación y juegos"
 #: projects.inc:401
 msgid "Computer Science"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Informática"
 #: projects.inc:409
 msgid "Mathematics, Physics, Artificial Intelligence"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Matemáticas, física e inteligencia artificial"
 #: projects.inc:410
 msgid "Simulation of quantum computing; Goldbach's conjecture."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Simulación de computación cuántica y conjetura de Goldbach."
 #: projects.inc:450 projects.inc:458
 msgid "Cryptography"
@@ -978,6 +1058,9 @@ msgid ""
 "Attempt to decode 3 original Enigma messages. The signals were intercepted "
 "in the North Atlantic in 1942 and are believed to be unbroken."
 msgstr ""
+"Intenta descifrar tres mensajes originales de Enigma. Las señales se "
+"interceptaron en el Atlántico Norte en 1942 y se cree que están por "
 #: projects.inc:465 projects.inc:504 projects.inc:512 projects.inc:520
 #: projects.inc:528 projects.inc:568
@@ -1007,6 +1090,13 @@ msgid ""
 "NFS at Home is a continuation of that experience, only with integers that are "
 "hundreds of digits long."
 msgstr ""
+"NFS at Home es un proyecto de investigación que usa computadores conectados a "
+"Internet para hacer el paso del cribado de red en la factorización de "
+"enteros grandes mediante la criba de cuerpos numéricos. Seguramente usted "
+"tuvo su primera experiencia con la descomposición de enteros en factores "
+"primos cuando estudiaba en la escuela primaria, haciendo descomposiciones "
+"como  15 = 3 * 5 o 35 = 5 * 7. NFS at Home es una continuación de esa "
+"experiencia, sólo que con enteros de cientos de cifras."
 #: projects.inc:479
 msgid ""
@@ -1027,6 +1117,11 @@ msgid ""
 "well as others Lithuanian academic institutions.  Current applications "
 "involve the study of Monte-Carlo based software testing."
 msgstr ""
+"El objetivo de este proyecto es suministrar una plataforma de computación "
+"distribuida potente a los científicos de la Universidad Técnica Vilnius "
+"Gediminas y de otras instituciones académicas lituanas. Las aplicaciones "
+"actuales involucran el estudio de pruebas de programas basadas en el método "
+"de Monte Carlo."
 #: projects.inc:503
 msgid "Mathematical Institute of Leiden University / Kennislink"
@@ -1042,12 +1137,22 @@ msgid ""
 "problems in mathematics. If it is proven to be true, a lot of other open "
 "problems can be answered directly from it."
 msgstr ""
+"Busca ternas abc: enteros positivos a, b y c tales que a+b=c; a < b < "
+"c; a, b y c no tienen divisores comunes y c > rad(abc), donde rad(n) es el "
+"producto de los factores primos distintos de n. La conjetura ABC dice que "
+"sólo hay un número finito de a, b y c tales que log(c)/log(rad(abc)) > h "
+"para todo real h > 1. La conjetura ABC es uno de los mayores problemas "
+"abiertos de las matemáticas en la actualidad. Si se demostrara que es "
+"cierta, se podrían resolver directamente a partir de ella muchos otros "
+"problemas abiertos."
 #: projects.inc:513
 msgid ""
 "Primegrid has multiple projects searching for different forms of very large "
 "prime numbers, including searching for the largest known prime number."
 msgstr ""
+"Primegrid tiene muchos proyectos, que buscan números primos muy grandes de "
+"distintos tipos, incluida la búsqueda del mayor número primo conocido."
 #: projects.inc:519
 msgid "Hochschule RheinMain University of Applied Sciences"
@@ -1058,15 +1163,18 @@ msgid ""
 "Search for counterexamples to two conjectures related to the identification "
 "of prime numbers"
 msgstr ""
+"Busca contraejemplos de dos conjeturas relacionadas con la identificación de "
+"números primos"
 #: projects.inc:529
 msgid ""
 "Find all the generalized binary number systems (in which bases are matrices "
 "and digits are vectors) up to dimension 11."
 msgstr ""
+"Encontrar todos los sistemas numéricos binarios generalizados (en los que "
+"las bases son matrices y las cifras son vectores) hasta la dimensión 11."
 #: ../html/inc/news.inc:40
-#, fuzzy
 msgid "Comment"
 msgstr "Comentarios"
diff --git a/locale/fi/BOINC-Manager.po b/locale/fi/BOINC-Manager.po
index 5a267b4..47952d1 100644
--- a/locale/fi/BOINC-Manager.po
+++ b/locale/fi/BOINC-Manager.po
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ msgid ""
 msgstr ""
 "Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-02-02 00:00-0800\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-12-15 14:15-0500\n"
 "PO-Revision-Date: 2014-06-22 06:13+0000\n"
 "Last-Translator: Sami Nordlund <sami.nordlund at kolumbus.fi>\n"
 "Language-Team: LANGUAGE <LL at li.org>\n"
@@ -16,22 +16,22 @@ msgstr ""
 "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
 "Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
 "X-Generator: Pootle 2.5.0\n"
-"X-BOINC-UTF8-Marker: 简体中文, 日本語\n"
-"X-Poedit-SearchPath-1: clientgui/msw\n"
-"X-Poedit-SearchPath-2: clientgui/gtk\n"
-"X-Poedit-SearchPath-3: clientgui/mac\n"
+"X-Poedit-Basepath: C:\\Src\\BOINCGIT\\boinc_7.4\n"
 "X-Poedit-SearchPath-0: clientgui\n"
 "X-Poedit-SourceCharset: utf-8\n"
-"X-Poedit-Basepath: C:\\Src\\BOINCGIT\\boinc\n"
 "X-POOTLE-MTIME: 1403417630.0\n"
+"X-Poedit-SearchPath-1: clientgui/msw\n"
+"X-Poedit-SearchPath-2: clientgui/gtk\n"
+"X-Poedit-SearchPath-3: clientgui/mac\n"
+"X-BOINC-UTF8-Marker: 简体中文, 日本語\n"
 # 81%
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:387
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:387
 #, c-format
 msgid "Identify your account at %s"
 msgstr "Yksilöi %s -tilisi"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:393
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:393
 msgid ""
 "Please enter your account information\n"
 "(to create an account, visit the project's web site)"
@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ msgstr ""
 "Syötä tilisi tiedot\n"
 "(luodaksesi tilin, käy projektin verkkosivuilla)"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:397
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:397
 msgid ""
 "This project is not currently accepting new accounts.\n"
 "You can add it only if you already have an account."
@@ -47,19 +47,19 @@ msgstr ""
 "Tämä projekti ei tällä hetkellä hyväksy uusia tilejä.\n"
 "Voit liittyä projektiin vain, jos sinulla on jo tili."
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:401
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:401
 msgid "Are you already running this project?"
 msgstr "Oletko jo liittynyt tähän projektiin?"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:405
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:405
 msgid "&No, new user"
 msgstr "&En, uusi käyttäjä"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:408
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:408
 msgid "&Yes, existing user"
 msgstr "&Kyllä, olemassa oleva käyttäjä"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:413
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:413
 msgid ""
 "We were not able to set up your account information\n"
@@ -75,45 +75,51 @@ msgstr ""
 "jotta tiedät, mitä laitat sähköpostiosoite- ja\n"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:416
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:416
 msgid "Find login information"
 msgstr "Hae kirjautumistiedot"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:436 AccountInfoPage.cpp:641
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:436
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:649
 msgid "&Password:"
 msgstr "&Salasana:"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:443 AccountInfoPage.cpp:665
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:443
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:673
 msgid "Choose a &password:"
 msgstr "Valitse &salasana:"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:446
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:446
 msgid "C&onfirm password:"
 msgstr "Vahvista salasana:"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:453
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:453
 #, c-format
 msgid "Are you already running %s?"
 msgstr "Osallistutko jo %s -projektiin?"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:482
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:482
 msgid "&Username:"
 msgstr "&Käyttäjänimi:"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:508
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:511
+msgid "&Email address or LDAP ID:"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:515
 msgid "&Email address:"
 msgstr "&Sähköpostiosoite:"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:515
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:523
 #, c-format
 msgid "minimum length %d"
 msgstr "vähimmäispituus %d"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:522
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:530
 msgid "Forgot your password?"
 msgstr "Salasana unohtunut?"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:529
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:537
 msgid ""
 "If you have not yet registered with this account manager,\n"
 "please do so before proceeding.  Click on the link below\n"
@@ -123,45 +129,44 @@ msgstr ""
 "tee se ennen kuin jatkat eteenpäin.  Napsauta allaolevaa linkkiä\n"
 "rekisteröityäksesi tai saadaksesi unohtuneen salasanan."
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:532
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:540
 msgid "Account manager web site"
 msgstr "Tilihallitsijan nettisivu"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:574 WelcomePage.cpp:348
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:582
 msgid "Add project"
 msgstr "Liity projektiin"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:576
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:584
 msgid "Update account manager"
 msgstr "Päivitä tilihallitsija"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:578 WelcomePage.cpp:307 WelcomePage.cpp:321
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:586
 msgid "Use account manager"
 msgstr "Käytä tilihallitsijaa"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:585
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:593
 msgid "Please enter a user name."
 msgstr "Syötä käyttäjänimi."
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:587
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:595
 msgid "Please enter an email address."
 msgstr "Anna sähköpostiosoite."
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:597
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:605
 #, c-format
 msgid "Please enter a password of at least %d characters."
 msgstr "Anna vähintään %d merkin pituinen salasana."
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:607
-msgid ""
-"The password and confirmation password do not match. Please type them again."
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:615
+msgid "The password and confirmation password do not match. Please type them again."
 msgstr "Salasana ja salasanan vahvistus eivät täsmää. Kirjoita ne uudelleen."
-#: AccountManagerInfoPage.cpp:272
+#: clientgui/AccountManagerInfoPage.cpp:272
 msgid "Choose an account manager"
 msgstr "Valitse tilihallitsija"
-#: AccountManagerInfoPage.cpp:275
+#: clientgui/AccountManagerInfoPage.cpp:275
 msgid ""
 "To choose an account manager, click its name or \n"
 "type its URL below."
@@ -169,382 +174,399 @@ msgstr ""
 "Valitse tilihallitsija napsauttamalla sen nimeä tai \n"
 "kirjoita sen URL-osoite."
-#: AccountManagerInfoPage.cpp:279
+#: clientgui/AccountManagerInfoPage.cpp:279
 msgid "Account manager details:"
 msgstr "Tilihallitsijan tiedot:"
-#: AccountManagerInfoPage.cpp:283
+#: clientgui/AccountManagerInfoPage.cpp:283
 msgid "Account manager &URL:"
 msgstr "Tilihallitsijan &URL:"
-#: AccountManagerInfoPage.cpp:287
+#: clientgui/AccountManagerInfoPage.cpp:287
 msgid "Open web page"
 msgstr "Avaa nettisivu"
-#: AccountManagerInfoPage.cpp:290
+#: clientgui/AccountManagerInfoPage.cpp:290
 msgid "Visit this account manager's web site"
 msgstr "Käy tämän tilihallitsijan nettisivulla"
-#: AccountManagerProcessingPage.cpp:187 AccountManagerPropertiesPage.cpp:193
+#: clientgui/AccountManagerProcessingPage.cpp:186
+#: clientgui/AccountManagerPropertiesPage.cpp:192
 #, c-format
 msgid "Communicating with %s."
 msgstr "Ollaan yhteydessä %s:n kanssa."
-#: AccountManagerProcessingPage.cpp:194 AccountManagerPropertiesPage.cpp:200
+#: clientgui/AccountManagerProcessingPage.cpp:193
+#: clientgui/AccountManagerPropertiesPage.cpp:199
 msgid "Communicating with server."
 msgstr "Ollaan yhteydessä palvelimeen."
-#: AccountManagerProcessingPage.cpp:199 AccountManagerPropertiesPage.cpp:205
+#: clientgui/AccountManagerProcessingPage.cpp:198
+#: clientgui/AccountManagerPropertiesPage.cpp:204
 msgid "Please wait..."
 msgstr "Odota..."
-#: AccountManagerProcessingPage.cpp:326
+#: clientgui/AccountManagerProcessingPage.cpp:325
 msgid "An internal server error has occurred.\n"
 msgstr "Palvelimella tapahtui virhe.\n"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:95
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:96
 msgid "Connected"
 msgstr "Yhdistetty"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:103
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:104
 msgid "Disconnected"
 msgstr "Yhteys katkaistu"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:322 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:119
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:318
 #, c-format
 msgid "Close the %s window"
 msgstr "Sulje %s ikkuna"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:325 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:122
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:321
 msgid "&Close Window"
 msgstr "&Sulje ikkuna"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:336 AdvancedFrame.cpp:343 AdvancedFrame.cpp:350
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:332
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:339
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:346
 #, c-format
 msgid "Exit %s"
 msgstr "Lopeta %s"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:371
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:359
+msgid "Preferences..."
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:368
 msgid "&Notices\tCtrl+Shift+N"
 msgstr "&Ilmoitukset\t Ctrl+Shift+N"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:372
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:369
 msgid "Display notices"
 msgstr "Näytä ilmoitukset"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:377
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:374
 msgid "&Projects\tCtrl+Shift+P"
 msgstr "&Projektit\t Ctrl+Shift+P"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:378
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:375
 msgid "Display projects"
 msgstr "Näytä projektit"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:383
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:380
 msgid "&Tasks\tCtrl+Shift+T"
 msgstr "&Työpaketit\t Ctrl+Shift+T"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:384
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:381
 msgid "Display tasks"
 msgstr "Näytä työpaketit"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:389
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:386
 msgid "Trans&fers\tCtrl+Shift+X"
 msgstr "Sii&rrot\t Ctrl+Shift+X"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:390
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:387
 msgid "Display transfers"
 msgstr "Näytä siirrot"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:395
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:392
 msgid "&Statistics\tCtrl+Shift+S"
 msgstr "&Tilastot\t Ctrl+Shift+S"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:396
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:393
 msgid "Display statistics"
 msgstr "Näytä tilastot"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:401
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:398
 msgid "&Disk usage\tCtrl+Shift+D"
 msgstr "&Levynkäyttö\t Ctrl+Shift+D"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:402
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:399
 msgid "Display disk usage"
 msgstr "Näytä levynkäyttö"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:409
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:406
 msgid "Simple &View...\tCtrl+Shift+V"
 msgstr "Yksinkertainen &näkymä...\t Ctrl+Shift+V"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:410
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:407
 msgid "Display the simple graphical interface."
 msgstr "Näytä yksinkertainen näkymä."
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:424
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:421
 msgid "&Add project or account manager..."
 msgstr "&Lisää projekti tai tilihallitsija..."
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:425 sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:76
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:422
 msgid "Volunteer for any or all of 30+ projects in many areas of science"
 msgstr ""
 "Osallistu yhteen tai useampaan yli 30:sta projektista tieteen monilla "
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:429
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:426
 #, c-format
 msgid "&Synchronize with %s"
 msgstr "&Synkronoi %s kanssa"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:433
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:430
 #, c-format
 msgid "Get current settings from %s"
 msgstr "Hae nykyiset asetukset %s:sta"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:443
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:440
 msgid "&Add project..."
 msgstr "&Liity projektiin..."
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:444
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:441
 msgid "Add a project"
 msgstr "Lisää projekti"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:447
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:444
 #, c-format
 msgid "S&top using %s..."
 msgstr "L&opeta %s:n käyttö..."
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:453
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:450
 msgid "Remove this computer from account manager control."
 msgstr "Poista tämä tietokone tilihallitsijasta."
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:458 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:178
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:455
 msgid "&Options..."
 msgstr "&Asetukset..."
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:459 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:179
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:456
 msgid "Configure display options and proxy settings"
 msgstr "Muuta näytön ja proxyn asetuksia"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:463 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:172
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:460
 msgid "Computing &preferences..."
 msgstr "La&skenta-asetukset..."
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:464 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:173
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:461
 msgid "Configure computing preferences"
 msgstr "Muuta laskennan asetuksia"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:472
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:469
 msgid "&Run always"
 msgstr "&Suorita aina"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:473
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:470
 msgid "Allow work regardless of preferences"
 msgstr "Salli työ riippumatta asetuksista"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:477
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:474
 msgid "Run based on &preferences"
 msgstr "Suorita &asetusten perusteella"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:478
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:475
 msgid "Allow work according to preferences"
 msgstr "Salli työ asetusten mukaisesti"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:482
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:479
 msgid "&Suspend"
 msgstr "&Hyllytä"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:483
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:480
 msgid "Stop work regardless of preferences"
 msgstr "Keskeytä työ riippumatta asetuksista"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:508
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:505
 msgid "Use GPU always"
 msgstr "Käytä näytönohjainta aina"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:509
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:506
 msgid "Allow GPU work regardless of preferences"
 msgstr "Salli näytönohjaimen työ riippumatta asetuksista"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:513
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:510
 msgid "Use GPU based on preferences"
 msgstr "Käytä näytönohjainta asetusten mukaan"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:514
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:511
 msgid "Allow GPU work according to preferences"
 msgstr "Salli näytönohjaimen työ asetusten mukaan"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:518
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:515
 msgid "Suspend GPU"
 msgstr "Hyllytä näytönohjain"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:519
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:516
 msgid "Stop GPU work regardless of preferences"
 msgstr "Pysäytä näytönohjaimen työ riippumatta asetuksista"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:543
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:540
 msgid "Network activity always available"
 msgstr "Verkkoyhteys aina saatavilla"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:544
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:541
 msgid "Allow network activity regardless of preferences"
 msgstr "Salli verkon käyttö asetuksista riippumatta"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:548
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:545
 msgid "Network activity based on preferences"
 msgstr "Verkon käyttö asetusten mukaan"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:549
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:546
 msgid "Allow network activity according to preferences"
 msgstr "Salli verkon käyttö asetusten mukaan"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:553
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:550
 msgid "Network activity suspended"
 msgstr "Verkkoyhteys hyllytetty"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:554
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:551
 msgid "Stop BOINC network activity"
 msgstr "Pysäytä BOINCin verkkoyhteys"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:564
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:561
 #, c-format
 msgid "Connect to another computer running %s"
 msgstr "Ota yhteys toiseen tietokoneeseen, jossa %s on käytössä"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:569
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:566
 msgid "Select computer..."
 msgstr "Valitse tietokone..."
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:574
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:571
 msgid "Shut down connected client..."
 msgstr "Sulje yhdistetty ydinohjelma..."
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:575
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:572
 msgid "Shut down the currently connected client"
 msgstr "Sulje tällä hetkellä yhdistetty ydinohjelma"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:579
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:576
 msgid "Run CPU &benchmarks"
 msgstr "Aja keskusyksikön &suorituskykytestit"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:580
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:577
 msgid "Runs BOINC CPU benchmarks"
 msgstr "Ajaa BOINC CPU -suorituskykytestit"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:584
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:581
 msgid "Do network communication"
 msgstr "Suorita verkkotoiminnot"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:585
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:582
 msgid "Do all pending network communication"
 msgstr "Suorittaa kaikki odottavat verkkoyhteystoiminnot"
 # 94%
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:589
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:586
 msgid "Read config files"
 msgstr "Lue kokoonpanotiedosto"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:590
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:587
 msgid "Read configuration info from cc_config.xml and any app_config.xml files"
 msgstr ""
 "Lue kokoonpanotiedot cc_config.xml -tiedostosta ja kaikista app_config.xml "
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:594
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:591
 msgid "Read local prefs file"
 msgstr "Lue paikallinen asetustiedosto"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:595
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:592
 msgid "Read preferences from global_prefs_override.xml."
 msgstr "Lue asetukset global_prefs_override.xml -tiedostosta."
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:600
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:597
 #, c-format
 msgid "Launch another instance of %s..."
 msgstr "Käynnistä toinen %s -instanssi..."
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:604
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:601
 #, c-format
 msgid "Launch another %s"
 msgstr "Käynnistä uusi %s"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:614
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:611
 msgid "Event Log...\tCtrl+Shift+E"
 msgstr "Tapahtumaloki...\t Ctrl+Shift+E"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:615
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:612
 msgid "Display diagnostic messages."
 msgstr "Näytä diagnostiikkaviestit."
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:625 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:188
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:616
+msgid "Event Log Diagnostic Flags...\tCtrl+Shift+F"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:617
+msgid "Enable or disable various diagnostic messages"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:626
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s &help"
 msgstr "%s &ohje"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:631 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:194
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:632
 #, c-format
 msgid "Show information about %s"
 msgstr "Näytä tietoja %s:sta"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:643
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:644
 #, c-format
 msgid "&%s help"
 msgstr "&%s apua"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:649 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:212
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:650
 #, c-format
 msgid "Show information about the %s"
 msgstr "Näytä tietoja %s:sta"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:661 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:224
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:662
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s &web site"
 msgstr "%s &nettisivu"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:667 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:230
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:668
 #, c-format
 msgid "Show information about BOINC and %s"
 msgstr "Näytä tietoja BOINCista ja %s:sta"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:679 BOINCTaskBar.cpp:530 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:242
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:680
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:544
 #, c-format
 msgid "&About %s..."
 msgstr "&Tietoja %s:sta..."
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:685 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:248
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:686
 msgid "Licensing and copyright information."
 msgstr "Lisenssi- ja tekijänoikeustiedot."
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:692 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:255
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:693
 msgid "&File"
 msgstr "&Tiedosto"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:696 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:259
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:697
 msgid "&View"
 msgstr "&Näytä"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:700 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:263
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:701
 msgid "&Tools"
 msgstr "&Työkalut"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:704
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:705
 msgid "&Activity"
 msgstr "&Toiminta"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:708
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:709
 msgid "A&dvanced"
 msgstr "L&isäasetukset"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:712 DlgEventLog.cpp:332 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:267
-#: wizardex.cpp:374 wizardex.cpp:381
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:713
 msgid "&Help"
 msgstr "&Apua"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:1199
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1185
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - Stop using %s"
 msgstr "%s - Lopeta %s:n käyttö"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:1204
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1190
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "If you stop using %s,\n"
@@ -559,12 +581,12 @@ msgstr ""
 "Haluatko lopettaa %s:n käytön?"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:1401
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1397
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - Shut down the current client..."
 msgstr "%s - Sulje nykyinen ohjelma..."
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:1410
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1406
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "%s will shut down the current client\n"
@@ -573,36 +595,36 @@ msgstr ""
 "%s sulkee nykyisen ohjelman ja\n"
 "pyytää toista konetta, johon yhteys otetaan."
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:1745 DlgAbout.cpp:119
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1806
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s"
 msgstr "%s"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:1754
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1815
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s has successfully added %s"
 msgstr "%s on onnistuneesti lisätty %s"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:1893
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1953
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - (%s)"
 msgstr "%s - (%s)"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:1897
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1957
 #, c-format
 msgid "Connecting to %s"
 msgstr "Otetaan yhteyttä %s"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:1900
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1960
 #, c-format
 msgid "Connected to %s (%s)"
 msgstr "Yhteydessä %s:iin (%s)"
-#: AlreadyExistsPage.cpp:184
+#: clientgui/AlreadyExistsPage.cpp:184
 msgid "Username already in use"
 msgstr "Käyttäjänimi on jo käytössä"
-#: AlreadyExistsPage.cpp:187
+#: clientgui/AlreadyExistsPage.cpp:187
 msgid ""
 "An account with that username already exists and has a\n"
 "different password than the one you entered.\n"
@@ -614,11 +636,11 @@ msgstr ""
 "Käy projektin nettisivuilla ja seuraa siellä olevia ohjeita."
-#: AlreadyExistsPage.cpp:191
+#: clientgui/AlreadyExistsPage.cpp:191
 msgid "Email address already in use"
 msgstr "Sähköpostiosoite on jo käytössä"
-#: AlreadyExistsPage.cpp:194
+#: clientgui/AlreadyExistsPage.cpp:194
 msgid ""
 "An account with that email address already exists and has a\n"
 "different password than the one you entered.\n"
@@ -630,45 +652,44 @@ msgstr ""
 "Käy projektin nettisivuilla ja seuraa siellä olevia ohjeita."
-#: AsyncRPC.cpp:1031
+#: clientgui/AsyncRPC.cpp:1031
 msgid "Communicating with BOINC client.  Please wait ..."
 msgstr "Ollaan yhteydessä BOINC-ohjelmaan.  Odota..."
-#: AsyncRPC.cpp:1034
+#: clientgui/AsyncRPC.cpp:1034
 #, c-format
 msgid "&Quit %s"
 msgstr "&Sulje %s"
-#: AsyncRPC.cpp:1036
+#: clientgui/AsyncRPC.cpp:1036
 #, c-format
 msgid "E&xit %s"
 msgstr "Lopeta %s"
-#: AsyncRPC.cpp:1040
+#: clientgui/AsyncRPC.cpp:1040
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - Communication"
 msgstr "%s - Verkkoyhteys"
-#: AsyncRPC.cpp:1056 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:107 sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:433
+#: clientgui/AsyncRPC.cpp:1056
 msgid "Cancel"
 msgstr "Peruuta"
-#: BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:505
+#: clientgui/BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:504
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - Connection Error"
 msgstr "%s - Yhteysvirhe"
-#: BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:514
+#: clientgui/BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:513
 msgid ""
 "You currently are not authorized to manage the client.\n"
-"Please contact your administrator to add you to the 'boinc_users' local user "
+"Please contact your administrator to add you to the 'boinc_users' local user group."
 msgstr ""
 "Sinulla ei ole oikeuksia hallinnoida ohjelmaa.\n"
 "Ota yhteys ylläpitäjään, joka lisää sinut paikalliseen \"boinc_users\" "
-#: BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:523
+#: clientgui/BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:522
 msgid ""
 "Authorization failed connecting to running client.\n"
 "Make sure you start this program in the same directory as the client."
@@ -676,20 +697,20 @@ msgstr ""
 "Käyttöoikeusvirhe otettaessa yhteyttä ohjelmaan.\n"
 "Varmista, että molemmat ohjelmat käynnistetään samasta hakemistosta."
-#: BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:525
+#: clientgui/BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:524
 msgid "Authorization failed connecting to running client."
 msgstr "Käyttöoikeusvirhe otettaessa yhteyttä ohjelmaan."
-#: BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:533
+#: clientgui/BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:532
 msgid "The password you have provided is incorrect, please try again."
 msgstr "Antamasi salasana on virheellinen, yritä uudelleen."
-#: BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:577
+#: clientgui/BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:576
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - Connection Failed"
 msgstr "%s - Yhteydenotto epäonnistui"
-#: BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:586
+#: clientgui/BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:585
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "%s is not able to connect to a %s client.\n"
@@ -698,22 +719,21 @@ msgstr ""
 "%s ei saa yhteyttä %s -ohjelmaan.\n"
 "Haluatko yrittää yhteyttä uudelleen?"
-#: BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:622
+#: clientgui/BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:621
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - Daemon Start Failed"
 msgstr "%s - Daemonin käynnistys epäonnistui"
-#: BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:632
+#: clientgui/BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:631
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "%s is not able to start a %s client.\n"
-"Please launch the Control Panel->Administative Tools->Services applet and "
-"start the BOINC service."
+"Please launch the Control Panel->Administative Tools->Services applet and start the BOINC service."
 msgstr ""
 "%s ei pysty käynnistämään %s -ohjelmaa.\n"
 "Avaa Ohjauspaneeli->Valvontatyökalut->Palvelut ja käynnistä BOINC-palvelu."
-#: BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:638
+#: clientgui/BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:637
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "%s is not able to start a %s client.\n"
@@ -722,17 +742,16 @@ msgstr ""
 "%s ei onnistu käynnistämään %s ohjelmaa.\n"
 "Käynnistä daemoni ja yritä uudelleen."
-#: BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:689
+#: clientgui/BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:688
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - Connection Status"
 msgstr "%s - Yhteyden tila"
-#: BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:700
+#: clientgui/BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:699
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "%s is not currently connected to a %s client.\n"
-"Please use the 'Advanced\\Select Computer...' menu option to connect up to a "
-"%s client.\n"
+"Please use the 'Advanced\\Select Computer...' menu option to connect up to a %s client.\n"
 "To connect up to your local computer please use 'localhost' as the host name."
 msgstr ""
 "%s ei tällä hetkellä ole yhteydessä %s -ohjelmaan.\n"
@@ -740,16 +759,16 @@ msgstr ""
 "s -ohjelmaan.\n"
 "Jos otat yhteyttä paikalliseen koneeseen, käytä konenimenä \"localhost\"."
-#: BOINCBaseView.cpp:779
+#: clientgui/BOINCBaseView.cpp:752
 msgid "Project web pages"
 msgstr "Projektin nettisivut"
-#: BOINCClientManager.cpp:575
+#: clientgui/BOINCClientManager.cpp:573
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - Unexpected Exit"
 msgstr "%s - Odottamaton lopetus"
-#: BOINCClientManager.cpp:585
+#: clientgui/BOINCClientManager.cpp:583
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "The %s client has exited unexpectedly 3 times within the last %d minutes.\n"
@@ -759,12 +778,12 @@ msgstr ""
 "minuutin aikana.\n"
 "Haluatko käynnistää sen uudelleen?"
-#: BOINCDialupManager.cpp:61
+#: clientgui/BOINCDialupManager.cpp:61
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - Network Status"
 msgstr "%s - Verkon tila"
-#: BOINCDialupManager.cpp:241
+#: clientgui/BOINCDialupManager.cpp:241
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "%s needs to connect to the Internet.\n"
@@ -773,22 +792,22 @@ msgstr ""
 "%s tarvitsee ottaa yhteyden internetiin.\n"
 "Saako se ottaa?"
-#: BOINCDialupManager.cpp:254
+#: clientgui/BOINCDialupManager.cpp:254
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s is connecting to the Internet."
 msgstr "%s yhdistää internetiin."
-#: BOINCDialupManager.cpp:303
+#: clientgui/BOINCDialupManager.cpp:303
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s has successfully connected to the Internet."
 msgstr "%s yhteys internetiin onnistui."
-#: BOINCDialupManager.cpp:331
+#: clientgui/BOINCDialupManager.cpp:331
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s failed to connect to the Internet."
 msgstr "%s yhteys internetiin epäonnistui."
-#: BOINCDialupManager.cpp:372
+#: clientgui/BOINCDialupManager.cpp:372
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "%s has detected it is now connected to the Internet.\n"
@@ -797,17 +816,17 @@ msgstr ""
 "%s on nyt saanut internetyhteyden.\n"
 "Päivitetään kaikki projektit ja yritetään uudelleen kaikkia siirtoja."
-#: BOINCDialupManager.cpp:417
+#: clientgui/BOINCDialupManager.cpp:417
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s has successfully disconnected from the Internet."
 msgstr "%s yhteys internetiin on katkaistu."
-#: BOINCDialupManager.cpp:433
+#: clientgui/BOINCDialupManager.cpp:433
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s failed to disconnected from the Internet."
 msgstr "%s yhteyden katkaisu internetiin epäonnistui."
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:339
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:595
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "You currently are not authorized to manage the client.\n"
@@ -828,7 +847,7 @@ msgstr ""
 "  - ota yhteyttä ylläpitoon joka lisää sinut 'boinc_master-'\n"
 "     käyttäjäryhmään."
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:345
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:601
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "%s ownership or permissions are not set properly; please reinstall %s.\n"
@@ -837,16 +856,15 @@ msgstr ""
 "%s -käyttöoikeuksia ei ole asetettu oikein; asenna %s uudelleen.\n"
 "(Virhekoodi %d"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:351
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:607
 msgid " at "
 msgstr " paikassa "
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:354 MainDocument.cpp:2484 MainDocument.cpp:2534
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2554 ViewTransfers.cpp:803
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:610
 msgid ")"
 msgstr ")"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:384
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:640
 msgid ""
 "A reboot is required in order for BOINC to run properly.\n"
 "Please reboot your computer and try again."
@@ -854,160 +872,162 @@ msgstr ""
 "Tarvitaan uudelleenkäynnistys, jotta BOINC voisi toimia kunnolla.\n"
 "Uudelleenkäynnistä tietokoneesi ja yritä uudelleen."
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:385 DlgAbout.cpp:153
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:641
 msgid "BOINC Manager"
 msgstr "BOINC Manager"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:572
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:902
 msgid "BOINC Manager was started by the operating system automatically"
 msgstr "Käyttöjärjestelmä käynnisti BOINC Managerin automaattisesti"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:574
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:904
 msgid "Startup BOINC so only the system tray icon is visible"
 msgstr "Käynnistä BOINC niin, että vain tehtäväpalkin kuvake on näkyvissä"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:576
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:906
 msgid "Directory containing the BOINC Client executable"
 msgstr "Hakemisto, joka sisältää BOINCin ohjelmatiedoston"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:577
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:907
 msgid "BOINC data directory"
 msgstr "BOINCin datahakemisto"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:579
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:909
 msgid "Host name or IP address"
 msgstr "Konenimi tai IP-osoite"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:580
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:910
 msgid "GUI RPC port number"
 msgstr "GUI RPC porttinumero"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:581
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:911
 msgid "Password"
 msgstr "Salasana"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:582
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:912
 msgid "Startup BOINC with these optional arguments"
 msgstr "Käynnistä BOINC näillä lisäoptioilla"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:583
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:913
 msgid "disable BOINC security users and permissions"
 msgstr "poista käytöstä BOINCin turvakäyttäjät ja käyttöoikeudet"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:584
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:914
 msgid "set skin debugging mode to enable skin manager error messages"
 msgstr "laita ulkoasun virheenkorjaus päälle nähdäksesi virheviestit"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:585
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:915
 msgid "multiple instances of BOINC Manager allowed"
 msgstr "useita BOINC Manager -instansseja sallittu"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:587
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:917
 msgid "Not used: workaround for bug in XCode 4.2"
 msgstr "Ei käytetä: tilapäinen korjaus bugiin XCode 4.2:ssa"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:814
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:1164
 msgid "(Automatic Detection)"
 msgstr "(Automaattinen tunnistus)"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:815
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:1165
 msgid "(Unknown)"
 msgstr "(Tuntematon)"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:816
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:1166
 msgid "(User Defined)"
 msgstr "(Käyttäjän määrittelemä)"
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:508
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:522
 #, c-format
 msgid "Open %s Web..."
 msgstr "Avaa %s netti..."
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:515
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:529
 #, c-format
 msgid "Open %s..."
 msgstr "Avaa %s..."
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:522 BOINCTaskBar.cpp:619 BOINCTaskBar.cpp:627
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:536
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:633
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:641
 msgid "Snooze"
 msgstr "Nukuta"
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:524 BOINCTaskBar.cpp:646 BOINCTaskBar.cpp:654
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:538
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:660
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:668
 msgid "Snooze GPU"
 msgstr "Nukuta näytönohjain"
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:542
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:556
 msgid "E&xit"
 msgstr "L&opeta"
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:612 ViewProjects.cpp:718 ViewWork.cpp:795
-#: sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:758 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:110
-#: sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:102
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:626
 msgid "Resume"
 msgstr "Jatka"
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:639
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:653
 msgid "Resume GPU"
 msgstr "Jatka GPU"
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:713
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:727
 msgid "Computing is enabled"
 msgstr "Laskenta sallittu"
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:717
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:731
 msgid "Computing is suspended - "
 msgstr "Laskenta hyllytetty - "
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:727
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:741
 msgid "GPU computing is enabled"
 msgstr "Näytönohjaimen laskenta sallittu"
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:730
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:744
 msgid "GPU computing is suspended - "
 msgstr "Näytönohjaimen laskenta hyllytetty - "
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:739
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:753
 msgid "Network is enabled"
 msgstr "Verkkoyhteys käytössä"
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:742
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:756
 msgid "Network is suspended - "
 msgstr "Verkkoyhteys hyllytetty - "
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:750
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:764
 msgid "Reconnecting to client."
 msgstr "Yhdistetään uudelleen ohjelmaan."
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:752
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:766
 msgid "Not connected to a client."
 msgstr "Ei yhteyttä ohjelmaan."
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:805
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:819
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s Notices"
 msgstr "%s Ilmoitukset"
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:811
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:825
 msgid "There are new notices - click to view."
 msgstr "Uusia ilmoituksia - napsauta katsoaksesi."
-#: CompletionErrorPage.cpp:199
+#: clientgui/CompletionErrorPage.cpp:199
 msgid "Failed to add project"
 msgstr "Projektin lisääminen epäonnistui"
-#: CompletionErrorPage.cpp:204
+#: clientgui/CompletionErrorPage.cpp:204
 msgid "Failed to update account manager"
 msgstr "Tilihallitsijan päivitys epäonnistui"
-#: CompletionErrorPage.cpp:208
+#: clientgui/CompletionErrorPage.cpp:208
 msgid "Failed to remove account manager"
 msgstr "Tilihallitsijan poisto epäonnistui"
-#: CompletionErrorPage.cpp:212
+#: clientgui/CompletionErrorPage.cpp:212
 msgid "Failed to add account manager"
 msgstr "Tilihallitsijan lisäys epäonnistui"
-#: CompletionErrorPage.cpp:221
+#: clientgui/CompletionErrorPage.cpp:221
 msgid ""
 "Please try again later.\n"
@@ -1017,24 +1037,26 @@ msgstr ""
 "Napsauta Lopeta sulkeaksesi."
-#: CompletionErrorPage.cpp:225 CompletionPage.cpp:222 CompletionPage.cpp:242
-#: CompletionPage.cpp:273
+#: clientgui/CompletionErrorPage.cpp:225
+#: clientgui/CompletionPage.cpp:222
+#: clientgui/CompletionPage.cpp:242
+#: clientgui/CompletionPage.cpp:273
 msgid "Click Finish to close."
 msgstr "Napsauta Lopeta."
-#: CompletionErrorPage.cpp:234
+#: clientgui/CompletionErrorPage.cpp:234
 msgid "Messages from server:"
 msgstr "Viestit palvelimelta:"
-#: CompletionPage.cpp:207
+#: clientgui/CompletionPage.cpp:207
 msgid "Project added"
 msgstr "Projekti lisätty"
-#: CompletionPage.cpp:213
+#: clientgui/CompletionPage.cpp:213
 msgid "This project has been successfully added."
 msgstr "Tämä projekti on lisätty onnistuneesti."
-#: CompletionPage.cpp:218
+#: clientgui/CompletionPage.cpp:218
 msgid ""
 "When you click Finish, your web browser will go to a page where\n"
 "you can set your account name and preferences."
@@ -1042,122 +1064,124 @@ msgstr ""
 "Kun napsautat Valmis, selaimesi siirtyy sivulle, jossa\n"
 "voit muuttaa tilisi nimen ja asetuksia."
-#: CompletionPage.cpp:232
+#: clientgui/CompletionPage.cpp:232
 #, c-format
 msgid "Update from %s completed."
 msgstr "Päivitys %s:sta valmis."
-#: CompletionPage.cpp:236
+#: clientgui/CompletionPage.cpp:236
 msgid "Update completed."
 msgstr "Päivitys valmis."
-#: CompletionPage.cpp:247
+#: clientgui/CompletionPage.cpp:247
 msgid "Now using account manager"
 msgstr "Tilihallitsija on nyt käytössä"
-#: CompletionPage.cpp:252
+#: clientgui/CompletionPage.cpp:252
 #, c-format
 msgid "Welcome to %s!"
 msgstr "Tervetuloa %s:iin!"
-#: CompletionPage.cpp:263
+#: clientgui/CompletionPage.cpp:263
 #, c-format
 msgid "You are now using %s to manage accounts."
 msgstr "Käytät nyt %s -hallitsijaa tilien hallitsemiseen."
-#: CompletionPage.cpp:267
+#: clientgui/CompletionPage.cpp:267
 msgid "You are now using this account manager."
 msgstr "Käytät nyt tätä tilihallitsijaa."
-#: DlgAbout.cpp:113 mac/Mac_GUI.cpp:96
+#: clientgui/DlgAbout.cpp:113
 #, c-format
 msgid "About %s"
 msgstr "Tietoja %s"
-#: DlgAbout.cpp:172
+#: clientgui/DlgAbout.cpp:172
 msgid "Version:"
 msgstr "Versio:"
-#: DlgAbout.cpp:180
+#: clientgui/DlgAbout.cpp:180
 msgid "wxWidgets Version:"
 msgstr "wxWidgettien versio:"
-#: DlgAbout.cpp:188
+#: clientgui/DlgAbout.cpp:188
 msgid "Copyright:"
 msgstr "Tekijänoikeus:"
-# 98%
-#: DlgAbout.cpp:192
+#: clientgui/DlgAbout.cpp:192
 msgid ""
-"(C) 2003-2013 University of California, Berkeley.\n"
+"(C) 2003-2014 University of California, Berkeley.\n"
 "All Rights Reserved."
 msgstr ""
-"(C) 2003-2013 Kalifornian yliopisto, Berkeley.\n"
-"Kaikki oikeudet pidätetään."
-#: DlgAbout.cpp:196
+#: clientgui/DlgAbout.cpp:196
 msgid "Berkeley Open Infrastructure for Network Computing"
 msgstr "Berkeleyn avoin infrastruktuuri verkkolaskentaan"
-#: DlgAbout.cpp:208 DlgExitMessage.cpp:173 DlgGenericMessage.cpp:120
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:396 DlgSelectComputer.cpp:163
+#: clientgui/DlgAbout.cpp:208
+#: clientgui/DlgExitMessage.cpp:173
+#: clientgui/DlgGenericMessage.cpp:120
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:399
+#: clientgui/DlgSelectComputer.cpp:163
 msgid "&OK"
 msgstr "&OK"
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:544
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:602
 msgid "invalid number"
 msgstr "virheellinen numero"
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:545
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:603
 msgid "invalid time, format is HH:MM"
 msgstr "virheellinen aika, muoto on HH:MM"
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:546
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:604
 msgid "invalid time interval, format is HH:MM-HH:MM"
 msgstr "virheellinen aikaväli, muoto on HH:MM-HH:MM"
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:751
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:817
 msgid "invalid input value detected"
 msgstr "virheellinen syöttöarvo havaittu"
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:753
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:819
 msgid "Validation Error"
 msgstr "Vahvistusvirhe"
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:885 DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:891
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:897
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:969
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:975
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:981
 msgid "Applications to add"
 msgstr "Lisättävät sovellukset"
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:914
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:998
 #, c-format
 msgid "'%s' is not an executable application."
 msgstr "\"%s\" ei ole ajettava sovellus."
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:915 DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:962
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:986
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:999
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:1046
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:1070
 msgid "Add Exclusive App"
 msgstr "Lisää erityissovellus"
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:927
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:1011
 msgid "Name of application to add?"
 msgstr "Lisättävän sovelluksen nimi?"
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:927
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:1011
 msgid "Add exclusive app"
 msgstr "Lisää erityissovellus"
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:961
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:1045
 #, c-format
 msgid "Application names must end with '%s'"
 msgstr "Sovellusnimien pitää päätyä \"%s\""
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:985
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:1069
 #, c-format
 msgid "'%s' is already in the list."
 msgstr "\"%s\" on jo listalla."
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:1077
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:1161
 msgid ""
 "Do you really want to clear all local preferences?\n"
 "(This will not affect exclusive applications.)"
@@ -1165,16 +1189,16 @@ msgstr ""
 "Haluatko tyhjentää kaikki paikalliset asetukset?\n"
 "(Tämä ei vaikuta erityissovelluksiin.)"
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:1078 sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:1030
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:1162
 msgid "Confirmation"
 msgstr "Vahvistus"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:46 sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:946
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:49
 #, c-format
-msgid "%s - Preferences"
-msgstr "%s - Asetukset"
+msgid "%s - Computing preferences"
+msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:62
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:66
 msgid ""
 "This dialog controls preferences for this computer only.\n"
 "Click OK to set preferences.\n"
@@ -1185,280 +1209,291 @@ msgstr ""
 "Napsauta Tyhjennä palauttaaksesi web-pohjaiset asetukset (poislukien "
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:65 sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:428
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:69
 msgid "Clear"
 msgstr "Tyhjennä"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:66
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:70
 msgid "clear all local preferences and close the dialog"
 msgstr "tyhjennä kaikki paikalliset asetukset ja sulje ikkuna"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:81
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:85
 msgid "processor usage"
 msgstr "prosessorin käyttö"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:84
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:88
 msgid "network usage"
 msgstr "verkon käyttö"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:87
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:91
 msgid "disk and memory usage"
 msgstr "levyn ja muistin käyttö"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:90
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:94
 msgid "exclusive applications"
 msgstr "erityissovellukset"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:102 sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:424
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:107
+#: clientgui/DlgDiagnosticLogFlags.cpp:104
 msgid "OK"
 msgstr "OK"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:103
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:108
 msgid "save all values and close the dialog"
 msgstr "tallenna kaikki arvot ja sulje"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:108
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:114
 msgid "close the dialog without saving"
 msgstr "sulje tallentamatta"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:112 Localization.cpp:35 Localization.cpp:121
-#: Localization.cpp:139 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:794 sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:439
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:118
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:35
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:121
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:139
 msgid "Help"
 msgstr "Apua"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:113
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:119
 msgid "shows the preferences web page"
 msgstr "näyttää asetusten nettisivun"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:135
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:141
 msgid "Computing allowed"
 msgstr "Laskenta sallittu"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:139
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:146
 msgid "While computer is on batteries"
 msgstr "Tietokoneen ollessa akkukäytöllä"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:142
-msgid ""
-"check this if you want this computer to do work while it runs on batteries"
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:149
+msgid "check this if you want this computer to do work while it runs on batteries"
 msgstr ""
 "valitse tämä, jos haluat tietokoneen suorittavan laskentaa myös silloin, kun "
 "kone on akkukäytöllä"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:148
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:155
 msgid "While computer is in use"
 msgstr "Tietokoneen ollessa käytössä"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:151
-msgid ""
-"check this if you want this computer to do work even when you're using it"
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:158
+msgid "check this if you want this computer to do work even when you're using it"
 msgstr ""
 "valitse tämä, jos haluat tietokoneen suorittavan laskentaa myös silloin kun "
 "itse käytät sitä"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:157
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:164
 msgid "Use GPU while computer is in use"
 msgstr "Käytä näytönohjainta koneen ollessa käytössä"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:160
-msgid ""
-"check this if you want your GPU to do work even when you're using the "
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:167
+msgid "check this if you want your GPU to do work even when you're using the computer"
 msgstr ""
 "valitse tämä, jos haluat näytönohjaimen suorittavan laskentaa myös silloin "
 "kun itse käytät konetta"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:172
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:179
 msgid "Only after computer has been idle for"
 msgstr "Vasta kun tietokone on ollut jouten"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:182
-msgid ""
-"do work only after you haven't used the computer for this number of minutes"
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:188
+msgid "do work only after you haven't used the computer for this number of minutes"
 msgstr ""
 "salli työ vasta sen jälkeen kun et ole käyttänyt tietokonetta näin moneen "
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:187 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:336
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:417
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:193
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:342
 msgid "minutes"
 msgstr "minuuttia"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:206
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:212
 msgid "While processor usage is less than"
 msgstr "Prosessorin kuorman ollessa alle"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:216
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:221
 msgid "suspend work if processor usage exceeds this level"
 msgstr "hyllytä työ jos prosessorin käyttö ylittää tämän tason"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:221
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:226
 msgid "percent (0 means no restriction)"
 msgstr "prosenttia (0 tarkoittaa ei rajoitusta)"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:235 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:496
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:240
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:506
 msgid "Every day between hours of"
 msgstr "Joka päivä aikavälillä"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:239
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:244
 msgid "start work at this time"
 msgstr "aloita työ tähän aikaan"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:243 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:504
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:326 sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:348
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:248
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:514
 msgid "and"
 msgstr "ja"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:247
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:252
 msgid "stop work at this time"
 msgstr "lopeta työ tähän aikaan"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:251 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:512
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:256
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:522
 msgid "(no restriction if equal)"
 msgstr "(ei rajoitusta jos yhtä suuret)"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:256 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:517
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:261
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:527
 msgid "Day-of-week override:"
 msgstr "Viikonpäivän ohitus:"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:261 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:522
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:266
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:532
 msgid "check box to specify hours for this day of week"
 msgstr "valitse määritelläksesi tunnit tälle päivälle"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:267 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:528
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:272
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:538
 msgid "Monday"
 msgstr "Maanantai"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:274 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:535
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:279
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:545
 msgid "Tuesday"
 msgstr "Tiistai"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:281 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:542
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:286
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:552
 msgid "Wednesday"
 msgstr "Keskiviikko"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:288 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:549
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:293
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:559
 msgid "Thursday"
 msgstr "Torstai"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:295 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:556
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:300
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:566
 msgid "Friday"
 msgstr "Perjantai"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:302 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:563
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:307
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:573
 msgid "Saturday"
 msgstr "Lauantai"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:309 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:570
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:314
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:580
 msgid "Sunday"
 msgstr "Sunnuntai"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:323
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:328
 msgid "Other options"
 msgstr "Muut asetukset"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:330
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:336
 msgid "Switch between applications every"
 msgstr "Vaihda sovellusten välillä joka"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:339
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:345
 msgid "On multiprocessor systems, use at most"
 msgstr "Moniprosessorikoneissa käytä enintään"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:346
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:352
 #, no-c-format
-msgid "% of the processors (0 means ignore this setting)"
-msgstr "% prosessoreista (0 tarkoittaa jätä huomiotta)"
+msgid "% of the processors (0 means no restriction)"
+msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:349 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:605
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:627 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:648
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:669 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:679
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:355
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:618
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:640
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:661
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:683
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:694
 msgid "Use at most"
 msgstr "Käytä enintään"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:356
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:362
 #, no-c-format
-msgid "% CPU time"
-msgstr "% prosessoriajasta"
+msgid "% of CPU time (0 means no restriction)"
+msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:378
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:386
 msgid "General options"
 msgstr "Yleiset asetukset"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:386
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:395
 msgid "Maximum download rate"
 msgstr "Suurin latausnopeus"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:392 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:401
-msgid "KBytes/sec."
-msgstr "Ktavua/sek."
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:401
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:410
+msgid "KBytes/second (0 means no restriction)"
+msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:395
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:404
 msgid "Maximum upload rate"
 msgstr "Suurin lähetysnopeus"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:406
-msgid "Transfer at most"
-msgstr "Siirrä enintään"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:412
-msgid "Mbytes"
-msgstr "Megatavua"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:415
-msgid "every"
-msgstr "joka"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:421 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:444
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:463
-msgid "days"
-msgstr "vrk"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:429
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:417
 msgid "Minimum work buffer"
 msgstr "Minimityömäärä"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:438
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:425
 msgid "Try to maintain enough tasks to keep busy for this many days"
 msgstr "Yritä pitää työpaketteja näin monen päivän edestä"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:450
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:431
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:449
+msgid "days (maximum value: 10)"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:437
 msgid "Max additional work buffer"
 msgstr "Suurin lisämäärä työtä"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:459
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:445
 msgid "In addition, maintain enough tasks for up to this many days"
 msgstr "Pidä lisäksi työpaketteja näin monen päivän edestä"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:466
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:454
+msgid "Transfer at most"
+msgstr "Siirrä enintään"
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:462
+msgid "MBytes every"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:468
+msgid "days (0 means no restriction)"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:476
 msgid "Skip image file verification"
 msgstr "Ohita kuvatiedoston varmennus"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:468
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:478
 msgid "check this if your Internet provider modifies image files"
 msgstr "valitse tämä jos operaattorisi muokkaa kuvatiedostoja"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:476
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:484
 msgid "Connect options"
 msgstr "Yhteysasetukset"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:478
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:487
 msgid "Confirm before connecting to internet"
 msgstr "Pyydä vahvistus ennen internet-yhteyden avaamista"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:480
-msgid ""
-"if checked, a confirmation dialog will be displayed before trying to connect "
-"to the Internet"
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:489
+msgid "if checked, a confirmation dialog will be displayed before trying to connect to the Internet"
 msgstr ""
 "jos valittu, vahvistusikkuna näytetään ennen kuin yritetään yhteyttä "
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:484
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:493
 msgid "Disconnect when done"
 msgstr "Katkaise yhteys lopuksi"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:486
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:495
 msgid ""
 "if checked, BOINC hangs up when network usage is done\n"
 "(only relevant for dialup-connection)"
@@ -1466,193 +1501,218 @@ msgstr ""
 "jos valittuna, BOINC katkaisee verkkoyhteyden lopuksi\n"
 "(koskee vain puhelinverkkoyhteyksiä)"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:492
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:501
 msgid "Network usage allowed"
 msgstr "Verkon käyttö sallittu"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:500
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:510
 msgid "network usage start hour"
 msgstr "verkon käytön alkamistunti"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:508
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:518
 msgid "network usage stop hour"
 msgstr "verkon käytön lopetustunti"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:598 DlgItemProperties.cpp:231
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:610
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:257
 msgid "Disk usage"
 msgstr "Levyn käyttö"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:609
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:622
 msgid "the maximum disk space used by BOINC (in Gigabytes)"
 msgstr "suurin levytila, jota BOINC käyttää (gigatavuina)"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:613
-msgid "Gigabytes disk space"
-msgstr "Gigatavua levytilaa"
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:626
+msgid "Gigabytes disk space (0 means no restriction)"
+msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:616
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:629
 msgid "Leave at least"
 msgstr "Jätä vähintään"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:620
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:633
 msgid "BOINC leaves at least this amount of disk space free (in Gigabytes)"
 msgstr "BOINC jättää vähintään tämän verran levytilaa vapaaksi (gigatavuina)"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:624
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:637
 msgid "Gigabytes disk space free"
 msgstr "Gigatavua vapaata levytilaa"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:631
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:644
 msgid "BOINC uses at most this percentage of total disk space"
 msgstr "BOINC käyttää enintään tämän verran kokonaislevytilasta prosentteina"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:636
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:649
 #, no-c-format
 msgid "% of total disk space"
 msgstr "% kokonaislevytilasta"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:639
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:652
 msgid "Tasks checkpoint to disk at most every"
 msgstr "Paketin tarkistuspiste levylle joka"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:645
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:658
 msgid "seconds"
 msgstr "sekunti"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:655
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:668
 #, no-c-format
 msgid "% of page file (swap space)"
 msgstr "% sivutustiedostosta (näennäismuistista)"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:662
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:675
 msgid "Memory usage"
 msgstr "Muistin käyttö"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:676
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:691
 #, no-c-format
 msgid "% when computer is in use"
 msgstr "% tietokoneen ollessa käytössä"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:686
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:701
 #, no-c-format
 msgid "% when computer is idle"
 msgstr "% tietokoneen ollessa jouten"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:691
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:706
 msgid "Leave applications in memory while suspended"
 msgstr "Jätä sovellukset muistiin hyllytyksen ajaksi"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:693
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:708
 msgid "if checked, suspended work units are left in memory"
 msgstr "jos valittuna, hyllytetyt työt jätetään muistiin"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:713
-msgid ""
-"Suspend processor and network usage when these applications are running:"
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:728
+msgid "Suspend processor and network usage when these applications are running:"
 msgstr ""
 "Hyllytä prosessori- ja verkkokäyttö kun nämä sovellukset ovat käynnissä:"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:722
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:738
 msgid "Add..."
 msgstr "Lisää..."
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:723
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:739
 msgid "Add an application to this list"
 msgstr "Lisää sovellus tähän listaan"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:728 ViewProjects.cpp:202
-#: sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:85
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:744
 msgid "Remove"
 msgstr "Poista"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:729
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:745
 msgid "Remove an application from this list"
 msgstr "Poista sovellus tästä listasta"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:738
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:754
 msgid "For advanced options, refer to "
 msgstr "Lisäasetukset, katso "
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:219
+#: clientgui/DlgDiagnosticLogFlags.cpp:65
+#, c-format
+msgid "%s Diagnostic Log Flags"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/DlgDiagnosticLogFlags.cpp:83
+msgid "These flags enable various types of diagnostic messages in the Event Log."
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/DlgDiagnosticLogFlags.cpp:105
+msgid "Save all values and close the dialog"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/DlgDiagnosticLogFlags.cpp:108
+msgid "Defaults"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/DlgDiagnosticLogFlags.cpp:109
+msgid "Restore default settings"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/DlgDiagnosticLogFlags.cpp:113
+msgid "Close the dialog without saving"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:226
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - Event Log"
 msgstr "%s - Tapahtumaloki"
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:232 ViewMessages.cpp:117 ViewProjects.cpp:219
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:435 ViewStatistics.cpp:2009 ViewTransfers.cpp:182
-#: ViewWork.cpp:232
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:236
 msgid "Project"
 msgstr "Projekti"
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:233 ViewMessages.cpp:118
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:237
 msgid "Time"
 msgstr "Aika"
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:234 ViewMessages.cpp:119
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:238
 msgid "Message"
 msgstr "Viesti"
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:290 DlgEventLog.cpp:354
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:300
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:364
 msgid "&Show only this project"
 msgstr "&Näytä vain tämä projekti"
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:294
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:304
 msgid "Copy &All"
 msgstr "Kopioi &kaikki"
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:296 DlgEventLog.cpp:300 ViewMessages.cpp:89
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:306
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:310
 msgid "Copy all the messages to the clipboard."
 msgstr "Kopioi kaikki viestit leikepöydälle."
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:305
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:315
 msgid "Copy &Selected"
 msgstr "Kopioi &valitut"
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:308 DlgEventLog.cpp:316 ViewMessages.cpp:97
-msgid ""
-"Copy the selected messages to the clipboard. You can select multiple "
-"messages by holding down the shift or command key while clicking on messages."
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:318
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:326
+msgid "Copy the selected messages to the clipboard. You can select multiple messages by holding down the shift or command key while clicking on messages."
 msgstr ""
 "Kopioi valitut viestit leikepöydälle. Voit valita useampia viestejä "
 "pitämällä shift- tai command-näppäintä pohjassa samalla kun napsautat "
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:310 DlgEventLog.cpp:318 ViewMessages.cpp:99
-msgid ""
-"Copy the selected messages to the clipboard. You can select multiple "
-"messages by holding down the shift or control key while clicking on messages."
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:320
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:328
+msgid "Copy the selected messages to the clipboard. You can select multiple messages by holding down the shift or control key while clicking on messages."
 msgstr ""
 "Kopioi valitut viestit leikepöydälle. Voit valita useampia viestejä "
 "pitämällä shift- tai control-näppäintä pohjassa samalla kun napsautat "
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:325 DlgItemProperties.cpp:67
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:335
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:67
 msgid "&Close"
 msgstr "&Sulje"
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:334 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:798 sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:442
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:344
 #, c-format
 msgid "Get help with %s"
 msgstr "Hae apua %s:iin"
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:348
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:358
 msgid "Show all &messages"
 msgstr "Näytä kaikki &viestit"
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:349 DlgEventLog.cpp:351
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:359
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:361
 msgid "Show messages for all projects"
 msgstr "Näytä kaikkien projektien viestit"
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:355 DlgEventLog.cpp:357
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:365
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:367
 msgid "Show only the messages for the selected project"
 msgstr "Näytä vain valitun projektin viestit"
-#: DlgExitMessage.cpp:82
+#: clientgui/DlgExitMessage.cpp:82
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - Exit Confirmation"
 msgstr "%s - Lopettamisen vahvistus"
-#: DlgExitMessage.cpp:130
+#: clientgui/DlgExitMessage.cpp:130
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "You have requested to exit the %s,\n"
@@ -1669,7 +1729,7 @@ msgstr ""
 "Jos haluat lopettaa myös tehtävien suorittamisen,\n"
 "niin valitse seuraavista vaihtoehdoista:"
-#: DlgExitMessage.cpp:135
+#: clientgui/DlgExitMessage.cpp:135
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "This will shut down %s and its tasks until either the\n"
@@ -1686,394 +1746,420 @@ msgstr ""
 "kuin lopettaa sovellus kokonaan; siten %s pysyy käynnissä ja\n"
 "työpakettien suoritus jatkuu asetusten mukaisesti."
-#: DlgExitMessage.cpp:153
+#: clientgui/DlgExitMessage.cpp:153
 #, c-format
 msgid "Stop running tasks when exiting the %s"
 msgstr "Lopeta pakettien suoritus kun %s lopetetaan"
-#: DlgExitMessage.cpp:165
+#: clientgui/DlgExitMessage.cpp:165
 msgid "Remember this decision and do not show this dialog."
 msgstr "Muista valinta äläkä näytä tätä uudelleen."
-#: DlgExitMessage.cpp:178 DlgGenericMessage.cpp:125 DlgOptions.cpp:401
-#: DlgSelectComputer.cpp:168 wizardex.cpp:378
+#: clientgui/DlgExitMessage.cpp:178
+#: clientgui/DlgGenericMessage.cpp:125
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:404
+#: clientgui/DlgSelectComputer.cpp:168
 msgid "&Cancel"
 msgstr "&Peruuta"
-#: DlgGenericMessage.cpp:112
+#: clientgui/DlgGenericMessage.cpp:112
 msgid "Don't show this dialog again."
 msgstr "Älä näytä tätä uudelleen."
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:168 DlgItemProperties.cpp:171
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:174 DlgItemProperties.cpp:177
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:194
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:197
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:200
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:203
 msgid "Don't fetch tasks for "
 msgstr "Älä lataa työtä prosessorille "
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:168
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:194
 msgid "Project preference"
 msgstr "Projektiasetukset"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:171
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:197
 msgid "Account manager preference"
 msgstr "Tilihallitsijan asetukset"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:174
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:200
 msgid "Project has no apps for "
 msgstr "Projektilla ei ole sovelluksia prosessorille "
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:177
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:203
 msgid "Client configuration excludes "
 msgstr "Ohjelman asetukset eivät salli prosessoria "
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:181
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:207
 msgid " work fetch deferred for"
 msgstr " työn latausta lykätty"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:182
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:208
 msgid " work fetch deferral interval"
 msgstr " työn latauksen lykkäysaikaväli"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:213
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:239
 msgid "Properties of project "
 msgstr "Tietoja projektista "
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:217 DlgOptions.cpp:218
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:243
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:221
 msgid "General"
 msgstr "Yleiset"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:218
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:244
 msgid "Master URL"
 msgstr "URL-pääosoite"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:219
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:245
 msgid "User name"
 msgstr "Käyttäjänimi"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:220
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:246
 msgid "Team name"
 msgstr "Tiiminimi"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:221 ViewProjects.cpp:224
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:247
 msgid "Resource share"
 msgstr "Resurssien jako"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:223
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:249
 msgid "Scheduler RPC deferred for"
 msgstr "RPC-aikataulutusta lykätty"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:226
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:252
 msgid "File downloads deferred for"
 msgstr "Tiedoston latausta lykätty"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:229
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:255
 msgid "File uploads deferred for"
 msgstr "Tiedoston lähetystä lykätty"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:232
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:258
 msgid "Computer ID"
 msgstr "Tietokoneen tunniste"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:234
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:260
 msgid "Non CPU intensive"
 msgstr "Ei prosessorikuormittava"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:234 DlgItemProperties.cpp:236
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:237 DlgItemProperties.cpp:239
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:242 DlgItemProperties.cpp:251
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:254 DlgItemProperties.cpp:257
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:260
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:262
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:263
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:265
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:268
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:277
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:280
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:283
 msgid "yes"
 msgstr "kyllä"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:236
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:262
 msgid "Suspended via GUI"
 msgstr "Hyllytetty käyttöliittymän kautta"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:236 DlgItemProperties.cpp:237
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:262
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:263
 msgid "no"
 msgstr "ei"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:237
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:263
 msgid "Don't request more work"
 msgstr "Älä pyydä lisää työtä"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:239
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:265
 msgid "Scheduler call in progress"
 msgstr "Pyyntö aikatauluttajalle käynnissä"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:242
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:268
 msgid "Trickle-up pending"
 msgstr "Väliaikaviesti odottaa"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:245 DlgItemProperties.cpp:247
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:271
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:273
 msgid "Host location"
 msgstr "Koneen sijainti"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:247
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:273
 msgid "default"
 msgstr "oletus"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:251
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:277
 msgid "Added via account manager"
 msgstr "Lisätty tilihallitsijan kautta"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:254
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:280
 msgid "Remove when tasks done"
 msgstr "Poista pakettien valmistuttua"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:257
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:283
 msgid "Ended"
 msgstr "Päättynyt"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:259
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:285
+msgid "Tasks completed"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:286
+msgid "Tasks failed"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:288
 msgid "Credit"
 msgstr "Pisteet"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:260
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:289
 msgid "User"
 msgstr "Käyttäjä"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:267
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:296
 msgid "Host"
 msgstr "Kone"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:276
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:305
 msgid "Scheduling"
 msgstr "Aikataulutus"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:277
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:306
 msgid "Scheduling priority"
 msgstr "Aikataulutusprioriteetti"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:278
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:307
 msgid "CPU"
 msgstr "CPU"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:302
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:331
 msgid "Duration correction factor"
 msgstr "Korjauskerroin"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:316
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:345
 msgid "Properties of task "
 msgstr "Tiedot työpaketista "
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:328 ViewWork.cpp:238
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:357
 msgid "Application"
 msgstr "Sovellus"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:329 ViewWork.cpp:239
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:358
 msgid "Name"
 msgstr "Nimi"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:330
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:359
 msgid "State"
 msgstr "Tila"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:333
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:362
 msgid "Received"
 msgstr "Vastaanotettu"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:336
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:365
 msgid "Report deadline"
 msgstr "Raportoinnin takaraja"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:338
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:367
 msgid "Resources"
 msgstr "Resurssit"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:341
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:370
 msgid "Estimated computation size"
 msgstr "Arvioitu laskentakoko"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:344
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:373
 msgid "CPU time at last checkpoint"
 msgstr "Suoritinaika viim. tarkistuspisteessä"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:345 DlgItemProperties.cpp:360
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:374
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:389
 msgid "CPU time"
 msgstr "Suoritinaika"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:347 DlgItemProperties.cpp:361
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:376
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:390
 msgid "Elapsed time"
 msgstr "Kulunut aika"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:349
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:378
 msgid "Estimated time remaining"
 msgstr "Arvioitu jäljellä oleva aika"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:350
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:379
 msgid "Fraction done"
 msgstr "Suoritettu osuus"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:351
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:380
 msgid "Virtual memory size"
 msgstr "Virtuaalimuistin koko"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:352
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:381
 msgid "Working set size"
 msgstr "Työjoukon koko"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:354
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:383
 msgid "Directory"
 msgstr "Hakemisto"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:357
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:386
 msgid "Process ID"
 msgstr "Prosessin tunniste"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:427 ViewWork.cpp:1032 sg_TaskPanel.cpp:823
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:456
 msgid "Local: "
 msgstr "Paikallinen: "
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:129 DlgOptions.cpp:135
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:129
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:135
 msgid "Options"
 msgstr "Asetukset"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:175
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:178
 msgid "Language:"
 msgstr "Kieli:"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:182
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:185
 msgid "What language should BOINC use?"
 msgstr "Mitä kieltä BOINCin tulisi käyttää?"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:186
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:189
 msgid "Notice reminder interval:"
 msgstr "Ilmoitusten muistutusväli:"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:193
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:196
 msgid "How often should BOINC remind you of new notices?"
 msgstr "Kuinka usein BOINC muistuttaa uusista ilmoituksista?"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:198
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:201
 msgid "Run Manager at login?"
 msgstr "Käynnistä Manager kirjauduttaessa?"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:204
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:207
 msgid "Run the BOINC Manager when you log on."
 msgstr "Käynnistä BOINC Manager kun kirjaudut."
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:209
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:212
 msgid "Enable Manager exit dialog?"
 msgstr "Salli Managerin lopetusikkuna?"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:215
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:218
 msgid "Display the exit dialog when shutting down the Manager."
 msgstr "Näytä lopetusikkuna kun Manageria sammutetaan."
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:226
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:229
 msgid "Dial-up and Virtual Private Network settings"
 msgstr "Puhelinverkko- ja VPN-asetukset"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:240
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:243
 msgid "&Set Default"
 msgstr "&Aseta oletus"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:245
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:248
 msgid "&Clear Default"
 msgstr "&Tyhjennä oletus"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:252
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:255
 msgid "Default Connection:"
 msgstr "Oletusyhteys:"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:259
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:262
 msgid "Connections"
 msgstr "Yhteydet"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:268
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:271
 msgid "Connect via HTTP proxy server"
 msgstr "Yhdistä HTTP proxypalvelimen kautta"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:272
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:275
 msgid "HTTP Proxy Server Configuration"
 msgstr "HTTP proxypalvelimen asetukset"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:280 DlgOptions.cpp:344
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:283
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:347
 msgid "Address:"
 msgstr "Osoite:"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:288 DlgOptions.cpp:352 ProxyPage.cpp:340 ProxyPage.cpp:360
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:291
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:355
 msgid "Port:"
 msgstr "Portti:"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:296 DlgOptions.cpp:360
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:299
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:363
 msgid "Don't use proxy for:"
 msgstr "Älä käytä proxya:"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:303 DlgOptions.cpp:367
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:306
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:370
 msgid "Leave these blank if not needed"
 msgstr "Jätä tyhjäksi jos ei tarvita"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:309 DlgOptions.cpp:373 ProxyPage.cpp:343 ProxyPage.cpp:363
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:312
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:376
 msgid "User Name:"
 msgstr "Käyttäjänimi:"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:317 DlgOptions.cpp:381 DlgSelectComputer.cpp:152
-#: ProxyPage.cpp:346 ProxyPage.cpp:366
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:320
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:384
+#: clientgui/DlgSelectComputer.cpp:152
 msgid "Password:"
 msgstr "Salasana:"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:324
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:327
 msgid "HTTP Proxy"
 msgstr "HTTP Proxy"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:332
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:335
 msgid "Connect via SOCKS proxy server"
 msgstr "Yhdistä SOCKS proxypalvelimen kautta"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:336
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:339
 msgid "SOCKS Proxy Server Configuration"
 msgstr "SOCKS proxypalvelimen asetukset"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:388
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:391
 msgid "SOCKS Proxy"
 msgstr "SOCKS Proxy"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:586
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:589
 msgid "always"
 msgstr "aina"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:587
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:590
 msgid "1 hour"
 msgstr "1 tunti"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:588
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:591
 msgid "6 hours"
 msgstr "6 tuntia"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:589
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:592
 msgid "1 day"
 msgstr "1 päivä"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:590
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:593
 msgid "1 week"
 msgstr "1 viikko"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:591
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:594
 msgid "never"
 msgstr "ei koskaan"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:688
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:691
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - Language Selection"
 msgstr "%s - Kielen valinta"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:695
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:698
 #, c-format
 #, c-format, c-format
-msgid ""
-"The %s's language has been changed.  In order for this change to take "
-"effect, you must restart the %s."
+msgid "The %s's language has been changed.  In order for this change to take effect, you must restart the %s."
 msgstr ""
 "%s:n kieli on vaihdettu.  Jotta muutos tulee voimaan, %s pitää käynnistää "
-#: DlgSelectComputer.cpp:91
+#: clientgui/DlgSelectComputer.cpp:91
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - Select Computer"
 msgstr "%s - Valitse tietokone"
-#: DlgSelectComputer.cpp:125
+#: clientgui/DlgSelectComputer.cpp:125
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "Another instance of %s is already running \n"
@@ -2082,420 +2168,422 @@ msgstr ""
 "Toinen instanssi %s:sta on jo käynnissä \n"
 "tässä koneessa.  Valitse ohjelma seurataksesi."
-#: DlgSelectComputer.cpp:143
+#: clientgui/DlgSelectComputer.cpp:143
 msgid "Host name:"
 msgstr "Konenimi:"
-#: Localization.cpp:31 Localization.cpp:69
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:31
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:69
 msgid "Message boards"
 msgstr "Keskustelupalstat"
-#: Localization.cpp:33
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:33
 msgid "Correspond with other users on the SETI at home message boards"
 msgstr "Keskustele muiden käyttäjien kanssa SETI at homen keskustelupalstoilla"
-#: Localization.cpp:37
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:37
 msgid "Ask questions and report problems"
 msgstr "Kysy kysymyksiä ja raportoi ongelmista"
-#: Localization.cpp:39 Localization.cpp:81 Localization.cpp:111
-#: Localization.cpp:129
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:39
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:81
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:111
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:129
 msgid "Your account"
 msgstr "Tilisi"
-#: Localization.cpp:41 Localization.cpp:87 Localization.cpp:113
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:41
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:87
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:113
 msgid "View your account information and credit totals"
 msgstr "Katso tilisi tietoja ja kokonaispisteitäsi"
-#: Localization.cpp:43
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:43
 msgid "Your preferences"
 msgstr "Asetuksesi"
-#: Localization.cpp:45
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:45
 msgid "View and modify your SETI at home account profile and preferences"
 msgstr "Tarkastele ja muokkaa SETI at homen tilin profiilia ja asetuksia"
-#: Localization.cpp:47 Localization.cpp:89
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:47
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:89
 msgid "Your results"
 msgstr "Tuloksesi"
-#: Localization.cpp:49 Localization.cpp:91
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:49
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:91
 msgid "View your last week (or more) of computational results and work"
 msgstr "Katsele viime viikon (tai pidemmältä ajalta) laskentatuloksia ja töitä"
-#: Localization.cpp:51 Localization.cpp:93
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:51
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:93
 msgid "Your computers"
 msgstr "Tietokoneesi"
-#: Localization.cpp:53
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:53
 msgid "View a listing of all the computers on which you are running SETI at Home"
 msgstr "Selaa tietokoneitasi, joilla osallistut SETI at Homeen"
-#: Localization.cpp:55 Localization.cpp:97
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:55
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:97
 msgid "Your team"
 msgstr "Tiimisi"
-#: Localization.cpp:57 Localization.cpp:99
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:57
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:99
 msgid "View information about your team"
 msgstr "Katsele tiimisi tietoja"
-#: Localization.cpp:61
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:61
 msgid "Common questions"
 msgstr "Yleiset kysymykset"
-#: Localization.cpp:63
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:63
 msgid "Read the Einstein at Home Frequently Asked Question list"
 msgstr "Lue Einstein at Homen usein kysyttyjen kysymysten listaa"
-#: Localization.cpp:65
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:65
 msgid "Screensaver info"
 msgstr "Näytönsäästäjän tiedot"
-#: Localization.cpp:67
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:67
 msgid "Read a detailed description of the Einstein at Home screensaver"
 msgstr "Lue yksityiskohtaiset tiedot Einstein at Homen näytönsäästäjästä"
-#: Localization.cpp:71
-msgid ""
-"Correspond with admins and other users on the Einstein at Home message boards"
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:71
+msgid "Correspond with admins and other users on the Einstein at Home message boards"
 msgstr ""
 "Keskustele ylläpitäjien ja muiden käyttäjien kanssa Einstein at Home "
-#: Localization.cpp:73
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:73
 msgid "Einstein status"
 msgstr "Einsteinin tila"
-#: Localization.cpp:75
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:75
 msgid "Current status of the Einstein at Home server"
 msgstr "Einstein at Homen palvelimen tämänhetkinen tila"
-#: Localization.cpp:77
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:77
 msgid "Report problems"
 msgstr "Raportoi ongelmista"
-#: Localization.cpp:79
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:79
 msgid "A link to the Einstein at Home problems and bug reports message board"
 msgstr ""
 "Linkki Einstein at Homen keskustelupalstalle, jossa raportoidaan ongelmista ja "
-#: Localization.cpp:83
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:83
 msgid "View and modify your Einstein at Home account profile and preferences"
 msgstr "Tarkastele ja muokkaa Einstein at Homen tilin profiilia ja asetuksia"
-#: Localization.cpp:85
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:85
 msgid "Account summary"
 msgstr "Tilin yhteenveto"
-#: Localization.cpp:95
-msgid ""
-"View a listing of all the computers on which you are running Einstein at Home"
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:95
+msgid "View a listing of all the computers on which you are running Einstein at Home"
 msgstr "Selaa tietokoneitasi, joilla osallistut Einstein at Homeen"
-#: Localization.cpp:101
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:101
 msgid "LIGO project"
 msgstr "LIGO projekti"
-#: Localization.cpp:103
-msgid ""
-"The home page of the Laser Interferometer Gravitational-wave Observatory "
-"(LIGO) project"
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:103
+msgid "The home page of the Laser Interferometer Gravitational-wave Observatory (LIGO) project"
 msgstr ""
 "Laser Interferometer Gravitational-wave Observatory (LIGO) -projektin "
-#: Localization.cpp:105
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:105
 msgid "GEO-600 project"
 msgstr "GEO-600 projekti"
-#: Localization.cpp:107
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:107
 msgid "The home page of the GEO-600 project"
 msgstr "GEO-600 -projektin kotisivu"
-#: Localization.cpp:115 Localization.cpp:133 ViewProjects.cpp:221
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:465
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:115
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:133
 msgid "Team"
 msgstr "Tiimi"
-#: Localization.cpp:117
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:117
 msgid "Info about your Team"
 msgstr "Tietoja tiimistäsi"
-#: Localization.cpp:123
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:123
 msgid "Get help for climateprediction.net"
 msgstr "Hae apua climateprediction.netiin"
-#: Localization.cpp:125
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:125
 msgid "News"
 msgstr "Uutiset"
-#: Localization.cpp:127
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:127
 msgid "climateprediction.net News"
 msgstr "climateprediction.net uutiset"
-#: Localization.cpp:131
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:131
 msgid "View your account information, credits, and trickles"
 msgstr "Katso tilitietojasi, pisteitäsi ja väliaikaviestejä"
-#: Localization.cpp:135
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:135
 msgid "Info about your team"
 msgstr "Tietoja tiimistäsi"
-#: Localization.cpp:141
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:141
 msgid "Search for help in our help system"
 msgstr "Etsi apua järjestelmästämme"
-#: Localization.cpp:143
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:143
 msgid "Global Statistics"
 msgstr "Maailmanlaajuiset tilastot"
-#: Localization.cpp:145
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:145
 msgid "Summary statistics for World Community Grid"
 msgstr "Kokonaistilastot World Community Gridille"
-#: Localization.cpp:147
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:147
 msgid "My Grid"
 msgstr "Minun Gridini"
-#: Localization.cpp:149
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:149
 msgid "Your statistics and settings"
 msgstr "Tilastosi ja asetuksesi"
-#: Localization.cpp:151
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:151
 msgid "Device Profiles"
 msgstr "Laiteprofiilit"
-#: Localization.cpp:153
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:153
 msgid "Update your device settings"
 msgstr "Päivitä laiteasetuksesi"
-#: Localization.cpp:155
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:155
 msgid "Research"
 msgstr "Tutkimus"
-#: Localization.cpp:157
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:157
 msgid "Learn about the projects hosted at World Community Grid"
 msgstr "Hanki tietoja World Community Grid -projekteista"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:583
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:583
 msgid "Starting client"
 msgstr "Käynnistetään ohjelma"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:591
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:591
 msgid "Connecting to client"
 msgstr "Otetaan yhteys ohjelmaan"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:1195
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:1205
 msgid "Retrieving system state; please wait..."
 msgstr "Noudetaan järjestelmätila, odota..."
-#: MainDocument.cpp:1816
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:1826
 msgid "Missing application"
 msgstr "Puuttuva sovellus"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:1817
-msgid ""
-"Please download and install the CoRD application from http://cord."
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:1827
+msgid "Please download and install the CoRD application from http://cord.sourceforge.net"
 msgstr "Lataa ja asenna CoRD-sovellus osoitteesta http://cord.sourceforge.net"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2432
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2442
 msgid "on batteries"
 msgstr "akkukäytöllä"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2433
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2443
 msgid "computer is in use"
 msgstr "tietokone on käytössä"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2434
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2444
 msgid "user request"
 msgstr "käyttäjän pyytämä"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2435
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2445
 msgid "time of day"
 msgstr "aika päivästä"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2436
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2446
 msgid "CPU benchmarks in progress"
 msgstr "suorituskykytestit käynnissä"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2437
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2447
 msgid "need disk space - check preferences"
 msgstr "tarvitaan levytilaa - tarkista asetukset"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2438
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2448
 msgid "computer is not in use"
 msgstr "tietokone ei ole käytössä"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2439
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2449
 msgid "starting up"
 msgstr "käynnistetään"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2440
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2450
 msgid "an exclusive app is running"
 msgstr "erityisohjelma käynnissä"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2441
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2451
 msgid "CPU is busy"
 msgstr "CPU varattu"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2442
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2452
 msgid "network bandwidth limit exceeded"
 msgstr "verkon latausraja ylitetty"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2443
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2453
 msgid "requested by operating system"
 msgstr "käyttöjärjestelmän pyytämä"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2445
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2455
 msgid "unknown reason"
 msgstr "tuntematon syy"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2467
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2477
 msgid "GPU missing, "
 msgstr "Näytönohjain puuttuu, "
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2474
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2484
 msgid "New"
 msgstr "Uusi"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2478
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2488
 msgid "Download failed"
 msgstr "Lataus epäonnistui"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2480
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2490
 msgid "Downloading"
 msgstr "Ladataan"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2482 MainDocument.cpp:2552
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2492
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2557
 msgid " (suspended - "
 msgstr " (hyllytetty - "
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2490
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2500
 msgid "Project suspended by user"
 msgstr "Projekti on käyttäjän hyllyttämä"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2492
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2502
 msgid "Task suspended by user"
 msgstr "Tehtävä on käyttäjän hyllyttämä"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2494
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2504
 msgid "Suspended - "
 msgstr "Hyllytetty - "
 # 75%
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2500
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2510
 msgid "GPU suspended - "
 msgstr "GPU hyllytetty - "
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2507
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2517
 msgid "Waiting for memory"
 msgstr "Odottaa muistia"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2509
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2519
 msgid "Waiting for shared memory"
 msgstr "Odottaa jaettua muistia"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2512
-msgid "Running, high priority"
-msgstr "Suoritetaan, korkea prioriteetti"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2514
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2521
 msgid "Running"
 msgstr "Suoritetaan"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2517
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2523
 msgid " (non-CPU-intensive)"
 msgstr " (ei prosessorikuormittava)"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2520
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2526
 msgid "Waiting to run"
 msgstr "Odottaa suorittamista"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2522 MainDocument.cpp:2528
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2528
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2534
 msgid "Ready to start"
 msgstr "Valmiina aloitettavaksi"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2532
-msgid " (Scheduler wait: "
-msgstr " (Odottaa ajoittamista: "
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2538
+msgid "Postponed: "
+msgstr ""
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2536
-msgid " (Scheduler wait)"
-msgstr " (Odottaa ajoittamista)"
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2541
+msgid "Postponed"
+msgstr ""
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2540
-msgid " (Waiting for network access)"
-msgstr " (Odottaa pääsyä verkkoon)"
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2545
+msgid "Waiting for network access"
+msgstr ""
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2544
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2549
 msgid "Computation error"
 msgstr "Laskentavirhe"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2548
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2553
 msgid "Upload failed"
 msgstr "Lähetys epäonnistui"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2550
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2555
 msgid "Uploading"
 msgstr "Lähetetään"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2561
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2566
 msgid "Aborted by user"
 msgstr "Käyttäjän hylkäämä"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2564
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2569
 msgid "Aborted by project"
 msgstr "Projektin hylkäämä"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2567
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2572
 msgid "Aborted: not started by deadline"
 msgstr "Hylätty: ei ehditty aloittaa ennen takarajaa"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2570
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2575
 msgid "Aborted: disk limit exceeded"
 msgstr "Hylätty: levyraja saavutettu"
 # 78%
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2573
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2578
 msgid "Aborted: run time limit exceeded"
 msgstr "Hylätty: suoritusajan raja saavutettu"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2576
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2581
 msgid "Aborted: memory limit exceeded"
 msgstr "Hylätty: muistiraja saavutettu"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2579
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2584
 msgid "Aborted"
 msgstr "Hylätty"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2584
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2589
 msgid "Acknowledged"
 msgstr "Hyväksytty"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2586
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2591
 msgid "Ready to report"
 msgstr "Valmiina raportoitavaksi"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2588
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2593
 #, c-format
 msgid "Error: invalid state '%d'"
 msgstr "Virhe: virheellinen tila \"%d\""
-#: NoInternetConnectionPage.cpp:179
+#: clientgui/NoInternetConnectionPage.cpp:179
 msgid "No Internet connection"
 msgstr "Internetyhteys puuttuu"
-#: NoInternetConnectionPage.cpp:182
+#: clientgui/NoInternetConnectionPage.cpp:182
 msgid "Please connect to the Internet and try again."
 msgstr "Avaa internetyhteys ja yritä uudelleen."
-#: NotDetectedPage.cpp:181
+#: clientgui/NotDetectedPage.cpp:181
 msgid "Project not found"
 msgstr "Projektia ei löydy"
-#: NotDetectedPage.cpp:184
+#: clientgui/NotDetectedPage.cpp:184
 msgid ""
 "The URL you supplied is not that of a BOINC-based project.\n"
@@ -2505,11 +2593,11 @@ msgstr ""
 "Tarkista URL-osoite ja yritä uudelleen."
-#: NotDetectedPage.cpp:188
+#: clientgui/NotDetectedPage.cpp:188
 msgid "Account manager not found"
 msgstr "Tilihallitsijaa ei löydy"
-#: NotDetectedPage.cpp:191
+#: clientgui/NotDetectedPage.cpp:191
 msgid ""
 "The URL you supplied is not that of a BOINC-based account\n"
@@ -2521,92 +2609,93 @@ msgstr ""
 "Tarkista URL-osoite ja yritä uudelleen."
-#: NotFoundPage.cpp:181
+#: clientgui/NotFoundPage.cpp:181
 msgid "Login Failed."
 msgstr "Kirjautuminen epäonnistui."
-#: NotFoundPage.cpp:185
+#: clientgui/NotFoundPage.cpp:185
 msgid "Check the username and password, and try again."
 msgstr "Tarkista käyttäjänimi ja salasana."
-#: NotFoundPage.cpp:189
+#: clientgui/NotFoundPage.cpp:189
 msgid "Check the email address and password, and try again."
 msgstr "Tarkista sähköpostiosoite ja salasana."
-#: NoticeListCtrl.cpp:222
+#: clientgui/NoticeListCtrl.cpp:229
 msgid "more..."
 msgstr "lisää..."
-#: ProjectInfoPage.cpp:477 ProjectInfoPage.cpp:778 ProjectInfoPage.cpp:782
-msgid "All"
-msgstr "Kaikki"
-#: ProjectInfoPage.cpp:615
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:221
 msgid "Choose a project"
 msgstr "Valitse projekti"
-#: ProjectInfoPage.cpp:619
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:228
 msgid "To choose a project, click its name or type its URL below."
 msgstr ""
 "Valitse projekti listasta napsauttamalla nimeä tai kirjoita sen URL-osoite."
-#: ProjectInfoPage.cpp:623
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:246
 msgid "Categories:"
 msgstr "Kategoriat:"
-#: ProjectInfoPage.cpp:627 sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:89
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:267
 msgid "Projects:"
 msgstr "Projektit:"
-#: ProjectInfoPage.cpp:631
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:279
 msgid "Project details"
 msgstr "Projektitiedot"
-#: ProjectInfoPage.cpp:635
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:291
 msgid "Research area:"
 msgstr "Tutkimusala:"
-#: ProjectInfoPage.cpp:639
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:302
 msgid "Organization:"
 msgstr "Organisaatio:"
-#: ProjectInfoPage.cpp:643
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:313
 msgid "Web site:"
 msgstr "Nettisivu:"
-#: ProjectInfoPage.cpp:647
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:325
 msgid "Supported systems:"
 msgstr "Tuetut järjestelmät:"
-#: ProjectInfoPage.cpp:651
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:363
 msgid "Project URL:"
 msgstr "Projektin URL-osoite:"
-#: ProjectInfoPage.cpp:826
-msgid ""
-"This project may not have work for your type of computer.  Do you want to "
-"add it anyway?"
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:499
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:754
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:758
+msgid "All"
+msgstr "Kaikki"
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:802
+msgid "This project may not have work for your type of computer.  Do you want to add it anyway?"
 msgstr ""
 "Tällä projektilla ei ehkä ole työtä tietokoneesi tyypille.  Lisätäänkö se "
-#: ProjectInfoPage.cpp:850
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:826
 msgid "You already added this project. Please choose a different project."
 msgstr "Olet jo liittynyt tähän projektiin. Valitse toinen projekti."
-#: ProjectProcessingPage.cpp:321
+#: clientgui/ProjectProcessingPage.cpp:321
 msgid "Communicating with project."
 msgstr "Ollaan yhteydessä projektiin."
-#: ProjectProcessingPage.cpp:509
+#: clientgui/ProjectProcessingPage.cpp:510
 msgid "Required files not found on the server."
 msgstr "Palvelimelta ei löydy tarvittavia tiedostoja."
-#: ProjectProcessingPage.cpp:512 ProjectProcessingPage.cpp:574
+#: clientgui/ProjectProcessingPage.cpp:513
+#: clientgui/ProjectProcessingPage.cpp:586
 msgid "An internal server error has occurred."
 msgstr "Palvelimella on tapahtunut virhe."
-#: ProjectPropertiesPage.cpp:334
+#: clientgui/ProjectPropertiesPage.cpp:334
 msgid ""
 "Communicating with project\n"
 "Please wait..."
@@ -2614,11 +2703,48 @@ msgstr ""
 "Ollaan yhteydessä projektiin\n"
-#: ProxyInfoPage.cpp:195
+#: clientgui/ProjectWelcomePage.cpp:251
+#, c-format
+msgid "Welcome to %s."
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ProjectWelcomePage.cpp:254
+msgid "You have volunteered to compute for this project:"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ProjectWelcomePage.cpp:255
+msgid "Name:"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ProjectWelcomePage.cpp:258
+msgid "Home:"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ProjectWelcomePage.cpp:262
+msgid "Description:"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ProjectWelcomePage.cpp:265
+msgid "URL:"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ProjectWelcomePage.cpp:268
+msgid "User:"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ProjectWelcomePage.cpp:273
+msgid "WARNING: This project is not registered with BOINC.  Make sure you trust it before continuing."
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ProjectWelcomePage.cpp:277
+msgid "To continue, click Next."
+msgstr "Jatka napsauttamalla Seuraava."
+#: clientgui/ProxyInfoPage.cpp:195
 msgid "Network communication failure"
 msgstr "Verkkoyhteys epäonnistui"
-#: ProxyInfoPage.cpp:199
+#: clientgui/ProxyInfoPage.cpp:199
 msgid ""
 "The World Community Grid - BOINC software failed to communicate\n"
 "over the Internet. The most likely reasons are:\n"
@@ -2648,7 +2774,7 @@ msgstr ""
 "3) Käytät proxy-palvelinta.\n"
 "Napsauta Seuraava ja muokkaa BOINCin proxy-asetuksia."
-#: ProxyInfoPage.cpp:203
+#: clientgui/ProxyInfoPage.cpp:203
 msgid ""
 "BOINC failed to communicate on the Internet.\n"
 "The most likely reasons are:\n"
@@ -2678,1259 +2804,1353 @@ msgstr ""
 "3) Käytät proxy-palvelinta.\n"
 "Napsauta Seuraava ja muokkaa BOINCin proxy-asetuksia."
-#: ProxyPage.cpp:331
+#: clientgui/ProxyPage.cpp:331
 msgid "Proxy configuration"
 msgstr "Proxy-asetukset"
-#: ProxyPage.cpp:334
+#: clientgui/ProxyPage.cpp:334
 msgid "HTTP proxy"
 msgstr "HTTP proxy"
-#: ProxyPage.cpp:337 ProxyPage.cpp:357
+#: clientgui/ProxyPage.cpp:337
+#: clientgui/ProxyPage.cpp:357
 msgid "Server:"
 msgstr "Palvelin:"
-#: ProxyPage.cpp:350
+#: clientgui/ProxyPage.cpp:350
 msgid "Autodetect"
 msgstr "Automaattitunnistus"
-#: ProxyPage.cpp:354
+#: clientgui/ProxyPage.cpp:354
 msgid "SOCKS proxy"
 msgstr "SOCKS proxy"
-#: TermsOfUsePage.cpp:218
-msgid "Terms of Use"
-msgstr "Käyttöehdot"
+#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:167
+msgid "Advanced View...\tCtrl+Shift+A"
+msgstr "Laajennettu näkymä...\tCtrl+Shift+A"
-#: TermsOfUsePage.cpp:222
-msgid "Please read the following terms of use:"
-msgstr "Lue nämä käyttöehdot:"
+#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:168
+msgid "Display the advanced graphical interface."
+msgstr "Näytä laajennettu graafinen käyttöliittymä."
-#: TermsOfUsePage.cpp:231
-msgid "I agree to the terms of use."
-msgstr "Hyväksyn käyttöehdot."
+#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:175
+msgid "Skin"
+msgstr "Ulkoasu"
-#: TermsOfUsePage.cpp:237
-msgid "I do not agree to the terms of use."
-msgstr "En hyväksy käyttöehtoja."
+#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:177
+msgid "Select the appearance of the user interface."
+msgstr "Valitse käyttöliittymän ulkomuoto."
-#: UnavailablePage.cpp:183
-msgid "Project temporarily unavailable"
-msgstr "Projekti tilapäisesti poissa käytöstä"
+#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:224
+#, c-format
+msgid "&%s"
+msgstr "&%s"
-#: UnavailablePage.cpp:186
-msgid ""
-"The project is temporarily unavailable.\n"
-"Please try again later."
-msgstr ""
-"Projekti on tilapäisesti poissa käytöstä.\n"
-"Yritä myöhemmin uudelleen."
+#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:405
+msgid "Default"
+msgstr "Oletus"
-#: UnavailablePage.cpp:190
-msgid "Account manager temporarily unavailable"
-msgstr "Tilihallitsija tilapäisesti poissa käytöstä"
+#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:848
+msgid "Suspend"
+msgstr "Hyllytä"
-#: UnavailablePage.cpp:193
-msgid ""
-"The account manager is temporarily unavailable.\n"
-"Please try again later."
-msgstr ""
-"Tilihallitsija on tilapäisesti poissa käytöstä.\n"
-"Yritä myöhemmin uudelleen."
+#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:850
+msgid "Suspend Computing"
+msgstr "Hyllytä laskenta"
-#: ValidateAccountKey.cpp:68
-msgid "Please specify an account key to continue."
-msgstr "Anna tiliavaimesi jatkaaksesi."
+#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:851
+msgid "Resume Computing"
+msgstr "Jatka laskentaa"
-#: ValidateAccountKey.cpp:71
-msgid "Invalid Account Key; please enter a valid Account Key"
-msgstr "Virheellinen tiliavain; anna kunnollinen tiliavain"
+#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:867
+msgid "Notices"
+msgstr "Ilmoitukset"
-#: ValidateAccountKey.cpp:82 ValidateEmailAddress.cpp:86
-msgid "Validation conflict"
-msgstr "Vahvistusristiriita"
+#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:868
+msgid "Open a window to view notices from projects or BOINC"
+msgstr "Avaa ikkuna katsoaksesi ilmoituksia projektilta tai BOINCilta"
-#: ValidateEmailAddress.cpp:72
-msgid "Please specify an email address"
-msgstr "Anna sähköpostiosoite"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgMessages.cpp:124
+msgid "Fetching notices; please wait..."
+msgstr "Noudetaan ilmoituksia, odota..."
-#: ValidateEmailAddress.cpp:75
-msgid "Invalid email address; please enter a valid email address"
-msgstr "Virheellinen sähköpostiosoite; anna kunnollinen sähköpostiosoite"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgMessages.cpp:132
+msgid "There are no notices at this time."
+msgstr "Tällä hetkellä ei ole ilmoituksia."
-#: ValidateURL.cpp:69
-msgid "Missing URL"
-msgstr "URL-osoite puuttuu"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgMessages.cpp:146
+msgid "Close"
+msgstr "Sulje"
-#: ValidateURL.cpp:70
-msgid ""
-"Please specify a URL.\n"
-"For example:\n"
-msgstr ""
-"Anna URL-osoite.\n"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgMessages.cpp:394
+#, c-format
+msgid "%s - Notices"
+msgstr "%s - Ilmoitukset"
-#: ValidateURL.cpp:83 ValidateURL.cpp:87 ValidateURL.cpp:91
-#: ValidateURL.cpp:103 ValidateURL.cpp:107 ValidateURL.cpp:110
-msgid "Invalid URL"
-msgstr "Virheellinen URL-osoite"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:270
+msgid "This dialog controls preferences for this computer only."
+msgstr "Nämä asetukset vaikuttavat vain tähän tietokoneeseen."
-#: ValidateURL.cpp:84 ValidateURL.cpp:88 ValidateURL.cpp:92
-msgid ""
-"Please specify a valid URL.\n"
-"For example:\n"
-msgstr ""
-"Anna kunnollinen URL-osoite.\n"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:275
+msgid "Click OK to set preferences."
+msgstr "Napsauta OK muuttaaksesi asetuksia."
-#: ValidateURL.cpp:104 ValidateURL.cpp:108
-#, c-format
-msgid "'%s' does not contain a valid host name."
-msgstr "\"%s\" ei sisällä kunnollista konenimeä."
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:280
+msgid "Click Clear to restore web-based settings for all preferences listed below."
+msgstr ""
+"Napsauta Tyhjennä palauttaaksesi nettipohjaiset asetukset kaikkiin alla "
+"oleviin asetuksiin."
-#: ValidateURL.cpp:111
-#, c-format
-msgid "'%s' does not contain a valid path."
-msgstr "\"%s\" ei sisällä kunnollista polkua."
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:287
+msgid "For additional settings, select Computing Preferences in the Advanced View."
+msgstr ""
+"Lisää asetuksia valitsemalla Laskenta-asetukset laajennetussa näkymässä."
-#: ViewMessages.cpp:84 ViewProjects.cpp:170 ViewStatistics.cpp:1978
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:160 ViewWork.cpp:183
-msgid "Commands"
-msgstr "Komennot"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:315
+msgid "Do work only between:"
+msgstr "Salli työ vain välillä:"
-#: ViewMessages.cpp:88
-msgid "Copy all messages"
-msgstr "Kopioi kaikki viestit"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:337
+msgid "Connect to internet only between:"
+msgstr "Ota internetyhteys vain välillä:"
-#: ViewMessages.cpp:95
-msgid "Copy selected messages"
-msgstr "Kopioi valitut viestit"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:359
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:376
+msgid "Use no more than:"
+msgstr "Älä käytä enempää kuin:"
-#: ViewMessages.cpp:106 ViewMessages.cpp:502
-msgid "Show only this project"
-msgstr "Näytä vain tämä projekti"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:372
+msgid "of disk space"
+msgstr "levytilasta"
-#: ViewMessages.cpp:107 ViewMessages.cpp:503
-msgid "Show only the messages for the selected project."
-msgstr "Näytä vain valitun projektin viestit."
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:389
+msgid "of the processor"
+msgstr "prosessoreista"
-#: ViewMessages.cpp:164
-msgid "Messages"
-msgstr "Viestit"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:393
+msgid "Do work while on battery?"
+msgstr "Suorita oltaessa akkukäytöllä?"
-#: ViewMessages.cpp:187
-msgid "Copying all messages to the clipboard..."
-msgstr "Kopioidaan kaikki viestit leikepöydälle..."
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:406
+msgid "Do work after idle for:"
+msgstr "Suorita, kun on ollut jouten:"
-#: ViewMessages.cpp:223
-msgid "Copying selected messages to the clipboard..."
-msgstr "Kopioidaan valitut viestit leikepöydälle..."
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:431
+msgid "Clear all local preferences listed above and close the dialog"
+msgstr "Tyhjennä kaikki ylläolevat paikalliset asetukset ja sulje ikkuna"
-#: ViewMessages.cpp:286
-msgid "Filtering messages..."
-msgstr "Suodatetaan viestejä..."
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:609
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:612
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:688
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:692
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:704
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:708
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:851
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:862
+msgid "Anytime"
+msgstr "Milloin vain"
-#: ViewMessages.cpp:494
-msgid "Show all messages"
-msgstr "Näytä kaikki viestit"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:645
+msgid "100 MB"
+msgstr "100 Mt"
-#: ViewMessages.cpp:495
-msgid "Show messages for all projects."
-msgstr "Näytä kaikkien projektien viestit."
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:646
+msgid "200 MB"
+msgstr "200 Mt"
-#: ViewNotices.cpp:58 sg_DlgMessages.cpp:124
-msgid "Fetching notices; please wait..."
-msgstr "Noudetaan ilmoituksia, odota..."
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:647
+msgid "500 MB"
+msgstr "500 Mt"
-#: ViewNotices.cpp:65 sg_DlgMessages.cpp:132
-msgid "There are no notices at this time."
-msgstr "Tällä hetkellä ei ole ilmoituksia."
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:648
+msgid "1 GB"
+msgstr "1 Gt"
-#: ViewNotices.cpp:99 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:776
-msgid "Notices"
-msgstr "Ilmoitukset"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:649
+msgid "2 GB"
+msgstr "2 Gt"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:650
+msgid "5 GB"
+msgstr "5 Gt"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:651
+msgid "10 GB"
+msgstr "10 Gt"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:652
+msgid "20 GB"
+msgstr "20 Gt"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:653
+msgid "50 GB"
+msgstr "50 Gt"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:654
+msgid "100 GB"
+msgstr "100 Gt"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:724
+#, c-format
+msgid "%d MB"
+msgstr "%d Mt"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:726
+#, c-format
+msgid "%4.2f GB"
+msgstr "%4.2f Gt"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:767
+#, c-format
+msgid "%d%%"
+msgstr "%d%%"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:803
+msgid "0 (Run Always)"
+msgstr "0 (Suorita aina)"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:806
+#, c-format
+msgid "%d"
+msgstr "%d"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:953
+#, c-format
+msgid "%s - Computing Preferences"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:1033
+msgid "Do you really want to clear all local preferences?\n"
+msgstr "Haluatko tyhjentää kaikki paikalliset asetukset?\n"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:174 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:61
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:66
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:179
 msgid "Update"
 msgstr "Päivitä"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:175 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:62
-msgid ""
-"Report all completed tasks, get latest credit, get latest preferences, and "
-"possibly get more tasks."
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:67
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:180
+msgid "Report all completed tasks, get latest credit, get latest preferences, and possibly get more tasks."
 msgstr ""
 "Raportoi kaikki valmiit työpaketit, hae viimeisimmät pisteet ja asetukset "
 "sekä mahdollisesti lisää paketteja."
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:181 ViewProjects.cpp:722 ViewWork.cpp:208 ViewWork.cpp:801
-#: sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:757 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:67
-#: sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:113 sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:66
-#: sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:106
-msgid "Suspend"
-msgstr "Hyllytä"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:182 ViewProjects.cpp:722 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:68
-#: sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:114
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:73
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:129
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:187
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:727
 msgid "Suspend tasks for this project."
 msgstr "Hyllytä tämän projektin tehtävät."
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:188 ViewProjects.cpp:741 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:73
-#: sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:121
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:78
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:136
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:193
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:746
 msgid "No new tasks"
 msgstr "Ei uusia töitä"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:189 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:74
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:79
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:194
 msgid "Don't get new tasks for this project."
 msgstr "Älä lataa uusia töitä tälle projektille."
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:195 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:79
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:84
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:200
 msgid "Reset project"
 msgstr "Nollaa projekti"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:196 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:80
-msgid ""
-"Delete all files and tasks associated with this project, and get new tasks.  "
-"You can update the project first to report any completed tasks."
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:85
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:201
+msgid "Delete all files and tasks associated with this project, and get new tasks.  You can update the project first to report any completed tasks."
 msgstr ""
 "Poista kaikki tämän projektit tiedostot ja työpaketit sekä lataa uusia "
 "paketteja.  Voit ensin päivittää projektin raportoidaksesi valmiit paketit."
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:203 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:86
-msgid ""
-"Remove this project.  Tasks in progress will be lost (use 'Update' first to "
-"report any completed tasks)."
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:91
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:208
+msgid "Remove this project.  Tasks in progress will be lost (use 'Update' first to report any completed tasks)."
 msgstr ""
 "Poista tämä projekti.  Laskennassa olevat paketit menetetään (käytä "
 "Päivitä-nappia ensin raportoidaksesi valmiit paketit)."
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:209 ViewWork.cpp:222 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:91
-#: sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:78
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:96
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:84
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:214
 msgid "Properties"
 msgstr "Tiedot"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:210 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:92
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:97
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:215
 msgid "Show project details."
 msgstr "Näytä projektin tiedot."
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:220 ViewStatistics.cpp:450
-msgid "Account"
-msgstr "Tili"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:222
-msgid "Work done"
-msgstr "Pisteet"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:223
-msgid "Avg. work done"
-msgstr "Keskim. pisteet"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:225 ViewTransfers.cpp:188 ViewWork.cpp:234
-msgid "Status"
-msgstr "Tila"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:250
-msgid "Projects"
-msgstr "Projektit"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:302
-msgid "Updating project..."
-msgstr "Päivitetään projektia..."
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:344
-msgid "Resuming project..."
-msgstr "Jatketaan projektia..."
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:348
-msgid "Suspending project..."
-msgstr "Hyllytetään projektia..."
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:126
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:723
+msgid "Resume tasks for this project."
+msgstr "Jatka tämän projektin suorittamista."
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:385
-msgid "Telling project to allow additional task downloads..."
-msgstr "Kerrotaan projektille, että uusien pakettien lataus on sallittu..."
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:133
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:742
+msgid "Allow new tasks"
+msgstr "Salli uusi työ"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:389
-msgid "Telling project to not fetch any additional tasks..."
-msgstr "Kerrotaan projektille, ettei uusia paketteja ladata..."
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:134
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:742
+msgid "Allow fetching new tasks for this project."
+msgstr "Salli tämän projektin ladata uusia työpaketteja."
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:425
-msgid "Resetting project..."
-msgstr "Nollataan projektia..."
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:137
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:746
+msgid "Don't fetch new tasks for this project."
+msgstr "Älä salli tämän projektin ladata uusia työpaketteja."
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:438 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:214
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:229
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:443
 #, c-format
 msgid "Are you sure you want to reset project '%s'?"
 msgstr "Haluatko nollata \"%s\" projektin?"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:444 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:220
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:235
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:449
 msgid "Reset Project"
 msgstr "Nollaa projekti"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:483
-msgid "Removing project..."
-msgstr "Poistetaan projekti..."
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:496 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:251
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:266
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:501
 #, c-format
 msgid "Are you sure you want to remove project '%s'?"
 msgstr "Haluatko poistaa projektin \"%s\"?"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:502 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:257
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:272
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:507
 msgid "Remove Project"
 msgstr "Poista projekti"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:543 ViewWork.cpp:599
-msgid "Launching browser..."
-msgstr "Käynnistetään selain..."
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:718 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:111
-msgid "Resume tasks for this project."
-msgstr "Jatka tämän projektin suorittamista."
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:72
+msgid "Add Project"
+msgstr "Lisää projekti"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:737 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:118
-msgid "Allow new tasks"
-msgstr "Salli uusi työ"
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:73
+msgid "Synchronize"
+msgstr "Synkronoi"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:737 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:119
-msgid "Allow fetching new tasks for this project."
-msgstr "Salli tämän projektin ladata uusia työpaketteja."
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:74
+msgid "Work done for this project"
+msgstr "Tälle projektille tehty työ"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:741 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:122
-msgid "Don't fetch new tasks for this project."
-msgstr "Älä salli tämän projektin ladata uusia työpaketteja."
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:77
+msgid "Synchronize projects with account manager system"
+msgstr "Synkronoi projektit tilihallitsijajärjestelmän kanssa"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1058
-msgid "Requested by user"
-msgstr "Käyttäjän pyytämä"
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:124
+msgid "Select a project to access with the controls below"
+msgstr "Valitse projekti käyttäen alla olevia painikkeita"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1059
-msgid "To fetch work"
-msgstr "Noudetaan työtä"
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:145
+msgid "Project Web Pages"
+msgstr "Projektin nettisivut"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1060
-msgid "To report completed tasks"
-msgstr "Raportoidaan valmiit paketit"
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:149
+msgid "Project Commands"
+msgstr "Projektin komennot"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1061
-msgid "To send trickle-up message"
-msgstr "Lähetetään väliaikaviestiä"
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:276
+#, c-format
+msgid "Pop up a menu of web sites for project %s"
+msgstr "Ponnahdusvalikko projektin %s nettisivuista"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1062
-msgid "Requested by account manager"
-msgstr "Tilihallitsijan pyytämä"
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:278
+#, c-format
+msgid "Pop up a menu of commands to apply to project %s"
+msgstr "Ponnahdusvalikko projektiin %s liittyvistä komennoista"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1063
-msgid "Project initialization"
-msgstr "Projektin alustus"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:66
+msgid "Show graphics"
+msgstr "Näytä grafiikat"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1064
-msgid "Requested by project"
-msgstr "Projektin pyytämä"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:67
+msgid "Show application graphics in a window."
+msgstr "Näytä sovelluksen grafiikat ikkunassa."
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1065
-msgid "Unknown reason"
-msgstr "Tuntematon syy"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:73
+msgid "Suspend this task."
+msgstr "Hyllytä tämä paketti."
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1079
-msgid "Suspended by user"
-msgstr "Käyttäjän hyllyttämä"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:78
+msgid "Abort"
+msgstr "Hylkää"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1082
-msgid "Won't get new tasks"
-msgstr "Älä lataa uutta työtä"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:79
+msgid "Abandon this task. You will get no credit for it."
+msgstr "Hylkää tämä paketti. Et saa siitä pisteitä."
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1085
-msgid "Project ended - OK to remove"
-msgstr "Projekti päättynyt - voi poistaa"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:85
+msgid "Show task details."
+msgstr "Näytä paketin tiedot."
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1088
-msgid "Will remove when tasks done"
-msgstr "Poistuu paketin valmistuttua"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:119
+msgid "Resume work for this task."
+msgstr "Jatka tämän paketin laskentaa."
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1091
-msgid "Scheduler request pending"
-msgstr "Odotetaan pyyntöä aikatauluttajalle"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:123
+msgid "Suspend work for this task."
+msgstr "Hyllytä tämä paketti."
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1097
-msgid "Scheduler request in progress"
-msgstr "Suoritetaan pyyntöä aikatauluttajalle"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:267
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Are you sure you want to abort this task '%s'?\n"
+"(Progress: %.1lf%%, Status: %s)"
+msgstr ""
+"Haluatko varmasti hylätä paketin \"%s\"?\n"
+"(Suoritettu: %.1lf%%, Tila: %s)"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1100
-msgid "Trickle up message pending"
-msgstr "Väliaikaviesti odottaa"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:272
+msgid "Abort task"
+msgstr "Hylkää paketti"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1106
-msgid "Communication deferred "
-msgstr "Yhteyttä lykätty "
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:468
+msgid "You don't have any projects.  Please Add a Project."
+msgstr "Sinulla ei ole yhtään projektia.  Lisää projekti."
-#: ViewResources.cpp:62
-msgid "Total disk usage"
-msgstr "Levyn kokonaiskäyttö"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:469
+msgid "Not available"
+msgstr "Ei saatavissa"
-#: ViewResources.cpp:83
-msgid "Disk usage by BOINC projects"
-msgstr "BOINC-projektien levynkäyttö"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:480
+msgid "Tasks:"
+msgstr "Paketit:"
-#: ViewResources.cpp:116
-msgid "Disk"
-msgstr "Levy"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:486
+msgid "Select a task to access"
+msgstr "Valitse käsiteltävä paketti"
-#: ViewResources.cpp:249
-msgid "no projects: 0 bytes used"
-msgstr "ei projekteja: 0 tavua käytetty"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:497
+msgid "From:"
+msgstr "Mistä:"
-#: ViewResources.cpp:286
-msgid "used by BOINC: "
-msgstr "BOINCin käytössä: "
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:551
+msgid "This task's progress"
+msgstr "Tämän paketin edistyminen"
-#: ViewResources.cpp:296
-msgid "free, available to BOINC: "
-msgstr "vapaana, BOINCin käytettävissä: "
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:569
+msgid "Task Commands"
+msgstr "Paketin komennot"
-#: ViewResources.cpp:306
-msgid "free, not available to BOINC: "
-msgstr "vapaana, ei BOINCin käytettävissä: "
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:570
+msgid "Pop up a menu of commands to apply to this task"
+msgstr "Ponnahdusvalikko tähän pakettiin liittyvistä komennoista"
-#: ViewResources.cpp:316
-msgid "free: "
-msgstr "vapaana: "
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:705
+#, c-format
+msgid "Application: %s"
+msgstr "Sovellus: %s"
-#: ViewResources.cpp:326
-msgid "used by other programs: "
-msgstr "muiden ohjelmien käytössä: "
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:728
+#, c-format
+msgid "%.3f%%"
+msgstr "%.3f%%"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:1205
-msgid "User Total"
-msgstr "Käyttäjän kokonaispisteet"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:736
+msgid "Application: Not available"
+msgstr "Sovellus: Ei saatavilla"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:1206
-msgid "User Average"
-msgstr "Käyttäjän keskiarvo"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:836
+msgid "Not Available"
+msgstr "Ei saatavilla"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:1207
-msgid "Host Total"
-msgstr "Koneen kokonaispisteet"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:851
+#, c-format
+msgid "Elapsed: %s"
+msgstr "Kulunut: %s"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:1208
-msgid "Host Average"
-msgstr "Koneen keskiarvo"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:865
+#, c-format
+msgid "Remaining (estimated): %s"
+msgstr "Jäljellä (arvio): %s"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:1355
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:880
 #, c-format
-msgid "Last update: %.0f days ago"
-msgstr "Viimeisin päivitys: %.0f päivää sitten"
+msgid "Status: %s"
+msgstr "Tila: %s"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:1982
-msgid "Show user total"
-msgstr "Näytä käyttäjän kokonaispisteet"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1227
+msgid "Retrieving current status."
+msgstr "Noudetaan nykyinen tila."
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:1983
-msgid "Show total credit for user"
-msgstr "Näytä käyttäjän kokonaispisteet"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1233
+msgid "Downloading work from the server."
+msgstr "Ladataan työtä palvelimelta."
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:1989
-msgid "Show user average"
-msgstr "Näytä käyttäjän keskiarvo"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1238
+msgid "Processing Suspended:  Running On Batteries."
+msgstr "Laskenta hyllytetty:  kone akkukäytöllä."
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:1990
-msgid "Show average credit for user"
-msgstr "Näytä käyttäjän keskimääräiset pisteet"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1240
+msgid "Processing Suspended:  User Active."
+msgstr "Laskenta hyllytetty:  käyttäjä aktiivinen."
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:1996
-msgid "Show host total"
-msgstr "Näytä koneen kokonaispisteet"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:1997
-msgid "Show total credit for host"
-msgstr "Näytä koneen kokonaispisteet"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1242
+msgid "Processing Suspended:  User paused processing."
+msgstr "Laskenta hyllytetty:  käyttäjä tauotti laskennan."
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2003
-msgid "Show host average"
-msgstr "Näytä koneen keskiarvo"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1244
+msgid "Processing Suspended:  Time of Day."
+msgstr "Laskenta hyllytetty:  aika päivästä."
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2004
-msgid "Show average credit for host"
-msgstr "Näytä koneen keskimääräiset pisteet"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1246
+msgid "Processing Suspended:  Benchmarks Running."
+msgstr "Laskenta hyllytetty:  suorituskykytestit."
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2013
-msgid "< &Previous project"
-msgstr "< &Edellinen projekti"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1248
+msgid "Processing Suspended."
+msgstr "Laskenta hyllytetty."
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2014
-msgid "Show chart for previous project"
-msgstr "Näytä edellisen projektin taulukko"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1252
+msgid "Waiting to contact project servers."
+msgstr "Odotetaan yhteydenottoa projektin palvelimeen."
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2019
-msgid "&Next project >"
-msgstr "&Seuraava projekti >"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1256
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1265
+msgid "Retrieving current status"
+msgstr "Haetaan nykyinen tila"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2020
-msgid "Show chart for next project"
-msgstr "Näytä seuraavan projektin taulukko"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1260
+msgid "No work available to process"
+msgstr "Suoritettavaa työtä ei ole"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2026 ViewStatistics.cpp:2416
-msgid "Hide project list"
-msgstr "Piilota projektilista"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1262
+msgid "Unable to connect to the core client"
+msgstr "Yhteyttä ydinohjelmaan ei saada"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2027 ViewStatistics.cpp:2416
-msgid "Use entire area for graphs"
-msgstr "Käytä koko alue grafiikalle"
+#: clientgui/TermsOfUsePage.cpp:218
+msgid "Terms of Use"
+msgstr "Käyttöehdot"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2032
-msgid "Mode view"
-msgstr "Näkymä"
+#: clientgui/TermsOfUsePage.cpp:222
+msgid "Please read the following terms of use:"
+msgstr "Lue nämä käyttöehdot:"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2036
-msgid "One project"
-msgstr "Yksi projekti"
+#: clientgui/TermsOfUsePage.cpp:231
+msgid "I agree to the terms of use."
+msgstr "Hyväksyn käyttöehdot."
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2037
-msgid "Show one chart with selected project"
-msgstr "Näytä yksi kaavio valitulle projektille"
+#: clientgui/TermsOfUsePage.cpp:237
+msgid "I do not agree to the terms of use."
+msgstr "En hyväksy käyttöehtoja."
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2043
-msgid "All projects (separate)"
-msgstr "Kaikki projektit (erikseen)"
+#: clientgui/UnavailablePage.cpp:183
+msgid "Project temporarily unavailable"
+msgstr "Projekti tilapäisesti poissa käytöstä"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2044
-msgid "Show all projects, one chart per project"
-msgstr "Näytä kaikki projektit, yksi kaavio jokaiselle"
+#: clientgui/UnavailablePage.cpp:186
+msgid ""
+"The project is temporarily unavailable.\n"
+"Please try again later."
+msgstr ""
+"Projekti on tilapäisesti poissa käytöstä.\n"
+"Yritä myöhemmin uudelleen."
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2050
-msgid "All projects (together)"
-msgstr "Kaikki projektit (yhdessä)"
+#: clientgui/UnavailablePage.cpp:190
+msgid "Account manager temporarily unavailable"
+msgstr "Tilihallitsija tilapäisesti poissa käytöstä"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2051
-msgid "Show one chart with all projects"
-msgstr "Näytä kaikki projektit yhdellä kaaviolla"
+#: clientgui/UnavailablePage.cpp:193
+msgid ""
+"The account manager is temporarily unavailable.\n"
+"Please try again later."
+msgstr ""
+"Tilihallitsija on tilapäisesti poissa käytöstä.\n"
+"Yritä myöhemmin uudelleen."
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2057
-msgid "All projects (sum)"
-msgstr "Kaikki projektit (summattu)"
+#: clientgui/ValidateAccountKey.cpp:68
+msgid "Please specify an account key to continue."
+msgstr "Anna tiliavaimesi jatkaaksesi."
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2058
-msgid "Show one chart with sum of projects"
-msgstr "Näytä kaikki projektit summattuna yhdellä kaaviolla"
+#: clientgui/ValidateAccountKey.cpp:71
+msgid "Invalid Account Key; please enter a valid Account Key"
+msgstr "Virheellinen tiliavain; anna kunnollinen tiliavain"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2079
-msgid "Statistics"
-msgstr "Tilastot"
+#: clientgui/ValidateAccountKey.cpp:82
+#: clientgui/ValidateEmailAddress.cpp:86
+msgid "Validation conflict"
+msgstr "Vahvistusristiriita"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2103 ViewStatistics.cpp:2124 ViewStatistics.cpp:2145
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2167 ViewStatistics.cpp:2188 ViewStatistics.cpp:2209
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2230 ViewStatistics.cpp:2251 ViewStatistics.cpp:2272
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2296
-msgid "Updating charts..."
-msgstr "Päivitetään taulukkoja..."
+#: clientgui/ValidateEmailAddress.cpp:72
+msgid "Please specify an email address"
+msgstr "Anna sähköpostiosoite"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2420
-msgid "Show project list"
-msgstr "Näytä projektilistaus"
+#: clientgui/ValidateEmailAddress.cpp:75
+msgid "Invalid email address; please enter a valid email address"
+msgstr "Virheellinen sähköpostiosoite; anna kunnollinen sähköpostiosoite"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2420
-msgid "Uses smaller area for graphs"
-msgstr "Käyttää pienempää aluetta grafiikalle"
+#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:69
+msgid "Missing URL"
+msgstr "URL-osoite puuttuu"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:164
-msgid "Retry Now"
-msgstr "Yritä uudelleen"
+#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:70
+msgid ""
+"Please specify a URL.\n"
+"For example:\n"
+msgstr ""
+"Anna URL-osoite.\n"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:165
-msgid "Retry the file transfer now"
-msgstr "Yritä tiedostonsiirtoa nyt"
+#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:83
+#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:87
+#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:91
+#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:103
+#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:107
+#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:110
+msgid "Invalid URL"
+msgstr "Virheellinen URL-osoite"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:171
-msgid "Abort Transfer"
-msgstr "Keskeytä siirto"
+#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:84
+#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:88
+#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:92
+msgid ""
+"Please specify a valid URL.\n"
+"For example:\n"
+msgstr ""
+"Anna kunnollinen URL-osoite.\n"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:172
-msgid "Abort this file transfer.  You won't get credit for the task."
-msgstr "Keskeytä tämä tiedostosiirto.  Et saa paketista pisteitä."
+#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:104
+#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:108
+#, c-format
+msgid "'%s' does not contain a valid host name."
+msgstr "\"%s\" ei sisällä kunnollista konenimeä."
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:183
-msgid "File"
-msgstr "Tiedosto"
+#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:111
+#, c-format
+msgid "'%s' does not contain a valid path."
+msgstr "\"%s\" ei sisällä kunnollista polkua."
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:184 ViewWork.cpp:233
-msgid "Progress"
-msgstr "Edistyminen"
+#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:84
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:175
+msgid "Commands"
+msgstr "Komennot"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:185
-msgid "Size"
-msgstr "Koko"
+#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:88
+msgid "Copy all messages"
+msgstr "Kopioi kaikki viestit"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:186
-msgid "Elapsed Time"
-msgstr "Kulunut aika"
+#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:95
+msgid "Copy selected messages"
+msgstr "Kopioi valitut viestit"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:187
-msgid "Speed"
-msgstr "Nopeus"
+#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:106
+#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:502
+msgid "Show only this project"
+msgstr "Näytä vain tämä projekti"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:213
-msgid "Transfers"
-msgstr "Siirrot"
+#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:107
+#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:503
+msgid "Show only the messages for the selected project."
+msgstr "Näytä vain valitun projektin viestit."
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:280
-msgid "Network activity is suspended - "
-msgstr "Verkon toiminta hyllytetty - "
+#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:164
+msgid "Messages"
+msgstr "Viestit"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:282
-msgid ""
-"You can enable it using the Activity menu."
-msgstr ""
-"Voit sallia sen Toiminta-valikosta."
+#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:187
+msgid "Copying all messages to the clipboard..."
+msgstr "Kopioidaan kaikki viestit leikepöydälle..."
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:285
-msgid "BOINC"
-msgstr "BOINC"
+#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:223
+msgid "Copying selected messages to the clipboard..."
+msgstr "Kopioidaan valitut viestit leikepöydälle..."
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:292
-msgid "Retrying transfer now..."
-msgstr "Yritetään nyt siirtoa..."
+#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:286
+msgid "Filtering messages..."
+msgstr "Suodatetaan viestejä..."
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:330
-msgid "Aborting transfer..."
-msgstr "Keskeytetään siirtoa..."
+#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:494
+msgid "Show all messages"
+msgstr "Näytä kaikki viestit"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:343
-#, c-format
-msgid ""
-"Are you sure you want to abort this file transfer '%s'?\n"
-"NOTE: Aborting a transfer will invalidate a task and you\n"
-"will not receive credit for it."
-msgstr ""
-"Haluatko keskeyttää tämän tiedoston siirron: \"%s\"?\n"
-"HUOMAA: Siirron keskeyttäminen ei vahvista pakettia\n"
-"etkä siis saa siitä pisteitä."
+#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:495
+msgid "Show messages for all projects."
+msgstr "Näytä kaikkien projektien viestit."
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:349
-msgid "Abort File Transfer"
-msgstr "Keskeytä tiedoston siirto"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:225
+msgid "Account"
+msgstr "Tili"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:780
-msgid "Upload"
-msgstr "Lähetys"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:227
+msgid "Work done"
+msgstr "Pisteet"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:780
-msgid "Download"
-msgstr "Lataus"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:228
+msgid "Avg. work done"
+msgstr "Keskim. pisteet"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:784
-msgid "retry in "
-msgstr "uudelleenyritys "
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:230
+msgid "Status"
+msgstr "Tila"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:786
-msgid "failed"
-msgstr "epäonnistui"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:255
+msgid "Projects"
+msgstr "Projektit"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:789
-msgid "suspended"
-msgstr "hyllytetty"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:307
+msgid "Updating project..."
+msgstr "Päivitetään projektia..."
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:794
-msgid "active"
-msgstr "aktiivinen"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:349
+msgid "Resuming project..."
+msgstr "Jatketaan projektia..."
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:796
-msgid "pending"
-msgstr "odottaa"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:353
+msgid "Suspending project..."
+msgstr "Hyllytetään projektia..."
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:803
-msgid " (project backoff: "
-msgstr " (projektin viivyttämä: "
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:390
+msgid "Telling project to allow additional task downloads..."
+msgstr "Kerrotaan projektille, että uusien pakettien lataus on sallittu..."
-#: ViewWork.cpp:187 ViewWork.cpp:777
-msgid "Show active tasks"
-msgstr "Näytä suoritettavat paketit"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:394
+msgid "Telling project to not fetch any additional tasks..."
+msgstr "Kerrotaan projektille, ettei uusia paketteja ladata..."
-#: ViewWork.cpp:188 ViewWork.cpp:778
-msgid "Show only active tasks."
-msgstr "Näytä vain suorituksessa olevat paketit."
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:430
+msgid "Resetting project..."
+msgstr "Nollataan projektia..."
-#: ViewWork.cpp:194 sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:60
-msgid "Show graphics"
-msgstr "Näytä grafiikat"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:488
+msgid "Removing project..."
+msgstr "Poistetaan projekti..."
-#: ViewWork.cpp:195 sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:61
-msgid "Show application graphics in a window."
-msgstr "Näytä sovelluksen grafiikat ikkunassa."
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:548
+msgid "Launching browser..."
+msgstr "Käynnistetään selain..."
-#: ViewWork.cpp:201
-msgid "Show VM Console"
-msgstr "Näytä VM Console"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1063
+msgid "Requested by user"
+msgstr "Käyttäjän pyytämä"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:202
-msgid "Show VM Console in a window."
-msgstr "Näytä VM Console ikkunassa."
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1064
+msgid "To fetch work"
+msgstr "Noudetaan työtä"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:209
-msgid "Suspend work for this result."
-msgstr "Hyllytä tämä paketti."
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1065
+msgid "To report completed tasks"
+msgstr "Raportoidaan valmiit paketit"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:215 sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:72
-msgid "Abort"
-msgstr "Hylkää"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:216
-msgid "Abandon work on the result. You will get no credit for it."
-msgstr "Hylkää työpaketti. Et saa siitä pisteitä."
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1066
+msgid "To send trickle-up message"
+msgstr "Lähetetään väliaikaviestiä"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:223 sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:79
-msgid "Show task details."
-msgstr "Näytä paketin tiedot."
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1067
+msgid "Requested by account manager"
+msgstr "Tilihallitsijan pyytämä"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:235
-msgid "Elapsed"
-msgstr "Kulunut"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1068
+msgid "Project initialization"
+msgstr "Projektin alustus"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:236
-msgid "Remaining (estimated)"
-msgstr "Jäljellä (arvio)"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1069
+msgid "Requested by project"
+msgstr "Projektin pyytämä"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:237
-msgid "Deadline"
-msgstr "Takaraja"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1070
+msgid "Unknown reason"
+msgstr "Tuntematon syy"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:264
-msgid "Tasks"
-msgstr "Paketit"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1084
+msgid "Suspended by user"
+msgstr "Käyttäjän hyllyttämä"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:357
-msgid "Resuming task..."
-msgstr "Jatketaan pakettia..."
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1087
+msgid "Won't get new tasks"
+msgstr "Älä lataa uutta työtä"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:360
-msgid "Suspending task..."
-msgstr "Hyllytetään pakettia..."
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1090
+msgid "Project ended - OK to remove"
+msgstr "Projekti päättynyt - voi poistaa"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:389
-msgid "Showing graphics for task..."
-msgstr "Näytetään paketin grafiikat..."
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1093
+msgid "Will remove when tasks done"
+msgstr "Poistuu paketin valmistuttua"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:426
-msgid "Showing VM console for task..."
-msgstr "Näytetään VM konsoli tehtävälle..."
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1096
+msgid "Scheduler request pending"
+msgstr "Odotetaan pyyntöä aikatauluttajalle"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:479
-#, c-format
-msgid ""
-"Are you sure you want to abort this task '%s'?\n"
-"(Progress: %s, Status: %s)"
-msgstr ""
-"Haluatko varmasti hylätä paketin \"%s\"?\n"
-"(Suoritettu: %s, Tila: %s)"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1102
+msgid "Scheduler request in progress"
+msgstr "Suoritetaan pyyntöä aikatauluttajalle"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:485
-#, c-format
-msgid "Are you sure you want to abort these %d tasks?"
-msgstr "Haluatko varmasti hylätä nämä %d paketit?"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1105
+msgid "Trickle up message pending"
+msgstr "Väliaikaviesti odottaa"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:490 sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:256
-msgid "Abort task"
-msgstr "Hylkää paketti"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1111
+msgid "Communication deferred "
+msgstr "Yhteyttä lykätty "
-# 75%
-#: ViewWork.cpp:499
-msgid "Aborting task..."
-msgstr "Hylätään pakettia..."
+#: clientgui/ViewResources.cpp:62
+msgid "Total disk usage"
+msgstr "Levyn kokonaiskäyttö"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:771
-msgid "Show all tasks"
-msgstr "Näytä kaikki paketit"
+#: clientgui/ViewResources.cpp:83
+msgid "Disk usage by BOINC projects"
+msgstr "BOINC-projektien levynkäyttö"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:772
-msgid "Show all tasks."
-msgstr "Näytä kaikki paketit."
+#: clientgui/ViewResources.cpp:116
+msgid "Disk"
+msgstr "Levy"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:796 sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:103
-msgid "Resume work for this task."
-msgstr "Jatka tämän paketin laskentaa."
+#: clientgui/ViewResources.cpp:225
+msgid "no projects: 0 bytes used"
+msgstr "ei projekteja: 0 tavua käytetty"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:802 sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:107
-msgid "Suspend work for this task."
-msgstr "Hyllytä tämä paketti."
+#: clientgui/ViewResources.cpp:262
+msgid "used by BOINC: "
+msgstr "BOINCin käytössä: "
-#: WelcomePage.cpp:284
-msgid "Add project or account manager"
-msgstr "Lisää projekti tai tilihallitsija"
+#: clientgui/ViewResources.cpp:272
+msgid "free, available to BOINC: "
+msgstr "vapaana, BOINCin käytettävissä: "
-#: WelcomePage.cpp:288
-msgid "Add project or use BOINC Account Manager"
-msgstr "Lisää projekti tai käytä BOINC tilihallitsijaa"
+#: clientgui/ViewResources.cpp:282
+msgid "free, not available to BOINC: "
+msgstr "vapaana, ei BOINCin käytettävissä: "
-#: WelcomePage.cpp:297
-#, c-format
-msgid ""
-"If possible, add projects at the\n"
-"%s web site.\n"
-"Projects added via this wizard will not be\n"
-"listed on or managed via %s."
-msgstr ""
-"Mikäli mahdollista, lisää projekteja\n"
-"%s -nettisivun kautta.\n"
-"Projektit, jotka lisätään tämän avustajan kautta,\n"
-"eivät listaudu eikä niitä hallinoida %s kautta."
+#: clientgui/ViewResources.cpp:292
+msgid "free: "
+msgstr "vapaana: "
-#: WelcomePage.cpp:313
-msgid ""
-"There are over 30 BOINC-based projects\n"
-"doing research in many areas of science,\n"
-"and you can volunteer for as many of them as you like.\n"
-"You can add a project directly,\n"
-"or use an 'Account Manager' web site to select projects."
-msgstr ""
-"Yli 30 BOINC-pohjaista projektia suorittaa\n"
-"tutkimusta monilla tieteen aloilla ja\n"
-"voit osallistua niin moneen kuin haluat.\n"
-"Voit lisätä projektin suoraan\n"
-"tai käyttää Tilihallitsijan nettisivua projektien valintaan."
+#: clientgui/ViewResources.cpp:302
+msgid "used by other programs: "
+msgstr "muiden ohjelmien käytössä: "
-#: WelcomePage.cpp:325
-msgid ""
-"You have chosen to add a new volunteer computing project or change which "
-"you contribute to.\n"
-"Some of these projects are run and managed by World Community Grid, while "
-"are run and managed by other researchers or organizations. The BOINC "
-"can divide your spare processing power among any combination of projects.\n"
-"Alternatively, if you have registered with a BOINC Account Manager, you can "
-"this to choose which projects to support.\n"
-"Please choose which type of change you would like to make:\n"
-msgstr ""
-"Olet päättänyt lisätä uuden projektin tai muuttaa projekteja\n"
-"joihin osallistut.\n"
-"Osa projekteista on World Community Gridin ylläpitämiä ja osa\n"
-"on muiden tutkijoiden tai organisaatioiden hoitamia. BOINC-ohjelma\n"
-"voi jakaa koneesi laskentatehon eri projekteille.\n"
-"Jos olet rekisteröitynyt BOINC tilihallitsijalla, voit käyttää sitä\n"
-"valitaksesi haluamasi projektit.\n"
-"Minkälaisen muutoksen haluat tehdä:\n"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1181
+msgid "User Total"
+msgstr "Käyttäjän kokonaispisteet"
-#: WelcomePage.cpp:339
-msgid "Use a BOINC Account Manager"
-msgstr "Käytä BOINC tilihallitsijaa"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1182
+msgid "User Average"
+msgstr "Käyttäjän keskiarvo"
-#: WelcomePage.cpp:352
-msgid "To continue, click Next."
-msgstr "Jatka napsauttamalla Seuraava."
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1183
+msgid "Host Total"
+msgstr "Koneen kokonaispisteet"
-#: WelcomePage.cpp:358
-msgid "Add or change your World Community Grid projects"
-msgstr "Lisää tai muuta World Community Grid -projektejasi"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1184
+msgid "Host Average"
+msgstr "Koneen keskiarvo"
-#: WelcomePage.cpp:361
-msgid "Add projects run by other researchers or organizations"
-msgstr "Lisää muiden tutkijoiden tai organisaatioiden projekteja"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1331
+#, c-format
+msgid "Last update: %.0f days ago"
+msgstr "Viimeisin päivitys: %.0f päivää sitten"
-#: WizardAttach.cpp:634
-msgid "Do you really want to cancel?"
-msgstr "Haluatko todella peruuttaa?"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1956
+msgid "Show user total"
+msgstr "Näytä käyttäjän kokonaispisteet"
-#: WizardAttach.cpp:635
-msgid "Question"
-msgstr "Kysymys"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1957
+msgid "Show total credit for user"
+msgstr "Näytä käyttäjän kokonaispisteet"
-#: sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:149
-msgid "Advanced View...\tCtrl+Shift+A"
-msgstr "Laajennettu näkymä...\tCtrl+Shift+A"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1963
+msgid "Show user average"
+msgstr "Näytä käyttäjän keskiarvo"
-#: sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:150
-msgid "Display the advanced graphical interface."
-msgstr "Näytä laajennettu graafinen käyttöliittymä."
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1964
+msgid "Show average credit for user"
+msgstr "Näytä käyttäjän keskimääräiset pisteet"
-#: sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:157
-msgid "Skin"
-msgstr "Ulkoasu"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1970
+msgid "Show host total"
+msgstr "Näytä koneen kokonaispisteet"
-#: sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:159
-msgid "Select the appearance of the user interface."
-msgstr "Valitse käyttöliittymän ulkomuoto."
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1971
+msgid "Show total credit for host"
+msgstr "Näytä koneen kokonaispisteet"
-#: sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:206
-#, c-format
-msgid "&%s"
-msgstr "&%s"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1977
+msgid "Show host average"
+msgstr "Näytä koneen keskiarvo"
-#: sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:390
-msgid "Default"
-msgstr "Oletus"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1978
+msgid "Show average credit for host"
+msgstr "Näytä koneen keskimääräiset pisteet"
-#: sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:759
-msgid "Suspend Computing"
-msgstr "Hyllytä laskenta"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1987
+msgid "< &Previous project"
+msgstr "< &Edellinen projekti"
-#: sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:760
-msgid "Resume Computing"
-msgstr "Jatka laskentaa"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1988
+msgid "Show chart for previous project"
+msgstr "Näytä edellisen projektin taulukko"
-#: sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:777
-msgid "Open a window to view notices from projects or BOINC"
-msgstr "Avaa ikkuna katsoaksesi ilmoituksia projektilta tai BOINCilta"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1993
+msgid "&Next project >"
+msgstr "&Seuraava projekti >"
-#: sg_DlgMessages.cpp:146
-msgid "Close"
-msgstr "Sulje"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1994
+msgid "Show chart for next project"
+msgstr "Näytä seuraavan projektin taulukko"
-#: sg_DlgMessages.cpp:389
-#, c-format
-msgid "%s - Notices"
-msgstr "%s - Ilmoitukset"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2000
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2390
+msgid "Hide project list"
+msgstr "Piilota projektilista"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:268
-msgid "This dialog controls preferences for this computer only."
-msgstr "Nämä asetukset vaikuttavat vain tähän tietokoneeseen."
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2001
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2390
+msgid "Use entire area for graphs"
+msgstr "Käytä koko alue grafiikalle"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:273
-msgid "Click OK to set preferences."
-msgstr "Napsauta OK muuttaaksesi asetuksia."
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2006
+msgid "Mode view"
+msgstr "Näkymä"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:278
-msgid ""
-"Click Clear to restore web-based settings for all preferences listed below."
-msgstr ""
-"Napsauta Tyhjennä palauttaaksesi nettipohjaiset asetukset kaikkiin alla "
-"oleviin asetuksiin."
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2010
+msgid "One project"
+msgstr "Yksi projekti"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:285
-msgid ""
-"For additional settings, select Computing Preferences in the Advanced View."
-msgstr ""
-"Lisää asetuksia valitsemalla Laskenta-asetukset laajennetussa näkymässä."
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2011
+msgid "Show one chart with selected project"
+msgstr "Näytä yksi kaavio valitulle projektille"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:313
-msgid "Do work only between:"
-msgstr "Salli työ vain välillä:"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2017
+msgid "All projects (separate)"
+msgstr "Kaikki projektit (erikseen)"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:335
-msgid "Connect to internet only between:"
-msgstr "Ota internetyhteys vain välillä:"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2018
+msgid "Show all projects, one chart per project"
+msgstr "Näytä kaikki projektit, yksi kaavio jokaiselle"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:357 sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:374
-msgid "Use no more than:"
-msgstr "Älä käytä enempää kuin:"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2024
+msgid "All projects (together)"
+msgstr "Kaikki projektit (yhdessä)"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:370
-msgid "of disk space"
-msgstr "levytilasta"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2025
+msgid "Show one chart with all projects"
+msgstr "Näytä kaikki projektit yhdellä kaaviolla"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:387
-msgid "of the processor"
-msgstr "prosessoreista"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2031
+msgid "All projects (sum)"
+msgstr "Kaikki projektit (summattu)"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:391
-msgid "Do work while on battery?"
-msgstr "Suorita oltaessa akkukäytöllä?"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2032
+msgid "Show one chart with sum of projects"
+msgstr "Näytä kaikki projektit summattuna yhdellä kaaviolla"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:404
-msgid "Do work after idle for:"
-msgstr "Suorita, kun on ollut jouten:"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2053
+msgid "Statistics"
+msgstr "Tilastot"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:429
-msgid "Clear all local preferences listed above and close the dialog"
-msgstr "Tyhjennä kaikki ylläolevat paikalliset asetukset ja sulje ikkuna"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2077
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2098
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2119
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2141
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2162
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2183
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2204
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2225
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2246
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2270
+msgid "Updating charts..."
+msgstr "Päivitetään taulukkoja..."
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:602 sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:605
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:681 sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:685
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:697 sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:701
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:844 sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:855
-msgid "Anytime"
-msgstr "Milloin vain"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2394
+msgid "Show project list"
+msgstr "Näytä projektilistaus"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:638
-msgid "100 MB"
-msgstr "100 Mt"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2394
+msgid "Uses smaller area for graphs"
+msgstr "Käyttää pienempää aluetta grafiikalle"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:639
-msgid "200 MB"
-msgstr "200 Mt"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:169
+msgid "Retry Now"
+msgstr "Yritä uudelleen"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:640
-msgid "500 MB"
-msgstr "500 Mt"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:170
+msgid "Retry the file transfer now"
+msgstr "Yritä tiedostonsiirtoa nyt"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:641
-msgid "1 GB"
-msgstr "1 Gt"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:176
+msgid "Abort Transfer"
+msgstr "Keskeytä siirto"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:642
-msgid "2 GB"
-msgstr "2 Gt"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:177
+msgid "Abort this file transfer.  You won't get credit for the task."
+msgstr "Keskeytä tämä tiedostosiirto.  Et saa paketista pisteitä."
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:643
-msgid "5 GB"
-msgstr "5 Gt"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:188
+msgid "File"
+msgstr "Tiedosto"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:644
-msgid "10 GB"
-msgstr "10 Gt"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:189
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:238
+msgid "Progress"
+msgstr "Edistyminen"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:645
-msgid "20 GB"
-msgstr "20 Gt"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:190
+msgid "Size"
+msgstr "Koko"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:646
-msgid "50 GB"
-msgstr "50 Gt"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:191
+msgid "Elapsed Time"
+msgstr "Kulunut aika"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:647
-msgid "100 GB"
-msgstr "100 Gt"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:192
+msgid "Speed"
+msgstr "Nopeus"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:717
-#, c-format
-msgid "%d MB"
-msgstr "%d Mt"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:218
+msgid "Transfers"
+msgstr "Siirrot"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:719
-#, c-format
-msgid "%4.2f GB"
-msgstr "%4.2f Gt"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:285
+msgid "Network activity is suspended - "
+msgstr "Verkon toiminta hyllytetty - "
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:760
-#, c-format
-msgid "%d%%"
-msgstr "%d%%"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:287
+msgid ""
+"You can enable it using the Activity menu."
+msgstr ""
+"Voit sallia sen Toiminta-valikosta."
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:796
-msgid "0 (Run Always)"
-msgstr "0 (Suorita aina)"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:290
+msgid "BOINC"
+msgstr "BOINC"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:799
-#, c-format
-msgid "%d"
-msgstr "%d"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:297
+msgid "Retrying transfer now..."
+msgstr "Yritetään nyt siirtoa..."
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:1029
-msgid "Do you really want to clear all local preferences?\n"
-msgstr "Haluatko tyhjentää kaikki paikalliset asetukset?\n"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:335
+msgid "Aborting transfer..."
+msgstr "Keskeytetään siirtoa..."
-#: sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:72
-msgid "Add Project"
-msgstr "Lisää projekti"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:348
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Are you sure you want to abort this file transfer '%s'?\n"
+"NOTE: Aborting a transfer will invalidate a task and you\n"
+"will not receive credit for it."
+msgstr ""
+"Haluatko keskeyttää tämän tiedoston siirron: \"%s\"?\n"
+"HUOMAA: Siirron keskeyttäminen ei vahvista pakettia\n"
+"etkä siis saa siitä pisteitä."
-#: sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:73
-msgid "Synchronize"
-msgstr "Synkronoi"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:354
+msgid "Abort File Transfer"
+msgstr "Keskeytä tiedoston siirto"
-#: sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:74
-msgid "Work done for this project"
-msgstr "Tälle projektille tehty työ"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:785
+msgid "Upload"
+msgstr "Lähetys"
-#: sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:77
-msgid "Synchronize projects with account manager system"
-msgstr "Synkronoi projektit tilihallitsijajärjestelmän kanssa"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:785
+msgid "Download"
+msgstr "Lataus"
-#: sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:124
-msgid "Select a project to access with the controls below"
-msgstr "Valitse projekti käyttäen alla olevia painikkeita"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:789
+msgid "retry in "
+msgstr "uudelleenyritys "
-#: sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:145
-msgid "Project Web Pages"
-msgstr "Projektin nettisivut"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:791
+msgid "failed"
+msgstr "epäonnistui"
-#: sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:149
-msgid "Project Commands"
-msgstr "Projektin komennot"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:794
+msgid "suspended"
+msgstr "hyllytetty"
-#: sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:267
-#, c-format
-msgid "Pop up a menu of web sites for project %s"
-msgstr "Ponnahdusvalikko projektin %s nettisivuista"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:799
+msgid "active"
+msgstr "aktiivinen"
-#: sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:269
-#, c-format
-msgid "Pop up a menu of commands to apply to project %s"
-msgstr "Ponnahdusvalikko projektiin %s liittyvistä komennoista"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:801
+msgid "pending"
+msgstr "odottaa"
-#: sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:67
-msgid "Suspend this task."
-msgstr "Hyllytä tämä paketti."
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:808
+msgid " (project backoff: "
+msgstr " (projektin viivyttämä: "
-#: sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:73
-msgid "Abandon this task. You will get no credit for it."
-msgstr "Hylkää tämä paketti. Et saa siitä pisteitä."
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:192
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:782
+msgid "Show active tasks"
+msgstr "Näytä suoritettavat paketit"
-#: sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:251
-#, c-format
-msgid ""
-"Are you sure you want to abort this task '%s'?\n"
-"(Progress: %.1lf%%, Status: %s)"
-msgstr ""
-"Haluatko varmasti hylätä paketin \"%s\"?\n"
-"(Suoritettu: %.1lf%%, Tila: %s)"
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:193
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:783
+msgid "Show only active tasks."
+msgstr "Näytä vain suorituksessa olevat paketit."
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:464
-msgid "You don't have any projects.  Please Add a Project."
-msgstr "Sinulla ei ole yhtään projektia.  Lisää projekti."
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:206
+msgid "Show VM Console"
+msgstr "Näytä VM Console"
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:465
-msgid "Not available"
-msgstr "Ei saatavissa"
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:207
+msgid "Show VM Console in a window."
+msgstr "Näytä VM Console ikkunassa."
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:476
-msgid "Tasks:"
-msgstr "Paketit:"
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:214
+msgid "Suspend work for this result."
+msgstr "Hyllytä tämä paketti."
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:482
-msgid "Select a task to access"
-msgstr "Valitse käsiteltävä paketti"
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:221
+msgid "Abandon work on the result. You will get no credit for it."
+msgstr "Hylkää työpaketti. Et saa siitä pisteitä."
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:493
-msgid "From:"
-msgstr "Mistä:"
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:240
+msgid "Elapsed"
+msgstr "Kulunut"
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:547
-msgid "This task's progress"
-msgstr "Tämän paketin edistyminen"
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:241
+msgid "Remaining (estimated)"
+msgstr "Jäljellä (arvio)"
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:565
-msgid "Task Commands"
-msgstr "Paketin komennot"
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:242
+msgid "Deadline"
+msgstr "Takaraja"
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:566
-msgid "Pop up a menu of commands to apply to this task"
-msgstr "Ponnahdusvalikko tähän pakettiin liittyvistä komennoista"
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:269
+msgid "Tasks"
+msgstr "Paketit"
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:701
-#, c-format
-msgid "Application: %s"
-msgstr "Sovellus: %s"
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:362
+msgid "Resuming task..."
+msgstr "Jatketaan pakettia..."
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:724
-#, c-format
-msgid "%.3f%%"
-msgstr "%.3f%%"
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:365
+msgid "Suspending task..."
+msgstr "Hyllytetään pakettia..."
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:732
-msgid "Application: Not available"
-msgstr "Sovellus: Ei saatavilla"
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:394
+msgid "Showing graphics for task..."
+msgstr "Näytetään paketin grafiikat..."
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:832
-msgid "Not Available"
-msgstr "Ei saatavilla"
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:431
+msgid "Showing VM console for task..."
+msgstr "Näytetään VM konsoli tehtävälle..."
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:847
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:484
 #, c-format
-msgid "Elapsed: %s"
-msgstr "Kulunut: %s"
+msgid ""
+"Are you sure you want to abort this task '%s'?\n"
+"(Progress: %s, Status: %s)"
+msgstr ""
+"Haluatko varmasti hylätä paketin \"%s\"?\n"
+"(Suoritettu: %s, Tila: %s)"
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:861
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:490
 #, c-format
-msgid "Remaining (estimated): %s"
-msgstr "Jäljellä (arvio): %s"
+msgid "Are you sure you want to abort these %d tasks?"
+msgstr "Haluatko varmasti hylätä nämä %d paketit?"
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:876
-#, c-format
-msgid "Status: %s"
-msgstr "Tila: %s"
+# 75%
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:504
+msgid "Aborting task..."
+msgstr "Hylätään pakettia..."
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1223
-msgid "Retrieving current status."
-msgstr "Noudetaan nykyinen tila."
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:776
+msgid "Show all tasks"
+msgstr "Näytä kaikki paketit"
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1229
-msgid "Downloading work from the server."
-msgstr "Ladataan työtä palvelimelta."
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:777
+msgid "Show all tasks."
+msgstr "Näytä kaikki paketit."
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1234
-msgid "Processing Suspended:  Running On Batteries."
-msgstr "Laskenta hyllytetty:  kone akkukäytöllä."
+#: clientgui/WelcomePage.cpp:284
+msgid "Add project or account manager"
+msgstr "Lisää projekti tai tilihallitsija"
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1236
-msgid "Processing Suspended:  User Active."
-msgstr "Laskenta hyllytetty:  käyttäjä aktiivinen."
+#: clientgui/WelcomePage.cpp:288
+msgid "Add project or use BOINC Account Manager"
+msgstr "Lisää projekti tai käytä BOINC tilihallitsijaa"
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1238
-msgid "Processing Suspended:  User paused processing."
-msgstr "Laskenta hyllytetty:  käyttäjä tauotti laskennan."
+#: clientgui/WelcomePage.cpp:297
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"If possible, add projects at the\n"
+"%s web site.\n"
+"Projects added via this wizard will not be\n"
+"listed on or managed via %s."
+msgstr ""
+"Mikäli mahdollista, lisää projekteja\n"
+"%s -nettisivun kautta.\n"
+"Projektit, jotka lisätään tämän avustajan kautta,\n"
+"eivät listaudu eikä niitä hallinoida %s kautta."
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1240
-msgid "Processing Suspended:  Time of Day."
-msgstr "Laskenta hyllytetty:  aika päivästä."
+#: clientgui/WelcomePage.cpp:313
+msgid ""
+"There are over 30 BOINC-based projects\n"
+"doing research in many areas of science,\n"
+"and you can volunteer for as many of them as you like.\n"
+"You can add a project directly,\n"
+"or use an 'Account Manager' web site to select projects."
+msgstr ""
+"Yli 30 BOINC-pohjaista projektia suorittaa\n"
+"tutkimusta monilla tieteen aloilla ja\n"
+"voit osallistua niin moneen kuin haluat.\n"
+"Voit lisätä projektin suoraan\n"
+"tai käyttää Tilihallitsijan nettisivua projektien valintaan."
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1242
-msgid "Processing Suspended:  Benchmarks Running."
-msgstr "Laskenta hyllytetty:  suorituskykytestit."
+#: clientgui/WelcomePage.cpp:325
+msgid ""
+"You have chosen to add a new volunteer computing project or change which projects\n"
+"you contribute to.\n"
+"Some of these projects are run and managed by World Community Grid, while others\n"
+"are run and managed by other researchers or organizations. The BOINC software\n"
+"can divide your spare processing power among any combination of projects.\n"
+"Alternatively, if you have registered with a BOINC Account Manager, you can use\n"
+"this to choose which projects to support.\n"
+"Please choose which type of change you would like to make:\n"
+msgstr ""
+"Olet päättänyt lisätä uuden projektin tai muuttaa projekteja\n"
+"joihin osallistut.\n"
+"Osa projekteista on World Community Gridin ylläpitämiä ja osa\n"
+"on muiden tutkijoiden tai organisaatioiden hoitamia. BOINC-ohjelma\n"
+"voi jakaa koneesi laskentatehon eri projekteille.\n"
+"Jos olet rekisteröitynyt BOINC tilihallitsijalla, voit käyttää sitä\n"
+"valitaksesi haluamasi projektit.\n"
+"Minkälaisen muutoksen haluat tehdä:\n"
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1244
-msgid "Processing Suspended."
-msgstr "Laskenta hyllytetty."
+#: clientgui/WelcomePage.cpp:339
+msgid "Use a BOINC Account Manager"
+msgstr "Käytä BOINC tilihallitsijaa"
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1248
-msgid "Waiting to contact project servers."
-msgstr "Odotetaan yhteydenottoa projektin palvelimeen."
+#: clientgui/WelcomePage.cpp:358
+msgid "Add or change your World Community Grid projects"
+msgstr "Lisää tai muuta World Community Grid -projektejasi"
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1252 sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1261
-msgid "Retrieving current status"
-msgstr "Haetaan nykyinen tila"
+#: clientgui/WelcomePage.cpp:361
+msgid "Add projects run by other researchers or organizations"
+msgstr "Lisää muiden tutkijoiden tai organisaatioiden projekteja"
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1256
-msgid "No work available to process"
-msgstr "Suoritettavaa työtä ei ole"
+#: clientgui/WizardAttach.cpp:673
+msgid "Do you really want to cancel?"
+msgstr "Haluatko todella peruuttaa?"
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1258
-msgid "Unable to connect to the core client"
-msgstr "Yhteyttä ydinohjelmaan ei saada"
+#: clientgui/WizardAttach.cpp:674
+msgid "Question"
+msgstr "Kysymys"
-#: wizardex.cpp:377 wizardex.cpp:553
+#: clientgui/wizardex.cpp:377
+#: clientgui/wizardex.cpp:553
 msgid "&Next >"
 msgstr "&Seuraava>"
-#: wizardex.cpp:383
+#: clientgui/wizardex.cpp:383
 msgid "< &Back"
 msgstr "< &Takaisin"
-#: wizardex.cpp:553
+#: clientgui/wizardex.cpp:553
 msgid "&Finish"
 msgstr "&Valmis"
-#: mac/Mac_GUI.cpp:110
-msgid "Preferences…"
-msgstr "Asetukset…"
+#: clientgui/common/wxPieCtrl.cpp:64
+msgid "Pie Ctrl"
+msgstr "Ympyräkaavion hallinta"
-#: mac/Mac_GUI.cpp:122
+#: clientgui/mac/Mac_GUI.cpp:35
 msgid "Services"
 msgstr "Palvelut"
-#: mac/Mac_GUI.cpp:144
+#: clientgui/mac/Mac_GUI.cpp:36
 #, c-format
 msgid "Hide %s"
 msgstr "Piilota %s"
-#: mac/Mac_GUI.cpp:158
+#: clientgui/mac/Mac_GUI.cpp:37
 msgid "Hide Others"
 msgstr "Piilota muut"
-#: mac/Mac_GUI.cpp:172
+#: clientgui/mac/Mac_GUI.cpp:38
 msgid "Show All"
 msgstr "Näytä kaikki"
-#: mac/Mac_GUI.cpp:186
+#: clientgui/mac/Mac_GUI.cpp:39
 #, c-format
 msgid "Quit %s"
 msgstr "Sulje %s"
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.h:30
+msgid "specify work start and stop hours in format HH:MM-HH:MM"
+msgstr "anna laskennan alkamis- ja päättymistunti muodossa HH:MM-HH:MM"
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.h:31
+msgid "specify network usage start and stop hours in format HH:MM-HH:MM"
+msgstr ""
+"anna verkkoyhteyden käytön alkamis- ja päättymistunti muodossa HH:MM-HH:MM"
+# 98%
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "(C) 2003-2013 University of California, Berkeley.\n"
+#~ "All Rights Reserved."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "(C) 2003-2013 Kalifornian yliopisto, Berkeley.\n"
+#~ "Kaikki oikeudet pidätetään."
+#, c-format
+#~ msgid "%s - Preferences"
+#~ msgstr "%s - Asetukset"
+#, no-c-format
+#~ msgid "% of the processors (0 means ignore this setting)"
+#~ msgstr "% prosessoreista (0 tarkoittaa jätä huomiotta)"
+#, no-c-format
+#~ msgid "% CPU time"
+#~ msgstr "% prosessoriajasta"
+#~ msgid "KBytes/sec."
+#~ msgstr "Ktavua/sek."
+#~ msgid "Mbytes"
+#~ msgstr "Megatavua"
+#~ msgid "every"
+#~ msgstr "joka"
+#~ msgid "days"
+#~ msgstr "vrk"
+#~ msgid "Gigabytes disk space"
+#~ msgstr "Gigatavua levytilaa"
+#~ msgid "Running, high priority"
+#~ msgstr "Suoritetaan, korkea prioriteetti"
+#~ msgid " (Scheduler wait: "
+#~ msgstr " (Odottaa ajoittamista: "
+#~ msgid " (Scheduler wait)"
+#~ msgstr " (Odottaa ajoittamista)"
+#~ msgid " (Waiting for network access)"
+#~ msgstr " (Odottaa pääsyä verkkoon)"
+#~ msgid "Preferences…"
+#~ msgstr "Asetukset…"
 #~ msgid "I do not agree with the terms of use."
 #~ msgstr "En hyväksy käyttöehtoja."
@@ -4252,16 +4472,6 @@ msgstr "Sulje %s"
 #~ msgid "OnDropTarget: index by HitTest = %i"
 #~ msgstr "OnDropTarget: index by HitTest = %i"
-#~ msgid "Pie Ctrl"
-#~ msgstr "Ympyräkaavion hallinta"
-#~ msgid "specify work start and stop hours in format HH:MM-HH:MM"
-#~ msgstr "anna laskennan alkamis- ja päättymistunti muodossa HH:MM-HH:MM"
-#~ msgid "specify network usage start and stop hours in format HH:MM-HH:MM"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "anna verkkoyhteyden käytön alkamis- ja päättymistunti muodossa HH:MM-HH:MM"
 #~ msgid "Identify your account "
 #~ msgstr "Yksilöi tilisi "
diff --git a/locale/fr/BOINC-Manager.po b/locale/fr/BOINC-Manager.po
index 3728d18..bc19c6c 100644
--- a/locale/fr/BOINC-Manager.po
+++ b/locale/fr/BOINC-Manager.po
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ msgid ""
 msgstr ""
 "Project-Id-Version: BOINC Manager\n"
 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-02-02 00:00-0800\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-12-15 14:15-0500\n"
 "PO-Revision-Date: 2014-02-02 21:58+0000\n"
 "Last-Translator: Jerome Cadet <jerome.cadet at pobox.com>\n"
 "Language-Team: <fr at li.org>\n"
@@ -13,23 +13,23 @@ msgstr ""
 "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
 "Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n > 1);\n"
 "X-Generator: Pootle 2.5.0\n"
-"X-BOINC-UTF8-Marker: 简体中文, 日本語\n"
-"X-Poedit-SearchPath-1: clientgui/msw\n"
-"X-Poedit-SearchPath-2: clientgui/gtk\n"
-"X-Poedit-SearchPath-3: clientgui/mac\n"
+"X-Poedit-Basepath: C:\\Src\\BOINCGIT\\boinc_7.4\n"
 "X-Poedit-SearchPath-0: clientgui\n"
 "X-Poedit-SourceCharset: utf-8\n"
-"X-Poedit-Basepath: C:\\Src\\BOINCGIT\\boinc\n"
 "X-POOTLE-MTIME: 1391378324.0\n"
+"X-Poedit-SearchPath-1: clientgui/msw\n"
+"X-Poedit-SearchPath-2: clientgui/gtk\n"
+"X-Poedit-SearchPath-3: clientgui/mac\n"
+"X-BOINC-UTF8-Marker: 简体中文, 日本語\n"
 # 81%
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:387
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:387
 #, c-format
 #, c-format, c-format
 msgid "Identify your account at %s"
 msgstr "Identifiez votre compte à %s"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:393
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:393
 msgid ""
 "Please enter your account information\n"
 "(to create an account, visit the project's web site)"
@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ msgstr ""
 "Veuillez entrer les informations de votre compte\n"
 "(pour créer un compte, visitez le site web du projet)"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:397
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:397
 msgid ""
 "This project is not currently accepting new accounts.\n"
 "You can add it only if you already have an account."
@@ -45,19 +45,19 @@ msgstr ""
 "Ce projet n'accepte plus de nouveaux comptes pour le moment.\n"
 "Vous pouvez l'ajouter seulement si vous avez déjà un compte."
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:401
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:401
 msgid "Are you already running this project?"
 msgstr "Participez-vous déjà à ce projet ?"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:405
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:405
 msgid "&No, new user"
 msgstr "&Non, nouvel utilisateur"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:408
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:408
 msgid "&Yes, existing user"
 msgstr "&Oui, utilisateur existant"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:413
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:413
 msgid ""
 "We were not able to set up your account information\n"
@@ -73,45 +73,51 @@ msgstr ""
 "ci-dessous pour savoir quoi mettre dans les champs adresse e-mail et\n"
 "mot de passe."
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:416
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:416
 msgid "Find login information"
 msgstr "Trouvez les informations de connexion"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:436 AccountInfoPage.cpp:641
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:436
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:649
 msgid "&Password:"
 msgstr "&Mot de passe:"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:443 AccountInfoPage.cpp:665
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:443
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:673
 msgid "Choose a &password:"
 msgstr "Choisissez un &mot de passe:"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:446
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:446
 msgid "C&onfirm password:"
 msgstr "C&onfirmez le mot de passe:"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:453
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:453
 #, c-format
 msgid "Are you already running %s?"
 msgstr "Participez-vous déjà à %s ?"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:482
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:482
 msgid "&Username:"
 msgstr "&Nom d'utilisateur:"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:508
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:511
+msgid "&Email address or LDAP ID:"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:515
 msgid "&Email address:"
 msgstr "&Adresse de courriel:"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:515
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:523
 #, c-format
 msgid "minimum length %d"
 msgstr "longueur minimum %d"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:522
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:530
 msgid "Forgot your password?"
 msgstr "Mot de passe oublié?"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:529
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:537
 msgid ""
 "If you have not yet registered with this account manager,\n"
 "please do so before proceeding.  Click on the link below\n"
@@ -121,49 +127,48 @@ msgstr ""
 "merci de la faire avant de continuer. Cliquez sur le lien ci-dessous pour \n"
 "vous enregistrer ou pour récupérer un mot de passe oublié."
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:532
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:540
 msgid "Account manager web site"
 msgstr "Site du gestionnaire de compte"
 # changement de terminologie boinc (cf. comm de David Anderson sur boinc_loc)
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:574 WelcomePage.cpp:348
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:582
 msgid "Add project"
 msgstr "Ajouter un projet"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:576
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:584
 msgid "Update account manager"
 msgstr "Mettre à jour le gestionnaire de compte"
 # changement de terminologie boinc (cf. comm de David Anderson sur boinc_loc)
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:578 WelcomePage.cpp:307 WelcomePage.cpp:321
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:586
 msgid "Use account manager"
 msgstr "Utiliser le gestionnaire de compte"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:585
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:593
 msgid "Please enter a user name."
 msgstr "Veuillez saisir un nom d'utilisateur."
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:587
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:595
 msgid "Please enter an email address."
 msgstr "Veuillez saisir une adresse de courriel."
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:597
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:605
 #, c-format
 msgid "Please enter a password of at least %d characters."
 msgstr "Veuillez entrer un mot de passe d'au moins %d caractères."
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:607
-msgid ""
-"The password and confirmation password do not match. Please type them again."
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:615
+msgid "The password and confirmation password do not match. Please type them again."
 msgstr ""
 "Le mot de passe et la confirmation du mot de passe sont différents. Entrez-"
 "les à nouveau, svp."
-#: AccountManagerInfoPage.cpp:272
+#: clientgui/AccountManagerInfoPage.cpp:272
 msgid "Choose an account manager"
 msgstr "Choisir un gestionnaire de compte"
-#: AccountManagerInfoPage.cpp:275
+#: clientgui/AccountManagerInfoPage.cpp:275
 msgid ""
 "To choose an account manager, click its name or \n"
 "type its URL below."
@@ -171,387 +176,404 @@ msgstr ""
 "Pour choisir un gestionnaire de compte, cliquez sur son nom\n"
 "ou tapez son URL ci-dessous."
-#: AccountManagerInfoPage.cpp:279
+#: clientgui/AccountManagerInfoPage.cpp:279
 msgid "Account manager details:"
 msgstr "Détails sur le gestionnaire de compte:"
-#: AccountManagerInfoPage.cpp:283
+#: clientgui/AccountManagerInfoPage.cpp:283
 msgid "Account manager &URL:"
 msgstr "URL du gestionnaire de compte:"
-#: AccountManagerInfoPage.cpp:287
+#: clientgui/AccountManagerInfoPage.cpp:287
 msgid "Open web page"
 msgstr "Ouvrir une page web"
-#: AccountManagerInfoPage.cpp:290
+#: clientgui/AccountManagerInfoPage.cpp:290
 msgid "Visit this account manager's web site"
 msgstr "Visiter le site web du gestionnaire de compte"
-#: AccountManagerProcessingPage.cpp:187 AccountManagerPropertiesPage.cpp:193
+#: clientgui/AccountManagerProcessingPage.cpp:186
+#: clientgui/AccountManagerPropertiesPage.cpp:192
 #, c-format
 msgid "Communicating with %s."
 msgstr "Communication avec %s en cours."
-#: AccountManagerProcessingPage.cpp:194 AccountManagerPropertiesPage.cpp:200
+#: clientgui/AccountManagerProcessingPage.cpp:193
+#: clientgui/AccountManagerPropertiesPage.cpp:199
 msgid "Communicating with server."
 msgstr "Communication avec le serveur en cours."
-#: AccountManagerProcessingPage.cpp:199 AccountManagerPropertiesPage.cpp:205
+#: clientgui/AccountManagerProcessingPage.cpp:198
+#: clientgui/AccountManagerPropertiesPage.cpp:204
 msgid "Please wait..."
 msgstr "Veuillez patienter..."
-#: AccountManagerProcessingPage.cpp:326
+#: clientgui/AccountManagerProcessingPage.cpp:325
 msgid "An internal server error has occurred.\n"
 msgstr "Une erreur interne du serveur a eu lieu.\n"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:95
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:96
 msgid "Connected"
 msgstr "Connecté"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:103
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:104
 msgid "Disconnected"
 msgstr "Déconnecté"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:322 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:119
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:318
 #, c-format
 msgid "Close the %s window"
 msgstr "Fermez la fenêtre %s"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:325 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:122
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:321
 msgid "&Close Window"
 msgstr "&Fermer la fenêtre"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:336 AdvancedFrame.cpp:343 AdvancedFrame.cpp:350
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:332
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:339
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:346
 #, c-format
 msgid "Exit %s"
 msgstr "Quitter %s"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:371
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:359
+msgid "Preferences..."
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:368
 msgid "&Notices\tCtrl+Shift+N"
 msgstr "&Remarques\tCtrl+Shift+N"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:372
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:369
 msgid "Display notices"
 msgstr "Afficher les remarques"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:377
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:374
 msgid "&Projects\tCtrl+Shift+P"
 msgstr "&Projets\tCtrl+Shift+P"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:378
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:375
 msgid "Display projects"
 msgstr "Afficher les projets"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:383
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:380
 msgid "&Tasks\tCtrl+Shift+T"
 msgstr "&Tâches\tCtrl+Shift+T"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:384
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:381
 msgid "Display tasks"
 msgstr "Afficher les tâches"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:389
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:386
 msgid "Trans&fers\tCtrl+Shift+X"
 msgstr "Trans&ferts\tCtrl+Shift+X"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:390
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:387
 msgid "Display transfers"
 msgstr "Afficher les transferts"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:395
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:392
 msgid "&Statistics\tCtrl+Shift+S"
 msgstr "&Statistiques\tCtrl+Shift+S"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:396
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:393
 msgid "Display statistics"
 msgstr "Afficher les statistiques"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:401
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:398
 msgid "&Disk usage\tCtrl+Shift+D"
 msgstr "Utilisation &Disque\tCtrl+Shift+D"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:402
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:399
 msgid "Display disk usage"
 msgstr "Afficher l'utilisation disque"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:409
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:406
 msgid "Simple &View...\tCtrl+Shift+V"
 msgstr "&Vue Simple...\tCTRL+SHIFT+S"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:410
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:407
 msgid "Display the simple graphical interface."
 msgstr "Affiche l'interface graphique simplifiée"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:424
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:421
 msgid "&Add project or account manager..."
 msgstr "&Rejoindre un projet ou un gestionnaire de compte..."
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:425 sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:76
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:422
 msgid "Volunteer for any or all of 30+ projects in many areas of science"
 msgstr ""
 "Volontaire pour tout projet parmi la trentaine disponibles dans de nombreux "
 "domaines de sciences"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:429
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:426
 #, c-format
 msgid "&Synchronize with %s"
 msgstr "&Synchronisation avec %s"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:433
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:430
 #, c-format
 msgid "Get current settings from %s"
 msgstr "Récupération des paramètres actuels de %s "
 # changement de terminologie boinc (cf. comm de David Anderson sur boinc_loc)
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:443
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:440
 msgid "&Add project..."
 msgstr "Ajouter un &projet..."
 # changement de terminologie boinc (cf. comm de David Anderson sur boinc_loc)
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:444
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:441
 msgid "Add a project"
 msgstr "Ajouter un projet"
 # Is this a serious real message ???
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:447
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:444
 #, c-format
 msgid "S&top using %s..."
 msgstr "&Arrêter d'utiliser %s..."
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:453
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:450
 msgid "Remove this computer from account manager control."
 msgstr "Enlever cet ordinateur du contrôle du gestionnaire de compte."
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:458 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:178
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:455
 msgid "&Options..."
 msgstr "&Options..."
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:459 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:179
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:456
 msgid "Configure display options and proxy settings"
 msgstr "Configuration des options d'affichage et des paramètres de proxy"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:463 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:172
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:460
 msgid "Computing &preferences..."
 msgstr "&Préférences de calcul..."
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:464 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:173
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:461
 msgid "Configure computing preferences"
 msgstr "Configurer les préférences de calcul"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:472
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:469
 msgid "&Run always"
 msgstr "&Calculer en permanence"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:473
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:470
 msgid "Allow work regardless of preferences"
 msgstr "Autorise le travail sans tenir compte des préférences"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:477
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:474
 msgid "Run based on &preferences"
 msgstr "Calculer selon les &préférences"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:478
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:475
 msgid "Allow work according to preferences"
 msgstr "Autorise le travail selon les préférences"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:482
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:479
 msgid "&Suspend"
 msgstr "&Suspendre"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:483
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:480
 msgid "Stop work regardless of preferences"
 msgstr "Arrêter les calculs sans tenir compte des préférences"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:508
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:505
 msgid "Use GPU always"
 msgstr "Toujours utiliser le GPU"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:509
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:506
 msgid "Allow GPU work regardless of preferences"
 msgstr "Autorise le calcul GPU sans tenir compte des préférences"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:513
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:510
 msgid "Use GPU based on preferences"
 msgstr "Utiliser le GPU selon les préférences"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:514
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:511
 msgid "Allow GPU work according to preferences"
 msgstr "Autoriser le calcul GPU selon les préférences"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:518
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:515
 msgid "Suspend GPU"
 msgstr "Suspendre le GPU"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:519
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:516
 msgid "Stop GPU work regardless of preferences"
 msgstr "Arrête les calculs du GPU sans tenir compte des préférences"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:543
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:540
 msgid "Network activity always available"
 msgstr "Activité réseau toujours disponible"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:544
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:541
 msgid "Allow network activity regardless of preferences"
 msgstr "Autoriser l'activité réseau sans tenir compte des préférences"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:548
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:545
 msgid "Network activity based on preferences"
 msgstr "Activité réseau selon les préférences"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:549
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:546
 msgid "Allow network activity according to preferences"
 msgstr "Autoriser l'activité réseau selon les préférences"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:553
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:550
 msgid "Network activity suspended"
 msgstr "Activité réseau suspendue"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:554
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:551
 msgid "Stop BOINC network activity"
 msgstr "Arrêter l'activité réseau de BOINC"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:564
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:561
 #, c-format
 msgid "Connect to another computer running %s"
 msgstr "Se connecter à un autre ordinateur travaillant sur %s"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:569
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:566
 msgid "Select computer..."
 msgstr "Sélectionner un ordinateur..."
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:574
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:571
 msgid "Shut down connected client..."
 msgstr "Arrêter le client connecté..."
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:575
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:572
 msgid "Shut down the currently connected client"
 msgstr "Arrêter le client actuellement connecté"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:579
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:576
 msgid "Run CPU &benchmarks"
 msgstr "Effectuer les &tests de puissance de votre CPU"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:580
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:577
 msgid "Runs BOINC CPU benchmarks"
 msgstr "Effectue les tests de puissance BOINC de votre CPU"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:584
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:581
 msgid "Do network communication"
 msgstr "Relancer les communications réseaux"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:585
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:582
 msgid "Do all pending network communication"
 msgstr "Relancer toutes les communications réseau en attente"
 # 94%
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:589
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:586
 msgid "Read config files"
 msgstr "Lire les fichiers de configuration"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:590
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:587
 msgid "Read configuration info from cc_config.xml and any app_config.xml files"
 msgstr ""
 "Lire les informations de configuration du fichier cc_config.xml et de tout "
 "fichier app_config.xml"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:594
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:591
 msgid "Read local prefs file"
 msgstr "Lire le fichier de préférences locales"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:595
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:592
 msgid "Read preferences from global_prefs_override.xml."
 msgstr ""
 "Lit les préférences contenues dans le fichier global_prefs_override.xml."
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:600
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:597
 #, c-format
 msgid "Launch another instance of %s..."
 msgstr "Démarrer une nouvelle instance de %s..."
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:604
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:601
 #, c-format
 msgid "Launch another %s"
 msgstr "Démarrer un autre %s"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:614
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:611
 msgid "Event Log...\tCtrl+Shift+E"
 msgstr "Journal des évènements...\t Ctrl+Shift+E"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:615
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:612
 msgid "Display diagnostic messages."
 msgstr "Afficher les messages de diagnostique."
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:625 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:188
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:616
+msgid "Event Log Diagnostic Flags...\tCtrl+Shift+F"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:617
+msgid "Enable or disable various diagnostic messages"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:626
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s &help"
 msgstr "&Aide sur %s"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:631 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:194
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:632
 #, c-format
 msgid "Show information about %s"
 msgstr "Affiche les informations à propos de %s"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:643
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:644
 #, c-format
 msgid "&%s help"
 msgstr "&Aide sur le %s"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:649 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:212
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:650
 #, c-format
 msgid "Show information about the %s"
 msgstr "Affiche les informations à propos du %s"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:661 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:224
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:662
 #, c-format
 #, c-format, c-format
 msgid "%s &web site"
 msgstr "Site web de %s"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:667 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:230
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:668
 #, c-format
 msgid "Show information about BOINC and %s"
 msgstr "Affiche les informations à propos de BOINC et %s"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:679 BOINCTaskBar.cpp:530 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:242
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:680
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:544
 #, c-format
 msgid "&About %s..."
 msgstr "&A propos de %s..."
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:685 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:248
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:686
 msgid "Licensing and copyright information."
 msgstr "Informations sur les droits d'auteur et la licence."
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:692 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:255
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:693
 msgid "&File"
 msgstr "&Fichier"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:696 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:259
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:697
 msgid "&View"
 msgstr "&Affichage"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:700 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:263
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:701
 msgid "&Tools"
 msgstr "&Outils"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:704
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:705
 msgid "&Activity"
 msgstr "&Activité"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:708
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:709
 msgid "A&dvanced"
 msgstr "A&vancé"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:712 DlgEventLog.cpp:332 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:267
-#: wizardex.cpp:374 wizardex.cpp:381
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:713
 msgid "&Help"
 msgstr "&Aide"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:1199
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1185
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - Stop using %s"
 msgstr "%s - Arrêter d'utiliser %s"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:1204
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1190
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "If you stop using %s,\n"
@@ -565,12 +587,12 @@ msgstr ""
 "mais vous devrez les gérer manuellement.\n"
 "Voulez-vous cesser d'utiliser %s ?"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:1401
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1397
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - Shut down the current client..."
 msgstr "%s - Arrêter le client actuel..."
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:1410
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1406
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "%s will shut down the current client\n"
@@ -579,36 +601,36 @@ msgstr ""
 "%s arrêtera le client connecté\n"
 "et vous invitera à vous connecter à un autre ordinateur."
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:1745 DlgAbout.cpp:119
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1806
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s"
 msgstr "%s"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:1754
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1815
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s has successfully added %s"
 msgstr "%s a ajouté avec succès %s"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:1893
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1953
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - (%s)"
 msgstr "%s - (%s)"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:1897
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1957
 #, c-format
 msgid "Connecting to %s"
 msgstr "Connexion à %s en cours"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:1900
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1960
 #, c-format
 msgid "Connected to %s (%s)"
 msgstr "Connecté à %s (%s)"
-#: AlreadyExistsPage.cpp:184
+#: clientgui/AlreadyExistsPage.cpp:184
 msgid "Username already in use"
 msgstr "Nom d'utilisateur déjà utilisé"
-#: AlreadyExistsPage.cpp:187
+#: clientgui/AlreadyExistsPage.cpp:187
 msgid ""
 "An account with that username already exists and has a\n"
 "different password than the one you entered.\n"
@@ -620,11 +642,11 @@ msgstr ""
 "Visitez le site web du projet et suivez ses instructions, svp."
-#: AlreadyExistsPage.cpp:191
+#: clientgui/AlreadyExistsPage.cpp:191
 msgid "Email address already in use"
 msgstr "Adresse de courriel déjà utilisée"
-#: AlreadyExistsPage.cpp:194
+#: clientgui/AlreadyExistsPage.cpp:194
 msgid ""
 "An account with that email address already exists and has a\n"
 "different password than the one you entered.\n"
@@ -636,45 +658,44 @@ msgstr ""
 "Visitez le site web du projet et suivez ses instructions, svp"
-#: AsyncRPC.cpp:1031
+#: clientgui/AsyncRPC.cpp:1031
 msgid "Communicating with BOINC client.  Please wait ..."
 msgstr "Communication avec le client BOINC en cours. Veuillez patienter ..."
-#: AsyncRPC.cpp:1034
+#: clientgui/AsyncRPC.cpp:1034
 #, c-format
 msgid "&Quit %s"
 msgstr "&Quitter %s"
-#: AsyncRPC.cpp:1036
+#: clientgui/AsyncRPC.cpp:1036
 #, c-format
 msgid "E&xit %s"
 msgstr "&Fermer %s"
-#: AsyncRPC.cpp:1040
+#: clientgui/AsyncRPC.cpp:1040
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - Communication"
 msgstr "%s - Communication"
-#: AsyncRPC.cpp:1056 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:107 sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:433
+#: clientgui/AsyncRPC.cpp:1056
 msgid "Cancel"
 msgstr "Annuler"
-#: BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:505
+#: clientgui/BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:504
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - Connection Error"
 msgstr "%s - Erreur de connexion"
-#: BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:514
+#: clientgui/BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:513
 msgid ""
 "You currently are not authorized to manage the client.\n"
-"Please contact your administrator to add you to the 'boinc_users' local user "
+"Please contact your administrator to add you to the 'boinc_users' local user group."
 msgstr ""
 "Vous n'êtes actuellement pas autorisé à gérer le client. \n"
 "Demandez à votre administrateur système de vous ajouter au groupe local "
-#: BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:523
+#: clientgui/BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:522
 msgid ""
 "Authorization failed connecting to running client.\n"
 "Make sure you start this program in the same directory as the client."
@@ -683,22 +704,22 @@ msgstr ""
 "Assurez-vous que vous démarrer ce programme dans le même dossier que le "
-#: BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:525
+#: clientgui/BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:524
 msgid "Authorization failed connecting to running client."
 msgstr "Autorisation de se connecter au client en cours d'exécution refusée."
-#: BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:533
+#: clientgui/BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:532
 msgid "The password you have provided is incorrect, please try again."
 msgstr ""
 "Le mot de passe que vous avez fourni est incorrect, merci d'essayer à "
-#: BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:577
+#: clientgui/BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:576
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - Connection Failed"
 msgstr "%s - La connexion a échoué"
-#: BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:586
+#: clientgui/BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:585
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "%s is not able to connect to a %s client.\n"
@@ -707,23 +728,22 @@ msgstr ""
 "%s n'a pas réussi à se connecter à un client %s.\n"
 "Voulez-vous tenter d'établir la connexion à nouveau?"
-#: BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:622
+#: clientgui/BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:621
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - Daemon Start Failed"
 msgstr "%s - Le démarrage du service a échoué"
-#: BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:632
+#: clientgui/BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:631
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "%s is not able to start a %s client.\n"
-"Please launch the Control Panel->Administative Tools->Services applet and "
-"start the BOINC service."
+"Please launch the Control Panel->Administative Tools->Services applet and start the BOINC service."
 msgstr ""
 "%s ne peut pas démarrer un client %s.\n"
 "Merci d'ouvrir le Panneau de Contrôle->Outils d'Administration->Gestionnaire "
 "de Services et démarrez le service BOINC."
-#: BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:638
+#: clientgui/BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:637
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "%s is not able to start a %s client.\n"
@@ -732,17 +752,16 @@ msgstr ""
 "%s ne peut pas démarrer un client %s\n"
 "Merci de démarrer le service et de réessayer."
-#: BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:689
+#: clientgui/BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:688
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - Connection Status"
 msgstr "%s - État de la Connexion"
-#: BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:700
+#: clientgui/BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:699
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "%s is not currently connected to a %s client.\n"
-"Please use the 'Advanced\\Select Computer...' menu option to connect up to a "
-"%s client.\n"
+"Please use the 'Advanced\\Select Computer...' menu option to connect up to a %s client.\n"
 "To connect up to your local computer please use 'localhost' as the host name."
 msgstr ""
 "%s n'est actuellement pas connecté à un client %s.\n"
@@ -751,16 +770,16 @@ msgstr ""
 "Pour vous connecter à votre ordinateur local, veuillez utiliser 'localhost' "
 "comme nom d'hôte."
-#: BOINCBaseView.cpp:779
+#: clientgui/BOINCBaseView.cpp:752
 msgid "Project web pages"
 msgstr "Pages Web du projet"
-#: BOINCClientManager.cpp:575
+#: clientgui/BOINCClientManager.cpp:573
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - Unexpected Exit"
 msgstr "%s - Fermeture inattendue"
-#: BOINCClientManager.cpp:585
+#: clientgui/BOINCClientManager.cpp:583
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "The %s client has exited unexpectedly 3 times within the last %d minutes.\n"
@@ -770,12 +789,12 @@ msgstr ""
 "d minutes.\n"
 "Voulez-vous le relancer ?"
-#: BOINCDialupManager.cpp:61
+#: clientgui/BOINCDialupManager.cpp:61
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - Network Status"
 msgstr "%s - État du réseau"
-#: BOINCDialupManager.cpp:241
+#: clientgui/BOINCDialupManager.cpp:241
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "%s needs to connect to the Internet.\n"
@@ -784,22 +803,22 @@ msgstr ""
 "%s a besoin de se connecter à l'Internet.\n"
 "Peut-il le faire maintenant?"
-#: BOINCDialupManager.cpp:254
+#: clientgui/BOINCDialupManager.cpp:254
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s is connecting to the Internet."
 msgstr "%s est en train de se connecter à Internet."
-#: BOINCDialupManager.cpp:303
+#: clientgui/BOINCDialupManager.cpp:303
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s has successfully connected to the Internet."
 msgstr "%s a réussi à se connecter à Internet."
-#: BOINCDialupManager.cpp:331
+#: clientgui/BOINCDialupManager.cpp:331
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s failed to connect to the Internet."
 msgstr "%s n'a pas réussi à se connecter à Internet."
-#: BOINCDialupManager.cpp:372
+#: clientgui/BOINCDialupManager.cpp:372
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "%s has detected it is now connected to the Internet.\n"
@@ -808,17 +827,17 @@ msgstr ""
 "%s a détecté qu'il est maintenant connecté à Internet.\n"
 "Mise à jour de tous les projets et essais de transfert en cours."
-#: BOINCDialupManager.cpp:417
+#: clientgui/BOINCDialupManager.cpp:417
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s has successfully disconnected from the Internet."
 msgstr "%s a réussi à se déconnecter d'Internet."
-#: BOINCDialupManager.cpp:433
+#: clientgui/BOINCDialupManager.cpp:433
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s failed to disconnected from the Internet."
 msgstr "%s n'a pas réussi à se déconnecter d'Internet."
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:339
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:595
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "You currently are not authorized to manage the client.\n"
@@ -839,7 +858,7 @@ msgstr ""
 "- contacter votre administrateur pour qu'il ajoute ce compte au\n"
 "groupe utilisateur \"boinc_master\"."
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:345
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:601
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "%s ownership or permissions are not set properly; please reinstall %s.\n"
@@ -849,16 +868,15 @@ msgstr ""
 "veuillez réinstaller %s.\n"
 "(Code erreur %d"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:351
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:607
 msgid " at "
 msgstr " chez "
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:354 MainDocument.cpp:2484 MainDocument.cpp:2534
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2554 ViewTransfers.cpp:803
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:610
 msgid ")"
 msgstr ")"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:384
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:640
 msgid ""
 "A reboot is required in order for BOINC to run properly.\n"
 "Please reboot your computer and try again."
@@ -866,163 +884,165 @@ msgstr ""
 "Un redémarrage est requis pour le bon fonctionnement de BOINC.\n"
 "Veuillez redémarrer votre ordinateur et réessayer."
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:385 DlgAbout.cpp:153
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:641
 msgid "BOINC Manager"
 msgstr "Manager BOINC"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:572
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:902
 msgid "BOINC Manager was started by the operating system automatically"
 msgstr ""
 "BOINC Manager a été démarré automatiquement par le système d'exploitation."
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:574
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:904
 msgid "Startup BOINC so only the system tray icon is visible"
 msgstr "Démarrer BOINC avec seulement l'icône de la barre des tâches visible"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:576
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:906
 msgid "Directory containing the BOINC Client executable"
 msgstr "Répertoire contenant les fichiers exécutables de BOINC"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:577
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:907
 msgid "BOINC data directory"
 msgstr "Répertoire des données BOINC"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:579
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:909
 msgid "Host name or IP address"
 msgstr "Nom de l'hôte ou adresse IP"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:580
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:910
 msgid "GUI RPC port number"
 msgstr "Numéro de port GUI RPC"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:581
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:911
 msgid "Password"
 msgstr "Mot de passe"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:582
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:912
 msgid "Startup BOINC with these optional arguments"
 msgstr "Démarrer BOINC avec ces arguments optionnels"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:583
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:913
 msgid "disable BOINC security users and permissions"
 msgstr "désactiver les permissions et les sécurités utilisateur de BOINC"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:584
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:914
 msgid "set skin debugging mode to enable skin manager error messages"
 msgstr ""
 "sélectionner le mode débogage d'apparence pour activer les messages d'erreur "
 "du gestionnaire d'apparence"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:585
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:915
 msgid "multiple instances of BOINC Manager allowed"
 msgstr "instances multiples du gestionnaire BOINC autorisées"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:587
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:917
 msgid "Not used: workaround for bug in XCode 4.2"
 msgstr "Non utilisé: contournement du bogue dans XCode 4.2"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:814
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:1164
 msgid "(Automatic Detection)"
 msgstr "(Détection automatique)"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:815
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:1165
 msgid "(Unknown)"
 msgstr "(Inconnu)"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:816
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:1166
 msgid "(User Defined)"
 msgstr "(Défini par l'utilisateur)"
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:508
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:522
 #, c-format
 msgid "Open %s Web..."
 msgstr "Ouvre le site web de %s..."
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:515
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:529
 #, c-format
 msgid "Open %s..."
 msgstr "Ouvrir %s..."
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:522 BOINCTaskBar.cpp:619 BOINCTaskBar.cpp:627
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:536
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:633
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:641
 msgid "Snooze"
 msgstr "Mettre en veille"
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:524 BOINCTaskBar.cpp:646 BOINCTaskBar.cpp:654
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:538
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:660
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:668
 msgid "Snooze GPU"
 msgstr "Mettre en veille le GPU"
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:542
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:556
 msgid "E&xit"
 msgstr "&Quitter"
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:612 ViewProjects.cpp:718 ViewWork.cpp:795
-#: sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:758 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:110
-#: sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:102
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:626
 msgid "Resume"
 msgstr "Reprendre"
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:639
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:653
 msgid "Resume GPU"
 msgstr "Reprendre l'activité GPU"
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:713
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:727
 msgid "Computing is enabled"
 msgstr "Le calcul est autorisé"
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:717
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:731
 msgid "Computing is suspended - "
 msgstr "Le calcul est suspendu - "
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:727
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:741
 msgid "GPU computing is enabled"
 msgstr "Le calcul sur GPU est autorisé"
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:730
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:744
 msgid "GPU computing is suspended - "
 msgstr "Le calcul sur GPU est suspendu - "
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:739
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:753
 msgid "Network is enabled"
 msgstr "Utilisation du réseau autorisée"
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:742
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:756
 msgid "Network is suspended - "
 msgstr "Activité réseau suspendue - "
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:750
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:764
 msgid "Reconnecting to client."
 msgstr "En cours de reconnexion au client."
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:752
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:766
 msgid "Not connected to a client."
 msgstr "Aucune connexion à un client."
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:805
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:819
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s Notices"
 msgstr "Notifications de %s"
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:811
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:825
 msgid "There are new notices - click to view."
 msgstr "Il y a de nouveaux messages - cliquer pour visualiser."
-#: CompletionErrorPage.cpp:199
+#: clientgui/CompletionErrorPage.cpp:199
 msgid "Failed to add project"
 msgstr "L'ajout du projet a échoué"
-#: CompletionErrorPage.cpp:204
+#: clientgui/CompletionErrorPage.cpp:204
 msgid "Failed to update account manager"
 msgstr "La mise à jour du gestionnaire de compte a échoué"
-#: CompletionErrorPage.cpp:208
+#: clientgui/CompletionErrorPage.cpp:208
 msgid "Failed to remove account manager"
 msgstr "Echec de la suppression du gestionnaire de compte"
-#: CompletionErrorPage.cpp:212
+#: clientgui/CompletionErrorPage.cpp:212
 msgid "Failed to add account manager"
 msgstr "L'ajout du gestionnaire de compte a échoué"
-#: CompletionErrorPage.cpp:221
+#: clientgui/CompletionErrorPage.cpp:221
 msgid ""
 "Please try again later.\n"
@@ -1032,24 +1052,26 @@ msgstr ""
 "Cliquer sur Terminer pour fermer."
-#: CompletionErrorPage.cpp:225 CompletionPage.cpp:222 CompletionPage.cpp:242
-#: CompletionPage.cpp:273
+#: clientgui/CompletionErrorPage.cpp:225
+#: clientgui/CompletionPage.cpp:222
+#: clientgui/CompletionPage.cpp:242
+#: clientgui/CompletionPage.cpp:273
 msgid "Click Finish to close."
 msgstr "Cliquez sur Fin pour fermer."
-#: CompletionErrorPage.cpp:234
+#: clientgui/CompletionErrorPage.cpp:234
 msgid "Messages from server:"
 msgstr "Messages du serveur:"
-#: CompletionPage.cpp:207
+#: clientgui/CompletionPage.cpp:207
 msgid "Project added"
 msgstr "Projet ajouté"
-#: CompletionPage.cpp:213
+#: clientgui/CompletionPage.cpp:213
 msgid "This project has been successfully added."
 msgstr "Ce projet a été ajouté avec succès."
-#: CompletionPage.cpp:218
+#: clientgui/CompletionPage.cpp:218
 msgid ""
 "When you click Finish, your web browser will go to a page where\n"
 "you can set your account name and preferences."
@@ -1057,122 +1079,124 @@ msgstr ""
 "Quand vous cliquerez sur Fin, votre navigateur se rendra sur une page web\n"
 "vous pourrez régler vos préférences et votre nom de compte."
-#: CompletionPage.cpp:232
+#: clientgui/CompletionPage.cpp:232
 #, c-format
 msgid "Update from %s completed."
 msgstr "Mise à jour de %s terminée"
-#: CompletionPage.cpp:236
+#: clientgui/CompletionPage.cpp:236
 msgid "Update completed."
 msgstr "Mise à jour effectuée."
-#: CompletionPage.cpp:247
+#: clientgui/CompletionPage.cpp:247
 msgid "Now using account manager"
 msgstr "Vous utilisez actuellement un gestionnaire de comptes"
-#: CompletionPage.cpp:252
+#: clientgui/CompletionPage.cpp:252
 #, c-format
 msgid "Welcome to %s!"
 msgstr "Bienvenue à %s !"
-#: CompletionPage.cpp:263
+#: clientgui/CompletionPage.cpp:263
 #, c-format
 msgid "You are now using %s to manage accounts."
 msgstr "Vous utilisez actuellement %s pour gérer les comptes"
-#: CompletionPage.cpp:267
+#: clientgui/CompletionPage.cpp:267
 msgid "You are now using this account manager."
 msgstr "Vous utilisez maintenant ce gestionnaire de compte"
-#: DlgAbout.cpp:113 mac/Mac_GUI.cpp:96
+#: clientgui/DlgAbout.cpp:113
 #, c-format
 msgid "About %s"
 msgstr "A propos de %s"
-#: DlgAbout.cpp:172
+#: clientgui/DlgAbout.cpp:172
 msgid "Version:"
 msgstr "Version :"
-#: DlgAbout.cpp:180
+#: clientgui/DlgAbout.cpp:180
 msgid "wxWidgets Version:"
 msgstr "Version de wxWidgets :"
-#: DlgAbout.cpp:188
+#: clientgui/DlgAbout.cpp:188
 msgid "Copyright:"
 msgstr "Copyright :"
-# 98%
-#: DlgAbout.cpp:192
+#: clientgui/DlgAbout.cpp:192
 msgid ""
-"(C) 2003-2013 University of California, Berkeley.\n"
+"(C) 2003-2014 University of California, Berkeley.\n"
 "All Rights Reserved."
 msgstr ""
-"(C) 2003-2013 Université de Californie, Berkeley.\n"
-"Tous droits réservés."
-#: DlgAbout.cpp:196
+#: clientgui/DlgAbout.cpp:196
 msgid "Berkeley Open Infrastructure for Network Computing"
 msgstr "Berkeley Open Infrastructure for Network Computing"
-#: DlgAbout.cpp:208 DlgExitMessage.cpp:173 DlgGenericMessage.cpp:120
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:396 DlgSelectComputer.cpp:163
+#: clientgui/DlgAbout.cpp:208
+#: clientgui/DlgExitMessage.cpp:173
+#: clientgui/DlgGenericMessage.cpp:120
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:399
+#: clientgui/DlgSelectComputer.cpp:163
 msgid "&OK"
 msgstr "&OK"
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:544
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:602
 msgid "invalid number"
 msgstr "nombre invalide"
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:545
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:603
 msgid "invalid time, format is HH:MM"
 msgstr "heure invalide, le format est HH:MM"
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:546
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:604
 msgid "invalid time interval, format is HH:MM-HH:MM"
 msgstr "intervale de temps invalide, le format est HH:MM-HH:MM"
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:751
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:817
 msgid "invalid input value detected"
 msgstr "valeur invalide détectée"
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:753
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:819
 msgid "Validation Error"
 msgstr "Erreur de Validation"
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:885 DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:891
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:897
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:969
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:975
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:981
 msgid "Applications to add"
 msgstr "Applications à ajouter"
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:914
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:998
 #, c-format
 msgid "'%s' is not an executable application."
 msgstr "'%s' n'est pas une application exécutable."
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:915 DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:962
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:986
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:999
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:1046
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:1070
 msgid "Add Exclusive App"
 msgstr "Ajouter une application exclusive"
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:927
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:1011
 msgid "Name of application to add?"
 msgstr "Nom de l'application à ajouter?"
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:927
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:1011
 msgid "Add exclusive app"
 msgstr "Ajouter une application exclusive"
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:961
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:1045
 #, c-format
 msgid "Application names must end with '%s'"
 msgstr "Les noms d'application doivent finir par '%s'"
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:985
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:1069
 #, c-format
 msgid "'%s' is already in the list."
 msgstr "'%s' est déjà dans la liste."
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:1077
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:1161
 msgid ""
 "Do you really want to clear all local preferences?\n"
 "(This will not affect exclusive applications.)"
@@ -1180,16 +1204,16 @@ msgstr ""
 "Voulez-vous réellement supprimer vos préférences locales ? \n"
 "(cela n'affectera pas vos applications exclusives)"
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:1078 sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:1030
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:1162
 msgid "Confirmation"
 msgstr "Confirmation"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:46 sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:946
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:49
 #, c-format
-msgid "%s - Preferences"
-msgstr "%s - Préférences"
+msgid "%s - Computing preferences"
+msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:62
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:66
 msgid ""
 "This dialog controls preferences for this computer only.\n"
 "Click OK to set preferences.\n"
@@ -1200,285 +1224,296 @@ msgstr ""
 "Cliquez sur Effacer pour restaurer les paramètres du site internet(sauf les "
 "applications exclusives)."
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:65 sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:428
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:69
 msgid "Clear"
 msgstr "Supprimer"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:66
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:70
 msgid "clear all local preferences and close the dialog"
 msgstr "effacer toutes les préférences locales et fermer la fenêtre"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:81
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:85
 msgid "processor usage"
 msgstr "utilisation du processeur"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:84
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:88
 msgid "network usage"
 msgstr "utilisation du réseau"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:87
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:91
 msgid "disk and memory usage"
 msgstr "utilisation du disque et de la mémoire"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:90
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:94
 msgid "exclusive applications"
 msgstr "applications exclusives"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:102 sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:424
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:107
+#: clientgui/DlgDiagnosticLogFlags.cpp:104
 msgid "OK"
 msgstr "OK"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:103
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:108
 msgid "save all values and close the dialog"
 msgstr "sauvegarder toutes les valeurs et fermer la fenêtre"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:108
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:114
 msgid "close the dialog without saving"
 msgstr "fermer la fenêtre sans sauvegarder"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:112 Localization.cpp:35 Localization.cpp:121
-#: Localization.cpp:139 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:794 sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:439
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:118
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:35
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:121
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:139
 msgid "Help"
 msgstr "Aide"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:113
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:119
 msgid "shows the preferences web page"
 msgstr "affiche la page web des préférences"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:135
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:141
 msgid "Computing allowed"
 msgstr "Calcul autorisé"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:139
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:146
 msgid "While computer is on batteries"
 msgstr " Lorsque l'ordinateur est sur batterie"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:142
-msgid ""
-"check this if you want this computer to do work while it runs on batteries"
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:149
+msgid "check this if you want this computer to do work while it runs on batteries"
 msgstr ""
 "cocher si vous voulez que cet ordinateur calcule alors qu'il est sur "
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:148
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:155
 msgid "While computer is in use"
 msgstr " Lorsque l'ordinateur est utilisé"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:151
-msgid ""
-"check this if you want this computer to do work even when you're using it"
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:158
+msgid "check this if you want this computer to do work even when you're using it"
 msgstr ""
 "cocher si vous voulez que cet ordinateur calcule même si vous êtes en train "
 "de l'utiliser"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:157
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:164
 msgid "Use GPU while computer is in use"
 msgstr "Utiliser le GPU lorsque l'ordinateur est utilisé"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:160
-msgid ""
-"check this if you want your GPU to do work even when you're using the "
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:167
+msgid "check this if you want your GPU to do work even when you're using the computer"
 msgstr ""
 "cocher si vous voulez que le GPU de cet ordinateur calcule même si vous êtes "
 "en train de l'utiliser"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:172
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:179
 msgid "Only after computer has been idle for"
 msgstr "Seulement quand l'ordinateur est en veille depuis"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:182
-msgid ""
-"do work only after you haven't used the computer for this number of minutes"
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:188
+msgid "do work only after you haven't used the computer for this number of minutes"
 msgstr ""
 "ne faire du calcul que si vous n'avez pas utilisé l'ordinateur durant le "
 "nombre de minutes suivant"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:187 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:336
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:417
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:193
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:342
 msgid "minutes"
 msgstr "minutes"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:206
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:212
 msgid "While processor usage is less than"
 msgstr "Tant que l'utilisation du processeur est inférieure à"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:216
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:221
 msgid "suspend work if processor usage exceeds this level"
 msgstr "suspendre le travail si l'utilisation du processeur dépasse ce niveau"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:221
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:226
 msgid "percent (0 means no restriction)"
 msgstr "pour-cent (0 signifie pas de restriction)"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:235 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:496
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:240
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:506
 msgid "Every day between hours of"
 msgstr "Tous les jours entre les heures suivantes"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:239
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:244
 msgid "start work at this time"
 msgstr "commencer le travail à cette heure"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:243 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:504
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:326 sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:348
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:248
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:514
 msgid "and"
 msgstr "et"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:247
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:252
 msgid "stop work at this time"
 msgstr "cesser le travail à cette heure"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:251 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:512
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:256
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:522
 msgid "(no restriction if equal)"
 msgstr "(pas de restriction si égaux)"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:256 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:517
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:261
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:527
 msgid "Day-of-week override:"
 msgstr "Contrainte sur jours de la semaine:"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:261 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:522
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:266
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:532
 msgid "check box to specify hours for this day of week"
 msgstr "cocher pour préciser les heures pour cette journée de la semaine"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:267 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:528
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:272
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:538
 msgid "Monday"
 msgstr "Lundi"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:274 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:535
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:279
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:545
 msgid "Tuesday"
 msgstr "Mardi"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:281 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:542
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:286
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:552
 msgid "Wednesday"
 msgstr "Mercredi"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:288 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:549
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:293
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:559
 msgid "Thursday"
 msgstr "Jeudi"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:295 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:556
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:300
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:566
 msgid "Friday"
 msgstr "Vendredi"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:302 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:563
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:307
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:573
 msgid "Saturday"
 msgstr "Samedi"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:309 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:570
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:314
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:580
 msgid "Sunday"
 msgstr "Dimanche"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:323
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:328
 msgid "Other options"
 msgstr "Autres options"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:330
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:336
 msgid "Switch between applications every"
 msgstr "Changer d'application toutes les"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:339
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:345
 msgid "On multiprocessor systems, use at most"
 msgstr "Sur les systèmes multiprocesseurs, utiliser au plus"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:346
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:352
 #, no-c-format
-msgid "% of the processors (0 means ignore this setting)"
-msgstr "% des processeurs (0 pour ignorer ce paramètre)"
+msgid "% of the processors (0 means no restriction)"
+msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:349 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:605
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:627 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:648
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:669 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:679
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:355
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:618
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:640
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:661
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:683
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:694
 msgid "Use at most"
 msgstr "Utiliser au plus"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:356
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:362
 #, no-c-format
-msgid "% CPU time"
-msgstr "% du temps processeur"
+msgid "% of CPU time (0 means no restriction)"
+msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:378
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:386
 msgid "General options"
 msgstr "Options générales"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:386
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:395
 msgid "Maximum download rate"
 msgstr "Débit maximum de téléchargement descendant"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:392 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:401
-msgid "KBytes/sec."
-msgstr "KOctets/sec."
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:401
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:410
+msgid "KBytes/second (0 means no restriction)"
+msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:395
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:404
 msgid "Maximum upload rate"
 msgstr "Débit maximum de téléchargement ascendant"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:406
-msgid "Transfer at most"
-msgstr "Transférer au plus"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:412
-msgid "Mbytes"
-msgstr "Moctets"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:415
-msgid "every"
-msgstr "chaque"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:421 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:444
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:463
-msgid "days"
-msgstr "jours"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:429
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:417
 msgid "Minimum work buffer"
 msgstr "Réserve de travail minimale"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:438
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:425
 msgid "Try to maintain enough tasks to keep busy for this many days"
 msgstr ""
 "Essayer d'avoir suffisamment de tâches pour rester actif durant ce nombre de "
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:450
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:431
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:449
+msgid "days (maximum value: 10)"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:437
 msgid "Max additional work buffer"
 msgstr "Réserve de travail maximale"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:459
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:445
 msgid "In addition, maintain enough tasks for up to this many days"
 msgstr ""
 "Additionnellement, avoir suffisamment de tâches pour au plus ce nombre de "
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:466
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:454
+msgid "Transfer at most"
+msgstr "Transférer au plus"
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:462
+msgid "MBytes every"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:468
+msgid "days (0 means no restriction)"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:476
 msgid "Skip image file verification"
 msgstr " Ignorer la vérification du fichier image"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:468
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:478
 msgid "check this if your Internet provider modifies image files"
 msgstr ""
 "cocher si votre fournisseur d'accès Internet modifie les fichiers images"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:476
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:484
 msgid "Connect options"
 msgstr "Options de connexion"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:478
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:487
 msgid "Confirm before connecting to internet"
 msgstr "Confirmer avant de se connecter à internet"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:480
-msgid ""
-"if checked, a confirmation dialog will be displayed before trying to connect "
-"to the Internet"
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:489
+msgid "if checked, a confirmation dialog will be displayed before trying to connect to the Internet"
 msgstr ""
 "si coché, un message de confirmation sera affiché avant d'essayer de se "
 "connecter à Internet"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:484
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:493
 msgid "Disconnect when done"
 msgstr "Se déconnecter dès que terminé"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:486
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:495
 msgid ""
 "if checked, BOINC hangs up when network usage is done\n"
 "(only relevant for dialup-connection)"
@@ -1486,196 +1521,221 @@ msgstr ""
 "si coché, BOINC raccrochera dès que l'utilisation du réseau sera terminée\n"
 "(utile uniquement pour une connexion RTC)"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:492
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:501
 msgid "Network usage allowed"
 msgstr "Utilisation du réseau autorisée"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:500
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:510
 msgid "network usage start hour"
 msgstr "heure de début d'utilisation du réseau"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:508
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:518
 msgid "network usage stop hour"
 msgstr "heure de fin d'utilisation du réseau"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:598 DlgItemProperties.cpp:231
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:610
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:257
 msgid "Disk usage"
 msgstr "Utilisation du disque"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:609
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:622
 msgid "the maximum disk space used by BOINC (in Gigabytes)"
 msgstr "l'espace disque utilisé par BOINC au maximum (en Gigaoctets)"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:613
-msgid "Gigabytes disk space"
-msgstr "Gigaoctets d'espace disque"
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:626
+msgid "Gigabytes disk space (0 means no restriction)"
+msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:616
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:629
 msgid "Leave at least"
 msgstr "Laisser au moins"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:620
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:633
 msgid "BOINC leaves at least this amount of disk space free (in Gigabytes)"
 msgstr ""
 "BOINC laisse au minimum cette quantité d'espace disque libre (en Gigaoctets)"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:624
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:637
 msgid "Gigabytes disk space free"
 msgstr "Gigaoctets d'espace disque libre"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:631
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:644
 msgid "BOINC uses at most this percentage of total disk space"
 msgstr "BOINC utilise au maximum ce pourcentage d'espace disque total"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:636
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:649
 #, no-c-format
 msgid "% of total disk space"
 msgstr "% de l'espace disque total"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:639
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:652
 msgid "Tasks checkpoint to disk at most every"
 msgstr "Ecrire les points de contrôle sur le disque au plus toutes les"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:645
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:658
 msgid "seconds"
 msgstr "secondes"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:655
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:668
 #, no-c-format
 msgid "% of page file (swap space)"
 msgstr "% de la mémoire physique (espace swap)"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:662
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:675
 msgid "Memory usage"
 msgstr "Utilisation mémoire"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:676
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:691
 #, no-c-format
 msgid "% when computer is in use"
 msgstr "% quand l'ordinateur est utilisé"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:686
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:701
 #, no-c-format
 msgid "% when computer is idle"
 msgstr "% quand l'ordinateur n'est pas utilisé"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:691
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:706
 msgid "Leave applications in memory while suspended"
 msgstr " Laisser les applications en mémoire lorsqu'elles sont suspendues"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:693
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:708
 msgid "if checked, suspended work units are left in memory"
 msgstr "si coché, les tâches suspendues seront laissées en mémoire"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:713
-msgid ""
-"Suspend processor and network usage when these applications are running:"
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:728
+msgid "Suspend processor and network usage when these applications are running:"
 msgstr ""
 "Suspendre l'utilisation du processeur et l'activité réseau quand ces "
 "applications sont en cours:"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:722
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:738
 msgid "Add..."
 msgstr "Ajouter..."
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:723
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:739
 msgid "Add an application to this list"
 msgstr "Ajouter une application à cette liste"
 # changement de terminologie boinc (cf. comm de David Anderson sur boinc_loc)
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:728 ViewProjects.cpp:202
-#: sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:85
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:744
 msgid "Remove"
 msgstr "Retirer"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:729
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:745
 msgid "Remove an application from this list"
 msgstr "Retirer une application de cette liste"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:738
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:754
 msgid "For advanced options, refer to "
 msgstr "Pour les paramètres avancés, se référer à"
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:219
+#: clientgui/DlgDiagnosticLogFlags.cpp:65
+#, c-format
+msgid "%s Diagnostic Log Flags"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/DlgDiagnosticLogFlags.cpp:83
+msgid "These flags enable various types of diagnostic messages in the Event Log."
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/DlgDiagnosticLogFlags.cpp:105
+msgid "Save all values and close the dialog"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/DlgDiagnosticLogFlags.cpp:108
+msgid "Defaults"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/DlgDiagnosticLogFlags.cpp:109
+msgid "Restore default settings"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/DlgDiagnosticLogFlags.cpp:113
+msgid "Close the dialog without saving"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:226
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - Event Log"
 msgstr "%s - Journal des événements"
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:232 ViewMessages.cpp:117 ViewProjects.cpp:219
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:435 ViewStatistics.cpp:2009 ViewTransfers.cpp:182
-#: ViewWork.cpp:232
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:236
 msgid "Project"
 msgstr "Projet"
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:233 ViewMessages.cpp:118
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:237
 msgid "Time"
 msgstr "Date"
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:234 ViewMessages.cpp:119
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:238
 msgid "Message"
 msgstr "Message"
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:290 DlgEventLog.cpp:354
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:300
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:364
 msgid "&Show only this project"
 msgstr "Ne montrer que ce projet"
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:294
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:304
 msgid "Copy &All"
 msgstr "Tout copier"
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:296 DlgEventLog.cpp:300 ViewMessages.cpp:89
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:306
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:310
 msgid "Copy all the messages to the clipboard."
 msgstr "Copie tous les messages dans le presse-papiers"
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:305
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:315
 msgid "Copy &Selected"
 msgstr "Copier la sélection"
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:308 DlgEventLog.cpp:316 ViewMessages.cpp:97
-msgid ""
-"Copy the selected messages to the clipboard. You can select multiple "
-"messages by holding down the shift or command key while clicking on messages."
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:318
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:326
+msgid "Copy the selected messages to the clipboard. You can select multiple messages by holding down the shift or command key while clicking on messages."
 msgstr ""
 "Copie les messages sélectionnés dans le presse-papiers. Vous pouvez "
 "sélectionner plusieurs messages en maintenant appuyée la touche Shift ou "
 "Ctrl lorsque vous cliquez sur les messages."
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:310 DlgEventLog.cpp:318 ViewMessages.cpp:99
-msgid ""
-"Copy the selected messages to the clipboard. You can select multiple "
-"messages by holding down the shift or control key while clicking on messages."
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:320
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:328
+msgid "Copy the selected messages to the clipboard. You can select multiple messages by holding down the shift or control key while clicking on messages."
 msgstr ""
 "Copie les messages sélectionnés dans le presse-papiers. Vous pouvez "
 "sélectionner plusieurs messages en maintenant appuyée la touche Shift ou "
 "Ctrl lorsque vous cliquez sur les messages."
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:325 DlgItemProperties.cpp:67
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:335
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:67
 msgid "&Close"
 msgstr "&Fermer"
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:334 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:798 sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:442
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:344
 #, c-format
 msgid "Get help with %s"
 msgstr "Obtenir de l'aide avec %s"
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:348
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:358
 msgid "Show all &messages"
 msgstr "Montrer tous les messages"
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:349 DlgEventLog.cpp:351
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:359
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:361
 msgid "Show messages for all projects"
 msgstr "Montrer les messages de tous les projets."
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:355 DlgEventLog.cpp:357
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:365
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:367
 msgid "Show only the messages for the selected project"
 msgstr "Ne montrer que les messages du projet sélectionné."
-#: DlgExitMessage.cpp:82
+#: clientgui/DlgExitMessage.cpp:82
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - Exit Confirmation"
 msgstr "%s - Confirmation de fermeture"
-#: DlgExitMessage.cpp:130
+#: clientgui/DlgExitMessage.cpp:130
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "You have requested to exit the %s,\n"
@@ -1692,7 +1752,7 @@ msgstr ""
 "Si vous voulez également arrêter les applications en cours,\n"
 "choisissez parmi les options suivantes:"
-#: DlgExitMessage.cpp:135
+#: clientgui/DlgExitMessage.cpp:135
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "This will shut down %s and its tasks until either the\n"
@@ -1709,397 +1769,423 @@ msgstr ""
 "plutôt que de quitter l'application; cela permettra à %s de\n"
 "traiter les tâches aux moments que vous avez choisis dans les préférences."
-#: DlgExitMessage.cpp:153
+#: clientgui/DlgExitMessage.cpp:153
 #, c-format
 msgid "Stop running tasks when exiting the %s"
 msgstr "Arrêter les tâches en cours en quittant le %s"
-#: DlgExitMessage.cpp:165
+#: clientgui/DlgExitMessage.cpp:165
 msgid "Remember this decision and do not show this dialog."
 msgstr "Se rappeler de cette décision et ne plus afficher cette fenêtre."
-#: DlgExitMessage.cpp:178 DlgGenericMessage.cpp:125 DlgOptions.cpp:401
-#: DlgSelectComputer.cpp:168 wizardex.cpp:378
+#: clientgui/DlgExitMessage.cpp:178
+#: clientgui/DlgGenericMessage.cpp:125
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:404
+#: clientgui/DlgSelectComputer.cpp:168
 msgid "&Cancel"
 msgstr "&Annuler"
-#: DlgGenericMessage.cpp:112
+#: clientgui/DlgGenericMessage.cpp:112
 msgid "Don't show this dialog again."
 msgstr "Ne plus afficher cette fenêtre."
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:168 DlgItemProperties.cpp:171
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:174 DlgItemProperties.cpp:177
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:194
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:197
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:200
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:203
 msgid "Don't fetch tasks for "
 msgstr "Ne pas charger de tâches pour "
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:168
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:194
 msgid "Project preference"
 msgstr "Préférences du projet"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:171
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:197
 msgid "Account manager preference"
 msgstr "Préférence du gestionnaire de compte"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:174
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:200
 msgid "Project has no apps for "
 msgstr "Le projet n'a pas d'application pour "
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:177
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:203
 msgid "Client configuration excludes "
 msgstr "La configuration du client exclue "
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:181
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:207
 msgid " work fetch deferred for"
 msgstr "Demande de travail différée de"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:182
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:208
 msgid " work fetch deferral interval"
 msgstr "Intervalle d'ajournement de demande de travail"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:213
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:239
 msgid "Properties of project "
 msgstr "Propriétés du projet "
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:217 DlgOptions.cpp:218
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:243
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:221
 msgid "General"
 msgstr "Général"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:218
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:244
 msgid "Master URL"
 msgstr "URL maître"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:219
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:245
 msgid "User name"
 msgstr "Nom d'utilisateur"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:220
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:246
 msgid "Team name"
 msgstr "Nom de l'équipe"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:221 ViewProjects.cpp:224
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:247
 msgid "Resource share"
 msgstr "Partage des ressources"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:223
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:249
 msgid "Scheduler RPC deferred for"
 msgstr "Programmateur RPC différé pour"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:226
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:252
 msgid "File downloads deferred for"
 msgstr "Téléchargement de fichiers différé pour"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:229
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:255
 msgid "File uploads deferred for"
 msgstr "Envoi de fichiers différé pour"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:232
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:258
 msgid "Computer ID"
 msgstr "ID Ordinateur"
 # I don't know the context of this message
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:234
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:260
 msgid "Non CPU intensive"
 msgstr "Sollicite peu le CPU"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:234 DlgItemProperties.cpp:236
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:237 DlgItemProperties.cpp:239
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:242 DlgItemProperties.cpp:251
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:254 DlgItemProperties.cpp:257
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:260
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:262
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:263
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:265
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:268
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:277
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:280
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:283
 msgid "yes"
 msgstr "oui"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:236
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:262
 msgid "Suspended via GUI"
 msgstr "Suspendu via l'interface graphique"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:236 DlgItemProperties.cpp:237
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:262
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:263
 msgid "no"
 msgstr "non"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:237
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:263
 msgid "Don't request more work"
 msgstr "Ne pas demander de travail supplémentaire"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:239
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:265
 msgid "Scheduler call in progress"
 msgstr "Requête au planificateur en cours"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:242
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:268
 msgid "Trickle-up pending"
 msgstr "Envoi des notifications d'avancement en attente"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:245 DlgItemProperties.cpp:247
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:271
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:273
 msgid "Host location"
 msgstr "Emplacement de l'hôte"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:247
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:273
 msgid "default"
 msgstr "valeur par défaut"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:251
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:277
 msgid "Added via account manager"
 msgstr "Ajouté via le gestionnaire de compte"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:254
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:280
 msgid "Remove when tasks done"
 msgstr "Se détacher une fois les tâches terminées"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:257
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:283
 msgid "Ended"
 msgstr "Terminé"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:259
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:285
+msgid "Tasks completed"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:286
+msgid "Tasks failed"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:288
 msgid "Credit"
 msgstr "Crédit"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:260
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:289
 msgid "User"
 msgstr "Utilisateur"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:267
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:296
 msgid "Host"
 msgstr "Ordinateur"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:276
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:305
 msgid "Scheduling"
 msgstr "Planification"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:277
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:306
 msgid "Scheduling priority"
 msgstr "Priorité de planification"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:278
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:307
 msgid "CPU"
 msgstr "CPU"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:302
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:331
 msgid "Duration correction factor"
 msgstr "Facteur de correction de durée"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:316
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:345
 msgid "Properties of task "
 msgstr "Propriétés de la tâche "
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:328 ViewWork.cpp:238
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:357
 msgid "Application"
 msgstr "Application"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:329 ViewWork.cpp:239
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:358
 msgid "Name"
 msgstr "Nom"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:330
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:359
 msgid "State"
 msgstr "Etat"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:333
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:362
 msgid "Received"
 msgstr "Reçu"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:336
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:365
 msgid "Report deadline"
 msgstr "Date limite d'envoi"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:338
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:367
 msgid "Resources"
 msgstr "Ressources"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:341
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:370
 msgid "Estimated computation size"
 msgstr "Taille de tâche estimée"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:344
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:373
 msgid "CPU time at last checkpoint"
 msgstr "Temps processeur au dernier point de sauvegarde"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:345 DlgItemProperties.cpp:360
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:374
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:389
 msgid "CPU time"
 msgstr "Temps de calcul"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:347 DlgItemProperties.cpp:361
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:376
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:390
 msgid "Elapsed time"
 msgstr "Temps écoulé"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:349
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:378
 msgid "Estimated time remaining"
 msgstr "Temps restant estimé"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:350
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:379
 msgid "Fraction done"
 msgstr "Portion effectuée"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:351
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:380
 msgid "Virtual memory size"
 msgstr "Taille de la mémoire virtuelle"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:352
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:381
 msgid "Working set size"
 msgstr "Espace mémoire alloué"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:354
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:383
 msgid "Directory"
 msgstr "Répertoire"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:357
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:386
 msgid "Process ID"
 msgstr "ID du process"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:427 ViewWork.cpp:1032 sg_TaskPanel.cpp:823
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:456
 msgid "Local: "
 msgstr "Local:"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:129 DlgOptions.cpp:135
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:129
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:135
 msgid "Options"
 msgstr "Options"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:175
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:178
 msgid "Language:"
 msgstr "Langue :"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:182
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:185
 msgid "What language should BOINC use?"
 msgstr "Quelle langue BOINC doit-il utiliser ?"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:186
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:189
 msgid "Notice reminder interval:"
 msgstr "Intervalle de notifications"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:193
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:196
 msgid "How often should BOINC remind you of new notices?"
 msgstr ""
 "A quelle fréquence BOINC doit-il vous rappeler la présence de nouvelles "
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:198
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:201
 msgid "Run Manager at login?"
 msgstr "Démarrer le Manager à l'ouverture de session?"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:204
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:207
 msgid "Run the BOINC Manager when you log on."
 msgstr "Démarre le BOINC Manager lorsque vous ouvrez une session."
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:209
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:212
 msgid "Enable Manager exit dialog?"
 msgstr "Activer le dialogue de fermeture du Manager ?"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:215
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:218
 msgid "Display the exit dialog when shutting down the Manager."
 msgstr "Affiche le dialogue de sortie lorsque vous fermez le Manager."
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:226
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:229
 msgid "Dial-up and Virtual Private Network settings"
 msgstr "Réglages de la connexion RTC et Réseau Privé Virtuel"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:240
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:243
 msgid "&Set Default"
 msgstr "&Choisir par défaut"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:245
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:248
 msgid "&Clear Default"
 msgstr "&Effacer le choix par défaut"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:252
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:255
 msgid "Default Connection:"
 msgstr "Connexion par défaut:"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:259
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:262
 msgid "Connections"
 msgstr "Connexions"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:268
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:271
 msgid "Connect via HTTP proxy server"
 msgstr "Se connecter via un serveur proxy HTTP"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:272
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:275
 msgid "HTTP Proxy Server Configuration"
 msgstr "Configuration d'un serveur proxy HTTP"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:280 DlgOptions.cpp:344
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:283
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:347
 msgid "Address:"
 msgstr "Adresse:"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:288 DlgOptions.cpp:352 ProxyPage.cpp:340 ProxyPage.cpp:360
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:291
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:355
 msgid "Port:"
 msgstr "Port:"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:296 DlgOptions.cpp:360
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:299
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:363
 msgid "Don't use proxy for:"
 msgstr "Ne pas utiliser de proxy pour:"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:303 DlgOptions.cpp:367
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:306
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:370
 msgid "Leave these blank if not needed"
 msgstr "Laisser vide si non nécessaire"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:309 DlgOptions.cpp:373 ProxyPage.cpp:343 ProxyPage.cpp:363
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:312
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:376
 msgid "User Name:"
 msgstr "Nom d'utilisateur:"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:317 DlgOptions.cpp:381 DlgSelectComputer.cpp:152
-#: ProxyPage.cpp:346 ProxyPage.cpp:366
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:320
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:384
+#: clientgui/DlgSelectComputer.cpp:152
 msgid "Password:"
 msgstr "Mot de passe:"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:324
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:327
 msgid "HTTP Proxy"
 msgstr "Proxy HTTP"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:332
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:335
 msgid "Connect via SOCKS proxy server"
 msgstr "Se connecter via un serveur proxy SOCKS"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:336
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:339
 msgid "SOCKS Proxy Server Configuration"
 msgstr "Configuration d'un serveur proxy SOCKS"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:388
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:391
 msgid "SOCKS Proxy"
 msgstr "Proxy SOCKS"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:586
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:589
 msgid "always"
 msgstr "toujours"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:587
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:590
 msgid "1 hour"
 msgstr "1 heure"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:588
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:591
 msgid "6 hours"
 msgstr "6 heures"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:589
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:592
 msgid "1 day"
 msgstr "1 jour"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:590
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:593
 msgid "1 week"
 msgstr "1 semaine"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:591
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:594
 msgid "never"
 msgstr "jamais"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:688
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:691
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - Language Selection"
 msgstr "%s - Choix de la Langue"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:695
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:698
 #, c-format
 #, c-format, c-format
-msgid ""
-"The %s's language has been changed.  In order for this change to take "
-"effect, you must restart the %s."
+msgid "The %s's language has been changed.  In order for this change to take effect, you must restart the %s."
 msgstr ""
 "La langue par défaut du %s a été modifiée. Pour que le changement prenne "
 "effet, vous devez redémarrer le %s."
-#: DlgSelectComputer.cpp:91
+#: clientgui/DlgSelectComputer.cpp:91
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - Select Computer"
 msgstr "%s - Sélectionner un ordinateur"
-#: DlgSelectComputer.cpp:125
+#: clientgui/DlgSelectComputer.cpp:125
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "Another instance of %s is already running \n"
@@ -2108,422 +2194,424 @@ msgstr ""
 "Une autre instance de %s est en cours d'exécution \n"
 "sur cet ordinateur. Veuillez sélectionnez un client à superviser."
-#: DlgSelectComputer.cpp:143
+#: clientgui/DlgSelectComputer.cpp:143
 msgid "Host name:"
 msgstr "Nom d'hôte:"
-#: Localization.cpp:31 Localization.cpp:69
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:31
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:69
 msgid "Message boards"
 msgstr "Forums"
-#: Localization.cpp:33
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:33
 msgid "Correspond with other users on the SETI at home message boards"
 msgstr "Discuter avec d'autres utilisateurs sur les forums de SETI at home"
-#: Localization.cpp:37
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:37
 msgid "Ask questions and report problems"
 msgstr "Poser des questions et signaler des problèmes"
-#: Localization.cpp:39 Localization.cpp:81 Localization.cpp:111
-#: Localization.cpp:129
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:39
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:81
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:111
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:129
 msgid "Your account"
 msgstr "Votre compte"
-#: Localization.cpp:41 Localization.cpp:87 Localization.cpp:113
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:41
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:87
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:113
 msgid "View your account information and credit totals"
 msgstr "Voir les infos de votre compte et les crédits totaux"
-#: Localization.cpp:43
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:43
 msgid "Your preferences"
 msgstr "Vos préférences"
-#: Localization.cpp:45
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:45
 msgid "View and modify your SETI at home account profile and preferences"
 msgstr "Voir et modifier les préférences et le profil de votre compte SETI at home"
-#: Localization.cpp:47 Localization.cpp:89
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:47
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:89
 msgid "Your results"
 msgstr "Vos résultats"
-#: Localization.cpp:49 Localization.cpp:91
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:49
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:91
 msgid "View your last week (or more) of computational results and work"
 msgstr "Voir la dernière semaine (ou plus) de travail et de résultats"
-#: Localization.cpp:51 Localization.cpp:93
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:51
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:93
 msgid "Your computers"
 msgstr "Vos ordinateurs"
-#: Localization.cpp:53
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:53
 msgid "View a listing of all the computers on which you are running SETI at Home"
 msgstr ""
 "Voir une liste de tous les ordinateurs sur lesquels vous exécutez SETI at Home"
-#: Localization.cpp:55 Localization.cpp:97
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:55
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:97
 msgid "Your team"
 msgstr "Votre équipe"
-#: Localization.cpp:57 Localization.cpp:99
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:57
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:99
 msgid "View information about your team"
 msgstr "Voir les infos de votre équipe"
-#: Localization.cpp:61
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:61
 msgid "Common questions"
 msgstr "Questions fréquentes"
-#: Localization.cpp:63
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:63
 msgid "Read the Einstein at Home Frequently Asked Question list"
 msgstr "Lire la liste de questions fréquemment posées de Einstein at Home"
-#: Localization.cpp:65
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:65
 msgid "Screensaver info"
 msgstr "Infos sur l'écran de veille"
-#: Localization.cpp:67
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:67
 msgid "Read a detailed description of the Einstein at Home screensaver"
 msgstr "Lire une description détaillée de l'écran de veille Einstein at Home"
-#: Localization.cpp:71
-msgid ""
-"Correspond with admins and other users on the Einstein at Home message boards"
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:71
+msgid "Correspond with admins and other users on the Einstein at Home message boards"
 msgstr ""
 "Discuter avec les administrateurs et les autres utilisateurs sur les forums "
 "d'Einstein at Home"
-#: Localization.cpp:73
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:73
 msgid "Einstein status"
 msgstr "Etat d'Einstein"
-#: Localization.cpp:75
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:75
 msgid "Current status of the Einstein at Home server"
 msgstr "Etat actuel des serveurs d'Einstein at Home"
-#: Localization.cpp:77
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:77
 msgid "Report problems"
 msgstr "Signaler des problèmes"
-#: Localization.cpp:79
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:79
 msgid "A link to the Einstein at Home problems and bug reports message board"
 msgstr "Un lien vers le forum des problèmes et des bugs d'Einstein at Home"
-#: Localization.cpp:83
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:83
 msgid "View and modify your Einstein at Home account profile and preferences"
 msgstr ""
 "Voir et modifier le profil de votre compte et vos préférences Einstein at Home"
-#: Localization.cpp:85
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:85
 msgid "Account summary"
 msgstr "Résumé du compte"
-#: Localization.cpp:95
-msgid ""
-"View a listing of all the computers on which you are running Einstein at Home"
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:95
+msgid "View a listing of all the computers on which you are running Einstein at Home"
 msgstr ""
 "Voir une liste de tous les ordinateurs sur lesquels vous exécutez "
 "Einstein at Home"
-#: Localization.cpp:101
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:101
 msgid "LIGO project"
 msgstr "Projet LIGO"
-#: Localization.cpp:103
-msgid ""
-"The home page of the Laser Interferometer Gravitational-wave Observatory "
-"(LIGO) project"
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:103
+msgid "The home page of the Laser Interferometer Gravitational-wave Observatory (LIGO) project"
 msgstr ""
 "La page d'accueil du projet LIGO (Laser Interferometer Gravitational-wave "
-#: Localization.cpp:105
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:105
 msgid "GEO-600 project"
 msgstr "Projet GEO-600"
-#: Localization.cpp:107
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:107
 msgid "The home page of the GEO-600 project"
 msgstr "La page d'accueil du projet GEO-600"
-#: Localization.cpp:115 Localization.cpp:133 ViewProjects.cpp:221
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:465
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:115
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:133
 msgid "Team"
 msgstr "Equipe"
-#: Localization.cpp:117
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:117
 msgid "Info about your Team"
 msgstr "Infos sur votre Equipe"
-#: Localization.cpp:123
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:123
 msgid "Get help for climateprediction.net"
 msgstr "Obtenir de l'aide pour climateprediction.net"
-#: Localization.cpp:125
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:125
 msgid "News"
 msgstr "Nouvelles"
-#: Localization.cpp:127
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:127
 msgid "climateprediction.net News"
 msgstr "Nouvelles de climateprediction.net"
-#: Localization.cpp:131
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:131
 msgid "View your account information, credits, and trickles"
 msgstr "Voir les infos de votre compte, vos crédits et vos trickles"
-#: Localization.cpp:135
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:135
 msgid "Info about your team"
 msgstr "Infos de votre équipe"
-#: Localization.cpp:141
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:141
 msgid "Search for help in our help system"
 msgstr "Trouver de l'aide dans notre système d'aide"
-#: Localization.cpp:143
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:143
 msgid "Global Statistics"
 msgstr "Statistiques Globales"
-#: Localization.cpp:145
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:145
 msgid "Summary statistics for World Community Grid"
 msgstr "Résumé des statistiques de World Community Grid"
-#: Localization.cpp:147
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:147
 msgid "My Grid"
 msgstr "Mes calculs"
-#: Localization.cpp:149
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:149
 msgid "Your statistics and settings"
 msgstr "Vos statistiques et réglages"
-#: Localization.cpp:151
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:151
 msgid "Device Profiles"
 msgstr "Profils d'unité"
-#: Localization.cpp:153
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:153
 msgid "Update your device settings"
 msgstr "Mettre à jour vos profils d'unité"
-#: Localization.cpp:155
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:155
 msgid "Research"
 msgstr "Recherche"
-#: Localization.cpp:157
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:157
 msgid "Learn about the projects hosted at World Community Grid"
 msgstr "S'informer sur les projets hébergés par World Community Grid"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:583
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:583
 msgid "Starting client"
 msgstr "Client en court de démarrage"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:591
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:591
 msgid "Connecting to client"
 msgstr "Connexion au client en cours"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:1195
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:1205
 msgid "Retrieving system state; please wait..."
 msgstr "Recherche de l'état du système; veuillez patienter..."
-#: MainDocument.cpp:1816
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:1826
 msgid "Missing application"
 msgstr "Application manquante"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:1817
-msgid ""
-"Please download and install the CoRD application from http://cord."
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:1827
+msgid "Please download and install the CoRD application from http://cord.sourceforge.net"
 msgstr ""
 "Merci d'installer l'application CorD à partir de http://cord.sourceforge.net"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2432
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2442
 msgid "on batteries"
 msgstr " - sur batteries"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2433
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2443
 msgid "computer is in use"
 msgstr "l'ordinateur est utilisé"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2434
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2444
 msgid "user request"
 msgstr "requête utilisateur"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2435
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2445
 msgid "time of day"
 msgstr "moment de la journée"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2436
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2446
 msgid "CPU benchmarks in progress"
 msgstr "Tests de puissance de l'ordinateur en cours"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2437
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2447
 msgid "need disk space - check preferences"
 msgstr "a besoin d'espace disque - vérifiez les préférences"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2438
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2448
 msgid "computer is not in use"
 msgstr "l'ordinateur n'est pas utilisé"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2439
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2449
 msgid "starting up"
 msgstr "en cours de démarrage"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2440
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2450
 msgid "an exclusive app is running"
 msgstr " une application exclusive est en cours d'exécution"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2441
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2451
 msgid "CPU is busy"
 msgstr "Le CPU est occupé"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2442
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2452
 msgid "network bandwidth limit exceeded"
 msgstr "dépassement de limite du débit réseau"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2443
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2453
 msgid "requested by operating system"
 msgstr "demandé par le système d'exploitation"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2445
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2455
 msgid "unknown reason"
 msgstr "raison inconnue"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2467
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2477
 msgid "GPU missing, "
 msgstr "GPU absent, "
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2474
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2484
 msgid "New"
 msgstr "Nouveau"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2478
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2488
 msgid "Download failed"
 msgstr "Echec du téléchargement"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2480
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2490
 msgid "Downloading"
 msgstr "Téléchargement en cours"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2482 MainDocument.cpp:2552
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2492
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2557
 msgid " (suspended - "
 msgstr " (suspendu - "
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2490
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2500
 msgid "Project suspended by user"
 msgstr "Projet suspendu par l'utilisateur"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2492
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2502
 msgid "Task suspended by user"
 msgstr "Tâche suspendue par l'utilisateur"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2494
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2504
 msgid "Suspended - "
 msgstr "Suspendu - "
 # 75%
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2500
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2510
 msgid "GPU suspended - "
 msgstr "Activité du GPU suspendue"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2507
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2517
 msgid "Waiting for memory"
 msgstr "En attente de mémoire"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2509
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2519
 msgid "Waiting for shared memory"
 msgstr "En attente de mémoire partagée"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2512
-msgid "Running, high priority"
-msgstr "En cours d'exécution, priorité haute"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2514
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2521
 msgid "Running"
 msgstr "Calculs en cours"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2517
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2523
 msgid " (non-CPU-intensive)"
 msgstr " (CPU-non-intensif)"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2520
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2526
 msgid "Waiting to run"
 msgstr "Calculs en attente"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2522 MainDocument.cpp:2528
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2528
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2534
 msgid "Ready to start"
 msgstr "Prêt à démarrer"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2532
-msgid " (Scheduler wait: "
-msgstr " (Attente de planification: "
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2538
+msgid "Postponed: "
+msgstr ""
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2536
-msgid " (Scheduler wait)"
-msgstr "(En attente de planification)"
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2541
+msgid "Postponed"
+msgstr ""
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2540
-msgid " (Waiting for network access)"
-msgstr " (En attente d’accès réseau)"
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2545
+msgid "Waiting for network access"
+msgstr ""
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2544
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2549
 msgid "Computation error"
 msgstr "Erreur de calcul"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2548
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2553
 msgid "Upload failed"
 msgstr "Echec de l'envoi"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2550
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2555
 msgid "Uploading"
 msgstr "Envoi en cours"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2561
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2566
 msgid "Aborted by user"
 msgstr "Abandonné par l'utilisateur"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2564
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2569
 msgid "Aborted by project"
 msgstr "Annulé par le projet"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2567
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2572
 msgid "Aborted: not started by deadline"
 msgstr "Avorté : non démarré dans le délai imparti"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2570
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2575
 msgid "Aborted: disk limit exceeded"
 msgstr "Abandon: limite du disque excédée"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2573
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2578
 msgid "Aborted: run time limit exceeded"
 msgstr "Abandon: limite du temps d'exécution excédée"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2576
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2581
 msgid "Aborted: memory limit exceeded"
 msgstr "Abandon: limite de la mémoire excédée"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2579
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2584
 msgid "Aborted"
 msgstr "Annulé"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2584
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2589
 msgid "Acknowledged"
 msgstr "Confirmé"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2586
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2591
 msgid "Ready to report"
 msgstr "Prêt à valider"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2588
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2593
 #, c-format
 msgid "Error: invalid state '%d'"
 msgstr "Erreur: état invalide '%d'"
-#: NoInternetConnectionPage.cpp:179
+#: clientgui/NoInternetConnectionPage.cpp:179
 msgid "No Internet connection"
 msgstr "Pas de connexion Internet"
-#: NoInternetConnectionPage.cpp:182
+#: clientgui/NoInternetConnectionPage.cpp:182
 msgid "Please connect to the Internet and try again."
 msgstr "Connectez-vous à l'Internet et essayez à nouveau, svp."
-#: NotDetectedPage.cpp:181
+#: clientgui/NotDetectedPage.cpp:181
 msgid "Project not found"
 msgstr "Projet non trouvé"
-#: NotDetectedPage.cpp:184
+#: clientgui/NotDetectedPage.cpp:184
 msgid ""
 "The URL you supplied is not that of a BOINC-based project.\n"
@@ -2533,11 +2621,11 @@ msgstr ""
 "Veuillez vérifier l'URL et réessayer, svp."
-#: NotDetectedPage.cpp:188
+#: clientgui/NotDetectedPage.cpp:188
 msgid "Account manager not found"
 msgstr "Le gestionnaire de compte n'a pas été trouvé"
-#: NotDetectedPage.cpp:191
+#: clientgui/NotDetectedPage.cpp:191
 msgid ""
 "The URL you supplied is not that of a BOINC-based account\n"
@@ -2549,92 +2637,93 @@ msgstr ""
 "Veuillez vérifier l'URL et réessayer, svp."
-#: NotFoundPage.cpp:181
+#: clientgui/NotFoundPage.cpp:181
 msgid "Login Failed."
 msgstr "L'identification a échoué."
-#: NotFoundPage.cpp:185
+#: clientgui/NotFoundPage.cpp:185
 msgid "Check the username and password, and try again."
 msgstr "Vérifiez le nom d'utilisateur et le mot de passe, et essayez à nouveau."
-#: NotFoundPage.cpp:189
+#: clientgui/NotFoundPage.cpp:189
 msgid "Check the email address and password, and try again."
 msgstr "Vérifiez l'adresse email et le mot de passe, et essayez à nouveau."
-#: NoticeListCtrl.cpp:222
+#: clientgui/NoticeListCtrl.cpp:229
 msgid "more..."
 msgstr "suivant..."
-#: ProjectInfoPage.cpp:477 ProjectInfoPage.cpp:778 ProjectInfoPage.cpp:782
-msgid "All"
-msgstr "Tous"
-#: ProjectInfoPage.cpp:615
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:221
 msgid "Choose a project"
 msgstr "Choisissez un projet"
-#: ProjectInfoPage.cpp:619
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:228
 msgid "To choose a project, click its name or type its URL below."
 msgstr ""
 "Pour choisir un projet, cliquez sur son nom ou tapez son URL ci-dessous."
-#: ProjectInfoPage.cpp:623
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:246
 msgid "Categories:"
 msgstr "Catégories:"
-#: ProjectInfoPage.cpp:627 sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:89
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:267
 msgid "Projects:"
 msgstr "Projets:"
-#: ProjectInfoPage.cpp:631
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:279
 msgid "Project details"
 msgstr "Détails du projet"
-#: ProjectInfoPage.cpp:635
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:291
 msgid "Research area:"
 msgstr "Domaine de recherche:"
-#: ProjectInfoPage.cpp:639
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:302
 msgid "Organization:"
 msgstr "Organisation:"
-#: ProjectInfoPage.cpp:643
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:313
 msgid "Web site:"
 msgstr "Site Web:"
-#: ProjectInfoPage.cpp:647
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:325
 msgid "Supported systems:"
 msgstr "Systèmes compatibles:"
-#: ProjectInfoPage.cpp:651
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:363
 msgid "Project URL:"
 msgstr "URL du projet:"
-#: ProjectInfoPage.cpp:826
-msgid ""
-"This project may not have work for your type of computer.  Do you want to "
-"add it anyway?"
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:499
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:754
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:758
+msgid "All"
+msgstr "Tous"
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:802
+msgid "This project may not have work for your type of computer.  Do you want to add it anyway?"
 msgstr ""
 "Il se peut que ce projet n'ait pas d'unité de travail pour votre système "
 "d'exploitation. Êtes vous sur de vouloir l'ajouter?"
-#: ProjectInfoPage.cpp:850
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:826
 msgid "You already added this project. Please choose a different project."
 msgstr "Vous avez déjà ajouté ce projet. Merci de choisir un projet différent."
-#: ProjectProcessingPage.cpp:321
+#: clientgui/ProjectProcessingPage.cpp:321
 msgid "Communicating with project."
 msgstr "Communication avec le projet en cours."
-#: ProjectProcessingPage.cpp:509
+#: clientgui/ProjectProcessingPage.cpp:510
 msgid "Required files not found on the server."
 msgstr "Fichiers requis non trouvés sur le serveur."
-#: ProjectProcessingPage.cpp:512 ProjectProcessingPage.cpp:574
+#: clientgui/ProjectProcessingPage.cpp:513
+#: clientgui/ProjectProcessingPage.cpp:586
 msgid "An internal server error has occurred."
 msgstr "Une erreur interne du serveur a eu lieu."
-#: ProjectPropertiesPage.cpp:334
+#: clientgui/ProjectPropertiesPage.cpp:334
 msgid ""
 "Communicating with project\n"
 "Please wait..."
@@ -2642,11 +2731,48 @@ msgstr ""
 "Communication avec le projet en cours \n"
 "Veuillez patienter..."
-#: ProxyInfoPage.cpp:195
+#: clientgui/ProjectWelcomePage.cpp:251
+#, c-format
+msgid "Welcome to %s."
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ProjectWelcomePage.cpp:254
+msgid "You have volunteered to compute for this project:"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ProjectWelcomePage.cpp:255
+msgid "Name:"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ProjectWelcomePage.cpp:258
+msgid "Home:"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ProjectWelcomePage.cpp:262
+msgid "Description:"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ProjectWelcomePage.cpp:265
+msgid "URL:"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ProjectWelcomePage.cpp:268
+msgid "User:"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ProjectWelcomePage.cpp:273
+msgid "WARNING: This project is not registered with BOINC.  Make sure you trust it before continuing."
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ProjectWelcomePage.cpp:277
+msgid "To continue, click Next."
+msgstr "Pour continuer, cliquez sur Suivant."
+#: clientgui/ProxyInfoPage.cpp:195
 msgid "Network communication failure"
 msgstr "Echec de la communication réseau"
-#: ProxyInfoPage.cpp:199
+#: clientgui/ProxyInfoPage.cpp:199
 msgid ""
 "The World Community Grid - BOINC software failed to communicate\n"
 "over the Internet. The most likely reasons are:\n"
@@ -2679,7 +2805,7 @@ msgstr ""
 "3) Vous utilisez un serveur proxy.\n"
 "Cliquez sur Suivant pour configurer les paramètres proxy de BOINC.\n"
-#: ProxyInfoPage.cpp:203
+#: clientgui/ProxyInfoPage.cpp:203
 msgid ""
 "BOINC failed to communicate on the Internet.\n"
 "The most likely reasons are:\n"
@@ -2710,1284 +2836,1381 @@ msgstr ""
 "3) Vous utilisez un serveur proxy.\n"
 "Cliquez sur Suivant pour configurer les paramètres proxy de BOINC."
-#: ProxyPage.cpp:331
+#: clientgui/ProxyPage.cpp:331
 msgid "Proxy configuration"
 msgstr "Configuration du Proxy"
-#: ProxyPage.cpp:334
+#: clientgui/ProxyPage.cpp:334
 msgid "HTTP proxy"
 msgstr "Proxy HTTP"
-#: ProxyPage.cpp:337 ProxyPage.cpp:357
+#: clientgui/ProxyPage.cpp:337
+#: clientgui/ProxyPage.cpp:357
 msgid "Server:"
 msgstr "Serveur:"
-#: ProxyPage.cpp:350
+#: clientgui/ProxyPage.cpp:350
 msgid "Autodetect"
 msgstr "Détection automatique"
-#: ProxyPage.cpp:354
+#: clientgui/ProxyPage.cpp:354
 msgid "SOCKS proxy"
 msgstr "Proxy SOCKS"
-#: TermsOfUsePage.cpp:218
-msgid "Terms of Use"
-msgstr "Conditions d'utilisation"
+#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:167
+msgid "Advanced View...\tCtrl+Shift+A"
+msgstr "Vue Avancée\tCTRL+SHIFT+A"
-#: TermsOfUsePage.cpp:222
-msgid "Please read the following terms of use:"
-msgstr "Merci de lire les conditions d'utilisation suivantes:"
+#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:168
+msgid "Display the advanced graphical interface."
+msgstr "Afficher l'interface graphique avancée."
-#: TermsOfUsePage.cpp:231
-msgid "I agree to the terms of use."
-msgstr "J'accepte les conditions d'utilisation."
+#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:175
+msgid "Skin"
+msgstr "Apparence"
-#: TermsOfUsePage.cpp:237
-msgid "I do not agree to the terms of use."
-msgstr "Je n'accepte pas les conditions d'utilisation."
+#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:177
+msgid "Select the appearance of the user interface."
+msgstr "Choisissez l'apparence de l'interface utilisateur."
-#: UnavailablePage.cpp:183
-msgid "Project temporarily unavailable"
-msgstr "Projet momentanément indisponible"
+#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:224
+#, c-format
+msgid "&%s"
+msgstr "&%s"
-#: UnavailablePage.cpp:186
-msgid ""
-"The project is temporarily unavailable.\n"
-"Please try again later."
-msgstr ""
-"Le projet est momentanément indisponible.\n"
-"Essayez plus tard, svp."
+#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:405
+msgid "Default"
+msgstr "Valeur par défaut"
-#: UnavailablePage.cpp:190
-msgid "Account manager temporarily unavailable"
-msgstr "Gestionnaire de compte momentanément indisponible"
+#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:848
+msgid "Suspend"
+msgstr "Suspendre"
-#: UnavailablePage.cpp:193
-msgid ""
-"The account manager is temporarily unavailable.\n"
-"Please try again later."
-msgstr ""
-"Le gestionnaire de compte est momentanément indisponible.\n"
-"Essayez plus tard, svp."
+#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:850
+msgid "Suspend Computing"
+msgstr "Suspendre le calcul"
-#: ValidateAccountKey.cpp:68
-msgid "Please specify an account key to continue."
-msgstr "Entrez une clé d'identification pour continuer, svp."
+#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:851
+msgid "Resume Computing"
+msgstr "Reprendre le calcul"
-#: ValidateAccountKey.cpp:71
-msgid "Invalid Account Key; please enter a valid Account Key"
-msgstr ""
-"Clé d'identification non valide; entrez une clé d'identification valide, "
-"s'il vous plaît"
+#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:867
+msgid "Notices"
+msgstr "Remarques"
-#: ValidateAccountKey.cpp:82 ValidateEmailAddress.cpp:86
-msgid "Validation conflict"
-msgstr "Conflit de validation"
+#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:868
+msgid "Open a window to view notices from projects or BOINC"
+msgstr "Ouvrir une fenêtre pour voir les messages des projets ou de BOINC"
-#: ValidateEmailAddress.cpp:72
-msgid "Please specify an email address"
-msgstr "Veuillez entrer une adresse email"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgMessages.cpp:124
+msgid "Fetching notices; please wait..."
+msgstr "Recherche d'avis; patientez s'il-vous-plaît..."
-#: ValidateEmailAddress.cpp:75
-msgid "Invalid email address; please enter a valid email address"
-msgstr ""
-"Adresse email non valide; entrez une adresse email valide, s'il vous plaît"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgMessages.cpp:132
+msgid "There are no notices at this time."
+msgstr "Il n'y a pas de nouveaux messages."
-#: ValidateURL.cpp:69
-msgid "Missing URL"
-msgstr "URL manquante"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgMessages.cpp:146
+msgid "Close"
+msgstr "Fermer"
-#: ValidateURL.cpp:70
-msgid ""
-"Please specify a URL.\n"
-"For example:\n"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgMessages.cpp:394
+#, c-format
+msgid "%s - Notices"
+msgstr "Notifications de %s"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:270
+msgid "This dialog controls preferences for this computer only."
 msgstr ""
-"Veuillez entrer une URL.\n"
-"Par exemple:\n"
+"Cet écran permet de contrôler les préférences pour cet ordinateur "
-#: ValidateURL.cpp:83 ValidateURL.cpp:87 ValidateURL.cpp:91
-#: ValidateURL.cpp:103 ValidateURL.cpp:107 ValidateURL.cpp:110
-msgid "Invalid URL"
-msgstr "URL non valide"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:275
+msgid "Click OK to set preferences."
+msgstr "Cliquez sur OK pour enregistrer les préférences."
-#: ValidateURL.cpp:84 ValidateURL.cpp:88 ValidateURL.cpp:92
-msgid ""
-"Please specify a valid URL.\n"
-"For example:\n"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:280
+msgid "Click Clear to restore web-based settings for all preferences listed below."
 msgstr ""
-"Veuillez entrer une URL valide.\n"
-"Par exemple:\n"
-#: ValidateURL.cpp:104 ValidateURL.cpp:108
-#, c-format
-msgid "'%s' does not contain a valid host name."
-msgstr "'%s' ne contient pas de nom d'hôte valide."
+"Cliquer sur Effacer pour restaurer les paramètres du site pour toutes les "
+"préférences listées ci-dessous."
-#: ValidateURL.cpp:111
-#, c-format
-msgid "'%s' does not contain a valid path."
-msgstr "'%s' ne contient pas de chemin valide."
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:287
+msgid "For additional settings, select Computing Preferences in the Advanced View."
+msgstr ""
+"Pour des réglages supplémentaires, choisissez Préférences de Calcul dans la "
+"vue Avancée."
-#: ViewMessages.cpp:84 ViewProjects.cpp:170 ViewStatistics.cpp:1978
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:160 ViewWork.cpp:183
-msgid "Commands"
-msgstr "Commandes"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:315
+msgid "Do work only between:"
+msgstr "Travailler seulement entre:"
-#: ViewMessages.cpp:88
-msgid "Copy all messages"
-msgstr "Copier tous les messages"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:337
+msgid "Connect to internet only between:"
+msgstr "Se connecter à internet seulement entre:"
-#: ViewMessages.cpp:95
-msgid "Copy selected messages"
-msgstr "Copier les messages sélectionnés"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:359
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:376
+msgid "Use no more than:"
+msgstr "Ne pas utiliser plus de:"
-#: ViewMessages.cpp:106 ViewMessages.cpp:502
-msgid "Show only this project"
-msgstr "Ne montrer que ce projet"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:372
+msgid "of disk space"
+msgstr "d'espace disque"
-#: ViewMessages.cpp:107 ViewMessages.cpp:503
-msgid "Show only the messages for the selected project."
-msgstr "Ne montrer les messages que pour le projet sélectionné."
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:389
+msgid "of the processor"
+msgstr "du processeur"
-#: ViewMessages.cpp:164
-msgid "Messages"
-msgstr "Messages"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:393
+msgid "Do work while on battery?"
+msgstr "Travailler lorsque l'ordinateur est sur batteries ?"
-#: ViewMessages.cpp:187
-msgid "Copying all messages to the clipboard..."
-msgstr "Copie de tous les messages dans le presse-papiers en cours..."
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:406
+msgid "Do work after idle for:"
+msgstr "Travailler après que l'ordinateur soit inactif pendant:"
-#: ViewMessages.cpp:223
-msgid "Copying selected messages to the clipboard..."
-msgstr "Copie les messages sélectionnés dans le presse-papiers..."
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:431
+msgid "Clear all local preferences listed above and close the dialog"
+msgstr "Effacer toutes les préférences locales et fermer la fenêtre"
-#: ViewMessages.cpp:286
-msgid "Filtering messages..."
-msgstr "Filtrer les messages..."
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:609
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:612
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:688
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:692
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:704
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:708
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:851
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:862
+msgid "Anytime"
+msgstr "N'importe quand"
-#: ViewMessages.cpp:494
-msgid "Show all messages"
-msgstr "Montrer tous les messages"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:645
+msgid "100 MB"
+msgstr "100 MO"
-#: ViewMessages.cpp:495
-msgid "Show messages for all projects."
-msgstr "Montre les messages pour tous les projets."
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:646
+msgid "200 MB"
+msgstr "200 MO"
-#: ViewNotices.cpp:58 sg_DlgMessages.cpp:124
-msgid "Fetching notices; please wait..."
-msgstr "Recherche d'avis; patientez s'il-vous-plaît..."
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:647
+msgid "500 MB"
+msgstr "500 MO"
-#: ViewNotices.cpp:65 sg_DlgMessages.cpp:132
-msgid "There are no notices at this time."
-msgstr "Il n'y a pas de nouveaux messages."
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:648
+msgid "1 GB"
+msgstr "1 GO"
-#: ViewNotices.cpp:99 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:776
-msgid "Notices"
-msgstr "Remarques"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:649
+msgid "2 GB"
+msgstr "2 GO"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:650
+msgid "5 GB"
+msgstr "5 GO"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:651
+msgid "10 GB"
+msgstr "10 GO"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:652
+msgid "20 GB"
+msgstr "20 GO"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:653
+msgid "50 GB"
+msgstr "50 GO"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:654
+msgid "100 GB"
+msgstr "100 GO"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:724
+#, c-format
+msgid "%d MB"
+msgstr "%d MO"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:726
+#, c-format
+msgid "%4.2f GB"
+msgstr "%4.2f GO"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:767
+#, c-format
+msgid "%d%%"
+msgstr "%d%%"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:803
+msgid "0 (Run Always)"
+msgstr "0 (Toujours Calculer)"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:806
+#, c-format
+msgid "%d"
+msgstr "%d"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:953
+#, c-format
+msgid "%s - Computing Preferences"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:1033
+msgid "Do you really want to clear all local preferences?\n"
+msgstr "Voulez-vous vraiment annuler toutes les préférences locales ?\n"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:174 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:61
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:66
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:179
 msgid "Update"
 msgstr "Mettre à jour"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:175 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:62
-msgid ""
-"Report all completed tasks, get latest credit, get latest preferences, and "
-"possibly get more tasks."
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:67
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:180
+msgid "Report all completed tasks, get latest credit, get latest preferences, and possibly get more tasks."
 msgstr ""
 "Envoie le travail terminé, obtient les crédits les plus récents, met à jour "
 "les préférences, et si possible télécharge du travail."
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:181 ViewProjects.cpp:722 ViewWork.cpp:208 ViewWork.cpp:801
-#: sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:757 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:67
-#: sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:113 sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:66
-#: sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:106
-msgid "Suspend"
-msgstr "Suspendre"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:182 ViewProjects.cpp:722 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:68
-#: sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:114
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:73
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:129
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:187
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:727
 msgid "Suspend tasks for this project."
 msgstr "Suspend le travail de ce projet."
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:188 ViewProjects.cpp:741 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:73
-#: sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:121
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:78
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:136
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:193
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:746
 msgid "No new tasks"
 msgstr "Pas de nouveau travail"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:189 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:74
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:79
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:194
 msgid "Don't get new tasks for this project."
 msgstr "Ne récupère pas de nouveau travail pour ce projet."
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:195 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:79
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:84
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:200
 msgid "Reset project"
 msgstr "Recommencer le projet"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:196 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:80
-msgid ""
-"Delete all files and tasks associated with this project, and get new tasks.  "
-"You can update the project first to report any completed tasks."
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:85
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:201
+msgid "Delete all files and tasks associated with this project, and get new tasks.  You can update the project first to report any completed tasks."
 msgstr ""
 "Supprime tous les fichiers et tout le travail associé à ce projet et charge "
 "à nouveau les fichiers nécessaires. Vous pouvez d'abord mettre à jour le "
 "projet pour transmettre tout le travail effectué."
 # changement de terminologie boinc (cf. comm de David Anderson sur boinc_loc)
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:203 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:86
-msgid ""
-"Remove this project.  Tasks in progress will be lost (use 'Update' first to "
-"report any completed tasks)."
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:91
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:208
+msgid "Remove this project.  Tasks in progress will be lost (use 'Update' first to report any completed tasks)."
 msgstr ""
 "Retirer ce projet. Le travail en cours sera perdu. (Cliquez d'abord sur "
 "'Mettre à jour' pour envoyer le travail terminé)."
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:209 ViewWork.cpp:222 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:91
-#: sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:78
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:96
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:84
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:214
 msgid "Properties"
 msgstr "Propriétés"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:210 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:92
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:97
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:215
 msgid "Show project details."
 msgstr "Afficher les détails du projet."
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:220 ViewStatistics.cpp:450
-msgid "Account"
-msgstr "Compte"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:222
-msgid "Work done"
-msgstr "Travail effectué"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:223
-msgid "Avg. work done"
-msgstr "Travail moyen"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:225 ViewTransfers.cpp:188 ViewWork.cpp:234
-msgid "Status"
-msgstr "Etat"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:250
-msgid "Projects"
-msgstr "Projets"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:302
-msgid "Updating project..."
-msgstr "Mise à jour du projet en cours..."
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:344
-msgid "Resuming project..."
-msgstr "Reprise du projet en cours..."
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:348
-msgid "Suspending project..."
-msgstr "Suspension du projet en cours..."
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:126
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:723
+msgid "Resume tasks for this project."
+msgstr "Reprend le travail pour ce projet."
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:385
-msgid "Telling project to allow additional task downloads..."
-msgstr "Informe le projet qu'il peut télécharger du travail supplémentaire..."
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:133
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:742
+msgid "Allow new tasks"
+msgstr "Autoriser du nouveau travail"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:389
-msgid "Telling project to not fetch any additional tasks..."
-msgstr "Informe le projet de ne pas télécharger de travail supplémentaire..."
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:134
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:742
+msgid "Allow fetching new tasks for this project."
+msgstr "Autorise le téléchargement de nouveau travail pour ce projet."
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:425
-msgid "Resetting project..."
-msgstr "Réinitialisation du projet en cours..."
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:137
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:746
+msgid "Don't fetch new tasks for this project."
+msgstr "Ne récupère pas de nouveau travail pour ce projet."
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:438 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:214
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:229
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:443
 #, c-format
 msgid "Are you sure you want to reset project '%s'?"
 msgstr "Êtes-vous sûr de vouloir recommencer le projet '%s'?"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:444 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:220
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:235
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:449
 msgid "Reset Project"
 msgstr "Recommencer le projet"
-# changement de terminologie boinc (cf. comm de David Anderson sur boinc_loc)
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:483
-msgid "Removing project..."
-msgstr "En train de retirer le projet..."
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:496 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:251
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:266
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:501
 #, c-format
 msgid "Are you sure you want to remove project '%s'?"
 msgstr "Êtes-vous sûr de vouloir supprimer le projet '%s'?"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:502 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:257
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:272
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:507
 msgid "Remove Project"
 msgstr "Supprimer le projet"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:543 ViewWork.cpp:599
-msgid "Launching browser..."
-msgstr "Lancement du navigateur en cours..."
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:718 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:111
-msgid "Resume tasks for this project."
-msgstr "Reprend le travail pour ce projet."
+# changement de terminologie boinc (cf. comm de David Anderson sur boinc_loc)
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:72
+msgid "Add Project"
+msgstr "Ajouter un projet"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:737 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:118
-msgid "Allow new tasks"
-msgstr "Autoriser du nouveau travail"
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:73
+msgid "Synchronize"
+msgstr "Synchroniser"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:737 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:119
-msgid "Allow fetching new tasks for this project."
-msgstr "Autorise le téléchargement de nouveau travail pour ce projet."
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:74
+msgid "Work done for this project"
+msgstr "Travail terminé pour ce projet"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:741 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:122
-msgid "Don't fetch new tasks for this project."
-msgstr "Ne récupère pas de nouveau travail pour ce projet."
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:77
+msgid "Synchronize projects with account manager system"
+msgstr "Synchroniser les projets avec le gestionnaire de compte"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1058
-msgid "Requested by user"
-msgstr "Demandé par l'utilisateur"
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:124
+msgid "Select a project to access with the controls below"
+msgstr "Choisir un projet à accéder avec les contrôles ci-dessous"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1059
-msgid "To fetch work"
-msgstr "Pour demander du travail"
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:145
+msgid "Project Web Pages"
+msgstr "Sites Web du projet"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1060
-msgid "To report completed tasks"
-msgstr "Pour rapporter une tâche terminée"
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:149
+msgid "Project Commands"
+msgstr "Commandes du projet"
-# divers débat sur la traduction de trickle up ont eu lieu sur boinc_loc, pas de conclusion claire
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1061
-msgid "To send trickle-up message"
-msgstr "Pour envoyer les messages de progression de tâche"
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:276
+#, c-format
+#, c-format, c-format
+msgid "Pop up a menu of web sites for project %s"
+msgstr "Afficher une liste des sites web pour le projet %s"
-# changement de terminologie boinc (cf. comm de David Anderson sur boinc_loc)
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1062
-msgid "Requested by account manager"
-msgstr "Demandé par le gestionnaire de compte"
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:278
+#, c-format
+msgid "Pop up a menu of commands to apply to project %s"
+msgstr "Afficher une liste des commandes à appliquer au projet %s"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1063
-msgid "Project initialization"
-msgstr "Initialisation du projet"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:66
+msgid "Show graphics"
+msgstr "Montrer les graphiques"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1064
-msgid "Requested by project"
-msgstr "Demandé par le projet"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:67
+msgid "Show application graphics in a window."
+msgstr "Montre les graphiques de l'application dans une fenêtre."
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1065
-msgid "Unknown reason"
-msgstr "Raison inconnue"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:73
+msgid "Suspend this task."
+msgstr "Suspendre cette tâche."
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1079
-msgid "Suspended by user"
-msgstr "Suspendu par l'utilisateur"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:78
+msgid "Abort"
+msgstr "Abandonner"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1082
-msgid "Won't get new tasks"
-msgstr "Pas de nouveau travail"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:79
+msgid "Abandon this task. You will get no credit for it."
+msgstr ""
+"Abandonner cette tâche. Vous ne recevrez pas de point(crédit) pour cette "
-# changement de terminologie boinc (cf. comm de David Anderson sur boinc_loc)
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1085
-msgid "Project ended - OK to remove"
-msgstr "Projet terminé - OK pour le retirer."
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:85
+msgid "Show task details."
+msgstr "Afficher les détails de la tâche."
-# changement de terminologie boinc (cf. comm de David Anderson sur boinc_loc)
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1088
-msgid "Will remove when tasks done"
-msgstr "Le projet sera retiré lorsque les tâches seront terminées"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:119
+msgid "Resume work for this task."
+msgstr "Reprendre le calcul de cette unité."
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1091
-msgid "Scheduler request pending"
-msgstr "Requête au planificateur en attente"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:123
+msgid "Suspend work for this task."
+msgstr "Suspendre le calcul de cette unité."
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1097
-msgid "Scheduler request in progress"
-msgstr "Requête au planificateur en cours"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:267
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Are you sure you want to abort this task '%s'?\n"
+"(Progress: %.1lf%%, Status: %s)"
+msgstr ""
+"Êtes-vous sûr de vouloir abandonner cette tâche '%s'?\n"
+"(Avancement: %.1lf%%, État: %s)"
-# divers débat sur la traduction de trickle up ont eu lieu sur boinc_loc, pas de conclusion claire
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1100
-msgid "Trickle up message pending"
-msgstr "Message de progression de tâche en cours"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:272
+msgid "Abort task"
+msgstr "Abandonner la tâche"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1106
-msgid "Communication deferred "
-msgstr "Communication différée "
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:468
+msgid "You don't have any projects.  Please Add a Project."
+msgstr "Vous n'avez aucun projet. Veuillez Ajouter un projet."
-#: ViewResources.cpp:62
-msgid "Total disk usage"
-msgstr "Occupation totale du disque"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:469
+msgid "Not available"
+msgstr "Non disponible"
-#: ViewResources.cpp:83
-msgid "Disk usage by BOINC projects"
-msgstr "Occupation du disque par les projets BOINC"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:480
+msgid "Tasks:"
+msgstr "Tâches:"
-#: ViewResources.cpp:116
-msgid "Disk"
-msgstr "Disque"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:486
+msgid "Select a task to access"
+msgstr "Choisir une tâche"
-#: ViewResources.cpp:249
-msgid "no projects: 0 bytes used"
-msgstr "Aucun projet: 0 octet utilisé"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:497
+msgid "From:"
+msgstr "De:"
-#: ViewResources.cpp:286
-msgid "used by BOINC: "
-msgstr "utilisé par BOINC: "
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:551
+msgid "This task's progress"
+msgstr "Avancement de cette tâche"
-#: ViewResources.cpp:296
-msgid "free, available to BOINC: "
-msgstr "libre, disponible pour BOINC: "
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:569
+msgid "Task Commands"
+msgstr "Commandes de tâche"
-#: ViewResources.cpp:306
-msgid "free, not available to BOINC: "
-msgstr "libre, non disponible pour BOINC: "
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:570
+msgid "Pop up a menu of commands to apply to this task"
+msgstr "Afficher une liste des commandes applicables à cette tâche"
-#: ViewResources.cpp:316
-msgid "free: "
-msgstr "libre: "
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:705
+#, c-format
+msgid "Application: %s"
+msgstr "Application: %s"
-#: ViewResources.cpp:326
-msgid "used by other programs: "
-msgstr "utilisé par d'autres programmes: "
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:728
+#, c-format
+msgid "%.3f%%"
+msgstr "%.3f%%"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:1205
-msgid "User Total"
-msgstr "Total de l'utilisateur"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:736
+msgid "Application: Not available"
+msgstr "Application: Non disponible"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:1206
-msgid "User Average"
-msgstr "Moyenne de l'utilisateur"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:836
+msgid "Not Available"
+msgstr "Non disponible"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:1207
-msgid "Host Total"
-msgstr "Total de l'hôte"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:851
+#, c-format
+msgid "Elapsed: %s"
+msgstr "Écoulé: %s"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:1208
-msgid "Host Average"
-msgstr "Moyenne de l'hôte"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:865
+#, c-format
+msgid "Remaining (estimated): %s"
+msgstr "Restant (estimation): %s"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:1355
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:880
 #, c-format
-msgid "Last update: %.0f days ago"
-msgstr "Dernière mise à jour: il y a %.0f jours"
+msgid "Status: %s"
+msgstr "Statut: %s"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:1982
-msgid "Show user total"
-msgstr "Total de l'utilisateur"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:1983
-msgid "Show total credit for user"
-msgstr "Crédit total de l'utilisateur"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:1989
-msgid "Show user average"
-msgstr "Moyenne de l'utilisateur"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1227
+msgid "Retrieving current status."
+msgstr "Recherche de l'état actuel"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:1990
-msgid "Show average credit for user"
-msgstr "Crédit moyen de l'utilisateur"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1233
+msgid "Downloading work from the server."
+msgstr "Téléchargement du travail depuis le serveur en cours"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:1996
-msgid "Show host total"
-msgstr "Total de l'hôte"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1238
+msgid "Processing Suspended:  Running On Batteries."
+msgstr "Traitement Suspendu: Fonctionne sur Batteries."
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:1997
-msgid "Show total credit for host"
-msgstr "Crédit total de l'hôte"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1240
+msgid "Processing Suspended:  User Active."
+msgstr "Traitement Suspendu: Utilisateur Actif"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2003
-msgid "Show host average"
-msgstr "Moyenne de l'hôte"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1242
+msgid "Processing Suspended:  User paused processing."
+msgstr "Traitement Suspendu: L'utilisateur a mis en pause le traitement."
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2004
-msgid "Show average credit for host"
-msgstr "Crédit moyen de l'hôte"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1244
+msgid "Processing Suspended:  Time of Day."
+msgstr "Traitement Suspendu: Moment de la Journée."
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2013
-msgid "< &Previous project"
-msgstr "< &Projet précédent"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1246
+msgid "Processing Suspended:  Benchmarks Running."
+msgstr "Traitement Suspendu: Tests de puissance de l'ordinateur."
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2014
-msgid "Show chart for previous project"
-msgstr "Montre le graphique du projet précédent"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1248
+msgid "Processing Suspended."
+msgstr "Traitement Suspendu."
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2019
-msgid "&Next project >"
-msgstr "&Projet suivant >"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1252
+msgid "Waiting to contact project servers."
+msgstr "En attente du contact des serveurs des projets."
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2020
-msgid "Show chart for next project"
-msgstr "Montre le graphique du projet suivant"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1256
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1265
+msgid "Retrieving current status"
+msgstr "Recherche de l'état actuel"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2026 ViewStatistics.cpp:2416
-msgid "Hide project list"
-msgstr "Masquer la liste de projets"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1260
+msgid "No work available to process"
+msgstr "Aucun travail disponible à traiter"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2027 ViewStatistics.cpp:2416
-msgid "Use entire area for graphs"
-msgstr "Utilisez toute la zone pour les graphiques"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1262
+msgid "Unable to connect to the core client"
+msgstr "Incapable de se connecter au client BOINC"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2032
-msgid "Mode view"
-msgstr "Mode visuel"
+#: clientgui/TermsOfUsePage.cpp:218
+msgid "Terms of Use"
+msgstr "Conditions d'utilisation"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2036
-msgid "One project"
-msgstr "Un projet"
+#: clientgui/TermsOfUsePage.cpp:222
+msgid "Please read the following terms of use:"
+msgstr "Merci de lire les conditions d'utilisation suivantes:"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2037
-msgid "Show one chart with selected project"
-msgstr "Montre un graphique pour le projet sélectionné"
+#: clientgui/TermsOfUsePage.cpp:231
+msgid "I agree to the terms of use."
+msgstr "J'accepte les conditions d'utilisation."
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2043
-msgid "All projects (separate)"
-msgstr "Tous les projets (séparés)"
+#: clientgui/TermsOfUsePage.cpp:237
+msgid "I do not agree to the terms of use."
+msgstr "Je n'accepte pas les conditions d'utilisation."
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2044
-msgid "Show all projects, one chart per project"
-msgstr "Montre tous les projets, un graphique par projet"
+#: clientgui/UnavailablePage.cpp:183
+msgid "Project temporarily unavailable"
+msgstr "Projet momentanément indisponible"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2050
-msgid "All projects (together)"
-msgstr "Tous les projets (ensembles)"
+#: clientgui/UnavailablePage.cpp:186
+msgid ""
+"The project is temporarily unavailable.\n"
+"Please try again later."
+msgstr ""
+"Le projet est momentanément indisponible.\n"
+"Essayez plus tard, svp."
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2051
-msgid "Show one chart with all projects"
-msgstr "Montre un graphique pour tous les projets"
+#: clientgui/UnavailablePage.cpp:190
+msgid "Account manager temporarily unavailable"
+msgstr "Gestionnaire de compte momentanément indisponible"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2057
-msgid "All projects (sum)"
-msgstr "Tous les projets (somme)"
+#: clientgui/UnavailablePage.cpp:193
+msgid ""
+"The account manager is temporarily unavailable.\n"
+"Please try again later."
+msgstr ""
+"Le gestionnaire de compte est momentanément indisponible.\n"
+"Essayez plus tard, svp."
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2058
-msgid "Show one chart with sum of projects"
-msgstr "Montre un graphique avec la somme de tous les projets"
+#: clientgui/ValidateAccountKey.cpp:68
+msgid "Please specify an account key to continue."
+msgstr "Entrez une clé d'identification pour continuer, svp."
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2079
-msgid "Statistics"
-msgstr "Statistiques"
+#: clientgui/ValidateAccountKey.cpp:71
+msgid "Invalid Account Key; please enter a valid Account Key"
+msgstr ""
+"Clé d'identification non valide; entrez une clé d'identification valide, "
+"s'il vous plaît"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2103 ViewStatistics.cpp:2124 ViewStatistics.cpp:2145
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2167 ViewStatistics.cpp:2188 ViewStatistics.cpp:2209
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2230 ViewStatistics.cpp:2251 ViewStatistics.cpp:2272
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2296
-msgid "Updating charts..."
-msgstr "Mise à jour des diagrammes en cours..."
+#: clientgui/ValidateAccountKey.cpp:82
+#: clientgui/ValidateEmailAddress.cpp:86
+msgid "Validation conflict"
+msgstr "Conflit de validation"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2420
-msgid "Show project list"
-msgstr "Montrer la liste des projets"
+#: clientgui/ValidateEmailAddress.cpp:72
+msgid "Please specify an email address"
+msgstr "Veuillez entrer une adresse email"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2420
-msgid "Uses smaller area for graphs"
-msgstr "Utilisez une zone plus petite pour les graphiques"
+#: clientgui/ValidateEmailAddress.cpp:75
+msgid "Invalid email address; please enter a valid email address"
+msgstr ""
+"Adresse email non valide; entrez une adresse email valide, s'il vous plaît"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:164
-msgid "Retry Now"
-msgstr "Réessayer maintenant"
+#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:69
+msgid "Missing URL"
+msgstr "URL manquante"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:165
-msgid "Retry the file transfer now"
-msgstr "Réassayez de transférer ce fichier maintenant."
+#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:70
+msgid ""
+"Please specify a URL.\n"
+"For example:\n"
+msgstr ""
+"Veuillez entrer une URL.\n"
+"Par exemple:\n"
-# erreur d'orthographe
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:171
-msgid "Abort Transfer"
-msgstr "Annuler le transfert"
+#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:83
+#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:87
+#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:91
+#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:103
+#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:107
+#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:110
+msgid "Invalid URL"
+msgstr "URL non valide"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:172
-msgid "Abort this file transfer.  You won't get credit for the task."
+#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:84
+#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:88
+#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:92
+msgid ""
+"Please specify a valid URL.\n"
+"For example:\n"
 msgstr ""
-"Abandonner ce transfert de fichier. Vous ne recevrez pas de crédit pour "
-"cette tâche."
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:183
-msgid "File"
-msgstr "Fichier"
+"Veuillez entrer une URL valide.\n"
+"Par exemple:\n"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:184 ViewWork.cpp:233
-msgid "Progress"
-msgstr "Avancement"
+#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:104
+#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:108
+#, c-format
+msgid "'%s' does not contain a valid host name."
+msgstr "'%s' ne contient pas de nom d'hôte valide."
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:185
-msgid "Size"
-msgstr "Taille"
+#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:111
+#, c-format
+msgid "'%s' does not contain a valid path."
+msgstr "'%s' ne contient pas de chemin valide."
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:186
-msgid "Elapsed Time"
-msgstr "Temps écoulé"
+#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:84
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:175
+msgid "Commands"
+msgstr "Commandes"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:187
-msgid "Speed"
-msgstr "Vitesse"
+#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:88
+msgid "Copy all messages"
+msgstr "Copier tous les messages"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:213
-msgid "Transfers"
-msgstr "Transferts"
+#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:95
+msgid "Copy selected messages"
+msgstr "Copier les messages sélectionnés"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:280
-msgid "Network activity is suspended - "
-msgstr "Activité réseau suspendue - "
+#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:106
+#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:502
+msgid "Show only this project"
+msgstr "Ne montrer que ce projet"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:282
-msgid ""
-"You can enable it using the Activity menu."
-msgstr ""
-"Vous pouvez l'activer par le menu Activité."
+#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:107
+#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:503
+msgid "Show only the messages for the selected project."
+msgstr "Ne montrer les messages que pour le projet sélectionné."
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:285
-msgid "BOINC"
-msgstr "BOINC"
+#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:164
+msgid "Messages"
+msgstr "Messages"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:292
-msgid "Retrying transfer now..."
-msgstr "Réessai du transfert en cours..."
+#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:187
+msgid "Copying all messages to the clipboard..."
+msgstr "Copie de tous les messages dans le presse-papiers en cours..."
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:330
-msgid "Aborting transfer..."
-msgstr "Annulation du transfert en cours..."
+#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:223
+msgid "Copying selected messages to the clipboard..."
+msgstr "Copie les messages sélectionnés dans le presse-papiers..."
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:343
-#, c-format
-msgid ""
-"Are you sure you want to abort this file transfer '%s'?\n"
-"NOTE: Aborting a transfer will invalidate a task and you\n"
-"will not receive credit for it."
-msgstr ""
-"Etes-vous sûr de vouloir abandonner le transfert de ce fichier '%s' ?\n"
-"NOTE: L'abandon d'un transfert invalidera la tâche et\n"
-"vous ne recevrez pas de crédits pour cette tâche."
+#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:286
+msgid "Filtering messages..."
+msgstr "Filtrer les messages..."
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:349
-msgid "Abort File Transfer"
-msgstr "Annuler le transfert de fichier"
+#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:494
+msgid "Show all messages"
+msgstr "Montrer tous les messages"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:780
-msgid "Upload"
-msgstr "Envoi"
+#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:495
+msgid "Show messages for all projects."
+msgstr "Montre les messages pour tous les projets."
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:780
-msgid "Download"
-msgstr "Téléchargement"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:225
+msgid "Account"
+msgstr "Compte"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:784
-msgid "retry in "
-msgstr "réessayer dans "
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:227
+msgid "Work done"
+msgstr "Travail effectué"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:786
-msgid "failed"
-msgstr "échoué"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:228
+msgid "Avg. work done"
+msgstr "Travail moyen"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:789
-msgid "suspended"
-msgstr "suspendu"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:230
+msgid "Status"
+msgstr "Etat"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:794
-msgid "active"
-msgstr "actif"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:255
+msgid "Projects"
+msgstr "Projets"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:796
-msgid "pending"
-msgstr "en attente"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:307
+msgid "Updating project..."
+msgstr "Mise à jour du projet en cours..."
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:803
-msgid " (project backoff: "
-msgstr " (retrait de projet: "
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:349
+msgid "Resuming project..."
+msgstr "Reprise du projet en cours..."
-#: ViewWork.cpp:187 ViewWork.cpp:777
-msgid "Show active tasks"
-msgstr "Montrer les tâches actives"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:353
+msgid "Suspending project..."
+msgstr "Suspension du projet en cours..."
-#: ViewWork.cpp:188 ViewWork.cpp:778
-msgid "Show only active tasks."
-msgstr "Ne montre que les tâches actives."
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:390
+msgid "Telling project to allow additional task downloads..."
+msgstr "Informe le projet qu'il peut télécharger du travail supplémentaire..."
-#: ViewWork.cpp:194 sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:60
-msgid "Show graphics"
-msgstr "Montrer les graphiques"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:394
+msgid "Telling project to not fetch any additional tasks..."
+msgstr "Informe le projet de ne pas télécharger de travail supplémentaire..."
-#: ViewWork.cpp:195 sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:61
-msgid "Show application graphics in a window."
-msgstr "Montre les graphiques de l'application dans une fenêtre."
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:430
+msgid "Resetting project..."
+msgstr "Réinitialisation du projet en cours..."
-#: ViewWork.cpp:201
-msgid "Show VM Console"
-msgstr "Montrer la console VM"
+# changement de terminologie boinc (cf. comm de David Anderson sur boinc_loc)
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:488
+msgid "Removing project..."
+msgstr "En train de retirer le projet..."
-#: ViewWork.cpp:202
-msgid "Show VM Console in a window."
-msgstr "Montrer la console VM dans une fenêtre."
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:548
+msgid "Launching browser..."
+msgstr "Lancement du navigateur en cours..."
-#: ViewWork.cpp:209
-msgid "Suspend work for this result."
-msgstr "Suspendre le calcul de cette unité."
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1063
+msgid "Requested by user"
+msgstr "Demandé par l'utilisateur"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:215 sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:72
-msgid "Abort"
-msgstr "Abandonner"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1064
+msgid "To fetch work"
+msgstr "Pour demander du travail"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:216
-msgid "Abandon work on the result. You will get no credit for it."
-msgstr ""
-"Abandonner le calcul de cette unité. Vous n'obtiendrez pas de crédit pour "
-"cette unité."
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1065
+msgid "To report completed tasks"
+msgstr "Pour rapporter une tâche terminée"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:223 sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:79
-msgid "Show task details."
-msgstr "Afficher les détails de la tâche."
+# divers débat sur la traduction de trickle up ont eu lieu sur boinc_loc, pas de conclusion claire
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1066
+msgid "To send trickle-up message"
+msgstr "Pour envoyer les messages de progression de tâche"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:235
-msgid "Elapsed"
-msgstr "Ecoulé"
+# changement de terminologie boinc (cf. comm de David Anderson sur boinc_loc)
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1067
+msgid "Requested by account manager"
+msgstr "Demandé par le gestionnaire de compte"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:236
-msgid "Remaining (estimated)"
-msgstr "Restant (estimation)"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1068
+msgid "Project initialization"
+msgstr "Initialisation du projet"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:237
-msgid "Deadline"
-msgstr "Date limite d'envoi"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1069
+msgid "Requested by project"
+msgstr "Demandé par le projet"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:264
-msgid "Tasks"
-msgstr "Tâches"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1070
+msgid "Unknown reason"
+msgstr "Raison inconnue"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:357
-msgid "Resuming task..."
-msgstr "Reprise de la tâche en cours..."
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1084
+msgid "Suspended by user"
+msgstr "Suspendu par l'utilisateur"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:360
-msgid "Suspending task..."
-msgstr "Suspension de la tâche en cours..."
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1087
+msgid "Won't get new tasks"
+msgstr "Pas de nouveau travail"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:389
-msgid "Showing graphics for task..."
-msgstr "Affichage des graphiques de cette tâche en cours..."
+# changement de terminologie boinc (cf. comm de David Anderson sur boinc_loc)
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1090
+msgid "Project ended - OK to remove"
+msgstr "Projet terminé - OK pour le retirer."
-#: ViewWork.cpp:426
-msgid "Showing VM console for task..."
-msgstr "Montrer la console VM pour la tâche..."
+# changement de terminologie boinc (cf. comm de David Anderson sur boinc_loc)
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1093
+msgid "Will remove when tasks done"
+msgstr "Le projet sera retiré lorsque les tâches seront terminées"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:479
-#, c-format
-msgid ""
-"Are you sure you want to abort this task '%s'?\n"
-"(Progress: %s, Status: %s)"
-msgstr ""
-"Etes-vous sûr de vouloir abandonner cette tâche '%s' ?\n"
-"(Avancement: %s, Etat: %s)"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1096
+msgid "Scheduler request pending"
+msgstr "Requête au planificateur en attente"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:485
-#, c-format
-msgid "Are you sure you want to abort these %d tasks?"
-msgstr "Etes-vous sûr de vouloir annuler ces %d tâches ?"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1102
+msgid "Scheduler request in progress"
+msgstr "Requête au planificateur en cours"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:490 sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:256
-msgid "Abort task"
-msgstr "Abandonner la tâche"
+# divers débat sur la traduction de trickle up ont eu lieu sur boinc_loc, pas de conclusion claire
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1105
+msgid "Trickle up message pending"
+msgstr "Message de progression de tâche en cours"
-# 75%
-#: ViewWork.cpp:499
-msgid "Aborting task..."
-msgstr "Annulation de la tâche..."
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1111
+msgid "Communication deferred "
+msgstr "Communication différée "
-#: ViewWork.cpp:771
-msgid "Show all tasks"
-msgstr "Montrer toutes les tâches"
+#: clientgui/ViewResources.cpp:62
+msgid "Total disk usage"
+msgstr "Occupation totale du disque"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:772
-msgid "Show all tasks."
-msgstr "Montre toutes les tâches."
+#: clientgui/ViewResources.cpp:83
+msgid "Disk usage by BOINC projects"
+msgstr "Occupation du disque par les projets BOINC"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:796 sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:103
-msgid "Resume work for this task."
-msgstr "Reprendre le calcul de cette unité."
+#: clientgui/ViewResources.cpp:116
+msgid "Disk"
+msgstr "Disque"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:802 sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:107
-msgid "Suspend work for this task."
-msgstr "Suspendre le calcul de cette unité."
+#: clientgui/ViewResources.cpp:225
+msgid "no projects: 0 bytes used"
+msgstr "Aucun projet: 0 octet utilisé"
-# changement de terminologie (annoncé par David Anderson sur boinc_loc)
-#: WelcomePage.cpp:284
-msgid "Add project or account manager"
-msgstr "Ajouter un projet ou un gestionnaire de compte"
+#: clientgui/ViewResources.cpp:262
+msgid "used by BOINC: "
+msgstr "utilisé par BOINC: "
-#: WelcomePage.cpp:288
-msgid "Add project or use BOINC Account Manager"
-msgstr "Ajouter un projet ou utiliser un Gestionnaire de Compte BOINC."
+#: clientgui/ViewResources.cpp:272
+msgid "free, available to BOINC: "
+msgstr "libre, disponible pour BOINC: "
-#: WelcomePage.cpp:297
-#, c-format
-msgid ""
-"If possible, add projects at the\n"
-"%s web site.\n"
-"Projects added via this wizard will not be\n"
-"listed on or managed via %s."
-msgstr ""
-"De préférence, ajoutez les projets sur le site %s.\n"
-"Les projets ajoutés via cet assistant ne seront pas\n"
-"listés ou gérables via %s."
+#: clientgui/ViewResources.cpp:282
+msgid "free, not available to BOINC: "
+msgstr "libre, non disponible pour BOINC: "
-#: WelcomePage.cpp:313
-msgid ""
-"There are over 30 BOINC-based projects\n"
-"doing research in many areas of science,\n"
-"and you can volunteer for as many of them as you like.\n"
-"You can add a project directly,\n"
-"or use an 'Account Manager' web site to select projects."
-msgstr ""
-"Il y a plus de 30 projets basés sur BOINC\n"
-"faisant de le recherche dans de nombreux domaines des sciences,\n"
-"et vous pouvez vous porter volontaire pour tous ceux que vous voudrez.\n"
-"Vous pouvez ajouter un projet directement,\n"
-"ou utiliser un site web 'Gestionnaire de Comptes' pour sélectionner des "
+#: clientgui/ViewResources.cpp:292
+msgid "free: "
+msgstr "libre: "
-#: WelcomePage.cpp:325
-msgid ""
-"You have chosen to add a new volunteer computing project or change which "
-"you contribute to.\n"
-"Some of these projects are run and managed by World Community Grid, while "
-"are run and managed by other researchers or organizations. The BOINC "
-"can divide your spare processing power among any combination of projects.\n"
-"Alternatively, if you have registered with a BOINC Account Manager, you can "
-"this to choose which projects to support.\n"
-"Please choose which type of change you would like to make:\n"
-msgstr ""
-"Vous avez choisi d'ajouter un nouveau projet de calcul volontaire ou changez "
-"les projets auxquels vous contribuez.\n"
-"Quelques projets sont exécutés et administrés par World Community Grid, "
-"quand d'autres\n"
-"sont exécutés et administrés par d'autres chercheurs ou organisations. Le "
-"programme BOINC\n"
-"peut répartir la puissance de calcul que vous avez décidé de partager parmi "
-"une liste de projets.\n"
-"Sinon, si vous vous êtes enregistrés avec un Gestionnaire de compte BOINC, "
-"vous pouvez l'utiliser\n"
-"pour choisir quels projets supporter.\n"
-"S'il-vous-plaît, choisissez quel genre de changement vous voudriez faire:\n"
+#: clientgui/ViewResources.cpp:302
+msgid "used by other programs: "
+msgstr "utilisé par d'autres programmes: "
-#: WelcomePage.cpp:339
-msgid "Use a BOINC Account Manager"
-msgstr "Utiliser un gestionnaire de compte BOINC"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1181
+msgid "User Total"
+msgstr "Total de l'utilisateur"
-#: WelcomePage.cpp:352
-msgid "To continue, click Next."
-msgstr "Pour continuer, cliquez sur Suivant."
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1182
+msgid "User Average"
+msgstr "Moyenne de l'utilisateur"
-#: WelcomePage.cpp:358
-msgid "Add or change your World Community Grid projects"
-msgstr "Ajouter ou modifier vos projets World Community Grid"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1183
+msgid "Host Total"
+msgstr "Total de l'hôte"
-#: WelcomePage.cpp:361
-msgid "Add projects run by other researchers or organizations"
-msgstr "Ajouter des projets réalisés par d'autres chercheurs ou organisations"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1184
+msgid "Host Average"
+msgstr "Moyenne de l'hôte"
-#: WizardAttach.cpp:634
-msgid "Do you really want to cancel?"
-msgstr "Voulez-vous vraiment annuler ?"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1331
+#, c-format
+msgid "Last update: %.0f days ago"
+msgstr "Dernière mise à jour: il y a %.0f jours"
-#: WizardAttach.cpp:635
-msgid "Question"
-msgstr "Question"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1956
+msgid "Show user total"
+msgstr "Total de l'utilisateur"
-#: sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:149
-msgid "Advanced View...\tCtrl+Shift+A"
-msgstr "Vue Avancée\tCTRL+SHIFT+A"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1957
+msgid "Show total credit for user"
+msgstr "Crédit total de l'utilisateur"
-#: sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:150
-msgid "Display the advanced graphical interface."
-msgstr "Afficher l'interface graphique avancée."
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1963
+msgid "Show user average"
+msgstr "Moyenne de l'utilisateur"
-#: sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:157
-msgid "Skin"
-msgstr "Apparence"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1964
+msgid "Show average credit for user"
+msgstr "Crédit moyen de l'utilisateur"
-#: sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:159
-msgid "Select the appearance of the user interface."
-msgstr "Choisissez l'apparence de l'interface utilisateur."
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1970
+msgid "Show host total"
+msgstr "Total de l'hôte"
-#: sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:206
-#, c-format
-msgid "&%s"
-msgstr "&%s"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1971
+msgid "Show total credit for host"
+msgstr "Crédit total de l'hôte"
-#: sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:390
-msgid "Default"
-msgstr "Valeur par défaut"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1977
+msgid "Show host average"
+msgstr "Moyenne de l'hôte"
-#: sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:759
-msgid "Suspend Computing"
-msgstr "Suspendre le calcul"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1978
+msgid "Show average credit for host"
+msgstr "Crédit moyen de l'hôte"
-#: sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:760
-msgid "Resume Computing"
-msgstr "Reprendre le calcul"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1987
+msgid "< &Previous project"
+msgstr "< &Projet précédent"
-#: sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:777
-msgid "Open a window to view notices from projects or BOINC"
-msgstr "Ouvrir une fenêtre pour voir les messages des projets ou de BOINC"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1988
+msgid "Show chart for previous project"
+msgstr "Montre le graphique du projet précédent"
-#: sg_DlgMessages.cpp:146
-msgid "Close"
-msgstr "Fermer"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1993
+msgid "&Next project >"
+msgstr "&Projet suivant >"
-#: sg_DlgMessages.cpp:389
-#, c-format
-msgid "%s - Notices"
-msgstr "Notifications de %s"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1994
+msgid "Show chart for next project"
+msgstr "Montre le graphique du projet suivant"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:268
-msgid "This dialog controls preferences for this computer only."
-msgstr ""
-"Cet écran permet de contrôler les préférences pour cet ordinateur "
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2000
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2390
+msgid "Hide project list"
+msgstr "Masquer la liste de projets"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:273
-msgid "Click OK to set preferences."
-msgstr "Cliquez sur OK pour enregistrer les préférences."
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2001
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2390
+msgid "Use entire area for graphs"
+msgstr "Utilisez toute la zone pour les graphiques"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:278
-msgid ""
-"Click Clear to restore web-based settings for all preferences listed below."
-msgstr ""
-"Cliquer sur Effacer pour restaurer les paramètres du site pour toutes les "
-"préférences listées ci-dessous."
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2006
+msgid "Mode view"
+msgstr "Mode visuel"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:285
-msgid ""
-"For additional settings, select Computing Preferences in the Advanced View."
-msgstr ""
-"Pour des réglages supplémentaires, choisissez Préférences de Calcul dans la "
-"vue Avancée."
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2010
+msgid "One project"
+msgstr "Un projet"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:313
-msgid "Do work only between:"
-msgstr "Travailler seulement entre:"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2011
+msgid "Show one chart with selected project"
+msgstr "Montre un graphique pour le projet sélectionné"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:335
-msgid "Connect to internet only between:"
-msgstr "Se connecter à internet seulement entre:"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2017
+msgid "All projects (separate)"
+msgstr "Tous les projets (séparés)"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:357 sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:374
-msgid "Use no more than:"
-msgstr "Ne pas utiliser plus de:"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2018
+msgid "Show all projects, one chart per project"
+msgstr "Montre tous les projets, un graphique par projet"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:370
-msgid "of disk space"
-msgstr "d'espace disque"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2024
+msgid "All projects (together)"
+msgstr "Tous les projets (ensembles)"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:387
-msgid "of the processor"
-msgstr "du processeur"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2025
+msgid "Show one chart with all projects"
+msgstr "Montre un graphique pour tous les projets"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:391
-msgid "Do work while on battery?"
-msgstr "Travailler lorsque l'ordinateur est sur batteries ?"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2031
+msgid "All projects (sum)"
+msgstr "Tous les projets (somme)"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:404
-msgid "Do work after idle for:"
-msgstr "Travailler après que l'ordinateur soit inactif pendant:"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2032
+msgid "Show one chart with sum of projects"
+msgstr "Montre un graphique avec la somme de tous les projets"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:429
-msgid "Clear all local preferences listed above and close the dialog"
-msgstr "Effacer toutes les préférences locales et fermer la fenêtre"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2053
+msgid "Statistics"
+msgstr "Statistiques"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:602 sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:605
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:681 sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:685
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:697 sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:701
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:844 sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:855
-msgid "Anytime"
-msgstr "N'importe quand"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2077
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2098
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2119
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2141
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2162
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2183
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2204
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2225
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2246
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2270
+msgid "Updating charts..."
+msgstr "Mise à jour des diagrammes en cours..."
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:638
-msgid "100 MB"
-msgstr "100 MO"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2394
+msgid "Show project list"
+msgstr "Montrer la liste des projets"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:639
-msgid "200 MB"
-msgstr "200 MO"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2394
+msgid "Uses smaller area for graphs"
+msgstr "Utilisez une zone plus petite pour les graphiques"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:640
-msgid "500 MB"
-msgstr "500 MO"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:169
+msgid "Retry Now"
+msgstr "Réessayer maintenant"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:641
-msgid "1 GB"
-msgstr "1 GO"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:170
+msgid "Retry the file transfer now"
+msgstr "Réassayez de transférer ce fichier maintenant."
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:642
-msgid "2 GB"
-msgstr "2 GO"
+# erreur d'orthographe
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:176
+msgid "Abort Transfer"
+msgstr "Annuler le transfert"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:643
-msgid "5 GB"
-msgstr "5 GO"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:177
+msgid "Abort this file transfer.  You won't get credit for the task."
+msgstr ""
+"Abandonner ce transfert de fichier. Vous ne recevrez pas de crédit pour "
+"cette tâche."
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:644
-msgid "10 GB"
-msgstr "10 GO"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:188
+msgid "File"
+msgstr "Fichier"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:645
-msgid "20 GB"
-msgstr "20 GO"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:189
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:238
+msgid "Progress"
+msgstr "Avancement"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:646
-msgid "50 GB"
-msgstr "50 GO"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:190
+msgid "Size"
+msgstr "Taille"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:647
-msgid "100 GB"
-msgstr "100 GO"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:191
+msgid "Elapsed Time"
+msgstr "Temps écoulé"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:717
-#, c-format
-msgid "%d MB"
-msgstr "%d MO"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:192
+msgid "Speed"
+msgstr "Vitesse"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:719
-#, c-format
-msgid "%4.2f GB"
-msgstr "%4.2f GO"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:218
+msgid "Transfers"
+msgstr "Transferts"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:760
-#, c-format
-msgid "%d%%"
-msgstr "%d%%"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:285
+msgid "Network activity is suspended - "
+msgstr "Activité réseau suspendue - "
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:796
-msgid "0 (Run Always)"
-msgstr "0 (Toujours Calculer)"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:287
+msgid ""
+"You can enable it using the Activity menu."
+msgstr ""
+"Vous pouvez l'activer par le menu Activité."
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:799
-#, c-format
-msgid "%d"
-msgstr "%d"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:290
+msgid "BOINC"
+msgstr "BOINC"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:1029
-msgid "Do you really want to clear all local preferences?\n"
-msgstr "Voulez-vous vraiment annuler toutes les préférences locales ?\n"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:297
+msgid "Retrying transfer now..."
+msgstr "Réessai du transfert en cours..."
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:335
+msgid "Aborting transfer..."
+msgstr "Annulation du transfert en cours..."
-# changement de terminologie boinc (cf. comm de David Anderson sur boinc_loc)
-#: sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:72
-msgid "Add Project"
-msgstr "Ajouter un projet"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:348
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Are you sure you want to abort this file transfer '%s'?\n"
+"NOTE: Aborting a transfer will invalidate a task and you\n"
+"will not receive credit for it."
+msgstr ""
+"Etes-vous sûr de vouloir abandonner le transfert de ce fichier '%s' ?\n"
+"NOTE: L'abandon d'un transfert invalidera la tâche et\n"
+"vous ne recevrez pas de crédits pour cette tâche."
-#: sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:73
-msgid "Synchronize"
-msgstr "Synchroniser"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:354
+msgid "Abort File Transfer"
+msgstr "Annuler le transfert de fichier"
-#: sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:74
-msgid "Work done for this project"
-msgstr "Travail terminé pour ce projet"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:785
+msgid "Upload"
+msgstr "Envoi"
-#: sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:77
-msgid "Synchronize projects with account manager system"
-msgstr "Synchroniser les projets avec le gestionnaire de compte"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:785
+msgid "Download"
+msgstr "Téléchargement"
-#: sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:124
-msgid "Select a project to access with the controls below"
-msgstr "Choisir un projet à accéder avec les contrôles ci-dessous"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:789
+msgid "retry in "
+msgstr "réessayer dans "
-#: sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:145
-msgid "Project Web Pages"
-msgstr "Sites Web du projet"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:791
+msgid "failed"
+msgstr "échoué"
-#: sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:149
-msgid "Project Commands"
-msgstr "Commandes du projet"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:794
+msgid "suspended"
+msgstr "suspendu"
-#: sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:267
-#, c-format
-#, c-format, c-format
-msgid "Pop up a menu of web sites for project %s"
-msgstr "Afficher une liste des sites web pour le projet %s"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:799
+msgid "active"
+msgstr "actif"
-#: sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:269
-#, c-format
-msgid "Pop up a menu of commands to apply to project %s"
-msgstr "Afficher une liste des commandes à appliquer au projet %s"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:801
+msgid "pending"
+msgstr "en attente"
-#: sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:67
-msgid "Suspend this task."
-msgstr "Suspendre cette tâche."
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:808
+msgid " (project backoff: "
+msgstr " (retrait de projet: "
-#: sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:73
-msgid "Abandon this task. You will get no credit for it."
-msgstr ""
-"Abandonner cette tâche. Vous ne recevrez pas de point(crédit) pour cette "
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:192
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:782
+msgid "Show active tasks"
+msgstr "Montrer les tâches actives"
-#: sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:251
-#, c-format
-msgid ""
-"Are you sure you want to abort this task '%s'?\n"
-"(Progress: %.1lf%%, Status: %s)"
-msgstr ""
-"Êtes-vous sûr de vouloir abandonner cette tâche '%s'?\n"
-"(Avancement: %.1lf%%, État: %s)"
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:193
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:783
+msgid "Show only active tasks."
+msgstr "Ne montre que les tâches actives."
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:464
-msgid "You don't have any projects.  Please Add a Project."
-msgstr "Vous n'avez aucun projet. Veuillez Ajouter un projet."
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:206
+msgid "Show VM Console"
+msgstr "Montrer la console VM"
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:465
-msgid "Not available"
-msgstr "Non disponible"
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:207
+msgid "Show VM Console in a window."
+msgstr "Montrer la console VM dans une fenêtre."
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:476
-msgid "Tasks:"
-msgstr "Tâches:"
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:214
+msgid "Suspend work for this result."
+msgstr "Suspendre le calcul de cette unité."
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:482
-msgid "Select a task to access"
-msgstr "Choisir une tâche"
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:221
+msgid "Abandon work on the result. You will get no credit for it."
+msgstr ""
+"Abandonner le calcul de cette unité. Vous n'obtiendrez pas de crédit pour "
+"cette unité."
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:493
-msgid "From:"
-msgstr "De:"
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:240
+msgid "Elapsed"
+msgstr "Ecoulé"
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:547
-msgid "This task's progress"
-msgstr "Avancement de cette tâche"
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:241
+msgid "Remaining (estimated)"
+msgstr "Restant (estimation)"
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:565
-msgid "Task Commands"
-msgstr "Commandes de tâche"
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:242
+msgid "Deadline"
+msgstr "Date limite d'envoi"
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:566
-msgid "Pop up a menu of commands to apply to this task"
-msgstr "Afficher une liste des commandes applicables à cette tâche"
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:269
+msgid "Tasks"
+msgstr "Tâches"
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:701
-#, c-format
-msgid "Application: %s"
-msgstr "Application: %s"
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:362
+msgid "Resuming task..."
+msgstr "Reprise de la tâche en cours..."
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:724
-#, c-format
-msgid "%.3f%%"
-msgstr "%.3f%%"
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:365
+msgid "Suspending task..."
+msgstr "Suspension de la tâche en cours..."
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:732
-msgid "Application: Not available"
-msgstr "Application: Non disponible"
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:394
+msgid "Showing graphics for task..."
+msgstr "Affichage des graphiques de cette tâche en cours..."
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:832
-msgid "Not Available"
-msgstr "Non disponible"
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:431
+msgid "Showing VM console for task..."
+msgstr "Montrer la console VM pour la tâche..."
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:847
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:484
 #, c-format
-msgid "Elapsed: %s"
-msgstr "Écoulé: %s"
+msgid ""
+"Are you sure you want to abort this task '%s'?\n"
+"(Progress: %s, Status: %s)"
+msgstr ""
+"Etes-vous sûr de vouloir abandonner cette tâche '%s' ?\n"
+"(Avancement: %s, Etat: %s)"
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:861
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:490
 #, c-format
-msgid "Remaining (estimated): %s"
-msgstr "Restant (estimation): %s"
+msgid "Are you sure you want to abort these %d tasks?"
+msgstr "Etes-vous sûr de vouloir annuler ces %d tâches ?"
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:876
-#, c-format
-msgid "Status: %s"
-msgstr "Statut: %s"
+# 75%
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:504
+msgid "Aborting task..."
+msgstr "Annulation de la tâche..."
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1223
-msgid "Retrieving current status."
-msgstr "Recherche de l'état actuel"
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:776
+msgid "Show all tasks"
+msgstr "Montrer toutes les tâches"
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1229
-msgid "Downloading work from the server."
-msgstr "Téléchargement du travail depuis le serveur en cours"
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:777
+msgid "Show all tasks."
+msgstr "Montre toutes les tâches."
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1234
-msgid "Processing Suspended:  Running On Batteries."
-msgstr "Traitement Suspendu: Fonctionne sur Batteries."
+# changement de terminologie (annoncé par David Anderson sur boinc_loc)
+#: clientgui/WelcomePage.cpp:284
+msgid "Add project or account manager"
+msgstr "Ajouter un projet ou un gestionnaire de compte"
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1236
-msgid "Processing Suspended:  User Active."
-msgstr "Traitement Suspendu: Utilisateur Actif"
+#: clientgui/WelcomePage.cpp:288
+msgid "Add project or use BOINC Account Manager"
+msgstr "Ajouter un projet ou utiliser un Gestionnaire de Compte BOINC."
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1238
-msgid "Processing Suspended:  User paused processing."
-msgstr "Traitement Suspendu: L'utilisateur a mis en pause le traitement."
+#: clientgui/WelcomePage.cpp:297
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"If possible, add projects at the\n"
+"%s web site.\n"
+"Projects added via this wizard will not be\n"
+"listed on or managed via %s."
+msgstr ""
+"De préférence, ajoutez les projets sur le site %s.\n"
+"Les projets ajoutés via cet assistant ne seront pas\n"
+"listés ou gérables via %s."
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1240
-msgid "Processing Suspended:  Time of Day."
-msgstr "Traitement Suspendu: Moment de la Journée."
+#: clientgui/WelcomePage.cpp:313
+msgid ""
+"There are over 30 BOINC-based projects\n"
+"doing research in many areas of science,\n"
+"and you can volunteer for as many of them as you like.\n"
+"You can add a project directly,\n"
+"or use an 'Account Manager' web site to select projects."
+msgstr ""
+"Il y a plus de 30 projets basés sur BOINC\n"
+"faisant de le recherche dans de nombreux domaines des sciences,\n"
+"et vous pouvez vous porter volontaire pour tous ceux que vous voudrez.\n"
+"Vous pouvez ajouter un projet directement,\n"
+"ou utiliser un site web 'Gestionnaire de Comptes' pour sélectionner des "
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1242
-msgid "Processing Suspended:  Benchmarks Running."
-msgstr "Traitement Suspendu: Tests de puissance de l'ordinateur."
+#: clientgui/WelcomePage.cpp:325
+msgid ""
+"You have chosen to add a new volunteer computing project or change which projects\n"
+"you contribute to.\n"
+"Some of these projects are run and managed by World Community Grid, while others\n"
+"are run and managed by other researchers or organizations. The BOINC software\n"
+"can divide your spare processing power among any combination of projects.\n"
+"Alternatively, if you have registered with a BOINC Account Manager, you can use\n"
+"this to choose which projects to support.\n"
+"Please choose which type of change you would like to make:\n"
+msgstr ""
+"Vous avez choisi d'ajouter un nouveau projet de calcul volontaire ou changez "
+"les projets auxquels vous contribuez.\n"
+"Quelques projets sont exécutés et administrés par World Community Grid, "
+"quand d'autres\n"
+"sont exécutés et administrés par d'autres chercheurs ou organisations. Le "
+"programme BOINC\n"
+"peut répartir la puissance de calcul que vous avez décidé de partager parmi "
+"une liste de projets.\n"
+"Sinon, si vous vous êtes enregistrés avec un Gestionnaire de compte BOINC, "
+"vous pouvez l'utiliser\n"
+"pour choisir quels projets supporter.\n"
+"S'il-vous-plaît, choisissez quel genre de changement vous voudriez faire:\n"
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1244
-msgid "Processing Suspended."
-msgstr "Traitement Suspendu."
+#: clientgui/WelcomePage.cpp:339
+msgid "Use a BOINC Account Manager"
+msgstr "Utiliser un gestionnaire de compte BOINC"
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1248
-msgid "Waiting to contact project servers."
-msgstr "En attente du contact des serveurs des projets."
+#: clientgui/WelcomePage.cpp:358
+msgid "Add or change your World Community Grid projects"
+msgstr "Ajouter ou modifier vos projets World Community Grid"
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1252 sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1261
-msgid "Retrieving current status"
-msgstr "Recherche de l'état actuel"
+#: clientgui/WelcomePage.cpp:361
+msgid "Add projects run by other researchers or organizations"
+msgstr "Ajouter des projets réalisés par d'autres chercheurs ou organisations"
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1256
-msgid "No work available to process"
-msgstr "Aucun travail disponible à traiter"
+#: clientgui/WizardAttach.cpp:673
+msgid "Do you really want to cancel?"
+msgstr "Voulez-vous vraiment annuler ?"
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1258
-msgid "Unable to connect to the core client"
-msgstr "Incapable de se connecter au client BOINC"
+#: clientgui/WizardAttach.cpp:674
+msgid "Question"
+msgstr "Question"
-#: wizardex.cpp:377 wizardex.cpp:553
+#: clientgui/wizardex.cpp:377
+#: clientgui/wizardex.cpp:553
 msgid "&Next >"
 msgstr "&Suivant >"
-#: wizardex.cpp:383
+#: clientgui/wizardex.cpp:383
 msgid "< &Back"
 msgstr "< &Retour"
-#: wizardex.cpp:553
+#: clientgui/wizardex.cpp:553
 msgid "&Finish"
 msgstr "&Fin"
-#: mac/Mac_GUI.cpp:110
-msgid "Preferences…"
-msgstr "Préférences..."
+#: clientgui/common/wxPieCtrl.cpp:64
+msgid "Pie Ctrl"
+msgstr "Légende du Camembert"
-#: mac/Mac_GUI.cpp:122
+#: clientgui/mac/Mac_GUI.cpp:35
 msgid "Services"
 msgstr "Services"
-#: mac/Mac_GUI.cpp:144
+#: clientgui/mac/Mac_GUI.cpp:36
 #, c-format
 msgid "Hide %s"
 msgstr "Cacher %s"
-#: mac/Mac_GUI.cpp:158
+#: clientgui/mac/Mac_GUI.cpp:37
 msgid "Hide Others"
 msgstr "Caches les autres"
-#: mac/Mac_GUI.cpp:172
+#: clientgui/mac/Mac_GUI.cpp:38
 msgid "Show All"
 msgstr "Montrer tout"
-#: mac/Mac_GUI.cpp:186
+#: clientgui/mac/Mac_GUI.cpp:39
 #, c-format
 msgid "Quit %s"
 msgstr "Quitter %s"
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.h:30
+msgid "specify work start and stop hours in format HH:MM-HH:MM"
+msgstr ""
+"spécifiez les heures de début et de fin de travail dans le format HH:MM-"
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.h:31
+msgid "specify network usage start and stop hours in format HH:MM-HH:MM"
+msgstr ""
+"spécifiez les heures de début et de fin d'utilisation du réseau dans le "
+"format HH:MM-HH:MM"
+# 98%
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "(C) 2003-2013 University of California, Berkeley.\n"
+#~ "All Rights Reserved."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "(C) 2003-2013 Université de Californie, Berkeley.\n"
+#~ "Tous droits réservés."
+#, c-format
+#~ msgid "%s - Preferences"
+#~ msgstr "%s - Préférences"
+#, no-c-format
+#~ msgid "% of the processors (0 means ignore this setting)"
+#~ msgstr "% des processeurs (0 pour ignorer ce paramètre)"
+#, no-c-format
+#~ msgid "% CPU time"
+#~ msgstr "% du temps processeur"
+#~ msgid "KBytes/sec."
+#~ msgstr "KOctets/sec."
+#~ msgid "Mbytes"
+#~ msgstr "Moctets"
+#~ msgid "every"
+#~ msgstr "chaque"
+#~ msgid "days"
+#~ msgstr "jours"
+#~ msgid "Gigabytes disk space"
+#~ msgstr "Gigaoctets d'espace disque"
+#~ msgid "Running, high priority"
+#~ msgstr "En cours d'exécution, priorité haute"
+#~ msgid " (Scheduler wait: "
+#~ msgstr " (Attente de planification: "
+#~ msgid " (Scheduler wait)"
+#~ msgstr "(En attente de planification)"
+#~ msgid " (Waiting for network access)"
+#~ msgstr " (En attente d’accès réseau)"
+#~ msgid "Preferences…"
+#~ msgstr "Préférences..."
 #~ msgid "I do not agree with the terms of use."
 #~ msgstr "Je n'accepte pas les conditions d'utilisation."
@@ -4317,19 +4540,6 @@ msgstr "Quitter %s"
 #~ msgid "OnDropTarget: index by HitTest = %i"
 #~ msgstr "OnDropTarget: index by HitTest = %i"
-#~ msgid "Pie Ctrl"
-#~ msgstr "Légende du Camembert"
-#~ msgid "specify work start and stop hours in format HH:MM-HH:MM"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "spécifiez les heures de début et de fin de travail dans le format HH:MM-"
-#~ "HH:MM"
-#~ msgid "specify network usage start and stop hours in format HH:MM-HH:MM"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "spécifiez les heures de début et de fin d'utilisation du réseau dans le "
-#~ "format HH:MM-HH:MM"
 #~ msgid "Identify your account "
 #~ msgstr "Identifiez votre compte "
diff --git a/locale/he/BOINC-Manager.po b/locale/he/BOINC-Manager.po
index a76e55e..f571b8c 100644
--- a/locale/he/BOINC-Manager.po
+++ b/locale/he/BOINC-Manager.po
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ msgid ""
 msgstr ""
 "Project-Id-Version: BOINC 6.10.x\n"
 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-02-02 00:00-0800\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-12-15 14:15-0500\n"
 "PO-Revision-Date: 2012-04-26 04:05+0000\n"
 "Last-Translator: Ido <dj_legolas1 at hotmail.com>\n"
 "Language-Team: IOPanel.net\n"
@@ -16,23 +16,23 @@ msgstr ""
 "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
 "Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
 "X-Generator: Pootle 2.5.0\n"
-"X-BOINC-UTF8-Marker: 简体中文, 日本語\n"
-"X-Poedit-SearchPath-1: clientgui/msw\n"
-"X-Poedit-SearchPath-2: clientgui/gtk\n"
-"X-Poedit-SearchPath-3: clientgui/mac\n"
+"X-Poedit-Basepath: C:\\Src\\BOINCGIT\\boinc_7.4\n"
 "X-Poedit-SearchPath-0: clientgui\n"
 "X-Poedit-SourceCharset: utf-8\n"
-"X-Poedit-Basepath: C:\\Src\\BOINCGIT\\boinc\n"
 "X-POOTLE-MTIME: 1335413110.0\n"
+"X-Poedit-SearchPath-1: clientgui/msw\n"
+"X-Poedit-SearchPath-2: clientgui/gtk\n"
+"X-Poedit-SearchPath-3: clientgui/mac\n"
+"X-BOINC-UTF8-Marker: 简体中文, 日本語\n"
 # 81%
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:387
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:387
 #, c-format
 #, fuzzy, c-format
 msgid "Identify your account at %s"
 msgstr "זהה את חשבונך"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:393
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:393
 msgid ""
 "Please enter your account information\n"
 "(to create an account, visit the project's web site)"
@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ msgstr ""
 "אנא הזן את פרטי חשבונך\n"
 "(בכדי ליצור חשבון, היכנס לאתר הפרוייקט)"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:397
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:397
 msgid ""
 "This project is not currently accepting new accounts.\n"
 "You can add it only if you already have an account."
@@ -48,19 +48,19 @@ msgstr ""
 "פרוייקט זה אינו מקבל חשבונות חדשים כרגע.\n"
 "אתה יכול להוסיף אותו במידה וכבר יש ברשותך חשבון."
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:401
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:401
 msgid "Are you already running this project?"
 msgstr "האם אתה מריץ כבר פרוייקט זה?"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:405
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:405
 msgid "&No, new user"
 msgstr "&לא, משתמש חדש"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:408
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:408
 msgid "&Yes, existing user"
 msgstr "&כן, משתמש קיים"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:413
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:413
 msgid ""
 "We were not able to set up your account information\n"
@@ -75,45 +75,51 @@ msgstr ""
 "למטה בכדי לגלות מה להזין בשדות הדוא\"ל\n"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:416
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:416
 msgid "Find login information"
 msgstr "מצא פרטי התחברות"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:436 AccountInfoPage.cpp:641
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:436
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:649
 msgid "&Password:"
 msgstr "&סיסמה:"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:443 AccountInfoPage.cpp:665
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:443
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:673
 msgid "Choose a &password:"
 msgstr "בחר &סיסמה:"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:446
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:446
 msgid "C&onfirm password:"
 msgstr "וו&דא סיסמה:"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:453
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:453
 #, c-format
 msgid "Are you already running %s?"
 msgstr "האם אתה משתמש כבר ב-%s?"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:482
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:482
 msgid "&Username:"
 msgstr "&משתמש:"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:508
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:511
+msgid "&Email address or LDAP ID:"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:515
 msgid "&Email address:"
 msgstr "&כתובת דוא\"ל:"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:515
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:523
 #, c-format
 msgid "minimum length %d"
 msgstr "אורך מינימלי %d"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:522
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:530
 msgid "Forgot your password?"
 msgstr "שכחת את הסיסמה?"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:529
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:537
 msgid ""
 "If you have not yet registered with this account manager,\n"
 "please do so before proceeding.  Click on the link below\n"
@@ -123,46 +129,45 @@ msgstr ""
 "עשה זאת לפני שתמשיך. לחץ על הקישור למטה\n"
 "בכדי להירשם או לשחזר סיסמה שנשכחה."
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:532
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:540
 msgid "Account manager web site"
 msgstr ""
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:574 WelcomePage.cpp:348
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:582
 msgid "Add project"
 msgstr "הוסף פרוייקט"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:576
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:584
 msgid "Update account manager"
 msgstr "עדכן מנהל חשבונות"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:578 WelcomePage.cpp:307 WelcomePage.cpp:321
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:586
 msgid "Use account manager"
 msgstr "השתמש במנהל חשבונות"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:585
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:593
 msgid "Please enter a user name."
 msgstr ""
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:587
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:595
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Please enter an email address."
 msgstr "אנא הזן כתובת דוא\"ל"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:597
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:605
 #, c-format
 msgid "Please enter a password of at least %d characters."
 msgstr ""
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:607
-msgid ""
-"The password and confirmation password do not match. Please type them again."
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:615
+msgid "The password and confirmation password do not match. Please type them again."
 msgstr "הסיסמה וסיסמת האימות אינן תואמות. אנא הזן אותן מחדש."
-#: AccountManagerInfoPage.cpp:272
+#: clientgui/AccountManagerInfoPage.cpp:272
 msgid "Choose an account manager"
 msgstr "בחר מנהל חשבונות"
-#: AccountManagerInfoPage.cpp:275
+#: clientgui/AccountManagerInfoPage.cpp:275
 msgid ""
 "To choose an account manager, click its name or \n"
 "type its URL below."
@@ -170,379 +175,396 @@ msgstr ""
 "כדי לבחור מנהל חשבונות, לחץ על השם שלו או \n"
 "רשום את כתובת האינטרנט שלו למטה. "
-#: AccountManagerInfoPage.cpp:279
+#: clientgui/AccountManagerInfoPage.cpp:279
 msgid "Account manager details:"
 msgstr ""
-#: AccountManagerInfoPage.cpp:283
+#: clientgui/AccountManagerInfoPage.cpp:283
 msgid "Account manager &URL:"
 msgstr ""
-#: AccountManagerInfoPage.cpp:287
+#: clientgui/AccountManagerInfoPage.cpp:287
 msgid "Open web page"
 msgstr ""
-#: AccountManagerInfoPage.cpp:290
+#: clientgui/AccountManagerInfoPage.cpp:290
 msgid "Visit this account manager's web site"
 msgstr ""
-#: AccountManagerProcessingPage.cpp:187 AccountManagerPropertiesPage.cpp:193
+#: clientgui/AccountManagerProcessingPage.cpp:186
+#: clientgui/AccountManagerPropertiesPage.cpp:192
 #, c-format
 msgid "Communicating with %s."
 msgstr "מתקשר עם %s."
-#: AccountManagerProcessingPage.cpp:194 AccountManagerPropertiesPage.cpp:200
+#: clientgui/AccountManagerProcessingPage.cpp:193
+#: clientgui/AccountManagerPropertiesPage.cpp:199
 msgid "Communicating with server."
 msgstr "מתקשר עם השרת."
-#: AccountManagerProcessingPage.cpp:199 AccountManagerPropertiesPage.cpp:205
+#: clientgui/AccountManagerProcessingPage.cpp:198
+#: clientgui/AccountManagerPropertiesPage.cpp:204
 msgid "Please wait..."
 msgstr "אנא המתן..."
-#: AccountManagerProcessingPage.cpp:326
+#: clientgui/AccountManagerProcessingPage.cpp:325
 msgid "An internal server error has occurred.\n"
 msgstr "התרחשה שגיאת שרת פנימי.\n"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:95
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:96
 msgid "Connected"
 msgstr "מחובר"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:103
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:104
 msgid "Disconnected"
 msgstr "מנותק"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:322 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:119
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:318
 #, c-format
 msgid "Close the %s window"
 msgstr "סגור את חלון %s"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:325 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:122
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:321
 msgid "&Close Window"
 msgstr "&סגור חלון"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:336 AdvancedFrame.cpp:343 AdvancedFrame.cpp:350
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:332
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:339
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:346
 #, c-format
 msgid "Exit %s"
 msgstr "צא מ-%s"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:371
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:359
+msgid "Preferences..."
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:368
 msgid "&Notices\tCtrl+Shift+N"
 msgstr "&התראות\tCtrl+Shift+N"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:372
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:369
 msgid "Display notices"
 msgstr "הצג התראות"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:377
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:374
 msgid "&Projects\tCtrl+Shift+P"
 msgstr "&פרוייקטים\tCtrl+Shift+P"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:378
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:375
 msgid "Display projects"
 msgstr "הצג פרוייקטים"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:383
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:380
 msgid "&Tasks\tCtrl+Shift+T"
 msgstr "&משימות\t Ctrl+Shift+T"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:384
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:381
 msgid "Display tasks"
 msgstr "הצג משימות"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:389
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:386
 msgid "Trans&fers\tCtrl+Shift+X"
 msgstr "ה&עברות\tCtrl+Shift+X"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:390
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:387
 msgid "Display transfers"
 msgstr "הצג העברות"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:395
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:392
 msgid "&Statistics\tCtrl+Shift+S"
 msgstr "&סטטיסטיקות\tCtrl+Shift+S"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:396
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:393
 msgid "Display statistics"
 msgstr "הצג סטטיסטיקות"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:401
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:398
 msgid "&Disk usage\tCtrl+Shift+D"
 msgstr "&ניצול דיסק\tCtrl+Shift+D"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:402
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:399
 msgid "Display disk usage"
 msgstr "הצג ניצול דיסק"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:409
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:406
 msgid "Simple &View...\tCtrl+Shift+V"
 msgstr "&תצוגה פשוטה...\tCtrl+Shift+V"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:410
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:407
 msgid "Display the simple graphical interface."
 msgstr "הצג ממשק גרפי פשוט."
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:424
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:421
 msgid "&Add project or account manager..."
 msgstr "&הוסף פרוייקט או מנהל חשבונות..."
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:425 sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:76
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:422
 msgid "Volunteer for any or all of 30+ projects in many areas of science"
 msgstr "התנדב לאחד מלמעלה מ-30 פרוייקטים, או יותר, בתחומי מדע שונים"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:429
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:426
 #, c-format
 msgid "&Synchronize with %s"
 msgstr "&התסנכן עם %s"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:433
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:430
 #, c-format
 msgid "Get current settings from %s"
 msgstr "קבל הגדרות נוכחיות מ-%s"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:443
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:440
 msgid "&Add project..."
 msgstr "&הוסף פרוייקט..."
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:444
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:441
 msgid "Add a project"
 msgstr "הוסף פרוייקט"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:447
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:444
 #, c-format
 msgid "S&top using %s..."
 msgstr "&הפסק שימוש ב-%s..."
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:453
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:450
 msgid "Remove this computer from account manager control."
 msgstr "הסר מחשב משליטת מנהל חשבונות."
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:458 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:178
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:455
 msgid "&Options..."
 msgstr "&אפשרויות..."
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:459 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:179
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:456
 msgid "Configure display options and proxy settings"
 msgstr "הגדר אפשרויות תצוגה ושרת פרוקסי"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:463 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:172
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:460
 msgid "Computing &preferences..."
 msgstr "&העדפות חישוב..."
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:464 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:173
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:461
 msgid "Configure computing preferences"
 msgstr "הגדר העדפות חישוב"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:472
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:469
 msgid "&Run always"
 msgstr "&הרץ תמיד"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:473
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:470
 msgid "Allow work regardless of preferences"
 msgstr "אפשר עבודה ללא קשר להעדפות"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:477
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:474
 msgid "Run based on &preferences"
 msgstr "ה&רץ לפי העדפות"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:478
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:475
 msgid "Allow work according to preferences"
 msgstr "אפשר עבודה בהתאם להעדפות"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:482
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:479
 msgid "&Suspend"
 msgstr "ה&שהה"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:483
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:480
 msgid "Stop work regardless of preferences"
 msgstr "עצור עבודה ללא קשר להעדפות"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:508
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:505
 msgid "Use GPU always"
 msgstr "השתמש תמיד במעבד הגרפי"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:509
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:506
 msgid "Allow GPU work regardless of preferences"
 msgstr "אפשר עבודת מעבד גרפי ללא קשר להעדפות"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:513
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:510
 msgid "Use GPU based on preferences"
 msgstr "השתמש במעבד הגרפי בהתאם להעדפות"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:514
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:511
 msgid "Allow GPU work according to preferences"
 msgstr "אפשר עבודת מעבד גרפי בהתאם להעדפות"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:518
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:515
 msgid "Suspend GPU"
 msgstr "השהה מעבד גרפי"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:519
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:516
 msgid "Stop GPU work regardless of preferences"
 msgstr "עצור עבודת מעבד גרפי ללא קשר להעדפות"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:543
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:540
 msgid "Network activity always available"
 msgstr "פעילות רשת תמיד זמינה"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:544
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:541
 msgid "Allow network activity regardless of preferences"
 msgstr "אפשר פעילות רשת ללא קשר להגדרות"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:548
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:545
 msgid "Network activity based on preferences"
 msgstr "פעילות רשת בהתאם להעדפות"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:549
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:546
 msgid "Allow network activity according to preferences"
 msgstr "אפשר פעילות רשת בהתאם להעדפות"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:553
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:550
 msgid "Network activity suspended"
 msgstr "פעילות רשת מושהית"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:554
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:551
 msgid "Stop BOINC network activity"
 msgstr "עצור פעילות רשת של BOINC"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:564
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:561
 #, c-format
 msgid "Connect to another computer running %s"
 msgstr "התחבר למחשב אחר המריץ %s"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:569
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:566
 msgid "Select computer..."
 msgstr "בחר מחשב..."
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:574
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:571
 msgid "Shut down connected client..."
 msgstr "כבה מחשב מחובר..."
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:575
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:572
 msgid "Shut down the currently connected client"
 msgstr "כבה את המחשב המחובר כעת"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:579
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:576
 msgid "Run CPU &benchmarks"
 msgstr "הרץ &הערכת ביצועים למעבד הגרפי"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:580
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:577
 msgid "Runs BOINC CPU benchmarks"
 msgstr "מריץ הערכת ביצועי מעבד של BOINC"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:584
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:581
 msgid "Do network communication"
 msgstr "בצע התקשרות לרשת"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:585
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:582
 msgid "Do all pending network communication"
 msgstr "בצע את כל ההתקשרויות הממתינות לרשת"
 # 94%
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:589
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:586
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Read config files"
 msgstr "קרא קובץ תצורה"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:590
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:587
 msgid "Read configuration info from cc_config.xml and any app_config.xml files"
 msgstr ""
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:594
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:591
 msgid "Read local prefs file"
 msgstr "קרא קובץ העדפות מקומי"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:595
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:592
 msgid "Read preferences from global_prefs_override.xml."
 msgstr "קרא נתוני העדפות מ-global_prefs_override.xml."
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:600
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:597
 #, c-format
 msgid "Launch another instance of %s..."
 msgstr "הרץ עותק נוסף של %s"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:604
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:601
 #, c-format
 msgid "Launch another %s"
 msgstr "הפעל %s נוסף"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:614
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:611
 msgid "Event Log...\tCtrl+Shift+E"
 msgstr "יומן אירועים...\tCtrl+Shift+E"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:615
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:612
 msgid "Display diagnostic messages."
 msgstr "הצג הודעות אבחון"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:625 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:188
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:616
+msgid "Event Log Diagnostic Flags...\tCtrl+Shift+F"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:617
+msgid "Enable or disable various diagnostic messages"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:626
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s &help"
 msgstr "&עזרה של %s"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:631 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:194
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:632
 #, c-format
 msgid "Show information about %s"
 msgstr "הצג מידע אודות %s"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:643
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:644
 #, c-format
 msgid "&%s help"
 msgstr "ע&זרה של %s"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:649 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:212
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:650
 #, c-format
 msgid "Show information about the %s"
 msgstr "הצג מידע אודות ה-%s"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:661 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:224
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:662
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s &web site"
 msgstr ""
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:667 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:230
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:668
 #, c-format
 msgid "Show information about BOINC and %s"
 msgstr "הצג מידע אודות BOINC ו-%s"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:679 BOINCTaskBar.cpp:530 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:242
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:680
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:544
 #, c-format
 msgid "&About %s..."
 msgstr "&אודות %s..."
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:685 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:248
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:686
 msgid "Licensing and copyright information."
 msgstr "מידע על רשיון וזכויות יוצרים."
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:692 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:255
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:693
 msgid "&File"
 msgstr "&קובץ"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:696 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:259
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:697
 msgid "&View"
 msgstr "&תצוגה"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:700 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:263
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:701
 msgid "&Tools"
 msgstr "&כלים"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:704
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:705
 msgid "&Activity"
 msgstr "&פעילות"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:708
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:709
 msgid "A&dvanced"
 msgstr "&מתקדם"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:712 DlgEventLog.cpp:332 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:267
-#: wizardex.cpp:374 wizardex.cpp:381
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:713
 msgid "&Help"
 msgstr "&עזרה"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:1199
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1185
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - Stop using %s"
 msgstr "%s - הפסק שימוש ב-%s"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:1204
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1190
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "If you stop using %s,\n"
@@ -557,12 +579,12 @@ msgstr ""
 "האם אתה בטוח שברצונך להתנתק מ-%s?"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:1401
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1397
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - Shut down the current client..."
 msgstr "%s - מכבה את הקליינט הנוכחי..."
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:1410
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1406
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "%s will shut down the current client\n"
@@ -571,36 +593,36 @@ msgstr ""
 "%s יסגור את הקליינט המחובר כרגע\n"
 "ויבקש ממך להתחבר למחשב מארח אחר."
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:1745 DlgAbout.cpp:119
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1806
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s"
 msgstr "%s"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:1754
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1815
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s has successfully added %s"
 msgstr "%s הוסיף בהצלחה את %s"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:1893
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1953
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - (%s)"
 msgstr "%s - (%s)"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:1897
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1957
 #, c-format
 msgid "Connecting to %s"
 msgstr "מתחבר ל-%s"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:1900
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1960
 #, c-format
 msgid "Connected to %s (%s)"
 msgstr "מחובר ל-%s (%s)"
-#: AlreadyExistsPage.cpp:184
+#: clientgui/AlreadyExistsPage.cpp:184
 msgid "Username already in use"
 msgstr "שם משתמש כבר בשימוש"
-#: AlreadyExistsPage.cpp:187
+#: clientgui/AlreadyExistsPage.cpp:187
 msgid ""
 "An account with that username already exists and has a\n"
 "different password than the one you entered.\n"
@@ -612,11 +634,11 @@ msgstr ""
 "אנא היכנס לאתר הפרוייקט ועקוב אחר ההוראות שם."
-#: AlreadyExistsPage.cpp:191
+#: clientgui/AlreadyExistsPage.cpp:191
 msgid "Email address already in use"
 msgstr "כתובת דוא\"ל כבר בשימוש"
-#: AlreadyExistsPage.cpp:194
+#: clientgui/AlreadyExistsPage.cpp:194
 msgid ""
 "An account with that email address already exists and has a\n"
 "different password than the one you entered.\n"
@@ -628,45 +650,44 @@ msgstr ""
 "אנא היכנס לאתר הפרוייקט ועקוב אחר ההוראות שם."
-#: AsyncRPC.cpp:1031
+#: clientgui/AsyncRPC.cpp:1031
 msgid "Communicating with BOINC client.  Please wait ..."
 msgstr "מתקשר עם קליינט BOINC. אנא המתן..."
-#: AsyncRPC.cpp:1034
+#: clientgui/AsyncRPC.cpp:1034
 #, c-format
 msgid "&Quit %s"
 msgstr "&הפסק %s"
-#: AsyncRPC.cpp:1036
+#: clientgui/AsyncRPC.cpp:1036
 #, c-format
 msgid "E&xit %s"
 msgstr "&צא מ-%s"
-#: AsyncRPC.cpp:1040
+#: clientgui/AsyncRPC.cpp:1040
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - Communication"
 msgstr "%s - תיקשורת"
-#: AsyncRPC.cpp:1056 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:107 sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:433
+#: clientgui/AsyncRPC.cpp:1056
 msgid "Cancel"
 msgstr "ביטול"
-#: BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:505
+#: clientgui/BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:504
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - Connection Error"
 msgstr "%s - שגיאת התחברות"
-#: BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:514
+#: clientgui/BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:513
 msgid ""
 "You currently are not authorized to manage the client.\n"
-"Please contact your administrator to add you to the 'boinc_users' local user "
+"Please contact your administrator to add you to the 'boinc_users' local user group."
 msgstr ""
 "כרגע אין לך הרשאות לנהל את הקליינט.\n"
 "אנא צור קשר עם מנהל המערכת שלך על מנת להוסיף אותך לקבוצת המשתמשים המקומית של "
-#: BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:523
+#: clientgui/BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:522
 msgid ""
 "Authorization failed connecting to running client.\n"
 "Make sure you start this program in the same directory as the client."
@@ -674,20 +695,20 @@ msgstr ""
 "האישור כשל בהתחברות לקליינט רץ.\n"
 "וודא שאתה מפעיל את התוכנה באותה תיקייה כמו של הקליינט."
-#: BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:525
+#: clientgui/BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:524
 msgid "Authorization failed connecting to running client."
 msgstr "האישור כשל בהתחברות לקליינט רץ."
-#: BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:533
+#: clientgui/BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:532
 msgid "The password you have provided is incorrect, please try again."
 msgstr "הסיסמה שהזנת איננה נכונה, אנא נסה מחדש..."
-#: BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:577
+#: clientgui/BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:576
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - Connection Failed"
 msgstr "%s - כשל בהתחברות"
-#: BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:586
+#: clientgui/BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:585
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "%s is not able to connect to a %s client.\n"
@@ -696,22 +717,21 @@ msgstr ""
 "%s אינו מצליח להתחבר לקליינט %s.\n"
 "תרצה לנסות להתחבר שוב?"
-#: BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:622
+#: clientgui/BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:621
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - Daemon Start Failed"
 msgstr "%s - השרת נכשל בהתחלת התהליך"
-#: BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:632
+#: clientgui/BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:631
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "%s is not able to start a %s client.\n"
-"Please launch the Control Panel->Administative Tools->Services applet and "
-"start the BOINC service."
+"Please launch the Control Panel->Administative Tools->Services applet and start the BOINC service."
 msgstr ""
 "%s לא מצליח להפעיל את קליינט %s.\n"
 "אנא הרץ את לוח הבקרה->כלי ניהול->שירותים והפעל את שירות BOINC."
-#: BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:638
+#: clientgui/BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:637
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "%s is not able to start a %s client.\n"
@@ -720,34 +740,33 @@ msgstr ""
 "%s לא הצליח להפעיל את קליינט %s.\n"
 "אנא נסה להפעיל את התהליך מחדש."
-#: BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:689
+#: clientgui/BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:688
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - Connection Status"
 msgstr "%s - מצב החיבור"
-#: BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:700
+#: clientgui/BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:699
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "%s is not currently connected to a %s client.\n"
-"Please use the 'Advanced\\Select Computer...' menu option to connect up to a "
-"%s client.\n"
+"Please use the 'Advanced\\Select Computer...' menu option to connect up to a %s client.\n"
 "To connect up to your local computer please use 'localhost' as the host name."
 msgstr ""
 "%s אינו מחובר לקליינט %s.\n"
 "השתמש באפשרות בתפריט 'מתקדם/בחר מחשב...' כדי להתחבר לקליינט %s.\n"
 "על מנת להתחבר למחשב המקומי, השתמש בשם 'localhost' כשם המחשב."
-#: BOINCBaseView.cpp:779
+#: clientgui/BOINCBaseView.cpp:752
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Project web pages"
 msgstr "אתרי הפרוייקט"
-#: BOINCClientManager.cpp:575
+#: clientgui/BOINCClientManager.cpp:573
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - Unexpected Exit"
 msgstr "%s - יציאה לא צפוייה"
-#: BOINCClientManager.cpp:585
+#: clientgui/BOINCClientManager.cpp:583
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "The %s client has exited unexpectedly 3 times within the last %d minutes.\n"
@@ -756,12 +775,12 @@ msgstr ""
 "קליינט ה-%s ביצע יציאה לא צפויה 3 פעמים במשך %d הדקות האחרונות.\n"
 "תרצה להתחיל אותו מחדש?"
-#: BOINCDialupManager.cpp:61
+#: clientgui/BOINCDialupManager.cpp:61
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - Network Status"
 msgstr "%s - מצב הרשת"
-#: BOINCDialupManager.cpp:241
+#: clientgui/BOINCDialupManager.cpp:241
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "%s needs to connect to the Internet.\n"
@@ -770,22 +789,22 @@ msgstr ""
 "%s צריך להתחבר לאינטרנט.\n"
 "האם לאפשר לו כעת?"
-#: BOINCDialupManager.cpp:254
+#: clientgui/BOINCDialupManager.cpp:254
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s is connecting to the Internet."
 msgstr "%s מתחבר לאינטרנט."
-#: BOINCDialupManager.cpp:303
+#: clientgui/BOINCDialupManager.cpp:303
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s has successfully connected to the Internet."
 msgstr "%s התחבר לאינטרנט בהצלחה."
-#: BOINCDialupManager.cpp:331
+#: clientgui/BOINCDialupManager.cpp:331
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s failed to connect to the Internet."
 msgstr "%s כשל בהתחברות לאינטרנט."
-#: BOINCDialupManager.cpp:372
+#: clientgui/BOINCDialupManager.cpp:372
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "%s has detected it is now connected to the Internet.\n"
@@ -794,17 +813,17 @@ msgstr ""
 "%s זיהה שהוא מחובר לאינטרנט.\n"
 "מעדכן את כל הפרוייקטים ומנסה לבצע העברות מחדש."
-#: BOINCDialupManager.cpp:417
+#: clientgui/BOINCDialupManager.cpp:417
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s has successfully disconnected from the Internet."
 msgstr "%s התנתק מהאינטרנט בהצלחה."
-#: BOINCDialupManager.cpp:433
+#: clientgui/BOINCDialupManager.cpp:433
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s failed to disconnected from the Internet."
 msgstr "%s כשל בהתנתקות מהאינטרנט."
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:339
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:595
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "You currently are not authorized to manage the client.\n"
@@ -825,7 +844,7 @@ msgstr ""
 "  -צור קשר עם מנהל הרשת על מנת להוסיף אותך לקבוצת\n"
 "     המשתמשים 'boinc_master'."
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:345
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:601
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "%s ownership or permissions are not set properly; please reinstall %s.\n"
@@ -834,17 +853,16 @@ msgstr ""
 "הבעלות או ההרשאות של %s אינן מוגדרות כראוי; אנא התקן מחדש את %s.\n"
 "(קוד שגיאה: %d"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:351
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:607
 #, fuzzy
 msgid " at "
 msgstr " ב "
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:354 MainDocument.cpp:2484 MainDocument.cpp:2534
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2554 ViewTransfers.cpp:803
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:610
 msgid ")"
 msgstr ")"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:384
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:640
 msgid ""
 "A reboot is required in order for BOINC to run properly.\n"
 "Please reboot your computer and try again."
@@ -852,185 +870,189 @@ msgstr ""
 "איתחול נחוץ כדי ש-BOINC ירוץ בצורה תקינה.\n"
 "אנא אתחל את המחשב ונסה שוב לאחר מכן."
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:385 DlgAbout.cpp:153
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:641
 msgid "BOINC Manager"
 msgstr "BOINC Manager"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:572
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:902
 msgid "BOINC Manager was started by the operating system automatically"
 msgstr "BOINC Manager הופעל אוטומטית על ידי המערכת הפעלה"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:574
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:904
 msgid "Startup BOINC so only the system tray icon is visible"
 msgstr "הפעל את BOINC כך שניתן יהיה לראות רק את הסמל בשורת המשימות."
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:576
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:906
 msgid "Directory containing the BOINC Client executable"
 msgstr "התיקייה המכילה את קבצי ההפעלה של קליינט ה-BOINC"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:577
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:907
 msgid "BOINC data directory"
 msgstr "תיקיית קבצי המידע של BOINC"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:579
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:909
 msgid "Host name or IP address"
 msgstr "שם מחשב או כתובת IP"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:580
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:910
 msgid "GUI RPC port number"
 msgstr "מספר הפורט של פרוצדורת קריאה מרוחקת לממשק משתמש גרפי"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:581
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:911
 msgid "Password"
 msgstr "סיסמה"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:582
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:912
 msgid "Startup BOINC with these optional arguments"
 msgstr "הפעל BOINC עם הגדרות אופציונליות אלו"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:583
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:913
 msgid "disable BOINC security users and permissions"
 msgstr "נטרל את משתמשי האבטחה וההרשאות של BOINC"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:584
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:914
 msgid "set skin debugging mode to enable skin manager error messages"
 msgstr "הפעל מצב איתור שגיאות מראה בכדי לאפשר הודעות שגיאה ממנהל המראה"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:585
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:915
 msgid "multiple instances of BOINC Manager allowed"
 msgstr "ריבוי עותקי BOINC Manager מאושר"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:587
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:917
 msgid "Not used: workaround for bug in XCode 4.2"
 msgstr ""
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:814
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:1164
 msgid "(Automatic Detection)"
 msgstr "(זיהויי אוטומטי)"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:815
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:1165
 msgid "(Unknown)"
 msgstr "(לא ידוע)"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:816
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:1166
 msgid "(User Defined)"
 msgstr "(מוגדר ע\"י משתמש)"
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:508
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:522
 #, c-format
 msgid "Open %s Web..."
 msgstr "פתח את אתר %s..."
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:515
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:529
 #, c-format
 msgid "Open %s..."
 msgstr "פתח את %s..."
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:522 BOINCTaskBar.cpp:619 BOINCTaskBar.cpp:627
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:536
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:633
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:641
 msgid "Snooze"
 msgstr "השהה עיבוד"
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:524 BOINCTaskBar.cpp:646 BOINCTaskBar.cpp:654
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:538
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:660
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:668
 msgid "Snooze GPU"
 msgstr "השהה עיבוד מעבד גרפי"
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:542
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:556
 msgid "E&xit"
 msgstr "י&ציאה"
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:612 ViewProjects.cpp:718 ViewWork.cpp:795
-#: sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:758 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:110
-#: sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:102
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:626
 msgid "Resume"
 msgstr "המשך"
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:639
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:653
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Resume GPU"
 msgstr "המשך שימוש  במעבד הגרפי"
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:713
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:727
 msgid "Computing is enabled"
 msgstr "החישוב מאופשר"
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:717
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:731
 msgid "Computing is suspended - "
 msgstr "החישוב מושהה - "
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:727
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:741
 msgid "GPU computing is enabled"
 msgstr "חישובי מעבד גרפי מאופשרים"
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:730
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:744
 msgid "GPU computing is suspended - "
 msgstr "חישובי מעבד גרפי מושהים - "
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:739
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:753
 msgid "Network is enabled"
 msgstr "רשת מופעלת"
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:742
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:756
 msgid "Network is suspended - "
 msgstr "רשת מושהית"
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:750
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:764
 msgid "Reconnecting to client."
 msgstr "מתחבר מחדש לקליינט."
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:752
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:766
 msgid "Not connected to a client."
 msgstr "לא מחובר לקליינט."
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:805
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:819
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s Notices"
 msgstr "התראות %s"
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:811
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:825
 msgid "There are new notices - click to view."
 msgstr "קיימות התראות חדשות - לחץ לצפייה."
-#: CompletionErrorPage.cpp:199
+#: clientgui/CompletionErrorPage.cpp:199
 msgid "Failed to add project"
 msgstr "הוספת הפרוייקט נכשלה"
-#: CompletionErrorPage.cpp:204
+#: clientgui/CompletionErrorPage.cpp:204
 msgid "Failed to update account manager"
 msgstr "נכשל בעדכון מנהל חשבונות"
-#: CompletionErrorPage.cpp:208
+#: clientgui/CompletionErrorPage.cpp:208
 msgid "Failed to remove account manager"
 msgstr "נכשל בהסרת מנהל חשבונות"
-#: CompletionErrorPage.cpp:212
+#: clientgui/CompletionErrorPage.cpp:212
 msgid "Failed to add account manager"
 msgstr "כשל בהוספת מנהל חשבונות"
-#: CompletionErrorPage.cpp:221
+#: clientgui/CompletionErrorPage.cpp:221
 msgid ""
 "Please try again later.\n"
 "Click Finish to close."
 msgstr ""
-#: CompletionErrorPage.cpp:225 CompletionPage.cpp:222 CompletionPage.cpp:242
-#: CompletionPage.cpp:273
+#: clientgui/CompletionErrorPage.cpp:225
+#: clientgui/CompletionPage.cpp:222
+#: clientgui/CompletionPage.cpp:242
+#: clientgui/CompletionPage.cpp:273
 msgid "Click Finish to close."
 msgstr "לחץ סיום כדי לסגור."
-#: CompletionErrorPage.cpp:234
+#: clientgui/CompletionErrorPage.cpp:234
 msgid "Messages from server:"
 msgstr "הודעות משרת:"
-#: CompletionPage.cpp:207
+#: clientgui/CompletionPage.cpp:207
 msgid "Project added"
 msgstr "פרוייקט הוסף"
-#: CompletionPage.cpp:213
+#: clientgui/CompletionPage.cpp:213
 msgid "This project has been successfully added."
 msgstr "פרוייקט זה הוסף בהצלחה."
-#: CompletionPage.cpp:218
+#: clientgui/CompletionPage.cpp:218
 msgid ""
 "When you click Finish, your web browser will go to a page where\n"
 "you can set your account name and preferences."
@@ -1038,125 +1060,126 @@ msgstr ""
 "כשתלחץ 'סיום', דפדפן האינטרנט שלך יעבור לדף בו\n"
 "תוכל להגדיר את שם המשתמש שלך והעדפות."
-#: CompletionPage.cpp:232
+#: clientgui/CompletionPage.cpp:232
 #, c-format
 msgid "Update from %s completed."
 msgstr "עדכון מ-%s הושלם."
-#: CompletionPage.cpp:236
+#: clientgui/CompletionPage.cpp:236
 msgid "Update completed."
 msgstr "עדכון הושלם."
-#: CompletionPage.cpp:247
+#: clientgui/CompletionPage.cpp:247
 msgid "Now using account manager"
 msgstr "משתמש כעת במנהל חשבונות"
-#: CompletionPage.cpp:252
+#: clientgui/CompletionPage.cpp:252
 #, c-format
 msgid "Welcome to %s!"
 msgstr "ברוך הבא ל-%s!"
-#: CompletionPage.cpp:263
+#: clientgui/CompletionPage.cpp:263
 #, c-format
 msgid "You are now using %s to manage accounts."
 msgstr "התחלת להשתמש ב-%s לניהול חשבונות."
-#: CompletionPage.cpp:267
+#: clientgui/CompletionPage.cpp:267
 msgid "You are now using this account manager."
 msgstr "אתה משתמש כעת במנהל חשבונות זה."
-#: DlgAbout.cpp:113 mac/Mac_GUI.cpp:96
+#: clientgui/DlgAbout.cpp:113
 #, c-format
 msgid "About %s"
 msgstr "אודות %s"
-#: DlgAbout.cpp:172
+#: clientgui/DlgAbout.cpp:172
 msgid "Version:"
 msgstr "גרסה:"
-#: DlgAbout.cpp:180
+#: clientgui/DlgAbout.cpp:180
 msgid "wxWidgets Version:"
 msgstr "גרסת wxWidgets:"
-#: DlgAbout.cpp:188
+#: clientgui/DlgAbout.cpp:188
 msgid "Copyright:"
 msgstr "זכויות יוצרים:"
-# 98%
-#: DlgAbout.cpp:192
-#, fuzzy
+#: clientgui/DlgAbout.cpp:192
 msgid ""
-"(C) 2003-2013 University of California, Berkeley.\n"
+"(C) 2003-2014 University of California, Berkeley.\n"
 "All Rights Reserved."
 msgstr ""
-"(C) 2003-2011 אוניברסיטת קליפורניה, ברקלי.\n"
-"כל הזכויות שמורות."
-#: DlgAbout.cpp:196
+#: clientgui/DlgAbout.cpp:196
 msgid "Berkeley Open Infrastructure for Network Computing"
 msgstr "Berkeley Open Infrastructure for Network Computing"
-#: DlgAbout.cpp:208 DlgExitMessage.cpp:173 DlgGenericMessage.cpp:120
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:396 DlgSelectComputer.cpp:163
+#: clientgui/DlgAbout.cpp:208
+#: clientgui/DlgExitMessage.cpp:173
+#: clientgui/DlgGenericMessage.cpp:120
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:399
+#: clientgui/DlgSelectComputer.cpp:163
 msgid "&OK"
 msgstr "&אישור"
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:544
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:602
 msgid "invalid number"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:545
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:603
 msgid "invalid time, format is HH:MM"
 msgstr "זמן לא נכון, הצורה צריכה להיות HH:MM"
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:546
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:604
 msgid "invalid time interval, format is HH:MM-HH:MM"
 msgstr "מרווח זמן שגוי, הצורה צריכה להיות HH:MM-HH:MM"
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:751
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:817
 msgid "invalid input value detected"
 msgstr "זוהה ערך מוזן לא נכון"
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:753
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:819
 msgid "Validation Error"
 msgstr "תקלת אימות"
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:885 DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:891
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:897
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:969
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:975
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:981
 msgid "Applications to add"
 msgstr "אפליקציות להוספה"
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:914
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:998
 #, c-format
 msgid "'%s' is not an executable application."
 msgstr "\"%s\" אינה אפליקציה הניתנת להרצה."
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:915 DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:962
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:986
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:999
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:1046
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:1070
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Add Exclusive App"
 msgstr "הוסף אפליקציה מיוחדת"
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:927
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:1011
 msgid "Name of application to add?"
 msgstr "שם האפליקציה להוספה?"
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:927
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:1011
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Add exclusive app"
 msgstr "הוסף אפליקציה מיוחדת"
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:961
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:1045
 #, c-format
 msgid "Application names must end with '%s'"
 msgstr "שם האפליקציה חייב להסתיים ב-'%s'"
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:985
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:1069
 #, c-format
 msgid "'%s' is already in the list."
 msgstr "'%s' כבר קיים ברשימה."
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:1077
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:1161
 #, fuzzy
 msgid ""
 "Do you really want to clear all local preferences?\n"
@@ -1165,16 +1188,16 @@ msgstr ""
 "אתה בטוח שברצונך למחוק את ההעדפות המקומיות?\n"
 "(פעולה זו לא תשפיעה על האפליקציות המיוחדות.)"
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:1078 sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:1030
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:1162
 msgid "Confirmation"
 msgstr "אימות"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:46 sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:946
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:49
 #, c-format
-msgid "%s - Preferences"
-msgstr "%s - העדפות"
+msgid "%s - Computing preferences"
+msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:62
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:66
 #, fuzzy
 msgid ""
 "This dialog controls preferences for this computer only.\n"
@@ -1185,275 +1208,286 @@ msgstr ""
 "לחץ 'אישור' כדי לקבוע את ההעדפות.\n"
 "לחץ 'נקה' כדי לשחזר הגדרות מבוססות-אתר (למעט אפליקציות מיוחדות)."
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:65 sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:428
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:69
 msgid "Clear"
 msgstr "נקה"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:66
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:70
 msgid "clear all local preferences and close the dialog"
 msgstr "נקה את כל ההעדפות המקומיות וסגור את החלון"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:81
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:85
 msgid "processor usage"
 msgstr "שימוש במעבד"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:84
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:88
 msgid "network usage"
 msgstr "שימוש ברשת"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:87
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:91
 msgid "disk and memory usage"
 msgstr "שימוש בדיסק וזיכרון"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:90
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:94
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "exclusive applications"
 msgstr "אפליקציות מיוחדות"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:102 sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:424
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:107
+#: clientgui/DlgDiagnosticLogFlags.cpp:104
 msgid "OK"
 msgstr "אישור"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:103
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:108
 msgid "save all values and close the dialog"
 msgstr "שמור את כל הערכים וסגור את החלון"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:108
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:114
 msgid "close the dialog without saving"
 msgstr "סגור את החלון ללא שמירה"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:112 Localization.cpp:35 Localization.cpp:121
-#: Localization.cpp:139 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:794 sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:439
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:118
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:35
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:121
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:139
 msgid "Help"
 msgstr "עזרה"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:113
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:119
 msgid "shows the preferences web page"
 msgstr "מציג את עמוד האינטרנט של ההעדפות"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:135
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:141
 msgid "Computing allowed"
 msgstr "אפשר עבודה"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:139
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:146
 msgid "While computer is on batteries"
 msgstr "בזמן עבודה עם סוללות"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:142
-msgid ""
-"check this if you want this computer to do work while it runs on batteries"
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:149
+msgid "check this if you want this computer to do work while it runs on batteries"
 msgstr "סמן אם ברצונך שהמחשב יעבד מידע בזמן שהוא עובד על סוללות"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:148
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:155
 msgid "While computer is in use"
 msgstr "בזמן שהמחשב בשימוש"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:151
-msgid ""
-"check this if you want this computer to do work even when you're using it"
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:158
+msgid "check this if you want this computer to do work even when you're using it"
 msgstr "סמן אם ברצונך שהמחשב יעבד מידע גם בזמן שאתה משתמש בו"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:157
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:164
 msgid "Use GPU while computer is in use"
 msgstr "השתמש במעבד גרפי בזמן שהמחשב בשימוש"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:160
-msgid ""
-"check this if you want your GPU to do work even when you're using the "
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:167
+msgid "check this if you want your GPU to do work even when you're using the computer"
 msgstr "סמן אם ברצונך שהמעבד הגרפי יעבד מידע גם בזמן שאתה משתמש במחשב"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:172
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:179
 msgid "Only after computer has been idle for"
 msgstr "רק אחרי שהמחשב לא בשימוש במשך"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:182
-msgid ""
-"do work only after you haven't used the computer for this number of minutes"
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:188
+msgid "do work only after you haven't used the computer for this number of minutes"
 msgstr "עבד מידע רק אחרי שלא השתמשת במחשב למשך מספר הדקות הזה"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:187 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:336
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:417
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:193
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:342
 msgid "minutes"
 msgstr "דקות"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:206
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:212
 msgid "While processor usage is less than"
 msgstr "כל עוד השימוש במעבד נמוך מ"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:216
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:221
 msgid "suspend work if processor usage exceeds this level"
 msgstr "השהה עבודה אם השימוש במעבד חרג מהערך הבא"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:221
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:226
 msgid "percent (0 means no restriction)"
 msgstr "אחוז (0 משמעותו ללא הגבלה)"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:235 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:496
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:240
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:506
 msgid "Every day between hours of"
 msgstr "כל יום בין השעות"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:239
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:244
 msgid "start work at this time"
 msgstr "התחל עבודה בזמן זה"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:243 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:504
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:326 sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:348
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:248
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:514
 msgid "and"
 msgstr "ו"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:247
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:252
 msgid "stop work at this time"
 msgstr "עצור עבודה בזמן זה"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:251 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:512
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:256
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:522
 msgid "(no restriction if equal)"
 msgstr "(ללא הגבלה במידה ושווה)"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:256 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:517
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:261
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:527
 msgid "Day-of-week override:"
 msgstr "מעקף של יום בשבוע:"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:261 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:522
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:266
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:532
 msgid "check box to specify hours for this day of week"
 msgstr "סמן את התא כדי להגדיר את השעות של אותו יום בשבוע"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:267 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:528
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:272
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:538
 msgid "Monday"
 msgstr "שני"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:274 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:535
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:279
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:545
 msgid "Tuesday"
 msgstr "שלישי"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:281 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:542
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:286
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:552
 msgid "Wednesday"
 msgstr "רביעי"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:288 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:549
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:293
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:559
 msgid "Thursday"
 msgstr "חמישי"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:295 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:556
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:300
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:566
 msgid "Friday"
 msgstr "שישי"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:302 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:563
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:307
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:573
 msgid "Saturday"
 msgstr "שבת"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:309 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:570
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:314
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:580
 msgid "Sunday"
 msgstr "ראשון"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:323
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:328
 msgid "Other options"
 msgstr "אפשרויות נוספות"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:330
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:336
 msgid "Switch between applications every"
 msgstr "החלף בין יישומים כל"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:339
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:345
 msgid "On multiprocessor systems, use at most"
 msgstr "במערכות מרובות מעבדים, השתמש לכל היותר ב-"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:346
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:352
 #, no-c-format
-msgid "% of the processors (0 means ignore this setting)"
+msgid "% of the processors (0 means no restriction)"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:349 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:605
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:627 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:648
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:669 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:679
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:355
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:618
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:640
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:661
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:683
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:694
 msgid "Use at most"
 msgstr "השתמש לכל היותר ב-"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:356
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:362
 #, no-c-format
-msgid "% CPU time"
-msgstr "אחוזים מזמן מעבד"
+msgid "% of CPU time (0 means no restriction)"
+msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:378
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:386
 msgid "General options"
 msgstr "אפשרויות כלליות"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:386
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:395
 msgid "Maximum download rate"
 msgstr "קצב הורדה מקסימלי"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:392 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:401
-msgid "KBytes/sec."
-msgstr "ק\"ב לשנייה"
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:401
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:410
+msgid "KBytes/second (0 means no restriction)"
+msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:395
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:404
 msgid "Maximum upload rate"
 msgstr "קצב העלאה מקסימלי"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:406
-msgid "Transfer at most"
-msgstr "העבר לכל היותר"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:412
-msgid "Mbytes"
-msgstr "מ\"ב"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:415
-msgid "every"
-msgstr "כל"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:421 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:444
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:463
-msgid "days"
-msgstr "ימים"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:429
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:417
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Minimum work buffer"
 msgstr "מאגר עבודה מינימלי"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:438
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:425
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Try to maintain enough tasks to keep busy for this many days"
 msgstr "נסה לשמור על מספיק משימות כדי לשמור על מצב עסוק למשך כמות ימים של"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:450
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:431
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:449
+msgid "days (maximum value: 10)"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:437
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Max additional work buffer"
 msgstr "מאגר עבודה נוסף מקסימלי"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:459
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:445
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "In addition, maintain enough tasks for up to this many days"
 msgstr "בנוסף, שמור על מספיק משימות למשך עד כמות ימים של"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:466
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:454
+msgid "Transfer at most"
+msgstr "העבר לכל היותר"
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:462
+msgid "MBytes every"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:468
+msgid "days (0 means no restriction)"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:476
 msgid "Skip image file verification"
 msgstr "דלג על אימות קובץ תמונה"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:468
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:478
 msgid "check this if your Internet provider modifies image files"
 msgstr "סמן במידה וספקית האינטרנט שלך משנה קבצי תמונה"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:476
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:484
 msgid "Connect options"
 msgstr "אפשרויות חיבור"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:478
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:487
 msgid "Confirm before connecting to internet"
 msgstr "וודא לפני התחברות לאינטרנט"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:480
-msgid ""
-"if checked, a confirmation dialog will be displayed before trying to connect "
-"to the Internet"
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:489
+msgid "if checked, a confirmation dialog will be displayed before trying to connect to the Internet"
 msgstr "אם מסומן, חלון אימות יופיע לפני ניסיון התחברות לאינטרנט"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:484
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:493
 msgid "Disconnect when done"
 msgstr "התנתק בסיום"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:486
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:495
 msgid ""
 "if checked, BOINC hangs up when network usage is done\n"
 "(only relevant for dialup-connection)"
@@ -1461,195 +1495,220 @@ msgstr ""
 "אם מסומן, BOINC ינתק את החיבור לרשת כשיסיים\n"
 "(רלוונטי לחיבורי חייגן בלבד)"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:492
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:501
 msgid "Network usage allowed"
 msgstr "שימוש ברשת מאושר"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:500
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:510
 msgid "network usage start hour"
 msgstr "שעת התחלת השימוש ברשת"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:508
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:518
 msgid "network usage stop hour"
 msgstr "שעת סיום השימוש ברשת"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:598 DlgItemProperties.cpp:231
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:610
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:257
 msgid "Disk usage"
 msgstr "שימוש בדיסק"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:609
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:622
 msgid "the maximum disk space used by BOINC (in Gigabytes)"
 msgstr "השטח השימוש המקסימלי בדיסק על ידי BOINC (ב-GB)"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:613
-msgid "Gigabytes disk space"
-msgstr "GB משטח הדיסק"
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:626
+msgid "Gigabytes disk space (0 means no restriction)"
+msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:616
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:629
 msgid "Leave at least"
 msgstr "השאר לפחות"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:620
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:633
 msgid "BOINC leaves at least this amount of disk space free (in Gigabytes)"
 msgstr "BOINC ישאיר לפחות את הכמות הזאת של שטח פנוי (ב-GB)"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:624
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:637
 msgid "Gigabytes disk space free"
 msgstr "GB משטח הדיסק פנויים"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:631
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:644
 msgid "BOINC uses at most this percentage of total disk space"
 msgstr "BOINC ישתמש לכל היותר באחוז זה מכלל שטח הדיסק"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:636
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:649
 #, no-c-format
 msgid "% of total disk space"
 msgstr "% משטח הדיסק הכללי"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:639
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:652
 msgid "Tasks checkpoint to disk at most every"
 msgstr "משימות יבצעו נקודות ביקורת בדיסק לכל היותר כל"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:645
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:658
 msgid "seconds"
 msgstr "שניות"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:655
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:668
 #, no-c-format
 msgid "% of page file (swap space)"
 msgstr "% מקובץ העמוד (החלף מקום)"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:662
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:675
 msgid "Memory usage"
 msgstr "שימוש בזיכרון"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:676
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:691
 #, no-c-format
 msgid "% when computer is in use"
 msgstr "% כאשר המחשב בשימוש"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:686
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:701
 #, no-c-format
 msgid "% when computer is idle"
 msgstr "% כאשר המחשב לא בשימוש"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:691
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:706
 msgid "Leave applications in memory while suspended"
 msgstr "השאר את היישומים בזיכרון כאשר הם מושהים"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:693
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:708
 msgid "if checked, suspended work units are left in memory"
 msgstr "אם מסומן, יחידות העבודה המושהות ישארו בזיכרון"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:713
-msgid ""
-"Suspend processor and network usage when these applications are running:"
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:728
+msgid "Suspend processor and network usage when these applications are running:"
 msgstr "השהה השימוש במעבד והרשת כאשר האפליקציות הבאות רצות:"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:722
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:738
 msgid "Add..."
 msgstr "הוסף..."
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:723
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:739
 msgid "Add an application to this list"
 msgstr "הוסף אפליקציה לרשימה"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:728 ViewProjects.cpp:202
-#: sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:85
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:744
 msgid "Remove"
 msgstr "הסר"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:729
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:745
 msgid "Remove an application from this list"
 msgstr "הסר אפליקציה מהרשימה"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:738
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:754
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "For advanced options, refer to "
 msgstr "לאפשרויות מתקדמות, עבור ל "
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:219
+#: clientgui/DlgDiagnosticLogFlags.cpp:65
+#, c-format
+msgid "%s Diagnostic Log Flags"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/DlgDiagnosticLogFlags.cpp:83
+msgid "These flags enable various types of diagnostic messages in the Event Log."
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/DlgDiagnosticLogFlags.cpp:105
+msgid "Save all values and close the dialog"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/DlgDiagnosticLogFlags.cpp:108
+msgid "Defaults"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/DlgDiagnosticLogFlags.cpp:109
+msgid "Restore default settings"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/DlgDiagnosticLogFlags.cpp:113
+msgid "Close the dialog without saving"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:226
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - Event Log"
 msgstr "%s - יומן אירועים"
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:232 ViewMessages.cpp:117 ViewProjects.cpp:219
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:435 ViewStatistics.cpp:2009 ViewTransfers.cpp:182
-#: ViewWork.cpp:232
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:236
 msgid "Project"
 msgstr "פרוייקט"
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:233 ViewMessages.cpp:118
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:237
 msgid "Time"
 msgstr "זמן"
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:234 ViewMessages.cpp:119
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:238
 msgid "Message"
 msgstr "הודעה"
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:290 DlgEventLog.cpp:354
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:300
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:364
 msgid "&Show only this project"
 msgstr "&הצג פרוייקט זה בלבד"
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:294
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:304
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Copy &All"
 msgstr "ה&עתק הכל"
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:296 DlgEventLog.cpp:300 ViewMessages.cpp:89
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:306
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:310
 msgid "Copy all the messages to the clipboard."
 msgstr "העתק את כל ההודעות ללוח."
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:305
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:315
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Copy &Selected"
 msgstr "העתק הודעות נבחרות"
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:308 DlgEventLog.cpp:316 ViewMessages.cpp:97
-msgid ""
-"Copy the selected messages to the clipboard. You can select multiple "
-"messages by holding down the shift or command key while clicking on messages."
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:318
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:326
+msgid "Copy the selected messages to the clipboard. You can select multiple messages by holding down the shift or command key while clicking on messages."
 msgstr ""
 "העתק הודעות נבחרות ללוח. באפשרותך לבחור הודעות מרובות על ידי לחיצה ממושכת על "
 "לחצן shift או command בזמן הלחיצה על ההודעות."
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:310 DlgEventLog.cpp:318 ViewMessages.cpp:99
-msgid ""
-"Copy the selected messages to the clipboard. You can select multiple "
-"messages by holding down the shift or control key while clicking on messages."
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:320
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:328
+msgid "Copy the selected messages to the clipboard. You can select multiple messages by holding down the shift or control key while clicking on messages."
 msgstr ""
 "העתק הודעות נבחרות ללוח. באפשרותך לבחור הודעות מרובות על ידי לחיצה ממושכת על "
 "לחצן shift או control בזמן הלחיצה על ההודעות."
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:325 DlgItemProperties.cpp:67
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:335
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:67
 msgid "&Close"
 msgstr "&סגור"
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:334 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:798 sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:442
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:344
 #, c-format
 #, fuzzy, c-format
 msgid "Get help with %s"
 msgstr "קבל עזרה עם %s"
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:348
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:358
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Show all &messages"
 msgstr "ה&צג את כל ההודעות"
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:349 DlgEventLog.cpp:351
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:359
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:361
 msgid "Show messages for all projects"
 msgstr "הצג הודעות מכל הפרוייקטים"
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:355 DlgEventLog.cpp:357
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:365
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:367
 msgid "Show only the messages for the selected project"
 msgstr "הצג את ההודעות הקשורות לפרוייקט הנבחר בלבד"
-#: DlgExitMessage.cpp:82
+#: clientgui/DlgExitMessage.cpp:82
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - Exit Confirmation"
 msgstr "%s - אישור יציאה"
-#: DlgExitMessage.cpp:130
+#: clientgui/DlgExitMessage.cpp:130
 #, c-format
 #, fuzzy, c-format
 msgid ""
@@ -1667,7 +1726,7 @@ msgstr ""
 "אם אתה רוצה להפסיק להריץ את היישומים,\n"
 "בחר זאת מהאפשרויות הבאות:"
-#: DlgExitMessage.cpp:135
+#: clientgui/DlgExitMessage.cpp:135
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "This will shut down %s and its tasks until either the\n"
@@ -1684,401 +1743,427 @@ msgstr ""
 "מאשר לצאת מהיישום; דבר זה יאפשר ל-%s להריץ את\n"
 "היישומים בזמנים שבחרת בהעדפות."
-#: DlgExitMessage.cpp:153
+#: clientgui/DlgExitMessage.cpp:153
 #, c-format
 #, fuzzy, c-format
 msgid "Stop running tasks when exiting the %s"
 msgstr "הפסק להריץ משימות כאשר יוצאים מ-%s"
-#: DlgExitMessage.cpp:165
+#: clientgui/DlgExitMessage.cpp:165
 msgid "Remember this decision and do not show this dialog."
 msgstr "זכור אפשרות זו ואל תציג חלון זה."
-#: DlgExitMessage.cpp:178 DlgGenericMessage.cpp:125 DlgOptions.cpp:401
-#: DlgSelectComputer.cpp:168 wizardex.cpp:378
+#: clientgui/DlgExitMessage.cpp:178
+#: clientgui/DlgGenericMessage.cpp:125
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:404
+#: clientgui/DlgSelectComputer.cpp:168
 msgid "&Cancel"
 msgstr "&ביטול"
-#: DlgGenericMessage.cpp:112
+#: clientgui/DlgGenericMessage.cpp:112
 msgid "Don't show this dialog again."
 msgstr "אל תציג חלון זה שוב."
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:168 DlgItemProperties.cpp:171
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:174 DlgItemProperties.cpp:177
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:194
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:197
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:200
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:203
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Don't fetch tasks for "
 msgstr "אל תקבל משימות למעבד"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:168
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:194
 msgid "Project preference"
 msgstr "העדפת פרוייקט"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:171
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:197
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Account manager preference"
 msgstr "אתר מנהל חשבונות"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:174
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:200
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Project has no apps for "
 msgstr "אתרי הפרוייקט"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:177
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:203
 msgid "Client configuration excludes "
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:181
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:207
 #, fuzzy
 msgid " work fetch deferred for"
 msgstr "קבלת עבודה למעבד נדחתה למשך"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:182
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:208
 #, fuzzy
 msgid " work fetch deferral interval"
 msgstr "משך זמן ההמתנה לקבלת עבודה למעבד"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:213
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:239
 msgid "Properties of project "
 msgstr "מאפייני פרוייקט"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:217 DlgOptions.cpp:218
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:243
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:221
 msgid "General"
 msgstr "כללי"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:218
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:244
 msgid "Master URL"
 msgstr "כתובת אתר ראשית"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:219
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:245
 msgid "User name"
 msgstr "שם משתמש"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:220
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:246
 msgid "Team name"
 msgstr "שם הקבוצה"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:221 ViewProjects.cpp:224
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:247
 msgid "Resource share"
 msgstr "שתוף משאבים"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:223
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:249
 msgid "Scheduler RPC deferred for"
 msgstr "תזמון RPC נדחה ל-"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:226
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:252
 msgid "File downloads deferred for"
 msgstr "הורדת קבצים נדחתה ל-"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:229
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:255
 msgid "File uploads deferred for"
 msgstr "העלאת קבצים נדחתה ל-"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:232
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:258
 msgid "Computer ID"
 msgstr "זהות המחשב"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:234
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:260
 msgid "Non CPU intensive"
 msgstr "ללא דרישת מעבד"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:234 DlgItemProperties.cpp:236
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:237 DlgItemProperties.cpp:239
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:242 DlgItemProperties.cpp:251
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:254 DlgItemProperties.cpp:257
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:260
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:262
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:263
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:265
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:268
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:277
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:280
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:283
 msgid "yes"
 msgstr "כן"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:236
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:262
 msgid "Suspended via GUI"
 msgstr "הושהה בעזרת הממשק הגרפי"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:236 DlgItemProperties.cpp:237
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:262
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:263
 msgid "no"
 msgstr "לא"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:237
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:263
 msgid "Don't request more work"
 msgstr "אל תבקש עוד עבודה"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:239
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:265
 msgid "Scheduler call in progress"
 msgstr "מתבצעת פנייה למתזמן"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:242
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:268
 msgid "Trickle-up pending"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:245 DlgItemProperties.cpp:247
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:271
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:273
 msgid "Host location"
 msgstr "מיקום המחשב"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:247
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:273
 msgid "default"
 msgstr "ברירת מחדל"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:251
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:277
 msgid "Added via account manager"
 msgstr "התווסף באמצעות מנהל חשבונות"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:254
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:280
 msgid "Remove when tasks done"
 msgstr "הסר כאשר משימות הושלמו"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:257
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:283
 msgid "Ended"
 msgstr "נגמר"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:259
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:285
+msgid "Tasks completed"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:286
+msgid "Tasks failed"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:288
 msgid "Credit"
 msgstr "ניקוד"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:260
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:289
 msgid "User"
 msgstr "משתמש"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:267
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:296
 msgid "Host"
 msgstr "מחשב"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:276
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:305
 msgid "Scheduling"
 msgstr "תזמון"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:277
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:306
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Scheduling priority"
 msgstr "עדיפות תזמון"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:278
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:307
 msgid "CPU"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:302
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:331
 msgid "Duration correction factor"
 msgstr "גורם תיקון הזמן"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:316
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:345
 msgid "Properties of task "
 msgstr "מאפייני משימה"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:328 ViewWork.cpp:238
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:357
 msgid "Application"
 msgstr "יישום"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:329 ViewWork.cpp:239
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:358
 msgid "Name"
 msgstr "שם"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:330
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:359
 msgid "State"
 msgstr "מצב"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:333
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:362
 msgid "Received"
 msgstr "התקבל"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:336
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:365
 msgid "Report deadline"
 msgstr "מועד אחרון לדיווח"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:338
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:367
 msgid "Resources"
 msgstr "משאבים"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:341
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:370
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Estimated computation size"
 msgstr "נפח חישוב משוער"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:344
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:373
 msgid "CPU time at last checkpoint"
 msgstr "זמן מעבד בנקודת ביקורת אחרונה"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:345 DlgItemProperties.cpp:360
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:374
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:389
 msgid "CPU time"
 msgstr "זמן מעבד"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:347 DlgItemProperties.cpp:361
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:376
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:390
 msgid "Elapsed time"
 msgstr "זמן שחלף"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:349
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:378
 msgid "Estimated time remaining"
 msgstr "זמן משוער שנשאר"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:350
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:379
 msgid "Fraction done"
 msgstr "החלק שהושלם"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:351
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:380
 msgid "Virtual memory size"
 msgstr "גודל זיכרון וירטואלי"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:352
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:381
 msgid "Working set size"
 msgstr "גודל שטח עבודה"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:354
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:383
 msgid "Directory"
 msgstr "תיקייה"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:357
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:386
 msgid "Process ID"
 msgstr "זהות יישום"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:427 ViewWork.cpp:1032 sg_TaskPanel.cpp:823
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:456
 msgid "Local: "
 msgstr "מקומי:"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:129 DlgOptions.cpp:135
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:129
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:135
 msgid "Options"
 msgstr "אפשרויות"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:175
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:178
 msgid "Language:"
 msgstr "שפה:"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:182
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:185
 msgid "What language should BOINC use?"
 msgstr "באיזו שפה על BOINC להשתמש?"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:186
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:189
 msgid "Notice reminder interval:"
 msgstr "מרווח התזכורות להתראות:"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:193
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:196
 msgid "How often should BOINC remind you of new notices?"
 msgstr "באיזו תכיפות על BOINC להזכיר שיש התראות חדשות?"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:198
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:201
 msgid "Run Manager at login?"
 msgstr "להפעיל את המנהל בעת הפעלת המחשב?"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:204
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:207
 msgid "Run the BOINC Manager when you log on."
 msgstr "הרץ את BOINC Manager כאשר אתה מתחבר."
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:209
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:212
 msgid "Enable Manager exit dialog?"
 msgstr "לאפשר חלון יציאה מהמנהל?"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:215
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:218
 msgid "Display the exit dialog when shutting down the Manager."
 msgstr "מציג את חלון היציאה כאשר מכבים את המנהל."
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:226
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:229
 msgid "Dial-up and Virtual Private Network settings"
 msgstr "הגדרות חייגן ורשת וירטואלית פרטית"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:240
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:243
 msgid "&Set Default"
 msgstr "&הגדר ברירת מחדל"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:245
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:248
 msgid "&Clear Default"
 msgstr "&מחק ברירת מחדל"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:252
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:255
 msgid "Default Connection:"
 msgstr "חיבור ברירת מחדל:"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:259
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:262
 msgid "Connections"
 msgstr "חיבורים"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:268
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:271
 msgid "Connect via HTTP proxy server"
 msgstr "התחבר באמצעות שרת פרוקסי מסוג HTTP"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:272
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:275
 msgid "HTTP Proxy Server Configuration"
 msgstr "תצורת שרת פרוקסי מסוג HTTP"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:280 DlgOptions.cpp:344
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:283
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:347
 msgid "Address:"
 msgstr "כתובת:"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:288 DlgOptions.cpp:352 ProxyPage.cpp:340 ProxyPage.cpp:360
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:291
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:355
 msgid "Port:"
 msgstr "פורט:"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:296 DlgOptions.cpp:360
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:299
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:363
 msgid "Don't use proxy for:"
 msgstr "אל תמשתש בפרוקסי עבור:"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:303 DlgOptions.cpp:367
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:306
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:370
 msgid "Leave these blank if not needed"
 msgstr "השאר ריק במידה ולא נחוץ"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:309 DlgOptions.cpp:373 ProxyPage.cpp:343 ProxyPage.cpp:363
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:312
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:376
 msgid "User Name:"
 msgstr "שם משתמש"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:317 DlgOptions.cpp:381 DlgSelectComputer.cpp:152
-#: ProxyPage.cpp:346 ProxyPage.cpp:366
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:320
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:384
+#: clientgui/DlgSelectComputer.cpp:152
 msgid "Password:"
 msgstr "סיסמה:"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:324
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:327
 msgid "HTTP Proxy"
 msgstr "שרת פרוקסי מסוג HTTP"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:332
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:335
 msgid "Connect via SOCKS proxy server"
 msgstr "התחבר באמצעות שרת פרוקסי מסוג SOCKS"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:336
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:339
 msgid "SOCKS Proxy Server Configuration"
 msgstr "תצורת שרת פרוקסי SOCKS"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:388
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:391
 msgid "SOCKS Proxy"
 msgstr "שרת פרוקסי מסוג SOCKS"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:586
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:589
 msgid "always"
 msgstr "תמיד"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:587
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:590
 msgid "1 hour"
 msgstr "שעה אחת"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:588
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:591
 msgid "6 hours"
 msgstr "6 שעות"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:589
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:592
 msgid "1 day"
 msgstr "יום אחד"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:590
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:593
 msgid "1 week"
 msgstr "שבוע אחד"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:591
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:594
 msgid "never"
 msgstr "אף פעם"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:688
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:691
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - Language Selection"
 msgstr "%s - בחירת שפה"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:695
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:698
 #, c-format
 #, fuzzy, c-format
-msgid ""
-"The %s's language has been changed.  In order for this change to take "
-"effect, you must restart the %s."
+msgid "The %s's language has been changed.  In order for this change to take effect, you must restart the %s."
 msgstr ""
 "שפת ברירת המחדל של %s שונתה, על מנת ששינוי זה יכנס לתוקף עליך לאתחל את %s."
-#: DlgSelectComputer.cpp:91
+#: clientgui/DlgSelectComputer.cpp:91
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - Select Computer"
 msgstr "%s - בחר מחשב"
-#: DlgSelectComputer.cpp:125
+#: clientgui/DlgSelectComputer.cpp:125
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "Another instance of %s is already running \n"
@@ -2087,419 +2172,420 @@ msgstr ""
 "עותק אחר של %s כבר רץ על מחשב זה.\n"
 "בחר קליינט לניתור."
-#: DlgSelectComputer.cpp:143
+#: clientgui/DlgSelectComputer.cpp:143
 msgid "Host name:"
 msgstr "שם המחשב:"
-#: Localization.cpp:31 Localization.cpp:69
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:31
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:69
 msgid "Message boards"
 msgstr "לוחות הודעות"
-#: Localization.cpp:33
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:33
 msgid "Correspond with other users on the SETI at home message boards"
 msgstr "התכתב עם משתמשים אחרים על גבי לוחות ההודעות של SETI at home"
-#: Localization.cpp:37
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:37
 msgid "Ask questions and report problems"
 msgstr "שאל שאלות ודווח על תקלות"
-#: Localization.cpp:39 Localization.cpp:81 Localization.cpp:111
-#: Localization.cpp:129
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:39
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:81
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:111
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:129
 msgid "Your account"
 msgstr "החשבון שלך"
-#: Localization.cpp:41 Localization.cpp:87 Localization.cpp:113
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:41
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:87
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:113
 msgid "View your account information and credit totals"
 msgstr "הצג מידע על החשבון שלך וסיכום נקודות"
-#: Localization.cpp:43
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:43
 msgid "Your preferences"
 msgstr "ההעדפות שלך"
-#: Localization.cpp:45
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:45
 msgid "View and modify your SETI at home account profile and preferences"
 msgstr "מראה ומשנה את פרופיל החשבון והעדפות שלך ב-SETI at home"
-#: Localization.cpp:47 Localization.cpp:89
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:47
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:89
 msgid "Your results"
 msgstr "התוצאות שלך"
-#: Localization.cpp:49 Localization.cpp:91
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:49
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:91
 msgid "View your last week (or more) of computational results and work"
 msgstr "הצג את התוצאות החישוב  והעבודה שלך מהשבוע שעבר (או יותר)"
-#: Localization.cpp:51 Localization.cpp:93
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:51
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:93
 msgid "Your computers"
 msgstr "המחשבים שלך"
-#: Localization.cpp:53
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:53
 msgid "View a listing of all the computers on which you are running SETI at Home"
 msgstr "הצג רשימה של כל המחשבים שמריצים את SETI at home"
-#: Localization.cpp:55 Localization.cpp:97
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:55
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:97
 msgid "Your team"
 msgstr "הקבוצה שלך"
-#: Localization.cpp:57 Localization.cpp:99
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:57
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:99
 msgid "View information about your team"
 msgstr "הצג מידע אודות הקבוצה שלך"
-#: Localization.cpp:61
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:61
 msgid "Common questions"
 msgstr "שאלות נפוצות"
-#: Localization.cpp:63
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:63
 msgid "Read the Einstein at Home Frequently Asked Question list"
 msgstr "קרא את רשימת השאלות הנפוצות של Einstein at Home"
-#: Localization.cpp:65
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:65
 msgid "Screensaver info"
 msgstr "מידע על השומר מסך"
-#: Localization.cpp:67
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:67
 msgid "Read a detailed description of the Einstein at Home screensaver"
 msgstr "קרא תאור מפורט אודות שומר המסך של Einstein at Home"
-#: Localization.cpp:71
-msgid ""
-"Correspond with admins and other users on the Einstein at Home message boards"
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:71
+msgid "Correspond with admins and other users on the Einstein at Home message boards"
 msgstr "התכתב עם מנהלים ומשתמשים אחרים על גבי לוחות ההודעות של Einstein at home"
-#: Localization.cpp:73
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:73
 msgid "Einstein status"
 msgstr "מצב Einstein"
-#: Localization.cpp:75
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:75
 msgid "Current status of the Einstein at Home server"
 msgstr "המצב הנוכחי של שרת ה-Einstein at Home"
-#: Localization.cpp:77
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:77
 msgid "Report problems"
 msgstr "דווח על תקלות"
-#: Localization.cpp:79
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:79
 msgid "A link to the Einstein at Home problems and bug reports message board"
 msgstr "קישור ללוח ההודעות על דיווחי שגיאות ותקלות של  Einstein at Home"
-#: Localization.cpp:83
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:83
 msgid "View and modify your Einstein at Home account profile and preferences"
 msgstr "הצג ושנה את פרופיל החשבון והעדפות שלך ב-Einstein at Home"
-#: Localization.cpp:85
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:85
 msgid "Account summary"
 msgstr "סיכום החשבון"
-#: Localization.cpp:95
-msgid ""
-"View a listing of all the computers on which you are running Einstein at Home"
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:95
+msgid "View a listing of all the computers on which you are running Einstein at Home"
 msgstr "הצג את כל המחשבים שמריצים את Einstein at Home"
-#: Localization.cpp:101
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:101
 msgid "LIGO project"
 msgstr "פרוייקט LIGO"
-#: Localization.cpp:103
-msgid ""
-"The home page of the Laser Interferometer Gravitational-wave Observatory "
-"(LIGO) project"
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:103
+msgid "The home page of the Laser Interferometer Gravitational-wave Observatory (LIGO) project"
 msgstr ""
 "עמוד הבית של פרוייקט ה-Laser Interferometer Gravitational-wave Observatory "
-#: Localization.cpp:105
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:105
 msgid "GEO-600 project"
 msgstr "פרוייקט GEO-600"
-#: Localization.cpp:107
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:107
 msgid "The home page of the GEO-600 project"
 msgstr "עמוד הבית של פרוייקט ה-GEO-600"
-#: Localization.cpp:115 Localization.cpp:133 ViewProjects.cpp:221
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:465
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:115
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:133
 msgid "Team"
 msgstr "קבוצה"
-#: Localization.cpp:117
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:117
 msgid "Info about your Team"
 msgstr "מידע אודות הקבוצה שלך"
-#: Localization.cpp:123
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:123
 msgid "Get help for climateprediction.net"
 msgstr "קבל עזרה מ-climateprediction.net"
-#: Localization.cpp:125
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:125
 msgid "News"
 msgstr "חדשות"
-#: Localization.cpp:127
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:127
 msgid "climateprediction.net News"
 msgstr "חדשות climateprediction.net"
-#: Localization.cpp:131
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:131
 msgid "View your account information, credits, and trickles"
 msgstr "צפה בפרטי החשבון שלך, נקודות זכות וחלקי מידע"
-#: Localization.cpp:135
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:135
 msgid "Info about your team"
 msgstr "מידע אודות הקבוצה שלך"
-#: Localization.cpp:141
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:141
 msgid "Search for help in our help system"
 msgstr "חפש עזרה במערכת העזרה שלנו"
-#: Localization.cpp:143
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:143
 msgid "Global Statistics"
 msgstr "סטטיסטיקות גלובליות"
-#: Localization.cpp:145
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:145
 msgid "Summary statistics for World Community Grid"
 msgstr "סטטיסטיקות מתומצתות על World Community Grid"
-#: Localization.cpp:147
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:147
 msgid "My Grid"
 msgstr "ה-Grid שלי"
-#: Localization.cpp:149
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:149
 msgid "Your statistics and settings"
 msgstr "הסטטיסטיקות והגדרות שלך"
-#: Localization.cpp:151
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:151
 msgid "Device Profiles"
 msgstr "פרופילי התקנים"
-#: Localization.cpp:153
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:153
 msgid "Update your device settings"
 msgstr "עדכן את הגדרות ההתקנים שלך"
-#: Localization.cpp:155
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:155
 msgid "Research"
 msgstr "מחקר"
-#: Localization.cpp:157
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:157
 msgid "Learn about the projects hosted at World Community Grid"
 msgstr "למד אודות הפרוייקטים של World Community Grid"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:583
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:583
 msgid "Starting client"
 msgstr "מפעיל קליינט"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:591
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:591
 msgid "Connecting to client"
 msgstr "מתחבר לקליינט"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:1195
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:1205
 msgid "Retrieving system state; please wait..."
 msgstr "מאחזר את מצב המערכת; אנא המתן..."
-#: MainDocument.cpp:1816
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:1826
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Missing application"
 msgstr "אפליקציות מיוחדות"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:1817
-msgid ""
-"Please download and install the CoRD application from http://cord."
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:1827
+msgid "Please download and install the CoRD application from http://cord.sourceforge.net"
 msgstr ""
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2432
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2442
 msgid "on batteries"
 msgstr "פועל על סוללות"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2433
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2443
 msgid "computer is in use"
 msgstr "המחשב בשימוש"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2434
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2444
 msgid "user request"
 msgstr "בקשת משתמש"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2435
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2445
 msgid "time of day"
 msgstr "זמן של היום"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2436
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2446
 msgid "CPU benchmarks in progress"
 msgstr "הערכת ביצועי מעבד מתבצעת"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2437
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2447
 msgid "need disk space - check preferences"
 msgstr "יש צורך בשטח דיסק - בדוק העדפות"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2438
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2448
 msgid "computer is not in use"
 msgstr "המחשב אינו בשימוש"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2439
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2449
 msgid "starting up"
 msgstr "מתחיל"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2440
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2450
 msgid "an exclusive app is running"
 msgstr "יישום יחודי רץ כרגע"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2441
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2451
 msgid "CPU is busy"
 msgstr "מעבד תפוס"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2442
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2452
 msgid "network bandwidth limit exceeded"
 msgstr "חריגה מהגבלת רוחב הפס של הרשת"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2443
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2453
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "requested by operating system"
 msgstr "נתבקש על ידי מערכת ההפעלה"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2445
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2455
 msgid "unknown reason"
 msgstr "סיבה לא ידועה"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2467
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2477
 msgid "GPU missing, "
 msgstr "מעבד גרפי חסר."
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2474
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2484
 msgid "New"
 msgstr "חדש"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2478
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2488
 msgid "Download failed"
 msgstr "הורדה נכשלה"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2480
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2490
 msgid "Downloading"
 msgstr "מוריד"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2482 MainDocument.cpp:2552
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2492
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2557
 msgid " (suspended - "
 msgstr "(מושהה - "
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2490
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2500
 msgid "Project suspended by user"
 msgstr "פרוייקט הושהה על ידי המשתמש"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2492
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2502
 msgid "Task suspended by user"
 msgstr "משימה הושתה על ידי המשתמש"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2494
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2504
 msgid "Suspended - "
 msgstr "מושהה -"
 # 75%
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2500
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2510
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "GPU suspended - "
 msgstr "(מושהה - "
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2507
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2517
 msgid "Waiting for memory"
 msgstr "ממתין לזיכרון"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2509
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2519
 msgid "Waiting for shared memory"
 msgstr "ממתין לזיכרון משותף"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2512
-msgid "Running, high priority"
-msgstr "רץ, עדיפות גבוהה"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2514
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2521
 msgid "Running"
 msgstr "רץ"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2517
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2523
 msgid " (non-CPU-intensive)"
 msgstr "(ללא דרישת מעבד)"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2520
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2526
 msgid "Waiting to run"
 msgstr "ממתין להרצה"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2522 MainDocument.cpp:2528
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2528
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2534
 msgid "Ready to start"
 msgstr "מוכן להתחיל"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2532
-msgid " (Scheduler wait: "
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2538
+msgid "Postponed: "
 msgstr ""
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2536
-msgid " (Scheduler wait)"
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2541
+msgid "Postponed"
 msgstr ""
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2540
-#, fuzzy
-msgid " (Waiting for network access)"
-msgstr "ממתין לזיכרון"
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2545
+msgid "Waiting for network access"
+msgstr ""
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2544
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2549
 msgid "Computation error"
 msgstr "שגיאת עיבוד"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2548
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2553
 msgid "Upload failed"
 msgstr "העלאה נכשלה"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2550
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2555
 msgid "Uploading"
 msgstr "מעלה"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2561
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2566
 msgid "Aborted by user"
 msgstr "בוטל על ידי המשתמש"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2564
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2569
 msgid "Aborted by project"
 msgstr "בוטל על ידי הפרוייקט"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2567
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2572
 msgid "Aborted: not started by deadline"
 msgstr "בוטל: לא התחיל לפני התאריך האחרון לביצוע"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2570
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2575
 msgid "Aborted: disk limit exceeded"
 msgstr ""
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2573
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2578
 msgid "Aborted: run time limit exceeded"
 msgstr ""
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2576
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2581
 msgid "Aborted: memory limit exceeded"
 msgstr ""
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2579
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2584
 msgid "Aborted"
 msgstr "בוטל"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2584
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2589
 msgid "Acknowledged"
 msgstr "אושר"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2586
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2591
 msgid "Ready to report"
 msgstr "מוכן לדיווח"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2588
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2593
 #, c-format
 msgid "Error: invalid state '%d'"
 msgstr "שגיאה: מצב לא חוקי '%d'"
-#: NoInternetConnectionPage.cpp:179
+#: clientgui/NoInternetConnectionPage.cpp:179
 msgid "No Internet connection"
 msgstr "אין חיבור לאינטרנט"
-#: NoInternetConnectionPage.cpp:182
+#: clientgui/NoInternetConnectionPage.cpp:182
 msgid "Please connect to the Internet and try again."
 msgstr "אנא התחבר לאינטרנט ונסה שוב."
-#: NotDetectedPage.cpp:181
+#: clientgui/NotDetectedPage.cpp:181
 msgid "Project not found"
 msgstr "הפרוייקט לא נמצא"
-#: NotDetectedPage.cpp:184
+#: clientgui/NotDetectedPage.cpp:184
 msgid ""
 "The URL you supplied is not that of a BOINC-based project.\n"
@@ -2509,11 +2595,11 @@ msgstr ""
 "אנא בדוק את הכתובת ונסה שוב."
-#: NotDetectedPage.cpp:188
+#: clientgui/NotDetectedPage.cpp:188
 msgid "Account manager not found"
 msgstr "מנהל חשבונות לא נמצא"
-#: NotDetectedPage.cpp:191
+#: clientgui/NotDetectedPage.cpp:191
 msgid ""
 "The URL you supplied is not that of a BOINC-based account\n"
@@ -2524,92 +2610,93 @@ msgstr ""
 "אנא בדוק את הכתובת ונסה שוב."
-#: NotFoundPage.cpp:181
+#: clientgui/NotFoundPage.cpp:181
 msgid "Login Failed."
 msgstr "התחברות נכשלה."
-#: NotFoundPage.cpp:185
+#: clientgui/NotFoundPage.cpp:185
 msgid "Check the username and password, and try again."
 msgstr "בדוק את שם המשתמש והסיסמה, ונסה שוב."
-#: NotFoundPage.cpp:189
+#: clientgui/NotFoundPage.cpp:189
 msgid "Check the email address and password, and try again."
 msgstr "בדוק את כתובת הדוא\"ל והסיסמה, ונסה שוב."
-#: NoticeListCtrl.cpp:222
+#: clientgui/NoticeListCtrl.cpp:229
 msgid "more..."
 msgstr "עוד..."
-#: ProjectInfoPage.cpp:477 ProjectInfoPage.cpp:778 ProjectInfoPage.cpp:782
-msgid "All"
-msgstr "הכל"
-#: ProjectInfoPage.cpp:615
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:221
 msgid "Choose a project"
 msgstr "בחר פרוייקט"
-#: ProjectInfoPage.cpp:619
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:228
 msgid "To choose a project, click its name or type its URL below."
 msgstr "כדי לבחור פרוייקט, לחץ על השם שלו או רשום את כתובת האינטרנט שלו למטה."
-#: ProjectInfoPage.cpp:623
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:246
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Categories:"
 msgstr "קטגוריות:"
-#: ProjectInfoPage.cpp:627 sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:89
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:267
 msgid "Projects:"
 msgstr "פרוייקטים:"
-#: ProjectInfoPage.cpp:631
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:279
 msgid "Project details"
 msgstr "פרטי הפרוייקט"
-#: ProjectInfoPage.cpp:635
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:291
 msgid "Research area:"
 msgstr ""
-#: ProjectInfoPage.cpp:639
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:302
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Organization:"
 msgstr "אירגון:"
-#: ProjectInfoPage.cpp:643
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:313
 msgid "Web site:"
 msgstr "אתר אינטרנט:"
-#: ProjectInfoPage.cpp:647
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:325
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Supported systems:"
 msgstr "מערכות נתמכות:"
-#: ProjectInfoPage.cpp:651
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:363
 msgid "Project URL:"
 msgstr "כתובת האינטרנט של הפרוייקט:"
-#: ProjectInfoPage.cpp:826
-msgid ""
-"This project may not have work for your type of computer.  Do you want to "
-"add it anyway?"
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:499
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:754
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:758
+msgid "All"
+msgstr "הכל"
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:802
+msgid "This project may not have work for your type of computer.  Do you want to add it anyway?"
 msgstr "ייתכן ולפרוייקט זה אין עבודה לסוג המחשב שלך. האם תרצה להוסיפו בכל זאת?"
-#: ProjectInfoPage.cpp:850
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:826
 msgid "You already added this project. Please choose a different project."
 msgstr "כבר הוספת פרוייקט זה. אנא בחר פרוייקט אחר."
-#: ProjectProcessingPage.cpp:321
+#: clientgui/ProjectProcessingPage.cpp:321
 msgid "Communicating with project."
 msgstr "מתקשר עם הפרוייקט."
-#: ProjectProcessingPage.cpp:509
+#: clientgui/ProjectProcessingPage.cpp:510
 msgid "Required files not found on the server."
 msgstr "קבצים דרושים לא נמצאו על השרת."
-#: ProjectProcessingPage.cpp:512 ProjectProcessingPage.cpp:574
+#: clientgui/ProjectProcessingPage.cpp:513
+#: clientgui/ProjectProcessingPage.cpp:586
 msgid "An internal server error has occurred."
 msgstr "התרחשה שגיאת שרת פנימית."
-#: ProjectPropertiesPage.cpp:334
+#: clientgui/ProjectPropertiesPage.cpp:334
 msgid ""
 "Communicating with project\n"
 "Please wait..."
@@ -2617,11 +2704,48 @@ msgstr ""
 "מתקשר עם הפרוייקט\n"
 "אנא המתן..."
-#: ProxyInfoPage.cpp:195
+#: clientgui/ProjectWelcomePage.cpp:251
+#, c-format
+msgid "Welcome to %s."
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ProjectWelcomePage.cpp:254
+msgid "You have volunteered to compute for this project:"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ProjectWelcomePage.cpp:255
+msgid "Name:"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ProjectWelcomePage.cpp:258
+msgid "Home:"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ProjectWelcomePage.cpp:262
+msgid "Description:"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ProjectWelcomePage.cpp:265
+msgid "URL:"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ProjectWelcomePage.cpp:268
+msgid "User:"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ProjectWelcomePage.cpp:273
+msgid "WARNING: This project is not registered with BOINC.  Make sure you trust it before continuing."
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ProjectWelcomePage.cpp:277
+msgid "To continue, click Next."
+msgstr "כדי להמשיך, לחץ 'הבא'."
+#: clientgui/ProxyInfoPage.cpp:195
 msgid "Network communication failure"
 msgstr "תקשורת לרשת נכשלה"
-#: ProxyInfoPage.cpp:199
+#: clientgui/ProxyInfoPage.cpp:199
 msgid ""
 "The World Community Grid - BOINC software failed to communicate\n"
 "over the Internet. The most likely reasons are:\n"
@@ -2651,7 +2775,7 @@ msgstr ""
 "3) אתה משתמש בשרת פרוקסי.\n"
 "לחץ 'הבא' כדי להגדיר את הגדרות הפרוקסי של BOINC."
-#: ProxyInfoPage.cpp:203
+#: clientgui/ProxyInfoPage.cpp:203
 msgid ""
 "BOINC failed to communicate on the Internet.\n"
 "The most likely reasons are:\n"
@@ -2681,1263 +2805,1348 @@ msgstr ""
 "3) אתה משתמש בשרת פרוקסי.\n"
 "לחץ 'הבא' כדי להגדיר את הגדרות הפרוקסי של BOINC."
-#: ProxyPage.cpp:331
+#: clientgui/ProxyPage.cpp:331
 msgid "Proxy configuration"
 msgstr "תצורת פרוקסי"
-#: ProxyPage.cpp:334
+#: clientgui/ProxyPage.cpp:334
 msgid "HTTP proxy"
 msgstr "שרת פרוקסי מסוג HTTP"
-#: ProxyPage.cpp:337 ProxyPage.cpp:357
+#: clientgui/ProxyPage.cpp:337
+#: clientgui/ProxyPage.cpp:357
 msgid "Server:"
 msgstr "שרת:"
-#: ProxyPage.cpp:350
+#: clientgui/ProxyPage.cpp:350
 msgid "Autodetect"
 msgstr "זיהוי אוטומטי"
-#: ProxyPage.cpp:354
+#: clientgui/ProxyPage.cpp:354
 msgid "SOCKS proxy"
 msgstr "שרת פרוקסי מסוג SOCKS"
-#: TermsOfUsePage.cpp:218
-msgid "Terms of Use"
-msgstr "תנאי השימוש"
+#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:167
+msgid "Advanced View...\tCtrl+Shift+A"
+msgstr "תצוגה מתקדמת...\tCtrl+Shift+A"
-#: TermsOfUsePage.cpp:222
-msgid "Please read the following terms of use:"
-msgstr "אנא קרא את תנאי השימוש הבאים:"
+#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:168
+msgid "Display the advanced graphical interface."
+msgstr "הצג ממשק גרפי מתקדם."
-#: TermsOfUsePage.cpp:231
-msgid "I agree to the terms of use."
-msgstr "אני מסכים לתנאי השימוש."
+#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:175
+msgid "Skin"
+msgstr "מראה"
-#: TermsOfUsePage.cpp:237
-msgid "I do not agree to the terms of use."
-msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:177
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Select the appearance of the user interface."
+msgstr "בחר את המראה של ממשק המשתמש."
-#: UnavailablePage.cpp:183
-msgid "Project temporarily unavailable"
-msgstr "זמנית הפרוייקט לא זמין"
+#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:224
+#, c-format
+msgid "&%s"
+msgstr "&%s"
-#: UnavailablePage.cpp:186
-msgid ""
-"The project is temporarily unavailable.\n"
-"Please try again later."
-msgstr ""
-"זמנית הפרוייקט אינו זמין.\n"
-"אנא נסה במועד מאוחר יותר."
+#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:405
+msgid "Default"
+msgstr "ברירת מחדל"
-#: UnavailablePage.cpp:190
-msgid "Account manager temporarily unavailable"
-msgstr "זמנית מנהל החשבונות אינו זמין"
+#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:848
+msgid "Suspend"
+msgstr "השהה"
-#: UnavailablePage.cpp:193
-msgid ""
-"The account manager is temporarily unavailable.\n"
-"Please try again later."
-msgstr ""
-"זמנית מנהל החשבונות אינו זמין.\n"
-"אנא נסה במועד באוחר יותר."
+#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:850
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Suspend Computing"
+msgstr "השהה חישובים"
-#: ValidateAccountKey.cpp:68
-msgid "Please specify an account key to continue."
-msgstr "אנא הזן קוד חשבון כדי להמשיך."
+#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:851
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Resume Computing"
+msgstr "המשך חישובים"
-#: ValidateAccountKey.cpp:71
-msgid "Invalid Account Key; please enter a valid Account Key"
-msgstr "קוד חשבון לא נכון; אנא הזן קוד חשבון תקף"
+#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:867
+msgid "Notices"
+msgstr "התראות"
-#: ValidateAccountKey.cpp:82 ValidateEmailAddress.cpp:86
-msgid "Validation conflict"
-msgstr "סתירת אימות"
+#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:868
+msgid "Open a window to view notices from projects or BOINC"
+msgstr "פתח חלון לצפיה בהתראות מהפרוייקטים או מ-BOINC"
-#: ValidateEmailAddress.cpp:72
-msgid "Please specify an email address"
-msgstr "אנא הזן כתובת דוא\"ל"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgMessages.cpp:124
+msgid "Fetching notices; please wait..."
+msgstr ""
-#: ValidateEmailAddress.cpp:75
-msgid "Invalid email address; please enter a valid email address"
-msgstr "כתובת דוא\"ל לא חוקית; אנא הזן כתובת דוא\"ל חוקית"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgMessages.cpp:132
+msgid "There are no notices at this time."
+msgstr "אין התראות להציג בשלב זה."
-#: ValidateURL.cpp:69
-msgid "Missing URL"
-msgstr "כתובת אינטרנט חסרה"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgMessages.cpp:146
+msgid "Close"
+msgstr "&סגור"
-#: ValidateURL.cpp:70
-msgid ""
-"Please specify a URL.\n"
-"For example:\n"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgMessages.cpp:394
+#, c-format
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "%s - Notices"
+msgstr "%s - התראות"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:270
+msgid "This dialog controls preferences for this computer only."
 msgstr ""
-"אנא הזן כתובת אתר.\n"
-#: ValidateURL.cpp:83 ValidateURL.cpp:87 ValidateURL.cpp:91
-#: ValidateURL.cpp:103 ValidateURL.cpp:107 ValidateURL.cpp:110
-msgid "Invalid URL"
-msgstr "כתובת אתר לא חוקית"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:275
+msgid "Click OK to set preferences."
+msgstr ""
-#: ValidateURL.cpp:84 ValidateURL.cpp:88 ValidateURL.cpp:92
-msgid ""
-"Please specify a valid URL.\n"
-"For example:\n"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:280
+msgid "Click Clear to restore web-based settings for all preferences listed below."
 msgstr ""
-"אנא הזן כתובת אתר חוקית.\n"
-#: ValidateURL.cpp:104 ValidateURL.cpp:108
-#, c-format
-msgid "'%s' does not contain a valid host name."
-msgstr "'%s אינו מכיל שם מחשב תקף."
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:287
+msgid "For additional settings, select Computing Preferences in the Advanced View."
+msgstr ""
-#: ValidateURL.cpp:111
-#, c-format
-msgid "'%s' does not contain a valid path."
-msgstr "'%s' אינו מכיל נתיב תקף."
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:315
+msgid "Do work only between:"
+msgstr "תעבוד רק בין:"
-#: ViewMessages.cpp:84 ViewProjects.cpp:170 ViewStatistics.cpp:1978
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:160 ViewWork.cpp:183
-msgid "Commands"
-msgstr "פקודות"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:337
+msgid "Connect to internet only between:"
+msgstr "התחבר לאינטרנט רק בין:"
-#: ViewMessages.cpp:88
-msgid "Copy all messages"
-msgstr "העתק את כל ההודעות"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:359
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:376
+msgid "Use no more than:"
+msgstr "השתמש לכל היותר ב-"
-#: ViewMessages.cpp:95
-msgid "Copy selected messages"
-msgstr "העתק הודעות נבחרות"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:372
+msgid "of disk space"
+msgstr "מתוך שטח הדיסק"
-#: ViewMessages.cpp:106 ViewMessages.cpp:502
-msgid "Show only this project"
-msgstr "הצג פרוייקט זה בלבד"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:389
+msgid "of the processor"
+msgstr "של המעבד"
-#: ViewMessages.cpp:107 ViewMessages.cpp:503
-msgid "Show only the messages for the selected project."
-msgstr "הצג את ההודעות הקשורות לפרוייקט הנבחר בלבד."
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:393
+msgid "Do work while on battery?"
+msgstr "האם לבצע חישובים בזמן עבודה על סוללות?"
-#: ViewMessages.cpp:164
-msgid "Messages"
-msgstr "הודעות"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:406
+msgid "Do work after idle for:"
+msgstr "התחל לעבוד אחרי אי שימוש במחשב במשך:"
-#: ViewMessages.cpp:187
-msgid "Copying all messages to the clipboard..."
-msgstr "מעתיק את כל ההודעות ללוח..."
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:431
+msgid "Clear all local preferences listed above and close the dialog"
+msgstr ""
-#: ViewMessages.cpp:223
-msgid "Copying selected messages to the clipboard..."
-msgstr "מעתיק הודעות נבחרות ללוח..."
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:609
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:612
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:688
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:692
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:704
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:708
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:851
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:862
+msgid "Anytime"
+msgstr "תמיד"
-#: ViewMessages.cpp:286
-msgid "Filtering messages..."
-msgstr "מסנן הודעות..."
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:645
+msgid "100 MB"
+msgstr "100 MB"
-#: ViewMessages.cpp:494
-msgid "Show all messages"
-msgstr "הצג את כל ההודעות"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:646
+msgid "200 MB"
+msgstr "200 MB"
-#: ViewMessages.cpp:495
-msgid "Show messages for all projects."
-msgstr "הצג הודעות לכל הפרוייקטים."
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:647
+msgid "500 MB"
+msgstr "500 MB"
-#: ViewNotices.cpp:58 sg_DlgMessages.cpp:124
-msgid "Fetching notices; please wait..."
-msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:648
+msgid "1 GB"
+msgstr "1 GB"
-#: ViewNotices.cpp:65 sg_DlgMessages.cpp:132
-msgid "There are no notices at this time."
-msgstr "אין התראות להציג בשלב זה."
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:649
+msgid "2 GB"
+msgstr "2 GB"
-#: ViewNotices.cpp:99 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:776
-msgid "Notices"
-msgstr "התראות"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:650
+msgid "5 GB"
+msgstr "5 GB"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:651
+msgid "10 GB"
+msgstr "10 GB"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:652
+msgid "20 GB"
+msgstr "20 GB"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:653
+msgid "50 GB"
+msgstr "50 GB"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:654
+msgid "100 GB"
+msgstr "100 GB"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:724
+#, c-format
+msgid "%d MB"
+msgstr "%d MB"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:726
+#, c-format
+msgid "%4.2f GB"
+msgstr "%4.2f GB"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:767
+#, c-format
+msgid "%d%%"
+msgstr "%d%%"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:803
+msgid "0 (Run Always)"
+msgstr "0 (תריץ תמיד)"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:806
+#, c-format
+msgid "%d"
+msgstr "%d"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:953
+#, c-format
+msgid "%s - Computing Preferences"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:1033
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Do you really want to clear all local preferences?\n"
+msgstr "האם אתה בטוח שברצונך למחוק את כל ההעדפות המקומיות?"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:174 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:61
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:66
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:179
 msgid "Update"
 msgstr "עדכן"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:175 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:62
-msgid ""
-"Report all completed tasks, get latest credit, get latest preferences, and "
-"possibly get more tasks."
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:67
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:180
+msgid "Report all completed tasks, get latest credit, get latest preferences, and possibly get more tasks."
 msgstr ""
 "דווח את כל המשימות שהושלמו, קבל את הניקוד העדכני, קבל את ההעדפות המעודכנות "
 "וככל הנראה קבל עוד משימות. ."
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:181 ViewProjects.cpp:722 ViewWork.cpp:208 ViewWork.cpp:801
-#: sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:757 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:67
-#: sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:113 sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:66
-#: sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:106
-msgid "Suspend"
-msgstr "השהה"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:182 ViewProjects.cpp:722 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:68
-#: sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:114
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:73
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:129
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:187
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:727
 msgid "Suspend tasks for this project."
 msgstr "השהה משימות של פרוייקט זה."
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:188 ViewProjects.cpp:741 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:73
-#: sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:121
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:78
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:136
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:193
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:746
 msgid "No new tasks"
 msgstr "אין משימות חדשות"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:189 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:74
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:79
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:194
 msgid "Don't get new tasks for this project."
 msgstr "אל תקבל משימות חדשות לפרוייקט זה."
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:195 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:79
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:84
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:200
 msgid "Reset project"
 msgstr "אתחל פרוייקט"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:196 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:80
-msgid ""
-"Delete all files and tasks associated with this project, and get new tasks.  "
-"You can update the project first to report any completed tasks."
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:85
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:201
+msgid "Delete all files and tasks associated with this project, and get new tasks.  You can update the project first to report any completed tasks."
 msgstr ""
 "מחק את כל הקבצים והמשימות המשוייכים לפרוייקט זה וקבל חדשים. באפשרותך לעדכן "
 "קודם את הפרוייקט בכדי לדווח משימות שהושלמו."
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:203 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:86
-msgid ""
-"Remove this project.  Tasks in progress will be lost (use 'Update' first to "
-"report any completed tasks)."
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:91
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:208
+msgid "Remove this project.  Tasks in progress will be lost (use 'Update' first to report any completed tasks)."
 msgstr ""
 "הסר פרוייקט זה. משימות בפעולה יאבדו (תחילה השתמש ב'עדכן' על מנת לדווח משימות "
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:209 ViewWork.cpp:222 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:91
-#: sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:78
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:96
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:84
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:214
 msgid "Properties"
 msgstr "מאפיינים"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:210 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:92
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:97
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:215
 msgid "Show project details."
 msgstr "הצג פרטים על הפרוייקט."
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:220 ViewStatistics.cpp:450
-msgid "Account"
-msgstr "חשבון"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:222
-msgid "Work done"
-msgstr "עבודה שהסתיימה"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:223
-msgid "Avg. work done"
-msgstr "ממוצע העבודה שהסתיימה"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:225 ViewTransfers.cpp:188 ViewWork.cpp:234
-msgid "Status"
-msgstr "מצב"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:250
-msgid "Projects"
-msgstr "פרוייקטים"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:302
-msgid "Updating project..."
-msgstr "מעדכן פרוייקט..."
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:344
-msgid "Resuming project..."
-msgstr "ממשיך בפרוייקט..."
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:348
-msgid "Suspending project..."
-msgstr "משהה פרוייקט..."
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:126
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:723
+msgid "Resume tasks for this project."
+msgstr "המשך משימות של פרוייקט זה."
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:385
-msgid "Telling project to allow additional task downloads..."
-msgstr "מדווח לפרוייקט לאפשר הורדת משימות נוספות..."
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:133
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:742
+msgid "Allow new tasks"
+msgstr "אפשר משימות חדשות"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:389
-msgid "Telling project to not fetch any additional tasks..."
-msgstr "מדווח לפרוייקט לא לקבל משימות נוספות..."
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:134
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:742
+msgid "Allow fetching new tasks for this project."
+msgstr "אפשר קבלת משימות חדשות לפרוייקט זה."
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:425
-msgid "Resetting project..."
-msgstr "מאפס את הפרוייקט..."
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:137
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:746
+msgid "Don't fetch new tasks for this project."
+msgstr "אל תקבל משימות חדשות לפרוייקט זה."
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:438 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:214
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:229
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:443
 #, c-format
 msgid "Are you sure you want to reset project '%s'?"
 msgstr "האם אתה בטוח שברצונך לאפס את הפרוייקט '%s'?"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:444 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:220
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:235
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:449
 msgid "Reset Project"
 msgstr "אפס את הפרוייקט"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:483
-msgid "Removing project..."
-msgstr "מסיר פרוייקט..."
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:496 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:251
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:266
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:501
 #, c-format
 msgid "Are you sure you want to remove project '%s'?"
 msgstr "האם אתה בטוח שברצונך להסיר את הפרוייקט '%s'?"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:502 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:257
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:272
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:507
 msgid "Remove Project"
 msgstr "הסר פרוייקט"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:543 ViewWork.cpp:599
-msgid "Launching browser..."
-msgstr "מפעיל את הדפדפן..."
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:718 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:111
-msgid "Resume tasks for this project."
-msgstr "המשך משימות של פרוייקט זה."
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:72
+msgid "Add Project"
+msgstr "הוסף פרוייקט"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:737 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:118
-msgid "Allow new tasks"
-msgstr "אפשר משימות חדשות"
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:73
+msgid "Synchronize"
+msgstr "סנכרן"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:737 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:119
-msgid "Allow fetching new tasks for this project."
-msgstr "אפשר קבלת משימות חדשות לפרוייקט זה."
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:74
+msgid "Work done for this project"
+msgstr ""
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:741 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:122
-msgid "Don't fetch new tasks for this project."
-msgstr "אל תקבל משימות חדשות לפרוייקט זה."
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:77
+msgid "Synchronize projects with account manager system"
+msgstr "סנכרן את הפרוייקטים עם מערכת מנהל חשבונות"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1058
-msgid "Requested by user"
-msgstr "התבקש על ידי המשתמש"
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:124
+msgid "Select a project to access with the controls below"
+msgstr "בחר פרוייקט על מנת לגשת אליו עם בקרי השליטה מטה"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1059
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:145
 #, fuzzy
-msgid "To fetch work"
-msgstr "להביא ל-"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1060
-msgid "To report completed tasks"
-msgstr "לדווח על משימות מוכנות"
+msgid "Project Web Pages"
+msgstr "אתרי הפרוייקט"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1061
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:149
 #, fuzzy
-msgid "To send trickle-up message"
-msgstr "לשלוח הודעה מהדהדת"
+msgid "Project Commands"
+msgstr "פקודות הפרוייקט"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1062
-msgid "Requested by account manager"
-msgstr "התבקש על ידי מנהל חשבונות"
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:276
+#, c-format
+msgid "Pop up a menu of web sites for project %s"
+msgstr ""
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1063
-msgid "Project initialization"
-msgstr "אתמול פרוייקט"
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:278
+#, c-format
+msgid "Pop up a menu of commands to apply to project %s"
+msgstr "הקפץ תפריט של פקודות ליישום על פרוייקט %s"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1064
-msgid "Requested by project"
-msgstr "התבקש על ידי הפרוייקט"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:66
+msgid "Show graphics"
+msgstr "הצג גרפיקה"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1065
-msgid "Unknown reason"
-msgstr "סיבה לא ידועה"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:67
+msgid "Show application graphics in a window."
+msgstr "הצג גרפיקת יישום בחלון חדש."
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1079
-msgid "Suspended by user"
-msgstr "הושהה על ידי המשתמש"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:73
+msgid "Suspend this task."
+msgstr ""
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1082
-msgid "Won't get new tasks"
-msgstr "לא מקבל משימות חדשות"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:78
+msgid "Abort"
+msgstr "בטל"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1085
-msgid "Project ended - OK to remove"
-msgstr "הפרוייקט הסתיים - לחץ 'אישור' כדי להסיר"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:79
+msgid "Abandon this task. You will get no credit for it."
+msgstr ""
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1088
-msgid "Will remove when tasks done"
-msgstr "יוסר עם השלמת המשימות"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:85
+msgid "Show task details."
+msgstr "הצג מידע על המשימה."
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1091
-msgid "Scheduler request pending"
-msgstr "ממתין לבקשת מתזמן"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:119
+msgid "Resume work for this task."
+msgstr "המשך עבודה עבור משימה זו."
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1097
-msgid "Scheduler request in progress"
-msgstr "בקשת מתזמן בתהליך"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:123
+msgid "Suspend work for this task."
+msgstr "השהה עבודה עבור משימה זו."
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1100
-msgid "Trickle up message pending"
-msgstr "הודעת Trickle Up ממתינה"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:267
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Are you sure you want to abort this task '%s'?\n"
+"(Progress: %.1lf%%, Status: %s)"
+msgstr ""
+"אתה בטוח שאתה רוצה לבטל את הישום '%s'?\n"
+"(התקדמות: %.1lf%%, מצב: %s)"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1106
-msgid "Communication deferred "
-msgstr "התקשרות נדחתה"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:272
+msgid "Abort task"
+msgstr "בטל משימה"
-#: ViewResources.cpp:62
-msgid "Total disk usage"
-msgstr "ניצול דיסק כללי"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:468
+msgid "You don't have any projects.  Please Add a Project."
+msgstr "אין לך פרוייקטים. אנא הוסף פרוייקט."
-#: ViewResources.cpp:83
-msgid "Disk usage by BOINC projects"
-msgstr "ניצול הדיסק על ידי פרוייקטי BOINC"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:469
+msgid "Not available"
+msgstr "לא זמין"
-#: ViewResources.cpp:116
-msgid "Disk"
-msgstr "דיסק"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:480
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Tasks:"
+msgstr "משימות"
-#: ViewResources.cpp:249
-msgid "no projects: 0 bytes used"
-msgstr "אין פרוייקטים: שימוש ב-0 בייטים"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:486
+msgid "Select a task to access"
+msgstr "בחר משימה אליה ברצונך לגשת"
-#: ViewResources.cpp:286
-msgid "used by BOINC: "
-msgstr "בשימוש על ידי BOINC:"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:497
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "From:"
+msgstr "מ"
-#: ViewResources.cpp:296
-msgid "free, available to BOINC: "
-msgstr "פנוי, זמין ל-BOINC:"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:551
+msgid "This task's progress"
+msgstr "התקדמות משימה זו"
-#: ViewResources.cpp:306
-msgid "free, not available to BOINC: "
-msgstr "פנוי, לא זמין ל-BOINC:"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:569
+msgid "Task Commands"
+msgstr "פקודות משימה"
-#: ViewResources.cpp:316
-msgid "free: "
-msgstr "פנוי:"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:570
+msgid "Pop up a menu of commands to apply to this task"
+msgstr "הקפץ תפריט של פקודות ליישם עבור משימה זו"
-#: ViewResources.cpp:326
-msgid "used by other programs: "
-msgstr "בשימוש על ידי תוכנות אחרות:"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:705
+#, c-format
+msgid "Application: %s"
+msgstr "יישום: %s"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:1205
-msgid "User Total"
-msgstr "סה\"כ למשתמש"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:728
+#, c-format
+msgid "%.3f%%"
+msgstr ""
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:1206
-msgid "User Average"
-msgstr "ממוצע למשתמש"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:736
+msgid "Application: Not available"
+msgstr "יישום: לא זמין"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:1207
-msgid "Host Total"
-msgstr "סה\"כ למחשב"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:836
+msgid "Not Available"
+msgstr "לא זמין"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:1208
-msgid "Host Average"
-msgstr "ממוצע למחשב"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:851
+#, c-format
+msgid "Elapsed: %s"
+msgstr ""
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:1355
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:865
 #, c-format
-msgid "Last update: %.0f days ago"
-msgstr "עדכון אחרון: לפני %.0f ימים"
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "Remaining (estimated): %s"
+msgstr "זמן שנותר: %s"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:1982
-msgid "Show user total"
-msgstr "הצג סה\"כ למשתמש"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:880
+#, c-format
+msgid "Status: %s"
+msgstr "מצב: %s"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:1983
-msgid "Show total credit for user"
-msgstr "הצג את סך כל הניקוד למשתמש"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1227
+msgid "Retrieving current status."
+msgstr "מאחזר מצב נוכחי."
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:1989
-msgid "Show user average"
-msgstr "הצג ממוצע למשתמש"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1233
+msgid "Downloading work from the server."
+msgstr "מוריד עבודה מהשרת."
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:1990
-msgid "Show average credit for user"
-msgstr "הצג ניקוד ממוצע למשתמש"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1238
+msgid "Processing Suspended:  Running On Batteries."
+msgstr "חישוב מושהה: עובד על סוללות."
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:1996
-msgid "Show host total"
-msgstr "הצג סה\"כ למחשב"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:1997
-msgid "Show total credit for host"
-msgstr "הצג את סך כל הניקוד למחשב"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1240
+msgid "Processing Suspended:  User Active."
+msgstr "חישוב מושהה: משתמש פעיל."
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2003
-msgid "Show host average"
-msgstr "הצג ממוצע למחשב"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1242
+msgid "Processing Suspended:  User paused processing."
+msgstr "חישוב מושהה: המשתמש השהה חישובים."
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2004
-msgid "Show average credit for host"
-msgstr "הצג ניקוד ממוצע למחשב"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1244
+msgid "Processing Suspended:  Time of Day."
+msgstr "החישוב מושהה: זמן היום."
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2013
-msgid "< &Previous project"
-msgstr "< &הפרוייקט הקודם"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1246
+msgid "Processing Suspended:  Benchmarks Running."
+msgstr "חישוב מושהה: מבחני ביצועים רצים."
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2014
-msgid "Show chart for previous project"
-msgstr "הצג תרשים לפרוייקט הקודם"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1248
+msgid "Processing Suspended."
+msgstr "חישוב מושהה."
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2019
-msgid "&Next project >"
-msgstr "&הפרוייקט הבא >"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1252
+msgid "Waiting to contact project servers."
+msgstr "ממתין ליצירת קשר עם שרתי הפרוייקט."
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2020
-msgid "Show chart for next project"
-msgstr "הצג תרשים לפרוייקט הבא"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1256
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1265
+msgid "Retrieving current status"
+msgstr "מאחזר מצב נוכחי"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2026 ViewStatistics.cpp:2416
-msgid "Hide project list"
-msgstr "הסתר רשימת פרוייקטים"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1260
+msgid "No work available to process"
+msgstr "אין עבודה זמינה לעיבוד"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2027 ViewStatistics.cpp:2416
-msgid "Use entire area for graphs"
-msgstr "השתמש בכל השטח עבור הגרפים"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1262
+msgid "Unable to connect to the core client"
+msgstr "לא מצליח להתחבר לקליינט המקור."
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2032
-msgid "Mode view"
-msgstr "מצב תצוגה"
+#: clientgui/TermsOfUsePage.cpp:218
+msgid "Terms of Use"
+msgstr "תנאי השימוש"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2036
-msgid "One project"
-msgstr "פרוייקט יחיד"
+#: clientgui/TermsOfUsePage.cpp:222
+msgid "Please read the following terms of use:"
+msgstr "אנא קרא את תנאי השימוש הבאים:"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2037
-msgid "Show one chart with selected project"
-msgstr "הצג תרשים אחד עם הפרוייקט הנבחר"
+#: clientgui/TermsOfUsePage.cpp:231
+msgid "I agree to the terms of use."
+msgstr "אני מסכים לתנאי השימוש."
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2043
-msgid "All projects (separate)"
-msgstr "כל הפרוייקטים (בנפרד)"
+#: clientgui/TermsOfUsePage.cpp:237
+msgid "I do not agree to the terms of use."
+msgstr ""
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2044
-msgid "Show all projects, one chart per project"
-msgstr "הצג את כל הפרוייקטים, תרשים אחד לכל פרוייקט"
+#: clientgui/UnavailablePage.cpp:183
+msgid "Project temporarily unavailable"
+msgstr "זמנית הפרוייקט לא זמין"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2050
-msgid "All projects (together)"
-msgstr "כל הפרוייקטים (ביחד)"
+#: clientgui/UnavailablePage.cpp:186
+msgid ""
+"The project is temporarily unavailable.\n"
+"Please try again later."
+msgstr ""
+"זמנית הפרוייקט אינו זמין.\n"
+"אנא נסה במועד מאוחר יותר."
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2051
-msgid "Show one chart with all projects"
-msgstr "הצג תרשים אחד עם כל הפרוייקטים"
+#: clientgui/UnavailablePage.cpp:190
+msgid "Account manager temporarily unavailable"
+msgstr "זמנית מנהל החשבונות אינו זמין"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2057
-msgid "All projects (sum)"
-msgstr "כל הפרוייקטים (סיכום)"
+#: clientgui/UnavailablePage.cpp:193
+msgid ""
+"The account manager is temporarily unavailable.\n"
+"Please try again later."
+msgstr ""
+"זמנית מנהל החשבונות אינו זמין.\n"
+"אנא נסה במועד באוחר יותר."
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2058
-msgid "Show one chart with sum of projects"
-msgstr "הצג תרשים אחד עם סיכום הפרוייקטים"
+#: clientgui/ValidateAccountKey.cpp:68
+msgid "Please specify an account key to continue."
+msgstr "אנא הזן קוד חשבון כדי להמשיך."
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2079
-msgid "Statistics"
-msgstr "סטטיסטיקות"
+#: clientgui/ValidateAccountKey.cpp:71
+msgid "Invalid Account Key; please enter a valid Account Key"
+msgstr "קוד חשבון לא נכון; אנא הזן קוד חשבון תקף"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2103 ViewStatistics.cpp:2124 ViewStatistics.cpp:2145
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2167 ViewStatistics.cpp:2188 ViewStatistics.cpp:2209
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2230 ViewStatistics.cpp:2251 ViewStatistics.cpp:2272
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2296
-msgid "Updating charts..."
-msgstr "מעדכן תרשימים..."
+#: clientgui/ValidateAccountKey.cpp:82
+#: clientgui/ValidateEmailAddress.cpp:86
+msgid "Validation conflict"
+msgstr "סתירת אימות"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2420
-msgid "Show project list"
-msgstr "הצג רשימת פרוייקטים"
+#: clientgui/ValidateEmailAddress.cpp:72
+msgid "Please specify an email address"
+msgstr "אנא הזן כתובת דוא\"ל"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2420
-msgid "Uses smaller area for graphs"
-msgstr "משתמש בשטח קטן יותר עבור הגרפים"
+#: clientgui/ValidateEmailAddress.cpp:75
+msgid "Invalid email address; please enter a valid email address"
+msgstr "כתובת דוא\"ל לא חוקית; אנא הזן כתובת דוא\"ל חוקית"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:164
-msgid "Retry Now"
-msgstr "נסה מחדש כעת"
+#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:69
+msgid "Missing URL"
+msgstr "כתובת אינטרנט חסרה"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:165
-msgid "Retry the file transfer now"
+#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:70
+msgid ""
+"Please specify a URL.\n"
+"For example:\n"
 msgstr ""
+"אנא הזן כתובת אתר.\n"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:171
-msgid "Abort Transfer"
-msgstr "בטל העברה"
+#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:83
+#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:87
+#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:91
+#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:103
+#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:107
+#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:110
+msgid "Invalid URL"
+msgstr "כתובת אתר לא חוקית"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:172
-msgid "Abort this file transfer.  You won't get credit for the task."
+#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:84
+#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:88
+#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:92
+msgid ""
+"Please specify a valid URL.\n"
+"For example:\n"
 msgstr ""
+"אנא הזן כתובת אתר חוקית.\n"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:183
-msgid "File"
-msgstr "קובץ"
+#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:104
+#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:108
+#, c-format
+msgid "'%s' does not contain a valid host name."
+msgstr "'%s אינו מכיל שם מחשב תקף."
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:184 ViewWork.cpp:233
-msgid "Progress"
-msgstr "התקדמות"
+#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:111
+#, c-format
+msgid "'%s' does not contain a valid path."
+msgstr "'%s' אינו מכיל נתיב תקף."
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:185
-msgid "Size"
-msgstr "גודל"
+#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:84
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:175
+msgid "Commands"
+msgstr "פקודות"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:186
-msgid "Elapsed Time"
-msgstr "זמן שחלף"
+#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:88
+msgid "Copy all messages"
+msgstr "העתק את כל ההודעות"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:187
-msgid "Speed"
-msgstr "מהירות"
+#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:95
+msgid "Copy selected messages"
+msgstr "העתק הודעות נבחרות"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:213
-msgid "Transfers"
-msgstr "העברות"
+#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:106
+#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:502
+msgid "Show only this project"
+msgstr "הצג פרוייקט זה בלבד"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:280
-msgid "Network activity is suspended - "
-msgstr "פעילות הרשת מושהת - "
+#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:107
+#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:503
+msgid "Show only the messages for the selected project."
+msgstr "הצג את ההודעות הקשורות לפרוייקט הנבחר בלבד."
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:282
-msgid ""
-"You can enable it using the Activity menu."
-msgstr ""
-"אתה יכול לאפשר אותה בעזרת תפריט 'פעילות'."
+#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:164
+msgid "Messages"
+msgstr "הודעות"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:285
-msgid "BOINC"
-msgstr "BOINC"
+#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:187
+msgid "Copying all messages to the clipboard..."
+msgstr "מעתיק את כל ההודעות ללוח..."
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:292
-msgid "Retrying transfer now..."
-msgstr "מנסה העברה מחדש כעת..."
+#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:223
+msgid "Copying selected messages to the clipboard..."
+msgstr "מעתיק הודעות נבחרות ללוח..."
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:330
-msgid "Aborting transfer..."
-msgstr "מבטל העברה..."
+#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:286
+msgid "Filtering messages..."
+msgstr "מסנן הודעות..."
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:343
-#, c-format
-msgid ""
-"Are you sure you want to abort this file transfer '%s'?\n"
-"NOTE: Aborting a transfer will invalidate a task and you\n"
-"will not receive credit for it."
-msgstr ""
-"אתה בטוח שברצונך לבטל את העברת הקובץ '%s'?\n"
-"שים לב: ביטול העברת הקובץ יגרום לפסילת המשימה ולכן\n"
-"לא תקבל עליה ניקוד."
+#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:494
+msgid "Show all messages"
+msgstr "הצג את כל ההודעות"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:349
-msgid "Abort File Transfer"
-msgstr "בטל העברת קובץ"
+#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:495
+msgid "Show messages for all projects."
+msgstr "הצג הודעות לכל הפרוייקטים."
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:780
-msgid "Upload"
-msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:225
+msgid "Account"
+msgstr "חשבון"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:780
-msgid "Download"
-msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:227
+msgid "Work done"
+msgstr "עבודה שהסתיימה"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:784
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "retry in "
-msgstr "מנסה מחדש תוך"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:228
+msgid "Avg. work done"
+msgstr "ממוצע העבודה שהסתיימה"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:786
-msgid "failed"
-msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:230
+msgid "Status"
+msgstr "מצב"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:789
-msgid "suspended"
-msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:255
+msgid "Projects"
+msgstr "פרוייקטים"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:794
-msgid "active"
-msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:307
+msgid "Updating project..."
+msgstr "מעדכן פרוייקט..."
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:796
-msgid "pending"
-msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:349
+msgid "Resuming project..."
+msgstr "ממשיך בפרוייקט..."
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:803
-msgid " (project backoff: "
-msgstr "(נסיגת פרוייקט:"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:353
+msgid "Suspending project..."
+msgstr "משהה פרוייקט..."
-#: ViewWork.cpp:187 ViewWork.cpp:777
-msgid "Show active tasks"
-msgstr "הצג משימות פעילות"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:390
+msgid "Telling project to allow additional task downloads..."
+msgstr "מדווח לפרוייקט לאפשר הורדת משימות נוספות..."
-#: ViewWork.cpp:188 ViewWork.cpp:778
-msgid "Show only active tasks."
-msgstr "הצג משימות פעילות בלבד"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:394
+msgid "Telling project to not fetch any additional tasks..."
+msgstr "מדווח לפרוייקט לא לקבל משימות נוספות..."
-#: ViewWork.cpp:194 sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:60
-msgid "Show graphics"
-msgstr "הצג גרפיקה"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:430
+msgid "Resetting project..."
+msgstr "מאפס את הפרוייקט..."
-#: ViewWork.cpp:195 sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:61
-msgid "Show application graphics in a window."
-msgstr "הצג גרפיקת יישום בחלון חדש."
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:488
+msgid "Removing project..."
+msgstr "מסיר פרוייקט..."
-#: ViewWork.cpp:201
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Show VM Console"
-msgstr "הצג סה\"כ למחשב"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:548
+msgid "Launching browser..."
+msgstr "מפעיל את הדפדפן..."
-#: ViewWork.cpp:202
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Show VM Console in a window."
-msgstr "הצג גרפיקת יישום בחלון חדש."
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1063
+msgid "Requested by user"
+msgstr "התבקש על ידי המשתמש"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:209
-msgid "Suspend work for this result."
-msgstr "השהה עבודה לתוצאה זו."
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1064
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "To fetch work"
+msgstr "להביא ל-"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:215 sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:72
-msgid "Abort"
-msgstr "בטל"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:216
-msgid "Abandon work on the result. You will get no credit for it."
-msgstr "בטל את העבודה על תוצאה זו. אתה לא תקבל שום ניקוד תמורתה."
-#: ViewWork.cpp:223 sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:79
-msgid "Show task details."
-msgstr "הצג מידע על המשימה."
-#: ViewWork.cpp:235
-msgid "Elapsed"
-msgstr "עבר"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1065
+msgid "To report completed tasks"
+msgstr "לדווח על משימות מוכנות"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:236
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1066
 #, fuzzy
-msgid "Remaining (estimated)"
-msgstr "נשאר"
+msgid "To send trickle-up message"
+msgstr "לשלוח הודעה מהדהדת"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:237
-msgid "Deadline"
-msgstr "מועד אחרון לדיווח"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1067
+msgid "Requested by account manager"
+msgstr "התבקש על ידי מנהל חשבונות"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:264
-msgid "Tasks"
-msgstr "משימות"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1068
+msgid "Project initialization"
+msgstr "אתמול פרוייקט"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:357
-msgid "Resuming task..."
-msgstr "ממשיך את המשימה..."
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1069
+msgid "Requested by project"
+msgstr "התבקש על ידי הפרוייקט"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:360
-msgid "Suspending task..."
-msgstr "משהה את המשימה..."
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1070
+msgid "Unknown reason"
+msgstr "סיבה לא ידועה"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:389
-msgid "Showing graphics for task..."
-msgstr "מציג גרפיקה של המשימה..."
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1084
+msgid "Suspended by user"
+msgstr "הושהה על ידי המשתמש"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:426
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Showing VM console for task..."
-msgstr "מציג גרפיקה של המשימה..."
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1087
+msgid "Won't get new tasks"
+msgstr "לא מקבל משימות חדשות"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:479
-#, c-format
-msgid ""
-"Are you sure you want to abort this task '%s'?\n"
-"(Progress: %s, Status: %s)"
-msgstr ""
-"האם אתה בטוח שברצונך לבטל את המשימה '%s'?\n"
-"(התקדמות: %s, מצב: %s)"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1090
+msgid "Project ended - OK to remove"
+msgstr "הפרוייקט הסתיים - לחץ 'אישור' כדי להסיר"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:485
-#, c-format
-msgid "Are you sure you want to abort these %d tasks?"
-msgstr "האם אתה בטוח שברצונך לבטל את %d המשימות הללו?"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1093
+msgid "Will remove when tasks done"
+msgstr "יוסר עם השלמת המשימות"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:490 sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:256
-msgid "Abort task"
-msgstr "בטל משימה"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1096
+msgid "Scheduler request pending"
+msgstr "ממתין לבקשת מתזמן"
-# 75%
-#: ViewWork.cpp:499
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Aborting task..."
-msgstr "מבטל העברה..."
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1102
+msgid "Scheduler request in progress"
+msgstr "בקשת מתזמן בתהליך"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:771
-msgid "Show all tasks"
-msgstr "הצג את כל המשימות"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1105
+msgid "Trickle up message pending"
+msgstr "הודעת Trickle Up ממתינה"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:772
-msgid "Show all tasks."
-msgstr "הצג את כל המשימות."
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1111
+msgid "Communication deferred "
+msgstr "התקשרות נדחתה"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:796 sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:103
-msgid "Resume work for this task."
-msgstr "המשך עבודה עבור משימה זו."
+#: clientgui/ViewResources.cpp:62
+msgid "Total disk usage"
+msgstr "ניצול דיסק כללי"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:802 sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:107
-msgid "Suspend work for this task."
-msgstr "השהה עבודה עבור משימה זו."
+#: clientgui/ViewResources.cpp:83
+msgid "Disk usage by BOINC projects"
+msgstr "ניצול הדיסק על ידי פרוייקטי BOINC"
-#: WelcomePage.cpp:284
-msgid "Add project or account manager"
-msgstr "הוסף פרוייקט או מנהל חשבונות"
+#: clientgui/ViewResources.cpp:116
+msgid "Disk"
+msgstr "דיסק"
-#: WelcomePage.cpp:288
-msgid "Add project or use BOINC Account Manager"
-msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ViewResources.cpp:225
+msgid "no projects: 0 bytes used"
+msgstr "אין פרוייקטים: שימוש ב-0 בייטים"
-#: WelcomePage.cpp:297
-#, c-format
-msgid ""
-"If possible, add projects at the\n"
-"%s web site.\n"
-"Projects added via this wizard will not be\n"
-"listed on or managed via %s."
-msgstr ""
-"במידה וניתן, הוסף פרוייקטים באתר\n"
-"האינטרנט של %s.\n"
-"פרוייקטים שנוספו על ידי האשף לא\n"
-"יוספו לרשימה או ינוהלו על ידי %s."
+#: clientgui/ViewResources.cpp:262
+msgid "used by BOINC: "
+msgstr "בשימוש על ידי BOINC:"
-#: WelcomePage.cpp:313
-msgid ""
-"There are over 30 BOINC-based projects\n"
-"doing research in many areas of science,\n"
-"and you can volunteer for as many of them as you like.\n"
-"You can add a project directly,\n"
-"or use an 'Account Manager' web site to select projects."
-msgstr ""
-"קיימים למעלה מ-30 פרוייקטים מבוססי BOINC\n"
-"החוקרים תחומים רבים של המדע,\n"
-"וביכולתך להתנדב לכמה שרק תרצה.\n"
-"אתה יכול להוסיף פרוייקט ישירות,\n"
-"או להשתמש באתר \"מנהל חשבונות\" כדי לבחור פרוייקטים."
+#: clientgui/ViewResources.cpp:272
+msgid "free, available to BOINC: "
+msgstr "פנוי, זמין ל-BOINC:"
-#: WelcomePage.cpp:325
-msgid ""
-"You have chosen to add a new volunteer computing project or change which "
-"you contribute to.\n"
-"Some of these projects are run and managed by World Community Grid, while "
-"are run and managed by other researchers or organizations. The BOINC "
-"can divide your spare processing power among any combination of projects.\n"
-"Alternatively, if you have registered with a BOINC Account Manager, you can "
-"this to choose which projects to support.\n"
-"Please choose which type of change you would like to make:\n"
-msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ViewResources.cpp:282
+msgid "free, not available to BOINC: "
+msgstr "פנוי, לא זמין ל-BOINC:"
-#: WelcomePage.cpp:339
-msgid "Use a BOINC Account Manager"
-msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ViewResources.cpp:292
+msgid "free: "
+msgstr "פנוי:"
-#: WelcomePage.cpp:352
-msgid "To continue, click Next."
-msgstr "כדי להמשיך, לחץ 'הבא'."
+#: clientgui/ViewResources.cpp:302
+msgid "used by other programs: "
+msgstr "בשימוש על ידי תוכנות אחרות:"
-#: WelcomePage.cpp:358
-msgid "Add or change your World Community Grid projects"
-msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1181
+msgid "User Total"
+msgstr "סה\"כ למשתמש"
-#: WelcomePage.cpp:361
-msgid "Add projects run by other researchers or organizations"
-msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1182
+msgid "User Average"
+msgstr "ממוצע למשתמש"
-#: WizardAttach.cpp:634
-msgid "Do you really want to cancel?"
-msgstr "האם אתה בטוח שברצונך לבטל?"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1183
+msgid "Host Total"
+msgstr "סה\"כ למחשב"
-#: WizardAttach.cpp:635
-msgid "Question"
-msgstr "שאלה"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1184
+msgid "Host Average"
+msgstr "ממוצע למחשב"
-#: sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:149
-msgid "Advanced View...\tCtrl+Shift+A"
-msgstr "תצוגה מתקדמת...\tCtrl+Shift+A"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1331
+#, c-format
+msgid "Last update: %.0f days ago"
+msgstr "עדכון אחרון: לפני %.0f ימים"
-#: sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:150
-msgid "Display the advanced graphical interface."
-msgstr "הצג ממשק גרפי מתקדם."
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1956
+msgid "Show user total"
+msgstr "הצג סה\"כ למשתמש"
-#: sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:157
-msgid "Skin"
-msgstr "מראה"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1957
+msgid "Show total credit for user"
+msgstr "הצג את סך כל הניקוד למשתמש"
-#: sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:159
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Select the appearance of the user interface."
-msgstr "בחר את המראה של ממשק המשתמש."
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1963
+msgid "Show user average"
+msgstr "הצג ממוצע למשתמש"
-#: sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:206
-#, c-format
-msgid "&%s"
-msgstr "&%s"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1964
+msgid "Show average credit for user"
+msgstr "הצג ניקוד ממוצע למשתמש"
-#: sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:390
-msgid "Default"
-msgstr "ברירת מחדל"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1970
+msgid "Show host total"
+msgstr "הצג סה\"כ למחשב"
-#: sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:759
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Suspend Computing"
-msgstr "השהה חישובים"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1971
+msgid "Show total credit for host"
+msgstr "הצג את סך כל הניקוד למחשב"
-#: sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:760
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Resume Computing"
-msgstr "המשך חישובים"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1977
+msgid "Show host average"
+msgstr "הצג ממוצע למחשב"
-#: sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:777
-msgid "Open a window to view notices from projects or BOINC"
-msgstr "פתח חלון לצפיה בהתראות מהפרוייקטים או מ-BOINC"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1978
+msgid "Show average credit for host"
+msgstr "הצג ניקוד ממוצע למחשב"
-#: sg_DlgMessages.cpp:146
-msgid "Close"
-msgstr "&סגור"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1987
+msgid "< &Previous project"
+msgstr "< &הפרוייקט הקודם"
-#: sg_DlgMessages.cpp:389
-#, c-format
-#, fuzzy, c-format
-msgid "%s - Notices"
-msgstr "%s - התראות"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1988
+msgid "Show chart for previous project"
+msgstr "הצג תרשים לפרוייקט הקודם"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:268
-msgid "This dialog controls preferences for this computer only."
-msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1993
+msgid "&Next project >"
+msgstr "&הפרוייקט הבא >"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:273
-msgid "Click OK to set preferences."
-msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1994
+msgid "Show chart for next project"
+msgstr "הצג תרשים לפרוייקט הבא"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:278
-msgid ""
-"Click Clear to restore web-based settings for all preferences listed below."
-msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2000
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2390
+msgid "Hide project list"
+msgstr "הסתר רשימת פרוייקטים"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:285
-msgid ""
-"For additional settings, select Computing Preferences in the Advanced View."
-msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2001
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2390
+msgid "Use entire area for graphs"
+msgstr "השתמש בכל השטח עבור הגרפים"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:313
-msgid "Do work only between:"
-msgstr "תעבוד רק בין:"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2006
+msgid "Mode view"
+msgstr "מצב תצוגה"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:335
-msgid "Connect to internet only between:"
-msgstr "התחבר לאינטרנט רק בין:"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2010
+msgid "One project"
+msgstr "פרוייקט יחיד"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:357 sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:374
-msgid "Use no more than:"
-msgstr "השתמש לכל היותר ב-"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2011
+msgid "Show one chart with selected project"
+msgstr "הצג תרשים אחד עם הפרוייקט הנבחר"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:370
-msgid "of disk space"
-msgstr "מתוך שטח הדיסק"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2017
+msgid "All projects (separate)"
+msgstr "כל הפרוייקטים (בנפרד)"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:387
-msgid "of the processor"
-msgstr "של המעבד"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2018
+msgid "Show all projects, one chart per project"
+msgstr "הצג את כל הפרוייקטים, תרשים אחד לכל פרוייקט"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:391
-msgid "Do work while on battery?"
-msgstr "האם לבצע חישובים בזמן עבודה על סוללות?"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2024
+msgid "All projects (together)"
+msgstr "כל הפרוייקטים (ביחד)"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:404
-msgid "Do work after idle for:"
-msgstr "התחל לעבוד אחרי אי שימוש במחשב במשך:"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2025
+msgid "Show one chart with all projects"
+msgstr "הצג תרשים אחד עם כל הפרוייקטים"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:429
-msgid "Clear all local preferences listed above and close the dialog"
-msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2031
+msgid "All projects (sum)"
+msgstr "כל הפרוייקטים (סיכום)"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:602 sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:605
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:681 sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:685
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:697 sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:701
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:844 sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:855
-msgid "Anytime"
-msgstr "תמיד"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2032
+msgid "Show one chart with sum of projects"
+msgstr "הצג תרשים אחד עם סיכום הפרוייקטים"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:638
-msgid "100 MB"
-msgstr "100 MB"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2053
+msgid "Statistics"
+msgstr "סטטיסטיקות"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:639
-msgid "200 MB"
-msgstr "200 MB"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2077
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2098
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2119
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2141
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2162
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2183
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2204
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2225
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2246
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2270
+msgid "Updating charts..."
+msgstr "מעדכן תרשימים..."
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:640
-msgid "500 MB"
-msgstr "500 MB"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2394
+msgid "Show project list"
+msgstr "הצג רשימת פרוייקטים"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:641
-msgid "1 GB"
-msgstr "1 GB"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2394
+msgid "Uses smaller area for graphs"
+msgstr "משתמש בשטח קטן יותר עבור הגרפים"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:642
-msgid "2 GB"
-msgstr "2 GB"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:169
+msgid "Retry Now"
+msgstr "נסה מחדש כעת"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:643
-msgid "5 GB"
-msgstr "5 GB"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:170
+msgid "Retry the file transfer now"
+msgstr ""
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:644
-msgid "10 GB"
-msgstr "10 GB"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:176
+msgid "Abort Transfer"
+msgstr "בטל העברה"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:645
-msgid "20 GB"
-msgstr "20 GB"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:177
+msgid "Abort this file transfer.  You won't get credit for the task."
+msgstr ""
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:646
-msgid "50 GB"
-msgstr "50 GB"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:188
+msgid "File"
+msgstr "קובץ"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:647
-msgid "100 GB"
-msgstr "100 GB"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:189
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:238
+msgid "Progress"
+msgstr "התקדמות"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:717
-#, c-format
-msgid "%d MB"
-msgstr "%d MB"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:190
+msgid "Size"
+msgstr "גודל"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:719
-#, c-format
-msgid "%4.2f GB"
-msgstr "%4.2f GB"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:191
+msgid "Elapsed Time"
+msgstr "זמן שחלף"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:760
-#, c-format
-msgid "%d%%"
-msgstr "%d%%"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:192
+msgid "Speed"
+msgstr "מהירות"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:796
-msgid "0 (Run Always)"
-msgstr "0 (תריץ תמיד)"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:218
+msgid "Transfers"
+msgstr "העברות"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:799
-#, c-format
-msgid "%d"
-msgstr "%d"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:285
+msgid "Network activity is suspended - "
+msgstr "פעילות הרשת מושהת - "
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:1029
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Do you really want to clear all local preferences?\n"
-msgstr "האם אתה בטוח שברצונך למחוק את כל ההעדפות המקומיות?"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:287
+msgid ""
+"You can enable it using the Activity menu."
+msgstr ""
+"אתה יכול לאפשר אותה בעזרת תפריט 'פעילות'."
-#: sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:72
-msgid "Add Project"
-msgstr "הוסף פרוייקט"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:290
+msgid "BOINC"
+msgstr "BOINC"
-#: sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:73
-msgid "Synchronize"
-msgstr "סנכרן"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:297
+msgid "Retrying transfer now..."
+msgstr "מנסה העברה מחדש כעת..."
-#: sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:74
-msgid "Work done for this project"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:335
+msgid "Aborting transfer..."
+msgstr "מבטל העברה..."
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:348
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Are you sure you want to abort this file transfer '%s'?\n"
+"NOTE: Aborting a transfer will invalidate a task and you\n"
+"will not receive credit for it."
 msgstr ""
+"אתה בטוח שברצונך לבטל את העברת הקובץ '%s'?\n"
+"שים לב: ביטול העברת הקובץ יגרום לפסילת המשימה ולכן\n"
+"לא תקבל עליה ניקוד."
-#: sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:77
-msgid "Synchronize projects with account manager system"
-msgstr "סנכרן את הפרוייקטים עם מערכת מנהל חשבונות"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:354
+msgid "Abort File Transfer"
+msgstr "בטל העברת קובץ"
-#: sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:124
-msgid "Select a project to access with the controls below"
-msgstr "בחר פרוייקט על מנת לגשת אליו עם בקרי השליטה מטה"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:785
+msgid "Upload"
+msgstr ""
-#: sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:145
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Project Web Pages"
-msgstr "אתרי הפרוייקט"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:785
+msgid "Download"
+msgstr ""
-#: sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:149
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:789
 #, fuzzy
-msgid "Project Commands"
-msgstr "פקודות הפרוייקט"
+msgid "retry in "
+msgstr "מנסה מחדש תוך"
-#: sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:267
-#, c-format
-msgid "Pop up a menu of web sites for project %s"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:791
+msgid "failed"
 msgstr ""
-#: sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:269
-#, c-format
-msgid "Pop up a menu of commands to apply to project %s"
-msgstr "הקפץ תפריט של פקודות ליישום על פרוייקט %s"
-#: sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:67
-msgid "Suspend this task."
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:794
+msgid "suspended"
 msgstr ""
-#: sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:73
-msgid "Abandon this task. You will get no credit for it."
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:799
+msgid "active"
 msgstr ""
-#: sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:251
-#, c-format
-msgid ""
-"Are you sure you want to abort this task '%s'?\n"
-"(Progress: %.1lf%%, Status: %s)"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:801
+msgid "pending"
 msgstr ""
-"אתה בטוח שאתה רוצה לבטל את הישום '%s'?\n"
-"(התקדמות: %.1lf%%, מצב: %s)"
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:464
-msgid "You don't have any projects.  Please Add a Project."
-msgstr "אין לך פרוייקטים. אנא הוסף פרוייקט."
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:808
+msgid " (project backoff: "
+msgstr "(נסיגת פרוייקט:"
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:465
-msgid "Not available"
-msgstr "לא זמין"
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:192
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:782
+msgid "Show active tasks"
+msgstr "הצג משימות פעילות"
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:476
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Tasks:"
-msgstr "משימות"
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:193
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:783
+msgid "Show only active tasks."
+msgstr "הצג משימות פעילות בלבד"
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:482
-msgid "Select a task to access"
-msgstr "בחר משימה אליה ברצונך לגשת"
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:206
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Show VM Console"
+msgstr "הצג סה\"כ למחשב"
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:493
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:207
 #, fuzzy
-msgid "From:"
-msgstr "מ"
+msgid "Show VM Console in a window."
+msgstr "הצג גרפיקת יישום בחלון חדש."
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:547
-msgid "This task's progress"
-msgstr "התקדמות משימה זו"
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:214
+msgid "Suspend work for this result."
+msgstr "השהה עבודה לתוצאה זו."
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:565
-msgid "Task Commands"
-msgstr "פקודות משימה"
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:221
+msgid "Abandon work on the result. You will get no credit for it."
+msgstr "בטל את העבודה על תוצאה זו. אתה לא תקבל שום ניקוד תמורתה."
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:566
-msgid "Pop up a menu of commands to apply to this task"
-msgstr "הקפץ תפריט של פקודות ליישם עבור משימה זו"
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:240
+msgid "Elapsed"
+msgstr "עבר"
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:701
-#, c-format
-msgid "Application: %s"
-msgstr "יישום: %s"
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:241
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Remaining (estimated)"
+msgstr "נשאר"
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:724
-#, c-format
-msgid "%.3f%%"
-msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:242
+msgid "Deadline"
+msgstr "מועד אחרון לדיווח"
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:732
-msgid "Application: Not available"
-msgstr "יישום: לא זמין"
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:269
+msgid "Tasks"
+msgstr "משימות"
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:832
-msgid "Not Available"
-msgstr "לא זמין"
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:362
+msgid "Resuming task..."
+msgstr "ממשיך את המשימה..."
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:365
+msgid "Suspending task..."
+msgstr "משהה את המשימה..."
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:394
+msgid "Showing graphics for task..."
+msgstr "מציג גרפיקה של המשימה..."
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:431
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Showing VM console for task..."
+msgstr "מציג גרפיקה של המשימה..."
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:847
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:484
 #, c-format
-msgid "Elapsed: %s"
+msgid ""
+"Are you sure you want to abort this task '%s'?\n"
+"(Progress: %s, Status: %s)"
 msgstr ""
+"האם אתה בטוח שברצונך לבטל את המשימה '%s'?\n"
+"(התקדמות: %s, מצב: %s)"
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:861
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:490
 #, c-format
-#, fuzzy, c-format
-msgid "Remaining (estimated): %s"
-msgstr "זמן שנותר: %s"
+msgid "Are you sure you want to abort these %d tasks?"
+msgstr "האם אתה בטוח שברצונך לבטל את %d המשימות הללו?"
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:876
-#, c-format
-msgid "Status: %s"
-msgstr "מצב: %s"
+# 75%
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:504
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Aborting task..."
+msgstr "מבטל העברה..."
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1223
-msgid "Retrieving current status."
-msgstr "מאחזר מצב נוכחי."
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:776
+msgid "Show all tasks"
+msgstr "הצג את כל המשימות"
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1229
-msgid "Downloading work from the server."
-msgstr "מוריד עבודה מהשרת."
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:777
+msgid "Show all tasks."
+msgstr "הצג את כל המשימות."
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1234
-msgid "Processing Suspended:  Running On Batteries."
-msgstr "חישוב מושהה: עובד על סוללות."
+#: clientgui/WelcomePage.cpp:284
+msgid "Add project or account manager"
+msgstr "הוסף פרוייקט או מנהל חשבונות"
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1236
-msgid "Processing Suspended:  User Active."
-msgstr "חישוב מושהה: משתמש פעיל."
+#: clientgui/WelcomePage.cpp:288
+msgid "Add project or use BOINC Account Manager"
+msgstr ""
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1238
-msgid "Processing Suspended:  User paused processing."
-msgstr "חישוב מושהה: המשתמש השהה חישובים."
+#: clientgui/WelcomePage.cpp:297
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"If possible, add projects at the\n"
+"%s web site.\n"
+"Projects added via this wizard will not be\n"
+"listed on or managed via %s."
+msgstr ""
+"במידה וניתן, הוסף פרוייקטים באתר\n"
+"האינטרנט של %s.\n"
+"פרוייקטים שנוספו על ידי האשף לא\n"
+"יוספו לרשימה או ינוהלו על ידי %s."
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1240
-msgid "Processing Suspended:  Time of Day."
-msgstr "החישוב מושהה: זמן היום."
+#: clientgui/WelcomePage.cpp:313
+msgid ""
+"There are over 30 BOINC-based projects\n"
+"doing research in many areas of science,\n"
+"and you can volunteer for as many of them as you like.\n"
+"You can add a project directly,\n"
+"or use an 'Account Manager' web site to select projects."
+msgstr ""
+"קיימים למעלה מ-30 פרוייקטים מבוססי BOINC\n"
+"החוקרים תחומים רבים של המדע,\n"
+"וביכולתך להתנדב לכמה שרק תרצה.\n"
+"אתה יכול להוסיף פרוייקט ישירות,\n"
+"או להשתמש באתר \"מנהל חשבונות\" כדי לבחור פרוייקטים."
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1242
-msgid "Processing Suspended:  Benchmarks Running."
-msgstr "חישוב מושהה: מבחני ביצועים רצים."
+#: clientgui/WelcomePage.cpp:325
+msgid ""
+"You have chosen to add a new volunteer computing project or change which projects\n"
+"you contribute to.\n"
+"Some of these projects are run and managed by World Community Grid, while others\n"
+"are run and managed by other researchers or organizations. The BOINC software\n"
+"can divide your spare processing power among any combination of projects.\n"
+"Alternatively, if you have registered with a BOINC Account Manager, you can use\n"
+"this to choose which projects to support.\n"
+"Please choose which type of change you would like to make:\n"
+msgstr ""
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1244
-msgid "Processing Suspended."
-msgstr "חישוב מושהה."
+#: clientgui/WelcomePage.cpp:339
+msgid "Use a BOINC Account Manager"
+msgstr ""
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1248
-msgid "Waiting to contact project servers."
-msgstr "ממתין ליצירת קשר עם שרתי הפרוייקט."
+#: clientgui/WelcomePage.cpp:358
+msgid "Add or change your World Community Grid projects"
+msgstr ""
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1252 sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1261
-msgid "Retrieving current status"
-msgstr "מאחזר מצב נוכחי"
+#: clientgui/WelcomePage.cpp:361
+msgid "Add projects run by other researchers or organizations"
+msgstr ""
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1256
-msgid "No work available to process"
-msgstr "אין עבודה זמינה לעיבוד"
+#: clientgui/WizardAttach.cpp:673
+msgid "Do you really want to cancel?"
+msgstr "האם אתה בטוח שברצונך לבטל?"
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1258
-msgid "Unable to connect to the core client"
-msgstr "לא מצליח להתחבר לקליינט המקור."
+#: clientgui/WizardAttach.cpp:674
+msgid "Question"
+msgstr "שאלה"
-#: wizardex.cpp:377 wizardex.cpp:553
+#: clientgui/wizardex.cpp:377
+#: clientgui/wizardex.cpp:553
 msgid "&Next >"
 msgstr "&הבא >"
-#: wizardex.cpp:383
+#: clientgui/wizardex.cpp:383
 msgid "< &Back"
 msgstr "< ה&קודם"
-#: wizardex.cpp:553
+#: clientgui/wizardex.cpp:553
 msgid "&Finish"
 msgstr "&סיום"
-#: mac/Mac_GUI.cpp:110
-msgid "Preferences…"
-msgstr "העדפות..."
+#: clientgui/common/wxPieCtrl.cpp:64
+msgid "Pie Ctrl"
+msgstr "Pie Ctrl"
-#: mac/Mac_GUI.cpp:122
+#: clientgui/mac/Mac_GUI.cpp:35
 msgid "Services"
 msgstr "שירותים"
-#: mac/Mac_GUI.cpp:144
+#: clientgui/mac/Mac_GUI.cpp:36
 #, c-format
 msgid "Hide %s"
 msgstr "הסתר את $s"
-#: mac/Mac_GUI.cpp:158
+#: clientgui/mac/Mac_GUI.cpp:37
 msgid "Hide Others"
 msgstr "הסתר את האחרים"
-#: mac/Mac_GUI.cpp:172
+#: clientgui/mac/Mac_GUI.cpp:38
 msgid "Show All"
 msgstr "הצג הכל"
-#: mac/Mac_GUI.cpp:186
+#: clientgui/mac/Mac_GUI.cpp:39
 #, c-format
 msgid "Quit %s"
 msgstr "הפסק %s"
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.h:30
+msgid "specify work start and stop hours in format HH:MM-HH:MM"
+msgstr "פרט שעות התחלת וסיום של העבודה בצורה של HH:MM-HH:MM"
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.h:31
+msgid "specify network usage start and stop hours in format HH:MM-HH:MM"
+msgstr "פרט שעות התחלת וסיום של השימוש ברשת בצורה של HH:MM-HH:MM"
+# 98%
+#, fuzzy
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "(C) 2003-2013 University of California, Berkeley.\n"
+#~ "All Rights Reserved."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "(C) 2003-2011 אוניברסיטת קליפורניה, ברקלי.\n"
+#~ "כל הזכויות שמורות."
+#, c-format
+#~ msgid "%s - Preferences"
+#~ msgstr "%s - העדפות"
+#, no-c-format
+#~ msgid "% CPU time"
+#~ msgstr "אחוזים מזמן מעבד"
+#~ msgid "KBytes/sec."
+#~ msgstr "ק\"ב לשנייה"
+#~ msgid "Mbytes"
+#~ msgstr "מ\"ב"
+#~ msgid "every"
+#~ msgstr "כל"
+#~ msgid "days"
+#~ msgstr "ימים"
+#~ msgid "Gigabytes disk space"
+#~ msgstr "GB משטח הדיסק"
+#~ msgid "Running, high priority"
+#~ msgstr "רץ, עדיפות גבוהה"
+#, fuzzy
+#~ msgid " (Waiting for network access)"
+#~ msgstr "ממתין לזיכרון"
+#~ msgid "Preferences…"
+#~ msgstr "העדפות..."
 #~ msgid "I do not agree with the terms of use."
 #~ msgstr "אני לא מסכים לתנאי השימוש."
@@ -4226,15 +4435,6 @@ msgstr "הפסק %s"
 #~ msgid "OnDropTarget: index by HitTest = %i"
 #~ msgstr "OnDropTarget: אינדקס על ידי HitTest = %i"
-#~ msgid "Pie Ctrl"
-#~ msgstr "Pie Ctrl"
-#~ msgid "specify work start and stop hours in format HH:MM-HH:MM"
-#~ msgstr "פרט שעות התחלת וסיום של העבודה בצורה של HH:MM-HH:MM"
-#~ msgid "specify network usage start and stop hours in format HH:MM-HH:MM"
-#~ msgstr "פרט שעות התחלת וסיום של השימוש ברשת בצורה של HH:MM-HH:MM"
 #~ msgid "Identify your account "
 #~ msgstr "זהה את חשבונך"
diff --git a/locale/hr/BOINC-Manager.po b/locale/hr/BOINC-Manager.po
index d887f0d..32898f7 100644
--- a/locale/hr/BOINC-Manager.po
+++ b/locale/hr/BOINC-Manager.po
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ msgid ""
 msgstr ""
 "Project-Id-Version: BOINC Manager 4.x\n"
 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-02-02 00:00-0800\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-12-15 14:15-0500\n"
 "PO-Revision-Date: 2012-02-22 23:12+0200\n"
 "Last-Translator: Josip <J.Matijevic at inet.hr>\n"
 "Language-Team: BOINC Development Team <boinc_loc at ssl.berkeley.edu>\n"
@@ -17,44 +17,44 @@ msgstr ""
 "Plural-Forms: nplurals=3; plural=(n%10==1 && n%100!=11 ? 0 : n%10>=2 && n%"
 "10<=4 && (n%100<10 || n%100>=20) ? 1 : 2);\n"
 "X-Generator: Pootle 2.1.6\n"
+"X-Poedit-Basepath: C:\\Src\\BOINCGIT\\boinc_7.4\n"
+"X-Poedit-SearchPath-0: clientgui\n"
 "X-Poedit-SearchPath-1: clientgui/msw\n"
 "X-Poedit-SearchPath-2: clientgui/gtk\n"
 "X-Poedit-SearchPath-3: clientgui/mac\n"
-"X-Poedit-SearchPath-0: clientgui\n"
 "X-Poedit-SourceCharset: utf-8\n"
-"X-Poedit-Basepath: C:\\Src\\BOINCGIT\\boinc\n"
 "X-BOINC-UTF8-Marker: 简体中文, 日本語\n"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:387
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:387
 #, c-format
 msgid "Identify your account at %s"
 msgstr ""
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:393
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:393
 msgid ""
 "Please enter your account information\n"
 "(to create an account, visit the project's web site)"
 msgstr ""
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:397
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:397
 msgid ""
 "This project is not currently accepting new accounts.\n"
 "You can add it only if you already have an account."
 msgstr ""
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:401
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:401
 msgid "Are you already running this project?"
 msgstr ""
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:405
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:405
 msgid "&No, new user"
 msgstr ""
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:408
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:408
 msgid "&Yes, existing user"
 msgstr ""
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:413
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:413
 msgid ""
 "We were not able to set up your account information\n"
@@ -64,494 +64,516 @@ msgid ""
 "password fields."
 msgstr ""
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:416
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:416
 msgid "Find login information"
 msgstr ""
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:436 AccountInfoPage.cpp:641
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:436
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:649
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "&Password:"
 msgstr "Lozinka:"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:443 AccountInfoPage.cpp:665
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:443
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:673
 msgid "Choose a &password:"
 msgstr ""
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:446
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:446
 msgid "C&onfirm password:"
 msgstr ""
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:453
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:453
 #, c-format
 msgid "Are you already running %s?"
 msgstr ""
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:482
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:482
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "&Username:"
 msgstr "Korisničko ime:"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:508
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:511
+msgid "&Email address or LDAP ID:"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:515
 msgid "&Email address:"
 msgstr ""
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:515
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:523
 #, c-format
 msgid "minimum length %d"
 msgstr ""
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:522
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:530
 msgid "Forgot your password?"
 msgstr ""
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:529
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:537
 msgid ""
 "If you have not yet registered with this account manager,\n"
 "please do so before proceeding.  Click on the link below\n"
 "to register or to retrieve a forgotten password."
 msgstr ""
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:532
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:540
 msgid "Account manager web site"
 msgstr ""
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:574 WelcomePage.cpp:348
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:582
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Add project"
 msgstr "Priključi se projektu"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:576
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:584
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Update account manager"
 msgstr "Menadžer računa"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:578 WelcomePage.cpp:307 WelcomePage.cpp:321
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:586
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Use account manager"
 msgstr "Menadžer računa"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:585
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:593
 msgid "Please enter a user name."
 msgstr ""
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:587
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:595
 msgid "Please enter an email address."
 msgstr ""
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:597
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:605
 #, c-format
 msgid "Please enter a password of at least %d characters."
 msgstr ""
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:607
-msgid ""
-"The password and confirmation password do not match. Please type them again."
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:615
+msgid "The password and confirmation password do not match. Please type them again."
 msgstr ""
-#: AccountManagerInfoPage.cpp:272
+#: clientgui/AccountManagerInfoPage.cpp:272
 msgid "Choose an account manager"
 msgstr ""
-#: AccountManagerInfoPage.cpp:275
+#: clientgui/AccountManagerInfoPage.cpp:275
 msgid ""
 "To choose an account manager, click its name or \n"
 "type its URL below."
 msgstr ""
-#: AccountManagerInfoPage.cpp:279
+#: clientgui/AccountManagerInfoPage.cpp:279
 msgid "Account manager details:"
 msgstr ""
-#: AccountManagerInfoPage.cpp:283
+#: clientgui/AccountManagerInfoPage.cpp:283
 msgid "Account manager &URL:"
 msgstr ""
-#: AccountManagerInfoPage.cpp:287
+#: clientgui/AccountManagerInfoPage.cpp:287
 msgid "Open web page"
 msgstr ""
-#: AccountManagerInfoPage.cpp:290
+#: clientgui/AccountManagerInfoPage.cpp:290
 msgid "Visit this account manager's web site"
 msgstr ""
-#: AccountManagerProcessingPage.cpp:187 AccountManagerPropertiesPage.cpp:193
+#: clientgui/AccountManagerProcessingPage.cpp:186
+#: clientgui/AccountManagerPropertiesPage.cpp:192
 #, c-format
 msgid "Communicating with %s."
 msgstr ""
-#: AccountManagerProcessingPage.cpp:194 AccountManagerPropertiesPage.cpp:200
+#: clientgui/AccountManagerProcessingPage.cpp:193
+#: clientgui/AccountManagerPropertiesPage.cpp:199
 msgid "Communicating with server."
 msgstr ""
-#: AccountManagerProcessingPage.cpp:199 AccountManagerPropertiesPage.cpp:205
+#: clientgui/AccountManagerProcessingPage.cpp:198
+#: clientgui/AccountManagerPropertiesPage.cpp:204
 msgid "Please wait..."
 msgstr ""
-#: AccountManagerProcessingPage.cpp:326
+#: clientgui/AccountManagerProcessingPage.cpp:325
 msgid "An internal server error has occurred.\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:95
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:96
 msgid "Connected"
 msgstr "Spojeno"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:103
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:104
 msgid "Disconnected"
 msgstr "Prekinuto"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:322 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:119
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:318
 #, c-format
 msgid "Close the %s window"
 msgstr ""
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:325 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:122
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:321
 msgid "&Close Window"
 msgstr ""
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:336 AdvancedFrame.cpp:343 AdvancedFrame.cpp:350
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:332
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:339
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:346
 #, c-format
 msgid "Exit %s"
 msgstr ""
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:371
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:359
+msgid "Preferences..."
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:368
 msgid "&Notices\tCtrl+Shift+N"
 msgstr ""
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:372
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:369
 msgid "Display notices"
 msgstr ""
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:377
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:374
 msgid "&Projects\tCtrl+Shift+P"
 msgstr ""
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:378
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:375
 msgid "Display projects"
 msgstr ""
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:383
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:380
 msgid "&Tasks\tCtrl+Shift+T"
 msgstr ""
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:384
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:381
 msgid "Display tasks"
 msgstr ""
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:389
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:386
 msgid "Trans&fers\tCtrl+Shift+X"
 msgstr ""
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:390
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:387
 msgid "Display transfers"
 msgstr ""
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:395
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:392
 msgid "&Statistics\tCtrl+Shift+S"
 msgstr ""
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:396
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:393
 msgid "Display statistics"
 msgstr ""
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:401
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:398
 msgid "&Disk usage\tCtrl+Shift+D"
 msgstr ""
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:402
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:399
 msgid "Display disk usage"
 msgstr ""
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:409
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:406
 msgid "Simple &View...\tCtrl+Shift+V"
 msgstr ""
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:410
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:407
 msgid "Display the simple graphical interface."
 msgstr ""
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:424
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:421
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "&Add project or account manager..."
 msgstr "Uključujem se u projekt..."
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:425 sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:76
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:422
 msgid "Volunteer for any or all of 30+ projects in many areas of science"
 msgstr ""
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:429
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:426
 #, c-format
 msgid "&Synchronize with %s"
 msgstr ""
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:433
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:430
 #, c-format
 msgid "Get current settings from %s"
 msgstr ""
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:443
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:440
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "&Add project..."
 msgstr "Uključujem se u projekt..."
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:444
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:441
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Add a project"
 msgstr "Priključi se"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:447
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:444
 #, c-format
 #, fuzzy, c-format
 msgid "S&top using %s..."
 msgstr "Zaustavljam rezultat..."
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:453
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:450
 msgid "Remove this computer from account manager control."
 msgstr ""
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:458 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:178
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:455
 msgid "&Options..."
 msgstr ""
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:459 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:179
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:456
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Configure display options and proxy settings"
 msgstr "Podešava GUI opcije i proxy postavke"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:463 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:172
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:460
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Computing &preferences..."
 msgstr "&Radi ovisno o postavkama"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:464 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:173
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:461
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Configure computing preferences"
 msgstr "&Radi ovisno o postavkama"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:472
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:469
 msgid "&Run always"
 msgstr "&Uvijek radi"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:473
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:470
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Allow work regardless of preferences"
 msgstr "Obrađuje bez obzira na postavke"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:477
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:474
 msgid "Run based on &preferences"
 msgstr "&Radi ovisno o postavkama"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:478
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:475
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Allow work according to preferences"
 msgstr "Obrađuje ovisno o postavkama"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:482
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:479
 msgid "&Suspend"
 msgstr "&Zaustavi"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:483
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:480
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Stop work regardless of preferences"
 msgstr "Zaustavlja obradu bez obzira na postavke"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:508
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:505
 msgid "Use GPU always"
 msgstr ""
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:509
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:506
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Allow GPU work regardless of preferences"
 msgstr "Obrađuje bez obzira na postavke"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:513
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:510
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Use GPU based on preferences"
 msgstr "&Radi ovisno o postavkama"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:514
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:511
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Allow GPU work according to preferences"
 msgstr "Obrađuje ovisno o postavkama"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:518
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:515
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Suspend GPU"
 msgstr "Zaustavi"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:519
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:516
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Stop GPU work regardless of preferences"
 msgstr "Zaustavlja obradu bez obzira na postavke"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:543
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:540
 msgid "Network activity always available"
 msgstr ""
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:544
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:541
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Allow network activity regardless of preferences"
 msgstr "Obrađuje bez obzira na postavke"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:548
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:545
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Network activity based on preferences"
 msgstr "Obrađuje bez obzira na postavke"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:549
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:546
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Allow network activity according to preferences"
 msgstr "Obrađuje ovisno o postavkama"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:553
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:550
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Network activity suspended"
 msgstr "Aktivnosti zaustavljene"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:554
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:551
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Stop BOINC network activity"
 msgstr "Zaustavlja mrežnu aktivnost BOINC-a"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:564
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:561
 #, c-format
 #, fuzzy, c-format
 msgid "Connect to another computer running %s"
 msgstr "Spojite se na drugo računolo koje ima BOINC"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:569
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:566
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Select computer..."
 msgstr "Odaberite računalo..."
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:574
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:571
 msgid "Shut down connected client..."
 msgstr ""
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:575
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:572
 msgid "Shut down the currently connected client"
 msgstr ""
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:579
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:576
 msgid "Run CPU &benchmarks"
 msgstr ""
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:580
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:577
 msgid "Runs BOINC CPU benchmarks"
 msgstr "Pokreće BOINC-ove testove procesora"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:584
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:581
 msgid "Do network communication"
 msgstr ""
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:585
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:582
 msgid "Do all pending network communication"
 msgstr ""
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:589
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:586
 msgid "Read config files"
 msgstr ""
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:590
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:587
 msgid "Read configuration info from cc_config.xml and any app_config.xml files"
 msgstr ""
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:594
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:591
 msgid "Read local prefs file"
 msgstr ""
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:595
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:592
 msgid "Read preferences from global_prefs_override.xml."
 msgstr ""
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:600
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:597
 #, c-format
 msgid "Launch another instance of %s..."
 msgstr ""
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:604
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:601
 #, c-format
 msgid "Launch another %s"
 msgstr ""
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:614
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:611
 msgid "Event Log...\tCtrl+Shift+E"
 msgstr ""
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:615
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:612
 msgid "Display diagnostic messages."
 msgstr ""
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:625 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:188
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:616
+msgid "Event Log Diagnostic Flags...\tCtrl+Shift+F"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:617
+msgid "Enable or disable various diagnostic messages"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:626
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s &help"
 msgstr ""
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:631 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:194
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:632
 #, c-format
 msgid "Show information about %s"
 msgstr ""
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:643
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:644
 #, c-format
 msgid "&%s help"
 msgstr ""
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:649 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:212
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:650
 #, c-format
 msgid "Show information about the %s"
 msgstr ""
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:661 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:224
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:662
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s &web site"
 msgstr ""
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:667 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:230
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:668
 #, c-format
 #, fuzzy, c-format
 msgid "Show information about BOINC and %s"
 msgstr "Pokazuje informacije o BOINC menadžeru"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:679 BOINCTaskBar.cpp:530 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:242
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:680
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:544
 #, c-format
 msgid "&About %s..."
 msgstr ""
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:685 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:248
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:686
 msgid "Licensing and copyright information."
 msgstr "Licenčne i autorske informacije."
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:692 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:255
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:693
 msgid "&File"
 msgstr "&Datoteka"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:696 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:259
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:697
 msgid "&View"
 msgstr ""
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:700 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:263
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:701
 msgid "&Tools"
 msgstr "&Alati"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:704
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:705
 msgid "&Activity"
 msgstr ""
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:708
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:709
 msgid "A&dvanced"
 msgstr ""
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:712 DlgEventLog.cpp:332 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:267
-#: wizardex.cpp:374 wizardex.cpp:381
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:713
 msgid "&Help"
 msgstr "&Pomoć"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:1199
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1185
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - Stop using %s"
 msgstr ""
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:1204
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1190
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "If you stop using %s,\n"
@@ -561,49 +583,49 @@ msgid ""
 "Do you want to stop using %s?"
 msgstr ""
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:1401
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1397
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - Shut down the current client..."
 msgstr ""
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:1410
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1406
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "%s will shut down the current client\n"
 "and prompt you for another host to connect to."
 msgstr ""
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:1745 DlgAbout.cpp:119
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1806
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s"
 msgstr ""
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:1754
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1815
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s has successfully added %s"
 msgstr ""
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:1893
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1953
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - (%s)"
 msgstr "%s - (%s)"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:1897
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1957
 #, c-format
 msgid "Connecting to %s"
 msgstr "Spajam se na %s"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:1900
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1960
 #, c-format
 #, fuzzy, c-format
 msgid "Connected to %s (%s)"
 msgstr "Spojeno na %s"
-#: AlreadyExistsPage.cpp:184
+#: clientgui/AlreadyExistsPage.cpp:184
 msgid "Username already in use"
 msgstr ""
-#: AlreadyExistsPage.cpp:187
+#: clientgui/AlreadyExistsPage.cpp:187
 msgid ""
 "An account with that username already exists and has a\n"
 "different password than the one you entered.\n"
@@ -611,11 +633,11 @@ msgid ""
 "Please visit the project's web site and follow the instructions there."
 msgstr ""
-#: AlreadyExistsPage.cpp:191
+#: clientgui/AlreadyExistsPage.cpp:191
 msgid "Email address already in use"
 msgstr ""
-#: AlreadyExistsPage.cpp:194
+#: clientgui/AlreadyExistsPage.cpp:194
 msgid ""
 "An account with that email address already exists and has a\n"
 "different password than the one you entered.\n"
@@ -623,125 +645,122 @@ msgid ""
 "Please visit the project's web site and follow the instructions there."
 msgstr ""
-#: AsyncRPC.cpp:1031
+#: clientgui/AsyncRPC.cpp:1031
 msgid "Communicating with BOINC client.  Please wait ..."
 msgstr ""
-#: AsyncRPC.cpp:1034
+#: clientgui/AsyncRPC.cpp:1034
 #, c-format
 msgid "&Quit %s"
 msgstr ""
-#: AsyncRPC.cpp:1036
+#: clientgui/AsyncRPC.cpp:1036
 #, c-format
 msgid "E&xit %s"
 msgstr ""
-#: AsyncRPC.cpp:1040
+#: clientgui/AsyncRPC.cpp:1040
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - Communication"
 msgstr ""
-#: AsyncRPC.cpp:1056 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:107 sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:433
+#: clientgui/AsyncRPC.cpp:1056
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Cancel"
 msgstr "&Poništi"
-#: BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:505
+#: clientgui/BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:504
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - Connection Error"
 msgstr ""
-#: BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:514
+#: clientgui/BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:513
 msgid ""
 "You currently are not authorized to manage the client.\n"
-"Please contact your administrator to add you to the 'boinc_users' local user "
+"Please contact your administrator to add you to the 'boinc_users' local user group."
 msgstr ""
-#: BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:523
+#: clientgui/BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:522
 msgid ""
 "Authorization failed connecting to running client.\n"
 "Make sure you start this program in the same directory as the client."
 msgstr ""
-#: BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:525
+#: clientgui/BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:524
 msgid "Authorization failed connecting to running client."
 msgstr ""
-#: BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:533
+#: clientgui/BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:532
 msgid "The password you have provided is incorrect, please try again."
 msgstr "Lozinka koju ste unijeli je netočna, molimo pokušajte ponovno."
-#: BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:577
+#: clientgui/BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:576
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - Connection Failed"
 msgstr ""
-#: BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:586
+#: clientgui/BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:585
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "%s is not able to connect to a %s client.\n"
 "Would you like to try to connect again?"
 msgstr ""
-#: BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:622
+#: clientgui/BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:621
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - Daemon Start Failed"
 msgstr ""
-#: BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:632
+#: clientgui/BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:631
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "%s is not able to start a %s client.\n"
-"Please launch the Control Panel->Administative Tools->Services applet and "
-"start the BOINC service."
+"Please launch the Control Panel->Administative Tools->Services applet and start the BOINC service."
 msgstr ""
-#: BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:638
+#: clientgui/BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:637
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "%s is not able to start a %s client.\n"
 "Please start the daemon and try again."
 msgstr ""
-#: BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:689
+#: clientgui/BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:688
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - Connection Status"
 msgstr ""
-#: BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:700
+#: clientgui/BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:699
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "%s is not currently connected to a %s client.\n"
-"Please use the 'Advanced\\Select Computer...' menu option to connect up to a "
-"%s client.\n"
+"Please use the 'Advanced\\Select Computer...' menu option to connect up to a %s client.\n"
 "To connect up to your local computer please use 'localhost' as the host name."
 msgstr ""
-#: BOINCBaseView.cpp:779
+#: clientgui/BOINCBaseView.cpp:752
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Project web pages"
 msgstr "Projekt"
-#: BOINCClientManager.cpp:575
+#: clientgui/BOINCClientManager.cpp:573
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - Unexpected Exit"
 msgstr ""
-#: BOINCClientManager.cpp:585
+#: clientgui/BOINCClientManager.cpp:583
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "The %s client has exited unexpectedly 3 times within the last %d minutes.\n"
 "Would you like to restart it again?"
 msgstr ""
-#: BOINCDialupManager.cpp:61
+#: clientgui/BOINCDialupManager.cpp:61
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - Network Status"
 msgstr ""
-#: BOINCDialupManager.cpp:241
+#: clientgui/BOINCDialupManager.cpp:241
 #, c-format
 #, fuzzy, c-format
 msgid ""
@@ -751,25 +770,25 @@ msgstr ""
 "BOINC se treba spojiti na internet.\n"
 "Može li to učiniti sada"
-#: BOINCDialupManager.cpp:254
+#: clientgui/BOINCDialupManager.cpp:254
 #, c-format
 #, fuzzy, c-format
 msgid "%s is connecting to the Internet."
 msgstr "BOINC se spaja na internet."
-#: BOINCDialupManager.cpp:303
+#: clientgui/BOINCDialupManager.cpp:303
 #, c-format
 #, fuzzy, c-format
 msgid "%s has successfully connected to the Internet."
 msgstr "BOINC se uspješno odpojio s interneta."
-#: BOINCDialupManager.cpp:331
+#: clientgui/BOINCDialupManager.cpp:331
 #, c-format
 #, fuzzy, c-format
 msgid "%s failed to connect to the Internet."
 msgstr "BOINC se nije uspio spojiti na internet."
-#: BOINCDialupManager.cpp:372
+#: clientgui/BOINCDialupManager.cpp:372
 #, c-format
 #, fuzzy, c-format
 msgid ""
@@ -779,19 +798,19 @@ msgstr ""
 "BOINC je detektirao vezu na internet, ažurira sve projekte i ponovo pokušava "
 "sve prijenose."
-#: BOINCDialupManager.cpp:417
+#: clientgui/BOINCDialupManager.cpp:417
 #, c-format
 #, fuzzy, c-format
 msgid "%s has successfully disconnected from the Internet."
 msgstr "BOINC se uspješno odpojio s interneta."
-#: BOINCDialupManager.cpp:433
+#: clientgui/BOINCDialupManager.cpp:433
 #, c-format
 #, fuzzy, c-format
 msgid "%s failed to disconnected from the Internet."
 msgstr "BOINC se nije uspio odpojiti s interneta."
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:339
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:595
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "You currently are not authorized to manage the client.\n"
@@ -804,817 +823,856 @@ msgid ""
 "     user group."
 msgstr ""
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:345
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:601
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "%s ownership or permissions are not set properly; please reinstall %s.\n"
 "(Error code %d"
 msgstr ""
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:351
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:607
 msgid " at "
 msgstr ""
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:354 MainDocument.cpp:2484 MainDocument.cpp:2534
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2554 ViewTransfers.cpp:803
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:610
 msgid ")"
 msgstr ""
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:384
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:640
 msgid ""
 "A reboot is required in order for BOINC to run properly.\n"
 "Please reboot your computer and try again."
 msgstr ""
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:385 DlgAbout.cpp:153
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:641
 msgid "BOINC Manager"
 msgstr "BOINC Menadžer"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:572
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:902
 msgid "BOINC Manager was started by the operating system automatically"
 msgstr ""
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:574
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:904
 msgid "Startup BOINC so only the system tray icon is visible"
 msgstr "Pokrenuti BOINC tako da je vidljiva samo ikona u trayu"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:576
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:906
 msgid "Directory containing the BOINC Client executable"
 msgstr ""
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:577
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:907
 msgid "BOINC data directory"
 msgstr ""
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:579
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:909
 msgid "Host name or IP address"
 msgstr ""
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:580
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:910
 msgid "GUI RPC port number"
 msgstr ""
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:581
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:911
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Password"
 msgstr "Lozinka:"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:582
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:912
 msgid "Startup BOINC with these optional arguments"
 msgstr ""
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:583
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:913
 msgid "disable BOINC security users and permissions"
 msgstr ""
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:584
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:914
 msgid "set skin debugging mode to enable skin manager error messages"
 msgstr ""
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:585
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:915
 msgid "multiple instances of BOINC Manager allowed"
 msgstr ""
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:587
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:917
 msgid "Not used: workaround for bug in XCode 4.2"
 msgstr ""
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:814
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:1164
 msgid "(Automatic Detection)"
 msgstr "(Automatska detekcija)"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:815
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:1165
 msgid "(Unknown)"
 msgstr "(Nepoznato)"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:816
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:1166
 msgid "(User Defined)"
 msgstr "(Korisnički određeno)"
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:508
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:522
 #, c-format
 msgid "Open %s Web..."
 msgstr ""
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:515
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:529
 #, c-format
 msgid "Open %s..."
 msgstr ""
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:522 BOINCTaskBar.cpp:619 BOINCTaskBar.cpp:627
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:536
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:633
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:641
 msgid "Snooze"
 msgstr ""
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:524 BOINCTaskBar.cpp:646 BOINCTaskBar.cpp:654
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:538
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:660
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:668
 msgid "Snooze GPU"
 msgstr ""
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:542
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:556
 msgid "E&xit"
 msgstr "&Izlaz"
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:612 ViewProjects.cpp:718 ViewWork.cpp:795
-#: sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:758 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:110
-#: sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:102
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:626
 msgid "Resume"
 msgstr "Nastavi"
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:639
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:653
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Resume GPU"
 msgstr "Nastavi"
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:713
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:727
 msgid "Computing is enabled"
 msgstr ""
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:717
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:731
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Computing is suspended - "
 msgstr "Aktivnosti zaustavljene od korisnika"
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:727
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:741
 msgid "GPU computing is enabled"
 msgstr ""
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:730
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:744
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "GPU computing is suspended - "
 msgstr "Aktivnosti zaustavljene od korisnika"
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:739
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:753
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Network is enabled"
 msgstr "Aktivnosti zaustavljene"
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:742
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:756
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Network is suspended - "
 msgstr "Aktivnosti zaustavljene"
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:750
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:764
 msgid "Reconnecting to client."
 msgstr ""
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:752
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:766
 msgid "Not connected to a client."
 msgstr ""
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:805
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:819
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s Notices"
 msgstr ""
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:811
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:825
 msgid "There are new notices - click to view."
 msgstr ""
-#: CompletionErrorPage.cpp:199
+#: clientgui/CompletionErrorPage.cpp:199
 msgid "Failed to add project"
 msgstr ""
-#: CompletionErrorPage.cpp:204
+#: clientgui/CompletionErrorPage.cpp:204
 msgid "Failed to update account manager"
 msgstr ""
-#: CompletionErrorPage.cpp:208
+#: clientgui/CompletionErrorPage.cpp:208
 msgid "Failed to remove account manager"
 msgstr ""
-#: CompletionErrorPage.cpp:212
+#: clientgui/CompletionErrorPage.cpp:212
 msgid "Failed to add account manager"
 msgstr ""
-#: CompletionErrorPage.cpp:221
+#: clientgui/CompletionErrorPage.cpp:221
 msgid ""
 "Please try again later.\n"
 "Click Finish to close."
 msgstr ""
-#: CompletionErrorPage.cpp:225 CompletionPage.cpp:222 CompletionPage.cpp:242
-#: CompletionPage.cpp:273
+#: clientgui/CompletionErrorPage.cpp:225
+#: clientgui/CompletionPage.cpp:222
+#: clientgui/CompletionPage.cpp:242
+#: clientgui/CompletionPage.cpp:273
 msgid "Click Finish to close."
 msgstr ""
-#: CompletionErrorPage.cpp:234
+#: clientgui/CompletionErrorPage.cpp:234
 msgid "Messages from server:"
 msgstr ""
-#: CompletionPage.cpp:207
+#: clientgui/CompletionPage.cpp:207
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Project added"
 msgstr "Projekt"
-#: CompletionPage.cpp:213
+#: clientgui/CompletionPage.cpp:213
 msgid "This project has been successfully added."
 msgstr ""
-#: CompletionPage.cpp:218
+#: clientgui/CompletionPage.cpp:218
 msgid ""
 "When you click Finish, your web browser will go to a page where\n"
 "you can set your account name and preferences."
 msgstr ""
-#: CompletionPage.cpp:232
+#: clientgui/CompletionPage.cpp:232
 #, c-format
 msgid "Update from %s completed."
 msgstr ""
-#: CompletionPage.cpp:236
+#: clientgui/CompletionPage.cpp:236
 msgid "Update completed."
 msgstr ""
-#: CompletionPage.cpp:247
+#: clientgui/CompletionPage.cpp:247
 msgid "Now using account manager"
 msgstr ""
-#: CompletionPage.cpp:252
+#: clientgui/CompletionPage.cpp:252
 #, c-format
 msgid "Welcome to %s!"
 msgstr ""
-#: CompletionPage.cpp:263
+#: clientgui/CompletionPage.cpp:263
 #, c-format
 msgid "You are now using %s to manage accounts."
 msgstr ""
-#: CompletionPage.cpp:267
+#: clientgui/CompletionPage.cpp:267
 msgid "You are now using this account manager."
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgAbout.cpp:113 mac/Mac_GUI.cpp:96
+#: clientgui/DlgAbout.cpp:113
 #, c-format
 msgid "About %s"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgAbout.cpp:172
+#: clientgui/DlgAbout.cpp:172
 msgid "Version:"
 msgstr "Verzija:"
-#: DlgAbout.cpp:180
+#: clientgui/DlgAbout.cpp:180
 msgid "wxWidgets Version:"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgAbout.cpp:188
+#: clientgui/DlgAbout.cpp:188
 msgid "Copyright:"
 msgstr "Autorska prava:"
-# 98%
-#: DlgAbout.cpp:192
-#, fuzzy
+#: clientgui/DlgAbout.cpp:192
 msgid ""
-"(C) 2003-2013 University of California, Berkeley.\n"
+"(C) 2003-2014 University of California, Berkeley.\n"
 "All Rights Reserved."
 msgstr ""
-"(C) 2005 Kalifornijsko sveučilište u Berkeleyu.\n"
-"Sva prava pridržana."
-#: DlgAbout.cpp:196
+#: clientgui/DlgAbout.cpp:196
 msgid "Berkeley Open Infrastructure for Network Computing"
 msgstr "Berkeley Open Infrastructure for Network Computing"
-#: DlgAbout.cpp:208 DlgExitMessage.cpp:173 DlgGenericMessage.cpp:120
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:396 DlgSelectComputer.cpp:163
+#: clientgui/DlgAbout.cpp:208
+#: clientgui/DlgExitMessage.cpp:173
+#: clientgui/DlgGenericMessage.cpp:120
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:399
+#: clientgui/DlgSelectComputer.cpp:163
 msgid "&OK"
 msgstr "&U redu"
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:544
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:602
 msgid "invalid number"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:545
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:603
 msgid "invalid time, format is HH:MM"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:546
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:604
 msgid "invalid time interval, format is HH:MM-HH:MM"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:751
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:817
 msgid "invalid input value detected"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:753
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:819
 msgid "Validation Error"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:885 DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:891
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:897
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:969
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:975
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:981
 msgid "Applications to add"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:914
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:998
 #, c-format
 msgid "'%s' is not an executable application."
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:915 DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:962
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:986
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:999
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:1046
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:1070
 msgid "Add Exclusive App"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:927
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:1011
 msgid "Name of application to add?"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:927
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:1011
 msgid "Add exclusive app"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:961
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:1045
 #, c-format
 msgid "Application names must end with '%s'"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:985
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:1069
 #, c-format
 msgid "'%s' is already in the list."
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:1077
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:1161
 msgid ""
 "Do you really want to clear all local preferences?\n"
 "(This will not affect exclusive applications.)"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:1078 sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:1030
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:1162
 msgid "Confirmation"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:46 sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:946
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:49
 #, c-format
-msgid "%s - Preferences"
+msgid "%s - Computing preferences"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:62
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:66
 msgid ""
 "This dialog controls preferences for this computer only.\n"
 "Click OK to set preferences.\n"
 "Click Clear to restore web-based settings (except exclusive apps)."
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:65 sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:428
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:69
 msgid "Clear"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:66
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:70
 msgid "clear all local preferences and close the dialog"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:81
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:85
 msgid "processor usage"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:84
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:88
 msgid "network usage"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:87
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:91
 msgid "disk and memory usage"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:90
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:94
 msgid "exclusive applications"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:102 sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:424
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:107
+#: clientgui/DlgDiagnosticLogFlags.cpp:104
 msgid "OK"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:103
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:108
 msgid "save all values and close the dialog"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:108
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:114
 msgid "close the dialog without saving"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:112 Localization.cpp:35 Localization.cpp:121
-#: Localization.cpp:139 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:794 sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:439
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:118
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:35
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:121
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:139
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Help"
 msgstr "&Pomoć"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:113
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:119
 msgid "shows the preferences web page"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:135
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:141
 msgid "Computing allowed"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:139
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:146
 msgid "While computer is on batteries"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:142
-msgid ""
-"check this if you want this computer to do work while it runs on batteries"
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:149
+msgid "check this if you want this computer to do work while it runs on batteries"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:148
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:155
 msgid "While computer is in use"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:151
-msgid ""
-"check this if you want this computer to do work even when you're using it"
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:158
+msgid "check this if you want this computer to do work even when you're using it"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:157
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:164
 msgid "Use GPU while computer is in use"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:160
-msgid ""
-"check this if you want your GPU to do work even when you're using the "
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:167
+msgid "check this if you want your GPU to do work even when you're using the computer"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:172
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:179
 msgid "Only after computer has been idle for"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:182
-msgid ""
-"do work only after you haven't used the computer for this number of minutes"
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:188
+msgid "do work only after you haven't used the computer for this number of minutes"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:187 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:336
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:417
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:193
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:342
 msgid "minutes"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:206
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:212
 msgid "While processor usage is less than"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:216
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:221
 msgid "suspend work if processor usage exceeds this level"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:221
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:226
 msgid "percent (0 means no restriction)"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:235 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:496
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:240
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:506
 msgid "Every day between hours of"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:239
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:244
 msgid "start work at this time"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:243 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:504
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:326 sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:348
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:248
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:514
 msgid "and"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:247
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:252
 msgid "stop work at this time"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:251 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:512
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:256
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:522
 msgid "(no restriction if equal)"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:256 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:517
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:261
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:527
 msgid "Day-of-week override:"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:261 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:522
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:266
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:532
 msgid "check box to specify hours for this day of week"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:267 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:528
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:272
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:538
 msgid "Monday"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:274 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:535
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:279
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:545
 msgid "Tuesday"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:281 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:542
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:286
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:552
 msgid "Wednesday"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:288 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:549
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:293
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:559
 msgid "Thursday"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:295 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:556
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:300
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:566
 msgid "Friday"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:302 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:563
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:307
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:573
 msgid "Saturday"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:309 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:570
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:314
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:580
 msgid "Sunday"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:323
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:328
 msgid "Other options"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:330
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:336
 msgid "Switch between applications every"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:339
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:345
 msgid "On multiprocessor systems, use at most"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:346
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:352
 #, no-c-format
-msgid "% of the processors (0 means ignore this setting)"
+msgid "% of the processors (0 means no restriction)"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:349 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:605
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:627 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:648
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:669 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:679
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:355
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:618
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:640
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:661
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:683
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:694
 msgid "Use at most"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:356
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:362
 #, no-c-format
-#, fuzzy, no-c-format
-msgid "% CPU time"
-msgstr "Procesorsko vrijeme"
+msgid "% of CPU time (0 means no restriction)"
+msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:378
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:386
 msgid "General options"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:386
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:395
 msgid "Maximum download rate"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:392 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:401
-msgid "KBytes/sec."
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:401
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:410
+msgid "KBytes/second (0 means no restriction)"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:395
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:404
 msgid "Maximum upload rate"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:406
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Transfer at most"
-msgstr "Prijenosi"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:412
-msgid "Mbytes"
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:417
+msgid "Minimum work buffer"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:415
-msgid "every"
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:425
+msgid "Try to maintain enough tasks to keep busy for this many days"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:421 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:444
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:463
-msgid "days"
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:431
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:449
+msgid "days (maximum value: 10)"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:429
-msgid "Minimum work buffer"
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:437
+msgid "Max additional work buffer"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:438
-msgid "Try to maintain enough tasks to keep busy for this many days"
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:445
+msgid "In addition, maintain enough tasks for up to this many days"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:450
-msgid "Max additional work buffer"
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:454
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Transfer at most"
+msgstr "Prijenosi"
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:462
+msgid "MBytes every"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:459
-msgid "In addition, maintain enough tasks for up to this many days"
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:468
+msgid "days (0 means no restriction)"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:466
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:476
 msgid "Skip image file verification"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:468
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:478
 msgid "check this if your Internet provider modifies image files"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:476
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:484
 msgid "Connect options"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:478
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:487
 msgid "Confirm before connecting to internet"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:480
-msgid ""
-"if checked, a confirmation dialog will be displayed before trying to connect "
-"to the Internet"
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:489
+msgid "if checked, a confirmation dialog will be displayed before trying to connect to the Internet"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:484
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:493
 msgid "Disconnect when done"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:486
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:495
 msgid ""
 "if checked, BOINC hangs up when network usage is done\n"
 "(only relevant for dialup-connection)"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:492
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:501
 msgid "Network usage allowed"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:500
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:510
 msgid "network usage start hour"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:508
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:518
 msgid "network usage stop hour"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:598 DlgItemProperties.cpp:231
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:610
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:257
 msgid "Disk usage"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:609
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:622
 msgid "the maximum disk space used by BOINC (in Gigabytes)"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:613
-msgid "Gigabytes disk space"
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:626
+msgid "Gigabytes disk space (0 means no restriction)"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:616
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:629
 msgid "Leave at least"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:620
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:633
 msgid "BOINC leaves at least this amount of disk space free (in Gigabytes)"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:624
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:637
 msgid "Gigabytes disk space free"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:631
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:644
 msgid "BOINC uses at most this percentage of total disk space"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:636
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:649
 #, no-c-format
 msgid "% of total disk space"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:639
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:652
 msgid "Tasks checkpoint to disk at most every"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:645
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:658
 msgid "seconds"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:655
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:668
 #, no-c-format
 msgid "% of page file (swap space)"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:662
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:675
 msgid "Memory usage"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:676
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:691
 #, no-c-format
 msgid "% when computer is in use"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:686
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:701
 #, no-c-format
 msgid "% when computer is idle"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:691
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:706
 msgid "Leave applications in memory while suspended"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:693
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:708
 msgid "if checked, suspended work units are left in memory"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:713
-msgid ""
-"Suspend processor and network usage when these applications are running:"
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:728
+msgid "Suspend processor and network usage when these applications are running:"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:722
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:738
 msgid "Add..."
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:723
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:739
 msgid "Add an application to this list"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:728 ViewProjects.cpp:202
-#: sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:85
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:744
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Remove"
 msgstr "Nastavi"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:729
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:745
 msgid "Remove an application from this list"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:738
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:754
 msgid "For advanced options, refer to "
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:219
+#: clientgui/DlgDiagnosticLogFlags.cpp:65
+#, c-format
+msgid "%s Diagnostic Log Flags"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/DlgDiagnosticLogFlags.cpp:83
+msgid "These flags enable various types of diagnostic messages in the Event Log."
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/DlgDiagnosticLogFlags.cpp:105
+msgid "Save all values and close the dialog"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/DlgDiagnosticLogFlags.cpp:108
+msgid "Defaults"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/DlgDiagnosticLogFlags.cpp:109
+msgid "Restore default settings"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/DlgDiagnosticLogFlags.cpp:113
+msgid "Close the dialog without saving"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:226
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - Event Log"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:232 ViewMessages.cpp:117 ViewProjects.cpp:219
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:435 ViewStatistics.cpp:2009 ViewTransfers.cpp:182
-#: ViewWork.cpp:232
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:236
 msgid "Project"
 msgstr "Projekt"
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:233 ViewMessages.cpp:118
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:237
 msgid "Time"
 msgstr "Vrijeme"
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:234 ViewMessages.cpp:119
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:238
 msgid "Message"
 msgstr "Poruka"
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:290 DlgEventLog.cpp:354
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:300
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:364
 msgid "&Show only this project"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:294
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:304
 msgid "Copy &All"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:296 DlgEventLog.cpp:300 ViewMessages.cpp:89
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:306
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:310
 msgid "Copy all the messages to the clipboard."
 msgstr "Kopiraj sve poruke u memoriju"
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:305
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:315
 msgid "Copy &Selected"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:308 DlgEventLog.cpp:316 ViewMessages.cpp:97
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:318
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:326
 #, fuzzy
-msgid ""
-"Copy the selected messages to the clipboard. You can select multiple "
-"messages by holding down the shift or command key while clicking on messages."
+msgid "Copy the selected messages to the clipboard. You can select multiple messages by holding down the shift or command key while clicking on messages."
 msgstr ""
 "Kopiraj označene poruke u memoriju. Možete označiti više poruka držeći shift "
 "ili ctrl dok klikate na poruke."
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:310 DlgEventLog.cpp:318 ViewMessages.cpp:99
-msgid ""
-"Copy the selected messages to the clipboard. You can select multiple "
-"messages by holding down the shift or control key while clicking on messages."
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:320
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:328
+msgid "Copy the selected messages to the clipboard. You can select multiple messages by holding down the shift or control key while clicking on messages."
 msgstr ""
 "Kopiraj označene poruke u memoriju. Možete označiti više poruka držeći shift "
 "ili ctrl dok klikate na poruke."
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:325 DlgItemProperties.cpp:67
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:335
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:67
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "&Close"
 msgstr "Zatvoriti"
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:334 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:798 sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:442
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:344
 #, c-format
 msgid "Get help with %s"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:348
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:358
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Show all &messages"
 msgstr "Kopiraj sve poruke"
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:349 DlgEventLog.cpp:351
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:359
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:361
 msgid "Show messages for all projects"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:355 DlgEventLog.cpp:357
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:365
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:367
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Show only the messages for the selected project"
 msgstr "Kopiraj sve poruke u memoriju"
-#: DlgExitMessage.cpp:82
+#: clientgui/DlgExitMessage.cpp:82
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - Exit Confirmation"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgExitMessage.cpp:130
+#: clientgui/DlgExitMessage.cpp:130
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "You have requested to exit the %s,\n"
@@ -1625,7 +1683,7 @@ msgid ""
 "choose from the following options:"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgExitMessage.cpp:135
+#: clientgui/DlgExitMessage.cpp:135
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "This will shut down %s and its tasks until either the\n"
@@ -1636,833 +1694,861 @@ msgid ""
 "tasks at the times you selected in your preferences."
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgExitMessage.cpp:153
+#: clientgui/DlgExitMessage.cpp:153
 #, c-format
 msgid "Stop running tasks when exiting the %s"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgExitMessage.cpp:165
+#: clientgui/DlgExitMessage.cpp:165
 msgid "Remember this decision and do not show this dialog."
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgExitMessage.cpp:178 DlgGenericMessage.cpp:125 DlgOptions.cpp:401
-#: DlgSelectComputer.cpp:168 wizardex.cpp:378
+#: clientgui/DlgExitMessage.cpp:178
+#: clientgui/DlgGenericMessage.cpp:125
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:404
+#: clientgui/DlgSelectComputer.cpp:168
 msgid "&Cancel"
 msgstr "&Poništi"
-#: DlgGenericMessage.cpp:112
+#: clientgui/DlgGenericMessage.cpp:112
 msgid "Don't show this dialog again."
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:168 DlgItemProperties.cpp:171
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:174 DlgItemProperties.cpp:177
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:194
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:197
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:200
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:203
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Don't fetch tasks for "
 msgstr "Neće dobiti novi posao"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:168
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:194
 msgid "Project preference"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:171
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:197
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Account manager preference"
 msgstr "Adresa menadžera računa:"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:174
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:200
 msgid "Project has no apps for "
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:177
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:203
 msgid "Client configuration excludes "
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:181
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:207
 msgid " work fetch deferred for"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:182
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:208
 msgid " work fetch deferral interval"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:213
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:239
 msgid "Properties of project "
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:217 DlgOptions.cpp:218
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:243
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:221
 msgid "General"
 msgstr "Općenito"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:218
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:244
 msgid "Master URL"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:219
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:245
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "User name"
 msgstr "Korisničko ime:"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:220
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:246
 msgid "Team name"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:221 ViewProjects.cpp:224
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:247
 msgid "Resource share"
 msgstr "Djeljenje resursa"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:223
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:249
 msgid "Scheduler RPC deferred for"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:226
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:252
 msgid "File downloads deferred for"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:229
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:255
 msgid "File uploads deferred for"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:232
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:258
 msgid "Computer ID"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:234
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:260
 msgid "Non CPU intensive"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:234 DlgItemProperties.cpp:236
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:237 DlgItemProperties.cpp:239
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:242 DlgItemProperties.cpp:251
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:254 DlgItemProperties.cpp:257
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:260
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:262
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:263
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:265
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:268
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:277
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:280
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:283
 msgid "yes"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:236
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:262
 msgid "Suspended via GUI"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:236 DlgItemProperties.cpp:237
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:262
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:263
 msgid "no"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:237
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:263
 msgid "Don't request more work"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:239
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:265
 msgid "Scheduler call in progress"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:242
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:268
 msgid "Trickle-up pending"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:245 DlgItemProperties.cpp:247
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:271
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:273
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Host location"
 msgstr "Ukupan kredit računala"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:247
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:273
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "default"
 msgstr "&Postavi kao pretpostavljeno"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:251
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:277
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Added via account manager"
 msgstr "Menadžer računa"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:254
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:280
 msgid "Remove when tasks done"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:257
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:283
 msgid "Ended"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:259
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:285
+msgid "Tasks completed"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:286
+msgid "Tasks failed"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:288
 msgid "Credit"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:260
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:289
 msgid "User"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:267
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:296
 msgid "Host"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:276
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:305
 msgid "Scheduling"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:277
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:306
 msgid "Scheduling priority"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:278
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:307
 msgid "CPU"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:302
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:331
 msgid "Duration correction factor"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:316
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:345
 msgid "Properties of task "
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:328 ViewWork.cpp:238
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:357
 msgid "Application"
 msgstr "Aplikacija"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:329 ViewWork.cpp:239
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:358
 msgid "Name"
 msgstr "Ime"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:330
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:359
 msgid "State"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:333
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:362
 msgid "Received"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:336
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:365
 msgid "Report deadline"
 msgstr "Rok prijave"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:338
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:367
 msgid "Resources"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:341
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:370
 msgid "Estimated computation size"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:344
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:373
 msgid "CPU time at last checkpoint"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:345 DlgItemProperties.cpp:360
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:374
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:389
 msgid "CPU time"
 msgstr "Procesorsko vrijeme"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:347 DlgItemProperties.cpp:361
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:376
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:390
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Elapsed time"
 msgstr "Proteklo vrijeme"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:349
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:378
 msgid "Estimated time remaining"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:350
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:379
 msgid "Fraction done"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:351
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:380
 msgid "Virtual memory size"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:352
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:381
 msgid "Working set size"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:354
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:383
 msgid "Directory"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:357
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:386
 msgid "Process ID"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:427 ViewWork.cpp:1032 sg_TaskPanel.cpp:823
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:456
 msgid "Local: "
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:129 DlgOptions.cpp:135
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:129
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:135
 msgid "Options"
 msgstr "Opcije"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:175
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:178
 msgid "Language:"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:182
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:185
 msgid "What language should BOINC use?"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:186
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:189
 msgid "Notice reminder interval:"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:193
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:196
 msgid "How often should BOINC remind you of new notices?"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:198
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:201
 msgid "Run Manager at login?"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:204
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:207
 msgid "Run the BOINC Manager when you log on."
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:209
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:212
 msgid "Enable Manager exit dialog?"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:215
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:218
 msgid "Display the exit dialog when shutting down the Manager."
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:226
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:229
 msgid "Dial-up and Virtual Private Network settings"
 msgstr "Modemske i VPN postavke"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:240
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:243
 msgid "&Set Default"
 msgstr "&Postavi kao pretpostavljeno"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:245
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:248
 msgid "&Clear Default"
 msgstr "O&briši pretpostavljeno"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:252
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:255
 msgid "Default Connection:"
 msgstr "Pretpostavljena veza:"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:259
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:262
 msgid "Connections"
 msgstr "Veze"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:268
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:271
 msgid "Connect via HTTP proxy server"
 msgstr "Spoji se preko HTTP proxy servera"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:272
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:275
 msgid "HTTP Proxy Server Configuration"
 msgstr "Konfiguracija HTTP proxy servera"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:280 DlgOptions.cpp:344
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:283
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:347
 msgid "Address:"
 msgstr "Adresa:"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:288 DlgOptions.cpp:352 ProxyPage.cpp:340 ProxyPage.cpp:360
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:291
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:355
 msgid "Port:"
 msgstr "Port:"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:296 DlgOptions.cpp:360
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:299
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:363
 msgid "Don't use proxy for:"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:303 DlgOptions.cpp:367
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:306
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:370
 msgid "Leave these blank if not needed"
 msgstr "Ne ispunjavajte ukoliko nije potrebno"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:309 DlgOptions.cpp:373 ProxyPage.cpp:343 ProxyPage.cpp:363
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:312
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:376
 msgid "User Name:"
 msgstr "Korisničko ime:"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:317 DlgOptions.cpp:381 DlgSelectComputer.cpp:152
-#: ProxyPage.cpp:346 ProxyPage.cpp:366
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:320
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:384
+#: clientgui/DlgSelectComputer.cpp:152
 msgid "Password:"
 msgstr "Lozinka:"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:324
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:327
 msgid "HTTP Proxy"
 msgstr "HTTP Proxy"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:332
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:335
 msgid "Connect via SOCKS proxy server"
 msgstr "Spoji se preko SOCKS proxy servera"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:336
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:339
 msgid "SOCKS Proxy Server Configuration"
 msgstr "Konfiguracija SOCKS proxy servera"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:388
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:391
 msgid "SOCKS Proxy"
 msgstr "SOCKS Proxy"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:586
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:589
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "always"
 msgstr "&Uvijek radi"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:587
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:590
 msgid "1 hour"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:588
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:591
 msgid "6 hours"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:589
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:592
 msgid "1 day"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:590
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:593
 msgid "1 week"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:591
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:594
 msgid "never"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:688
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:691
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - Language Selection"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:695
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:698
 #, c-format
 #, fuzzy, c-format
-msgid ""
-"The %s's language has been changed.  In order for this change to take "
-"effect, you must restart the %s."
+msgid "The %s's language has been changed.  In order for this change to take effect, you must restart the %s."
 msgstr ""
 "BOINC menadžerov pretpostavljeni jezik je promijenjen, da bi ta promjena "
 "stupila na snagu menadžer mora biti restartiran."
-#: DlgSelectComputer.cpp:91
+#: clientgui/DlgSelectComputer.cpp:91
 #, c-format
 #, fuzzy, c-format
 msgid "%s - Select Computer"
 msgstr "Odaberi računalo"
-#: DlgSelectComputer.cpp:125
+#: clientgui/DlgSelectComputer.cpp:125
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "Another instance of %s is already running \n"
 "on this computer.  Please select a client to monitor."
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgSelectComputer.cpp:143
+#: clientgui/DlgSelectComputer.cpp:143
 msgid "Host name:"
 msgstr "Naziv računala:"
-#: Localization.cpp:31 Localization.cpp:69
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:31
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:69
 msgid "Message boards"
 msgstr ""
-#: Localization.cpp:33
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:33
 msgid "Correspond with other users on the SETI at home message boards"
 msgstr ""
-#: Localization.cpp:37
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:37
 msgid "Ask questions and report problems"
 msgstr ""
-#: Localization.cpp:39 Localization.cpp:81 Localization.cpp:111
-#: Localization.cpp:129
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:39
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:81
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:111
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:129
 msgid "Your account"
 msgstr ""
-#: Localization.cpp:41 Localization.cpp:87 Localization.cpp:113
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:41
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:87
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:113
 msgid "View your account information and credit totals"
 msgstr ""
-#: Localization.cpp:43
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:43
 msgid "Your preferences"
 msgstr ""
-#: Localization.cpp:45
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:45
 msgid "View and modify your SETI at home account profile and preferences"
 msgstr ""
-#: Localization.cpp:47 Localization.cpp:89
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:47
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:89
 msgid "Your results"
 msgstr ""
-#: Localization.cpp:49 Localization.cpp:91
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:49
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:91
 msgid "View your last week (or more) of computational results and work"
 msgstr ""
-#: Localization.cpp:51 Localization.cpp:93
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:51
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:93
 msgid "Your computers"
 msgstr ""
-#: Localization.cpp:53
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:53
 msgid "View a listing of all the computers on which you are running SETI at Home"
 msgstr ""
-#: Localization.cpp:55 Localization.cpp:97
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:55
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:97
 msgid "Your team"
 msgstr ""
-#: Localization.cpp:57 Localization.cpp:99
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:57
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:99
 msgid "View information about your team"
 msgstr ""
-#: Localization.cpp:61
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:61
 msgid "Common questions"
 msgstr ""
-#: Localization.cpp:63
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:63
 msgid "Read the Einstein at Home Frequently Asked Question list"
 msgstr ""
-#: Localization.cpp:65
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:65
 msgid "Screensaver info"
 msgstr ""
-#: Localization.cpp:67
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:67
 msgid "Read a detailed description of the Einstein at Home screensaver"
 msgstr ""
-#: Localization.cpp:71
-msgid ""
-"Correspond with admins and other users on the Einstein at Home message boards"
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:71
+msgid "Correspond with admins and other users on the Einstein at Home message boards"
 msgstr ""
-#: Localization.cpp:73
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:73
 msgid "Einstein status"
 msgstr ""
-#: Localization.cpp:75
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:75
 msgid "Current status of the Einstein at Home server"
 msgstr ""
-#: Localization.cpp:77
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:77
 msgid "Report problems"
 msgstr ""
-#: Localization.cpp:79
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:79
 msgid "A link to the Einstein at Home problems and bug reports message board"
 msgstr ""
-#: Localization.cpp:83
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:83
 msgid "View and modify your Einstein at Home account profile and preferences"
 msgstr ""
-#: Localization.cpp:85
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:85
 msgid "Account summary"
 msgstr ""
-#: Localization.cpp:95
-msgid ""
-"View a listing of all the computers on which you are running Einstein at Home"
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:95
+msgid "View a listing of all the computers on which you are running Einstein at Home"
 msgstr ""
-#: Localization.cpp:101
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:101
 msgid "LIGO project"
 msgstr ""
-#: Localization.cpp:103
-msgid ""
-"The home page of the Laser Interferometer Gravitational-wave Observatory "
-"(LIGO) project"
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:103
+msgid "The home page of the Laser Interferometer Gravitational-wave Observatory (LIGO) project"
 msgstr ""
-#: Localization.cpp:105
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:105
 msgid "GEO-600 project"
 msgstr ""
-#: Localization.cpp:107
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:107
 msgid "The home page of the GEO-600 project"
 msgstr ""
-#: Localization.cpp:115 Localization.cpp:133 ViewProjects.cpp:221
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:465
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:115
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:133
 msgid "Team"
 msgstr "Tim"
-#: Localization.cpp:117
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:117
 msgid "Info about your Team"
 msgstr ""
-#: Localization.cpp:123
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:123
 msgid "Get help for climateprediction.net"
 msgstr ""
-#: Localization.cpp:125
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:125
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "News"
 msgstr "Novo"
-#: Localization.cpp:127
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:127
 msgid "climateprediction.net News"
 msgstr ""
-#: Localization.cpp:131
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:131
 msgid "View your account information, credits, and trickles"
 msgstr ""
-#: Localization.cpp:135
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:135
 msgid "Info about your team"
 msgstr ""
-#: Localization.cpp:141
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:141
 msgid "Search for help in our help system"
 msgstr ""
-#: Localization.cpp:143
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:143
 msgid "Global Statistics"
 msgstr ""
-#: Localization.cpp:145
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:145
 msgid "Summary statistics for World Community Grid"
 msgstr ""
-#: Localization.cpp:147
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:147
 msgid "My Grid"
 msgstr ""
-#: Localization.cpp:149
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:149
 msgid "Your statistics and settings"
 msgstr ""
-#: Localization.cpp:151
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:151
 msgid "Device Profiles"
 msgstr ""
-#: Localization.cpp:153
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:153
 msgid "Update your device settings"
 msgstr ""
-#: Localization.cpp:155
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:155
 msgid "Research"
 msgstr ""
-#: Localization.cpp:157
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:157
 msgid "Learn about the projects hosted at World Community Grid"
 msgstr ""
-#: MainDocument.cpp:583
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:583
 msgid "Starting client"
 msgstr ""
-#: MainDocument.cpp:591
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:591
 msgid "Connecting to client"
 msgstr ""
-#: MainDocument.cpp:1195
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:1205
 msgid "Retrieving system state; please wait..."
 msgstr "Provjeravam stanje sistema; molimo pričekajte..."
-#: MainDocument.cpp:1816
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:1826
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Missing application"
 msgstr "Aplikacija"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:1817
-msgid ""
-"Please download and install the CoRD application from http://cord."
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:1827
+msgid "Please download and install the CoRD application from http://cord.sourceforge.net"
 msgstr ""
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2432
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2442
 msgid "on batteries"
 msgstr ""
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2433
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2443
 msgid "computer is in use"
 msgstr ""
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2434
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2444
 msgid "user request"
 msgstr ""
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2435
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2445
 msgid "time of day"
 msgstr ""
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2436
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2446
 msgid "CPU benchmarks in progress"
 msgstr ""
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2437
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2447
 msgid "need disk space - check preferences"
 msgstr ""
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2438
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2448
 msgid "computer is not in use"
 msgstr ""
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2439
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2449
 msgid "starting up"
 msgstr ""
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2440
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2450
 msgid "an exclusive app is running"
 msgstr ""
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2441
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2451
 msgid "CPU is busy"
 msgstr ""
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2442
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2452
 msgid "network bandwidth limit exceeded"
 msgstr ""
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2443
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2453
 msgid "requested by operating system"
 msgstr ""
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2445
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2455
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "unknown reason"
 msgstr "(Nepoznato)"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2467
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2477
 msgid "GPU missing, "
 msgstr ""
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2474
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2484
 msgid "New"
 msgstr "Novo"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2478
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2488
 msgid "Download failed"
 msgstr "Skidanje neuspjelo"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2480
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2490
 msgid "Downloading"
 msgstr "Skidanje"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2482 MainDocument.cpp:2552
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2492
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2557
 #, fuzzy
 msgid " (suspended - "
 msgstr "Zaustavljeno"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2490
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2500
 msgid "Project suspended by user"
 msgstr ""
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2492
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2502
 msgid "Task suspended by user"
 msgstr ""
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2494
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2504
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Suspended - "
 msgstr "Zaustavljeno"
 # 75%
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2500
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2510
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "GPU suspended - "
 msgstr "Zaustavljeno"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2507
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2517
 msgid "Waiting for memory"
 msgstr ""
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2509
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2519
 msgid "Waiting for shared memory"
 msgstr ""
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2512
-msgid "Running, high priority"
-msgstr ""
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2514
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2521
 msgid "Running"
 msgstr "Radi"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2517
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2523
 msgid " (non-CPU-intensive)"
 msgstr ""
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2520
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2526
 msgid "Waiting to run"
 msgstr ""
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2522 MainDocument.cpp:2528
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2528
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2534
 msgid "Ready to start"
 msgstr ""
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2532
-msgid " (Scheduler wait: "
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2538
+msgid "Postponed: "
 msgstr ""
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2536
-msgid " (Scheduler wait)"
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2541
+msgid "Postponed"
 msgstr ""
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2540
-msgid " (Waiting for network access)"
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2545
+msgid "Waiting for network access"
 msgstr ""
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2544
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2549
 msgid "Computation error"
 msgstr "Greška pri obradi"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2548
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2553
 msgid "Upload failed"
 msgstr "Dizanje neuspjelo"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2550
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2555
 msgid "Uploading"
 msgstr "Dizanje"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2561
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2566
 msgid "Aborted by user"
 msgstr "Obrisan od korisnika"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2564
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2569
 msgid "Aborted by project"
 msgstr ""
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2567
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2572
 msgid "Aborted: not started by deadline"
 msgstr ""
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2570
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2575
 msgid "Aborted: disk limit exceeded"
 msgstr ""
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2573
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2578
 msgid "Aborted: run time limit exceeded"
 msgstr ""
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2576
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2581
 msgid "Aborted: memory limit exceeded"
 msgstr ""
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2579
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2584
 msgid "Aborted"
 msgstr ""
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2584
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2589
 msgid "Acknowledged"
 msgstr "Potvrđeno"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2586
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2591
 msgid "Ready to report"
 msgstr "Spreman za prijavu"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2588
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2593
 #, c-format
 msgid "Error: invalid state '%d'"
 msgstr "Greška: nedopušteno stanje '%d'"
-#: NoInternetConnectionPage.cpp:179
+#: clientgui/NoInternetConnectionPage.cpp:179
 msgid "No Internet connection"
 msgstr ""
-#: NoInternetConnectionPage.cpp:182
+#: clientgui/NoInternetConnectionPage.cpp:182
 msgid "Please connect to the Internet and try again."
 msgstr ""
-#: NotDetectedPage.cpp:181
+#: clientgui/NotDetectedPage.cpp:181
 msgid "Project not found"
 msgstr ""
-#: NotDetectedPage.cpp:184
+#: clientgui/NotDetectedPage.cpp:184
 msgid ""
 "The URL you supplied is not that of a BOINC-based project.\n"
 "Please check the URL and try again."
 msgstr ""
-#: NotDetectedPage.cpp:188
+#: clientgui/NotDetectedPage.cpp:188
 msgid "Account manager not found"
 msgstr ""
-#: NotDetectedPage.cpp:191
+#: clientgui/NotDetectedPage.cpp:191
 msgid ""
 "The URL you supplied is not that of a BOINC-based account\n"
@@ -2470,101 +2556,139 @@ msgid ""
 "Please check the URL and try again."
 msgstr ""
-#: NotFoundPage.cpp:181
+#: clientgui/NotFoundPage.cpp:181
 msgid "Login Failed."
 msgstr ""
-#: NotFoundPage.cpp:185
+#: clientgui/NotFoundPage.cpp:185
 msgid "Check the username and password, and try again."
 msgstr ""
-#: NotFoundPage.cpp:189
+#: clientgui/NotFoundPage.cpp:189
 msgid "Check the email address and password, and try again."
 msgstr ""
-#: NoticeListCtrl.cpp:222
+#: clientgui/NoticeListCtrl.cpp:229
 msgid "more..."
 msgstr ""
-#: ProjectInfoPage.cpp:477 ProjectInfoPage.cpp:778 ProjectInfoPage.cpp:782
-msgid "All"
-msgstr ""
-#: ProjectInfoPage.cpp:615
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:221
 msgid "Choose a project"
 msgstr ""
-#: ProjectInfoPage.cpp:619
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:228
 msgid "To choose a project, click its name or type its URL below."
 msgstr ""
-#: ProjectInfoPage.cpp:623
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:246
 msgid "Categories:"
 msgstr ""
-#: ProjectInfoPage.cpp:627 sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:89
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:267
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Projects:"
 msgstr "Projekti"
-#: ProjectInfoPage.cpp:631
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:279
 msgid "Project details"
 msgstr ""
-#: ProjectInfoPage.cpp:635
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:291
 msgid "Research area:"
 msgstr ""
-#: ProjectInfoPage.cpp:639
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:302
 msgid "Organization:"
 msgstr ""
-#: ProjectInfoPage.cpp:643
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:313
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Web site:"
 msgstr "Web stranice"
-#: ProjectInfoPage.cpp:647
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:325
 msgid "Supported systems:"
 msgstr ""
-#: ProjectInfoPage.cpp:651
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:363
 msgid "Project URL:"
 msgstr ""
-#: ProjectInfoPage.cpp:826
-msgid ""
-"This project may not have work for your type of computer.  Do you want to "
-"add it anyway?"
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:499
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:754
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:758
+msgid "All"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:802
+msgid "This project may not have work for your type of computer.  Do you want to add it anyway?"
 msgstr ""
-#: ProjectInfoPage.cpp:850
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:826
 msgid "You already added this project. Please choose a different project."
 msgstr ""
-#: ProjectProcessingPage.cpp:321
+#: clientgui/ProjectProcessingPage.cpp:321
 msgid "Communicating with project."
 msgstr ""
-#: ProjectProcessingPage.cpp:509
+#: clientgui/ProjectProcessingPage.cpp:510
 msgid "Required files not found on the server."
 msgstr ""
-#: ProjectProcessingPage.cpp:512 ProjectProcessingPage.cpp:574
+#: clientgui/ProjectProcessingPage.cpp:513
+#: clientgui/ProjectProcessingPage.cpp:586
 msgid "An internal server error has occurred."
 msgstr ""
-#: ProjectPropertiesPage.cpp:334
+#: clientgui/ProjectPropertiesPage.cpp:334
 msgid ""
 "Communicating with project\n"
 "Please wait..."
 msgstr ""
-#: ProxyInfoPage.cpp:195
+#: clientgui/ProjectWelcomePage.cpp:251
+#, c-format
+msgid "Welcome to %s."
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ProjectWelcomePage.cpp:254
+msgid "You have volunteered to compute for this project:"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ProjectWelcomePage.cpp:255
+msgid "Name:"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ProjectWelcomePage.cpp:258
+msgid "Home:"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ProjectWelcomePage.cpp:262
+msgid "Description:"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ProjectWelcomePage.cpp:265
+msgid "URL:"
+msgstr "Adresa:"
+#: clientgui/ProjectWelcomePage.cpp:268
+msgid "User:"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ProjectWelcomePage.cpp:273
+msgid "WARNING: This project is not registered with BOINC.  Make sure you trust it before continuing."
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ProjectWelcomePage.cpp:277
+msgid "To continue, click Next."
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ProxyInfoPage.cpp:195
 msgid "Network communication failure"
 msgstr ""
-#: ProxyInfoPage.cpp:199
+#: clientgui/ProxyInfoPage.cpp:199
 msgid ""
 "The World Community Grid - BOINC software failed to communicate\n"
 "over the Internet. The most likely reasons are:\n"
@@ -2581,7 +2705,7 @@ msgid ""
 "Click Next to configure BOINC's proxy settings."
 msgstr ""
-#: ProxyInfoPage.cpp:203
+#: clientgui/ProxyInfoPage.cpp:203
 msgid ""
 "BOINC failed to communicate on the Internet.\n"
 "The most likely reasons are:\n"
@@ -2598,1263 +2722,1320 @@ msgid ""
 "Click Next to configure BOINC's proxy settings."
 msgstr ""
-#: ProxyPage.cpp:331
+#: clientgui/ProxyPage.cpp:331
 msgid "Proxy configuration"
 msgstr ""
-#: ProxyPage.cpp:334
+#: clientgui/ProxyPage.cpp:334
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "HTTP proxy"
 msgstr "HTTP Proxy"
-#: ProxyPage.cpp:337 ProxyPage.cpp:357
+#: clientgui/ProxyPage.cpp:337
+#: clientgui/ProxyPage.cpp:357
 msgid "Server:"
 msgstr ""
-#: ProxyPage.cpp:350
+#: clientgui/ProxyPage.cpp:350
 msgid "Autodetect"
 msgstr ""
-#: ProxyPage.cpp:354
+#: clientgui/ProxyPage.cpp:354
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "SOCKS proxy"
 msgstr "SOCKS Proxy"
-#: TermsOfUsePage.cpp:218
-msgid "Terms of Use"
+#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:167
+msgid "Advanced View...\tCtrl+Shift+A"
 msgstr ""
-#: TermsOfUsePage.cpp:222
-msgid "Please read the following terms of use:"
+#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:168
+msgid "Display the advanced graphical interface."
 msgstr ""
-#: TermsOfUsePage.cpp:231
-msgid "I agree to the terms of use."
+#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:175
+msgid "Skin"
 msgstr ""
-#: TermsOfUsePage.cpp:237
-msgid "I do not agree to the terms of use."
+#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:177
+msgid "Select the appearance of the user interface."
 msgstr ""
-#: UnavailablePage.cpp:183
-msgid "Project temporarily unavailable"
+#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:224
+#, c-format
+msgid "&%s"
 msgstr ""
-#: UnavailablePage.cpp:186
-msgid ""
-"The project is temporarily unavailable.\n"
-"Please try again later."
+#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:405
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Default"
+msgstr "&Postavi kao pretpostavljeno"
+#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:848
+msgid "Suspend"
+msgstr "Zaustavi"
+#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:850
+msgid "Suspend Computing"
 msgstr ""
-#: UnavailablePage.cpp:190
-msgid "Account manager temporarily unavailable"
+#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:851
+msgid "Resume Computing"
 msgstr ""
-#: UnavailablePage.cpp:193
-msgid ""
-"The account manager is temporarily unavailable.\n"
-"Please try again later."
+#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:867
+msgid "Notices"
 msgstr ""
-#: ValidateAccountKey.cpp:68
-msgid "Please specify an account key to continue."
+#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:868
+msgid "Open a window to view notices from projects or BOINC"
 msgstr ""
-#: ValidateAccountKey.cpp:71
-msgid "Invalid Account Key; please enter a valid Account Key"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgMessages.cpp:124
+msgid "Fetching notices; please wait..."
 msgstr ""
-"Neispravan identifikator računa; molimo unesite valjani identifikator "
-#: ValidateAccountKey.cpp:82 ValidateEmailAddress.cpp:86
-msgid "Validation conflict"
-msgstr "Konflikt pri validaciji."
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgMessages.cpp:132
+msgid "There are no notices at this time."
+msgstr ""
-#: ValidateEmailAddress.cpp:72
-msgid "Please specify an email address"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgMessages.cpp:146
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Close"
+msgstr "Zatvoriti"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgMessages.cpp:394
+#, c-format
+msgid "%s - Notices"
 msgstr ""
-#: ValidateEmailAddress.cpp:75
-msgid "Invalid email address; please enter a valid email address"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:270
+msgid "This dialog controls preferences for this computer only."
 msgstr ""
-#: ValidateURL.cpp:69
-msgid "Missing URL"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:275
+msgid "Click OK to set preferences."
 msgstr ""
-#: ValidateURL.cpp:70
-msgid ""
-"Please specify a URL.\n"
-"For example:\n"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:280
+msgid "Click Clear to restore web-based settings for all preferences listed below."
 msgstr ""
-#: ValidateURL.cpp:83 ValidateURL.cpp:87 ValidateURL.cpp:91
-#: ValidateURL.cpp:103 ValidateURL.cpp:107 ValidateURL.cpp:110
-msgid "Invalid URL"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:287
+msgid "For additional settings, select Computing Preferences in the Advanced View."
 msgstr ""
-#: ValidateURL.cpp:84 ValidateURL.cpp:88 ValidateURL.cpp:92
-msgid ""
-"Please specify a valid URL.\n"
-"For example:\n"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:315
+msgid "Do work only between:"
 msgstr ""
-#: ValidateURL.cpp:104 ValidateURL.cpp:108
-#, c-format
-msgid "'%s' does not contain a valid host name."
-msgstr "'%s' ne sadrži valjano ime računala"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:337
+msgid "Connect to internet only between:"
+msgstr ""
-#: ValidateURL.cpp:111
-#, c-format
-msgid "'%s' does not contain a valid path."
-msgstr "'%s' ne sadrži valjan put."
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:359
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:376
+msgid "Use no more than:"
+msgstr ""
-#: ViewMessages.cpp:84 ViewProjects.cpp:170 ViewStatistics.cpp:1978
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:160 ViewWork.cpp:183
-msgid "Commands"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:372
+msgid "of disk space"
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewMessages.cpp:88
-msgid "Copy all messages"
-msgstr "Kopiraj sve poruke"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:389
+msgid "of the processor"
+msgstr ""
-#: ViewMessages.cpp:95
-msgid "Copy selected messages"
-msgstr "Kopiraj oznčene poruke"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:393
+msgid "Do work while on battery?"
+msgstr ""
-#: ViewMessages.cpp:106 ViewMessages.cpp:502
-msgid "Show only this project"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:406
+msgid "Do work after idle for:"
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewMessages.cpp:107 ViewMessages.cpp:503
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Show only the messages for the selected project."
-msgstr "Kopiraj sve poruke u memoriju"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:431
+msgid "Clear all local preferences listed above and close the dialog"
+msgstr ""
-#: ViewMessages.cpp:164
-msgid "Messages"
-msgstr "Poruke"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:609
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:612
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:688
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:692
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:704
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:708
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:851
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:862
+msgid "Anytime"
+msgstr ""
-#: ViewMessages.cpp:187
-msgid "Copying all messages to the clipboard..."
-msgstr "Kopiranje svih poruka u memoriju..."
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:645
+msgid "100 MB"
+msgstr ""
-#: ViewMessages.cpp:223
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Copying selected messages to the clipboard..."
-msgstr "Kopiranje svih poruka u memoriju..."
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:646
+msgid "200 MB"
+msgstr ""
-#: ViewMessages.cpp:286
-msgid "Filtering messages..."
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:647
+msgid "500 MB"
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewMessages.cpp:494
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Show all messages"
-msgstr "Kopiraj sve poruke"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:648
+msgid "1 GB"
+msgstr ""
-#: ViewMessages.cpp:495
-msgid "Show messages for all projects."
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:649
+msgid "2 GB"
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewNotices.cpp:58 sg_DlgMessages.cpp:124
-msgid "Fetching notices; please wait..."
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:650
+msgid "5 GB"
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewNotices.cpp:65 sg_DlgMessages.cpp:132
-msgid "There are no notices at this time."
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:651
+msgid "10 GB"
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewNotices.cpp:99 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:776
-msgid "Notices"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:652
+msgid "20 GB"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:653
+msgid "50 GB"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:654
+msgid "100 GB"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:724
+#, c-format
+msgid "%d MB"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:726
+#, c-format
+msgid "%4.2f GB"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:767
+#, c-format
+msgid "%d%%"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:803
+msgid "0 (Run Always)"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:806
+#, c-format
+msgid "%d"
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:174 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:61
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:953
+#, c-format
+msgid "%s - Computing Preferences"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:1033
+msgid "Do you really want to clear all local preferences?\n"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:66
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:179
 msgid "Update"
 msgstr "Ažuriraj"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:175 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:62
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:67
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:180
 #, fuzzy
-msgid ""
-"Report all completed tasks, get latest credit, get latest preferences, and "
-"possibly get more tasks."
+msgid "Report all completed tasks, get latest credit, get latest preferences, and possibly get more tasks."
 msgstr ""
 "Prijavi sav završen posao, prihvati najnoviji kredit, prihvati najnovije "
 "poruke, i možda dobij još posla."
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:181 ViewProjects.cpp:722 ViewWork.cpp:208 ViewWork.cpp:801
-#: sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:757 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:67
-#: sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:113 sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:66
-#: sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:106
-msgid "Suspend"
-msgstr "Zaustavi"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:182 ViewProjects.cpp:722 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:68
-#: sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:114
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:73
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:129
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:187
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:727
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Suspend tasks for this project."
 msgstr "Zaustavi posao za ovaj projekt"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:188 ViewProjects.cpp:741 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:73
-#: sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:121
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:78
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:136
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:193
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:746
 msgid "No new tasks"
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:189 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:74
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:79
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:194
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Don't get new tasks for this project."
 msgstr "Ne skida posao za ovaj projekt"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:195 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:79
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:84
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:200
 msgid "Reset project"
 msgstr "Resetiraj projekt"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:196 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:80
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:85
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:201
 #, fuzzy
-msgid ""
-"Delete all files and tasks associated with this project, and get new tasks.  "
-"You can update the project first to report any completed tasks."
+msgid "Delete all files and tasks associated with this project, and get new tasks.  You can update the project first to report any completed tasks."
 msgstr ""
 "Briše sve datoteke i posao vezan uz projekt, i skida novi posao. Možete prvo "
 "ažurirati projekt kako bi prijavili mogući završeni posao."
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:203 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:86
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:91
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:208
 #, fuzzy
-msgid ""
-"Remove this project.  Tasks in progress will be lost (use 'Update' first to "
-"report any completed tasks)."
+msgid "Remove this project.  Tasks in progress will be lost (use 'Update' first to report any completed tasks)."
 msgstr ""
 "Isključuje ovo računalo iz označenog projekta. Posao u tijeku bit će "
 "izgubljen. Možete prvo ažurirati projekt kako bi prijavili mogući završeni "
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:209 ViewWork.cpp:222 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:91
-#: sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:78
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:96
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:84
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:214
 msgid "Properties"
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:210 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:92
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:97
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:215
 msgid "Show project details."
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:220 ViewStatistics.cpp:450
-msgid "Account"
-msgstr "Račun"
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:126
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:723
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Resume tasks for this project."
+msgstr "Nastavi posao za ovaj projekt."
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:222
-msgid "Work done"
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:133
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:742
+msgid "Allow new tasks"
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:223
-msgid "Avg. work done"
-msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:134
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:742
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Allow fetching new tasks for this project."
+msgstr "Dopušta skidanje novog posla za ovaj projekt."
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:225 ViewTransfers.cpp:188 ViewWork.cpp:234
-msgid "Status"
-msgstr "Stanje"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:250
-msgid "Projects"
-msgstr "Projekti"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:302
-msgid "Updating project..."
-msgstr "Ažuriram projekt..."
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:344
-msgid "Resuming project..."
-msgstr "Nastavljam projekt"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:348
-msgid "Suspending project..."
-msgstr "Zaustavljam projekt"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:385
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Telling project to allow additional task downloads..."
-msgstr "Govorim projektu da dopusti skidanje novog posla..."
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:389
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:137
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:746
 #, fuzzy
-msgid "Telling project to not fetch any additional tasks..."
-msgstr "Govorim projektu da ne skida novi posao..."
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:425
-msgid "Resetting project..."
-msgstr "Resetiram projekt"
+msgid "Don't fetch new tasks for this project."
+msgstr "Ne skida posao za ovaj projekt"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:438 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:214
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:229
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:443
 #, c-format
 msgid "Are you sure you want to reset project '%s'?"
 msgstr "Jeste li sigurni da želite resetirati projekt '%s'?"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:444 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:220
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:235
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:449
 msgid "Reset Project"
 msgstr "Resetiraj projekt"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:483
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Removing project..."
-msgstr "Nastavljam projekt"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:496 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:251
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:266
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:501
 #, c-format
 #, fuzzy, c-format
 msgid "Are you sure you want to remove project '%s'?"
 msgstr "Jeste li sigurni da želite resetirati projekt '%s'?"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:502 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:257
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:272
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:507
 msgid "Remove Project"
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:543 ViewWork.cpp:599
-msgid "Launching browser..."
-msgstr "Otvaram pretraživač..."
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:718 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:111
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:72
 #, fuzzy
-msgid "Resume tasks for this project."
-msgstr "Nastavi posao za ovaj projekt."
+msgid "Add Project"
+msgstr "Priključi se projektu"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:737 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:118
-msgid "Allow new tasks"
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:73
+msgid "Synchronize"
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:737 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:119
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Allow fetching new tasks for this project."
-msgstr "Dopušta skidanje novog posla za ovaj projekt."
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:74
+msgid "Work done for this project"
+msgstr ""
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:741 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:122
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Don't fetch new tasks for this project."
-msgstr "Ne skida posao za ovaj projekt"
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:77
+msgid "Synchronize projects with account manager system"
+msgstr ""
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1058
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Requested by user"
-msgstr "Zaustavljen od korisnika"
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:124
+msgid "Select a project to access with the controls below"
+msgstr ""
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1059
+# 88%
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:145
 #, fuzzy
-msgid "To fetch work"
-msgstr "Ne skidaj više posla"
+msgid "Project Web Pages"
+msgstr "Projekt"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1060
-msgid "To report completed tasks"
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:149
+msgid "Project Commands"
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1061
-msgid "To send trickle-up message"
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:276
+#, c-format
+msgid "Pop up a menu of web sites for project %s"
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1062
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Requested by account manager"
-msgstr "Menadžer računa"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1063
-msgid "Project initialization"
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:278
+#, c-format
+msgid "Pop up a menu of commands to apply to project %s"
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1064
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Requested by project"
-msgstr "Resetiraj projekt"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:66
+msgid "Show graphics"
+msgstr "Pokaži grafiku"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1065
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Unknown reason"
-msgstr "(Nepoznato)"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:67
+msgid "Show application graphics in a window."
+msgstr "Pokazuje grafiku aplikacije u prozoru"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1079
-msgid "Suspended by user"
-msgstr "Zaustavljen od korisnika"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:73
+msgid "Suspend this task."
+msgstr ""
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1082
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Won't get new tasks"
-msgstr "Neće dobiti novi posao"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:78
+msgid "Abort"
+msgstr "Obriši"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1085
-msgid "Project ended - OK to remove"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:79
+msgid "Abandon this task. You will get no credit for it."
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1088
-msgid "Will remove when tasks done"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:85
+msgid "Show task details."
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1091
-msgid "Scheduler request pending"
-msgstr "Scheduler request pending"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:119
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Resume work for this task."
+msgstr "Nastavi posao za ovaj rezultat"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1097
-msgid "Scheduler request in progress"
-msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:123
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Suspend work for this task."
+msgstr "Zausavi posao za ovaj rezultat."
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1100
-msgid "Trickle up message pending"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:267
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Are you sure you want to abort this task '%s'?\n"
+"(Progress: %.1lf%%, Status: %s)"
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1106
-msgid "Communication deferred "
-msgstr "Communication deferred "
-#: ViewResources.cpp:62
-msgid "Total disk usage"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:272
+msgid "Abort task"
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewResources.cpp:83
-msgid "Disk usage by BOINC projects"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:468
+msgid "You don't have any projects.  Please Add a Project."
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewResources.cpp:116
-msgid "Disk"
-msgstr "Disk"
-#: ViewResources.cpp:249
-msgid "no projects: 0 bytes used"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:469
+msgid "Not available"
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewResources.cpp:286
-msgid "used by BOINC: "
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:480
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Tasks:"
+msgstr "Zadaće"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:486
+msgid "Select a task to access"
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewResources.cpp:296
-msgid "free, available to BOINC: "
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:497
+msgid "From:"
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewResources.cpp:306
-msgid "free, not available to BOINC: "
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:551
+msgid "This task's progress"
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewResources.cpp:316
-msgid "free: "
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:569
+msgid "Task Commands"
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewResources.cpp:326
-msgid "used by other programs: "
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:570
+msgid "Pop up a menu of commands to apply to this task"
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:1205
-msgid "User Total"
-msgstr "Ukupno po korisniku"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:705
+#, c-format
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "Application: %s"
+msgstr "Aplikacija"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:1206
-msgid "User Average"
-msgstr "Korisnikov prosjek"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:728
+#, c-format
+msgid "%.3f%%"
+msgstr ""
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:1207
-msgid "Host Total"
-msgstr "Ukupan kredit računala"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:736
+msgid "Application: Not available"
+msgstr ""
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:1208
-msgid "Host Average"
-msgstr "Prosjek računala"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:836
+msgid "Not Available"
+msgstr ""
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:1355
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:851
 #, c-format
-msgid "Last update: %.0f days ago"
+msgid "Elapsed: %s"
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:1982
-msgid "Show user total"
-msgstr "Pokaži ukupan korisnikov kredit"
+# 84%
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:865
+#, c-format
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "Remaining (estimated): %s"
+msgstr "Radi"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:1983
-msgid "Show total credit for user"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:880
+#, c-format
+msgid "Status: %s"
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:1989
-msgid "Show user average"
-msgstr "Pokaži korisnički prosjek"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1227
+msgid "Retrieving current status."
+msgstr ""
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:1990
-msgid "Show average credit for user"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1233
+msgid "Downloading work from the server."
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:1996
-msgid "Show host total"
-msgstr "Pokaži ukupan kredit računala"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1238
+msgid "Processing Suspended:  Running On Batteries."
+msgstr ""
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:1997
-msgid "Show total credit for host"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1240
+msgid "Processing Suspended:  User Active."
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2003
-msgid "Show host average"
-msgstr "pokaži prosjek računala"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1242
+msgid "Processing Suspended:  User paused processing."
+msgstr ""
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2004
-msgid "Show average credit for host"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1244
+msgid "Processing Suspended:  Time of Day."
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2013
-msgid "< &Previous project"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1246
+msgid "Processing Suspended:  Benchmarks Running."
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2014
-msgid "Show chart for previous project"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1248
+msgid "Processing Suspended."
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2019
-msgid "&Next project >"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1252
+msgid "Waiting to contact project servers."
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2020
-msgid "Show chart for next project"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1256
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1265
+msgid "Retrieving current status"
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2026 ViewStatistics.cpp:2416
-msgid "Hide project list"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1260
+msgid "No work available to process"
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2027 ViewStatistics.cpp:2416
-msgid "Use entire area for graphs"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1262
+msgid "Unable to connect to the core client"
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2032
-msgid "Mode view"
+#: clientgui/TermsOfUsePage.cpp:218
+msgid "Terms of Use"
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2036
-msgid "One project"
+#: clientgui/TermsOfUsePage.cpp:222
+msgid "Please read the following terms of use:"
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2037
-msgid "Show one chart with selected project"
+#: clientgui/TermsOfUsePage.cpp:231
+msgid "I agree to the terms of use."
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2043
-msgid "All projects (separate)"
+#: clientgui/TermsOfUsePage.cpp:237
+msgid "I do not agree to the terms of use."
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2044
-msgid "Show all projects, one chart per project"
+#: clientgui/UnavailablePage.cpp:183
+msgid "Project temporarily unavailable"
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2050
-msgid "All projects (together)"
+#: clientgui/UnavailablePage.cpp:186
+msgid ""
+"The project is temporarily unavailable.\n"
+"Please try again later."
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2051
-msgid "Show one chart with all projects"
+#: clientgui/UnavailablePage.cpp:190
+msgid "Account manager temporarily unavailable"
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2057
-msgid "All projects (sum)"
+#: clientgui/UnavailablePage.cpp:193
+msgid ""
+"The account manager is temporarily unavailable.\n"
+"Please try again later."
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2058
-msgid "Show one chart with sum of projects"
+#: clientgui/ValidateAccountKey.cpp:68
+msgid "Please specify an account key to continue."
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2079
-msgid "Statistics"
-msgstr "Statistika"
+#: clientgui/ValidateAccountKey.cpp:71
+msgid "Invalid Account Key; please enter a valid Account Key"
+msgstr ""
+"Neispravan identifikator računa; molimo unesite valjani identifikator "
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2103 ViewStatistics.cpp:2124 ViewStatistics.cpp:2145
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2167 ViewStatistics.cpp:2188 ViewStatistics.cpp:2209
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2230 ViewStatistics.cpp:2251 ViewStatistics.cpp:2272
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2296
-msgid "Updating charts..."
-msgstr "Ažuriram grafove"
+#: clientgui/ValidateAccountKey.cpp:82
+#: clientgui/ValidateEmailAddress.cpp:86
+msgid "Validation conflict"
+msgstr "Konflikt pri validaciji."
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2420
-msgid "Show project list"
+#: clientgui/ValidateEmailAddress.cpp:72
+msgid "Please specify an email address"
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2420
-msgid "Uses smaller area for graphs"
+#: clientgui/ValidateEmailAddress.cpp:75
+msgid "Invalid email address; please enter a valid email address"
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:164
-msgid "Retry Now"
-msgstr "Ponovi sada"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:165
-msgid "Retry the file transfer now"
+#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:69
+msgid "Missing URL"
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:171
-msgid "Abort Transfer"
-msgstr "Prekini prijenos"
+#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:70
+msgid ""
+"Please specify a URL.\n"
+"For example:\n"
+msgstr ""
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:172
-msgid "Abort this file transfer.  You won't get credit for the task."
+#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:83
+#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:87
+#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:91
+#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:103
+#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:107
+#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:110
+msgid "Invalid URL"
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:183
-msgid "File"
-msgstr "Datoteka"
+#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:84
+#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:88
+#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:92
+msgid ""
+"Please specify a valid URL.\n"
+"For example:\n"
+msgstr ""
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:184 ViewWork.cpp:233
-msgid "Progress"
-msgstr "Napredak"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:185
-msgid "Size"
-msgstr "Veličina"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:186
-msgid "Elapsed Time"
-msgstr "Proteklo vrijeme"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:187
-msgid "Speed"
-msgstr "Brzina"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:213
-msgid "Transfers"
-msgstr "Prijenosi"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:280
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Network activity is suspended - "
-msgstr "Aktivnosti zaustavljene"
+#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:104
+#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:108
+#, c-format
+msgid "'%s' does not contain a valid host name."
+msgstr "'%s' ne sadrži valjano ime računala"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:282
-msgid ""
-"You can enable it using the Activity menu."
-msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:111
+#, c-format
+msgid "'%s' does not contain a valid path."
+msgstr "'%s' ne sadrži valjan put."
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:285
-msgid "BOINC"
+#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:84
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:175
+msgid "Commands"
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:292
-msgid "Retrying transfer now..."
-msgstr "Ponovo pokušavam prenijeti sada..."
+#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:88
+msgid "Copy all messages"
+msgstr "Kopiraj sve poruke"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:330
-msgid "Aborting transfer..."
-msgstr "Prekidam prijenos..."
+#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:95
+msgid "Copy selected messages"
+msgstr "Kopiraj oznčene poruke"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:343
-#, c-format
-msgid ""
-"Are you sure you want to abort this file transfer '%s'?\n"
-"NOTE: Aborting a transfer will invalidate a task and you\n"
-"will not receive credit for it."
+#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:106
+#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:502
+msgid "Show only this project"
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:349
-msgid "Abort File Transfer"
-msgstr "Prekini prijenos datoteke"
+#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:107
+#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:503
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Show only the messages for the selected project."
+msgstr "Kopiraj sve poruke u memoriju"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:780
-msgid "Upload"
-msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:164
+msgid "Messages"
+msgstr "Poruke"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:780
-msgid "Download"
-msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:187
+msgid "Copying all messages to the clipboard..."
+msgstr "Kopiranje svih poruka u memoriju..."
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:784
+#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:223
 #, fuzzy
-msgid "retry in "
-msgstr "Ponovi za"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:786
-msgid "failed"
-msgstr ""
+msgid "Copying selected messages to the clipboard..."
+msgstr "Kopiranje svih poruka u memoriju..."
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:789
-msgid "suspended"
+#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:286
+msgid "Filtering messages..."
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:794
-msgid "active"
-msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:494
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Show all messages"
+msgstr "Kopiraj sve poruke"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:796
-msgid "pending"
+#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:495
+msgid "Show messages for all projects."
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:803
-msgid " (project backoff: "
-msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:225
+msgid "Account"
+msgstr "Račun"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:187 ViewWork.cpp:777
-msgid "Show active tasks"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:227
+msgid "Work done"
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewWork.cpp:188 ViewWork.cpp:778
-msgid "Show only active tasks."
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:228
+msgid "Avg. work done"
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewWork.cpp:194 sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:60
-msgid "Show graphics"
-msgstr "Pokaži grafiku"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:195 sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:61
-msgid "Show application graphics in a window."
-msgstr "Pokazuje grafiku aplikacije u prozoru"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:201
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Show VM Console"
-msgstr "Pokaži ukupan kredit računala"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:202
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Show VM Console in a window."
-msgstr "Pokazuje grafiku aplikacije u prozoru"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:209
-msgid "Suspend work for this result."
-msgstr "Zausavi posao za ovaj rezultat."
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:230
+msgid "Status"
+msgstr "Stanje"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:215 sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:72
-msgid "Abort"
-msgstr "Obriši"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:255
+msgid "Projects"
+msgstr "Projekti"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:216
-msgid "Abandon work on the result. You will get no credit for it."
-msgstr "Napusti posao n rezultatu. Nećete dobit kredit za njega."
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:307
+msgid "Updating project..."
+msgstr "Ažuriram projekt..."
-#: ViewWork.cpp:223 sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:79
-msgid "Show task details."
-msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:349
+msgid "Resuming project..."
+msgstr "Nastavljam projekt"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:235
-msgid "Elapsed"
-msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:353
+msgid "Suspending project..."
+msgstr "Zaustavljam projekt"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:236
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:390
 #, fuzzy
-msgid "Remaining (estimated)"
-msgstr "Radi"
+msgid "Telling project to allow additional task downloads..."
+msgstr "Govorim projektu da dopusti skidanje novog posla..."
-#: ViewWork.cpp:237
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:394
 #, fuzzy
-msgid "Deadline"
-msgstr "Rok prijave"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:264
-msgid "Tasks"
-msgstr "Zadaće"
+msgid "Telling project to not fetch any additional tasks..."
+msgstr "Govorim projektu da ne skida novi posao..."
-#: ViewWork.cpp:357
-msgid "Resuming task..."
-msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:430
+msgid "Resetting project..."
+msgstr "Resetiram projekt"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:360
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:488
 #, fuzzy
-msgid "Suspending task..."
-msgstr "Zaustavljam rezultat..."
+msgid "Removing project..."
+msgstr "Nastavljam projekt"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:389
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:548
+msgid "Launching browser..."
+msgstr "Otvaram pretraživač..."
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1063
 #, fuzzy
-msgid "Showing graphics for task..."
-msgstr "Prikazujem grafiku za rezultat..."
+msgid "Requested by user"
+msgstr "Zaustavljen od korisnika"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:426
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1064
 #, fuzzy
-msgid "Showing VM console for task..."
-msgstr "Prikazujem grafiku za rezultat..."
+msgid "To fetch work"
+msgstr "Ne skidaj više posla"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:479
-#, c-format
-msgid ""
-"Are you sure you want to abort this task '%s'?\n"
-"(Progress: %s, Status: %s)"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1065
+msgid "To report completed tasks"
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewWork.cpp:485
-#, c-format
-#, fuzzy, c-format
-msgid "Are you sure you want to abort these %d tasks?"
-msgstr "Jeste li sigurni da želite obrisati rezultat '%s'?"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:490 sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:256
-msgid "Abort task"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1066
+msgid "To send trickle-up message"
 msgstr ""
-# 75%
-#: ViewWork.cpp:499
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1067
 #, fuzzy
-msgid "Aborting task..."
-msgstr "Prekidam prijenos..."
-#: ViewWork.cpp:771
-msgid "Show all tasks"
-msgstr ""
+msgid "Requested by account manager"
+msgstr "Menadžer računa"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:772
-msgid "Show all tasks."
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1068
+msgid "Project initialization"
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewWork.cpp:796 sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:103
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1069
 #, fuzzy
-msgid "Resume work for this task."
-msgstr "Nastavi posao za ovaj rezultat"
+msgid "Requested by project"
+msgstr "Resetiraj projekt"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:802 sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:107
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1070
 #, fuzzy
-msgid "Suspend work for this task."
-msgstr "Zausavi posao za ovaj rezultat."
+msgid "Unknown reason"
+msgstr "(Nepoznato)"
-#: WelcomePage.cpp:284
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1084
+msgid "Suspended by user"
+msgstr "Zaustavljen od korisnika"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1087
 #, fuzzy
-msgid "Add project or account manager"
-msgstr "Uključujem se u projekt..."
+msgid "Won't get new tasks"
+msgstr "Neće dobiti novi posao"
-#: WelcomePage.cpp:288
-msgid "Add project or use BOINC Account Manager"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1090
+msgid "Project ended - OK to remove"
 msgstr ""
-#: WelcomePage.cpp:297
-#, c-format
-msgid ""
-"If possible, add projects at the\n"
-"%s web site.\n"
-"Projects added via this wizard will not be\n"
-"listed on or managed via %s."
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1093
+msgid "Will remove when tasks done"
 msgstr ""
-#: WelcomePage.cpp:313
-msgid ""
-"There are over 30 BOINC-based projects\n"
-"doing research in many areas of science,\n"
-"and you can volunteer for as many of them as you like.\n"
-"You can add a project directly,\n"
-"or use an 'Account Manager' web site to select projects."
-msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1096
+msgid "Scheduler request pending"
+msgstr "Scheduler request pending"
-#: WelcomePage.cpp:325
-msgid ""
-"You have chosen to add a new volunteer computing project or change which "
-"you contribute to.\n"
-"Some of these projects are run and managed by World Community Grid, while "
-"are run and managed by other researchers or organizations. The BOINC "
-"can divide your spare processing power among any combination of projects.\n"
-"Alternatively, if you have registered with a BOINC Account Manager, you can "
-"this to choose which projects to support.\n"
-"Please choose which type of change you would like to make:\n"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1102
+msgid "Scheduler request in progress"
 msgstr ""
-#: WelcomePage.cpp:339
-msgid "Use a BOINC Account Manager"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1105
+msgid "Trickle up message pending"
 msgstr ""
-#: WelcomePage.cpp:352
-msgid "To continue, click Next."
-msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1111
+msgid "Communication deferred "
+msgstr "Communication deferred "
-#: WelcomePage.cpp:358
-msgid "Add or change your World Community Grid projects"
+#: clientgui/ViewResources.cpp:62
+msgid "Total disk usage"
 msgstr ""
-#: WelcomePage.cpp:361
-msgid "Add projects run by other researchers or organizations"
+#: clientgui/ViewResources.cpp:83
+msgid "Disk usage by BOINC projects"
 msgstr ""
-#: WizardAttach.cpp:634
-msgid "Do you really want to cancel?"
-msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ViewResources.cpp:116
+msgid "Disk"
+msgstr "Disk"
-#: WizardAttach.cpp:635
-msgid "Question"
+#: clientgui/ViewResources.cpp:225
+msgid "no projects: 0 bytes used"
 msgstr ""
-#: sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:149
-msgid "Advanced View...\tCtrl+Shift+A"
+#: clientgui/ViewResources.cpp:262
+msgid "used by BOINC: "
 msgstr ""
-#: sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:150
-msgid "Display the advanced graphical interface."
+#: clientgui/ViewResources.cpp:272
+msgid "free, available to BOINC: "
 msgstr ""
-#: sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:157
-msgid "Skin"
+#: clientgui/ViewResources.cpp:282
+msgid "free, not available to BOINC: "
 msgstr ""
-#: sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:159
-msgid "Select the appearance of the user interface."
+#: clientgui/ViewResources.cpp:292
+msgid "free: "
 msgstr ""
-#: sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:206
-#, c-format
-msgid "&%s"
+#: clientgui/ViewResources.cpp:302
+msgid "used by other programs: "
 msgstr ""
-#: sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:390
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Default"
-msgstr "&Postavi kao pretpostavljeno"
-#: sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:759
-msgid "Suspend Computing"
-msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1181
+msgid "User Total"
+msgstr "Ukupno po korisniku"
-#: sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:760
-msgid "Resume Computing"
-msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1182
+msgid "User Average"
+msgstr "Korisnikov prosjek"
-#: sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:777
-msgid "Open a window to view notices from projects or BOINC"
-msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1183
+msgid "Host Total"
+msgstr "Ukupan kredit računala"
-#: sg_DlgMessages.cpp:146
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Close"
-msgstr "Zatvoriti"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1184
+msgid "Host Average"
+msgstr "Prosjek računala"
-#: sg_DlgMessages.cpp:389
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1331
 #, c-format
-msgid "%s - Notices"
-msgstr ""
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:268
-msgid "This dialog controls preferences for this computer only."
+msgid "Last update: %.0f days ago"
 msgstr ""
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:273
-msgid "Click OK to set preferences."
-msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1956
+msgid "Show user total"
+msgstr "Pokaži ukupan korisnikov kredit"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:278
-msgid ""
-"Click Clear to restore web-based settings for all preferences listed below."
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1957
+msgid "Show total credit for user"
 msgstr ""
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:285
-msgid ""
-"For additional settings, select Computing Preferences in the Advanced View."
-msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1963
+msgid "Show user average"
+msgstr "Pokaži korisnički prosjek"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:313
-msgid "Do work only between:"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1964
+msgid "Show average credit for user"
 msgstr ""
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:335
-msgid "Connect to internet only between:"
-msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1970
+msgid "Show host total"
+msgstr "Pokaži ukupan kredit računala"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:357 sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:374
-msgid "Use no more than:"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1971
+msgid "Show total credit for host"
 msgstr ""
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:370
-msgid "of disk space"
-msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1977
+msgid "Show host average"
+msgstr "pokaži prosjek računala"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:387
-msgid "of the processor"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1978
+msgid "Show average credit for host"
 msgstr ""
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:391
-msgid "Do work while on battery?"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1987
+msgid "< &Previous project"
 msgstr ""
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:404
-msgid "Do work after idle for:"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1988
+msgid "Show chart for previous project"
 msgstr ""
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:429
-msgid "Clear all local preferences listed above and close the dialog"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1993
+msgid "&Next project >"
 msgstr ""
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:602 sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:605
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:681 sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:685
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:697 sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:701
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:844 sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:855
-msgid "Anytime"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1994
+msgid "Show chart for next project"
 msgstr ""
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:638
-msgid "100 MB"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2000
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2390
+msgid "Hide project list"
 msgstr ""
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:639
-msgid "200 MB"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2001
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2390
+msgid "Use entire area for graphs"
 msgstr ""
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:640
-msgid "500 MB"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2006
+msgid "Mode view"
 msgstr ""
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:641
-msgid "1 GB"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2010
+msgid "One project"
 msgstr ""
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:642
-msgid "2 GB"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2011
+msgid "Show one chart with selected project"
 msgstr ""
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:643
-msgid "5 GB"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2017
+msgid "All projects (separate)"
 msgstr ""
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:644
-msgid "10 GB"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2018
+msgid "Show all projects, one chart per project"
 msgstr ""
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:645
-msgid "20 GB"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2024
+msgid "All projects (together)"
 msgstr ""
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:646
-msgid "50 GB"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2025
+msgid "Show one chart with all projects"
 msgstr ""
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:647
-msgid "100 GB"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2031
+msgid "All projects (sum)"
 msgstr ""
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:717
-#, c-format
-msgid "%d MB"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2032
+msgid "Show one chart with sum of projects"
 msgstr ""
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:719
-#, c-format
-msgid "%4.2f GB"
-msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2053
+msgid "Statistics"
+msgstr "Statistika"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:760
-#, c-format
-msgid "%d%%"
-msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2077
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2098
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2119
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2141
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2162
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2183
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2204
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2225
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2246
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2270
+msgid "Updating charts..."
+msgstr "Ažuriram grafove"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:796
-msgid "0 (Run Always)"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2394
+msgid "Show project list"
 msgstr ""
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:799
-#, c-format
-msgid "%d"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2394
+msgid "Uses smaller area for graphs"
 msgstr ""
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:1029
-msgid "Do you really want to clear all local preferences?\n"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:169
+msgid "Retry Now"
+msgstr "Ponovi sada"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:170
+msgid "Retry the file transfer now"
 msgstr ""
-#: sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:72
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Add Project"
-msgstr "Priključi se projektu"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:176
+msgid "Abort Transfer"
+msgstr "Prekini prijenos"
-#: sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:73
-msgid "Synchronize"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:177
+msgid "Abort this file transfer.  You won't get credit for the task."
 msgstr ""
-#: sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:74
-msgid "Work done for this project"
-msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:188
+msgid "File"
+msgstr "Datoteka"
-#: sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:77
-msgid "Synchronize projects with account manager system"
-msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:189
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:238
+msgid "Progress"
+msgstr "Napredak"
-#: sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:124
-msgid "Select a project to access with the controls below"
-msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:190
+msgid "Size"
+msgstr "Veličina"
-# 88%
-#: sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:145
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Project Web Pages"
-msgstr "Projekt"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:191
+msgid "Elapsed Time"
+msgstr "Proteklo vrijeme"
-#: sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:149
-msgid "Project Commands"
-msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:192
+msgid "Speed"
+msgstr "Brzina"
-#: sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:267
-#, c-format
-msgid "Pop up a menu of web sites for project %s"
-msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:218
+msgid "Transfers"
+msgstr "Prijenosi"
-#: sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:269
-#, c-format
-msgid "Pop up a menu of commands to apply to project %s"
-msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:285
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Network activity is suspended - "
+msgstr "Aktivnosti zaustavljene"
-#: sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:67
-msgid "Suspend this task."
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:287
+msgid ""
+"You can enable it using the Activity menu."
 msgstr ""
-#: sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:73
-msgid "Abandon this task. You will get no credit for it."
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:290
+msgid "BOINC"
 msgstr ""
-#: sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:251
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:297
+msgid "Retrying transfer now..."
+msgstr "Ponovo pokušavam prenijeti sada..."
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:335
+msgid "Aborting transfer..."
+msgstr "Prekidam prijenos..."
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:348
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
-"Are you sure you want to abort this task '%s'?\n"
-"(Progress: %.1lf%%, Status: %s)"
+"Are you sure you want to abort this file transfer '%s'?\n"
+"NOTE: Aborting a transfer will invalidate a task and you\n"
+"will not receive credit for it."
 msgstr ""
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:464
-msgid "You don't have any projects.  Please Add a Project."
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:354
+msgid "Abort File Transfer"
+msgstr "Prekini prijenos datoteke"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:785
+msgid "Upload"
 msgstr ""
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:465
-msgid "Not available"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:785
+msgid "Download"
 msgstr ""
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:476
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:789
 #, fuzzy
-msgid "Tasks:"
-msgstr "Zadaće"
+msgid "retry in "
+msgstr "Ponovi za"
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:482
-msgid "Select a task to access"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:791
+msgid "failed"
 msgstr ""
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:493
-msgid "From:"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:794
+msgid "suspended"
 msgstr ""
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:547
-msgid "This task's progress"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:799
+msgid "active"
 msgstr ""
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:565
-msgid "Task Commands"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:801
+msgid "pending"
 msgstr ""
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:566
-msgid "Pop up a menu of commands to apply to this task"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:808
+msgid " (project backoff: "
 msgstr ""
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:701
-#, c-format
-#, fuzzy, c-format
-msgid "Application: %s"
-msgstr "Aplikacija"
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:192
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:782
+msgid "Show active tasks"
+msgstr ""
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:724
-#, c-format
-msgid "%.3f%%"
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:193
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:783
+msgid "Show only active tasks."
 msgstr ""
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:732
-msgid "Application: Not available"
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:206
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Show VM Console"
+msgstr "Pokaži ukupan kredit računala"
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:207
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Show VM Console in a window."
+msgstr "Pokazuje grafiku aplikacije u prozoru"
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:214
+msgid "Suspend work for this result."
+msgstr "Zausavi posao za ovaj rezultat."
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:221
+msgid "Abandon work on the result. You will get no credit for it."
+msgstr "Napusti posao n rezultatu. Nećete dobit kredit za njega."
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:240
+msgid "Elapsed"
 msgstr ""
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:832
-msgid "Not Available"
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:241
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Remaining (estimated)"
+msgstr "Radi"
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:242
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Deadline"
+msgstr "Rok prijave"
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:269
+msgid "Tasks"
+msgstr "Zadaće"
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:362
+msgid "Resuming task..."
 msgstr ""
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:847
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:365
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Suspending task..."
+msgstr "Zaustavljam rezultat..."
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:394
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Showing graphics for task..."
+msgstr "Prikazujem grafiku za rezultat..."
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:431
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Showing VM console for task..."
+msgstr "Prikazujem grafiku za rezultat..."
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:484
 #, c-format
-msgid "Elapsed: %s"
+msgid ""
+"Are you sure you want to abort this task '%s'?\n"
+"(Progress: %s, Status: %s)"
 msgstr ""
-# 84%
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:861
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:490
 #, c-format
 #, fuzzy, c-format
-msgid "Remaining (estimated): %s"
-msgstr "Radi"
+msgid "Are you sure you want to abort these %d tasks?"
+msgstr "Jeste li sigurni da želite obrisati rezultat '%s'?"
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:876
-#, c-format
-msgid "Status: %s"
-msgstr ""
+# 75%
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:504
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Aborting task..."
+msgstr "Prekidam prijenos..."
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1223
-msgid "Retrieving current status."
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:776
+msgid "Show all tasks"
 msgstr ""
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1229
-msgid "Downloading work from the server."
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:777
+msgid "Show all tasks."
 msgstr ""
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1234
-msgid "Processing Suspended:  Running On Batteries."
-msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/WelcomePage.cpp:284
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Add project or account manager"
+msgstr "Uključujem se u projekt..."
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1236
-msgid "Processing Suspended:  User Active."
+#: clientgui/WelcomePage.cpp:288
+msgid "Add project or use BOINC Account Manager"
 msgstr ""
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1238
-msgid "Processing Suspended:  User paused processing."
+#: clientgui/WelcomePage.cpp:297
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"If possible, add projects at the\n"
+"%s web site.\n"
+"Projects added via this wizard will not be\n"
+"listed on or managed via %s."
 msgstr ""
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1240
-msgid "Processing Suspended:  Time of Day."
+#: clientgui/WelcomePage.cpp:313
+msgid ""
+"There are over 30 BOINC-based projects\n"
+"doing research in many areas of science,\n"
+"and you can volunteer for as many of them as you like.\n"
+"You can add a project directly,\n"
+"or use an 'Account Manager' web site to select projects."
 msgstr ""
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1242
-msgid "Processing Suspended:  Benchmarks Running."
+#: clientgui/WelcomePage.cpp:325
+msgid ""
+"You have chosen to add a new volunteer computing project or change which projects\n"
+"you contribute to.\n"
+"Some of these projects are run and managed by World Community Grid, while others\n"
+"are run and managed by other researchers or organizations. The BOINC software\n"
+"can divide your spare processing power among any combination of projects.\n"
+"Alternatively, if you have registered with a BOINC Account Manager, you can use\n"
+"this to choose which projects to support.\n"
+"Please choose which type of change you would like to make:\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1244
-msgid "Processing Suspended."
+#: clientgui/WelcomePage.cpp:339
+msgid "Use a BOINC Account Manager"
 msgstr ""
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1248
-msgid "Waiting to contact project servers."
+#: clientgui/WelcomePage.cpp:358
+msgid "Add or change your World Community Grid projects"
 msgstr ""
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1252 sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1261
-msgid "Retrieving current status"
+#: clientgui/WelcomePage.cpp:361
+msgid "Add projects run by other researchers or organizations"
 msgstr ""
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1256
-msgid "No work available to process"
+#: clientgui/WizardAttach.cpp:673
+msgid "Do you really want to cancel?"
 msgstr ""
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1258
-msgid "Unable to connect to the core client"
+#: clientgui/WizardAttach.cpp:674
+msgid "Question"
 msgstr ""
-#: wizardex.cpp:377 wizardex.cpp:553
+#: clientgui/wizardex.cpp:377
+#: clientgui/wizardex.cpp:553
 msgid "&Next >"
 msgstr ""
-#: wizardex.cpp:383
+#: clientgui/wizardex.cpp:383
 msgid "< &Back"
 msgstr ""
-#: wizardex.cpp:553
+#: clientgui/wizardex.cpp:553
 msgid "&Finish"
 msgstr ""
-#: mac/Mac_GUI.cpp:110
-msgid "Preferences…"
+#: clientgui/common/wxPieCtrl.cpp:64
+msgid "Pie Ctrl"
 msgstr ""
-#: mac/Mac_GUI.cpp:122
+#: clientgui/mac/Mac_GUI.cpp:35
 msgid "Services"
 msgstr ""
-#: mac/Mac_GUI.cpp:144
+#: clientgui/mac/Mac_GUI.cpp:36
 #, c-format
 msgid "Hide %s"
 msgstr ""
-#: mac/Mac_GUI.cpp:158
+#: clientgui/mac/Mac_GUI.cpp:37
 msgid "Hide Others"
 msgstr ""
-#: mac/Mac_GUI.cpp:172
+#: clientgui/mac/Mac_GUI.cpp:38
 msgid "Show All"
 msgstr ""
-#: mac/Mac_GUI.cpp:186
+#: clientgui/mac/Mac_GUI.cpp:39
 #, c-format
 msgid "Quit %s"
 msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.h:30
+msgid "specify work start and stop hours in format HH:MM-HH:MM"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.h:31
+msgid "specify network usage start and stop hours in format HH:MM-HH:MM"
+msgstr ""
+# 98%
+#, fuzzy
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "(C) 2003-2013 University of California, Berkeley.\n"
+#~ "All Rights Reserved."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "(C) 2005 Kalifornijsko sveučilište u Berkeleyu.\n"
+#~ "Sva prava pridržana."
+#, no-c-format
+#, fuzzy, no-c-format
+#~ msgid "% CPU time"
+#~ msgstr "Procesorsko vrijeme"
 # 75%
 # 100%
 #, fuzzy
@@ -3978,9 +4159,6 @@ msgstr ""
 #~ msgid "Change manager"
 #~ msgstr "Promjena menadžera"
-#~ msgid "URL:"
-#~ msgstr "Adresa:"
 #~ msgid "Account Key:"
 #~ msgstr "Identifikator računa:"
diff --git a/locale/hu/BOINC-Android.po b/locale/hu/BOINC-Android.po
index 5ac8c3a..ec2d683 100644
--- a/locale/hu/BOINC-Android.po
+++ b/locale/hu/BOINC-Android.po
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ msgstr ""
 "Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: EMAIL at ADDRESS\n"
 "POT-Creation-Date: 2013-10-18 00:00-0700\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2014-02-22 14:58+0000\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2014-07-12 10:42+0000\n"
 "Last-Translator: Gabor <csega at mailbox.hu>\n"
 "Language-Team: hu <LL at li.org>\n"
 "Language: hu\n"
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ msgstr ""
 "Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n !=1);\n"
 "X-Generator: Pootle 2.5.0\n"
 "Generated-By: Babel 1.0dev\n"
-"X-POOTLE-MTIME: 1393081112.0\n"
+"X-POOTLE-MTIME: 1405161756.0\n"
 #. app global
 msgctxt "app_name"
@@ -139,10 +139,11 @@ msgstr "A részvételhez hozzon létre egy fiókot:"
 msgctxt "attachproject_login_header_creation_client_disabled"
 msgid "Visit project website to create an account:"
 msgstr ""
+"Látogassa meg a projekt weboldalát egy felhasználói fiók létrehozásához:"
 msgctxt "attachproject_login_header_creation_disabled"
 msgid "Project does currently now allow creation of new accounts!"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "A projekt jelenleg engedélyezi az új felhasználói fiókok létrehozását!"
 msgctxt "attachproject_login_button_registration"
 msgid "Register"
@@ -156,19 +157,18 @@ msgctxt "attachproject_login_button_forgotpw"
 msgid "Forgot Password"
 msgstr "Elfelejtett jelszó"
-#, fuzzy
 msgctxt "attachproject_login_error_toast"
 msgid "Contacting project failed!"
-msgstr "Kapcsolódás a projekt szerverhez..."
+msgstr "A kapcsolódás a projekthez sikertelen!"
 msgctxt "attachproject_login_attached"
 msgid "Attached"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Csatolva"
 #. project registration
 msgctxt "attachproject_registration_header"
 msgid "Account registration for"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Felhsználói fiók regsiztrálása"
 msgctxt "attachproject_registration_header_url"
 msgid "Project:"
@@ -192,7 +192,7 @@ msgstr "Jelszó:"
 msgctxt "attachproject_registration_header_pwd_confirm"
 msgid "… Retype:"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "...Írja be újra:"
 msgctxt "attachproject_registration_button"
 msgid "Create"
@@ -217,7 +217,7 @@ msgstr "Jelszó:"
 msgctxt "attachproject_acctmgr_header_pwd_confirm"
 msgid "… Retype:"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "...Írja be újra:"
 msgctxt "attachproject_acctmgr_button"
 msgid "Add"
@@ -226,7 +226,7 @@ msgstr "Hozzáad"
 #. error strings
 msgctxt "attachproject_error_wrong_name"
 msgid "User not found"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "A felhasználó nem található"
 msgctxt "attachproject_error_short_pwd"
 msgid "Password too short"
@@ -242,7 +242,7 @@ msgstr "A jelszavak nem egyeznek"
 msgctxt "attachproject_error_no_url"
 msgid "Please enter URL"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Kérjük, adja meg az URL címet"
 msgctxt "attachproject_error_no_email"
 msgid "Please enter eMail address"
diff --git a/locale/hu/BOINC-Manager.po b/locale/hu/BOINC-Manager.po
index e9811a3..1e0ee79 100644
--- a/locale/hu/BOINC-Manager.po
+++ b/locale/hu/BOINC-Manager.po
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ msgid ""
 msgstr ""
 "Project-Id-Version: BOINC Manager 5.x\n"
 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-02-02 00:00-0800\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-12-15 14:15-0500\n"
 "PO-Revision-Date: 2014-02-22 15:16+0000\n"
 "Last-Translator: Gabor <csega at mailbox.hu>\n"
 "Language-Team: BOINC Development Team <rwalton at ssl.berkeley.edu>\n"
@@ -16,23 +16,23 @@ msgstr ""
 "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
 "Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n !=1);\n"
 "X-Generator: Pootle 2.5.0\n"
-"X-BOINC-UTF8-Marker: 简体中文, 日本語\n"
-"X-Poedit-SearchPath-1: clientgui/msw\n"
-"X-Poedit-SearchPath-2: clientgui/gtk\n"
-"X-Poedit-SearchPath-3: clientgui/mac\n"
+"X-Poedit-Basepath: C:\\Src\\BOINCGIT\\boinc_7.4\n"
 "X-Poedit-SearchPath-0: clientgui\n"
 "X-Poedit-SourceCharset: utf-8\n"
-"X-Poedit-Basepath: C:\\Src\\BOINCGIT\\boinc\n"
 "X-POOTLE-MTIME: 1393082210.0\n"
+"X-Poedit-SearchPath-1: clientgui/msw\n"
+"X-Poedit-SearchPath-2: clientgui/gtk\n"
+"X-Poedit-SearchPath-3: clientgui/mac\n"
+"X-BOINC-UTF8-Marker: 简体中文, 日本語\n"
 # 81%
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:387
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:387
 #, c-format
 #, c-format, c-format
 msgid "Identify your account at %s"
 msgstr "Fiókjának azonosítása itt: %s"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:393
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:393
 msgid ""
 "Please enter your account information\n"
 "(to create an account, visit the project's web site)"
@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ msgstr ""
 "Kérjük, adja meg fiókinformációit\n"
 "(fiók létrehozásához keresse fel a projekt weblapját)"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:397
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:397
 msgid ""
 "This project is not currently accepting new accounts.\n"
 "You can add it only if you already have an account."
@@ -48,19 +48,19 @@ msgstr ""
 "Ebben a projektben jelenleg nem készíthetők új fiókok.\n"
 "Csak akkor csatlakozhat, ha már van fiókja."
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:401
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:401
 msgid "Are you already running this project?"
 msgstr "Már futtatja ezt a projektet?"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:405
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:405
 msgid "&No, new user"
 msgstr "&Nem, új felhasználó"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:408
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:408
 msgid "&Yes, existing user"
 msgstr "&Igen, létező felhasználó"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:413
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:413
 msgid ""
 "We were not able to set up your account information\n"
@@ -76,45 +76,51 @@ msgstr ""
 "linkre a megfelelő email cím és jelszó\n"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:416
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:416
 msgid "Find login information"
 msgstr "Bejelentkezési infók keresése"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:436 AccountInfoPage.cpp:641
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:436
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:649
 msgid "&Password:"
 msgstr "&Jelszó:"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:443 AccountInfoPage.cpp:665
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:443
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:673
 msgid "Choose a &password:"
 msgstr "Válasszon &jelszót:"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:446
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:446
 msgid "C&onfirm password:"
 msgstr "Jelszó &megerősítése:"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:453
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:453
 #, c-format
 msgid "Are you already running %s?"
 msgstr "Már futtatja a(z) %s projektet?"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:482
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:482
 msgid "&Username:"
 msgstr "&Felhasználói név:"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:508
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:511
+msgid "&Email address or LDAP ID:"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:515
 msgid "&Email address:"
 msgstr "&Email cím:"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:515
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:523
 #, c-format
 msgid "minimum length %d"
 msgstr "minimum hossz: %d"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:522
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:530
 msgid "Forgot your password?"
 msgstr "Elfelejtette a jelszavát?"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:529
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:537
 msgid ""
 "If you have not yet registered with this account manager,\n"
 "please do so before proceeding.  Click on the link below\n"
@@ -124,45 +130,44 @@ msgstr ""
 "kérjük, tegye meg, mielőtt továbbmenne. Kattintson az alábbi\n"
 "linkre a regisztrációhoz, vagy az elfelejtett jelszó visszaszerzéséhez."
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:532
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:540
 msgid "Account manager web site"
 msgstr "A fiókkezelő honlapja"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:574 WelcomePage.cpp:348
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:582
 msgid "Add project"
 msgstr "Projekt hozzáadása"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:576
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:584
 msgid "Update account manager"
 msgstr "Fiókkezelő frissítése"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:578 WelcomePage.cpp:307 WelcomePage.cpp:321
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:586
 msgid "Use account manager"
 msgstr "Fiókkezelő használata"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:585
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:593
 msgid "Please enter a user name."
 msgstr "Kérjük, adjon meg egy felhasználónevet."
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:587
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:595
 msgid "Please enter an email address."
 msgstr "Kérjük, adjon meg egy email címet:"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:597
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:605
 #, c-format
 msgid "Please enter a password of at least %d characters."
 msgstr "Kérjük, adjon meg egy legalább %d karakter hosszú jelszót."
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:607
-msgid ""
-"The password and confirmation password do not match. Please type them again."
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:615
+msgid "The password and confirmation password do not match. Please type them again."
 msgstr "A jelszó és megerősítése nem egyezik. Kérem, próbálja újra."
-#: AccountManagerInfoPage.cpp:272
+#: clientgui/AccountManagerInfoPage.cpp:272
 msgid "Choose an account manager"
 msgstr "Válasszon fiókkezelőt"
-#: AccountManagerInfoPage.cpp:275
+#: clientgui/AccountManagerInfoPage.cpp:275
 msgid ""
 "To choose an account manager, click its name or \n"
 "type its URL below."
@@ -170,380 +175,397 @@ msgstr ""
 "Fiókkezelő kiválasztásához kattintson a fiókkezelő nevére\n"
 "vagy gépelje be alább az URL-jét."
-#: AccountManagerInfoPage.cpp:279
+#: clientgui/AccountManagerInfoPage.cpp:279
 msgid "Account manager details:"
 msgstr "Fiókkezelő részletek:"
-#: AccountManagerInfoPage.cpp:283
+#: clientgui/AccountManagerInfoPage.cpp:283
 msgid "Account manager &URL:"
 msgstr "Fiókkezelő &URL-je:"
-#: AccountManagerInfoPage.cpp:287
+#: clientgui/AccountManagerInfoPage.cpp:287
 msgid "Open web page"
 msgstr "Weboldal megnyitása"
-#: AccountManagerInfoPage.cpp:290
+#: clientgui/AccountManagerInfoPage.cpp:290
 msgid "Visit this account manager's web site"
 msgstr ""
-#: AccountManagerProcessingPage.cpp:187 AccountManagerPropertiesPage.cpp:193
+#: clientgui/AccountManagerProcessingPage.cpp:186
+#: clientgui/AccountManagerPropertiesPage.cpp:192
 #, c-format
 msgid "Communicating with %s."
 msgstr "Ezen fiókkezelő weboldalának megtekintése"
-#: AccountManagerProcessingPage.cpp:194 AccountManagerPropertiesPage.cpp:200
+#: clientgui/AccountManagerProcessingPage.cpp:193
+#: clientgui/AccountManagerPropertiesPage.cpp:199
 msgid "Communicating with server."
 msgstr "Kommunikáció a szerverrel."
-#: AccountManagerProcessingPage.cpp:199 AccountManagerPropertiesPage.cpp:205
+#: clientgui/AccountManagerProcessingPage.cpp:198
+#: clientgui/AccountManagerPropertiesPage.cpp:204
 msgid "Please wait..."
 msgstr "Kérem, várjon..."
-#: AccountManagerProcessingPage.cpp:326
+#: clientgui/AccountManagerProcessingPage.cpp:325
 msgid "An internal server error has occurred.\n"
 msgstr "Belső szerverhiba történt.\n"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:95
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:96
 msgid "Connected"
 msgstr "Kapcsolódva"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:103
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:104
 msgid "Disconnected"
 msgstr "Kapcsolat megszakítva"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:322 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:119
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:318
 #, c-format
 msgid "Close the %s window"
 msgstr "%s ablak bezárása"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:325 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:122
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:321
 msgid "&Close Window"
 msgstr "&Ablak bezárása"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:336 AdvancedFrame.cpp:343 AdvancedFrame.cpp:350
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:332
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:339
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:346
 #, c-format
 msgid "Exit %s"
 msgstr "%s bezárása"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:371
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:359
+msgid "Preferences..."
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:368
 msgid "&Notices\tCtrl+Shift+N"
 msgstr "&Értesítések\tCtrl+Shift+N"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:372
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:369
 msgid "Display notices"
 msgstr "Értesítések megjelenítése"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:377
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:374
 msgid "&Projects\tCtrl+Shift+P"
 msgstr "&Projektek\tCtrl+Shift+P"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:378
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:375
 msgid "Display projects"
 msgstr "Projektek mutatása"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:383
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:380
 msgid "&Tasks\tCtrl+Shift+T"
 msgstr "&Feladatok\tCtrl+Shift+T"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:384
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:381
 msgid "Display tasks"
 msgstr "Feladatok mutatása"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:389
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:386
 msgid "Trans&fers\tCtrl+Shift+X"
 msgstr "A&datforgalom\tCtrl+Shift+X"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:390
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:387
 msgid "Display transfers"
 msgstr "Adatforgalom mutatása"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:395
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:392
 msgid "&Statistics\tCtrl+Shift+S"
 msgstr "&Statisztika\tCtrl+Shift+S"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:396
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:393
 msgid "Display statistics"
 msgstr "Statisztikák mutatása"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:401
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:398
 msgid "&Disk usage\tCtrl+Shift+D"
 msgstr "&Lemezhasználat\tCtrl+Shift+D"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:402
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:399
 msgid "Display disk usage"
 msgstr "Lemezhasználat mutatása"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:409
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:406
 msgid "Simple &View...\tCtrl+Shift+V"
 msgstr "Egyszerű &nézet\tCtrl+Shift+V"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:410
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:407
 msgid "Display the simple graphical interface."
 msgstr "Az egyszerű grafikus felület megjelenítése."
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:424
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:421
 msgid "&Add project or account manager..."
 msgstr "&Projekt vagy fiókkezelő hozzáadása"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:425 sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:76
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:422
 msgid "Volunteer for any or all of 30+ projects in many areas of science"
 msgstr ""
 "Vegyen részt bármelyikben a több, mint 30 különböző tudományos projektből"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:429
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:426
 #, c-format
 msgid "&Synchronize with %s"
 msgstr "&Szinkronizáció ezzel: %s"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:433
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:430
 #, c-format
 msgid "Get current settings from %s"
 msgstr "Aktuális beállítások betöltése innen: %s"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:443
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:440
 msgid "&Add project..."
 msgstr "&Projekt hozzáadása..."
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:444
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:441
 msgid "Add a project"
 msgstr "Projekt hozzáadása"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:447
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:444
 #, c-format
 msgid "S&top using %s..."
 msgstr "%s használatának &befejezése..."
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:453
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:450
 msgid "Remove this computer from account manager control."
 msgstr "Számítógép eltávolítása a fiókkezelő felügyelete alól."
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:458 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:178
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:455
 msgid "&Options..."
 msgstr "&Opciók..."
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:459 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:179
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:456
 msgid "Configure display options and proxy settings"
 msgstr "A grafikus megjelentés és a proxy beállítása"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:463 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:172
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:460
 msgid "Computing &preferences..."
 msgstr "Számítási &beállítások..."
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:464 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:173
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:461
 msgid "Configure computing preferences"
 msgstr "Számítási beállítások konfigurálása"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:472
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:469
 msgid "&Run always"
 msgstr "&Mindig fut"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:473
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:470
 msgid "Allow work regardless of preferences"
 msgstr "Munka engedélyezése a beállítások figyelmen kívül hagyásával"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:477
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:474
 msgid "Run based on &preferences"
 msgstr "&Beállítások szerint fut"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:478
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:475
 msgid "Allow work according to preferences"
 msgstr "Munka engedélyezése a beállítások figyelembevételével"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:482
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:479
 msgid "&Suspend"
 msgstr "&Felfüggeszt"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:483
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:480
 msgid "Stop work regardless of preferences"
 msgstr "Beállítások figyelembe vétele nélkül leáll"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:508
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:505
 msgid "Use GPU always"
 msgstr "GPU használata mindig"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:509
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:506
 msgid "Allow GPU work regardless of preferences"
 msgstr "GPU munka engedélyezése a beállításoktól függetlenül"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:513
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:510
 msgid "Use GPU based on preferences"
 msgstr "A GPU beállítások szerinti használata"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:514
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:511
 msgid "Allow GPU work according to preferences"
 msgstr "GPU munka engedélyezése a beállítások figyelembevételével"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:518
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:515
 msgid "Suspend GPU"
 msgstr "GPU felfüggesztése"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:519
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:516
 msgid "Stop GPU work regardless of preferences"
 msgstr "A GPU munka leállítása a beállításoktól függetlenül"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:543
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:540
 msgid "Network activity always available"
 msgstr "A hálózati forgalom mindig elérhető"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:544
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:541
 msgid "Allow network activity regardless of preferences"
 msgstr "Beállítások mellőzésével a hálózatra kapcsolódhat"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:548
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:545
 msgid "Network activity based on preferences"
 msgstr "Hálózati forgalom a beállítások alapján"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:549
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:546
 msgid "Allow network activity according to preferences"
 msgstr "Hálózati forgalom engedélyezése a beállítások szerint"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:553
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:550
 msgid "Network activity suspended"
 msgstr "Hálózati forgalom felfüggesztve"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:554
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:551
 msgid "Stop BOINC network activity"
 msgstr "BOINC hálózati aktivitásának leállítása"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:564
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:561
 #, c-format
 msgid "Connect to another computer running %s"
 msgstr "Kapcsolódás másik %s -t futtató számítógéphez"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:569
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:566
 msgid "Select computer..."
 msgstr "Számítógép kiválasztása..."
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:574
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:571
 msgid "Shut down connected client..."
 msgstr "Kapcsolódott kliens leállítása..."
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:575
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:572
 msgid "Shut down the currently connected client"
 msgstr "A jelenleg kapcsolódott kliens leállítása"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:579
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:576
 msgid "Run CPU &benchmarks"
 msgstr "&Sebességmérés futtatása"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:580
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:577
 msgid "Runs BOINC CPU benchmarks"
 msgstr "A BOINC processzor-sebesség mérésének futtatása "
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:584
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:581
 msgid "Do network communication"
 msgstr "Hálózati kommunikáció létesítése"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:585
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:582
 msgid "Do all pending network communication"
 msgstr "Minden függőben lévő hálózati kommunikáció folytatása"
 # 94%
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:589
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:586
 msgid "Read config files"
 msgstr "Konfigurációs fájlok beolvasása"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:590
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:587
 msgid "Read configuration info from cc_config.xml and any app_config.xml files"
 msgstr ""
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:594
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:591
 msgid "Read local prefs file"
 msgstr "Helyi beállításfájl beolvasása"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:595
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:592
 msgid "Read preferences from global_prefs_override.xml."
 msgstr "Beállítások beolvasása a global_prefs_override.xml fájlból."
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:600
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:597
 #, c-format
 msgid "Launch another instance of %s..."
 msgstr "A(z) %s másik példányának indítása..."
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:604
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:601
 #, c-format
 msgid "Launch another %s"
 msgstr "Másik %s indítása"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:614
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:611
 msgid "Event Log...\tCtrl+Shift+E"
 msgstr "Eseménynapló...\t Ctrl+Shift+E"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:615
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:612
 msgid "Display diagnostic messages."
 msgstr "Diagnosztikai üzenetek mutatása."
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:625 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:188
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:616
+msgid "Event Log Diagnostic Flags...\tCtrl+Shift+F"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:617
+msgid "Enable or disable various diagnostic messages"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:626
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s &help"
 msgstr "%s &segítség"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:631 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:194
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:632
 #, c-format
 msgid "Show information about %s"
 msgstr "Információk erről: %s"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:643
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:644
 #, c-format
 msgid "&%s help"
 msgstr "&%s segítség"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:649 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:212
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:650
 #, c-format
 msgid "Show information about the %s"
 msgstr "Információk erről: %s"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:661 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:224
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:662
 #, c-format
 #, c-format, fuzzy
 msgid "%s &web site"
 msgstr "%s &weboldal"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:667 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:230
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:668
 #, c-format
 msgid "Show information about BOINC and %s"
 msgstr "Információk a BOINC kezelőről és erről: %s"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:679 BOINCTaskBar.cpp:530 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:242
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:680
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:544
 #, c-format
 msgid "&About %s..."
 msgstr "%s &névjegye..."
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:685 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:248
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:686
 msgid "Licensing and copyright information."
 msgstr "Licensz és szerzői jogi információ."
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:692 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:255
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:693
 msgid "&File"
 msgstr "&Fájl"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:696 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:259
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:697
 msgid "&View"
 msgstr "&Nézet"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:700 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:263
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:701
 msgid "&Tools"
 msgstr "&Eszközök"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:704
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:705
 msgid "&Activity"
 msgstr "&Aktivitás"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:708
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:709
 msgid "A&dvanced"
 msgstr "&Haladó"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:712 DlgEventLog.cpp:332 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:267
-#: wizardex.cpp:374 wizardex.cpp:381
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:713
 msgid "&Help"
 msgstr "&Segítség"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:1199
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1185
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - Stop using %s"
 msgstr "%s - %s használatának befejezése"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:1204
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1190
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "If you stop using %s,\n"
@@ -558,12 +580,12 @@ msgstr ""
 "Biztosan befejezi %s használatát?"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:1401
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1397
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - Shut down the current client..."
 msgstr "%s - A jelenlegi kliens leállítása..."
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:1410
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1406
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "%s will shut down the current client\n"
@@ -572,36 +594,36 @@ msgstr ""
 "%s leállítja a jelenleg kapcsolódott klienst,\n"
 "és javasol Önnek egy másik klienst, amihez csatlakozhat.\n"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:1745 DlgAbout.cpp:119
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1806
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s"
 msgstr "%s"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:1754
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1815
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s has successfully added %s"
 msgstr "%s sikeresen hozzáadva ehhez: %s"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:1893
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1953
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - (%s)"
 msgstr "%s - (%s)"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:1897
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1957
 #, c-format
 msgid "Connecting to %s"
 msgstr "Kapcsolódás %s-hoz"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:1900
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1960
 #, c-format
 msgid "Connected to %s (%s)"
 msgstr "Kapcsolódva ehhez: %s (%s)"
-#: AlreadyExistsPage.cpp:184
+#: clientgui/AlreadyExistsPage.cpp:184
 msgid "Username already in use"
 msgstr "Már létezik ilyen felhasználói név"
-#: AlreadyExistsPage.cpp:187
+#: clientgui/AlreadyExistsPage.cpp:187
 msgid ""
 "An account with that username already exists and has a\n"
 "different password than the one you entered.\n"
@@ -614,11 +636,11 @@ msgstr ""
 "Kérem, látogasson el a projekt weboldalára, és kövesse az ott leírt "
-#: AlreadyExistsPage.cpp:191
+#: clientgui/AlreadyExistsPage.cpp:191
 msgid "Email address already in use"
 msgstr "Az email cím már foglalt."
-#: AlreadyExistsPage.cpp:194
+#: clientgui/AlreadyExistsPage.cpp:194
 msgid ""
 "An account with that email address already exists and has a\n"
 "different password than the one you entered.\n"
@@ -631,46 +653,45 @@ msgstr ""
 "Kérem, látogasson el a projekt weboldalára, és kövesse az ott leírt "
-#: AsyncRPC.cpp:1031
+#: clientgui/AsyncRPC.cpp:1031
 msgid "Communicating with BOINC client.  Please wait ..."
 msgstr "Kommunikáció a BOINC klienssel. Kérem, várjon..."
-#: AsyncRPC.cpp:1034
+#: clientgui/AsyncRPC.cpp:1034
 #, c-format
 msgid "&Quit %s"
 msgstr "%s &bezárása"
-#: AsyncRPC.cpp:1036
+#: clientgui/AsyncRPC.cpp:1036
 #, c-format
 msgid "E&xit %s"
 msgstr "%s &bezárása"
-#: AsyncRPC.cpp:1040
+#: clientgui/AsyncRPC.cpp:1040
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - Communication"
 msgstr "%s - Kommunikáció"
-#: AsyncRPC.cpp:1056 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:107 sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:433
+#: clientgui/AsyncRPC.cpp:1056
 msgid "Cancel"
 msgstr "Mégsem"
-#: BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:505
+#: clientgui/BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:504
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - Connection Error"
 msgstr "%s - Hiba a kapcsolatban"
-#: BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:514
+#: clientgui/BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:513
 msgid ""
 "You currently are not authorized to manage the client.\n"
-"Please contact your administrator to add you to the 'boinc_users' local user "
+"Please contact your administrator to add you to the 'boinc_users' local user group."
 msgstr ""
 "Jelenleg nincs jogosultsága a kliens kezelésére.\n"
 "Kérjük, lépjen kapcsolatba a rendszergazdával és kérje meg, hogy adja hozzá "
 " 'boinc_users' helyi felhasználói csoporthoz."
-#: BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:523
+#: clientgui/BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:522
 msgid ""
 "Authorization failed connecting to running client.\n"
 "Make sure you start this program in the same directory as the client."
@@ -679,20 +700,20 @@ msgstr ""
 "Kérjük győződjön meg róla, hogy ezt a programot ugyanabban a könyvtárban "
 "indította, mint a klienst."
-#: BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:525
+#: clientgui/BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:524
 msgid "Authorization failed connecting to running client."
 msgstr "Az engedélyezés sikertelen a futó klienshez való csatlakozáskor."
-#: BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:533
+#: clientgui/BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:532
 msgid "The password you have provided is incorrect, please try again."
 msgstr "A megadott jelszó hibás, kérem próbálja újra."
-#: BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:577
+#: clientgui/BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:576
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - Connection Failed"
 msgstr "%s - A kapcsolódás sikertelen"
-#: BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:586
+#: clientgui/BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:585
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "%s is not able to connect to a %s client.\n"
@@ -701,23 +722,22 @@ msgstr ""
 "%s nem tud kapcsolódni egy %s klienshez.\n"
 "Megpróbál újra kapcsolódni?"
-#: BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:622
+#: clientgui/BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:621
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - Daemon Start Failed"
 msgstr "%s - A kiszolgáló indítása sikertelen"
-#: BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:632
+#: clientgui/BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:631
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "%s is not able to start a %s client.\n"
-"Please launch the Control Panel->Administative Tools->Services applet and "
-"start the BOINC service."
+"Please launch the Control Panel->Administative Tools->Services applet and start the BOINC service."
 msgstr ""
 "%s nem tud egy %s klienst elindítani.\n"
 "Kérjük, navigáljon a Vezérlőpult->Felügyeleti eszközök->Szolgáltatások "
 "helyre és indítsa el a  BOINC szolgáltatást."
-#: BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:638
+#: clientgui/BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:637
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "%s is not able to start a %s client.\n"
@@ -726,17 +746,16 @@ msgstr ""
 "%s nem tud elindítani egy %s klienst.\n"
 "Kérjük, indítsa el a kiszolgálót és próbálja újra."
-#: BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:689
+#: clientgui/BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:688
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - Connection Status"
 msgstr "%s - A kapcsolat állapota"
-#: BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:700
+#: clientgui/BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:699
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "%s is not currently connected to a %s client.\n"
-"Please use the 'Advanced\\Select Computer...' menu option to connect up to a "
-"%s client.\n"
+"Please use the 'Advanced\\Select Computer...' menu option to connect up to a %s client.\n"
 "To connect up to your local computer please use 'localhost' as the host name."
 msgstr ""
 "%s jelenleg nem kapcsolódik egy %s klienshez sem.Kérjük, használja a "
@@ -744,16 +763,16 @@ msgstr ""
 "csatlakozáshoz.A helyi számítógép csatlakoztatásához a számítógépnév "
 "megadásánál használja a 'localhost' kifejezést."
-#: BOINCBaseView.cpp:779
+#: clientgui/BOINCBaseView.cpp:752
 msgid "Project web pages"
 msgstr "A projekt weboldalai"
-#: BOINCClientManager.cpp:575
+#: clientgui/BOINCClientManager.cpp:573
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - Unexpected Exit"
 msgstr "%s - Váratlan kilépés"
-#: BOINCClientManager.cpp:585
+#: clientgui/BOINCClientManager.cpp:583
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "The %s client has exited unexpectedly 3 times within the last %d minutes.\n"
@@ -762,12 +781,12 @@ msgstr ""
 "A %s kliens 3 alkalommal is váratlanul kilépett az utóbbi %d percben.\n"
 "Szeretné megint újraindítani?"
-#: BOINCDialupManager.cpp:61
+#: clientgui/BOINCDialupManager.cpp:61
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - Network Status"
 msgstr "%s - Hálózati Állapot"
-#: BOINCDialupManager.cpp:241
+#: clientgui/BOINCDialupManager.cpp:241
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "%s needs to connect to the Internet.\n"
@@ -776,22 +795,22 @@ msgstr ""
 "A következőnek internetkapcsolatra van szüksége: %s.\n"
 "Csatlakozzon most?"
-#: BOINCDialupManager.cpp:254
+#: clientgui/BOINCDialupManager.cpp:254
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s is connecting to the Internet."
 msgstr "%s kapcsolódik az internetre."
-#: BOINCDialupManager.cpp:303
+#: clientgui/BOINCDialupManager.cpp:303
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s has successfully connected to the Internet."
 msgstr "%s sikeresen kapcsolódott az internetre."
-#: BOINCDialupManager.cpp:331
+#: clientgui/BOINCDialupManager.cpp:331
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s failed to connect to the Internet."
 msgstr "%s nem tudott az internetre kapcsolódni."
-#: BOINCDialupManager.cpp:372
+#: clientgui/BOINCDialupManager.cpp:372
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "%s has detected it is now connected to the Internet.\n"
@@ -800,17 +819,17 @@ msgstr ""
 "%s érzékelte, hogy kapcsolódott az internetre.\n"
 "Minden projekt frissítése, és az átvitelek újrapróbálása."
-#: BOINCDialupManager.cpp:417
+#: clientgui/BOINCDialupManager.cpp:417
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s has successfully disconnected from the Internet."
 msgstr "%s sikeresen lekapcsolódott az internetről."
-#: BOINCDialupManager.cpp:433
+#: clientgui/BOINCDialupManager.cpp:433
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s failed to disconnected from the Internet."
 msgstr "%s nem tudott lekapcsolódni az internetről."
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:339
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:595
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "You currently are not authorized to manage the client.\n"
@@ -831,7 +850,7 @@ msgstr ""
 "- lépjen kapcsolatba a rendszergazdával és kérje meg, hogy adja hozzá a\n"
 "'boinc_master' felhasználói csoporthoz."
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:345
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:601
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "%s ownership or permissions are not set properly; please reinstall %s.\n"
@@ -841,16 +860,15 @@ msgstr ""
 "kérjük, telepítse újra a(z) %s-t.\n"
 "(Hibakód %d"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:351
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:607
 msgid " at "
 msgstr "itt:"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:354 MainDocument.cpp:2484 MainDocument.cpp:2534
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2554 ViewTransfers.cpp:803
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:610
 msgid ")"
 msgstr ")"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:384
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:640
 msgid ""
 "A reboot is required in order for BOINC to run properly.\n"
 "Please reboot your computer and try again."
@@ -858,186 +876,190 @@ msgstr ""
 "A BOINC megfelelő futásához újraindítás szükséges.\n"
 "Kérjük, indítsa újra a számítógépét, majd próbálja újra."
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:385 DlgAbout.cpp:153
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:641
 msgid "BOINC Manager"
 msgstr "BOINC Kezelő"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:572
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:902
 msgid "BOINC Manager was started by the operating system automatically"
 msgstr "A BOINC Kezelőt az operációs rendszer automatikusan indította"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:574
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:904
 msgid "Startup BOINC so only the system tray icon is visible"
 msgstr "A BOINC csak tálcaikonként történő indítása"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:576
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:906
 msgid "Directory containing the BOINC Client executable"
 msgstr "A futtatható BOINC Klienst tartalmazó könyvtár"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:577
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:907
 msgid "BOINC data directory"
 msgstr "BOINC adatkönyvtár"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:579
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:909
 msgid "Host name or IP address"
 msgstr "Hostnév vagy IP cím"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:580
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:910
 msgid "GUI RPC port number"
 msgstr "GUI RPC portszám"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:581
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:911
 msgid "Password"
 msgstr "Jelszó"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:582
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:912
 msgid "Startup BOINC with these optional arguments"
 msgstr "A BOINC indítása a következő opcionális lehetőségekkel"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:583
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:913
 msgid "disable BOINC security users and permissions"
 msgstr "BOINC biztonsági felhasználók és hozzáférések kikapcsolása"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:584
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:914
 msgid "set skin debugging mode to enable skin manager error messages"
 msgstr ""
 "kinézet hibakereső mód beállítása, ezzel a kinézetkezelő hibaüzeneteinek "
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:585
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:915
 msgid "multiple instances of BOINC Manager allowed"
 msgstr "a BOINC Kezelő több példányának futása engedélyezett"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:587
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:917
 msgid "Not used: workaround for bug in XCode 4.2"
 msgstr "Nem használt: az XCode 4.2-ben található megoldás a hibára"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:814
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:1164
 msgid "(Automatic Detection)"
 msgstr "(Automatikus felismerés)"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:815
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:1165
 msgid "(Unknown)"
 msgstr "(Ismeretlen)"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:816
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:1166
 msgid "(User Defined)"
 msgstr "(Felhasználó által megadott)"
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:508
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:522
 #, c-format
 msgid "Open %s Web..."
 msgstr "%s megnyitása a Weben..."
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:515
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:529
 #, c-format
 msgid "Open %s..."
 msgstr "%s megnyitása"
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:522 BOINCTaskBar.cpp:619 BOINCTaskBar.cpp:627
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:536
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:633
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:641
 msgid "Snooze"
 msgstr "Szundi"
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:524 BOINCTaskBar.cpp:646 BOINCTaskBar.cpp:654
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:538
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:660
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:668
 msgid "Snooze GPU"
 msgstr "GPU szundi"
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:542
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:556
 msgid "E&xit"
 msgstr "K&ilépés"
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:612 ViewProjects.cpp:718 ViewWork.cpp:795
-#: sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:758 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:110
-#: sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:102
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:626
 msgid "Resume"
 msgstr "Folytatás"
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:639
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:653
 msgid "Resume GPU"
 msgstr "GPU folytatása"
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:713
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:727
 msgid "Computing is enabled"
 msgstr "Számítás engedélyezve"
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:717
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:731
 msgid "Computing is suspended - "
 msgstr "Számítás felfüggesztve -"
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:727
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:741
 msgid "GPU computing is enabled"
 msgstr "GPU számítás engedélyezve"
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:730
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:744
 msgid "GPU computing is suspended - "
 msgstr "GPU számítás felfüggesztve -"
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:739
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:753
 msgid "Network is enabled"
 msgstr "Hálózati forgalom engedélyezve"
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:742
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:756
 msgid "Network is suspended - "
 msgstr "Hálózati forgalom felfüggesztve -"
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:750
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:764
 msgid "Reconnecting to client."
 msgstr "Újracsatlakozás a klienshez."
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:752
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:766
 msgid "Not connected to a client."
 msgstr "Nincs kapcsolódva a klienshez."
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:805
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:819
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s Notices"
 msgstr "%s Megjegyzések"
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:811
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:825
 msgid "There are new notices - click to view."
 msgstr "Új üzenetek érkeztek - kattintson a megtekintésükhöz."
-#: CompletionErrorPage.cpp:199
+#: clientgui/CompletionErrorPage.cpp:199
 msgid "Failed to add project"
 msgstr "Projekt hozzáadása sikertelen"
-#: CompletionErrorPage.cpp:204
+#: clientgui/CompletionErrorPage.cpp:204
 msgid "Failed to update account manager"
 msgstr "A fiókkezelő frissítése sikertelen"
-#: CompletionErrorPage.cpp:208
+#: clientgui/CompletionErrorPage.cpp:208
 msgid "Failed to remove account manager"
 msgstr "A fiókkezelő eltávolítása sikertelen"
-#: CompletionErrorPage.cpp:212
+#: clientgui/CompletionErrorPage.cpp:212
 msgid "Failed to add account manager"
 msgstr "A fiókkezelő hozzáadása sikertelen"
-#: CompletionErrorPage.cpp:221
+#: clientgui/CompletionErrorPage.cpp:221
 msgid ""
 "Please try again later.\n"
 "Click Finish to close."
 msgstr ""
-#: CompletionErrorPage.cpp:225 CompletionPage.cpp:222 CompletionPage.cpp:242
-#: CompletionPage.cpp:273
+#: clientgui/CompletionErrorPage.cpp:225
+#: clientgui/CompletionPage.cpp:222
+#: clientgui/CompletionPage.cpp:242
+#: clientgui/CompletionPage.cpp:273
 msgid "Click Finish to close."
 msgstr "A bezáráshoz kattintson a Befejez gombra"
-#: CompletionErrorPage.cpp:234
+#: clientgui/CompletionErrorPage.cpp:234
 msgid "Messages from server:"
 msgstr "Üzenetek a szervertől:"
-#: CompletionPage.cpp:207
+#: clientgui/CompletionPage.cpp:207
 msgid "Project added"
 msgstr "Projekt hozzáadva"
-#: CompletionPage.cpp:213
+#: clientgui/CompletionPage.cpp:213
 msgid "This project has been successfully added."
 msgstr "A projektet sikeresen hozzáadtuk."
-#: CompletionPage.cpp:218
+#: clientgui/CompletionPage.cpp:218
 msgid ""
 "When you click Finish, your web browser will go to a page where\n"
 "you can set your account name and preferences."
@@ -1045,123 +1067,124 @@ msgstr ""
 "Ha a Befejez gombra kattint, akkor a böngészőjében megnyílik az az oldal,\n"
 "ahol megadhatja a fiókjának nevét és beállításait."
-#: CompletionPage.cpp:232
+#: clientgui/CompletionPage.cpp:232
 #, c-format
 msgid "Update from %s completed."
 msgstr "A frissítés a(z) %s helyről elkészült."
-#: CompletionPage.cpp:236
+#: clientgui/CompletionPage.cpp:236
 msgid "Update completed."
 msgstr "Frissítés kész."
-#: CompletionPage.cpp:247
+#: clientgui/CompletionPage.cpp:247
 msgid "Now using account manager"
 msgstr "Most már fiókkezelőt használ"
-#: CompletionPage.cpp:252
+#: clientgui/CompletionPage.cpp:252
 #, c-format
 msgid "Welcome to %s!"
 msgstr "Üdvözöljük a(z) %s projektben!"
-#: CompletionPage.cpp:263
+#: clientgui/CompletionPage.cpp:263
 #, c-format
 msgid "You are now using %s to manage accounts."
 msgstr "Jelenleg a(z) %s-t használja fiókjai kezelésére."
-#: CompletionPage.cpp:267
+#: clientgui/CompletionPage.cpp:267
 msgid "You are now using this account manager."
 msgstr "Jelenleg ezt a fiókkezelőt használja."
-#: DlgAbout.cpp:113 mac/Mac_GUI.cpp:96
+#: clientgui/DlgAbout.cpp:113
 #, c-format
 msgid "About %s"
 msgstr "%s névjegye"
-#: DlgAbout.cpp:172
+#: clientgui/DlgAbout.cpp:172
 msgid "Version:"
 msgstr "Verzió:"
-#: DlgAbout.cpp:180
+#: clientgui/DlgAbout.cpp:180
 msgid "wxWidgets Version:"
 msgstr "wxWidgets verzió:"
-#: DlgAbout.cpp:188
+#: clientgui/DlgAbout.cpp:188
 msgid "Copyright:"
 msgstr "Készítő:"
-# 98%
-#: DlgAbout.cpp:192
-#, fuzzy
+#: clientgui/DlgAbout.cpp:192
 msgid ""
-"(C) 2003-2013 University of California, Berkeley.\n"
+"(C) 2003-2014 University of California, Berkeley.\n"
 "All Rights Reserved."
 msgstr ""
-"(C) 2003-2011 Kaliforniai Berkeley Egyetem.\n"
-"Minden jog fenntartva."
-#: DlgAbout.cpp:196
+#: clientgui/DlgAbout.cpp:196
 msgid "Berkeley Open Infrastructure for Network Computing"
 msgstr "Berkeley Nyílt Rendszer a Hálózati Számitásért (BOINC)"
-#: DlgAbout.cpp:208 DlgExitMessage.cpp:173 DlgGenericMessage.cpp:120
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:396 DlgSelectComputer.cpp:163
+#: clientgui/DlgAbout.cpp:208
+#: clientgui/DlgExitMessage.cpp:173
+#: clientgui/DlgGenericMessage.cpp:120
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:399
+#: clientgui/DlgSelectComputer.cpp:163
 msgid "&OK"
 msgstr "&OK"
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:544
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:602
 msgid "invalid number"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:545
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:603
 msgid "invalid time, format is HH:MM"
 msgstr "érvénytelen idő, a helyes formátum: ÓÓ:PP"
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:546
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:604
 msgid "invalid time interval, format is HH:MM-HH:MM"
 msgstr "érvénytelen időintervallum, a helyes formátum: ÓÓ:PP-ÓÓ:PP"
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:751
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:817
 msgid "invalid input value detected"
 msgstr "érvénytelen bemeneti értéket észleltem"
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:753
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:819
 msgid "Validation Error"
 msgstr "Érvényesítési hiba"
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:885 DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:891
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:897
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:969
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:975
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:981
 msgid "Applications to add"
 msgstr "Hozzáadható alkalmazások"
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:914
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:998
 #, c-format
 msgid "'%s' is not an executable application."
 msgstr "'%s' nem végrehajtható alkalmazás."
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:915 DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:962
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:986
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:999
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:1046
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:1070
 msgid "Add Exclusive App"
 msgstr "Exkluzív alkalmazás hozzáadása"
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:927
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:1011
 msgid "Name of application to add?"
 msgstr "Mi a hozzáadandó alkalmazás neve?"
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:927
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:1011
 msgid "Add exclusive app"
 msgstr "Exkluzív alkalmazás hozzáadása"
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:961
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:1045
 #, c-format
 msgid "Application names must end with '%s'"
 msgstr "Az alkalmazás nevének '%s'-re kell végződnie"
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:985
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:1069
 #, c-format
 msgid "'%s' is already in the list."
 msgstr "'%s' már a listában van."
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:1077
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:1161
 msgid ""
 "Do you really want to clear all local preferences?\n"
 "(This will not affect exclusive applications.)"
@@ -1169,16 +1192,16 @@ msgstr ""
 "BIztosan törölni szeretne minden helyi beállítást?\n"
 "(Ez nem érinti az exkluzív alkalmazásokat.)"
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:1078 sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:1030
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:1162
 msgid "Confirmation"
 msgstr "Megerősítés"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:46 sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:946
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:49
 #, c-format
-msgid "%s - Preferences"
-msgstr "%s - Beállítások"
+msgid "%s - Computing preferences"
+msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:62
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:66
 msgid ""
 "This dialog controls preferences for this computer only.\n"
 "Click OK to set preferences.\n"
@@ -1190,281 +1213,292 @@ msgstr ""
 "Kattintson a Törlés-re a webes beállítások visszaállításához (kivéve az "
 "exkluzív alkalmazásokat)."
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:65 sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:428
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:69
 msgid "Clear"
 msgstr "Törlés"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:66
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:70
 msgid "clear all local preferences and close the dialog"
 msgstr "minden helyi beállítás törlése és a párbeszédpanel bezárása"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:81
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:85
 msgid "processor usage"
 msgstr "processzor használat"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:84
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:88
 msgid "network usage"
 msgstr "hálózathasználat"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:87
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:91
 msgid "disk and memory usage"
 msgstr "lemez- és memóriahasználat"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:90
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:94
 msgid "exclusive applications"
 msgstr "exkluzív alkalmazások"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:102 sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:424
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:107
+#: clientgui/DlgDiagnosticLogFlags.cpp:104
 msgid "OK"
 msgstr "OK"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:103
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:108
 msgid "save all values and close the dialog"
 msgstr "mentse az összes értéket majd zárja be a párbeszédablakot"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:108
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:114
 msgid "close the dialog without saving"
 msgstr "zárja be a párbeszédablakot mentés nélkül"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:112 Localization.cpp:35 Localization.cpp:121
-#: Localization.cpp:139 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:794 sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:439
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:118
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:35
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:121
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:139
 msgid "Help"
 msgstr "Súgó"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:113
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:119
 msgid "shows the preferences web page"
 msgstr "megmutatja a webes beállításokat"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:135
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:141
 msgid "Computing allowed"
 msgstr "Számítás engedélyezve"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:139
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:146
 msgid "While computer is on batteries"
 msgstr "Amikor a számítógép akkumulátorról működik"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:142
-msgid ""
-"check this if you want this computer to do work while it runs on batteries"
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:149
+msgid "check this if you want this computer to do work while it runs on batteries"
 msgstr ""
 "jelölje be, ha azt szeretné, hogy a számítógépe akkor is (fel)dolgozzon, "
 "amikor akkumulátorról működik"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:148
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:155
 msgid "While computer is in use"
 msgstr "Ha a számítógép használatban van"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:151
-msgid ""
-"check this if you want this computer to do work even when you're using it"
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:158
+msgid "check this if you want this computer to do work even when you're using it"
 msgstr ""
 "jelölje be, ha azt szeretné, hogy a számítógépe akkor is (fel)dolgozzon, "
 "amikor Ön használja azt"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:157
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:164
 msgid "Use GPU while computer is in use"
 msgstr "GPU használata, amikor a számítógép használatban van"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:160
-msgid ""
-"check this if you want your GPU to do work even when you're using the "
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:167
+msgid "check this if you want your GPU to do work even when you're using the computer"
 msgstr ""
 "jelölje be, ha azt szeretné, hogy a GPU is (fel)dolgozzon, mialatt Ön a "
 "számítógépet használja"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:172
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:179
 msgid "Only after computer has been idle for"
 msgstr "Csak miután a számítógép legalább ennyi ideje tétlen:"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:182
-msgid ""
-"do work only after you haven't used the computer for this number of minutes"
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:188
+msgid "do work only after you haven't used the computer for this number of minutes"
 msgstr ""
 "csak akkor kezdjen el dolgozni, miután Ön a számítógépet már ennyi perce nem "
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:187 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:336
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:417
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:193
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:342
 msgid "minutes"
 msgstr "perc"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:206
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:212
 msgid "While processor usage is less than"
 msgstr "Ha a processzor használat kevesebb mint"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:216
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:221
 msgid "suspend work if processor usage exceeds this level"
 msgstr "munka felfüggesztése, ha a processzorhasználat meghaladja ezt a szintet"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:221
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:226
 msgid "percent (0 means no restriction)"
 msgstr "százalék (0 esetén nincs korlátozás)"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:235 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:496
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:240
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:506
 msgid "Every day between hours of"
 msgstr "Minden nap"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:239
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:244
 msgid "start work at this time"
 msgstr "ekkor kezdje a feldolgozást"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:243 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:504
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:326 sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:348
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:248
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:514
 msgid "and"
 msgstr "és"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:247
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:252
 msgid "stop work at this time"
 msgstr "ekkor fejezze be a feldolgozást"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:251 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:512
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:256
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:522
 msgid "(no restriction if equal)"
 msgstr "óra között (ha megegyeznek, nincs korlátozva)"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:256 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:517
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:261
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:527
 msgid "Day-of-week override:"
 msgstr "Felülírás a hét napjaira:"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:261 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:522
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:266
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:532
 msgid "check box to specify hours for this day of week"
 msgstr ""
 "jelölje be a négyzetet, ha a hét ezen napjára külön szeretné beállítani az "
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:267 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:528
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:272
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:538
 msgid "Monday"
 msgstr "Hétfő"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:274 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:535
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:279
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:545
 msgid "Tuesday"
 msgstr "Kedd"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:281 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:542
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:286
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:552
 msgid "Wednesday"
 msgstr "Szerda"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:288 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:549
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:293
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:559
 msgid "Thursday"
 msgstr "Csütörtök"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:295 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:556
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:300
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:566
 msgid "Friday"
 msgstr "Péntek"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:302 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:563
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:307
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:573
 msgid "Saturday"
 msgstr "Szombat"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:309 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:570
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:314
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:580
 msgid "Sunday"
 msgstr "Vasárnap"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:323
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:328
 msgid "Other options"
 msgstr "Egyéb beállítások"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:330
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:336
 msgid "Switch between applications every"
 msgstr "Váltás az alkalmazások között ilyen gyakorisággal:"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:339
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:345
 msgid "On multiprocessor systems, use at most"
 msgstr "Többprocesszoros rendszereken legfeljebb"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:346
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:352
 #, no-c-format
-msgid "% of the processors (0 means ignore this setting)"
+msgid "% of the processors (0 means no restriction)"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:349 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:605
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:627 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:648
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:669 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:679
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:355
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:618
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:640
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:661
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:683
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:694
 msgid "Use at most"
 msgstr "Legfeljebb"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:356
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:362
 #, no-c-format
-msgid "% CPU time"
-msgstr "%-át használja a CPU időnek"
+msgid "% of CPU time (0 means no restriction)"
+msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:378
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:386
 msgid "General options"
 msgstr "Általános beállítások"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:386
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:395
 msgid "Maximum download rate"
 msgstr "Max letöltési sebesség"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:392 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:401
-msgid "KBytes/sec."
-msgstr "KByte/sec."
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:401
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:410
+msgid "KBytes/second (0 means no restriction)"
+msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:395
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:404
 msgid "Maximum upload rate"
 msgstr "Max feltöltési sebesség"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:406
-msgid "Transfer at most"
-msgstr "Legfeljebb"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:412
-msgid "Mbytes"
-msgstr "Mbájt"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:415
-msgid "every"
-msgstr "minden"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:421 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:444
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:463
-msgid "days"
-msgstr "nap"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:429
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:417
 msgid "Minimum work buffer"
 msgstr "Minimum munka buffer"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:438
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:425
 msgid "Try to maintain enough tasks to keep busy for this many days"
 msgstr "Próbáljon ennyi napra elegendő feladatot készenlétben tartani:"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:450
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:431
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:449
+msgid "days (maximum value: 10)"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:437
 msgid "Max additional work buffer"
 msgstr "Max kiegészítő munka buffer"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:459
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:445
 msgid "In addition, maintain enough tasks for up to this many days"
 msgstr "Legfeljebb ennyi napra elegendő feladatot tartson készenlétben:"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:466
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:454
+msgid "Transfer at most"
+msgstr "Legfeljebb"
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:462
+msgid "MBytes every"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:468
+msgid "days (0 means no restriction)"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:476
 msgid "Skip image file verification"
 msgstr "Képfájl ellenőrzés kihagyása"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:468
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:478
 msgid "check this if your Internet provider modifies image files"
 msgstr "jelölje be, ha az internetszolgáltatója módosítja a képfájlokat"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:476
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:484
 msgid "Connect options"
 msgstr "Csatlakozási opciók"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:478
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:487
 msgid "Confirm before connecting to internet"
 msgstr "Jóváhagyás internetre csatlakozás előtt"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:480
-msgid ""
-"if checked, a confirmation dialog will be displayed before trying to connect "
-"to the Internet"
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:489
+msgid "if checked, a confirmation dialog will be displayed before trying to connect to the Internet"
 msgstr ""
 "ha aktív, egy jóváhagyás kérés fog megjelenni internetre csatlakozás elött"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:484
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:493
 msgid "Disconnect when done"
 msgstr "Lecsatlakozik ha kész"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:486
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:495
 msgid ""
 "if checked, BOINC hangs up when network usage is done\n"
 "(only relevant for dialup-connection)"
@@ -1472,195 +1506,220 @@ msgstr ""
 "ha aktív, a BOINC lecsatlakozik miután befejezte a hálózat használatát\n"
 "(csak betárcsázós kapcsolatnál számít)"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:492
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:501
 msgid "Network usage allowed"
 msgstr "Hálózathasználat engedélyezése"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:500
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:510
 msgid "network usage start hour"
 msgstr "hálózathasználat kezdeti ideje"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:508
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:518
 msgid "network usage stop hour"
 msgstr "hálózathasználat befejezési ideje"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:598 DlgItemProperties.cpp:231
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:610
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:257
 msgid "Disk usage"
 msgstr "Lemezhasználat"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:609
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:622
 msgid "the maximum disk space used by BOINC (in Gigabytes)"
 msgstr "a BOINC által maxmálisan használt lemezterület (Gigabájtban)"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:613
-msgid "Gigabytes disk space"
-msgstr "Gigabájt lemezterület"
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:626
+msgid "Gigabytes disk space (0 means no restriction)"
+msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:616
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:629
 msgid "Leave at least"
 msgstr "Hagyjon legalább"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:620
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:633
 msgid "BOINC leaves at least this amount of disk space free (in Gigabytes)"
 msgstr "A BOINC legalább ennyi lemezterületet szabadon hagy (Gigabájtban)"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:624
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:637
 msgid "Gigabytes disk space free"
 msgstr "Gigabájt szabad lemezterületet"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:631
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:644
 msgid "BOINC uses at most this percentage of total disk space"
 msgstr "A BOINC legfeljebb a teljes lemezterület ekkora hányadát használja"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:636
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:649
 #, no-c-format
 msgid "% of total disk space"
 msgstr "%-át használja a teljes lemezterületnek"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:639
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:652
 msgid "Tasks checkpoint to disk at most every"
 msgstr "Feladat állapotának lemezre írása legalább minden"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:645
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:658
 msgid "seconds"
 msgstr "másodpercben"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:655
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:668
 #, no-c-format
 msgid "% of page file (swap space)"
 msgstr "%-át használja a lapozófájlnak (swap terület)"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:662
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:675
 msgid "Memory usage"
 msgstr "Memóriahasználat"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:676
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:691
 #, no-c-format
 msgid "% when computer is in use"
 msgstr "% ha a számítógép használatban van"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:686
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:701
 #, no-c-format
 msgid "% when computer is idle"
 msgstr "% amikor a számítógép tétlen"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:691
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:706
 msgid "Leave applications in memory while suspended"
 msgstr "Hagyja az alkalmazásokat a memóriában a felfüggesztésük alatt"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:693
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:708
 msgid "if checked, suspended work units are left in memory"
 msgstr ""
 "ha be van jelölve, akkor a felfüggesztett munkacsomagok a memóriában "
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:713
-msgid ""
-"Suspend processor and network usage when these applications are running:"
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:728
+msgid "Suspend processor and network usage when these applications are running:"
 msgstr ""
 "Függessze fel a processzor- és hálózathasználatot, amikor a következő "
 "alkalmazások futnak:"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:722
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:738
 msgid "Add..."
 msgstr "Hozzáadás..."
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:723
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:739
 msgid "Add an application to this list"
 msgstr "Alkalmazás hozzáadása ehhez a listához"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:728 ViewProjects.cpp:202
-#: sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:85
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:744
 msgid "Remove"
 msgstr "Eltávolítás"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:729
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:745
 msgid "Remove an application from this list"
 msgstr "Alkalmazás eltávolítása ebből a listából"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:738
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:754
 msgid "For advanced options, refer to "
 msgstr "Haladó beállításokhoz lásd"
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:219
+#: clientgui/DlgDiagnosticLogFlags.cpp:65
+#, c-format
+msgid "%s Diagnostic Log Flags"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/DlgDiagnosticLogFlags.cpp:83
+msgid "These flags enable various types of diagnostic messages in the Event Log."
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/DlgDiagnosticLogFlags.cpp:105
+msgid "Save all values and close the dialog"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/DlgDiagnosticLogFlags.cpp:108
+msgid "Defaults"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/DlgDiagnosticLogFlags.cpp:109
+msgid "Restore default settings"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/DlgDiagnosticLogFlags.cpp:113
+msgid "Close the dialog without saving"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:226
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - Event Log"
 msgstr "%s - Eseménynapló"
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:232 ViewMessages.cpp:117 ViewProjects.cpp:219
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:435 ViewStatistics.cpp:2009 ViewTransfers.cpp:182
-#: ViewWork.cpp:232
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:236
 msgid "Project"
 msgstr "Projekt"
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:233 ViewMessages.cpp:118
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:237
 msgid "Time"
 msgstr "Idő"
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:234 ViewMessages.cpp:119
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:238
 msgid "Message"
 msgstr "Üzenet"
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:290 DlgEventLog.cpp:354
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:300
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:364
 msgid "&Show only this project"
 msgstr "&Csak ezt a projektet mutassa"
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:294
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:304
 msgid "Copy &All"
 msgstr "&Mindent másol"
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:296 DlgEventLog.cpp:300 ViewMessages.cpp:89
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:306
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:310
 msgid "Copy all the messages to the clipboard."
 msgstr "Minden üzenet másolása a vágólapra."
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:305
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:315
 msgid "Copy &Selected"
 msgstr "&Kijelöltek másolása"
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:308 DlgEventLog.cpp:316 ViewMessages.cpp:97
-msgid ""
-"Copy the selected messages to the clipboard. You can select multiple "
-"messages by holding down the shift or command key while clicking on messages."
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:318
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:326
+msgid "Copy the selected messages to the clipboard. You can select multiple messages by holding down the shift or command key while clicking on messages."
 msgstr ""
 "A kiválasztott üzenetek másolása a vágólapra. Több üzenetet is kiválaszthat, "
 "ha az üzenetkre történő kattintás közben nyomva tartja a Shift, vagy a "
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:310 DlgEventLog.cpp:318 ViewMessages.cpp:99
-msgid ""
-"Copy the selected messages to the clipboard. You can select multiple "
-"messages by holding down the shift or control key while clicking on messages."
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:320
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:328
+msgid "Copy the selected messages to the clipboard. You can select multiple messages by holding down the shift or control key while clicking on messages."
 msgstr ""
 "A kiválasztott üzenetek másolása a vágólapra. Több üzenetek is kiváaszthat a "
 "SHIFT vagy CTRL gombok lenyomásával, miközben az üzenetekre kattint."
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:325 DlgItemProperties.cpp:67
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:335
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:67
 msgid "&Close"
 msgstr "&Bezárás"
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:334 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:798 sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:442
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:344
 #, c-format
 msgid "Get help with %s"
 msgstr "Segítség ehhez: %s"
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:348
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:358
 msgid "Show all &messages"
 msgstr "&Minden üzenet mutatása"
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:349 DlgEventLog.cpp:351
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:359
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:361
 msgid "Show messages for all projects"
 msgstr "Az összes projekt üzeneteinek mutatása."
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:355 DlgEventLog.cpp:357
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:365
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:367
 msgid "Show only the messages for the selected project"
 msgstr "Csak a kiválasztott projekt üzeneteit mutassa"
-#: DlgExitMessage.cpp:82
+#: clientgui/DlgExitMessage.cpp:82
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - Exit Confirmation"
 msgstr "%s - Kilépés megerősítése"
-#: DlgExitMessage.cpp:130
+#: clientgui/DlgExitMessage.cpp:130
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "You have requested to exit the %s,\n"
@@ -1677,7 +1736,7 @@ msgstr ""
 "Ha a feladatok futását is le akarja állítani,\n"
 "válasszon az alábbi lehetőségek közül:"
-#: DlgExitMessage.cpp:135
+#: clientgui/DlgExitMessage.cpp:135
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "This will shut down %s and its tasks until either the\n"
@@ -1694,394 +1753,420 @@ msgstr ""
 "mint kilépni az alkalmazásból; ezzel engedélyezi a(z) %s feladatainak\n"
 "futtatását a beállításoknál megadott időpontokban."
-#: DlgExitMessage.cpp:153
+#: clientgui/DlgExitMessage.cpp:153
 #, c-format
 msgid "Stop running tasks when exiting the %s"
 msgstr "A futó feladatok leállítása %s leállításakor"
-#: DlgExitMessage.cpp:165
+#: clientgui/DlgExitMessage.cpp:165
 msgid "Remember this decision and do not show this dialog."
 msgstr "Emlékezzen a döntésemre és ne mutassa többé ezt az ablakot."
-#: DlgExitMessage.cpp:178 DlgGenericMessage.cpp:125 DlgOptions.cpp:401
-#: DlgSelectComputer.cpp:168 wizardex.cpp:378
+#: clientgui/DlgExitMessage.cpp:178
+#: clientgui/DlgGenericMessage.cpp:125
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:404
+#: clientgui/DlgSelectComputer.cpp:168
 msgid "&Cancel"
 msgstr "Mégsem"
-#: DlgGenericMessage.cpp:112
+#: clientgui/DlgGenericMessage.cpp:112
 msgid "Don't show this dialog again."
 msgstr "Ne mutassa újra ezt a párbeszédablakot."
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:168 DlgItemProperties.cpp:171
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:174 DlgItemProperties.cpp:177
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:194
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:197
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:200
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:203
 msgid "Don't fetch tasks for "
 msgstr "Ne töltsön le feladatokat ehhez:"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:168
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:194
 msgid "Project preference"
 msgstr "A projekt élvez elsőbbséget"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:171
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:197
 msgid "Account manager preference"
 msgstr "A fiókkezelő élvez elsőbbséget"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:174
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:200
 msgid "Project has no apps for "
 msgstr "A projektnek nincs alkalmazása ehhez: "
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:177
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:203
 msgid "Client configuration excludes "
 msgstr "A kliens beállításai kizárják ezt:  "
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:181
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:207
 msgid " work fetch deferred for"
 msgstr " munka letöltése elhalasztva ennyi időre"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:182
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:208
 msgid " work fetch deferral interval"
 msgstr "munkaletöltés újrapróbálási időköze"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:213
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:239
 msgid "Properties of project "
 msgstr "Projekt tulajdonságok"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:217 DlgOptions.cpp:218
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:243
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:221
 msgid "General"
 msgstr "Általános"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:218
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:244
 msgid "Master URL"
 msgstr "Mester URL"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:219
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:245
 msgid "User name"
 msgstr "Felhasználónév"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:220
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:246
 msgid "Team name"
 msgstr "Csapatnév"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:221 ViewProjects.cpp:224
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:247
 msgid "Resource share"
 msgstr "Erőforrásmegosztás"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:223
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:249
 msgid "Scheduler RPC deferred for"
 msgstr "Ütemező RPC elhalasztva ennyi időre"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:226
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:252
 msgid "File downloads deferred for"
 msgstr "Fájlok letöltése elhalasztva ennyi időre"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:229
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:255
 msgid "File uploads deferred for"
 msgstr "Fájlok feltöltése elhalasztva ennyi időre"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:232
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:258
 msgid "Computer ID"
 msgstr "Számítógép azonosító (ID)"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:234
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:260
 msgid "Non CPU intensive"
 msgstr "Nem processzorigényes"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:234 DlgItemProperties.cpp:236
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:237 DlgItemProperties.cpp:239
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:242 DlgItemProperties.cpp:251
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:254 DlgItemProperties.cpp:257
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:260
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:262
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:263
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:265
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:268
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:277
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:280
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:283
 msgid "yes"
 msgstr "igen"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:236
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:262
 msgid "Suspended via GUI"
 msgstr "GUI-n keresztül felfüggesztve"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:236 DlgItemProperties.cpp:237
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:262
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:263
 msgid "no"
 msgstr "nem"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:237
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:263
 msgid "Don't request more work"
 msgstr "Ne kérjen több feladatot"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:239
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:265
 msgid "Scheduler call in progress"
 msgstr "Ütemező hívása folyamatban"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:242
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:268
 msgid "Trickle-up pending"
 msgstr "Időközi jelentés függőben"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:245 DlgItemProperties.cpp:247
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:271
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:273
 msgid "Host location"
 msgstr "A számítógép helyzete"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:247
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:273
 msgid "default"
 msgstr "alapértelmezett"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:251
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:277
 msgid "Added via account manager"
 msgstr "Hozzáadva a fiókkezelővel"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:254
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:280
 msgid "Remove when tasks done"
 msgstr "Eltávolítás a munkák elkészültekor"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:257
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:283
 msgid "Ended"
 msgstr "Vége"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:259
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:285
+msgid "Tasks completed"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:286
+msgid "Tasks failed"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:288
 msgid "Credit"
 msgstr "Kredit"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:260
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:289
 msgid "User"
 msgstr "Felhasználó"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:267
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:296
 msgid "Host"
 msgstr "Számítógép"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:276
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:305
 msgid "Scheduling"
 msgstr "Ütemezés"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:277
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:306
 msgid "Scheduling priority"
 msgstr "Ütemezés prioritása"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:278
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:307
 msgid "CPU"
 msgstr "CPU"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:302
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:331
 msgid "Duration correction factor"
 msgstr "Időtartam korrekciós faktor"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:316
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:345
 msgid "Properties of task "
 msgstr "Feladat tulajdonságai: "
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:328 ViewWork.cpp:238
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:357
 msgid "Application"
 msgstr "Alkalmazás"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:329 ViewWork.cpp:239
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:358
 msgid "Name"
 msgstr "Név"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:330
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:359
 msgid "State"
 msgstr "Állapot"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:333
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:362
 msgid "Received"
 msgstr "Letöltve"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:336
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:365
 msgid "Report deadline"
 msgstr "Jelentési határidő"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:338
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:367
 msgid "Resources"
 msgstr "Erőforrások"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:341
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:370
 msgid "Estimated computation size"
 msgstr "Becsült kiszámítási idő"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:344
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:373
 msgid "CPU time at last checkpoint"
 msgstr "CPU idő az utolsó ellenőrzőpontnál"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:345 DlgItemProperties.cpp:360
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:374
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:389
 msgid "CPU time"
 msgstr "Processzor idő"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:347 DlgItemProperties.cpp:361
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:376
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:390
 msgid "Elapsed time"
 msgstr "Eltelt idő"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:349
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:378
 msgid "Estimated time remaining"
 msgstr "Becsült hátralévő idő"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:350
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:379
 msgid "Fraction done"
 msgstr "Elkészült rész"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:351
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:380
 msgid "Virtual memory size"
 msgstr "A virtuális memória mérete"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:352
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:381
 msgid "Working set size"
 msgstr "A munkahalmaz mérete"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:354
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:383
 msgid "Directory"
 msgstr "Mappa"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:357
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:386
 msgid "Process ID"
 msgstr "Folyamat azonosító"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:427 ViewWork.cpp:1032 sg_TaskPanel.cpp:823
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:456
 msgid "Local: "
 msgstr "Helyi:"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:129 DlgOptions.cpp:135
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:129
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:135
 msgid "Options"
 msgstr "Beállítások"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:175
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:178
 msgid "Language:"
 msgstr "Nyelv:"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:182
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:185
 msgid "What language should BOINC use?"
 msgstr "Milyen nyelvet használjon a BOINC?"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:186
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:189
 msgid "Notice reminder interval:"
 msgstr "Értesítések emlékeztetési intervelluma:"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:193
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:196
 msgid "How often should BOINC remind you of new notices?"
 msgstr "Milyen gyakran emlékeztesse a BOINC az új értesítésekre?"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:198
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:201
 msgid "Run Manager at login?"
 msgstr "Bejelentkezéskor elinduljon a Kezelő?"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:204
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:207
 msgid "Run the BOINC Manager when you log on."
 msgstr "A BOINC Kezelő elindítása, amikor Ön bejelentkezik."
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:209
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:212
 msgid "Enable Manager exit dialog?"
 msgstr "Engedélyezi a Kezelő kilépési párbeszédpanelét?"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:215
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:218
 msgid "Display the exit dialog when shutting down the Manager."
 msgstr "A kilépési bárbeszédpanel megjelenítése a Kezelő bezárásakor."
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:226
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:229
 msgid "Dial-up and Virtual Private Network settings"
 msgstr "Betárcsázós és Virtuális Magán Hálózat (VPN) beállítások"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:240
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:243
 msgid "&Set Default"
 msgstr "Alapértelmezettként beállít"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:245
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:248
 msgid "&Clear Default"
 msgstr "Alapértelmezett törlése"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:252
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:255
 msgid "Default Connection:"
 msgstr "Alapértelmezett kapcsolat:"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:259
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:262
 msgid "Connections"
 msgstr "Kapcsolatok"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:268
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:271
 msgid "Connect via HTTP proxy server"
 msgstr "Csatlakozás HTTP proxy szerveren keresztül"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:272
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:275
 msgid "HTTP Proxy Server Configuration"
 msgstr "HTTP proxy szerver beállítás"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:280 DlgOptions.cpp:344
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:283
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:347
 msgid "Address:"
 msgstr "Cím:"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:288 DlgOptions.cpp:352 ProxyPage.cpp:340 ProxyPage.cpp:360
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:291
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:355
 msgid "Port:"
 msgstr "Port:"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:296 DlgOptions.cpp:360
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:299
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:363
 msgid "Don't use proxy for:"
 msgstr "Ne használja a proxit az alábbi(ak)hoz:"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:303 DlgOptions.cpp:367
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:306
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:370
 msgid "Leave these blank if not needed"
 msgstr "Csak szükség esetén töltse ki"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:309 DlgOptions.cpp:373 ProxyPage.cpp:343 ProxyPage.cpp:363
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:312
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:376
 msgid "User Name:"
 msgstr "Felhasználói név:"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:317 DlgOptions.cpp:381 DlgSelectComputer.cpp:152
-#: ProxyPage.cpp:346 ProxyPage.cpp:366
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:320
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:384
+#: clientgui/DlgSelectComputer.cpp:152
 msgid "Password:"
 msgstr "Jelszó:"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:324
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:327
 msgid "HTTP Proxy"
 msgstr "HTTP proxy"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:332
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:335
 msgid "Connect via SOCKS proxy server"
 msgstr "Csatlakozás SOCKS proxy szerveren keresztül"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:336
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:339
 msgid "SOCKS Proxy Server Configuration"
 msgstr "SOCKS proxy szerver beállítása"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:388
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:391
 msgid "SOCKS Proxy"
 msgstr "SOCKS proxy"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:586
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:589
 msgid "always"
 msgstr "mindig"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:587
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:590
 msgid "1 hour"
 msgstr "1 óra"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:588
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:591
 msgid "6 hours"
 msgstr "6 óra"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:589
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:592
 msgid "1 day"
 msgstr "1 nap"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:590
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:593
 msgid "1 week"
 msgstr "1 hét"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:591
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:594
 msgid "never"
 msgstr "soha"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:688
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:691
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - Language Selection"
 msgstr "%s - Nyelv kiválasztása"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:695
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:698
 #, c-format
 #, fuzzy, c-format
-msgid ""
-"The %s's language has been changed.  In order for this change to take "
-"effect, you must restart the %s."
+msgid "The %s's language has been changed.  In order for this change to take effect, you must restart the %s."
 msgstr ""
 "A(z) %s alapértelmezett nyelve megváltozott, a változás érvénybe lépéséhez "
 "újra kell indítani %s-t."
-#: DlgSelectComputer.cpp:91
+#: clientgui/DlgSelectComputer.cpp:91
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - Select Computer"
 msgstr "%s - Számítógép kiválasztása"
-#: DlgSelectComputer.cpp:125
+#: clientgui/DlgSelectComputer.cpp:125
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "Another instance of %s is already running \n"
@@ -2090,428 +2175,430 @@ msgstr ""
 "Jelenleg %s egy másik példánya is fut a számítógépen.\n"
 " Kérem válasszon egy klienst a megfigyeléshez."
-#: DlgSelectComputer.cpp:143
+#: clientgui/DlgSelectComputer.cpp:143
 msgid "Host name:"
 msgstr "Számítógépnév:"
-#: Localization.cpp:31 Localization.cpp:69
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:31
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:69
 msgid "Message boards"
 msgstr "Üzenőtáblák"
-#: Localization.cpp:33
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:33
 msgid "Correspond with other users on the SETI at home message boards"
 msgstr "A többi felhasználőval levelezhet  SETI at home üzenőtábláin"
-#: Localization.cpp:37
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:37
 msgid "Ask questions and report problems"
 msgstr "Tegyen fel kérdéseit és jelentse a problémákat"
-#: Localization.cpp:39 Localization.cpp:81 Localization.cpp:111
-#: Localization.cpp:129
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:39
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:81
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:111
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:129
 msgid "Your account"
 msgstr "Az Ön fiókja"
-#: Localization.cpp:41 Localization.cpp:87 Localization.cpp:113
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:41
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:87
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:113
 msgid "View your account information and credit totals"
 msgstr "Megnézheti a fiókjának adatait és az kredit összesítéseket"
-#: Localization.cpp:43
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:43
 msgid "Your preferences"
 msgstr "Az Ön beállításai"
-#: Localization.cpp:45
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:45
 msgid "View and modify your SETI at home account profile and preferences"
 msgstr ""
 "Megnézheti és megváltoztathatja a SETI at home fiók profilját és beállításait"
-#: Localization.cpp:47 Localization.cpp:89
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:47
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:89
 msgid "Your results"
 msgstr "Az Ön eredményei"
-#: Localization.cpp:49 Localization.cpp:91
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:49
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:91
 msgid "View your last week (or more) of computational results and work"
 msgstr "Megnézheti a múlt (esetleg több) hét számítási eredményeit és munkáit"
-#: Localization.cpp:51 Localization.cpp:93
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:51
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:93
 msgid "Your computers"
 msgstr "Az Ön számítógépei"
-#: Localization.cpp:53
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:53
 msgid "View a listing of all the computers on which you are running SETI at Home"
 msgstr ""
 "Megnézheti azon számítógépeinek listáját, amelyekkel Ön a SETI at home-hoz "
-#: Localization.cpp:55 Localization.cpp:97
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:55
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:97
 msgid "Your team"
 msgstr "Az Ön csapata"
-#: Localization.cpp:57 Localization.cpp:99
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:57
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:99
 msgid "View information about your team"
 msgstr "Megnézheti a csapatának adatait"
-#: Localization.cpp:61
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:61
 msgid "Common questions"
 msgstr "Általános kérdések"
-#: Localization.cpp:63
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:63
 msgid "Read the Einstein at Home Frequently Asked Question list"
 msgstr "Olvassa el az Einstein at Home gyakori kérdések listáját"
-#: Localization.cpp:65
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:65
 msgid "Screensaver info"
 msgstr "Képernyővédő infó"
-#: Localization.cpp:67
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:67
 msgid "Read a detailed description of the Einstein at Home screensaver"
 msgstr "Olvassa el az Einstein at Home képernyővédő részletes leírását"
-#: Localization.cpp:71
-msgid ""
-"Correspond with admins and other users on the Einstein at Home message boards"
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:71
+msgid "Correspond with admins and other users on the Einstein at Home message boards"
 msgstr ""
 "Társalogjon az Einstein at Home üzenőfalán az adminisztrátorokkal és más "
-#: Localization.cpp:73
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:73
 msgid "Einstein status"
 msgstr "Einstein állapot"
-#: Localization.cpp:75
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:75
 msgid "Current status of the Einstein at Home server"
 msgstr "Az Einstein at Home szerver jelenlegi állapota"
-#: Localization.cpp:77
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:77
 msgid "Report problems"
 msgstr "Hibabejelentés"
-#: Localization.cpp:79
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:79
 msgid "A link to the Einstein at Home problems and bug reports message board"
 msgstr "Link az Einstein at Home probléma- és hibajelentések üzenőfalára"
-#: Localization.cpp:83
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:83
 msgid "View and modify your Einstein at Home account profile and preferences"
 msgstr ""
 "Megnézheti és megváltoztathatja az Einstein at Home fiók profilját és "
-#: Localization.cpp:85
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:85
 msgid "Account summary"
 msgstr "Felhasználói fiók összegzése"
-#: Localization.cpp:95
-msgid ""
-"View a listing of all the computers on which you are running Einstein at Home"
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:95
+msgid "View a listing of all the computers on which you are running Einstein at Home"
 msgstr ""
 "Megnézheti azon számítógépeinek listáját, amelyekkel Ön az Einstein at Home-hoz "
-#: Localization.cpp:101
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:101
 msgid "LIGO project"
 msgstr "LIGO projekt"
-#: Localization.cpp:103
-msgid ""
-"The home page of the Laser Interferometer Gravitational-wave Observatory "
-"(LIGO) project"
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:103
+msgid "The home page of the Laser Interferometer Gravitational-wave Observatory (LIGO) project"
 msgstr ""
 "A Lézer-interferometrikus Gravitációs-hullám Obszervatórium (LIGO) projekt "
-#: Localization.cpp:105
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:105
 msgid "GEO-600 project"
 msgstr "GEO-600 projekt"
-#: Localization.cpp:107
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:107
 msgid "The home page of the GEO-600 project"
 msgstr "A GEO-600 projekt honlapja"
-#: Localization.cpp:115 Localization.cpp:133 ViewProjects.cpp:221
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:465
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:115
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:133
 msgid "Team"
 msgstr "Csapat"
-#: Localization.cpp:117
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:117
 msgid "Info about your Team"
 msgstr "Információk a csapatáról"
-#: Localization.cpp:123
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:123
 msgid "Get help for climateprediction.net"
 msgstr "Segítség a climateprediction.net-hez"
-#: Localization.cpp:125
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:125
 msgid "News"
 msgstr "Hírek"
-#: Localization.cpp:127
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:127
 msgid "climateprediction.net News"
 msgstr "climateprediction.net hírek"
-#: Localization.cpp:131
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:131
 msgid "View your account information, credits, and trickles"
 msgstr ""
 "Megnézheti a felhasználói fiókja információit, kreditjeit és fejleményeit"
-#: Localization.cpp:135
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:135
 msgid "Info about your team"
 msgstr "Információ a csapatáról"
-#: Localization.cpp:141
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:141
 msgid "Search for help in our help system"
 msgstr "Segítség keresése adatbázisunkban"
-#: Localization.cpp:143
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:143
 msgid "Global Statistics"
 msgstr "Globális statisztikák"
-#: Localization.cpp:145
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:145
 msgid "Summary statistics for World Community Grid"
 msgstr "A World Community Grid összegző statisztikái"
-#: Localization.cpp:147
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:147
 msgid "My Grid"
 msgstr "Gridem"
-#: Localization.cpp:149
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:149
 msgid "Your statistics and settings"
 msgstr "Az Ön statisztikái és beállításai"
-#: Localization.cpp:151
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:151
 msgid "Device Profiles"
 msgstr "Eszközprofilok"
-#: Localization.cpp:153
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:153
 msgid "Update your device settings"
 msgstr "Frissítse eszközbeállításait"
-#: Localization.cpp:155
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:155
 msgid "Research"
 msgstr "Kutatás"
-#: Localization.cpp:157
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:157
 msgid "Learn about the projects hosted at World Community Grid"
 msgstr "Tudjon meg többet a World Community Gridnél futó projektekről"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:583
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:583
 msgid "Starting client"
 msgstr "Induló kliens"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:591
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:591
 msgid "Connecting to client"
 msgstr "Csatlakozás a klienshez"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:1195
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:1205
 msgid "Retrieving system state; please wait..."
 msgstr "Rendszerállapot lekérdezése, kérem várjon..."
-#: MainDocument.cpp:1816
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:1826
 msgid "Missing application"
 msgstr "Hiányzó alkalmazás"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:1817
-msgid ""
-"Please download and install the CoRD application from http://cord."
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:1827
+msgid "Please download and install the CoRD application from http://cord.sourceforge.net"
 msgstr ""
 "Kérjük, töltse le és telepítse a CoRD alkalmazást a "
 "http://cord.sourceforge.net oldalról"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2432
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2442
 msgid "on batteries"
 msgstr "akkumulátorról működik"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2433
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2443
 msgid "computer is in use"
 msgstr "a számítógép használatban van"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2434
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2444
 msgid "user request"
 msgstr "felhasználói kérés"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2435
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2445
 msgid "time of day"
 msgstr "napszak"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2436
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2446
 msgid "CPU benchmarks in progress"
 msgstr "CPU sebességmérés fut"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2437
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2447
 msgid "need disk space - check preferences"
 msgstr "több lemezterület szükséges - ellenőrizze a beállításokat"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2438
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2448
 msgid "computer is not in use"
 msgstr "a számítógép nincs használatban"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2439
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2449
 msgid "starting up"
 msgstr "elindulás"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2440
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2450
 msgid "an exclusive app is running"
 msgstr "egy alkalmazás kizárólagosan fut"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2441
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2451
 msgid "CPU is busy"
 msgstr "a CPU foglalt"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2442
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2452
 msgid "network bandwidth limit exceeded"
 msgstr "hálózati sávszélességi korlát túllépve"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2443
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2453
 msgid "requested by operating system"
 msgstr "az operációs rendszer kérésére"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2445
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2455
 msgid "unknown reason"
 msgstr "ismerelten ok"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2467
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2477
 msgid "GPU missing, "
 msgstr "GPU hiányzik,"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2474
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2484
 msgid "New"
 msgstr "Új"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2478
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2488
 msgid "Download failed"
 msgstr "Sikertelen letöltés"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2480
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2490
 msgid "Downloading"
 msgstr "Letöltés..."
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2482 MainDocument.cpp:2552
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2492
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2557
 msgid " (suspended - "
 msgstr " (felfüggesztve - "
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2490
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2500
 msgid "Project suspended by user"
 msgstr "A projektet a felhasználó felfüggesztette"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2492
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2502
 msgid "Task suspended by user"
 msgstr "A feladatot a felhasználó felfüggesztette"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2494
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2504
 msgid "Suspended - "
 msgstr "Felfüggesztve - "
 # 75%
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2500
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2510
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "GPU suspended - "
 msgstr " (felfüggesztve - "
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2507
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2517
 msgid "Waiting for memory"
 msgstr "Várakozás memóriára"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2509
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2519
 msgid "Waiting for shared memory"
 msgstr "Várakozás megosztott memóriára"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2512
-msgid "Running, high priority"
-msgstr "Fut (magas prioritással)"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2514
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2521
 msgid "Running"
 msgstr "Fut"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2517
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2523
 msgid " (non-CPU-intensive)"
 msgstr " (nem CPU igényes)"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2520
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2526
 msgid "Waiting to run"
 msgstr "Futásra vár"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2522 MainDocument.cpp:2528
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2528
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2534
 msgid "Ready to start"
 msgstr "Indításra kész"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2532
-msgid " (Scheduler wait: "
-msgstr "(Ütemező vár: "
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2538
+msgid "Postponed: "
+msgstr ""
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2536
-msgid " (Scheduler wait)"
-msgstr "(Ütemező vár)"
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2541
+msgid "Postponed"
+msgstr ""
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2540
-msgid " (Waiting for network access)"
-msgstr "(Várakozás hálózati hozzáférésre)"
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2545
+msgid "Waiting for network access"
+msgstr ""
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2544
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2549
 msgid "Computation error"
 msgstr "Számolási hiba"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2548
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2553
 msgid "Upload failed"
 msgstr "Sikertelen feltöltés"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2550
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2555
 msgid "Uploading"
 msgstr "Feltöltés..."
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2561
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2566
 msgid "Aborted by user"
 msgstr "Felhasználó által eldobva"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2564
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2569
 msgid "Aborted by project"
 msgstr "A projekt által eldobva"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2567
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2572
 msgid "Aborted: not started by deadline"
 msgstr "Eldobva: a jelentési határidőig nem indult el"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2570
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2575
 msgid "Aborted: disk limit exceeded"
 msgstr ""
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2573
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2578
 msgid "Aborted: run time limit exceeded"
 msgstr ""
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2576
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2581
 msgid "Aborted: memory limit exceeded"
 msgstr ""
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2579
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2584
 msgid "Aborted"
 msgstr "Eldobva"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2584
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2589
 msgid "Acknowledged"
 msgstr "Nyugtázva"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2586
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2591
 msgid "Ready to report"
 msgstr "Jelentésre kész"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2588
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2593
 #, c-format
 msgid "Error: invalid state '%d'"
 msgstr "Hiba: érvénytelen állapot \"%d\""
-#: NoInternetConnectionPage.cpp:179
+#: clientgui/NoInternetConnectionPage.cpp:179
 msgid "No Internet connection"
 msgstr "Nincs internetkapcsolat"
-#: NoInternetConnectionPage.cpp:182
+#: clientgui/NoInternetConnectionPage.cpp:182
 msgid "Please connect to the Internet and try again."
 msgstr "Kérem, kapcsolódjon az internetre, és próbálja úrja."
-#: NotDetectedPage.cpp:181
+#: clientgui/NotDetectedPage.cpp:181
 msgid "Project not found"
 msgstr "Projekt nem található"
-#: NotDetectedPage.cpp:184
+#: clientgui/NotDetectedPage.cpp:184
 msgid ""
 "The URL you supplied is not that of a BOINC-based project.\n"
@@ -2521,11 +2608,11 @@ msgstr ""
 "Kérjük, ellenőrizze az URL-t és próbálja újra."
-#: NotDetectedPage.cpp:188
+#: clientgui/NotDetectedPage.cpp:188
 msgid "Account manager not found"
 msgstr "Fiókkezelő nem található"
-#: NotDetectedPage.cpp:191
+#: clientgui/NotDetectedPage.cpp:191
 msgid ""
 "The URL you supplied is not that of a BOINC-based account\n"
@@ -2537,93 +2624,94 @@ msgstr ""
 "Kérjük, ellenőrizze az URL-t és próbálja újra."
-#: NotFoundPage.cpp:181
+#: clientgui/NotFoundPage.cpp:181
 msgid "Login Failed."
 msgstr "A bejelentkezés sikertelen."
-#: NotFoundPage.cpp:185
+#: clientgui/NotFoundPage.cpp:185
 msgid "Check the username and password, and try again."
 msgstr "Ellenőrizze a felhasználónevet és a jelszót, majd próbálja újra."
-#: NotFoundPage.cpp:189
+#: clientgui/NotFoundPage.cpp:189
 msgid "Check the email address and password, and try again."
 msgstr "Ellenőrizze az emailcímet és a jelszót, majd próbálja újra."
-#: NoticeListCtrl.cpp:222
+#: clientgui/NoticeListCtrl.cpp:229
 msgid "more..."
 msgstr "tovább..."
-#: ProjectInfoPage.cpp:477 ProjectInfoPage.cpp:778 ProjectInfoPage.cpp:782
-msgid "All"
-msgstr "Mind"
-#: ProjectInfoPage.cpp:615
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:221
 msgid "Choose a project"
 msgstr "Válasszon egy projektet"
-#: ProjectInfoPage.cpp:619
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:228
 msgid "To choose a project, click its name or type its URL below."
 msgstr ""
 "Projekt kiválasztásához kattintson annak nevére vagy gépelje be alább az "
-#: ProjectInfoPage.cpp:623
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:246
 msgid "Categories:"
 msgstr "Kategóriák:"
-#: ProjectInfoPage.cpp:627 sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:89
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:267
 msgid "Projects:"
 msgstr "Projektek:"
-#: ProjectInfoPage.cpp:631
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:279
 msgid "Project details"
 msgstr "Projekt részletek"
-#: ProjectInfoPage.cpp:635
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:291
 msgid "Research area:"
 msgstr "Kutatási terület:"
-#: ProjectInfoPage.cpp:639
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:302
 msgid "Organization:"
 msgstr "Szervezet:"
-#: ProjectInfoPage.cpp:643
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:313
 msgid "Web site:"
 msgstr "Weboldal:"
-#: ProjectInfoPage.cpp:647
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:325
 msgid "Supported systems:"
 msgstr "Támogatott rendszerek:"
-#: ProjectInfoPage.cpp:651
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:363
 msgid "Project URL:"
 msgstr "Projekt URL:"
-#: ProjectInfoPage.cpp:826
-msgid ""
-"This project may not have work for your type of computer.  Do you want to "
-"add it anyway?"
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:499
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:754
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:758
+msgid "All"
+msgstr "Mind"
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:802
+msgid "This project may not have work for your type of computer.  Do you want to add it anyway?"
 msgstr ""
 "Elképzelhető, hogy ez a projekt nem tud az Ön számítógépének megfelelő "
 "munkát biztosítani. Mégis hozzá szeretné adni?"
-#: ProjectInfoPage.cpp:850
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:826
 msgid "You already added this project. Please choose a different project."
 msgstr "Már hozzáadta ezt a projektet. Kérjük, válasszon másikat."
-#: ProjectProcessingPage.cpp:321
+#: clientgui/ProjectProcessingPage.cpp:321
 msgid "Communicating with project."
 msgstr "Kommunikáció a projekttel."
-#: ProjectProcessingPage.cpp:509
+#: clientgui/ProjectProcessingPage.cpp:510
 msgid "Required files not found on the server."
 msgstr "A szükséges fájlok nem találhatók a szerveren."
-#: ProjectProcessingPage.cpp:512 ProjectProcessingPage.cpp:574
+#: clientgui/ProjectProcessingPage.cpp:513
+#: clientgui/ProjectProcessingPage.cpp:586
 msgid "An internal server error has occurred."
 msgstr "Belső szerverhiba történt."
-#: ProjectPropertiesPage.cpp:334
+#: clientgui/ProjectPropertiesPage.cpp:334
 msgid ""
 "Communicating with project\n"
 "Please wait..."
@@ -2631,11 +2719,48 @@ msgstr ""
 "Kommunikáció a projekttel.\n"
 "Kérem, várjon..."
-#: ProxyInfoPage.cpp:195
+#: clientgui/ProjectWelcomePage.cpp:251
+#, c-format
+msgid "Welcome to %s."
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ProjectWelcomePage.cpp:254
+msgid "You have volunteered to compute for this project:"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ProjectWelcomePage.cpp:255
+msgid "Name:"
+msgstr "Név:"
+#: clientgui/ProjectWelcomePage.cpp:258
+msgid "Home:"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ProjectWelcomePage.cpp:262
+msgid "Description:"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ProjectWelcomePage.cpp:265
+msgid "URL:"
+msgstr "URL:"
+#: clientgui/ProjectWelcomePage.cpp:268
+msgid "User:"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ProjectWelcomePage.cpp:273
+msgid "WARNING: This project is not registered with BOINC.  Make sure you trust it before continuing."
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ProjectWelcomePage.cpp:277
+msgid "To continue, click Next."
+msgstr "A folytatáshoz kattintson az Előre gomba"
+#: clientgui/ProxyInfoPage.cpp:195
 msgid "Network communication failure"
 msgstr "Hálózati kommunikációs hiba"
-#: ProxyInfoPage.cpp:199
+#: clientgui/ProxyInfoPage.cpp:199
 msgid ""
 "The World Community Grid - BOINC software failed to communicate\n"
 "over the Internet. The most likely reasons are:\n"
@@ -2666,7 +2791,7 @@ msgstr ""
 "3) Proxy szervert használ.\n"
 "Kattintson a Tovább gombra a BOINC proxybeállításainak megadásához."
-#: ProxyInfoPage.cpp:203
+#: clientgui/ProxyInfoPage.cpp:203
 msgid ""
 "BOINC failed to communicate on the Internet.\n"
 "The most likely reasons are:\n"
@@ -2697,1256 +2822,1347 @@ msgstr ""
 "3) Proxy szervert használ.\n"
 "Kattintson a Tovább gombra a BOINC proxybeállításainak megadásához."
-#: ProxyPage.cpp:331
+#: clientgui/ProxyPage.cpp:331
 msgid "Proxy configuration"
 msgstr "Proxy beállítás"
-#: ProxyPage.cpp:334
+#: clientgui/ProxyPage.cpp:334
 msgid "HTTP proxy"
 msgstr "HTTP proxy"
-#: ProxyPage.cpp:337 ProxyPage.cpp:357
+#: clientgui/ProxyPage.cpp:337
+#: clientgui/ProxyPage.cpp:357
 msgid "Server:"
 msgstr "Server:"
-#: ProxyPage.cpp:350
+#: clientgui/ProxyPage.cpp:350
 msgid "Autodetect"
 msgstr "Automatikus felismerés"
-#: ProxyPage.cpp:354
+#: clientgui/ProxyPage.cpp:354
 msgid "SOCKS proxy"
 msgstr "SOCKS proxy"
-#: TermsOfUsePage.cpp:218
-msgid "Terms of Use"
-msgstr "Felhasználási feltételek"
-#: TermsOfUsePage.cpp:222
-msgid "Please read the following terms of use:"
-msgstr "Kérjük, olvassa el a következő felhasználási feltételeket:"
-#: TermsOfUsePage.cpp:231
-msgid "I agree to the terms of use."
-msgstr "Elfogadom a felhasználási feltételeket."
-#: TermsOfUsePage.cpp:237
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "I do not agree to the terms of use."
-msgstr "Nem fogadom el a felhasználási feltételeket."
-#: UnavailablePage.cpp:183
-msgid "Project temporarily unavailable"
-msgstr "Projekt ideiglenesen nem elérhető"
+#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:167
+msgid "Advanced View...\tCtrl+Shift+A"
+msgstr "Haladó nézet...\t Ctrl+Shift+A"
-#: UnavailablePage.cpp:186
-msgid ""
-"The project is temporarily unavailable.\n"
-"Please try again later."
-msgstr ""
-"A projekt ideiglenesen nem elérhető.\n"
-"Kérem, próbálja úrja. "
+#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:168
+msgid "Display the advanced graphical interface."
+msgstr "Az haladó grafikus felület megjelenítése."
-#: UnavailablePage.cpp:190
-msgid "Account manager temporarily unavailable"
-msgstr "Fiókkezelő ideiglenesen nem elérhető"
+#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:175
+msgid "Skin"
+msgstr "Kinézet"
-#: UnavailablePage.cpp:193
-msgid ""
-"The account manager is temporarily unavailable.\n"
-"Please try again later."
-msgstr ""
-"A fiókkezelő ideiglenesen nem elérhető.\n"
-"Kérem, próbálja úrja. "
+#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:177
+msgid "Select the appearance of the user interface."
+msgstr "Válassza ki a felhasználói felület kinézetét."
-#: ValidateAccountKey.cpp:68
-msgid "Please specify an account key to continue."
-msgstr "Kérem adjon meg egy fiókkulcsot a folytatáshoz"
+#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:224
+#, c-format
+msgid "&%s"
+msgstr "&%s"
-#: ValidateAccountKey.cpp:71
-msgid "Invalid Account Key; please enter a valid Account Key"
-msgstr "Érvénytelen fiókkulcs, kérem, adjon meg egy érvényes fiókkulcsot"
+#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:405
+msgid "Default"
+msgstr "Alapértelmezett"
-#: ValidateAccountKey.cpp:82 ValidateEmailAddress.cpp:86
-msgid "Validation conflict"
-msgstr "Ellenőrzési hiba"
+#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:848
+msgid "Suspend"
+msgstr "Felfüggesztés"
-#: ValidateEmailAddress.cpp:72
-msgid "Please specify an email address"
-msgstr "Kérjük, adja meg email címét"
+#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:850
+msgid "Suspend Computing"
+msgstr "Számítás felfüggesztése"
-#: ValidateEmailAddress.cpp:75
-msgid "Invalid email address; please enter a valid email address"
-msgstr "Érvénytelen email cím; kérjük, érvényes emailcímet adjon meg"
+#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:851
+msgid "Resume Computing"
+msgstr "Számítás folytatása"
-#: ValidateURL.cpp:69
-msgid "Missing URL"
-msgstr "Hiányzó URL"
+#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:867
+msgid "Notices"
+msgstr "Értesítések"
-#: ValidateURL.cpp:70
-msgid ""
-"Please specify a URL.\n"
-"For example:\n"
+#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:868
+msgid "Open a window to view notices from projects or BOINC"
 msgstr ""
-"Kérem adjon meg egy URL-t.\n"
-#: ValidateURL.cpp:83 ValidateURL.cpp:87 ValidateURL.cpp:91
-#: ValidateURL.cpp:103 ValidateURL.cpp:107 ValidateURL.cpp:110
-msgid "Invalid URL"
-msgstr "Érvénytelen URL"
+"Ablak nyitása a BOINC-tól vagy a projektektől érkező üzenetek "
-#: ValidateURL.cpp:84 ValidateURL.cpp:88 ValidateURL.cpp:92
-msgid ""
-"Please specify a valid URL.\n"
-"For example:\n"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgMessages.cpp:124
+msgid "Fetching notices; please wait..."
 msgstr ""
-"Kérjük, adjon meg egy érvényes URL-t.\n"
-#: ValidateURL.cpp:104 ValidateURL.cpp:108
-#, c-format
-msgid "'%s' does not contain a valid host name."
-msgstr "\"%s\" nem tartalmaz érvényes gépnevet."
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgMessages.cpp:132
+msgid "There are no notices at this time."
+msgstr "Jelenleg nincsenek megjegyzések."
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgMessages.cpp:146
+msgid "Close"
+msgstr "Bezár"
-#: ValidateURL.cpp:111
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgMessages.cpp:394
 #, c-format
-msgid "'%s' does not contain a valid path."
-msgstr "\"%s\" nem tartalmaz érvényes útvonalat."
+msgid "%s - Notices"
+msgstr "%s - Értesítések"
-#: ViewMessages.cpp:84 ViewProjects.cpp:170 ViewStatistics.cpp:1978
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:160 ViewWork.cpp:183
-msgid "Commands"
-msgstr "Parancsok"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:270
+msgid "This dialog controls preferences for this computer only."
+msgstr "Ez a panel csak ennek a számítógépnek a beállításait befolyásolja."
-#: ViewMessages.cpp:88
-msgid "Copy all messages"
-msgstr "Minden üzenet másolása"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:275
+msgid "Click OK to set preferences."
+msgstr "Kattintson az OK-ra a beállítások érvényesítéséhez."
-#: ViewMessages.cpp:95
-msgid "Copy selected messages"
-msgstr "Kijelölt üzenetek másolása"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:280
+msgid "Click Clear to restore web-based settings for all preferences listed below."
+msgstr ""
-#: ViewMessages.cpp:106 ViewMessages.cpp:502
-msgid "Show only this project"
-msgstr "Csak ezt a projektet mutassa"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:287
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "For additional settings, select Computing Preferences in the Advanced View."
+msgstr "További beállításokhoz válassza a Számítási beállításokat a"
-#: ViewMessages.cpp:107 ViewMessages.cpp:503
-msgid "Show only the messages for the selected project."
-msgstr "Csak a kiválasztott projekt üzeneteit mutassa."
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:315
+msgid "Do work only between:"
+msgstr "Csak ettől eddig dolgozzon:"
-#: ViewMessages.cpp:164
-msgid "Messages"
-msgstr "Üzenetek"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:337
+msgid "Connect to internet only between:"
+msgstr "Csak ettől eddig kapcsolódhat az internetre:"
-#: ViewMessages.cpp:187
-msgid "Copying all messages to the clipboard..."
-msgstr "Minden üzenet másolása a vágólapra..."
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:359
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:376
+msgid "Use no more than:"
+msgstr "Legfeljebb"
-#: ViewMessages.cpp:223
-msgid "Copying selected messages to the clipboard..."
-msgstr "Kiválasztott üzenetek másolása a vágólapra..."
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:372
+msgid "of disk space"
+msgstr "%-át használja a lemezterületnek"
-#: ViewMessages.cpp:286
-msgid "Filtering messages..."
-msgstr "Üzenetek szűrése..."
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:389
+msgid "of the processor"
+msgstr "%-át használja a processzoroknak"
-#: ViewMessages.cpp:494
-msgid "Show all messages"
-msgstr "Minden üzenet mutatása"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:393
+msgid "Do work while on battery?"
+msgstr "Akkus üzem esetén dolgozhat?"
-#: ViewMessages.cpp:495
-msgid "Show messages for all projects."
-msgstr "Az összes projekt üzeneteinek mutatása."
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:406
+msgid "Do work after idle for:"
+msgstr "Ennyi üresjárat után dolgozhat:"
-#: ViewNotices.cpp:58 sg_DlgMessages.cpp:124
-msgid "Fetching notices; please wait..."
-msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:431
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Clear all local preferences listed above and close the dialog"
+msgstr "minden helyi beállítás törlése és a párbeszédpanel bezárása"
-#: ViewNotices.cpp:65 sg_DlgMessages.cpp:132
-msgid "There are no notices at this time."
-msgstr "Jelenleg nincsenek megjegyzések."
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:609
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:612
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:688
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:692
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:704
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:708
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:851
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:862
+msgid "Anytime"
+msgstr "Bármikor"
-#: ViewNotices.cpp:99 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:776
-msgid "Notices"
-msgstr "Értesítések"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:645
+msgid "100 MB"
+msgstr "100 MB"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:174 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:61
-msgid "Update"
-msgstr "Frissítés"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:646
+msgid "200 MB"
+msgstr "200 MB"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:175 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:62
-msgid ""
-"Report all completed tasks, get latest credit, get latest preferences, and "
-"possibly get more tasks."
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:647
+msgid "500 MB"
+msgstr "500 MB"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:648
+msgid "1 GB"
+msgstr "1 GB"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:649
+msgid "2 GB"
+msgstr "2 GB"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:650
+msgid "5 GB"
+msgstr "5 GB"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:651
+msgid "10 GB"
+msgstr "10 GB"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:652
+msgid "20 GB"
+msgstr "20 GB"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:653
+msgid "50 GB"
+msgstr "50 GB"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:654
+msgid "100 GB"
+msgstr "100 GB"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:724
+#, c-format
+msgid "%d MB"
+msgstr "%d MB"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:726
+#, c-format
+msgid "%4.2f GB"
+msgstr "%4.2f GB"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:767
+#, c-format
+msgid "%d%%"
+msgstr "%d%%"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:803
+msgid "0 (Run Always)"
+msgstr "0 (mindig fut)"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:806
+#, c-format
+msgid "%d"
+msgstr "%d"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:953
+#, c-format
+msgid "%s - Computing Preferences"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:1033
+msgid "Do you really want to clear all local preferences?\n"
+msgstr "Biztosan törölni akar minden helyi beállítást?\n"
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:66
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:179
+msgid "Update"
+msgstr "Frissítés"
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:67
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:180
+msgid "Report all completed tasks, get latest credit, get latest preferences, and possibly get more tasks."
 msgstr ""
 "Befejezett feladatok jelentése, legutóbbi kreditek és beállítások letöltése, "
 "esetlegesen új munka letöltése."
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:181 ViewProjects.cpp:722 ViewWork.cpp:208 ViewWork.cpp:801
-#: sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:757 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:67
-#: sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:113 sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:66
-#: sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:106
-msgid "Suspend"
-msgstr "Felfüggesztés"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:182 ViewProjects.cpp:722 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:68
-#: sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:114
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:73
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:129
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:187
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:727
 msgid "Suspend tasks for this project."
 msgstr "Ezen projekt feladatainak felfüggesztése."
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:188 ViewProjects.cpp:741 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:73
-#: sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:121
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:78
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:136
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:193
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:746
 msgid "No new tasks"
 msgstr "Nincs új feladat"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:189 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:74
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:79
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:194
 msgid "Don't get new tasks for this project."
 msgstr "Ehhez a projekthez nem töltődnek le új feladatok."
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:195 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:79
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:84
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:200
 msgid "Reset project"
 msgstr "Projekt nullázása"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:196 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:80
-msgid ""
-"Delete all files and tasks associated with this project, and get new tasks.  "
-"You can update the project first to report any completed tasks."
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:85
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:201
+msgid "Delete all files and tasks associated with this project, and get new tasks.  You can update the project first to report any completed tasks."
 msgstr ""
 "A projekthez kapcsolódó összes fájl és feladat törlése, és új feladatok "
 "kérése. Először frissítse a projektet, hogy ezzel az összes elkészült "
 "feladatot jelentse."
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:203 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:86
-msgid ""
-"Remove this project.  Tasks in progress will be lost (use 'Update' first to "
-"report any completed tasks)."
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:91
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:208
+msgid "Remove this project.  Tasks in progress will be lost (use 'Update' first to report any completed tasks)."
 msgstr ""
 "A számítógép leválasztása a projektről. Folyamatban lévő munka elvész "
 "(először használja a 'Frissítés'-t, hogy az összes elkészült munkát "
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:209 ViewWork.cpp:222 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:91
-#: sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:78
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:96
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:84
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:214
 msgid "Properties"
 msgstr "Tulajdonságok"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:210 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:92
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:97
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:215
 msgid "Show project details."
 msgstr "A projekt részleteinek mutatása."
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:220 ViewStatistics.cpp:450
-msgid "Account"
-msgstr "Fiók"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:222
-msgid "Work done"
-msgstr "Elkészült munka"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:223
-msgid "Avg. work done"
-msgstr "Átl. elkészült munka"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:225 ViewTransfers.cpp:188 ViewWork.cpp:234
-msgid "Status"
-msgstr "Állapot"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:250
-msgid "Projects"
-msgstr "Projektek"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:302
-msgid "Updating project..."
-msgstr "Projekt frissítése..."
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:344
-msgid "Resuming project..."
-msgstr "Projekt folytatása..."
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:348
-msgid "Suspending project..."
-msgstr "Projekt felfüggesztése..."
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:126
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:723
+msgid "Resume tasks for this project."
+msgstr "Ezen projekt feladatainak folytatása."
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:385
-msgid "Telling project to allow additional task downloads..."
-msgstr "A projekt felkérése további feladatok letöltésének engedélyezésére..."
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:133
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:742
+msgid "Allow new tasks"
+msgstr "Új feladatok engedélyezése"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:389
-msgid "Telling project to not fetch any additional tasks..."
-msgstr "A projekt felkérése további feladatok letöltésének tiltására..."
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:134
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:742
+msgid "Allow fetching new tasks for this project."
+msgstr "Engedélyezi új feladatok letöltését e projekthez."
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:425
-msgid "Resetting project..."
-msgstr "Projekt nullázása..."
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:137
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:746
+msgid "Don't fetch new tasks for this project."
+msgstr "Letiltja új feladatok letöltését e projekthez."
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:438 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:214
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:229
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:443
 #, c-format
 msgid "Are you sure you want to reset project '%s'?"
 msgstr "Biztos benne, hogy a(z) \"%s\" projektet nullázza?"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:444 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:220
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:235
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:449
 msgid "Reset Project"
 msgstr "Projekt nullázása"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:483
-msgid "Removing project..."
-msgstr "Projekt eltávolítása..."
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:496 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:251
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:266
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:501
 #, c-format
 msgid "Are you sure you want to remove project '%s'?"
 msgstr "Biztos benne, hogy eltávolítja a(z) \"%s\" projektet?"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:502 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:257
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:272
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:507
 msgid "Remove Project"
 msgstr "Projekt eltávolítása"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:543 ViewWork.cpp:599
-msgid "Launching browser..."
-msgstr "Böngésző indítása..."
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:718 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:111
-msgid "Resume tasks for this project."
-msgstr "Ezen projekt feladatainak folytatása."
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:72
+msgid "Add Project"
+msgstr "Projekt hozzáadása"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:737 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:118
-msgid "Allow new tasks"
-msgstr "Új feladatok engedélyezése"
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:73
+msgid "Synchronize"
+msgstr "Szinkronizáció"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:737 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:119
-msgid "Allow fetching new tasks for this project."
-msgstr "Engedélyezi új feladatok letöltését e projekthez."
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:74
+msgid "Work done for this project"
+msgstr "A projektben elvégzett munka"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:741 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:122
-msgid "Don't fetch new tasks for this project."
-msgstr "Letiltja új feladatok letöltését e projekthez."
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:77
+msgid "Synchronize projects with account manager system"
+msgstr "Projektek szinkronizálása a fiókkezelő rendszerrel"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1058
-msgid "Requested by user"
-msgstr "A felhasználó kezdeményezte"
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:124
+msgid "Select a project to access with the controls below"
+msgstr ""
+"Válasszon ki egy projektet, amelyhez a lenti beállítások szerint kíván "
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1059
-msgid "To fetch work"
-msgstr "Új munka kérése"
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:145
+msgid "Project Web Pages"
+msgstr "A projekt weboldalai"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1060
-msgid "To report completed tasks"
-msgstr "Elkészült feladatok jelentése"
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:149
+msgid "Project Commands"
+msgstr "Projekt parancsok"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1061
-msgid "To send trickle-up message"
-msgstr "Időközi jelentés küldése"
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:276
+#, c-format
+#, c-format, fuzzy
+msgid "Pop up a menu of web sites for project %s"
+msgstr "Jelenjen meg egy menü a(z) %s projekt weboldalairól"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1062
-msgid "Requested by account manager"
-msgstr "A fiókkezelő kezdeményezte"
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:278
+#, c-format
+msgid "Pop up a menu of commands to apply to project %s"
+msgstr "Jelenjen meg egy menü a(z) %s projektre alkalmazható parancsokról"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1063
-msgid "Project initialization"
-msgstr "Projekt előkészítése"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:66
+msgid "Show graphics"
+msgstr "Grafikus ablak megjelenítése"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1064
-msgid "Requested by project"
-msgstr "Projekt kezdeményezte"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:67
+msgid "Show application graphics in a window."
+msgstr "Az alkalmazás grafikájának megjelenítése egy új ablakban."
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1065
-msgid "Unknown reason"
-msgstr "Ismeretlen ok"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:73
+msgid "Suspend this task."
+msgstr ""
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1079
-msgid "Suspended by user"
-msgstr "Felhasználó által felfüggesztve"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:78
+msgid "Abort"
+msgstr "Eldobás"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1082
-msgid "Won't get new tasks"
-msgstr "Nem tölt le új feladatot"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:79
+msgid "Abandon this task. You will get no credit for it."
+msgstr ""
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1085
-msgid "Project ended - OK to remove"
-msgstr "A projekt befejeződött - nyomjon OK-t az eltávolításához"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:85
+msgid "Show task details."
+msgstr "Feladat részleteinek megjelenítése."
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1088
-msgid "Will remove when tasks done"
-msgstr "Eltávolítás a feladatok befejezésekor"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:119
+msgid "Resume work for this task."
+msgstr "Munka folytatása e feladaton."
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1091
-msgid "Scheduler request pending"
-msgstr "Függő kérés az ütemezőhöz"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:123
+msgid "Suspend work for this task."
+msgstr "Munka felfüggesztése e feladaton."
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1097
-msgid "Scheduler request in progress"
-msgstr "Ütemező által indított kérés folyamatban"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:267
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Are you sure you want to abort this task '%s'?\n"
+"(Progress: %.1lf%%, Status: %s)"
+msgstr ""
+"Biztosan eldobja ezt a csomagot: '%s'?\n"
+"(Elkészült: %.1lf%%, Status: %s)"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1100
-msgid "Trickle up message pending"
-msgstr "Időközi jelentés függőben"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:272
+msgid "Abort task"
+msgstr "Feladat eldobása"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1106
-msgid "Communication deferred "
-msgstr "Kommunikáció elhalsztva "
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:468
+msgid "You don't have any projects.  Please Add a Project."
+msgstr "Nincs egy projektje sem. Kérjük, adjon hozzá egyet."
-#: ViewResources.cpp:62
-msgid "Total disk usage"
-msgstr "Teljes lemezhasználat"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:469
+msgid "Not available"
+msgstr "Nem elérhető"
-#: ViewResources.cpp:83
-msgid "Disk usage by BOINC projects"
-msgstr "A BOINC projektek lemezhasználata"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:480
+msgid "Tasks:"
+msgstr "Feladatok:"
-#: ViewResources.cpp:116
-msgid "Disk"
-msgstr "Lemez"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:486
+msgid "Select a task to access"
+msgstr "Válasszon ki egy feladatot, amelyhez hozzá kíván férni"
-#: ViewResources.cpp:249
-msgid "no projects: 0 bytes used"
-msgstr "nincs projekt, felhasználva: 0 bájt"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:497
+msgid "From:"
+msgstr "Innen:"
-#: ViewResources.cpp:286
-msgid "used by BOINC: "
-msgstr "BOINC által használt:"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:551
+msgid "This task's progress"
+msgstr "Ezen feladat állapota"
-#: ViewResources.cpp:296
-msgid "free, available to BOINC: "
-msgstr "szabad, a BOINC rendelkezésére áll:"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:569
+msgid "Task Commands"
+msgstr "Feladatparancsok"
-#: ViewResources.cpp:306
-msgid "free, not available to BOINC: "
-msgstr "szabad, de nem áll a BOINC rendelkezésére:"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:570
+msgid "Pop up a menu of commands to apply to this task"
+msgstr "Jelenjen meg egy menü az ezen feladatra alkalmazható parancsokról"
-#: ViewResources.cpp:316
-msgid "free: "
-msgstr "szabad:"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:705
+#, c-format
+msgid "Application: %s"
+msgstr "Alkalmazás: %s"
-#: ViewResources.cpp:326
-msgid "used by other programs: "
-msgstr "más programok által használt: "
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:728
+#, c-format
+msgid "%.3f%%"
+msgstr "%.3f%%"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:1205
-msgid "User Total"
-msgstr "Felhasználó - Összes kredit"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:736
+msgid "Application: Not available"
+msgstr "Alkalmazás: Nem elérhető"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:1206
-msgid "User Average"
-msgstr "Felhasználó - Átlag kredit"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:836
+msgid "Not Available"
+msgstr "Nem elérhető"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:1207
-msgid "Host Total"
-msgstr "Számítógép - Összes kredit"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:851
+#, c-format
+msgid "Elapsed: %s"
+msgstr "Eltelt: %s"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:1208
-msgid "Host Average"
-msgstr "Számítógép - Átlag kredit"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:865
+#, c-format
+msgid "Remaining (estimated): %s"
+msgstr "Hátralévő (becsült): %s"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:1355
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:880
 #, c-format
-msgid "Last update: %.0f days ago"
-msgstr "Utolsó frissítés: %.0f napja"
+msgid "Status: %s"
+msgstr "Állapot: %s"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:1982
-msgid "Show user total"
-msgstr "Felhasználó - Összes kredit"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1227
+msgid "Retrieving current status."
+msgstr "Aktuális állapot lekérdezése."
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:1983
-msgid "Show total credit for user"
-msgstr "A felhasználó összes kreditjének mutatása"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:1989
-msgid "Show user average"
-msgstr "Felhasználó - Átlag kredit"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:1990
-msgid "Show average credit for user"
-msgstr "A felhasználó kreditátlagának mutatása"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1233
+msgid "Downloading work from the server."
+msgstr "Munka letöltése a szerverről."
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:1996
-msgid "Show host total"
-msgstr "Számítógép - Összes kredit"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1238
+msgid "Processing Suspended:  Running On Batteries."
+msgstr "Számítás felfüggesztve: A gép akkumulátorról működik."
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:1997
-msgid "Show total credit for host"
-msgstr "A számítógép összes kreditjének mutatása"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1240
+msgid "Processing Suspended:  User Active."
+msgstr "Számítás felfüggesztve: a felhasználó aktív."
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2003
-msgid "Show host average"
-msgstr "Számítógép - Átlag kredit"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1242
+msgid "Processing Suspended:  User paused processing."
+msgstr "Számítás felfüggesztve: a felhasználó függesztette fel."
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2004
-msgid "Show average credit for host"
-msgstr "A számítógép kreditátlagának mutatása"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1244
+msgid "Processing Suspended:  Time of Day."
+msgstr "Számítás felfüggesztve: ilyenkor nem dolgozhat."
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2013
-msgid "< &Previous project"
-msgstr "< E&lőző projekt"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1246
+msgid "Processing Suspended:  Benchmarks Running."
+msgstr "Számítás felfüggesztve: sebességmérés fut."
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2014
-msgid "Show chart for previous project"
-msgstr "Az előző projekt grafikonjának megjelenítése"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1248
+msgid "Processing Suspended."
+msgstr "Számítás felfüggesztve."
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2019
-msgid "&Next project >"
-msgstr "&Következő projekt >"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1252
+msgid "Waiting to contact project servers."
+msgstr "Várakozás a projektszerverekkel való kapcsolatfelvételre."
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2020
-msgid "Show chart for next project"
-msgstr "A következő projekt grafikonjának megjelenítése"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1256
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1265
+msgid "Retrieving current status"
+msgstr "Aktuális állapot lekérdezése"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2026 ViewStatistics.cpp:2416
-msgid "Hide project list"
-msgstr "Projektlista elrejtése"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1260
+msgid "No work available to process"
+msgstr "Nincs feldolgozható munka"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2027 ViewStatistics.cpp:2416
-msgid "Use entire area for graphs"
-msgstr "Használja a teljes területet a grafikonhoz"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1262
+msgid "Unable to connect to the core client"
+msgstr "Nem lehet csatlakozni a magklienshez"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2032
-msgid "Mode view"
-msgstr "Mód nézet"
+#: clientgui/TermsOfUsePage.cpp:218
+msgid "Terms of Use"
+msgstr "Felhasználási feltételek"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2036
-msgid "One project"
-msgstr "Egy projekt"
+#: clientgui/TermsOfUsePage.cpp:222
+msgid "Please read the following terms of use:"
+msgstr "Kérjük, olvassa el a következő felhasználási feltételeket:"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2037
-msgid "Show one chart with selected project"
-msgstr "Egy grafikon mutatása a kiválasztott projekttel"
+#: clientgui/TermsOfUsePage.cpp:231
+msgid "I agree to the terms of use."
+msgstr "Elfogadom a felhasználási feltételeket."
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2043
-msgid "All projects (separate)"
-msgstr "Minden projekt (külön)"
+#: clientgui/TermsOfUsePage.cpp:237
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "I do not agree to the terms of use."
+msgstr "Nem fogadom el a felhasználási feltételeket."
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2044
-msgid "Show all projects, one chart per project"
-msgstr "Megmutatja az összes projektet, projektenként külön grafikonon"
+#: clientgui/UnavailablePage.cpp:183
+msgid "Project temporarily unavailable"
+msgstr "Projekt ideiglenesen nem elérhető"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2050
-msgid "All projects (together)"
-msgstr "Minden projekt (együtt)"
+#: clientgui/UnavailablePage.cpp:186
+msgid ""
+"The project is temporarily unavailable.\n"
+"Please try again later."
+msgstr ""
+"A projekt ideiglenesen nem elérhető.\n"
+"Kérem, próbálja úrja. "
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2051
-msgid "Show one chart with all projects"
-msgstr "Az összes projekt ábrázolása egy grafikonon"
+#: clientgui/UnavailablePage.cpp:190
+msgid "Account manager temporarily unavailable"
+msgstr "Fiókkezelő ideiglenesen nem elérhető"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2057
-msgid "All projects (sum)"
-msgstr "Minden projekt (összeg)"
+#: clientgui/UnavailablePage.cpp:193
+msgid ""
+"The account manager is temporarily unavailable.\n"
+"Please try again later."
+msgstr ""
+"A fiókkezelő ideiglenesen nem elérhető.\n"
+"Kérem, próbálja úrja. "
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2058
-msgid "Show one chart with sum of projects"
-msgstr "Egy grafikonon ábrázolja a projektek összegeit"
+#: clientgui/ValidateAccountKey.cpp:68
+msgid "Please specify an account key to continue."
+msgstr "Kérem adjon meg egy fiókkulcsot a folytatáshoz"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2079
-msgid "Statistics"
-msgstr "Statisztika"
+#: clientgui/ValidateAccountKey.cpp:71
+msgid "Invalid Account Key; please enter a valid Account Key"
+msgstr "Érvénytelen fiókkulcs, kérem, adjon meg egy érvényes fiókkulcsot"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2103 ViewStatistics.cpp:2124 ViewStatistics.cpp:2145
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2167 ViewStatistics.cpp:2188 ViewStatistics.cpp:2209
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2230 ViewStatistics.cpp:2251 ViewStatistics.cpp:2272
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2296
-msgid "Updating charts..."
-msgstr "Grafikonok frissítése..."
+#: clientgui/ValidateAccountKey.cpp:82
+#: clientgui/ValidateEmailAddress.cpp:86
+msgid "Validation conflict"
+msgstr "Ellenőrzési hiba"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2420
-msgid "Show project list"
-msgstr "Projektlista megjelenítése"
+#: clientgui/ValidateEmailAddress.cpp:72
+msgid "Please specify an email address"
+msgstr "Kérjük, adja meg email címét"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2420
-msgid "Uses smaller area for graphs"
-msgstr "A grafikonokhoz kisebb területet használ"
+#: clientgui/ValidateEmailAddress.cpp:75
+msgid "Invalid email address; please enter a valid email address"
+msgstr "Érvénytelen email cím; kérjük, érvényes emailcímet adjon meg"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:164
-msgid "Retry Now"
-msgstr "Próbálja most"
+#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:69
+msgid "Missing URL"
+msgstr "Hiányzó URL"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:165
-msgid "Retry the file transfer now"
+#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:70
+msgid ""
+"Please specify a URL.\n"
+"For example:\n"
 msgstr ""
+"Kérem adjon meg egy URL-t.\n"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:171
-msgid "Abort Transfer"
-msgstr "Átvitel megszakítása"
+#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:83
+#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:87
+#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:91
+#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:103
+#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:107
+#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:110
+msgid "Invalid URL"
+msgstr "Érvénytelen URL"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:172
-msgid "Abort this file transfer.  You won't get credit for the task."
+#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:84
+#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:88
+#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:92
+msgid ""
+"Please specify a valid URL.\n"
+"For example:\n"
 msgstr ""
+"Kérjük, adjon meg egy érvényes URL-t.\n"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:183
-msgid "File"
-msgstr "Fájl"
+#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:104
+#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:108
+#, c-format
+msgid "'%s' does not contain a valid host name."
+msgstr "\"%s\" nem tartalmaz érvényes gépnevet."
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:184 ViewWork.cpp:233
-msgid "Progress"
-msgstr "Feldolgozottság"
+#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:111
+#, c-format
+msgid "'%s' does not contain a valid path."
+msgstr "\"%s\" nem tartalmaz érvényes útvonalat."
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:185
-msgid "Size"
-msgstr "Méret"
+#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:84
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:175
+msgid "Commands"
+msgstr "Parancsok"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:186
-msgid "Elapsed Time"
-msgstr "Eltelt idő"
+#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:88
+msgid "Copy all messages"
+msgstr "Minden üzenet másolása"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:187
-msgid "Speed"
-msgstr "Sebesség"
+#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:95
+msgid "Copy selected messages"
+msgstr "Kijelölt üzenetek másolása"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:213
-msgid "Transfers"
-msgstr "Adatforgalom"
+#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:106
+#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:502
+msgid "Show only this project"
+msgstr "Csak ezt a projektet mutassa"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:280
-msgid "Network activity is suspended - "
-msgstr "Hálózati aktivitás felfüggesztve - "
+#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:107
+#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:503
+msgid "Show only the messages for the selected project."
+msgstr "Csak a kiválasztott projekt üzeneteit mutassa."
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:282
-msgid ""
-"You can enable it using the Activity menu."
-msgstr ""
-"Az aktivitás menüben tudja engedélyezni."
+#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:164
+msgid "Messages"
+msgstr "Üzenetek"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:285
-msgid "BOINC"
-msgstr "BOINC"
+#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:187
+msgid "Copying all messages to the clipboard..."
+msgstr "Minden üzenet másolása a vágólapra..."
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:292
-msgid "Retrying transfer now..."
-msgstr "Próbálkozás az átvitellel..."
+#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:223
+msgid "Copying selected messages to the clipboard..."
+msgstr "Kiválasztott üzenetek másolása a vágólapra..."
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:330
-msgid "Aborting transfer..."
-msgstr "Átvitel megszakítása..."
+#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:286
+msgid "Filtering messages..."
+msgstr "Üzenetek szűrése..."
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:343
-#, c-format
-msgid ""
-"Are you sure you want to abort this file transfer '%s'?\n"
-"NOTE: Aborting a transfer will invalidate a task and you\n"
-"will not receive credit for it."
-msgstr ""
-"Biztos, hogy megszakítja ezt a fájlátvitelt: '%s'?\n"
-"FIGYELEM: Az átvitel megszakítása érvényteleníti a feladatot,\n"
-"és így nem fog érte kreditet kapni."
+#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:494
+msgid "Show all messages"
+msgstr "Minden üzenet mutatása"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:349
-msgid "Abort File Transfer"
-msgstr "Adatátvitel megszakítása"
+#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:495
+msgid "Show messages for all projects."
+msgstr "Az összes projekt üzeneteinek mutatása."
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:780
-msgid "Upload"
-msgstr "Feltöltés"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:225
+msgid "Account"
+msgstr "Fiók"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:780
-msgid "Download"
-msgstr "Letöltés"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:227
+msgid "Work done"
+msgstr "Elkészült munka"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:784
-msgid "retry in "
-msgstr "Újrapróbálás ennyi idő múlva: "
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:228
+msgid "Avg. work done"
+msgstr "Átl. elkészült munka"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:786
-msgid "failed"
-msgstr "nem sikerült"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:230
+msgid "Status"
+msgstr "Állapot"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:789
-msgid "suspended"
-msgstr "felfüggesztve"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:255
+msgid "Projects"
+msgstr "Projektek"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:794
-msgid "active"
-msgstr "aktív"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:307
+msgid "Updating project..."
+msgstr "Projekt frissítése..."
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:796
-msgid "pending"
-msgstr "függőben"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:349
+msgid "Resuming project..."
+msgstr "Projekt folytatása..."
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:803
-msgid " (project backoff: "
-msgstr "(a projekt visszatartja:"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:353
+msgid "Suspending project..."
+msgstr "Projekt felfüggesztése..."
-#: ViewWork.cpp:187 ViewWork.cpp:777
-msgid "Show active tasks"
-msgstr "Aktív feladatok mutatása"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:390
+msgid "Telling project to allow additional task downloads..."
+msgstr "A projekt felkérése további feladatok letöltésének engedélyezésére..."
-#: ViewWork.cpp:188 ViewWork.cpp:778
-msgid "Show only active tasks."
-msgstr "Csak az aktív feladatok mutatása."
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:394
+msgid "Telling project to not fetch any additional tasks..."
+msgstr "A projekt felkérése további feladatok letöltésének tiltására..."
-#: ViewWork.cpp:194 sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:60
-msgid "Show graphics"
-msgstr "Grafikus ablak megjelenítése"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:430
+msgid "Resetting project..."
+msgstr "Projekt nullázása..."
-#: ViewWork.cpp:195 sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:61
-msgid "Show application graphics in a window."
-msgstr "Az alkalmazás grafikájának megjelenítése egy új ablakban."
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:488
+msgid "Removing project..."
+msgstr "Projekt eltávolítása..."
-#: ViewWork.cpp:201
-msgid "Show VM Console"
-msgstr "Virtuális gép konzol"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:548
+msgid "Launching browser..."
+msgstr "Böngésző indítása..."
-#: ViewWork.cpp:202
-msgid "Show VM Console in a window."
-msgstr "Virtuális gép konzol megjelenítése új ablakban."
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1063
+msgid "Requested by user"
+msgstr "A felhasználó kezdeményezte"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:209
-msgid "Suspend work for this result."
-msgstr "Munka felfüggesztése a jelen csomagon."
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1064
+msgid "To fetch work"
+msgstr "Új munka kérése"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:215 sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:72
-msgid "Abort"
-msgstr "Eldobás"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1065
+msgid "To report completed tasks"
+msgstr "Elkészült feladatok jelentése"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:216
-msgid "Abandon work on the result. You will get no credit for it."
-msgstr "Jelen csomag eldobása. Nem fog kreditet kapni érte."
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1066
+msgid "To send trickle-up message"
+msgstr "Időközi jelentés küldése"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:223 sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:79
-msgid "Show task details."
-msgstr "Feladat részleteinek megjelenítése."
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1067
+msgid "Requested by account manager"
+msgstr "A fiókkezelő kezdeményezte"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:235
-msgid "Elapsed"
-msgstr "Eltelt"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1068
+msgid "Project initialization"
+msgstr "Projekt előkészítése"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:236
-msgid "Remaining (estimated)"
-msgstr "Hátralévő (becsült)"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1069
+msgid "Requested by project"
+msgstr "Projekt kezdeményezte"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:237
-msgid "Deadline"
-msgstr "Határidő"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1070
+msgid "Unknown reason"
+msgstr "Ismeretlen ok"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:264
-msgid "Tasks"
-msgstr "Feladatok"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1084
+msgid "Suspended by user"
+msgstr "Felhasználó által felfüggesztve"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:357
-msgid "Resuming task..."
-msgstr "Feladat folytatása..."
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1087
+msgid "Won't get new tasks"
+msgstr "Nem tölt le új feladatot"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:360
-msgid "Suspending task..."
-msgstr "Feladat felfüggesztése..."
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1090
+msgid "Project ended - OK to remove"
+msgstr "A projekt befejeződött - nyomjon OK-t az eltávolításához"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:389
-msgid "Showing graphics for task..."
-msgstr "A feladat grafikájának megjelenítése..."
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1093
+msgid "Will remove when tasks done"
+msgstr "Eltávolítás a feladatok befejezésekor"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:426
-msgid "Showing VM console for task..."
-msgstr "Virtuális gép konzol mutatása a feladathoz..."
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1096
+msgid "Scheduler request pending"
+msgstr "Függő kérés az ütemezőhöz"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:479
-#, c-format
-msgid ""
-"Are you sure you want to abort this task '%s'?\n"
-"(Progress: %s, Status: %s)"
-msgstr ""
-"Biztosan eldobja ezt a csomagot: '%s'?\n"
-"(Elkészült: %s, állapot: %s)"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1102
+msgid "Scheduler request in progress"
+msgstr "Ütemező által indított kérés folyamatban"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:485
-#, c-format
-msgid "Are you sure you want to abort these %d tasks?"
-msgstr "Biztosan eldobja ezeket a(z) %d feladatokat?"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1105
+msgid "Trickle up message pending"
+msgstr "Időközi jelentés függőben"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:490 sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:256
-msgid "Abort task"
-msgstr "Feladat eldobása"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1111
+msgid "Communication deferred "
+msgstr "Kommunikáció elhalsztva "
-# 75%
-#: ViewWork.cpp:499
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Aborting task..."
-msgstr "Átvitel megszakítása..."
+#: clientgui/ViewResources.cpp:62
+msgid "Total disk usage"
+msgstr "Teljes lemezhasználat"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:771
-msgid "Show all tasks"
-msgstr "Minden feladat mutatása"
+#: clientgui/ViewResources.cpp:83
+msgid "Disk usage by BOINC projects"
+msgstr "A BOINC projektek lemezhasználata"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:772
-msgid "Show all tasks."
-msgstr "Minden feladat mutatása."
+#: clientgui/ViewResources.cpp:116
+msgid "Disk"
+msgstr "Lemez"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:796 sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:103
-msgid "Resume work for this task."
-msgstr "Munka folytatása e feladaton."
+#: clientgui/ViewResources.cpp:225
+msgid "no projects: 0 bytes used"
+msgstr "nincs projekt, felhasználva: 0 bájt"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:802 sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:107
-msgid "Suspend work for this task."
-msgstr "Munka felfüggesztése e feladaton."
+#: clientgui/ViewResources.cpp:262
+msgid "used by BOINC: "
+msgstr "BOINC által használt:"
-#: WelcomePage.cpp:284
-msgid "Add project or account manager"
-msgstr "Projekt vagy fiókkezelő hozzáadása"
+#: clientgui/ViewResources.cpp:272
+msgid "free, available to BOINC: "
+msgstr "szabad, a BOINC rendelkezésére áll:"
-#: WelcomePage.cpp:288
-msgid "Add project or use BOINC Account Manager"
-msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ViewResources.cpp:282
+msgid "free, not available to BOINC: "
+msgstr "szabad, de nem áll a BOINC rendelkezésére:"
-#: WelcomePage.cpp:297
-#, c-format
-msgid ""
-"If possible, add projects at the\n"
-"%s web site.\n"
-"Projects added via this wizard will not be\n"
-"listed on or managed via %s."
-msgstr ""
-"Ha lehetséges, akkor a(z) %s\n"
-"weboldalán adjon hozzá projekteket.\n"
-"Az ezen varázslóval hozzáadott projekteket\n"
-"nem listázza és nem kezeli a(z) %s."
+#: clientgui/ViewResources.cpp:292
+msgid "free: "
+msgstr "szabad:"
-#: WelcomePage.cpp:313
-msgid ""
-"There are over 30 BOINC-based projects\n"
-"doing research in many areas of science,\n"
-"and you can volunteer for as many of them as you like.\n"
-"You can add a project directly,\n"
-"or use an 'Account Manager' web site to select projects."
-msgstr ""
-"Több mint 30, különféle tudományos kutatást végző\n"
-"BOINC alapú projekt létezik, és Ön ezek közül\n"
-"annyihoz csatlakozhat, ahányhoz csak szeretne.\n"
-"Közvetlenül is hozzáadhat projekteket,\n"
-"de kiválaszthatja őket egy ún. fiókkezelő weboldalán keresztül is."
+#: clientgui/ViewResources.cpp:302
+msgid "used by other programs: "
+msgstr "más programok által használt: "
-#: WelcomePage.cpp:325
-msgid ""
-"You have chosen to add a new volunteer computing project or change which "
-"you contribute to.\n"
-"Some of these projects are run and managed by World Community Grid, while "
-"are run and managed by other researchers or organizations. The BOINC "
-"can divide your spare processing power among any combination of projects.\n"
-"Alternatively, if you have registered with a BOINC Account Manager, you can "
-"this to choose which projects to support.\n"
-"Please choose which type of change you would like to make:\n"
-msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1181
+msgid "User Total"
+msgstr "Felhasználó - Összes kredit"
-#: WelcomePage.cpp:339
-msgid "Use a BOINC Account Manager"
-msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1182
+msgid "User Average"
+msgstr "Felhasználó - Átlag kredit"
-#: WelcomePage.cpp:352
-msgid "To continue, click Next."
-msgstr "A folytatáshoz kattintson az Előre gomba"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1183
+msgid "Host Total"
+msgstr "Számítógép - Összes kredit"
-#: WelcomePage.cpp:358
-msgid "Add or change your World Community Grid projects"
-msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1184
+msgid "Host Average"
+msgstr "Számítógép - Átlag kredit"
-#: WelcomePage.cpp:361
-msgid "Add projects run by other researchers or organizations"
-msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1331
+#, c-format
+msgid "Last update: %.0f days ago"
+msgstr "Utolsó frissítés: %.0f napja"
-#: WizardAttach.cpp:634
-msgid "Do you really want to cancel?"
-msgstr "Tényleg meg akarja szakítani?"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1956
+msgid "Show user total"
+msgstr "Felhasználó - Összes kredit"
-#: WizardAttach.cpp:635
-msgid "Question"
-msgstr "Kérdés"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1957
+msgid "Show total credit for user"
+msgstr "A felhasználó összes kreditjének mutatása"
-#: sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:149
-msgid "Advanced View...\tCtrl+Shift+A"
-msgstr "Haladó nézet...\t Ctrl+Shift+A"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1963
+msgid "Show user average"
+msgstr "Felhasználó - Átlag kredit"
-#: sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:150
-msgid "Display the advanced graphical interface."
-msgstr "Az haladó grafikus felület megjelenítése."
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1964
+msgid "Show average credit for user"
+msgstr "A felhasználó kreditátlagának mutatása"
-#: sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:157
-msgid "Skin"
-msgstr "Kinézet"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1970
+msgid "Show host total"
+msgstr "Számítógép - Összes kredit"
-#: sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:159
-msgid "Select the appearance of the user interface."
-msgstr "Válassza ki a felhasználói felület kinézetét."
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1971
+msgid "Show total credit for host"
+msgstr "A számítógép összes kreditjének mutatása"
-#: sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:206
-#, c-format
-msgid "&%s"
-msgstr "&%s"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1977
+msgid "Show host average"
+msgstr "Számítógép - Átlag kredit"
-#: sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:390
-msgid "Default"
-msgstr "Alapértelmezett"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1978
+msgid "Show average credit for host"
+msgstr "A számítógép kreditátlagának mutatása"
-#: sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:759
-msgid "Suspend Computing"
-msgstr "Számítás felfüggesztése"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1987
+msgid "< &Previous project"
+msgstr "< E&lőző projekt"
-#: sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:760
-msgid "Resume Computing"
-msgstr "Számítás folytatása"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1988
+msgid "Show chart for previous project"
+msgstr "Az előző projekt grafikonjának megjelenítése"
-#: sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:777
-msgid "Open a window to view notices from projects or BOINC"
-msgstr ""
-"Ablak nyitása a BOINC-tól vagy a projektektől érkező üzenetek "
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1993
+msgid "&Next project >"
+msgstr "&Következő projekt >"
-#: sg_DlgMessages.cpp:146
-msgid "Close"
-msgstr "Bezár"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1994
+msgid "Show chart for next project"
+msgstr "A következő projekt grafikonjának megjelenítése"
-#: sg_DlgMessages.cpp:389
-#, c-format
-msgid "%s - Notices"
-msgstr "%s - Értesítések"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2000
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2390
+msgid "Hide project list"
+msgstr "Projektlista elrejtése"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:268
-msgid "This dialog controls preferences for this computer only."
-msgstr "Ez a panel csak ennek a számítógépnek a beállításait befolyásolja."
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2001
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2390
+msgid "Use entire area for graphs"
+msgstr "Használja a teljes területet a grafikonhoz"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:273
-msgid "Click OK to set preferences."
-msgstr "Kattintson az OK-ra a beállítások érvényesítéséhez."
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2006
+msgid "Mode view"
+msgstr "Mód nézet"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:278
-msgid ""
-"Click Clear to restore web-based settings for all preferences listed below."
-msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2010
+msgid "One project"
+msgstr "Egy projekt"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:285
-#, fuzzy
-msgid ""
-"For additional settings, select Computing Preferences in the Advanced View."
-msgstr "További beállításokhoz válassza a Számítási beállításokat a"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2011
+msgid "Show one chart with selected project"
+msgstr "Egy grafikon mutatása a kiválasztott projekttel"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:313
-msgid "Do work only between:"
-msgstr "Csak ettől eddig dolgozzon:"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2017
+msgid "All projects (separate)"
+msgstr "Minden projekt (külön)"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:335
-msgid "Connect to internet only between:"
-msgstr "Csak ettől eddig kapcsolódhat az internetre:"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2018
+msgid "Show all projects, one chart per project"
+msgstr "Megmutatja az összes projektet, projektenként külön grafikonon"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:357 sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:374
-msgid "Use no more than:"
-msgstr "Legfeljebb"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2024
+msgid "All projects (together)"
+msgstr "Minden projekt (együtt)"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:370
-msgid "of disk space"
-msgstr "%-át használja a lemezterületnek"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2025
+msgid "Show one chart with all projects"
+msgstr "Az összes projekt ábrázolása egy grafikonon"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:387
-msgid "of the processor"
-msgstr "%-át használja a processzoroknak"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2031
+msgid "All projects (sum)"
+msgstr "Minden projekt (összeg)"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:391
-msgid "Do work while on battery?"
-msgstr "Akkus üzem esetén dolgozhat?"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2032
+msgid "Show one chart with sum of projects"
+msgstr "Egy grafikonon ábrázolja a projektek összegeit"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:404
-msgid "Do work after idle for:"
-msgstr "Ennyi üresjárat után dolgozhat:"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2053
+msgid "Statistics"
+msgstr "Statisztika"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:429
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Clear all local preferences listed above and close the dialog"
-msgstr "minden helyi beállítás törlése és a párbeszédpanel bezárása"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2077
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2098
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2119
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2141
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2162
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2183
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2204
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2225
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2246
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2270
+msgid "Updating charts..."
+msgstr "Grafikonok frissítése..."
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:602 sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:605
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:681 sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:685
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:697 sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:701
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:844 sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:855
-msgid "Anytime"
-msgstr "Bármikor"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2394
+msgid "Show project list"
+msgstr "Projektlista megjelenítése"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:638
-msgid "100 MB"
-msgstr "100 MB"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2394
+msgid "Uses smaller area for graphs"
+msgstr "A grafikonokhoz kisebb területet használ"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:639
-msgid "200 MB"
-msgstr "200 MB"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:169
+msgid "Retry Now"
+msgstr "Próbálja most"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:640
-msgid "500 MB"
-msgstr "500 MB"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:170
+msgid "Retry the file transfer now"
+msgstr ""
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:641
-msgid "1 GB"
-msgstr "1 GB"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:176
+msgid "Abort Transfer"
+msgstr "Átvitel megszakítása"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:642
-msgid "2 GB"
-msgstr "2 GB"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:177
+msgid "Abort this file transfer.  You won't get credit for the task."
+msgstr ""
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:643
-msgid "5 GB"
-msgstr "5 GB"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:188
+msgid "File"
+msgstr "Fájl"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:644
-msgid "10 GB"
-msgstr "10 GB"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:189
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:238
+msgid "Progress"
+msgstr "Feldolgozottság"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:645
-msgid "20 GB"
-msgstr "20 GB"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:190
+msgid "Size"
+msgstr "Méret"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:646
-msgid "50 GB"
-msgstr "50 GB"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:191
+msgid "Elapsed Time"
+msgstr "Eltelt idő"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:647
-msgid "100 GB"
-msgstr "100 GB"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:192
+msgid "Speed"
+msgstr "Sebesség"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:717
-#, c-format
-msgid "%d MB"
-msgstr "%d MB"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:218
+msgid "Transfers"
+msgstr "Adatforgalom"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:719
-#, c-format
-msgid "%4.2f GB"
-msgstr "%4.2f GB"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:285
+msgid "Network activity is suspended - "
+msgstr "Hálózati aktivitás felfüggesztve - "
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:760
-#, c-format
-msgid "%d%%"
-msgstr "%d%%"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:287
+msgid ""
+"You can enable it using the Activity menu."
+msgstr ""
+"Az aktivitás menüben tudja engedélyezni."
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:796
-msgid "0 (Run Always)"
-msgstr "0 (mindig fut)"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:290
+msgid "BOINC"
+msgstr "BOINC"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:799
-#, c-format
-msgid "%d"
-msgstr "%d"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:297
+msgid "Retrying transfer now..."
+msgstr "Próbálkozás az átvitellel..."
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:1029
-msgid "Do you really want to clear all local preferences?\n"
-msgstr "Biztosan törölni akar minden helyi beállítást?\n"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:335
+msgid "Aborting transfer..."
+msgstr "Átvitel megszakítása..."
-#: sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:72
-msgid "Add Project"
-msgstr "Projekt hozzáadása"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:348
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Are you sure you want to abort this file transfer '%s'?\n"
+"NOTE: Aborting a transfer will invalidate a task and you\n"
+"will not receive credit for it."
+msgstr ""
+"Biztos, hogy megszakítja ezt a fájlátvitelt: '%s'?\n"
+"FIGYELEM: Az átvitel megszakítása érvényteleníti a feladatot,\n"
+"és így nem fog érte kreditet kapni."
-#: sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:73
-msgid "Synchronize"
-msgstr "Szinkronizáció"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:354
+msgid "Abort File Transfer"
+msgstr "Adatátvitel megszakítása"
-#: sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:74
-msgid "Work done for this project"
-msgstr "A projektben elvégzett munka"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:785
+msgid "Upload"
+msgstr "Feltöltés"
-#: sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:77
-msgid "Synchronize projects with account manager system"
-msgstr "Projektek szinkronizálása a fiókkezelő rendszerrel"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:785
+msgid "Download"
+msgstr "Letöltés"
-#: sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:124
-msgid "Select a project to access with the controls below"
-msgstr ""
-"Válasszon ki egy projektet, amelyhez a lenti beállítások szerint kíván "
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:789
+msgid "retry in "
+msgstr "Újrapróbálás ennyi idő múlva: "
-#: sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:145
-msgid "Project Web Pages"
-msgstr "A projekt weboldalai"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:791
+msgid "failed"
+msgstr "nem sikerült"
-#: sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:149
-msgid "Project Commands"
-msgstr "Projekt parancsok"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:794
+msgid "suspended"
+msgstr "felfüggesztve"
-#: sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:267
-#, c-format
-#, c-format, fuzzy
-msgid "Pop up a menu of web sites for project %s"
-msgstr "Jelenjen meg egy menü a(z) %s projekt weboldalairól"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:799
+msgid "active"
+msgstr "aktív"
-#: sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:269
-#, c-format
-msgid "Pop up a menu of commands to apply to project %s"
-msgstr "Jelenjen meg egy menü a(z) %s projektre alkalmazható parancsokról"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:801
+msgid "pending"
+msgstr "függőben"
-#: sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:67
-msgid "Suspend this task."
-msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:808
+msgid " (project backoff: "
+msgstr "(a projekt visszatartja:"
-#: sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:73
-msgid "Abandon this task. You will get no credit for it."
-msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:192
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:782
+msgid "Show active tasks"
+msgstr "Aktív feladatok mutatása"
-#: sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:251
-#, c-format
-msgid ""
-"Are you sure you want to abort this task '%s'?\n"
-"(Progress: %.1lf%%, Status: %s)"
-msgstr ""
-"Biztosan eldobja ezt a csomagot: '%s'?\n"
-"(Elkészült: %.1lf%%, Status: %s)"
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:193
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:783
+msgid "Show only active tasks."
+msgstr "Csak az aktív feladatok mutatása."
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:464
-msgid "You don't have any projects.  Please Add a Project."
-msgstr "Nincs egy projektje sem. Kérjük, adjon hozzá egyet."
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:206
+msgid "Show VM Console"
+msgstr "Virtuális gép konzol"
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:465
-msgid "Not available"
-msgstr "Nem elérhető"
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:207
+msgid "Show VM Console in a window."
+msgstr "Virtuális gép konzol megjelenítése új ablakban."
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:476
-msgid "Tasks:"
-msgstr "Feladatok:"
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:214
+msgid "Suspend work for this result."
+msgstr "Munka felfüggesztése a jelen csomagon."
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:482
-msgid "Select a task to access"
-msgstr "Válasszon ki egy feladatot, amelyhez hozzá kíván férni"
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:221
+msgid "Abandon work on the result. You will get no credit for it."
+msgstr "Jelen csomag eldobása. Nem fog kreditet kapni érte."
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:493
-msgid "From:"
-msgstr "Innen:"
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:240
+msgid "Elapsed"
+msgstr "Eltelt"
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:547
-msgid "This task's progress"
-msgstr "Ezen feladat állapota"
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:241
+msgid "Remaining (estimated)"
+msgstr "Hátralévő (becsült)"
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:565
-msgid "Task Commands"
-msgstr "Feladatparancsok"
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:242
+msgid "Deadline"
+msgstr "Határidő"
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:566
-msgid "Pop up a menu of commands to apply to this task"
-msgstr "Jelenjen meg egy menü az ezen feladatra alkalmazható parancsokról"
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:269
+msgid "Tasks"
+msgstr "Feladatok"
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:701
-#, c-format
-msgid "Application: %s"
-msgstr "Alkalmazás: %s"
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:362
+msgid "Resuming task..."
+msgstr "Feladat folytatása..."
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:724
-#, c-format
-msgid "%.3f%%"
-msgstr "%.3f%%"
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:365
+msgid "Suspending task..."
+msgstr "Feladat felfüggesztése..."
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:732
-msgid "Application: Not available"
-msgstr "Alkalmazás: Nem elérhető"
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:394
+msgid "Showing graphics for task..."
+msgstr "A feladat grafikájának megjelenítése..."
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:832
-msgid "Not Available"
-msgstr "Nem elérhető"
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:431
+msgid "Showing VM console for task..."
+msgstr "Virtuális gép konzol mutatása a feladathoz..."
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:847
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:484
 #, c-format
-msgid "Elapsed: %s"
-msgstr "Eltelt: %s"
+msgid ""
+"Are you sure you want to abort this task '%s'?\n"
+"(Progress: %s, Status: %s)"
+msgstr ""
+"Biztosan eldobja ezt a csomagot: '%s'?\n"
+"(Elkészült: %s, állapot: %s)"
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:861
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:490
 #, c-format
-msgid "Remaining (estimated): %s"
-msgstr "Hátralévő (becsült): %s"
+msgid "Are you sure you want to abort these %d tasks?"
+msgstr "Biztosan eldobja ezeket a(z) %d feladatokat?"
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:876
-#, c-format
-msgid "Status: %s"
-msgstr "Állapot: %s"
+# 75%
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:504
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Aborting task..."
+msgstr "Átvitel megszakítása..."
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1223
-msgid "Retrieving current status."
-msgstr "Aktuális állapot lekérdezése."
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:776
+msgid "Show all tasks"
+msgstr "Minden feladat mutatása"
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1229
-msgid "Downloading work from the server."
-msgstr "Munka letöltése a szerverről."
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:777
+msgid "Show all tasks."
+msgstr "Minden feladat mutatása."
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1234
-msgid "Processing Suspended:  Running On Batteries."
-msgstr "Számítás felfüggesztve: A gép akkumulátorról működik."
+#: clientgui/WelcomePage.cpp:284
+msgid "Add project or account manager"
+msgstr "Projekt vagy fiókkezelő hozzáadása"
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1236
-msgid "Processing Suspended:  User Active."
-msgstr "Számítás felfüggesztve: a felhasználó aktív."
+#: clientgui/WelcomePage.cpp:288
+msgid "Add project or use BOINC Account Manager"
+msgstr ""
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1238
-msgid "Processing Suspended:  User paused processing."
-msgstr "Számítás felfüggesztve: a felhasználó függesztette fel."
+#: clientgui/WelcomePage.cpp:297
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"If possible, add projects at the\n"
+"%s web site.\n"
+"Projects added via this wizard will not be\n"
+"listed on or managed via %s."
+msgstr ""
+"Ha lehetséges, akkor a(z) %s\n"
+"weboldalán adjon hozzá projekteket.\n"
+"Az ezen varázslóval hozzáadott projekteket\n"
+"nem listázza és nem kezeli a(z) %s."
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1240
-msgid "Processing Suspended:  Time of Day."
-msgstr "Számítás felfüggesztve: ilyenkor nem dolgozhat."
+#: clientgui/WelcomePage.cpp:313
+msgid ""
+"There are over 30 BOINC-based projects\n"
+"doing research in many areas of science,\n"
+"and you can volunteer for as many of them as you like.\n"
+"You can add a project directly,\n"
+"or use an 'Account Manager' web site to select projects."
+msgstr ""
+"Több mint 30, különféle tudományos kutatást végző\n"
+"BOINC alapú projekt létezik, és Ön ezek közül\n"
+"annyihoz csatlakozhat, ahányhoz csak szeretne.\n"
+"Közvetlenül is hozzáadhat projekteket,\n"
+"de kiválaszthatja őket egy ún. fiókkezelő weboldalán keresztül is."
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1242
-msgid "Processing Suspended:  Benchmarks Running."
-msgstr "Számítás felfüggesztve: sebességmérés fut."
+#: clientgui/WelcomePage.cpp:325
+msgid ""
+"You have chosen to add a new volunteer computing project or change which projects\n"
+"you contribute to.\n"
+"Some of these projects are run and managed by World Community Grid, while others\n"
+"are run and managed by other researchers or organizations. The BOINC software\n"
+"can divide your spare processing power among any combination of projects.\n"
+"Alternatively, if you have registered with a BOINC Account Manager, you can use\n"
+"this to choose which projects to support.\n"
+"Please choose which type of change you would like to make:\n"
+msgstr ""
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1244
-msgid "Processing Suspended."
-msgstr "Számítás felfüggesztve."
+#: clientgui/WelcomePage.cpp:339
+msgid "Use a BOINC Account Manager"
+msgstr ""
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1248
-msgid "Waiting to contact project servers."
-msgstr "Várakozás a projektszerverekkel való kapcsolatfelvételre."
+#: clientgui/WelcomePage.cpp:358
+msgid "Add or change your World Community Grid projects"
+msgstr ""
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1252 sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1261
-msgid "Retrieving current status"
-msgstr "Aktuális állapot lekérdezése"
+#: clientgui/WelcomePage.cpp:361
+msgid "Add projects run by other researchers or organizations"
+msgstr ""
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1256
-msgid "No work available to process"
-msgstr "Nincs feldolgozható munka"
+#: clientgui/WizardAttach.cpp:673
+msgid "Do you really want to cancel?"
+msgstr "Tényleg meg akarja szakítani?"
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1258
-msgid "Unable to connect to the core client"
-msgstr "Nem lehet csatlakozni a magklienshez"
+#: clientgui/WizardAttach.cpp:674
+msgid "Question"
+msgstr "Kérdés"
-#: wizardex.cpp:377 wizardex.cpp:553
+#: clientgui/wizardex.cpp:377
+#: clientgui/wizardex.cpp:553
 msgid "&Next >"
 msgstr "Előre >"
-#: wizardex.cpp:383
+#: clientgui/wizardex.cpp:383
 msgid "< &Back"
 msgstr "< Vissza"
-#: wizardex.cpp:553
+#: clientgui/wizardex.cpp:553
 msgid "&Finish"
 msgstr "Befejez"
-#: mac/Mac_GUI.cpp:110
-msgid "Preferences…"
-msgstr "Beállítások..."
+#: clientgui/common/wxPieCtrl.cpp:64
+msgid "Pie Ctrl"
+msgstr "Diagramszabályzás"
-#: mac/Mac_GUI.cpp:122
+#: clientgui/mac/Mac_GUI.cpp:35
 msgid "Services"
 msgstr "Szolgáltatások"
-#: mac/Mac_GUI.cpp:144
+#: clientgui/mac/Mac_GUI.cpp:36
 #, c-format
 msgid "Hide %s"
 msgstr "%s elrejtése"
-#: mac/Mac_GUI.cpp:158
+#: clientgui/mac/Mac_GUI.cpp:37
 msgid "Hide Others"
 msgstr "Többi elrejtése"
-#: mac/Mac_GUI.cpp:172
+#: clientgui/mac/Mac_GUI.cpp:38
 msgid "Show All"
 msgstr "Mutasd mindet"
-#: mac/Mac_GUI.cpp:186
+#: clientgui/mac/Mac_GUI.cpp:39
 #, c-format
 msgid "Quit %s"
 msgstr "%s bezárása"
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.h:30
+msgid "specify work start and stop hours in format HH:MM-HH:MM"
+msgstr "adja meg a végrehajtás kezdetét és végét ÓÓ:PP-ÓÓ:PP formátumban"
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.h:31
+msgid "specify network usage start and stop hours in format HH:MM-HH:MM"
+msgstr ""
+"adja meg a hálózat használatának kezdetét és végét ÓÓ:PP-ÓÓ:PP formátumban"
+# 98%
+#, fuzzy
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "(C) 2003-2013 University of California, Berkeley.\n"
+#~ "All Rights Reserved."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "(C) 2003-2011 Kaliforniai Berkeley Egyetem.\n"
+#~ "Minden jog fenntartva."
+#, c-format
+#~ msgid "%s - Preferences"
+#~ msgstr "%s - Beállítások"
+#, no-c-format
+#~ msgid "% CPU time"
+#~ msgstr "%-át használja a CPU időnek"
+#~ msgid "KBytes/sec."
+#~ msgstr "KByte/sec."
+#~ msgid "Mbytes"
+#~ msgstr "Mbájt"
+#~ msgid "every"
+#~ msgstr "minden"
+#~ msgid "days"
+#~ msgstr "nap"
+#~ msgid "Gigabytes disk space"
+#~ msgstr "Gigabájt lemezterület"
+#~ msgid "Running, high priority"
+#~ msgstr "Fut (magas prioritással)"
+#~ msgid " (Scheduler wait: "
+#~ msgstr "(Ütemező vár: "
+#~ msgid " (Scheduler wait)"
+#~ msgstr "(Ütemező vár)"
+#~ msgid " (Waiting for network access)"
+#~ msgstr "(Várakozás hálózati hozzáférésre)"
+#~ msgid "Preferences…"
+#~ msgstr "Beállítások..."
 #~ msgid "I do not agree with the terms of use."
 #~ msgstr "Nem fogadom el a felhasználási feltételeket."
@@ -4270,16 +4486,6 @@ msgstr "%s bezárása"
 #~ msgid "OnDropTarget: index by HitTest = %i"
 #~ msgstr "OnDropTarget: HitTest index = %i"
-#~ msgid "Pie Ctrl"
-#~ msgstr "Diagramszabályzás"
-#~ msgid "specify work start and stop hours in format HH:MM-HH:MM"
-#~ msgstr "adja meg a végrehajtás kezdetét és végét ÓÓ:PP-ÓÓ:PP formátumban"
-#~ msgid "specify network usage start and stop hours in format HH:MM-HH:MM"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "adja meg a hálózat használatának kezdetét és végét ÓÓ:PP-ÓÓ:PP formátumban"
 #~ msgid "Identify your account "
 #~ msgstr "Fiókjának azonosítása"
@@ -4783,15 +4989,9 @@ msgstr "%s bezárása"
 #~ msgid "Your current account manager is:"
 #~ msgstr "Az Ön jelenelegi fiókkezelője:"
-#~ msgid "Name:"
-#~ msgstr "Név:"
 #~ msgid "foo"
 #~ msgstr "foo"
-#~ msgid "URL:"
-#~ msgstr "URL:"
 #~ msgid "&Update"
 #~ msgstr "Frissítés"
diff --git a/locale/it_IT/BOINC-Manager.mo b/locale/it_IT/BOINC-Manager.mo
index 65d26f8..a866da6 100644
Binary files a/locale/it_IT/BOINC-Manager.mo and b/locale/it_IT/BOINC-Manager.mo differ
diff --git a/locale/it_IT/BOINC-Manager.po b/locale/it_IT/BOINC-Manager.po
index 1649566..89e1f60 100644
--- a/locale/it_IT/BOINC-Manager.po
+++ b/locale/it_IT/BOINC-Manager.po
@@ -6,8 +6,8 @@ msgid ""
 msgstr ""
 "Project-Id-Version: BOINC Manager 6.x\n"
 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2013-10-15 22:26-0700\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-11-07 08:16+0000\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-12-15 14:15-0500\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2014-06-27 14:52+0000\n"
 "Last-Translator: Gianfranco <costamagnagianfranco at yahoo.it>\n"
 "Language-Team: BOINC.Italy team <contact at boincitaly.org>\n"
 "Language: it_IT\n"
@@ -16,22 +16,22 @@ msgstr ""
 "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
 "Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
 "X-Generator: Pootle 2.5.0\n"
+"X-Poedit-Basepath: C:\\Src\\BOINCGIT\\boinc_7.4\n"
+"X-Poedit-SearchPath-0: clientgui\n"
+"X-Poedit-SourceCharset: utf-8\n"
+"X-POOTLE-MTIME: 1403880735.0\n"
 "X-Poedit-SearchPath-1: clientgui/msw\n"
 "X-Poedit-SearchPath-2: clientgui/gtk\n"
 "X-Poedit-SearchPath-3: clientgui/mac\n"
-"X-Poedit-SearchPath-0: clientgui\n"
-"X-Poedit-SourceCharset: utf-8\n"
-"X-Poedit-Basepath: C:\\Src\\BOINCGIT\\boinc\n"
 "X-BOINC-UTF8-Marker: 简体中文, 日本語\n"
-"X-POOTLE-MTIME: 1383812210.0\n"
 # 81%
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:387
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:387
 #, c-format
 msgid "Identify your account at %s"
 msgstr "Identifica il tuo account su %s"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:393
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:393
 msgid ""
 "Please enter your account information\n"
 "(to create an account, visit the project's web site)"
@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ msgstr ""
 "Inserisci i dati del tuo account\n"
 "(per creare un account, visita il sito web del progetto)"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:397
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:397
 msgid ""
 "This project is not currently accepting new accounts.\n"
 "You can add it only if you already have an account."
@@ -47,19 +47,19 @@ msgstr ""
 "Questo progetto attualmente non accetta nuove iscrizioni.\n"
 "Puoi connetterti al progetto solo se hai già un account."
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:401
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:401
 msgid "Are you already running this project?"
 msgstr "Hai già un account su questo progetto?"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:405
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:405
 msgid "&No, new user"
 msgstr "&No, nuovo utente"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:408
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:408
 msgid "&Yes, existing user"
 msgstr "&Si, utente registrato"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:413
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:413
 msgid ""
 "We were not able to set up your account information\n"
@@ -75,45 +75,51 @@ msgstr ""
 "in basso per trovare cosa inserire nei campi\n"
 "indirizzo email e password."
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:416
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:416
 msgid "Find login information"
 msgstr "Recupera le informazioni di accesso"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:436 AccountInfoPage.cpp:642
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:436
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:649
 msgid "&Password:"
 msgstr "&Password:"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:443 AccountInfoPage.cpp:666
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:443
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:673
 msgid "Choose a &password:"
 msgstr "Scegli una &password:"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:446
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:446
 msgid "C&onfirm password:"
 msgstr "C&onferma la password:"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:453
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:453
 #, c-format
 msgid "Are you already running %s?"
 msgstr "Hai già un account sul progetto %s?"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:482
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:482
 msgid "&Username:"
 msgstr "&Nome utente:"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:508
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:511
+msgid "&Email address or LDAP ID:"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:515
 msgid "&Email address:"
 msgstr "&Indirizzo email:"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:515
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:523
 #, c-format
 msgid "minimum length %d"
 msgstr "lunghezza minima %d"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:522
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:530
 msgid "Forgot your password?"
 msgstr "Hai dimenticato la password?"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:529
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:537
 msgid ""
 "If you have not yet registered with this account manager,\n"
 "please do so before proceeding.  Click on the link below\n"
@@ -123,47 +129,46 @@ msgstr ""
 "sei pregato di farlo prima di procedere.  Clicca sul link qui sotto\n"
 "per registrarti o per recuperare la password dimenticata."
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:532
-msgid "Account manager website"
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:540
+msgid "Account manager web site"
 msgstr "Sito web dell'account manager"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:574 WelcomePage.cpp:348
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:582
 msgid "Add project"
 msgstr "Aggiungi un progetto"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:576
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:584
 msgid "Update account manager"
 msgstr "Aggiorna l'account manager"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:578 WelcomePage.cpp:307 WelcomePage.cpp:321
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:586
 msgid "Use account manager"
 msgstr "Usa l'account manager"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:585
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:593
 msgid "Please enter a user name."
 msgstr "Si prega di inserire il nome utente."
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:587
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:595
 msgid "Please enter an email address."
 msgstr "Inserire il proprio indirizzo email."
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:597
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:605
 #, c-format
 msgid "Please enter a password of at least %d characters."
 msgstr "Per favore inserisci una password di almeno %d caratteri."
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:608
-msgid ""
-"The password and confirmation password do not match. Please type them again."
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:615
+msgid "The password and confirmation password do not match. Please type them again."
 msgstr ""
 "La password e la password di conferma non corrispondono. Prova a scriverle "
 "di nuovo."
-#: AccountManagerInfoPage.cpp:248
+#: clientgui/AccountManagerInfoPage.cpp:272
 msgid "Choose an account manager"
 msgstr "Scegli un account manager"
-#: AccountManagerInfoPage.cpp:251
+#: clientgui/AccountManagerInfoPage.cpp:275
 msgid ""
 "To choose an account manager, click its name or \n"
 "type its URL below."
@@ -171,372 +176,401 @@ msgstr ""
 "Per selezionare un account manager, clicca sul suo nome o \n"
 "digita il suo indirizzo (URL) in basso."
-#: AccountManagerInfoPage.cpp:254
-msgid "Account Manager &URL:"
-msgstr "&URL dell'Account Manager:"
+#: clientgui/AccountManagerInfoPage.cpp:279
+msgid "Account manager details:"
+msgstr "Sito web dell'account manager:"
+#: clientgui/AccountManagerInfoPage.cpp:283
+msgid "Account manager &URL:"
+msgstr "&URL dell'account manager:"
-#: AccountManagerProcessingPage.cpp:188 AccountManagerPropertiesPage.cpp:194
+#: clientgui/AccountManagerInfoPage.cpp:287
+msgid "Open web page"
+msgstr "Apri la pagina web"
+#: clientgui/AccountManagerInfoPage.cpp:290
+msgid "Visit this account manager's web site"
+msgstr "Visita il sito web del gestore account"
+#: clientgui/AccountManagerProcessingPage.cpp:186
+#: clientgui/AccountManagerPropertiesPage.cpp:192
 #, c-format
 msgid "Communicating with %s."
 msgstr "In comunicazione con %s."
-#: AccountManagerProcessingPage.cpp:195 AccountManagerPropertiesPage.cpp:201
+#: clientgui/AccountManagerProcessingPage.cpp:193
+#: clientgui/AccountManagerPropertiesPage.cpp:199
 msgid "Communicating with server."
 msgstr "In comunicazione con il server."
-#: AccountManagerProcessingPage.cpp:200 AccountManagerPropertiesPage.cpp:206
+#: clientgui/AccountManagerProcessingPage.cpp:198
+#: clientgui/AccountManagerPropertiesPage.cpp:204
 msgid "Please wait..."
 msgstr "Si prega di attendere..."
-#: AccountManagerProcessingPage.cpp:327
+#: clientgui/AccountManagerProcessingPage.cpp:325
 msgid "An internal server error has occurred.\n"
 msgstr "Si è verificato un errore interno del server.\n"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:95
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:96
 msgid "Connected"
 msgstr "Connesso"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:103
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:104
 msgid "Disconnected"
 msgstr "Disconnesso"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:315 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:112 sg_BoincSimpleGUI.cpp:103
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:318
 #, c-format
 msgid "Close the %s window"
 msgstr "Chiudi la finestra di %s"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:318 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:115 sg_BoincSimpleGUI.cpp:106
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:321
 msgid "&Close Window"
 msgstr "&Chiudi finestra"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:329 AdvancedFrame.cpp:336 AdvancedFrame.cpp:343
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:332
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:339
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:346
 #, c-format
 msgid "Exit %s"
 msgstr "Esci da %s"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:358
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:359
+msgid "Preferences..."
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:368
 msgid "&Notices\tCtrl+Shift+N"
 msgstr "&Avvisi\tCtrl+Shift+N"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:359
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:369
 msgid "Display notices"
 msgstr "Visualizza avvisi"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:364
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:374
 msgid "&Projects\tCtrl+Shift+P"
 msgstr "&Progetti\tCtrl+Shift+P"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:365
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:375
 msgid "Display projects"
 msgstr "Visualizza i progetti"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:370
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:380
 msgid "&Tasks\tCtrl+Shift+T"
 msgstr "&Elaborazioni\tCtrl+Shift+T"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:371
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:381
 msgid "Display tasks"
 msgstr "Visualizza le elaborazioni"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:376
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:386
 msgid "Trans&fers\tCtrl+Shift+X"
 msgstr "Tras&ferimenti\tCtrl+Shift+X"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:377
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:387
 msgid "Display transfers"
 msgstr "Visualizza i trasferimenti"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:382
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:392
 msgid "&Statistics\tCtrl+Shift+S"
 msgstr "&Statistiche\tCtrl+Shift+S"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:383
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:393
 msgid "Display statistics"
 msgstr "Visualizza le statistiche"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:388
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:398
 msgid "&Disk usage\tCtrl+Shift+D"
 msgstr "Utilizzo del &disco\tCtrl+Shift+D"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:389
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:399
 msgid "Display disk usage"
 msgstr "Visualizza l'utilizzo del disco"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:396
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:406
 msgid "Simple &View...\tCtrl+Shift+V"
 msgstr "&Visualizzazione Semplice...\tCtrl+Shift+V"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:397
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:407
 msgid "Display the simple graphical interface."
 msgstr "Visualizza l'interfaccia grafica semplice di BOINC"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:411
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:421
 msgid "&Add project or account manager..."
 msgstr "Connessione ad un &progetto o ad un account manager..."
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:412 sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:76 sg_ProjectsComponent.cpp:106
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:422
 msgid "Volunteer for any or all of 30+ projects in many areas of science"
 msgstr ""
 "Diventa un volontario di uno o di tutti gli oltre 30 progetti nelle varie "
 "aree scientifiche"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:416
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:426
 #, c-format
 msgid "&Synchronize with %s"
 msgstr "&Sincronizza con %s"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:420
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:430
 #, c-format
 msgid "Get current settings from %s"
 msgstr "Preleva le impostazioni correnti da %s"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:430
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:440
 msgid "&Add project..."
 msgstr "&Connessione ad un progetto..."
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:431
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:441
 msgid "Add a project"
 msgstr "Connessione ad un progetto"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:434
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:444
 #, c-format
 msgid "S&top using %s..."
 msgstr "&Smetti di utilizzare %s..."
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:440
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:450
 msgid "Remove this computer from account manager control."
 msgstr "Rimuovi questo computer dal controllo dell'account manager."
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:445 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:165
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:455
 msgid "&Options..."
 msgstr "&Opzioni..."
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:446 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:166
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:456
 msgid "Configure display options and proxy settings"
 msgstr "Configura le opzioni dell'interfaccia grafica e del proxy"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:450 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:159
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:460
 msgid "Computing &preferences..."
 msgstr "&Preferenze di elaborazione..."
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:451 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:160
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:461
 msgid "Configure computing preferences"
 msgstr "Configura le preferenze locali di elaborazione"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:459
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:469
 msgid "&Run always"
 msgstr "Elabo&razione continua"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:460
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:470
 msgid "Allow work regardless of preferences"
 msgstr "Elabora senza interruzioni e indipendentemente dalle preferenze"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:464
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:474
 msgid "Run based on &preferences"
 msgstr "Elaborazione secondo le &preferenze"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:465
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:475
 msgid "Allow work according to preferences"
 msgstr "Consenti l'invio di lavoro secondo le preferenze"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:469
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:479
 msgid "&Suspend"
 msgstr "&Sospendi"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:470
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:480
 msgid "Stop work regardless of preferences"
 msgstr "Sospendi l'elaborazione indipendentemente dalle preferenze"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:495
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:505
 msgid "Use GPU always"
 msgstr "E&laborazione GPU continua"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:496
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:506
 msgid "Allow GPU work regardless of preferences"
 msgstr ""
 "Elabora con la GPU senza interruzioni e indipendentemente dalle preferenze"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:500
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:510
 msgid "Use GPU based on preferences"
 msgstr "Ela&borazione GPU secondo le preferenze"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:501
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:511
 msgid "Allow GPU work according to preferences"
 msgstr "consenti l'invio di lavoro per la GPU secondo le preferenze"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:505
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:515
 msgid "Suspend GPU"
 msgstr "Sospendi l'uso della GPU"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:506
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:516
 msgid "Stop GPU work regardless of preferences"
 msgstr "Sospendi l'elaborazione della GPU indipendentemente dalle preferenze"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:530
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:540
 msgid "Network activity always available"
 msgstr "Attività di rete sempre disponibile"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:531
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:541
 msgid "Allow network activity regardless of preferences"
 msgstr ""
 "Permetti l'attività di rete senza interruzioni e indipendentemente dalle "
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:535
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:545
 msgid "Network activity based on preferences"
 msgstr "Attività di rete secondo le pr&eferenze"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:536
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:546
 msgid "Allow network activity according to preferences"
 msgstr "Permetti l'attività di rete secondo le preferenze"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:540
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:550
 msgid "Network activity suspended"
 msgstr "Attività di rete s&ospesa"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:541
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:551
 msgid "Stop BOINC network activity"
 msgstr "Sospendi l'attività di rete indipendentemente dalle preferenze"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:551
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:561
 #, c-format
 msgid "Connect to another computer running %s"
 msgstr "Stabilisce una connessione ad un altro computer in cui è attivo %s"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:556
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:566
 msgid "Select computer..."
 msgstr "Seleziona un computer..."
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:561
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:571
 msgid "Shut down connected client..."
 msgstr "Arresta il client attualmente connesso..."
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:562
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:572
 msgid "Shut down the currently connected client"
 msgstr "Arresta tutte le elaborazioni in corso"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:566
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:576
 msgid "Run CPU &benchmarks"
 msgstr "Esegui i &benchmark per la CPU"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:567
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:577
 msgid "Runs BOINC CPU benchmarks"
 msgstr "Esegue i benchmark di BOINC per la CPU"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:571
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:581
 msgid "Do network communication"
 msgstr "Ritenta le &comunicazioni di rete"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:572
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:582
 msgid "Do all pending network communication"
 msgstr "Ritenta tutte le comunicazioni di rete rinviate"
 # 94%
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:576
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:586
 msgid "Read config files"
 msgstr "Leggi i file di configurazione"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:577
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:587
 msgid "Read configuration info from cc_config.xml and any app_config.xml files"
 msgstr ""
 "Leggi la configurazione dal file cc_config.xml e dai file app_config.xml"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:581
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:591
 msgid "Read local prefs file"
 msgstr "Leggi il file delle preferenze locali"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:582
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:592
 msgid "Read preferences from global_prefs_override.xml."
 msgstr "Leggi le preferenze dal file global_prefs_override.xml"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:587
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:597
 #, c-format
 msgid "Launch another instance of %s..."
 msgstr "Avvio delle altre istanze di %s..."
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:591
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:601
 #, c-format
 msgid "Launch another %s"
 msgstr "Avvio di un altro %s"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:601
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:611
 msgid "Event Log...\tCtrl+Shift+E"
 msgstr "Lista degli eventi...\t Ctrl+Shift+E"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:602
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:612
 msgid "Display diagnostic messages."
 msgstr "Visualizza i messaggi di diagnostica del client."
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:612 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:175 sg_BoincSimpleGUI.cpp:129
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:616
+msgid "Event Log Diagnostic Flags...\tCtrl+Shift+F"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:617
+msgid "Enable or disable various diagnostic messages"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:626
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s &help"
 msgstr "&Aiuto su %s"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:618 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:181 sg_BoincSimpleGUI.cpp:135
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:632
 #, c-format
 msgid "Show information about %s"
 msgstr "Mostra le informazioni su %s"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:630
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:644
 #, c-format
 msgid "&%s help"
 msgstr "Aiuto sul &%s"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:636 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:199 sg_BoincSimpleGUI.cpp:153
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:650
 #, c-format
 msgid "Show information about the %s"
 msgstr "Mostra le informazioni sul %s"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:648 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:211 sg_BoincSimpleGUI.cpp:165
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:662
 #, c-format
-msgid "%s &website"
-msgstr "Sito &web di %s"
+msgid "%s &web site"
+msgstr "sito &web di %s"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:654 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:217 sg_BoincSimpleGUI.cpp:171
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:668
 #, c-format
 msgid "Show information about BOINC and %s"
 msgstr "Mostra le informazioni su BOINC e sul %s"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:666 BOINCTaskBar.cpp:533 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:229
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:680
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:544
 #, c-format
 msgid "&About %s..."
 msgstr "&Informazioni sul %s..."
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:672 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:235
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:686
 msgid "Licensing and copyright information."
 msgstr "Mostra le informazioni sulla licenza e sul copyright"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:679 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:242 sg_BoincSimpleGUI.cpp:194
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:693
 msgid "&File"
 msgstr "&File"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:683 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:246 sg_BoincSimpleGUI.cpp:199
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:697
 msgid "&View"
 msgstr "&Visualizza"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:687 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:250
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:701
 msgid "&Tools"
 msgstr "&Strumenti"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:691
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:705
 msgid "&Activity"
 msgstr "&Attività"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:695
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:709
 msgid "A&dvanced"
 msgstr "Ava&nzate"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:699 DlgEventLog.cpp:329 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:254
-#: sg_BoincSimpleGUI.cpp:184 wizardex.cpp:374 wizardex.cpp:381
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:713
 msgid "&Help"
 msgstr "A&iuto"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:1178
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1185
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - Stop using %s"
 msgstr "%s - Arresto nell'uso di %s"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:1183
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1190
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "If you stop using %s,\n"
@@ -551,12 +585,12 @@ msgstr ""
 "Vuoi finire di usare %s?"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:1381
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1397
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - Shut down the current client..."
 msgstr "%s - Chiudi il client corrente..."
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:1390
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1406
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "%s will shut down the current client\n"
@@ -565,36 +599,36 @@ msgstr ""
 "%s chiuderà il client attualmente connesso,\n"
 "e ti chiederà di indicarne un altro a cui connettersi."
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:1709 DlgAbout.cpp:119
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1806
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s"
 msgstr "%s"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:1718
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1815
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s has successfully added %s"
 msgstr "%s ha aggiunto con successo %s"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:1860
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1953
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - (%s)"
 msgstr "%s - (%s)"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:1864
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1957
 #, c-format
 msgid "Connecting to %s"
 msgstr "Connessione a %s in corso"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:1867
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1960
 #, c-format
 msgid "Connected to %s (%s)"
 msgstr "Connesso a %s (%s)"
-#: AlreadyExistsPage.cpp:184
+#: clientgui/AlreadyExistsPage.cpp:184
 msgid "Username already in use"
 msgstr "Il nome utente specificato è già in uso"
-#: AlreadyExistsPage.cpp:187
+#: clientgui/AlreadyExistsPage.cpp:187
 msgid ""
 "An account with that username already exists and has a\n"
 "different password than the one you entered.\n"
@@ -606,11 +640,11 @@ msgstr ""
 "Visita il sito web del progetto e segui le istruzioni riportate."
-#: AlreadyExistsPage.cpp:191
+#: clientgui/AlreadyExistsPage.cpp:191
 msgid "Email address already in use"
 msgstr "L'indirizzo e-mail specificato è già in uso"
-#: AlreadyExistsPage.cpp:194
+#: clientgui/AlreadyExistsPage.cpp:194
 msgid ""
 "An account with that email address already exists and has a\n"
 "different password than the one you entered.\n"
@@ -622,45 +656,44 @@ msgstr ""
 "Visita il sito web del progetto e segui le istruzioni riportate."
-#: AsyncRPC.cpp:1238
+#: clientgui/AsyncRPC.cpp:1031
 msgid "Communicating with BOINC client.  Please wait ..."
 msgstr "In comunicazione con il client BOINC.  Attendere prego ..."
-#: AsyncRPC.cpp:1241
+#: clientgui/AsyncRPC.cpp:1034
 #, c-format
 msgid "&Quit %s"
 msgstr "&Abbandona %s"
-#: AsyncRPC.cpp:1243
+#: clientgui/AsyncRPC.cpp:1036
 #, c-format
 msgid "E&xit %s"
 msgstr "&Esci da %s"
-#: AsyncRPC.cpp:1247
+#: clientgui/AsyncRPC.cpp:1040
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - Communication"
 msgstr "%s - Comunicazione"
-#: AsyncRPC.cpp:1263 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:107 sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:452
+#: clientgui/AsyncRPC.cpp:1056
 msgid "Cancel"
 msgstr "Annulla"
-#: BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:505
+#: clientgui/BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:504
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - Connection Error"
 msgstr "%s - Errore di connessione"
-#: BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:514
+#: clientgui/BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:513
 msgid ""
 "You currently are not authorized to manage the client.\n"
-"Please contact your administrator to add you to the 'boinc_users' local user "
+"Please contact your administrator to add you to the 'boinc_users' local user group."
 msgstr ""
 "Non sei autorizzato a gestire il client BOINC.\n"
 "Contatta l'amministratore del computer per aggiungere il tuo account al "
 "gruppo 'boinc_users'."
-#: BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:523
+#: clientgui/BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:522
 msgid ""
 "Authorization failed connecting to running client.\n"
 "Make sure you start this program in the same directory as the client."
@@ -668,21 +701,21 @@ msgstr ""
 "Autorizzazione fallita durante la connessione al client BOINC in esecuzione.\n"
 "Assicurati di avviare questo programma dalla stessa cartella."
-#: BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:525
+#: clientgui/BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:524
 msgid "Authorization failed connecting to running client."
 msgstr ""
 "Autorizzazione fallita durante la connessione al client BOINC in esecuzione."
-#: BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:533
+#: clientgui/BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:532
 msgid "The password you have provided is incorrect, please try again."
 msgstr "La password inserita non è corretta, riprova ancora."
-#: BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:577
+#: clientgui/BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:576
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - Connection Failed"
 msgstr "%s - Connessione fallita"
-#: BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:586
+#: clientgui/BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:585
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "%s is not able to connect to a %s client.\n"
@@ -691,23 +724,22 @@ msgstr ""
 "%s non può connettersi al client %s.\n"
 "Ritentare la connessione?"
-#: BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:622
+#: clientgui/BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:621
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - Daemon Start Failed"
 msgstr "%s - Avvio del servizio non riuscito"
-#: BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:632
+#: clientgui/BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:631
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "%s is not able to start a %s client.\n"
-"Please launch the Control Panel->Administative Tools->Services applet and "
-"start the BOINC service."
+"Please launch the Control Panel->Administative Tools->Services applet and start the BOINC service."
 msgstr ""
 "%s non riesce ad avviare il client %s.\n"
 "Vai su Pannello di controllo->Strumenti di amministrazione->Servizi "
 "componenti ed avvia il servizio BOINC."
-#: BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:638
+#: clientgui/BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:637
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "%s is not able to start a %s client.\n"
@@ -716,17 +748,16 @@ msgstr ""
 "%s non riesce ad avviare il client %s.\n"
 "Avvia il servizio e riprova."
-#: BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:689
+#: clientgui/BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:688
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - Connection Status"
 msgstr "%s - Stato della connessione"
-#: BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:700
+#: clientgui/BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:699
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "%s is not currently connected to a %s client.\n"
-"Please use the 'Advanced\\Select Computer...' menu option to connect up to a "
-"%s client.\n"
+"Please use the 'Advanced\\Select Computer...' menu option to connect up to a %s client.\n"
 "To connect up to your local computer please use 'localhost' as the host name."
 msgstr ""
 "%s al momento non è connesso al client %s.\n"
@@ -734,16 +765,16 @@ msgstr ""
 "al client %s.\n"
 "Per connetterti al computer locale usa 'localhost' come host name."
-#: BOINCBaseView.cpp:774
+#: clientgui/BOINCBaseView.cpp:752
 msgid "Project web pages"
 msgstr "Siti web del progetto"
-#: BOINCClientManager.cpp:573
+#: clientgui/BOINCClientManager.cpp:573
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - Unexpected Exit"
 msgstr "%s - Disconnessione Inaspettata "
-#: BOINCClientManager.cpp:583
+#: clientgui/BOINCClientManager.cpp:583
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "The %s client has exited unexpectedly 3 times within the last %d minutes.\n"
@@ -753,12 +784,12 @@ msgstr ""
 "Vuoi ricollegarti?"
-#: BOINCDialupManager.cpp:61
+#: clientgui/BOINCDialupManager.cpp:61
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - Network Status"
 msgstr "%s - Stato della rete"
-#: BOINCDialupManager.cpp:241
+#: clientgui/BOINCDialupManager.cpp:241
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "%s needs to connect to the Internet.\n"
@@ -767,22 +798,22 @@ msgstr ""
 "%s deve connettersi a Internet.\n"
 "Può farlo ora?"
-#: BOINCDialupManager.cpp:254
+#: clientgui/BOINCDialupManager.cpp:254
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s is connecting to the Internet."
 msgstr "%s si sta connettendo a Internet."
-#: BOINCDialupManager.cpp:303
+#: clientgui/BOINCDialupManager.cpp:303
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s has successfully connected to the Internet."
 msgstr "%s è riuscito a connettersi a Internet."
-#: BOINCDialupManager.cpp:331
+#: clientgui/BOINCDialupManager.cpp:331
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s failed to connect to the Internet."
 msgstr "%s non è riuscito a connettersi a Internet."
-#: BOINCDialupManager.cpp:372
+#: clientgui/BOINCDialupManager.cpp:372
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "%s has detected it is now connected to the Internet.\n"
@@ -792,17 +823,17 @@ msgstr ""
 "L'aggiornamento di tutti i progetti e i nuovi tentativi di trasferimento "
 "sono in corso."
-#: BOINCDialupManager.cpp:417
+#: clientgui/BOINCDialupManager.cpp:417
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s has successfully disconnected from the Internet."
 msgstr "%s è riuscito a disconnettersi da Internet."
-#: BOINCDialupManager.cpp:433
+#: clientgui/BOINCDialupManager.cpp:433
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s failed to disconnected from the Internet."
 msgstr "%s non è riuscito a disconnettersi da Internet."
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:345
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:595
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "You currently are not authorized to manage the client.\n"
@@ -823,7 +854,7 @@ msgstr ""
 "  - contatta l'amministratore del computer per aggiungere il tuo \n"
 "     account al gruppo 'boinc_master'."
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:351
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:601
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "%s ownership or permissions are not set properly; please reinstall %s.\n"
@@ -833,16 +864,15 @@ msgstr ""
 "risolvere il problema installa nuovamente %s.\n"
 "(Codice errore %d)"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:357
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:607
 msgid " at "
 msgstr "a"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:360 MainDocument.cpp:2472 MainDocument.cpp:2522
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2542 ViewTransfers.cpp:792
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:610
 msgid ")"
 msgstr ")"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:393
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:640
 msgid ""
 "A reboot is required in order for BOINC to run properly.\n"
 "Please reboot your computer and try again."
@@ -850,163 +880,165 @@ msgstr ""
 "Per un corretto funzionamento di BOINC è necessario riavviare il sistema.\n"
 "Riavvia e prova nuovamente."
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:394 DlgAbout.cpp:153
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:641
 msgid "BOINC Manager"
 msgstr "BOINC Manager"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:561
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:902
 msgid "BOINC Manager was started by the operating system automatically"
 msgstr "BOINC Manager è stato avviato dal sistema operativo in modo automatico"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:563
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:904
 msgid "Startup BOINC so only the system tray icon is visible"
 msgstr ""
 "Avvia BOINC in modo che sia visibile solo l'icona nella barra di sistema"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:565
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:906
 msgid "Directory containing the BOINC Client executable"
 msgstr "Cartella contenente file eseguibili del client BOINC"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:566
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:907
 msgid "BOINC data directory"
 msgstr "Cartella dei dati di BOINC"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:568
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:909
 msgid "Host name or IP address"
 msgstr "Nome del host o indirizzo IP"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:569
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:910
 msgid "GUI RPC port number"
 msgstr "Numero della porta GUI RPC"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:570
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:911
 msgid "Password"
 msgstr "Chiave d'accesso"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:571
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:912
 msgid "Startup BOINC with these optional arguments"
 msgstr "Avvia BOINC con questi parametri opzionali"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:572
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:913
 msgid "disable BOINC security users and permissions"
 msgstr "disabilita la sicurezza utenti e i permessi di BOINC"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:573
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:914
 msgid "set skin debugging mode to enable skin manager error messages"
 msgstr ""
 "imposta la modalità di debug per la visualizzazione per abilitarne i "
 "messaggi di errore del gestore"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:574
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:915
 msgid "multiple instances of BOINC Manager allowed"
 msgstr "Sono consentite istanze multiple del BOINC Manager"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:576
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:917
 msgid "Not used: workaround for bug in XCode 4.2"
 msgstr "Non utilizzato: workaround per il bug in XCode 4.2"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:794
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:1164
 msgid "(Automatic Detection)"
 msgstr "(Rilevazione automatica)"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:795
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:1165
 msgid "(Unknown)"
 msgstr "(Sconosciuto)"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:796
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:1166
 msgid "(User Defined)"
 msgstr "(Stabilito dall'utente)"
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:511
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:522
 #, c-format
 msgid "Open %s Web..."
 msgstr "Apri %s Web..."
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:518
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:529
 #, c-format
 msgid "Open %s..."
 msgstr "Apri %s..."
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:525 BOINCTaskBar.cpp:621 BOINCTaskBar.cpp:629
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:536
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:633
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:641
 msgid "Snooze"
 msgstr "Sospendi tutto"
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:527 BOINCTaskBar.cpp:648 BOINCTaskBar.cpp:656
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:538
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:660
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:668
 msgid "Snooze GPU"
 msgstr "Ferma GPU"
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:543 mac/MacSysMenu.cpp:225
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:556
 msgid "E&xit"
 msgstr "&Esci"
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:614 ViewProjects.cpp:708 ViewWork.cpp:784
-#: sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:738 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:110
-#: sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:102
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:626
 msgid "Resume"
 msgstr "Riprendi"
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:641
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:653
 msgid "Resume GPU"
 msgstr "Riprendi GPU"
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:715
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:727
 msgid "Computing is enabled"
 msgstr "L'elaborazione è abilitata"
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:719
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:731
 msgid "Computing is suspended - "
 msgstr "L'elaborazione è sospesa -"
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:729
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:741
 msgid "GPU computing is enabled"
 msgstr "L'elaborazione della GPU è abilitata"
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:732
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:744
 msgid "GPU computing is suspended - "
 msgstr "L'elaborazione della GPU è sospesa -."
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:741
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:753
 msgid "Network is enabled"
 msgstr "La rete è abilitata"
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:744
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:756
 msgid "Network is suspended - "
 msgstr "L'attività di rete è sospesa -"
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:752
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:764
 msgid "Reconnecting to client."
 msgstr "Riconnessione al client in corso."
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:754
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:766
 msgid "Not connected to a client."
 msgstr "Non connesso ad un client."
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:807
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:819
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s Notices"
 msgstr "Avvisi di %s"
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:813
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:825
 msgid "There are new notices - click to view."
 msgstr "Ci sono nuovi avvisi - clicca per vederli."
-#: CompletionErrorPage.cpp:199
+#: clientgui/CompletionErrorPage.cpp:199
 msgid "Failed to add project"
 msgstr "Impossibile aggiungere il progetto"
-#: CompletionErrorPage.cpp:204
+#: clientgui/CompletionErrorPage.cpp:204
 msgid "Failed to update account manager"
 msgstr "L'aggiornamento dell'account manager non è riuscito"
-#: CompletionErrorPage.cpp:208
+#: clientgui/CompletionErrorPage.cpp:208
 msgid "Failed to remove account manager"
 msgstr "La disconnessione dall'account manager non è riuscita"
-#: CompletionErrorPage.cpp:212
+#: clientgui/CompletionErrorPage.cpp:212
 msgid "Failed to add account manager"
 msgstr "Impossibile aggiungere l'account manager"
-#: CompletionErrorPage.cpp:221
+#: clientgui/CompletionErrorPage.cpp:221
 msgid ""
 "Please try again later.\n"
@@ -1016,24 +1048,26 @@ msgstr ""
 "Clicca Fine per chiudere."
-#: CompletionErrorPage.cpp:225 CompletionPage.cpp:222 CompletionPage.cpp:242
-#: CompletionPage.cpp:273
+#: clientgui/CompletionErrorPage.cpp:225
+#: clientgui/CompletionPage.cpp:222
+#: clientgui/CompletionPage.cpp:242
+#: clientgui/CompletionPage.cpp:273
 msgid "Click Finish to close."
 msgstr "Clicca su 'Fine' per chiudere."
-#: CompletionErrorPage.cpp:234
+#: clientgui/CompletionErrorPage.cpp:234
 msgid "Messages from server:"
 msgstr "Messaggi dal server:"
-#: CompletionPage.cpp:207
+#: clientgui/CompletionPage.cpp:207
 msgid "Project added"
 msgstr "Progetto aggiunto"
-#: CompletionPage.cpp:213
+#: clientgui/CompletionPage.cpp:213
 msgid "This project has been successfully added."
 msgstr "Questo progetto è stato correttamente aggiunto."
-#: CompletionPage.cpp:218
+#: clientgui/CompletionPage.cpp:218
 msgid ""
 "When you click Finish, your web browser will go to a page where\n"
 "you can set your account name and preferences."
@@ -1042,126 +1076,128 @@ msgstr ""
 "potrai gestire il tuo account e le tue preferenze."
-#: CompletionPage.cpp:232
+#: clientgui/CompletionPage.cpp:232
 #, c-format
 msgid "Update from %s completed."
 msgstr "Aggiornamento da %s completato."
-#: CompletionPage.cpp:236
+#: clientgui/CompletionPage.cpp:236
 msgid "Update completed."
 msgstr "Aggiornamento completato."
-#: CompletionPage.cpp:247
+#: clientgui/CompletionPage.cpp:247
 msgid "Now using account manager"
 msgstr "Ora, stai utilizzando l'account manager"
-#: CompletionPage.cpp:252
+#: clientgui/CompletionPage.cpp:252
 #, c-format
 msgid "Welcome to %s!"
 msgstr "Benvenuto su %s!"
-#: CompletionPage.cpp:263
+#: clientgui/CompletionPage.cpp:263
 #, c-format
 msgid "You are now using %s to manage accounts."
 msgstr "Stai utilizzando %s per gestire gli account."
-#: CompletionPage.cpp:267
+#: clientgui/CompletionPage.cpp:267
 msgid "You are now using this account manager."
 msgstr "Ora stai utilizzando questo account manager."
-#: DlgAbout.cpp:113 mac/Mac_GUI.cpp:95
+#: clientgui/DlgAbout.cpp:113
 #, c-format
 msgid "About %s"
 msgstr "Informazioni su %s"
-#: DlgAbout.cpp:172
+#: clientgui/DlgAbout.cpp:172
 msgid "Version:"
 msgstr "Versione:"
-#: DlgAbout.cpp:180
+#: clientgui/DlgAbout.cpp:180
 msgid "wxWidgets Version:"
 msgstr "Versione dei wxWidget:"
-#: DlgAbout.cpp:188
+#: clientgui/DlgAbout.cpp:188
 msgid "Copyright:"
 msgstr "Copyright"
-# 98%
-#: DlgAbout.cpp:192
+#: clientgui/DlgAbout.cpp:192
 msgid ""
-"(C) 2003-2013 University of California, Berkeley.\n"
+"(C) 2003-2014 University of California, Berkeley.\n"
 "All Rights Reserved."
 msgstr ""
-"(C) 2003-2013 Università della California, Berkeley.\n"
-"Tutti i diritti riservati."
-#: DlgAbout.cpp:196
+#: clientgui/DlgAbout.cpp:196
 msgid "Berkeley Open Infrastructure for Network Computing"
 msgstr ""
 "Traduzione a cura di BOINC.Italy (www.boincitaly.org)\n"
 "Berkeley Open Infrastructure for Network Computing"
-#: DlgAbout.cpp:208 DlgExitMessage.cpp:173 DlgGenericMessage.cpp:120
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:396 DlgSelectComputer.cpp:162
+#: clientgui/DlgAbout.cpp:208
+#: clientgui/DlgExitMessage.cpp:173
+#: clientgui/DlgGenericMessage.cpp:120
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:399
+#: clientgui/DlgSelectComputer.cpp:163
 msgid "&OK"
 msgstr "&OK"
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:542
-msgid "invalid float"
-msgstr "numero decimale non valido"
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:602
+msgid "invalid number"
+msgstr "numero non valido"
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:543
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:603
 msgid "invalid time, format is HH:MM"
 msgstr "orario non valido, il formato deve essere HH:MM"
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:544
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:604
 msgid "invalid time interval, format is HH:MM-HH:MM"
 msgstr "intervallo di tempo non valido, il formato deve essere HH:MM-HH:MM"
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:664
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:817
 msgid "invalid input value detected"
 msgstr "trovato un valore inserito non valido"
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:666
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:819
 msgid "Validation Error"
 msgstr "Errore di validazione"
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:797 DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:803
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:809
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:969
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:975
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:981
 msgid "Applications to add"
 msgstr "Applicazioni da aggiungere"
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:826
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:998
 #, c-format
 msgid "'%s' is not an executable application."
 msgstr "%s non è un'applicazione eseguibile"
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:827 DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:874
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:898
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:999
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:1046
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:1070
 msgid "Add Exclusive App"
 msgstr "Aggiungi Applicazione Esclusiva"
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:839
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:1011
 msgid "Name of application to add?"
 msgstr "Nome dell'applicazione da aggiungere?"
 # 88%
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:839
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:1011
 msgid "Add exclusive app"
 msgstr "Aggiungi applicazioni esclusive"
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:873
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:1045
 #, c-format
 msgid "Application names must end with '%s'"
 msgstr "I nomi delle applicazioni devono finire con '%s'"
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:897
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:1069
 #, c-format
 msgid "'%s' is already in the list."
 msgstr "'%s' è già nella lista."
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:989
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:1161
 msgid ""
 "Do you really want to clear all local preferences?\n"
 "(This will not affect exclusive applications.)"
@@ -1169,16 +1205,16 @@ msgstr ""
 "Vuoi veramente cancellare tutte le tue preferenze locali?\n"
 "(Questo non modificherà le applicazioni esclusive.)"
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:990 sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:1032
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:1162
 msgid "Confirmation"
 msgstr "Conferma"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:46 sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:948
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:49
 #, c-format
-msgid "%s - Preferences"
-msgstr "%s - Preferenze"
+msgid "%s - Computing preferences"
+msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:62
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:66
 msgid ""
 "This dialog controls preferences for this computer only.\n"
 "Click OK to set preferences.\n"
@@ -1189,284 +1225,295 @@ msgstr ""
 "Clicca sul pulsante Rimuovi per ripristinare l'uso delle impostazioni via "
 "web (tranne per le applicazioni esclusive)."
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:65 sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:447
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:69
 msgid "Clear"
 msgstr "Rimuovi"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:66 sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:448
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:70
 msgid "clear all local preferences and close the dialog"
 msgstr "rimuovi tutte le preferenze locali e chiudi la finestra"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:81
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:85
 msgid "processor usage"
 msgstr "uso del processore"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:84
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:88
 msgid "network usage"
 msgstr "uso della rete"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:87
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:91
 msgid "disk and memory usage"
 msgstr "uso del disco e della memoria"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:90
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:94
 msgid "exclusive applications"
 msgstr "applicazioni esclusive"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:102 sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:443
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:107
+#: clientgui/DlgDiagnosticLogFlags.cpp:104
 msgid "OK"
 msgstr "OK"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:103
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:108
 msgid "save all values and close the dialog"
 msgstr "salva tutto e chiudi la finestra"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:108
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:114
 msgid "close the dialog without saving"
 msgstr "chiudi la finestra senza salvare"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:112 Localization.cpp:35 Localization.cpp:121
-#: Localization.cpp:139 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:774 sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:458
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:118
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:35
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:121
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:139
 msgid "Help"
 msgstr "Aiuto"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:113
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:119
 msgid "shows the preferences web page"
 msgstr "mostra la pagina web di aiuto sulle preferenze"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:135
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:141
 msgid "Computing allowed"
 msgstr "Elaborazione abilitata"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:139
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:146
 msgid "While computer is on batteries"
 msgstr "Quando il computer va a batterie"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:142
-msgid ""
-"check this if you want this computer to do work while it runs on batteries"
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:149
+msgid "check this if you want this computer to do work while it runs on batteries"
 msgstr ""
 "spunta questa voce se vuoi che il computer elabori anche se è alimentato a "
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:148
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:155
 msgid "While computer is in use"
 msgstr "Quando il computer è in uso"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:151
-msgid ""
-"check this if you want this computer to do work even when you're using it"
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:158
+msgid "check this if you want this computer to do work even when you're using it"
 msgstr ""
 "spunta questa voce se vuoi che il computer elabori anche quando lo stai "
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:157
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:164
 msgid "Use GPU while computer is in use"
 msgstr "Usa GPU mentre il computer è in uso"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:160
-msgid ""
-"check this if you want your GPU to do work even when you're using the "
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:167
+msgid "check this if you want your GPU to do work even when you're using the computer"
 msgstr ""
 "spunta questa voce se vuoi che la GPU elabori anche quando stai utilizzando "
 "il computer"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:172
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:179
 msgid "Only after computer has been idle for"
 msgstr "Solamente quando il computer è inutilizzato da più di"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:182
-msgid ""
-"do work only after you haven't used the computer for this number of minutes"
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:188
+msgid "do work only after you haven't used the computer for this number of minutes"
 msgstr ""
 "elabora solo dopo che il computer non è utilizzato per questo numero di "
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:187 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:336
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:436
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:193
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:342
 msgid "minutes"
 msgstr "minuti"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:206
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:212
 msgid "While processor usage is less than"
 msgstr "Quando l'utilizzo del processore è minore del"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:216
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:221
 msgid "suspend work if processor usage exceeds this level"
 msgstr "sospendere i lavori se l'utilizzo del processore supera questo livello"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:221
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:226
 msgid "percent (0 means no restriction)"
 msgstr "percento (0 indica nessuna restrizione)"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:235 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:495
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:240
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:506
 msgid "Every day between hours of"
 msgstr "Ogni giorno tra le"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:239
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:244
 msgid "start work at this time"
 msgstr "inizia l'elaborazione a quest'ora"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:243 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:503
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:345 sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:367
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:248
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:514
 msgid "and"
 msgstr "e le"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:247
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:252
 msgid "stop work at this time"
 msgstr "sospende l'elaborazione a quest'ora"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:251 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:511
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:256
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:522
 msgid "(no restriction if equal)"
 msgstr "(nessuna restrizione se sono uguali)"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:256 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:516
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:261
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:527
 msgid "Day-of-week override:"
 msgstr "Impostazioni speciali per alcuni giorni della settimana:"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:261 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:521
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:266
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:532
 msgid "check box to specify hours for this day of week"
 msgstr ""
 "spunta la voce del giorno della settimana per specificare le ore di "
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:267 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:527
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:272
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:538
 msgid "Monday"
 msgstr "Lunedì"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:274 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:534
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:279
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:545
 msgid "Tuesday"
 msgstr "Martedì"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:281 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:541
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:286
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:552
 msgid "Wednesday"
 msgstr "Mercoledì"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:288 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:548
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:293
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:559
 msgid "Thursday"
 msgstr "Giovedì"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:295 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:555
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:300
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:566
 msgid "Friday"
 msgstr "Venerdì"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:302 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:562
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:307
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:573
 msgid "Saturday"
 msgstr "Sabato"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:309 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:569
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:314
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:580
 msgid "Sunday"
 msgstr "Domenica"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:323
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:328
 msgid "Other options"
 msgstr "Altre opzioni"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:330
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:336
 msgid "Switch between applications every"
 msgstr "Cambia applicazione ogni"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:339
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:345
 msgid "On multiprocessor systems, use at most"
 msgstr "Sui sistemi multiprocessore, usa al massimo"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:346
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:352
 #, no-c-format
-msgid "% of the processors (0 means ignore this setting)"
-msgstr "% dei processori (0 significa ignora questa impostazione)"
+msgid "% of the processors (0 means no restriction)"
+msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:349 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:604
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:626 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:647
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:668 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:678
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:355
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:618
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:640
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:661
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:683
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:694
 msgid "Use at most"
 msgstr "Usa al massimo"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:356
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:362
 #, no-c-format
-msgid "% CPU time"
-msgstr "% della CPU"
+msgid "% of CPU time (0 means no restriction)"
+msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:377
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:386
 msgid "General options"
 msgstr "Opzioni generali"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:385
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:395
 msgid "Maximum download rate"
 msgstr "Velocità massima di scaricamento"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:391 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:400
-msgid "KBytes/sec."
-msgstr "KBytes/sec."
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:401
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:410
+msgid "KBytes/second (0 means no restriction)"
+msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:394
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:404
 msgid "Maximum upload rate"
 msgstr "Velocità massima di invio"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:405
-msgid "Transfer at most"
-msgstr "Trasferisci al massimo"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:411
-msgid "Mbytes"
-msgstr "Mbytes"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:414
-msgid "every"
-msgstr "ogni"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:420 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:443
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:462
-msgid "days"
-msgstr "giorni"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:428
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:417
 msgid "Minimum work buffer"
 msgstr "Riserva di lavoro addizionale minima"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:437
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:425
 msgid "Try to maintain enough tasks to keep busy for this many days"
 msgstr ""
 "Cerca di mantenere sufficienti lavori per rimanere occupato per questi "
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:449
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:431
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:449
+msgid "days (maximum value: 10)"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:437
 msgid "Max additional work buffer"
 msgstr "Riserva di lavoro addizionale massima"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:458
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:445
 msgid "In addition, maintain enough tasks for up to this many days"
 msgstr "In aggiunta, mantieni lavori sufficienti per per questi giorni"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:465
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:454
+msgid "Transfer at most"
+msgstr "Trasferisci al massimo"
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:462
+msgid "MBytes every"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:468
+msgid "days (0 means no restriction)"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:476
 msgid "Skip image file verification"
 msgstr "Salta la verifica dei file immagine"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:467
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:478
 msgid "check this if your Internet provider modifies image files"
 msgstr "spunta questa voce se il tuo provider Internet modifica i file immagine"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:475
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:484
 msgid "Connect options"
 msgstr "Opzioni di connessione"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:477
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:487
 msgid "Confirm before connecting to internet"
 msgstr "Chiede conferma prima di connettersi ad Internet"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:479
-msgid ""
-"if checked, a confirmation dialog will be displayed before trying to connect "
-"to the Internet"
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:489
+msgid "if checked, a confirmation dialog will be displayed before trying to connect to the Internet"
 msgstr ""
 "se la voce è spuntata, sarà chiesta una conferma prima di effettuare una "
 "connessione ad Internet"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:483
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:493
 msgid "Disconnect when done"
 msgstr "Disconnetti al termine delle operazioni"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:485
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:495
 msgid ""
 "if checked, BOINC hangs up when network usage is done\n"
 "(only relevant for dialup-connection)"
@@ -1474,196 +1521,220 @@ msgstr ""
 "se la voce è spuntata, BOINC riaggancia al termine delle operazioni\n"
 "(rilevante solo per connessioni dialup)"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:491
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:501
 msgid "Network usage allowed"
 msgstr "Uso della rete"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:499
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:510
 msgid "network usage start hour"
 msgstr "ora di inizio dell'uso della rete"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:507
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:518
 msgid "network usage stop hour"
 msgstr "ora di interruzione dell'uso della rete"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:597 DlgItemProperties.cpp:226
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:610
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:257
 msgid "Disk usage"
 msgstr "Uso del disco"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:608
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:622
 msgid "the maximum disk space used by BOINC (in Gigabytes)"
 msgstr "il massimo spazio su disco usato da BOINC (in Gigabytes)"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:612
-msgid "Gigabytes disk space"
-msgstr "Gigabytes di spazio sul disco"
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:626
+msgid "Gigabytes disk space (0 means no restriction)"
+msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:615
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:629
 msgid "Leave at least"
 msgstr "Lascia come minimo"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:619
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:633
 msgid "BOINC leaves at least this amount of disk space free (in Gigabytes)"
 msgstr ""
 "BOINC lascia almeno questa quantità di spazio libero su disco (in Gigabytes)"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:623
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:637
 msgid "Gigabytes disk space free"
 msgstr "Gigabytes di spazio libero sul disco"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:630
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:644
 msgid "BOINC uses at most this percentage of total disk space"
 msgstr "BOINC usa al massimo questa percentuale di spazio del disco"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:635
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:649
 #, no-c-format
 msgid "% of total disk space"
 msgstr "% dello spazio totale del disco"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:638
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:652
 msgid "Tasks checkpoint to disk at most every"
 msgstr "Scrivi su disco al massimo ogni"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:644
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:658
 msgid "seconds"
 msgstr "secondi"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:654
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:668
 #, no-c-format
 msgid "% of page file (swap space)"
 msgstr "% del file di paging (spazio di swap)"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:661
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:675
 msgid "Memory usage"
 msgstr "Uso della memoria"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:675
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:691
 #, no-c-format
 msgid "% when computer is in use"
 msgstr "% quando il computer è in uso"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:685
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:701
 #, no-c-format
 msgid "% when computer is idle"
 msgstr "% quando il computer non è in uso"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:690
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:706
 msgid "Leave applications in memory while suspended"
 msgstr " Lascia le applicazioni in memoria quando sono sospese"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:692
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:708
 msgid "if checked, suspended work units are left in memory"
 msgstr ""
 "se la voce è spuntata, le elaborazioni sospese vengono lasciate in memoria"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:712
-msgid ""
-"Suspend processor and network usage when these applications are running:"
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:728
+msgid "Suspend processor and network usage when these applications are running:"
 msgstr ""
 "Sospendi il processore e l'utilizzo della rete quando queste applicazioni "
 "sono in esecuzione:"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:721
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:738
 msgid "Add..."
 msgstr "Aggiungi..."
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:722
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:739
 msgid "Add an application to this list"
 msgstr "Aggiungi un'applicazione alla lista"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:727 ViewProjects.cpp:201
-#: sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:85
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:744
 msgid "Remove"
 msgstr "Rimuovi"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:728
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:745
 msgid "Remove an application from this list"
 msgstr "Rimuovi applicazione dalla lista"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:737
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:754
 msgid "For advanced options, refer to "
 msgstr "Per le opzioni avanzate, vai su"
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:217
+#: clientgui/DlgDiagnosticLogFlags.cpp:65
+#, c-format
+msgid "%s Diagnostic Log Flags"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/DlgDiagnosticLogFlags.cpp:83
+msgid "These flags enable various types of diagnostic messages in the Event Log."
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/DlgDiagnosticLogFlags.cpp:105
+msgid "Save all values and close the dialog"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/DlgDiagnosticLogFlags.cpp:108
+msgid "Defaults"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/DlgDiagnosticLogFlags.cpp:109
+msgid "Restore default settings"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/DlgDiagnosticLogFlags.cpp:113
+msgid "Close the dialog without saving"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:226
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - Event Log"
 msgstr "%s - Log Eventi"
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:230 ViewMessages.cpp:117 ViewProjects.cpp:218
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:427 ViewStatistics.cpp:1996 ViewTransfers.cpp:181
-#: ViewWork.cpp:231
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:236
 msgid "Project"
 msgstr "Progetto"
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:231 ViewMessages.cpp:118
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:237
 msgid "Time"
 msgstr "Ora"
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:232 ViewMessages.cpp:119
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:238
 msgid "Message"
 msgstr "Messaggio"
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:287 DlgEventLog.cpp:351
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:300
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:364
 msgid "&Show only this project"
 msgstr "Mostra &solo questo progetto"
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:291
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:304
 msgid "Copy &All"
 msgstr "Copi&a Tutto"
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:293 DlgEventLog.cpp:297 ViewMessages.cpp:89
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:306
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:310
 msgid "Copy all the messages to the clipboard."
 msgstr "Copia tutti i messaggi negli appunti."
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:302
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:315
 msgid "Copy &Selected"
 msgstr "Copia &Selezionati"
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:305 DlgEventLog.cpp:313 ViewMessages.cpp:97
-msgid ""
-"Copy the selected messages to the clipboard. You can select multiple "
-"messages by holding down the shift or command key while clicking on messages."
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:318
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:326
+msgid "Copy the selected messages to the clipboard. You can select multiple messages by holding down the shift or command key while clicking on messages."
 msgstr ""
 "Copia i messaggi selezionati negli appunti. Puoi selezionare più messaggi "
 "insieme tenendo premuto il tasto Shift o command mentre clicchi sui "
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:307 DlgEventLog.cpp:315 ViewMessages.cpp:99
-msgid ""
-"Copy the selected messages to the clipboard. You can select multiple "
-"messages by holding down the shift or control key while clicking on messages."
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:320
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:328
+msgid "Copy the selected messages to the clipboard. You can select multiple messages by holding down the shift or control key while clicking on messages."
 msgstr ""
 "Copia i messaggi selezionati negli appunti. Puoi selezionare più messaggi "
 "insieme tenendo premuto il tasto Shift o Ctrl mentre clicchi sui messaggi."
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:322 DlgItemProperties.cpp:66
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:335
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:67
 msgid "&Close"
 msgstr "&Chiudi"
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:331 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:778 sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:461
-#: sg_ProjectsComponent.cpp:142
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:344
 #, c-format
 msgid "Get help with %s"
 msgstr "Ottieni aiuto con %s"
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:345
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:358
 msgid "Show all &messages"
 msgstr "Mostra tutti i &messaggi"
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:346 DlgEventLog.cpp:348
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:359
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:361
 msgid "Show messages for all projects"
 msgstr "Mostra i messaggi di tutti i progetti"
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:352 DlgEventLog.cpp:354
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:365
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:367
 msgid "Show only the messages for the selected project"
 msgstr "Mostra solamente i messaggi del progetto selezionato"
-#: DlgExitMessage.cpp:82
+#: clientgui/DlgExitMessage.cpp:82
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - Exit Confirmation"
 msgstr "%s - Conferma della chiusura"
-#: DlgExitMessage.cpp:130
+#: clientgui/DlgExitMessage.cpp:130
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "You have requested to exit the %s,\n"
@@ -1680,7 +1751,7 @@ msgstr ""
 "Se vuoi anche fermare i lavori in corso,\n"
 "scegli dalle opzioni seguenti:"
-#: DlgExitMessage.cpp:135
+#: clientgui/DlgExitMessage.cpp:135
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "This will shut down %s and its tasks until either the\n"
@@ -1697,393 +1768,419 @@ msgstr ""
 "che uscire dall'applicazione; questo permetterebbe a %s di eseguire i suoi\n"
 "processi negli orari che hai selezionato nelle tue preferenze."
-#: DlgExitMessage.cpp:153
+#: clientgui/DlgExitMessage.cpp:153
 #, c-format
 msgid "Stop running tasks when exiting the %s"
 msgstr "Ferma i lavori in corso quando esci da %s"
-#: DlgExitMessage.cpp:165
+#: clientgui/DlgExitMessage.cpp:165
 msgid "Remember this decision and do not show this dialog."
 msgstr "Ricorda la scelta e non visualizzare più questo messaggio."
-#: DlgExitMessage.cpp:178 DlgGenericMessage.cpp:125 DlgOptions.cpp:401
-#: DlgSelectComputer.cpp:167 wizardex.cpp:378
+#: clientgui/DlgExitMessage.cpp:178
+#: clientgui/DlgGenericMessage.cpp:125
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:404
+#: clientgui/DlgSelectComputer.cpp:168
 msgid "&Cancel"
 msgstr "&Annulla"
-#: DlgGenericMessage.cpp:112
+#: clientgui/DlgGenericMessage.cpp:112
 msgid "Don't show this dialog again."
 msgstr "Non visualizzare piu questo messaggio."
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:163 DlgItemProperties.cpp:166
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:169 DlgItemProperties.cpp:172
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:194
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:197
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:200
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:203
 msgid "Don't fetch tasks for "
 msgstr "Non richiedere nuovo lavoro per"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:163
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:194
 msgid "Project preference"
 msgstr "Preferenze per il progetto"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:166
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:197
 msgid "Account manager preference"
 msgstr "Preferenze dell'account manager"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:169
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:200
 msgid "Project has no apps for "
 msgstr "Il progetto non ha applicazioni per"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:172
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:203
 msgid "Client configuration excludes "
 msgstr "La configurazione client esclude"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:176
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:207
 msgid " work fetch deferred for"
 msgstr " richiesta di nuovo lavoro rinviata di"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:177
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:208
 msgid " work fetch deferral interval"
 msgstr " intervallo di rinvio per la richiesta di nuovi lavori"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:208
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:239
 msgid "Properties of project "
 msgstr "Proprietà del progetto "
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:212 DlgOptions.cpp:218
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:243
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:221
 msgid "General"
 msgstr "Dati generali"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:213
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:244
 msgid "Master URL"
 msgstr "URL principale"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:214
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:245
 msgid "User name"
 msgstr "Nome utente"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:215
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:246
 msgid "Team name"
 msgstr "Nome del team"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:216 ViewProjects.cpp:223
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:247
 msgid "Resource share"
 msgstr "Allocazione risorse"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:218
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:249
 msgid "Scheduler RPC deferred for"
 msgstr "Scheduler RPC rimandato di"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:221
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:252
 msgid "File downloads deferred for"
 msgstr "Scaricamento dei file rimandato di"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:224
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:255
 msgid "File uploads deferred for"
 msgstr "Invio dei file rimandato di"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:227
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:258
 msgid "Computer ID"
 msgstr "Computer ID"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:229
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:260
 msgid "Non CPU intensive"
 msgstr "Non intensivo per la CPU"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:229 DlgItemProperties.cpp:231
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:232 DlgItemProperties.cpp:234
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:237 DlgItemProperties.cpp:246
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:249 DlgItemProperties.cpp:252
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:260
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:262
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:263
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:265
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:268
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:277
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:280
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:283
 msgid "yes"
 msgstr "si"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:231
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:262
 msgid "Suspended via GUI"
 msgstr "Sospeso dall'utente"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:231 DlgItemProperties.cpp:232
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:262
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:263
 msgid "no"
 msgstr "no"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:232
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:263
 msgid "Don't request more work"
 msgstr "Non richiedere nuovo lavoro"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:234
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:265
 msgid "Scheduler call in progress"
 msgstr "Richiesta allo scheduler in corso"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:237
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:268
 msgid "Trickle-up pending"
 msgstr "Messaggio istantaneo in attesa"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:240 DlgItemProperties.cpp:242
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:271
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:273
 msgid "Host location"
 msgstr "Posizione dell'host"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:242
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:273
 msgid "default"
 msgstr "predefinito"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:246
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:277
 msgid "Added via account manager"
 msgstr "Aggiunto mediante account manager"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:249
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:280
 msgid "Remove when tasks done"
 msgstr "Rimuovi il progetto al termine dell'elaborazione"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:252
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:283
 msgid "Ended"
 msgstr "Terminato"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:254
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:285
+msgid "Tasks completed"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:286
+msgid "Tasks failed"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:288
 msgid "Credit"
 msgstr "Crediti"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:255
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:289
 msgid "User"
 msgstr "Utente"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:262
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:296
 msgid "Host"
 msgstr "Computer"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:271
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:305
 msgid "Scheduling"
 msgstr "Programmazione del lavoro"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:272
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:306
 msgid "Scheduling priority"
 msgstr "Priorità di scheduling"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:273
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:307
 msgid "CPU"
 msgstr "CPU"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:297
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:331
 msgid "Duration correction factor"
 msgstr "Fattore di correzione del tempo di elaborazione"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:311
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:345
 msgid "Properties of task "
 msgstr "Proprietà dell'unità di lavoro "
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:323 ViewWork.cpp:237
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:357
 msgid "Application"
 msgstr "Applicazione"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:324
-msgid "Workunit name"
-msgstr "Nome dell'unità di lavoro"
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:358
+msgid "Name"
+msgstr "Nome"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:325
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:359
 msgid "State"
 msgstr "Stato"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:328
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:362
 msgid "Received"
 msgstr "Ricevuta"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:331
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:365
 msgid "Report deadline"
 msgstr "Scadenza"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:333
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:367
 msgid "Resources"
 msgstr "Risorse in uso"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:336
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:370
 msgid "Estimated computation size"
 msgstr "Durata stimata lavoro"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:339
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:373
 msgid "CPU time at last checkpoint"
 msgstr "Tempo CPU all'ultimo checkpoint"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:340 DlgItemProperties.cpp:355
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:374
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:389
 msgid "CPU time"
 msgstr "Tempo CPU"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:342 DlgItemProperties.cpp:356
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:376
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:390
 msgid "Elapsed time"
 msgstr "Tempo trascorso"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:344
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:378
 msgid "Estimated time remaining"
 msgstr "Stima del tempo rimanente"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:345
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:379
 msgid "Fraction done"
 msgstr "Frazione già eseguita"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:346
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:380
 msgid "Virtual memory size"
 msgstr "Dimensioni della memoria virtuale"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:347
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:381
 msgid "Working set size"
 msgstr "Dimensioni della memoria di lavoro"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:349
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:383
 msgid "Directory"
 msgstr "Cartella"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:352
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:386
 msgid "Process ID"
 msgstr "ID processo"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:426 ViewWork.cpp:1021 sg_TaskPanel.cpp:807
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:456
 msgid "Local: "
 msgstr "Locale:"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:129 DlgOptions.cpp:135
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:129
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:135
 msgid "Options"
 msgstr "Opzioni"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:175
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:178
 msgid "Language:"
 msgstr "Lingua:"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:182
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:185
 msgid "What language should BOINC use?"
 msgstr "Quale lingua desideri che BOINC utilizzI?"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:186
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:189
 msgid "Notice reminder interval:"
 msgstr "Intervallo di notifica avviso:"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:193
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:196
 msgid "How often should BOINC remind you of new notices?"
 msgstr "Quanto spesso vuoi che il Manager ti ricordi di nuovi avvisi?"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:198
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:201
 msgid "Run Manager at login?"
 msgstr "Avvia il Manager al login?"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:204
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:207
 msgid "Run the BOINC Manager when you log on."
 msgstr "Avvia il Manager subito dopo il login."
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:209
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:212
 msgid "Enable Manager exit dialog?"
 msgstr "Vuoi abilitare la finestra di dialogo alla chiusura del Manager?"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:215
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:218
 msgid "Display the exit dialog when shutting down the Manager."
 msgstr "Mostra la finestra di dialogo alla chiusura del Manager."
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:226
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:229
 msgid "Dial-up and Virtual Private Network settings"
 msgstr "Impostazioni di Dial-up e Virtual Private Network"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:240
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:243
 msgid "&Set Default"
 msgstr "&Imposta come predefinita"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:245
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:248
 msgid "&Clear Default"
 msgstr "&Non predefinita"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:252
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:255
 msgid "Default Connection:"
 msgstr "Connessione predefinita:"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:259
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:262
 msgid "Connections"
 msgstr "Connessioni"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:268
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:271
 msgid "Connect via HTTP proxy server"
 msgstr "Connetti tramite server proxy HTTP"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:272
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:275
 msgid "HTTP Proxy Server Configuration"
 msgstr "Configurazione server proxy HTTP"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:280 DlgOptions.cpp:344
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:283
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:347
 msgid "Address:"
 msgstr "Indirizzo:"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:288 DlgOptions.cpp:352 ProxyPage.cpp:340 ProxyPage.cpp:360
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:291
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:355
 msgid "Port:"
 msgstr "Porta:"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:296 DlgOptions.cpp:360
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:299
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:363
 msgid "Don't use proxy for:"
 msgstr "Non utilizzare il proxy per:"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:303 DlgOptions.cpp:367
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:306
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:370
 msgid "Leave these blank if not needed"
 msgstr "Lascia questi spazi vuoti se non necessari"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:309 DlgOptions.cpp:373 ProxyPage.cpp:343 ProxyPage.cpp:363
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:312
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:376
 msgid "User Name:"
 msgstr "Nome utente:"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:317 DlgOptions.cpp:381 DlgSelectComputer.cpp:151
-#: ProxyPage.cpp:346 ProxyPage.cpp:366
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:320
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:384
+#: clientgui/DlgSelectComputer.cpp:152
 msgid "Password:"
 msgstr "Password:"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:324
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:327
 msgid "HTTP Proxy"
 msgstr "Proxy HTTP"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:332
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:335
 msgid "Connect via SOCKS proxy server"
 msgstr "Connetti tramite server proxy SOCKS"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:336
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:339
 msgid "SOCKS Proxy Server Configuration"
 msgstr "Configurazione server proxy SOCKS"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:388
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:391
 msgid "SOCKS Proxy"
 msgstr "Proxy SOCKS"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:586
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:589
 msgid "always"
 msgstr "sempre"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:587
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:590
 msgid "1 hour"
 msgstr "1 ora"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:588
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:591
 msgid "6 hours"
 msgstr "6 ore"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:589
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:592
 msgid "1 day"
 msgstr "1 giorno"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:590
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:593
 msgid "1 week"
 msgstr "1 settimana"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:591
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:594
 msgid "never"
 msgstr "mai"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:688
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:691
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - Language Selection"
 msgstr "%s - Selezione della lingua"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:695
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:698
 #, c-format
-msgid ""
-"The %s's language has been changed.  In order for this change to take "
-"effect, you must restart the %s."
+msgid "The %s's language has been changed.  In order for this change to take effect, you must restart the %s."
 msgstr ""
 "La lingua di %s è stata cambiata.  Per rendere effettive le modifiche, devi "
 "riavviare %s."
-#: DlgSelectComputer.cpp:90
+#: clientgui/DlgSelectComputer.cpp:91
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - Select Computer"
 msgstr "%s - Seleziona un computer"
-#: DlgSelectComputer.cpp:124
+#: clientgui/DlgSelectComputer.cpp:125
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "Another instance of %s is already running \n"
@@ -2092,428 +2189,430 @@ msgstr ""
 "Un'altra istanza di %s sta già elaborando \n"
 "su questo computer. Per favore seleziona quale client seguire. "
-#: DlgSelectComputer.cpp:142
+#: clientgui/DlgSelectComputer.cpp:143
 msgid "Host name:"
 msgstr "Nome del computer:"
-#: Localization.cpp:31 Localization.cpp:69
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:31
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:69
 msgid "Message boards"
 msgstr "Forum"
-#: Localization.cpp:33
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:33
 msgid "Correspond with other users on the SETI at home message boards"
 msgstr "Discuti con altri utenti sul forum di SETI at home"
-#: Localization.cpp:37
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:37
 msgid "Ask questions and report problems"
 msgstr "Fai domande e riporta problemi"
-#: Localization.cpp:39 Localization.cpp:81 Localization.cpp:111
-#: Localization.cpp:129
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:39
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:81
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:111
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:129
 msgid "Your account"
 msgstr "Il tuo account"
-#: Localization.cpp:41 Localization.cpp:87 Localization.cpp:113
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:41
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:87
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:113
 msgid "View your account information and credit totals"
 msgstr "Visualizza le informazioni sul tuo account e sui crediti totali"
-#: Localization.cpp:43
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:43
 msgid "Your preferences"
 msgstr "Le tue preferenze"
-#: Localization.cpp:45
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:45
 msgid "View and modify your SETI at home account profile and preferences"
 msgstr ""
 "Visualizza e modifica il profilo del tuo account SETI at home e le tue "
-#: Localization.cpp:47 Localization.cpp:89
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:47
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:89
 msgid "Your results"
 msgstr "I tuoi risultati"
-#: Localization.cpp:49 Localization.cpp:91
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:49
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:91
 msgid "View your last week (or more) of computational results and work"
 msgstr "Visualizza la tua ultima settimana (o più) di elaborazioni"
-#: Localization.cpp:51 Localization.cpp:93
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:51
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:93
 msgid "Your computers"
 msgstr "I tuoi computer"
-#: Localization.cpp:53
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:53
 msgid "View a listing of all the computers on which you are running SETI at Home"
 msgstr ""
 "Visualizza l'elenco di tutti i computer con cui stai partecipando a "
 "SETI at Home"
-#: Localization.cpp:55 Localization.cpp:97
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:55
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:97
 msgid "Your team"
 msgstr "Il tuo team"
-#: Localization.cpp:57 Localization.cpp:99
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:57
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:99
 msgid "View information about your team"
 msgstr "Visualizza le informazioni sul tuo team"
-#: Localization.cpp:61
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:61
 msgid "Common questions"
 msgstr "Domande frequenti"
-#: Localization.cpp:63
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:63
 msgid "Read the Einstein at Home Frequently Asked Question list"
 msgstr "Leggi la lista delle domande frequenti di Einstein at Home"
-#: Localization.cpp:65
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:65
 msgid "Screensaver info"
 msgstr "Informazioni sullo screensaver"
-#: Localization.cpp:67
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:67
 msgid "Read a detailed description of the Einstein at Home screensaver"
 msgstr "Leggi una descrizione dettagliata dello sreensaver di Einstein at Home"
-#: Localization.cpp:71
-msgid ""
-"Correspond with admins and other users on the Einstein at Home message boards"
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:71
+msgid "Correspond with admins and other users on the Einstein at Home message boards"
 msgstr ""
 "Discuti con gli amministratori e gli altri utenti sul forum di Einstein at Home"
-#: Localization.cpp:73
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:73
 msgid "Einstein status"
 msgstr "Stato di Einstein"
-#: Localization.cpp:75
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:75
 msgid "Current status of the Einstein at Home server"
 msgstr "Stato attuale del server di Einstein at Home"
-#: Localization.cpp:77
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:77
 msgid "Report problems"
 msgstr "Riporta i problemi"
-#: Localization.cpp:79
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:79
 msgid "A link to the Einstein at Home problems and bug reports message board"
 msgstr "Collegamento al forum per i problemi ed i bug di Einstein at Home"
-#: Localization.cpp:83
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:83
 msgid "View and modify your Einstein at Home account profile and preferences"
 msgstr ""
 "Visualizza e modifica il profilo del tuo account su Einstein at Home e le "
-#: Localization.cpp:85
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:85
 msgid "Account summary"
 msgstr "Riepilogo dell'account"
-#: Localization.cpp:95
-msgid ""
-"View a listing of all the computers on which you are running Einstein at Home"
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:95
+msgid "View a listing of all the computers on which you are running Einstein at Home"
 msgstr ""
 "Visualizza l'elenco di tutti i computer con cui stai partecipando ad "
 "Einstein at Home"
-#: Localization.cpp:101
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:101
 msgid "LIGO project"
 msgstr "Progetto LIGO"
-#: Localization.cpp:103
-msgid ""
-"The home page of the Laser Interferometer Gravitational-wave Observatory "
-"(LIGO) project"
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:103
+msgid "The home page of the Laser Interferometer Gravitational-wave Observatory (LIGO) project"
 msgstr ""
 "Pagina iniziale del progetto Laser Interferometer Gravitational-wave "
 "Observatory (LIGO)"
-#: Localization.cpp:105
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:105
 msgid "GEO-600 project"
 msgstr "Progetto GEO-600"
-#: Localization.cpp:107
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:107
 msgid "The home page of the GEO-600 project"
 msgstr "Pagina iniziale del progetto GEO-600"
-#: Localization.cpp:115 Localization.cpp:133 ViewProjects.cpp:220
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:457
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:115
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:133
 msgid "Team"
 msgstr "Team"
-#: Localization.cpp:117
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:117
 msgid "Info about your Team"
 msgstr "Informazioni sul tuo Team"
-#: Localization.cpp:123
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:123
 msgid "Get help for climateprediction.net"
 msgstr "Ricevi aiuto per climateprediction.net"
-#: Localization.cpp:125
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:125
 msgid "News"
 msgstr "News"
-#: Localization.cpp:127
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:127
 msgid "climateprediction.net News"
 msgstr "Notizie su climateprediction.net"
-#: Localization.cpp:131
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:131
 msgid "View your account information, credits, and trickles"
 msgstr ""
 "Visualizza le informazioni sul tuo account, i crediti ed il lavoro "
-#: Localization.cpp:135
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:135
 msgid "Info about your team"
 msgstr "Informazioni sul tuo team"
-#: Localization.cpp:141
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:141
 msgid "Search for help in our help system"
 msgstr "Cerca suggerimenti nel nostro sistema di aiuto"
-#: Localization.cpp:143
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:143
 msgid "Global Statistics"
 msgstr "Statistiche globali"
-#: Localization.cpp:145
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:145
 msgid "Summary statistics for World Community Grid"
 msgstr "Riepilogo delle statistiche per World Community Grid"
-#: Localization.cpp:147
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:147
 msgid "My Grid"
 msgstr "My Grid"
-#: Localization.cpp:149
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:149
 msgid "Your statistics and settings"
 msgstr "Le tue statistiche e le tue impostazioni"
-#: Localization.cpp:151
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:151
 msgid "Device Profiles"
 msgstr "Profili dei computer"
-#: Localization.cpp:153
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:153
 msgid "Update your device settings"
 msgstr "Aggiorna le preferenze del tuo computer"
-#: Localization.cpp:155
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:155
 msgid "Research"
 msgstr "Ricerca"
-#: Localization.cpp:157
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:157
 msgid "Learn about the projects hosted at World Community Grid"
 msgstr "Informati sui progetti ospitati nel World Community Grid"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:586
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:583
 msgid "Starting client"
 msgstr "Avvio client"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:594
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:591
 msgid "Connecting to client"
 msgstr "Connessione al client in corso"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:1183
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:1205
 msgid "Retrieving system state; please wait..."
 msgstr "Recupero dello stato del sistema in corso; attendere per favore..."
-#: MainDocument.cpp:1804
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:1826
 msgid "Missing application"
 msgstr "Applicazione mancante"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:1805
-msgid ""
-"Please download and install the CoRD application from http://cord."
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:1827
+msgid "Please download and install the CoRD application from http://cord.sourceforge.net"
 msgstr ""
 "Per favore scarica e installa l'applicazione CoRd da "
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2420
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2442
 msgid "on batteries"
 msgstr "alimentazione a batterie"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2421
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2443
 msgid "computer is in use"
 msgstr "Anche quando il computer è in uso"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2422
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2444
 msgid "user request"
 msgstr "Richiesta dell'utente"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2423
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2445
 msgid "time of day"
 msgstr "limiti di orario"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2424
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2446
 msgid "CPU benchmarks in progress"
 msgstr "benchmark della CPU in corso"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2425
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2447
 msgid "need disk space - check preferences"
 msgstr "E' necessario spazio su disco - controlla le preferenze"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2426
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2448
 msgid "computer is not in use"
 msgstr "Anche quando il computer non è in uso"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2427
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2449
 msgid "starting up"
 msgstr "Avvio del client"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2428
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2450
 msgid "an exclusive app is running"
 msgstr "l'applicazione è in modalità esclusiva"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2429
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2451
 msgid "CPU is busy"
 msgstr "La CPU è occupata"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2430
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2452
 msgid "network bandwidth limit exceeded"
 msgstr "Limite della banda di connessione della rete superato"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2431
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2453
 msgid "requested by operating system"
 msgstr "richiesta dal sistema operativo"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2433
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2455
 msgid "unknown reason"
 msgstr "motivo sconosciuto"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2455
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2477
 msgid "GPU missing, "
 msgstr "Manca la GPU,"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2462
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2484
 msgid "New"
 msgstr "Nuovo"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2466
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2488
 msgid "Download failed"
 msgstr "Scaricamento fallito"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2468
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2490
 msgid "Downloading"
 msgstr "Scaricamento in corso"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2470 MainDocument.cpp:2540
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2492
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2557
 msgid " (suspended - "
 msgstr "(sospesa-"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2478
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2500
 msgid "Project suspended by user"
 msgstr "Progetto sospeso dall'utente"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2480
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2502
 msgid "Task suspended by user"
 msgstr "Elaborazione sospesa dall'utente"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2482
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2504
 msgid "Suspended - "
 msgstr "Sospesa -"
 # 75%
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2488
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2510
 msgid "GPU suspended - "
 msgstr "GPU sospesa - "
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2495
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2517
 msgid "Waiting for memory"
 msgstr "In attesa di memoria"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2497
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2519
 msgid "Waiting for shared memory"
 msgstr "In attesa di memoria condivisa"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2500
-msgid "Running, high priority"
-msgstr "In elaborazione, priorità alta"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2502 sg_ImageButton.cpp:88
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2521
 msgid "Running"
 msgstr "In elaborazione"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2505
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2523
 msgid " (non-CPU-intensive)"
 msgstr "(non intensivo per la CPU)"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2508
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2526
 msgid "Waiting to run"
 msgstr "In attesa di esecuzione"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2510 MainDocument.cpp:2516
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2528
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2534
 msgid "Ready to start"
 msgstr "Pronto per l'elaborazione"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2520
-msgid " (Scheduler wait: "
-msgstr " (In attesa dello Scheduler:"
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2538
+msgid "Postponed: "
+msgstr ""
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2524
-msgid " (Scheduler wait)"
-msgstr " (Attesa dello scheduler)"
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2541
+msgid "Postponed"
+msgstr ""
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2528
-msgid " (Waiting for network access)"
-msgstr " (In attesa di accesso alla rete)"
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2545
+msgid "Waiting for network access"
+msgstr ""
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2532
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2549
 msgid "Computation error"
 msgstr "Errore di calcolo"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2536
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2553
 msgid "Upload failed"
 msgstr "Invio non riuscito"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2538
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2555
 msgid "Uploading"
 msgstr "Invio in corso"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2549
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2566
 msgid "Aborted by user"
 msgstr "Annullato dall'utente"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2552
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2569
 msgid "Aborted by project"
 msgstr "Annullato dal progetto"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2555
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2572
 msgid "Aborted: not started by deadline"
 msgstr "Annullato: non è partito a causa della scadenza"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2558
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2575
 msgid "Aborted: disk limit exceeded"
 msgstr "Annullato: limite disco superato"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2561
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2578
 msgid "Aborted: run time limit exceeded"
 msgstr "Annullato: limite di elaborazione superato"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2564
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2581
 msgid "Aborted: memory limit exceeded"
 msgstr "Annullato: limite di memoria superato"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2567
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2584
 msgid "Aborted"
 msgstr "Annullato"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2572
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2589
 msgid "Acknowledged"
 msgstr "Riconosciuto"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2574
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2591
 msgid "Ready to report"
 msgstr "Pronto per il report"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2576
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2593
 #, c-format
 msgid "Error: invalid state '%d'"
 msgstr "Errore: stato non valido '%d'"
-#: NoInternetConnectionPage.cpp:179
+#: clientgui/NoInternetConnectionPage.cpp:179
 msgid "No Internet connection"
 msgstr "Connessione Internet assente"
-#: NoInternetConnectionPage.cpp:182
+#: clientgui/NoInternetConnectionPage.cpp:182
 msgid "Please connect to the Internet and try again."
 msgstr "Attiva una connessione Internet e riprova."
-#: NotDetectedPage.cpp:181
+#: clientgui/NotDetectedPage.cpp:181
 msgid "Project not found"
 msgstr "Progetto non trovato"
-#: NotDetectedPage.cpp:184
+#: clientgui/NotDetectedPage.cpp:184
 msgid ""
 "The URL you supplied is not that of a BOINC-based project.\n"
@@ -2523,11 +2622,11 @@ msgstr ""
 "Controlla l'URL e riprova."
-#: NotDetectedPage.cpp:188
+#: clientgui/NotDetectedPage.cpp:188
 msgid "Account manager not found"
 msgstr "Account manager non trovato"
-#: NotDetectedPage.cpp:191
+#: clientgui/NotDetectedPage.cpp:191
 msgid ""
 "The URL you supplied is not that of a BOINC-based account\n"
@@ -2539,127 +2638,94 @@ msgstr ""
 "Controlla l'URL e riprova."
-#: NotFoundPage.cpp:181
+#: clientgui/NotFoundPage.cpp:181
 msgid "Login Failed."
 msgstr "Autenticazione fallita."
-#: NotFoundPage.cpp:185
+#: clientgui/NotFoundPage.cpp:185
 msgid "Check the username and password, and try again."
 msgstr "Controlla nome utente e password poi riprova."
-#: NotFoundPage.cpp:189
+#: clientgui/NotFoundPage.cpp:189
 msgid "Check the email address and password, and try again."
 msgstr "Controlla l'indirizzo e-mail e la password poi riprova"
-#: NoticeListCtrl.cpp:63
-msgid "Notice List"
-msgstr "Lista degli avvisi"
-#: NoticeListCtrl.cpp:185
-#, c-format
-msgid "%s; received on %s"
-msgstr "%s; ricevuto su %s"
-#: NoticeListCtrl.cpp:187
-#, c-format
-msgid "%s; received from %s; on %s"
-msgstr "%s: ricevuto da %s; su %s"
-#: NoticeListCtrl.cpp:284 ProjectListCtrl.cpp:282
-msgid "Click"
-msgstr "Clicca"
-#: NoticeListCtrl.cpp:569
+#: clientgui/NoticeListCtrl.cpp:229
 msgid "more..."
 msgstr "ancora..."
-#: ProjectInfoPage.cpp:451 ProjectInfoPage.cpp:739 ProjectInfoPage.cpp:743
-msgid "All"
-msgstr "Tutto"
-#: ProjectInfoPage.cpp:582
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:221
 msgid "Choose a project"
 msgstr "Scegli un progetto"
-#: ProjectInfoPage.cpp:586
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:228
 msgid "To choose a project, click its name or type its URL below."
 msgstr ""
 "Per selezionare un progetto, clicca sul nome o digita il suo indirizzo "
-#: ProjectInfoPage.cpp:590
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:246
 msgid "Categories:"
 msgstr "Categorie:"
-#: ProjectInfoPage.cpp:594 sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:89
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:267
 msgid "Projects:"
 msgstr "Progetti:"
-#: ProjectInfoPage.cpp:598
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:279
 msgid "Project details"
 msgstr "Dettagli progetto"
-#: ProjectInfoPage.cpp:602
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:291
 msgid "Research area:"
 msgstr "Area di ricerca:"
-#: ProjectInfoPage.cpp:606
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:302
 msgid "Organization:"
 msgstr "Organizzazione:"
-#: ProjectInfoPage.cpp:610
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:313
 msgid "Web site:"
 msgstr "Sito web:"
-#: ProjectInfoPage.cpp:614
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:325
 msgid "Supported systems:"
 msgstr "Sistemi supportati:"
-#: ProjectInfoPage.cpp:618
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:363
 msgid "Project URL:"
 msgstr "URL del progetto:"
-#: ProjectInfoPage.cpp:787
-msgid ""
-"This project may not have work for your type of computer.  Do you want to "
-"add it anyway?"
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:499
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:754
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:758
+msgid "All"
+msgstr "Tutto"
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:802
+msgid "This project may not have work for your type of computer.  Do you want to add it anyway?"
 msgstr ""
 "Questo progetto potrebbe non avere lavoro per il tuo tipo di computer. Sei "
 "sicuro di volerlo aggiungere comunque?"
-#: ProjectInfoPage.cpp:811
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:826
 msgid "You already added this project. Please choose a different project."
 msgstr "Sei già connesso a questo progetto. Scegli un progetto diverso."
-#: ProjectListCtrl.cpp:66
-msgid "Project List"
-msgstr "Lista dei Progetti"
-#: ProjectListCtrl.cpp:507
-msgid "Nvidia GPU Supported"
-msgstr "GPU Nvidia Supportata"
-#: ProjectListCtrl.cpp:509
-msgid "ATI GPU Supported"
-msgstr "GPU ATI Supportata"
-#: ProjectListCtrl.cpp:511
-msgid "Project Website"
-msgstr "Sito web progetto"
-#: ProjectProcessingPage.cpp:321
+#: clientgui/ProjectProcessingPage.cpp:321
 msgid "Communicating with project."
 msgstr "In comunicazione con il progetto."
-#: ProjectProcessingPage.cpp:507
+#: clientgui/ProjectProcessingPage.cpp:510
 msgid "Required files not found on the server."
 msgstr "I file richiesti non sono stati trovati sul server del progetto."
-#: ProjectProcessingPage.cpp:510 ProjectProcessingPage.cpp:572
+#: clientgui/ProjectProcessingPage.cpp:513
+#: clientgui/ProjectProcessingPage.cpp:586
 msgid "An internal server error has occurred."
 msgstr "Si è verificato un errore interno del server."
-#: ProjectPropertiesPage.cpp:334
+#: clientgui/ProjectPropertiesPage.cpp:334
 msgid ""
 "Communicating with project\n"
 "Please wait..."
@@ -2667,11 +2733,48 @@ msgstr ""
 "Comunicazione col progetto in corso\n"
 "Attendere prego..."
-#: ProxyInfoPage.cpp:195
+#: clientgui/ProjectWelcomePage.cpp:251
+#, c-format
+msgid "Welcome to %s."
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ProjectWelcomePage.cpp:254
+msgid "You have volunteered to compute for this project:"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ProjectWelcomePage.cpp:255
+msgid "Name:"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ProjectWelcomePage.cpp:258
+msgid "Home:"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ProjectWelcomePage.cpp:262
+msgid "Description:"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ProjectWelcomePage.cpp:265
+msgid "URL:"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ProjectWelcomePage.cpp:268
+msgid "User:"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ProjectWelcomePage.cpp:273
+msgid "WARNING: This project is not registered with BOINC.  Make sure you trust it before continuing."
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ProjectWelcomePage.cpp:277
+msgid "To continue, click Next."
+msgstr "Per continuare, cliccare su Avanti."
+#: clientgui/ProxyInfoPage.cpp:195
 msgid "Network communication failure"
 msgstr "Comunicazione tramite la rete fallita"
-#: ProxyInfoPage.cpp:199
+#: clientgui/ProxyInfoPage.cpp:199
 msgid ""
 "The World Community Grid - BOINC software failed to communicate\n"
 "over the Internet. The most likely reasons are:\n"
@@ -2701,7 +2804,7 @@ msgstr ""
 "3) Stai usando un server proxy e BOINC non è configurato.\n"
 "Clicca su \"Next\" configurarlo per il proxy."
-#: ProxyInfoPage.cpp:203
+#: clientgui/ProxyInfoPage.cpp:203
 msgid ""
 "BOINC failed to communicate on the Internet.\n"
 "The most likely reasons are:\n"
@@ -2730,628 +2833,1029 @@ msgstr ""
 "3) Stai usando un server proxy e BOINC non è configurato.\n"
 "Clicca su \"Next\" configurarlo per il proxy."
-#: ProxyPage.cpp:331
+#: clientgui/ProxyPage.cpp:331
 msgid "Proxy configuration"
 msgstr "Configurazione proxy"
-#: ProxyPage.cpp:334
+#: clientgui/ProxyPage.cpp:334
 msgid "HTTP proxy"
 msgstr "Proxy HTTP"
-#: ProxyPage.cpp:337 ProxyPage.cpp:357
+#: clientgui/ProxyPage.cpp:337
+#: clientgui/ProxyPage.cpp:357
 msgid "Server:"
 msgstr "Server:"
-#: ProxyPage.cpp:350
+#: clientgui/ProxyPage.cpp:350
 msgid "Autodetect"
 msgstr "Rilevazione automatica"
-#: ProxyPage.cpp:354
+#: clientgui/ProxyPage.cpp:354
 msgid "SOCKS proxy"
 msgstr "Proxy SOCKS"
-#: TermsOfUsePage.cpp:218
-msgid "Terms of Use"
-msgstr "Condizioni d'uso"
+#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:167
+msgid "Advanced View...\tCtrl+Shift+A"
+msgstr "Visualizzazione Avanzata...\tCtrl+Shift+A"
-#: TermsOfUsePage.cpp:222
-msgid "Please read the following terms of use:"
-msgstr "Leggi le condizioni d'uso che seguono:"
+#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:168
+msgid "Display the advanced graphical interface."
+msgstr "Visualizza l'interfaccia grafica avanzata di BOINC"
-#: TermsOfUsePage.cpp:231
-msgid "I agree to the terms of use."
-msgstr "Accetto le condizioni d'uso."
+#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:175
+msgid "Skin"
+msgstr "Interfaccia"
-#: TermsOfUsePage.cpp:237
-msgid "I do not agree with the terms of use."
-msgstr "Non accetto le condizioni d'uso."
+#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:177
+msgid "Select the appearance of the user interface."
+msgstr "Seleziona la grafica dell'interfaccia utente."
-#: UnavailablePage.cpp:183
-msgid "Project temporarily unavailable"
-msgstr "Progetto temporaneamente non disponibile"
+#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:224
+#, c-format
+msgid "&%s"
+msgstr "&%s"
-#: UnavailablePage.cpp:186
-msgid ""
-"The project is temporarily unavailable.\n"
-"Please try again later."
-msgstr ""
-"Il Progetto è temporaneamente non disponibile.\n"
-"Si prega di riprovare più tardi."
+#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:405
+msgid "Default"
+msgstr "Predefinito"
-#: UnavailablePage.cpp:190
-msgid "Account manager temporarily unavailable"
-msgstr "Account manager temporaneamente non disponibile"
+#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:848
+msgid "Suspend"
+msgstr "Sospendi"
-#: UnavailablePage.cpp:193
-msgid ""
-"The account manager is temporarily unavailable.\n"
-"Please try again later."
-msgstr ""
-"L'account manager non è temporaneamente disponibile.\n"
-"Si prega di riprovare più tardi."
+#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:850
+msgid "Suspend Computing"
+msgstr "Sospendi Lavoro"
-#: ValidateAccountKey.cpp:68
-msgid "Please specify an account key to continue."
-msgstr "Inserire la chiave di accesso per proseguire."
+#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:851
+msgid "Resume Computing"
+msgstr "Riprendi Lavoro"
-#: ValidateAccountKey.cpp:71
-msgid "Invalid Account Key; please enter a valid Account Key"
-msgstr "Chiave di accesso non valida; inserire una chiave di accesso valida"
+#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:867
+msgid "Notices"
+msgstr "Avvisi"
-#: ValidateAccountKey.cpp:82 ValidateEmailAddress.cpp:86
-msgid "Validation conflict"
-msgstr "Conflitto di validazione"
+#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:868
+msgid "Open a window to view notices from projects or BOINC"
+msgstr "Apri una finestra per visualizzare gli avvisi dai progetti o dal BOINC"
-#: ValidateEmailAddress.cpp:72
-msgid "Please specify an email address"
-msgstr "Specificare un indirizzo email"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgMessages.cpp:124
+msgid "Fetching notices; please wait..."
+msgstr "Scaricamento notizie; attendere prego..."
-#: ValidateEmailAddress.cpp:75
-msgid "Invalid email address; please enter a valid email address"
-msgstr "Indirizzo email non valido; inserire un indirizzo email valido"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgMessages.cpp:132
+msgid "There are no notices at this time."
+msgstr "Non ci sono avvisi al momento"
-#: ValidateURL.cpp:69
-msgid "Missing URL"
-msgstr "URL mancante"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgMessages.cpp:146
+msgid "Close"
+msgstr "Chiudi"
-#: ValidateURL.cpp:70
-msgid ""
-"Please specify a URL.\n"
-"For example:\n"
-msgstr ""
-"Specificare un URL.\n"
-"Per esempio:\n"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgMessages.cpp:394
+#, c-format
+msgid "%s - Notices"
+msgstr "Avvisi di %s"
-#: ValidateURL.cpp:83 ValidateURL.cpp:87 ValidateURL.cpp:91
-#: ValidateURL.cpp:103 ValidateURL.cpp:107 ValidateURL.cpp:110
-msgid "Invalid URL"
-msgstr "URL non valido"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:270
+msgid "This dialog controls preferences for this computer only."
+msgstr "Questa finestra controlla le preferenze solo di questo computer."
-#: ValidateURL.cpp:84 ValidateURL.cpp:88 ValidateURL.cpp:92
-msgid ""
-"Please specify a valid URL.\n"
-"For example:\n"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:275
+msgid "Click OK to set preferences."
+msgstr "Clicca OK per salvare le preferenze."
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:280
+msgid "Click Clear to restore web-based settings for all preferences listed below."
 msgstr ""
-"Specificare un URL valido.\n"
-"Per esempio:\n"
+"Clicca \"Cancella\" per ripristinare le impostazioni basate sul web per tutte "
+"le preferenze elencate sotto."
-#: ValidateURL.cpp:104 ValidateURL.cpp:108
-#, c-format
-msgid "'%s' does not contain a valid host name."
-msgstr "'%s' non contiene un nome di computer valido."
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:287
+msgid "For additional settings, select Computing Preferences in the Advanced View."
+msgstr ""
+"Per impostazioni aggiuntive, seleziona Preferenze di elaborazione nella "
+"Vista Avanzata."
-#: ValidateURL.cpp:111
-#, c-format
-msgid "'%s' does not contain a valid path."
-msgstr "'%s' non contiene un percorso valido."
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:315
+msgid "Do work only between:"
+msgstr "Elabora solamente tra:"
-#: ViewMessages.cpp:84 ViewProjects.cpp:169 ViewStatistics.cpp:1965
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:159 ViewWork.cpp:182
-msgid "Commands"
-msgstr "Comandi"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:337
+msgid "Connect to internet only between:"
+msgstr "Connetti ad internet solamente tra:"
-#: ViewMessages.cpp:88
-msgid "Copy all messages"
-msgstr "Copia tutti i messaggi"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:359
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:376
+msgid "Use no more than:"
+msgstr "Non utilizzare più di:"
-#: ViewMessages.cpp:95
-msgid "Copy selected messages"
-msgstr "Copia i messaggi selezionati"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:372
+msgid "of disk space"
+msgstr "di spazio sul disco"
-#: ViewMessages.cpp:106 ViewMessages.cpp:502
-msgid "Show only this project"
-msgstr "Mostra solo questo progetto"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:389
+msgid "of the processor"
+msgstr "del processore"
-#: ViewMessages.cpp:107 ViewMessages.cpp:503
-msgid "Show only the messages for the selected project."
-msgstr "Mostra solamente i messaggi del progetto selezionato."
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:393
+msgid "Do work while on battery?"
+msgstr "Elabora quando il pc è alimentato a batterie?"
-#: ViewMessages.cpp:164
-msgid "Messages"
-msgstr "Messaggi"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:406
+msgid "Do work after idle for:"
+msgstr "Elabora dopo che il PC è inutilizzato da:"
-#: ViewMessages.cpp:187
-msgid "Copying all messages to the clipboard..."
-msgstr "Copia di tutti i messaggi negli appunti in corso..."
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:431
+msgid "Clear all local preferences listed above and close the dialog"
+msgstr "Rimuovi tutte le preferenze locali e chiudi la finestra"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:609
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:612
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:688
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:692
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:704
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:708
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:851
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:862
+msgid "Anytime"
+msgstr "Qualunque momento"
-#: ViewMessages.cpp:223
-msgid "Copying selected messages to the clipboard..."
-msgstr "Copia di tutti i messaggi selezionati negli appunti in corso..."
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:645
+msgid "100 MB"
+msgstr "100 MB"
-#: ViewMessages.cpp:286
-msgid "Filtering messages..."
-msgstr "Filtraggio dei messaggi in corso..."
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:646
+msgid "200 MB"
+msgstr "200 MB"
-#: ViewMessages.cpp:494
-msgid "Show all messages"
-msgstr "Mostra tutti i messaggi"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:647
+msgid "500 MB"
+msgstr "500 MB"
-#: ViewMessages.cpp:495
-msgid "Show messages for all projects."
-msgstr "Mostra i messaggi di tutti i progetti."
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:648
+msgid "1 GB"
+msgstr "1 GB"
-#: ViewNotices.cpp:60 sg_DlgMessages.cpp:130
-msgid "One or more items failed to load from the Internet."
-msgstr "Lo scaricamento di uno o più elementi da Internet è fallito."
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:649
+msgid "2 GB"
+msgstr "2 GB"
-# 88%
-#: ViewNotices.cpp:68 sg_DlgMessages.cpp:138
-msgid "Retry now"
-msgstr "Ritenta ora"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:650
+msgid "5 GB"
+msgstr "5 GB"
-#: ViewNotices.cpp:91 sg_DlgMessages.cpp:171
-msgid "Fetching notices; please wait..."
-msgstr "Scaricamento notizie; attendere prego..."
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:651
+msgid "10 GB"
+msgstr "10 GB"
-#: ViewNotices.cpp:97 sg_DlgMessages.cpp:178
-msgid "There are no notices at this time."
-msgstr "Non ci sono avvisi al momento"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:652
+msgid "20 GB"
+msgstr "20 GB"
-#: ViewNotices.cpp:120 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:756
-msgid "Notices"
-msgstr "Avvisi"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:653
+msgid "50 GB"
+msgstr "50 GB"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:654
+msgid "100 GB"
+msgstr "100 GB"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:724
+#, c-format
+msgid "%d MB"
+msgstr "%d MB"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:726
+#, c-format
+msgid "%4.2f GB"
+msgstr "%4.2f GB"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:767
+#, c-format
+msgid "%d%%"
+msgstr "%d%%"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:803
+msgid "0 (Run Always)"
+msgstr "0 (Elabora sempre)"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:806
+#, c-format
+msgid "%d"
+msgstr "%d"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:953
+#, c-format
+msgid "%s - Computing Preferences"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:1033
+msgid "Do you really want to clear all local preferences?\n"
+msgstr "Vuoi veramente cancellare tutte le preferenze locali?\n"
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:66
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:179
+msgid "Update"
+msgstr "Aggiorna"
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:67
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:180
+msgid "Report all completed tasks, get latest credit, get latest preferences, and possibly get more tasks."
+msgstr ""
+"Riporta il lavoro completato, aggiorna il totale dei crediti e le "
+"preferenze, e possibilmente ottiene altro lavoro."
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:73
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:129
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:187
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:727
+msgid "Suspend tasks for this project."
+msgstr "Sospendi il lavoro per questo progetto."
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:78
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:136
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:193
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:746
+msgid "No new tasks"
+msgstr "Blocca la richiesta di lavoro"
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:79
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:194
+msgid "Don't get new tasks for this project."
+msgstr "Non scaricare nuovo lavoro per questo progetto."
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:84
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:200
+msgid "Reset project"
+msgstr "Reset del progetto"
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:85
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:201
+msgid "Delete all files and tasks associated with this project, and get new tasks.  You can update the project first to report any completed tasks."
+msgstr ""
+"Cancella tutti i file e le elaborazioni associate a questo progetto e "
+"scarica nuovo lavoro.  Puoi aggiornare il progetto prima di eseguire il "
+"reset per riportare le elaborazioni già completate."
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:91
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:208
+msgid "Remove this project.  Tasks in progress will be lost (use 'Update' first to report any completed tasks)."
+msgstr ""
+"Rimuovi questo progetto dal computer.  Il lavoro in corso andrà perso (usa "
+"prima 'Aggiorna' per inviare il lavoro già completato)."
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:96
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:84
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:214
+msgid "Properties"
+msgstr "Proprietà"
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:97
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:215
+msgid "Show project details."
+msgstr "Visualizza i dettagli del progetto."
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:126
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:723
+msgid "Resume tasks for this project."
+msgstr "Riprendi il lavoro per questo progetto."
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:133
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:742
+msgid "Allow new tasks"
+msgstr "Abilita richiesta lavoro"
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:134
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:742
+msgid "Allow fetching new tasks for this project."
+msgstr "Permetti a questo progetto di richiedere nuovo lavoro."
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:137
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:746
+msgid "Don't fetch new tasks for this project."
+msgstr "Non richiedere nuovo lavoro per questo progetto."
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:229
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:443
+#, c-format
+msgid "Are you sure you want to reset project '%s'?"
+msgstr "Vuoi davvero fare il reset del progetto '%s'?"
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:235
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:449
+msgid "Reset Project"
+msgstr "Reset del progetto"
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:266
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:501
+#, c-format
+msgid "Are you sure you want to remove project '%s'?"
+msgstr "Vuoi davvero rimuovere il progetto '%s'?"
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:272
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:507
+msgid "Remove Project"
+msgstr "Disconnettiti dal progetto"
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:72
+msgid "Add Project"
+msgstr "Aggiungi un progetto"
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:73
+msgid "Synchronize"
+msgstr "Sincronizza"
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:74
+msgid "Work done for this project"
+msgstr "Lavoro svolto per questo progetto"
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:77
+msgid "Synchronize projects with account manager system"
+msgstr "Sincronizza i progetti con il sistema dell'account manager"
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:124
+msgid "Select a project to access with the controls below"
+msgstr ""
+"Seleziona un progetto a cui accedere mediantei i controlli sottostanti..."
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:145
+msgid "Project Web Pages"
+msgstr "Siti web del progetto"
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:149
+msgid "Project Commands"
+msgstr "Comandi del Progetto"
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:276
+#, c-format
+msgid "Pop up a menu of web sites for project %s"
+msgstr "Apri una finestra con i siti web per il progetto %s"
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:278
+#, c-format
+msgid "Pop up a menu of commands to apply to project %s"
+msgstr "Apri una finestra di menù dei comandi da applicare al progetto %s"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:66
+msgid "Show graphics"
+msgstr "Mostra la grafica"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:67
+msgid "Show application graphics in a window."
+msgstr "Mostra la grafica dell'applicazione in una finestra."
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:73
+msgid "Suspend this task."
+msgstr "Sospendi questo lavoro."
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:78
+msgid "Abort"
+msgstr "Annulla"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:79
+msgid "Abandon this task. You will get no credit for it."
+msgstr "Abbandona questo lavoro. Non otterrai crediti per esso."
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:85
+msgid "Show task details."
+msgstr "Visualizza i dettagli dell'elaborazione."
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:119
+msgid "Resume work for this task."
+msgstr "Riprendi l'elaborazione selezionata."
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:123
+msgid "Suspend work for this task."
+msgstr "Sospendi l'elaborazione selezionata."
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:267
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Are you sure you want to abort this task '%s'?\n"
+"(Progress: %.1lf%%, Status: %s)"
+msgstr ""
+"Sei sicuro di voler annullare l'elaborazione di '%s'?\n"
+"(Avanzamento: %.1lf%%, Stato: %s)"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:272
+msgid "Abort task"
+msgstr "Annulla l'elaborazione"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:468
+msgid "You don't have any projects.  Please Add a Project."
+msgstr "Non sei connesso ad alcun progetto.  Prima connettiti ad un progetto."
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:469
+msgid "Not available"
+msgstr "Non disponibile"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:480
+msgid "Tasks:"
+msgstr "Elaborazioni:"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:486
+msgid "Select a task to access"
+msgstr "Seleziona un'attività alla quale acccedere"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:497
+msgid "From:"
+msgstr "Da:"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:551
+msgid "This task's progress"
+msgstr "Avanzamento di questa attività"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:569
+msgid "Task Commands"
+msgstr "Comandi dell'attività"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:570
+msgid "Pop up a menu of commands to apply to this task"
+msgstr "Apri una finestra di menù dei comandi da applicare a questo lavoro"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:705
+#, c-format
+msgid "Application: %s"
+msgstr "Applicazione: %s"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:728
+#, c-format
+msgid "%.3f%%"
+msgstr "%.3f%%"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:736
+msgid "Application: Not available"
+msgstr "Applicazione: Non disponibile"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:836
+msgid "Not Available"
+msgstr "Non disponibile"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:851
+#, c-format
+msgid "Elapsed: %s"
+msgstr "Trascorso: %s"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:865
+#, c-format
+msgid "Remaining (estimated): %s"
+msgstr "Tempo mancante: %s"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:880
+#, c-format
+msgid "Status: %s"
+msgstr "Stato: %s"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1227
+msgid "Retrieving current status."
+msgstr "Ricezione dello stato corrente in corso."
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1233
+msgid "Downloading work from the server."
+msgstr "Scaricamento del lavoro dal server in corso."
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1238
+msgid "Processing Suspended:  Running On Batteries."
+msgstr "Elaborazione sospesa:  alimentazione a batterie."
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1240
+msgid "Processing Suspended:  User Active."
+msgstr "Elaborazione sospesa:  l'utente è attivo."
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1242
+msgid "Processing Suspended:  User paused processing."
+msgstr "Elaborazione sospesa:  l'utente ha sospeso l'elaborazione."
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1244
+msgid "Processing Suspended:  Time of Day."
+msgstr "Elaborazione sospesa:  superati i limiti di orario."
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1246
+msgid "Processing Suspended:  Benchmarks Running."
+msgstr "Elaborazione sospesa:  esecuzione dei benchmark."
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1248
+msgid "Processing Suspended."
+msgstr "Elaborazione sospesa."
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1252
+msgid "Waiting to contact project servers."
+msgstr "In attesa di contattare i server dei progetti."
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1256
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1265
+msgid "Retrieving current status"
+msgstr "Ricezione dello stato corrente in corso"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1260
+msgid "No work available to process"
+msgstr "Nessun lavoro disponibile da elaborare"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1262
+msgid "Unable to connect to the core client"
+msgstr "Impossibile connettersi al client BOINC"
+#: clientgui/TermsOfUsePage.cpp:218
+msgid "Terms of Use"
+msgstr "Condizioni d'uso"
+#: clientgui/TermsOfUsePage.cpp:222
+msgid "Please read the following terms of use:"
+msgstr "Leggi le condizioni d'uso che seguono:"
+#: clientgui/TermsOfUsePage.cpp:231
+msgid "I agree to the terms of use."
+msgstr "Accetto le condizioni d'uso."
+#: clientgui/TermsOfUsePage.cpp:237
+msgid "I do not agree to the terms of use."
+msgstr "Non accetto le condizioni d'uso."
+#: clientgui/UnavailablePage.cpp:183
+msgid "Project temporarily unavailable"
+msgstr "Progetto temporaneamente non disponibile"
+#: clientgui/UnavailablePage.cpp:186
+msgid ""
+"The project is temporarily unavailable.\n"
+"Please try again later."
+msgstr ""
+"Il Progetto è temporaneamente non disponibile.\n"
+"Si prega di riprovare più tardi."
+#: clientgui/UnavailablePage.cpp:190
+msgid "Account manager temporarily unavailable"
+msgstr "Account manager temporaneamente non disponibile"
+#: clientgui/UnavailablePage.cpp:193
+msgid ""
+"The account manager is temporarily unavailable.\n"
+"Please try again later."
+msgstr ""
+"L'account manager non è temporaneamente disponibile.\n"
+"Si prega di riprovare più tardi."
+#: clientgui/ValidateAccountKey.cpp:68
+msgid "Please specify an account key to continue."
+msgstr "Inserire la chiave di accesso per proseguire."
+#: clientgui/ValidateAccountKey.cpp:71
+msgid "Invalid Account Key; please enter a valid Account Key"
+msgstr "Chiave di accesso non valida; inserire una chiave di accesso valida"
+#: clientgui/ValidateAccountKey.cpp:82
+#: clientgui/ValidateEmailAddress.cpp:86
+msgid "Validation conflict"
+msgstr "Conflitto di validazione"
+#: clientgui/ValidateEmailAddress.cpp:72
+msgid "Please specify an email address"
+msgstr "Specificare un indirizzo email"
+#: clientgui/ValidateEmailAddress.cpp:75
+msgid "Invalid email address; please enter a valid email address"
+msgstr "Indirizzo email non valido; inserire un indirizzo email valido"
+#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:69
+msgid "Missing URL"
+msgstr "URL mancante"
+#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:70
+msgid ""
+"Please specify a URL.\n"
+"For example:\n"
+msgstr ""
+"Specificare un URL.\n"
+"Per esempio:\n"
+#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:83
+#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:87
+#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:91
+#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:103
+#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:107
+#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:110
+msgid "Invalid URL"
+msgstr "URL non valido"
+#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:84
+#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:88
+#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:92
+msgid ""
+"Please specify a valid URL.\n"
+"For example:\n"
+msgstr ""
+"Specificare un URL valido.\n"
+"Per esempio:\n"
+#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:104
+#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:108
+#, c-format
+msgid "'%s' does not contain a valid host name."
+msgstr "'%s' non contiene un nome di computer valido."
+#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:111
+#, c-format
+msgid "'%s' does not contain a valid path."
+msgstr "'%s' non contiene un percorso valido."
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:173 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:61
-msgid "Update"
-msgstr "Aggiorna"
+#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:84
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:175
+msgid "Commands"
+msgstr "Comandi"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:174 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:62
-msgid ""
-"Report all completed tasks, get latest credit, get latest preferences, and "
-"possibly get more tasks."
-msgstr ""
-"Riporta il lavoro completato, aggiorna il totale dei crediti e le "
-"preferenze, e possibilmente ottiene altro lavoro."
+#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:88
+msgid "Copy all messages"
+msgstr "Copia tutti i messaggi"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:180 ViewProjects.cpp:712 ViewWork.cpp:207 ViewWork.cpp:790
-#: sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:737 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:67
-#: sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:113 sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:66
-#: sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:106
-msgid "Suspend"
-msgstr "Sospendi"
+#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:95
+msgid "Copy selected messages"
+msgstr "Copia i messaggi selezionati"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:181 ViewProjects.cpp:712 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:68
-#: sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:114
-msgid "Suspend tasks for this project."
-msgstr "Sospendi il lavoro per questo progetto."
+#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:106
+#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:502
+msgid "Show only this project"
+msgstr "Mostra solo questo progetto"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:187 ViewProjects.cpp:731 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:73
-#: sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:121
-msgid "No new tasks"
-msgstr "Blocca la richiesta di lavoro"
+#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:107
+#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:503
+msgid "Show only the messages for the selected project."
+msgstr "Mostra solamente i messaggi del progetto selezionato."
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:188 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:74
-msgid "Don't get new tasks for this project."
-msgstr "Non scaricare nuovo lavoro per questo progetto."
+#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:164
+msgid "Messages"
+msgstr "Messaggi"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:194 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:79
-msgid "Reset project"
-msgstr "Reset del progetto"
+#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:187
+msgid "Copying all messages to the clipboard..."
+msgstr "Copia di tutti i messaggi negli appunti in corso..."
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:195 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:80
-msgid ""
-"Delete all files and tasks associated with this project, and get new tasks.  "
-"You can update the project first to report any completed tasks."
-msgstr ""
-"Cancella tutti i file e le elaborazioni associate a questo progetto e "
-"scarica nuovo lavoro.  Puoi aggiornare il progetto prima di eseguire il "
-"reset per riportare le elaborazioni già completate."
+#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:223
+msgid "Copying selected messages to the clipboard..."
+msgstr "Copia di tutti i messaggi selezionati negli appunti in corso..."
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:202 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:86
-msgid ""
-"Remove this project.  Tasks in progress will be lost (use 'Update' first to "
-"report any completed tasks)."
-msgstr ""
-"Rimuovi questo progetto dal computer.  Il lavoro in corso andrà perso (usa "
-"prima 'Aggiorna' per inviare il lavoro già completato)."
+#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:286
+msgid "Filtering messages..."
+msgstr "Filtraggio dei messaggi in corso..."
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:208 ViewWork.cpp:221 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:91
-#: sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:78
-msgid "Properties"
-msgstr "Proprietà"
+#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:494
+msgid "Show all messages"
+msgstr "Mostra tutti i messaggi"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:209 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:92
-msgid "Show project details."
-msgstr "Visualizza i dettagli del progetto."
+#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:495
+msgid "Show messages for all projects."
+msgstr "Mostra i messaggi di tutti i progetti."
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:219 ViewStatistics.cpp:442
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:225
 msgid "Account"
 msgstr "Account"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:221
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:227
 msgid "Work done"
 msgstr "Crediti totali"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:222
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:228
 msgid "Avg. work done"
 msgstr "Media dei crediti"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:224 ViewTransfers.cpp:187 ViewWork.cpp:233
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:230
 msgid "Status"
 msgstr "Stato"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:249
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:255
 msgid "Projects"
 msgstr "Progetti"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:301
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:307
 msgid "Updating project..."
 msgstr "Aggiornamento del progetto in corso..."
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:343
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:349
 msgid "Resuming project..."
 msgstr "Riavvio del progetto in corso..."
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:347
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:353
 msgid "Suspending project..."
 msgstr "Sospensione del progetto in corso..."
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:384
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:390
 msgid "Telling project to allow additional task downloads..."
 msgstr ""
 "Comunicazione con il progetto per abilitare lo scaricamento di ulteriore "
 "lavoro in corso..."
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:388
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:394
 msgid "Telling project to not fetch any additional tasks..."
 msgstr ""
 "Comunicazione con il progetto per non ottenere ulteriore lavoro in corso..."
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:424
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:430
 msgid "Resetting project..."
 msgstr "Reset del progetto in corso..."
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:437 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:214
-#, c-format
-msgid "Are you sure you want to reset project '%s'?"
-msgstr "Vuoi davvero fare il reset del progetto '%s'?"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:443 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:220
-msgid "Reset Project"
-msgstr "Reset del progetto"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:482
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:488
 msgid "Removing project..."
 msgstr "Rimozione del progetto in corso..."
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:495 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:251
-#: sg_StatImageLoader.cpp:192
-#, c-format
-msgid "Are you sure you want to remove project '%s'?"
-msgstr "Vuoi davvero rimuovere il progetto '%s'?"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:501 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:257
-#: sg_StatImageLoader.cpp:138 sg_StatImageLoader.cpp:198
-msgid "Remove Project"
-msgstr "Disconnettiti dal progetto"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:542 ViewWork.cpp:598
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:548
 msgid "Launching browser..."
 msgstr "Avvio del browser in corso..."
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:708 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:111
-msgid "Resume tasks for this project."
-msgstr "Riprendi il lavoro per questo progetto."
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:727 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:118
-msgid "Allow new tasks"
-msgstr "Abilita richiesta lavoro"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:727 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:119
-msgid "Allow fetching new tasks for this project."
-msgstr "Permetti a questo progetto di richiedere nuovo lavoro."
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:731 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:122
-msgid "Don't fetch new tasks for this project."
-msgstr "Non richiedere nuovo lavoro per questo progetto."
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1048
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1063
 msgid "Requested by user"
 msgstr "Richiesto dall'utente"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1049
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1064
 msgid "To fetch work"
 msgstr "Per ottenere lavoro"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1050
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1065
 msgid "To report completed tasks"
 msgstr "Per riportare attività completate"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1051
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1066
 msgid "To send trickle-up message"
 msgstr "Per mandare un messaggio istantaneo al server"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1052
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1067
 msgid "Requested by account manager"
 msgstr "Richiesto dall'account manager"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1053
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1068
 msgid "Project initialization"
 msgstr "Inizializzazione del progetto"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1054
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1069
 msgid "Requested by project"
 msgstr "Richiesto dal progetto"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1055
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1070
 msgid "Unknown reason"
 msgstr "Motivo sconosciuto"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1069
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1084
 msgid "Suspended by user"
 msgstr "Sospeso dall'utente"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1072
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1087
 msgid "Won't get new tasks"
 msgstr "Non richiedere nuovo lavoro"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1075
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1090
 msgid "Project ended - OK to remove"
 msgstr "Progetto concluso. E' possibile rimuoverlo senza conseguenze."
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1078
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1093
 msgid "Will remove when tasks done"
 msgstr "Rimuovi il progetto al termine dell'elaborazione"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1081
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1096
 msgid "Scheduler request pending"
 msgstr "Richiesta allo scheduler in attesa"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1087
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1102
 msgid "Scheduler request in progress"
 msgstr "Richiesta allo scheduler in corso"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1090
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1105
 msgid "Trickle up message pending"
 msgstr "attesa su messaggio trickle"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1096
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1111
 msgid "Communication deferred "
 msgstr "Comunicazione rinviata "
-#: ViewResources.cpp:62
+#: clientgui/ViewResources.cpp:62
 msgid "Total disk usage"
 msgstr "Totale dello spazio del disco utilizzato"
-#: ViewResources.cpp:83
+#: clientgui/ViewResources.cpp:83
 msgid "Disk usage by BOINC projects"
 msgstr "Spazio del disco utilizzato dai progetti BOINC"
-#: ViewResources.cpp:116
+#: clientgui/ViewResources.cpp:116
 msgid "Disk"
 msgstr "Disco"
-#: ViewResources.cpp:249
+#: clientgui/ViewResources.cpp:225
 msgid "no projects: 0 bytes used"
 msgstr "Nessun progetto: 0 bytes utlizzati"
-#: ViewResources.cpp:286
+#: clientgui/ViewResources.cpp:262
 msgid "used by BOINC: "
 msgstr "usato da BOINC:"
-#: ViewResources.cpp:296
+#: clientgui/ViewResources.cpp:272
 msgid "free, available to BOINC: "
 msgstr "libero, utilizzabile da BOINC:"
-#: ViewResources.cpp:306
+#: clientgui/ViewResources.cpp:282
 msgid "free, not available to BOINC: "
 msgstr "libero, non utilizzabile da BOINC:"
-#: ViewResources.cpp:316
+#: clientgui/ViewResources.cpp:292
 msgid "free: "
 msgstr "libero:"
-#: ViewResources.cpp:326
+#: clientgui/ViewResources.cpp:302
 msgid "used by other programs: "
 msgstr "utilizzato da altri programmi:"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:1195
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1181
 msgid "User Total"
 msgstr "Totale utente"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:1196
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1182
 msgid "User Average"
 msgstr "Media dell'utente"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:1197
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1183
 msgid "Host Total"
 msgstr "Totale del computer"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:1198
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1184
 msgid "Host Average"
 msgstr "Media del computer"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:1345
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1331
 #, c-format
 msgid "Last update: %.0f days ago"
 msgstr "Ultimo aggiornamento: %.0f giorni fa"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:1969
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1956
 msgid "Show user total"
 msgstr "Mostra il totale dell'utente"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:1970
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1957
 msgid "Show total credit for user"
 msgstr "Mostra i crediti totali dell'utente"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:1976
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1963
 msgid "Show user average"
 msgstr "Mostra la media dell'utente"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:1977
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1964
 msgid "Show average credit for user"
 msgstr "Mostra la media dei crediti dell'utente"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:1983
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1970
 msgid "Show host total"
 msgstr "Mostra il totale del computer"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:1984
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1971
 msgid "Show total credit for host"
 msgstr "Mostra i crediti totali del computer"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:1990
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1977
 msgid "Show host average"
 msgstr "Mostra la media del computer"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:1991
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1978
 msgid "Show average credit for host"
 msgstr "Mostra la media dei crediti del computer"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2000
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1987
 msgid "< &Previous project"
 msgstr "< Progetto &precedente"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2001
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1988
 msgid "Show chart for previous project"
 msgstr "Mostra il grafico per il progetto precedente"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2006
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1993
 msgid "&Next project >"
 msgstr "Progetto &successivo >"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2007
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1994
 msgid "Show chart for next project"
 msgstr "Mostra il grafico per il progetto successivo"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2013 ViewStatistics.cpp:2410
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2000
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2390
 msgid "Hide project list"
 msgstr "Nascondi la lista dei progetti"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2014 ViewStatistics.cpp:2410
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2001
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2390
 msgid "Use entire area for graphs"
 msgstr "Utilizza l'intera area per i grafici"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2019
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2006
 msgid "Mode view"
 msgstr "Tipo di visualizzazione"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2023
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2010
 msgid "One project"
 msgstr "Un progetto"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2024
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2011
 msgid "Show one chart with selected project"
 msgstr "Mostra il grafico del progetto selezionato"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2030
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2017
 msgid "All projects (separate)"
 msgstr "Tutti i progetti (separati)"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2031
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2018
 msgid "Show all projects, one chart per project"
 msgstr "Mostra tutti i progetti, un grafico per progetto"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2037
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2024
 msgid "All projects (together)"
 msgstr "Tutti i progetti (insieme)"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2038
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2025
 msgid "Show one chart with all projects"
 msgstr "Mostra tutti i progetti in un unico grafico"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2044
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2031
 msgid "All projects (sum)"
 msgstr "Tutti i progetti (somma)"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2045
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2032
 msgid "Show one chart with sum of projects"
 msgstr "Mostrala somma dei progetti in un unico grafico"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2073
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2053
 msgid "Statistics"
 msgstr "Statistiche"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2097 ViewStatistics.cpp:2118 ViewStatistics.cpp:2139
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2161 ViewStatistics.cpp:2182 ViewStatistics.cpp:2203
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2224 ViewStatistics.cpp:2245 ViewStatistics.cpp:2266
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2290
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2077
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2098
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2119
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2141
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2162
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2183
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2204
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2225
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2246
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2270
 msgid "Updating charts..."
 msgstr "Aggiornamento dei grafici in corso..."
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2414
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2394
 msgid "Show project list"
 msgstr "Mostra la lista dei progetti"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2414
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2394
 msgid "Uses smaller area for graphs"
 msgstr "Utilizza un'area minore per i grafici"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:163
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:169
 msgid "Retry Now"
 msgstr "Ritenta il trasferimento"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:164
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:170
 msgid "Retry the file transfer now"
 msgstr "Riprova il trasferimento del file ora"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:170
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:176
 msgid "Abort Transfer"
 msgstr "Annulla il trasferimento"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:171
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:177
 msgid "Abort this file transfer.  You won't get credit for the task."
 msgstr ""
 "Annulla il trasferimento di questo file.  Non otterrai crediti per il "
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:182
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:188
 msgid "File"
 msgstr "File"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:183 ViewWork.cpp:232
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:189
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:238
 msgid "Progress"
 msgstr "Avanzamento"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:184
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:190
 msgid "Size"
 msgstr "Dimensione"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:185
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:191
 msgid "Elapsed Time"
 msgstr "Tempo trascorso"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:186
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:192
 msgid "Speed"
 msgstr "Velocità"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:212
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:218
 msgid "Transfers"
 msgstr "Trasferimenti"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:279
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:285
 msgid "Network activity is suspended - "
 msgstr "L'attività di rete è sospesa -"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:281
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:287
 msgid ""
 "You can enable it using the Activity menu."
@@ -3359,19 +3863,19 @@ msgstr ""
 "Puoi attivarlo utlizzando il menù Attività"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:284
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:290
 msgid "BOINC"
 msgstr "BOINC"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:291
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:297
 msgid "Retrying transfer now..."
 msgstr "Tentativo di trasferimento in corso..."
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:329
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:335
 msgid "Aborting transfer..."
 msgstr "Interruzione del trasferimento in corso..."
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:342
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:348
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "Are you sure you want to abort this file transfer '%s'?\n"
@@ -3382,120 +3886,102 @@ msgstr ""
 "NOTA: Annullando il trasferimento, invaliderai l'elaborazione e\n"
 "non otterrai i relativi crediti."
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:348
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:354
 msgid "Abort File Transfer"
 msgstr "Annulla il trasferimento del file"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:769
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:785
 msgid "Upload"
 msgstr "Invio"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:769
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:785
 msgid "Download"
 msgstr "Ricezione"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:773
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:789
 msgid "retry in "
 msgstr "Riprova tra "
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:775
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:791
 msgid "failed"
 msgstr "fallito"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:778
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:794
 msgid "suspended"
 msgstr "sospeso"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:783
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:799
 msgid "active"
 msgstr "attivo"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:785
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:801
 msgid "pending"
 msgstr "in attesa"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:792
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:808
 msgid " (project backoff: "
 msgstr "(rinvio causa progetto: "
-#: ViewWork.cpp:186 ViewWork.cpp:766
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:192
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:782
 msgid "Show active tasks"
 msgstr "Mostra le elaborazioni in corso"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:187 ViewWork.cpp:767
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:193
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:783
 msgid "Show only active tasks."
 msgstr "Mostra solo le elaborazioni in corso."
-#: ViewWork.cpp:193 sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:60 sg_ViewTabPage.cpp:424
-msgid "Show graphics"
-msgstr "Mostra la grafica"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:194 sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:61
-msgid "Show application graphics in a window."
-msgstr "Mostra la grafica dell'applicazione in una finestra."
-#: ViewWork.cpp:200
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:206
 msgid "Show VM Console"
 msgstr "Mostra la Console VM"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:201
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:207
 msgid "Show VM Console in a window."
 msgstr "Mostra la console VM in una finestra."
-#: ViewWork.cpp:208
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:214
 msgid "Suspend work for this result."
 msgstr "Sospende l'elaborazione selezionata."
-#: ViewWork.cpp:214 sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:72
-msgid "Abort"
-msgstr "Annulla"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:215
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:221
 msgid "Abandon work on the result. You will get no credit for it."
 msgstr ""
 "Abbandona l'elaborazione selezionata. In questo modo non otterai crediti."
-#: ViewWork.cpp:222 sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:79
-msgid "Show task details."
-msgstr "Visualizza i dettagli dell'elaborazione."
-#: ViewWork.cpp:234
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:240
 msgid "Elapsed"
 msgstr "Tempo"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:235
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:241
 msgid "Remaining (estimated)"
 msgstr "Tempo mancante (stimato)"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:236
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:242
 msgid "Deadline"
 msgstr "Scadenza"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:238
-msgid "Name"
-msgstr "Nome"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:263
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:269
 msgid "Tasks"
 msgstr "Elaborazioni"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:356
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:362
 msgid "Resuming task..."
 msgstr "Avvio dell'elaborazione..."
-#: ViewWork.cpp:359
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:365
 msgid "Suspending task..."
 msgstr "Sospensione dell'elaborazione..."
-#: ViewWork.cpp:388
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:394
 msgid "Showing graphics for task..."
 msgstr "Mostra la grafica dell'applicazione..."
-#: ViewWork.cpp:425
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:431
 msgid "Showing VM console for task..."
 msgstr "Mostra la console VM per il lavoro..."
-#: ViewWork.cpp:478
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:484
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "Are you sure you want to abort this task '%s'?\n"
@@ -3504,765 +3990,475 @@ msgstr ""
 "Sei sicuro di voler annullare l'elaborazione di '%s'?\n"
 "(Avanzamento: %s, Stato: %s)"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:484
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:490
 #, c-format
 msgid "Are you sure you want to abort these %d tasks?"
 msgstr "Sei sicuro di voler annullare queste %d elaborazioni?"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:489 sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:256
-msgid "Abort task"
-msgstr "Annulla l'elaborazione"
 # 75%
-#: ViewWork.cpp:498
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:504
 msgid "Aborting task..."
 msgstr "Interruzione del lavoro in corso..."
-#: ViewWork.cpp:760
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:776
 msgid "Show all tasks"
 msgstr "Mostra tutte le elaborazioni"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:761
-msgid "Show all tasks."
-msgstr "Mostra tutte le elaborazioni."
-#: ViewWork.cpp:785 sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:103
-msgid "Resume work for this task."
-msgstr "Riprendi l'elaborazione selezionata."
-#: ViewWork.cpp:791 sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:107
-msgid "Suspend work for this task."
-msgstr "Sospendi l'elaborazione selezionata."
-#: WelcomePage.cpp:284
-msgid "Add project or account manager"
-msgstr "Connessione ad un progetto o ad un account manager"
-#: WelcomePage.cpp:288
-msgid "Add project or use BOINC Account Manager"
-msgstr "Aggiungi un progetto oppure utilizza l'Account Manager di BOINC"
-#: WelcomePage.cpp:297
-#, c-format
-msgid ""
-"If possible, add projects at the\n"
-"%s web site.\n"
-"Projects added via this wizard will not be\n"
-"listed on or managed via %s."
-msgstr ""
-"Se possibile, aggiungi progetti dal\n"
-"sito web di %s.\n"
-"I progetti aggiunti tramite la procedura guidata\n"
-"non saranno mostrati o gestiti da %s."
-#: WelcomePage.cpp:313
-msgid ""
-"There are over 30 BOINC-based projects\n"
-"doing research in many areas of science,\n"
-"and you can volunteer for as many of them as you like.\n"
-"You can add a project directly,\n"
-"or use an 'Account Manager' web site to select projects."
-msgstr ""
-"Ci sono più di 30 progetti basati su BOINC\n"
-"per fare ricerca in molte aree della scienza,\n"
-"e si può fare volontariato per il maggior numero di essi.\n"
-"È possibile aggiungere un progetto direttamente,\n"
-"oppure utilizzare un 'Account Manager per selezionare i progetti."
-#: WelcomePage.cpp:325
-msgid ""
-"You have chosen to add a new volunteer computing project or change which "
-"you contribute to.\n"
-"Some of these projects are run and managed by World Community Grid, while "
-"are run and managed by other researchers or organizations. The BOINC "
-"can divide your spare processing power among any combination of projects.\n"
-"Alternatively, if you have registered with a BOINC Account Manager, you can "
-"this to choose which projects to support.\n"
-"Please choose which type of change you would like to make:\n"
-msgstr ""
-"Hai scelto di aggiungere un nuovo progetto di calcolo volontario o di "
-"cambiare i progetti\n"
-"sui quali contribuire.\n"
-"Alcuni di questi progetti sono fatti girare e gestiti dalla World Community "
-"Grid, mentre altri\n"
-"sono fatti girare e gestiti da altri istituti di ricerca o organizzazioni. "
-"Il software BOINC\n"
-"può dividere il tuo tempo di elaborazione libero su una combinazione "
-"qualunque dei progetti.\n"
-"Alternativamente, se ti sei registrato con un BOINC Account Manager, puoi "
-"questo per scegliere quali progetti supportare.\n"
-"Per favore scegli quale tipo di cambiamento vuoi effettuare:\n"
-#: WelcomePage.cpp:339
-msgid "Use a BOINC Account Manager"
-msgstr "Usa un BOINC Account Manager"
-#: WelcomePage.cpp:352
-msgid "To continue, click Next."
-msgstr "Per continuare, cliccare su Avanti."
-#: WelcomePage.cpp:358
-msgid "Add or change your World Community Grid projects"
-msgstr "Aggiungi o cambia i tuoi progetti World Community Grid"
-#: WelcomePage.cpp:361
-msgid "Add projects run by other researchers or organizations"
-msgstr "Aggiungi progetti gestiti da altri istituti di ricerca o organizzazioni"
-#: WizardAttach.cpp:635
-msgid "Do you really want to cancel?"
-msgstr "Sei certo di voler annullare?"
-#: WizardAttach.cpp:636
-msgid "Question"
-msgstr "Domanda"
-#: sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:136 sg_BoincSimpleGUI.cpp:119
-msgid "Advanced View...\tCtrl+Shift+A"
-msgstr "Visualizzazione Avanzata...\tCtrl+Shift+A"
-#: sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:137
-msgid "Display the advanced graphical interface."
-msgstr "Visualizza l'interfaccia grafica avanzata di BOINC"
-#: sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:144
-msgid "Skin"
-msgstr "Interfaccia"
-#: sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:146
-msgid "Select the appearance of the user interface."
-msgstr "Seleziona la grafica dell'interfaccia utente."
-#: sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:193 sg_BoincSimpleGUI.cpp:147
-#, c-format
-msgid "&%s"
-msgstr "&%s"
-#: sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:369
-msgid "Default"
-msgstr "Predefinito"
-#: sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:739
-msgid "Suspend Computing"
-msgstr "Sospendi Lavoro"
-#: sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:740
-msgid "Resume Computing"
-msgstr "Riprendi Lavoro"
-#: sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:757
-msgid "Open a window to view notices from projects or BOINC"
-msgstr "Apri una finestra per visualizzare gli avvisi dai progetti o dal BOINC"
-#: sg_BoincSimpleGUI.cpp:120
-msgid "Display the advanced (accessible) graphical interface."
-msgstr "Visualizza l'interfaccia grafica avanzata."
-#: sg_ClientStateIndicator.cpp:288 sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1207
-msgid "Retrieving current status."
-msgstr "Ricezione dello stato corrente in corso."
-#: sg_ClientStateIndicator.cpp:291 sg_TaskPanel.cpp:448
-msgid "You don't have any projects.  Please Add a Project."
-msgstr "Non sei connesso ad alcun progetto.  Prima connettiti ad un progetto."
-#: sg_ClientStateIndicator.cpp:294 sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1213
-msgid "Downloading work from the server."
-msgstr "Scaricamento del lavoro dal server in corso."
-#: sg_ClientStateIndicator.cpp:299 sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1218
-msgid "Processing Suspended:  Running On Batteries."
-msgstr "Elaborazione sospesa:  alimentazione a batterie."
-#: sg_ClientStateIndicator.cpp:301 sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1220
-msgid "Processing Suspended:  User Active."
-msgstr "Elaborazione sospesa:  l'utente è attivo."
-#: sg_ClientStateIndicator.cpp:303 sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1222
-msgid "Processing Suspended:  User paused processing."
-msgstr "Elaborazione sospesa:  l'utente ha sospeso l'elaborazione."
-#: sg_ClientStateIndicator.cpp:305 sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1224
-msgid "Processing Suspended:  Time of Day."
-msgstr "Elaborazione sospesa:  superati i limiti di orario."
-#: sg_ClientStateIndicator.cpp:307 sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1226
-msgid "Processing Suspended:  Benchmarks Running."
-msgstr "Elaborazione sospesa:  esecuzione dei benchmark."
-#: sg_ClientStateIndicator.cpp:309 sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1228
-msgid "Processing Suspended."
-msgstr "Elaborazione sospesa."
-#: sg_ClientStateIndicator.cpp:313 sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1232
-msgid "Waiting to contact project servers."
-msgstr "In attesa di contattare i server dei progetti."
-#: sg_ClientStateIndicator.cpp:317 sg_ClientStateIndicator.cpp:325
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1236 sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1245
-msgid "Retrieving current status"
-msgstr "Ricezione dello stato corrente in corso"
-#: sg_ClientStateIndicator.cpp:320 sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1240
-msgid "No work available to process"
-msgstr "Nessun lavoro disponibile da elaborare"
-#: sg_ClientStateIndicator.cpp:322 sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1242
-msgid "Unable to connect to the core client"
-msgstr "Impossibile connettersi al client BOINC"
-#: sg_DlgMessages.cpp:164
-msgid "Close"
-msgstr "Chiudi"
-#: sg_DlgMessages.cpp:463
-#, c-format
-msgid "%s - Notices"
-msgstr "Avvisi di %s"
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:777
+msgid "Show all tasks."
+msgstr "Mostra tutte le elaborazioni."
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:94
-msgid "100 MB"
-msgstr "100 MB"
+#: clientgui/WelcomePage.cpp:284
+msgid "Add project or account manager"
+msgstr "Connessione ad un progetto o ad un account manager"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:95
-msgid "200 MB"
-msgstr "200 MB"
+#: clientgui/WelcomePage.cpp:288
+msgid "Add project or use BOINC Account Manager"
+msgstr "Aggiungi un progetto oppure utilizza l'Account Manager di BOINC"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:96
-msgid "500 MB"
-msgstr "500 MB"
+#: clientgui/WelcomePage.cpp:297
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"If possible, add projects at the\n"
+"%s web site.\n"
+"Projects added via this wizard will not be\n"
+"listed on or managed via %s."
+msgstr ""
+"Se possibile, aggiungi progetti dal\n"
+"sito web di %s.\n"
+"I progetti aggiunti tramite la procedura guidata\n"
+"non saranno mostrati o gestiti da %s."
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:97
-msgid "1 GB"
-msgstr "1 GB"
+#: clientgui/WelcomePage.cpp:313
+msgid ""
+"There are over 30 BOINC-based projects\n"
+"doing research in many areas of science,\n"
+"and you can volunteer for as many of them as you like.\n"
+"You can add a project directly,\n"
+"or use an 'Account Manager' web site to select projects."
+msgstr ""
+"Ci sono più di 30 progetti basati su BOINC\n"
+"per fare ricerca in molte aree della scienza,\n"
+"e si può fare volontariato per il maggior numero di essi.\n"
+"È possibile aggiungere un progetto direttamente,\n"
+"oppure utilizzare un 'Account Manager per selezionare i progetti."
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:98
-msgid "2 GB"
-msgstr "2 GB"
+#: clientgui/WelcomePage.cpp:325
+msgid ""
+"You have chosen to add a new volunteer computing project or change which projects\n"
+"you contribute to.\n"
+"Some of these projects are run and managed by World Community Grid, while others\n"
+"are run and managed by other researchers or organizations. The BOINC software\n"
+"can divide your spare processing power among any combination of projects.\n"
+"Alternatively, if you have registered with a BOINC Account Manager, you can use\n"
+"this to choose which projects to support.\n"
+"Please choose which type of change you would like to make:\n"
+msgstr ""
+"Hai scelto di aggiungere un nuovo progetto di calcolo volontario o di "
+"cambiare i progetti\n"
+"sui quali contribuire.\n"
+"Alcuni di questi progetti sono fatti girare e gestiti dalla World Community "
+"Grid, mentre altri\n"
+"sono fatti girare e gestiti da altri istituti di ricerca o organizzazioni. "
+"Il software BOINC\n"
+"può dividere il tuo tempo di elaborazione libero su una combinazione "
+"qualunque dei progetti.\n"
+"Alternativamente, se ti sei registrato con un BOINC Account Manager, puoi "
+"questo per scegliere quali progetti supportare.\n"
+"Per favore scegli quale tipo di cambiamento vuoi effettuare:\n"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:99
-msgid "5 GB"
-msgstr "5 GB"
+#: clientgui/WelcomePage.cpp:339
+msgid "Use a BOINC Account Manager"
+msgstr "Usa un BOINC Account Manager"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:100
-msgid "10 GB"
-msgstr "10 GB"
+#: clientgui/WelcomePage.cpp:358
+msgid "Add or change your World Community Grid projects"
+msgstr "Aggiungi o cambia i tuoi progetti World Community Grid"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:101
-msgid "20 GB"
-msgstr "20 GB"
+#: clientgui/WelcomePage.cpp:361
+msgid "Add projects run by other researchers or organizations"
+msgstr "Aggiungi progetti gestiti da altri istituti di ricerca o organizzazioni"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:102
-msgid "50 GB"
-msgstr "50 GB"
+#: clientgui/WizardAttach.cpp:673
+msgid "Do you really want to cancel?"
+msgstr "Sei certo di voler annullare?"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:103
-msgid "100 GB"
-msgstr "100 GB"
+#: clientgui/WizardAttach.cpp:674
+msgid "Question"
+msgstr "Domanda"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:134
-msgid "10%"
-msgstr "10%"
+#: clientgui/wizardex.cpp:377
+#: clientgui/wizardex.cpp:553
+msgid "&Next >"
+msgstr "&Avanti >"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:135
-msgid "20%"
-msgstr "20%"
+#: clientgui/wizardex.cpp:383
+msgid "< &Back"
+msgstr "< &Indietro"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:136
-msgid "30%"
-msgstr "30%"
+#: clientgui/wizardex.cpp:553
+msgid "&Finish"
+msgstr "&Fine"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:137
-msgid "40%"
-msgstr "40%"
+#: clientgui/common/wxPieCtrl.cpp:64
+msgid "Pie Ctrl"
+msgstr "Controllo"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:138
-msgid "50%"
-msgstr "50%"
+#: clientgui/mac/Mac_GUI.cpp:35
+msgid "Services"
+msgstr "Servizi"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:139
-msgid "60%"
-msgstr "60%"
+#: clientgui/mac/Mac_GUI.cpp:36
+#, c-format
+msgid "Hide %s"
+msgstr "Nascondi %s"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:140
-msgid "70%"
-msgstr "70%"
+#: clientgui/mac/Mac_GUI.cpp:37
+msgid "Hide Others"
+msgstr "Nascondi gli altri"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:141
-msgid "80%"
-msgstr "80%"
+#: clientgui/mac/Mac_GUI.cpp:38
+msgid "Show All"
+msgstr "Mostra tutti"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:142
-msgid "90%"
-msgstr "90%"
+#: clientgui/mac/Mac_GUI.cpp:39
+#, c-format
+msgid "Quit %s"
+msgstr "Esci da %s"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:143
-msgid "100%"
-msgstr "100%"
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.h:30
+msgid "specify work start and stop hours in format HH:MM-HH:MM"
+msgstr ""
+"specifica l'orario di avvio e arresto dell'elaborazione nel formato HH:MM-"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:168
-msgid "1"
-msgstr "1"
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.h:31
+msgid "specify network usage start and stop hours in format HH:MM-HH:MM"
+msgstr ""
+"specifica l'orario di avvio e arresto per l'uso della rete nel formato HH"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:169
-msgid "3"
-msgstr "3"
+# 98%
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "(C) 2003-2013 University of California, Berkeley.\n"
+#~ "All Rights Reserved."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "(C) 2003-2013 Università della California, Berkeley.\n"
+#~ "Tutti i diritti riservati."
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:170
-msgid "5"
-msgstr "5"
+#, c-format
+#~ msgid "%s - Preferences"
+#~ msgstr "%s - Preferenze"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:171
-msgid "10"
-msgstr "10"
+#, no-c-format
+#~ msgid "% of the processors (0 means ignore this setting)"
+#~ msgstr "% dei processori (0 significa ignora questa impostazione)"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:172
-msgid "15"
-msgstr "15"
+#, no-c-format
+#~ msgid "% CPU time"
+#~ msgstr "% della CPU"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:173
-msgid "30"
-msgstr "30"
+#~ msgid "KBytes/sec."
+#~ msgstr "KBytes/sec."
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:174
-msgid "60"
-msgstr "60"
+#~ msgid "Mbytes"
+#~ msgstr "Mbytes"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:282
-msgid "This dialog controls preferences for this computer only."
-msgstr "Questa finestra controlla le preferenze solo di questo computer."
+#~ msgid "every"
+#~ msgstr "ogni"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:287
-msgid "Click OK to set preferences."
-msgstr "Clicca OK per salvare le preferenze."
+#~ msgid "days"
+#~ msgstr "giorni"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:292
-msgid "Click Clear to restore web-based settings."
-msgstr "Clicca Cancella per ripristinare le preferenze web."
+#~ msgid "Gigabytes disk space"
+#~ msgstr "Gigabytes di spazio sul disco"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:299
-msgid "For additional settings, select Computing Preferences in "
-msgstr "Per impostazioni aggiuntive, seleziona Preferenze di elaborazione nel "
+#~ msgid "Running, high priority"
+#~ msgstr "In elaborazione, priorità alta"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:304
-msgid "the Advanced View."
-msgstr "la Visualizzazione Avanzata."
+#~ msgid " (Scheduler wait: "
+#~ msgstr " (In attesa dello Scheduler:"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:332
-msgid "Do work only between:"
-msgstr "Elabora solamente tra:"
+#~ msgid " (Scheduler wait)"
+#~ msgstr " (Attesa dello scheduler)"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:354
-msgid "Connect to internet only between:"
-msgstr "Connetti ad internet solamente tra:"
+#~ msgid " (Waiting for network access)"
+#~ msgstr " (In attesa di accesso alla rete)"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:376 sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:393
-msgid "Use no more than:"
-msgstr "Non utilizzare più di:"
+#~ msgid "Preferences…"
+#~ msgstr "Preferenze..."
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:389
-msgid "of disk space"
-msgstr "di spazio sul disco"
+#~ msgid "Account manager website"
+#~ msgstr "Sito web dell'account manager"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:406
-msgid "of the processor"
-msgstr "del processore"
+#~ msgid "Account Manager &URL:"
+#~ msgstr "&URL dell'Account Manager:"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:410
-msgid "Do work while on battery?"
-msgstr "Elabora quando il pc è alimentato a batterie?"
+#, c-format
+#~ msgid "%s &website"
+#~ msgstr "Sito &web di %s"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:423
-msgid "Do work after idle for:"
-msgstr "Elabora dopo che il PC è inutilizzato da:"
+#~ msgid "invalid float"
+#~ msgstr "numero decimale non valido"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:621 sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:624
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:683 sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:687
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:699 sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:703
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:846 sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:857
-msgid "Anytime"
-msgstr "Qualunque momento"
+#~ msgid "Workunit name"
+#~ msgstr "Nome dell'unità di lavoro"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:719
-#, c-format
-msgid "%d MB"
-msgstr "%d MB"
+#~ msgid "Notice List"
+#~ msgstr "Lista degli avvisi"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:721
 #, c-format
-msgid "%4.2f GB"
-msgstr "%4.2f GB"
+#~ msgid "%s; received on %s"
+#~ msgstr "%s; ricevuto su %s"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:762
 #, c-format
-msgid "%d%%"
-msgstr "%d%%"
+#~ msgid "%s; received from %s; on %s"
+#~ msgstr "%s: ricevuto da %s; su %s"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:798
-msgid "0 (Run Always)"
-msgstr "0 (Elabora sempre)"
+#~ msgid "Click"
+#~ msgstr "Clicca"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:801
-#, c-format
-msgid "%d"
-msgstr "%d"
+#~ msgid "Project List"
+#~ msgstr "Lista dei Progetti"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:1031
-msgid "Do you really want to clear all local preferences?\n"
-msgstr "Vuoi veramente cancellare tutte le preferenze locali?\n"
+#~ msgid "Nvidia GPU Supported"
+#~ msgstr "GPU Nvidia Supportata"
-#: sg_ImageButton.cpp:90
-msgid "Paused: Other work running"
-msgstr "In pausa: altre elaborazioni in corso"
+#~ msgid "ATI GPU Supported"
+#~ msgstr "GPU ATI Supportata"
-#: sg_ImageButton.cpp:92
-msgid "Paused: User initiated.  Click 'Resume' to continue"
-msgstr "In pausa: impostato dall'utente.  Clicca su 'Riprendi' per continuare"
+#~ msgid "Project Website"
+#~ msgstr "Sito web progetto"
-#: sg_ImageButton.cpp:94
-msgid "Paused: User active"
-msgstr "In pausa: utente attivo"
+#~ msgid "I do not agree with the terms of use."
+#~ msgstr "Non accetto le condizioni d'uso."
-#: sg_ImageButton.cpp:96
-msgid "Paused: Computer on battery"
-msgstr "In pausa: alimentazione a batteria"
+#~ msgid "One or more items failed to load from the Internet."
+#~ msgstr "Lo scaricamento di uno o più elementi da Internet è fallito."
-#: sg_ImageButton.cpp:98
-msgid "Paused: Time of Day"
-msgstr "In pausa: superati i limiti di orario"
+# 88%
+#~ msgid "Retry now"
+#~ msgstr "Ritenta ora"
-#: sg_ImageButton.cpp:100
-msgid "Paused: Benchmarks running"
-msgstr "In pausa: esecuzione dei benchmark"
+#~ msgid "Display the advanced (accessible) graphical interface."
+#~ msgstr "Visualizza l'interfaccia grafica avanzata."
-#: sg_ImageButton.cpp:102
-msgid "Paused"
-msgstr "Sospeso"
+#~ msgid "10%"
+#~ msgstr "10%"
-#: sg_ImageButton.cpp:104
-msgid "Paused: Application start delayed"
-msgstr "Sospeso: l'avvio dell'applicazione è stato rimandato"
+#~ msgid "20%"
+#~ msgstr "20%"
-#: sg_ImageButton.cpp:132
-msgid "Click to show project graphics"
-msgstr "Clicca per visualizzare la grafica del progetto"
+#~ msgid "30%"
+#~ msgstr "30%"
-#: sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:72
-msgid "Add Project"
-msgstr "Aggiungi un progetto"
+#~ msgid "40%"
+#~ msgstr "40%"
-#: sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:73
-msgid "Synchronize"
-msgstr "Sincronizza"
+#~ msgid "50%"
+#~ msgstr "50%"
-#: sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:74
-msgid "Work done for this project"
-msgstr "Lavoro svolto per questo progetto"
+#~ msgid "60%"
+#~ msgstr "60%"
-#: sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:77 sg_ProjectsComponent.cpp:123
-msgid "Synchronize projects with account manager system"
-msgstr "Sincronizza i progetti con il sistema dell'account manager"
+#~ msgid "70%"
+#~ msgstr "70%"
-#: sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:124
-msgid "Select a project to access with the controls below"
-msgstr ""
-"Seleziona un progetto a cui accedere mediantei i controlli sottostanti..."
+#~ msgid "80%"
+#~ msgstr "80%"
-#: sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:145
-msgid "Project Web Pages"
-msgstr "Siti web del progetto"
+#~ msgid "90%"
+#~ msgstr "90%"
-#: sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:149
-msgid "Project Commands"
-msgstr "Comandi del Progetto"
+#~ msgid "100%"
+#~ msgstr "100%"
-#: sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:267
-#, c-format
-msgid "Pop up a menu of websites for project %s"
-msgstr "Apri una finestra con i siti web per il progetto %s"
+#~ msgid "1"
+#~ msgstr "1"
-#: sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:269
-#, c-format
-msgid "Pop up a menu of commands to apply to project %s"
-msgstr "Apri una finestra di menù dei comandi da applicare al progetto %s"
+#~ msgid "3"
+#~ msgstr "3"
-#: sg_ProjectsComponent.cpp:196 sg_ProjectsComponent.cpp:207
-msgid "Open a window to view messages"
-msgstr "Apri la finestra per visualizzare i messaggi"
+#~ msgid "5"
+#~ msgstr "5"
-#: sg_ProjectsComponent.cpp:225
-msgid "Stop all activity"
-msgstr "Ferma tutte le attività"
+#~ msgid "10"
+#~ msgstr "10"
-#: sg_ProjectsComponent.cpp:237
-msgid "Resume activity"
-msgstr "Riprendi le attività"
+#~ msgid "15"
+#~ msgstr "15"
-#: sg_ProjectsComponent.cpp:254
-msgid "Open a window to set your preferences"
-msgstr "Apri la finestra per impostare le tue preferenze"
+#~ msgid "30"
+#~ msgstr "30"
-#: sg_ProjectsComponent.cpp:271
-msgid "Switch to the BOINC advanced view"
-msgstr "Passa alla visualizzazione avanzata di BOINC"
+#~ msgid "60"
+#~ msgstr "60"
-#: sg_ProjectsComponent.cpp:298
-msgid "My Projects:"
-msgstr "I miei progetti:"
+#~ msgid "Click Clear to restore web-based settings."
+#~ msgstr "Clicca Cancella per ripristinare le preferenze web."
-#: sg_StatImageLoader.cpp:101
-#, c-format
-msgid "%s. Work done by %s: %0.2f"
-msgstr "%s. Crediti ottenuti da %s: %0.2f"
+#~ msgid "For additional settings, select Computing Preferences in "
+#~ msgstr "Per impostazioni aggiuntive, seleziona Preferenze di elaborazione nel "
-#: sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:67
-msgid "Suspend this task."
-msgstr "Sospendi questo lavoro."
+#~ msgid "the Advanced View."
+#~ msgstr "la Visualizzazione Avanzata."
-#: sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:73
-msgid "Abandon this task. You will get no credit for it."
-msgstr "Abbandona questo lavoro. Non otterrai crediti per esso."
+#~ msgid "Paused: Other work running"
+#~ msgstr "In pausa: altre elaborazioni in corso"
-#: sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:251
-#, c-format
-msgid ""
-"Are you sure you want to abort this task '%s'?\n"
-"(Progress: %.1lf%%, Status: %s)"
-msgstr ""
-"Sei sicuro di voler annullare l'elaborazione di '%s'?\n"
-"(Avanzamento: %.1lf%%, Stato: %s)"
+#~ msgid "Paused: User initiated.  Click 'Resume' to continue"
+#~ msgstr "In pausa: impostato dall'utente.  Clicca su 'Riprendi' per continuare"
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:449
-msgid "Not available"
-msgstr "Non disponibile"
+#~ msgid "Paused: User active"
+#~ msgstr "In pausa: utente attivo"
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:460
-msgid "Tasks:"
-msgstr "Elaborazioni:"
+#~ msgid "Paused: Computer on battery"
+#~ msgstr "In pausa: alimentazione a batteria"
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:466
-msgid "Select a task to access"
-msgstr "Seleziona un'attività alla quale acccedere"
+#~ msgid "Paused: Time of Day"
+#~ msgstr "In pausa: superati i limiti di orario"
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:477
-msgid "From:"
-msgstr "Da:"
+#~ msgid "Paused: Benchmarks running"
+#~ msgstr "In pausa: esecuzione dei benchmark"
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:531
-msgid "This task's progress"
-msgstr "Avanzamento di questa attività"
+#~ msgid "Paused"
+#~ msgstr "Sospeso"
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:549
-msgid "Task Commands"
-msgstr "Comandi dell'attività"
+#~ msgid "Paused: Application start delayed"
+#~ msgstr "Sospeso: l'avvio dell'applicazione è stato rimandato"
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:550
-msgid "Pop up a menu of commands to apply to this task"
-msgstr "Apri una finestra di menù dei comandi da applicare a questo lavoro"
+#~ msgid "Click to show project graphics"
+#~ msgstr "Clicca per visualizzare la grafica del progetto"
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:685
 #, c-format
-msgid "Application: %s"
-msgstr "Applicazione: %s"
+#~ msgid "Pop up a menu of websites for project %s"
+#~ msgstr "Apri una finestra con i siti web per il progetto %s"
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:708
-#, c-format
-msgid "%.3f%%"
-msgstr "%.3f%%"
+#~ msgid "Open a window to view messages"
+#~ msgstr "Apri la finestra per visualizzare i messaggi"
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:716
-msgid "Application: Not available"
-msgstr "Applicazione: Non disponibile"
+#~ msgid "Stop all activity"
+#~ msgstr "Ferma tutte le attività"
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:816
-msgid "Not Available"
-msgstr "Non disponibile"
+#~ msgid "Resume activity"
+#~ msgstr "Riprendi le attività"
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:831
-#, c-format
-msgid "Elapsed: %s"
-msgstr "Trascorso: %s"
+#~ msgid "Open a window to set your preferences"
+#~ msgstr "Apri la finestra per impostare le tue preferenze"
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:845
-#, c-format
-msgid "Remaining (estimated): %s"
-msgstr "Tempo mancante: %s"
+#~ msgid "Switch to the BOINC advanced view"
+#~ msgstr "Passa alla visualizzazione avanzata di BOINC"
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:860
-#, c-format
-msgid "Status: %s"
-msgstr "Stato: %s"
+#~ msgid "My Projects:"
+#~ msgstr "I miei progetti:"
-#: sg_ViewTabPage.cpp:140 sg_ViewTabPage.cpp:280
 #, c-format
-msgid "%.1lf"
-msgstr "%.1lf"
+#~ msgid "%s. Work done by %s: %0.2f"
+#~ msgstr "%s. Crediti ottenuti da %s: %0.2f"
-#: sg_ViewTabPage.cpp:409
 #, c-format
-msgid "%d hr %d min %d sec"
-msgstr "%d ore %d min %d sec"
-#: sg_ViewTabPage.cpp:423
-msgid "Are you sure you want to display graphics on a remote machine?"
-msgstr "Sei sicuro di voler mostrare la grafica in remoto?"
-#: sg_ViewTabPage.cpp:446
-msgid "Application: "
-msgstr "Applicazione:"
+#~ msgid "%.1lf"
+#~ msgstr "%.1lf"
-#: sg_ViewTabPage.cpp:449 sg_ViewTabPage.cpp:453
-msgid "Time Remaining: "
-msgstr "Tempo mancante:"
-#: sg_ViewTabPage.cpp:452
-msgid "Elapsed Time: "
-msgstr "Tempo trascorso:"
+#, c-format
+#~ msgid "%d hr %d min %d sec"
+#~ msgstr "%d ore %d min %d sec"
-#: wizardex.cpp:377 wizardex.cpp:553
-msgid "&Next >"
-msgstr "&Avanti >"
+#~ msgid "Are you sure you want to display graphics on a remote machine?"
+#~ msgstr "Sei sicuro di voler mostrare la grafica in remoto?"
-#: wizardex.cpp:383
-msgid "< &Back"
-msgstr "< &Indietro"
+#~ msgid "Application: "
+#~ msgstr "Applicazione:"
-#: wizardex.cpp:553
-msgid "&Finish"
-msgstr "&Fine"
+#~ msgid "Time Remaining: "
+#~ msgstr "Tempo mancante:"
-#: mac/MacAccessiblity.cpp:257
-msgid ""
-"for accessibility support, please select advanced from the view menu or type "
-"command shift a"
-msgstr ""
-"per il supporto accessibilità, per favore seleziona avanzate dal menu "
-"visualizza oppure premi command shift a"
+#~ msgid "Elapsed Time: "
+#~ msgstr "Tempo trascorso:"
-#: mac/MacAccessiblity.cpp:302
-msgid "This panel contains graphs showing user totals for projects"
-msgstr ""
-"Questo pannello contiene grafici che visualizzano il totale utente per i "
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "for accessibility support, please select advanced from the view menu or type "
+#~ "command shift a"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "per il supporto accessibilità, per favore seleziona avanzate dal menu "
+#~ "visualizza oppure premi command shift a"
-#: mac/MacAccessiblity.cpp:726
-msgid "list headers"
-msgstr "intestazioni della lista"
+#~ msgid "This panel contains graphs showing user totals for projects"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Questo pannello contiene grafici che visualizzano il totale utente per i "
+#~ "progetti"
-#: mac/MacAccessiblity.cpp:732
-msgid "list of events"
-msgstr "lista degli eventi"
+#~ msgid "list headers"
+#~ msgstr "intestazioni della lista"
-#: mac/MacAccessiblity.cpp:734
-msgid "list of events is empty"
-msgstr "la lista degli eventi è vuota"
+#~ msgid "list of events"
+#~ msgstr "lista degli eventi"
-#: mac/MacAccessiblity.cpp:739
-#, c-format
-msgid "list of %s"
-msgstr "lista di %s"
+#~ msgid "list of events is empty"
+#~ msgstr "la lista degli eventi è vuota"
-#: mac/MacAccessiblity.cpp:741
 #, c-format
-msgid "list of %s is empty"
-msgstr "la lista di %s è vuota"
+#~ msgid "list of %s"
+#~ msgstr "lista di %s"
-#: mac/MacAccessiblity.cpp:843
 #, c-format
-msgid "; current sort column %d of %d; descending order; "
-msgstr "; ordinamento corrente della colonna %d di %d; ordine discendente;"
+#~ msgid "list of %s is empty"
+#~ msgstr "la lista di %s è vuota"
-#: mac/MacAccessiblity.cpp:845
 #, c-format
-msgid "; current sort column %d of %d; ascending order; "
-msgstr "; ordinamento corrente della colonna %d di %d; ordinamento ascendente;"
+#~ msgid "; current sort column %d of %d; descending order; "
+#~ msgstr "; ordinamento corrente della colonna %d di %d; ordine discendente;"
-#: mac/MacAccessiblity.cpp:848
 #, c-format
-msgid "; column %d of %d; "
-msgstr "; colonna %d di %d"
-#: mac/MacAccessiblity.cpp:855
-msgid "list is empty"
-msgstr "la lista è vuota"
+#~ msgid "; current sort column %d of %d; ascending order; "
+#~ msgstr "; ordinamento corrente della colonna %d di %d; ordinamento ascendente;"
-#: mac/MacAccessiblity.cpp:858 mac/MacAccessiblity.cpp:870
 #, c-format
-msgid "; row %d; "
-msgstr "; riga %d;"
+#~ msgid "; column %d of %d; "
+#~ msgstr "; colonna %d di %d"
-#: mac/MacAccessiblity.cpp:862
-#, c-format
-msgid "; selected row %d of %d; "
-msgstr "; riga selezionara %d di %d"
+#~ msgid "list is empty"
+#~ msgstr "la lista è vuota"
-#: mac/MacAccessiblity.cpp:864
 #, c-format
-msgid "; selected row %d ; "
-msgstr "; riga selezionata %d ;"
+#~ msgid "; row %d; "
+#~ msgstr "; riga %d;"
-#: mac/MacAccessiblity.cpp:868
 #, c-format
-msgid "; row %d of %d; "
-msgstr "riga %d di %d "
-#: mac/MacAccessiblity.cpp:881
-msgid "blank"
-msgstr "vuota"
+#~ msgid "; selected row %d of %d; "
+#~ msgstr "; riga selezionara %d di %d"
-#: mac/MacAccessiblity.cpp:1523
-msgid "list of projects or account managers"
-msgstr "Elenco dei progetti o degli account manager"
-#: mac/MacAccessiblity.cpp:1575
 #, c-format
-msgid "selected row %d of %d; "
-msgstr "riga selezionata %d di %d;"
+#~ msgid "; selected row %d ; "
+#~ msgstr "; riga selezionata %d ;"
-#: mac/MacAccessiblity.cpp:1577
 #, c-format
-msgid "row %d of %d; "
-msgstr "riga %d di %d "
+#~ msgid "; row %d of %d; "
+#~ msgstr "riga %d di %d "
-#: mac/Mac_GUI.cpp:109
-msgid "Preferences…"
-msgstr "Preferenze..."
+#~ msgid "blank"
+#~ msgstr "vuota"
-#: mac/Mac_GUI.cpp:121
-msgid "Services"
-msgstr "Servizi"
+#~ msgid "list of projects or account managers"
+#~ msgstr "Elenco dei progetti o degli account manager"
-#: mac/Mac_GUI.cpp:143
 #, c-format
-msgid "Hide %s"
-msgstr "Nascondi %s"
-#: mac/Mac_GUI.cpp:157
-msgid "Hide Others"
-msgstr "Nascondi gli altri"
-#: mac/Mac_GUI.cpp:171
-msgid "Show All"
-msgstr "Mostra tutti"
+#~ msgid "selected row %d of %d; "
+#~ msgstr "riga selezionata %d di %d;"
-#: mac/Mac_GUI.cpp:185
 #, c-format
-msgid "Quit %s"
-msgstr "Esci da %s"
+#~ msgid "row %d of %d; "
+#~ msgstr "riga %d di %d "
 #~ msgid "The minimum username length for this project is 1. Please enter a different username."
 #~ msgstr ""
@@ -4327,19 +4523,6 @@ msgstr "Esci da %s"
 #~ msgid "OnDropTarget: index by HitTest = %i"
 #~ msgstr "OnDropTarget: index by HitTest = %i"
-#~ msgid "Pie Ctrl"
-#~ msgstr "Controllo"
-#~ msgid "specify work start and stop hours in format HH:MM-HH:MM"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "specifica l'orario di avvio e arresto dell'elaborazione nel formato HH:MM-"
-#~ "HH:MM"
-#~ msgid "specify network usage start and stop hours in format HH:MM-HH:MM"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "specifica l'orario di avvio e arresto per l'uso della rete nel formato HH"
-#~ ":MM-HH:MM"
 #~ msgid "Identify your account "
 #~ msgstr "Inserisci i tuoi dati "
diff --git a/locale/it_IT/BOINC-Project-Generic.po b/locale/it_IT/BOINC-Project-Generic.po
index e0184df..8b2bb94 100644
--- a/locale/it_IT/BOINC-Project-Generic.po
+++ b/locale/it_IT/BOINC-Project-Generic.po
@@ -6,8 +6,8 @@ msgid ""
 msgstr ""
 "Project-Id-Version: \n"
 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: BOINC translation team <boinc_loc at boinc.berkeley.edu>\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2013-10-29 10:57 PDT\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-11-07 08:22+0000\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-01-10 00:00 PST\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2014-06-27 14:55+0000\n"
 "Last-Translator: Gianfranco <costamagnagianfranco at yahoo.it>\n"
 "Language-Team: \n"
 "Language: it_IT\n"
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ msgstr ""
 "X-BOINC-UTF8-Marker: 简体中文, 日本語\n"
 "X-Poedit-SearchPath-0: html\\user\n"
 "X-Poedit-Basepath: C:\\Src\\BOINCSVN\\trunk\\boinc\n"
-"X-POOTLE-MTIME: 1383812552.0\n"
+"X-POOTLE-MTIME: 1403880903.0\n"
 msgstr "Italiano"
@@ -196,7 +196,7 @@ msgstr "Ricerca avanzata"
 # ########################################
 # Private messages
-#: ../inc/forum.inc:132 ../inc/user.inc:252 ../user/pm.php:69
+#: ../inc/forum.inc:132 ../inc/user.inc:253 ../user/pm.php:69
 #: ../user/pm.php:133
 msgid "Private messages"
 msgstr "Messaggi privati"
@@ -204,13 +204,13 @@ msgstr "Messaggi privati"
 # ########################################
 # Links from the main page
 #: ../inc/forum.inc:151 ../user/bs_sample_index.php:63
-#: ../user/forum_forum.php:71 ../user/sample_index.php:119
+#: ../user/forum_forum.php:71 ../user/sample_index.php:130
 msgid "Questions and Answers"
 msgstr "Domande e risposte"
-#: ../inc/forum.inc:151 ../inc/forum.inc:183 ../inc/user.inc:249
-#: ../inc/user.inc:374 ../user/bs_sample_index.php:62
-#: ../user/forum_forum.php:73 ../user/sample_index.php:118
+#: ../inc/forum.inc:151 ../inc/forum.inc:183 ../inc/user.inc:250
+#: ../inc/user.inc:375 ../user/bs_sample_index.php:62
+#: ../user/forum_forum.php:73 ../user/sample_index.php:129
 #: ../project.sample/project.inc:43
 msgid "Message boards"
 msgstr "Indice del forum"
@@ -281,7 +281,7 @@ msgstr "Non letto"
 msgid "Message %1"
 msgstr "Messaggio %1"
-#: ../inc/forum.inc:624 ../inc/user.inc:330 ../user/forum_forum.php:174
+#: ../inc/forum.inc:624 ../inc/user.inc:331 ../user/forum_forum.php:174
 msgid "hidden"
 msgstr "nascosto"
@@ -500,7 +500,7 @@ msgstr "Argomento"
 # ########################################
 # Forum
-#: ../inc/forum.inc:1174 ../inc/team.inc:127 ../user/forum_forum.php:136
+#: ../inc/forum.inc:1174 ../inc/team.inc:128 ../user/forum_forum.php:136
 #: ../user/forum_index.php:94
 msgid "Posts"
 msgstr "Messaggi"
@@ -509,7 +509,7 @@ msgstr "Messaggi"
 msgid "Views"
 msgstr "Visite"
-#: ../inc/forum.inc:1177 ../inc/team.inc:127 ../user/forum_forum.php:139
+#: ../inc/forum.inc:1177 ../inc/team.inc:128 ../user/forum_forum.php:139
 #: ../user/forum_help_desk.php:46 ../user/forum_index.php:95
 msgid "Last post"
 msgstr "Ultimo messaggio"
@@ -547,7 +547,7 @@ msgid "Home"
 msgstr "Casa"
 #: ../inc/host.inc:57 ../inc/prefs.inc:641 ../inc/prefs.inc:1049
-#: ../user/server_status.php:329
+#: ../user/server_status.php:314
 msgid "Work"
 msgstr "Lavoro"
@@ -613,9 +613,9 @@ msgid "Created"
 msgstr "Creato"
 #: ../inc/host.inc:113 ../inc/host.inc:226 ../inc/host.inc:231
-#: ../inc/host.inc:681 ../inc/team.inc:101 ../inc/team.inc:214
-#: ../inc/team.inc:219 ../inc/team.inc:221 ../inc/team.inc:363
-#: ../inc/team.inc:368 ../inc/user.inc:125 ../inc/user.inc:138
+#: ../inc/host.inc:681 ../inc/team.inc:101 ../inc/team.inc:215
+#: ../inc/team.inc:220 ../inc/team.inc:222 ../inc/team.inc:364
+#: ../inc/team.inc:369 ../inc/user.inc:125 ../inc/user.inc:138
 #: ../user/profile_search_action.php:43
 #: ../user/team_change_founder_form.php:78 ../user/team_email_list.php:64
 #: ../user/team_remove_inactive_form.php:41 ../user/top_users.php:54
@@ -707,7 +707,7 @@ msgstr "%1 KB/sec"
 #: ../inc/host.inc:159 ../inc/host.inc:166 ../inc/result.inc:216
 #: ../inc/result.inc:226 ../inc/result.inc:244 ../inc/result.inc:262
 #: ../inc/result.inc:278 ../user/explain_state.php:56
-#: ../user/host_app_versions.php:29
+#: ../user/host_app_versions.php:30
 msgid "Unknown"
 msgstr "Sconosciuto"
@@ -715,7 +715,7 @@ msgstr "Sconosciuto"
 msgid "Average download rate"
 msgstr "Velocità media di download"
-#: ../inc/host.inc:169 ../user/host_app_versions.php:64
+#: ../inc/host.inc:169 ../user/host_app_versions.php:65
 msgid "Average turnaround time"
 msgstr "Tempo medio di completamento"
@@ -794,7 +794,7 @@ msgstr "Ultimo contatto"
 msgid "Computer info"
 msgstr "Informazioni computer"
-#: ../inc/host.inc:221 ../inc/host.inc:676 ../inc/team.inc:356
+#: ../inc/host.inc:221 ../inc/host.inc:676 ../inc/team.inc:357
 #: ../user/top_users.php:48
 msgid "Rank"
 msgstr "Posizione"
@@ -803,9 +803,9 @@ msgstr "Posizione"
 msgid "Avg. credit"
 msgstr "Media dei crediti"
-#: ../inc/host.inc:230 ../inc/team.inc:102 ../inc/team.inc:215
-#: ../inc/team.inc:224 ../inc/team.inc:226 ../inc/team.inc:362
-#: ../inc/team.inc:367 ../inc/user.inc:139
+#: ../inc/host.inc:230 ../inc/team.inc:102 ../inc/team.inc:216
+#: ../inc/team.inc:225 ../inc/team.inc:227 ../inc/team.inc:363
+#: ../inc/team.inc:368 ../inc/user.inc:139
 #: ../user/team_change_founder_form.php:79 ../user/team_email_list.php:64
 #: ../user/team_remove_inactive_form.php:42 ../user/top_users.php:53
 #: ../user/top_users.php:58
@@ -893,9 +893,9 @@ msgstr "Solo i computer attivi negli ultimi 30 giorni"
 msgid "Computer ID"
 msgstr "ID Computer"
-#: ../inc/host.inc:669 ../inc/result.inc:628 ../inc/team.inc:209
-#: ../inc/team.inc:357 ../inc/user.inc:199 ../user/account_finish.php:41
-#: ../user/create_account_form.php:80 ../user/team_admins.php:62
+#: ../inc/host.inc:669 ../inc/result.inc:628 ../inc/team.inc:210
+#: ../inc/team.inc:358 ../inc/user.inc:199 ../user/account_finish.php:41
+#: ../user/create_account_form.php:79 ../user/team_admins.php:62
 #: ../user/team_change_founder_form.php:77 ../user/team_email_list.php:64
 #: ../user/top_users.php:49 ../user/user_search.php:139
 msgid "Name"
@@ -905,7 +905,7 @@ msgstr "Nome"
 msgid "BOINC<br>version"
 msgstr "versione <br>BOINC"
-#: ../inc/host.inc:745 ../user/merge_by_name.php:67
+#: ../inc/host.inc:745 ../user/merge_by_name.php:65
 msgid "Merge computers by name"
 msgstr "Unisci i computer dal nome"
@@ -932,12 +932,12 @@ msgstr "Scrivi"
 # ########################################
 # Private messages
-#: ../inc/pm.inc:33 ../inc/user.inc:377
+#: ../inc/pm.inc:33 ../inc/user.inc:378
 msgid "Send private message"
 msgstr "Spedisci un messaggio privato"
 #: ../inc/pm.inc:35 ../inc/pm.inc:37 ../inc/pm.inc:89
-#: ../user/ffmail_form.php:59 ../user/forum_edit.php:99
+#: ../user/ffmail_form.php:58 ../user/forum_edit.php:99
 #: ../user/forum_edit.php:101 ../user/forum_edit.php:145
 #: ../user/forum_post.php:61 ../user/forum_post.php:87
 #: ../user/forum_post.php:89 ../user/forum_post.php:130
@@ -1137,7 +1137,7 @@ msgstr ""
 #: ../inc/prefs.inc:223 ../inc/prefs.inc:228 ../inc/prefs.inc:270
-#: ../inc/util.inc:258
+#: ../inc/util.inc:274
 msgid "days"
 msgstr "giorni"
@@ -1224,8 +1224,8 @@ msgid "Use NVIDIA GPU %1 Enforced by version 6.10+ %2"
 msgstr "Usa la GPU NVIDIA %1 Si applica dalla versione 6.10+ %2"
 #: ../inc/prefs.inc:344
-msgid "Use Intel GPU %1 Enforced by version 7.0+ %2"
-msgstr "Usa la GPU Intel %1 Si applica dalla versione 7.0+ %2"
+msgid "Use Intel GPU %1 Enforced by version 7.2+ %2"
+msgstr "Usa la GPU Intel %1 Si applica dalla versione 7.2+ %2"
 #: ../inc/prefs.inc:358
 msgid ""
@@ -1340,7 +1340,7 @@ msgstr "Impostazioni specifiche per il progetto"
 msgid "Primary (default) preferences"
 msgstr "Impostazioni principali (predefinite)"
-#: ../inc/prefs.inc:871 ../user/add_venue.php:43 ../user/add_venue.php:67
+#: ../inc/prefs.inc:871 ../user/add_venue.php:39 ../user/add_venue.php:63
 #: ../user/prefs_edit.php:40 ../user/prefs_edit.php:64
 #: ../user/prefs_edit.php:92
 msgid "Edit %1 preferences"
@@ -1402,7 +1402,7 @@ msgstr ""
 msgid "Database error"
 msgstr "Errore del database"
-#: ../inc/profile.inc:192
+#: ../inc/profile.inc:193
 msgid ""
 "To prevent spam, profiles of users with an average credit of less than %1 "
 "are displayed only to logged-in users. We apologize for this inconvenience."
@@ -1411,35 +1411,35 @@ msgstr ""
 "%1 vengono mostrati solo agli utenti connessi. Ci scusiamo per questo "
-#: ../inc/profile.inc:196
+#: ../inc/profile.inc:197
 msgid "User is banished"
 msgstr "L'utente è stato bannato."
-#: ../inc/profile.inc:210
+#: ../inc/profile.inc:211
 msgid "No profile exists for that user ID."
 msgstr "Non esiste alcun profilo con questo ID utente."
-#: ../inc/profile.inc:218 ../user/create_profile.php:313
+#: ../inc/profile.inc:219 ../user/create_profile.php:313
 msgid "Edit your profile"
 msgstr "Modifica il tuo profilo"
-#: ../inc/profile.inc:261
+#: ../inc/profile.inc:262
 msgid "Your feedback on this profile"
 msgstr "Feedback ricevuti dal tuo profilo"
-#: ../inc/profile.inc:263
+#: ../inc/profile.inc:264
 msgid "Recommend this profile for User of the Day:"
 msgstr "Raccomanda questo profilo come Utente del Giorno:"
-#: ../inc/profile.inc:264
+#: ../inc/profile.inc:265
 msgid "I %1like%2 this profile"
 msgstr "Questo profilo %1mi piace%2"
-#: ../inc/profile.inc:267
+#: ../inc/profile.inc:268
 msgid "Alert administrators to an offensive profile:"
 msgstr "Avvisa gli amministratori del profilo offensivo:"
-#: ../inc/profile.inc:268
+#: ../inc/profile.inc:269
 msgid "I %1do not like%2 this profile"
 msgstr "Questo profilo %1non mi piace%2"
@@ -1447,7 +1447,7 @@ msgstr "Questo profilo %1non mi piace%2"
 msgid "Anonymous platform"
 msgstr "Piattaforma anonima"
-#: ../inc/result.inc:53
+#: ../inc/result.inc:53 ../user/host_app_versions.php:26
 msgid "NVIDIA GPU"
 msgstr "GPU NVIDIA"
@@ -1455,7 +1455,7 @@ msgstr "GPU NVIDIA"
 msgid "ATI GPU"
 msgstr "GPU ATI"
-#: ../inc/result.inc:57
+#: ../inc/result.inc:57 ../user/host_app_versions.php:28
 msgid "Intel GPU"
 msgstr "GPU Intel"
@@ -1708,7 +1708,7 @@ msgstr "Tempo riportato<br />o scadenza"
 msgid "explain"
 msgstr "spiega"
-#: ../inc/result.inc:376 ../user/server_status.php:256
+#: ../inc/result.inc:376 ../user/server_status.php:241
 msgid "Status"
 msgstr "Stato"
@@ -1803,17 +1803,17 @@ msgid "Find teams with these words in their names or descriptions"
 msgstr ""
 "Trova i team che hanno queste parole nel loro nome o nella loro descrizione"
-#: ../inc/team.inc:43 ../inc/team.inc:121 ../inc/team.inc:232
-#: ../inc/team.inc:372 ../inc/team.inc:456 ../inc/user.inc:205
-#: ../inc/user.inc:316 ../user/account_finish.php:45
-#: ../user/create_account_form.php:99 ../user/edit_user_info_form.php:40
+#: ../inc/team.inc:43 ../inc/team.inc:122 ../inc/team.inc:233
+#: ../inc/team.inc:373 ../inc/team.inc:455 ../inc/user.inc:205
+#: ../inc/user.inc:317 ../user/account_finish.php:45
+#: ../user/create_account_form.php:98 ../user/edit_user_info_form.php:38
 #: ../user/profile_search_action.php:42 ../user/team_email_list.php:64
 #: ../user/team_search.php:72 ../user/top_users.php:63
 #: ../user/user_search.php:53 ../user/user_search.php:140
 msgid "Country"
 msgstr "Nazionalità"
-#: ../inc/team.inc:49 ../inc/team.inc:454
+#: ../inc/team.inc:49 ../inc/team.inc:453
 msgid "Type of team"
 msgstr "Tipo di team"
@@ -1821,7 +1821,7 @@ msgstr "Tipo di team"
 msgid "Show only active teams"
 msgstr "Mostra solo i team attivi"
-#: ../inc/team.inc:52 ../user/profile_menu.php:77 ../user/user_search.php:70
+#: ../inc/team.inc:52 ../user/profile_menu.php:76 ../user/user_search.php:70
 msgid "Search"
 msgstr "Cerca"
@@ -1841,8 +1841,8 @@ msgstr "Richiesto da te"
 msgid "founder response deadline is %1"
 msgstr "il limite massimo per una risposta del fondatore è %1"
-#: ../inc/team.inc:72 ../inc/team.inc:556 ../inc/user.inc:280
-#: ../inc/user.inc:370
+#: ../inc/team.inc:72 ../inc/team.inc:555 ../inc/user.inc:281
+#: ../inc/user.inc:371
 msgid "None"
 msgstr "Nessuno"
@@ -1866,27 +1866,27 @@ msgstr "Descrizione"
 msgid "Web site"
 msgstr "Sito web"
-#: ../inc/team.inc:119
+#: ../inc/team.inc:120
 msgid "Cross-project stats"
 msgstr "Statistiche di tutti i progetti"
-#: ../inc/team.inc:122 ../inc/team.inc:373 ../user/team_search.php:71
+#: ../inc/team.inc:123 ../inc/team.inc:374 ../user/team_search.php:71
 msgid "Type"
 msgstr "Tipo"
-#: ../inc/team.inc:126 ../user/team_manage.php:63
+#: ../inc/team.inc:127 ../user/team_manage.php:63
 msgid "Message board"
 msgstr "Forum"
-#: ../inc/team.inc:127 ../user/forum_forum.php:135 ../user/forum_index.php:93
+#: ../inc/team.inc:128 ../user/forum_forum.php:135 ../user/forum_index.php:93
 msgid "Threads"
 msgstr "Argomenti"
-#: ../inc/team.inc:135
+#: ../inc/team.inc:136
 msgid "Join this team"
 msgstr "Unisciti a questo team"
-#: ../inc/team.inc:136
+#: ../inc/team.inc:137
 msgid ""
 "Note: if 'OK to email' is set in your project preferences, joining a team "
 "gives its founder access to your email address."
@@ -1895,79 +1895,79 @@ msgstr ""
 "spuntata, unendosi al team, si dà il consenso al fondatore ad inviare "
 "messaggi al tuo indirizzo di posta elettronica."
-#: ../inc/team.inc:139
+#: ../inc/team.inc:140
 msgid "Not accepting new members"
 msgstr "Non accetta nuovi membri"
-#: ../inc/team.inc:146
+#: ../inc/team.inc:147
 msgid "Foundership change requested"
 msgstr "Richiesta di cambio del fondatore"
-#: ../inc/team.inc:147
+#: ../inc/team.inc:148
 msgid "Respond by %1"
 msgstr "Risposta di %1"
-#: ../inc/team.inc:151
+#: ../inc/team.inc:152
 msgid "Team foundership change"
 msgstr "Cambio di fondatore del team"
-#: ../inc/team.inc:155 ../inc/team.inc:358
+#: ../inc/team.inc:156 ../inc/team.inc:359
 msgid "Members"
 msgstr "Membri"
-#: ../inc/team.inc:156 ../inc/team.inc:253
+#: ../inc/team.inc:157 ../inc/team.inc:254
 msgid "Founder"
 msgstr "Fondatore"
-#: ../inc/team.inc:168
+#: ../inc/team.inc:169
 msgid "Admins"
 msgstr "Amministratori"
-#: ../inc/team.inc:183
+#: ../inc/team.inc:184
 msgid "New members in last day"
 msgstr "Nuovi membri nell'ultimo giorno"
-#: ../inc/team.inc:184
+#: ../inc/team.inc:185
 msgid "Total members"
 msgstr "Totale dei membri"
-#: ../inc/team.inc:184 ../inc/team.inc:185 ../inc/team.inc:186
+#: ../inc/team.inc:185 ../inc/team.inc:186 ../inc/team.inc:187
 msgid "view"
 msgstr "visualizza"
-#: ../inc/team.inc:185
+#: ../inc/team.inc:186
 msgid "Active members"
 msgstr "Membri attivi"
-#: ../inc/team.inc:186
+#: ../inc/team.inc:187
 msgid "Members with credit"
 msgstr "Membri con credito"
-#: ../inc/team.inc:255
+#: ../inc/team.inc:256
 msgid "Admin"
 msgstr "Amministratore"
-#: ../inc/team.inc:276 ../user/forum_user_posts.php:122
+#: ../inc/team.inc:277 ../user/forum_user_posts.php:122
 #: ../user/top_hosts.php:93 ../user/top_teams.php:121
 #: ../user/top_users.php:127
 msgid "Previous %1"
 msgstr "Precedente %1"
-#: ../inc/team.inc:280 ../user/forum_user_posts.php:131
+#: ../inc/team.inc:281 ../user/forum_user_posts.php:131
 #: ../user/profile_search_action.php:61 ../user/top_hosts.php:98
 #: ../user/top_teams.php:126 ../user/top_users.php:132
 msgid "Next %1"
 msgstr "Successivi %1"
-#: ../inc/team.inc:288
+#: ../inc/team.inc:289
 msgid "No such team."
 msgstr "Nessun team."
-#: ../inc/team.inc:301
+#: ../inc/team.inc:302
 msgid "This operation requires foundership."
 msgstr "Per fare questa operazione devi essere il fondatore."
-#: ../inc/team.inc:325
+#: ../inc/team.inc:326
 msgid "This operation requires team admin privileges"
 msgstr "Per fare questa operazione devi avere i privilegi da amministratore"
@@ -1979,7 +1979,7 @@ msgstr ""
 "ATTENZIONE: questo è un grosso team di BOINC. Se fai delle modifiche qui, "
 "saranno presto sovrascritte. Modifica al suo posto il %1BOINC-wide team%2."
-#: ../inc/team.inc:429
+#: ../inc/team.inc:428
 msgid ""
 "%1Privacy note%2: if you create a team, your project preferences (resource "
 "share, graphics preferences) will be visible to the public."
@@ -1988,47 +1988,47 @@ msgstr ""
 "del tuo progetto (allocazione delle risorse, preferenze grafiche) saranno "
 "visibili a tutti."
-#: ../inc/team.inc:433
+#: ../inc/team.inc:432
 msgid "Team name, text version"
 msgstr "Nome del team, versione testuale"
-#: ../inc/team.inc:434
+#: ../inc/team.inc:433
 msgid "Don't use HTML tags."
 msgstr "Non usare i tag HTML."
-#: ../inc/team.inc:437
+#: ../inc/team.inc:436
 msgid "Team name, HTML version"
 msgstr "Nome del team, versione HTML"
-#: ../inc/team.inc:439 ../inc/team.inc:449
+#: ../inc/team.inc:438 ../inc/team.inc:448
 msgid "You may use %1limited HTML tags%2."
 msgstr "Puoi usare %1un numero limitato di tag HTML%2."
-#: ../inc/team.inc:440
+#: ../inc/team.inc:439
 msgid "If you don't know HTML, leave this box blank."
 msgstr "Se non conosci l'HTML, lascia questo campo vuoto."
-#: ../inc/team.inc:443
+#: ../inc/team.inc:442
 msgid "URL of team web page, if any"
 msgstr "URL del sito web del gruppo, se esiste"
-#: ../inc/team.inc:443
+#: ../inc/team.inc:442
 msgid "without \"http://\""
 msgstr "senza \"http://\""
-#: ../inc/team.inc:444
+#: ../inc/team.inc:443
 msgid "This URL will be linked to from the team's page on this site."
 msgstr "Questo indirizzo sarà linkato nella pagina del team su questo sito."
-#: ../inc/team.inc:447
+#: ../inc/team.inc:446
 msgid "Description of team"
 msgstr "Descrizione del team"
-#: ../inc/team.inc:463
+#: ../inc/team.inc:462
 msgid "Accept new members?"
 msgstr "Accetare nuovi membri?"
-#: ../inc/uotd.inc:27
+#: ../inc/uotd.inc:28
 msgid "User profile"
 msgstr "Profilo utente"
@@ -2063,7 +2063,7 @@ msgid "Computers on this account"
 msgstr "Computer di questo account"
 #: ../inc/user.inc:151 ../inc/user.inc:152 ../inc/user.inc:217
-#: ../inc/user.inc:242 ../inc/user.inc:328 ../inc/user.inc:401
+#: ../inc/user.inc:243 ../inc/user.inc:329 ../inc/user.inc:402
 #: ../user/view_profile.php:64
 msgid "View"
 msgstr "Visualizza"
@@ -2080,8 +2080,8 @@ msgstr "Statistiche di tutti i progetti"
 msgid "Account"
 msgstr "Account"
-#: ../inc/user.inc:165 ../inc/user.inc:280 ../inc/user.inc:368
-#: ../inc/user.inc:370 ../user/user_search.php:139
+#: ../inc/user.inc:165 ../inc/user.inc:281 ../inc/user.inc:369
+#: ../inc/user.inc:371 ../user/user_search.php:139
 msgid "Team"
 msgstr "Team"
@@ -2105,12 +2105,12 @@ msgstr "Tipo sconosciuto di notifica: %1"
 msgid "Account information"
 msgstr "Informazioni sull'account"
-#: ../inc/user.inc:200 ../user/edit_passwd_form.php:48
+#: ../inc/user.inc:200 ../user/edit_passwd_form.php:45
 #: ../user/get_passwd.php:40 ../user/team_email_list.php:64
 msgid "Email address"
 msgstr "E-mail"
-#: ../inc/user.inc:203 ../inc/user.inc:321
+#: ../inc/user.inc:203 ../inc/user.inc:322
 msgid "URL"
 msgstr "URL"
@@ -2118,7 +2118,7 @@ msgstr "URL"
 msgid "Postal code"
 msgstr "Codice postale"
-#: ../inc/user.inc:207 ../inc/user.inc:315
+#: ../inc/user.inc:207 ../inc/user.inc:316
 msgid "%1 member since"
 msgstr "membro dal %1"
@@ -2138,7 +2138,7 @@ msgstr "password"
 msgid "other account info"
 msgstr "altre informazioni sull'account"
-#: ../inc/user.inc:213 ../inc/user.inc:314
+#: ../inc/user.inc:213 ../inc/user.inc:315
 msgid "User ID"
 msgstr "ID dell'utente"
@@ -2175,135 +2175,135 @@ msgstr "Preferenze per la comunità"
 msgid "Preferences for this project"
 msgstr "Preferenze per questo progetto"
-#: ../inc/user.inc:233 ../user/prefs.php:32
+#: ../inc/user.inc:233 ../user/prefs.php:29
 msgid "%1 preferences"
 msgstr "Preferenze per %1"
 #: ../inc/user.inc:239 ../user/bs_sample_index.php:59
-#: ../user/sample_index.php:114
+#: ../user/sample_index.php:125
 msgid "Community"
 msgstr "Comunità"
-#: ../inc/user.inc:242 ../user/pm.php:107 ../user/pm.php:147
+#: ../inc/user.inc:243 ../user/pm.php:107 ../user/pm.php:147
 msgid "Delete"
 msgstr "Cancella"
-#: ../inc/user.inc:244
+#: ../inc/user.inc:245
 msgid "Create"
 msgstr "Crea"
-#: ../inc/user.inc:246 ../inc/user.inc:401 ../inc/util.inc:498
+#: ../inc/user.inc:247 ../inc/user.inc:402 ../inc/util.inc:514
 msgid "Profile"
 msgstr "Profilo"
 # ########################################
 # Forum
-#: ../inc/user.inc:249 ../inc/user.inc:374
+#: ../inc/user.inc:250 ../inc/user.inc:375
 msgid "%1 posts"
 msgstr "%1 messaggi"
 # ########################################<br />
 # Apps page (apps.php)
-#: ../inc/user.inc:261 ../user/edit_forum_preferences_form.php:51
+#: ../inc/user.inc:262 ../user/edit_forum_preferences_form.php:51
 msgid "Notifications"
 msgstr "Notifiche"
-#: ../inc/user.inc:268
+#: ../inc/user.inc:269
 msgid "Quit team"
 msgstr "Abbandona il team"
-#: ../inc/user.inc:270 ../inc/user.inc:287
+#: ../inc/user.inc:271 ../inc/user.inc:288
 msgid "Administer"
 msgstr "Amministra"
-#: ../inc/user.inc:276 ../inc/user.inc:289
+#: ../inc/user.inc:277 ../inc/user.inc:290
 msgid "(foundership change request pending)"
 msgstr "(richiesta per cambio del fondatore in corso)"
-#: ../inc/user.inc:278
+#: ../inc/user.inc:279
 msgid "Member of team"
 msgstr "Membro del team"
-#: ../inc/user.inc:280
+#: ../inc/user.inc:281
 msgid "find a team"
 msgstr "trova un team"
-#: ../inc/user.inc:291
+#: ../inc/user.inc:292
 msgid "Founder but not member of"
 msgstr "Fondatore ma non membro di"
-#: ../inc/user.inc:297
+#: ../inc/user.inc:298
 msgid "Find friends"
 msgstr "Trova degli amici"
-#: ../inc/user.inc:304 ../inc/user.inc:306 ../inc/user.inc:384
-#: ../inc/user.inc:386 ../inc/user.inc:395
+#: ../inc/user.inc:305 ../inc/user.inc:307 ../inc/user.inc:385
+#: ../inc/user.inc:387 ../inc/user.inc:396
 msgid "Friends"
 msgstr "Amici"
-#: ../inc/user.inc:328 ../inc/user.inc:330 ../user/server_status.php:408
+#: ../inc/user.inc:329 ../inc/user.inc:331 ../user/server_status.php:392
 msgid "Computers"
 msgstr "Computer"
-#: ../inc/user.inc:337
+#: ../inc/user.inc:338
 msgid "Donor"
 msgstr "Donatore"
-#: ../inc/user.inc:377
+#: ../inc/user.inc:378
 msgid "Contact"
 msgstr "Contatta"
-#: ../inc/user.inc:380
+#: ../inc/user.inc:381
 msgid "This person is a friend"
 msgstr "Questa persona è un amico"
-#: ../inc/user.inc:381 ../user/friend.php:238
+#: ../inc/user.inc:382 ../user/friend.php:238
 msgid "Cancel friendship"
 msgstr "Cancella l'amicizia"
-#: ../inc/user.inc:384 ../user/friend.php:37
+#: ../inc/user.inc:385 ../user/friend.php:37
 msgid "Request pending"
 msgstr "Richiesta in corso"
-#: ../inc/user.inc:386
+#: ../inc/user.inc:387
 msgid "Add as friend"
 msgstr "Aggiungi come amico"
-#: ../inc/user.inc:445
+#: ../inc/user.inc:446
 msgid "user name cannot have leading or trailing white space"
 msgstr "lo username non può iniziare o terminare con uno spazio"
-#: ../inc/user.inc:449
+#: ../inc/user.inc:450
 msgid "user name must be nonempty"
 msgstr "lo username non può essere vuoto"
-#: ../inc/user.inc:453
+#: ../inc/user.inc:454
 msgid "user name may not contain HTML tags"
 msgstr "lo username non può contenere tag HTML"
-#: ../inc/util.inc:116
+#: ../inc/util.inc:131
 msgid "log out"
 msgstr "Esci"
-#: ../inc/util.inc:118
+#: ../inc/util.inc:133
 msgid "log in"
 msgstr "accedi"
-#: ../inc/util.inc:188 ../user/login_form.php:30 ../user/login_form.php:55
+#: ../inc/util.inc:204 ../user/login_form.php:30 ../user/login_form.php:66
 msgid "Log in"
 msgstr "Entra"
 # ########################################
 # Create account form (create_account_form.php)
-#: ../inc/util.inc:189 ../user/create_account_form.php:31
+#: ../inc/util.inc:205 ../user/create_account_form.php:40
 msgid "Create an account"
 msgstr "Crea un account"
-#: ../inc/util.inc:190
+#: ../inc/util.inc:206
 msgid "Server status page"
 msgstr "Stato del server"
-#: ../inc/util.inc:232
+#: ../inc/util.inc:248
 msgid ""
 "A database error occurred while handling your request; please try again "
@@ -2311,58 +2311,54 @@ msgstr ""
 "Si è verificato un errore del database mentre si gestiva la tua richiesta; "
 "per favore riprova più tardi."
-#: ../inc/util.inc:241
+#: ../inc/util.inc:257
 msgid "Unable to handle request"
 msgstr "Impossibile gestire la richiesta"
-#: ../inc/util.inc:261
+#: ../inc/util.inc:277
 msgid "hours"
 msgstr "ore"
-#: ../inc/util.inc:264
+#: ../inc/util.inc:280
 msgid "min"
 msgstr "minuti"
-#: ../inc/util.inc:267
+#: ../inc/util.inc:283
 msgid "sec"
 msgstr "secondi"
-#: ../inc/util.inc:428
+#: ../inc/util.inc:444
 msgid "Link has timed out. Please click Back, refresh the page, and try again."
 msgstr ""
 "Tempo di connessione al link scaduto. Per favore clicca Indietro, aggiorna "
 "la pagina e prova ancora."
-#: ../inc/util.inc:497
+#: ../inc/util.inc:513
 msgid "View the profile of %1"
 msgstr "Mostra il profilo di %1"
-#: ../inc/util.inc:553
+#: ../inc/util.inc:569
 msgid "Use BBCode tags to format your text"
 msgstr "Usa i tag BBCode per formattare il testo"
-#: ../inc/util.inc:780
+#: ../inc/util.inc:796
 msgid "Project down for maintenance"
 msgstr "Progetto sospeso per manutenzione"
-#: ../inc/util.inc:783
+#: ../inc/util.inc:799
 msgid "%1 is temporarily shut down for maintenance.  Please try again later."
 msgstr ""
 "%1 è temporaneamente fuori servizio per manutenzione. Riprova più tardi."
-#: ../inc/util.inc:801
+#: ../inc/util.inc:817
 msgid "Unable to connect to database - please try again later"
 msgstr "Impossibile connettersi al database - per favore riprova più tardi"
-#: ../inc/util.inc:802
-msgid "Error:"
-msgstr "Errore:"
-#: ../inc/util.inc:806
+#: ../inc/util.inc:821
 msgid "Unable to select database - please try again later"
 msgstr "Impossibile selezionare il database - per favore riprova più tardi"
-#: ../inc/util_ops.inc:136 ../user/get_passwd.php:72
+#: ../inc/util_ops.inc:109 ../user/get_passwd.php:72
 msgid "Stay logged in on this computer"
 msgstr "Rimani loggato su questo computer"
@@ -2370,21 +2366,21 @@ msgstr "Rimani loggato su questo computer"
 msgid "Finish account setup"
 msgstr "Completa la configurazione dell'account"
-#: ../user/account_finish.php:41 ../user/create_account_form.php:80
+#: ../user/account_finish.php:41 ../user/create_account_form.php:79
 msgid "Identifies you on our web site. Use your real name or a nickname."
 msgstr "Identificati sul nostro sito. Usa il tuo nome reale oppure un alias."
-#: ../user/account_finish.php:45 ../user/create_account_form.php:99
+#: ../user/account_finish.php:45 ../user/create_account_form.php:98
 msgid "Select the country you want to represent, if any."
 msgstr "Seleziona la nazione che vuoi rappresentare, se lo desideri."
-#: ../user/account_finish.php:51 ../user/create_account_form.php:105
+#: ../user/account_finish.php:51 ../user/create_account_form.php:104
 msgid "Postal or ZIP Code"
 msgstr "CAP"
 # ########################################<br />
 # General stuff (create_account_form.php and others)
-#: ../user/account_finish.php:51 ../user/create_account_form.php:105
+#: ../user/account_finish.php:51 ../user/create_account_form.php:104
 msgid "Optional"
 msgstr "Dati facoltativi"
@@ -2396,14 +2392,14 @@ msgstr "Devi fornire un nome per il tuo account"
 msgid "HTML tags not allowed in name"
 msgstr "I tag HTML non sono ammessi nel nome"
-#: ../user/add_venue.php:85
+#: ../user/add_venue.php:81
 msgid "Add %1 preferences for %2"
 msgstr "Aggiungi %1 preferenze per %2"
 # ########################################
 # Apps page (apps.php)
 #: ../user/apps.php:32 ../user/bs_sample_index.php:55
-#: ../user/sample_index.php:109
+#: ../user/sample_index.php:120
 msgid "Applications"
 msgstr "Applicazioni"
@@ -2572,16 +2568,16 @@ msgstr "Team"
 msgid "create or join a team"
 msgstr "crea o unisciti ad un team"
-#: ../user/bs_sample_index.php:51 ../user/sample_index.php:180
+#: ../user/bs_sample_index.php:51 ../user/sample_index.php:191
 msgid "User of the day"
 msgstr "Utente del giorno"
-#: ../user/bs_sample_index.php:52 ../user/server_status.php:254
+#: ../user/bs_sample_index.php:52 ../user/server_status.php:239
 msgid "Server status"
 msgstr "Stato del server"
-#: ../user/bs_sample_index.php:60 ../user/profile_menu.php:35
-#: ../user/sample_index.php:116
+#: ../user/bs_sample_index.php:60 ../user/profile_menu.php:32
+#: ../user/sample_index.php:127
 msgid "Profiles"
 msgstr "Profili"
@@ -2620,7 +2616,7 @@ msgstr "Lingue"
 # ########################################<br />
 # Rules and Policies page (info.php)
 #: ../user/bs_sample_index.php:149 ../user/info.php:24
-#: ../user/sample_index.php:74
+#: ../user/sample_index.php:79
 msgid "Read our rules and policies"
 msgstr "Leggi le nostre regole e linee di condotta"
@@ -2632,66 +2628,47 @@ msgstr "Non è possibile creare l'account"
 msgid "Click your browser's <b>Back</b> button to try again."
 msgstr "Fai click sul tasto <b>Indietro</b> del tuo browser per riprovare."
-#: ../user/create_account_action.php:38 ../user/create_account_action.php:40
-#: ../user/create_account_form.php:36
-msgid "Account creation is disabled"
-msgstr "La creazione degli account è disabilitata"
-#: ../user/create_account_action.php:41
-msgid ""
-"Sorry, this project has disabled the creation of new accounts.\n"
-"Please try again later."
-msgstr ""
-"Spiacente, questo progetto ha disabilitato la creazione di nuovi account.\n"
-"Per favore riprova più tardi."
-#: ../user/create_account_action.php:53
+#: ../user/create_account_action.php:47
 msgid "Your reCAPTCHA response was not correct. Please try again."
 msgstr "La tua risposta al ReCaptcha non è corretta. Prova di nuovo."
-#: ../user/create_account_action.php:77
+#: ../user/create_account_action.php:70
 msgid "You must supply an invitation code to create an account."
 msgstr "Devi fornire un codice d'invito per creare un account."
-#: ../user/create_account_action.php:80
+#: ../user/create_account_action.php:73
 msgid "The invitation code you gave is not valid."
 msgstr "Il codice d'invito inserito non è valido."
-#: ../user/create_account_action.php:91
+#: ../user/create_account_action.php:84
 msgid ""
 "Invalid email address: you must enter a valid address of the form name at domain"
 msgstr ""
 "Indirizzo email non valido: deve essere un indirizzo email valido del tipo "
 "nome at dominio"
-#: ../user/create_account_action.php:95
+#: ../user/create_account_action.php:88
 msgid "There's already an account with that email address."
 msgstr "Esiste già un account associato a questo indirizzo email."
-#: ../user/create_account_action.php:101 ../user/edit_passwd_action.php:33
+#: ../user/create_account_action.php:94 ../user/edit_passwd_action.php:33
 msgid "New passwords are different"
 msgstr "Le nuove password sono diverse"
-#: ../user/create_account_action.php:108 ../user/edit_passwd_action.php:41
+#: ../user/create_account_action.php:101 ../user/edit_passwd_action.php:41
 msgid "Passwords may only include ASCII characters."
 msgstr "Le password possono comprendere solo caratteri ASCII."
-#: ../user/create_account_action.php:113 ../user/edit_passwd_action.php:45
+#: ../user/create_account_action.php:106 ../user/edit_passwd_action.php:45
 msgid "New password is too short: minimum password length is %1 characters."
 msgstr ""
 "La nuova password è troppo corta: la lunghezza minima è di %1 caratteri."
-#: ../user/create_account_action.php:134
+#: ../user/create_account_action.php:127
 msgid "Couldn't create account"
 msgstr "Non è stato possibile creare l'account"
-#: ../user/create_account_form.php:37
-msgid "Account creation is currently disabled. Please try again later."
-msgstr ""
-"La creazione degli account è stata momentaneamente disabilitata. Riprova più "
-#: ../user/create_account_form.php:46
+#: ../user/create_account_form.php:44
 msgid ""
 "NOTE: If you use the BOINC Manager, don't use this form. Just run BOINC, "
 "select Add Project, and enter an email address and password."
@@ -2699,7 +2676,7 @@ msgstr ""
 "NOTA: Se utilizzi il BOINC Manager, non usare questo form. Avvia BOINC, "
 "seleziona Aggiungi Progetto, e inserisci una email e una password."
-#: ../user/create_account_form.php:62
+#: ../user/create_account_form.php:61
 msgid ""
 "This account will belong to the team %1 and will have the project "
 "preferences of its founder."
@@ -2707,39 +2684,39 @@ msgstr ""
 "Questo account apparterrà al team %1 ed avrà le preferenze del progetto "
 "decise dal suo fondatore."
-#: ../user/create_account_form.php:74
+#: ../user/create_account_form.php:73
 msgid "Invitation Code"
 msgstr "Codice d'invito"
-#: ../user/create_account_form.php:74
+#: ../user/create_account_form.php:73
 msgid "A valid invitation code is required to create an account."
 msgstr "E' necessario un codice d'invito valido per poter creare un account."
-#: ../user/create_account_form.php:84
+#: ../user/create_account_form.php:83
 msgid "Email Address"
 msgstr "Email"
-#: ../user/create_account_form.php:84
+#: ../user/create_account_form.php:83
 msgid "Must be a valid address of the form 'name at domain'."
 msgstr "Devi inserire un indirizzo email valido nella forma 'nome at dominio'."
-#: ../user/create_account_form.php:93 ../user/edit_email_form.php:49
+#: ../user/create_account_form.php:92 ../user/edit_email_form.php:47
 msgid "Password"
 msgstr "Password"
-#: ../user/create_account_form.php:94
+#: ../user/create_account_form.php:93
 msgid "Must be at least %1 characters"
 msgstr "Deve essere di almeno %1 caratteri"
-#: ../user/create_account_form.php:97
+#: ../user/create_account_form.php:96
 msgid "Confirm password"
 msgstr "Conferma la password"
-#: ../user/create_account_form.php:114
+#: ../user/create_account_form.php:113
 msgid "Please enter the words shown in the image"
 msgstr "Per favore inserisci le parole visualizzate nell'immagine"
-#: ../user/create_account_form.php:120
+#: ../user/create_account_form.php:119
 msgid "Create account"
 msgstr "Crea un account"
@@ -2907,7 +2884,7 @@ msgstr "Sei sicuro di voler cancellare il tuo account?"
 #: ../user/delete_account.php:79 ../user/delete_profile.php:52
 #: ../user/donations.php:322 ../user/donations.php:326 ../user/friend.php:238
-#: ../user/prefs_remove.php:55 ../user/user_search.php:59
+#: ../user/prefs_remove.php:52 ../user/user_search.php:59
 #: ../user/user_search.php:64
 msgid "Yes"
 msgstr "Si"
@@ -3151,23 +3128,23 @@ msgstr ""
 "Non possiamo aggiornare il tuo indirizzo email a causa di un problema del "
 "database. Per favore riprova più tardi."
-#: ../user/edit_email_form.php:29 ../user/edit_email_form.php:53
+#: ../user/edit_email_form.php:27 ../user/edit_email_form.php:51
 msgid "Change email address"
 msgstr "Cambia l'indirizzo email"
-#: ../user/edit_email_form.php:38
+#: ../user/edit_email_form.php:36
 msgid "Change the email address of your account"
 msgstr "Cambia l'indirizzo email del tuo account"
-#: ../user/edit_email_form.php:39
+#: ../user/edit_email_form.php:37
 msgid "New email address"
 msgstr "Nuovo indirizzo email"
-#: ../user/edit_email_form.php:40
+#: ../user/edit_email_form.php:38
 msgid "Must be a valid address of the form 'name at domain'"
 msgstr "Deve essere un indirizzo email valido del tipo 'nome at dominio'"
-#: ../user/edit_email_form.php:50
+#: ../user/edit_email_form.php:48
 msgid "No password?"
 msgstr "Non hai la password?"
@@ -3388,8 +3365,8 @@ msgstr "Non è stato trovato un account con questo indirizzo e-mail"
 msgid "Invalid password"
 msgstr "Password non valida"
-#: ../user/edit_passwd_action.php:63 ../user/edit_passwd_form.php:28
-#: ../user/edit_passwd_form.php:58
+#: ../user/edit_passwd_action.php:63 ../user/edit_passwd_form.php:25
+#: ../user/edit_passwd_form.php:55
 msgid "Change password"
 msgstr "Cambia password"
@@ -3405,35 +3382,35 @@ msgstr ""
 "Impossibile aggiornare la password a causa di un problema al database. Per "
 "favore riprova più tardi."
-#: ../user/edit_passwd_form.php:42
+#: ../user/edit_passwd_form.php:39
 msgid "You can identify yourself using either"
 msgstr "Puoi identificarti usando"
-#: ../user/edit_passwd_form.php:44
+#: ../user/edit_passwd_form.php:41
 msgid "your email address and old password"
 msgstr "il tuo indirizzo mail e la vecchia password"
-#: ../user/edit_passwd_form.php:45
+#: ../user/edit_passwd_form.php:42
 msgid "your account key"
 msgstr "la tua chiave di accesso"
-#: ../user/edit_passwd_form.php:49
+#: ../user/edit_passwd_form.php:46
 msgid "Current password"
 msgstr "Password corrente"
-#: ../user/edit_passwd_form.php:51
+#: ../user/edit_passwd_form.php:48
 msgid "<b>OR</b>: Account key"
 msgstr "<b>OPPURE</b>: Chiave account"
-#: ../user/edit_passwd_form.php:52
+#: ../user/edit_passwd_form.php:49
 msgid "Get account key by email"
 msgstr "Ottieni una chiave account via email"
-#: ../user/edit_passwd_form.php:56
+#: ../user/edit_passwd_form.php:53
 msgid "New password"
 msgstr "Nuova password"
-#: ../user/edit_passwd_form.php:57
+#: ../user/edit_passwd_form.php:54
 msgid "New password, again"
 msgstr "Ripeti nuova password"
@@ -3449,23 +3426,23 @@ msgstr "Devi dare un nome per il tuo account."
 msgid "Couldn't update user info."
 msgstr "Non posso aggiornare le informazioni utente."
-#: ../user/edit_user_info_form.php:29
+#: ../user/edit_user_info_form.php:27
 msgid "Edit account information"
 msgstr "Modifica le informazioni account"
-#: ../user/edit_user_info_form.php:34
+#: ../user/edit_user_info_form.php:32
 msgid "Name %1 real name or nickname%2"
 msgstr "Nome %1 nome reale o nickname%2"
-#: ../user/edit_user_info_form.php:37
+#: ../user/edit_user_info_form.php:35
 msgid "URL %1 of your web page; optional%2"
 msgstr "URL %1 della tua pagina web; opzionale%2"
-#: ../user/edit_user_info_form.php:45
+#: ../user/edit_user_info_form.php:43
 msgid "Postal (ZIP) code %1 Optional%2"
 msgstr "Codice postale (ZIP) %1 Opzionale%2"
-#: ../user/edit_user_info_form.php:49
+#: ../user/edit_user_info_form.php:47
 msgid "Update info"
 msgstr "Aggiorna informazioni"
@@ -3690,23 +3667,23 @@ msgstr ""
 "Hai dimenticato di inserire nomi e/o indirizzi e-mail dei tuoi amici; per "
 "favore, %1torna al modulo%2 e inseriscili."
-#: ../user/ffmail_form.php:31
+#: ../user/ffmail_form.php:30
 msgid ""
-"This project hasn\\'t created an email message - please notify its "
+"This project hasn't created an email message - please notify its "
 msgstr ""
-"Questo progetto non ha creato un messaggio e-mail - per favore segnalalo ai "
+"Questo progetto non ha creato un messaggio email - per favore notificalo ai "
 "suoi amministratori"
-#: ../user/ffmail_form.php:34
+#: ../user/ffmail_form.php:33
 msgid "Tell your friends about %1"
 msgstr "Consiglia %1 ai tuoi amici"
-#: ../user/ffmail_form.php:38
+#: ../user/ffmail_form.php:37
 msgid "Help us by telling your friends, family and coworkers about %1"
 msgstr "Aiutaci segnalando %1 ai tuoi amici, familiari e colleghi"
-#: ../user/ffmail_form.php:40
+#: ../user/ffmail_form.php:39
 msgid ""
 "Fill in this form with the names and email addresses of people you think "
 "might be interested in %1. We'll send them an email in your name, and you "
@@ -3716,27 +3693,27 @@ msgstr ""
 "pensi possano essere interessate a %1. Invieremo una e-mail a tuo nome, e se "
 "ti va puoi aggiungere il tuo messaggio."
-#: ../user/ffmail_form.php:43
+#: ../user/ffmail_form.php:42
 msgid "Your name:"
 msgstr "Il tuo nome:"
-#: ../user/ffmail_form.php:43
+#: ../user/ffmail_form.php:42
 msgid "Your email address:"
 msgstr "Il tuo indirizzo email:"
-#: ../user/ffmail_form.php:49
+#: ../user/ffmail_form.php:48
 msgid "Friend's name:"
 msgstr "Nome dell'amico:"
-#: ../user/ffmail_form.php:49
+#: ../user/ffmail_form.php:48
 msgid "Friend's email address:"
 msgstr "Indirizzo email dell'amico:"
-#: ../user/ffmail_form.php:57
+#: ../user/ffmail_form.php:56
 msgid "Additional message (optional)"
 msgstr "Aggiungi un messaggio (facoltativo):"
-#: ../user/ffmail_form.php:60
+#: ../user/ffmail_form.php:59
 msgid "Send"
 msgstr "Invia"
@@ -4820,53 +4797,49 @@ msgstr ""
 msgid "If you have not already done so, %1download BOINC client software%2."
 msgstr "Se non lo hai ancora fatto, %1scarica il client di BOINC%2."
-#: ../user/host_app_versions.php:26
-msgid "nvidia GPU"
-msgstr "GPU nvidia"
-#: ../user/host_app_versions.php:36
+#: ../user/host_app_versions.php:37
 msgid "Anonymous platform, missing app"
 msgstr "Piattaforma anonima, applicazione mancante"
-#: ../user/host_app_versions.php:39
+#: ../user/host_app_versions.php:40
 msgid "anonymous platform"
 msgstr "piattaforma anonima"
-#: ../user/host_app_versions.php:42
+#: ../user/host_app_versions.php:43
 msgid "Missing app version"
 msgstr "Versione applicazione mancante"
-#: ../user/host_app_versions.php:44
+#: ../user/host_app_versions.php:45
 msgid "Missing app"
 msgstr "Applicazione mancante"
-#: ../user/host_app_versions.php:46
+#: ../user/host_app_versions.php:47
 msgid "Missing platform"
 msgstr "Piattaforma mancante"
-#: ../user/host_app_versions.php:55
+#: ../user/host_app_versions.php:56
 msgid "Number of tasks completed"
 msgstr "Numero di lavori completati"
-#: ../user/host_app_versions.php:56
+#: ../user/host_app_versions.php:57
 msgid "Max tasks per day"
 msgstr "Massimo numero di lavori giornalieri"
-#: ../user/host_app_versions.php:57
+#: ../user/host_app_versions.php:58
 msgid "Number of tasks today"
 msgstr "Numero di lavori giornaliero"
-#: ../user/host_app_versions.php:58
+#: ../user/host_app_versions.php:59
 msgid "Consecutive valid tasks"
 msgstr "Lavori validi consecutivi"
-#: ../user/host_app_versions.php:62
+#: ../user/host_app_versions.php:63
 msgid "Average processing rate"
 msgstr "Velocità di processamento media"
 # ########################################
 # Apps page (apps.php)
-#: ../user/host_app_versions.php:71
+#: ../user/host_app_versions.php:72
 msgid "Application details for host %1"
 msgstr "Dettagli applicazione per l'host %1"
@@ -5282,35 +5255,35 @@ msgstr "Indirizzo E-mail:"
 msgid "forgot email address?"
 msgstr "hai dimenticato l'indirizzo mail?"
-#: ../user/login_form.php:47
+#: ../user/login_form.php:48
 msgid "Password:"
 msgstr "Chiave d'accesso"
-#: ../user/login_form.php:47
+#: ../user/login_form.php:48
 msgid "forgot password?"
 msgstr "hai dimenticato la password?"
-#: ../user/login_form.php:50
+#: ../user/login_form.php:51
 msgid "Stay logged in"
 msgstr "Rimani autenticato"
-#: ../user/login_form.php:56
+#: ../user/login_form.php:62
 msgid "or %1create an account%2."
 msgstr "oppure %1crea un account%2."
-#: ../user/merge_by_name.php:33
+#: ../user/merge_by_name.php:31
 msgid "Processing %1"
 msgstr "Elaborazione %1"
-#: ../user/merge_by_name.php:45
+#: ../user/merge_by_name.php:43
 msgid "Merged %1 into %2"
 msgstr "Unito %1 con %2"
-#: ../user/merge_by_name.php:74
+#: ../user/merge_by_name.php:72
 msgid "Return to the list of your computers"
 msgstr "Ritorna alla lista dei tuoi computer"
-#: ../user/merge_by_name.php:78
+#: ../user/merge_by_name.php:76
 msgid ""
 "This operation merges computers based on their domain name.\n"
 "        <p>\n"
@@ -5326,11 +5299,11 @@ msgstr ""
 "        Computer non compatibili non saranno uniti.\n"
 "        <p>"
-#: ../user/merge_by_name.php:84
+#: ../user/merge_by_name.php:82
 msgid "Go ahead and do this"
 msgstr "Vai avanti e fai questo"
-#: ../user/merge_by_name.php:85
+#: ../user/merge_by_name.php:83
 msgid "Return to the list of computers"
 msgstr "Ritorna alla lista dei computer"
@@ -5579,7 +5552,7 @@ msgstr "Per sboccare un utente, visita la pagina %1preferenze del forum%2"
 msgid "Unknown action"
 msgstr "Azione sconosciuta"
-#: ../user/prefs.php:35
+#: ../user/prefs.php:32
 msgid ""
 "Your preferences have been updated, and\n"
 "          will take effect when your computer communicates with %1\n"
@@ -5589,7 +5562,7 @@ msgstr ""
 "avranno effetto quando il tuo computer comunicherà con %1\n"
 "oppure quando lancerai  il comando %2Aggiorna%3 dal BOINC manager."
-#: ../user/prefs.php:44
+#: ../user/prefs.php:41
 msgid ""
 "Your preferences have been reset to the defaults, and\n"
 "          will take effect when your computer communicates with %1\n"
@@ -5607,23 +5580,23 @@ msgstr "%1 per %2"
 msgid "Back to preferences"
 msgstr "Ritorna alle preferenze"
-#: ../user/prefs_remove.php:48
+#: ../user/prefs_remove.php:45
 msgid "Confirm delete preferences"
 msgstr "Conferma la cancellazione delle preferenze"
-#: ../user/prefs_remove.php:51
+#: ../user/prefs_remove.php:48
 msgid "Are you sure you want to delete your separate %1 preferences for %2?"
 msgstr "Sei sicuro di voler cancellare le tue preferenze separate %1 per %2?"
-#: ../user/prefs_remove.php:55
+#: ../user/prefs_remove.php:52
 msgid "Remove preferences"
 msgstr "Rimuovi preferenze"
-#: ../user/prefs_remove.php:57
+#: ../user/prefs_remove.php:54
 msgid "Cancel"
 msgstr "Cancella"
-#: ../user/profile_menu.php:38
+#: ../user/profile_menu.php:35
 msgid ""
 "%1Profiles%2 let individuals share backgrounds and opinions with the %3 "
@@ -5631,7 +5604,7 @@ msgstr ""
 "I %1profili%2 permettono agli utenti di condividere le proprie esperienze "
 "con la comunità di %3."
-#: ../user/profile_menu.php:39
+#: ../user/profile_menu.php:36
 msgid ""
 "Explore the diversity of your fellow volunteers, and contribute your own "
 "views for others to enjoy."
@@ -5639,7 +5612,7 @@ msgstr ""
 "Guarda la diversità dei volontari tuoi compagni e contribuisci con le tue "
 "opinioni. "
-#: ../user/profile_menu.php:40
+#: ../user/profile_menu.php:37
 msgid ""
 "If you haven't already, you can %1create your own user profile%2 for others "
 "to see!"
@@ -5647,23 +5620,23 @@ msgstr ""
 "Se non l'hai ancora fatto, puoi %1creare un tuo profilo%2 da far vedere agli "
-#: ../user/profile_menu.php:45
+#: ../user/profile_menu.php:42
 msgid "User of the Day"
 msgstr "Utente del giorno"
-#: ../user/profile_menu.php:58
+#: ../user/profile_menu.php:57
 msgid "User Profile Explorer"
 msgstr "Guarda i profili degli utenti"
-#: ../user/profile_menu.php:61
+#: ../user/profile_menu.php:60
 msgid "View the %1User Picture Gallery%2."
 msgstr "Guarda la %1Galleria delle Immagini degli utenti%2."
-#: ../user/profile_menu.php:62
+#: ../user/profile_menu.php:61
 msgid "Browse profiles %1by country%2."
 msgstr "Visualizza i profili %1per nazionalità%2."
-#: ../user/profile_menu.php:63
+#: ../user/profile_menu.php:62
 msgid ""
 "Browse profiles %1at random%2, %3at random with pictures%2, or %4at random "
 "without pictures%2."
@@ -5671,19 +5644,19 @@ msgstr ""
 "Visualizza i profili %1casualmente%2, %3casualmente con immagine%2 o %"
 "4casualmente senza immagine%2."
-#: ../user/profile_menu.php:67
+#: ../user/profile_menu.php:66
 msgid "Alphabetical profile listings:"
 msgstr "Profili in ordine alfabetico:"
-#: ../user/profile_menu.php:73
+#: ../user/profile_menu.php:72
 msgid "Search profile text"
 msgstr "Ricerca profilo mediante testo"
-#: ../user/profile_menu.php:99
+#: ../user/profile_menu.php:98
 msgid "No profiles"
 msgstr "Nessun profilo"
-#: ../user/profile_menu.php:100
+#: ../user/profile_menu.php:99
 msgid "No profiles matched your query."
 msgstr "Nessun profilo corrisponde ai tuoi criteri di ricerca."
@@ -5767,137 +5740,137 @@ msgstr "Non in esecuzione"
 msgid "Disabled"
 msgstr "Disabilitato"
-#: ../user/server_status.php:246
+#: ../user/server_status.php:231
 msgid "Project status"
 msgstr "Stato del progetto"
-#: ../user/server_status.php:248
+#: ../user/server_status.php:233
 msgid "Server software version: %1"
 msgstr "Versione software del server: %1"
-#: ../user/server_status.php:256
+#: ../user/server_status.php:241
 msgid "Program"
 msgstr "Programma"
-#: ../user/server_status.php:256
+#: ../user/server_status.php:241
 msgid "Host"
 msgstr "Ospite"
-#: ../user/server_status.php:267
+#: ../user/server_status.php:252
 msgid "data-driven web pages"
 msgstr "pagine web generate dal database"
-#: ../user/server_status.php:273
+#: ../user/server_status.php:258
 msgid "upload/download server"
 msgstr "server di upload/download"
-#: ../user/server_status.php:276
+#: ../user/server_status.php:261
 msgid "scheduler"
 msgstr "schedulatore"
-#: ../user/server_status.php:309
+#: ../user/server_status.php:294
 msgid "Running:"
 msgstr "In esecuzione:"
-#: ../user/server_status.php:310
+#: ../user/server_status.php:295
 msgid "Program is operating normally"
 msgstr "Il programma sta funzionando normalmente"
-#: ../user/server_status.php:311
+#: ../user/server_status.php:296
 msgid "Not Running:"
 msgstr "Non in esecuzione:"
-#: ../user/server_status.php:312
+#: ../user/server_status.php:297
 msgid "Program failed or the project is down"
 msgstr "Il programma non ha funzionato e il progetto è sospeso"
-#: ../user/server_status.php:313
+#: ../user/server_status.php:298
 msgid "Disabled:"
 msgstr "Disabilitato: "
-#: ../user/server_status.php:314
+#: ../user/server_status.php:299
 msgid "Program is disabled"
 msgstr "Il programma è disabilitato"
-#: ../user/server_status.php:318
+#: ../user/server_status.php:303
 msgid "Computing status"
 msgstr "Stato di elaborazione"
-#: ../user/server_status.php:324
+#: ../user/server_status.php:309
 msgid "The database server is not accessible"
 msgstr "Il database del server è inaccessibile"
-#: ../user/server_status.php:341
+#: ../user/server_status.php:326
 msgid "Tasks ready to send"
 msgstr "Attività pronte per essere spedite"
-#: ../user/server_status.php:346 ../user/workunit.php:55
+#: ../user/server_status.php:331 ../user/workunit.php:55
 msgid "Tasks in progress"
 msgstr "Attività in corso"
-#: ../user/server_status.php:351
+#: ../user/server_status.php:336
 msgid "Workunits waiting for validation"
 msgstr "Unità di lavoro in attesa di essere validate"
-#: ../user/server_status.php:356
+#: ../user/server_status.php:341
 msgid "Workunits waiting for assimilation"
 msgstr "Workunits in attesa di essere recepite"
-#: ../user/server_status.php:361
+#: ../user/server_status.php:346
 msgid "Workunits waiting for file deletion"
 msgstr "Unità di lavoro in attesa di cancellazione"
-#: ../user/server_status.php:366
+#: ../user/server_status.php:351
 msgid "Tasks waiting for file deletion"
 msgstr "Attività in attesa di cancellazione"
-#: ../user/server_status.php:383
+#: ../user/server_status.php:367
 msgid "Transitioner backlog (hours)"
 msgstr "Backlog del Transitioner (ore)"
-#: ../user/server_status.php:390
+#: ../user/server_status.php:374
 msgid "Users"
 msgstr "Utenti"
-#: ../user/server_status.php:393 ../user/server_status.php:411
+#: ../user/server_status.php:377 ../user/server_status.php:395
 msgid "with recent credit"
 msgstr "con crediti recenti"
-#: ../user/server_status.php:398 ../user/server_status.php:416
+#: ../user/server_status.php:382 ../user/server_status.php:400
 msgid "with credit"
 msgstr "con credito"
-#: ../user/server_status.php:403 ../user/server_status.php:421
+#: ../user/server_status.php:387 ../user/server_status.php:405
 msgid "registered in past 24 hours"
 msgstr "registrati nelle scorse 24 ore"
-#: ../user/server_status.php:427
+#: ../user/server_status.php:411
 msgid "current GigaFLOPs"
 msgstr "GigaFLOPs correnti"
-#: ../user/server_status.php:436
+#: ../user/server_status.php:420
 msgid "Tasks by application"
 msgstr "Attività dall'applicazione"
 # ########################################
 # Apps page (apps.php)
-#: ../user/server_status.php:439 ../user/workunit.php:40
+#: ../user/server_status.php:423 ../user/workunit.php:40
 msgid "application"
 msgstr "applicazione"
-#: ../user/server_status.php:440
+#: ../user/server_status.php:424
 msgid "unsent"
 msgstr "non inviato"
-#: ../user/server_status.php:441
+#: ../user/server_status.php:425
 msgid "in progress"
 msgstr "in corso"
-#: ../user/server_status.php:442
+#: ../user/server_status.php:426
 msgid "avg runtime of last 100 results in h (min-max)"
 msgstr "Tempo medio di esecuzione degli ultimi 100 risultati in ore (min-max)"
-#: ../user/server_status.php:443
+#: ../user/server_status.php:427
 msgid "users in last 24h"
 msgstr "utenti nelle ultime 24 ore"
@@ -6094,7 +6067,7 @@ msgid "Couldn't add admin"
 msgstr "Impossibile aggiungere l'amministratore"
 #: ../user/team_admins.php:111 ../user/team_manage.php:85
-#: ../user/team_quit_form.php:30 ../user/team_remove_inactive_action.php:28
+#: ../user/team_quit_form.php:28 ../user/team_remove_inactive_action.php:28
 msgid "No such team"
 msgstr "Nessun team"
@@ -6176,6 +6149,10 @@ msgstr "Nuovo fondatore?"
 msgid "Change founder"
 msgstr "Cambia fondatore"
+#: ../user/team_change_founder_form.php:108
+msgid "There are no users to transfer team to."
+msgstr "Non ci sono utenti su cui trasferire il team."
 #: ../user/team_create_action.php:29
 msgid "You must choose a non-blank team name"
 msgstr "Non puoi lasciare in bianco il nome del team"
@@ -6483,7 +6460,7 @@ msgstr ""
 "quindi ne nuove richieste non sono permesse. Per favore riprova più tardi."
 #: ../user/team_join.php:32 ../user/team_join_action.php:32
-#: ../user/team_join_form.php:31
+#: ../user/team_join_form.php:29
 msgid "The team %1 is not joinable."
 msgstr "Non si può entrare nel team %1."
@@ -6507,23 +6484,23 @@ msgstr "Entrato in %1"
 msgid "You have joined %1."
 msgstr "Sei entrato in %1."
-#: ../user/team_join_form.php:34
+#: ../user/team_join_form.php:32
 msgid "Join %1"
 msgstr "Entra in %1"
-#: ../user/team_join_form.php:35
+#: ../user/team_join_form.php:33
 msgid "Please note:"
 msgstr "Si prega di notare:"
-#: ../user/team_join_form.php:37
+#: ../user/team_join_form.php:35
 msgid "Joining a team gives its founder access to your email address."
 msgstr "Entrare in un team da al fondatore accesso al tuo indirizzo e-mail."
-#: ../user/team_join_form.php:38
+#: ../user/team_join_form.php:36
 msgid "Joining a team does not affect your account's credit."
 msgstr "Entrare in un team non influisce sui crediti del tuo account."
-#: ../user/team_join_form.php:45
+#: ../user/team_join_form.php:43
 msgid "Join team"
 msgstr "Entra in un team"
@@ -6669,19 +6646,19 @@ msgstr "Limite superato: Puoi solo visualizzare i primi 1000 membri."
 msgid "Members of %1"
 msgstr "Membri di %1"
-#: ../user/team_quit_action.php:34
+#: ../user/team_quit_action.php:32
 msgid "Unable to quit team"
 msgstr "Impossibile uscire dal team"
-#: ../user/team_quit_action.php:35
+#: ../user/team_quit_action.php:33
 msgid "Team doesn't exist, or you don't belong to it."
 msgstr "Il team non esiste, oppure non gli appartieni"
-#: ../user/team_quit_form.php:33
+#: ../user/team_quit_form.php:31
 msgid "Quit %1"
 msgstr "Esci da %1"
-#: ../user/team_quit_form.php:34
+#: ../user/team_quit_form.php:32
 msgid ""
 "<strong>Please note before quitting a team:</strong>\n"
 "         <ul>\n"
@@ -6699,7 +6676,7 @@ msgstr ""
 "personali in nessun modo.\n"
 "         </ul>"
-#: ../user/team_quit_form.php:42
+#: ../user/team_quit_form.php:40
 msgid "Quit Team"
 msgstr "Abbandona il Team"
@@ -7116,6 +7093,37 @@ msgstr ""
 msgid "(all applications)"
 msgstr "(tutte le applicazioni)"
+#~ msgid "Use Intel GPU %1 Enforced by version 7.0+ %2"
+#~ msgstr "Usa la GPU Intel %1 Si applica dalla versione 7.0+ %2"
+#~ msgid "Error:"
+#~ msgstr "Errore:"
+#~ msgid "Account creation is disabled"
+#~ msgstr "La creazione degli account è disabilitata"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Sorry, this project has disabled the creation of new accounts.\n"
+#~ "Please try again later."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Spiacente, questo progetto ha disabilitato la creazione di nuovi account.\n"
+#~ "Per favore riprova più tardi."
+#~ msgid "Account creation is currently disabled. Please try again later."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "La creazione degli account è stata momentaneamente disabilitata. Riprova più "
+#~ "tardi."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "This project hasn\\'t created an email message - please notify its "
+#~ "administrators"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Questo progetto non ha creato un messaggio e-mail - per favore segnalalo ai "
+#~ "suoi amministratori"
+#~ msgid "nvidia GPU"
+#~ msgstr "GPU nvidia"
 #~ msgid ""
 #~ "These apply to all BOINC projects in which you participate.<br>\n"
 #~ "             On computers participating in multiple projects, the most "
diff --git a/locale/it_IT/BOINC-Setup.mo b/locale/it_IT/BOINC-Setup.mo
index c4b2c11..d21e0d3 100644
Binary files a/locale/it_IT/BOINC-Setup.mo and b/locale/it_IT/BOINC-Setup.mo differ
diff --git a/locale/it_IT/BOINC-Setup.po b/locale/it_IT/BOINC-Setup.po
index 3028909..f8aa527 100644
--- a/locale/it_IT/BOINC-Setup.po
+++ b/locale/it_IT/BOINC-Setup.po
@@ -6,8 +6,8 @@ msgid ""
 msgstr ""
 "Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2013-10-15 22:27-0700\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-08-08 15:43+0200\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-01-26 00:00-0800\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2014-06-27 14:54+0000\n"
 "Last-Translator: Gianfranco <costamagnagianfranco at yahoo.it>\n"
 "Language-Team: LANGUAGE <LL at li.org>\n"
 "Language: it_IT\n"
@@ -15,30 +15,31 @@ msgstr ""
 "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
 "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
 "Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
-"X-Generator: Poedit 1.5.5\n"
+"X-Generator: Pootle 2.5.0\n"
 "X-Poedit-SearchPath-0: mac_installer\n"
 "X-Poedit-SourceCharset: UTF-8\n"
 "X-Poedit-Basepath: /Volumes/Cheer/BOINC_GIT/boinc_trunk\n"
+"X-POOTLE-MTIME: 1403880893.0\n"
 "X-Poedit-KeywordsList: _\n"
-#: Installer.cpp:132
+#: Installer.cpp:124
 #, c-format
-msgid "Sorry, this version of %s requires system 10.4 or higher."
-msgstr "Scusa, questa versione di %s richiede un sistema 10.4 o superiore."
+msgid "Sorry, this version of %s requires system 10.5 or higher."
+msgstr "Scusa, questa versione di %s richiede un sistema 10.5 o superiore."
-#: PostInstall.cpp:131 PostInstall.cpp:1211
+#: PostInstall.cpp:130 PostInstall.cpp:1136 uninstall.cpp:1618
 msgid "Yes"
 msgstr "Si"
-#: PostInstall.cpp:132 PostInstall.cpp:1212
+#: PostInstall.cpp:131 PostInstall.cpp:1137 uninstall.cpp:1619
 msgid "No"
 msgstr "No"
-#: PostInstall.cpp:134
+#: PostInstall.cpp:133
 msgid "Should BOINC run even when no user is logged in?"
 msgstr "BOINC deve lavorare quando non ci sono utenti connessi?"
-#: PostInstall.cpp:1491
+#: PostInstall.cpp:1416
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "Users who are permitted to administer this computer will automatically be "
@@ -53,21 +54,21 @@ msgstr ""
 "Vuoi anche dare agli utenti non amministrativi i permessi per avviare e "
 "controllare %s in questo Mac?"
-#: PostInstall.cpp:1519
+#: PostInstall.cpp:1444
 #, c-format
 msgid "Do you want to set %s as the screensaver for all %s users on this Mac?"
 msgstr ""
 "Vuoi impostare %s come screensaver per tutti gli utenti %s di questo Mac?"
-#: uninstall.cpp:80
+#: uninstall.cpp:82
 msgid "OK"
 msgstr "OK"
-#: uninstall.cpp:130
+#: uninstall.cpp:136
 msgid "Permission error after relaunch"
 msgstr "Errore di permessi dopo il riavvio"
-#: uninstall.cpp:135
+#: uninstall.cpp:141
 msgid ""
 "Removal may take several minutes.\n"
 "Please be patient."
@@ -75,7 +76,7 @@ msgstr ""
 "La rimozione può richiedere alcuni minuti.\n"
 "Si prega di attendere."
-#: uninstall.cpp:150
+#: uninstall.cpp:156
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "Are you sure you want to completely remove %s from your computer?\n"
@@ -86,21 +87,29 @@ msgstr ""
 "Questo rimuoverà anche gli eseguibili ma non toccherà i file di dati di %s."
-#: uninstall.cpp:157
+#: uninstall.cpp:163
 #, c-format
 msgid "Canceled: %s has not been touched."
 msgstr "Annullato: %s non è stato toccato."
-#: uninstall.cpp:168
+#: uninstall.cpp:174
 #, c-format
 msgid "An error occurred: error code %d"
 msgstr "Errore non previsto: codice errore %d"
-#: uninstall.cpp:224
+#: uninstall.cpp:230
 msgid "name  of user"
 msgstr "nome utente"
-#: uninstall.cpp:261
+#: uninstall.cpp:272
+msgid ""
+"Do you also want to remove VirtualBox from your computer?\n"
+"(VirtualBox was installed along with BOINC.)"
+msgstr ""
+"Vuoi anche rimuovere VirtualBox dal tuo computer?\n"
+"(VirtualBox è stato installato con BOINC.)"
+#: uninstall.cpp:312
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "Removal completed.\n"
@@ -119,7 +128,7 @@ msgstr ""
 "per ogni utente, il file\n"
-#: uninstall.cpp:796
+#: uninstall.cpp:840
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "Enter your administrator password to completely remove %s from you "
@@ -130,14 +139,18 @@ msgstr ""
 "dal tuo computer.\n"
-#: uninstall.cpp:1555
+#: uninstall.cpp:1616
 msgid "Cancel"
 msgstr "Annulla"
-#: uninstall.cpp:1556
+#: uninstall.cpp:1617
 msgid "Continue..."
 msgstr "Continua..."
+#, c-format
+#~ msgid "Sorry, this version of %s requires system 10.4 or higher."
+#~ msgstr "Scusa, questa versione di %s richiede un sistema 10.4 o superiore."
 #~ msgid ""
 #~ "Removal completed.\n"
 #~ "\n"
diff --git a/locale/it_IT/BOINC-Web.mo b/locale/it_IT/BOINC-Web.mo
index 512f701..fb50863 100644
Binary files a/locale/it_IT/BOINC-Web.mo and b/locale/it_IT/BOINC-Web.mo differ
diff --git a/locale/it_IT/BOINC-Web.po b/locale/it_IT/BOINC-Web.po
index 8e64a72..be10b9b 100644
--- a/locale/it_IT/BOINC-Web.po
+++ b/locale/it_IT/BOINC-Web.po
@@ -6,8 +6,8 @@ msgid ""
 msgstr ""
 "Project-Id-Version: \n"
 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: BOINC translation team <boinc_loc at ssl.berkeley.edu>\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2013-10-29 11:10 PDT\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-11-07 08:15+0000\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-02-01 00:00 PST\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2014-06-27 14:58+0000\n"
 "Last-Translator: Gianfranco <costamagnagianfranco at yahoo.it>\n"
 "Language-Team: \n"
 "Language: it_IT\n"
@@ -17,11 +17,11 @@ msgstr ""
 "Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
 "X-Generator: Pootle 2.5.0\n"
 "X-Poedit-SourceCharset: utf-8\n"
+"X-BOINC-UTF8-Marker: 简体中文, 日本語\n"
 "X-Poedit-SearchPath-0: doc\n"
 "X-Poedit-Basepath: C:\\Src\\BOINCSVN\\trunk\\boinc\n"
-"X-BOINC-UTF8-Marker: 简体中文, 日本語\n"
+"X-POOTLE-MTIME: 1403881135.0\n"
 "X-Poedit-KeywordsList: tra\n"
-"X-POOTLE-MTIME: 1383812111.0\n"
 #: docutil.php:21
 msgid "Search"
@@ -36,37 +36,65 @@ msgstr "Torna alla pagina principale del BOINC"
 msgid "This page is %stranslatable%s."
 msgstr "Questa pagina %spuò essere tradotta%s."
-#: download.php:44
-msgid "Download BOINC + Virtualbox"
+#: download.php:39
+msgid ""
+"We recommend that you also install VirtualBox, so your computer can work on "
+"science projects that require it."
+msgstr ""
+"Raccomandiamo l'installazione di VirtualBox, cosicché il tuo computer possa "
+"elaborare su progetti scientifici che lo richiedono"
+#: download.php:41
+msgid "Learn more about VirtualBox."
+msgstr "Leggi di più su VirtualBox."
+#: download.php:51
+msgid "Download BOINC + VirtualBox"
 msgstr "Scarica BOINC + Virtualbox"
-#: download.php:46 download.php:56
+#: download.php:54 download.php:69
+#, php-format
+msgid "for %s"
+msgstr "per %s"
+#: download.php:57 download.php:72
 #, php-format
-msgid "%s for %s (%s MB)"
-msgstr "%s per %s (%s MB)"
+msgid "BOINC version %s"
+msgstr "versione BOINC %s"
+#: download.php:59
+#, php-format
+msgid "VirtualBox version %s"
+msgstr "versione VirtualBox %s"
 # ######################################<br />
 # download.php<br />
 # ######################################<br /><br />
 # <br /><br />
 # download.php<br />
-#: download.php:54
+#: download.php:67
 msgid "Download BOINC"
 msgstr "Scarica BOINC"
-#: download.php:107
+#: download.php:123
 msgid ""
 "BOINC is a program that lets you donate your idle computer time to science "
 "projects like SETI at home, Climateprediction.net, Rosetta at home, World "
-"Community Grid, and many others. <p> After installing BOINC on your "
-"computer, you can connect it to as many of these projects as you like."
+"Community Grid, and many others."
+msgstr ""
+"BOINC è un programma che ti permette di donare il tempo inutilizzato del tuo "
+"computer per progetti come SETI at home, Climateprediction.net, Rosetta at home, "
+"World Community Grid, e molti altri."
+#: download.php:125
+msgid ""
+"After installing BOINC on your computer, you can connect it to as many of "
+"these projects as you like."
 msgstr ""
-"BOINC è un programma che permette di donare il tempo in cui il computer non "
-"lavora a progetti come SETI at home, Climateprediction.net, Rosetta at home, World "
-"Community Grid, e molti altri. <p> Dopo l'installazione di BOINC sul tuo "
-"computer, puoi connetterlo a quanti progetti vuoi."
+"Dopo l'installazione di BOINC sul tuo computer, puoi connetterti a tutti i "
+"progetti che preferisci."
-#: download.php:109
+#: download.php:127
 msgid ""
 "You may run this software on a computer only if you own the computer or have "
 "the permission of its owner."
@@ -74,31 +102,39 @@ msgstr ""
 "Puoi eseguire questo software su un computer solo se possiedi il computer o "
 "se hai il permesso del suo padrone."
-#: download.php:151
+#: download.php:132
+msgid ""
+"We recommend that you download BOINC from the Google Play Store or Amazon "
+"Appstore, not from here."
+msgstr ""
+"Raccomandiamo che tu scarichi BOINC dal Google Play Store oppure dall'Amazon "
+"Appstore, non da qui."
+#: download.php:167
 msgid "System requirements"
 msgstr "Requisiti di sistema"
-#: download.php:152
+#: download.php:168
 msgid "Release notes"
 msgstr "Note di rilascio"
-#: download.php:153 index.php:86
+#: download.php:169 index.php:86
 msgid "Help"
 msgstr "Aiuto"
-#: download.php:154
+#: download.php:170
 msgid "All versions"
 msgstr "Tutte le versioni"
-#: download.php:155
+#: download.php:171
 msgid "Version history"
 msgstr "Storia delle versioni"
-#: download.php:156
+#: download.php:172
 msgid "GPU computing"
 msgstr "elaborazione GPU"
-#: download.php:174
+#: download.php:190
 msgid "BOINC: compute for science"
 msgstr "BOINC: elabora per la scienza"
@@ -430,16 +466,16 @@ msgstr ""
 msgid "Cognitive science and artifical intelligence"
 msgstr "Scienze cognitive e intelligenza artificiale"
-#: projects.inc:50 projects.inc:342 projects.inc:386 projects.inc:435
-#: projects.inc:442 projects.inc:489
+#: projects.inc:60 projects.inc:364 projects.inc:408 projects.inc:457
+#: projects.inc:464 projects.inc:511
 msgid "Private"
 msgstr "Privato"
-#: projects.inc:51
+#: projects.inc:61
 msgid "Artificial intelligence"
 msgstr "Intelligenza artificiale"
-#: projects.inc:52
+#: projects.inc:62
 msgid ""
 "Parse and convert semantic nets for use in FreeHAL, an artificial "
 "intelligence that uses semantic networks, stemmers, part of speech "
@@ -451,19 +487,19 @@ msgstr ""
 "database linguistici, e parti di analizzatori grammaticali allo scopo di "
 "imitare il comportamento umano nelle conversazioni."
-#: projects.inc:58
+#: projects.inc:69
 msgid "Biology and Medicine"
 msgstr "Biologia e Medicina"
-#: projects.inc:71
+#: projects.inc:82
 msgid "University College Dublin"
 msgstr "College Universitario di Dublino"
-#: projects.inc:72
+#: projects.inc:83
 msgid "Antimalarial drug discovery"
 msgstr "Scoperta di cure contro la malaria"
-#: projects.inc:73
+#: projects.inc:84
 msgid ""
 "The parasite that causes malaria continues to evolve resistance to available "
 "medication. We therefore urgently need to discover new drugs to replace "
@@ -477,15 +513,15 @@ msgstr ""
 "destinazione le NUOVE proteine del parassita. Il progetto FightMalaria at Home "
 "serve a trovare queste nuove destinazioni."
-#: projects.inc:79
+#: projects.inc:90
 msgid "University of Karlsruhe (Germany)"
 msgstr "Università di Karlsruhe (Germania)"
-#: projects.inc:80
+#: projects.inc:91
 msgid "Protein structure prediction"
 msgstr "Predizione della struttura delle proteine"
-#: projects.inc:81
+#: projects.inc:92
 msgid ""
 "POEM at HOME uses a computational approach to predict the biologically active "
 "structure of proteins, to understand the signal-processing mechanisms when "
@@ -500,15 +536,15 @@ msgstr ""
 "all'aggregazione delle proteine, e sviluppare nuovi farmaci sulla base della "
 "struttura tridimensionale delle proteine biologicamente importanti."
-#: projects.inc:87
+#: projects.inc:98
 msgid "University of Delaware"
 msgstr "Università del Delaware"
-#: projects.inc:88
+#: projects.inc:99
 msgid "Study of protein - ligand interactions"
 msgstr "Studio delle interazioni proteina - ligando"
-#: projects.inc:89
+#: projects.inc:100
 msgid ""
 "Docking at Home has both bioscience and computer science goals. The project "
 "aims to further knowledge of the atomic details of protein-ligand "
@@ -520,15 +556,15 @@ msgstr ""
 "conoscenza delle interazioni proteina-ligando su scala atomica e, di "
 "conseguenza, ricercare intuizioni utili alla scoperta di nuovi farmaci."
-#: projects.inc:103
+#: projects.inc:114
 msgid "Barcelona Biomedical Research Park (PRBB)"
 msgstr "Barcelona Biomedical Research Park (PRBB)"
-#: projects.inc:104
+#: projects.inc:115
 msgid "Molecular simulations of proteins"
 msgstr "Simulazioni molecolari di proteine"
-#: projects.inc:105
+#: projects.inc:116
 msgid ""
 "GPUGrid.net opens novel computational scenarios by the first full-atom "
 "molecular dynamics code (CellMD) specially optimized to run on NVIDIA GPUs. "
@@ -541,15 +577,15 @@ msgstr ""
 "applicazioni biomediche le quali conferiscono un nuovo ruolo alla biologia "
 "computazionale per la ricerca biomedica."
-#: projects.inc:111
+#: projects.inc:122
 msgid "Technion, Israel"
 msgstr "Technion, Israele"
-#: projects.inc:112
+#: projects.inc:123
 msgid "Genetic linkage analysis"
 msgstr "Analisi di connessioni genetiche"
-#: projects.inc:113
+#: projects.inc:124
 msgid ""
 "Superlink at Technion helps geneticists all over the world find disease-"
 "provoking genes causing some types of diabetes, hypertension (high blood "
@@ -559,18 +595,18 @@ msgstr ""
 "provocano disfunzioni quali ipertensione (elevata pressione sangiugna), "
 "alcuni tipi di diabete, cancro, schizofrenia e molte altre."
-#: projects.inc:127
+#: projects.inc:138
 msgid ""
 "University of Maryland Center for Bioinformatics and Computational Biology"
 msgstr ""
 "Centro per la bioinformatica e la biologia computazionale dell'Università "
 "del Maryland"
-#: projects.inc:128
+#: projects.inc:139
 msgid "Life science research"
 msgstr "Scienze naturali"
-#: projects.inc:129
+#: projects.inc:140
 msgid ""
 "The Lattice Project supplies computing power to scientists at the University "
 "of Maryland studying evolutionary relationships based on DNA sequence data; "
@@ -582,15 +618,15 @@ msgstr ""
 "su dati di sequenze di DNA, su sequenze proteiche di batteri, plasmidi e "
 "virus, e sulla diversità biologica nelle aree naturali protette."
-#: projects.inc:135
+#: projects.inc:146
 msgid "The Swiss Tropical Institute"
 msgstr "The Swiss Tropical Institute"
-#: projects.inc:136
+#: projects.inc:147
 msgid "Epidemiology"
 msgstr "Epidemiologia"
-#: projects.inc:137
+#: projects.inc:148
 msgid ""
 "Simulation models of the transmission dynamics and health effects of malaria "
 "are an important tool for malaria control. They can be used to determine "
@@ -609,15 +645,15 @@ msgstr ""
 "simulazione di popolazioni umane con un diverso gruppo di parametri legati a "
 "fattori biologici e sociali che influenzano la diffusione della malattia."
-#: projects.inc:159
+#: projects.inc:170
 msgid "University of Washington"
 msgstr "Università di Washington"
-#: projects.inc:160 projects.inc:168
+#: projects.inc:171 projects.inc:179
 msgid "Biology"
 msgstr "Biologia"
-#: projects.inc:161
+#: projects.inc:172
 msgid ""
 "Determine the 3-dimensional shapes of proteins in research that may "
 "ultimately lead to finding cures for some major human diseases. By running "
@@ -633,11 +669,11 @@ msgstr ""
 "possibili. Aiuterai anche i nostri sforzi nel progettare nuove proteine per "
 "combattere malattie come l'HIV, la malaria, il cancro, e l'Alzheimer."
-#: projects.inc:167
+#: projects.inc:178
 msgid "University of Vienna"
 msgstr "Università di Vienna"
-#: projects.inc:169
+#: projects.inc:180
 msgid ""
 "Calculate similarities between proteins. SIMAP provides a public database of "
 "the resulting data, which plays a key role in many bioinformatics research "
@@ -647,19 +683,19 @@ msgstr ""
 "dei dati risultanti, il quale gioca un ruolo chiave in molti progetti di "
 "ricerca bioinformatica. "
-#: projects.inc:175
+#: projects.inc:186
 msgid "Earth Sciences"
 msgstr "Scienze della Terra"
-#: projects.inc:187
+#: projects.inc:198
 msgid "Oxford University"
 msgstr "Università di Oxford"
-#: projects.inc:188
+#: projects.inc:199
 msgid "Climate study"
 msgstr "Studi climatici"
-#: projects.inc:189
+#: projects.inc:200
 msgid ""
 "Investigate the approximations that have to be made in state-of-the-art "
 "climate models. By running the model thousands of times we hope to find out "
@@ -681,16 +717,27 @@ msgstr ""
 "potrà cambiare nel prossimo secolo, sotto un ampio ventaglio di scenari "
-# 75%
-#: projects.inc:196
-msgid "Astronomy, Physics, and Chemistry"
-msgstr "Astronomia, Fisica e Chimica"
+#: projects.inc:207
+msgid "Physical Science"
+msgstr "Fisica"
+#: projects.inc:213
+msgid "Mechanical engineering"
+msgstr "Ingegneria meccanica"
+#: projects.inc:214
+msgid ""
+"Currently we are calculating the optimum design of a structure call the 52 "
+"bar truss"
+msgstr ""
+"Al momento stiamo calcolando il design migliore per una struttura con 52 "
+"barre di traliccio"
-#: projects.inc:202 projects.inc:241 projects.inc:249
+#: projects.inc:224 projects.inc:263 projects.inc:271
 msgid "Astronomy"
 msgstr "Astronomia"
-#: projects.inc:203
+#: projects.inc:225
 msgid ""
 "We will combine the spectral coverage of GALEX, Pan-STARRS1, and WISE to "
 "generate a multi-wavelength UV-optical-NIR galaxy atlas for the nearby "
@@ -707,15 +754,15 @@ msgstr ""
 "base risolta pixel per pixel utilizzando la distribuzione di energia "
 "spettrale (SED) con tecniche di calcolo distribuito."
-#: projects.inc:225
+#: projects.inc:247
 msgid "University of Texas at Austin"
 msgstr "Università del Texas di Austin"
-#: projects.inc:226 projects.inc:257
+#: projects.inc:248 projects.inc:279
 msgid "Chemistry"
 msgstr "Chimica"
-#: projects.inc:227
+#: projects.inc:249
 msgid ""
 "A common problem in theoretical chemistry, condensed matter physics and "
 "materials science is the calculation of the time evolution of an atomic "
@@ -739,11 +786,11 @@ msgstr ""
 "calcolo della dinamica a lungo termine dei sistemi."
 # 95%
-#: projects.inc:240
+#: projects.inc:262
 msgid "University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign"
 msgstr "Università dell'Illinois di Urbana-Champaign"
-#: projects.inc:242
+#: projects.inc:264
 msgid ""
 "The goal of Cosmology at Home is to search for the model that best describes "
 "our Universe and to find the range of models that agree with the available "
@@ -753,11 +800,11 @@ msgstr ""
 "nostro Universo e trovare l'intervallo di modelli che concordano con i dati "
 "disponibili dalla fisica delle particelle astronomiche."
-#: projects.inc:248
+#: projects.inc:270
 msgid "Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute"
 msgstr "Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute"
-#: projects.inc:250
+#: projects.inc:272
 msgid ""
 "The goal of Milkyway at Home is to create a highly accurate three dimensional "
 "model of the Milky Way galaxy using data gathered by the Sloan Digital Sky "
@@ -767,11 +814,11 @@ msgstr ""
 "accurato possibile della Via Lattea usando i dati raccolti dal Sloan Digital "
 "Sky Survey."
-#: projects.inc:256
+#: projects.inc:278
 msgid "Leiden University, The Netherlands"
 msgstr "Università di Leiden, Paesi Bassi"
-#: projects.inc:258
+#: projects.inc:280
 msgid ""
 "Surface science calculations using Classical Dynamics.  Leiden Classical "
 "allows volunteers, students and other scientist to submit their personal "
@@ -788,15 +835,15 @@ msgstr ""
 "validità della legge dei gas ideali (equazione di stato dei gas perfetti) "
 "effettuando le simulazioni tramite la grid."
-#: projects.inc:272
+#: projects.inc:294
 msgid "Univ. of Wisconsin - Milwaukee, Max Planck Institute"
 msgstr "Univ. of Wisconsin - Milwaukee, Max Planck Institute"
-#: projects.inc:273
+#: projects.inc:295
 msgid "Astrophysics"
 msgstr "Astrofisica"
-#: projects.inc:274
+#: projects.inc:296
 msgid ""
 "Search for spinning neutron stars (also called pulsars) using data from the "
 "LIGO and GEO gravitational wave detectors, and from the Arecibo radio "
@@ -810,15 +857,15 @@ msgstr ""
 "supportato dall'American Physical Society (APS) e da un certo numero di "
 "organizzazioni internazionali."
-#: projects.inc:288 projects.inc:296
+#: projects.inc:310 projects.inc:318
 msgid "CERN (European Organization for Nuclear Research)"
 msgstr "CERN (Organizzazione Europea per la Ricerca Nucleare)"
-#: projects.inc:289 projects.inc:297
+#: projects.inc:311 projects.inc:319
 msgid "Physics"
 msgstr "Fisica"
-#: projects.inc:290
+#: projects.inc:312
 msgid ""
 "The Large Hadron Collider (LHC) is a particle accelerator at CERN, the "
 "European Organization for Nuclear Research, the world's largest particle "
@@ -832,7 +879,7 @@ msgstr ""
 "costruito per investigare le proprietà delle particelle. LHC at home elabora "
 "simulazioni per migliorare la progettazione di LHC e dei suoi rivelatori."
-#: projects.inc:298
+#: projects.inc:320
 msgid ""
 "This project uses CERN-developed virtual machine technology for full-fledged "
 "LHC event physics simulation on volunteer computers.  Requires that you "
@@ -842,15 +889,15 @@ msgstr ""
 "eventi fisici dell'LHC sui computer dei volontari.  Richiede che venga "
 "installato VirtualBox sul tuo computer"
-#: projects.inc:304
+#: projects.inc:326
 msgid "University of California, Berkeley"
 msgstr "Università di Berkeley, California"
-#: projects.inc:305
+#: projects.inc:327
 msgid "Astrophysics, astrobiology"
 msgstr "Astrofisica, astrobiologia"
-#: projects.inc:306
+#: projects.inc:328
 msgid ""
 "SETI (Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence) is a scientific area whose "
 "goal is to detect intelligent life outside Earth. One approach, known as "
@@ -866,15 +913,15 @@ msgstr ""
 "naturale, quindi la loro rilevazione fornirebbe prova di tecnologia "
-#: projects.inc:320
+#: projects.inc:342
 msgid "Bielefeld University of Applied Sciences"
 msgstr "Università delle Scienze Applicate di Bielefeld"
-#: projects.inc:321
+#: projects.inc:343
 msgid "Chemical engineering and nanotechnology"
 msgstr "Ingegneria chimica e nanotecnologia"
-#: projects.inc:322
+#: projects.inc:344
 msgid ""
 "The study of molecular magnets and controlled nanoscale magnetism.  These "
 "magnetic molecules may be used to develop tiny magnetic switches, with "
@@ -886,19 +933,19 @@ msgstr ""
 "minuscoli interruttori magnetici, con applicazioni in medicina (come "
 "chemioterapia locale) e biotecnologia."
-#: projects.inc:329
+#: projects.inc:351
 msgid "Multiple applications"
 msgstr "Applicazioni multiple"
-#: projects.inc:334
+#: projects.inc:356
 msgid "Chinese Academy of Sciences"
 msgstr "Chinese Academy of Sciences"
-#: projects.inc:335
+#: projects.inc:357
 msgid "Physics, biochemistry, and others"
 msgstr "Fisica, biochimica, ed altre"
-#: projects.inc:336
+#: projects.inc:358
 msgid ""
 "The objective of CAS at home is to encourage and assist scientists in China to "
 "adopt the technologies of volunteer computing and volunteer thinking for "
@@ -908,11 +955,11 @@ msgstr ""
 "ad adottare le tecnologie del calcolo distribuito volontario pensando alle "
 "loro ricerche."
-#: projects.inc:343
+#: projects.inc:365
 msgid "Mathematics, physics, evolution"
 msgstr "Matematica, fisica, evoluzione"
-#: projects.inc:344
+#: projects.inc:366
 msgid ""
 "Yoyo at home is an adapter between BOINC and several existing volunteer "
 "computing projects: ECM, Muon, Evolution at home, and distributed.net"
@@ -920,15 +967,15 @@ msgstr ""
 "Yoyo at home è un adattatore tra BOINC e vari altri progetti di calcolo "
 "volontario esistenti: ECM, Muon, Evolution at home, e distributed.net"
-#: projects.inc:349 projects.inc:505
+#: projects.inc:371 projects.inc:527
 msgid "MTA-SZTAKI Laboratory of Parallel and Distributed Systems (Hungary)"
 msgstr "MTA-SZTAKI Laboratory of Parallel and Distributed Systems (Hungary)"
-#: projects.inc:350
+#: projects.inc:372
 msgid "European research projects"
 msgstr "Progetti di ricerca europei"
-#: projects.inc:351
+#: projects.inc:373
 msgid ""
 "The EDGeS at Home Beta project integrates volunteer computing into the service "
 "grid network of Europe by allowing service grids to send workunits to be "
@@ -940,27 +987,27 @@ msgstr ""
 "elaborare ai volontari di questo progetto. I progetti scientifici coperti "
 "dal progetto includono matematica, fisica, biologia, ecc."
-#: projects.inc:357
+#: projects.inc:379
 msgid "Spanish universities and research centers"
 msgstr "Università e centri di ricerca spagnoli"
-#: projects.inc:358
+#: projects.inc:380
 msgid "Various Spanish research projects"
 msgstr "Diversi progetti di ricerca spagnoli"
-#: projects.inc:359
+#: projects.inc:381
 msgid "Research in physics, material science, and biomedicine"
 msgstr "Ricerca in fisica, scienza dei materiali e biomedicina"
-#: projects.inc:365
+#: projects.inc:387
 msgid "IBM Corporate Citizenship"
 msgstr "Cittadinanza IBM Corporate"
-#: projects.inc:366
+#: projects.inc:388
 msgid "Medical, environmental and other humanitarian research"
 msgstr "Medica, dell'ambiente e altre ricerche umanitarie"
-#: projects.inc:367
+#: projects.inc:389
 msgid ""
 "To further critical non-profit research on some of humanity's most pressing "
 "problems by creating the world's largest volunteer computing grid.  Research "
@@ -972,27 +1019,27 @@ msgstr ""
 "Le ricerche includono HIV-AIDS, cancro, malattie tropicali e dimenticate, "
 "energia solare, acqua pulita e molte altre."
-#: projects.inc:373
+#: projects.inc:395
 msgid "Mathematics, computing, and games"
 msgstr "Matematica, calcolo computazionale, e giochi"
-#: projects.inc:379
+#: projects.inc:401
 msgid "Computer Science"
 msgstr "Informatica"
-#: projects.inc:387
+#: projects.inc:409
 msgid "Mathematics, Physics, Artificial Intelligence"
 msgstr "Matematica, Fisica, Intelligenza Artificiale"
-#: projects.inc:388
+#: projects.inc:410
 msgid "Simulation of quantum computing; Goldbach's conjecture."
 msgstr "Simulazione dell'elaborazione quantica; congettura di Goldbach."
-#: projects.inc:428 projects.inc:436
+#: projects.inc:450 projects.inc:458
 msgid "Cryptography"
 msgstr "Crittografia"
-#: projects.inc:437
+#: projects.inc:459
 msgid ""
 "Attempt to decode 3 original Enigma messages. The signals were intercepted "
 "in the North Atlantic in 1942 and are believed to be unbroken."
@@ -1000,24 +1047,24 @@ msgstr ""
 "Tentare di decodificare 3 messaggi Enigma originali. I segnali vennero "
 "intercettati nell'Atlantico del nord nel 1942 e si crede siano intatti."
-#: projects.inc:443 projects.inc:482 projects.inc:490 projects.inc:498
-#: projects.inc:506 projects.inc:546
+#: projects.inc:465 projects.inc:504 projects.inc:512 projects.inc:520
+#: projects.inc:528 projects.inc:568
 msgid "Mathematics"
 msgstr "Matematica"
-#: projects.inc:444
+#: projects.inc:466
 msgid "Study the Collatz Conjecture, an unsolved conjecture in mathematics"
 msgstr "Studiare la Congettura di Collatz, una congettura matematica irrisolta"
-#: projects.inc:449
+#: projects.inc:471
 msgid "California State University Fullerton"
 msgstr "California State University Fullerton"
-#: projects.inc:450
+#: projects.inc:472
 msgid "Factorization of large integers"
 msgstr "Fattorizzazione di grandi numeri interi"
-#: projects.inc:451
+#: projects.inc:473
 msgid ""
 "NFS at Home is a research project that uses Internet-connected computers to do "
 "the lattice sieving step in the Number Field Sieve factorization of large "
@@ -1034,7 +1081,7 @@ msgstr ""
 "7. NFS at Home è una continuazione di quell'esperienza, solo con interi lunghi "
 "centinaia di cifre."
-#: projects.inc:457
+#: projects.inc:479
 msgid ""
 "Vilnius Gediminas Technical University and Kaunas University of Technology "
@@ -1042,11 +1089,11 @@ msgstr ""
 "Vilnius Gediminas Technical University and Kaunas University of Technology "
-#: projects.inc:458
+#: projects.inc:480
 msgid "Software testing"
 msgstr "Testing del software"
-#: projects.inc:459
+#: projects.inc:481
 msgid ""
 "The aim of this project is to provide a powerful distributed computing "
 "platform for scientists of Vilnius Gediminas Technical University (VGTU) as "
@@ -1058,11 +1105,11 @@ msgstr ""
 "(VGTU) e ad altre università della Lituania. Le applicazioni correnti "
 "riguardano lo studio delle applicazioni basate sul software Monte-Carlo."
-#: projects.inc:481
+#: projects.inc:503
 msgid "Mathematical Institute of Leiden University / Kennislink"
 msgstr "Mathematical Institute of Leiden University / Kennislink"
-#: projects.inc:483
+#: projects.inc:505
 msgid ""
 "Search for 'abc-triples': positive integers a,b,c such that a+b=c, a < b "
 "< c, a,b,c have no common divisors and c > rad(abc), where rad(n) is the "
@@ -1080,7 +1127,7 @@ msgstr ""
 "più grandi problemi aperti della matematica. Se venisse provata, molti altri "
 "problemi aperti verrebbero risolti direttamente da essa."
-#: projects.inc:491
+#: projects.inc:513
 msgid ""
 "Primegrid has multiple projects searching for different forms of very large "
 "prime numbers, including searching for the largest known prime number."
@@ -1088,11 +1135,11 @@ msgstr ""
 "Primegrid ha progetti multipli che cercano differenti forme di grandi numeri "
 "primi, inclusa la ricerca del più grande numero primo conosciuto."
-#: projects.inc:497
+#: projects.inc:519
 msgid "Hochschule RheinMain University of Applied Sciences"
 msgstr "Hochschule RheinMain University of Applied Sciences"
-#: projects.inc:499
+#: projects.inc:521
 msgid ""
 "Search for counterexamples to two conjectures related to the identification "
 "of prime numbers"
@@ -1100,7 +1147,7 @@ msgstr ""
 "Cercare controesempi a due congetture riguardanti l'identificazione di "
 "numeri primi"
-#: projects.inc:507
+#: projects.inc:529
 msgid ""
 "Find all the generalized binary number systems (in which bases are matrices "
 "and digits are vectors) up to dimension 11."
@@ -1118,6 +1165,28 @@ msgstr "Commenta"
 msgid "News is available as an %sRSS feed%s"
 msgstr "Le news sono disponibili come %sRSS feed%s"
+#~ msgid "Download BOINC + Virtualbox"
+#~ msgstr "Scarica BOINC + Virtualbox"
+#, php-format
+#~ msgid "%s for %s (%s MB)"
+#~ msgstr "%s per %s (%s MB)"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "BOINC is a program that lets you donate your idle computer time to science "
+#~ "projects like SETI at home, Climateprediction.net, Rosetta at home, World "
+#~ "Community Grid, and many others. <p> After installing BOINC on your "
+#~ "computer, you can connect it to as many of these projects as you like."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "BOINC è un programma che permette di donare il tempo in cui il computer non "
+#~ "lavora a progetti come SETI at home, Climateprediction.net, Rosetta at home, World "
+#~ "Community Grid, e molti altri. <p> Dopo l'installazione di BOINC sul tuo "
+#~ "computer, puoi connetterlo a quanti progetti vuoi."
+# 75%
+#~ msgid "Astronomy, Physics, and Chemistry"
+#~ msgstr "Astronomia, Fisica e Chimica"
 #~ msgid "Browser default"
 #~ msgstr "Pagina di default del browser"
diff --git a/locale/ja/BOINC-Manager.po b/locale/ja/BOINC-Manager.po
index 5652ae3..2867133 100644
--- a/locale/ja/BOINC-Manager.po
+++ b/locale/ja/BOINC-Manager.po
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ msgid ""
 msgstr ""
 "Project-Id-Version: BOINC Manager 5.10 Japanese\n"
 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-02-02 00:00-0800\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-12-15 14:15-0500\n"
 "PO-Revision-Date: 2013-10-28 15:20+0000\n"
 "Last-Translator: Anonymous Pootle User\n"
 "Language-Team: \n"
@@ -16,22 +16,22 @@ msgstr ""
 "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
 "Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\n"
 "X-Generator: Pootle 2.5.0\n"
+"X-Poedit-Basepath: C:\\Src\\BOINCGIT\\boinc_7.4\n"
+"X-Poedit-SearchPath-0: clientgui\n"
 "X-Poedit-SearchPath-1: clientgui/msw\n"
 "X-Poedit-SearchPath-2: clientgui/gtk\n"
 "X-Poedit-SearchPath-3: clientgui/mac\n"
-"X-Poedit-SearchPath-0: clientgui\n"
 "X-Poedit-SourceCharset: utf-8\n"
-"X-Poedit-Basepath: C:\\Src\\BOINCGIT\\boinc\n"
 "X-POOTLE-MTIME: 1382973625.0\n"
 # 81%
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:387
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:387
 #, c-format
 #, fuzzy, c-format
 msgid "Identify your account at %s"
 msgstr "アカウントを特定する"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:393
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:393
 msgid ""
 "Please enter your account information\n"
 "(to create an account, visit the project's web site)"
@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ msgstr ""
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:397
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:397
 msgid ""
 "This project is not currently accepting new accounts.\n"
 "You can add it only if you already have an account."
@@ -47,19 +47,19 @@ msgstr ""
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:401
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:401
 msgid "Are you already running this project?"
 msgstr "このプロジェクトですでに稼動していますか?"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:405
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:405
 msgid "&No, new user"
 msgstr "いいえ(&N)、新しく参加します"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:408
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:408
 msgid "&Yes, existing user"
 msgstr "はい(&Y)、すでにアカウントがあります"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:413
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:413
 msgid ""
 "We were not able to set up your account information\n"
@@ -74,45 +74,51 @@ msgstr ""
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:416
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:416
 msgid "Find login information"
 msgstr "ログイン情報を探す"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:436 AccountInfoPage.cpp:641
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:436
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:649
 msgid "&Password:"
 msgstr "パスワード(&P):"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:443 AccountInfoPage.cpp:665
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:443
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:673
 msgid "Choose a &password:"
 msgstr "パスワードを決めて入力(&P):"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:446
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:446
 msgid "C&onfirm password:"
 msgstr "確認のためパスワードをもう一度(&O):"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:453
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:453
 #, c-format
 msgid "Are you already running %s?"
 msgstr "既に %s に参加していますか?"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:482
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:482
 msgid "&Username:"
 msgstr "参加者の名前(&U):"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:508
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:511
+msgid "&Email address or LDAP ID:"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:515
 msgid "&Email address:"
 msgstr "電子メールアドレス(&E):"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:515
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:523
 #, c-format
 msgid "minimum length %d"
 msgstr "%d文字以上"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:522
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:530
 msgid "Forgot your password?"
 msgstr "パスワードをお忘れですか?"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:529
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:537
 msgid ""
 "If you have not yet registered with this account manager,\n"
 "please do so before proceeding.  Click on the link below\n"
@@ -122,47 +128,46 @@ msgstr ""
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:532
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:540
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Account manager web site"
 msgstr "アカウント・マネージャのウェブサイト"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:574 WelcomePage.cpp:348
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:582
 msgid "Add project"
 msgstr "プロジェクトを追加"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:576
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:584
 msgid "Update account manager"
 msgstr "アカウント・マネージャを更新"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:578 WelcomePage.cpp:307 WelcomePage.cpp:321
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:586
 msgid "Use account manager"
 msgstr "アカウント・マネージャを使用する"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:585
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:593
 msgid "Please enter a user name."
 msgstr ""
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:587
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:595
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Please enter an email address."
 msgstr "電子メールアドレスを指定してください"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:597
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:605
 #, c-format
 msgid "Please enter a password of at least %d characters."
 msgstr ""
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:607
-msgid ""
-"The password and confirmation password do not match. Please type them again."
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:615
+msgid "The password and confirmation password do not match. Please type them again."
 msgstr "確認のために二回入力していただいたパスワードが異なっています。 再度入力してください。"
-#: AccountManagerInfoPage.cpp:272
+#: clientgui/AccountManagerInfoPage.cpp:272
 msgid "Choose an account manager"
 msgstr "アカウント・マネージャを1つ選ぶ"
-#: AccountManagerInfoPage.cpp:275
+#: clientgui/AccountManagerInfoPage.cpp:275
 msgid ""
 "To choose an account manager, click its name or \n"
 "type its URL below."
@@ -170,383 +175,400 @@ msgstr ""
 "あるいは下の欄に URL を入力してください。"
-#: AccountManagerInfoPage.cpp:279
+#: clientgui/AccountManagerInfoPage.cpp:279
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Account manager details:"
 msgstr "アカウント・マネージャのウェブサイト"
-#: AccountManagerInfoPage.cpp:283
+#: clientgui/AccountManagerInfoPage.cpp:283
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Account manager &URL:"
 msgstr "アカウント・マネージャー &URL:"
-#: AccountManagerInfoPage.cpp:287
+#: clientgui/AccountManagerInfoPage.cpp:287
 msgid "Open web page"
 msgstr ""
-#: AccountManagerInfoPage.cpp:290
+#: clientgui/AccountManagerInfoPage.cpp:290
 msgid "Visit this account manager's web site"
 msgstr ""
-#: AccountManagerProcessingPage.cpp:187 AccountManagerPropertiesPage.cpp:193
+#: clientgui/AccountManagerProcessingPage.cpp:186
+#: clientgui/AccountManagerPropertiesPage.cpp:192
 #, c-format
 msgid "Communicating with %s."
 msgstr "%s と通信中です。"
-#: AccountManagerProcessingPage.cpp:194 AccountManagerPropertiesPage.cpp:200
+#: clientgui/AccountManagerProcessingPage.cpp:193
+#: clientgui/AccountManagerPropertiesPage.cpp:199
 msgid "Communicating with server."
 msgstr "サーバと通信中です。"
-#: AccountManagerProcessingPage.cpp:199 AccountManagerPropertiesPage.cpp:205
+#: clientgui/AccountManagerProcessingPage.cpp:198
+#: clientgui/AccountManagerPropertiesPage.cpp:204
 msgid "Please wait..."
 msgstr "お待ちください..."
-#: AccountManagerProcessingPage.cpp:326
+#: clientgui/AccountManagerProcessingPage.cpp:325
 msgid "An internal server error has occurred.\n"
 msgstr "サーバ内部で異常が発生しました。\n"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:95
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:96
 msgid "Connected"
 msgstr "接続しました"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:103
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:104
 msgid "Disconnected"
 msgstr "接続を切りました"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:322 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:119
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:318
 #, c-format
 msgid "Close the %s window"
 msgstr "この %s ウィンドーを閉じる"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:325 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:122
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:321
 msgid "&Close Window"
 msgstr "ウィンドーを閉じる(&C)"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:336 AdvancedFrame.cpp:343 AdvancedFrame.cpp:350
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:332
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:339
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:346
 #, c-format
 msgid "Exit %s"
 msgstr "%s を終了する"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:371
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:359
+msgid "Preferences..."
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:368
 msgid "&Notices\tCtrl+Shift+N"
 msgstr "お知らせ(&N)\tCtrl+Shift+N"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:372
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:369
 msgid "Display notices"
 msgstr "お知らせを表示する"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:377
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:374
 msgid "&Projects\tCtrl+Shift+P"
 msgstr "プロジェクト(&P)\tCtrl+Shift+P"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:378
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:375
 msgid "Display projects"
 msgstr "プロジェクトを表示"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:383
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:380
 msgid "&Tasks\tCtrl+Shift+T"
 msgstr "タスク(&T)\tCtrl+Shift+T"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:384
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:381
 msgid "Display tasks"
 msgstr "タスクを表示"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:389
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:386
 msgid "Trans&fers\tCtrl+Shift+X"
 msgstr "転送(&F)\tCtrl+Shift+X"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:390
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:387
 msgid "Display transfers"
 msgstr "転送を表示"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:395
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:392
 msgid "&Statistics\tCtrl+Shift+S"
 msgstr "統計(&S)\tCtrl+Shift+S"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:396
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:393
 msgid "Display statistics"
 msgstr "統計を表示"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:401
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:398
 msgid "&Disk usage\tCtrl+Shift+D"
 msgstr "ディスク(&D)使用量\tCtrl+Shift+D"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:402
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:399
 msgid "Display disk usage"
 msgstr "ディスク使用量を表示"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:409
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:406
 msgid "Simple &View...\tCtrl+Shift+V"
 msgstr "簡易表示(&V)...\tCtrl+Shift+V"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:410
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:407
 msgid "Display the simple graphical interface."
 msgstr "簡易グラフィックインタフェースで表示します"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:424
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:421
 msgid "&Add project or account manager..."
 msgstr "プロジェクトまたはアカウント・マネージャを追加(&A)..."
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:425 sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:76
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:422
 msgid "Volunteer for any or all of 30+ projects in many areas of science"
 msgstr "ボランティアで参加しましょう。科学の多分野に渡る30以上のプロジェクトにどれにでもいくつでも参加できます。"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:429
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:426
 #, c-format
 msgid "&Synchronize with %s"
 msgstr "%s に同期(&S)"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:433
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:430
 #, c-format
 msgid "Get current settings from %s"
 msgstr "%s から現在の設定を取り出します"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:443
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:440
 msgid "&Add project..."
 msgstr "プロジェクトを追加(&A)..."
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:444
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:441
 msgid "Add a project"
 msgstr "プロジェクトを追加する"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:447
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:444
 #, c-format
 msgid "S&top using %s..."
 msgstr "%s を使うのを止める(&T)..."
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:453
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:450
 msgid "Remove this computer from account manager control."
 msgstr "このクライアントをアカウント・マネージャの制御からはずします"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:458 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:178
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:455
 msgid "&Options..."
 msgstr ""
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:459 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:179
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:456
 msgid "Configure display options and proxy settings"
 msgstr "表示オプションとプロキシの設定をします"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:463 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:172
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:460
 msgid "Computing &preferences..."
 msgstr "計算に関するプレファレンス(&P)..."
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:464 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:173
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:461
 msgid "Configure computing preferences"
 msgstr "計算に関するプレファレンス (好みの設定)を指定する"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:472
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:469
 msgid "&Run always"
 msgstr "常時稼働(&R)"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:473
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:470
 msgid "Allow work regardless of preferences"
 msgstr "プレファレンス (好みの設定) に関わらず仕事をさせます"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:477
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:474
 msgid "Run based on &preferences"
 msgstr "プレファレンスに従って稼働(&P)"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:478
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:475
 msgid "Allow work according to preferences"
 msgstr "プレファレンス (好みの設定) に従って仕事をさせます"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:482
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:479
 msgid "&Suspend"
 msgstr "一時停止(&S)"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:483
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:480
 msgid "Stop work regardless of preferences"
 msgstr "プレファレンス (好みの設定) に関わらず仕事を停止します"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:508
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:505
 msgid "Use GPU always"
 msgstr "常時 GPU を使う"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:509
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:506
 msgid "Allow GPU work regardless of preferences"
 msgstr "プレファレンス (好みの設定) に関わらず GPU に仕事をさせます"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:513
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:510
 msgid "Use GPU based on preferences"
 msgstr "プレファレンスに従って GPUを使用"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:514
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:511
 msgid "Allow GPU work according to preferences"
 msgstr "プレファレンス (好みの設定) に従って GPU に仕事をさせます"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:518
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:515
 msgid "Suspend GPU"
 msgstr "GPU の使用を一時停止"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:519
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:516
 msgid "Stop GPU work regardless of preferences"
 msgstr "プレファレンス (好みの設定) に関わらず GPU の仕事を停止します"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:543
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:540
 msgid "Network activity always available"
 msgstr "ネットワークをいつでも使用"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:544
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:541
 msgid "Allow network activity regardless of preferences"
 msgstr "プレファレンス (好みの設定) に関わらずネットワークアクセスを許します"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:548
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:545
 msgid "Network activity based on preferences"
 msgstr "プレファレンスに従ってネットワークを使用"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:549
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:546
 msgid "Allow network activity according to preferences"
 msgstr "プレファレンス (好みの設定) に従ってネットワークアクセスを許します"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:553
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:550
 msgid "Network activity suspended"
 msgstr "ネットワークの使用を一時停止"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:554
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:551
 msgid "Stop BOINC network activity"
 msgstr "BOINC によるネットワークアクセスを停止します"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:564
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:561
 #, c-format
 msgid "Connect to another computer running %s"
 msgstr "%s が稼動している別のコンピュータに接続します"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:569
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:566
 msgid "Select computer..."
 msgstr "コンピュータの選択..."
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:574
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:571
 msgid "Shut down connected client..."
 msgstr "接続しているクライアントをシャットダウン..."
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:575
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:572
 msgid "Shut down the currently connected client"
 msgstr "現在接続しているクライアントをシャットダウンさせます"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:579
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:576
 msgid "Run CPU &benchmarks"
 msgstr "CPU ベンチマークを実行(&B)"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:580
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:577
 msgid "Runs BOINC CPU benchmarks"
 msgstr "BOINC の CPU ベンチマークを実行します"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:584
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:581
 msgid "Do network communication"
 msgstr "通信を今すぐ実施"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:585
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:582
 msgid "Do all pending network communication"
 msgstr "保留されているネットワーク通信を実行します"
 # 94%
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:589
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:586
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Read config files"
 msgstr "設定ファイルを読み込む"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:590
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:587
 msgid "Read configuration info from cc_config.xml and any app_config.xml files"
 msgstr ""
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:594
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:591
 msgid "Read local prefs file"
 msgstr "ローカル・プレファレンスファイルを読み込む"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:595
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:592
 msgid "Read preferences from global_prefs_override.xml."
 msgstr "global_prefs_override.xml からプレファレンス (好みの設定) を読み込みます"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:600
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:597
 #, c-format
 msgid "Launch another instance of %s..."
 msgstr "もう一つ別の %s のインスタンスを走らせます..."
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:604
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:601
 #, c-format
 msgid "Launch another %s"
 msgstr "もう一つ別の %s を走らせる"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:614
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:611
 msgid "Event Log...\tCtrl+Shift+E"
 msgstr "イベント・ログ...\tCtrl+Shift+E"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:615
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:612
 msgid "Display diagnostic messages."
 msgstr "診断メッセージを表示する"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:625 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:188
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:616
+msgid "Event Log Diagnostic Flags...\tCtrl+Shift+F"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:617
+msgid "Enable or disable various diagnostic messages"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:626
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s &help"
 msgstr "%s のヘルプ(&H)"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:631 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:194
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:632
 #, c-format
 msgid "Show information about %s"
 msgstr "%s の情報を表示します"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:643
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:644
 #, c-format
 msgid "&%s help"
 msgstr "&%s のヘルプ"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:649 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:212
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:650
 #, c-format
 msgid "Show information about the %s"
 msgstr "%s の情報を表示します"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:661 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:224
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:662
 #, c-format
 #, c-format, fuzzy
 msgid "%s &web site"
 msgstr "%s ウェブサイト(&W)"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:667 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:230
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:668
 #, c-format
 msgid "Show information about BOINC and %s"
 msgstr "BOINC および %s の情報を表示します"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:679 BOINCTaskBar.cpp:530 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:242
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:680
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:544
 #, c-format
 msgid "&About %s..."
 msgstr "%s について(&A)..."
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:685 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:248
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:686
 msgid "Licensing and copyright information."
 msgstr "ライセンスと著作権情報"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:692 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:255
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:693
 msgid "&File"
 msgstr "ファイル(&F)"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:696 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:259
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:697
 msgid "&View"
 msgstr "表示(&V)"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:700 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:263
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:701
 msgid "&Tools"
 msgstr "ツール(&T)"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:704
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:705
 msgid "&Activity"
 msgstr "アクティビティ(&A)"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:708
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:709
 msgid "A&dvanced"
 msgstr "高度な操作(&D)"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:712 DlgEventLog.cpp:332 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:267
-#: wizardex.cpp:374 wizardex.cpp:381
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:713
 msgid "&Help"
 msgstr "ヘルプ(&H)"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:1199
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1185
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - Stop using %s"
 msgstr "%s - %s の使用をやめる"
 # Case of Detaching from an account manager
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:1204
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1190
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "If you stop using %s,\n"
@@ -561,12 +583,12 @@ msgstr ""
 "%s を使うのをやめますか?"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:1401
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1397
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - Shut down the current client..."
 msgstr "%s - 現在接続しているクライアントをシャットダウンします..."
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:1410
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1406
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "%s will shut down the current client\n"
@@ -575,37 +597,37 @@ msgstr ""
 "%s は、現在接続しているクライアントをシャットダウンし、\n"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:1745 DlgAbout.cpp:119
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1806
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s"
 msgstr "%s"
 # Case for attaching to an account manager
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:1754
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1815
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s has successfully added %s"
 msgstr "%s は %s を追加することに成功しました。"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:1893
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1953
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - (%s)"
 msgstr "%s - (%s)"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:1897
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1957
 #, c-format
 msgid "Connecting to %s"
 msgstr "%s に接続処理中"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:1900
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1960
 #, c-format
 msgid "Connected to %s (%s)"
 msgstr "%s (%s)に接続済み"
-#: AlreadyExistsPage.cpp:184
+#: clientgui/AlreadyExistsPage.cpp:184
 msgid "Username already in use"
 msgstr "指定した名前はすでに使われています"
-#: AlreadyExistsPage.cpp:187
+#: clientgui/AlreadyExistsPage.cpp:187
 msgid ""
 "An account with that username already exists and has a\n"
 "different password than the one you entered.\n"
@@ -617,11 +639,11 @@ msgstr ""
-#: AlreadyExistsPage.cpp:191
+#: clientgui/AlreadyExistsPage.cpp:191
 msgid "Email address already in use"
 msgstr "指定した電子メールアドレスはすでに使われています。"
-#: AlreadyExistsPage.cpp:194
+#: clientgui/AlreadyExistsPage.cpp:194
 msgid ""
 "An account with that email address already exists and has a\n"
 "different password than the one you entered.\n"
@@ -633,45 +655,44 @@ msgstr ""
-#: AsyncRPC.cpp:1031
+#: clientgui/AsyncRPC.cpp:1031
 msgid "Communicating with BOINC client.  Please wait ..."
 msgstr "BOINC クライアントと通信中です。お待ちください ...."
-#: AsyncRPC.cpp:1034
+#: clientgui/AsyncRPC.cpp:1034
 #, c-format
 msgid "&Quit %s"
 msgstr "%s を終了する(&Q)"
-#: AsyncRPC.cpp:1036
+#: clientgui/AsyncRPC.cpp:1036
 #, c-format
 msgid "E&xit %s"
 msgstr "%s を終了する(&X)"
-#: AsyncRPC.cpp:1040
+#: clientgui/AsyncRPC.cpp:1040
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - Communication"
 msgstr "%s - 通信"
-#: AsyncRPC.cpp:1056 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:107 sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:433
+#: clientgui/AsyncRPC.cpp:1056
 msgid "Cancel"
 msgstr "キャンセル"
-#: BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:505
+#: clientgui/BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:504
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - Connection Error"
 msgstr "%s - 接続に異常が発生しました"
-#: BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:514
+#: clientgui/BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:513
 msgid ""
 "You currently are not authorized to manage the client.\n"
-"Please contact your administrator to add you to the 'boinc_users' local user "
+"Please contact your administrator to add you to the 'boinc_users' local user group."
 msgstr ""
 "管理者に連絡して、'boinc_users' ローカルユーザグループにあなたを\n"
-#: BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:523
+#: clientgui/BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:522
 msgid ""
 "Authorization failed connecting to running client.\n"
 "Make sure you start this program in the same directory as the client."
@@ -679,20 +700,20 @@ msgstr ""
-#: BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:525
+#: clientgui/BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:524
 msgid "Authorization failed connecting to running client."
 msgstr "実行中のクライアントと接続するときに、認証に失敗しました。"
-#: BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:533
+#: clientgui/BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:532
 msgid "The password you have provided is incorrect, please try again."
 msgstr "入力したパスワードに誤りがあります。もう一度試してください。"
-#: BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:577
+#: clientgui/BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:576
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - Connection Failed"
 msgstr "%s - 接続に失敗しました"
-#: BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:586
+#: clientgui/BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:585
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "%s is not able to connect to a %s client.\n"
@@ -701,23 +722,22 @@ msgstr ""
 "%s は %s クライアントに接続できませんでした。\n"
-#: BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:622
+#: clientgui/BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:621
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - Daemon Start Failed"
 msgstr "%s - デーモンの開始に失敗しました"
-#: BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:632
+#: clientgui/BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:631
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "%s is not able to start a %s client.\n"
-"Please launch the Control Panel->Administative Tools->Services applet and "
-"start the BOINC service."
+"Please launch the Control Panel->Administative Tools->Services applet and start the BOINC service."
 msgstr ""
 "%s は %s クライアントを開始することができません。\n"
 "BOINC サービスを開始してください。"
-#: BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:638
+#: clientgui/BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:637
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "%s is not able to start a %s client.\n"
@@ -726,34 +746,33 @@ msgstr ""
 "%s は %s クライアントを開始することができません。\n"
-#: BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:689
+#: clientgui/BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:688
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - Connection Status"
 msgstr "%s - 接続状態"
-#: BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:700
+#: clientgui/BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:699
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "%s is not currently connected to a %s client.\n"
-"Please use the 'Advanced\\Select Computer...' menu option to connect up to a "
-"%s client.\n"
+"Please use the 'Advanced\\Select Computer...' menu option to connect up to a %s client.\n"
 "To connect up to your local computer please use 'localhost' as the host name."
 msgstr ""
 "%s は現在 %s クライアントと繋がっていません。メニューの [高度な操作(D)] から\n"
 "[コンピュータの選択...] へ進み、接続する %s クライアントのコンピュータを選びます。\n"
 "あなたの操作しているコンピュータ自身に接続するには、「コンピュータ名 (ホスト名)」の欄に localhost と入力してください。"
-#: BOINCBaseView.cpp:779
+#: clientgui/BOINCBaseView.cpp:752
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Project web pages"
 msgstr "プロジェクトのウェブサイト"
-#: BOINCClientManager.cpp:575
+#: clientgui/BOINCClientManager.cpp:573
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - Unexpected Exit"
 msgstr "%s - 予期せぬ終了"
-#: BOINCClientManager.cpp:585
+#: clientgui/BOINCClientManager.cpp:583
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "The %s client has exited unexpectedly 3 times within the last %d minutes.\n"
@@ -762,12 +781,12 @@ msgstr ""
 "%s クライアントが %d分間のうちに3回、予期せぬ終了をしました。\n"
-#: BOINCDialupManager.cpp:61
+#: clientgui/BOINCDialupManager.cpp:61
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - Network Status"
 msgstr "%s - ネットワーク状態"
-#: BOINCDialupManager.cpp:241
+#: clientgui/BOINCDialupManager.cpp:241
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "%s needs to connect to the Internet.\n"
@@ -776,22 +795,22 @@ msgstr ""
 "%s はインターネットに接続する必要があります。\n"
-#: BOINCDialupManager.cpp:254
+#: clientgui/BOINCDialupManager.cpp:254
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s is connecting to the Internet."
 msgstr "%s はインターネットに接続しようとしています。"
-#: BOINCDialupManager.cpp:303
+#: clientgui/BOINCDialupManager.cpp:303
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s has successfully connected to the Internet."
 msgstr "%s はインターネットへの接続に成功しました。"
-#: BOINCDialupManager.cpp:331
+#: clientgui/BOINCDialupManager.cpp:331
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s failed to connect to the Internet."
 msgstr "%s はインターネットへの接続に失敗しました"
-#: BOINCDialupManager.cpp:372
+#: clientgui/BOINCDialupManager.cpp:372
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "%s has detected it is now connected to the Internet.\n"
@@ -800,17 +819,17 @@ msgstr ""
 "%s はインターネットへの接続ができていることを今、検出しました。\n"
-#: BOINCDialupManager.cpp:417
+#: clientgui/BOINCDialupManager.cpp:417
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s has successfully disconnected from the Internet."
 msgstr "%s はインターネットとの接続を切ることに成功しました。"
-#: BOINCDialupManager.cpp:433
+#: clientgui/BOINCDialupManager.cpp:433
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s failed to disconnected from the Internet."
 msgstr "%s はインターネットとの接続を切ることにに失敗しました。"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:339
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:595
 #, c-format
 #, fuzzy, c-format
 msgid ""
@@ -832,7 +851,7 @@ msgstr ""
 "  - 管理者に依頼してあなたを ユーザグループ 'boinc_master' に加えて\n"
 "    もらいます。"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:345
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:601
 #, c-format
 #, fuzzy, c-format
 msgid ""
@@ -842,16 +861,15 @@ msgstr ""
 "BOINC 関連ファイルの所有権あるいはパーミッションの設定が不適切です。 BOINC を\n"
 "再インストールしてください。 (エラーコード %d)"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:351
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:607
 msgid " at "
 msgstr ""
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:354 MainDocument.cpp:2484 MainDocument.cpp:2534
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2554 ViewTransfers.cpp:803
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:610
 msgid ")"
 msgstr ")"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:384
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:640
 msgid ""
 "A reboot is required in order for BOINC to run properly.\n"
 "Please reboot your computer and try again."
@@ -859,186 +877,190 @@ msgstr ""
 "BOINC を正常に実行するためには再起動が必要です。\n"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:385 DlgAbout.cpp:153
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:641
 msgid "BOINC Manager"
 msgstr "BOINC マネージャ"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:572
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:902
 msgid "BOINC Manager was started by the operating system automatically"
 msgstr "BOINC マネージャはオペレーティング・システムにより自動的に起動されました。"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:574
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:904
 msgid "Startup BOINC so only the system tray icon is visible"
 msgstr "BOINC 起動時に、システムトレイのアイコンだけを表示します"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:576
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:906
 msgid "Directory containing the BOINC Client executable"
 msgstr "BOINC クライアントの実行可能ファイルがあるディレクトリ"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:577
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:907
 msgid "BOINC data directory"
 msgstr "BOINC 用データディレクトリ"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:579
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:909
 msgid "Host name or IP address"
 msgstr "ホスト名 または IPアドレス"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:580
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:910
 msgid "GUI RPC port number"
 msgstr "GUI用 RPC のポート番号"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:581
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:911
 msgid "Password"
 msgstr "パスワード:"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:582
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:912
 msgid "Startup BOINC with these optional arguments"
 msgstr "これらのオプション引数を付けて BOINC を起動します"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:583
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:913
 msgid "disable BOINC security users and permissions"
 msgstr "BOINC のユーザとアクセス許可についてのセキュリティを無効にします"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:584
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:914
 msgid "set skin debugging mode to enable skin manager error messages"
 msgstr "skin マネージャのエラーメッセージを有効にするために、skin debugging モードにします"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:585
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:915
 msgid "multiple instances of BOINC Manager allowed"
 msgstr "BOINC Manager の複数インスタンス起動を許す"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:587
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:917
 msgid "Not used: workaround for bug in XCode 4.2"
 msgstr ""
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:814
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:1164
 msgid "(Automatic Detection)"
 msgstr "(言語の自動判別)"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:815
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:1165
 msgid "(Unknown)"
 msgstr "(実装上のダミーエントリ1)"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:816
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:1166
 msgid "(User Defined)"
 msgstr "(実装上のダミーエントリ2)"
 # For account managers
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:508
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:522
 #, c-format
 msgid "Open %s Web..."
 msgstr "%s のウェブサイトを開く..."
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:515
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:529
 #, c-format
 msgid "Open %s..."
 msgstr "%s を開く..."
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:522 BOINCTaskBar.cpp:619 BOINCTaskBar.cpp:627
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:536
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:633
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:641
 msgid "Snooze"
 msgstr "休止"
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:524 BOINCTaskBar.cpp:646 BOINCTaskBar.cpp:654
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:538
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:660
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:668
 msgid "Snooze GPU"
 msgstr "GPU を休止"
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:542
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:556
 msgid "E&xit"
 msgstr "終了(&X)"
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:612 ViewProjects.cpp:718 ViewWork.cpp:795
-#: sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:758 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:110
-#: sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:102
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:626
 msgid "Resume"
 msgstr "再開"
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:639
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:653
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Resume GPU"
 msgstr "再開"
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:713
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:727
 msgid "Computing is enabled"
 msgstr "計算処理許可状態"
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:717
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:731
 msgid "Computing is suspended - "
 msgstr "計算処理は一時停止中 - "
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:727
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:741
 msgid "GPU computing is enabled"
 msgstr "GPU 計算処理許可状態"
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:730
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:744
 msgid "GPU computing is suspended - "
 msgstr "GPU 計算処理は一時停止中 -"
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:739
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:753
 msgid "Network is enabled"
 msgstr "ネットワーク使用許可状態"
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:742
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:756
 msgid "Network is suspended - "
 msgstr "ネットワークの使用を一時停止中 - "
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:750
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:764
 msgid "Reconnecting to client."
 msgstr "クライアントに再接続中。"
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:752
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:766
 msgid "Not connected to a client."
 msgstr "クライアントに接続されていません。"
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:805
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:819
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s Notices"
 msgstr "%s からのお知らせ"
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:811
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:825
 msgid "There are new notices - click to view."
 msgstr "新しいお知らせがあります - クリックして見てください。"
-#: CompletionErrorPage.cpp:199
+#: clientgui/CompletionErrorPage.cpp:199
 msgid "Failed to add project"
 msgstr "プロジェクトの追加に失敗"
-#: CompletionErrorPage.cpp:204
+#: clientgui/CompletionErrorPage.cpp:204
 msgid "Failed to update account manager"
 msgstr "アカウント・マネージャとの最新状況の更新に失敗"
-#: CompletionErrorPage.cpp:208
+#: clientgui/CompletionErrorPage.cpp:208
 msgid "Failed to remove account manager"
 msgstr "アカウント・マネージャの削除に失敗"
-#: CompletionErrorPage.cpp:212
+#: clientgui/CompletionErrorPage.cpp:212
 msgid "Failed to add account manager"
 msgstr "アカウント・マネージャへの追加に失敗"
-#: CompletionErrorPage.cpp:221
+#: clientgui/CompletionErrorPage.cpp:221
 msgid ""
 "Please try again later.\n"
 "Click Finish to close."
 msgstr ""
-#: CompletionErrorPage.cpp:225 CompletionPage.cpp:222 CompletionPage.cpp:242
-#: CompletionPage.cpp:273
+#: clientgui/CompletionErrorPage.cpp:225
+#: clientgui/CompletionPage.cpp:222
+#: clientgui/CompletionPage.cpp:242
+#: clientgui/CompletionPage.cpp:273
 msgid "Click Finish to close."
 msgstr "[終了] をクリックして閉じてください。"
-#: CompletionErrorPage.cpp:234
+#: clientgui/CompletionErrorPage.cpp:234
 msgid "Messages from server:"
 msgstr "サーバからのメッセージ:"
-#: CompletionPage.cpp:207
+#: clientgui/CompletionPage.cpp:207
 msgid "Project added"
 msgstr "プロジェクトが追加されました"
-#: CompletionPage.cpp:213
+#: clientgui/CompletionPage.cpp:213
 msgid "This project has been successfully added."
 msgstr "このプロジェクトの追加に成功しました。"
-#: CompletionPage.cpp:218
+#: clientgui/CompletionPage.cpp:218
 msgid ""
 "When you click Finish, your web browser will go to a page where\n"
 "you can set your account name and preferences."
@@ -1046,138 +1068,139 @@ msgstr ""
 "[終了] をクリックすると、アカウント名とプレファレンス (好みの設定) を\n"
-#: CompletionPage.cpp:232
+#: clientgui/CompletionPage.cpp:232
 #, c-format
 msgid "Update from %s completed."
 msgstr "%s からの状況更新が完了しました。"
-#: CompletionPage.cpp:236
+#: clientgui/CompletionPage.cpp:236
 msgid "Update completed."
 msgstr "更新が完了しました。"
-#: CompletionPage.cpp:247
+#: clientgui/CompletionPage.cpp:247
 msgid "Now using account manager"
 msgstr "これでアカウント・マネージャを使うようになりました"
-#: CompletionPage.cpp:252
+#: clientgui/CompletionPage.cpp:252
 #, c-format
 msgid "Welcome to %s!"
 msgstr "%s へようこそ!"
-#: CompletionPage.cpp:263
+#: clientgui/CompletionPage.cpp:263
 #, c-format
 msgid "You are now using %s to manage accounts."
 msgstr "これからはアカウントを管理するために %s を使います。"
-#: CompletionPage.cpp:267
+#: clientgui/CompletionPage.cpp:267
 msgid "You are now using this account manager."
 msgstr "これからはアカウントを管理するためにこのアカウント・マネージャを使います。"
-#: DlgAbout.cpp:113 mac/Mac_GUI.cpp:96
+#: clientgui/DlgAbout.cpp:113
 #, c-format
 msgid "About %s"
 msgstr "%s について"
-#: DlgAbout.cpp:172
+#: clientgui/DlgAbout.cpp:172
 msgid "Version:"
 msgstr "バージョン:"
-#: DlgAbout.cpp:180
+#: clientgui/DlgAbout.cpp:180
 msgid "wxWidgets Version:"
 msgstr "wxWidgets Version:"
-#: DlgAbout.cpp:188
+#: clientgui/DlgAbout.cpp:188
 msgid "Copyright:"
 msgstr "Copyright:"
-# 98%
-#: DlgAbout.cpp:192
-#, fuzzy
+#: clientgui/DlgAbout.cpp:192
 msgid ""
-"(C) 2003-2013 University of California, Berkeley.\n"
+"(C) 2003-2014 University of California, Berkeley.\n"
 "All Rights Reserved."
 msgstr ""
-"(C) 2003-2010 University of California, Berkeley.\n"
-"All Rights Reserved."
-#: DlgAbout.cpp:196
+#: clientgui/DlgAbout.cpp:196
 msgid "Berkeley Open Infrastructure for Network Computing"
 msgstr "Berkeley Open Infrastructure for Network Computing"
-#: DlgAbout.cpp:208 DlgExitMessage.cpp:173 DlgGenericMessage.cpp:120
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:396 DlgSelectComputer.cpp:163
+#: clientgui/DlgAbout.cpp:208
+#: clientgui/DlgExitMessage.cpp:173
+#: clientgui/DlgGenericMessage.cpp:120
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:399
+#: clientgui/DlgSelectComputer.cpp:163
 msgid "&OK"
 msgstr "&OK"
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:544
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:602
 msgid "invalid number"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:545
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:603
 msgid "invalid time, format is HH:MM"
 msgstr "時間が正しくありません。形式は「HH:MM」"
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:546
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:604
 msgid "invalid time interval, format is HH:MM-HH:MM"
 msgstr "時間帯が正しくありません。形式は「HH:MM-HH:MM」"
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:751
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:817
 msgid "invalid input value detected"
 msgstr "正しくない入力値があります"
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:753
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:819
 msgid "Validation Error"
 msgstr "検証エラー"
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:885 DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:891
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:897
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:969
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:975
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:981
 msgid "Applications to add"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:914
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:998
 #, c-format
 msgid "'%s' is not an executable application."
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:915 DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:962
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:986
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:999
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:1046
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:1070
 msgid "Add Exclusive App"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:927
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:1011
 msgid "Name of application to add?"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:927
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:1011
 msgid "Add exclusive app"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:961
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:1045
 #, c-format
 msgid "Application names must end with '%s'"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:985
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:1069
 #, c-format
 msgid "'%s' is already in the list."
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:1077
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:1161
 msgid ""
 "Do you really want to clear all local preferences?\n"
 "(This will not affect exclusive applications.)"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:1078 sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:1030
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:1162
 msgid "Confirmation"
 msgstr "確認"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:46 sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:946
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:49
 #, c-format
-msgid "%s - Preferences"
-msgstr "%s - プレファレンス(好みの設定)"
+msgid "%s - Computing preferences"
+msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:62
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:66
 #, fuzzy
 msgid ""
 "This dialog controls preferences for this computer only.\n"
@@ -1188,277 +1211,285 @@ msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:65 sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:428
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:69
 msgid "Clear"
 msgstr "クリア"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:66
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:70
 msgid "clear all local preferences and close the dialog"
 msgstr "このコンピュータだけに適用するプレファレンス(好みの設定)を全てクリアして、ダイアログを終了します。"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:81
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:85
 msgid "processor usage"
 msgstr "プロセッサ使用設定"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:84
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:88
 msgid "network usage"
 msgstr "ネットワーク使用"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:87
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:91
 msgid "disk and memory usage"
 msgstr "ディスクおよびメモリ使用"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:90
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:94
 msgid "exclusive applications"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:102 sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:424
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:107
+#: clientgui/DlgDiagnosticLogFlags.cpp:104
 msgid "OK"
 msgstr "OK"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:103
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:108
 msgid "save all values and close the dialog"
 msgstr "すべての値を保存して、ダイアログを終了します"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:108
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:114
 msgid "close the dialog without saving"
 msgstr "保存をしないでダイアログを終了します"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:112 Localization.cpp:35 Localization.cpp:121
-#: Localization.cpp:139 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:794 sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:439
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:118
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:35
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:121
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:139
 msgid "Help"
 msgstr "ヘルプ"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:113
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:119
 msgid "shows the preferences web page"
 msgstr "プレファレンス(好みの設定)のウェブページを開きます"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:135
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:141
 msgid "Computing allowed"
 msgstr "計算実行時間帯"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:139
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:146
 msgid "While computer is on batteries"
 msgstr "バッテリ駆動時の稼動"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:142
-msgid ""
-"check this if you want this computer to do work while it runs on batteries"
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:149
+msgid "check this if you want this computer to do work while it runs on batteries"
 msgstr "バッテリ稼動時にも計算を実行する場合はチェックしてください"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:148
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:155
 msgid "While computer is in use"
 msgstr "コンピュータを使っている最中の稼動"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:151
-msgid ""
-"check this if you want this computer to do work even when you're using it"
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:158
+msgid "check this if you want this computer to do work even when you're using it"
 msgstr "あなたがコンピュータ利用中でも計算を実行する場合は、ここにチェックを入れます。"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:157
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:164
 msgid "Use GPU while computer is in use"
 msgstr "コンピュータ利用中に GPU を使う"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:160
-msgid ""
-"check this if you want your GPU to do work even when you're using the "
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:167
+msgid "check this if you want your GPU to do work even when you're using the computer"
 msgstr "あなたがコンピュータを利用中でも、GPU を計算に使うならばここにチェックを入れます"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:172
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:179
 msgid "Only after computer has been idle for"
 msgstr "アイドル時間が次の時間を超えた時のみ計算を実行します"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:182
-msgid ""
-"do work only after you haven't used the computer for this number of minutes"
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:188
+msgid "do work only after you haven't used the computer for this number of minutes"
 msgstr "指定した時間(分)の間、コンピュータを操作しなかった場合のみ計算をします"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:187 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:336
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:417
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:193
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:342
 msgid "minutes"
 msgstr "分"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:206
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:212
 msgid "While processor usage is less than"
 msgstr "CPU使用率が右の値より低いときにだけ計算を実行します"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:216
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:221
 msgid "suspend work if processor usage exceeds this level"
 msgstr "プロセッサ使用率がこのレベルを超えると仕事を一時中断します"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:221
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:226
 msgid "percent (0 means no restriction)"
 msgstr "%(0を指定すれば制約なし)"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:235 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:496
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:240
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:506
 msgid "Every day between hours of"
 msgstr "1日の動作時間帯"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:239
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:244
 msgid "start work at this time"
 msgstr "処理開始時刻"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:243 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:504
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:326 sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:348
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:248
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:514
 msgid "and"
 msgstr "~"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:247
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:252
 msgid "stop work at this time"
 msgstr "処理終了時刻"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:251 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:512
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:256
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:522
 msgid "(no restriction if equal)"
 msgstr "(値が同じだと時間の制約なし)"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:256 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:517
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:261
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:527
 msgid "Day-of-week override:"
 msgstr "曜日ごとの設定:"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:261 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:522
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:266
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:532
 msgid "check box to specify hours for this day of week"
 msgstr "この曜日で時間帯を指定するにはチェックを入れてください"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:267 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:528
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:272
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:538
 msgid "Monday"
 msgstr "月曜日"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:274 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:535
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:279
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:545
 msgid "Tuesday"
 msgstr "火曜日"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:281 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:542
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:286
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:552
 msgid "Wednesday"
 msgstr "水曜日"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:288 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:549
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:293
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:559
 msgid "Thursday"
 msgstr "木曜日"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:295 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:556
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:300
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:566
 msgid "Friday"
 msgstr "金曜日"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:302 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:563
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:307
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:573
 msgid "Saturday"
 msgstr "土曜日"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:309 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:570
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:314
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:580
 msgid "Sunday"
 msgstr "日曜日"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:323
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:328
 msgid "Other options"
 msgstr "その他のオプション"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:330
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:336
 msgid "Switch between applications every"
 msgstr "アプリケーションの切り替え間隔"
 # This entry is paired with "% of processors".
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:339
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:345
 msgid "On multiprocessor systems, use at most"
 msgstr "マルチプロセッサの場合、全プロセッサのうち使うのは"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:346
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:352
 #, no-c-format
-msgid "% of the processors (0 means ignore this setting)"
+msgid "% of the processors (0 means no restriction)"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:349 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:605
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:627 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:648
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:669 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:679
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:355
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:618
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:640
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:661
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:683
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:694
 msgid "Use at most"
 msgstr "最大で"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:356
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:362
 #, no-c-format
-msgid "% CPU time"
-msgstr "% のCPU 時間まで使用"
+msgid "% of CPU time (0 means no restriction)"
+msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:378
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:386
 msgid "General options"
 msgstr "一般的なオプション"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:386
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:395
 msgid "Maximum download rate"
 msgstr "最大ダウンロード速度"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:392 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:401
-msgid "KBytes/sec."
-msgstr "キロバイト/秒"
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:401
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:410
+msgid "KBytes/second (0 means no restriction)"
+msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:395
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:404
 msgid "Maximum upload rate"
 msgstr "最大アップロード速度"
-# This sequence of texts and forms deeply depends on English. Hardly to be traslated into Japanese in normal manner.
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:406
-msgid "Transfer at most"
-msgstr "一定期間内の転送量上限:"
-# This sequence of texts and forms deeply depends on English. Hardly to be traslated into Japanese in normal manner.
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:412
-msgid "Mbytes"
-msgstr "M バイトまでを"
-# This sequence of texts and forms deeply depends on English. Hardly to be traslated into Japanese in normal manner.
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:415
-msgid "every"
-msgstr "右の期間内で許可"
-# This sequence of texts and forms deeply depends on English. Hardly to be traslated into Japanese in normal manner.
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:421 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:444
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:463
-msgid "days"
-msgstr "日"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:429
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:417
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Minimum work buffer"
 msgstr "仕事の備蓄"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:438
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:425
 msgid "Try to maintain enough tasks to keep busy for this many days"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:450
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:431
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:449
+msgid "days (maximum value: 10)"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:437
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Max additional work buffer"
 msgstr "仕事の備蓄"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:459
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:445
 msgid "In addition, maintain enough tasks for up to this many days"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:466
+# This sequence of texts and forms deeply depends on English. Hardly to be traslated into Japanese in normal manner.
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:454
+msgid "Transfer at most"
+msgstr "一定期間内の転送量上限:"
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:462
+msgid "MBytes every"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:468
+msgid "days (0 means no restriction)"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:476
 msgid "Skip image file verification"
 msgstr "イメージファイルの検証をスキップする"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:468
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:478
 msgid "check this if your Internet provider modifies image files"
 msgstr "インターネットプロバイダが画像ファイルを変更する場合はチェックを入れてください。"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:476
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:484
 msgid "Connect options"
 msgstr "接続オプション"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:478
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:487
 msgid "Confirm before connecting to internet"
 msgstr "インターネットに接続する前に確認する"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:480
-msgid ""
-"if checked, a confirmation dialog will be displayed before trying to connect "
-"to the Internet"
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:489
+msgid "if checked, a confirmation dialog will be displayed before trying to connect to the Internet"
 msgstr "チェックを入れると、インターネットに接続する前に確認ダイアログが表示されます。"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:484
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:493
 msgid "Disconnect when done"
 msgstr "終わったら切断"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:486
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:495
 msgid ""
 "if checked, BOINC hangs up when network usage is done\n"
 "(only relevant for dialup-connection)"
@@ -1466,192 +1497,217 @@ msgstr ""
 "チェックを入れると、ネットワーク使用終了時に BOINC が電話を切ります\n"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:492
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:501
 msgid "Network usage allowed"
 msgstr "ネットワーク使用を許す時間帯"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:500
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:510
 msgid "network usage start hour"
 msgstr "ネットワーク使用開始時刻"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:508
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:518
 msgid "network usage stop hour"
 msgstr "ネットワーク使用終了時刻"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:598 DlgItemProperties.cpp:231
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:610
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:257
 msgid "Disk usage"
 msgstr "ディスク領域"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:609
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:622
 msgid "the maximum disk space used by BOINC (in Gigabytes)"
 msgstr "BOINC使用最大ディスク使用量(ギガバイト)"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:613
-msgid "Gigabytes disk space"
-msgstr "ギガバイトのディスク領域"
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:626
+msgid "Gigabytes disk space (0 means no restriction)"
+msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:616
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:629
 msgid "Leave at least"
 msgstr "最低限の未使用領域"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:620
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:633
 msgid "BOINC leaves at least this amount of disk space free (in Gigabytes)"
 msgstr "BOINC は、ディスク空き容量がこの値を下まわるところまでは使いません(単位はギガバイト)"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:624
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:637
 msgid "Gigabytes disk space free"
 msgstr "ギガバイト(空き)"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:631
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:644
 msgid "BOINC uses at most this percentage of total disk space"
 msgstr "BOINC使用最大ディスク使用率(パーセント)"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:636
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:649
 #, no-c-format
 msgid "% of total disk space"
 msgstr "% (ディスク全体に対する使用率)"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:639
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:652
 msgid "Tasks checkpoint to disk at most every"
 msgstr "タスクがチェックポイントでディスクに書く最小間隔"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:645
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:658
 msgid "seconds"
 msgstr "秒毎"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:655
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:668
 #, no-c-format
 msgid "% of page file (swap space)"
 msgstr "% (ページファイル/スワップ領域 の使用率)"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:662
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:675
 msgid "Memory usage"
 msgstr "メモリ使用"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:676
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:691
 #, no-c-format
 msgid "% when computer is in use"
 msgstr "% (コンピュータ利用中)"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:686
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:701
 #, no-c-format
 msgid "% when computer is idle"
 msgstr "% (コンピュータ・アイドル時)"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:691
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:706
 msgid "Leave applications in memory while suspended"
 msgstr "一時停止時にアプリケーションをメモリ上に残す"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:693
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:708
 msgid "if checked, suspended work units are left in memory"
 msgstr "チェックをいれると、休止中のワークユニットはメモリに残ります"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:713
-msgid ""
-"Suspend processor and network usage when these applications are running:"
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:728
+msgid "Suspend processor and network usage when these applications are running:"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:722
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:738
 msgid "Add..."
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:723
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:739
 msgid "Add an application to this list"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:728 ViewProjects.cpp:202
-#: sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:85
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:744
 msgid "Remove"
 msgstr "削除"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:729
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:745
 msgid "Remove an application from this list"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:738
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:754
 msgid "For advanced options, refer to "
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:219
+#: clientgui/DlgDiagnosticLogFlags.cpp:65
+#, c-format
+msgid "%s Diagnostic Log Flags"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/DlgDiagnosticLogFlags.cpp:83
+msgid "These flags enable various types of diagnostic messages in the Event Log."
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/DlgDiagnosticLogFlags.cpp:105
+msgid "Save all values and close the dialog"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/DlgDiagnosticLogFlags.cpp:108
+msgid "Defaults"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/DlgDiagnosticLogFlags.cpp:109
+msgid "Restore default settings"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/DlgDiagnosticLogFlags.cpp:113
+msgid "Close the dialog without saving"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:226
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - Event Log"
 msgstr "%s - イベント・ログ"
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:232 ViewMessages.cpp:117 ViewProjects.cpp:219
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:435 ViewStatistics.cpp:2009 ViewTransfers.cpp:182
-#: ViewWork.cpp:232
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:236
 msgid "Project"
 msgstr "プロジェクト"
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:233 ViewMessages.cpp:118
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:237
 msgid "Time"
 msgstr "日時"
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:234 ViewMessages.cpp:119
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:238
 msgid "Message"
 msgstr "メッセージ"
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:290 DlgEventLog.cpp:354
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:300
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:364
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "&Show only this project"
 msgstr "このプロジェクトだけを表示"
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:294
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:304
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Copy &All"
 msgstr "すべてコピー"
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:296 DlgEventLog.cpp:300 ViewMessages.cpp:89
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:306
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:310
 msgid "Copy all the messages to the clipboard."
 msgstr "全メッセージをクリップボードにコピーします"
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:305
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:315
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Copy &Selected"
 msgstr "選択部分をコピー"
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:308 DlgEventLog.cpp:316 ViewMessages.cpp:97
-msgid ""
-"Copy the selected messages to the clipboard. You can select multiple "
-"messages by holding down the shift or command key while clicking on messages."
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:318
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:326
+msgid "Copy the selected messages to the clipboard. You can select multiple messages by holding down the shift or command key while clicking on messages."
 msgstr "選択したメッセージをクリップボードにコピーします。シフトまたはコマンドキーを押しながらクリックすることで複数のメッセージを選択できます。"
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:310 DlgEventLog.cpp:318 ViewMessages.cpp:99
-msgid ""
-"Copy the selected messages to the clipboard. You can select multiple "
-"messages by holding down the shift or control key while clicking on messages."
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:320
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:328
+msgid "Copy the selected messages to the clipboard. You can select multiple messages by holding down the shift or control key while clicking on messages."
 msgstr ""
 "す。 "
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:325 DlgItemProperties.cpp:67
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:335
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:67
 msgid "&Close"
 msgstr "閉じる(&C)"
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:334 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:798 sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:442
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:344
 #, c-format
 msgid "Get help with %s"
 msgstr "%s について助けを求める"
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:348
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:358
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Show all &messages"
 msgstr "全メッセージを表示"
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:349 DlgEventLog.cpp:351
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:359
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:361
 msgid "Show messages for all projects"
 msgstr "すべてのプロジェクトのメッセージを表示"
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:355 DlgEventLog.cpp:357
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:365
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:367
 msgid "Show only the messages for the selected project"
 msgstr "選択したプロジェクトのメッセージだけを表示"
-#: DlgExitMessage.cpp:82
+#: clientgui/DlgExitMessage.cpp:82
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - Exit Confirmation"
 msgstr "%s - 終了の確認"
-#: DlgExitMessage.cpp:130
+#: clientgui/DlgExitMessage.cpp:130
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "You have requested to exit the %s,\n"
@@ -1662,7 +1718,7 @@ msgid ""
 "choose from the following options:"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgExitMessage.cpp:135
+#: clientgui/DlgExitMessage.cpp:135
 #, c-format
 #, fuzzy, c-format
 msgid ""
@@ -1680,401 +1736,427 @@ msgstr ""
 "のほうが良いでしょう。そうすれば、プレファレンス (好みの設定) で\n"
 "あなたが設定した時間帯に %s タスクが走ります。"
-#: DlgExitMessage.cpp:153
+#: clientgui/DlgExitMessage.cpp:153
 #, c-format
 msgid "Stop running tasks when exiting the %s"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgExitMessage.cpp:165
+#: clientgui/DlgExitMessage.cpp:165
 msgid "Remember this decision and do not show this dialog."
 msgstr "この決定を記憶して再びこのダイアログを表示しない"
-#: DlgExitMessage.cpp:178 DlgGenericMessage.cpp:125 DlgOptions.cpp:401
-#: DlgSelectComputer.cpp:168 wizardex.cpp:378
+#: clientgui/DlgExitMessage.cpp:178
+#: clientgui/DlgGenericMessage.cpp:125
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:404
+#: clientgui/DlgSelectComputer.cpp:168
 msgid "&Cancel"
 msgstr "キャンセル(&C)"
-#: DlgGenericMessage.cpp:112
+#: clientgui/DlgGenericMessage.cpp:112
 msgid "Don't show this dialog again."
 msgstr "再びこのダイアログを表示しない"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:168 DlgItemProperties.cpp:171
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:174 DlgItemProperties.cpp:177
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:194
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:197
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:200
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:203
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Don't fetch tasks for "
 msgstr "CPU向けタスクを新たに取得しない"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:168
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:194
 msgid "Project preference"
 msgstr "プロジェクトごとのプレファレンス"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:171
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:197
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Account manager preference"
 msgstr "アカウント・マネージャのウェブサイト"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:174
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:200
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Project has no apps for "
 msgstr "プロジェクトのウェブサイト"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:177
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:203
 msgid "Client configuration excludes "
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:181
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:207
 #, fuzzy
 msgid " work fetch deferred for"
 msgstr "CPU 向けの仕事を獲得する処理の保留時間"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:182
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:208
 #, fuzzy
 msgid " work fetch deferral interval"
 msgstr "CPU 向けの仕事を獲得する処理の保留間隔"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:213
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:239
 msgid "Properties of project "
 msgstr "プロジェクトのプロパティ  "
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:217 DlgOptions.cpp:218
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:243
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:221
 msgid "General"
 msgstr "一般"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:218
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:244
 msgid "Master URL"
 msgstr "マスター URL"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:219
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:245
 msgid "User name"
 msgstr "参加者名(User name) "
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:220
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:246
 msgid "Team name"
 msgstr "チームの名称"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:221 ViewProjects.cpp:224
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:247
 msgid "Resource share"
 msgstr "リソース割り当て"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:223
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:249
 msgid "Scheduler RPC deferred for"
 msgstr "スケジューラ RPC の保留時間"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:226
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:252
 msgid "File downloads deferred for"
 msgstr "ファイルダウンロード 待機"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:229
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:255
 msgid "File uploads deferred for"
 msgstr "ファイルアップロード 待機"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:232
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:258
 msgid "Computer ID"
 msgstr "コンピュータ ID"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:234
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:260
 msgid "Non CPU intensive"
 msgstr "CPU を集中的に使わない"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:234 DlgItemProperties.cpp:236
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:237 DlgItemProperties.cpp:239
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:242 DlgItemProperties.cpp:251
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:254 DlgItemProperties.cpp:257
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:260
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:262
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:263
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:265
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:268
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:277
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:280
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:283
 msgid "yes"
 msgstr "はい"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:236
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:262
 msgid "Suspended via GUI"
 msgstr "GUI 経由で保留状態にされている"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:236 DlgItemProperties.cpp:237
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:262
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:263
 msgid "no"
 msgstr "いいえ"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:237
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:263
 msgid "Don't request more work"
 msgstr "新しい仕事を取りに行かない"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:239
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:265
 msgid "Scheduler call in progress"
 msgstr "スケジューラへ要求中"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:242
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:268
 msgid "Trickle-up pending"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:245 DlgItemProperties.cpp:247
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:271
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:273
 msgid "Host location"
 msgstr "計算機の所在"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:247
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:273
 msgid "default"
 msgstr "デフォルト"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:251
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:277
 msgid "Added via account manager"
 msgstr "アカウント・マネージャ経由での追加"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:254
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:280
 msgid "Remove when tasks done"
 msgstr "タスクが完了したら削除する"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:257
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:283
 msgid "Ended"
 msgstr "終了した"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:259
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:285
+msgid "Tasks completed"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:286
+msgid "Tasks failed"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:288
 msgid "Credit"
 msgstr "功績(credit)の値"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:260
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:289
 msgid "User"
 msgstr "参加者"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:267
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:296
 msgid "Host"
 msgstr "計算機"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:276
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:305
 msgid "Scheduling"
 msgstr "スケジューリング"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:277
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:306
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Scheduling priority"
 msgstr "CPU 向けスケジューリングの優先度"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:278
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:307
 msgid "CPU"
 msgstr ""
 # good translation not found
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:302
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:331
 msgid "Duration correction factor"
 msgstr "Duration correction factor"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:316
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:345
 msgid "Properties of task "
 msgstr "タスクのプロパティ : "
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:328 ViewWork.cpp:238
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:357
 msgid "Application"
 msgstr "アプリケーション"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:329 ViewWork.cpp:239
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:358
 msgid "Name"
 msgstr "名前"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:330
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:359
 msgid "State"
 msgstr "状態"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:333
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:362
 msgid "Received"
 msgstr "受信時刻 "
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:336
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:365
 msgid "Report deadline"
 msgstr "報告期限"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:338
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:367
 msgid "Resources"
 msgstr "リソース"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:341
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:370
 msgid "Estimated computation size"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:344
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:373
 msgid "CPU time at last checkpoint"
 msgstr "最新のチェックポイントでの CPU 時間"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:345 DlgItemProperties.cpp:360
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:374
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:389
 msgid "CPU time"
 msgstr "CPU時間"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:347 DlgItemProperties.cpp:361
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:376
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:390
 msgid "Elapsed time"
 msgstr "経過時間"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:349
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:378
 msgid "Estimated time remaining"
 msgstr "処理完了までの想定時間"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:350
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:379
 msgid "Fraction done"
 msgstr "仕事の計算完了率"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:351
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:380
 msgid "Virtual memory size"
 msgstr "仮想メモリの大きさ"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:352
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:381
 msgid "Working set size"
 msgstr "ワーキング・セットの大きさ"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:354
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:383
 msgid "Directory"
 msgstr "ディレクトリ"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:357
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:386
 msgid "Process ID"
 msgstr "プロセスID"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:427 ViewWork.cpp:1032 sg_TaskPanel.cpp:823
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:456
 msgid "Local: "
 msgstr "Local:"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:129 DlgOptions.cpp:135
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:129
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:135
 msgid "Options"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:175
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:178
 msgid "Language:"
 msgstr "言語:"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:182
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:185
 msgid "What language should BOINC use?"
 msgstr "BOINC が表示に使う言語を何にするか"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:186
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:189
 msgid "Notice reminder interval:"
 msgstr "お知らせの通知間隔:"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:193
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:196
 msgid "How often should BOINC remind you of new notices?"
 msgstr "新規のお知らせがあることを BOINC があなたに伝える頻度"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:198
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:201
 msgid "Run Manager at login?"
 msgstr "マネージャをログイン時に起動するか?"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:204
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:207
 msgid "Run the BOINC Manager when you log on."
 msgstr "BOINC マネージャをあなたがログインしたときに起動する。"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:209
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:212
 msgid "Enable Manager exit dialog?"
 msgstr "マネージャ停止時のダイアログを有効化"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:215
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:218
 msgid "Display the exit dialog when shutting down the Manager."
 msgstr "このマネージャ・プログラムを停止させるときにダイアログを表示する"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:226
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:229
 msgid "Dial-up and Virtual Private Network settings"
 msgstr "ダイヤルアップおよび仮想プライベートネットワークの設定"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:240
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:243
 msgid "&Set Default"
 msgstr "初期値に設定(&S)"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:245
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:248
 msgid "&Clear Default"
 msgstr "初期値をクリア(&C)"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:252
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:255
 msgid "Default Connection:"
 msgstr "通常の接続:"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:259
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:262
 msgid "Connections"
 msgstr "接続"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:268
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:271
 msgid "Connect via HTTP proxy server"
 msgstr "HTTP プロキシサーバ経由で接続する"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:272
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:275
 msgid "HTTP Proxy Server Configuration"
 msgstr "HTTP プロキシサーバの設定"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:280 DlgOptions.cpp:344
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:283
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:347
 msgid "Address:"
 msgstr "アドレス:"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:288 DlgOptions.cpp:352 ProxyPage.cpp:340 ProxyPage.cpp:360
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:291
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:355
 msgid "Port:"
 msgstr "ポート番号:"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:296 DlgOptions.cpp:360
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:299
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:363
 msgid "Don't use proxy for:"
 msgstr "プロキシを使わない対象:"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:303 DlgOptions.cpp:367
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:306
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:370
 msgid "Leave these blank if not needed"
 msgstr "プロキシを必要としない場合は空欄のままにしてください"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:309 DlgOptions.cpp:373 ProxyPage.cpp:343 ProxyPage.cpp:363
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:312
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:376
 msgid "User Name:"
 msgstr "プロキシのユーザ名:"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:317 DlgOptions.cpp:381 DlgSelectComputer.cpp:152
-#: ProxyPage.cpp:346 ProxyPage.cpp:366
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:320
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:384
+#: clientgui/DlgSelectComputer.cpp:152
 msgid "Password:"
 msgstr "パスワード:"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:324
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:327
 msgid "HTTP Proxy"
 msgstr "HTTP プロキシ"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:332
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:335
 msgid "Connect via SOCKS proxy server"
 msgstr "SOCKS プロキシサーバ経由で接続する"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:336
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:339
 msgid "SOCKS Proxy Server Configuration"
 msgstr "SOCKS プロキシサーバの設定"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:388
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:391
 msgid "SOCKS Proxy"
 msgstr "SOCKS プロキシ"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:586
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:589
 msgid "always"
 msgstr "常時通知"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:587
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:590
 msgid "1 hour"
 msgstr "1時間"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:588
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:591
 msgid "6 hours"
 msgstr "6時間"
 # This sequence of texts and forms deeply depends on English. Hardly to be traslated into Japanese in normal manner.
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:589
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:592
 msgid "1 day"
 msgstr "1日"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:590
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:593
 msgid "1 week"
 msgstr "1週間"
 # This sequence of texts and forms deeply depends on English. Hardly to be traslated into Japanese in normal manner.
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:591
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:594
 msgid "never"
 msgstr "通知しない"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:688
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:691
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - Language Selection"
 msgstr "%s - 言語の選択"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:695
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:698
 #, c-format
 #, fuzzy, c-format
-msgid ""
-"The %s's language has been changed.  In order for this change to take "
-"effect, you must restart the %s."
+msgid "The %s's language has been changed.  In order for this change to take effect, you must restart the %s."
 msgstr "%s の言語設定を切り換えました。切り換えの効果を出すためには、この %s を再起動しなければなりません。"
-#: DlgSelectComputer.cpp:91
+#: clientgui/DlgSelectComputer.cpp:91
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - Select Computer"
 msgstr "%s - コンピュータの選択"
-#: DlgSelectComputer.cpp:125
+#: clientgui/DlgSelectComputer.cpp:125
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "Another instance of %s is already running \n"
@@ -2083,416 +2165,417 @@ msgstr ""
 "このコンピュータではすでに %s の別のインスタンスが\n"
-#: DlgSelectComputer.cpp:143
+#: clientgui/DlgSelectComputer.cpp:143
 msgid "Host name:"
 msgstr "計算機名 (ホスト名):"
-#: Localization.cpp:31 Localization.cpp:69
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:31
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:69
 msgid "Message boards"
 msgstr "掲示板"
-#: Localization.cpp:33
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:33
 msgid "Correspond with other users on the SETI at home message boards"
 msgstr "SETI at home の掲示版で他の参加者と連絡をとる"
-#: Localization.cpp:37
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:37
 msgid "Ask questions and report problems"
 msgstr "質問をしたり、問題の発生報告をする"
-#: Localization.cpp:39 Localization.cpp:81 Localization.cpp:111
-#: Localization.cpp:129
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:39
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:81
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:111
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:129
 msgid "Your account"
 msgstr "あなたのアカウント"
-#: Localization.cpp:41 Localization.cpp:87 Localization.cpp:113
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:41
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:87
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:113
 msgid "View your account information and credit totals"
 msgstr "あなたのアカウント情報と功績 (credit) の総計を表示する"
-#: Localization.cpp:43
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:43
 msgid "Your preferences"
 msgstr "あなたのプレファレンス"
-#: Localization.cpp:45
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:45
 msgid "View and modify your SETI at home account profile and preferences"
 msgstr "あなたの SETI at home アカウントのプロファイルとプレファレンス (好みの設定) を表示・修正する"
-#: Localization.cpp:47 Localization.cpp:89
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:47
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:89
 msgid "Your results"
 msgstr "あなたのリザルト"
-#: Localization.cpp:49 Localization.cpp:91
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:49
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:91
 msgid "View your last week (or more) of computational results and work"
 msgstr "先週 (およびそれ以前)の計算について、リザルトと仕事を表示する"
-#: Localization.cpp:51 Localization.cpp:93
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:51
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:93
 msgid "Your computers"
 msgstr "あなたのコンピュータ"
-#: Localization.cpp:53
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:53
 msgid "View a listing of all the computers on which you are running SETI at Home"
 msgstr "SETI at Home に参加させているコンピュータ全ての一覧を表示"
-#: Localization.cpp:55 Localization.cpp:97
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:55
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:97
 msgid "Your team"
 msgstr "所属チーム"
-#: Localization.cpp:57 Localization.cpp:99
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:57
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:99
 msgid "View information about your team"
 msgstr "あなたの所属するチームの情報を表示する"
-#: Localization.cpp:61
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:61
 msgid "Common questions"
 msgstr "一般的な質問"
-#: Localization.cpp:63
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:63
 msgid "Read the Einstein at Home Frequently Asked Question list"
 msgstr "Einstein at Home についてしばしば聞かれる質問 (FAQ) の一覧を表示"
-#: Localization.cpp:65
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:65
 msgid "Screensaver info"
 msgstr "スクリーンセイバー情報"
-#: Localization.cpp:67
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:67
 msgid "Read a detailed description of the Einstein at Home screensaver"
 msgstr "Einstein at Home スクリーンセイバーについての詳細を表示"
-#: Localization.cpp:71
-msgid ""
-"Correspond with admins and other users on the Einstein at Home message boards"
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:71
+msgid "Correspond with admins and other users on the Einstein at Home message boards"
 msgstr "Einstein at Home 掲示板で、管理者と参加者に連絡"
-#: Localization.cpp:73
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:73
 msgid "Einstein status"
 msgstr "Einstein at Home の状態"
-#: Localization.cpp:75
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:75
 msgid "Current status of the Einstein at Home server"
 msgstr "Einstein at Home サーバの現在状態"
-#: Localization.cpp:77
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:77
 msgid "Report problems"
 msgstr "問題を報告"
-#: Localization.cpp:79
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:79
 msgid "A link to the Einstein at Home problems and bug reports message board"
 msgstr "Einstein at Home の 問題とバグ報告の掲示板へのリンク"
-#: Localization.cpp:83
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:83
 msgid "View and modify your Einstein at Home account profile and preferences"
 msgstr "Einstein at Home のあなたのアカウントとプレファレンス (好みの設定) の表示・変更"
-#: Localization.cpp:85
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:85
 msgid "Account summary"
 msgstr "アカウントの要約"
-#: Localization.cpp:95
-msgid ""
-"View a listing of all the computers on which you are running Einstein at Home"
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:95
+msgid "View a listing of all the computers on which you are running Einstein at Home"
 msgstr "あなたが稼動させている Einstein at Home の全コンピュータの一覧"
-#: Localization.cpp:101
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:101
 msgid "LIGO project"
 msgstr "LIGO プロジェクト"
-#: Localization.cpp:103
-msgid ""
-"The home page of the Laser Interferometer Gravitational-wave Observatory "
-"(LIGO) project"
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:103
+msgid "The home page of the Laser Interferometer Gravitational-wave Observatory (LIGO) project"
 msgstr "LIGO プロジェクトのホームページ(Laser Interferometer Gravitational-wave Observatory)"
-#: Localization.cpp:105
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:105
 msgid "GEO-600 project"
 msgstr "GEO-600 プロジェクト"
-#: Localization.cpp:107
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:107
 msgid "The home page of the GEO-600 project"
 msgstr "GEO-600 プロジェクトの ホームページ"
-#: Localization.cpp:115 Localization.cpp:133 ViewProjects.cpp:221
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:465
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:115
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:133
 msgid "Team"
 msgstr "チーム"
-#: Localization.cpp:117
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:117
 msgid "Info about your Team"
 msgstr "所属しているチームの情報"
-#: Localization.cpp:123
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:123
 msgid "Get help for climateprediction.net"
 msgstr "climateprediction.net について手助けを求める"
-#: Localization.cpp:125
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:125
 msgid "News"
 msgstr "ニュース"
-#: Localization.cpp:127
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:127
 msgid "climateprediction.net News"
 msgstr "climateprediction.net のニュース"
-#: Localization.cpp:131
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:131
 msgid "View your account information, credits, and trickles"
 msgstr "あなたのアカウントの情報、功績 (credit)、トリクルメッセージの表示"
-#: Localization.cpp:135
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:135
 msgid "Info about your team"
 msgstr "所属チームの情報"
-#: Localization.cpp:141
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:141
 msgid "Search for help in our help system"
 msgstr "我々のヘルプ・システムで検索"
-#: Localization.cpp:143
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:143
 msgid "Global Statistics"
 msgstr "グローバルな統計情報"
-#: Localization.cpp:145
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:145
 msgid "Summary statistics for World Community Grid"
 msgstr "World Community Grid の統計情報のまとめ"
-#: Localization.cpp:147
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:147
 msgid "My Grid"
 msgstr "グリッド"
-#: Localization.cpp:149
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:149
 msgid "Your statistics and settings"
 msgstr "あなたの統計情報と設定"
-#: Localization.cpp:151
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:151
 msgid "Device Profiles"
 msgstr "装置のプロファイル"
-#: Localization.cpp:153
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:153
 msgid "Update your device settings"
 msgstr "あなたの装置の設定を更新"
-#: Localization.cpp:155
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:155
 msgid "Research"
 msgstr "研究"
-#: Localization.cpp:157
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:157
 msgid "Learn about the projects hosted at World Community Grid"
 msgstr "World Community Grid で動作しているプロジェクトについての手引き"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:583
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:583
 msgid "Starting client"
 msgstr "クライアント起動中"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:591
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:591
 msgid "Connecting to client"
 msgstr "クライアントに接続処理中。"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:1195
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:1205
 msgid "Retrieving system state; please wait..."
 msgstr "システムの状態を読み出しています。お待ちください..."
-#: MainDocument.cpp:1816
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:1826
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Missing application"
 msgstr "アプリケーション"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:1817
-msgid ""
-"Please download and install the CoRD application from http://cord."
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:1827
+msgid "Please download and install the CoRD application from http://cord.sourceforge.net"
 msgstr ""
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2432
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2442
 msgid "on batteries"
 msgstr "バッテリで駆動中"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2433
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2443
 msgid "computer is in use"
 msgstr "コンピュータを別途利用中"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2434
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2444
 msgid "user request"
 msgstr "参加者の要求"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2435
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2445
 msgid "time of day"
 msgstr "実行時間帯制約"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2436
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2446
 msgid "CPU benchmarks in progress"
 msgstr "CPU ベンチマーク実行中"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2437
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2447
 msgid "need disk space - check preferences"
 msgstr "ディスク容量の不足 - 好みの設定(プレファレンス)を確認してください"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2438
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2448
 msgid "computer is not in use"
 msgstr "コンピュータの利用者なし"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2439
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2449
 msgid "starting up"
 msgstr "起動の途中"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2440
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2450
 msgid "an exclusive app is running"
 msgstr "排他的なアプリケーションを実行中"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2441
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2451
 msgid "CPU is busy"
 msgstr "CPU が別途利用中"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2442
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2452
 msgid "network bandwidth limit exceeded"
 msgstr "ネットワーク帯域幅の制約超過"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2443
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2453
 msgid "requested by operating system"
 msgstr ""
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2445
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2455
 msgid "unknown reason"
 msgstr "理由不明"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2467
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2477
 msgid "GPU missing, "
 msgstr "GPU がありません、"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2474
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2484
 msgid "New"
 msgstr "新規"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2478
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2488
 msgid "Download failed"
 msgstr "ダウンロード失敗"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2480
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2490
 msgid "Downloading"
 msgstr "ダウンロード処理中"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2482 MainDocument.cpp:2552
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2492
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2557
 msgid " (suspended - "
 msgstr "(一時停止中 - "
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2490
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2500
 msgid "Project suspended by user"
 msgstr "参加者によってプロジェクト一時停止"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2492
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2502
 msgid "Task suspended by user"
 msgstr "参加者によってタスク一時停止"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2494
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2504
 msgid "Suspended - "
 msgstr "一時停止中 - "
 # 75%
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2500
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2510
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "GPU suspended - "
 msgstr "(一時停止中 - "
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2507
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2517
 msgid "Waiting for memory"
 msgstr "メモリ不足のため待機"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2509
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2519
 msgid "Waiting for shared memory"
 msgstr "共有メモリが空くまで待機中"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2512
-msgid "Running, high priority"
-msgstr "優先度高で処理中"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2514
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2521
 msgid "Running"
 msgstr "実行中"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2517
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2523
 msgid " (non-CPU-intensive)"
 msgstr "(常時 CPU を使用するわけではありません)"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2520
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2526
 msgid "Waiting to run"
 msgstr "実行待機"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2522 MainDocument.cpp:2528
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2528
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2534
 msgid "Ready to start"
 msgstr "開始まで待機"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2532
-msgid " (Scheduler wait: "
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2538
+msgid "Postponed: "
 msgstr ""
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2536
-msgid " (Scheduler wait)"
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2541
+msgid "Postponed"
 msgstr ""
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2540
-#, fuzzy
-msgid " (Waiting for network access)"
-msgstr "メモリ不足のため待機"
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2545
+msgid "Waiting for network access"
+msgstr ""
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2544
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2549
 msgid "Computation error"
 msgstr "計算エラー"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2548
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2553
 msgid "Upload failed"
 msgstr "アップロード失敗"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2550
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2555
 msgid "Uploading"
 msgstr "アップロード処理中"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2561
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2566
 msgid "Aborted by user"
 msgstr "参加者によって中止"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2564
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2569
 msgid "Aborted by project"
 msgstr "プロジェクトによって中止"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2567
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2572
 msgid "Aborted: not started by deadline"
 msgstr "中止されました: 期限までに開始されませんでした"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2570
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2575
 msgid "Aborted: disk limit exceeded"
 msgstr ""
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2573
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2578
 msgid "Aborted: run time limit exceeded"
 msgstr ""
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2576
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2581
 msgid "Aborted: memory limit exceeded"
 msgstr ""
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2579
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2584
 msgid "Aborted"
 msgstr "中止"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2584
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2589
 msgid "Acknowledged"
 msgstr "サーバ確認済み"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2586
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2591
 msgid "Ready to report"
 msgstr "報告待機"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2588
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2593
 #, c-format
 msgid "Error: invalid state '%d'"
 msgstr "エラー: 無効状態 '%d'"
-#: NoInternetConnectionPage.cpp:179
+#: clientgui/NoInternetConnectionPage.cpp:179
 msgid "No Internet connection"
 msgstr "インターネット接続が見つかりません"
-#: NoInternetConnectionPage.cpp:182
+#: clientgui/NoInternetConnectionPage.cpp:182
 msgid "Please connect to the Internet and try again."
 msgstr "インターネットへ接続してから、もう一度試してください。"
-#: NotDetectedPage.cpp:181
+#: clientgui/NotDetectedPage.cpp:181
 msgid "Project not found"
 msgstr "プロジェクトが見つかりません"
-#: NotDetectedPage.cpp:184
+#: clientgui/NotDetectedPage.cpp:184
 msgid ""
 "The URL you supplied is not that of a BOINC-based project.\n"
@@ -2502,11 +2585,11 @@ msgstr ""
 "URL を確認の上、もう一度試してください。"
-#: NotDetectedPage.cpp:188
+#: clientgui/NotDetectedPage.cpp:188
 msgid "Account manager not found"
 msgstr "アカウント・マネージャが見つかりません"
-#: NotDetectedPage.cpp:191
+#: clientgui/NotDetectedPage.cpp:191
 msgid ""
 "The URL you supplied is not that of a BOINC-based account\n"
@@ -2518,92 +2601,93 @@ msgstr ""
 "URL を確認の上、もう一度試してください。"
-#: NotFoundPage.cpp:181
+#: clientgui/NotFoundPage.cpp:181
 msgid "Login Failed."
 msgstr "ログイン失敗。"
-#: NotFoundPage.cpp:185
+#: clientgui/NotFoundPage.cpp:185
 msgid "Check the username and password, and try again."
 msgstr "名前とパスワードを確認の上、もう一度試してください。"
-#: NotFoundPage.cpp:189
+#: clientgui/NotFoundPage.cpp:189
 msgid "Check the email address and password, and try again."
 msgstr "電子メールアドレスとパスワードを確認の上、もう一度試してください。"
-#: NoticeListCtrl.cpp:222
+#: clientgui/NoticeListCtrl.cpp:229
 msgid "more..."
 msgstr "つづく..."
-#: ProjectInfoPage.cpp:477 ProjectInfoPage.cpp:778 ProjectInfoPage.cpp:782
-msgid "All"
-msgstr ""
-#: ProjectInfoPage.cpp:615
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:221
 msgid "Choose a project"
 msgstr "プロジェクトを選んでください"
-#: ProjectInfoPage.cpp:619
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:228
 msgid "To choose a project, click its name or type its URL below."
 msgstr "プロジェクトを選択するには、その名前をクリックするか、あるいは下の欄に URL を入力してください。"
-#: ProjectInfoPage.cpp:623
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:246
 msgid "Categories:"
 msgstr ""
-#: ProjectInfoPage.cpp:627 sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:89
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:267
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Projects:"
 msgstr "プロジェクト"
-#: ProjectInfoPage.cpp:631
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:279
 msgid "Project details"
 msgstr ""
-#: ProjectInfoPage.cpp:635
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:291
 msgid "Research area:"
 msgstr ""
-#: ProjectInfoPage.cpp:639
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:302
 msgid "Organization:"
 msgstr ""
-#: ProjectInfoPage.cpp:643
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:313
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Web site:"
 msgstr "ウェブサイト"
-#: ProjectInfoPage.cpp:647
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:325
 msgid "Supported systems:"
 msgstr ""
-#: ProjectInfoPage.cpp:651
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:363
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Project URL:"
 msgstr "プロジェクトの &URL:"
-#: ProjectInfoPage.cpp:826
-msgid ""
-"This project may not have work for your type of computer.  Do you want to "
-"add it anyway?"
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:499
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:754
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:758
+msgid "All"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:802
+msgid "This project may not have work for your type of computer.  Do you want to add it anyway?"
 msgstr "このプロジェクトにはあなたのコンピュータに適合する仕事がないかもしれません。 それでも追加しますか?"
-#: ProjectInfoPage.cpp:850
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:826
 msgid "You already added this project. Please choose a different project."
 msgstr "すでに指定したプロジェクトは追加済みです。別のプロジェクトを選んでください。"
-#: ProjectProcessingPage.cpp:321
+#: clientgui/ProjectProcessingPage.cpp:321
 msgid "Communicating with project."
 msgstr "サーバと通信中です。"
-#: ProjectProcessingPage.cpp:509
+#: clientgui/ProjectProcessingPage.cpp:510
 msgid "Required files not found on the server."
 msgstr "このサーバには必要なファイル群が見つかりません。"
-#: ProjectProcessingPage.cpp:512 ProjectProcessingPage.cpp:574
+#: clientgui/ProjectProcessingPage.cpp:513
+#: clientgui/ProjectProcessingPage.cpp:586
 msgid "An internal server error has occurred."
 msgstr "サーバ内部で異常が発生しました。"
-#: ProjectPropertiesPage.cpp:334
+#: clientgui/ProjectPropertiesPage.cpp:334
 msgid ""
 "Communicating with project\n"
 "Please wait..."
@@ -2611,11 +2695,48 @@ msgstr ""
-#: ProxyInfoPage.cpp:195
+#: clientgui/ProjectWelcomePage.cpp:251
+#, c-format
+msgid "Welcome to %s."
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ProjectWelcomePage.cpp:254
+msgid "You have volunteered to compute for this project:"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ProjectWelcomePage.cpp:255
+msgid "Name:"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ProjectWelcomePage.cpp:258
+msgid "Home:"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ProjectWelcomePage.cpp:262
+msgid "Description:"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ProjectWelcomePage.cpp:265
+msgid "URL:"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ProjectWelcomePage.cpp:268
+msgid "User:"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ProjectWelcomePage.cpp:273
+msgid "WARNING: This project is not registered with BOINC.  Make sure you trust it before continuing."
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ProjectWelcomePage.cpp:277
+msgid "To continue, click Next."
+msgstr "続けるには [次へ] をクリックしてください。"
+#: clientgui/ProxyInfoPage.cpp:195
 msgid "Network communication failure"
 msgstr "ネットワーク通信失敗"
-#: ProxyInfoPage.cpp:199
+#: clientgui/ProxyInfoPage.cpp:199
 msgid ""
 "The World Community Grid - BOINC software failed to communicate\n"
 "over the Internet. The most likely reasons are:\n"
@@ -2645,7 +2766,7 @@ msgstr ""
 "3) プロキシ・サーバを使っている場合。\n"
 "[次へ] をクリックして BOINC のプロキシ設定を行ってください。"
-#: ProxyInfoPage.cpp:203
+#: clientgui/ProxyInfoPage.cpp:203
 msgid ""
 "BOINC failed to communicate on the Internet.\n"
 "The most likely reasons are:\n"
@@ -2675,1257 +2796,1345 @@ msgstr ""
 "3) プロキシ・サーバを使っている場合。\n"
 "[次へ] をクリックして BOINC のプロキシ設定を行ってください。"
-#: ProxyPage.cpp:331
+#: clientgui/ProxyPage.cpp:331
 msgid "Proxy configuration"
 msgstr "プロキシ設定"
-#: ProxyPage.cpp:334
+#: clientgui/ProxyPage.cpp:334
 msgid "HTTP proxy"
 msgstr "HTTP プロキシ"
-#: ProxyPage.cpp:337 ProxyPage.cpp:357
+#: clientgui/ProxyPage.cpp:337
+#: clientgui/ProxyPage.cpp:357
 msgid "Server:"
 msgstr "サーバ:"
-#: ProxyPage.cpp:350
+#: clientgui/ProxyPage.cpp:350
 msgid "Autodetect"
 msgstr "自動検出"
-#: ProxyPage.cpp:354
+#: clientgui/ProxyPage.cpp:354
 msgid "SOCKS proxy"
 msgstr "SOCKS プロキシ"
-#: TermsOfUsePage.cpp:218
-msgid "Terms of Use"
-msgstr "使用規約"
+#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:167
+msgid "Advanced View...\tCtrl+Shift+A"
+msgstr "詳細表示... \tCTRL+SHIFT+A"
-#: TermsOfUsePage.cpp:222
-msgid "Please read the following terms of use:"
-msgstr "以下の使用条件をお読みください:"
+#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:168
+msgid "Display the advanced graphical interface."
+msgstr "詳細版のグラフィカルインタフェースを表示する。"
-#: TermsOfUsePage.cpp:231
-msgid "I agree to the terms of use."
-msgstr "使用条件に合意する。"
+#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:175
+msgid "Skin"
+msgstr "スキン"
+#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:177
+msgid "Select the appearance of the user interface."
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:224
+#, c-format
+msgid "&%s"
+msgstr "&%s"
-#: TermsOfUsePage.cpp:237
+#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:405
 #, fuzzy
-msgid "I do not agree to the terms of use."
-msgstr "使用条件に合意しない。"
+msgid "Default"
+msgstr "デフォルト"
-#: UnavailablePage.cpp:183
-msgid "Project temporarily unavailable"
-msgstr "プロジェクトは一時的に利用できません"
+#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:848
+msgid "Suspend"
+msgstr "一時停止"
-#: UnavailablePage.cpp:186
-msgid ""
-"The project is temporarily unavailable.\n"
-"Please try again later."
+#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:850
+msgid "Suspend Computing"
 msgstr ""
-#: UnavailablePage.cpp:190
-msgid "Account manager temporarily unavailable"
-msgstr "アカウント・マネージャは一時的に利用できません"
-#: UnavailablePage.cpp:193
-msgid ""
-"The account manager is temporarily unavailable.\n"
-"Please try again later."
+#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:851
+msgid "Resume Computing"
 msgstr ""
-#: ValidateAccountKey.cpp:68
-msgid "Please specify an account key to continue."
-msgstr "アカウント・キーを入力し、次に進んでください。"
+#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:867
+msgid "Notices"
+msgstr "お知らせ"
-#: ValidateAccountKey.cpp:71
-msgid "Invalid Account Key; please enter a valid Account Key"
-msgstr "アカウント・キーが正しくありません。正しいアカウント・キーを入力してください"
+#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:868
+msgid "Open a window to view notices from projects or BOINC"
+msgstr "プロジェクトまたは BOINC からのお知らせを見るためのウィンドーを開く"
-#: ValidateAccountKey.cpp:82 ValidateEmailAddress.cpp:86
-msgid "Validation conflict"
-msgstr "無効な値を検出"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgMessages.cpp:124
+msgid "Fetching notices; please wait..."
+msgstr ""
-#: ValidateEmailAddress.cpp:72
-msgid "Please specify an email address"
-msgstr "電子メールアドレスを指定してください"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgMessages.cpp:132
+msgid "There are no notices at this time."
+msgstr "お知らせは現在ありません。"
-#: ValidateEmailAddress.cpp:75
-msgid "Invalid email address; please enter a valid email address"
-msgstr "電子メールアドレスが正しくありません。正しい電子メールアドレスを入力してください"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgMessages.cpp:146
+msgid "Close"
+msgstr "閉じる"
-#: ValidateURL.cpp:69
-msgid "Missing URL"
-msgstr "URL の指定が足りません"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgMessages.cpp:394
+#, c-format
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "%s - Notices"
+msgstr "%s からのお知らせ"
-#: ValidateURL.cpp:70
-msgid ""
-"Please specify a URL.\n"
-"For example:\n"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:270
+msgid "This dialog controls preferences for this computer only."
 msgstr ""
-"URL を指定してください。\n"
-"\t http://www.example.com/"
-#: ValidateURL.cpp:83 ValidateURL.cpp:87 ValidateURL.cpp:91
-#: ValidateURL.cpp:103 ValidateURL.cpp:107 ValidateURL.cpp:110
-msgid "Invalid URL"
-msgstr "不正な URL"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:275
+msgid "Click OK to set preferences."
+msgstr ""
-#: ValidateURL.cpp:84 ValidateURL.cpp:88 ValidateURL.cpp:92
-msgid ""
-"Please specify a valid URL.\n"
-"For example:\n"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:280
+msgid "Click Clear to restore web-based settings for all preferences listed below."
 msgstr ""
-"正しい URL を指定してください。\n"
-"\t http://boincproject.example.com"
-#: ValidateURL.cpp:104 ValidateURL.cpp:108
-#, c-format
-msgid "'%s' does not contain a valid host name."
-msgstr "'%s' に、有効なホスト名が含まれていません。"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:287
+msgid "For additional settings, select Computing Preferences in the Advanced View."
+msgstr ""
-#: ValidateURL.cpp:111
-#, c-format
-msgid "'%s' does not contain a valid path."
-msgstr "'%s' に有効なパス名が含まれていません。 "
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:315
+msgid "Do work only between:"
+msgstr "動作許容時間帯:"
-#: ViewMessages.cpp:84 ViewProjects.cpp:170 ViewStatistics.cpp:1978
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:160 ViewWork.cpp:183
-msgid "Commands"
-msgstr "操作"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:337
+msgid "Connect to internet only between:"
+msgstr "インターネット接続を許可する時間帯:"
-#: ViewMessages.cpp:88
-msgid "Copy all messages"
-msgstr "全メッセージをコピー"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:359
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:376
+msgid "Use no more than:"
+msgstr "使用上限:"
-#: ViewMessages.cpp:95
-msgid "Copy selected messages"
-msgstr "選択したメッセージをコピー"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:372
+msgid "of disk space"
+msgstr "まで(ディスク領域)"
-#: ViewMessages.cpp:106 ViewMessages.cpp:502
-msgid "Show only this project"
-msgstr "このプロジェクトだけを表示"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:389
+msgid "of the processor"
+msgstr "まで(プロセッサ)"
-#: ViewMessages.cpp:107 ViewMessages.cpp:503
-msgid "Show only the messages for the selected project."
-msgstr "選択したプロジェクトのメッセージだけを表示"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:393
+msgid "Do work while on battery?"
+msgstr "バッテリー動作時に仕事をさせるか?"
-#: ViewMessages.cpp:164
-msgid "Messages"
-msgstr "メッセージ"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:406
+msgid "Do work after idle for:"
+msgstr "アイドル時間が次の時間を超えたときのみ仕事をする:"
-#: ViewMessages.cpp:187
-msgid "Copying all messages to the clipboard..."
-msgstr "全メッセージをクリップボードにコピーしています..."
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:431
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Clear all local preferences listed above and close the dialog"
+msgstr "このコンピュータだけに適用するプレファレンス(好みの設定)を全てクリアして、ダイアログを終了します。"
-#: ViewMessages.cpp:223
-msgid "Copying selected messages to the clipboard..."
-msgstr "選択したメッセージをクリップボードにコピーしています..."
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:609
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:612
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:688
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:692
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:704
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:708
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:851
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:862
+msgid "Anytime"
+msgstr "常時"
-#: ViewMessages.cpp:286
-msgid "Filtering messages..."
-msgstr "メッセージを選択しています..."
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:645
+msgid "100 MB"
+msgstr "100 MB"
-#: ViewMessages.cpp:494
-msgid "Show all messages"
-msgstr "全メッセージを表示"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:646
+msgid "200 MB"
+msgstr "200 MB"
-#: ViewMessages.cpp:495
-msgid "Show messages for all projects."
-msgstr "すべてのプロジェクトのメッセージを表示"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:647
+msgid "500 MB"
+msgstr "500 MB"
-#: ViewNotices.cpp:58 sg_DlgMessages.cpp:124
-msgid "Fetching notices; please wait..."
-msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:648
+msgid "1 GB"
+msgstr "1 GB"
-#: ViewNotices.cpp:65 sg_DlgMessages.cpp:132
-msgid "There are no notices at this time."
-msgstr "お知らせは現在ありません。"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:649
+msgid "2 GB"
+msgstr "2 GB"
-#: ViewNotices.cpp:99 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:776
-msgid "Notices"
-msgstr "お知らせ"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:650
+msgid "5 GB"
+msgstr "5 GB"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:174 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:61
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:651
+msgid "10 GB"
+msgstr "10 GB"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:652
+msgid "20 GB"
+msgstr "20 GB"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:653
+msgid "50 GB"
+msgstr "50 GB"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:654
+msgid "100 GB"
+msgstr "100 GB"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:724
+#, c-format
+msgid "%d MB"
+msgstr "%d MB"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:726
+#, c-format
+msgid "%4.2f GB"
+msgstr "%4.2f GB"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:767
+#, c-format
+msgid "%d%%"
+msgstr "%d%%"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:803
+msgid "0 (Run Always)"
+msgstr "0 (常時稼動)"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:806
+#, c-format
+msgid "%d"
+msgstr "%d"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:953
+#, c-format
+msgid "%s - Computing Preferences"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:1033
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Do you really want to clear all local preferences?\n"
+msgstr "本当にローカルなプレファレンス (好みの設定) を全てクリアしてもよいですか?"
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:66
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:179
 msgid "Update"
 msgstr "更新"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:175 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:62
-msgid ""
-"Report all completed tasks, get latest credit, get latest preferences, and "
-"possibly get more tasks."
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:67
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:180
+msgid "Report all completed tasks, get latest credit, get latest preferences, and possibly get more tasks."
 msgstr "完了したタスクを報告し、最新の功績 (credit) とプレファレンス (好みの設定) を取得し、可能であれば更にタスクを取得します。"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:181 ViewProjects.cpp:722 ViewWork.cpp:208 ViewWork.cpp:801
-#: sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:757 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:67
-#: sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:113 sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:66
-#: sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:106
-msgid "Suspend"
-msgstr "一時停止"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:182 ViewProjects.cpp:722 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:68
-#: sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:114
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:73
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:129
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:187
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:727
 msgid "Suspend tasks for this project."
 msgstr "このプロジェクトが実行しているタスクを一時的に停止します。"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:188 ViewProjects.cpp:741 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:73
-#: sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:121
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:78
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:136
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:193
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:746
 msgid "No new tasks"
 msgstr "タスクの新規取得禁止"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:189 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:74
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:79
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:194
 msgid "Don't get new tasks for this project."
 msgstr "このプロジェクトのタスクを新たに取ってくることを禁止します。"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:195 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:79
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:84
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:200
 msgid "Reset project"
 msgstr "プロジェクトをリセット"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:196 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:80
-msgid ""
-"Delete all files and tasks associated with this project, and get new tasks.  "
-"You can update the project first to report any completed tasks."
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:85
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:201
+msgid "Delete all files and tasks associated with this project, and get new tasks.  You can update the project first to report any completed tasks."
 msgstr ""
 "このプロジェクトに関係するすべてのファイルとタスクを削除し新しいタスクを取得します。 "
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:203 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:86
-msgid ""
-"Remove this project.  Tasks in progress will be lost (use 'Update' first to "
-"report any completed tasks)."
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:91
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:208
+msgid "Remove this project.  Tasks in progress will be lost (use 'Update' first to report any completed tasks)."
 msgstr ""
 "このプロジェクトを削除します。作業中のタスクは消えてしまいます。 (完了したタスクを報告するため、削除する前にプロジェクトの「更新」を行ってください)"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:209 ViewWork.cpp:222 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:91
-#: sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:78
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:96
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:84
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:214
 msgid "Properties"
 msgstr "プロパティ"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:210 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:92
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:97
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:215
 msgid "Show project details."
 msgstr "プロジェクトの詳細を表示"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:220 ViewStatistics.cpp:450
-msgid "Account"
-msgstr "アカウント"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:222
-msgid "Work done"
-msgstr "終了した仕事量"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:223
-msgid "Avg. work done"
-msgstr "終了した仕事量の平均"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:225 ViewTransfers.cpp:188 ViewWork.cpp:234
-msgid "Status"
-msgstr "状態"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:250
-msgid "Projects"
-msgstr "プロジェクト"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:302
-msgid "Updating project..."
-msgstr "プロジェクト状態を更新しています..."
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:344
-msgid "Resuming project..."
-msgstr "プロジェクトの作業を再開させています..."
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:348
-msgid "Suspending project..."
-msgstr "プロジェクトの作業を一時停止させています..."
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:126
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:723
+msgid "Resume tasks for this project."
+msgstr "このプロジェクトのタスクを再開します"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:385
-msgid "Telling project to allow additional task downloads..."
-msgstr "タスクをさらにダウンロードしてよいことをプロジェクトに伝えています..."
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:133
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:742
+msgid "Allow new tasks"
+msgstr "新しいタスクを許可"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:389
-msgid "Telling project to not fetch any additional tasks..."
-msgstr "タスクを余分に取得しないようにプロジェクトに伝えています..."
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:134
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:742
+msgid "Allow fetching new tasks for this project."
+msgstr "このプロジェクトについて新しいタスクの取得を許可します"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:425
-msgid "Resetting project..."
-msgstr "プロジェクトをリセットしています..."
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:137
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:746
+msgid "Don't fetch new tasks for this project."
+msgstr "このプロジェクトについて新しいタスクの取得を禁止します"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:438 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:214
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:229
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:443
 #, c-format
 msgid "Are you sure you want to reset project '%s'?"
 msgstr "プロジェクト '%s' をリセットしてよろしいですか?"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:444 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:220
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:235
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:449
 msgid "Reset Project"
 msgstr "プロジェクトをリセット"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:483
-msgid "Removing project..."
-msgstr "プロジェクトを削除しています..."
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:496 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:251
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:266
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:501
 #, c-format
 msgid "Are you sure you want to remove project '%s'?"
 msgstr "プロジェクト '%s' を削除してよろしいですか?"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:502 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:257
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:272
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:507
 msgid "Remove Project"
 msgstr "プロジェクト削除"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:543 ViewWork.cpp:599
-msgid "Launching browser..."
-msgstr "ブラウザを起動中..."
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:718 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:111
-msgid "Resume tasks for this project."
-msgstr "このプロジェクトのタスクを再開します"
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:72
+msgid "Add Project"
+msgstr "プロジェクトを追加"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:737 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:118
-msgid "Allow new tasks"
-msgstr "新しいタスクを許可"
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:73
+msgid "Synchronize"
+msgstr "同期"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:737 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:119
-msgid "Allow fetching new tasks for this project."
-msgstr "このプロジェクトについて新しいタスクの取得を許可します"
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:74
+msgid "Work done for this project"
+msgstr ""
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:741 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:122
-msgid "Don't fetch new tasks for this project."
-msgstr "このプロジェクトについて新しいタスクの取得を禁止します"
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:77
+msgid "Synchronize projects with account manager system"
+msgstr "アカウント・マネージャでプロジェクトに同期"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1058
-msgid "Requested by user"
-msgstr "参加者の指示による"
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:124
+msgid "Select a project to access with the controls below"
+msgstr "下にあるコントロールでアクセスする先のプロジェクトを1つ選ぶ"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1059
-msgid "To fetch work"
-msgstr "仕事を取りに行く"
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:145
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Project Web Pages"
+msgstr "プロジェクトのウェブサイト"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1060
-msgid "To report completed tasks"
-msgstr "完了したタスクを報告する"
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:149
+msgid "Project Commands"
+msgstr "プロジェクトに関する操作"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1061
-msgid "To send trickle-up message"
-msgstr "トリクルアップ・メッセージを送信する"
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:276
+#, c-format
+#, c-format, fuzzy
+msgid "Pop up a menu of web sites for project %s"
+msgstr "プロジェクト %s 用のポップアップ・メニューを開く"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1062
-msgid "Requested by account manager"
-msgstr "アカウント・マネージャの指示による"
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:278
+#, c-format
+msgid "Pop up a menu of commands to apply to project %s"
+msgstr "プロジェクト %s を操作するポップアップ・メニューを開く"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1063
-msgid "Project initialization"
-msgstr "プロジェクトの初期化"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:66
+msgid "Show graphics"
+msgstr "グラフィクスを表示"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1064
-msgid "Requested by project"
-msgstr "プロジェクトの指示による"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:67
+msgid "Show application graphics in a window."
+msgstr "ウィンドウを開いてアプリケーションのグラフィクスを表示"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1065
-msgid "Unknown reason"
-msgstr "理由不明"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:73
+msgid "Suspend this task."
+msgstr ""
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1079
-msgid "Suspended by user"
-msgstr "参加者の指示により一時停止中"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:78
+msgid "Abort"
+msgstr "中止"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1082
-msgid "Won't get new tasks"
-msgstr "新しいタスクを取得しない"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:79
+msgid "Abandon this task. You will get no credit for it."
+msgstr ""
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1085
-msgid "Project ended - OK to remove"
-msgstr "プロジェクトは終了しました。 OKを押すと削除します。"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:85
+msgid "Show task details."
+msgstr "タスクの詳細を表示 : "
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1088
-msgid "Will remove when tasks done"
-msgstr "タスクが終了したら削除します"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:119
+msgid "Resume work for this task."
+msgstr "このタスクを再開します"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1091
-msgid "Scheduler request pending"
-msgstr "スケジューラへの要求を保留"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:123
+msgid "Suspend work for this task."
+msgstr "このタスクに対する仕事を一時停止します"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1097
-msgid "Scheduler request in progress"
-msgstr "スケジューラへ要求中"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:267
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Are you sure you want to abort this task '%s'?\n"
+"(Progress: %.1lf%%, Status: %s)"
+msgstr ""
+"このタスク '%s' を中止してよろしいですか?\n"
+"(進捗: %.1lf%%, 状態: %s)"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1100
-msgid "Trickle up message pending"
-msgstr "トリクルメッセージの送信保留あり"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:272
+msgid "Abort task"
+msgstr "タスクを中止"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1106
-msgid "Communication deferred "
-msgstr "通信を延期"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:468
+msgid "You don't have any projects.  Please Add a Project."
+msgstr "どこのプロジェクトにも参加していません。プロジェクトを追加してください。"
-#: ViewResources.cpp:62
-msgid "Total disk usage"
-msgstr "ディスク使用量合計"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:469
+msgid "Not available"
+msgstr "表示できる情報がありません"
-#: ViewResources.cpp:83
-msgid "Disk usage by BOINC projects"
-msgstr "BOINC プロジェクトによるディスク使用量"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:480
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Tasks:"
+msgstr "タスク"
-#: ViewResources.cpp:116
-msgid "Disk"
-msgstr "ディスク"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:486
+msgid "Select a task to access"
+msgstr "アクセスするタスクを選ぶ"
-#: ViewResources.cpp:249
-msgid "no projects: 0 bytes used"
-msgstr "プロジェクトなし: 使用量 0 バイト"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:497
+msgid "From:"
+msgstr ""
-#: ViewResources.cpp:286
-msgid "used by BOINC: "
-msgstr "BOINC による使用領域: "
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:551
+msgid "This task's progress"
+msgstr "このタスクの進捗状況"
-#: ViewResources.cpp:296
-msgid "free, available to BOINC: "
-msgstr "空き領域でかつ BOINC で利用でる部分 : "
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:569
+msgid "Task Commands"
+msgstr "タスクへの操作"
-#: ViewResources.cpp:306
-msgid "free, not available to BOINC: "
-msgstr "空き領域だがBOINC では利用できない部分 : "
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:570
+msgid "Pop up a menu of commands to apply to this task"
+msgstr "このタスクに対する操作のポップアップメニューを開く"
-#: ViewResources.cpp:316
-msgid "free: "
-msgstr "空き領域 : "
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:705
+#, c-format
+msgid "Application: %s"
+msgstr "アプリケーション: %s"
-#: ViewResources.cpp:326
-msgid "used by other programs: "
-msgstr "その他のプログラムによる使用領域 :"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:728
+#, c-format
+msgid "%.3f%%"
+msgstr ""
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:1205
-msgid "User Total"
-msgstr "参加者ごとの合計功績"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:736
+msgid "Application: Not available"
+msgstr "アプリケーション: 表示できる情報がありません"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:1206
-msgid "User Average"
-msgstr "参加者の平均功績/日"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:836
+msgid "Not Available"
+msgstr "表示できる情報がありません"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:1207
-msgid "Host Total"
-msgstr "計算機の合計功績"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:851
+#, c-format
+msgid "Elapsed: %s"
+msgstr ""
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:1208
-msgid "Host Average"
-msgstr "計算機の平均功績/日"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:865
+#, c-format
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "Remaining (estimated): %s"
+msgstr "残り時間: %s"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:1355
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:880
 #, c-format
-msgid "Last update: %.0f days ago"
-msgstr "最終更新: %.0f 日前"
+msgid "Status: %s"
+msgstr "状態: %s"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:1982
-msgid "Show user total"
-msgstr "参加者の合計功績を表示"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1227
+msgid "Retrieving current status."
+msgstr "現在の状態を読み出し中"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:1983
-msgid "Show total credit for user"
-msgstr "参加者の合計功績 (credit) を表示します"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1233
+msgid "Downloading work from the server."
+msgstr "仕事をサーバからダウンロード中"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:1989
-msgid "Show user average"
-msgstr "参加者の平均功績/日を表示"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1238
+msgid "Processing Suspended:  Running On Batteries."
+msgstr "処理を一時停止: バッテリー動作中"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:1990
-msgid "Show average credit for user"
-msgstr "参加者の平均功績 (credit)/日を表示します"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1240
+msgid "Processing Suspended:  User Active."
+msgstr "処理を一時停止: 人がコンピュータを利用中"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:1996
-msgid "Show host total"
-msgstr "計算機の合計功績を表示"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:1997
-msgid "Show total credit for host"
-msgstr "計算機の合計功績 (credit) を表示します"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2003
-msgid "Show host average"
-msgstr "計算機の平均功績/日を表示"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1242
+msgid "Processing Suspended:  User paused processing."
+msgstr "処理を一時停止: 参加者の指示による一時停止"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2004
-msgid "Show average credit for host"
-msgstr "計算機の平均功績 (credit)/日を表示します"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1244
+msgid "Processing Suspended:  Time of Day."
+msgstr "処理を一時停止: 動作制限時間帯"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2013
-msgid "< &Previous project"
-msgstr "< 前のプロジェクト(&P)"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1246
+msgid "Processing Suspended:  Benchmarks Running."
+msgstr "処理を一時停止: ベンチマーク走行中"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2014
-msgid "Show chart for previous project"
-msgstr "前のプロジェクトの図を表示します"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1248
+msgid "Processing Suspended."
+msgstr "処理を一時停止"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2019
-msgid "&Next project >"
-msgstr "次のプロジェクト(&N) >"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1252
+msgid "Waiting to contact project servers."
+msgstr "プロジェクトのサーバに接続待機中"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2020
-msgid "Show chart for next project"
-msgstr "次のプロジェクトの図を表示します"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1256
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1265
+msgid "Retrieving current status"
+msgstr "現在の状態を読み出し中"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2026 ViewStatistics.cpp:2416
-msgid "Hide project list"
-msgstr "プロジェクト一覧を隠す"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1260
+msgid "No work available to process"
+msgstr "処理する仕事が不足"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2027 ViewStatistics.cpp:2416
-msgid "Use entire area for graphs"
-msgstr "グラフだけの表示にする"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1262
+msgid "Unable to connect to the core client"
+msgstr "コア・クライアントに接続不可"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2032
-msgid "Mode view"
-msgstr "表示モード"
+#: clientgui/TermsOfUsePage.cpp:218
+msgid "Terms of Use"
+msgstr "使用規約"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2036
-msgid "One project"
-msgstr "ひとつのプロジェクト"
+#: clientgui/TermsOfUsePage.cpp:222
+msgid "Please read the following terms of use:"
+msgstr "以下の使用条件をお読みください:"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2037
-msgid "Show one chart with selected project"
-msgstr "選択したプロジェクトの図を表示します"
+#: clientgui/TermsOfUsePage.cpp:231
+msgid "I agree to the terms of use."
+msgstr "使用条件に合意する。"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2043
-msgid "All projects (separate)"
-msgstr "全てのプロジェクト(分離表示)"
+#: clientgui/TermsOfUsePage.cpp:237
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "I do not agree to the terms of use."
+msgstr "使用条件に合意しない。"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2044
-msgid "Show all projects, one chart per project"
-msgstr "全てのプロジェクトを個別の図に表示します"
+#: clientgui/UnavailablePage.cpp:183
+msgid "Project temporarily unavailable"
+msgstr "プロジェクトは一時的に利用できません"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2050
-msgid "All projects (together)"
-msgstr "全てのプロジェクト(集約表示)"
+#: clientgui/UnavailablePage.cpp:186
+msgid ""
+"The project is temporarily unavailable.\n"
+"Please try again later."
+msgstr ""
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2051
-msgid "Show one chart with all projects"
-msgstr "全てのプロジェクトをひとつの図に表示します"
+#: clientgui/UnavailablePage.cpp:190
+msgid "Account manager temporarily unavailable"
+msgstr "アカウント・マネージャは一時的に利用できません"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2057
-msgid "All projects (sum)"
-msgstr "全てのプロジェクト(合計値)"
+#: clientgui/UnavailablePage.cpp:193
+msgid ""
+"The account manager is temporarily unavailable.\n"
+"Please try again later."
+msgstr ""
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2058
-msgid "Show one chart with sum of projects"
-msgstr "全てのプロジェクトの合計を表示します"
+#: clientgui/ValidateAccountKey.cpp:68
+msgid "Please specify an account key to continue."
+msgstr "アカウント・キーを入力し、次に進んでください。"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2079
-msgid "Statistics"
-msgstr "統計情報"
+#: clientgui/ValidateAccountKey.cpp:71
+msgid "Invalid Account Key; please enter a valid Account Key"
+msgstr "アカウント・キーが正しくありません。正しいアカウント・キーを入力してください"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2103 ViewStatistics.cpp:2124 ViewStatistics.cpp:2145
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2167 ViewStatistics.cpp:2188 ViewStatistics.cpp:2209
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2230 ViewStatistics.cpp:2251 ViewStatistics.cpp:2272
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2296
-msgid "Updating charts..."
-msgstr "図を更新しています..."
+#: clientgui/ValidateAccountKey.cpp:82
+#: clientgui/ValidateEmailAddress.cpp:86
+msgid "Validation conflict"
+msgstr "無効な値を検出"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2420
-msgid "Show project list"
-msgstr "プロジェクト一覧の表示"
+#: clientgui/ValidateEmailAddress.cpp:72
+msgid "Please specify an email address"
+msgstr "電子メールアドレスを指定してください"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2420
-msgid "Uses smaller area for graphs"
-msgstr "グラフ表示を小さくする"
+#: clientgui/ValidateEmailAddress.cpp:75
+msgid "Invalid email address; please enter a valid email address"
+msgstr "電子メールアドレスが正しくありません。正しい電子メールアドレスを入力してください"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:164
-msgid "Retry Now"
-msgstr "今すぐ再試行"
+#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:69
+msgid "Missing URL"
+msgstr "URL の指定が足りません"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:165
-msgid "Retry the file transfer now"
+#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:70
+msgid ""
+"Please specify a URL.\n"
+"For example:\n"
 msgstr ""
+"URL を指定してください。\n"
+"\t http://www.example.com/"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:171
-msgid "Abort Transfer"
-msgstr "ファイル転送を中止"
+#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:83
+#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:87
+#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:91
+#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:103
+#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:107
+#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:110
+msgid "Invalid URL"
+msgstr "不正な URL"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:172
-msgid "Abort this file transfer.  You won't get credit for the task."
+#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:84
+#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:88
+#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:92
+msgid ""
+"Please specify a valid URL.\n"
+"For example:\n"
 msgstr ""
+"正しい URL を指定してください。\n"
+"\t http://boincproject.example.com"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:183
-msgid "File"
-msgstr "ファイル名"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:184 ViewWork.cpp:233
-msgid "Progress"
-msgstr "進捗状況"
+#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:104
+#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:108
+#, c-format
+msgid "'%s' does not contain a valid host name."
+msgstr "'%s' に、有効なホスト名が含まれていません。"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:185
-msgid "Size"
-msgstr "サイズ"
+#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:111
+#, c-format
+msgid "'%s' does not contain a valid path."
+msgstr "'%s' に有効なパス名が含まれていません。 "
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:186
-msgid "Elapsed Time"
-msgstr "経過時間"
+#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:84
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:175
+msgid "Commands"
+msgstr "操作"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:187
-msgid "Speed"
-msgstr "転送速度"
+#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:88
+msgid "Copy all messages"
+msgstr "全メッセージをコピー"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:213
-msgid "Transfers"
-msgstr "ファイル転送"
+#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:95
+msgid "Copy selected messages"
+msgstr "選択したメッセージをコピー"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:280
-msgid "Network activity is suspended - "
-msgstr "ネットワーク通信は一時停止しています。"
+#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:106
+#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:502
+msgid "Show only this project"
+msgstr "このプロジェクトだけを表示"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:282
-msgid ""
-"You can enable it using the Activity menu."
-msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:107
+#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:503
+msgid "Show only the messages for the selected project."
+msgstr "選択したプロジェクトのメッセージだけを表示"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:285
-msgid "BOINC"
-msgstr "BOINC"
+#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:164
+msgid "Messages"
+msgstr "メッセージ"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:292
-msgid "Retrying transfer now..."
-msgstr "現在、転送を再試行しています..."
+#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:187
+msgid "Copying all messages to the clipboard..."
+msgstr "全メッセージをクリップボードにコピーしています..."
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:330
-msgid "Aborting transfer..."
-msgstr "ファイル転送の中止処理をしています..."
+#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:223
+msgid "Copying selected messages to the clipboard..."
+msgstr "選択したメッセージをクリップボードにコピーしています..."
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:343
-#, c-format
-msgid ""
-"Are you sure you want to abort this file transfer '%s'?\n"
-"NOTE: Aborting a transfer will invalidate a task and you\n"
-"will not receive credit for it."
-msgstr ""
-"このファイル転送 '%s' を中止してよいですか?\n"
-"注意: 転送を中止するとタスクはキャンセルされたことになり\n"
+#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:286
+msgid "Filtering messages..."
+msgstr "メッセージを選択しています..."
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:349
-msgid "Abort File Transfer"
-msgstr "ファイル転送を中止"
+#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:494
+msgid "Show all messages"
+msgstr "全メッセージを表示"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:780
-msgid "Upload"
-msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:495
+msgid "Show messages for all projects."
+msgstr "すべてのプロジェクトのメッセージを表示"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:780
-msgid "Download"
-msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:225
+msgid "Account"
+msgstr "アカウント"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:784
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "retry in "
-msgstr "右記の時間内に再試行:"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:227
+msgid "Work done"
+msgstr "終了した仕事量"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:786
-msgid "failed"
-msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:228
+msgid "Avg. work done"
+msgstr "終了した仕事量の平均"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:789
-msgid "suspended"
-msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:230
+msgid "Status"
+msgstr "状態"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:794
-msgid "active"
-msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:255
+msgid "Projects"
+msgstr "プロジェクト"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:796
-msgid "pending"
-msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:307
+msgid "Updating project..."
+msgstr "プロジェクト状態を更新しています..."
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:803
-msgid " (project backoff: "
-msgstr " (プロジェクトとの通信待機: "
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:349
+msgid "Resuming project..."
+msgstr "プロジェクトの作業を再開させています..."
-#: ViewWork.cpp:187 ViewWork.cpp:777
-msgid "Show active tasks"
-msgstr "活動中のタスクを表示する"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:353
+msgid "Suspending project..."
+msgstr "プロジェクトの作業を一時停止させています..."
-#: ViewWork.cpp:188 ViewWork.cpp:778
-msgid "Show only active tasks."
-msgstr "活動中のタスクだけを表示する。"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:390
+msgid "Telling project to allow additional task downloads..."
+msgstr "タスクをさらにダウンロードしてよいことをプロジェクトに伝えています..."
-#: ViewWork.cpp:194 sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:60
-msgid "Show graphics"
-msgstr "グラフィクスを表示"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:394
+msgid "Telling project to not fetch any additional tasks..."
+msgstr "タスクを余分に取得しないようにプロジェクトに伝えています..."
-#: ViewWork.cpp:195 sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:61
-msgid "Show application graphics in a window."
-msgstr "ウィンドウを開いてアプリケーションのグラフィクスを表示"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:430
+msgid "Resetting project..."
+msgstr "プロジェクトをリセットしています..."
-#: ViewWork.cpp:201
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Show VM Console"
-msgstr "計算機の合計功績を表示"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:488
+msgid "Removing project..."
+msgstr "プロジェクトを削除しています..."
-#: ViewWork.cpp:202
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Show VM Console in a window."
-msgstr "ウィンドウを開いてアプリケーションのグラフィクスを表示"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:548
+msgid "Launching browser..."
+msgstr "ブラウザを起動中..."
-#: ViewWork.cpp:209
-msgid "Suspend work for this result."
-msgstr "このリザルトに対する仕事を一時停止"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1063
+msgid "Requested by user"
+msgstr "参加者の指示による"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:215 sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:72
-msgid "Abort"
-msgstr "中止"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1064
+msgid "To fetch work"
+msgstr "仕事を取りに行く"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:216
-msgid "Abandon work on the result. You will get no credit for it."
-msgstr "このリザルトの仕事を放棄します。このリザルトについて功績 (credit) を受けとることはできません。"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:223 sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:79
-msgid "Show task details."
-msgstr "タスクの詳細を表示 : "
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1065
+msgid "To report completed tasks"
+msgstr "完了したタスクを報告する"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:235
-msgid "Elapsed"
-msgstr "経過時間"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1066
+msgid "To send trickle-up message"
+msgstr "トリクルアップ・メッセージを送信する"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:236
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Remaining (estimated)"
-msgstr "終了までの予想時間"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1067
+msgid "Requested by account manager"
+msgstr "アカウント・マネージャの指示による"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:237
-msgid "Deadline"
-msgstr "報告期限"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1068
+msgid "Project initialization"
+msgstr "プロジェクトの初期化"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:264
-msgid "Tasks"
-msgstr "タスク"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1069
+msgid "Requested by project"
+msgstr "プロジェクトの指示による"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:357
-msgid "Resuming task..."
-msgstr "タスクを再開しています..."
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1070
+msgid "Unknown reason"
+msgstr "理由不明"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:360
-msgid "Suspending task..."
-msgstr "タスクを一時停止しています..."
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1084
+msgid "Suspended by user"
+msgstr "参加者の指示により一時停止中"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:389
-msgid "Showing graphics for task..."
-msgstr "タスクについてのグラフィクスを表示しています..."
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1087
+msgid "Won't get new tasks"
+msgstr "新しいタスクを取得しない"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:426
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Showing VM console for task..."
-msgstr "タスクについてのグラフィクスを表示しています..."
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1090
+msgid "Project ended - OK to remove"
+msgstr "プロジェクトは終了しました。 OKを押すと削除します。"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:479
-#, c-format
-msgid ""
-"Are you sure you want to abort this task '%s'?\n"
-"(Progress: %s, Status: %s)"
-msgstr ""
-"このタスク '%s' を中止してよろしいですか?\n"
-"(進捗状況: %s, 状態: %s)"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1093
+msgid "Will remove when tasks done"
+msgstr "タスクが終了したら削除します"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:485
-#, c-format
-msgid "Are you sure you want to abort these %d tasks?"
-msgstr "この %d 番のタスクを本当に中止したいですか?"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1096
+msgid "Scheduler request pending"
+msgstr "スケジューラへの要求を保留"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:490 sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:256
-msgid "Abort task"
-msgstr "タスクを中止"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1102
+msgid "Scheduler request in progress"
+msgstr "スケジューラへ要求中"
-# 75%
-#: ViewWork.cpp:499
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Aborting task..."
-msgstr "ファイル転送の中止処理をしています..."
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1105
+msgid "Trickle up message pending"
+msgstr "トリクルメッセージの送信保留あり"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:771
-msgid "Show all tasks"
-msgstr "全てのタスクを表示"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1111
+msgid "Communication deferred "
+msgstr "通信を延期"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:772
-msgid "Show all tasks."
-msgstr "すべてのタスクを表示します"
+#: clientgui/ViewResources.cpp:62
+msgid "Total disk usage"
+msgstr "ディスク使用量合計"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:796 sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:103
-msgid "Resume work for this task."
-msgstr "このタスクを再開します"
+#: clientgui/ViewResources.cpp:83
+msgid "Disk usage by BOINC projects"
+msgstr "BOINC プロジェクトによるディスク使用量"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:802 sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:107
-msgid "Suspend work for this task."
-msgstr "このタスクに対する仕事を一時停止します"
+#: clientgui/ViewResources.cpp:116
+msgid "Disk"
+msgstr "ディスク"
-#: WelcomePage.cpp:284
-msgid "Add project or account manager"
-msgstr "プロジェクトあるいはアカウント・マネージャを追加"
+#: clientgui/ViewResources.cpp:225
+msgid "no projects: 0 bytes used"
+msgstr "プロジェクトなし: 使用量 0 バイト"
-#: WelcomePage.cpp:288
-msgid "Add project or use BOINC Account Manager"
-msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ViewResources.cpp:262
+msgid "used by BOINC: "
+msgstr "BOINC による使用領域: "
-#: WelcomePage.cpp:297
-#, c-format
-msgid ""
-"If possible, add projects at the\n"
-"%s web site.\n"
-"Projects added via this wizard will not be\n"
-"listed on or managed via %s."
-msgstr ""
-"%s 上で表示・管理できません。"
+#: clientgui/ViewResources.cpp:272
+msgid "free, available to BOINC: "
+msgstr "空き領域でかつ BOINC で利用でる部分 : "
-#: WelcomePage.cpp:313
-msgid ""
-"There are over 30 BOINC-based projects\n"
-"doing research in many areas of science,\n"
-"and you can volunteer for as many of them as you like.\n"
-"You can add a project directly,\n"
-"or use an 'Account Manager' web site to select projects."
-msgstr ""
-"BOINC を使っているプロジェクトは30以上あり、科学の多く\n"
+#: clientgui/ViewResources.cpp:282
+msgid "free, not available to BOINC: "
+msgstr "空き領域だがBOINC では利用できない部分 : "
-#: WelcomePage.cpp:325
-msgid ""
-"You have chosen to add a new volunteer computing project or change which "
-"you contribute to.\n"
-"Some of these projects are run and managed by World Community Grid, while "
-"are run and managed by other researchers or organizations. The BOINC "
-"can divide your spare processing power among any combination of projects.\n"
-"Alternatively, if you have registered with a BOINC Account Manager, you can "
-"this to choose which projects to support.\n"
-"Please choose which type of change you would like to make:\n"
-msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ViewResources.cpp:292
+msgid "free: "
+msgstr "空き領域 : "
-#: WelcomePage.cpp:339
-msgid "Use a BOINC Account Manager"
-msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ViewResources.cpp:302
+msgid "used by other programs: "
+msgstr "その他のプログラムによる使用領域 :"
-#: WelcomePage.cpp:352
-msgid "To continue, click Next."
-msgstr "続けるには [次へ] をクリックしてください。"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1181
+msgid "User Total"
+msgstr "参加者ごとの合計功績"
-#: WelcomePage.cpp:358
-msgid "Add or change your World Community Grid projects"
-msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1182
+msgid "User Average"
+msgstr "参加者の平均功績/日"
-#: WelcomePage.cpp:361
-msgid "Add projects run by other researchers or organizations"
-msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1183
+msgid "Host Total"
+msgstr "計算機の合計功績"
-#: WizardAttach.cpp:634
-msgid "Do you really want to cancel?"
-msgstr "本当にキャンセルしますか?"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1184
+msgid "Host Average"
+msgstr "計算機の平均功績/日"
-#: WizardAttach.cpp:635
-msgid "Question"
-msgstr "お答えください"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1331
+#, c-format
+msgid "Last update: %.0f days ago"
+msgstr "最終更新: %.0f 日前"
-#: sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:149
-msgid "Advanced View...\tCtrl+Shift+A"
-msgstr "詳細表示... \tCTRL+SHIFT+A"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1956
+msgid "Show user total"
+msgstr "参加者の合計功績を表示"
-#: sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:150
-msgid "Display the advanced graphical interface."
-msgstr "詳細版のグラフィカルインタフェースを表示する。"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1957
+msgid "Show total credit for user"
+msgstr "参加者の合計功績 (credit) を表示します"
-#: sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:157
-msgid "Skin"
-msgstr "スキン"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1963
+msgid "Show user average"
+msgstr "参加者の平均功績/日を表示"
-#: sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:159
-msgid "Select the appearance of the user interface."
-msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1964
+msgid "Show average credit for user"
+msgstr "参加者の平均功績 (credit)/日を表示します"
-#: sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:206
-#, c-format
-msgid "&%s"
-msgstr "&%s"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1970
+msgid "Show host total"
+msgstr "計算機の合計功績を表示"
-#: sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:390
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Default"
-msgstr "デフォルト"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1971
+msgid "Show total credit for host"
+msgstr "計算機の合計功績 (credit) を表示します"
-#: sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:759
-msgid "Suspend Computing"
-msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1977
+msgid "Show host average"
+msgstr "計算機の平均功績/日を表示"
-#: sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:760
-msgid "Resume Computing"
-msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1978
+msgid "Show average credit for host"
+msgstr "計算機の平均功績 (credit)/日を表示します"
-#: sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:777
-msgid "Open a window to view notices from projects or BOINC"
-msgstr "プロジェクトまたは BOINC からのお知らせを見るためのウィンドーを開く"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1987
+msgid "< &Previous project"
+msgstr "< 前のプロジェクト(&P)"
-#: sg_DlgMessages.cpp:146
-msgid "Close"
-msgstr "閉じる"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1988
+msgid "Show chart for previous project"
+msgstr "前のプロジェクトの図を表示します"
-#: sg_DlgMessages.cpp:389
-#, c-format
-#, fuzzy, c-format
-msgid "%s - Notices"
-msgstr "%s からのお知らせ"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1993
+msgid "&Next project >"
+msgstr "次のプロジェクト(&N) >"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:268
-msgid "This dialog controls preferences for this computer only."
-msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1994
+msgid "Show chart for next project"
+msgstr "次のプロジェクトの図を表示します"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:273
-msgid "Click OK to set preferences."
-msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2000
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2390
+msgid "Hide project list"
+msgstr "プロジェクト一覧を隠す"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:278
-msgid ""
-"Click Clear to restore web-based settings for all preferences listed below."
-msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2001
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2390
+msgid "Use entire area for graphs"
+msgstr "グラフだけの表示にする"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:285
-msgid ""
-"For additional settings, select Computing Preferences in the Advanced View."
-msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2006
+msgid "Mode view"
+msgstr "表示モード"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:313
-msgid "Do work only between:"
-msgstr "動作許容時間帯:"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2010
+msgid "One project"
+msgstr "ひとつのプロジェクト"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:335
-msgid "Connect to internet only between:"
-msgstr "インターネット接続を許可する時間帯:"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2011
+msgid "Show one chart with selected project"
+msgstr "選択したプロジェクトの図を表示します"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:357 sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:374
-msgid "Use no more than:"
-msgstr "使用上限:"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2017
+msgid "All projects (separate)"
+msgstr "全てのプロジェクト(分離表示)"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:370
-msgid "of disk space"
-msgstr "まで(ディスク領域)"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2018
+msgid "Show all projects, one chart per project"
+msgstr "全てのプロジェクトを個別の図に表示します"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:387
-msgid "of the processor"
-msgstr "まで(プロセッサ)"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2024
+msgid "All projects (together)"
+msgstr "全てのプロジェクト(集約表示)"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:391
-msgid "Do work while on battery?"
-msgstr "バッテリー動作時に仕事をさせるか?"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2025
+msgid "Show one chart with all projects"
+msgstr "全てのプロジェクトをひとつの図に表示します"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:404
-msgid "Do work after idle for:"
-msgstr "アイドル時間が次の時間を超えたときのみ仕事をする:"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2031
+msgid "All projects (sum)"
+msgstr "全てのプロジェクト(合計値)"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:429
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Clear all local preferences listed above and close the dialog"
-msgstr "このコンピュータだけに適用するプレファレンス(好みの設定)を全てクリアして、ダイアログを終了します。"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2032
+msgid "Show one chart with sum of projects"
+msgstr "全てのプロジェクトの合計を表示します"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:602 sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:605
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:681 sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:685
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:697 sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:701
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:844 sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:855
-msgid "Anytime"
-msgstr "常時"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2053
+msgid "Statistics"
+msgstr "統計情報"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:638
-msgid "100 MB"
-msgstr "100 MB"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2077
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2098
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2119
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2141
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2162
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2183
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2204
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2225
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2246
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2270
+msgid "Updating charts..."
+msgstr "図を更新しています..."
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:639
-msgid "200 MB"
-msgstr "200 MB"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2394
+msgid "Show project list"
+msgstr "プロジェクト一覧の表示"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:640
-msgid "500 MB"
-msgstr "500 MB"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2394
+msgid "Uses smaller area for graphs"
+msgstr "グラフ表示を小さくする"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:641
-msgid "1 GB"
-msgstr "1 GB"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:169
+msgid "Retry Now"
+msgstr "今すぐ再試行"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:642
-msgid "2 GB"
-msgstr "2 GB"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:170
+msgid "Retry the file transfer now"
+msgstr ""
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:643
-msgid "5 GB"
-msgstr "5 GB"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:176
+msgid "Abort Transfer"
+msgstr "ファイル転送を中止"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:644
-msgid "10 GB"
-msgstr "10 GB"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:177
+msgid "Abort this file transfer.  You won't get credit for the task."
+msgstr ""
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:645
-msgid "20 GB"
-msgstr "20 GB"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:188
+msgid "File"
+msgstr "ファイル名"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:646
-msgid "50 GB"
-msgstr "50 GB"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:189
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:238
+msgid "Progress"
+msgstr "進捗状況"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:647
-msgid "100 GB"
-msgstr "100 GB"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:190
+msgid "Size"
+msgstr "サイズ"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:717
-#, c-format
-msgid "%d MB"
-msgstr "%d MB"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:191
+msgid "Elapsed Time"
+msgstr "経過時間"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:719
-#, c-format
-msgid "%4.2f GB"
-msgstr "%4.2f GB"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:192
+msgid "Speed"
+msgstr "転送速度"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:760
-#, c-format
-msgid "%d%%"
-msgstr "%d%%"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:218
+msgid "Transfers"
+msgstr "ファイル転送"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:796
-msgid "0 (Run Always)"
-msgstr "0 (常時稼動)"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:285
+msgid "Network activity is suspended - "
+msgstr "ネットワーク通信は一時停止しています。"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:799
-#, c-format
-msgid "%d"
-msgstr "%d"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:287
+msgid ""
+"You can enable it using the Activity menu."
+msgstr ""
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:1029
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Do you really want to clear all local preferences?\n"
-msgstr "本当にローカルなプレファレンス (好みの設定) を全てクリアしてもよいですか?"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:290
+msgid "BOINC"
+msgstr "BOINC"
-#: sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:72
-msgid "Add Project"
-msgstr "プロジェクトを追加"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:297
+msgid "Retrying transfer now..."
+msgstr "現在、転送を再試行しています..."
-#: sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:73
-msgid "Synchronize"
-msgstr "同期"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:335
+msgid "Aborting transfer..."
+msgstr "ファイル転送の中止処理をしています..."
-#: sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:74
-msgid "Work done for this project"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:348
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Are you sure you want to abort this file transfer '%s'?\n"
+"NOTE: Aborting a transfer will invalidate a task and you\n"
+"will not receive credit for it."
 msgstr ""
+"このファイル転送 '%s' を中止してよいですか?\n"
+"注意: 転送を中止するとタスクはキャンセルされたことになり\n"
-#: sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:77
-msgid "Synchronize projects with account manager system"
-msgstr "アカウント・マネージャでプロジェクトに同期"
-#: sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:124
-msgid "Select a project to access with the controls below"
-msgstr "下にあるコントロールでアクセスする先のプロジェクトを1つ選ぶ"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:354
+msgid "Abort File Transfer"
+msgstr "ファイル転送を中止"
-#: sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:145
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Project Web Pages"
-msgstr "プロジェクトのウェブサイト"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:785
+msgid "Upload"
+msgstr ""
-#: sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:149
-msgid "Project Commands"
-msgstr "プロジェクトに関する操作"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:785
+msgid "Download"
+msgstr ""
-#: sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:267
-#, c-format
-#, c-format, fuzzy
-msgid "Pop up a menu of web sites for project %s"
-msgstr "プロジェクト %s 用のポップアップ・メニューを開く"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:789
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "retry in "
+msgstr "右記の時間内に再試行:"
-#: sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:269
-#, c-format
-msgid "Pop up a menu of commands to apply to project %s"
-msgstr "プロジェクト %s を操作するポップアップ・メニューを開く"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:791
+msgid "failed"
+msgstr ""
-#: sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:67
-msgid "Suspend this task."
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:794
+msgid "suspended"
 msgstr ""
-#: sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:73
-msgid "Abandon this task. You will get no credit for it."
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:799
+msgid "active"
 msgstr ""
-#: sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:251
-#, c-format
-msgid ""
-"Are you sure you want to abort this task '%s'?\n"
-"(Progress: %.1lf%%, Status: %s)"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:801
+msgid "pending"
 msgstr ""
-"このタスク '%s' を中止してよろしいですか?\n"
-"(進捗: %.1lf%%, 状態: %s)"
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:464
-msgid "You don't have any projects.  Please Add a Project."
-msgstr "どこのプロジェクトにも参加していません。プロジェクトを追加してください。"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:808
+msgid " (project backoff: "
+msgstr " (プロジェクトとの通信待機: "
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:465
-msgid "Not available"
-msgstr "表示できる情報がありません"
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:192
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:782
+msgid "Show active tasks"
+msgstr "活動中のタスクを表示する"
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:193
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:783
+msgid "Show only active tasks."
+msgstr "活動中のタスクだけを表示する。"
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:476
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:206
 #, fuzzy
-msgid "Tasks:"
-msgstr "タスク"
+msgid "Show VM Console"
+msgstr "計算機の合計功績を表示"
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:482
-msgid "Select a task to access"
-msgstr "アクセスするタスクを選ぶ"
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:207
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Show VM Console in a window."
+msgstr "ウィンドウを開いてアプリケーションのグラフィクスを表示"
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:493
-msgid "From:"
-msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:214
+msgid "Suspend work for this result."
+msgstr "このリザルトに対する仕事を一時停止"
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:547
-msgid "This task's progress"
-msgstr "このタスクの進捗状況"
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:221
+msgid "Abandon work on the result. You will get no credit for it."
+msgstr "このリザルトの仕事を放棄します。このリザルトについて功績 (credit) を受けとることはできません。"
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:565
-msgid "Task Commands"
-msgstr "タスクへの操作"
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:240
+msgid "Elapsed"
+msgstr "経過時間"
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:566
-msgid "Pop up a menu of commands to apply to this task"
-msgstr "このタスクに対する操作のポップアップメニューを開く"
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:241
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Remaining (estimated)"
+msgstr "終了までの予想時間"
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:701
-#, c-format
-msgid "Application: %s"
-msgstr "アプリケーション: %s"
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:242
+msgid "Deadline"
+msgstr "報告期限"
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:724
-#, c-format
-msgid "%.3f%%"
-msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:269
+msgid "Tasks"
+msgstr "タスク"
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:732
-msgid "Application: Not available"
-msgstr "アプリケーション: 表示できる情報がありません"
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:362
+msgid "Resuming task..."
+msgstr "タスクを再開しています..."
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:832
-msgid "Not Available"
-msgstr "表示できる情報がありません"
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:365
+msgid "Suspending task..."
+msgstr "タスクを一時停止しています..."
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:394
+msgid "Showing graphics for task..."
+msgstr "タスクについてのグラフィクスを表示しています..."
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:431
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Showing VM console for task..."
+msgstr "タスクについてのグラフィクスを表示しています..."
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:847
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:484
 #, c-format
-msgid "Elapsed: %s"
+msgid ""
+"Are you sure you want to abort this task '%s'?\n"
+"(Progress: %s, Status: %s)"
 msgstr ""
+"このタスク '%s' を中止してよろしいですか?\n"
+"(進捗状況: %s, 状態: %s)"
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:861
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:490
 #, c-format
-#, fuzzy, c-format
-msgid "Remaining (estimated): %s"
-msgstr "残り時間: %s"
+msgid "Are you sure you want to abort these %d tasks?"
+msgstr "この %d 番のタスクを本当に中止したいですか?"
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:876
-#, c-format
-msgid "Status: %s"
-msgstr "状態: %s"
+# 75%
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:504
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Aborting task..."
+msgstr "ファイル転送の中止処理をしています..."
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1223
-msgid "Retrieving current status."
-msgstr "現在の状態を読み出し中"
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:776
+msgid "Show all tasks"
+msgstr "全てのタスクを表示"
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1229
-msgid "Downloading work from the server."
-msgstr "仕事をサーバからダウンロード中"
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:777
+msgid "Show all tasks."
+msgstr "すべてのタスクを表示します"
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1234
-msgid "Processing Suspended:  Running On Batteries."
-msgstr "処理を一時停止: バッテリー動作中"
+#: clientgui/WelcomePage.cpp:284
+msgid "Add project or account manager"
+msgstr "プロジェクトあるいはアカウント・マネージャを追加"
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1236
-msgid "Processing Suspended:  User Active."
-msgstr "処理を一時停止: 人がコンピュータを利用中"
+#: clientgui/WelcomePage.cpp:288
+msgid "Add project or use BOINC Account Manager"
+msgstr ""
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1238
-msgid "Processing Suspended:  User paused processing."
-msgstr "処理を一時停止: 参加者の指示による一時停止"
+#: clientgui/WelcomePage.cpp:297
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"If possible, add projects at the\n"
+"%s web site.\n"
+"Projects added via this wizard will not be\n"
+"listed on or managed via %s."
+msgstr ""
+"%s 上で表示・管理できません。"
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1240
-msgid "Processing Suspended:  Time of Day."
-msgstr "処理を一時停止: 動作制限時間帯"
+#: clientgui/WelcomePage.cpp:313
+msgid ""
+"There are over 30 BOINC-based projects\n"
+"doing research in many areas of science,\n"
+"and you can volunteer for as many of them as you like.\n"
+"You can add a project directly,\n"
+"or use an 'Account Manager' web site to select projects."
+msgstr ""
+"BOINC を使っているプロジェクトは30以上あり、科学の多く\n"
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1242
-msgid "Processing Suspended:  Benchmarks Running."
-msgstr "処理を一時停止: ベンチマーク走行中"
+#: clientgui/WelcomePage.cpp:325
+msgid ""
+"You have chosen to add a new volunteer computing project or change which projects\n"
+"you contribute to.\n"
+"Some of these projects are run and managed by World Community Grid, while others\n"
+"are run and managed by other researchers or organizations. The BOINC software\n"
+"can divide your spare processing power among any combination of projects.\n"
+"Alternatively, if you have registered with a BOINC Account Manager, you can use\n"
+"this to choose which projects to support.\n"
+"Please choose which type of change you would like to make:\n"
+msgstr ""
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1244
-msgid "Processing Suspended."
-msgstr "処理を一時停止"
+#: clientgui/WelcomePage.cpp:339
+msgid "Use a BOINC Account Manager"
+msgstr ""
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1248
-msgid "Waiting to contact project servers."
-msgstr "プロジェクトのサーバに接続待機中"
+#: clientgui/WelcomePage.cpp:358
+msgid "Add or change your World Community Grid projects"
+msgstr ""
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1252 sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1261
-msgid "Retrieving current status"
-msgstr "現在の状態を読み出し中"
+#: clientgui/WelcomePage.cpp:361
+msgid "Add projects run by other researchers or organizations"
+msgstr ""
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1256
-msgid "No work available to process"
-msgstr "処理する仕事が不足"
+#: clientgui/WizardAttach.cpp:673
+msgid "Do you really want to cancel?"
+msgstr "本当にキャンセルしますか?"
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1258
-msgid "Unable to connect to the core client"
-msgstr "コア・クライアントに接続不可"
+#: clientgui/WizardAttach.cpp:674
+msgid "Question"
+msgstr "お答えください"
-#: wizardex.cpp:377 wizardex.cpp:553
+#: clientgui/wizardex.cpp:377
+#: clientgui/wizardex.cpp:553
 msgid "&Next >"
 msgstr "次へ(&N) >"
-#: wizardex.cpp:383
+#: clientgui/wizardex.cpp:383
 msgid "< &Back"
 msgstr "< 戻る(&B)"
-#: wizardex.cpp:553
+#: clientgui/wizardex.cpp:553
 msgid "&Finish"
 msgstr "終了(&F)"
-#: mac/Mac_GUI.cpp:110
-msgid "Preferences…"
-msgstr "プレファレンス..."
+#: clientgui/common/wxPieCtrl.cpp:64
+msgid "Pie Ctrl"
+msgstr "Pie Ctrl"
-#: mac/Mac_GUI.cpp:122
+#: clientgui/mac/Mac_GUI.cpp:35
 msgid "Services"
 msgstr "サービス"
-#: mac/Mac_GUI.cpp:144
+#: clientgui/mac/Mac_GUI.cpp:36
 #, c-format
 msgid "Hide %s"
 msgstr "%s を隠す"
-#: mac/Mac_GUI.cpp:158
+#: clientgui/mac/Mac_GUI.cpp:37
 msgid "Hide Others"
 msgstr "他を隠す"
-#: mac/Mac_GUI.cpp:172
+#: clientgui/mac/Mac_GUI.cpp:38
 msgid "Show All"
 msgstr "全てを表示する"
-#: mac/Mac_GUI.cpp:186
+#: clientgui/mac/Mac_GUI.cpp:39
 #, c-format
 msgid "Quit %s"
 msgstr "%s を終了する"
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.h:30
+msgid "specify work start and stop hours in format HH:MM-HH:MM"
+msgstr "仕事をする時間帯の始めと終わりを HH:MM-HH:MM の形式で記入してください"
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.h:31
+msgid "specify network usage start and stop hours in format HH:MM-HH:MM"
+msgstr "ネットワークを使う時間帯の始めと終わりを HH:MM-HH:MM の形式で記入してください"
+# 98%
+#, fuzzy
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "(C) 2003-2013 University of California, Berkeley.\n"
+#~ "All Rights Reserved."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "(C) 2003-2010 University of California, Berkeley.\n"
+#~ "All Rights Reserved."
+#, c-format
+#~ msgid "%s - Preferences"
+#~ msgstr "%s - プレファレンス(好みの設定)"
+#, no-c-format
+#~ msgid "% CPU time"
+#~ msgstr "% のCPU 時間まで使用"
+#~ msgid "KBytes/sec."
+#~ msgstr "キロバイト/秒"
+# This sequence of texts and forms deeply depends on English. Hardly to be traslated into Japanese in normal manner.
+#~ msgid "Mbytes"
+#~ msgstr "M バイトまでを"
+# This sequence of texts and forms deeply depends on English. Hardly to be traslated into Japanese in normal manner.
+#~ msgid "every"
+#~ msgstr "右の期間内で許可"
+# This sequence of texts and forms deeply depends on English. Hardly to be traslated into Japanese in normal manner.
+#~ msgid "days"
+#~ msgstr "日"
+#~ msgid "Gigabytes disk space"
+#~ msgstr "ギガバイトのディスク領域"
+#~ msgid "Running, high priority"
+#~ msgstr "優先度高で処理中"
+#, fuzzy
+#~ msgid " (Waiting for network access)"
+#~ msgstr "メモリ不足のため待機"
+#~ msgid "Preferences…"
+#~ msgstr "プレファレンス..."
 #~ msgid "I do not agree with the terms of use."
 #~ msgstr "使用条件に合意しない。"
@@ -4216,15 +4425,6 @@ msgstr "%s を終了する"
 #~ msgid "OnDropTarget: index by HitTest = %i"
 #~ msgstr "OnDropTarget: index by HitTest = %i"
-#~ msgid "Pie Ctrl"
-#~ msgstr "Pie Ctrl"
-#~ msgid "specify work start and stop hours in format HH:MM-HH:MM"
-#~ msgstr "仕事をする時間帯の始めと終わりを HH:MM-HH:MM の形式で記入してください"
-#~ msgid "specify network usage start and stop hours in format HH:MM-HH:MM"
-#~ msgstr "ネットワークを使う時間帯の始めと終わりを HH:MM-HH:MM の形式で記入してください"
 #~ msgid "Identify your account "
 #~ msgstr "アカウントを特定する"
diff --git a/locale/ja/BOINC-Project-Generic.po b/locale/ja/BOINC-Project-Generic.po
index 7378ca2..962d68e 100644
--- a/locale/ja/BOINC-Project-Generic.po
+++ b/locale/ja/BOINC-Project-Generic.po
@@ -7,17 +7,18 @@ msgstr ""
 "Project-Id-Version: \n"
 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: BOINC translation team <boinc_loc at boinc.berkeley.edu>\n"
 "POT-Creation-Date: 2014-01-10 00:00 PST\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-03-16 11:43+0200\n"
-"Last-Translator: Kai <www.carrotsoft at gmail.com>\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-10-28 15:20+0000\n"
+"Last-Translator: Anonymous Pootle User\n"
 "Language-Team: \n"
 "Language: ja\n"
 "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
 "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
 "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
 "Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\n"
-"X-Generator: Pootle 2.1.6\n"
+"X-Generator: Pootle 2.5.0\n"
 "X-Poedit-SourceCharset: utf-8\n"
 "X-BOINC-UTF8-Marker: 日本語\n"
+"X-POOTLE-MTIME: 1382973625.0\n"
 # The name of this language in this language
@@ -1208,8 +1209,9 @@ msgid "Use NVIDIA GPU %1 Enforced by version 6.10+ %2"
 msgstr "NVIDIA GPU を計算に使うか %1 Version 6.10以降で有効 %2"
 #: ../inc/prefs.inc:344
+#, fuzzy
 msgid "Use Intel GPU %1 Enforced by version 7.2+ %2"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "ATI GPU を計算に使うか %1 Version 6.10以降で有効 %2"
 #: ../inc/prefs.inc:358
 msgid ""
@@ -1759,8 +1761,9 @@ msgid "State"
 msgstr "状態"
 #: ../inc/result.inc:747
+#, fuzzy
 msgid "Task name:"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "タスク名"
 #: ../inc/team.inc:40
 msgid "Search criteria (use one or more)"
@@ -2114,8 +2117,9 @@ msgid "Used in community functions"
 msgstr "コミュニティ機能の中で使われる ID です"
 #: ../inc/user.inc:216 ../user/weak_auth.php:25
+#, fuzzy
 msgid "Account keys"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "アカウント・キー"
 #: ../inc/user.inc:221
 msgid "Preferences"
@@ -2564,8 +2568,9 @@ msgid "Top GPU models"
 msgstr ""
 #: ../user/bs_sample_index.php:70
+#, fuzzy
 msgid "Languages"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "言語"
 # #######################################
 # Rules and Policies page (info.php)
diff --git a/locale/ko/BOINC-Manager.mo b/locale/ko/BOINC-Manager.mo
index 489ef48..6d47e56 100644
Binary files a/locale/ko/BOINC-Manager.mo and b/locale/ko/BOINC-Manager.mo differ
diff --git a/locale/ko/BOINC-Manager.po b/locale/ko/BOINC-Manager.po
index 1ff1717..52c681e 100644
--- a/locale/ko/BOINC-Manager.po
+++ b/locale/ko/BOINC-Manager.po
@@ -2,12 +2,11 @@
 # This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package.
 msgid ""
 msgstr ""
 "Project-Id-Version: BOINC Manager 7.2.x\n"
 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-02-02 00:00-0800\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-12-15 14:15-0500\n"
 "PO-Revision-Date: 2014-02-07 17:42+0900\n"
 "Last-Translator: Lee Kangsan <treppolse at gmail.com>\n"
 "Language-Team: SETIKAH at KOREA\n"
@@ -17,17 +16,17 @@ msgstr ""
 "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
 "Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\n"
 "X-Generator: Poedit 1.6.3\n"
+"X-Poedit-Basepath: C:\\Src\\BOINCGIT\\boinc_7.4\n"
 "X-Poedit-SearchPath-0: clientgui\n"
 "X-Poedit-SourceCharset: UTF-8\n"
-"X-Poedit-Basepath: C:\\Src\\BOINCSVN\\trunk\\boinc\n"
 "X-BOINC-UTF8-Marker: 简体中文, 日本語\n"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:387
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:387
 #, c-format
 msgid "Identify your account at %s"
 msgstr "%s에서 계정을 확인합니다"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:393
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:393
 msgid ""
 "Please enter your account information\n"
 "(to create an account, visit the project's web site)"
@@ -35,7 +34,7 @@ msgstr ""
 "계정 정보를 입력해주세요\n"
 "(계정을 만드시려면, 프로젝트 웹 사이트를 방문해 주세요)"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:397
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:397
 msgid ""
 "This project is not currently accepting new accounts.\n"
 "You can add it only if you already have an account."
@@ -43,19 +42,19 @@ msgstr ""
 "이 프로젝트는 현재 새로운 계정을 만들 수 없습니다.\n"
 "이미 계정을 갖고 계신 경우에 한해서 추가할 수 있습니다."
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:401
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:401
 msgid "Are you already running this project?"
 msgstr "이미 이 프로젝트를 수행하고 계십니까?"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:405
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:405
 msgid "&No, new user"
 msgstr "아니오, 새로운 사용자 입니다"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:408
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:408
 msgid "&Yes, existing user"
 msgstr "예, 기존 사용자 입니다"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:413
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:413
 msgid ""
 "We were not able to set up your account information\n"
@@ -71,45 +70,51 @@ msgstr ""
 "그 후에 찾고자 하는 계정의 email 주소와 비밀번호 칸을\n"
 "채우신 후에 찾으십시오."
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:416
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:416
 msgid "Find login information"
 msgstr "로그인 정보 찾기"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:436 AccountInfoPage.cpp:641
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:436
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:649
 msgid "&Password:"
 msgstr "비밀번호:"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:443 AccountInfoPage.cpp:665
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:443
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:673
 msgid "Choose a &password:"
 msgstr "비밀번호를 입력하세요:"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:446
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:446
 msgid "C&onfirm password:"
 msgstr "비밀번호 확인:"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:453
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:453
 #, c-format
 msgid "Are you already running %s?"
 msgstr "여러분은 이미 %s를(을) 실행하고 있습니까?"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:482
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:482
 msgid "&Username:"
 msgstr "사용자 이름:"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:508
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:511
+msgid "&Email address or LDAP ID:"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:515
 msgid "&Email address:"
 msgstr "&Email 주소:"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:515
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:523
 #, c-format
 msgid "minimum length %d"
 msgstr "최소 %d 이상"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:522
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:530
 msgid "Forgot your password?"
 msgstr "비밀번호를 잊어버렸습니까?"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:529
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:537
 msgid ""
 "If you have not yet registered with this account manager,\n"
 "please do so before proceeding.  Click on the link below\n"
@@ -119,45 +124,44 @@ msgstr ""
 "전에 등록해 주십시오. 아래 링크를 클릭해서 등록하시거나\n"
 "혹은 잊어버린 비밀번호를 다시 받으십시오."
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:532
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:540
 msgid "Account manager web site"
 msgstr "계정 관리자 웹 사이트"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:574 WelcomePage.cpp:348
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:582
 msgid "Add project"
 msgstr "프로젝트 추가"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:576
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:584
 msgid "Update account manager"
 msgstr "계정 관리자 업데이트"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:578 WelcomePage.cpp:307 WelcomePage.cpp:321
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:586
 msgid "Use account manager"
 msgstr "계정 관리자 사용"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:585
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:593
 msgid "Please enter a user name."
 msgstr "사용자 이름을 입력해 주세요."
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:587
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:595
 msgid "Please enter an email address."
 msgstr "email 주소를 입력해 주세요."
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:597
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:605
 #, c-format
 msgid "Please enter a password of at least %d characters."
 msgstr "최소한 %d 글자로 된 비밀번호를 입력해 주세요."
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:607
-msgid ""
-"The password and confirmation password do not match. Please type them again."
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:615
+msgid "The password and confirmation password do not match. Please type them again."
 msgstr "처음 비밀번호와 재입력한 비밀번호가 일치하지 않습니다. 다시 입력해주세요."
-#: AccountManagerInfoPage.cpp:272
+#: clientgui/AccountManagerInfoPage.cpp:272
 msgid "Choose an account manager"
 msgstr "계정 관리자 선택"
-#: AccountManagerInfoPage.cpp:275
+#: clientgui/AccountManagerInfoPage.cpp:275
 msgid ""
 "To choose an account manager, click its name or \n"
 "type its URL below."
@@ -165,377 +169,394 @@ msgstr ""
 "계정 관리자를 선택하려면 이를을 클릭하거나 \n"
 "하단에 URL을 입력하세요."
-#: AccountManagerInfoPage.cpp:279
+#: clientgui/AccountManagerInfoPage.cpp:279
 msgid "Account manager details:"
 msgstr "계정 관리자 상세 정보:"
-#: AccountManagerInfoPage.cpp:283
+#: clientgui/AccountManagerInfoPage.cpp:283
 msgid "Account manager &URL:"
 msgstr "계정 관리자 &URL:"
-#: AccountManagerInfoPage.cpp:287
+#: clientgui/AccountManagerInfoPage.cpp:287
 msgid "Open web page"
 msgstr "웹 페이지 열기"
-#: AccountManagerInfoPage.cpp:290
+#: clientgui/AccountManagerInfoPage.cpp:290
 msgid "Visit this account manager's web site"
 msgstr "해당 계정 관리자 웹사이트 방문하기"
-#: AccountManagerProcessingPage.cpp:187 AccountManagerPropertiesPage.cpp:193
+#: clientgui/AccountManagerProcessingPage.cpp:186
+#: clientgui/AccountManagerPropertiesPage.cpp:192
 #, c-format
 msgid "Communicating with %s."
 msgstr "%s와(과) 통신 중"
-#: AccountManagerProcessingPage.cpp:194 AccountManagerPropertiesPage.cpp:200
+#: clientgui/AccountManagerProcessingPage.cpp:193
+#: clientgui/AccountManagerPropertiesPage.cpp:199
 msgid "Communicating with server."
 msgstr "서버와 통신 중"
-#: AccountManagerProcessingPage.cpp:199 AccountManagerPropertiesPage.cpp:205
+#: clientgui/AccountManagerProcessingPage.cpp:198
+#: clientgui/AccountManagerPropertiesPage.cpp:204
 msgid "Please wait..."
 msgstr "잠시 기다려 주세요..."
-#: AccountManagerProcessingPage.cpp:326
+#: clientgui/AccountManagerProcessingPage.cpp:325
 msgid "An internal server error has occurred.\n"
 msgstr "내부 서버 오류가 발생했습니다.\n"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:95
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:96
 msgid "Connected"
 msgstr "접속됨"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:103
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:104
 msgid "Disconnected"
 msgstr "접속해제됨"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:322 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:119
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:318
 #, c-format
 msgid "Close the %s window"
 msgstr "%s 창 닫기"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:325 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:122
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:321
 msgid "&Close Window"
 msgstr "창 닫기(&C)"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:336 AdvancedFrame.cpp:343 AdvancedFrame.cpp:350
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:332
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:339
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:346
 #, c-format
 msgid "Exit %s"
 msgstr "%s 종료(&E) "
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:371
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:359
+msgid "Preferences..."
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:368
 msgid "&Notices\tCtrl+Shift+N"
 msgstr "공지 사항(&N)\tCtrl+Shift+N"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:372
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:369
 msgid "Display notices"
 msgstr "공지 사항을 보여줍니다"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:377
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:374
 msgid "&Projects\tCtrl+Shift+P"
 msgstr "프로젝트(&P)\tCtrl+Shift+P"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:378
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:375
 msgid "Display projects"
 msgstr "프로젝트를 보여줍니다"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:383
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:380
 msgid "&Tasks\tCtrl+Shift+T"
 msgstr "태스크(&T)\tCtrl+Shift+T"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:384
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:381
 msgid "Display tasks"
 msgstr "태스크 현황을 보여줍니다"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:389
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:386
 msgid "Trans&fers\tCtrl+Shift+X"
 msgstr "전송(&F)\tCtrl+Shift+X"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:390
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:387
 msgid "Display transfers"
 msgstr "전송 현황을 보여줍니다"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:395
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:392
 msgid "&Statistics\tCtrl+Shift+S"
 msgstr "통계(&S)\tCtrl+Shift+S"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:396
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:393
 msgid "Display statistics"
 msgstr "통계를 보여줍니다"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:401
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:398
 msgid "&Disk usage\tCtrl+Shift+D"
 msgstr "디스크 사용량(&D)\tCtrl+Shift+D"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:402
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:399
 msgid "Display disk usage"
 msgstr "디스크 사용량을 보여줍니다"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:409
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:406
 msgid "Simple &View...\tCtrl+Shift+V"
 msgstr "간단히 보기(&V)...\tCtrl+Shift+V"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:410
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:407
 msgid "Display the simple graphical interface."
 msgstr "간단한 형태의 그래픽 인터페이스로 표시합니다."
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:424
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:421
 msgid "&Add project or account manager..."
 msgstr "프로젝트 혹은 계정 관리자 추가(&A)..."
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:425 sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:76
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:422
 msgid "Volunteer for any or all of 30+ projects in many areas of science"
 msgstr "많은 과학 분야의 30개 이상 프로젝트중에서 하나 혹은 전부 참여하는 기여자"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:429
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:426
 #, c-format
 msgid "&Synchronize with %s"
 msgstr "%s와 동기화(&S)"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:433
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:430
 #, c-format
 msgid "Get current settings from %s"
 msgstr "%s 로부터 현재 설정을 가져옵니다"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:443
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:440
 msgid "&Add project..."
 msgstr "프로젝트 추가(&A)..."
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:444
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:441
 msgid "Add a project"
 msgstr "프로젝트를 추가합니다"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:447
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:444
 #, c-format
 msgid "S&top using %s..."
 msgstr "%s 사용 중지(&S)..."
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:453
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:450
 msgid "Remove this computer from account manager control."
 msgstr "계정 관리자 제어를 클라이언트에서 제거합니다."
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:458 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:178
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:455
 msgid "&Options..."
 msgstr "선택 사항(&O)..."
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:459 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:179
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:456
 msgid "Configure display options and proxy settings"
 msgstr "화면 옵션과 프록시 환경을 설정합니다"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:463 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:172
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:460
 msgid "Computing &preferences..."
 msgstr "연산 환경 설정(&P)..."
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:464 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:173
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:461
 msgid "Configure computing preferences"
 msgstr "연산 환경을 설정합니다"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:472
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:469
 msgid "&Run always"
 msgstr "항상 실행(&R)"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:473
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:470
 msgid "Allow work regardless of preferences"
 msgstr "설정을 무시하고 작업을 허용합니다"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:477
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:474
 msgid "Run based on &preferences"
 msgstr "설정한 대로 실행(&P)"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:478
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:475
 msgid "Allow work according to preferences"
 msgstr "설정에 따라서 작업을 허용합니다"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:482
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:479
 msgid "&Suspend"
 msgstr "일시 정지(&S)"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:483
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:480
 msgid "Stop work regardless of preferences"
 msgstr "설정을 무시하고 작업을 정지시킵니다"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:508
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:505
 msgid "Use GPU always"
 msgstr "항상 GPU 사용"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:509
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:506
 msgid "Allow GPU work regardless of preferences"
 msgstr "설정을 무시하고 GPU 작업을 허용합니다"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:513
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:510
 msgid "Use GPU based on preferences"
 msgstr "설정한 대로 GPU 사용"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:514
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:511
 msgid "Allow GPU work according to preferences"
 msgstr "설정에 따라서 GPU 작업을 허용합니다"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:518
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:515
 msgid "Suspend GPU"
 msgstr "GPU 일시 정지"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:519
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:516
 msgid "Stop GPU work regardless of preferences"
 msgstr "설정을 무시하고 GPU 작업을 정지시킵니다"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:543
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:540
 msgid "Network activity always available"
 msgstr "네트워크 활동 항상 가능"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:544
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:541
 msgid "Allow network activity regardless of preferences"
 msgstr "설정을 무시하고 네트워크 활동을 허용합니다"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:548
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:545
 msgid "Network activity based on preferences"
 msgstr "설정한 대로 네트워크 활동"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:549
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:546
 msgid "Allow network activity according to preferences"
 msgstr "설정에 따라서 네트워크 활동을 허용합니다"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:553
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:550
 msgid "Network activity suspended"
 msgstr "네트워크 활동 일시 정지됨"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:554
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:551
 msgid "Stop BOINC network activity"
 msgstr "BOINC 네트워크 활동을 정지시킵니다"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:564
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:561
 #, c-format
 msgid "Connect to another computer running %s"
 msgstr "%s(이)가 실행중인 다른 컴퓨터로 접속"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:569
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:566
 msgid "Select computer..."
 msgstr "컴퓨터 선택(&S)..."
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:574
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:571
 msgid "Shut down connected client..."
 msgstr "연결된 클라이언트 종료..."
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:575
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:572
 msgid "Shut down the currently connected client"
 msgstr "현재 연결된 클라이언트를 종료합니다"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:579
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:576
 msgid "Run CPU &benchmarks"
 msgstr "CPU 벤치마크 실행(&B)"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:580
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:577
 msgid "Runs BOINC CPU benchmarks"
 msgstr "BOINC CPU 벤치마크를 실행합니다"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:584
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:581
 msgid "Do network communication"
 msgstr "네트워크 통신 실행"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:585
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:582
 msgid "Do all pending network communication"
 msgstr "유보된 모든 네트워크 통신을 실행합니다"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:589
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:586
 msgid "Read config files"
 msgstr "설정 파일 읽기"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:590
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:587
 msgid "Read configuration info from cc_config.xml and any app_config.xml files"
 msgstr "cc_config.xml 및 app_config.xml로 부터 설정 정보를 읽어옵니다"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:594
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:591
 msgid "Read local prefs file"
 msgstr "로컬 환경설정 파일 읽기"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:595
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:592
 msgid "Read preferences from global_prefs_override.xml."
 msgstr "global_prefs_override.xml로 부터 환경 설정을 읽어옵니다."
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:600
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:597
 #, c-format
 msgid "Launch another instance of %s..."
 msgstr "별도의 %s 객체 실행..."
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:604
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:601
 #, c-format
 msgid "Launch another %s"
 msgstr "별도로 %s 실행"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:614
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:611
 msgid "Event Log...\tCtrl+Shift+E"
 msgstr "이벤트 기록...\tCtrl+Shift+E"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:615
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:612
 msgid "Display diagnostic messages."
 msgstr "진단 메세지를 보여줍니다."
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:625 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:188
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:616
+msgid "Event Log Diagnostic Flags...\tCtrl+Shift+F"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:617
+msgid "Enable or disable various diagnostic messages"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:626
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s &help"
 msgstr "%s 도움말(&H)"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:631 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:194
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:632
 #, c-format
 msgid "Show information about %s"
 msgstr "%s에 대한 정보 보여주기"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:643
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:644
 #, c-format
 msgid "&%s help"
 msgstr "&%s 도움말"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:649 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:212
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:650
 #, c-format
 msgid "Show information about the %s"
 msgstr "%s에 대한 정보 보여주기"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:661 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:224
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:662
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s &web site"
 msgstr "%s 웹 사이트(&W)"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:667 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:230
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:668
 #, c-format
 msgid "Show information about BOINC and %s"
 msgstr "BOINC와 %s에 대한 정보 보여주기"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:679 BOINCTaskBar.cpp:530 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:242
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:680
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:544
 #, c-format
 msgid "&About %s..."
 msgstr "%s 정보(&A)..."
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:685 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:248
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:686
 msgid "Licensing and copyright information."
 msgstr "라이센스와 저작권 정보"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:692 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:255
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:693
 msgid "&File"
 msgstr "파일(&F)"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:696 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:259
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:697
 msgid "&View"
 msgstr "보기(&V)"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:700 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:263
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:701
 msgid "&Tools"
 msgstr "도구(&T)"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:704
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:705
 msgid "&Activity"
 msgstr "활동(&A)"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:708
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:709
 msgid "A&dvanced"
 msgstr "고급(&A)"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:712 DlgEventLog.cpp:332 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:267
-#: wizardex.cpp:374 wizardex.cpp:381
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:713
 msgid "&Help"
 msgstr "도움말(&H)"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:1199
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1185
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - Stop using %s"
 msgstr "%s - %s 사용 중지"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:1204
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1190
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "If you stop using %s,\n"
@@ -550,12 +571,12 @@ msgstr ""
 "정말로 %s 사용을 중지하겠습니까?"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:1401
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1397
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - Shut down the current client..."
 msgstr "%s - 현재 클라이언트 종료..."
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:1410
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1406
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "%s will shut down the current client\n"
@@ -564,36 +585,36 @@ msgstr ""
 "%s에 현재 연결된 클라이언트는 종료될 것이며,\n"
 "또다른 호스트로 연결해서 명령을 내릴 수 있습니다."
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:1745 DlgAbout.cpp:119
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1806
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s"
 msgstr "%s"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:1754
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1815
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s has successfully added %s"
 msgstr "%s는 성공적으로 %s에 추가되었습니다"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:1893
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1953
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - (%s)"
 msgstr "%s - (%s)"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:1897
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1957
 #, c-format
 msgid "Connecting to %s"
 msgstr "%s에 접속 중"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:1900
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1960
 #, c-format
 msgid "Connected to %s (%s)"
 msgstr "%s (%s)에 접속됨"
-#: AlreadyExistsPage.cpp:184
+#: clientgui/AlreadyExistsPage.cpp:184
 msgid "Username already in use"
 msgstr "사용자 이름이 이미 사용되고 있습니다"
-#: AlreadyExistsPage.cpp:187
+#: clientgui/AlreadyExistsPage.cpp:187
 msgid ""
 "An account with that username already exists and has a\n"
 "different password than the one you entered.\n"
@@ -605,11 +626,11 @@ msgstr ""
 "프로젝트 웹 사이트를 방문해서 그 곳의 지시대로 따라주십시오."
-#: AlreadyExistsPage.cpp:191
+#: clientgui/AlreadyExistsPage.cpp:191
 msgid "Email address already in use"
 msgstr "Email 주소가 이미 사용되고 있습니다"
-#: AlreadyExistsPage.cpp:194
+#: clientgui/AlreadyExistsPage.cpp:194
 msgid ""
 "An account with that email address already exists and has a\n"
 "different password than the one you entered.\n"
@@ -621,44 +642,43 @@ msgstr ""
 "프로젝트 웹 사이트를 방문해서 그 곳의 지시대로 따라주십시오."
-#: AsyncRPC.cpp:1031
+#: clientgui/AsyncRPC.cpp:1031
 msgid "Communicating with BOINC client.  Please wait ..."
 msgstr "BOINC 클라이언트와 통신하고 있습니다. 잠시 기다려 주세요..."
-#: AsyncRPC.cpp:1034
+#: clientgui/AsyncRPC.cpp:1034
 #, c-format
 msgid "&Quit %s"
 msgstr "%s 나가기(&Q)"
-#: AsyncRPC.cpp:1036
+#: clientgui/AsyncRPC.cpp:1036
 #, c-format
 msgid "E&xit %s"
 msgstr "%s 종료(&X) "
-#: AsyncRPC.cpp:1040
+#: clientgui/AsyncRPC.cpp:1040
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - Communication"
 msgstr "%s - 통신 중"
-#: AsyncRPC.cpp:1056 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:107 sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:433
+#: clientgui/AsyncRPC.cpp:1056
 msgid "Cancel"
 msgstr "취소"
-#: BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:505
+#: clientgui/BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:504
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - Connection Error"
 msgstr "%s - 접속 오류"
-#: BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:514
+#: clientgui/BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:513
 msgid ""
 "You currently are not authorized to manage the client.\n"
-"Please contact your administrator to add you to the 'boinc_users' local user "
+"Please contact your administrator to add you to the 'boinc_users' local user group."
 msgstr ""
 "현재 클라이언트 관리를 승인받지 못했습니다.\n"
 "관리자에게 문의해서 여러분을 'boinc_users' 로컬 사용자 그룹에 추가하십시오."
-#: BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:523
+#: clientgui/BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:522
 msgid ""
 "Authorization failed connecting to running client.\n"
 "Make sure you start this program in the same directory as the client."
@@ -666,20 +686,20 @@ msgstr ""
 "실행 중인 클라이언트 접속 인증에 실패했습니다.\n"
 "클라이언트와 같은 디렉토리에서 이 프로그램이 실행되고 있는지 확인하십시오."
-#: BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:525
+#: clientgui/BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:524
 msgid "Authorization failed connecting to running client."
 msgstr "실행 중인 클라이언트 접속 인증에 실패했습니다."
-#: BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:533
+#: clientgui/BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:532
 msgid "The password you have provided is incorrect, please try again."
 msgstr "입력하신 암호가 틀립니다. 다시 시도해 주세요."
-#: BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:577
+#: clientgui/BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:576
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - Connection Failed"
 msgstr "%s - 접속 실패"
-#: BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:586
+#: clientgui/BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:585
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "%s is not able to connect to a %s client.\n"
@@ -688,22 +708,21 @@ msgstr ""
 "%s는 %s 클라이언트에 연결이 불가능합니다.\n"
 "다시 연결하시겠습니까?"
-#: BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:622
+#: clientgui/BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:621
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - Daemon Start Failed"
 msgstr "%s - 데몬 시작 실패"
-#: BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:632
+#: clientgui/BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:631
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "%s is not able to start a %s client.\n"
-"Please launch the Control Panel->Administative Tools->Services applet and "
-"start the BOINC service."
+"Please launch the Control Panel->Administative Tools->Services applet and start the BOINC service."
 msgstr ""
 "%s는 %s 클라이언트를 시작할 수 없습니다.\n"
 "제어판→관리 도구→서비스를 실행해서 BOINC 서비스를 시작하세요."
-#: BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:638
+#: clientgui/BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:637
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "%s is not able to start a %s client.\n"
@@ -712,33 +731,32 @@ msgstr ""
 "%s는 %s 클라이언트를 시작할 수 없습니다.\n"
 "데몬을 시작하고 다시 시도하세요."
-#: BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:689
+#: clientgui/BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:688
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - Connection Status"
 msgstr "%s - 접속 상태"
-#: BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:700
+#: clientgui/BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:699
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "%s is not currently connected to a %s client.\n"
-"Please use the 'Advanced\\Select Computer...' menu option to connect up to a "
-"%s client.\n"
+"Please use the 'Advanced\\Select Computer...' menu option to connect up to a %s client.\n"
 "To connect up to your local computer please use 'localhost' as the host name."
 msgstr ""
 "%s는 현재 %s 클라이언트에 연결되어 있지 않습니다.\n"
 "'고급\\컴퓨터 선택...'메뉴 옵션을 이용해서 %s 클라이언트로 연결하십시오.\n"
 "로컬 컴퓨터로 연결되면 호스트 이름을 'localhost'로 바꿔주십시오."
-#: BOINCBaseView.cpp:779
+#: clientgui/BOINCBaseView.cpp:752
 msgid "Project web pages"
 msgstr "프로젝트 웹 페이지"
-#: BOINCClientManager.cpp:575
+#: clientgui/BOINCClientManager.cpp:573
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - Unexpected Exit"
 msgstr "%s - 예상치 못한 종료"
-#: BOINCClientManager.cpp:585
+#: clientgui/BOINCClientManager.cpp:583
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "The %s client has exited unexpectedly 3 times within the last %d minutes.\n"
@@ -747,12 +765,12 @@ msgstr ""
 "%s 클라이언트가 최근 %d분동안 3번 이상 예기치 못하게 종료되었습니다.\n"
 "다시 시작하시겠습니까?"
-#: BOINCDialupManager.cpp:61
+#: clientgui/BOINCDialupManager.cpp:61
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - Network Status"
 msgstr "%s - 네트워크 상태"
-#: BOINCDialupManager.cpp:241
+#: clientgui/BOINCDialupManager.cpp:241
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "%s needs to connect to the Internet.\n"
@@ -761,22 +779,22 @@ msgstr ""
 "%s(은)는 인터넷 연결이 필요합니다.\n"
 "지금 실행하시겠습니까?"
-#: BOINCDialupManager.cpp:254
+#: clientgui/BOINCDialupManager.cpp:254
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s is connecting to the Internet."
 msgstr "%s가(이) 인터넷에 접속하고 있습니다."
-#: BOINCDialupManager.cpp:303
+#: clientgui/BOINCDialupManager.cpp:303
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s has successfully connected to the Internet."
 msgstr "%s이(가) 성공적으로 인터넷에 접속 되었습니다."
-#: BOINCDialupManager.cpp:331
+#: clientgui/BOINCDialupManager.cpp:331
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s failed to connect to the Internet."
 msgstr "%s가 인터넷 접속에 실패했습니다."
-#: BOINCDialupManager.cpp:372
+#: clientgui/BOINCDialupManager.cpp:372
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "%s has detected it is now connected to the Internet.\n"
@@ -785,17 +803,17 @@ msgstr ""
 "%s(이)가 현재 인터넷에 연결된 것을 발견했습니다.\n"
 "모든 프로젝트를 업데이트하고 파일 전송을 다시 시도하는 중"
-#: BOINCDialupManager.cpp:417
+#: clientgui/BOINCDialupManager.cpp:417
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s has successfully disconnected from the Internet."
 msgstr "%s가 성공적으로 인터넷 연결을 종료했습니다."
-#: BOINCDialupManager.cpp:433
+#: clientgui/BOINCDialupManager.cpp:433
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s failed to disconnected from the Internet."
 msgstr "%s가 인터넷 연결 종료에 실패했습니다."
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:339
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:595
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "You currently are not authorized to manage the client.\n"
@@ -816,7 +834,7 @@ msgstr ""
 "  - 관리자에게 문의해서 여러분을 'boinc_master' 사용자 그룹에\n"
 "    추가하십시오."
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:345
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:601
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "%s ownership or permissions are not set properly; please reinstall %s.\n"
@@ -825,16 +843,15 @@ msgstr ""
 "%s 소유권이나 권한이 적절히 설정되지 않았습니다. %s를 재설치해주세요.\n"
 "(오류 code %d)"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:351
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:607
 msgid " at "
 msgstr " 의"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:354 MainDocument.cpp:2484 MainDocument.cpp:2534
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2554 ViewTransfers.cpp:803
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:610
 msgid ")"
 msgstr ")"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:384
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:640
 msgid ""
 "A reboot is required in order for BOINC to run properly.\n"
 "Please reboot your computer and try again."
@@ -842,160 +859,162 @@ msgstr ""
 "BOINC를 정상적으로 실행하려면 재부팅이 필요합니다.\n"
 "컴퓨터를 다시 시작하고 재시도해 주세요."
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:385 DlgAbout.cpp:153
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:641
 msgid "BOINC Manager"
 msgstr "BOINC 관리자"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:572
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:902
 msgid "BOINC Manager was started by the operating system automatically"
 msgstr "BOINC 관리자를 운영 체제에서 자동적으로 시작시켰습니다"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:574
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:904
 msgid "Startup BOINC so only the system tray icon is visible"
 msgstr "BOINC는 시스템 트레이 상태로 시작됨"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:576
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:906
 msgid "Directory containing the BOINC Client executable"
 msgstr "실행 가능한 BOINC 클라이언트를 포함한 디렉토리"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:577
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:907
 msgid "BOINC data directory"
 msgstr "BOINC 데이터 디렉토리"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:579
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:909
 msgid "Host name or IP address"
 msgstr "호스트 이름 혹은 IP 주소"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:580
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:910
 msgid "GUI RPC port number"
 msgstr "GUI RPC 포트 번호"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:581
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:911
 msgid "Password"
 msgstr "비밀번호"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:582
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:912
 msgid "Startup BOINC with these optional arguments"
 msgstr "BOINC는 해당 인수를 가지고 시작됨"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:583
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:913
 msgid "disable BOINC security users and permissions"
 msgstr "BOINC 보안 사용자 및 권한 비활성화"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:584
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:914
 msgid "set skin debugging mode to enable skin manager error messages"
 msgstr "스킨 관리자 오류 메세지 활성화를 위해 스킨 디버깅 모드 설정"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:585
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:915
 msgid "multiple instances of BOINC Manager allowed"
 msgstr "BOINC 관리자 다중 실행이 허용됨"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:587
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:917
 msgid "Not used: workaround for bug in XCode 4.2"
 msgstr "사용되지 않음: XCode 4.2 버그 회피책"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:814
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:1164
 msgid "(Automatic Detection)"
 msgstr "(자동 감지)"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:815
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:1165
 msgid "(Unknown)"
 msgstr "(알 수 없음)"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:816
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:1166
 msgid "(User Defined)"
 msgstr "(사용자 지정)"
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:508
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:522
 #, c-format
 msgid "Open %s Web..."
 msgstr "%s 웹 열기..."
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:515
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:529
 #, c-format
 msgid "Open %s..."
 msgstr "%s 열기..."
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:522 BOINCTaskBar.cpp:619 BOINCTaskBar.cpp:627
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:536
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:633
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:641
 msgid "Snooze"
 msgstr "꾸벅꾸벅 졸기"
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:524 BOINCTaskBar.cpp:646 BOINCTaskBar.cpp:654
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:538
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:660
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:668
 msgid "Snooze GPU"
 msgstr "GPU 사용 중지"
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:542
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:556
 msgid "E&xit"
 msgstr "종료(&X)"
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:612 ViewProjects.cpp:718 ViewWork.cpp:795
-#: sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:758 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:110
-#: sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:102
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:626
 msgid "Resume"
 msgstr "다시 시작"
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:639
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:653
 msgid "Resume GPU"
 msgstr "GPU 다시 사용"
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:713
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:727
 msgid "Computing is enabled"
 msgstr "연산이 활성화됩니다"
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:717
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:731
 msgid "Computing is suspended - "
 msgstr "연산이 일시 정지됨 - "
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:727
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:741
 msgid "GPU computing is enabled"
 msgstr "GPU 연산이 활성화됩니다"
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:730
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:744
 msgid "GPU computing is suspended - "
 msgstr "GPU 연산이 일시 정지됨 - "
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:739
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:753
 msgid "Network is enabled"
 msgstr "네트워크 사용 가능"
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:742
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:756
 msgid "Network is suspended - "
 msgstr "네트워크가 일시 정지됨 - "
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:750
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:764
 msgid "Reconnecting to client."
 msgstr "클라이언트에 재연결."
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:752
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:766
 msgid "Not connected to a client."
 msgstr "클라이언트에 연결되지 않았습니다."
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:805
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:819
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s Notices"
 msgstr "%s 공지 사항"
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:811
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:825
 msgid "There are new notices - click to view."
 msgstr "새 공지 사항이 있습니다 - 보려면 클릭하세요."
-#: CompletionErrorPage.cpp:199
+#: clientgui/CompletionErrorPage.cpp:199
 msgid "Failed to add project"
 msgstr "프로젝트 추가에 실패했습니다"
-#: CompletionErrorPage.cpp:204
+#: clientgui/CompletionErrorPage.cpp:204
 msgid "Failed to update account manager"
 msgstr "계정 관리자 업데이트에 실패했습니다"
-#: CompletionErrorPage.cpp:208
+#: clientgui/CompletionErrorPage.cpp:208
 msgid "Failed to remove account manager"
 msgstr "계정 관리자 제거에 실패했습니다"
-#: CompletionErrorPage.cpp:212
+#: clientgui/CompletionErrorPage.cpp:212
 msgid "Failed to add account manager"
 msgstr "계정 관리자 추가에 실패했습니다"
-#: CompletionErrorPage.cpp:221
+#: clientgui/CompletionErrorPage.cpp:221
 msgid ""
 "Please try again later.\n"
@@ -1005,24 +1024,26 @@ msgstr ""
 "닫으려면 완료를 클릭하세요."
-#: CompletionErrorPage.cpp:225 CompletionPage.cpp:222 CompletionPage.cpp:242
-#: CompletionPage.cpp:273
+#: clientgui/CompletionErrorPage.cpp:225
+#: clientgui/CompletionPage.cpp:222
+#: clientgui/CompletionPage.cpp:242
+#: clientgui/CompletionPage.cpp:273
 msgid "Click Finish to close."
 msgstr "닫으려면 완료를 클릭하세요."
-#: CompletionErrorPage.cpp:234
+#: clientgui/CompletionErrorPage.cpp:234
 msgid "Messages from server:"
 msgstr "서버에서 온 메시지:"
-#: CompletionPage.cpp:207
+#: clientgui/CompletionPage.cpp:207
 msgid "Project added"
 msgstr "프로젝트 추가됨"
-#: CompletionPage.cpp:213
+#: clientgui/CompletionPage.cpp:213
 msgid "This project has been successfully added."
 msgstr "이 프로젝트가 성공적으로 추가되었습니다."
-#: CompletionPage.cpp:218
+#: clientgui/CompletionPage.cpp:218
 msgid ""
 "When you click Finish, your web browser will go to a page where\n"
 "you can set your account name and preferences."
@@ -1030,121 +1051,124 @@ msgstr ""
 "완료를 누르면, 브라우저가 계정 이름과 속성을\n"
 "설정할 수 있는 페이지로 갈 것입니다."
-#: CompletionPage.cpp:232
+#: clientgui/CompletionPage.cpp:232
 #, c-format
 msgid "Update from %s completed."
 msgstr "%s로부터 업데이트 완료"
-#: CompletionPage.cpp:236
+#: clientgui/CompletionPage.cpp:236
 msgid "Update completed."
 msgstr "업데이트가 완료 되었습니다."
-#: CompletionPage.cpp:247
+#: clientgui/CompletionPage.cpp:247
 msgid "Now using account manager"
 msgstr "계정 관리자 사용"
-#: CompletionPage.cpp:252
+#: clientgui/CompletionPage.cpp:252
 #, c-format
 msgid "Welcome to %s!"
 msgstr "%s에 오신 것을 환영합니다!"
-#: CompletionPage.cpp:263
+#: clientgui/CompletionPage.cpp:263
 #, c-format
 msgid "You are now using %s to manage accounts."
 msgstr "계정 관리를 위해 %s를(을) 사용합니다."
-#: CompletionPage.cpp:267
+#: clientgui/CompletionPage.cpp:267
 msgid "You are now using this account manager."
 msgstr "지금부터 해당 계정 관리자를 사용합니다."
-#: DlgAbout.cpp:113 mac/Mac_GUI.cpp:96
+#: clientgui/DlgAbout.cpp:113
 #, c-format
 msgid "About %s"
 msgstr "%s정보"
-#: DlgAbout.cpp:172
+#: clientgui/DlgAbout.cpp:172
 msgid "Version:"
 msgstr "버전:"
-#: DlgAbout.cpp:180
+#: clientgui/DlgAbout.cpp:180
 msgid "wxWidgets Version:"
 msgstr "wx위젯 버전:"
-#: DlgAbout.cpp:188
+#: clientgui/DlgAbout.cpp:188
 msgid "Copyright:"
 msgstr "저작권:"
-#: DlgAbout.cpp:192
+#: clientgui/DlgAbout.cpp:192
 msgid ""
-"(C) 2003-2013 University of California, Berkeley.\n"
+"(C) 2003-2014 University of California, Berkeley.\n"
 "All Rights Reserved."
 msgstr ""
-"(C) 2003-2011 University of California, Berkeley.\n"
-"All Rights Reserved."
-#: DlgAbout.cpp:196
+#: clientgui/DlgAbout.cpp:196
 msgid "Berkeley Open Infrastructure for Network Computing"
 msgstr "네트워크 컴퓨팅을 위한 Berkeley 개방형 하부구조체"
-#: DlgAbout.cpp:208 DlgExitMessage.cpp:173 DlgGenericMessage.cpp:120
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:396 DlgSelectComputer.cpp:163
+#: clientgui/DlgAbout.cpp:208
+#: clientgui/DlgExitMessage.cpp:173
+#: clientgui/DlgGenericMessage.cpp:120
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:399
+#: clientgui/DlgSelectComputer.cpp:163
 msgid "&OK"
 msgstr "확인"
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:544
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:602
 msgid "invalid number"
 msgstr "유효하지 않은 숫자"
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:545
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:603
 msgid "invalid time, format is HH:MM"
 msgstr "잘못된 시간, 올바른 형식은 HH:MM"
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:546
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:604
 msgid "invalid time interval, format is HH:MM-HH:MM"
 msgstr "잘못된 시간 간격, 올바른 형식은 HH:MM-HH:MM"
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:751
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:817
 msgid "invalid input value detected"
 msgstr "잘못된 입력값 발견"
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:753
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:819
 msgid "Validation Error"
 msgstr "인증 오류"
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:885 DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:891
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:897
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:969
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:975
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:981
 msgid "Applications to add"
 msgstr "응용 프로그램이 추가됨"
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:914
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:998
 #, c-format
 msgid "'%s' is not an executable application."
 msgstr "'%s'은(는) 실행 가능한 응용 프로그램이 아닙니다."
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:915 DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:962
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:986
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:999
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:1046
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:1070
 msgid "Add Exclusive App"
 msgstr "독점 프로그램 추가"
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:927
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:1011
 msgid "Name of application to add?"
 msgstr "추가할 응용 프로그램명?"
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:927
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:1011
 msgid "Add exclusive app"
 msgstr "독점 프로그램 추가"
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:961
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:1045
 #, c-format
 msgid "Application names must end with '%s'"
 msgstr "응용 프로그램 이름은 반드시 '%s'로 끝나야 합니다"
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:985
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:1069
 #, c-format
 msgid "'%s' is already in the list."
 msgstr "'%s'는 이미 목록에 있습니다."
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:1077
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:1161
 msgid ""
 "Do you really want to clear all local preferences?\n"
 "(This will not affect exclusive applications.)"
@@ -1152,16 +1176,16 @@ msgstr ""
 "정말로 모든 로컬 환경설정을 지우겠습니까?\n"
 "(독점 프로그램에는 영향이 없습니다.)"
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:1078 sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:1030
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:1162
 msgid "Confirmation"
 msgstr "확인됨"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:46 sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:946
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:49
 #, c-format
-msgid "%s - Preferences"
-msgstr "%s - 환경 설정"
+msgid "%s - Computing preferences"
+msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:62
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:66
 msgid ""
 "This dialog controls preferences for this computer only.\n"
 "Click OK to set preferences.\n"
@@ -1171,270 +1195,281 @@ msgstr ""
 "확인을 눌러서 설정값을 저장하세요.\n"
 "지우기를 눌러서 웹 기반 설정으로 복원할 수 있습니다.(독점 프로그램 제외)"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:65 sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:428
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:69
 msgid "Clear"
 msgstr "지우기"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:66
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:70
 msgid "clear all local preferences and close the dialog"
 msgstr "모든 로컬 환경 설정이 지워지며 다이얼로그를 닫습니다"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:81
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:85
 msgid "processor usage"
 msgstr "프로세서 사용률"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:84
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:88
 msgid "network usage"
 msgstr "네트워크 사용량"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:87
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:91
 msgid "disk and memory usage"
 msgstr "디스크와 메모리 사용량"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:90
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:94
 msgid "exclusive applications"
 msgstr "독점 프로그램"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:102 sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:424
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:107
+#: clientgui/DlgDiagnosticLogFlags.cpp:104
 msgid "OK"
 msgstr "확인"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:103
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:108
 msgid "save all values and close the dialog"
 msgstr "모든 값을 저장하고 창을 닫습니다"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:108
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:114
 msgid "close the dialog without saving"
 msgstr "저장하지 않고 창을 닫습니다"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:112 Localization.cpp:35 Localization.cpp:121
-#: Localization.cpp:139 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:794 sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:439
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:118
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:35
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:121
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:139
 msgid "Help"
 msgstr "도움말"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:113
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:119
 msgid "shows the preferences web page"
 msgstr "환경 설정 웹 페이지를 보여줍니다"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:135
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:141
 msgid "Computing allowed"
 msgstr "연산 허용 여부 설정"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:139
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:146
 msgid "While computer is on batteries"
 msgstr "배터리로 가동 시에도 실행"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:142
-msgid ""
-"check this if you want this computer to do work while it runs on batteries"
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:149
+msgid "check this if you want this computer to do work while it runs on batteries"
 msgstr "배터리가 남은 동안에도 작업을 수행하려면 체크하시십시오"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:148
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:155
 msgid "While computer is in use"
 msgstr "컴퓨터가 사용중에도 작업함"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:151
-msgid ""
-"check this if you want this computer to do work even when you're using it"
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:158
+msgid "check this if you want this computer to do work even when you're using it"
 msgstr "컴퓨터가 사용하는 동안에도 작업을 수행하려면 체크하십시오"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:157
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:164
 msgid "Use GPU while computer is in use"
 msgstr "컴퓨터를 사용하는 동안 GPU 사용"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:160
-msgid ""
-"check this if you want your GPU to do work even when you're using the "
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:167
+msgid "check this if you want your GPU to do work even when you're using the computer"
 msgstr "컴퓨터가 사용하는 동안에도 GPU로 작업을 수행하려면 체크하십시오"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:172
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:179
 msgid "Only after computer has been idle for"
 msgstr "컴퓨터 대기 시간 설정"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:182
-msgid ""
-"do work only after you haven't used the computer for this number of minutes"
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:188
+msgid "do work only after you haven't used the computer for this number of minutes"
 msgstr "이 시간(분) 이후로 컴퓨터를 사용하지 않을 때 작업을 수행합니다"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:187 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:336
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:417
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:193
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:342
 msgid "minutes"
 msgstr "분"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:206
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:212
 msgid "While processor usage is less than"
 msgstr "이보다 적게 프로세서 사용"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:216
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:221
 msgid "suspend work if processor usage exceeds this level"
 msgstr "프로세서 사용량이 설정량 초과시 작업 일시 중지"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:221
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:226
 msgid "percent (0 means no restriction)"
 msgstr "퍼센트 (0은 제한 없음)"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:235 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:496
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:240
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:506
 msgid "Every day between hours of"
 msgstr "매일 이 시간 사이"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:239
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:244
 msgid "start work at this time"
 msgstr "이 시간에 작업을 시작"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:243 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:504
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:326 sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:348
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:248
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:514
 msgid "and"
 msgstr "부터"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:247
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:252
 msgid "stop work at this time"
 msgstr "이 시간에 작업을 중지"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:251 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:512
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:256
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:522
 msgid "(no restriction if equal)"
 msgstr "(똑같으면 제한이 없음)"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:256 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:517
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:261
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:527
 msgid "Day-of-week override:"
 msgstr "일주일 중 작업할 날:"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:261 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:522
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:266
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:532
 msgid "check box to specify hours for this day of week"
 msgstr "일주일 중 작업 일과 시간을 체크"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:267 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:528
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:272
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:538
 msgid "Monday"
 msgstr "월요일"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:274 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:535
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:279
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:545
 msgid "Tuesday"
 msgstr "화요일"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:281 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:542
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:286
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:552
 msgid "Wednesday"
 msgstr "수요일"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:288 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:549
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:293
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:559
 msgid "Thursday"
 msgstr "목요일"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:295 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:556
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:300
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:566
 msgid "Friday"
 msgstr "금요일"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:302 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:563
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:307
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:573
 msgid "Saturday"
 msgstr "토요일"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:309 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:570
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:314
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:580
 msgid "Sunday"
 msgstr "일요일"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:323
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:328
 msgid "Other options"
 msgstr "다른 선택 사항"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:330
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:336
 msgid "Switch between applications every"
 msgstr "이 시간 이후로 응용 프로그램을 바꿈"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:339
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:345
 msgid "On multiprocessor systems, use at most"
 msgstr "다중 프로세서 시스템일 때 최대 사용량"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:346
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:352
 #, no-c-format
-msgid "% of the processors (0 means ignore this setting)"
-msgstr "프로세서 사용량 %(0일 경우 이 설정을 무시합니다)"
+msgid "% of the processors (0 means no restriction)"
+msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:349 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:605
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:627 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:648
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:669 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:679
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:355
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:618
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:640
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:661
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:683
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:694
 msgid "Use at most"
 msgstr "최대 사용량"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:356
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:362
 #, no-c-format
-msgid "% CPU time"
-msgstr "% CPU 시간"
+msgid "% of CPU time (0 means no restriction)"
+msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:378
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:386
 msgid "General options"
 msgstr "일반적인 선택 사항"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:386
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:395
 msgid "Maximum download rate"
 msgstr "최대 다운로드 속도"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:392 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:401
-msgid "KBytes/sec."
-msgstr "KB/s."
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:401
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:410
+msgid "KBytes/second (0 means no restriction)"
+msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:395
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:404
 msgid "Maximum upload rate"
 msgstr "최대 업로드 속도"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:406
-msgid "Transfer at most"
-msgstr "최대 전송량"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:412
-msgid "Mbytes"
-msgstr "MB"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:415
-msgid "every"
-msgstr "매"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:421 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:444
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:463
-msgid "days"
-msgstr "일"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:429
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:417
 msgid "Minimum work buffer"
 msgstr "최소 작업 저장량"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:438
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:425
 msgid "Try to maintain enough tasks to keep busy for this many days"
 msgstr "지정한 날짜동안 충분한 작업을 수행하고 유지하도록 합니다"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:450
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:431
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:449
+msgid "days (maximum value: 10)"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:437
 msgid "Max additional work buffer"
 msgstr "최고 추가 작업 저장량"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:459
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:445
 msgid "In addition, maintain enough tasks for up to this many days"
 msgstr "추가로 지정한 날짜동안 충분한 태스크 이상을 유지합니다"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:466
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:454
+msgid "Transfer at most"
+msgstr "최대 전송량"
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:462
+msgid "MBytes every"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:468
+msgid "days (0 means no restriction)"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:476
 msgid "Skip image file verification"
 msgstr "이미지 파일 검증 건너뛰기"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:468
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:478
 msgid "check this if your Internet provider modifies image files"
 msgstr "인터넷 제공자가 이미지 파일을 수정하면 체크하세요"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:476
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:484
 msgid "Connect options"
 msgstr "접속 옵션"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:478
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:487
 msgid "Confirm before connecting to internet"
 msgstr "인터넷 접속 전에 확인"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:480
-msgid ""
-"if checked, a confirmation dialog will be displayed before trying to connect "
-"to the Internet"
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:489
+msgid "if checked, a confirmation dialog will be displayed before trying to connect to the Internet"
 msgstr "체크되면, 인터넷 접속 시도 전에 확인 다이얼로그가 표시됩니다"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:484
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:493
 msgid "Disconnect when done"
 msgstr "완료되면 접속 끊기"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:486
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:495
 msgid ""
 "if checked, BOINC hangs up when network usage is done\n"
 "(only relevant for dialup-connection)"
@@ -1442,189 +1477,214 @@ msgstr ""
 "체크되면, BOINC는 완료시 네트워크 사용을 중단합니다\n"
 "(전화 접속에만 해당됨)"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:492
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:501
 msgid "Network usage allowed"
 msgstr "네트워크 사용 허가"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:500
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:510
 msgid "network usage start hour"
 msgstr "네트워크 사용 시작 시간"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:508
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:518
 msgid "network usage stop hour"
 msgstr "네트워크 사용 중단 시간"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:598 DlgItemProperties.cpp:231
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:610
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:257
 msgid "Disk usage"
 msgstr "디스크 사용량"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:609
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:622
 msgid "the maximum disk space used by BOINC (in Gigabytes)"
 msgstr "BOINC가 사용하는 최대 디스크 용량 (단위 GB)"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:613
-msgid "Gigabytes disk space"
-msgstr "GB"
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:626
+msgid "Gigabytes disk space (0 means no restriction)"
+msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:616
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:629
 msgid "Leave at least"
 msgstr "최소한"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:620
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:633
 msgid "BOINC leaves at least this amount of disk space free (in Gigabytes)"
 msgstr "BOINC는 최소한 이 만큼의 디스크 용량을 빈 공간으로 남겨둡니다 (단위 GB)"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:624
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:637
 msgid "Gigabytes disk space free"
 msgstr "GB를 남겨둡니다"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:631
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:644
 msgid "BOINC uses at most this percentage of total disk space"
 msgstr "BOINC는 전체 디스크 중 최대 해당 퍼센트만큼 사용합니다"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:636
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:649
 #, no-c-format
 msgid "% of total disk space"
 msgstr "% (전체 디스크 공간 중)"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:639
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:652
 msgid "Tasks checkpoint to disk at most every"
 msgstr "태스크 기록지점을 지정된 시간마다 기록"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:645
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:658
 msgid "seconds"
 msgstr "초"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:655
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:668
 #, no-c-format
 msgid "% of page file (swap space)"
 msgstr "% of page file (스왑 영역)"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:662
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:675
 msgid "Memory usage"
 msgstr "메모리 사용량"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:676
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:691
 #, no-c-format
 msgid "% when computer is in use"
 msgstr "%를 컴퓨터 사용 시 씁니다"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:686
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:701
 #, no-c-format
 msgid "% when computer is idle"
 msgstr "%를 컴퓨터가 대기 중일때 씁니다"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:691
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:706
 msgid "Leave applications in memory while suspended"
 msgstr "일시 정지시 응용 프로그램을 메모리에서 비웁니다"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:693
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:708
 msgid "if checked, suspended work units are left in memory"
 msgstr "체크되면 일시 정지시 작업 유닛을 메모리에서 비웁니다"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:713
-msgid ""
-"Suspend processor and network usage when these applications are running:"
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:728
+msgid "Suspend processor and network usage when these applications are running:"
 msgstr "이 응용 프로그램이 실행 중인 동안에 프로세서와 네트워크 사용을 일시중지:"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:722
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:738
 msgid "Add..."
 msgstr "추가..."
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:723
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:739
 msgid "Add an application to this list"
 msgstr "응용 프로그램을 이 목록에 추가"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:728 ViewProjects.cpp:202
-#: sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:85
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:744
 msgid "Remove"
 msgstr "제거"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:729
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:745
 msgid "Remove an application from this list"
 msgstr "이 목록에서 응용 프로그램을 제거"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:738
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:754
 msgid "For advanced options, refer to "
 msgstr "고급 옵션은 다음을 따릅니다"
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:219
+#: clientgui/DlgDiagnosticLogFlags.cpp:65
+#, c-format
+msgid "%s Diagnostic Log Flags"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/DlgDiagnosticLogFlags.cpp:83
+msgid "These flags enable various types of diagnostic messages in the Event Log."
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/DlgDiagnosticLogFlags.cpp:105
+msgid "Save all values and close the dialog"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/DlgDiagnosticLogFlags.cpp:108
+msgid "Defaults"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/DlgDiagnosticLogFlags.cpp:109
+msgid "Restore default settings"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/DlgDiagnosticLogFlags.cpp:113
+msgid "Close the dialog without saving"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:226
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - Event Log"
 msgstr "%s - 이벤트 로그"
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:232 ViewMessages.cpp:117 ViewProjects.cpp:219
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:435 ViewStatistics.cpp:2009 ViewTransfers.cpp:182
-#: ViewWork.cpp:232
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:236
 msgid "Project"
 msgstr "프로젝트"
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:233 ViewMessages.cpp:118
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:237
 msgid "Time"
 msgstr "시간"
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:234 ViewMessages.cpp:119
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:238
 msgid "Message"
 msgstr "메시지"
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:290 DlgEventLog.cpp:354
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:300
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:364
 msgid "&Show only this project"
 msgstr "이 프로젝트만 보여주기(&S)"
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:294
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:304
 msgid "Copy &All"
 msgstr "모두 복사(&A)"
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:296 DlgEventLog.cpp:300 ViewMessages.cpp:89
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:306
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:310
 msgid "Copy all the messages to the clipboard."
 msgstr "모든 메시지를 클립보드에 복사"
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:305
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:315
 msgid "Copy &Selected"
 msgstr "선택한 항목 복사(&S)"
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:308 DlgEventLog.cpp:316 ViewMessages.cpp:97
-msgid ""
-"Copy the selected messages to the clipboard. You can select multiple "
-"messages by holding down the shift or command key while clicking on messages."
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:318
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:326
+msgid "Copy the selected messages to the clipboard. You can select multiple messages by holding down the shift or command key while clicking on messages."
 msgstr ""
 "선택한 메세지를 클립보드로 복사합니다. 메세지를 클릭하는 동안 shift 키나 control 키를 눌러 여러 메세지를 선택할 수 있습니다"
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:310 DlgEventLog.cpp:318 ViewMessages.cpp:99
-msgid ""
-"Copy the selected messages to the clipboard. You can select multiple "
-"messages by holding down the shift or control key while clicking on messages."
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:320
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:328
+msgid "Copy the selected messages to the clipboard. You can select multiple messages by holding down the shift or control key while clicking on messages."
 msgstr ""
 "클립보드에 선택한 메시지를 복사합니다. 메시지를 클릭하는 동안 Shift나 Control 키를 누른 상태에서 여러 메시지를 선택할 수 "
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:325 DlgItemProperties.cpp:67
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:335
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:67
 msgid "&Close"
 msgstr "닫기"
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:334 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:798 sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:442
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:344
 #, c-format
 msgid "Get help with %s"
 msgstr "%s 도움말을 얻으세요"
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:348
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:358
 msgid "Show all &messages"
 msgstr "모든 메시지 보여주기(&m)"
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:349 DlgEventLog.cpp:351
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:359
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:361
 msgid "Show messages for all projects"
 msgstr "모든 프로젝트의 메세지를 보여줍니다."
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:355 DlgEventLog.cpp:357
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:365
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:367
 msgid "Show only the messages for the selected project"
 msgstr "선택한 프로젝의 메세지만 보여줍니다."
-#: DlgExitMessage.cpp:82
+#: clientgui/DlgExitMessage.cpp:82
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - Exit Confirmation"
 msgstr "%s - 종료 확인"
-#: DlgExitMessage.cpp:130
+#: clientgui/DlgExitMessage.cpp:130
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "You have requested to exit the %s,\n"
@@ -1641,7 +1701,7 @@ msgstr ""
 "만약 실행 중인 태스크를 정지하도록 원한다면\n"
 "다음 선택사항을 선택하세요:"
-#: DlgExitMessage.cpp:135
+#: clientgui/DlgExitMessage.cpp:135
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "This will shut down %s and its tasks until either the\n"
@@ -1658,391 +1718,417 @@ msgstr ""
 "프로그램을 종료하는게 낫습니다. 여러분이 환경 설정에서 선택한\n"
 "시간에 %s의 태스크 실행이 허용될 것입니다."
-#: DlgExitMessage.cpp:153
+#: clientgui/DlgExitMessage.cpp:153
 #, c-format
 msgid "Stop running tasks when exiting the %s"
 msgstr "%s가 종료될 시 실행 중인 태스크 정지"
-#: DlgExitMessage.cpp:165
+#: clientgui/DlgExitMessage.cpp:165
 msgid "Remember this decision and do not show this dialog."
 msgstr "이 설정을 기억하고 이 창을 다시 보여주지 않습니다."
-#: DlgExitMessage.cpp:178 DlgGenericMessage.cpp:125 DlgOptions.cpp:401
-#: DlgSelectComputer.cpp:168 wizardex.cpp:378
+#: clientgui/DlgExitMessage.cpp:178
+#: clientgui/DlgGenericMessage.cpp:125
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:404
+#: clientgui/DlgSelectComputer.cpp:168
 msgid "&Cancel"
 msgstr "취소(&C)"
-#: DlgGenericMessage.cpp:112
+#: clientgui/DlgGenericMessage.cpp:112
 msgid "Don't show this dialog again."
 msgstr "이 창을 다시 보여주지 않습니다."
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:168 DlgItemProperties.cpp:171
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:174 DlgItemProperties.cpp:177
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:194
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:197
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:200
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:203
 msgid "Don't fetch tasks for "
 msgstr "태스크를 반입 안 함: "
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:168
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:194
 msgid "Project preference"
 msgstr "프로젝트 환경 설정"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:171
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:197
 msgid "Account manager preference"
 msgstr "계정 관리자 환경설정"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:174
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:200
 msgid "Project has no apps for "
 msgstr "프로젝트 앱이 없음: "
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:177
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:203
 msgid "Client configuration excludes "
 msgstr "클라이언트 설정 제외: "
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:181
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:207
 msgid " work fetch deferred for"
 msgstr " 작업 반입을 연기시킴: "
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:182
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:208
 msgid " work fetch deferral interval"
 msgstr " 작업 반입 연기 간격"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:213
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:239
 msgid "Properties of project "
 msgstr "프로젝트 속성"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:217 DlgOptions.cpp:218
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:243
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:221
 msgid "General"
 msgstr "일반"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:218
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:244
 msgid "Master URL"
 msgstr "마스터 URL"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:219
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:245
 msgid "User name"
 msgstr "사용자 이름"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:220
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:246
 msgid "Team name"
 msgstr "팀 이름"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:221 ViewProjects.cpp:224
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:247
 msgid "Resource share"
 msgstr "자원 공유"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:223
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:249
 msgid "Scheduler RPC deferred for"
 msgstr "스케줄러 RPC 지연"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:226
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:252
 msgid "File downloads deferred for"
 msgstr "파일 다운로드 지연"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:229
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:255
 msgid "File uploads deferred for"
 msgstr "파일 업로드 지연"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:232
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:258
 msgid "Computer ID"
 msgstr "컴퓨터 ID"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:234
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:260
 msgid "Non CPU intensive"
 msgstr "CPU 비 집약적"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:234 DlgItemProperties.cpp:236
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:237 DlgItemProperties.cpp:239
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:242 DlgItemProperties.cpp:251
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:254 DlgItemProperties.cpp:257
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:260
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:262
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:263
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:265
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:268
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:277
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:280
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:283
 msgid "yes"
 msgstr "예"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:236
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:262
 msgid "Suspended via GUI"
 msgstr "GUI를 통해서 일시정지"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:236 DlgItemProperties.cpp:237
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:262
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:263
 msgid "no"
 msgstr "아니오"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:237
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:263
 msgid "Don't request more work"
 msgstr "더 이상 추가 작업을 요청하지 않습니다"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:239
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:265
 msgid "Scheduler call in progress"
 msgstr "현재 진행중인 스케쥴러 부르기"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:242
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:268
 msgid "Trickle-up pending"
 msgstr "Trickle up 메세지가 유보됨"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:245 DlgItemProperties.cpp:247
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:271
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:273
 msgid "Host location"
 msgstr "호스트 위치"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:247
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:273
 msgid "default"
 msgstr "기본값 설정"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:251
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:277
 msgid "Added via account manager"
 msgstr "계정 관리자를 통해 추가됨"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:254
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:280
 msgid "Remove when tasks done"
 msgstr "태스크 완료시 제거"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:257
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:283
 msgid "Ended"
 msgstr "끝남"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:259
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:285
+msgid "Tasks completed"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:286
+msgid "Tasks failed"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:288
 msgid "Credit"
 msgstr "크레딧"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:260
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:289
 msgid "User"
 msgstr "사용자"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:267
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:296
 msgid "Host"
 msgstr "호스트"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:276
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:305
 msgid "Scheduling"
 msgstr "스케쥴 조정"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:277
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:306
 msgid "Scheduling priority"
 msgstr "스케줄링 우선 순위"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:278
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:307
 msgid "CPU"
 msgstr "CPU"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:302
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:331
 msgid "Duration correction factor"
 msgstr "지연 정정 값"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:316
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:345
 msgid "Properties of task "
 msgstr "태스크 속성"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:328 ViewWork.cpp:238
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:357
 msgid "Application"
 msgstr "어플리케이션"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:329 ViewWork.cpp:239
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:358
 msgid "Name"
 msgstr "이름"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:330
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:359
 msgid "State"
 msgstr "상태"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:333
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:362
 msgid "Received"
 msgstr "수신 시각"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:336
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:365
 msgid "Report deadline"
 msgstr "리포트 마감 시각"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:338
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:367
 msgid "Resources"
 msgstr "자원"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:341
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:370
 msgid "Estimated computation size"
 msgstr "추정된 연산 크기"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:344
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:373
 msgid "CPU time at last checkpoint"
 msgstr "마지막 기록 지점의 CPU 시간"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:345 DlgItemProperties.cpp:360
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:374
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:389
 msgid "CPU time"
 msgstr "CPU 시간"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:347 DlgItemProperties.cpp:361
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:376
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:390
 msgid "Elapsed time"
 msgstr "경과 시간"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:349
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:378
 msgid "Estimated time remaining"
 msgstr "추정된 남은 시간"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:350
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:379
 msgid "Fraction done"
 msgstr "분석 완료치"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:351
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:380
 msgid "Virtual memory size"
 msgstr "가상 메모리 크기"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:352
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:381
 msgid "Working set size"
 msgstr "설정한 크기로 작업 중"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:354
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:383
 msgid "Directory"
 msgstr "디렉토리"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:357
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:386
 msgid "Process ID"
 msgstr "프로세스 ID"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:427 ViewWork.cpp:1032 sg_TaskPanel.cpp:823
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:456
 msgid "Local: "
 msgstr "로컬: "
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:129 DlgOptions.cpp:135
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:129
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:135
 msgid "Options"
 msgstr "선택 사항"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:175
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:178
 msgid "Language:"
 msgstr "언어:"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:182
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:185
 msgid "What language should BOINC use?"
 msgstr "BOINC가 어떤 언어를 쓰길 원합니까?"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:186
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:189
 msgid "Notice reminder interval:"
 msgstr "공지 사항 알리미 간격:"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:193
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:196
 msgid "How often should BOINC remind you of new notices?"
 msgstr "얼마나 자주 BOINC가 새로운 공지 사항을 알려주길 원하십니까?"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:198
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:201
 msgid "Run Manager at login?"
 msgstr "로그인시 관리자를 실행할까요?"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:204
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:207
 msgid "Run the BOINC Manager when you log on."
 msgstr "로그온시 BOINC 관리자를 실행합니다."
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:209
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:212
 msgid "Enable Manager exit dialog?"
 msgstr "관리자 종료 창을 표시할까요?"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:215
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:218
 msgid "Display the exit dialog when shutting down the Manager."
 msgstr "관리자를 종료할 때 종료 창을 표시합니다."
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:226
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:229
 msgid "Dial-up and Virtual Private Network settings"
 msgstr "전화 접속과 가상 사설 네트워크(VPN) 설정"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:240
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:243
 msgid "&Set Default"
 msgstr "기본값 설정((&S)"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:245
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:248
 msgid "&Clear Default"
 msgstr "기본값 지우기(&C)"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:252
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:255
 msgid "Default Connection:"
 msgstr "기본 접속:"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:259
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:262
 msgid "Connections"
 msgstr "접속"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:268
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:271
 msgid "Connect via HTTP proxy server"
 msgstr "HTTP 프록시 서버를 통해 접속"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:272
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:275
 msgid "HTTP Proxy Server Configuration"
 msgstr "HTTP 프록시 서버 설정"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:280 DlgOptions.cpp:344
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:283
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:347
 msgid "Address:"
 msgstr "주소:"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:288 DlgOptions.cpp:352 ProxyPage.cpp:340 ProxyPage.cpp:360
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:291
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:355
 msgid "Port:"
 msgstr "포트:"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:296 DlgOptions.cpp:360
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:299
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:363
 msgid "Don't use proxy for:"
 msgstr "다음 경우 프록시를 사용 안 함:"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:303 DlgOptions.cpp:367
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:306
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:370
 msgid "Leave these blank if not needed"
 msgstr "필요없으면 빈 칸으로 남겨두세요"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:309 DlgOptions.cpp:373 ProxyPage.cpp:343 ProxyPage.cpp:363
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:312
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:376
 msgid "User Name:"
 msgstr "사용자 이름:"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:317 DlgOptions.cpp:381 DlgSelectComputer.cpp:152
-#: ProxyPage.cpp:346 ProxyPage.cpp:366
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:320
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:384
+#: clientgui/DlgSelectComputer.cpp:152
 msgid "Password:"
 msgstr "암호:"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:324
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:327
 msgid "HTTP Proxy"
 msgstr "HTTP 프록시"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:332
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:335
 msgid "Connect via SOCKS proxy server"
 msgstr "SOCKS 프록시 서버를 통해 접속"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:336
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:339
 msgid "SOCKS Proxy Server Configuration"
 msgstr "SOCKS 프록시 서버 설정"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:388
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:391
 msgid "SOCKS Proxy"
 msgstr "SOCKS 프록시"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:586
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:589
 msgid "always"
 msgstr "항상 실행"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:587
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:590
 msgid "1 hour"
 msgstr "1 시간"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:588
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:591
 msgid "6 hours"
 msgstr "6 시간"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:589
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:592
 msgid "1 day"
 msgstr "1 일"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:590
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:593
 msgid "1 week"
 msgstr "1 주"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:591
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:594
 msgid "never"
 msgstr "알리지 않음"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:688
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:691
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - Language Selection"
 msgstr "%s - 언어 선택"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:695
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:698
 #, c-format
-msgid ""
-"The %s's language has been changed.  In order for this change to take "
-"effect, you must restart the %s."
+msgid "The %s's language has been changed.  In order for this change to take effect, you must restart the %s."
 msgstr "%s 언어가 변경되었습니다.  해당 변경 사항을 적용하기 위해서는 %s을(를) 재시작해야 됩니다."
-#: DlgSelectComputer.cpp:91
+#: clientgui/DlgSelectComputer.cpp:91
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - Select Computer"
 msgstr "%s - 컴퓨터 선택"
-#: DlgSelectComputer.cpp:125
+#: clientgui/DlgSelectComputer.cpp:125
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "Another instance of %s is already running \n"
@@ -2051,412 +2137,414 @@ msgstr ""
 "다른 %s 객체가 이미 이 컴퓨터에서 \n"
 "실행중입니다. 모니터에서 클라이언트를 선택해 주세요."
-#: DlgSelectComputer.cpp:143
+#: clientgui/DlgSelectComputer.cpp:143
 msgid "Host name:"
 msgstr "호스트 이름:"
-#: Localization.cpp:31 Localization.cpp:69
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:31
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:69
 msgid "Message boards"
 msgstr "게시판"
-#: Localization.cpp:33
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:33
 msgid "Correspond with other users on the SETI at home message boards"
 msgstr "SETI at home상의 다른 사용자와 게시판에서 이야기를 주고 받으세요"
-#: Localization.cpp:37
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:37
 msgid "Ask questions and report problems"
 msgstr "질문하기와 문제 보고"
-#: Localization.cpp:39 Localization.cpp:81 Localization.cpp:111
-#: Localization.cpp:129
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:39
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:81
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:111
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:129
 msgid "Your account"
 msgstr "계정"
-#: Localization.cpp:41 Localization.cpp:87 Localization.cpp:113
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:41
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:87
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:113
 msgid "View your account information and credit totals"
 msgstr "계정 정보와 모든 크레딧을 볼 수 있습니다"
-#: Localization.cpp:43
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:43
 msgid "Your preferences"
 msgstr "설정"
-#: Localization.cpp:45
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:45
 msgid "View and modify your SETI at home account profile and preferences"
 msgstr "SETI at home 계정 프로필과 환경 설정을 보고 수정할 수 있습니다"
-#: Localization.cpp:47 Localization.cpp:89
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:47
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:89
 msgid "Your results"
 msgstr "결과"
-#: Localization.cpp:49 Localization.cpp:91
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:49
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:91
 msgid "View your last week (or more) of computational results and work"
 msgstr "지난 주 (혹은 그 이전)의 계산 결과 및 작업을 볼 수 있습니다"
-#: Localization.cpp:51 Localization.cpp:93
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:51
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:93
 msgid "Your computers"
 msgstr "컴퓨터"
-#: Localization.cpp:53
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:53
 msgid "View a listing of all the computers on which you are running SETI at Home"
 msgstr "SETI at Home을 수행 중인 모든 컴퓨터 목록을 보여줍니다"
-#: Localization.cpp:55 Localization.cpp:97
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:55
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:97
 msgid "Your team"
 msgstr "팀"
-#: Localization.cpp:57 Localization.cpp:99
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:57
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:99
 msgid "View information about your team"
 msgstr "여러분이 속한 팀 정보를 보여줍니다"
-#: Localization.cpp:61
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:61
 msgid "Common questions"
 msgstr "일반 질문"
-#: Localization.cpp:63
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:63
 msgid "Read the Einstein at Home Frequently Asked Question list"
 msgstr "Einstein at Home FAQ목록을 읽습니다"
-#: Localization.cpp:65
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:65
 msgid "Screensaver info"
 msgstr "화면보호기 정보"
-#: Localization.cpp:67
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:67
 msgid "Read a detailed description of the Einstein at Home screensaver"
 msgstr "Einstein at Home 화면보호기에 대해서 보다 자세한 정보를 읽어봅니다"
-#: Localization.cpp:71
-msgid ""
-"Correspond with admins and other users on the Einstein at Home message boards"
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:71
+msgid "Correspond with admins and other users on the Einstein at Home message boards"
 msgstr "Einstein at Home 게시판에서 운영자 및 다른 사용자와 이야기를 주고 받으세요"
-#: Localization.cpp:73
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:73
 msgid "Einstein status"
 msgstr "Einstein 상태"
-#: Localization.cpp:75
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:75
 msgid "Current status of the Einstein at Home server"
 msgstr "Einstein at Home서버의 현재 상태"
-#: Localization.cpp:77
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:77
 msgid "Report problems"
 msgstr "문제점 보고"
-#: Localization.cpp:79
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:79
 msgid "A link to the Einstein at Home problems and bug reports message board"
 msgstr "Einstein at Home문제와 버그 리포트 게시판 링크"
-#: Localization.cpp:83
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:83
 msgid "View and modify your Einstein at Home account profile and preferences"
 msgstr "Einstein at Home 계정 프로필과 환경 설정을 보고 수정할 수 있습니다"
-#: Localization.cpp:85
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:85
 msgid "Account summary"
 msgstr "계정 요약"
-#: Localization.cpp:95
-msgid ""
-"View a listing of all the computers on which you are running Einstein at Home"
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:95
+msgid "View a listing of all the computers on which you are running Einstein at Home"
 msgstr "Einstein at Home을 수행 중인 모든 컴퓨터 목록을 보여줍니다"
-#: Localization.cpp:101
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:101
 msgid "LIGO project"
 msgstr "LIGO 프로젝트"
-#: Localization.cpp:103
-msgid ""
-"The home page of the Laser Interferometer Gravitational-wave Observatory "
-"(LIGO) project"
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:103
+msgid "The home page of the Laser Interferometer Gravitational-wave Observatory (LIGO) project"
 msgstr "레이저 간섭계 중력파 관측소 (LIGO) 프로젝트 홈 페이지"
-#: Localization.cpp:105
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:105
 msgid "GEO-600 project"
 msgstr "GEO-600 프로젝트"
-#: Localization.cpp:107
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:107
 msgid "The home page of the GEO-600 project"
 msgstr "GEO-600 프로젝트의 홈 페이지"
-#: Localization.cpp:115 Localization.cpp:133 ViewProjects.cpp:221
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:465
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:115
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:133
 msgid "Team"
 msgstr "팀"
-#: Localization.cpp:117
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:117
 msgid "Info about your Team"
 msgstr "소속 팀에 대해서 알려줍니다"
-#: Localization.cpp:123
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:123
 msgid "Get help for climateprediction.net"
 msgstr "climateprediction.net을 위한 도움말"
-#: Localization.cpp:125
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:125
 msgid "News"
 msgstr "뉴스"
-#: Localization.cpp:127
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:127
 msgid "climateprediction.net News"
 msgstr "climateprediction.net 뉴스"
-#: Localization.cpp:131
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:131
 msgid "View your account information, credits, and trickles"
 msgstr "계정 정보, 크레딧과 trickles을 보여줍니다"
-#: Localization.cpp:135
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:135
 msgid "Info about your team"
 msgstr "소속 팀에 대해서 알려줍니다"
-#: Localization.cpp:141
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:141
 msgid "Search for help in our help system"
 msgstr "도움말 시스템에서 도움말을 검색합니다"
-#: Localization.cpp:143
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:143
 msgid "Global Statistics"
 msgstr "세계 통계"
-#: Localization.cpp:145
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:145
 msgid "Summary statistics for World Community Grid"
 msgstr "World Community Grid를 위한 통계 요약"
-#: Localization.cpp:147
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:147
 msgid "My Grid"
 msgstr "내 그리드"
-#: Localization.cpp:149
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:149
 msgid "Your statistics and settings"
 msgstr "통계와 설정"
-#: Localization.cpp:151
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:151
 msgid "Device Profiles"
 msgstr "장치 프로파일"
-#: Localization.cpp:153
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:153
 msgid "Update your device settings"
 msgstr "장치 설정을 업데이트"
-#: Localization.cpp:155
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:155
 msgid "Research"
 msgstr "연구"
-#: Localization.cpp:157
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:157
 msgid "Learn about the projects hosted at World Community Grid"
 msgstr "World Community Grid가 주관하는 프로젝트를 알아봅니다"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:583
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:583
 msgid "Starting client"
 msgstr "클라이언트 시작 중"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:591
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:591
 msgid "Connecting to client"
 msgstr "클라이언트에 연결."
-#: MainDocument.cpp:1195
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:1205
 msgid "Retrieving system state; please wait..."
 msgstr "시스템 상태를 검색 중 입니다; 잠시만 기다려 주세요..."
-#: MainDocument.cpp:1816
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:1826
 msgid "Missing application"
 msgstr "프로그램 누락됨"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:1817
-msgid ""
-"Please download and install the CoRD application from http://cord."
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:1827
+msgid "Please download and install the CoRD application from http://cord.sourceforge.net"
 msgstr "http://cord.sourceforge.net에서 CoRD 어플리케이션을 다운로드하고 설치하세요"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2432
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2442
 msgid "on batteries"
 msgstr "배터리 가동"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2433
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2443
 msgid "computer is in use"
 msgstr "컴퓨터가 사용중"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2434
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2444
 msgid "user request"
 msgstr "사용자 요청"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2435
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2445
 msgid "time of day"
 msgstr "설정한 시간이 아닙니다"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2436
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2446
 msgid "CPU benchmarks in progress"
 msgstr "CPU 벤치마크 진행 중"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2437
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2447
 msgid "need disk space - check preferences"
 msgstr "디스크 공간 필요 - 환경 설정을 확인하세요"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2438
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2448
 msgid "computer is not in use"
 msgstr "컴퓨터가 사용중이 아님"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2439
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2449
 msgid "starting up"
 msgstr "시작하는 중"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2440
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2450
 msgid "an exclusive app is running"
 msgstr "독점 프로그램이 실행 중"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2441
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2451
 msgid "CPU is busy"
 msgstr "CPU가 다른 작업 중"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2442
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2452
 msgid "network bandwidth limit exceeded"
 msgstr "네트워크 대역폭이 한계에 도달했습니다"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2443
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2453
 msgid "requested by operating system"
 msgstr "운영체제에서 요청함"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2445
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2455
 msgid "unknown reason"
 msgstr "알 수 없는 원인"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2467
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2477
 msgid "GPU missing, "
 msgstr "GPU 탐지 실패,"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2474
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2484
 msgid "New"
 msgstr "새로 만들기"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2478
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2488
 msgid "Download failed"
 msgstr "다운로드 실패"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2480
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2490
 msgid "Downloading"
 msgstr "다운로드 중"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2482 MainDocument.cpp:2552
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2492
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2557
 msgid " (suspended - "
 msgstr " (일시 정지됨 - "
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2490
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2500
 msgid "Project suspended by user"
 msgstr "사용자가 일시 정지시킨 프로젝트"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2492
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2502
 msgid "Task suspended by user"
 msgstr "사용자가 일시 정지시킨 태스크"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2494
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2504
 msgid "Suspended - "
 msgstr "일시 정지됨 - "
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2500
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2510
 msgid "GPU suspended - "
 msgstr "GPU 일시 정지됨 - "
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2507
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2517
 msgid "Waiting for memory"
 msgstr " - 디스크 공간이 부족합니다"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2509
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2519
 msgid "Waiting for shared memory"
 msgstr "공유된 메모리가 비길 기다리고 있습니다"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2512
-msgid "Running, high priority"
-msgstr "높은 우선 순위로 실행 중"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2514
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2521
 msgid "Running"
 msgstr "실행 중"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2517
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2523
 msgid " (non-CPU-intensive)"
 msgstr "(CPU 비 집약적)"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2520
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2526
 msgid "Waiting to run"
 msgstr "실행 대기 중"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2522 MainDocument.cpp:2528
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2528
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2534
 msgid "Ready to start"
 msgstr "시작 대기"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2532
-msgid " (Scheduler wait: "
-msgstr " (스케줄러 대기:"
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2538
+msgid "Postponed: "
+msgstr ""
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2536
-msgid " (Scheduler wait)"
-msgstr " (스케줄러 대기)"
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2541
+msgid "Postponed"
+msgstr ""
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2540
-msgid " (Waiting for network access)"
-msgstr " (네트워크 액세스 대기중)"
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2545
+msgid "Waiting for network access"
+msgstr ""
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2544
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2549
 msgid "Computation error"
 msgstr "계산 오류"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2548
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2553
 msgid "Upload failed"
 msgstr "업로드 실패"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2550
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2555
 msgid "Uploading"
 msgstr "업로드 중"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2561
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2566
 msgid "Aborted by user"
 msgstr "사용자 요구로 중단됨"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2564
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2569
 msgid "Aborted by project"
 msgstr "프로젝트가 중단됨"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2567
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2572
 msgid "Aborted: not started by deadline"
 msgstr "취소됨: 마감 시각이 지났습니다"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2570
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2575
 msgid "Aborted: disk limit exceeded"
 msgstr "중단됨: 디스크 사용량 제한치에 도달함"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2573
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2578
 msgid "Aborted: run time limit exceeded"
 msgstr "중단됨: 실행 시간 제한치에 도달함"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2576
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2581
 msgid "Aborted: memory limit exceeded"
 msgstr "중단됨: 메모리 제한치에 도달함"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2579
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2584
 msgid "Aborted"
 msgstr "중단됨"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2584
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2589
 msgid "Acknowledged"
 msgstr "다운로드 성공"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2586
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2591
 msgid "Ready to report"
 msgstr "리포트 준비 됨"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2588
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2593
 #, c-format
 msgid "Error: invalid state '%d'"
 msgstr "오류: 잘못된 상태 '%d'"
-#: NoInternetConnectionPage.cpp:179
+#: clientgui/NoInternetConnectionPage.cpp:179
 msgid "No Internet connection"
 msgstr "인터넷 연결 없음"
-#: NoInternetConnectionPage.cpp:182
+#: clientgui/NoInternetConnectionPage.cpp:182
 msgid "Please connect to the Internet and try again."
 msgstr "인터넷에 접속하고 다시 시도하세요."
-#: NotDetectedPage.cpp:181
+#: clientgui/NotDetectedPage.cpp:181
 msgid "Project not found"
 msgstr "프로젝트를 찾지 못했습니다"
-#: NotDetectedPage.cpp:184
+#: clientgui/NotDetectedPage.cpp:184
 msgid ""
 "The URL you supplied is not that of a BOINC-based project.\n"
@@ -2466,11 +2554,11 @@ msgstr ""
 "URL을 확인하시고 다시 시도해 주세요."
-#: NotDetectedPage.cpp:188
+#: clientgui/NotDetectedPage.cpp:188
 msgid "Account manager not found"
 msgstr "계정 관리자를 찾지 못했습니다"
-#: NotDetectedPage.cpp:191
+#: clientgui/NotDetectedPage.cpp:191
 msgid ""
 "The URL you supplied is not that of a BOINC-based account\n"
@@ -2481,89 +2569,90 @@ msgstr ""
 "URL을 확인하시고 다시 시도해 주세요."
-#: NotFoundPage.cpp:181
+#: clientgui/NotFoundPage.cpp:181
 msgid "Login Failed."
 msgstr "로그인 실패."
-#: NotFoundPage.cpp:185
+#: clientgui/NotFoundPage.cpp:185
 msgid "Check the username and password, and try again."
 msgstr "사용자 이름과 비밀번호를 확인하시고 다시 시도해 주세요."
-#: NotFoundPage.cpp:189
+#: clientgui/NotFoundPage.cpp:189
 msgid "Check the email address and password, and try again."
 msgstr "Email 주소와 비밀번호를 확인하시고, 다시 시도해 주세요."
-#: NoticeListCtrl.cpp:222
+#: clientgui/NoticeListCtrl.cpp:229
 msgid "more..."
 msgstr "자세히..."
-#: ProjectInfoPage.cpp:477 ProjectInfoPage.cpp:778 ProjectInfoPage.cpp:782
-msgid "All"
-msgstr "전체"
-#: ProjectInfoPage.cpp:615
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:221
 msgid "Choose a project"
 msgstr "프로젝트를 선택하세요"
-#: ProjectInfoPage.cpp:619
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:228
 msgid "To choose a project, click its name or type its URL below."
 msgstr "프로젝트를 선택하려면 이를을 클릭하거나 하단에 URL을 입력하세요."
-#: ProjectInfoPage.cpp:623
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:246
 msgid "Categories:"
 msgstr "카테고리:"
-#: ProjectInfoPage.cpp:627 sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:89
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:267
 msgid "Projects:"
 msgstr "프로젝트:"
-#: ProjectInfoPage.cpp:631
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:279
 msgid "Project details"
 msgstr "프로젝트 상세 정보"
-#: ProjectInfoPage.cpp:635
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:291
 msgid "Research area:"
 msgstr "연구 분야:"
-#: ProjectInfoPage.cpp:639
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:302
 msgid "Organization:"
 msgstr "소속:"
-#: ProjectInfoPage.cpp:643
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:313
 msgid "Web site:"
 msgstr "웹 사이트:"
-#: ProjectInfoPage.cpp:647
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:325
 msgid "Supported systems:"
 msgstr "지원되는 시스템:"
-#: ProjectInfoPage.cpp:651
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:363
 msgid "Project URL:"
 msgstr "프로젝트 URL:"
-#: ProjectInfoPage.cpp:826
-msgid ""
-"This project may not have work for your type of computer.  Do you want to "
-"add it anyway?"
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:499
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:754
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:758
+msgid "All"
+msgstr "전체"
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:802
+msgid "This project may not have work for your type of computer.  Do you want to add it anyway?"
 msgstr "이 프로젝트는 해당 컴퓨터에서 동작하지 않을 수도 있습니다. 그래도 추가하시겠습니까?"
-#: ProjectInfoPage.cpp:850
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:826
 msgid "You already added this project. Please choose a different project."
 msgstr "이미 이 프로젝트가 추가되어 있습니다. 다른 프로젝트를 선택해주세요."
-#: ProjectProcessingPage.cpp:321
+#: clientgui/ProjectProcessingPage.cpp:321
 msgid "Communicating with project."
 msgstr "프로젝트 서버와 통신 중"
-#: ProjectProcessingPage.cpp:509
+#: clientgui/ProjectProcessingPage.cpp:510
 msgid "Required files not found on the server."
 msgstr "서버에서 필요한 파일을 찾을 수 없습니다."
-#: ProjectProcessingPage.cpp:512 ProjectProcessingPage.cpp:574
+#: clientgui/ProjectProcessingPage.cpp:513
+#: clientgui/ProjectProcessingPage.cpp:586
 msgid "An internal server error has occurred."
 msgstr "내부 서버 오류가 발생했습니다."
-#: ProjectPropertiesPage.cpp:334
+#: clientgui/ProjectPropertiesPage.cpp:334
 msgid ""
 "Communicating with project\n"
 "Please wait..."
@@ -2571,11 +2660,48 @@ msgstr ""
 "프로젝트 서버와 통신하고 있습니다\n"
 "잠시 기다려 주세요..."
-#: ProxyInfoPage.cpp:195
+#: clientgui/ProjectWelcomePage.cpp:251
+#, c-format
+msgid "Welcome to %s."
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ProjectWelcomePage.cpp:254
+msgid "You have volunteered to compute for this project:"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ProjectWelcomePage.cpp:255
+msgid "Name:"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ProjectWelcomePage.cpp:258
+msgid "Home:"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ProjectWelcomePage.cpp:262
+msgid "Description:"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ProjectWelcomePage.cpp:265
+msgid "URL:"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ProjectWelcomePage.cpp:268
+msgid "User:"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ProjectWelcomePage.cpp:273
+msgid "WARNING: This project is not registered with BOINC.  Make sure you trust it before continuing."
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ProjectWelcomePage.cpp:277
+msgid "To continue, click Next."
+msgstr "계속하려면, 다음을 누르세요."
+#: clientgui/ProxyInfoPage.cpp:195
 msgid "Network communication failure"
 msgstr "네트워크 통신 실패"
-#: ProxyInfoPage.cpp:199
+#: clientgui/ProxyInfoPage.cpp:199
 msgid ""
 "The World Community Grid - BOINC software failed to communicate\n"
 "over the Internet. The most likely reasons are:\n"
@@ -2605,7 +2731,7 @@ msgstr ""
 "3) 프록시 서버를 사용하고 계시다면\n"
 "다음을 눌러 BOINC 프록시 설정을 설정해주세요."
-#: ProxyInfoPage.cpp:203
+#: clientgui/ProxyInfoPage.cpp:203
 msgid ""
 "BOINC failed to communicate on the Internet.\n"
 "The most likely reasons are:\n"
@@ -2633,1251 +2759,1343 @@ msgstr ""
 "3) 프록시 서버를 사용하고 계시다면\n"
 "다음을 눌러 BOINC 프록시 설정을 설정해주세요."
-#: ProxyPage.cpp:331
+#: clientgui/ProxyPage.cpp:331
 msgid "Proxy configuration"
 msgstr "프록시 설정"
-#: ProxyPage.cpp:334
+#: clientgui/ProxyPage.cpp:334
 msgid "HTTP proxy"
 msgstr "HTTP 프록시"
-#: ProxyPage.cpp:337 ProxyPage.cpp:357
+#: clientgui/ProxyPage.cpp:337
+#: clientgui/ProxyPage.cpp:357
 msgid "Server:"
 msgstr "서버:"
-#: ProxyPage.cpp:350
+#: clientgui/ProxyPage.cpp:350
 msgid "Autodetect"
 msgstr "자동 감지"
-#: ProxyPage.cpp:354
+#: clientgui/ProxyPage.cpp:354
 msgid "SOCKS proxy"
 msgstr "SOCKS 프록시"
-#: TermsOfUsePage.cpp:218
-msgid "Terms of Use"
-msgstr "사용 계약"
-#: TermsOfUsePage.cpp:222
-msgid "Please read the following terms of use:"
-msgstr "다음 사용 계약을 읽어주세요:"
-#: TermsOfUsePage.cpp:231
-msgid "I agree to the terms of use."
-msgstr "사용 계약에 동의합니다."
-#: TermsOfUsePage.cpp:237
-msgid "I do not agree to the terms of use."
-msgstr "사용 계약에 동의하지 않습니다."
+#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:167
+msgid "Advanced View...\tCtrl+Shift+A"
+msgstr "고급 보기...\tCtrl+Shift+A"
-#: UnavailablePage.cpp:183
-msgid "Project temporarily unavailable"
-msgstr "프로젝트가 일시적으로 불가능"
+#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:168
+msgid "Display the advanced graphical interface."
+msgstr "고급 사용자 그래픽 인터페이스를 표시합니다."
-#: UnavailablePage.cpp:186
-msgid ""
-"The project is temporarily unavailable.\n"
-"Please try again later."
-msgstr ""
-"프로젝트가 일시적으로 불가능합니다.\n"
-"나중에 다시 시도해주세요."
+#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:175
+msgid "Skin"
+msgstr "스킨"
-#: UnavailablePage.cpp:190
-msgid "Account manager temporarily unavailable"
-msgstr "계정 관리자가 일시적으로 불가능"
+#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:177
+msgid "Select the appearance of the user interface."
+msgstr "사용자 인터페이스의 외형을 선택하세요."
-#: UnavailablePage.cpp:193
-msgid ""
-"The account manager is temporarily unavailable.\n"
-"Please try again later."
-msgstr ""
-"계정 관리자가 일시적으로 불가능합니다.\n"
-"나중에 다시 시도해주세요."
+#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:224
+#, c-format
+msgid "&%s"
+msgstr "&%s"
-#: ValidateAccountKey.cpp:68
-msgid "Please specify an account key to continue."
-msgstr "계속하려면 계정 키를 정의해 주세요."
+#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:405
+msgid "Default"
+msgstr "기본값"
-#: ValidateAccountKey.cpp:71
-msgid "Invalid Account Key; please enter a valid Account Key"
-msgstr "잘못된 계정 키; 올바른 계정 키를 입력하세요"
+#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:848
+msgid "Suspend"
+msgstr "일시 정지"
-#: ValidateAccountKey.cpp:82 ValidateEmailAddress.cpp:86
-msgid "Validation conflict"
-msgstr "확인 충돌"
+#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:850
+msgid "Suspend Computing"
+msgstr "연산 일시중지"
-#: ValidateEmailAddress.cpp:72
-msgid "Please specify an email address"
-msgstr "email 주소를 입력해 주세요"
+#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:851
+msgid "Resume Computing"
+msgstr "연산 재개"
-#: ValidateEmailAddress.cpp:75
-msgid "Invalid email address; please enter a valid email address"
-msgstr "잘못된 이메일 주소입니다; 올바른 이메일 주소를 입력 하세요"
+#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:867
+msgid "Notices"
+msgstr "공지 사항"
-#: ValidateURL.cpp:69
-msgid "Missing URL"
-msgstr "URL 없음"
+#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:868
+msgid "Open a window to view notices from projects or BOINC"
+msgstr "BOINC나 프로젝트에서 온 공지 사항을 보기 위해 창을 엽니다"
-#: ValidateURL.cpp:70
-msgid ""
-"Please specify a URL.\n"
-"For example:\n"
-msgstr ""
-"URL을 지정해주세요.\n"
-"예를 들어:\n"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgMessages.cpp:124
+msgid "Fetching notices; please wait..."
+msgstr "공지사항 수신 중. 잠시만 기다려 주세요..."
-#: ValidateURL.cpp:83 ValidateURL.cpp:87 ValidateURL.cpp:91
-#: ValidateURL.cpp:103 ValidateURL.cpp:107 ValidateURL.cpp:110
-msgid "Invalid URL"
-msgstr "잘못된 URL"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgMessages.cpp:132
+msgid "There are no notices at this time."
+msgstr "지금은 새로운 공지 사항이 없습니다."
-#: ValidateURL.cpp:84 ValidateURL.cpp:88 ValidateURL.cpp:92
-msgid ""
-"Please specify a valid URL.\n"
-"For example:\n"
-msgstr ""
-"올바른 URL을 지정해주세요.\n"
-"예를 들어:\n"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgMessages.cpp:146
+msgid "Close"
+msgstr "닫기"
-#: ValidateURL.cpp:104 ValidateURL.cpp:108
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgMessages.cpp:394
 #, c-format
-msgid "'%s' does not contain a valid host name."
-msgstr "'%s'은(는) 유효한 호스트 이름을 포함하고 있지 않습니다."
+msgid "%s - Notices"
+msgstr "%s - 공지 사항"
-#: ValidateURL.cpp:111
-#, c-format
-msgid "'%s' does not contain a valid path."
-msgstr "'%s'은(는) 유효한 경로를 포함하고 있지 않습니다."
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:270
+msgid "This dialog controls preferences for this computer only."
+msgstr "이 다이얼로그는 이 컴퓨터의 환경 설정만 제어합니다."
-#: ViewMessages.cpp:84 ViewProjects.cpp:170 ViewStatistics.cpp:1978
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:160 ViewWork.cpp:183
-msgid "Commands"
-msgstr "명령"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:275
+msgid "Click OK to set preferences."
+msgstr "저장하려면 확인을 누르세요."
-#: ViewMessages.cpp:88
-msgid "Copy all messages"
-msgstr "모든 메시지 복사"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:280
+msgid "Click Clear to restore web-based settings for all preferences listed below."
+msgstr "아래 나열된 모든 환경설정을 웹기반 설정으로 복원하려면 지우기를 누르세요."
-#: ViewMessages.cpp:95
-msgid "Copy selected messages"
-msgstr "선택한 메시지 복사"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:287
+msgid "For additional settings, select Computing Preferences in the Advanced View."
+msgstr "추가적인 설정은 고급 보기 상태로 변경 후 연산 환경 설정에서 선택하세요."
-#: ViewMessages.cpp:106 ViewMessages.cpp:502
-msgid "Show only this project"
-msgstr "이 프로젝트만 보여주기"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:315
+msgid "Do work only between:"
+msgstr "이 시간 사이에만 작업:"
-#: ViewMessages.cpp:107 ViewMessages.cpp:503
-msgid "Show only the messages for the selected project."
-msgstr "선택한 프로젝의 메세지만 보여줍니다."
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:337
+msgid "Connect to internet only between:"
+msgstr "이 시간 사이에만 인터넷이 접속:"
-#: ViewMessages.cpp:164
-msgid "Messages"
-msgstr "메시지"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:359
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:376
+msgid "Use no more than:"
+msgstr "최대 사용 한도:"
-#: ViewMessages.cpp:187
-msgid "Copying all messages to the clipboard..."
-msgstr "모든 메시지를 클립보드에 복사 중..."
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:372
+msgid "of disk space"
+msgstr "디스크 공간"
-#: ViewMessages.cpp:223
-msgid "Copying selected messages to the clipboard..."
-msgstr "선택한 메시지를 클립보드로 복사하고 있습니다..."
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:389
+msgid "of the processor"
+msgstr "프로세서"
-#: ViewMessages.cpp:286
-msgid "Filtering messages..."
-msgstr "메세지를 걸러내고 있습니다..."
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:393
+msgid "Do work while on battery?"
+msgstr "배터리 가동 중에도 작업하시겠습니까?"
-#: ViewMessages.cpp:494
-msgid "Show all messages"
-msgstr "모든 메시지 보여주기"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:406
+msgid "Do work after idle for:"
+msgstr "이 시간 이상 대기 후 작업:"
-#: ViewMessages.cpp:495
-msgid "Show messages for all projects."
-msgstr "모든 프로젝트의 메세지를 보여줍니다."
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:431
+msgid "Clear all local preferences listed above and close the dialog"
+msgstr "위에 나열된 모든 로컬 환경 설정이 지우고 다이얼로그를 닫습니다"
-#: ViewNotices.cpp:58 sg_DlgMessages.cpp:124
-msgid "Fetching notices; please wait..."
-msgstr "공지사항 수신 중. 잠시만 기다려 주세요..."
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:609
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:612
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:688
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:692
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:704
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:708
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:851
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:862
+msgid "Anytime"
+msgstr "언제든"
-#: ViewNotices.cpp:65 sg_DlgMessages.cpp:132
-msgid "There are no notices at this time."
-msgstr "지금은 새로운 공지 사항이 없습니다."
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:645
+msgid "100 MB"
+msgstr "100 MB"
-#: ViewNotices.cpp:99 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:776
-msgid "Notices"
-msgstr "공지 사항"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:646
+msgid "200 MB"
+msgstr "200 MB"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:174 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:61
-msgid "Update"
-msgstr "업데이트"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:647
+msgid "500 MB"
+msgstr "500 MB"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:175 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:62
-msgid ""
-"Report all completed tasks, get latest credit, get latest preferences, and "
-"possibly get more tasks."
-msgstr "모든 완료된 태스크를 보고하고 마지막 크레딧과 환경 설정을 받아오며 가능하면 추가 태스크를 받아옵니다."
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:648
+msgid "1 GB"
+msgstr "1 GB"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:181 ViewProjects.cpp:722 ViewWork.cpp:208 ViewWork.cpp:801
-#: sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:757 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:67
-#: sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:113 sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:66
-#: sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:106
-msgid "Suspend"
-msgstr "일시 정지"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:649
+msgid "2 GB"
+msgstr "2 GB"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:182 ViewProjects.cpp:722 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:68
-#: sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:114
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:650
+msgid "5 GB"
+msgstr "5 GB"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:651
+msgid "10 GB"
+msgstr "10 GB"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:652
+msgid "20 GB"
+msgstr "20 GB"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:653
+msgid "50 GB"
+msgstr "50 GB"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:654
+msgid "100 GB"
+msgstr "100 GB"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:724
+#, c-format
+msgid "%d MB"
+msgstr "%d MB"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:726
+#, c-format
+msgid "%4.2f GB"
+msgstr "%4.2f GB"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:767
+#, c-format
+msgid "%d%%"
+msgstr "%d%%"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:803
+msgid "0 (Run Always)"
+msgstr "0 (항상 실행)"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:806
+#, c-format
+msgid "%d"
+msgstr "%d"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:953
+#, c-format
+msgid "%s - Computing Preferences"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:1033
+msgid "Do you really want to clear all local preferences?\n"
+msgstr "정말로 모든 로컬 환경설정을 지우겠습니까?\n"
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:66
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:179
+msgid "Update"
+msgstr "업데이트"
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:67
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:180
+msgid "Report all completed tasks, get latest credit, get latest preferences, and possibly get more tasks."
+msgstr "모든 완료된 태스크를 보고하고 마지막 크레딧과 환경 설정을 받아오며 가능하면 추가 태스크를 받아옵니다."
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:73
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:129
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:187
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:727
 msgid "Suspend tasks for this project."
 msgstr "이 프로젝트 태스크를 일시 정지시킵니다."
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:188 ViewProjects.cpp:741 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:73
-#: sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:121
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:78
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:136
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:193
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:746
 msgid "No new tasks"
 msgstr "새 태스크 금지"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:189 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:74
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:79
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:194
 msgid "Don't get new tasks for this project."
 msgstr "이 프로젝트의 새로운 태스크를 받지 않습니다."
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:195 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:79
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:84
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:200
 msgid "Reset project"
 msgstr "프로젝트 다시 설정"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:196 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:80
-msgid ""
-"Delete all files and tasks associated with this project, and get new tasks.  "
-"You can update the project first to report any completed tasks."
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:85
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:201
+msgid "Delete all files and tasks associated with this project, and get new tasks.  You can update the project first to report any completed tasks."
 msgstr ""
 "이 프로젝트와 관련된 모든 태스크와 파일들을 삭제하고 새 태스크를 받아옵니다. 그 전에 먼저 완료된 태스크를 보고하도록 업데이트할 수 "
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:203 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:86
-msgid ""
-"Remove this project.  Tasks in progress will be lost (use 'Update' first to "
-"report any completed tasks)."
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:91
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:208
+msgid "Remove this project.  Tasks in progress will be lost (use 'Update' first to report any completed tasks)."
 msgstr "이 프로젝트를 제거합니다. 진행 중인 태스크는 소실됩니다. (완료된 태스크를 보고하려면 '업데이트'를 사용하세요)"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:209 ViewWork.cpp:222 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:91
-#: sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:78
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:96
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:84
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:214
 msgid "Properties"
 msgstr "속성"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:210 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:92
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:97
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:215
 msgid "Show project details."
 msgstr "자세한 프로젝트 정보를 보여줍니다."
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:220 ViewStatistics.cpp:450
-msgid "Account"
-msgstr "계정"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:222
-msgid "Work done"
-msgstr "완료된 작업"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:223
-msgid "Avg. work done"
-msgstr "평균 완료된 작업"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:225 ViewTransfers.cpp:188 ViewWork.cpp:234
-msgid "Status"
-msgstr "상태"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:250
-msgid "Projects"
-msgstr "프로젝트"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:302
-msgid "Updating project..."
-msgstr "프로젝트 업데이트 중..."
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:344
-msgid "Resuming project..."
-msgstr "프로젝트 다시 시작 중..."
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:348
-msgid "Suspending project..."
-msgstr "프로젝트 일시 정지 중..."
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:126
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:723
+msgid "Resume tasks for this project."
+msgstr "이 프로젝트의 태스크를 다시 시작합니다."
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:385
-msgid "Telling project to allow additional task downloads..."
-msgstr "추가적인 태스크 다운로드를 허용하도록 프로젝트에 알리는 중..."
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:133
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:742
+msgid "Allow new tasks"
+msgstr "새 태스크 허용"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:389
-msgid "Telling project to not fetch any additional tasks..."
-msgstr "프로젝트에게 추가 태스크 수용 금지를 통보하고 있습니다..."
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:134
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:742
+msgid "Allow fetching new tasks for this project."
+msgstr "이 프로젝트의 새 태스크를 수용합니다."
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:425
-msgid "Resetting project..."
-msgstr "프로젝트 다시 설정 중..."
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:137
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:746
+msgid "Don't fetch new tasks for this project."
+msgstr "이 프로젝트의 새 태스크를 수용하지 않습니다."
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:438 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:214
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:229
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:443
 #, c-format
 msgid "Are you sure you want to reset project '%s'?"
 msgstr "정말로 프로젝트 '%s' 다시 설정을 원하십니까?"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:444 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:220
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:235
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:449
 msgid "Reset Project"
 msgstr "프로젝트 다시 설정"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:483
-msgid "Removing project..."
-msgstr "프로젝트 제거 중..."
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:496 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:251
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:266
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:501
 #, c-format
 msgid "Are you sure you want to remove project '%s'?"
 msgstr "정말로 프로젝트 '%s' 를(을) 제거하시겠습니까?"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:502 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:257
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:272
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:507
 msgid "Remove Project"
 msgstr "프로젝트 제거"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:543 ViewWork.cpp:599
-msgid "Launching browser..."
-msgstr "브라우저 시작 중..."
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:718 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:111
-msgid "Resume tasks for this project."
-msgstr "이 프로젝트의 태스크를 다시 시작합니다."
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:737 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:118
-msgid "Allow new tasks"
-msgstr "새 태스크 허용"
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:72
+msgid "Add Project"
+msgstr "프로젝트 추가"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:737 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:119
-msgid "Allow fetching new tasks for this project."
-msgstr "이 프로젝트의 새 태스크를 수용합니다."
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:73
+msgid "Synchronize"
+msgstr "동기화"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:741 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:122
-msgid "Don't fetch new tasks for this project."
-msgstr "이 프로젝트의 새 태스크를 수용하지 않습니다."
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:74
+msgid "Work done for this project"
+msgstr "이 프로젝트의 작업 완료"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1058
-msgid "Requested by user"
-msgstr "사용자가 요청함"
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:77
+msgid "Synchronize projects with account manager system"
+msgstr "계정 관리자 시스템과 프로젝트를 동기화"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1059
-msgid "To fetch work"
-msgstr "작업 반입"
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:124
+msgid "Select a project to access with the controls below"
+msgstr "아래 명령으로 접근할 프로젝트를 선택하세요"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1060
-msgid "To report completed tasks"
-msgstr "완료된 태스크 보고"
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:145
+msgid "Project Web Pages"
+msgstr "프로젝트 웹 페이지"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1061
-msgid "To send trickle-up message"
-msgstr "Trickle up 메세지 보내기"
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:149
+msgid "Project Commands"
+msgstr "프로젝트 명령"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1062
-msgid "Requested by account manager"
-msgstr "계정 관리자에서 요청함"
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:276
+#, c-format
+msgid "Pop up a menu of web sites for project %s"
+msgstr "메뉴에서 %s 프로젝트 웹 사이트를 띄웁니다"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1063
-msgid "Project initialization"
-msgstr "프로젝트 초기화"
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:278
+#, c-format
+msgid "Pop up a menu of commands to apply to project %s"
+msgstr "%s 프로젝트에 적용할 명령 메뉴를 띄웁니다"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1064
-msgid "Requested by project"
-msgstr "프로젝트에서 요청함"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:66
+msgid "Show graphics"
+msgstr "그래픽 보여주기"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1065
-msgid "Unknown reason"
-msgstr "알 수 없는 이유"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:67
+msgid "Show application graphics in a window."
+msgstr "창에서 애플리케이션 그래픽 보여주기"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1079
-msgid "Suspended by user"
-msgstr "사용자에 의한 일시 정지"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:73
+msgid "Suspend this task."
+msgstr "이 태스크를 일시 중지합니다."
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1082
-msgid "Won't get new tasks"
-msgstr "새 태스크를 받지 않음"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:78
+msgid "Abort"
+msgstr "중단"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1085
-msgid "Project ended - OK to remove"
-msgstr "프로젝트가 끝남 - 확인을 누르면 제거됩니다"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:79
+msgid "Abandon this task. You will get no credit for it."
+msgstr "이 태스크를 포기합니다. 크래딧을 얻을 수 없게 됩니다."
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1088
-msgid "Will remove when tasks done"
-msgstr "태스크 완료시 제거하기"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:85
+msgid "Show task details."
+msgstr "자세한 태스크 정보를 보여줍니다."
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1091
-msgid "Scheduler request pending"
-msgstr "스케줄러 요청을 기다리고 있는 중"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:119
+msgid "Resume work for this task."
+msgstr "이 태스크를 다시 시작합니다."
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1097
-msgid "Scheduler request in progress"
-msgstr "스케쥴러 요청을 진행"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:123
+msgid "Suspend work for this task."
+msgstr "이 태스크를 일시 중지합니다."
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1100
-msgid "Trickle up message pending"
-msgstr "Trickle up 메세지가 유보됨"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:267
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Are you sure you want to abort this task '%s'?\n"
+"(Progress: %.1lf%%, Status: %s)"
+msgstr ""
+"정말로 이 태스크 '%s'를 중단하시겠습니까?\n"
+"(진행률: %.1lf%%, 상태: %s)"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1106
-msgid "Communication deferred "
-msgstr "통신 연기됨 "
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:272
+msgid "Abort task"
+msgstr "태스크 중단"
-#: ViewResources.cpp:62
-msgid "Total disk usage"
-msgstr "전체 디스크 사용량"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:468
+msgid "You don't have any projects.  Please Add a Project."
+msgstr "어떤 프로젝트도 없습니다. 프로젝트를 추가해주세요."
-#: ViewResources.cpp:83
-msgid "Disk usage by BOINC projects"
-msgstr "BOINC 프로젝트가 사용하는 디스크 용량"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:469
+msgid "Not available"
+msgstr "사용 불가"
-#: ViewResources.cpp:116
-msgid "Disk"
-msgstr "디스크"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:480
+msgid "Tasks:"
+msgstr "태스크:"
-#: ViewResources.cpp:249
-msgid "no projects: 0 bytes used"
-msgstr "프로젝트 없음: 0 바이트 사용"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:486
+msgid "Select a task to access"
+msgstr "접근할 태스크를 선택하세요"
-#: ViewResources.cpp:286
-msgid "used by BOINC: "
-msgstr "BOINC가 사용함:"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:497
+msgid "From:"
+msgstr "알림:"
-#: ViewResources.cpp:296
-msgid "free, available to BOINC: "
-msgstr "빈, BOINC가 사용 가능:"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:551
+msgid "This task's progress"
+msgstr "이 태스크의 진행률"
-#: ViewResources.cpp:306
-msgid "free, not available to BOINC: "
-msgstr "빈, BOINC가 사용 불가능:"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:569
+msgid "Task Commands"
+msgstr "태스크 명령"
-#: ViewResources.cpp:316
-msgid "free: "
-msgstr "빈:"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:570
+msgid "Pop up a menu of commands to apply to this task"
+msgstr "이 태스크에 적용할 명령 메뉴를 띄웁니다"
-#: ViewResources.cpp:326
-msgid "used by other programs: "
-msgstr "다른 프로그램이 사용 중:"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:705
+#, c-format
+msgid "Application: %s"
+msgstr "응용 프로그램: %s"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:1205
-msgid "User Total"
-msgstr "사용자 전체"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:728
+#, c-format
+msgid "%.3f%%"
+msgstr "%.3f%%"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:1206
-msgid "User Average"
-msgstr "사용자 평균"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:736
+msgid "Application: Not available"
+msgstr "응용 프로그램: 사용 불가"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:1207
-msgid "Host Total"
-msgstr "호스트 전체"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:836
+msgid "Not Available"
+msgstr "사용 불가"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:1208
-msgid "Host Average"
-msgstr "호스트 평균"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:851
+#, c-format
+msgid "Elapsed: %s"
+msgstr "경과 시간: %s"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:1355
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:865
 #, c-format
-msgid "Last update: %.0f days ago"
-msgstr "마지막 업데이트: %.0f 일 전"
+msgid "Remaining (estimated): %s"
+msgstr "남은 시간 (추정치): %s"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:1982
-msgid "Show user total"
-msgstr "사용자 전체 보여주기"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:880
+#, c-format
+msgid "Status: %s"
+msgstr "상태: %s"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:1983
-msgid "Show total credit for user"
-msgstr "사용자 전체 크레딧 보여주기"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1227
+msgid "Retrieving current status."
+msgstr "현재 상태를 복구중."
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:1989
-msgid "Show user average"
-msgstr "사용자 평균 보여주기"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1233
+msgid "Downloading work from the server."
+msgstr "작업 유닛을 서버에서 다운로드하고 있습니다."
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:1990
-msgid "Show average credit for user"
-msgstr "사용자 평균 크레딧 보여주기"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1238
+msgid "Processing Suspended:  Running On Batteries."
+msgstr "작업 일시 정지: 컴퓨터가 배터리로 가동되고 있습니다."
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:1996
-msgid "Show host total"
-msgstr "호스트 전체 보여주기"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1240
+msgid "Processing Suspended:  User Active."
+msgstr "작업 일시 정지: 사용자가 활동을 시작했습니다."
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:1997
-msgid "Show total credit for host"
-msgstr "전체 호스트 크레딧을 보여줍니다"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2003
-msgid "Show host average"
-msgstr "호스트 평균 보여주기"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1242
+msgid "Processing Suspended:  User paused processing."
+msgstr "작업 일시 정지: 사용자가 작업을 중지시켰습니다."
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2004
-msgid "Show average credit for host"
-msgstr "호스트 별로 평균 크레딧을 보여줍니다"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1244
+msgid "Processing Suspended:  Time of Day."
+msgstr "작업 일시 정지: 설정한 시간이 아닙니다."
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2013
-msgid "< &Previous project"
-msgstr "< 이전 프로젝트"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1246
+msgid "Processing Suspended:  Benchmarks Running."
+msgstr "작업 일시 정지: 벤치마크를 실행하고 있습니다."
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2014
-msgid "Show chart for previous project"
-msgstr "이전 프로젝트를 차트로 보여줍니다"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1248
+msgid "Processing Suspended."
+msgstr "작업이 일시 정지되었습니다."
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2019
-msgid "&Next project >"
-msgstr "다음 프로젝트 >"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1252
+msgid "Waiting to contact project servers."
+msgstr "프로젝트 서버 접속을 기다리고 있습니다."
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2020
-msgid "Show chart for next project"
-msgstr "다음 프로젝트를 차트로 보여줍니다"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1256
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1265
+msgid "Retrieving current status"
+msgstr "현재 상태 복구중"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2026 ViewStatistics.cpp:2416
-msgid "Hide project list"
-msgstr "프로젝트 목록 숨기기"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1260
+msgid "No work available to process"
+msgstr "수행가능한 작업이 없습니다"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2027 ViewStatistics.cpp:2416
-msgid "Use entire area for graphs"
-msgstr "전체 영역 그래프 사용"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1262
+msgid "Unable to connect to the core client"
+msgstr "코어 클라이언트와 연결이 불가능합니다"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2032
-msgid "Mode view"
-msgstr "모드 뷰"
+#: clientgui/TermsOfUsePage.cpp:218
+msgid "Terms of Use"
+msgstr "사용 계약"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2036
-msgid "One project"
-msgstr "한 프로젝트"
+#: clientgui/TermsOfUsePage.cpp:222
+msgid "Please read the following terms of use:"
+msgstr "다음 사용 계약을 읽어주세요:"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2037
-msgid "Show one chart with selected project"
-msgstr "선택한 프로젝트를 차트로 보여줍니다"
+#: clientgui/TermsOfUsePage.cpp:231
+msgid "I agree to the terms of use."
+msgstr "사용 계약에 동의합니다."
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2043
-msgid "All projects (separate)"
-msgstr "모든 프로젝트 (분리)"
+#: clientgui/TermsOfUsePage.cpp:237
+msgid "I do not agree to the terms of use."
+msgstr "사용 계약에 동의하지 않습니다."
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2044
-msgid "Show all projects, one chart per project"
-msgstr "모든 프로젝트를 각각 하나의 차트로 보여줍니다"
+#: clientgui/UnavailablePage.cpp:183
+msgid "Project temporarily unavailable"
+msgstr "프로젝트가 일시적으로 불가능"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2050
-msgid "All projects (together)"
-msgstr "모든 프로젝트 (공동)"
+#: clientgui/UnavailablePage.cpp:186
+msgid ""
+"The project is temporarily unavailable.\n"
+"Please try again later."
+msgstr ""
+"프로젝트가 일시적으로 불가능합니다.\n"
+"나중에 다시 시도해주세요."
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2051
-msgid "Show one chart with all projects"
-msgstr "모든 프로젝트를 하나의 차트로 보여줍니다"
+#: clientgui/UnavailablePage.cpp:190
+msgid "Account manager temporarily unavailable"
+msgstr "계정 관리자가 일시적으로 불가능"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2057
-msgid "All projects (sum)"
-msgstr "모든 프로젝트 (합계)"
+#: clientgui/UnavailablePage.cpp:193
+msgid ""
+"The account manager is temporarily unavailable.\n"
+"Please try again later."
+msgstr ""
+"계정 관리자가 일시적으로 불가능합니다.\n"
+"나중에 다시 시도해주세요."
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2058
-msgid "Show one chart with sum of projects"
-msgstr "프로젝트 합계를 하나의 차트로 보여줍니다"
+#: clientgui/ValidateAccountKey.cpp:68
+msgid "Please specify an account key to continue."
+msgstr "계속하려면 계정 키를 정의해 주세요."
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2079
-msgid "Statistics"
-msgstr "통계"
+#: clientgui/ValidateAccountKey.cpp:71
+msgid "Invalid Account Key; please enter a valid Account Key"
+msgstr "잘못된 계정 키; 올바른 계정 키를 입력하세요"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2103 ViewStatistics.cpp:2124 ViewStatistics.cpp:2145
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2167 ViewStatistics.cpp:2188 ViewStatistics.cpp:2209
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2230 ViewStatistics.cpp:2251 ViewStatistics.cpp:2272
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2296
-msgid "Updating charts..."
-msgstr "차트 업데이트 중..."
+#: clientgui/ValidateAccountKey.cpp:82
+#: clientgui/ValidateEmailAddress.cpp:86
+msgid "Validation conflict"
+msgstr "확인 충돌"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2420
-msgid "Show project list"
-msgstr "프로젝트 목록 보여주기"
+#: clientgui/ValidateEmailAddress.cpp:72
+msgid "Please specify an email address"
+msgstr "email 주소를 입력해 주세요"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2420
-msgid "Uses smaller area for graphs"
-msgstr "작은 그래프 사용"
+#: clientgui/ValidateEmailAddress.cpp:75
+msgid "Invalid email address; please enter a valid email address"
+msgstr "잘못된 이메일 주소입니다; 올바른 이메일 주소를 입력 하세요"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:164
-msgid "Retry Now"
-msgstr "지금 다시 시도"
+#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:69
+msgid "Missing URL"
+msgstr "URL 없음"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:165
-msgid "Retry the file transfer now"
-msgstr "파일 전송을 지금 다시 시도"
+#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:70
+msgid ""
+"Please specify a URL.\n"
+"For example:\n"
+msgstr ""
+"URL을 지정해주세요.\n"
+"예를 들어:\n"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:171
-msgid "Abort Transfer"
-msgstr "전송 중단"
+#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:83
+#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:87
+#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:91
+#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:103
+#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:107
+#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:110
+msgid "Invalid URL"
+msgstr "잘못된 URL"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:172
-msgid "Abort this file transfer.  You won't get credit for the task."
-msgstr "해당 파일 전송을 포기합니다. 태스크 수행 크래딧을 얻을 수 없게 됩니다."
+#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:84
+#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:88
+#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:92
+msgid ""
+"Please specify a valid URL.\n"
+"For example:\n"
+msgstr ""
+"올바른 URL을 지정해주세요.\n"
+"예를 들어:\n"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:183
-msgid "File"
-msgstr "파일"
+#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:104
+#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:108
+#, c-format
+msgid "'%s' does not contain a valid host name."
+msgstr "'%s'은(는) 유효한 호스트 이름을 포함하고 있지 않습니다."
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:184 ViewWork.cpp:233
-msgid "Progress"
-msgstr "진행률"
+#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:111
+#, c-format
+msgid "'%s' does not contain a valid path."
+msgstr "'%s'은(는) 유효한 경로를 포함하고 있지 않습니다."
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:185
-msgid "Size"
-msgstr "크기"
+#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:84
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:175
+msgid "Commands"
+msgstr "명령"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:186
-msgid "Elapsed Time"
-msgstr "경과 시간"
+#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:88
+msgid "Copy all messages"
+msgstr "모든 메시지 복사"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:187
-msgid "Speed"
-msgstr "속도"
+#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:95
+msgid "Copy selected messages"
+msgstr "선택한 메시지 복사"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:213
-msgid "Transfers"
-msgstr "전송"
+#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:106
+#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:502
+msgid "Show only this project"
+msgstr "이 프로젝트만 보여주기"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:280
-msgid "Network activity is suspended - "
-msgstr "네트워크 활동이 일시 정지됨 - "
+#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:107
+#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:503
+msgid "Show only the messages for the selected project."
+msgstr "선택한 프로젝의 메세지만 보여줍니다."
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:282
-msgid ""
-"You can enable it using the Activity menu."
-msgstr ""
-"활동 메뉴에서 다시 활성화시킬 수 있습니다."
+#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:164
+msgid "Messages"
+msgstr "메시지"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:285
-msgid "BOINC"
-msgstr "BOINC"
+#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:187
+msgid "Copying all messages to the clipboard..."
+msgstr "모든 메시지를 클립보드에 복사 중..."
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:292
-msgid "Retrying transfer now..."
-msgstr "현재 전송을 다시 시도 중..."
+#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:223
+msgid "Copying selected messages to the clipboard..."
+msgstr "선택한 메시지를 클립보드로 복사하고 있습니다..."
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:330
-msgid "Aborting transfer..."
-msgstr "전송 중단 중..."
+#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:286
+msgid "Filtering messages..."
+msgstr "메세지를 걸러내고 있습니다..."
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:343
-#, c-format
-msgid ""
-"Are you sure you want to abort this file transfer '%s'?\n"
-"NOTE: Aborting a transfer will invalidate a task and you\n"
-"will not receive credit for it."
-msgstr ""
-"정말로 현재 전송 중인 파일 '%s'을(를) 중단할까요?\n"
-"주의: 전송을 중단하면 태스크를 무효화하며, 해당 태스크에\n"
-"대한 크레딧을 받지 못하게 됩니다."
+#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:494
+msgid "Show all messages"
+msgstr "모든 메시지 보여주기"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:349
-msgid "Abort File Transfer"
-msgstr "파일 전송 중단"
+#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:495
+msgid "Show messages for all projects."
+msgstr "모든 프로젝트의 메세지를 보여줍니다."
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:780
-msgid "Upload"
-msgstr "업로드"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:225
+msgid "Account"
+msgstr "계정"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:780
-msgid "Download"
-msgstr "다운로드"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:227
+msgid "Work done"
+msgstr "완료된 작업"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:784
-msgid "retry in "
-msgstr "다시 시도 "
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:228
+msgid "Avg. work done"
+msgstr "평균 완료된 작업"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:786
-msgid "failed"
-msgstr "실패"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:230
+msgid "Status"
+msgstr "상태"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:789
-msgid "suspended"
-msgstr "일시 정지됨"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:255
+msgid "Projects"
+msgstr "프로젝트"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:794
-msgid "active"
-msgstr "활성"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:307
+msgid "Updating project..."
+msgstr "프로젝트 업데이트 중..."
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:796
-msgid "pending"
-msgstr "대기 중"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:349
+msgid "Resuming project..."
+msgstr "프로젝트 다시 시작 중..."
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:803
-msgid " (project backoff: "
-msgstr " (프로젝트 전송 지연: "
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:353
+msgid "Suspending project..."
+msgstr "프로젝트 일시 정지 중..."
-#: ViewWork.cpp:187 ViewWork.cpp:777
-msgid "Show active tasks"
-msgstr "활성 태스크 보여주기"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:390
+msgid "Telling project to allow additional task downloads..."
+msgstr "추가적인 태스크 다운로드를 허용하도록 프로젝트에 알리는 중..."
-#: ViewWork.cpp:188 ViewWork.cpp:778
-msgid "Show only active tasks."
-msgstr "활성된 태스크만 보여줍니다."
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:394
+msgid "Telling project to not fetch any additional tasks..."
+msgstr "프로젝트에게 추가 태스크 수용 금지를 통보하고 있습니다..."
-#: ViewWork.cpp:194 sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:60
-msgid "Show graphics"
-msgstr "그래픽 보여주기"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:430
+msgid "Resetting project..."
+msgstr "프로젝트 다시 설정 중..."
-#: ViewWork.cpp:195 sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:61
-msgid "Show application graphics in a window."
-msgstr "창에서 애플리케이션 그래픽 보여주기"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:488
+msgid "Removing project..."
+msgstr "프로젝트 제거 중..."
-#: ViewWork.cpp:201
-msgid "Show VM Console"
-msgstr "VM 콘솔 보여주기"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:548
+msgid "Launching browser..."
+msgstr "브라우저 시작 중..."
-#: ViewWork.cpp:202
-msgid "Show VM Console in a window."
-msgstr "VM 콘솔 창을 보여줍니다."
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1063
+msgid "Requested by user"
+msgstr "사용자가 요청함"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:209
-msgid "Suspend work for this result."
-msgstr "이 결과에 대하여 작업을 일시 정지 합니다."
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1064
+msgid "To fetch work"
+msgstr "작업 반입"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:215 sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:72
-msgid "Abort"
-msgstr "중단"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1065
+msgid "To report completed tasks"
+msgstr "완료된 태스크 보고"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:216
-msgid "Abandon work on the result. You will get no credit for it."
-msgstr "이 결과에서 작업을 버립니다. 크래딧을 얻을 수 없게됩니다."
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1066
+msgid "To send trickle-up message"
+msgstr "Trickle up 메세지 보내기"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:223 sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:79
-msgid "Show task details."
-msgstr "자세한 태스크 정보를 보여줍니다."
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1067
+msgid "Requested by account manager"
+msgstr "계정 관리자에서 요청함"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:235
-msgid "Elapsed"
-msgstr "경과 시간"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1068
+msgid "Project initialization"
+msgstr "프로젝트 초기화"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:236
-msgid "Remaining (estimated)"
-msgstr "남은 시간 (추정치)"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1069
+msgid "Requested by project"
+msgstr "프로젝트에서 요청함"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:237
-msgid "Deadline"
-msgstr "리포트 마감 시각"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1070
+msgid "Unknown reason"
+msgstr "알 수 없는 이유"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:264
-msgid "Tasks"
-msgstr "태스크"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1084
+msgid "Suspended by user"
+msgstr "사용자에 의한 일시 정지"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:357
-msgid "Resuming task..."
-msgstr "태스크 다시 시작 중..."
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1087
+msgid "Won't get new tasks"
+msgstr "새 태스크를 받지 않음"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:360
-msgid "Suspending task..."
-msgstr "태스크 일시 정지 중..."
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1090
+msgid "Project ended - OK to remove"
+msgstr "프로젝트가 끝남 - 확인을 누르면 제거됩니다"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:389
-msgid "Showing graphics for task..."
-msgstr "태스크 그래픽 보여주는 중..."
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1093
+msgid "Will remove when tasks done"
+msgstr "태스크 완료시 제거하기"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:426
-msgid "Showing VM console for task..."
-msgstr "VM 콘솔용 태스크 보여주는 중..."
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1096
+msgid "Scheduler request pending"
+msgstr "스케줄러 요청을 기다리고 있는 중"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:479
-#, c-format
-msgid ""
-"Are you sure you want to abort this task '%s'?\n"
-"(Progress: %s, Status: %s)"
-msgstr ""
-"정말로 태스크 '%s'를(을) 중단할까요?\n"
-"(진행률: %s, 상태: %s)"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1102
+msgid "Scheduler request in progress"
+msgstr "스케쥴러 요청을 진행"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:485
-#, c-format
-msgid "Are you sure you want to abort these %d tasks?"
-msgstr "정말로 태스크 '%d'를(을) 중단하겠습니까?"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1105
+msgid "Trickle up message pending"
+msgstr "Trickle up 메세지가 유보됨"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:490 sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:256
-msgid "Abort task"
-msgstr "태스크 중단"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1111
+msgid "Communication deferred "
+msgstr "통신 연기됨 "
-#: ViewWork.cpp:499
-msgid "Aborting task..."
-msgstr "태스크 중단 중..."
+#: clientgui/ViewResources.cpp:62
+msgid "Total disk usage"
+msgstr "전체 디스크 사용량"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:771
-msgid "Show all tasks"
-msgstr "모든 태스크 보여주기"
+#: clientgui/ViewResources.cpp:83
+msgid "Disk usage by BOINC projects"
+msgstr "BOINC 프로젝트가 사용하는 디스크 용량"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:772
-msgid "Show all tasks."
-msgstr "모든 태스크를 보여줍니다."
+#: clientgui/ViewResources.cpp:116
+msgid "Disk"
+msgstr "디스크"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:796 sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:103
-msgid "Resume work for this task."
-msgstr "이 태스크를 다시 시작합니다."
+#: clientgui/ViewResources.cpp:225
+msgid "no projects: 0 bytes used"
+msgstr "프로젝트 없음: 0 바이트 사용"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:802 sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:107
-msgid "Suspend work for this task."
-msgstr "이 태스크를 일시 중지합니다."
+#: clientgui/ViewResources.cpp:262
+msgid "used by BOINC: "
+msgstr "BOINC가 사용함:"
-#: WelcomePage.cpp:284
-msgid "Add project or account manager"
-msgstr "계정 관리자 혹은 프로젝트에 추가합니다"
+#: clientgui/ViewResources.cpp:272
+msgid "free, available to BOINC: "
+msgstr "빈, BOINC가 사용 가능:"
-#: WelcomePage.cpp:288
-msgid "Add project or use BOINC Account Manager"
-msgstr "프로젝트 추가하거나 BOINC 계정 관리자를 사용합니다"
+#: clientgui/ViewResources.cpp:282
+msgid "free, not available to BOINC: "
+msgstr "빈, BOINC가 사용 불가능:"
-#: WelcomePage.cpp:297
-#, c-format
-msgid ""
-"If possible, add projects at the\n"
-"%s web site.\n"
-"Projects added via this wizard will not be\n"
-"listed on or managed via %s."
-msgstr ""
-"가능하면 %s 웹 사이트에서\n"
-"프로젝트를 추가해 주세요\n"
-"이 마법사 목록에서 제공하지 않거나\n"
-"%s를 통해 관리되는 프로젝트가 추가되었습니다."
+#: clientgui/ViewResources.cpp:292
+msgid "free: "
+msgstr "빈:"
-#: WelcomePage.cpp:313
-msgid ""
-"There are over 30 BOINC-based projects\n"
-"doing research in many areas of science,\n"
-"and you can volunteer for as many of them as you like.\n"
-"You can add a project directly,\n"
-"or use an 'Account Manager' web site to select projects."
-msgstr ""
-"30개 이상의 BOINC 기반 프로젝트가 여러\n"
-"과학 분야의 연구를 수행하고 있으며,\n"
-"여러분이 원하는 만큼 그 활동에 상당부분 기여할 수 있습니다.\n"
-"직접 프로젝트를 추가하거나\n"
-"'계정 관리자' 웹 사이트를 사용해서 프로젝트를 선택할 수 있습니다."
+#: clientgui/ViewResources.cpp:302
+msgid "used by other programs: "
+msgstr "다른 프로그램이 사용 중:"
-#: WelcomePage.cpp:325
-msgid ""
-"You have chosen to add a new volunteer computing project or change which "
-"you contribute to.\n"
-"Some of these projects are run and managed by World Community Grid, while "
-"are run and managed by other researchers or organizations. The BOINC "
-"can divide your spare processing power among any combination of projects.\n"
-"Alternatively, if you have registered with a BOINC Account Manager, you can "
-"this to choose which projects to support.\n"
-"Please choose which type of change you would like to make:\n"
-msgstr ""
-"여러분은 새 기여자 컴퓨팅 프로젝트를 추가하거나 아니면 여러분이 공헌할 프로젝트를\n"
-"변경할 수 있습니다.\n"
-"이러한 프로젝트들 중 일부는 World Community Grid에서 수행 및 관리되고 있으며, 그외는\n"
-"다른 연구자 혹은 기관에서 수행 및 관리되고 있습니다. BOINC 소프트웨어에서는\n"
-"프로젝트들을 통틀어서 소모되는 연산력을 분할해 줄 수 있습니다.\n"
-"대안으로서 만약 여러분이 BOINC 계정 관리자에 등록되어 있다면, 여러분이 지원할\n"
-"프로젝트를 선택하는데 있어 이것을 사용할 수 있습니다.\n"
-"여러분이 선호하는 관리 방식을 선택해 주십시오:\n"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1181
+msgid "User Total"
+msgstr "사용자 전체"
-#: WelcomePage.cpp:339
-msgid "Use a BOINC Account Manager"
-msgstr "BOINC 계정 관리자를 사용합니다"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1182
+msgid "User Average"
+msgstr "사용자 평균"
-#: WelcomePage.cpp:352
-msgid "To continue, click Next."
-msgstr "계속하려면, 다음을 누르세요."
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1183
+msgid "Host Total"
+msgstr "호스트 전체"
-#: WelcomePage.cpp:358
-msgid "Add or change your World Community Grid projects"
-msgstr "World Community Grid 프로젝트를 추가 혹은 변경"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1184
+msgid "Host Average"
+msgstr "호스트 평균"
-#: WelcomePage.cpp:361
-msgid "Add projects run by other researchers or organizations"
-msgstr "다른 연구자나 기관에서 수행 중인 프로젝트 추가"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1331
+#, c-format
+msgid "Last update: %.0f days ago"
+msgstr "마지막 업데이트: %.0f 일 전"
-#: WizardAttach.cpp:634
-msgid "Do you really want to cancel?"
-msgstr "정말 취소할까요?"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1956
+msgid "Show user total"
+msgstr "사용자 전체 보여주기"
-#: WizardAttach.cpp:635
-msgid "Question"
-msgstr "질문"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1957
+msgid "Show total credit for user"
+msgstr "사용자 전체 크레딧 보여주기"
-#: sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:149
-msgid "Advanced View...\tCtrl+Shift+A"
-msgstr "고급 보기...\tCtrl+Shift+A"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1963
+msgid "Show user average"
+msgstr "사용자 평균 보여주기"
-#: sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:150
-msgid "Display the advanced graphical interface."
-msgstr "고급 사용자 그래픽 인터페이스를 표시합니다."
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1964
+msgid "Show average credit for user"
+msgstr "사용자 평균 크레딧 보여주기"
-#: sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:157
-msgid "Skin"
-msgstr "스킨"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1970
+msgid "Show host total"
+msgstr "호스트 전체 보여주기"
-#: sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:159
-msgid "Select the appearance of the user interface."
-msgstr "사용자 인터페이스의 외형을 선택하세요."
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1971
+msgid "Show total credit for host"
+msgstr "전체 호스트 크레딧을 보여줍니다"
-#: sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:206
-#, c-format
-msgid "&%s"
-msgstr "&%s"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1977
+msgid "Show host average"
+msgstr "호스트 평균 보여주기"
-#: sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:390
-msgid "Default"
-msgstr "기본값"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1978
+msgid "Show average credit for host"
+msgstr "호스트 별로 평균 크레딧을 보여줍니다"
-#: sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:759
-msgid "Suspend Computing"
-msgstr "연산 일시중지"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1987
+msgid "< &Previous project"
+msgstr "< 이전 프로젝트"
-#: sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:760
-msgid "Resume Computing"
-msgstr "연산 재개"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1988
+msgid "Show chart for previous project"
+msgstr "이전 프로젝트를 차트로 보여줍니다"
-#: sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:777
-msgid "Open a window to view notices from projects or BOINC"
-msgstr "BOINC나 프로젝트에서 온 공지 사항을 보기 위해 창을 엽니다"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1993
+msgid "&Next project >"
+msgstr "다음 프로젝트 >"
-#: sg_DlgMessages.cpp:146
-msgid "Close"
-msgstr "닫기"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1994
+msgid "Show chart for next project"
+msgstr "다음 프로젝트를 차트로 보여줍니다"
-#: sg_DlgMessages.cpp:389
-#, c-format
-msgid "%s - Notices"
-msgstr "%s - 공지 사항"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2000
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2390
+msgid "Hide project list"
+msgstr "프로젝트 목록 숨기기"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:268
-msgid "This dialog controls preferences for this computer only."
-msgstr "이 다이얼로그는 이 컴퓨터의 환경 설정만 제어합니다."
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2001
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2390
+msgid "Use entire area for graphs"
+msgstr "전체 영역 그래프 사용"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:273
-msgid "Click OK to set preferences."
-msgstr "저장하려면 확인을 누르세요."
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2006
+msgid "Mode view"
+msgstr "모드 뷰"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:278
-msgid ""
-"Click Clear to restore web-based settings for all preferences listed below."
-msgstr "아래 나열된 모든 환경설정을 웹기반 설정으로 복원하려면 지우기를 누르세요."
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2010
+msgid "One project"
+msgstr "한 프로젝트"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:285
-msgid ""
-"For additional settings, select Computing Preferences in the Advanced View."
-msgstr "추가적인 설정은 고급 보기 상태로 변경 후 연산 환경 설정에서 선택하세요."
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2011
+msgid "Show one chart with selected project"
+msgstr "선택한 프로젝트를 차트로 보여줍니다"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:313
-msgid "Do work only between:"
-msgstr "이 시간 사이에만 작업:"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2017
+msgid "All projects (separate)"
+msgstr "모든 프로젝트 (분리)"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:335
-msgid "Connect to internet only between:"
-msgstr "이 시간 사이에만 인터넷이 접속:"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2018
+msgid "Show all projects, one chart per project"
+msgstr "모든 프로젝트를 각각 하나의 차트로 보여줍니다"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:357 sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:374
-msgid "Use no more than:"
-msgstr "최대 사용 한도:"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2024
+msgid "All projects (together)"
+msgstr "모든 프로젝트 (공동)"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:370
-msgid "of disk space"
-msgstr "디스크 공간"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2025
+msgid "Show one chart with all projects"
+msgstr "모든 프로젝트를 하나의 차트로 보여줍니다"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:387
-msgid "of the processor"
-msgstr "프로세서"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2031
+msgid "All projects (sum)"
+msgstr "모든 프로젝트 (합계)"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:391
-msgid "Do work while on battery?"
-msgstr "배터리 가동 중에도 작업하시겠습니까?"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2032
+msgid "Show one chart with sum of projects"
+msgstr "프로젝트 합계를 하나의 차트로 보여줍니다"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:404
-msgid "Do work after idle for:"
-msgstr "이 시간 이상 대기 후 작업:"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2053
+msgid "Statistics"
+msgstr "통계"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:429
-msgid "Clear all local preferences listed above and close the dialog"
-msgstr "위에 나열된 모든 로컬 환경 설정이 지우고 다이얼로그를 닫습니다"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2077
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2098
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2119
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2141
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2162
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2183
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2204
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2225
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2246
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2270
+msgid "Updating charts..."
+msgstr "차트 업데이트 중..."
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:602 sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:605
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:681 sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:685
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:697 sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:701
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:844 sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:855
-msgid "Anytime"
-msgstr "언제든"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2394
+msgid "Show project list"
+msgstr "프로젝트 목록 보여주기"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:638
-msgid "100 MB"
-msgstr "100 MB"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2394
+msgid "Uses smaller area for graphs"
+msgstr "작은 그래프 사용"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:639
-msgid "200 MB"
-msgstr "200 MB"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:169
+msgid "Retry Now"
+msgstr "지금 다시 시도"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:640
-msgid "500 MB"
-msgstr "500 MB"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:170
+msgid "Retry the file transfer now"
+msgstr "파일 전송을 지금 다시 시도"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:641
-msgid "1 GB"
-msgstr "1 GB"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:176
+msgid "Abort Transfer"
+msgstr "전송 중단"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:642
-msgid "2 GB"
-msgstr "2 GB"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:177
+msgid "Abort this file transfer.  You won't get credit for the task."
+msgstr "해당 파일 전송을 포기합니다. 태스크 수행 크래딧을 얻을 수 없게 됩니다."
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:643
-msgid "5 GB"
-msgstr "5 GB"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:188
+msgid "File"
+msgstr "파일"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:644
-msgid "10 GB"
-msgstr "10 GB"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:189
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:238
+msgid "Progress"
+msgstr "진행률"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:645
-msgid "20 GB"
-msgstr "20 GB"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:190
+msgid "Size"
+msgstr "크기"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:646
-msgid "50 GB"
-msgstr "50 GB"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:191
+msgid "Elapsed Time"
+msgstr "경과 시간"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:647
-msgid "100 GB"
-msgstr "100 GB"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:192
+msgid "Speed"
+msgstr "속도"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:717
-#, c-format
-msgid "%d MB"
-msgstr "%d MB"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:218
+msgid "Transfers"
+msgstr "전송"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:719
-#, c-format
-msgid "%4.2f GB"
-msgstr "%4.2f GB"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:285
+msgid "Network activity is suspended - "
+msgstr "네트워크 활동이 일시 정지됨 - "
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:760
-#, c-format
-msgid "%d%%"
-msgstr "%d%%"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:287
+msgid ""
+"You can enable it using the Activity menu."
+msgstr ""
+"활동 메뉴에서 다시 활성화시킬 수 있습니다."
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:796
-msgid "0 (Run Always)"
-msgstr "0 (항상 실행)"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:290
+msgid "BOINC"
+msgstr "BOINC"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:799
-#, c-format
-msgid "%d"
-msgstr "%d"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:297
+msgid "Retrying transfer now..."
+msgstr "현재 전송을 다시 시도 중..."
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:1029
-msgid "Do you really want to clear all local preferences?\n"
-msgstr "정말로 모든 로컬 환경설정을 지우겠습니까?\n"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:335
+msgid "Aborting transfer..."
+msgstr "전송 중단 중..."
-#: sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:72
-msgid "Add Project"
-msgstr "프로젝트 추가"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:348
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Are you sure you want to abort this file transfer '%s'?\n"
+"NOTE: Aborting a transfer will invalidate a task and you\n"
+"will not receive credit for it."
+msgstr ""
+"정말로 현재 전송 중인 파일 '%s'을(를) 중단할까요?\n"
+"주의: 전송을 중단하면 태스크를 무효화하며, 해당 태스크에\n"
+"대한 크레딧을 받지 못하게 됩니다."
-#: sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:73
-msgid "Synchronize"
-msgstr "동기화"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:354
+msgid "Abort File Transfer"
+msgstr "파일 전송 중단"
-#: sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:74
-msgid "Work done for this project"
-msgstr "이 프로젝트의 작업 완료"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:785
+msgid "Upload"
+msgstr "업로드"
-#: sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:77
-msgid "Synchronize projects with account manager system"
-msgstr "계정 관리자 시스템과 프로젝트를 동기화"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:785
+msgid "Download"
+msgstr "다운로드"
-#: sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:124
-msgid "Select a project to access with the controls below"
-msgstr "아래 명령으로 접근할 프로젝트를 선택하세요"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:789
+msgid "retry in "
+msgstr "다시 시도 "
-#: sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:145
-msgid "Project Web Pages"
-msgstr "프로젝트 웹 페이지"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:791
+msgid "failed"
+msgstr "실패"
-#: sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:149
-msgid "Project Commands"
-msgstr "프로젝트 명령"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:794
+msgid "suspended"
+msgstr "일시 정지됨"
-#: sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:267
-#, c-format
-msgid "Pop up a menu of web sites for project %s"
-msgstr "메뉴에서 %s 프로젝트 웹 사이트를 띄웁니다"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:799
+msgid "active"
+msgstr "활성"
-#: sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:269
-#, c-format
-msgid "Pop up a menu of commands to apply to project %s"
-msgstr "%s 프로젝트에 적용할 명령 메뉴를 띄웁니다"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:801
+msgid "pending"
+msgstr "대기 중"
-#: sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:67
-msgid "Suspend this task."
-msgstr "이 태스크를 일시 중지합니다."
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:808
+msgid " (project backoff: "
+msgstr " (프로젝트 전송 지연: "
-#: sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:73
-msgid "Abandon this task. You will get no credit for it."
-msgstr "이 태스크를 포기합니다. 크래딧을 얻을 수 없게 됩니다."
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:192
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:782
+msgid "Show active tasks"
+msgstr "활성 태스크 보여주기"
-#: sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:251
-#, c-format
-msgid ""
-"Are you sure you want to abort this task '%s'?\n"
-"(Progress: %.1lf%%, Status: %s)"
-msgstr ""
-"정말로 이 태스크 '%s'를 중단하시겠습니까?\n"
-"(진행률: %.1lf%%, 상태: %s)"
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:193
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:783
+msgid "Show only active tasks."
+msgstr "활성된 태스크만 보여줍니다."
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:464
-msgid "You don't have any projects.  Please Add a Project."
-msgstr "어떤 프로젝트도 없습니다. 프로젝트를 추가해주세요."
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:206
+msgid "Show VM Console"
+msgstr "VM 콘솔 보여주기"
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:465
-msgid "Not available"
-msgstr "사용 불가"
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:207
+msgid "Show VM Console in a window."
+msgstr "VM 콘솔 창을 보여줍니다."
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:476
-msgid "Tasks:"
-msgstr "태스크:"
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:214
+msgid "Suspend work for this result."
+msgstr "이 결과에 대하여 작업을 일시 정지 합니다."
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:482
-msgid "Select a task to access"
-msgstr "접근할 태스크를 선택하세요"
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:221
+msgid "Abandon work on the result. You will get no credit for it."
+msgstr "이 결과에서 작업을 버립니다. 크래딧을 얻을 수 없게됩니다."
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:493
-msgid "From:"
-msgstr "알림:"
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:240
+msgid "Elapsed"
+msgstr "경과 시간"
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:547
-msgid "This task's progress"
-msgstr "이 태스크의 진행률"
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:241
+msgid "Remaining (estimated)"
+msgstr "남은 시간 (추정치)"
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:565
-msgid "Task Commands"
-msgstr "태스크 명령"
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:242
+msgid "Deadline"
+msgstr "리포트 마감 시각"
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:566
-msgid "Pop up a menu of commands to apply to this task"
-msgstr "이 태스크에 적용할 명령 메뉴를 띄웁니다"
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:269
+msgid "Tasks"
+msgstr "태스크"
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:701
-#, c-format
-msgid "Application: %s"
-msgstr "응용 프로그램: %s"
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:362
+msgid "Resuming task..."
+msgstr "태스크 다시 시작 중..."
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:724
-#, c-format
-msgid "%.3f%%"
-msgstr "%.3f%%"
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:365
+msgid "Suspending task..."
+msgstr "태스크 일시 정지 중..."
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:732
-msgid "Application: Not available"
-msgstr "응용 프로그램: 사용 불가"
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:394
+msgid "Showing graphics for task..."
+msgstr "태스크 그래픽 보여주는 중..."
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:832
-msgid "Not Available"
-msgstr "사용 불가"
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:431
+msgid "Showing VM console for task..."
+msgstr "VM 콘솔용 태스크 보여주는 중..."
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:847
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:484
 #, c-format
-msgid "Elapsed: %s"
-msgstr "경과 시간: %s"
+msgid ""
+"Are you sure you want to abort this task '%s'?\n"
+"(Progress: %s, Status: %s)"
+msgstr ""
+"정말로 태스크 '%s'를(을) 중단할까요?\n"
+"(진행률: %s, 상태: %s)"
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:861
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:490
 #, c-format
-msgid "Remaining (estimated): %s"
-msgstr "남은 시간 (추정치): %s"
+msgid "Are you sure you want to abort these %d tasks?"
+msgstr "정말로 태스크 '%d'를(을) 중단하겠습니까?"
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:876
-#, c-format
-msgid "Status: %s"
-msgstr "상태: %s"
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:504
+msgid "Aborting task..."
+msgstr "태스크 중단 중..."
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1223
-msgid "Retrieving current status."
-msgstr "현재 상태를 복구중."
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:776
+msgid "Show all tasks"
+msgstr "모든 태스크 보여주기"
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1229
-msgid "Downloading work from the server."
-msgstr "작업 유닛을 서버에서 다운로드하고 있습니다."
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:777
+msgid "Show all tasks."
+msgstr "모든 태스크를 보여줍니다."
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1234
-msgid "Processing Suspended:  Running On Batteries."
-msgstr "작업 일시 정지: 컴퓨터가 배터리로 가동되고 있습니다."
+#: clientgui/WelcomePage.cpp:284
+msgid "Add project or account manager"
+msgstr "계정 관리자 혹은 프로젝트에 추가합니다"
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1236
-msgid "Processing Suspended:  User Active."
-msgstr "작업 일시 정지: 사용자가 활동을 시작했습니다."
+#: clientgui/WelcomePage.cpp:288
+msgid "Add project or use BOINC Account Manager"
+msgstr "프로젝트 추가하거나 BOINC 계정 관리자를 사용합니다"
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1238
-msgid "Processing Suspended:  User paused processing."
-msgstr "작업 일시 정지: 사용자가 작업을 중지시켰습니다."
+#: clientgui/WelcomePage.cpp:297
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"If possible, add projects at the\n"
+"%s web site.\n"
+"Projects added via this wizard will not be\n"
+"listed on or managed via %s."
+msgstr ""
+"가능하면 %s 웹 사이트에서\n"
+"프로젝트를 추가해 주세요\n"
+"이 마법사 목록에서 제공하지 않거나\n"
+"%s를 통해 관리되는 프로젝트가 추가되었습니다."
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1240
-msgid "Processing Suspended:  Time of Day."
-msgstr "작업 일시 정지: 설정한 시간이 아닙니다."
+#: clientgui/WelcomePage.cpp:313
+msgid ""
+"There are over 30 BOINC-based projects\n"
+"doing research in many areas of science,\n"
+"and you can volunteer for as many of them as you like.\n"
+"You can add a project directly,\n"
+"or use an 'Account Manager' web site to select projects."
+msgstr ""
+"30개 이상의 BOINC 기반 프로젝트가 여러\n"
+"과학 분야의 연구를 수행하고 있으며,\n"
+"여러분이 원하는 만큼 그 활동에 상당부분 기여할 수 있습니다.\n"
+"직접 프로젝트를 추가하거나\n"
+"'계정 관리자' 웹 사이트를 사용해서 프로젝트를 선택할 수 있습니다."
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1242
-msgid "Processing Suspended:  Benchmarks Running."
-msgstr "작업 일시 정지: 벤치마크를 실행하고 있습니다."
+#: clientgui/WelcomePage.cpp:325
+msgid ""
+"You have chosen to add a new volunteer computing project or change which projects\n"
+"you contribute to.\n"
+"Some of these projects are run and managed by World Community Grid, while others\n"
+"are run and managed by other researchers or organizations. The BOINC software\n"
+"can divide your spare processing power among any combination of projects.\n"
+"Alternatively, if you have registered with a BOINC Account Manager, you can use\n"
+"this to choose which projects to support.\n"
+"Please choose which type of change you would like to make:\n"
+msgstr ""
+"여러분은 새 기여자 컴퓨팅 프로젝트를 추가하거나 아니면 여러분이 공헌할 프로젝트를\n"
+"변경할 수 있습니다.\n"
+"이러한 프로젝트들 중 일부는 World Community Grid에서 수행 및 관리되고 있으며, 그외는\n"
+"다른 연구자 혹은 기관에서 수행 및 관리되고 있습니다. BOINC 소프트웨어에서는\n"
+"프로젝트들을 통틀어서 소모되는 연산력을 분할해 줄 수 있습니다.\n"
+"대안으로서 만약 여러분이 BOINC 계정 관리자에 등록되어 있다면, 여러분이 지원할\n"
+"프로젝트를 선택하는데 있어 이것을 사용할 수 있습니다.\n"
+"여러분이 선호하는 관리 방식을 선택해 주십시오:\n"
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1244
-msgid "Processing Suspended."
-msgstr "작업이 일시 정지되었습니다."
+#: clientgui/WelcomePage.cpp:339
+msgid "Use a BOINC Account Manager"
+msgstr "BOINC 계정 관리자를 사용합니다"
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1248
-msgid "Waiting to contact project servers."
-msgstr "프로젝트 서버 접속을 기다리고 있습니다."
+#: clientgui/WelcomePage.cpp:358
+msgid "Add or change your World Community Grid projects"
+msgstr "World Community Grid 프로젝트를 추가 혹은 변경"
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1252 sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1261
-msgid "Retrieving current status"
-msgstr "현재 상태 복구중"
+#: clientgui/WelcomePage.cpp:361
+msgid "Add projects run by other researchers or organizations"
+msgstr "다른 연구자나 기관에서 수행 중인 프로젝트 추가"
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1256
-msgid "No work available to process"
-msgstr "수행가능한 작업이 없습니다"
+#: clientgui/WizardAttach.cpp:673
+msgid "Do you really want to cancel?"
+msgstr "정말 취소할까요?"
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1258
-msgid "Unable to connect to the core client"
-msgstr "코어 클라이언트와 연결이 불가능합니다"
+#: clientgui/WizardAttach.cpp:674
+msgid "Question"
+msgstr "질문"
-#: wizardex.cpp:377 wizardex.cpp:553
+#: clientgui/wizardex.cpp:377
+#: clientgui/wizardex.cpp:553
 msgid "&Next >"
 msgstr "다음 >"
-#: wizardex.cpp:383
+#: clientgui/wizardex.cpp:383
 msgid "< &Back"
 msgstr "< 뒤로"
-#: wizardex.cpp:553
+#: clientgui/wizardex.cpp:553
 msgid "&Finish"
 msgstr "완료"
-#: mac/Mac_GUI.cpp:110
-msgid "Preferences…"
-msgstr "환경 설정..."
+#: clientgui/common/wxPieCtrl.cpp:64
+msgid "Pie Ctrl"
+msgstr ""
-#: mac/Mac_GUI.cpp:122
+#: clientgui/mac/Mac_GUI.cpp:35
 msgid "Services"
 msgstr "서비스"
-#: mac/Mac_GUI.cpp:144
+#: clientgui/mac/Mac_GUI.cpp:36
 #, c-format
 msgid "Hide %s"
 msgstr "%s 숨기기"
-#: mac/Mac_GUI.cpp:158
+#: clientgui/mac/Mac_GUI.cpp:37
 msgid "Hide Others"
 msgstr "다른 항목 숨기기"
-#: mac/Mac_GUI.cpp:172
+#: clientgui/mac/Mac_GUI.cpp:38
 msgid "Show All"
 msgstr "모두 보여주기"
-#: mac/Mac_GUI.cpp:186
+#: clientgui/mac/Mac_GUI.cpp:39
 #, c-format
 msgid "Quit %s"
 msgstr "%s 종료"
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.h:30
+msgid "specify work start and stop hours in format HH:MM-HH:MM"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.h:31
+msgid "specify network usage start and stop hours in format HH:MM-HH:MM"
+msgstr ""
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "(C) 2003-2013 University of California, Berkeley.\n"
+#~ "All Rights Reserved."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "(C) 2003-2011 University of California, Berkeley.\n"
+#~ "All Rights Reserved."
+#, c-format
+#~ msgid "%s - Preferences"
+#~ msgstr "%s - 환경 설정"
+#, no-c-format
+#~ msgid "% of the processors (0 means ignore this setting)"
+#~ msgstr "프로세서 사용량 %(0일 경우 이 설정을 무시합니다)"
+#, no-c-format
+#~ msgid "% CPU time"
+#~ msgstr "% CPU 시간"
+#~ msgid "KBytes/sec."
+#~ msgstr "KB/s."
+#~ msgid "Mbytes"
+#~ msgstr "MB"
+#~ msgid "every"
+#~ msgstr "매"
+#~ msgid "days"
+#~ msgstr "일"
+#~ msgid "Gigabytes disk space"
+#~ msgstr "GB"
+#~ msgid "Running, high priority"
+#~ msgstr "높은 우선 순위로 실행 중"
+#~ msgid " (Scheduler wait: "
+#~ msgstr " (스케줄러 대기:"
+#~ msgid " (Scheduler wait)"
+#~ msgstr " (스케줄러 대기)"
+#~ msgid " (Waiting for network access)"
+#~ msgstr " (네트워크 액세스 대기중)"
+#~ msgid "Preferences…"
+#~ msgstr "환경 설정..."
 #~ msgid "invalid float"
 #~ msgstr "invalid float"
diff --git a/locale/ko/BOINC-Project-Generic.po b/locale/ko/BOINC-Project-Generic.po
index c57ddbd..114f787 100644
--- a/locale/ko/BOINC-Project-Generic.po
+++ b/locale/ko/BOINC-Project-Generic.po
@@ -1,28 +1,26 @@
 # BOINC web translation
 # Copyright (C) 2008 University of California
 # This file is distributed under the same license as BOINC.
 # FileID  : $Id$
 msgid ""
 msgstr ""
 "Project-Id-Version: 2013/12/3\n"
 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: BOINC translation team <boinc_loc at boinc.berkeley.edu>\n"
 "POT-Creation-Date: 2014-01-10 00:00 PST\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-12-18 14:45+0900\n"
-"Last-Translator: Lee Kangsan <treppolse at gmail.com>\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2014-07-27 06:45+0000\n"
+"Last-Translator: Kangsan Lee <treppolse at gmail.com>\n"
 "Language-Team: SETIKAH at KOREA\n"
 "Language: ko\n"
 "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
 "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
 "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
 "Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\n"
-"X-Generator: Poedit 1.5.7\n"
+"X-Generator: Pootle 2.5.0\n"
 "X-Poedit-SourceCharset: utf-8\n"
+"X-BOINC-UTF8-Marker: 简体中文, 日本語\n"
 "X-Poedit-SearchPath-0: html\\user\n"
 "X-Poedit-Basepath: C:\\Src\\BOINCSVN\\trunk\\boinc\n"
-"X-BOINC-UTF8-Marker: 简体中文, 日本語\n"
+"X-POOTLE-MTIME: 1406443547.0\n"
 # The name of this language in this language
@@ -5788,7 +5786,7 @@ msgstr "창설자 변경"
 #: ../user/team_change_founder_form.php:108
 msgid "There are no users to transfer team to."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "팀에서 인계받을 사용자를 찾지 못했습니다."
 #: ../user/team_create_action.php:29
 msgid "You must choose a non-blank team name"
diff --git a/locale/ko/BOINC-Web.mo b/locale/ko/BOINC-Web.mo
index 351991d..8d4d0f8 100644
Binary files a/locale/ko/BOINC-Web.mo and b/locale/ko/BOINC-Web.mo differ
diff --git a/locale/ko/BOINC-Web.po b/locale/ko/BOINC-Web.po
index 5be6f3a..0ca2ec0 100644
--- a/locale/ko/BOINC-Web.po
+++ b/locale/ko/BOINC-Web.po
@@ -1,10 +1,7 @@
 # BOINC web translation
 # Copyright (C) 2008-2009 University of California
 # This file is distributed under the same license as BOINC.
 # FileID  : $Id$
 msgid ""
 msgstr ""
 "Project-Id-Version: BOINC web 2014/2/7\n"
diff --git a/locale/lt/BOINC-Manager.po b/locale/lt/BOINC-Manager.po
index e9a244b..d0f268e 100644
--- a/locale/lt/BOINC-Manager.po
+++ b/locale/lt/BOINC-Manager.po
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ msgid ""
 msgstr ""
 "Project-Id-Version: BOINC Manager 4.x\n"
 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-02-02 00:00-0800\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-12-15 14:15-0500\n"
 "PO-Revision-Date: 2013-09-20 10:48+0000\n"
 "Last-Translator: Anonymous Pootle User\n"
 "Language-Team: BOINC Development Team <rwalton at ssl.berkeley.edu>\n"
@@ -17,23 +17,23 @@ msgstr ""
 "Plural-Forms: nplurals=3; plural=(n%10==1 && n%100!=11 ? 0 : n%10>=2 && (n%"
 "100<10 || n%100>=20) ? 1 : 2);\n"
 "X-Generator: Pootle 2.5.0\n"
-"X-BOINC-UTF8-Marker: 简体中文, 日本語\n"
-"X-Poedit-SearchPath-1: clientgui/msw\n"
-"X-Poedit-SearchPath-2: clientgui/gtk\n"
-"X-Poedit-SearchPath-3: clientgui/mac\n"
+"X-Poedit-Basepath: C:\\Src\\BOINCGIT\\boinc_7.4\n"
 "X-Poedit-SearchPath-0: clientgui\n"
 "X-Poedit-SourceCharset: utf-8\n"
-"X-Poedit-Basepath: C:\\Src\\BOINCGIT\\boinc\n"
 "X-POOTLE-MTIME: 1379674127.0\n"
+"X-Poedit-SearchPath-1: clientgui/msw\n"
+"X-Poedit-SearchPath-2: clientgui/gtk\n"
+"X-Poedit-SearchPath-3: clientgui/mac\n"
+"X-BOINC-UTF8-Marker: 简体中文, 日本語\n"
 # 81%
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:387
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:387
 #, c-format
 #, fuzzy, c-format
 msgid "Identify your account at %s"
 msgstr "Nustatykite savo sąskaitą "
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:393
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:393
 msgid ""
 "Please enter your account information\n"
 "(to create an account, visit the project's web site)"
@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ msgstr ""
 "Įveskite vartotojo informaciją\n"
 "(norėdami prisiregistruoti, apsilankykite projekto tinklapyje)"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:397
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:397
 msgid ""
 "This project is not currently accepting new accounts.\n"
 "You can add it only if you already have an account."
@@ -49,19 +49,19 @@ msgstr ""
 "Šis projektas neleidžia registruotis naujiems dalyviams.\n"
 "Galite prisijungti tik jei jau esate užsiregistravęs."
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:401
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:401
 msgid "Are you already running this project?"
 msgstr "Ar jau dalyvaujate šiame projekte?"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:405
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:405
 msgid "&No, new user"
 msgstr "&Ne, naujas dalyvis"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:408
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:408
 msgid "&Yes, existing user"
 msgstr "&Taip, esu dalyvis"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:413
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:413
 msgid ""
 "We were not able to set up your account information\n"
@@ -71,91 +71,96 @@ msgid ""
 "password fields."
 msgstr ""
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:416
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:416
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Find login information"
 msgstr "Rasti prisijungimo informaciją"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:436 AccountInfoPage.cpp:641
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:436
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:649
 msgid "&Password:"
 msgstr "Slaptažodis:"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:443 AccountInfoPage.cpp:665
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:443
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:673
 msgid "Choose a &password:"
 msgstr "Pasirinkite slaptažodį:"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:446
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:446
 msgid "C&onfirm password:"
 msgstr "Pakartokite slaptažodį:"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:453
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:453
 #, c-format
 msgid "Are you already running %s?"
 msgstr "Ar jau dalyvaujate %s?"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:482
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:482
 msgid "&Username:"
 msgstr "&Vartotojo vardas:"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:508
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:511
+msgid "&Email address or LDAP ID:"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:515
 msgid "&Email address:"
 msgstr "El. pašto adresas:"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:515
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:523
 #, c-format
 msgid "minimum length %d"
 msgstr "minimalus ilgis %d"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:522
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:530
 msgid "Forgot your password?"
 msgstr "Pamiršote slaptažodį?"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:529
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:537
 msgid ""
 "If you have not yet registered with this account manager,\n"
 "please do so before proceeding.  Click on the link below\n"
 "to register or to retrieve a forgotten password."
 msgstr ""
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:532
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:540
 msgid "Account manager web site"
 msgstr ""
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:574 WelcomePage.cpp:348
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:582
 msgid "Add project"
 msgstr "Prisijungti prie projekto"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:576
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:584
 msgid "Update account manager"
 msgstr "Susisiekti su abonemento valdikliu"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:578 WelcomePage.cpp:307 WelcomePage.cpp:321
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:586
 msgid "Use account manager"
 msgstr "Naudoti abonemento valdiklį"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:585
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:593
 msgid "Please enter a user name."
 msgstr ""
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:587
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:595
 msgid "Please enter an email address."
 msgstr ""
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:597
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:605
 #, c-format
 msgid "Please enter a password of at least %d characters."
 msgstr ""
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:607
-msgid ""
-"The password and confirmation password do not match. Please type them again."
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:615
+msgid "The password and confirmation password do not match. Please type them again."
 msgstr "Nesutampa įvesti slaptažodžiai. Prašome juos įvesti dar kartą."
-#: AccountManagerInfoPage.cpp:272
+#: clientgui/AccountManagerInfoPage.cpp:272
 msgid "Choose an account manager"
 msgstr "Pasirinkite abonento valdiklį"
-#: AccountManagerInfoPage.cpp:275
+#: clientgui/AccountManagerInfoPage.cpp:275
 msgid ""
 "To choose an account manager, click its name or \n"
 "type its URL below."
@@ -163,381 +168,398 @@ msgstr ""
 "Kad pasirinktumėte abonento valdiklį, spragtelėkite jo vardą\n"
 "arba įveskite jo internetinį adresą žemiau."
-#: AccountManagerInfoPage.cpp:279
+#: clientgui/AccountManagerInfoPage.cpp:279
 msgid "Account manager details:"
 msgstr ""
-#: AccountManagerInfoPage.cpp:283
+#: clientgui/AccountManagerInfoPage.cpp:283
 msgid "Account manager &URL:"
 msgstr ""
-#: AccountManagerInfoPage.cpp:287
+#: clientgui/AccountManagerInfoPage.cpp:287
 msgid "Open web page"
 msgstr ""
-#: AccountManagerInfoPage.cpp:290
+#: clientgui/AccountManagerInfoPage.cpp:290
 msgid "Visit this account manager's web site"
 msgstr ""
-#: AccountManagerProcessingPage.cpp:187 AccountManagerPropertiesPage.cpp:193
+#: clientgui/AccountManagerProcessingPage.cpp:186
+#: clientgui/AccountManagerPropertiesPage.cpp:192
 #, c-format
 msgid "Communicating with %s."
 msgstr "Jungiamasi prie %s."
-#: AccountManagerProcessingPage.cpp:194 AccountManagerPropertiesPage.cpp:200
+#: clientgui/AccountManagerProcessingPage.cpp:193
+#: clientgui/AccountManagerPropertiesPage.cpp:199
 msgid "Communicating with server."
 msgstr "Jungiamasi prie serverio."
-#: AccountManagerProcessingPage.cpp:199 AccountManagerPropertiesPage.cpp:205
+#: clientgui/AccountManagerProcessingPage.cpp:198
+#: clientgui/AccountManagerPropertiesPage.cpp:204
 msgid "Please wait..."
 msgstr "Prašome palaukti..."
-#: AccountManagerProcessingPage.cpp:326
+#: clientgui/AccountManagerProcessingPage.cpp:325
 msgid "An internal server error has occurred.\n"
 msgstr "Vidinė serverio klaida.\n"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:95
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:96
 msgid "Connected"
 msgstr "Prisijungta"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:103
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:104
 msgid "Disconnected"
 msgstr "Atsijungta"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:322 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:119
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:318
 #, c-format
 msgid "Close the %s window"
 msgstr "Uždaryti %s langą"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:325 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:122
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:321
 msgid "&Close Window"
 msgstr "&Uždaryti langą"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:336 AdvancedFrame.cpp:343 AdvancedFrame.cpp:350
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:332
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:339
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:346
 #, c-format
 msgid "Exit %s"
 msgstr "Išeiti iš %s"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:371
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:359
+msgid "Preferences..."
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:368
 msgid "&Notices\tCtrl+Shift+N"
 msgstr "Pra&nešimai\t Ctrl+Shift+N"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:372
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:369
 msgid "Display notices"
 msgstr "Rodyti pranešimus"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:377
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:374
 msgid "&Projects\tCtrl+Shift+P"
 msgstr "&Projektai\tCtrl+Shift+P"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:378
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:375
 msgid "Display projects"
 msgstr "Rodyti projektus"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:383
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:380
 msgid "&Tasks\tCtrl+Shift+T"
 msgstr "Užduo&tys\tCtrl+Shift+T"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:384
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:381
 msgid "Display tasks"
 msgstr "Rodyti užduotis"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:389
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:386
 msgid "Trans&fers\tCtrl+Shift+X"
 msgstr "P&erdavimai\tCtrl+Shift+X"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:390
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:387
 msgid "Display transfers"
 msgstr "Rodyti perdavimus"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:395
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:392
 msgid "&Statistics\tCtrl+Shift+S"
 msgstr "&Statistika\tCtrl+Shift+S"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:396
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:393
 msgid "Display statistics"
 msgstr "Rodyti statistiką"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:401
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:398
 msgid "&Disk usage\tCtrl+Shift+D"
 msgstr "&Disko naudojimas\t Ctrl+Shift+D"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:402
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:399
 msgid "Display disk usage"
 msgstr "Rodyti disko naudojimą"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:409
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:406
 msgid "Simple &View...\tCtrl+Shift+V"
 msgstr "S&upaprastintas režimas...\tCTRL+SHIFT+V"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:410
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:407
 msgid "Display the simple graphical interface."
 msgstr "Rodyti supaprastintą vartotojo sąsają."
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:424
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:421
 msgid "&Add project or account manager..."
 msgstr "&Prisijungti prie projekto ar paskyros valdytojo..."
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:425 sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:76
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:422
 msgid "Volunteer for any or all of 30+ projects in many areas of science"
 msgstr ""
 "Būkite savanoriu viename ar keliuose iš daugiau kaip 30 projektų įvairiose "
 "mokslo srityse"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:429
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:426
 #, c-format
 msgid "&Synchronize with %s"
 msgstr "&Sinchronizuoti su %s"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:433
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:430
 #, c-format
 msgid "Get current settings from %s"
 msgstr "Gauti dabartinius nustatymus iš %s"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:443
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:440
 msgid "&Add project..."
 msgstr "&Prisijungti prie projekto..."
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:444
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:441
 msgid "Add a project"
 msgstr "Prisijungti prie projekto"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:447
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:444
 #, c-format
 msgid "S&top using %s..."
 msgstr "Nus&toti naudoti %s..."
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:453
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:450
 msgid "Remove this computer from account manager control."
 msgstr "Nebenaudoti abonemento valdiklio šio kompiuterio valdymui."
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:458 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:178
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:455
 msgid "&Options..."
 msgstr "&Nustatymai..."
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:459 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:179
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:456
 msgid "Configure display options and proxy settings"
 msgstr "Vartotojo sąsajos ir įgaliotojo serverio nustatymai"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:463 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:172
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:460
 msgid "Computing &preferences..."
 msgstr "Skaičiavimų nustatymai..."
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:464 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:173
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:461
 msgid "Configure computing preferences"
 msgstr "Pakeisti skaičiavimų nustatymus"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:472
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:469
 msgid "&Run always"
 msgstr "Veikti visada"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:473
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:470
 msgid "Allow work regardless of preferences"
 msgstr "Darbas vykdomas nepaisant nustatymų"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:477
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:474
 msgid "Run based on &preferences"
 msgstr "Veikti pagal nustatymus"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:478
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:475
 msgid "Allow work according to preferences"
 msgstr "Leisti veikti pagal nustatymus"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:482
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:479
 msgid "&Suspend"
 msgstr "&Sustabdyti"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:483
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:480
 msgid "Stop work regardless of preferences"
 msgstr "Darbas sustabdomas nepaisant nustatymų"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:508
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:505
 msgid "Use GPU always"
 msgstr "Visada naudoti grafikos procesorių"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:509
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:506
 msgid "Allow GPU work regardless of preferences"
 msgstr "Leisti GPU darbą nepaisant nustatymų"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:513
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:510
 msgid "Use GPU based on preferences"
 msgstr "Naudoti GPU pagal nustatymus"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:514
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:511
 msgid "Allow GPU work according to preferences"
 msgstr "Leisti GPU darbą pagal nustatymus"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:518
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:515
 msgid "Suspend GPU"
 msgstr "Sustabdyti GPU"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:519
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:516
 msgid "Stop GPU work regardless of preferences"
 msgstr "Sustabdyti GPU darbą nepaisant nustatymų"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:543
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:540
 msgid "Network activity always available"
 msgstr "Veiksmai tinkle leidžiami bet kada"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:544
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:541
 msgid "Allow network activity regardless of preferences"
 msgstr "Veiksmai tinkle galimi nepaisant nustatymų"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:548
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:545
 msgid "Network activity based on preferences"
 msgstr "Veiksmai tinkle pagal nustatymus"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:549
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:546
 msgid "Allow network activity according to preferences"
 msgstr "Leisti veiksmus tinkle pagal nustatymus"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:553
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:550
 msgid "Network activity suspended"
 msgstr "Veiksmai tinkle sustabdyti"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:554
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:551
 msgid "Stop BOINC network activity"
 msgstr "Veiksmai tinkle negalimi"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:564
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:561
 #, c-format
 msgid "Connect to another computer running %s"
 msgstr "Prisijungti prie kito kompiuterio, kuriame veikia %s"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:569
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:566
 msgid "Select computer..."
 msgstr "Pasirinkti kompiuterį..."
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:574
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:571
 msgid "Shut down connected client..."
 msgstr "Išjungti prisijungusį klientą..."
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:575
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:572
 msgid "Shut down the currently connected client"
 msgstr "Išjungti šiuo metu prisijungusį pagrindinį klientą"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:579
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:576
 msgid "Run CPU &benchmarks"
 msgstr "Matuoti sistemos greitį"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:580
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:577
 msgid "Runs BOINC CPU benchmarks"
 msgstr "Matuoja sistemos procesoraus darbo našumą"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:584
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:581
 msgid "Do network communication"
 msgstr "Atlikti susijungimus tinkle"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:585
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:582
 msgid "Do all pending network communication"
 msgstr "Atlikti visus laukiančius susijungimus tinkle"
 # 94%
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:589
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:586
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Read config files"
 msgstr "Nuskaityti nustatymų bylą"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:590
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:587
 msgid "Read configuration info from cc_config.xml and any app_config.xml files"
 msgstr ""
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:594
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:591
 msgid "Read local prefs file"
 msgstr "Nuskaityti vietinių nustatymų bylą"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:595
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:592
 msgid "Read preferences from global_prefs_override.xml."
 msgstr "Nuskaityti nustatymus iš global_prefs_override.xml."
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:600
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:597
 #, c-format
 msgid "Launch another instance of %s..."
 msgstr ""
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:604
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:601
 #, c-format
 msgid "Launch another %s"
 msgstr "Vykdyti kitą %s"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:614
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:611
 msgid "Event Log...\tCtrl+Shift+E"
 msgstr "Įvykių žurnalas...\tCtrl+Shift+E"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:615
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:612
 msgid "Display diagnostic messages."
 msgstr "Rodyti diagnostikos žinutes."
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:625 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:188
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:616
+msgid "Event Log Diagnostic Flags...\tCtrl+Shift+F"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:617
+msgid "Enable or disable various diagnostic messages"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:626
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s &help"
 msgstr "%s &pagalba"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:631 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:194
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:632
 #, c-format
 msgid "Show information about %s"
 msgstr "Rodyti informaciją apie %s"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:643
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:644
 #, c-format
 msgid "&%s help"
 msgstr "&%s pagalba"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:649 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:212
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:650
 #, c-format
 msgid "Show information about the %s"
 msgstr "Rodyti informaciją apie %s"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:661 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:224
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:662
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s &web site"
 msgstr ""
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:667 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:230
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:668
 #, c-format
 msgid "Show information about BOINC and %s"
 msgstr "Rodyti informaciją apie BOINC ir %s"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:679 BOINCTaskBar.cpp:530 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:242
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:680
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:544
 #, c-format
 msgid "&About %s..."
 msgstr "&Apie %s..."
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:685 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:248
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:686
 msgid "Licensing and copyright information."
 msgstr "Licensijų ir autorinių teisių informacija."
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:692 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:255
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:693
 msgid "&File"
 msgstr "&Byla"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:696 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:259
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:697
 msgid "&View"
 msgstr "&Peržiūra"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:700 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:263
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:701
 msgid "&Tools"
 msgstr "&Įrankiai"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:704
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:705
 msgid "&Activity"
 msgstr "&Veikimas"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:708
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:709
 msgid "A&dvanced"
 msgstr "&Papildomi"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:712 DlgEventLog.cpp:332 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:267
-#: wizardex.cpp:374 wizardex.cpp:381
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:713
 msgid "&Help"
 msgstr "&Pagalba"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:1199
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1185
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - Stop using %s"
 msgstr "%s - Sustabdyti %s"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:1204
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1190
 #, c-format
 #, fuzzy, c-format
 msgid ""
@@ -553,12 +575,12 @@ msgstr ""
 "Ar tikrai norite atsijungti nuo %s?"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:1401
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1397
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - Shut down the current client..."
 msgstr "%s - Išjungti dabartinį klientą..."
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:1410
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1406
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "%s will shut down the current client\n"
@@ -567,37 +589,37 @@ msgstr ""
 "%s išjungs šiuo metu prisijungusį klientą\n"
 "ir pasiūlys prisijungti prie kito kompiuterio."
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:1745 DlgAbout.cpp:119
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1806
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s"
 msgstr "%s"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:1754
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1815
 #, c-format
 #, fuzzy, c-format
 msgid "%s has successfully added %s"
 msgstr "%s sėkmingai prisijungė prie %s"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:1893
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1953
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - (%s)"
 msgstr "%s - (%s)"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:1897
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1957
 #, c-format
 msgid "Connecting to %s"
 msgstr "Jungiamasi prie %s"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:1900
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1960
 #, c-format
 msgid "Connected to %s (%s)"
 msgstr "Prisijungta prie %s (%s)"
-#: AlreadyExistsPage.cpp:184
+#: clientgui/AlreadyExistsPage.cpp:184
 msgid "Username already in use"
 msgstr "Šis vartotojo vardas jau naudojamas"
-#: AlreadyExistsPage.cpp:187
+#: clientgui/AlreadyExistsPage.cpp:187
 msgid ""
 "An account with that username already exists and has a\n"
 "different password than the one you entered.\n"
@@ -610,11 +632,11 @@ msgstr ""
 "Prašome apsilankyti projekto tinklapyje ir veikti pagal ten\n"
 "nurodytas instrukcijas."
-#: AlreadyExistsPage.cpp:191
+#: clientgui/AlreadyExistsPage.cpp:191
 msgid "Email address already in use"
 msgstr "Šis el. pašto adresas jau yra naudojamas"
-#: AlreadyExistsPage.cpp:194
+#: clientgui/AlreadyExistsPage.cpp:194
 msgid ""
 "An account with that email address already exists and has a\n"
 "different password than the one you entered.\n"
@@ -627,45 +649,44 @@ msgstr ""
 "Prašome apsilankyti projekto tinklapyje ir veikti pagal ten\n"
 "nurodytas instrukcijas."
-#: AsyncRPC.cpp:1031
+#: clientgui/AsyncRPC.cpp:1031
 msgid "Communicating with BOINC client.  Please wait ..."
 msgstr "Jungiamasi prie BOINC kliento. Prašome palaukti..."
-#: AsyncRPC.cpp:1034
+#: clientgui/AsyncRPC.cpp:1034
 #, c-format
 msgid "&Quit %s"
 msgstr ""
-#: AsyncRPC.cpp:1036
+#: clientgui/AsyncRPC.cpp:1036
 #, c-format
 msgid "E&xit %s"
 msgstr "Išeiti iš %s"
-#: AsyncRPC.cpp:1040
+#: clientgui/AsyncRPC.cpp:1040
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - Communication"
 msgstr ""
-#: AsyncRPC.cpp:1056 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:107 sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:433
+#: clientgui/AsyncRPC.cpp:1056
 msgid "Cancel"
 msgstr "Atšaukti"
-#: BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:505
+#: clientgui/BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:504
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - Connection Error"
 msgstr "%s - ryšio klaida"
-#: BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:514
+#: clientgui/BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:513
 msgid ""
 "You currently are not authorized to manage the client.\n"
-"Please contact your administrator to add you to the 'boinc_users' local user "
+"Please contact your administrator to add you to the 'boinc_users' local user group."
 msgstr ""
 "Jums nėra leidžiama valdyti kliento.\n"
 "Susisiekite su savo administratoriumi, kad jis pridėtų jus į \"boinc_users\" "
 "vartotojų grupę."
-#: BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:523
+#: clientgui/BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:522
 msgid ""
 "Authorization failed connecting to running client.\n"
 "Make sure you start this program in the same directory as the client."
@@ -674,20 +695,20 @@ msgstr ""
 "Įsitikinkite, kad bandote paleisti šią programą tame pačiame kataloge, kaip "
 "ir klientas."
-#: BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:525
+#: clientgui/BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:524
 msgid "Authorization failed connecting to running client."
 msgstr "Nepavyko prisijungti prie veikiančio kliento."
-#: BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:533
+#: clientgui/BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:532
 msgid "The password you have provided is incorrect, please try again."
 msgstr "Slaptažodis yra neteisingas, bandykite dar kartą."
-#: BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:577
+#: clientgui/BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:576
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - Connection Failed"
 msgstr "%s - susijungimas nepavyko"
-#: BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:586
+#: clientgui/BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:585
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "%s is not able to connect to a %s client.\n"
@@ -696,37 +717,35 @@ msgstr ""
 "%s negali prisijungti prie %s kliento.\n"
 "Ar norite dar kartą bandyti prisijungti?"
-#: BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:622
+#: clientgui/BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:621
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - Daemon Start Failed"
 msgstr ""
-#: BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:632
+#: clientgui/BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:631
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "%s is not able to start a %s client.\n"
-"Please launch the Control Panel->Administative Tools->Services applet and "
-"start the BOINC service."
+"Please launch the Control Panel->Administative Tools->Services applet and start the BOINC service."
 msgstr ""
-#: BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:638
+#: clientgui/BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:637
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "%s is not able to start a %s client.\n"
 "Please start the daemon and try again."
 msgstr ""
-#: BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:689
+#: clientgui/BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:688
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - Connection Status"
 msgstr "%s - susijungimo būklė"
-#: BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:700
+#: clientgui/BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:699
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "%s is not currently connected to a %s client.\n"
-"Please use the 'Advanced\\Select Computer...' menu option to connect up to a "
-"%s client.\n"
+"Please use the 'Advanced\\Select Computer...' menu option to connect up to a %s client.\n"
 "To connect up to your local computer please use 'localhost' as the host name."
 msgstr ""
 "%s šiuo metu nėra prisijungęs prie %s kliento.\n"
@@ -735,17 +754,17 @@ msgstr ""
 "Norėdami prisijungti prie vietinio kompiuterio, kaip kompiuterio vardą "
 "įrašykite \"localhost\"."
-#: BOINCBaseView.cpp:779
+#: clientgui/BOINCBaseView.cpp:752
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Project web pages"
 msgstr "Prisijungta prie projekto"
-#: BOINCClientManager.cpp:575
+#: clientgui/BOINCClientManager.cpp:573
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - Unexpected Exit"
 msgstr ""
-#: BOINCClientManager.cpp:585
+#: clientgui/BOINCClientManager.cpp:583
 #, c-format
 #, fuzzy, c-format
 msgid ""
@@ -755,12 +774,12 @@ msgstr ""
 "%s negali prisijungti prie %s kliento.\n"
 "Ar norite dar kartą bandyti prisijungti?"
-#: BOINCDialupManager.cpp:61
+#: clientgui/BOINCDialupManager.cpp:61
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - Network Status"
 msgstr "%s - tinklo būsena"
-#: BOINCDialupManager.cpp:241
+#: clientgui/BOINCDialupManager.cpp:241
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "%s needs to connect to the Internet.\n"
@@ -769,22 +788,22 @@ msgstr ""
 "%s reikia prisijungti prie interneto.\n"
 "Ar galima tai daryti dabar?"
-#: BOINCDialupManager.cpp:254
+#: clientgui/BOINCDialupManager.cpp:254
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s is connecting to the Internet."
 msgstr "%s jungiasi prie interneto."
-#: BOINCDialupManager.cpp:303
+#: clientgui/BOINCDialupManager.cpp:303
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s has successfully connected to the Internet."
 msgstr "%s sėkmingai prisijungė prie interneto."
-#: BOINCDialupManager.cpp:331
+#: clientgui/BOINCDialupManager.cpp:331
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s failed to connect to the Internet."
 msgstr "%s negali prisijungti prie interneto."
-#: BOINCDialupManager.cpp:372
+#: clientgui/BOINCDialupManager.cpp:372
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "%s has detected it is now connected to the Internet.\n"
@@ -793,17 +812,17 @@ msgstr ""
 "%s aptiko prisijungimą prie interneto.\n"
 "Atnaujinami projektai ir duomenų siuntimas."
-#: BOINCDialupManager.cpp:417
+#: clientgui/BOINCDialupManager.cpp:417
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s has successfully disconnected from the Internet."
 msgstr "%s sėkmingai atsijungė nuo interneto."
-#: BOINCDialupManager.cpp:433
+#: clientgui/BOINCDialupManager.cpp:433
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s failed to disconnected from the Internet."
 msgstr "%s nepavyko atsijungti nuo interneto."
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:339
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:595
 #, c-format
 #, fuzzy, c-format
 msgid ""
@@ -820,23 +839,22 @@ msgstr ""
 "Susisiekite su savo administratoriumi, kad jis pridėtų jus į \"boinc_users\" "
 "vartotojų grupę."
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:345
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:601
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "%s ownership or permissions are not set properly; please reinstall %s.\n"
 "(Error code %d"
 msgstr ""
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:351
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:607
 msgid " at "
 msgstr ""
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:354 MainDocument.cpp:2484 MainDocument.cpp:2534
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2554 ViewTransfers.cpp:803
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:610
 msgid ")"
 msgstr ""
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:384
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:640
 msgid ""
 "A reboot is required in order for BOINC to run properly.\n"
 "Please reboot your computer and try again."
@@ -844,189 +862,193 @@ msgstr ""
 "Kad BOINC veiktų teisingai, būtina perkrauti sistemą.\n"
 "Perkraukite kompiuterį ir pamėginkite dar kartą."
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:385 DlgAbout.cpp:153
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:641
 msgid "BOINC Manager"
 msgstr "BOINC valdiklis"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:572
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:902
 msgid "BOINC Manager was started by the operating system automatically"
 msgstr "BOINC valdiklis buvo automatiškai paleistas operacinės sistemos"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:574
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:904
 msgid "Startup BOINC so only the system tray icon is visible"
 msgstr "Paleisti BOINC tik su matoma piktograma sistemos dėkle"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:576
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:906
 msgid "Directory containing the BOINC Client executable"
 msgstr ""
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:577
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:907
 msgid "BOINC data directory"
 msgstr ""
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:579
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:909
 msgid "Host name or IP address"
 msgstr ""
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:580
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:910
 msgid "GUI RPC port number"
 msgstr ""
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:581
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:911
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Password"
 msgstr "Slaptažodis:"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:582
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:912
 msgid "Startup BOINC with these optional arguments"
 msgstr "Paleisti BOINC su šiais parametrais"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:583
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:913
 msgid "disable BOINC security users and permissions"
 msgstr "atjungti BOINC saugumo vartotojus ir įgaliojimus"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:584
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:914
 msgid "set skin debugging mode to enable skin manager error messages"
 msgstr ""
 "įjungti apvalkalų derinimo režimą, kad būtų įjungti apvalkalų valdiklio "
 "klaidų pranešimai"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:585
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:915
 msgid "multiple instances of BOINC Manager allowed"
 msgstr ""
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:587
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:917
 msgid "Not used: workaround for bug in XCode 4.2"
 msgstr ""
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:814
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:1164
 msgid "(Automatic Detection)"
 msgstr "(Automatinis aptikimas)"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:815
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:1165
 msgid "(Unknown)"
 msgstr "(Nežinoma)"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:816
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:1166
 msgid "(User Defined)"
 msgstr "(Vartotojo nustatyta)"
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:508
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:522
 #, c-format
 msgid "Open %s Web..."
 msgstr "Atidaryti %s tinklapį..."
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:515
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:529
 #, c-format
 msgid "Open %s..."
 msgstr "Atidaryti %s..."
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:522 BOINCTaskBar.cpp:619 BOINCTaskBar.cpp:627
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:536
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:633
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:641
 msgid "Snooze"
 msgstr "Laikinai sustabdyti"
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:524 BOINCTaskBar.cpp:646 BOINCTaskBar.cpp:654
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:538
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:660
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:668
 msgid "Snooze GPU"
 msgstr ""
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:542
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:556
 msgid "E&xit"
 msgstr "Išeiti"
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:612 ViewProjects.cpp:718 ViewWork.cpp:795
-#: sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:758 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:110
-#: sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:102
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:626
 msgid "Resume"
 msgstr "Tęsti"
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:639
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:653
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Resume GPU"
 msgstr "Tęsti"
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:713
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:727
 msgid "Computing is enabled"
 msgstr "Skaičiavimai leidžiami"
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:717
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:731
 msgid "Computing is suspended - "
 msgstr "Skaičiavimai sustabdyti - "
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:727
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:741
 msgid "GPU computing is enabled"
 msgstr "Skaičiavimai vaizdo procesoriumi leidžiami"
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:730
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:744
 msgid "GPU computing is suspended - "
 msgstr "Skaičiavimai vaizdo procesoriumi sustabdyti - "
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:739
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:753
 msgid "Network is enabled"
 msgstr "Tinklo naudojimas leidžiamas"
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:742
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:756
 msgid "Network is suspended - "
 msgstr "Tinklo naudojimas sustabdytas - "
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:750
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:764
 msgid "Reconnecting to client."
 msgstr "Iš naujo prisijungiama prie kliento."
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:752
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:766
 msgid "Not connected to a client."
 msgstr "Neprisijungta prie kliento."
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:805
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:819
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s Notices"
 msgstr ""
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:811
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:825
 msgid "There are new notices - click to view."
 msgstr ""
-#: CompletionErrorPage.cpp:199
+#: clientgui/CompletionErrorPage.cpp:199
 msgid "Failed to add project"
 msgstr ""
-#: CompletionErrorPage.cpp:204
+#: clientgui/CompletionErrorPage.cpp:204
 msgid "Failed to update account manager"
 msgstr "Nepavyko atnaujinti abonemento valdiklio"
-#: CompletionErrorPage.cpp:208
+#: clientgui/CompletionErrorPage.cpp:208
 msgid "Failed to remove account manager"
 msgstr "Nepavyko atsijungti nuo abonemento valdiklio"
-#: CompletionErrorPage.cpp:212
+#: clientgui/CompletionErrorPage.cpp:212
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Failed to add account manager"
 msgstr "Nepavyko atnaujinti abonemento valdiklio"
-#: CompletionErrorPage.cpp:221
+#: clientgui/CompletionErrorPage.cpp:221
 msgid ""
 "Please try again later.\n"
 "Click Finish to close."
 msgstr ""
-#: CompletionErrorPage.cpp:225 CompletionPage.cpp:222 CompletionPage.cpp:242
-#: CompletionPage.cpp:273
+#: clientgui/CompletionErrorPage.cpp:225
+#: clientgui/CompletionPage.cpp:222
+#: clientgui/CompletionPage.cpp:242
+#: clientgui/CompletionPage.cpp:273
 msgid "Click Finish to close."
 msgstr "Norėdami uždaryti spauskite \"Baigti\"."
-#: CompletionErrorPage.cpp:234
+#: clientgui/CompletionErrorPage.cpp:234
 msgid "Messages from server:"
 msgstr "Pranešimai iš serverio:"
-#: CompletionPage.cpp:207
+#: clientgui/CompletionPage.cpp:207
 msgid "Project added"
 msgstr "Prisijungta prie projekto"
-#: CompletionPage.cpp:213
+#: clientgui/CompletionPage.cpp:213
 msgid "This project has been successfully added."
 msgstr ""
-#: CompletionPage.cpp:218
+#: clientgui/CompletionPage.cpp:218
 msgid ""
 "When you click Finish, your web browser will go to a page where\n"
 "you can set your account name and preferences."
@@ -1034,138 +1056,139 @@ msgstr ""
 "Kai paspausite \"Baigti\", interneto naršyklė atvers tinklapį, kuriame\n"
 "galėsite nustatyti abonemento pavadinimą ir nustatymus."
-#: CompletionPage.cpp:232
+#: clientgui/CompletionPage.cpp:232
 #, c-format
 msgid "Update from %s completed."
 msgstr "Atnaujinimas iš %s baigas."
-#: CompletionPage.cpp:236
+#: clientgui/CompletionPage.cpp:236
 msgid "Update completed."
 msgstr "Atnaujinimas baigtas."
-#: CompletionPage.cpp:247
+#: clientgui/CompletionPage.cpp:247
 msgid "Now using account manager"
 msgstr ""
-#: CompletionPage.cpp:252
+#: clientgui/CompletionPage.cpp:252
 #, c-format
 msgid "Welcome to %s!"
 msgstr "Prisijungta prie %s!"
-#: CompletionPage.cpp:263
+#: clientgui/CompletionPage.cpp:263
 #, c-format
 msgid "You are now using %s to manage accounts."
 msgstr ""
-#: CompletionPage.cpp:267
+#: clientgui/CompletionPage.cpp:267
 msgid "You are now using this account manager."
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgAbout.cpp:113 mac/Mac_GUI.cpp:96
+#: clientgui/DlgAbout.cpp:113
 #, c-format
 msgid "About %s"
 msgstr "Apie %s"
-#: DlgAbout.cpp:172
+#: clientgui/DlgAbout.cpp:172
 msgid "Version:"
 msgstr "Versija:"
-#: DlgAbout.cpp:180
+#: clientgui/DlgAbout.cpp:180
 msgid "wxWidgets Version:"
 msgstr "wxWidgets versija:"
-#: DlgAbout.cpp:188
+#: clientgui/DlgAbout.cpp:188
 msgid "Copyright:"
 msgstr "Copyright:"
-# 98%
-#: DlgAbout.cpp:192
-#, fuzzy
+#: clientgui/DlgAbout.cpp:192
 msgid ""
-"(C) 2003-2013 University of California, Berkeley.\n"
+"(C) 2003-2014 University of California, Berkeley.\n"
 "All Rights Reserved."
 msgstr ""
-"(C) 2003-2010 University of California, Berkeley.\n"
-"Visos teisės saugomos."
-#: DlgAbout.cpp:196
+#: clientgui/DlgAbout.cpp:196
 msgid "Berkeley Open Infrastructure for Network Computing"
 msgstr "Berkeley Open Infrastructure for Network Computing"
-#: DlgAbout.cpp:208 DlgExitMessage.cpp:173 DlgGenericMessage.cpp:120
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:396 DlgSelectComputer.cpp:163
+#: clientgui/DlgAbout.cpp:208
+#: clientgui/DlgExitMessage.cpp:173
+#: clientgui/DlgGenericMessage.cpp:120
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:399
+#: clientgui/DlgSelectComputer.cpp:163
 msgid "&OK"
 msgstr "&Gerai"
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:544
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:602
 msgid "invalid number"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:545
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:603
 msgid "invalid time, format is HH:MM"
 msgstr "neteisingas laikas, formatas yra VV:MM"
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:546
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:604
 msgid "invalid time interval, format is HH:MM-HH:MM"
 msgstr "neteisingas laiko intervalas, formatas yra VV:MM-VV:MM"
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:751
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:817
 msgid "invalid input value detected"
 msgstr "įvesta negalima reikšmė"
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:753
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:819
 msgid "Validation Error"
 msgstr "Patikrinimo klaida"
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:885 DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:891
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:897
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:969
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:975
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:981
 msgid "Applications to add"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:914
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:998
 #, c-format
 msgid "'%s' is not an executable application."
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:915 DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:962
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:986
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:999
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:1046
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:1070
 msgid "Add Exclusive App"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:927
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:1011
 msgid "Name of application to add?"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:927
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:1011
 msgid "Add exclusive app"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:961
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:1045
 #, c-format
 msgid "Application names must end with '%s'"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:985
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:1069
 #, c-format
 msgid "'%s' is already in the list."
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:1077
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:1161
 msgid ""
 "Do you really want to clear all local preferences?\n"
 "(This will not affect exclusive applications.)"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:1078 sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:1030
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:1162
 msgid "Confirmation"
 msgstr "Patvirtinimas"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:46 sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:946
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:49
 #, c-format
-msgid "%s - Preferences"
-msgstr "%s - nustatymai"
+msgid "%s - Computing preferences"
+msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:62
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:66
 #, fuzzy
 msgid ""
 "This dialog controls preferences for this computer only.\n"
@@ -1177,467 +1200,503 @@ msgstr ""
 "Spauskite Pašalinti, kad vėl pradėtumėte naudoti internete pasirinktus "
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:65 sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:428
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:69
 msgid "Clear"
 msgstr "Pašalinti"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:66
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:70
 msgid "clear all local preferences and close the dialog"
 msgstr "išvalyti vietinius nustatymus ir uždaryti šį langą"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:81
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:85
 msgid "processor usage"
 msgstr "procesoriaus naudojimas"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:84
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:88
 msgid "network usage"
 msgstr "tinklo naudojimas"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:87
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:91
 msgid "disk and memory usage"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:90
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:94
 msgid "exclusive applications"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:102 sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:424
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:107
+#: clientgui/DlgDiagnosticLogFlags.cpp:104
 msgid "OK"
 msgstr "Gerai"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:103
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:108
 msgid "save all values and close the dialog"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:108
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:114
 msgid "close the dialog without saving"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:112 Localization.cpp:35 Localization.cpp:121
-#: Localization.cpp:139 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:794 sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:439
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:118
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:35
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:121
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:139
 msgid "Help"
 msgstr "Pagalba"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:113
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:119
 msgid "shows the preferences web page"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:135
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:141
 msgid "Computing allowed"
 msgstr "Skaičiavimai leidžiami"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:139
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:146
 msgid "While computer is on batteries"
 msgstr "Kai kompiuteris veikia iš baterijų"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:142
-msgid ""
-"check this if you want this computer to do work while it runs on batteries"
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:149
+msgid "check this if you want this computer to do work while it runs on batteries"
 msgstr ""
 "pažymėkite, jei norite vykdyti skaičiavimus kai kompiuteris veikia iš "
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:148
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:155
 msgid "While computer is in use"
 msgstr "Kai kompiuteris naudojamas"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:151
-msgid ""
-"check this if you want this computer to do work even when you're using it"
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:158
+msgid "check this if you want this computer to do work even when you're using it"
 msgstr "pažymėkite, jei norite vykdyti skaičiavimus kai naudojatės kompiuteriu"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:157
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:164
 msgid "Use GPU while computer is in use"
 msgstr "Naudoti vaizdo procesorių kai kompiuteris naudojamas"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:160
-msgid ""
-"check this if you want your GPU to do work even when you're using the "
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:167
+msgid "check this if you want your GPU to do work even when you're using the computer"
 msgstr ""
 "pažymėkite, jei norite skaičiavimams naudoti grafikos plokštę kai naudojatės "
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:172
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:179
 msgid "Only after computer has been idle for"
 msgstr "Tik kai kompiuteris buvo nenaudojamas"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:182
-msgid ""
-"do work only after you haven't used the computer for this number of minutes"
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:188
+msgid "do work only after you haven't used the computer for this number of minutes"
 msgstr ""
 "vykdyti skaičiavimus tik kai kompiuteris nenaudojamas nurodytą minučių "
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:187 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:336
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:417
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:193
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:342
 msgid "minutes"
 msgstr "minutes"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:206
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:212
 msgid "While processor usage is less than"
 msgstr "Kai procesoriaus naudojimas mažesnis nei"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:216
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:221
 msgid "suspend work if processor usage exceeds this level"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:221
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:226
 msgid "percent (0 means no restriction)"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:235 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:496
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:240
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:506
 msgid "Every day between hours of"
 msgstr "Kiekvieną dieną tarp"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:239
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:244
 msgid "start work at this time"
 msgstr "pradėti vykdyti"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:243 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:504
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:326 sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:348
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:248
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:514
 msgid "and"
 msgstr "ir"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:247
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:252
 msgid "stop work at this time"
 msgstr "baigti vykdyti"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:251 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:512
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:256
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:522
 msgid "(no restriction if equal)"
 msgstr "(be apribojimų jei vienodi)"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:256 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:517
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:261
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:527
 msgid "Day-of-week override:"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:261 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:522
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:266
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:532
 msgid "check box to specify hours for this day of week"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:267 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:528
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:272
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:538
 msgid "Monday"
 msgstr "Pirmadienis"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:274 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:535
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:279
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:545
 msgid "Tuesday"
 msgstr "Antradienis"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:281 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:542
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:286
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:552
 msgid "Wednesday"
 msgstr "Trečiadienis"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:288 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:549
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:293
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:559
 msgid "Thursday"
 msgstr "Ketvirtadienis"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:295 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:556
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:300
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:566
 msgid "Friday"
 msgstr "Penktadienis"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:302 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:563
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:307
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:573
 msgid "Saturday"
 msgstr "Šeštadienis"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:309 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:570
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:314
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:580
 msgid "Sunday"
 msgstr "Sekmadienis"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:323
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:328
 msgid "Other options"
 msgstr "Kiti pasirinkimai"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:330
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:336
 msgid "Switch between applications every"
 msgstr "Keisti programas kas"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:339
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:345
 msgid "On multiprocessor systems, use at most"
 msgstr "Sistemose su keletu procesorių naudoti daugiausiai"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:346
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:352
 #, no-c-format
-msgid "% of the processors (0 means ignore this setting)"
+msgid "% of the processors (0 means no restriction)"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:349 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:605
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:627 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:648
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:669 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:679
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:355
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:618
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:640
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:661
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:683
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:694
 msgid "Use at most"
 msgstr "Naudoti daugiausiai"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:356
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:362
 #, no-c-format
-msgid "% CPU time"
-msgstr "% procesoriaus laiko"
+msgid "% of CPU time (0 means no restriction)"
+msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:378
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:386
 msgid "General options"
 msgstr "Bendri nustatymai"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:386
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:395
 msgid "Maximum download rate"
 msgstr "Didžiausia parsiuntimo sparta"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:392 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:401
-msgid "KBytes/sec."
-msgstr "KB/s"
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:401
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:410
+msgid "KBytes/second (0 means no restriction)"
+msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:395
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:404
 msgid "Maximum upload rate"
 msgstr "Didžiausia išsiuntimo sparta"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:406
-msgid "Transfer at most"
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:417
+msgid "Minimum work buffer"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:412
-msgid "Mbytes"
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:425
+msgid "Try to maintain enough tasks to keep busy for this many days"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:415
-msgid "every"
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:431
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:449
+msgid "days (maximum value: 10)"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:421 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:444
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:463
-msgid "days"
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:437
+msgid "Max additional work buffer"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:429
-msgid "Minimum work buffer"
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:445
+msgid "In addition, maintain enough tasks for up to this many days"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:438
-msgid "Try to maintain enough tasks to keep busy for this many days"
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:454
+msgid "Transfer at most"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:450
-msgid "Max additional work buffer"
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:462
+msgid "MBytes every"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:459
-msgid "In addition, maintain enough tasks for up to this many days"
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:468
+msgid "days (0 means no restriction)"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:466
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:476
 msgid "Skip image file verification"
 msgstr "Praleisti bylų tikrinimą"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:468
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:478
 msgid "check this if your Internet provider modifies image files"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:476
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:484
 msgid "Connect options"
 msgstr "Susijungimo nustatymai"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:478
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:487
 msgid "Confirm before connecting to internet"
 msgstr "Klausti prieš jungiantis prie interneto"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:480
-msgid ""
-"if checked, a confirmation dialog will be displayed before trying to connect "
-"to the Internet"
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:489
+msgid "if checked, a confirmation dialog will be displayed before trying to connect to the Internet"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:484
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:493
 msgid "Disconnect when done"
 msgstr "Atsijungti pabaigus"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:486
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:495
 msgid ""
 "if checked, BOINC hangs up when network usage is done\n"
 "(only relevant for dialup-connection)"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:492
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:501
 msgid "Network usage allowed"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:500
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:510
 msgid "network usage start hour"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:508
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:518
 msgid "network usage stop hour"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:598 DlgItemProperties.cpp:231
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:610
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:257
 msgid "Disk usage"
 msgstr "Disko naudojimas"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:609
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:622
 msgid "the maximum disk space used by BOINC (in Gigabytes)"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:613
-msgid "Gigabytes disk space"
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:626
+msgid "Gigabytes disk space (0 means no restriction)"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:616
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:629
 msgid "Leave at least"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:620
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:633
 msgid "BOINC leaves at least this amount of disk space free (in Gigabytes)"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:624
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:637
 msgid "Gigabytes disk space free"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:631
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:644
 msgid "BOINC uses at most this percentage of total disk space"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:636
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:649
 #, no-c-format
 msgid "% of total disk space"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:639
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:652
 msgid "Tasks checkpoint to disk at most every"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:645
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:658
 msgid "seconds"
 msgstr "sekundžių"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:655
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:668
 #, no-c-format
 msgid "% of page file (swap space)"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:662
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:675
 msgid "Memory usage"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:676
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:691
 #, no-c-format
 msgid "% when computer is in use"
 msgstr "% kai kompiuteris naudojamas"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:686
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:701
 #, no-c-format
 msgid "% when computer is idle"
 msgstr "% kai kompiuteris nenaudojamas"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:691
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:706
 msgid "Leave applications in memory while suspended"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:693
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:708
 msgid "if checked, suspended work units are left in memory"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:713
-msgid ""
-"Suspend processor and network usage when these applications are running:"
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:728
+msgid "Suspend processor and network usage when these applications are running:"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:722
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:738
 msgid "Add..."
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:723
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:739
 msgid "Add an application to this list"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:728 ViewProjects.cpp:202
-#: sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:85
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:744
 msgid "Remove"
 msgstr "Pašalinti"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:729
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:745
 msgid "Remove an application from this list"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:738
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:754
 msgid "For advanced options, refer to "
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:219
+#: clientgui/DlgDiagnosticLogFlags.cpp:65
+#, c-format
+msgid "%s Diagnostic Log Flags"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/DlgDiagnosticLogFlags.cpp:83
+msgid "These flags enable various types of diagnostic messages in the Event Log."
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/DlgDiagnosticLogFlags.cpp:105
+msgid "Save all values and close the dialog"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/DlgDiagnosticLogFlags.cpp:108
+msgid "Defaults"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/DlgDiagnosticLogFlags.cpp:109
+msgid "Restore default settings"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/DlgDiagnosticLogFlags.cpp:113
+msgid "Close the dialog without saving"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:226
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - Event Log"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:232 ViewMessages.cpp:117 ViewProjects.cpp:219
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:435 ViewStatistics.cpp:2009 ViewTransfers.cpp:182
-#: ViewWork.cpp:232
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:236
 msgid "Project"
 msgstr "Projektas"
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:233 ViewMessages.cpp:118
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:237
 msgid "Time"
 msgstr "Laikas"
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:234 ViewMessages.cpp:119
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:238
 msgid "Message"
 msgstr "Pranešimas"
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:290 DlgEventLog.cpp:354
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:300
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:364
 msgid "&Show only this project"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:294
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:304
 msgid "Copy &All"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:296 DlgEventLog.cpp:300 ViewMessages.cpp:89
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:306
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:310
 msgid "Copy all the messages to the clipboard."
 msgstr "Kopijuoti visas žinutes į laikinąją saugyklą."
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:305
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:315
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Copy &Selected"
 msgstr "Kopijuoti pasirinktas"
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:308 DlgEventLog.cpp:316 ViewMessages.cpp:97
-msgid ""
-"Copy the selected messages to the clipboard. You can select multiple "
-"messages by holding down the shift or command key while clicking on messages."
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:318
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:326
+msgid "Copy the selected messages to the clipboard. You can select multiple messages by holding down the shift or command key while clicking on messages."
 msgstr ""
 "Kopijuoti pasirinktas žinutes į laikinąją saugyklą. Keletą žinučių galite "
 "pažymėti spausdami Shift arba Command klavišus žymėjimo metu."
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:310 DlgEventLog.cpp:318 ViewMessages.cpp:99
-msgid ""
-"Copy the selected messages to the clipboard. You can select multiple "
-"messages by holding down the shift or control key while clicking on messages."
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:320
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:328
+msgid "Copy the selected messages to the clipboard. You can select multiple messages by holding down the shift or control key while clicking on messages."
 msgstr ""
 "Kopijuoti pasirinktas žinutes į laikinąją saugyklą. Keletą žinučių galite "
 "pažymėti spausdami Shift arba Control klavišus žymėjimo metu."
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:325 DlgItemProperties.cpp:67
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:335
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:67
 msgid "&Close"
 msgstr "Uždaryti"
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:334 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:798 sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:442
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:344
 #, c-format
 msgid "Get help with %s"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:348
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:358
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Show all &messages"
 msgstr "Rodyti visus pranešimus"
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:349 DlgEventLog.cpp:351
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:359
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:361
 msgid "Show messages for all projects"
 msgstr "Rodyti visų projektų žinutes"
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:355 DlgEventLog.cpp:357
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:365
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:367
 msgid "Show only the messages for the selected project"
 msgstr "Rodyti tik pasirinkto projekto žinutes"
-#: DlgExitMessage.cpp:82
+#: clientgui/DlgExitMessage.cpp:82
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - Exit Confirmation"
 msgstr "%s - išėjimo patvirtinimas"
-#: DlgExitMessage.cpp:130
+#: clientgui/DlgExitMessage.cpp:130
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "You have requested to exit the %s,\n"
@@ -1648,7 +1707,7 @@ msgid ""
 "choose from the following options:"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgExitMessage.cpp:135
+#: clientgui/DlgExitMessage.cpp:135
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "This will shut down %s and its tasks until either the\n"
@@ -1659,828 +1718,855 @@ msgid ""
 "tasks at the times you selected in your preferences."
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgExitMessage.cpp:153
+#: clientgui/DlgExitMessage.cpp:153
 #, c-format
 msgid "Stop running tasks when exiting the %s"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgExitMessage.cpp:165
+#: clientgui/DlgExitMessage.cpp:165
 msgid "Remember this decision and do not show this dialog."
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgExitMessage.cpp:178 DlgGenericMessage.cpp:125 DlgOptions.cpp:401
-#: DlgSelectComputer.cpp:168 wizardex.cpp:378
+#: clientgui/DlgExitMessage.cpp:178
+#: clientgui/DlgGenericMessage.cpp:125
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:404
+#: clientgui/DlgSelectComputer.cpp:168
 msgid "&Cancel"
 msgstr "&Atšaukti"
-#: DlgGenericMessage.cpp:112
+#: clientgui/DlgGenericMessage.cpp:112
 msgid "Don't show this dialog again."
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:168 DlgItemProperties.cpp:171
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:174 DlgItemProperties.cpp:177
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:194
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:197
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:200
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:203
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Don't fetch tasks for "
 msgstr "Negauti užduočių procesoriui"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:168
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:194
 msgid "Project preference"
 msgstr "Projekto nustatymai"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:171
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:197
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Account manager preference"
 msgstr "Abonento valdiklio tinklapis"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:174
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:200
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Project has no apps for "
 msgstr "Projektas nerastas"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:177
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:203
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Client configuration excludes "
 msgstr "Vartotojo abonementų kūrimas yra išjungtas"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:181
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:207
 msgid " work fetch deferred for"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:182
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:208
 msgid " work fetch deferral interval"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:213
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:239
 msgid "Properties of project "
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:217 DlgOptions.cpp:218
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:243
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:221
 msgid "General"
 msgstr "Bendri"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:218
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:244
 msgid "Master URL"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:219
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:245
 msgid "User name"
 msgstr "Vartotojo vardas"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:220
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:246
 msgid "Team name"
 msgstr "Komanda"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:221 ViewProjects.cpp:224
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:247
 msgid "Resource share"
 msgstr "Resursų padalijimas"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:223
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:249
 msgid "Scheduler RPC deferred for"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:226
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:252
 msgid "File downloads deferred for"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:229
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:255
 msgid "File uploads deferred for"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:232
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:258
 msgid "Computer ID"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:234
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:260
 msgid "Non CPU intensive"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:234 DlgItemProperties.cpp:236
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:237 DlgItemProperties.cpp:239
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:242 DlgItemProperties.cpp:251
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:254 DlgItemProperties.cpp:257
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:260
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:262
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:263
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:265
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:268
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:277
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:280
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:283
 msgid "yes"
 msgstr "taip"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:236
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:262
 msgid "Suspended via GUI"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:236 DlgItemProperties.cpp:237
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:262
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:263
 msgid "no"
 msgstr "ne"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:237
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:263
 msgid "Don't request more work"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:239
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:265
 msgid "Scheduler call in progress"
 msgstr "Jungiamasi prie projekto serverio"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:242
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:268
 msgid "Trickle-up pending"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:245 DlgItemProperties.cpp:247
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:271
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:273
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Host location"
 msgstr "Kompiuterio suminiai rodikliai"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:247
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:273
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "default"
 msgstr "&Nustatyti numatytus nustatymus"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:251
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:277
 msgid "Added via account manager"
 msgstr "Prisijungta naudojant abonemento valdiklį"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:254
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:280
 msgid "Remove when tasks done"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:257
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:283
 msgid "Ended"
 msgstr "Užbaigtas"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:259
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:285
+msgid "Tasks completed"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:286
+msgid "Tasks failed"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:288
 msgid "Credit"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:260
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:289
 msgid "User"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:267
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:296
 msgid "Host"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:276
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:305
 msgid "Scheduling"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:277
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:306
 msgid "Scheduling priority"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:278
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:307
 msgid "CPU"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:302
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:331
 msgid "Duration correction factor"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:316
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:345
 msgid "Properties of task "
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:328 ViewWork.cpp:238
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:357
 msgid "Application"
 msgstr "Programa"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:329 ViewWork.cpp:239
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:358
 msgid "Name"
 msgstr "Pavadinimas"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:330
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:359
 msgid "State"
 msgstr "Būsena"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:333
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:362
 msgid "Received"
 msgstr "Gauta"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:336
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:365
 msgid "Report deadline"
 msgstr "Atlikti iki"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:338
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:367
 msgid "Resources"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:341
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:370
 msgid "Estimated computation size"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:344
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:373
 msgid "CPU time at last checkpoint"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:345 DlgItemProperties.cpp:360
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:374
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:389
 msgid "CPU time"
 msgstr "Procesoriaus laikas"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:347 DlgItemProperties.cpp:361
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:376
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:390
 msgid "Elapsed time"
 msgstr "Praėjęs laikas"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:349
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:378
 msgid "Estimated time remaining"
 msgstr "Numanomas likęs laikas"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:350
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:379
 msgid "Fraction done"
 msgstr "Atlikta dalis"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:351
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:380
 msgid "Virtual memory size"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:352
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:381
 msgid "Working set size"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:354
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:383
 msgid "Directory"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:357
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:386
 msgid "Process ID"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:427 ViewWork.cpp:1032 sg_TaskPanel.cpp:823
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:456
 msgid "Local: "
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:129 DlgOptions.cpp:135
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:129
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:135
 msgid "Options"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:175
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:178
 msgid "Language:"
 msgstr "Kalba:"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:182
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:185
 msgid "What language should BOINC use?"
 msgstr "Kokią kalbą turėtų naudoti BOINC?"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:186
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:189
 msgid "Notice reminder interval:"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:193
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:196
 msgid "How often should BOINC remind you of new notices?"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:198
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:201
 msgid "Run Manager at login?"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:204
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:207
 msgid "Run the BOINC Manager when you log on."
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:209
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:212
 msgid "Enable Manager exit dialog?"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:215
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:218
 msgid "Display the exit dialog when shutting down the Manager."
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:226
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:229
 msgid "Dial-up and Virtual Private Network settings"
 msgstr "Jungimosi telefono linija ir virtualiu privačiu tinklu (VPN) nustatymai"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:240
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:243
 msgid "&Set Default"
 msgstr "&Nustatyti numatytus nustatymus"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:245
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:248
 msgid "&Clear Default"
 msgstr "&Išvalyti numatytus nustatymus"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:252
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:255
 msgid "Default Connection:"
 msgstr "Numatyta jungtis:"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:259
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:262
 msgid "Connections"
 msgstr "Susijungimai"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:268
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:271
 msgid "Connect via HTTP proxy server"
 msgstr "Jungtis per HTTP proxy serverį"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:272
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:275
 msgid "HTTP Proxy Server Configuration"
 msgstr "HTTP proxy serverio nustatymai"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:280 DlgOptions.cpp:344
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:283
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:347
 msgid "Address:"
 msgstr "Adresas:"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:288 DlgOptions.cpp:352 ProxyPage.cpp:340 ProxyPage.cpp:360
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:291
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:355
 msgid "Port:"
 msgstr "Jungtis:"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:296 DlgOptions.cpp:360
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:299
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:363
 msgid "Don't use proxy for:"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:303 DlgOptions.cpp:367
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:306
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:370
 msgid "Leave these blank if not needed"
 msgstr "Jei nereikalingi, palikite tuščius"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:309 DlgOptions.cpp:373 ProxyPage.cpp:343 ProxyPage.cpp:363
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:312
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:376
 msgid "User Name:"
 msgstr "Vartotojo vardas:"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:317 DlgOptions.cpp:381 DlgSelectComputer.cpp:152
-#: ProxyPage.cpp:346 ProxyPage.cpp:366
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:320
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:384
+#: clientgui/DlgSelectComputer.cpp:152
 msgid "Password:"
 msgstr "Slaptažodis:"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:324
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:327
 msgid "HTTP Proxy"
 msgstr "HTTP Proxy"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:332
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:335
 msgid "Connect via SOCKS proxy server"
 msgstr "Jungtis per SOCKS proxy serverį"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:336
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:339
 msgid "SOCKS Proxy Server Configuration"
 msgstr "SOCKS Proxy serverio nustatymai"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:388
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:391
 msgid "SOCKS Proxy"
 msgstr "SOCKS Proxy"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:586
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:589
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "always"
 msgstr "Veikti visada"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:587
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:590
 msgid "1 hour"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:588
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:591
 msgid "6 hours"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:589
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:592
 msgid "1 day"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:590
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:593
 msgid "1 week"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:591
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:594
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "never"
 msgstr "Serveris:"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:688
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:691
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - Language Selection"
 msgstr "%s - kalbos pasirinkimas"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:695
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:698
 #, c-format
 #, fuzzy, c-format
-msgid ""
-"The %s's language has been changed.  In order for this change to take "
-"effect, you must restart the %s."
+msgid "The %s's language has been changed.  In order for this change to take effect, you must restart the %s."
 msgstr ""
 "%s aptiko pasirinktos kalbos pakeitimą. %s turi būti paleistas iš naujo, kad "
 "įsigaliotų kalbos pakeitimas."
-#: DlgSelectComputer.cpp:91
+#: clientgui/DlgSelectComputer.cpp:91
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - Select Computer"
 msgstr "%s - kompiuterio pasirinkimas"
-#: DlgSelectComputer.cpp:125
+#: clientgui/DlgSelectComputer.cpp:125
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "Another instance of %s is already running \n"
 "on this computer.  Please select a client to monitor."
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgSelectComputer.cpp:143
+#: clientgui/DlgSelectComputer.cpp:143
 msgid "Host name:"
 msgstr "Kompiuterio pavadinimas:"
-#: Localization.cpp:31 Localization.cpp:69
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:31
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:69
 msgid "Message boards"
 msgstr "Pranešimų lentos"
-#: Localization.cpp:33
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:33
 msgid "Correspond with other users on the SETI at home message boards"
 msgstr "Susirašinėkite su kitais SETI at HOME vartotojais pranešimų lentose"
-#: Localization.cpp:37
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:37
 msgid "Ask questions and report problems"
 msgstr "Klauskite klausimus ir praneškite apie problemas"
-#: Localization.cpp:39 Localization.cpp:81 Localization.cpp:111
-#: Localization.cpp:129
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:39
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:81
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:111
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:129
 msgid "Your account"
 msgstr "Jūsų abonementas"
-#: Localization.cpp:41 Localization.cpp:87 Localization.cpp:113
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:41
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:87
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:113
 msgid "View your account information and credit totals"
 msgstr "Peržiūrėkite abonemento informaciją ir kreditų sumas"
-#: Localization.cpp:43
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:43
 msgid "Your preferences"
 msgstr "Jūsų nustatymai"
-#: Localization.cpp:45
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:45
 msgid "View and modify your SETI at home account profile and preferences"
 msgstr ""
 "Peržiūrėkite ir keiskite savo SETI at Home vartotojo abonemento aprašymą ir "
-#: Localization.cpp:47 Localization.cpp:89
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:47
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:89
 msgid "Your results"
 msgstr "Jūsų rezultatai"
-#: Localization.cpp:49 Localization.cpp:91
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:49
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:91
 msgid "View your last week (or more) of computational results and work"
 msgstr "Peržiūrėkite neseniai atliktų skaičiavimų rezultatus ir užduotis"
-#: Localization.cpp:51 Localization.cpp:93
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:51
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:93
 msgid "Your computers"
 msgstr "Jūsų kompiuteriai"
-#: Localization.cpp:53
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:53
 msgid "View a listing of all the computers on which you are running SETI at Home"
 msgstr "Peržiūrėkite visų kompiuterių, kurie vykdo SETI at Home, sąrašą"
-#: Localization.cpp:55 Localization.cpp:97
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:55
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:97
 msgid "Your team"
 msgstr "Jūsų komanda"
-#: Localization.cpp:57 Localization.cpp:99
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:57
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:99
 msgid "View information about your team"
 msgstr "Peržiūrėkite informaciją apie savo komandą"
-#: Localization.cpp:61
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:61
 msgid "Common questions"
 msgstr "Dažniausi klausimai"
-#: Localization.cpp:63
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:63
 msgid "Read the Einstein at Home Frequently Asked Question list"
 msgstr "Perskaitykite Einstein at Home dažniausiai užduodamų klausimų sąrašą"
-#: Localization.cpp:65
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:65
 msgid "Screensaver info"
 msgstr "Ekrano užsklandos informacija"
-#: Localization.cpp:67
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:67
 msgid "Read a detailed description of the Einstein at Home screensaver"
 msgstr "Perskaitykite detalų Einstein at Home ekrano užsklandos aprašymą"
-#: Localization.cpp:71
-msgid ""
-"Correspond with admins and other users on the Einstein at Home message boards"
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:71
+msgid "Correspond with admins and other users on the Einstein at Home message boards"
 msgstr ""
 "Susirašinėkite su administratoriais ar kitais Einstein at Home vartotojais "
 "pranešimų lentose"
-#: Localization.cpp:73
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:73
 msgid "Einstein status"
 msgstr "Einstein būklė"
-#: Localization.cpp:75
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:75
 msgid "Current status of the Einstein at Home server"
 msgstr "Einstein at Home serverių būklė"
-#: Localization.cpp:77
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:77
 msgid "Report problems"
 msgstr "Praneškite apie problemas"
-#: Localization.cpp:79
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:79
 msgid "A link to the Einstein at Home problems and bug reports message board"
 msgstr "Nuoroda į Einstein at Home problemų pranešimų lentas"
-#: Localization.cpp:83
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:83
 msgid "View and modify your Einstein at Home account profile and preferences"
 msgstr ""
 "Peržiūrėkite ir keiskite savo Einstein at Home vartotojo abonemento aprašymą ir "
-#: Localization.cpp:85
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:85
 msgid "Account summary"
 msgstr "Vartotojo abonento apibendrinimas"
-#: Localization.cpp:95
-msgid ""
-"View a listing of all the computers on which you are running Einstein at Home"
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:95
+msgid "View a listing of all the computers on which you are running Einstein at Home"
 msgstr "Peržiūrėkite visų kompiuterių, kurie vykdo Einstein at Home, sąrašą"
-#: Localization.cpp:101
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:101
 msgid "LIGO project"
 msgstr "LIGO projektas"
-#: Localization.cpp:103
-msgid ""
-"The home page of the Laser Interferometer Gravitational-wave Observatory "
-"(LIGO) project"
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:103
+msgid "The home page of the Laser Interferometer Gravitational-wave Observatory (LIGO) project"
 msgstr ""
 "Laser Interferometer Gravitational-wave Observatory (LIGO) projekto "
-#: Localization.cpp:105
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:105
 msgid "GEO-600 project"
 msgstr "GEO-600 projektas"
-#: Localization.cpp:107
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:107
 msgid "The home page of the GEO-600 project"
 msgstr "GEO-600 projekto tinklapis"
-#: Localization.cpp:115 Localization.cpp:133 ViewProjects.cpp:221
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:465
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:115
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:133
 msgid "Team"
 msgstr "Komanda"
-#: Localization.cpp:117
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:117
 msgid "Info about your Team"
 msgstr "Informacija apie jūsų komandą"
-#: Localization.cpp:123
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:123
 msgid "Get help for climateprediction.net"
 msgstr "Pagalba climateprediction.net"
-#: Localization.cpp:125
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:125
 msgid "News"
 msgstr "Naujienos"
-#: Localization.cpp:127
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:127
 msgid "climateprediction.net News"
 msgstr "climateprediction.net naujienos"
-#: Localization.cpp:131
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:131
 msgid "View your account information, credits, and trickles"
 msgstr "Peržiūrėkite abonemento informaciją, kreditų sumas, atliktas užduotis"
-#: Localization.cpp:135
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:135
 msgid "Info about your team"
 msgstr "Informacija apie jūsų komandą"
-#: Localization.cpp:141
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:141
 msgid "Search for help in our help system"
 msgstr "Ieškokite pagalbos mūsų pagalbos sistemoje"
-#: Localization.cpp:143
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:143
 msgid "Global Statistics"
 msgstr "Globali statistika"
-#: Localization.cpp:145
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:145
 msgid "Summary statistics for World Community Grid"
 msgstr "Apibendrinta World Community Grid statistika"
-#: Localization.cpp:147
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:147
 msgid "My Grid"
 msgstr "Mano skaičiavimai"
-#: Localization.cpp:149
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:149
 msgid "Your statistics and settings"
 msgstr "Jūsų statistika ir nustatymai"
-#: Localization.cpp:151
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:151
 msgid "Device Profiles"
 msgstr "Kompiuterių grupės"
-#: Localization.cpp:153
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:153
 msgid "Update your device settings"
 msgstr "Keiskite kompiuterių nustatymus"
-#: Localization.cpp:155
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:155
 msgid "Research"
 msgstr "Tyrimai"
-#: Localization.cpp:157
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:157
 msgid "Learn about the projects hosted at World Community Grid"
 msgstr "Sužinokite daugiau apie World Community Grid projektus"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:583
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:583
 msgid "Starting client"
 msgstr ""
-#: MainDocument.cpp:591
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:591
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Connecting to client"
 msgstr "Iš naujo prisijungiama prie kliento."
-#: MainDocument.cpp:1195
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:1205
 msgid "Retrieving system state; please wait..."
 msgstr "Gaunama sistemos būklė; prašome palaukti..."
-#: MainDocument.cpp:1816
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:1826
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Missing application"
 msgstr "Programa"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:1817
-msgid ""
-"Please download and install the CoRD application from http://cord."
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:1827
+msgid "Please download and install the CoRD application from http://cord.sourceforge.net"
 msgstr ""
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2432
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2442
 msgid "on batteries"
 msgstr "veikia iš baterijų"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2433
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2443
 msgid "computer is in use"
 msgstr "kompiuteris naudojamas"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2434
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2444
 msgid "user request"
 msgstr ""
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2435
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2445
 msgid "time of day"
 msgstr "paros metas"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2436
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2446
 msgid "CPU benchmarks in progress"
 msgstr "Matuojamas procesoriaus greitis"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2437
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2447
 msgid "need disk space - check preferences"
 msgstr "reikalinga vieta diske - patikrinkite nustatymus"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2438
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2448
 msgid "computer is not in use"
 msgstr "kompiuteris nėra naudojamas"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2439
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2449
 msgid "starting up"
 msgstr ""
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2440
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2450
 msgid "an exclusive app is running"
 msgstr ""
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2441
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2451
 msgid "CPU is busy"
 msgstr ""
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2442
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2452
 msgid "network bandwidth limit exceeded"
 msgstr ""
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2443
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2453
 msgid "requested by operating system"
 msgstr ""
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2445
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2455
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "unknown reason"
 msgstr "(Nežinoma)"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2467
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2477
 msgid "GPU missing, "
 msgstr ""
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2474
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2484
 msgid "New"
 msgstr "Nauja"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2478
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2488
 msgid "Download failed"
 msgstr "Parsiuntimas nepavyko"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2480
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2490
 msgid "Downloading"
 msgstr "Parsiunčiama"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2482 MainDocument.cpp:2552
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2492
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2557
 msgid " (suspended - "
 msgstr " (sustabdyta - "
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2490
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2500
 msgid "Project suspended by user"
 msgstr "Projektą sustabdė vartotojas"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2492
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2502
 msgid "Task suspended by user"
 msgstr "Sustabdė vartotojas"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2494
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2504
 msgid "Suspended - "
 msgstr "Sustabdyta - "
 # 75%
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2500
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2510
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "GPU suspended - "
 msgstr " (sustabdyta - "
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2507
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2517
 msgid "Waiting for memory"
 msgstr "Laukiama atminties"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2509
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2519
 msgid "Waiting for shared memory"
 msgstr ""
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2512
-msgid "Running, high priority"
-msgstr ""
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2514
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2521
 msgid "Running"
 msgstr "Vykdoma"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2517
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2523
 msgid " (non-CPU-intensive)"
 msgstr ""
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2520
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2526
 msgid "Waiting to run"
 msgstr "Paruoštas vykdymui"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2522 MainDocument.cpp:2528
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2528
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2534
 msgid "Ready to start"
 msgstr "Paruoštas vykdymui"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2532
-msgid " (Scheduler wait: "
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2538
+msgid "Postponed: "
 msgstr ""
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2536
-msgid " (Scheduler wait)"
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2541
+msgid "Postponed"
 msgstr ""
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2540
-#, fuzzy
-msgid " (Waiting for network access)"
-msgstr "Laukiama atminties"
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2545
+msgid "Waiting for network access"
+msgstr ""
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2544
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2549
 msgid "Computation error"
 msgstr "Skaičiavimo klaida"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2548
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2553
 msgid "Upload failed"
 msgstr "Išsiuntimas nepavyko"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2550
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2555
 msgid "Uploading"
 msgstr "Išsiunčiama"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2561
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2566
 msgid "Aborted by user"
 msgstr "Atšaukė vartotojas"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2564
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2569
 msgid "Aborted by project"
 msgstr "Atšaukė projektas"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2567
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2572
 msgid "Aborted: not started by deadline"
 msgstr ""
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2570
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2575
 msgid "Aborted: disk limit exceeded"
 msgstr ""
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2573
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2578
 msgid "Aborted: run time limit exceeded"
 msgstr ""
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2576
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2581
 msgid "Aborted: memory limit exceeded"
 msgstr ""
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2579
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2584
 msgid "Aborted"
 msgstr "Nutrauktas"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2584
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2589
 msgid "Acknowledged"
 msgstr "Patvirtinta"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2586
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2591
 msgid "Ready to report"
 msgstr "Paruoštas perdavimui"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2588
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2593
 #, c-format
 msgid "Error: invalid state '%d'"
 msgstr "Klaida: neteisinga būsena \"%d\""
-#: NoInternetConnectionPage.cpp:179
+#: clientgui/NoInternetConnectionPage.cpp:179
 msgid "No Internet connection"
 msgstr "Nėra ryšio su internetu"
-#: NoInternetConnectionPage.cpp:182
+#: clientgui/NoInternetConnectionPage.cpp:182
 msgid "Please connect to the Internet and try again."
 msgstr "Prisijunkite prie interneto ir pabandykite dar kartą."
-#: NotDetectedPage.cpp:181
+#: clientgui/NotDetectedPage.cpp:181
 msgid "Project not found"
 msgstr "Projektas nerastas"
-#: NotDetectedPage.cpp:184
+#: clientgui/NotDetectedPage.cpp:184
 msgid ""
 "The URL you supplied is not that of a BOINC-based project.\n"
@@ -2490,11 +2576,11 @@ msgstr ""
 "Patikrinkite adresą ir pabandykite dar kartą."
-#: NotDetectedPage.cpp:188
+#: clientgui/NotDetectedPage.cpp:188
 msgid "Account manager not found"
 msgstr "Abonemento valdiklis nerastas"
-#: NotDetectedPage.cpp:191
+#: clientgui/NotDetectedPage.cpp:191
 msgid ""
 "The URL you supplied is not that of a BOINC-based account\n"
@@ -2506,95 +2592,96 @@ msgstr ""
 "Patikrinkite adresą ir pabandykite dar kartą."
-#: NotFoundPage.cpp:181
+#: clientgui/NotFoundPage.cpp:181
 msgid "Login Failed."
 msgstr "Prisijungimas nepavyko."
-#: NotFoundPage.cpp:185
+#: clientgui/NotFoundPage.cpp:185
 msgid "Check the username and password, and try again."
 msgstr "Patikrinkite vartotojo vardą ir slaptažodį ir pabandykite dar kartą."
-#: NotFoundPage.cpp:189
+#: clientgui/NotFoundPage.cpp:189
 msgid "Check the email address and password, and try again."
 msgstr "Patikrinkite el. pašto adresą ir slaptažodį ir pabandykite dar kartą."
-#: NoticeListCtrl.cpp:222
+#: clientgui/NoticeListCtrl.cpp:229
 msgid "more..."
 msgstr ""
-#: ProjectInfoPage.cpp:477 ProjectInfoPage.cpp:778 ProjectInfoPage.cpp:782
-msgid "All"
-msgstr ""
-#: ProjectInfoPage.cpp:615
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:221
 msgid "Choose a project"
 msgstr ""
-#: ProjectInfoPage.cpp:619
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:228
 msgid "To choose a project, click its name or type its URL below."
 msgstr ""
 "Kad pasirinktumėte projektą, spragtelėkite jo vardą arba žemiau įveskite jo "
 "tinklapio adresą."
-#: ProjectInfoPage.cpp:623
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:246
 msgid "Categories:"
 msgstr ""
-#: ProjectInfoPage.cpp:627 sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:89
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:267
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Projects:"
 msgstr "Projektai"
-#: ProjectInfoPage.cpp:631
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:279
 msgid "Project details"
 msgstr ""
-#: ProjectInfoPage.cpp:635
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:291
 msgid "Research area:"
 msgstr ""
-#: ProjectInfoPage.cpp:639
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:302
 msgid "Organization:"
 msgstr ""
-#: ProjectInfoPage.cpp:643
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:313
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Web site:"
 msgstr "Tinklapiai"
-#: ProjectInfoPage.cpp:647
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:325
 msgid "Supported systems:"
 msgstr ""
-#: ProjectInfoPage.cpp:651
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:363
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Project URL:"
 msgstr "Projekto tinklapis:"
-#: ProjectInfoPage.cpp:826
-msgid ""
-"This project may not have work for your type of computer.  Do you want to "
-"add it anyway?"
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:499
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:754
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:758
+msgid "All"
 msgstr ""
-#: ProjectInfoPage.cpp:850
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:802
+msgid "This project may not have work for your type of computer.  Do you want to add it anyway?"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:826
 msgid "You already added this project. Please choose a different project."
 msgstr ""
-#: ProjectProcessingPage.cpp:321
+#: clientgui/ProjectProcessingPage.cpp:321
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Communicating with project."
 msgstr "Jungiamasi prie serverio."
-#: ProjectProcessingPage.cpp:509
+#: clientgui/ProjectProcessingPage.cpp:510
 msgid "Required files not found on the server."
 msgstr ""
-#: ProjectProcessingPage.cpp:512 ProjectProcessingPage.cpp:574
+#: clientgui/ProjectProcessingPage.cpp:513
+#: clientgui/ProjectProcessingPage.cpp:586
 msgid "An internal server error has occurred."
 msgstr "Vidinė serverio klaida."
-#: ProjectPropertiesPage.cpp:334
+#: clientgui/ProjectPropertiesPage.cpp:334
 msgid ""
 "Communicating with project\n"
 "Please wait..."
@@ -2602,11 +2689,48 @@ msgstr ""
 "Jungiamasi su projektu\n"
 "Prašome palaukti..."
-#: ProxyInfoPage.cpp:195
+#: clientgui/ProjectWelcomePage.cpp:251
+#, c-format
+msgid "Welcome to %s."
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ProjectWelcomePage.cpp:254
+msgid "You have volunteered to compute for this project:"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ProjectWelcomePage.cpp:255
+msgid "Name:"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ProjectWelcomePage.cpp:258
+msgid "Home:"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ProjectWelcomePage.cpp:262
+msgid "Description:"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ProjectWelcomePage.cpp:265
+msgid "URL:"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ProjectWelcomePage.cpp:268
+msgid "User:"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ProjectWelcomePage.cpp:273
+msgid "WARNING: This project is not registered with BOINC.  Make sure you trust it before continuing."
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ProjectWelcomePage.cpp:277
+msgid "To continue, click Next."
+msgstr "Norėdami tęsti, spauskite Toliau."
+#: clientgui/ProxyInfoPage.cpp:195
 msgid "Network communication failure"
 msgstr "Tinklo klaida"
-#: ProxyInfoPage.cpp:199
+#: clientgui/ProxyInfoPage.cpp:199
 #, fuzzy
 msgid ""
 "The World Community Grid - BOINC software failed to communicate\n"
@@ -2636,7 +2760,7 @@ msgstr ""
 "3) Jūs naudojate tarpinį serverį. Spauskite \"Pirmyn\", kad\n"
 "nustatytumėte BOINC tarpinio serverio nustatymus."
-#: ProxyInfoPage.cpp:203
+#: clientgui/ProxyInfoPage.cpp:203
 msgid ""
 "BOINC failed to communicate on the Internet.\n"
 "The most likely reasons are:\n"
@@ -2665,1257 +2789,1327 @@ msgstr ""
 "3) Jūs naudojate tarpinį serverį. Spauskite \"Pirmyn\", kad\n"
 "nustatytumėte BOINC tarpinio serverio nustatymus."
-#: ProxyPage.cpp:331
+#: clientgui/ProxyPage.cpp:331
 msgid "Proxy configuration"
 msgstr "Tarpinio serverio nustatymai"
-#: ProxyPage.cpp:334
+#: clientgui/ProxyPage.cpp:334
 msgid "HTTP proxy"
 msgstr "HTTP tarpinis serveris"
-#: ProxyPage.cpp:337 ProxyPage.cpp:357
+#: clientgui/ProxyPage.cpp:337
+#: clientgui/ProxyPage.cpp:357
 msgid "Server:"
 msgstr "Serveris:"
-#: ProxyPage.cpp:350
+#: clientgui/ProxyPage.cpp:350
 msgid "Autodetect"
 msgstr "Automatinis aptikimas"
-#: ProxyPage.cpp:354
+#: clientgui/ProxyPage.cpp:354
 msgid "SOCKS proxy"
 msgstr "SOCKS tarpinis serveris"
-#: TermsOfUsePage.cpp:218
-msgid "Terms of Use"
+#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:167
+msgid "Advanced View...\tCtrl+Shift+A"
 msgstr ""
-#: TermsOfUsePage.cpp:222
-msgid "Please read the following terms of use:"
-msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:168
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Display the advanced graphical interface."
+msgstr "Rodyti supaprastintą vartotojo sąsają."
-#: TermsOfUsePage.cpp:231
-msgid "I agree to the terms of use."
+#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:175
+msgid "Skin"
 msgstr ""
-#: TermsOfUsePage.cpp:237
-msgid "I do not agree to the terms of use."
+#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:177
+msgid "Select the appearance of the user interface."
 msgstr ""
-#: UnavailablePage.cpp:183
-msgid "Project temporarily unavailable"
-msgstr "Projektas laikinai nepasiekiamas"
+#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:224
+#, c-format
+msgid "&%s"
+msgstr "%s"
-#: UnavailablePage.cpp:186
-msgid ""
-"The project is temporarily unavailable.\n"
-"Please try again later."
+#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:405
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Default"
+msgstr "&Nustatyti numatytus nustatymus"
+#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:848
+msgid "Suspend"
+msgstr "Sustabdyti"
+#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:850
+msgid "Suspend Computing"
 msgstr ""
-"Projektas laikinai nepasiekiamas.\n"
-"Prašome pabandyti vėliau."
-#: UnavailablePage.cpp:190
-msgid "Account manager temporarily unavailable"
-msgstr "Abonemento valdiklis laikinai nepasiekiamas"
+#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:851
+msgid "Resume Computing"
+msgstr ""
-#: UnavailablePage.cpp:193
-msgid ""
-"The account manager is temporarily unavailable.\n"
-"Please try again later."
+#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:867
+msgid "Notices"
 msgstr ""
-"Abonemento valdiklis laikinai nepasiekiamas.\n"
-"Prašome pabandyti vėliau."
-#: ValidateAccountKey.cpp:68
-msgid "Please specify an account key to continue."
-msgstr "Nurodykite abonemento raktą."
+#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:868
+msgid "Open a window to view notices from projects or BOINC"
+msgstr ""
-#: ValidateAccountKey.cpp:71
-msgid "Invalid Account Key; please enter a valid Account Key"
-msgstr "Neteisingas abonemento raktas; įveskite teisingą abonemento raktą"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgMessages.cpp:124
+msgid "Fetching notices; please wait..."
+msgstr ""
-#: ValidateAccountKey.cpp:82 ValidateEmailAddress.cpp:86
-msgid "Validation conflict"
-msgstr "Tikrinimo klaida"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgMessages.cpp:132
+msgid "There are no notices at this time."
+msgstr ""
-#: ValidateEmailAddress.cpp:72
-msgid "Please specify an email address"
-msgstr "Įveskite elektroninio pašto adresą"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgMessages.cpp:146
+msgid "Close"
+msgstr "Uždaryti"
-#: ValidateEmailAddress.cpp:75
-msgid "Invalid email address; please enter a valid email address"
-msgstr "Neteisingas el. pašto adresas; įveskite teisingą el. pašto adresą"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgMessages.cpp:394
+#, c-format
+msgid "%s - Notices"
+msgstr ""
-#: ValidateURL.cpp:69
-msgid "Missing URL"
-msgstr "Neįvestas tinklapis"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:270
+msgid "This dialog controls preferences for this computer only."
+msgstr ""
-#: ValidateURL.cpp:70
-msgid ""
-"Please specify a URL.\n"
-"For example:\n"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:275
+msgid "Click OK to set preferences."
 msgstr ""
-"Nurodykite tinklapį, pavyzdžiui:\n"
-#: ValidateURL.cpp:83 ValidateURL.cpp:87 ValidateURL.cpp:91
-#: ValidateURL.cpp:103 ValidateURL.cpp:107 ValidateURL.cpp:110
-msgid "Invalid URL"
-msgstr "Neteisingas tinklapis"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:280
+msgid "Click Clear to restore web-based settings for all preferences listed below."
+msgstr ""
-#: ValidateURL.cpp:84 ValidateURL.cpp:88 ValidateURL.cpp:92
-msgid ""
-"Please specify a valid URL.\n"
-"For example:\n"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:287
+msgid "For additional settings, select Computing Preferences in the Advanced View."
 msgstr ""
-"Nurodykite galiojantį tinklapį, pavyzdžiui:\n"
-#: ValidateURL.cpp:104 ValidateURL.cpp:108
-#, c-format
-msgid "'%s' does not contain a valid host name."
-msgstr "\"%s\" nėra teisingas kompiuterio pavadinimas."
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:315
+msgid "Do work only between:"
+msgstr "Vykdyti užduotis tik tarp:"
-#: ValidateURL.cpp:111
-#, c-format
-msgid "'%s' does not contain a valid path."
-msgstr "\"%s\" nėra teisingai nurodytas kelias."
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:337
+msgid "Connect to internet only between:"
+msgstr "Jungtis prie interneto tik tarp:"
-#: ViewMessages.cpp:84 ViewProjects.cpp:170 ViewStatistics.cpp:1978
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:160 ViewWork.cpp:183
-msgid "Commands"
-msgstr "Komandos"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:359
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:376
+msgid "Use no more than:"
+msgstr ""
-#: ViewMessages.cpp:88
-msgid "Copy all messages"
-msgstr "Kopijuoti visus pranešimus"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:372
+msgid "of disk space"
+msgstr "disko vietos"
-#: ViewMessages.cpp:95
-msgid "Copy selected messages"
-msgstr "Kopijuoti pasirinktus pranešimus"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:389
+msgid "of the processor"
+msgstr "procesoriaus"
-#: ViewMessages.cpp:106 ViewMessages.cpp:502
-msgid "Show only this project"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:393
+msgid "Do work while on battery?"
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewMessages.cpp:107 ViewMessages.cpp:503
-msgid "Show only the messages for the selected project."
-msgstr "Rodyti tik pasirinkto projekto žinutes."
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:406
+msgid "Do work after idle for:"
+msgstr ""
-#: ViewMessages.cpp:164
-msgid "Messages"
-msgstr "Pranešimai"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:431
+msgid "Clear all local preferences listed above and close the dialog"
+msgstr ""
-#: ViewMessages.cpp:187
-msgid "Copying all messages to the clipboard..."
-msgstr "Visi pranešimai kopijuojami į atmintį..."
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:609
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:612
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:688
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:692
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:704
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:708
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:851
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:862
+msgid "Anytime"
+msgstr ""
-#: ViewMessages.cpp:223
-msgid "Copying selected messages to the clipboard..."
-msgstr "Pasirinkti pranešimai kopijuojami į atmintį..."
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:645
+msgid "100 MB"
+msgstr "100 MB"
-#: ViewMessages.cpp:286
-msgid "Filtering messages..."
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:646
+msgid "200 MB"
+msgstr "200 MB"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:647
+msgid "500 MB"
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewMessages.cpp:494
-msgid "Show all messages"
-msgstr "Rodyti visus pranešimus"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:648
+msgid "1 GB"
+msgstr ""
-#: ViewMessages.cpp:495
-msgid "Show messages for all projects."
-msgstr "Rodyti visų projektų žinutes."
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:649
+msgid "2 GB"
+msgstr ""
-#: ViewNotices.cpp:58 sg_DlgMessages.cpp:124
-msgid "Fetching notices; please wait..."
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:650
+msgid "5 GB"
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewNotices.cpp:65 sg_DlgMessages.cpp:132
-msgid "There are no notices at this time."
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:651
+msgid "10 GB"
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewNotices.cpp:99 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:776
-msgid "Notices"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:652
+msgid "20 GB"
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:174 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:61
-msgid "Update"
-msgstr "Atnaujinti"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:653
+msgid "50 GB"
+msgstr ""
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:175 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:62
-msgid ""
-"Report all completed tasks, get latest credit, get latest preferences, and "
-"possibly get more tasks."
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:654
+msgid "100 GB"
 msgstr ""
-"Pranešti apie atliktą darbą, gauti duomenis apie kreditą, naujausius "
-"nustatymus ir galbūt daugiau darbo."
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:181 ViewProjects.cpp:722 ViewWork.cpp:208 ViewWork.cpp:801
-#: sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:757 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:67
-#: sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:113 sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:66
-#: sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:106
-msgid "Suspend"
-msgstr "Sustabdyti"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:724
+#, c-format
+msgid "%d MB"
+msgstr ""
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:182 ViewProjects.cpp:722 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:68
-#: sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:114
-msgid "Suspend tasks for this project."
-msgstr "Sustabdyti šio projekto darbus."
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:726
+#, c-format
+msgid "%4.2f GB"
+msgstr ""
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:188 ViewProjects.cpp:741 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:73
-#: sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:121
-msgid "No new tasks"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:767
+#, c-format
+msgid "%d%%"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:803
+msgid "0 (Run Always)"
+msgstr "0 (veikti visada)"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:806
+#, c-format
+msgid "%d"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:953
+#, c-format
+msgid "%s - Computing Preferences"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:1033
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Do you really want to clear all local preferences?\n"
+msgstr "Ar norite pašalinti visus vietinius nustatymus?"
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:66
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:179
+msgid "Update"
+msgstr "Atnaujinti"
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:67
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:180
+msgid "Report all completed tasks, get latest credit, get latest preferences, and possibly get more tasks."
+msgstr ""
+"Pranešti apie atliktą darbą, gauti duomenis apie kreditą, naujausius "
+"nustatymus ir galbūt daugiau darbo."
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:73
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:129
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:187
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:727
+msgid "Suspend tasks for this project."
+msgstr "Sustabdyti šio projekto darbus."
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:78
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:136
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:193
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:746
+msgid "No new tasks"
 msgstr "Negauti naujo darbo"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:189 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:74
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:79
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:194
 msgid "Don't get new tasks for this project."
 msgstr "Negauti naujo darbo šiam projektui."
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:195 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:79
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:84
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:200
 msgid "Reset project"
 msgstr "Perkrauti projektą"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:196 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:80
-msgid ""
-"Delete all files and tasks associated with this project, and get new tasks.  "
-"You can update the project first to report any completed tasks."
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:85
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:201
+msgid "Delete all files and tasks associated with this project, and get new tasks.  You can update the project first to report any completed tasks."
 msgstr ""
 "Ištrinti visas projekto bylas ir gauti naujo darbo. Priš tai galite "
 "atnaujinti projekto duomenis ir nusiųsti atliktą darbą."
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:203 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:86
-msgid ""
-"Remove this project.  Tasks in progress will be lost (use 'Update' first to "
-"report any completed tasks)."
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:91
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:208
+msgid "Remove this project.  Tasks in progress will be lost (use 'Update' first to report any completed tasks)."
 msgstr ""
 "Pašalinti šį projektą. Visos atliekamos užduotys bus prarastos (spauskite "
 "\"Atnaujinti\" tam, kad prieš tai būtų nusiųstos atliktos užduotys)."
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:209 ViewWork.cpp:222 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:91
-#: sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:78
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:96
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:84
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:214
 msgid "Properties"
 msgstr "Savybės"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:210 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:92
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:97
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:215
 msgid "Show project details."
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:220 ViewStatistics.cpp:450
-msgid "Account"
-msgstr "Vartotojas"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:222
-msgid "Work done"
-msgstr "Atliktas darbas"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:223
-msgid "Avg. work done"
-msgstr "Vid. atliekamas darbas"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:225 ViewTransfers.cpp:188 ViewWork.cpp:234
-msgid "Status"
-msgstr "Būklė"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:250
-msgid "Projects"
-msgstr "Projektai"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:302
-msgid "Updating project..."
-msgstr "Atnaujinamas projektas..."
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:344
-msgid "Resuming project..."
-msgstr "Pratęsiamas darbas su projektu..."
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:348
-msgid "Suspending project..."
-msgstr "Stabdomas projektas..."
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:126
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:723
+msgid "Resume tasks for this project."
+msgstr "Tęsti šio projekto darbą."
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:385
-msgid "Telling project to allow additional task downloads..."
-msgstr "Leidžiama projektui parsisiųsti papildomo darbo..."
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:133
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:742
+msgid "Allow new tasks"
+msgstr "Leisti naują darbą"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:389
-msgid "Telling project to not fetch any additional tasks..."
-msgstr "Liepiama projektui nesiųsti naujų užduočių..."
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:134
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:742
+msgid "Allow fetching new tasks for this project."
+msgstr "Leisti projektui gauti naujo darbo."
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:425
-msgid "Resetting project..."
-msgstr "Perkraunamas projektas..."
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:137
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:746
+msgid "Don't fetch new tasks for this project."
+msgstr "Negauti naujo darbo iš šio projekto."
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:438 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:214
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:229
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:443
 #, c-format
 msgid "Are you sure you want to reset project '%s'?"
 msgstr "Ar tikrai norite perkrauti projektą \"%s\"?"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:444 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:220
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:235
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:449
 msgid "Reset Project"
 msgstr "Perkrauti projektą"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:483
-msgid "Removing project..."
-msgstr "Šalinamas projektas..."
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:496 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:251
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:266
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:501
 #, c-format
 msgid "Are you sure you want to remove project '%s'?"
 msgstr "Ar tikrai norite pašalinti projektą \"%s\"?"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:502 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:257
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:272
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:507
 msgid "Remove Project"
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:543 ViewWork.cpp:599
-msgid "Launching browser..."
-msgstr "Paleidžiama naršyklė..."
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:718 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:111
-msgid "Resume tasks for this project."
-msgstr "Tęsti šio projekto darbą."
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:72
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Add Project"
+msgstr "Prisijungti prie projekto"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:737 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:118
-msgid "Allow new tasks"
-msgstr "Leisti naują darbą"
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:73
+msgid "Synchronize"
+msgstr ""
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:737 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:119
-msgid "Allow fetching new tasks for this project."
-msgstr "Leisti projektui gauti naujo darbo."
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:74
+msgid "Work done for this project"
+msgstr ""
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:741 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:122
-msgid "Don't fetch new tasks for this project."
-msgstr "Negauti naujo darbo iš šio projekto."
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:77
+msgid "Synchronize projects with account manager system"
+msgstr "Sinchronizuoti projektus su abonento valdiklio sistema"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1058
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Requested by user"
-msgstr "Sustabdė vartotojas"
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:124
+msgid "Select a project to access with the controls below"
+msgstr ""
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1059
+# 88%
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:145
 #, fuzzy
-msgid "To fetch work"
-msgstr "atlikti darbą"
+msgid "Project Web Pages"
+msgstr "Prisijungta prie projekto"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1060
-msgid "To report completed tasks"
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:149
+msgid "Project Commands"
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1061
-msgid "To send trickle-up message"
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:276
+#, c-format
+msgid "Pop up a menu of web sites for project %s"
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1062
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Requested by account manager"
-msgstr "Prisijungti prie abonemento valdiklio"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1063
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Project initialization"
-msgstr "Projektų pasirinkimas"
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:278
+#, c-format
+msgid "Pop up a menu of commands to apply to project %s"
+msgstr ""
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1064
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Requested by project"
-msgstr "Atšaukė projektas"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:66
+msgid "Show graphics"
+msgstr "Rodyti grafiką"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1065
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Unknown reason"
-msgstr "(Nežinoma)"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:67
+msgid "Show application graphics in a window."
+msgstr "Rodyti programos grafiką lange."
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1079
-msgid "Suspended by user"
-msgstr "Sustabdė vartotojas"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:73
+msgid "Suspend this task."
+msgstr ""
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1082
-msgid "Won't get new tasks"
-msgstr "Negaus naujo darbo"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:78
+msgid "Abort"
+msgstr "Nutraukti"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1085
-msgid "Project ended - OK to remove"
-msgstr "Projektas pabaigtas - galima pašalinti"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:79
+msgid "Abandon this task. You will get no credit for it."
+msgstr ""
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1088
-msgid "Will remove when tasks done"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:85
+msgid "Show task details."
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1091
-msgid "Scheduler request pending"
-msgstr "Laukiama jungimosi prie projekto serverio"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:119
+msgid "Resume work for this task."
+msgstr "Tęsti šį skaičiavimo darbą."
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1097
-msgid "Scheduler request in progress"
-msgstr "Jungiamasi prie projekto serverio"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:123
+msgid "Suspend work for this task."
+msgstr "Sustabdyti šį skaičiavimo darbą."
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1100
-msgid "Trickle up message pending"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:267
+#, c-format
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Are you sure you want to abort this task '%s'?\n"
+"(Progress: %.1lf%%, Status: %s)"
 msgstr ""
+"Ar tikrai norite nutraukti šią užduotį '%s'?\n"
+"(Pažanga: %s, Būklė: %s)"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1106
-msgid "Communication deferred "
-msgstr "Jungimasis atidėtas "
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:272
+msgid "Abort task"
+msgstr "Nutraukti užduotį"
-#: ViewResources.cpp:62
-msgid "Total disk usage"
-msgstr "Naudojama disko vieta"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:468
+msgid "You don't have any projects.  Please Add a Project."
+msgstr "Jūs neprisijungęs prie nė vieno projekto. Prisijunkite."
-#: ViewResources.cpp:83
-msgid "Disk usage by BOINC projects"
-msgstr "BOINC projektų naudojama disko vieta"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:469
+msgid "Not available"
+msgstr ""
-#: ViewResources.cpp:116
-msgid "Disk"
-msgstr "Diskas"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:480
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Tasks:"
+msgstr "Užduotys"
-#: ViewResources.cpp:249
-msgid "no projects: 0 bytes used"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:486
+msgid "Select a task to access"
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewResources.cpp:286
-msgid "used by BOINC: "
-msgstr "naudojama BOINC: "
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:497
+msgid "From:"
+msgstr ""
-#: ViewResources.cpp:296
-msgid "free, available to BOINC: "
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:551
+msgid "This task's progress"
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewResources.cpp:306
-msgid "free, not available to BOINC: "
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:569
+msgid "Task Commands"
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewResources.cpp:316
-msgid "free: "
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:570
+msgid "Pop up a menu of commands to apply to this task"
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewResources.cpp:326
-msgid "used by other programs: "
-msgstr "naudojama kitų programų: "
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:705
+#, c-format
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "Application: %s"
+msgstr "Programa:"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:1205
-msgid "User Total"
-msgstr "Vartotojo suminiai rodikliai"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:728
+#, c-format
+msgid "%.3f%%"
+msgstr ""
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:1206
-msgid "User Average"
-msgstr "Vartotojo vidurkiai"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:736
+msgid "Application: Not available"
+msgstr ""
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:1207
-msgid "Host Total"
-msgstr "Kompiuterio suminiai rodikliai"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:836
+msgid "Not Available"
+msgstr ""
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:1208
-msgid "Host Average"
-msgstr "Kompiuterio vidurkiai"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:851
+#, c-format
+msgid "Elapsed: %s"
+msgstr ""
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:1355
+# 84%
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:865
 #, c-format
-msgid "Last update: %.0f days ago"
-msgstr "Paskutinis atnaujinimas: prieš %.0f dienų"
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "Remaining (estimated): %s"
+msgstr "Likęs laikas"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:1982
-msgid "Show user total"
-msgstr "Vartotojo suminiai rodikliai"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:880
+#, c-format
+msgid "Status: %s"
+msgstr ""
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:1983
-msgid "Show total credit for user"
-msgstr "Rodyti bendrą vartotojo kreditų kiekį"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1227
+msgid "Retrieving current status."
+msgstr "Gaunama dabartinė būsena."
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:1989
-msgid "Show user average"
-msgstr "Vartotojo vidurkiai"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1233
+msgid "Downloading work from the server."
+msgstr "Gaunamos užduotys iš serverio."
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:1990
-msgid "Show average credit for user"
-msgstr "Rodyti vidutinį vartotojo kreditų kiekį"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1238
+msgid "Processing Suspended:  Running On Batteries."
+msgstr "Skaičiavimai sustabdyti: veikiama iš baterijų."
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:1996
-msgid "Show host total"
-msgstr "Kompiuterio suminiai rodikliai"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1240
+msgid "Processing Suspended:  User Active."
+msgstr "Skaičiavimai sustabdyti: vartotojas aktyvus."
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:1997
-msgid "Show total credit for host"
-msgstr "Rodyti bendrą kompiuterio kreditų kiekį"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1242
+msgid "Processing Suspended:  User paused processing."
+msgstr "Skaičiavimai sustabdyti: sustabdė vartotojas."
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2003
-msgid "Show host average"
-msgstr "Kompiuterio vidurkiai"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1244
+msgid "Processing Suspended:  Time of Day."
+msgstr "Skaičiavimai sustabdyti: dienos laikas."
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2004
-msgid "Show average credit for host"
-msgstr "Rodyti vidutinį kompiuterio kreditų kiekį"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1246
+msgid "Processing Suspended:  Benchmarks Running."
+msgstr "Skaičiavimai sustabdyti: matuojamas greitis."
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2013
-msgid "< &Previous project"
-msgstr "< &Ankstesnis projektas"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1248
+msgid "Processing Suspended."
+msgstr "Skaičiavimai sustabdyti."
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2014
-msgid "Show chart for previous project"
-msgstr "Rodyti ankstesnio projekto diagramą"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1252
+msgid "Waiting to contact project servers."
+msgstr "Laukiama susijungimo su projekto serveriais."
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2019
-msgid "&Next project >"
-msgstr "&Kitas projektas >"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1256
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1265
+msgid "Retrieving current status"
+msgstr "Gaunama dabartinė būsena"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2020
-msgid "Show chart for next project"
-msgstr "Rodyti kito projekto diagramą"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1260
+msgid "No work available to process"
+msgstr "Nėra vykdymui paruoštų užduočių"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2026 ViewStatistics.cpp:2416
-msgid "Hide project list"
-msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1262
+msgid "Unable to connect to the core client"
+msgstr "Nepavyksta prisijungti prie kliento"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2027 ViewStatistics.cpp:2416
-msgid "Use entire area for graphs"
+#: clientgui/TermsOfUsePage.cpp:218
+msgid "Terms of Use"
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2032
-msgid "Mode view"
-msgstr "Peržiūros režimas"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2036
-msgid "One project"
-msgstr "Vienas projektas"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2037
-msgid "Show one chart with selected project"
+#: clientgui/TermsOfUsePage.cpp:222
+msgid "Please read the following terms of use:"
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2043
-msgid "All projects (separate)"
+#: clientgui/TermsOfUsePage.cpp:231
+msgid "I agree to the terms of use."
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2044
-msgid "Show all projects, one chart per project"
+#: clientgui/TermsOfUsePage.cpp:237
+msgid "I do not agree to the terms of use."
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2050
-msgid "All projects (together)"
-msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/UnavailablePage.cpp:183
+msgid "Project temporarily unavailable"
+msgstr "Projektas laikinai nepasiekiamas"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2051
-msgid "Show one chart with all projects"
+#: clientgui/UnavailablePage.cpp:186
+msgid ""
+"The project is temporarily unavailable.\n"
+"Please try again later."
 msgstr ""
+"Projektas laikinai nepasiekiamas.\n"
+"Prašome pabandyti vėliau."
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2057
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "All projects (sum)"
-msgstr "Visi projektai(apibendrinta)"
+#: clientgui/UnavailablePage.cpp:190
+msgid "Account manager temporarily unavailable"
+msgstr "Abonemento valdiklis laikinai nepasiekiamas"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2058
-msgid "Show one chart with sum of projects"
+#: clientgui/UnavailablePage.cpp:193
+msgid ""
+"The account manager is temporarily unavailable.\n"
+"Please try again later."
 msgstr ""
+"Abonemento valdiklis laikinai nepasiekiamas.\n"
+"Prašome pabandyti vėliau."
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2079
-msgid "Statistics"
-msgstr "Statistika"
+#: clientgui/ValidateAccountKey.cpp:68
+msgid "Please specify an account key to continue."
+msgstr "Nurodykite abonemento raktą."
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2103 ViewStatistics.cpp:2124 ViewStatistics.cpp:2145
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2167 ViewStatistics.cpp:2188 ViewStatistics.cpp:2209
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2230 ViewStatistics.cpp:2251 ViewStatistics.cpp:2272
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2296
-msgid "Updating charts..."
-msgstr "Atnaujinami grafikai..."
+#: clientgui/ValidateAccountKey.cpp:71
+msgid "Invalid Account Key; please enter a valid Account Key"
+msgstr "Neteisingas abonemento raktas; įveskite teisingą abonemento raktą"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2420
-msgid "Show project list"
-msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ValidateAccountKey.cpp:82
+#: clientgui/ValidateEmailAddress.cpp:86
+msgid "Validation conflict"
+msgstr "Tikrinimo klaida"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2420
-msgid "Uses smaller area for graphs"
-msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ValidateEmailAddress.cpp:72
+msgid "Please specify an email address"
+msgstr "Įveskite elektroninio pašto adresą"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:164
-msgid "Retry Now"
-msgstr "Kartoti dabar"
+#: clientgui/ValidateEmailAddress.cpp:75
+msgid "Invalid email address; please enter a valid email address"
+msgstr "Neteisingas el. pašto adresas; įveskite teisingą el. pašto adresą"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:165
-msgid "Retry the file transfer now"
+#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:69
+msgid "Missing URL"
+msgstr "Neįvestas tinklapis"
+#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:70
+msgid ""
+"Please specify a URL.\n"
+"For example:\n"
 msgstr ""
+"Nurodykite tinklapį, pavyzdžiui:\n"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:171
-msgid "Abort Transfer"
-msgstr "Nutraukti perdavimą"
+#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:83
+#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:87
+#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:91
+#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:103
+#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:107
+#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:110
+msgid "Invalid URL"
+msgstr "Neteisingas tinklapis"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:172
-msgid "Abort this file transfer.  You won't get credit for the task."
+#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:84
+#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:88
+#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:92
+msgid ""
+"Please specify a valid URL.\n"
+"For example:\n"
 msgstr ""
+"Nurodykite galiojantį tinklapį, pavyzdžiui:\n"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:183
-msgid "File"
-msgstr "Byla"
+#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:104
+#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:108
+#, c-format
+msgid "'%s' does not contain a valid host name."
+msgstr "\"%s\" nėra teisingas kompiuterio pavadinimas."
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:184 ViewWork.cpp:233
-msgid "Progress"
-msgstr "Progresas"
+#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:111
+#, c-format
+msgid "'%s' does not contain a valid path."
+msgstr "\"%s\" nėra teisingai nurodytas kelias."
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:185
-msgid "Size"
-msgstr "Dydis"
+#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:84
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:175
+msgid "Commands"
+msgstr "Komandos"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:186
-msgid "Elapsed Time"
-msgstr "Trukmė"
+#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:88
+msgid "Copy all messages"
+msgstr "Kopijuoti visus pranešimus"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:187
-msgid "Speed"
-msgstr "Greitis"
+#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:95
+msgid "Copy selected messages"
+msgstr "Kopijuoti pasirinktus pranešimus"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:213
-msgid "Transfers"
-msgstr "Perdavimai"
+#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:106
+#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:502
+msgid "Show only this project"
+msgstr ""
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:280
-msgid "Network activity is suspended - "
-msgstr "Veiksmai tinkle sustabdyti - "
+#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:107
+#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:503
+msgid "Show only the messages for the selected project."
+msgstr "Rodyti tik pasirinkto projekto žinutes."
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:282
-msgid ""
-"You can enable it using the Activity menu."
-msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:164
+msgid "Messages"
+msgstr "Pranešimai"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:285
-msgid "BOINC"
+#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:187
+msgid "Copying all messages to the clipboard..."
+msgstr "Visi pranešimai kopijuojami į atmintį..."
+#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:223
+msgid "Copying selected messages to the clipboard..."
+msgstr "Pasirinkti pranešimai kopijuojami į atmintį..."
+#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:286
+msgid "Filtering messages..."
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:292
-msgid "Retrying transfer now..."
-msgstr "Bandoma perduoti dabar..."
+#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:494
+msgid "Show all messages"
+msgstr "Rodyti visus pranešimus"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:330
-msgid "Aborting transfer..."
-msgstr "Nutraukiamas perdavimas..."
+#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:495
+msgid "Show messages for all projects."
+msgstr "Rodyti visų projektų žinutes."
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:343
-#, c-format
-msgid ""
-"Are you sure you want to abort this file transfer '%s'?\n"
-"NOTE: Aborting a transfer will invalidate a task and you\n"
-"will not receive credit for it."
-msgstr ""
-"Ar tikrai norite nutraukti šios bylos '%s' perdavimą?\n"
-"PASTABA: Perdavimo nutraukimas panaikins užduotį ir jūs\n"
-"negausite kredito už atliktą darbą."
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:225
+msgid "Account"
+msgstr "Vartotojas"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:349
-msgid "Abort File Transfer"
-msgstr "Nutraukti bylos perdavimą"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:227
+msgid "Work done"
+msgstr "Atliktas darbas"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:780
-msgid "Upload"
-msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:228
+msgid "Avg. work done"
+msgstr "Vid. atliekamas darbas"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:780
-msgid "Download"
-msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:230
+msgid "Status"
+msgstr "Būklė"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:784
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "retry in "
-msgstr "Bandymas po "
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:255
+msgid "Projects"
+msgstr "Projektai"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:786
-msgid "failed"
-msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:307
+msgid "Updating project..."
+msgstr "Atnaujinamas projektas..."
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:789
-msgid "suspended"
-msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:349
+msgid "Resuming project..."
+msgstr "Pratęsiamas darbas su projektu..."
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:794
-msgid "active"
-msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:353
+msgid "Suspending project..."
+msgstr "Stabdomas projektas..."
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:796
-msgid "pending"
-msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:390
+msgid "Telling project to allow additional task downloads..."
+msgstr "Leidžiama projektui parsisiųsti papildomo darbo..."
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:803
-msgid " (project backoff: "
-msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:394
+msgid "Telling project to not fetch any additional tasks..."
+msgstr "Liepiama projektui nesiųsti naujų užduočių..."
-#: ViewWork.cpp:187 ViewWork.cpp:777
-msgid "Show active tasks"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:430
+msgid "Resetting project..."
+msgstr "Perkraunamas projektas..."
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:488
+msgid "Removing project..."
+msgstr "Šalinamas projektas..."
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:548
+msgid "Launching browser..."
+msgstr "Paleidžiama naršyklė..."
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1063
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Requested by user"
+msgstr "Sustabdė vartotojas"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1064
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "To fetch work"
+msgstr "atlikti darbą"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1065
+msgid "To report completed tasks"
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewWork.cpp:188 ViewWork.cpp:778
-msgid "Show only active tasks."
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1066
+msgid "To send trickle-up message"
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewWork.cpp:194 sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:60
-msgid "Show graphics"
-msgstr "Rodyti grafiką"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1067
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Requested by account manager"
+msgstr "Prisijungti prie abonemento valdiklio"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:195 sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:61
-msgid "Show application graphics in a window."
-msgstr "Rodyti programos grafiką lange."
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1068
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Project initialization"
+msgstr "Projektų pasirinkimas"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:201
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1069
 #, fuzzy
-msgid "Show VM Console"
-msgstr "Kompiuterio suminiai rodikliai"
+msgid "Requested by project"
+msgstr "Atšaukė projektas"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:202
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1070
 #, fuzzy
-msgid "Show VM Console in a window."
-msgstr "Rodyti programos grafiką lange."
+msgid "Unknown reason"
+msgstr "(Nežinoma)"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:209
-msgid "Suspend work for this result."
-msgstr "Sustabdyti šį skaičiavimo darbą."
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1084
+msgid "Suspended by user"
+msgstr "Sustabdė vartotojas"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:215 sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:72
-msgid "Abort"
-msgstr "Nutraukti"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1087
+msgid "Won't get new tasks"
+msgstr "Negaus naujo darbo"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:216
-msgid "Abandon work on the result. You will get no credit for it."
-msgstr "Atsisakyti darbo. Jūs negausite jokio kredito."
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1090
+msgid "Project ended - OK to remove"
+msgstr "Projektas pabaigtas - galima pašalinti"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:223 sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:79
-msgid "Show task details."
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1093
+msgid "Will remove when tasks done"
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewWork.cpp:235
-msgid "Elapsed"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1096
+msgid "Scheduler request pending"
+msgstr "Laukiama jungimosi prie projekto serverio"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1102
+msgid "Scheduler request in progress"
+msgstr "Jungiamasi prie projekto serverio"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1105
+msgid "Trickle up message pending"
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewWork.cpp:236
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Remaining (estimated)"
-msgstr "Likęs laikas"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1111
+msgid "Communication deferred "
+msgstr "Jungimasis atidėtas "
-#: ViewWork.cpp:237
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Deadline"
-msgstr "Atlikti iki"
+#: clientgui/ViewResources.cpp:62
+msgid "Total disk usage"
+msgstr "Naudojama disko vieta"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:264
-msgid "Tasks"
-msgstr "Užduotys"
+#: clientgui/ViewResources.cpp:83
+msgid "Disk usage by BOINC projects"
+msgstr "BOINC projektų naudojama disko vieta"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:357
-msgid "Resuming task..."
-msgstr "Tęsiamas darbas..."
+#: clientgui/ViewResources.cpp:116
+msgid "Disk"
+msgstr "Diskas"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:360
-msgid "Suspending task..."
-msgstr "Stabdomas darbas..."
+#: clientgui/ViewResources.cpp:225
+msgid "no projects: 0 bytes used"
+msgstr ""
-#: ViewWork.cpp:389
-msgid "Showing graphics for task..."
-msgstr "Rodoma grafika šiam darbui..."
+#: clientgui/ViewResources.cpp:262
+msgid "used by BOINC: "
+msgstr "naudojama BOINC: "
-#: ViewWork.cpp:426
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Showing VM console for task..."
-msgstr "Rodoma grafika šiam darbui..."
+#: clientgui/ViewResources.cpp:272
+msgid "free, available to BOINC: "
+msgstr ""
-#: ViewWork.cpp:479
-#, c-format
-msgid ""
-"Are you sure you want to abort this task '%s'?\n"
-"(Progress: %s, Status: %s)"
+#: clientgui/ViewResources.cpp:282
+msgid "free, not available to BOINC: "
 msgstr ""
-"Ar tikrai norite nutraukti šią užduotį '%s'?\n"
-"(Pažanga: %s, Būklė: %s)"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:485
-#, c-format
-msgid "Are you sure you want to abort these %d tasks?"
+#: clientgui/ViewResources.cpp:292
+msgid "free: "
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewWork.cpp:490 sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:256
-msgid "Abort task"
-msgstr "Nutraukti užduotį"
+#: clientgui/ViewResources.cpp:302
+msgid "used by other programs: "
+msgstr "naudojama kitų programų: "
-# 75%
-#: ViewWork.cpp:499
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Aborting task..."
-msgstr "Nutraukiamas perdavimas..."
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1181
+msgid "User Total"
+msgstr "Vartotojo suminiai rodikliai"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:771
-msgid "Show all tasks"
-msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1182
+msgid "User Average"
+msgstr "Vartotojo vidurkiai"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:772
-msgid "Show all tasks."
-msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1183
+msgid "Host Total"
+msgstr "Kompiuterio suminiai rodikliai"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:796 sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:103
-msgid "Resume work for this task."
-msgstr "Tęsti šį skaičiavimo darbą."
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1184
+msgid "Host Average"
+msgstr "Kompiuterio vidurkiai"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:802 sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:107
-msgid "Suspend work for this task."
-msgstr "Sustabdyti šį skaičiavimo darbą."
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1331
+#, c-format
+msgid "Last update: %.0f days ago"
+msgstr "Paskutinis atnaujinimas: prieš %.0f dienų"
-#: WelcomePage.cpp:284
-msgid "Add project or account manager"
-msgstr "Prisijungti prie projekto ar abonemento valdiklio"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1956
+msgid "Show user total"
+msgstr "Vartotojo suminiai rodikliai"
-#: WelcomePage.cpp:288
-msgid "Add project or use BOINC Account Manager"
-msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1957
+msgid "Show total credit for user"
+msgstr "Rodyti bendrą vartotojo kreditų kiekį"
-#: WelcomePage.cpp:297
-#, c-format
-msgid ""
-"If possible, add projects at the\n"
-"%s web site.\n"
-"Projects added via this wizard will not be\n"
-"listed on or managed via %s."
-msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1963
+msgid "Show user average"
+msgstr "Vartotojo vidurkiai"
-#: WelcomePage.cpp:313
-msgid ""
-"There are over 30 BOINC-based projects\n"
-"doing research in many areas of science,\n"
-"and you can volunteer for as many of them as you like.\n"
-"You can add a project directly,\n"
-"or use an 'Account Manager' web site to select projects."
-msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1964
+msgid "Show average credit for user"
+msgstr "Rodyti vidutinį vartotojo kreditų kiekį"
-#: WelcomePage.cpp:325
-msgid ""
-"You have chosen to add a new volunteer computing project or change which "
-"you contribute to.\n"
-"Some of these projects are run and managed by World Community Grid, while "
-"are run and managed by other researchers or organizations. The BOINC "
-"can divide your spare processing power among any combination of projects.\n"
-"Alternatively, if you have registered with a BOINC Account Manager, you can "
-"this to choose which projects to support.\n"
-"Please choose which type of change you would like to make:\n"
-msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1970
+msgid "Show host total"
+msgstr "Kompiuterio suminiai rodikliai"
-#: WelcomePage.cpp:339
-msgid "Use a BOINC Account Manager"
-msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1971
+msgid "Show total credit for host"
+msgstr "Rodyti bendrą kompiuterio kreditų kiekį"
-#: WelcomePage.cpp:352
-msgid "To continue, click Next."
-msgstr "Norėdami tęsti, spauskite Toliau."
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1977
+msgid "Show host average"
+msgstr "Kompiuterio vidurkiai"
-#: WelcomePage.cpp:358
-msgid "Add or change your World Community Grid projects"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1978
+msgid "Show average credit for host"
+msgstr "Rodyti vidutinį kompiuterio kreditų kiekį"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1987
+msgid "< &Previous project"
+msgstr "< &Ankstesnis projektas"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1988
+msgid "Show chart for previous project"
+msgstr "Rodyti ankstesnio projekto diagramą"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1993
+msgid "&Next project >"
+msgstr "&Kitas projektas >"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1994
+msgid "Show chart for next project"
+msgstr "Rodyti kito projekto diagramą"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2000
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2390
+msgid "Hide project list"
 msgstr ""
-#: WelcomePage.cpp:361
-msgid "Add projects run by other researchers or organizations"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2001
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2390
+msgid "Use entire area for graphs"
 msgstr ""
-#: WizardAttach.cpp:634
-msgid "Do you really want to cancel?"
-msgstr "Ar norite atšaukti?"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2006
+msgid "Mode view"
+msgstr "Peržiūros režimas"
-#: WizardAttach.cpp:635
-msgid "Question"
-msgstr "Klausimas"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2010
+msgid "One project"
+msgstr "Vienas projektas"
-#: sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:149
-msgid "Advanced View...\tCtrl+Shift+A"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2011
+msgid "Show one chart with selected project"
 msgstr ""
-#: sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:150
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Display the advanced graphical interface."
-msgstr "Rodyti supaprastintą vartotojo sąsają."
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2017
+msgid "All projects (separate)"
+msgstr ""
-#: sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:157
-msgid "Skin"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2018
+msgid "Show all projects, one chart per project"
 msgstr ""
-#: sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:159
-msgid "Select the appearance of the user interface."
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2024
+msgid "All projects (together)"
 msgstr ""
-#: sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:206
-#, c-format
-msgid "&%s"
-msgstr "%s"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2025
+msgid "Show one chart with all projects"
+msgstr ""
-#: sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:390
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2031
 #, fuzzy
-msgid "Default"
-msgstr "&Nustatyti numatytus nustatymus"
-#: sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:759
-msgid "Suspend Computing"
-msgstr ""
+msgid "All projects (sum)"
+msgstr "Visi projektai(apibendrinta)"
-#: sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:760
-msgid "Resume Computing"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2032
+msgid "Show one chart with sum of projects"
 msgstr ""
-#: sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:777
-msgid "Open a window to view notices from projects or BOINC"
-msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2053
+msgid "Statistics"
+msgstr "Statistika"
-#: sg_DlgMessages.cpp:146
-msgid "Close"
-msgstr "Uždaryti"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2077
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2098
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2119
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2141
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2162
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2183
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2204
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2225
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2246
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2270
+msgid "Updating charts..."
+msgstr "Atnaujinami grafikai..."
-#: sg_DlgMessages.cpp:389
-#, c-format
-msgid "%s - Notices"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2394
+msgid "Show project list"
 msgstr ""
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:268
-msgid "This dialog controls preferences for this computer only."
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2394
+msgid "Uses smaller area for graphs"
 msgstr ""
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:273
-msgid "Click OK to set preferences."
-msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:169
+msgid "Retry Now"
+msgstr "Kartoti dabar"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:278
-msgid ""
-"Click Clear to restore web-based settings for all preferences listed below."
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:170
+msgid "Retry the file transfer now"
 msgstr ""
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:285
-msgid ""
-"For additional settings, select Computing Preferences in the Advanced View."
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:176
+msgid "Abort Transfer"
+msgstr "Nutraukti perdavimą"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:177
+msgid "Abort this file transfer.  You won't get credit for the task."
 msgstr ""
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:313
-msgid "Do work only between:"
-msgstr "Vykdyti užduotis tik tarp:"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:188
+msgid "File"
+msgstr "Byla"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:335
-msgid "Connect to internet only between:"
-msgstr "Jungtis prie interneto tik tarp:"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:189
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:238
+msgid "Progress"
+msgstr "Progresas"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:357 sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:374
-msgid "Use no more than:"
-msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:190
+msgid "Size"
+msgstr "Dydis"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:370
-msgid "of disk space"
-msgstr "disko vietos"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:191
+msgid "Elapsed Time"
+msgstr "Trukmė"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:387
-msgid "of the processor"
-msgstr "procesoriaus"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:192
+msgid "Speed"
+msgstr "Greitis"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:391
-msgid "Do work while on battery?"
-msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:218
+msgid "Transfers"
+msgstr "Perdavimai"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:404
-msgid "Do work after idle for:"
-msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:285
+msgid "Network activity is suspended - "
+msgstr "Veiksmai tinkle sustabdyti - "
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:429
-msgid "Clear all local preferences listed above and close the dialog"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:287
+msgid ""
+"You can enable it using the Activity menu."
 msgstr ""
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:602 sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:605
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:681 sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:685
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:697 sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:701
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:844 sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:855
-msgid "Anytime"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:290
+msgid "BOINC"
 msgstr ""
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:638
-msgid "100 MB"
-msgstr "100 MB"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:297
+msgid "Retrying transfer now..."
+msgstr "Bandoma perduoti dabar..."
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:639
-msgid "200 MB"
-msgstr "200 MB"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:335
+msgid "Aborting transfer..."
+msgstr "Nutraukiamas perdavimas..."
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:640
-msgid "500 MB"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:348
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Are you sure you want to abort this file transfer '%s'?\n"
+"NOTE: Aborting a transfer will invalidate a task and you\n"
+"will not receive credit for it."
 msgstr ""
+"Ar tikrai norite nutraukti šios bylos '%s' perdavimą?\n"
+"PASTABA: Perdavimo nutraukimas panaikins užduotį ir jūs\n"
+"negausite kredito už atliktą darbą."
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:641
-msgid "1 GB"
-msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:354
+msgid "Abort File Transfer"
+msgstr "Nutraukti bylos perdavimą"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:642
-msgid "2 GB"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:785
+msgid "Upload"
 msgstr ""
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:643
-msgid "5 GB"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:785
+msgid "Download"
 msgstr ""
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:644
-msgid "10 GB"
-msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:789
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "retry in "
+msgstr "Bandymas po "
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:645
-msgid "20 GB"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:791
+msgid "failed"
 msgstr ""
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:646
-msgid "50 GB"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:794
+msgid "suspended"
 msgstr ""
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:647
-msgid "100 GB"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:799
+msgid "active"
 msgstr ""
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:717
-#, c-format
-msgid "%d MB"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:801
+msgid "pending"
 msgstr ""
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:719
-#, c-format
-msgid "%4.2f GB"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:808
+msgid " (project backoff: "
 msgstr ""
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:760
-#, c-format
-msgid "%d%%"
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:192
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:782
+msgid "Show active tasks"
 msgstr ""
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:796
-msgid "0 (Run Always)"
-msgstr "0 (veikti visada)"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:799
-#, c-format
-msgid "%d"
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:193
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:783
+msgid "Show only active tasks."
 msgstr ""
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:1029
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:206
 #, fuzzy
-msgid "Do you really want to clear all local preferences?\n"
-msgstr "Ar norite pašalinti visus vietinius nustatymus?"
+msgid "Show VM Console"
+msgstr "Kompiuterio suminiai rodikliai"
-#: sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:72
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:207
 #, fuzzy
-msgid "Add Project"
-msgstr "Prisijungti prie projekto"
-#: sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:73
-msgid "Synchronize"
-msgstr ""
+msgid "Show VM Console in a window."
+msgstr "Rodyti programos grafiką lange."
-#: sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:74
-msgid "Work done for this project"
-msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:214
+msgid "Suspend work for this result."
+msgstr "Sustabdyti šį skaičiavimo darbą."
-#: sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:77
-msgid "Synchronize projects with account manager system"
-msgstr "Sinchronizuoti projektus su abonento valdiklio sistema"
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:221
+msgid "Abandon work on the result. You will get no credit for it."
+msgstr "Atsisakyti darbo. Jūs negausite jokio kredito."
-#: sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:124
-msgid "Select a project to access with the controls below"
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:240
+msgid "Elapsed"
 msgstr ""
-# 88%
-#: sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:145
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:241
 #, fuzzy
-msgid "Project Web Pages"
-msgstr "Prisijungta prie projekto"
+msgid "Remaining (estimated)"
+msgstr "Likęs laikas"
-#: sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:149
-msgid "Project Commands"
-msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:242
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Deadline"
+msgstr "Atlikti iki"
-#: sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:267
-#, c-format
-msgid "Pop up a menu of web sites for project %s"
-msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:269
+msgid "Tasks"
+msgstr "Užduotys"
-#: sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:269
-#, c-format
-msgid "Pop up a menu of commands to apply to project %s"
-msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:362
+msgid "Resuming task..."
+msgstr "Tęsiamas darbas..."
-#: sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:67
-msgid "Suspend this task."
-msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:365
+msgid "Suspending task..."
+msgstr "Stabdomas darbas..."
-#: sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:73
-msgid "Abandon this task. You will get no credit for it."
-msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:394
+msgid "Showing graphics for task..."
+msgstr "Rodoma grafika šiam darbui..."
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:431
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Showing VM console for task..."
+msgstr "Rodoma grafika šiam darbui..."
-#: sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:251
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:484
 #, c-format
-#, fuzzy, c-format
 msgid ""
 "Are you sure you want to abort this task '%s'?\n"
-"(Progress: %.1lf%%, Status: %s)"
+"(Progress: %s, Status: %s)"
 msgstr ""
 "Ar tikrai norite nutraukti šią užduotį '%s'?\n"
 "(Pažanga: %s, Būklė: %s)"
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:464
-msgid "You don't have any projects.  Please Add a Project."
-msgstr "Jūs neprisijungęs prie nė vieno projekto. Prisijunkite."
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:465
-msgid "Not available"
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:490
+#, c-format
+msgid "Are you sure you want to abort these %d tasks?"
 msgstr ""
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:476
+# 75%
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:504
 #, fuzzy
-msgid "Tasks:"
-msgstr "Užduotys"
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:482
-msgid "Select a task to access"
-msgstr ""
+msgid "Aborting task..."
+msgstr "Nutraukiamas perdavimas..."
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:493
-msgid "From:"
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:776
+msgid "Show all tasks"
 msgstr ""
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:547
-msgid "This task's progress"
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:777
+msgid "Show all tasks."
 msgstr ""
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:565
-msgid "Task Commands"
-msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/WelcomePage.cpp:284
+msgid "Add project or account manager"
+msgstr "Prisijungti prie projekto ar abonemento valdiklio"
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:566
-msgid "Pop up a menu of commands to apply to this task"
+#: clientgui/WelcomePage.cpp:288
+msgid "Add project or use BOINC Account Manager"
 msgstr ""
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:701
-#, c-format
-#, fuzzy, c-format
-msgid "Application: %s"
-msgstr "Programa:"
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:724
+#: clientgui/WelcomePage.cpp:297
 #, c-format
-msgid "%.3f%%"
+msgid ""
+"If possible, add projects at the\n"
+"%s web site.\n"
+"Projects added via this wizard will not be\n"
+"listed on or managed via %s."
 msgstr ""
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:732
-msgid "Application: Not available"
+#: clientgui/WelcomePage.cpp:313
+msgid ""
+"There are over 30 BOINC-based projects\n"
+"doing research in many areas of science,\n"
+"and you can volunteer for as many of them as you like.\n"
+"You can add a project directly,\n"
+"or use an 'Account Manager' web site to select projects."
 msgstr ""
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:832
-msgid "Not Available"
+#: clientgui/WelcomePage.cpp:325
+msgid ""
+"You have chosen to add a new volunteer computing project or change which projects\n"
+"you contribute to.\n"
+"Some of these projects are run and managed by World Community Grid, while others\n"
+"are run and managed by other researchers or organizations. The BOINC software\n"
+"can divide your spare processing power among any combination of projects.\n"
+"Alternatively, if you have registered with a BOINC Account Manager, you can use\n"
+"this to choose which projects to support.\n"
+"Please choose which type of change you would like to make:\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:847
-#, c-format
-msgid "Elapsed: %s"
+#: clientgui/WelcomePage.cpp:339
+msgid "Use a BOINC Account Manager"
 msgstr ""
-# 84%
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:861
-#, c-format
-#, fuzzy, c-format
-msgid "Remaining (estimated): %s"
-msgstr "Likęs laikas"
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:876
-#, c-format
-msgid "Status: %s"
+#: clientgui/WelcomePage.cpp:358
+msgid "Add or change your World Community Grid projects"
 msgstr ""
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1223
-msgid "Retrieving current status."
-msgstr "Gaunama dabartinė būsena."
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1229
-msgid "Downloading work from the server."
-msgstr "Gaunamos užduotys iš serverio."
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1234
-msgid "Processing Suspended:  Running On Batteries."
-msgstr "Skaičiavimai sustabdyti: veikiama iš baterijų."
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1236
-msgid "Processing Suspended:  User Active."
-msgstr "Skaičiavimai sustabdyti: vartotojas aktyvus."
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1238
-msgid "Processing Suspended:  User paused processing."
-msgstr "Skaičiavimai sustabdyti: sustabdė vartotojas."
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1240
-msgid "Processing Suspended:  Time of Day."
-msgstr "Skaičiavimai sustabdyti: dienos laikas."
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1242
-msgid "Processing Suspended:  Benchmarks Running."
-msgstr "Skaičiavimai sustabdyti: matuojamas greitis."
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1244
-msgid "Processing Suspended."
-msgstr "Skaičiavimai sustabdyti."
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1248
-msgid "Waiting to contact project servers."
-msgstr "Laukiama susijungimo su projekto serveriais."
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1252 sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1261
-msgid "Retrieving current status"
-msgstr "Gaunama dabartinė būsena"
+#: clientgui/WelcomePage.cpp:361
+msgid "Add projects run by other researchers or organizations"
+msgstr ""
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1256
-msgid "No work available to process"
-msgstr "Nėra vykdymui paruoštų užduočių"
+#: clientgui/WizardAttach.cpp:673
+msgid "Do you really want to cancel?"
+msgstr "Ar norite atšaukti?"
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1258
-msgid "Unable to connect to the core client"
-msgstr "Nepavyksta prisijungti prie kliento"
+#: clientgui/WizardAttach.cpp:674
+msgid "Question"
+msgstr "Klausimas"
-#: wizardex.cpp:377 wizardex.cpp:553
+#: clientgui/wizardex.cpp:377
+#: clientgui/wizardex.cpp:553
 msgid "&Next >"
 msgstr "Toliau >"
-#: wizardex.cpp:383
+#: clientgui/wizardex.cpp:383
 msgid "< &Back"
 msgstr "< &Atgal"
-#: wizardex.cpp:553
+#: clientgui/wizardex.cpp:553
 msgid "&Finish"
 msgstr "Baigti"
-#: mac/Mac_GUI.cpp:110
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Preferences…"
-msgstr "Vietiniai nustatymai"
+#: clientgui/common/wxPieCtrl.cpp:64
+msgid "Pie Ctrl"
+msgstr ""
-#: mac/Mac_GUI.cpp:122
+#: clientgui/mac/Mac_GUI.cpp:35
 msgid "Services"
 msgstr ""
-#: mac/Mac_GUI.cpp:144
+#: clientgui/mac/Mac_GUI.cpp:36
 #, c-format
 msgid "Hide %s"
 msgstr ""
-#: mac/Mac_GUI.cpp:158
+#: clientgui/mac/Mac_GUI.cpp:37
 msgid "Hide Others"
 msgstr ""
-#: mac/Mac_GUI.cpp:172
+#: clientgui/mac/Mac_GUI.cpp:38
 msgid "Show All"
 msgstr ""
-#: mac/Mac_GUI.cpp:186
+#: clientgui/mac/Mac_GUI.cpp:39
 #, c-format
 msgid "Quit %s"
 msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.h:30
+msgid "specify work start and stop hours in format HH:MM-HH:MM"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.h:31
+msgid "specify network usage start and stop hours in format HH:MM-HH:MM"
+msgstr ""
+# 98%
+#, fuzzy
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "(C) 2003-2013 University of California, Berkeley.\n"
+#~ "All Rights Reserved."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "(C) 2003-2010 University of California, Berkeley.\n"
+#~ "Visos teisės saugomos."
+#, c-format
+#~ msgid "%s - Preferences"
+#~ msgstr "%s - nustatymai"
+#, no-c-format
+#~ msgid "% CPU time"
+#~ msgstr "% procesoriaus laiko"
+#~ msgid "KBytes/sec."
+#~ msgstr "KB/s"
+#, fuzzy
+#~ msgid " (Waiting for network access)"
+#~ msgstr "Laukiama atminties"
+#, fuzzy
+#~ msgid "Preferences…"
+#~ msgstr "Vietiniai nustatymai"
 #~ msgid "invalid float"
 #~ msgstr "neteisingas skaičius su kableliu"
diff --git a/locale/lv/BOINC-Manager.mo b/locale/lv/BOINC-Manager.mo
index 9ed9c87..a12cc35 100644
Binary files a/locale/lv/BOINC-Manager.mo and b/locale/lv/BOINC-Manager.mo differ
diff --git a/locale/lv/BOINC-Manager.po b/locale/lv/BOINC-Manager.po
index 071ef42..7acd71d 100644
--- a/locale/lv/BOINC-Manager.po
+++ b/locale/lv/BOINC-Manager.po
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ msgid ""
 msgstr ""
 "Project-Id-Version: BOINC Manager 5.x\n"
 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-02-02 00:00-0800\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-12-15 14:15-0500\n"
 "PO-Revision-Date: 2014-03-09 21:17+0000\n"
 "Last-Translator: Atis <boinc.at.latvia at gmail.com>\n"
 "Language-Team: BOINC at Latvia <boinc_at_latvia at mac.com>\n"
@@ -17,23 +17,23 @@ msgstr ""
 "Plural-Forms: nplurals=3; plural=(n%10==1 && n%100!=11 ? 0 : n != 0 ? 1 : "
 "X-Generator: Pootle 2.5.0\n"
-"X-BOINC-UTF8-Marker: 简体中文, 日本語\n"
-"X-Poedit-SearchPath-1: clientgui/msw\n"
-"X-Poedit-SearchPath-2: clientgui/gtk\n"
-"X-Poedit-SearchPath-3: clientgui/mac\n"
+"X-Poedit-Basepath: C:\\Src\\BOINCGIT\\boinc_7.4\n"
 "X-Poedit-SearchPath-0: clientgui\n"
 "X-Poedit-SourceCharset: utf-8\n"
-"X-Poedit-Basepath: C:\\Src\\BOINCGIT\\boinc\n"
 "X-POOTLE-MTIME: 1394399823.0\n"
+"X-Poedit-SearchPath-1: clientgui/msw\n"
+"X-Poedit-SearchPath-2: clientgui/gtk\n"
+"X-Poedit-SearchPath-3: clientgui/mac\n"
+"X-BOINC-UTF8-Marker: 简体中文, 日本語\n"
 # 81%
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:387
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:387
 #, c-format
 #, c-format, c-format
 msgid "Identify your account at %s"
 msgstr "Identificējiet jūsu kontu %s"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:393
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:393
 msgid ""
 "Please enter your account information\n"
 "(to create an account, visit the project's web site)"
@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ msgstr ""
 "Lūdzu, ievadiet jūsu konta informāciju\n"
 "(lai izveidotu kontu, apmeklējiet projekta web lapu)"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:397
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:397
 msgid ""
 "This project is not currently accepting new accounts.\n"
 "You can add it only if you already have an account."
@@ -49,19 +49,19 @@ msgstr ""
 "Šis projekts šobrīd nepieņem jaunus kontus.\n"
 "Jūs varat tam pievienoties tikai tad, ja jums jau ir konts."
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:401
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:401
 msgid "Are you already running this project?"
 msgstr "Vai jūs jau lietojat šo projektu?"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:405
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:405
 msgid "&No, new user"
 msgstr "&Nē, jauns lietotājs"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:408
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:408
 msgid "&Yes, existing user"
 msgstr "&Jā, esošs lietotājs"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:413
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:413
 msgid ""
 "We were not able to set up your account information\n"
@@ -77,45 +77,51 @@ msgstr ""
 "saites, lai atrastu, ko rakstīt e-pasta adreses un paroles\n"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:416
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:416
 msgid "Find login information"
 msgstr "Atrast pieteikšanās informāciju"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:436 AccountInfoPage.cpp:641
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:436
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:649
 msgid "&Password:"
 msgstr "&Parole:"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:443 AccountInfoPage.cpp:665
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:443
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:673
 msgid "Choose a &password:"
 msgstr "Izvēlieties &paroli:"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:446
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:446
 msgid "C&onfirm password:"
 msgstr "Par&ole atkārtoti:"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:453
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:453
 #, c-format
 msgid "Are you already running %s?"
 msgstr "Vai jūs jau lietojat %s?"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:482
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:482
 msgid "&Username:"
 msgstr "L&ietotājvārds:"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:508
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:511
+msgid "&Email address or LDAP ID:"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:515
 msgid "&Email address:"
 msgstr "&E-pasta adrese:"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:515
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:523
 #, c-format
 msgid "minimum length %d"
 msgstr "minimālais garums %d"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:522
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:530
 msgid "Forgot your password?"
 msgstr "Aizmirsāt jūsu paroli?"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:529
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:537
 msgid ""
 "If you have not yet registered with this account manager,\n"
 "please do so before proceeding.  Click on the link below\n"
@@ -125,45 +131,44 @@ msgstr ""
 "lūdzu, izdariet to pirms turpināt.  Noklikšķiniet uz zemāk\n"
 "redzamo saiti, lai reģistrētos vai lai atgūtu aizmirsto paroli."
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:532
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:540
 msgid "Account manager web site"
 msgstr "Konta menedžera mājas lapa"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:574 WelcomePage.cpp:348
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:582
 msgid "Add project"
 msgstr "Pievienot projektu"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:576
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:584
 msgid "Update account manager"
 msgstr "Atjaunot konta menedžeri"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:578 WelcomePage.cpp:307 WelcomePage.cpp:321
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:586
 msgid "Use account manager"
 msgstr "Lietot konta menedžeri"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:585
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:593
 msgid "Please enter a user name."
 msgstr "Lūdzu, ievadiet lietotājvārdu."
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:587
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:595
 msgid "Please enter an email address."
 msgstr "Lūdzu, ievadiet e-pasta adresi."
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:597
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:605
 #, c-format
 msgid "Please enter a password of at least %d characters."
 msgstr "Lūdzu, ievadiet paroli, kura ir vismaz %d simbolu gara."
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:607
-msgid ""
-"The password and confirmation password do not match. Please type them again."
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:615
+msgid "The password and confirmation password do not match. Please type them again."
 msgstr "Abas ievadītās paroles nesakrīt. Lūdzu, ievadiet tās no jauna."
-#: AccountManagerInfoPage.cpp:272
+#: clientgui/AccountManagerInfoPage.cpp:272
 msgid "Choose an account manager"
 msgstr "Izvēlieties konta menedžeri"
-#: AccountManagerInfoPage.cpp:275
+#: clientgui/AccountManagerInfoPage.cpp:275
 msgid ""
 "To choose an account manager, click its name or \n"
 "type its URL below."
@@ -171,382 +176,399 @@ msgstr ""
 "Lai izvēlētos konta menedžeri, noklikšķiniet uz tā \n"
 "vārda vai rakstiet tā URL zemāk."
-#: AccountManagerInfoPage.cpp:279
+#: clientgui/AccountManagerInfoPage.cpp:279
 msgid "Account manager details:"
 msgstr "Konta menedžera informācija:"
-#: AccountManagerInfoPage.cpp:283
+#: clientgui/AccountManagerInfoPage.cpp:283
 msgid "Account manager &URL:"
 msgstr "Konta menedžera &URL:"
-#: AccountManagerInfoPage.cpp:287
+#: clientgui/AccountManagerInfoPage.cpp:287
 msgid "Open web page"
 msgstr "Atvērt mājas lapu"
-#: AccountManagerInfoPage.cpp:290
+#: clientgui/AccountManagerInfoPage.cpp:290
 msgid "Visit this account manager's web site"
 msgstr "Apmeklēt šī konta menedžera mājas lapu"
-#: AccountManagerProcessingPage.cpp:187 AccountManagerPropertiesPage.cpp:193
+#: clientgui/AccountManagerProcessingPage.cpp:186
+#: clientgui/AccountManagerPropertiesPage.cpp:192
 #, c-format
 msgid "Communicating with %s."
 msgstr "Notiek sazināšanās ar %s."
-#: AccountManagerProcessingPage.cpp:194 AccountManagerPropertiesPage.cpp:200
+#: clientgui/AccountManagerProcessingPage.cpp:193
+#: clientgui/AccountManagerPropertiesPage.cpp:199
 msgid "Communicating with server."
 msgstr "Notiek sazināšanās ar serveri."
-#: AccountManagerProcessingPage.cpp:199 AccountManagerPropertiesPage.cpp:205
+#: clientgui/AccountManagerProcessingPage.cpp:198
+#: clientgui/AccountManagerPropertiesPage.cpp:204
 msgid "Please wait..."
 msgstr "Lūdzu, uzgaidiet..."
-#: AccountManagerProcessingPage.cpp:326
+#: clientgui/AccountManagerProcessingPage.cpp:325
 msgid "An internal server error has occurred.\n"
 msgstr "Notika iekšēja servera kļūda.\n"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:95
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:96
 msgid "Connected"
 msgstr "Savienots"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:103
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:104
 msgid "Disconnected"
 msgstr "Atvienots"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:322 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:119
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:318
 #, c-format
 msgid "Close the %s window"
 msgstr "Aizvērt %s logu"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:325 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:122
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:321
 msgid "&Close Window"
 msgstr "&Aizvērt logu"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:336 AdvancedFrame.cpp:343 AdvancedFrame.cpp:350
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:332
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:339
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:346
 #, c-format
 msgid "Exit %s"
 msgstr "Iziet %s"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:371
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:359
+msgid "Preferences..."
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:368
 msgid "&Notices\tCtrl+Shift+N"
 msgstr "P&aziņojumi\t Ctrl+Shift+N"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:372
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:369
 msgid "Display notices"
 msgstr "Parādīt paziņojumus"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:377
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:374
 msgid "&Projects\tCtrl+Shift+P"
 msgstr "&Projekti\t Ctrl+Shift+P"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:378
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:375
 msgid "Display projects"
 msgstr "Parādīt projektus"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:383
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:380
 msgid "&Tasks\tCtrl+Shift+T"
 msgstr "&Uzdevumi\t Ctrl+Shift+T"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:384
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:381
 msgid "Display tasks"
 msgstr "Parādīt uzdevumus"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:389
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:386
 msgid "Trans&fers\tCtrl+Shift+X"
 msgstr "Pārsūtīša&na\t Ctrl+Shift+X"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:390
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:387
 msgid "Display transfers"
 msgstr "Parādīt pārsūtīšanu"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:395
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:392
 msgid "&Statistics\tCtrl+Shift+S"
 msgstr "&Statistika\t Ctrl+Shift+S"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:396
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:393
 msgid "Display statistics"
 msgstr "Parādīt statistiku"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:401
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:398
 msgid "&Disk usage\tCtrl+Shift+D"
 msgstr "&Diska lietojums\t Ctrl+Shift+D"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:402
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:399
 msgid "Display disk usage"
 msgstr "Parādīt diska lietojumu"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:409
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:406
 msgid "Simple &View...\tCtrl+Shift+V"
 msgstr "&Vienāršais skats...\t Ctrl+Shift+V"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:410
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:407
 msgid "Display the simple graphical interface."
 msgstr "Parādīt vienkāršu grafisko interfeisu."
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:424
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:421
 msgid "&Add project or account manager..."
 msgstr "&Pievienot projektu vai konta menedžeri..."
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:425 sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:76
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:422
 msgid "Volunteer for any or all of 30+ projects in many areas of science"
 msgstr ""
 "Brīvprātīgi pieteikties jebkuram vai visiem 30+ projektiem daudzās zinātnes "
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:429
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:426
 #, c-format
 msgid "&Synchronize with %s"
 msgstr "&Sinhronizēties ar %s"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:433
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:430
 #, c-format
 msgid "Get current settings from %s"
 msgstr "Iegūt pašreizējos iestatījumus no %s"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:443
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:440
 msgid "&Add project..."
 msgstr "P&ievienot projektu..."
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:444
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:441
 msgid "Add a project"
 msgstr "Pievienot projektu"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:447
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:444
 #, c-format
 msgid "S&top using %s..."
 msgstr "Nelie&tot %s..."
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:453
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:450
 msgid "Remove this computer from account manager control."
 msgstr "Noņemt šo datoru no konta menedžera kontroles."
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:458 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:178
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:455
 msgid "&Options..."
 msgstr "&Opcijas..."
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:459 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:179
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:456
 msgid "Configure display options and proxy settings"
 msgstr "Konfigurēt attēlošanas opcijas un proxy iestatījumus"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:463 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:172
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:460
 msgid "Computing &preferences..."
 msgstr "Skaitļošanas &preferences..."
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:464 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:173
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:461
 msgid "Configure computing preferences"
 msgstr "Konfigurēt skaitļošanas preferences"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:472
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:469
 msgid "&Run always"
 msgstr "&Izpildīt vienmēr"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:473
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:470
 msgid "Allow work regardless of preferences"
 msgstr "Atļaut darbu neskatoties uz preferencēm"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:477
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:474
 msgid "Run based on &preferences"
 msgstr "Izpildīt balstoties uz &preferencēm"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:478
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:475
 msgid "Allow work according to preferences"
 msgstr "Atļaut darbu saskaņā ar jūsu preferencēm"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:482
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:479
 msgid "&Suspend"
 msgstr "&Atlikt"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:483
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:480
 msgid "Stop work regardless of preferences"
 msgstr "Aptur darbu neskatoties uz preferencēm"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:508
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:505
 msgid "Use GPU always"
 msgstr "Vienmēr lietot GPU"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:509
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:506
 msgid "Allow GPU work regardless of preferences"
 msgstr "Atļaut GPU darbu neskatoties uz preferencēm"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:513
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:510
 msgid "Use GPU based on preferences"
 msgstr "&Lietot GPU balstoties uz preferencēm"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:514
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:511
 msgid "Allow GPU work according to preferences"
 msgstr "Atļaut GPU darbu saskaņā ar jūsu preferencēm"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:518
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:515
 msgid "Suspend GPU"
 msgstr "Atlikt GPU"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:519
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:516
 msgid "Stop GPU work regardless of preferences"
 msgstr "Pārstāt izpildīt GPU darbu neskatoties uz preferencēm"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:543
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:540
 msgid "Network activity always available"
 msgstr "&Tīkls vienmēr pieejams"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:544
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:541
 msgid "Allow network activity regardless of preferences"
 msgstr "Atļaut lietot tīklu neskatoties uz preferencēm"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:548
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:545
 msgid "Network activity based on preferences"
 msgstr "&Pieslēgties tīklam balstoties uz preferencēm"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:549
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:546
 msgid "Allow network activity according to preferences"
 msgstr "Lietot tīklu saskaņā ar jūsu preferencēm"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:553
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:550
 msgid "Network activity suspended"
 msgstr "Pi&eslēgums tīklam atlikts"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:554
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:551
 msgid "Stop BOINC network activity"
 msgstr "Aptur BOINC tīkla aktivitātes"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:564
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:561
 #, c-format
 msgid "Connect to another computer running %s"
 msgstr "Pieslēgties citam datoram, kas izpilda %s"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:569
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:566
 msgid "Select computer..."
 msgstr "&Izvēlieties datoru..."
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:574
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:571
 msgid "Shut down connected client..."
 msgstr "Slēgt pievienoto klientu..."
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:575
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:572
 msgid "Shut down the currently connected client"
 msgstr "Slēgt pašlaik pievienoto klientu"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:579
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:576
 msgid "Run CPU &benchmarks"
 msgstr "Palaist CPU veiktspējas te&stu"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:580
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:577
 msgid "Runs BOINC CPU benchmarks"
 msgstr "Palaiž etalonuzdevumu, lai noteiktu procesora veiktspēju"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:584
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:581
 msgid "Do network communication"
 msgstr "Iniciēt tīkla sakarus"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:585
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:582
 msgid "Do all pending network communication"
 msgstr "Iniciēt visus nenokārtotos tīkla sakarus"
 # 94%
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:589
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:586
 msgid "Read config files"
 msgstr "Lasīt konfigurācijas failus"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:590
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:587
 msgid "Read configuration info from cc_config.xml and any app_config.xml files"
 msgstr ""
 "Lasīt konfigurācijas informāciju no cc_config.xml un jebkuriem "
 "app_config.xml failiem"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:594
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:591
 msgid "Read local prefs file"
 msgstr "Lasīt vietējo preferenču failu"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:595
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:592
 msgid "Read preferences from global_prefs_override.xml."
 msgstr "Lasīt preferences no global_prefs_override.xml"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:600
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:597
 #, c-format
 msgid "Launch another instance of %s..."
 msgstr "Palaist citu %s instanci..."
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:604
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:601
 #, c-format
 msgid "Launch another %s"
 msgstr "Palaist citu %s"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:614
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:611
 msgid "Event Log...\tCtrl+Shift+E"
 msgstr "Žurnāls...\t Ctrl+Shift+E"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:615
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:612
 msgid "Display diagnostic messages."
 msgstr "Parādīt diagnostikas ziņojumus."
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:625 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:188
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:616
+msgid "Event Log Diagnostic Flags...\tCtrl+Shift+F"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:617
+msgid "Enable or disable various diagnostic messages"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:626
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s &help"
 msgstr "%s &palīdzība"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:631 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:194
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:632
 #, c-format
 msgid "Show information about %s"
 msgstr "Parādīt informāciju par %s"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:643
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:644
 #, c-format
 msgid "&%s help"
 msgstr "&%s palīdzība"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:649 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:212
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:650
 #, c-format
 msgid "Show information about the %s"
 msgstr "Parādīt informāciju par %s"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:661 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:224
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:662
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s &web site"
 msgstr "%s &mājas lapa"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:667 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:230
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:668
 #, c-format
 msgid "Show information about BOINC and %s"
 msgstr "Parādīt informāciju par BOINC un %s"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:679 BOINCTaskBar.cpp:530 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:242
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:680
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:544
 #, c-format
 msgid "&About %s..."
 msgstr "&Par %s..."
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:685 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:248
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:686
 msgid "Licensing and copyright information."
 msgstr "Licencēšanas un autortiesību informācija."
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:692 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:255
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:693
 msgid "&File"
 msgstr "&Fails"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:696 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:259
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:697
 msgid "&View"
 msgstr "&Skats"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:700 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:263
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:701
 msgid "&Tools"
 msgstr "&Rīki"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:704
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:705
 msgid "&Activity"
 msgstr "&Aktivitāte"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:708
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:709
 msgid "A&dvanced"
 msgstr "Pap&ildu"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:712 DlgEventLog.cpp:332 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:267
-#: wizardex.cpp:374 wizardex.cpp:381
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:713
 msgid "&Help"
 msgstr "&Palīdzība"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:1199
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1185
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - Stop using %s"
 msgstr "%s - Pārtraukt lietot %s"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:1204
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1190
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "If you stop using %s,\n"
@@ -561,12 +583,12 @@ msgstr ""
 "Vai jūs vēlaties pārtraukt lietot %s?"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:1401
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1397
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - Shut down the current client..."
 msgstr "%s - Slēgt pašreizējo klientu..."
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:1410
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1406
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "%s will shut down the current client\n"
@@ -575,36 +597,36 @@ msgstr ""
 "%s slēgs pašreizējo klientu\n"
 "un prasīs jums citu hostu kam pievienoties."
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:1745 DlgAbout.cpp:119
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1806
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s"
 msgstr "%s"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:1754
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1815
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s has successfully added %s"
 msgstr "%s veiksmīgi pievienoja %s"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:1893
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1953
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - (%s)"
 msgstr "%s - (%s)"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:1897
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1957
 #, c-format
 msgid "Connecting to %s"
 msgstr "Pieslēdzas pie %s"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:1900
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1960
 #, c-format
 msgid "Connected to %s (%s)"
 msgstr "Pieslēdzās pie %s (%s)"
-#: AlreadyExistsPage.cpp:184
+#: clientgui/AlreadyExistsPage.cpp:184
 msgid "Username already in use"
 msgstr "Lietotājvārds jau tiek lietots"
-#: AlreadyExistsPage.cpp:187
+#: clientgui/AlreadyExistsPage.cpp:187
 msgid ""
 "An account with that username already exists and has a\n"
 "different password than the one you entered.\n"
@@ -617,11 +639,11 @@ msgstr ""
 "Lūdzu, apmeklējiet projekta tīmekļa vietni un sekojiet tur norādītajām "
-#: AlreadyExistsPage.cpp:191
+#: clientgui/AlreadyExistsPage.cpp:191
 msgid "Email address already in use"
 msgstr "E-pasta adrese jau ir lietošanā"
-#: AlreadyExistsPage.cpp:194
+#: clientgui/AlreadyExistsPage.cpp:194
 msgid ""
 "An account with that email address already exists and has a\n"
 "different password than the one you entered.\n"
@@ -634,45 +656,44 @@ msgstr ""
 "Lūdzu, apmeklējiet projekta tīmekļa vietni un sekojiet tur norādītajām "
-#: AsyncRPC.cpp:1031
+#: clientgui/AsyncRPC.cpp:1031
 msgid "Communicating with BOINC client.  Please wait ..."
 msgstr "Sazināšanās ar BOINC klientu.  Lūdzu, uzgaidiet ..."
-#: AsyncRPC.cpp:1034
+#: clientgui/AsyncRPC.cpp:1034
 #, c-format
 msgid "&Quit %s"
 msgstr "&Beigt %s"
-#: AsyncRPC.cpp:1036
+#: clientgui/AsyncRPC.cpp:1036
 #, c-format
 msgid "E&xit %s"
 msgstr "I&ziet %s"
-#: AsyncRPC.cpp:1040
+#: clientgui/AsyncRPC.cpp:1040
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - Communication"
 msgstr "%s - Sazināšanās"
-#: AsyncRPC.cpp:1056 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:107 sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:433
+#: clientgui/AsyncRPC.cpp:1056
 msgid "Cancel"
 msgstr "Atcelt"
-#: BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:505
+#: clientgui/BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:504
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - Connection Error"
 msgstr "%s - Savienojuma kļūda"
-#: BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:514
+#: clientgui/BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:513
 msgid ""
 "You currently are not authorized to manage the client.\n"
-"Please contact your administrator to add you to the 'boinc_users' local user "
+"Please contact your administrator to add you to the 'boinc_users' local user group."
 msgstr ""
 "Pašlaik jūs neesat autorizēts pārvaldīt klientu.\n"
 "Lūdzu, sazinieties ar jūsu administratoru, lai pievieno jūs 'boinc_users' "
 "lokālai lietotāju grupai."
-#: BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:523
+#: clientgui/BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:522
 msgid ""
 "Authorization failed connecting to running client.\n"
 "Make sure you start this program in the same directory as the client."
@@ -680,20 +701,20 @@ msgstr ""
 "Autorizācija neizdevās pievienojoties strādājošam klientam.\n"
 "Pārliecinieties, ka startējat šo programmu un klientu no viena kataloga."
-#: BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:525
+#: clientgui/BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:524
 msgid "Authorization failed connecting to running client."
 msgstr "Autorizācija neizdevās pievienojoties strādājošam klientam."
-#: BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:533
+#: clientgui/BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:532
 msgid "The password you have provided is incorrect, please try again."
 msgstr "Jūsu norādītā parole ir nepareiza, lūdzu, mēģiniet vēlreiz."
-#: BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:577
+#: clientgui/BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:576
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - Connection Failed"
 msgstr "%s - Savienojums neizdevās"
-#: BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:586
+#: clientgui/BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:585
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "%s is not able to connect to a %s client.\n"
@@ -702,23 +723,22 @@ msgstr ""
 "%s nespēja pieslēgties pie %s klienta.\n"
 "Vai vēlētos mēģināt pieslēgties vēlreiz?"
-#: BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:622
+#: clientgui/BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:621
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - Daemon Start Failed"
 msgstr "%s - Dēmona startēšana neizdevās"
-#: BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:632
+#: clientgui/BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:631
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "%s is not able to start a %s client.\n"
-"Please launch the Control Panel->Administative Tools->Services applet and "
-"start the BOINC service."
+"Please launch the Control Panel->Administative Tools->Services applet and start the BOINC service."
 msgstr ""
 "%s nespēja startēt %s klientu.\n"
 "Lūdzu palaidiet Vadības panelis->Administratīvie rīki->Services un "
 "startējiet BOINC servisu."
-#: BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:638
+#: clientgui/BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:637
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "%s is not able to start a %s client.\n"
@@ -727,17 +747,16 @@ msgstr ""
 "%s nespēja startēt %s klientu.\n"
 "Lūdzu, startējiet dēmonu un mēģiniet vēlreiz."
-#: BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:689
+#: clientgui/BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:688
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - Connection Status"
 msgstr "%s - Savienojuma statuss"
-#: BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:700
+#: clientgui/BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:699
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "%s is not currently connected to a %s client.\n"
-"Please use the 'Advanced\\Select Computer...' menu option to connect up to a "
-"%s client.\n"
+"Please use the 'Advanced\\Select Computer...' menu option to connect up to a %s client.\n"
 "To connect up to your local computer please use 'localhost' as the host name."
 msgstr ""
 "%s pašlaik nav savienots ar %s klientu.\n"
@@ -745,16 +764,16 @@ msgstr ""
 "Lai savienotos ar pašreizējo datoru izmantojiet vārdu 'localhost'."
-#: BOINCBaseView.cpp:779
+#: clientgui/BOINCBaseView.cpp:752
 msgid "Project web pages"
 msgstr "Projekta web lapas"
-#: BOINCClientManager.cpp:575
+#: clientgui/BOINCClientManager.cpp:573
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - Unexpected Exit"
 msgstr "%s - Neparedzēta iziešana"
-#: BOINCClientManager.cpp:585
+#: clientgui/BOINCClientManager.cpp:583
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "The %s client has exited unexpectedly 3 times within the last %d minutes.\n"
@@ -763,12 +782,12 @@ msgstr ""
 "%s klients neparedzēti izgāja 3 reizes pēdējo %d minūšu laikā.\n"
 "Vai vēlētos to restartēt vēlreiz?"
-#: BOINCDialupManager.cpp:61
+#: clientgui/BOINCDialupManager.cpp:61
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - Network Status"
 msgstr "%s - Tīkla statuss"
-#: BOINCDialupManager.cpp:241
+#: clientgui/BOINCDialupManager.cpp:241
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "%s needs to connect to the Internet.\n"
@@ -777,22 +796,22 @@ msgstr ""
 "%s nepieciešams pieslēgties pie Internet.\n"
 "Vai drīkst to darīt tagad?"
-#: BOINCDialupManager.cpp:254
+#: clientgui/BOINCDialupManager.cpp:254
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s is connecting to the Internet."
 msgstr "%s savienojas ar Internet."
-#: BOINCDialupManager.cpp:303
+#: clientgui/BOINCDialupManager.cpp:303
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s has successfully connected to the Internet."
 msgstr "%s veiksmīgi savienojās ar Internet."
-#: BOINCDialupManager.cpp:331
+#: clientgui/BOINCDialupManager.cpp:331
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s failed to connect to the Internet."
 msgstr "%s neizdevās savienoties ar Internet."
-#: BOINCDialupManager.cpp:372
+#: clientgui/BOINCDialupManager.cpp:372
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "%s has detected it is now connected to the Internet.\n"
@@ -801,17 +820,17 @@ msgstr ""
 "%s noteica, ka ir savienojies ar Internet.\n"
 "Aktualizē visus projektus un atjauno datu pārsūtīšanu."
-#: BOINCDialupManager.cpp:417
+#: clientgui/BOINCDialupManager.cpp:417
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s has successfully disconnected from the Internet."
 msgstr "%s veiksmīgi atvienojās no Internet."
-#: BOINCDialupManager.cpp:433
+#: clientgui/BOINCDialupManager.cpp:433
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s failed to disconnected from the Internet."
 msgstr "%s neizdevās atvienoties no Internet."
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:339
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:595
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "You currently are not authorized to manage the client.\n"
@@ -832,7 +851,7 @@ msgstr ""
 "  - sazinieties ar jūsu administratoru, lai pieliek jūs 'boinc_master'\n"
 "     lietotāju grupai."
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:345
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:601
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "%s ownership or permissions are not set properly; please reinstall %s.\n"
@@ -842,16 +861,15 @@ msgstr ""
 "uzstādiet %s.\n"
 "(Kļūdas kods %d"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:351
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:607
 msgid " at "
 msgstr " iekš "
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:354 MainDocument.cpp:2484 MainDocument.cpp:2534
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2554 ViewTransfers.cpp:803
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:610
 msgid ")"
 msgstr ")"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:384
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:640
 msgid ""
 "A reboot is required in order for BOINC to run properly.\n"
 "Please reboot your computer and try again."
@@ -859,163 +877,165 @@ msgstr ""
 "Nepieciešama restartēšana, lai pareizi palaistu BOINC.\n"
 "Lūdzu, restartējiet datoru un mēģiniet vēlreiz."
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:385 DlgAbout.cpp:153
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:641
 msgid "BOINC Manager"
 msgstr "BOINC pārvaldnieks"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:572
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:902
 msgid "BOINC Manager was started by the operating system automatically"
 msgstr "Operētājsistēma automātiski startēja BOINC pārvaldnieku"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:574
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:904
 msgid "Startup BOINC so only the system tray icon is visible"
 msgstr ""
 "Startēt BOINC tā, lai rīkjoslas paziņojumu laukā būtu redzama tikai ikona"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:576
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:906
 msgid "Directory containing the BOINC Client executable"
 msgstr "Katalogs, kas satur BOINC klienta izpildāmos failus"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:577
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:907
 msgid "BOINC data directory"
 msgstr "BOINC datu katalogs"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:579
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:909
 msgid "Host name or IP address"
 msgstr "Hosta vārds vai IP adrese"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:580
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:910
 msgid "GUI RPC port number"
 msgstr "Grafiskā lietotāja intefeisa RPC porta numurs"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:581
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:911
 msgid "Password"
 msgstr "Parole"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:582
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:912
 msgid "Startup BOINC with these optional arguments"
 msgstr "Startē BOINC ar šiem izvēles argumentiem"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:583
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:913
 msgid "disable BOINC security users and permissions"
 msgstr "Atslēgt BOINC drošības lietotāju un atļauju lietošanu"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:584
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:914
 msgid "set skin debugging mode to enable skin manager error messages"
 msgstr ""
 "iestatīt ādiņu atkļūdošanas režīmā, lai atļautu ādiņu pārvaldnieka kļūdu "
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:585
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:915
 msgid "multiple instances of BOINC Manager allowed"
 msgstr "atļautas vairākas BOINC pārvaldnieka instances"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:587
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:917
 msgid "Not used: workaround for bug in XCode 4.2"
 msgstr "Netiek lietots: XCode 4.2 kļūdas apiešanai"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:814
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:1164
 msgid "(Automatic Detection)"
 msgstr "(Automātiska noteikšana)"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:815
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:1165
 msgid "(Unknown)"
 msgstr "(Nezināms)"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:816
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:1166
 msgid "(User Defined)"
 msgstr "(Lietotāja definēts)"
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:508
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:522
 #, c-format
 msgid "Open %s Web..."
 msgstr "Atvērt %s tīmekli..."
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:515
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:529
 #, c-format
 msgid "Open %s..."
 msgstr "Atvērt %s..."
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:522 BOINCTaskBar.cpp:619 BOINCTaskBar.cpp:627
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:536
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:633
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:641
 msgid "Snooze"
 msgstr "Iesnaust"
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:524 BOINCTaskBar.cpp:646 BOINCTaskBar.cpp:654
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:538
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:660
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:668
 msgid "Snooze GPU"
 msgstr "Iesnaust GPU"
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:542
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:556
 msgid "E&xit"
 msgstr "I&ziet"
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:612 ViewProjects.cpp:718 ViewWork.cpp:795
-#: sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:758 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:110
-#: sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:102
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:626
 msgid "Resume"
 msgstr "Atsākt"
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:639
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:653
 msgid "Resume GPU"
 msgstr "Atsākt GPU"
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:713
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:727
 msgid "Computing is enabled"
 msgstr "Skaitļošana atļauta"
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:717
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:731
 msgid "Computing is suspended - "
 msgstr "Skaitļošana atlikta - "
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:727
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:741
 msgid "GPU computing is enabled"
 msgstr "GPU skaitļošana atļauta"
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:730
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:744
 msgid "GPU computing is suspended - "
 msgstr "GPU skaitļošana atlikta - "
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:739
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:753
 msgid "Network is enabled"
 msgstr "Pi&eslēgums tīklam atļauts"
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:742
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:756
 msgid "Network is suspended - "
 msgstr "P&ieslēgums tīklam atlikts - "
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:750
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:764
 msgid "Reconnecting to client."
 msgstr "Atjauno saikni ar klientu."
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:752
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:766
 msgid "Not connected to a client."
 msgstr "Nav savienots ar klientu."
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:805
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:819
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s Notices"
 msgstr "%s Paziņojumi"
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:811
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:825
 msgid "There are new notices - click to view."
 msgstr "Ir jauni paziņojumi - klikšķināt, lai skatītu."
-#: CompletionErrorPage.cpp:199
+#: clientgui/CompletionErrorPage.cpp:199
 msgid "Failed to add project"
 msgstr "Neizdevās pievienot projektu"
-#: CompletionErrorPage.cpp:204
+#: clientgui/CompletionErrorPage.cpp:204
 msgid "Failed to update account manager"
 msgstr "Neizdevās atjaunināt konta pārvaldnieku"
-#: CompletionErrorPage.cpp:208
+#: clientgui/CompletionErrorPage.cpp:208
 msgid "Failed to remove account manager"
 msgstr "Neizdevās noņemt konta pārvaldnieku"
-#: CompletionErrorPage.cpp:212
+#: clientgui/CompletionErrorPage.cpp:212
 msgid "Failed to add account manager"
 msgstr "Neizdevās pievienot konta pārvaldnieku"
-#: CompletionErrorPage.cpp:221
+#: clientgui/CompletionErrorPage.cpp:221
 msgid ""
 "Please try again later.\n"
@@ -1025,24 +1045,26 @@ msgstr ""
 "Noklikšķiniet uz Beigt, lai aizvērtu."
-#: CompletionErrorPage.cpp:225 CompletionPage.cpp:222 CompletionPage.cpp:242
-#: CompletionPage.cpp:273
+#: clientgui/CompletionErrorPage.cpp:225
+#: clientgui/CompletionPage.cpp:222
+#: clientgui/CompletionPage.cpp:242
+#: clientgui/CompletionPage.cpp:273
 msgid "Click Finish to close."
 msgstr "Noklikšķiniet Beigt, lai aizvērtu."
-#: CompletionErrorPage.cpp:234
+#: clientgui/CompletionErrorPage.cpp:234
 msgid "Messages from server:"
 msgstr "Ziņas no servera:"
-#: CompletionPage.cpp:207
+#: clientgui/CompletionPage.cpp:207
 msgid "Project added"
 msgstr "Projekts pievienots"
-#: CompletionPage.cpp:213
+#: clientgui/CompletionPage.cpp:213
 msgid "This project has been successfully added."
 msgstr "Šis projekts tapa veiksmīgi pievienots."
-#: CompletionPage.cpp:218
+#: clientgui/CompletionPage.cpp:218
 msgid ""
 "When you click Finish, your web browser will go to a page where\n"
 "you can set your account name and preferences."
@@ -1050,122 +1072,124 @@ msgstr ""
 "Kad jūs noklikšķināsiet Beigt jūsu pārlūkprogramma ies uz lapu,\n"
 "kur varēsiet norādīt jūsu konta vārdu un preferences."
-#: CompletionPage.cpp:232
+#: clientgui/CompletionPage.cpp:232
 #, c-format
 msgid "Update from %s completed."
 msgstr "Atjaunošana no %s pabeigta."
-#: CompletionPage.cpp:236
+#: clientgui/CompletionPage.cpp:236
 msgid "Update completed."
 msgstr "Atjaunošana pabeigta."
-#: CompletionPage.cpp:247
+#: clientgui/CompletionPage.cpp:247
 msgid "Now using account manager"
 msgstr "Tagad lieto kontu pārvaldnieku"
-#: CompletionPage.cpp:252
+#: clientgui/CompletionPage.cpp:252
 #, c-format
 msgid "Welcome to %s!"
 msgstr "Laipni lūgti %s!"
-#: CompletionPage.cpp:263
+#: clientgui/CompletionPage.cpp:263
 #, c-format
 msgid "You are now using %s to manage accounts."
 msgstr "Tagad jūs lietojat %s, lai pārvaldītu kontus."
-#: CompletionPage.cpp:267
+#: clientgui/CompletionPage.cpp:267
 msgid "You are now using this account manager."
 msgstr "Tagad jūs lietojat šo kontu pārvaldnieku."
-#: DlgAbout.cpp:113 mac/Mac_GUI.cpp:96
+#: clientgui/DlgAbout.cpp:113
 #, c-format
 msgid "About %s"
 msgstr "Par %s"
-#: DlgAbout.cpp:172
+#: clientgui/DlgAbout.cpp:172
 msgid "Version:"
 msgstr "Versija:"
-#: DlgAbout.cpp:180
+#: clientgui/DlgAbout.cpp:180
 msgid "wxWidgets Version:"
 msgstr "wxWidgets versija:"
-#: DlgAbout.cpp:188
+#: clientgui/DlgAbout.cpp:188
 msgid "Copyright:"
 msgstr "Autortiesības:"
-# 98%
-#: DlgAbout.cpp:192
+#: clientgui/DlgAbout.cpp:192
 msgid ""
-"(C) 2003-2013 University of California, Berkeley.\n"
+"(C) 2003-2014 University of California, Berkeley.\n"
 "All Rights Reserved."
 msgstr ""
-"(C) 2003-2013 Kalifornijas Universitāte Berklijā.\n"
-"Visas tiesības aizsargātas."
-#: DlgAbout.cpp:196
+#: clientgui/DlgAbout.cpp:196
 msgid "Berkeley Open Infrastructure for Network Computing"
 msgstr "Berklijas atvērtā infrastruktūra tīklskaitļošanai"
-#: DlgAbout.cpp:208 DlgExitMessage.cpp:173 DlgGenericMessage.cpp:120
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:396 DlgSelectComputer.cpp:163
+#: clientgui/DlgAbout.cpp:208
+#: clientgui/DlgExitMessage.cpp:173
+#: clientgui/DlgGenericMessage.cpp:120
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:399
+#: clientgui/DlgSelectComputer.cpp:163
 msgid "&OK"
 msgstr "&Labi"
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:544
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:602
 msgid "invalid number"
 msgstr "nederīgs skaitlis"
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:545
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:603
 msgid "invalid time, format is HH:MM"
 msgstr "nederīgs laiks, formāts ir SS:MM"
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:546
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:604
 msgid "invalid time interval, format is HH:MM-HH:MM"
 msgstr "nederīgs laika intervāls, formāts ir SS:MM-SS:MM"
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:751
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:817
 msgid "invalid input value detected"
 msgstr "noteikta nederīga ievadītā vērtība"
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:753
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:819
 msgid "Validation Error"
 msgstr "Validācijas kļūda"
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:885 DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:891
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:897
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:969
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:975
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:981
 msgid "Applications to add"
 msgstr "Pievienojamie lietojumi"
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:914
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:998
 #, c-format
 msgid "'%s' is not an executable application."
 msgstr "'%s' nav izpildāma lietojumprogramma."
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:915 DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:962
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:986
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:999
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:1046
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:1070
 msgid "Add Exclusive App"
 msgstr "Pievienot īpašu lietojumu"
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:927
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:1011
 msgid "Name of application to add?"
 msgstr "Pievienojamā lietojuma vārds?"
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:927
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:1011
 msgid "Add exclusive app"
 msgstr "Pievienot īpašu lietojumu"
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:961
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:1045
 #, c-format
 msgid "Application names must end with '%s'"
 msgstr "Lietojumu vārdiem jābeidas ar '%s'"
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:985
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:1069
 #, c-format
 msgid "'%s' is already in the list."
 msgstr "'%s' jau ir sarakstā."
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:1077
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:1161
 msgid ""
 "Do you really want to clear all local preferences?\n"
 "(This will not affect exclusive applications.)"
@@ -1173,16 +1197,16 @@ msgstr ""
 "Vai tiešām vēlaties notīrīt visas lokālās preferences?\n"
 "(Tas neietekmēs īpašos lietojumus.)"
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:1078 sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:1030
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:1162
 msgid "Confirmation"
 msgstr "Apstiprināšana"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:46 sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:946
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:49
 #, c-format
-msgid "%s - Preferences"
-msgstr "%s - Preferences"
+msgid "%s - Computing preferences"
+msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:62
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:66
 msgid ""
 "This dialog controls preferences for this computer only.\n"
 "Click OK to set preferences.\n"
@@ -1193,279 +1217,290 @@ msgstr ""
 "Noklikšķināt Notīrīt, lai atjaunotu web-bāzētus iestatījumus (izņemot īpašos "
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:65 sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:428
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:69
 msgid "Clear"
 msgstr "Notīrīt"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:66
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:70
 msgid "clear all local preferences and close the dialog"
 msgstr "notīrīt visas lokālās preferences un aizvērt dialoga logu"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:81
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:85
 msgid "processor usage"
 msgstr "precesora lietojums"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:84
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:88
 msgid "network usage"
 msgstr "tīkla lietojums"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:87
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:91
 msgid "disk and memory usage"
 msgstr "diska un atmiņas izlietojums"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:90
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:94
 msgid "exclusive applications"
 msgstr "īpašās lietojumprogrammas"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:102 sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:424
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:107
+#: clientgui/DlgDiagnosticLogFlags.cpp:104
 msgid "OK"
 msgstr "Labi"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:103
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:108
 msgid "save all values and close the dialog"
 msgstr "saglabāt visas vērtības un aizvērt dialoga logu"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:108
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:114
 msgid "close the dialog without saving"
 msgstr "aizvērt dialoga logu nesaglabājot"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:112 Localization.cpp:35 Localization.cpp:121
-#: Localization.cpp:139 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:794 sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:439
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:118
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:35
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:121
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:139
 msgid "Help"
 msgstr "Palīdzība"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:113
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:119
 msgid "shows the preferences web page"
 msgstr "rāda preferenču web lapu"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:135
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:141
 msgid "Computing allowed"
 msgstr "Skaitļošana atļauta"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:139
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:146
 msgid "While computer is on batteries"
 msgstr "Kamēr dators lieto akumulatoru"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:142
-msgid ""
-"check this if you want this computer to do work while it runs on batteries"
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:149
+msgid "check this if you want this computer to do work while it runs on batteries"
 msgstr ""
 "atzīmējiet šo, ja vēlaties, ka šis dators izpilda darbu, kamēr strādā no "
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:148
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:155
 msgid "While computer is in use"
 msgstr "Kamēr dators tiek lietots"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:151
-msgid ""
-"check this if you want this computer to do work even when you're using it"
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:158
+msgid "check this if you want this computer to do work even when you're using it"
 msgstr ""
 "atzīmējiet šo, ja vēlaties, ka šis dators izpilda darbu, kamēr jūs to "
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:157
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:164
 msgid "Use GPU while computer is in use"
 msgstr "Lietot GPU kamēr dators ir lietošanā"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:160
-msgid ""
-"check this if you want your GPU to do work even when you're using the "
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:167
+msgid "check this if you want your GPU to do work even when you're using the computer"
 msgstr ""
 "atzīmējiet šo, ja vēlaties, ka GPU veic darbu, pat tad, ja jūs lietojat "
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:172
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:179
 msgid "Only after computer has been idle for"
 msgstr "Tikai pēc tam, kad dators bijis dīkstāvē"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:182
-msgid ""
-"do work only after you haven't used the computer for this number of minutes"
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:188
+msgid "do work only after you haven't used the computer for this number of minutes"
 msgstr "veikt darbu tikai, ja neesat lietojis datoru norādīto minūšu skaitu"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:187 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:336
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:417
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:193
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:342
 msgid "minutes"
 msgstr "minūtes"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:206
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:212
 msgid "While processor usage is less than"
 msgstr "Kamēr procesora lietojums ir mazāks par"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:216
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:221
 msgid "suspend work if processor usage exceeds this level"
 msgstr "atlikt darbu, ja procesora lietojums pārsniedz šo līmeni"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:221
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:226
 msgid "percent (0 means no restriction)"
 msgstr "procenti (0 nozīmē bez ierobežojumiem)"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:235 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:496
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:240
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:506
 msgid "Every day between hours of"
 msgstr "Katru dienu starp stundām"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:239
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:244
 msgid "start work at this time"
 msgstr "startēt darbu šajā laikā"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:243 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:504
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:326 sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:348
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:248
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:514
 msgid "and"
 msgstr "un"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:247
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:252
 msgid "stop work at this time"
 msgstr "apstādināt darbu šajā laikā"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:251 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:512
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:256
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:522
 msgid "(no restriction if equal)"
 msgstr "(bez ierobežojumiem, ja vienāds)"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:256 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:517
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:261
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:527
 msgid "Day-of-week override:"
 msgstr "Nedēļas dienās savādāk:"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:261 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:522
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:266
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:532
 msgid "check box to specify hours for this day of week"
 msgstr "atzīmējiet, lai norādītu stundas šai nedēļas dienai"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:267 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:528
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:272
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:538
 msgid "Monday"
 msgstr "Pirmdiena"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:274 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:535
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:279
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:545
 msgid "Tuesday"
 msgstr "Otrdiena"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:281 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:542
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:286
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:552
 msgid "Wednesday"
 msgstr "Trešdiena"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:288 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:549
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:293
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:559
 msgid "Thursday"
 msgstr "Ceturtdiena"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:295 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:556
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:300
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:566
 msgid "Friday"
 msgstr "Piektdiena"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:302 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:563
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:307
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:573
 msgid "Saturday"
 msgstr "Sestdiena"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:309 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:570
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:314
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:580
 msgid "Sunday"
 msgstr "Svētdiena"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:323
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:328
 msgid "Other options"
 msgstr "Citas opcijas"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:330
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:336
 msgid "Switch between applications every"
 msgstr "Pārslēgties starp lietojumiem katru"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:339
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:345
 msgid "On multiprocessor systems, use at most"
 msgstr "Multiprocesoru sistēmās lietot ne vairāk kā"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:346
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:352
 #, no-c-format
-msgid "% of the processors (0 means ignore this setting)"
-msgstr "% no procesoriem (0 nozīmē ignorēt šo iestatījumu)"
+msgid "% of the processors (0 means no restriction)"
+msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:349 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:605
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:627 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:648
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:669 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:679
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:355
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:618
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:640
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:661
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:683
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:694
 msgid "Use at most"
 msgstr "Lietot ne vairāk kā"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:356
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:362
 #, no-c-format
-msgid "% CPU time"
-msgstr "% CPU laiks"
+msgid "% of CPU time (0 means no restriction)"
+msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:378
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:386
 msgid "General options"
 msgstr "Vispārējas opcijas"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:386
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:395
 msgid "Maximum download rate"
 msgstr "Maksimālais lejupielādes ātrums"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:392 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:401
-msgid "KBytes/sec."
-msgstr "KBaiti/sek."
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:401
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:410
+msgid "KBytes/second (0 means no restriction)"
+msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:395
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:404
 msgid "Maximum upload rate"
 msgstr "Maksimālais augšupielādes ātrums"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:406
-msgid "Transfer at most"
-msgstr "Pārsūtīt ne vairāk kā"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:412
-msgid "Mbytes"
-msgstr "MBaiti"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:415
-msgid "every"
-msgstr "katras"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:421 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:444
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:463
-msgid "days"
-msgstr "dienas"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:429
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:417
 msgid "Minimum work buffer"
 msgstr "Minimālais darbu buferis"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:438
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:425
 msgid "Try to maintain enough tasks to keep busy for this many days"
 msgstr "Dienu skaits uz cik censties nodrošināt ar darbu"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:450
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:431
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:449
+msgid "days (maximum value: 10)"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:437
 msgid "Max additional work buffer"
 msgstr "Maks. papildu darba buferis"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:459
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:445
 msgid "In addition, maintain enough tasks for up to this many days"
 msgstr "Papildus, līdz pat cik dienām nodrošināt ar darbu "
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:466
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:454
+msgid "Transfer at most"
+msgstr "Pārsūtīt ne vairāk kā"
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:462
+msgid "MBytes every"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:468
+msgid "days (0 means no restriction)"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:476
 msgid "Skip image file verification"
 msgstr "Izlaist attēla faila pārbaudi"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:468
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:478
 msgid "check this if your Internet provider modifies image files"
 msgstr ""
 "atzīmējiet, ja jūsu Internet pakalpojumu sniedzējs modificē attēlu failus"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:476
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:484
 msgid "Connect options"
 msgstr "Savienojuma opcijas"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:478
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:487
 msgid "Confirm before connecting to internet"
 msgstr "Apstiprināt pirms pievienoties Internet"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:480
-msgid ""
-"if checked, a confirmation dialog will be displayed before trying to connect "
-"to the Internet"
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:489
+msgid "if checked, a confirmation dialog will be displayed before trying to connect to the Internet"
 msgstr ""
 "ja atzīmēts, pirms pieslēgties Internet tiks parādīts apstiprināšanas "
 "dialoga logs"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:484
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:493
 msgid "Disconnect when done"
 msgstr "Atvienoties, kad pabeigs"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:486
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:495
 msgid ""
 "if checked, BOINC hangs up when network usage is done\n"
 "(only relevant for dialup-connection)"
@@ -1473,192 +1508,217 @@ msgstr ""
 "ja atzīmēts, BOINC beigs sarunu, kad beigsies tīkla lietošana\n"
 "(saistošs tikai iezvanpieejas savienojumam)"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:492
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:501
 msgid "Network usage allowed"
 msgstr "Tīkla lietošana atļauta"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:500
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:510
 msgid "network usage start hour"
 msgstr "tīkla lietošanas sākumstunda"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:508
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:518
 msgid "network usage stop hour"
 msgstr "tīkla lietošanas beigu stunda"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:598 DlgItemProperties.cpp:231
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:610
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:257
 msgid "Disk usage"
 msgstr "Diska izlietojums"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:609
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:622
 msgid "the maximum disk space used by BOINC (in Gigabytes)"
 msgstr "maksimālais diska vietas apjoms, ko aizņem BOINC (Gigabaitos)"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:613
-msgid "Gigabytes disk space"
-msgstr "Gigabaitu diska vietas"
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:626
+msgid "Gigabytes disk space (0 means no restriction)"
+msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:616
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:629
 msgid "Leave at least"
 msgstr "Atstāt vismaz"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:620
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:633
 msgid "BOINC leaves at least this amount of disk space free (in Gigabytes)"
 msgstr "BOINC atstāj brīvu vietu diskā (Gigabaitos), vismaz"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:624
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:637
 msgid "Gigabytes disk space free"
 msgstr "Brīva diska vieta gigabaitos"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:631
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:644
 msgid "BOINC uses at most this percentage of total disk space"
 msgstr "Procentuāli no kopējas diska vietas BOINC lietos ne vairāk kā"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:636
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:649
 #, no-c-format
 msgid "% of total disk space"
 msgstr "% no kopējās diska vietas"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:639
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:652
 msgid "Tasks checkpoint to disk at most every"
 msgstr "Uzdevumi raksta kontropunktus uz diska ne vairāk kā katras"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:645
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:658
 msgid "seconds"
 msgstr "sekundes"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:655
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:668
 #, no-c-format
 msgid "% of page file (swap space)"
 msgstr "% no lapošanas faila (virtuālā atmiņa)"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:662
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:675
 msgid "Memory usage"
 msgstr "Atmiņas izlietojums"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:676
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:691
 #, no-c-format
 msgid "% when computer is in use"
 msgstr "%, kad dators ir lietošanā"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:686
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:701
 #, no-c-format
 msgid "% when computer is idle"
 msgstr "%, kad dators ir dīkstāvē"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:691
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:706
 msgid "Leave applications in memory while suspended"
 msgstr "Atstāt lietojumus atmiņā, kamēr darbība atlikta"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:693
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:708
 msgid "if checked, suspended work units are left in memory"
 msgstr "ja atzīmēts, atliktie darbi tiek paturēti atmiņā"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:713
-msgid ""
-"Suspend processor and network usage when these applications are running:"
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:728
+msgid "Suspend processor and network usage when these applications are running:"
 msgstr ""
 "Pārtraukt procesora un tīkla lietošanu, ja tiek lietotas šīs "
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:722
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:738
 msgid "Add..."
 msgstr "Pievienot..."
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:723
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:739
 msgid "Add an application to this list"
 msgstr "Pievienot lietojumu šim sarakstam"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:728 ViewProjects.cpp:202
-#: sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:85
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:744
 msgid "Remove"
 msgstr "Izņemt"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:729
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:745
 msgid "Remove an application from this list"
 msgstr "Izņemt lietojumu no šī saraksta"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:738
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:754
 msgid "For advanced options, refer to "
 msgstr "Pēc papildu opcijām, skatīt "
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:219
+#: clientgui/DlgDiagnosticLogFlags.cpp:65
+#, c-format
+msgid "%s Diagnostic Log Flags"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/DlgDiagnosticLogFlags.cpp:83
+msgid "These flags enable various types of diagnostic messages in the Event Log."
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/DlgDiagnosticLogFlags.cpp:105
+msgid "Save all values and close the dialog"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/DlgDiagnosticLogFlags.cpp:108
+msgid "Defaults"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/DlgDiagnosticLogFlags.cpp:109
+msgid "Restore default settings"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/DlgDiagnosticLogFlags.cpp:113
+msgid "Close the dialog without saving"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:226
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - Event Log"
 msgstr "%s - Žurnāls"
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:232 ViewMessages.cpp:117 ViewProjects.cpp:219
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:435 ViewStatistics.cpp:2009 ViewTransfers.cpp:182
-#: ViewWork.cpp:232
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:236
 msgid "Project"
 msgstr "Projekts"
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:233 ViewMessages.cpp:118
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:237
 msgid "Time"
 msgstr "Laiks"
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:234 ViewMessages.cpp:119
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:238
 msgid "Message"
 msgstr "Ziņojums"
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:290 DlgEventLog.cpp:354
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:300
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:364
 msgid "&Show only this project"
 msgstr "&Rādīt tikai šo projektu"
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:294
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:304
 msgid "Copy &All"
 msgstr "Kopēt &visu"
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:296 DlgEventLog.cpp:300 ViewMessages.cpp:89
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:306
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:310
 msgid "Copy all the messages to the clipboard."
 msgstr "Kopēt visus ziņojumus starpliktuvē."
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:305
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:315
 msgid "Copy &Selected"
 msgstr "Kopēt &atlasīto"
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:308 DlgEventLog.cpp:316 ViewMessages.cpp:97
-msgid ""
-"Copy the selected messages to the clipboard. You can select multiple "
-"messages by holding down the shift or command key while clicking on messages."
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:318
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:326
+msgid "Copy the selected messages to the clipboard. You can select multiple messages by holding down the shift or command key while clicking on messages."
 msgstr ""
 "Kopēt atlasītos ziņojumus starpliktuvē. Jūs varat atlasīt vairākas ziņas "
 "pieturot Shift vai komandas taustiņus, kamēr spiežat uz ziņojumiem."
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:310 DlgEventLog.cpp:318 ViewMessages.cpp:99
-msgid ""
-"Copy the selected messages to the clipboard. You can select multiple "
-"messages by holding down the shift or control key while clicking on messages."
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:320
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:328
+msgid "Copy the selected messages to the clipboard. You can select multiple messages by holding down the shift or control key while clicking on messages."
 msgstr ""
 "Kopēt atlasītos ziņojumus starpliktuvē. Jūs varat atlasīt vairākas ziņas "
 "pieturot Shift vai Ctrl taustiņus, kamēr spiežat uz ziņojuma."
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:325 DlgItemProperties.cpp:67
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:335
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:67
 msgid "&Close"
 msgstr "&Aizvērt"
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:334 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:798 sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:442
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:344
 #, c-format
 msgid "Get help with %s"
 msgstr "Saņemt palīdzību par %s"
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:348
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:358
 msgid "Show all &messages"
 msgstr "Rādīt visus &ziņojumus"
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:349 DlgEventLog.cpp:351
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:359
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:361
 msgid "Show messages for all projects"
 msgstr "Rādīt ziņojumus visiem projektiem"
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:355 DlgEventLog.cpp:357
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:365
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:367
 msgid "Show only the messages for the selected project"
 msgstr "Rādīt ziņojumus tikai atlasītajiem projektiem"
-#: DlgExitMessage.cpp:82
+#: clientgui/DlgExitMessage.cpp:82
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - Exit Confirmation"
 msgstr "%s - Iziešanas apstiprinājums"
-#: DlgExitMessage.cpp:130
+#: clientgui/DlgExitMessage.cpp:130
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "You have requested to exit the %s,\n"
@@ -1675,7 +1735,7 @@ msgstr ""
 "Ja jūs vēlaties arī apturēt šos uzdevumus,\n"
 "tad izvēlieties no sekojošām opcijām:"
-#: DlgExitMessage.cpp:135
+#: clientgui/DlgExitMessage.cpp:135
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "This will shut down %s and its tasks until either the\n"
@@ -1692,393 +1752,419 @@ msgstr ""
 "nekā iziet no lietojumprogrammas; tas ļaus %s izpildīt\n"
 "uzdevumus laikos, kurus izvēlējāties jūsu preferencēs."
-#: DlgExitMessage.cpp:153
+#: clientgui/DlgExitMessage.cpp:153
 #, c-format
 msgid "Stop running tasks when exiting the %s"
 msgstr "Apturēt izpildāmos uzdevumus, kad iziet no %s"
-#: DlgExitMessage.cpp:165
+#: clientgui/DlgExitMessage.cpp:165
 msgid "Remember this decision and do not show this dialog."
 msgstr "Atcerēties šo lēmumu un nerādīt vairs dialoga logu."
-#: DlgExitMessage.cpp:178 DlgGenericMessage.cpp:125 DlgOptions.cpp:401
-#: DlgSelectComputer.cpp:168 wizardex.cpp:378
+#: clientgui/DlgExitMessage.cpp:178
+#: clientgui/DlgGenericMessage.cpp:125
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:404
+#: clientgui/DlgSelectComputer.cpp:168
 msgid "&Cancel"
 msgstr "&Atcelt"
-#: DlgGenericMessage.cpp:112
+#: clientgui/DlgGenericMessage.cpp:112
 msgid "Don't show this dialog again."
 msgstr "Vairs nerādīt šo dialoga logu."
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:168 DlgItemProperties.cpp:171
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:174 DlgItemProperties.cpp:177
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:194
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:197
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:200
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:203
 msgid "Don't fetch tasks for "
 msgstr "Neņemt uzdevumus priekš"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:168
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:194
 msgid "Project preference"
 msgstr "Projekta preferences"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:171
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:197
 msgid "Account manager preference"
 msgstr "Konta pārvaldnieka preferences"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:174
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:200
 msgid "Project has no apps for "
 msgstr "Projektam nav lietojumu priekš"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:177
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:203
 msgid "Client configuration excludes "
 msgstr "Klienta konfigurācija izslēdz "
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:181
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:207
 msgid " work fetch deferred for"
 msgstr "darba ņemšana atlikta uz"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:182
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:208
 msgid " work fetch deferral interval"
 msgstr "darba ņemšanas atlikšanas intervāls"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:213
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:239
 msgid "Properties of project "
 msgstr "Projekta īpašības "
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:217 DlgOptions.cpp:218
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:243
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:221
 msgid "General"
 msgstr "Vispārējais"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:218
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:244
 msgid "Master URL"
 msgstr "Centrālais URL"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:219
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:245
 msgid "User name"
 msgstr "Lietotāja vārds"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:220
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:246
 msgid "Team name"
 msgstr "Komandas vārds"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:221 ViewProjects.cpp:224
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:247
 msgid "Resource share"
 msgstr "Resursu daļa"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:223
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:249
 msgid "Scheduler RPC deferred for"
 msgstr "Plānotāja RPC atlikts uz"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:226
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:252
 msgid "File downloads deferred for"
 msgstr "Faila lejupielāde atlikta uz"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:229
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:255
 msgid "File uploads deferred for"
 msgstr "Failu augšupielāde atlikta uz"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:232
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:258
 msgid "Computer ID"
 msgstr "Datora ID"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:234
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:260
 msgid "Non CPU intensive"
 msgstr "CPU neintensitīvs"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:234 DlgItemProperties.cpp:236
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:237 DlgItemProperties.cpp:239
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:242 DlgItemProperties.cpp:251
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:254 DlgItemProperties.cpp:257
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:260
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:262
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:263
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:265
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:268
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:277
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:280
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:283
 msgid "yes"
 msgstr "jā"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:236
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:262
 msgid "Suspended via GUI"
 msgstr "Atlikts caur GUI"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:236 DlgItemProperties.cpp:237
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:262
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:263
 msgid "no"
 msgstr "nē"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:237
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:263
 msgid "Don't request more work"
 msgstr "Nepieprasīt vairāk darbu"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:239
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:265
 msgid "Scheduler call in progress"
 msgstr "Izveic plānotāja pieprasījumu"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:242
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:268
 msgid "Trickle-up pending"
 msgstr "Sūkties līdz"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:245 DlgItemProperties.cpp:247
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:271
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:273
 msgid "Host location"
 msgstr "Hosta atrašanās vieta"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:247
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:273
 msgid "default"
 msgstr "noklusētais"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:251
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:277
 msgid "Added via account manager"
 msgstr "Pievienots caur konta pārvaldnieku"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:254
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:280
 msgid "Remove when tasks done"
 msgstr "Noņemt, kad uzdevums pabeigts"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:257
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:283
 msgid "Ended"
 msgstr "Pabeigts"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:259
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:285
+msgid "Tasks completed"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:286
+msgid "Tasks failed"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:288
 msgid "Credit"
 msgstr "Kredīts"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:260
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:289
 msgid "User"
 msgstr "Lietotājs"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:267
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:296
 msgid "Host"
 msgstr "Hosts"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:276
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:305
 msgid "Scheduling"
 msgstr "Plānošana"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:277
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:306
 msgid "Scheduling priority"
 msgstr "Plānošanas prioritāte"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:278
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:307
 msgid "CPU"
 msgstr "CPU"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:302
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:331
 msgid "Duration correction factor"
 msgstr "Ilguma korekcijas faktors"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:316
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:345
 msgid "Properties of task "
 msgstr "Īpašības uzdevumam "
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:328 ViewWork.cpp:238
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:357
 msgid "Application"
 msgstr "Lietojums"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:329 ViewWork.cpp:239
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:358
 msgid "Name"
 msgstr "Uzdevums"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:330
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:359
 msgid "State"
 msgstr "Stāvoklis"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:333
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:362
 msgid "Received"
 msgstr "Saņemts"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:336
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:365
 msgid "Report deadline"
 msgstr "Termiņš"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:338
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:367
 msgid "Resources"
 msgstr "Resursi"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:341
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:370
 msgid "Estimated computation size"
 msgstr "Plānotais skaitļošanas izmērs"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:344
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:373
 msgid "CPU time at last checkpoint"
 msgstr "CPU laiks kopš pēdējā kontrolpunkta"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:345 DlgItemProperties.cpp:360
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:374
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:389
 msgid "CPU time"
 msgstr "CPU laiks"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:347 DlgItemProperties.cpp:361
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:376
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:390
 msgid "Elapsed time"
 msgstr "Pavadītais laiks"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:349
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:378
 msgid "Estimated time remaining"
 msgstr "Plānotais atlikušais laiks"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:350
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:379
 msgid "Fraction done"
 msgstr "Daļa pabeigta"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:351
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:380
 msgid "Virtual memory size"
 msgstr "Virtuālās atmiņas izmērs"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:352
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:381
 msgid "Working set size"
 msgstr "Darba kopuma izmērs"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:354
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:383
 msgid "Directory"
 msgstr "Katalogs"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:357
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:386
 msgid "Process ID"
 msgstr "Precesa ID"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:427 ViewWork.cpp:1032 sg_TaskPanel.cpp:823
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:456
 msgid "Local: "
 msgstr "Lokāls: "
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:129 DlgOptions.cpp:135
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:129
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:135
 msgid "Options"
 msgstr "Opcijas"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:175
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:178
 msgid "Language:"
 msgstr "Valoda:"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:182
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:185
 msgid "What language should BOINC use?"
 msgstr "Kādu valodu lai lieto BOINC?"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:186
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:189
 msgid "Notice reminder interval:"
 msgstr "Paziņojuma atgādinājuma intervāls:"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:193
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:196
 msgid "How often should BOINC remind you of new notices?"
 msgstr "Cik bieži lai BOINC jums atgādina par jauniem paziņojumiem?"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:198
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:201
 msgid "Run Manager at login?"
 msgstr "Vai palast pārvaldnieku pie pieteikšanās?"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:204
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:207
 msgid "Run the BOINC Manager when you log on."
 msgstr "Palaist BOINC pārvaldnieku, kad piesakaties sistēmā."
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:209
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:212
 msgid "Enable Manager exit dialog?"
 msgstr "Vai iespējot pārvaldnieka iziešanas dialogu?"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:215
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:218
 msgid "Display the exit dialog when shutting down the Manager."
 msgstr "Parāda iziešanas dialoga logu, kad tiek izslēgts pārvaldnieks."
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:226
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:229
 msgid "Dial-up and Virtual Private Network settings"
 msgstr "Iezvanpieejas un virtuālā privātā tīkla iestatījumi"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:240
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:243
 msgid "&Set Default"
 msgstr "Ie&statīt kā noklusēto"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:245
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:248
 msgid "&Clear Default"
 msgstr "Noņemt no&klusēto"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:252
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:255
 msgid "Default Connection:"
 msgstr "Noklusētais pieslēgums:"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:259
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:262
 msgid "Connections"
 msgstr "Pieslēgumi"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:268
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:271
 msgid "Connect via HTTP proxy server"
 msgstr "Pieslēgties caur HTTP proxy serveri"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:272
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:275
 msgid "HTTP Proxy Server Configuration"
 msgstr "HTTP proxy servera konfigurācija"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:280 DlgOptions.cpp:344
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:283
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:347
 msgid "Address:"
 msgstr "Adrese:"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:288 DlgOptions.cpp:352 ProxyPage.cpp:340 ProxyPage.cpp:360
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:291
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:355
 msgid "Port:"
 msgstr "Ports:"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:296 DlgOptions.cpp:360
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:299
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:363
 msgid "Don't use proxy for:"
 msgstr "Nelietot proxy priekš:"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:303 DlgOptions.cpp:367
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:306
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:370
 msgid "Leave these blank if not needed"
 msgstr "Atstājiet laukus tukšus, ja nevajag"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:309 DlgOptions.cpp:373 ProxyPage.cpp:343 ProxyPage.cpp:363
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:312
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:376
 msgid "User Name:"
 msgstr "Lietotāja vārds:"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:317 DlgOptions.cpp:381 DlgSelectComputer.cpp:152
-#: ProxyPage.cpp:346 ProxyPage.cpp:366
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:320
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:384
+#: clientgui/DlgSelectComputer.cpp:152
 msgid "Password:"
 msgstr "Parole:"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:324
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:327
 msgid "HTTP Proxy"
 msgstr "HTTP proxy"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:332
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:335
 msgid "Connect via SOCKS proxy server"
 msgstr "Pieslēgties caur SOCKS proxy serveri"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:336
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:339
 msgid "SOCKS Proxy Server Configuration"
 msgstr "SOCKS proxy servera konfigurācija"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:388
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:391
 msgid "SOCKS Proxy"
 msgstr "SOCKS proxy"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:586
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:589
 msgid "always"
 msgstr "vienmēr"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:587
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:590
 msgid "1 hour"
 msgstr "1 stundu"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:588
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:591
 msgid "6 hours"
 msgstr "6 stundas"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:589
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:592
 msgid "1 day"
 msgstr "1 dienu"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:590
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:593
 msgid "1 week"
 msgstr "1 nedēļu"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:591
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:594
 msgid "never"
 msgstr "nekad"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:688
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:691
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - Language Selection"
 msgstr "%s - valodas atlase"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:695
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:698
 #, c-format
 #, c-format, c-format
-msgid ""
-"The %s's language has been changed.  In order for this change to take "
-"effect, you must restart the %s."
+msgid "The %s's language has been changed.  In order for this change to take effect, you must restart the %s."
 msgstr ""
 "%s noklusētā valoda tika izmainīta. Lai tā stātos spēkā ir jāpārstartē %s."
-#: DlgSelectComputer.cpp:91
+#: clientgui/DlgSelectComputer.cpp:91
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - Select Computer"
 msgstr "%s - Izvēlieties datoru"
-#: DlgSelectComputer.cpp:125
+#: clientgui/DlgSelectComputer.cpp:125
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "Another instance of %s is already running \n"
@@ -2087,419 +2173,421 @@ msgstr ""
 "Cita %s instance jau ir startēta uz \n"
 "šī datora.  Lūdzu, izvēlieties klientu, ko monitorēt."
-#: DlgSelectComputer.cpp:143
+#: clientgui/DlgSelectComputer.cpp:143
 msgid "Host name:"
 msgstr "Hosta vārds:"
-#: Localization.cpp:31 Localization.cpp:69
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:31
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:69
 msgid "Message boards"
 msgstr "Ziņojumu dēļi"
-#: Localization.cpp:33
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:33
 msgid "Correspond with other users on the SETI at home message boards"
 msgstr "Sarakstīties ar citiem lietotājiem SETI at home ziņojumu dēļos"
-#: Localization.cpp:37
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:37
 msgid "Ask questions and report problems"
 msgstr "Jautājiet un nosūtiet problēmas"
-#: Localization.cpp:39 Localization.cpp:81 Localization.cpp:111
-#: Localization.cpp:129
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:39
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:81
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:111
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:129
 msgid "Your account"
 msgstr "Jūsu konts"
-#: Localization.cpp:41 Localization.cpp:87 Localization.cpp:113
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:41
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:87
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:113
 msgid "View your account information and credit totals"
 msgstr "Skatīt informāciju par jūsu kontu un kredītpunktiem"
-#: Localization.cpp:43
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:43
 msgid "Your preferences"
 msgstr "Jūsu preferences"
-#: Localization.cpp:45
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:45
 msgid "View and modify your SETI at home account profile and preferences"
 msgstr "Skatīt un modificēt jūsu SETI at home konta profilu un preferences"
-#: Localization.cpp:47 Localization.cpp:89
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:47
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:89
 msgid "Your results"
 msgstr "Jūsu rezultāti"
-#: Localization.cpp:49 Localization.cpp:91
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:49
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:91
 msgid "View your last week (or more) of computational results and work"
 msgstr "Apskatīt (vismaz) pēdējās nedēļas skaitļošanas rezultātus un darbus"
-#: Localization.cpp:51 Localization.cpp:93
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:51
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:93
 msgid "Your computers"
 msgstr "Jūsu datori"
-#: Localization.cpp:53
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:53
 msgid "View a listing of all the computers on which you are running SETI at Home"
 msgstr "Apskatīt visu datoru sarakstu uz kuriem jūs izpildāt SETI at Home"
-#: Localization.cpp:55 Localization.cpp:97
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:55
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:97
 msgid "Your team"
 msgstr "Jūsu komanda"
-#: Localization.cpp:57 Localization.cpp:99
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:57
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:99
 msgid "View information about your team"
 msgstr "Apskatīt informāciju par jūsu komandu"
-#: Localization.cpp:61
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:61
 msgid "Common questions"
 msgstr "Biežāk uzdotie jautājumi"
-#: Localization.cpp:63
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:63
 msgid "Read the Einstein at Home Frequently Asked Question list"
 msgstr "Skatīt Einstein at Home biežāk uzdoto jautājumu sarakstu"
-#: Localization.cpp:65
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:65
 msgid "Screensaver info"
 msgstr "Ekrānsaudzētāja informācija"
-#: Localization.cpp:67
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:67
 msgid "Read a detailed description of the Einstein at Home screensaver"
 msgstr "Lasīt detalizētu aprakstu par Einstein at Home ekrānsaudzētāju"
-#: Localization.cpp:71
-msgid ""
-"Correspond with admins and other users on the Einstein at Home message boards"
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:71
+msgid "Correspond with admins and other users on the Einstein at Home message boards"
 msgstr ""
 "Sarakstīties ar administratoriem un citiem lietotājiem Einstein at Home "
 "ziņojumu dēļos"
-#: Localization.cpp:73
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:73
 msgid "Einstein status"
 msgstr "Einstein statuss"
-#: Localization.cpp:75
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:75
 msgid "Current status of the Einstein at Home server"
 msgstr "Einstein at Home servera pašreizējais statuss"
-#: Localization.cpp:77
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:77
 msgid "Report problems"
 msgstr "Ziņot par problēmām"
-#: Localization.cpp:79
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:79
 msgid "A link to the Einstein at Home problems and bug reports message board"
 msgstr "Saite uz Einstein at Home problēmu un kļūdu ziņojumu dēli"
-#: Localization.cpp:83
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:83
 msgid "View and modify your Einstein at Home account profile and preferences"
 msgstr "Skatīt un modificēt jūsu Einstein at Home konta profilu un preferences"
-#: Localization.cpp:85
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:85
 msgid "Account summary"
 msgstr "Konta kopsavilkums"
-#: Localization.cpp:95
-msgid ""
-"View a listing of all the computers on which you are running Einstein at Home"
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:95
+msgid "View a listing of all the computers on which you are running Einstein at Home"
 msgstr "Apskatīt visu datoru sarakstu uz kuriem jūs izpildāt Einstein at Home"
-#: Localization.cpp:101
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:101
 msgid "LIGO project"
 msgstr "LIGO projekts"
-#: Localization.cpp:103
-msgid ""
-"The home page of the Laser Interferometer Gravitational-wave Observatory "
-"(LIGO) project"
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:103
+msgid "The home page of the Laser Interferometer Gravitational-wave Observatory (LIGO) project"
 msgstr ""
 "Gravitācijas viļņu lāzerinterferometrijas observatorijas (LIGO projekta) "
 "mājas lapa"
-#: Localization.cpp:105
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:105
 msgid "GEO-600 project"
 msgstr "GEO-600 projekts"
-#: Localization.cpp:107
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:107
 msgid "The home page of the GEO-600 project"
 msgstr "GEO-600 projekta mājas lapa"
-#: Localization.cpp:115 Localization.cpp:133 ViewProjects.cpp:221
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:465
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:115
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:133
 msgid "Team"
 msgstr "Komanda"
-#: Localization.cpp:117
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:117
 msgid "Info about your Team"
 msgstr "Apskatīt informāciju par jūsu komandu"
-#: Localization.cpp:123
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:123
 msgid "Get help for climateprediction.net"
 msgstr "Iegūt palīdzību par climateprediction.net"
-#: Localization.cpp:125
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:125
 msgid "News"
 msgstr "Jaunumi"
-#: Localization.cpp:127
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:127
 msgid "climateprediction.net News"
 msgstr "climateprediction.net jaunumi"
-#: Localization.cpp:131
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:131
 msgid "View your account information, credits, and trickles"
 msgstr "Skatīt informāciju par jūsu kontu, kredītpunktiem un starprezultātiem"
-#: Localization.cpp:135
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:135
 msgid "Info about your team"
 msgstr "Apskatīt informāciju par jūsu komandu"
-#: Localization.cpp:141
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:141
 msgid "Search for help in our help system"
 msgstr "Meklēt palīdzību mūsu palīdzības sistēmā"
-#: Localization.cpp:143
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:143
 msgid "Global Statistics"
 msgstr "Globālā statistika"
-#: Localization.cpp:145
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:145
 msgid "Summary statistics for World Community Grid"
 msgstr "Kopsavilkuma statistika par World Community Grid"
-#: Localization.cpp:147
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:147
 msgid "My Grid"
 msgstr "Mans režģis"
-#: Localization.cpp:149
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:149
 msgid "Your statistics and settings"
 msgstr "Jūsu statistika un iestatījumi"
-#: Localization.cpp:151
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:151
 msgid "Device Profiles"
 msgstr "Iekārtu profili"
-#: Localization.cpp:153
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:153
 msgid "Update your device settings"
 msgstr "Atjaunināt jūsu iekārtu iestatījumus"
-#: Localization.cpp:155
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:155
 msgid "Research"
 msgstr "Pētniecība"
-#: Localization.cpp:157
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:157
 msgid "Learn about the projects hosted at World Community Grid"
 msgstr "Uzzināt par projektiem izvietotiem World Community Grid"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:583
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:583
 msgid "Starting client"
 msgstr "Startē klientu"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:591
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:591
 msgid "Connecting to client"
 msgstr "Savienojas ar klientu"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:1195
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:1205
 msgid "Retrieving system state; please wait..."
 msgstr "Atjauno sistēmas stāvokli, lūdzu, uzgaidiet..."
-#: MainDocument.cpp:1816
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:1826
 msgid "Missing application"
 msgstr "Trūkstošs lietojums"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:1817
-msgid ""
-"Please download and install the CoRD application from http://cord."
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:1827
+msgid "Please download and install the CoRD application from http://cord.sourceforge.net"
 msgstr ""
 "Lūdzu, lejupielādējiet un instalējiet CoRD lietojumu no "
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2432
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2442
 msgid "on batteries"
 msgstr "uz akumulatoriem"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2433
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2443
 msgid "computer is in use"
 msgstr "dators ir lietošanā"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2434
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2444
 msgid "user request"
 msgstr "lietotāja pieprasījums"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2435
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2445
 msgid "time of day"
 msgstr "dienas laiks"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2436
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2446
 msgid "CPU benchmarks in progress"
 msgstr "Izpilda CPU veiktspējas testu"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2437
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2447
 msgid "need disk space - check preferences"
 msgstr "vajag diska vietu - pārbaudīt preferences"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2438
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2448
 msgid "computer is not in use"
 msgstr "dators nav ielietots"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2439
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2449
 msgid "starting up"
 msgstr "startējas"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2440
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2450
 msgid "an exclusive app is running"
 msgstr "strādā īpašais lietojums"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2441
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2451
 msgid "CPU is busy"
 msgstr "CPU ir aizņemts"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2442
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2452
 msgid "network bandwidth limit exceeded"
 msgstr "pārsniegts tīkla joslas platuma limits"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2443
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2453
 msgid "requested by operating system"
 msgstr "pieprasījums no operētājsistēmas"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2445
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2455
 msgid "unknown reason"
 msgstr "nezināms iemesls"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2467
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2477
 msgid "GPU missing, "
 msgstr "trūkst GPU, "
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2474
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2484
 msgid "New"
 msgstr "Jauns"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2478
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2488
 msgid "Download failed"
 msgstr "Lejupielāde neizdevās"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2480
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2490
 msgid "Downloading"
 msgstr "Lejupielādē"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2482 MainDocument.cpp:2552
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2492
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2557
 msgid " (suspended - "
 msgstr " (atlikts - "
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2490
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2500
 msgid "Project suspended by user"
 msgstr "Lietotājs atlika projektu"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2492
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2502
 msgid "Task suspended by user"
 msgstr "Lietotājs atlika uzdevumu"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2494
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2504
 msgid "Suspended - "
 msgstr "Atlikts - "
 # 75%
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2500
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2510
 msgid "GPU suspended - "
 msgstr "GPU atlikts - "
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2507
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2517
 msgid "Waiting for memory"
 msgstr "Gaida atmiņu"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2509
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2519
 msgid "Waiting for shared memory"
 msgstr "Gaida koplietojamo atmiņu"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2512
-msgid "Running, high priority"
-msgstr "Izpildās, augsta prioritāte"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2514
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2521
 msgid "Running"
 msgstr "Izpildās"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2517
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2523
 msgid " (non-CPU-intensive)"
 msgstr " (CPU neintensīvs)"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2520
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2526
 msgid "Waiting to run"
 msgstr "Gaida uz izpildi"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2522 MainDocument.cpp:2528
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2528
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2534
 msgid "Ready to start"
 msgstr "Gatavs sākt"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2532
-msgid " (Scheduler wait: "
-msgstr " (Plānotājs gaida: "
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2538
+msgid "Postponed: "
+msgstr ""
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2536
-msgid " (Scheduler wait)"
-msgstr " (Plānotāja gaidišana)"
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2541
+msgid "Postponed"
+msgstr ""
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2540
-msgid " (Waiting for network access)"
-msgstr " (Gaida uz pieeju tīklam)"
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2545
+msgid "Waiting for network access"
+msgstr ""
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2544
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2549
 msgid "Computation error"
 msgstr "Aprēķinu kļūda"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2548
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2553
 msgid "Upload failed"
 msgstr "Augšupielāde neizdevās"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2550
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2555
 msgid "Uploading"
 msgstr "Augšupielādē"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2561
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2566
 msgid "Aborted by user"
 msgstr "Lietotāja pārtraukts"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2564
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2569
 msgid "Aborted by project"
 msgstr "Projekta pārtraukts"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2567
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2572
 msgid "Aborted: not started by deadline"
 msgstr "Pārtraukts: nav termiņa startēts"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2570
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2575
 msgid "Aborted: disk limit exceeded"
 msgstr "Pārtraukts: sasniegts diska vietas limits"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2573
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2578
 msgid "Aborted: run time limit exceeded"
 msgstr "Pārtraukts: pārsniegta izpildes laika robeža"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2576
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2581
 msgid "Aborted: memory limit exceeded"
 msgstr "Pārtraukts: pārsniegta operatīvās atmiņas robeža"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2579
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2584
 msgid "Aborted"
 msgstr "Pārtraukts"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2584
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2589
 msgid "Acknowledged"
 msgstr "Atzīts"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2586
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2591
 msgid "Ready to report"
 msgstr "Gatavs ziņošanai"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2588
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2593
 #, c-format
 msgid "Error: invalid state '%d'"
 msgstr "Kļūda: nederīgs stāvoklis '%d'"
-#: NoInternetConnectionPage.cpp:179
+#: clientgui/NoInternetConnectionPage.cpp:179
 msgid "No Internet connection"
 msgstr "Nav savienojuma ar Internet"
-#: NoInternetConnectionPage.cpp:182
+#: clientgui/NoInternetConnectionPage.cpp:182
 msgid "Please connect to the Internet and try again."
 msgstr "Lūdzu, pieslēdzieties pie Internet un mēģiniet vēlreiz."
-#: NotDetectedPage.cpp:181
+#: clientgui/NotDetectedPage.cpp:181
 msgid "Project not found"
 msgstr "Projekts nav atrasts"
-#: NotDetectedPage.cpp:184
+#: clientgui/NotDetectedPage.cpp:184
 msgid ""
 "The URL you supplied is not that of a BOINC-based project.\n"
@@ -2509,11 +2597,11 @@ msgstr ""
 "Lūdzu, pārbaudiet URL un mēģiniet vēlreiz."
-#: NotDetectedPage.cpp:188
+#: clientgui/NotDetectedPage.cpp:188
 msgid "Account manager not found"
 msgstr "Konta pārvaldnieks nav atrasts"
-#: NotDetectedPage.cpp:191
+#: clientgui/NotDetectedPage.cpp:191
 msgid ""
 "The URL you supplied is not that of a BOINC-based account\n"
@@ -2525,92 +2613,93 @@ msgstr ""
 "Lūdzu, pārbaudiet URL un mēģiniet vēlreiz."
-#: NotFoundPage.cpp:181
+#: clientgui/NotFoundPage.cpp:181
 msgid "Login Failed."
 msgstr "Pieteikšanās neizdevās."
-#: NotFoundPage.cpp:185
+#: clientgui/NotFoundPage.cpp:185
 msgid "Check the username and password, and try again."
 msgstr "Pārbaudiet lietotāja vārdu un paroli, un mēģiniet vēlreiz."
-#: NotFoundPage.cpp:189
+#: clientgui/NotFoundPage.cpp:189
 msgid "Check the email address and password, and try again."
 msgstr "Pārbaudiet e-pasta adresi un paroli, un mēģiniet vēlreiz."
-#: NoticeListCtrl.cpp:222
+#: clientgui/NoticeListCtrl.cpp:229
 msgid "more..."
 msgstr "vairāk..."
-#: ProjectInfoPage.cpp:477 ProjectInfoPage.cpp:778 ProjectInfoPage.cpp:782
-msgid "All"
-msgstr "Viss"
-#: ProjectInfoPage.cpp:615
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:221
 msgid "Choose a project"
 msgstr "Izvēlieties projektu"
-#: ProjectInfoPage.cpp:619
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:228
 msgid "To choose a project, click its name or type its URL below."
 msgstr "Lai izvēlētos projektu noklikšķiniet uz tā vārda vai ierakstiet tā URL."
-#: ProjectInfoPage.cpp:623
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:246
 msgid "Categories:"
 msgstr "Kategorijas:"
-#: ProjectInfoPage.cpp:627 sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:89
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:267
 msgid "Projects:"
 msgstr "Projekti:"
-#: ProjectInfoPage.cpp:631
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:279
 msgid "Project details"
 msgstr "Projekta detaļas"
-#: ProjectInfoPage.cpp:635
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:291
 msgid "Research area:"
 msgstr "Pētniecības zona:"
-#: ProjectInfoPage.cpp:639
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:302
 msgid "Organization:"
 msgstr "Organizācija:"
-#: ProjectInfoPage.cpp:643
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:313
 msgid "Web site:"
 msgstr "Tīmekļa vietne:"
-#: ProjectInfoPage.cpp:647
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:325
 msgid "Supported systems:"
 msgstr "Atbalstītās sistēmas:"
-#: ProjectInfoPage.cpp:651
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:363
 msgid "Project URL:"
 msgstr "Projekta URL:"
-#: ProjectInfoPage.cpp:826
-msgid ""
-"This project may not have work for your type of computer.  Do you want to "
-"add it anyway?"
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:499
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:754
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:758
+msgid "All"
+msgstr "Viss"
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:802
+msgid "This project may not have work for your type of computer.  Do you want to add it anyway?"
 msgstr ""
 "Šim projektam var nebūt darba priekš jūsu tipa datora.  Vai jūs vēlaties to "
 "pievienot tik un tā? "
-#: ProjectInfoPage.cpp:850
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:826
 msgid "You already added this project. Please choose a different project."
 msgstr ""
 "Jūs jau esat pievienojuši šo projektu. Lūdzu, izvēlieties citu projektu."
-#: ProjectProcessingPage.cpp:321
+#: clientgui/ProjectProcessingPage.cpp:321
 msgid "Communicating with project."
 msgstr "Sazinās ar projektu."
-#: ProjectProcessingPage.cpp:509
+#: clientgui/ProjectProcessingPage.cpp:510
 msgid "Required files not found on the server."
 msgstr "Uz servera nepieciešamie faili nav atrasti."
-#: ProjectProcessingPage.cpp:512 ProjectProcessingPage.cpp:574
+#: clientgui/ProjectProcessingPage.cpp:513
+#: clientgui/ProjectProcessingPage.cpp:586
 msgid "An internal server error has occurred."
 msgstr "Atgadījās iekšēja servera kļūda."
-#: ProjectPropertiesPage.cpp:334
+#: clientgui/ProjectPropertiesPage.cpp:334
 msgid ""
 "Communicating with project\n"
 "Please wait..."
@@ -2618,11 +2707,48 @@ msgstr ""
 "Sazinās ar projektu\n"
 "Lūdzu, uzgaidiet..."
-#: ProxyInfoPage.cpp:195
+#: clientgui/ProjectWelcomePage.cpp:251
+#, c-format
+msgid "Welcome to %s."
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ProjectWelcomePage.cpp:254
+msgid "You have volunteered to compute for this project:"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ProjectWelcomePage.cpp:255
+msgid "Name:"
+msgstr "Vārds:"
+#: clientgui/ProjectWelcomePage.cpp:258
+msgid "Home:"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ProjectWelcomePage.cpp:262
+msgid "Description:"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ProjectWelcomePage.cpp:265
+msgid "URL:"
+msgstr "URL:"
+#: clientgui/ProjectWelcomePage.cpp:268
+msgid "User:"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ProjectWelcomePage.cpp:273
+msgid "WARNING: This project is not registered with BOINC.  Make sure you trust it before continuing."
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ProjectWelcomePage.cpp:277
+msgid "To continue, click Next."
+msgstr "Lai turpinātu nospiediet Nākamais."
+#: clientgui/ProxyInfoPage.cpp:195
 msgid "Network communication failure"
 msgstr "Tīkla komunikāciju kļūda"
-#: ProxyInfoPage.cpp:199
+#: clientgui/ProxyInfoPage.cpp:199
 msgid ""
 "The World Community Grid - BOINC software failed to communicate\n"
 "over the Internet. The most likely reasons are:\n"
@@ -2652,7 +2778,7 @@ msgstr ""
 "3) Jūs lietojat proxy serveri.\n"
 "Noklikšķiniet Nākamais, lai konfigurētu BOINC proxy parametrus."
-#: ProxyInfoPage.cpp:203
+#: clientgui/ProxyInfoPage.cpp:203
 msgid ""
 "BOINC failed to communicate on the Internet.\n"
 "The most likely reasons are:\n"
@@ -2682,1282 +2808,1375 @@ msgstr ""
 "3) Jūs lietojat proxy serveri.\n"
 "Noklikšķiniet Nākamais, lai konfigurētu BOINC proxy parametrus."
-#: ProxyPage.cpp:331
+#: clientgui/ProxyPage.cpp:331
 msgid "Proxy configuration"
 msgstr "Proxy konfigurācija"
-#: ProxyPage.cpp:334
+#: clientgui/ProxyPage.cpp:334
 msgid "HTTP proxy"
 msgstr "HTTP proxy"
-#: ProxyPage.cpp:337 ProxyPage.cpp:357
+#: clientgui/ProxyPage.cpp:337
+#: clientgui/ProxyPage.cpp:357
 msgid "Server:"
 msgstr "Serveris:"
-#: ProxyPage.cpp:350
+#: clientgui/ProxyPage.cpp:350
 msgid "Autodetect"
 msgstr "Noteikt automātiski"
-#: ProxyPage.cpp:354
+#: clientgui/ProxyPage.cpp:354
 msgid "SOCKS proxy"
 msgstr "SOCKS proxy"
-#: TermsOfUsePage.cpp:218
-msgid "Terms of Use"
-msgstr "Lietošanas noteikumi"
+#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:167
+msgid "Advanced View...\tCtrl+Shift+A"
+msgstr "Detalizētais skats...\tCtrl+Shift+A"
-#: TermsOfUsePage.cpp:222
-msgid "Please read the following terms of use:"
-msgstr "Lūdzu, izlasiet šos lietošanas noteikumus:"
+# 82%
+#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:168
+msgid "Display the advanced graphical interface."
+msgstr "Parādīt papildu grafisko interfeisu."
-#: TermsOfUsePage.cpp:231
-msgid "I agree to the terms of use."
-msgstr "Es piekrītu lietošanas noteikumiem."
+#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:175
+msgid "Skin"
+msgstr "Ādiņa"
-#: TermsOfUsePage.cpp:237
-msgid "I do not agree to the terms of use."
-msgstr "Es nepiekrītu lietošanas noteikumiem."
+#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:177
+msgid "Select the appearance of the user interface."
+msgstr "Izvēlieties lietotāja saskarnes izskatu."
-#: UnavailablePage.cpp:183
-msgid "Project temporarily unavailable"
-msgstr "Projekts īslaicīgi nav pieejams"
+#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:224
+#, c-format
+msgid "&%s"
+msgstr "&%s"
-#: UnavailablePage.cpp:186
-msgid ""
-"The project is temporarily unavailable.\n"
-"Please try again later."
-msgstr ""
-"Projekts īslaicīgi nav pieejams.\n"
-"Lūdzu vēlāk mēģiniet vēlreiz."
+#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:405
+msgid "Default"
+msgstr "Noklusētais"
-#: UnavailablePage.cpp:190
-msgid "Account manager temporarily unavailable"
-msgstr "Konta menedžeris īslaicīgi nav pieejams"
+#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:848
+msgid "Suspend"
+msgstr "Atlikt"
-#: UnavailablePage.cpp:193
-msgid ""
-"The account manager is temporarily unavailable.\n"
-"Please try again later."
-msgstr ""
-"Konta menedžeris īslaicīgi nav pieejams.\n"
-"Lūdzu vēlāk mēģiniet vēlreiz."
+#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:850
+msgid "Suspend Computing"
+msgstr "Apturēt skaitļošanu"
-#: ValidateAccountKey.cpp:68
-msgid "Please specify an account key to continue."
-msgstr "Lūdzu, norādiet konta atslēgu, lai turpinātu."
+#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:851
+msgid "Resume Computing"
+msgstr "Atsākt skaitļošanu"
-#: ValidateAccountKey.cpp:71
-msgid "Invalid Account Key; please enter a valid Account Key"
-msgstr "Nederīga konta atslēga. Lūdzu, ievadiet derīgu konta atslēgu"
+#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:867
+msgid "Notices"
+msgstr "Paziņojumi"
-#: ValidateAccountKey.cpp:82 ValidateEmailAddress.cpp:86
-msgid "Validation conflict"
-msgstr "Validācijas konflikts"
+#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:868
+msgid "Open a window to view notices from projects or BOINC"
+msgstr "Atvērt logu, lai redzētu paziņojumus no projektiem vai BOINC"
-#: ValidateEmailAddress.cpp:72
-msgid "Please specify an email address"
-msgstr "Lūdzu, norādiet e-pasta adresi"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgMessages.cpp:124
+msgid "Fetching notices; please wait..."
+msgstr "Iegūst paziņojumus; lūdzu, uzgaidiet..."
-#: ValidateEmailAddress.cpp:75
-msgid "Invalid email address; please enter a valid email address"
-msgstr "Nederīga e-pasta adrese; lūdzu, ievadiet derīgu e-pasta adresi"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgMessages.cpp:132
+msgid "There are no notices at this time."
+msgstr "Pašlaik nav jaunu paziņojumu"
-#: ValidateURL.cpp:69
-msgid "Missing URL"
-msgstr "Iztrūkst URL"
+# 83%
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgMessages.cpp:146
+msgid "Close"
+msgstr "Aizvērt"
-#: ValidateURL.cpp:70
-msgid ""
-"Please specify a URL.\n"
-"For example:\n"
-msgstr ""
-"Lūdzu, norādiet URL.\n"
+# 83%
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgMessages.cpp:394
+#, c-format
+#, c-format, c-format
+msgid "%s - Notices"
+msgstr "%s - Paziņojumi"
-#: ValidateURL.cpp:83 ValidateURL.cpp:87 ValidateURL.cpp:91
-#: ValidateURL.cpp:103 ValidateURL.cpp:107 ValidateURL.cpp:110
-msgid "Invalid URL"
-msgstr "Nederīgs URL"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:270
+msgid "This dialog controls preferences for this computer only."
+msgstr "Šis dialoglogs kontrolē preferences tikai šim datoram."
-#: ValidateURL.cpp:84 ValidateURL.cpp:88 ValidateURL.cpp:92
-msgid ""
-"Please specify a valid URL.\n"
-"For example:\n"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:275
+msgid "Click OK to set preferences."
+msgstr "Noklišķiniet Labi, lai iestatītu preferences."
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:280
+msgid "Click Clear to restore web-based settings for all preferences listed below."
 msgstr ""
-"Lūdzu, norādiet derīgu URL.\n"
+"Noklišķiniet Notīrīt, lai atjaunotu tīmekļa-bāzētus iestatījumus visām zemāk "
+"minētām preferencēm."
-#: ValidateURL.cpp:104 ValidateURL.cpp:108
-#, c-format
-msgid "'%s' does not contain a valid host name."
-msgstr "'%s' nesatur derīgu datora vārdu."
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:287
+msgid "For additional settings, select Computing Preferences in the Advanced View."
+msgstr ""
+"Papildu iestatījumiem izvēlieties Skaitļošanas preferences Detalizētajā "
-#: ValidateURL.cpp:111
-#, c-format
-msgid "'%s' does not contain a valid path."
-msgstr "'%s' nesatur derīgu ceļu."
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:315
+msgid "Do work only between:"
+msgstr "Veikt darbu tikai starp:"
-#: ViewMessages.cpp:84 ViewProjects.cpp:170 ViewStatistics.cpp:1978
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:160 ViewWork.cpp:183
-msgid "Commands"
-msgstr "Komandas"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:337
+msgid "Connect to internet only between:"
+msgstr "Savienoties ar Internet tikai starp:"
-#: ViewMessages.cpp:88
-msgid "Copy all messages"
-msgstr "Kopēt visus ziņojumus"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:359
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:376
+msgid "Use no more than:"
+msgstr "Nelietot vairāk par:"
-#: ViewMessages.cpp:95
-msgid "Copy selected messages"
-msgstr "Kopēt atzīmētos ziņojumus"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:372
+msgid "of disk space"
+msgstr "diska vietas"
-# 95%
-#: ViewMessages.cpp:106 ViewMessages.cpp:502
-msgid "Show only this project"
-msgstr "Rādīt tikai šo projektu"
+# 84%
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:389
+msgid "of the processor"
+msgstr "procesora"
-#: ViewMessages.cpp:107 ViewMessages.cpp:503
-msgid "Show only the messages for the selected project."
-msgstr "Rādīt ziņojumus tikai izvēlētajam projektam."
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:393
+msgid "Do work while on battery?"
+msgstr "Vai strādāt, kad lieto akumulatoru?"
-#: ViewMessages.cpp:164
-msgid "Messages"
-msgstr "Ziņojumi"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:406
+msgid "Do work after idle for:"
+msgstr "Strādāt, ja dīkstāvē:"
-#: ViewMessages.cpp:187
-msgid "Copying all messages to the clipboard..."
-msgstr "Kopē visus ziņojumus starpliktuvē..."
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:431
+msgid "Clear all local preferences listed above and close the dialog"
+msgstr "Notīrīt visas augstāk minētās lokālās preferences un aizvērt dialoglogu"
-#: ViewMessages.cpp:223
-msgid "Copying selected messages to the clipboard..."
-msgstr "Kopē izvēlētos ziņojumus starpliktuvē..."
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:609
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:612
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:688
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:692
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:704
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:708
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:851
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:862
+msgid "Anytime"
+msgstr "Jebkurā laikā"
-#: ViewMessages.cpp:286
-msgid "Filtering messages..."
-msgstr "Ziņu filtrēšana..."
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:645
+msgid "100 MB"
+msgstr "100 MB"
-#: ViewMessages.cpp:494
-msgid "Show all messages"
-msgstr "Rādīt visus ziņojumus"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:646
+msgid "200 MB"
+msgstr "200 MB"
-# 96%
-#: ViewMessages.cpp:495
-msgid "Show messages for all projects."
-msgstr "Rādīt ziņojumus visiem projektiem."
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:647
+msgid "500 MB"
+msgstr "500 MB"
-#: ViewNotices.cpp:58 sg_DlgMessages.cpp:124
-msgid "Fetching notices; please wait..."
-msgstr "Iegūst paziņojumus; lūdzu, uzgaidiet..."
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:648
+msgid "1 GB"
+msgstr "1 GB"
-#: ViewNotices.cpp:65 sg_DlgMessages.cpp:132
-msgid "There are no notices at this time."
-msgstr "Pašlaik nav jaunu paziņojumu"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:649
+msgid "2 GB"
+msgstr "2 GB"
-#: ViewNotices.cpp:99 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:776
-msgid "Notices"
-msgstr "Paziņojumi"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:650
+msgid "5 GB"
+msgstr "5 GB"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:651
+msgid "10 GB"
+msgstr "10 GB"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:652
+msgid "20 GB"
+msgstr "20 GB"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:653
+msgid "50 GB"
+msgstr "50 GB"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:654
+msgid "100 GB"
+msgstr "100 GB"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:724
+#, c-format
+msgid "%d MB"
+msgstr "%d MB"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:726
+#, c-format
+msgid "%4.2f GB"
+msgstr "%4.2f GB"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:767
+#, c-format
+msgid "%d%%"
+msgstr "%d%%"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:803
+msgid "0 (Run Always)"
+msgstr "0 (izpildīt vienmēr)"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:806
+#, c-format
+msgid "%d"
+msgstr "%d"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:953
+#, c-format
+msgid "%s - Computing Preferences"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:1033
+msgid "Do you really want to clear all local preferences?\n"
+msgstr "Vai tiešām vēlaties notīrīt visas lokālās preferences?\n"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:174 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:61
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:66
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:179
 msgid "Update"
 msgstr "Aktualizēt"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:175 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:62
-msgid ""
-"Report all completed tasks, get latest credit, get latest preferences, and "
-"possibly get more tasks."
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:67
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:180
+msgid "Report all completed tasks, get latest credit, get latest preferences, and possibly get more tasks."
 msgstr ""
 "Ziņot par paveikto, iegūt pēdējos kredītpunktus un preferences, kā arī, "
 "iespējams, iegūt vairāk uzdevumus."
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:181 ViewProjects.cpp:722 ViewWork.cpp:208 ViewWork.cpp:801
-#: sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:757 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:67
-#: sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:113 sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:66
-#: sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:106
-msgid "Suspend"
-msgstr "Atlikt"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:182 ViewProjects.cpp:722 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:68
-#: sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:114
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:73
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:129
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:187
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:727
 msgid "Suspend tasks for this project."
 msgstr "Atlikt uzdevumu izpildi šim projektam."
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:188 ViewProjects.cpp:741 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:73
-#: sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:121
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:78
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:136
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:193
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:746
 msgid "No new tasks"
 msgstr "Neņemt jaunus uzdevumus"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:189 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:74
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:79
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:194
 msgid "Don't get new tasks for this project."
 msgstr "Neņemt jaunus uzdevumus šim projektam."
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:195 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:79
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:84
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:200
 msgid "Reset project"
 msgstr "Atjaunināt projektu"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:196 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:80
-msgid ""
-"Delete all files and tasks associated with this project, and get new tasks.  "
-"You can update the project first to report any completed tasks."
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:85
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:201
+msgid "Delete all files and tasks associated with this project, and get new tasks.  You can update the project first to report any completed tasks."
 msgstr ""
 "Izdzēst visus failus un uzdevumus, kas saistīti ar šo projektu un iegūt "
 "jaunus. Pirms tam jūs varat aktualizēt projektu, lai ziņotu par izpildītiem "
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:203 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:86
-msgid ""
-"Remove this project.  Tasks in progress will be lost (use 'Update' first to "
-"report any completed tasks)."
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:91
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:208
+msgid "Remove this project.  Tasks in progress will be lost (use 'Update' first to report any completed tasks)."
 msgstr ""
 "Noņemt šo projektu. Nepabeigtie uzdevumi tiks zaudēti (lietojiet vispirms "
 "'Aktualizēt', lai ziņotu par jau izpildītajiem)."
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:209 ViewWork.cpp:222 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:91
-#: sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:78
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:96
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:84
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:214
 msgid "Properties"
 msgstr "Īpašības"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:210 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:92
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:97
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:215
 msgid "Show project details."
 msgstr "Rādīt projekta informāciju."
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:220 ViewStatistics.cpp:450
-msgid "Account"
-msgstr "Konts"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:222
-msgid "Work done"
-msgstr "Paveikts"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:223
-msgid "Avg. work done"
-msgstr "Vidēji"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:225 ViewTransfers.cpp:188 ViewWork.cpp:234
-msgid "Status"
-msgstr "Statuss"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:250
-msgid "Projects"
-msgstr "Projekti"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:302
-msgid "Updating project..."
-msgstr "Aktualizē projektu..."
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:344
-msgid "Resuming project..."
-msgstr "Atsāk projektu..."
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:348
-msgid "Suspending project..."
-msgstr "Atliek projektu..."
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:126
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:723
+msgid "Resume tasks for this project."
+msgstr "Atsākt uzdevumu apstrādi šim projektam."
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:385
-msgid "Telling project to allow additional task downloads..."
-msgstr "Ziņo projektam par atļauju lejupielādēt jaunus uzdevumus..."
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:133
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:742
+msgid "Allow new tasks"
+msgstr "Atļaut pieprasīt uzdevumus"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:389
-msgid "Telling project to not fetch any additional tasks..."
-msgstr "Ziņo projektam par nevēlēšanos saņemt papildus uzdevumus..."
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:134
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:742
+msgid "Allow fetching new tasks for this project."
+msgstr "Atļauj saņemt jaunus uzdevumus šim projektam."
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:425
-msgid "Resetting project..."
-msgstr "Atjaunina projektu..."
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:137
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:746
+msgid "Don't fetch new tasks for this project."
+msgstr "Nepieprasīt jaunus uzdevumus šim projektam."
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:438 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:214
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:229
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:443
 #, c-format
 msgid "Are you sure you want to reset project '%s'?"
 msgstr "Vai tiešām vēlaties atjaunināt projektu '%s'?"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:444 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:220
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:235
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:449
 msgid "Reset Project"
 msgstr "Atjaunināt projektu"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:483
-msgid "Removing project..."
-msgstr "Noņem projektu..."
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:496 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:251
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:266
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:501
 #, c-format
 #, c-format, c-format
 msgid "Are you sure you want to remove project '%s'?"
 msgstr "Vai tiešām vēlaties atjaunināt projektu '%s'?"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:502 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:257
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:272
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:507
 msgid "Remove Project"
 msgstr "Noņemt projektu"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:543 ViewWork.cpp:599
-msgid "Launching browser..."
-msgstr "Palaiž pārlūkprogrammu..."
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:718 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:111
-msgid "Resume tasks for this project."
-msgstr "Atsākt uzdevumu apstrādi šim projektam."
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:72
+msgid "Add Project"
+msgstr "Pievienot projektu"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:737 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:118
-msgid "Allow new tasks"
-msgstr "Atļaut pieprasīt uzdevumus"
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:73
+msgid "Synchronize"
+msgstr "Sinhronizēt"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:737 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:119
-msgid "Allow fetching new tasks for this project."
-msgstr "Atļauj saņemt jaunus uzdevumus šim projektam."
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:74
+msgid "Work done for this project"
+msgstr "Paveiktais šim projektam"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:741 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:122
-msgid "Don't fetch new tasks for this project."
-msgstr "Nepieprasīt jaunus uzdevumus šim projektam."
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:77
+msgid "Synchronize projects with account manager system"
+msgstr "Sinhronizēt projektus ar konta menedžera sistēmu"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1058
-msgid "Requested by user"
-msgstr "Lietotāja pieprasīts"
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:124
+msgid "Select a project to access with the controls below"
+msgstr "Izvēlieties projektu kam piekļūt ar zemāk izvietotām vadīklām"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1059
-msgid "To fetch work"
-msgstr "Saņemt jaunus uzdevumus"
+# 88%
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:145
+msgid "Project Web Pages"
+msgstr "Projekta web lapas"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1060
-msgid "To report completed tasks"
-msgstr "Ziņot par pabeigtiem uzdevumiem"
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:149
+msgid "Project Commands"
+msgstr "Projekta komandas"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1061
-msgid "To send trickle-up message"
-msgstr "Sūtīt uzsūkšanās ziņu"
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:276
+#, c-format
+msgid "Pop up a menu of web sites for project %s"
+msgstr "Rādīt uznirstošo izvēlni ar mājas lapām projektam %s"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1062
-msgid "Requested by account manager"
-msgstr "Konta menedžera pieprasīts"
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:278
+#, c-format
+msgid "Pop up a menu of commands to apply to project %s"
+msgstr "Rādīt uznirstošo izvēlni ar komandām, ko pielietot projektam %s"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1063
-msgid "Project initialization"
-msgstr "Projekta inicializēšana"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:66
+msgid "Show graphics"
+msgstr "Rādīt grafisko informāciju"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1064
-msgid "Requested by project"
-msgstr "Projekta pieprasīts"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:67
+msgid "Show application graphics in a window."
+msgstr "Rādīt lietojuma grafisko informāciju logā"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1065
-msgid "Unknown reason"
-msgstr "Nezināms iemesls"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:73
+msgid "Suspend this task."
+msgstr "Apturēt šo uzdevumu."
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1079
-msgid "Suspended by user"
-msgstr "Lietotāja atlikts"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:78
+msgid "Abort"
+msgstr "Pārtraukt"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1082
-msgid "Won't get new tasks"
-msgstr "Nesaņems jaunus uzdevumus"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:79
+msgid "Abandon this task. You will get no credit for it."
+msgstr "Pārtraukt šo uzdevumu. Jūs neiegūsiet kredītu par to."
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1085
-msgid "Project ended - OK to remove"
-msgstr "Projekts beidzies - var noņemt"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:85
+msgid "Show task details."
+msgstr "Rādīt uzdevuma informāciju."
-# 77%
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1088
-msgid "Will remove when tasks done"
-msgstr "Noņems, kad uzdevumi tiks pabeigti"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:119
+msgid "Resume work for this task."
+msgstr "Atsākt darbu pie šī uzdevuma."
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1091
-msgid "Scheduler request pending"
-msgstr "Gaida plānotāja pieprasījuma rezultātu"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:123
+msgid "Suspend work for this task."
+msgstr "Atlikt darbu pie šī uzdevuma."
-# 75%
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1097
-msgid "Scheduler request in progress"
-msgstr "Izveic plānotāja pieprasījumu"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:267
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Are you sure you want to abort this task '%s'?\n"
+"(Progress: %.1lf%%, Status: %s)"
+msgstr ""
+"Vai esat pārliecināti, ka vēlaties pārtraukt šo uzdevumu '%s'?\n"
+"(Progress: %.1lf%%, Statuss: %s)"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1100
-msgid "Trickle up message pending"
-msgstr "Gaida uzsūkšanās ziņu"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:272
+msgid "Abort task"
+msgstr "Pārtraukt uzdevumu"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1106
-msgid "Communication deferred "
-msgstr "Komunikācija atlikta uz "
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:468
+msgid "You don't have any projects.  Please Add a Project."
+msgstr "Jums nav neviena projekta. Lūdzu, pievienojiet projektu."
-#: ViewResources.cpp:62
-msgid "Total disk usage"
-msgstr "Kopējais diska izlietojums"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:469
+msgid "Not available"
+msgstr "Nav pieejams"
-#: ViewResources.cpp:83
-msgid "Disk usage by BOINC projects"
-msgstr "BOINC projektiem izlietotā diska vieta"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:480
+msgid "Tasks:"
+msgstr "Uzdevumi:"
-#: ViewResources.cpp:116
-msgid "Disk"
-msgstr "Disks"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:486
+msgid "Select a task to access"
+msgstr "Izvēlieties uzdevumu, lai piekļūtu"
-#: ViewResources.cpp:249
-msgid "no projects: 0 bytes used"
-msgstr "nav projektu: izlietoti 0 baiti"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:497
+msgid "From:"
+msgstr "No:"
-#: ViewResources.cpp:286
-msgid "used by BOINC: "
-msgstr "BOINC lietošanā"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:551
+msgid "This task's progress"
+msgstr "Šī uzdevuma progress"
-#: ViewResources.cpp:296
-msgid "free, available to BOINC: "
-msgstr "brīvs, pieejams BOINC"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:569
+msgid "Task Commands"
+msgstr "Uzdevuma komandas"
-#: ViewResources.cpp:306
-msgid "free, not available to BOINC: "
-msgstr "brīvs, nav pieejams BOINC"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:570
+msgid "Pop up a menu of commands to apply to this task"
+msgstr "Rādīt uznirstošo izvēlni ar komandām, ko pielietot šim uzdevumam"
-#: ViewResources.cpp:316
-msgid "free: "
-msgstr "brīvs:"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:705
+#, c-format
+#, c-format, c-format
+msgid "Application: %s"
+msgstr "Lietojums: %s"
-#: ViewResources.cpp:326
-msgid "used by other programs: "
-msgstr "izmanto citas programmas:"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:728
+#, c-format
+msgid "%.3f%%"
+msgstr "%.3f%%"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:1205
-msgid "User Total"
-msgstr "Lietotāja kopā iegūtie kredītpunkti"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:736
+msgid "Application: Not available"
+msgstr "Lietojums: Nav pieejams"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:1206
-msgid "User Average"
-msgstr "Lietotāja vidēji iegūtie kredītpunkti"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:836
+msgid "Not Available"
+msgstr "Nav pieejams"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:1207
-msgid "Host Total"
-msgstr "Datora kopējie kredītpunkti"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:851
+#, c-format
+msgid "Elapsed: %s"
+msgstr "Pagājis: %s"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:1208
-msgid "Host Average"
-msgstr "Datora vidēji iegūtie kredītpunkti"
+# 84%
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:865
+#, c-format
+#, c-format, c-format
+msgid "Remaining (estimated): %s"
+msgstr "Atlicis (paredzams): %s"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:1355
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:880
 #, c-format
-msgid "Last update: %.0f days ago"
-msgstr "Atjaunināts: %.0f dienas atpakaļ"
+msgid "Status: %s"
+msgstr "Statuss: %s"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:1982
-msgid "Show user total"
-msgstr "Rādīt lietotāja kopējo"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1227
+msgid "Retrieving current status."
+msgstr "Iegūst pašreizējo statusu."
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:1983
-msgid "Show total credit for user"
-msgstr "Rādīt kopējo lietotāja kredītu"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:1989
-msgid "Show user average"
-msgstr "Rādīt lietotāja vidējo"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1233
+msgid "Downloading work from the server."
+msgstr "Lejupielādē darbu no servera."
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:1990
-msgid "Show average credit for user"
-msgstr "Rādīt vidējo lietotāja kredītu"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1238
+msgid "Processing Suspended:  Running On Batteries."
+msgstr "Apstrāde apturēta: Strādā no akumulatora."
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:1996
-msgid "Show host total"
-msgstr "Rādīt datora kopējo"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1240
+msgid "Processing Suspended:  User Active."
+msgstr "Apstrāde apturēta: Lietotājs aktīvs."
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:1997
-msgid "Show total credit for host"
-msgstr "Rādīt datora kopējo kredītu "
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1242
+msgid "Processing Suspended:  User paused processing."
+msgstr "Apstrāde apturēta: Lietotājs apturēja apstrādi."
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2003
-msgid "Show host average"
-msgstr "Rādīt datora vidējo"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1244
+msgid "Processing Suspended:  Time of Day."
+msgstr "Apstrāde apturēta: Diennakts laiks."
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2004
-msgid "Show average credit for host"
-msgstr "Rādīt datora vidējo kredītu"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1246
+msgid "Processing Suspended:  Benchmarks Running."
+msgstr "Apstrāde apturēta: Veic veiktspējas testu."
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2013
-msgid "< &Previous project"
-msgstr "< &Iepriekšējais projekts"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1248
+msgid "Processing Suspended."
+msgstr "Apstrāde apturēta."
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2014
-msgid "Show chart for previous project"
-msgstr "Rādīt grafiku iepriekšējam projektam"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1252
+msgid "Waiting to contact project servers."
+msgstr "Gaida, lai savienotos ar projekta serveriem."
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2019
-msgid "&Next project >"
-msgstr "&Nākamais projekts >"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1256
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1265
+msgid "Retrieving current status"
+msgstr "Iegūst pašreizējo statusu."
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2020
-msgid "Show chart for next project"
-msgstr "Rādīt grafiku nākamajam projektam"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1260
+msgid "No work available to process"
+msgstr "Nav pieejams darbs, ko apstrādāt"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2026 ViewStatistics.cpp:2416
-msgid "Hide project list"
-msgstr "Noslēpt projektu sarakstu"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1262
+msgid "Unable to connect to the core client"
+msgstr "Nevar izveidot savienojumu ar galveno klientu"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2027 ViewStatistics.cpp:2416
-msgid "Use entire area for graphs"
-msgstr "Izmantot visu laukumu grafikiem"
+#: clientgui/TermsOfUsePage.cpp:218
+msgid "Terms of Use"
+msgstr "Lietošanas noteikumi"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2032
-msgid "Mode view"
-msgstr "Režīma skats"
+#: clientgui/TermsOfUsePage.cpp:222
+msgid "Please read the following terms of use:"
+msgstr "Lūdzu, izlasiet šos lietošanas noteikumus:"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2036
-msgid "One project"
-msgstr "Viens projekts"
+#: clientgui/TermsOfUsePage.cpp:231
+msgid "I agree to the terms of use."
+msgstr "Es piekrītu lietošanas noteikumiem."
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2037
-msgid "Show one chart with selected project"
-msgstr "Rādīt vienu grafiku ar izvēlēto projektu"
+#: clientgui/TermsOfUsePage.cpp:237
+msgid "I do not agree to the terms of use."
+msgstr "Es nepiekrītu lietošanas noteikumiem."
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2043
-msgid "All projects (separate)"
-msgstr "Visi projekti (atsevišķi)"
+#: clientgui/UnavailablePage.cpp:183
+msgid "Project temporarily unavailable"
+msgstr "Projekts īslaicīgi nav pieejams"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2044
-msgid "Show all projects, one chart per project"
-msgstr "Rādīt visus projektus, katru savā grafikā"
+#: clientgui/UnavailablePage.cpp:186
+msgid ""
+"The project is temporarily unavailable.\n"
+"Please try again later."
+msgstr ""
+"Projekts īslaicīgi nav pieejams.\n"
+"Lūdzu vēlāk mēģiniet vēlreiz."
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2050
-msgid "All projects (together)"
-msgstr "Visi projekti (kopā)"
+#: clientgui/UnavailablePage.cpp:190
+msgid "Account manager temporarily unavailable"
+msgstr "Konta menedžeris īslaicīgi nav pieejams"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2051
-msgid "Show one chart with all projects"
-msgstr "Rādīt vienu grafiku ar visiem projektiem"
+#: clientgui/UnavailablePage.cpp:193
+msgid ""
+"The account manager is temporarily unavailable.\n"
+"Please try again later."
+msgstr ""
+"Konta menedžeris īslaicīgi nav pieejams.\n"
+"Lūdzu vēlāk mēģiniet vēlreiz."
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2057
-msgid "All projects (sum)"
-msgstr "Visi projekti (summa)"
+#: clientgui/ValidateAccountKey.cpp:68
+msgid "Please specify an account key to continue."
+msgstr "Lūdzu, norādiet konta atslēgu, lai turpinātu."
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2058
-msgid "Show one chart with sum of projects"
-msgstr "Rādīt vienu grafiku ar projektu kopsummu"
+#: clientgui/ValidateAccountKey.cpp:71
+msgid "Invalid Account Key; please enter a valid Account Key"
+msgstr "Nederīga konta atslēga. Lūdzu, ievadiet derīgu konta atslēgu"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2079
-msgid "Statistics"
-msgstr "Statistika"
+#: clientgui/ValidateAccountKey.cpp:82
+#: clientgui/ValidateEmailAddress.cpp:86
+msgid "Validation conflict"
+msgstr "Validācijas konflikts"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2103 ViewStatistics.cpp:2124 ViewStatistics.cpp:2145
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2167 ViewStatistics.cpp:2188 ViewStatistics.cpp:2209
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2230 ViewStatistics.cpp:2251 ViewStatistics.cpp:2272
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2296
-msgid "Updating charts..."
-msgstr "Aktualizē diagrammas..."
+#: clientgui/ValidateEmailAddress.cpp:72
+msgid "Please specify an email address"
+msgstr "Lūdzu, norādiet e-pasta adresi"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2420
-msgid "Show project list"
-msgstr "Rādīt projektu sarakstu"
+#: clientgui/ValidateEmailAddress.cpp:75
+msgid "Invalid email address; please enter a valid email address"
+msgstr "Nederīga e-pasta adrese; lūdzu, ievadiet derīgu e-pasta adresi"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2420
-msgid "Uses smaller area for graphs"
-msgstr "Lieto mazāku laukumu grafikiem"
+#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:69
+msgid "Missing URL"
+msgstr "Iztrūkst URL"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:164
-msgid "Retry Now"
-msgstr "Mēģināt tagad"
+#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:70
+msgid ""
+"Please specify a URL.\n"
+"For example:\n"
+msgstr ""
+"Lūdzu, norādiet URL.\n"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:165
-msgid "Retry the file transfer now"
-msgstr "Atkārtot faila pārsūtīšanu tagad"
+#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:83
+#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:87
+#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:91
+#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:103
+#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:107
+#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:110
+msgid "Invalid URL"
+msgstr "Nederīgs URL"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:171
-msgid "Abort Transfer"
-msgstr "Pārtraukt pārsūtīšanu"
+#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:84
+#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:88
+#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:92
+msgid ""
+"Please specify a valid URL.\n"
+"For example:\n"
+msgstr ""
+"Lūdzu, norādiet derīgu URL.\n"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:172
-msgid "Abort this file transfer.  You won't get credit for the task."
-msgstr "Pārtraukt šī faila pārsūtīšanu. Jūs neiegūsiet kredītu par šo uzdevumu."
+#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:104
+#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:108
+#, c-format
+msgid "'%s' does not contain a valid host name."
+msgstr "'%s' nesatur derīgu datora vārdu."
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:183
-msgid "File"
-msgstr "Fails"
+#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:111
+#, c-format
+msgid "'%s' does not contain a valid path."
+msgstr "'%s' nesatur derīgu ceļu."
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:184 ViewWork.cpp:233
-msgid "Progress"
-msgstr "Progress"
+#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:84
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:175
+msgid "Commands"
+msgstr "Komandas"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:185
-msgid "Size"
-msgstr "Izmērs"
+#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:88
+msgid "Copy all messages"
+msgstr "Kopēt visus ziņojumus"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:186
-msgid "Elapsed Time"
-msgstr "Pavadītais laiks"
+#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:95
+msgid "Copy selected messages"
+msgstr "Kopēt atzīmētos ziņojumus"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:187
-msgid "Speed"
-msgstr "Ātrums"
+# 95%
+#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:106
+#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:502
+msgid "Show only this project"
+msgstr "Rādīt tikai šo projektu"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:213
-msgid "Transfers"
-msgstr "Pārsūtīšana"
+#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:107
+#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:503
+msgid "Show only the messages for the selected project."
+msgstr "Rādīt ziņojumus tikai izvēlētajam projektam."
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:280
-msgid "Network activity is suspended - "
-msgstr "Tīkla aktivitāte atlikta - "
+#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:164
+msgid "Messages"
+msgstr "Ziņojumi"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:282
-msgid ""
-"You can enable it using the Activity menu."
-msgstr ""
-"Jūs varat iespējot to izmantojot Aktivitātes izvēlni."
+#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:187
+msgid "Copying all messages to the clipboard..."
+msgstr "Kopē visus ziņojumus starpliktuvē..."
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:285
-msgid "BOINC"
-msgstr "BOINC"
+#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:223
+msgid "Copying selected messages to the clipboard..."
+msgstr "Kopē izvēlētos ziņojumus starpliktuvē..."
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:292
-msgid "Retrying transfer now..."
-msgstr "Mēģina pārsūtīt vēlreiz..."
+#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:286
+msgid "Filtering messages..."
+msgstr "Ziņu filtrēšana..."
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:330
-msgid "Aborting transfer..."
-msgstr "Pārtrauc pārsūtīšanu..."
+#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:494
+msgid "Show all messages"
+msgstr "Rādīt visus ziņojumus"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:343
-#, c-format
-msgid ""
-"Are you sure you want to abort this file transfer '%s'?\n"
-"NOTE: Aborting a transfer will invalidate a task and you\n"
-"will not receive credit for it."
-msgstr ""
-"Vai esat pārliecināti, ka vēlaties pārtraukt šī faila pārsūtīšanu '%s'?\n"
-"PIEZĪME: Pārsūtīšanas pārtraukšana padarīs uzdevumu par nederīgu\n"
-"un Jūs nesaņemsiet par to kredītu."
+# 96%
+#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:495
+msgid "Show messages for all projects."
+msgstr "Rādīt ziņojumus visiem projektiem."
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:349
-msgid "Abort File Transfer"
-msgstr "Pārtraukt faila pārsūtīšanu"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:225
+msgid "Account"
+msgstr "Konts"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:780
-msgid "Upload"
-msgstr "Augšupielāde"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:227
+msgid "Work done"
+msgstr "Paveikts"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:780
-msgid "Download"
-msgstr "Lejupielāde"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:228
+msgid "Avg. work done"
+msgstr "Vidēji"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:784
-msgid "retry in "
-msgstr "atkārtot pēc "
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:230
+msgid "Status"
+msgstr "Statuss"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:786
-msgid "failed"
-msgstr "neizdevās"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:255
+msgid "Projects"
+msgstr "Projekti"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:789
-msgid "suspended"
-msgstr "atlikts"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:307
+msgid "Updating project..."
+msgstr "Aktualizē projektu..."
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:794
-msgid "active"
-msgstr "aktīvs"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:349
+msgid "Resuming project..."
+msgstr "Atsāk projektu..."
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:796
-msgid "pending"
-msgstr "gaida"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:353
+msgid "Suspending project..."
+msgstr "Atliek projektu..."
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:803
-msgid " (project backoff: "
-msgstr "(projekts liek uzgaidīt:"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:390
+msgid "Telling project to allow additional task downloads..."
+msgstr "Ziņo projektam par atļauju lejupielādēt jaunus uzdevumus..."
-#: ViewWork.cpp:187 ViewWork.cpp:777
-msgid "Show active tasks"
-msgstr "Rādīt aktīvos uzdevumus"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:394
+msgid "Telling project to not fetch any additional tasks..."
+msgstr "Ziņo projektam par nevēlēšanos saņemt papildus uzdevumus..."
-#: ViewWork.cpp:188 ViewWork.cpp:778
-msgid "Show only active tasks."
-msgstr "Rādīt tikai aktīvos uzdevumus."
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:430
+msgid "Resetting project..."
+msgstr "Atjaunina projektu..."
-#: ViewWork.cpp:194 sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:60
-msgid "Show graphics"
-msgstr "Rādīt grafisko informāciju"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:488
+msgid "Removing project..."
+msgstr "Noņem projektu..."
-#: ViewWork.cpp:195 sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:61
-msgid "Show application graphics in a window."
-msgstr "Rādīt lietojuma grafisko informāciju logā"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:548
+msgid "Launching browser..."
+msgstr "Palaiž pārlūkprogrammu..."
-#: ViewWork.cpp:201
-msgid "Show VM Console"
-msgstr "Rādīt VM konsoli"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:202
-msgid "Show VM Console in a window."
-msgstr "Rādīt VM konsoli logā."
-#: ViewWork.cpp:209
-msgid "Suspend work for this result."
-msgstr "Atlikt šī uzdevuma izpildi"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1063
+msgid "Requested by user"
+msgstr "Lietotāja pieprasīts"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:215 sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:72
-msgid "Abort"
-msgstr "Pārtraukt"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1064
+msgid "To fetch work"
+msgstr "Saņemt jaunus uzdevumus"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:216
-msgid "Abandon work on the result. You will get no credit for it."
-msgstr ""
-"Atteikties no darba pie šī uzdevuma. Jūs neiegūsiet kredītpunktus par "
-"nepabeigtu darbu."
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1065
+msgid "To report completed tasks"
+msgstr "Ziņot par pabeigtiem uzdevumiem"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:223 sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:79
-msgid "Show task details."
-msgstr "Rādīt uzdevuma informāciju."
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1066
+msgid "To send trickle-up message"
+msgstr "Sūtīt uzsūkšanās ziņu"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:235
-msgid "Elapsed"
-msgstr "Aizritējis"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1067
+msgid "Requested by account manager"
+msgstr "Konta menedžera pieprasīts"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:236
-msgid "Remaining (estimated)"
-msgstr "Atlicis (paredzams)"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1068
+msgid "Project initialization"
+msgstr "Projekta inicializēšana"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:237
-msgid "Deadline"
-msgstr "Termiņš"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1069
+msgid "Requested by project"
+msgstr "Projekta pieprasīts"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:264
-msgid "Tasks"
-msgstr "Uzdevumi"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1070
+msgid "Unknown reason"
+msgstr "Nezināms iemesls"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:357
-msgid "Resuming task..."
-msgstr "Atsāk uzdevumu..."
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1084
+msgid "Suspended by user"
+msgstr "Lietotāja atlikts"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:360
-msgid "Suspending task..."
-msgstr "Atliek uzdevumu..."
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1087
+msgid "Won't get new tasks"
+msgstr "Nesaņems jaunus uzdevumus"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:389
-msgid "Showing graphics for task..."
-msgstr "Rāda uzdevuma grafisko informāciju..."
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1090
+msgid "Project ended - OK to remove"
+msgstr "Projekts beidzies - var noņemt"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:426
-msgid "Showing VM console for task..."
-msgstr "Rāda VM konsoli uzdevumam..."
+# 77%
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1093
+msgid "Will remove when tasks done"
+msgstr "Noņems, kad uzdevumi tiks pabeigti"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:479
-#, c-format
-msgid ""
-"Are you sure you want to abort this task '%s'?\n"
-"(Progress: %s, Status: %s)"
-msgstr ""
-"Vai esat pārliecināti, ka vēlaties pārtraukt šo uzdevumu '%s'?\n"
-"(Progress: %s, Statuss: %s)"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1096
+msgid "Scheduler request pending"
+msgstr "Gaida plānotāja pieprasījuma rezultātu"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:485
-#, c-format
-#, c-format, c-format
-msgid "Are you sure you want to abort these %d tasks?"
-msgstr "Vai tiešām vēlaties pārtaukt apstrādāt šos %d uzdevums?"
+# 75%
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1102
+msgid "Scheduler request in progress"
+msgstr "Izveic plānotāja pieprasījumu"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:490 sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:256
-msgid "Abort task"
-msgstr "Pārtraukt uzdevumu"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1105
+msgid "Trickle up message pending"
+msgstr "Gaida uzsūkšanās ziņu"
-# 75%
-#: ViewWork.cpp:499
-msgid "Aborting task..."
-msgstr "Pārtrauc uzdevumu..."
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1111
+msgid "Communication deferred "
+msgstr "Komunikācija atlikta uz "
-#: ViewWork.cpp:771
-msgid "Show all tasks"
-msgstr "Rādīt visus uzdevumus"
+#: clientgui/ViewResources.cpp:62
+msgid "Total disk usage"
+msgstr "Kopējais diska izlietojums"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:772
-msgid "Show all tasks."
-msgstr "Rādīt visus uzdevumus."
+#: clientgui/ViewResources.cpp:83
+msgid "Disk usage by BOINC projects"
+msgstr "BOINC projektiem izlietotā diska vieta"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:796 sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:103
-msgid "Resume work for this task."
-msgstr "Atsākt darbu pie šī uzdevuma."
+#: clientgui/ViewResources.cpp:116
+msgid "Disk"
+msgstr "Disks"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:802 sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:107
-msgid "Suspend work for this task."
-msgstr "Atlikt darbu pie šī uzdevuma."
+#: clientgui/ViewResources.cpp:225
+msgid "no projects: 0 bytes used"
+msgstr "nav projektu: izlietoti 0 baiti"
-#: WelcomePage.cpp:284
-msgid "Add project or account manager"
-msgstr "Pievienot projektu vai konta menedžeri"
+#: clientgui/ViewResources.cpp:262
+msgid "used by BOINC: "
+msgstr "BOINC lietošanā"
-#: WelcomePage.cpp:288
-msgid "Add project or use BOINC Account Manager"
-msgstr "Pievienojiet projektu vai izmantojiet BOINC konta menedžeri"
+#: clientgui/ViewResources.cpp:272
+msgid "free, available to BOINC: "
+msgstr "brīvs, pieejams BOINC"
-#: WelcomePage.cpp:297
-#, c-format
-msgid ""
-"If possible, add projects at the\n"
-"%s web site.\n"
-"Projects added via this wizard will not be\n"
-"listed on or managed via %s."
-msgstr ""
-"Ja iespējams, pievienojiet projektus\n"
-"%s mājas lapā.\n"
-"Projekti, kuri pievienoti caur šo vedni nebūs\n"
-"uzskaitīti vai vadāmi no %s."
+#: clientgui/ViewResources.cpp:282
+msgid "free, not available to BOINC: "
+msgstr "brīvs, nav pieejams BOINC"
-#: WelcomePage.cpp:313
-msgid ""
-"There are over 30 BOINC-based projects\n"
-"doing research in many areas of science,\n"
-"and you can volunteer for as many of them as you like.\n"
-"You can add a project directly,\n"
-"or use an 'Account Manager' web site to select projects."
-msgstr ""
-"Ir pieejami vairāk nekā 30 BOINC-bāzētu projektu,\n"
-"kuri veic pētījumus daudzās zinātņu jomās\n"
-"un Jūs varat pieteikties kaut katrā no tiem.\n"
-"Jūs varat pievienot projektu tieši vai arī lietot\n"
-"'Konta menedžera' mājas lapu, lai izvēlētos projektus."
+#: clientgui/ViewResources.cpp:292
+msgid "free: "
+msgstr "brīvs:"
-#: WelcomePage.cpp:325
-msgid ""
-"You have chosen to add a new volunteer computing project or change which "
-"you contribute to.\n"
-"Some of these projects are run and managed by World Community Grid, while "
-"are run and managed by other researchers or organizations. The BOINC "
-"can divide your spare processing power among any combination of projects.\n"
-"Alternatively, if you have registered with a BOINC Account Manager, you can "
-"this to choose which projects to support.\n"
-"Please choose which type of change you would like to make:\n"
-msgstr ""
-"Jūs esat izvēlējušies pievienot jaunu brīvprātīgo skaitļošanas projektu vai "
-"arī mainīt,\n"
-"kurus projektus veicināt.\n"
-"Dažus no šiem projektiem vada un pārvalda World Community Grid, kamēr citus\n"
-"vada un pārvalda citi pētnieki vai organizācijas. BOINC programmatūra\n"
-"sadalīt Jūsu brīvo skaitļošanas jaudu star projektiem jebkurā kombinācijā.\n"
-"Alternatīvi, ja esat reģistrējušies BOINC konta menedžerī, Jūs varat lietot "
-"lai izvēlētos, kurus projektus atbalstīt.\n"
-"Lūdzu, izvēlieties, kāda tipa izmaiņas vēlaties veikt :\n"
+#: clientgui/ViewResources.cpp:302
+msgid "used by other programs: "
+msgstr "izmanto citas programmas:"
-#: WelcomePage.cpp:339
-msgid "Use a BOINC Account Manager"
-msgstr "Lietot BOINC konta menedžeri"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1181
+msgid "User Total"
+msgstr "Lietotāja kopā iegūtie kredītpunkti"
-#: WelcomePage.cpp:352
-msgid "To continue, click Next."
-msgstr "Lai turpinātu nospiediet Nākamais."
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1182
+msgid "User Average"
+msgstr "Lietotāja vidēji iegūtie kredītpunkti"
-#: WelcomePage.cpp:358
-msgid "Add or change your World Community Grid projects"
-msgstr "Pievienot vai mainīt savus World Community Grid projektus"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1183
+msgid "Host Total"
+msgstr "Datora kopējie kredītpunkti"
-#: WelcomePage.cpp:361
-msgid "Add projects run by other researchers or organizations"
-msgstr "Pievienot projektus, kurus vada citi pētnieki vai organizācijas"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1184
+msgid "Host Average"
+msgstr "Datora vidēji iegūtie kredītpunkti"
-#: WizardAttach.cpp:634
-msgid "Do you really want to cancel?"
-msgstr "Vai tiešām vēlaties atcelt?"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1331
+#, c-format
+msgid "Last update: %.0f days ago"
+msgstr "Atjaunināts: %.0f dienas atpakaļ"
-#: WizardAttach.cpp:635
-msgid "Question"
-msgstr "Jautājums"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1956
+msgid "Show user total"
+msgstr "Rādīt lietotāja kopējo"
-#: sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:149
-msgid "Advanced View...\tCtrl+Shift+A"
-msgstr "Detalizētais skats...\tCtrl+Shift+A"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1957
+msgid "Show total credit for user"
+msgstr "Rādīt kopējo lietotāja kredītu"
-# 82%
-#: sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:150
-msgid "Display the advanced graphical interface."
-msgstr "Parādīt papildu grafisko interfeisu."
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1963
+msgid "Show user average"
+msgstr "Rādīt lietotāja vidējo"
-#: sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:157
-msgid "Skin"
-msgstr "Ādiņa"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1964
+msgid "Show average credit for user"
+msgstr "Rādīt vidējo lietotāja kredītu"
-#: sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:159
-msgid "Select the appearance of the user interface."
-msgstr "Izvēlieties lietotāja saskarnes izskatu."
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1970
+msgid "Show host total"
+msgstr "Rādīt datora kopējo"
-#: sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:206
-#, c-format
-msgid "&%s"
-msgstr "&%s"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1971
+msgid "Show total credit for host"
+msgstr "Rādīt datora kopējo kredītu "
-#: sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:390
-msgid "Default"
-msgstr "Noklusētais"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1977
+msgid "Show host average"
+msgstr "Rādīt datora vidējo"
-#: sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:759
-msgid "Suspend Computing"
-msgstr "Apturēt skaitļošanu"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1978
+msgid "Show average credit for host"
+msgstr "Rādīt datora vidējo kredītu"
-#: sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:760
-msgid "Resume Computing"
-msgstr "Atsākt skaitļošanu"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1987
+msgid "< &Previous project"
+msgstr "< &Iepriekšējais projekts"
-#: sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:777
-msgid "Open a window to view notices from projects or BOINC"
-msgstr "Atvērt logu, lai redzētu paziņojumus no projektiem vai BOINC"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1988
+msgid "Show chart for previous project"
+msgstr "Rādīt grafiku iepriekšējam projektam"
-# 83%
-#: sg_DlgMessages.cpp:146
-msgid "Close"
-msgstr "Aizvērt"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1993
+msgid "&Next project >"
+msgstr "&Nākamais projekts >"
-# 83%
-#: sg_DlgMessages.cpp:389
-#, c-format
-#, c-format, c-format
-msgid "%s - Notices"
-msgstr "%s - Paziņojumi"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1994
+msgid "Show chart for next project"
+msgstr "Rādīt grafiku nākamajam projektam"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:268
-msgid "This dialog controls preferences for this computer only."
-msgstr "Šis dialoglogs kontrolē preferences tikai šim datoram."
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2000
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2390
+msgid "Hide project list"
+msgstr "Noslēpt projektu sarakstu"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:273
-msgid "Click OK to set preferences."
-msgstr "Noklišķiniet Labi, lai iestatītu preferences."
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2001
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2390
+msgid "Use entire area for graphs"
+msgstr "Izmantot visu laukumu grafikiem"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:278
-msgid ""
-"Click Clear to restore web-based settings for all preferences listed below."
-msgstr ""
-"Noklišķiniet Notīrīt, lai atjaunotu tīmekļa-bāzētus iestatījumus visām zemāk "
-"minētām preferencēm."
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2006
+msgid "Mode view"
+msgstr "Režīma skats"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:285
-msgid ""
-"For additional settings, select Computing Preferences in the Advanced View."
-msgstr ""
-"Papildu iestatījumiem izvēlieties Skaitļošanas preferences Detalizētajā "
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2010
+msgid "One project"
+msgstr "Viens projekts"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:313
-msgid "Do work only between:"
-msgstr "Veikt darbu tikai starp:"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2011
+msgid "Show one chart with selected project"
+msgstr "Rādīt vienu grafiku ar izvēlēto projektu"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:335
-msgid "Connect to internet only between:"
-msgstr "Savienoties ar Internet tikai starp:"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2017
+msgid "All projects (separate)"
+msgstr "Visi projekti (atsevišķi)"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:357 sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:374
-msgid "Use no more than:"
-msgstr "Nelietot vairāk par:"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2018
+msgid "Show all projects, one chart per project"
+msgstr "Rādīt visus projektus, katru savā grafikā"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:370
-msgid "of disk space"
-msgstr "diska vietas"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2024
+msgid "All projects (together)"
+msgstr "Visi projekti (kopā)"
-# 84%
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:387
-msgid "of the processor"
-msgstr "procesora"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2025
+msgid "Show one chart with all projects"
+msgstr "Rādīt vienu grafiku ar visiem projektiem"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:391
-msgid "Do work while on battery?"
-msgstr "Vai strādāt, kad lieto akumulatoru?"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2031
+msgid "All projects (sum)"
+msgstr "Visi projekti (summa)"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:404
-msgid "Do work after idle for:"
-msgstr "Strādāt, ja dīkstāvē:"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2032
+msgid "Show one chart with sum of projects"
+msgstr "Rādīt vienu grafiku ar projektu kopsummu"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:429
-msgid "Clear all local preferences listed above and close the dialog"
-msgstr "Notīrīt visas augstāk minētās lokālās preferences un aizvērt dialoglogu"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2053
+msgid "Statistics"
+msgstr "Statistika"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:602 sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:605
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:681 sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:685
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:697 sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:701
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:844 sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:855
-msgid "Anytime"
-msgstr "Jebkurā laikā"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2077
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2098
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2119
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2141
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2162
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2183
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2204
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2225
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2246
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2270
+msgid "Updating charts..."
+msgstr "Aktualizē diagrammas..."
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:638
-msgid "100 MB"
-msgstr "100 MB"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2394
+msgid "Show project list"
+msgstr "Rādīt projektu sarakstu"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:639
-msgid "200 MB"
-msgstr "200 MB"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2394
+msgid "Uses smaller area for graphs"
+msgstr "Lieto mazāku laukumu grafikiem"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:640
-msgid "500 MB"
-msgstr "500 MB"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:169
+msgid "Retry Now"
+msgstr "Mēģināt tagad"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:641
-msgid "1 GB"
-msgstr "1 GB"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:170
+msgid "Retry the file transfer now"
+msgstr "Atkārtot faila pārsūtīšanu tagad"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:642
-msgid "2 GB"
-msgstr "2 GB"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:176
+msgid "Abort Transfer"
+msgstr "Pārtraukt pārsūtīšanu"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:643
-msgid "5 GB"
-msgstr "5 GB"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:177
+msgid "Abort this file transfer.  You won't get credit for the task."
+msgstr "Pārtraukt šī faila pārsūtīšanu. Jūs neiegūsiet kredītu par šo uzdevumu."
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:644
-msgid "10 GB"
-msgstr "10 GB"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:188
+msgid "File"
+msgstr "Fails"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:645
-msgid "20 GB"
-msgstr "20 GB"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:189
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:238
+msgid "Progress"
+msgstr "Progress"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:646
-msgid "50 GB"
-msgstr "50 GB"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:190
+msgid "Size"
+msgstr "Izmērs"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:647
-msgid "100 GB"
-msgstr "100 GB"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:191
+msgid "Elapsed Time"
+msgstr "Pavadītais laiks"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:717
-#, c-format
-msgid "%d MB"
-msgstr "%d MB"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:192
+msgid "Speed"
+msgstr "Ātrums"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:719
-#, c-format
-msgid "%4.2f GB"
-msgstr "%4.2f GB"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:218
+msgid "Transfers"
+msgstr "Pārsūtīšana"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:760
-#, c-format
-msgid "%d%%"
-msgstr "%d%%"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:285
+msgid "Network activity is suspended - "
+msgstr "Tīkla aktivitāte atlikta - "
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:796
-msgid "0 (Run Always)"
-msgstr "0 (izpildīt vienmēr)"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:287
+msgid ""
+"You can enable it using the Activity menu."
+msgstr ""
+"Jūs varat iespējot to izmantojot Aktivitātes izvēlni."
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:799
-#, c-format
-msgid "%d"
-msgstr "%d"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:290
+msgid "BOINC"
+msgstr "BOINC"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:1029
-msgid "Do you really want to clear all local preferences?\n"
-msgstr "Vai tiešām vēlaties notīrīt visas lokālās preferences?\n"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:297
+msgid "Retrying transfer now..."
+msgstr "Mēģina pārsūtīt vēlreiz..."
-#: sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:72
-msgid "Add Project"
-msgstr "Pievienot projektu"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:335
+msgid "Aborting transfer..."
+msgstr "Pārtrauc pārsūtīšanu..."
-#: sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:73
-msgid "Synchronize"
-msgstr "Sinhronizēt"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:348
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Are you sure you want to abort this file transfer '%s'?\n"
+"NOTE: Aborting a transfer will invalidate a task and you\n"
+"will not receive credit for it."
+msgstr ""
+"Vai esat pārliecināti, ka vēlaties pārtraukt šī faila pārsūtīšanu '%s'?\n"
+"PIEZĪME: Pārsūtīšanas pārtraukšana padarīs uzdevumu par nederīgu\n"
+"un Jūs nesaņemsiet par to kredītu."
-#: sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:74
-msgid "Work done for this project"
-msgstr "Paveiktais šim projektam"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:354
+msgid "Abort File Transfer"
+msgstr "Pārtraukt faila pārsūtīšanu"
-#: sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:77
-msgid "Synchronize projects with account manager system"
-msgstr "Sinhronizēt projektus ar konta menedžera sistēmu"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:785
+msgid "Upload"
+msgstr "Augšupielāde"
-#: sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:124
-msgid "Select a project to access with the controls below"
-msgstr "Izvēlieties projektu kam piekļūt ar zemāk izvietotām vadīklām"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:785
+msgid "Download"
+msgstr "Lejupielāde"
-# 88%
-#: sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:145
-msgid "Project Web Pages"
-msgstr "Projekta web lapas"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:789
+msgid "retry in "
+msgstr "atkārtot pēc "
-#: sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:149
-msgid "Project Commands"
-msgstr "Projekta komandas"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:791
+msgid "failed"
+msgstr "neizdevās"
-#: sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:267
-#, c-format
-msgid "Pop up a menu of web sites for project %s"
-msgstr "Rādīt uznirstošo izvēlni ar mājas lapām projektam %s"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:794
+msgid "suspended"
+msgstr "atlikts"
-#: sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:269
-#, c-format
-msgid "Pop up a menu of commands to apply to project %s"
-msgstr "Rādīt uznirstošo izvēlni ar komandām, ko pielietot projektam %s"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:799
+msgid "active"
+msgstr "aktīvs"
-#: sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:67
-msgid "Suspend this task."
-msgstr "Apturēt šo uzdevumu."
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:801
+msgid "pending"
+msgstr "gaida"
-#: sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:73
-msgid "Abandon this task. You will get no credit for it."
-msgstr "Pārtraukt šo uzdevumu. Jūs neiegūsiet kredītu par to."
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:808
+msgid " (project backoff: "
+msgstr "(projekts liek uzgaidīt:"
-#: sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:251
-#, c-format
-msgid ""
-"Are you sure you want to abort this task '%s'?\n"
-"(Progress: %.1lf%%, Status: %s)"
-msgstr ""
-"Vai esat pārliecināti, ka vēlaties pārtraukt šo uzdevumu '%s'?\n"
-"(Progress: %.1lf%%, Statuss: %s)"
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:192
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:782
+msgid "Show active tasks"
+msgstr "Rādīt aktīvos uzdevumus"
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:464
-msgid "You don't have any projects.  Please Add a Project."
-msgstr "Jums nav neviena projekta. Lūdzu, pievienojiet projektu."
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:193
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:783
+msgid "Show only active tasks."
+msgstr "Rādīt tikai aktīvos uzdevumus."
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:465
-msgid "Not available"
-msgstr "Nav pieejams"
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:206
+msgid "Show VM Console"
+msgstr "Rādīt VM konsoli"
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:476
-msgid "Tasks:"
-msgstr "Uzdevumi:"
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:207
+msgid "Show VM Console in a window."
+msgstr "Rādīt VM konsoli logā."
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:482
-msgid "Select a task to access"
-msgstr "Izvēlieties uzdevumu, lai piekļūtu"
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:214
+msgid "Suspend work for this result."
+msgstr "Atlikt šī uzdevuma izpildi"
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:493
-msgid "From:"
-msgstr "No:"
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:221
+msgid "Abandon work on the result. You will get no credit for it."
+msgstr ""
+"Atteikties no darba pie šī uzdevuma. Jūs neiegūsiet kredītpunktus par "
+"nepabeigtu darbu."
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:547
-msgid "This task's progress"
-msgstr "Šī uzdevuma progress"
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:240
+msgid "Elapsed"
+msgstr "Aizritējis"
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:565
-msgid "Task Commands"
-msgstr "Uzdevuma komandas"
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:241
+msgid "Remaining (estimated)"
+msgstr "Atlicis (paredzams)"
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:566
-msgid "Pop up a menu of commands to apply to this task"
-msgstr "Rādīt uznirstošo izvēlni ar komandām, ko pielietot šim uzdevumam"
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:242
+msgid "Deadline"
+msgstr "Termiņš"
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:701
-#, c-format
-#, c-format, c-format
-msgid "Application: %s"
-msgstr "Lietojums: %s"
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:269
+msgid "Tasks"
+msgstr "Uzdevumi"
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:724
-#, c-format
-msgid "%.3f%%"
-msgstr "%.3f%%"
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:362
+msgid "Resuming task..."
+msgstr "Atsāk uzdevumu..."
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:732
-msgid "Application: Not available"
-msgstr "Lietojums: Nav pieejams"
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:365
+msgid "Suspending task..."
+msgstr "Atliek uzdevumu..."
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:832
-msgid "Not Available"
-msgstr "Nav pieejams"
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:394
+msgid "Showing graphics for task..."
+msgstr "Rāda uzdevuma grafisko informāciju..."
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:847
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:431
+msgid "Showing VM console for task..."
+msgstr "Rāda VM konsoli uzdevumam..."
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:484
 #, c-format
-msgid "Elapsed: %s"
-msgstr "Pagājis: %s"
+msgid ""
+"Are you sure you want to abort this task '%s'?\n"
+"(Progress: %s, Status: %s)"
+msgstr ""
+"Vai esat pārliecināti, ka vēlaties pārtraukt šo uzdevumu '%s'?\n"
+"(Progress: %s, Statuss: %s)"
-# 84%
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:861
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:490
 #, c-format
 #, c-format, c-format
-msgid "Remaining (estimated): %s"
-msgstr "Atlicis (paredzams): %s"
+msgid "Are you sure you want to abort these %d tasks?"
+msgstr "Vai tiešām vēlaties pārtaukt apstrādāt šos %d uzdevums?"
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:876
-#, c-format
-msgid "Status: %s"
-msgstr "Statuss: %s"
+# 75%
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:504
+msgid "Aborting task..."
+msgstr "Pārtrauc uzdevumu..."
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1223
-msgid "Retrieving current status."
-msgstr "Iegūst pašreizējo statusu."
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:776
+msgid "Show all tasks"
+msgstr "Rādīt visus uzdevumus"
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1229
-msgid "Downloading work from the server."
-msgstr "Lejupielādē darbu no servera."
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:777
+msgid "Show all tasks."
+msgstr "Rādīt visus uzdevumus."
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1234
-msgid "Processing Suspended:  Running On Batteries."
-msgstr "Apstrāde apturēta: Strādā no akumulatora."
+#: clientgui/WelcomePage.cpp:284
+msgid "Add project or account manager"
+msgstr "Pievienot projektu vai konta menedžeri"
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1236
-msgid "Processing Suspended:  User Active."
-msgstr "Apstrāde apturēta: Lietotājs aktīvs."
+#: clientgui/WelcomePage.cpp:288
+msgid "Add project or use BOINC Account Manager"
+msgstr "Pievienojiet projektu vai izmantojiet BOINC konta menedžeri"
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1238
-msgid "Processing Suspended:  User paused processing."
-msgstr "Apstrāde apturēta: Lietotājs apturēja apstrādi."
+#: clientgui/WelcomePage.cpp:297
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"If possible, add projects at the\n"
+"%s web site.\n"
+"Projects added via this wizard will not be\n"
+"listed on or managed via %s."
+msgstr ""
+"Ja iespējams, pievienojiet projektus\n"
+"%s mājas lapā.\n"
+"Projekti, kuri pievienoti caur šo vedni nebūs\n"
+"uzskaitīti vai vadāmi no %s."
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1240
-msgid "Processing Suspended:  Time of Day."
-msgstr "Apstrāde apturēta: Diennakts laiks."
+#: clientgui/WelcomePage.cpp:313
+msgid ""
+"There are over 30 BOINC-based projects\n"
+"doing research in many areas of science,\n"
+"and you can volunteer for as many of them as you like.\n"
+"You can add a project directly,\n"
+"or use an 'Account Manager' web site to select projects."
+msgstr ""
+"Ir pieejami vairāk nekā 30 BOINC-bāzētu projektu,\n"
+"kuri veic pētījumus daudzās zinātņu jomās\n"
+"un Jūs varat pieteikties kaut katrā no tiem.\n"
+"Jūs varat pievienot projektu tieši vai arī lietot\n"
+"'Konta menedžera' mājas lapu, lai izvēlētos projektus."
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1242
-msgid "Processing Suspended:  Benchmarks Running."
-msgstr "Apstrāde apturēta: Veic veiktspējas testu."
+#: clientgui/WelcomePage.cpp:325
+msgid ""
+"You have chosen to add a new volunteer computing project or change which projects\n"
+"you contribute to.\n"
+"Some of these projects are run and managed by World Community Grid, while others\n"
+"are run and managed by other researchers or organizations. The BOINC software\n"
+"can divide your spare processing power among any combination of projects.\n"
+"Alternatively, if you have registered with a BOINC Account Manager, you can use\n"
+"this to choose which projects to support.\n"
+"Please choose which type of change you would like to make:\n"
+msgstr ""
+"Jūs esat izvēlējušies pievienot jaunu brīvprātīgo skaitļošanas projektu vai "
+"arī mainīt,\n"
+"kurus projektus veicināt.\n"
+"Dažus no šiem projektiem vada un pārvalda World Community Grid, kamēr citus\n"
+"vada un pārvalda citi pētnieki vai organizācijas. BOINC programmatūra\n"
+"sadalīt Jūsu brīvo skaitļošanas jaudu star projektiem jebkurā kombinācijā.\n"
+"Alternatīvi, ja esat reģistrējušies BOINC konta menedžerī, Jūs varat lietot "
+"lai izvēlētos, kurus projektus atbalstīt.\n"
+"Lūdzu, izvēlieties, kāda tipa izmaiņas vēlaties veikt :\n"
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1244
-msgid "Processing Suspended."
-msgstr "Apstrāde apturēta."
+#: clientgui/WelcomePage.cpp:339
+msgid "Use a BOINC Account Manager"
+msgstr "Lietot BOINC konta menedžeri"
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1248
-msgid "Waiting to contact project servers."
-msgstr "Gaida, lai savienotos ar projekta serveriem."
+#: clientgui/WelcomePage.cpp:358
+msgid "Add or change your World Community Grid projects"
+msgstr "Pievienot vai mainīt savus World Community Grid projektus"
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1252 sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1261
-msgid "Retrieving current status"
-msgstr "Iegūst pašreizējo statusu."
+#: clientgui/WelcomePage.cpp:361
+msgid "Add projects run by other researchers or organizations"
+msgstr "Pievienot projektus, kurus vada citi pētnieki vai organizācijas"
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1256
-msgid "No work available to process"
-msgstr "Nav pieejams darbs, ko apstrādāt"
+#: clientgui/WizardAttach.cpp:673
+msgid "Do you really want to cancel?"
+msgstr "Vai tiešām vēlaties atcelt?"
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1258
-msgid "Unable to connect to the core client"
-msgstr "Nevar izveidot savienojumu ar galveno klientu"
+#: clientgui/WizardAttach.cpp:674
+msgid "Question"
+msgstr "Jautājums"
-#: wizardex.cpp:377 wizardex.cpp:553
+#: clientgui/wizardex.cpp:377
+#: clientgui/wizardex.cpp:553
 msgid "&Next >"
 msgstr "&Nākamais >"
-#: wizardex.cpp:383
+#: clientgui/wizardex.cpp:383
 msgid "< &Back"
 msgstr "< &Atpakaļ"
-#: wizardex.cpp:553
+#: clientgui/wizardex.cpp:553
 msgid "&Finish"
 msgstr "&Beigt"
-#: mac/Mac_GUI.cpp:110
-msgid "Preferences…"
-msgstr "Preferences..."
+#: clientgui/common/wxPieCtrl.cpp:64
+msgid "Pie Ctrl"
+msgstr ""
-#: mac/Mac_GUI.cpp:122
+#: clientgui/mac/Mac_GUI.cpp:35
 msgid "Services"
 msgstr "Servisi"
-#: mac/Mac_GUI.cpp:144
+#: clientgui/mac/Mac_GUI.cpp:36
 #, c-format
 msgid "Hide %s"
 msgstr "Paslēpt %s"
-#: mac/Mac_GUI.cpp:158
+#: clientgui/mac/Mac_GUI.cpp:37
 msgid "Hide Others"
 msgstr "Paslēpt citus"
-#: mac/Mac_GUI.cpp:172
+#: clientgui/mac/Mac_GUI.cpp:38
 msgid "Show All"
 msgstr "Rādīt visu"
 # 87%
-#: mac/Mac_GUI.cpp:186
+#: clientgui/mac/Mac_GUI.cpp:39
 #, c-format
 #, c-format, c-format
 msgid "Quit %s"
 msgstr "Iziet %s"
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.h:30
+msgid "specify work start and stop hours in format HH:MM-HH:MM"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.h:31
+msgid "specify network usage start and stop hours in format HH:MM-HH:MM"
+msgstr ""
+# 98%
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "(C) 2003-2013 University of California, Berkeley.\n"
+#~ "All Rights Reserved."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "(C) 2003-2013 Kalifornijas Universitāte Berklijā.\n"
+#~ "Visas tiesības aizsargātas."
+#, c-format
+#~ msgid "%s - Preferences"
+#~ msgstr "%s - Preferences"
+#, no-c-format
+#~ msgid "% of the processors (0 means ignore this setting)"
+#~ msgstr "% no procesoriem (0 nozīmē ignorēt šo iestatījumu)"
+#, no-c-format
+#~ msgid "% CPU time"
+#~ msgstr "% CPU laiks"
+#~ msgid "KBytes/sec."
+#~ msgstr "KBaiti/sek."
+#~ msgid "Mbytes"
+#~ msgstr "MBaiti"
+#~ msgid "every"
+#~ msgstr "katras"
+#~ msgid "days"
+#~ msgstr "dienas"
+#~ msgid "Gigabytes disk space"
+#~ msgstr "Gigabaitu diska vietas"
+#~ msgid "Running, high priority"
+#~ msgstr "Izpildās, augsta prioritāte"
+#~ msgid " (Scheduler wait: "
+#~ msgstr " (Plānotājs gaida: "
+#~ msgid " (Scheduler wait)"
+#~ msgstr " (Plānotāja gaidišana)"
+#~ msgid " (Waiting for network access)"
+#~ msgstr " (Gaida uz pieeju tīklam)"
+#~ msgid "Preferences…"
+#~ msgstr "Preferences..."
 #~ msgid "Workunit name"
 #~ msgstr "Darba vienības vārds"
@@ -4278,15 +4497,9 @@ msgstr "Iziet %s"
 #~ msgid "Your current account manager is:"
 #~ msgstr "Jūsu pašreizējais konta menedžeris ir:"
-#~ msgid "Name:"
-#~ msgstr "Vārds:"
 #~ msgid "foo"
 #~ msgstr "jebkas"
-#~ msgid "URL:"
-#~ msgstr "URL:"
 #~ msgid "&Update"
 #~ msgstr "A&ktualizēt"
diff --git a/locale/ms/BOINC-Client.mo b/locale/ms/BOINC-Client.mo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..00cc482
Binary files /dev/null and b/locale/ms/BOINC-Client.mo differ
diff --git a/locale/ms/BOINC-Manager.mo b/locale/ms/BOINC-Manager.mo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c1217e7
Binary files /dev/null and b/locale/ms/BOINC-Manager.mo differ
diff --git a/locale/ms/BOINC-Manager.po b/locale/ms/BOINC-Manager.po
index 8e3f67b..28bcc59 100644
--- a/locale/ms/BOINC-Manager.po
+++ b/locale/ms/BOINC-Manager.po
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ msgid ""
 msgstr ""
 "Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-02-02 00:00-0800\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-12-15 14:15-0500\n"
 "PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
 "Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL at ADDRESS>\n"
 "Language-Team: LANGUAGE <LL at li.org>\n"
@@ -15,37 +15,39 @@ msgstr ""
 "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
 "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
 "X-Generator: Translate Toolkit 1.10.0\n"
+"X-Poedit-Basepath: C:\\Src\\BOINCGIT\\boinc_7.4\n"
+"X-Poedit-SearchPath-0: clientgui\n"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:387
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:387
 #, c-format
 msgid "Identify your account at %s"
 msgstr ""
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:393
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:393
 msgid ""
 "Please enter your account information\n"
 "(to create an account, visit the project's web site)"
 msgstr ""
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:397
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:397
 msgid ""
 "This project is not currently accepting new accounts.\n"
 "You can add it only if you already have an account."
 msgstr ""
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:401
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:401
 msgid "Are you already running this project?"
 msgstr ""
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:405
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:405
 msgid "&No, new user"
 msgstr ""
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:408
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:408
 msgid "&Yes, existing user"
 msgstr ""
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:413
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:413
 msgid ""
 "We were not able to set up your account information\n"
@@ -55,466 +57,488 @@ msgid ""
 "password fields."
 msgstr ""
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:416
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:416
 msgid "Find login information"
 msgstr ""
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:436 AccountInfoPage.cpp:641
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:436
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:649
 msgid "&Password:"
 msgstr ""
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:443 AccountInfoPage.cpp:665
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:443
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:673
 msgid "Choose a &password:"
 msgstr ""
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:446
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:446
 msgid "C&onfirm password:"
 msgstr ""
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:453
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:453
 #, c-format
 msgid "Are you already running %s?"
 msgstr ""
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:482
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:482
 msgid "&Username:"
 msgstr ""
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:508
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:511
+msgid "&Email address or LDAP ID:"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:515
 msgid "&Email address:"
 msgstr ""
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:515
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:523
 #, c-format
 msgid "minimum length %d"
 msgstr ""
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:522
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:530
 msgid "Forgot your password?"
 msgstr ""
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:529
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:537
 msgid ""
 "If you have not yet registered with this account manager,\n"
 "please do so before proceeding.  Click on the link below\n"
 "to register or to retrieve a forgotten password."
 msgstr ""
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:532
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:540
 msgid "Account manager web site"
 msgstr ""
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:574 WelcomePage.cpp:348
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:582
 msgid "Add project"
 msgstr ""
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:576
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:584
 msgid "Update account manager"
 msgstr ""
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:578 WelcomePage.cpp:307 WelcomePage.cpp:321
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:586
 msgid "Use account manager"
 msgstr ""
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:585
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:593
 msgid "Please enter a user name."
 msgstr ""
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:587
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:595
 msgid "Please enter an email address."
 msgstr ""
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:597
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:605
 #, c-format
 msgid "Please enter a password of at least %d characters."
 msgstr ""
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:607
-msgid ""
-"The password and confirmation password do not match. Please type them again."
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:615
+msgid "The password and confirmation password do not match. Please type them again."
 msgstr ""
-#: AccountManagerInfoPage.cpp:272
+#: clientgui/AccountManagerInfoPage.cpp:272
 msgid "Choose an account manager"
 msgstr ""
-#: AccountManagerInfoPage.cpp:275
+#: clientgui/AccountManagerInfoPage.cpp:275
 msgid ""
 "To choose an account manager, click its name or \n"
 "type its URL below."
 msgstr ""
-#: AccountManagerInfoPage.cpp:279
+#: clientgui/AccountManagerInfoPage.cpp:279
 msgid "Account manager details:"
 msgstr ""
-#: AccountManagerInfoPage.cpp:283
+#: clientgui/AccountManagerInfoPage.cpp:283
 msgid "Account manager &URL:"
 msgstr ""
-#: AccountManagerInfoPage.cpp:287
+#: clientgui/AccountManagerInfoPage.cpp:287
 msgid "Open web page"
 msgstr ""
-#: AccountManagerInfoPage.cpp:290
+#: clientgui/AccountManagerInfoPage.cpp:290
 msgid "Visit this account manager's web site"
 msgstr ""
-#: AccountManagerProcessingPage.cpp:187 AccountManagerPropertiesPage.cpp:193
+#: clientgui/AccountManagerProcessingPage.cpp:186
+#: clientgui/AccountManagerPropertiesPage.cpp:192
 #, c-format
 msgid "Communicating with %s."
 msgstr ""
-#: AccountManagerProcessingPage.cpp:194 AccountManagerPropertiesPage.cpp:200
+#: clientgui/AccountManagerProcessingPage.cpp:193
+#: clientgui/AccountManagerPropertiesPage.cpp:199
 msgid "Communicating with server."
 msgstr ""
-#: AccountManagerProcessingPage.cpp:199 AccountManagerPropertiesPage.cpp:205
+#: clientgui/AccountManagerProcessingPage.cpp:198
+#: clientgui/AccountManagerPropertiesPage.cpp:204
 msgid "Please wait..."
 msgstr ""
-#: AccountManagerProcessingPage.cpp:326
+#: clientgui/AccountManagerProcessingPage.cpp:325
 msgid "An internal server error has occurred.\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:95
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:96
 msgid "Connected"
 msgstr ""
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:103
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:104
 msgid "Disconnected"
 msgstr ""
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:322 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:119
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:318
 #, c-format
 msgid "Close the %s window"
 msgstr ""
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:325 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:122
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:321
 msgid "&Close Window"
 msgstr ""
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:336 AdvancedFrame.cpp:343 AdvancedFrame.cpp:350
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:332
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:339
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:346
 #, c-format
 msgid "Exit %s"
 msgstr ""
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:371
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:359
+msgid "Preferences..."
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:368
 msgid "&Notices\tCtrl+Shift+N"
 msgstr ""
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:372
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:369
 msgid "Display notices"
 msgstr ""
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:377
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:374
 msgid "&Projects\tCtrl+Shift+P"
 msgstr ""
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:378
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:375
 msgid "Display projects"
 msgstr ""
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:383
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:380
 msgid "&Tasks\tCtrl+Shift+T"
 msgstr ""
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:384
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:381
 msgid "Display tasks"
 msgstr ""
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:389
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:386
 msgid "Trans&fers\tCtrl+Shift+X"
 msgstr ""
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:390
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:387
 msgid "Display transfers"
 msgstr ""
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:395
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:392
 msgid "&Statistics\tCtrl+Shift+S"
 msgstr ""
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:396
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:393
 msgid "Display statistics"
 msgstr ""
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:401
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:398
 msgid "&Disk usage\tCtrl+Shift+D"
 msgstr ""
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:402
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:399
 msgid "Display disk usage"
 msgstr ""
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:409
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:406
 msgid "Simple &View...\tCtrl+Shift+V"
 msgstr ""
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:410
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:407
 msgid "Display the simple graphical interface."
 msgstr ""
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:424
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:421
 msgid "&Add project or account manager..."
 msgstr ""
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:425 sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:76
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:422
 msgid "Volunteer for any or all of 30+ projects in many areas of science"
 msgstr ""
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:429
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:426
 #, c-format
 msgid "&Synchronize with %s"
 msgstr ""
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:433
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:430
 #, c-format
 msgid "Get current settings from %s"
 msgstr ""
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:443
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:440
 msgid "&Add project..."
 msgstr ""
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:444
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:441
 msgid "Add a project"
 msgstr ""
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:447
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:444
 #, c-format
 msgid "S&top using %s..."
 msgstr ""
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:453
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:450
 msgid "Remove this computer from account manager control."
 msgstr ""
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:458 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:178
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:455
 msgid "&Options..."
 msgstr ""
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:459 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:179
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:456
 msgid "Configure display options and proxy settings"
 msgstr ""
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:463 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:172
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:460
 msgid "Computing &preferences..."
 msgstr ""
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:464 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:173
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:461
 msgid "Configure computing preferences"
 msgstr ""
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:472
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:469
 msgid "&Run always"
 msgstr ""
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:473
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:470
 msgid "Allow work regardless of preferences"
 msgstr ""
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:477
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:474
 msgid "Run based on &preferences"
 msgstr ""
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:478
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:475
 msgid "Allow work according to preferences"
 msgstr ""
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:482
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:479
 msgid "&Suspend"
 msgstr ""
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:483
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:480
 msgid "Stop work regardless of preferences"
 msgstr ""
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:508
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:505
 msgid "Use GPU always"
 msgstr ""
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:509
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:506
 msgid "Allow GPU work regardless of preferences"
 msgstr ""
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:513
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:510
 msgid "Use GPU based on preferences"
 msgstr ""
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:514
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:511
 msgid "Allow GPU work according to preferences"
 msgstr ""
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:518
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:515
 msgid "Suspend GPU"
 msgstr ""
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:519
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:516
 msgid "Stop GPU work regardless of preferences"
 msgstr ""
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:543
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:540
 msgid "Network activity always available"
 msgstr ""
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:544
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:541
 msgid "Allow network activity regardless of preferences"
 msgstr ""
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:548
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:545
 msgid "Network activity based on preferences"
 msgstr ""
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:549
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:546
 msgid "Allow network activity according to preferences"
 msgstr ""
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:553
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:550
 msgid "Network activity suspended"
 msgstr ""
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:554
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:551
 msgid "Stop BOINC network activity"
 msgstr ""
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:564
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:561
 #, c-format
 msgid "Connect to another computer running %s"
 msgstr ""
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:569
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:566
 msgid "Select computer..."
 msgstr ""
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:574
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:571
 msgid "Shut down connected client..."
 msgstr ""
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:575
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:572
 msgid "Shut down the currently connected client"
 msgstr ""
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:579
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:576
 msgid "Run CPU &benchmarks"
 msgstr ""
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:580
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:577
 msgid "Runs BOINC CPU benchmarks"
 msgstr ""
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:584
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:581
 msgid "Do network communication"
 msgstr ""
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:585
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:582
 msgid "Do all pending network communication"
 msgstr ""
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:589
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:586
 msgid "Read config files"
 msgstr ""
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:590
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:587
 msgid "Read configuration info from cc_config.xml and any app_config.xml files"
 msgstr ""
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:594
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:591
 msgid "Read local prefs file"
 msgstr ""
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:595
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:592
 msgid "Read preferences from global_prefs_override.xml."
 msgstr ""
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:600
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:597
 #, c-format
 msgid "Launch another instance of %s..."
 msgstr ""
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:604
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:601
 #, c-format
 msgid "Launch another %s"
 msgstr ""
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:614
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:611
 msgid "Event Log...\tCtrl+Shift+E"
 msgstr ""
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:615
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:612
 msgid "Display diagnostic messages."
 msgstr ""
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:625 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:188
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:616
+msgid "Event Log Diagnostic Flags...\tCtrl+Shift+F"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:617
+msgid "Enable or disable various diagnostic messages"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:626
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s &help"
 msgstr ""
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:631 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:194
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:632
 #, c-format
 msgid "Show information about %s"
 msgstr ""
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:643
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:644
 #, c-format
 msgid "&%s help"
 msgstr ""
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:649 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:212
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:650
 #, c-format
 msgid "Show information about the %s"
 msgstr ""
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:661 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:224
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:662
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s &web site"
 msgstr ""
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:667 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:230
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:668
 #, c-format
 msgid "Show information about BOINC and %s"
 msgstr ""
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:679 BOINCTaskBar.cpp:530 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:242
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:680
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:544
 #, c-format
 msgid "&About %s..."
 msgstr ""
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:685 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:248
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:686
 msgid "Licensing and copyright information."
 msgstr ""
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:692 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:255
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:693
 msgid "&File"
 msgstr ""
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:696 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:259
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:697
 msgid "&View"
 msgstr ""
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:700 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:263
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:701
 msgid "&Tools"
 msgstr ""
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:704
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:705
 msgid "&Activity"
 msgstr ""
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:708
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:709
 msgid "A&dvanced"
 msgstr ""
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:712 DlgEventLog.cpp:332 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:267
-#: wizardex.cpp:374 wizardex.cpp:381
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:713
 msgid "&Help"
 msgstr ""
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:1199
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1185
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - Stop using %s"
 msgstr ""
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:1204
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1190
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "If you stop using %s,\n"
@@ -524,48 +548,48 @@ msgid ""
 "Do you want to stop using %s?"
 msgstr ""
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:1401
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1397
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - Shut down the current client..."
 msgstr ""
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:1410
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1406
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "%s will shut down the current client\n"
 "and prompt you for another host to connect to."
 msgstr ""
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:1745 DlgAbout.cpp:119
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1806
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s"
 msgstr ""
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:1754
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1815
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s has successfully added %s"
 msgstr ""
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:1893
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1953
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - (%s)"
 msgstr ""
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:1897
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1957
 #, c-format
 msgid "Connecting to %s"
 msgstr ""
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:1900
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1960
 #, c-format
 msgid "Connected to %s (%s)"
 msgstr ""
-#: AlreadyExistsPage.cpp:184
+#: clientgui/AlreadyExistsPage.cpp:184
 msgid "Username already in use"
 msgstr ""
-#: AlreadyExistsPage.cpp:187
+#: clientgui/AlreadyExistsPage.cpp:187
 msgid ""
 "An account with that username already exists and has a\n"
 "different password than the one you entered.\n"
@@ -573,11 +597,11 @@ msgid ""
 "Please visit the project's web site and follow the instructions there."
 msgstr ""
-#: AlreadyExistsPage.cpp:191
+#: clientgui/AlreadyExistsPage.cpp:191
 msgid "Email address already in use"
 msgstr ""
-#: AlreadyExistsPage.cpp:194
+#: clientgui/AlreadyExistsPage.cpp:194
 msgid ""
 "An account with that email address already exists and has a\n"
 "different password than the one you entered.\n"
@@ -585,162 +609,159 @@ msgid ""
 "Please visit the project's web site and follow the instructions there."
 msgstr ""
-#: AsyncRPC.cpp:1031
+#: clientgui/AsyncRPC.cpp:1031
 msgid "Communicating with BOINC client.  Please wait ..."
 msgstr ""
-#: AsyncRPC.cpp:1034
+#: clientgui/AsyncRPC.cpp:1034
 #, c-format
 msgid "&Quit %s"
 msgstr ""
-#: AsyncRPC.cpp:1036
+#: clientgui/AsyncRPC.cpp:1036
 #, c-format
 msgid "E&xit %s"
 msgstr ""
-#: AsyncRPC.cpp:1040
+#: clientgui/AsyncRPC.cpp:1040
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - Communication"
 msgstr ""
-#: AsyncRPC.cpp:1056 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:107 sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:433
+#: clientgui/AsyncRPC.cpp:1056
 msgid "Cancel"
 msgstr ""
-#: BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:505
+#: clientgui/BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:504
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - Connection Error"
 msgstr ""
-#: BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:514
+#: clientgui/BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:513
 msgid ""
 "You currently are not authorized to manage the client.\n"
-"Please contact your administrator to add you to the 'boinc_users' local user "
+"Please contact your administrator to add you to the 'boinc_users' local user group."
 msgstr ""
-#: BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:523
+#: clientgui/BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:522
 msgid ""
 "Authorization failed connecting to running client.\n"
 "Make sure you start this program in the same directory as the client."
 msgstr ""
-#: BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:525
+#: clientgui/BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:524
 msgid "Authorization failed connecting to running client."
 msgstr ""
-#: BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:533
+#: clientgui/BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:532
 msgid "The password you have provided is incorrect, please try again."
 msgstr ""
-#: BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:577
+#: clientgui/BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:576
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - Connection Failed"
 msgstr ""
-#: BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:586
+#: clientgui/BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:585
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "%s is not able to connect to a %s client.\n"
 "Would you like to try to connect again?"
 msgstr ""
-#: BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:622
+#: clientgui/BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:621
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - Daemon Start Failed"
 msgstr ""
-#: BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:632
+#: clientgui/BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:631
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "%s is not able to start a %s client.\n"
-"Please launch the Control Panel->Administative Tools->Services applet and "
-"start the BOINC service."
+"Please launch the Control Panel->Administative Tools->Services applet and start the BOINC service."
 msgstr ""
-#: BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:638
+#: clientgui/BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:637
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "%s is not able to start a %s client.\n"
 "Please start the daemon and try again."
 msgstr ""
-#: BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:689
+#: clientgui/BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:688
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - Connection Status"
 msgstr ""
-#: BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:700
+#: clientgui/BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:699
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "%s is not currently connected to a %s client.\n"
-"Please use the 'Advanced\\Select Computer...' menu option to connect up to a "
-"%s client.\n"
+"Please use the 'Advanced\\Select Computer...' menu option to connect up to a %s client.\n"
 "To connect up to your local computer please use 'localhost' as the host name."
 msgstr ""
-#: BOINCBaseView.cpp:779
+#: clientgui/BOINCBaseView.cpp:752
 msgid "Project web pages"
 msgstr ""
-#: BOINCClientManager.cpp:575
+#: clientgui/BOINCClientManager.cpp:573
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - Unexpected Exit"
 msgstr ""
-#: BOINCClientManager.cpp:585
+#: clientgui/BOINCClientManager.cpp:583
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "The %s client has exited unexpectedly 3 times within the last %d minutes.\n"
 "Would you like to restart it again?"
 msgstr ""
-#: BOINCDialupManager.cpp:61
+#: clientgui/BOINCDialupManager.cpp:61
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - Network Status"
 msgstr ""
-#: BOINCDialupManager.cpp:241
+#: clientgui/BOINCDialupManager.cpp:241
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "%s needs to connect to the Internet.\n"
 "May it do so now?"
 msgstr ""
-#: BOINCDialupManager.cpp:254
+#: clientgui/BOINCDialupManager.cpp:254
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s is connecting to the Internet."
 msgstr ""
-#: BOINCDialupManager.cpp:303
+#: clientgui/BOINCDialupManager.cpp:303
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s has successfully connected to the Internet."
 msgstr ""
-#: BOINCDialupManager.cpp:331
+#: clientgui/BOINCDialupManager.cpp:331
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s failed to connect to the Internet."
 msgstr ""
-#: BOINCDialupManager.cpp:372
+#: clientgui/BOINCDialupManager.cpp:372
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "%s has detected it is now connected to the Internet.\n"
 "Updating all projects and retrying all transfers."
 msgstr ""
-#: BOINCDialupManager.cpp:417
+#: clientgui/BOINCDialupManager.cpp:417
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s has successfully disconnected from the Internet."
 msgstr ""
-#: BOINCDialupManager.cpp:433
+#: clientgui/BOINCDialupManager.cpp:433
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s failed to disconnected from the Internet."
 msgstr ""
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:339
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:595
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "You currently are not authorized to manage the client.\n"
@@ -753,794 +774,838 @@ msgid ""
 "     user group."
 msgstr ""
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:345
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:601
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "%s ownership or permissions are not set properly; please reinstall %s.\n"
 "(Error code %d"
 msgstr ""
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:351
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:607
 msgid " at "
 msgstr ""
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:354 MainDocument.cpp:2484 MainDocument.cpp:2534
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2554 ViewTransfers.cpp:803
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:610
 msgid ")"
 msgstr ""
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:384
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:640
 msgid ""
 "A reboot is required in order for BOINC to run properly.\n"
 "Please reboot your computer and try again."
 msgstr ""
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:385 DlgAbout.cpp:153
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:641
 msgid "BOINC Manager"
 msgstr ""
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:572
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:902
 msgid "BOINC Manager was started by the operating system automatically"
 msgstr ""
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:574
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:904
 msgid "Startup BOINC so only the system tray icon is visible"
 msgstr ""
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:576
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:906
 msgid "Directory containing the BOINC Client executable"
 msgstr ""
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:577
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:907
 msgid "BOINC data directory"
 msgstr ""
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:579
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:909
 msgid "Host name or IP address"
 msgstr ""
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:580
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:910
 msgid "GUI RPC port number"
 msgstr ""
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:581
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:911
 msgid "Password"
 msgstr ""
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:582
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:912
 msgid "Startup BOINC with these optional arguments"
 msgstr ""
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:583
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:913
 msgid "disable BOINC security users and permissions"
 msgstr ""
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:584
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:914
 msgid "set skin debugging mode to enable skin manager error messages"
 msgstr ""
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:585
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:915
 msgid "multiple instances of BOINC Manager allowed"
 msgstr ""
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:587
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:917
 msgid "Not used: workaround for bug in XCode 4.2"
 msgstr ""
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:814
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:1164
 msgid "(Automatic Detection)"
 msgstr ""
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:815
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:1165
 msgid "(Unknown)"
 msgstr ""
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:816
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:1166
 msgid "(User Defined)"
 msgstr ""
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:508
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:522
 #, c-format
 msgid "Open %s Web..."
 msgstr ""
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:515
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:529
 #, c-format
 msgid "Open %s..."
 msgstr ""
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:522 BOINCTaskBar.cpp:619 BOINCTaskBar.cpp:627
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:536
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:633
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:641
 msgid "Snooze"
 msgstr ""
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:524 BOINCTaskBar.cpp:646 BOINCTaskBar.cpp:654
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:538
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:660
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:668
 msgid "Snooze GPU"
 msgstr ""
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:542
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:556
 msgid "E&xit"
 msgstr ""
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:612 ViewProjects.cpp:718 ViewWork.cpp:795
-#: sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:758 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:110
-#: sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:102
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:626
 msgid "Resume"
 msgstr ""
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:639
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:653
 msgid "Resume GPU"
 msgstr ""
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:713
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:727
 msgid "Computing is enabled"
 msgstr ""
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:717
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:731
 msgid "Computing is suspended - "
 msgstr ""
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:727
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:741
 msgid "GPU computing is enabled"
 msgstr ""
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:730
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:744
 msgid "GPU computing is suspended - "
 msgstr ""
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:739
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:753
 msgid "Network is enabled"
 msgstr ""
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:742
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:756
 msgid "Network is suspended - "
 msgstr ""
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:750
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:764
 msgid "Reconnecting to client."
 msgstr ""
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:752
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:766
 msgid "Not connected to a client."
 msgstr ""
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:805
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:819
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s Notices"
 msgstr ""
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:811
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:825
 msgid "There are new notices - click to view."
 msgstr ""
-#: CompletionErrorPage.cpp:199
+#: clientgui/CompletionErrorPage.cpp:199
 msgid "Failed to add project"
 msgstr ""
-#: CompletionErrorPage.cpp:204
+#: clientgui/CompletionErrorPage.cpp:204
 msgid "Failed to update account manager"
 msgstr ""
-#: CompletionErrorPage.cpp:208
+#: clientgui/CompletionErrorPage.cpp:208
 msgid "Failed to remove account manager"
 msgstr ""
-#: CompletionErrorPage.cpp:212
+#: clientgui/CompletionErrorPage.cpp:212
 msgid "Failed to add account manager"
 msgstr ""
-#: CompletionErrorPage.cpp:221
+#: clientgui/CompletionErrorPage.cpp:221
 msgid ""
 "Please try again later.\n"
 "Click Finish to close."
 msgstr ""
-#: CompletionErrorPage.cpp:225 CompletionPage.cpp:222 CompletionPage.cpp:242
-#: CompletionPage.cpp:273
+#: clientgui/CompletionErrorPage.cpp:225
+#: clientgui/CompletionPage.cpp:222
+#: clientgui/CompletionPage.cpp:242
+#: clientgui/CompletionPage.cpp:273
 msgid "Click Finish to close."
 msgstr ""
-#: CompletionErrorPage.cpp:234
+#: clientgui/CompletionErrorPage.cpp:234
 msgid "Messages from server:"
 msgstr ""
-#: CompletionPage.cpp:207
+#: clientgui/CompletionPage.cpp:207
 msgid "Project added"
 msgstr ""
-#: CompletionPage.cpp:213
+#: clientgui/CompletionPage.cpp:213
 msgid "This project has been successfully added."
 msgstr ""
-#: CompletionPage.cpp:218
+#: clientgui/CompletionPage.cpp:218
 msgid ""
 "When you click Finish, your web browser will go to a page where\n"
 "you can set your account name and preferences."
 msgstr ""
-#: CompletionPage.cpp:232
+#: clientgui/CompletionPage.cpp:232
 #, c-format
 msgid "Update from %s completed."
 msgstr ""
-#: CompletionPage.cpp:236
+#: clientgui/CompletionPage.cpp:236
 msgid "Update completed."
 msgstr ""
-#: CompletionPage.cpp:247
+#: clientgui/CompletionPage.cpp:247
 msgid "Now using account manager"
 msgstr ""
-#: CompletionPage.cpp:252
+#: clientgui/CompletionPage.cpp:252
 #, c-format
 msgid "Welcome to %s!"
 msgstr ""
-#: CompletionPage.cpp:263
+#: clientgui/CompletionPage.cpp:263
 #, c-format
 msgid "You are now using %s to manage accounts."
 msgstr ""
-#: CompletionPage.cpp:267
+#: clientgui/CompletionPage.cpp:267
 msgid "You are now using this account manager."
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgAbout.cpp:113 mac/Mac_GUI.cpp:96
+#: clientgui/DlgAbout.cpp:113
 #, c-format
 msgid "About %s"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgAbout.cpp:172
+#: clientgui/DlgAbout.cpp:172
 msgid "Version:"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgAbout.cpp:180
+#: clientgui/DlgAbout.cpp:180
 msgid "wxWidgets Version:"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgAbout.cpp:188
+#: clientgui/DlgAbout.cpp:188
 msgid "Copyright:"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgAbout.cpp:192
+#: clientgui/DlgAbout.cpp:192
 msgid ""
-"(C) 2003-2013 University of California, Berkeley.\n"
+"(C) 2003-2014 University of California, Berkeley.\n"
 "All Rights Reserved."
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgAbout.cpp:196
+#: clientgui/DlgAbout.cpp:196
 msgid "Berkeley Open Infrastructure for Network Computing"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgAbout.cpp:208 DlgExitMessage.cpp:173 DlgGenericMessage.cpp:120
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:396 DlgSelectComputer.cpp:163
+#: clientgui/DlgAbout.cpp:208
+#: clientgui/DlgExitMessage.cpp:173
+#: clientgui/DlgGenericMessage.cpp:120
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:399
+#: clientgui/DlgSelectComputer.cpp:163
 msgid "&OK"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:544
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:602
 msgid "invalid number"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:545
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:603
 msgid "invalid time, format is HH:MM"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:546
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:604
 msgid "invalid time interval, format is HH:MM-HH:MM"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:751
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:817
 msgid "invalid input value detected"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:753
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:819
 msgid "Validation Error"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:885 DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:891
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:897
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:969
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:975
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:981
 msgid "Applications to add"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:914
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:998
 #, c-format
 msgid "'%s' is not an executable application."
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:915 DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:962
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:986
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:999
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:1046
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:1070
 msgid "Add Exclusive App"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:927
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:1011
 msgid "Name of application to add?"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:927
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:1011
 msgid "Add exclusive app"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:961
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:1045
 #, c-format
 msgid "Application names must end with '%s'"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:985
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:1069
 #, c-format
 msgid "'%s' is already in the list."
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:1077
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:1161
 msgid ""
 "Do you really want to clear all local preferences?\n"
 "(This will not affect exclusive applications.)"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:1078 sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:1030
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:1162
 msgid "Confirmation"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:46 sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:946
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:49
 #, c-format
-msgid "%s - Preferences"
+msgid "%s - Computing preferences"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:62
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:66
 msgid ""
 "This dialog controls preferences for this computer only.\n"
 "Click OK to set preferences.\n"
 "Click Clear to restore web-based settings (except exclusive apps)."
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:65 sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:428
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:69
 msgid "Clear"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:66
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:70
 msgid "clear all local preferences and close the dialog"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:81
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:85
 msgid "processor usage"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:84
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:88
 msgid "network usage"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:87
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:91
 msgid "disk and memory usage"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:90
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:94
 msgid "exclusive applications"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:102 sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:424
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:107
+#: clientgui/DlgDiagnosticLogFlags.cpp:104
 msgid "OK"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:103
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:108
 msgid "save all values and close the dialog"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:108
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:114
 msgid "close the dialog without saving"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:112 Localization.cpp:35 Localization.cpp:121
-#: Localization.cpp:139 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:794 sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:439
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:118
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:35
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:121
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:139
 msgid "Help"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:113
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:119
 msgid "shows the preferences web page"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:135
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:141
 msgid "Computing allowed"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:139
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:146
 msgid "While computer is on batteries"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:142
-msgid ""
-"check this if you want this computer to do work while it runs on batteries"
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:149
+msgid "check this if you want this computer to do work while it runs on batteries"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:148
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:155
 msgid "While computer is in use"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:151
-msgid ""
-"check this if you want this computer to do work even when you're using it"
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:158
+msgid "check this if you want this computer to do work even when you're using it"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:157
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:164
 msgid "Use GPU while computer is in use"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:160
-msgid ""
-"check this if you want your GPU to do work even when you're using the "
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:167
+msgid "check this if you want your GPU to do work even when you're using the computer"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:172
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:179
 msgid "Only after computer has been idle for"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:182
-msgid ""
-"do work only after you haven't used the computer for this number of minutes"
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:188
+msgid "do work only after you haven't used the computer for this number of minutes"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:187 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:336
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:417
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:193
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:342
 msgid "minutes"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:206
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:212
 msgid "While processor usage is less than"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:216
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:221
 msgid "suspend work if processor usage exceeds this level"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:221
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:226
 msgid "percent (0 means no restriction)"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:235 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:496
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:240
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:506
 msgid "Every day between hours of"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:239
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:244
 msgid "start work at this time"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:243 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:504
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:326 sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:348
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:248
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:514
 msgid "and"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:247
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:252
 msgid "stop work at this time"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:251 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:512
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:256
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:522
 msgid "(no restriction if equal)"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:256 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:517
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:261
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:527
 msgid "Day-of-week override:"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:261 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:522
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:266
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:532
 msgid "check box to specify hours for this day of week"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:267 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:528
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:272
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:538
 msgid "Monday"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:274 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:535
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:279
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:545
 msgid "Tuesday"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:281 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:542
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:286
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:552
 msgid "Wednesday"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:288 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:549
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:293
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:559
 msgid "Thursday"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:295 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:556
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:300
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:566
 msgid "Friday"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:302 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:563
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:307
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:573
 msgid "Saturday"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:309 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:570
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:314
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:580
 msgid "Sunday"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:323
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:328
 msgid "Other options"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:330
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:336
 msgid "Switch between applications every"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:339
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:345
 msgid "On multiprocessor systems, use at most"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:346
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:352
 #, no-c-format
-msgid "% of the processors (0 means ignore this setting)"
+msgid "% of the processors (0 means no restriction)"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:349 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:605
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:627 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:648
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:669 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:679
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:355
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:618
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:640
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:661
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:683
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:694
 msgid "Use at most"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:356
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:362
 #, no-c-format
-msgid "% CPU time"
+msgid "% of CPU time (0 means no restriction)"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:378
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:386
 msgid "General options"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:386
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:395
 msgid "Maximum download rate"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:392 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:401
-msgid "KBytes/sec."
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:401
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:410
+msgid "KBytes/second (0 means no restriction)"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:395
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:404
 msgid "Maximum upload rate"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:406
-msgid "Transfer at most"
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:417
+msgid "Minimum work buffer"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:412
-msgid "Mbytes"
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:425
+msgid "Try to maintain enough tasks to keep busy for this many days"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:415
-msgid "every"
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:431
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:449
+msgid "days (maximum value: 10)"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:421 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:444
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:463
-msgid "days"
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:437
+msgid "Max additional work buffer"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:429
-msgid "Minimum work buffer"
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:445
+msgid "In addition, maintain enough tasks for up to this many days"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:438
-msgid "Try to maintain enough tasks to keep busy for this many days"
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:454
+msgid "Transfer at most"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:450
-msgid "Max additional work buffer"
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:462
+msgid "MBytes every"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:459
-msgid "In addition, maintain enough tasks for up to this many days"
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:468
+msgid "days (0 means no restriction)"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:466
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:476
 msgid "Skip image file verification"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:468
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:478
 msgid "check this if your Internet provider modifies image files"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:476
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:484
 msgid "Connect options"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:478
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:487
 msgid "Confirm before connecting to internet"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:480
-msgid ""
-"if checked, a confirmation dialog will be displayed before trying to connect "
-"to the Internet"
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:489
+msgid "if checked, a confirmation dialog will be displayed before trying to connect to the Internet"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:484
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:493
 msgid "Disconnect when done"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:486
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:495
 msgid ""
 "if checked, BOINC hangs up when network usage is done\n"
 "(only relevant for dialup-connection)"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:492
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:501
 msgid "Network usage allowed"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:500
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:510
 msgid "network usage start hour"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:508
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:518
 msgid "network usage stop hour"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:598 DlgItemProperties.cpp:231
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:610
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:257
 msgid "Disk usage"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:609
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:622
 msgid "the maximum disk space used by BOINC (in Gigabytes)"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:613
-msgid "Gigabytes disk space"
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:626
+msgid "Gigabytes disk space (0 means no restriction)"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:616
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:629
 msgid "Leave at least"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:620
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:633
 msgid "BOINC leaves at least this amount of disk space free (in Gigabytes)"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:624
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:637
 msgid "Gigabytes disk space free"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:631
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:644
 msgid "BOINC uses at most this percentage of total disk space"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:636
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:649
 #, no-c-format
 msgid "% of total disk space"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:639
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:652
 msgid "Tasks checkpoint to disk at most every"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:645
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:658
 msgid "seconds"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:655
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:668
 #, no-c-format
 msgid "% of page file (swap space)"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:662
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:675
 msgid "Memory usage"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:676
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:691
 #, no-c-format
 msgid "% when computer is in use"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:686
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:701
 #, no-c-format
 msgid "% when computer is idle"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:691
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:706
 msgid "Leave applications in memory while suspended"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:693
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:708
 msgid "if checked, suspended work units are left in memory"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:713
-msgid ""
-"Suspend processor and network usage when these applications are running:"
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:728
+msgid "Suspend processor and network usage when these applications are running:"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:722
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:738
 msgid "Add..."
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:723
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:739
 msgid "Add an application to this list"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:728 ViewProjects.cpp:202
-#: sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:85
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:744
 msgid "Remove"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:729
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:745
 msgid "Remove an application from this list"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:738
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:754
 msgid "For advanced options, refer to "
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:219
+#: clientgui/DlgDiagnosticLogFlags.cpp:65
+#, c-format
+msgid "%s Diagnostic Log Flags"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/DlgDiagnosticLogFlags.cpp:83
+msgid "These flags enable various types of diagnostic messages in the Event Log."
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/DlgDiagnosticLogFlags.cpp:105
+msgid "Save all values and close the dialog"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/DlgDiagnosticLogFlags.cpp:108
+msgid "Defaults"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/DlgDiagnosticLogFlags.cpp:109
+msgid "Restore default settings"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/DlgDiagnosticLogFlags.cpp:113
+msgid "Close the dialog without saving"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:226
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - Event Log"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:232 ViewMessages.cpp:117 ViewProjects.cpp:219
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:435 ViewStatistics.cpp:2009 ViewTransfers.cpp:182
-#: ViewWork.cpp:232
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:236
 msgid "Project"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:233 ViewMessages.cpp:118
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:237
 msgid "Time"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:234 ViewMessages.cpp:119
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:238
 msgid "Message"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:290 DlgEventLog.cpp:354
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:300
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:364
 msgid "&Show only this project"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:294
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:304
 msgid "Copy &All"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:296 DlgEventLog.cpp:300 ViewMessages.cpp:89
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:306
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:310
 msgid "Copy all the messages to the clipboard."
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:305
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:315
 msgid "Copy &Selected"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:308 DlgEventLog.cpp:316 ViewMessages.cpp:97
-msgid ""
-"Copy the selected messages to the clipboard. You can select multiple "
-"messages by holding down the shift or command key while clicking on messages."
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:318
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:326
+msgid "Copy the selected messages to the clipboard. You can select multiple messages by holding down the shift or command key while clicking on messages."
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:310 DlgEventLog.cpp:318 ViewMessages.cpp:99
-msgid ""
-"Copy the selected messages to the clipboard. You can select multiple "
-"messages by holding down the shift or control key while clicking on messages."
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:320
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:328
+msgid "Copy the selected messages to the clipboard. You can select multiple messages by holding down the shift or control key while clicking on messages."
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:325 DlgItemProperties.cpp:67
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:335
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:67
 msgid "&Close"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:334 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:798 sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:442
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:344
 #, c-format
 msgid "Get help with %s"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:348
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:358
 msgid "Show all &messages"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:349 DlgEventLog.cpp:351
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:359
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:361
 msgid "Show messages for all projects"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:355 DlgEventLog.cpp:357
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:365
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:367
 msgid "Show only the messages for the selected project"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgExitMessage.cpp:82
+#: clientgui/DlgExitMessage.cpp:82
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - Exit Confirmation"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgExitMessage.cpp:130
+#: clientgui/DlgExitMessage.cpp:130
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "You have requested to exit the %s,\n"
@@ -1551,7 +1616,7 @@ msgid ""
 "choose from the following options:"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgExitMessage.cpp:135
+#: clientgui/DlgExitMessage.cpp:135
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "This will shut down %s and its tasks until either the\n"
@@ -1562,814 +1627,842 @@ msgid ""
 "tasks at the times you selected in your preferences."
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgExitMessage.cpp:153
+#: clientgui/DlgExitMessage.cpp:153
 #, c-format
 msgid "Stop running tasks when exiting the %s"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgExitMessage.cpp:165
+#: clientgui/DlgExitMessage.cpp:165
 msgid "Remember this decision and do not show this dialog."
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgExitMessage.cpp:178 DlgGenericMessage.cpp:125 DlgOptions.cpp:401
-#: DlgSelectComputer.cpp:168 wizardex.cpp:378
+#: clientgui/DlgExitMessage.cpp:178
+#: clientgui/DlgGenericMessage.cpp:125
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:404
+#: clientgui/DlgSelectComputer.cpp:168
 msgid "&Cancel"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgGenericMessage.cpp:112
+#: clientgui/DlgGenericMessage.cpp:112
 msgid "Don't show this dialog again."
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:168 DlgItemProperties.cpp:171
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:174 DlgItemProperties.cpp:177
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:194
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:197
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:200
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:203
 msgid "Don't fetch tasks for "
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:168
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:194
 msgid "Project preference"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:171
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:197
 msgid "Account manager preference"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:174
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:200
 msgid "Project has no apps for "
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:177
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:203
 msgid "Client configuration excludes "
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:181
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:207
 msgid " work fetch deferred for"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:182
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:208
 msgid " work fetch deferral interval"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:213
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:239
 msgid "Properties of project "
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:217 DlgOptions.cpp:218
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:243
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:221
 msgid "General"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:218
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:244
 msgid "Master URL"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:219
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:245
 msgid "User name"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:220
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:246
 msgid "Team name"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:221 ViewProjects.cpp:224
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:247
 msgid "Resource share"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:223
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:249
 msgid "Scheduler RPC deferred for"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:226
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:252
 msgid "File downloads deferred for"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:229
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:255
 msgid "File uploads deferred for"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:232
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:258
 msgid "Computer ID"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:234
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:260
 msgid "Non CPU intensive"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:234 DlgItemProperties.cpp:236
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:237 DlgItemProperties.cpp:239
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:242 DlgItemProperties.cpp:251
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:254 DlgItemProperties.cpp:257
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:260
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:262
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:263
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:265
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:268
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:277
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:280
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:283
 msgid "yes"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:236
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:262
 msgid "Suspended via GUI"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:236 DlgItemProperties.cpp:237
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:262
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:263
 msgid "no"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:237
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:263
 msgid "Don't request more work"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:239
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:265
 msgid "Scheduler call in progress"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:242
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:268
 msgid "Trickle-up pending"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:245 DlgItemProperties.cpp:247
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:271
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:273
 msgid "Host location"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:247
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:273
 msgid "default"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:251
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:277
 msgid "Added via account manager"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:254
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:280
 msgid "Remove when tasks done"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:257
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:283
 msgid "Ended"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:259
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:285
+msgid "Tasks completed"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:286
+msgid "Tasks failed"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:288
 msgid "Credit"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:260
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:289
 msgid "User"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:267
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:296
 msgid "Host"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:276
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:305
 msgid "Scheduling"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:277
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:306
 msgid "Scheduling priority"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:278
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:307
 msgid "CPU"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:302
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:331
 msgid "Duration correction factor"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:316
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:345
 msgid "Properties of task "
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:328 ViewWork.cpp:238
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:357
 msgid "Application"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:329 ViewWork.cpp:239
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:358
 msgid "Name"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:330
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:359
 msgid "State"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:333
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:362
 msgid "Received"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:336
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:365
 msgid "Report deadline"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:338
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:367
 msgid "Resources"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:341
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:370
 msgid "Estimated computation size"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:344
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:373
 msgid "CPU time at last checkpoint"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:345 DlgItemProperties.cpp:360
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:374
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:389
 msgid "CPU time"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:347 DlgItemProperties.cpp:361
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:376
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:390
 msgid "Elapsed time"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:349
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:378
 msgid "Estimated time remaining"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:350
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:379
 msgid "Fraction done"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:351
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:380
 msgid "Virtual memory size"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:352
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:381
 msgid "Working set size"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:354
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:383
 msgid "Directory"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:357
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:386
 msgid "Process ID"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:427 ViewWork.cpp:1032 sg_TaskPanel.cpp:823
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:456
 msgid "Local: "
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:129 DlgOptions.cpp:135
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:129
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:135
 msgid "Options"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:175
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:178
 msgid "Language:"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:182
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:185
 msgid "What language should BOINC use?"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:186
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:189
 msgid "Notice reminder interval:"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:193
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:196
 msgid "How often should BOINC remind you of new notices?"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:198
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:201
 msgid "Run Manager at login?"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:204
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:207
 msgid "Run the BOINC Manager when you log on."
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:209
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:212
 msgid "Enable Manager exit dialog?"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:215
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:218
 msgid "Display the exit dialog when shutting down the Manager."
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:226
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:229
 msgid "Dial-up and Virtual Private Network settings"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:240
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:243
 msgid "&Set Default"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:245
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:248
 msgid "&Clear Default"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:252
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:255
 msgid "Default Connection:"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:259
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:262
 msgid "Connections"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:268
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:271
 msgid "Connect via HTTP proxy server"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:272
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:275
 msgid "HTTP Proxy Server Configuration"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:280 DlgOptions.cpp:344
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:283
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:347
 msgid "Address:"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:288 DlgOptions.cpp:352 ProxyPage.cpp:340 ProxyPage.cpp:360
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:291
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:355
 msgid "Port:"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:296 DlgOptions.cpp:360
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:299
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:363
 msgid "Don't use proxy for:"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:303 DlgOptions.cpp:367
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:306
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:370
 msgid "Leave these blank if not needed"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:309 DlgOptions.cpp:373 ProxyPage.cpp:343 ProxyPage.cpp:363
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:312
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:376
 msgid "User Name:"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:317 DlgOptions.cpp:381 DlgSelectComputer.cpp:152
-#: ProxyPage.cpp:346 ProxyPage.cpp:366
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:320
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:384
+#: clientgui/DlgSelectComputer.cpp:152
 msgid "Password:"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:324
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:327
 msgid "HTTP Proxy"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:332
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:335
 msgid "Connect via SOCKS proxy server"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:336
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:339
 msgid "SOCKS Proxy Server Configuration"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:388
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:391
 msgid "SOCKS Proxy"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:586
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:589
 msgid "always"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:587
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:590
 msgid "1 hour"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:588
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:591
 msgid "6 hours"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:589
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:592
 msgid "1 day"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:590
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:593
 msgid "1 week"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:591
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:594
 msgid "never"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:688
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:691
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - Language Selection"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:695
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:698
 #, c-format
-msgid ""
-"The %s's language has been changed.  In order for this change to take "
-"effect, you must restart the %s."
+msgid "The %s's language has been changed.  In order for this change to take effect, you must restart the %s."
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgSelectComputer.cpp:91
+#: clientgui/DlgSelectComputer.cpp:91
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - Select Computer"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgSelectComputer.cpp:125
+#: clientgui/DlgSelectComputer.cpp:125
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "Another instance of %s is already running \n"
 "on this computer.  Please select a client to monitor."
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgSelectComputer.cpp:143
+#: clientgui/DlgSelectComputer.cpp:143
 msgid "Host name:"
 msgstr ""
-#: Localization.cpp:31 Localization.cpp:69
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:31
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:69
 msgid "Message boards"
 msgstr ""
-#: Localization.cpp:33
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:33
 msgid "Correspond with other users on the SETI at home message boards"
 msgstr ""
-#: Localization.cpp:37
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:37
 msgid "Ask questions and report problems"
 msgstr ""
-#: Localization.cpp:39 Localization.cpp:81 Localization.cpp:111
-#: Localization.cpp:129
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:39
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:81
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:111
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:129
 msgid "Your account"
 msgstr ""
-#: Localization.cpp:41 Localization.cpp:87 Localization.cpp:113
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:41
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:87
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:113
 msgid "View your account information and credit totals"
 msgstr ""
-#: Localization.cpp:43
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:43
 msgid "Your preferences"
 msgstr ""
-#: Localization.cpp:45
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:45
 msgid "View and modify your SETI at home account profile and preferences"
 msgstr ""
-#: Localization.cpp:47 Localization.cpp:89
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:47
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:89
 msgid "Your results"
 msgstr ""
-#: Localization.cpp:49 Localization.cpp:91
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:49
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:91
 msgid "View your last week (or more) of computational results and work"
 msgstr ""
-#: Localization.cpp:51 Localization.cpp:93
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:51
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:93
 msgid "Your computers"
 msgstr ""
-#: Localization.cpp:53
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:53
 msgid "View a listing of all the computers on which you are running SETI at Home"
 msgstr ""
-#: Localization.cpp:55 Localization.cpp:97
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:55
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:97
 msgid "Your team"
 msgstr ""
-#: Localization.cpp:57 Localization.cpp:99
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:57
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:99
 msgid "View information about your team"
 msgstr ""
-#: Localization.cpp:61
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:61
 msgid "Common questions"
 msgstr ""
-#: Localization.cpp:63
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:63
 msgid "Read the Einstein at Home Frequently Asked Question list"
 msgstr ""
-#: Localization.cpp:65
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:65
 msgid "Screensaver info"
 msgstr ""
-#: Localization.cpp:67
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:67
 msgid "Read a detailed description of the Einstein at Home screensaver"
 msgstr ""
-#: Localization.cpp:71
-msgid ""
-"Correspond with admins and other users on the Einstein at Home message boards"
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:71
+msgid "Correspond with admins and other users on the Einstein at Home message boards"
 msgstr ""
-#: Localization.cpp:73
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:73
 msgid "Einstein status"
 msgstr ""
-#: Localization.cpp:75
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:75
 msgid "Current status of the Einstein at Home server"
 msgstr ""
-#: Localization.cpp:77
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:77
 msgid "Report problems"
 msgstr ""
-#: Localization.cpp:79
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:79
 msgid "A link to the Einstein at Home problems and bug reports message board"
 msgstr ""
-#: Localization.cpp:83
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:83
 msgid "View and modify your Einstein at Home account profile and preferences"
 msgstr ""
-#: Localization.cpp:85
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:85
 msgid "Account summary"
 msgstr ""
-#: Localization.cpp:95
-msgid ""
-"View a listing of all the computers on which you are running Einstein at Home"
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:95
+msgid "View a listing of all the computers on which you are running Einstein at Home"
 msgstr ""
-#: Localization.cpp:101
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:101
 msgid "LIGO project"
 msgstr ""
-#: Localization.cpp:103
-msgid ""
-"The home page of the Laser Interferometer Gravitational-wave Observatory "
-"(LIGO) project"
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:103
+msgid "The home page of the Laser Interferometer Gravitational-wave Observatory (LIGO) project"
 msgstr ""
-#: Localization.cpp:105
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:105
 msgid "GEO-600 project"
 msgstr ""
-#: Localization.cpp:107
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:107
 msgid "The home page of the GEO-600 project"
 msgstr ""
-#: Localization.cpp:115 Localization.cpp:133 ViewProjects.cpp:221
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:465
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:115
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:133
 msgid "Team"
 msgstr ""
-#: Localization.cpp:117
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:117
 msgid "Info about your Team"
 msgstr ""
-#: Localization.cpp:123
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:123
 msgid "Get help for climateprediction.net"
 msgstr ""
-#: Localization.cpp:125
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:125
 msgid "News"
 msgstr ""
-#: Localization.cpp:127
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:127
 msgid "climateprediction.net News"
 msgstr ""
-#: Localization.cpp:131
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:131
 msgid "View your account information, credits, and trickles"
 msgstr ""
-#: Localization.cpp:135
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:135
 msgid "Info about your team"
 msgstr ""
-#: Localization.cpp:141
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:141
 msgid "Search for help in our help system"
 msgstr ""
-#: Localization.cpp:143
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:143
 msgid "Global Statistics"
 msgstr ""
-#: Localization.cpp:145
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:145
 msgid "Summary statistics for World Community Grid"
 msgstr ""
-#: Localization.cpp:147
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:147
 msgid "My Grid"
 msgstr ""
-#: Localization.cpp:149
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:149
 msgid "Your statistics and settings"
 msgstr ""
-#: Localization.cpp:151
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:151
 msgid "Device Profiles"
 msgstr ""
-#: Localization.cpp:153
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:153
 msgid "Update your device settings"
 msgstr ""
-#: Localization.cpp:155
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:155
 msgid "Research"
 msgstr ""
-#: Localization.cpp:157
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:157
 msgid "Learn about the projects hosted at World Community Grid"
 msgstr ""
-#: MainDocument.cpp:583
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:583
 msgid "Starting client"
 msgstr ""
-#: MainDocument.cpp:591
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:591
 msgid "Connecting to client"
 msgstr ""
-#: MainDocument.cpp:1195
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:1205
 msgid "Retrieving system state; please wait..."
 msgstr ""
-#: MainDocument.cpp:1816
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:1826
 msgid "Missing application"
 msgstr ""
-#: MainDocument.cpp:1817
-msgid ""
-"Please download and install the CoRD application from http://cord."
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:1827
+msgid "Please download and install the CoRD application from http://cord.sourceforge.net"
 msgstr ""
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2432
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2442
 msgid "on batteries"
 msgstr ""
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2433
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2443
 msgid "computer is in use"
 msgstr ""
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2434
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2444
 msgid "user request"
 msgstr ""
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2435
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2445
 msgid "time of day"
 msgstr ""
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2436
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2446
 msgid "CPU benchmarks in progress"
 msgstr ""
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2437
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2447
 msgid "need disk space - check preferences"
 msgstr ""
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2438
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2448
 msgid "computer is not in use"
 msgstr ""
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2439
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2449
 msgid "starting up"
 msgstr ""
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2440
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2450
 msgid "an exclusive app is running"
 msgstr ""
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2441
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2451
 msgid "CPU is busy"
 msgstr ""
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2442
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2452
 msgid "network bandwidth limit exceeded"
 msgstr ""
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2443
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2453
 msgid "requested by operating system"
 msgstr ""
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2445
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2455
 msgid "unknown reason"
 msgstr ""
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2467
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2477
 msgid "GPU missing, "
 msgstr ""
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2474
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2484
 msgid "New"
 msgstr ""
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2478
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2488
 msgid "Download failed"
 msgstr ""
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2480
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2490
 msgid "Downloading"
 msgstr ""
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2482 MainDocument.cpp:2552
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2492
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2557
 msgid " (suspended - "
 msgstr ""
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2490
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2500
 msgid "Project suspended by user"
 msgstr ""
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2492
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2502
 msgid "Task suspended by user"
 msgstr ""
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2494
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2504
 msgid "Suspended - "
 msgstr ""
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2500
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2510
 msgid "GPU suspended - "
 msgstr ""
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2507
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2517
 msgid "Waiting for memory"
 msgstr ""
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2509
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2519
 msgid "Waiting for shared memory"
 msgstr ""
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2512
-msgid "Running, high priority"
-msgstr ""
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2514
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2521
 msgid "Running"
 msgstr ""
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2517
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2523
 msgid " (non-CPU-intensive)"
 msgstr ""
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2520
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2526
 msgid "Waiting to run"
 msgstr ""
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2522 MainDocument.cpp:2528
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2528
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2534
 msgid "Ready to start"
 msgstr ""
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2532
-msgid " (Scheduler wait: "
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2538
+msgid "Postponed: "
 msgstr ""
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2536
-msgid " (Scheduler wait)"
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2541
+msgid "Postponed"
 msgstr ""
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2540
-msgid " (Waiting for network access)"
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2545
+msgid "Waiting for network access"
 msgstr ""
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2544
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2549
 msgid "Computation error"
 msgstr ""
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2548
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2553
 msgid "Upload failed"
 msgstr ""
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2550
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2555
 msgid "Uploading"
 msgstr ""
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2561
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2566
 msgid "Aborted by user"
 msgstr ""
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2564
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2569
 msgid "Aborted by project"
 msgstr ""
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2567
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2572
 msgid "Aborted: not started by deadline"
 msgstr ""
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2570
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2575
 msgid "Aborted: disk limit exceeded"
 msgstr ""
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2573
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2578
 msgid "Aborted: run time limit exceeded"
 msgstr ""
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2576
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2581
 msgid "Aborted: memory limit exceeded"
 msgstr ""
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2579
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2584
 msgid "Aborted"
 msgstr ""
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2584
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2589
 msgid "Acknowledged"
 msgstr ""
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2586
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2591
 msgid "Ready to report"
 msgstr ""
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2588
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2593
 #, c-format
 msgid "Error: invalid state '%d'"
 msgstr ""
-#: NoInternetConnectionPage.cpp:179
+#: clientgui/NoInternetConnectionPage.cpp:179
 msgid "No Internet connection"
 msgstr ""
-#: NoInternetConnectionPage.cpp:182
+#: clientgui/NoInternetConnectionPage.cpp:182
 msgid "Please connect to the Internet and try again."
 msgstr ""
-#: NotDetectedPage.cpp:181
+#: clientgui/NotDetectedPage.cpp:181
 msgid "Project not found"
 msgstr ""
-#: NotDetectedPage.cpp:184
+#: clientgui/NotDetectedPage.cpp:184
 msgid ""
 "The URL you supplied is not that of a BOINC-based project.\n"
 "Please check the URL and try again."
 msgstr ""
-#: NotDetectedPage.cpp:188
+#: clientgui/NotDetectedPage.cpp:188
 msgid "Account manager not found"
 msgstr ""
-#: NotDetectedPage.cpp:191
+#: clientgui/NotDetectedPage.cpp:191
 msgid ""
 "The URL you supplied is not that of a BOINC-based account\n"
@@ -2377,99 +2470,137 @@ msgid ""
 "Please check the URL and try again."
 msgstr ""
-#: NotFoundPage.cpp:181
+#: clientgui/NotFoundPage.cpp:181
 msgid "Login Failed."
 msgstr ""
-#: NotFoundPage.cpp:185
+#: clientgui/NotFoundPage.cpp:185
 msgid "Check the username and password, and try again."
 msgstr ""
-#: NotFoundPage.cpp:189
+#: clientgui/NotFoundPage.cpp:189
 msgid "Check the email address and password, and try again."
 msgstr ""
-#: NoticeListCtrl.cpp:222
+#: clientgui/NoticeListCtrl.cpp:229
 msgid "more..."
 msgstr ""
-#: ProjectInfoPage.cpp:477 ProjectInfoPage.cpp:778 ProjectInfoPage.cpp:782
-msgid "All"
-msgstr ""
-#: ProjectInfoPage.cpp:615
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:221
 msgid "Choose a project"
 msgstr ""
-#: ProjectInfoPage.cpp:619
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:228
 msgid "To choose a project, click its name or type its URL below."
 msgstr ""
-#: ProjectInfoPage.cpp:623
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:246
 msgid "Categories:"
 msgstr ""
-#: ProjectInfoPage.cpp:627 sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:89
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:267
 msgid "Projects:"
 msgstr ""
-#: ProjectInfoPage.cpp:631
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:279
 msgid "Project details"
 msgstr ""
-#: ProjectInfoPage.cpp:635
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:291
 msgid "Research area:"
 msgstr ""
-#: ProjectInfoPage.cpp:639
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:302
 msgid "Organization:"
 msgstr ""
-#: ProjectInfoPage.cpp:643
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:313
 msgid "Web site:"
 msgstr ""
-#: ProjectInfoPage.cpp:647
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:325
 msgid "Supported systems:"
 msgstr ""
-#: ProjectInfoPage.cpp:651
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:363
 msgid "Project URL:"
 msgstr ""
-#: ProjectInfoPage.cpp:826
-msgid ""
-"This project may not have work for your type of computer.  Do you want to "
-"add it anyway?"
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:499
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:754
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:758
+msgid "All"
 msgstr ""
-#: ProjectInfoPage.cpp:850
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:802
+msgid "This project may not have work for your type of computer.  Do you want to add it anyway?"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:826
 msgid "You already added this project. Please choose a different project."
 msgstr ""
-#: ProjectProcessingPage.cpp:321
+#: clientgui/ProjectProcessingPage.cpp:321
 msgid "Communicating with project."
 msgstr ""
-#: ProjectProcessingPage.cpp:509
+#: clientgui/ProjectProcessingPage.cpp:510
 msgid "Required files not found on the server."
 msgstr ""
-#: ProjectProcessingPage.cpp:512 ProjectProcessingPage.cpp:574
+#: clientgui/ProjectProcessingPage.cpp:513
+#: clientgui/ProjectProcessingPage.cpp:586
 msgid "An internal server error has occurred."
 msgstr ""
-#: ProjectPropertiesPage.cpp:334
+#: clientgui/ProjectPropertiesPage.cpp:334
 msgid ""
 "Communicating with project\n"
 "Please wait..."
 msgstr ""
-#: ProxyInfoPage.cpp:195
+#: clientgui/ProjectWelcomePage.cpp:251
+#, c-format
+msgid "Welcome to %s."
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ProjectWelcomePage.cpp:254
+msgid "You have volunteered to compute for this project:"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ProjectWelcomePage.cpp:255
+msgid "Name:"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ProjectWelcomePage.cpp:258
+msgid "Home:"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ProjectWelcomePage.cpp:262
+msgid "Description:"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ProjectWelcomePage.cpp:265
+msgid "URL:"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ProjectWelcomePage.cpp:268
+msgid "User:"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ProjectWelcomePage.cpp:273
+msgid "WARNING: This project is not registered with BOINC.  Make sure you trust it before continuing."
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ProjectWelcomePage.cpp:277
+msgid "To continue, click Next."
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ProxyInfoPage.cpp:195
 msgid "Network communication failure"
 msgstr ""
-#: ProxyInfoPage.cpp:199
+#: clientgui/ProxyInfoPage.cpp:199
 msgid ""
 "The World Community Grid - BOINC software failed to communicate\n"
 "over the Internet. The most likely reasons are:\n"
@@ -2486,7 +2617,7 @@ msgid ""
 "Click Next to configure BOINC's proxy settings."
 msgstr ""
-#: ProxyInfoPage.cpp:203
+#: clientgui/ProxyInfoPage.cpp:203
 msgid ""
 "BOINC failed to communicate on the Internet.\n"
 "The most likely reasons are:\n"
@@ -2503,1203 +2634,1246 @@ msgid ""
 "Click Next to configure BOINC's proxy settings."
 msgstr ""
-#: ProxyPage.cpp:331
+#: clientgui/ProxyPage.cpp:331
 msgid "Proxy configuration"
 msgstr ""
-#: ProxyPage.cpp:334
+#: clientgui/ProxyPage.cpp:334
 msgid "HTTP proxy"
 msgstr ""
-#: ProxyPage.cpp:337 ProxyPage.cpp:357
+#: clientgui/ProxyPage.cpp:337
+#: clientgui/ProxyPage.cpp:357
 msgid "Server:"
 msgstr ""
-#: ProxyPage.cpp:350
+#: clientgui/ProxyPage.cpp:350
 msgid "Autodetect"
 msgstr ""
-#: ProxyPage.cpp:354
+#: clientgui/ProxyPage.cpp:354
 msgid "SOCKS proxy"
 msgstr ""
-#: TermsOfUsePage.cpp:218
-msgid "Terms of Use"
+#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:167
+msgid "Advanced View...\tCtrl+Shift+A"
 msgstr ""
-#: TermsOfUsePage.cpp:222
-msgid "Please read the following terms of use:"
+#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:168
+msgid "Display the advanced graphical interface."
 msgstr ""
-#: TermsOfUsePage.cpp:231
-msgid "I agree to the terms of use."
+#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:175
+msgid "Skin"
 msgstr ""
-#: TermsOfUsePage.cpp:237
-msgid "I do not agree to the terms of use."
+#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:177
+msgid "Select the appearance of the user interface."
 msgstr ""
-#: UnavailablePage.cpp:183
-msgid "Project temporarily unavailable"
+#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:224
+#, c-format
+msgid "&%s"
 msgstr ""
-#: UnavailablePage.cpp:186
-msgid ""
-"The project is temporarily unavailable.\n"
-"Please try again later."
+#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:405
+msgid "Default"
 msgstr ""
-#: UnavailablePage.cpp:190
-msgid "Account manager temporarily unavailable"
+#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:848
+msgid "Suspend"
 msgstr ""
-#: UnavailablePage.cpp:193
-msgid ""
-"The account manager is temporarily unavailable.\n"
-"Please try again later."
+#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:850
+msgid "Suspend Computing"
 msgstr ""
-#: ValidateAccountKey.cpp:68
-msgid "Please specify an account key to continue."
+#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:851
+msgid "Resume Computing"
 msgstr ""
-#: ValidateAccountKey.cpp:71
-msgid "Invalid Account Key; please enter a valid Account Key"
+#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:867
+msgid "Notices"
 msgstr ""
-#: ValidateAccountKey.cpp:82 ValidateEmailAddress.cpp:86
-msgid "Validation conflict"
+#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:868
+msgid "Open a window to view notices from projects or BOINC"
 msgstr ""
-#: ValidateEmailAddress.cpp:72
-msgid "Please specify an email address"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgMessages.cpp:124
+msgid "Fetching notices; please wait..."
 msgstr ""
-#: ValidateEmailAddress.cpp:75
-msgid "Invalid email address; please enter a valid email address"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgMessages.cpp:132
+msgid "There are no notices at this time."
 msgstr ""
-#: ValidateURL.cpp:69
-msgid "Missing URL"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgMessages.cpp:146
+msgid "Close"
 msgstr ""
-#: ValidateURL.cpp:70
-msgid ""
-"Please specify a URL.\n"
-"For example:\n"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgMessages.cpp:394
+#, c-format
+msgid "%s - Notices"
 msgstr ""
-#: ValidateURL.cpp:83 ValidateURL.cpp:87 ValidateURL.cpp:91
-#: ValidateURL.cpp:103 ValidateURL.cpp:107 ValidateURL.cpp:110
-msgid "Invalid URL"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:270
+msgid "This dialog controls preferences for this computer only."
 msgstr ""
-#: ValidateURL.cpp:84 ValidateURL.cpp:88 ValidateURL.cpp:92
-msgid ""
-"Please specify a valid URL.\n"
-"For example:\n"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:275
+msgid "Click OK to set preferences."
 msgstr ""
-#: ValidateURL.cpp:104 ValidateURL.cpp:108
-#, c-format
-msgid "'%s' does not contain a valid host name."
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:280
+msgid "Click Clear to restore web-based settings for all preferences listed below."
 msgstr ""
-#: ValidateURL.cpp:111
-#, c-format
-msgid "'%s' does not contain a valid path."
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:287
+msgid "For additional settings, select Computing Preferences in the Advanced View."
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewMessages.cpp:84 ViewProjects.cpp:170 ViewStatistics.cpp:1978
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:160 ViewWork.cpp:183
-msgid "Commands"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:315
+msgid "Do work only between:"
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewMessages.cpp:88
-msgid "Copy all messages"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:337
+msgid "Connect to internet only between:"
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewMessages.cpp:95
-msgid "Copy selected messages"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:359
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:376
+msgid "Use no more than:"
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewMessages.cpp:106 ViewMessages.cpp:502
-msgid "Show only this project"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:372
+msgid "of disk space"
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewMessages.cpp:107 ViewMessages.cpp:503
-msgid "Show only the messages for the selected project."
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:389
+msgid "of the processor"
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewMessages.cpp:164
-msgid "Messages"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:393
+msgid "Do work while on battery?"
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewMessages.cpp:187
-msgid "Copying all messages to the clipboard..."
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:406
+msgid "Do work after idle for:"
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewMessages.cpp:223
-msgid "Copying selected messages to the clipboard..."
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:431
+msgid "Clear all local preferences listed above and close the dialog"
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewMessages.cpp:286
-msgid "Filtering messages..."
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:609
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:612
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:688
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:692
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:704
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:708
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:851
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:862
+msgid "Anytime"
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewMessages.cpp:494
-msgid "Show all messages"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:645
+msgid "100 MB"
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewMessages.cpp:495
-msgid "Show messages for all projects."
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:646
+msgid "200 MB"
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewNotices.cpp:58 sg_DlgMessages.cpp:124
-msgid "Fetching notices; please wait..."
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:647
+msgid "500 MB"
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewNotices.cpp:65 sg_DlgMessages.cpp:132
-msgid "There are no notices at this time."
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:648
+msgid "1 GB"
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewNotices.cpp:99 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:776
-msgid "Notices"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:649
+msgid "2 GB"
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:174 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:61
-msgid "Update"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:650
+msgid "5 GB"
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:175 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:62
-msgid ""
-"Report all completed tasks, get latest credit, get latest preferences, and "
-"possibly get more tasks."
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:651
+msgid "10 GB"
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:181 ViewProjects.cpp:722 ViewWork.cpp:208 ViewWork.cpp:801
-#: sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:757 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:67
-#: sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:113 sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:66
-#: sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:106
-msgid "Suspend"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:652
+msgid "20 GB"
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:182 ViewProjects.cpp:722 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:68
-#: sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:114
-msgid "Suspend tasks for this project."
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:653
+msgid "50 GB"
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:188 ViewProjects.cpp:741 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:73
-#: sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:121
-msgid "No new tasks"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:654
+msgid "100 GB"
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:189 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:74
-msgid "Don't get new tasks for this project."
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:724
+#, c-format
+msgid "%d MB"
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:195 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:79
-msgid "Reset project"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:726
+#, c-format
+msgid "%4.2f GB"
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:196 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:80
-msgid ""
-"Delete all files and tasks associated with this project, and get new tasks.  "
-"You can update the project first to report any completed tasks."
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:767
+#, c-format
+msgid "%d%%"
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:203 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:86
-msgid ""
-"Remove this project.  Tasks in progress will be lost (use 'Update' first to "
-"report any completed tasks)."
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:803
+msgid "0 (Run Always)"
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:209 ViewWork.cpp:222 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:91
-#: sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:78
-msgid "Properties"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:806
+#, c-format
+msgid "%d"
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:210 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:92
-msgid "Show project details."
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:953
+#, c-format
+msgid "%s - Computing Preferences"
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:220 ViewStatistics.cpp:450
-msgid "Account"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:1033
+msgid "Do you really want to clear all local preferences?\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:222
-msgid "Work done"
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:66
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:179
+msgid "Update"
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:223
-msgid "Avg. work done"
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:67
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:180
+msgid "Report all completed tasks, get latest credit, get latest preferences, and possibly get more tasks."
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:225 ViewTransfers.cpp:188 ViewWork.cpp:234
-msgid "Status"
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:73
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:129
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:187
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:727
+msgid "Suspend tasks for this project."
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:250
-msgid "Projects"
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:78
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:136
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:193
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:746
+msgid "No new tasks"
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:302
-msgid "Updating project..."
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:79
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:194
+msgid "Don't get new tasks for this project."
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:344
-msgid "Resuming project..."
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:84
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:200
+msgid "Reset project"
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:348
-msgid "Suspending project..."
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:85
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:201
+msgid "Delete all files and tasks associated with this project, and get new tasks.  You can update the project first to report any completed tasks."
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:385
-msgid "Telling project to allow additional task downloads..."
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:91
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:208
+msgid "Remove this project.  Tasks in progress will be lost (use 'Update' first to report any completed tasks)."
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:389
-msgid "Telling project to not fetch any additional tasks..."
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:96
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:84
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:214
+msgid "Properties"
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:425
-msgid "Resetting project..."
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:97
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:215
+msgid "Show project details."
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:126
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:723
+msgid "Resume tasks for this project."
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:133
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:742
+msgid "Allow new tasks"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:134
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:742
+msgid "Allow fetching new tasks for this project."
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:438 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:214
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:137
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:746
+msgid "Don't fetch new tasks for this project."
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:229
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:443
 #, c-format
 msgid "Are you sure you want to reset project '%s'?"
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:444 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:220
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:235
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:449
 msgid "Reset Project"
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:483
-msgid "Removing project..."
-msgstr ""
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:496 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:251
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:266
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:501
 #, c-format
 msgid "Are you sure you want to remove project '%s'?"
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:502 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:257
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:272
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:507
 msgid "Remove Project"
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:543 ViewWork.cpp:599
-msgid "Launching browser..."
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:72
+msgid "Add Project"
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:718 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:111
-msgid "Resume tasks for this project."
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:73
+msgid "Synchronize"
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:737 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:118
-msgid "Allow new tasks"
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:74
+msgid "Work done for this project"
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:737 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:119
-msgid "Allow fetching new tasks for this project."
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:77
+msgid "Synchronize projects with account manager system"
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:741 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:122
-msgid "Don't fetch new tasks for this project."
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:124
+msgid "Select a project to access with the controls below"
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1058
-msgid "Requested by user"
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:145
+msgid "Project Web Pages"
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1059
-msgid "To fetch work"
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:149
+msgid "Project Commands"
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1060
-msgid "To report completed tasks"
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:276
+#, c-format
+msgid "Pop up a menu of web sites for project %s"
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1061
-msgid "To send trickle-up message"
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:278
+#, c-format
+msgid "Pop up a menu of commands to apply to project %s"
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1062
-msgid "Requested by account manager"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:66
+msgid "Show graphics"
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1063
-msgid "Project initialization"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:67
+msgid "Show application graphics in a window."
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1064
-msgid "Requested by project"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:73
+msgid "Suspend this task."
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1065
-msgid "Unknown reason"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:78
+msgid "Abort"
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1079
-msgid "Suspended by user"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:79
+msgid "Abandon this task. You will get no credit for it."
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1082
-msgid "Won't get new tasks"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:85
+msgid "Show task details."
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1085
-msgid "Project ended - OK to remove"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:119
+msgid "Resume work for this task."
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1088
-msgid "Will remove when tasks done"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:123
+msgid "Suspend work for this task."
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1091
-msgid "Scheduler request pending"
-msgstr ""
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1097
-msgid "Scheduler request in progress"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:267
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Are you sure you want to abort this task '%s'?\n"
+"(Progress: %.1lf%%, Status: %s)"
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1100
-msgid "Trickle up message pending"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:272
+msgid "Abort task"
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1106
-msgid "Communication deferred "
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:468
+msgid "You don't have any projects.  Please Add a Project."
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewResources.cpp:62
-msgid "Total disk usage"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:469
+msgid "Not available"
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewResources.cpp:83
-msgid "Disk usage by BOINC projects"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:480
+msgid "Tasks:"
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewResources.cpp:116
-msgid "Disk"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:486
+msgid "Select a task to access"
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewResources.cpp:249
-msgid "no projects: 0 bytes used"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:497
+msgid "From:"
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewResources.cpp:286
-msgid "used by BOINC: "
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:551
+msgid "This task's progress"
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewResources.cpp:296
-msgid "free, available to BOINC: "
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:569
+msgid "Task Commands"
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewResources.cpp:306
-msgid "free, not available to BOINC: "
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:570
+msgid "Pop up a menu of commands to apply to this task"
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewResources.cpp:316
-msgid "free: "
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:705
+#, c-format
+msgid "Application: %s"
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewResources.cpp:326
-msgid "used by other programs: "
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:728
+#, c-format
+msgid "%.3f%%"
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:1205
-msgid "User Total"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:736
+msgid "Application: Not available"
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:1206
-msgid "User Average"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:836
+msgid "Not Available"
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:1207
-msgid "Host Total"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:851
+#, c-format
+msgid "Elapsed: %s"
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:1208
-msgid "Host Average"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:865
+#, c-format
+msgid "Remaining (estimated): %s"
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:1355
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:880
 #, c-format
-msgid "Last update: %.0f days ago"
+msgid "Status: %s"
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:1982
-msgid "Show user total"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1227
+msgid "Retrieving current status."
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:1983
-msgid "Show total credit for user"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1233
+msgid "Downloading work from the server."
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:1989
-msgid "Show user average"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1238
+msgid "Processing Suspended:  Running On Batteries."
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:1990
-msgid "Show average credit for user"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1240
+msgid "Processing Suspended:  User Active."
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:1996
-msgid "Show host total"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1242
+msgid "Processing Suspended:  User paused processing."
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:1997
-msgid "Show total credit for host"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1244
+msgid "Processing Suspended:  Time of Day."
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2003
-msgid "Show host average"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1246
+msgid "Processing Suspended:  Benchmarks Running."
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2004
-msgid "Show average credit for host"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1248
+msgid "Processing Suspended."
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2013
-msgid "< &Previous project"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1252
+msgid "Waiting to contact project servers."
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2014
-msgid "Show chart for previous project"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1256
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1265
+msgid "Retrieving current status"
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2019
-msgid "&Next project >"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1260
+msgid "No work available to process"
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2020
-msgid "Show chart for next project"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1262
+msgid "Unable to connect to the core client"
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2026 ViewStatistics.cpp:2416
-msgid "Hide project list"
+#: clientgui/TermsOfUsePage.cpp:218
+msgid "Terms of Use"
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2027 ViewStatistics.cpp:2416
-msgid "Use entire area for graphs"
+#: clientgui/TermsOfUsePage.cpp:222
+msgid "Please read the following terms of use:"
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2032
-msgid "Mode view"
+#: clientgui/TermsOfUsePage.cpp:231
+msgid "I agree to the terms of use."
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2036
-msgid "One project"
+#: clientgui/TermsOfUsePage.cpp:237
+msgid "I do not agree to the terms of use."
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2037
-msgid "Show one chart with selected project"
+#: clientgui/UnavailablePage.cpp:183
+msgid "Project temporarily unavailable"
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2043
-msgid "All projects (separate)"
+#: clientgui/UnavailablePage.cpp:186
+msgid ""
+"The project is temporarily unavailable.\n"
+"Please try again later."
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2044
-msgid "Show all projects, one chart per project"
+#: clientgui/UnavailablePage.cpp:190
+msgid "Account manager temporarily unavailable"
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2050
-msgid "All projects (together)"
+#: clientgui/UnavailablePage.cpp:193
+msgid ""
+"The account manager is temporarily unavailable.\n"
+"Please try again later."
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2051
-msgid "Show one chart with all projects"
+#: clientgui/ValidateAccountKey.cpp:68
+msgid "Please specify an account key to continue."
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2057
-msgid "All projects (sum)"
+#: clientgui/ValidateAccountKey.cpp:71
+msgid "Invalid Account Key; please enter a valid Account Key"
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2058
-msgid "Show one chart with sum of projects"
+#: clientgui/ValidateAccountKey.cpp:82
+#: clientgui/ValidateEmailAddress.cpp:86
+msgid "Validation conflict"
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2079
-msgid "Statistics"
+#: clientgui/ValidateEmailAddress.cpp:72
+msgid "Please specify an email address"
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2103 ViewStatistics.cpp:2124 ViewStatistics.cpp:2145
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2167 ViewStatistics.cpp:2188 ViewStatistics.cpp:2209
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2230 ViewStatistics.cpp:2251 ViewStatistics.cpp:2272
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2296
-msgid "Updating charts..."
+#: clientgui/ValidateEmailAddress.cpp:75
+msgid "Invalid email address; please enter a valid email address"
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2420
-msgid "Show project list"
+#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:69
+msgid "Missing URL"
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2420
-msgid "Uses smaller area for graphs"
+#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:70
+msgid ""
+"Please specify a URL.\n"
+"For example:\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:164
-msgid "Retry Now"
+#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:83
+#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:87
+#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:91
+#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:103
+#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:107
+#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:110
+msgid "Invalid URL"
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:165
-msgid "Retry the file transfer now"
+#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:84
+#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:88
+#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:92
+msgid ""
+"Please specify a valid URL.\n"
+"For example:\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:171
-msgid "Abort Transfer"
+#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:104
+#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:108
+#, c-format
+msgid "'%s' does not contain a valid host name."
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:172
-msgid "Abort this file transfer.  You won't get credit for the task."
+#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:111
+#, c-format
+msgid "'%s' does not contain a valid path."
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:183
-msgid "File"
+#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:84
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:175
+msgid "Commands"
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:184 ViewWork.cpp:233
-msgid "Progress"
+#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:88
+msgid "Copy all messages"
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:185
-msgid "Size"
+#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:95
+msgid "Copy selected messages"
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:186
-msgid "Elapsed Time"
+#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:106
+#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:502
+msgid "Show only this project"
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:187
-msgid "Speed"
+#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:107
+#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:503
+msgid "Show only the messages for the selected project."
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:213
-msgid "Transfers"
+#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:164
+msgid "Messages"
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:280
-msgid "Network activity is suspended - "
+#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:187
+msgid "Copying all messages to the clipboard..."
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:282
-msgid ""
-"You can enable it using the Activity menu."
+#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:223
+msgid "Copying selected messages to the clipboard..."
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:285
-msgid "BOINC"
+#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:286
+msgid "Filtering messages..."
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:292
-msgid "Retrying transfer now..."
+#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:494
+msgid "Show all messages"
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:330
-msgid "Aborting transfer..."
+#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:495
+msgid "Show messages for all projects."
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:343
-#, c-format
-msgid ""
-"Are you sure you want to abort this file transfer '%s'?\n"
-"NOTE: Aborting a transfer will invalidate a task and you\n"
-"will not receive credit for it."
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:225
+msgid "Account"
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:349
-msgid "Abort File Transfer"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:227
+msgid "Work done"
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:780
-msgid "Upload"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:228
+msgid "Avg. work done"
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:780
-msgid "Download"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:230
+msgid "Status"
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:784
-msgid "retry in "
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:255
+msgid "Projects"
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:786
-msgid "failed"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:307
+msgid "Updating project..."
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:789
-msgid "suspended"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:349
+msgid "Resuming project..."
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:794
-msgid "active"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:353
+msgid "Suspending project..."
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:796
-msgid "pending"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:390
+msgid "Telling project to allow additional task downloads..."
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:803
-msgid " (project backoff: "
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:394
+msgid "Telling project to not fetch any additional tasks..."
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewWork.cpp:187 ViewWork.cpp:777
-msgid "Show active tasks"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:430
+msgid "Resetting project..."
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewWork.cpp:188 ViewWork.cpp:778
-msgid "Show only active tasks."
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:488
+msgid "Removing project..."
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewWork.cpp:194 sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:60
-msgid "Show graphics"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:548
+msgid "Launching browser..."
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewWork.cpp:195 sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:61
-msgid "Show application graphics in a window."
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1063
+msgid "Requested by user"
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewWork.cpp:201
-msgid "Show VM Console"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1064
+msgid "To fetch work"
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewWork.cpp:202
-msgid "Show VM Console in a window."
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1065
+msgid "To report completed tasks"
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewWork.cpp:209
-msgid "Suspend work for this result."
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1066
+msgid "To send trickle-up message"
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewWork.cpp:215 sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:72
-msgid "Abort"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1067
+msgid "Requested by account manager"
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewWork.cpp:216
-msgid "Abandon work on the result. You will get no credit for it."
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1068
+msgid "Project initialization"
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewWork.cpp:223 sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:79
-msgid "Show task details."
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1069
+msgid "Requested by project"
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewWork.cpp:235
-msgid "Elapsed"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1070
+msgid "Unknown reason"
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewWork.cpp:236
-msgid "Remaining (estimated)"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1084
+msgid "Suspended by user"
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewWork.cpp:237
-msgid "Deadline"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1087
+msgid "Won't get new tasks"
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewWork.cpp:264
-msgid "Tasks"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1090
+msgid "Project ended - OK to remove"
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewWork.cpp:357
-msgid "Resuming task..."
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1093
+msgid "Will remove when tasks done"
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewWork.cpp:360
-msgid "Suspending task..."
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1096
+msgid "Scheduler request pending"
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewWork.cpp:389
-msgid "Showing graphics for task..."
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1102
+msgid "Scheduler request in progress"
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewWork.cpp:426
-msgid "Showing VM console for task..."
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1105
+msgid "Trickle up message pending"
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewWork.cpp:479
-#, c-format
-msgid ""
-"Are you sure you want to abort this task '%s'?\n"
-"(Progress: %s, Status: %s)"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1111
+msgid "Communication deferred "
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewWork.cpp:485
-#, c-format
-msgid "Are you sure you want to abort these %d tasks?"
+#: clientgui/ViewResources.cpp:62
+msgid "Total disk usage"
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewWork.cpp:490 sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:256
-msgid "Abort task"
+#: clientgui/ViewResources.cpp:83
+msgid "Disk usage by BOINC projects"
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewWork.cpp:499
-msgid "Aborting task..."
+#: clientgui/ViewResources.cpp:116
+msgid "Disk"
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewWork.cpp:771
-msgid "Show all tasks"
+#: clientgui/ViewResources.cpp:225
+msgid "no projects: 0 bytes used"
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewWork.cpp:772
-msgid "Show all tasks."
+#: clientgui/ViewResources.cpp:262
+msgid "used by BOINC: "
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewWork.cpp:796 sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:103
-msgid "Resume work for this task."
+#: clientgui/ViewResources.cpp:272
+msgid "free, available to BOINC: "
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewWork.cpp:802 sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:107
-msgid "Suspend work for this task."
+#: clientgui/ViewResources.cpp:282
+msgid "free, not available to BOINC: "
 msgstr ""
-#: WelcomePage.cpp:284
-msgid "Add project or account manager"
+#: clientgui/ViewResources.cpp:292
+msgid "free: "
 msgstr ""
-#: WelcomePage.cpp:288
-msgid "Add project or use BOINC Account Manager"
+#: clientgui/ViewResources.cpp:302
+msgid "used by other programs: "
 msgstr ""
-#: WelcomePage.cpp:297
-#, c-format
-msgid ""
-"If possible, add projects at the\n"
-"%s web site.\n"
-"Projects added via this wizard will not be\n"
-"listed on or managed via %s."
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1181
+msgid "User Total"
 msgstr ""
-#: WelcomePage.cpp:313
-msgid ""
-"There are over 30 BOINC-based projects\n"
-"doing research in many areas of science,\n"
-"and you can volunteer for as many of them as you like.\n"
-"You can add a project directly,\n"
-"or use an 'Account Manager' web site to select projects."
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1182
+msgid "User Average"
 msgstr ""
-#: WelcomePage.cpp:325
-msgid ""
-"You have chosen to add a new volunteer computing project or change which "
-"you contribute to.\n"
-"Some of these projects are run and managed by World Community Grid, while "
-"are run and managed by other researchers or organizations. The BOINC "
-"can divide your spare processing power among any combination of projects.\n"
-"Alternatively, if you have registered with a BOINC Account Manager, you can "
-"this to choose which projects to support.\n"
-"Please choose which type of change you would like to make:\n"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1183
+msgid "Host Total"
 msgstr ""
-#: WelcomePage.cpp:339
-msgid "Use a BOINC Account Manager"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1184
+msgid "Host Average"
 msgstr ""
-#: WelcomePage.cpp:352
-msgid "To continue, click Next."
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1331
+#, c-format
+msgid "Last update: %.0f days ago"
 msgstr ""
-#: WelcomePage.cpp:358
-msgid "Add or change your World Community Grid projects"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1956
+msgid "Show user total"
 msgstr ""
-#: WelcomePage.cpp:361
-msgid "Add projects run by other researchers or organizations"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1957
+msgid "Show total credit for user"
 msgstr ""
-#: WizardAttach.cpp:634
-msgid "Do you really want to cancel?"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1963
+msgid "Show user average"
 msgstr ""
-#: WizardAttach.cpp:635
-msgid "Question"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1964
+msgid "Show average credit for user"
 msgstr ""
-#: sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:149
-msgid "Advanced View...\tCtrl+Shift+A"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1970
+msgid "Show host total"
 msgstr ""
-#: sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:150
-msgid "Display the advanced graphical interface."
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1971
+msgid "Show total credit for host"
 msgstr ""
-#: sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:157
-msgid "Skin"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1977
+msgid "Show host average"
 msgstr ""
-#: sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:159
-msgid "Select the appearance of the user interface."
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1978
+msgid "Show average credit for host"
 msgstr ""
-#: sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:206
-#, c-format
-msgid "&%s"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1987
+msgid "< &Previous project"
 msgstr ""
-#: sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:390
-msgid "Default"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1988
+msgid "Show chart for previous project"
 msgstr ""
-#: sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:759
-msgid "Suspend Computing"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1993
+msgid "&Next project >"
 msgstr ""
-#: sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:760
-msgid "Resume Computing"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1994
+msgid "Show chart for next project"
 msgstr ""
-#: sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:777
-msgid "Open a window to view notices from projects or BOINC"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2000
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2390
+msgid "Hide project list"
 msgstr ""
-#: sg_DlgMessages.cpp:146
-msgid "Close"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2001
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2390
+msgid "Use entire area for graphs"
 msgstr ""
-#: sg_DlgMessages.cpp:389
-#, c-format
-msgid "%s - Notices"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2006
+msgid "Mode view"
 msgstr ""
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:268
-msgid "This dialog controls preferences for this computer only."
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2010
+msgid "One project"
 msgstr ""
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:273
-msgid "Click OK to set preferences."
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2011
+msgid "Show one chart with selected project"
 msgstr ""
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:278
-msgid ""
-"Click Clear to restore web-based settings for all preferences listed below."
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2017
+msgid "All projects (separate)"
 msgstr ""
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:285
-msgid ""
-"For additional settings, select Computing Preferences in the Advanced View."
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2018
+msgid "Show all projects, one chart per project"
 msgstr ""
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:313
-msgid "Do work only between:"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2024
+msgid "All projects (together)"
 msgstr ""
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:335
-msgid "Connect to internet only between:"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2025
+msgid "Show one chart with all projects"
 msgstr ""
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:357 sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:374
-msgid "Use no more than:"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2031
+msgid "All projects (sum)"
 msgstr ""
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:370
-msgid "of disk space"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2032
+msgid "Show one chart with sum of projects"
 msgstr ""
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:387
-msgid "of the processor"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2053
+msgid "Statistics"
 msgstr ""
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:391
-msgid "Do work while on battery?"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2077
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2098
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2119
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2141
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2162
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2183
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2204
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2225
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2246
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2270
+msgid "Updating charts..."
 msgstr ""
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:404
-msgid "Do work after idle for:"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2394
+msgid "Show project list"
 msgstr ""
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:429
-msgid "Clear all local preferences listed above and close the dialog"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2394
+msgid "Uses smaller area for graphs"
 msgstr ""
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:602 sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:605
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:681 sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:685
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:697 sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:701
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:844 sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:855
-msgid "Anytime"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:169
+msgid "Retry Now"
 msgstr ""
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:638
-msgid "100 MB"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:170
+msgid "Retry the file transfer now"
 msgstr ""
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:639
-msgid "200 MB"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:176
+msgid "Abort Transfer"
 msgstr ""
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:640
-msgid "500 MB"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:177
+msgid "Abort this file transfer.  You won't get credit for the task."
 msgstr ""
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:641
-msgid "1 GB"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:188
+msgid "File"
 msgstr ""
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:642
-msgid "2 GB"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:189
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:238
+msgid "Progress"
 msgstr ""
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:643
-msgid "5 GB"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:190
+msgid "Size"
 msgstr ""
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:644
-msgid "10 GB"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:191
+msgid "Elapsed Time"
 msgstr ""
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:645
-msgid "20 GB"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:192
+msgid "Speed"
 msgstr ""
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:646
-msgid "50 GB"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:218
+msgid "Transfers"
 msgstr ""
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:647
-msgid "100 GB"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:285
+msgid "Network activity is suspended - "
 msgstr ""
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:717
-#, c-format
-msgid "%d MB"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:287
+msgid ""
+"You can enable it using the Activity menu."
 msgstr ""
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:719
-#, c-format
-msgid "%4.2f GB"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:290
+msgid "BOINC"
 msgstr ""
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:760
-#, c-format
-msgid "%d%%"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:297
+msgid "Retrying transfer now..."
 msgstr ""
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:796
-msgid "0 (Run Always)"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:335
+msgid "Aborting transfer..."
 msgstr ""
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:799
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:348
 #, c-format
-msgid "%d"
-msgstr ""
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:1029
-msgid "Do you really want to clear all local preferences?\n"
-msgstr ""
-#: sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:72
-msgid "Add Project"
+msgid ""
+"Are you sure you want to abort this file transfer '%s'?\n"
+"NOTE: Aborting a transfer will invalidate a task and you\n"
+"will not receive credit for it."
 msgstr ""
-#: sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:73
-msgid "Synchronize"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:354
+msgid "Abort File Transfer"
 msgstr ""
-#: sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:74
-msgid "Work done for this project"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:785
+msgid "Upload"
 msgstr ""
-#: sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:77
-msgid "Synchronize projects with account manager system"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:785
+msgid "Download"
 msgstr ""
-#: sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:124
-msgid "Select a project to access with the controls below"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:789
+msgid "retry in "
 msgstr ""
-#: sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:145
-msgid "Project Web Pages"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:791
+msgid "failed"
 msgstr ""
-#: sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:149
-msgid "Project Commands"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:794
+msgid "suspended"
 msgstr ""
-#: sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:267
-#, c-format
-msgid "Pop up a menu of web sites for project %s"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:799
+msgid "active"
 msgstr ""
-#: sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:269
-#, c-format
-msgid "Pop up a menu of commands to apply to project %s"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:801
+msgid "pending"
 msgstr ""
-#: sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:67
-msgid "Suspend this task."
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:808
+msgid " (project backoff: "
 msgstr ""
-#: sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:73
-msgid "Abandon this task. You will get no credit for it."
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:192
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:782
+msgid "Show active tasks"
 msgstr ""
-#: sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:251
-#, c-format
-msgid ""
-"Are you sure you want to abort this task '%s'?\n"
-"(Progress: %.1lf%%, Status: %s)"
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:193
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:783
+msgid "Show only active tasks."
 msgstr ""
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:464
-msgid "You don't have any projects.  Please Add a Project."
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:206
+msgid "Show VM Console"
 msgstr ""
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:465
-msgid "Not available"
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:207
+msgid "Show VM Console in a window."
 msgstr ""
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:476
-msgid "Tasks:"
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:214
+msgid "Suspend work for this result."
 msgstr ""
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:482
-msgid "Select a task to access"
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:221
+msgid "Abandon work on the result. You will get no credit for it."
 msgstr ""
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:493
-msgid "From:"
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:240
+msgid "Elapsed"
 msgstr ""
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:547
-msgid "This task's progress"
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:241
+msgid "Remaining (estimated)"
 msgstr ""
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:565
-msgid "Task Commands"
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:242
+msgid "Deadline"
 msgstr ""
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:566
-msgid "Pop up a menu of commands to apply to this task"
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:269
+msgid "Tasks"
 msgstr ""
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:701
-#, c-format
-msgid "Application: %s"
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:362
+msgid "Resuming task..."
 msgstr ""
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:724
-#, c-format
-msgid "%.3f%%"
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:365
+msgid "Suspending task..."
 msgstr ""
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:732
-msgid "Application: Not available"
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:394
+msgid "Showing graphics for task..."
 msgstr ""
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:832
-msgid "Not Available"
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:431
+msgid "Showing VM console for task..."
 msgstr ""
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:847
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:484
 #, c-format
-msgid "Elapsed: %s"
+msgid ""
+"Are you sure you want to abort this task '%s'?\n"
+"(Progress: %s, Status: %s)"
 msgstr ""
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:861
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:490
 #, c-format
-msgid "Remaining (estimated): %s"
+msgid "Are you sure you want to abort these %d tasks?"
 msgstr ""
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:876
-#, c-format
-msgid "Status: %s"
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:504
+msgid "Aborting task..."
 msgstr ""
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1223
-msgid "Retrieving current status."
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:776
+msgid "Show all tasks"
 msgstr ""
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1229
-msgid "Downloading work from the server."
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:777
+msgid "Show all tasks."
 msgstr ""
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1234
-msgid "Processing Suspended:  Running On Batteries."
+#: clientgui/WelcomePage.cpp:284
+msgid "Add project or account manager"
 msgstr ""
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1236
-msgid "Processing Suspended:  User Active."
+#: clientgui/WelcomePage.cpp:288
+msgid "Add project or use BOINC Account Manager"
 msgstr ""
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1238
-msgid "Processing Suspended:  User paused processing."
+#: clientgui/WelcomePage.cpp:297
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"If possible, add projects at the\n"
+"%s web site.\n"
+"Projects added via this wizard will not be\n"
+"listed on or managed via %s."
 msgstr ""
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1240
-msgid "Processing Suspended:  Time of Day."
+#: clientgui/WelcomePage.cpp:313
+msgid ""
+"There are over 30 BOINC-based projects\n"
+"doing research in many areas of science,\n"
+"and you can volunteer for as many of them as you like.\n"
+"You can add a project directly,\n"
+"or use an 'Account Manager' web site to select projects."
 msgstr ""
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1242
-msgid "Processing Suspended:  Benchmarks Running."
+#: clientgui/WelcomePage.cpp:325
+msgid ""
+"You have chosen to add a new volunteer computing project or change which projects\n"
+"you contribute to.\n"
+"Some of these projects are run and managed by World Community Grid, while others\n"
+"are run and managed by other researchers or organizations. The BOINC software\n"
+"can divide your spare processing power among any combination of projects.\n"
+"Alternatively, if you have registered with a BOINC Account Manager, you can use\n"
+"this to choose which projects to support.\n"
+"Please choose which type of change you would like to make:\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1244
-msgid "Processing Suspended."
+#: clientgui/WelcomePage.cpp:339
+msgid "Use a BOINC Account Manager"
 msgstr ""
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1248
-msgid "Waiting to contact project servers."
+#: clientgui/WelcomePage.cpp:358
+msgid "Add or change your World Community Grid projects"
 msgstr ""
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1252 sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1261
-msgid "Retrieving current status"
+#: clientgui/WelcomePage.cpp:361
+msgid "Add projects run by other researchers or organizations"
 msgstr ""
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1256
-msgid "No work available to process"
+#: clientgui/WizardAttach.cpp:673
+msgid "Do you really want to cancel?"
 msgstr ""
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1258
-msgid "Unable to connect to the core client"
+#: clientgui/WizardAttach.cpp:674
+msgid "Question"
 msgstr ""
-#: wizardex.cpp:377 wizardex.cpp:553
+#: clientgui/wizardex.cpp:377
+#: clientgui/wizardex.cpp:553
 msgid "&Next >"
 msgstr ""
-#: wizardex.cpp:383
+#: clientgui/wizardex.cpp:383
 msgid "< &Back"
 msgstr ""
-#: wizardex.cpp:553
+#: clientgui/wizardex.cpp:553
 msgid "&Finish"
 msgstr ""
-#: mac/Mac_GUI.cpp:110
-msgid "Preferences…"
+#: clientgui/common/wxPieCtrl.cpp:64
+msgid "Pie Ctrl"
 msgstr ""
-#: mac/Mac_GUI.cpp:122
+#: clientgui/mac/Mac_GUI.cpp:35
 msgid "Services"
 msgstr ""
-#: mac/Mac_GUI.cpp:144
+#: clientgui/mac/Mac_GUI.cpp:36
 #, c-format
 msgid "Hide %s"
 msgstr ""
-#: mac/Mac_GUI.cpp:158
+#: clientgui/mac/Mac_GUI.cpp:37
 msgid "Hide Others"
 msgstr ""
-#: mac/Mac_GUI.cpp:172
+#: clientgui/mac/Mac_GUI.cpp:38
 msgid "Show All"
 msgstr ""
-#: mac/Mac_GUI.cpp:186
+#: clientgui/mac/Mac_GUI.cpp:39
 #, c-format
 msgid "Quit %s"
 msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.h:30
+msgid "specify work start and stop hours in format HH:MM-HH:MM"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.h:31
+msgid "specify network usage start and stop hours in format HH:MM-HH:MM"
+msgstr ""
diff --git a/locale/nb/BOINC-Setup.mo b/locale/ms/BOINC-Setup.mo
similarity index 54%
copy from locale/nb/BOINC-Setup.mo
copy to locale/ms/BOINC-Setup.mo
index ed20377..6b90fe4 100644
Binary files a/locale/nb/BOINC-Setup.mo and b/locale/ms/BOINC-Setup.mo differ
diff --git a/locale/ms/BOINC-Web.mo b/locale/ms/BOINC-Web.mo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..032b02f
Binary files /dev/null and b/locale/ms/BOINC-Web.mo differ
diff --git a/locale/nb/BOINC-Android.po b/locale/nb/BOINC-Android.po
index b0e5fc1..42a1985 100644
--- a/locale/nb/BOINC-Android.po
+++ b/locale/nb/BOINC-Android.po
@@ -7,1108 +7,1129 @@ msgstr ""
 "Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: EMAIL at ADDRESS\n"
 "POT-Creation-Date: 2013-10-18 00:00-0700\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-10-22 15:28-0700\n"
-"Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL at ADDRESS>\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2014-09-02 04:11+0000\n"
+"Last-Translator: Jan <jan at sherdahl.com>\n"
 "Language-Team: nb <LL at li.org>\n"
 "Language: nb\n"
 "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
 "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8\n"
 "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
-"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1)\n"
-"X-Generator: Translate Toolkit 1.10.0\n"
+"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
+"X-Generator: Pootle 2.5.0\n"
 "Generated-By: Babel 1.0dev\n"
+"X-POOTLE-MTIME: 1409631108.0\n"
 #. app global
 msgctxt "app_name"
 msgid "BOINC"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "BOINC"
 #. generic. used by multiple Activities/tabs
 msgctxt "generic_loading"
 msgid "Loading! Please wait…"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Laster! Vennligst vent..."
 #. attach project
 #. project list
 msgctxt "attachproject_list_header"
 msgid "Choose a project:"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Velg et prosjekt:"
 msgctxt "attachproject_list_manual_button"
 msgid "Add project by URL"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Legg til prosjekt fra URL"
 msgctxt "attachproject_list_manual_dialog_title"
 msgid "Enter project URL:"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Tast inn URL til prosjekt:"
 msgctxt "attachproject_list_manual_dialog_button"
 msgid "Add project"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Legg til prosjekt"
 msgctxt "attachproject_list_manual_no_url"
 msgid "Please enter project URL"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Vennligst tast inn URL til prosjektet"
 msgctxt "attachproject_list_acctmgr_button"
 msgid "Add account manager"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Legg til kontobehandler"
 msgctxt "attachproject_list_no_internet"
 msgid "No Internet connection"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Ingen Internett-tilkobling"
 #. project login
 msgctxt "attachproject_login_loading"
 msgid "Contacting project server…"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Kontakter prosjektserver..."
 msgctxt "attachproject_login_image_description"
 msgid "Project logo."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Prosjektlogo."
 msgctxt "attachproject_login_header_general_area"
 msgid "General area:"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Generelt område:"
 msgctxt "attachproject_login_header_specific_area"
 msgid "Specific area:"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Spesifikt område:"
 msgctxt "attachproject_login_header_description"
 msgid "Description:"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Beskrivelse:"
 msgctxt "attachproject_login_header_home"
 msgid "Home:"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Hjem:"
 msgctxt "attachproject_login_header_url"
 msgid "Website:"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Nettsted:"
 msgctxt "attachproject_login_header_platform"
 msgid "Android:"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Android:"
 msgctxt "attachproject_login_platform_supported"
 msgid "This project supports Android devices"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Dette prosjektet støtter Android enheter"
 msgctxt "attachproject_login_platform_not_supported"
 msgid "This project does not support Android devices"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Dette prosjektet støtter ikke Android enheter"
 msgctxt "attachproject_login_category_terms_of_use"
 msgid "Terms of use for"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Vilkår for bruk av"
 msgctxt "attachproject_login_accept_terms_of_use"
 msgid ""
 "By creating an account with this project, you accept the terms of use as "
 "shown above."
 msgstr ""
+"Ved å opprette en konto i dette prosjektet, aksepterer du vilkårene for bruk "
+"som vist ovenfor."
 msgctxt "attachproject_login_category_login"
 msgid "Sign in with existing account"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Logg inn med eksisterende konto"
 msgctxt "attachproject_login_header_id_email"
 msgid "eMail:"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Epost:"
 msgctxt "attachproject_login_header_id_name"
 msgid "Name:"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Navn:"
 msgctxt "attachproject_login_header_pwd"
 msgid "Password:"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Passord:"
 msgctxt "attachproject_login_category_creation"
 msgid "New to"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Ny i"
 msgctxt "attachproject_login_header_creation_enabled"
 msgid "Register an account to participate:"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Registrer en konto for å delta:"
 msgctxt "attachproject_login_header_creation_client_disabled"
 msgid "Visit project website to create an account:"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Gå til prosjektets nettside for å opprette en konto:"
 msgctxt "attachproject_login_header_creation_disabled"
 msgid "Project does currently now allow creation of new accounts!"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Prosjektet tillater nå opprettelse av nye konti!"
 msgctxt "attachproject_login_button_registration"
 msgid "Register"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Registrer"
 msgctxt "attachproject_login_button_login"
 msgid "Sign in"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Logg inn"
 msgctxt "attachproject_login_button_forgotpw"
 msgid "Forgot Password"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Glemt passord"
 msgctxt "attachproject_login_error_toast"
 msgid "Contacting project failed!"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Kontakt med prosjektet feilet!"
 msgctxt "attachproject_login_attached"
 msgid "Attached"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Tilkoblet"
 #. project registration
 msgctxt "attachproject_registration_header"
 msgid "Account registration for"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Kontoregistrering for"
 msgctxt "attachproject_registration_header_url"
 msgid "Project:"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Prosjekt:"
 msgctxt "attachproject_registration_header_email"
 msgid "eMail:"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Epost:"
 msgctxt "attachproject_registration_header_username"
 msgid "Name:"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Navn:"
 msgctxt "attachproject_registration_header_teamname"
 msgid "Team:"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Team:"
 msgctxt "attachproject_registration_header_pwd"
 msgid "Password:"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Passord:"
 msgctxt "attachproject_registration_header_pwd_confirm"
 msgid "… Retype:"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "... Tast inn på nytt:"
 msgctxt "attachproject_registration_button"
 msgid "Create"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Opprett"
 #. account manager
 msgctxt "attachproject_acctmgr_header"
 msgid "Add account manager"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Legg til kontobehandler"
 msgctxt "attachproject_acctmgr_header_url"
 msgid "URL"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "URL"
 msgctxt "attachproject_acctmgr_header_name"
 msgid "User:"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Bruker:"
 msgctxt "attachproject_acctmgr_header_pwd"
 msgid "Password:"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Passord:"
 msgctxt "attachproject_acctmgr_header_pwd_confirm"
 msgid "… Retype:"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "... Tast inn på nytt:"
 msgctxt "attachproject_acctmgr_button"
 msgid "Add"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Legg til"
 #. error strings
 msgctxt "attachproject_error_wrong_name"
 msgid "User not found"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Bruker ikke funnet"
 msgctxt "attachproject_error_short_pwd"
 msgid "Password too short"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Passord for kort"
 msgctxt "attachproject_error_no_internet"
 msgid "Connection failure"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Tilkoblingsfeil"
 msgctxt "attachproject_error_pwd_no_match"
 msgid "Passwords do not match"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Passordene samsvarer ikke"
 msgctxt "attachproject_error_no_url"
 msgid "Please enter URL"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Vennligst tast inn URL"
 msgctxt "attachproject_error_no_email"
 msgid "Please enter eMail address"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Vennligst tast inn epostadresse"
 msgctxt "attachproject_error_no_pwd"
 msgid "Please enter a password"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Vennligst tast inn et passord"
 msgctxt "attachproject_error_no_name"
 msgid "Please enter user name"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Vennligst tast inn brukernavn"
 msgctxt "attachproject_error_unknown"
 msgid "failed"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "mislyktes"
 msgctxt "attachproject_error_bad_username"
 msgid "User name refused"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Brukernavn ikke akseptert"
 msgctxt "attachproject_error_email_in_use"
 msgid "eMail is already in use"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Epostadressen er allerede i bruk"
 msgctxt "attachproject_error_project_down"
 msgid "Project is offline"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Prosjektet er offline"
 msgctxt "attachproject_error_email_bad_syntax"
 msgid "eMail refused"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Epostadresse ikke akseptert"
 msgctxt "attachproject_error_bad_pwd"
 msgid "Password refused"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Passord ikke akseptert"
 msgctxt "attachproject_error_creation_disabled"
 msgid "Account creation is disabled on this project"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Opprettelse av konto er deaktivert for dette prosjektet"
 msgctxt "attachproject_error_invalid_url"
 msgid "Invalid URL"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Ugyldig URL"
 #. working activity
 msgctxt "attachproject_working_back_button"
 msgid "Back"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Tilbake"
 msgctxt "attachproject_working_finish_button"
 msgid "Finish"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Ferdig"
 msgctxt "attachproject_working_check_desc"
 msgid "Successful"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Vellykket"
 msgctxt "attachproject_working_failed_desc"
 msgid "Failed"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Mislyktes"
 msgctxt "attachproject_working_ongoing"
 msgid "…"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "..."
 msgctxt "attachproject_working_finished"
 msgid "."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "."
 msgctxt "attachproject_working_description"
 msgid ":"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr ":"
 msgctxt "attachproject_working_connect"
 msgid "Connect"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Koble til"
 msgctxt "attachproject_working_verify"
 msgid "Verify account"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Verifiser konto"
 msgctxt "attachproject_working_register"
 msgid "Register account"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Registrer konto"
 msgctxt "attachproject_working_login"
 msgid "Log in"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Logg inn"
 msgctxt "attachproject_working_acctmgr"
 msgid "Add account manager"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Legg til kontobehandler"
 msgctxt "attachproject_working_acctmgr_sync"
 msgid "Synchronize"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Synkroniser"
 #. main activity
 msgctxt "main_noproject_warning"
 msgid "Tab here to choose a project."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Klikk her for å velge et prosjekt."
 msgctxt "main_error"
 msgid "Whooops"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Ooops"
 msgctxt "main_error_long"
 msgid ""
 "…this should not happen!\n"
 "Click on the icon to try again."
 msgstr ""
+"...dette skulle ikke skje!\n"
+" Klikk på ikonet for å prøve igjen."
 msgctxt "main_title_icon_desc"
 msgid "BOINC icon"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "BOINC ikon"
 #. tab names
 msgctxt "tab_status"
 msgid "Status"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Status"
 msgctxt "tab_projects"
 msgid "Projects"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Prosjekter"
 msgctxt "tab_tasks"
 msgid "Tasks"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Oppgaver"
 msgctxt "tab_transfers"
 msgid "Transfers"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Overføringer"
 msgctxt "tab_preferences"
 msgid "Preferences"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Alternativer"
 msgctxt "tab_notices"
 msgid "Notices"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Varsler"
 msgctxt "tab_desc"
 msgid "Navigation"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Navigasjon"
 #. status strings
 msgctxt "status_running"
 msgid "Computing"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Beregner"
 msgctxt "status_running_long"
 msgid "Thank you for participating."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Takk for at du deltar."
 msgctxt "status_paused"
 msgid "Suspended"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Suspendert"
 msgctxt "status_idle"
 msgid "Nothing to do"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Ingenting å gjøre"
 msgctxt "status_idle_long"
 msgid "Waiting for tasks…"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Venter på oppgaver..."
 msgctxt "status_computing_disabled"
 msgid "Suspended"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Suspendert"
+#, fuzzy
 msgctxt "status_computing_disabled_long"
 msgid "Press play to resume network and computation."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Trykk spill av for å gjenoppta nettverkskommunikasjon og beregning."
 msgctxt "status_launching"
 msgid "Starting…"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Starter..."
 msgctxt "status_noproject"
 msgid "Choose a project to participate in."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Velg et prosjekt å delta i."
 msgctxt "status_closing"
 msgid "Closing…"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Lukker..."
 msgctxt "status_benchmarking"
 msgid "Benchmarking…"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Tester ytelsen…"
 msgctxt "status_image_description"
 msgid "project image"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "prosjektavbilding"
 #. preferences tab strings
 msgctxt "prefs_loading"
 msgid "Reading preferences…"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Leser alternativer..."
 msgctxt "prefs_submit_button"
 msgid "Save"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Lagre"
 msgctxt "prefs_dialog_title"
 msgid "Enter new value:"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Tast inn ny verdi:"
 msgctxt "prefs_dialog_title_selection"
 msgid "Select:"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Velg:"
 msgctxt "prefs_category_general"
 msgid "General"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Generelt"
 msgctxt "prefs_category_network"
 msgid "Network"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Nettverk"
 msgctxt "prefs_category_power"
 msgid "Power"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Strøm"
 msgctxt "prefs_category_cpu"
 msgid "CPU"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Prosessor"
 msgctxt "prefs_category_storage"
 msgid "Storage"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Lagring"
 msgctxt "prefs_category_memory"
 msgid "Memory"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Minne"
 msgctxt "prefs_category_debug"
 msgid "Debug"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Feilsøk"
 msgctxt "prefs_show_advanced_header"
 msgid "Show advanced preferences and controls…"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Vis avanserte alternativer og kontrolltavle..."
 msgctxt "prefs_run_on_battery_header"
 msgid "Compute on Battery"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Beregne på batteridrift"
 msgctxt "battery_charge_min_pct_header"
 msgid "Min. battery level"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Min. batterinivå"
 msgctxt "battery_charge_min_pct_description"
 msgid "BOINC suspends computation below defined battery charge level."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "BOINC suspenderer beregningen under definert batterinivå."
 msgctxt "battery_temperature_max_header"
 msgid "Max. battery temperature"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Maks batteritemperatur"
 msgctxt "battery_temperature_max_description"
 msgid ""
 "BOINC suspends computation above defined battery temperature. It is not "
 "recommended to change this value."
 msgstr ""
+"BOINC suspenderer beregning over definert batteritemperatur. Det er ikke "
+"anbefalt å endre denne verdien."
 msgctxt "prefs_disk_max_pct_header"
 msgid "Max. used storage space"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Maks benyttet lagrinsplass"
 msgctxt "prefs_disk_max_pct_description"
 msgid "How many percent of your device's storage space is BOINC allowed to use?"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Hvor mange prosent av din enhets lagringsplass kan BOINC benytte?"
 msgctxt "prefs_disk_min_free_gb_header"
 msgid "Min. spare storage"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Min. ledig lagrinsplass"
 msgctxt "prefs_disk_min_free_gb_description"
 msgid "How much of your device's storage space shall stay free?"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Hvor mye av din enhets lagringsplass skal forbli ledig?"
 msgctxt "prefs_network_daily_xfer_limit_mb_header"
 msgid "Daily transfer limit"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Daglig overføringsgrense"
 msgctxt "prefs_network_daily_xfer_limit_mb_description"
 msgid "Limits the daily data traffic caused by BOINC."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Begrenser den daglige datatrafikken forårsaket av BOINC."
 msgctxt "prefs_network_wifi_only_header"
 msgid "Transfer tasks on WiFi only"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Overfør oppgaver kun når tilkoblet WiFi"
 msgctxt "prefs_autostart_header"
 msgid "Autostart"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Autostart"
 msgctxt "prefs_show_notification_header"
 msgid "Show notification when suspended"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Vis varsler når suspendert"
 msgctxt "prefs_cpu_number_cpus_header"
 msgid "Used CPU cores"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Prosessorkjerner i bruk"
 msgctxt "prefs_cpu_number_cpus_description"
 msgid "Limits the number of CPU cores BOINC uses for computation."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Begrenser antall prosessorkjerner BOINC benytter til beregning."
 msgctxt "prefs_cpu_other_load_suspension_header"
 msgid "Pause at CPU usage above"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Pause når prosessorbruk overstiger"
+#, fuzzy
 msgctxt "prefs_cpu_other_load_suspension_description"
 msgid "Determines when BOINC pauses computation due to other app's CPU usage."
 msgstr ""
+"Avgjør når BOINC pauser beregning på grunn av andre applikasjoners "
+#, fuzzy
 msgctxt "prefs_cpu_time_max_header"
 msgid "CPU limit"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Prosessorterskel"
+#, fuzzy
 msgctxt "prefs_cpu_time_max_description"
 msgid "Limits the CPU time BOINC uses for computation."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Begrenser prosessortid BOINC bruker til beregning."
+#, fuzzy
 msgctxt "prefs_memory_max_idle_header"
 msgid "RAM limit"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Minneterskel"
 msgctxt "prefs_memory_max_idle_description"
 msgid "Limits the amount of RAM tasks are allowed to occupy."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Begrenser mengden minne oppgaver kan benytte."
+#, fuzzy
 msgctxt "prefs_client_log_flags_header"
 msgid "BOINC Client log flags"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "BOINC klient loggflagg"
 msgctxt "prefs_gui_log_level_header"
 msgid "GUI log level"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Loggnivå GUI"
 msgctxt "prefs_gui_log_level_description"
 msgid "Specifies verbosity of GUI log messages."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Spesifiserer detaljnivå på GUI loggmeldinger."
 msgctxt "prefs_unit_mb"
 msgid "MB"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "MB"
 msgctxt "prefs_unit_gb"
 msgid "GB"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "GB"
 #, c-format
 msgctxt "prefs_unit_pct"
 msgid "%"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "%"
 msgctxt "prefs_unit_celcius"
 msgid "°C"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "°C"
 #. projects tab strings
 msgctxt "projects_loading"
 msgid "Reading projects…"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Leser prosjekter..."
 msgctxt "projects_add"
 msgid "Add project"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Legg til prosjekt"
 msgctxt "projects_icon"
 msgid "Project icon"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Prosjektikon"
 msgctxt "projects_credits_header"
 msgid "Credit:"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Arbeid utført:"
 msgctxt "projects_credits_host_header"
 msgid "(on this device)"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "(på denne enheten)"
 msgctxt "projects_credits_user_header"
 msgid "(total)"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "(total)"
 #. project status strings
 msgctxt "projects_status_suspendedviagui"
 msgid "Suspended by user"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Suspendert av bruker"
 msgctxt "projects_status_dontrequestmorework"
 msgid "Won't get new tasks"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Ikke tillat nye oppgaver"
 msgctxt "projects_status_ended"
 msgid "Project ended - OK to remove"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Prosjekt avsluttet - OK å fjerne"
 msgctxt "projects_status_detachwhendone"
 msgid "Will remove when tasks done"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Vil bli fjernet når oppgaver er utført"
 msgctxt "projects_status_schedrpcpending"
 msgid "Scheduler request pending"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Forespørsel fra planleggeren venter"
 msgctxt "projects_status_schedrpcinprogress"
 msgid "Scheduler request in progress"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Forespørsel fra planleggeren pågår"
 msgctxt "projects_status_trickleuppending"
 msgid "Trickle up message pending"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Godskriv andelsmelding venter"
 msgctxt "projects_status_backoff"
 msgid "Communication scheduled in:"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Kommunikasjon planlagt om:"
 #. project controls
 msgctxt "projects_control_dialog_title"
 msgid "Project commands:"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Prosjektkommandoer:"
 msgctxt "projects_control_visit_website"
 msgid "Visit website"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Besøk nettsiden"
 msgctxt "projects_control_update"
 msgid "Update"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Oppdater"
 msgctxt "projects_control_remove"
 msgid "Remove"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Fjern"
 msgctxt "projects_control_suspend"
 msgid "Suspend"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Suspender"
 msgctxt "projects_control_resume"
 msgid "Resume"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Gjenoppta"
 msgctxt "projects_control_nonewtasks"
 msgid "No new tasks"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Ingen nye oppgaver"
 msgctxt "projects_control_allownewtasks"
 msgid "Allow new tasks"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Tillat nye oppgaver"
 msgctxt "projects_control_reset"
 msgid "Reset"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Nullstill"
 msgctxt "projects_control_dialog_title_acctmgr"
 msgid "Account manager commands:"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Kontobehandlerkommandoer:"
 msgctxt "projects_control_sync_acctmgr"
 msgid "Synchronize"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Synkroniser"
 msgctxt "projects_control_remove_acctmgr"
 msgid "Disable"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Deaktiver"
 #. project confirm dialog
 msgctxt "projects_confirm_detach_title"
 msgid "Remove project?"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Fjerne prosjekt?"
 msgctxt "projects_confirm_detach_message"
 msgid "Are you sure you want to remove"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Er du sikker på at du ønsker å fjerne"
 msgctxt "projects_confirm_detach_message2"
 msgid "from BOINC?"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "fra BOINC?"
 msgctxt "projects_confirm_detach_confirm"
 msgid "Remove"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Fjern"
 msgctxt "projects_confirm_reset_title"
 msgid "Reset project"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Nullstill prosjekt"
 msgctxt "projects_confirm_reset_message"
 msgid "Are you sure you want to reset"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Er du sikker på at du ønsker å nullstille"
 msgctxt "projects_confirm_reset_confirm"
 msgid "Reset"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Nullstill"
 msgctxt "projects_confirm_remove_acctmgr_title"
 msgid "Disable account manager"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Deaktiver kontobehandler"
+#, fuzzy
 msgctxt "projects_confirm_remove_acctmgr_message"
 msgid "Are you sure you want to stop using"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Er du sikker på at du ikke ønsker å bruke"
 msgctxt "projects_confirm_remove_acctmgr_confirm"
 msgid "Disable"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Deaktiver"
 #. tasks tab strings
 msgctxt "tasks_header_name"
 msgid "Task Name:"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Oppgavenavn:"
 msgctxt "tasks_header_elapsed_time"
 msgid "Elapsed time:"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Medgått tid:"
 msgctxt "tasks_header_project_paused"
 msgid "(suspended)"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "(suspendert)"
 msgctxt "tasks_header_deadline"
 msgid "Deadline:"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Tidsfrist:"
 msgctxt "tasks_result_new"
 msgid "new"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "ny"
 msgctxt "tasks_result_files_downloading"
 msgid "waiting for download"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "venter på nedlasting"
 msgctxt "tasks_result_files_downloaded"
 msgid "download complete"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "nedlasting ferdig"
 msgctxt "tasks_result_compute_error"
 msgid "computation error"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "beregningsfeil"
 msgctxt "tasks_result_files_uploading"
 msgid "uploading"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "laster opp"
 msgctxt "tasks_result_files_uploaded"
 msgid "upload complete"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "opplasting ferdig"
 msgctxt "tasks_result_aborted"
 msgid "aborted"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "avbrutt"
 msgctxt "tasks_result_upload_failed"
 msgid "upload failed"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "opplasting feilet"
 msgctxt "tasks_active_uninitialized"
 msgid "ready"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "klar"
 msgctxt "tasks_active_executing"
 msgid "running"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "kjører"
 msgctxt "tasks_active_suspended"
 msgid "suspended"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "suspendert"
 msgctxt "tasks_active_abort_pending"
 msgid "suspending"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "suspenderer"
 msgctxt "tasks_active_quit_pending"
 msgid "suspending"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "suspenderer"
 msgctxt "tasks_custom_suspended_via_gui"
 msgid "suspended"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "suspendert"
 msgctxt "tasks_custom_project_suspended_via_gui"
 msgid "project suspended"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "prosjekt suspendert"
 msgctxt "tasks_custom_ready_to_report"
 msgid "ready to report"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "klar til å rapportere"
 #. confirmation dialog
 msgctxt "confirm_abort_task_title"
 msgid "Abort task?"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Avbryt oppgave?"
 msgctxt "confirm_abort_task_message"
 msgid "Abort task:"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Avbryt oppgave:"
 msgctxt "confirm_abort_task_confirm"
 msgid "Abort"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Avbryt"
 msgctxt "confirm_cancel"
 msgid "Cancel"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Avbryt"
 msgctxt "confirm_image_desc"
 msgid "Confirmation dialog"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Bekreftelsesdialogboks"
 #. transfers tab strings
 msgctxt "trans_loading"
 msgid "Reading transfers…"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Leser overføringer..."
 msgctxt "trans_upload"
 msgid "Upload"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Last opp"
 msgctxt "trans_download"
 msgid "Download"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Last ned"
 msgctxt "trans_retryin"
 msgid "retry in"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "prøver igjen om"
 msgctxt "trans_failed"
 msgid "failed"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "mislyktes"
 msgctxt "trans_suspended"
 msgid "suspended"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "suspendert"
 msgctxt "trans_active"
 msgid "active"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "aktiv"
 msgctxt "trans_pending"
 msgid "pending"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "venter"
+#, fuzzy
 msgctxt "trans_projectbackoff"
 msgid "project backoff"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "prosjektet holder igjen"
 msgctxt "trans_header_name"
 msgid "File:"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Fil:"
+#, fuzzy
 msgctxt "trans_control_retry"
 msgid "Retry transfers"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Prøv overføring på nytt"
 msgctxt "confirm_abort_trans_title"
 msgid "Abort transfer?"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Avbryte overføring?"
 msgctxt "confirm_abort_trans_message"
 msgid "Abort File:"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Avbryt fil:"
 msgctxt "confirm_abort_trans_confirm"
 msgid "Abort"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Avbryt"
 #. notices tab strings
 msgctxt "notices_loading"
 msgid "Reading notices…"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Leser merknader..."
 #. eventlog tab strings
 msgctxt "eventlog_loading"
 msgid "Loading log messages…"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Laster loggmeldinger..."
 msgctxt "eventlog_client_header"
 msgid "Client Messages"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Klientmeldinger"
+#, fuzzy
 msgctxt "eventlog_gui_header"
 msgid "GUI Messages"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "GUI meldinger"
 msgctxt "eventlog_copy_toast"
 msgid "Log copied to clipboard."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Logg kopiert til utklippstavle."
 msgctxt "eventlog_email_subject"
 msgid "Event Log for BOINC on Android:"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Hendelseslogg for BOINC på Android:"
 #. suspend reasons
 msgctxt "suspend_unknown"
 msgid "Computation suspended."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Beregning suspendert."
 msgctxt "suspend_batteries"
 msgid "Connect your device to a charger to continue computing."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Koble din enhet til en lader for å fortsette beregning."
 msgctxt "suspend_useractive"
 msgid "User is active."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Bruker er aktiv."
 msgctxt "suspend_tod"
 msgid "Out of computation time-frame."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Utenfor beregningens tidsramme."
 msgctxt "suspend_bm"
 msgid "BOINC is benchmarking your device…"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "BOINC tester ytelsen på din enhet..."
 msgctxt "suspend_disksize"
 msgid "Out of disk space."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Tom for lagringsplass."
 msgctxt "suspend_cputhrottle"
 msgid "Scheduled CPU throttle."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Planlagt CPU begrensning."
 msgctxt "suspend_noinput"
 msgid "No recent user activity."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Ingen nylig brukeraktivitet."
 msgctxt "suspend_delay"
 msgid "Initialization delay."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Utsatt initialisering."
 msgctxt "suspend_exclusiveapp"
 msgid "An exclusive app is running."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "En applikasjon med enerett kjører."
 msgctxt "suspend_cpu"
 msgid "Your device is busy with other apps."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Din enhet er opptatt med andre applikasjoner."
 msgctxt "suspend_network_quota"
 msgid "BOINC reached network transfer limit."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "BOINC nådde overføringsgrense for nettverkstrafikk."
 msgctxt "suspend_os"
 msgid "Stopped by Android."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Stoppet av Android."
 msgctxt "suspend_wifi"
 msgid "Not connected to WiFi."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Ikke tilkoblet trådløst nett."
 msgctxt "suspend_battery_charging"
 msgid "Battery needs to charge before resuming computation."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Batteriet må lades før beregning gjenopptas."
 msgctxt "suspend_battery_charging_long"
 msgid "Computing will resume when battery charge reaches"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Beregning gjenopptas når batterinivå når"
 msgctxt "suspend_battery_charging_current"
 msgid "currently"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "nåværende"
 msgctxt "suspend_battery_overheating"
 msgid "Waiting for battery to cool down"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Venter på at batteriet skal kjøle seg ned"
 msgctxt "suspend_user_req"
 msgid "Resuming computation…"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Gjenopptar beregning..."
 msgctxt "suspend_network_user_req"
 msgid "manually."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "manuelt."
 #. rpc reasons
 msgctxt "rpcreason_userreq"
 msgid "Requested by user"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Anmodet av bruker"
 msgctxt "rpcreason_needwork"
 msgid "To fetch work"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Å hente arbeid"
 msgctxt "rpcreason_resultsdue"
 msgid "To report completed tasks"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Å rapportere utførte oppgaver"
 msgctxt "rpcreason_trickleup"
 msgid "To send trickle-up message"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Å sende godskriv andelsmelding"
 msgctxt "rpcreason_acctmgrreq"
 msgid "Requested by account manager"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Anmodet av kontobehandler"
 msgctxt "rpcreason_init"
 msgid "Project initialization"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Initialisering av prosjekt"
 msgctxt "rpcreason_projectreq"
 msgid "Requested by project"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Anmodet av prosjekt"
 msgctxt "rpcreason_unknown"
 msgid "Unknown reason"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Ukjent årsak"
 #. menu
 msgctxt "menu_refresh"
 msgid "Refresh"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Oppdater"
 msgctxt "menu_emailto"
 msgid "Send as Email"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Send som epost"
 msgctxt "menu_copy"
 msgid "Copy to Clipboard"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Kopier til utklippstavle"
 msgctxt "menu_eventlog"
 msgid "Event Log"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Hendelseslogg"
 msgctxt "menu_exit"
 msgid "Exit BOINC"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Avslutt BOINC"
 msgctxt "menu_run_mode_disable"
 msgid "Suspend"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Suspender"
 msgctxt "menu_run_mode_enable"
 msgid "Resume"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Gjenoppta"
 msgctxt "menu_about"
 msgid "About"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Om"
 msgctxt "menu_help"
 msgid "Help"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Hjelp"
 #. about dialog
 msgctxt "about_button"
 msgid "Return"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Tilbake"
 msgctxt "about_title"
 msgid "About"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Om"
 msgctxt "about_name"
 msgid "BOINC"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "BOINC"
 msgctxt "about_version"
 msgid "Version"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Versjon"
 msgctxt "about_name_long"
 msgid "Berkeley Open Infrastructure for Network Computing"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Berkeley Open Infrastructure for Network Computing"
 msgctxt "about_copyright"
 msgid ""
 "© 2003–2013 University of California, Berkeley.\n"
 "All Rights Reserved."
 msgstr ""
+"© 2003–2013 University of California, Berkeley.\n"
+"Alle rettigheter er forbeholdt."
diff --git a/locale/nb/BOINC-Client.mo b/locale/nb/BOINC-Client.mo
index 825b603..cde6597 100644
Binary files a/locale/nb/BOINC-Client.mo and b/locale/nb/BOINC-Client.mo differ
diff --git a/locale/nb/BOINC-Client.po b/locale/nb/BOINC-Client.po
index 27a3713..0784bb1 100644
--- a/locale/nb/BOINC-Client.po
+++ b/locale/nb/BOINC-Client.po
@@ -7,31 +7,32 @@ msgstr ""
 "Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
 "POT-Creation-Date: 2013-10-15 22:25-0700\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-09-16 13:49+0200\n"
-"Last-Translator: Kenneth <kenneth at skjold.biz>\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2014-09-02 03:54+0000\n"
+"Last-Translator: Jan <jan at sherdahl.com>\n"
 "Language-Team: LANGUAGE <LL at li.org>\n"
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 "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
 "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
 "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
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-"X-Generator: Pootle 2.1.6\n"
+"X-Generator: Pootle 2.5.0\n"
+"X-POOTLE-MTIME: 1409630049.0\n"
 #: acct_mgr.cpp:450 acct_mgr.cpp:459
 msgid "Message from account manager"
-msgstr "Melding fra konto manager"
+msgstr "Melding fra kontobehandler"
 #: client_msgs.cpp:81
 msgid "Message from server"
-msgstr "Melding fra server"
+msgstr "Melding fra tjener"
 #: client_state.cpp:258
 msgid ""
 "Some tasks need more memory than allowed by your preferences.  Please check "
 "the preferences."
 msgstr ""
-"Noen oppgaver trenger mer minne enn du tillater i dine innstillinger. "
-"Vennligst sjekk dine innstillinger."
+"Noen oppgaver trenger mer minne enn tillatt utfra dine innstillinger.  "
+"Vennligst kontroller innstillinger."
 #: client_state.cpp:520
 msgid "Couldn't write state file; check directory permissions"
@@ -64,7 +65,7 @@ msgstr "En ny versjon av BOINC er tilgjengelig."
 #: current_version.cpp:94 current_version.cpp:102
 msgid "Download"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Last ned"
 #: log_flags.cpp:269 log_flags.cpp:449
 msgid "Unexpected text in cc_config.xml"
@@ -89,22 +90,22 @@ msgstr "Manglende stopptagg i cc_config.xml"
 #: ../sched/handle_request.cpp:307
 msgid "Invalid or missing account key.  To fix, remove and add this project."
 msgstr ""
-"Ugyldig eller manglende kontonøkkel. For å fikse dette, fjern og legg til "
-"dette prosjektet"
+"Ugyldig eller manglende kontonøkkel.  For å fikse, fjern og legg til dette "
+"prosjektet på nytt."
 #: ../sched/handle_request.cpp:849
 msgid "Invalid code signing key.  To fix, remove and add this project."
 msgstr ""
-"Ugyldig signeringskodenøkkel. For å fikse dette, fjern og legg til dette "
+"Ugyldig signeringskodenøkkel.  For å fikse, fjern og legg til dette "
+"prosjektet på nytt."
 #: ../sched/handle_request.cpp:859
 msgid ""
 "The project has changed its security key.  Please remove and add this "
 msgstr ""
-"Sikkerhetsnøkkelen til prosjektet er endret. Fjern og legg til dette "
+"Sikkerhetsnøkkelen til prosjektet er endret.  Fjern og legg til dette "
+"prosjektet på nytt."
 #: ../sched/handle_request.cpp:943
 msgid "This project doesn't support operating system"
@@ -149,29 +150,31 @@ msgstr ""
 # 94%
 #: ../sched/sched_send.cpp:1146
 #, c-format
-#, c-format, fuzzy
+#, c-format, c-format
 msgid "An %s GPU is required to run tasks for this project"
 msgstr ""
-"For å utføre oppgaver til dette prosjektet trenger du en ATI "
-"grafikkprosessor (GPU)"
+"En %s grafikkprosessor (GPU) er påkrevd for å kjøre oppgaver til dette "
 #: ../sched/sched_send.cpp:1262
 msgid "No tasks are available for the applications you have selected."
-msgstr "Det er ikke tilgjengelig noe arbeid for programmene du har valgt."
+msgstr "Ingen oppgaver er tilgjengelig for applikasjonene du har valgt."
 #: ../sched/sched_send.cpp:1288
 msgid "Your computer type is not supported by this project"
-msgstr "Din datamaskintype er ikke støttet av dette prosjektet"
+msgstr "Din datamaskintype støttes ikke av dette prosjektet"
 #: ../sched/sched_send.cpp:1294
 msgid "Newer BOINC version required; please install current version"
-msgstr "Det kreves nyere versjon av BOINC. Installer siste versjon"
+msgstr "Krav om nyere versjon av BOINC; Installer siste versjon"
 #: ../sched/sched_send.cpp:1305
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "Tasks for %s are available, but your preferences are set to not accept them"
 msgstr ""
+"Oppgaver til %s er tilgjengelig, men dine alternativer er satt opp til å "
+"ikke godkjenne disse"
 #: ../sched/sched_types.cpp:254
 msgid "Unknown app name in app_info.xml"
diff --git a/locale/nb/BOINC-Manager.mo b/locale/nb/BOINC-Manager.mo
index 9a1ef2f..4764d03 100644
Binary files a/locale/nb/BOINC-Manager.mo and b/locale/nb/BOINC-Manager.mo differ
diff --git a/locale/nb/BOINC-Manager.po b/locale/nb/BOINC-Manager.po
index 9a6ba41..8fda54e 100644
--- a/locale/nb/BOINC-Manager.po
+++ b/locale/nb/BOINC-Manager.po
@@ -6,9 +6,9 @@ msgid ""
 msgstr ""
 "Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-02-02 00:00-0800\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-09-16 13:49+0000\n"
-"Last-Translator: Kenneth <kenneth at skjold.biz>\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-12-15 14:15-0500\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2014-09-03 03:24+0000\n"
+"Last-Translator: Jan <jan at sherdahl.com>\n"
 "Language-Team: LANGUAGE <LL at li.org>\n"
 "Language: nb\n"
 "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
@@ -16,23 +16,23 @@ msgstr ""
 "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
 "Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
 "X-Generator: Pootle 2.5.0\n"
-"X-BOINC-UTF8-Marker: 简体中文, 日本語\n"
+"X-Poedit-Basepath: C:\\Src\\BOINCGIT\\boinc_7.4\n"
+"X-Poedit-SearchPath-0: clientgui\n"
+"X-Poedit-SourceCharset: utf-8\n"
+"X-POOTLE-MTIME: 1409714660.0\n"
 "X-Poedit-SearchPath-1: clientgui/msw\n"
 "X-Poedit-SearchPath-2: clientgui/gtk\n"
 "X-Poedit-SearchPath-3: clientgui/mac\n"
-"X-Poedit-SearchPath-0: clientgui\n"
-"X-Poedit-SourceCharset: utf-8\n"
-"X-Poedit-Basepath: C:\\Src\\BOINCGIT\\boinc\n"
-"X-POOTLE-MTIME: 1347803390.0\n"
+"X-BOINC-UTF8-Marker: 简体中文, 日本語\n"
 # 81%
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:387
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:387
 #, c-format
-#, fuzzy, c-format
+#, c-format, c-format
 msgid "Identify your account at %s"
-msgstr "Identifiser kontoen din"
+msgstr "Identifiser din konto hos %s"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:393
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:393
 msgid ""
 "Please enter your account information\n"
 "(to create an account, visit the project's web site)"
@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ msgstr ""
 "Skriv inn din kontoinformasjon\n"
 "(for å lage en konto, besøk prosjektets nettside)"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:397
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:397
 msgid ""
 "This project is not currently accepting new accounts.\n"
 "You can add it only if you already have an account."
@@ -48,19 +48,19 @@ msgstr ""
 "Dette prosjektet aksepterer ikke nye kontoer.\n"
 "Du kan kun legge til dette vis du allerede har en konto."
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:401
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:401
 msgid "Are you already running this project?"
 msgstr "Kjører du allerede dette prosjektet?"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:405
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:405
 msgid "&No, new user"
 msgstr "&Nei, ny bruker"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:408
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:408
 msgid "&Yes, existing user"
 msgstr "&Ja, eksisterende bruker"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:413
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:413
 msgid ""
 "We were not able to set up your account information\n"
@@ -75,45 +75,51 @@ msgstr ""
 "under for å finne ut hva du skal skrive i feltene E-post adresse og\n"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:416
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:416
 msgid "Find login information"
 msgstr "Finn innloggingsinformasjon"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:436 AccountInfoPage.cpp:641
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:436
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:649
 msgid "&Password:"
 msgstr "&Passord:"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:443 AccountInfoPage.cpp:665
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:443
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:673
 msgid "Choose a &password:"
 msgstr "Velg et &passord:"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:446
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:446
 msgid "C&onfirm password:"
 msgstr "B&ekreft passord:"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:453
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:453
 #, c-format
 msgid "Are you already running %s?"
 msgstr "Kjører du allerede %s?"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:482
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:482
 msgid "&Username:"
 msgstr "&Brukernavn:"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:508
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:511
+msgid "&Email address or LDAP ID:"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:515
 msgid "&Email address:"
-msgstr "&E-post adresse:"
+msgstr "&Epostadresse:"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:515
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:523
 #, c-format
 msgid "minimum length %d"
 msgstr "minimumslengde %d"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:522
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:530
 msgid "Forgot your password?"
 msgstr "Glemt passordet ditt?"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:529
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:537
 msgid ""
 "If you have not yet registered with this account manager,\n"
 "please do so before proceeding.  Click on the link below\n"
@@ -123,47 +129,44 @@ msgstr ""
 "gjør det før du fortsetter. Klikk på linken under\n"
 "for å registrere eller hente et glemt passord"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:532
-#, fuzzy
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:540
 msgid "Account manager web site"
-msgstr "Kontostyring nettside"
+msgstr "Nettside for kontobehandler"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:574 WelcomePage.cpp:348
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:582
 msgid "Add project"
 msgstr "Legg til prosjekt"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:576
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:584
 msgid "Update account manager"
 msgstr "Oppdater kontobehandler"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:578 WelcomePage.cpp:307 WelcomePage.cpp:321
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:586
 msgid "Use account manager"
 msgstr "Bruk kontobehandler"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:585
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:593
 msgid "Please enter a user name."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Vennligst tast inn et brukernavn."
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:587
-#, fuzzy
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:595
 msgid "Please enter an email address."
-msgstr "Vennligst spesifiser en e-post adresse"
+msgstr "Vennligst tast inn en epostadresse."
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:597
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:605
 #, c-format
 msgid "Please enter a password of at least %d characters."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Vennligst tast inn et passord som inneholder minimum %d tegn."
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:607
-msgid ""
-"The password and confirmation password do not match. Please type them again."
-msgstr "Passordene er ikke like. Vennligst skriv dem igjen."
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:615
+msgid "The password and confirmation password do not match. Please type them again."
+msgstr "Passordene samsvarer ikke. Vennligst tast inn på nytt."
-#: AccountManagerInfoPage.cpp:272
+#: clientgui/AccountManagerInfoPage.cpp:272
 msgid "Choose an account manager"
 msgstr "Velg en kontobehandler"
-#: AccountManagerInfoPage.cpp:275
+#: clientgui/AccountManagerInfoPage.cpp:275
 msgid ""
 "To choose an account manager, click its name or \n"
 "type its URL below."
@@ -171,382 +174,396 @@ msgstr ""
 "For å velge en kontobehandler, klikk på navnet eller \n"
 "angi nettadressen under."
-#: AccountManagerInfoPage.cpp:279
-#, fuzzy
+#: clientgui/AccountManagerInfoPage.cpp:279
 msgid "Account manager details:"
-msgstr "Kontostyring nettside"
+msgstr "Detaljer for kontobehandler:"
-#: AccountManagerInfoPage.cpp:283
-#, fuzzy
+#: clientgui/AccountManagerInfoPage.cpp:283
 msgid "Account manager &URL:"
-msgstr "&Nettadresse til kontobehandler:"
+msgstr "&URL kontobehandler:"
-#: AccountManagerInfoPage.cpp:287
+#: clientgui/AccountManagerInfoPage.cpp:287
 msgid "Open web page"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Åpne nettside"
-#: AccountManagerInfoPage.cpp:290
+#: clientgui/AccountManagerInfoPage.cpp:290
 msgid "Visit this account manager's web site"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Besøk nettsiden til denne kontobehandleren"
-#: AccountManagerProcessingPage.cpp:187 AccountManagerPropertiesPage.cpp:193
+#: clientgui/AccountManagerProcessingPage.cpp:186
+#: clientgui/AccountManagerPropertiesPage.cpp:192
 #, c-format
 msgid "Communicating with %s."
 msgstr "Kommuniserer med %s."
-#: AccountManagerProcessingPage.cpp:194 AccountManagerPropertiesPage.cpp:200
+#: clientgui/AccountManagerProcessingPage.cpp:193
+#: clientgui/AccountManagerPropertiesPage.cpp:199
 msgid "Communicating with server."
 msgstr "Kommuniserer med tjener."
-#: AccountManagerProcessingPage.cpp:199 AccountManagerPropertiesPage.cpp:205
+#: clientgui/AccountManagerProcessingPage.cpp:198
+#: clientgui/AccountManagerPropertiesPage.cpp:204
 msgid "Please wait..."
 msgstr "Vennligst vent..."
-#: AccountManagerProcessingPage.cpp:326
+#: clientgui/AccountManagerProcessingPage.cpp:325
 msgid "An internal server error has occurred.\n"
 msgstr "Det har oppstått en intern tjenerfeil.\n"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:95
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:96
 msgid "Connected"
-msgstr "Koblet til"
+msgstr "Tilkoblet"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:103
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:104
 msgid "Disconnected"
-msgstr "Koblet fra"
+msgstr "Frakoblet"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:322 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:119
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:318
 #, c-format
 msgid "Close the %s window"
 msgstr "Steng %s vinduet"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:325 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:122
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:321
 msgid "&Close Window"
 msgstr "&Steng vindu"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:336 AdvancedFrame.cpp:343 AdvancedFrame.cpp:350
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:332
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:339
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:346
 #, c-format
 msgid "Exit %s"
 msgstr "Avslutt %s"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:371
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:359
+msgid "Preferences..."
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:368
 msgid "&Notices\tCtrl+Shift+N"
 msgstr "&Varslinger\t Ctrl+Shift+N"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:372
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:369
 msgid "Display notices"
 msgstr "Vis varslinger"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:377
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:374
 msgid "&Projects\tCtrl+Shift+P"
 msgstr "&Prosjekter\t Ctrl+Shift+P"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:378
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:375
 msgid "Display projects"
 msgstr "Vis prosjekter"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:383
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:380
 msgid "&Tasks\tCtrl+Shift+T"
 msgstr "&Oppgaver\t Ctrl+Shift+T"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:384
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:381
 msgid "Display tasks"
 msgstr "Vis oppgaver"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:389
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:386
 msgid "Trans&fers\tCtrl+Shift+X"
 msgstr "Over&føringer\t Ctrl+Shift+X"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:390
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:387
 msgid "Display transfers"
 msgstr "Vis overføringer"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:395
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:392
 msgid "&Statistics\tCtrl+Shift+S"
 msgstr "&Statistikk\t Ctrl+Shift+S"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:396
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:393
 msgid "Display statistics"
 msgstr "Vis statistikk"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:401
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:398
 msgid "&Disk usage\tCtrl+Shift+D"
 msgstr "&Diskbruk\t Ctrl+Shift+D"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:402
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:399
 msgid "Display disk usage"
 msgstr "Vis diskbruk"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:409
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:406
 msgid "Simple &View...\tCtrl+Shift+V"
 msgstr "Enkel &visning\t Ctrl+Shift+V"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:410
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:407
 msgid "Display the simple graphical interface."
 msgstr "Vis det enkle grafiske grensesnittet."
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:424
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:421
 msgid "&Add project or account manager..."
 msgstr "&Legg til prosjekt eller kontobehandler..."
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:425 sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:76
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:422
 msgid "Volunteer for any or all of 30+ projects in many areas of science"
 msgstr "Meld deg på noen eller alle 30+ prosjektene i mange forskningsområder"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:429
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:426
 #, c-format
 msgid "&Synchronize with %s"
 msgstr "&Synkroniser med %s"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:433
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:430
 #, c-format
 msgid "Get current settings from %s"
 msgstr "Hent gjeldende innstillinger fra %s"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:443
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:440
 msgid "&Add project..."
 msgstr "&Legg til et prosjekt..."
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:444
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:441
 msgid "Add a project"
 msgstr "Legg til et prosjekt"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:447
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:444
 #, c-format
 msgid "S&top using %s..."
 msgstr "S&topp bruken av %s"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:453
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:450
 msgid "Remove this computer from account manager control."
 msgstr "Fjern denne datamaskinen fra kontrollen til kontobehandler."
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:458 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:178
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:455
 msgid "&Options..."
 msgstr "&Alternativer..."
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:459 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:179
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:456
 msgid "Configure display options and proxy settings"
 msgstr "Konfigurer visningsvalg og mellomtjenerinnstillinger"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:463 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:172
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:460
 msgid "Computing &preferences..."
 msgstr "&Beregningsinnstillinger..."
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:464 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:173
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:461
 msgid "Configure computing preferences"
 msgstr "Konfigurer beregningsinnstillinger"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:472
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:469
 msgid "&Run always"
 msgstr "Alltid &kjør"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:473
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:470
 msgid "Allow work regardless of preferences"
 msgstr "Tillat arbeid uavhengig av innstillinger"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:477
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:474
 msgid "Run based on &preferences"
 msgstr "Kjør basert på &innstillinger"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:478
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:475
 msgid "Allow work according to preferences"
 msgstr "Tillat arbeid ifølge innstillinger"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:482
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:479
 msgid "&Suspend"
-msgstr "&Hvilemodus"
+msgstr "&Suspender"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:483
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:480
 msgid "Stop work regardless of preferences"
 msgstr "Stopp arbeid uansett innstillinger"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:508
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:505
 msgid "Use GPU always"
 msgstr "Alltid bruk grafikkprosessor"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:509
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:506
 msgid "Allow GPU work regardless of preferences"
 msgstr "Tillat arbeid med grafikkprosessor uavhengig av innstillinger"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:513
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:510
 msgid "Use GPU based on preferences"
 msgstr "Bruk grafikkprosessor basert på innstillinger"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:514
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:511
 msgid "Allow GPU work according to preferences"
 msgstr "Tillat arbeid med grafikkprosessor ifølge innstillinger"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:518
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:515
 msgid "Suspend GPU"
 msgstr "Sett grafikkprosessor i hvilemodus"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:519
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:516
 msgid "Stop GPU work regardless of preferences"
 msgstr "Stopp arbeid med grafikkprosessor uavhengig av innstillinger"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:543
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:540
 msgid "Network activity always available"
 msgstr "Nettverksaktivitet alltid tilgjengelig"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:544
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:541
 msgid "Allow network activity regardless of preferences"
 msgstr "Tillat nettverksaktivitet uavhengig av innstillinger"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:548
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:545
 msgid "Network activity based on preferences"
 msgstr "Nettverkaktivitet basert på innstillinger"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:549
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:546
 msgid "Allow network activity according to preferences"
 msgstr "Tillat nettverksaktivitet ifølge innstillinger"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:553
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:550
 msgid "Network activity suspended"
-msgstr "Nettverksaktivitet satt i hvilemodus"
+msgstr "Nettverksaktivitet suspendert"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:554
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:551
 msgid "Stop BOINC network activity"
 msgstr "Stopp nettverksaktiviteten til BOINC"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:564
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:561
 #, c-format
 msgid "Connect to another computer running %s"
 msgstr "Koble til en annen datamaskin som kjører %s"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:569
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:566
 msgid "Select computer..."
 msgstr "Velg datamaskin..."
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:574
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:571
 msgid "Shut down connected client..."
-msgstr "Slå av tilkoblede klienter..."
+msgstr "Slå av tilkoblet klient..."
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:575
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:572
 msgid "Shut down the currently connected client"
 msgstr "Slå av klienten som er tilkoblet nå"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:579
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:576
 msgid "Run CPU &benchmarks"
 msgstr "Kjør &ytelsestest for prosessoren"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:580
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:577
 msgid "Runs BOINC CPU benchmarks"
 msgstr "Kjører BOINCs ytelsestest for prosessoren"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:584
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:581
 msgid "Do network communication"
 msgstr "Gjør nettverkskommunikasjon"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:585
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:582
 msgid "Do all pending network communication"
 msgstr "Gjør alle ventende nettverkskommunikasjoner"
 # 94%
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:589
-#, fuzzy
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:586
 msgid "Read config files"
-msgstr "Les konfigurasjonsfil"
+msgstr "Les konfigurasjonsfiler"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:590
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:587
 msgid "Read configuration info from cc_config.xml and any app_config.xml files"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Les konfigurasjonsinformasjon fra cc_config.xml og app_config.xml filer"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:594
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:591
 msgid "Read local prefs file"
 msgstr "Les lokal preferansefil"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:595
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:592
 msgid "Read preferences from global_prefs_override.xml."
 msgstr "Les preferanser fra global_prefs_override.xml"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:600
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:597
 #, c-format
 msgid "Launch another instance of %s..."
 msgstr "Start et annet eksempel av %s"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:604
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:601
 #, c-format
 msgid "Launch another %s"
 msgstr "Start en annen %s"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:614
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:611
 msgid "Event Log...\tCtrl+Shift+E"
 msgstr "Hendelseslogg...\t Ctrl+Shift+E"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:615
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:612
 msgid "Display diagnostic messages."
 msgstr "Vis diagnosebeskjeder."
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:625 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:188
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:616
+msgid "Event Log Diagnostic Flags...\tCtrl+Shift+F"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:617
+msgid "Enable or disable various diagnostic messages"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:626
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s &help"
 msgstr "%s &hjelp"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:631 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:194
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:632
 #, c-format
 msgid "Show information about %s"
 msgstr "Vis informasjon om %s"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:643
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:644
 #, c-format
 msgid "&%s help"
 msgstr "&%s hjelp"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:649 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:212
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:650
 #, c-format
 msgid "Show information about the %s"
 msgstr "Vis informasjon om %s"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:661 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:224
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:662
 #, c-format
-#, c-format, fuzzy
+#, c-format, c-format
 msgid "%s &web site"
 msgstr "%s &nettside"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:667 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:230
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:668
 #, c-format
 msgid "Show information about BOINC and %s"
 msgstr "Vis informasjon om BOINC og %s"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:679 BOINCTaskBar.cpp:530 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:242
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:680
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:544
 #, c-format
 msgid "&About %s..."
 msgstr "&Om %s"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:685 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:248
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:686
 msgid "Licensing and copyright information."
 msgstr "Informasjon om lisenser og opphavsrett."
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:692 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:255
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:693
 msgid "&File"
 msgstr "&Fil"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:696 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:259
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:697
 msgid "&View"
 msgstr "&Vis"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:700 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:263
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:701
 msgid "&Tools"
 msgstr "&Verktøy"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:704
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:705
 msgid "&Activity"
 msgstr "&Aktivitet"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:708
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:709
 msgid "A&dvanced"
 msgstr "A&vansert"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:712 DlgEventLog.cpp:332 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:267
-#: wizardex.cpp:374 wizardex.cpp:381
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:713
 msgid "&Help"
 msgstr "&Hjelp"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:1199
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1185
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - Stop using %s"
 msgstr "%s - Stopp bruken av %s"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:1204
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1190
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "If you stop using %s,\n"
@@ -561,12 +578,12 @@ msgstr ""
 "Vil du stoppe å bruke %s?"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:1401
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1397
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - Shut down the current client..."
 msgstr "%s - Steng nåværende klient..."
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:1410
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1406
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "%s will shut down the current client\n"
@@ -575,36 +592,36 @@ msgstr ""
 "%s vil stenge nåværende klient\n"
 "og spørre deg om en annen tjener å koble til."
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:1745 DlgAbout.cpp:119
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1806
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s"
 msgstr "%s"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:1754
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1815
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s has successfully added %s"
 msgstr "%s har lagt til %s"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:1893
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1953
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - (%s)"
 msgstr "%s - (%s)"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:1897
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1957
 #, c-format
 msgid "Connecting to %s"
 msgstr "Kobler til %s"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:1900
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1960
 #, c-format
 msgid "Connected to %s (%s)"
 msgstr "Koblet til %s (%s)"
-#: AlreadyExistsPage.cpp:184
+#: clientgui/AlreadyExistsPage.cpp:184
 msgid "Username already in use"
-msgstr "Brukernavn er allerede i bruk"
+msgstr "Brukernavn allerede i bruk"
-#: AlreadyExistsPage.cpp:187
+#: clientgui/AlreadyExistsPage.cpp:187
 msgid ""
 "An account with that username already exists and has a\n"
 "different password than the one you entered.\n"
@@ -615,11 +632,11 @@ msgstr ""
 "annet passord enn det du skrev.\n"
 "Besøk prosjektets nettside og følg instruksjonene."
-#: AlreadyExistsPage.cpp:191
+#: clientgui/AlreadyExistsPage.cpp:191
 msgid "Email address already in use"
-msgstr "E-postadressen er allerede i bruk"
+msgstr "Epostadressen allerede i bruk"
-#: AlreadyExistsPage.cpp:194
+#: clientgui/AlreadyExistsPage.cpp:194
 msgid ""
 "An account with that email address already exists and has a\n"
 "different password than the one you entered.\n"
@@ -630,44 +647,43 @@ msgstr ""
 "annet passord enn det du skrev.\n"
 "Besøk prosjektets nettside og følg instruksjonene."
-#: AsyncRPC.cpp:1031
+#: clientgui/AsyncRPC.cpp:1031
 msgid "Communicating with BOINC client.  Please wait ..."
-msgstr "Kommuniserer med BOINC klient. Vennligst vent.."
+msgstr "Kommuniserer med BOINC klienten.  Vennligst vent ..."
-#: AsyncRPC.cpp:1034
+#: clientgui/AsyncRPC.cpp:1034
 #, c-format
 msgid "&Quit %s"
 msgstr "&Avslutt %s"
-#: AsyncRPC.cpp:1036
+#: clientgui/AsyncRPC.cpp:1036
 #, c-format
 msgid "E&xit %s"
 msgstr "A&vslutt %s"
-#: AsyncRPC.cpp:1040
+#: clientgui/AsyncRPC.cpp:1040
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - Communication"
 msgstr "%s - Kommuniserer"
-#: AsyncRPC.cpp:1056 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:107 sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:433
+#: clientgui/AsyncRPC.cpp:1056
 msgid "Cancel"
 msgstr "Avbryt"
-#: BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:505
+#: clientgui/BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:504
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - Connection Error"
 msgstr "%s - Tilkoblingsfeil"
-#: BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:514
+#: clientgui/BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:513
 msgid ""
 "You currently are not authorized to manage the client.\n"
-"Please contact your administrator to add you to the 'boinc_users' local user "
+"Please contact your administrator to add you to the 'boinc_users' local user group."
 msgstr ""
 "Du er ikke autorisert til å behandle klienten.\n"
 "Kontakt administrator for å bli lagt til i lokalgruppen `boinc_users`"
-#: BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:523
+#: clientgui/BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:522
 msgid ""
 "Authorization failed connecting to running client.\n"
 "Make sure you start this program in the same directory as the client."
@@ -675,20 +691,20 @@ msgstr ""
 "Autoriseringen kunne ikke koble til klienten som kjører.\n"
 "Vær sikker på at programmet er startet fra samme mappe som klienten."
-#: BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:525
+#: clientgui/BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:524
 msgid "Authorization failed connecting to running client."
 msgstr "Autoriseringen kunne ikke koble til klienten som kjører."
-#: BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:533
+#: clientgui/BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:532
 msgid "The password you have provided is incorrect, please try again."
-msgstr "Passordet er ikke riktig, vennligst prøv igjen."
+msgstr "Passordet du har oppgitt er feil, vennligst prøv igjen."
-#: BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:577
+#: clientgui/BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:576
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - Connection Failed"
 msgstr "%s - Tilkobling mislykkes"
-#: BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:586
+#: clientgui/BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:585
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "%s is not able to connect to a %s client.\n"
@@ -697,23 +713,22 @@ msgstr ""
 "%s kan ikke koble til klienten %s.\n"
 "Vil du prøve å koble til igjen?"
-#: BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:622
+#: clientgui/BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:621
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - Daemon Start Failed"
 msgstr "%s - Bakgrunnsprosessens oppstart feilet"
-#: BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:632
+#: clientgui/BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:631
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "%s is not able to start a %s client.\n"
-"Please launch the Control Panel->Administative Tools->Services applet and "
-"start the BOINC service."
+"Please launch the Control Panel->Administative Tools->Services applet and start the BOINC service."
 msgstr ""
 "%s kan ikke starte %s klienten.\n"
 "Start panelprogrammet Kontrollpanel->Administrative verktøy->Tjenester og "
 "start BOINC tjenesten."
-#: BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:638
+#: clientgui/BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:637
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "%s is not able to start a %s client.\n"
@@ -722,33 +737,33 @@ msgstr ""
 "%s kan ikke starte %s klienten.\n"
 "Start bakgrunnsprogrammet og prøv igjen."
-#: BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:689
+#: clientgui/BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:688
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - Connection Status"
 msgstr "%s - Status for tilkobling"
-#: BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:700
+#: clientgui/BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:699
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "%s is not currently connected to a %s client.\n"
-"Please use the 'Advanced\\Select Computer...' menu option to connect up to a "
-"%s client.\n"
+"Please use the 'Advanced\\Select Computer...' menu option to connect up to a %s client.\n"
 "To connect up to your local computer please use 'localhost' as the host name."
 msgstr ""
 "%s er ikke tilkoblet til en %s klient.\n"
-"Bruk 'Avansert/Velg datamaskin...' menyvalg for å koble til en %s klient\n"
-"For å koble til lokaldatamaskin vennligst bruk 'localhost' som vertsnavn."
+"Bruk 'Avansert\\Velg datamaskin...' menyvalg for å koble til en %s klient.\n"
+"For å koble til din lokale datamaskin vennligst bruk 'localhost' som "
-#: BOINCBaseView.cpp:779
+#: clientgui/BOINCBaseView.cpp:752
 msgid "Project web pages"
 msgstr "Prosjekt nettsider"
-#: BOINCClientManager.cpp:575
+#: clientgui/BOINCClientManager.cpp:573
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - Unexpected Exit"
 msgstr "%s- Uventet avslutning"
-#: BOINCClientManager.cpp:585
+#: clientgui/BOINCClientManager.cpp:583
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "The %s client has exited unexpectedly 3 times within the last %d minutes.\n"
@@ -757,12 +772,12 @@ msgstr ""
 "Klienten %s har uventet avsluttet 3 ganger i løpet av de siste %d minuttene.\n"
 "Vil du starte den igjen?"
-#: BOINCDialupManager.cpp:61
+#: clientgui/BOINCDialupManager.cpp:61
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - Network Status"
 msgstr "%s Nettverksstatus"
-#: BOINCDialupManager.cpp:241
+#: clientgui/BOINCDialupManager.cpp:241
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "%s needs to connect to the Internet.\n"
@@ -771,22 +786,22 @@ msgstr ""
 "%s trenger å koble til internett.\n"
 "Kan den gjøre det nå?"
-#: BOINCDialupManager.cpp:254
+#: clientgui/BOINCDialupManager.cpp:254
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s is connecting to the Internet."
 msgstr "%s er koblet til internett."
-#: BOINCDialupManager.cpp:303
+#: clientgui/BOINCDialupManager.cpp:303
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s has successfully connected to the Internet."
 msgstr "%s har koblet seg til internett."
-#: BOINCDialupManager.cpp:331
+#: clientgui/BOINCDialupManager.cpp:331
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s failed to connect to the Internet."
 msgstr "%s kunne ikke koble seg til internett."
-#: BOINCDialupManager.cpp:372
+#: clientgui/BOINCDialupManager.cpp:372
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "%s has detected it is now connected to the Internet.\n"
@@ -795,17 +810,17 @@ msgstr ""
 "%s er nå koblet til internett.\n"
 "Oppdaterer alle prosjekter og prøver alle overføringene igjen."
-#: BOINCDialupManager.cpp:417
+#: clientgui/BOINCDialupManager.cpp:417
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s has successfully disconnected from the Internet."
 msgstr "%s er koblet fra internett."
-#: BOINCDialupManager.cpp:433
+#: clientgui/BOINCDialupManager.cpp:433
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s failed to disconnected from the Internet."
 msgstr "%s kunne ikke koble fra internett."
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:339
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:595
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "You currently are not authorized to manage the client.\n"
@@ -826,7 +841,7 @@ msgstr ""
 "  - kontakt administratoren for å legge deg til 'boinc_master'\n"
 "     brukergruppe."
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:345
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:601
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "%s ownership or permissions are not set properly; please reinstall %s.\n"
@@ -835,16 +850,15 @@ msgstr ""
 "%s eieskap eller rettigheter er ikke satt ordentlig, installer %s på nytt.\n"
 "(Feilkode %d"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:351
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:607
 msgid " at "
-msgstr "ved "
+msgstr " ved "
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:354 MainDocument.cpp:2484 MainDocument.cpp:2534
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2554 ViewTransfers.cpp:803
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:610
 msgid ")"
 msgstr ")"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:384
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:640
 msgid ""
 "A reboot is required in order for BOINC to run properly.\n"
 "Please reboot your computer and try again."
@@ -852,787 +866,850 @@ msgstr ""
 "Omstart kreves for å kjøre BOINC ordentlig.\n"
 "Vennligst start datamaskinen om igjen."
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:385 DlgAbout.cpp:153
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:641
 msgid "BOINC Manager"
 msgstr "BOINC behandler"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:572
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:902
 msgid "BOINC Manager was started by the operating system automatically"
 msgstr "BOINCbehandleren var automatisk startet av operativsystemet"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:574
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:904
 msgid "Startup BOINC so only the system tray icon is visible"
 msgstr "Start BOINC så bare systemkurvikonet er synlig"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:576
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:906
 msgid "Directory containing the BOINC Client executable"
 msgstr "Mappe som inneholder BOINCklientens programfil"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:577
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:907
 msgid "BOINC data directory"
 msgstr "BOINCs datamappe"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:579
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:909
 msgid "Host name or IP address"
 msgstr "Vertsnavn eller IP adresse"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:580
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:910
 msgid "GUI RPC port number"
 msgstr "GUI RPC portnummer"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:581
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:911
 msgid "Password"
 msgstr "Passord"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:582
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:912
 msgid "Startup BOINC with these optional arguments"
 msgstr "Start BOINC med disse valgfrie argumentene"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:583
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:913
 msgid "disable BOINC security users and permissions"
 msgstr "Deaktiver BOINC sikkerhet brukere og rettigheter"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:584
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:914
 msgid "set skin debugging mode to enable skin manager error messages"
 msgstr ""
-"sett skin feilsøkingsmodus for å aktivere skin behandlerens feilbeskjeder."
+"sett skallmodus for feilsøking for å aktivere feilmeldinger fra "
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:585
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:915
 msgid "multiple instances of BOINC Manager allowed"
-msgstr "Flere eksemplarer av BOINC behandleren er tillatt"
+msgstr "flere forekomster av BOINC behandleren er tillatt"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:587
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:917
 msgid "Not used: workaround for bug in XCode 4.2"
 msgstr "Ikke brukt: løsning for bug i XCode 4.2"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:814
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:1164
 msgid "(Automatic Detection)"
 msgstr "(Automatisk gjenkjenning)"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:815
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:1165
 msgid "(Unknown)"
 msgstr "(Ukjent)"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:816
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:1166
 msgid "(User Defined)"
 msgstr "(Brukerdefinert)"
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:508
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:522
 #, c-format
 msgid "Open %s Web..."
 msgstr "Åpne %s nett..."
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:515
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:529
 #, c-format
 msgid "Open %s..."
 msgstr "Åpne %s..."
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:522 BOINCTaskBar.cpp:619 BOINCTaskBar.cpp:627
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:536
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:633
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:641
 msgid "Snooze"
 msgstr "Utsett"
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:524 BOINCTaskBar.cpp:646 BOINCTaskBar.cpp:654
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:538
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:660
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:668
 msgid "Snooze GPU"
 msgstr "Utsett GPU"
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:542
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:556
 msgid "E&xit"
 msgstr "Av%slutt"
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:612 ViewProjects.cpp:718 ViewWork.cpp:795
-#: sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:758 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:110
-#: sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:102
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:626
 msgid "Resume"
 msgstr "Gjennoppta"
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:639
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:653
 msgid "Resume GPU"
 msgstr "Gjennoppta GPU"
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:713
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:727
 msgid "Computing is enabled"
 msgstr "Databehandling er slått på"
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:717
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:731
 msgid "Computing is suspended - "
-msgstr "Databehandling er suspendert -"
+msgstr "Beregning er suspendert - "
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:727
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:741
 msgid "GPU computing is enabled"
-msgstr "GPU databehandling er slått på"
+msgstr "GPU beregning er aktivert"
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:730
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:744
 msgid "GPU computing is suspended - "
-msgstr "GPU databehandling er suspendert -"
+msgstr "GPU databehandling er suspendert - "
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:739
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:753
 msgid "Network is enabled"
-msgstr "Nettverk er slått på"
+msgstr "Nettverk er aktivert"
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:742
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:756
 msgid "Network is suspended - "
-msgstr "Nettverk er suspendert -"
+msgstr "Nettverk er suspendert - "
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:750
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:764
 msgid "Reconnecting to client."
 msgstr "Kobler til klient på nytt."
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:752
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:766
 msgid "Not connected to a client."
 msgstr "Ikke tilkoblet til en klient"
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:805
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:819
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s Notices"
-msgstr "%s Meldinger"
+msgstr "%s Varsler"
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:811
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:825
 msgid "There are new notices - click to view."
-msgstr "Det er nye meldinger - klikk for å se."
+msgstr "Det er nye varsler - klikk for å vise."
-#: CompletionErrorPage.cpp:199
+#: clientgui/CompletionErrorPage.cpp:199
 msgid "Failed to add project"
-msgstr "Legg til prosjekt har feilet"
+msgstr "Kunne ikke legge til prosjekt"
-#: CompletionErrorPage.cpp:204
+#: clientgui/CompletionErrorPage.cpp:204
 msgid "Failed to update account manager"
-msgstr "Oppdatering av konto manager har feilet"
+msgstr "Kunne ikke oppdatere kontobehandler"
 # 84%
-#: CompletionErrorPage.cpp:208
+#: clientgui/CompletionErrorPage.cpp:208
 msgid "Failed to remove account manager"
-msgstr "Fjerning av konto manager har feilet"
+msgstr "Kunne ikke fjerne kontobehandler"
 # 84%
-#: CompletionErrorPage.cpp:212
+#: clientgui/CompletionErrorPage.cpp:212
 msgid "Failed to add account manager"
-msgstr "Klarte ikke å legge til konto manager"
+msgstr "Kunne ikke legge til kontobehandler"
-#: CompletionErrorPage.cpp:221
+#: clientgui/CompletionErrorPage.cpp:221
 msgid ""
 "Please try again later.\n"
 "Click Finish to close."
 msgstr ""
+"Vennligst prøv igjen senere.\n"
+"Klikk Ferdig for å lukke."
-#: CompletionErrorPage.cpp:225 CompletionPage.cpp:222 CompletionPage.cpp:242
-#: CompletionPage.cpp:273
+#: clientgui/CompletionErrorPage.cpp:225
+#: clientgui/CompletionPage.cpp:222
+#: clientgui/CompletionPage.cpp:242
+#: clientgui/CompletionPage.cpp:273
 msgid "Click Finish to close."
 msgstr "Klikk Ferdig for å lukke."
-#: CompletionErrorPage.cpp:234
+#: clientgui/CompletionErrorPage.cpp:234
 msgid "Messages from server:"
 msgstr "Meldinger fra tjener:"
-#: CompletionPage.cpp:207
+#: clientgui/CompletionPage.cpp:207
 msgid "Project added"
 msgstr "Prosjekt lagt til"
-#: CompletionPage.cpp:213
+#: clientgui/CompletionPage.cpp:213
 msgid "This project has been successfully added."
-msgstr "Dette prosjektet har suksessfullt blitt lagt til."
+msgstr "Dette prosjektet har blitt lagt til korrekt."
-#: CompletionPage.cpp:218
+#: clientgui/CompletionPage.cpp:218
 msgid ""
 "When you click Finish, your web browser will go to a page where\n"
 "you can set your account name and preferences."
 msgstr ""
 "Når du klikker Ferdig, vil nettleseren din gå til en side der\n"
-"du kan sette inn ditt konto navn og innstillinger."
+"du kan oppgi ditt kontonavn og innstillinger."
-#: CompletionPage.cpp:232
+#: clientgui/CompletionPage.cpp:232
 #, c-format
 msgid "Update from %s completed."
 msgstr "Oppdatering fra %s ferdig."
-#: CompletionPage.cpp:236
+#: clientgui/CompletionPage.cpp:236
 msgid "Update completed."
 msgstr "Oppdatering ferdig."
-#: CompletionPage.cpp:247
+#: clientgui/CompletionPage.cpp:247
 msgid "Now using account manager"
-msgstr "Bruker nå konto manager"
+msgstr "Bruker kontobehandler nå"
-#: CompletionPage.cpp:252
+#: clientgui/CompletionPage.cpp:252
 #, c-format
 msgid "Welcome to %s!"
 msgstr "Velkommen til %s!"
-#: CompletionPage.cpp:263
+#: clientgui/CompletionPage.cpp:263
 #, c-format
 msgid "You are now using %s to manage accounts."
 msgstr "Du bruker nå %s for å håndtere kontoer."
-#: CompletionPage.cpp:267
+#: clientgui/CompletionPage.cpp:267
 msgid "You are now using this account manager."
-msgstr "Du bruker nå konto manager"
+msgstr "Du bruker nå denne kontobehandleren."
-#: DlgAbout.cpp:113 mac/Mac_GUI.cpp:96
+#: clientgui/DlgAbout.cpp:113
 #, c-format
 msgid "About %s"
 msgstr "Om %s"
-#: DlgAbout.cpp:172
+#: clientgui/DlgAbout.cpp:172
 msgid "Version:"
 msgstr "Versjon:"
-#: DlgAbout.cpp:180
+#: clientgui/DlgAbout.cpp:180
 msgid "wxWidgets Version:"
 msgstr "wxWidgets Versjon:"
-#: DlgAbout.cpp:188
+#: clientgui/DlgAbout.cpp:188
 msgid "Copyright:"
 msgstr "Copyright:"
-# 98%
-#: DlgAbout.cpp:192
-#, fuzzy
+#: clientgui/DlgAbout.cpp:192
 msgid ""
-"(C) 2003-2013 University of California, Berkeley.\n"
+"(C) 2003-2014 University of California, Berkeley.\n"
 "All Rights Reserved."
 msgstr ""
-"(C) 2003-2011 University of California, Berkeley.\n"
-"All Rights Reserved."
-#: DlgAbout.cpp:196
+#: clientgui/DlgAbout.cpp:196
 msgid "Berkeley Open Infrastructure for Network Computing"
 msgstr "Berkeley Open Infrastructure for Network Computing"
-#: DlgAbout.cpp:208 DlgExitMessage.cpp:173 DlgGenericMessage.cpp:120
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:396 DlgSelectComputer.cpp:163
+#: clientgui/DlgAbout.cpp:208
+#: clientgui/DlgExitMessage.cpp:173
+#: clientgui/DlgGenericMessage.cpp:120
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:399
+#: clientgui/DlgSelectComputer.cpp:163
 msgid "&OK"
 msgstr "&OK"
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:544
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:602
 msgid "invalid number"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "ugyldig nummer"
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:545
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:603
 msgid "invalid time, format is HH:MM"
 msgstr "Ugyldig tid, formatet er TT:MM"
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:546
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:604
 msgid "invalid time interval, format is HH:MM-HH:MM"
 msgstr "Ugyldig tids intervall, formatet er TT:MM-TT:MM"
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:751
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:817
 msgid "invalid input value detected"
 msgstr "ugyldig inndata verdi oppdaget"
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:753
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:819
 msgid "Validation Error"
-msgstr "Validerings feil"
+msgstr "Valideringsfeil"
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:885 DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:891
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:897
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:969
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:975
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:981
 msgid "Applications to add"
 msgstr "Legg til programmer"
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:914
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:998
 #, c-format
 msgid "'%s' is not an executable application."
 msgstr "'%s' er ikke en kjørbar applikasjon."
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:915 DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:962
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:986
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:999
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:1046
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:1070
 msgid "Add Exclusive App"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Legg til app med enerett"
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:927
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:1011
 msgid "Name of application to add?"
 msgstr "Navn på program å legge til?"
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:927
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:1011
 msgid "Add exclusive app"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Legg til app med enerett"
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:961
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:1045
 #, c-format
 msgid "Application names must end with '%s'"
 msgstr "Applikasjon navn må slutte med \"%s\""
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:985
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:1069
 #, c-format
 msgid "'%s' is already in the list."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "'%s' er allerede i listen."
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:1077
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:1161
 msgid ""
 "Do you really want to clear all local preferences?\n"
 "(This will not affect exclusive applications.)"
 msgstr ""
+"Ønsker du virkelig å fjerne alle lokale instillinger?\n"
+"(Dette vil ikke påvirke ekslusive applikasjoner.)"
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:1078 sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:1030
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:1162
 msgid "Confirmation"
 msgstr "Bekreftelse"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:46 sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:946
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:49
 #, c-format
-msgid "%s - Preferences"
-msgstr "%s - Innstillinger"
+msgid "%s - Computing preferences"
+msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:62
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:66
 msgid ""
 "This dialog controls preferences for this computer only.\n"
 "Click OK to set preferences.\n"
 "Click Clear to restore web-based settings (except exclusive apps)."
 msgstr ""
+"Denne dialogboksen kontrollerer utelukkende innstillinger for denne "
+"Klikk OK for lagre innstillingene.\n"
+"Klikk Fjern for å gjenopprette nettbaserte innstillinger (endrer ikke "
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:65 sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:428
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:69
 msgid "Clear"
 msgstr "Fjern"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:66
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:70
 msgid "clear all local preferences and close the dialog"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "fjern alle lokale innstillinger og lukk dialogboksen"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:81
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:85
 msgid "processor usage"
-msgstr "Prosessor bruk"
+msgstr "prosessorbruk"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:84
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:88
 msgid "network usage"
 msgstr "nettverk bruk"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:87
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:91
 msgid "disk and memory usage"
 msgstr "disk og minne bruk"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:90
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:94
 msgid "exclusive applications"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Applikasjoner med enerett"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:102 sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:424
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:107
+#: clientgui/DlgDiagnosticLogFlags.cpp:104
 msgid "OK"
 msgstr "OK"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:103
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:108
 msgid "save all values and close the dialog"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "lagre alle verdier og lukk dialogboksen"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:108
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:114
 msgid "close the dialog without saving"
-msgstr "lukk vinduet uten å lagre"
+msgstr "lukk dialogboksen uten å lagre"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:112 Localization.cpp:35 Localization.cpp:121
-#: Localization.cpp:139 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:794 sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:439
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:118
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:35
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:121
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:139
 msgid "Help"
 msgstr "Hjelp"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:113
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:119
 msgid "shows the preferences web page"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "viser nettsiden for preferanser"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:135
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:141
 msgid "Computing allowed"
-msgstr "Databehandling tillatt"
+msgstr "Beregning tillatt"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:139
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:146
 msgid "While computer is on batteries"
 msgstr "Når datamaskinen går på batterier"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:142
-msgid ""
-"check this if you want this computer to do work while it runs on batteries"
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:149
+msgid "check this if you want this computer to do work while it runs on batteries"
 msgstr ""
+"sett kryss om du ønsker at denne datamaskinen skal utføre arbeid når den "
+"kjører på batterier"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:148
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:155
 msgid "While computer is in use"
 msgstr "Når datamaskinen er i bruk"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:151
-msgid ""
-"check this if you want this computer to do work even when you're using it"
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:158
+msgid "check this if you want this computer to do work even when you're using it"
 msgstr ""
+"sett kryss om du ønsker at denne datamaskinen skal utføre arbeid, selv når "
+"du bruker den"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:157
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:164
 msgid "Use GPU while computer is in use"
 msgstr "Bruk GPU mens datamaskinen er i bruk"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:160
-msgid ""
-"check this if you want your GPU to do work even when you're using the "
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:167
+msgid "check this if you want your GPU to do work even when you're using the computer"
 msgstr ""
+"sett kryss om du ønsker at grafikkprosessoren skal utføre arbeid, selv når "
+"du bruker datamaskinen"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:172
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:179
 msgid "Only after computer has been idle for"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Bare etter at datamaskinen har vært inaktiv i"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:182
-msgid ""
-"do work only after you haven't used the computer for this number of minutes"
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:188
+msgid "do work only after you haven't used the computer for this number of minutes"
 msgstr ""
+"bare utfør arbeid etter at du ikke har brukt datamaskinen i dette antall "
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:187 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:336
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:417
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:193
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:342
 msgid "minutes"
 msgstr "minutter"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:206
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:212
 msgid "While processor usage is less than"
-msgstr "Når prosessor bruken er mindre enn"
+msgstr "Når prosessorbruken er mindre enn"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:216
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:221
 msgid "suspend work if processor usage exceeds this level"
 msgstr "suspender arbeid hvis prosessor bruken overstiger dette nivået"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:221
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:226
 msgid "percent (0 means no restriction)"
 msgstr "prosent (0 betyr ingen begrensning)"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:235 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:496
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:240
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:506
 msgid "Every day between hours of"
 msgstr "Hver dag mellom"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:239
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:244
 msgid "start work at this time"
 msgstr "start arbeid klokken"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:243 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:504
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:326 sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:348
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:248
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:514
 msgid "and"
 msgstr "og"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:247
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:252
 msgid "stop work at this time"
 msgstr "stopp arbeid klokken"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:251 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:512
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:256
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:522
 msgid "(no restriction if equal)"
 msgstr "(ingen begrensning hvis lik)"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:256 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:517
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:261
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:527
 msgid "Day-of-week override:"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Overstyr ukedag:"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:261 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:522
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:266
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:532
 msgid "check box to specify hours for this day of week"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "sett kryss for å spesifisere tidsintervall for denne ukedagen"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:267 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:528
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:272
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:538
 msgid "Monday"
 msgstr "Mandag"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:274 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:535
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:279
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:545
 msgid "Tuesday"
 msgstr "Tirsdag"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:281 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:542
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:286
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:552
 msgid "Wednesday"
 msgstr "Onsdag"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:288 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:549
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:293
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:559
 msgid "Thursday"
 msgstr "Torsdag"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:295 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:556
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:300
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:566
 msgid "Friday"
 msgstr "Fredag"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:302 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:563
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:307
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:573
 msgid "Saturday"
 msgstr "Lørdag"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:309 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:570
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:314
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:580
 msgid "Sunday"
 msgstr "Søndag"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:323
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:328
 msgid "Other options"
 msgstr "Andre alternativer"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:330
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:336
 msgid "Switch between applications every"
 msgstr "Bytt mellom applikasjon hver"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:339
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:345
 msgid "On multiprocessor systems, use at most"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "På multiprosessorsystemer, bruk maks"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:346
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:352
 #, no-c-format
-msgid "% of the processors (0 means ignore this setting)"
+msgid "% of the processors (0 means no restriction)"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:349 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:605
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:627 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:648
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:669 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:679
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:355
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:618
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:640
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:661
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:683
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:694
 msgid "Use at most"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Bruk på det meste"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:356
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:362
 #, no-c-format
-msgid "% CPU time"
-msgstr "% CPU tid"
+msgid "% of CPU time (0 means no restriction)"
+msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:378
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:386
 msgid "General options"
 msgstr "Generelle alternativer"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:386
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:395
 msgid "Maximum download rate"
 msgstr "Maksimum nedlastingshastighet"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:392 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:401
-msgid "KBytes/sec."
-msgstr "KBytes/sek."
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:401
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:410
+msgid "KBytes/second (0 means no restriction)"
+msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:395
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:404
 msgid "Maximum upload rate"
 msgstr "Maksimum opplastingshastighet"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:406
-msgid "Transfer at most"
-msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:412
-msgid "Mbytes"
-msgstr "Mbytes"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:415
-msgid "every"
-msgstr "hver"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:421 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:444
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:463
-msgid "days"
-msgstr "dager"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:429
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:417
 msgid "Minimum work buffer"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Minimum arbeidsbuffer"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:438
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:425
 msgid "Try to maintain enough tasks to keep busy for this many days"
 msgstr ""
+"Prøv å opprettholde nok oppgaver til å være opptatt i følgende antall dager"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:450
-msgid "Max additional work buffer"
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:431
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:449
+msgid "days (maximum value: 10)"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:459
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:437
+msgid "Max additional work buffer"
+msgstr "Maks ekstra arbeidsbuffer"
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:445
 msgid "In addition, maintain enough tasks for up to this many days"
+msgstr "I tillegg, oppretthold nok oppgaver opp til dette antall dager"
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:454
+msgid "Transfer at most"
+msgstr "Overfør på det meste"
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:462
+msgid "MBytes every"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:466
-msgid "Skip image file verification"
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:468
+msgid "days (0 means no restriction)"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:468
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:476
+msgid "Skip image file verification"
+msgstr "Hopp over verifisering av avbildningsfil"
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:478
 msgid "check this if your Internet provider modifies image files"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "merk denne hvis din Internettleverandør modifiserer avbildingsfilene"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:476
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:484
 msgid "Connect options"
 msgstr "Tilkoblings alternativer"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:478
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:487
 msgid "Confirm before connecting to internet"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Bekreft før det kobles til Internet"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:480
-msgid ""
-"if checked, a confirmation dialog will be displayed before trying to connect "
-"to the Internet"
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:489
+msgid "if checked, a confirmation dialog will be displayed before trying to connect to the Internet"
 msgstr ""
+"hvis merket, vil en dialogboks vises før det forsøkes å koble til Internet"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:484
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:493
 msgid "Disconnect when done"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Koble fra når ferdig"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:486
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:495
 msgid ""
 "if checked, BOINC hangs up when network usage is done\n"
 "(only relevant for dialup-connection)"
 msgstr ""
+"hvis merket, vil BOINC koble fra når overføring er ferdig\n"
+"(kun relevant for oppringte tilkoblinger)"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:492
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:501
 msgid "Network usage allowed"
 msgstr "Nettverksbruk tillatt"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:500
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:510
 msgid "network usage start hour"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "bruk av nettverk starter klokken"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:508
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:518
 msgid "network usage stop hour"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "bruk av nettverk stopper klokken"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:598 DlgItemProperties.cpp:231
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:610
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:257
 msgid "Disk usage"
 msgstr "Disk bruk"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:609
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:622
 msgid "the maximum disk space used by BOINC (in Gigabytes)"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "maksimal diskplass brukt av BOINC (i Gigabytes)"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:613
-msgid "Gigabytes disk space"
-msgstr "Gigabytes diskplass"
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:626
+msgid "Gigabytes disk space (0 means no restriction)"
+msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:616
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:629
 msgid "Leave at least"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "La det minst være"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:620
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:633
 msgid "BOINC leaves at least this amount of disk space free (in Gigabytes)"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "BOINC lar det minimum være så mye diskplass ledig (i Gigabytes)"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:624
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:637
 msgid "Gigabytes disk space free"
 msgstr "Gigabytes diskplass ledig"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:631
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:644
 msgid "BOINC uses at most this percentage of total disk space"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "BOINC bruker på det meste denne prosentandelen av total diskplass"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:636
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:649
 #, no-c-format
 msgid "% of total disk space"
 msgstr "% av total diskplass"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:639
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:652
 msgid "Tasks checkpoint to disk at most every"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Kontrollpunkt for oppgaver skrives til disk på det meste hver"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:645
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:658
 msgid "seconds"
 msgstr "sekunder"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:655
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:668
 #, no-c-format
 msgid "% of page file (swap space)"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "% av sidevekslingsfil (veksleområde)"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:662
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:675
 msgid "Memory usage"
 msgstr "Minnebruk"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:676
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:691
 #, no-c-format
 msgid "% when computer is in use"
 msgstr "% når datamaskinen er i bruk"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:686
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:701
 #, no-c-format
-#, fuzzy, no-c-format
+#, no-c-format, no-c-format
 msgid "% when computer is idle"
-msgstr "% når datamaskinen er i bruk"
+msgstr "% når datamaskinen er inaktiv"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:691
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:706
 msgid "Leave applications in memory while suspended"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "La applikasjonene bli værende i minnet når suspendert"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:693
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:708
 msgid "if checked, suspended work units are left in memory"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "hvis merket, vil suspenderte arbeidsenheter bli værende i minnet"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:713
-msgid ""
-"Suspend processor and network usage when these applications are running:"
-msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:728
+msgid "Suspend processor and network usage when these applications are running:"
+msgstr "Suspender bruk av prosessor og nettverk når disse programmene kjører:"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:722
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:738
 msgid "Add..."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Legg til..."
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:723
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:739
 msgid "Add an application to this list"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Legg til en applikasjon i denne listen"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:728 ViewProjects.cpp:202
-#: sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:85
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:744
 msgid "Remove"
 msgstr "Fjern"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:729
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:745
 msgid "Remove an application from this list"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Fjern en applikasjon fra denne listen"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:738
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:754
 msgid "For advanced options, refer to "
+msgstr "For avanserte alternativer, henvis til"
+#: clientgui/DlgDiagnosticLogFlags.cpp:65
+#, c-format
+msgid "%s Diagnostic Log Flags"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/DlgDiagnosticLogFlags.cpp:83
+msgid "These flags enable various types of diagnostic messages in the Event Log."
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/DlgDiagnosticLogFlags.cpp:105
+msgid "Save all values and close the dialog"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/DlgDiagnosticLogFlags.cpp:108
+msgid "Defaults"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:219
+#: clientgui/DlgDiagnosticLogFlags.cpp:109
+msgid "Restore default settings"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/DlgDiagnosticLogFlags.cpp:113
+msgid "Close the dialog without saving"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:226
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - Event Log"
-msgstr "%s - Hendelse logg"
+msgstr "%s - Hendelseslogg"
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:232 ViewMessages.cpp:117 ViewProjects.cpp:219
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:435 ViewStatistics.cpp:2009 ViewTransfers.cpp:182
-#: ViewWork.cpp:232
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:236
 msgid "Project"
 msgstr "Prosjekt"
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:233 ViewMessages.cpp:118
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:237
 msgid "Time"
 msgstr "Tid"
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:234 ViewMessages.cpp:119
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:238
 msgid "Message"
 msgstr "Melding"
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:290 DlgEventLog.cpp:354
-#, fuzzy
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:300
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:364
 msgid "&Show only this project"
-msgstr "Vis bare dette prosjektet"
+msgstr "&Vis bare dette prosjektet"
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:294
-#, fuzzy
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:304
 msgid "Copy &All"
-msgstr "Kopier alt"
+msgstr "Kopier &alt"
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:296 DlgEventLog.cpp:300 ViewMessages.cpp:89
-#, fuzzy
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:306
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:310
 msgid "Copy all the messages to the clipboard."
-msgstr "Kopier alle meldinger til utklippstavle..."
+msgstr "Kopier alle meldinger til utklippstavlen."
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:305
-#, fuzzy
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:315
 msgid "Copy &Selected"
-msgstr "Kopier valgte"
+msgstr "Kopier &valgte"
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:308 DlgEventLog.cpp:316 ViewMessages.cpp:97
-msgid ""
-"Copy the selected messages to the clipboard. You can select multiple "
-"messages by holding down the shift or command key while clicking on messages."
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:318
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:326
+msgid "Copy the selected messages to the clipboard. You can select multiple messages by holding down the shift or command key while clicking on messages."
 msgstr ""
+"Kopier valgte meldinger til utklippstavlen. Du kan velge flere meldinger ved "
+"å holde Shift eller Command tasten inne mens du klikker på meldingene."
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:310 DlgEventLog.cpp:318 ViewMessages.cpp:99
-msgid ""
-"Copy the selected messages to the clipboard. You can select multiple "
-"messages by holding down the shift or control key while clicking on messages."
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:320
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:328
+msgid "Copy the selected messages to the clipboard. You can select multiple messages by holding down the shift or control key while clicking on messages."
 msgstr ""
+"Kopier valgte meldinger til utklippstavlen. Du kan velge flere meldinger ved "
+"å trykke Shift eller Control tasten inne mens du klikker på meldingene."
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:325 DlgItemProperties.cpp:67
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:335
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:67
 msgid "&Close"
 msgstr "&Lukk"
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:334 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:798 sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:442
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:344
 #, c-format
 msgid "Get help with %s"
 msgstr "Få hjelp med %s"
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:348
-#, fuzzy
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:358
 msgid "Show all &messages"
-msgstr "Vis alle meldinger"
+msgstr "Vis alle &meldinger"
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:349 DlgEventLog.cpp:351
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:359
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:361
 msgid "Show messages for all projects"
 msgstr "Vis meldinger for alle prosjekter"
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:355 DlgEventLog.cpp:357
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:365
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:367
 msgid "Show only the messages for the selected project"
 msgstr "Bare vis meldinger for valgte prosjekt"
-#: DlgExitMessage.cpp:82
+#: clientgui/DlgExitMessage.cpp:82
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - Exit Confirmation"
 msgstr "%s - Avslutt bekreftelse"
-#: DlgExitMessage.cpp:130
+#: clientgui/DlgExitMessage.cpp:130
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "You have requested to exit the %s,\n"
@@ -1642,8 +1719,14 @@ msgid ""
 "If you also want to stop running the tasks,\n"
 "choose from the following options:"
 msgstr ""
+"Du har valgt å avslutte %s,\n"
+"som lar det vise og administrere\n"
+"oppgavene som kjører på din arbeidsstasjon.\n"
+"Hvis du også ønsker å stoppe kjøring av oppgavene,\n"
+"velg fra følgende alternativer:"
-#: DlgExitMessage.cpp:135
+#: clientgui/DlgExitMessage.cpp:135
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "This will shut down %s and its tasks until either the\n"
@@ -1653,816 +1736,850 @@ msgid ""
 "rather than to exit the application; that will allow %s to run its\n"
 "tasks at the times you selected in your preferences."
 msgstr ""
+"Dette vil stenge ned %s og dens oppgaver inntil enten\n"
+"%s eller skjermspareren til %s kjører igjen.\n"
+"I de fleste tilfeller, er det bedre å lukke %s vinduet\n"
+"istedenfor å avslutte applikasjonen; som tillater %s å kjøre dens\n"
+"oppgaver på tidspunktene du har valgt i dine innstillinger."
-#: DlgExitMessage.cpp:153
+#: clientgui/DlgExitMessage.cpp:153
 #, c-format
 msgid "Stop running tasks when exiting the %s"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Stopp kjøring av oppgaver ved avsluttning av %s"
-#: DlgExitMessage.cpp:165
+#: clientgui/DlgExitMessage.cpp:165
 msgid "Remember this decision and do not show this dialog."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Husk dette valget og ikke vis denne dialogboksen."
-#: DlgExitMessage.cpp:178 DlgGenericMessage.cpp:125 DlgOptions.cpp:401
-#: DlgSelectComputer.cpp:168 wizardex.cpp:378
+#: clientgui/DlgExitMessage.cpp:178
+#: clientgui/DlgGenericMessage.cpp:125
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:404
+#: clientgui/DlgSelectComputer.cpp:168
 msgid "&Cancel"
 msgstr "&Avbryt"
-#: DlgGenericMessage.cpp:112
+#: clientgui/DlgGenericMessage.cpp:112
 msgid "Don't show this dialog again."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Ikke vis denne dialogboksen igjen."
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:168 DlgItemProperties.cpp:171
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:174 DlgItemProperties.cpp:177
-#, fuzzy
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:194
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:197
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:200
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:203
 msgid "Don't fetch tasks for "
-msgstr "Ikke hent CPU oppgaver"
+msgstr "Ikke hent oppgaver for "
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:168
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:194
 msgid "Project preference"
 msgstr "Prosjekt innstilling "
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:171
-#, fuzzy
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:197
 msgid "Account manager preference"
-msgstr "Kontostyring nettside"
+msgstr "Kontobehandlerinnstilling"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:174
-#, fuzzy
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:200
 msgid "Project has no apps for "
-msgstr "Prosjektets nettsider"
+msgstr "Prosjektet har ingen apps til "
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:177
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:203
 msgid "Client configuration excludes "
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Klientkonfigurasjonen ekskluderer "
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:181
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:207
 msgid " work fetch deferred for"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr " arbeidsfangst utsatt for"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:182
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:208
 msgid " work fetch deferral interval"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr " intervall for utsettelse av arbeidsfangst"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:213
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:239
 msgid "Properties of project "
-msgstr "Egenskaper for prosjekt"
+msgstr "Egenskaper for prosjekt "
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:217 DlgOptions.cpp:218
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:243
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:221
 msgid "General"
 msgstr "Generelle"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:218
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:244
 msgid "Master URL"
 msgstr "Hoved URL"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:219
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:245
 msgid "User name"
 msgstr "Brukernavn"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:220
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:246
 msgid "Team name"
 msgstr "Team navn"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:221 ViewProjects.cpp:224
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:247
 msgid "Resource share"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Ressursandel"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:223
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:249
 msgid "Scheduler RPC deferred for"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "RPC planlegger utsatt for"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:226
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:252
 msgid "File downloads deferred for"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Nedlastning av filer utsatt for"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:229
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:255
 msgid "File uploads deferred for"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Opplasting av filer utsatt for"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:232
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:258
 msgid "Computer ID"
 msgstr "Datamaskin ID"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:234
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:260
 msgid "Non CPU intensive"
 msgstr "Ikke CPU intensiv"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:234 DlgItemProperties.cpp:236
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:237 DlgItemProperties.cpp:239
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:242 DlgItemProperties.cpp:251
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:254 DlgItemProperties.cpp:257
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:260
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:262
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:263
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:265
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:268
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:277
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:280
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:283
 msgid "yes"
 msgstr "ja"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:236
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:262
 msgid "Suspended via GUI"
 msgstr "Suspendert via GUI"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:236 DlgItemProperties.cpp:237
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:262
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:263
 msgid "no"
 msgstr "nei"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:237
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:263
 msgid "Don't request more work"
-msgstr "Ikke anmod om mer arbeid"
+msgstr "Ikke anmod mer arbeid"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:239
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:265
 msgid "Scheduler call in progress"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Samtaleplanlegging pågår"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:242
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:268
 msgid "Trickle-up pending"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Godskriv andel venter"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:245 DlgItemProperties.cpp:247
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:271
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:273
 msgid "Host location"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Vertslokasjon"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:247
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:273
 msgid "default"
 msgstr "forvalg"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:251
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:277
 msgid "Added via account manager"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Lagt til via kontobehandler"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:254
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:280
 msgid "Remove when tasks done"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Fjern når oppgavene er utført"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:257
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:283
 msgid "Ended"
+msgstr "Ferdig"
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:285
+msgid "Tasks completed"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:259
-msgid "Credit"
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:286
+msgid "Tasks failed"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:260
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:288
+msgid "Credit"
+msgstr "Arbeid utført"
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:289
 msgid "User"
 msgstr "Bruker"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:267
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:296
 msgid "Host"
 msgstr "Vert"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:276
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:305
 msgid "Scheduling"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Planlegging"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:277
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:306
 msgid "Scheduling priority"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Planleggingsprioritet"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:278
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:307
 msgid "CPU"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Prosessor"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:302
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:331
 msgid "Duration correction factor"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Korrigeringsfaktor varighet"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:316
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:345
 msgid "Properties of task "
-msgstr "Egenskaper for oppgave"
+msgstr "Egenskaper for oppgave "
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:328 ViewWork.cpp:238
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:357
 msgid "Application"
 msgstr "Applikasjon"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:329 ViewWork.cpp:239
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:358
 msgid "Name"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Navn"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:330
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:359
 msgid "State"
 msgstr "Tilstand"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:333
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:362
 msgid "Received"
 msgstr "Mottatt"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:336
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:365
 msgid "Report deadline"
-msgstr "Rapporterings frist"
+msgstr "Rapporter frist"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:338
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:367
 msgid "Resources"
 msgstr "Resurser"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:341
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:370
 msgid "Estimated computation size"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Estimert beregningsstørrelse"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:344
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:373
 msgid "CPU time at last checkpoint"
 msgstr "CPU tid ved siste sjekkpunkt"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:345 DlgItemProperties.cpp:360
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:374
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:389
 msgid "CPU time"
 msgstr "CPU tid"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:347 DlgItemProperties.cpp:361
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:376
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:390
 msgid "Elapsed time"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Tid brukt"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:349
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:378
 msgid "Estimated time remaining"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Forventet tid igjen"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:350
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:379
 msgid "Fraction done"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Fraksjon ferdig"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:351
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:380
 msgid "Virtual memory size"
 msgstr "Virtuell minne størrelse"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:352
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:381
 msgid "Working set size"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Arbeidssettstørrelse"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:354
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:383
 msgid "Directory"
 msgstr "Katalog"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:357
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:386
 msgid "Process ID"
 msgstr "Prosess ID"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:427 ViewWork.cpp:1032 sg_TaskPanel.cpp:823
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:456
 msgid "Local: "
-msgstr "Lokal:"
+msgstr "Lokal: "
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:129 DlgOptions.cpp:135
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:129
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:135
 msgid "Options"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Alternativer"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:175
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:178
 msgid "Language:"
 msgstr "Språk:"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:182
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:185
 msgid "What language should BOINC use?"
 msgstr "Hvilket språk skal BOINC bruke?"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:186
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:189
 msgid "Notice reminder interval:"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Varselintervall for påminnelser:"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:193
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:196
 msgid "How often should BOINC remind you of new notices?"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Hvor ofte skal BOINC gi deg påminnelse om nye varsler?"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:198
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:201
 msgid "Run Manager at login?"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Kjør kontobehandler ved innlogging?"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:204
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:207
 msgid "Run the BOINC Manager when you log on."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Kjør BOINC kontobehandler når du logger på."
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:209
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:212
 msgid "Enable Manager exit dialog?"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Aktivere avsluttningsdialogboksen for behandleren?"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:215
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:218
 msgid "Display the exit dialog when shutting down the Manager."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Vis dialogboks for avsluttning når behandleren stenges ned."
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:226
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:229
 msgid "Dial-up and Virtual Private Network settings"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Innstillinger for oppringte- og virtuelle private nettverk"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:240
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:243
 msgid "&Set Default"
 msgstr "%Angi forvalg"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:245
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:248
 msgid "&Clear Default"
 msgstr "%Fjern forvalg"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:252
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:255
 msgid "Default Connection:"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Standard tilkobling:"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:259
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:262
 msgid "Connections"
 msgstr "Tilkoblinger"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:268
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:271
 msgid "Connect via HTTP proxy server"
 msgstr "Tilkoblet via HTTP proxy-tjener"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:272
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:275
 msgid "HTTP Proxy Server Configuration"
 msgstr "HTTP Proxy-tjener konfigurasjon"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:280 DlgOptions.cpp:344
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:283
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:347
 msgid "Address:"
 msgstr "Adresse:"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:288 DlgOptions.cpp:352 ProxyPage.cpp:340 ProxyPage.cpp:360
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:291
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:355
 msgid "Port:"
 msgstr "Port:"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:296 DlgOptions.cpp:360
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:299
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:363
 msgid "Don't use proxy for:"
-msgstr "Ikke bruk proxy for:"
+msgstr "Ikke bruk mellomtjener for:"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:303 DlgOptions.cpp:367
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:306
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:370
 msgid "Leave these blank if not needed"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "La disse være blanke hvis de ikke behøves."
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:309 DlgOptions.cpp:373 ProxyPage.cpp:343 ProxyPage.cpp:363
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:312
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:376
 msgid "User Name:"
 msgstr "Brukernavn:"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:317 DlgOptions.cpp:381 DlgSelectComputer.cpp:152
-#: ProxyPage.cpp:346 ProxyPage.cpp:366
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:320
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:384
+#: clientgui/DlgSelectComputer.cpp:152
 msgid "Password:"
 msgstr "Passord:"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:324
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:327
 msgid "HTTP Proxy"
-msgstr "HTTP Proxy"
+msgstr "HTTP mellomtjener"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:332
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:335
 msgid "Connect via SOCKS proxy server"
-msgstr "Koble til via SOCKS proxy-tjener"
+msgstr "Koble til via SOCKS mellomtjener"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:336
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:339
 msgid "SOCKS Proxy Server Configuration"
-msgstr "SOCKS Proxy-tjener konfigurasjon"
+msgstr "SOCKS mellomtjener konfigurasjon"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:388
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:391
 msgid "SOCKS Proxy"
-msgstr "SOCKS Proxy"
+msgstr "SOCKS mellomtjener"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:586
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:589
 msgid "always"
 msgstr "alltid"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:587
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:590
 msgid "1 hour"
 msgstr "1 time"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:588
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:591
 msgid "6 hours"
 msgstr "6 timer"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:589
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:592
 msgid "1 day"
 msgstr "1 dag"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:590
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:593
 msgid "1 week"
 msgstr "1 uke"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:591
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:594
 msgid "never"
 msgstr "aldri"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:688
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:691
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - Language Selection"
 msgstr "%s - Språkvalg"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:695
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:698
 #, c-format
-#, fuzzy, c-format
-msgid ""
-"The %s's language has been changed.  In order for this change to take "
-"effect, you must restart the %s."
+#, c-format, c-format
+msgid "The %s's language has been changed.  In order for this change to take effect, you must restart the %s."
 msgstr ""
-"Standardspråk for %s er forandret, for at forandringene skal vises må du "
-"starte om %s."
+"Standardspråk for %s er endret.  For å ta i bruk endringene må du starte %s "
+"på nytt."
-#: DlgSelectComputer.cpp:91
+#: clientgui/DlgSelectComputer.cpp:91
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - Select Computer"
 msgstr "%s - Velg datamaskin"
-#: DlgSelectComputer.cpp:125
+#: clientgui/DlgSelectComputer.cpp:125
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "Another instance of %s is already running \n"
 "on this computer.  Please select a client to monitor."
 msgstr ""
+"En annen forekomst av %s kjører allerede \n"
+"på denne datamaskinen.  Vennligst velg en klient å monitorere."
-#: DlgSelectComputer.cpp:143
+#: clientgui/DlgSelectComputer.cpp:143
 msgid "Host name:"
 msgstr "Vertsnavn:"
-#: Localization.cpp:31 Localization.cpp:69
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:31
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:69
 msgid "Message boards"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Diskusjonsfora"
-#: Localization.cpp:33
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:33
 msgid "Correspond with other users on the SETI at home message boards"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Utveksle meldinger med andre brukere på SETI at home diskusjonsforum"
-#: Localization.cpp:37
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:37
 msgid "Ask questions and report problems"
 msgstr "Still spørsmål og rapporter problemer"
-#: Localization.cpp:39 Localization.cpp:81 Localization.cpp:111
-#: Localization.cpp:129
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:39
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:81
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:111
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:129
 msgid "Your account"
 msgstr "Din konto"
-#: Localization.cpp:41 Localization.cpp:87 Localization.cpp:113
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:41
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:87
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:113
 msgid "View your account information and credit totals"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Vis din kontoinformasjon og dine totaler"
-#: Localization.cpp:43
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:43
 msgid "Your preferences"
 msgstr "Dine innstillinger"
-#: Localization.cpp:45
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:45
 msgid "View and modify your SETI at home account profile and preferences"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Vis og endre din SETI at home kontoprofil og innstillinger"
-#: Localization.cpp:47 Localization.cpp:89
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:47
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:89
 msgid "Your results"
 msgstr "Dine resultat"
-#: Localization.cpp:49 Localization.cpp:91
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:49
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:91
 msgid "View your last week (or more) of computational results and work"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Vis din siste ukes (eller mer) beregningsresultater og arbeid"
-#: Localization.cpp:51 Localization.cpp:93
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:51
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:93
 msgid "Your computers"
 msgstr "Dine datamaskiner"
-#: Localization.cpp:53
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:53
 msgid "View a listing of all the computers on which you are running SETI at Home"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Vis liste med alle dine datamaskiner som kjører SETI at Home"
-#: Localization.cpp:55 Localization.cpp:97
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:55
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:97
 msgid "Your team"
 msgstr "Ditt team"
-#: Localization.cpp:57 Localization.cpp:99
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:57
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:99
 msgid "View information about your team"
 msgstr "Vis informasjon om ditt team"
-#: Localization.cpp:61
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:61
 msgid "Common questions"
 msgstr "Vanlige spørsmål"
-#: Localization.cpp:63
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:63
 msgid "Read the Einstein at Home Frequently Asked Question list"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Les Einstein at Home's ofte stilte spørsmålslisten"
-#: Localization.cpp:65
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:65
 msgid "Screensaver info"
 msgstr "Skjermsparer info"
-#: Localization.cpp:67
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:67
 msgid "Read a detailed description of the Einstein at Home screensaver"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Les en detaljert beskrivelse av Einstein at Home's skjermsparer"
-#: Localization.cpp:71
-msgid ""
-"Correspond with admins and other users on the Einstein at Home message boards"
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:71
+msgid "Correspond with admins and other users on the Einstein at Home message boards"
 msgstr ""
+"Utveksle meldinger med administratorer og andre brukere på Einstein at Home "
-#: Localization.cpp:73
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:73
 msgid "Einstein status"
 msgstr "Einstein status"
-#: Localization.cpp:75
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:75
 msgid "Current status of the Einstein at Home server"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Nåværende status for Einstein at Home tjeneren"
-#: Localization.cpp:77
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:77
 msgid "Report problems"
-msgstr "Rapporter problemer "
+msgstr "Rapporter problemer"
-#: Localization.cpp:79
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:79
 msgid "A link to the Einstein at Home problems and bug reports message board"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Link til Einstein at Home diskusjonsforumet for problemer og feilrapporter"
-#: Localization.cpp:83
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:83
 msgid "View and modify your Einstein at Home account profile and preferences"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Vis og modifiser din Einstein at Home kontoprofil og innstillinger"
-#: Localization.cpp:85
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:85
 msgid "Account summary"
-msgstr "Konto oppsummering"
+msgstr "Konto sammendrag"
-#: Localization.cpp:95
-msgid ""
-"View a listing of all the computers on which you are running Einstein at Home"
-msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:95
+msgid "View a listing of all the computers on which you are running Einstein at Home"
+msgstr "Vis en oversikt over alle dine datamaskiner som kjører Einstein at Home"
-#: Localization.cpp:101
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:101
 msgid "LIGO project"
 msgstr "LIGO prosjekt"
-#: Localization.cpp:103
-msgid ""
-"The home page of the Laser Interferometer Gravitational-wave Observatory "
-"(LIGO) project"
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:103
+msgid "The home page of the Laser Interferometer Gravitational-wave Observatory (LIGO) project"
 msgstr ""
 "Hjemmesiden til Laser Interferometer Gravitional-wave Observatory (LIGO) "
-#: Localization.cpp:105
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:105
 msgid "GEO-600 project"
 msgstr "GEO-600 prosjekt"
-#: Localization.cpp:107
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:107
 msgid "The home page of the GEO-600 project"
 msgstr "Hjemmesiden til GEO-600 prosjektet"
-#: Localization.cpp:115 Localization.cpp:133 ViewProjects.cpp:221
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:465
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:115
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:133
 msgid "Team"
 msgstr "Team"
-#: Localization.cpp:117
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:117
 msgid "Info about your Team"
 msgstr "Informasjon om ditt Team"
-#: Localization.cpp:123
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:123
 msgid "Get help for climateprediction.net"
 msgstr "Få hjelp til climateprediction.net"
-#: Localization.cpp:125
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:125
 msgid "News"
 msgstr "Nyheter"
-#: Localization.cpp:127
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:127
 msgid "climateprediction.net News"
 msgstr "climateprediction.net Nyheter"
-#: Localization.cpp:131
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:131
 msgid "View your account information, credits, and trickles"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Vis din kontoinformasjon, poeng og andeler"
-#: Localization.cpp:135
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:135
 msgid "Info about your team"
 msgstr "Informasjon om ditt Team"
-#: Localization.cpp:141
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:141
 msgid "Search for help in our help system"
 msgstr "Søk etter hjelp i vårt hjelpesystem"
-#: Localization.cpp:143
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:143
 msgid "Global Statistics"
 msgstr "Global statestikk"
-#: Localization.cpp:145
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:145
 msgid "Summary statistics for World Community Grid"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Statistikksammendrag for World Community Grid"
-#: Localization.cpp:147
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:147
 msgid "My Grid"
 msgstr "Min grid"
-#: Localization.cpp:149
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:149
 msgid "Your statistics and settings"
 msgstr "Din statistikk og innstillinger"
-#: Localization.cpp:151
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:151
 msgid "Device Profiles"
 msgstr "Enhetsprofiler"
-#: Localization.cpp:153
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:153
 msgid "Update your device settings"
-msgstr "Oppdater dine enhets innstillinger"
+msgstr "Oppdater din enhets innstillinger"
-#: Localization.cpp:155
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:155
 msgid "Research"
 msgstr "Forskning"
-#: Localization.cpp:157
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:157
 msgid "Learn about the projects hosted at World Community Grid"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Lær om prosjektene driftet av World Community Grid"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:583
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:583
 msgid "Starting client"
 msgstr "Starter klient"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:591
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:591
 msgid "Connecting to client"
 msgstr "Kobler til klient"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:1195
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:1205
 msgid "Retrieving system state; please wait..."
 msgstr "Henter systemstatus; vennligst vent..."
-#: MainDocument.cpp:1816
-#, fuzzy
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:1826
 msgid "Missing application"
-msgstr "Applikasjon"
+msgstr "Applikasjon mangler"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:1817
-msgid ""
-"Please download and install the CoRD application from http://cord."
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:1827
+msgid "Please download and install the CoRD application from http://cord.sourceforge.net"
 msgstr ""
+"Vennligst last ned og installer CoRD applikasjonen fra "
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2432
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2442
 msgid "on batteries"
 msgstr "på batterier"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2433
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2443
 msgid "computer is in use"
 msgstr "datamaskinen er i bruk"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2434
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2444
 msgid "user request"
 msgstr "bruker anmodning"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2435
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2445
 msgid "time of day"
 msgstr "tid på dag"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2436
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2446
 msgid "CPU benchmarks in progress"
-msgstr "CPU ytelses test er startet "
+msgstr "CPU ytelsestest er startet"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2437
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2447
 msgid "need disk space - check preferences"
 msgstr "trenger diskplass - sjekk innstillinger"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2438
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2448
 msgid "computer is not in use"
 msgstr "datamaskinen er ikke i bruk"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2439
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2449
 msgid "starting up"
 msgstr "starter opp"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2440
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2450
 msgid "an exclusive app is running"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "en app med enerett kjører"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2441
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2451
 msgid "CPU is busy"
 msgstr "CPU er opptatt"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2442
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2452
 msgid "network bandwidth limit exceeded"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "grense for bruk av båndbredde er overskredet"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2443
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2453
 msgid "requested by operating system"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "anmodet av operativsystemet"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2445
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2455
 msgid "unknown reason"
 msgstr "ukjent grunn"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2467
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2477
 msgid "GPU missing, "
-msgstr "GPU mangler."
+msgstr "GPU mangler, "
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2474
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2484
 msgid "New"
 msgstr "Ny"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2478
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2488
 msgid "Download failed"
 msgstr "Nedlasting feilet"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2480
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2490
 msgid "Downloading"
 msgstr "Laster ned"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2482 MainDocument.cpp:2552
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2492
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2557
 msgid " (suspended - "
 msgstr " (suspendert - "
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2490
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2500
 msgid "Project suspended by user"
 msgstr "Prosjektet suspendert av bruker"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2492
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2502
 msgid "Task suspended by user"
 msgstr "Oppgave suspendert av bruker"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2494
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2504
 msgid "Suspended - "
 msgstr "Suspendert - "
 # 75%
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2500
-#, fuzzy
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2510
 msgid "GPU suspended - "
-msgstr " (suspendert - "
+msgstr "GPU suspendert - "
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2507
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2517
 msgid "Waiting for memory"
 msgstr "Venter på minne"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2509
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2519
 msgid "Waiting for shared memory"
 msgstr "Venter på delt minne"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2512
-msgid "Running, high priority"
-msgstr "Kjører, høy prioritet"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2514
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2521
 msgid "Running"
 msgstr "Kjører"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2517
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2523
 msgid " (non-CPU-intensive)"
 msgstr " (ikke-CPU-intensiv)"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2520
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2526
 msgid "Waiting to run"
 msgstr "Venter på å kjøre"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2522 MainDocument.cpp:2528
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2528
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2534
 msgid "Ready to start"
 msgstr "Klar til å starte"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2532
-msgid " (Scheduler wait: "
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2538
+msgid "Postponed: "
 msgstr ""
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2536
-msgid " (Scheduler wait)"
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2541
+msgid "Postponed"
 msgstr ""
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2540
-#, fuzzy
-msgid " (Waiting for network access)"
-msgstr "Venter på minne"
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2545
+msgid "Waiting for network access"
+msgstr ""
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2544
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2549
 msgid "Computation error"
-msgstr "Databehandling feilet"
+msgstr "Beregningsfeil"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2548
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2553
 msgid "Upload failed"
 msgstr "Opplasting feilet"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2550
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2555
 msgid "Uploading"
 msgstr "Laster opp"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2561
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2566
 msgid "Aborted by user"
 msgstr "Avbrutt av bruker"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2564
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2569
 msgid "Aborted by project"
 msgstr "Avbrutt av prosjektet"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2567
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2572
 msgid "Aborted: not started by deadline"
 msgstr "Avbrutt: ikke startet innen tidsfristen"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2570
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2575
 msgid "Aborted: disk limit exceeded"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Avbrutt: Plassbegrensning oversteget"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2573
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2578
 msgid "Aborted: run time limit exceeded"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Avbrutt: Grense for kjøretid oversteget"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2576
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2581
 msgid "Aborted: memory limit exceeded"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Avbrutt: Minneterskel overskredet"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2579
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2584
 msgid "Aborted"
 msgstr "Avbrutt"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2584
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2589
 msgid "Acknowledged"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Bekreftet"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2586
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2591
 msgid "Ready to report"
 msgstr "Klar til å rapportere"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2588
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2593
 #, c-format
 msgid "Error: invalid state '%d'"
 msgstr "Feil: ugyldig tilstand '%d'"
-#: NoInternetConnectionPage.cpp:179
+#: clientgui/NoInternetConnectionPage.cpp:179
 msgid "No Internet connection"
 msgstr "Ingen Internett tilgang"
-#: NoInternetConnectionPage.cpp:182
+#: clientgui/NoInternetConnectionPage.cpp:182
 msgid "Please connect to the Internet and try again."
 msgstr "Vennligst koble til Internett og prøv igjen."
-#: NotDetectedPage.cpp:181
+#: clientgui/NotDetectedPage.cpp:181
 msgid "Project not found"
-msgstr "Fant ikke prosjektet"
+msgstr "Prosjekt ikke funnet"
-#: NotDetectedPage.cpp:184
+#: clientgui/NotDetectedPage.cpp:184
 msgid ""
 "The URL you supplied is not that of a BOINC-based project.\n"
@@ -2472,109 +2589,108 @@ msgstr ""
 "Vennligst sjekk URL'en og prøv igjen."
-#: NotDetectedPage.cpp:188
+#: clientgui/NotDetectedPage.cpp:188
 msgid "Account manager not found"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Kontobehandler ikke funnet"
-#: NotDetectedPage.cpp:191
-#, fuzzy
+#: clientgui/NotDetectedPage.cpp:191
 msgid ""
 "The URL you supplied is not that of a BOINC-based account\n"
 "Please check the URL and try again."
 msgstr ""
-"URL'en du skrev inn er ikke et BOINC basert prosjekt.\n"
-"Vennligst sjekk URL'en og prøv igjen."
+"URL'en du tastet inn er ikke den til en BOINC basert konto\n"
+"Vennligst kontroller URL'en og prøv igjen."
-#: NotFoundPage.cpp:181
+#: clientgui/NotFoundPage.cpp:181
 msgid "Login Failed."
 msgstr "Innlogging feilet."
-#: NotFoundPage.cpp:185
+#: clientgui/NotFoundPage.cpp:185
 msgid "Check the username and password, and try again."
 msgstr "Sjekk brukernavn og passord, og prøv igjen."
-#: NotFoundPage.cpp:189
+#: clientgui/NotFoundPage.cpp:189
 msgid "Check the email address and password, and try again."
-msgstr "Sjekk e-post adresse og passord, og prøv igjen."
+msgstr "Sjekk epostadressen og passordet, og prøv igjen."
-#: NoticeListCtrl.cpp:222
+#: clientgui/NoticeListCtrl.cpp:229
 msgid "more..."
 msgstr "mer..."
-#: ProjectInfoPage.cpp:477 ProjectInfoPage.cpp:778 ProjectInfoPage.cpp:782
-msgid "All"
-msgstr ""
-#: ProjectInfoPage.cpp:615
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:221
 msgid "Choose a project"
 msgstr "Velg et prosjekt"
-#: ProjectInfoPage.cpp:619
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:228
 msgid "To choose a project, click its name or type its URL below."
 msgstr "For å velge et prosjekt, klikk på navnet eller skriv inn URL nedenfor."
-#: ProjectInfoPage.cpp:623
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:246
 msgid "Categories:"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Kategorier:"
-#: ProjectInfoPage.cpp:627 sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:89
-#, fuzzy
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:267
 msgid "Projects:"
-msgstr "Prosjekter"
+msgstr "Prosjekter:"
-#: ProjectInfoPage.cpp:631
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:279
 msgid "Project details"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Prosjektdetaljer"
-#: ProjectInfoPage.cpp:635
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:291
 msgid "Research area:"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Forskningsområde:"
-#: ProjectInfoPage.cpp:639
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:302
 msgid "Organization:"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Organisasjon:"
-#: ProjectInfoPage.cpp:643
-#, fuzzy
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:313
 msgid "Web site:"
-msgstr "Nettsted"
+msgstr "Nettsted:"
-#: ProjectInfoPage.cpp:647
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:325
 msgid "Supported systems:"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Supporterte systemer:"
-#: ProjectInfoPage.cpp:651
-#, fuzzy
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:363
 msgid "Project URL:"
 msgstr "Prosjekt &URL:"
-#: ProjectInfoPage.cpp:826
-msgid ""
-"This project may not have work for your type of computer.  Do you want to "
-"add it anyway?"
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:499
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:754
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:758
+msgid "All"
+msgstr "Alle"
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:802
+msgid "This project may not have work for your type of computer.  Do you want to add it anyway?"
 msgstr ""
+"Dette prosjektet har muligens ikke arbeid for din type arbeidsstasjon.  "
+"Ønsker du å legge til det allikevel?"
-#: ProjectInfoPage.cpp:850
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:826
 msgid "You already added this project. Please choose a different project."
 msgstr ""
 "Du har allerede lagt til dette prosjektet. Vennligst velg et annet prosjekt."
-#: ProjectProcessingPage.cpp:321
+#: clientgui/ProjectProcessingPage.cpp:321
 msgid "Communicating with project."
 msgstr "Kommuniserer med prosjektet."
-#: ProjectProcessingPage.cpp:509
+#: clientgui/ProjectProcessingPage.cpp:510
 msgid "Required files not found on the server."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Obligatoriske filer ikke funnet på tjeneren."
-#: ProjectProcessingPage.cpp:512 ProjectProcessingPage.cpp:574
+#: clientgui/ProjectProcessingPage.cpp:513
+#: clientgui/ProjectProcessingPage.cpp:586
 msgid "An internal server error has occurred."
-msgstr "En intern tjener feil har oppstått."
+msgstr "En intern tjenerfeil har oppstått."
-#: ProjectPropertiesPage.cpp:334
+#: clientgui/ProjectPropertiesPage.cpp:334
 msgid ""
 "Communicating with project\n"
 "Please wait..."
@@ -2582,11 +2698,48 @@ msgstr ""
 "Kommuniserer med prosjektet\n"
 "Vennligst vent..."
-#: ProxyInfoPage.cpp:195
+#: clientgui/ProjectWelcomePage.cpp:251
+#, c-format
+msgid "Welcome to %s."
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ProjectWelcomePage.cpp:254
+msgid "You have volunteered to compute for this project:"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ProjectWelcomePage.cpp:255
+msgid "Name:"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ProjectWelcomePage.cpp:258
+msgid "Home:"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ProjectWelcomePage.cpp:262
+msgid "Description:"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ProjectWelcomePage.cpp:265
+msgid "URL:"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ProjectWelcomePage.cpp:268
+msgid "User:"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ProjectWelcomePage.cpp:273
+msgid "WARNING: This project is not registered with BOINC.  Make sure you trust it before continuing."
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ProjectWelcomePage.cpp:277
+msgid "To continue, click Next."
+msgstr "For å fortsette, klikk Neste."
+#: clientgui/ProxyInfoPage.cpp:195
 msgid "Network communication failure"
 msgstr "Nettverk kommunikasjons feil"
-#: ProxyInfoPage.cpp:199
+#: clientgui/ProxyInfoPage.cpp:199
 msgid ""
 "The World Community Grid - BOINC software failed to communicate\n"
 "over the Internet. The most likely reasons are:\n"
@@ -2616,7 +2769,7 @@ msgstr ""
 "3)Du bruker en proxy tjener.\n"
 "Klikk neste for å konfigurere BOINC's proxy innstillinger.  "
-#: ProxyInfoPage.cpp:203
+#: clientgui/ProxyInfoPage.cpp:203
 msgid ""
 "BOINC failed to communicate on the Internet.\n"
 "The most likely reasons are:\n"
@@ -2646,1240 +2799,1362 @@ msgstr ""
 "3)Du bruker en proxy tjener.\n"
 "Klikk neste for å konfigurere BOINC's proxy innstillinger. "
-#: ProxyPage.cpp:331
+#: clientgui/ProxyPage.cpp:331
 msgid "Proxy configuration"
-msgstr "Proxy konfigurasjon"
+msgstr "Mellomtjener konfigurasjon"
-#: ProxyPage.cpp:334
+#: clientgui/ProxyPage.cpp:334
 msgid "HTTP proxy"
-msgstr "HTTP proxy"
+msgstr "HTTP mellomtjener"
-#: ProxyPage.cpp:337 ProxyPage.cpp:357
+#: clientgui/ProxyPage.cpp:337
+#: clientgui/ProxyPage.cpp:357
 msgid "Server:"
 msgstr "Tjener:"
-#: ProxyPage.cpp:350
+#: clientgui/ProxyPage.cpp:350
 msgid "Autodetect"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Oppdag automatisk"
-#: ProxyPage.cpp:354
+#: clientgui/ProxyPage.cpp:354
 msgid "SOCKS proxy"
-msgstr "SOCKS proxy"
+msgstr "SOCKS mellomtjener"
-#: TermsOfUsePage.cpp:218
-msgid "Terms of Use"
-msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:167
+msgid "Advanced View...\tCtrl+Shift+A"
+msgstr "Avansert visning...\t Ctrl+Shift+A"
-#: TermsOfUsePage.cpp:222
-msgid "Please read the following terms of use:"
-msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:168
+msgid "Display the advanced graphical interface."
+msgstr "Vis det grafisk avanserte brukergrensesnittet."
-#: TermsOfUsePage.cpp:231
-msgid "I agree to the terms of use."
-msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:175
+msgid "Skin"
+msgstr "Skall"
-#: TermsOfUsePage.cpp:237
-msgid "I do not agree to the terms of use."
-msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:177
+msgid "Select the appearance of the user interface."
+msgstr "Velg utseende på brukergrensesnittet."
-#: UnavailablePage.cpp:183
-msgid "Project temporarily unavailable"
-msgstr "Prosjektet er midlertidig utilgjengelig"
+#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:224
+#, c-format
+msgid "&%s"
+msgstr "&%s"
-#: UnavailablePage.cpp:186
-msgid ""
-"The project is temporarily unavailable.\n"
-"Please try again later."
-msgstr ""
-"Prosjektet er midlertidig utilgjengelig.\n"
-"Vennligst prøv igjen senere."
+#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:405
+msgid "Default"
+msgstr "Standard"
-#: UnavailablePage.cpp:190
-msgid "Account manager temporarily unavailable"
-msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:848
+msgid "Suspend"
+msgstr "Suspender"
-#: UnavailablePage.cpp:193
-#, fuzzy
-msgid ""
-"The account manager is temporarily unavailable.\n"
-"Please try again later."
+#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:850
+msgid "Suspend Computing"
+msgstr "Suspender beregning"
+#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:851
+msgid "Resume Computing"
+msgstr "Gjenoppta beregning"
+#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:867
+msgid "Notices"
+msgstr "Varsler"
+#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:868
+msgid "Open a window to view notices from projects or BOINC"
+msgstr "Åpne et vindu for å vise varsler fra prosjekter eller BOINC"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgMessages.cpp:124
+msgid "Fetching notices; please wait..."
+msgstr "Henter varsler; vennligst vent..."
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgMessages.cpp:132
+msgid "There are no notices at this time."
+msgstr "Det er ingen meldinger."
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgMessages.cpp:146
+msgid "Close"
+msgstr "Lukk"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgMessages.cpp:394
+#, c-format
+#, c-format, c-format
+msgid "%s - Notices"
+msgstr "%s - Varsler"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:270
+msgid "This dialog controls preferences for this computer only."
 msgstr ""
-"Prosjektet er midlertidig utilgjengelig.\n"
-"Vennligst prøv igjen senere."
+"Denne dialogboksen kontrollerer innstillinger kun for denne datamaskinen."
-#: ValidateAccountKey.cpp:68
-msgid "Please specify an account key to continue."
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:275
+msgid "Click OK to set preferences."
+msgstr "Klikk OK for å fastsette innstillinger."
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:280
+msgid "Click Clear to restore web-based settings for all preferences listed below."
 msgstr ""
+"Klikk Fjern for å gjenopprette webbaserte innstillinger for alle preferanser "
+"listet nedenfor."
-#: ValidateAccountKey.cpp:71
-msgid "Invalid Account Key; please enter a valid Account Key"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:287
+msgid "For additional settings, select Computing Preferences in the Advanced View."
 msgstr ""
+"For ekstra innstillinger, velg Beregningsinnstillinger i Avansert visning."
-#: ValidateAccountKey.cpp:82 ValidateEmailAddress.cpp:86
-msgid "Validation conflict"
-msgstr "Validerings konflikt"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:315
+msgid "Do work only between:"
+msgstr "Utfør arbeid bare mellom:"
-#: ValidateEmailAddress.cpp:72
-msgid "Please specify an email address"
-msgstr "Vennligst spesifiser en e-post adresse"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:337
+msgid "Connect to internet only between:"
+msgstr "Bare koble til Internet mellom:"
-#: ValidateEmailAddress.cpp:75
-msgid "Invalid email address; please enter a valid email address"
-msgstr "Ugyldig e-post adresse; vennligst skriv inn en gyldig e-post adresse"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:359
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:376
+msgid "Use no more than:"
+msgstr "Ikke bruk mer enn:"
-#: ValidateURL.cpp:69
-msgid "Missing URL"
-msgstr "Manglende URL"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:372
+msgid "of disk space"
+msgstr "av diskplass"
-#: ValidateURL.cpp:70
-msgid ""
-"Please specify a URL.\n"
-"For example:\n"
-msgstr ""
-"Vennligst spesifiser en URL.\n"
-"For eksempel:\n"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:389
+msgid "of the processor"
+msgstr "av prosessoren"
-#: ValidateURL.cpp:83 ValidateURL.cpp:87 ValidateURL.cpp:91
-#: ValidateURL.cpp:103 ValidateURL.cpp:107 ValidateURL.cpp:110
-msgid "Invalid URL"
-msgstr "Ugyldig URL"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:393
+msgid "Do work while on battery?"
+msgstr "Utfør arbeid på batteridrift?"
-#: ValidateURL.cpp:84 ValidateURL.cpp:88 ValidateURL.cpp:92
-msgid ""
-"Please specify a valid URL.\n"
-"For example:\n"
-msgstr ""
-"Vennligst spesifiser en gyldig URL.\n"
-"For eksempel:\n"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:406
+msgid "Do work after idle for:"
+msgstr "Utfør arbeid etter inaktiv i:"
-#: ValidateURL.cpp:104 ValidateURL.cpp:108
-#, c-format
-msgid "'%s' does not contain a valid host name."
-msgstr "'%s' inneholder ikke et gyldig vert navn."
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:431
+msgid "Clear all local preferences listed above and close the dialog"
+msgstr "Fjern alle lokale innstillinger som vist over og lukk dialogboksen"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:609
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:612
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:688
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:692
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:704
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:708
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:851
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:862
+msgid "Anytime"
+msgstr "Når som helst"
-#: ValidateURL.cpp:111
-#, c-format
-msgid "'%s' does not contain a valid path."
-msgstr "'%s' inneholder ikke en gyldig sti."
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:645
+msgid "100 MB"
+msgstr "100 MB"
-#: ViewMessages.cpp:84 ViewProjects.cpp:170 ViewStatistics.cpp:1978
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:160 ViewWork.cpp:183
-msgid "Commands"
-msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:646
+msgid "200 MB"
+msgstr "200 MB"
-#: ViewMessages.cpp:88
-msgid "Copy all messages"
-msgstr "Kopier alle meldinger"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:647
+msgid "500 MB"
+msgstr "500 MB"
-#: ViewMessages.cpp:95
-msgid "Copy selected messages"
-msgstr "Kopier valgte meldinger"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:648
+msgid "1 GB"
+msgstr "1 GB"
-#: ViewMessages.cpp:106 ViewMessages.cpp:502
-msgid "Show only this project"
-msgstr "Vis bare dette prosjektet"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:649
+msgid "2 GB"
+msgstr "2 GB"
-#: ViewMessages.cpp:107 ViewMessages.cpp:503
-msgid "Show only the messages for the selected project."
-msgstr "Vis bare meldinger for valgte prosjekt."
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:650
+msgid "5 GB"
+msgstr "5 GB"
-#: ViewMessages.cpp:164
-msgid "Messages"
-msgstr "Meldinger"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:651
+msgid "10 GB"
+msgstr "10 GB"
-#: ViewMessages.cpp:187
-msgid "Copying all messages to the clipboard..."
-msgstr "Kopier alle meldinger til utklippstavle..."
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:652
+msgid "20 GB"
+msgstr "20 GB"
-#: ViewMessages.cpp:223
-msgid "Copying selected messages to the clipboard..."
-msgstr "Kopier valgte meldinger til utklippstavle..."
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:653
+msgid "50 GB"
+msgstr "50 GB"
-#: ViewMessages.cpp:286
-msgid "Filtering messages..."
-msgstr "Filtrer meldinger..."
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:654
+msgid "100 GB"
+msgstr "100 GB"
-#: ViewMessages.cpp:494
-msgid "Show all messages"
-msgstr "Vis alle meldinger"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:724
+#, c-format
+msgid "%d MB"
+msgstr "%d MB"
-#: ViewMessages.cpp:495
-msgid "Show messages for all projects."
-msgstr "Vis meldinger fra alle prosjekt."
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:726
+#, c-format
+msgid "%4.2f GB"
+msgstr "%4.2f GB"
-#: ViewNotices.cpp:58 sg_DlgMessages.cpp:124
-msgid "Fetching notices; please wait..."
-msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:767
+#, c-format
+msgid "%d%%"
+msgstr "%d%%"
-#: ViewNotices.cpp:65 sg_DlgMessages.cpp:132
-msgid "There are no notices at this time."
-msgstr "Det er ingen meldinger."
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:803
+msgid "0 (Run Always)"
+msgstr "0 (Kjør alltid)"
-#: ViewNotices.cpp:99 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:776
-msgid "Notices"
-msgstr "Meldinger"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:806
+#, c-format
+msgid "%d"
+msgstr "%d"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:174 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:61
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:953
+#, c-format
+msgid "%s - Computing Preferences"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:1033
+msgid "Do you really want to clear all local preferences?\n"
+msgstr "Vil du virkelig fjerne alle lokale innstillinger?\n"
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:66
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:179
 msgid "Update"
 msgstr "Oppdater"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:175 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:62
-msgid ""
-"Report all completed tasks, get latest credit, get latest preferences, and "
-"possibly get more tasks."
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:67
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:180
+msgid "Report all completed tasks, get latest credit, get latest preferences, and possibly get more tasks."
 msgstr ""
+"Rapporter alle utførte oppgaver, hent oversikt over arbeid utført, hent "
+"oppdaterte innstillinger, og last ned flere oppgaver hvis tilgjengelig."
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:181 ViewProjects.cpp:722 ViewWork.cpp:208 ViewWork.cpp:801
-#: sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:757 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:67
-#: sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:113 sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:66
-#: sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:106
-msgid "Suspend"
-msgstr "Suspender"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:182 ViewProjects.cpp:722 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:68
-#: sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:114
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:73
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:129
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:187
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:727
 msgid "Suspend tasks for this project."
 msgstr "Suspender oppgaver fra dette prosjektet."
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:188 ViewProjects.cpp:741 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:73
-#: sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:121
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:78
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:136
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:193
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:746
 msgid "No new tasks"
 msgstr "Ingen nye oppgaver"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:189 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:74
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:79
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:194
 msgid "Don't get new tasks for this project."
 msgstr "Ikke hent nye oppgaver for dette prosjektet."
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:195 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:79
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:84
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:200
 msgid "Reset project"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Nullstill prosjekt"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:196 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:80
-msgid ""
-"Delete all files and tasks associated with this project, and get new tasks.  "
-"You can update the project first to report any completed tasks."
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:85
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:201
+msgid "Delete all files and tasks associated with this project, and get new tasks.  You can update the project first to report any completed tasks."
 msgstr ""
+"Slett alle filer og oppgaver assosiert med dette prosjektet, og hent nye "
+"oppgaver.   Du kan oppdatere prosjektet først for å rapportere fullførte "
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:203 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:86
-msgid ""
-"Remove this project.  Tasks in progress will be lost (use 'Update' first to "
-"report any completed tasks)."
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:91
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:208
+msgid "Remove this project.  Tasks in progress will be lost (use 'Update' first to report any completed tasks)."
 msgstr ""
+"Fjern dette prosjektet.  Oppgaver i arbeidskøen vil bli slettet (klikk "
+"'Oppdater' først for å rapportere fullførte oppgaver)."
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:209 ViewWork.cpp:222 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:91
-#: sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:78
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:96
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:84
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:214
 msgid "Properties"
 msgstr "Egenskaper"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:210 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:92
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:97
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:215
 msgid "Show project details."
 msgstr "Vis prosjekt detaljer."
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:220 ViewStatistics.cpp:450
-msgid "Account"
-msgstr "Konto"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:222
-msgid "Work done"
-msgstr "Arbeid ferdig"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:223
-msgid "Avg. work done"
-msgstr "Gjennomsnittlig arbeid ferdig"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:225 ViewTransfers.cpp:188 ViewWork.cpp:234
-msgid "Status"
-msgstr "Status"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:250
-msgid "Projects"
-msgstr "Prosjekter"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:302
-msgid "Updating project..."
-msgstr "Oppdaterer prosjekt..."
-# 85%
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:344
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Resuming project..."
-msgstr "Suspender prosjekt..."
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:348
-msgid "Suspending project..."
-msgstr "Suspender prosjekt..."
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:126
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:723
+msgid "Resume tasks for this project."
+msgstr "Gjenoppta oppgaver for dette prosjektet."
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:385
-msgid "Telling project to allow additional task downloads..."
-msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:133
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:742
+msgid "Allow new tasks"
+msgstr "Tillat nye oppgaver"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:389
-msgid "Telling project to not fetch any additional tasks..."
-msgstr ""
+# 80%
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:134
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:742
+msgid "Allow fetching new tasks for this project."
+msgstr "Tillat henting av nye oppgaver for dette prosjektet."
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:425
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Resetting project..."
-msgstr "Suspender prosjekt..."
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:137
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:746
+msgid "Don't fetch new tasks for this project."
+msgstr "Ikke hent nye oppgaver for dette prosjektet."
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:438 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:214
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:229
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:443
 #, c-format
-#, fuzzy, c-format
+#, c-format, c-format
 msgid "Are you sure you want to reset project '%s'?"
-msgstr "Er du sikker på at du vil fjerne prosjekt '%s'?"
+msgstr "Er du sikker på at du vil nullstille prosjektet '%s'?"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:444 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:220
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:235
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:449
 msgid "Reset Project"
-msgstr ""
-# 80%
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:483
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Removing project..."
-msgstr "Suspender prosjekt..."
+msgstr "Nullstill prosjekt"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:496 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:251
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:266
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:501
 #, c-format
 msgid "Are you sure you want to remove project '%s'?"
 msgstr "Er du sikker på at du vil fjerne prosjekt '%s'?"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:502 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:257
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:272
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:507
 msgid "Remove Project"
 msgstr "Fjern prosjekt"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:543 ViewWork.cpp:599
-msgid "Launching browser..."
-msgstr "Starter nettleser..."
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:72
+msgid "Add Project"
+msgstr "Legg til prosjekt"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:718 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:111
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Resume tasks for this project."
-msgstr "Suspender oppgaver fra dette prosjektet."
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:73
+msgid "Synchronize"
+msgstr "Synkroniser"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:737 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:118
-msgid "Allow new tasks"
-msgstr "Tillat nye oppgaver"
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:74
+msgid "Work done for this project"
+msgstr "Arbeid avsluttet for dette prosjektet"
-# 80%
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:737 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:119
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Allow fetching new tasks for this project."
-msgstr "Ikke hent nye oppgaver for dette prosjektet."
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:77
+msgid "Synchronize projects with account manager system"
+msgstr "Synkroniser prosjekter med kontobehandlersystemet"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:741 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:122
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Don't fetch new tasks for this project."
-msgstr "Ikke hent nye oppgaver for dette prosjektet."
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:124
+msgid "Select a project to access with the controls below"
+msgstr "Velg et prosjekt å aksessere med kontrolltavlen nedenfor"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1058
-msgid "Requested by user"
-msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:145
+msgid "Project Web Pages"
+msgstr "Prosjektets nettsider"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1059
-msgid "To fetch work"
-msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:149
+msgid "Project Commands"
+msgstr "Prosjektkommandoer"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1060
-msgid "To report completed tasks"
-msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:276
+#, c-format
+msgid "Pop up a menu of web sites for project %s"
+msgstr "Vis en meny med nettsider for prosjektet %s"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1061
-msgid "To send trickle-up message"
-msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:278
+#, c-format
+msgid "Pop up a menu of commands to apply to project %s"
+msgstr "Vis meny med kommandoer som skal gjelde for %s prosjektet"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1062
-msgid "Requested by account manager"
-msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:66
+msgid "Show graphics"
+msgstr "Vis grafikk"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1063
-msgid "Project initialization"
-msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:67
+msgid "Show application graphics in a window."
+msgstr "Vis grafikk for applikasjonen i et vindu."
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1064
-msgid "Requested by project"
-msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:73
+msgid "Suspend this task."
+msgstr "Suspender denne oppgaven."
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1065
-msgid "Unknown reason"
-msgstr "Ukjent grunn"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:78
+msgid "Abort"
+msgstr "Avbryt"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1079
-msgid "Suspended by user"
-msgstr "Suspendert av bruker"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:79
+msgid "Abandon this task. You will get no credit for it."
+msgstr "Gi opp denne oppgaven. Du vil ikke få poeng for den."
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1082
-msgid "Won't get new tasks"
-msgstr ""
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1085
-msgid "Project ended - OK to remove"
-msgstr ""
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1088
-msgid "Will remove when tasks done"
-msgstr ""
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1091
-msgid "Scheduler request pending"
-msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:85
+msgid "Show task details."
+msgstr "Vis oppgave detaljer."
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1097
-msgid "Scheduler request in progress"
-msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:119
+msgid "Resume work for this task."
+msgstr "Gjenoppta arbeid for denne oppgaven."
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1100
-msgid "Trickle up message pending"
-msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:123
+msgid "Suspend work for this task."
+msgstr "Suspender arbeid for denne oppgaven."
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1106
-msgid "Communication deferred "
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:267
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Are you sure you want to abort this task '%s'?\n"
+"(Progress: %.1lf%%, Status: %s)"
 msgstr ""
+"Er du sikker på at du vil avbryte denne oppgaven '%s'?\n"
+"(Fremgang: %.1lf%%, Status: %s)"
-#: ViewResources.cpp:62
-msgid "Total disk usage"
-msgstr "Totalt diskbruk"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:272
+msgid "Abort task"
+msgstr "Avbryt oppgave"
-#: ViewResources.cpp:83
-msgid "Disk usage by BOINC projects"
-msgstr "Diskbruk av BOINC prosjekter"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:468
+msgid "You don't have any projects.  Please Add a Project."
+msgstr "Du har ingen prosjekt.  Vennligst legg til et prosjekt."
-#: ViewResources.cpp:116
-msgid "Disk"
-msgstr "Disk"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:469
+msgid "Not available"
+msgstr "Ikke tilgjengelig"
-#: ViewResources.cpp:249
-msgid "no projects: 0 bytes used"
-msgstr "ingen prosjekt: 0 bytes brukt"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:480
+msgid "Tasks:"
+msgstr "Oppgaver:"
-#: ViewResources.cpp:286
-msgid "used by BOINC: "
-msgstr "i bruk av BOINC:"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:486
+msgid "Select a task to access"
+msgstr "Velg en oppgave for granskning"
-#: ViewResources.cpp:296
-msgid "free, available to BOINC: "
-msgstr "ledig, tilgjengelig for BOINC:"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:497
+msgid "From:"
+msgstr "Fra:"
-#: ViewResources.cpp:306
-msgid "free, not available to BOINC: "
-msgstr "ledig, ikke tilgjengelig for BOINC:"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:551
+msgid "This task's progress"
+msgstr "Denne oppgavens fremgang"
-#: ViewResources.cpp:316
-msgid "free: "
-msgstr "ledig:"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:569
+msgid "Task Commands"
+msgstr "Oppgavekommandoer"
-#: ViewResources.cpp:326
-msgid "used by other programs: "
-msgstr "i bruk av ande progrmmer:"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:570
+msgid "Pop up a menu of commands to apply to this task"
+msgstr "Vis meny med kommandoer som skal gjelde for denne oppgaven"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:1205
-msgid "User Total"
-msgstr "Bruker total"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:705
+#, c-format
+msgid "Application: %s"
+msgstr "Applikasjon: %s"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:1206
-msgid "User Average"
-msgstr "Bruker gjennomsnitt"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:728
+#, c-format
+msgid "%.3f%%"
+msgstr "%.3f%%"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:1207
-msgid "Host Total"
-msgstr "Vert total"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:736
+msgid "Application: Not available"
+msgstr "Applikasjon: Ikke tilgjengelig"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:1208
-msgid "Host Average"
-msgstr "Vert gjennomsnitt"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:836
+msgid "Not Available"
+msgstr "Ikke tilgjengelig"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:1355
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:851
 #, c-format
-msgid "Last update: %.0f days ago"
-msgstr "Siste oppdatering: %.0f dager siden"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:1982
-msgid "Show user total"
-msgstr "Vis bruker total"
+msgid "Elapsed: %s"
+msgstr "Tid brukt: %s"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:1983
-msgid "Show total credit for user"
-msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:865
+#, c-format
+msgid "Remaining (estimated): %s"
+msgstr "Gjenstår (estimert): %s"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:1989
-msgid "Show user average"
-msgstr "Vis bruker gjennomsnitt"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:880
+#, c-format
+msgid "Status: %s"
+msgstr "Status: %s"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:1990
-msgid "Show average credit for user"
-msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1227
+msgid "Retrieving current status."
+msgstr "Henter gjeldende status."
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:1996
-msgid "Show host total"
-msgstr "Vis vert total"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1233
+msgid "Downloading work from the server."
+msgstr "Laster ned arbeid fra tjeneren."
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:1997
-msgid "Show total credit for host"
-msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1238
+msgid "Processing Suspended:  Running On Batteries."
+msgstr "Prosessering suspendert:  Kjører på batterier."
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2003
-msgid "Show host average"
-msgstr "Vis vert gjennomsnitt"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1240
+msgid "Processing Suspended:  User Active."
+msgstr "Prosessering suspendert:  Bruker aktiv."
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2004
-msgid "Show average credit for host"
-msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1242
+msgid "Processing Suspended:  User paused processing."
+msgstr "Prosessering suspendert:  Bruker har pauset prosessering."
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2013
-msgid "< &Previous project"
-msgstr "< &Forrige prosjekt"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1244
+msgid "Processing Suspended:  Time of Day."
+msgstr "Prosessering suspendert:  Tid på dag."
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2014
-msgid "Show chart for previous project"
-msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1246
+msgid "Processing Suspended:  Benchmarks Running."
+msgstr "Prosessering suspendert:  Ytelsestest kjører."
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2019
-msgid "&Next project >"
-msgstr "&Neste prosjekt >"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1248
+msgid "Processing Suspended."
+msgstr "Prosessering suspendert."
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2020
-msgid "Show chart for next project"
-msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1252
+msgid "Waiting to contact project servers."
+msgstr "Venter på kontakt med prosjekt tjener."
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2026 ViewStatistics.cpp:2416
-msgid "Hide project list"
-msgstr "Skjul prosjekt liste"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1256
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1265
+msgid "Retrieving current status"
+msgstr "Henter gjeldende status"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2027 ViewStatistics.cpp:2416
-msgid "Use entire area for graphs"
-msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1260
+msgid "No work available to process"
+msgstr "Ingen arbeid tilgjengelig for prosessering"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2032
-msgid "Mode view"
-msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1262
+msgid "Unable to connect to the core client"
+msgstr "Kan ikke koble til kjerneklienten"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2036
-msgid "One project"
-msgstr "Et prosjekt"
+#: clientgui/TermsOfUsePage.cpp:218
+msgid "Terms of Use"
+msgstr "Vilkår for Bruk"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2037
-msgid "Show one chart with selected project"
-msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/TermsOfUsePage.cpp:222
+msgid "Please read the following terms of use:"
+msgstr "Vennligst les følgende vilkår for bruk:"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2043
-msgid "All projects (separate)"
-msgstr "Alle prosjekt (separat)"
+#: clientgui/TermsOfUsePage.cpp:231
+msgid "I agree to the terms of use."
+msgstr "Jeg aksepterer vilkårene for bruk."
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2044
-msgid "Show all projects, one chart per project"
-msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/TermsOfUsePage.cpp:237
+msgid "I do not agree to the terms of use."
+msgstr "Jeg aksepterer ikke vilkårene for bruk."
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2050
-msgid "All projects (together)"
-msgstr "Alle prosjekt (sammen)"
+#: clientgui/UnavailablePage.cpp:183
+msgid "Project temporarily unavailable"
+msgstr "Prosjektet er midlertidig utilgjengelig"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2051
-msgid "Show one chart with all projects"
+#: clientgui/UnavailablePage.cpp:186
+msgid ""
+"The project is temporarily unavailable.\n"
+"Please try again later."
 msgstr ""
+"Prosjektet er midlertidig utilgjengelig.\n"
+"Vennligst prøv igjen senere."
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2057
-msgid "All projects (sum)"
-msgstr "Alle prosjekt (sum)"
+#: clientgui/UnavailablePage.cpp:190
+msgid "Account manager temporarily unavailable"
+msgstr "Kontobehandler midlertidig utilgjengelig"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2058
-msgid "Show one chart with sum of projects"
+#: clientgui/UnavailablePage.cpp:193
+msgid ""
+"The account manager is temporarily unavailable.\n"
+"Please try again later."
 msgstr ""
+"Kontobehandler er midlertidig utilgjengelig.\n"
+"Vennligst prøv igjen senere."
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2079
-msgid "Statistics"
-msgstr "Statistikk "
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2103 ViewStatistics.cpp:2124 ViewStatistics.cpp:2145
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2167 ViewStatistics.cpp:2188 ViewStatistics.cpp:2209
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2230 ViewStatistics.cpp:2251 ViewStatistics.cpp:2272
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2296
-msgid "Updating charts..."
-msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ValidateAccountKey.cpp:68
+msgid "Please specify an account key to continue."
+msgstr "Vennligst oppgi kontonøkkel for å fortsette."
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2420
-msgid "Show project list"
-msgstr "Vis prosjekt liste"
+#: clientgui/ValidateAccountKey.cpp:71
+msgid "Invalid Account Key; please enter a valid Account Key"
+msgstr "Ugyldig kontonøkkel; vennligst tast inn en gyldig kontonøkkel"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2420
-msgid "Uses smaller area for graphs"
-msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ValidateAccountKey.cpp:82
+#: clientgui/ValidateEmailAddress.cpp:86
+msgid "Validation conflict"
+msgstr "Valideringskonflikt"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:164
-msgid "Retry Now"
-msgstr "Prøv igjen nå"
+#: clientgui/ValidateEmailAddress.cpp:72
+msgid "Please specify an email address"
+msgstr "Vennligst spesifiser en e-post adresse"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:165
-msgid "Retry the file transfer now"
-msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ValidateEmailAddress.cpp:75
+msgid "Invalid email address; please enter a valid email address"
+msgstr "Ugyldig e-post adresse; vennligst skriv inn en gyldig e-post adresse"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:171
-msgid "Abort Transfer"
-msgstr "Avbryt overføring"
+#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:69
+msgid "Missing URL"
+msgstr "Manglende URL"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:172
-msgid "Abort this file transfer.  You won't get credit for the task."
+#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:70
+msgid ""
+"Please specify a URL.\n"
+"For example:\n"
 msgstr ""
+"Vennligst spesifiser en URL.\n"
+"For eksempel:\n"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:183
-msgid "File"
-msgstr "Fil"
+#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:83
+#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:87
+#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:91
+#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:103
+#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:107
+#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:110
+msgid "Invalid URL"
+msgstr "Ugyldig URL"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:184 ViewWork.cpp:233
-msgid "Progress"
+#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:84
+#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:88
+#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:92
+msgid ""
+"Please specify a valid URL.\n"
+"For example:\n"
 msgstr ""
+"Vennligst spesifiser en gyldig URL.\n"
+"For eksempel:\n"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:185
-msgid "Size"
-msgstr "Størrelse"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:186
-msgid "Elapsed Time"
-msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:104
+#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:108
+#, c-format
+msgid "'%s' does not contain a valid host name."
+msgstr "'%s' inneholder ikke et gyldig vert navn."
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:187
-msgid "Speed"
-msgstr "Hastighet"
+#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:111
+#, c-format
+msgid "'%s' does not contain a valid path."
+msgstr "'%s' inneholder ikke en gyldig sti."
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:213
-msgid "Transfers"
-msgstr "Overføringer"
+#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:84
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:175
+msgid "Commands"
+msgstr "Kommandoer"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:280
-msgid "Network activity is suspended - "
-msgstr "Nettverks aktivitet er suspendert - "
+#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:88
+msgid "Copy all messages"
+msgstr "Kopier alle meldinger"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:282
-msgid ""
-"You can enable it using the Activity menu."
-msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:95
+msgid "Copy selected messages"
+msgstr "Kopier valgte meldinger"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:285
-msgid "BOINC"
-msgstr "BOINC"
+#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:106
+#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:502
+msgid "Show only this project"
+msgstr "Vis bare dette prosjektet"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:292
-msgid "Retrying transfer now..."
-msgstr "Prøv overføring igjen nå..."
+#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:107
+#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:503
+msgid "Show only the messages for the selected project."
+msgstr "Vis bare meldinger for valgte prosjekt."
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:330
-msgid "Aborting transfer..."
-msgstr "Avbryter overføring..."
+#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:164
+msgid "Messages"
+msgstr "Meldinger"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:343
-#, c-format
-msgid ""
-"Are you sure you want to abort this file transfer '%s'?\n"
-"NOTE: Aborting a transfer will invalidate a task and you\n"
-"will not receive credit for it."
-msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:187
+msgid "Copying all messages to the clipboard..."
+msgstr "Kopier alle meldinger til utklippstavle..."
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:349
-msgid "Abort File Transfer"
-msgstr "Avbryt fil overføring"
+#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:223
+msgid "Copying selected messages to the clipboard..."
+msgstr "Kopier valgte meldinger til utklippstavle..."
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:780
-msgid "Upload"
-msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:286
+msgid "Filtering messages..."
+msgstr "Filtrer meldinger..."
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:780
-msgid "Download"
-msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:494
+msgid "Show all messages"
+msgstr "Vis alle meldinger"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:784
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "retry in "
-msgstr "Prøv igjen om "
+#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:495
+msgid "Show messages for all projects."
+msgstr "Vis meldinger fra alle prosjekter."
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:786
-msgid "failed"
-msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:225
+msgid "Account"
+msgstr "Konto"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:789
-msgid "suspended"
-msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:227
+msgid "Work done"
+msgstr "Arbeid ferdig"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:794
-msgid "active"
-msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:228
+msgid "Avg. work done"
+msgstr "Gjennomsnittlig arbeid ferdig"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:796
-msgid "pending"
-msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:230
+msgid "Status"
+msgstr "Status"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:803
-msgid " (project backoff: "
-msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:255
+msgid "Projects"
+msgstr "Prosjekter"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:187 ViewWork.cpp:777
-msgid "Show active tasks"
-msgstr "Vis aktive oppgaver"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:307
+msgid "Updating project..."
+msgstr "Oppdaterer prosjekt..."
-#: ViewWork.cpp:188 ViewWork.cpp:778
-msgid "Show only active tasks."
-msgstr "Vis bare aktive oppgaver."
+# 85%
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:349
+msgid "Resuming project..."
+msgstr "Gjenopptar prosjekt..."
-#: ViewWork.cpp:194 sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:60
-msgid "Show graphics"
-msgstr "Vis grafikk"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:353
+msgid "Suspending project..."
+msgstr "Suspender prosjekt..."
-#: ViewWork.cpp:195 sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:61
-msgid "Show application graphics in a window."
-msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:390
+msgid "Telling project to allow additional task downloads..."
+msgstr "Instruerer prosjektet om å tillate nedlastning av ekstra oppgaver..."
-#: ViewWork.cpp:201
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Show VM Console"
-msgstr "Vis vert total"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:394
+msgid "Telling project to not fetch any additional tasks..."
+msgstr "Ber prosjektet om ikke å hente ekstra oppgaver..."
-#: ViewWork.cpp:202
-msgid "Show VM Console in a window."
-msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:430
+msgid "Resetting project..."
+msgstr "Nullstiller prosjektet..."
-#: ViewWork.cpp:209
-msgid "Suspend work for this result."
-msgstr ""
+# 80%
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:488
+msgid "Removing project..."
+msgstr "Fjerner prosjekt..."
-#: ViewWork.cpp:215 sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:72
-msgid "Abort"
-msgstr "Avbryt"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:548
+msgid "Launching browser..."
+msgstr "Starter nettleser..."
-#: ViewWork.cpp:216
-msgid "Abandon work on the result. You will get no credit for it."
-msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1063
+msgid "Requested by user"
+msgstr "Anmodet av bruker"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:223 sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:79
-msgid "Show task details."
-msgstr "Vis oppgave detaljer."
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1064
+msgid "To fetch work"
+msgstr "Å hente arbeid"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:235
-msgid "Elapsed"
-msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1065
+msgid "To report completed tasks"
+msgstr "Å rapportere fullførte oppgaver"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:236
-msgid "Remaining (estimated)"
-msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1066
+msgid "To send trickle-up message"
+msgstr "Å sende godskriv andelsmelding"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:237
-msgid "Deadline"
-msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1067
+msgid "Requested by account manager"
+msgstr "Forespurt av kontobehandler"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:264
-msgid "Tasks"
-msgstr "Oppgaver"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1068
+msgid "Project initialization"
+msgstr "Initialisering av prosjekt"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:357
-msgid "Resuming task..."
-msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1069
+msgid "Requested by project"
+msgstr "Anmodet av prosjektet"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:360
-msgid "Suspending task..."
-msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1070
+msgid "Unknown reason"
+msgstr "Ukjent grunn"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:389
-msgid "Showing graphics for task..."
-msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1084
+msgid "Suspended by user"
+msgstr "Suspendert av bruker"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:426
-msgid "Showing VM console for task..."
-msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1087
+msgid "Won't get new tasks"
+msgstr "Vil ikke hente nye oppgaver"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:479
-#, c-format
-msgid ""
-"Are you sure you want to abort this task '%s'?\n"
-"(Progress: %s, Status: %s)"
-msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1090
+msgid "Project ended - OK to remove"
+msgstr "Prosjekt avsluttet - OK å fjerne"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:485
-#, c-format
-msgid "Are you sure you want to abort these %d tasks?"
-msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1093
+msgid "Will remove when tasks done"
+msgstr "Vil fjerne når oppgaver er ferdige"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:490 sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:256
-msgid "Abort task"
-msgstr "Avbryt oppgave"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1096
+msgid "Scheduler request pending"
+msgstr "Forespørsel fra planleggeren venter"
-# 75%
-#: ViewWork.cpp:499
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Aborting task..."
-msgstr "Avbryter overføring..."
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1102
+msgid "Scheduler request in progress"
+msgstr "Forespørsel fra planleggeren pågår"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:771
-msgid "Show all tasks"
-msgstr "Vis alle oppgavene"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1105
+msgid "Trickle up message pending"
+msgstr "Godskriv andelsmelding venter"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:772
-msgid "Show all tasks."
-msgstr "Vis alle oppgavene."
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1111
+msgid "Communication deferred "
+msgstr "Kommunikasjon utsatt "
-#: ViewWork.cpp:796 sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:103
-msgid "Resume work for this task."
-msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ViewResources.cpp:62
+msgid "Total disk usage"
+msgstr "Totalt diskbruk"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:802 sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:107
-msgid "Suspend work for this task."
-msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ViewResources.cpp:83
+msgid "Disk usage by BOINC projects"
+msgstr "Diskbruk av BOINC prosjekter"
-#: WelcomePage.cpp:284
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Add project or account manager"
-msgstr "&Legg til prosjekt eller kontobehandler..."
+#: clientgui/ViewResources.cpp:116
+msgid "Disk"
+msgstr "Disk"
-#: WelcomePage.cpp:288
-msgid "Add project or use BOINC Account Manager"
-msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ViewResources.cpp:225
+msgid "no projects: 0 bytes used"
+msgstr "ingen prosjekt: 0 bytes brukt"
-#: WelcomePage.cpp:297
-#, c-format
-msgid ""
-"If possible, add projects at the\n"
-"%s web site.\n"
-"Projects added via this wizard will not be\n"
-"listed on or managed via %s."
-msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ViewResources.cpp:262
+msgid "used by BOINC: "
+msgstr "i bruk av BOINC:"
-#: WelcomePage.cpp:313
-msgid ""
-"There are over 30 BOINC-based projects\n"
-"doing research in many areas of science,\n"
-"and you can volunteer for as many of them as you like.\n"
-"You can add a project directly,\n"
-"or use an 'Account Manager' web site to select projects."
-msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ViewResources.cpp:272
+msgid "free, available to BOINC: "
+msgstr "ledig, tilgjengelig for BOINC:"
-#: WelcomePage.cpp:325
-msgid ""
-"You have chosen to add a new volunteer computing project or change which "
-"you contribute to.\n"
-"Some of these projects are run and managed by World Community Grid, while "
-"are run and managed by other researchers or organizations. The BOINC "
-"can divide your spare processing power among any combination of projects.\n"
-"Alternatively, if you have registered with a BOINC Account Manager, you can "
-"this to choose which projects to support.\n"
-"Please choose which type of change you would like to make:\n"
-msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ViewResources.cpp:282
+msgid "free, not available to BOINC: "
+msgstr "ledig, ikke tilgjengelig for BOINC:"
-#: WelcomePage.cpp:339
-msgid "Use a BOINC Account Manager"
-msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ViewResources.cpp:292
+msgid "free: "
+msgstr "ledig:"
-#: WelcomePage.cpp:352
-msgid "To continue, click Next."
-msgstr "For å fortsette, klikk Neste."
+#: clientgui/ViewResources.cpp:302
+msgid "used by other programs: "
+msgstr "i bruk av ande progrmmer:"
-#: WelcomePage.cpp:358
-msgid "Add or change your World Community Grid projects"
-msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1181
+msgid "User Total"
+msgstr "Total for bruker"
-#: WelcomePage.cpp:361
-msgid "Add projects run by other researchers or organizations"
-msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1182
+msgid "User Average"
+msgstr "Gjennomsnitt for bruker"
-#: WizardAttach.cpp:634
-msgid "Do you really want to cancel?"
-msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1183
+msgid "Host Total"
+msgstr "Total for vert"
-#: WizardAttach.cpp:635
-msgid "Question"
-msgstr "Spørsmål"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1184
+msgid "Host Average"
+msgstr "Gjennomsnitt for vert"
-#: sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:149
-msgid "Advanced View...\tCtrl+Shift+A"
-msgstr "Avansert visning...\t Ctrl+Shift+A"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1331
+#, c-format
+msgid "Last update: %.0f days ago"
+msgstr "Siste oppdatering: %.0f dager siden"
-#: sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:150
-msgid "Display the advanced graphical interface."
-msgstr "Vis det grafisk avanserte brukergrensesnittet."
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1956
+msgid "Show user total"
+msgstr "Vis total for bruker"
-#: sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:157
-msgid "Skin"
-msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1957
+msgid "Show total credit for user"
+msgstr "Vis totalt arbeid utført for bruker"
-#: sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:159
-msgid "Select the appearance of the user interface."
-msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1963
+msgid "Show user average"
+msgstr "Vis gjennomsnitt for bruker"
-#: sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:206
-#, c-format
-msgid "&%s"
-msgstr "&%s"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1964
+msgid "Show average credit for user"
+msgstr "Vis gjennomsnittlig arbeid utført for bruker"
-#: sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:390
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Default"
-msgstr "forvalg"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1970
+msgid "Show host total"
+msgstr "Vis total for vert"
-#: sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:759
-msgid "Suspend Computing"
-msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1971
+msgid "Show total credit for host"
+msgstr "Vis totalt arbeid utført for vert"
-#: sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:760
-msgid "Resume Computing"
-msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1977
+msgid "Show host average"
+msgstr "Vis gjennomsnitt for vert"
-#: sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:777
-msgid "Open a window to view notices from projects or BOINC"
-msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1978
+msgid "Show average credit for host"
+msgstr "Vis gjennomsnittlig arbeid utført for vert"
-#: sg_DlgMessages.cpp:146
-msgid "Close"
-msgstr "Lukk"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1987
+msgid "< &Previous project"
+msgstr "< &Forrige prosjekt"
-#: sg_DlgMessages.cpp:389
-#, c-format
-#, fuzzy, c-format
-msgid "%s - Notices"
-msgstr "%s Meldinger"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1988
+msgid "Show chart for previous project"
+msgstr "Vis diagram for forrige prosjekt"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:268
-msgid "This dialog controls preferences for this computer only."
-msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1993
+msgid "&Next project >"
+msgstr "&Neste prosjekt >"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:273
-msgid "Click OK to set preferences."
-msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1994
+msgid "Show chart for next project"
+msgstr "Vis diagram for neste prosjekt"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:278
-msgid ""
-"Click Clear to restore web-based settings for all preferences listed below."
-msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2000
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2390
+msgid "Hide project list"
+msgstr "Skjul prosjektliste"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:285
-msgid ""
-"For additional settings, select Computing Preferences in the Advanced View."
-msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2001
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2390
+msgid "Use entire area for graphs"
+msgstr "Benytt hele området for grafer"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:313
-msgid "Do work only between:"
-msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2006
+msgid "Mode view"
+msgstr "Modusvisning"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:335
-msgid "Connect to internet only between:"
-msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2010
+msgid "One project"
+msgstr "Et prosjekt"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:357 sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:374
-msgid "Use no more than:"
-msgstr "Ikke bruk mer enn:"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2011
+msgid "Show one chart with selected project"
+msgstr "Vis et diagram for valgt prosjekt"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:370
-msgid "of disk space"
-msgstr "av diskplass"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2017
+msgid "All projects (separate)"
+msgstr "Alle prosjekt (separat)"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:387
-msgid "of the processor"
-msgstr "av prosessoren"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2018
+msgid "Show all projects, one chart per project"
+msgstr "Vis alle prosjekter, et diagram per prosjekt"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:391
-msgid "Do work while on battery?"
-msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2024
+msgid "All projects (together)"
+msgstr "Alle prosjekt (sammen)"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:404
-msgid "Do work after idle for:"
-msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2025
+msgid "Show one chart with all projects"
+msgstr "Vis et diagram med alle prosjekter"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:429
-msgid "Clear all local preferences listed above and close the dialog"
-msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2031
+msgid "All projects (sum)"
+msgstr "Alle prosjekt (sum)"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:602 sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:605
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:681 sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:685
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:697 sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:701
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:844 sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:855
-msgid "Anytime"
-msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2032
+msgid "Show one chart with sum of projects"
+msgstr "Vis et diagram med summen av alle prosjekter"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:638
-msgid "100 MB"
-msgstr "100 MB"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2053
+msgid "Statistics"
+msgstr "Statistikk"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2077
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2098
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2119
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2141
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2162
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2183
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2204
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2225
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2246
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2270
+msgid "Updating charts..."
+msgstr "Oppdaterer diagrammer..."
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:639
-msgid "200 MB"
-msgstr "200 MB"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2394
+msgid "Show project list"
+msgstr "Vis prosjektliste"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:640
-msgid "500 MB"
-msgstr "500 MB"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2394
+msgid "Uses smaller area for graphs"
+msgstr "Bruker mindre område for grafer"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:641
-msgid "1 GB"
-msgstr "1 GB"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:169
+msgid "Retry Now"
+msgstr "Prøv igjen nå"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:642
-msgid "2 GB"
-msgstr "2 GB"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:170
+msgid "Retry the file transfer now"
+msgstr "Prøv filoverføring på nytt nå"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:643
-msgid "5 GB"
-msgstr "5 GB"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:176
+msgid "Abort Transfer"
+msgstr "Avbryt overføring"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:644
-msgid "10 GB"
-msgstr "10 GB"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:177
+msgid "Abort this file transfer.  You won't get credit for the task."
+msgstr "Avbryt filoverføring. Du vil ikke få poeng for oppgaven."
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:645
-msgid "20 GB"
-msgstr "20 GB"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:188
+msgid "File"
+msgstr "Fil"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:646
-msgid "50 GB"
-msgstr "50 GB"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:189
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:238
+msgid "Progress"
+msgstr "Fremgang"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:647
-msgid "100 GB"
-msgstr "100 GB"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:190
+msgid "Size"
+msgstr "Størrelse"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:717
-#, c-format
-msgid "%d MB"
-msgstr "%d MB"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:191
+msgid "Elapsed Time"
+msgstr "Tid brukt"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:719
-#, c-format
-msgid "%4.2f GB"
-msgstr "%4.2f GB"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:192
+msgid "Speed"
+msgstr "Hastighet"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:760
-#, c-format
-msgid "%d%%"
-msgstr "%d%%"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:218
+msgid "Transfers"
+msgstr "Overføringer"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:796
-msgid "0 (Run Always)"
-msgstr "0 (Kjør alltid)"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:285
+msgid "Network activity is suspended - "
+msgstr "Nettverks aktivitet er suspendert - "
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:799
-#, c-format
-msgid "%d"
-msgstr "%d"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:287
+msgid ""
+"You can enable it using the Activity menu."
+msgstr ""
+"Du kan aktivere denne ved å benytte menyen for aktiviteter."
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:1029
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Do you really want to clear all local preferences?\n"
-msgstr "Vil du virkelig fjerne alle lokale innstillinger ?"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:290
+msgid "BOINC"
+msgstr "BOINC"
-#: sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:72
-msgid "Add Project"
-msgstr "Legg til prosjekt"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:297
+msgid "Retrying transfer now..."
+msgstr "Prøv overføring igjen nå..."
-#: sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:73
-msgid "Synchronize"
-msgstr "Synkroniser"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:335
+msgid "Aborting transfer..."
+msgstr "Avbryter overføring..."
-#: sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:74
-msgid "Work done for this project"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:348
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Are you sure you want to abort this file transfer '%s'?\n"
+"NOTE: Aborting a transfer will invalidate a task and you\n"
+"will not receive credit for it."
 msgstr ""
+"Er du sikker på at du vil avbryte denne filoverføringen '%s'?\n"
+"MERK: Å avbryte en overføring vil ugyldiggjøre en oppgave\n"
+"og du vil ikke motta poeng for den."
-#: sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:77
-msgid "Synchronize projects with account manager system"
-msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:354
+msgid "Abort File Transfer"
+msgstr "Avbryt fil overføring"
-#: sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:124
-msgid "Select a project to access with the controls below"
-msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:785
+msgid "Upload"
+msgstr "Last opp"
-#: sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:145
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Project Web Pages"
-msgstr "Prosjektets nettsider"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:785
+msgid "Download"
+msgstr "Last ned"
-#: sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:149
-msgid "Project Commands"
-msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:789
+msgid "retry in "
+msgstr "prøver igjen om "
-#: sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:267
-#, c-format
-msgid "Pop up a menu of web sites for project %s"
-msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:791
+msgid "failed"
+msgstr "mislyktes"
-#: sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:269
-#, c-format
-msgid "Pop up a menu of commands to apply to project %s"
-msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:794
+msgid "suspended"
+msgstr "suspendert"
-#: sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:67
-msgid "Suspend this task."
-msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:799
+msgid "active"
+msgstr "aktiv"
-#: sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:73
-msgid "Abandon this task. You will get no credit for it."
-msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:801
+msgid "pending"
+msgstr "venter"
-#: sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:251
-#, c-format
-msgid ""
-"Are you sure you want to abort this task '%s'?\n"
-"(Progress: %.1lf%%, Status: %s)"
-msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:808
+msgid " (project backoff: "
+msgstr " (prosjekt holder igjen: "
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:464
-msgid "You don't have any projects.  Please Add a Project."
-msgstr "Du har ingen prosjekt. Vennligst legg til et prosjekt."
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:192
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:782
+msgid "Show active tasks"
+msgstr "Vis aktive oppgaver"
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:465
-msgid "Not available"
-msgstr "Ikke tilgjengelig"
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:193
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:783
+msgid "Show only active tasks."
+msgstr "Vis bare aktive oppgaver."
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:476
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Tasks:"
-msgstr "Oppgaver"
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:206
+msgid "Show VM Console"
+msgstr "Vis VM konsollen"
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:482
-msgid "Select a task to access"
-msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:207
+msgid "Show VM Console in a window."
+msgstr "Vis VM konsollen i et vindu."
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:493
-msgid "From:"
-msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:214
+msgid "Suspend work for this result."
+msgstr "Suspender arbeid for dette resultatet."
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:547
-msgid "This task's progress"
-msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:221
+msgid "Abandon work on the result. You will get no credit for it."
+msgstr "Gi opp arbeid på grunn av resultatet. Du vil ikke få poeng for det."
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:565
-msgid "Task Commands"
-msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:240
+msgid "Elapsed"
+msgstr "Tid brukt"
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:566
-msgid "Pop up a menu of commands to apply to this task"
-msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:241
+msgid "Remaining (estimated)"
+msgstr "Gjenstår (estimert)"
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:701
-#, c-format
-msgid "Application: %s"
-msgstr "Applikasjon: %s"
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:242
+msgid "Deadline"
+msgstr "Frist"
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:724
-#, c-format
-msgid "%.3f%%"
-msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:269
+msgid "Tasks"
+msgstr "Oppgaver"
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:732
-msgid "Application: Not available"
-msgstr "Applikasjon: Ikke tilgjengelig"
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:362
+msgid "Resuming task..."
+msgstr "Gjenopptar oppgave..."
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:832
-msgid "Not Available"
-msgstr "Ikke tilgjengelig"
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:365
+msgid "Suspending task..."
+msgstr "Suspenderer oppgave..."
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:847
-#, c-format
-msgid "Elapsed: %s"
-msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:394
+msgid "Showing graphics for task..."
+msgstr "Viser grafikk for oppgave..."
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:431
+msgid "Showing VM console for task..."
+msgstr "Viser VM konsollen for oppgave..."
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:861
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:484
 #, c-format
-msgid "Remaining (estimated): %s"
+msgid ""
+"Are you sure you want to abort this task '%s'?\n"
+"(Progress: %s, Status: %s)"
 msgstr ""
+"Er du sikker på at du ønsker å avbryte denne oppgaven '%s'?\n"
+"(Fremgang: %s, Status: %s)"
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:876
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:490
 #, c-format
-msgid "Status: %s"
-msgstr "Status: %s"
+msgid "Are you sure you want to abort these %d tasks?"
+msgstr "Er du sikker på at du ønsker å avbryte disse %d oppgavene?"
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1223
-msgid "Retrieving current status."
-msgstr ""
+# 75%
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:504
+msgid "Aborting task..."
+msgstr "Avbryter oppgave..."
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1229
-msgid "Downloading work from the server."
-msgstr "Laster ned arbeid fra tjeneren."
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:776
+msgid "Show all tasks"
+msgstr "Vis alle oppgavene"
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1234
-msgid "Processing Suspended:  Running On Batteries."
-msgstr "Prosessering suspendert: Kjører på batterier."
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:777
+msgid "Show all tasks."
+msgstr "Vis alle oppgavene."
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1236
-msgid "Processing Suspended:  User Active."
-msgstr "Prosessering suspendert:Bruker aktiv."
+#: clientgui/WelcomePage.cpp:284
+msgid "Add project or account manager"
+msgstr "Legg til prosjekt eller kontobehandler"
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1238
-msgid "Processing Suspended:  User paused processing."
-msgstr "Prosessering suspendert: Bruker har satt prosessering på pause."
+#: clientgui/WelcomePage.cpp:288
+msgid "Add project or use BOINC Account Manager"
+msgstr "Legg til prosjekt eller bruk BOINC kontobehandler"
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1240
-msgid "Processing Suspended:  Time of Day."
-msgstr "Prosessering suspendert: Tid på dag."
+#: clientgui/WelcomePage.cpp:297
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"If possible, add projects at the\n"
+"%s web site.\n"
+"Projects added via this wizard will not be\n"
+"listed on or managed via %s."
+msgstr ""
+"Hvis mulig, legg til prosjekter fra\n"
+"%s nettside.\n"
+"Prosjekter lagt til via denne veilederen vil ikke bli\n"
+"listet i eller administrert via %s."
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1242
-msgid "Processing Suspended:  Benchmarks Running."
-msgstr "Prosessering suspendert: Ytelsestest kjører."
+#: clientgui/WelcomePage.cpp:313
+msgid ""
+"There are over 30 BOINC-based projects\n"
+"doing research in many areas of science,\n"
+"and you can volunteer for as many of them as you like.\n"
+"You can add a project directly,\n"
+"or use an 'Account Manager' web site to select projects."
+msgstr ""
+"Det er mer enn 30 BOINC baserte prosjekter\n"
+"som utfører forskning innenfor mange vitenskapelige områder,\n"
+"og du kan delta i så mange av disse du måtte ønske.\n"
+"Du kan legge til et prosjekt med en gang,\n"
+"eller bruke en 'Kontobehandler' nettside for å velge prosjekter."
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1244
-msgid "Processing Suspended."
-msgstr "Prosessering suspendert."
+#: clientgui/WelcomePage.cpp:325
+msgid ""
+"You have chosen to add a new volunteer computing project or change which projects\n"
+"you contribute to.\n"
+"Some of these projects are run and managed by World Community Grid, while others\n"
+"are run and managed by other researchers or organizations. The BOINC software\n"
+"can divide your spare processing power among any combination of projects.\n"
+"Alternatively, if you have registered with a BOINC Account Manager, you can use\n"
+"this to choose which projects to support.\n"
+"Please choose which type of change you would like to make:\n"
+msgstr ""
+"Du have valgt å legge til et nytt frivillig beregningsprosjekt eller endre "
+"hvilke prosjekter\n"
+"du bidrar til.\n"
+"Noen av disse prosjektene kjøres og administreres av World Community Grid, "
+"mens andre\n"
+"kjøres og administreres av andre forskere eller organisasjoner. BOINC "
+"kan dele din gjenværende prosessorkraft blant hvilken som helst kombinasjon "
+"av prosjekter.\\Alternativt, hvis du har registrert deg hos en BOINC "
+"kontobehandler kan du bruke\n"
+"denne til å velge hvilke prosjekter du vil støtte.\n"
+"Vennligst velg hvilken type av endringer du ønsker å gjøre:\n"
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1248
-msgid "Waiting to contact project servers."
-msgstr "Venter på kontakt med prosjekt tjener."
+#: clientgui/WelcomePage.cpp:339
+msgid "Use a BOINC Account Manager"
+msgstr "Bruk en BOINC kontobehandler"
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1252 sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1261
-msgid "Retrieving current status"
-msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/WelcomePage.cpp:358
+msgid "Add or change your World Community Grid projects"
+msgstr "Legg til eller endre dine World Community Grid prosjekter"
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1256
-msgid "No work available to process"
-msgstr "Ingen arbeid tilgjengelig for prosessering"
+#: clientgui/WelcomePage.cpp:361
+msgid "Add projects run by other researchers or organizations"
+msgstr "Legg til prosjekter som driftes av andre forskere eller organisasjoner"
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1258
-msgid "Unable to connect to the core client"
-msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/WizardAttach.cpp:673
+msgid "Do you really want to cancel?"
+msgstr "Ønsker du virkelig å avbryte?"
+#: clientgui/WizardAttach.cpp:674
+msgid "Question"
+msgstr "Spørsmål"
-#: wizardex.cpp:377 wizardex.cpp:553
+#: clientgui/wizardex.cpp:377
+#: clientgui/wizardex.cpp:553
 msgid "&Next >"
 msgstr "&Neste >"
-#: wizardex.cpp:383
+#: clientgui/wizardex.cpp:383
 msgid "< &Back"
 msgstr "< &Tilbake"
-#: wizardex.cpp:553
+#: clientgui/wizardex.cpp:553
 msgid "&Finish"
 msgstr "&Ferdig"
-#: mac/Mac_GUI.cpp:110
-msgid "Preferences…"
-msgstr "Instillinger..."
+#: clientgui/common/wxPieCtrl.cpp:64
+msgid "Pie Ctrl"
+msgstr ""
-#: mac/Mac_GUI.cpp:122
+#: clientgui/mac/Mac_GUI.cpp:35
 msgid "Services"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Tjenester"
-#: mac/Mac_GUI.cpp:144
+#: clientgui/mac/Mac_GUI.cpp:36
 #, c-format
 msgid "Hide %s"
 msgstr "Skjul %s"
-#: mac/Mac_GUI.cpp:158
+#: clientgui/mac/Mac_GUI.cpp:37
 msgid "Hide Others"
 msgstr "Skjul andre"
-#: mac/Mac_GUI.cpp:172
+#: clientgui/mac/Mac_GUI.cpp:38
 msgid "Show All"
 msgstr "Vis alle"
-#: mac/Mac_GUI.cpp:186
+#: clientgui/mac/Mac_GUI.cpp:39
 #, c-format
 msgid "Quit %s"
 msgstr "Avslutt %s"
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.h:30
+msgid "specify work start and stop hours in format HH:MM-HH:MM"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.h:31
+msgid "specify network usage start and stop hours in format HH:MM-HH:MM"
+msgstr ""
+# 98%
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "(C) 2003-2013 University of California, Berkeley.\n"
+#~ "All Rights Reserved."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "(C) 2003-2013 University of California, Berkeley.\n"
+#~ "All Rights Reserved."
+#, c-format
+#~ msgid "%s - Preferences"
+#~ msgstr "%s - Innstillinger"
+#, no-c-format
+#~ msgid "% of the processors (0 means ignore this setting)"
+#~ msgstr "% av prosessorene (0 betyr ignorer denne innstillingen)"
+#, no-c-format
+#~ msgid "% CPU time"
+#~ msgstr "% CPU tid"
+#~ msgid "KBytes/sec."
+#~ msgstr "KBytes/sek."
+#~ msgid "Mbytes"
+#~ msgstr "Mbytes"
+#~ msgid "every"
+#~ msgstr "hver"
+#~ msgid "days"
+#~ msgstr "dager"
+#~ msgid "Gigabytes disk space"
+#~ msgstr "Gigabytes diskplass"
+#~ msgid "Running, high priority"
+#~ msgstr "Kjører, høy prioritet"
+#~ msgid " (Scheduler wait: "
+#~ msgstr " (Planleggeren venter: "
+#~ msgid " (Scheduler wait)"
+#~ msgstr " (Planleggeren venter)"
+#~ msgid " (Waiting for network access)"
+#~ msgstr " (Venter på nettverkstilgang)"
+#~ msgid "Preferences…"
+#~ msgstr "Instillinger..."
 #~ msgid "Workunit name"
 #~ msgstr "Arbeidsenhet navn"
diff --git a/locale/nb/BOINC-Project-Generic.po b/locale/nb/BOINC-Project-Generic.po
index ced9db5..4e144ac 100644
--- a/locale/nb/BOINC-Project-Generic.po
+++ b/locale/nb/BOINC-Project-Generic.po
@@ -7,8 +7,8 @@ msgstr ""
 "Project-Id-Version: BOINC-prject-generic\n"
 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: BOINC translation team <boinc_loc at boinc.berkeley.edu>\n"
 "POT-Creation-Date: 2014-01-10 00:00 PST\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-09-16 13:49+0000\n"
-"Last-Translator: Kenneth <kenneth at skjold.biz>\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2014-12-15 21:27+0000\n"
+"Last-Translator: Anonymous Pootle User\n"
 "Language-Team: Hjelp andre <kenneth at skjold.biz>\n"
 "Language: nb\n"
 "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ msgstr ""
 "Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
 "X-Generator: Pootle 2.5.0\n"
 "X-Poedit-SourceCharset: utf-8\n"
-"X-POOTLE-MTIME: 1347803390.0\n"
+"X-POOTLE-MTIME: 1418678840.0\n"
 msgstr "English"
@@ -27,15 +27,15 @@ msgstr "English"
 #: ../inc/bbcode_html.inc:11
 msgid "Bold text: [b]text[/b]  (alt+b)"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Uthevet tekst: [b]tekst[/b]  (alt+b)                "
 #: ../inc/bbcode_html.inc:14
 msgid "Italic text: [i]text[/i]  (alt+i)"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Kursiv tekst: [i]tekst[/i]  (alt+i)                "
 #: ../inc/bbcode_html.inc:17
 msgid "Underline text: [u]text[/u]  (alt+u)"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Understreket tekst: [u]tekst[/u]  (alt+u)                "
 #: ../inc/bbcode_html.inc:20
 msgid "Quote text: [quote]text[/quote]  (alt+q)"
@@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ msgstr ""
 #: ../inc/bbcode_html.inc:26
 msgid "List: [list]text[/list] (alt+l)"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Liste: [list]tekst[/list] (alt+l)                "
 #: ../inc/bbcode_html.inc:29
 msgid "Ordered list: [list=]text[/list]  (alt+o)"
@@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ msgstr ""
 #: ../inc/bbcode_html.inc:32
 msgid "Insert image: [img]http://image_url[/img]  (alt+p)"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Sett inn bilde: [img]http://image_url[/img]  (alt+p)                "
 #: ../inc/bbcode_html.inc:35
 msgid ""
@@ -64,7 +64,7 @@ msgstr ""
 #: ../inc/bbcode_html.inc:42
 msgid "Font color"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Skriftfarge"
 #: ../inc/bbcode_html.inc:43
 msgid ""
@@ -77,11 +77,11 @@ msgstr "Forvalg"
 #: ../inc/bbcode_html.inc:45
 msgid "Dark Red"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Mørkerød"
 #: ../inc/bbcode_html.inc:46
 msgid "Red"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Rød"
 #: ../inc/bbcode_html.inc:47
 #, fuzzy
@@ -90,63 +90,64 @@ msgstr "Endre"
 #: ../inc/bbcode_html.inc:48
 msgid "Brown"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Brun"
 #: ../inc/bbcode_html.inc:49
 msgid "Yellow"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Gul"
 #: ../inc/bbcode_html.inc:50
 msgid "Green"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Grønn"
 #: ../inc/bbcode_html.inc:51
 msgid "Olive"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Olivengrønn"
 #: ../inc/bbcode_html.inc:52
 msgid "Cyan"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Turkis"
 #: ../inc/bbcode_html.inc:53
 msgid "Blue"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Blå"
 #: ../inc/bbcode_html.inc:54
 msgid "Dark Blue"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Mørkeblå"
 #: ../inc/bbcode_html.inc:55
 msgid "Indigo"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Blåfiolett"
 #: ../inc/bbcode_html.inc:56
 msgid "Violet"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Fiolett"
 #: ../inc/bbcode_html.inc:57
 msgid "Font size"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Skriftstørrelse"
 #: ../inc/bbcode_html.inc:58
 msgid "Font size: [size=x-small]small text[/size]"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Skriftstørrelse: [size=x-small]Liten tekst[/size]"
 #: ../inc/bbcode_html.inc:60
 msgid "Small"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Liten"
 #: ../inc/bbcode_html.inc:61
 msgid "Normal"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Normal"
 #: ../inc/bbcode_html.inc:62
 msgid "Large"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Stor"
 #: ../inc/bbcode_html.inc:65
+#, fuzzy
 msgid "Close all open bbCode tags"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Avslutt alle åpne bbCode tagger"
 #: ../inc/bbcode_html.inc:65
 msgid "Close Tags"
@@ -161,20 +162,23 @@ msgid "Newest first"
 msgstr "Nyeste først"
 #: ../inc/forum.inc:39
+#, fuzzy
 msgid "Highest rated posts first"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Høyest rangerte innlegg først"
 #: ../inc/forum.inc:41
 msgid "Newest post first"
 msgstr "Nyeste post først"
 #: ../inc/forum.inc:42
+#, fuzzy
 msgid "Most views first"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Flest visninger først"
 #: ../inc/forum.inc:43
+#, fuzzy
 msgid "Most posts first"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Flest innlegg først"
 #: ../inc/forum.inc:125
 msgid "Search for words in forum messages"
@@ -211,11 +215,11 @@ msgstr "%1 oppslagstavle"
 #: ../inc/forum.inc:245 ../inc/result.inc:695
 msgid "Previous"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Forrige"
 #: ../inc/forum.inc:283 ../inc/result.inc:704
 msgid "Next"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Neste"
 #: ../inc/forum.inc:412 ../inc/forum.inc:1175 ../user/forum_forum.php:137
 #: ../user/forum_reply.php:120 ../user/forum_report_post.php:76
@@ -230,47 +234,41 @@ msgid "Message"
 msgstr "Melding"
 #: ../inc/forum.inc:580
-#, fuzzy
 msgid "Send message"
-msgstr "Send melding"
+msgstr "Send melding"
 #: ../inc/forum.inc:580
-#, fuzzy
 msgid "Send %1 a private message"
-msgstr "Send en privat melding"
+msgstr "Send %1 en privat melding"
 #: ../inc/forum.inc:581
 msgid "Joined: %1"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Sammenslått: %1"
 #: ../inc/forum.inc:590
-#, fuzzy
 msgid "Posts: %1"
-msgstr "Innlegg"
+msgstr "Innlegg: %1"
 #: ../inc/forum.inc:596
-#, fuzzy
 msgid "Credit: %1"
-msgstr "Lag"
+msgstr "Poeng: %1"
 #: ../inc/forum.inc:597
+#, fuzzy
 msgid "RAC: %1"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "GAU: %1"
 #: ../inc/forum.inc:620
-#, fuzzy
 msgid "You haven't read this message yet"
-msgstr "Du har ingen private meldinger."
+msgstr "Du har ikke lest denne meldingen enda"
 #: ../inc/forum.inc:620
-#, fuzzy
 msgid "Unread"
-msgstr "ulest"
+msgstr "Ulest"
 #: ../inc/forum.inc:623 ../inc/forum.inc:628 ../inc/forum.inc:727
-#, fuzzy
 msgid "Message %1"
-msgstr "Melding"
+msgstr "Melding %1"
 #: ../inc/forum.inc:624 ../inc/user.inc:331 ../user/forum_forum.php:174
 msgid "hidden"
@@ -279,7 +277,7 @@ msgstr "skjult"
 #: ../inc/forum.inc:625
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Posted: %1"
-msgstr "Innlegg"
+msgstr "Postet: %1"
 #: ../inc/forum.inc:628
 msgid " - in response to "
@@ -290,87 +288,91 @@ msgid "Edit"
 msgstr "Rediger"
 #: ../inc/forum.inc:631
-#, fuzzy
 msgid "Edit this message"
-msgstr "Redigere din profil"
+msgstr "Rediger denne meldingen"
 #: ../inc/forum.inc:637
-#, fuzzy
 msgid "Last modified: %1"
-msgstr "Innstillinger sist endret:"
+msgstr "Sist endret: %1"
 #: ../inc/forum.inc:640
 msgid ""
 "This post is not shown because the sender is on your 'ignore' list.  Click %"
 "1here%2 to view this post"
 msgstr ""
+"Dette innlegget vises ikke fordi avsender er på din 'ignoreringsliste'. "
+"Klikk %1her%2 for å vise innlegget"
 #: ../inc/forum.inc:668 ../inc/forum.inc:679
 msgid "Report this post as offensive"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Rapporter dette innlegget som støtende"
 #: ../inc/forum.inc:668 ../inc/forum.inc:679
-#, fuzzy
 msgid "Report as offensive"
-msgstr "Siste innlegg"
+msgstr "Rapporter som støtende"
 #: ../inc/forum.inc:672
+#, fuzzy
 msgid "Rating: %1"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Rangering: %1"
 #: ../inc/forum.inc:672
 msgid "rate: "
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "bedøm: "
 # 83%
 #: ../inc/forum.inc:675
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Click if you like this message"
-msgstr "Kunne ikke lage melding"
+msgstr " Klikk hvis du liker denne meldingen"
 #: ../inc/forum.inc:675
+#, fuzzy
 msgid "Rate +"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Bedøm +"
 #: ../inc/forum.inc:677
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Click if you don't like this message"
-msgstr "Kunne ikke lage melding"
+msgstr "Klikk hvis du ikke liker denne meldingen"
 #: ../inc/forum.inc:677
+#, fuzzy
 msgid "Rate -"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Bedøm -"
 #: ../inc/forum.inc:685 ../user/pm.php:106 ../user/pm.php:146
 msgid "Reply"
 msgstr "Svar"
 #: ../inc/forum.inc:685
+#, fuzzy
 msgid "Post a reply to this message"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Svar på denne meldingen"
 #: ../inc/forum.inc:687
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Quote"
-msgstr "Forlat team"
+msgstr "Sitat"
 #: ../inc/forum.inc:687
+#, fuzzy
 msgid "Post a reply by quoting this message"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Svar på denne meldingen"
 #: ../inc/forum.inc:708
+#, fuzzy
 msgid "Hidden by a moderator"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Skjult av en moderator"
 #: ../inc/forum.inc:729
-#, fuzzy
 msgid "Posted %1 by %2"
-msgstr "Innlegg"
+msgstr "Postet %1 av %2"
 #: ../inc/forum.inc:747
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "You may not post or rate messages until %1"
-msgstr "Du har ingen private meldinger."
+msgstr "Du kan ikke legge til eller rangere meldinger før %1"
 #: ../inc/forum.inc:758
 msgid ""
@@ -392,30 +394,27 @@ msgstr ""
 #: ../inc/forum.inc:780
 msgid "Rules:"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Regler:"
 #: ../inc/forum.inc:781
-#, fuzzy
 msgid "More info"
-msgstr "Team info"
+msgstr "Mer informasjon"
 #: ../inc/forum.inc:1055 ../user/forum_thread.php:189
 msgid "Unhide"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Vis"
 #: ../inc/forum.inc:1055
-#, fuzzy
 msgid "Unhide this post"
-msgstr "Lås opp denne tråden"
+msgstr "Vis dette innlegget"
 #: ../inc/forum.inc:1057 ../user/forum_thread.php:195
 msgid "Hide"
 msgstr "Skjul"
 #: ../inc/forum.inc:1057
-#, fuzzy
 msgid "Hide this post"
-msgstr "Skjul"
+msgstr "Skjul dette innlegget"
 #: ../inc/forum.inc:1062 ../user/forum_thread.php:228
 msgid "Move"
@@ -423,28 +422,31 @@ msgstr "&Flytt"
 #: ../inc/forum.inc:1062
 msgid "Move post to a different thread"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Flytt innlegg til en annen tråd"
 #: ../inc/forum.inc:1067
-#, fuzzy
 msgid "Banish author"
-msgstr "Ingen slik bruker"
+msgstr "Forvis forfatter"
 #: ../inc/forum.inc:1074
+#, fuzzy
 msgid "Vote to banish author"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Stem for å forvise forfatter"
 #: ../inc/forum.inc:1078
+#, fuzzy
 msgid "Vote not to banish author"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Stem for ikke å forvise forfatter"
 #: ../inc/forum.inc:1083
+#, fuzzy
 msgid "Start vote to banish author"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Start avstemming for å forvise forfatter"
 #: ../inc/forum.inc:1116
+#, fuzzy
 msgid "Only team members can post to the team message board"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Bare teammedlemmer kan poste innlegg på teamets diskusjonsforum"
 #: ../inc/forum.inc:1126
 msgid ""
@@ -465,14 +467,18 @@ msgstr ""
 #: ../inc/forum.inc:1140
+#, fuzzy
 msgid ""
 "This thread is locked. Only forum moderators and administrators are allowed "
 "to post there."
 msgstr ""
+"Denne tråden er stengt. Bare forumets moderatorer og administratorer har "
+"tillatelse til å poste innlegg der."
 #: ../inc/forum.inc:1145
+#, fuzzy
 msgid "Can't post to a hidden thread."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Kan ikke poste til en skjult tråd."
 #: ../inc/forum.inc:1173
 msgid "Thread"
@@ -493,14 +499,12 @@ msgid "Last post"
 msgstr "Siste innlegg"
 #: ../inc/forum.inc:1235
-#, fuzzy
 msgid "New posts in the thread %1"
-msgstr "Post til tråd"
+msgstr "Nye innlegg i tråden %1"
 #: ../inc/forum.inc:1240
-#, fuzzy
 msgid "New posts in subscribed thread"
-msgstr "Abonnér"
+msgstr "Nye innlegg i tråden du abonnerer på"
 #: ../inc/forum.inc:1241
 msgid "There are new posts in the thread '%1'"
@@ -511,9 +515,8 @@ msgid "Mark all threads as read"
 msgstr "Merk alle trådene som lest"
 #: ../inc/forum.inc:1252
-#, fuzzy
 msgid "Mark all threads in all message boards as read."
-msgstr "Merk alle trådene i alle meldings-tavler som 'lest'."
+msgstr "Merk alle tråder i alle diskusjonsforum som 'lest'."
 #: ../inc/host.inc:24
 msgid "No host"
@@ -538,7 +541,7 @@ msgstr "Skole"
 #: ../inc/host.inc:59
 msgid "Mobile"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Mobil"
 #: ../inc/host.inc:61 ../user/edit_forum_preferences_form.php:172
 #: ../user/edit_forum_preferences_form.php:173
@@ -547,7 +550,7 @@ msgstr "Oppdater"
 #: ../inc/host.inc:85
 msgid "Computer information"
-msgstr "Datamaskin informasjon"
+msgstr "Datamaskininformasjon"
 #: ../inc/host.inc:89 ../inc/host.inc:94
 msgid "IP address"
@@ -555,11 +558,11 @@ msgstr "IP adresse"
 #: ../inc/host.inc:89
 msgid "(same the last %1 times)"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "(lik de siste %1 ganger)"
 #: ../inc/host.inc:91
 msgid "External IP address"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Ekstern IP adresse"
 #: ../inc/host.inc:94
 msgid "Show IP address"
@@ -567,11 +570,11 @@ msgstr "Vis IP adresse"
 #: ../inc/host.inc:96
 msgid "Domain name"
-msgstr "Domene navn"
+msgstr "Domenenavn"
 #: ../inc/host.inc:98
 msgid "Product name"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Produktnavn"
 #: ../inc/host.inc:102
 msgid "Local Standard Time"
@@ -602,12 +605,12 @@ msgstr "Opprettet"
 #: ../user/team_remove_inactive_form.php:41 ../user/top_users.php:54
 #: ../user/top_users.php:59 ../user/user_search.php:140
 msgid "Total credit"
-msgstr "Total kreditt"
+msgstr "Totalt arbeid utført"
 #: ../inc/host.inc:114 ../inc/user.inc:125 ../user/team_search.php:70
 #: ../user/user_search.php:139
 msgid "Average credit"
-msgstr "Gjennomsnittlig kreditt"
+msgstr "Gjennomsnittlig arbeid utført"
 #: ../inc/host.inc:116
 msgid "Cross project credit"
@@ -615,16 +618,15 @@ msgstr ""
 #: ../inc/host.inc:118
 msgid "CPU type"
-msgstr "CPU type"
+msgstr "Prosessortype"
 #: ../inc/host.inc:119
 msgid "Number of processors"
 msgstr "Antall prosessorer"
 #: ../inc/host.inc:121
-#, fuzzy
 msgid "Coprocessors"
-msgstr "prosessorer"
+msgstr "Støtteprosessorer"
 #: ../inc/host.inc:123 ../inc/host.inc:687
 msgid "Operating System"
@@ -652,7 +654,7 @@ msgstr "%1 KB"
 #: ../inc/host.inc:140
 msgid "Swap space"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Veksleminne"
 #: ../inc/host.inc:143
 msgid "Total disk space"
@@ -668,19 +670,19 @@ msgstr "Ledig diskplass"
 #: ../inc/host.inc:150
 msgid "Measured floating point speed"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Målt flyttallshastighet"
 #: ../inc/host.inc:150 ../inc/host.inc:153
 msgid "%1 million ops/sec"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "%1 millioner operasjoner per sekund"
 #: ../inc/host.inc:153
 msgid "Measured integer speed"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Målt heltallshastighet"
 #: ../inc/host.inc:157 ../inc/host.inc:159
 msgid "Average upload rate"
-msgstr "Gjennomsnittlig opplastingshastighet  "
+msgstr "Gjennomsnittlig opplastingshastighet"
 #: ../inc/host.inc:157 ../inc/host.inc:164
 msgid "%1 KB/sec"
@@ -708,7 +710,7 @@ msgstr "%1 dager"
 #: ../inc/host.inc:170
 msgid "Application details"
-msgstr "Program detaljer"
+msgstr "Programdetaljer"
 #: ../inc/host.inc:171
 msgid "Show"
@@ -719,18 +721,18 @@ msgid "Tasks"
 msgstr "Oppgaver"
 #: ../inc/host.inc:185 ../inc/host.inc:206
-#, fuzzy
 msgid "Number of times client has contacted server"
-msgstr "Antall ganger BOINC har kontaktet tjener"
+msgstr "Antall ganger klient har kontaktet tjener"
 #: ../inc/host.inc:186
+#, fuzzy
 msgid "Last time contacted server"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Server sist kontaktet"
 #: ../inc/host.inc:187
 #, php-format
 msgid "% of time BOINC is running"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "% av tiden BOINC kjører"
 #: ../inc/host.inc:189
 #, php-format
@@ -744,7 +746,7 @@ msgstr ""
 #: ../inc/host.inc:193
 msgid "Average CPU efficiency"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Gjennomsnittlig prosessoreffektivitet"
 #: ../inc/host.inc:196
 msgid "Task duration correction factor"
@@ -780,8 +782,9 @@ msgid "Rank"
 msgstr "Plassering"
 #: ../inc/host.inc:225 ../inc/host.inc:679
+#, fuzzy
 msgid "Avg. credit"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Gj.sn. arbeid"
 #: ../inc/host.inc:230 ../inc/team.inc:102 ../inc/team.inc:216
 #: ../inc/team.inc:225 ../inc/team.inc:227 ../inc/team.inc:363
@@ -790,12 +793,12 @@ msgstr ""
 #: ../user/team_remove_inactive_form.php:42 ../user/top_users.php:53
 #: ../user/top_users.php:58
 msgid "Recent average credit"
-msgstr "Nylig gjennomsnitts kreditt"
+msgstr "Gjennomsnitt nylig arbeid utført"
 #: ../inc/host.inc:236 ../inc/host.inc:684 ../inc/result.inc:51
 #: ../user/host_app_versions.php:25
 msgid "CPU"
-msgstr "CPU"
+msgstr "Prosessor"
 #: ../inc/host.inc:237 ../inc/host.inc:685
 msgid "GPU"
@@ -806,8 +809,9 @@ msgid "Operating system"
 msgstr "Operativsystem"
 #: ../inc/host.inc:315
+#, fuzzy
 msgid "(%1 processors)"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "(%1 prosessorer)"
 #: ../inc/host.inc:335
 msgid "Details"
@@ -842,20 +846,23 @@ msgid "Merging host %1 into host %2"
 msgstr "Flett vert %1 inn i vert %2"
 #: ../inc/host.inc:618
+#, fuzzy
 msgid "Couldn't update credit of new computer"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Kunne ikke oppdatere poengene til ny datamaskin"
 #: ../inc/host.inc:622
 msgid "Couldn't update results"
 msgstr "Kunne ikke oppdatere resultater"
 #: ../inc/host.inc:627
+#, fuzzy
 msgid "Couldn't retire old computer"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Kunne ikke pensjonere gammel datamaskin"
 #: ../inc/host.inc:629
+#, fuzzy
 msgid "Retired old computer %1"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Pensjonert gammel datamaskin %1"
 #: ../inc/host.inc:652 ../inc/host.inc:655
 msgid "Show:"
@@ -886,12 +893,14 @@ msgid "BOINC<br>version"
 msgstr "BOINC<br>versjon"
 #: ../inc/host.inc:745 ../user/merge_by_name.php:65
+#, fuzzy
 msgid "Merge computers by name"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Slå sammen datamaskiner på navn"
 #: ../inc/language_names.inc:61
+#, fuzzy
 msgid "Browser default"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Standard utforsker"
 #: ../inc/news.inc:40
 msgid "Comment"
@@ -925,9 +934,8 @@ msgid "Preview"
 msgstr "Forhåndsvisning"
 #: ../inc/pm.inc:48 ../user/pm.php:131
-#, fuzzy
 msgid "no such message"
-msgstr "Ingen slik bruker"
+msgstr "Ingen slik melding"
 #: ../inc/pm.inc:82
 msgid "To"
@@ -946,8 +954,9 @@ msgid "Send message"
 msgstr "Send melding"
 #: ../inc/pm.inc:121
+#, fuzzy
 msgid "sent you a private message; subject:"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "sendte deg en privat melding; emne:"
 #: ../inc/pm.inc:127
 msgid "Private message%1 from %2, subject:"
@@ -970,22 +979,27 @@ msgid "unread"
 msgstr "ulest"
 #: ../inc/pm.inc:186
+#, fuzzy
 msgid "For email notification, %1edit community prefs%2"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "For epostvarsel, %1rediger innstillinger for gruppen%2"
 #: ../inc/pm.inc:198
 msgid "Private message"
 msgstr "Private meldinger"
 #: ../inc/prefs.inc:77
+#, fuzzy
 msgid ""
 "Suspend work while computer is on battery power? %1 Matters only for "
 "portable computers %2"
 msgstr ""
+"Suspender arbeid ved batteridrift? %1 Har betydning kun for bærbare "
+"datamaskiner %2"
 #: ../inc/prefs.inc:85
+#, fuzzy
 msgid "Suspend work while computer is in use?"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Suspendere arbeid når datamaskinen er i bruk?"
 #: ../inc/prefs.inc:91
 msgid ""
@@ -1128,8 +1142,9 @@ msgid "Maximum upload rate:"
 msgstr "Maksimum opplastingshastighet:"
 #: ../inc/prefs.inc:259
+#, fuzzy
 msgid "Use network only between the hours of"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Bruk nettverk bare mellom klokken"
 #: ../inc/prefs.inc:263
 msgid "Transfer at most %1 Enforced by version 6.10.46+ %2"
@@ -1195,20 +1210,21 @@ msgstr ""
 #: ../inc/prefs.inc:387
 msgid "Disk and memory usage"
-msgstr "Disk og minne bruk"
+msgstr "Disk- og minnebruk"
 #: ../inc/prefs.inc:388
 msgid "Processor usage"
-msgstr "Prosessor bruk"
+msgstr "Prosessorbruk"
 #: ../inc/prefs.inc:389
 msgid "Network usage"
-msgstr "Nettverk bruk"
+msgstr "Nettverksbruk"
 #: ../inc/prefs.inc:392
+#, fuzzy
 msgid ""
 "These preferences apply to all the BOINC projects in which you participate."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Disse innstillingene gjelder for alle BOINC prosjektene du deltar i."
 #: ../inc/prefs.inc:395
 msgid ""
@@ -1276,8 +1292,9 @@ msgid "Project specific settings"
 msgstr "Prosjekt spesifikke innstillinger"
 #: ../inc/prefs.inc:862 ../inc/prefs.inc:907
+#, fuzzy
 msgid "Primary (default) preferences"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Primære (standard) innstillinger"
 #: ../inc/prefs.inc:871 ../user/add_venue.php:39 ../user/add_venue.php:63
 #: ../user/prefs_edit.php:40 ../user/prefs_edit.php:64
@@ -1387,7 +1404,7 @@ msgstr "ATI GPU"
 #: ../inc/result.inc:57 ../user/host_app_versions.php:28
 msgid "Intel GPU"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Intel GPU"
 #: ../inc/result.inc:65
 msgid "Not in DB"
@@ -1415,13 +1432,14 @@ msgstr ""
 #: ../inc/result.inc:118 ../inc/result.inc:268
 msgid "Valid"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Gyldig"
 #: ../inc/result.inc:119 ../inc/result.inc:271
 msgid "Invalid"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Ugyldig"
 #: ../inc/result.inc:120 ../inc/result.inc:209
+#, fuzzy
 msgid "Error"
 msgstr "Feilet"
@@ -1431,80 +1449,88 @@ msgstr "Inaktiv"
 #: ../inc/result.inc:175 ../inc/result.inc:222 ../user/explain_state.php:37
 msgid "Unsent"
-msgstr "Usent"
+msgstr "Ikke sent"
 #: ../inc/result.inc:181
+#, fuzzy
 msgid "Completed, waiting for validation"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Ferdig, venter på validering"
 #: ../inc/result.inc:182
+#, fuzzy
 msgid "Completed and validated"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Ferdig og validert"
 #: ../inc/result.inc:183
 msgid "Completed, marked as invalid"
 msgstr ""
 #: ../inc/result.inc:184
+#, fuzzy
 msgid "Completed, can't validate"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Ferdig, kan ikke validere"
 #: ../inc/result.inc:185
 msgid "Completed, validation inconclusive"
 msgstr ""
 #: ../inc/result.inc:186
+#, fuzzy
 msgid "Completed, too late to validate"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Ferdig, for sent å validere"
 #: ../inc/result.inc:188
 msgid "Completed"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Ferdig"
 #: ../inc/result.inc:189 ../inc/result.inc:233 ../user/explain_state.php:62
 msgid "Couldn't send"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Kunne ikke sende"
 #: ../inc/result.inc:194 ../inc/result.inc:257
+#, fuzzy
 msgid "Cancelled by server"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Avbrutt av server"
 #: ../inc/result.inc:199
 msgid "Not started by deadline - canceled"
 msgstr ""
 #: ../inc/result.inc:202
+#, fuzzy
 msgid "Error while downloading"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Feil under nedlasting"
 #: ../inc/result.inc:204
+#, fuzzy
 msgid "Error while computing"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Feil oppsto ved beregning"
 #: ../inc/result.inc:205
+#, fuzzy
 msgid "Error while uploading"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Feil under nedlasting"
 #: ../inc/result.inc:206 ../inc/result.inc:259
 msgid "Aborted by user"
 msgstr ""
 #: ../inc/result.inc:207 ../inc/result.inc:260
-#, fuzzy
 msgid "Upload failed"
-msgstr "Oppdatering feilet:"
+msgstr "Opplasting feilet"
 #: ../inc/result.inc:210
 msgid "Timed out - no response"
 msgstr ""
 #: ../inc/result.inc:211 ../inc/result.inc:240 ../user/explain_state.php:71
+#, fuzzy
 msgid "Didn't need"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Trengte ikke"
 #: ../inc/result.inc:212 ../inc/result.inc:241 ../user/explain_state.php:74
 msgid "Validate error"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Valideringsfeil"
 #: ../inc/result.inc:213 ../inc/result.inc:242
 msgid "Abandoned"
@@ -1512,16 +1538,16 @@ msgstr ""
 #: ../inc/result.inc:224 ../user/explain_state.php:43
 msgid "Over"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Over"
 #: ../inc/result.inc:232 ../user/explain_state.php:59
+#, fuzzy
 msgid "Success"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Lyktes"
 #: ../inc/result.inc:236
-#, fuzzy
 msgid "Computation error"
-msgstr "Datamaskiner"
+msgstr "Beregningsfeil"
 #: ../inc/result.inc:238
 msgid "Redundant result"
@@ -1529,32 +1555,32 @@ msgstr ""
 #: ../inc/result.inc:239 ../user/explain_state.php:68
 msgid "No reply"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Ikke svar"
 #: ../inc/result.inc:249 ../user/explain_state.php:85
 msgid "New"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Ny"
 #: ../inc/result.inc:250 ../user/explain_state.php:91
 msgid "Downloading"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Laster ned"
 #: ../inc/result.inc:251
 msgid "Processing"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Prosesserer"
 #: ../inc/result.inc:252
+#, fuzzy
 msgid "Compute error"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Prosesseringsfeil"
 #: ../inc/result.inc:253 ../user/explain_state.php:97
 msgid "Uploading"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Laster opp"
 #: ../inc/result.inc:254 ../user/explain_state.php:88
-#, fuzzy
 msgid "Done"
-msgstr "Ingen"
+msgstr "Ferdig"
 #: ../inc/result.inc:267
 msgid "Initial"
@@ -1562,7 +1588,7 @@ msgstr ""
 #: ../inc/result.inc:273
 msgid "Not necessary"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Ikke nødvendig"
 #: ../inc/result.inc:274
 msgid "Workunit error - check skipped"
@@ -1578,11 +1604,11 @@ msgstr ""
 #: ../inc/result.inc:302
 msgid "Couldn't send result"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Kunne ikke sende resultat"
 #: ../inc/result.inc:306
 msgid "Too many errors (may have bug)"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "For mange feil (kan ha programvarefeil)"
 #: ../inc/result.inc:310
 msgid "Too many results (may be nondeterministic)"
@@ -1602,89 +1628,85 @@ msgstr ""
 #: ../inc/result.inc:349
 msgid "Task name"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Oppgavenavn"
 #: ../inc/result.inc:349 ../inc/result.inc:354 ../inc/result.inc:357
 #: ../inc/result.inc:360
 msgid "click for details"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "klikk for detaljer"
 #: ../inc/result.inc:349
+#, fuzzy
 msgid "Show IDs"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Vis IDs"
 #: ../inc/result.inc:354
 msgid "Show names"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Vis navn"
 #: ../inc/result.inc:357
-#, fuzzy
 msgid "Task"
-msgstr "Oppgaver"
+msgstr "Oppgave"
 #: ../inc/result.inc:360
 msgid "Work unit"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Arbeidsenhet"
 #: ../inc/result.inc:369
-#, fuzzy
 msgid "Computer"
-msgstr "Datamaskiner"
+msgstr "Datamaskin"
 #: ../inc/result.inc:372 ../inc/result.inc:631
-#, fuzzy
 msgid "Sent"
-msgstr "Avsender"
+msgstr "Sendt"
 #: ../inc/result.inc:373
 msgid "Time reported<br />or deadline"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Tid rapportert<br /> eller frist"
 #: ../inc/result.inc:374
 msgid "explain"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "forklar"
 #: ../inc/result.inc:376 ../user/server_status.php:241
 msgid "Status"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Status"
 #: ../inc/result.inc:377
 msgid "Run time<br />(sec)"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Kjøretid<br />(sek)"
 #: ../inc/result.inc:378
 msgid "CPU time<br />(sec)"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Prosessortid<br />(sek)"
 #: ../inc/result.inc:379 ../inc/result.inc:642
-#, fuzzy
 msgid "Credit"
-msgstr "Lag"
+msgstr "Arbeid utført"
 #: ../inc/result.inc:380 ../inc/result.inc:724
-#, fuzzy
 msgid "Application"
-msgstr "Programmer"
+msgstr "Applikasjon"
 #: ../inc/result.inc:629
 msgid "Workunit"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Arbeidsenhet"
 #: ../inc/result.inc:632
 msgid "Received"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Mottatt"
 #: ../inc/result.inc:633
 msgid "Server state"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Tilstand tjener"
 #: ../inc/result.inc:634
 msgid "Outcome"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Utfall"
 #: ../inc/result.inc:635
 msgid "Client state"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Tilstand klient"
 #: ../inc/result.inc:636
 msgid "Exit status"
@@ -1692,42 +1714,41 @@ msgstr ""
 #: ../inc/result.inc:638
 msgid "Report deadline"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Rapporter frist"
 #: ../inc/result.inc:639
 msgid "Run time"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Kjøretid"
 #: ../inc/result.inc:640
-#, fuzzy
 msgid "CPU time"
-msgstr "CPU type"
+msgstr "Prosessortid"
 #: ../inc/result.inc:641
 msgid "Validate state"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Valider tilstand"
 #: ../inc/result.inc:643
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Application version"
-msgstr "Programmer"
+msgstr "Versjon applikasjon"
 #: ../inc/result.inc:656
 msgid "Output files"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Utdata filer"
 #: ../inc/result.inc:659
 msgid "Stderr output"
 msgstr ""
 #: ../inc/result.inc:706
-#, fuzzy
 msgid "State"
-msgstr "Dato"
+msgstr "Tilstand"
 #: ../inc/result.inc:747
+#, fuzzy
 msgid "Task name:"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Oppgavenavn"
 #: ../inc/team.inc:40
 msgid "Search criteria (use one or more)"
@@ -1768,6 +1789,7 @@ msgid "Requested by you, and founder response deadline has passed."
 msgstr "Anmodet av deg, og grunnleggers svarfrist er passert."
 #: ../inc/team.inc:63
+#, fuzzy
 msgid "Complete foundership transfer"
 msgstr "Fullført grunnlegger overføring"
@@ -1822,7 +1844,7 @@ msgstr "Tråder"
 #: ../inc/team.inc:136
 msgid "Join this team"
-msgstr "Bli med i dette teamet "
+msgstr "Bli med i dette teamet"
 #: ../inc/team.inc:137
 msgid ""
@@ -1879,7 +1901,7 @@ msgstr "Aktive medlemmer"
 #: ../inc/team.inc:187
 msgid "Members with credit"
-msgstr "Medlemmer med kreditt"
+msgstr "Medlemmer med arbeid utført"
 #: ../inc/team.inc:256
 msgid "Admin"
@@ -1898,10 +1920,12 @@ msgid "Next %1"
 msgstr "Neste %1"
 #: ../inc/team.inc:289
+#, fuzzy
 msgid "No such team."
 msgstr "Ingen slikt team."
 #: ../inc/team.inc:302
+#, fuzzy
 msgid "This operation requires foundership."
 msgstr "Denne handlingen krever grunnlegger rolle."
@@ -1961,11 +1985,11 @@ msgstr "Beskrivelse av teamet"
 #: ../inc/team.inc:462
 msgid "Accept new members?"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Tillat nye medlemmer?"
 #: ../inc/uotd.inc:28
 msgid "User profile"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Brukerprofil"
 #: ../inc/user.inc:119
 msgid "Projects in which you are participating"
@@ -1989,7 +2013,7 @@ msgstr "Siden"
 #: ../inc/user.inc:148
 msgid "Computing and credit"
-msgstr "Databehandling og kreditt"
+msgstr "Databehandling og poeng"
 #: ../inc/user.inc:151
 msgid "Computers on this account"
@@ -2011,7 +2035,7 @@ msgstr "Kryss-prosjekt statistikk"
 #: ../inc/user.inc:163
 msgid "Account"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Konto"
 #: ../inc/user.inc:165 ../inc/user.inc:281 ../inc/user.inc:369
 #: ../inc/user.inc:371 ../user/user_search.php:139
@@ -2021,7 +2045,7 @@ msgstr "Team"
 #: ../inc/user.inc:167
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Cross-project"
-msgstr "Kryss-prosjekt ID"
+msgstr "Kryssprosjekt"
 #: ../inc/user.inc:168 ../user/bs_sample_index.php:54
 msgid "Certificate"
@@ -2032,17 +2056,18 @@ msgid "Stats on your cell phone"
 msgstr "Statistikk på din mobiltelefon"
 #: ../inc/user.inc:183
+#, fuzzy
 msgid "Unknown notification type: %1"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Ukjent varsel type: %1"
 #: ../inc/user.inc:198
 msgid "Account information"
-msgstr "Konto informasjon"
+msgstr "Kontoinformasjon"
 #: ../inc/user.inc:200 ../user/edit_passwd_form.php:45
 #: ../user/get_passwd.php:40 ../user/team_email_list.php:64
 msgid "Email address"
-msgstr "Epost adresse"
+msgstr "Epostadresse"
 #: ../inc/user.inc:203 ../inc/user.inc:322
 msgid "URL"
@@ -2062,7 +2087,7 @@ msgstr "Endre"
 #: ../inc/user.inc:209
 msgid "email address"
-msgstr "epost adresse"
+msgstr "epostadresse"
 #: ../inc/user.inc:210
 msgid "password"
@@ -2070,20 +2095,20 @@ msgstr "passord"
 #: ../inc/user.inc:211
 msgid "other account info"
-msgstr "annen konto informasjon"
+msgstr "annen kontoinformasjon"
 #: ../inc/user.inc:213 ../inc/user.inc:315
 msgid "User ID"
 msgstr "Bruker ID"
 #: ../inc/user.inc:213
+#, fuzzy
 msgid "Used in community functions"
 msgstr "Brukes i fellesskap funksjoner"
 #: ../inc/user.inc:216 ../user/weak_auth.php:25
-#, fuzzy
 msgid "Account keys"
-msgstr "Konto nøkkel"
+msgstr "Kontonøkler"
 #: ../inc/user.inc:221
 msgid "Preferences"
@@ -2095,23 +2120,24 @@ msgstr "Når og hvordan BOINC bruker din datamaskin"
 #: ../inc/user.inc:225
 msgid "Computing preferences"
-msgstr "Databehandling preferanser"
+msgstr "Beregningsalternativer"
 #: ../inc/user.inc:228
 msgid "Message boards and private messages"
 msgstr "Meldingstavle og private meldinger"
 #: ../inc/user.inc:229 ../user/edit_forum_preferences_form.php:31
+#, fuzzy
 msgid "Community preferences"
-msgstr "Fellesskap preferanser"
+msgstr "Alternativer for felleskap"
 #: ../inc/user.inc:232
 msgid "Preferences for this project"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Alternativer for dette prosjektet"
 #: ../inc/user.inc:233 ../user/prefs.php:29
 msgid "%1 preferences"
-msgstr "%1 preferanser"
+msgstr "%1 alternativer"
 #: ../inc/user.inc:239 ../user/bs_sample_index.php:59
 #: ../user/sample_index.php:125
@@ -2124,7 +2150,7 @@ msgstr "Slett"
 #: ../inc/user.inc:245
 msgid "Create"
-msgstr "Lag"
+msgstr "Opprett"
 #: ../inc/user.inc:247 ../inc/user.inc:402 ../inc/util.inc:514
 msgid "Profile"
@@ -2189,9 +2215,10 @@ msgstr "Denne personen er en venn"
 #: ../inc/user.inc:382 ../user/friend.php:238
 msgid "Cancel friendship"
-msgstr "Kanslere vennskap "
+msgstr "Avbryt vennskap"
 #: ../inc/user.inc:385 ../user/friend.php:37
+#, fuzzy
 msgid "Request pending"
 msgstr "Anmodning forestående"
@@ -2204,33 +2231,37 @@ msgid "user name cannot have leading or trailing white space"
 msgstr ""
 #: ../inc/user.inc:450
+#, fuzzy
 msgid "user name must be nonempty"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "brukernavn kan ikke være tomt"
 #: ../inc/user.inc:454
+#, fuzzy
 msgid "user name may not contain HTML tags"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "brukernavn kan ikke innehold HTML tagger"
 #: ../inc/util.inc:131
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "log out"
-msgstr "Log ut"
+msgstr "logg ut"
 #: ../inc/util.inc:133
+#, fuzzy
 msgid "log in"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "logg inn"
 #: ../inc/util.inc:204 ../user/login_form.php:30 ../user/login_form.php:66
 msgid "Log in"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Logg inn"
 #: ../inc/util.inc:205 ../user/create_account_form.php:40
 msgid "Create an account"
-msgstr "Lag en konto"
+msgstr "Opprett en konto"
 #: ../inc/util.inc:206
+#, fuzzy
 msgid "Server status page"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Server status side"
 #: ../inc/util.inc:248
 msgid ""
@@ -2239,20 +2270,22 @@ msgid ""
 msgstr ""
 #: ../inc/util.inc:257
+#, fuzzy
 msgid "Unable to handle request"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Ikke mulig å behandle forespørselen"
 #: ../inc/util.inc:277
 msgid "hours"
 msgstr ""
 #: ../inc/util.inc:280
+#, fuzzy
 msgid "min"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "min"
 #: ../inc/util.inc:283
 msgid "sec"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "sek"
 #: ../inc/util.inc:444
 msgid "Link has timed out. Please click Back, refresh the page, and try again."
@@ -2271,17 +2304,17 @@ msgid "Project down for maintenance"
 msgstr ""
 #: ../inc/util.inc:799
-#, fuzzy
 msgid "%1 is temporarily shut down for maintenance.  Please try again later."
-msgstr "Kunne ikke lage team - vennligst prøv igjen senere"
+msgstr "%1 er midlertidig nede for vedlikehold. Vennligst prøv igjen senere."
 #: ../inc/util.inc:817
 msgid "Unable to connect to database - please try again later"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Kan ikke koble til databasen - vennligst prøv igjen senere"
 #: ../inc/util.inc:821
+#, fuzzy
 msgid "Unable to select database - please try again later"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Kan ikke koble til databasen - vennligst prøv igjen senere"
 #: ../inc/util_ops.inc:109 ../user/get_passwd.php:72
 msgid "Stay logged in on this computer"
@@ -2310,17 +2343,17 @@ msgid "Optional"
 msgstr "Valgfritt"
 #: ../user/account_finish_action.php:27
-#, fuzzy
 msgid "You must supply a name for your account"
-msgstr "Du må ha en invitasjons kode for å lage en konto."
+msgstr "Du må oppgi et navn for din konto"
 #: ../user/account_finish_action.php:30
+#, fuzzy
 msgid "HTML tags not allowed in name"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "HTML tagger ikke tillatt på navn"
 #: ../user/add_venue.php:81
 msgid "Add %1 preferences for %2"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Legg til %1 innstillinger for %2"
 #: ../user/apps.php:32 ../user/bs_sample_index.php:55
 #: ../user/sample_index.php:120
@@ -2348,8 +2381,9 @@ msgid "Version"
 msgstr "Versjon"
 #: ../user/apps.php:52
+#, fuzzy
 msgid "Installation time"
-msgstr "Installasjons tid"
+msgstr "Installasjonstid"
 #: ../user/bbcode.php:23
 msgid "BBCode tags"
@@ -2365,20 +2399,20 @@ msgstr ""
 #: ../user/bbcode.php:31
 msgid "Examples"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Eksempler"
 #: ../user/bbcode.php:32
 msgid "Bold"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Uthevet"
 #: ../user/bbcode.php:33
 msgid "Italic"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Kursiv"
 #: ../user/bbcode.php:34
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Underline"
-msgstr "Avslå"
+msgstr "Understrek"
 #: ../user/bbcode.php:35
 #, fuzzy
@@ -2387,20 +2421,21 @@ msgstr "Beskrivelse"
 #: ../user/bbcode.php:36
 msgid "Big text"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Stor tekst"
 #: ../user/bbcode.php:37
 msgid "Red text"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Rød tekst"
 #: ../user/bbcode.php:38
+#, fuzzy
 msgid "link to website"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "link til nettsted"
 #: ../user/bbcode.php:39
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Quoted text"
-msgstr "Forlat team"
+msgstr "Sitert tekst"
 #: ../user/bbcode.php:39
 msgid "use for quoted blocks of text"
@@ -2420,7 +2455,7 @@ msgstr ""
 #: ../user/bbcode.php:42
 msgid "Pre-formatted text"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Preformattert tekst"
 #: ../user/bbcode.php:42
 msgid "use to display pre-formatted (usually monospaced) text"
@@ -2428,15 +2463,16 @@ msgstr ""
 #: ../user/bbcode.php:43
 msgid "Item 1"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Element 1"
 #: ../user/bbcode.php:43
 msgid "Item2"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Element 2"
 #: ../user/bbcode.php:43
+#, fuzzy
 msgid "Item 2"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Element 2"
 #: ../user/bbcode.php:45
 msgid "use to link to Trac ticket on BOINC website"
@@ -2458,11 +2494,11 @@ msgstr ""
 #: ../user/bs_sample_index.php:44
 msgid "Participants"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Deltakere"
 #: ../user/bs_sample_index.php:46
 msgid "Do work"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Utfør arbeid"
 #: ../user/bs_sample_index.php:47 ../user/bs_sample_index.php:50
 #: ../user/home.php:49 ../project.sample/project.inc:43
@@ -2471,25 +2507,26 @@ msgstr "Din konto"
 #: ../user/bs_sample_index.php:47 ../user/bs_sample_index.php:50
 msgid "view stats, modify preferences"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "vis statistikk, modifiser innstillinger"
 #: ../user/bs_sample_index.php:48 ../user/bs_sample_index.php:53
 #: ../user/team.php:25
-#, fuzzy
 msgid "Teams"
 msgstr "Team"
 #: ../user/bs_sample_index.php:48 ../user/bs_sample_index.php:53
+#, fuzzy
 msgid "create or join a team"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "opprett eller bli med i et team"
 #: ../user/bs_sample_index.php:51 ../user/sample_index.php:191
 msgid "User of the day"
 msgstr "Dagens Bruker"
 #: ../user/bs_sample_index.php:52 ../user/server_status.php:239
+#, fuzzy
 msgid "Server status"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Serverstatus"
 #: ../user/bs_sample_index.php:60 ../user/profile_menu.php:32
 #: ../user/sample_index.php:127
@@ -2523,19 +2560,17 @@ msgid "Top GPU models"
 msgstr ""
 #: ../user/bs_sample_index.php:70
-#, fuzzy
 msgid "Languages"
 msgstr "Språk"
 #: ../user/bs_sample_index.php:149 ../user/info.php:24
 #: ../user/sample_index.php:79
 msgid "Read our rules and policies"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Les våre regler og retningslinjer"
 #: ../user/create_account_action.php:26
-#, fuzzy
 msgid "Can't create account"
-msgstr "Lag konto"
+msgstr "Kan ikke opprette konto"
 #: ../user/create_account_action.php:29
 msgid "Click your browser's <b>Back</b> button to try again."
@@ -2554,10 +2589,11 @@ msgid "The invitation code you gave is not valid."
 msgstr "Invitasjons koden du skrev er ikke gyldig."
 #: ../user/create_account_action.php:84
-#, fuzzy
 msgid ""
 "Invalid email address: you must enter a valid address of the form name at domain"
-msgstr "Må være en gyldig adresse i denne formen 'name at domene'."
+msgstr ""
+"Ugyldig epostadresse: Du må taste inn en gyldig adresse i dette formatet "
+"name at domene"
 #: ../user/create_account_action.php:88
 msgid "There's already an account with that email address."
@@ -2596,17 +2632,18 @@ msgstr ""
 #: ../user/create_account_form.php:73
 msgid "Invitation Code"
-msgstr "Invitasjons kode"
+msgstr "Invitasjonskode"
 #: ../user/create_account_form.php:73
 msgid "A valid invitation code is required to create an account."
-msgstr "En gyldig invitasjons kode er nødvendig for å lage en konto."
+msgstr "En gyldig invitasjonskode er nødvendig for å opprette en konto."
 #: ../user/create_account_form.php:83
 msgid "Email Address"
-msgstr "Epost adresse"
+msgstr "Epostadresse"
 #: ../user/create_account_form.php:83
+#, fuzzy
 msgid "Must be a valid address of the form 'name at domain'."
 msgstr "Må være en gyldig adresse i denne formen 'name at domene'."
@@ -2628,7 +2665,7 @@ msgstr ""
 #: ../user/create_account_form.php:119
 msgid "Create account"
-msgstr "Lag konto"
+msgstr "Opprett konto"
 #: ../user/create_profile.php:50
 msgid "Picture"
@@ -2664,7 +2701,7 @@ msgstr ""
 #: ../user/create_profile.php:104
 msgid "Submit profile"
-msgstr "Send inn profil"
+msgstr "Registrer profil"
 #: ../user/create_profile.php:110
 msgid "Please enter the words shown in the image."
@@ -2672,7 +2709,7 @@ msgstr ""
 #: ../user/create_profile.php:115
 msgid "Create/edit profile"
-msgstr "Lag/rediger profil"
+msgstr "Opprett/rediger profil"
 #: ../user/create_profile.php:137
 msgid "The format of your uploaded image is not supported."
@@ -2727,7 +2764,7 @@ msgstr ""
 #: ../user/create_profile.php:315
 msgid "Create a profile"
-msgstr "Lag en profil"
+msgstr "Opprett en profil"
 #: ../user/create_profile.php:343
 msgid ""
@@ -2793,23 +2830,20 @@ msgid "No"
 msgstr "Nei"
 #: ../user/delete_account.php:80
-#, fuzzy
 msgid "Do not delete this account"
-msgstr "Datamaskiner på denne kontoen"
+msgstr "Ikke slett denne kontoen"
 #: ../user/delete_profile.php:30
-#, fuzzy
 msgid "couldn't delete profile - please try again later"
-msgstr "Kunne ikke lage team - vennligst prøv igjen senere"
+msgstr "kunne ikke slette profil - vennligst prøv igjen senere"
 #: ../user/delete_profile.php:33
 msgid "Delete Confirmation"
 msgstr ""
 #: ../user/delete_profile.php:35
-#, fuzzy
 msgid "Your profile has been deleted."
-msgstr "Meldingen din har blitt sendt"
+msgstr "Profilen din har blitt slettet."
 #: ../user/delete_profile.php:40
 msgid "Profile delete confirmation"
@@ -2833,14 +2867,12 @@ msgid ""
 msgstr ""
 #: ../user/delete_profile.php:52
-#, fuzzy
 msgid "Delete my profile"
-msgstr "Lag en profil"
+msgstr "Slett min profil"
 #: ../user/delete_profile.php:53
-#, fuzzy
 msgid "Do not delete my profile"
-msgstr "Jeg %1like ikke%2 denne profilen"
+msgstr "Ikke slett min profil"
 #: ../user/donated.php:25
 msgid "PayPal - Transaction Completed"
@@ -2869,9 +2901,8 @@ msgid "This project is not accepting donations."
 msgstr ""
 #: ../user/donations.php:34
-#, fuzzy
 msgid "%1 donations"
-msgstr "%1 innlegg"
+msgstr "%1 donasjoner"
 #: ../user/donations.php:39
 msgid ""
@@ -2896,7 +2927,7 @@ msgstr ""
 #: ../user/donations.php:316
 msgid "Amount you would like to donate"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Beløp du ønsker å donere"
 #: ../user/donations.php:317
 msgid "Estimated value in"
@@ -2917,9 +2948,8 @@ msgid "To assign the donation with your user ID, please log in."
 msgstr ""
 #: ../user/donations.php:328
-#, fuzzy
 msgid "Proceed"
-msgstr "Profilen er lagret"
+msgstr "Fortsett"
 #: ../user/donations.php:329
 msgid "Donations are accepted through"
@@ -2955,9 +2985,8 @@ msgid "This list is managed centrally at %1the BOINC website%2."
 msgstr ""
 #: ../user/edit_email_action.php:31
-#, fuzzy
 msgid "Change email address of account"
-msgstr "epost adresse"
+msgstr "Endre epostadresse for kontoen"
 #: ../user/edit_email_action.php:34 ../user/edit_email_action.php:36
 #, fuzzy
@@ -2995,7 +3024,7 @@ msgstr ""
 #: ../user/edit_email_form.php:27 ../user/edit_email_form.php:51
 msgid "Change email address"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Endre epostadresse"
 #: ../user/edit_email_form.php:36
 #, fuzzy
@@ -3013,8 +3042,9 @@ msgid "Must be a valid address of the form 'name at domain'"
 msgstr "Må være en gyldig adresse i denne formen 'name at domene'."
 #: ../user/edit_email_form.php:48
+#, fuzzy
 msgid "No password?"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Nytt passord"
 #: ../user/edit_forum_preferences_action.php:33
 #, fuzzy
@@ -3028,9 +3058,8 @@ msgid ""
 msgstr ""
 #: ../user/edit_forum_preferences_action.php:38
-#, fuzzy
 msgid "Reset preferences"
-msgstr "%1 preferanser"
+msgstr "Nullstill innstillinger"
 #: ../user/edit_forum_preferences_action.php:88
 msgid "Error: Not the right kind of file, only PNG and JPEG are supported."
@@ -3042,9 +3071,8 @@ msgstr ""
 #: ../user/edit_forum_preferences_action.php:132
 #: ../user/edit_forum_preferences_action.php:146
-#, fuzzy
 msgid "No such user: %1"
-msgstr "Ingen slik bruker"
+msgstr "Ingen slik bruker: %1"
 #: ../user/edit_forum_preferences_form.php:56
 msgid ""
@@ -3065,9 +3093,8 @@ msgid "In a single daily email"
 msgstr ""
 #: ../user/edit_forum_preferences_form.php:75
-#, fuzzy
 msgid "Message-board identity"
-msgstr "Meldingstavle"
+msgstr "Meldingstavle identitet"
 #: ../user/edit_forum_preferences_form.php:76
 msgid "Avatar"
@@ -3123,7 +3150,7 @@ msgstr ""
 #: ../user/edit_forum_preferences_form.php:108
 msgid "Signature preview"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Forhåndsvisning signatur"
 #: ../user/edit_forum_preferences_form.php:109
 msgid "This is how your signature will look in the forums"
@@ -3167,14 +3194,12 @@ msgid "How to sort"
 msgstr ""
 #: ../user/edit_forum_preferences_form.php:140
-#, fuzzy
 msgid "Threads:"
-msgstr "Tråder"
+msgstr "Tråder:"
 #: ../user/edit_forum_preferences_form.php:140
-#, fuzzy
 msgid "Posts:"
-msgstr "Innlegg"
+msgstr "Innlegg:"
 #: ../user/edit_forum_preferences_form.php:141
 msgid "Jump to first new post in thread automatically"
@@ -3185,13 +3210,12 @@ msgid "Don't move sticky posts to top"
 msgstr ""
 #: ../user/edit_forum_preferences_form.php:148
-#, fuzzy
 msgid "Message filtering"
-msgstr "Meldingstavle"
+msgstr "Meldingsfilter"
 #: ../user/edit_forum_preferences_form.php:164
 msgid "Filtered users"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Filtrerte brukere"
 #: ../user/edit_forum_preferences_form.php:165
 #, fuzzy
@@ -3200,7 +3224,7 @@ msgstr "Meldingstavle og private meldinger"
 #: ../user/edit_forum_preferences_form.php:167
 msgid "User ID (For instance: 123456789)"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Bruker ID (For eksempel: 123456789)"
 #: ../user/edit_forum_preferences_form.php:168 ../user/pm.php:251
 msgid "Add user to filter"
@@ -3214,7 +3238,7 @@ msgstr "%1 preferanser"
 #: ../user/edit_forum_preferences_form.php:175
 #: ../user/edit_forum_preferences_form.php:177
 msgid "Reset"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Nullstill"
 #: ../user/edit_forum_preferences_form.php:176
 msgid "Or click here to reset preferences to the defaults"
@@ -3237,7 +3261,7 @@ msgstr "Bekreft passord"
 #: ../user/edit_passwd_action.php:63 ../user/edit_passwd_form.php:25
 #: ../user/edit_passwd_form.php:55
 msgid "Change password"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Endre passord"
 #: ../user/edit_passwd_action.php:67
 #, fuzzy
@@ -3266,8 +3290,9 @@ msgid "your account key"
 msgstr "Svak konto nøkkel"
 #: ../user/edit_passwd_form.php:46
+#, fuzzy
 msgid "Current password"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Nåværende passord"
 #: ../user/edit_passwd_form.php:48
 msgid "<b>OR</b>: Account key"
@@ -3279,11 +3304,11 @@ msgstr ""
 #: ../user/edit_passwd_form.php:53
 msgid "New password"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Nytt passord"
 #: ../user/edit_passwd_form.php:54
 msgid "New password, again"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Nytt passord, igjen"
 #: ../user/edit_user_info_action.php:31
 msgid "HTML tags are not allowed in your name."
@@ -3317,11 +3342,12 @@ msgstr ""
 #: ../user/edit_user_info_form.php:47
 msgid "Update info"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Oppdater info"
 #: ../user/explain_state.php:27
+#, fuzzy
 msgid "Server states"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Tilstand tjener"
 #: ../user/explain_state.php:30
 msgid ""
@@ -3343,7 +3369,7 @@ msgstr ""
 #: ../user/explain_state.php:40
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "In Progress"
-msgstr "I prosess"
+msgstr "På fremmarsj"
 #: ../user/explain_state.php:41
 msgid "The task has been sent; waiting for completion."
@@ -3356,8 +3382,9 @@ msgid ""
 msgstr ""
 #: ../user/explain_state.php:49
+#, fuzzy
 msgid "Outcomes"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Utfall"
 #: ../user/explain_state.php:52
 msgid ""
@@ -3382,35 +3409,45 @@ msgid ""
 msgstr ""
 #: ../user/explain_state.php:65
-#, fuzzy
 msgid "Client error"
-msgstr "Datamaskiner"
+msgstr "Klientfeil"
 #: ../user/explain_state.php:66
+#, fuzzy
 msgid "The task was sent to a computer and an error occurred."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Oppgaven ble sendt til en datamaskin og en feil oppstod."
 #: ../user/explain_state.php:69
+#, fuzzy
 msgid ""
 "The task was sent to a computer and no reply was received within the time "
 msgstr ""
+"Oppgaven ble sendt til en datamaskin og ikke noe svar var mottatt innenfor "
 #: ../user/explain_state.php:72
+#, fuzzy
 msgid ""
 "The task wasn't sent to a computer because enough other tasks were completed "
 "for this workunit."
 msgstr ""
+"Oppgaven ble ikke sendt til en datamaskin fordi nok andre oppgaver var "
+"ferdige for denne arbeidsenheten."
 #: ../user/explain_state.php:75
+#, fuzzy
 msgid ""
 "The task was reported but could not be validated, typically because the "
 "output files were lost on the server."
 msgstr ""
+"Oppgaven ble rapportert men kunne ikke bli validert, typisk fordi "
+"utdatafilene forsvant fra tjeneren."
 #: ../user/explain_state.php:80
+#, fuzzy
 msgid "Client states"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Tilstand klient"
 #: ../user/explain_state.php:81
 msgid ""
@@ -3419,28 +3456,33 @@ msgid ""
 msgstr ""
 #: ../user/explain_state.php:86
+#, fuzzy
 msgid "The computer has not yet completed the task."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Datamaskinen har ikke foreløpig ferdigstilt oppgaven."
 #: ../user/explain_state.php:89
+#, fuzzy
 msgid "The computer completed the task successfully."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Datamaskinen fullførte oppgaven korrekt."
 #: ../user/explain_state.php:92
+#, fuzzy
 msgid "The computer couldn't download the application or input files."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Datamaskinen kunne ikke laste ned applikasjonen eller inndatafilene."
 #: ../user/explain_state.php:95
 msgid "An error occurred during computation."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "En feil oppstod under beregning."
 #: ../user/explain_state.php:98
+#, fuzzy
 msgid "The computer couldn't upload the output files."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Datamaskinen kunne ikke laste opp utdatafilene."
 #: ../user/explain_state.php:103
+#, fuzzy
 msgid "Time reported and deadline"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Tid rapportert<br /> eller frist"
 #: ../user/explain_state.php:106
 msgid ""
@@ -3449,9 +3491,8 @@ msgid ""
 msgstr ""
 #: ../user/explain_state.php:110
-#, fuzzy
 msgid "Already reported"
-msgstr "Allerede venner"
+msgstr "Allerede rapportert"
 #: ../user/explain_state.php:110
 msgid "The date/time it was reported"
@@ -3462,56 +3503,58 @@ msgid "Not reported yet, deadline in the future"
 msgstr ""
 #: ../user/explain_state.php:112
+#, fuzzy
 msgid "Deadline, shown in green."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Frist, vist i grønt."
 #: ../user/explain_state.php:114
 msgid "Not reported yet, deadline in the past"
 msgstr ""
 #: ../user/explain_state.php:115
+#, fuzzy
 msgid "Deadline, shown in red."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Frist, vist i rødt."
 #: ../user/explain_state.php:120
-#, fuzzy
 msgid "Unknown field"
-msgstr "Ukjent handling"
+msgstr "Ukjent felt"
 #: ../user/ffmail_action.php:47
-#, fuzzy
 msgid "Email preview"
-msgstr "Epost adresse"
+msgstr "Forhåndsvisning epost"
 #: ../user/ffmail_action.php:48
+#, fuzzy
 msgid "Your email will appear as follows:"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Din epostadresse vil bli synlig som følgende:"
 #: ../user/ffmail_action.php:57
-#, fuzzy
 msgid "Send email"
-msgstr "Send melding"
+msgstr "Send epost"
 #: ../user/ffmail_action.php:59
+#, fuzzy
 msgid "Use your browser's back button to return to message form"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Bruk din nettlesers tilbake knapp for å gå tilbake til meldingsskjema"
 #: ../user/ffmail_action.php:63
-#, fuzzy
 msgid "Sending emails"
-msgstr "Forestående kreditt"
+msgstr "Sender epost"
 #: ../user/ffmail_action.php:84
+#, fuzzy
 msgid "email sent successfully to %1"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "epost sendt korrekt til %1"
 #: ../user/ffmail_action.php:86
 msgid "failed to send email to %1: %2"
 msgstr ""
 #: ../user/ffmail_action.php:92
+#, fuzzy
 msgid "Thanks for telling your friends about %1"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Takk for at du fortalte din venner om %1"
 #: ../user/ffmail_action.php:94
 msgid ""
@@ -3526,12 +3569,14 @@ msgid ""
 msgstr ""
 #: ../user/ffmail_form.php:33
+#, fuzzy
 msgid "Tell your friends about %1"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Fortell dine venner om %1"
 #: ../user/ffmail_form.php:37
+#, fuzzy
 msgid "Help us by telling your friends, family and coworkers about %1"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Hjelp oss med å fortelle dine venner, familie og kolleger om %1"
 #: ../user/ffmail_form.php:39
 msgid ""
@@ -3542,17 +3587,15 @@ msgstr ""
 #: ../user/ffmail_form.php:42
 msgid "Your name:"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Ditt navn:"
 #: ../user/ffmail_form.php:42
-#, fuzzy
 msgid "Your email address:"
-msgstr "epost adresse"
+msgstr "Din epostadresse:"
 #: ../user/ffmail_form.php:48
-#, fuzzy
 msgid "Friend's name:"
-msgstr "Venner"
+msgstr "Venns navn:"
 #: ../user/ffmail_form.php:48
 #, fuzzy
@@ -3584,8 +3627,9 @@ msgid "No user with this ID found."
 msgstr "Ingen datamaskin medID %1 funnet"
 #: ../user/forum_banishment_vote.php:54 ../user/forum_moderate_post.php:76
+#, fuzzy
 msgid "User is already banished"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Bruker er allerede forvist"
 #: ../user/forum_banishment_vote.php:59 ../user/forum_moderate_post.php:79
 msgid ""
@@ -3602,13 +3646,13 @@ msgstr ""
 #: ../user/forum_banishment_vote.php:62 ../user/forum_moderate_thread.php:50
 msgid "Category"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Kategori"
 #: ../user/forum_banishment_vote.php:64
 #: ../user/forum_banishment_vote_action.php:57
 #: ../user/forum_moderate_post.php:55 ../user/forum_moderate_thread.php:52
 msgid "Obscene"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Uanstendig"
 #: ../user/forum_banishment_vote.php:65
 #: ../user/forum_banishment_vote_action.php:59
@@ -3627,13 +3671,12 @@ msgstr "Ingen anmodning"
 #: ../user/forum_banishment_vote_action.php:63
 #: ../user/forum_moderate_post.php:60 ../user/forum_moderate_thread.php:55
 msgid "Other"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Annen"
 #: ../user/forum_banishment_vote.php:69 ../user/forum_moderate_post.php:53
 #: ../user/forum_moderate_thread.php:85
-#, fuzzy
 msgid "Reason"
-msgstr "Versjon"
+msgstr "Årsak"
 #: ../user/forum_banishment_vote.php:69 ../user/forum_moderate_thread.php:85
 msgid "Mailed if nonempty"
@@ -3646,7 +3689,7 @@ msgstr ""
 #: ../user/forum_banishment_vote_action.php:39
 #: ../user/forum_moderate_post_action.php:63
 msgid "You must specify an action..."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Du må spesifisere en handling..."
 #: ../user/forum_edit.php:41
 msgid ""
@@ -3655,18 +3698,16 @@ msgid ""
 msgstr ""
 #: ../user/forum_edit.php:47
-#, fuzzy
 msgid "You are not authorized to edit this post."
-msgstr "Du er nå venn med %1."
+msgstr "Du har ikke autorisasjon til å endre denne posten."
 #: ../user/forum_edit.php:86 ../user/forum_search.php:72
 msgid "Forum"
 msgstr ""
 #: ../user/forum_edit.php:110
-#, fuzzy
 msgid "Edit your message"
-msgstr "Redigere din profil"
+msgstr "Rediger din melding"
 #: ../user/forum_edit.php:115 ../user/forum_edit.php:120
 #: ../user/forum_post.php:109 ../user/forum_post.php:111
@@ -3679,9 +3720,8 @@ msgid "Add my signature to this post"
 msgstr "Legg til min signatur til dette innlegget"
 #: ../user/forum_forum.php:41
-#, fuzzy
 msgid "Not visible to you"
-msgstr "Dette forumet er ikke synlig for deg."
+msgstr "Ikke synlig for deg"
 #: ../user/forum_forum.php:80
 #, fuzzy
@@ -3689,23 +3729,20 @@ msgid "Team message board for %1"
 msgstr "%1 oppslagstavle"
 #: ../user/forum_forum.php:96
-#, fuzzy
 msgid "New thread"
-msgstr "Tråd"
+msgstr "Ny tråd"
 #: ../user/forum_forum.php:96
-#, fuzzy
 msgid "Add a new thread to this forum"
-msgstr "Legg til en ny melding til denne tråden"
+msgstr "Legg til en ny tråd i dette forumet"
 #: ../user/forum_forum.php:116
 msgid "This message board is available as an %1RSS feed%2"
 msgstr ""
 #: ../user/forum_forum.php:174
-#, fuzzy
 msgid "This thread is hidden"
-msgstr "Rediger tråd tittel"
+msgstr "Denne tråden er skjult"
 #: ../user/forum_forum.php:178
 msgid "This thread is sticky and locked, and you haven't read it yet"
@@ -3821,9 +3858,8 @@ msgid "Moderate post"
 msgstr "Siste innlegg"
 #: ../user/forum_moderate_post.php:52
-#, fuzzy
 msgid "Hide post"
-msgstr "Skjul"
+msgstr "Skjul post"
 #: ../user/forum_moderate_post.php:57 ../user/forum_moderate_thread.php:54
 msgid "Commercial spam"
@@ -3834,9 +3870,8 @@ msgid "Doublepost"
 msgstr ""
 #: ../user/forum_moderate_post.php:63
-#, fuzzy
 msgid "Move post"
-msgstr "&Flytt"
+msgstr "Flytte post"
 #: ../user/forum_moderate_post.php:65
 #, fuzzy
@@ -3862,20 +3897,19 @@ msgstr ""
 #: ../user/forum_moderate_post.php:83
 msgid "1 week"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "1 uke"
 #: ../user/forum_moderate_post.php:84
 msgid "2 weeks"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "2 uker"
 #: ../user/forum_moderate_post.php:85
-#, fuzzy
 msgid "1 month"
-msgstr "%1 innlegg"
+msgstr "1 måned"
 #: ../user/forum_moderate_post.php:86
 msgid "Forever"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "For evig"
 #: ../user/forum_moderate_post.php:96
 msgid "Optional explanation %1 This is included in email to user.%2"
@@ -3886,7 +3920,7 @@ msgstr ""
 #: ../user/forum_rss.php:55 ../user/friend.php:81 ../user/get_passwd.php:41
 #: ../user/get_passwd.php:75
 msgid "OK"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "OK"
 #: ../user/forum_moderate_post_action.php:57
 #, fuzzy
@@ -3910,20 +3944,23 @@ msgid "Banishment"
 msgstr ""
 #: ../user/forum_moderate_post_action.php:128
+#, fuzzy
 msgid "User %1 has been banished."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Brukeren %1 har blitt forvist."
 #: ../user/forum_moderate_post_action.php:131
 msgid "Action failed: possible database problem"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Handling feilet: Mulig databaseproblem"
 #: ../user/forum_moderate_thread.php:33
+#, fuzzy
 msgid "not authorized"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "ikke autorisert"
 #: ../user/forum_moderate_thread.php:36
+#, fuzzy
 msgid "Moderate thread '%1'"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Moderer tråd '%1'"
 #: ../user/forum_moderate_thread.php:48
 msgid ""
@@ -3967,8 +4004,9 @@ msgid "Create a new thread"
 msgstr "Lag en ny tråd"
 #: ../user/forum_post.php:105
+#, fuzzy
 msgid "Remember to add a title"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Husk å legge til en tittel"
 #: ../user/forum_post.php:127
 msgid "Show this item as a Notice in the BOINC Manager"
@@ -4162,7 +4200,7 @@ msgstr ""
 #: ../user/forum_search.php:35
 msgid "For example: \"screensaver freeze\""
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "For eksempel: \"skjermsparer frys\""
 #: ../user/forum_search.php:36
 #, fuzzy
@@ -4175,7 +4213,7 @@ msgstr ""
 #: ../user/forum_search.php:39
 msgid "For example: \"43214\""
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "For eksempel: \"43214\""
 #: ../user/forum_search.php:41
 #, fuzzy
@@ -4382,7 +4420,7 @@ msgstr "Rediger tittel"
 #: ../user/forum_thread.php:235
 msgid "Edit thread title"
-msgstr "Rediger tråd tittel"
+msgstr "Rediger tittel på tråd"
 #: ../user/forum_thread.php:245
 msgid "Export as Notice"
@@ -4449,7 +4487,7 @@ msgstr "Legg til en valgfri melding her:"
 #: ../user/friend.php:115
 msgid "Friend request sent"
-msgstr "Venne forespørsel sent"
+msgstr "Venneforespørsel sendt"
 #: ../user/friend.php:116
 msgid "We have notified %1 of your request."
@@ -4465,7 +4503,7 @@ msgstr ""
 #: ../user/friend.php:138
 msgid "Friend request"
-msgstr "Venne forespørsel"
+msgstr "Venneforespørsel"
 #: ../user/friend.php:141
 msgid "%1 has requested friendship with you."
@@ -4521,7 +4559,7 @@ msgstr "Du er nå venn med %1."
 #: ../user/friend.php:232
 msgid "Cancel friendship?"
-msgstr "Kanslere vennskap?"
+msgstr "Avbryt vennskap?"
 #: ../user/friend.php:234
 msgid "Are you sure you want to cancel your friendship with %1?"
@@ -4533,7 +4571,7 @@ msgstr "Forbli venner"
 #: ../user/friend.php:249
 msgid "Friendship cancelled"
-msgstr "Vennskap kanselert"
+msgstr "Vennskap avbrutt"
 #: ../user/friend.php:250
 msgid "Your friendship with %1 has been cancelled."
@@ -4729,28 +4767,27 @@ msgid "name"
 msgstr "Navn"
 #: ../user/host_edit_form.php:70 ../user/workunit.php:41
-#, fuzzy
 msgid "created"
-msgstr "Lag"
+msgstr "opprettet"
 #: ../user/host_edit_form.php:70
-#, fuzzy
 msgid "computer ID"
-msgstr "Datamaskiner"
+msgstr "datamaskin id"
 #: ../user/host_edit_form.php:77
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "no hostname"
-msgstr "Ingen slikt team."
+msgstr "ingen vertsnavn"
 #: ../user/host_edit_form.php:109
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Merge hosts"
-msgstr "Melding"
+msgstr "Slå sammen vert"
 #: ../user/host_update_credit.php:28
+#, fuzzy
 msgid "Updating computer credit"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Oppdaterer arbeid utført"
 #: ../user/host_venue_action.php:41
 msgid "Host venue updated"
@@ -4774,17 +4811,17 @@ msgstr ""
 #: ../user/host_venue_action.php:50
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Return to host page"
-msgstr "Retuner til profil."
+msgstr "Returner til"
 #: ../user/hosts_user.php:53
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Computers belonging to %1"
-msgstr "Datamaskiner på denne kontoen"
+msgstr "Datamaskiner hører til %1"
 #: ../user/hosts_user.php:55
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Computers hidden"
-msgstr "Datamaskiner"
+msgstr "Skjulte datamaskiner"
 #: ../user/hosts_user.php:56
 msgid ""
@@ -4792,14 +4829,12 @@ msgid ""
 msgstr ""
 #: ../user/hosts_user.php:64
-#, fuzzy
 msgid "Your computers"
-msgstr "Topp datamaskiner"
+msgstr "Dine datamaskiner"
 #: ../user/html.php:23
-#, fuzzy
 msgid "Allowed HTML tags"
-msgstr "Ikke bruk HTML tags."
+msgstr ""
 #: ../user/html.php:25
 msgid "The following HTML tags are allowed in team descriptions:"
@@ -4807,28 +4842,27 @@ msgstr ""
 #: ../user/html.php:27
 msgid "bold"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "fet"
 #: ../user/html.php:28
 msgid "italics"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "kursiv"
 #: ../user/html.php:29
 msgid "hyperlink"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "hyperlink"
 #: ../user/html.php:30
 msgid "paragraph"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "paragraf"
 #: ../user/html.php:31
 msgid "break"
 msgstr ""
 #: ../user/html.php:32
-#, fuzzy
 msgid "preformatted"
-msgstr "Lag"
+msgstr "preformattert"
 #: ../user/html.php:33
 msgid ""
@@ -4970,7 +5004,7 @@ msgstr ""
 #: ../user/language_select.php:47
 msgid "Language selection"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Språkvalg"
 #: ../user/language_select.php:73
 msgid ""
@@ -4985,12 +5019,14 @@ msgid ""
 msgstr ""
 #: ../user/language_select.php:83
+#, fuzzy
 msgid "Firefox: Tools/Options/General"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Firefox: Verktøy/Alternativer/Generelt"
 #: ../user/language_select.php:85
+#, fuzzy
 msgid "Microsoft IE: Tools/Internet Options/Languages"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Microsoft IE: Verktøy/Alternativer for Internet/Språk"
 #: ../user/language_select.php:89
 msgid ""
@@ -5004,8 +5040,9 @@ msgid "Language name (click to select)"
 msgstr ""
 #: ../user/language_select.php:97
+#, fuzzy
 msgid "Use browser language setting"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Bruk språkinnstillinger for utforskeren"
 #: ../user/language_select.php:113
 msgid ""
@@ -5014,34 +5051,35 @@ msgid ""
 msgstr ""
 #: ../user/login_form.php:45
-#, fuzzy
 msgid "Email address:"
-msgstr "Epost adresse"
+msgstr "Epostadresse:"
 #: ../user/login_form.php:45
 msgid "forgot email address?"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "glemt epostadressen?"
 #: ../user/login_form.php:48
-#, fuzzy
 msgid "Password:"
-msgstr "Passord"
+msgstr "Passord:"
 #: ../user/login_form.php:48
 msgid "forgot password?"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "glemt passord?"
 #: ../user/login_form.php:51
+#, fuzzy
 msgid "Stay logged in"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Vær innlogget"
 #: ../user/login_form.php:62
+#, fuzzy
 msgid "or %1create an account%2."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "eller %1 opprett en konto%2."
 #: ../user/merge_by_name.php:31
+#, fuzzy
 msgid "Processing %1"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Prosesserer %1"
 #: ../user/merge_by_name.php:43
 #, fuzzy
@@ -5050,9 +5088,8 @@ msgstr "Flett vert %1 inn i vert %2"
 # 86%
 #: ../user/merge_by_name.php:72
-#, fuzzy
 msgid "Return to the list of your computers"
-msgstr "Retuner til profil."
+msgstr "Retuner til listen over dine datamaskiner"
 #: ../user/merge_by_name.php:76
 msgid ""
@@ -5121,43 +5158,45 @@ msgid ""
 msgstr ""
 #: ../user/pending.php:66
+#, fuzzy
 msgid "Pending credit"
-msgstr "Forestående kreditt"
+msgstr "Arbeid utført som venter"
 #: ../user/pending.php:68
 msgid "Result ID"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Resultat ID"
 #: ../user/pending.php:68
+#, fuzzy
 msgid "Workunit ID"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Arbeidsenhet ID"
 #: ../user/pending.php:68
+#, fuzzy
 msgid "Host ID"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Vert ID"
 #: ../user/pending.php:68
-#, fuzzy
 msgid "Claimed credit"
-msgstr "Gjennomsnittlig kreditt"
+msgstr ""
 #: ../user/pending.php:81
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Pending credit: %1"
-msgstr "Forestående kreditt"
+msgstr "Arbeid utført som venter"
 #: ../user/pm.php:32
+#, fuzzy
 msgid "Block messages from this user"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Blokker meldinger fra denne brukeren"
 #: ../user/pm.php:32
-#, fuzzy
 msgid "Block user"
-msgstr "Ingen slik bruker"
+msgstr "Blokker bruker"
 #: ../user/pm.php:73
 msgid "Your message has been sent."
-msgstr "Meldingen din har blitt sendt"
+msgstr "Meldingen din har blitt sendt."
 #: ../user/pm.php:83
 msgid "You have no private messages."
@@ -5168,22 +5207,22 @@ msgid "Sender and date"
 msgstr "Avsender og dato"
 #: ../user/pm.php:106
-#, fuzzy
 msgid "Reply to this message"
-msgstr "Retuner til profil."
+msgstr "Svar på denne meldingen"
 #: ../user/pm.php:107
-#, fuzzy
 msgid "Delete this message"
-msgstr "Slett valgte meldinger"
+msgstr "Slette denne meldingen"
 #: ../user/pm.php:112
+#, fuzzy
 msgid "Select all"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Merk alt"
 #: ../user/pm.php:114
+#, fuzzy
 msgid "Unselect all"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Fjern markering"
 #: ../user/pm.php:117
 msgid "Delete selected messages"
@@ -5229,8 +5268,9 @@ msgid "No such user"
 msgstr "Ingen slik bruker"
 #: ../user/pm.php:242
+#, fuzzy
 msgid "Really block %1?"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Virkelig blokkere %1?"
 #: ../user/pm.php:243
 msgid ""
@@ -5289,29 +5329,31 @@ msgid ""
 msgstr ""
 #: ../user/prefs_edit.php:65 ../user/prefs_edit.php:93
+#, fuzzy
 msgid "%1 for %2"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "%1 for %2"
 #: ../user/prefs_edit.php:110
+#, fuzzy
 msgid "Back to preferences"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Tilbake til innstillinger"
 #: ../user/prefs_remove.php:45
+#, fuzzy
 msgid "Confirm delete preferences"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Bekreft sletting av innstillinger"
 #: ../user/prefs_remove.php:48
 msgid "Are you sure you want to delete your separate %1 preferences for %2?"
 msgstr ""
 #: ../user/prefs_remove.php:52
-#, fuzzy
 msgid "Remove preferences"
-msgstr "%1 preferanser"
+msgstr "Fjern innstillinger"
 #: ../user/prefs_remove.php:54
 msgid "Cancel"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Avbryt"
 #: ../user/profile_menu.php:35
 msgid ""
@@ -5370,8 +5412,9 @@ msgid "No profiles matched your query."
 msgstr "Ingen prifiler passet med din spørring"
 #: ../user/profile_rate.php:29
+#, fuzzy
 msgid "Invalid vote type:"
-msgstr "Ugyldig stemme type:"
+msgstr "Ugyldig stemmetype:"
 #: ../user/profile_rate.php:34
 msgid "Vote Recorded"
@@ -5398,9 +5441,8 @@ msgid "Profiles containing '%1'"
 msgstr ""
 #: ../user/profile_search_action.php:40
-#, fuzzy
 msgid "User name"
-msgstr "Bruker ID"
+msgstr "Brukernavn"
 #: ../user/profile_search_action.php:41
 msgid "Joined project"
@@ -5409,7 +5451,7 @@ msgstr ""
 #: ../user/profile_search_action.php:44
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Recent credit"
-msgstr "Nylig gjennomsnitts kreditt"
+msgstr "Nylig arbeid utført"
 #: ../user/profile_search_action.php:54
 msgid "No profiles found containing '%1'"
@@ -5417,7 +5459,7 @@ msgstr ""
 #: ../user/result.php:35
 msgid "Task %1"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Oppgave %1"
 #: ../user/results.php:29
 msgid "This feature is turned off temporarily"
@@ -5425,7 +5467,7 @@ msgstr "Denne funksjonen er midlertidig avslått "
 #: ../user/results.php:56
 msgid "No computer with ID %1 found"
-msgstr "Ingen datamaskin medID %1 funnet"
+msgstr "Ingen datamaskin med ID %1 funnet"
 #: ../user/results.php:63
 msgid "No access"
@@ -5436,36 +5478,38 @@ msgid "Missing user ID or host ID"
 msgstr "Mangler bruker ID eller verts ID"
 #: ../user/results.php:107
+#, fuzzy
 msgid "No tasks to display"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Ingen oppgaver å vise"
 #: ../user/server_status.php:97
 msgid "Running"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Kjører"
 #: ../user/server_status.php:100
 msgid "Not Running"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Kjører ikke"
 #: ../user/server_status.php:103
 msgid "Disabled"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Deaktivert"
 #: ../user/server_status.php:231
 msgid "Project status"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Prosjektstatus"
 #: ../user/server_status.php:233
+#, fuzzy
 msgid "Server software version: %1"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Tjenerprogramvare versjon: %1"
 #: ../user/server_status.php:241
 msgid "Program"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Program"
 #: ../user/server_status.php:241
 msgid "Host"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Vert"
 #: ../user/server_status.php:252
 msgid "data-driven web pages"
@@ -5473,67 +5517,73 @@ msgstr ""
 #: ../user/server_status.php:258
 msgid "upload/download server"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "last opp/last ned tjener"
 #: ../user/server_status.php:261
 msgid "scheduler"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "planlegger"
 #: ../user/server_status.php:294
 msgid "Running:"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Kjører:"
 #: ../user/server_status.php:295
 msgid "Program is operating normally"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Program fungerer normalt"
 #: ../user/server_status.php:296
 msgid "Not Running:"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Kjører ikke:"
 #: ../user/server_status.php:297
+#, fuzzy
 msgid "Program failed or the project is down"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Program feilet eller prosjektet er nede"
 #: ../user/server_status.php:298
 msgid "Disabled:"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Deaktivert:"
 #: ../user/server_status.php:299
 msgid "Program is disabled"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Program er deaktivert"
 #: ../user/server_status.php:303
+#, fuzzy
 msgid "Computing status"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Status beregning"
 #: ../user/server_status.php:309
 msgid "The database server is not accessible"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Databasetjeneren er ikke tilgjengelig"
 #: ../user/server_status.php:326
 msgid "Tasks ready to send"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Oppgaver klare for sending"
 #: ../user/server_status.php:331 ../user/workunit.php:55
 msgid "Tasks in progress"
 msgstr ""
 #: ../user/server_status.php:336
+#, fuzzy
 msgid "Workunits waiting for validation"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Arbeidsenheter venter på validering"
 #: ../user/server_status.php:341
+#, fuzzy
 msgid "Workunits waiting for assimilation"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Arbeidsenheter venter på assimilering"
 #: ../user/server_status.php:346
+#, fuzzy
 msgid "Workunits waiting for file deletion"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Arbeidseneheter venter på sletting av fil"
 #: ../user/server_status.php:351
+#, fuzzy
 msgid "Tasks waiting for file deletion"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Oppgaver venter på sletting av fil"
 #: ../user/server_status.php:367
 msgid "Transitioner backlog (hours)"
@@ -5541,42 +5591,42 @@ msgstr ""
 #: ../user/server_status.php:374
 msgid "Users"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Brukere"
 #: ../user/server_status.php:377 ../user/server_status.php:395
+#, fuzzy
 msgid "with recent credit"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "med nylig arbeid utført"
 #: ../user/server_status.php:382 ../user/server_status.php:400
 msgid "with credit"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "med arbeid utført"
 #: ../user/server_status.php:387 ../user/server_status.php:405
 msgid "registered in past 24 hours"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "registrert de siste 24 timer"
 #: ../user/server_status.php:411
 msgid "current GigaFLOPs"
 msgstr ""
 #: ../user/server_status.php:420
+#, fuzzy
 msgid "Tasks by application"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Oppgaver per applikasjon"
 #: ../user/server_status.php:423 ../user/workunit.php:40
-#, fuzzy
 msgid "application"
-msgstr "Programmer"
+msgstr "applikasjon"
 #: ../user/server_status.php:424
-#, fuzzy
 msgid "unsent"
-msgstr "Usent"
+msgstr "Ikke sendt"
 #: ../user/server_status.php:425
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "in progress"
-msgstr "I prosess"
+msgstr "i progresjon"
 #: ../user/server_status.php:426
 msgid "avg runtime of last 100 results in h (min-max)"
@@ -5584,16 +5634,15 @@ msgstr ""
 #: ../user/server_status.php:427
 msgid "users in last 24h"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "brukere siste 24t"
 #: ../user/show_host_detail.php:40
-#, fuzzy
 msgid "Computer %1"
-msgstr "Datamaskiner"
+msgstr "Datamaskin %1"
 #: ../user/stats.php:21
 msgid "Statistics and leaderboards"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Statistikk og oppslagstavler"
 #: ../user/stats.php:28
 msgid "Statistics for %1"
@@ -5639,8 +5688,9 @@ msgid "edit the team's name and description"
 msgstr "Rediger teamet's navn og beskrivelse"
 #: ../user/team.php:35
+#, fuzzy
 msgid "add or remove team admins"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "legg til eller fjern teamadministratorer"
 #: ../user/team.php:36
 msgid "remove members from the team"
@@ -5680,8 +5730,9 @@ msgid "Remove Team Admin status from this member"
 msgstr ""
 #: ../user/team_admins.php:40 ../user/team_admins.php:51
+#, fuzzy
 msgid "Add or remove Team Admins"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Legg til eller fjern teamadministratorer"
 #: ../user/team_admins.php:41
 msgid "You can select team members as 'Team Admins'. Team Admins can:"
@@ -5702,16 +5753,18 @@ msgid ""
 msgstr ""
 #: ../user/team_admins.php:47
+#, fuzzy
 msgid "Team Admins cannot:"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Teamadministratorer kan ikke:"
 #: ../user/team_admins.php:49
+#, fuzzy
 msgid "Change the team founder"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Endre grunnlegger av team"
 #: ../user/team_admins.php:50 ../user/team_manage.php:54
 msgid "Remove members"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Fjern medlemmer"
 #: ../user/team_admins.php:53
 msgid "If a Team Admin quits the team, they cease to be a Team Admin."
@@ -5740,30 +5793,34 @@ msgid "Add Team Admin"
 msgstr ""
 #: ../user/team_admins.php:78
+#, fuzzy
 msgid "Email address of team member:"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Epostadressen til teammedlem:"
 #: ../user/team_admins.php:90
+#, fuzzy
 msgid "failed to remove admin"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "fjerning av administrator feilet"
 #: ../user/team_admins.php:99
+#, fuzzy
 msgid "User is not member of team"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Bruker er ikke medlem av team"
 #: ../user/team_admins.php:101
 msgid "%1 is already an admin of %2"
 msgstr ""
 #: ../user/team_admins.php:105
+#, fuzzy
 msgid "Couldn't add admin"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Kunne ikke legge til administrator"
 #: ../user/team_admins.php:111 ../user/team_manage.php:85
 #: ../user/team_quit_form.php:28 ../user/team_remove_inactive_action.php:28
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "No such team"
-msgstr "Ingen slikt team."
+msgstr "Ingen slikt team"
 #: ../user/team_change_founder_action.php:30
 #: ../user/team_change_founder_form.php:33 ../user/team_display.php:67
@@ -5771,11 +5828,11 @@ msgstr "Ingen slikt team."
 #: ../user/team_email_list.php:55
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "no such team"
-msgstr "Ingen slikt team."
+msgstr "ingen slikt team"
 #: ../user/team_change_founder_action.php:38
 msgid "User is not a member of %1"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Bruker er ikke medlem av %1"
 #: ../user/team_change_founder_action.php:41
 msgid "Changing founder of %1"
@@ -5803,7 +5860,7 @@ msgstr ""
 #: ../user/team_change_founder_form.php:55
 msgid "decline request"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "avslå forespørsel"
 #: ../user/team_change_founder_form.php:58
 msgid ""
@@ -5845,7 +5902,7 @@ msgstr "Et team med det navnet %1 eksisterer allerede - velg et annet navn"
 #: ../user/team_create_action.php:54
 msgid "Could not create team - please try later."
-msgstr "Kunne ikke lage team - vennligst prøv igjen senere"
+msgstr "Kunne ikke opprette team - vennligst prøv igjen senere."
 #: ../user/team_create_form.php:27 ../user/team_create_form.php:32
 msgid "Create a team"
@@ -5866,44 +5923,47 @@ msgstr ""
 #: ../user/team_delta.php:75
 msgid "When"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Når"
 #: ../user/team_delta.php:76
 msgid "User"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Bruker"
 #: ../user/team_delta.php:77
+#, fuzzy
 msgid "Action"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Handling"
 #: ../user/team_delta.php:78
 msgid "Total credit at time of action"
 msgstr ""
 #: ../user/team_edit_action.php:53
+#, fuzzy
 msgid "bad country"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "feil land"
 #: ../user/team_edit_action.php:59
+#, fuzzy
 msgid "The name '%1' is being used by another team."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Navnet '%1' er allerede i bruk av et annet team."
 #: ../user/team_edit_action.php:62
+#, fuzzy
 msgid "Must specify team name"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Må spesifisere teamnavn"
 #: ../user/team_edit_action.php:90
-#, fuzzy
 msgid "Could not update team - please try again later."
-msgstr "Kunne ikke lage team - vennligst prøv igjen senere"
+msgstr "Kunne ikke oppdatere team - vennligst prøv igjen senere."
 #: ../user/team_edit_form.php:33
 msgid "Edit %1"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Rediger %1"
 #: ../user/team_edit_form.php:34
 msgid "Update team info"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Oppdater teaminfo"
 #: ../user/team_email_list.php:61
 msgid "%1 Email List"
@@ -5911,15 +5971,16 @@ msgstr ""
 #: ../user/team_email_list.php:63
 msgid "Member list of %1"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Medlemsliste for %1"
 #: ../user/team_email_list.php:78
 msgid "Show as plain text"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Vis som ren tekst"
 #: ../user/team_forum.php:28 ../user/team_forum.php:39
+#, fuzzy
 msgid "Create Message Board"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Opprett meldingstavle"
 #: ../user/team_forum.php:29
 msgid "You may create a message board for use by %1."
@@ -5940,15 +6001,17 @@ msgstr ""
 #: ../user/team_forum.php:40
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Create a message board for %1"
-msgstr "%1 oppslagstavle"
+msgstr "Opprett meldingstavle for %1"
 #: ../user/team_forum.php:48
+#, fuzzy
 msgid "Team already has a message board"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Team har alerede en meldingstavle"
 #: ../user/team_forum.php:59
+#, fuzzy
 msgid "Team Message Board"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Meldingstavle for team"
 #: ../user/team_forum.php:71
 msgid "Minimum time between posts (seconds)"
@@ -5964,15 +6027,17 @@ msgstr ""
 #: ../user/team_forum.php:80
 msgid "Submit"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Registrer"
 #: ../user/team_forum.php:89
+#, fuzzy
 msgid "Remove your team's message board."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Fjern meldingstavlen til ditt team"
 #: ../user/team_forum.php:97
+#, fuzzy
 msgid "Really remove message board?"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Virkelig fjerne meldingstavlen?"
 #: ../user/team_forum.php:98
 msgid ""
@@ -5982,35 +6047,39 @@ msgid ""
 msgstr ""
 #: ../user/team_forum.php:100
+#, fuzzy
 msgid "Yes - remove message board"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Ja - fjern meldingstavlen"
 #: ../user/team_forum.php:121
+#, fuzzy
 msgid "Message board removed"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Meldingstavle fjernet"
 #: ../user/team_forum.php:124
+#, fuzzy
 msgid ""
 "Your team's message board has been removed. You may now %1create a new one%2."
 msgstr ""
+"Ditt teams meldingstavle har blitt fjernet. Du kan nå %1 opprette en ny%2."
 #: ../user/team_forum.php:143
 msgid "Team Message Board Updated"
 msgstr ""
 #: ../user/team_forum.php:144
+#, fuzzy
 msgid "Update successful"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Oppdatering velykket"
 #: ../user/team_forum.php:147
-#, fuzzy
 msgid "Update failed"
-msgstr "Oppdatering feilet:"
+msgstr "Oppdatering feilet"
 #: ../user/team_forum.php:154
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Team has no forum"
-msgstr "Team info"
+msgstr "Team har ikke et forum"
 #: ../user/team_founder_transfer_action.php:36
 msgid "You must be a member of a team to access this page."
@@ -6063,7 +6132,7 @@ msgstr ""
 #: ../user/team_founder_transfer_form.php:83
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Return to team page"
-msgstr "Retuner til profil."
+msgstr "Retuner til teamsiden"
 #: ../user/team_founder_transfer_form.php:28
 msgid "You need to be a member of a team to access this page."
@@ -6123,33 +6192,37 @@ msgstr ""
 #: ../user/team_join.php:32 ../user/team_join_action.php:32
 #: ../user/team_join_form.php:29
+#, fuzzy
 msgid "The team %1 is not joinable."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Teamet %1 kan ikke slås sammen."
 #: ../user/team_join.php:35 ../user/team_join_action.php:35
 msgid "Already a member"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Allerede medlem"
 #: ../user/team_join.php:36 ../user/team_join_action.php:36
 msgid "You are already a member of %1."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Du er allerede medlem av %1."
 #: ../user/team_join.php:42 ../user/team_join_action.php:43
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Couldn't join team - please try again later."
-msgstr "Kunne ikke lage team - vennligst prøv igjen senere"
+msgstr "Kunne ikke slå sammen team - vennligst prøv igjen senere."
 #: ../user/team_join_action.php:40
+#, fuzzy
 msgid "Joined %1"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Sammenslått %1"
 #: ../user/team_join_action.php:41
+#, fuzzy
 msgid "You have joined %1."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Du har slått sammen %1."
 #: ../user/team_join_form.php:32
+#, fuzzy
 msgid "Join %1"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Slå sammen %1"
 #: ../user/team_join_form.php:33
 msgid "Please note:"
@@ -6169,11 +6242,11 @@ msgstr ""
 #: ../user/team_lookup.php:84
 msgid "Search Results"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Søkeresultater"
 #: ../user/team_lookup.php:86
 msgid "Search results for '%1'"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Søkeresultater for '%1'"
 #: ../user/team_lookup.php:88
 msgid "You may view these teams' members, statistics, and information."
@@ -6194,8 +6267,9 @@ msgid "Team administration for %1"
 msgstr ""
 #: ../user/team_manage.php:29
+#, fuzzy
 msgid "Edit team info"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Rediger teaminfo"
 #: ../user/team_manage.php:30
 msgid "Change team name, URL, description, type, or country"
@@ -6203,27 +6277,28 @@ msgstr ""
 #: ../user/team_manage.php:32
 msgid "Member list:"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Medlemsliste:"
 #: ../user/team_manage.php:33 ../user/team_manage.php:37
 msgid "HTML"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "HTML"
 #: ../user/team_manage.php:34
 msgid "text"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "tekst"
 #: ../user/team_manage.php:35
 msgid "View member names and email addresses"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Vis navn på medlemmer og epostadresser"
 #: ../user/team_manage.php:36
 msgid "View change history:"
 msgstr ""
 #: ../user/team_manage.php:38
+#, fuzzy
 msgid "XML"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "XML"
 #: ../user/team_manage.php:39
 msgid "See when members joined or quit this team"
@@ -6246,8 +6321,9 @@ msgid "Transfer foundership to another member"
 msgstr ""
 #: ../user/team_manage.php:58
+#, fuzzy
 msgid "Add/remove Team Admins"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Legg til eller fjern teamadministratorer"
 #: ../user/team_manage.php:59
 msgid "Give selected team members Team Admin privileges"
@@ -6255,11 +6331,12 @@ msgstr ""
 #: ../user/team_manage.php:61
 msgid "Remove team"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Fjern team"
 #: ../user/team_manage.php:62
+#, fuzzy
 msgid "Allowed only if team has no members"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Kun tillatt hvis teamet ikke har medlemmer"
 #: ../user/team_manage.php:64
 msgid "Create or manage a team message board"
@@ -6289,7 +6366,7 @@ msgstr ""
 #: ../user/team_manage.php:95
 msgid "Team %1 deleted"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Team %1 slettet"
 #: ../user/team_members.php:36
 msgid "Limit exceeded:  Can only display the first 1000 members."
@@ -6297,7 +6374,7 @@ msgstr ""
 #: ../user/team_members.php:49
 msgid "Members of %1"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Medlem av %1"
 #: ../user/team_quit_action.php:32
 msgid "Unable to quit team"
@@ -6308,8 +6385,9 @@ msgid "Team doesn't exist, or you don't belong to it."
 msgstr ""
 #: ../user/team_quit_form.php:31
+#, fuzzy
 msgid "Quit %1"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Forlat %1"
 #: ../user/team_quit_form.php:32
 msgid ""
@@ -6329,11 +6407,12 @@ msgstr "Forlat team"
 #: ../user/team_remove_inactive_action.php:31
 msgid "Removing users from %1"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Fjerner brukere fra %1"
 #: ../user/team_remove_inactive_action.php:39
+#, fuzzy
 msgid "%1 is not a member of %2"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Bruker er ikke medlem av %1"
 #: ../user/team_remove_inactive_action.php:42
 msgid "%1 has been removed"
@@ -6341,16 +6420,15 @@ msgstr ""
 #: ../user/team_remove_inactive_form.php:32
 msgid "Remove members from %1"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Fjern brukere fra %1"
 #: ../user/team_remove_inactive_form.php:39
-#, fuzzy
 msgid "Remove?"
-msgstr "Fjern"
+msgstr "Fjerne?"
 #: ../user/team_remove_inactive_form.php:40
 msgid "Name (ID)"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Navn (ID)"
 #: ../user/team_remove_inactive_form.php:65
 msgid "No members are eligible for removal."
@@ -6358,24 +6436,25 @@ msgstr ""
 #: ../user/team_remove_inactive_form.php:68
 msgid "Remove users"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Fjern brukere"
 #: ../user/team_search.php:68
 msgid "Team name"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Teamnavn"
 #: ../user/team_search.php:92
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Team search results"
-msgstr "Forum søkeresultat"
+msgstr "Søkeresultat team"
 #: ../user/team_search.php:94
+#, fuzzy
 msgid "No teams were found matching your criteria. Try another search."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Ingen team som passer til dine kriterier. Prøv et annet søk."
 #: ../user/team_search.php:96
 msgid "Or you can %1create a new team%2."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Eller du kan %1opprette et nytt team%2."
 #: ../user/team_search.php:100
 msgid ""
@@ -6433,15 +6512,15 @@ msgstr ""
 #: ../user/user_search.php:51
 msgid "Filters"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Filtre"
 #: ../user/user_search.php:52
 msgid "User name starts with"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Brukernavn starter med"
 #: ../user/user_search.php:53
 msgid "Any"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Hvilken som helst"
 #: ../user/user_search.php:56
 msgid "With profile?"
@@ -6466,42 +6545,41 @@ msgstr ""
 #: ../user/user_search.php:68
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Decreasing average credit"
-msgstr "Nylig gjennomsnitts kreditt"
+msgstr "Gjennomsnitt nylig arbeid utført"
 #: ../user/user_search.php:69
-#, fuzzy
 msgid "Decreasing total credit"
-msgstr "Nylig gjennomsnitts kreditt"
+msgstr ""
 #: ../user/user_search.php:100
 msgid "search string must be at least 3 characters"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "søkestreng må minst inneholde 3 tegn"
 #: ../user/user_search.php:133
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "User search results"
-msgstr "Forum søkeresultat"
+msgstr "Søkeresultat bruker"
 #: ../user/user_search.php:140
 msgid "Joined"
 msgstr ""
 #: ../user/user_search.php:148
+#, fuzzy
 msgid "No users match your search criteria."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Ingen brukere passer til dine søkekriterier"
 #: ../user/userw.php:35
 msgid "User not found!"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Bruker ikke funnet!"
 #: ../user/userw.php:44
 msgid "Account Data<br/>for %1<br/>Time:"
 msgstr ""
 #: ../user/userw.php:47
-#, fuzzy
 msgid "Team:"
-msgstr "Team"
+msgstr "Team:"
 #: ../user/userw.php:48
 msgid "Team TotCred:"
@@ -6517,7 +6595,7 @@ msgstr ""
 #: ../user/validate_email_addr.php:30
 msgid "Validate BOINC email address"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Valider BOINC epostadresse"
 #: ../user/validate_email_addr.php:31
 msgid ""
@@ -6549,8 +6627,9 @@ msgid "Database update failed - please try again later."
 msgstr ""
 #: ../user/validate_email_addr.php:57
+#, fuzzy
 msgid "Validate email address"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Valider BOINC epostadresse"
 #: ../user/validate_email_addr.php:58
 msgid "The email address of your account has been validated."
@@ -6613,12 +6692,14 @@ msgid ""
 msgstr ""
 #: ../user/workunit.php:32
+#, fuzzy
 msgid "can't find workunit"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "finner ikke arbeidsenhet"
 #: ../user/workunit.php:35
+#, fuzzy
 msgid "Workunit %1"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Arbeidsenhet %1"
 #: ../user/workunit.php:43
 msgid "canonical result"
@@ -6645,12 +6726,13 @@ msgid "max # of error/total/success tasks"
 msgstr ""
 #: ../user/workunit.php:64
+#, fuzzy
 msgid "errors"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "feil"
 #: ../user/workunit.php:67
 msgid "validation"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "validering"
 #: ../user/workunit.php:67
 msgid "Pending"
@@ -6669,8 +6751,9 @@ msgid "Generated"
 msgstr ""
 #: ../project.sample/project.inc:79
+#, fuzzy
 msgid "Your personal background."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Din personlige bakgrunn."
 #: ../project.sample/project.inc:83
 msgid ""
@@ -6679,8 +6762,9 @@ msgid ""
 msgstr ""
 #: ../project.sample/project.inc:87
+#, fuzzy
 msgid "Your opinions about %1"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Din mening om %1"
 #: ../project.sample/project.inc:91
 msgid ""
@@ -6700,8 +6784,9 @@ msgid "Maximum CPU % for graphics%10 ... 100%2"
 msgstr ""
 #: ../project.sample/project_specific_prefs.inc:49
+#, fuzzy
 msgid "Run only the selected applications"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Kjør bare valgte applikasjoner"
 #: ../project.sample/project_specific_prefs.inc:50
 msgid ""
@@ -6710,8 +6795,9 @@ msgid ""
 msgstr ""
 #: ../project.sample/project_specific_prefs.inc:91
+#, fuzzy
 msgid "(all applications)"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "(alle applikasjoner)"
 #, fuzzy
 #~ msgid "Error:"
diff --git a/locale/nb/BOINC-Setup.mo b/locale/nb/BOINC-Setup.mo
index ed20377..66289f2 100644
Binary files a/locale/nb/BOINC-Setup.mo and b/locale/nb/BOINC-Setup.mo differ
diff --git a/locale/nb/BOINC-Setup.po b/locale/nb/BOINC-Setup.po
index 96a1114..dd863f2 100644
--- a/locale/nb/BOINC-Setup.po
+++ b/locale/nb/BOINC-Setup.po
@@ -7,35 +7,47 @@ msgstr ""
 "Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
 "POT-Creation-Date: 2014-01-26 00:00-0800\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
-"Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL at ADDRESS>\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2014-08-31 14:37+0000\n"
+"Last-Translator: Jan <jan at sherdahl.com>\n"
 "Language-Team: LANGUAGE <LL at li.org>\n"
 "Language: nb\n"
 "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
 "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
 "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
-"X-Generator: Poedit 1.5.5\n"
+"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
+"X-Generator: Pootle 2.5.0\n"
 "X-Poedit-SearchPath-0: mac_installer\n"
 "X-Poedit-SourceCharset: UTF-8\n"
 "X-Poedit-Basepath: /Volumes/Cheer/BOINC_GIT/boinc_trunk\n"
+"X-POOTLE-MTIME: 1409495864.0\n"
 "X-Poedit-KeywordsList: _\n"
 #: Installer.cpp:124
 #, c-format
 msgid "Sorry, this version of %s requires system 10.5 or higher."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Beklager, denne versjonen av %s krever system 10.5 eller høyere."
 #: PostInstall.cpp:130 PostInstall.cpp:1136 uninstall.cpp:1618
 msgid "Yes"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Ja"
 #: PostInstall.cpp:131 PostInstall.cpp:1137 uninstall.cpp:1619
 msgid "No"
 msgstr ""
+"Brukere med tillatelse til å administrere denne datamaskinen vil automatisk "
+"få tilgang til å kjøre og kontrollere %s.\n"
+"Ønsker du også at brukere uten administratorrettigheter skal kunne kjøre og "
+"kontrollere %s på denne Mac'en?"
 #: PostInstall.cpp:133
 msgid "Should BOINC run even when no user is logged in?"
 msgstr ""
+"Brukere som har tillatelse til å administrere denne datamaskinen vil "
+"automatisk få tilgang til å kjøre og kontrollere %s.\n"
+"Ønsker du at brukere uten administratorrettigheter skal kunne kjøre og "
+"kontrollere %s på denne Mac'en?"
 #: PostInstall.cpp:1416
 #, c-format
@@ -46,25 +58,34 @@ msgid ""
 "Do you also want non-administrative users to be able to run and control %s "
 "on this Mac?"
 msgstr ""
+"Brukere med tillatelse til å administrere denne datamaskinen vil automatisk "
+"få tilgang til å kjøre og kontrollere %s.\n"
+"Ønsker du også at brukere uten administratorrettigheter skal kunne kjøre og "
+"kontrollere %s på denne Mac'en?"
 #: PostInstall.cpp:1444
 #, c-format
 msgid "Do you want to set %s as the screensaver for all %s users on this Mac?"
 msgstr ""
+"Ønsker du å sette %s som standard skjermsparer for alle %s brukere på denne "
 #: uninstall.cpp:82
 msgid "OK"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "OK"
 #: uninstall.cpp:136
 msgid "Permission error after relaunch"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Tilgangsfeilmelding etter omstart"
 #: uninstall.cpp:141
 msgid ""
 "Removal may take several minutes.\n"
 "Please be patient."
 msgstr ""
+"Avinstallering vil ta flere minutter.\n"
+"Vennligst vent."
 #: uninstall.cpp:156
 #, c-format
@@ -73,26 +94,31 @@ msgid ""
 "This will remove the executables but will not touch %s data files."
 msgstr ""
+"Er du sikker på at du ønsker å fullstendig fjerne %s fra din datamaskin?\n"
+"Dette vil fjerne programfiler, men ikke slette %s data filer."
 #: uninstall.cpp:163
 #, c-format
 msgid "Canceled: %s has not been touched."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Avbrutt: %s har ikke blitt endret."
 #: uninstall.cpp:174
 #, c-format
 msgid "An error occurred: error code %d"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "En feil oppsto: Feilkode %d"
 #: uninstall.cpp:230
 msgid "name  of user"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "navn  på bruker"
 #: uninstall.cpp:272
 msgid ""
 "Do you also want to remove VirtualBox from your computer?\n"
 "(VirtualBox was installed along with BOINC.)"
 msgstr ""
+"Vil du også avinstallere VirtualBox fra din datamaskin?\n"
+" (VirtualBox ble installert sammen med BOINC.)"
 #: uninstall.cpp:312
 #, c-format
@@ -105,6 +131,13 @@ msgid ""
 "for each user, the file\n"
 msgstr ""
+"Avinnstallasjon ferdig.\n"
+" Det kan hende du ønsker å fjerne resterende elementer ved å benytte Finder:\n"
+"mappen \"%s\"\n"
+"for hver bruker, filen\n"
 #: uninstall.cpp:840
 #, c-format
@@ -113,11 +146,14 @@ msgid ""
 msgstr ""
+"Tast inn ditt administrator passord for å fullstendig fjerne %s fra din "
 #: uninstall.cpp:1616
 msgid "Cancel"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Avbryt"
 #: uninstall.cpp:1617
 msgid "Continue..."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Fortsett...                "
diff --git a/locale/nb/BOINC-Web.mo b/locale/nb/BOINC-Web.mo
index 36dd478..2eda995 100644
Binary files a/locale/nb/BOINC-Web.mo and b/locale/nb/BOINC-Web.mo differ
diff --git a/locale/nb/BOINC-Web.po b/locale/nb/BOINC-Web.po
index 6673334..79ec8dc 100644
--- a/locale/nb/BOINC-Web.po
+++ b/locale/nb/BOINC-Web.po
@@ -7,62 +7,66 @@ msgstr ""
 "Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: BOINC translation team <boinc_loc at ssl.berkeley.edu>\n"
 "POT-Creation-Date: 2014-02-01 00:00 PST\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-09-16 13:49+0200\n"
-"Last-Translator: Kenneth <kenneth at skjold.biz>\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2014-09-03 03:41+0000\n"
+"Last-Translator: Jan <jan at sherdahl.com>\n"
 "Language-Team: LANGUAGE <LL at li.org>\n"
 "Language: nb\n"
 "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
 "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
 "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
 "Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
-"X-Generator: Pootle 2.1.6\n"
+"X-Generator: Pootle 2.5.0\n"
 "X-Poedit-SourceCharset: utf-8\n"
+"X-POOTLE-MTIME: 1409715674.0\n"
 #: docutil.php:21
 msgid "Search"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Søk"
 #: docutil.php:103
 msgid "Return to BOINC main page"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Tilbake til BOINC hovedsiden"
 #: docutil.php:114
 #, php-format
+#, php-format, php-format
 msgid "This page is %stranslatable%s."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Denne siden er %soversettbar%s."
 #: download.php:39
 msgid ""
 "We recommend that you also install VirtualBox, so your computer can work on "
 "science projects that require it."
 msgstr ""
+"Vi anbefaler at du også installerer VirtualBox, så din datamaskin kan "
+"arbeide med vitenskapelige prosjekter som er avhengig av denne."
 #: download.php:41
 msgid "Learn more about VirtualBox."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Lær mer om VirutalBox."
 #: download.php:51
 msgid "Download BOINC + VirtualBox"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Last ned BOINC + VirtualBox"
 #: download.php:54 download.php:69
 #, php-format
 msgid "for %s"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "for %s"
 #: download.php:57 download.php:72
 #, php-format
 msgid "BOINC version %s"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "BOINC versjon %s"
 #: download.php:59
 #, php-format
 msgid "VirtualBox version %s"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "VirtualBox versjon %s"
 #: download.php:67
 msgid "Download BOINC"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Last ned BOINC"
 #: download.php:123
 msgid ""
@@ -70,61 +74,75 @@ msgid ""
 "projects like SETI at home, Climateprediction.net, Rosetta at home, World "
 "Community Grid, and many others."
 msgstr ""
+"BOINC er et program som lar deg donere inaktiv datamaskintid til "
+"vitenskapelige prosjekter som SETI at home, Climateprediction.net, "
+"Rosetta at home, World Community Grid og mange flere."
 #: download.php:125
 msgid ""
 "After installing BOINC on your computer, you can connect it to as many of "
 "these projects as you like."
 msgstr ""
+"Etter å ha installert BOINC på din datamaskin, kan du knytte den opp til så "
+"mange av disse prosjektene du ønsker."
 #: download.php:127
 msgid ""
 "You may run this software on a computer only if you own the computer or have "
 "the permission of its owner."
 msgstr ""
+"Du kan kjøre denne programvaren på en datamaskin bare hvis du er eier av den "
+"eller har tillatelse fra dens eier."
 #: download.php:132
 msgid ""
 "We recommend that you download BOINC from the Google Play Store or Amazon "
 "Appstore, not from here."
 msgstr ""
+"Vi anbefaler deg å laste ned BOINC fra Google Play Store eller Amazon "
+"Appstore, og ikke fra denne siden."
 #: download.php:167
 msgid "System requirements"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Systemkrav"
 #: download.php:168
 msgid "Release notes"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Utgivelsesmerknader"
 #: download.php:169 index.php:86
 msgid "Help"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Hjelp"
 #: download.php:170
 msgid "All versions"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Alle versjoner"
 #: download.php:171
 msgid "Version history"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Versjonslogg"
 #: download.php:172
 msgid "GPU computing"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "GPU beregning"
 #: download.php:190
 msgid "BOINC: compute for science"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "BOINC: beregne for vitenskap"
 #: help.php:12
 #, php-format
+#, php-format, php-format
 msgid ""
 "BOINC Online Help lets you talk one-on-one with experienced BOINC users, who "
 "can: %s answer questions about BOINC and volunteer computing; %s walk you "
 "through the process of installing and using BOINC; %s troubleshoot any "
 "problems you might have."
 msgstr ""
+"BOINC online hjelp lar deg snakke med erfarne BOINC brukere som kan: %s "
+"svare på spørsmål angående BOINC og frivillig beregning; %s veilede deg "
+"gjennom installasjonsprosessen og bruk av BOINC; %s feilsøke eventuelle "
+"problemer du måtte ha."
 #: help.php:21
 #, php-format
@@ -134,104 +152,132 @@ msgid ""
 "Skype, please %sdownload and install it now%s.  When you're finished, return "
 "to this page."
 msgstr ""
+"BOINC online hjelp er basert på Skype, et telefonsystem via Internet. Skype "
+"er gratis (både programvaren og samtalene).  Hvis du ikke allerede har Skype "
+"installert, vennligst %slast ned og installer det nå%s.  Når du er ferdig, "
+"kom tilbake til denne siden."
 #: help.php:28
+#, fuzzy
 msgid ""
 "The best way to get help is by voice, for which you need either built-in "
 "microphone and speakers or an external headset for your computer.  You can "
 "also use Skype's text-based chat system or regular email (if you don't have "
 "Skype) to communicate with Help Volunteers."
 msgstr ""
+"Den beste måten å få hjelp på er via en samtale. Til dette trenger du enten "
+"en innebygd mikrofon og høyttalere, eller et eksternt headset tilkoblet din "
+"datamaskin.  Du kan også benytte Skype sitt tekstbaserte chat system eller "
+"vanlig epost (hvis du ikke har Skype installert) for å kommunisere med våre "
+"frivillige supportmedarbeidere."
 #: help.php:31
+#, fuzzy
 msgid ""
 "Volunteers speaking several languages are available. Please select a "
 msgstr ""
+"Våre supportmedarbeidere snakker flere språk og er tilgjengelige. Vennligst "
+"velg et språk:"
 #: help.php:47
+#, fuzzy
 msgid "Be a Help Volunteer"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Bli frivillig supportmedarbeider"
 #: help.php:50
 #, php-format
+#, fuzzy, php-format
 msgid ""
 "If you're an experienced BOINC user, we encourage you to %sbecome a Help "
 "Volunteer%s.  It's a great way to help the cause of scientific research and "
 "volunteer computing - and it's fun!"
 msgstr ""
+"Hvis du er en erfaren BOINC bruker, oppfordrer vi deg til å %sbli en "
+"supportmedarbeider%s.  Det er en fin måte å bidra til vitenskapelig "
+"forskning og frivillig databehandling - og det er morsomt!"
 #: help.php:56
 #, php-format
+#, fuzzy, php-format
 msgid ""
 "If you're already a Help Volunteer: to edit your settings, %sclick here%s."
 msgstr ""
+"Hvis du allerede er en frivillig supportmedarbeider: For å endre dine "
+"innstillinger, %sklikk her%s."
 #: help_funcs.php:107
+#, fuzzy
 msgid ""
 "BOINC helpers are unpaid volunteers.  Their advice is not endorsed by BOINC "
 "or the University of California."
 msgstr ""
+"BOINC supportmedarbeidere får ikke betalt for sitt frivillige arbeid. Deres "
+"råd bifalles ikke av BOINC eller University of California."
 #: help_funcs.php:110
 msgid "%1Never%2 give email address or password information to BOINC helpers."
 msgstr ""
+"Oppgi %1aldri%2 informasjon angående din epostadresse eller ditt passord til "
+"BOINC supportmedarbeidere."
 #: index.php:24
 msgid "Computing power"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Beregningskraft"
 #: index.php:26
 msgid "Top 100 volunteers"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Topp 100 frivillige"
 #: index.php:27
 msgid "Statistics"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Statistikk"
 #: index.php:55
 msgid "Active:"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Aktiv:"
 #: index.php:55
 msgid "volunteers,"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "frivillige,"
 #: index.php:55
 msgid "computers.\n"
 msgstr ""
+" "
 #: index.php:56
 msgid "24-hour average:"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "24 timers gjennomsnitt:"
 #: index.php:56
 msgid "PetaFLOPS."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "PetaFLOPS."
 #: index.php:68
 msgid "News"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Nyheter           "
 #: index.php:83
 msgid "Volunteer"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Frivillig"
 #: index.php:85
 msgid "Download"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Last ned"
 #: index.php:87 index.php:120 index.php:171
 msgid "Documentation"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Dokumentasjon"
 #: index.php:88
 msgid "Add-ons"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Tillegg"
 #: index.php:89
 msgid "Links"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Lenker     "
 #: index.php:94
 msgid ""
@@ -239,45 +285,59 @@ msgid ""
 "diseases, study global warming, discover pulsars, and do many other types of "
 "scientific research.  It's safe, secure, and easy:"
 msgstr ""
+"Bruk inaktiv tid på din datamaskin (Windows, Mac, Linux eller Android) for å "
+"kurere sykdommer, studere global oppvarming, oppdage pulsarer, og hjelp til "
+"med mange andre typer av vitenskapelig forskning.  Det er trygt, sikkert og "
 #: index.php:96
 msgid "Choose projects"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Velg prosjekter"
 #: index.php:97
 msgid "Download BOINC software"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Last ned BOINC programvare"
 #: index.php:98
 msgid "Enter an email address and password."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Tast inn en epostadresse og et passord."
 #: index.php:102
 #, php-format
+#, fuzzy, php-format
 msgid ""
 "Or, if you run several projects, try an %saccount manager%s such as %"
 "sGridRepublic%s or %sBAM!%s. "
 msgstr ""
+"Eller hvis du kjører flere prosjekter, prøv en %skontobehandler%s som for "
+"eksempel %sGridRepublic%s eller %sBAM!%s. "
 #: index.php:118
+#, fuzzy
 msgid "Compute with BOINC"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Beregn med BOINC"
 #: index.php:121
 msgid "Software updates"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Programvareoppdateringer"
 #: index.php:128
+#, fuzzy
 msgid ""
 "%1Scientists%2: use BOINC to create a %3volunteer computing project%4 giving "
 "you the computing power of thousands of CPUs."
 msgstr ""
+"%1Forskere%2: Bruk BOINC for å opprette et %3frivillig beregningsprosjekt%4 "
+"som gir deg datakraften tiltusenvis av prosessorer."
 #: index.php:132
+#, fuzzy
 msgid ""
 "%1Universities%2: use BOINC to create a %3Virtual Campus Supercomputing "
 msgstr ""
+"%1Universiteter%2: Bruk BOINC til å opprette et %3virtuelt tungregnesenter "
+"på deres universitetsområde%4."
 #: index.php:137
 msgid "%1Companies%2: use BOINC for %3desktop Grid computing%4."
@@ -285,23 +345,23 @@ msgstr ""
 #: index.php:149
 msgid "The BOINC project"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "BOINC prosjektet"
 #: index.php:155
 msgid "Message boards"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Diskusjonsfora"
 #: index.php:156
 msgid "Email lists"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Epostlister"
 #: index.php:157
 msgid "Personnel and contributors"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Personal og bidragsytere"
 #: index.php:158
 msgid "Events"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Hendelser"
 #: index.php:159
 msgid "Papers and talks"
@@ -309,31 +369,31 @@ msgstr ""
 #: index.php:160
 msgid "Research projects"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Forskningsprosjekter"
 #: index.php:161
 msgid "Logos and graphics"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Logoer og bildemateriale"
 #: index.php:162
 msgid "and"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "og"
 #: index.php:166
 msgid "Help wanted"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Hjelp ønskes"
 #: index.php:168
 msgid "Programming"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Programmering"
 #: index.php:169
 msgid "Translation"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Oversettelse"
 #: index.php:170
 msgid "Testing"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Tester"
 #: index.php:172
 msgid "Publicity"
@@ -341,35 +401,38 @@ msgstr ""
 #: index.php:174
 msgid "Software development"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Programvareutvikling"
 #: index.php:175
 msgid "APIs for add-on software"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "API'er for tilleggsprogramvare"
 #: index.php:217
 #, php-format
+#, fuzzy, php-format
 msgid ""
 "Open-source software for %svolunteer computing%s and %sgrid computing%s."
 msgstr ""
+"Åpen kildekode programvare for %sfrivillig beregning%s og %sdistribuert "
 #: index.php:230
 msgid "BOINC is based at The University of California, Berkeley"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "BOINC holder til ved Universitetet i California, Berkeley"
 #: projects.inc:14
+#, fuzzy
 msgid "Distributed sensing"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Distribuert sunn fornuft"
 # 78%
 #: projects.inc:19
-#, fuzzy
 msgid "Stanford University"
-msgstr "Oxford University"
+msgstr "Stanford University"
 #: projects.inc:20
 msgid "Seismology"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Seismologi"
 #: projects.inc:21
 msgid ""
@@ -379,12 +442,13 @@ msgid ""
 msgstr ""
 #: projects.inc:27
+#, fuzzy
 msgid "BOINC Poland Foundation"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Den polske BOINC stiftelsen"
 #: projects.inc:28
 msgid "Environmental research"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Miljøforskning"
 #: projects.inc:29
 msgid ""
@@ -401,13 +465,12 @@ msgstr ""
 #: projects.inc:37
 msgid "Cognitive science and artifical intelligence"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Kognitiv vitenskap og kunstig intelligens"
 #: projects.inc:60 projects.inc:364 projects.inc:408 projects.inc:457
 #: projects.inc:464 projects.inc:511
-#, fuzzy
 msgid "Private"
-msgstr "privat"
+msgstr "Privat"
 #: projects.inc:61
 msgid "Artificial intelligence"
@@ -524,8 +587,9 @@ msgid ""
 msgstr ""
 #: projects.inc:146
+#, fuzzy
 msgid "The Swiss Tropical Institute"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Det Sveitsiske tropiske institutt"
 #: projects.inc:147
 msgid "Epidemiology"
@@ -551,6 +615,7 @@ msgid "Biology"
 msgstr "Biologi"
 #: projects.inc:172
+#, fuzzy
 msgid ""
 "Determine the 3-dimensional shapes of proteins in research that may "
 "ultimately lead to finding cures for some major human diseases. By running "
@@ -559,17 +624,27 @@ msgid ""
 "efforts at designing new proteins to fight diseases such as HIV, Malaria, "
 "Cancer, and Alzheimer's"
 msgstr ""
+"Fastsett den 3-dinemsjonale formen til proteiner i forskningen som til sist "
+"leder til å kurere noen viktige menneskelige sykommer. Ved å kjøre "
+"Rosetta at home vil du hjelpe oss å få fart på og utvide vår forskning på måter "
+"vi ikke kunne forsøkt uten din hjelp. Du vil også hjelpe vår innsats i å "
+"designe nye proteiner for å bekjempe sykdommer som HIV, Malaria, Kref og "
 #: projects.inc:178
 msgid "University of Vienna"
 msgstr "University of Vienna"
 #: projects.inc:180
+#, fuzzy
 msgid ""
 "Calculate similarities between proteins. SIMAP provides a public database of "
 "the resulting data, which plays a key role in many bioinformatics research "
 msgstr ""
+"Beregne likheter mellom proteiner. SIMAP sørger for en offentlig database "
+"med resulterende data, som spiller en nøkkelrolle imange "
+"forskningsprosjekter angående bioinformatikk"
 #: projects.inc:186
 msgid "Earth Sciences"
@@ -601,7 +676,7 @@ msgstr ""
 #: projects.inc:213
 msgid "Mechanical engineering"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Mekanisk ingeniørvitenskap"
 #: projects.inc:214
 msgid ""
@@ -649,26 +724,33 @@ msgid "University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign"
 msgstr ""
 #: projects.inc:264
+#, fuzzy
 msgid ""
 "The goal of Cosmology at Home is to search for the model that best describes "
 "our Universe and to find the range of models that agree with the available "
 "astronomical particle physics data."
 msgstr ""
+"Målsettingen til Cosmology at Home er å søke etter modellen som best beskriver "
+"vår univers og å finne områder medmodeller som stemmer overens med "
+"tilgjengelige astronomiske partikkelfysikkdata."
 #: projects.inc:270
 msgid "Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute"
 msgstr ""
 #: projects.inc:272
+#, fuzzy
 msgid ""
 "The goal of Milkyway at Home is to create a highly accurate three dimensional "
 "model of the Milky Way galaxy using data gathered by the Sloan Digital Sky "
 msgstr ""
+"Målsetting til Milkyway at Home er å lage en nøyaktig tredimensjonal modell av "
+"Melkeveien ved å bruke datasanket av Sloan Digital Sky Survey."
 #: projects.inc:278
 msgid "Leiden University, The Netherlands"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Universitetet i Leiden, Nederland"
 #: projects.inc:280
 msgid ""
@@ -685,8 +767,9 @@ msgid "Univ. of Wisconsin - Milwaukee, Max Planck Institute"
 msgstr ""
 #: projects.inc:295
+#, fuzzy
 msgid "Astrophysics"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Astrofysikk"
 #: projects.inc:296
 msgid ""
@@ -730,6 +813,7 @@ msgid "Astrophysics, astrobiology"
 msgstr ""
 #: projects.inc:328
+#, fuzzy
 msgid ""
 "SETI (Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence) is a scientific area whose "
 "goal is to detect intelligent life outside Earth. One approach, known as "
@@ -737,6 +821,11 @@ msgid ""
 "signals from space. Such signals are not known to occur naturally, so a "
 "detection would provide evidence of extraterrestrial technology."
 msgstr ""
+"SETI (søk etter utenomjordisk intelligens) er et vitenskapelig område hvis "
+"målsetting er å detektere intelligent liv i verdensrommet. En instilling, "
+"kjent som radio SETI, bruker radioteleskop for å lytte etter smal båndbredde "
+"radiosignaler fra verdensrommet. Slike signaler er ikke kjent at oppstår "
+"naturlig, så detektering ville sørge for bevis for utenomjordisk teknologi."
 #: projects.inc:342
 msgid "Bielefeld University of Applied Sciences"
diff --git a/locale/nl/BOINC-Manager.mo b/locale/nl/BOINC-Manager.mo
index 9aa35bf..7c11256 100644
Binary files a/locale/nl/BOINC-Manager.mo and b/locale/nl/BOINC-Manager.mo differ
diff --git a/locale/nl/BOINC-Manager.po b/locale/nl/BOINC-Manager.po
index 74d696b..a435097 100644
--- a/locale/nl/BOINC-Manager.po
+++ b/locale/nl/BOINC-Manager.po
@@ -6,8 +6,8 @@ msgid ""
 msgstr ""
 "Project-Id-Version: BOINC Manager 6.x\n"
 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-01-13 00:00-0800\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2014-01-17 18:17+0000\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-12-15 14:15-0500\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2014-01-17 18:18+0000\n"
 "Last-Translator: Rene <oskamjr at ziggo.nl>\n"
 "Language-Team: BOINC Development Team <boinc_loc at ssl.berkeley.edu>\n"
 "Language: nl\n"
@@ -16,22 +16,22 @@ msgstr ""
 "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
 "Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
 "X-Generator: Pootle 2.5.0\n"
-"X-BOINC-UTF8-Marker: 简体中文, 日本語\n"
+"X-Poedit-Basepath: C:\\Src\\BOINCGIT\\boinc_7.4\n"
+"X-Poedit-SearchPath-0: clientgui\n"
+"X-Poedit-SourceCharset: utf-8\n"
+"X-POOTLE-MTIME: 1389982727.0\n"
 "X-Poedit-SearchPath-1: clientgui/msw\n"
 "X-Poedit-SearchPath-2: clientgui/gtk\n"
 "X-Poedit-SearchPath-3: clientgui/mac\n"
-"X-Poedit-SearchPath-0: clientgui\n"
-"X-Poedit-SourceCharset: utf-8\n"
-"X-Poedit-Basepath: C:\\Src\\BOINCGIT\\boinc\n"
-"X-POOTLE-MTIME: 1389982668.0\n"
+"X-BOINC-UTF8-Marker: 简体中文, 日本語\n"
 # 81%
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:387
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:387
 #, c-format
 msgid "Identify your account at %s"
 msgstr "Je account gegevens bij %s"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:393
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:393
 msgid ""
 "Please enter your account information\n"
 "(to create an account, visit the project's web site)"
@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ msgstr ""
 "Vul a.u.b. je account gegevens in\n"
 "(een account aanmaken kan op de project website)"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:397
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:397
 msgid ""
 "This project is not currently accepting new accounts.\n"
 "You can add it only if you already have an account."
@@ -47,19 +47,19 @@ msgstr ""
 "Dit project is momenteel gesloten voor nieuwe accounts.\n"
 "Toevoegen is alleen mogelijk met een bestaand account."
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:401
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:401
 msgid "Are you already running this project?"
 msgstr "Heb je al een account bij dit project?"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:405
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:405
 msgid "&No, new user"
 msgstr "&Nee, nieuwe gebruiker"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:408
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:408
 msgid "&Yes, existing user"
 msgstr "&Ja, geregistreerde deelnemer"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:413
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:413
 msgid ""
 "We were not able to set up your account information\n"
@@ -75,45 +75,51 @@ msgstr ""
 "hieronder om te bepalen wat er moet worden ingevuld\n"
 "in het email- en wachtwoord vak."
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:416
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:416
 msgid "Find login information"
 msgstr "Zoek inlog informatie"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:436 AccountInfoPage.cpp:641
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:436
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:649
 msgid "&Password:"
 msgstr "&Wachtwoord:"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:443 AccountInfoPage.cpp:665
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:443
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:673
 msgid "Choose a &password:"
 msgstr "Kie&s een wachtwoord:"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:446
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:446
 msgid "C&onfirm password:"
 msgstr "Bevestig het wachtw&oord:"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:453
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:453
 #, c-format
 msgid "Are you already running %s?"
 msgstr "Heb je al een account bij %s?"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:482
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:482
 msgid "&Username:"
 msgstr "Gebr&uikersnaam:"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:508
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:511
+msgid "&Email address or LDAP ID:"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:515
 msgid "&Email address:"
 msgstr "&E-mail adres:"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:515
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:523
 #, c-format
 msgid "minimum length %d"
 msgstr "minimale lengte %d"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:522
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:530
 msgid "Forgot your password?"
 msgstr "Wachtwoord vergeten?"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:529
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:537
 msgid ""
 "If you have not yet registered with this account manager,\n"
 "please do so before proceeding.  Click on the link below\n"
@@ -123,47 +129,46 @@ msgstr ""
 "doe dit dan voor je verder gaat.  Klik op de link hieronder\n"
 "om dit nu te doen of een vergeten wachtwoord op te halen."
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:532
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:540
 msgid "Account manager web site"
 msgstr "Accountmanager website"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:574 WelcomePage.cpp:348
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:582
 msgid "Add project"
 msgstr "Project toevoegen"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:576
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:584
 msgid "Update account manager"
 msgstr "Accountmanager bijwerken"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:578 WelcomePage.cpp:307 WelcomePage.cpp:321
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:586
 msgid "Use account manager"
 msgstr "Account manager gebruiken"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:585
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:593
 msgid "Please enter a user name."
 msgstr "Vul a.u.b. een gebruikersnaam in."
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:587
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:595
 msgid "Please enter an email address."
 msgstr "Vul a.u.b. een email adres in."
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:597
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:605
 #, c-format
 msgid "Please enter a password of at least %d characters."
 msgstr "Vul a.u.b. een wachtwoord in van tenminste %d karakters."
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:607
-msgid ""
-"The password and confirmation password do not match. Please type them again."
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:615
+msgid "The password and confirmation password do not match. Please type them again."
 msgstr ""
 "Het wachtwoord en het bevestigde wachtwoord komen niet overeen. Vul ze "
 "a.u.b. opnieuw in."
-#: AccountManagerInfoPage.cpp:272
+#: clientgui/AccountManagerInfoPage.cpp:272
 msgid "Choose an account manager"
 msgstr "Kies een accountmanager"
-#: AccountManagerInfoPage.cpp:275
+#: clientgui/AccountManagerInfoPage.cpp:275
 msgid ""
 "To choose an account manager, click its name or \n"
 "type its URL below."
@@ -171,379 +176,396 @@ msgstr ""
 "Klik op de naam om een accountmanager te kiezen of \n"
 "vul hieronder het URL in."
-#: AccountManagerInfoPage.cpp:279
+#: clientgui/AccountManagerInfoPage.cpp:279
 msgid "Account manager details:"
 msgstr "Accountmanager details:"
-#: AccountManagerInfoPage.cpp:283
+#: clientgui/AccountManagerInfoPage.cpp:283
 msgid "Account manager &URL:"
 msgstr "Accountmanager &URL:"
-#: AccountManagerInfoPage.cpp:287
+#: clientgui/AccountManagerInfoPage.cpp:287
 msgid "Open web page"
 msgstr "Open webpagina"
-#: AccountManagerInfoPage.cpp:290
+#: clientgui/AccountManagerInfoPage.cpp:290
 msgid "Visit this account manager's web site"
 msgstr "Bezoek de website van deze accountmanager"
-#: AccountManagerProcessingPage.cpp:187 AccountManagerPropertiesPage.cpp:193
+#: clientgui/AccountManagerProcessingPage.cpp:186
+#: clientgui/AccountManagerPropertiesPage.cpp:192
 #, c-format
 msgid "Communicating with %s."
 msgstr "Aan het communiceren met %s."
-#: AccountManagerProcessingPage.cpp:194 AccountManagerPropertiesPage.cpp:200
+#: clientgui/AccountManagerProcessingPage.cpp:193
+#: clientgui/AccountManagerPropertiesPage.cpp:199
 msgid "Communicating with server."
 msgstr "Aan het communiceren met de server."
-#: AccountManagerProcessingPage.cpp:199 AccountManagerPropertiesPage.cpp:205
+#: clientgui/AccountManagerProcessingPage.cpp:198
+#: clientgui/AccountManagerPropertiesPage.cpp:204
 msgid "Please wait..."
 msgstr "Even geduld..."
-#: AccountManagerProcessingPage.cpp:326
+#: clientgui/AccountManagerProcessingPage.cpp:325
 msgid "An internal server error has occurred.\n"
 msgstr "Er is een server fout opgetreden.\n"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:95
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:96
 msgid "Connected"
 msgstr "Verbonden"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:103
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:104
 msgid "Disconnected"
 msgstr "Verbinding verbroken"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:322 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:119
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:318
 #, c-format
 msgid "Close the %s window"
 msgstr "Sluit het %s venster"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:325 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:122
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:321
 msgid "&Close Window"
 msgstr "&Sluit Venster"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:336 AdvancedFrame.cpp:343 AdvancedFrame.cpp:350
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:332
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:339
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:346
 #, c-format
 msgid "Exit %s"
 msgstr "%s afsluiten"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:371
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:359
+msgid "Preferences..."
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:368
 msgid "&Notices\tCtrl+Shift+N"
 msgstr "&Berichten\tCtrl+Shift+N"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:372
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:369
 msgid "Display notices"
 msgstr "Berichten weergeven"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:377
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:374
 msgid "&Projects\tCtrl+Shift+P"
 msgstr "&Projecten\tCtrl+Shift+P"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:378
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:375
 msgid "Display projects"
 msgstr "Projecten weergeven"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:383
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:380
 msgid "&Tasks\tCtrl+Shift+T"
 msgstr "&Werk\tCtrl+Shift+T"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:384
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:381
 msgid "Display tasks"
 msgstr "Werk weergeven"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:389
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:386
 msgid "Trans&fers\tCtrl+Shift+X"
 msgstr "Over&dracht\tCtrl+Shift+X"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:390
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:387
 msgid "Display transfers"
 msgstr "Overdracht weergeven"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:395
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:392
 msgid "&Statistics\tCtrl+Shift+S"
 msgstr "&Statistieken\tCtrl+Shift+S"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:396
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:393
 msgid "Display statistics"
 msgstr "Statistieken weergeven"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:401
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:398
 msgid "&Disk usage\tCtrl+Shift+D"
 msgstr "Schijf&gebruik\tCtrl+Shift+D"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:402
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:399
 msgid "Display disk usage"
 msgstr "Schijfgebruik weergeven"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:409
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:406
 msgid "Simple &View...\tCtrl+Shift+V"
 msgstr "Een&voudige weergave...\tCtrl+Shift+V"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:410
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:407
 msgid "Display the simple graphical interface."
 msgstr "Overschakelen naar de eenvoudige BOINC weergave."
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:424
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:421
 msgid "&Add project or account manager..."
 msgstr "&Project of account manager toevoegen..."
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:425 sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:76
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:422
 msgid "Volunteer for any or all of 30+ projects in many areas of science"
 msgstr "Doe mee met één of meerdere verschillende wetenschappelijke projecten"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:429
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:426
 #, c-format
 msgid "&Synchronize with %s"
 msgstr "%s Bijwerken"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:433
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:430
 #, c-format
 msgid "Get current settings from %s"
 msgstr "Haal de huidige instellingen op van %s"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:443
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:440
 msgid "&Add project..."
 msgstr "Project toevoegen..."
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:444
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:441
 msgid "Add a project"
 msgstr "Een project toevoegen"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:447
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:444
 #, c-format
 msgid "S&top using %s..."
 msgstr "&Stop gebruik van %s..."
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:453
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:450
 msgid "Remove this computer from account manager control."
 msgstr "Stopt het beheer van deze computer m.b.v. een accountmanager."
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:458 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:178
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:455
 msgid "&Options..."
 msgstr "&Opties..."
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:459 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:179
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:456
 msgid "Configure display options and proxy settings"
 msgstr "Configureer weergave opties en proxy instellingen"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:463 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:172
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:460
 msgid "Computing &preferences..."
 msgstr "Verwerkings voorkeuren..."
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:464 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:173
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:461
 msgid "Configure computing preferences"
 msgstr "Configureer de verwerkings voorkeuren"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:472
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:469
 msgid "&Run always"
 msgstr "We&rk altijd actief"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:473
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:470
 msgid "Allow work regardless of preferences"
 msgstr "Werk actief ongeacht de persoonlijke voorkeuren"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:477
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:474
 msgid "Run based on &preferences"
 msgstr "Werk actief o&p basis van voorkeuren"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:478
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:475
 msgid "Allow work according to preferences"
 msgstr "Werk actief op basis van de persoonlijke voorkeuren"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:482
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:479
 msgid "&Suspend"
 msgstr "Werk onderbreken"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:483
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:480
 msgid "Stop work regardless of preferences"
 msgstr "Stop al het werk ongeacht de persoonlijke voorkeuren"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:508
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:505
 msgid "Use GPU always"
 msgstr "GPU altijd gebruiken"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:509
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:506
 msgid "Allow GPU work regardless of preferences"
 msgstr "GPU actief ongeacht de persoonlijke voorkeuren"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:513
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:510
 msgid "Use GPU based on preferences"
 msgstr "GPU actief o&p basis van voorkeuren"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:514
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:511
 msgid "Allow GPU work according to preferences"
 msgstr "GPU actief op basis van de persoonlijke voorkeuren"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:518
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:515
 msgid "Suspend GPU"
 msgstr "Onderbreek GPU"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:519
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:516
 msgid "Stop GPU work regardless of preferences"
 msgstr "GPU inactief ongeacht de persoonlijke voorkeuren"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:543
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:540
 msgid "Network activity always available"
 msgstr "&Netwerkverbinding altijd beschikbaar"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:544
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:541
 msgid "Allow network activity regardless of preferences"
 msgstr "Netwerkverbinding actief ongeacht de persoonlijke voorkeuren"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:548
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:545
 msgid "Network activity based on preferences"
 msgstr "Netwerkverbinding &op basis van voorkeuren"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:549
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:546
 msgid "Allow network activity according to preferences"
 msgstr "Netwerkverbinding actief op basis van de persoonlijke voorkeuren"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:553
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:550
 msgid "Network activity suspended"
 msgstr "Netwerkverbinding opgeschort"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:554
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:551
 msgid "Stop BOINC network activity"
 msgstr "Stop de netwerk activiteiten van BOINC"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:564
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:561
 #, c-format
 msgid "Connect to another computer running %s"
 msgstr "Maak een verbinding met een andere %s computer"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:569
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:566
 msgid "Select computer..."
 msgstr "Selecteer computer..."
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:574
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:571
 msgid "Shut down connected client..."
 msgstr "Huidige client afsluiten..."
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:575
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:572
 msgid "Shut down the currently connected client"
 msgstr "Sluit de huidig verbonden client af"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:579
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:576
 msgid "Run CPU &benchmarks"
 msgstr "CPU &benchmark starten"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:580
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:577
 msgid "Runs BOINC CPU benchmarks"
 msgstr "Voert de BOINC CPU benchmark uit"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:584
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:581
 msgid "Do network communication"
 msgstr "Opnieuw verbinden"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:585
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:582
 msgid "Do all pending network communication"
 msgstr "Werk de projecten bij, rapporteer gereed werk, etc"
 # 94%
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:589
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:586
 msgid "Read config files"
 msgstr "Configuratie inlezen"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:590
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:587
 msgid "Read configuration info from cc_config.xml and any app_config.xml files"
 msgstr ""
 "Configuratie inlezen vanuit de cc_config.xml en app_config.xml bestanden"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:594
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:591
 msgid "Read local prefs file"
 msgstr "Lokale voorkeur inlezen"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:595
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:592
 msgid "Read preferences from global_prefs_override.xml."
 msgstr "Lokale voorkeur inlezen vanuit global_prefs_override.xml."
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:600
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:597
 #, c-format
 msgid "Launch another instance of %s..."
 msgstr "Start nog een sessie van %s..."
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:604
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:601
 #, c-format
 msgid "Launch another %s"
 msgstr "Een extra %s opstarten"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:614
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:611
 msgid "Event Log...\tCtrl+Shift+E"
 msgstr "Logboek...\tCtrl+Shift+E"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:615
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:612
 msgid "Display diagnostic messages."
 msgstr "Diagnostische berichten van de cliënt weergeven."
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:625 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:188
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:616
+msgid "Event Log Diagnostic Flags...\tCtrl+Shift+F"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:617
+msgid "Enable or disable various diagnostic messages"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:626
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s &help"
 msgstr "%s &help"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:631 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:194
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:632
 #, c-format
 msgid "Show information about %s"
 msgstr "Bekijk informatie over het gebruik van de %s"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:643
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:644
 #, c-format
 msgid "&%s help"
 msgstr "&%s help"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:649 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:212
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:650
 #, c-format
 msgid "Show information about the %s"
 msgstr "Bekijk informatie over het gebruik van de %s"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:661 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:224
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:662
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s &web site"
 msgstr "%s &website"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:667 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:230
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:668
 #, c-format
 msgid "Show information about BOINC and %s"
 msgstr "Bekijk informatie over BOINC en de %s"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:679 BOINCTaskBar.cpp:530 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:242
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:680
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:544
 #, c-format
 msgid "&About %s..."
 msgstr "Over de %s..."
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:685 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:248
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:686
 msgid "Licensing and copyright information."
 msgstr "Informatie inzake licentieverlening en auteursrecht."
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:692 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:255
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:693
 msgid "&File"
 msgstr "&Bestand"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:696 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:259
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:697
 msgid "&View"
 msgstr "&Weergave"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:700 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:263
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:701
 msgid "&Tools"
 msgstr "&Projectbeheer"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:704
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:705
 msgid "&Activity"
 msgstr "P&restaties"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:708
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:709
 msgid "A&dvanced"
 msgstr "&Geavanceerd"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:712 DlgEventLog.cpp:334 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:267
-#: wizardex.cpp:374 wizardex.cpp:381
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:713
 msgid "&Help"
 msgstr "&Help"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:1199
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1185
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - Stop using %s"
 msgstr "%s - Stop het gebruik van %s"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:1204
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1190
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "If you stop using %s,\n"
@@ -558,12 +580,12 @@ msgstr ""
 "Wil je %s verwijderen?"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:1401
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1397
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - Shut down the current client..."
 msgstr "%s - De huidige client afsluiten..."
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:1410
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1406
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "%s will shut down the current client\n"
@@ -572,36 +594,36 @@ msgstr ""
 "%s gaat de huidige client afsluiten en je vragen\n"
 "naar een 'host' om een andere verbinding te maken."
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:1738 DlgAbout.cpp:119
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1806
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s"
 msgstr "%s"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:1747
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1815
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s has successfully added %s"
 msgstr "%s heeft met succes %s toegevoegd"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:1886
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1953
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - (%s)"
 msgstr "%s - (%s)"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:1890
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1957
 #, c-format
 msgid "Connecting to %s"
 msgstr "Bezig te verbinden met %s"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:1893
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1960
 #, c-format
 msgid "Connected to %s (%s)"
 msgstr "Verbonden met %s (%s)"
-#: AlreadyExistsPage.cpp:184
+#: clientgui/AlreadyExistsPage.cpp:184
 msgid "Username already in use"
 msgstr "Gebruikersnaam reeds in gebruik"
-#: AlreadyExistsPage.cpp:187
+#: clientgui/AlreadyExistsPage.cpp:187
 msgid ""
 "An account with that username already exists and has a\n"
 "different password than the one you entered.\n"
@@ -613,11 +635,11 @@ msgstr ""
 "Bezoek a.u.b. de website van het project en volg de instructies."
-#: AlreadyExistsPage.cpp:191
+#: clientgui/AlreadyExistsPage.cpp:191
 msgid "Email address already in use"
 msgstr "Email adres reeds in gebruik"
-#: AlreadyExistsPage.cpp:194
+#: clientgui/AlreadyExistsPage.cpp:194
 msgid ""
 "An account with that email address already exists and has a\n"
 "different password than the one you entered.\n"
@@ -629,44 +651,43 @@ msgstr ""
 "Bezoek a.u.b. de website van het project en volg de instructies."
-#: AsyncRPC.cpp:1031
+#: clientgui/AsyncRPC.cpp:1031
 msgid "Communicating with BOINC client.  Please wait ..."
 msgstr "Aan het communiceren met de BOINC client.  Even geduld ..."
-#: AsyncRPC.cpp:1034
+#: clientgui/AsyncRPC.cpp:1034
 #, c-format
 msgid "&Quit %s"
 msgstr "%s &Sluiten"
-#: AsyncRPC.cpp:1036
+#: clientgui/AsyncRPC.cpp:1036
 #, c-format
 msgid "E&xit %s"
 msgstr "%s &Afsluiten"
-#: AsyncRPC.cpp:1040
+#: clientgui/AsyncRPC.cpp:1040
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - Communication"
 msgstr "%s - Communicatie"
-#: AsyncRPC.cpp:1056 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:107 sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:438
+#: clientgui/AsyncRPC.cpp:1056
 msgid "Cancel"
 msgstr "Annuleren"
-#: BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:505
+#: clientgui/BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:504
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - Connection Error"
 msgstr "%s - Verbindings Fout"
-#: BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:514
+#: clientgui/BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:513
 msgid ""
 "You currently are not authorized to manage the client.\n"
-"Please contact your administrator to add you to the 'boinc_users' local user "
+"Please contact your administrator to add you to the 'boinc_users' local user group."
 msgstr ""
 "Je hebt momenteel niet de benodigde rechten om de client te kunnen\n"
 "onderhouden. Neem contact op met de systeembeheerder."
-#: BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:523
+#: clientgui/BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:522
 msgid ""
 "Authorization failed connecting to running client.\n"
 "Make sure you start this program in the same directory as the client."
@@ -674,20 +695,20 @@ msgstr ""
 "Er is een fout ontstaan tijdens het verbinden met de client.\n"
 "Controleer of het programma en de client in de zelfde map zitten."
-#: BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:525
+#: clientgui/BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:524
 msgid "Authorization failed connecting to running client."
 msgstr "Autorisatie mislukt tijdens het verbinden met de client."
-#: BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:533
+#: clientgui/BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:532
 msgid "The password you have provided is incorrect, please try again."
 msgstr "Het ingevulde wachtwoord in niet correct, probeer het a.u.b. opnieuw."
-#: BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:577
+#: clientgui/BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:576
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - Connection Failed"
 msgstr "%s - Verbinding Mislukt"
-#: BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:586
+#: clientgui/BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:585
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "%s is not able to connect to a %s client.\n"
@@ -696,22 +717,21 @@ msgstr ""
 "%s kan geen verbinding maken met een\n"
 "%s client. Wil je het opnieuw proberen?"
-#: BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:622
+#: clientgui/BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:621
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - Daemon Start Failed"
 msgstr "%s - Opstarten Deamon Mislukt"
-#: BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:632
+#: clientgui/BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:631
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "%s is not able to start a %s client.\n"
-"Please launch the Control Panel->Administative Tools->Services applet and "
-"start the BOINC service."
+"Please launch the Control Panel->Administative Tools->Services applet and start the BOINC service."
 msgstr ""
 "%s kan de %s client niet opstarten.Ga a.u.b. naar het Configuratiescherm "
 "->Systeembeheer->Services en start hier de BOINC service."
-#: BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:638
+#: clientgui/BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:637
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "%s is not able to start a %s client.\n"
@@ -720,17 +740,16 @@ msgstr ""
 "%s kan de %s client niet opstarten.Herstart a.u.b. de deamon om opnieuw te "
-#: BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:689
+#: clientgui/BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:688
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - Connection Status"
 msgstr "%s - Verbindings Status"
-#: BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:700
+#: clientgui/BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:699
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "%s is not currently connected to a %s client.\n"
-"Please use the 'Advanced\\Select Computer...' menu option to connect up to a "
-"%s client.\n"
+"Please use the 'Advanced\\Select Computer...' menu option to connect up to a %s client.\n"
 "To connect up to your local computer please use 'localhost' as the host name."
 msgstr ""
 "%s heeft momenteel geen %s client verbinding.\n"
@@ -738,16 +757,16 @@ msgstr ""
 "met een %s client te maken. Vul hier 'localhost' in als host naam."
-#: BOINCBaseView.cpp:779
+#: clientgui/BOINCBaseView.cpp:752
 msgid "Project web pages"
 msgstr "Project websites"
-#: BOINCClientManager.cpp:575
+#: clientgui/BOINCClientManager.cpp:573
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - Unexpected Exit"
 msgstr "%s - Onverwachte Afsluiting"
-#: BOINCClientManager.cpp:585
+#: clientgui/BOINCClientManager.cpp:583
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "The %s client has exited unexpectedly 3 times within the last %d minutes.\n"
@@ -757,12 +776,12 @@ msgstr ""
 "Wil je deze opnieuw opstarten?"
-#: BOINCDialupManager.cpp:61
+#: clientgui/BOINCDialupManager.cpp:61
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - Network Status"
 msgstr "%s - Netwerk Status"
-#: BOINCDialupManager.cpp:241
+#: clientgui/BOINCDialupManager.cpp:241
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "%s needs to connect to the Internet.\n"
@@ -771,22 +790,22 @@ msgstr ""
 "%s heeft een verbinding met het internet\n"
 "nodig, mag dit nu?"
-#: BOINCDialupManager.cpp:254
+#: clientgui/BOINCDialupManager.cpp:254
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s is connecting to the Internet."
 msgstr "%s is bezig met verbinden."
-#: BOINCDialupManager.cpp:303
+#: clientgui/BOINCDialupManager.cpp:303
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s has successfully connected to the Internet."
 msgstr "%s heeft een internet verbinding gemaakt."
-#: BOINCDialupManager.cpp:331
+#: clientgui/BOINCDialupManager.cpp:331
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s failed to connect to the Internet."
 msgstr "%s kon geen internet verbinding maken."
-#: BOINCDialupManager.cpp:372
+#: clientgui/BOINCDialupManager.cpp:372
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "%s has detected it is now connected to the Internet.\n"
@@ -795,17 +814,17 @@ msgstr ""
 "%s heeft de internet verbinding gedetecteerd en probeert\n"
 "alle projecten bij te werken."
-#: BOINCDialupManager.cpp:417
+#: clientgui/BOINCDialupManager.cpp:417
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s has successfully disconnected from the Internet."
 msgstr "%s heeft de internet verbinding verbroken."
-#: BOINCDialupManager.cpp:433
+#: clientgui/BOINCDialupManager.cpp:433
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s failed to disconnected from the Internet."
 msgstr "%s kon de internet verbinding niet verbreken."
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:339
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:595
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "You currently are not authorized to manage the client.\n"
@@ -826,7 +845,7 @@ msgstr ""
 "  - neem contact op met de beheerder om je aan de 'boinc_master'\n"
 "     gebruikersgroep toe te voegen."
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:345
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:601
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "%s ownership or permissions are not set properly; please reinstall %s.\n"
@@ -836,16 +855,15 @@ msgstr ""
 "(Foutcode: %d"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:351
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:607
 msgid " at "
 msgstr " op "
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:354 MainDocument.cpp:2484 MainDocument.cpp:2534
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2554 ViewTransfers.cpp:803
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:610
 msgid ")"
 msgstr ")"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:384
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:640
 msgid ""
 "A reboot is required in order for BOINC to run properly.\n"
 "Please reboot your computer and try again."
@@ -853,162 +871,164 @@ msgstr ""
 "Er is een herstart nodig om BOINC goed te kunnen uitvoeren.Herstart a.u.b. "
 "je computer om het opnieuw te proberen."
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:385 DlgAbout.cpp:153
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:641
 msgid "BOINC Manager"
 msgstr "BOINC Manager"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:568
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:902
 msgid "BOINC Manager was started by the operating system automatically"
 msgstr "BOINC Manager is automatisch opgestart door het besturingssysteem"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:570
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:904
 msgid "Startup BOINC so only the system tray icon is visible"
 msgstr "Start BOINC zodat deze alleen zichtbaar is in het systeemvak"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:572
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:906
 msgid "Directory containing the BOINC Client executable"
 msgstr "Map waar de BOINC client zich bevindt"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:573
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:907
 msgid "BOINC data directory"
 msgstr "BOINC data map"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:575
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:909
 msgid "Host name or IP address"
 msgstr "Computer naam of IP adres"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:576
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:910
 msgid "GUI RPC port number"
 msgstr "GUI RPC poortnummer"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:577
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:911
 msgid "Password"
 msgstr "Wachtwoord"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:578
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:912
 msgid "Startup BOINC with these optional arguments"
 msgstr "Start BOINC op met deze opties"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:579
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:913
 msgid "disable BOINC security users and permissions"
 msgstr "schakel de BOINC toegangs- en gebruikersrechten uit"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:580
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:914
 msgid "set skin debugging mode to enable skin manager error messages"
 msgstr ""
 "schakel de skin-debugger modus in om fout berichten mogelijk te maken van de "
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:581
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:915
 msgid "multiple instances of BOINC Manager allowed"
 msgstr "meerdere gelijktijdige sessies van BOINC-Manager mogelijk"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:583
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:917
 msgid "Not used: workaround for bug in XCode 4.2"
 msgstr "Niet gebruikt: vanwege fout in Xcode 4.2"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:801
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:1164
 msgid "(Automatic Detection)"
 msgstr "(Automatische Detectie)"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:802
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:1165
 msgid "(Unknown)"
 msgstr "(Onbekend)"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:803
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:1166
 msgid "(User Defined)"
 msgstr "(Gedefineerd door gebruiker)"
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:508
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:522
 #, c-format
 msgid "Open %s Web..."
 msgstr "Open de %s Pagina..."
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:515
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:529
 #, c-format
 msgid "Open %s..."
 msgstr "Open de %s..."
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:522 BOINCTaskBar.cpp:619 BOINCTaskBar.cpp:627
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:536
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:633
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:641
 msgid "Snooze"
 msgstr "Sluimer"
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:524 BOINCTaskBar.cpp:646 BOINCTaskBar.cpp:654
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:538
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:660
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:668
 msgid "Snooze GPU"
 msgstr "Sluimer GPU"
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:542
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:556
 msgid "E&xit"
 msgstr "Afsluiten"
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:612 ViewProjects.cpp:718 ViewWork.cpp:795
-#: sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:758 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:110
-#: sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:102
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:626
 msgid "Resume"
 msgstr "Hervatten"
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:639
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:653
 msgid "Resume GPU"
 msgstr "GPU hervatten"
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:713
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:727
 msgid "Computing is enabled"
 msgstr "Werk mag uitgevoerd worden"
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:717
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:731
 msgid "Computing is suspended - "
 msgstr "Werk is momenteel opgeschort - "
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:727
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:741
 msgid "GPU computing is enabled"
 msgstr "GPU werk mag uitgevoerd worden"
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:730
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:744
 msgid "GPU computing is suspended - "
 msgstr "GPU werk is momenteel opgeschort - "
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:739
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:753
 msgid "Network is enabled"
 msgstr "Netwerk is actief"
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:742
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:756
 msgid "Network is suspended - "
 msgstr "Netwerkverbinding opgeschort - "
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:750
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:764
 msgid "Reconnecting to client."
 msgstr "Client wordt verbonden."
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:752
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:766
 msgid "Not connected to a client."
 msgstr "Niet verbonden met een client."
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:805
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:819
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s Notices"
 msgstr "%s Berichten"
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:811
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:825
 msgid "There are new notices - click to view."
 msgstr "Er zijn nieuwe berichten - klik om ze te bekijken."
-#: CompletionErrorPage.cpp:199
+#: clientgui/CompletionErrorPage.cpp:199
 msgid "Failed to add project"
 msgstr "Project toevoegen mislukt"
-#: CompletionErrorPage.cpp:204
+#: clientgui/CompletionErrorPage.cpp:204
 msgid "Failed to update account manager"
 msgstr "Account manager bijwerken mislukt"
-#: CompletionErrorPage.cpp:208
+#: clientgui/CompletionErrorPage.cpp:208
 msgid "Failed to remove account manager"
 msgstr "Account manager verwijderen mislukt"
-#: CompletionErrorPage.cpp:212
+#: clientgui/CompletionErrorPage.cpp:212
 msgid "Failed to add account manager"
 msgstr "Account manager bijwerken mislukt"
-#: CompletionErrorPage.cpp:221
+#: clientgui/CompletionErrorPage.cpp:221
 msgid ""
 "Please try again later.\n"
@@ -1018,24 +1038,26 @@ msgstr ""
 "Klik op Voltooien om af te sluiten."
-#: CompletionErrorPage.cpp:225 CompletionPage.cpp:222 CompletionPage.cpp:242
-#: CompletionPage.cpp:273
+#: clientgui/CompletionErrorPage.cpp:225
+#: clientgui/CompletionPage.cpp:222
+#: clientgui/CompletionPage.cpp:242
+#: clientgui/CompletionPage.cpp:273
 msgid "Click Finish to close."
 msgstr "Klik op Voltooien om af te sluiten."
-#: CompletionErrorPage.cpp:234
+#: clientgui/CompletionErrorPage.cpp:234
 msgid "Messages from server:"
 msgstr "Berichten van server:"
-#: CompletionPage.cpp:207
+#: clientgui/CompletionPage.cpp:207
 msgid "Project added"
 msgstr "Project toegevoegd"
-#: CompletionPage.cpp:213
+#: clientgui/CompletionPage.cpp:213
 msgid "This project has been successfully added."
 msgstr "Het project is met succes toegevoegd."
-#: CompletionPage.cpp:218
+#: clientgui/CompletionPage.cpp:218
 msgid ""
 "When you click Finish, your web browser will go to a page where\n"
 "you can set your account name and preferences."
@@ -1043,122 +1065,124 @@ msgstr ""
 "Na het klikken op Voltooien, gaat je webbrowser naar de project\n"
 "pagina, om ook de instellingen hier eventueel te doen."
-#: CompletionPage.cpp:232
+#: clientgui/CompletionPage.cpp:232
 #, c-format
 msgid "Update from %s completed."
 msgstr "Bijwerken van %s voltooid."
-#: CompletionPage.cpp:236
+#: clientgui/CompletionPage.cpp:236
 msgid "Update completed."
 msgstr "Bijwerken voltooid."
-#: CompletionPage.cpp:247
+#: clientgui/CompletionPage.cpp:247
 msgid "Now using account manager"
 msgstr "Account Manager in gebruik"
-#: CompletionPage.cpp:252
+#: clientgui/CompletionPage.cpp:252
 #, c-format
 msgid "Welcome to %s!"
 msgstr "Welkom bij %s!"
-#: CompletionPage.cpp:263
+#: clientgui/CompletionPage.cpp:263
 #, c-format
 msgid "You are now using %s to manage accounts."
 msgstr "Je gebruikt nu %s om je accounts te onderhouden."
-#: CompletionPage.cpp:267
+#: clientgui/CompletionPage.cpp:267
 msgid "You are now using this account manager."
 msgstr "Je gebruikt nu deze Account Manager."
-#: DlgAbout.cpp:113 mac/Mac_GUI.cpp:96
+#: clientgui/DlgAbout.cpp:113
 #, c-format
 msgid "About %s"
 msgstr "Over %s"
-#: DlgAbout.cpp:172
+#: clientgui/DlgAbout.cpp:172
 msgid "Version:"
 msgstr "Versie:"
-#: DlgAbout.cpp:180
+#: clientgui/DlgAbout.cpp:180
 msgid "wxWidgets Version:"
 msgstr "wxWidgets Versie:"
-#: DlgAbout.cpp:188
+#: clientgui/DlgAbout.cpp:188
 msgid "Copyright:"
 msgstr "Copyright:"
-# 98%
-#: DlgAbout.cpp:192
+#: clientgui/DlgAbout.cpp:192
 msgid ""
-"(C) 2003-2013 University of California, Berkeley.\n"
+"(C) 2003-2014 University of California, Berkeley.\n"
 "All Rights Reserved."
 msgstr ""
-"(C) 2003-2011 University of California, Berkeley.\n"
-"Alle rechten voorbehouden."
-#: DlgAbout.cpp:196
+#: clientgui/DlgAbout.cpp:196
 msgid "Berkeley Open Infrastructure for Network Computing"
 msgstr "Berkeley Open Infrastructure for Network Computing"
-#: DlgAbout.cpp:208 DlgExitMessage.cpp:173 DlgGenericMessage.cpp:120
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:396 DlgSelectComputer.cpp:162
+#: clientgui/DlgAbout.cpp:208
+#: clientgui/DlgExitMessage.cpp:173
+#: clientgui/DlgGenericMessage.cpp:120
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:399
+#: clientgui/DlgSelectComputer.cpp:163
 msgid "&OK"
 msgstr "&OK"
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:544
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:602
 msgid "invalid number"
 msgstr "ongeldig nummer"
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:545
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:603
 msgid "invalid time, format is HH:MM"
 msgstr "ongeldige tijd, opbouw moet zijn UU:MM"
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:546
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:604
 msgid "invalid time interval, format is HH:MM-HH:MM"
 msgstr "ongeldige tijds interval, opbouw moet zijn UU:MM-UU:MM"
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:751
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:817
 msgid "invalid input value detected"
 msgstr "ongeldige waarde gevonden"
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:753
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:819
 msgid "Validation Error"
 msgstr "Geldigheids Fout"
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:885 DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:891
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:897
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:969
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:975
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:981
 msgid "Applications to add"
 msgstr "Toe te voegen programma"
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:914
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:998
 #, c-format
 msgid "'%s' is not an executable application."
 msgstr "'%s' is geen uitvoerbaar bestand."
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:915 DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:962
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:986
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:999
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:1046
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:1070
 msgid "Add Exclusive App"
 msgstr "Exclusief Programma Toevoegen"
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:927
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:1011
 msgid "Name of application to add?"
 msgstr "Programma naam?"
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:927
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:1011
 msgid "Add exclusive app"
 msgstr "Voeg exclusief programma toe"
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:961
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:1045
 #, c-format
 msgid "Application names must end with '%s'"
 msgstr "Programma naam moet eindigen op '%s'"
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:985
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:1069
 #, c-format
 msgid "'%s' is already in the list."
 msgstr "'%s' staat al in de lijst."
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:1077
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:1161
 msgid ""
 "Do you really want to clear all local preferences?\n"
 "(This will not affect exclusive applications.)"
@@ -1166,16 +1190,16 @@ msgstr ""
 "Weet je zeker dat je de lokale voorkeuren wilt wissen?\n"
 "(Dit heeft geen gevolgen voor de exclusieve programma's)"
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:1078 sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:1035
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:1162
 msgid "Confirmation"
 msgstr "Bevestiging"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:46 sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:951
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:49
 #, c-format
-msgid "%s - Preferences"
-msgstr "%s - Voorkeuren"
+msgid "%s - Computing preferences"
+msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:62
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:66
 msgid ""
 "This dialog controls preferences for this computer only.\n"
 "Click OK to set preferences.\n"
@@ -1185,278 +1209,289 @@ msgstr ""
 "Klik op 'OK' om ze op te slaan of op 'Wissen' om terug te gaan\n"
 "naar online instellingen (exclusieve programma's blijven intact)."
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:65 sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:433
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:69
 msgid "Clear"
 msgstr "Wissen"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:66 sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:434
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:70
 msgid "clear all local preferences and close the dialog"
 msgstr "Wis alle lokale voorkeuren en sluit het venster"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:81
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:85
 msgid "processor usage"
 msgstr "processorgebruik"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:84
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:88
 msgid "network usage"
 msgstr "netwerkgebruik"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:87
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:91
 msgid "disk and memory usage"
 msgstr "schijf- en geheugengebruik"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:90
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:94
 msgid "exclusive applications"
 msgstr "exclusieve programma's"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:102 sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:429
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:107
+#: clientgui/DlgDiagnosticLogFlags.cpp:104
 msgid "OK"
 msgstr "OK"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:103
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:108
 msgid "save all values and close the dialog"
 msgstr "sla alle waarden op en sluit het venster"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:108
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:114
 msgid "close the dialog without saving"
 msgstr "sluit het venster zonder op te slaan"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:112 Localization.cpp:35 Localization.cpp:121
-#: Localization.cpp:139 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:794 sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:444
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:118
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:35
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:121
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:139
 msgid "Help"
 msgstr "Help"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:113
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:119
 msgid "shows the preferences web page"
 msgstr "laat de voorkeuren website zien"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:135
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:141
 msgid "Computing allowed"
 msgstr "Werk mag uitgevoerd worden"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:139
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:146
 msgid "While computer is on batteries"
 msgstr "terwijl de computer op een accu werkt"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:142
-msgid ""
-"check this if you want this computer to do work while it runs on batteries"
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:149
+msgid "check this if you want this computer to do work while it runs on batteries"
 msgstr ""
 "vink dit aan als werk uitgevoerd mag worden als de computer op een accu "
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:148
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:155
 msgid "While computer is in use"
 msgstr "terwijl de computer in gebruik is"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:151
-msgid ""
-"check this if you want this computer to do work even when you're using it"
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:158
+msgid "check this if you want this computer to do work even when you're using it"
 msgstr "vink dit aan als werk uitgevoerd mag worden als de computer actief is"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:157
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:164
 msgid "Use GPU while computer is in use"
 msgstr "Gebruik de GPU terwijl de computer in gebruik is"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:160
-msgid ""
-"check this if you want your GPU to do work even when you're using the "
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:167
+msgid "check this if you want your GPU to do work even when you're using the computer"
 msgstr "vink dit aan als de GPU werk mag uitvoeren als de computer actief is"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:172
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:179
 msgid "Only after computer has been idle for"
 msgstr "Alleen als de computer inactief is na"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:182
-msgid ""
-"do work only after you haven't used the computer for this number of minutes"
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:188
+msgid "do work only after you haven't used the computer for this number of minutes"
 msgstr ""
 "alleen werk toestaan als de computer niet actief is geweest in de aangegeven "
 "aantal minuten"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:187 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:336
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:422
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:193
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:342
 msgid "minutes"
 msgstr "minuten"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:206
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:212
 msgid "While processor usage is less than"
 msgstr "Als het processor gebruik minder is dan"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:216
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:221
 msgid "suspend work if processor usage exceeds this level"
 msgstr "onderbreek het werk als het processor gebruik boven deze waarde komt"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:221
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:226
 msgid "percent (0 means no restriction)"
 msgstr "procent (geen beperking indien 0)"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:235 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:496
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:240
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:506
 msgid "Every day between hours of"
 msgstr "Elke dag tussen"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:239
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:244
 msgid "start work at this time"
 msgstr "start het werk op dit tijdstip"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:243 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:504
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:331 sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:353
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:248
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:514
 msgid "and"
 msgstr "en"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:247
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:252
 msgid "stop work at this time"
 msgstr "stop het werk op dit tijdstip"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:251 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:512
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:256
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:522
 msgid "(no restriction if equal)"
 msgstr "(geen beperkingen indien gelijk)"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:256 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:517
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:261
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:527
 msgid "Day-of-week override:"
 msgstr "Alleen op deze dag(en):"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:261 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:522
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:266
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:532
 msgid "check box to specify hours for this day of week"
 msgstr "vink aan om de tijdlimiet voor deze dag in te stellen"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:267 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:528
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:272
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:538
 msgid "Monday"
 msgstr "Maandag"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:274 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:535
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:279
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:545
 msgid "Tuesday"
 msgstr "Dinsdag"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:281 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:542
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:286
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:552
 msgid "Wednesday"
 msgstr "Woensdag"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:288 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:549
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:293
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:559
 msgid "Thursday"
 msgstr "Donderdag"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:295 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:556
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:300
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:566
 msgid "Friday"
 msgstr "Vrijdag"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:302 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:563
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:307
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:573
 msgid "Saturday"
 msgstr "Zaterdag"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:309 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:570
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:314
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:580
 msgid "Sunday"
 msgstr "Zondag"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:323
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:328
 msgid "Other options"
 msgstr "Extra opties"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:330
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:336
 msgid "Switch between applications every"
 msgstr "Schakel tussen programma's elke"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:339
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:345
 msgid "On multiprocessor systems, use at most"
 msgstr "Gebruik maximaal"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:346
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:352
 #, no-c-format
-msgid "% of the processors (0 means ignore this setting)"
-msgstr "% van de processoren (0 betekent geen beperking)"
+msgid "% of the processors (0 means no restriction)"
+msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:349 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:605
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:627 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:648
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:669 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:679
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:355
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:618
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:640
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:661
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:683
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:694
 msgid "Use at most"
 msgstr "gebruik maximaal"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:356
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:362
 #, no-c-format
-msgid "% CPU time"
-msgstr "% CPU tijd"
+msgid "% of CPU time (0 means no restriction)"
+msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:378
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:386
 msgid "General options"
 msgstr "Algemene opties"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:386
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:395
 msgid "Maximum download rate"
 msgstr "Maximale download waarde"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:392 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:401
-msgid "KBytes/sec."
-msgstr "KBytes/sec."
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:401
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:410
+msgid "KBytes/second (0 means no restriction)"
+msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:395
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:404
 msgid "Maximum upload rate"
 msgstr "Maximale upload waarde"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:406
-msgid "Transfer at most"
-msgstr "Maximale overdacht"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:412
-msgid "Mbytes"
-msgstr "Mbytes"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:415
-msgid "every"
-msgstr "elke"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:421 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:444
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:463
-msgid "days"
-msgstr "dagen"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:429
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:417
 msgid "Minimum work buffer"
 msgstr "Minimale werk buffer"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:438
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:425
 msgid "Try to maintain enough tasks to keep busy for this many days"
 msgstr ""
 "Probeer genoeg taken binnen te halen om deze hoeveelheid dagen te "
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:450
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:431
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:449
+msgid "days (maximum value: 10)"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:437
 msgid "Max additional work buffer"
 msgstr "Maximale aanvullende werk buffer"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:459
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:445
 msgid "In addition, maintain enough tasks for up to this many days"
 msgstr "In aanvulling, maximaal taken voor deze hoeveelheid dagen"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:466
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:454
+msgid "Transfer at most"
+msgstr "Maximale overdacht"
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:462
+msgid "MBytes every"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:468
+msgid "days (0 means no restriction)"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:476
 msgid "Skip image file verification"
 msgstr "Sla bestands verificatie over"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:468
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:478
 msgid "check this if your Internet provider modifies image files"
 msgstr "vink dit aan als je provider bestands indelingen aanpast"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:476
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:484
 msgid "Connect options"
 msgstr "Verbindings opties"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:478
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:487
 msgid "Confirm before connecting to internet"
 msgstr "Bevestiging bij het openen van de internet verbinding"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:480
-msgid ""
-"if checked, a confirmation dialog will be displayed before trying to connect "
-"to the Internet"
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:489
+msgid "if checked, a confirmation dialog will be displayed before trying to connect to the Internet"
 msgstr ""
 "indien aangevinkt verschijnt er een bevestigings venster voor de verbinding "
 "gemaakt wordt"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:484
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:493
 msgid "Disconnect when done"
 msgstr "Verbinding verbreken indien gereed"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:486
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:495
 msgid ""
 "if checked, BOINC hangs up when network usage is done\n"
 "(only relevant for dialup-connection)"
@@ -1464,194 +1499,219 @@ msgstr ""
 "indien aangevinkt wordt de verbinding verbroken als BOINC\n"
 "gereed is met bijwerken (van toepassing bij inbel verbinding)"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:492
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:501
 msgid "Network usage allowed"
 msgstr "Netwerk beperkingen"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:500
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:510
 msgid "network usage start hour"
 msgstr "begintijd netwerk gebruik"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:508
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:518
 msgid "network usage stop hour"
 msgstr "eindtijd netwerk gebruik"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:598 DlgItemProperties.cpp:231
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:610
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:257
 msgid "Disk usage"
 msgstr "Schijfgebruik"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:609
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:622
 msgid "the maximum disk space used by BOINC (in Gigabytes)"
 msgstr "maximaal schijfgebruik door BOINC (in Gigabytes)"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:613
-msgid "Gigabytes disk space"
-msgstr "Gigabytes schijfruimte"
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:626
+msgid "Gigabytes disk space (0 means no restriction)"
+msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:616
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:629
 msgid "Leave at least"
 msgstr "Laat minstens"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:620
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:633
 msgid "BOINC leaves at least this amount of disk space free (in Gigabytes)"
 msgstr "BOINC moet minimaal deze hoeveelheid ruimte vrij laten (in Gigabytes)"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:624
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:637
 msgid "Gigabytes disk space free"
 msgstr "Gigabytes aan schijfruimte vrij"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:631
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:644
 msgid "BOINC uses at most this percentage of total disk space"
 msgstr "BOINC mag maximaal dit percentage van de schijf gebruiken"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:636
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:649
 #, no-c-format
 msgid "% of total disk space"
 msgstr "% van totaal schijfgebuik"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:639
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:652
 msgid "Tasks checkpoint to disk at most every"
 msgstr "Controlepunt van werk op schijf opslaan elke"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:645
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:658
 msgid "seconds"
 msgstr "seconden"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:655
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:668
 #, no-c-format
 msgid "% of page file (swap space)"
 msgstr "% van virtueel geheugen"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:662
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:675
 msgid "Memory usage"
 msgstr "Geheugengebruik"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:676
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:691
 #, no-c-format
 msgid "% when computer is in use"
 msgstr "% als de computer in gebruik is"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:686
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:701
 #, no-c-format
 msgid "% when computer is idle"
 msgstr "% als de computer niet in gebruik is"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:691
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:706
 msgid "Leave applications in memory while suspended"
 msgstr "Programma's in het geheugen houden indien gepauzeerd"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:693
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:708
 msgid "if checked, suspended work units are left in memory"
 msgstr "indien aangevinkt worden programma's in het geheugen gehouden"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:713
-msgid ""
-"Suspend processor and network usage when these applications are running:"
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:728
+msgid "Suspend processor and network usage when these applications are running:"
 msgstr ""
 "Pauzeer de processor en het netwerkgebruik als de volgende programma's "
 "actief zijn:"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:722
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:738
 msgid "Add..."
 msgstr "Toevoegen..."
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:723
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:739
 msgid "Add an application to this list"
 msgstr "Voeg een programma toe aan de lijst"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:728 ViewProjects.cpp:202
-#: sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:85
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:744
 msgid "Remove"
 msgstr "Verwijderen"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:729
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:745
 msgid "Remove an application from this list"
 msgstr "Verwijder een programma van de lijst"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:738
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:754
 msgid "For advanced options, refer to "
 msgstr "Voor geavanceerde opties, raadpleeg het "
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:221
+#: clientgui/DlgDiagnosticLogFlags.cpp:65
+#, c-format
+msgid "%s Diagnostic Log Flags"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/DlgDiagnosticLogFlags.cpp:83
+msgid "These flags enable various types of diagnostic messages in the Event Log."
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/DlgDiagnosticLogFlags.cpp:105
+msgid "Save all values and close the dialog"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/DlgDiagnosticLogFlags.cpp:108
+msgid "Defaults"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/DlgDiagnosticLogFlags.cpp:109
+msgid "Restore default settings"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/DlgDiagnosticLogFlags.cpp:113
+msgid "Close the dialog without saving"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:226
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - Event Log"
 msgstr "%s - Gebeurtenissen Logboek"
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:234 ViewMessages.cpp:117 ViewProjects.cpp:219
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:435 ViewStatistics.cpp:2009 ViewTransfers.cpp:182
-#: ViewWork.cpp:232
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:236
 msgid "Project"
 msgstr "Project"
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:235 ViewMessages.cpp:118
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:237
 msgid "Time"
 msgstr "Tijd"
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:236 ViewMessages.cpp:119
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:238
 msgid "Message"
 msgstr "Bericht"
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:292 DlgEventLog.cpp:356
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:300
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:364
 msgid "&Show only this project"
 msgstr "Alleen dit project laten zien"
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:296
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:304
 msgid "Copy &All"
 msgstr "&Alles kopiëren"
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:298 DlgEventLog.cpp:302 ViewMessages.cpp:89
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:306
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:310
 msgid "Copy all the messages to the clipboard."
 msgstr "Alle berichten kopiëren naar het klembord."
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:307
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:315
 msgid "Copy &Selected"
 msgstr "&Selectie kopiëren"
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:310 DlgEventLog.cpp:318 ViewMessages.cpp:97
-msgid ""
-"Copy the selected messages to the clipboard. You can select multiple "
-"messages by holding down the shift or command key while clicking on messages."
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:318
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:326
+msgid "Copy the selected messages to the clipboard. You can select multiple messages by holding down the shift or command key while clicking on messages."
 msgstr ""
 "De geselecteerde berichten naar het klembord kopiëren. Je kan meerdere "
 "berichten selecteren door met behulp van de Shift of Command toets op de "
 "bestanden te klikken."
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:312 DlgEventLog.cpp:320 ViewMessages.cpp:99
-msgid ""
-"Copy the selected messages to the clipboard. You can select multiple "
-"messages by holding down the shift or control key while clicking on messages."
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:320
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:328
+msgid "Copy the selected messages to the clipboard. You can select multiple messages by holding down the shift or control key while clicking on messages."
 msgstr ""
 "De geselecteerde berichten naar het klembord kopiëren. Je kan meerdere "
 "berichten selecteren door met behulp van de Shift of Ctrl toets op de "
 "bestanden te klikken."
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:327 DlgItemProperties.cpp:67
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:335
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:67
 msgid "&Close"
 msgstr "Sluiten"
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:336 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:798 sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:447
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:344
 #, c-format
 msgid "Get help with %s"
 msgstr "Hulp krijgen bij %s"
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:350
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:358
 msgid "Show all &messages"
 msgstr "Toon alle berichten"
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:351 DlgEventLog.cpp:353
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:359
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:361
 msgid "Show messages for all projects"
 msgstr "Laat berichten zien van alle projecten"
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:357 DlgEventLog.cpp:359
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:365
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:367
 msgid "Show only the messages for the selected project"
 msgstr "Laat alleen berichten zien van het geselecteerde project"
-#: DlgExitMessage.cpp:82
+#: clientgui/DlgExitMessage.cpp:82
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - Exit Confirmation"
 msgstr "%s - Afsluit Bevestiging"
-#: DlgExitMessage.cpp:130
+#: clientgui/DlgExitMessage.cpp:130
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "You have requested to exit the %s,\n"
@@ -1668,7 +1728,7 @@ msgstr ""
 "Als je ook de lopende taken wilt stoppen,\n"
 "kies dan één van de volgende opties:"
-#: DlgExitMessage.cpp:135
+#: clientgui/DlgExitMessage.cpp:135
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "This will shut down %s and its tasks until either the\n"
@@ -1685,394 +1745,420 @@ msgstr ""
 "te sluiten. Op deze manier blijft %s actief en kan het werk\n"
 "worden voort gezet op basis van de opgegeven voorkeuren."
-#: DlgExitMessage.cpp:153
+#: clientgui/DlgExitMessage.cpp:153
 #, c-format
 msgid "Stop running tasks when exiting the %s"
 msgstr "Stop de actieve taken bij het afsluiten van de %s"
-#: DlgExitMessage.cpp:165
+#: clientgui/DlgExitMessage.cpp:165
 msgid "Remember this decision and do not show this dialog."
 msgstr "Onthoud deze keuze en laat dit venster niet meer zien."
-#: DlgExitMessage.cpp:178 DlgGenericMessage.cpp:125 DlgOptions.cpp:401
-#: DlgSelectComputer.cpp:167 wizardex.cpp:378
+#: clientgui/DlgExitMessage.cpp:178
+#: clientgui/DlgGenericMessage.cpp:125
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:404
+#: clientgui/DlgSelectComputer.cpp:168
 msgid "&Cancel"
 msgstr "&Annuleren"
-#: DlgGenericMessage.cpp:112
+#: clientgui/DlgGenericMessage.cpp:112
 msgid "Don't show this dialog again."
 msgstr "Laat dit venster niet meer zien."
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:168 DlgItemProperties.cpp:171
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:174 DlgItemProperties.cpp:177
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:194
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:197
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:200
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:203
 msgid "Don't fetch tasks for "
 msgstr "Download geen taken voor "
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:168
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:194
 msgid "Project preference"
 msgstr "Project voorkeuren"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:171
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:197
 msgid "Account manager preference"
 msgstr "Accountmanager voorkeuren"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:174
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:200
 msgid "Project has no apps for "
 msgstr "Projectapplicaties niet beschikbaar voor "
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:177
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:203
 msgid "Client configuration excludes "
 msgstr "Clientspecifieke configuratie omvat geen "
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:181
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:207
 msgid " work fetch deferred for"
 msgstr " werkverzoek uitgesteld voor"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:182
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:208
 msgid " work fetch deferral interval"
 msgstr " werkverzoek interval"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:213
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:239
 msgid "Properties of project "
 msgstr "Project eigenschappen van "
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:217 DlgOptions.cpp:218
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:243
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:221
 msgid "General"
 msgstr "Algemeen"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:218
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:244
 msgid "Master URL"
 msgstr "URL"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:219
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:245
 msgid "User name"
 msgstr "Gebruikersnaam"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:220
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:246
 msgid "Team name"
 msgstr "Team naam"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:221 ViewProjects.cpp:224
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:247
 msgid "Resource share"
 msgstr "Gedeelde bronnen"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:223
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:249
 msgid "Scheduler RPC deferred for"
 msgstr "Taakverdeling uitgesteld voor"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:226
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:252
 msgid "File downloads deferred for"
 msgstr "Bestand downloaden uitgesteld voor"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:229
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:255
 msgid "File uploads deferred for"
 msgstr "Bestand uploaden uitgesteld voor"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:232
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:258
 msgid "Computer ID"
 msgstr "Computer ID"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:234
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:260
 msgid "Non CPU intensive"
 msgstr "Niet CPU intensief"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:234 DlgItemProperties.cpp:236
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:237 DlgItemProperties.cpp:239
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:242 DlgItemProperties.cpp:251
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:254 DlgItemProperties.cpp:257
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:260
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:262
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:263
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:265
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:268
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:277
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:280
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:283
 msgid "yes"
 msgstr "Ja"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:236
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:262
 msgid "Suspended via GUI"
 msgstr "Opgeschort via GUI"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:236 DlgItemProperties.cpp:237
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:262
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:263
 msgid "no"
 msgstr "Nee"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:237
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:263
 msgid "Don't request more work"
 msgstr "Niet om nieuw werk vragen"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:239
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:265
 msgid "Scheduler call in progress"
 msgstr "Bijwerk verzoek wordt uitgevoerd"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:242
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:268
 msgid "Trickle-up pending"
 msgstr "Trickle-up in behandeling"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:245 DlgItemProperties.cpp:247
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:271
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:273
 msgid "Host location"
 msgstr "Locatie hostcomputer"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:247
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:273
 msgid "default"
 msgstr "standaardwaarde"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:251
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:277
 msgid "Added via account manager"
 msgstr "Toegevoegd d.m.v. account manager"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:254
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:280
 msgid "Remove when tasks done"
 msgstr "Verwijderen als werk gereed is"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:257
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:283
 msgid "Ended"
 msgstr "Beeindigd"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:259
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:285
+msgid "Tasks completed"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:286
+msgid "Tasks failed"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:288
 msgid "Credit"
 msgstr "Punten"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:260
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:289
 msgid "User"
 msgstr "Gebruiker"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:267
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:296
 msgid "Host"
 msgstr "Host"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:276
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:305
 msgid "Scheduling"
 msgstr "Taakverdeling"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:277
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:306
 msgid "Scheduling priority"
 msgstr "Prioriteit voor taakverdeling"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:278
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:307
 msgid "CPU"
 msgstr "CPU"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:302
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:331
 msgid "Duration correction factor"
 msgstr "Factor voor tijdscorrectie"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:316
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:345
 msgid "Properties of task "
 msgstr "Eigenschappen van taak "
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:328 ViewWork.cpp:238
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:357
 msgid "Application"
 msgstr "Programma"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:329
-msgid "Workunit name"
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:358
+msgid "Name"
 msgstr "Bestandsnaam"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:330
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:359
 msgid "State"
 msgstr "Status"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:333
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:362
 msgid "Received"
 msgstr "Ontvangen"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:336
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:365
 msgid "Report deadline"
 msgstr "Rapporteren voor"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:338
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:367
 msgid "Resources"
 msgstr "Bronnen"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:341
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:370
 msgid "Estimated computation size"
 msgstr "Geschatte berekenings-grootte"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:344
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:373
 msgid "CPU time at last checkpoint"
 msgstr "Processortijd tijdens laatste checkpoint"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:345 DlgItemProperties.cpp:360
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:374
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:389
 msgid "CPU time"
 msgstr "Processor tijd"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:347 DlgItemProperties.cpp:361
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:376
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:390
 msgid "Elapsed time"
 msgstr "Verstreken tijd"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:349
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:378
 msgid "Estimated time remaining"
 msgstr "Geschatte resterende tijd"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:350
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:379
 msgid "Fraction done"
 msgstr "Voortgang"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:351
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:380
 msgid "Virtual memory size"
 msgstr "Grootte virtueel geheugen"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:352
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:381
 msgid "Working set size"
 msgstr "Grootte van taak"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:354
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:383
 msgid "Directory"
 msgstr "Map"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:357
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:386
 msgid "Process ID"
 msgstr "Proces ID"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:431 ViewWork.cpp:1032 sg_TaskPanel.cpp:823
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:456
 msgid "Local: "
 msgstr "Lokaal: "
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:129 DlgOptions.cpp:135
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:129
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:135
 msgid "Options"
 msgstr "Opties"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:175
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:178
 msgid "Language:"
 msgstr "Taal:"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:182
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:185
 msgid "What language should BOINC use?"
 msgstr "Welke taal moet BOINC gebruiken?"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:186
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:189
 msgid "Notice reminder interval:"
 msgstr "Notificatie-interval:"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:193
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:196
 msgid "How often should BOINC remind you of new notices?"
 msgstr "Hoe vaak moet BOINC je herinneren aan nieuwe berichten?"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:198
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:201
 msgid "Run Manager at login?"
 msgstr "Manager starten bij inloggen?"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:204
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:207
 msgid "Run the BOINC Manager when you log on."
 msgstr "De BOINC manager opstarten bij het inloggen."
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:209
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:212
 msgid "Enable Manager exit dialog?"
 msgstr "Afsluitbevestiging weergeven?"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:215
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:218
 msgid "Display the exit dialog when shutting down the Manager."
 msgstr "Laat de afsluitbevestiging zien bij het afsluiten van de manager."
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:226
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:229
 msgid "Dial-up and Virtual Private Network settings"
 msgstr "Inbel en VPN (Virtual Private Network) instellingen"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:240
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:243
 msgid "&Set Default"
 msgstr "&Stel in als Standaard"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:245
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:248
 msgid "&Clear Default"
 msgstr "Verwijder Standaard Instelling"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:252
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:255
 msgid "Default Connection:"
 msgstr "Standaard Verbinding:"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:259
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:262
 msgid "Connections"
 msgstr "Verbindingen"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:268
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:271
 msgid "Connect via HTTP proxy server"
 msgstr "Verbind via HTTP proxy server"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:272
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:275
 msgid "HTTP Proxy Server Configuration"
 msgstr "HTTP Proxy Server Configuratie"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:280 DlgOptions.cpp:344
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:283
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:347
 msgid "Address:"
 msgstr "IP adres:"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:288 DlgOptions.cpp:352 ProxyPage.cpp:340 ProxyPage.cpp:360
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:291
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:355
 msgid "Port:"
 msgstr "Poort:"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:296 DlgOptions.cpp:360
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:299
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:363
 msgid "Don't use proxy for:"
 msgstr "Geen proxy gebruiken voor:"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:303 DlgOptions.cpp:367
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:306
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:370
 msgid "Leave these blank if not needed"
 msgstr "Laat dit gedeelte leeg indien niet vereist"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:309 DlgOptions.cpp:373 ProxyPage.cpp:343 ProxyPage.cpp:363
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:312
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:376
 msgid "User Name:"
 msgstr "Gebruikersnaam:"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:317 DlgOptions.cpp:381 DlgSelectComputer.cpp:151
-#: ProxyPage.cpp:346 ProxyPage.cpp:366
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:320
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:384
+#: clientgui/DlgSelectComputer.cpp:152
 msgid "Password:"
 msgstr "Wachtwoord:"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:324
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:327
 msgid "HTTP Proxy"
 msgstr "HTTP Proxy"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:332
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:335
 msgid "Connect via SOCKS proxy server"
 msgstr "Verbind via SOCKS proxy server"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:336
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:339
 msgid "SOCKS Proxy Server Configuration"
 msgstr "SOCKS Proxy Server Configuratie"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:388
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:391
 msgid "SOCKS Proxy"
 msgstr "SOCKS Proxy"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:586
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:589
 msgid "always"
 msgstr "altijd"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:587
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:590
 msgid "1 hour"
 msgstr "1 uur"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:588
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:591
 msgid "6 hours"
 msgstr "6 uur"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:589
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:592
 msgid "1 day"
 msgstr "1 dag"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:590
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:593
 msgid "1 week"
 msgstr "1 week"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:591
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:594
 msgid "never"
 msgstr "nooit"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:688
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:691
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - Language Selection"
 msgstr "%s - Taalselectie"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:695
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:698
 #, c-format
 #, c-format, c-format
-msgid ""
-"The %s's language has been changed.  In order for this change to take "
-"effect, you must restart the %s."
+msgid "The %s's language has been changed.  In order for this change to take effect, you must restart the %s."
 msgstr ""
 "De standaard taal van de %s is gewijzigd.  Om dit te activeren dien je de %s "
 "te herstarten."
-#: DlgSelectComputer.cpp:90
+#: clientgui/DlgSelectComputer.cpp:91
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - Select Computer"
 msgstr "%s - Selecteer computer"
-#: DlgSelectComputer.cpp:124
+#: clientgui/DlgSelectComputer.cpp:125
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "Another instance of %s is already running \n"
@@ -2081,419 +2167,421 @@ msgstr ""
 "%s wordt al een keer uitgevoerd op deze \n"
 "computer.  Kies de client die u wilt controleren."
-#: DlgSelectComputer.cpp:142
+#: clientgui/DlgSelectComputer.cpp:143
 msgid "Host name:"
 msgstr "Host naam:"
-#: Localization.cpp:31 Localization.cpp:69
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:31
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:69
 msgid "Message boards"
 msgstr "Forum"
-#: Localization.cpp:33
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:33
 msgid "Correspond with other users on the SETI at home message boards"
 msgstr "Correspondeer met andere gebruikers op het SETI at home forum"
-#: Localization.cpp:37
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:37
 msgid "Ask questions and report problems"
 msgstr "Stel vragen en rapporteer problemen"
-#: Localization.cpp:39 Localization.cpp:81 Localization.cpp:111
-#: Localization.cpp:129
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:39
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:81
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:111
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:129
 msgid "Your account"
 msgstr "Mijn account"
-#: Localization.cpp:41 Localization.cpp:87 Localization.cpp:113
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:41
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:87
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:113
 msgid "View your account information and credit totals"
 msgstr "Bekijk informatie over en het punten totaal van je eigen account"
-#: Localization.cpp:43
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:43
 msgid "Your preferences"
 msgstr "Mijn voorkeuren"
-#: Localization.cpp:45
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:45
 msgid "View and modify your SETI at home account profile and preferences"
 msgstr "Bekijk en verander je SETI at home profiel en account voorkeuren"
-#: Localization.cpp:47 Localization.cpp:89
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:47
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:89
 msgid "Your results"
 msgstr "Mijn resultaten"
-#: Localization.cpp:49 Localization.cpp:91
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:49
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:91
 msgid "View your last week (or more) of computational results and work"
 msgstr "Bekijk de behaalde resultaten van de afgelopen periode"
-#: Localization.cpp:51 Localization.cpp:93
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:51
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:93
 msgid "Your computers"
 msgstr "Mijn computer(s)"
-#: Localization.cpp:53
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:53
 msgid "View a listing of all the computers on which you are running SETI at Home"
 msgstr "Bekijk de lijst van je computer(s) die SETI at home uitvoeren"
-#: Localization.cpp:55 Localization.cpp:97
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:55
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:97
 msgid "Your team"
 msgstr "Mijn Team"
-#: Localization.cpp:57 Localization.cpp:99
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:57
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:99
 msgid "View information about your team"
 msgstr "Bekijk informatie over je eigen team"
-#: Localization.cpp:61
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:61
 msgid "Common questions"
 msgstr "Veel gestelde vragen"
-#: Localization.cpp:63
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:63
 msgid "Read the Einstein at Home Frequently Asked Question list"
 msgstr "Bekijk de Einstein at Home veel gestelde vragen lijst"
-#: Localization.cpp:65
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:65
 msgid "Screensaver info"
 msgstr "Screensaver info"
-#: Localization.cpp:67
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:67
 msgid "Read a detailed description of the Einstein at Home screensaver"
 msgstr "Bekijk de gedetailleerde beschijving over de Einstein at home screensaver"
-#: Localization.cpp:71
-msgid ""
-"Correspond with admins and other users on the Einstein at Home message boards"
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:71
+msgid "Correspond with admins and other users on the Einstein at Home message boards"
 msgstr "Correspondeer met andere gebruikers op het Einstein at home forum"
-#: Localization.cpp:73
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:73
 msgid "Einstein status"
 msgstr "Einstein status"
-#: Localization.cpp:75
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:75
 msgid "Current status of the Einstein at Home server"
 msgstr "Huidige Einstein at home server status"
-#: Localization.cpp:77
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:77
 msgid "Report problems"
 msgstr "Rapporteer problemen"
-#: Localization.cpp:79
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:79
 msgid "A link to the Einstein at Home problems and bug reports message board"
 msgstr "Bekijk het Einstein at Home forum over problemen en fout rapportages"
-#: Localization.cpp:83
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:83
 msgid "View and modify your Einstein at Home account profile and preferences"
 msgstr "Bekijk en verander je Einstein at home profiel en account voorkeuren"
-#: Localization.cpp:85
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:85
 msgid "Account summary"
 msgstr "Account samenvatting"
-#: Localization.cpp:95
-msgid ""
-"View a listing of all the computers on which you are running Einstein at Home"
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:95
+msgid "View a listing of all the computers on which you are running Einstein at Home"
 msgstr "Bekijk de lijst van je computer(s) die Einstein at home uitvoeren"
-#: Localization.cpp:101
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:101
 msgid "LIGO project"
 msgstr "LIGO project"
-#: Localization.cpp:103
-msgid ""
-"The home page of the Laser Interferometer Gravitational-wave Observatory "
-"(LIGO) project"
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:103
+msgid "The home page of the Laser Interferometer Gravitational-wave Observatory (LIGO) project"
 msgstr ""
 "Bekijk de webpagina van het 'Laser Interferometer Gravitational-wave "
 "Observatory' (LIGO) project"
-#: Localization.cpp:105
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:105
 msgid "GEO-600 project"
 msgstr "GEO-600 project"
-#: Localization.cpp:107
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:107
 msgid "The home page of the GEO-600 project"
 msgstr "Bekijk de webpagina van het GEO-600 project"
-#: Localization.cpp:115 Localization.cpp:133 ViewProjects.cpp:221
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:465
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:115
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:133
 msgid "Team"
 msgstr "Mijn Team"
-#: Localization.cpp:117
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:117
 msgid "Info about your Team"
 msgstr "Bekijk informatie over je eigen team"
-#: Localization.cpp:123
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:123
 msgid "Get help for climateprediction.net"
 msgstr "Bekijk de climateprediction.net help pagina"
-#: Localization.cpp:125
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:125
 msgid "News"
 msgstr "Nieuws"
-#: Localization.cpp:127
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:127
 msgid "climateprediction.net News"
 msgstr "Bekijk het climateprediction.net nieuws"
-#: Localization.cpp:131
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:131
 msgid "View your account information, credits, and trickles"
 msgstr ""
 "Bekijk je account informatie en de behaalde resultaten van de afgelopen "
-#: Localization.cpp:135
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:135
 msgid "Info about your team"
 msgstr "Bekijk informatie over je eigen team"
-#: Localization.cpp:141
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:141
 msgid "Search for help in our help system"
 msgstr "Bekijk onze help pagina's"
-#: Localization.cpp:143
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:143
 msgid "Global Statistics"
 msgstr "Statistieken"
-#: Localization.cpp:145
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:145
 msgid "Summary statistics for World Community Grid"
 msgstr "Statistieken van 'World Community Grid'"
-#: Localization.cpp:147
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:147
 msgid "My Grid"
 msgstr "Mijn 'Grid'"
-#: Localization.cpp:149
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:149
 msgid "Your statistics and settings"
 msgstr "Mijn statistieken en instellingen"
-#: Localization.cpp:151
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:151
 msgid "Device Profiles"
 msgstr "Mijn profielen"
-#: Localization.cpp:153
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:153
 msgid "Update your device settings"
 msgstr "Bekijk en werk je instellingen bij"
-#: Localization.cpp:155
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:155
 msgid "Research"
 msgstr "Onderzoek"
-#: Localization.cpp:157
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:157
 msgid "Learn about the projects hosted at World Community Grid"
 msgstr "Bekijk de projecten die door 'World Community Grid' ondersteund worden"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:583
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:583
 msgid "Starting client"
 msgstr "Cliënt opstarten"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:591
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:591
 msgid "Connecting to client"
 msgstr "Cliënt wordt verbonden"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:1195
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:1205
 msgid "Retrieving system state; please wait..."
 msgstr "Systeem gegevens aan het opvragen; even geduld a.u.b..."
-#: MainDocument.cpp:1816
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:1826
 msgid "Missing application"
 msgstr "Missende applicatie"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:1817
-msgid ""
-"Please download and install the CoRD application from http://cord."
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:1827
+msgid "Please download and install the CoRD application from http://cord.sourceforge.net"
 msgstr ""
 "Download en installeer a.u.b. de CoRD applicatie van "
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2432
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2442
 msgid "on batteries"
 msgstr "op accu"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2433
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2443
 msgid "computer is in use"
 msgstr "computer is in gebruik"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2434
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2444
 msgid "user request"
 msgstr "op verzoek van gebruiker"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2435
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2445
 msgid "time of day"
 msgstr "tijdstip"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2436
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2446
 msgid "CPU benchmarks in progress"
 msgstr "CPU benchmark loopt"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2437
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2447
 msgid "need disk space - check preferences"
 msgstr "schijfruimte nodig - controleer voorkeuren"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2438
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2448
 msgid "computer is not in use"
 msgstr "computer is niet in gebruik"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2439
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2449
 msgid "starting up"
 msgstr "bezig met opstarten"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2440
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2450
 msgid "an exclusive app is running"
 msgstr "een exclusieve taak loopt"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2441
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2451
 msgid "CPU is busy"
 msgstr "CPU is bezet"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2442
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2452
 msgid "network bandwidth limit exceeded"
 msgstr "bandbreedte netwerk overschreden"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2443
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2453
 msgid "requested by operating system"
 msgstr "op verzoek van het besturings-systeem"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2445
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2455
 msgid "unknown reason"
 msgstr "reden onbekend"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2467
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2477
 msgid "GPU missing, "
 msgstr "Ontbrekende GPU, "
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2474
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2484
 msgid "New"
 msgstr "Nieuw"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2478
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2488
 msgid "Download failed"
 msgstr "Downloaden mislukt"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2480
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2490
 msgid "Downloading"
 msgstr "Bezig met downloaden"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2482 MainDocument.cpp:2552
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2492
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2557
 msgid " (suspended - "
 msgstr " (opgeschort - "
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2490
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2500
 msgid "Project suspended by user"
 msgstr "Project opgeschort door gebruiker"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2492
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2502
 msgid "Task suspended by user"
 msgstr "Werk opgeschort door gebruiker"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2494
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2504
 msgid "Suspended - "
 msgstr "Opgeschort - "
 # 75%
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2500
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2510
 msgid "GPU suspended - "
 msgstr "GPU opgeschort - "
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2507
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2517
 msgid "Waiting for memory"
 msgstr "Wacht op het geheugen"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2509
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2519
 msgid "Waiting for shared memory"
 msgstr "Wacht op gedeeld geheugen"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2512
-msgid "Running, high priority"
-msgstr "Bezig met uitvoeren, hoge prioriteit"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2514
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2521
 msgid "Running"
 msgstr "Bezig met uitvoeren"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2517
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2523
 msgid " (non-CPU-intensive)"
 msgstr " (niet CPU intensief)"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2520
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2526
 msgid "Waiting to run"
 msgstr "Gepauzeerd"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2522 MainDocument.cpp:2528
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2528
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2534
 msgid "Ready to start"
 msgstr "Staat in de wacht"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2532
-msgid " (Scheduler wait: "
-msgstr " (Taakverdeling wacht: "
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2538
+msgid "Postponed: "
+msgstr ""
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2536
-msgid " (Scheduler wait)"
-msgstr " (Taakverdeling wacht)"
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2541
+msgid "Postponed"
+msgstr ""
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2540
-msgid " (Waiting for network access)"
-msgstr " (Wacht op netwerk toegang)"
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2545
+msgid "Waiting for network access"
+msgstr ""
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2544
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2549
 msgid "Computation error"
 msgstr "Berekenings fout"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2548
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2553
 msgid "Upload failed"
 msgstr "Uploaden mislukt"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2550
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2555
 msgid "Uploading"
 msgstr "Bezig met uploaden"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2561
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2566
 msgid "Aborted by user"
 msgstr "Afgebroken door gebruiker"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2564
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2569
 msgid "Aborted by project"
 msgstr "Afgebroken door project"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2567
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2572
 msgid "Aborted: not started by deadline"
 msgstr "Afgebroken: niet gestart voor deadline"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2570
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2575
 msgid "Aborted: disk limit exceeded"
 msgstr "Afgebroken: schijf limiet bereikt"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2573
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2578
 msgid "Aborted: run time limit exceeded"
 msgstr "Afgebroken: tijd limiet bereikt"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2576
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2581
 msgid "Aborted: memory limit exceeded"
 msgstr "Afgebroken: geheugen limiet bereikt"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2579
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2584
 msgid "Aborted"
 msgstr "Afgebroken"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2584
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2589
 msgid "Acknowledged"
 msgstr "Bevestigd"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2586
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2591
 msgid "Ready to report"
 msgstr "Staat klaar om te rapporteren"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2588
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2593
 #, c-format
 msgid "Error: invalid state '%d'"
 msgstr "Fout: ongeldige status '%d'"
-#: NoInternetConnectionPage.cpp:179
+#: clientgui/NoInternetConnectionPage.cpp:179
 msgid "No Internet connection"
 msgstr "Geen internet verbinding"
-#: NoInternetConnectionPage.cpp:182
+#: clientgui/NoInternetConnectionPage.cpp:182
 msgid "Please connect to the Internet and try again."
 msgstr "Maak a.u.b. een internet verbinding en probeer opnieuw."
-#: NotDetectedPage.cpp:181
+#: clientgui/NotDetectedPage.cpp:181
 msgid "Project not found"
 msgstr "Project niet gevonden"
-#: NotDetectedPage.cpp:184
+#: clientgui/NotDetectedPage.cpp:184
 msgid ""
 "The URL you supplied is not that of a BOINC-based project.\n"
@@ -2503,11 +2591,11 @@ msgstr ""
 "Controleer a.u.b. het URL en probeer opnieuw."
-#: NotDetectedPage.cpp:188
+#: clientgui/NotDetectedPage.cpp:188
 msgid "Account manager not found"
 msgstr "Account manager niet gevonden"
-#: NotDetectedPage.cpp:191
+#: clientgui/NotDetectedPage.cpp:191
 msgid ""
 "The URL you supplied is not that of a BOINC-based account\n"
@@ -2519,91 +2607,92 @@ msgstr ""
 "Controleer a.u.b. het URL en probeer opnieuw."
-#: NotFoundPage.cpp:181
+#: clientgui/NotFoundPage.cpp:181
 msgid "Login Failed."
 msgstr "Inloggen Mislukt."
-#: NotFoundPage.cpp:185
+#: clientgui/NotFoundPage.cpp:185
 msgid "Check the username and password, and try again."
 msgstr "Controleer de gebruikersnaam en het wachtwoord en probeer opnieuw."
-#: NotFoundPage.cpp:189
+#: clientgui/NotFoundPage.cpp:189
 msgid "Check the email address and password, and try again."
 msgstr "Controleer het email adres en het wachtwoord en probeer opnieuw."
-#: NoticeListCtrl.cpp:221
+#: clientgui/NoticeListCtrl.cpp:229
 msgid "more..."
 msgstr "meer..."
-#: ProjectInfoPage.cpp:477 ProjectInfoPage.cpp:778 ProjectInfoPage.cpp:782
-msgid "All"
-msgstr "Alles"
-#: ProjectInfoPage.cpp:615
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:221
 msgid "Choose a project"
 msgstr "Kies een project"
-#: ProjectInfoPage.cpp:619
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:228
 msgid "To choose a project, click its name or type its URL below."
 msgstr "Klik op de naam om een project te kiezen of vul onder het URL in."
-#: ProjectInfoPage.cpp:623
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:246
 msgid "Categories:"
 msgstr "Categorie:"
-#: ProjectInfoPage.cpp:627 sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:89
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:267
 msgid "Projects:"
 msgstr "Projecten:"
-#: ProjectInfoPage.cpp:631
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:279
 msgid "Project details"
 msgstr "Project details"
-#: ProjectInfoPage.cpp:635
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:291
 msgid "Research area:"
 msgstr "Onderzoeks-gebied:"
-#: ProjectInfoPage.cpp:639
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:302
 msgid "Organization:"
 msgstr "Organisatie:"
-#: ProjectInfoPage.cpp:643
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:313
 msgid "Web site:"
 msgstr "Website:"
-#: ProjectInfoPage.cpp:647
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:325
 msgid "Supported systems:"
 msgstr "Ondersteunde systemen:"
-#: ProjectInfoPage.cpp:651
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:363
 msgid "Project URL:"
 msgstr "Project URL:"
-#: ProjectInfoPage.cpp:826
-msgid ""
-"This project may not have work for your type of computer.  Do you want to "
-"add it anyway?"
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:499
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:754
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:758
+msgid "All"
+msgstr "Alles"
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:802
+msgid "This project may not have work for your type of computer.  Do you want to add it anyway?"
 msgstr ""
 "Dit project heeft mogelijk geen werk voor jouw type computer.  Weet je zeker "
 "dat je verder wilt gaan?"
-#: ProjectInfoPage.cpp:850
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:826
 msgid "You already added this project. Please choose a different project."
 msgstr "Je hebt dit project reeds toegevoegd. Kies a.u.b. een ander project."
-#: ProjectProcessingPage.cpp:321
+#: clientgui/ProjectProcessingPage.cpp:321
 msgid "Communicating with project."
 msgstr "Aan het communiceren met het project."
-#: ProjectProcessingPage.cpp:507
+#: clientgui/ProjectProcessingPage.cpp:510
 msgid "Required files not found on the server."
 msgstr "Benodigde bestanden niet gevonden op de server."
-#: ProjectProcessingPage.cpp:510 ProjectProcessingPage.cpp:572
+#: clientgui/ProjectProcessingPage.cpp:513
+#: clientgui/ProjectProcessingPage.cpp:586
 msgid "An internal server error has occurred."
 msgstr "Er is een server fout opgetreden."
-#: ProjectPropertiesPage.cpp:334
+#: clientgui/ProjectPropertiesPage.cpp:334
 msgid ""
 "Communicating with project\n"
 "Please wait..."
@@ -2611,11 +2700,48 @@ msgstr ""
 "Aan het communiceren met\n"
 "het project. Even geduld..."
-#: ProxyInfoPage.cpp:195
+#: clientgui/ProjectWelcomePage.cpp:251
+#, c-format
+msgid "Welcome to %s."
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ProjectWelcomePage.cpp:254
+msgid "You have volunteered to compute for this project:"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ProjectWelcomePage.cpp:255
+msgid "Name:"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ProjectWelcomePage.cpp:258
+msgid "Home:"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ProjectWelcomePage.cpp:262
+msgid "Description:"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ProjectWelcomePage.cpp:265
+msgid "URL:"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ProjectWelcomePage.cpp:268
+msgid "User:"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ProjectWelcomePage.cpp:273
+msgid "WARNING: This project is not registered with BOINC.  Make sure you trust it before continuing."
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ProjectWelcomePage.cpp:277
+msgid "To continue, click Next."
+msgstr "Klik op Volgende om verder te gaan."
+#: clientgui/ProxyInfoPage.cpp:195
 msgid "Network communication failure"
 msgstr "Netwerk communicatie fout"
-#: ProxyInfoPage.cpp:199
+#: clientgui/ProxyInfoPage.cpp:199
 msgid ""
 "The World Community Grid - BOINC software failed to communicate\n"
 "over the Internet. The most likely reasons are:\n"
@@ -2645,7 +2771,7 @@ msgstr ""
 "3) Je maakt gebruik van een proxy server.\n"
 "Klik op Volgende op om de proxy instellingen te maken."
-#: ProxyInfoPage.cpp:203
+#: clientgui/ProxyInfoPage.cpp:203
 msgid ""
 "BOINC failed to communicate on the Internet.\n"
 "The most likely reasons are:\n"
@@ -2675,1264 +2801,1373 @@ msgstr ""
 "3) Je maakt gebruik van een proxy server.\n"
 "Klik op Volgende op om de proxy instellingen te maken."
-#: ProxyPage.cpp:331
+#: clientgui/ProxyPage.cpp:331
 msgid "Proxy configuration"
 msgstr "Proxy configuratie"
-#: ProxyPage.cpp:334
+#: clientgui/ProxyPage.cpp:334
 msgid "HTTP proxy"
 msgstr "HTTP proxy"
-#: ProxyPage.cpp:337 ProxyPage.cpp:357
+#: clientgui/ProxyPage.cpp:337
+#: clientgui/ProxyPage.cpp:357
 msgid "Server:"
 msgstr "Server:"
-#: ProxyPage.cpp:350
+#: clientgui/ProxyPage.cpp:350
 msgid "Autodetect"
 msgstr "Automatisch detecteren"
-#: ProxyPage.cpp:354
+#: clientgui/ProxyPage.cpp:354
 msgid "SOCKS proxy"
 msgstr "SOCKS proxy"
-#: TermsOfUsePage.cpp:218
-msgid "Terms of Use"
-msgstr "Gebruiksovereenkomst"
+#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:167
+msgid "Advanced View...\tCtrl+Shift+A"
+msgstr "Geavanceerd...\tCtrl+Shift+A"
-#: TermsOfUsePage.cpp:222
-msgid "Please read the following terms of use:"
-msgstr "Lees a.u.b. de volgende gebruiksovereenkomst:"
+#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:168
+msgid "Display the advanced graphical interface."
+msgstr "Overschakelen naar de geavanceerde weergave."
-#: TermsOfUsePage.cpp:231
-msgid "I agree to the terms of use."
-msgstr "Ik ga akkoord met de voorwaarden."
+#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:175
+msgid "Skin"
+msgstr "Skin"
-#: TermsOfUsePage.cpp:237
-msgid "I do not agree with the terms of use."
-msgstr "Ik ga NIET akkoord met de voorwaarden."
+#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:177
+msgid "Select the appearance of the user interface."
+msgstr "Selecteer de wijze van weergave."
-#: UnavailablePage.cpp:183
-msgid "Project temporarily unavailable"
-msgstr "Project tijdelijk niet bereikbaar"
+#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:224
+#, c-format
+msgid "&%s"
+msgstr "&%s"
-#: UnavailablePage.cpp:186
-msgid ""
-"The project is temporarily unavailable.\n"
-"Please try again later."
-msgstr ""
-"Het project is tijdelijk niet bereikbaar.\n"
-"Probeer het later a.u.b. opnieuw."
+#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:405
+msgid "Default"
+msgstr "Standaardwaarde"
-#: UnavailablePage.cpp:190
-msgid "Account manager temporarily unavailable"
-msgstr "Account manager tijdelijk niet bereikbaar"
+#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:848
+msgid "Suspend"
+msgstr "Onderbreken"
-#: UnavailablePage.cpp:193
-msgid ""
-"The account manager is temporarily unavailable.\n"
-"Please try again later."
-msgstr ""
-"Account manager tijdelijk niet bereikbaar.\n"
-"Probeer het later a.u.b. opnieuw."
+#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:850
+msgid "Suspend Computing"
+msgstr "Berekeningen pauzeren"
-#: ValidateAccountKey.cpp:68
-msgid "Please specify an account key to continue."
-msgstr "Vul a.u.b. een Account Key in om verder te gaan."
+#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:851
+msgid "Resume Computing"
+msgstr "Berekeningen hervatten"
-#: ValidateAccountKey.cpp:71
-msgid "Invalid Account Key; please enter a valid Account Key"
-msgstr "Ongeldige Account Key; vul a.u.b een geldige in"
+#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:867
+msgid "Notices"
+msgstr "Berichten"
-#: ValidateAccountKey.cpp:82 ValidateEmailAddress.cpp:86
-msgid "Validation conflict"
-msgstr "Geldigheids conflict"
+#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:868
+msgid "Open a window to view notices from projects or BOINC"
+msgstr "Open een venster om berichten van BOINC projecten te bekijken"
-#: ValidateEmailAddress.cpp:72
-msgid "Please specify an email address"
-msgstr "Vul a.u.b. een email adres in"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgMessages.cpp:124
+msgid "Fetching notices; please wait..."
+msgstr "Berichten ophalen; even geduld..."
-#: ValidateEmailAddress.cpp:75
-msgid "Invalid email address; please enter a valid email address"
-msgstr "Ongeldig email adres; vul a.u.b een geldige in"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgMessages.cpp:132
+msgid "There are no notices at this time."
+msgstr "Op dit moment zijn er geen mededelingen."
-#: ValidateURL.cpp:69
-msgid "Missing URL"
-msgstr "Geen URL ingevuld"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgMessages.cpp:146
+msgid "Close"
+msgstr "Sluiten"
-#: ValidateURL.cpp:70
-msgid ""
-"Please specify a URL.\n"
-"For example:\n"
-msgstr ""
-"Vul a.u.b. een URL in.\n"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgMessages.cpp:394
+#, c-format
+msgid "%s - Notices"
+msgstr "%s - Berichten"
-#: ValidateURL.cpp:83 ValidateURL.cpp:87 ValidateURL.cpp:91
-#: ValidateURL.cpp:103 ValidateURL.cpp:107 ValidateURL.cpp:110
-msgid "Invalid URL"
-msgstr "Ongeldig URL ingevuld"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:270
+msgid "This dialog controls preferences for this computer only."
+msgstr "In dit venster kan je de voorkeuren van deze computer instellen."
-#: ValidateURL.cpp:84 ValidateURL.cpp:88 ValidateURL.cpp:92
-msgid ""
-"Please specify a valid URL.\n"
-"For example:\n"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:275
+msgid "Click OK to set preferences."
+msgstr "Klik op 'OK' om instellingen vast te leggen."
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:280
+msgid "Click Clear to restore web-based settings for all preferences listed below."
 msgstr ""
-"Vul a.u.b. een geldig URL in.\n"
-#: ValidateURL.cpp:104 ValidateURL.cpp:108
-#, c-format
-msgid "'%s' does not contain a valid host name."
-msgstr "'%s' bezit geen geldige host naam."
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:287
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "For additional settings, select Computing Preferences in the Advanced View."
+msgstr "Voor aanvullende opties klik je op 'Verwerkings voorkeuren' in "
-#: ValidateURL.cpp:111
-#, c-format
-msgid "'%s' does not contain a valid path."
-msgstr "'%s' bezit geen geldige bestands lokatie."
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:315
+msgid "Do work only between:"
+msgstr "Werk actief tussen:"
-#: ViewMessages.cpp:84 ViewProjects.cpp:170 ViewStatistics.cpp:1978
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:160 ViewWork.cpp:183
-msgid "Commands"
-msgstr "Opdrachten"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:337
+msgid "Connect to internet only between:"
+msgstr "Internet verbinding tussen:"
-#: ViewMessages.cpp:88
-msgid "Copy all messages"
-msgstr "Alle berichten kopiëren"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:359
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:376
+msgid "Use no more than:"
+msgstr "Gebruik maximaal:"
-#: ViewMessages.cpp:95
-msgid "Copy selected messages"
-msgstr "Selectie kopiëren"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:372
+msgid "of disk space"
+msgstr "schijfruimte"
-#: ViewMessages.cpp:106 ViewMessages.cpp:502
-msgid "Show only this project"
-msgstr "Alleen dit project laten zien"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:389
+msgid "of the processor"
+msgstr "van processor"
-#: ViewMessages.cpp:107 ViewMessages.cpp:503
-msgid "Show only the messages for the selected project."
-msgstr "Laat alleen berichten zien van het gelecteerde project."
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:393
+msgid "Do work while on battery?"
+msgstr "Actief indien op accu?"
-#: ViewMessages.cpp:164
-msgid "Messages"
-msgstr "Berichten"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:406
+msgid "Do work after idle for:"
+msgstr "Indien inactief starten na:"
-#: ViewMessages.cpp:187
-msgid "Copying all messages to the clipboard..."
-msgstr "Bezig met kopiëren van de berichten naar het klembord..."
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:431
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Clear all local preferences listed above and close the dialog"
+msgstr "Wis alle lokale voorkeuren en sluit het venster"
-#: ViewMessages.cpp:223
-msgid "Copying selected messages to the clipboard..."
-msgstr "Geselecteerde berichten aan het kopiëren..."
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:609
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:612
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:688
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:692
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:704
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:708
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:851
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:862
+msgid "Anytime"
+msgstr "Altijd"
-#: ViewMessages.cpp:286
-msgid "Filtering messages..."
-msgstr "Berichten aan het filteren..."
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:645
+msgid "100 MB"
+msgstr "100 MB"
-#: ViewMessages.cpp:494
-msgid "Show all messages"
-msgstr "Toon alle berichten"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:646
+msgid "200 MB"
+msgstr "200 MB"
-#: ViewMessages.cpp:495
-msgid "Show messages for all projects."
-msgstr "Laat berichten zien van alle projecten."
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:647
+msgid "500 MB"
+msgstr "500 MB"
-#: ViewNotices.cpp:58 sg_DlgMessages.cpp:124
-msgid "Fetching notices; please wait..."
-msgstr "Berichten ophalen; even geduld..."
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:648
+msgid "1 GB"
+msgstr "1 GB"
-#: ViewNotices.cpp:65 sg_DlgMessages.cpp:132
-msgid "There are no notices at this time."
-msgstr "Op dit moment zijn er geen mededelingen."
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:649
+msgid "2 GB"
+msgstr "2 GB"
-#: ViewNotices.cpp:99 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:776
-msgid "Notices"
-msgstr "Berichten"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:650
+msgid "5 GB"
+msgstr "5 GB"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:174 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:61
-msgid "Update"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:651
+msgid "10 GB"
+msgstr "10 GB"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:652
+msgid "20 GB"
+msgstr "20 GB"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:653
+msgid "50 GB"
+msgstr "50 GB"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:654
+msgid "100 GB"
+msgstr "100 GB"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:724
+#, c-format
+msgid "%d MB"
+msgstr "%d MB"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:726
+#, c-format
+msgid "%4.2f GB"
+msgstr "%4.2f GB"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:767
+#, c-format
+msgid "%d%%"
+msgstr "%d%%"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:803
+msgid "0 (Run Always)"
+msgstr "0 (Altijd actief)"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:806
+#, c-format
+msgid "%d"
+msgstr "%d"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:953
+#, c-format
+msgid "%s - Computing Preferences"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:1033
+msgid "Do you really want to clear all local preferences?\n"
+msgstr "Weet je zeker dat je de lokale voorkeuren wilt wissen?\n"
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:66
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:179
+msgid "Update"
 msgstr "Project bijwerken"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:175 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:62
-msgid ""
-"Report all completed tasks, get latest credit, get latest preferences, and "
-"possibly get more tasks."
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:67
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:180
+msgid "Report all completed tasks, get latest credit, get latest preferences, and possibly get more tasks."
 msgstr ""
 "Rapporteer het voltooide werk, werk de punten en voorkeuren bij en verkrijg "
 "mogelijk nieuw werk."
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:181 ViewProjects.cpp:722 ViewWork.cpp:208 ViewWork.cpp:801
-#: sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:757 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:67
-#: sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:113 sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:66
-#: sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:106
-msgid "Suspend"
-msgstr "Onderbreken"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:182 ViewProjects.cpp:722 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:68
-#: sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:114
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:73
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:129
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:187
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:727
 msgid "Suspend tasks for this project."
 msgstr "Het werk aan dit project onderbreken."
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:188 ViewProjects.cpp:741 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:73
-#: sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:121
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:78
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:136
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:193
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:746
 msgid "No new tasks"
 msgstr "Geen nieuw werk"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:189 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:74
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:79
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:194
 msgid "Don't get new tasks for this project."
 msgstr "Nieuw werk opschorten voor dit project."
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:195 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:79
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:84
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:200
 msgid "Reset project"
 msgstr "Project resetten"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:196 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:80
-msgid ""
-"Delete all files and tasks associated with this project, and get new tasks.  "
-"You can update the project first to report any completed tasks."
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:85
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:201
+msgid "Delete all files and tasks associated with this project, and get new tasks.  You can update the project first to report any completed tasks."
 msgstr ""
 "Verwijder alle bestanden die met dit project te maken hebben en vraag nieuw "
 "werk.  Het is aan te raden het project eerst bij te werken om het voltooide "
 "werk te rapporteren."
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:203 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:86
-msgid ""
-"Remove this project.  Tasks in progress will be lost (use 'Update' first to "
-"report any completed tasks)."
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:91
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:208
+msgid "Remove this project.  Tasks in progress will be lost (use 'Update' first to report any completed tasks)."
 msgstr ""
 "Verwijder dit project.  Lopend werk zal verloren gaan (het is aan te raden "
 "het voltooide werk eerst te rapporteren)."
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:209 ViewWork.cpp:222 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:91
-#: sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:78
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:96
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:84
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:214
 msgid "Properties"
 msgstr "Eigenschappen"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:210 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:92
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:97
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:215
 msgid "Show project details."
 msgstr "Toon project details."
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:220 ViewStatistics.cpp:450
-msgid "Account"
-msgstr "Account"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:222
-msgid "Work done"
-msgstr "Punten totaal"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:223
-msgid "Avg. work done"
-msgstr "Punten gemiddelde"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:225 ViewTransfers.cpp:188 ViewWork.cpp:234
-msgid "Status"
-msgstr "Status"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:250
-msgid "Projects"
-msgstr "Projecten"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:302
-msgid "Updating project..."
-msgstr "Bezig met bijwerken..."
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:344
-msgid "Resuming project..."
-msgstr "Bezig met hervatten..."
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:348
-msgid "Suspending project..."
-msgstr "Bezig met opschorten..."
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:126
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:723
+msgid "Resume tasks for this project."
+msgstr "Hervat het werk aan dit project."
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:385
-msgid "Telling project to allow additional task downloads..."
-msgstr "Bezig met het toestaan van aanvullende downloads..."
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:133
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:742
+msgid "Allow new tasks"
+msgstr "Nieuw werk toestaan"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:389
-msgid "Telling project to not fetch any additional tasks..."
-msgstr "Geen nieuw werk verzoek aan het doorgeven..."
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:134
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:742
+msgid "Allow fetching new tasks for this project."
+msgstr "Sta nieuw werk toe voor dit project."
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:425
-msgid "Resetting project..."
-msgstr "Bezig project te resetten..."
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:137
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:746
+msgid "Don't fetch new tasks for this project."
+msgstr "Nieuw werk opschorten voor dit project."
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:438 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:214
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:229
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:443
 #, c-format
 msgid "Are you sure you want to reset project '%s'?"
 msgstr "Weet je zeker dat je het project '%s' wilt resetten?"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:444 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:220
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:235
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:449
 msgid "Reset Project"
 msgstr "Project Resetten"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:483
-msgid "Removing project..."
-msgstr "Bezig met verwijderen..."
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:496 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:251
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:266
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:501
 #, c-format
 msgid "Are you sure you want to remove project '%s'?"
 msgstr "Weet je zeker dat je het project '%s' wilt verwijderen?"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:502 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:257
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:272
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:507
 msgid "Remove Project"
 msgstr "Verwijder Project"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:543 ViewWork.cpp:599
-msgid "Launching browser..."
-msgstr "Browser wordt geopend..."
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:718 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:111
-msgid "Resume tasks for this project."
-msgstr "Hervat het werk aan dit project."
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:72
+msgid "Add Project"
+msgstr "Project toevoegen"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:737 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:118
-msgid "Allow new tasks"
-msgstr "Nieuw werk toestaan"
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:73
+msgid "Synchronize"
+msgstr "Bijwerken"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:737 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:119
-msgid "Allow fetching new tasks for this project."
-msgstr "Sta nieuw werk toe voor dit project."
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:74
+msgid "Work done for this project"
+msgstr "Voltooid werk bij dit project"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:741 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:122
-msgid "Don't fetch new tasks for this project."
-msgstr "Nieuw werk opschorten voor dit project."
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:77
+msgid "Synchronize projects with account manager system"
+msgstr "Projecten bijwerken met behulp van de account manager"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1058
-msgid "Requested by user"
-msgstr "Op verzoek van gebruiker"
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:124
+msgid "Select a project to access with the controls below"
+msgstr "Selecteer het gewenste project middels onderstaande bediening"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1059
-msgid "To fetch work"
-msgstr "Om werk te gaan uitvoeren"
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:145
+msgid "Project Web Pages"
+msgstr "Project Websites"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1060
-msgid "To report completed tasks"
-msgstr "Om voltooide taken te rapporteren"
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:149
+msgid "Project Commands"
+msgstr "Project specifieke instructies"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1061
-msgid "To send trickle-up message"
-msgstr "Om een voortgangsrapport in te dienen"
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:276
+#, c-format
+msgid "Pop up a menu of web sites for project %s"
+msgstr "Toon pop-up menu met websites voor %s"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1062
-msgid "Requested by account manager"
-msgstr "Op verzoek van accountmanager"
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:278
+#, c-format
+msgid "Pop up a menu of commands to apply to project %s"
+msgstr "Toon toepassings instructies voor %s in een pop-up menu"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1063
-msgid "Project initialization"
-msgstr "Project initialisatie"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:66
+msgid "Show graphics"
+msgstr "Grafische weergave"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1064
-msgid "Requested by project"
-msgstr "Op verzoek van project"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:67
+msgid "Show application graphics in a window."
+msgstr "Bekijk de grafische weergave van dit project."
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1065
-msgid "Unknown reason"
-msgstr "Onbekende oorzaak"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:73
+msgid "Suspend this task."
+msgstr "Werk onderbreken."
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1079
-msgid "Suspended by user"
-msgstr "Opgeschort door gebruiker"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:78
+msgid "Abort"
+msgstr "Werk afbreken"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1082
-msgid "Won't get new tasks"
-msgstr "Geen nieuw werk gevraagd"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:79
+msgid "Abandon this task. You will get no credit for it."
+msgstr "Deze taak afbreken. Er worden geen punten toegekend."
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1085
-msgid "Project ended - OK to remove"
-msgstr "Project gestopt - OK om te verwijderen"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:85
+msgid "Show task details."
+msgstr "Toon taak details."
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1088
-msgid "Will remove when tasks done"
-msgstr "Wordt verwijderd als werk gereed is"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:119
+msgid "Resume work for this task."
+msgstr "Hervat werk voor deze taak."
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1091
-msgid "Scheduler request pending"
-msgstr "Bijwerk verzoek aan het afwachten"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:123
+msgid "Suspend work for this task."
+msgstr "Onderbreek werk voor deze taak."
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1097
-msgid "Scheduler request in progress"
-msgstr "Bijwerk verzoek wordt uitgevoerd"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:267
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Are you sure you want to abort this task '%s'?\n"
+"(Progress: %.1lf%%, Status: %s)"
+msgstr ""
+"Weet je zeker dat je de taak '%s' wilt annuleren?\n"
+"(Voortgang: %.1lf%%s, Status: %s)"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1100
-msgid "Trickle up message pending"
-msgstr "Trickle up bericht aan het afwachten"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:272
+msgid "Abort task"
+msgstr "Annuleer taak"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1106
-msgid "Communication deferred "
-msgstr "Communicatie uitgesteld "
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:468
+msgid "You don't have any projects.  Please Add a Project."
+msgstr "Geen projecten aanwezig. Voeg  a.u.b. een project toe."
-#: ViewResources.cpp:62
-msgid "Total disk usage"
-msgstr "Totaal schijfgebruik"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:469
+msgid "Not available"
+msgstr "Niet beschikbaar"
-#: ViewResources.cpp:83
-msgid "Disk usage by BOINC projects"
-msgstr "Schijfgebruik door BOINC projecten"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:480
+msgid "Tasks:"
+msgstr "Taken:"
-#: ViewResources.cpp:116
-msgid "Disk"
-msgstr "Schijfgebruik"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:486
+msgid "Select a task to access"
+msgstr "Kies de te beheren taak"
-#: ViewResources.cpp:249
-msgid "no projects: 0 bytes used"
-msgstr "geen projecten: 0 bytes in gebruik"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:497
+msgid "From:"
+msgstr "Van:"
-#: ViewResources.cpp:286
-msgid "used by BOINC: "
-msgstr "gebruikt door BOINC: "
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:551
+msgid "This task's progress"
+msgstr "Voortgang van deze taak"
-#: ViewResources.cpp:296
-msgid "free, available to BOINC: "
-msgstr "vrij, beschikbaar voor BOINC: "
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:569
+msgid "Task Commands"
+msgstr "Taak specifieke instructies"
-#: ViewResources.cpp:306
-msgid "free, not available to BOINC: "
-msgstr "vrij, niet beschikbaar voor BOINC: "
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:570
+msgid "Pop up a menu of commands to apply to this task"
+msgstr "Toon toepassings instructies voor deze taak in een pop-up menu"
-#: ViewResources.cpp:316
-msgid "free: "
-msgstr "vrij: "
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:705
+#, c-format
+msgid "Application: %s"
+msgstr "Programma: %s"
-#: ViewResources.cpp:326
-msgid "used by other programs: "
-msgstr "gebruikt door anderen: "
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:728
+#, c-format
+msgid "%.3f%%"
+msgstr "%.3f%%"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:1205
-msgid "User Total"
-msgstr "Gebruikers Totaal"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:736
+msgid "Application: Not available"
+msgstr "Programma: Niet beschikbaar"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:1206
-msgid "User Average"
-msgstr "Gebruikers Gemiddelde"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:836
+msgid "Not Available"
+msgstr "Niet beschikbaar"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:1207
-msgid "Host Total"
-msgstr "Computer Totaal"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:851
+#, c-format
+msgid "Elapsed: %s"
+msgstr "Verstreken: %s"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:1208
-msgid "Host Average"
-msgstr "Computer Gemiddelde"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:865
+#, c-format
+msgid "Remaining (estimated): %s"
+msgstr "Nog te gaan (geschat): %s"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:1355
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:880
 #, c-format
-msgid "Last update: %.0f days ago"
-msgstr "Laatste update: %.0f dagen geleden"
+msgid "Status: %s"
+msgstr "Status: %s"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:1982
-msgid "Show user total"
-msgstr "Gebruikers totaal"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1227
+msgid "Retrieving current status."
+msgstr "Status aan het opvragen."
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:1983
-msgid "Show total credit for user"
-msgstr "Gebruikers totaal bekijken"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1233
+msgid "Downloading work from the server."
+msgstr "Werk wordt gedownload."
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:1989
-msgid "Show user average"
-msgstr "Gebruikers gemiddelde"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1238
+msgid "Processing Suspended:  Running On Batteries."
+msgstr "Werk opgeschort:  Computer op accu."
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:1990
-msgid "Show average credit for user"
-msgstr "Gebruikers gemiddelde bekijken"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1240
+msgid "Processing Suspended:  User Active."
+msgstr "Werk opgeschort:  Gebruiker actief."
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:1996
-msgid "Show host total"
-msgstr "Computer totaal"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1242
+msgid "Processing Suspended:  User paused processing."
+msgstr "Werk opgeschort:  Gepauzeerd door gebruiker."
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:1997
-msgid "Show total credit for host"
-msgstr "Computer totaal bekijken"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1244
+msgid "Processing Suspended:  Time of Day."
+msgstr "Werk opgeschort:  Tijds-instellingen."
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2003
-msgid "Show host average"
-msgstr "Computer gemiddelde"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1246
+msgid "Processing Suspended:  Benchmarks Running."
+msgstr "Werk opgeschort:  Benchmark loopt."
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2004
-msgid "Show average credit for host"
-msgstr "Computer gemiddelde bekijken"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1248
+msgid "Processing Suspended."
+msgstr "Werk opgeschort."
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2013
-msgid "< &Previous project"
-msgstr "< Vorige &project"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1252
+msgid "Waiting to contact project servers."
+msgstr "Wacht op project server verbinding."
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2014
-msgid "Show chart for previous project"
-msgstr "Bekijk de statistieken van het vorige project"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1256
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1265
+msgid "Retrieving current status"
+msgstr "Status aan het opvragen"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2019
-msgid "&Next project >"
-msgstr "Volge&nde project >"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1260
+msgid "No work available to process"
+msgstr "Geen werk aanwezig"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2020
-msgid "Show chart for next project"
-msgstr "Bekijk de statistieken van het volgende project"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1262
+msgid "Unable to connect to the core client"
+msgstr "Client verbinding niet aanwezig"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2026 ViewStatistics.cpp:2416
-msgid "Hide project list"
-msgstr "Verberg project lijst"
+#: clientgui/TermsOfUsePage.cpp:218
+msgid "Terms of Use"
+msgstr "Gebruiksovereenkomst"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2027 ViewStatistics.cpp:2416
-msgid "Use entire area for graphs"
-msgstr "Gebruik volledige ruimte voor grafieken"
+#: clientgui/TermsOfUsePage.cpp:222
+msgid "Please read the following terms of use:"
+msgstr "Lees a.u.b. de volgende gebruiksovereenkomst:"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2032
-msgid "Mode view"
-msgstr "Weergave modus"
+#: clientgui/TermsOfUsePage.cpp:231
+msgid "I agree to the terms of use."
+msgstr "Ik ga akkoord met de voorwaarden."
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2036
-msgid "One project"
-msgstr "Enkel project"
+#: clientgui/TermsOfUsePage.cpp:237
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "I do not agree to the terms of use."
+msgstr "Ik ga NIET akkoord met de voorwaarden."
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2037
-msgid "Show one chart with selected project"
-msgstr "Bekijk de grafiek van het geselecteerde project"
+#: clientgui/UnavailablePage.cpp:183
+msgid "Project temporarily unavailable"
+msgstr "Project tijdelijk niet bereikbaar"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2043
-msgid "All projects (separate)"
-msgstr "Alle projecten (apart)"
+#: clientgui/UnavailablePage.cpp:186
+msgid ""
+"The project is temporarily unavailable.\n"
+"Please try again later."
+msgstr ""
+"Het project is tijdelijk niet bereikbaar.\n"
+"Probeer het later a.u.b. opnieuw."
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2044
-msgid "Show all projects, one chart per project"
-msgstr "Bekijk alle projecten, per project een aparte grafiek"
+#: clientgui/UnavailablePage.cpp:190
+msgid "Account manager temporarily unavailable"
+msgstr "Account manager tijdelijk niet bereikbaar"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2050
-msgid "All projects (together)"
-msgstr "Alle projecten (samen)"
+#: clientgui/UnavailablePage.cpp:193
+msgid ""
+"The account manager is temporarily unavailable.\n"
+"Please try again later."
+msgstr ""
+"Account manager tijdelijk niet bereikbaar.\n"
+"Probeer het later a.u.b. opnieuw."
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2051
-msgid "Show one chart with all projects"
-msgstr "Bekijk alle projecten samen gebracht in één grafiek"
+#: clientgui/ValidateAccountKey.cpp:68
+msgid "Please specify an account key to continue."
+msgstr "Vul a.u.b. een Account Key in om verder te gaan."
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2057
-msgid "All projects (sum)"
-msgstr "Alle projecten (som)"
+#: clientgui/ValidateAccountKey.cpp:71
+msgid "Invalid Account Key; please enter a valid Account Key"
+msgstr "Ongeldige Account Key; vul a.u.b een geldige in"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2058
-msgid "Show one chart with sum of projects"
-msgstr "Bekijk alle projecten opgeteld in één grafiek"
+#: clientgui/ValidateAccountKey.cpp:82
+#: clientgui/ValidateEmailAddress.cpp:86
+msgid "Validation conflict"
+msgstr "Geldigheids conflict"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2079
-msgid "Statistics"
-msgstr "Statistieken"
+#: clientgui/ValidateEmailAddress.cpp:72
+msgid "Please specify an email address"
+msgstr "Vul a.u.b. een email adres in"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2103 ViewStatistics.cpp:2124 ViewStatistics.cpp:2145
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2167 ViewStatistics.cpp:2188 ViewStatistics.cpp:2209
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2230 ViewStatistics.cpp:2251 ViewStatistics.cpp:2272
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2296
-msgid "Updating charts..."
-msgstr "Grafieken aan het bijwerken..."
+#: clientgui/ValidateEmailAddress.cpp:75
+msgid "Invalid email address; please enter a valid email address"
+msgstr "Ongeldig email adres; vul a.u.b een geldige in"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2420
-msgid "Show project list"
-msgstr "Laat project lijst zien"
+#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:69
+msgid "Missing URL"
+msgstr "Geen URL ingevuld"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2420
-msgid "Uses smaller area for graphs"
-msgstr "Beperk ruimte voor grafieken"
+#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:70
+msgid ""
+"Please specify a URL.\n"
+"For example:\n"
+msgstr ""
+"Vul a.u.b. een URL in.\n"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:164
-msgid "Retry Now"
-msgstr "Probeer opnieuw"
+#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:83
+#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:87
+#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:91
+#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:103
+#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:107
+#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:110
+msgid "Invalid URL"
+msgstr "Ongeldig URL ingevuld"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:165
-msgid "Retry the file transfer now"
-msgstr "Overdracht opnieuw proberen"
+#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:84
+#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:88
+#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:92
+msgid ""
+"Please specify a valid URL.\n"
+"For example:\n"
+msgstr ""
+"Vul a.u.b. een geldig URL in.\n"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:171
-msgid "Abort Transfer"
-msgstr "Overdracht afbreken"
+#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:104
+#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:108
+#, c-format
+msgid "'%s' does not contain a valid host name."
+msgstr "'%s' bezit geen geldige host naam."
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:172
-msgid "Abort this file transfer.  You won't get credit for the task."
-msgstr "Overdracht afbreken.   Er worden geen punten toegekend."
+#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:111
+#, c-format
+msgid "'%s' does not contain a valid path."
+msgstr "'%s' bezit geen geldige bestands lokatie."
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:183
-msgid "File"
-msgstr "Bestand"
+#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:84
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:175
+msgid "Commands"
+msgstr "Opdrachten"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:184 ViewWork.cpp:233
-msgid "Progress"
-msgstr "Voortgang"
+#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:88
+msgid "Copy all messages"
+msgstr "Alle berichten kopiëren"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:185
-msgid "Size"
-msgstr "Grootte"
+#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:95
+msgid "Copy selected messages"
+msgstr "Selectie kopiëren"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:186
-msgid "Elapsed Time"
-msgstr "Verstreken tijd"
+#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:106
+#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:502
+msgid "Show only this project"
+msgstr "Alleen dit project laten zien"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:187
-msgid "Speed"
-msgstr "Snelheid"
+#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:107
+#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:503
+msgid "Show only the messages for the selected project."
+msgstr "Laat alleen berichten zien van het gelecteerde project."
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:213
-msgid "Transfers"
-msgstr "Overdracht"
+#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:164
+msgid "Messages"
+msgstr "Berichten"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:280
-msgid "Network activity is suspended - "
-msgstr "Netwerk gebruik opgeschort - "
+#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:187
+msgid "Copying all messages to the clipboard..."
+msgstr "Bezig met kopiëren van de berichten naar het klembord..."
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:282
-msgid ""
-"You can enable it using the Activity menu."
-msgstr ""
-"Activeren is mogelijk via het \"Prestaties\" menu."
+#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:223
+msgid "Copying selected messages to the clipboard..."
+msgstr "Geselecteerde berichten aan het kopiëren..."
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:285
-msgid "BOINC"
-msgstr "BOINC"
+#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:286
+msgid "Filtering messages..."
+msgstr "Berichten aan het filteren..."
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:292
-msgid "Retrying transfer now..."
-msgstr "Bezig met overdracht..."
+#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:494
+msgid "Show all messages"
+msgstr "Toon alle berichten"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:330
-msgid "Aborting transfer..."
-msgstr "Bezig met afbreken overdracht..."
+#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:495
+msgid "Show messages for all projects."
+msgstr "Laat berichten zien van alle projecten."
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:343
-#, c-format
-msgid ""
-"Are you sure you want to abort this file transfer '%s'?\n"
-"NOTE: Aborting a transfer will invalidate a task and you\n"
-"will not receive credit for it."
-msgstr ""
-"Weet je zeker dat je de overdracht van '%s' wilt annuleren?\n"
-"Een overdracht annuleren heeft tot gevolg dat het werk niet\n"
-"meer geldig is en er zullen geen punten worden gegeven."
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:225
+msgid "Account"
+msgstr "Account"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:349
-msgid "Abort File Transfer"
-msgstr "Annuleer Bestands Overdracht"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:227
+msgid "Work done"
+msgstr "Punten totaal"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:780
-msgid "Upload"
-msgstr "Upload"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:228
+msgid "Avg. work done"
+msgstr "Punten gemiddelde"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:780
-msgid "Download"
-msgstr "Download"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:230
+msgid "Status"
+msgstr "Status"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:784
-msgid "retry in "
-msgstr "opnieuw proberen over "
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:255
+msgid "Projects"
+msgstr "Projecten"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:786
-msgid "failed"
-msgstr "mislukt"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:307
+msgid "Updating project..."
+msgstr "Bezig met bijwerken..."
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:789
-msgid "suspended"
-msgstr "opgeschort"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:349
+msgid "Resuming project..."
+msgstr "Bezig met hervatten..."
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:794
-msgid "active"
-msgstr "actief"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:353
+msgid "Suspending project..."
+msgstr "Bezig met opschorten..."
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:796
-msgid "pending"
-msgstr "in behandeling"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:390
+msgid "Telling project to allow additional task downloads..."
+msgstr "Bezig met het toestaan van aanvullende downloads..."
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:803
-msgid " (project backoff: "
-msgstr " (project uitgesteld: "
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:394
+msgid "Telling project to not fetch any additional tasks..."
+msgstr "Geen nieuw werk verzoek aan het doorgeven..."
-#: ViewWork.cpp:187 ViewWork.cpp:777
-msgid "Show active tasks"
-msgstr "Actieve taken weergeven"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:430
+msgid "Resetting project..."
+msgstr "Bezig project te resetten..."
-#: ViewWork.cpp:188 ViewWork.cpp:778
-msgid "Show only active tasks."
-msgstr "Alleen actieve taken weergeven."
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:488
+msgid "Removing project..."
+msgstr "Bezig met verwijderen..."
-#: ViewWork.cpp:194 sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:60
-msgid "Show graphics"
-msgstr "Grafische weergave"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:548
+msgid "Launching browser..."
+msgstr "Browser wordt geopend..."
-#: ViewWork.cpp:195 sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:61
-msgid "Show application graphics in a window."
-msgstr "Bekijk de grafische weergave van dit project."
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1063
+msgid "Requested by user"
+msgstr "Op verzoek van gebruiker"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:201
-msgid "Show VM Console"
-msgstr "Laat VM Console zien"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1064
+msgid "To fetch work"
+msgstr "Om werk te gaan uitvoeren"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:202
-msgid "Show VM Console in a window."
-msgstr "Laat de VM Console zien in een venster."
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1065
+msgid "To report completed tasks"
+msgstr "Om voltooide taken te rapporteren"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:209
-msgid "Suspend work for this result."
-msgstr "Het werk aan dit project handmatig onderbreken."
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1066
+msgid "To send trickle-up message"
+msgstr "Om een voortgangsrapport in te dienen"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:215 sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:72
-msgid "Abort"
-msgstr "Werk afbreken"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1067
+msgid "Requested by account manager"
+msgstr "Op verzoek van accountmanager"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:216
-msgid "Abandon work on the result. You will get no credit for it."
-msgstr ""
-"Annuleer het werk aan dit resultaat. Er zullen geen punten worden toegekend."
-#: ViewWork.cpp:223 sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:79
-msgid "Show task details."
-msgstr "Toon taak details."
-#: ViewWork.cpp:235
-msgid "Elapsed"
-msgstr "Verstreken tijd"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:236
-msgid "Remaining (estimated)"
-msgstr "Nog te gaan (geschat)"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1068
+msgid "Project initialization"
+msgstr "Project initialisatie"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:237
-msgid "Deadline"
-msgstr "Rapporteren voor"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1069
+msgid "Requested by project"
+msgstr "Op verzoek van project"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:239
-msgid "Name"
-msgstr "Bestandsnaam"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1070
+msgid "Unknown reason"
+msgstr "Onbekende oorzaak"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:264
-msgid "Tasks"
-msgstr "Werk"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1084
+msgid "Suspended by user"
+msgstr "Opgeschort door gebruiker"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:357
-msgid "Resuming task..."
-msgstr "Werk word hervat..."
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1087
+msgid "Won't get new tasks"
+msgstr "Geen nieuw werk gevraagd"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:360
-msgid "Suspending task..."
-msgstr "Bezig met opschorten..."
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1090
+msgid "Project ended - OK to remove"
+msgstr "Project gestopt - OK om te verwijderen"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:389
-msgid "Showing graphics for task..."
-msgstr "Grafische weergave wordt getoond..."
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1093
+msgid "Will remove when tasks done"
+msgstr "Wordt verwijderd als werk gereed is"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:426
-msgid "Showing VM console for task..."
-msgstr "VM console wordt getoond voor taak..."
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1096
+msgid "Scheduler request pending"
+msgstr "Bijwerk verzoek aan het afwachten"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:479
-#, c-format
-msgid ""
-"Are you sure you want to abort this task '%s'?\n"
-"(Progress: %s, Status: %s)"
-msgstr ""
-"Weet je zeker dat je het resultaat '%s' wilt annuleren?\n"
-"(Voortgang: %s, Status: %s)"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1102
+msgid "Scheduler request in progress"
+msgstr "Bijwerk verzoek wordt uitgevoerd"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:485
-#, c-format
-msgid "Are you sure you want to abort these %d tasks?"
-msgstr "Weet je zeker dat je deze %d taken wilt afbreken?"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1105
+msgid "Trickle up message pending"
+msgstr "Trickle up bericht aan het afwachten"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:490 sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:256
-msgid "Abort task"
-msgstr "Annuleer taak"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1111
+msgid "Communication deferred "
+msgstr "Communicatie uitgesteld "
-# 75%
-#: ViewWork.cpp:499
-msgid "Aborting task..."
-msgstr "Bezig met afbreken taak..."
+#: clientgui/ViewResources.cpp:62
+msgid "Total disk usage"
+msgstr "Totaal schijfgebruik"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:771
-msgid "Show all tasks"
-msgstr "Alle taken weergeven"
+#: clientgui/ViewResources.cpp:83
+msgid "Disk usage by BOINC projects"
+msgstr "Schijfgebruik door BOINC projecten"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:772
-msgid "Show all tasks."
-msgstr "Alle taken weergeven."
+#: clientgui/ViewResources.cpp:116
+msgid "Disk"
+msgstr "Schijfgebruik"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:796 sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:103
-msgid "Resume work for this task."
-msgstr "Hervat werk voor deze taak."
+#: clientgui/ViewResources.cpp:225
+msgid "no projects: 0 bytes used"
+msgstr "geen projecten: 0 bytes in gebruik"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:802 sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:107
-msgid "Suspend work for this task."
-msgstr "Onderbreek werk voor deze taak."
+#: clientgui/ViewResources.cpp:262
+msgid "used by BOINC: "
+msgstr "gebruikt door BOINC: "
-#: WelcomePage.cpp:284
-msgid "Add project or account manager"
-msgstr "Project of Account Manager toevoegen"
+#: clientgui/ViewResources.cpp:272
+msgid "free, available to BOINC: "
+msgstr "vrij, beschikbaar voor BOINC: "
-#: WelcomePage.cpp:288
-msgid "Add project or use BOINC Account Manager"
-msgstr "Een project of BOINC Account Manager toevoegen"
+#: clientgui/ViewResources.cpp:282
+msgid "free, not available to BOINC: "
+msgstr "vrij, niet beschikbaar voor BOINC: "
-#: WelcomePage.cpp:297
-#, c-format
-msgid ""
-"If possible, add projects at the\n"
-"%s web site.\n"
-"Projects added via this wizard will not be\n"
-"listed on or managed via %s."
-msgstr ""
-"Indien mogelijk, voeg project(en) toe\n"
-"via de %s website.\n"
-"Toegevoegde projecten via deze wizard\n"
-"zijn niet te onderhouden m.b.v. %s."
+#: clientgui/ViewResources.cpp:292
+msgid "free: "
+msgstr "vrij: "
-#: WelcomePage.cpp:313
-msgid ""
-"There are over 30 BOINC-based projects\n"
-"doing research in many areas of science,\n"
-"and you can volunteer for as many of them as you like.\n"
-"You can add a project directly,\n"
-"or use an 'Account Manager' web site to select projects."
-msgstr ""
-"Er zijn meer dan 30 op BOINC gebaseerde projecten\n"
-"in verschillende wetenschappelijke richtingen en het is mogelijk\n"
-"om deel te nemen aan net zo veel projecten als je zelf wilt.\n"
-"Je kan een project direct toevoegen\n"
-"of gebruik maken van een \"Account manager\" website."
+#: clientgui/ViewResources.cpp:302
+msgid "used by other programs: "
+msgstr "gebruikt door anderen: "
-#: WelcomePage.cpp:325
-msgid ""
-"You have chosen to add a new volunteer computing project or change which "
-"you contribute to.\n"
-"Some of these projects are run and managed by World Community Grid, while "
-"are run and managed by other researchers or organizations. The BOINC "
-"can divide your spare processing power among any combination of projects.\n"
-"Alternatively, if you have registered with a BOINC Account Manager, you can "
-"this to choose which projects to support.\n"
-"Please choose which type of change you would like to make:\n"
-msgstr ""
-"Je hebt er voor gekozen om een project toe te voegen of te veranderen aan "
-"projecten je mee doet.\n"
-"Sommige van deze projecten worden onderhouden door World Community Grid,\n"
-"maar er zijn ook projecten van andere organisaties voor handen. De BOINC "
-"maakt het mogelijk je computertijd te verdelen over elke combinatie van "
-"Aanvullend hierop is het mogelijk om je te registreren bij een BOINC Account "
-"en deze te gebruiken om je projecten te beheren.\n"
-"Kies a.u.b. welke wijziging je door wilt voeren:\n"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1181
+msgid "User Total"
+msgstr "Gebruikers Totaal"
-#: WelcomePage.cpp:339
-msgid "Use a BOINC Account Manager"
-msgstr "Gebruik een BOINC Account Manager"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1182
+msgid "User Average"
+msgstr "Gebruikers Gemiddelde"
-#: WelcomePage.cpp:352
-msgid "To continue, click Next."
-msgstr "Klik op Volgende om verder te gaan."
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1183
+msgid "Host Total"
+msgstr "Computer Totaal"
-#: WelcomePage.cpp:358
-msgid "Add or change your World Community Grid projects"
-msgstr "Je World Community Grid projecten aanpassen"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1184
+msgid "Host Average"
+msgstr "Computer Gemiddelde"
-#: WelcomePage.cpp:361
-msgid "Add projects run by other researchers or organizations"
-msgstr "Projecten van andere organisaties aanpassen"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1331
+#, c-format
+msgid "Last update: %.0f days ago"
+msgstr "Laatste update: %.0f dagen geleden"
-#: WizardAttach.cpp:634
-msgid "Do you really want to cancel?"
-msgstr "Weet je zeker dat je wilt annuleren?"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1956
+msgid "Show user total"
+msgstr "Gebruikers totaal"
-#: WizardAttach.cpp:635
-msgid "Question"
-msgstr "Vraag"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1957
+msgid "Show total credit for user"
+msgstr "Gebruikers totaal bekijken"
-#: sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:149
-msgid "Advanced View...\tCtrl+Shift+A"
-msgstr "Geavanceerd...\tCtrl+Shift+A"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1963
+msgid "Show user average"
+msgstr "Gebruikers gemiddelde"
-#: sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:150
-msgid "Display the advanced graphical interface."
-msgstr "Overschakelen naar de geavanceerde weergave."
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1964
+msgid "Show average credit for user"
+msgstr "Gebruikers gemiddelde bekijken"
-#: sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:157
-msgid "Skin"
-msgstr "Skin"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1970
+msgid "Show host total"
+msgstr "Computer totaal"
-#: sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:159
-msgid "Select the appearance of the user interface."
-msgstr "Selecteer de wijze van weergave."
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1971
+msgid "Show total credit for host"
+msgstr "Computer totaal bekijken"
-#: sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:206
-#, c-format
-msgid "&%s"
-msgstr "&%s"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1977
+msgid "Show host average"
+msgstr "Computer gemiddelde"
-#: sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:390
-msgid "Default"
-msgstr "Standaardwaarde"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1978
+msgid "Show average credit for host"
+msgstr "Computer gemiddelde bekijken"
-#: sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:759
-msgid "Suspend Computing"
-msgstr "Berekeningen pauzeren"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1987
+msgid "< &Previous project"
+msgstr "< Vorige &project"
-#: sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:760
-msgid "Resume Computing"
-msgstr "Berekeningen hervatten"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1988
+msgid "Show chart for previous project"
+msgstr "Bekijk de statistieken van het vorige project"
-#: sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:777
-msgid "Open a window to view notices from projects or BOINC"
-msgstr "Open een venster om berichten van BOINC projecten te bekijken"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1993
+msgid "&Next project >"
+msgstr "Volge&nde project >"
-#: sg_DlgMessages.cpp:146
-msgid "Close"
-msgstr "Sluiten"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1994
+msgid "Show chart for next project"
+msgstr "Bekijk de statistieken van het volgende project"
-#: sg_DlgMessages.cpp:389
-#, c-format
-msgid "%s - Notices"
-msgstr "%s - Berichten"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2000
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2390
+msgid "Hide project list"
+msgstr "Verberg project lijst"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:268
-msgid "This dialog controls preferences for this computer only."
-msgstr "In dit venster kan je de voorkeuren van deze computer instellen."
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2001
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2390
+msgid "Use entire area for graphs"
+msgstr "Gebruik volledige ruimte voor grafieken"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:273
-msgid "Click OK to set preferences."
-msgstr "Klik op 'OK' om instellingen vast te leggen."
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2006
+msgid "Mode view"
+msgstr "Weergave modus"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:278
-msgid "Click Clear to restore web-based settings."
-msgstr "Klik op 'Wissen' om terug te keren naar online instellingen."
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2010
+msgid "One project"
+msgstr "Enkel project"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:285
-msgid "For additional settings, select Computing Preferences in "
-msgstr "Voor aanvullende opties klik je op 'Verwerkings voorkeuren' in "
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2011
+msgid "Show one chart with selected project"
+msgstr "Bekijk de grafiek van het geselecteerde project"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:290
-msgid "the Advanced View."
-msgstr "de Geavanceerde Weergave."
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2017
+msgid "All projects (separate)"
+msgstr "Alle projecten (apart)"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:318
-msgid "Do work only between:"
-msgstr "Werk actief tussen:"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2018
+msgid "Show all projects, one chart per project"
+msgstr "Bekijk alle projecten, per project een aparte grafiek"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:340
-msgid "Connect to internet only between:"
-msgstr "Internet verbinding tussen:"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2024
+msgid "All projects (together)"
+msgstr "Alle projecten (samen)"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:362 sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:379
-msgid "Use no more than:"
-msgstr "Gebruik maximaal:"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2025
+msgid "Show one chart with all projects"
+msgstr "Bekijk alle projecten samen gebracht in één grafiek"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:375
-msgid "of disk space"
-msgstr "schijfruimte"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2031
+msgid "All projects (sum)"
+msgstr "Alle projecten (som)"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:392
-msgid "of the processor"
-msgstr "van processor"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2032
+msgid "Show one chart with sum of projects"
+msgstr "Bekijk alle projecten opgeteld in één grafiek"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:396
-msgid "Do work while on battery?"
-msgstr "Actief indien op accu?"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2053
+msgid "Statistics"
+msgstr "Statistieken"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:409
-msgid "Do work after idle for:"
-msgstr "Indien inactief starten na:"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2077
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2098
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2119
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2141
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2162
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2183
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2204
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2225
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2246
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2270
+msgid "Updating charts..."
+msgstr "Grafieken aan het bijwerken..."
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:607 sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:610
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:686 sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:690
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:702 sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:706
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:849 sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:860
-msgid "Anytime"
-msgstr "Altijd"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2394
+msgid "Show project list"
+msgstr "Laat project lijst zien"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:643
-msgid "100 MB"
-msgstr "100 MB"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2394
+msgid "Uses smaller area for graphs"
+msgstr "Beperk ruimte voor grafieken"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:644
-msgid "200 MB"
-msgstr "200 MB"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:169
+msgid "Retry Now"
+msgstr "Probeer opnieuw"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:645
-msgid "500 MB"
-msgstr "500 MB"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:170
+msgid "Retry the file transfer now"
+msgstr "Overdracht opnieuw proberen"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:646
-msgid "1 GB"
-msgstr "1 GB"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:176
+msgid "Abort Transfer"
+msgstr "Overdracht afbreken"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:647
-msgid "2 GB"
-msgstr "2 GB"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:177
+msgid "Abort this file transfer.  You won't get credit for the task."
+msgstr "Overdracht afbreken.   Er worden geen punten toegekend."
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:648
-msgid "5 GB"
-msgstr "5 GB"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:188
+msgid "File"
+msgstr "Bestand"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:649
-msgid "10 GB"
-msgstr "10 GB"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:189
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:238
+msgid "Progress"
+msgstr "Voortgang"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:650
-msgid "20 GB"
-msgstr "20 GB"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:190
+msgid "Size"
+msgstr "Grootte"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:651
-msgid "50 GB"
-msgstr "50 GB"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:191
+msgid "Elapsed Time"
+msgstr "Verstreken tijd"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:652
-msgid "100 GB"
-msgstr "100 GB"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:192
+msgid "Speed"
+msgstr "Snelheid"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:722
-#, c-format
-msgid "%d MB"
-msgstr "%d MB"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:218
+msgid "Transfers"
+msgstr "Overdracht"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:724
-#, c-format
-msgid "%4.2f GB"
-msgstr "%4.2f GB"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:285
+msgid "Network activity is suspended - "
+msgstr "Netwerk gebruik opgeschort - "
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:765
-#, c-format
-msgid "%d%%"
-msgstr "%d%%"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:287
+msgid ""
+"You can enable it using the Activity menu."
+msgstr ""
+"Activeren is mogelijk via het \"Prestaties\" menu."
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:801
-msgid "0 (Run Always)"
-msgstr "0 (Altijd actief)"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:290
+msgid "BOINC"
+msgstr "BOINC"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:804
-#, c-format
-msgid "%d"
-msgstr "%d"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:297
+msgid "Retrying transfer now..."
+msgstr "Bezig met overdracht..."
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:1034
-msgid "Do you really want to clear all local preferences?\n"
-msgstr "Weet je zeker dat je de lokale voorkeuren wilt wissen?\n"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:335
+msgid "Aborting transfer..."
+msgstr "Bezig met afbreken overdracht..."
-#: sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:72
-msgid "Add Project"
-msgstr "Project toevoegen"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:348
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Are you sure you want to abort this file transfer '%s'?\n"
+"NOTE: Aborting a transfer will invalidate a task and you\n"
+"will not receive credit for it."
+msgstr ""
+"Weet je zeker dat je de overdracht van '%s' wilt annuleren?\n"
+"Een overdracht annuleren heeft tot gevolg dat het werk niet\n"
+"meer geldig is en er zullen geen punten worden gegeven."
-#: sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:73
-msgid "Synchronize"
-msgstr "Bijwerken"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:354
+msgid "Abort File Transfer"
+msgstr "Annuleer Bestands Overdracht"
-#: sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:74
-msgid "Work done for this project"
-msgstr "Voltooid werk bij dit project"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:785
+msgid "Upload"
+msgstr "Upload"
-#: sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:77
-msgid "Synchronize projects with account manager system"
-msgstr "Projecten bijwerken met behulp van de account manager"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:785
+msgid "Download"
+msgstr "Download"
-#: sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:124
-msgid "Select a project to access with the controls below"
-msgstr "Selecteer het gewenste project middels onderstaande bediening"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:789
+msgid "retry in "
+msgstr "opnieuw proberen over "
-#: sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:145
-msgid "Project Web Pages"
-msgstr "Project Websites"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:791
+msgid "failed"
+msgstr "mislukt"
-#: sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:149
-msgid "Project Commands"
-msgstr "Project specifieke instructies"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:794
+msgid "suspended"
+msgstr "opgeschort"
-#: sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:267
-#, c-format
-msgid "Pop up a menu of web sites for project %s"
-msgstr "Toon pop-up menu met websites voor %s"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:799
+msgid "active"
+msgstr "actief"
-#: sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:269
-#, c-format
-msgid "Pop up a menu of commands to apply to project %s"
-msgstr "Toon toepassings instructies voor %s in een pop-up menu"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:801
+msgid "pending"
+msgstr "in behandeling"
-#: sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:67
-msgid "Suspend this task."
-msgstr "Werk onderbreken."
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:808
+msgid " (project backoff: "
+msgstr " (project uitgesteld: "
-#: sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:73
-msgid "Abandon this task. You will get no credit for it."
-msgstr "Deze taak afbreken. Er worden geen punten toegekend."
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:192
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:782
+msgid "Show active tasks"
+msgstr "Actieve taken weergeven"
-#: sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:251
-#, c-format
-msgid ""
-"Are you sure you want to abort this task '%s'?\n"
-"(Progress: %.1lf%%, Status: %s)"
-msgstr ""
-"Weet je zeker dat je de taak '%s' wilt annuleren?\n"
-"(Voortgang: %.1lf%%s, Status: %s)"
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:193
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:783
+msgid "Show only active tasks."
+msgstr "Alleen actieve taken weergeven."
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:464
-msgid "You don't have any projects.  Please Add a Project."
-msgstr "Geen projecten aanwezig. Voeg  a.u.b. een project toe."
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:206
+msgid "Show VM Console"
+msgstr "Laat VM Console zien"
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:465
-msgid "Not available"
-msgstr "Niet beschikbaar"
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:207
+msgid "Show VM Console in a window."
+msgstr "Laat de VM Console zien in een venster."
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:476
-msgid "Tasks:"
-msgstr "Taken:"
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:214
+msgid "Suspend work for this result."
+msgstr "Het werk aan dit project handmatig onderbreken."
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:482
-msgid "Select a task to access"
-msgstr "Kies de te beheren taak"
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:221
+msgid "Abandon work on the result. You will get no credit for it."
+msgstr ""
+"Annuleer het werk aan dit resultaat. Er zullen geen punten worden toegekend."
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:493
-msgid "From:"
-msgstr "Van:"
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:240
+msgid "Elapsed"
+msgstr "Verstreken tijd"
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:547
-msgid "This task's progress"
-msgstr "Voortgang van deze taak"
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:241
+msgid "Remaining (estimated)"
+msgstr "Nog te gaan (geschat)"
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:565
-msgid "Task Commands"
-msgstr "Taak specifieke instructies"
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:242
+msgid "Deadline"
+msgstr "Rapporteren voor"
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:566
-msgid "Pop up a menu of commands to apply to this task"
-msgstr "Toon toepassings instructies voor deze taak in een pop-up menu"
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:269
+msgid "Tasks"
+msgstr "Werk"
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:701
-#, c-format
-msgid "Application: %s"
-msgstr "Programma: %s"
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:362
+msgid "Resuming task..."
+msgstr "Werk word hervat..."
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:724
-#, c-format
-msgid "%.3f%%"
-msgstr "%.3f%%"
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:365
+msgid "Suspending task..."
+msgstr "Bezig met opschorten..."
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:732
-msgid "Application: Not available"
-msgstr "Programma: Niet beschikbaar"
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:394
+msgid "Showing graphics for task..."
+msgstr "Grafische weergave wordt getoond..."
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:832
-msgid "Not Available"
-msgstr "Niet beschikbaar"
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:431
+msgid "Showing VM console for task..."
+msgstr "VM console wordt getoond voor taak..."
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:847
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:484
 #, c-format
-msgid "Elapsed: %s"
-msgstr "Verstreken: %s"
+msgid ""
+"Are you sure you want to abort this task '%s'?\n"
+"(Progress: %s, Status: %s)"
+msgstr ""
+"Weet je zeker dat je het resultaat '%s' wilt annuleren?\n"
+"(Voortgang: %s, Status: %s)"
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:861
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:490
 #, c-format
-msgid "Remaining (estimated): %s"
-msgstr "Nog te gaan (geschat): %s"
+msgid "Are you sure you want to abort these %d tasks?"
+msgstr "Weet je zeker dat je deze %d taken wilt afbreken?"
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:876
-#, c-format
-msgid "Status: %s"
-msgstr "Status: %s"
+# 75%
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:504
+msgid "Aborting task..."
+msgstr "Bezig met afbreken taak..."
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1223
-msgid "Retrieving current status."
-msgstr "Status aan het opvragen."
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:776
+msgid "Show all tasks"
+msgstr "Alle taken weergeven"
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1229
-msgid "Downloading work from the server."
-msgstr "Werk wordt gedownload."
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:777
+msgid "Show all tasks."
+msgstr "Alle taken weergeven."
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1234
-msgid "Processing Suspended:  Running On Batteries."
-msgstr "Werk opgeschort:  Computer op accu."
+#: clientgui/WelcomePage.cpp:284
+msgid "Add project or account manager"
+msgstr "Project of Account Manager toevoegen"
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1236
-msgid "Processing Suspended:  User Active."
-msgstr "Werk opgeschort:  Gebruiker actief."
+#: clientgui/WelcomePage.cpp:288
+msgid "Add project or use BOINC Account Manager"
+msgstr "Een project of BOINC Account Manager toevoegen"
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1238
-msgid "Processing Suspended:  User paused processing."
-msgstr "Werk opgeschort:  Gepauzeerd door gebruiker."
+#: clientgui/WelcomePage.cpp:297
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"If possible, add projects at the\n"
+"%s web site.\n"
+"Projects added via this wizard will not be\n"
+"listed on or managed via %s."
+msgstr ""
+"Indien mogelijk, voeg project(en) toe\n"
+"via de %s website.\n"
+"Toegevoegde projecten via deze wizard\n"
+"zijn niet te onderhouden m.b.v. %s."
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1240
-msgid "Processing Suspended:  Time of Day."
-msgstr "Werk opgeschort:  Tijds-instellingen."
+#: clientgui/WelcomePage.cpp:313
+msgid ""
+"There are over 30 BOINC-based projects\n"
+"doing research in many areas of science,\n"
+"and you can volunteer for as many of them as you like.\n"
+"You can add a project directly,\n"
+"or use an 'Account Manager' web site to select projects."
+msgstr ""
+"Er zijn meer dan 30 op BOINC gebaseerde projecten\n"
+"in verschillende wetenschappelijke richtingen en het is mogelijk\n"
+"om deel te nemen aan net zo veel projecten als je zelf wilt.\n"
+"Je kan een project direct toevoegen\n"
+"of gebruik maken van een \"Account manager\" website."
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1242
-msgid "Processing Suspended:  Benchmarks Running."
-msgstr "Werk opgeschort:  Benchmark loopt."
+#: clientgui/WelcomePage.cpp:325
+msgid ""
+"You have chosen to add a new volunteer computing project or change which projects\n"
+"you contribute to.\n"
+"Some of these projects are run and managed by World Community Grid, while others\n"
+"are run and managed by other researchers or organizations. The BOINC software\n"
+"can divide your spare processing power among any combination of projects.\n"
+"Alternatively, if you have registered with a BOINC Account Manager, you can use\n"
+"this to choose which projects to support.\n"
+"Please choose which type of change you would like to make:\n"
+msgstr ""
+"Je hebt er voor gekozen om een project toe te voegen of te veranderen aan "
+"projecten je mee doet.\n"
+"Sommige van deze projecten worden onderhouden door World Community Grid,\n"
+"maar er zijn ook projecten van andere organisaties voor handen. De BOINC "
+"maakt het mogelijk je computertijd te verdelen over elke combinatie van "
+"Aanvullend hierop is het mogelijk om je te registreren bij een BOINC Account "
+"en deze te gebruiken om je projecten te beheren.\n"
+"Kies a.u.b. welke wijziging je door wilt voeren:\n"
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1244
-msgid "Processing Suspended."
-msgstr "Werk opgeschort."
+#: clientgui/WelcomePage.cpp:339
+msgid "Use a BOINC Account Manager"
+msgstr "Gebruik een BOINC Account Manager"
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1248
-msgid "Waiting to contact project servers."
-msgstr "Wacht op project server verbinding."
+#: clientgui/WelcomePage.cpp:358
+msgid "Add or change your World Community Grid projects"
+msgstr "Je World Community Grid projecten aanpassen"
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1252 sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1261
-msgid "Retrieving current status"
-msgstr "Status aan het opvragen"
+#: clientgui/WelcomePage.cpp:361
+msgid "Add projects run by other researchers or organizations"
+msgstr "Projecten van andere organisaties aanpassen"
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1256
-msgid "No work available to process"
-msgstr "Geen werk aanwezig"
+#: clientgui/WizardAttach.cpp:673
+msgid "Do you really want to cancel?"
+msgstr "Weet je zeker dat je wilt annuleren?"
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1258
-msgid "Unable to connect to the core client"
-msgstr "Client verbinding niet aanwezig"
+#: clientgui/WizardAttach.cpp:674
+msgid "Question"
+msgstr "Vraag"
-#: wizardex.cpp:377 wizardex.cpp:553
+#: clientgui/wizardex.cpp:377
+#: clientgui/wizardex.cpp:553
 msgid "&Next >"
 msgstr "Volgende >"
-#: wizardex.cpp:383
+#: clientgui/wizardex.cpp:383
 msgid "< &Back"
 msgstr "< Vorige"
-#: wizardex.cpp:553
+#: clientgui/wizardex.cpp:553
 msgid "&Finish"
 msgstr "Voltooien"
-#: mac/Mac_GUI.cpp:110
-msgid "Preferences…"
-msgstr "Voorkeuren..."
+#: clientgui/common/wxPieCtrl.cpp:64
+msgid "Pie Ctrl"
+msgstr "Diagram besturing"
-#: mac/Mac_GUI.cpp:122
+#: clientgui/mac/Mac_GUI.cpp:35
 msgid "Services"
 msgstr "Services"
-#: mac/Mac_GUI.cpp:144
+#: clientgui/mac/Mac_GUI.cpp:36
 #, c-format
 msgid "Hide %s"
 msgstr "Verberg %s"
-#: mac/Mac_GUI.cpp:158
+#: clientgui/mac/Mac_GUI.cpp:37
 msgid "Hide Others"
 msgstr "Verberg Andere"
-#: mac/Mac_GUI.cpp:172
+#: clientgui/mac/Mac_GUI.cpp:38
 msgid "Show All"
 msgstr "Alles Weergeven"
-#: mac/Mac_GUI.cpp:186
+#: clientgui/mac/Mac_GUI.cpp:39
 #, c-format
 msgid "Quit %s"
 msgstr "%s Sluiten"
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.h:30
+msgid "specify work start and stop hours in format HH:MM-HH:MM"
+msgstr "geef de werk start- en stoptijd aan in UU:MM-UU:MM"
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.h:31
+msgid "specify network usage start and stop hours in format HH:MM-HH:MM"
+msgstr "geef de netwerk start- en stoptijd aan in UU:MM-UU:MM"
+# 98%
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "(C) 2003-2013 University of California, Berkeley.\n"
+#~ "All Rights Reserved."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "(C) 2003-2011 University of California, Berkeley.\n"
+#~ "Alle rechten voorbehouden."
+#, c-format
+#~ msgid "%s - Preferences"
+#~ msgstr "%s - Voorkeuren"
+#, no-c-format
+#~ msgid "% of the processors (0 means ignore this setting)"
+#~ msgstr "% van de processoren (0 betekent geen beperking)"
+#, no-c-format
+#~ msgid "% CPU time"
+#~ msgstr "% CPU tijd"
+#~ msgid "KBytes/sec."
+#~ msgstr "KBytes/sec."
+#~ msgid "Mbytes"
+#~ msgstr "Mbytes"
+#~ msgid "every"
+#~ msgstr "elke"
+#~ msgid "days"
+#~ msgstr "dagen"
+#~ msgid "Gigabytes disk space"
+#~ msgstr "Gigabytes schijfruimte"
+#~ msgid "Running, high priority"
+#~ msgstr "Bezig met uitvoeren, hoge prioriteit"
+#~ msgid " (Scheduler wait: "
+#~ msgstr " (Taakverdeling wacht: "
+#~ msgid " (Scheduler wait)"
+#~ msgstr " (Taakverdeling wacht)"
+#~ msgid " (Waiting for network access)"
+#~ msgstr " (Wacht op netwerk toegang)"
+#~ msgid "Preferences…"
+#~ msgstr "Voorkeuren..."
+#~ msgid "Workunit name"
+#~ msgstr "Bestandsnaam"
+#~ msgid "I do not agree with the terms of use."
+#~ msgstr "Ik ga NIET akkoord met de voorwaarden."
+#~ msgid "Click Clear to restore web-based settings."
+#~ msgstr "Klik op 'Wissen' om terug te keren naar online instellingen."
+#~ msgid "For additional settings, select Computing Preferences in "
+#~ msgstr "Voor aanvullende opties klik je op 'Verwerkings voorkeuren' in "
+#~ msgid "the Advanced View."
+#~ msgstr "de Geavanceerde Weergave."
 #~ msgid "invalid float"
 #~ msgstr "ongeldige waarde gevonden"
@@ -4243,15 +4478,6 @@ msgstr "%s Sluiten"
 #~ msgid "OnDropTarget: index by HitTest = %i"
 #~ msgstr "OnDropTarget: index by HitTest = %i"
-#~ msgid "Pie Ctrl"
-#~ msgstr "Diagram besturing"
-#~ msgid "specify work start and stop hours in format HH:MM-HH:MM"
-#~ msgstr "geef de werk start- en stoptijd aan in UU:MM-UU:MM"
-#~ msgid "specify network usage start and stop hours in format HH:MM-HH:MM"
-#~ msgstr "geef de netwerk start- en stoptijd aan in UU:MM-UU:MM"
 #~ msgid "Identify your account "
 #~ msgstr "Je account gegevens "
diff --git a/locale/nl/BOINC-Setup.mo b/locale/nl/BOINC-Setup.mo
index 086dbe7..5a8905d 100644
Binary files a/locale/nl/BOINC-Setup.mo and b/locale/nl/BOINC-Setup.mo differ
diff --git a/locale/nl/BOINC-Setup.po b/locale/nl/BOINC-Setup.po
index 25102e4..d462b67 100644
--- a/locale/nl/BOINC-Setup.po
+++ b/locale/nl/BOINC-Setup.po
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ msgid ""
 msgstr ""
 "Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2013-11-17 00:00-0800\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-01-26 00:00-0800\n"
 "PO-Revision-Date: 2013-12-18 19:26+0000\n"
 "Last-Translator: Anonymous Pootle User\n"
 "Language-Team: LANGUAGE <LL at li.org>\n"
@@ -28,11 +28,11 @@ msgstr ""
 msgid "Sorry, this version of %s requires system 10.5 or higher."
 msgstr "Sorry, deze versie van %s vereist systeem 10.5 of hoger."
-#: PostInstall.cpp:130 PostInstall.cpp:1136
+#: PostInstall.cpp:130 PostInstall.cpp:1136 uninstall.cpp:1618
 msgid "Yes"
 msgstr "Ja"
-#: PostInstall.cpp:131 PostInstall.cpp:1137
+#: PostInstall.cpp:131 PostInstall.cpp:1137 uninstall.cpp:1619
 msgid "No"
 msgstr "Nee"
@@ -61,15 +61,15 @@ msgid "Do you want to set %s as the screensaver for all %s users on this Mac?"
 msgstr ""
 "Wil je %s instellen als screensaver voor alle %s gebruikers op deze Mac?"
-#: uninstall.cpp:81
+#: uninstall.cpp:82
 msgid "OK"
 msgstr "OK"
-#: uninstall.cpp:131
+#: uninstall.cpp:136
 msgid "Permission error after relaunch"
 msgstr "Permissie fout na herstart"
-#: uninstall.cpp:136
+#: uninstall.cpp:141
 msgid ""
 "Removal may take several minutes.\n"
 "Please be patient."
@@ -77,7 +77,7 @@ msgstr ""
 "Verwijderen kan enkele minuten duren.\n"
 "Even geduld a.u.b."
-#: uninstall.cpp:151
+#: uninstall.cpp:156
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "Are you sure you want to completely remove %s from your computer?\n"
@@ -88,21 +88,27 @@ msgstr ""
 "De uitvoerbare bestanden van %s worden verwijderd, niet de data bestanden."
-#: uninstall.cpp:158
+#: uninstall.cpp:163
 #, c-format
 msgid "Canceled: %s has not been touched."
 msgstr "Geannuleerd: %s is niet gewijzigd."
-#: uninstall.cpp:169
+#: uninstall.cpp:174
 #, c-format
 msgid "An error occurred: error code %d"
 msgstr "Er is een fout opgetreden: code %d"
-#: uninstall.cpp:225
+#: uninstall.cpp:230
 msgid "name  of user"
 msgstr "naam  van gebruiker"
-#: uninstall.cpp:262
+#: uninstall.cpp:272
+msgid ""
+"Do you also want to remove VirtualBox from your computer?\n"
+"(VirtualBox was installed along with BOINC.)"
+msgstr ""
+#: uninstall.cpp:312
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "Removal completed.\n"
@@ -122,7 +128,7 @@ msgstr ""
 "voor elke gebruiker, het bestand\n"
-#: uninstall.cpp:790
+#: uninstall.cpp:840
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "Enter your administrator password to completely remove %s from you "
@@ -133,11 +139,11 @@ msgstr ""
-#: uninstall.cpp:1549
+#: uninstall.cpp:1616
 msgid "Cancel"
 msgstr "Annuleer"
-#: uninstall.cpp:1550
+#: uninstall.cpp:1617
 msgid "Continue..."
 msgstr "Ga verder..."
diff --git a/locale/nl/BOINC-Web.mo b/locale/nl/BOINC-Web.mo
index e33c72b..035968d 100644
Binary files a/locale/nl/BOINC-Web.mo and b/locale/nl/BOINC-Web.mo differ
diff --git a/locale/nl/BOINC-Web.po b/locale/nl/BOINC-Web.po
index 12ba8ae..dad11c1 100644
--- a/locale/nl/BOINC-Web.po
+++ b/locale/nl/BOINC-Web.po
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ msgid ""
 msgstr ""
 "Project-Id-Version: $Id: nl.po 13216 2007-07-25 15:11:14Z davea $\n"
 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: BOINC translation team <boinc_loc at ssl.berkeley.edu>\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2013-11-12 00:00 PST\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-02-01 00:00 PST\n"
 "PO-Revision-Date: 2013-12-18 19:26+0000\n"
 "Last-Translator: Rene <oskamjr at ziggo.nl>\n"
 "Language-Team: \n"
@@ -456,16 +456,16 @@ msgstr ""
 msgid "Cognitive science and artifical intelligence"
 msgstr "Cognitieve wetenschappen en kunstmatige intelligentie"
-#: projects.inc:50 projects.inc:342 projects.inc:386 projects.inc:435
-#: projects.inc:442 projects.inc:489
+#: projects.inc:60 projects.inc:364 projects.inc:408 projects.inc:457
+#: projects.inc:464 projects.inc:511
 msgid "Private"
 msgstr "Particulier project"
-#: projects.inc:51
+#: projects.inc:61
 msgid "Artificial intelligence"
 msgstr "Kunstmatige intelligentie"
-#: projects.inc:52
+#: projects.inc:62
 msgid ""
 "Parse and convert semantic nets for use in FreeHAL, an artificial "
 "intelligence that uses semantic networks, stemmers, part of speech "
@@ -477,19 +477,19 @@ msgstr ""
 "netwerken, vervoegingsgeneratoren, part-of-speech databanken en part-of-"
 "speech tagging om menselijke eigenschappen in een gesprek te na te bootsen."
-#: projects.inc:58
+#: projects.inc:69
 msgid "Biology and Medicine"
 msgstr "Biologie en geneeskunde"
-#: projects.inc:71
+#: projects.inc:82
 msgid "University College Dublin"
 msgstr "University College Dublin"
-#: projects.inc:72
+#: projects.inc:83
 msgid "Antimalarial drug discovery"
 msgstr "Onderzoek naar malaria medicijnen"
-#: projects.inc:73
+#: projects.inc:84
 msgid ""
 "The parasite that causes malaria continues to evolve resistance to available "
 "medication. We therefore urgently need to discover new drugs to replace "
@@ -503,15 +503,15 @@ msgstr ""
 "proteïnen in de parasiet. Het FightMalaria at Home project is gericht op het "
 "vinden hiervan."
-#: projects.inc:79
+#: projects.inc:90
 msgid "University of Karlsruhe (Germany)"
 msgstr "Universiteit van Karlsruhe (Duitsland)"
-#: projects.inc:80
+#: projects.inc:91
 msgid "Protein structure prediction"
 msgstr "Voorspelling van proteïne-structuren"
-#: projects.inc:81
+#: projects.inc:92
 msgid ""
 "POEM at HOME uses a computational approach to predict the biologically active "
 "structure of proteins, to understand the signal-processing mechanisms when "
@@ -526,15 +526,15 @@ msgstr ""
 "bewerkstelligen van nieuwe medicijnen op basis van de driedimensionale "
 "structuur van biologisch belangrijke proteïnen."
-#: projects.inc:87
+#: projects.inc:98
 msgid "University of Delaware"
 msgstr "Universiteit van Delaware"
-#: projects.inc:88
+#: projects.inc:99
 msgid "Study of protein - ligand interactions"
 msgstr "Studie over proteïnen - ligland interactie"
-#: projects.inc:89
+#: projects.inc:100
 msgid ""
 "Docking at Home has both bioscience and computer science goals. The project "
 "aims to further knowledge of the atomic details of protein-ligand "
@@ -546,15 +546,15 @@ msgstr ""
 "kennis over atomische proteïne-ligand interacties, om aldus inzicht te "
 "verschaffen omtrent de ontwikkeling van nieuwe geneesmiddelen."
-#: projects.inc:103
+#: projects.inc:114
 msgid "Barcelona Biomedical Research Park (PRBB)"
 msgstr "Barcelona Biomedical Research Park (PRBB)"
-#: projects.inc:104
+#: projects.inc:115
 msgid "Molecular simulations of proteins"
 msgstr "Moleculaire simulatie van proteïnen"
-#: projects.inc:105
+#: projects.inc:116
 msgid ""
 "GPUGrid.net opens novel computational scenarios by the first full-atom "
 "molecular dynamics code (CellMD) specially optimized to run on NVIDIA GPUs. "
@@ -567,15 +567,15 @@ msgstr ""
 "biomedisch onderzoek opeens mogelijk worden en computationele biologie een "
 "nieuwe taak krijgt toebedeeld."
-#: projects.inc:111
+#: projects.inc:122
 msgid "Technion, Israel"
 msgstr "Technion, Israël"
-#: projects.inc:112
+#: projects.inc:123
 msgid "Genetic linkage analysis"
 msgstr "Genetische koppelingsanalyse"
-#: projects.inc:113
+#: projects.inc:124
 msgid ""
 "Superlink at Technion helps geneticists all over the world find disease-"
 "provoking genes causing some types of diabetes, hypertension (high blood "
@@ -585,18 +585,18 @@ msgstr ""
 "veroorzakende genen die betrokken zijn bij sommige soorten diabetes, "
 "hypertensie (hoge bloeddruk), kanker, schizofrenie, en vele andere ziektes."
-#: projects.inc:127
+#: projects.inc:138
 msgid ""
 "University of Maryland Center for Bioinformatics and Computational Biology"
 msgstr ""
 "Universiteit van Maryland Centrum voor bio-informatica en computationele "
-#: projects.inc:128
+#: projects.inc:139
 msgid "Life science research"
 msgstr "Wetenschappelijk onderzoek inzake Life science"
-#: projects.inc:129
+#: projects.inc:140
 msgid ""
 "The Lattice Project supplies computing power to scientists at the University "
 "of Maryland studying evolutionary relationships based on DNA sequence data; "
@@ -609,15 +609,15 @@ msgstr ""
 "virusproteïnesequenties, evenals voor onderzoek naar biodiversiteit in "
 "natuurgebieden. "
-#: projects.inc:135
+#: projects.inc:146
 msgid "The Swiss Tropical Institute"
 msgstr "Het Zwitserse Tropen Instituut"
-#: projects.inc:136
+#: projects.inc:147
 msgid "Epidemiology"
 msgstr "Epidemiologie"
-#: projects.inc:137
+#: projects.inc:148
 msgid ""
 "Simulation models of the transmission dynamics and health effects of malaria "
 "are an important tool for malaria control. They can be used to determine "
@@ -637,15 +637,15 @@ msgstr ""
 "gerelateerd moeten zijn aan biologische en sociale factoren die van invloed "
 "zijn op de verspreiding van de ziekte. "
-#: projects.inc:159
+#: projects.inc:170
 msgid "University of Washington"
 msgstr "Universiteit van Washington"
-#: projects.inc:160 projects.inc:168
+#: projects.inc:171 projects.inc:179
 msgid "Biology"
 msgstr "Biologie"
-#: projects.inc:161
+#: projects.inc:172
 msgid ""
 "Determine the 3-dimensional shapes of proteins in research that may "
 "ultimately lead to finding cures for some major human diseases. By running "
@@ -662,11 +662,11 @@ msgstr ""
 "ontwerpen ter bestrijding van hiv en ziektes zoals malaria, kanker en "
-#: projects.inc:167
+#: projects.inc:178
 msgid "University of Vienna"
 msgstr "Universiteit van Wenen"
-#: projects.inc:169
+#: projects.inc:180
 msgid ""
 "Calculate similarities between proteins. SIMAP provides a public database of "
 "the resulting data, which plays a key role in many bioinformatics research "
@@ -676,19 +676,19 @@ msgstr ""
 "databank van gegevens die een sleutelrol spelen bij menig onderzoeksproject "
 "inzake bio-informatica."
-#: projects.inc:175
+#: projects.inc:186
 msgid "Earth Sciences"
 msgstr "Aardkunde"
-#: projects.inc:187
+#: projects.inc:198
 msgid "Oxford University"
 msgstr "Universiteit van Oxford"
-#: projects.inc:188
+#: projects.inc:199
 msgid "Climate study"
 msgstr "Klimaat studie"
-#: projects.inc:189
+#: projects.inc:200
 msgid ""
 "Investigate the approximations that have to be made in state-of-the-art "
 "climate models. By running the model thousands of times we hope to find out "
@@ -709,16 +709,25 @@ msgstr ""
 "ons in staat om de klimaatverandering de komende eeuw volgens een breed "
 "scala aan scenario's te bestuderen."
-# 75%
-#: projects.inc:196
-msgid "Astronomy, Physics, and Chemistry"
-msgstr "Astronomie/Fysica/Chemie"
+#: projects.inc:207
+msgid "Physical Science"
+msgstr ""
+#: projects.inc:213
+msgid "Mechanical engineering"
+msgstr ""
-#: projects.inc:202 projects.inc:241 projects.inc:249
+#: projects.inc:214
+msgid ""
+"Currently we are calculating the optimum design of a structure call the 52 "
+"bar truss"
+msgstr ""
+#: projects.inc:224 projects.inc:263 projects.inc:271
 msgid "Astronomy"
 msgstr "Astronomie"
-#: projects.inc:203
+#: projects.inc:225
 msgid ""
 "We will combine the spectral coverage of GALEX, Pan-STARRS1, and WISE to "
 "generate a multi-wavelength UV-optical-NIR galaxy atlas for the nearby "
@@ -736,15 +745,15 @@ msgstr ""
 "x 1 pixel middels specifieke spectrale energie-distributietechnieken (SED) "
 "in een gedistribueerde rekenmodus.              "
-#: projects.inc:225
+#: projects.inc:247
 msgid "University of Texas at Austin"
 msgstr "Universiteit van Texas te Austin"
-#: projects.inc:226 projects.inc:257
+#: projects.inc:248 projects.inc:279
 msgid "Chemistry"
 msgstr "Chemie"
-#: projects.inc:227
+#: projects.inc:249
 msgid ""
 "A common problem in theoretical chemistry, condensed matter physics and "
 "materials science is the calculation of the time evolution of an atomic "
@@ -768,11 +777,11 @@ msgstr ""
 "langetermijndynamiek van tijdsvariabele systemen."
 # 95%
-#: projects.inc:240
+#: projects.inc:262
 msgid "University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign"
 msgstr "Universiteit van Illinois te Urbana-Chamapign"
-#: projects.inc:242
+#: projects.inc:264
 msgid ""
 "The goal of Cosmology at Home is to search for the model that best describes "
 "our Universe and to find the range of models that agree with the available "
@@ -782,11 +791,11 @@ msgstr ""
 "universum het best omschrijft, alsmede het spectrum van modellen die met de "
 "beschikbare data inzake deeltjes astrofysica overweg kunnen."
-#: projects.inc:248
+#: projects.inc:270
 msgid "Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute"
 msgstr "Rensselaer Polytechnisch Instituut"
-#: projects.inc:250
+#: projects.inc:272
 msgid ""
 "The goal of Milkyway at Home is to create a highly accurate three dimensional "
 "model of the Milky Way galaxy using data gathered by the Sloan Digital Sky "
@@ -796,11 +805,11 @@ msgstr ""
 "accuraat drie-dimensionaal model van het melkwegstelsel middels de gegevens "
 "van het Sloan Digital Sky Survey."
-#: projects.inc:256
+#: projects.inc:278
 msgid "Leiden University, The Netherlands"
 msgstr "Universiteit Leiden, Nederland"
-#: projects.inc:258
+#: projects.inc:280
 msgid ""
 "Surface science calculations using Classical Dynamics.  Leiden Classical "
 "allows volunteers, students and other scientist to submit their personal "
@@ -818,15 +827,15 @@ msgstr ""
 "van de algemene gaswet te testen en aldus de simulaties daadwerkelijk uit te "
 "voeren via het computercluster."
-#: projects.inc:272
+#: projects.inc:294
 msgid "Univ. of Wisconsin - Milwaukee, Max Planck Institute"
 msgstr "Universiteit van Wisconsin - Milwaukee, Max Planck Instituut"
-#: projects.inc:273
+#: projects.inc:295
 msgid "Astrophysics"
 msgstr "Astrofysica"
-#: projects.inc:274
+#: projects.inc:296
 msgid ""
 "Search for spinning neutron stars (also called pulsars) using data from the "
 "LIGO and GEO gravitational wave detectors, and from the Arecibo radio "
@@ -840,15 +849,15 @@ msgstr ""
 "gesponsord door 'the American Physical Society' (APS) en enkele "
 "internationale organisaties."
-#: projects.inc:288 projects.inc:296
+#: projects.inc:310 projects.inc:318
 msgid "CERN (European Organization for Nuclear Research)"
 msgstr "CERN (Europese organisatie voor nucleair onderzoek)"
-#: projects.inc:289 projects.inc:297
+#: projects.inc:311 projects.inc:319
 msgid "Physics"
 msgstr "Natuurkunde"
-#: projects.inc:290
+#: projects.inc:312
 msgid ""
 "The Large Hadron Collider (LHC) is a particle accelerator at CERN, the "
 "European Organization for Nuclear Research, the world's largest particle "
@@ -863,7 +872,7 @@ msgstr ""
 "simulaties uit ter verbetering van het ontwerp van de LHC en diens "
-#: projects.inc:298
+#: projects.inc:320
 msgid ""
 "This project uses CERN-developed virtual machine technology for full-fledged "
 "LHC event physics simulation on volunteer computers.  Requires that you "
@@ -873,15 +882,15 @@ msgstr ""
 "volwaardige LHC natuurkundige simulatie op je computer.  Het is vereist om "
 "VirtualBox op je computer te installeren"
-#: projects.inc:304
+#: projects.inc:326
 msgid "University of California, Berkeley"
 msgstr "University van Californië, Berkeley"
-#: projects.inc:305
+#: projects.inc:327
 msgid "Astrophysics, astrobiology"
 msgstr "Astrofysica, astrobiologie"
-#: projects.inc:306
+#: projects.inc:328
 msgid ""
 "SETI (Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence) is a scientific area whose "
 "goal is to detect intelligent life outside Earth. One approach, known as "
@@ -896,15 +905,15 @@ msgstr ""
 "ruimte. Dergelijke signalen kunnen niet spontaan ontstaan, dus een detectie "
 "zou een mogelijk bewijs van buitenaardse technologie kunnen zijn."
-#: projects.inc:320
+#: projects.inc:342
 msgid "Bielefeld University of Applied Sciences"
 msgstr "Bielefeld Universiteit voor toegepaste wetenschappen"
-#: projects.inc:321
+#: projects.inc:343
 msgid "Chemical engineering and nanotechnology"
 msgstr "Chemische technologie en nanotechnologie"
-#: projects.inc:322
+#: projects.inc:344
 msgid ""
 "The study of molecular magnets and controlled nanoscale magnetism.  These "
 "magnetic molecules may be used to develop tiny magnetic switches, with "
@@ -917,19 +926,19 @@ msgstr ""
 "vinden in de geneeskunde (zoals chemotherapeutische behandeling van een "
 "plaatselijke kanker) en biotechnologie."
-#: projects.inc:329
+#: projects.inc:351
 msgid "Multiple applications"
 msgstr "Diverse applicaties"
-#: projects.inc:334
+#: projects.inc:356
 msgid "Chinese Academy of Sciences"
 msgstr "Chinese Academie voor wetenschappen"
-#: projects.inc:335
+#: projects.inc:357
 msgid "Physics, biochemistry, and others"
 msgstr "Natuurkunde, biochemie en diverse andere wetenschappen"
-#: projects.inc:336
+#: projects.inc:358
 msgid ""
 "The objective of CAS at home is to encourage and assist scientists in China to "
 "adopt the technologies of volunteer computing and volunteer thinking for "
@@ -939,11 +948,11 @@ msgstr ""
 "wetenschappers in China om technologieën als volunteer computing en "
 "volunteer thinking in te zetten bij hun wetenschappelijk onderzoek."
-#: projects.inc:343
+#: projects.inc:365
 msgid "Mathematics, physics, evolution"
 msgstr "Wiskunde, natuurkunde en evolutie studie"
-#: projects.inc:344
+#: projects.inc:366
 msgid ""
 "Yoyo at home is an adapter between BOINC and several existing volunteer "
 "computing projects: ECM, Muon, Evolution at home, and distributed.net"
@@ -951,15 +960,15 @@ msgstr ""
 "Yoyo at home is een verbinding tussen BOINC en diverse bestaande volunteer "
 "computing projecten: ECM, Muon, Evolution at home, en distributed.net"
-#: projects.inc:349 projects.inc:505
+#: projects.inc:371 projects.inc:527
 msgid "MTA-SZTAKI Laboratory of Parallel and Distributed Systems (Hungary)"
 msgstr "MTA-SZTAKI Laboratory of Parallel and Distributed Systems (Hungary)"
-#: projects.inc:350
+#: projects.inc:372
 msgid "European research projects"
 msgstr "Europees wetenschappelijk onderzoek"
-#: projects.inc:351
+#: projects.inc:373
 msgid ""
 "The EDGeS at Home Beta project integrates volunteer computing into the service "
 "grid network of Europe by allowing service grids to send workunits to be "
@@ -971,27 +980,27 @@ msgstr ""
 "en te laten verwerken door de vrijwilligers bij dit project. De "
 "wetenschappelijke projecten omvatten o.a. wiskunde, natuurkunde en biologie."
-#: projects.inc:357
+#: projects.inc:379
 msgid "Spanish universities and research centers"
 msgstr "Spaanse universiteiten en centra voor wetenschappelijk onderzoek"
-#: projects.inc:358
+#: projects.inc:380
 msgid "Various Spanish research projects"
 msgstr "Diverse Spaanse projecten voor wetenschappelijk onderzoek"
-#: projects.inc:359
+#: projects.inc:381
 msgid "Research in physics, material science, and biomedicine"
 msgstr "Onderzoek inzake fysica, materiaalkunde, en bio-geneeskunde"
-#: projects.inc:365
+#: projects.inc:387
 msgid "IBM Corporate Citizenship"
 msgstr "IBM Corporate Citizenship"
-#: projects.inc:366
+#: projects.inc:388
 msgid "Medical, environmental and other humanitarian research"
 msgstr "Medisch, omgeving en ander menselijk onderzoek"
-#: projects.inc:367
+#: projects.inc:389
 msgid ""
 "To further critical non-profit research on some of humanity's most pressing "
 "problems by creating the world's largest volunteer computing grid.  Research "
@@ -1003,27 +1012,27 @@ msgstr ""
 "grootste vrijwilligers netwerk. Onderzoek omvat HIV-AIDS, kanker, tropische "
 "en verwaarloosde ziektes, zonne-energie, schoon water en nog veel meer"
-#: projects.inc:373
+#: projects.inc:395
 msgid "Mathematics, computing, and games"
 msgstr "Wiskunde, informatica en games"
-#: projects.inc:379
+#: projects.inc:401
 msgid "Computer Science"
 msgstr "Computer wetenschap"
-#: projects.inc:387
+#: projects.inc:409
 msgid "Mathematics, Physics, Artificial Intelligence"
 msgstr "Wiskunde, natuurkunde, kunstmatige intelligentie"
-#: projects.inc:388
+#: projects.inc:410
 msgid "Simulation of quantum computing; Goldbach's conjecture."
 msgstr "Simulatie van een quantum computer; Goldbach's conjecture."
-#: projects.inc:428 projects.inc:436
+#: projects.inc:450 projects.inc:458
 msgid "Cryptography"
 msgstr "Cryptografie"
-#: projects.inc:437
+#: projects.inc:459
 msgid ""
 "Attempt to decode 3 original Enigma messages. The signals were intercepted "
 "in the North Atlantic in 1942 and are believed to be unbroken."
@@ -1032,25 +1041,25 @@ msgstr ""
 "Deze werden in 1942 op de Noord-Atlantische Oceaan onderschept en er wordt "
 "aangenomen dat de codering nog niet is gekraakt."
-#: projects.inc:443 projects.inc:482 projects.inc:490 projects.inc:498
-#: projects.inc:506 projects.inc:546
+#: projects.inc:465 projects.inc:504 projects.inc:512 projects.inc:520
+#: projects.inc:528 projects.inc:568
 msgid "Mathematics"
 msgstr "Wiskunde"
-#: projects.inc:444
+#: projects.inc:466
 msgid "Study the Collatz Conjecture, an unsolved conjecture in mathematics"
 msgstr ""
 "Bestudeer het Vermoeden van Collatz, een onopgelost vraagstuk in de wiskunde"
-#: projects.inc:449
+#: projects.inc:471
 msgid "California State University Fullerton"
 msgstr "California State University Fullerton"
-#: projects.inc:450
+#: projects.inc:472
 msgid "Factorization of large integers"
 msgstr "Factorisatie van grote getallen"
-#: projects.inc:451
+#: projects.inc:473
 msgid ""
 "NFS at Home is a research project that uses Internet-connected computers to do "
 "the lattice sieving step in the Number Field Sieve factorization of large "
@@ -1067,7 +1076,7 @@ msgstr ""
 "35 = 5 * 7. NFS at Home zet dit principe voort, echter met getallen die uit "
 "honderden cijfers bestaan."
-#: projects.inc:457
+#: projects.inc:479
 msgid ""
 "Vilnius Gediminas Technical University and Kaunas University of Technology "
@@ -1075,11 +1084,11 @@ msgstr ""
 "Vilnius Gediminas Technische Universiteit en Kaunas Technische Universiteit "
-#: projects.inc:458
+#: projects.inc:480
 msgid "Software testing"
 msgstr "Software testen"
-#: projects.inc:459
+#: projects.inc:481
 msgid ""
 "The aim of this project is to provide a powerful distributed computing "
 "platform for scientists of Vilnius Gediminas Technical University (VGTU) as "
@@ -1092,11 +1101,11 @@ msgstr ""
 "rekenkracht.  De huidige applicaties zijn gewijd aan het onderzoek naar "
 "software die op de Monte-Carlo simulatie is gebaseerd."
-#: projects.inc:481
+#: projects.inc:503
 msgid "Mathematical Institute of Leiden University / Kennislink"
 msgstr "Mathematisch Instituut Universiteit Leiden / Kennislink"
-#: projects.inc:483
+#: projects.inc:505
 msgid ""
 "Search for 'abc-triples': positive integers a,b,c such that a+b=c, a < b "
 "< c, a,b,c have no common divisors and c > rad(abc), where rad(n) is the "
@@ -1115,7 +1124,7 @@ msgstr ""
 "in de wiskunde. Als dit vermoeden wordt bewezen als waarheid, kunnen "
 "vervolgens vele andere vraagstukken worden opgelost."
-#: projects.inc:491
+#: projects.inc:513
 msgid ""
 "Primegrid has multiple projects searching for different forms of very large "
 "prime numbers, including searching for the largest known prime number."
@@ -1123,11 +1132,11 @@ msgstr ""
 "Primegrid heeft diverse projecten die onderzoek doen naar grote "
 "priemgetallen, inclusief een zoektocht naar het grootste priemgetal."
-#: projects.inc:497
+#: projects.inc:519
 msgid "Hochschule RheinMain University of Applied Sciences"
 msgstr "Hogeschool RheinMain Universiteit voor toegepaste wetenschappen"
-#: projects.inc:499
+#: projects.inc:521
 msgid ""
 "Search for counterexamples to two conjectures related to the identification "
 "of prime numbers"
@@ -1135,7 +1144,7 @@ msgstr ""
 "Ga op zoek naar tegenvoorbeelden van twee vermoedens omtrent de "
 "identificatie van priemgetallen"
-#: projects.inc:507
+#: projects.inc:529
 msgid ""
 "Find all the generalized binary number systems (in which bases are matrices "
 "and digits are vectors) up to dimension 11."
@@ -1152,6 +1161,10 @@ msgstr "Opmerking"
 msgid "News is available as an %sRSS feed%s"
 msgstr "Het nieuws is beschikbaar als %sRSS feed%s"
+# 75%
+#~ msgid "Astronomy, Physics, and Chemistry"
+#~ msgstr "Astronomie/Fysica/Chemie"
 #~ msgid "Download BOINC + Virtualbox"
 #~ msgstr "Download BOINC + Virtualbox"
diff --git a/locale/pl/BOINC-Manager.po b/locale/pl/BOINC-Manager.po
index 5447db0..231c945 100644
--- a/locale/pl/BOINC-Manager.po
+++ b/locale/pl/BOINC-Manager.po
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ msgid ""
 msgstr ""
 "Project-Id-Version: BOINC Manager 6.x\n"
 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-02-02 00:00-0800\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-12-15 14:15-0500\n"
 "PO-Revision-Date: 2013-01-20 16:11+0000\n"
 "Last-Translator: Pawel <pawel.pbm at gmail.com>\n"
 "Language-Team: Ruch Oporu Sekcja Badawcza <marekz at irc.pl>\n"
@@ -17,23 +17,23 @@ msgstr ""
 "Plural-Forms: nplurals=3; plural=(n==1 ? 0 : n%10>=2 && n%10<=4 && (n%100<10 "
 "|| n%100>=20) ? 1 : 2);\n"
 "X-Generator: Pootle 2.5.0\n"
-"X-BOINC-UTF8-Marker: 简体中文, 日本語\n"
-"X-Poedit-SearchPath-1: clientgui/msw\n"
-"X-Poedit-SearchPath-2: clientgui/gtk\n"
-"X-Poedit-SearchPath-3: clientgui/mac\n"
+"X-Poedit-Basepath: C:\\Src\\BOINCGIT\\boinc_7.4\n"
 "X-Poedit-SearchPath-0: clientgui\n"
 "X-Poedit-SourceCharset: utf-8\n"
-"X-Poedit-Basepath: C:\\Src\\BOINCGIT\\boinc\n"
 "X-POOTLE-MTIME: 1358698319.0\n"
+"X-Poedit-SearchPath-1: clientgui/msw\n"
+"X-Poedit-SearchPath-2: clientgui/gtk\n"
+"X-Poedit-SearchPath-3: clientgui/mac\n"
+"X-BOINC-UTF8-Marker: 简体中文, 日本語\n"
 # 81%
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:387
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:387
 #, c-format
 #, c-format, fuzzy
 msgid "Identify your account at %s"
 msgstr "Zidentyfikuj swoje konto"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:393
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:393
 msgid ""
 "Please enter your account information\n"
 "(to create an account, visit the project's web site)"
@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ msgstr ""
 "Wprowadź informacje dotyczące twojego konta.\n"
 "(aby utworzyć konto odwiedź stronę internetową projektu)"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:397
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:397
 msgid ""
 "This project is not currently accepting new accounts.\n"
 "You can add it only if you already have an account."
@@ -49,19 +49,19 @@ msgstr ""
 "W projekcie nie można w tej chwili tworzyć nowych kont.\n"
 "Możesz go dodać tylko jeśli posiadasz już w nim konto."
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:401
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:401
 msgid "Are you already running this project?"
 msgstr "Czy uczestniczysz już w tym projekcie?"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:405
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:405
 msgid "&No, new user"
 msgstr "&Nie, nowy uczestnik"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:408
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:408
 msgid "&Yes, existing user"
 msgstr "&Tak, istniejący uczestnik"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:413
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:413
 msgid ""
 "We were not able to set up your account information\n"
@@ -77,45 +77,51 @@ msgstr ""
 "aby ustalić co należy wpisać\n"
 "w pola adresu e-mail oraz hasła."
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:416
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:416
 msgid "Find login information"
 msgstr "Znajdź informacje logowania"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:436 AccountInfoPage.cpp:641
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:436
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:649
 msgid "&Password:"
 msgstr "&Hasło:"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:443 AccountInfoPage.cpp:665
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:443
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:673
 msgid "Choose a &password:"
 msgstr "Podaj &hasło:"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:446
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:446
 msgid "C&onfirm password:"
 msgstr "P&otwierdź hasło:"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:453
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:453
 #, c-format
 msgid "Are you already running %s?"
 msgstr "Czy uczestniczysz już w %s?"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:482
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:482
 msgid "&Username:"
 msgstr "&Nazwa użytkownika:"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:508
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:511
+msgid "&Email address or LDAP ID:"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:515
 msgid "&Email address:"
 msgstr "Adres &e-mail:"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:515
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:523
 #, c-format
 msgid "minimum length %d"
 msgstr "minimalna długość %d"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:522
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:530
 msgid "Forgot your password?"
 msgstr "Zapomniałeś hasła?"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:529
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:537
 msgid ""
 "If you have not yet registered with this account manager,\n"
 "please do so before proceeding.  Click on the link below\n"
@@ -125,47 +131,46 @@ msgstr ""
 " zrób to przed przejściem dalej. Kliknij poniższy link\n"
 " aby się zarejestrować albo odzyskać zapomniane hasło."
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:532
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:540
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Account manager web site"
 msgstr "Strona internetowa menadżera kont"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:574 WelcomePage.cpp:348
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:582
 msgid "Add project"
 msgstr "Dodaj projekt"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:576
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:584
 msgid "Update account manager"
 msgstr "Uaktualnij menadżera kont"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:578 WelcomePage.cpp:307 WelcomePage.cpp:321
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:586
 msgid "Use account manager"
 msgstr "Użyj menadżera kont"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:585
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:593
 msgid "Please enter a user name."
 msgstr ""
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:587
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:595
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Please enter an email address."
 msgstr "Podaj adres e-mail"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:597
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:605
 #, c-format
 msgid "Please enter a password of at least %d characters."
 msgstr ""
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:607
-msgid ""
-"The password and confirmation password do not match. Please type them again."
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:615
+msgid "The password and confirmation password do not match. Please type them again."
 msgstr "Wprowadzone hasła nie są identyczne. Wprowadź je ponownie."
-#: AccountManagerInfoPage.cpp:272
+#: clientgui/AccountManagerInfoPage.cpp:272
 msgid "Choose an account manager"
 msgstr "Wybierz menedżera kont"
-#: AccountManagerInfoPage.cpp:275
+#: clientgui/AccountManagerInfoPage.cpp:275
 msgid ""
 "To choose an account manager, click its name or \n"
 "type its URL below."
@@ -173,393 +178,410 @@ msgstr ""
 "Aby wybrać menedżera kont kliknij jego nazwę, albo \n"
 " wpisz jego adres URL poniżej."
-#: AccountManagerInfoPage.cpp:279
+#: clientgui/AccountManagerInfoPage.cpp:279
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Account manager details:"
 msgstr "Strona internetowa menadżera kont"
-#: AccountManagerInfoPage.cpp:283
+#: clientgui/AccountManagerInfoPage.cpp:283
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Account manager &URL:"
 msgstr "Adres &URL menadżera kont:"
-#: AccountManagerInfoPage.cpp:287
+#: clientgui/AccountManagerInfoPage.cpp:287
 msgid "Open web page"
 msgstr ""
-#: AccountManagerInfoPage.cpp:290
+#: clientgui/AccountManagerInfoPage.cpp:290
 msgid "Visit this account manager's web site"
 msgstr ""
-#: AccountManagerProcessingPage.cpp:187 AccountManagerPropertiesPage.cpp:193
+#: clientgui/AccountManagerProcessingPage.cpp:186
+#: clientgui/AccountManagerPropertiesPage.cpp:192
 #, c-format
 msgid "Communicating with %s."
 msgstr "Trwa łączenie z %s."
-#: AccountManagerProcessingPage.cpp:194 AccountManagerPropertiesPage.cpp:200
+#: clientgui/AccountManagerProcessingPage.cpp:193
+#: clientgui/AccountManagerPropertiesPage.cpp:199
 msgid "Communicating with server."
 msgstr "Trwa wymiana informacji z serwerem."
-#: AccountManagerProcessingPage.cpp:199 AccountManagerPropertiesPage.cpp:205
+#: clientgui/AccountManagerProcessingPage.cpp:198
+#: clientgui/AccountManagerPropertiesPage.cpp:204
 msgid "Please wait..."
 msgstr "Czekaj..."
-#: AccountManagerProcessingPage.cpp:326
+#: clientgui/AccountManagerProcessingPage.cpp:325
 msgid "An internal server error has occurred.\n"
 msgstr "Nastąpił wewnętrzny błąd serwera.\n"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:95
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:96
 msgid "Connected"
 msgstr "Połączony"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:103
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:104
 msgid "Disconnected"
 msgstr "Rozłączony"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:322 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:119
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:318
 #, c-format
 msgid "Close the %s window"
 msgstr "Zamknij okno %s"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:325 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:122
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:321
 msgid "&Close Window"
 msgstr "&Zamknij okno"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:336 AdvancedFrame.cpp:343 AdvancedFrame.cpp:350
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:332
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:339
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:346
 #, c-format
 msgid "Exit %s"
 msgstr "Zamknij %s"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:371
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:359
+msgid "Preferences..."
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:368
 msgid "&Notices\tCtrl+Shift+N"
 msgstr "&Powiadomienia\tCtrl+Shift+N"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:372
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:369
 msgid "Display notices"
 msgstr "Pokaż powiadomienia"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:377
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:374
 msgid "&Projects\tCtrl+Shift+P"
 msgstr "&Projekty\tCtrl+Shift+P"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:378
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:375
 msgid "Display projects"
 msgstr "Pokaż projekty"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:383
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:380
 msgid "&Tasks\tCtrl+Shift+T"
 msgstr "&Zadania\tCtrl+Shift+T"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:384
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:381
 msgid "Display tasks"
 msgstr "Pokaż zadania"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:389
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:386
 msgid "Trans&fers\tCtrl+Shift+X"
 msgstr "Przesyła&nie\tCtrl+Shift+X"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:390
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:387
 msgid "Display transfers"
 msgstr "Pokaż przesyłane dane"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:395
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:392
 msgid "&Statistics\tCtrl+Shift+S"
 msgstr "&Statystyki\tCtrl+Shift+S"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:396
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:393
 msgid "Display statistics"
 msgstr "Pokaż statystyki"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:401
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:398
 msgid "&Disk usage\tCtrl+Shift+D"
 msgstr "&Użycie dysku\tCtrl+Shift+D"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:402
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:399
 msgid "Display disk usage"
 msgstr "Pokaż użycie dysku"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:409
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:406
 msgid "Simple &View...\tCtrl+Shift+V"
 msgstr "Widok uproszczony...\tCtrl+Shift+V"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:410
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:407
 msgid "Display the simple graphical interface."
 msgstr "Przełącz do widoku uproszczonego."
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:424
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:421
 msgid "&Add project or account manager..."
 msgstr "&Dodaj projekt lub menadżera kont..."
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:425 sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:76
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:422
 msgid "Volunteer for any or all of 30+ projects in many areas of science"
 msgstr "Uczestnicz w którymś z ponad 30 projektów w wielu dziedzinach nauki"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:429
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:426
 #, c-format
 msgid "&Synchronize with %s"
 msgstr "&Zsynchronizuj z %s"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:433
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:430
 #, c-format
 msgid "Get current settings from %s"
 msgstr "Pobierz aktualne ustawienia z %s"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:443
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:440
 msgid "&Add project..."
 msgstr "&Dodaj projekt..."
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:444
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:441
 msgid "Add a project"
 msgstr "Dodaj projekt"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:447
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:444
 #, c-format
 msgid "S&top using %s..."
 msgstr "&Przestań używać %s..."
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:453
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:450
 msgid "Remove this computer from account manager control."
 msgstr "Usuń ten komputer z menadżera kont."
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:458 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:178
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:455
 msgid "&Options..."
 msgstr "&Ustawienia..."
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:459 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:179
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:456
 msgid "Configure display options and proxy settings"
 msgstr "Konfiguracja opcji wyglądu i ustawień serwera proxy"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:463 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:172
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:460
 msgid "Computing &preferences..."
 msgstr "&Preferencje przetwarzania..."
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:464 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:173
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:461
 msgid "Configure computing preferences"
 msgstr "Konfiguracja opcji przetwarzania"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:472
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:469
 msgid "&Run always"
 msgstr "&Uruchamiaj zawsze"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:473
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:470
 msgid "Allow work regardless of preferences"
 msgstr ""
 "Przetwarzanie danych bez względu na ograniczenia wynikające z preferencji"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:477
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:474
 msgid "Run based on &preferences"
 msgstr "Uruchamiaj zgodnie z &preferencjami"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:478
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:475
 msgid "Allow work according to preferences"
 msgstr ""
 "Przetwarzanie danych zgodnie z ograniczeniami wynikającymi z preferencji"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:482
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:479
 msgid "&Suspend"
 msgstr "&Wstrzymaj"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:483
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:480
 msgid "Stop work regardless of preferences"
 msgstr "Wstrzymanie przetwarzania danych"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:508
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:505
 msgid "Use GPU always"
 msgstr "Zawsze używaj karty graficznej"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:509
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:506
 msgid "Allow GPU work regardless of preferences"
 msgstr ""
 "Przetwarzanie danych przy użyciu karty graficznej bez względu na "
 "ograniczenia wynikające z preferencji"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:513
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:510
 msgid "Use GPU based on preferences"
 msgstr "Używaj karty graficznej zgodnie z preferencjami"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:514
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:511
 msgid "Allow GPU work according to preferences"
 msgstr ""
 "Przetwarzanie danych z użyciem karty graficznej zgodnie z ograniczeniami "
 "wynikającymi z preferencji"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:518
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:515
 msgid "Suspend GPU"
 msgstr "Wstrzymaj używanie karty graficznej"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:519
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:516
 msgid "Stop GPU work regardless of preferences"
 msgstr ""
 "Wstrzymanie przetwarzania danych przez kartę graficzną bez względu na "
 "ustawienia preferencji"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:543
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:540
 msgid "Network activity always available"
 msgstr "&Sieć zawsze dostępna"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:544
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:541
 msgid "Allow network activity regardless of preferences"
 msgstr ""
 "Sieć zawsze dostępna bez względu na ograniczenia wynikające z preferencji"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:548
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:545
 msgid "Network activity based on preferences"
 msgstr "Dostęp do sieci zgodnie z &preferencjami"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:549
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:546
 msgid "Allow network activity according to preferences"
 msgstr "Sieć dostępna zgodnie z ograniczeniami wynikającymi z preferencji."
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:553
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:550
 msgid "Network activity suspended"
 msgstr "Zablokuj dostęp do sieci"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:554
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:551
 msgid "Stop BOINC network activity"
 msgstr "Wstrzymaj wykorzystanie sieci przez BOINC"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:564
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:561
 #, c-format
 msgid "Connect to another computer running %s"
 msgstr "Połącz z innym komputerem używającym %s"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:569
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:566
 msgid "Select computer..."
 msgstr "Wybierz komputer..."
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:574
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:571
 msgid "Shut down connected client..."
 msgstr "Zamknij podłączonego klienta..."
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:575
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:572
 msgid "Shut down the currently connected client"
 msgstr "Zamyka obecnie podłączonego klienta BOINC"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:579
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:576
 msgid "Run CPU &benchmarks"
 msgstr "Uruchom miernik &wydajności procesora"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:580
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:577
 msgid "Runs BOINC CPU benchmarks"
 msgstr "Uruchomienie miernika wydajności procesora"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:584
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:581
 msgid "Do network communication"
 msgstr "Ponów próby połączeń"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:585
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:582
 msgid "Do all pending network communication"
 msgstr "Ponów komunikację sieciową"
 # 94%
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:589
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:586
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Read config files"
 msgstr "Wczytaj plik konfiguracyjny"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:590
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:587
 msgid "Read configuration info from cc_config.xml and any app_config.xml files"
 msgstr ""
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:594
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:591
 msgid "Read local prefs file"
 msgstr "Wczytaj plik preferencji lokalnych"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:595
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:592
 msgid "Read preferences from global_prefs_override.xml."
 msgstr ""
 "Wczytywanie konfiguracji zawartej w pliku preferencji lokalnych "
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:600
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:597
 #, c-format
 msgid "Launch another instance of %s..."
 msgstr "Uruchom kolejną instancję %s..."
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:604
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:601
 #, c-format
 msgid "Launch another %s"
 msgstr "Uruchom kolejnego %s"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:614
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:611
 msgid "Event Log...\tCtrl+Shift+E"
 msgstr "Dziennik zdarzeń...\t Ctrl+Shift+E"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:615
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:612
 msgid "Display diagnostic messages."
 msgstr "Pokaż informacje diagnostyczne."
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:625 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:188
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:616
+msgid "Event Log Diagnostic Flags...\tCtrl+Shift+F"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:617
+msgid "Enable or disable various diagnostic messages"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:626
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s &help"
 msgstr "%s - pomoc on-line"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:631 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:194
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:632
 #, c-format
 msgid "Show information about %s"
 msgstr "Pokaż informacje on-line na temat %s"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:643
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:644
 #, c-format
 msgid "&%s help"
 msgstr "&%s - pomoc on-line"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:649 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:212
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:650
 #, c-format
 msgid "Show information about the %s"
 msgstr "Pokaż informacje on-line na temat %s"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:661 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:224
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:662
 #, c-format
 #, c-format, fuzzy
 msgid "%s &web site"
 msgstr "&Strona główna projektu %s"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:667 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:230
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:668
 #, c-format
 msgid "Show information about BOINC and %s"
 msgstr "Pokaż informacje o BOINC oraz %s"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:679 BOINCTaskBar.cpp:530 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:242
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:680
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:544
 #, c-format
 msgid "&About %s..."
 msgstr "&O %s..."
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:685 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:248
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:686
 msgid "Licensing and copyright information."
 msgstr "Informacje dotyczące licencji oraz praw autorskich."
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:692 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:255
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:693
 msgid "&File"
 msgstr "&Plik"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:696 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:259
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:697
 msgid "&View"
 msgstr "&Widok"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:700 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:263
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:701
 msgid "&Tools"
 msgstr "&Opcje"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:704
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:705
 msgid "&Activity"
 msgstr "&Aktywność"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:708
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:709
 msgid "A&dvanced"
 msgstr "&Zaawansowane"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:712 DlgEventLog.cpp:332 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:267
-#: wizardex.cpp:374 wizardex.cpp:381
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:713
 msgid "&Help"
 msgstr "&Pomoc"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:1199
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1185
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - Stop using %s"
 msgstr "%s - Przestań używać %s"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:1204
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1190
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "If you stop using %s,\n"
@@ -574,12 +596,12 @@ msgstr ""
 "Czy chcesz przestać używać %s?"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:1401
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1397
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - Shut down the current client..."
 msgstr "%s - Zamknij obecnie używanego klienta..."
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:1410
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1406
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "%s will shut down the current client\n"
@@ -588,37 +610,37 @@ msgstr ""
 "%s zamknie obecnie podłączonego klienta,\n"
 "i zapyta o nowego hosta do którego ma się podłączyć."
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:1745 DlgAbout.cpp:119
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1806
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s"
 msgstr "%s"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:1754
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1815
 #, c-format
 #, c-format, c-format
 msgid "%s has successfully added %s"
 msgstr "%s został pomyślnie dołączony do %s"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:1893
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1953
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - (%s)"
 msgstr "%s - (%s)"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:1897
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1957
 #, c-format
 msgid "Connecting to %s"
 msgstr "Łączenie z %s"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:1900
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1960
 #, c-format
 msgid "Connected to %s (%s)"
 msgstr "Połączony z %s (%s)"
-#: AlreadyExistsPage.cpp:184
+#: clientgui/AlreadyExistsPage.cpp:184
 msgid "Username already in use"
 msgstr "Wybrana nazwa użytkownika jest już zajęta"
-#: AlreadyExistsPage.cpp:187
+#: clientgui/AlreadyExistsPage.cpp:187
 msgid ""
 "An account with that username already exists and has a\n"
 "different password than the one you entered.\n"
@@ -630,11 +652,11 @@ msgstr ""
 "Odwiedź stronę projektu i postepuj zgodnie z podanymi tam instrukcjami."
-#: AlreadyExistsPage.cpp:191
+#: clientgui/AlreadyExistsPage.cpp:191
 msgid "Email address already in use"
 msgstr "Podany adres e-mail jest już używany"
-#: AlreadyExistsPage.cpp:194
+#: clientgui/AlreadyExistsPage.cpp:194
 msgid ""
 "An account with that email address already exists and has a\n"
 "different password than the one you entered.\n"
@@ -646,45 +668,44 @@ msgstr ""
 "Odwiedź stronę projektu i postępuj zgodnie z podanymi tam instrukcjami."
-#: AsyncRPC.cpp:1031
+#: clientgui/AsyncRPC.cpp:1031
 msgid "Communicating with BOINC client.  Please wait ..."
 msgstr "Nawiązywanie połączenia z klientem BOINC. Proszę czekać..."
-#: AsyncRPC.cpp:1034
+#: clientgui/AsyncRPC.cpp:1034
 #, c-format
 msgid "&Quit %s"
 msgstr "Opuść %s"
-#: AsyncRPC.cpp:1036
+#: clientgui/AsyncRPC.cpp:1036
 #, c-format
 msgid "E&xit %s"
 msgstr "Zamknij %s"
-#: AsyncRPC.cpp:1040
+#: clientgui/AsyncRPC.cpp:1040
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - Communication"
 msgstr "%s - Komunikacja"
-#: AsyncRPC.cpp:1056 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:107 sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:433
+#: clientgui/AsyncRPC.cpp:1056
 msgid "Cancel"
 msgstr "Anuluj"
-#: BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:505
+#: clientgui/BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:504
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - Connection Error"
 msgstr "%s - Błąd połączenia"
-#: BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:514
+#: clientgui/BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:513
 msgid ""
 "You currently are not authorized to manage the client.\n"
-"Please contact your administrator to add you to the 'boinc_users' local user "
+"Please contact your administrator to add you to the 'boinc_users' local user group."
 msgstr ""
 "Obecnie nie masz uprawnień do zarządzania klientem BOINC.\n"
 "Skontaktuj się z administratorem, aby dołączył cię do grupy użytkowników "
 "'boinc_users' na tym komputerze."
-#: BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:523
+#: clientgui/BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:522
 msgid ""
 "Authorization failed connecting to running client.\n"
 "Make sure you start this program in the same directory as the client."
@@ -693,21 +714,21 @@ msgstr ""
 "Upewnij się czy uruchamiasz ten program w tym samym katalogu, w którym "
 "znajduje się klient."
-#: BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:525
+#: clientgui/BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:524
 msgid "Authorization failed connecting to running client."
 msgstr ""
 "Autoryzacja w trakcie podłączanie do uruchomionego klienta nie powiodła się."
-#: BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:533
+#: clientgui/BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:532
 msgid "The password you have provided is incorrect, please try again."
 msgstr "Wprowadzone hasło jest nieprawidłowe, spróbuj ponownie."
-#: BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:577
+#: clientgui/BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:576
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - Connection Failed"
 msgstr "%s - Połączenie nie powiodło się"
-#: BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:586
+#: clientgui/BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:585
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "%s is not able to connect to a %s client.\n"
@@ -716,23 +737,22 @@ msgstr ""
 "%s nie może połączyć się z klientem %s.\n"
 "Czy chcesz spróbować połączyć się ponownie?"
-#: BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:622
+#: clientgui/BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:621
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - Daemon Start Failed"
 msgstr "%s - usługa nie została uruchomiona"
-#: BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:632
+#: clientgui/BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:631
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "%s is not able to start a %s client.\n"
-"Please launch the Control Panel->Administative Tools->Services applet and "
-"start the BOINC service."
+"Please launch the Control Panel->Administative Tools->Services applet and start the BOINC service."
 msgstr ""
 "%s nie jest w stanie uruchomić usługi klienta %s.\n"
 "Otwórz Panel Sterowania -> Narzędzia Administracyjne -> Usługi i uruchom "
 "usługę BOINC."
-#: BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:638
+#: clientgui/BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:637
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "%s is not able to start a %s client.\n"
@@ -741,17 +761,16 @@ msgstr ""
 "%s nie jest w stanie uruchomić klienta %s.\n"
 "Uruchom usługę i spróbuj ponownie."
-#: BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:689
+#: clientgui/BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:688
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - Connection Status"
 msgstr "%s - Status połączenia"
-#: BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:700
+#: clientgui/BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:699
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "%s is not currently connected to a %s client.\n"
-"Please use the 'Advanced\\Select Computer...' menu option to connect up to a "
-"%s client.\n"
+"Please use the 'Advanced\\Select Computer...' menu option to connect up to a %s client.\n"
 "To connect up to your local computer please use 'localhost' as the host name."
 msgstr ""
 "%s nie jest obecnie podłączony do klienta %s.\n"
@@ -762,16 +781,16 @@ msgstr ""
 # 88%
 # 100%
-#: BOINCBaseView.cpp:779
+#: clientgui/BOINCBaseView.cpp:752
 msgid "Project web pages"
 msgstr "Strony projektu"
-#: BOINCClientManager.cpp:575
+#: clientgui/BOINCClientManager.cpp:573
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - Unexpected Exit"
 msgstr "%s - Nieoczekiwane zakończenie"
-#: BOINCClientManager.cpp:585
+#: clientgui/BOINCClientManager.cpp:583
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "The %s client has exited unexpectedly 3 times within the last %d minutes.\n"
@@ -781,12 +800,12 @@ msgstr ""
 "Czy chcesz go zrestartować?"
-#: BOINCDialupManager.cpp:61
+#: clientgui/BOINCDialupManager.cpp:61
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - Network Status"
 msgstr "%s - Stan połączenia internetowego"
-#: BOINCDialupManager.cpp:241
+#: clientgui/BOINCDialupManager.cpp:241
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "%s needs to connect to the Internet.\n"
@@ -795,22 +814,22 @@ msgstr ""
 "%s chce nawiązać połączenie z internetem.\n"
 "Czy może to zrobić teraz?"
-#: BOINCDialupManager.cpp:254
+#: clientgui/BOINCDialupManager.cpp:254
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s is connecting to the Internet."
 msgstr "%s łączy się z internetem."
-#: BOINCDialupManager.cpp:303
+#: clientgui/BOINCDialupManager.cpp:303
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s has successfully connected to the Internet."
 msgstr "%s połączył się z internetem."
-#: BOINCDialupManager.cpp:331
+#: clientgui/BOINCDialupManager.cpp:331
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s failed to connect to the Internet."
 msgstr "%s nie mógł nawiązać połączenia z internetem."
-#: BOINCDialupManager.cpp:372
+#: clientgui/BOINCDialupManager.cpp:372
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "%s has detected it is now connected to the Internet.\n"
@@ -820,17 +839,17 @@ msgstr ""
 "Nastąpi próba aktualizacji wszystkich projektów\n"
 "oraz ponowienie wszystkich transferów plików."
-#: BOINCDialupManager.cpp:417
+#: clientgui/BOINCDialupManager.cpp:417
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s has successfully disconnected from the Internet."
 msgstr "%s rozłączył się z internetem."
-#: BOINCDialupManager.cpp:433
+#: clientgui/BOINCDialupManager.cpp:433
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s failed to disconnected from the Internet."
 msgstr "%s nie mógł rozłączyć się z internetem."
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:339
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:595
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "You currently are not authorized to manage the client.\n"
@@ -851,7 +870,7 @@ msgstr ""
 "- skontaktuj się z administratorem aby dodał cię do\n"
 "użytkowników grupy 'boinc_master'."
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:345
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:601
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "%s ownership or permissions are not set properly; please reinstall %s.\n"
@@ -861,16 +880,15 @@ msgstr ""
 "przeinstalować %s.\n"
 "(Kod błędu %d"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:351
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:607
 msgid " at "
 msgstr " w "
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:354 MainDocument.cpp:2484 MainDocument.cpp:2534
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2554 ViewTransfers.cpp:803
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:610
 msgid ")"
 msgstr ")"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:384
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:640
 msgid ""
 "A reboot is required in order for BOINC to run properly.\n"
 "Please reboot your computer and try again."
@@ -878,186 +896,190 @@ msgstr ""
 "Aby BOINC działał poprawnie wymagane jest ponowne uruchomienie komputera.\n"
 "Wykonaj restart i spróbuj ponownie."
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:385 DlgAbout.cpp:153
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:641
 msgid "BOINC Manager"
 msgstr "Menadżer BOINC"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:572
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:902
 msgid "BOINC Manager was started by the operating system automatically"
 msgstr "Menadżer BOINC został uruchomiony automatycznie przez system operacyjny"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:574
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:904
 msgid "Startup BOINC so only the system tray icon is visible"
 msgstr "Uruchom BOINC tak, aby widoczna była tylko ikona w zasobniku systemowym"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:576
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:906
 msgid "Directory containing the BOINC Client executable"
 msgstr "Katalog zawierający plik wykonywalny klienta BOINC"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:577
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:907
 msgid "BOINC data directory"
 msgstr "Katalog danych BOINC"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:579
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:909
 msgid "Host name or IP address"
 msgstr "Nazwa hosta lub adres IP"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:580
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:910
 msgid "GUI RPC port number"
 msgstr "Numer portu RPC GUI"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:581
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:911
 msgid "Password"
 msgstr "Hasło"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:582
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:912
 msgid "Startup BOINC with these optional arguments"
 msgstr "Uruchom BOINC z dodatkowymi argumentami"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:583
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:913
 msgid "disable BOINC security users and permissions"
 msgstr "zablokuj użytkowników oraz uprawnienia BOINC"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:584
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:914
 msgid "set skin debugging mode to enable skin manager error messages"
 msgstr ""
 "ustaw tryb debugowania skórek aby odblokować komunikaty błędów menadżera "
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:585
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:915
 msgid "multiple instances of BOINC Manager allowed"
 msgstr "zezwolono na wiele instancji Menedżera BOINC"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:587
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:917
 msgid "Not used: workaround for bug in XCode 4.2"
 msgstr "Nie wykorzystywane: workaround dla błędu w XCode 4.2"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:814
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:1164
 msgid "(Automatic Detection)"
 msgstr "(Wykrywanie automatyczne)"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:815
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:1165
 msgid "(Unknown)"
 msgstr "(Nieznany)"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:816
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:1166
 msgid "(User Defined)"
 msgstr "(Użytkownika)"
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:508
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:522
 #, c-format
 msgid "Open %s Web..."
 msgstr "Otwiera stronę %s..."
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:515
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:529
 #, c-format
 msgid "Open %s..."
 msgstr "Otwórz %s'a..."
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:522 BOINCTaskBar.cpp:619 BOINCTaskBar.cpp:627
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:536
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:633
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:641
 msgid "Snooze"
 msgstr "Wstrzymaj aktywność na 1 godzinę"
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:524 BOINCTaskBar.cpp:646 BOINCTaskBar.cpp:654
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:538
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:660
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:668
 msgid "Snooze GPU"
 msgstr "Wstrzymaj aktywność karty graficznej na 1 godzinę"
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:542
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:556
 msgid "E&xit"
 msgstr "&Zamknij"
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:612 ViewProjects.cpp:718 ViewWork.cpp:795
-#: sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:758 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:110
-#: sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:102
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:626
 msgid "Resume"
 msgstr "Wznów"
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:639
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:653
 msgid "Resume GPU"
 msgstr "Wznów aktywność karty graficznej"
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:713
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:727
 msgid "Computing is enabled"
 msgstr "Przetwarzanie jest włączone"
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:717
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:731
 msgid "Computing is suspended - "
 msgstr "Przetwarzanie jest wstrzymane - "
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:727
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:741
 msgid "GPU computing is enabled"
 msgstr "Przetwarzanie GPU jest włączone"
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:730
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:744
 msgid "GPU computing is suspended - "
 msgstr "Przetwarzanie GPU jest wstrzymane -"
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:739
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:753
 msgid "Network is enabled"
 msgstr "Dostęp do sieci jest włączony"
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:742
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:756
 msgid "Network is suspended - "
 msgstr "Dostęp do sieci jest wstrzymany - "
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:750
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:764
 msgid "Reconnecting to client."
 msgstr "Ponowne łączenie z klientem."
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:752
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:766
 msgid "Not connected to a client."
 msgstr "Niepołączony z klientem."
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:805
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:819
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s Notices"
 msgstr "%s Powiadomienia"
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:811
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:825
 msgid "There are new notices - click to view."
 msgstr "Są nowe powiadomienia - kliknij aby zobaczyć."
-#: CompletionErrorPage.cpp:199
+#: clientgui/CompletionErrorPage.cpp:199
 msgid "Failed to add project"
 msgstr "Niepowodzenie podczas dodawania projektu"
-#: CompletionErrorPage.cpp:204
+#: clientgui/CompletionErrorPage.cpp:204
 msgid "Failed to update account manager"
 msgstr "Niepowodzenie podczas aktualizacji menadżera kont"
-#: CompletionErrorPage.cpp:208
+#: clientgui/CompletionErrorPage.cpp:208
 msgid "Failed to remove account manager"
 msgstr "Niepowodzenie podczas usuwania menadżera kont"
-#: CompletionErrorPage.cpp:212
+#: clientgui/CompletionErrorPage.cpp:212
 msgid "Failed to add account manager"
 msgstr "Niepowodzenie podczas dodawania menadżera kont"
-#: CompletionErrorPage.cpp:221
+#: clientgui/CompletionErrorPage.cpp:221
 msgid ""
 "Please try again later.\n"
 "Click Finish to close."
 msgstr ""
-#: CompletionErrorPage.cpp:225 CompletionPage.cpp:222 CompletionPage.cpp:242
-#: CompletionPage.cpp:273
+#: clientgui/CompletionErrorPage.cpp:225
+#: clientgui/CompletionPage.cpp:222
+#: clientgui/CompletionPage.cpp:242
+#: clientgui/CompletionPage.cpp:273
 msgid "Click Finish to close."
 msgstr "Naciśnij Zakończ aby zamknąć okno."
-#: CompletionErrorPage.cpp:234
+#: clientgui/CompletionErrorPage.cpp:234
 msgid "Messages from server:"
 msgstr "Wiadomości z serwera:"
-#: CompletionPage.cpp:207
+#: clientgui/CompletionPage.cpp:207
 msgid "Project added"
 msgstr "Projekt został dodany"
-#: CompletionPage.cpp:213
+#: clientgui/CompletionPage.cpp:213
 msgid "This project has been successfully added."
 msgstr "Projekt został pomyślnie dodany."
-#: CompletionPage.cpp:218
+#: clientgui/CompletionPage.cpp:218
 msgid ""
 "When you click Finish, your web browser will go to a page where\n"
 "you can set your account name and preferences."
@@ -1066,125 +1088,126 @@ msgstr ""
 "na której będziesz mógł wybrać nazwę swojego konta oraz ustawienia "
-#: CompletionPage.cpp:232
+#: clientgui/CompletionPage.cpp:232
 #, c-format
 msgid "Update from %s completed."
 msgstr "Aktualizacja z %s zakończona."
-#: CompletionPage.cpp:236
+#: clientgui/CompletionPage.cpp:236
 msgid "Update completed."
 msgstr "Aktualizacja zakończona."
-#: CompletionPage.cpp:247
+#: clientgui/CompletionPage.cpp:247
 msgid "Now using account manager"
 msgstr "Teraz korzystasz z menadżera kont"
-#: CompletionPage.cpp:252
+#: clientgui/CompletionPage.cpp:252
 #, c-format
 msgid "Welcome to %s!"
 msgstr "Witamy w %s!"
-#: CompletionPage.cpp:263
+#: clientgui/CompletionPage.cpp:263
 #, c-format
 msgid "You are now using %s to manage accounts."
 msgstr "Teraz korzystasz z %s do zarządzania kontami."
-#: CompletionPage.cpp:267
+#: clientgui/CompletionPage.cpp:267
 msgid "You are now using this account manager."
 msgstr "Teraz korzystasz z tego menadżera kont."
-#: DlgAbout.cpp:113 mac/Mac_GUI.cpp:96
+#: clientgui/DlgAbout.cpp:113
 #, c-format
 msgid "About %s"
 msgstr "O %s"
-#: DlgAbout.cpp:172
+#: clientgui/DlgAbout.cpp:172
 msgid "Version:"
 msgstr "Wersja:"
-#: DlgAbout.cpp:180
+#: clientgui/DlgAbout.cpp:180
 msgid "wxWidgets Version:"
 msgstr "Wersja wxWidgets:"
-#: DlgAbout.cpp:188
+#: clientgui/DlgAbout.cpp:188
 msgid "Copyright:"
 msgstr "Prawa autorskie:"
-# 98%
-#: DlgAbout.cpp:192
-#, fuzzy
+#: clientgui/DlgAbout.cpp:192
 msgid ""
-"(C) 2003-2013 University of California, Berkeley.\n"
+"(C) 2003-2014 University of California, Berkeley.\n"
 "All Rights Reserved."
 msgstr ""
-"(C) 2003-2011 Uniwersytet Kalifornijski w Berkeley.\n"
-"Wszystkie prawa zastrzeżone."
-#: DlgAbout.cpp:196
+#: clientgui/DlgAbout.cpp:196
 msgid "Berkeley Open Infrastructure for Network Computing"
 msgstr ""
 "Berkeley Open Infrastructure for Network Computing\n"
 "Otwarta Platforma Obliczeń Rozproszonych BOINC"
-#: DlgAbout.cpp:208 DlgExitMessage.cpp:173 DlgGenericMessage.cpp:120
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:396 DlgSelectComputer.cpp:163
+#: clientgui/DlgAbout.cpp:208
+#: clientgui/DlgExitMessage.cpp:173
+#: clientgui/DlgGenericMessage.cpp:120
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:399
+#: clientgui/DlgSelectComputer.cpp:163
 msgid "&OK"
 msgstr "&OK"
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:544
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:602
 msgid "invalid number"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:545
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:603
 msgid "invalid time, format is HH:MM"
 msgstr "nieprawidłowy czas, prawidłowy format to HH:MM"
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:546
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:604
 msgid "invalid time interval, format is HH:MM-HH:MM"
 msgstr "nieprawidłowy zakres czasu, prawidłowy format to HH:MM-HH:MM"
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:751
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:817
 msgid "invalid input value detected"
 msgstr "wykryto wprowadzenie nieprawidłowej wartości"
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:753
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:819
 msgid "Validation Error"
 msgstr "Błąd walidacji"
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:885 DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:891
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:897
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:969
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:975
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:981
 msgid "Applications to add"
 msgstr "Aplikacje do dodania"
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:914
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:998
 #, c-format
 msgid "'%s' is not an executable application."
 msgstr "'%s' nie jest aplikacją wykonywalną."
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:915 DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:962
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:986
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:999
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:1046
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:1070
 msgid "Add Exclusive App"
 msgstr "Dodaj aplikację z wyłącznością"
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:927
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:1011
 msgid "Name of application to add?"
 msgstr "Nazwa aplikacji do dodania"
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:927
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:1011
 msgid "Add exclusive app"
 msgstr "Dodaj aplikację z wyłącznością"
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:961
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:1045
 #, c-format
 msgid "Application names must end with '%s'"
 msgstr "Nazwa aplikacji musi kończyć się '%s'"
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:985
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:1069
 #, c-format
 msgid "'%s' is already in the list."
 msgstr "'%s' jest już na liście."
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:1077
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:1161
 msgid ""
 "Do you really want to clear all local preferences?\n"
 "(This will not affect exclusive applications.)"
@@ -1192,16 +1215,16 @@ msgstr ""
 "Czy na pewno chcesz wyczyścić lokalne preferencje?\n"
 "(Nie będzie to miało wpływu na aplikacje z wyłącznością.)"
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:1078 sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:1030
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:1162
 msgid "Confirmation"
 msgstr "Potwierdzenie"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:46 sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:946
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:49
 #, c-format
-msgid "%s - Preferences"
-msgstr "%s - Preferencje"
+msgid "%s - Computing preferences"
+msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:62
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:66
 msgid ""
 "This dialog controls preferences for this computer only.\n"
 "Click OK to set preferences.\n"
@@ -1212,285 +1235,296 @@ msgstr ""
 "Naciśnij Wyczyść aby przywrócić preferencje z serwera (z wyjątkiem aplikacji "
 "z wyłącznością)."
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:65 sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:428
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:69
 msgid "Clear"
 msgstr "Wyczyść"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:66
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:70
 msgid "clear all local preferences and close the dialog"
 msgstr "Wyczyść lokalne preferencje i zamknij okno"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:81
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:85
 msgid "processor usage"
 msgstr "Użycie procesora"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:84
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:88
 msgid "network usage"
 msgstr "Użycie sieci"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:87
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:91
 msgid "disk and memory usage"
 msgstr "Użycie dysku oraz pamięci"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:90
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:94
 msgid "exclusive applications"
 msgstr "Aplikacje z wyłącznością"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:102 sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:424
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:107
+#: clientgui/DlgDiagnosticLogFlags.cpp:104
 msgid "OK"
 msgstr "OK"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:103
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:108
 msgid "save all values and close the dialog"
 msgstr "Zapisz wszystkie wartości i zamknij okno"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:108
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:114
 msgid "close the dialog without saving"
 msgstr "Zamknij okno bez zapisywania wartości"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:112 Localization.cpp:35 Localization.cpp:121
-#: Localization.cpp:139 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:794 sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:439
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:118
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:35
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:121
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:139
 msgid "Help"
 msgstr "Pomoc"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:113
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:119
 msgid "shows the preferences web page"
 msgstr "Pokaż stronę internetową z opisem preferencji"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:135
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:141
 msgid "Computing allowed"
 msgstr "Przetwarzanie dozwolone"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:139
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:146
 msgid "While computer is on batteries"
 msgstr "Gdy komputer jest zasilany z baterii"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:142
-msgid ""
-"check this if you want this computer to do work while it runs on batteries"
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:149
+msgid "check this if you want this computer to do work while it runs on batteries"
 msgstr ""
 "Zaznacz jeśli chcesz aby komputer przetwarzał zadania podczas zasilania z "
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:148
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:155
 msgid "While computer is in use"
 msgstr "Gdy komputer jest używany"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:151
-msgid ""
-"check this if you want this computer to do work even when you're using it"
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:158
+msgid "check this if you want this computer to do work even when you're using it"
 msgstr "Zaznacz jeśli chcesz aby komputer przetwarzał zadania gdy jest używany"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:157
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:164
 msgid "Use GPU while computer is in use"
 msgstr "Używaj karty graficznej, gdy komputer jest używany"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:160
-msgid ""
-"check this if you want your GPU to do work even when you're using the "
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:167
+msgid "check this if you want your GPU to do work even when you're using the computer"
 msgstr ""
 "Zaznacz tą opcje jeśli chcesz, aby karta graficzna wykonywała zadania kiedy "
 "komputer jest używany"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:172
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:179
 msgid "Only after computer has been idle for"
 msgstr "Tylko gdy komputer pozostaje nieużywany przez co najmniej"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:182
-msgid ""
-"do work only after you haven't used the computer for this number of minutes"
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:188
+msgid "do work only after you haven't used the computer for this number of minutes"
 msgstr ""
 "Przetwarzaj dane tylko gdy komputer nie jest używany co najmniej od podanej "
 "ilości minut"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:187 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:336
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:417
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:193
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:342
 msgid "minutes"
 msgstr "minut(y)"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:206
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:212
 msgid "While processor usage is less than"
 msgstr "Gdy użycie procesora jest mniejsze niż"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:216
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:221
 msgid "suspend work if processor usage exceeds this level"
 msgstr ""
 "Wstrzymaj przetwarzanie gdy wykorzystanie procesora przekracza ten poziom"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:221
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:226
 msgid "percent (0 means no restriction)"
 msgstr "procent (0 oznacza brak ograniczeń)"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:235 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:496
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:240
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:506
 msgid "Every day between hours of"
 msgstr "Każdego dnia pomiędzy godzinami"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:239
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:244
 msgid "start work at this time"
 msgstr "początek przetwarzania"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:243 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:504
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:326 sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:348
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:248
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:514
 msgid "and"
 msgstr "a"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:247
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:252
 msgid "stop work at this time"
 msgstr "koniec przetwarzania"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:251 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:512
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:256
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:522
 msgid "(no restriction if equal)"
 msgstr "(równe wartości oznaczają brak ograniczeń)"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:256 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:517
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:261
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:527
 msgid "Day-of-week override:"
 msgstr "Dodatkowe warunki dla dni tygodnia:"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:261 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:522
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:266
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:532
 msgid "check box to specify hours for this day of week"
 msgstr "Zaznacz aby podać godziny dla tego dnia tygodnia"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:267 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:528
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:272
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:538
 msgid "Monday"
 msgstr "Poniedziałek"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:274 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:535
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:279
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:545
 msgid "Tuesday"
 msgstr "Wtorek"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:281 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:542
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:286
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:552
 msgid "Wednesday"
 msgstr "Środa"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:288 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:549
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:293
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:559
 msgid "Thursday"
 msgstr "Czwartek"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:295 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:556
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:300
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:566
 msgid "Friday"
 msgstr "Piątek"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:302 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:563
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:307
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:573
 msgid "Saturday"
 msgstr "Sobota"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:309 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:570
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:314
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:580
 msgid "Sunday"
 msgstr "Niedziela"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:323
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:328
 msgid "Other options"
 msgstr "Inne opcje"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:330
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:336
 msgid "Switch between applications every"
 msgstr "Przełączaj się pomiędzy aplikacjami co"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:339
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:345
 msgid "On multiprocessor systems, use at most"
 msgstr "W systemach wieloprocesorowych, używaj nie więcej niż"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:346
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:352
 #, no-c-format
-msgid "% of the processors (0 means ignore this setting)"
+msgid "% of the processors (0 means no restriction)"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:349 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:605
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:627 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:648
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:669 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:679
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:355
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:618
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:640
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:661
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:683
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:694
 msgid "Use at most"
 msgstr "Używaj nie więcej niż"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:356
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:362
 #, no-c-format
-msgid "% CPU time"
-msgstr "% mocy obliczeniowej procesora"
+msgid "% of CPU time (0 means no restriction)"
+msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:378
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:386
 msgid "General options"
 msgstr "Opcje ogólne"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:386
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:395
 msgid "Maximum download rate"
 msgstr "Maks. szybkość pobierania"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:392 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:401
-msgid "KBytes/sec."
-msgstr "KB/s"
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:401
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:410
+msgid "KBytes/second (0 means no restriction)"
+msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:395
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:404
 msgid "Maximum upload rate"
 msgstr "Maks. szybkość wysyłania"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:406
-msgid "Transfer at most"
-msgstr "Przesyłaj maksymalnie"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:412
-msgid "Mbytes"
-msgstr "MB"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:415
-msgid "every"
-msgstr "co"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:421 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:444
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:463
-msgid "days"
-msgstr "dni"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:429
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:417
 msgid "Minimum work buffer"
 msgstr "Minimalny zapas zadań na"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:438
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:425
 msgid "Try to maintain enough tasks to keep busy for this many days"
 msgstr ""
 "Spróbuj zapewnić odpowiednią ilość zadań aby pracować przez wskazaną liczbę "
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:431
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:449
+msgid "days (maximum value: 10)"
+msgstr ""
 # 80%
 # 100%
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:450
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:437
 msgid "Max additional work buffer"
 msgstr "Maksymalny zapas zadań na"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:459
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:445
 msgid "In addition, maintain enough tasks for up to this many days"
 msgstr "Zapewnij odpowiednią ilość zadań maksymalnie na wskazaną liczbę dni"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:466
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:454
+msgid "Transfer at most"
+msgstr "Przesyłaj maksymalnie"
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:462
+msgid "MBytes every"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:468
+msgid "days (0 means no restriction)"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:476
 msgid "Skip image file verification"
 msgstr "Pomiń weryfikację za pomocą obrazka"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:468
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:478
 msgid "check this if your Internet provider modifies image files"
 msgstr ""
 "Zaznacz jeżeli twój dostawca internetu może modyfikować pliki graficzne w "
 "trakcie transferu"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:476
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:484
 msgid "Connect options"
 msgstr "Opcje połączenia"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:478
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:487
 msgid "Confirm before connecting to internet"
 msgstr "Potwierdź przed połączeniem z internetem"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:480
-msgid ""
-"if checked, a confirmation dialog will be displayed before trying to connect "
-"to the Internet"
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:489
+msgid "if checked, a confirmation dialog will be displayed before trying to connect to the Internet"
 msgstr ""
 "W przypadku zaznaczenia, przed każdorazowym połączeniem z internetem, będzie "
 "wyświetlane zapytanie"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:484
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:493
 msgid "Disconnect when done"
 msgstr "Rozłącz z siecią po zakończeniu"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:486
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:495
 msgid ""
 "if checked, BOINC hangs up when network usage is done\n"
 "(only relevant for dialup-connection)"
@@ -1499,195 +1533,220 @@ msgstr ""
 "(opcja użyteczna tylko dla połączeń modemowych)"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:492
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:501
 msgid "Network usage allowed"
 msgstr "Dostęp do sieci dozwolony"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:500
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:510
 msgid "network usage start hour"
 msgstr "początek dostępności sieci"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:508
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:518
 msgid "network usage stop hour"
 msgstr "koniec dostępności sieci"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:598 DlgItemProperties.cpp:231
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:610
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:257
 msgid "Disk usage"
 msgstr "Użycie dysku"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:609
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:622
 msgid "the maximum disk space used by BOINC (in Gigabytes)"
 msgstr "Maksymalny obszar dysku dostępny dla BOINC (w GB)"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:613
-msgid "Gigabytes disk space"
-msgstr "gigabajtów dysku"
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:626
+msgid "Gigabytes disk space (0 means no restriction)"
+msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:616
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:629
 msgid "Leave at least"
 msgstr "Pozostaw co najmniej"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:620
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:633
 msgid "BOINC leaves at least this amount of disk space free (in Gigabytes)"
 msgstr ""
 "BOINC pozostawi co najmniej wskazaną wolną ilość miejsca na dysku (w "
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:624
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:637
 msgid "Gigabytes disk space free"
 msgstr "gigabajtów wolnego obszaru dysku"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:631
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:644
 msgid "BOINC uses at most this percentage of total disk space"
 msgstr "Maksymalny procent obszaru dysku, dostępny dla BOINC"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:636
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:649
 #, no-c-format
 msgid "% of total disk space"
 msgstr "% obszaru całego dysku"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:639
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:652
 msgid "Tasks checkpoint to disk at most every"
 msgstr "Zapisywanie na dysku co "
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:645
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:658
 msgid "seconds"
 msgstr "sekund"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:655
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:668
 #, no-c-format
 msgid "% of page file (swap space)"
 msgstr "% pliku wymiany (partycji swap)"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:662
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:675
 msgid "Memory usage"
 msgstr "Użycie pamięci"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:676
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:691
 #, no-c-format
 msgid "% when computer is in use"
 msgstr "% kiedy komputer jest w użyciu"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:686
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:701
 #, no-c-format
 msgid "% when computer is idle"
 msgstr "% kiedy komputer nie jest w użyciu"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:691
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:706
 msgid "Leave applications in memory while suspended"
 msgstr "Pozostaw aplikacje w pamięci, kiedy są zatrzymane"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:693
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:708
 msgid "if checked, suspended work units are left in memory"
 msgstr ""
 "W przypadku zaznaczenia, dane zatrzymanych aplikacji pozostaną w pamięci"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:713
-msgid ""
-"Suspend processor and network usage when these applications are running:"
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:728
+msgid "Suspend processor and network usage when these applications are running:"
 msgstr ""
 "Zatrzymaj wykorzystanie procesora i sieci, kiedy uruchomione są poniższe "
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:722
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:738
 msgid "Add..."
 msgstr "Dodaj..."
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:723
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:739
 msgid "Add an application to this list"
 msgstr "Dodaj aplikację do listy"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:728 ViewProjects.cpp:202
-#: sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:85
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:744
 msgid "Remove"
 msgstr "Usuń"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:729
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:745
 msgid "Remove an application from this list"
 msgstr "Usuń aplikację z listy"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:738
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:754
 msgid "For advanced options, refer to "
 msgstr "Dla zaawansowanych opcji zapoznaj się z"
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:219
+#: clientgui/DlgDiagnosticLogFlags.cpp:65
+#, c-format
+msgid "%s Diagnostic Log Flags"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/DlgDiagnosticLogFlags.cpp:83
+msgid "These flags enable various types of diagnostic messages in the Event Log."
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/DlgDiagnosticLogFlags.cpp:105
+msgid "Save all values and close the dialog"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/DlgDiagnosticLogFlags.cpp:108
+msgid "Defaults"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/DlgDiagnosticLogFlags.cpp:109
+msgid "Restore default settings"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/DlgDiagnosticLogFlags.cpp:113
+msgid "Close the dialog without saving"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:226
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - Event Log"
 msgstr "%s - Dziennik zdarzeń"
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:232 ViewMessages.cpp:117 ViewProjects.cpp:219
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:435 ViewStatistics.cpp:2009 ViewTransfers.cpp:182
-#: ViewWork.cpp:232
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:236
 msgid "Project"
 msgstr "Projekt"
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:233 ViewMessages.cpp:118
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:237
 msgid "Time"
 msgstr "Czas"
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:234 ViewMessages.cpp:119
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:238
 msgid "Message"
 msgstr "Wiadomość"
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:290 DlgEventLog.cpp:354
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:300
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:364
 msgid "&Show only this project"
 msgstr "&Pokaż tylko ten projekt"
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:294
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:304
 msgid "Copy &All"
 msgstr "Kopiuj &wszystko"
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:296 DlgEventLog.cpp:300 ViewMessages.cpp:89
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:306
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:310
 msgid "Copy all the messages to the clipboard."
 msgstr "Kopiuje wszystkie wiadomości do schowka."
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:305
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:315
 msgid "Copy &Selected"
 msgstr "&Kopiuj wybrane"
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:308 DlgEventLog.cpp:316 ViewMessages.cpp:97
-msgid ""
-"Copy the selected messages to the clipboard. You can select multiple "
-"messages by holding down the shift or command key while clicking on messages."
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:318
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:326
+msgid "Copy the selected messages to the clipboard. You can select multiple messages by holding down the shift or command key while clicking on messages."
 msgstr ""
 "Kopiuje wybrane wiadomości do schowka. Możesz wybrać kilka wiadomości, "
 "używając klawiszy Shift lub Command podczas klikania na wiadomości."
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:310 DlgEventLog.cpp:318 ViewMessages.cpp:99
-msgid ""
-"Copy the selected messages to the clipboard. You can select multiple "
-"messages by holding down the shift or control key while clicking on messages."
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:320
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:328
+msgid "Copy the selected messages to the clipboard. You can select multiple messages by holding down the shift or control key while clicking on messages."
 msgstr ""
 "Kopiuje wybrane wiadomości do schowka. Możesz wybrać kilka wiadomości, "
 "używając klawiszy Shift lub Ctrl podczas klikania na wiadomości."
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:325 DlgItemProperties.cpp:67
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:335
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:67
 msgid "&Close"
 msgstr "&Zamknij"
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:334 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:798 sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:442
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:344
 #, c-format
 msgid "Get help with %s"
 msgstr "Uzyskaj pomoc dla %s"
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:348
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:358
 msgid "Show all &messages"
 msgstr "&Pokaż wszystkie wiadomości"
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:349 DlgEventLog.cpp:351
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:359
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:361
 msgid "Show messages for all projects"
 msgstr "Pokazuje wiadomości dotyczące wszystkich projektów"
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:355 DlgEventLog.cpp:357
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:365
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:367
 msgid "Show only the messages for the selected project"
 msgstr "Pokazuje wiadomości związane tylko z wybranym projektem"
-#: DlgExitMessage.cpp:82
+#: clientgui/DlgExitMessage.cpp:82
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - Exit Confirmation"
 msgstr "%s - Potwierdzenie zamknięcia aplikacji"
-#: DlgExitMessage.cpp:130
+#: clientgui/DlgExitMessage.cpp:130
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "You have requested to exit the %s,\n"
@@ -1704,7 +1763,7 @@ msgstr ""
 "Jeśli chcesz także zatrzymać działające zadania,\n"
 "użyj poniższych opcji:"
-#: DlgExitMessage.cpp:135
+#: clientgui/DlgExitMessage.cpp:135
 #, c-format
 #, c-format, c-format
 msgid ""
@@ -1723,393 +1782,419 @@ msgstr ""
 "niż całkowicie zamykać aplikację. Pozwoli to %s uruchamiać\n"
 "zadania zgodnie z zasadami wybranymi w preferencjach."
-#: DlgExitMessage.cpp:153
+#: clientgui/DlgExitMessage.cpp:153
 #, c-format
 msgid "Stop running tasks when exiting the %s"
 msgstr "Zakończ działające zadania podczas wychodzenia z %s"
-#: DlgExitMessage.cpp:165
+#: clientgui/DlgExitMessage.cpp:165
 msgid "Remember this decision and do not show this dialog."
 msgstr "Zapamiętaj tę decyzję i nie pokazuj tego okna w przyszłości."
-#: DlgExitMessage.cpp:178 DlgGenericMessage.cpp:125 DlgOptions.cpp:401
-#: DlgSelectComputer.cpp:168 wizardex.cpp:378
+#: clientgui/DlgExitMessage.cpp:178
+#: clientgui/DlgGenericMessage.cpp:125
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:404
+#: clientgui/DlgSelectComputer.cpp:168
 msgid "&Cancel"
 msgstr "&Anuluj"
-#: DlgGenericMessage.cpp:112
+#: clientgui/DlgGenericMessage.cpp:112
 msgid "Don't show this dialog again."
 msgstr "Nie pokazuj tego okna w przyszłości."
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:168 DlgItemProperties.cpp:171
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:174 DlgItemProperties.cpp:177
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:194
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:197
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:200
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:203
 msgid "Don't fetch tasks for "
 msgstr "Nie pobieraj zadań przez "
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:168
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:194
 msgid "Project preference"
 msgstr "Preferencje projektu"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:171
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:197
 msgid "Account manager preference"
 msgstr "Preferencje menadżera kont"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:174
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:200
 msgid "Project has no apps for "
 msgstr "Projekt nie posiada aplikacji dla "
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:177
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:203
 msgid "Client configuration excludes "
 msgstr "Konfiguracja klienta wyklucza"
 # 88%
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:181
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:207
 msgid " work fetch deferred for"
 msgstr "pobieranie zadań opóźnione o "
 # 90%
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:182
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:208
 msgid " work fetch deferral interval"
 msgstr "odstęp opóźnienia pobierania zadań"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:213
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:239
 msgid "Properties of project "
 msgstr "Właściwości projektu "
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:217 DlgOptions.cpp:218
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:243
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:221
 msgid "General"
 msgstr "Ogólne"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:218
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:244
 msgid "Master URL"
 msgstr "Główny adres URL"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:219
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:245
 msgid "User name"
 msgstr "Nazwa użytkownika"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:220
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:246
 msgid "Team name"
 msgstr "Nazwa zespołu"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:221 ViewProjects.cpp:224
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:247
 msgid "Resource share"
 msgstr "Przydział zasobów"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:223
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:249
 msgid "Scheduler RPC deferred for"
 msgstr "Wywołanie serwera projektu opóźnione o "
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:226
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:252
 msgid "File downloads deferred for"
 msgstr "Pobieranie pliku wstrzymane na"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:229
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:255
 msgid "File uploads deferred for"
 msgstr "Wysyłanie pliku wstrzymane na"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:232
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:258
 msgid "Computer ID"
 msgstr "Identyfikator komputera"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:234
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:260
 msgid "Non CPU intensive"
 msgstr "Niewykorzystujący aktywnie procesora"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:234 DlgItemProperties.cpp:236
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:237 DlgItemProperties.cpp:239
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:242 DlgItemProperties.cpp:251
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:254 DlgItemProperties.cpp:257
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:260
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:262
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:263
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:265
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:268
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:277
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:280
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:283
 msgid "yes"
 msgstr "tak"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:236
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:262
 msgid "Suspended via GUI"
 msgstr "Wstrzymany za pośrednictwem interfejsu graficznego"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:236 DlgItemProperties.cpp:237
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:262
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:263
 msgid "no"
 msgstr "nie"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:237
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:263
 msgid "Don't request more work"
 msgstr "Nie pobieraj nowych zadań"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:239
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:265
 msgid "Scheduler call in progress"
 msgstr "Trwa nawiązywanie połączenia z serwerem projektu"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:242
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:268
 msgid "Trickle-up pending"
 msgstr "Wysłane miniwiadomości"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:245 DlgItemProperties.cpp:247
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:271
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:273
 msgid "Host location"
 msgstr "Lokalizacja komputera"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:247
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:273
 msgid "default"
 msgstr "domyślna"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:251
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:277
 msgid "Added via account manager"
 msgstr "Dodane przez mendażera kont"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:254
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:280
 msgid "Remove when tasks done"
 msgstr "Usuwa po zakończeniu zadania"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:257
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:283
 msgid "Ended"
 msgstr "Zakończony"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:259
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:285
+msgid "Tasks completed"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:286
+msgid "Tasks failed"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:288
 msgid "Credit"
 msgstr "Punktacja"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:260
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:289
 msgid "User"
 msgstr "Użytkownik"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:267
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:296
 msgid "Host"
 msgstr "Komputer"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:276
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:305
 msgid "Scheduling"
 msgstr "Planowanie"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:277
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:306
 msgid "Scheduling priority"
 msgstr "Planowanie priorytetu"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:278
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:307
 msgid "CPU"
 msgstr "CPU"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:302
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:331
 msgid "Duration correction factor"
 msgstr "Korekcja czasu przetwarzania"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:316
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:345
 msgid "Properties of task "
 msgstr "Właściwości zadania "
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:328 ViewWork.cpp:238
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:357
 msgid "Application"
 msgstr "Aplikacja"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:329 ViewWork.cpp:239
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:358
 msgid "Name"
 msgstr "Nazwa"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:330
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:359
 msgid "State"
 msgstr "Stan"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:333
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:362
 msgid "Received"
 msgstr "Odebrane"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:336
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:365
 msgid "Report deadline"
 msgstr "Termin zaraportowania"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:338
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:367
 msgid "Resources"
 msgstr "Zasoby"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:341
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:370
 msgid "Estimated computation size"
 msgstr "Szacowany czas przetwarzania"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:344
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:373
 msgid "CPU time at last checkpoint"
 msgstr "Czas przetwarzania dla ostatniego punktu kontrolnego"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:345 DlgItemProperties.cpp:360
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:374
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:389
 msgid "CPU time"
 msgstr "Czas pracy"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:347 DlgItemProperties.cpp:361
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:376
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:390
 msgid "Elapsed time"
 msgstr "Czas pracy"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:349
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:378
 msgid "Estimated time remaining"
 msgstr "Szacowany pozostały czas"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:350
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:379
 msgid "Fraction done"
 msgstr "Część wykonana"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:351
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:380
 msgid "Virtual memory size"
 msgstr "Rozmiar pamięci wirtualnej"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:352
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:381
 msgid "Working set size"
 msgstr "Rozmiar zestawu"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:354
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:383
 msgid "Directory"
 msgstr "Katalog"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:357
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:386
 msgid "Process ID"
 msgstr "Identyfikator procesu"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:427 ViewWork.cpp:1032 sg_TaskPanel.cpp:823
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:456
 msgid "Local: "
 msgstr "Lokalny: "
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:129 DlgOptions.cpp:135
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:129
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:135
 msgid "Options"
 msgstr "Opcje"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:175
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:178
 msgid "Language:"
 msgstr "Język:"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:182
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:185
 msgid "What language should BOINC use?"
 msgstr "Jakiego języka powinien używać Menadżer BOINC?"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:186
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:189
 msgid "Notice reminder interval:"
 msgstr "Interwał przypominania o powiadomieniach"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:193
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:196
 msgid "How often should BOINC remind you of new notices?"
 msgstr "Jak często BOINC powinnien przypominać o nowych powiadomieniach?"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:198
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:201
 msgid "Run Manager at login?"
 msgstr "Uruchamiać Menadżera BOINC przy logowaniu?"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:204
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:207
 msgid "Run the BOINC Manager when you log on."
 msgstr "Uruchamianie Menadżera BOINC podczas logowania."
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:209
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:212
 msgid "Enable Manager exit dialog?"
 msgstr "Wyświetlać okno dialogowe przy zamykaniu Menadżera BOINC?"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:215
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:218
 msgid "Display the exit dialog when shutting down the Manager."
 msgstr "Pokazuje okno dialogowe podczas zamykania Menadżera BOINC."
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:226
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:229
 msgid "Dial-up and Virtual Private Network settings"
 msgstr "Ustawienia połączenia modemowego oraz VPN"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:240
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:243
 msgid "&Set Default"
 msgstr "Ustaw połączenie &domyślne"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:245
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:248
 msgid "&Clear Default"
 msgstr "&Usuń połączenie domyślne"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:252
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:255
 msgid "Default Connection:"
 msgstr "Domyślne połączenie:"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:259
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:262
 msgid "Connections"
 msgstr "Połączenia"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:268
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:271
 msgid "Connect via HTTP proxy server"
 msgstr "Połącz za pośrednictwem serwera HTTP Proxy"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:272
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:275
 msgid "HTTP Proxy Server Configuration"
 msgstr "Konfiguracja serwera HTTP Proxy"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:280 DlgOptions.cpp:344
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:283
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:347
 msgid "Address:"
 msgstr "Adres:"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:288 DlgOptions.cpp:352 ProxyPage.cpp:340 ProxyPage.cpp:360
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:291
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:355
 msgid "Port:"
 msgstr "Port:"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:296 DlgOptions.cpp:360
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:299
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:363
 msgid "Don't use proxy for:"
 msgstr "Nie używaj serwera proxy dla:"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:303 DlgOptions.cpp:367
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:306
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:370
 msgid "Leave these blank if not needed"
 msgstr "Pozostaw puste jeśli nie wymagane"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:309 DlgOptions.cpp:373 ProxyPage.cpp:343 ProxyPage.cpp:363
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:312
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:376
 msgid "User Name:"
 msgstr "Login:"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:317 DlgOptions.cpp:381 DlgSelectComputer.cpp:152
-#: ProxyPage.cpp:346 ProxyPage.cpp:366
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:320
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:384
+#: clientgui/DlgSelectComputer.cpp:152
 msgid "Password:"
 msgstr "Hasło:"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:324
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:327
 msgid "HTTP Proxy"
 msgstr "Serwer HTTP Proxy"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:332
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:335
 msgid "Connect via SOCKS proxy server"
 msgstr "Połącz za pośrednictwem serwera SOCKS Proxy"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:336
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:339
 msgid "SOCKS Proxy Server Configuration"
 msgstr "Konfiguracja serwera SOCKS Proxy"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:388
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:391
 msgid "SOCKS Proxy"
 msgstr "Serwer SOCKS Proxy"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:586
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:589
 msgid "always"
 msgstr "zawsze"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:587
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:590
 msgid "1 hour"
 msgstr "1 godzina"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:588
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:591
 msgid "6 hours"
 msgstr "6 godzin"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:589
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:592
 msgid "1 day"
 msgstr "1 dzień"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:590
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:593
 msgid "1 week"
 msgstr "1 tydzień"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:591
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:594
 msgid "never"
 msgstr "nigdy"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:688
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:691
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - Language Selection"
 msgstr "%s - Wybór języka"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:695
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:698
 #, c-format
-msgid ""
-"The %s's language has been changed.  In order for this change to take "
-"effect, you must restart the %s."
+msgid "The %s's language has been changed.  In order for this change to take effect, you must restart the %s."
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgSelectComputer.cpp:91
+#: clientgui/DlgSelectComputer.cpp:91
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - Select Computer"
 msgstr "%s - Wybierz komputer"
-#: DlgSelectComputer.cpp:125
+#: clientgui/DlgSelectComputer.cpp:125
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "Another instance of %s is already running \n"
@@ -2118,417 +2203,419 @@ msgstr ""
 "Inna instancja %s już działa na tym komputerze.\n"
 "Wybierz klienta do monitorowania."
-#: DlgSelectComputer.cpp:143
+#: clientgui/DlgSelectComputer.cpp:143
 msgid "Host name:"
 msgstr "Nazwa komputera:"
-#: Localization.cpp:31 Localization.cpp:69
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:31
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:69
 msgid "Message boards"
 msgstr "Forum"
-#: Localization.cpp:33
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:33
 msgid "Correspond with other users on the SETI at home message boards"
 msgstr "Wymieniaj informacje z innymi użytkownikami SETI at home"
-#: Localization.cpp:37
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:37
 msgid "Ask questions and report problems"
 msgstr "Zadaj pytanie lub zgłoś problem"
-#: Localization.cpp:39 Localization.cpp:81 Localization.cpp:111
-#: Localization.cpp:129
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:39
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:81
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:111
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:129
 msgid "Your account"
 msgstr "Twoje konto"
-#: Localization.cpp:41 Localization.cpp:87 Localization.cpp:113
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:41
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:87
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:113
 msgid "View your account information and credit totals"
 msgstr "Zobacz informacje o koncie oraz liczbę punktów"
-#: Localization.cpp:43
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:43
 msgid "Your preferences"
 msgstr "Preferencje"
-#: Localization.cpp:45
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:45
 msgid "View and modify your SETI at home account profile and preferences"
 msgstr "Sprawdź lub zmodyfikuj swój profil i preferencje dla projektu SETI at home"
-#: Localization.cpp:47 Localization.cpp:89
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:47
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:89
 msgid "Your results"
 msgstr "Wyniki"
-#: Localization.cpp:49 Localization.cpp:91
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:49
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:91
 msgid "View your last week (or more) of computational results and work"
 msgstr "Sprawdź ostatnie wyniki swoich obliczeń"
-#: Localization.cpp:51 Localization.cpp:93
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:51
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:93
 msgid "Your computers"
 msgstr "Komputery"
-#: Localization.cpp:53
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:53
 msgid "View a listing of all the computers on which you are running SETI at Home"
 msgstr "Obejrzyj listę twoich komputerów, na których uruchamiasz SETI at Home"
-#: Localization.cpp:55 Localization.cpp:97
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:55
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:97
 msgid "Your team"
 msgstr "Zespół"
-#: Localization.cpp:57 Localization.cpp:99
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:57
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:99
 msgid "View information about your team"
 msgstr "Obejrzyj informacje dotyczące twojego zespołu"
-#: Localization.cpp:61
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:61
 msgid "Common questions"
 msgstr "Najczęściej zadawane pytania"
-#: Localization.cpp:63
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:63
 msgid "Read the Einstein at Home Frequently Asked Question list"
 msgstr "Przeczytaj najczęściej zadawane pytania projektu Einstein at Home"
-#: Localization.cpp:65
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:65
 msgid "Screensaver info"
 msgstr "Informacje o wygaszaczu"
-#: Localization.cpp:67
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:67
 msgid "Read a detailed description of the Einstein at Home screensaver"
 msgstr "Przeczytaj dokładną instrukcję dotyczącą wygaszacza Einstein at Home"
-#: Localization.cpp:71
-msgid ""
-"Correspond with admins and other users on the Einstein at Home message boards"
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:71
+msgid "Correspond with admins and other users on the Einstein at Home message boards"
 msgstr "Porozmawiaj z innymi uczestnikami projektu Einstein at Home"
-#: Localization.cpp:73
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:73
 msgid "Einstein status"
 msgstr "Status Einstein at Home"
-#: Localization.cpp:75
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:75
 msgid "Current status of the Einstein at Home server"
 msgstr "Aktualny status serwerów Einstein at Home"
-#: Localization.cpp:77
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:77
 msgid "Report problems"
 msgstr "Zgłoś problem"
-#: Localization.cpp:79
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:79
 msgid "A link to the Einstein at Home problems and bug reports message board"
 msgstr ""
 "Link służący do zgłaszania problemów związanych z projektem Einstein at Home"
-#: Localization.cpp:83
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:83
 msgid "View and modify your Einstein at Home account profile and preferences"
 msgstr ""
 "Sprawdź lub zmodyfikuj swój profil i preferencje dla projektu Einstein at Home"
-#: Localization.cpp:85
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:85
 msgid "Account summary"
 msgstr "Dane konta"
-#: Localization.cpp:95
-msgid ""
-"View a listing of all the computers on which you are running Einstein at Home"
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:95
+msgid "View a listing of all the computers on which you are running Einstein at Home"
 msgstr "Obejrzyj listę twoich komputerów, na których uruchamiasz Einstein at Home"
-#: Localization.cpp:101
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:101
 msgid "LIGO project"
 msgstr "Projekt LIGO"
-#: Localization.cpp:103
-msgid ""
-"The home page of the Laser Interferometer Gravitational-wave Observatory "
-"(LIGO) project"
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:103
+msgid "The home page of the Laser Interferometer Gravitational-wave Observatory (LIGO) project"
 msgstr "Strona domowa projektu LIGO"
-#: Localization.cpp:105
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:105
 msgid "GEO-600 project"
 msgstr "Projekt GEO-600"
-#: Localization.cpp:107
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:107
 msgid "The home page of the GEO-600 project"
 msgstr "Strona domowa projektu GEO-600"
-#: Localization.cpp:115 Localization.cpp:133 ViewProjects.cpp:221
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:465
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:115
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:133
 msgid "Team"
 msgstr "Zespół"
-#: Localization.cpp:117
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:117
 msgid "Info about your Team"
 msgstr "Informacje o twoim zespole"
-#: Localization.cpp:123
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:123
 msgid "Get help for climateprediction.net"
 msgstr "Pomoc dla projektu climeteprediction.net"
-#: Localization.cpp:125
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:125
 msgid "News"
 msgstr "Aktualności"
-#: Localization.cpp:127
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:127
 msgid "climateprediction.net News"
 msgstr "Aktualności projektu climeteprediction.net"
-#: Localization.cpp:131
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:131
 msgid "View your account information, credits, and trickles"
 msgstr "Zobacz informacje dotyczące twojego konta"
-#: Localization.cpp:135
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:135
 msgid "Info about your team"
 msgstr "Informacje o twoim zespole"
-#: Localization.cpp:141
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:141
 msgid "Search for help in our help system"
 msgstr "Szukaj informacji w naszym systemie pomocy"
-#: Localization.cpp:143
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:143
 msgid "Global Statistics"
 msgstr "Statystyki globalne"
-#: Localization.cpp:145
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:145
 msgid "Summary statistics for World Community Grid"
 msgstr "Sumaryczne statystyki dla World Community Grid"
-#: Localization.cpp:147
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:147
 msgid "My Grid"
 msgstr "Moje WCG"
-#: Localization.cpp:149
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:149
 msgid "Your statistics and settings"
 msgstr "Twoje statystyki i ustawienia"
-#: Localization.cpp:151
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:151
 msgid "Device Profiles"
 msgstr "Profile sprzętowe"
-#: Localization.cpp:153
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:153
 msgid "Update your device settings"
 msgstr "Zaktualizuj swoje ustawienia urządzeń"
-#: Localization.cpp:155
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:155
 msgid "Research"
 msgstr "Badania"
-#: Localization.cpp:157
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:157
 msgid "Learn about the projects hosted at World Community Grid"
 msgstr "Dowiedz się więcej o projektach funkcjonujących na World Community Grid"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:583
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:583
 msgid "Starting client"
 msgstr "Uruchamianie klienta"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:591
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:591
 msgid "Connecting to client"
 msgstr "Łączenie z klientem"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:1195
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:1205
 msgid "Retrieving system state; please wait..."
 msgstr "Sprawdzanie stan systemu; proszę czekać..."
-#: MainDocument.cpp:1816
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:1826
 msgid "Missing application"
 msgstr "Brakująca aplikacja"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:1817
-msgid ""
-"Please download and install the CoRD application from http://cord."
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:1827
+msgid "Please download and install the CoRD application from http://cord.sourceforge.net"
 msgstr ""
 "Pobierz i zainstaluj aplikację CoRD ze strony http://cord.sourceforge.net"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2432
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2442
 msgid "on batteries"
 msgstr "zasilanie z baterii"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2433
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2443
 msgid "computer is in use"
 msgstr "komputer jest w użyciu"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2434
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2444
 msgid "user request"
 msgstr "żądanie użytkownika"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2435
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2445
 msgid "time of day"
 msgstr "pora dnia"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2436
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2446
 msgid "CPU benchmarks in progress"
 msgstr "Testowanie procesora w trakcie"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2437
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2447
 msgid "need disk space - check preferences"
 msgstr "potrzeba przestrzeni dyskowej - sprawdź preferencje"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2438
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2448
 msgid "computer is not in use"
 msgstr "komputer nie jest w użyciu"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2439
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2449
 msgid "starting up"
 msgstr "uruchamianie"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2440
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2450
 msgid "an exclusive app is running"
 msgstr "uruchomiona jest aplikacja z priorytetem wyłączności"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2441
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2451
 msgid "CPU is busy"
 msgstr "procesor jest zajęty"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2442
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2452
 msgid "network bandwidth limit exceeded"
 msgstr "przekroczono limit przesyłanych danych"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2443
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2453
 msgid "requested by operating system"
 msgstr "na żądanie systemu operacyjnego"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2445
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2455
 msgid "unknown reason"
 msgstr "przyczyna nieznana"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2467
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2477
 msgid "GPU missing, "
 msgstr "Brak dostępnego GPU, "
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2474
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2484
 msgid "New"
 msgstr "Nowy"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2478
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2488
 msgid "Download failed"
 msgstr "Pobieranie nie powiodło się"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2480
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2490
 msgid "Downloading"
 msgstr "Pobieranie"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2482 MainDocument.cpp:2552
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2492
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2557
 msgid " (suspended - "
 msgstr " (wstrzymany - "
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2490
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2500
 msgid "Project suspended by user"
 msgstr "Projekt wstrzymany przez użytkownika"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2492
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2502
 msgid "Task suspended by user"
 msgstr "Zadanie wstrzymane przez użytkownika"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2494
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2504
 msgid "Suspended - "
 msgstr "Wstrzymany - "
 # 75%
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2500
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2510
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "GPU suspended - "
 msgstr " (wstrzymany - "
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2507
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2517
 msgid "Waiting for memory"
 msgstr "Brak dostępnej pamięci RAM"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2509
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2519
 msgid "Waiting for shared memory"
 msgstr "Oczekiwanie na zwolnienie współdzielonej pamięci RAM"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2512
-msgid "Running, high priority"
-msgstr "Przetwarzany, wysoki priorytet"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2514
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2521
 msgid "Running"
 msgstr "Przetwarzany"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2517
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2523
 msgid " (non-CPU-intensive)"
 msgstr " (nie wykorzystujący intensywnie CPU)"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2520
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2526
 msgid "Waiting to run"
 msgstr "Oczekujący na uruchomienie"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2522 MainDocument.cpp:2528
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2528
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2534
 msgid "Ready to start"
 msgstr "Gotowy do uruchomienia"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2532
-msgid " (Scheduler wait: "
-msgstr "(Oczekiwanie: "
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2538
+msgid "Postponed: "
+msgstr ""
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2536
-msgid " (Scheduler wait)"
-msgstr "(Oczekiwanie)"
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2541
+msgid "Postponed"
+msgstr ""
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2540
-msgid " (Waiting for network access)"
-msgstr "(Oczekiwanie na dostęp do sieci)"
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2545
+msgid "Waiting for network access"
+msgstr ""
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2544
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2549
 msgid "Computation error"
 msgstr "Błąd przetwarzania"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2548
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2553
 msgid "Upload failed"
 msgstr "Wysyłanie nie powiodło się"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2550
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2555
 msgid "Uploading"
 msgstr "Wysyłanie"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2561
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2566
 msgid "Aborted by user"
 msgstr "Przerwany przez użytkownika"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2564
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2569
 msgid "Aborted by project"
 msgstr "Przerwany przez serwer projektu"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2567
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2572
 msgid "Aborted: not started by deadline"
 msgstr "Przerwany: nie uruchomiono przed terminem"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2570
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2575
 msgid "Aborted: disk limit exceeded"
 msgstr ""
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2573
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2578
 msgid "Aborted: run time limit exceeded"
 msgstr ""
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2576
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2581
 msgid "Aborted: memory limit exceeded"
 msgstr ""
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2579
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2584
 msgid "Aborted"
 msgstr "Przerwany"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2584
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2589
 msgid "Acknowledged"
 msgstr "Zaraportowany"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2586
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2591
 msgid "Ready to report"
 msgstr "Gotowy do zaraportowania"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2588
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2593
 #, c-format
 msgid "Error: invalid state '%d'"
 msgstr "Błąd: niepoprawny status '%d'"
-#: NoInternetConnectionPage.cpp:179
+#: clientgui/NoInternetConnectionPage.cpp:179
 msgid "No Internet connection"
 msgstr "Brak dostępnego połączenia sieciowego"
-#: NoInternetConnectionPage.cpp:182
+#: clientgui/NoInternetConnectionPage.cpp:182
 msgid "Please connect to the Internet and try again."
 msgstr "Połącz się z internetem i spróbuj ponownie."
-#: NotDetectedPage.cpp:181
+#: clientgui/NotDetectedPage.cpp:181
 msgid "Project not found"
 msgstr "Projekt nie został odnaleziony"
-#: NotDetectedPage.cpp:184
+#: clientgui/NotDetectedPage.cpp:184
 msgid ""
 "The URL you supplied is not that of a BOINC-based project.\n"
@@ -2538,11 +2625,11 @@ msgstr ""
 "Sprawdź adres i spróbuj ponownie."
-#: NotDetectedPage.cpp:188
+#: clientgui/NotDetectedPage.cpp:188
 msgid "Account manager not found"
 msgstr "Menadżer kont nie został znaleziony"
-#: NotDetectedPage.cpp:191
+#: clientgui/NotDetectedPage.cpp:191
 msgid ""
 "The URL you supplied is not that of a BOINC-based account\n"
@@ -2553,92 +2640,93 @@ msgstr ""
 "Sprawdź adres i spróbuj ponownie."
-#: NotFoundPage.cpp:181
+#: clientgui/NotFoundPage.cpp:181
 msgid "Login Failed."
 msgstr "Logowanie nie powiodło się."
-#: NotFoundPage.cpp:185
+#: clientgui/NotFoundPage.cpp:185
 msgid "Check the username and password, and try again."
 msgstr "Sprawdź login oraz hasło i spróbuj ponownie."
-#: NotFoundPage.cpp:189
+#: clientgui/NotFoundPage.cpp:189
 msgid "Check the email address and password, and try again."
 msgstr "Sprawdź adres e-mail oraz hasło i spróbuj ponownie."
-#: NoticeListCtrl.cpp:222
+#: clientgui/NoticeListCtrl.cpp:229
 msgid "more..."
 msgstr "więcej..."
-#: ProjectInfoPage.cpp:477 ProjectInfoPage.cpp:778 ProjectInfoPage.cpp:782
-msgid "All"
-msgstr "Wszystkie"
-#: ProjectInfoPage.cpp:615
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:221
 msgid "Choose a project"
 msgstr "Wybierz projekt"
-#: ProjectInfoPage.cpp:619
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:228
 msgid "To choose a project, click its name or type its URL below."
 msgstr ""
 "Aby wybrać projekt kliknij jego nazwę albo wpisz jego adres URL poniżej."
-#: ProjectInfoPage.cpp:623
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:246
 msgid "Categories:"
 msgstr "Kategorie:"
-#: ProjectInfoPage.cpp:627 sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:89
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:267
 msgid "Projects:"
 msgstr "Projekty:"
-#: ProjectInfoPage.cpp:631
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:279
 msgid "Project details"
 msgstr "Szczegóły projektu"
-#: ProjectInfoPage.cpp:635
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:291
 msgid "Research area:"
 msgstr "Obszar badań:"
-#: ProjectInfoPage.cpp:639
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:302
 msgid "Organization:"
 msgstr "Organizacja:"
-#: ProjectInfoPage.cpp:643
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:313
 msgid "Web site:"
 msgstr "Strona:"
-#: ProjectInfoPage.cpp:647
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:325
 msgid "Supported systems:"
 msgstr "Obsługiwane systemy:"
-#: ProjectInfoPage.cpp:651
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:363
 msgid "Project URL:"
 msgstr "Adres projektu:"
-#: ProjectInfoPage.cpp:826
-msgid ""
-"This project may not have work for your type of computer.  Do you want to "
-"add it anyway?"
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:499
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:754
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:758
+msgid "All"
+msgstr "Wszystkie"
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:802
+msgid "This project may not have work for your type of computer.  Do you want to add it anyway?"
 msgstr ""
 "Projekt może nie dysponować zadaniami odpowiednimi dla twojego komputera. "
 "Czy na pewno chcesz kontynuować?"
-#: ProjectInfoPage.cpp:850
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:826
 msgid "You already added this project. Please choose a different project."
 msgstr "Jesteś już przyłączony do tego projektu. Wybierz inny projekt."
-#: ProjectProcessingPage.cpp:321
+#: clientgui/ProjectProcessingPage.cpp:321
 msgid "Communicating with project."
 msgstr "Trwa wymiana informacji z serwerem."
-#: ProjectProcessingPage.cpp:509
+#: clientgui/ProjectProcessingPage.cpp:510
 msgid "Required files not found on the server."
 msgstr "Wymagane pliki nie zostały odnalezione na serwerze."
-#: ProjectProcessingPage.cpp:512 ProjectProcessingPage.cpp:574
+#: clientgui/ProjectProcessingPage.cpp:513
+#: clientgui/ProjectProcessingPage.cpp:586
 msgid "An internal server error has occurred."
 msgstr "Wystąpił wewnętrzny błąd serwera."
-#: ProjectPropertiesPage.cpp:334
+#: clientgui/ProjectPropertiesPage.cpp:334
 msgid ""
 "Communicating with project\n"
 "Please wait..."
@@ -2646,11 +2734,48 @@ msgstr ""
 "Łączenie z serwerem projektu\n"
 "Proszę czekać..."
-#: ProxyInfoPage.cpp:195
+#: clientgui/ProjectWelcomePage.cpp:251
+#, c-format
+msgid "Welcome to %s."
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ProjectWelcomePage.cpp:254
+msgid "You have volunteered to compute for this project:"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ProjectWelcomePage.cpp:255
+msgid "Name:"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ProjectWelcomePage.cpp:258
+msgid "Home:"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ProjectWelcomePage.cpp:262
+msgid "Description:"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ProjectWelcomePage.cpp:265
+msgid "URL:"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ProjectWelcomePage.cpp:268
+msgid "User:"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ProjectWelcomePage.cpp:273
+msgid "WARNING: This project is not registered with BOINC.  Make sure you trust it before continuing."
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ProjectWelcomePage.cpp:277
+msgid "To continue, click Next."
+msgstr "Aby kontynuować naciśnij Dalej."
+#: clientgui/ProxyInfoPage.cpp:195
 msgid "Network communication failure"
 msgstr "Błąd komunikacji sieciowej"
-#: ProxyInfoPage.cpp:199
+#: clientgui/ProxyInfoPage.cpp:199
 msgid ""
 "The World Community Grid - BOINC software failed to communicate\n"
 "over the Internet. The most likely reasons are:\n"
@@ -2680,7 +2805,7 @@ msgstr ""
 "3) Używasz serwera proxy.\n"
 "Kliknij Dalej, aby skonfigurować ustawienia proxy."
-#: ProxyInfoPage.cpp:203
+#: clientgui/ProxyInfoPage.cpp:203
 msgid ""
 "BOINC failed to communicate on the Internet.\n"
 "The most likely reasons are:\n"
@@ -2710,1258 +2835,1350 @@ msgstr ""
 "3) Używasz serwera proxy.\n"
 "Kliknij Dalej, aby skonfigurować ustawienia proxy."
-#: ProxyPage.cpp:331
+#: clientgui/ProxyPage.cpp:331
 msgid "Proxy configuration"
 msgstr "Konfiguracja proxy"
-#: ProxyPage.cpp:334
+#: clientgui/ProxyPage.cpp:334
 msgid "HTTP proxy"
 msgstr "Serwer HTTP Proxy"
-#: ProxyPage.cpp:337 ProxyPage.cpp:357
+#: clientgui/ProxyPage.cpp:337
+#: clientgui/ProxyPage.cpp:357
 msgid "Server:"
 msgstr "Serwer:"
-#: ProxyPage.cpp:350
+#: clientgui/ProxyPage.cpp:350
 msgid "Autodetect"
 msgstr "Autodetekcja"
-#: ProxyPage.cpp:354
+#: clientgui/ProxyPage.cpp:354
 msgid "SOCKS proxy"
 msgstr "Serwer SOCKS Proxy"
-#: TermsOfUsePage.cpp:218
-msgid "Terms of Use"
-msgstr "Zasady użytkowania"
-#: TermsOfUsePage.cpp:222
-msgid "Please read the following terms of use:"
-msgstr "Zapoznaj się z następującymi zasadami użytkowania:"
-#: TermsOfUsePage.cpp:231
-msgid "I agree to the terms of use."
-msgstr "Zgadzam się z zasadami użytkowania."
-#: TermsOfUsePage.cpp:237
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "I do not agree to the terms of use."
-msgstr "Nie zgadzam się z zasadami użytkowania."
+#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:167
+msgid "Advanced View...\tCtrl+Shift+A"
+msgstr "Widok zaawansowany...\tCtrl+Shift+A"
-#: UnavailablePage.cpp:183
-msgid "Project temporarily unavailable"
-msgstr "Projekt tymczasowo niedostępny"
+#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:168
+msgid "Display the advanced graphical interface."
+msgstr "Przełącza do widoku zaawansowanego."
-#: UnavailablePage.cpp:186
-msgid ""
-"The project is temporarily unavailable.\n"
-"Please try again later."
-msgstr ""
-"Ten projekt jest tymczasowo niedostepny.\n"
-"Spróbuj ponownie później."
+#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:175
+msgid "Skin"
+msgstr "Skórka"
-#: UnavailablePage.cpp:190
-msgid "Account manager temporarily unavailable"
-msgstr "Menadżer kont jest czasowo niedostępny"
+#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:177
+msgid "Select the appearance of the user interface."
+msgstr "Wybierz wygląd interfejsu."
-#: UnavailablePage.cpp:193
-msgid ""
-"The account manager is temporarily unavailable.\n"
-"Please try again later."
-msgstr ""
-"Ten menadżer kont jest tymczasowo niedostępny.\n"
-"Spróbuj ponownie później."
+#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:224
+#, c-format
+msgid "&%s"
+msgstr "&%s"
-#: ValidateAccountKey.cpp:68
-msgid "Please specify an account key to continue."
-msgstr "Podaj klucz konta aby kontynuować."
+#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:405
+msgid "Default"
+msgstr "Domyślna"
-#: ValidateAccountKey.cpp:71
-msgid "Invalid Account Key; please enter a valid Account Key"
-msgstr "Nieprawidłowy klucz kona. Podaj prawidłowy klucz."
+#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:848
+msgid "Suspend"
+msgstr "Wstrzymaj"
-#: ValidateAccountKey.cpp:82 ValidateEmailAddress.cpp:86
-msgid "Validation conflict"
-msgstr "Błąd uwierzytelniania"
+#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:850
+msgid "Suspend Computing"
+msgstr "Wstrzymaj przetwarzanie"
-#: ValidateEmailAddress.cpp:72
-msgid "Please specify an email address"
-msgstr "Podaj adres e-mail"
+#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:851
+msgid "Resume Computing"
+msgstr "Wznów przetwarzanie"
-#: ValidateEmailAddress.cpp:75
-msgid "Invalid email address; please enter a valid email address"
-msgstr "Nieprawidłowy adres e-mail. Wprowadź prawidłowy adres."
+#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:867
+msgid "Notices"
+msgstr "Powiadomienia"
-#: ValidateURL.cpp:69
-msgid "Missing URL"
-msgstr "Brak adresu URL"
+#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:868
+msgid "Open a window to view notices from projects or BOINC"
+msgstr "Otwiera okno z powiadomieniami z serwera lub z BOINC"
-#: ValidateURL.cpp:70
-msgid ""
-"Please specify a URL.\n"
-"For example:\n"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgMessages.cpp:124
+msgid "Fetching notices; please wait..."
 msgstr ""
-"Podaj adres URL.\n"
-"Na przykład:\n"
-#: ValidateURL.cpp:83 ValidateURL.cpp:87 ValidateURL.cpp:91
-#: ValidateURL.cpp:103 ValidateURL.cpp:107 ValidateURL.cpp:110
-msgid "Invalid URL"
-msgstr "Nieprawidłowy adres URL"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgMessages.cpp:132
+msgid "There are no notices at this time."
+msgstr "Aktualnie nie ma żadnych powiadomień."
-#: ValidateURL.cpp:84 ValidateURL.cpp:88 ValidateURL.cpp:92
-msgid ""
-"Please specify a valid URL.\n"
-"For example:\n"
-msgstr ""
-"Podaj prawidłowy adres URL.\n"
-"Na przykład:\n"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgMessages.cpp:146
+msgid "Close"
+msgstr "Zamknij"
-#: ValidateURL.cpp:104 ValidateURL.cpp:108
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgMessages.cpp:394
 #, c-format
-msgid "'%s' does not contain a valid host name."
-msgstr "'%s' nie zawiera poprawnej nazwy hosta."
+#, c-format, c-format
+msgid "%s - Notices"
+msgstr "%s - Powiadomienia"
-#: ValidateURL.cpp:111
-#, c-format
-msgid "'%s' does not contain a valid path."
-msgstr "'%s' nie zawiera poprawnej ścieżki."
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:270
+msgid "This dialog controls preferences for this computer only."
+msgstr "To okno kontroluje jedynie preferencje dla tego komputera."
-#: ViewMessages.cpp:84 ViewProjects.cpp:170 ViewStatistics.cpp:1978
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:160 ViewWork.cpp:183
-msgid "Commands"
-msgstr "Polecenia"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:275
+msgid "Click OK to set preferences."
+msgstr "Naciśnij OK aby zapisać preferencje."
-#: ViewMessages.cpp:88
-msgid "Copy all messages"
-msgstr "Kopiuj wszystkie wiadomości"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:280
+msgid "Click Clear to restore web-based settings for all preferences listed below."
+msgstr ""
-#: ViewMessages.cpp:95
-msgid "Copy selected messages"
-msgstr "Kopiuj wybrane wiadomości"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:287
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "For additional settings, select Computing Preferences in the Advanced View."
+msgstr "Dla dodatkowych ustawień wybierze preferencje przetwarzania w "
-#: ViewMessages.cpp:106 ViewMessages.cpp:502
-msgid "Show only this project"
-msgstr "Pokaż tylko ten projekt"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:315
+msgid "Do work only between:"
+msgstr "Przetwarzaj dane tylko pomiędzy:"
-#: ViewMessages.cpp:107 ViewMessages.cpp:503
-msgid "Show only the messages for the selected project."
-msgstr "Pokazuje wiadomości związane tylko z wybranym projektem."
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:337
+msgid "Connect to internet only between:"
+msgstr "Łącz się z internetem tylko pomiędzy:"
-#: ViewMessages.cpp:164
-msgid "Messages"
-msgstr "Wiadomości"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:359
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:376
+msgid "Use no more than:"
+msgstr "Używaj nie więcej niż:"
-#: ViewMessages.cpp:187
-msgid "Copying all messages to the clipboard..."
-msgstr "Kopiowanie wszystkich wiadomości do schowka..."
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:372
+msgid "of disk space"
+msgstr "przestrzeni dysku"
-#: ViewMessages.cpp:223
-msgid "Copying selected messages to the clipboard..."
-msgstr "Kopiowanie wybranych wiadomości do schowka..."
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:389
+msgid "of the processor"
+msgstr "mocy obliczeniowej procesora"
-#: ViewMessages.cpp:286
-msgid "Filtering messages..."
-msgstr "Filtrowanie wiadomości..."
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:393
+msgid "Do work while on battery?"
+msgstr "Przetwarzanie danych podczas zasilania z baterii?"
-#: ViewMessages.cpp:494
-msgid "Show all messages"
-msgstr "Pokaż wszystkie wiadomości"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:406
+msgid "Do work after idle for:"
+msgstr "Przetwarzanie danych tylko po bezczynności przez:"
-#: ViewMessages.cpp:495
-msgid "Show messages for all projects."
-msgstr "Pokazuje wiadomości dotyczące wszystkich projektów."
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:431
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Clear all local preferences listed above and close the dialog"
+msgstr "Wyczyść lokalne preferencje i zamknij okno"
-#: ViewNotices.cpp:58 sg_DlgMessages.cpp:124
-msgid "Fetching notices; please wait..."
-msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:609
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:612
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:688
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:692
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:704
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:708
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:851
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:862
+msgid "Anytime"
+msgstr "Zawsze"
-#: ViewNotices.cpp:65 sg_DlgMessages.cpp:132
-msgid "There are no notices at this time."
-msgstr "Aktualnie nie ma żadnych powiadomień."
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:645
+msgid "100 MB"
+msgstr "100 MB"
-#: ViewNotices.cpp:99 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:776
-msgid "Notices"
-msgstr "Powiadomienia"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:646
+msgid "200 MB"
+msgstr "200 MB"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:174 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:61
-msgid "Update"
-msgstr "Zaktualizuj projekt"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:647
+msgid "500 MB"
+msgstr "500 MB"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:175 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:62
-msgid ""
-"Report all completed tasks, get latest credit, get latest preferences, and "
-"possibly get more tasks."
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:648
+msgid "1 GB"
+msgstr "1 GB"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:649
+msgid "2 GB"
+msgstr "2 GB"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:650
+msgid "5 GB"
+msgstr "5 GB"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:651
+msgid "10 GB"
+msgstr "10 GB"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:652
+msgid "20 GB"
+msgstr "20 GB"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:653
+msgid "50 GB"
+msgstr "50 GB"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:654
+msgid "100 GB"
+msgstr "100 GB"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:724
+#, c-format
+msgid "%d MB"
+msgstr "%d MB"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:726
+#, c-format
+msgid "%4.2f GB"
+msgstr "%4.2f GB"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:767
+#, c-format
+msgid "%d%%"
+msgstr "%d%%"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:803
+msgid "0 (Run Always)"
+msgstr "0 (uruchamiaj zawsze)"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:806
+#, c-format
+msgid "%d"
+msgstr "%d"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:953
+#, c-format
+msgid "%s - Computing Preferences"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:1033
+msgid "Do you really want to clear all local preferences?\n"
+msgstr "Czy na pewno chcesz usunąć wszystkie preferencje lokalne?\n"
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:66
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:179
+msgid "Update"
+msgstr "Zaktualizuj projekt"
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:67
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:180
+msgid "Report all completed tasks, get latest credit, get latest preferences, and possibly get more tasks."
 msgstr ""
 "Przesyła informacje o zakończonych obliczeniach oraz aktualizuje preferencje "
 "i wyniki dla danego projektu."
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:181 ViewProjects.cpp:722 ViewWork.cpp:208 ViewWork.cpp:801
-#: sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:757 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:67
-#: sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:113 sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:66
-#: sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:106
-msgid "Suspend"
-msgstr "Wstrzymaj"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:182 ViewProjects.cpp:722 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:68
-#: sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:114
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:73
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:129
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:187
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:727
 msgid "Suspend tasks for this project."
 msgstr "Wstrzymuje przetwarzanie zadań dla danego projektu."
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:188 ViewProjects.cpp:741 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:73
-#: sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:121
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:78
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:136
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:193
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:746
 msgid "No new tasks"
 msgstr "Nie pobieraj danych"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:189 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:74
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:79
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:194
 msgid "Don't get new tasks for this project."
 msgstr "Nie pobieraj nowych zadań do przetwarzania w tym projekcie."
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:195 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:79
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:84
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:200
 msgid "Reset project"
 msgstr "Zresetuj projekt"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:196 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:80
-msgid ""
-"Delete all files and tasks associated with this project, and get new tasks.  "
-"You can update the project first to report any completed tasks."
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:85
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:201
+msgid "Delete all files and tasks associated with this project, and get new tasks.  You can update the project first to report any completed tasks."
 msgstr ""
 "Usuwa wszystkie pliki związane z danym projektem i pobiera nową porcję "
 "danych do przetwarzania. Przed użyciem możesz skorzystać z funkcji "
 "aktualizacji aby zaraportować zakończone zadania."
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:203 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:86
-msgid ""
-"Remove this project.  Tasks in progress will be lost (use 'Update' first to "
-"report any completed tasks)."
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:91
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:208
+msgid "Remove this project.  Tasks in progress will be lost (use 'Update' first to report any completed tasks)."
 msgstr ""
 "Odłącza ten komputer od wybranego projektu. Dane będące aktualnie w toku "
 "przetwarzania zostaną utracone. Użyj wczesniej funkcji aktualizacji aby "
 "zaraportować zakończone zadania."
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:209 ViewWork.cpp:222 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:91
-#: sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:78
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:96
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:84
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:214
 msgid "Properties"
 msgstr "Właściwości"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:210 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:92
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:97
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:215
 msgid "Show project details."
 msgstr "Pokazuje szczegóły projektu."
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:220 ViewStatistics.cpp:450
-msgid "Account"
-msgstr "Konto"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:222
-msgid "Work done"
-msgstr "Wynik całkowity"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:223
-msgid "Avg. work done"
-msgstr "Średni wynik"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:225 ViewTransfers.cpp:188 ViewWork.cpp:234
-msgid "Status"
-msgstr "Status"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:250
-msgid "Projects"
-msgstr "Projekty"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:302
-msgid "Updating project..."
-msgstr "Aktualizowanie projektu..."
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:344
-msgid "Resuming project..."
-msgstr "Wznawianie projektu..."
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:348
-msgid "Suspending project..."
-msgstr "Wstrzymywanie projektu..."
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:126
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:723
+msgid "Resume tasks for this project."
+msgstr "Wznów zadania przetwarzane w tym projekcie."
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:385
-msgid "Telling project to allow additional task downloads..."
-msgstr "Przekazywanie projektowi aby wznowił przydzielanie dodatkowych zadań..."
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:133
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:742
+msgid "Allow new tasks"
+msgstr "Pobieraj nowe dane"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:389
-msgid "Telling project to not fetch any additional tasks..."
-msgstr "Przekazywanie projektowi aby wstrzymał przydzielanie nowych zadań..."
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:134
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:742
+msgid "Allow fetching new tasks for this project."
+msgstr "Wznawia pobieranie nowych danych dla tego projektu."
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:425
-msgid "Resetting project..."
-msgstr "Resetowanie projektu..."
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:137
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:746
+msgid "Don't fetch new tasks for this project."
+msgstr "Wstrzymuje pobieranie nowych danych dla tego projektu."
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:438 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:214
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:229
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:443
 #, c-format
 msgid "Are you sure you want to reset project '%s'?"
 msgstr "Czy jesteś pewien, że chcesz zresetować projekt '%s'?"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:444 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:220
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:235
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:449
 msgid "Reset Project"
 msgstr "Zresetuj projekt"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:483
-msgid "Removing project..."
-msgstr "Usuwanie projektu..."
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:496 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:251
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:266
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:501
 #, c-format
 #, c-format, c-format
 msgid "Are you sure you want to remove project '%s'?"
 msgstr "Czy jesteś pewien, że chcesz usunąć projekt '%s'?"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:502 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:257
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:272
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:507
 msgid "Remove Project"
 msgstr "Usuń projekt"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:543 ViewWork.cpp:599
-msgid "Launching browser..."
-msgstr "Otwieranie okna przeglądarki..."
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:718 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:111
-msgid "Resume tasks for this project."
-msgstr "Wznów zadania przetwarzane w tym projekcie."
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:72
+msgid "Add Project"
+msgstr "Dodaj projekt"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:737 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:118
-msgid "Allow new tasks"
-msgstr "Pobieraj nowe dane"
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:73
+msgid "Synchronize"
+msgstr "Synchronizuj"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:737 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:119
-msgid "Allow fetching new tasks for this project."
-msgstr "Wznawia pobieranie nowych danych dla tego projektu."
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:74
+msgid "Work done for this project"
+msgstr "Przetwarzanie dla tego projektu zakończone"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:741 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:122
-msgid "Don't fetch new tasks for this project."
-msgstr "Wstrzymuje pobieranie nowych danych dla tego projektu."
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:77
+msgid "Synchronize projects with account manager system"
+msgstr "Zsynchronizuj projekty z menadżerem kont"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1058
-msgid "Requested by user"
-msgstr "Zażądane przez użytkownika"
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:124
+msgid "Select a project to access with the controls below"
+msgstr "Wybierz projekt aby uzyskać dostęp do poniższych opcji"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1059
-msgid "To fetch work"
-msgstr "Aby pobrać zadania"
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:145
+msgid "Project Web Pages"
+msgstr "Strony projektu"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1060
-msgid "To report completed tasks"
-msgstr "Aby zaraportować zakończone zadania"
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:149
+msgid "Project Commands"
+msgstr "Polecenia projektu"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1061
-msgid "To send trickle-up message"
-msgstr "Aby wysłać miniwiadomość"
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:276
+#, c-format
+#, c-format, fuzzy
+msgid "Pop up a menu of web sites for project %s"
+msgstr "Pokazuje menu stron projektu %s"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1062
-msgid "Requested by account manager"
-msgstr "Zażądane przez menadżera kont"
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:278
+#, c-format
+msgid "Pop up a menu of commands to apply to project %s"
+msgstr "Pokazuje menu opcji dla projektu %s"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1063
-msgid "Project initialization"
-msgstr "Inicjalizacja projektu"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:66
+msgid "Show graphics"
+msgstr "Pokaż grafikę"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1064
-msgid "Requested by project"
-msgstr "Zażądane przez projekt"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:67
+msgid "Show application graphics in a window."
+msgstr "Pokaż grafikę aplikacji w oknie."
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1065
-msgid "Unknown reason"
-msgstr "Przyczyna nieznana"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:73
+msgid "Suspend this task."
+msgstr ""
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1079
-msgid "Suspended by user"
-msgstr "Wstrzymany przez użytkownika"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:78
+msgid "Abort"
+msgstr "Przerwij"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1082
-msgid "Won't get new tasks"
-msgstr "Nie pobieraj nowych danych"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:79
+msgid "Abandon this task. You will get no credit for it."
+msgstr ""
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1085
-msgid "Project ended - OK to remove"
-msgstr "Projekt zakończony - naciśnij OK aby go usunąć"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:85
+msgid "Show task details."
+msgstr "Pokaż szczegóły zadania."
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1088
-msgid "Will remove when tasks done"
-msgstr "Usuwa po zakończeniu zadań"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:119
+msgid "Resume work for this task."
+msgstr "Wznów to zadanie."
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1091
-msgid "Scheduler request pending"
-msgstr "Oczekiwanie na połączenie z serwerem projektu"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:123
+msgid "Suspend work for this task."
+msgstr "Wstrzymaj to zadanie."
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1097
-msgid "Scheduler request in progress"
-msgstr "Trwa nawiązywanie połączenia z serwerem projektu"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:267
+#, c-format
+#, c-format, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Are you sure you want to abort this task '%s'?\n"
+"(Progress: %.1lf%%, Status: %s)"
+msgstr ""
+"Czy jesteś pewien, że chcesz przerwać zadanie '%s'?\n"
+"(Postęp: %.1lf%%, Status: %s)"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1100
-msgid "Trickle up message pending"
-msgstr "Wysyłanie miniwiadomości"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:272
+msgid "Abort task"
+msgstr "Przerwij zadanie"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1106
-msgid "Communication deferred "
-msgstr "Komunikacja opóźniona"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:468
+msgid "You don't have any projects.  Please Add a Project."
+msgstr "Nie uczestniczysz w żadnym projekcie. Przyłącz się do któregoś z nich."
-#: ViewResources.cpp:62
-msgid "Total disk usage"
-msgstr "Całkowite użycie dysku twardego"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:469
+msgid "Not available"
+msgstr "Niedostępne"
-#: ViewResources.cpp:83
-msgid "Disk usage by BOINC projects"
-msgstr "Użycie dysku przez projekty BOINC"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:480
+msgid "Tasks:"
+msgstr "Zadania:"
-#: ViewResources.cpp:116
-msgid "Disk"
-msgstr "Dysk twardy"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:486
+msgid "Select a task to access"
+msgstr "Wybierz zadanie"
-#: ViewResources.cpp:249
-msgid "no projects: 0 bytes used"
-msgstr "brak projektów: 0 bajtów zajętych"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:497
+msgid "From:"
+msgstr "Z:"
-#: ViewResources.cpp:286
-msgid "used by BOINC: "
-msgstr "przestrzeń używana przez BOINC: "
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:551
+msgid "This task's progress"
+msgstr "Postęp tego zadania"
-#: ViewResources.cpp:296
-msgid "free, available to BOINC: "
-msgstr "wolna przestrzeń, dostępna dla BOINC: "
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:569
+msgid "Task Commands"
+msgstr "Polecenia zadania"
-#: ViewResources.cpp:306
-msgid "free, not available to BOINC: "
-msgstr "wolna przestrzeń, niedostępna dla BOINC: "
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:570
+msgid "Pop up a menu of commands to apply to this task"
+msgstr "Pokazuje menu z poleceniami dla tego zadania"
-#: ViewResources.cpp:316
-msgid "free: "
-msgstr "wolna przestrzeń: "
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:705
+#, c-format
+#, c-format, c-format
+msgid "Application: %s"
+msgstr "Aplikacja: %s"
-#: ViewResources.cpp:326
-msgid "used by other programs: "
-msgstr "przestrzeń używana przez inne aplikacje: "
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:728
+#, c-format
+msgid "%.3f%%"
+msgstr "%.3f%%"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:1205
-msgid "User Total"
-msgstr "Całkowite statystyki uczestnika"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:736
+msgid "Application: Not available"
+msgstr "Aplikacja: niedostępne"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:1206
-msgid "User Average"
-msgstr "Średnie statystyki uczestnika"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:836
+msgid "Not Available"
+msgstr "Niedostępne"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:1207
-msgid "Host Total"
-msgstr "Całkowite statystyki komputera"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:851
+#, c-format
+msgid "Elapsed: %s"
+msgstr "Upłynęło: %s"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:1208
-msgid "Host Average"
-msgstr "Średnie statystyki komputera"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:865
+#, c-format
+msgid "Remaining (estimated): %s"
+msgstr "Pozostało (szacowane): %s"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:1355
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:880
 #, c-format
-msgid "Last update: %.0f days ago"
-msgstr "Ostatnia aktualizacja: %.0f dni temu"
+msgid "Status: %s"
+msgstr "Status: %s"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:1982
-msgid "Show user total"
-msgstr "Całkowite wyniki uczestnika"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1227
+msgid "Retrieving current status."
+msgstr "Sprawdzanie bieżącego statusu."
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:1983
-msgid "Show total credit for user"
-msgstr "Pokazuje całkowite statystyki uczestnika"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:1989
-msgid "Show user average"
-msgstr "Pokazuje średnie wyniki uczestnika"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:1990
-msgid "Show average credit for user"
-msgstr "Pokazuje bieżące statystyki uczestnika"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1233
+msgid "Downloading work from the server."
+msgstr "Pobieranie danych z serwera."
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:1996
-msgid "Show host total"
-msgstr "Pokazuje całkowite wyniki komputera"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1238
+msgid "Processing Suspended:  Running On Batteries."
+msgstr "Przetwarzanie wstrzymane: zasilanie z baterii."
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:1997
-msgid "Show total credit for host"
-msgstr "Pokazuje całkowite statystyki komputera."
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1240
+msgid "Processing Suspended:  User Active."
+msgstr "Przetwarzanie wstrzymane: komputer w użyciu."
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2003
-msgid "Show host average"
-msgstr "Pokazuje średnie wyniki komputera"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1242
+msgid "Processing Suspended:  User paused processing."
+msgstr "Przetwarzanie wstrzymane: użytkownik wstrzymał zadanie."
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2004
-msgid "Show average credit for host"
-msgstr "Pokazuje średnie statystyki komputera"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1244
+msgid "Processing Suspended:  Time of Day."
+msgstr "Przetwarzanie wstrzymane: warunek dla pory dnia."
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2013
-msgid "< &Previous project"
-msgstr "< &Poprzedni projekt"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1246
+msgid "Processing Suspended:  Benchmarks Running."
+msgstr "Przetwarzanie wstrzymane: pomiar wydajności komputera."
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2014
-msgid "Show chart for previous project"
-msgstr "Pokazuje wykres dla poprzedniego projektu"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1248
+msgid "Processing Suspended."
+msgstr "Przetwarzanie wstrzymane."
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2019
-msgid "&Next project >"
-msgstr "&Następny projekt >"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1252
+msgid "Waiting to contact project servers."
+msgstr "Oczekiwanie na połączenie z serwerem projektu."
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2020
-msgid "Show chart for next project"
-msgstr "Pokazuje wykres dla następnego projektu"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1256
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1265
+msgid "Retrieving current status"
+msgstr "Sprawdzanie bieżącego statusu"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2026 ViewStatistics.cpp:2416
-msgid "Hide project list"
-msgstr "Ukryj listę projektów"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1260
+msgid "No work available to process"
+msgstr "Brak dostępnych danych do przetwarzania"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2027 ViewStatistics.cpp:2416
-msgid "Use entire area for graphs"
-msgstr "Wykorzystuje całą powierzchnię na wykres"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1262
+msgid "Unable to connect to the core client"
+msgstr "Nie można się połączyć z klientem BOINC"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2032
-msgid "Mode view"
-msgstr "Rodzaj widoku"
+#: clientgui/TermsOfUsePage.cpp:218
+msgid "Terms of Use"
+msgstr "Zasady użytkowania"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2036
-msgid "One project"
-msgstr "Pojedynczy projekt"
+#: clientgui/TermsOfUsePage.cpp:222
+msgid "Please read the following terms of use:"
+msgstr "Zapoznaj się z następującymi zasadami użytkowania:"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2037
-msgid "Show one chart with selected project"
-msgstr "Pokazuje wykres dla wybranego projektu"
+#: clientgui/TermsOfUsePage.cpp:231
+msgid "I agree to the terms of use."
+msgstr "Zgadzam się z zasadami użytkowania."
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2043
-msgid "All projects (separate)"
-msgstr "Wszystkie projekty (osobno)"
+#: clientgui/TermsOfUsePage.cpp:237
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "I do not agree to the terms of use."
+msgstr "Nie zgadzam się z zasadami użytkowania."
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2044
-msgid "Show all projects, one chart per project"
-msgstr "Pokazuje wykresy dla wszystkich projektów, jeden wykres na projekt"
+#: clientgui/UnavailablePage.cpp:183
+msgid "Project temporarily unavailable"
+msgstr "Projekt tymczasowo niedostępny"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2050
-msgid "All projects (together)"
-msgstr "Wszystkie projekty (razem)"
+#: clientgui/UnavailablePage.cpp:186
+msgid ""
+"The project is temporarily unavailable.\n"
+"Please try again later."
+msgstr ""
+"Ten projekt jest tymczasowo niedostepny.\n"
+"Spróbuj ponownie później."
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2051
-msgid "Show one chart with all projects"
-msgstr "Pokazuje wspólny wykres dla wszystkich projektów"
+#: clientgui/UnavailablePage.cpp:190
+msgid "Account manager temporarily unavailable"
+msgstr "Menadżer kont jest czasowo niedostępny"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2057
-msgid "All projects (sum)"
-msgstr "Wszystkie projekty (łącznie)"
+#: clientgui/UnavailablePage.cpp:193
+msgid ""
+"The account manager is temporarily unavailable.\n"
+"Please try again later."
+msgstr ""
+"Ten menadżer kont jest tymczasowo niedostępny.\n"
+"Spróbuj ponownie później."
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2058
-msgid "Show one chart with sum of projects"
-msgstr "Pokazuje wspólny z sumą wszystkich projektów"
+#: clientgui/ValidateAccountKey.cpp:68
+msgid "Please specify an account key to continue."
+msgstr "Podaj klucz konta aby kontynuować."
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2079
-msgid "Statistics"
-msgstr "Statystyki"
+#: clientgui/ValidateAccountKey.cpp:71
+msgid "Invalid Account Key; please enter a valid Account Key"
+msgstr "Nieprawidłowy klucz kona. Podaj prawidłowy klucz."
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2103 ViewStatistics.cpp:2124 ViewStatistics.cpp:2145
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2167 ViewStatistics.cpp:2188 ViewStatistics.cpp:2209
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2230 ViewStatistics.cpp:2251 ViewStatistics.cpp:2272
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2296
-msgid "Updating charts..."
-msgstr "Aktualizacja wykresów..."
+#: clientgui/ValidateAccountKey.cpp:82
+#: clientgui/ValidateEmailAddress.cpp:86
+msgid "Validation conflict"
+msgstr "Błąd uwierzytelniania"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2420
-msgid "Show project list"
-msgstr "Pokaż listę projeków"
+#: clientgui/ValidateEmailAddress.cpp:72
+msgid "Please specify an email address"
+msgstr "Podaj adres e-mail"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2420
-msgid "Uses smaller area for graphs"
-msgstr "Wykorzystuje mniejszą przestrzeń dla projektów"
+#: clientgui/ValidateEmailAddress.cpp:75
+msgid "Invalid email address; please enter a valid email address"
+msgstr "Nieprawidłowy adres e-mail. Wprowadź prawidłowy adres."
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:164
-msgid "Retry Now"
-msgstr "Próbuj ponownie"
+#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:69
+msgid "Missing URL"
+msgstr "Brak adresu URL"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:165
-msgid "Retry the file transfer now"
+#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:70
+msgid ""
+"Please specify a URL.\n"
+"For example:\n"
 msgstr ""
+"Podaj adres URL.\n"
+"Na przykład:\n"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:171
-msgid "Abort Transfer"
-msgstr "Przerwij przesyłanie pliku"
+#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:83
+#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:87
+#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:91
+#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:103
+#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:107
+#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:110
+msgid "Invalid URL"
+msgstr "Nieprawidłowy adres URL"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:172
-msgid "Abort this file transfer.  You won't get credit for the task."
+#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:84
+#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:88
+#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:92
+msgid ""
+"Please specify a valid URL.\n"
+"For example:\n"
 msgstr ""
+"Podaj prawidłowy adres URL.\n"
+"Na przykład:\n"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:183
-msgid "File"
-msgstr "Plik"
+#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:104
+#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:108
+#, c-format
+msgid "'%s' does not contain a valid host name."
+msgstr "'%s' nie zawiera poprawnej nazwy hosta."
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:184 ViewWork.cpp:233
-msgid "Progress"
-msgstr "Postęp"
+#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:111
+#, c-format
+msgid "'%s' does not contain a valid path."
+msgstr "'%s' nie zawiera poprawnej ścieżki."
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:185
-msgid "Size"
-msgstr "Rozmiar"
+#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:84
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:175
+msgid "Commands"
+msgstr "Polecenia"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:186
-msgid "Elapsed Time"
-msgstr "Czas trwania"
+#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:88
+msgid "Copy all messages"
+msgstr "Kopiuj wszystkie wiadomości"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:187
-msgid "Speed"
-msgstr "Szybkość"
+#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:95
+msgid "Copy selected messages"
+msgstr "Kopiuj wybrane wiadomości"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:213
-msgid "Transfers"
-msgstr "Przesyłanie"
+#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:106
+#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:502
+msgid "Show only this project"
+msgstr "Pokaż tylko ten projekt"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:280
-msgid "Network activity is suspended - "
-msgstr "Aktywność sieciowa jest wstrzymana - "
+#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:107
+#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:503
+msgid "Show only the messages for the selected project."
+msgstr "Pokazuje wiadomości związane tylko z wybranym projektem."
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:282
-msgid ""
-"You can enable it using the Activity menu."
-msgstr ""
-"Możesz ją włączyć używając menu Aktywność."
+#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:164
+msgid "Messages"
+msgstr "Wiadomości"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:285
-msgid "BOINC"
-msgstr "BOINC"
+#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:187
+msgid "Copying all messages to the clipboard..."
+msgstr "Kopiowanie wszystkich wiadomości do schowka..."
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:292
-msgid "Retrying transfer now..."
-msgstr "Ponawianie próby przesłania..."
+#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:223
+msgid "Copying selected messages to the clipboard..."
+msgstr "Kopiowanie wybranych wiadomości do schowka..."
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:330
-msgid "Aborting transfer..."
-msgstr "Przerywanie przesyłania..."
+#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:286
+msgid "Filtering messages..."
+msgstr "Filtrowanie wiadomości..."
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:343
-#, c-format
-msgid ""
-"Are you sure you want to abort this file transfer '%s'?\n"
-"NOTE: Aborting a transfer will invalidate a task and you\n"
-"will not receive credit for it."
-msgstr ""
-"Czy jesteś pewien, że chcesz przerwać przesyłanie pliku '%s'?\n"
-"UWAGA: Przerwanie przesyłania spowoduje skasowanie pliku lub jego już "
-"pobranej części.\n"
-"Jeśli jest to plik z wynikami obliczeń, nie otrzymasz punktów za to zadanie."
+#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:494
+msgid "Show all messages"
+msgstr "Pokaż wszystkie wiadomości"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:349
-msgid "Abort File Transfer"
-msgstr "Przerwij przesyłanie pliku"
+#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:495
+msgid "Show messages for all projects."
+msgstr "Pokazuje wiadomości dotyczące wszystkich projektów."
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:780
-msgid "Upload"
-msgstr "Wysyłanie"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:225
+msgid "Account"
+msgstr "Konto"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:780
-msgid "Download"
-msgstr "Pobieranie"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:227
+msgid "Work done"
+msgstr "Wynik całkowity"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:784
-msgid "retry in "
-msgstr "ponowna próba za "
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:228
+msgid "Avg. work done"
+msgstr "Średni wynik"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:786
-msgid "failed"
-msgstr "niepowodzenie"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:230
+msgid "Status"
+msgstr "Status"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:789
-msgid "suspended"
-msgstr "zatrzymane"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:255
+msgid "Projects"
+msgstr "Projekty"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:794
-msgid "active"
-msgstr "aktywne"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:307
+msgid "Updating project..."
+msgstr "Aktualizowanie projektu..."
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:796
-msgid "pending"
-msgstr "trwające"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:349
+msgid "Resuming project..."
+msgstr "Wznawianie projektu..."
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:803
-msgid " (project backoff: "
-msgstr " (oczekiwanie: "
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:353
+msgid "Suspending project..."
+msgstr "Wstrzymywanie projektu..."
-#: ViewWork.cpp:187 ViewWork.cpp:777
-msgid "Show active tasks"
-msgstr "Pokaż aktywne zadania"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:390
+msgid "Telling project to allow additional task downloads..."
+msgstr "Przekazywanie projektowi aby wznowił przydzielanie dodatkowych zadań..."
-#: ViewWork.cpp:188 ViewWork.cpp:778
-msgid "Show only active tasks."
-msgstr "Wyświetla wyłącznie aktywne zadania."
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:394
+msgid "Telling project to not fetch any additional tasks..."
+msgstr "Przekazywanie projektowi aby wstrzymał przydzielanie nowych zadań..."
-#: ViewWork.cpp:194 sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:60
-msgid "Show graphics"
-msgstr "Pokaż grafikę"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:430
+msgid "Resetting project..."
+msgstr "Resetowanie projektu..."
-#: ViewWork.cpp:195 sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:61
-msgid "Show application graphics in a window."
-msgstr "Pokaż grafikę aplikacji w oknie."
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:488
+msgid "Removing project..."
+msgstr "Usuwanie projektu..."
-#: ViewWork.cpp:201
-msgid "Show VM Console"
-msgstr "Pokaż konsolę VM"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:548
+msgid "Launching browser..."
+msgstr "Otwieranie okna przeglądarki..."
-#: ViewWork.cpp:202
-msgid "Show VM Console in a window."
-msgstr "Pokazuje okno konsoli VM"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1063
+msgid "Requested by user"
+msgstr "Zażądane przez użytkownika"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:209
-msgid "Suspend work for this result."
-msgstr "Wstrzymuje przetwarzanie tego zadania."
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1064
+msgid "To fetch work"
+msgstr "Aby pobrać zadania"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:215 sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:72
-msgid "Abort"
-msgstr "Przerwij"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1065
+msgid "To report completed tasks"
+msgstr "Aby zaraportować zakończone zadania"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:216
-msgid "Abandon work on the result. You will get no credit for it."
-msgstr "Przerwij przetwarzanie tego zadania. Nie otrzymasz za nie punktów."
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1066
+msgid "To send trickle-up message"
+msgstr "Aby wysłać miniwiadomość"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:223 sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:79
-msgid "Show task details."
-msgstr "Pokaż szczegóły zadania."
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1067
+msgid "Requested by account manager"
+msgstr "Zażądane przez menadżera kont"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:235
-msgid "Elapsed"
-msgstr "Upłynęło"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1068
+msgid "Project initialization"
+msgstr "Inicjalizacja projektu"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:236
-msgid "Remaining (estimated)"
-msgstr "Pozostało (szacowane)"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1069
+msgid "Requested by project"
+msgstr "Zażądane przez projekt"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:237
-msgid "Deadline"
-msgstr "Termin"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1070
+msgid "Unknown reason"
+msgstr "Przyczyna nieznana"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:264
-msgid "Tasks"
-msgstr "Zadania"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1084
+msgid "Suspended by user"
+msgstr "Wstrzymany przez użytkownika"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:357
-msgid "Resuming task..."
-msgstr "Wznawianie zadania..."
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1087
+msgid "Won't get new tasks"
+msgstr "Nie pobieraj nowych danych"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:360
-msgid "Suspending task..."
-msgstr "Wstrzymywanie zadania..."
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1090
+msgid "Project ended - OK to remove"
+msgstr "Projekt zakończony - naciśnij OK aby go usunąć"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:389
-msgid "Showing graphics for task..."
-msgstr "Wyświetlanie grafiki dla zadania..."
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1093
+msgid "Will remove when tasks done"
+msgstr "Usuwa po zakończeniu zadań"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:426
-msgid "Showing VM console for task..."
-msgstr "Pokazywanie konsoli VM dla zadania..."
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1096
+msgid "Scheduler request pending"
+msgstr "Oczekiwanie na połączenie z serwerem projektu"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:479
-#, c-format
-msgid ""
-"Are you sure you want to abort this task '%s'?\n"
-"(Progress: %s, Status: %s)"
-msgstr ""
-"Czy jesteś pewien, że chcesz przerwać zadanie: '%s'?\n"
-"(Postęp: %s, Status: %s)"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1102
+msgid "Scheduler request in progress"
+msgstr "Trwa nawiązywanie połączenia z serwerem projektu"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:485
-#, c-format
-msgid "Are you sure you want to abort these %d tasks?"
-msgstr "Czy jesteś pewien, że chcesz przerwać te zadania %d?"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1105
+msgid "Trickle up message pending"
+msgstr "Wysyłanie miniwiadomości"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:490 sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:256
-msgid "Abort task"
-msgstr "Przerwij zadanie"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1111
+msgid "Communication deferred "
+msgstr "Komunikacja opóźniona"
-# 75%
-#: ViewWork.cpp:499
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Aborting task..."
-msgstr "Przerywanie przesyłania..."
+#: clientgui/ViewResources.cpp:62
+msgid "Total disk usage"
+msgstr "Całkowite użycie dysku twardego"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:771
-msgid "Show all tasks"
-msgstr "Pokaż wszystkie zadania"
+#: clientgui/ViewResources.cpp:83
+msgid "Disk usage by BOINC projects"
+msgstr "Użycie dysku przez projekty BOINC"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:772
-msgid "Show all tasks."
-msgstr "Pokaż wszystkie zadania."
+#: clientgui/ViewResources.cpp:116
+msgid "Disk"
+msgstr "Dysk twardy"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:796 sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:103
-msgid "Resume work for this task."
-msgstr "Wznów to zadanie."
+#: clientgui/ViewResources.cpp:225
+msgid "no projects: 0 bytes used"
+msgstr "brak projektów: 0 bajtów zajętych"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:802 sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:107
-msgid "Suspend work for this task."
-msgstr "Wstrzymaj to zadanie."
+#: clientgui/ViewResources.cpp:262
+msgid "used by BOINC: "
+msgstr "przestrzeń używana przez BOINC: "
-#: WelcomePage.cpp:284
-msgid "Add project or account manager"
-msgstr "Dodaj projekt lub menadżer kont"
+#: clientgui/ViewResources.cpp:272
+msgid "free, available to BOINC: "
+msgstr "wolna przestrzeń, dostępna dla BOINC: "
-#: WelcomePage.cpp:288
-msgid "Add project or use BOINC Account Manager"
-msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ViewResources.cpp:282
+msgid "free, not available to BOINC: "
+msgstr "wolna przestrzeń, niedostępna dla BOINC: "
-#: WelcomePage.cpp:297
-#, c-format
-msgid ""
-"If possible, add projects at the\n"
-"%s web site.\n"
-"Projects added via this wizard will not be\n"
-"listed on or managed via %s."
-msgstr ""
-"Jeśli jest to możliwe, dodawaj projekty przy użyciu\n"
-"strony %s.\n"
-"Projekty dodane przy użyciu tego kreatora\n"
-"nie będą widoczne oraz zarządzane przez %s."
+#: clientgui/ViewResources.cpp:292
+msgid "free: "
+msgstr "wolna przestrzeń: "
-#: WelcomePage.cpp:313
-msgid ""
-"There are over 30 BOINC-based projects\n"
-"doing research in many areas of science,\n"
-"and you can volunteer for as many of them as you like.\n"
-"You can add a project directly,\n"
-"or use an 'Account Manager' web site to select projects."
-msgstr ""
-"Aktualnie jest ponad 30 projektów BOINC\n"
-"wykonujących badania w różnych obszarach nauki.\n"
-"Możesz uczestniczyć w dowolnej liczbie projektów.Możesz dodać projekt "
-"lub skorzystać do wybierania projektów z menadżera kont."
+#: clientgui/ViewResources.cpp:302
+msgid "used by other programs: "
+msgstr "przestrzeń używana przez inne aplikacje: "
-#: WelcomePage.cpp:325
-msgid ""
-"You have chosen to add a new volunteer computing project or change which "
-"you contribute to.\n"
-"Some of these projects are run and managed by World Community Grid, while "
-"are run and managed by other researchers or organizations. The BOINC "
-"can divide your spare processing power among any combination of projects.\n"
-"Alternatively, if you have registered with a BOINC Account Manager, you can "
-"this to choose which projects to support.\n"
-"Please choose which type of change you would like to make:\n"
-msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1181
+msgid "User Total"
+msgstr "Całkowite statystyki uczestnika"
-#: WelcomePage.cpp:339
-msgid "Use a BOINC Account Manager"
-msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1182
+msgid "User Average"
+msgstr "Średnie statystyki uczestnika"
-#: WelcomePage.cpp:352
-msgid "To continue, click Next."
-msgstr "Aby kontynuować naciśnij Dalej."
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1183
+msgid "Host Total"
+msgstr "Całkowite statystyki komputera"
-#: WelcomePage.cpp:358
-msgid "Add or change your World Community Grid projects"
-msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1184
+msgid "Host Average"
+msgstr "Średnie statystyki komputera"
-#: WelcomePage.cpp:361
-msgid "Add projects run by other researchers or organizations"
-msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1331
+#, c-format
+msgid "Last update: %.0f days ago"
+msgstr "Ostatnia aktualizacja: %.0f dni temu"
-#: WizardAttach.cpp:634
-msgid "Do you really want to cancel?"
-msgstr "Czy na pewno chcesz anulować?"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1956
+msgid "Show user total"
+msgstr "Całkowite wyniki uczestnika"
-#: WizardAttach.cpp:635
-msgid "Question"
-msgstr "Pytanie"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1957
+msgid "Show total credit for user"
+msgstr "Pokazuje całkowite statystyki uczestnika"
-#: sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:149
-msgid "Advanced View...\tCtrl+Shift+A"
-msgstr "Widok zaawansowany...\tCtrl+Shift+A"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1963
+msgid "Show user average"
+msgstr "Pokazuje średnie wyniki uczestnika"
-#: sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:150
-msgid "Display the advanced graphical interface."
-msgstr "Przełącza do widoku zaawansowanego."
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1964
+msgid "Show average credit for user"
+msgstr "Pokazuje bieżące statystyki uczestnika"
-#: sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:157
-msgid "Skin"
-msgstr "Skórka"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1970
+msgid "Show host total"
+msgstr "Pokazuje całkowite wyniki komputera"
-#: sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:159
-msgid "Select the appearance of the user interface."
-msgstr "Wybierz wygląd interfejsu."
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1971
+msgid "Show total credit for host"
+msgstr "Pokazuje całkowite statystyki komputera."
-#: sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:206
-#, c-format
-msgid "&%s"
-msgstr "&%s"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1977
+msgid "Show host average"
+msgstr "Pokazuje średnie wyniki komputera"
-#: sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:390
-msgid "Default"
-msgstr "Domyślna"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1978
+msgid "Show average credit for host"
+msgstr "Pokazuje średnie statystyki komputera"
-#: sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:759
-msgid "Suspend Computing"
-msgstr "Wstrzymaj przetwarzanie"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1987
+msgid "< &Previous project"
+msgstr "< &Poprzedni projekt"
-#: sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:760
-msgid "Resume Computing"
-msgstr "Wznów przetwarzanie"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1988
+msgid "Show chart for previous project"
+msgstr "Pokazuje wykres dla poprzedniego projektu"
-#: sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:777
-msgid "Open a window to view notices from projects or BOINC"
-msgstr "Otwiera okno z powiadomieniami z serwera lub z BOINC"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1993
+msgid "&Next project >"
+msgstr "&Następny projekt >"
-#: sg_DlgMessages.cpp:146
-msgid "Close"
-msgstr "Zamknij"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1994
+msgid "Show chart for next project"
+msgstr "Pokazuje wykres dla następnego projektu"
-#: sg_DlgMessages.cpp:389
-#, c-format
-#, c-format, c-format
-msgid "%s - Notices"
-msgstr "%s - Powiadomienia"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2000
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2390
+msgid "Hide project list"
+msgstr "Ukryj listę projektów"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:268
-msgid "This dialog controls preferences for this computer only."
-msgstr "To okno kontroluje jedynie preferencje dla tego komputera."
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2001
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2390
+msgid "Use entire area for graphs"
+msgstr "Wykorzystuje całą powierzchnię na wykres"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:273
-msgid "Click OK to set preferences."
-msgstr "Naciśnij OK aby zapisać preferencje."
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2006
+msgid "Mode view"
+msgstr "Rodzaj widoku"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:278
-msgid ""
-"Click Clear to restore web-based settings for all preferences listed below."
-msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2010
+msgid "One project"
+msgstr "Pojedynczy projekt"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:285
-#, fuzzy
-msgid ""
-"For additional settings, select Computing Preferences in the Advanced View."
-msgstr "Dla dodatkowych ustawień wybierze preferencje przetwarzania w "
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2011
+msgid "Show one chart with selected project"
+msgstr "Pokazuje wykres dla wybranego projektu"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:313
-msgid "Do work only between:"
-msgstr "Przetwarzaj dane tylko pomiędzy:"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2017
+msgid "All projects (separate)"
+msgstr "Wszystkie projekty (osobno)"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:335
-msgid "Connect to internet only between:"
-msgstr "Łącz się z internetem tylko pomiędzy:"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2018
+msgid "Show all projects, one chart per project"
+msgstr "Pokazuje wykresy dla wszystkich projektów, jeden wykres na projekt"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:357 sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:374
-msgid "Use no more than:"
-msgstr "Używaj nie więcej niż:"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2024
+msgid "All projects (together)"
+msgstr "Wszystkie projekty (razem)"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:370
-msgid "of disk space"
-msgstr "przestrzeni dysku"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2025
+msgid "Show one chart with all projects"
+msgstr "Pokazuje wspólny wykres dla wszystkich projektów"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:387
-msgid "of the processor"
-msgstr "mocy obliczeniowej procesora"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2031
+msgid "All projects (sum)"
+msgstr "Wszystkie projekty (łącznie)"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:391
-msgid "Do work while on battery?"
-msgstr "Przetwarzanie danych podczas zasilania z baterii?"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2032
+msgid "Show one chart with sum of projects"
+msgstr "Pokazuje wspólny z sumą wszystkich projektów"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:404
-msgid "Do work after idle for:"
-msgstr "Przetwarzanie danych tylko po bezczynności przez:"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2053
+msgid "Statistics"
+msgstr "Statystyki"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:429
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Clear all local preferences listed above and close the dialog"
-msgstr "Wyczyść lokalne preferencje i zamknij okno"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2077
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2098
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2119
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2141
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2162
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2183
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2204
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2225
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2246
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2270
+msgid "Updating charts..."
+msgstr "Aktualizacja wykresów..."
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:602 sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:605
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:681 sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:685
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:697 sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:701
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:844 sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:855
-msgid "Anytime"
-msgstr "Zawsze"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2394
+msgid "Show project list"
+msgstr "Pokaż listę projeków"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:638
-msgid "100 MB"
-msgstr "100 MB"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2394
+msgid "Uses smaller area for graphs"
+msgstr "Wykorzystuje mniejszą przestrzeń dla projektów"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:639
-msgid "200 MB"
-msgstr "200 MB"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:169
+msgid "Retry Now"
+msgstr "Próbuj ponownie"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:640
-msgid "500 MB"
-msgstr "500 MB"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:170
+msgid "Retry the file transfer now"
+msgstr ""
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:641
-msgid "1 GB"
-msgstr "1 GB"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:176
+msgid "Abort Transfer"
+msgstr "Przerwij przesyłanie pliku"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:642
-msgid "2 GB"
-msgstr "2 GB"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:177
+msgid "Abort this file transfer.  You won't get credit for the task."
+msgstr ""
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:643
-msgid "5 GB"
-msgstr "5 GB"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:188
+msgid "File"
+msgstr "Plik"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:644
-msgid "10 GB"
-msgstr "10 GB"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:189
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:238
+msgid "Progress"
+msgstr "Postęp"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:645
-msgid "20 GB"
-msgstr "20 GB"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:190
+msgid "Size"
+msgstr "Rozmiar"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:646
-msgid "50 GB"
-msgstr "50 GB"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:191
+msgid "Elapsed Time"
+msgstr "Czas trwania"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:647
-msgid "100 GB"
-msgstr "100 GB"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:192
+msgid "Speed"
+msgstr "Szybkość"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:717
-#, c-format
-msgid "%d MB"
-msgstr "%d MB"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:218
+msgid "Transfers"
+msgstr "Przesyłanie"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:719
-#, c-format
-msgid "%4.2f GB"
-msgstr "%4.2f GB"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:285
+msgid "Network activity is suspended - "
+msgstr "Aktywność sieciowa jest wstrzymana - "
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:760
-#, c-format
-msgid "%d%%"
-msgstr "%d%%"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:287
+msgid ""
+"You can enable it using the Activity menu."
+msgstr ""
+"Możesz ją włączyć używając menu Aktywność."
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:796
-msgid "0 (Run Always)"
-msgstr "0 (uruchamiaj zawsze)"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:290
+msgid "BOINC"
+msgstr "BOINC"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:799
-#, c-format
-msgid "%d"
-msgstr "%d"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:297
+msgid "Retrying transfer now..."
+msgstr "Ponawianie próby przesłania..."
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:1029
-msgid "Do you really want to clear all local preferences?\n"
-msgstr "Czy na pewno chcesz usunąć wszystkie preferencje lokalne?\n"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:335
+msgid "Aborting transfer..."
+msgstr "Przerywanie przesyłania..."
-#: sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:72
-msgid "Add Project"
-msgstr "Dodaj projekt"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:348
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Are you sure you want to abort this file transfer '%s'?\n"
+"NOTE: Aborting a transfer will invalidate a task and you\n"
+"will not receive credit for it."
+msgstr ""
+"Czy jesteś pewien, że chcesz przerwać przesyłanie pliku '%s'?\n"
+"UWAGA: Przerwanie przesyłania spowoduje skasowanie pliku lub jego już "
+"pobranej części.\n"
+"Jeśli jest to plik z wynikami obliczeń, nie otrzymasz punktów za to zadanie."
-#: sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:73
-msgid "Synchronize"
-msgstr "Synchronizuj"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:354
+msgid "Abort File Transfer"
+msgstr "Przerwij przesyłanie pliku"
-#: sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:74
-msgid "Work done for this project"
-msgstr "Przetwarzanie dla tego projektu zakończone"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:785
+msgid "Upload"
+msgstr "Wysyłanie"
-#: sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:77
-msgid "Synchronize projects with account manager system"
-msgstr "Zsynchronizuj projekty z menadżerem kont"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:785
+msgid "Download"
+msgstr "Pobieranie"
-#: sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:124
-msgid "Select a project to access with the controls below"
-msgstr "Wybierz projekt aby uzyskać dostęp do poniższych opcji"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:789
+msgid "retry in "
+msgstr "ponowna próba za "
-#: sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:145
-msgid "Project Web Pages"
-msgstr "Strony projektu"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:791
+msgid "failed"
+msgstr "niepowodzenie"
-#: sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:149
-msgid "Project Commands"
-msgstr "Polecenia projektu"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:794
+msgid "suspended"
+msgstr "zatrzymane"
-#: sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:267
-#, c-format
-#, c-format, fuzzy
-msgid "Pop up a menu of web sites for project %s"
-msgstr "Pokazuje menu stron projektu %s"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:799
+msgid "active"
+msgstr "aktywne"
-#: sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:269
-#, c-format
-msgid "Pop up a menu of commands to apply to project %s"
-msgstr "Pokazuje menu opcji dla projektu %s"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:801
+msgid "pending"
+msgstr "trwające"
-#: sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:67
-msgid "Suspend this task."
-msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:808
+msgid " (project backoff: "
+msgstr " (oczekiwanie: "
-#: sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:73
-msgid "Abandon this task. You will get no credit for it."
-msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:192
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:782
+msgid "Show active tasks"
+msgstr "Pokaż aktywne zadania"
-#: sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:251
-#, c-format
-#, c-format, c-format
-msgid ""
-"Are you sure you want to abort this task '%s'?\n"
-"(Progress: %.1lf%%, Status: %s)"
-msgstr ""
-"Czy jesteś pewien, że chcesz przerwać zadanie '%s'?\n"
-"(Postęp: %.1lf%%, Status: %s)"
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:193
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:783
+msgid "Show only active tasks."
+msgstr "Wyświetla wyłącznie aktywne zadania."
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:464
-msgid "You don't have any projects.  Please Add a Project."
-msgstr "Nie uczestniczysz w żadnym projekcie. Przyłącz się do któregoś z nich."
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:206
+msgid "Show VM Console"
+msgstr "Pokaż konsolę VM"
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:465
-msgid "Not available"
-msgstr "Niedostępne"
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:207
+msgid "Show VM Console in a window."
+msgstr "Pokazuje okno konsoli VM"
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:476
-msgid "Tasks:"
-msgstr "Zadania:"
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:214
+msgid "Suspend work for this result."
+msgstr "Wstrzymuje przetwarzanie tego zadania."
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:482
-msgid "Select a task to access"
-msgstr "Wybierz zadanie"
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:221
+msgid "Abandon work on the result. You will get no credit for it."
+msgstr "Przerwij przetwarzanie tego zadania. Nie otrzymasz za nie punktów."
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:493
-msgid "From:"
-msgstr "Z:"
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:240
+msgid "Elapsed"
+msgstr "Upłynęło"
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:547
-msgid "This task's progress"
-msgstr "Postęp tego zadania"
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:241
+msgid "Remaining (estimated)"
+msgstr "Pozostało (szacowane)"
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:565
-msgid "Task Commands"
-msgstr "Polecenia zadania"
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:242
+msgid "Deadline"
+msgstr "Termin"
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:566
-msgid "Pop up a menu of commands to apply to this task"
-msgstr "Pokazuje menu z poleceniami dla tego zadania"
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:269
+msgid "Tasks"
+msgstr "Zadania"
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:701
-#, c-format
-#, c-format, c-format
-msgid "Application: %s"
-msgstr "Aplikacja: %s"
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:362
+msgid "Resuming task..."
+msgstr "Wznawianie zadania..."
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:724
-#, c-format
-msgid "%.3f%%"
-msgstr "%.3f%%"
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:365
+msgid "Suspending task..."
+msgstr "Wstrzymywanie zadania..."
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:732
-msgid "Application: Not available"
-msgstr "Aplikacja: niedostępne"
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:394
+msgid "Showing graphics for task..."
+msgstr "Wyświetlanie grafiki dla zadania..."
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:832
-msgid "Not Available"
-msgstr "Niedostępne"
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:431
+msgid "Showing VM console for task..."
+msgstr "Pokazywanie konsoli VM dla zadania..."
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:847
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:484
 #, c-format
-msgid "Elapsed: %s"
-msgstr "Upłynęło: %s"
+msgid ""
+"Are you sure you want to abort this task '%s'?\n"
+"(Progress: %s, Status: %s)"
+msgstr ""
+"Czy jesteś pewien, że chcesz przerwać zadanie: '%s'?\n"
+"(Postęp: %s, Status: %s)"
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:861
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:490
 #, c-format
-msgid "Remaining (estimated): %s"
-msgstr "Pozostało (szacowane): %s"
+msgid "Are you sure you want to abort these %d tasks?"
+msgstr "Czy jesteś pewien, że chcesz przerwać te zadania %d?"
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:876
-#, c-format
-msgid "Status: %s"
-msgstr "Status: %s"
+# 75%
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:504
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Aborting task..."
+msgstr "Przerywanie przesyłania..."
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1223
-msgid "Retrieving current status."
-msgstr "Sprawdzanie bieżącego statusu."
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:776
+msgid "Show all tasks"
+msgstr "Pokaż wszystkie zadania"
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1229
-msgid "Downloading work from the server."
-msgstr "Pobieranie danych z serwera."
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:777
+msgid "Show all tasks."
+msgstr "Pokaż wszystkie zadania."
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1234
-msgid "Processing Suspended:  Running On Batteries."
-msgstr "Przetwarzanie wstrzymane: zasilanie z baterii."
+#: clientgui/WelcomePage.cpp:284
+msgid "Add project or account manager"
+msgstr "Dodaj projekt lub menadżer kont"
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1236
-msgid "Processing Suspended:  User Active."
-msgstr "Przetwarzanie wstrzymane: komputer w użyciu."
+#: clientgui/WelcomePage.cpp:288
+msgid "Add project or use BOINC Account Manager"
+msgstr ""
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1238
-msgid "Processing Suspended:  User paused processing."
-msgstr "Przetwarzanie wstrzymane: użytkownik wstrzymał zadanie."
+#: clientgui/WelcomePage.cpp:297
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"If possible, add projects at the\n"
+"%s web site.\n"
+"Projects added via this wizard will not be\n"
+"listed on or managed via %s."
+msgstr ""
+"Jeśli jest to możliwe, dodawaj projekty przy użyciu\n"
+"strony %s.\n"
+"Projekty dodane przy użyciu tego kreatora\n"
+"nie będą widoczne oraz zarządzane przez %s."
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1240
-msgid "Processing Suspended:  Time of Day."
-msgstr "Przetwarzanie wstrzymane: warunek dla pory dnia."
+#: clientgui/WelcomePage.cpp:313
+msgid ""
+"There are over 30 BOINC-based projects\n"
+"doing research in many areas of science,\n"
+"and you can volunteer for as many of them as you like.\n"
+"You can add a project directly,\n"
+"or use an 'Account Manager' web site to select projects."
+msgstr ""
+"Aktualnie jest ponad 30 projektów BOINC\n"
+"wykonujących badania w różnych obszarach nauki.\n"
+"Możesz uczestniczyć w dowolnej liczbie projektów.Możesz dodać projekt "
+"lub skorzystać do wybierania projektów z menadżera kont."
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1242
-msgid "Processing Suspended:  Benchmarks Running."
-msgstr "Przetwarzanie wstrzymane: pomiar wydajności komputera."
+#: clientgui/WelcomePage.cpp:325
+msgid ""
+"You have chosen to add a new volunteer computing project or change which projects\n"
+"you contribute to.\n"
+"Some of these projects are run and managed by World Community Grid, while others\n"
+"are run and managed by other researchers or organizations. The BOINC software\n"
+"can divide your spare processing power among any combination of projects.\n"
+"Alternatively, if you have registered with a BOINC Account Manager, you can use\n"
+"this to choose which projects to support.\n"
+"Please choose which type of change you would like to make:\n"
+msgstr ""
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1244
-msgid "Processing Suspended."
-msgstr "Przetwarzanie wstrzymane."
+#: clientgui/WelcomePage.cpp:339
+msgid "Use a BOINC Account Manager"
+msgstr ""
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1248
-msgid "Waiting to contact project servers."
-msgstr "Oczekiwanie na połączenie z serwerem projektu."
+#: clientgui/WelcomePage.cpp:358
+msgid "Add or change your World Community Grid projects"
+msgstr ""
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1252 sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1261
-msgid "Retrieving current status"
-msgstr "Sprawdzanie bieżącego statusu"
+#: clientgui/WelcomePage.cpp:361
+msgid "Add projects run by other researchers or organizations"
+msgstr ""
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1256
-msgid "No work available to process"
-msgstr "Brak dostępnych danych do przetwarzania"
+#: clientgui/WizardAttach.cpp:673
+msgid "Do you really want to cancel?"
+msgstr "Czy na pewno chcesz anulować?"
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1258
-msgid "Unable to connect to the core client"
-msgstr "Nie można się połączyć z klientem BOINC"
+#: clientgui/WizardAttach.cpp:674
+msgid "Question"
+msgstr "Pytanie"
-#: wizardex.cpp:377 wizardex.cpp:553
+#: clientgui/wizardex.cpp:377
+#: clientgui/wizardex.cpp:553
 msgid "&Next >"
 msgstr "&Dalej >"
-#: wizardex.cpp:383
+#: clientgui/wizardex.cpp:383
 msgid "< &Back"
 msgstr "< &Wstecz"
-#: wizardex.cpp:553
+#: clientgui/wizardex.cpp:553
 msgid "&Finish"
 msgstr "&Zakończ"
-#: mac/Mac_GUI.cpp:110
-msgid "Preferences…"
-msgstr "Preferencje..."
+#: clientgui/common/wxPieCtrl.cpp:64
+msgid "Pie Ctrl"
+msgstr "Legenda"
-#: mac/Mac_GUI.cpp:122
+#: clientgui/mac/Mac_GUI.cpp:35
 msgid "Services"
 msgstr "Usługi"
-#: mac/Mac_GUI.cpp:144
+#: clientgui/mac/Mac_GUI.cpp:36
 #, c-format
 msgid "Hide %s"
 msgstr "Ukryj %s"
-#: mac/Mac_GUI.cpp:158
+#: clientgui/mac/Mac_GUI.cpp:37
 msgid "Hide Others"
 msgstr "Ukryj pozostałe"
-#: mac/Mac_GUI.cpp:172
+#: clientgui/mac/Mac_GUI.cpp:38
 msgid "Show All"
 msgstr "Pokaż wszystkie"
-#: mac/Mac_GUI.cpp:186
+#: clientgui/mac/Mac_GUI.cpp:39
 #, c-format
 #, c-format, c-format
 msgid "Quit %s"
 msgstr "Zakończ %s"
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.h:30
+msgid "specify work start and stop hours in format HH:MM-HH:MM"
+msgstr "Podaj godziny rozpoczęcia i zakończenia pracy w formacie HH:MM-HH:MM"
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.h:31
+msgid "specify network usage start and stop hours in format HH:MM-HH:MM"
+msgstr ""
+"Podaj godziny rozpoczęcia i zakończenia dostępności sieci w formacie HH:MM-"
+# 98%
+#, fuzzy
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "(C) 2003-2013 University of California, Berkeley.\n"
+#~ "All Rights Reserved."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "(C) 2003-2011 Uniwersytet Kalifornijski w Berkeley.\n"
+#~ "Wszystkie prawa zastrzeżone."
+#, c-format
+#~ msgid "%s - Preferences"
+#~ msgstr "%s - Preferencje"
+#, no-c-format
+#~ msgid "% CPU time"
+#~ msgstr "% mocy obliczeniowej procesora"
+#~ msgid "KBytes/sec."
+#~ msgstr "KB/s"
+#~ msgid "Mbytes"
+#~ msgstr "MB"
+#~ msgid "every"
+#~ msgstr "co"
+#~ msgid "days"
+#~ msgstr "dni"
+#~ msgid "Gigabytes disk space"
+#~ msgstr "gigabajtów dysku"
+#~ msgid "Running, high priority"
+#~ msgstr "Przetwarzany, wysoki priorytet"
+#~ msgid " (Scheduler wait: "
+#~ msgstr "(Oczekiwanie: "
+#~ msgid " (Scheduler wait)"
+#~ msgstr "(Oczekiwanie)"
+#~ msgid " (Waiting for network access)"
+#~ msgstr "(Oczekiwanie na dostęp do sieci)"
+#~ msgid "Preferences…"
+#~ msgstr "Preferencje..."
 #~ msgid "I do not agree with the terms of use."
 #~ msgstr "Nie zgadzam się z zasadami użytkowania."
@@ -4266,17 +4483,6 @@ msgstr "Zakończ %s"
 #~ msgid "OnDropTarget: index by HitTest = %i"
 #~ msgstr "OnDropTarget: index by HitTest = %i"
-#~ msgid "Pie Ctrl"
-#~ msgstr "Legenda"
-#~ msgid "specify work start and stop hours in format HH:MM-HH:MM"
-#~ msgstr "Podaj godziny rozpoczęcia i zakończenia pracy w formacie HH:MM-HH:MM"
-#~ msgid "specify network usage start and stop hours in format HH:MM-HH:MM"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Podaj godziny rozpoczęcia i zakończenia dostępności sieci w formacie HH:MM-"
-#~ "HH:MM"
 #, c-format
 #~ msgid "The %s's default language has been changed, in order for this change to take affect you must restart the %s."
 #~ msgstr ""
diff --git a/locale/pl/BOINC-Project-Generic.po b/locale/pl/BOINC-Project-Generic.po
index c546307..cc26564 100644
--- a/locale/pl/BOINC-Project-Generic.po
+++ b/locale/pl/BOINC-Project-Generic.po
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ msgstr ""
 "Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: BOINC translation team <boinc_loc at boinc.berkeley.edu>\n"
 "POT-Creation-Date: 2014-01-10 00:00 PST\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-01-20 16:11+0200\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-01-20 16:11+0000\n"
 "Last-Translator: Pawel <pawel.pbm at gmail.com>\n"
 "Language-Team: LANGUAGE <LL at li.org>\n"
 "Language: pl\n"
@@ -16,11 +16,12 @@ msgstr ""
 "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
 "Plural-Forms: nplurals=3; plural=(n==1 ? 0 : n%10>=2 && n%10<=4 && (n%100<10 "
 "|| n%100>=20) ? 1 : 2);\n"
-"X-Generator: Pootle 2.1.6\n"
+"X-Generator: Pootle 2.5.0\n"
 "X-Poedit-SourceCharset: utf-8\n"
+"X-BOINC-UTF8-Marker: 简体中文, 日本語\n"
 "X-Poedit-SearchPath-0: html\\user\n"
 "X-Poedit-Basepath: C:\\Src\\BOINCSVN\\trunk\\boinc\n"
-"X-BOINC-UTF8-Marker: 简体中文, 日本語\n"
+"X-POOTLE-MTIME: 1358698319.0\n"
 # The name of this language in this language
@@ -1218,8 +1219,9 @@ msgid "Use NVIDIA GPU %1 Enforced by version 6.10+ %2"
 msgstr "Używaj karty graficznej NVIDIA %1 Egzekwowane od wersji 6.10+ %2"
 #: ../inc/prefs.inc:344
+#, fuzzy
 msgid "Use Intel GPU %1 Enforced by version 7.2+ %2"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Używaj karty graficznej ATI %1 Egzekwowane od wersji 6.10+ %2"
 #: ../inc/prefs.inc:358
 msgid ""
@@ -1783,8 +1785,9 @@ msgid "State"
 msgstr "Stan"
 #: ../inc/result.inc:747
+#, fuzzy
 msgid "Task name:"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Nazwa zadania"
 #: ../inc/team.inc:40
 msgid "Search criteria (use one or more)"
@@ -2602,8 +2605,9 @@ msgid "Top GPU models"
 msgstr ""
 #: ../user/bs_sample_index.php:70
+#, fuzzy
 msgid "Languages"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Język"
 # #######################################
 # Rules and Policies page (info.php)
diff --git a/locale/pt_BR/BOINC-Manager.po b/locale/pt_BR/BOINC-Manager.po
index 943a9f2..db00905 100644
--- a/locale/pt_BR/BOINC-Manager.po
+++ b/locale/pt_BR/BOINC-Manager.po
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ msgid ""
 msgstr ""
 "Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-02-02 00:00-0800\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-12-15 14:15-0500\n"
 "PO-Revision-Date: 2012-12-10 19:50+0200\n"
 "Last-Translator: Anonymous Pootle User\n"
 "Language-Team: LANGUAGE <LL at li.org>\n"
@@ -16,22 +16,22 @@ msgstr ""
 "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
 "Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n > 1);\n"
 "X-Generator: Pootle 2.1.6\n"
+"X-Poedit-Basepath: C:\\Src\\BOINCGIT\\boinc_7.4\n"
+"X-Poedit-SearchPath-0: clientgui\n"
 "X-Poedit-SearchPath-1: clientgui/msw\n"
 "X-Poedit-SearchPath-2: clientgui/gtk\n"
 "X-Poedit-SearchPath-3: clientgui/mac\n"
-"X-Poedit-SearchPath-0: clientgui\n"
 "X-Poedit-SourceCharset: utf-8\n"
-"X-Poedit-Basepath: C:\\Src\\BOINCGIT\\boinc\n"
 "X-BOINC-UTF8-Marker: 简体中文, 日本語\n"
 # 81%
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:387
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:387
 #, c-format
 #, fuzzy, c-format
 msgid "Identify your account at %s"
 msgstr "Identifique sua conta"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:393
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:393
 msgid ""
 "Please enter your account information\n"
 "(to create an account, visit the project's web site)"
@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ msgstr ""
 "Por favor, entre com suas informações de conta\n"
 "(para criar uma conta, visite a página do projeto na internet)"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:397
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:397
 #, fuzzy
 msgid ""
 "This project is not currently accepting new accounts.\n"
@@ -48,19 +48,19 @@ msgstr ""
 "Este projeto não está aceitando novas contas no momento.\n"
 "Você pode participar somente se já possuir uma conta."
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:401
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:401
 msgid "Are you already running this project?"
 msgstr "Você já executa este projeto?"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:405
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:405
 msgid "&No, new user"
 msgstr "&Não, novo usuário"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:408
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:408
 msgid "&Yes, existing user"
 msgstr "&Sim, usuário existente"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:413
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:413
 #, fuzzy
 msgid ""
 "We were not able to set up your account information\n"
@@ -77,46 +77,52 @@ msgstr ""
 "abaixo para descobrir o que colocar nos campos de endereço de email\n"
 "e senha."
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:416
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:416
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Find login information"
 msgstr "Procurar informações de acesso"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:436 AccountInfoPage.cpp:641
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:436
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:649
 msgid "&Password:"
 msgstr "&Senha:"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:443 AccountInfoPage.cpp:665
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:443
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:673
 msgid "Choose a &password:"
 msgstr "Selecione uma &senha:"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:446
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:446
 msgid "C&onfirm password:"
 msgstr "C&onfirme a senha:"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:453
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:453
 #, c-format
 msgid "Are you already running %s?"
 msgstr "Você já executa %s?"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:482
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:482
 msgid "&Username:"
 msgstr "&Nome de usuário:"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:508
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:511
+msgid "&Email address or LDAP ID:"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:515
 msgid "&Email address:"
 msgstr "&Endereço de E-mail:"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:515
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:523
 #, c-format
 msgid "minimum length %d"
 msgstr "comprimento mínimo %d"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:522
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:530
 msgid "Forgot your password?"
 msgstr "Esqueceu sua senha?"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:529
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:537
 msgid ""
 "If you have not yet registered with this account manager,\n"
 "please do so before proceeding.  Click on the link below\n"
@@ -126,46 +132,45 @@ msgstr ""
 "por favor, faça isso antes de prosseguir. Clique no link abaixo\n"
 "para registrar-se ou reaver uma senha perdida."
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:532
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:540
 msgid "Account manager web site"
 msgstr ""
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:574 WelcomePage.cpp:348
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:582
 msgid "Add project"
 msgstr "Adicionar projeto"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:576
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:584
 msgid "Update account manager"
 msgstr "Atualizar gerenciador de contas"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:578 WelcomePage.cpp:307 WelcomePage.cpp:321
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:586
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Use account manager"
 msgstr "Adicionar gerenciador de contas"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:585
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:593
 msgid "Please enter a user name."
 msgstr ""
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:587
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:595
 msgid "Please enter an email address."
 msgstr ""
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:597
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:605
 #, c-format
 msgid "Please enter a password of at least %d characters."
 msgstr ""
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:607
-msgid ""
-"The password and confirmation password do not match. Please type them again."
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:615
+msgid "The password and confirmation password do not match. Please type them again."
 msgstr "A senha e sua confirmação não parelham. Por favor, digite-as novamente."
-#: AccountManagerInfoPage.cpp:272
+#: clientgui/AccountManagerInfoPage.cpp:272
 msgid "Choose an account manager"
 msgstr "Selecione um gerenciador de contas"
-#: AccountManagerInfoPage.cpp:275
+#: clientgui/AccountManagerInfoPage.cpp:275
 msgid ""
 "To choose an account manager, click its name or \n"
 "type its URL below."
@@ -173,383 +178,400 @@ msgstr ""
 "Para selecionar um gerenciador de contas, clique em seu nome ou \n"
 "digite seu URL abaixo."
-#: AccountManagerInfoPage.cpp:279
+#: clientgui/AccountManagerInfoPage.cpp:279
 msgid "Account manager details:"
 msgstr ""
-#: AccountManagerInfoPage.cpp:283
+#: clientgui/AccountManagerInfoPage.cpp:283
 msgid "Account manager &URL:"
 msgstr ""
-#: AccountManagerInfoPage.cpp:287
+#: clientgui/AccountManagerInfoPage.cpp:287
 msgid "Open web page"
 msgstr ""
-#: AccountManagerInfoPage.cpp:290
+#: clientgui/AccountManagerInfoPage.cpp:290
 msgid "Visit this account manager's web site"
 msgstr ""
-#: AccountManagerProcessingPage.cpp:187 AccountManagerPropertiesPage.cpp:193
+#: clientgui/AccountManagerProcessingPage.cpp:186
+#: clientgui/AccountManagerPropertiesPage.cpp:192
 #, c-format
 msgid "Communicating with %s."
 msgstr "Comunicando-se com %s."
-#: AccountManagerProcessingPage.cpp:194 AccountManagerPropertiesPage.cpp:200
+#: clientgui/AccountManagerProcessingPage.cpp:193
+#: clientgui/AccountManagerPropertiesPage.cpp:199
 msgid "Communicating with server."
 msgstr "Comunicando-se com servidor."
-#: AccountManagerProcessingPage.cpp:199 AccountManagerPropertiesPage.cpp:205
+#: clientgui/AccountManagerProcessingPage.cpp:198
+#: clientgui/AccountManagerPropertiesPage.cpp:204
 msgid "Please wait..."
 msgstr "Por favor, aguarde..."
-#: AccountManagerProcessingPage.cpp:326
+#: clientgui/AccountManagerProcessingPage.cpp:325
 msgid "An internal server error has occurred.\n"
 msgstr "Ocorreu um erro interno no servidor.\n"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:95
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:96
 msgid "Connected"
 msgstr "Conectado"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:103
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:104
 msgid "Disconnected"
 msgstr "Desconectado"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:322 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:119
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:318
 #, c-format
 msgid "Close the %s window"
 msgstr "Fechar a janela %s"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:325 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:122
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:321
 msgid "&Close Window"
 msgstr "&Fechar Janela"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:336 AdvancedFrame.cpp:343 AdvancedFrame.cpp:350
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:332
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:339
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:346
 #, c-format
 msgid "Exit %s"
 msgstr "Sair %s"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:371
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:359
+msgid "Preferences..."
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:368
 msgid "&Notices\tCtrl+Shift+N"
 msgstr "&Avisos\t Ctrl+Shift+N"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:372
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:369
 msgid "Display notices"
 msgstr "Exibir avisos"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:377
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:374
 msgid "&Projects\tCtrl+Shift+P"
 msgstr "&Projetos\t Ctrl+Shift+P"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:378
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:375
 msgid "Display projects"
 msgstr "Exibir projetos"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:383
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:380
 msgid "&Tasks\tCtrl+Shift+T"
 msgstr "&Tarefas\t Ctrl+Shift+T"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:384
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:381
 msgid "Display tasks"
 msgstr "Exibir tarefas"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:389
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:386
 msgid "Trans&fers\tCtrl+Shift+X"
 msgstr "Trans&ferências\t Ctrl+Shift+X"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:390
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:387
 msgid "Display transfers"
 msgstr "Exibir transferências"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:395
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:392
 msgid "&Statistics\tCtrl+Shift+S"
 msgstr "&Estatísticas\t Ctrl+Shift+S"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:396
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:393
 msgid "Display statistics"
 msgstr "Exibir estatísticas"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:401
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:398
 msgid "&Disk usage\tCtrl+Shift+D"
 msgstr "&Utilização de disco\t Ctrl+Shift+D"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:402
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:399
 msgid "Display disk usage"
 msgstr "Exibir utilização de disco"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:409
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:406
 msgid "Simple &View...\tCtrl+Shift+V"
 msgstr "&Visão Simples...\t Ctrl+Shift+V"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:410
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:407
 msgid "Display the simple graphical interface."
 msgstr "Exibir a interface gráfica simples."
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:424
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:421
 msgid "&Add project or account manager..."
 msgstr "&Adicionar projeto ou gerenciador de contas..."
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:425 sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:76
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:422
 msgid "Volunteer for any or all of 30+ projects in many areas of science"
 msgstr "Voluntários para um ou todos os 30+ projetos em muitas áreas da ciência"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:429
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:426
 #, c-format
 msgid "&Synchronize with %s"
 msgstr "&Sincronizar com %s"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:433
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:430
 #, c-format
 msgid "Get current settings from %s"
 msgstr "Obter configurações atuais de %s"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:443
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:440
 msgid "&Add project..."
 msgstr "&Adicionar projeto..."
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:444
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:441
 msgid "Add a project"
 msgstr "Adicionar projeto"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:447
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:444
 #, c-format
 msgid "S&top using %s..."
 msgstr "In&terromper uso de %s..."
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:453
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:450
 msgid "Remove this computer from account manager control."
 msgstr "Remover este computador do controle do gerenciador de contas."
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:458 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:178
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:455
 msgid "&Options..."
 msgstr ""
 # "proxy" is a known and very used word among computer users on Brazil. I believe translating it will be unbecome and may even confuse users.
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:459 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:179
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:456
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Configure display options and proxy settings"
 msgstr "Configurar opções GUI e de proxy"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:463 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:172
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:460
 msgid "Computing &preferences..."
 msgstr "&Preferências de computação..."
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:464 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:173
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:461
 msgid "Configure computing preferences"
 msgstr "Configurar preferências de computação"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:472
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:469
 msgid "&Run always"
 msgstr "&Executar sempre"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:473
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:470
 msgid "Allow work regardless of preferences"
 msgstr "Permitir trabalho não obstante preferências"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:477
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:474
 msgid "Run based on &preferences"
 msgstr "Executar baseado em &preferências"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:478
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:475
 msgid "Allow work according to preferences"
 msgstr "Permitir trabalho conforme preferências"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:482
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:479
 msgid "&Suspend"
 msgstr "&Suspender"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:483
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:480
 msgid "Stop work regardless of preferences"
 msgstr "Interromper trabalho não obstante preferências"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:508
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:505
 msgid "Use GPU always"
 msgstr "Usar GPU sempre"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:509
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:506
 msgid "Allow GPU work regardless of preferences"
 msgstr "Permitir trabalho de GPU não obstante preferências"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:513
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:510
 msgid "Use GPU based on preferences"
 msgstr "Usar GPU baseado em preferências"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:514
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:511
 msgid "Allow GPU work according to preferences"
 msgstr "Permitir trabalho de GPU conforme preferências"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:518
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:515
 msgid "Suspend GPU"
 msgstr "Suspender GPU"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:519
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:516
 msgid "Stop GPU work regardless of preferences"
 msgstr "Interromper trabalho de GPU não obstante preferências"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:543
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:540
 msgid "Network activity always available"
 msgstr "Atividade de rede sempre disponível"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:544
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:541
 msgid "Allow network activity regardless of preferences"
 msgstr "Permitir atividade de rede não obstante preferências"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:548
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:545
 msgid "Network activity based on preferences"
 msgstr "Atividade de rede baseada em preferências"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:549
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:546
 msgid "Allow network activity according to preferences"
 msgstr "Permitir atividade de rede conforme preferências"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:553
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:550
 msgid "Network activity suspended"
 msgstr "Atividade de rede suspensa"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:554
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:551
 msgid "Stop BOINC network activity"
 msgstr "Interromper atividade de rede do BOINC"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:564
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:561
 #, c-format
 msgid "Connect to another computer running %s"
 msgstr "Conectar a outro computador executando %s"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:569
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:566
 msgid "Select computer..."
 msgstr "Selecionar computador..."
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:574
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:571
 msgid "Shut down connected client..."
 msgstr "Finalizar cliente conectado..."
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:575
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:572
 msgid "Shut down the currently connected client"
 msgstr "Finalizar o cliente conectado atual"
 # "benchmark" is a known and very used word among computer users on Brazil. It can be translated as "avaliação de desempenho", but I preferred leaving "benchmarks" just for using the same letter &b...
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:579
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:576
 msgid "Run CPU &benchmarks"
 msgstr "Executar &benchmarks de CPU"
 # "benchmarks" is a known and very used word among computer users on Brazil. It can be translated as "avaliação de desempenho", but I preferred not translating it for convention.
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:580
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:577
 msgid "Runs BOINC CPU benchmarks"
 msgstr "Executa benchmarks de CPU do BOINC"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:584
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:581
 msgid "Do network communication"
 msgstr "Efetuar comunicação de rede"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:585
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:582
 msgid "Do all pending network communication"
 msgstr "Efetuar todas as comunicações de rede pendentes"
 # 94%
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:589
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:586
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Read config files"
 msgstr "Ler arquivo de configuração"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:590
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:587
 msgid "Read configuration info from cc_config.xml and any app_config.xml files"
 msgstr ""
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:594
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:591
 msgid "Read local prefs file"
 msgstr "Ler arquivo de preferências locais"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:595
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:592
 msgid "Read preferences from global_prefs_override.xml."
 msgstr "Ler preferências de global_prefs_override.xml."
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:600
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:597
 #, c-format
 msgid "Launch another instance of %s..."
 msgstr ""
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:604
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:601
 #, c-format
 msgid "Launch another %s"
 msgstr ""
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:614
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:611
 msgid "Event Log...\tCtrl+Shift+E"
 msgstr ""
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:615
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:612
 msgid "Display diagnostic messages."
 msgstr "Exibir mensagens de diagnóstico."
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:625 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:188
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:616
+msgid "Event Log Diagnostic Flags...\tCtrl+Shift+F"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:617
+msgid "Enable or disable various diagnostic messages"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:626
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s &help"
 msgstr "%s &ajuda"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:631 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:194
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:632
 #, c-format
 msgid "Show information about %s"
 msgstr "Mostrar informações sobre %s"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:643
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:644
 #, c-format
 msgid "&%s help"
 msgstr "&%s ajuda"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:649 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:212
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:650
 #, c-format
 msgid "Show information about the %s"
 msgstr "Mostrar informações sobre o %s"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:661 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:224
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:662
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s &web site"
 msgstr ""
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:667 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:230
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:668
 #, c-format
 msgid "Show information about BOINC and %s"
 msgstr "Mostrar informações sobre BOINC e %s"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:679 BOINCTaskBar.cpp:530 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:242
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:680
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:544
 #, c-format
 msgid "&About %s..."
 msgstr "&Sobre %s..."
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:685 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:248
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:686
 msgid "Licensing and copyright information."
 msgstr "Informações de licenciamento e direitos autorais."
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:692 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:255
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:693
 msgid "&File"
 msgstr "&Arquivo"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:696 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:259
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:697
 msgid "&View"
 msgstr "&Ver"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:700 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:263
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:701
 msgid "&Tools"
 msgstr "&Ferramentas"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:704
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:705
 msgid "&Activity"
 msgstr "&Atividade"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:708
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:709
 msgid "A&dvanced"
 msgstr "A&vançado"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:712 DlgEventLog.cpp:332 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:267
-#: wizardex.cpp:374 wizardex.cpp:381
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:713
 msgid "&Help"
 msgstr "&Ajuda"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:1199
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1185
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - Stop using %s"
 msgstr ""
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:1204
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1190
 #, c-format
 #, fuzzy, c-format
 msgid ""
@@ -565,12 +587,12 @@ msgstr ""
 "Deseja desligar-se de %s ?"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:1401
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1397
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - Shut down the current client..."
 msgstr "%s - Finalizar o cliente atual..."
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:1410
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1406
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "%s will shut down the current client\n"
@@ -579,37 +601,37 @@ msgstr ""
 "%s finalizará o cliente atual\n"
 "e o indagará para outra máquina a se conectar."
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:1745 DlgAbout.cpp:119
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1806
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s"
 msgstr "%s"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:1754
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1815
 #, c-format
 #, fuzzy, c-format
 msgid "%s has successfully added %s"
 msgstr "%s foi incorporado com sucesso a %s"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:1893
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1953
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - (%s)"
 msgstr "%s - (%s)"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:1897
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1957
 #, c-format
 msgid "Connecting to %s"
 msgstr "Conectando a %s"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:1900
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1960
 #, c-format
 msgid "Connected to %s (%s)"
 msgstr "Conectado a %s (%s)"
-#: AlreadyExistsPage.cpp:184
+#: clientgui/AlreadyExistsPage.cpp:184
 msgid "Username already in use"
 msgstr "Nome de usuário já em uso"
-#: AlreadyExistsPage.cpp:187
+#: clientgui/AlreadyExistsPage.cpp:187
 msgid ""
 "An account with that username already exists and has a\n"
 "different password than the one you entered.\n"
@@ -621,11 +643,11 @@ msgstr ""
 "Por favor, visite a página do projeto na internet e siga as instruções."
-#: AlreadyExistsPage.cpp:191
+#: clientgui/AlreadyExistsPage.cpp:191
 msgid "Email address already in use"
 msgstr "Endereço de E-mail já em uso"
-#: AlreadyExistsPage.cpp:194
+#: clientgui/AlreadyExistsPage.cpp:194
 msgid ""
 "An account with that email address already exists and has a\n"
 "different password than the one you entered.\n"
@@ -637,45 +659,44 @@ msgstr ""
 "Por favor, visite a página do projeto na internet e siga as instruções."
-#: AsyncRPC.cpp:1031
+#: clientgui/AsyncRPC.cpp:1031
 msgid "Communicating with BOINC client.  Please wait ..."
 msgstr "Comunicando-se com o cliente BOINC. Por favor, aguarde..."
-#: AsyncRPC.cpp:1034
+#: clientgui/AsyncRPC.cpp:1034
 #, c-format
 msgid "&Quit %s"
 msgstr "&Sair %s"
-#: AsyncRPC.cpp:1036
+#: clientgui/AsyncRPC.cpp:1036
 #, c-format
 msgid "E&xit %s"
 msgstr "S&air %s"
-#: AsyncRPC.cpp:1040
+#: clientgui/AsyncRPC.cpp:1040
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - Communication"
 msgstr "%s - Comunicação"
-#: AsyncRPC.cpp:1056 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:107 sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:433
+#: clientgui/AsyncRPC.cpp:1056
 msgid "Cancel"
 msgstr "Cancelar"
-#: BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:505
+#: clientgui/BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:504
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - Connection Error"
 msgstr "%s - Erro de Conexão"
-#: BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:514
+#: clientgui/BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:513
 msgid ""
 "You currently are not authorized to manage the client.\n"
-"Please contact your administrator to add you to the 'boinc_users' local user "
+"Please contact your administrator to add you to the 'boinc_users' local user group."
 msgstr ""
 "Você não está autorizado no momento a gerenciar o cliente.\n"
 "Por favor, contate seu administrador para adicioná-lo ao grupo de usuários "
 "local 'usuários_boinc'."
-#: BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:523
+#: clientgui/BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:522
 msgid ""
 "Authorization failed connecting to running client.\n"
 "Make sure you start this program in the same directory as the client."
@@ -683,20 +704,20 @@ msgstr ""
 "Falha em autorização na conexão com cliente em execução.\n"
 "Certifique-se de que iniciou este programa no mesmo diretório que o cliente."
-#: BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:525
+#: clientgui/BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:524
 msgid "Authorization failed connecting to running client."
 msgstr "Falha em autorização na conexão com cliente em execução."
-#: BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:533
+#: clientgui/BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:532
 msgid "The password you have provided is incorrect, please try again."
 msgstr "A senha fornecida é incorreta. Por favor, tente novamente."
-#: BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:577
+#: clientgui/BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:576
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - Connection Failed"
 msgstr "%s - Conexão Falhou"
-#: BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:586
+#: clientgui/BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:585
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "%s is not able to connect to a %s client.\n"
@@ -706,25 +727,24 @@ msgstr ""
 "Deseja tentar conexão novamente?"
 # "daemon" is a known and very used word among computer users on Brazil. There is no good translation for it.
-#: BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:622
+#: clientgui/BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:621
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - Daemon Start Failed"
 msgstr "%s - Falha na Inicialização do Daemon"
 # "applet" is a known and very used word among computers users on Brazil. There is no good translation for it.
-#: BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:632
+#: clientgui/BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:631
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "%s is not able to start a %s client.\n"
-"Please launch the Control Panel->Administative Tools->Services applet and "
-"start the BOINC service."
+"Please launch the Control Panel->Administative Tools->Services applet and start the BOINC service."
 msgstr ""
 "%s não consegue inicializar cliente %s.\n"
 "Por favor, execute a applet Painel de Controle->Ferramentas "
 "Administrativas->Serviços e inicie o serviço BOINC."
 # "daemon" is a known and very used word among computer users on Brazil. There is no good translation for it.
-#: BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:638
+#: clientgui/BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:637
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "%s is not able to start a %s client.\n"
@@ -733,17 +753,16 @@ msgstr ""
 "%s não consegue iniciar cliente %s.\n"
 "Por favor, inicie o daemon e tente novamente."
-#: BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:689
+#: clientgui/BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:688
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - Connection Status"
 msgstr "%s - Status de Conexão"
-#: BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:700
+#: clientgui/BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:699
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "%s is not currently connected to a %s client.\n"
-"Please use the 'Advanced\\Select Computer...' menu option to connect up to a "
-"%s client.\n"
+"Please use the 'Advanced\\Select Computer...' menu option to connect up to a %s client.\n"
 "To connect up to your local computer please use 'localhost' as the host name."
 msgstr ""
 "%s não está conectado ao cliente %s no momento.\n"
@@ -752,17 +771,17 @@ msgstr ""
 "Para conectar-se ao seu computador local, use 'localhost' como nome de "
-#: BOINCBaseView.cpp:779
+#: clientgui/BOINCBaseView.cpp:752
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Project web pages"
 msgstr "Projeto adicionado"
-#: BOINCClientManager.cpp:575
+#: clientgui/BOINCClientManager.cpp:573
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - Unexpected Exit"
 msgstr "%s - Saída Inesperada"
-#: BOINCClientManager.cpp:585
+#: clientgui/BOINCClientManager.cpp:583
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "The %s client has exited unexpectedly 3 times within the last %d minutes.\n"
@@ -771,12 +790,12 @@ msgstr ""
 "O cliente %s fechou inesperadamente 3 vezes nos últimos %d minutos.\n"
 "Deseja reiniciá-lo novamente?"
-#: BOINCDialupManager.cpp:61
+#: clientgui/BOINCDialupManager.cpp:61
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - Network Status"
 msgstr "%s - Status de Rede"
-#: BOINCDialupManager.cpp:241
+#: clientgui/BOINCDialupManager.cpp:241
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "%s needs to connect to the Internet.\n"
@@ -785,22 +804,22 @@ msgstr ""
 "%s necessita conexão com a Internet.\n"
 "Ele pode fazê-lo agora?"
-#: BOINCDialupManager.cpp:254
+#: clientgui/BOINCDialupManager.cpp:254
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s is connecting to the Internet."
 msgstr "%s está conectando-se com a Internet."
-#: BOINCDialupManager.cpp:303
+#: clientgui/BOINCDialupManager.cpp:303
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s has successfully connected to the Internet."
 msgstr "%s conectou-se com a Internet com sucesso."
-#: BOINCDialupManager.cpp:331
+#: clientgui/BOINCDialupManager.cpp:331
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s failed to connect to the Internet."
 msgstr "%s falhou ao conectar-se com a Internet."
-#: BOINCDialupManager.cpp:372
+#: clientgui/BOINCDialupManager.cpp:372
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "%s has detected it is now connected to the Internet.\n"
@@ -809,17 +828,17 @@ msgstr ""
 "%s detectou que está conectado com a Internet.\n"
 "Atualizando todos os projetos e tentando novamente todas as transferências."
-#: BOINCDialupManager.cpp:417
+#: clientgui/BOINCDialupManager.cpp:417
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s has successfully disconnected from the Internet."
 msgstr "%s desconectou-se da Internet com sucesso."
-#: BOINCDialupManager.cpp:433
+#: clientgui/BOINCDialupManager.cpp:433
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s failed to disconnected from the Internet."
 msgstr "%s falhou ao desconectar-se da Internet."
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:339
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:595
 #, c-format
 #, fuzzy, c-format
 msgid ""
@@ -841,7 +860,7 @@ msgstr ""
 "- contate seu administrador para adicioná-lo ao grupo de usuários\n"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:345
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:601
 #, c-format
 #, fuzzy, c-format
 msgid ""
@@ -852,16 +871,15 @@ msgstr ""
 "favor, reinstale o BOINC.\n"
 "(Código do erro %d)"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:351
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:607
 msgid " at "
 msgstr ""
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:354 MainDocument.cpp:2484 MainDocument.cpp:2534
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2554 ViewTransfers.cpp:803
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:610
 msgid ")"
 msgstr ""
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:384
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:640
 msgid ""
 "A reboot is required in order for BOINC to run properly.\n"
 "Please reboot your computer and try again."
@@ -869,190 +887,194 @@ msgstr ""
 "É necessário reiniciar para execução correta do BOINC.\n"
 "Por favor, reinicie seu computador e tente novamente."
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:385 DlgAbout.cpp:153
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:641
 msgid "BOINC Manager"
 msgstr "Gerenciador BOINC"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:572
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:902
 msgid "BOINC Manager was started by the operating system automatically"
 msgstr ""
 "Gerenciador BOINC foi inicializado pelo sistema operacional automaticamente"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:574
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:904
 msgid "Startup BOINC so only the system tray icon is visible"
 msgstr ""
 "Inicializa o BOINC tão somente o ícone na bandeja do sistema seja visível"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:576
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:906
 msgid "Directory containing the BOINC Client executable"
 msgstr "Diretório contendo o executável do Cliente BOINC"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:577
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:907
 msgid "BOINC data directory"
 msgstr "diretório de dados do BOINC"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:579
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:909
 msgid "Host name or IP address"
 msgstr ""
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:580
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:910
 msgid "GUI RPC port number"
 msgstr ""
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:581
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:911
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Password"
 msgstr "Senha:"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:582
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:912
 msgid "Startup BOINC with these optional arguments"
 msgstr "Inicie o BOINC com esses argumentos opcionais"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:583
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:913
 msgid "disable BOINC security users and permissions"
 msgstr "desativar usuários e permissões de segurança do BOINC"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:584
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:914
 msgid "set skin debugging mode to enable skin manager error messages"
 msgstr ""
 "definir modo depuração de aparência para ativar mensagens de erro do "
 "gerenciador de aparência"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:585
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:915
 msgid "multiple instances of BOINC Manager allowed"
 msgstr ""
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:587
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:917
 msgid "Not used: workaround for bug in XCode 4.2"
 msgstr ""
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:814
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:1164
 msgid "(Automatic Detection)"
 msgstr "(Detecção Automática)"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:815
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:1165
 msgid "(Unknown)"
 msgstr "(Desconhecido)"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:816
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:1166
 msgid "(User Defined)"
 msgstr "(Definido pelo Usuário)"
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:508
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:522
 #, c-format
 msgid "Open %s Web..."
 msgstr "Abrir Página %s..."
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:515
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:529
 #, c-format
 msgid "Open %s..."
 msgstr "Abrir %s..."
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:522 BOINCTaskBar.cpp:619 BOINCTaskBar.cpp:627
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:536
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:633
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:641
 msgid "Snooze"
 msgstr "Cochilar"
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:524 BOINCTaskBar.cpp:646 BOINCTaskBar.cpp:654
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:538
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:660
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:668
 msgid "Snooze GPU"
 msgstr "Cochilar GPU"
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:542
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:556
 msgid "E&xit"
 msgstr "S&air"
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:612 ViewProjects.cpp:718 ViewWork.cpp:795
-#: sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:758 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:110
-#: sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:102
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:626
 msgid "Resume"
 msgstr ""
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:639
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:653
 msgid "Resume GPU"
 msgstr ""
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:713
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:727
 msgid "Computing is enabled"
 msgstr "Computação está ativada"
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:717
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:731
 msgid "Computing is suspended - "
 msgstr "Computação está suspensa -"
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:727
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:741
 msgid "GPU computing is enabled"
 msgstr "Computação com GPU está ativada"
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:730
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:744
 msgid "GPU computing is suspended - "
 msgstr "Computação com GPU está suspensa -"
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:739
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:753
 msgid "Network is enabled"
 msgstr "Rede está ativada"
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:742
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:756
 msgid "Network is suspended - "
 msgstr "Rede está suspensa -"
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:750
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:764
 msgid "Reconnecting to client."
 msgstr "Reconectando ao cliente."
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:752
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:766
 msgid "Not connected to a client."
 msgstr "Não conectado a um cliente."
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:805
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:819
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s Notices"
 msgstr "%s Avisos"
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:811
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:825
 msgid "There are new notices - click to view."
 msgstr "Existem novos avisos - clique para visualizar."
-#: CompletionErrorPage.cpp:199
+#: clientgui/CompletionErrorPage.cpp:199
 msgid "Failed to add project"
 msgstr ""
-#: CompletionErrorPage.cpp:204
+#: clientgui/CompletionErrorPage.cpp:204
 msgid "Failed to update account manager"
 msgstr "Falha ao atualizar gerenciador de contas"
-#: CompletionErrorPage.cpp:208
+#: clientgui/CompletionErrorPage.cpp:208
 msgid "Failed to remove account manager"
 msgstr "Falha ao remover gerenciador de contas"
-#: CompletionErrorPage.cpp:212
+#: clientgui/CompletionErrorPage.cpp:212
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Failed to add account manager"
 msgstr "Falha ao atualizar gerenciador de contas"
-#: CompletionErrorPage.cpp:221
+#: clientgui/CompletionErrorPage.cpp:221
 msgid ""
 "Please try again later.\n"
 "Click Finish to close."
 msgstr ""
-#: CompletionErrorPage.cpp:225 CompletionPage.cpp:222 CompletionPage.cpp:242
-#: CompletionPage.cpp:273
+#: clientgui/CompletionErrorPage.cpp:225
+#: clientgui/CompletionPage.cpp:222
+#: clientgui/CompletionPage.cpp:242
+#: clientgui/CompletionPage.cpp:273
 msgid "Click Finish to close."
 msgstr "Clique em Finalizar para fechar."
-#: CompletionErrorPage.cpp:234
+#: clientgui/CompletionErrorPage.cpp:234
 msgid "Messages from server:"
 msgstr "Mensagens do servidor:"
-#: CompletionPage.cpp:207
+#: clientgui/CompletionPage.cpp:207
 msgid "Project added"
 msgstr "Projeto adicionado"
-#: CompletionPage.cpp:213
+#: clientgui/CompletionPage.cpp:213
 msgid "This project has been successfully added."
 msgstr "Este projeto foi adicionado com sucesso."
-#: CompletionPage.cpp:218
+#: clientgui/CompletionPage.cpp:218
 msgid ""
 "When you click Finish, your web browser will go to a page where\n"
 "you can set your account name and preferences."
@@ -1060,138 +1082,139 @@ msgstr ""
 "Quando você clicar em Finalizar, seu navegador irá a uma página onde\n"
 "você poderá definir o nome de sua conta e preferências."
-#: CompletionPage.cpp:232
+#: clientgui/CompletionPage.cpp:232
 #, c-format
 msgid "Update from %s completed."
 msgstr "Atualização de %s concluída."
-#: CompletionPage.cpp:236
+#: clientgui/CompletionPage.cpp:236
 msgid "Update completed."
 msgstr "Atualização concluída."
-#: CompletionPage.cpp:247
+#: clientgui/CompletionPage.cpp:247
 msgid "Now using account manager"
 msgstr ""
-#: CompletionPage.cpp:252
+#: clientgui/CompletionPage.cpp:252
 #, c-format
 msgid "Welcome to %s!"
 msgstr "Bem Vindo a %s!"
-#: CompletionPage.cpp:263
+#: clientgui/CompletionPage.cpp:263
 #, c-format
 msgid "You are now using %s to manage accounts."
 msgstr ""
-#: CompletionPage.cpp:267
+#: clientgui/CompletionPage.cpp:267
 msgid "You are now using this account manager."
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgAbout.cpp:113 mac/Mac_GUI.cpp:96
+#: clientgui/DlgAbout.cpp:113
 #, c-format
 msgid "About %s"
 msgstr "Sobre %s"
-#: DlgAbout.cpp:172
+#: clientgui/DlgAbout.cpp:172
 msgid "Version:"
 msgstr "Versão:"
-#: DlgAbout.cpp:180
+#: clientgui/DlgAbout.cpp:180
 msgid "wxWidgets Version:"
 msgstr "Versão do wxWidgets:"
-#: DlgAbout.cpp:188
+#: clientgui/DlgAbout.cpp:188
 msgid "Copyright:"
 msgstr "Direitos autorais:"
-# 98%
-#: DlgAbout.cpp:192
-#, fuzzy
+#: clientgui/DlgAbout.cpp:192
 msgid ""
-"(C) 2003-2013 University of California, Berkeley.\n"
+"(C) 2003-2014 University of California, Berkeley.\n"
 "All Rights Reserved."
 msgstr ""
-"(C) 2003-2010 Universidade da Califórnia, Berkeley.\n"
-"Todos os Direitos Reservados."
-#: DlgAbout.cpp:196
+#: clientgui/DlgAbout.cpp:196
 msgid "Berkeley Open Infrastructure for Network Computing"
 msgstr "Infraestrutura Aberta para Computação em Rede Berkeley"
-#: DlgAbout.cpp:208 DlgExitMessage.cpp:173 DlgGenericMessage.cpp:120
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:396 DlgSelectComputer.cpp:163
+#: clientgui/DlgAbout.cpp:208
+#: clientgui/DlgExitMessage.cpp:173
+#: clientgui/DlgGenericMessage.cpp:120
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:399
+#: clientgui/DlgSelectComputer.cpp:163
 msgid "&OK"
 msgstr "%OK"
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:544
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:602
 msgid "invalid number"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:545
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:603
 msgid "invalid time, format is HH:MM"
 msgstr "tempo inválido, o formato é HH:MM"
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:546
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:604
 msgid "invalid time interval, format is HH:MM-HH:MM"
 msgstr "intervalo de tempo inválido, o formato é HH:MM-HH:MM"
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:751
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:817
 msgid "invalid input value detected"
 msgstr "detectado valor de entrada inválido"
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:753
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:819
 msgid "Validation Error"
 msgstr "Erro de Validação"
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:885 DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:891
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:897
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:969
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:975
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:981
 msgid "Applications to add"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:914
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:998
 #, c-format
 msgid "'%s' is not an executable application."
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:915 DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:962
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:986
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:999
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:1046
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:1070
 msgid "Add Exclusive App"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:927
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:1011
 msgid "Name of application to add?"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:927
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:1011
 msgid "Add exclusive app"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:961
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:1045
 #, c-format
 msgid "Application names must end with '%s'"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:985
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:1069
 #, c-format
 msgid "'%s' is already in the list."
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:1077
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:1161
 msgid ""
 "Do you really want to clear all local preferences?\n"
 "(This will not affect exclusive applications.)"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:1078 sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:1030
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:1162
 msgid "Confirmation"
 msgstr "Confirmação"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:46 sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:946
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:49
 #, c-format
-msgid "%s - Preferences"
-msgstr "%s - Preferências"
+msgid "%s - Computing preferences"
+msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:62
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:66
 #, fuzzy
 msgid ""
 "This dialog controls preferences for this computer only.\n"
@@ -1203,286 +1226,297 @@ msgstr ""
 "Clique em Limpar para restaurar configurações baseadas na internet."
 # "Clear" can be translated into "Limpar" or "Apagar". Both terms have almost the same meaning. In some contexts "Apagar" fits better, and in other contexts "Limpar" fits better. Since I do not know what context the word will be used, I translated "Clear" as "Limpar".
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:65 sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:428
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:69
 msgid "Clear"
 msgstr "Limpar"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:66
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:70
 msgid "clear all local preferences and close the dialog"
 msgstr "limpar todas as preferências locais e fechar caixa de diálogo"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:81
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:85
 msgid "processor usage"
 msgstr "utilização do processador"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:84
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:88
 msgid "network usage"
 msgstr "utilização de rede"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:87
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:91
 msgid "disk and memory usage"
 msgstr "utilização de memória e disco"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:90
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:94
 msgid "exclusive applications"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:102 sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:424
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:107
+#: clientgui/DlgDiagnosticLogFlags.cpp:104
 msgid "OK"
 msgstr "OK"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:103
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:108
 msgid "save all values and close the dialog"
 msgstr "salvar todos os valores e fechar caixa de diálogo"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:108
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:114
 msgid "close the dialog without saving"
 msgstr "fechar caixa de diálogo sem salvar"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:112 Localization.cpp:35 Localization.cpp:121
-#: Localization.cpp:139 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:794 sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:439
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:118
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:35
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:121
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:139
 msgid "Help"
 msgstr "Ajuda"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:113
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:119
 msgid "shows the preferences web page"
 msgstr "exibe a página de preferências na internet"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:135
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:141
 msgid "Computing allowed"
 msgstr "Processamento permitido"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:139
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:146
 msgid "While computer is on batteries"
 msgstr "Enquanto o computador estiver em baterias"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:142
-msgid ""
-"check this if you want this computer to do work while it runs on batteries"
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:149
+msgid "check this if you want this computer to do work while it runs on batteries"
 msgstr ""
 "selecione isso se deseja que este computador execute trabalho enquanto "
 "estiver em baterias"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:148
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:155
 msgid "While computer is in use"
 msgstr "Enquanto o computador estiver em uso"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:151
-msgid ""
-"check this if you want this computer to do work even when you're using it"
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:158
+msgid "check this if you want this computer to do work even when you're using it"
 msgstr ""
 "selecione isso se deseja que este computador execute trabalho enquanto você "
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:157
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:164
 msgid "Use GPU while computer is in use"
 msgstr "Usar GPU enquanto o computador estiver em uso"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:160
-msgid ""
-"check this if you want your GPU to do work even when you're using the "
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:167
+msgid "check this if you want your GPU to do work even when you're using the computer"
 msgstr ""
 "selecione isso se deseja que sua GPU execute trabalho enquanto você usa o "
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:172
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:179
 msgid "Only after computer has been idle for"
 msgstr "Apenas quando o computador estiver ocioso por"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:182
-msgid ""
-"do work only after you haven't used the computer for this number of minutes"
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:188
+msgid "do work only after you haven't used the computer for this number of minutes"
 msgstr ""
 "executa trabalho somente depois de você não usar o computador por este "
 "número de minutos"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:187 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:336
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:417
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:193
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:342
 msgid "minutes"
 msgstr "minutos"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:206
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:212
 msgid "While processor usage is less than"
 msgstr "Enquanto a utilização do processador for menor que"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:216
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:221
 msgid "suspend work if processor usage exceeds this level"
 msgstr "suspende o trabalho se a utilização do processador exceder este nível"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:221
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:226
 msgid "percent (0 means no restriction)"
 msgstr "porcento (0 significa nenhuma restrição)"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:235 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:496
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:240
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:506
 msgid "Every day between hours of"
 msgstr "Todos os dias entre os horários de"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:239
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:244
 msgid "start work at this time"
 msgstr "inicia o trabalho neste horário"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:243 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:504
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:326 sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:348
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:248
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:514
 msgid "and"
 msgstr "e"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:247
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:252
 msgid "stop work at this time"
 msgstr "interrompe o trabalho neste horário"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:251 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:512
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:256
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:522
 msgid "(no restriction if equal)"
 msgstr "(sem restrição se iguais)"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:256 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:517
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:261
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:527
 msgid "Day-of-week override:"
 msgstr "Dia semanal dominante:"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:261 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:522
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:266
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:532
 msgid "check box to specify hours for this day of week"
 msgstr "selecione esta caixa para especificar horário para este dia da semana"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:267 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:528
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:272
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:538
 msgid "Monday"
 msgstr "Segunda-feira"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:274 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:535
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:279
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:545
 msgid "Tuesday"
 msgstr "Terça-feira"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:281 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:542
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:286
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:552
 msgid "Wednesday"
 msgstr "Quarta-feira"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:288 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:549
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:293
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:559
 msgid "Thursday"
 msgstr "Quinta-feira"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:295 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:556
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:300
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:566
 msgid "Friday"
 msgstr "Sexta-feira"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:302 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:563
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:307
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:573
 msgid "Saturday"
 msgstr "Sábado"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:309 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:570
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:314
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:580
 msgid "Sunday"
 msgstr "Domingo"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:323
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:328
 msgid "Other options"
 msgstr "Outras opções"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:330
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:336
 msgid "Switch between applications every"
 msgstr "Alternar entre aplicações a cada"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:339
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:345
 msgid "On multiprocessor systems, use at most"
 msgstr "Em sistemas multiprocessados, usar ao máximo"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:346
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:352
 #, no-c-format
-msgid "% of the processors (0 means ignore this setting)"
+msgid "% of the processors (0 means no restriction)"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:349 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:605
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:627 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:648
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:669 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:679
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:355
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:618
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:640
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:661
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:683
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:694
 msgid "Use at most"
 msgstr "Usar ao máximo"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:356
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:362
 #, no-c-format
-msgid "% CPU time"
-msgstr "% de tempo da CPU"
+msgid "% of CPU time (0 means no restriction)"
+msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:378
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:386
 msgid "General options"
 msgstr "Opções gerais"
 # "download" is a known and very used word among computer users on Brazil, and has no good translation in this context. Translating it may be unbecoming.
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:386
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:395
 msgid "Maximum download rate"
 msgstr "Taxa máxima de download"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:392 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:401
-msgid "KBytes/sec."
-msgstr "KBytes/s."
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:401
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:410
+msgid "KBytes/second (0 means no restriction)"
+msgstr ""
 # "upload" is a known and very used term among computer users on Brazil. There is no good translation for it on this context.
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:395
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:404
 msgid "Maximum upload rate"
 msgstr "Taxa máxima de upload"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:406
-msgid "Transfer at most"
-msgstr "Transferir ao máximo"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:412
-msgid "Mbytes"
-msgstr "Mbytes"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:415
-msgid "every"
-msgstr "a cada"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:421 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:444
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:463
-msgid "days"
-msgstr "dias"
 # "buffer" is a known and very used word among computer users on Brazil. There is no good translation for it.
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:429
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:417
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Minimum work buffer"
 msgstr "Buffer de trabalho adicional"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:438
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:425
 msgid "Try to maintain enough tasks to keep busy for this many days"
 msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:431
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:449
+msgid "days (maximum value: 10)"
+msgstr ""
 # "buffer" is a known and very used word among computer users on Brazil. There is no good translation for it.
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:450
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:437
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Max additional work buffer"
 msgstr "Buffer de trabalho adicional"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:459
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:445
 msgid "In addition, maintain enough tasks for up to this many days"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:466
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:454
+msgid "Transfer at most"
+msgstr "Transferir ao máximo"
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:462
+msgid "MBytes every"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:468
+msgid "days (0 means no restriction)"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:476
 msgid "Skip image file verification"
 msgstr "Omitir verificação de arquivos de imagens"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:468
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:478
 msgid "check this if your Internet provider modifies image files"
 msgstr "selecione isso se seu provedor de Internet modifica arquivos de imagens"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:476
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:484
 msgid "Connect options"
 msgstr "Opções de conexão"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:478
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:487
 msgid "Confirm before connecting to internet"
 msgstr "Confirmar antes de conectar-se à internet"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:480
-msgid ""
-"if checked, a confirmation dialog will be displayed before trying to connect "
-"to the Internet"
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:489
+msgid "if checked, a confirmation dialog will be displayed before trying to connect to the Internet"
 msgstr ""
 "se selecionado, uma caixa de texto de confirmação será exibida antes de "
 "tentar conectar-se à Internet"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:484
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:493
 msgid "Disconnect when done"
 msgstr "Desconectar quando pronto"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:486
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:495
 msgid ""
 "if checked, BOINC hangs up when network usage is done\n"
 "(only relevant for dialup-connection)"
@@ -1490,199 +1524,224 @@ msgstr ""
 "se selecionado, o BOINC irá desligar quando finalizar o uso de rede\n"
 "(relevante somente para conexão discada)"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:492
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:501
 msgid "Network usage allowed"
 msgstr "Uso de rede permitido"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:500
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:510
 msgid "network usage start hour"
 msgstr "horário de início do uso de rede"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:508
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:518
 msgid "network usage stop hour"
 msgstr "horário de término do uso de rede"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:598 DlgItemProperties.cpp:231
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:610
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:257
 msgid "Disk usage"
 msgstr "Utilização de disco"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:609
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:622
 msgid "the maximum disk space used by BOINC (in Gigabytes)"
 msgstr "o máximo uso de disco pelo BOINC (em Gigabytes)"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:613
-msgid "Gigabytes disk space"
-msgstr "Gigabytes de espaço em disco"
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:626
+msgid "Gigabytes disk space (0 means no restriction)"
+msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:616
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:629
 msgid "Leave at least"
 msgstr "Deixar ao menos"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:620
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:633
 msgid "BOINC leaves at least this amount of disk space free (in Gigabytes)"
 msgstr ""
 "BOINC deixa ao menos esta quantidade de espaço livre em disco (em Gibabytes)"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:624
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:637
 msgid "Gigabytes disk space free"
 msgstr "Gigabytes de espaço livre em disco"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:631
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:644
 msgid "BOINC uses at most this percentage of total disk space"
 msgstr "BOINC usa ao máximo esta porcentagem do espaço total em disco"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:636
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:649
 #, no-c-format
 msgid "% of total disk space"
 msgstr "% do espaço total em disco"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:639
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:652
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Tasks checkpoint to disk at most every"
 msgstr "Tarefas verificam disco ao máximo a cada"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:645
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:658
 msgid "seconds"
 msgstr "segundos"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:655
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:668
 #, no-c-format
 msgid "% of page file (swap space)"
 msgstr "% do arquivo de página (espaço de troca)"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:662
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:675
 msgid "Memory usage"
 msgstr "Utilização de memória"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:676
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:691
 #, no-c-format
 msgid "% when computer is in use"
 msgstr "% quando o computador está em uso"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:686
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:701
 #, no-c-format
 msgid "% when computer is idle"
 msgstr "% quando o computador está ocioso"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:691
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:706
 msgid "Leave applications in memory while suspended"
 msgstr "Deixar aplicações em memória enquanto suspensas"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:693
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:708
 msgid "if checked, suspended work units are left in memory"
 msgstr "se selecionado, unidades de trabalho suspensas são deixadas em memória"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:713
-msgid ""
-"Suspend processor and network usage when these applications are running:"
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:728
+msgid "Suspend processor and network usage when these applications are running:"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:722
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:738
 msgid "Add..."
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:723
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:739
 msgid "Add an application to this list"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:728 ViewProjects.cpp:202
-#: sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:85
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:744
 msgid "Remove"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:729
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:745
 msgid "Remove an application from this list"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:738
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:754
 msgid "For advanced options, refer to "
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:219
+#: clientgui/DlgDiagnosticLogFlags.cpp:65
+#, c-format
+msgid "%s Diagnostic Log Flags"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/DlgDiagnosticLogFlags.cpp:83
+msgid "These flags enable various types of diagnostic messages in the Event Log."
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/DlgDiagnosticLogFlags.cpp:105
+msgid "Save all values and close the dialog"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/DlgDiagnosticLogFlags.cpp:108
+msgid "Defaults"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/DlgDiagnosticLogFlags.cpp:109
+msgid "Restore default settings"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/DlgDiagnosticLogFlags.cpp:113
+msgid "Close the dialog without saving"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:226
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - Event Log"
 msgstr "%s - Registro de Eventos"
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:232 ViewMessages.cpp:117 ViewProjects.cpp:219
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:435 ViewStatistics.cpp:2009 ViewTransfers.cpp:182
-#: ViewWork.cpp:232
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:236
 msgid "Project"
 msgstr "Projeto"
 # "Time" can be translated in several ways. At this context (I know where it will be placed), "Momento" fits very well.
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:233 ViewMessages.cpp:118
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:237
 msgid "Time"
 msgstr "Momento"
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:234 ViewMessages.cpp:119
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:238
 msgid "Message"
 msgstr "Mensagem"
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:290 DlgEventLog.cpp:354
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:300
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:364
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "&Show only this project"
 msgstr "Mostrar somente este projeto"
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:294
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:304
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Copy &All"
 msgstr "Copiar Tudo"
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:296 DlgEventLog.cpp:300 ViewMessages.cpp:89
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:306
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:310
 msgid "Copy all the messages to the clipboard."
 msgstr "Copiar todas as mensagens para a área de transferência."
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:305
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:315
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Copy &Selected"
 msgstr "Copiar Seleção"
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:308 DlgEventLog.cpp:316 ViewMessages.cpp:97
-msgid ""
-"Copy the selected messages to the clipboard. You can select multiple "
-"messages by holding down the shift or command key while clicking on messages."
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:318
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:326
+msgid "Copy the selected messages to the clipboard. You can select multiple messages by holding down the shift or command key while clicking on messages."
 msgstr ""
 "Copia as mensagens selecionadas para a área de transferência. Você pode "
 "selecionar múltiplas mensagens mantendo shift pressionado ou tecla de "
 "comando enquanto clica nas mensagens."
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:310 DlgEventLog.cpp:318 ViewMessages.cpp:99
-msgid ""
-"Copy the selected messages to the clipboard. You can select multiple "
-"messages by holding down the shift or control key while clicking on messages."
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:320
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:328
+msgid "Copy the selected messages to the clipboard. You can select multiple messages by holding down the shift or control key while clicking on messages."
 msgstr ""
 "Copia as mensagens selecionadas para a área de transferência. Você pode "
 "selecionar múltiplas mensagens mantendo pressionado shift ou tecla de "
 "controle enquanto clica nas mensagens."
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:325 DlgItemProperties.cpp:67
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:335
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:67
 msgid "&Close"
 msgstr "&Fechar"
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:334 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:798 sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:442
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:344
 #, c-format
 msgid "Get help with %s"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:348
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:358
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Show all &messages"
 msgstr "Mostrar todas as mensagens"
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:349 DlgEventLog.cpp:351
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:359
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:361
 msgid "Show messages for all projects"
 msgstr "Mostrar mensagens de todos os projetos"
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:355 DlgEventLog.cpp:357
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:365
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:367
 msgid "Show only the messages for the selected project"
 msgstr "Mostrar somente mensagens do projeto selecionado"
-#: DlgExitMessage.cpp:82
+#: clientgui/DlgExitMessage.cpp:82
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - Exit Confirmation"
 msgstr "%s - Confirmação de Saída"
-#: DlgExitMessage.cpp:130
+#: clientgui/DlgExitMessage.cpp:130
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "You have requested to exit the %s,\n"
@@ -1693,7 +1752,7 @@ msgid ""
 "choose from the following options:"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgExitMessage.cpp:135
+#: clientgui/DlgExitMessage.cpp:135
 #, c-format
 #, fuzzy, c-format
 msgid ""
@@ -1711,852 +1770,880 @@ msgstr ""
 "ao invés de sair da aplicação; aquela permitirá %s a executar suas\n"
 "tarefas nos momentos que selecionou em suas preferências."
-#: DlgExitMessage.cpp:153
+#: clientgui/DlgExitMessage.cpp:153
 #, c-format
 msgid "Stop running tasks when exiting the %s"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgExitMessage.cpp:165
+#: clientgui/DlgExitMessage.cpp:165
 msgid "Remember this decision and do not show this dialog."
 msgstr "Lembrar esta decisão e não mostrar esta caixa de diálogo."
-#: DlgExitMessage.cpp:178 DlgGenericMessage.cpp:125 DlgOptions.cpp:401
-#: DlgSelectComputer.cpp:168 wizardex.cpp:378
+#: clientgui/DlgExitMessage.cpp:178
+#: clientgui/DlgGenericMessage.cpp:125
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:404
+#: clientgui/DlgSelectComputer.cpp:168
 msgid "&Cancel"
 msgstr "&Cancelar"
-#: DlgGenericMessage.cpp:112
+#: clientgui/DlgGenericMessage.cpp:112
 msgid "Don't show this dialog again."
 msgstr "Não mostrar esta caixa de diálogo novamente."
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:168 DlgItemProperties.cpp:171
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:174 DlgItemProperties.cpp:177
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:194
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:197
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:200
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:203
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Don't fetch tasks for "
 msgstr "Não buscar tarefas de CPU"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:168
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:194
 msgid "Project preference"
 msgstr "Preferência do projeto"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:171
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:197
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Account manager preference"
 msgstr "Página do gerenciador de contas na internet"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:174
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:200
 msgid "Project has no apps for "
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:177
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:203
 msgid "Client configuration excludes "
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:181
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:207
 #, fuzzy
 msgid " work fetch deferred for"
 msgstr "Busca de trabalho de CPU diferido por"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:182
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:208
 #, fuzzy
 msgid " work fetch deferral interval"
 msgstr "Intervalo de diferimento de busca de trabalho de CPU"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:213
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:239
 msgid "Properties of project "
 msgstr "Propriedades do projeto"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:217 DlgOptions.cpp:218
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:243
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:221
 msgid "General"
 msgstr "Geral"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:218
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:244
 msgid "Master URL"
 msgstr "URL mestre"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:219
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:245
 msgid "User name"
 msgstr "Nome do usuário"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:220
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:246
 msgid "Team name"
 msgstr "Nome do time"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:221 ViewProjects.cpp:224
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:247
 msgid "Resource share"
 msgstr "Compartilhamento de recursos"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:223
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:249
 msgid "Scheduler RPC deferred for"
 msgstr "Escalonador RPC diferido para"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:226
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:252
 msgid "File downloads deferred for"
 msgstr "Download de arquivos diferido para"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:229
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:255
 msgid "File uploads deferred for"
 msgstr "Upload de arquivos diferido para"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:232
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:258
 msgid "Computer ID"
 msgstr "ID do computador"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:234
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:260
 msgid "Non CPU intensive"
 msgstr "Não-intensivo de CPU"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:234 DlgItemProperties.cpp:236
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:237 DlgItemProperties.cpp:239
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:242 DlgItemProperties.cpp:251
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:254 DlgItemProperties.cpp:257
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:260
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:262
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:263
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:265
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:268
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:277
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:280
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:283
 msgid "yes"
 msgstr "sim"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:236
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:262
 msgid "Suspended via GUI"
 msgstr "Suspenso via GUI"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:236 DlgItemProperties.cpp:237
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:262
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:263
 msgid "no"
 msgstr "não"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:237
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:263
 msgid "Don't request more work"
 msgstr "Não solicitar mais trabalho"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:239
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:265
 msgid "Scheduler call in progress"
 msgstr "Chamada do escalonador em progresso"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:242
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:268
 msgid "Trickle-up pending"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:245 DlgItemProperties.cpp:247
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:271
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:273
 msgid "Host location"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:247
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:273
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "default"
 msgstr "&Definir Padrão"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:251
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:277
 msgid "Added via account manager"
 msgstr "Adicionado via gerenciador de contas"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:254
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:280
 msgid "Remove when tasks done"
 msgstr "Remover quando tarefas concluídas"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:257
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:283
 msgid "Ended"
 msgstr "Finalizado"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:259
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:285
+msgid "Tasks completed"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:286
+msgid "Tasks failed"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:288
 msgid "Credit"
 msgstr "Crédito"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:260
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:289
 msgid "User"
 msgstr "Usuário"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:267
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:296
 msgid "Host"
 msgstr "Máquina"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:276
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:305
 msgid "Scheduling"
 msgstr "Escalonamento"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:277
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:306
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Scheduling priority"
 msgstr "Prioridade de escalonamento da CPU"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:278
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:307
 msgid "CPU"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:302
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:331
 msgid "Duration correction factor"
 msgstr "Fator de correção de duração"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:316
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:345
 msgid "Properties of task "
 msgstr "Propriedades da tarefa"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:328 ViewWork.cpp:238
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:357
 msgid "Application"
 msgstr "Aplicação"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:329 ViewWork.cpp:239
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:358
 msgid "Name"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:330
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:359
 msgid "State"
 msgstr "Estado"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:333
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:362
 msgid "Received"
 msgstr "Recebido(s)"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:336
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:365
 msgid "Report deadline"
 msgstr "Prazo de relatório"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:338
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:367
 msgid "Resources"
 msgstr "Recursos"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:341
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:370
 msgid "Estimated computation size"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:344
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:373
 msgid "CPU time at last checkpoint"
 msgstr "Tempo de CPU no último ponto de verificação"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:345 DlgItemProperties.cpp:360
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:374
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:389
 msgid "CPU time"
 msgstr "Tempo de CPU"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:347 DlgItemProperties.cpp:361
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:376
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:390
 msgid "Elapsed time"
 msgstr "Tempo decorrido"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:349
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:378
 msgid "Estimated time remaining"
 msgstr "Tempo restante estimado"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:350
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:379
 msgid "Fraction done"
 msgstr "Fração concluída"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:351
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:380
 msgid "Virtual memory size"
 msgstr "Tamanho de memória virtual"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:352
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:381
 msgid "Working set size"
 msgstr "Tamanho do conjunto de trabalho"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:354
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:383
 msgid "Directory"
 msgstr "Diretório"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:357
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:386
 msgid "Process ID"
 msgstr "ID do processo"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:427 ViewWork.cpp:1032 sg_TaskPanel.cpp:823
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:456
 msgid "Local: "
 msgstr "Local:"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:129 DlgOptions.cpp:135
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:129
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:135
 msgid "Options"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:175
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:178
 msgid "Language:"
 msgstr "Idioma:"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:182
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:185
 msgid "What language should BOINC use?"
 msgstr "Que idioma o BOINC deve usar?"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:186
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:189
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Notice reminder interval:"
 msgstr ""
 "Intervalo de aviso:\n"
 "(minutos; 0 significa nenhum lembrete)"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:193
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:196
 msgid "How often should BOINC remind you of new notices?"
 msgstr "Com que frequência o BOINC deve lembrá-lo de novos avisos?"
 # "login" is a known and very used word among computer users on Brazil. There is no good translation for it.
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:198
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:201
 msgid "Run Manager at login?"
 msgstr "Executar Gerenciador ao entrar no sistema?"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:204
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:207
 msgid "Run the BOINC Manager when you log on."
 msgstr "Executa o Gerenciador BOINC quando você entra no sistema."
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:209
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:212
 msgid "Enable Manager exit dialog?"
 msgstr "Ativar caixa de diálogo de saída do Gerenciador ?"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:215
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:218
 msgid "Display the exit dialog when shutting down the Manager."
 msgstr "Exibir caixa de diálogo de saída quando encerrar o Gerenciador."
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:226
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:229
 msgid "Dial-up and Virtual Private Network settings"
 msgstr "Configurações de Rede Privada Virtual e Conexão Discada"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:240
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:243
 msgid "&Set Default"
 msgstr "&Definir Padrão"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:245
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:248
 msgid "&Clear Default"
 msgstr "&Limpar Padrão"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:252
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:255
 msgid "Default Connection:"
 msgstr "Conexão Padrão:"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:259
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:262
 msgid "Connections"
 msgstr "Conexões"
 # "proxy" is a known and very used word among computer users on Brazil. There is no good translation for it.
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:268
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:271
 msgid "Connect via HTTP proxy server"
 msgstr "Conectar via servidor proxy HTTP"
 # "proxy" is a known and very used word among computer users on Brazil. There is no good translation for it.
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:272
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:275
 msgid "HTTP Proxy Server Configuration"
 msgstr "Configuração de Servidor Proxy HTTP"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:280 DlgOptions.cpp:344
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:283
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:347
 msgid "Address:"
 msgstr "Endereço:"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:288 DlgOptions.cpp:352 ProxyPage.cpp:340 ProxyPage.cpp:360
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:291
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:355
 msgid "Port:"
 msgstr "Porta:"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:296 DlgOptions.cpp:360
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:299
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:363
 msgid "Don't use proxy for:"
 msgstr "Não usar proxy para:"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:303 DlgOptions.cpp:367
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:306
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:370
 msgid "Leave these blank if not needed"
 msgstr "Deixar estes em branco se desnecessários"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:309 DlgOptions.cpp:373 ProxyPage.cpp:343 ProxyPage.cpp:363
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:312
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:376
 msgid "User Name:"
 msgstr "Nome do Usuário:"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:317 DlgOptions.cpp:381 DlgSelectComputer.cpp:152
-#: ProxyPage.cpp:346 ProxyPage.cpp:366
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:320
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:384
+#: clientgui/DlgSelectComputer.cpp:152
 msgid "Password:"
 msgstr "Senha:"
 # "proxy" is a known and very used word among computer users on Brazil. I believe translating it may be unbecoming.
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:324
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:327
 msgid "HTTP Proxy"
 msgstr "Proxy HTTP"
 # "proxy" is a known and very used word among computer users on Brazil. I believe translating it may be unbecoming.
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:332
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:335
 msgid "Connect via SOCKS proxy server"
 msgstr "Conectar via servidor proxy SOCKS"
 # "proxy" is a known and very used word among computer users on Brazil. I believe translating it may be unbecoming.
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:336
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:339
 msgid "SOCKS Proxy Server Configuration"
 msgstr "Configuração do Servidor Proxy SOCKS"
 # "proxy" is a known and very used word among computer users on Brazil. I believe translating it may be unbecoming.
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:388
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:391
 msgid "SOCKS Proxy"
 msgstr "Proxy SOCKS"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:586
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:589
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "always"
 msgstr "&Executar sempre"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:587
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:590
 msgid "1 hour"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:588
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:591
 msgid "6 hours"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:589
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:592
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "1 day"
 msgstr "dias"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:590
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:593
 msgid "1 week"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:591
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:594
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "never"
 msgstr "a cada"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:688
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:691
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - Language Selection"
 msgstr "%s - Seleção de Idioma"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:695
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:698
 #, c-format
 #, fuzzy, c-format
-msgid ""
-"The %s's language has been changed.  In order for this change to take "
-"effect, you must restart the %s."
+msgid "The %s's language has been changed.  In order for this change to take effect, you must restart the %s."
 msgstr ""
 "O idioma padrão de %s foi alterado. Você deve reinicializar o %s para que "
 "esta alteração tenha efeito."
-#: DlgSelectComputer.cpp:91
+#: clientgui/DlgSelectComputer.cpp:91
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - Select Computer"
 msgstr "%s - Selecione o Computador"
-#: DlgSelectComputer.cpp:125
+#: clientgui/DlgSelectComputer.cpp:125
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "Another instance of %s is already running \n"
 "on this computer.  Please select a client to monitor."
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgSelectComputer.cpp:143
+#: clientgui/DlgSelectComputer.cpp:143
 msgid "Host name:"
 msgstr "Nome de máquina:"
-#: Localization.cpp:31 Localization.cpp:69
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:31
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:69
 msgid "Message boards"
 msgstr "Quadros de mensagens"
-#: Localization.cpp:33
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:33
 msgid "Correspond with other users on the SETI at home message boards"
 msgstr "Correspondem com outros usuários nos quadros de mensagens do SETI at home"
-#: Localization.cpp:37
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:37
 msgid "Ask questions and report problems"
 msgstr "Faça perguntas e relate problemas"
-#: Localization.cpp:39 Localization.cpp:81 Localization.cpp:111
-#: Localization.cpp:129
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:39
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:81
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:111
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:129
 msgid "Your account"
 msgstr "Sua conta"
-#: Localization.cpp:41 Localization.cpp:87 Localization.cpp:113
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:41
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:87
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:113
 msgid "View your account information and credit totals"
 msgstr "Visualize suas informações de conta e créditos totais"
-#: Localization.cpp:43
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:43
 msgid "Your preferences"
 msgstr "Suas preferências"
-#: Localization.cpp:45
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:45
 msgid "View and modify your SETI at home account profile and preferences"
 msgstr "Visualize e modifique seu perfil de conta e preferências do SETI at home"
-#: Localization.cpp:47 Localization.cpp:89
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:47
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:89
 msgid "Your results"
 msgstr "Seus resultados"
-#: Localization.cpp:49 Localization.cpp:91
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:49
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:91
 msgid "View your last week (or more) of computational results and work"
 msgstr ""
 "Visualize seus resultados de trabalho computacional da última semana (ou "
-#: Localization.cpp:51 Localization.cpp:93
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:51
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:93
 msgid "Your computers"
 msgstr "Seus computadores"
-#: Localization.cpp:53
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:53
 msgid "View a listing of all the computers on which you are running SETI at Home"
 msgstr ""
 "Visualize uma listagem de todos os computadores nos quais você executa "
 "SETI at home"
-#: Localization.cpp:55 Localization.cpp:97
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:55
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:97
 msgid "Your team"
 msgstr "Seu time"
-#: Localization.cpp:57 Localization.cpp:99
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:57
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:99
 msgid "View information about your team"
 msgstr "Visualize informações sobre seu time"
-#: Localization.cpp:61
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:61
 msgid "Common questions"
 msgstr "Questões comuns"
-#: Localization.cpp:63
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:63
 msgid "Read the Einstein at Home Frequently Asked Question list"
 msgstr "Leia a lista de Perguntas Mais Frequentes do Einstein at Home"
-#: Localization.cpp:65
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:65
 msgid "Screensaver info"
 msgstr "Informações da proteção de tela"
-#: Localization.cpp:67
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:67
 msgid "Read a detailed description of the Einstein at Home screensaver"
 msgstr "Leia uma descrição detalhada da proteção de tela do Einstein at Home"
-#: Localization.cpp:71
-msgid ""
-"Correspond with admins and other users on the Einstein at Home message boards"
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:71
+msgid "Correspond with admins and other users on the Einstein at Home message boards"
 msgstr ""
 "Correspondem com administradores e outros usuários dos quadros de mensagens "
 "do Einstein at Home"
-#: Localization.cpp:73
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:73
 msgid "Einstein status"
 msgstr "Status do Einstein"
-#: Localization.cpp:75
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:75
 msgid "Current status of the Einstein at Home server"
 msgstr "Status atual do servidor de Einstein at Home"
-#: Localization.cpp:77
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:77
 msgid "Report problems"
 msgstr "Relatar problemas"
-#: Localization.cpp:79
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:79
 msgid "A link to the Einstein at Home problems and bug reports message board"
 msgstr ""
 "Um link ao quadro de mensagens de relatórios de problemas e defeitos do "
 "Einstein at Home"
-#: Localization.cpp:83
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:83
 msgid "View and modify your Einstein at Home account profile and preferences"
 msgstr ""
 "Visualize e modifique seu perfil de conta e preferências do Einstein at Home"
-#: Localization.cpp:85
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:85
 msgid "Account summary"
 msgstr "Resumo de conta"
-#: Localization.cpp:95
-msgid ""
-"View a listing of all the computers on which you are running Einstein at Home"
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:95
+msgid "View a listing of all the computers on which you are running Einstein at Home"
 msgstr ""
 "Visualize uma listagem de todos os computadores nos quais você executa "
 "Einstein at Home"
-#: Localization.cpp:101
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:101
 msgid "LIGO project"
 msgstr "Projeto LIGO"
-#: Localization.cpp:103
-msgid ""
-"The home page of the Laser Interferometer Gravitational-wave Observatory "
-"(LIGO) project"
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:103
+msgid "The home page of the Laser Interferometer Gravitational-wave Observatory (LIGO) project"
 msgstr ""
-#: Localization.cpp:105
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:105
 msgid "GEO-600 project"
 msgstr ""
-#: Localization.cpp:107
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:107
 msgid "The home page of the GEO-600 project"
 msgstr ""
-#: Localization.cpp:115 Localization.cpp:133 ViewProjects.cpp:221
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:465
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:115
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:133
 msgid "Team"
 msgstr ""
-#: Localization.cpp:117
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:117
 msgid "Info about your Team"
 msgstr ""
-#: Localization.cpp:123
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:123
 msgid "Get help for climateprediction.net"
 msgstr ""
-#: Localization.cpp:125
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:125
 msgid "News"
 msgstr ""
-#: Localization.cpp:127
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:127
 msgid "climateprediction.net News"
 msgstr ""
-#: Localization.cpp:131
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:131
 msgid "View your account information, credits, and trickles"
 msgstr ""
-#: Localization.cpp:135
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:135
 msgid "Info about your team"
 msgstr ""
-#: Localization.cpp:141
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:141
 msgid "Search for help in our help system"
 msgstr ""
-#: Localization.cpp:143
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:143
 msgid "Global Statistics"
 msgstr ""
-#: Localization.cpp:145
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:145
 msgid "Summary statistics for World Community Grid"
 msgstr ""
-#: Localization.cpp:147
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:147
 msgid "My Grid"
 msgstr ""
-#: Localization.cpp:149
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:149
 msgid "Your statistics and settings"
 msgstr ""
-#: Localization.cpp:151
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:151
 msgid "Device Profiles"
 msgstr ""
-#: Localization.cpp:153
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:153
 msgid "Update your device settings"
 msgstr ""
-#: Localization.cpp:155
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:155
 msgid "Research"
 msgstr ""
-#: Localization.cpp:157
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:157
 msgid "Learn about the projects hosted at World Community Grid"
 msgstr ""
-#: MainDocument.cpp:583
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:583
 msgid "Starting client"
 msgstr ""
-#: MainDocument.cpp:591
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:591
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Connecting to client"
 msgstr "Reconectando ao cliente."
-#: MainDocument.cpp:1195
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:1205
 msgid "Retrieving system state; please wait..."
 msgstr ""
-#: MainDocument.cpp:1816
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:1826
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Missing application"
 msgstr "Aplicação"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:1817
-msgid ""
-"Please download and install the CoRD application from http://cord."
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:1827
+msgid "Please download and install the CoRD application from http://cord.sourceforge.net"
 msgstr ""
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2432
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2442
 msgid "on batteries"
 msgstr ""
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2433
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2443
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "computer is in use"
 msgstr "Enquanto o computador estiver em uso"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2434
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2444
 msgid "user request"
 msgstr ""
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2435
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2445
 msgid "time of day"
 msgstr ""
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2436
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2446
 msgid "CPU benchmarks in progress"
 msgstr ""
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2437
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2447
 msgid "need disk space - check preferences"
 msgstr ""
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2438
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2448
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "computer is not in use"
 msgstr "Enquanto o computador estiver em uso"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2439
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2449
 msgid "starting up"
 msgstr ""
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2440
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2450
 msgid "an exclusive app is running"
 msgstr ""
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2441
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2451
 msgid "CPU is busy"
 msgstr ""
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2442
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2452
 msgid "network bandwidth limit exceeded"
 msgstr ""
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2443
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2453
 msgid "requested by operating system"
 msgstr ""
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2445
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2455
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "unknown reason"
 msgstr "(Desconhecido)"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2467
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2477
 msgid "GPU missing, "
 msgstr ""
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2474
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2484
 msgid "New"
 msgstr ""
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2478
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2488
 msgid "Download failed"
 msgstr ""
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2480
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2490
 msgid "Downloading"
 msgstr ""
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2482 MainDocument.cpp:2552
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2492
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2557
 msgid " (suspended - "
 msgstr ""
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2490
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2500
 msgid "Project suspended by user"
 msgstr ""
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2492
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2502
 msgid "Task suspended by user"
 msgstr ""
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2494
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2504
 msgid "Suspended - "
 msgstr ""
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2500
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2510
 msgid "GPU suspended - "
 msgstr ""
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2507
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2517
 msgid "Waiting for memory"
 msgstr ""
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2509
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2519
 msgid "Waiting for shared memory"
 msgstr ""
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2512
-msgid "Running, high priority"
-msgstr ""
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2514
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2521
 msgid "Running"
 msgstr ""
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2517
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2523
 msgid " (non-CPU-intensive)"
 msgstr ""
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2520
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2526
 msgid "Waiting to run"
 msgstr ""
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2522 MainDocument.cpp:2528
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2528
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2534
 msgid "Ready to start"
 msgstr ""
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2532
-msgid " (Scheduler wait: "
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2538
+msgid "Postponed: "
 msgstr ""
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2536
-msgid " (Scheduler wait)"
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2541
+msgid "Postponed"
 msgstr ""
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2540
-msgid " (Waiting for network access)"
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2545
+msgid "Waiting for network access"
 msgstr ""
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2544
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2549
 msgid "Computation error"
 msgstr ""
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2548
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2553
 msgid "Upload failed"
 msgstr ""
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2550
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2555
 msgid "Uploading"
 msgstr ""
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2561
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2566
 msgid "Aborted by user"
 msgstr ""
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2564
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2569
 msgid "Aborted by project"
 msgstr ""
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2567
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2572
 msgid "Aborted: not started by deadline"
 msgstr ""
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2570
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2575
 msgid "Aborted: disk limit exceeded"
 msgstr ""
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2573
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2578
 msgid "Aborted: run time limit exceeded"
 msgstr ""
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2576
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2581
 msgid "Aborted: memory limit exceeded"
 msgstr ""
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2579
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2584
 msgid "Aborted"
 msgstr ""
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2584
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2589
 msgid "Acknowledged"
 msgstr ""
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2586
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2591
 msgid "Ready to report"
 msgstr ""
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2588
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2593
 #, c-format
 msgid "Error: invalid state '%d'"
 msgstr ""
-#: NoInternetConnectionPage.cpp:179
+#: clientgui/NoInternetConnectionPage.cpp:179
 msgid "No Internet connection"
 msgstr ""
-#: NoInternetConnectionPage.cpp:182
+#: clientgui/NoInternetConnectionPage.cpp:182
 msgid "Please connect to the Internet and try again."
 msgstr ""
-#: NotDetectedPage.cpp:181
+#: clientgui/NotDetectedPage.cpp:181
 msgid "Project not found"
 msgstr ""
-#: NotDetectedPage.cpp:184
+#: clientgui/NotDetectedPage.cpp:184
 msgid ""
 "The URL you supplied is not that of a BOINC-based project.\n"
 "Please check the URL and try again."
 msgstr ""
-#: NotDetectedPage.cpp:188
+#: clientgui/NotDetectedPage.cpp:188
 msgid "Account manager not found"
 msgstr ""
-#: NotDetectedPage.cpp:191
+#: clientgui/NotDetectedPage.cpp:191
 msgid ""
 "The URL you supplied is not that of a BOINC-based account\n"
@@ -2564,106 +2651,144 @@ msgid ""
 "Please check the URL and try again."
 msgstr ""
-#: NotFoundPage.cpp:181
+#: clientgui/NotFoundPage.cpp:181
 msgid "Login Failed."
 msgstr ""
-#: NotFoundPage.cpp:185
+#: clientgui/NotFoundPage.cpp:185
 msgid "Check the username and password, and try again."
 msgstr ""
-#: NotFoundPage.cpp:189
+#: clientgui/NotFoundPage.cpp:189
 msgid "Check the email address and password, and try again."
 msgstr ""
-#: NoticeListCtrl.cpp:222
+#: clientgui/NoticeListCtrl.cpp:229
 msgid "more..."
 msgstr ""
-#: ProjectInfoPage.cpp:477 ProjectInfoPage.cpp:778 ProjectInfoPage.cpp:782
-msgid "All"
-msgstr ""
-#: ProjectInfoPage.cpp:615
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:221
 msgid "Choose a project"
 msgstr ""
-#: ProjectInfoPage.cpp:619
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:228
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "To choose a project, click its name or type its URL below."
 msgstr ""
 "Para selecionar um gerenciador de contas, clique em seu nome ou \n"
 "digite seu URL abaixo."
-#: ProjectInfoPage.cpp:623
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:246
 msgid "Categories:"
 msgstr ""
-#: ProjectInfoPage.cpp:627 sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:89
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:267
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Projects:"
 msgstr "Projeto"
-#: ProjectInfoPage.cpp:631
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:279
 msgid "Project details"
 msgstr ""
-#: ProjectInfoPage.cpp:635
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:291
 msgid "Research area:"
 msgstr ""
-#: ProjectInfoPage.cpp:639
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:302
 msgid "Organization:"
 msgstr ""
-#: ProjectInfoPage.cpp:643
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:313
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Web site:"
 msgstr "Páginas de internet"
-#: ProjectInfoPage.cpp:647
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:325
 msgid "Supported systems:"
 msgstr ""
-#: ProjectInfoPage.cpp:651
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:363
 msgid "Project URL:"
 msgstr ""
-#: ProjectInfoPage.cpp:826
-msgid ""
-"This project may not have work for your type of computer.  Do you want to "
-"add it anyway?"
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:499
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:754
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:758
+msgid "All"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:802
+msgid "This project may not have work for your type of computer.  Do you want to add it anyway?"
 msgstr ""
-#: ProjectInfoPage.cpp:850
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:826
 msgid "You already added this project. Please choose a different project."
 msgstr ""
-#: ProjectProcessingPage.cpp:321
+#: clientgui/ProjectProcessingPage.cpp:321
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Communicating with project."
 msgstr "Comunicando-se com servidor."
-#: ProjectProcessingPage.cpp:509
+#: clientgui/ProjectProcessingPage.cpp:510
 msgid "Required files not found on the server."
 msgstr ""
-#: ProjectProcessingPage.cpp:512 ProjectProcessingPage.cpp:574
+#: clientgui/ProjectProcessingPage.cpp:513
+#: clientgui/ProjectProcessingPage.cpp:586
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "An internal server error has occurred."
 msgstr "Ocorreu um erro interno no servidor.\n"
-#: ProjectPropertiesPage.cpp:334
+#: clientgui/ProjectPropertiesPage.cpp:334
 msgid ""
 "Communicating with project\n"
 "Please wait..."
 msgstr ""
-#: ProxyInfoPage.cpp:195
+#: clientgui/ProjectWelcomePage.cpp:251
+#, c-format
+msgid "Welcome to %s."
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ProjectWelcomePage.cpp:254
+msgid "You have volunteered to compute for this project:"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ProjectWelcomePage.cpp:255
+msgid "Name:"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ProjectWelcomePage.cpp:258
+msgid "Home:"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ProjectWelcomePage.cpp:262
+msgid "Description:"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ProjectWelcomePage.cpp:265
+msgid "URL:"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ProjectWelcomePage.cpp:268
+msgid "User:"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ProjectWelcomePage.cpp:273
+msgid "WARNING: This project is not registered with BOINC.  Make sure you trust it before continuing."
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ProjectWelcomePage.cpp:277
+msgid "To continue, click Next."
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ProxyInfoPage.cpp:195
 msgid "Network communication failure"
 msgstr ""
-#: ProxyInfoPage.cpp:199
+#: clientgui/ProxyInfoPage.cpp:199
 msgid ""
 "The World Community Grid - BOINC software failed to communicate\n"
 "over the Internet. The most likely reasons are:\n"
@@ -2680,7 +2805,7 @@ msgid ""
 "Click Next to configure BOINC's proxy settings."
 msgstr ""
-#: ProxyInfoPage.cpp:203
+#: clientgui/ProxyInfoPage.cpp:203
 msgid ""
 "BOINC failed to communicate on the Internet.\n"
 "The most likely reasons are:\n"
@@ -2697,1239 +2822,1314 @@ msgid ""
 "Click Next to configure BOINC's proxy settings."
 msgstr ""
-#: ProxyPage.cpp:331
+#: clientgui/ProxyPage.cpp:331
 msgid "Proxy configuration"
 msgstr ""
 # "proxy" is a known and very used word among computer users on Brazil. I believe translating it may be unbecoming.
-#: ProxyPage.cpp:334
+#: clientgui/ProxyPage.cpp:334
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "HTTP proxy"
 msgstr "Proxy HTTP"
-#: ProxyPage.cpp:337 ProxyPage.cpp:357
+#: clientgui/ProxyPage.cpp:337
+#: clientgui/ProxyPage.cpp:357
 msgid "Server:"
 msgstr ""
-#: ProxyPage.cpp:350
+#: clientgui/ProxyPage.cpp:350
 msgid "Autodetect"
 msgstr ""
 # "proxy" is a known and very used word among computer users on Brazil. I believe translating it may be unbecoming.
-#: ProxyPage.cpp:354
+#: clientgui/ProxyPage.cpp:354
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "SOCKS proxy"
 msgstr "Proxy SOCKS"
-#: TermsOfUsePage.cpp:218
-msgid "Terms of Use"
+#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:167
+msgid "Advanced View...\tCtrl+Shift+A"
 msgstr ""
-#: TermsOfUsePage.cpp:222
-msgid "Please read the following terms of use:"
+#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:168
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Display the advanced graphical interface."
+msgstr "Exibir a interface gráfica simples."
+#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:175
+msgid "Skin"
 msgstr ""
-#: TermsOfUsePage.cpp:231
-msgid "I agree to the terms of use."
+#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:177
+msgid "Select the appearance of the user interface."
 msgstr ""
-#: TermsOfUsePage.cpp:237
-msgid "I do not agree to the terms of use."
+#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:224
+#, c-format
+msgid "&%s"
 msgstr ""
-#: UnavailablePage.cpp:183
-msgid "Project temporarily unavailable"
+#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:405
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Default"
+msgstr "&Definir Padrão"
+#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:848
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Suspend"
+msgstr "&Suspender"
+#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:850
+msgid "Suspend Computing"
 msgstr ""
-#: UnavailablePage.cpp:186
-msgid ""
-"The project is temporarily unavailable.\n"
-"Please try again later."
+#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:851
+msgid "Resume Computing"
 msgstr ""
-#: UnavailablePage.cpp:190
-msgid "Account manager temporarily unavailable"
+#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:867
+msgid "Notices"
 msgstr ""
-#: UnavailablePage.cpp:193
-msgid ""
-"The account manager is temporarily unavailable.\n"
-"Please try again later."
+#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:868
+msgid "Open a window to view notices from projects or BOINC"
 msgstr ""
-#: ValidateAccountKey.cpp:68
-msgid "Please specify an account key to continue."
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgMessages.cpp:124
+msgid "Fetching notices; please wait..."
 msgstr ""
-#: ValidateAccountKey.cpp:71
-msgid "Invalid Account Key; please enter a valid Account Key"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgMessages.cpp:132
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "There are no notices at this time."
+msgstr "Existem novos avisos - clique para visualizar."
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgMessages.cpp:146
+msgid "Close"
+msgstr "Fechar"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgMessages.cpp:394
+#, c-format
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "%s - Notices"
+msgstr "%s Avisos"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:270
+msgid "This dialog controls preferences for this computer only."
 msgstr ""
-#: ValidateAccountKey.cpp:82 ValidateEmailAddress.cpp:86
-msgid "Validation conflict"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:275
+msgid "Click OK to set preferences."
 msgstr ""
-#: ValidateEmailAddress.cpp:72
-msgid "Please specify an email address"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:280
+msgid "Click Clear to restore web-based settings for all preferences listed below."
 msgstr ""
-#: ValidateEmailAddress.cpp:75
-msgid "Invalid email address; please enter a valid email address"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:287
+msgid "For additional settings, select Computing Preferences in the Advanced View."
 msgstr ""
-#: ValidateURL.cpp:69
-msgid "Missing URL"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:315
+msgid "Do work only between:"
 msgstr ""
-#: ValidateURL.cpp:70
-msgid ""
-"Please specify a URL.\n"
-"For example:\n"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:337
+msgid "Connect to internet only between:"
 msgstr ""
-#: ValidateURL.cpp:83 ValidateURL.cpp:87 ValidateURL.cpp:91
-#: ValidateURL.cpp:103 ValidateURL.cpp:107 ValidateURL.cpp:110
-msgid "Invalid URL"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:359
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:376
+msgid "Use no more than:"
 msgstr ""
-#: ValidateURL.cpp:84 ValidateURL.cpp:88 ValidateURL.cpp:92
-msgid ""
-"Please specify a valid URL.\n"
-"For example:\n"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:372
+msgid "of disk space"
 msgstr ""
-#: ValidateURL.cpp:104 ValidateURL.cpp:108
-#, c-format
-msgid "'%s' does not contain a valid host name."
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:389
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "of the processor"
+msgstr "% de processadores"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:393
+msgid "Do work while on battery?"
 msgstr ""
-#: ValidateURL.cpp:111
-#, c-format
-msgid "'%s' does not contain a valid path."
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:406
+msgid "Do work after idle for:"
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewMessages.cpp:84 ViewProjects.cpp:170 ViewStatistics.cpp:1978
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:160 ViewWork.cpp:183
-msgid "Commands"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:431
+msgid "Clear all local preferences listed above and close the dialog"
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewMessages.cpp:88
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Copy all messages"
-msgstr "Mostrar todas as mensagens"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:609
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:612
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:688
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:692
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:704
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:708
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:851
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:862
+msgid "Anytime"
+msgstr ""
-#: ViewMessages.cpp:95
-msgid "Copy selected messages"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:645
+msgid "100 MB"
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewMessages.cpp:106 ViewMessages.cpp:502
-msgid "Show only this project"
-msgstr "Mostrar somente este projeto"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:646
+msgid "200 MB"
+msgstr ""
-#: ViewMessages.cpp:107 ViewMessages.cpp:503
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Show only the messages for the selected project."
-msgstr "Mostrar somente mensagens do projeto selecionado"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:647
+msgid "500 MB"
+msgstr ""
-#: ViewMessages.cpp:164
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Messages"
-msgstr "Mensagem"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:648
+msgid "1 GB"
+msgstr ""
-#: ViewMessages.cpp:187
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Copying all messages to the clipboard..."
-msgstr "Copiar todas as mensagens para a área de transferência."
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:649
+msgid "2 GB"
+msgstr ""
-#: ViewMessages.cpp:223
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Copying selected messages to the clipboard..."
-msgstr "Copiar todas as mensagens para a área de transferência."
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:650
+msgid "5 GB"
+msgstr ""
-#: ViewMessages.cpp:286
-msgid "Filtering messages..."
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:651
+msgid "10 GB"
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewMessages.cpp:494
-msgid "Show all messages"
-msgstr "Mostrar todas as mensagens"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:652
+msgid "20 GB"
+msgstr ""
-#: ViewMessages.cpp:495
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Show messages for all projects."
-msgstr "Mostrar mensagens de todos os projetos"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:653
+msgid "50 GB"
+msgstr ""
-#: ViewNotices.cpp:58 sg_DlgMessages.cpp:124
-msgid "Fetching notices; please wait..."
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:654
+msgid "100 GB"
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewNotices.cpp:65 sg_DlgMessages.cpp:132
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "There are no notices at this time."
-msgstr "Existem novos avisos - clique para visualizar."
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:724
+#, c-format
+msgid "%d MB"
+msgstr ""
-#: ViewNotices.cpp:99 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:776
-msgid "Notices"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:726
+#, c-format
+msgid "%4.2f GB"
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:174 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:61
-msgid "Update"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:767
+#, c-format
+msgid "%d%%"
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:175 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:62
-msgid ""
-"Report all completed tasks, get latest credit, get latest preferences, and "
-"possibly get more tasks."
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:803
+msgid "0 (Run Always)"
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:181 ViewProjects.cpp:722 ViewWork.cpp:208 ViewWork.cpp:801
-#: sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:757 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:67
-#: sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:113 sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:66
-#: sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:106
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:806
+#, c-format
+msgid "%d"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:953
+#, c-format
+msgid "%s - Computing Preferences"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:1033
 #, fuzzy
-msgid "Suspend"
-msgstr "&Suspender"
+msgid "Do you really want to clear all local preferences?\n"
+msgstr "Deseja realmente apagar todas as preferências locais ?"
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:66
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:179
+msgid "Update"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:67
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:180
+msgid "Report all completed tasks, get latest credit, get latest preferences, and possibly get more tasks."
+msgstr ""
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:182 ViewProjects.cpp:722 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:68
-#: sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:114
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:73
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:129
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:187
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:727
 msgid "Suspend tasks for this project."
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:188 ViewProjects.cpp:741 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:73
-#: sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:121
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:78
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:136
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:193
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:746
 msgid "No new tasks"
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:189 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:74
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:79
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:194
 msgid "Don't get new tasks for this project."
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:195 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:79
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:84
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:200
 msgid "Reset project"
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:196 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:80
-msgid ""
-"Delete all files and tasks associated with this project, and get new tasks.  "
-"You can update the project first to report any completed tasks."
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:85
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:201
+msgid "Delete all files and tasks associated with this project, and get new tasks.  You can update the project first to report any completed tasks."
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:203 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:86
-msgid ""
-"Remove this project.  Tasks in progress will be lost (use 'Update' first to "
-"report any completed tasks)."
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:91
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:208
+msgid "Remove this project.  Tasks in progress will be lost (use 'Update' first to report any completed tasks)."
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:209 ViewWork.cpp:222 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:91
-#: sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:78
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:96
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:84
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:214
 msgid "Properties"
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:210 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:92
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:97
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:215
 msgid "Show project details."
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:220 ViewStatistics.cpp:450
-msgid "Account"
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:126
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:723
+msgid "Resume tasks for this project."
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:222
-msgid "Work done"
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:133
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:742
+msgid "Allow new tasks"
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:223
-msgid "Avg. work done"
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:134
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:742
+msgid "Allow fetching new tasks for this project."
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:225 ViewTransfers.cpp:188 ViewWork.cpp:234
-msgid "Status"
-msgstr ""
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:250
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Projects"
-msgstr "Projeto"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:302
-msgid "Updating project..."
-msgstr ""
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:344
-msgid "Resuming project..."
-msgstr ""
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:348
-msgid "Suspending project..."
-msgstr ""
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:385
-msgid "Telling project to allow additional task downloads..."
-msgstr ""
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:389
-msgid "Telling project to not fetch any additional tasks..."
-msgstr ""
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:425
-msgid "Resetting project..."
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:137
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:746
+msgid "Don't fetch new tasks for this project."
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:438 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:214
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:229
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:443
 #, c-format
 msgid "Are you sure you want to reset project '%s'?"
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:444 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:220
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:235
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:449
 msgid "Reset Project"
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:483
-msgid "Removing project..."
-msgstr ""
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:496 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:251
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:266
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:501
 #, c-format
 msgid "Are you sure you want to remove project '%s'?"
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:502 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:257
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:272
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:507
 msgid "Remove Project"
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:543 ViewWork.cpp:599
-msgid "Launching browser..."
-msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:72
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Add Project"
+msgstr "Adicionar projeto"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:718 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:111
-msgid "Resume tasks for this project."
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:73
+msgid "Synchronize"
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:737 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:118
-msgid "Allow new tasks"
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:74
+msgid "Work done for this project"
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:737 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:119
-msgid "Allow fetching new tasks for this project."
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:77
+msgid "Synchronize projects with account manager system"
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:741 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:122
-msgid "Don't fetch new tasks for this project."
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:124
+msgid "Select a project to access with the controls below"
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1058
-msgid "Requested by user"
-msgstr ""
+# 88%
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:145
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Project Web Pages"
+msgstr "Projeto adicionado"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1059
-msgid "To fetch work"
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:149
+msgid "Project Commands"
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1060
-msgid "To report completed tasks"
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:276
+#, c-format
+msgid "Pop up a menu of web sites for project %s"
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1061
-msgid "To send trickle-up message"
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:278
+#, c-format
+msgid "Pop up a menu of commands to apply to project %s"
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1062
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Requested by account manager"
-msgstr "Adicionar gerenciador de contas"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1063
-msgid "Project initialization"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:66
+msgid "Show graphics"
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1064
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Requested by project"
-msgstr "Adicionar projeto"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1065
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Unknown reason"
-msgstr "(Desconhecido)"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1079
-msgid "Suspended by user"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:67
+msgid "Show application graphics in a window."
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1082
-msgid "Won't get new tasks"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:73
+msgid "Suspend this task."
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1085
-msgid "Project ended - OK to remove"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:78
+msgid "Abort"
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1088
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Will remove when tasks done"
-msgstr "Remover quando tarefas concluídas"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1091
-msgid "Scheduler request pending"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:79
+msgid "Abandon this task. You will get no credit for it."
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1097
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Scheduler request in progress"
-msgstr "Chamada do escalonador em progresso"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:85
+msgid "Show task details."
+msgstr ""
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1100
-msgid "Trickle up message pending"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:119
+msgid "Resume work for this task."
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1106
-msgid "Communication deferred "
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:123
+msgid "Suspend work for this task."
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewResources.cpp:62
-msgid "Total disk usage"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:267
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Are you sure you want to abort this task '%s'?\n"
+"(Progress: %.1lf%%, Status: %s)"
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewResources.cpp:83
-msgid "Disk usage by BOINC projects"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:272
+msgid "Abort task"
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewResources.cpp:116
-msgid "Disk"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:468
+msgid "You don't have any projects.  Please Add a Project."
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewResources.cpp:249
-msgid "no projects: 0 bytes used"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:469
+msgid "Not available"
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewResources.cpp:286
-msgid "used by BOINC: "
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:480
+msgid "Tasks:"
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewResources.cpp:296
-msgid "free, available to BOINC: "
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:486
+msgid "Select a task to access"
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewResources.cpp:306
-msgid "free, not available to BOINC: "
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:497
+msgid "From:"
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewResources.cpp:316
-msgid "free: "
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:551
+msgid "This task's progress"
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewResources.cpp:326
-msgid "used by other programs: "
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:569
+msgid "Task Commands"
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:1205
-msgid "User Total"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:570
+msgid "Pop up a menu of commands to apply to this task"
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:1206
-msgid "User Average"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:705
+#, c-format
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "Application: %s"
+msgstr "Aplicação"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:728
+#, c-format
+msgid "%.3f%%"
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:1207
-msgid "Host Total"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:736
+msgid "Application: Not available"
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:1208
-msgid "Host Average"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:836
+msgid "Not Available"
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:1355
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:851
 #, c-format
-msgid "Last update: %.0f days ago"
+msgid "Elapsed: %s"
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:1982
-msgid "Show user total"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:865
+#, c-format
+msgid "Remaining (estimated): %s"
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:1983
-msgid "Show total credit for user"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:880
+#, c-format
+msgid "Status: %s"
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:1989
-msgid "Show user average"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1227
+msgid "Retrieving current status."
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:1990
-msgid "Show average credit for user"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1233
+msgid "Downloading work from the server."
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:1996
-msgid "Show host total"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1238
+msgid "Processing Suspended:  Running On Batteries."
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:1997
-msgid "Show total credit for host"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1240
+msgid "Processing Suspended:  User Active."
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2003
-msgid "Show host average"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1242
+msgid "Processing Suspended:  User paused processing."
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2004
-msgid "Show average credit for host"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1244
+msgid "Processing Suspended:  Time of Day."
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2013
-msgid "< &Previous project"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1246
+msgid "Processing Suspended:  Benchmarks Running."
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2014
-msgid "Show chart for previous project"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1248
+msgid "Processing Suspended."
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2019
-msgid "&Next project >"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1252
+msgid "Waiting to contact project servers."
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2020
-msgid "Show chart for next project"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1256
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1265
+msgid "Retrieving current status"
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2026 ViewStatistics.cpp:2416
-msgid "Hide project list"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1260
+msgid "No work available to process"
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2027 ViewStatistics.cpp:2416
-msgid "Use entire area for graphs"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1262
+msgid "Unable to connect to the core client"
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2032
-msgid "Mode view"
+#: clientgui/TermsOfUsePage.cpp:218
+msgid "Terms of Use"
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2036
-msgid "One project"
+#: clientgui/TermsOfUsePage.cpp:222
+msgid "Please read the following terms of use:"
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2037
-msgid "Show one chart with selected project"
+#: clientgui/TermsOfUsePage.cpp:231
+msgid "I agree to the terms of use."
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2043
-msgid "All projects (separate)"
+#: clientgui/TermsOfUsePage.cpp:237
+msgid "I do not agree to the terms of use."
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2044
-msgid "Show all projects, one chart per project"
+#: clientgui/UnavailablePage.cpp:183
+msgid "Project temporarily unavailable"
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2050
-msgid "All projects (together)"
+#: clientgui/UnavailablePage.cpp:186
+msgid ""
+"The project is temporarily unavailable.\n"
+"Please try again later."
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2051
-msgid "Show one chart with all projects"
+#: clientgui/UnavailablePage.cpp:190
+msgid "Account manager temporarily unavailable"
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2057
-msgid "All projects (sum)"
+#: clientgui/UnavailablePage.cpp:193
+msgid ""
+"The account manager is temporarily unavailable.\n"
+"Please try again later."
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2058
-msgid "Show one chart with sum of projects"
+#: clientgui/ValidateAccountKey.cpp:68
+msgid "Please specify an account key to continue."
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2079
-msgid "Statistics"
+#: clientgui/ValidateAccountKey.cpp:71
+msgid "Invalid Account Key; please enter a valid Account Key"
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2103 ViewStatistics.cpp:2124 ViewStatistics.cpp:2145
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2167 ViewStatistics.cpp:2188 ViewStatistics.cpp:2209
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2230 ViewStatistics.cpp:2251 ViewStatistics.cpp:2272
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2296
-msgid "Updating charts..."
+#: clientgui/ValidateAccountKey.cpp:82
+#: clientgui/ValidateEmailAddress.cpp:86
+msgid "Validation conflict"
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2420
-msgid "Show project list"
+#: clientgui/ValidateEmailAddress.cpp:72
+msgid "Please specify an email address"
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2420
-msgid "Uses smaller area for graphs"
+#: clientgui/ValidateEmailAddress.cpp:75
+msgid "Invalid email address; please enter a valid email address"
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:164
-msgid "Retry Now"
+#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:69
+msgid "Missing URL"
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:165
-msgid "Retry the file transfer now"
+#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:70
+msgid ""
+"Please specify a URL.\n"
+"For example:\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:171
-msgid "Abort Transfer"
+#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:83
+#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:87
+#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:91
+#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:103
+#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:107
+#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:110
+msgid "Invalid URL"
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:172
-msgid "Abort this file transfer.  You won't get credit for the task."
+#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:84
+#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:88
+#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:92
+msgid ""
+"Please specify a valid URL.\n"
+"For example:\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:183
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "File"
-msgstr "&Arquivo"
+#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:104
+#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:108
+#, c-format
+msgid "'%s' does not contain a valid host name."
+msgstr ""
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:184 ViewWork.cpp:233
-msgid "Progress"
+#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:111
+#, c-format
+msgid "'%s' does not contain a valid path."
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:185
-msgid "Size"
+#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:84
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:175
+msgid "Commands"
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:186
+#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:88
 #, fuzzy
-msgid "Elapsed Time"
-msgstr "Tempo decorrido"
+msgid "Copy all messages"
+msgstr "Mostrar todas as mensagens"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:187
-msgid "Speed"
+#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:95
+msgid "Copy selected messages"
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:213
-msgid "Transfers"
-msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:106
+#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:502
+msgid "Show only this project"
+msgstr "Mostrar somente este projeto"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:280
+#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:107
+#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:503
 #, fuzzy
-msgid "Network activity is suspended - "
-msgstr "Atividade de rede suspensa"
+msgid "Show only the messages for the selected project."
+msgstr "Mostrar somente mensagens do projeto selecionado"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:282
-msgid ""
-"You can enable it using the Activity menu."
-msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:164
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Messages"
+msgstr "Mensagem"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:285
-msgid "BOINC"
-msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:187
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Copying all messages to the clipboard..."
+msgstr "Copiar todas as mensagens para a área de transferência."
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:292
-msgid "Retrying transfer now..."
-msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:223
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Copying selected messages to the clipboard..."
+msgstr "Copiar todas as mensagens para a área de transferência."
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:330
-msgid "Aborting transfer..."
+#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:286
+msgid "Filtering messages..."
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:343
-#, c-format
-msgid ""
-"Are you sure you want to abort this file transfer '%s'?\n"
-"NOTE: Aborting a transfer will invalidate a task and you\n"
-"will not receive credit for it."
-msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:494
+msgid "Show all messages"
+msgstr "Mostrar todas as mensagens"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:349
-msgid "Abort File Transfer"
-msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:495
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Show messages for all projects."
+msgstr "Mostrar mensagens de todos os projetos"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:780
-msgid "Upload"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:225
+msgid "Account"
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:780
-msgid "Download"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:227
+msgid "Work done"
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:784
-msgid "retry in "
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:228
+msgid "Avg. work done"
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:786
-msgid "failed"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:230
+msgid "Status"
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:789
-msgid "suspended"
-msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:255
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Projects"
+msgstr "Projeto"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:794
-msgid "active"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:307
+msgid "Updating project..."
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:796
-msgid "pending"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:349
+msgid "Resuming project..."
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:803
-msgid " (project backoff: "
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:353
+msgid "Suspending project..."
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewWork.cpp:187 ViewWork.cpp:777
-msgid "Show active tasks"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:390
+msgid "Telling project to allow additional task downloads..."
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewWork.cpp:188 ViewWork.cpp:778
-msgid "Show only active tasks."
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:394
+msgid "Telling project to not fetch any additional tasks..."
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewWork.cpp:194 sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:60
-msgid "Show graphics"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:430
+msgid "Resetting project..."
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewWork.cpp:195 sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:61
-msgid "Show application graphics in a window."
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:488
+msgid "Removing project..."
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewWork.cpp:201
-msgid "Show VM Console"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:548
+msgid "Launching browser..."
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewWork.cpp:202
-msgid "Show VM Console in a window."
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1063
+msgid "Requested by user"
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewWork.cpp:209
-msgid "Suspend work for this result."
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1064
+msgid "To fetch work"
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewWork.cpp:215 sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:72
-msgid "Abort"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1065
+msgid "To report completed tasks"
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewWork.cpp:216
-msgid "Abandon work on the result. You will get no credit for it."
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1066
+msgid "To send trickle-up message"
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewWork.cpp:223 sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:79
-msgid "Show task details."
-msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1067
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Requested by account manager"
+msgstr "Adicionar gerenciador de contas"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:235
-msgid "Elapsed"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1068
+msgid "Project initialization"
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewWork.cpp:236
-msgid "Remaining (estimated)"
-msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1069
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Requested by project"
+msgstr "Adicionar projeto"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:237
-msgid "Deadline"
-msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1070
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Unknown reason"
+msgstr "(Desconhecido)"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:264
-msgid "Tasks"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1084
+msgid "Suspended by user"
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewWork.cpp:357
-msgid "Resuming task..."
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1087
+msgid "Won't get new tasks"
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewWork.cpp:360
-msgid "Suspending task..."
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1090
+msgid "Project ended - OK to remove"
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewWork.cpp:389
-msgid "Showing graphics for task..."
-msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1093
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Will remove when tasks done"
+msgstr "Remover quando tarefas concluídas"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:426
-msgid "Showing VM console for task..."
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1096
+msgid "Scheduler request pending"
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewWork.cpp:479
-#, c-format
-msgid ""
-"Are you sure you want to abort this task '%s'?\n"
-"(Progress: %s, Status: %s)"
-msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1102
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Scheduler request in progress"
+msgstr "Chamada do escalonador em progresso"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:485
-#, c-format
-msgid "Are you sure you want to abort these %d tasks?"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1105
+msgid "Trickle up message pending"
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewWork.cpp:490 sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:256
-msgid "Abort task"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1111
+msgid "Communication deferred "
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewWork.cpp:499
-msgid "Aborting task..."
+#: clientgui/ViewResources.cpp:62
+msgid "Total disk usage"
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewWork.cpp:771
-msgid "Show all tasks"
+#: clientgui/ViewResources.cpp:83
+msgid "Disk usage by BOINC projects"
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewWork.cpp:772
-msgid "Show all tasks."
+#: clientgui/ViewResources.cpp:116
+msgid "Disk"
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewWork.cpp:796 sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:103
-msgid "Resume work for this task."
+#: clientgui/ViewResources.cpp:225
+msgid "no projects: 0 bytes used"
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewWork.cpp:802 sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:107
-msgid "Suspend work for this task."
+#: clientgui/ViewResources.cpp:262
+msgid "used by BOINC: "
 msgstr ""
-#: WelcomePage.cpp:284
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Add project or account manager"
-msgstr "&Adicionar projeto ou gerenciador de contas..."
+#: clientgui/ViewResources.cpp:272
+msgid "free, available to BOINC: "
+msgstr ""
-#: WelcomePage.cpp:288
-msgid "Add project or use BOINC Account Manager"
+#: clientgui/ViewResources.cpp:282
+msgid "free, not available to BOINC: "
 msgstr ""
-#: WelcomePage.cpp:297
-#, c-format
-msgid ""
-"If possible, add projects at the\n"
-"%s web site.\n"
-"Projects added via this wizard will not be\n"
-"listed on or managed via %s."
+#: clientgui/ViewResources.cpp:292
+msgid "free: "
 msgstr ""
-#: WelcomePage.cpp:313
-msgid ""
-"There are over 30 BOINC-based projects\n"
-"doing research in many areas of science,\n"
-"and you can volunteer for as many of them as you like.\n"
-"You can add a project directly,\n"
-"or use an 'Account Manager' web site to select projects."
+#: clientgui/ViewResources.cpp:302
+msgid "used by other programs: "
 msgstr ""
-#: WelcomePage.cpp:325
-msgid ""
-"You have chosen to add a new volunteer computing project or change which "
-"you contribute to.\n"
-"Some of these projects are run and managed by World Community Grid, while "
-"are run and managed by other researchers or organizations. The BOINC "
-"can divide your spare processing power among any combination of projects.\n"
-"Alternatively, if you have registered with a BOINC Account Manager, you can "
-"this to choose which projects to support.\n"
-"Please choose which type of change you would like to make:\n"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1181
+msgid "User Total"
 msgstr ""
-#: WelcomePage.cpp:339
-msgid "Use a BOINC Account Manager"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1182
+msgid "User Average"
 msgstr ""
-#: WelcomePage.cpp:352
-msgid "To continue, click Next."
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1183
+msgid "Host Total"
 msgstr ""
-#: WelcomePage.cpp:358
-msgid "Add or change your World Community Grid projects"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1184
+msgid "Host Average"
 msgstr ""
-#: WelcomePage.cpp:361
-msgid "Add projects run by other researchers or organizations"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1331
+#, c-format
+msgid "Last update: %.0f days ago"
 msgstr ""
-#: WizardAttach.cpp:634
-msgid "Do you really want to cancel?"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1956
+msgid "Show user total"
 msgstr ""
-#: WizardAttach.cpp:635
-msgid "Question"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1957
+msgid "Show total credit for user"
 msgstr ""
-#: sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:149
-msgid "Advanced View...\tCtrl+Shift+A"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1963
+msgid "Show user average"
 msgstr ""
-#: sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:150
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Display the advanced graphical interface."
-msgstr "Exibir a interface gráfica simples."
-#: sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:157
-msgid "Skin"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1964
+msgid "Show average credit for user"
 msgstr ""
-#: sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:159
-msgid "Select the appearance of the user interface."
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1970
+msgid "Show host total"
 msgstr ""
-#: sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:206
-#, c-format
-msgid "&%s"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1971
+msgid "Show total credit for host"
 msgstr ""
-#: sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:390
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Default"
-msgstr "&Definir Padrão"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1977
+msgid "Show host average"
+msgstr ""
-#: sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:759
-msgid "Suspend Computing"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1978
+msgid "Show average credit for host"
 msgstr ""
-#: sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:760
-msgid "Resume Computing"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1987
+msgid "< &Previous project"
 msgstr ""
-#: sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:777
-msgid "Open a window to view notices from projects or BOINC"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1988
+msgid "Show chart for previous project"
 msgstr ""
-#: sg_DlgMessages.cpp:146
-msgid "Close"
-msgstr "Fechar"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1993
+msgid "&Next project >"
+msgstr ""
-#: sg_DlgMessages.cpp:389
-#, c-format
-#, fuzzy, c-format
-msgid "%s - Notices"
-msgstr "%s Avisos"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1994
+msgid "Show chart for next project"
+msgstr ""
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:268
-msgid "This dialog controls preferences for this computer only."
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2000
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2390
+msgid "Hide project list"
 msgstr ""
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:273
-msgid "Click OK to set preferences."
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2001
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2390
+msgid "Use entire area for graphs"
 msgstr ""
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:278
-msgid ""
-"Click Clear to restore web-based settings for all preferences listed below."
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2006
+msgid "Mode view"
 msgstr ""
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:285
-msgid ""
-"For additional settings, select Computing Preferences in the Advanced View."
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2010
+msgid "One project"
 msgstr ""
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:313
-msgid "Do work only between:"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2011
+msgid "Show one chart with selected project"
 msgstr ""
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:335
-msgid "Connect to internet only between:"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2017
+msgid "All projects (separate)"
 msgstr ""
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:357 sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:374
-msgid "Use no more than:"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2018
+msgid "Show all projects, one chart per project"
 msgstr ""
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:370
-msgid "of disk space"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2024
+msgid "All projects (together)"
 msgstr ""
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:387
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "of the processor"
-msgstr "% de processadores"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2025
+msgid "Show one chart with all projects"
+msgstr ""
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:391
-msgid "Do work while on battery?"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2031
+msgid "All projects (sum)"
 msgstr ""
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:404
-msgid "Do work after idle for:"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2032
+msgid "Show one chart with sum of projects"
 msgstr ""
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:429
-msgid "Clear all local preferences listed above and close the dialog"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2053
+msgid "Statistics"
 msgstr ""
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:602 sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:605
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:681 sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:685
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:697 sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:701
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:844 sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:855
-msgid "Anytime"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2077
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2098
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2119
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2141
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2162
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2183
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2204
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2225
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2246
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2270
+msgid "Updating charts..."
 msgstr ""
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:638
-msgid "100 MB"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2394
+msgid "Show project list"
 msgstr ""
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:639
-msgid "200 MB"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2394
+msgid "Uses smaller area for graphs"
 msgstr ""
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:640
-msgid "500 MB"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:169
+msgid "Retry Now"
 msgstr ""
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:641
-msgid "1 GB"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:170
+msgid "Retry the file transfer now"
 msgstr ""
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:642
-msgid "2 GB"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:176
+msgid "Abort Transfer"
 msgstr ""
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:643
-msgid "5 GB"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:177
+msgid "Abort this file transfer.  You won't get credit for the task."
 msgstr ""
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:644
-msgid "10 GB"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:188
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "File"
+msgstr "&Arquivo"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:189
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:238
+msgid "Progress"
 msgstr ""
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:645
-msgid "20 GB"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:190
+msgid "Size"
 msgstr ""
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:646
-msgid "50 GB"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:191
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Elapsed Time"
+msgstr "Tempo decorrido"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:192
+msgid "Speed"
 msgstr ""
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:647
-msgid "100 GB"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:218
+msgid "Transfers"
 msgstr ""
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:717
-#, c-format
-msgid "%d MB"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:285
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Network activity is suspended - "
+msgstr "Atividade de rede suspensa"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:287
+msgid ""
+"You can enable it using the Activity menu."
 msgstr ""
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:719
-#, c-format
-msgid "%4.2f GB"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:290
+msgid "BOINC"
 msgstr ""
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:760
-#, c-format
-msgid "%d%%"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:297
+msgid "Retrying transfer now..."
 msgstr ""
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:796
-msgid "0 (Run Always)"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:335
+msgid "Aborting transfer..."
 msgstr ""
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:799
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:348
 #, c-format
-msgid "%d"
+msgid ""
+"Are you sure you want to abort this file transfer '%s'?\n"
+"NOTE: Aborting a transfer will invalidate a task and you\n"
+"will not receive credit for it."
 msgstr ""
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:1029
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Do you really want to clear all local preferences?\n"
-msgstr "Deseja realmente apagar todas as preferências locais ?"
-#: sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:72
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Add Project"
-msgstr "Adicionar projeto"
-#: sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:73
-msgid "Synchronize"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:354
+msgid "Abort File Transfer"
 msgstr ""
-#: sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:74
-msgid "Work done for this project"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:785
+msgid "Upload"
 msgstr ""
-#: sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:77
-msgid "Synchronize projects with account manager system"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:785
+msgid "Download"
 msgstr ""
-#: sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:124
-msgid "Select a project to access with the controls below"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:789
+msgid "retry in "
 msgstr ""
-# 88%
-#: sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:145
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Project Web Pages"
-msgstr "Projeto adicionado"
-#: sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:149
-msgid "Project Commands"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:791
+msgid "failed"
 msgstr ""
-#: sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:267
-#, c-format
-msgid "Pop up a menu of web sites for project %s"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:794
+msgid "suspended"
 msgstr ""
-#: sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:269
-#, c-format
-msgid "Pop up a menu of commands to apply to project %s"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:799
+msgid "active"
 msgstr ""
-#: sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:67
-msgid "Suspend this task."
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:801
+msgid "pending"
 msgstr ""
-#: sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:73
-msgid "Abandon this task. You will get no credit for it."
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:808
+msgid " (project backoff: "
 msgstr ""
-#: sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:251
-#, c-format
-msgid ""
-"Are you sure you want to abort this task '%s'?\n"
-"(Progress: %.1lf%%, Status: %s)"
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:192
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:782
+msgid "Show active tasks"
 msgstr ""
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:464
-msgid "You don't have any projects.  Please Add a Project."
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:193
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:783
+msgid "Show only active tasks."
 msgstr ""
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:465
-msgid "Not available"
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:206
+msgid "Show VM Console"
 msgstr ""
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:476
-msgid "Tasks:"
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:207
+msgid "Show VM Console in a window."
 msgstr ""
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:482
-msgid "Select a task to access"
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:214
+msgid "Suspend work for this result."
 msgstr ""
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:493
-msgid "From:"
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:221
+msgid "Abandon work on the result. You will get no credit for it."
 msgstr ""
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:547
-msgid "This task's progress"
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:240
+msgid "Elapsed"
 msgstr ""
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:565
-msgid "Task Commands"
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:241
+msgid "Remaining (estimated)"
 msgstr ""
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:566
-msgid "Pop up a menu of commands to apply to this task"
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:242
+msgid "Deadline"
 msgstr ""
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:701
-#, c-format
-#, fuzzy, c-format
-msgid "Application: %s"
-msgstr "Aplicação"
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:269
+msgid "Tasks"
+msgstr ""
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:724
-#, c-format
-msgid "%.3f%%"
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:362
+msgid "Resuming task..."
 msgstr ""
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:732
-msgid "Application: Not available"
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:365
+msgid "Suspending task..."
 msgstr ""
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:832
-msgid "Not Available"
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:394
+msgid "Showing graphics for task..."
 msgstr ""
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:847
-#, c-format
-msgid "Elapsed: %s"
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:431
+msgid "Showing VM console for task..."
 msgstr ""
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:861
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:484
 #, c-format
-msgid "Remaining (estimated): %s"
+msgid ""
+"Are you sure you want to abort this task '%s'?\n"
+"(Progress: %s, Status: %s)"
 msgstr ""
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:876
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:490
 #, c-format
-msgid "Status: %s"
+msgid "Are you sure you want to abort these %d tasks?"
 msgstr ""
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1223
-msgid "Retrieving current status."
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:504
+msgid "Aborting task..."
 msgstr ""
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1229
-msgid "Downloading work from the server."
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:776
+msgid "Show all tasks"
 msgstr ""
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1234
-msgid "Processing Suspended:  Running On Batteries."
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:777
+msgid "Show all tasks."
 msgstr ""
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1236
-msgid "Processing Suspended:  User Active."
+#: clientgui/WelcomePage.cpp:284
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Add project or account manager"
+msgstr "&Adicionar projeto ou gerenciador de contas..."
+#: clientgui/WelcomePage.cpp:288
+msgid "Add project or use BOINC Account Manager"
 msgstr ""
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1238
-msgid "Processing Suspended:  User paused processing."
+#: clientgui/WelcomePage.cpp:297
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"If possible, add projects at the\n"
+"%s web site.\n"
+"Projects added via this wizard will not be\n"
+"listed on or managed via %s."
 msgstr ""
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1240
-msgid "Processing Suspended:  Time of Day."
+#: clientgui/WelcomePage.cpp:313
+msgid ""
+"There are over 30 BOINC-based projects\n"
+"doing research in many areas of science,\n"
+"and you can volunteer for as many of them as you like.\n"
+"You can add a project directly,\n"
+"or use an 'Account Manager' web site to select projects."
 msgstr ""
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1242
-msgid "Processing Suspended:  Benchmarks Running."
+#: clientgui/WelcomePage.cpp:325
+msgid ""
+"You have chosen to add a new volunteer computing project or change which projects\n"
+"you contribute to.\n"
+"Some of these projects are run and managed by World Community Grid, while others\n"
+"are run and managed by other researchers or organizations. The BOINC software\n"
+"can divide your spare processing power among any combination of projects.\n"
+"Alternatively, if you have registered with a BOINC Account Manager, you can use\n"
+"this to choose which projects to support.\n"
+"Please choose which type of change you would like to make:\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1244
-msgid "Processing Suspended."
+#: clientgui/WelcomePage.cpp:339
+msgid "Use a BOINC Account Manager"
 msgstr ""
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1248
-msgid "Waiting to contact project servers."
+#: clientgui/WelcomePage.cpp:358
+msgid "Add or change your World Community Grid projects"
 msgstr ""
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1252 sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1261
-msgid "Retrieving current status"
+#: clientgui/WelcomePage.cpp:361
+msgid "Add projects run by other researchers or organizations"
 msgstr ""
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1256
-msgid "No work available to process"
+#: clientgui/WizardAttach.cpp:673
+msgid "Do you really want to cancel?"
 msgstr ""
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1258
-msgid "Unable to connect to the core client"
+#: clientgui/WizardAttach.cpp:674
+msgid "Question"
 msgstr ""
-#: wizardex.cpp:377 wizardex.cpp:553
+#: clientgui/wizardex.cpp:377
+#: clientgui/wizardex.cpp:553
 msgid "&Next >"
 msgstr ""
-#: wizardex.cpp:383
+#: clientgui/wizardex.cpp:383
 msgid "< &Back"
 msgstr ""
-#: wizardex.cpp:553
+#: clientgui/wizardex.cpp:553
 msgid "&Finish"
 msgstr ""
-#: mac/Mac_GUI.cpp:110
-msgid "Preferences…"
+#: clientgui/common/wxPieCtrl.cpp:64
+msgid "Pie Ctrl"
 msgstr ""
-#: mac/Mac_GUI.cpp:122
+#: clientgui/mac/Mac_GUI.cpp:35
 msgid "Services"
 msgstr ""
-#: mac/Mac_GUI.cpp:144
+#: clientgui/mac/Mac_GUI.cpp:36
 #, c-format
 msgid "Hide %s"
 msgstr ""
-#: mac/Mac_GUI.cpp:158
+#: clientgui/mac/Mac_GUI.cpp:37
 msgid "Hide Others"
 msgstr ""
-#: mac/Mac_GUI.cpp:172
+#: clientgui/mac/Mac_GUI.cpp:38
 msgid "Show All"
 msgstr ""
-#: mac/Mac_GUI.cpp:186
+#: clientgui/mac/Mac_GUI.cpp:39
 #, c-format
 #, fuzzy, c-format
 msgid "Quit %s"
 msgstr "&Sair %s"
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.h:30
+msgid "specify work start and stop hours in format HH:MM-HH:MM"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.h:31
+msgid "specify network usage start and stop hours in format HH:MM-HH:MM"
+msgstr ""
+# 98%
+#, fuzzy
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "(C) 2003-2013 University of California, Berkeley.\n"
+#~ "All Rights Reserved."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "(C) 2003-2010 Universidade da Califórnia, Berkeley.\n"
+#~ "Todos os Direitos Reservados."
+#, c-format
+#~ msgid "%s - Preferences"
+#~ msgstr "%s - Preferências"
+#, no-c-format
+#~ msgid "% CPU time"
+#~ msgstr "% de tempo da CPU"
+#~ msgid "KBytes/sec."
+#~ msgstr "KBytes/s."
+#~ msgid "Mbytes"
+#~ msgstr "Mbytes"
+#~ msgid "every"
+#~ msgstr "a cada"
+#~ msgid "days"
+#~ msgstr "dias"
+#~ msgid "Gigabytes disk space"
+#~ msgstr "Gigabytes de espaço em disco"
 #~ msgid "Workunit name"
 #~ msgstr "Nome da unidade de trabalho"
diff --git a/locale/pt_PT/BOINC-Manager.po b/locale/pt_PT/BOINC-Manager.po
index c9af664..3681634 100644
--- a/locale/pt_PT/BOINC-Manager.po
+++ b/locale/pt_PT/BOINC-Manager.po
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ msgid ""
 msgstr ""
 "Project-Id-Version: 1.05\n"
 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-02-02 00:00-0800\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-12-15 14:15-0500\n"
 "PO-Revision-Date: 2014-02-06 16:59+0000\n"
 "Last-Translator: Anonymous Pootle User\n"
 "Language-Team: LANGUAGE <LL at li.org>\n"
@@ -16,21 +16,21 @@ msgstr ""
 "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
 "Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
 "X-Generator: Pootle 2.5.0\n"
-"X-BOINC-UTF8-Marker: 简体中文, 日本語\n"
-"X-Poedit-SearchPath-1: clientgui/msw\n"
-"X-Poedit-SearchPath-2: clientgui/gtk\n"
-"X-Poedit-SearchPath-3: clientgui/mac\n"
+"X-Poedit-Basepath: C:\\Src\\BOINCGIT\\boinc_7.4\n"
 "X-Poedit-SearchPath-0: clientgui\n"
 "X-Poedit-SourceCharset: utf-8\n"
-"X-Poedit-Basepath: C:\\Src\\BOINCGIT\\boinc\n"
 "X-POOTLE-MTIME: 1391705981.0\n"
+"X-Poedit-SearchPath-1: clientgui/msw\n"
+"X-Poedit-SearchPath-2: clientgui/gtk\n"
+"X-Poedit-SearchPath-3: clientgui/mac\n"
+"X-BOINC-UTF8-Marker: 简体中文, 日本語\n"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:387
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:387
 #, c-format
 msgid "Identify your account at %s"
 msgstr "Identifique a sua conta em %s"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:393
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:393
 msgid ""
 "Please enter your account information\n"
 "(to create an account, visit the project's web site)"
@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ msgstr ""
 "Por favor, insira os dados da sua conta\n"
 "(para criar uma conta, visite o website do projecto)"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:397
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:397
 msgid ""
 "This project is not currently accepting new accounts.\n"
 "You can add it only if you already have an account."
@@ -46,19 +46,19 @@ msgstr ""
 "Este projecto não está de momento a aceitar novas contas.\n"
 "Só o pode adicionar se já possuir uma conta."
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:401
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:401
 msgid "Are you already running this project?"
 msgstr "Já está a executar este projecto?"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:405
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:405
 msgid "&No, new user"
 msgstr "&Não, novo utilizador"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:408
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:408
 msgid "&Yes, existing user"
 msgstr "&Sim, utilizador existente"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:413
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:413
 msgid ""
 "We were not able to set up your account information\n"
@@ -74,45 +74,51 @@ msgstr ""
 "em baixo para descobrir o que inserir nos campos de endereço de e-mail e\n"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:416
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:416
 msgid "Find login information"
 msgstr "Encontrar informações de login"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:436 AccountInfoPage.cpp:641
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:436
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:649
 msgid "&Password:"
 msgstr "&Palavra-passe:"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:443 AccountInfoPage.cpp:665
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:443
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:673
 msgid "Choose a &password:"
 msgstr "Escolha uma &palavra-passe:"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:446
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:446
 msgid "C&onfirm password:"
 msgstr "C&onfirme a palavra-passe:"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:453
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:453
 #, c-format
 msgid "Are you already running %s?"
 msgstr "Já está a executar o %s?"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:482
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:482
 msgid "&Username:"
 msgstr "&Nome de Utilizador:"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:508
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:511
+msgid "&Email address or LDAP ID:"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:515
 msgid "&Email address:"
 msgstr "&Endereço de e-mail:"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:515
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:523
 #, c-format
 msgid "minimum length %d"
 msgstr "comprimento minimo %d"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:522
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:530
 msgid "Forgot your password?"
 msgstr "Esqueceu-se da palavra-passe?"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:529
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:537
 msgid ""
 "If you have not yet registered with this account manager,\n"
 "please do so before proceeding.  Click on the link below\n"
@@ -122,47 +128,46 @@ msgstr ""
 "por favor faça-o antes de prosseguir. Clique no link em baixo\n"
 "para se registar ou recuperar a palavra-passe esquecida."
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:532
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:540
 msgid "Account manager web site"
 msgstr "Website do gestor de conta"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:574 WelcomePage.cpp:348
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:582
 msgid "Add project"
 msgstr "Adicionar Projecto"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:576
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:584
 msgid "Update account manager"
 msgstr "Actualizar o gestor de conta"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:578 WelcomePage.cpp:307 WelcomePage.cpp:321
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:586
 msgid "Use account manager"
 msgstr "Usar gestor de conta"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:585
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:593
 msgid "Please enter a user name."
 msgstr "Por favor, insira um nome de utilizador."
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:587
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:595
 msgid "Please enter an email address."
 msgstr "Por favor, insira um endereço de e-mail."
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:597
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:605
 #, c-format
 msgid "Please enter a password of at least %d characters."
 msgstr "Por favor, insira uma palavra-passe de pelo menos %d caracteres."
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:607
-msgid ""
-"The password and confirmation password do not match. Please type them again."
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:615
+msgid "The password and confirmation password do not match. Please type them again."
 msgstr ""
 "A palavra-passe original e a de confirmação não condizem. Por favor, insira-"
 "as novamente."
-#: AccountManagerInfoPage.cpp:272
+#: clientgui/AccountManagerInfoPage.cpp:272
 msgid "Choose an account manager"
 msgstr "Escolha um gestor de conta"
-#: AccountManagerInfoPage.cpp:275
+#: clientgui/AccountManagerInfoPage.cpp:275
 msgid ""
 "To choose an account manager, click its name or \n"
 "type its URL below."
@@ -170,381 +175,398 @@ msgstr ""
 "Para escolher um gestor de conta, clique no nome \n"
 "ou digite o seu URL em baixo."
-#: AccountManagerInfoPage.cpp:279
+#: clientgui/AccountManagerInfoPage.cpp:279
 msgid "Account manager details:"
 msgstr "Detalhes do gestor de conta:"
-#: AccountManagerInfoPage.cpp:283
+#: clientgui/AccountManagerInfoPage.cpp:283
 msgid "Account manager &URL:"
 msgstr "Gestor de conta &URL:"
-#: AccountManagerInfoPage.cpp:287
+#: clientgui/AccountManagerInfoPage.cpp:287
 msgid "Open web page"
 msgstr "Abrir página web"
-#: AccountManagerInfoPage.cpp:290
+#: clientgui/AccountManagerInfoPage.cpp:290
 msgid "Visit this account manager's web site"
 msgstr "Visitar o website deste gestor de conta"
-#: AccountManagerProcessingPage.cpp:187 AccountManagerPropertiesPage.cpp:193
+#: clientgui/AccountManagerProcessingPage.cpp:186
+#: clientgui/AccountManagerPropertiesPage.cpp:192
 #, c-format
 msgid "Communicating with %s."
 msgstr "A comunicar com %s."
-#: AccountManagerProcessingPage.cpp:194 AccountManagerPropertiesPage.cpp:200
+#: clientgui/AccountManagerProcessingPage.cpp:193
+#: clientgui/AccountManagerPropertiesPage.cpp:199
 msgid "Communicating with server."
 msgstr "A comunicar com o servidor."
-#: AccountManagerProcessingPage.cpp:199 AccountManagerPropertiesPage.cpp:205
+#: clientgui/AccountManagerProcessingPage.cpp:198
+#: clientgui/AccountManagerPropertiesPage.cpp:204
 msgid "Please wait..."
 msgstr "Por favor aguarde..."
-#: AccountManagerProcessingPage.cpp:326
+#: clientgui/AccountManagerProcessingPage.cpp:325
 msgid "An internal server error has occurred.\n"
 msgstr "Ocorreu um erro interno no servidor.\n"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:95
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:96
 msgid "Connected"
 msgstr "Conectado"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:103
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:104
 msgid "Disconnected"
 msgstr "Desconectado"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:322 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:119
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:318
 #, c-format
 msgid "Close the %s window"
 msgstr "Fechar a janela do %s"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:325 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:122
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:321
 msgid "&Close Window"
 msgstr "&Fechar a Janela"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:336 AdvancedFrame.cpp:343 AdvancedFrame.cpp:350
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:332
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:339
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:346
 #, c-format
 msgid "Exit %s"
 msgstr "Sair do %s"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:371
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:359
+msgid "Preferences..."
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:368
 msgid "&Notices\tCtrl+Shift+N"
 msgstr "&Notícias\tCtrl+Shift+N"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:372
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:369
 msgid "Display notices"
 msgstr "Mostra as notícias"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:377
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:374
 msgid "&Projects\tCtrl+Shift+P"
 msgstr "&Projectos\tCtrl+Shift+P"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:378
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:375
 msgid "Display projects"
 msgstr "Mostra os projectos"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:383
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:380
 msgid "&Tasks\tCtrl+Shift+T"
 msgstr "&Tarefas\tCtrl+Shift+T"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:384
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:381
 msgid "Display tasks"
 msgstr "Mostra as tarefas"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:389
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:386
 msgid "Trans&fers\tCtrl+Shift+X"
 msgstr "Trans&ferências\tCtrl+Shift+X"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:390
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:387
 msgid "Display transfers"
 msgstr "Mostra as transferências"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:395
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:392
 msgid "&Statistics\tCtrl+Shift+S"
 msgstr "&Estatísticas\tCtrl+Shift+S"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:396
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:393
 msgid "Display statistics"
 msgstr "Mostra as estatísticas"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:401
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:398
 msgid "&Disk usage\tCtrl+Shift+D"
 msgstr "&Utilização do disco\tCtrl+Shift+D"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:402
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:399
 msgid "Display disk usage"
 msgstr "Mostra a utilização em disco"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:409
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:406
 msgid "Simple &View...\tCtrl+Shift+V"
 msgstr "&Vista Simplificada ...\tCtrl+Shift+V"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:410
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:407
 msgid "Display the simple graphical interface."
 msgstr "Mostra a interface gráfica simplificada."
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:424
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:421
 msgid "&Add project or account manager..."
 msgstr "&Adicionar projecto ou gestor de conta..."
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:425 sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:76
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:422
 msgid "Volunteer for any or all of 30+ projects in many areas of science"
 msgstr ""
 "Voluntarie-se para um ou alguns dos mais de 30 projectos, em várias áreas da "
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:429
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:426
 #, c-format
 msgid "&Synchronize with %s"
 msgstr "&Sincronizar com o %s"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:433
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:430
 #, c-format
 msgid "Get current settings from %s"
 msgstr "Obter as configurações actuais a partir de %s"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:443
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:440
 msgid "&Add project..."
 msgstr "&Adicionar projecto..."
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:444
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:441
 msgid "Add a project"
 msgstr "Adicionar um projecto"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:447
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:444
 #, c-format
 msgid "S&top using %s..."
 msgstr "&Parar de utilizar o %s..."
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:453
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:450
 msgid "Remove this computer from account manager control."
 msgstr "Remover este computador do controlo do gestor de conta."
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:458 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:178
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:455
 msgid "&Options..."
 msgstr "&Opções..."
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:459 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:179
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:456
 msgid "Configure display options and proxy settings"
 msgstr "Configurar opções de visualização e configurações de proxy"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:463 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:172
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:460
 msgid "Computing &preferences..."
 msgstr "&Preferências de computação..."
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:464 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:173
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:461
 msgid "Configure computing preferences"
 msgstr "Configurar preferências de computação"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:472
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:469
 msgid "&Run always"
 msgstr "&Executar sempre"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:473
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:470
 msgid "Allow work regardless of preferences"
 msgstr "Permitir execução de trabalho, independentemente das preferências"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:477
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:474
 msgid "Run based on &preferences"
 msgstr "Executar com base nas &preferências"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:478
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:475
 msgid "Allow work according to preferences"
 msgstr "Permitir execução de trabalho de acordo com as preferências"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:482
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:479
 msgid "&Suspend"
 msgstr "&Suspender"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:483
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:480
 msgid "Stop work regardless of preferences"
 msgstr "Parar execução de trabalho independentemente das preferências"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:508
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:505
 msgid "Use GPU always"
 msgstr "Utilizar a GPU sempre"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:509
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:506
 msgid "Allow GPU work regardless of preferences"
 msgstr "Permitir a execução da GPU, independentemente das preferências"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:513
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:510
 msgid "Use GPU based on preferences"
 msgstr "Utilizar a GPU com base nas preferências"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:514
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:511
 msgid "Allow GPU work according to preferences"
 msgstr "Permitir a execução da GPU de acordo com as preferências"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:518
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:515
 msgid "Suspend GPU"
 msgstr "Suspender a GPU"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:519
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:516
 msgid "Stop GPU work regardless of preferences"
 msgstr "Parar a execução da GPU, independentemente das preferências"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:543
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:540
 msgid "Network activity always available"
 msgstr "Actividade de rede sempre disponível"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:544
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:541
 msgid "Allow network activity regardless of preferences"
 msgstr "Permitir actividade de rede, independentemente das preferências"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:548
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:545
 msgid "Network activity based on preferences"
 msgstr "Actividade de rede com base nas preferências"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:549
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:546
 msgid "Allow network activity according to preferences"
 msgstr "Permitir actividade de rede de acordo com as preferências"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:553
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:550
 msgid "Network activity suspended"
 msgstr "Actividade de rede suspensa"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:554
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:551
 msgid "Stop BOINC network activity"
 msgstr "Parar actividade de rede do BOINC"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:564
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:561
 #, c-format
 msgid "Connect to another computer running %s"
 msgstr "Liga-se a outro computador que esteja a executar o %s"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:569
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:566
 msgid "Select computer..."
 msgstr "Seleccionar computador..."
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:574
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:571
 msgid "Shut down connected client..."
 msgstr "Desligar cliente ligado..."
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:575
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:572
 msgid "Shut down the currently connected client"
 msgstr "Desliga o cliente que está actualmente ligado"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:579
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:576
 msgid "Run CPU &benchmarks"
 msgstr "Executar &testes de perfomance do CPU"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:580
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:577
 msgid "Runs BOINC CPU benchmarks"
 msgstr "Executa testes de perfomance do BOINC para o CPU"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:584
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:581
 msgid "Do network communication"
 msgstr "Realizar comunicação com a rede"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:585
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:582
 msgid "Do all pending network communication"
 msgstr "Realiza toda a comunicação pendente com a rede"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:589
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:586
 msgid "Read config files"
 msgstr "Ler ficheiros de configuração"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:590
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:587
 msgid "Read configuration info from cc_config.xml and any app_config.xml files"
 msgstr ""
 "Ler informações de configuração em cc_config.mxl e quaisquer ficheiros em "
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:594
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:591
 msgid "Read local prefs file"
 msgstr "Ler ficheiro de preferências locais"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:595
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:592
 msgid "Read preferences from global_prefs_override.xml."
 msgstr "Ler preferências em global_prefs_override.xml"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:600
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:597
 #, c-format
 msgid "Launch another instance of %s..."
 msgstr "Iniciar outra instância do %s..."
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:604
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:601
 #, c-format
 msgid "Launch another %s"
 msgstr "Inicia outro %s"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:614
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:611
 msgid "Event Log...\tCtrl+Shift+E"
 msgstr "Registo de Eventos...\tCtrl+Shift+E"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:615
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:612
 msgid "Display diagnostic messages."
 msgstr "Mostra as mensagens de diagnóstico."
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:625 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:188
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:616
+msgid "Event Log Diagnostic Flags...\tCtrl+Shift+F"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:617
+msgid "Enable or disable various diagnostic messages"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:626
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s &help"
 msgstr "%s &ajuda"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:631 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:194
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:632
 #, c-format
 msgid "Show information about %s"
 msgstr "Mostra informações sobre o %s"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:643
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:644
 #, c-format
 msgid "&%s help"
 msgstr "&%s ajuda"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:649 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:212
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:650
 #, c-format
 msgid "Show information about the %s"
 msgstr "Mostra informações sobre o %s"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:661 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:224
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:662
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s &web site"
 msgstr "%s &Website"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:667 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:230
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:668
 #, c-format
 msgid "Show information about BOINC and %s"
 msgstr "Mostra informações sobre o BOINC e o %s"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:679 BOINCTaskBar.cpp:530 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:242
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:680
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:544
 #, c-format
 msgid "&About %s..."
 msgstr "&Acerca de %s..."
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:685 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:248
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:686
 msgid "Licensing and copyright information."
 msgstr "Licenciamento e informações sobre direitos de autor."
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:692 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:255
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:693
 msgid "&File"
 msgstr "&Ficheiro"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:696 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:259
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:697
 msgid "&View"
 msgstr "&Visualizar"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:700 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:263
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:701
 msgid "&Tools"
 msgstr "&Ferramentas"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:704
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:705
 msgid "&Activity"
 msgstr "&Actividade"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:708
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:709
 msgid "A&dvanced"
 msgstr "A&vançado"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:712 DlgEventLog.cpp:332 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:267
-#: wizardex.cpp:374 wizardex.cpp:381
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:713
 msgid "&Help"
 msgstr "&Ajuda"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:1199
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1185
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - Stop using %s"
 msgstr "%s - Para de usar %s"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:1204
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1190
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "If you stop using %s,\n"
@@ -559,12 +581,12 @@ msgstr ""
 "Quer parar de utilizar o %s?"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:1401
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1397
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - Shut down the current client..."
 msgstr "%s - Desligar o cliente actual..."
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:1410
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1406
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "%s will shut down the current client\n"
@@ -573,36 +595,36 @@ msgstr ""
 "%s vai desligar o cliente ligado actualmente\n"
 "e ser-lhe-á solicitado para que se ligue a outro anfitrião."
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:1745 DlgAbout.cpp:119
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1806
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s"
 msgstr "%s"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:1754
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1815
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s has successfully added %s"
 msgstr "%s foi adicionado com sucesso %s"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:1893
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1953
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - (%s)"
 msgstr "%s - (%s)"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:1897
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1957
 #, c-format
 msgid "Connecting to %s"
 msgstr "A ligar a %s"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:1900
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1960
 #, c-format
 msgid "Connected to %s (%s)"
 msgstr "Ligado a %s (%s)"
-#: AlreadyExistsPage.cpp:184
+#: clientgui/AlreadyExistsPage.cpp:184
 msgid "Username already in use"
 msgstr "Nome de utilizador já em uso"
-#: AlreadyExistsPage.cpp:187
+#: clientgui/AlreadyExistsPage.cpp:187
 msgid ""
 "An account with that username already exists and has a\n"
 "different password than the one you entered.\n"
@@ -614,11 +636,11 @@ msgstr ""
 "Por favor, visite o website do projecto e siga as instruções lá indicadas."
-#: AlreadyExistsPage.cpp:191
+#: clientgui/AlreadyExistsPage.cpp:191
 msgid "Email address already in use"
 msgstr "Endereço de e-mail já em uso"
-#: AlreadyExistsPage.cpp:194
+#: clientgui/AlreadyExistsPage.cpp:194
 msgid ""
 "An account with that email address already exists and has a\n"
 "different password than the one you entered.\n"
@@ -630,45 +652,44 @@ msgstr ""
 "Por favor, visite o website do projecto e siga as instruções lá indicadas."
-#: AsyncRPC.cpp:1031
+#: clientgui/AsyncRPC.cpp:1031
 msgid "Communicating with BOINC client.  Please wait ..."
 msgstr "A comunicar com o cliente BOINC. Por favor aguarde..."
-#: AsyncRPC.cpp:1034
+#: clientgui/AsyncRPC.cpp:1034
 #, c-format
 msgid "&Quit %s"
 msgstr "&Desistir %s"
-#: AsyncRPC.cpp:1036
+#: clientgui/AsyncRPC.cpp:1036
 #, c-format
 msgid "E&xit %s"
 msgstr "S&air %s"
-#: AsyncRPC.cpp:1040
+#: clientgui/AsyncRPC.cpp:1040
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - Communication"
 msgstr "%s - Comunicação"
-#: AsyncRPC.cpp:1056 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:107 sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:433
+#: clientgui/AsyncRPC.cpp:1056
 msgid "Cancel"
 msgstr "Cancelar"
-#: BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:505
+#: clientgui/BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:504
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - Connection Error"
 msgstr "%s - Erro de Conexão"
-#: BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:514
+#: clientgui/BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:513
 msgid ""
 "You currently are not authorized to manage the client.\n"
-"Please contact your administrator to add you to the 'boinc_users' local user "
+"Please contact your administrator to add you to the 'boinc_users' local user group."
 msgstr ""
 "Não está autorizado actualmente a gerir o cliente.\n"
 "Por favor, contacte o administrador para que o adicione ao grupo local "
-#: BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:523
+#: clientgui/BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:522
 msgid ""
 "Authorization failed connecting to running client.\n"
 "Make sure you start this program in the same directory as the client."
@@ -676,20 +697,20 @@ msgstr ""
 "Autorização falhada ao conectar-se ao cliente em execução.\n"
 "Confirme que inicia este programa na mesma directoria que a do cliente."
-#: BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:525
+#: clientgui/BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:524
 msgid "Authorization failed connecting to running client."
 msgstr "Autorização falhada ao conectar-se ao cliente em execução."
-#: BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:533
+#: clientgui/BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:532
 msgid "The password you have provided is incorrect, please try again."
 msgstr "A palavra-passe que inseriu está incorrecta, por favor tente novamente."
-#: BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:577
+#: clientgui/BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:576
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - Connection Failed"
 msgstr "%s - Conexão Falhada"
-#: BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:586
+#: clientgui/BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:585
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "%s is not able to connect to a %s client.\n"
@@ -698,23 +719,22 @@ msgstr ""
 "%s não consegue se conectar ao %s cliente.\n"
 "Quer tentar conectar-se novamente?"
-#: BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:622
+#: clientgui/BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:621
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - Daemon Start Failed"
 msgstr "%s - A Inicialização do Daemon falhou"
-#: BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:632
+#: clientgui/BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:631
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "%s is not able to start a %s client.\n"
-"Please launch the Control Panel->Administative Tools->Services applet and "
-"start the BOINC service."
+"Please launch the Control Panel->Administative Tools->Services applet and start the BOINC service."
 msgstr ""
 "%s não consegue iniciar o %s cliente.\n"
 "Por favor, vá a Painel de Controlo->Ferramentas Administrativas->Serviços e "
 "inicie o serviço BOINC."
-#: BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:638
+#: clientgui/BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:637
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "%s is not able to start a %s client.\n"
@@ -723,17 +743,16 @@ msgstr ""
 "%s não consegue iniciar o %s cliente.\n"
 "Por favor, inicialize o daemon e tente novamente."
-#: BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:689
+#: clientgui/BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:688
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - Connection Status"
 msgstr "%s - Estado da Conexão"
-#: BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:700
+#: clientgui/BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:699
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "%s is not currently connected to a %s client.\n"
-"Please use the 'Advanced\\Select Computer...' menu option to connect up to a "
-"%s client.\n"
+"Please use the 'Advanced\\Select Computer...' menu option to connect up to a %s client.\n"
 "To connect up to your local computer please use 'localhost' as the host name."
 msgstr ""
 "%s não está actualmente conectado ao %s cliente.\n"
@@ -742,16 +761,16 @@ msgstr ""
 "Para se conectar ao seu computador local, use 'localhost' como o nome de "
-#: BOINCBaseView.cpp:779
+#: clientgui/BOINCBaseView.cpp:752
 msgid "Project web pages"
 msgstr "Páginas web do projecto"
-#: BOINCClientManager.cpp:575
+#: clientgui/BOINCClientManager.cpp:573
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - Unexpected Exit"
 msgstr "%s - Saída Inesperada"
-#: BOINCClientManager.cpp:585
+#: clientgui/BOINCClientManager.cpp:583
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "The %s client has exited unexpectedly 3 times within the last %d minutes.\n"
@@ -760,12 +779,12 @@ msgstr ""
 "O cliente %s saiu inesperadamente 3 vezes nos ultimos %d minutos.\n"
 "Quer reiniciar novamente?"
-#: BOINCDialupManager.cpp:61
+#: clientgui/BOINCDialupManager.cpp:61
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - Network Status"
 msgstr "%s - Estado da Rede"
-#: BOINCDialupManager.cpp:241
+#: clientgui/BOINCDialupManager.cpp:241
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "%s needs to connect to the Internet.\n"
@@ -774,22 +793,22 @@ msgstr ""
 "%s precisa de se conectar à Internet.\n"
 "Pode fazê-lo agora?"
-#: BOINCDialupManager.cpp:254
+#: clientgui/BOINCDialupManager.cpp:254
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s is connecting to the Internet."
 msgstr "%s está a conectar-se à Internet."
-#: BOINCDialupManager.cpp:303
+#: clientgui/BOINCDialupManager.cpp:303
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s has successfully connected to the Internet."
 msgstr "%s conectou-se com sucesso à Internet."
-#: BOINCDialupManager.cpp:331
+#: clientgui/BOINCDialupManager.cpp:331
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s failed to connect to the Internet."
 msgstr "%s falhou a conexão à Internet."
-#: BOINCDialupManager.cpp:372
+#: clientgui/BOINCDialupManager.cpp:372
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "%s has detected it is now connected to the Internet.\n"
@@ -799,17 +818,17 @@ msgstr ""
 "A actualizar todos os projectos e a tentar novamente todas as "
-#: BOINCDialupManager.cpp:417
+#: clientgui/BOINCDialupManager.cpp:417
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s has successfully disconnected from the Internet."
 msgstr "%s desconectou-se com sucesso da Internet."
-#: BOINCDialupManager.cpp:433
+#: clientgui/BOINCDialupManager.cpp:433
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s failed to disconnected from the Internet."
 msgstr "%s falhou ao disconectar-se da Internet."
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:339
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:595
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "You currently are not authorized to manage the client.\n"
@@ -830,7 +849,7 @@ msgstr ""
 "  - contacte o seu administrador para o adicionar ao  grupo de utilizadores\n"
 "    'boinc_master'."
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:345
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:601
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "%s ownership or permissions are not set properly; please reinstall %s.\n"
@@ -840,16 +859,15 @@ msgstr ""
 "(Código de erro %d"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:351
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:607
 msgid " at "
 msgstr " em"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:354 MainDocument.cpp:2484 MainDocument.cpp:2534
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2554 ViewTransfers.cpp:803
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:610
 msgid ")"
 msgstr ")"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:384
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:640
 msgid ""
 "A reboot is required in order for BOINC to run properly.\n"
 "Please reboot your computer and try again."
@@ -858,163 +876,165 @@ msgstr ""
 "Por favor, reinicie o seu computador e tente novamente."
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:385 DlgAbout.cpp:153
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:641
 msgid "BOINC Manager"
 msgstr "Gestor do BOINC"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:572
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:902
 msgid "BOINC Manager was started by the operating system automatically"
 msgstr "O Gestor do BOINC foi iniciado pelo sistema operativo automaticamente"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:574
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:904
 msgid "Startup BOINC so only the system tray icon is visible"
 msgstr ""
 "Iniciar o BOINC de modo a que o ícone seja visível apenas na barra de "
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:576
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:906
 msgid "Directory containing the BOINC Client executable"
 msgstr "Directório contendo o executável do Cliente BOINC"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:577
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:907
 msgid "BOINC data directory"
 msgstr "Directório de dados do BOINC"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:579
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:909
 msgid "Host name or IP address"
 msgstr "Nome de anfitrião ou endereço IP"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:580
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:910
 msgid "GUI RPC port number"
 msgstr "Número da porta do GUI RPC"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:581
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:911
 msgid "Password"
 msgstr "Palavra-passe"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:582
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:912
 msgid "Startup BOINC with these optional arguments"
 msgstr "Iniciar o BOINC com estes argumentos opcionais"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:583
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:913
 msgid "disable BOINC security users and permissions"
 msgstr "desabilitar os utilizadores de segurança e as permissões do BOINC"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:584
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:914
 msgid "set skin debugging mode to enable skin manager error messages"
 msgstr ""
 "iniciar o modo de depuração para habilitar o gestor de mensagens de erro"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:585
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:915
 msgid "multiple instances of BOINC Manager allowed"
 msgstr "multiplas instâncias do Gestor do BOINC permitidas"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:587
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:917
 msgid "Not used: workaround for bug in XCode 4.2"
 msgstr "Não usado: solução para o bug no XCode 4.2"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:814
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:1164
 msgid "(Automatic Detection)"
 msgstr "(Detecção Automática)"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:815
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:1165
 msgid "(Unknown)"
 msgstr "(Desconhecido)"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:816
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:1166
 msgid "(User Defined)"
 msgstr "(Definido pelo Utilizador)"
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:508
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:522
 #, c-format
 msgid "Open %s Web..."
 msgstr "Abrir %s Web..."
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:515
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:529
 #, c-format
 msgid "Open %s..."
 msgstr "Abrir %s..."
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:522 BOINCTaskBar.cpp:619 BOINCTaskBar.cpp:627
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:536
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:633
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:641
 msgid "Snooze"
 msgstr "Suspender Temporariamente"
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:524 BOINCTaskBar.cpp:646 BOINCTaskBar.cpp:654
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:538
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:660
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:668
 msgid "Snooze GPU"
 msgstr "Suspender GPU Temporariamente"
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:542
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:556
 msgid "E&xit"
 msgstr "S&air"
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:612 ViewProjects.cpp:718 ViewWork.cpp:795
-#: sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:758 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:110
-#: sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:102
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:626
 msgid "Resume"
 msgstr "Resumir"
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:639
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:653
 msgid "Resume GPU"
 msgstr "Resumir GPU"
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:713
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:727
 msgid "Computing is enabled"
 msgstr "Computação está activada"
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:717
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:731
 msgid "Computing is suspended - "
 msgstr "Computação está suspensa - "
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:727
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:741
 msgid "GPU computing is enabled"
 msgstr "Computação por GPU está activada"
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:730
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:744
 msgid "GPU computing is suspended - "
 msgstr "Computação por GPU está suspensa - "
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:739
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:753
 msgid "Network is enabled"
 msgstr "Actividade de rede está activada"
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:742
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:756
 msgid "Network is suspended - "
 msgstr "Actividade de rede está suspensa - "
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:750
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:764
 msgid "Reconnecting to client."
 msgstr "A reconectar-se ao cliente."
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:752
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:766
 msgid "Not connected to a client."
 msgstr "Não conectado ao cliente."
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:805
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:819
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s Notices"
 msgstr "%s Notícias"
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:811
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:825
 msgid "There are new notices - click to view."
 msgstr "Existem notícias novas - carregue para visualizar."
-#: CompletionErrorPage.cpp:199
+#: clientgui/CompletionErrorPage.cpp:199
 msgid "Failed to add project"
 msgstr "Falha ao adicionar projecto"
-#: CompletionErrorPage.cpp:204
+#: clientgui/CompletionErrorPage.cpp:204
 msgid "Failed to update account manager"
 msgstr "Falha ao actualizar o gestor de conta"
-#: CompletionErrorPage.cpp:208
+#: clientgui/CompletionErrorPage.cpp:208
 msgid "Failed to remove account manager"
 msgstr "Falha ao remover o gestor de conta"
-#: CompletionErrorPage.cpp:212
+#: clientgui/CompletionErrorPage.cpp:212
 msgid "Failed to add account manager"
 msgstr "Falha ao adicionar o gestor de conta"
-#: CompletionErrorPage.cpp:221
+#: clientgui/CompletionErrorPage.cpp:221
 msgid ""
 "Please try again later.\n"
@@ -1024,24 +1044,26 @@ msgstr ""
 "Carregue em Terminar para fechar."
-#: CompletionErrorPage.cpp:225 CompletionPage.cpp:222 CompletionPage.cpp:242
-#: CompletionPage.cpp:273
+#: clientgui/CompletionErrorPage.cpp:225
+#: clientgui/CompletionPage.cpp:222
+#: clientgui/CompletionPage.cpp:242
+#: clientgui/CompletionPage.cpp:273
 msgid "Click Finish to close."
 msgstr "Carregue Terminar para fechar."
-#: CompletionErrorPage.cpp:234
+#: clientgui/CompletionErrorPage.cpp:234
 msgid "Messages from server:"
 msgstr "Mensagens do servidor:"
-#: CompletionPage.cpp:207
+#: clientgui/CompletionPage.cpp:207
 msgid "Project added"
 msgstr "Projecto adicionado"
-#: CompletionPage.cpp:213
+#: clientgui/CompletionPage.cpp:213
 msgid "This project has been successfully added."
 msgstr "Este projecto foi adicionado com sucesso."
-#: CompletionPage.cpp:218
+#: clientgui/CompletionPage.cpp:218
 msgid ""
 "When you click Finish, your web browser will go to a page where\n"
 "you can set your account name and preferences."
@@ -1050,121 +1072,124 @@ msgstr ""
 "pode definir o seu nome de conta e preferências."
-#: CompletionPage.cpp:232
+#: clientgui/CompletionPage.cpp:232
 #, c-format
 msgid "Update from %s completed."
 msgstr "Actualização do %s completa."
-#: CompletionPage.cpp:236
+#: clientgui/CompletionPage.cpp:236
 msgid "Update completed."
 msgstr "Actualização completa."
-#: CompletionPage.cpp:247
+#: clientgui/CompletionPage.cpp:247
 msgid "Now using account manager"
 msgstr "Utilizando agora o gestor de conta"
-#: CompletionPage.cpp:252
+#: clientgui/CompletionPage.cpp:252
 #, c-format
 msgid "Welcome to %s!"
 msgstr "Bem vindo a %s!"
-#: CompletionPage.cpp:263
+#: clientgui/CompletionPage.cpp:263
 #, c-format
 msgid "You are now using %s to manage accounts."
 msgstr "Está agora a utilizar o %s para gerir as contas."
-#: CompletionPage.cpp:267
+#: clientgui/CompletionPage.cpp:267
 msgid "You are now using this account manager."
 msgstr "Está agora a utilizar este gestor de conta."
-#: DlgAbout.cpp:113 mac/Mac_GUI.cpp:96
+#: clientgui/DlgAbout.cpp:113
 #, c-format
 msgid "About %s"
 msgstr "Acerca de %s"
-#: DlgAbout.cpp:172
+#: clientgui/DlgAbout.cpp:172
 msgid "Version:"
 msgstr "Versão:"
-#: DlgAbout.cpp:180
+#: clientgui/DlgAbout.cpp:180
 msgid "wxWidgets Version:"
 msgstr "Versão dos wxWidgets:"
-#: DlgAbout.cpp:188
+#: clientgui/DlgAbout.cpp:188
 msgid "Copyright:"
 msgstr "Direitos de Autor:"
-#: DlgAbout.cpp:192
+#: clientgui/DlgAbout.cpp:192
 msgid ""
-"(C) 2003-2013 University of California, Berkeley.\n"
+"(C) 2003-2014 University of California, Berkeley.\n"
 "All Rights Reserved."
 msgstr ""
-"(C) 2003-2013 Universidade da Califórnia, Berkeley.\n"
-"Todos os Direitos Reservados."
-#: DlgAbout.cpp:196
+#: clientgui/DlgAbout.cpp:196
 msgid "Berkeley Open Infrastructure for Network Computing"
 msgstr "Infraestrutura aberta Berkeley para a Rede de Computação"
-#: DlgAbout.cpp:208 DlgExitMessage.cpp:173 DlgGenericMessage.cpp:120
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:396 DlgSelectComputer.cpp:163
+#: clientgui/DlgAbout.cpp:208
+#: clientgui/DlgExitMessage.cpp:173
+#: clientgui/DlgGenericMessage.cpp:120
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:399
+#: clientgui/DlgSelectComputer.cpp:163
 msgid "&OK"
 msgstr "&OK"
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:544
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:602
 msgid "invalid number"
 msgstr "número inválido"
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:545
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:603
 msgid "invalid time, format is HH:MM"
 msgstr "formato de tempo inválido, o formato é HH:MM"
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:546
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:604
 msgid "invalid time interval, format is HH:MM-HH:MM"
 msgstr "formato de tempo inválido, o formato é HH:MM-HH:MM"
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:751
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:817
 msgid "invalid input value detected"
 msgstr "valor inválido de entrada detectado"
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:753
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:819
 msgid "Validation Error"
 msgstr "Erro de Validação"
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:885 DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:891
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:897
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:969
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:975
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:981
 msgid "Applications to add"
 msgstr "Aplicações a adicionar"
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:914
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:998
 #, c-format
 msgid "'%s' is not an executable application."
 msgstr "'%s' não é uma aplicação executável."
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:915 DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:962
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:986
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:999
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:1046
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:1070
 msgid "Add Exclusive App"
 msgstr "Adicionar Aplicação Exclusiva"
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:927
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:1011
 msgid "Name of application to add?"
 msgstr "Nome da aplicação a adicionar?"
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:927
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:1011
 msgid "Add exclusive app"
 msgstr "Adicionar aplicação exclusiva"
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:961
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:1045
 #, c-format
 msgid "Application names must end with '%s'"
 msgstr "Os nomes das aplicações têm de terminar com '%s'"
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:985
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:1069
 #, c-format
 msgid "'%s' is already in the list."
 msgstr "'%s' já está na lista."
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:1077
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:1161
 msgid ""
 "Do you really want to clear all local preferences?\n"
 "(This will not affect exclusive applications.)"
@@ -1172,16 +1197,16 @@ msgstr ""
 "Quer mesmo limpar todas as preferências locais?\n"
 "(As aplicações exclusivas não serão afectadas.)"
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:1078 sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:1030
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:1162
 msgid "Confirmation"
 msgstr "Confirmação"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:46 sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:946
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:49
 #, c-format
-msgid "%s - Preferences"
-msgstr "%s - Preferências"
+msgid "%s - Computing preferences"
+msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:62
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:66
 msgid ""
 "This dialog controls preferences for this computer only.\n"
 "Click OK to set preferences.\n"
@@ -1192,281 +1217,292 @@ msgstr ""
 "Carregue em Limpar para restaurar as definições web (excepto aplicações "
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:65 sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:428
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:69
 msgid "Clear"
 msgstr "Limpar"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:66
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:70
 msgid "clear all local preferences and close the dialog"
 msgstr "limpar todas as preferências locais e fechar a caixa de diálogo"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:81
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:85
 msgid "processor usage"
 msgstr "utilização do processador"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:84
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:88
 msgid "network usage"
 msgstr "utilização de rede"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:87
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:91
 msgid "disk and memory usage"
 msgstr "utilização de disco e memória"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:90
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:94
 msgid "exclusive applications"
 msgstr "aplicações exclusivas"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:102 sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:424
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:107
+#: clientgui/DlgDiagnosticLogFlags.cpp:104
 msgid "OK"
 msgstr "OK"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:103
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:108
 msgid "save all values and close the dialog"
 msgstr "guardar todos os valores e fechar caixa de diálogo"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:108
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:114
 msgid "close the dialog without saving"
 msgstr "fechar caixa de diálogo sem salvar"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:112 Localization.cpp:35 Localization.cpp:121
-#: Localization.cpp:139 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:794 sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:439
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:118
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:35
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:121
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:139
 msgid "Help"
 msgstr "Ajuda"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:113
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:119
 msgid "shows the preferences web page"
 msgstr "mostra a página web das preferências"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:135
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:141
 msgid "Computing allowed"
 msgstr "Computação permitida"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:139
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:146
 msgid "While computer is on batteries"
 msgstr "Enquanto o computador está só com bateria"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:142
-msgid ""
-"check this if you want this computer to do work while it runs on batteries"
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:149
+msgid "check this if you want this computer to do work while it runs on batteries"
 msgstr ""
 "assinale aqui, se quiser que o seu computador execute trabalho enquanto está "
 "apenas com a bateria"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:148
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:155
 msgid "While computer is in use"
 msgstr "Enquanto o computador está em utilização"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:151
-msgid ""
-"check this if you want this computer to do work even when you're using it"
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:158
+msgid "check this if you want this computer to do work even when you're using it"
 msgstr ""
 "assinale aqui, se quiser que o seu computador execute trabalho enquanto está "
 "a ser utilizado"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:157
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:164
 msgid "Use GPU while computer is in use"
 msgstr "Utilizar a GPU enquanto o computador está em utilização"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:160
-msgid ""
-"check this if you want your GPU to do work even when you're using the "
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:167
+msgid "check this if you want your GPU to do work even when you're using the computer"
 msgstr ""
 "assinale aqui, se quiser que a sua GPU execute trabalho enquanto o "
 "computador está a ser utilizado"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:172
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:179
 msgid "Only after computer has been idle for"
 msgstr "Apenas depois do computador estar inactivo por"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:182
-msgid ""
-"do work only after you haven't used the computer for this number of minutes"
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:188
+msgid "do work only after you haven't used the computer for this number of minutes"
 msgstr ""
 "executar trabalho apenas depois do computador não estar em utilização por "
 "este número de minutos"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:187 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:336
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:417
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:193
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:342
 msgid "minutes"
 msgstr "minutos"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:206
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:212
 msgid "While processor usage is less than"
 msgstr "Enquanto a utilização do processador é menor do que"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:216
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:221
 msgid "suspend work if processor usage exceeds this level"
 msgstr "suspender trabalho se a utilização do processador exceder este nivel"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:221
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:226
 msgid "percent (0 means no restriction)"
 msgstr "percentagem (0 significa sem restrições)"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:235 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:496
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:240
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:506
 msgid "Every day between hours of"
 msgstr "Todos os dias entre as horas"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:239
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:244
 msgid "start work at this time"
 msgstr "iniciar trabalho a esta hora"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:243 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:504
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:326 sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:348
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:248
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:514
 msgid "and"
 msgstr "e"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:247
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:252
 msgid "stop work at this time"
 msgstr "parar trabalho a esta hora"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:251 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:512
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:256
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:522
 msgid "(no restriction if equal)"
 msgstr "(sem restrições se ambos os campos forem iguais)"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:256 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:517
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:261
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:527
 msgid "Day-of-week override:"
 msgstr "Escolha manual dos dias de semana:"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:261 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:522
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:266
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:532
 msgid "check box to specify hours for this day of week"
 msgstr "assinale para especificar as horas para este dia de semana"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:267 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:528
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:272
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:538
 msgid "Monday"
 msgstr "Segunda"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:274 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:535
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:279
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:545
 msgid "Tuesday"
 msgstr "Terça"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:281 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:542
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:286
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:552
 msgid "Wednesday"
 msgstr "Quarta"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:288 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:549
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:293
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:559
 msgid "Thursday"
 msgstr "Quinta"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:295 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:556
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:300
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:566
 msgid "Friday"
 msgstr "Sexta"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:302 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:563
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:307
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:573
 msgid "Saturday"
 msgstr "Sábado"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:309 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:570
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:314
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:580
 msgid "Sunday"
 msgstr "Domingo"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:323
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:328
 msgid "Other options"
 msgstr "Outras opções"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:330
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:336
 msgid "Switch between applications every"
 msgstr "Trocar entre aplicações a cada"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:339
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:345
 msgid "On multiprocessor systems, use at most"
 msgstr "Em sistemas de processador múltiplo, usar no máximo"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:346
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:352
 #, no-c-format
-msgid "% of the processors (0 means ignore this setting)"
-msgstr "% dos processadores (0 significa ignorar esta configuração)"
+msgid "% of the processors (0 means no restriction)"
+msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:349 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:605
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:627 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:648
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:669 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:679
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:355
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:618
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:640
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:661
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:683
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:694
 msgid "Use at most"
 msgstr "Usar no máximo"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:356
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:362
 #, no-c-format
-msgid "% CPU time"
-msgstr "% tempo de CPU"
+msgid "% of CPU time (0 means no restriction)"
+msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:378
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:386
 msgid "General options"
 msgstr "Opções gerais"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:386
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:395
 msgid "Maximum download rate"
 msgstr "Taxa máxima de transferência"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:392 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:401
-msgid "KBytes/sec."
-msgstr "KBytes/seg."
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:401
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:410
+msgid "KBytes/second (0 means no restriction)"
+msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:395
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:404
 msgid "Maximum upload rate"
 msgstr "Taxa máxima de upload"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:406
-msgid "Transfer at most"
-msgstr "Transferir no máximo"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:412
-msgid "Mbytes"
-msgstr "Mbytes"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:415
-msgid "every"
-msgstr "a cada"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:421 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:444
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:463
-msgid "days"
-msgstr "dias"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:429
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:417
 msgid "Minimum work buffer"
 msgstr "Trabalho minímo de buffer "
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:438
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:425
 msgid "Try to maintain enough tasks to keep busy for this many days"
 msgstr "Tentar manter tarefas suficientes para manter ocupado por estes dias"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:450
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:431
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:449
+msgid "days (maximum value: 10)"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:437
 msgid "Max additional work buffer"
 msgstr "Trabalho adicional máximo de buffer"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:459
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:445
 msgid "In addition, maintain enough tasks for up to this many days"
 msgstr "Em adição, manter tarefas suficientes para pelo menos estes dias"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:466
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:454
+msgid "Transfer at most"
+msgstr "Transferir no máximo"
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:462
+msgid "MBytes every"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:468
+msgid "days (0 means no restriction)"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:476
 msgid "Skip image file verification"
 msgstr "Saltar verificação do ficheiro de imagem"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:468
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:478
 msgid "check this if your Internet provider modifies image files"
 msgstr ""
 "assinale aqui se o seu provedor de Internet modifica os ficheiros de imagem"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:476
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:484
 msgid "Connect options"
 msgstr "Opções de conexão"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:478
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:487
 msgid "Confirm before connecting to internet"
 msgstr "Confirmar antes de se conectar à internet"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:480
-msgid ""
-"if checked, a confirmation dialog will be displayed before trying to connect "
-"to the Internet"
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:489
+msgid "if checked, a confirmation dialog will be displayed before trying to connect to the Internet"
 msgstr ""
 "se assinalado, uma caixa de confirmação aparecerá antes de se tentar "
 "conectar à Internet"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:484
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:493
 msgid "Disconnect when done"
 msgstr "Disconectar quando terminado"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:486
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:495
 msgid ""
 "if checked, BOINC hangs up when network usage is done\n"
 "(only relevant for dialup-connection)"
@@ -1474,196 +1510,221 @@ msgstr ""
 "se assinalado, o BOINC desliga quando o uso de rede estiver realizado\n"
 "(apenas relevante para conexões dial-up)"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:492
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:501
 msgid "Network usage allowed"
 msgstr "Utilização de rede permitida"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:500
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:510
 msgid "network usage start hour"
 msgstr "hora de início da utilização de rede"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:508
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:518
 msgid "network usage stop hour"
 msgstr "hora de paragem da utilização de rede"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:598 DlgItemProperties.cpp:231
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:610
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:257
 msgid "Disk usage"
 msgstr "Utilização do disco"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:609
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:622
 msgid "the maximum disk space used by BOINC (in Gigabytes)"
 msgstr "máximo de utilização do disco usado pelo BOINC (em Gigabytes)"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:613
-msgid "Gigabytes disk space"
-msgstr "Gigabytes de espaço em disco"
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:626
+msgid "Gigabytes disk space (0 means no restriction)"
+msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:616
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:629
 msgid "Leave at least"
 msgstr "Deixar pelo menos"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:620
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:633
 msgid "BOINC leaves at least this amount of disk space free (in Gigabytes)"
 msgstr ""
 "O BOINC deixa pelo menos este montante de espaço livre em disco (em "
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:624
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:637
 msgid "Gigabytes disk space free"
 msgstr "Gigabytes de espaço em disco livre"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:631
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:644
 msgid "BOINC uses at most this percentage of total disk space"
 msgstr "O BOINC utiliza no máximo esta percentagem de espaço total em disco"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:636
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:649
 #, no-c-format
 msgid "% of total disk space"
 msgstr "% de espaço total em disco"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:639
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:652
 msgid "Tasks checkpoint to disk at most every"
 msgstr "Checkpoints das tarefas em disco no máximo a cada"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:645
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:658
 msgid "seconds"
 msgstr "segundos"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:655
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:668
 #, no-c-format
 msgid "% of page file (swap space)"
 msgstr "% de paginação (espaço temporário)"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:662
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:675
 msgid "Memory usage"
 msgstr "Utilização da memória"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:676
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:691
 #, no-c-format
 msgid "% when computer is in use"
 msgstr "% quando o computador está em utilização"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:686
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:701
 #, no-c-format
 msgid "% when computer is idle"
 msgstr "% quando o computador está inactivo"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:691
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:706
 msgid "Leave applications in memory while suspended"
 msgstr "Deixar aplicações em memória enquanto suspensas"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:693
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:708
 msgid "if checked, suspended work units are left in memory"
 msgstr "se assinalado, unidades de trabalho suspensas são deixadas em memória"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:713
-msgid ""
-"Suspend processor and network usage when these applications are running:"
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:728
+msgid "Suspend processor and network usage when these applications are running:"
 msgstr ""
 "Suspende processador e utilização da rede quando estas aplicações estiverem "
 "a correr:"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:722
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:738
 msgid "Add..."
 msgstr "Adicionar..."
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:723
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:739
 msgid "Add an application to this list"
 msgstr "Adicionar uma aplicação a esta lista"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:728 ViewProjects.cpp:202
-#: sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:85
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:744
 msgid "Remove"
 msgstr "Remover"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:729
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:745
 msgid "Remove an application from this list"
 msgstr "Remove uma aplicação desta lista"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:738
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:754
 msgid "For advanced options, refer to "
 msgstr "Para opções avançadas, seguir estas instruções: "
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:219
+#: clientgui/DlgDiagnosticLogFlags.cpp:65
+#, c-format
+msgid "%s Diagnostic Log Flags"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/DlgDiagnosticLogFlags.cpp:83
+msgid "These flags enable various types of diagnostic messages in the Event Log."
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/DlgDiagnosticLogFlags.cpp:105
+msgid "Save all values and close the dialog"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/DlgDiagnosticLogFlags.cpp:108
+msgid "Defaults"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/DlgDiagnosticLogFlags.cpp:109
+msgid "Restore default settings"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/DlgDiagnosticLogFlags.cpp:113
+msgid "Close the dialog without saving"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:226
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - Event Log"
 msgstr "%s - Registo de Eventos"
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:232 ViewMessages.cpp:117 ViewProjects.cpp:219
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:435 ViewStatistics.cpp:2009 ViewTransfers.cpp:182
-#: ViewWork.cpp:232
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:236
 msgid "Project"
 msgstr "Projecto"
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:233 ViewMessages.cpp:118
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:237
 msgid "Time"
 msgstr "Tempo"
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:234 ViewMessages.cpp:119
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:238
 msgid "Message"
 msgstr "Mensagem"
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:290 DlgEventLog.cpp:354
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:300
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:364
 msgid "&Show only this project"
 msgstr "&Mostrar apenas este projecto"
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:294
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:304
 msgid "Copy &All"
 msgstr "Copiar &Todos"
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:296 DlgEventLog.cpp:300 ViewMessages.cpp:89
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:306
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:310
 msgid "Copy all the messages to the clipboard."
 msgstr "Copiar todas as mensagens para a área de transferência."
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:305
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:315
 msgid "Copy &Selected"
 msgstr "Copiar &Seleccionado"
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:308 DlgEventLog.cpp:316 ViewMessages.cpp:97
-msgid ""
-"Copy the selected messages to the clipboard. You can select multiple "
-"messages by holding down the shift or command key while clicking on messages."
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:318
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:326
+msgid "Copy the selected messages to the clipboard. You can select multiple messages by holding down the shift or command key while clicking on messages."
 msgstr ""
 "Copiar as mensagens seleccionadas para a área de transferência. Pode "
 "seleccionar múltiplas mensagens pressionando o shift enquanto carrega nas "
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:310 DlgEventLog.cpp:318 ViewMessages.cpp:99
-msgid ""
-"Copy the selected messages to the clipboard. You can select multiple "
-"messages by holding down the shift or control key while clicking on messages."
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:320
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:328
+msgid "Copy the selected messages to the clipboard. You can select multiple messages by holding down the shift or control key while clicking on messages."
 msgstr ""
 "Copiar as mensagens seleccionadas para a área de transferência. Pode "
 "seleccionar múltiplas mensagens pressionando o shift ou a tecla Ctrl "
 "enquanto carrega nas mensagens."
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:325 DlgItemProperties.cpp:67
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:335
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:67
 msgid "&Close"
 msgstr "&Fechar"
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:334 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:798 sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:442
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:344
 #, c-format
 msgid "Get help with %s"
 msgstr "Obter ajuda com o %s"
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:348
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:358
 msgid "Show all &messages"
 msgstr "Mostrar todas as &mensagens"
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:349 DlgEventLog.cpp:351
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:359
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:361
 msgid "Show messages for all projects"
 msgstr "Mostrar mensagens para todos os projectos"
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:355 DlgEventLog.cpp:357
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:365
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:367
 msgid "Show only the messages for the selected project"
 msgstr "Mostrar apenas as mensagens para o projecto seleccionado"
-#: DlgExitMessage.cpp:82
+#: clientgui/DlgExitMessage.cpp:82
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - Exit Confirmation"
 msgstr "%s - Confirmar Saída"
-#: DlgExitMessage.cpp:130
+#: clientgui/DlgExitMessage.cpp:130
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "You have requested to exit the %s,\n"
@@ -1680,7 +1741,7 @@ msgstr ""
 "Se também quer parar as tarefas em execução,\n"
 "escolha uma das seguintes opções:"
-#: DlgExitMessage.cpp:135
+#: clientgui/DlgExitMessage.cpp:135
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "This will shut down %s and its tasks until either the\n"
@@ -1697,393 +1758,419 @@ msgstr ""
 "do que sair da aplicação; isso irá permitir %s executar as\n"
 "tarefas nos tempos que seleccionou nas suas preferências."
-#: DlgExitMessage.cpp:153
+#: clientgui/DlgExitMessage.cpp:153
 #, c-format
 msgid "Stop running tasks when exiting the %s"
 msgstr "Parar tarefas em execução quando sair do %s"
-#: DlgExitMessage.cpp:165
+#: clientgui/DlgExitMessage.cpp:165
 msgid "Remember this decision and do not show this dialog."
 msgstr "Lembrar desta decisão e não mostrar esta caixa de diálogo."
-#: DlgExitMessage.cpp:178 DlgGenericMessage.cpp:125 DlgOptions.cpp:401
-#: DlgSelectComputer.cpp:168 wizardex.cpp:378
+#: clientgui/DlgExitMessage.cpp:178
+#: clientgui/DlgGenericMessage.cpp:125
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:404
+#: clientgui/DlgSelectComputer.cpp:168
 msgid "&Cancel"
 msgstr "&Cancelar"
-#: DlgGenericMessage.cpp:112
+#: clientgui/DlgGenericMessage.cpp:112
 msgid "Don't show this dialog again."
 msgstr "Não mostrar esta caixa de diálogo outra vez."
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:168 DlgItemProperties.cpp:171
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:174 DlgItemProperties.cpp:177
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:194
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:197
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:200
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:203
 msgid "Don't fetch tasks for "
 msgstr "Não obter tarefas por"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:168
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:194
 msgid "Project preference"
 msgstr "Preferências do projecto"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:171
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:197
 msgid "Account manager preference"
 msgstr "Preferências do gestor de conta"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:174
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:200
 msgid "Project has no apps for "
 msgstr "O projecto não tem aplicações por"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:177
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:203
 msgid "Client configuration excludes "
 msgstr "Configurações do cliente exclui"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:181
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:207
 msgid " work fetch deferred for"
 msgstr " obtenção de trabalho suspenso por"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:182
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:208
 msgid " work fetch deferral interval"
 msgstr " intervalo de suspensão de obtenção de trabalho"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:213
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:239
 msgid "Properties of project "
 msgstr "Propriedades do projecto"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:217 DlgOptions.cpp:218
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:243
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:221
 msgid "General"
 msgstr "Geral"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:218
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:244
 msgid "Master URL"
 msgstr "URL Master"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:219
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:245
 msgid "User name"
 msgstr "Nome de utilizador"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:220
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:246
 msgid "Team name"
 msgstr "Nome da equipa"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:221 ViewProjects.cpp:224
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:247
 msgid "Resource share"
 msgstr "Quota de recursos"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:223
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:249
 msgid "Scheduler RPC deferred for"
 msgstr "Agendamento RPC deferido por"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:226
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:252
 msgid "File downloads deferred for"
 msgstr "Transferência dos ficheiros deferidos por"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:229
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:255
 msgid "File uploads deferred for"
 msgstr "Uploads dos ficheiros deferidos por"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:232
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:258
 msgid "Computer ID"
 msgstr "ID do Computador"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:234
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:260
 msgid "Non CPU intensive"
 msgstr "CPU não intensivo"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:234 DlgItemProperties.cpp:236
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:237 DlgItemProperties.cpp:239
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:242 DlgItemProperties.cpp:251
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:254 DlgItemProperties.cpp:257
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:260
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:262
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:263
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:265
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:268
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:277
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:280
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:283
 msgid "yes"
 msgstr "sim"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:236
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:262
 msgid "Suspended via GUI"
 msgstr "Suspenso através da GUI"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:236 DlgItemProperties.cpp:237
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:262
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:263
 msgid "no"
 msgstr "não"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:237
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:263
 msgid "Don't request more work"
 msgstr "Não solicitar mais trabalhos "
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:239
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:265
 msgid "Scheduler call in progress"
 msgstr "Agendamento de tarefas em progresso"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:242
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:268
 msgid "Trickle-up pending"
 msgstr "Avisos pendentes"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:245 DlgItemProperties.cpp:247
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:271
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:273
 msgid "Host location"
 msgstr "Localização do anfitrião"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:247
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:273
 msgid "default"
 msgstr "padrão"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:251
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:277
 msgid "Added via account manager"
 msgstr "Adicionado através do gestor de conta"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:254
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:280
 msgid "Remove when tasks done"
 msgstr "Remover quando as tarefas concluirem"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:257
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:283
 msgid "Ended"
 msgstr "Terminado"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:259
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:285
+msgid "Tasks completed"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:286
+msgid "Tasks failed"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:288
 msgid "Credit"
 msgstr "Créditos"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:260
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:289
 msgid "User"
 msgstr "Utilizador"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:267
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:296
 msgid "Host"
 msgstr "Anfitrião"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:276
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:305
 msgid "Scheduling"
 msgstr "A agendar"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:277
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:306
 msgid "Scheduling priority"
 msgstr "Prioridade de agendamento "
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:278
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:307
 msgid "CPU"
 msgstr "CPU"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:302
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:331
 msgid "Duration correction factor"
 msgstr "Duração do factor de correcção"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:316
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:345
 msgid "Properties of task "
 msgstr "Propriedades da tarefa"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:328 ViewWork.cpp:238
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:357
 msgid "Application"
 msgstr "Aplicação"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:329 ViewWork.cpp:239
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:358
 msgid "Name"
 msgstr "Nome"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:330
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:359
 msgid "State"
 msgstr "Estado"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:333
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:362
 msgid "Received"
 msgstr "Recebido"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:336
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:365
 msgid "Report deadline"
 msgstr "Reportar data limite de entrega"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:338
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:367
 msgid "Resources"
 msgstr "Recursos"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:341
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:370
 msgid "Estimated computation size"
 msgstr "Tamanho estimado de computação"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:344
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:373
 msgid "CPU time at last checkpoint"
 msgstr "Tempo de CPU no ultimo checkpoint"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:345 DlgItemProperties.cpp:360
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:374
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:389
 msgid "CPU time"
 msgstr "Tempo de CPU"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:347 DlgItemProperties.cpp:361
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:376
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:390
 msgid "Elapsed time"
 msgstr "Tempo decorrido"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:349
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:378
 msgid "Estimated time remaining"
 msgstr "Tempo restante previsto"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:350
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:379
 msgid "Fraction done"
 msgstr "Fracção feita"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:351
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:380
 msgid "Virtual memory size"
 msgstr "Tamanho da memória virtual"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:352
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:381
 msgid "Working set size"
 msgstr "Tamanho previsto do trabalho"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:354
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:383
 msgid "Directory"
 msgstr "Directoria"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:357
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:386
 msgid "Process ID"
 msgstr "ID do Processo"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:427 ViewWork.cpp:1032 sg_TaskPanel.cpp:823
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:456
 msgid "Local: "
 msgstr "Local:"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:129 DlgOptions.cpp:135
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:129
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:135
 msgid "Options"
 msgstr "Opções"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:175
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:178
 msgid "Language:"
 msgstr "Linguagem:"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:182
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:185
 msgid "What language should BOINC use?"
 msgstr "Que idioma deve o BOINC usar?"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:186
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:189
 msgid "Notice reminder interval:"
 msgstr "Lembrete de intervalo de noticias:"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:193
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:196
 msgid "How often should BOINC remind you of new notices?"
 msgstr "Com quem frequência deve o BOINC lembrar-lhe de novas notícias?"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:198
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:201
 msgid "Run Manager at login?"
 msgstr "Executar o Gestor no login?"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:204
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:207
 msgid "Run the BOINC Manager when you log on."
 msgstr "Executar o Gestor do BOINC quando se logar."
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:209
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:212
 msgid "Enable Manager exit dialog?"
 msgstr "Activar a caixa de diálogo de saída do Gestor?"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:215
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:218
 msgid "Display the exit dialog when shutting down the Manager."
 msgstr "Mostrar a caixa de diálogo quando o Gestor estiver a ser desligado."
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:226
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:229
 msgid "Dial-up and Virtual Private Network settings"
 msgstr "Definições da ligação Dial-up e da Rede Virtual Privada"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:240
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:243
 msgid "&Set Default"
 msgstr "&Definir Predefinição"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:245
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:248
 msgid "&Clear Default"
 msgstr "&Limpar a Predefinição"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:252
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:255
 msgid "Default Connection:"
 msgstr "Conexões Predefinidas:"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:259
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:262
 msgid "Connections"
 msgstr "Conexões"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:268
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:271
 msgid "Connect via HTTP proxy server"
 msgstr "Conectar através do servidor HTTP proxy"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:272
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:275
 msgid "HTTP Proxy Server Configuration"
 msgstr "Configurações do servidor HTTP Proxy"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:280 DlgOptions.cpp:344
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:283
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:347
 msgid "Address:"
 msgstr "Endereço:"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:288 DlgOptions.cpp:352 ProxyPage.cpp:340 ProxyPage.cpp:360
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:291
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:355
 msgid "Port:"
 msgstr "Porta:"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:296 DlgOptions.cpp:360
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:299
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:363
 msgid "Don't use proxy for:"
 msgstr "Não usar proxy para:"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:303 DlgOptions.cpp:367
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:306
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:370
 msgid "Leave these blank if not needed"
 msgstr "Deixar em branco se desnecessário"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:309 DlgOptions.cpp:373 ProxyPage.cpp:343 ProxyPage.cpp:363
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:312
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:376
 msgid "User Name:"
 msgstr "Nome de Utilizador:"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:317 DlgOptions.cpp:381 DlgSelectComputer.cpp:152
-#: ProxyPage.cpp:346 ProxyPage.cpp:366
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:320
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:384
+#: clientgui/DlgSelectComputer.cpp:152
 msgid "Password:"
 msgstr "Palavra-passe:"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:324
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:327
 msgid "HTTP Proxy"
 msgstr "HTTP Proxy"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:332
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:335
 msgid "Connect via SOCKS proxy server"
 msgstr "Conectar através de servidor SOCKS proxy"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:336
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:339
 msgid "SOCKS Proxy Server Configuration"
 msgstr "Configurações do servidor de SOCKS Proxy"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:388
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:391
 msgid "SOCKS Proxy"
 msgstr "SOCKS Proxy"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:586
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:589
 msgid "always"
 msgstr "sempre"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:587
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:590
 msgid "1 hour"
 msgstr "1 hora"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:588
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:591
 msgid "6 hours"
 msgstr "6 horas"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:589
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:592
 msgid "1 day"
 msgstr "1 dia"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:590
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:593
 msgid "1 week"
 msgstr "1 semana"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:591
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:594
 msgid "never"
 msgstr "nunca"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:688
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:691
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - Language Selection"
 msgstr "%s - Selecção de Idioma"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:695
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:698
 #, c-format
-msgid ""
-"The %s's language has been changed.  In order for this change to take "
-"effect, you must restart the %s."
+msgid "The %s's language has been changed.  In order for this change to take effect, you must restart the %s."
 msgstr ""
 "O idioma %s's foi alterado. Para que esta alteração tenha efeito, tem de "
 "reiniciar o %s."
-#: DlgSelectComputer.cpp:91
+#: clientgui/DlgSelectComputer.cpp:91
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - Select Computer"
 msgstr "%s - Seleccione Computador"
-#: DlgSelectComputer.cpp:125
+#: clientgui/DlgSelectComputer.cpp:125
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "Another instance of %s is already running \n"
@@ -2092,419 +2179,421 @@ msgstr ""
 "Outra instância do %s já está a em execução \n"
 "neste computador. Por favor, seleccione o cliente a monitorizar."
-#: DlgSelectComputer.cpp:143
+#: clientgui/DlgSelectComputer.cpp:143
 msgid "Host name:"
 msgstr "Nome do anfitrião:"
-#: Localization.cpp:31 Localization.cpp:69
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:31
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:69
 msgid "Message boards"
 msgstr "Fóruns"
-#: Localization.cpp:33
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:33
 msgid "Correspond with other users on the SETI at home message boards"
 msgstr "Trocar mensagens com outros utilizadores nos fóruns do SETI at home"
-#: Localization.cpp:37
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:37
 msgid "Ask questions and report problems"
 msgstr "Colocar perguntas e reportar problemas"
-#: Localization.cpp:39 Localization.cpp:81 Localization.cpp:111
-#: Localization.cpp:129
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:39
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:81
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:111
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:129
 msgid "Your account"
 msgstr "A sua conta"
-#: Localization.cpp:41 Localization.cpp:87 Localization.cpp:113
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:41
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:87
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:113
 msgid "View your account information and credit totals"
 msgstr "Ver informações da sua conta e os créditos totais"
-#: Localization.cpp:43
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:43
 msgid "Your preferences"
 msgstr "As suas preferências"
-#: Localization.cpp:45
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:45
 msgid "View and modify your SETI at home account profile and preferences"
 msgstr "Ver e modificar as suas preferências no perfil da conta no SETI at home"
-#: Localization.cpp:47 Localization.cpp:89
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:47
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:89
 msgid "Your results"
 msgstr "Os seus resultados"
-#: Localization.cpp:49 Localization.cpp:91
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:49
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:91
 msgid "View your last week (or more) of computational results and work"
 msgstr "Ver os resultados da computação e trabalhos da última semana (ou mais)"
-#: Localization.cpp:51 Localization.cpp:93
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:51
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:93
 msgid "Your computers"
 msgstr "Os seus computadores"
-#: Localization.cpp:53
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:53
 msgid "View a listing of all the computers on which you are running SETI at Home"
 msgstr "Ver uma lista de todos os computadores onde está a executar o SETI at Home"
-#: Localization.cpp:55 Localization.cpp:97
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:55
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:97
 msgid "Your team"
 msgstr "A sua equipa"
-#: Localization.cpp:57 Localization.cpp:99
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:57
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:99
 msgid "View information about your team"
 msgstr "Ver informações acerca da sua equipa"
-#: Localization.cpp:61
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:61
 msgid "Common questions"
 msgstr "Questões comuns"
-#: Localization.cpp:63
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:63
 msgid "Read the Einstein at Home Frequently Asked Question list"
 msgstr "Ler a lista das Questões Frequentes no Einstein at Home"
-#: Localization.cpp:65
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:65
 msgid "Screensaver info"
 msgstr "Informações da protecção de ecrã"
-#: Localization.cpp:67
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:67
 msgid "Read a detailed description of the Einstein at Home screensaver"
 msgstr "Ler uma descrição detalhada da protecção de ecrã no Einstein at Home"
-#: Localization.cpp:71
-msgid ""
-"Correspond with admins and other users on the Einstein at Home message boards"
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:71
+msgid "Correspond with admins and other users on the Einstein at Home message boards"
 msgstr ""
 "Trocar mensagens com administradores e outros utilizadores nos fóruns do "
 "Einstein at Home"
-#: Localization.cpp:73
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:73
 msgid "Einstein status"
 msgstr "Estado do Einstein"
-#: Localization.cpp:75
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:75
 msgid "Current status of the Einstein at Home server"
 msgstr "Estado actual do servidor Einstein at Home"
-#: Localization.cpp:77
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:77
 msgid "Report problems"
 msgstr "Reportar problemas"
-#: Localization.cpp:79
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:79
 msgid "A link to the Einstein at Home problems and bug reports message board"
 msgstr "O link para reportar problemas e bugs no fórum do Einstein at Home"
-#: Localization.cpp:83
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:83
 msgid "View and modify your Einstein at Home account profile and preferences"
 msgstr "Ver e modificar as suas preferências de perfil na conta Einstein at Home"
-#: Localization.cpp:85
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:85
 msgid "Account summary"
 msgstr "Resumo da conta"
-#: Localization.cpp:95
-msgid ""
-"View a listing of all the computers on which you are running Einstein at Home"
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:95
+msgid "View a listing of all the computers on which you are running Einstein at Home"
 msgstr ""
 "Ver uma lista de todos os computadores onde está a executar o Einstein at Home"
-#: Localization.cpp:101
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:101
 msgid "LIGO project"
 msgstr "Projecto LIGO"
-#: Localization.cpp:103
-msgid ""
-"The home page of the Laser Interferometer Gravitational-wave Observatory "
-"(LIGO) project"
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:103
+msgid "The home page of the Laser Interferometer Gravitational-wave Observatory (LIGO) project"
 msgstr ""
 "A página principal do projecto LASER Interferometer Gravitational-wave "
 "Observatory (LIGO)"
-#: Localization.cpp:105
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:105
 msgid "GEO-600 project"
 msgstr "Projecto GEO-600"
-#: Localization.cpp:107
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:107
 msgid "The home page of the GEO-600 project"
 msgstr "A página principal do projecto GEO-600"
-#: Localization.cpp:115 Localization.cpp:133 ViewProjects.cpp:221
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:465
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:115
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:133
 msgid "Team"
 msgstr "Equipa"
-#: Localization.cpp:117
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:117
 msgid "Info about your Team"
 msgstr "Informações acerca da sua Equipa"
-#: Localization.cpp:123
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:123
 msgid "Get help for climateprediction.net"
 msgstr "Obter ajuda para o climateprediction.net"
-#: Localization.cpp:125
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:125
 msgid "News"
 msgstr "Novidades"
-#: Localization.cpp:127
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:127
 msgid "climateprediction.net News"
 msgstr "Novidades de climateprediction.net"
-#: Localization.cpp:131
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:131
 msgid "View your account information, credits, and trickles"
 msgstr "Ver informações da sua conta, créditos e avisos"
-#: Localization.cpp:135
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:135
 msgid "Info about your team"
 msgstr "Informações acerca da sua equipa"
-#: Localization.cpp:141
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:141
 msgid "Search for help in our help system"
 msgstr "Pesquisar por ajuda no nosso sistema de ajuda"
-#: Localization.cpp:143
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:143
 msgid "Global Statistics"
 msgstr "Estatísticas Globais"
-#: Localization.cpp:145
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:145
 msgid "Summary statistics for World Community Grid"
 msgstr "Resumo das estatísticas para o World Community Grid"
-#: Localization.cpp:147
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:147
 msgid "My Grid"
 msgstr "A Minha Grelha"
-#: Localization.cpp:149
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:149
 msgid "Your statistics and settings"
 msgstr "As suas estatísticas e definições"
-#: Localization.cpp:151
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:151
 msgid "Device Profiles"
 msgstr "Perfis do dispositivo"
-#: Localization.cpp:153
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:153
 msgid "Update your device settings"
 msgstr "Actualizar as definições do seu dispositivo"
-#: Localization.cpp:155
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:155
 msgid "Research"
 msgstr "Pesquisa"
-#: Localization.cpp:157
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:157
 msgid "Learn about the projects hosted at World Community Grid"
 msgstr "Aprender acerca dos projectos alojados em World Community Grid"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:583
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:583
 msgid "Starting client"
 msgstr "A iniciar cliente"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:591
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:591
 msgid "Connecting to client"
 msgstr "A conectar-se ao cliente"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:1195
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:1205
 msgid "Retrieving system state; please wait..."
 msgstr "A recuperar o estado do sistema; por favor aguarde..."
-#: MainDocument.cpp:1816
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:1826
 msgid "Missing application"
 msgstr "Aplicação em falta"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:1817
-msgid ""
-"Please download and install the CoRD application from http://cord."
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:1827
+msgid "Please download and install the CoRD application from http://cord.sourceforge.net"
 msgstr ""
 "Por favor, transfira e instale a aplicação CoRD de "
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2432
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2442
 msgid "on batteries"
 msgstr "em bateria"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2433
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2443
 msgid "computer is in use"
 msgstr "computador em utilização"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2434
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2444
 msgid "user request"
 msgstr "solicitação do utilizador"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2435
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2445
 msgid "time of day"
 msgstr "hora do dia"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2436
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2446
 msgid "CPU benchmarks in progress"
 msgstr "Testes de performance do CPU em progresso"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2437
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2447
 msgid "need disk space - check preferences"
 msgstr "espaço em disco necessário - verifique preferências"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2438
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2448
 msgid "computer is not in use"
 msgstr "computador não está em utilização"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2439
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2449
 msgid "starting up"
 msgstr "a iniciar"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2440
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2450
 msgid "an exclusive app is running"
 msgstr "uma aplicação exclusiva está em execução"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2441
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2451
 msgid "CPU is busy"
 msgstr "O CPU está ocupado"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2442
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2452
 msgid "network bandwidth limit exceeded"
 msgstr "limite de largura de banda excedido"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2443
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2453
 msgid "requested by operating system"
 msgstr "solicitado pelo sistema operativo"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2445
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2455
 msgid "unknown reason"
 msgstr "razão desconhecida"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2467
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2477
 msgid "GPU missing, "
 msgstr "GPU não detectado,"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2474
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2484
 msgid "New"
 msgstr "Novo"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2478
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2488
 msgid "Download failed"
 msgstr "Transferência falhada"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2480
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2490
 msgid "Downloading"
 msgstr "Fazendo a transferência"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2482 MainDocument.cpp:2552
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2492
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2557
 msgid " (suspended - "
 msgstr "(suspenso - "
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2490
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2500
 msgid "Project suspended by user"
 msgstr "Projecto suspenso pelo utilizador"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2492
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2502
 msgid "Task suspended by user"
 msgstr "Tarefa suspensa pelo utilizador"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2494
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2504
 msgid "Suspended - "
 msgstr "Suspenso - "
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2500
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2510
 msgid "GPU suspended - "
 msgstr "GPU suspensa - "
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2507
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2517
 msgid "Waiting for memory"
 msgstr "A aguardar por memória"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2509
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2519
 msgid "Waiting for shared memory"
 msgstr "A aguardar por memória partilhada"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2512
-msgid "Running, high priority"
-msgstr "Executando com prioridade elevada"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2514
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2521
 msgid "Running"
 msgstr "Executando"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2517
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2523
 msgid " (non-CPU-intensive)"
 msgstr " (CPU não intensivo)"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2520
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2526
 msgid "Waiting to run"
 msgstr "A aguardar a execução"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2522 MainDocument.cpp:2528
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2528
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2534
 msgid "Ready to start"
 msgstr "Pronto para começar"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2532
-msgid " (Scheduler wait: "
-msgstr " (Agendamento em espera:"
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2538
+msgid "Postponed: "
+msgstr ""
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2536
-msgid " (Scheduler wait)"
-msgstr "(Agendamento em espera)"
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2541
+msgid "Postponed"
+msgstr ""
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2540
-msgid " (Waiting for network access)"
-msgstr " (A aguardar acesso à rede)"
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2545
+msgid "Waiting for network access"
+msgstr ""
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2544
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2549
 msgid "Computation error"
 msgstr "Erro de computação"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2548
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2553
 msgid "Upload failed"
 msgstr "Upload falhado"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2550
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2555
 msgid "Uploading"
 msgstr "A fazer o Upload"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2561
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2566
 msgid "Aborted by user"
 msgstr "Abortado pelo utilizador"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2564
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2569
 msgid "Aborted by project"
 msgstr "Abortado pelo projecto"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2567
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2572
 msgid "Aborted: not started by deadline"
 msgstr "Abortado: não iniciado devido à data limite excedida"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2570
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2575
 msgid "Aborted: disk limit exceeded"
 msgstr "Abortado: limite em disco excedido"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2573
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2578
 msgid "Aborted: run time limit exceeded"
 msgstr "Abortado: limite de tempo excedido"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2576
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2581
 msgid "Aborted: memory limit exceeded"
 msgstr "Abortado: limite em memória excedido"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2579
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2584
 msgid "Aborted"
 msgstr "Abortado"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2584
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2589
 msgid "Acknowledged"
 msgstr "Reconhecido"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2586
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2591
 msgid "Ready to report"
 msgstr "Pronto para reportar"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2588
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2593
 #, c-format
 msgid "Error: invalid state '%d'"
 msgstr "Erro: estado inválido '%d'"
-#: NoInternetConnectionPage.cpp:179
+#: clientgui/NoInternetConnectionPage.cpp:179
 msgid "No Internet connection"
 msgstr "Sem ligação à Internet"
-#: NoInternetConnectionPage.cpp:182
+#: clientgui/NoInternetConnectionPage.cpp:182
 msgid "Please connect to the Internet and try again."
 msgstr "Por favor conecte-se à Internet e tente novamente."
-#: NotDetectedPage.cpp:181
+#: clientgui/NotDetectedPage.cpp:181
 msgid "Project not found"
 msgstr "Projecto não encontrado"
-#: NotDetectedPage.cpp:184
+#: clientgui/NotDetectedPage.cpp:184
 msgid ""
 "The URL you supplied is not that of a BOINC-based project.\n"
@@ -2514,11 +2603,11 @@ msgstr ""
 "Por favor, verifique o URL e tente novamente."
-#: NotDetectedPage.cpp:188
+#: clientgui/NotDetectedPage.cpp:188
 msgid "Account manager not found"
 msgstr "Gestor de conta não encontrado"
-#: NotDetectedPage.cpp:191
+#: clientgui/NotDetectedPage.cpp:191
 msgid ""
 "The URL you supplied is not that of a BOINC-based account\n"
@@ -2530,91 +2619,92 @@ msgstr ""
 "Por favor, verifique o URL e tente novamente."
-#: NotFoundPage.cpp:181
+#: clientgui/NotFoundPage.cpp:181
 msgid "Login Failed."
 msgstr "Login Falhado."
-#: NotFoundPage.cpp:185
+#: clientgui/NotFoundPage.cpp:185
 msgid "Check the username and password, and try again."
 msgstr "Verifique o nome de utilizador e palavra-passe e tente novamente."
-#: NotFoundPage.cpp:189
+#: clientgui/NotFoundPage.cpp:189
 msgid "Check the email address and password, and try again."
 msgstr "Verifique o endereço de e-mail e palavra-passe e tente novamente."
-#: NoticeListCtrl.cpp:222
+#: clientgui/NoticeListCtrl.cpp:229
 msgid "more..."
 msgstr "mais..."
-#: ProjectInfoPage.cpp:477 ProjectInfoPage.cpp:778 ProjectInfoPage.cpp:782
-msgid "All"
-msgstr "Todos"
-#: ProjectInfoPage.cpp:615
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:221
 msgid "Choose a project"
 msgstr "Escolha o projecto"
-#: ProjectInfoPage.cpp:619
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:228
 msgid "To choose a project, click its name or type its URL below."
 msgstr "Para escolher o projecto, carregue nele ou escreva o URL em baixo."
-#: ProjectInfoPage.cpp:623
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:246
 msgid "Categories:"
 msgstr "Categorias:"
-#: ProjectInfoPage.cpp:627 sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:89
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:267
 msgid "Projects:"
 msgstr "Projectos:"
-#: ProjectInfoPage.cpp:631
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:279
 msgid "Project details"
 msgstr "Detalhes do projecto"
-#: ProjectInfoPage.cpp:635
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:291
 msgid "Research area:"
 msgstr "Área de pesquisa:"
-#: ProjectInfoPage.cpp:639
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:302
 msgid "Organization:"
 msgstr "Organização:"
-#: ProjectInfoPage.cpp:643
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:313
 msgid "Web site:"
 msgstr "Website:"
-#: ProjectInfoPage.cpp:647
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:325
 msgid "Supported systems:"
 msgstr "Sistemas suportados:"
-#: ProjectInfoPage.cpp:651
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:363
 msgid "Project URL:"
 msgstr "URL do Projecto:"
-#: ProjectInfoPage.cpp:826
-msgid ""
-"This project may not have work for your type of computer.  Do you want to "
-"add it anyway?"
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:499
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:754
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:758
+msgid "All"
+msgstr "Todos"
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:802
+msgid "This project may not have work for your type of computer.  Do you want to add it anyway?"
 msgstr ""
 "Este projecto pode não ter trabalhos para o seu tipo de computador. Quer "
 "adicioná-lo de qualquer maneira?"
-#: ProjectInfoPage.cpp:850
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:826
 msgid "You already added this project. Please choose a different project."
 msgstr "Já adicionou este projecto. Por favor escolha um projecto diferente."
-#: ProjectProcessingPage.cpp:321
+#: clientgui/ProjectProcessingPage.cpp:321
 msgid "Communicating with project."
 msgstr "A comunicar com o projecto."
-#: ProjectProcessingPage.cpp:509
+#: clientgui/ProjectProcessingPage.cpp:510
 msgid "Required files not found on the server."
 msgstr "Ficheiros necessários não encontrados no servidor."
-#: ProjectProcessingPage.cpp:512 ProjectProcessingPage.cpp:574
+#: clientgui/ProjectProcessingPage.cpp:513
+#: clientgui/ProjectProcessingPage.cpp:586
 msgid "An internal server error has occurred."
 msgstr "Ocorreu um erro interno no servidor."
-#: ProjectPropertiesPage.cpp:334
+#: clientgui/ProjectPropertiesPage.cpp:334
 msgid ""
 "Communicating with project\n"
 "Please wait..."
@@ -2622,11 +2712,48 @@ msgstr ""
 "A comunicar com o projecto\n"
 "Por favor aguarde..."
-#: ProxyInfoPage.cpp:195
+#: clientgui/ProjectWelcomePage.cpp:251
+#, c-format
+msgid "Welcome to %s."
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ProjectWelcomePage.cpp:254
+msgid "You have volunteered to compute for this project:"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ProjectWelcomePage.cpp:255
+msgid "Name:"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ProjectWelcomePage.cpp:258
+msgid "Home:"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ProjectWelcomePage.cpp:262
+msgid "Description:"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ProjectWelcomePage.cpp:265
+msgid "URL:"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ProjectWelcomePage.cpp:268
+msgid "User:"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ProjectWelcomePage.cpp:273
+msgid "WARNING: This project is not registered with BOINC.  Make sure you trust it before continuing."
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ProjectWelcomePage.cpp:277
+msgid "To continue, click Next."
+msgstr "Para continuar, carregue em Próximo."
+#: clientgui/ProxyInfoPage.cpp:195
 msgid "Network communication failure"
 msgstr "Falha na comunicação de rede"
-#: ProxyInfoPage.cpp:199
+#: clientgui/ProxyInfoPage.cpp:199
 msgid ""
 "The World Community Grid - BOINC software failed to communicate\n"
 "over the Internet. The most likely reasons are:\n"
@@ -2656,7 +2783,7 @@ msgstr ""
 "3) Está a usar um servidor de proxy.\n"
 "Carregue em Próximo para configurar as definições de proxy do BOINC."
-#: ProxyInfoPage.cpp:203
+#: clientgui/ProxyInfoPage.cpp:203
 msgid ""
 "BOINC failed to communicate on the Internet.\n"
 "The most likely reasons are:\n"
@@ -2686,1271 +2813,1365 @@ msgstr ""
 "3) Está a usar um servidor de proxy.\n"
 "Carregue em Próximo para configurar as definições de proxy do BOINC."
-#: ProxyPage.cpp:331
+#: clientgui/ProxyPage.cpp:331
 msgid "Proxy configuration"
 msgstr "Configuração da proxy"
-#: ProxyPage.cpp:334
+#: clientgui/ProxyPage.cpp:334
 msgid "HTTP proxy"
 msgstr "Proxy HTTP"
-#: ProxyPage.cpp:337 ProxyPage.cpp:357
+#: clientgui/ProxyPage.cpp:337
+#: clientgui/ProxyPage.cpp:357
 msgid "Server:"
 msgstr "Servidor:"
-#: ProxyPage.cpp:350
+#: clientgui/ProxyPage.cpp:350
 msgid "Autodetect"
 msgstr "Detectar automaticamente"
-#: ProxyPage.cpp:354
+#: clientgui/ProxyPage.cpp:354
 msgid "SOCKS proxy"
 msgstr "Proxy SOCKS"
-#: TermsOfUsePage.cpp:218
-msgid "Terms of Use"
-msgstr "Termos de Uso"
+#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:167
+msgid "Advanced View...\tCtrl+Shift+A"
+msgstr "Vista Avançada...\tCtrl+Shift+A"
-#: TermsOfUsePage.cpp:222
-msgid "Please read the following terms of use:"
-msgstr "Por favor, leia os seguintes termos de uso:"
+#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:168
+msgid "Display the advanced graphical interface."
+msgstr "Mostra o interface gráfico avançado."
-#: TermsOfUsePage.cpp:231
-msgid "I agree to the terms of use."
-msgstr "Eu concordo com os termos de uso."
+#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:175
+msgid "Skin"
+msgstr "Máscara"
-#: TermsOfUsePage.cpp:237
-msgid "I do not agree to the terms of use."
-msgstr "Eu não concordo com os termos de utilização."
+#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:177
+msgid "Select the appearance of the user interface."
+msgstr "Selecciona a aparência do interface de utilizador."
-#: UnavailablePage.cpp:183
-msgid "Project temporarily unavailable"
-msgstr "Projecto temporariamente indisponível"
+#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:224
+#, c-format
+msgid "&%s"
+msgstr "&%s"
-#: UnavailablePage.cpp:186
-msgid ""
-"The project is temporarily unavailable.\n"
-"Please try again later."
-msgstr ""
-"O projecto está temporariamente indisponível.\n"
-"Por favor tente mais tarde."
+#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:405
+msgid "Default"
+msgstr "Padrão"
-#: UnavailablePage.cpp:190
-msgid "Account manager temporarily unavailable"
-msgstr "Gestor de conta temporariamente indisponível"
+#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:848
+msgid "Suspend"
+msgstr "Suspender"
-#: UnavailablePage.cpp:193
-msgid ""
-"The account manager is temporarily unavailable.\n"
-"Please try again later."
-msgstr ""
-"O gestor de conta está temporariamente indisponível.\n"
-"Por favor tente mais tarde."
+#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:850
+msgid "Suspend Computing"
+msgstr "Suspende a Computação"
-#: ValidateAccountKey.cpp:68
-msgid "Please specify an account key to continue."
-msgstr "Por favor especifique uma chave de conta para continuar."
+#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:851
+msgid "Resume Computing"
+msgstr "Resume a Computação"
-#: ValidateAccountKey.cpp:71
-msgid "Invalid Account Key; please enter a valid Account Key"
-msgstr "Chave de Conta Inválida; por favor insira uma Chave de Conta Válida"
+#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:867
+msgid "Notices"
+msgstr "Notícias"
-#: ValidateAccountKey.cpp:82 ValidateEmailAddress.cpp:86
-msgid "Validation conflict"
-msgstr "Conflito de validação"
+#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:868
+msgid "Open a window to view notices from projects or BOINC"
+msgstr "Abre uma janela para ver as notícias dos projectos ou do BOINC"
-#: ValidateEmailAddress.cpp:72
-msgid "Please specify an email address"
-msgstr "Por favor especifique um endereço de e-mail"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgMessages.cpp:124
+msgid "Fetching notices; please wait..."
+msgstr "A pesquisar noitícias; por favor aguarde..."
-#: ValidateEmailAddress.cpp:75
-msgid "Invalid email address; please enter a valid email address"
-msgstr ""
-"Endereço de e-mail inválido; por favor insira um endereço de e-mail válido"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgMessages.cpp:132
+msgid "There are no notices at this time."
+msgstr "Não existem notícias nesta altura."
-#: ValidateURL.cpp:69
-msgid "Missing URL"
-msgstr "URL em falta"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgMessages.cpp:146
+msgid "Close"
+msgstr "Fechar"
-#: ValidateURL.cpp:70
-msgid ""
-"Please specify a URL.\n"
-"For example:\n"
-msgstr ""
-"Por favor especifique um URL.\n"
-"Por exemplo:\n"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgMessages.cpp:394
+#, c-format
+msgid "%s - Notices"
+msgstr "%s - Notícias"
-#: ValidateURL.cpp:83 ValidateURL.cpp:87 ValidateURL.cpp:91
-#: ValidateURL.cpp:103 ValidateURL.cpp:107 ValidateURL.cpp:110
-msgid "Invalid URL"
-msgstr "URL Inválido"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:270
+msgid "This dialog controls preferences for this computer only."
+msgstr "Esta janela controla as preferências para este computador apenas."
-#: ValidateURL.cpp:84 ValidateURL.cpp:88 ValidateURL.cpp:92
-msgid ""
-"Please specify a valid URL.\n"
-"For example:\n"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:275
+msgid "Click OK to set preferences."
+msgstr "Carregue em OK para definir as preferências."
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:280
+msgid "Click Clear to restore web-based settings for all preferences listed below."
 msgstr ""
-"Por favor especifique um URL válido.\n"
-"Por exemplo:\n"
+"Carregue em Limpar para restaurar as configurações definidas na web para "
+"todas as preferência abaixo"
-#: ValidateURL.cpp:104 ValidateURL.cpp:108
-#, c-format
-msgid "'%s' does not contain a valid host name."
-msgstr "'%s' não contém um nome de anfitrião válido."
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:287
+msgid "For additional settings, select Computing Preferences in the Advanced View."
+msgstr ""
+"Para definições adicionais, seleccione Preferências de Computação na Vista "
-#: ValidateURL.cpp:111
-#, c-format
-msgid "'%s' does not contain a valid path."
-msgstr "'%s' não contém um caminho válido."
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:315
+msgid "Do work only between:"
+msgstr "Executar trabalho apenas entre:"
-#: ViewMessages.cpp:84 ViewProjects.cpp:170 ViewStatistics.cpp:1978
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:160 ViewWork.cpp:183
-msgid "Commands"
-msgstr "Comandos"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:337
+msgid "Connect to internet only between:"
+msgstr "Conectar-se à internet apenas entre:"
-#: ViewMessages.cpp:88
-msgid "Copy all messages"
-msgstr "Copiar todas as mensagens"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:359
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:376
+msgid "Use no more than:"
+msgstr "Usar não mais do que:"
-#: ViewMessages.cpp:95
-msgid "Copy selected messages"
-msgstr "Copiar as mensagens seleccionadas"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:372
+msgid "of disk space"
+msgstr "de espaço em disco"
-#: ViewMessages.cpp:106 ViewMessages.cpp:502
-msgid "Show only this project"
-msgstr "Mostrar apenas este projecto"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:389
+msgid "of the processor"
+msgstr "do processador"
-#: ViewMessages.cpp:107 ViewMessages.cpp:503
-msgid "Show only the messages for the selected project."
-msgstr "Mostrar apenas as mensagens para o projecto seleccionado."
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:393
+msgid "Do work while on battery?"
+msgstr "Executar trabalho se ligado apenas à bateria?"
-#: ViewMessages.cpp:164
-msgid "Messages"
-msgstr "Mensagens"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:406
+msgid "Do work after idle for:"
+msgstr "Executar trabalho depois de inactivo por:"
-#: ViewMessages.cpp:187
-msgid "Copying all messages to the clipboard..."
-msgstr "A copiar todas as mensagens para àrea de transferência..."
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:431
+msgid "Clear all local preferences listed above and close the dialog"
+msgstr ""
+"Desmarcar todas as preferências locais listadas acima e fechar a caixa de "
-#: ViewMessages.cpp:223
-msgid "Copying selected messages to the clipboard..."
-msgstr "A copiar as mensagens seleccionadas para àrea de transferência..."
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:609
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:612
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:688
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:692
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:704
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:708
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:851
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:862
+msgid "Anytime"
+msgstr "A qualquer altura"
-#: ViewMessages.cpp:286
-msgid "Filtering messages..."
-msgstr "A filtrar mensagens..."
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:645
+msgid "100 MB"
+msgstr "100 MB"
-#: ViewMessages.cpp:494
-msgid "Show all messages"
-msgstr "Mostrar todas as mensagens"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:646
+msgid "200 MB"
+msgstr "200 MB"
-#: ViewMessages.cpp:495
-msgid "Show messages for all projects."
-msgstr "Mostrar mensagens para todos os projectos."
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:647
+msgid "500 MB"
+msgstr "500 MB"
-#: ViewNotices.cpp:58 sg_DlgMessages.cpp:124
-msgid "Fetching notices; please wait..."
-msgstr "A pesquisar noitícias; por favor aguarde..."
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:648
+msgid "1 GB"
+msgstr "1 GB"
-#: ViewNotices.cpp:65 sg_DlgMessages.cpp:132
-msgid "There are no notices at this time."
-msgstr "Não existem notícias nesta altura."
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:649
+msgid "2 GB"
+msgstr "2 GB"
-#: ViewNotices.cpp:99 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:776
-msgid "Notices"
-msgstr "Notícias"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:650
+msgid "5 GB"
+msgstr "5 GB"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:651
+msgid "10 GB"
+msgstr "10 GB"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:652
+msgid "20 GB"
+msgstr "20 GB"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:653
+msgid "50 GB"
+msgstr "50 GB"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:654
+msgid "100 GB"
+msgstr "100 GB"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:724
+#, c-format
+msgid "%d MB"
+msgstr "%d MB"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:726
+#, c-format
+msgid "%4.2f GB"
+msgstr "%4.2f GB"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:767
+#, c-format
+msgid "%d%%"
+msgstr "%d%%"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:174 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:61
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:803
+msgid "0 (Run Always)"
+msgstr "0 (Executar Sempre)"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:806
+#, c-format
+msgid "%d"
+msgstr "%d"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:953
+#, c-format
+msgid "%s - Computing Preferences"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:1033
+msgid "Do you really want to clear all local preferences?\n"
+msgstr "Quer mesmo limpar todas as preferências locais?\n"
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:66
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:179
 msgid "Update"
 msgstr "Actualizar"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:175 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:62
-msgid ""
-"Report all completed tasks, get latest credit, get latest preferences, and "
-"possibly get more tasks."
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:67
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:180
+msgid "Report all completed tasks, get latest credit, get latest preferences, and possibly get more tasks."
 msgstr ""
 "Reportar todas as tarefas completas, obter os ultimos créditos, obter as "
 "ultimas preferências e possivelmente mais tarefas."
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:181 ViewProjects.cpp:722 ViewWork.cpp:208 ViewWork.cpp:801
-#: sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:757 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:67
-#: sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:113 sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:66
-#: sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:106
-msgid "Suspend"
-msgstr "Suspender"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:182 ViewProjects.cpp:722 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:68
-#: sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:114
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:73
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:129
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:187
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:727
 msgid "Suspend tasks for this project."
 msgstr "Suspender tarefas para este projecto."
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:188 ViewProjects.cpp:741 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:73
-#: sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:121
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:78
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:136
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:193
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:746
 msgid "No new tasks"
 msgstr "Não obter novas tarefas"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:189 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:74
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:79
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:194
 msgid "Don't get new tasks for this project."
 msgstr "Não obter novas tarefas para este projecto."
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:195 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:79
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:84
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:200
 msgid "Reset project"
 msgstr "Fazer reset ao projecto"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:196 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:80
-msgid ""
-"Delete all files and tasks associated with this project, and get new tasks.  "
-"You can update the project first to report any completed tasks."
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:85
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:201
+msgid "Delete all files and tasks associated with this project, and get new tasks.  You can update the project first to report any completed tasks."
 msgstr ""
 "Elimina todos os ficheiros e tarefas associadas a este projecto e obtém "
 "novas tarefas. Pode actualizar o projecto primeiro para reportar tarefas "
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:203 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:86
-msgid ""
-"Remove this project.  Tasks in progress will be lost (use 'Update' first to "
-"report any completed tasks)."
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:91
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:208
+msgid "Remove this project.  Tasks in progress will be lost (use 'Update' first to report any completed tasks)."
 msgstr ""
 "Remover este projecto. Tarefas em progresso serão perdidas (use 'Actualizar' "
 "primeiro para reportar tarefas concluidas)."
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:209 ViewWork.cpp:222 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:91
-#: sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:78
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:96
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:84
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:214
 msgid "Properties"
 msgstr "Propriedades"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:210 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:92
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:97
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:215
 msgid "Show project details."
 msgstr "Mostrar detalhes do projecto."
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:220 ViewStatistics.cpp:450
-msgid "Account"
-msgstr "Conta"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:222
-msgid "Work done"
-msgstr "Trabalho concluído"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:223
-msgid "Avg. work done"
-msgstr "Média de trabalho realizado"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:225 ViewTransfers.cpp:188 ViewWork.cpp:234
-msgid "Status"
-msgstr "Estado"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:250
-msgid "Projects"
-msgstr "Projectos"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:302
-msgid "Updating project..."
-msgstr "A actualizar projecto..."
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:344
-msgid "Resuming project..."
-msgstr "A resumir projecto..."
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:348
-msgid "Suspending project..."
-msgstr "A suspender projecto..."
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:126
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:723
+msgid "Resume tasks for this project."
+msgstr "Resumir tarefas para este projecto."
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:385
-msgid "Telling project to allow additional task downloads..."
-msgstr ""
-"A notificar o projecto para permitir a transferência de tarefas "
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:133
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:742
+msgid "Allow new tasks"
+msgstr "Permitir novas tarefas"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:389
-msgid "Telling project to not fetch any additional tasks..."
-msgstr "A notificar o projecto para não obter tarefas adicionais..."
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:134
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:742
+msgid "Allow fetching new tasks for this project."
+msgstr "Permitir obtenção de novas tarefas para este projecto."
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:425
-msgid "Resetting project..."
-msgstr "A fazer reset ao projecto..."
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:137
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:746
+msgid "Don't fetch new tasks for this project."
+msgstr "Não obter novas tarefas para este projecto."
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:438 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:214
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:229
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:443
 #, c-format
 msgid "Are you sure you want to reset project '%s'?"
 msgstr "Tem a certeza que quer fazer o reset ao projecto '%s'?"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:444 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:220
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:235
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:449
 msgid "Reset Project"
 msgstr "Fazer Reset ao Projecto"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:483
-msgid "Removing project..."
-msgstr "A remover projecto..."
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:496 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:251
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:266
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:501
 #, c-format
 msgid "Are you sure you want to remove project '%s'?"
 msgstr "Tem a certeza que quer remover o projecto '%s'?"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:502 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:257
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:272
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:507
 msgid "Remove Project"
 msgstr "Remover Projecto"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:543 ViewWork.cpp:599
-msgid "Launching browser..."
-msgstr "A lançar o navegador..."
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:718 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:111
-msgid "Resume tasks for this project."
-msgstr "Resumir tarefas para este projecto."
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:72
+msgid "Add Project"
+msgstr "Adicionar Projecto"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:737 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:118
-msgid "Allow new tasks"
-msgstr "Permitir novas tarefas"
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:73
+msgid "Synchronize"
+msgstr "Sincronizar"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:737 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:119
-msgid "Allow fetching new tasks for this project."
-msgstr "Permitir obtenção de novas tarefas para este projecto."
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:74
+msgid "Work done for this project"
+msgstr "Trabalho realizado para este projecto"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:741 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:122
-msgid "Don't fetch new tasks for this project."
-msgstr "Não obter novas tarefas para este projecto."
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:77
+msgid "Synchronize projects with account manager system"
+msgstr "Sincroniza os projectos com o gestor de conta"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1058
-msgid "Requested by user"
-msgstr "Solicitado pelo utilizador"
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:124
+msgid "Select a project to access with the controls below"
+msgstr "Seleccione o projecto para aceder com os controles em baixo"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1059
-msgid "To fetch work"
-msgstr "Para obter trabalho"
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:145
+msgid "Project Web Pages"
+msgstr "Páginas Web do Projecto"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1060
-msgid "To report completed tasks"
-msgstr "Para reportar tarefas completas"
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:149
+msgid "Project Commands"
+msgstr "Comandos do Projecto"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1061
-msgid "To send trickle-up message"
-msgstr "Para enviar mensagem de aviso"
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:276
+#, c-format
+msgid "Pop up a menu of web sites for project %s"
+msgstr "Abre um menu de websites para o projecto %s"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1062
-msgid "Requested by account manager"
-msgstr "Solicitado pelo gestor de conta"
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:278
+#, c-format
+msgid "Pop up a menu of commands to apply to project %s"
+msgstr "Abre um menu de comandos para aplicar ao projecto %s"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1063
-msgid "Project initialization"
-msgstr "Inicialização do projecto"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:66
+msgid "Show graphics"
+msgstr "Mostrar gráficos"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1064
-msgid "Requested by project"
-msgstr "Solicitado pelo projecto"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:67
+msgid "Show application graphics in a window."
+msgstr "Mostrar gráfico da aplicação numa janela."
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1065
-msgid "Unknown reason"
-msgstr "Razão desconhecida"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:73
+msgid "Suspend this task."
+msgstr "Suspender esta tarefa."
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1079
-msgid "Suspended by user"
-msgstr "Suspenso pelo utilizador"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:78
+msgid "Abort"
+msgstr "Cancelar"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1082
-msgid "Won't get new tasks"
-msgstr "Não obterá novas tarefas"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:79
+msgid "Abandon this task. You will get no credit for it."
+msgstr "Abandonar esta tarefa. Não obterá créditos por ela."
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1085
-msgid "Project ended - OK to remove"
-msgstr "Projecto terminado - OK para remover"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:85
+msgid "Show task details."
+msgstr "Mostrar detalhes da tarefa."
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1088
-msgid "Will remove when tasks done"
-msgstr "Irá remover quando as tarefas concluirem"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:119
+msgid "Resume work for this task."
+msgstr "A resumir trabalho para esta tarefa."
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1091
-msgid "Scheduler request pending"
-msgstr "Solicitação de agendamento pendente"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:123
+msgid "Suspend work for this task."
+msgstr "A suspender trabalho para esta tarefa."
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1097
-msgid "Scheduler request in progress"
-msgstr "Solicitação de agendamento em progresso"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:267
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Are you sure you want to abort this task '%s'?\n"
+"(Progress: %.1lf%%, Status: %s)"
+msgstr ""
+"Tem a certeza que quer cancelar esta tarefa '%s'?\n"
+"(Progresso: %.1lf%%, Estado: %s)"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1100
-msgid "Trickle up message pending"
-msgstr "Mensagem de aviso pendente"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:272
+msgid "Abort task"
+msgstr "Cancelar tarefa"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1106
-msgid "Communication deferred "
-msgstr "Comunicação deferida"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:468
+msgid "You don't have any projects.  Please Add a Project."
+msgstr "Não tem nenhuns projectos. Por favor adicione um Projecto."
-#: ViewResources.cpp:62
-msgid "Total disk usage"
-msgstr "Utilização total em disco"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:469
+msgid "Not available"
+msgstr "Indisponível"
-#: ViewResources.cpp:83
-msgid "Disk usage by BOINC projects"
-msgstr "Utilização em disco pelos projectos BOINC"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:480
+msgid "Tasks:"
+msgstr "Tarefas:"
-#: ViewResources.cpp:116
-msgid "Disk"
-msgstr "Disco"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:486
+msgid "Select a task to access"
+msgstr "Seleccione uma tarefa para aceder"
-#: ViewResources.cpp:249
-msgid "no projects: 0 bytes used"
-msgstr "sem projectos: 0 bytes usados"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:497
+msgid "From:"
+msgstr "De:"
-#: ViewResources.cpp:286
-msgid "used by BOINC: "
-msgstr "utilizado pelo BOINC:"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:551
+msgid "This task's progress"
+msgstr "Progresso destas tarefas"
-#: ViewResources.cpp:296
-msgid "free, available to BOINC: "
-msgstr "livre, disponível para o BOINC: "
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:569
+msgid "Task Commands"
+msgstr "Comandos das Tarefas"
-#: ViewResources.cpp:306
-msgid "free, not available to BOINC: "
-msgstr "livre, não disponível para o BOINC: "
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:570
+msgid "Pop up a menu of commands to apply to this task"
+msgstr "Abrir um menu de comandos para aplicar a esta tarefa"
-#: ViewResources.cpp:316
-msgid "free: "
-msgstr "livre: "
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:705
+#, c-format
+msgid "Application: %s"
+msgstr "Aplicação: %s"
-#: ViewResources.cpp:326
-msgid "used by other programs: "
-msgstr "utilizado por outros programas: "
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:728
+#, c-format
+msgid "%.3f%%"
+msgstr "%.3f%%"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:1205
-msgid "User Total"
-msgstr "Totais do Utilizador"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:736
+msgid "Application: Not available"
+msgstr "Aplicação: Indisponível"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:1206
-msgid "User Average"
-msgstr "Médias do Utilizador"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:836
+msgid "Not Available"
+msgstr "Indisponível"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:1207
-msgid "Host Total"
-msgstr "Totais do Anfitrião"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:851
+#, c-format
+msgid "Elapsed: %s"
+msgstr "Decorrido: %s"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:1208
-msgid "Host Average"
-msgstr "Médias do Anfitrião"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:865
+#, c-format
+msgid "Remaining (estimated): %s"
+msgstr "Restante (estimado): %s"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:1355
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:880
 #, c-format
-msgid "Last update: %.0f days ago"
-msgstr "Última actualização: %.0f dias atrás"
+msgid "Status: %s"
+msgstr "Estado: %s"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:1982
-msgid "Show user total"
-msgstr "Mostrar totais do utilizador"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1227
+msgid "Retrieving current status."
+msgstr "A rever o estado actual."
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:1983
-msgid "Show total credit for user"
-msgstr "Mostrar créditos totais do utilizador"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1233
+msgid "Downloading work from the server."
+msgstr "A realizar transferência de trabalho do servidor."
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:1989
-msgid "Show user average"
-msgstr "Mostrar médias do utilizador"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1238
+msgid "Processing Suspended:  Running On Batteries."
+msgstr "Processamento Suspenso:  A executar em Bateria."
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:1990
-msgid "Show average credit for user"
-msgstr "Mostrar médias de créditos do utilizador"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:1996
-msgid "Show host total"
-msgstr "Mostrar totais do anfitrião"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:1997
-msgid "Show total credit for host"
-msgstr "Mostrar créditos totais do anfitrião"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1240
+msgid "Processing Suspended:  User Active."
+msgstr "Processamento Suspenso:  Utilizador Activo."
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2003
-msgid "Show host average"
-msgstr "Mostrar médias do anfitrião"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1242
+msgid "Processing Suspended:  User paused processing."
+msgstr "Processamento Suspenso:  O utilizador parou o processamento."
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2004
-msgid "Show average credit for host"
-msgstr "Mostrar médias de créditos do anfitrião"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1244
+msgid "Processing Suspended:  Time of Day."
+msgstr "Processamento Suspenso:  Hora do Dia."
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2013
-msgid "< &Previous project"
-msgstr "< &Projecto anterior"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1246
+msgid "Processing Suspended:  Benchmarks Running."
+msgstr "Processamento Suspenso:  A Executar Testes de Performance."
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2014
-msgid "Show chart for previous project"
-msgstr "Mostrar gráfico do projecto anterior"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1248
+msgid "Processing Suspended."
+msgstr "Processamento Suspenso."
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2019
-msgid "&Next project >"
-msgstr "&Próximo projecto >"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1252
+msgid "Waiting to contact project servers."
+msgstr "A aguardar contacto dos servidores do projecto."
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2020
-msgid "Show chart for next project"
-msgstr "Mostrar gráfico do próximo projecto"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1256
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1265
+msgid "Retrieving current status"
+msgstr "A rever estado actual"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2026 ViewStatistics.cpp:2416
-msgid "Hide project list"
-msgstr "Ocultar lista de projectos"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1260
+msgid "No work available to process"
+msgstr "Sem trabalhos disponíveis para processar"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2027 ViewStatistics.cpp:2416
-msgid "Use entire area for graphs"
-msgstr "Utilizar área completa para os gráficos"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1262
+msgid "Unable to connect to the core client"
+msgstr "Incapaz de se conectar ao core do cliente"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2032
-msgid "Mode view"
-msgstr "Modo de visualização"
+#: clientgui/TermsOfUsePage.cpp:218
+msgid "Terms of Use"
+msgstr "Termos de Uso"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2036
-msgid "One project"
-msgstr "Um projecto"
+#: clientgui/TermsOfUsePage.cpp:222
+msgid "Please read the following terms of use:"
+msgstr "Por favor, leia os seguintes termos de uso:"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2037
-msgid "Show one chart with selected project"
-msgstr "Mostrar um gráfico com o projecto seleccionado"
+#: clientgui/TermsOfUsePage.cpp:231
+msgid "I agree to the terms of use."
+msgstr "Eu concordo com os termos de uso."
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2043
-msgid "All projects (separate)"
-msgstr "Todos os projectos (separados)"
+#: clientgui/TermsOfUsePage.cpp:237
+msgid "I do not agree to the terms of use."
+msgstr "Eu não concordo com os termos de utilização."
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2044
-msgid "Show all projects, one chart per project"
-msgstr "Mostrar todos os projectos, um gráfico por projecto"
+#: clientgui/UnavailablePage.cpp:183
+msgid "Project temporarily unavailable"
+msgstr "Projecto temporariamente indisponível"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2050
-msgid "All projects (together)"
-msgstr "Todos os projectos (juntos)"
+#: clientgui/UnavailablePage.cpp:186
+msgid ""
+"The project is temporarily unavailable.\n"
+"Please try again later."
+msgstr ""
+"O projecto está temporariamente indisponível.\n"
+"Por favor tente mais tarde."
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2051
-msgid "Show one chart with all projects"
-msgstr "Mostrar um gráfico com todos os projectos"
+#: clientgui/UnavailablePage.cpp:190
+msgid "Account manager temporarily unavailable"
+msgstr "Gestor de conta temporariamente indisponível"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2057
-msgid "All projects (sum)"
-msgstr "Todos os projectos (somados)"
+#: clientgui/UnavailablePage.cpp:193
+msgid ""
+"The account manager is temporarily unavailable.\n"
+"Please try again later."
+msgstr ""
+"O gestor de conta está temporariamente indisponível.\n"
+"Por favor tente mais tarde."
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2058
-msgid "Show one chart with sum of projects"
-msgstr "Mostrar um gráfico com a soma de todos os projectos"
+#: clientgui/ValidateAccountKey.cpp:68
+msgid "Please specify an account key to continue."
+msgstr "Por favor especifique uma chave de conta para continuar."
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2079
-msgid "Statistics"
-msgstr "Estatísticas"
+#: clientgui/ValidateAccountKey.cpp:71
+msgid "Invalid Account Key; please enter a valid Account Key"
+msgstr "Chave de Conta Inválida; por favor insira uma Chave de Conta Válida"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2103 ViewStatistics.cpp:2124 ViewStatistics.cpp:2145
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2167 ViewStatistics.cpp:2188 ViewStatistics.cpp:2209
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2230 ViewStatistics.cpp:2251 ViewStatistics.cpp:2272
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2296
-msgid "Updating charts..."
-msgstr "A actualizar gráficos..."
+#: clientgui/ValidateAccountKey.cpp:82
+#: clientgui/ValidateEmailAddress.cpp:86
+msgid "Validation conflict"
+msgstr "Conflito de validação"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2420
-msgid "Show project list"
-msgstr "Mostrar lista de projectos"
+#: clientgui/ValidateEmailAddress.cpp:72
+msgid "Please specify an email address"
+msgstr "Por favor especifique um endereço de e-mail"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2420
-msgid "Uses smaller area for graphs"
-msgstr "Usar área mais pequena para os gráficos"
+#: clientgui/ValidateEmailAddress.cpp:75
+msgid "Invalid email address; please enter a valid email address"
+msgstr ""
+"Endereço de e-mail inválido; por favor insira um endereço de e-mail válido"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:164
-msgid "Retry Now"
-msgstr "Tente novamentente"
+#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:69
+msgid "Missing URL"
+msgstr "URL em falta"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:165
-msgid "Retry the file transfer now"
-msgstr "Tentar novamente a transferência do ficheiro agora"
+#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:70
+msgid ""
+"Please specify a URL.\n"
+"For example:\n"
+msgstr ""
+"Por favor especifique um URL.\n"
+"Por exemplo:\n"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:171
-msgid "Abort Transfer"
-msgstr "Cancelar Transferência"
+#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:83
+#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:87
+#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:91
+#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:103
+#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:107
+#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:110
+msgid "Invalid URL"
+msgstr "URL Inválido"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:172
-msgid "Abort this file transfer.  You won't get credit for the task."
+#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:84
+#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:88
+#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:92
+msgid ""
+"Please specify a valid URL.\n"
+"For example:\n"
 msgstr ""
-"Cancelar a transferência deste ficheiro.  Não obterá créditos para a tarefa."
+"Por favor especifique um URL válido.\n"
+"Por exemplo:\n"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:183
-msgid "File"
-msgstr "Ficheiro"
+#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:104
+#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:108
+#, c-format
+msgid "'%s' does not contain a valid host name."
+msgstr "'%s' não contém um nome de anfitrião válido."
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:184 ViewWork.cpp:233
-msgid "Progress"
-msgstr "Progresso"
+#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:111
+#, c-format
+msgid "'%s' does not contain a valid path."
+msgstr "'%s' não contém um caminho válido."
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:185
-msgid "Size"
-msgstr "Tamanho"
+#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:84
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:175
+msgid "Commands"
+msgstr "Comandos"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:186
-msgid "Elapsed Time"
-msgstr "Tempo Decorrido"
+#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:88
+msgid "Copy all messages"
+msgstr "Copiar todas as mensagens"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:187
-msgid "Speed"
-msgstr "Velocidade"
+#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:95
+msgid "Copy selected messages"
+msgstr "Copiar as mensagens seleccionadas"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:213
-msgid "Transfers"
-msgstr "Transferências"
+#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:106
+#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:502
+msgid "Show only this project"
+msgstr "Mostrar apenas este projecto"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:280
-msgid "Network activity is suspended - "
-msgstr "Actividade de rede está suspensa - "
+#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:107
+#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:503
+msgid "Show only the messages for the selected project."
+msgstr "Mostrar apenas as mensagens para o projecto seleccionado."
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:282
-msgid ""
-"You can enable it using the Activity menu."
-msgstr ""
-"Pode activá-la utilizando o menu Actividade."
+#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:164
+msgid "Messages"
+msgstr "Mensagens"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:285
-msgid "BOINC"
-msgstr "BOINC"
+#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:187
+msgid "Copying all messages to the clipboard..."
+msgstr "A copiar todas as mensagens para àrea de transferência..."
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:292
-msgid "Retrying transfer now..."
-msgstr "A tentar transferir novamente..."
+#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:223
+msgid "Copying selected messages to the clipboard..."
+msgstr "A copiar as mensagens seleccionadas para àrea de transferência..."
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:330
-msgid "Aborting transfer..."
-msgstr "A cancelar a transferência..."
+#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:286
+msgid "Filtering messages..."
+msgstr "A filtrar mensagens..."
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:343
-#, c-format
-msgid ""
-"Are you sure you want to abort this file transfer '%s'?\n"
-"NOTE: Aborting a transfer will invalidate a task and you\n"
-"will not receive credit for it."
-msgstr ""
-"Tem a certeza que quer cancelar a transferência deste ficheiro '%s'?\n"
-"NOTA: Cancelar uma transferência invalidará a tarefa e\n"
-"não receberá crédito pela mesma."
+#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:494
+msgid "Show all messages"
+msgstr "Mostrar todas as mensagens"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:349
-msgid "Abort File Transfer"
-msgstr "Cancelar Transferência do Ficheiro"
+#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:495
+msgid "Show messages for all projects."
+msgstr "Mostrar mensagens para todos os projectos."
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:780
-msgid "Upload"
-msgstr "Upload"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:225
+msgid "Account"
+msgstr "Conta"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:780
-msgid "Download"
-msgstr "Transferir"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:227
+msgid "Work done"
+msgstr "Trabalho concluído"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:784
-msgid "retry in "
-msgstr "tentar novamente em "
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:228
+msgid "Avg. work done"
+msgstr "Média de trabalho realizado"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:786
-msgid "failed"
-msgstr "falhou"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:230
+msgid "Status"
+msgstr "Estado"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:789
-msgid "suspended"
-msgstr "suspenso"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:255
+msgid "Projects"
+msgstr "Projectos"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:794
-msgid "active"
-msgstr "activo"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:307
+msgid "Updating project..."
+msgstr "A actualizar projecto..."
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:796
-msgid "pending"
-msgstr "pendente"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:349
+msgid "Resuming project..."
+msgstr "A resumir projecto..."
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:803
-msgid " (project backoff: "
-msgstr " (projecto backoff: "
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:353
+msgid "Suspending project..."
+msgstr "A suspender projecto..."
-#: ViewWork.cpp:187 ViewWork.cpp:777
-msgid "Show active tasks"
-msgstr "Mostrar tarefas activas"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:390
+msgid "Telling project to allow additional task downloads..."
+msgstr ""
+"A notificar o projecto para permitir a transferência de tarefas "
-#: ViewWork.cpp:188 ViewWork.cpp:778
-msgid "Show only active tasks."
-msgstr "Mostrar apenas as tarefas activas."
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:394
+msgid "Telling project to not fetch any additional tasks..."
+msgstr "A notificar o projecto para não obter tarefas adicionais..."
-#: ViewWork.cpp:194 sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:60
-msgid "Show graphics"
-msgstr "Mostrar gráficos"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:430
+msgid "Resetting project..."
+msgstr "A fazer reset ao projecto..."
-#: ViewWork.cpp:195 sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:61
-msgid "Show application graphics in a window."
-msgstr "Mostrar gráfico da aplicação numa janela."
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:488
+msgid "Removing project..."
+msgstr "A remover projecto..."
-#: ViewWork.cpp:201
-msgid "Show VM Console"
-msgstr "Mostrar Consola VM"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:548
+msgid "Launching browser..."
+msgstr "A lançar o navegador..."
-#: ViewWork.cpp:202
-msgid "Show VM Console in a window."
-msgstr "Mostrar Consola VM numa janela."
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1063
+msgid "Requested by user"
+msgstr "Solicitado pelo utilizador"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:209
-msgid "Suspend work for this result."
-msgstr "Suspender trabalho para este resultado."
-#: ViewWork.cpp:215 sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:72
-msgid "Abort"
-msgstr "Cancelar"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1064
+msgid "To fetch work"
+msgstr "Para obter trabalho"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:216
-msgid "Abandon work on the result. You will get no credit for it."
-msgstr "Abandonar resultado do trabalho. Não receberá crédito por ele."
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1065
+msgid "To report completed tasks"
+msgstr "Para reportar tarefas completas"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:223 sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:79
-msgid "Show task details."
-msgstr "Mostrar detalhes da tarefa."
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1066
+msgid "To send trickle-up message"
+msgstr "Para enviar mensagem de aviso"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:235
-msgid "Elapsed"
-msgstr "Decorrido"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1067
+msgid "Requested by account manager"
+msgstr "Solicitado pelo gestor de conta"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:236
-msgid "Remaining (estimated)"
-msgstr "Restante (estimado)"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1068
+msgid "Project initialization"
+msgstr "Inicialização do projecto"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:237
-msgid "Deadline"
-msgstr "Data Limite"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1069
+msgid "Requested by project"
+msgstr "Solicitado pelo projecto"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:264
-msgid "Tasks"
-msgstr "Tarefas"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1070
+msgid "Unknown reason"
+msgstr "Razão desconhecida"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:357
-msgid "Resuming task..."
-msgstr "A resumir tarefa..."
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1084
+msgid "Suspended by user"
+msgstr "Suspenso pelo utilizador"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:360
-msgid "Suspending task..."
-msgstr "A suspender tarefa..."
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1087
+msgid "Won't get new tasks"
+msgstr "Não obterá novas tarefas"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:389
-msgid "Showing graphics for task..."
-msgstr "A mostrar gráficos para a tarefa..."
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1090
+msgid "Project ended - OK to remove"
+msgstr "Projecto terminado - OK para remover"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:426
-msgid "Showing VM console for task..."
-msgstr "A mostrar Consola VM para a tarefa..."
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1093
+msgid "Will remove when tasks done"
+msgstr "Irá remover quando as tarefas concluirem"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:479
-#, c-format
-msgid ""
-"Are you sure you want to abort this task '%s'?\n"
-"(Progress: %s, Status: %s)"
-msgstr ""
-"Tem a certeza que quer cancelar esta tarefa '%s'?\n"
-"(Progresso: %s, Estado: %s)"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1096
+msgid "Scheduler request pending"
+msgstr "Solicitação de agendamento pendente"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:485
-#, c-format
-msgid "Are you sure you want to abort these %d tasks?"
-msgstr "Tem a certeza que quer cancelar estas %d tarefas?"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1102
+msgid "Scheduler request in progress"
+msgstr "Solicitação de agendamento em progresso"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:490 sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:256
-msgid "Abort task"
-msgstr "Cancelar tarefa"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1105
+msgid "Trickle up message pending"
+msgstr "Mensagem de aviso pendente"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:499
-msgid "Aborting task..."
-msgstr "A cancelar a tarefa..."
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1111
+msgid "Communication deferred "
+msgstr "Comunicação deferida"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:771
-msgid "Show all tasks"
-msgstr "Mostrar todas as tarefas"
+#: clientgui/ViewResources.cpp:62
+msgid "Total disk usage"
+msgstr "Utilização total em disco"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:772
-msgid "Show all tasks."
-msgstr "Mostrar todas as tarefas."
+#: clientgui/ViewResources.cpp:83
+msgid "Disk usage by BOINC projects"
+msgstr "Utilização em disco pelos projectos BOINC"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:796 sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:103
-msgid "Resume work for this task."
-msgstr "A resumir trabalho para esta tarefa."
+#: clientgui/ViewResources.cpp:116
+msgid "Disk"
+msgstr "Disco"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:802 sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:107
-msgid "Suspend work for this task."
-msgstr "A suspender trabalho para esta tarefa."
+#: clientgui/ViewResources.cpp:225
+msgid "no projects: 0 bytes used"
+msgstr "sem projectos: 0 bytes usados"
-#: WelcomePage.cpp:284
-msgid "Add project or account manager"
-msgstr "Adicionar projecto ou gestor de conta"
+#: clientgui/ViewResources.cpp:262
+msgid "used by BOINC: "
+msgstr "utilizado pelo BOINC:"
-#: WelcomePage.cpp:288
-msgid "Add project or use BOINC Account Manager"
-msgstr "Adicionar projecto ou utilizar um Gestor de Contas BOINC"
+#: clientgui/ViewResources.cpp:272
+msgid "free, available to BOINC: "
+msgstr "livre, disponível para o BOINC: "
-#: WelcomePage.cpp:297
-#, c-format
-msgid ""
-"If possible, add projects at the\n"
-"%s web site.\n"
-"Projects added via this wizard will not be\n"
-"listed on or managed via %s."
-msgstr ""
-"Se possível, adicione projectos no\n"
-"website do %s.\n"
-"Projectos adicionados através do assistente não serão\n"
-"listados ou geridos pelo %s."
+#: clientgui/ViewResources.cpp:282
+msgid "free, not available to BOINC: "
+msgstr "livre, não disponível para o BOINC: "
-#: WelcomePage.cpp:313
-msgid ""
-"There are over 30 BOINC-based projects\n"
-"doing research in many areas of science,\n"
-"and you can volunteer for as many of them as you like.\n"
-"You can add a project directly,\n"
-"or use an 'Account Manager' web site to select projects."
-msgstr ""
-"Existem mais de 30 projectos com base no BOINC\n"
-"a realizar pesquisas em várias áreas da ciência,\n"
-"e você pode-se voluntariar para tantos quanto quiser.\n"
-"Pode adicionar um projecto directamente,\n"
-"ou usar o website de um 'Gestor de Conta' para seleccionar projectos."
+#: clientgui/ViewResources.cpp:292
+msgid "free: "
+msgstr "livre: "
-#: WelcomePage.cpp:325
-msgid ""
-"You have chosen to add a new volunteer computing project or change which "
-"you contribute to.\n"
-"Some of these projects are run and managed by World Community Grid, while "
-"are run and managed by other researchers or organizations. The BOINC "
-"can divide your spare processing power among any combination of projects.\n"
-"Alternatively, if you have registered with a BOINC Account Manager, you can "
-"this to choose which projects to support.\n"
-"Please choose which type of change you would like to make:\n"
-msgstr ""
-"Escolheu adicionar um novo projecto de computação voluntária ou alterar os "
-"para os quais contribui.\n"
-"Alguns destes projectos são executados e geridos pela World Community Grid, "
-"enquanto outros\n"
-"são executados e geridos por outras equipas de pesquisa ou organizações. O "
-"software BOINC\n"
-"pode dividir o seu poder de processamento livre, entre quaisquer combinações "
-"de projectos.\n"
-"Alternativamente, se fez o registo com um Gestor de Conta BOINC, pode "
-"isto para escolher a que projectos quer dar suporte.\n"
-"Por favor, escolha que tipo de alterações quer fazer:\n"
+#: clientgui/ViewResources.cpp:302
+msgid "used by other programs: "
+msgstr "utilizado por outros programas: "
-#: WelcomePage.cpp:339
-msgid "Use a BOINC Account Manager"
-msgstr "Usar um Gestor de Conta BOINC"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1181
+msgid "User Total"
+msgstr "Totais do Utilizador"
-#: WelcomePage.cpp:352
-msgid "To continue, click Next."
-msgstr "Para continuar, carregue em Próximo."
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1182
+msgid "User Average"
+msgstr "Médias do Utilizador"
-#: WelcomePage.cpp:358
-msgid "Add or change your World Community Grid projects"
-msgstr "Adicionar ou alterar os seus projectos na World Community Grid"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1183
+msgid "Host Total"
+msgstr "Totais do Anfitrião"
-#: WelcomePage.cpp:361
-msgid "Add projects run by other researchers or organizations"
-msgstr ""
-"Adicionar projectos executados por outros investigadores ou organizações"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1184
+msgid "Host Average"
+msgstr "Médias do Anfitrião"
-#: WizardAttach.cpp:634
-msgid "Do you really want to cancel?"
-msgstr "Quer mesmo cancelar?"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1331
+#, c-format
+msgid "Last update: %.0f days ago"
+msgstr "Última actualização: %.0f dias atrás"
-#: WizardAttach.cpp:635
-msgid "Question"
-msgstr "Questão"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1956
+msgid "Show user total"
+msgstr "Mostrar totais do utilizador"
-#: sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:149
-msgid "Advanced View...\tCtrl+Shift+A"
-msgstr "Vista Avançada...\tCtrl+Shift+A"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1957
+msgid "Show total credit for user"
+msgstr "Mostrar créditos totais do utilizador"
-#: sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:150
-msgid "Display the advanced graphical interface."
-msgstr "Mostra o interface gráfico avançado."
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1963
+msgid "Show user average"
+msgstr "Mostrar médias do utilizador"
-#: sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:157
-msgid "Skin"
-msgstr "Máscara"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1964
+msgid "Show average credit for user"
+msgstr "Mostrar médias de créditos do utilizador"
-#: sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:159
-msgid "Select the appearance of the user interface."
-msgstr "Selecciona a aparência do interface de utilizador."
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1970
+msgid "Show host total"
+msgstr "Mostrar totais do anfitrião"
-#: sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:206
-#, c-format
-msgid "&%s"
-msgstr "&%s"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1971
+msgid "Show total credit for host"
+msgstr "Mostrar créditos totais do anfitrião"
-#: sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:390
-msgid "Default"
-msgstr "Padrão"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1977
+msgid "Show host average"
+msgstr "Mostrar médias do anfitrião"
-#: sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:759
-msgid "Suspend Computing"
-msgstr "Suspende a Computação"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1978
+msgid "Show average credit for host"
+msgstr "Mostrar médias de créditos do anfitrião"
-#: sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:760
-msgid "Resume Computing"
-msgstr "Resume a Computação"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1987
+msgid "< &Previous project"
+msgstr "< &Projecto anterior"
-#: sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:777
-msgid "Open a window to view notices from projects or BOINC"
-msgstr "Abre uma janela para ver as notícias dos projectos ou do BOINC"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1988
+msgid "Show chart for previous project"
+msgstr "Mostrar gráfico do projecto anterior"
-#: sg_DlgMessages.cpp:146
-msgid "Close"
-msgstr "Fechar"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1993
+msgid "&Next project >"
+msgstr "&Próximo projecto >"
-#: sg_DlgMessages.cpp:389
-#, c-format
-msgid "%s - Notices"
-msgstr "%s - Notícias"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1994
+msgid "Show chart for next project"
+msgstr "Mostrar gráfico do próximo projecto"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:268
-msgid "This dialog controls preferences for this computer only."
-msgstr "Esta janela controla as preferências para este computador apenas."
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2000
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2390
+msgid "Hide project list"
+msgstr "Ocultar lista de projectos"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:273
-msgid "Click OK to set preferences."
-msgstr "Carregue em OK para definir as preferências."
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2001
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2390
+msgid "Use entire area for graphs"
+msgstr "Utilizar área completa para os gráficos"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:278
-msgid ""
-"Click Clear to restore web-based settings for all preferences listed below."
-msgstr ""
-"Carregue em Limpar para restaurar as configurações definidas na web para "
-"todas as preferência abaixo"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2006
+msgid "Mode view"
+msgstr "Modo de visualização"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:285
-msgid ""
-"For additional settings, select Computing Preferences in the Advanced View."
-msgstr ""
-"Para definições adicionais, seleccione Preferências de Computação na Vista "
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2010
+msgid "One project"
+msgstr "Um projecto"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:313
-msgid "Do work only between:"
-msgstr "Executar trabalho apenas entre:"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2011
+msgid "Show one chart with selected project"
+msgstr "Mostrar um gráfico com o projecto seleccionado"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:335
-msgid "Connect to internet only between:"
-msgstr "Conectar-se à internet apenas entre:"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2017
+msgid "All projects (separate)"
+msgstr "Todos os projectos (separados)"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:357 sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:374
-msgid "Use no more than:"
-msgstr "Usar não mais do que:"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2018
+msgid "Show all projects, one chart per project"
+msgstr "Mostrar todos os projectos, um gráfico por projecto"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:370
-msgid "of disk space"
-msgstr "de espaço em disco"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2024
+msgid "All projects (together)"
+msgstr "Todos os projectos (juntos)"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:387
-msgid "of the processor"
-msgstr "do processador"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2025
+msgid "Show one chart with all projects"
+msgstr "Mostrar um gráfico com todos os projectos"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:391
-msgid "Do work while on battery?"
-msgstr "Executar trabalho se ligado apenas à bateria?"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2031
+msgid "All projects (sum)"
+msgstr "Todos os projectos (somados)"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:404
-msgid "Do work after idle for:"
-msgstr "Executar trabalho depois de inactivo por:"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2032
+msgid "Show one chart with sum of projects"
+msgstr "Mostrar um gráfico com a soma de todos os projectos"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:429
-msgid "Clear all local preferences listed above and close the dialog"
-msgstr ""
-"Desmarcar todas as preferências locais listadas acima e fechar a caixa de "
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2053
+msgid "Statistics"
+msgstr "Estatísticas"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:602 sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:605
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:681 sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:685
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:697 sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:701
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:844 sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:855
-msgid "Anytime"
-msgstr "A qualquer altura"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2077
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2098
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2119
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2141
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2162
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2183
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2204
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2225
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2246
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2270
+msgid "Updating charts..."
+msgstr "A actualizar gráficos..."
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:638
-msgid "100 MB"
-msgstr "100 MB"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2394
+msgid "Show project list"
+msgstr "Mostrar lista de projectos"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:639
-msgid "200 MB"
-msgstr "200 MB"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2394
+msgid "Uses smaller area for graphs"
+msgstr "Usar área mais pequena para os gráficos"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:640
-msgid "500 MB"
-msgstr "500 MB"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:169
+msgid "Retry Now"
+msgstr "Tente novamentente"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:641
-msgid "1 GB"
-msgstr "1 GB"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:170
+msgid "Retry the file transfer now"
+msgstr "Tentar novamente a transferência do ficheiro agora"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:642
-msgid "2 GB"
-msgstr "2 GB"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:176
+msgid "Abort Transfer"
+msgstr "Cancelar Transferência"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:643
-msgid "5 GB"
-msgstr "5 GB"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:177
+msgid "Abort this file transfer.  You won't get credit for the task."
+msgstr ""
+"Cancelar a transferência deste ficheiro.  Não obterá créditos para a tarefa."
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:644
-msgid "10 GB"
-msgstr "10 GB"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:188
+msgid "File"
+msgstr "Ficheiro"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:645
-msgid "20 GB"
-msgstr "20 GB"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:189
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:238
+msgid "Progress"
+msgstr "Progresso"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:646
-msgid "50 GB"
-msgstr "50 GB"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:190
+msgid "Size"
+msgstr "Tamanho"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:647
-msgid "100 GB"
-msgstr "100 GB"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:191
+msgid "Elapsed Time"
+msgstr "Tempo Decorrido"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:717
-#, c-format
-msgid "%d MB"
-msgstr "%d MB"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:192
+msgid "Speed"
+msgstr "Velocidade"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:719
-#, c-format
-msgid "%4.2f GB"
-msgstr "%4.2f GB"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:218
+msgid "Transfers"
+msgstr "Transferências"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:760
-#, c-format
-msgid "%d%%"
-msgstr "%d%%"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:285
+msgid "Network activity is suspended - "
+msgstr "Actividade de rede está suspensa - "
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:796
-msgid "0 (Run Always)"
-msgstr "0 (Executar Sempre)"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:287
+msgid ""
+"You can enable it using the Activity menu."
+msgstr ""
+"Pode activá-la utilizando o menu Actividade."
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:799
-#, c-format
-msgid "%d"
-msgstr "%d"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:290
+msgid "BOINC"
+msgstr "BOINC"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:1029
-msgid "Do you really want to clear all local preferences?\n"
-msgstr "Quer mesmo limpar todas as preferências locais?\n"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:297
+msgid "Retrying transfer now..."
+msgstr "A tentar transferir novamente..."
-#: sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:72
-msgid "Add Project"
-msgstr "Adicionar Projecto"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:335
+msgid "Aborting transfer..."
+msgstr "A cancelar a transferência..."
-#: sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:73
-msgid "Synchronize"
-msgstr "Sincronizar"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:348
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Are you sure you want to abort this file transfer '%s'?\n"
+"NOTE: Aborting a transfer will invalidate a task and you\n"
+"will not receive credit for it."
+msgstr ""
+"Tem a certeza que quer cancelar a transferência deste ficheiro '%s'?\n"
+"NOTA: Cancelar uma transferência invalidará a tarefa e\n"
+"não receberá crédito pela mesma."
-#: sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:74
-msgid "Work done for this project"
-msgstr "Trabalho realizado para este projecto"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:354
+msgid "Abort File Transfer"
+msgstr "Cancelar Transferência do Ficheiro"
-#: sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:77
-msgid "Synchronize projects with account manager system"
-msgstr "Sincroniza os projectos com o gestor de conta"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:785
+msgid "Upload"
+msgstr "Upload"
-#: sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:124
-msgid "Select a project to access with the controls below"
-msgstr "Seleccione o projecto para aceder com os controles em baixo"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:785
+msgid "Download"
+msgstr "Transferir"
-#: sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:145
-msgid "Project Web Pages"
-msgstr "Páginas Web do Projecto"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:789
+msgid "retry in "
+msgstr "tentar novamente em "
-#: sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:149
-msgid "Project Commands"
-msgstr "Comandos do Projecto"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:791
+msgid "failed"
+msgstr "falhou"
-#: sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:267
-#, c-format
-msgid "Pop up a menu of web sites for project %s"
-msgstr "Abre um menu de websites para o projecto %s"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:794
+msgid "suspended"
+msgstr "suspenso"
-#: sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:269
-#, c-format
-msgid "Pop up a menu of commands to apply to project %s"
-msgstr "Abre um menu de comandos para aplicar ao projecto %s"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:799
+msgid "active"
+msgstr "activo"
-#: sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:67
-msgid "Suspend this task."
-msgstr "Suspender esta tarefa."
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:801
+msgid "pending"
+msgstr "pendente"
-#: sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:73
-msgid "Abandon this task. You will get no credit for it."
-msgstr "Abandonar esta tarefa. Não obterá créditos por ela."
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:808
+msgid " (project backoff: "
+msgstr " (projecto backoff: "
-#: sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:251
-#, c-format
-msgid ""
-"Are you sure you want to abort this task '%s'?\n"
-"(Progress: %.1lf%%, Status: %s)"
-msgstr ""
-"Tem a certeza que quer cancelar esta tarefa '%s'?\n"
-"(Progresso: %.1lf%%, Estado: %s)"
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:192
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:782
+msgid "Show active tasks"
+msgstr "Mostrar tarefas activas"
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:464
-msgid "You don't have any projects.  Please Add a Project."
-msgstr "Não tem nenhuns projectos. Por favor adicione um Projecto."
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:193
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:783
+msgid "Show only active tasks."
+msgstr "Mostrar apenas as tarefas activas."
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:465
-msgid "Not available"
-msgstr "Indisponível"
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:206
+msgid "Show VM Console"
+msgstr "Mostrar Consola VM"
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:476
-msgid "Tasks:"
-msgstr "Tarefas:"
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:207
+msgid "Show VM Console in a window."
+msgstr "Mostrar Consola VM numa janela."
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:482
-msgid "Select a task to access"
-msgstr "Seleccione uma tarefa para aceder"
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:214
+msgid "Suspend work for this result."
+msgstr "Suspender trabalho para este resultado."
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:493
-msgid "From:"
-msgstr "De:"
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:221
+msgid "Abandon work on the result. You will get no credit for it."
+msgstr "Abandonar resultado do trabalho. Não receberá crédito por ele."
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:547
-msgid "This task's progress"
-msgstr "Progresso destas tarefas"
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:240
+msgid "Elapsed"
+msgstr "Decorrido"
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:565
-msgid "Task Commands"
-msgstr "Comandos das Tarefas"
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:241
+msgid "Remaining (estimated)"
+msgstr "Restante (estimado)"
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:566
-msgid "Pop up a menu of commands to apply to this task"
-msgstr "Abrir um menu de comandos para aplicar a esta tarefa"
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:242
+msgid "Deadline"
+msgstr "Data Limite"
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:701
-#, c-format
-msgid "Application: %s"
-msgstr "Aplicação: %s"
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:269
+msgid "Tasks"
+msgstr "Tarefas"
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:724
-#, c-format
-msgid "%.3f%%"
-msgstr "%.3f%%"
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:362
+msgid "Resuming task..."
+msgstr "A resumir tarefa..."
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:732
-msgid "Application: Not available"
-msgstr "Aplicação: Indisponível"
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:365
+msgid "Suspending task..."
+msgstr "A suspender tarefa..."
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:832
-msgid "Not Available"
-msgstr "Indisponível"
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:394
+msgid "Showing graphics for task..."
+msgstr "A mostrar gráficos para a tarefa..."
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:847
-#, c-format
-msgid "Elapsed: %s"
-msgstr "Decorrido: %s"
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:431
+msgid "Showing VM console for task..."
+msgstr "A mostrar Consola VM para a tarefa..."
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:861
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:484
 #, c-format
-msgid "Remaining (estimated): %s"
-msgstr "Restante (estimado): %s"
+msgid ""
+"Are you sure you want to abort this task '%s'?\n"
+"(Progress: %s, Status: %s)"
+msgstr ""
+"Tem a certeza que quer cancelar esta tarefa '%s'?\n"
+"(Progresso: %s, Estado: %s)"
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:876
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:490
 #, c-format
-msgid "Status: %s"
-msgstr "Estado: %s"
+msgid "Are you sure you want to abort these %d tasks?"
+msgstr "Tem a certeza que quer cancelar estas %d tarefas?"
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1223
-msgid "Retrieving current status."
-msgstr "A rever o estado actual."
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:504
+msgid "Aborting task..."
+msgstr "A cancelar a tarefa..."
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1229
-msgid "Downloading work from the server."
-msgstr "A realizar transferência de trabalho do servidor."
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:776
+msgid "Show all tasks"
+msgstr "Mostrar todas as tarefas"
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1234
-msgid "Processing Suspended:  Running On Batteries."
-msgstr "Processamento Suspenso:  A executar em Bateria."
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:777
+msgid "Show all tasks."
+msgstr "Mostrar todas as tarefas."
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1236
-msgid "Processing Suspended:  User Active."
-msgstr "Processamento Suspenso:  Utilizador Activo."
+#: clientgui/WelcomePage.cpp:284
+msgid "Add project or account manager"
+msgstr "Adicionar projecto ou gestor de conta"
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1238
-msgid "Processing Suspended:  User paused processing."
-msgstr "Processamento Suspenso:  O utilizador parou o processamento."
+#: clientgui/WelcomePage.cpp:288
+msgid "Add project or use BOINC Account Manager"
+msgstr "Adicionar projecto ou utilizar um Gestor de Contas BOINC"
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1240
-msgid "Processing Suspended:  Time of Day."
-msgstr "Processamento Suspenso:  Hora do Dia."
+#: clientgui/WelcomePage.cpp:297
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"If possible, add projects at the\n"
+"%s web site.\n"
+"Projects added via this wizard will not be\n"
+"listed on or managed via %s."
+msgstr ""
+"Se possível, adicione projectos no\n"
+"website do %s.\n"
+"Projectos adicionados através do assistente não serão\n"
+"listados ou geridos pelo %s."
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1242
-msgid "Processing Suspended:  Benchmarks Running."
-msgstr "Processamento Suspenso:  A Executar Testes de Performance."
+#: clientgui/WelcomePage.cpp:313
+msgid ""
+"There are over 30 BOINC-based projects\n"
+"doing research in many areas of science,\n"
+"and you can volunteer for as many of them as you like.\n"
+"You can add a project directly,\n"
+"or use an 'Account Manager' web site to select projects."
+msgstr ""
+"Existem mais de 30 projectos com base no BOINC\n"
+"a realizar pesquisas em várias áreas da ciência,\n"
+"e você pode-se voluntariar para tantos quanto quiser.\n"
+"Pode adicionar um projecto directamente,\n"
+"ou usar o website de um 'Gestor de Conta' para seleccionar projectos."
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1244
-msgid "Processing Suspended."
-msgstr "Processamento Suspenso."
+#: clientgui/WelcomePage.cpp:325
+msgid ""
+"You have chosen to add a new volunteer computing project or change which projects\n"
+"you contribute to.\n"
+"Some of these projects are run and managed by World Community Grid, while others\n"
+"are run and managed by other researchers or organizations. The BOINC software\n"
+"can divide your spare processing power among any combination of projects.\n"
+"Alternatively, if you have registered with a BOINC Account Manager, you can use\n"
+"this to choose which projects to support.\n"
+"Please choose which type of change you would like to make:\n"
+msgstr ""
+"Escolheu adicionar um novo projecto de computação voluntária ou alterar os "
+"para os quais contribui.\n"
+"Alguns destes projectos são executados e geridos pela World Community Grid, "
+"enquanto outros\n"
+"são executados e geridos por outras equipas de pesquisa ou organizações. O "
+"software BOINC\n"
+"pode dividir o seu poder de processamento livre, entre quaisquer combinações "
+"de projectos.\n"
+"Alternativamente, se fez o registo com um Gestor de Conta BOINC, pode "
+"isto para escolher a que projectos quer dar suporte.\n"
+"Por favor, escolha que tipo de alterações quer fazer:\n"
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1248
-msgid "Waiting to contact project servers."
-msgstr "A aguardar contacto dos servidores do projecto."
+#: clientgui/WelcomePage.cpp:339
+msgid "Use a BOINC Account Manager"
+msgstr "Usar um Gestor de Conta BOINC"
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1252 sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1261
-msgid "Retrieving current status"
-msgstr "A rever estado actual"
+#: clientgui/WelcomePage.cpp:358
+msgid "Add or change your World Community Grid projects"
+msgstr "Adicionar ou alterar os seus projectos na World Community Grid"
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1256
-msgid "No work available to process"
-msgstr "Sem trabalhos disponíveis para processar"
+#: clientgui/WelcomePage.cpp:361
+msgid "Add projects run by other researchers or organizations"
+msgstr ""
+"Adicionar projectos executados por outros investigadores ou organizações"
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1258
-msgid "Unable to connect to the core client"
-msgstr "Incapaz de se conectar ao core do cliente"
+#: clientgui/WizardAttach.cpp:673
+msgid "Do you really want to cancel?"
+msgstr "Quer mesmo cancelar?"
+#: clientgui/WizardAttach.cpp:674
+msgid "Question"
+msgstr "Questão"
-#: wizardex.cpp:377 wizardex.cpp:553
+#: clientgui/wizardex.cpp:377
+#: clientgui/wizardex.cpp:553
 msgid "&Next >"
 msgstr "&Próximo >"
-#: wizardex.cpp:383
+#: clientgui/wizardex.cpp:383
 msgid "< &Back"
 msgstr "< &Anterior"
-#: wizardex.cpp:553
+#: clientgui/wizardex.cpp:553
 msgid "&Finish"
 msgstr "&Terminar"
-#: mac/Mac_GUI.cpp:110
-msgid "Preferences…"
-msgstr "Preferências..."
+#: clientgui/common/wxPieCtrl.cpp:64
+msgid "Pie Ctrl"
+msgstr "Pie Ctrl"
-#: mac/Mac_GUI.cpp:122
+#: clientgui/mac/Mac_GUI.cpp:35
 msgid "Services"
 msgstr "Serviços"
-#: mac/Mac_GUI.cpp:144
+#: clientgui/mac/Mac_GUI.cpp:36
 #, c-format
 msgid "Hide %s"
 msgstr "Ocultar %s"
-#: mac/Mac_GUI.cpp:158
+#: clientgui/mac/Mac_GUI.cpp:37
 msgid "Hide Others"
 msgstr "Ocultar Outros"
-#: mac/Mac_GUI.cpp:172
+#: clientgui/mac/Mac_GUI.cpp:38
 msgid "Show All"
 msgstr "Mostrar Todos"
-#: mac/Mac_GUI.cpp:186
+#: clientgui/mac/Mac_GUI.cpp:39
 #, c-format
 msgid "Quit %s"
 msgstr "Sair %s"
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.h:30
+msgid "specify work start and stop hours in format HH:MM-HH:MM"
+msgstr "especifique as horas de começo e fim do trabalho no formato HH:MM-HH:MM"
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.h:31
+msgid "specify network usage start and stop hours in format HH:MM-HH:MM"
+msgstr ""
+"especifique as horas iniciais e finais para o uso da rede, no formato HH:MM-"
+"HH:MM "
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "(C) 2003-2013 University of California, Berkeley.\n"
+#~ "All Rights Reserved."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "(C) 2003-2013 Universidade da Califórnia, Berkeley.\n"
+#~ "Todos os Direitos Reservados."
+#, c-format
+#~ msgid "%s - Preferences"
+#~ msgstr "%s - Preferências"
+#, no-c-format
+#~ msgid "% of the processors (0 means ignore this setting)"
+#~ msgstr "% dos processadores (0 significa ignorar esta configuração)"
+#, no-c-format
+#~ msgid "% CPU time"
+#~ msgstr "% tempo de CPU"
+#~ msgid "KBytes/sec."
+#~ msgstr "KBytes/seg."
+#~ msgid "Mbytes"
+#~ msgstr "Mbytes"
+#~ msgid "every"
+#~ msgstr "a cada"
+#~ msgid "days"
+#~ msgstr "dias"
+#~ msgid "Gigabytes disk space"
+#~ msgstr "Gigabytes de espaço em disco"
+#~ msgid "Running, high priority"
+#~ msgstr "Executando com prioridade elevada"
+#~ msgid " (Scheduler wait: "
+#~ msgstr " (Agendamento em espera:"
+#~ msgid " (Scheduler wait)"
+#~ msgstr "(Agendamento em espera)"
+#~ msgid " (Waiting for network access)"
+#~ msgstr " (A aguardar acesso à rede)"
+#~ msgid "Preferences…"
+#~ msgstr "Preferências..."
 #~ msgid "I do not agree with the terms of use."
 #~ msgstr "Eu não concordo com os termos de uso."
@@ -4275,17 +4496,6 @@ msgstr "Sair %s"
 #~ msgid "OnDropTarget: index by HitTest = %i"
 #~ msgstr "OnDropTarget: index by HitTest = %i"
-#~ msgid "Pie Ctrl"
-#~ msgstr "Pie Ctrl"
-#~ msgid "specify work start and stop hours in format HH:MM-HH:MM"
-#~ msgstr "especifique as horas de começo e fim do trabalho no formato HH:MM-HH:MM"
-#~ msgid "specify network usage start and stop hours in format HH:MM-HH:MM"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "especifique as horas iniciais e finais para o uso da rede, no formato HH:MM-"
-#~ "HH:MM "
 #, c-format
 #~ msgid "The %s's default language has been changed, in order for this change to take affect you must restart the %s."
 #~ msgstr "A %s's linguagem padrão foi mudada, para que estas alterações tenham efeito, deve reiniciar o %s."
diff --git a/locale/ro/BOINC-Manager.po b/locale/ro/BOINC-Manager.po
index 9dfd856..23b5f41 100644
--- a/locale/ro/BOINC-Manager.po
+++ b/locale/ro/BOINC-Manager.po
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ msgid ""
 msgstr ""
 "Project-Id-Version: BOINC Manager 4.x\n"
 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-02-02 00:00-0800\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-12-15 14:15-0500\n"
 "PO-Revision-Date: 2014-02-03 15:01+0000\n"
 "Last-Translator: Marius <marius.sirbu at outlook.com>\n"
 "Language-Team: BOINC Development Team <rwalton at ssl.berkeley.edu>\n"
@@ -17,21 +17,21 @@ msgstr ""
 "Plural-Forms: nplurals=3; plural=(n==1 ? 0 : (n==0 || (n%100 > 0 && n%100 < "
 "20)) ? 1 : 2);;\n"
 "X-Generator: Pootle 2.5.0\n"
-"X-BOINC-UTF8-Marker: 简体中文, 日本語\n"
-"X-Poedit-SearchPath-1: clientgui/msw\n"
-"X-Poedit-SearchPath-2: clientgui/gtk\n"
-"X-Poedit-SearchPath-3: clientgui/mac\n"
+"X-Poedit-Basepath: C:\\Src\\BOINCGIT\\boinc_7.4\n"
 "X-Poedit-SearchPath-0: clientgui\n"
 "X-Poedit-SourceCharset: utf-8\n"
-"X-Poedit-Basepath: C:\\Src\\BOINCGIT\\boinc\n"
 "X-POOTLE-MTIME: 1391439700.0\n"
+"X-Poedit-SearchPath-1: clientgui/msw\n"
+"X-Poedit-SearchPath-2: clientgui/gtk\n"
+"X-Poedit-SearchPath-3: clientgui/mac\n"
+"X-BOINC-UTF8-Marker: 简体中文, 日本語\n"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:387
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:387
 #, c-format
 msgid "Identify your account at %s"
 msgstr "Identificaţi contul dumneavoastră la %s"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:393
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:393
 msgid ""
 "Please enter your account information\n"
 "(to create an account, visit the project's web site)"
@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ msgstr ""
 "Vă rugăm introduceţi informaţiile contului\n"
 "(pentru a crea una cont, vizitaţi situl web al proiectului)"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:397
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:397
 msgid ""
 "This project is not currently accepting new accounts.\n"
 "You can add it only if you already have an account."
@@ -47,19 +47,19 @@ msgstr ""
 "Acest proiect nu acceptă noi conturi.\n"
 "Puteţi să îl adăugaţi doar dacă aveţi deja un cont."
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:401
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:401
 msgid "Are you already running this project?"
 msgstr "Rulaţi deja acest proiect?"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:405
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:405
 msgid "&No, new user"
 msgstr "&Nu, utilizator nou"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:408
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:408
 msgid "&Yes, existing user"
 msgstr "&Da, utilizator existent"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:413
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:413
 msgid ""
 "We were not able to set up your account information\n"
@@ -75,45 +75,51 @@ msgstr ""
 "mai jos pentru a afla ce trebuie să introduceţi în\n"
 "câmpurile adresă de email şi parolă."
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:416
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:416
 msgid "Find login information"
 msgstr "Caută informaţii login"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:436 AccountInfoPage.cpp:641
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:436
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:649
 msgid "&Password:"
 msgstr "&Parola:"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:443 AccountInfoPage.cpp:665
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:443
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:673
 msgid "Choose a &password:"
 msgstr "Alegeţi o &parolă:"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:446
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:446
 msgid "C&onfirm password:"
 msgstr "C&onfirmaţi parola:"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:453
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:453
 #, c-format
 msgid "Are you already running %s?"
 msgstr "Rulaţi deja %s?"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:482
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:482
 msgid "&Username:"
 msgstr "Nume &utilizator:"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:508
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:511
+msgid "&Email address or LDAP ID:"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:515
 msgid "&Email address:"
 msgstr "Adresa &email:"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:515
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:523
 #, c-format
 msgid "minimum length %d"
 msgstr "lungime minimă %d"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:522
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:530
 msgid "Forgot your password?"
 msgstr "Aţi uitat parola?"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:529
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:537
 msgid ""
 "If you have not yet registered with this account manager,\n"
 "please do so before proceeding.  Click on the link below\n"
@@ -123,47 +129,46 @@ msgstr ""
 "vă rugăm să o faceţi înainte de a continua.  Selectaţi legătura\n"
 "de mai jos pentru a vă înregistra sau a regăsi o parolă uitată."
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:532
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:540
 msgid "Account manager web site"
 msgstr "Website manager de cont"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:574 WelcomePage.cpp:348
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:582
 msgid "Add project"
 msgstr "Adaugă proiect"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:576
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:584
 msgid "Update account manager"
 msgstr "Actualizează managerul de cont"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:578 WelcomePage.cpp:307 WelcomePage.cpp:321
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:586
 msgid "Use account manager"
 msgstr "Utilizaţi manager de cont"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:585
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:593
 msgid "Please enter a user name."
 msgstr "Vă rugăm specificaţi un nume de utilizator."
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:587
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:595
 msgid "Please enter an email address."
 msgstr "Vă rugăm specificaţi o adresă de email."
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:597
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:605
 #, c-format
 msgid "Please enter a password of at least %d characters."
 msgstr "Vă rugăm să introduceţi o parolă cu cel puţin %d caractere."
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:607
-msgid ""
-"The password and confirmation password do not match. Please type them again."
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:615
+msgid "The password and confirmation password do not match. Please type them again."
 msgstr ""
 "Parola si confirmarea parolei nu sunt identice. Vă rugăm să le "
-#: AccountManagerInfoPage.cpp:272
+#: clientgui/AccountManagerInfoPage.cpp:272
 msgid "Choose an account manager"
 msgstr "Alegeţi un manager de cont"
-#: AccountManagerInfoPage.cpp:275
+#: clientgui/AccountManagerInfoPage.cpp:275
 msgid ""
 "To choose an account manager, click its name or \n"
 "type its URL below."
@@ -171,381 +176,398 @@ msgstr ""
 "Pentru a alege un manager de cont, apăsaţi pe numele lui sau\n"
 "introduceţi URL-ul lui mai jos."
-#: AccountManagerInfoPage.cpp:279
+#: clientgui/AccountManagerInfoPage.cpp:279
 msgid "Account manager details:"
 msgstr "Detalii manager de cont:"
-#: AccountManagerInfoPage.cpp:283
+#: clientgui/AccountManagerInfoPage.cpp:283
 msgid "Account manager &URL:"
 msgstr "&URL Manager de cont:"
-#: AccountManagerInfoPage.cpp:287
+#: clientgui/AccountManagerInfoPage.cpp:287
 msgid "Open web page"
 msgstr "Deschide pagină web"
-#: AccountManagerInfoPage.cpp:290
+#: clientgui/AccountManagerInfoPage.cpp:290
 msgid "Visit this account manager's web site"
 msgstr "Vizitaţi site web al managerului de cont"
-#: AccountManagerProcessingPage.cpp:187 AccountManagerPropertiesPage.cpp:193
+#: clientgui/AccountManagerProcessingPage.cpp:186
+#: clientgui/AccountManagerPropertiesPage.cpp:192
 #, c-format
 msgid "Communicating with %s."
 msgstr "Comunicare cu %s."
-#: AccountManagerProcessingPage.cpp:194 AccountManagerPropertiesPage.cpp:200
+#: clientgui/AccountManagerProcessingPage.cpp:193
+#: clientgui/AccountManagerPropertiesPage.cpp:199
 msgid "Communicating with server."
 msgstr "Comunicare cu serverul."
-#: AccountManagerProcessingPage.cpp:199 AccountManagerPropertiesPage.cpp:205
+#: clientgui/AccountManagerProcessingPage.cpp:198
+#: clientgui/AccountManagerPropertiesPage.cpp:204
 msgid "Please wait..."
 msgstr "Vă rugăm aşteptaţi..."
-#: AccountManagerProcessingPage.cpp:326
+#: clientgui/AccountManagerProcessingPage.cpp:325
 msgid "An internal server error has occurred.\n"
 msgstr "A intervenit o eroare internă server.\n"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:95
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:96
 msgid "Connected"
 msgstr "Conectat"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:103
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:104
 msgid "Disconnected"
 msgstr "Deconectat"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:322 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:119
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:318
 #, c-format
 msgid "Close the %s window"
 msgstr "Închide fereastra %s"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:325 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:122
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:321
 msgid "&Close Window"
 msgstr "În&chide Fereastră"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:336 AdvancedFrame.cpp:343 AdvancedFrame.cpp:350
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:332
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:339
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:346
 #, c-format
 msgid "Exit %s"
 msgstr "Închide %s"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:371
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:359
+msgid "Preferences..."
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:368
 msgid "&Notices\tCtrl+Shift+N"
 msgstr "A&nunţuri\tCtrl+Shift+N"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:372
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:369
 msgid "Display notices"
 msgstr "Arată anunţuri"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:377
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:374
 msgid "&Projects\tCtrl+Shift+P"
 msgstr "&Proiecte\tCtrl+Shift+P"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:378
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:375
 msgid "Display projects"
 msgstr "Arată proiecte"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:383
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:380
 msgid "&Tasks\tCtrl+Shift+T"
 msgstr "&Task-uri\tCtrl+Shift+T"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:384
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:381
 msgid "Display tasks"
 msgstr "Arată task-uri"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:389
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:386
 msgid "Trans&fers\tCtrl+Shift+X"
 msgstr "Trans&feruri\tCtrl+Shift+X"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:390
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:387
 msgid "Display transfers"
 msgstr "Arată transferuri"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:395
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:392
 msgid "&Statistics\tCtrl+Shift+S"
 msgstr "&Statistici\tCtrl+Shift+S"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:396
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:393
 msgid "Display statistics"
 msgstr "Arată statistici"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:401
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:398
 msgid "&Disk usage\tCtrl+Shift+D"
 msgstr "Utilizare &disc\tCtrl+Shift+D"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:402
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:399
 msgid "Display disk usage"
 msgstr "Arată utilizare disc"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:409
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:406
 msgid "Simple &View...\tCtrl+Shift+V"
 msgstr "&Vizualizare Simplă...\tCtrl+Shift+V"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:410
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:407
 msgid "Display the simple graphical interface."
 msgstr "Arată interfaţa grafică simplă."
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:424
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:421
 msgid "&Add project or account manager..."
 msgstr "&Adaugă proiect sau manager de cont..."
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:425 sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:76
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:422
 msgid "Volunteer for any or all of 30+ projects in many areas of science"
 msgstr ""
 "Oferiţi-vă voluntar pentru unul sau toate din cele mai mult de 30 de "
 "proiecte în multe zone ale ştiinţei"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:429
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:426
 #, c-format
 msgid "&Synchronize with %s"
 msgstr "&Sincronizează cu %s"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:433
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:430
 #, c-format
 msgid "Get current settings from %s"
 msgstr "Preia setările curente de la %s"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:443
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:440
 msgid "&Add project..."
 msgstr "&Adaugă proiect..."
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:444
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:441
 msgid "Add a project"
 msgstr "Adaugă un proiect"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:447
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:444
 #, c-format
 msgid "S&top using %s..."
 msgstr "Opreş&te utilizarea %s..."
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:453
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:450
 msgid "Remove this computer from account manager control."
 msgstr "Elimină acest calculator de sub controlul managerului de cont."
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:458 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:178
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:455
 msgid "&Options..."
 msgstr "&Opţiuni..."
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:459 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:179
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:456
 msgid "Configure display options and proxy settings"
 msgstr "Configurează opţiunile de afişare şi setările proxy"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:463 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:172
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:460
 msgid "Computing &preferences..."
 msgstr "&Preferinţe calcul..."
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:464 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:173
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:461
 msgid "Configure computing preferences"
 msgstr "Configurează preferinţele de calcul"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:472
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:469
 msgid "&Run always"
 msgstr "&Rulează continuu"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:473
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:470
 msgid "Allow work regardless of preferences"
 msgstr "Rulează indiferent de preferinţe"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:477
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:474
 msgid "Run based on &preferences"
 msgstr "Rulează conform &preferinţelor"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:478
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:475
 msgid "Allow work according to preferences"
 msgstr "Rulează conform preferinţelor"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:482
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:479
 msgid "&Suspend"
 msgstr "&Suspendă"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:483
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:480
 msgid "Stop work regardless of preferences"
 msgstr "Opreşte lucrul indiferent de preferinţe"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:508
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:505
 msgid "Use GPU always"
 msgstr "Foloseşte GPU tot timpul"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:509
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:506
 msgid "Allow GPU work regardless of preferences"
 msgstr "Permite lucrul GPU indiferent de preferinţe"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:513
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:510
 msgid "Use GPU based on preferences"
 msgstr "Foloseşte GPU bazat pe preferinţe"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:514
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:511
 msgid "Allow GPU work according to preferences"
 msgstr "Permite lucrul GPU conform preferinţe"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:518
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:515
 msgid "Suspend GPU"
 msgstr "Suspendă GPU"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:519
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:516
 msgid "Stop GPU work regardless of preferences"
 msgstr "Opreşte lucrul GPU indiferent de preferinţe"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:543
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:540
 msgid "Network activity always available"
 msgstr "Acces la reţea disponibil permanent"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:544
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:541
 msgid "Allow network activity regardless of preferences"
 msgstr "Acces la reţea indiferent de preferinţe"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:548
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:545
 msgid "Network activity based on preferences"
 msgstr "Acces la reţea conform preferinţelor"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:549
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:546
 msgid "Allow network activity according to preferences"
 msgstr "Permite accesul la reţea conform preferinţelor"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:553
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:550
 msgid "Network activity suspended"
 msgstr "Accesul la reţea suspendat"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:554
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:551
 msgid "Stop BOINC network activity"
 msgstr "Opreşte activitatea de reţea a BOINC"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:564
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:561
 #, c-format
 msgid "Connect to another computer running %s"
 msgstr "Conectare la alt calculator care rulează %s"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:569
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:566
 msgid "Select computer..."
 msgstr "Selectează calculator..."
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:574
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:571
 msgid "Shut down connected client..."
 msgstr "Opreşte clienul conectat..."
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:575
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:572
 msgid "Shut down the currently connected client"
 msgstr "Opreşte clienul curent conectat"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:579
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:576
 msgid "Run CPU &benchmarks"
 msgstr "Rulează &benchmark CPU"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:580
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:577
 msgid "Runs BOINC CPU benchmarks"
 msgstr "Rulează benchmark CPU BOINC"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:584
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:581
 msgid "Do network communication"
 msgstr "Realizează comunicaţia prin reţea"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:585
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:582
 msgid "Do all pending network communication"
 msgstr "Realizează comunicaţiile prin reţea în aşteptare"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:589
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:586
 msgid "Read config files"
 msgstr "Citeşte fişierele de configurare"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:590
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:587
 msgid "Read configuration info from cc_config.xml and any app_config.xml files"
 msgstr ""
 "Citeşte informaţiile de configurare din fişierele cc_config.xml şi "
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:594
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:591
 msgid "Read local prefs file"
 msgstr "Citeşte fişierul local de preferinţe"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:595
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:592
 msgid "Read preferences from global_prefs_override.xml."
 msgstr "Citeşte preferinţele din global_prefs_override.xml."
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:600
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:597
 #, c-format
 msgid "Launch another instance of %s..."
 msgstr "Lansează o altă instanţă de %s..."
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:604
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:601
 #, c-format
 msgid "Launch another %s"
 msgstr "Lansează un alt %s"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:614
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:611
 msgid "Event Log...\tCtrl+Shift+E"
 msgstr "Log Evenimente...\tCtrl+Shift+E"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:615
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:612
 msgid "Display diagnostic messages."
 msgstr "Afişează mesajele de diagnostic."
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:625 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:188
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:616
+msgid "Event Log Diagnostic Flags...\tCtrl+Shift+F"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:617
+msgid "Enable or disable various diagnostic messages"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:626
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s &help"
 msgstr "&Ajutor %s"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:631 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:194
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:632
 #, c-format
 msgid "Show information about %s"
 msgstr "Arată informaţii despre %s"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:643
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:644
 #, c-format
 msgid "&%s help"
 msgstr "&Ajutor %s"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:649 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:212
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:650
 #, c-format
 msgid "Show information about the %s"
 msgstr "Arată informaţii despre %s"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:661 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:224
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:662
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s &web site"
 msgstr "%s &website"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:667 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:230
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:668
 #, c-format
 msgid "Show information about BOINC and %s"
 msgstr "Afişează informaţii despre BOINC şi %s"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:679 BOINCTaskBar.cpp:530 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:242
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:680
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:544
 #, c-format
 msgid "&About %s..."
 msgstr "&Despre %s..."
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:685 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:248
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:686
 msgid "Licensing and copyright information."
 msgstr "Informaţii despre licenţă şi drepturi de autor."
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:692 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:255
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:693
 msgid "&File"
 msgstr "&Fişier"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:696 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:259
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:697
 msgid "&View"
 msgstr "&Vizualizare"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:700 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:263
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:701
 msgid "&Tools"
 msgstr "&Unelte"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:704
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:705
 msgid "&Activity"
 msgstr "&Activitate"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:708
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:709
 msgid "A&dvanced"
 msgstr "A&vansat"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:712 DlgEventLog.cpp:332 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:267
-#: wizardex.cpp:374 wizardex.cpp:381
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:713
 msgid "&Help"
 msgstr "&Ajutor"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:1199
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1185
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - Stop using %s"
 msgstr "%s - Opreşte utilizarea %s"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:1204
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1190
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "If you stop using %s,\n"
@@ -560,12 +582,12 @@ msgstr ""
 "Doriţi să nu mai folosiţi %s?"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:1401
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1397
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - Shut down the current client..."
 msgstr "%s - Închide clientul curent..."
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:1410
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1406
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "%s will shut down the current client\n"
@@ -574,36 +596,36 @@ msgstr ""
 "%s va opri clientul curent\n"
 "şi vă va cere o altă gazdă la care să se conecteze."
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:1745 DlgAbout.cpp:119
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1806
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s"
 msgstr "%s"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:1754
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1815
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s has successfully added %s"
 msgstr "%s a adăugat cu succes %s"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:1893
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1953
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - (%s)"
 msgstr "%s - (%s)"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:1897
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1957
 #, c-format
 msgid "Connecting to %s"
 msgstr "In curs de conectare la %s"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:1900
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1960
 #, c-format
 msgid "Connected to %s (%s)"
 msgstr "Conectat la %s (%s)"
-#: AlreadyExistsPage.cpp:184
+#: clientgui/AlreadyExistsPage.cpp:184
 msgid "Username already in use"
 msgstr "Nume utilizator deja folosit"
-#: AlreadyExistsPage.cpp:187
+#: clientgui/AlreadyExistsPage.cpp:187
 msgid ""
 "An account with that username already exists and has a\n"
 "different password than the one you entered.\n"
@@ -615,11 +637,11 @@ msgstr ""
 "Va rugăm accesaţi web site-ul proiectului si urmaţi instrucţiunile de acolo."
-#: AlreadyExistsPage.cpp:191
+#: clientgui/AlreadyExistsPage.cpp:191
 msgid "Email address already in use"
 msgstr "Adresa de email este deja in uz"
-#: AlreadyExistsPage.cpp:194
+#: clientgui/AlreadyExistsPage.cpp:194
 msgid ""
 "An account with that email address already exists and has a\n"
 "different password than the one you entered.\n"
@@ -631,45 +653,44 @@ msgstr ""
 "Va rugăm accesaţi web site-ul proiectului si urmaţi instrucţiunile de acolo."
-#: AsyncRPC.cpp:1031
+#: clientgui/AsyncRPC.cpp:1031
 msgid "Communicating with BOINC client.  Please wait ..."
 msgstr "Se comunică cu clientul BOINC.  Vă rugăm aşteptaţi ..."
-#: AsyncRPC.cpp:1034
+#: clientgui/AsyncRPC.cpp:1034
 #, c-format
 msgid "&Quit %s"
 msgstr "&Închide %s"
-#: AsyncRPC.cpp:1036
+#: clientgui/AsyncRPC.cpp:1036
 #, c-format
 msgid "E&xit %s"
 msgstr "I&eşire %s"
-#: AsyncRPC.cpp:1040
+#: clientgui/AsyncRPC.cpp:1040
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - Communication"
 msgstr "%s - Comunicaţie"
-#: AsyncRPC.cpp:1056 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:107 sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:433
+#: clientgui/AsyncRPC.cpp:1056
 msgid "Cancel"
 msgstr "Anulează"
-#: BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:505
+#: clientgui/BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:504
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - Connection Error"
 msgstr "%s - Eroare Conexiune"
-#: BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:514
+#: clientgui/BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:513
 msgid ""
 "You currently are not authorized to manage the client.\n"
-"Please contact your administrator to add you to the 'boinc_users' local user "
+"Please contact your administrator to add you to the 'boinc_users' local user group."
 msgstr ""
 "Nu sunteţi autorizat să gestionaţi acest client.\n"
 "Vă rugăm contactaţi administratorul pentru a vă adăuga în grupul "
 "'boinc_users' local."
-#: BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:523
+#: clientgui/BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:522
 msgid ""
 "Authorization failed connecting to running client.\n"
 "Make sure you start this program in the same directory as the client."
@@ -677,20 +698,20 @@ msgstr ""
 "Autorizare eşuată la conectarea cu clientul.\n"
 "Fiţi sigur că porniţi acest program în acelaşi director cu clientul."
-#: BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:525
+#: clientgui/BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:524
 msgid "Authorization failed connecting to running client."
 msgstr "Autorizare eşuată la conectarea la client."
-#: BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:533
+#: clientgui/BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:532
 msgid "The password you have provided is incorrect, please try again."
 msgstr "Parola este incorectă, va rugăm reîncercaţi."
-#: BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:577
+#: clientgui/BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:576
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - Connection Failed"
 msgstr "%s - Conexiune Nereuşită"
-#: BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:586
+#: clientgui/BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:585
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "%s is not able to connect to a %s client.\n"
@@ -699,23 +720,22 @@ msgstr ""
 "%s nu se poate conecta la clientul %s .\n"
 "Doriţi să încerce să se conecteze din nou?"
-#: BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:622
+#: clientgui/BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:621
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - Daemon Start Failed"
 msgstr "%s - Pornirea Daemon Eşuată"
-#: BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:632
+#: clientgui/BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:631
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "%s is not able to start a %s client.\n"
-"Please launch the Control Panel->Administative Tools->Services applet and "
-"start the BOINC service."
+"Please launch the Control Panel->Administative Tools->Services applet and start the BOINC service."
 msgstr ""
 "%s nu poate porni un client %s.\n"
 "Vă rugăm lansaţi Control Panel->Administative Tools->Services şi porniţi "
 "serviciul BOINC."
-#: BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:638
+#: clientgui/BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:637
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "%s is not able to start a %s client.\n"
@@ -724,17 +744,16 @@ msgstr ""
 "%s nu poate porni un client %s.\n"
 "Vă rugăm porniţi daemonul şi încercaţi din nou."
-#: BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:689
+#: clientgui/BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:688
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - Connection Status"
 msgstr "%s - Stare Conexiune"
-#: BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:700
+#: clientgui/BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:699
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "%s is not currently connected to a %s client.\n"
-"Please use the 'Advanced\\Select Computer...' menu option to connect up to a "
-"%s client.\n"
+"Please use the 'Advanced\\Select Computer...' menu option to connect up to a %s client.\n"
 "To connect up to your local computer please use 'localhost' as the host name."
 msgstr ""
 "%s nu este conectat la un client %s.\n"
@@ -743,16 +762,16 @@ msgstr ""
 "Pentru a vă conecta la calculatorul local folosiţi 'localhst' ca şi nume "
-#: BOINCBaseView.cpp:779
+#: clientgui/BOINCBaseView.cpp:752
 msgid "Project web pages"
 msgstr "Pagini web proiect"
-#: BOINCClientManager.cpp:575
+#: clientgui/BOINCClientManager.cpp:573
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - Unexpected Exit"
 msgstr "%s - Închidere Neaşteptată"
-#: BOINCClientManager.cpp:585
+#: clientgui/BOINCClientManager.cpp:583
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "The %s client has exited unexpectedly 3 times within the last %d minutes.\n"
@@ -761,12 +780,12 @@ msgstr ""
 "Clientul %s s-a închis neaşteptat de 3 ori în ultimele %d minute.\n"
 "Doriţi să îl restartaţi din nou?"
-#: BOINCDialupManager.cpp:61
+#: clientgui/BOINCDialupManager.cpp:61
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - Network Status"
 msgstr "%s - Stare Reţea"
-#: BOINCDialupManager.cpp:241
+#: clientgui/BOINCDialupManager.cpp:241
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "%s needs to connect to the Internet.\n"
@@ -775,22 +794,22 @@ msgstr ""
 "%s necesită să se conecteze la Internet.\n"
 "Poate face asta acum?"
-#: BOINCDialupManager.cpp:254
+#: clientgui/BOINCDialupManager.cpp:254
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s is connecting to the Internet."
 msgstr "%s se conectează la Internet."
-#: BOINCDialupManager.cpp:303
+#: clientgui/BOINCDialupManager.cpp:303
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s has successfully connected to the Internet."
 msgstr "%s s-a conectat cu succes la Internet."
-#: BOINCDialupManager.cpp:331
+#: clientgui/BOINCDialupManager.cpp:331
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s failed to connect to the Internet."
 msgstr "%s nu a reuşit să se conecteze la Internet."
-#: BOINCDialupManager.cpp:372
+#: clientgui/BOINCDialupManager.cpp:372
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "%s has detected it is now connected to the Internet.\n"
@@ -799,17 +818,17 @@ msgstr ""
 "%s a detectat că acum este conectat la Internet.\n"
 "Actualizează toate proiectele şi reîncearcă toate transferurile."
-#: BOINCDialupManager.cpp:417
+#: clientgui/BOINCDialupManager.cpp:417
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s has successfully disconnected from the Internet."
 msgstr "%s s-a deconectat cu succes de la Internet."
-#: BOINCDialupManager.cpp:433
+#: clientgui/BOINCDialupManager.cpp:433
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s failed to disconnected from the Internet."
 msgstr "%s nu a reuşit să se deconecteze de la Internet."
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:339
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:595
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "You currently are not authorized to manage the client.\n"
@@ -830,7 +849,7 @@ msgstr ""
 "  - contactaţi administratorul pentru a vă adăuga în grupul de utilizatori\n"
 "     'boinc_master'."
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:345
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:601
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "%s ownership or permissions are not set properly; please reinstall %s.\n"
@@ -840,16 +859,15 @@ msgstr ""
 "reinstalaţi %s.\n"
 "(Cod eroare %d"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:351
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:607
 msgid " at "
 msgstr " la "
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:354 MainDocument.cpp:2484 MainDocument.cpp:2534
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2554 ViewTransfers.cpp:803
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:610
 msgid ")"
 msgstr ")"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:384
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:640
 msgid ""
 "A reboot is required in order for BOINC to run properly.\n"
 "Please reboot your computer and try again."
@@ -858,162 +876,164 @@ msgstr ""
 "Vă rugăm reporniţi calculatorul şi încercaţi din nou."
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:385 DlgAbout.cpp:153
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:641
 msgid "BOINC Manager"
 msgstr "BOINC Manager"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:572
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:902
 msgid "BOINC Manager was started by the operating system automatically"
 msgstr "Managerul BOINC a fost pornit automat de către sistemul de operare"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:574
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:904
 msgid "Startup BOINC so only the system tray icon is visible"
 msgstr "Rulează BOINC numai în System Tray"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:576
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:906
 msgid "Directory containing the BOINC Client executable"
 msgstr "Directorul care conţine executabilul Clientului BOINC"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:577
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:907
 msgid "BOINC data directory"
 msgstr "Director date BOINC"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:579
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:909
 msgid "Host name or IP address"
 msgstr "Nume gazdă sau adresă IP"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:580
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:910
 msgid "GUI RPC port number"
 msgstr "număr port GUI RPC"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:581
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:911
 msgid "Password"
 msgstr "Parola"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:582
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:912
 msgid "Startup BOINC with these optional arguments"
 msgstr "Porneşte BOINC cu aceste argumente opţionale"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:583
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:913
 msgid "disable BOINC security users and permissions"
 msgstr "dezactivează utilizatorii şi permisiunile de securitate BOINC"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:584
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:914
 msgid "set skin debugging mode to enable skin manager error messages"
 msgstr ""
 "setează skin în modul de depanare pentru a activa mesajele de eroare ale "
 "managerului de skin-uri"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:585
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:915
 msgid "multiple instances of BOINC Manager allowed"
 msgstr "sunt permise mai multe insanţe ale Managerului BOINC"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:587
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:917
 msgid "Not used: workaround for bug in XCode 4.2"
 msgstr "Nefolosit: soluţie temporară pentru bug în XCode 4.2"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:814
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:1164
 msgid "(Automatic Detection)"
 msgstr "(Detectare Automata)"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:815
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:1165
 msgid "(Unknown)"
 msgstr "(Necunoscut)"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:816
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:1166
 msgid "(User Defined)"
 msgstr "(Definit de utilizator)"
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:508
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:522
 #, c-format
 msgid "Open %s Web..."
 msgstr "Deschide %s Web..."
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:515
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:529
 #, c-format
 msgid "Open %s..."
 msgstr "Deschide %s..."
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:522 BOINCTaskBar.cpp:619 BOINCTaskBar.cpp:627
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:536
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:633
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:641
 msgid "Snooze"
 msgstr "Dormi"
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:524 BOINCTaskBar.cpp:646 BOINCTaskBar.cpp:654
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:538
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:660
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:668
 msgid "Snooze GPU"
 msgstr "GPU Dormi"
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:542
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:556
 msgid "E&xit"
 msgstr "I&eşire"
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:612 ViewProjects.cpp:718 ViewWork.cpp:795
-#: sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:758 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:110
-#: sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:102
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:626
 msgid "Resume"
 msgstr "Reluare"
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:639
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:653
 msgid "Resume GPU"
 msgstr "Reluare GPU"
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:713
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:727
 msgid "Computing is enabled"
 msgstr "Calculele sunt active"
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:717
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:731
 msgid "Computing is suspended - "
 msgstr "Calculele sunt suspendate - "
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:727
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:741
 msgid "GPU computing is enabled"
 msgstr "Calculele GPU sunt active"
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:730
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:744
 msgid "GPU computing is suspended - "
 msgstr "Calculele GPU sunt suspendate - "
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:739
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:753
 msgid "Network is enabled"
 msgstr "Accesul la reţea este pornit"
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:742
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:756
 msgid "Network is suspended - "
 msgstr "Accesul la reţea este suspendat - "
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:750
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:764
 msgid "Reconnecting to client."
 msgstr "Se reconectează la client."
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:752
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:766
 msgid "Not connected to a client."
 msgstr "Nu este conectat la client."
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:805
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:819
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s Notices"
 msgstr "%s Anunţuri"
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:811
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:825
 msgid "There are new notices - click to view."
 msgstr "Există anunţuri noi - apăsaţi pentru vizualizare."
-#: CompletionErrorPage.cpp:199
+#: clientgui/CompletionErrorPage.cpp:199
 msgid "Failed to add project"
 msgstr "Adăugarea proiectului a eşuat"
-#: CompletionErrorPage.cpp:204
+#: clientgui/CompletionErrorPage.cpp:204
 msgid "Failed to update account manager"
 msgstr "Actualizarea managerului de cont a eşuat"
-#: CompletionErrorPage.cpp:208
+#: clientgui/CompletionErrorPage.cpp:208
 msgid "Failed to remove account manager"
 msgstr "Ştergerea managerului de cont a eşuat"
-#: CompletionErrorPage.cpp:212
+#: clientgui/CompletionErrorPage.cpp:212
 msgid "Failed to add account manager"
 msgstr "Adăugarea managerului de cont a eşuat"
-#: CompletionErrorPage.cpp:221
+#: clientgui/CompletionErrorPage.cpp:221
 msgid ""
 "Please try again later.\n"
@@ -1023,24 +1043,26 @@ msgstr ""
 "Apăsaţi Finalizare pentru a închide."
-#: CompletionErrorPage.cpp:225 CompletionPage.cpp:222 CompletionPage.cpp:242
-#: CompletionPage.cpp:273
+#: clientgui/CompletionErrorPage.cpp:225
+#: clientgui/CompletionPage.cpp:222
+#: clientgui/CompletionPage.cpp:242
+#: clientgui/CompletionPage.cpp:273
 msgid "Click Finish to close."
 msgstr "Apăsaţi Finalizare pentru a inchide."
-#: CompletionErrorPage.cpp:234
+#: clientgui/CompletionErrorPage.cpp:234
 msgid "Messages from server:"
 msgstr "Mesaje de la server:"
-#: CompletionPage.cpp:207
+#: clientgui/CompletionPage.cpp:207
 msgid "Project added"
 msgstr "Proiect adăugat"
-#: CompletionPage.cpp:213
+#: clientgui/CompletionPage.cpp:213
 msgid "This project has been successfully added."
 msgstr "Acest proiect a fost adăugat cu succes."
-#: CompletionPage.cpp:218
+#: clientgui/CompletionPage.cpp:218
 msgid ""
 "When you click Finish, your web browser will go to a page where\n"
 "you can set your account name and preferences."
@@ -1049,122 +1071,124 @@ msgstr ""
 "unde \n"
 "puteţi seta numele contului dvs. si preferinţele."
-#: CompletionPage.cpp:232
+#: clientgui/CompletionPage.cpp:232
 #, c-format
 msgid "Update from %s completed."
 msgstr "Actualizarea de la %s s-a încheiat."
-#: CompletionPage.cpp:236
+#: clientgui/CompletionPage.cpp:236
 msgid "Update completed."
 msgstr "Actualizare încheiată."
-#: CompletionPage.cpp:247
+#: clientgui/CompletionPage.cpp:247
 msgid "Now using account manager"
 msgstr "Acum se foloseşte manageruul de cont"
-#: CompletionPage.cpp:252
+#: clientgui/CompletionPage.cpp:252
 #, c-format
 msgid "Welcome to %s!"
 msgstr "Bine aţi venit la %s!"
-#: CompletionPage.cpp:263
+#: clientgui/CompletionPage.cpp:263
 #, c-format
 msgid "You are now using %s to manage accounts."
 msgstr "Acum folosiţi %s pentru a gestiona conturile."
-#: CompletionPage.cpp:267
+#: clientgui/CompletionPage.cpp:267
 msgid "You are now using this account manager."
 msgstr "Acum folosiţi acest manager de cont."
-#: DlgAbout.cpp:113 mac/Mac_GUI.cpp:96
+#: clientgui/DlgAbout.cpp:113
 #, c-format
 msgid "About %s"
 msgstr "Despre %s"
-#: DlgAbout.cpp:172
+#: clientgui/DlgAbout.cpp:172
 msgid "Version:"
 msgstr "Versiunea:"
-#: DlgAbout.cpp:180
+#: clientgui/DlgAbout.cpp:180
 msgid "wxWidgets Version:"
 msgstr "Versiune wxWidgets:"
-#: DlgAbout.cpp:188
+#: clientgui/DlgAbout.cpp:188
 msgid "Copyright:"
 msgstr "Drepturi de autor:"
-# 98%
-#: DlgAbout.cpp:192
+#: clientgui/DlgAbout.cpp:192
 msgid ""
-"(C) 2003-2013 University of California, Berkeley.\n"
+"(C) 2003-2014 University of California, Berkeley.\n"
 "All Rights Reserved."
 msgstr ""
-"(C) 2003-2013 Universitatea California, Berkeley.\n"
-"Toate drepturile rezervate."
-#: DlgAbout.cpp:196
+#: clientgui/DlgAbout.cpp:196
 msgid "Berkeley Open Infrastructure for Network Computing"
 msgstr "Berkeley Open Infrastructure for Network Computing"
-#: DlgAbout.cpp:208 DlgExitMessage.cpp:173 DlgGenericMessage.cpp:120
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:396 DlgSelectComputer.cpp:163
+#: clientgui/DlgAbout.cpp:208
+#: clientgui/DlgExitMessage.cpp:173
+#: clientgui/DlgGenericMessage.cpp:120
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:399
+#: clientgui/DlgSelectComputer.cpp:163
 msgid "&OK"
 msgstr "&OK"
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:544
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:602
 msgid "invalid number"
 msgstr "număr invalid"
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:545
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:603
 msgid "invalid time, format is HH:MM"
 msgstr "timp invalid, formatul este HH:MM"
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:546
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:604
 msgid "invalid time interval, format is HH:MM-HH:MM"
 msgstr "interval timp invalid, formatul este HH:MM-HH:MM"
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:751
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:817
 msgid "invalid input value detected"
 msgstr "valoare introdusă invalidă detectată"
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:753
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:819
 msgid "Validation Error"
 msgstr "Eroare Validare"
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:885 DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:891
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:897
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:969
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:975
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:981
 msgid "Applications to add"
 msgstr "Aplicaţii de adăugat"
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:914
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:998
 #, c-format
 msgid "'%s' is not an executable application."
 msgstr "'%s' nu este o aplicaţie executabilă."
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:915 DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:962
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:986
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:999
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:1046
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:1070
 msgid "Add Exclusive App"
 msgstr "Adaugă Aplicaţie Exclusivă"
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:927
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:1011
 msgid "Name of application to add?"
 msgstr "Numele aplicaţiei de adăugat?"
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:927
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:1011
 msgid "Add exclusive app"
 msgstr "Adaugă aplicaţie exclusiva"
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:961
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:1045
 #, c-format
 msgid "Application names must end with '%s'"
 msgstr "Numele aplicaţiilor trebuie să se termine cu '%s'"
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:985
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:1069
 #, c-format
 msgid "'%s' is already in the list."
 msgstr "'%s' este deja în listă."
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:1077
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:1161
 msgid ""
 "Do you really want to clear all local preferences?\n"
 "(This will not affect exclusive applications.)"
@@ -1172,16 +1196,16 @@ msgstr ""
 "Sunteţi sigur că doriţi să ştergeţi toate preferinţele locale?\n"
 "(Acest lucru nu va afecta aplicaţiile exclusive.)"
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:1078 sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:1030
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:1162
 msgid "Confirmation"
 msgstr "Confirmare"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:46 sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:946
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:49
 #, c-format
-msgid "%s - Preferences"
-msgstr "%s - Preferinţe"
+msgid "%s - Computing preferences"
+msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:62
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:66
 msgid ""
 "This dialog controls preferences for this computer only.\n"
 "Click OK to set preferences.\n"
@@ -1192,280 +1216,291 @@ msgstr ""
 "Apăsaţi Şterge pentru a restaura setările de pe web (excepţie aplicaţiile "
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:65 sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:428
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:69
 msgid "Clear"
 msgstr "Şterge"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:66
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:70
 msgid "clear all local preferences and close the dialog"
 msgstr "şterge toate preferinţele locale şi închide dialogul"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:81
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:85
 msgid "processor usage"
 msgstr "utilizare procesor"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:84
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:88
 msgid "network usage"
 msgstr "utilizare reţea"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:87
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:91
 msgid "disk and memory usage"
 msgstr "utilizare disc şi memorie"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:90
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:94
 msgid "exclusive applications"
 msgstr "aplicaţii exclusive"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:102 sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:424
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:107
+#: clientgui/DlgDiagnosticLogFlags.cpp:104
 msgid "OK"
 msgstr "OK"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:103
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:108
 msgid "save all values and close the dialog"
 msgstr "salvează toate valorile şi închide dialogul"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:108
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:114
 msgid "close the dialog without saving"
 msgstr "închide dialogul fără a salva"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:112 Localization.cpp:35 Localization.cpp:121
-#: Localization.cpp:139 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:794 sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:439
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:118
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:35
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:121
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:139
 msgid "Help"
 msgstr "Ajutor"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:113
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:119
 msgid "shows the preferences web page"
 msgstr "arată pagina web de preferinţe"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:135
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:141
 msgid "Computing allowed"
 msgstr "Calcule permise"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:139
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:146
 msgid "While computer is on batteries"
 msgstr "Atunci când calculatorul este pe baterii"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:142
-msgid ""
-"check this if you want this computer to do work while it runs on batteries"
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:149
+msgid "check this if you want this computer to do work while it runs on batteries"
 msgstr ""
 "bifaţi aici dacă doriţi ca acest calculator să lucreze atunci când rulează "
 "pe baterii"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:148
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:155
 msgid "While computer is in use"
 msgstr "Atunci când calculatorul este folosit"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:151
-msgid ""
-"check this if you want this computer to do work even when you're using it"
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:158
+msgid "check this if you want this computer to do work even when you're using it"
 msgstr ""
 "bifaţi aici dacă doriţi ca acest calculator să lucreze atunci când îl "
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:157
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:164
 msgid "Use GPU while computer is in use"
 msgstr "Folosiţi GPU când calculatorul este folosit"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:160
-msgid ""
-"check this if you want your GPU to do work even when you're using the "
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:167
+msgid "check this if you want your GPU to do work even when you're using the computer"
 msgstr ""
 "bifaţi aici dacă doriţi ca GPU să lucreze atunci când folosiţi calculatorul"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:172
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:179
 msgid "Only after computer has been idle for"
 msgstr "Doar după ce calculatorul a fost nefolosit timp de"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:182
-msgid ""
-"do work only after you haven't used the computer for this number of minutes"
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:188
+msgid "do work only after you haven't used the computer for this number of minutes"
 msgstr ""
 "lucrează numai după ce calculatorul nu a fost folosit acest număr de minute"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:187 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:336
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:417
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:193
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:342
 msgid "minutes"
 msgstr "minute"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:206
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:212
 msgid "While processor usage is less than"
 msgstr "Atunci când utilizarea procesorului este mai mică de"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:216
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:221
 msgid "suspend work if processor usage exceeds this level"
 msgstr "suspendaţi lucrul dacă utilizarea procesorului depăşeşte acest nivel"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:221
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:226
 msgid "percent (0 means no restriction)"
 msgstr "procent (0 înseamnă fără restricţii)"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:235 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:496
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:240
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:506
 msgid "Every day between hours of"
 msgstr "În fiecare zi între orele"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:239
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:244
 msgid "start work at this time"
 msgstr "începe lucrul la această oră"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:243 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:504
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:326 sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:348
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:248
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:514
 msgid "and"
 msgstr "şi"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:247
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:252
 msgid "stop work at this time"
 msgstr "opreşte lucrul la această oră"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:251 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:512
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:256
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:522
 msgid "(no restriction if equal)"
 msgstr "(fără restricţii dacă egale)"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:256 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:517
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:261
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:527
 msgid "Day-of-week override:"
 msgstr "Modificări ziua săptămânii:"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:261 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:522
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:266
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:532
 msgid "check box to specify hours for this day of week"
 msgstr "bifaţi căsuţa pentru a specifica orele pentru această zi a săptămânii"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:267 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:528
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:272
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:538
 msgid "Monday"
 msgstr "Luni"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:274 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:535
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:279
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:545
 msgid "Tuesday"
 msgstr "Marţi"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:281 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:542
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:286
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:552
 msgid "Wednesday"
 msgstr "Miercuri"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:288 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:549
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:293
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:559
 msgid "Thursday"
 msgstr "Joi"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:295 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:556
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:300
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:566
 msgid "Friday"
 msgstr "Vineri"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:302 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:563
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:307
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:573
 msgid "Saturday"
 msgstr "Sâmbătă"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:309 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:570
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:314
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:580
 msgid "Sunday"
 msgstr "Duminică"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:323
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:328
 msgid "Other options"
 msgstr "Alte opţiuni"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:330
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:336
 msgid "Switch between applications every"
 msgstr "Comută între aplicaţii la fiecare"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:339
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:345
 msgid "On multiprocessor systems, use at most"
 msgstr "Pe sisteme multiprocesor, foloseşte maxim"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:346
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:352
 #, no-c-format
-msgid "% of the processors (0 means ignore this setting)"
-msgstr "% din procesoare (0 înseamnă să se ignore această setare)"
+msgid "% of the processors (0 means no restriction)"
+msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:349 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:605
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:627 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:648
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:669 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:679
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:355
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:618
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:640
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:661
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:683
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:694
 msgid "Use at most"
 msgstr "Foloseşte cel mult"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:356
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:362
 #, no-c-format
-msgid "% CPU time"
-msgstr "% timp CPU"
+msgid "% of CPU time (0 means no restriction)"
+msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:378
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:386
 msgid "General options"
 msgstr "Opţiuni generale"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:386
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:395
 msgid "Maximum download rate"
 msgstr "Viteza maximă de descărcare"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:392 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:401
-msgid "KBytes/sec."
-msgstr "KBytes/sec."
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:401
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:410
+msgid "KBytes/second (0 means no restriction)"
+msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:395
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:404
 msgid "Maximum upload rate"
 msgstr "Viteza maximă de încărcare"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:406
-msgid "Transfer at most"
-msgstr "Transferă cel mult"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:412
-msgid "Mbytes"
-msgstr "Mbytes"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:415
-msgid "every"
-msgstr "fiecare"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:421 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:444
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:463
-msgid "days"
-msgstr "zile"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:429
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:417
 msgid "Minimum work buffer"
 msgstr "Rezervă lucru minimă"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:438
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:425
 msgid "Try to maintain enough tasks to keep busy for this many days"
 msgstr ""
 "Încearcă să menţină suficiente task-uri pentru a fi ocupat pentru atâtea "
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:450
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:431
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:449
+msgid "days (maximum value: 10)"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:437
 msgid "Max additional work buffer"
 msgstr "Rezervă lucru adiţională maximă"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:459
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:445
 msgid "In addition, maintain enough tasks for up to this many days"
 msgstr "În plus, menţine suficiente tasl-uri pentru pâna la atâtea zile"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:466
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:454
+msgid "Transfer at most"
+msgstr "Transferă cel mult"
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:462
+msgid "MBytes every"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:468
+msgid "days (0 means no restriction)"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:476
 msgid "Skip image file verification"
 msgstr "Sări peste verificarea fişierelor imagine"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:468
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:478
 msgid "check this if your Internet provider modifies image files"
 msgstr "bifează daca furnizorul de Internet modifică fişierele imagine"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:476
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:484
 msgid "Connect options"
 msgstr "Opţiuni conectare"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:478
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:487
 msgid "Confirm before connecting to internet"
 msgstr "Confirmare înainte de conectarea la internet"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:480
-msgid ""
-"if checked, a confirmation dialog will be displayed before trying to connect "
-"to the Internet"
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:489
+msgid "if checked, a confirmation dialog will be displayed before trying to connect to the Internet"
 msgstr ""
 "dacă este bifat, un dialog de confirmare va fi afişat înainte de a se "
 "încerca o conexiune la Internet"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:484
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:493
 msgid "Disconnect when done"
 msgstr "Deconectează la finalizare"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:486
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:495
 msgid ""
 "if checked, BOINC hangs up when network usage is done\n"
 "(only relevant for dialup-connection)"
@@ -1474,195 +1509,220 @@ msgstr ""
 "(relevant doar pentru conexiune dialup)"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:492
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:501
 msgid "Network usage allowed"
 msgstr "Acces reţea permis"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:500
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:510
 msgid "network usage start hour"
 msgstr "acces reţea de la ora"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:508
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:518
 msgid "network usage stop hour"
 msgstr "acces reţea până la ora"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:598 DlgItemProperties.cpp:231
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:610
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:257
 msgid "Disk usage"
 msgstr "Utilizare disc"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:609
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:622
 msgid "the maximum disk space used by BOINC (in Gigabytes)"
 msgstr "spaţiul maxim pe disc folosit de BOINC (în Gigabytes)"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:613
-msgid "Gigabytes disk space"
-msgstr "Gigabytes spaţiu disc"
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:626
+msgid "Gigabytes disk space (0 means no restriction)"
+msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:616
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:629
 msgid "Leave at least"
 msgstr "Lasă cel puţin"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:620
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:633
 msgid "BOINC leaves at least this amount of disk space free (in Gigabytes)"
 msgstr ""
 "BOINC lasă cel puţin această cantitate de spaţiu pe dic liberă (în "
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:624
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:637
 msgid "Gigabytes disk space free"
 msgstr "Gigabytes spaţiu liber disc"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:631
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:644
 msgid "BOINC uses at most this percentage of total disk space"
 msgstr "BOINC foloseşte cel mult acest procent din spaţiul total pe disc"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:636
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:649
 #, no-c-format
 msgid "% of total disk space"
 msgstr "% din total spaţiu disc"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:639
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:652
 msgid "Tasks checkpoint to disk at most every"
 msgstr "Task-urile crează punct de control pe disc cel mult la fiecare"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:645
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:658
 msgid "seconds"
 msgstr "secunde"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:655
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:668
 #, no-c-format
 msgid "% of page file (swap space)"
 msgstr "% of page file (spaţiu swap)"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:662
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:675
 msgid "Memory usage"
 msgstr "Utilizare memorie"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:676
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:691
 #, no-c-format
 msgid "% when computer is in use"
 msgstr "% când calculatorul este folosit"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:686
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:701
 #, no-c-format
 msgid "% when computer is idle"
 msgstr "% când calculatorul nu este folosit"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:691
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:706
 msgid "Leave applications in memory while suspended"
 msgstr "Lasă aplicaţiile în memorie când sunt suspendate"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:693
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:708
 msgid "if checked, suspended work units are left in memory"
 msgstr "dacă este bifat, unităţile de lucru sunt păstrate în memorie"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:713
-msgid ""
-"Suspend processor and network usage when these applications are running:"
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:728
+msgid "Suspend processor and network usage when these applications are running:"
 msgstr ""
 "Suspendă folosirea procesorului şi a reţelei când rulează aceste aplicaţii:"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:722
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:738
 msgid "Add..."
 msgstr "Adaugă..."
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:723
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:739
 msgid "Add an application to this list"
 msgstr "Adaugă o aplicaţie la această listă"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:728 ViewProjects.cpp:202
-#: sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:85
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:744
 msgid "Remove"
 msgstr "Şterge"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:729
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:745
 msgid "Remove an application from this list"
 msgstr "Şterge o aplicaţie din această listă"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:738
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:754
 msgid "For advanced options, refer to "
 msgstr "Pentru opţiuni avansate, consultaţi "
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:219
+#: clientgui/DlgDiagnosticLogFlags.cpp:65
+#, c-format
+msgid "%s Diagnostic Log Flags"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/DlgDiagnosticLogFlags.cpp:83
+msgid "These flags enable various types of diagnostic messages in the Event Log."
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/DlgDiagnosticLogFlags.cpp:105
+msgid "Save all values and close the dialog"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/DlgDiagnosticLogFlags.cpp:108
+msgid "Defaults"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/DlgDiagnosticLogFlags.cpp:109
+msgid "Restore default settings"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/DlgDiagnosticLogFlags.cpp:113
+msgid "Close the dialog without saving"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:226
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - Event Log"
 msgstr "%s - Jurnal Evenimente"
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:232 ViewMessages.cpp:117 ViewProjects.cpp:219
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:435 ViewStatistics.cpp:2009 ViewTransfers.cpp:182
-#: ViewWork.cpp:232
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:236
 msgid "Project"
 msgstr "Proiect"
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:233 ViewMessages.cpp:118
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:237
 msgid "Time"
 msgstr "Timp"
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:234 ViewMessages.cpp:119
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:238
 msgid "Message"
 msgstr "Mesaj"
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:290 DlgEventLog.cpp:354
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:300
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:364
 msgid "&Show only this project"
 msgstr "&Arată doar acest proiect"
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:294
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:304
 msgid "Copy &All"
 msgstr "Copi&ază Tot"
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:296 DlgEventLog.cpp:300 ViewMessages.cpp:89
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:306
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:310
 msgid "Copy all the messages to the clipboard."
 msgstr "Copiază toate mesajele in clipboard."
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:305
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:315
 msgid "Copy &Selected"
 msgstr "Copiază &Selectate"
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:308 DlgEventLog.cpp:316 ViewMessages.cpp:97
-msgid ""
-"Copy the selected messages to the clipboard. You can select multiple "
-"messages by holding down the shift or command key while clicking on messages."
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:318
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:326
+msgid "Copy the selected messages to the clipboard. You can select multiple messages by holding down the shift or command key while clicking on messages."
 msgstr ""
 "Copiază mesajele selectate in clipboard. Puteţi selecta mai multe mesaje "
 "prin apăsarea si menţinerea tastelor shift sau control în timp ce selectaţi "
 "cu mouse-ul mesajele."
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:310 DlgEventLog.cpp:318 ViewMessages.cpp:99
-msgid ""
-"Copy the selected messages to the clipboard. You can select multiple "
-"messages by holding down the shift or control key while clicking on messages."
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:320
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:328
+msgid "Copy the selected messages to the clipboard. You can select multiple messages by holding down the shift or control key while clicking on messages."
 msgstr ""
 "Copiază mesajele selectate in clipboard. Puteţi selecta mai multe mesaje "
 "prin apăsarea si menţinerea tastelor shift sau control în timp ce selectaţi "
 "cu mouse-ul mesajele."
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:325 DlgItemProperties.cpp:67
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:335
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:67
 msgid "&Close"
 msgstr "&Închide"
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:334 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:798 sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:442
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:344
 #, c-format
 msgid "Get help with %s"
 msgstr "Ajutor cu %s"
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:348
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:358
 msgid "Show all &messages"
 msgstr "Arată toate &mesajele"
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:349 DlgEventLog.cpp:351
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:359
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:361
 msgid "Show messages for all projects"
 msgstr "Arată mesaje de la toate proiectele"
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:355 DlgEventLog.cpp:357
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:365
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:367
 msgid "Show only the messages for the selected project"
 msgstr "Arată doar mesajele pentru proiectul selectat"
-#: DlgExitMessage.cpp:82
+#: clientgui/DlgExitMessage.cpp:82
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - Exit Confirmation"
 msgstr "%s - Confirmare Ieşire"
-#: DlgExitMessage.cpp:130
+#: clientgui/DlgExitMessage.cpp:130
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "You have requested to exit the %s,\n"
@@ -1679,7 +1739,7 @@ msgstr ""
 "Dacă doriţi să opriţi şi rularea task-urilor,\n"
 "alegeţi din următoarele opţiuni:"
-#: DlgExitMessage.cpp:135
+#: clientgui/DlgExitMessage.cpp:135
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "This will shut down %s and its tasks until either the\n"
@@ -1696,393 +1756,419 @@ msgstr ""
 "decât să închideţi aplicaţia; asta va permite %s să-şi ruleze\n"
 "task-urile conform intervalelor de timp selectate în preferinţe."
-#: DlgExitMessage.cpp:153
+#: clientgui/DlgExitMessage.cpp:153
 #, c-format
 msgid "Stop running tasks when exiting the %s"
 msgstr "Opriţi rularea task-urilor când închideţi %s"
-#: DlgExitMessage.cpp:165
+#: clientgui/DlgExitMessage.cpp:165
 msgid "Remember this decision and do not show this dialog."
 msgstr "Ţine minte această decizie şi nu mai arăta acest dialog."
-#: DlgExitMessage.cpp:178 DlgGenericMessage.cpp:125 DlgOptions.cpp:401
-#: DlgSelectComputer.cpp:168 wizardex.cpp:378
+#: clientgui/DlgExitMessage.cpp:178
+#: clientgui/DlgGenericMessage.cpp:125
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:404
+#: clientgui/DlgSelectComputer.cpp:168
 msgid "&Cancel"
 msgstr "&Renunţă"
-#: DlgGenericMessage.cpp:112
+#: clientgui/DlgGenericMessage.cpp:112
 msgid "Don't show this dialog again."
 msgstr "Nu arăta acest dialog din nou."
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:168 DlgItemProperties.cpp:171
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:174 DlgItemProperties.cpp:177
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:194
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:197
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:200
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:203
 msgid "Don't fetch tasks for "
 msgstr "Nu vor fi luate task-uri noi pentru "
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:168
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:194
 msgid "Project preference"
 msgstr "Preferinţe proiect"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:171
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:197
 msgid "Account manager preference"
 msgstr "Preferinţe manager de cont"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:174
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:200
 msgid "Project has no apps for "
 msgstr "Proiectul nu are aplicaţii pentru "
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:177
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:203
 msgid "Client configuration excludes "
 msgstr "Configurarea client exclude "
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:181
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:207
 msgid " work fetch deferred for"
 msgstr " preluarea de lucru amânată pentru"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:182
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:208
 msgid " work fetch deferral interval"
 msgstr " interval amânare preluare lucru"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:213
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:239
 msgid "Properties of project "
 msgstr "Proprietăţi ale proiectului "
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:217 DlgOptions.cpp:218
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:243
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:221
 msgid "General"
 msgstr "General"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:218
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:244
 msgid "Master URL"
 msgstr "URL Principal"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:219
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:245
 msgid "User name"
 msgstr "Nume utilizator"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:220
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:246
 msgid "Team name"
 msgstr "Nume echipă"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:221 ViewProjects.cpp:224
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:247
 msgid "Resource share"
 msgstr "Resurse partajate"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:223
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:249
 msgid "Scheduler RPC deferred for"
 msgstr "RPC Planificator amânat pentru"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:226
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:252
 msgid "File downloads deferred for"
 msgstr "Descărcările de fişiere amânate pentru"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:229
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:255
 msgid "File uploads deferred for"
 msgstr "Încărcările de fişiere amânate pentru"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:232
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:258
 msgid "Computer ID"
 msgstr "ID calculator"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:234
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:260
 msgid "Non CPU intensive"
 msgstr "CPU neintensiv"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:234 DlgItemProperties.cpp:236
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:237 DlgItemProperties.cpp:239
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:242 DlgItemProperties.cpp:251
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:254 DlgItemProperties.cpp:257
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:260
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:262
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:263
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:265
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:268
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:277
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:280
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:283
 msgid "yes"
 msgstr "da"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:236
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:262
 msgid "Suspended via GUI"
 msgstr "Suspendat din GUI"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:236 DlgItemProperties.cpp:237
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:262
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:263
 msgid "no"
 msgstr "nu"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:237
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:263
 msgid "Don't request more work"
 msgstr "Nu cere mai mult de lucru"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:239
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:265
 msgid "Scheduler call in progress"
 msgstr "Apel planificator în curs"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:242
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:268
 msgid "Trickle-up pending"
 msgstr "Trickle-up în aşteptare"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:245 DlgItemProperties.cpp:247
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:271
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:273
 msgid "Host location"
 msgstr "Locaţie gazdă"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:247
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:273
 msgid "default"
 msgstr "implicit"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:251
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:277
 msgid "Added via account manager"
 msgstr "Adăugat prin manager de cont"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:254
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:280
 msgid "Remove when tasks done"
 msgstr "Şterge când task-urile sunt gata"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:257
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:283
 msgid "Ended"
 msgstr "Finalizat"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:259
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:285
+msgid "Tasks completed"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:286
+msgid "Tasks failed"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:288
 msgid "Credit"
 msgstr "Credit"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:260
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:289
 msgid "User"
 msgstr "Utilizator"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:267
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:296
 msgid "Host"
 msgstr "Gazdă"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:276
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:305
 msgid "Scheduling"
 msgstr "Planificare"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:277
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:306
 msgid "Scheduling priority"
 msgstr "Prioritate planificare"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:278
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:307
 msgid "CPU"
 msgstr "CPU"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:302
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:331
 msgid "Duration correction factor"
 msgstr "Factor corecţie durată"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:316
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:345
 msgid "Properties of task "
 msgstr "Propietăţi ale task-ului "
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:328 ViewWork.cpp:238
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:357
 msgid "Application"
 msgstr "Aplicaţia"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:329 ViewWork.cpp:239
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:358
 msgid "Name"
 msgstr "Nume"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:330
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:359
 msgid "State"
 msgstr "Stare"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:333
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:362
 msgid "Received"
 msgstr "Primit"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:336
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:365
 msgid "Report deadline"
 msgstr "Ultima zi pentru raport"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:338
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:367
 msgid "Resources"
 msgstr "Resurse"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:341
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:370
 msgid "Estimated computation size"
 msgstr "Volum calcul estimat"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:344
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:373
 msgid "CPU time at last checkpoint"
 msgstr "Timp CPU la ultimul punct de control"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:345 DlgItemProperties.cpp:360
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:374
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:389
 msgid "CPU time"
 msgstr "Timp CPU"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:347 DlgItemProperties.cpp:361
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:376
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:390
 msgid "Elapsed time"
 msgstr "Timp scurs"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:349
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:378
 msgid "Estimated time remaining"
 msgstr "Timp rămas estimat"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:350
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:379
 msgid "Fraction done"
 msgstr "Proporţie finalizat"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:351
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:380
 msgid "Virtual memory size"
 msgstr "Dimensiune memorie virtuală"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:352
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:381
 msgid "Working set size"
 msgstr "Dimensiune memorie de lucru"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:354
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:383
 msgid "Directory"
 msgstr "Director"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:357
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:386
 msgid "Process ID"
 msgstr "ID Proces"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:427 ViewWork.cpp:1032 sg_TaskPanel.cpp:823
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:456
 msgid "Local: "
 msgstr "Local: "
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:129 DlgOptions.cpp:135
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:129
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:135
 msgid "Options"
 msgstr "Opţiuni"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:175
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:178
 msgid "Language:"
 msgstr "Limba:"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:182
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:185
 msgid "What language should BOINC use?"
 msgstr "Ce limbă să folosească BOINC?"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:186
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:189
 msgid "Notice reminder interval:"
 msgstr "Interval reamintere anunţuri:"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:193
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:196
 msgid "How often should BOINC remind you of new notices?"
 msgstr "Cât de des trebuie ca BOINC să vă reamintească de noile anunţuri?"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:198
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:201
 msgid "Run Manager at login?"
 msgstr "Rulează Manager la login?"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:204
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:207
 msgid "Run the BOINC Manager when you log on."
 msgstr "Rulează Manager BOINC la login."
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:209
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:212
 msgid "Enable Manager exit dialog?"
 msgstr "Activează dialog ieşire Manager?"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:215
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:218
 msgid "Display the exit dialog when shutting down the Manager."
 msgstr "Afişează dialogul de ieşire la închiderea Managerului."
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:226
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:229
 msgid "Dial-up and Virtual Private Network settings"
 msgstr "Setări Dial-up si Virtual Private Network"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:240
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:243
 msgid "&Set Default"
 msgstr "&Setează ca implicit"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:245
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:248
 msgid "&Clear Default"
 msgstr "Anulează setarea impli&cită"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:252
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:255
 msgid "Default Connection:"
 msgstr "Conexiune implicită:"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:259
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:262
 msgid "Connections"
 msgstr "Conexiuni"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:268
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:271
 msgid "Connect via HTTP proxy server"
 msgstr "Conectare prin HTTP proxy server"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:272
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:275
 msgid "HTTP Proxy Server Configuration"
 msgstr "Configurare HTTP Proxy server"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:280 DlgOptions.cpp:344
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:283
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:347
 msgid "Address:"
 msgstr "Adresa:"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:288 DlgOptions.cpp:352 ProxyPage.cpp:340 ProxyPage.cpp:360
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:291
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:355
 msgid "Port:"
 msgstr "Port:"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:296 DlgOptions.cpp:360
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:299
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:363
 msgid "Don't use proxy for:"
 msgstr "Nu folosi proxy pentru:"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:303 DlgOptions.cpp:367
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:306
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:370
 msgid "Leave these blank if not needed"
 msgstr "Nu completaţi dacă nu e necesar"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:309 DlgOptions.cpp:373 ProxyPage.cpp:343 ProxyPage.cpp:363
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:312
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:376
 msgid "User Name:"
 msgstr "Nume utilizator:"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:317 DlgOptions.cpp:381 DlgSelectComputer.cpp:152
-#: ProxyPage.cpp:346 ProxyPage.cpp:366
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:320
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:384
+#: clientgui/DlgSelectComputer.cpp:152
 msgid "Password:"
 msgstr "Parola:"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:324
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:327
 msgid "HTTP Proxy"
 msgstr "Proxy HTTP"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:332
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:335
 msgid "Connect via SOCKS proxy server"
 msgstr "Conectare prin SOCKS proxy server"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:336
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:339
 msgid "SOCKS Proxy Server Configuration"
 msgstr "Configurare SOCKS Proxy server"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:388
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:391
 msgid "SOCKS Proxy"
 msgstr "Proxy SOCKS"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:586
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:589
 msgid "always"
 msgstr "întotdeauna"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:587
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:590
 msgid "1 hour"
 msgstr "1 oră"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:588
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:591
 msgid "6 hours"
 msgstr "6 ore"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:589
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:592
 msgid "1 day"
 msgstr "1 zi"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:590
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:593
 msgid "1 week"
 msgstr "1 săptămână"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:591
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:594
 msgid "never"
 msgstr "niciodată"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:688
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:691
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - Language Selection"
 msgstr "%s - Selecţie Limbă"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:695
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:698
 #, c-format
-msgid ""
-"The %s's language has been changed.  In order for this change to take "
-"effect, you must restart the %s."
+msgid "The %s's language has been changed.  In order for this change to take effect, you must restart the %s."
 msgstr ""
 "Setările de limbă ale %s au fost modificate.  Pentru ca acestea să aibă "
 "efect, trebuie să reponiţi %s."
-#: DlgSelectComputer.cpp:91
+#: clientgui/DlgSelectComputer.cpp:91
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - Select Computer"
 msgstr "%s - Selectează Calculator"
-#: DlgSelectComputer.cpp:125
+#: clientgui/DlgSelectComputer.cpp:125
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "Another instance of %s is already running \n"
@@ -2091,424 +2177,426 @@ msgstr ""
 "O altă instanţă de %s rulează deja \n"
 "pe acest calculator.  Vă rugăm selectaţi un client pentru monitorizare."
-#: DlgSelectComputer.cpp:143
+#: clientgui/DlgSelectComputer.cpp:143
 msgid "Host name:"
 msgstr "Nume host:"
-#: Localization.cpp:31 Localization.cpp:69
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:31
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:69
 msgid "Message boards"
 msgstr "Panouri de mesaje"
-#: Localization.cpp:33
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:33
 msgid "Correspond with other users on the SETI at home message boards"
 msgstr "Corespondează cu alţi useri de pe panourile de mesaje SETI at home"
-#: Localization.cpp:37
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:37
 msgid "Ask questions and report problems"
 msgstr "Intrebări şi probleme"
-#: Localization.cpp:39 Localization.cpp:81 Localization.cpp:111
-#: Localization.cpp:129
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:39
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:81
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:111
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:129
 msgid "Your account"
 msgstr "Contul dumneavoastră"
-#: Localization.cpp:41 Localization.cpp:87 Localization.cpp:113
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:41
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:87
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:113
 msgid "View your account information and credit totals"
 msgstr "Vizualizaţii informaţii despre cont si total credit"
-#: Localization.cpp:43
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:43
 msgid "Your preferences"
 msgstr "Preferinţele dumneavoastră"
-#: Localization.cpp:45
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:45
 msgid "View and modify your SETI at home account profile and preferences"
 msgstr ""
 "Vizualizaţi şi modificaţi profilul si preferinţele contului dumneavoastră "
 "SETI at home"
-#: Localization.cpp:47 Localization.cpp:89
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:47
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:89
 msgid "Your results"
 msgstr "Rezultatele dumneavoastră"
-#: Localization.cpp:49 Localization.cpp:91
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:49
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:91
 msgid "View your last week (or more) of computational results and work"
 msgstr "Vizualizaţii rezultatele procesării din ultima saptamană (sau mai mult)"
-#: Localization.cpp:51 Localization.cpp:93
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:51
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:93
 msgid "Your computers"
 msgstr "Computerele dumneavoastră"
-#: Localization.cpp:53
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:53
 msgid "View a listing of all the computers on which you are running SETI at Home"
 msgstr "Vizualizaţi toate computerele dumneavoastră pe care rulează SETI at Home"
-#: Localization.cpp:55 Localization.cpp:97
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:55
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:97
 msgid "Your team"
 msgstr "Echipa dumneavoastră"
-#: Localization.cpp:57 Localization.cpp:99
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:57
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:99
 msgid "View information about your team"
 msgstr "Vizualizaţi informaţii despre echipa dumneavoastră"
-#: Localization.cpp:61
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:61
 msgid "Common questions"
 msgstr "Întrebări comune"
-#: Localization.cpp:63
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:63
 msgid "Read the Einstein at Home Frequently Asked Question list"
 msgstr "Citeşte lista Întrebărilor Frecvente Einstein at Home"
-#: Localization.cpp:65
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:65
 msgid "Screensaver info"
 msgstr "Informaţii screensaver"
-#: Localization.cpp:67
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:67
 msgid "Read a detailed description of the Einstein at Home screensaver"
 msgstr "Citiţi o descriere detaliată a screensaver-ului Einstein at Home"
-#: Localization.cpp:71
-msgid ""
-"Correspond with admins and other users on the Einstein at Home message boards"
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:71
+msgid "Correspond with admins and other users on the Einstein at Home message boards"
 msgstr ""
 "Corespondaţi cu administratori şi alţi utilizatori pe forumurile "
 "Einstein at Home"
-#: Localization.cpp:73
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:73
 msgid "Einstein status"
 msgstr "Stare Einstein"
-#: Localization.cpp:75
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:75
 msgid "Current status of the Einstein at Home server"
 msgstr "Stare curentă server Einstein at Home"
-#: Localization.cpp:77
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:77
 msgid "Report problems"
 msgstr "Raportează probleme"
-#: Localization.cpp:79
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:79
 msgid "A link to the Einstein at Home problems and bug reports message board"
 msgstr "O legătură către forumul de probleme şi erori Einstein at Home"
-#: Localization.cpp:83
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:83
 msgid "View and modify your Einstein at Home account profile and preferences"
 msgstr ""
 "Vizualizaţi şi modificaţi profilul si preferinţele contului dumneavoastră "
 "Einstein at Home"
-#: Localization.cpp:85
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:85
 msgid "Account summary"
 msgstr "Sumar cont"
-#: Localization.cpp:95
-msgid ""
-"View a listing of all the computers on which you are running Einstein at Home"
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:95
+msgid "View a listing of all the computers on which you are running Einstein at Home"
 msgstr ""
 "Vizualizaţi toate computerele dumneavoastră pe care rulează Einstein at Home"
-#: Localization.cpp:101
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:101
 msgid "LIGO project"
 msgstr "Proiectul LIGO"
-#: Localization.cpp:103
-msgid ""
-"The home page of the Laser Interferometer Gravitational-wave Observatory "
-"(LIGO) project"
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:103
+msgid "The home page of the Laser Interferometer Gravitational-wave Observatory (LIGO) project"
 msgstr ""
 "Pagina principală a proiectului Laser Interferometer Gravitational-wave "
 "Observatory (LIGO)"
-#: Localization.cpp:105
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:105
 msgid "GEO-600 project"
 msgstr "Proiectul GEO-600"
-#: Localization.cpp:107
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:107
 msgid "The home page of the GEO-600 project"
 msgstr "Pagina principală a proiectului GEO-600"
-#: Localization.cpp:115 Localization.cpp:133 ViewProjects.cpp:221
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:465
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:115
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:133
 msgid "Team"
 msgstr "Echipa"
-#: Localization.cpp:117
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:117
 msgid "Info about your Team"
 msgstr "Informaţii despre Echipa dumneavoastră"
-#: Localization.cpp:123
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:123
 msgid "Get help for climateprediction.net"
 msgstr "Ajutor pentru climateprediction.net"
-#: Localization.cpp:125
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:125
 msgid "News"
 msgstr "Ştiri"
-#: Localization.cpp:127
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:127
 msgid "climateprediction.net News"
 msgstr "Ştiri climateprediction.net"
-#: Localization.cpp:131
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:131
 msgid "View your account information, credits, and trickles"
 msgstr "Vizualizaţi informaţiile despre cont, credite şi trickles"
-#: Localization.cpp:135
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:135
 msgid "Info about your team"
 msgstr "Informaţii despre echipa dumneavoastră"
-#: Localization.cpp:141
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:141
 msgid "Search for help in our help system"
 msgstr "Caută ajutor în sistemul nostru de ajutor"
-#: Localization.cpp:143
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:143
 msgid "Global Statistics"
 msgstr "Statistici Globale"
-#: Localization.cpp:145
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:145
 msgid "Summary statistics for World Community Grid"
 msgstr "Sumar statistici pentru World Community Grid"
-#: Localization.cpp:147
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:147
 msgid "My Grid"
 msgstr "Grid-ul Meu"
-#: Localization.cpp:149
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:149
 msgid "Your statistics and settings"
 msgstr "Statisticile şi setările dumneavoastră"
-#: Localization.cpp:151
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:151
 msgid "Device Profiles"
 msgstr "Profiluri Echipamente"
-#: Localization.cpp:153
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:153
 msgid "Update your device settings"
 msgstr "Actualizaţi setările echipamentelor dumneavoastră"
-#: Localization.cpp:155
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:155
 msgid "Research"
 msgstr "Cercetare"
-#: Localization.cpp:157
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:157
 msgid "Learn about the projects hosted at World Community Grid"
 msgstr "Învăţaţi despre proecte găzduite de World Community Grid"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:583
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:583
 msgid "Starting client"
 msgstr "Se porneşte client"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:591
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:591
 msgid "Connecting to client"
 msgstr "Se conectează la client"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:1195
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:1205
 msgid "Retrieving system state; please wait..."
 msgstr "Recuperare informaţii despre starea sistemului; va rugam asteptaţi..."
-#: MainDocument.cpp:1816
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:1826
 msgid "Missing application"
 msgstr "Aplicaţie lipsă"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:1817
-msgid ""
-"Please download and install the CoRD application from http://cord."
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:1827
+msgid "Please download and install the CoRD application from http://cord.sourceforge.net"
 msgstr ""
 "Vă rugăm descărcaţi şi instalaţi aplicaţia CoRD de la "
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2432
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2442
 msgid "on batteries"
 msgstr "pe baterii"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2433
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2443
 msgid "computer is in use"
 msgstr "calculatorul este folosit"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2434
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2444
 msgid "user request"
 msgstr "cerere utilizator"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2435
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2445
 msgid "time of day"
 msgstr "timpul zilei"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2436
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2446
 msgid "CPU benchmarks in progress"
 msgstr "Benchmarks CPU în curs"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2437
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2447
 msgid "need disk space - check preferences"
 msgstr "este nevoie de spaţiu pe disc - verificaţi preferinţele"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2438
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2448
 msgid "computer is not in use"
 msgstr "calculatorul nu este folosit"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2439
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2449
 msgid "starting up"
 msgstr "porneşte"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2440
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2450
 msgid "an exclusive app is running"
 msgstr "rulează o aplicaţie exclusivă"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2441
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2451
 msgid "CPU is busy"
 msgstr "CPU este ocupat"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2442
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2452
 msgid "network bandwidth limit exceeded"
 msgstr "limita lăţime bandă reţea depăşită"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2443
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2453
 msgid "requested by operating system"
 msgstr "cerut de sistemul de operare"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2445
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2455
 msgid "unknown reason"
 msgstr "motiv necunoscut"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2467
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2477
 msgid "GPU missing, "
 msgstr "GPU lipsă, "
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2474
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2484
 msgid "New"
 msgstr "Nou"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2478
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2488
 msgid "Download failed"
 msgstr "Download-ul a eşuat"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2480
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2490
 msgid "Downloading"
 msgstr "In curs de download"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2482 MainDocument.cpp:2552
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2492
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2557
 msgid " (suspended - "
 msgstr " (suspendat - "
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2490
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2500
 msgid "Project suspended by user"
 msgstr "Proiect suspendat de utilizator"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2492
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2502
 msgid "Task suspended by user"
 msgstr "Task suspendat de utilizator"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2494
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2504
 msgid "Suspended - "
 msgstr "Suspendat - "
 # 75%
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2500
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2510
 msgid "GPU suspended - "
 msgstr "GPU Suspendat - "
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2507
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2517
 msgid "Waiting for memory"
 msgstr "În aşteptare de memorie"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2509
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2519
 msgid "Waiting for shared memory"
 msgstr "În aşteptare de memorie partajată"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2512
-msgid "Running, high priority"
-msgstr "Rulează, prioritate mare"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2514
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2521
 msgid "Running"
 msgstr "Rulează"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2517
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2523
 msgid " (non-CPU-intensive)"
 msgstr " (CPU-neintensiv)"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2520
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2526
 msgid "Waiting to run"
 msgstr "Aşteaptă să ruleze"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2522 MainDocument.cpp:2528
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2528
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2534
 msgid "Ready to start"
 msgstr "Gata de start"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2532
-msgid " (Scheduler wait: "
-msgstr " (Aşteptare planificator: "
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2538
+msgid "Postponed: "
+msgstr ""
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2536
-msgid " (Scheduler wait)"
-msgstr " (Aşteptare planificator)"
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2541
+msgid "Postponed"
+msgstr ""
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2540
-msgid " (Waiting for network access)"
-msgstr " (În aşteptare de acces la reţea)"
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2545
+msgid "Waiting for network access"
+msgstr ""
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2544
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2549
 msgid "Computation error"
 msgstr "Eroare de calcul"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2548
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2553
 msgid "Upload failed"
 msgstr "Upload-ul a eşuat"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2550
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2555
 msgid "Uploading"
 msgstr "In curs de upload"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2561
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2566
 msgid "Aborted by user"
 msgstr "Abandonat de utilizator"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2564
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2569
 msgid "Aborted by project"
 msgstr "Abandonat de proiect"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2567
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2572
 msgid "Aborted: not started by deadline"
 msgstr "Abandonat: nu a fost pornit până la termenul limită"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2570
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2575
 msgid "Aborted: disk limit exceeded"
 msgstr "Abandonat: limita de spaţiu pe disc depăşită"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2573
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2578
 msgid "Aborted: run time limit exceeded"
 msgstr "Abandonat: limita de timp de rulare depăşită"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2576
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2581
 msgid "Aborted: memory limit exceeded"
 msgstr "Abandonat: limita de memorie depăşită"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2579
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2584
 msgid "Aborted"
 msgstr "Abandonat"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2584
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2589
 msgid "Acknowledged"
 msgstr "Acreditat"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2586
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2591
 msgid "Ready to report"
 msgstr "Gata de raport"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2588
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2593
 #, c-format
 msgid "Error: invalid state '%d'"
 msgstr "Eroare: stare nevalidă cu codul '%d'"
-#: NoInternetConnectionPage.cpp:179
+#: clientgui/NoInternetConnectionPage.cpp:179
 msgid "No Internet connection"
 msgstr "Lipsă conexiune Internet"
-#: NoInternetConnectionPage.cpp:182
+#: clientgui/NoInternetConnectionPage.cpp:182
 msgid "Please connect to the Internet and try again."
 msgstr "Vă rugăm conectaţi-vă la Internet si reîncercaţi."
-#: NotDetectedPage.cpp:181
+#: clientgui/NotDetectedPage.cpp:181
 msgid "Project not found"
 msgstr "Proiectul nu a fost găsit"
-#: NotDetectedPage.cpp:184
+#: clientgui/NotDetectedPage.cpp:184
 msgid ""
 "The URL you supplied is not that of a BOINC-based project.\n"
@@ -2518,11 +2606,11 @@ msgstr ""
 "Vă rugăm verificaţi URL-ul şi încercaţi din nou."
-#: NotDetectedPage.cpp:188
+#: clientgui/NotDetectedPage.cpp:188
 msgid "Account manager not found"
 msgstr "Nu s-a găsit managerul de cont"
-#: NotDetectedPage.cpp:191
+#: clientgui/NotDetectedPage.cpp:191
 msgid ""
 "The URL you supplied is not that of a BOINC-based account\n"
@@ -2534,92 +2622,93 @@ msgstr ""
 "Vă rugăm verificaţi URL-ul şi încercaţi din nou."
-#: NotFoundPage.cpp:181
+#: clientgui/NotFoundPage.cpp:181
 msgid "Login Failed."
 msgstr "Login Eşuat."
-#: NotFoundPage.cpp:185
+#: clientgui/NotFoundPage.cpp:185
 msgid "Check the username and password, and try again."
 msgstr "Verificaţi numele de utilizator şi parola şi încercaţi din nou."
-#: NotFoundPage.cpp:189
+#: clientgui/NotFoundPage.cpp:189
 msgid "Check the email address and password, and try again."
 msgstr "Verificaţi adresa de email şi parola şi încercaţi din nou."
-#: NoticeListCtrl.cpp:222
+#: clientgui/NoticeListCtrl.cpp:229
 msgid "more..."
 msgstr "mai mult..."
-#: ProjectInfoPage.cpp:477 ProjectInfoPage.cpp:778 ProjectInfoPage.cpp:782
-msgid "All"
-msgstr "Tot"
-#: ProjectInfoPage.cpp:615
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:221
 msgid "Choose a project"
 msgstr "Alege un proiect"
-#: ProjectInfoPage.cpp:619
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:228
 msgid "To choose a project, click its name or type its URL below."
 msgstr ""
 "Pentru a alege un proiect, selectaţi numele sau introduceţi URL-ul mai jos."
-#: ProjectInfoPage.cpp:623
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:246
 msgid "Categories:"
 msgstr "Categorii:"
-#: ProjectInfoPage.cpp:627 sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:89
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:267
 msgid "Projects:"
 msgstr "Proiecte:"
-#: ProjectInfoPage.cpp:631
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:279
 msgid "Project details"
 msgstr "Detalii proiect"
-#: ProjectInfoPage.cpp:635
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:291
 msgid "Research area:"
 msgstr "Zona de cercetare:"
-#: ProjectInfoPage.cpp:639
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:302
 msgid "Organization:"
 msgstr "Organizaţie:"
-#: ProjectInfoPage.cpp:643
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:313
 msgid "Web site:"
 msgstr "Site web:"
-#: ProjectInfoPage.cpp:647
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:325
 msgid "Supported systems:"
 msgstr "Sisteme suportate:"
-#: ProjectInfoPage.cpp:651
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:363
 msgid "Project URL:"
 msgstr "URL proiect:"
-#: ProjectInfoPage.cpp:826
-msgid ""
-"This project may not have work for your type of computer.  Do you want to "
-"add it anyway?"
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:499
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:754
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:758
+msgid "All"
+msgstr "Tot"
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:802
+msgid "This project may not have work for your type of computer.  Do you want to add it anyway?"
 msgstr ""
 "Acest proiect s-ar putea să nu aibă de lucru pentru tipul dumneavoastră de "
 "calculator.  Doriţi să-l adăugaţi oricum?"
-#: ProjectInfoPage.cpp:850
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:826
 msgid "You already added this project. Please choose a different project."
 msgstr "Aţi adăugat deja acest proiect. Vă rugăm alegeţi un alt proiect."
-#: ProjectProcessingPage.cpp:321
+#: clientgui/ProjectProcessingPage.cpp:321
 msgid "Communicating with project."
 msgstr "Se comunică cu proiectul."
-#: ProjectProcessingPage.cpp:509
+#: clientgui/ProjectProcessingPage.cpp:510
 msgid "Required files not found on the server."
 msgstr "Fişierele necesare nu s-au găsit pe server."
-#: ProjectProcessingPage.cpp:512 ProjectProcessingPage.cpp:574
+#: clientgui/ProjectProcessingPage.cpp:513
+#: clientgui/ProjectProcessingPage.cpp:586
 msgid "An internal server error has occurred."
 msgstr "A apărut o eroare internă server."
-#: ProjectPropertiesPage.cpp:334
+#: clientgui/ProjectPropertiesPage.cpp:334
 msgid ""
 "Communicating with project\n"
 "Please wait..."
@@ -2627,11 +2716,48 @@ msgstr ""
 "În curs de comunicare cu proiectul\n"
 "Vă rugăm să asteptaţi..."
-#: ProxyInfoPage.cpp:195
+#: clientgui/ProjectWelcomePage.cpp:251
+#, c-format
+msgid "Welcome to %s."
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ProjectWelcomePage.cpp:254
+msgid "You have volunteered to compute for this project:"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ProjectWelcomePage.cpp:255
+msgid "Name:"
+msgstr "Nume:"
+#: clientgui/ProjectWelcomePage.cpp:258
+msgid "Home:"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ProjectWelcomePage.cpp:262
+msgid "Description:"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ProjectWelcomePage.cpp:265
+msgid "URL:"
+msgstr "URL:"
+#: clientgui/ProjectWelcomePage.cpp:268
+msgid "User:"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ProjectWelcomePage.cpp:273
+msgid "WARNING: This project is not registered with BOINC.  Make sure you trust it before continuing."
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ProjectWelcomePage.cpp:277
+msgid "To continue, click Next."
+msgstr "Pentru a continua, apăsaţi Următorul."
+#: clientgui/ProxyInfoPage.cpp:195
 msgid "Network communication failure"
 msgstr "Comunicare in reţea esuată"
-#: ProxyInfoPage.cpp:199
+#: clientgui/ProxyInfoPage.cpp:199
 msgid ""
 "The World Community Grid - BOINC software failed to communicate\n"
 "over the Internet. The most likely reasons are:\n"
@@ -2661,7 +2787,7 @@ msgstr ""
 "3) Folosiţi un server proxy.\n"
 "Apăsaţi Următorul pentru a configura setările proxy ale BOINC."
-#: ProxyInfoPage.cpp:203
+#: clientgui/ProxyInfoPage.cpp:203
 msgid ""
 "BOINC failed to communicate on the Internet.\n"
 "The most likely reasons are:\n"
@@ -2691,1270 +2817,1366 @@ msgstr ""
 "3) Folosiţi un server proxy.\n"
 "Apăsaţi Următorul pentru a configura setările proxy ale BOINC."
-#: ProxyPage.cpp:331
+#: clientgui/ProxyPage.cpp:331
 msgid "Proxy configuration"
 msgstr "Configuraţie proxy"
-#: ProxyPage.cpp:334
+#: clientgui/ProxyPage.cpp:334
 msgid "HTTP proxy"
 msgstr "Proxy HTTP"
-#: ProxyPage.cpp:337 ProxyPage.cpp:357
+#: clientgui/ProxyPage.cpp:337
+#: clientgui/ProxyPage.cpp:357
 msgid "Server:"
 msgstr "Server:"
-#: ProxyPage.cpp:350
+#: clientgui/ProxyPage.cpp:350
 msgid "Autodetect"
 msgstr "Autodetectare"
-#: ProxyPage.cpp:354
+#: clientgui/ProxyPage.cpp:354
 msgid "SOCKS proxy"
 msgstr "Proxy SOCKS"
-#: TermsOfUsePage.cpp:218
-msgid "Terms of Use"
-msgstr "Condiţii de Utilizare"
+#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:167
+msgid "Advanced View...\tCtrl+Shift+A"
+msgstr "Vizualizare Avansată...\tCtrl+Shift+A"
-#: TermsOfUsePage.cpp:222
-msgid "Please read the following terms of use:"
-msgstr "Vă rugăm citiţi următoarele condiţii de utilizare:"
+#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:168
+msgid "Display the advanced graphical interface."
+msgstr "Afişează interfaţa grafică avansată."
-#: TermsOfUsePage.cpp:231
-msgid "I agree to the terms of use."
-msgstr "Sunt de acord cu condiţiile de utilizare."
+#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:175
+msgid "Skin"
+msgstr "Skin"
-#: TermsOfUsePage.cpp:237
-msgid "I do not agree to the terms of use."
-msgstr "Nu sunt de acord cu condiţiile de utilizare."
+#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:177
+msgid "Select the appearance of the user interface."
+msgstr "Selectaţi aspectul interfeţei utilizator."
-#: UnavailablePage.cpp:183
-msgid "Project temporarily unavailable"
-msgstr "Proiectul este temporar inaccesibil"
+#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:224
+#, c-format
+msgid "&%s"
+msgstr "&%s"
-#: UnavailablePage.cpp:186
-msgid ""
-"The project is temporarily unavailable.\n"
-"Please try again later."
-msgstr ""
-"Pentru moment proiectul nu este accesibil.\n"
-"Vă rugăm încercaţi mai tarziu."
+#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:405
+msgid "Default"
+msgstr "Implicit"
-#: UnavailablePage.cpp:190
-msgid "Account manager temporarily unavailable"
-msgstr "Managerul de contact este pentur moment inaccesibil"
+#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:848
+msgid "Suspend"
+msgstr "Suspendă"
-#: UnavailablePage.cpp:193
-msgid ""
-"The account manager is temporarily unavailable.\n"
-"Please try again later."
-msgstr ""
-"Pentru moment managerul de cont nu este accesibil.\n"
-"Vă rugăm încercaţi mai tarziu."
+#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:850
+msgid "Suspend Computing"
+msgstr "Suspendă Calculele"
-#: ValidateAccountKey.cpp:68
-msgid "Please specify an account key to continue."
-msgstr "Vă rugăm specificaţi un cheie de cont pentru a continua."
+#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:851
+msgid "Resume Computing"
+msgstr "Reia Calculele"
-#: ValidateAccountKey.cpp:71
-msgid "Invalid Account Key; please enter a valid Account Key"
-msgstr "Cheie de Cont nevalidă; va rugăm să introduceţi o Cheie de Cont validă"
+#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:867
+msgid "Notices"
+msgstr "Anunţuri"
-#: ValidateAccountKey.cpp:82 ValidateEmailAddress.cpp:86
-msgid "Validation conflict"
-msgstr "Conflict de validare"
+#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:868
+msgid "Open a window to view notices from projects or BOINC"
+msgstr "Deschide o fereastră pentru a vedea anunţurile de la proiecte sau BOINC"
-#: ValidateEmailAddress.cpp:72
-msgid "Please specify an email address"
-msgstr "Vă rugăm specificaţi o adresă de email"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgMessages.cpp:124
+msgid "Fetching notices; please wait..."
+msgstr "Se primesc anunţuri, vă rugăm aşteptaţi..."
-#: ValidateEmailAddress.cpp:75
-msgid "Invalid email address; please enter a valid email address"
-msgstr "Adresă email invalidă; vă rugăm introduceţi o adresă de email validă"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgMessages.cpp:132
+msgid "There are no notices at this time."
+msgstr "Nu există anunţuri noi în acest moment."
-#: ValidateURL.cpp:69
-msgid "Missing URL"
-msgstr "URL absent"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgMessages.cpp:146
+msgid "Close"
+msgstr "Închide"
-#: ValidateURL.cpp:70
-msgid ""
-"Please specify a URL.\n"
-"For example:\n"
-msgstr ""
-"Va rugăm specificaţi un URL.\n"
-"De exemplu:\n"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgMessages.cpp:394
+#, c-format
+msgid "%s - Notices"
+msgstr "%s - Anunţuri"
-#: ValidateURL.cpp:83 ValidateURL.cpp:87 ValidateURL.cpp:91
-#: ValidateURL.cpp:103 ValidateURL.cpp:107 ValidateURL.cpp:110
-msgid "Invalid URL"
-msgstr "URL nevalid"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:270
+msgid "This dialog controls preferences for this computer only."
+msgstr "Acest dialog controlează preferinţele doar pentru acest calculator."
-#: ValidateURL.cpp:84 ValidateURL.cpp:88 ValidateURL.cpp:92
-msgid ""
-"Please specify a valid URL.\n"
-"For example:\n"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:275
+msgid "Click OK to set preferences."
+msgstr "Selectaţi OK pentru a seta preferinţele."
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:280
+msgid "Click Clear to restore web-based settings for all preferences listed below."
 msgstr ""
-"Va rugăm specificaţi un URL valid.\n"
-"De exemplu:\n"
+"Apăsaţi Ştergere pentru a restaura setările de pe web pentru toate "
+"preferinţele listate mai jos."
-#: ValidateURL.cpp:104 ValidateURL.cpp:108
-#, c-format
-msgid "'%s' does not contain a valid host name."
-msgstr "'%s' nu conţine un nume de host valid."
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:287
+msgid "For additional settings, select Computing Preferences in the Advanced View."
+msgstr ""
+"Pentru setări adiţionale, selectaţi Preferinţe Calcul în Vizualizarea "
-#: ValidateURL.cpp:111
-#, c-format
-msgid "'%s' does not contain a valid path."
-msgstr "'%s' nu conţine o cale de căutare validă."
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:315
+msgid "Do work only between:"
+msgstr "Lucrează doar între:"
-#: ViewMessages.cpp:84 ViewProjects.cpp:170 ViewStatistics.cpp:1978
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:160 ViewWork.cpp:183
-msgid "Commands"
-msgstr "Comenzi"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:337
+msgid "Connect to internet only between:"
+msgstr "Se conectează la internet doar între:"
-#: ViewMessages.cpp:88
-msgid "Copy all messages"
-msgstr "Copiază toate mesajele"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:359
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:376
+msgid "Use no more than:"
+msgstr "Nu folosi mai mult de:"
-#: ViewMessages.cpp:95
-msgid "Copy selected messages"
-msgstr "Copiază mesajele selectate"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:372
+msgid "of disk space"
+msgstr "spaţiu pe disc"
-#: ViewMessages.cpp:106 ViewMessages.cpp:502
-msgid "Show only this project"
-msgstr "Arată doar acest proiect"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:389
+msgid "of the processor"
+msgstr "din procesor"
-#: ViewMessages.cpp:107 ViewMessages.cpp:503
-msgid "Show only the messages for the selected project."
-msgstr "Arată doar mesajele pentru proiectul selectat."
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:393
+msgid "Do work while on battery?"
+msgstr "Lucrează când este pe baterii?"
-#: ViewMessages.cpp:164
-msgid "Messages"
-msgstr "Mesaje"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:406
+msgid "Do work after idle for:"
+msgstr "Lucrează când este nefolosit pentru:"
-#: ViewMessages.cpp:187
-msgid "Copying all messages to the clipboard..."
-msgstr "Se copiază toate mesajele in clipboard..."
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:431
+msgid "Clear all local preferences listed above and close the dialog"
+msgstr "Şterge toate preferinţele locale listate deasupra şi închide dialogul"
-#: ViewMessages.cpp:223
-msgid "Copying selected messages to the clipboard..."
-msgstr "Se copiază mesajele selectate în clipboard..."
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:609
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:612
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:688
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:692
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:704
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:708
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:851
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:862
+msgid "Anytime"
+msgstr "Oricând"
-#: ViewMessages.cpp:286
-msgid "Filtering messages..."
-msgstr "Se filtrează mesajele..."
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:645
+msgid "100 MB"
+msgstr "100 MB"
-#: ViewMessages.cpp:494
-msgid "Show all messages"
-msgstr "Arată toate mesajele"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:646
+msgid "200 MB"
+msgstr "200 MB"
-#: ViewMessages.cpp:495
-msgid "Show messages for all projects."
-msgstr "Arată mesajele pentru toate proiectele."
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:647
+msgid "500 MB"
+msgstr "500 MB"
-#: ViewNotices.cpp:58 sg_DlgMessages.cpp:124
-msgid "Fetching notices; please wait..."
-msgstr "Se primesc anunţuri, vă rugăm aşteptaţi..."
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:648
+msgid "1 GB"
+msgstr "1 GB"
-#: ViewNotices.cpp:65 sg_DlgMessages.cpp:132
-msgid "There are no notices at this time."
-msgstr "Nu există anunţuri noi în acest moment."
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:649
+msgid "2 GB"
+msgstr "2 GB"
-#: ViewNotices.cpp:99 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:776
-msgid "Notices"
-msgstr "Anunţuri"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:650
+msgid "5 GB"
+msgstr "5 GB"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:651
+msgid "10 GB"
+msgstr "10 GB"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:652
+msgid "20 GB"
+msgstr "20 GB"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:653
+msgid "50 GB"
+msgstr "50 GB"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:654
+msgid "100 GB"
+msgstr "100 GB"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:724
+#, c-format
+msgid "%d MB"
+msgstr "%d MB"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:726
+#, c-format
+msgid "%4.2f GB"
+msgstr "%4.2f GB"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:767
+#, c-format
+msgid "%d%%"
+msgstr "%d%%"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:803
+msgid "0 (Run Always)"
+msgstr "0 (Rulează Permanent)"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:806
+#, c-format
+msgid "%d"
+msgstr "%d"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:953
+#, c-format
+msgid "%s - Computing Preferences"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:1033
+msgid "Do you really want to clear all local preferences?\n"
+msgstr "Sunteţi sigur că doriţi să ştergeţi preferinţele locale?\n"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:174 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:61
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:66
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:179
 msgid "Update"
 msgstr "Actualizare"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:175 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:62
-msgid ""
-"Report all completed tasks, get latest credit, get latest preferences, and "
-"possibly get more tasks."
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:67
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:180
+msgid "Report all completed tasks, get latest credit, get latest preferences, and possibly get more tasks."
 msgstr ""
 "Raportează toate sarcinile incheiate, actualizează creditul, actualizeazaă "
 "preferinţele si, eventual, cere alte task-uri."
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:181 ViewProjects.cpp:722 ViewWork.cpp:208 ViewWork.cpp:801
-#: sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:757 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:67
-#: sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:113 sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:66
-#: sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:106
-msgid "Suspend"
-msgstr "Suspendă"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:182 ViewProjects.cpp:722 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:68
-#: sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:114
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:73
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:129
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:187
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:727
 msgid "Suspend tasks for this project."
 msgstr "Suspendă task-urile pentru acest proiect."
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:188 ViewProjects.cpp:741 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:73
-#: sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:121
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:78
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:136
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:193
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:746
 msgid "No new tasks"
 msgstr "Nici un task nou"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:189 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:74
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:79
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:194
 msgid "Don't get new tasks for this project."
 msgstr "Nu lua task-uri noi pentru acest proiect."
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:195 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:79
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:84
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:200
 msgid "Reset project"
 msgstr "Resetează proiectul"
 # ?
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:196 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:80
-msgid ""
-"Delete all files and tasks associated with this project, and get new tasks.  "
-"You can update the project first to report any completed tasks."
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:85
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:201
+msgid "Delete all files and tasks associated with this project, and get new tasks.  You can update the project first to report any completed tasks."
 msgstr ""
 "Sterge toate fişierele si task-urile asociate acestui proiect şi preia noi "
 "task-uri.  Puteţi actualiza proiectul întâi, pentru a raporta sarcinile "
 # ?
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:203 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:86
-msgid ""
-"Remove this project.  Tasks in progress will be lost (use 'Update' first to "
-"report any completed tasks)."
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:91
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:208
+msgid "Remove this project.  Tasks in progress will be lost (use 'Update' first to report any completed tasks)."
 msgstr ""
 "Şterge acest proiect.  Task-urile în curs vor fi pierdute (folosiţi "
 "'Actualizare' mai întâi pentru a raporta task-urile finalizate)."
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:209 ViewWork.cpp:222 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:91
-#: sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:78
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:96
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:84
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:214
 msgid "Properties"
 msgstr "Proprietăţi"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:210 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:92
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:97
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:215
 msgid "Show project details."
 msgstr "Afişează detaliile proiectului."
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:220 ViewStatistics.cpp:450
-msgid "Account"
-msgstr "Cont"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:222
-msgid "Work done"
-msgstr "Lucru efectuat"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:223
-msgid "Avg. work done"
-msgstr "Medie lucru efectuat"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:225 ViewTransfers.cpp:188 ViewWork.cpp:234
-msgid "Status"
-msgstr "Stare"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:250
-msgid "Projects"
-msgstr "Proiecte"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:302
-msgid "Updating project..."
-msgstr "In curs de actualizare proiect..."
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:344
-msgid "Resuming project..."
-msgstr "Reluare proiect..."
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:348
-msgid "Suspending project..."
-msgstr "Suspendare proiect..."
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:126
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:723
+msgid "Resume tasks for this project."
+msgstr "Reluare task-uri pentru acest proiect."
-# Hmmm... could've done better...
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:385
-msgid "Telling project to allow additional task downloads..."
-msgstr ""
-"Informare proiect pentru a accepta download-ul de task-uri adiţionale..."
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:133
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:742
+msgid "Allow new tasks"
+msgstr "Permite noi task-uri"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:389
-msgid "Telling project to not fetch any additional tasks..."
-msgstr "Informare proiect de a nu accepta task-uri adiţionale..."
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:134
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:742
+msgid "Allow fetching new tasks for this project."
+msgstr "Acceptă preluarea de task-uri noi pentru acest proiect."
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:425
-msgid "Resetting project..."
-msgstr "Resetare proiect..."
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:137
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:746
+msgid "Don't fetch new tasks for this project."
+msgstr "Nu prelua task-uri noi pentru acest proiect."
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:438 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:214
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:229
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:443
 #, c-format
 msgid "Are you sure you want to reset project '%s'?"
 msgstr "Sunteti sigur ca doriţi să resetaţi proiectul '%s'?"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:444 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:220
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:235
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:449
 msgid "Reset Project"
 msgstr "Resetare Proiect"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:483
-msgid "Removing project..."
-msgstr "Ştergere proiect..."
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:496 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:251
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:266
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:501
 #, c-format
 msgid "Are you sure you want to remove project '%s'?"
 msgstr "Sunteti sigur ca doriţi să ştergeţi proiectul '%s'?"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:502 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:257
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:272
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:507
 msgid "Remove Project"
 msgstr "Şterge Proiect"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:543 ViewWork.cpp:599
-msgid "Launching browser..."
-msgstr "Lansare browser..."
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:718 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:111
-msgid "Resume tasks for this project."
-msgstr "Reluare task-uri pentru acest proiect."
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:737 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:118
-msgid "Allow new tasks"
-msgstr "Permite noi task-uri"
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:72
+msgid "Add Project"
+msgstr "Adaugă Proiect"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:737 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:119
-msgid "Allow fetching new tasks for this project."
-msgstr "Acceptă preluarea de task-uri noi pentru acest proiect."
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:73
+msgid "Synchronize"
+msgstr "Sincronizează"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:741 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:122
-msgid "Don't fetch new tasks for this project."
-msgstr "Nu prelua task-uri noi pentru acest proiect."
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:74
+msgid "Work done for this project"
+msgstr "Lucrul terminat pentru acest proiect"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1058
-msgid "Requested by user"
-msgstr "Cerut de utilizator"
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:77
+msgid "Synchronize projects with account manager system"
+msgstr "Sincronizează proiectele cu sistemul managerului de cont"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1059
-msgid "To fetch work"
-msgstr "Pentru a prelua lucrări"
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:124
+msgid "Select a project to access with the controls below"
+msgstr "Selectaţi un proiect pentru a avea acces la controalele de mai jos"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1060
-msgid "To report completed tasks"
-msgstr "Pentru a raporta task-urile finalizate"
+# 88%
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:145
+msgid "Project Web Pages"
+msgstr "Pagini Web Proiect"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1061
-msgid "To send trickle-up message"
-msgstr "Pentru a trimite un mesaj trickle-up"
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:149
+msgid "Project Commands"
+msgstr "Comenzi Proiect"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1062
-msgid "Requested by account manager"
-msgstr "Cerut de managerul de cont"
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:276
+#, c-format
+msgid "Pop up a menu of web sites for project %s"
+msgstr "Deschide un meniu cu site-urile web pentru proiectul %s"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1063
-msgid "Project initialization"
-msgstr "Iniţializare proiect"
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:278
+#, c-format
+msgid "Pop up a menu of commands to apply to project %s"
+msgstr "Deschide un meniu cu comenzi care se pot aplica proiectului %s"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1064
-msgid "Requested by project"
-msgstr "Cerut de proiect"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:66
+msgid "Show graphics"
+msgstr "Afişează graficele"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1065
-msgid "Unknown reason"
-msgstr "Motiv necunoscut"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:67
+msgid "Show application graphics in a window."
+msgstr "Afişează graficele aplicaţiei într-o nouă fereastră."
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1079
-msgid "Suspended by user"
-msgstr "Suspendat de utilizator"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:73
+msgid "Suspend this task."
+msgstr "Suspendă acest task."
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1082
-msgid "Won't get new tasks"
-msgstr "Nu vor fi preluate task-uri noi"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:78
+msgid "Abort"
+msgstr "Renunţă"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1085
-msgid "Project ended - OK to remove"
-msgstr "Proiect terminat - OK pentru ştergere"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:79
+msgid "Abandon this task. You will get no credit for it."
+msgstr "Abandonaţi acest task. Nu veţi primi credit pentru el."
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1088
-msgid "Will remove when tasks done"
-msgstr "Va fi şters când se finalizează task-urile"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:85
+msgid "Show task details."
+msgstr "Afişează detalii task."
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1091
-msgid "Scheduler request pending"
-msgstr "Cerere către planificator în aşteptare"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:119
+msgid "Resume work for this task."
+msgstr "Reia lucrul pentru acest task."
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1097
-msgid "Scheduler request in progress"
-msgstr "Cerere către planificator în curs"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:123
+msgid "Suspend work for this task."
+msgstr "Suspendă lucrul pentru acest task."
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1100
-msgid "Trickle up message pending"
-msgstr "Mesaj trickle-up în aşteptare"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:267
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Are you sure you want to abort this task '%s'?\n"
+"(Progress: %.1lf%%, Status: %s)"
+msgstr ""
+"Sunteţi sigur că doriţi să renunţaţi la acest task '%s'?\n"
+"(Progres: %.1lf%%, Stare: %s)"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1106
-msgid "Communication deferred "
-msgstr "Comunicarea este amânată "
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:272
+msgid "Abort task"
+msgstr "Renunţă la task"
-#: ViewResources.cpp:62
-msgid "Total disk usage"
-msgstr "Utilizare disc totală"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:468
+msgid "You don't have any projects.  Please Add a Project."
+msgstr "Nu aveţi nici un proiect.  Vă rugăm Adăugaţi un Proiect."
-#: ViewResources.cpp:83
-msgid "Disk usage by BOINC projects"
-msgstr "Utilizare disc de către proiectele BOINC"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:469
+msgid "Not available"
+msgstr "Indisponibil"
-#: ViewResources.cpp:116
-msgid "Disk"
-msgstr "Disc"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:480
+msgid "Tasks:"
+msgstr "Task-uri:"
-#: ViewResources.cpp:249
-msgid "no projects: 0 bytes used"
-msgstr "nici un proiect: 0 bytes folosiţi"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:486
+msgid "Select a task to access"
+msgstr "Selectaţi un task pentru a accesa"
-#: ViewResources.cpp:286
-msgid "used by BOINC: "
-msgstr "folosit de BOINC: "
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:497
+msgid "From:"
+msgstr "De la:"
-#: ViewResources.cpp:296
-msgid "free, available to BOINC: "
-msgstr "liber, disponibil pentru BOINC: "
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:551
+msgid "This task's progress"
+msgstr "Progresul acestui task"
-#: ViewResources.cpp:306
-msgid "free, not available to BOINC: "
-msgstr "liber, indisponibil pentru BOINC: "
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:569
+msgid "Task Commands"
+msgstr "Comenzi Task"
-#: ViewResources.cpp:316
-msgid "free: "
-msgstr "liber: "
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:570
+msgid "Pop up a menu of commands to apply to this task"
+msgstr "Deschideţi un meniu de comenzi care se pot aplica acestui task"
-#: ViewResources.cpp:326
-msgid "used by other programs: "
-msgstr "folosit de alte programe: "
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:705
+#, c-format
+msgid "Application: %s"
+msgstr "Aplicaţia: %s"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:1205
-msgid "User Total"
-msgstr "Total utilizator"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:728
+#, c-format
+msgid "%.3f%%"
+msgstr "%.3f%%"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:1206
-msgid "User Average"
-msgstr "Media utilizator"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:736
+msgid "Application: Not available"
+msgstr "Aplicaţie: Indisponibil"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:1207
-msgid "Host Total"
-msgstr "Total host"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:836
+msgid "Not Available"
+msgstr "Indisponibil"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:1208
-msgid "Host Average"
-msgstr "Media host"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:851
+#, c-format
+msgid "Elapsed: %s"
+msgstr "Scurs: %s"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:1355
+# 84%
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:865
 #, c-format
-msgid "Last update: %.0f days ago"
-msgstr "Ultima actualizare: acum %.0f zile"
+msgid "Remaining (estimated): %s"
+msgstr "Rămas (estimat): %s"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:1982
-msgid "Show user total"
-msgstr "Afişează total utilizator"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:880
+#, c-format
+msgid "Status: %s"
+msgstr "Stare: %s"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:1983
-msgid "Show total credit for user"
-msgstr "Afişează credit total pentru utilizator"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1227
+msgid "Retrieving current status."
+msgstr "Se primeşte starea curentă."
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:1989
-msgid "Show user average"
-msgstr "Afisează media utilizator"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1233
+msgid "Downloading work from the server."
+msgstr "Se descarcă de lucru de la server."
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:1990
-msgid "Show average credit for user"
-msgstr "Afişează credit mediu pentru utilizator"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1238
+msgid "Processing Suspended:  Running On Batteries."
+msgstr "Procesare Suspendată:  Se Rulează Pe Baterii."
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:1996
-msgid "Show host total"
-msgstr "Afişează total host"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:1997
-msgid "Show total credit for host"
-msgstr "Afişează credit total pentru gazdă"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1240
+msgid "Processing Suspended:  User Active."
+msgstr "Procesare Suspendată:  Utilizator Activ."
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2003
-msgid "Show host average"
-msgstr "Afişează media pentru host"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1242
+msgid "Processing Suspended:  User paused processing."
+msgstr "Procesare Suspendată:  Utilizatorul a oprit procesarea."
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2004
-msgid "Show average credit for host"
-msgstr "Afişează credit mediu pentru gazdă"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1244
+msgid "Processing Suspended:  Time of Day."
+msgstr "Procesare Suspendată:  Ora."
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2013
-msgid "< &Previous project"
-msgstr "< Proiectul &precedent"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1246
+msgid "Processing Suspended:  Benchmarks Running."
+msgstr "Procesare Suspendată:  Rulează Benchmarks."
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2014
-msgid "Show chart for previous project"
-msgstr "Arată graficul pentru proiectul precedent"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1248
+msgid "Processing Suspended."
+msgstr "Procesare Suspendată."
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2019
-msgid "&Next project >"
-msgstr "&Următorul proiect >"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1252
+msgid "Waiting to contact project servers."
+msgstr "În aşteptarea contactării serverelor de proiect."
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2020
-msgid "Show chart for next project"
-msgstr "Arată graficul pentru proiectul următor"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1256
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1265
+msgid "Retrieving current status"
+msgstr "Se primeşte starea curentă"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2026 ViewStatistics.cpp:2416
-msgid "Hide project list"
-msgstr "Ascunde lista proiecte"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1260
+msgid "No work available to process"
+msgstr "Nu există lucru disponibil pentru procesare"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2027 ViewStatistics.cpp:2416
-msgid "Use entire area for graphs"
-msgstr "Foloseşte întreaga suprafaţă pentru grafice"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1262
+msgid "Unable to connect to the core client"
+msgstr "Nu s-a putut conecta la nucleul clientului"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2032
-msgid "Mode view"
-msgstr "Mod vizualizare"
+#: clientgui/TermsOfUsePage.cpp:218
+msgid "Terms of Use"
+msgstr "Condiţii de Utilizare"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2036
-msgid "One project"
-msgstr "Un proiect"
+#: clientgui/TermsOfUsePage.cpp:222
+msgid "Please read the following terms of use:"
+msgstr "Vă rugăm citiţi următoarele condiţii de utilizare:"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2037
-msgid "Show one chart with selected project"
-msgstr "Arată un grafic cu proiectul selectat"
+#: clientgui/TermsOfUsePage.cpp:231
+msgid "I agree to the terms of use."
+msgstr "Sunt de acord cu condiţiile de utilizare."
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2043
-msgid "All projects (separate)"
-msgstr "Toate proiectele (separat)"
+#: clientgui/TermsOfUsePage.cpp:237
+msgid "I do not agree to the terms of use."
+msgstr "Nu sunt de acord cu condiţiile de utilizare."
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2044
-msgid "Show all projects, one chart per project"
-msgstr "Arată toate proiectele, un grafic pe proiect"
+#: clientgui/UnavailablePage.cpp:183
+msgid "Project temporarily unavailable"
+msgstr "Proiectul este temporar inaccesibil"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2050
-msgid "All projects (together)"
-msgstr "Toate proiectele (împreună)"
+#: clientgui/UnavailablePage.cpp:186
+msgid ""
+"The project is temporarily unavailable.\n"
+"Please try again later."
+msgstr ""
+"Pentru moment proiectul nu este accesibil.\n"
+"Vă rugăm încercaţi mai tarziu."
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2051
-msgid "Show one chart with all projects"
-msgstr "Arată un grafic cu toate proiectele"
+#: clientgui/UnavailablePage.cpp:190
+msgid "Account manager temporarily unavailable"
+msgstr "Managerul de contact este pentur moment inaccesibil"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2057
-msgid "All projects (sum)"
-msgstr "Toate proiectele (sumă)"
+#: clientgui/UnavailablePage.cpp:193
+msgid ""
+"The account manager is temporarily unavailable.\n"
+"Please try again later."
+msgstr ""
+"Pentru moment managerul de cont nu este accesibil.\n"
+"Vă rugăm încercaţi mai tarziu."
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2058
-msgid "Show one chart with sum of projects"
-msgstr "Arată un singur grafic cu suma proiectelor"
+#: clientgui/ValidateAccountKey.cpp:68
+msgid "Please specify an account key to continue."
+msgstr "Vă rugăm specificaţi un cheie de cont pentru a continua."
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2079
-msgid "Statistics"
-msgstr "Statistici"
+#: clientgui/ValidateAccountKey.cpp:71
+msgid "Invalid Account Key; please enter a valid Account Key"
+msgstr "Cheie de Cont nevalidă; va rugăm să introduceţi o Cheie de Cont validă"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2103 ViewStatistics.cpp:2124 ViewStatistics.cpp:2145
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2167 ViewStatistics.cpp:2188 ViewStatistics.cpp:2209
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2230 ViewStatistics.cpp:2251 ViewStatistics.cpp:2272
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2296
-msgid "Updating charts..."
-msgstr "Actualizare grafice..."
+#: clientgui/ValidateAccountKey.cpp:82
+#: clientgui/ValidateEmailAddress.cpp:86
+msgid "Validation conflict"
+msgstr "Conflict de validare"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2420
-msgid "Show project list"
-msgstr "Afişează lista de proiecte"
+#: clientgui/ValidateEmailAddress.cpp:72
+msgid "Please specify an email address"
+msgstr "Vă rugăm specificaţi o adresă de email"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2420
-msgid "Uses smaller area for graphs"
-msgstr "Foloseşte o suprafaţă mai mică pentru grafice"
+#: clientgui/ValidateEmailAddress.cpp:75
+msgid "Invalid email address; please enter a valid email address"
+msgstr "Adresă email invalidă; vă rugăm introduceţi o adresă de email validă"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:164
-msgid "Retry Now"
-msgstr "Reîncearcă"
+#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:69
+msgid "Missing URL"
+msgstr "URL absent"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:165
-msgid "Retry the file transfer now"
-msgstr "Reîncearcă acum transferul de fişier"
+#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:70
+msgid ""
+"Please specify a URL.\n"
+"For example:\n"
+msgstr ""
+"Va rugăm specificaţi un URL.\n"
+"De exemplu:\n"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:171
-msgid "Abort Transfer"
-msgstr "Renunţă la transfer"
+#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:83
+#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:87
+#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:91
+#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:103
+#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:107
+#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:110
+msgid "Invalid URL"
+msgstr "URL nevalid"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:172
-msgid "Abort this file transfer.  You won't get credit for the task."
+#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:84
+#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:88
+#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:92
+msgid ""
+"Please specify a valid URL.\n"
+"For example:\n"
 msgstr ""
-"Anulează acest transfer de fişier.  Nu veţi primi credit pentru acest task."
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:183
-msgid "File"
-msgstr "Fişier"
+"Va rugăm specificaţi un URL valid.\n"
+"De exemplu:\n"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:184 ViewWork.cpp:233
-msgid "Progress"
-msgstr "Progres"
+#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:104
+#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:108
+#, c-format
+msgid "'%s' does not contain a valid host name."
+msgstr "'%s' nu conţine un nume de host valid."
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:185
-msgid "Size"
-msgstr "Dimensiune"
+#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:111
+#, c-format
+msgid "'%s' does not contain a valid path."
+msgstr "'%s' nu conţine o cale de căutare validă."
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:186
-msgid "Elapsed Time"
-msgstr "Timp scurs"
+#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:84
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:175
+msgid "Commands"
+msgstr "Comenzi"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:187
-msgid "Speed"
-msgstr "Viteză"
+#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:88
+msgid "Copy all messages"
+msgstr "Copiază toate mesajele"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:213
-msgid "Transfers"
-msgstr "Transferuri"
+#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:95
+msgid "Copy selected messages"
+msgstr "Copiază mesajele selectate"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:280
-msgid "Network activity is suspended - "
-msgstr "Accesul la retea este suspendat - "
+#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:106
+#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:502
+msgid "Show only this project"
+msgstr "Arată doar acest proiect"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:282
-msgid ""
-"You can enable it using the Activity menu."
-msgstr ""
-"Puteţi să îl activaţi folosind meniul Activitate."
+#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:107
+#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:503
+msgid "Show only the messages for the selected project."
+msgstr "Arată doar mesajele pentru proiectul selectat."
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:285
-msgid "BOINC"
-msgstr "BOINC"
+#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:164
+msgid "Messages"
+msgstr "Mesaje"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:292
-msgid "Retrying transfer now..."
-msgstr "Reiniţializare transfer..."
+#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:187
+msgid "Copying all messages to the clipboard..."
+msgstr "Se copiază toate mesajele in clipboard..."
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:330
-msgid "Aborting transfer..."
-msgstr "Renunţare la transfer..."
+#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:223
+msgid "Copying selected messages to the clipboard..."
+msgstr "Se copiază mesajele selectate în clipboard..."
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:343
-#, c-format
-msgid ""
-"Are you sure you want to abort this file transfer '%s'?\n"
-"NOTE: Aborting a transfer will invalidate a task and you\n"
-"will not receive credit for it."
-msgstr ""
-"Sunteţi sigur că doriţi să renunţaţi la acest transfer de fişier '%s'?\n"
-"NOTĂ: Renunţând la transfer se va invalida task-ul şi\n"
-"nu veţi primi credit pentur el."
+#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:286
+msgid "Filtering messages..."
+msgstr "Se filtrează mesajele..."
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:349
-msgid "Abort File Transfer"
-msgstr "Renunţă la transferul fişierului"
+#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:494
+msgid "Show all messages"
+msgstr "Arată toate mesajele"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:780
-msgid "Upload"
-msgstr "Încarcă"
+#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:495
+msgid "Show messages for all projects."
+msgstr "Arată mesajele pentru toate proiectele."
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:780
-msgid "Download"
-msgstr "Descarcă"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:225
+msgid "Account"
+msgstr "Cont"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:784
-msgid "retry in "
-msgstr "reincearcă în "
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:227
+msgid "Work done"
+msgstr "Lucru efectuat"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:786
-msgid "failed"
-msgstr "eşuat"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:228
+msgid "Avg. work done"
+msgstr "Medie lucru efectuat"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:789
-msgid "suspended"
-msgstr "suspendat"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:230
+msgid "Status"
+msgstr "Stare"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:794
-msgid "active"
-msgstr "activ"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:255
+msgid "Projects"
+msgstr "Proiecte"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:796
-msgid "pending"
-msgstr "în aşteptare"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:307
+msgid "Updating project..."
+msgstr "In curs de actualizare proiect..."
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:803
-msgid " (project backoff: "
-msgstr " (revenire proiect: "
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:349
+msgid "Resuming project..."
+msgstr "Reluare proiect..."
-#: ViewWork.cpp:187 ViewWork.cpp:777
-msgid "Show active tasks"
-msgstr "Arată task-urile active"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:353
+msgid "Suspending project..."
+msgstr "Suspendare proiect..."
-#: ViewWork.cpp:188 ViewWork.cpp:778
-msgid "Show only active tasks."
-msgstr "Arată doar task-urile active."
+# Hmmm... could've done better...
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:390
+msgid "Telling project to allow additional task downloads..."
+msgstr ""
+"Informare proiect pentru a accepta download-ul de task-uri adiţionale..."
-#: ViewWork.cpp:194 sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:60
-msgid "Show graphics"
-msgstr "Afişează graficele"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:394
+msgid "Telling project to not fetch any additional tasks..."
+msgstr "Informare proiect de a nu accepta task-uri adiţionale..."
-#: ViewWork.cpp:195 sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:61
-msgid "Show application graphics in a window."
-msgstr "Afişează graficele aplicaţiei într-o nouă fereastră."
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:430
+msgid "Resetting project..."
+msgstr "Resetare proiect..."
-#: ViewWork.cpp:201
-msgid "Show VM Console"
-msgstr "Afisează consola VM"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:488
+msgid "Removing project..."
+msgstr "Ştergere proiect..."
-#: ViewWork.cpp:202
-msgid "Show VM Console in a window."
-msgstr "Afişează Consola VM într-o fereastră."
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:548
+msgid "Launching browser..."
+msgstr "Lansare browser..."
-#: ViewWork.cpp:209
-msgid "Suspend work for this result."
-msgstr "Suspendare lucru pentru acest rezultat."
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1063
+msgid "Requested by user"
+msgstr "Cerut de utilizator"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:215 sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:72
-msgid "Abort"
-msgstr "Renunţă"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1064
+msgid "To fetch work"
+msgstr "Pentru a prelua lucrări"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:216
-msgid "Abandon work on the result. You will get no credit for it."
-msgstr "Abandonează lucrul la rezultat. Nu veţi primi credit pentru el."
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1065
+msgid "To report completed tasks"
+msgstr "Pentru a raporta task-urile finalizate"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:223 sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:79
-msgid "Show task details."
-msgstr "Afişează detalii task."
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1066
+msgid "To send trickle-up message"
+msgstr "Pentru a trimite un mesaj trickle-up"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:235
-msgid "Elapsed"
-msgstr "Scurs"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1067
+msgid "Requested by account manager"
+msgstr "Cerut de managerul de cont"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:236
-msgid "Remaining (estimated)"
-msgstr "Rămas (estimat)"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1068
+msgid "Project initialization"
+msgstr "Iniţializare proiect"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:237
-msgid "Deadline"
-msgstr "Timp limită"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1069
+msgid "Requested by project"
+msgstr "Cerut de proiect"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:264
-msgid "Tasks"
-msgstr "Sarcini"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1070
+msgid "Unknown reason"
+msgstr "Motiv necunoscut"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:357
-msgid "Resuming task..."
-msgstr "Se reia task-ul..."
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1084
+msgid "Suspended by user"
+msgstr "Suspendat de utilizator"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:360
-msgid "Suspending task..."
-msgstr "Se suspendă task-ul..."
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1087
+msgid "Won't get new tasks"
+msgstr "Nu vor fi preluate task-uri noi"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:389
-msgid "Showing graphics for task..."
-msgstr "Afişare grafică pentru task..."
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1090
+msgid "Project ended - OK to remove"
+msgstr "Proiect terminat - OK pentru ştergere"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:426
-msgid "Showing VM console for task..."
-msgstr "Afişează consola VM pentru task..."
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1093
+msgid "Will remove when tasks done"
+msgstr "Va fi şters când se finalizează task-urile"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:479
-#, c-format
-msgid ""
-"Are you sure you want to abort this task '%s'?\n"
-"(Progress: %s, Status: %s)"
-msgstr ""
-"Sunteţi sigur că doriţi să renunţaţi la acest task '%s'?\n"
-"(Progres: %s, Stare: %s)"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1096
+msgid "Scheduler request pending"
+msgstr "Cerere către planificator în aşteptare"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:485
-#, c-format
-msgid "Are you sure you want to abort these %d tasks?"
-msgstr "Sunteţi sigur că doriţi să renunţaţi la aceste %d taskuri?"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1102
+msgid "Scheduler request in progress"
+msgstr "Cerere către planificator în curs"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:490 sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:256
-msgid "Abort task"
-msgstr "Renunţă la task"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1105
+msgid "Trickle up message pending"
+msgstr "Mesaj trickle-up în aşteptare"
-# 75%
-#: ViewWork.cpp:499
-msgid "Aborting task..."
-msgstr "Renunţare la task..."
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1111
+msgid "Communication deferred "
+msgstr "Comunicarea este amânată "
-#: ViewWork.cpp:771
-msgid "Show all tasks"
-msgstr "Arată toate task-urile"
+#: clientgui/ViewResources.cpp:62
+msgid "Total disk usage"
+msgstr "Utilizare disc totală"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:772
-msgid "Show all tasks."
-msgstr "Arată toate task-urile."
+#: clientgui/ViewResources.cpp:83
+msgid "Disk usage by BOINC projects"
+msgstr "Utilizare disc de către proiectele BOINC"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:796 sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:103
-msgid "Resume work for this task."
-msgstr "Reia lucrul pentru acest task."
+#: clientgui/ViewResources.cpp:116
+msgid "Disk"
+msgstr "Disc"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:802 sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:107
-msgid "Suspend work for this task."
-msgstr "Suspendă lucrul pentru acest task."
+#: clientgui/ViewResources.cpp:225
+msgid "no projects: 0 bytes used"
+msgstr "nici un proiect: 0 bytes folosiţi"
-#: WelcomePage.cpp:284
-msgid "Add project or account manager"
-msgstr "Adaugă proiect sau manager de cont"
+#: clientgui/ViewResources.cpp:262
+msgid "used by BOINC: "
+msgstr "folosit de BOINC: "
-#: WelcomePage.cpp:288
-msgid "Add project or use BOINC Account Manager"
-msgstr "Adaugă proiect sau foloseşte un Manager de Cont BOINC"
+#: clientgui/ViewResources.cpp:272
+msgid "free, available to BOINC: "
+msgstr "liber, disponibil pentru BOINC: "
-#: WelcomePage.cpp:297
-#, c-format
-msgid ""
-"If possible, add projects at the\n"
-"%s web site.\n"
-"Projects added via this wizard will not be\n"
-"listed on or managed via %s."
-msgstr ""
-"Dacă este posibil, adăugaţi proiecte prin\n"
-"web site-ul %s .\n"
-"Proiectele adăugate prin acest vrăjitor nu\n"
-"o să fie listate sau gestionate prin %s."
+#: clientgui/ViewResources.cpp:282
+msgid "free, not available to BOINC: "
+msgstr "liber, indisponibil pentru BOINC: "
-#: WelcomePage.cpp:313
-msgid ""
-"There are over 30 BOINC-based projects\n"
-"doing research in many areas of science,\n"
-"and you can volunteer for as many of them as you like.\n"
-"You can add a project directly,\n"
-"or use an 'Account Manager' web site to select projects."
-msgstr ""
-"Există mai mult de 30 de proiecte BOINC\n"
-"realizând cercetări în multe zone ştiinţifice,\n"
-"şi puteţi să vă oferiţi voluntar pentru cât de multe doriţi.\n"
-"Puteţi adăuga un proiect direct,\n"
-"sau să folosiţi un web site 'Manager de Cont' pentru a selecta proiecte."
+#: clientgui/ViewResources.cpp:292
+msgid "free: "
+msgstr "liber: "
-#: WelcomePage.cpp:325
-msgid ""
-"You have chosen to add a new volunteer computing project or change which "
-"you contribute to.\n"
-"Some of these projects are run and managed by World Community Grid, while "
-"are run and managed by other researchers or organizations. The BOINC "
-"can divide your spare processing power among any combination of projects.\n"
-"Alternatively, if you have registered with a BOINC Account Manager, you can "
-"this to choose which projects to support.\n"
-"Please choose which type of change you would like to make:\n"
-msgstr ""
-"Aţi ales să adăugaţi un nou proiect de calcule voluntare sau să modificaţi "
-"la ce proiecte\n"
-"Unele dintre aceste proiecte sunt rulate şi gestionate de World Community "
-"Grid, în timp ce\n"
-"altele sunt rulate şi gestionate de alte organizaţii. Programul BOINC poate\n"
-"împărţi puterea de procesare disponibilă în orice combinaţie de proiecte.\n"
-"Alternativ, dacă vâaţi înregistrat la un Manager de Cont BOINC, puteţi\n"
-"să-l folosiţi pentru a alege ce proiecte susţineţi.\n"
-"Vă rugăm alegetţi ce tip de modificare doriţi să efectuaţi:\n"
+#: clientgui/ViewResources.cpp:302
+msgid "used by other programs: "
+msgstr "folosit de alte programe: "
-#: WelcomePage.cpp:339
-msgid "Use a BOINC Account Manager"
-msgstr "Folosiţi un Manager de Cont BOINC"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1181
+msgid "User Total"
+msgstr "Total utilizator"
-#: WelcomePage.cpp:352
-msgid "To continue, click Next."
-msgstr "Pentru a continua, apăsaţi Următorul."
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1182
+msgid "User Average"
+msgstr "Media utilizator"
-#: WelcomePage.cpp:358
-msgid "Add or change your World Community Grid projects"
-msgstr "Adaugă sau modifică proiecte World Community Grid"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1183
+msgid "Host Total"
+msgstr "Total host"
-#: WelcomePage.cpp:361
-msgid "Add projects run by other researchers or organizations"
-msgstr "Adaugă proiecte rulate de alţi cercetători şi organizaţii"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1184
+msgid "Host Average"
+msgstr "Media host"
-#: WizardAttach.cpp:634
-msgid "Do you really want to cancel?"
-msgstr "Sunteţi sigur că doriţi să abandonaţi?"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1331
+#, c-format
+msgid "Last update: %.0f days ago"
+msgstr "Ultima actualizare: acum %.0f zile"
-#: WizardAttach.cpp:635
-msgid "Question"
-msgstr "Întrebare"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1956
+msgid "Show user total"
+msgstr "Afişează total utilizator"
-#: sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:149
-msgid "Advanced View...\tCtrl+Shift+A"
-msgstr "Vizualizare Avansată...\tCtrl+Shift+A"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1957
+msgid "Show total credit for user"
+msgstr "Afişează credit total pentru utilizator"
-#: sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:150
-msgid "Display the advanced graphical interface."
-msgstr "Afişează interfaţa grafică avansată."
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1963
+msgid "Show user average"
+msgstr "Afisează media utilizator"
-#: sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:157
-msgid "Skin"
-msgstr "Skin"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1964
+msgid "Show average credit for user"
+msgstr "Afişează credit mediu pentru utilizator"
-#: sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:159
-msgid "Select the appearance of the user interface."
-msgstr "Selectaţi aspectul interfeţei utilizator."
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1970
+msgid "Show host total"
+msgstr "Afişează total host"
-#: sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:206
-#, c-format
-msgid "&%s"
-msgstr "&%s"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1971
+msgid "Show total credit for host"
+msgstr "Afişează credit total pentru gazdă"
-#: sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:390
-msgid "Default"
-msgstr "Implicit"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1977
+msgid "Show host average"
+msgstr "Afişează media pentru host"
-#: sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:759
-msgid "Suspend Computing"
-msgstr "Suspendă Calculele"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1978
+msgid "Show average credit for host"
+msgstr "Afişează credit mediu pentru gazdă"
-#: sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:760
-msgid "Resume Computing"
-msgstr "Reia Calculele"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1987
+msgid "< &Previous project"
+msgstr "< Proiectul &precedent"
-#: sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:777
-msgid "Open a window to view notices from projects or BOINC"
-msgstr "Deschide o fereastră pentru a vedea anunţurile de la proiecte sau BOINC"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1988
+msgid "Show chart for previous project"
+msgstr "Arată graficul pentru proiectul precedent"
-#: sg_DlgMessages.cpp:146
-msgid "Close"
-msgstr "Închide"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1993
+msgid "&Next project >"
+msgstr "&Următorul proiect >"
-#: sg_DlgMessages.cpp:389
-#, c-format
-msgid "%s - Notices"
-msgstr "%s - Anunţuri"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1994
+msgid "Show chart for next project"
+msgstr "Arată graficul pentru proiectul următor"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:268
-msgid "This dialog controls preferences for this computer only."
-msgstr "Acest dialog controlează preferinţele doar pentru acest calculator."
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2000
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2390
+msgid "Hide project list"
+msgstr "Ascunde lista proiecte"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:273
-msgid "Click OK to set preferences."
-msgstr "Selectaţi OK pentru a seta preferinţele."
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2001
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2390
+msgid "Use entire area for graphs"
+msgstr "Foloseşte întreaga suprafaţă pentru grafice"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:278
-msgid ""
-"Click Clear to restore web-based settings for all preferences listed below."
-msgstr ""
-"Apăsaţi Ştergere pentru a restaura setările de pe web pentru toate "
-"preferinţele listate mai jos."
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2006
+msgid "Mode view"
+msgstr "Mod vizualizare"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:285
-msgid ""
-"For additional settings, select Computing Preferences in the Advanced View."
-msgstr ""
-"Pentru setări adiţionale, selectaţi Preferinţe Calcul în Vizualizarea "
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2010
+msgid "One project"
+msgstr "Un proiect"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:313
-msgid "Do work only between:"
-msgstr "Lucrează doar între:"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2011
+msgid "Show one chart with selected project"
+msgstr "Arată un grafic cu proiectul selectat"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:335
-msgid "Connect to internet only between:"
-msgstr "Se conectează la internet doar între:"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2017
+msgid "All projects (separate)"
+msgstr "Toate proiectele (separat)"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:357 sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:374
-msgid "Use no more than:"
-msgstr "Nu folosi mai mult de:"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2018
+msgid "Show all projects, one chart per project"
+msgstr "Arată toate proiectele, un grafic pe proiect"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:370
-msgid "of disk space"
-msgstr "spaţiu pe disc"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2024
+msgid "All projects (together)"
+msgstr "Toate proiectele (împreună)"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:387
-msgid "of the processor"
-msgstr "din procesor"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2025
+msgid "Show one chart with all projects"
+msgstr "Arată un grafic cu toate proiectele"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:391
-msgid "Do work while on battery?"
-msgstr "Lucrează când este pe baterii?"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2031
+msgid "All projects (sum)"
+msgstr "Toate proiectele (sumă)"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:404
-msgid "Do work after idle for:"
-msgstr "Lucrează când este nefolosit pentru:"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2032
+msgid "Show one chart with sum of projects"
+msgstr "Arată un singur grafic cu suma proiectelor"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:429
-msgid "Clear all local preferences listed above and close the dialog"
-msgstr "Şterge toate preferinţele locale listate deasupra şi închide dialogul"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2053
+msgid "Statistics"
+msgstr "Statistici"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:602 sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:605
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:681 sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:685
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:697 sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:701
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:844 sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:855
-msgid "Anytime"
-msgstr "Oricând"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2077
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2098
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2119
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2141
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2162
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2183
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2204
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2225
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2246
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2270
+msgid "Updating charts..."
+msgstr "Actualizare grafice..."
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:638
-msgid "100 MB"
-msgstr "100 MB"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2394
+msgid "Show project list"
+msgstr "Afişează lista de proiecte"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:639
-msgid "200 MB"
-msgstr "200 MB"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2394
+msgid "Uses smaller area for graphs"
+msgstr "Foloseşte o suprafaţă mai mică pentru grafice"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:640
-msgid "500 MB"
-msgstr "500 MB"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:169
+msgid "Retry Now"
+msgstr "Reîncearcă"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:641
-msgid "1 GB"
-msgstr "1 GB"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:170
+msgid "Retry the file transfer now"
+msgstr "Reîncearcă acum transferul de fişier"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:642
-msgid "2 GB"
-msgstr "2 GB"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:176
+msgid "Abort Transfer"
+msgstr "Renunţă la transfer"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:643
-msgid "5 GB"
-msgstr "5 GB"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:177
+msgid "Abort this file transfer.  You won't get credit for the task."
+msgstr ""
+"Anulează acest transfer de fişier.  Nu veţi primi credit pentru acest task."
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:644
-msgid "10 GB"
-msgstr "10 GB"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:188
+msgid "File"
+msgstr "Fişier"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:645
-msgid "20 GB"
-msgstr "20 GB"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:189
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:238
+msgid "Progress"
+msgstr "Progres"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:646
-msgid "50 GB"
-msgstr "50 GB"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:190
+msgid "Size"
+msgstr "Dimensiune"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:647
-msgid "100 GB"
-msgstr "100 GB"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:191
+msgid "Elapsed Time"
+msgstr "Timp scurs"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:717
-#, c-format
-msgid "%d MB"
-msgstr "%d MB"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:192
+msgid "Speed"
+msgstr "Viteză"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:719
-#, c-format
-msgid "%4.2f GB"
-msgstr "%4.2f GB"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:218
+msgid "Transfers"
+msgstr "Transferuri"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:760
-#, c-format
-msgid "%d%%"
-msgstr "%d%%"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:285
+msgid "Network activity is suspended - "
+msgstr "Accesul la retea este suspendat - "
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:796
-msgid "0 (Run Always)"
-msgstr "0 (Rulează Permanent)"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:287
+msgid ""
+"You can enable it using the Activity menu."
+msgstr ""
+"Puteţi să îl activaţi folosind meniul Activitate."
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:799
-#, c-format
-msgid "%d"
-msgstr "%d"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:290
+msgid "BOINC"
+msgstr "BOINC"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:1029
-msgid "Do you really want to clear all local preferences?\n"
-msgstr "Sunteţi sigur că doriţi să ştergeţi preferinţele locale?\n"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:297
+msgid "Retrying transfer now..."
+msgstr "Reiniţializare transfer..."
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:335
+msgid "Aborting transfer..."
+msgstr "Renunţare la transfer..."
-#: sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:72
-msgid "Add Project"
-msgstr "Adaugă Proiect"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:348
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Are you sure you want to abort this file transfer '%s'?\n"
+"NOTE: Aborting a transfer will invalidate a task and you\n"
+"will not receive credit for it."
+msgstr ""
+"Sunteţi sigur că doriţi să renunţaţi la acest transfer de fişier '%s'?\n"
+"NOTĂ: Renunţând la transfer se va invalida task-ul şi\n"
+"nu veţi primi credit pentur el."
-#: sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:73
-msgid "Synchronize"
-msgstr "Sincronizează"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:354
+msgid "Abort File Transfer"
+msgstr "Renunţă la transferul fişierului"
-#: sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:74
-msgid "Work done for this project"
-msgstr "Lucrul terminat pentru acest proiect"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:785
+msgid "Upload"
+msgstr "Încarcă"
-#: sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:77
-msgid "Synchronize projects with account manager system"
-msgstr "Sincronizează proiectele cu sistemul managerului de cont"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:785
+msgid "Download"
+msgstr "Descarcă"
-#: sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:124
-msgid "Select a project to access with the controls below"
-msgstr "Selectaţi un proiect pentru a avea acces la controalele de mai jos"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:789
+msgid "retry in "
+msgstr "reincearcă în "
-# 88%
-#: sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:145
-msgid "Project Web Pages"
-msgstr "Pagini Web Proiect"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:791
+msgid "failed"
+msgstr "eşuat"
-#: sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:149
-msgid "Project Commands"
-msgstr "Comenzi Proiect"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:794
+msgid "suspended"
+msgstr "suspendat"
-#: sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:267
-#, c-format
-msgid "Pop up a menu of web sites for project %s"
-msgstr "Deschide un meniu cu site-urile web pentru proiectul %s"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:799
+msgid "active"
+msgstr "activ"
-#: sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:269
-#, c-format
-msgid "Pop up a menu of commands to apply to project %s"
-msgstr "Deschide un meniu cu comenzi care se pot aplica proiectului %s"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:801
+msgid "pending"
+msgstr "în aşteptare"
-#: sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:67
-msgid "Suspend this task."
-msgstr "Suspendă acest task."
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:808
+msgid " (project backoff: "
+msgstr " (revenire proiect: "
-#: sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:73
-msgid "Abandon this task. You will get no credit for it."
-msgstr "Abandonaţi acest task. Nu veţi primi credit pentru el."
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:192
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:782
+msgid "Show active tasks"
+msgstr "Arată task-urile active"
-#: sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:251
-#, c-format
-msgid ""
-"Are you sure you want to abort this task '%s'?\n"
-"(Progress: %.1lf%%, Status: %s)"
-msgstr ""
-"Sunteţi sigur că doriţi să renunţaţi la acest task '%s'?\n"
-"(Progres: %.1lf%%, Stare: %s)"
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:193
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:783
+msgid "Show only active tasks."
+msgstr "Arată doar task-urile active."
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:464
-msgid "You don't have any projects.  Please Add a Project."
-msgstr "Nu aveţi nici un proiect.  Vă rugăm Adăugaţi un Proiect."
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:206
+msgid "Show VM Console"
+msgstr "Afisează consola VM"
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:465
-msgid "Not available"
-msgstr "Indisponibil"
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:207
+msgid "Show VM Console in a window."
+msgstr "Afişează Consola VM într-o fereastră."
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:476
-msgid "Tasks:"
-msgstr "Task-uri:"
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:214
+msgid "Suspend work for this result."
+msgstr "Suspendare lucru pentru acest rezultat."
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:482
-msgid "Select a task to access"
-msgstr "Selectaţi un task pentru a accesa"
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:221
+msgid "Abandon work on the result. You will get no credit for it."
+msgstr "Abandonează lucrul la rezultat. Nu veţi primi credit pentru el."
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:493
-msgid "From:"
-msgstr "De la:"
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:240
+msgid "Elapsed"
+msgstr "Scurs"
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:547
-msgid "This task's progress"
-msgstr "Progresul acestui task"
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:241
+msgid "Remaining (estimated)"
+msgstr "Rămas (estimat)"
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:565
-msgid "Task Commands"
-msgstr "Comenzi Task"
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:242
+msgid "Deadline"
+msgstr "Timp limită"
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:566
-msgid "Pop up a menu of commands to apply to this task"
-msgstr "Deschideţi un meniu de comenzi care se pot aplica acestui task"
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:269
+msgid "Tasks"
+msgstr "Sarcini"
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:701
-#, c-format
-msgid "Application: %s"
-msgstr "Aplicaţia: %s"
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:362
+msgid "Resuming task..."
+msgstr "Se reia task-ul..."
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:724
-#, c-format
-msgid "%.3f%%"
-msgstr "%.3f%%"
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:365
+msgid "Suspending task..."
+msgstr "Se suspendă task-ul..."
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:732
-msgid "Application: Not available"
-msgstr "Aplicaţie: Indisponibil"
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:394
+msgid "Showing graphics for task..."
+msgstr "Afişare grafică pentru task..."
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:832
-msgid "Not Available"
-msgstr "Indisponibil"
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:431
+msgid "Showing VM console for task..."
+msgstr "Afişează consola VM pentru task..."
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:847
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:484
 #, c-format
-msgid "Elapsed: %s"
-msgstr "Scurs: %s"
+msgid ""
+"Are you sure you want to abort this task '%s'?\n"
+"(Progress: %s, Status: %s)"
+msgstr ""
+"Sunteţi sigur că doriţi să renunţaţi la acest task '%s'?\n"
+"(Progres: %s, Stare: %s)"
-# 84%
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:861
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:490
 #, c-format
-msgid "Remaining (estimated): %s"
-msgstr "Rămas (estimat): %s"
+msgid "Are you sure you want to abort these %d tasks?"
+msgstr "Sunteţi sigur că doriţi să renunţaţi la aceste %d taskuri?"
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:876
-#, c-format
-msgid "Status: %s"
-msgstr "Stare: %s"
+# 75%
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:504
+msgid "Aborting task..."
+msgstr "Renunţare la task..."
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1223
-msgid "Retrieving current status."
-msgstr "Se primeşte starea curentă."
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:776
+msgid "Show all tasks"
+msgstr "Arată toate task-urile"
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1229
-msgid "Downloading work from the server."
-msgstr "Se descarcă de lucru de la server."
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:777
+msgid "Show all tasks."
+msgstr "Arată toate task-urile."
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1234
-msgid "Processing Suspended:  Running On Batteries."
-msgstr "Procesare Suspendată:  Se Rulează Pe Baterii."
+#: clientgui/WelcomePage.cpp:284
+msgid "Add project or account manager"
+msgstr "Adaugă proiect sau manager de cont"
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1236
-msgid "Processing Suspended:  User Active."
-msgstr "Procesare Suspendată:  Utilizator Activ."
+#: clientgui/WelcomePage.cpp:288
+msgid "Add project or use BOINC Account Manager"
+msgstr "Adaugă proiect sau foloseşte un Manager de Cont BOINC"
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1238
-msgid "Processing Suspended:  User paused processing."
-msgstr "Procesare Suspendată:  Utilizatorul a oprit procesarea."
+#: clientgui/WelcomePage.cpp:297
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"If possible, add projects at the\n"
+"%s web site.\n"
+"Projects added via this wizard will not be\n"
+"listed on or managed via %s."
+msgstr ""
+"Dacă este posibil, adăugaţi proiecte prin\n"
+"web site-ul %s .\n"
+"Proiectele adăugate prin acest vrăjitor nu\n"
+"o să fie listate sau gestionate prin %s."
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1240
-msgid "Processing Suspended:  Time of Day."
-msgstr "Procesare Suspendată:  Ora."
+#: clientgui/WelcomePage.cpp:313
+msgid ""
+"There are over 30 BOINC-based projects\n"
+"doing research in many areas of science,\n"
+"and you can volunteer for as many of them as you like.\n"
+"You can add a project directly,\n"
+"or use an 'Account Manager' web site to select projects."
+msgstr ""
+"Există mai mult de 30 de proiecte BOINC\n"
+"realizând cercetări în multe zone ştiinţifice,\n"
+"şi puteţi să vă oferiţi voluntar pentru cât de multe doriţi.\n"
+"Puteţi adăuga un proiect direct,\n"
+"sau să folosiţi un web site 'Manager de Cont' pentru a selecta proiecte."
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1242
-msgid "Processing Suspended:  Benchmarks Running."
-msgstr "Procesare Suspendată:  Rulează Benchmarks."
+#: clientgui/WelcomePage.cpp:325
+msgid ""
+"You have chosen to add a new volunteer computing project or change which projects\n"
+"you contribute to.\n"
+"Some of these projects are run and managed by World Community Grid, while others\n"
+"are run and managed by other researchers or organizations. The BOINC software\n"
+"can divide your spare processing power among any combination of projects.\n"
+"Alternatively, if you have registered with a BOINC Account Manager, you can use\n"
+"this to choose which projects to support.\n"
+"Please choose which type of change you would like to make:\n"
+msgstr ""
+"Aţi ales să adăugaţi un nou proiect de calcule voluntare sau să modificaţi "
+"la ce proiecte\n"
+"Unele dintre aceste proiecte sunt rulate şi gestionate de World Community "
+"Grid, în timp ce\n"
+"altele sunt rulate şi gestionate de alte organizaţii. Programul BOINC poate\n"
+"împărţi puterea de procesare disponibilă în orice combinaţie de proiecte.\n"
+"Alternativ, dacă vâaţi înregistrat la un Manager de Cont BOINC, puteţi\n"
+"să-l folosiţi pentru a alege ce proiecte susţineţi.\n"
+"Vă rugăm alegetţi ce tip de modificare doriţi să efectuaţi:\n"
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1244
-msgid "Processing Suspended."
-msgstr "Procesare Suspendată."
+#: clientgui/WelcomePage.cpp:339
+msgid "Use a BOINC Account Manager"
+msgstr "Folosiţi un Manager de Cont BOINC"
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1248
-msgid "Waiting to contact project servers."
-msgstr "În aşteptarea contactării serverelor de proiect."
+#: clientgui/WelcomePage.cpp:358
+msgid "Add or change your World Community Grid projects"
+msgstr "Adaugă sau modifică proiecte World Community Grid"
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1252 sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1261
-msgid "Retrieving current status"
-msgstr "Se primeşte starea curentă"
+#: clientgui/WelcomePage.cpp:361
+msgid "Add projects run by other researchers or organizations"
+msgstr "Adaugă proiecte rulate de alţi cercetători şi organizaţii"
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1256
-msgid "No work available to process"
-msgstr "Nu există lucru disponibil pentru procesare"
+#: clientgui/WizardAttach.cpp:673
+msgid "Do you really want to cancel?"
+msgstr "Sunteţi sigur că doriţi să abandonaţi?"
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1258
-msgid "Unable to connect to the core client"
-msgstr "Nu s-a putut conecta la nucleul clientului"
+#: clientgui/WizardAttach.cpp:674
+msgid "Question"
+msgstr "Întrebare"
-#: wizardex.cpp:377 wizardex.cpp:553
+#: clientgui/wizardex.cpp:377
+#: clientgui/wizardex.cpp:553
 msgid "&Next >"
 msgstr "&Următorul >"
-#: wizardex.cpp:383
+#: clientgui/wizardex.cpp:383
 msgid "< &Back"
 msgstr "< &Înapoi"
-#: wizardex.cpp:553
+#: clientgui/wizardex.cpp:553
 msgid "&Finish"
 msgstr "&Finalizare"
-#: mac/Mac_GUI.cpp:110
-msgid "Preferences…"
-msgstr "Preferinţe…"
+#: clientgui/common/wxPieCtrl.cpp:64
+msgid "Pie Ctrl"
+msgstr "Pie Ctrl"
-#: mac/Mac_GUI.cpp:122
+#: clientgui/mac/Mac_GUI.cpp:35
 msgid "Services"
 msgstr "Servicii"
-#: mac/Mac_GUI.cpp:144
+#: clientgui/mac/Mac_GUI.cpp:36
 #, c-format
 msgid "Hide %s"
 msgstr "Ascunde %s"
-#: mac/Mac_GUI.cpp:158
+#: clientgui/mac/Mac_GUI.cpp:37
 msgid "Hide Others"
 msgstr "Ascunde Restul"
-#: mac/Mac_GUI.cpp:172
+#: clientgui/mac/Mac_GUI.cpp:38
 msgid "Show All"
 msgstr "Arată Tot"
-#: mac/Mac_GUI.cpp:186
+#: clientgui/mac/Mac_GUI.cpp:39
 #, c-format
 msgid "Quit %s"
 msgstr "Închide %s"
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.h:30
+msgid "specify work start and stop hours in format HH:MM-HH:MM"
+msgstr ""
+"specificaţi orele de început şi sfârşit a lucrului în formatul HH:MM-HH:MM"
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.h:31
+msgid "specify network usage start and stop hours in format HH:MM-HH:MM"
+msgstr ""
+"specificaţi orele de început şi sfârşit ale utilizării reţelei în formatul "
+# 98%
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "(C) 2003-2013 University of California, Berkeley.\n"
+#~ "All Rights Reserved."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "(C) 2003-2013 Universitatea California, Berkeley.\n"
+#~ "Toate drepturile rezervate."
+#, c-format
+#~ msgid "%s - Preferences"
+#~ msgstr "%s - Preferinţe"
+#, no-c-format
+#~ msgid "% of the processors (0 means ignore this setting)"
+#~ msgstr "% din procesoare (0 înseamnă să se ignore această setare)"
+#, no-c-format
+#~ msgid "% CPU time"
+#~ msgstr "% timp CPU"
+#~ msgid "KBytes/sec."
+#~ msgstr "KBytes/sec."
+#~ msgid "Mbytes"
+#~ msgstr "Mbytes"
+#~ msgid "every"
+#~ msgstr "fiecare"
+#~ msgid "days"
+#~ msgstr "zile"
+#~ msgid "Gigabytes disk space"
+#~ msgstr "Gigabytes spaţiu disc"
+#~ msgid "Running, high priority"
+#~ msgstr "Rulează, prioritate mare"
+#~ msgid " (Scheduler wait: "
+#~ msgstr " (Aşteptare planificator: "
+#~ msgid " (Scheduler wait)"
+#~ msgstr " (Aşteptare planificator)"
+#~ msgid " (Waiting for network access)"
+#~ msgstr " (În aşteptare de acces la reţea)"
+#~ msgid "Preferences…"
+#~ msgstr "Preferinţe…"
 #~ msgid "I do not agree with the terms of use."
 #~ msgstr "Nu sunt de acord cu condiţiile de utilizare."
@@ -4282,18 +4504,6 @@ msgstr "Închide %s"
 #~ msgid "OnDropTarget: index by HitTest = %i"
 #~ msgstr "OnDropTarget: index de HitTest = %i"
-#~ msgid "Pie Ctrl"
-#~ msgstr "Pie Ctrl"
-#~ msgid "specify work start and stop hours in format HH:MM-HH:MM"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "specificaţi orele de început şi sfârşit a lucrului în formatul HH:MM-HH:MM"
-#~ msgid "specify network usage start and stop hours in format HH:MM-HH:MM"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "specificaţi orele de început şi sfârşit ale utilizării reţelei în formatul "
-#~ "HH:MM-HH:MM"
 #, fuzzy
 #~ msgid ""
 #~ "(C) 2003-2011 University of California, Berkeley.\n"
@@ -4413,15 +4623,9 @@ msgstr "Închide %s"
 #~ msgid "Your current account manager is:"
 #~ msgstr "Account managerul curent este:"
-#~ msgid "Name:"
-#~ msgstr "Nume:"
 #~ msgid "foo"
 #~ msgstr "foo"
-#~ msgid "URL:"
-#~ msgstr "URL:"
 #~ msgid "&Update"
 #~ msgstr "&Actualizare"
diff --git a/locale/ro/BOINC-Project-Generic.po b/locale/ro/BOINC-Project-Generic.po
index 5ae0d04..d72a0dd 100644
--- a/locale/ro/BOINC-Project-Generic.po
+++ b/locale/ro/BOINC-Project-Generic.po
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ msgstr ""
 "Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: BOINC translation team <boinc_loc at boinc.berkeley.edu>\n"
 "POT-Creation-Date: 2014-01-10 00:00 PST\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2014-02-24 07:17+0000\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2014-07-21 11:48+0000\n"
 "Last-Translator: Marius <marius.sirbu at outlook.com>\n"
 "Language-Team: LANGUAGE <LL at li.org>\n"
 "Language: ro\n"
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ msgstr ""
 "20)) ? 1 : 2);;\n"
 "X-Generator: Pootle 2.5.0\n"
 "X-Poedit-SourceCharset: utf-8\n"
-"X-POOTLE-MTIME: 1393226265.0\n"
+"X-POOTLE-MTIME: 1405943302.0\n"
 msgstr "Română"
@@ -2449,7 +2449,7 @@ msgstr "Participanţi"
 #: ../user/bs_sample_index.php:46
 msgid "Do work"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Lucrează"
 #: ../user/bs_sample_index.php:47 ../user/bs_sample_index.php:50
 #: ../user/home.php:49 ../project.sample/project.inc:43
@@ -2631,6 +2631,8 @@ msgid ""
 "To replace it, click the \"Browse\" button and select a JPEG or PNG file (%1 "
 "or less)."
 msgstr ""
+"Pentru a înlocui, apăsați butonul \"Răsfoiește\" și selectați un fișier JPEG "
+"sau PNG (%1 sau mai puțin)."
 #: ../user/create_profile.php:69
 msgid "To remove it from your profile, check this box:"
@@ -3139,7 +3141,7 @@ msgstr "Evidenţiază utilizatorii speciali"
 #: ../user/edit_forum_preferences_form.php:135
 msgid "Display this many messages per page"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Afișează atâtea mesaje pe pagină"
 #: ../user/edit_forum_preferences_form.php:139
 msgid "How to sort"
@@ -4062,11 +4064,11 @@ msgstr ""
 #: ../user/forum_search.php:27
 msgid "Forum search"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Căutare în forum"
 #: ../user/forum_search.php:31
 msgid "Search query"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Expresia căutată"
 #: ../user/forum_search.php:32
 msgid "Search for keywords:"
@@ -4274,15 +4276,15 @@ msgstr ""
 #: ../user/forum_thread.php:229
 msgid "Move this thread to a different forum"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Mută acest fir în alt forum"
 #: ../user/forum_thread.php:234
 msgid "Edit title"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Modifică titlul"
 #: ../user/forum_thread.php:235
 msgid "Edit thread title"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Modifică titlul firului"
 #: ../user/forum_thread.php:245
 msgid "Export as Notice"
@@ -4290,7 +4292,7 @@ msgstr ""
 #: ../user/forum_thread.php:251
 msgid "Don't export"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Nu exporta"
 #: ../user/forum_thread.php:252
 msgid "Don't export this news item as a Notice"
@@ -4302,11 +4304,11 @@ msgstr "Sortează"
 #: ../user/forum_thread_status.php:49
 msgid "Thread status updated"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Stare fir actualizată"
 #: ../user/forum_thread_status.php:50
 msgid "The status has been updated."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Starea a fost actualizată."
 #: ../user/forum_user_posts.php:73
 msgid "Posts by %1"
@@ -4318,7 +4320,7 @@ msgstr "Deja prieteni"
 #: ../user/friend.php:39
 msgid "You requested friendship with %1 on %2."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Ați cerut prietenia lui %1 pe %2."
 #: ../user/friend.php:41
 msgid "This request is still pending confirmation."
@@ -4326,7 +4328,7 @@ msgstr "Această cerere încă aşteaptă confirmarea."
 #: ../user/friend.php:52
 msgid "%1 is not accepting friendship requests from you"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "%1 nu acceptă cererile de prietenie de la dumneavoastră"
 #: ../user/friend.php:61
 msgid "You can't be friends with yourself"
@@ -4364,7 +4366,7 @@ msgstr ""
 #: ../user/friend.php:138
 msgid "Friend request"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Cerere prietenie"
 #: ../user/friend.php:141
 msgid "%1 has requested friendship with you."
@@ -4372,51 +4374,51 @@ msgstr ""
 #: ../user/friend.php:143
 msgid "%1 says: %2"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "%1 spune: %2"
 #: ../user/friend.php:146
 msgid "Accept friendship"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Acceptă prietenia"
 #: ../user/friend.php:146
 msgid "Click accept if %1 is in fact a friend"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Apăsați acceptă dacă %1 este de fapt un prieten"
 #: ../user/friend.php:147
 msgid "Decline"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Refuză"
 #: ../user/friend.php:147
 msgid "Click decline if %1 is not a friend"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Apăsați refuză dacă %1 nu este un prieten"
 #: ../user/friend.php:186
 msgid "Friendship confirmed"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Prietenie confirmată"
 #: ../user/friend.php:187
 msgid "Your friendship with %1 has been confirmed."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Prietenia dumneavoastră cu %1 a fost confirmată."
 #: ../user/friend.php:205
 msgid "Friendship declined"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Prietenie refuzată"
 #: ../user/friend.php:206
 msgid "You have declined friendship with %1"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Ați refuzat prietenia cu %1"
 #: ../user/friend.php:221
 msgid "Notification not found"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Notificarea nu s-a găsit"
 #: ../user/friend.php:223
 msgid "Friend confirmed"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Prieten confirmat"
 #: ../user/friend.php:224
 msgid "You are now friends with %1."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Acum sunteți prieten cu %1."
 #: ../user/friend.php:232
 msgid "Cancel friendship?"
@@ -4424,19 +4426,19 @@ msgstr "Anulează prietenie?"
 #: ../user/friend.php:234
 msgid "Are you sure you want to cancel your friendship with %1?"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Sunteți siguri că doriți să anulați prietenia cu %1?"
 #: ../user/friend.php:239
 msgid "Stay friends"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Rămâneți prieteni"
 #: ../user/friend.php:249
 msgid "Friendship cancelled"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Prietenie anulată"
 #: ../user/friend.php:250
 msgid "Your friendship with %1 has been cancelled."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Prietenia dumneavoastră cu %1 a fost anulată."
 #: ../user/get_passwd.php:25
 msgid "Forgot your account info?"
diff --git a/locale/ru/BOINC-Manager.mo b/locale/ru/BOINC-Manager.mo
index e032399..6904216 100644
Binary files a/locale/ru/BOINC-Manager.mo and b/locale/ru/BOINC-Manager.mo differ
diff --git a/locale/ru/BOINC-Manager.po b/locale/ru/BOINC-Manager.po
index ee1c26b..f4de06c 100644
--- a/locale/ru/BOINC-Manager.po
+++ b/locale/ru/BOINC-Manager.po
@@ -6,8 +6,8 @@ msgid ""
 msgstr ""
 "Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-02-02 00:00-0800\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-11-20 17:57+0000\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-12-15 14:15-0500\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2014-08-17 17:24+0000\n"
 "Last-Translator: Nikolay Saharov <saharovna at gmail.com>\n"
 "Language-Team: Russia\n"
 "Language: ru\n"
@@ -17,22 +17,22 @@ msgstr ""
 "Plural-Forms: nplurals=3; plural=(n%10==1 && n%100!=11 ? 0 : n%10>=2 && n%"
 "10<=4 && (n%100<10 || n%100>=20) ? 1 : 2);\n"
 "X-Generator: Pootle 2.5.0\n"
+"X-Poedit-Basepath: C:\\Src\\BOINCGIT\\boinc_7.4\n"
+"X-Poedit-SearchPath-0: clientgui\n"
 "X-Poedit-SearchPath-1: clientgui/msw\n"
 "X-Poedit-SearchPath-2: clientgui/gtk\n"
 "X-Poedit-SearchPath-3: clientgui/mac\n"
-"X-Poedit-SearchPath-0: clientgui\n"
 "X-Poedit-SourceCharset: utf-8\n"
-"X-Poedit-Basepath: C:\\Src\\BOINCGIT\\boinc\n"
-"X-POOTLE-MTIME: 1384970232.0\n"
+"X-POOTLE-MTIME: 1408296243.0\n"
 # 81%
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:387
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:387
 #, c-format
 msgid "Identify your account at %s"
 msgstr "Идентифицируйте свою учётную запись в %s"
 # ???
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:393
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:393
 msgid ""
 "Please enter your account information\n"
 "(to create an account, visit the project's web site)"
@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ msgstr ""
 "(учётная запись создаётся на сайте проекта)"
 # крииииво
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:397
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:397
 msgid ""
 "This project is not currently accepting new accounts.\n"
 "You can add it only if you already have an account."
@@ -49,19 +49,19 @@ msgstr ""
 "Создание новых учётных записей в этом проекте запрещено.\n"
 "Вы можете добавить его, если Вы в нём уже зарегистрированы."
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:401
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:401
 msgid "Are you already running this project?"
 msgstr "Вы уже зарегистрированы в проекте?"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:405
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:405
 msgid "&No, new user"
 msgstr "Нет, новый участник"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:408
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:408
 msgid "&Yes, existing user"
 msgstr "Да, уже зарегистрирован"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:413
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:413
 msgid ""
 "We were not able to set up your account information\n"
@@ -77,45 +77,51 @@ msgstr ""
 "находящуюся ниже, чтобы узнать, что ввести в\n"
 "поле адреса электронной почты и пароля."
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:416
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:416
 msgid "Find login information"
 msgstr "Найти информацию для регистрации"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:436 AccountInfoPage.cpp:641
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:436
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:649
 msgid "&Password:"
 msgstr "Пароль:"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:443 AccountInfoPage.cpp:665
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:443
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:673
 msgid "Choose a &password:"
 msgstr "Введите пароль:"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:446
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:446
 msgid "C&onfirm password:"
 msgstr "Повторный ввод пароля:"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:453
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:453
 #, c-format
 msgid "Are you already running %s?"
 msgstr "Вы уже зарегистрированы в проекте %s?"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:482
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:482
 msgid "&Username:"
 msgstr "Имя участника:"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:508
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:511
+msgid "&Email address or LDAP ID:"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:515
 msgid "&Email address:"
 msgstr "Адрес электронной почты:"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:515
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:523
 #, c-format
 msgid "minimum length %d"
 msgstr "минимум %d символов"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:522
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:530
 msgid "Forgot your password?"
 msgstr "Забыли пароль?"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:529
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:537
 msgid ""
 "If you have not yet registered with this account manager,\n"
 "please do so before proceeding.  Click on the link below\n"
@@ -125,46 +131,45 @@ msgstr ""
 "пожалуйста сделайте это перед тем, как продолжить.  Нажмите на ссылку ниже,\n"
 "чтобы зарегистрироваться или восстановить забытый пароль."
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:532
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:540
 msgid "Account manager web site"
 msgstr "Веб-сайт менеджера проектов"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:574 WelcomePage.cpp:348
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:582
 msgid "Add project"
 msgstr "Добавить проект"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:576
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:584
 msgid "Update account manager"
 msgstr "Обновление менеджера проектов"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:578 WelcomePage.cpp:307 WelcomePage.cpp:321
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:586
 msgid "Use account manager"
 msgstr "Использовать менеджер проектов"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:585
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:593
 msgid "Please enter a user name."
 msgstr "Пожалуйста, введите имя пользователя."
 # ???
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:587
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:595
 msgid "Please enter an email address."
 msgstr "Укажите адрес электронной почты."
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:597
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:605
 #, c-format
 msgid "Please enter a password of at least %d characters."
 msgstr "Укажите пароль, состоящий по крайней мере из %d символов."
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:607
-msgid ""
-"The password and confirmation password do not match. Please type them again."
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:615
+msgid "The password and confirmation password do not match. Please type them again."
 msgstr "'Пароль' и 'Подтверждение пароля' не совпадают. Повторите ввод пароля."
-#: AccountManagerInfoPage.cpp:272
+#: clientgui/AccountManagerInfoPage.cpp:272
 msgid "Choose an account manager"
 msgstr "Выбор менеджера проектов"
-#: AccountManagerInfoPage.cpp:275
+#: clientgui/AccountManagerInfoPage.cpp:275
 msgid ""
 "To choose an account manager, click its name or \n"
 "type its URL below."
@@ -172,392 +177,409 @@ msgstr ""
 "Выберите понравившийся менеджер проектов, щёлкнув на его названии,\n"
 "или введите его адрес URL в поле ниже."
-#: AccountManagerInfoPage.cpp:279
+#: clientgui/AccountManagerInfoPage.cpp:279
 msgid "Account manager details:"
 msgstr "Описание менеджера проектов:"
-#: AccountManagerInfoPage.cpp:283
+#: clientgui/AccountManagerInfoPage.cpp:283
 msgid "Account manager &URL:"
 msgstr "&URL-адрес менеджера проектов:"
-#: AccountManagerInfoPage.cpp:287
+#: clientgui/AccountManagerInfoPage.cpp:287
 msgid "Open web page"
 msgstr "Открыть веб-страницу"
-#: AccountManagerInfoPage.cpp:290
+#: clientgui/AccountManagerInfoPage.cpp:290
 msgid "Visit this account manager's web site"
 msgstr "Посетить сайт менеджера проектов"
 # ???
-#: AccountManagerProcessingPage.cpp:187 AccountManagerPropertiesPage.cpp:193
+#: clientgui/AccountManagerProcessingPage.cpp:186
+#: clientgui/AccountManagerPropertiesPage.cpp:192
 #, c-format
 msgid "Communicating with %s."
 msgstr "Установка связи с %s."
 # ???
-#: AccountManagerProcessingPage.cpp:194 AccountManagerPropertiesPage.cpp:200
+#: clientgui/AccountManagerProcessingPage.cpp:193
+#: clientgui/AccountManagerPropertiesPage.cpp:199
 msgid "Communicating with server."
 msgstr "Установка связи с сервером."
-#: AccountManagerProcessingPage.cpp:199 AccountManagerPropertiesPage.cpp:205
+#: clientgui/AccountManagerProcessingPage.cpp:198
+#: clientgui/AccountManagerPropertiesPage.cpp:204
 msgid "Please wait..."
 msgstr "Пожалуйста подождите..."
 # что бы это значило???
-#: AccountManagerProcessingPage.cpp:326
+#: clientgui/AccountManagerProcessingPage.cpp:325
 msgid "An internal server error has occurred.\n"
 msgstr "Произошла внутренняя ошибка сервера.\n"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:95
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:96
 msgid "Connected"
 msgstr "Соединение установлено"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:103
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:104
 msgid "Disconnected"
 msgstr "Отсутствует соединение"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:322 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:119
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:318
 #, c-format
 msgid "Close the %s window"
 msgstr "Закрыть окно %s"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:325 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:122
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:321
 msgid "&Close Window"
 msgstr "Закрыть окно"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:336 AdvancedFrame.cpp:343 AdvancedFrame.cpp:350
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:332
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:339
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:346
 #, c-format
 msgid "Exit %s"
 msgstr "Выйти из %s"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:371
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:359
+msgid "Preferences..."
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:368
 msgid "&Notices\tCtrl+Shift+N"
 msgstr "Уведомления\tCtrl+Shift+N"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:372
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:369
 msgid "Display notices"
 msgstr "Показать уведомления"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:377
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:374
 msgid "&Projects\tCtrl+Shift+P"
 msgstr "Проекты\tCtrl+Shift+P"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:378
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:375
 msgid "Display projects"
 msgstr "Показать проекты"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:383
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:380
 msgid "&Tasks\tCtrl+Shift+T"
 msgstr "Задания\tCtrl+Shift+T"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:384
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:381
 msgid "Display tasks"
 msgstr "Показать задания"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:389
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:386
 msgid "Trans&fers\tCtrl+Shift+X"
 msgstr "Передача\tCtrl+Shift+X"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:390
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:387
 msgid "Display transfers"
 msgstr "Показать передачу данных"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:395
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:392
 msgid "&Statistics\tCtrl+Shift+S"
 msgstr "Статистика\tCtrl+Shift+S"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:396
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:393
 msgid "Display statistics"
 msgstr "Показать статистику"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:401
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:398
 msgid "&Disk usage\tCtrl+Shift+D"
 msgstr "Диск\tCtrl+Shift+D"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:402
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:399
 msgid "Display disk usage"
 msgstr "Показать использование диска"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:409
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:406
 msgid "Simple &View...\tCtrl+Shift+V"
 msgstr "Упрощенный вид...\tCtrl+Shift+V"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:410
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:407
 msgid "Display the simple graphical interface."
 msgstr "Изменить внешний вид на более простой и понятный."
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:424
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:421
 msgid "&Add project or account manager..."
 msgstr "Добавить проект или менеджер проектов..."
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:425 sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:76
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:422
 msgid "Volunteer for any or all of 30+ projects in many areas of science"
 msgstr ""
 "Стать участником в любом или во всех 30+ проектах во многих областях науки"
 # обновить данные
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:429
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:426
 #, c-format
 msgid "&Synchronize with %s"
 msgstr "Синхронизироваться с %s"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:433
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:430
 #, c-format
 msgid "Get current settings from %s"
 msgstr "Обновить настройки с %s"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:443
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:440
 msgid "&Add project..."
 msgstr "Добавить проект..."
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:444
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:441
 msgid "Add a project"
 msgstr "Добавить проект"
 # ???
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:447
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:444
 #, c-format
 msgid "S&top using %s..."
 msgstr "Отсоединиться от %s..."
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:453
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:450
 msgid "Remove this computer from account manager control."
 msgstr "Отсоединить этот компьютер от менеджера проектов."
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:458 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:178
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:455
 msgid "&Options..."
 msgstr "Настройки..."
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:459 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:179
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:456
 msgid "Configure display options and proxy settings"
 msgstr "Настройки графического интерфейса программы и прокси серверов"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:463 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:172
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:460
 msgid "Computing &preferences..."
 msgstr "Настройки клиента..."
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:464 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:173
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:461
 msgid "Configure computing preferences"
 msgstr "Изменить локальные настройки вычислений подключенного клиента"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:472
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:469
 msgid "&Run always"
 msgstr "Постоянная обработка"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:473
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:470
 msgid "Allow work regardless of preferences"
 msgstr "Обработка заданий запущена всегда"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:477
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:474
 msgid "Run based on &preferences"
 msgstr "График работы определяется настройками"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:478
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:475
 msgid "Allow work according to preferences"
 msgstr "Обработка заданий выполняется в соответствии с настройками"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:482
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:479
 msgid "&Suspend"
 msgstr "Приостановить обработку"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:483
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:480
 msgid "Stop work regardless of preferences"
 msgstr "Приостанавливается обработка всех заданий во всех проектах"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:508
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:505
 msgid "Use GPU always"
 msgstr "Постоянная обработка на ГП"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:509
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:506
 msgid "Allow GPU work regardless of preferences"
 msgstr "Обработка заданий на ГП запущена всегда"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:513
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:510
 msgid "Use GPU based on preferences"
 msgstr "График работы ГП определяется настройками"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:514
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:511
 msgid "Allow GPU work according to preferences"
 msgstr "Обработка на ГП выполняется в соответствии с настройками"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:518
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:515
 msgid "Suspend GPU"
 msgstr "Приостановить использование ГП"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:519
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:516
 msgid "Stop GPU work regardless of preferences"
 msgstr "Остановить обработку заданий на ГП независимо от настроек"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:543
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:540
 msgid "Network activity always available"
 msgstr "Подключен к интернету"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:544
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:541
 msgid "Allow network activity regardless of preferences"
 msgstr ""
 "Разрешается обмен данными через интернет в любой момент времени, независимо "
 "от настроек"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:548
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:545
 msgid "Network activity based on preferences"
 msgstr "Доступ в интернет определяется настройками"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:549
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:546
 msgid "Allow network activity according to preferences"
 msgstr ""
 "Обмен данными через интернет осуществляется в соответствии с настройками"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:553
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:550
 msgid "Network activity suspended"
 msgstr "Работать автономно"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:554
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:551
 msgid "Stop BOINC network activity"
 msgstr ""
 "Запрещается обмен данными через интернет между BOINC и серверами проектов"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:564
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:561
 #, c-format
 msgid "Connect to another computer running %s"
 msgstr "Подключить другой компьютер с %s"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:569
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:566
 msgid "Select computer..."
 msgstr "Сменить компьютер..."
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:574
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:571
 msgid "Shut down connected client..."
 msgstr "Завершить работу подключенного BOINC клиента..."
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:575
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:572
 msgid "Shut down the currently connected client"
 msgstr "Завершить работу подключенного BOINC-клиента"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:579
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:576
 msgid "Run CPU &benchmarks"
 msgstr "Запустить тест производительности"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:580
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:577
 msgid "Runs BOINC CPU benchmarks"
 msgstr "Запустить тест производительности процессора"
 # ???
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:584
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:581
 msgid "Do network communication"
 msgstr "Повторить обмен данными с серверами проектов"
 # ???
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:585
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:582
 msgid "Do all pending network communication"
 msgstr "Повторить все незавершённые обмены данными с серверами проектов"
 # 94%
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:589
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:586
 msgid "Read config files"
 msgstr "Перезагрузить файлы настроек"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:590
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:587
 msgid "Read configuration info from cc_config.xml and any app_config.xml files"
 msgstr ""
 "Перезагрузить информацию о настройках из cc_config.xml и каких-либо файлов "
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:594
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:591
 msgid "Read local prefs file"
 msgstr "Перезагрузить локальный файл общих настроек"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:595
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:592
 msgid "Read preferences from global_prefs_override.xml."
 msgstr "Перезагрузить локальный файл общих настроек global_prefs_override.xml."
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:600
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:597
 #, c-format
 msgid "Launch another instance of %s..."
 msgstr "Запустить другой экземпляр %s..."
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:604
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:601
 #, c-format
 msgid "Launch another %s"
 msgstr "Запустить другой %s"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:614
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:611
 msgid "Event Log...\tCtrl+Shift+E"
 msgstr "Просмотр событий...\t Ctrl+Shift+E"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:615
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:612
 msgid "Display diagnostic messages."
 msgstr "Показать диагностические сообщения."
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:625 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:188
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:616
+msgid "Event Log Diagnostic Flags...\tCtrl+Shift+F"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:617
+msgid "Enable or disable various diagnostic messages"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:626
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s &help"
 msgstr "Справка %s"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:631 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:194
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:632
 #, c-format
 msgid "Show information about %s"
 msgstr "Показать справку по %s"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:643
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:644
 #, c-format
 msgid "&%s help"
 msgstr "Справка %s"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:649 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:212
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:650
 #, c-format
 msgid "Show information about the %s"
 msgstr "Показать справку по программе %s"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:661 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:224
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:662
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s &web site"
 msgstr "&Веб-сайт %s"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:667 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:230
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:668
 #, c-format
 msgid "Show information about BOINC and %s"
 msgstr "Показать информацию о BOINC и %s"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:679 BOINCTaskBar.cpp:530 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:242
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:680
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:544
 #, c-format
 msgid "&About %s..."
 msgstr "О %s..."
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:685 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:248
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:686
 msgid "Licensing and copyright information."
 msgstr "Показать сведения о версии программы и авторских правах."
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:692 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:255
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:693
 msgid "&File"
 msgstr "Файл"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:696 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:259
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:697
 msgid "&View"
 msgstr "Вид"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:700 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:263
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:701
 msgid "&Tools"
 msgstr "Сервис"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:704
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:705
 msgid "&Activity"
 msgstr "Управление"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:708
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:709
 msgid "A&dvanced"
 msgstr "Дополнительно"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:712 DlgEventLog.cpp:332 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:267
-#: wizardex.cpp:374 wizardex.cpp:381
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:713
 msgid "&Help"
 msgstr "Справка"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:1199
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1185
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - Stop using %s"
 msgstr "%s - Прекратить использование %s"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:1204
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1190
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "If you stop using %s,\n"
@@ -572,12 +594,12 @@ msgstr ""
 "Вы действительно хотите прекратить использовать %s?"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:1401
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1397
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - Shut down the current client..."
 msgstr "%s - Завершение работы текущего BOINC клиента..."
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:1410
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1406
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "%s will shut down the current client\n"
@@ -586,36 +608,36 @@ msgstr ""
 "%s остановит подключенного в данный момент клиента,\n"
 "и запросит у Вас для подключения адрес другого компьютера."
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:1745 DlgAbout.cpp:119
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1806
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s"
 msgstr "%s"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:1754
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1815
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s has successfully added %s"
 msgstr "%s успешно добавил проект %s"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:1893
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1953
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - (%s)"
 msgstr "%s - (%s)"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:1897
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1957
 #, c-format
 msgid "Connecting to %s"
 msgstr "Идёт подключение к %s"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:1900
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1960
 #, c-format
 msgid "Connected to %s (%s)"
 msgstr "Подключен к %s (%s)"
-#: AlreadyExistsPage.cpp:184
+#: clientgui/AlreadyExistsPage.cpp:184
 msgid "Username already in use"
 msgstr "Данное имя участника уже используется"
-#: AlreadyExistsPage.cpp:187
+#: clientgui/AlreadyExistsPage.cpp:187
 msgid ""
 "An account with that username already exists and has a\n"
 "different password than the one you entered.\n"
@@ -628,11 +650,11 @@ msgstr ""
 "Посетите домашнюю страницу проекта для получения инструкций."
 # не влазит полностью
-#: AlreadyExistsPage.cpp:191
+#: clientgui/AlreadyExistsPage.cpp:191
 msgid "Email address already in use"
 msgstr "Данный адрес эл. почты уже используется"
-#: AlreadyExistsPage.cpp:194
+#: clientgui/AlreadyExistsPage.cpp:194
 msgid ""
 "An account with that email address already exists and has a\n"
 "different password than the one you entered.\n"
@@ -644,41 +666,40 @@ msgstr ""
 "Посетите домашнюю страницу проекта для получения инструкций."
-#: AsyncRPC.cpp:1031
+#: clientgui/AsyncRPC.cpp:1031
 msgid "Communicating with BOINC client.  Please wait ..."
 msgstr "Устанавливается связь с BOINC клиентом.  Пожалуйста подождите ..."
-#: AsyncRPC.cpp:1034
+#: clientgui/AsyncRPC.cpp:1034
 #, c-format
 msgid "&Quit %s"
 msgstr "Выйти из %s"
-#: AsyncRPC.cpp:1036
+#: clientgui/AsyncRPC.cpp:1036
 #, c-format
 msgid "E&xit %s"
 msgstr "Выйти из %s"
-#: AsyncRPC.cpp:1040
+#: clientgui/AsyncRPC.cpp:1040
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - Communication"
 msgstr "%s - Установка связи"
-#: AsyncRPC.cpp:1056 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:107 sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:433
+#: clientgui/AsyncRPC.cpp:1056
 msgid "Cancel"
 msgstr "Отмена"
-#: BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:505
+#: clientgui/BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:504
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - Connection Error"
 msgstr "%s - ошибка соединения"
 # Пью пиво,
 # меняю пароли.
-#: BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:514
+#: clientgui/BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:513
 msgid ""
 "You currently are not authorized to manage the client.\n"
-"Please contact your administrator to add you to the 'boinc_users' local user "
+"Please contact your administrator to add you to the 'boinc_users' local user group."
 msgstr ""
 "У вас недостаточно прав для управления BOINC клиентом.\n"
 "Управление станет возможно после добавления вас в группу 'boinc_users' "
@@ -688,7 +709,7 @@ msgstr ""
 # программа и клиент это типа два разных глюка из одной папки,
 # и все главное сразу догадались кто программа а кто клиент.
 # загадочное какое-то сообщение, программа и клиент это типа два разных глюка из одной папки, и все главное сразу догадались кто программа а кто клиент.
-#: BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:523
+#: clientgui/BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:522
 msgid ""
 "Authorization failed connecting to running client.\n"
 "Make sure you start this program in the same directory as the client."
@@ -696,20 +717,20 @@ msgstr ""
 "Подключение к клиенту не удалось из-за ошибки контроля доступа.\n"
 "Убедитесь, что программа запускается из той же папки что и клиент."
-#: BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:525
+#: clientgui/BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:524
 msgid "Authorization failed connecting to running client."
 msgstr "Подключение к клиенту не удалось из-за ошибки контроля доступа."
-#: BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:533
+#: clientgui/BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:532
 msgid "The password you have provided is incorrect, please try again."
 msgstr "Введен не правильный пароль, попробуйте подключиться еще раз."
-#: BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:577
+#: clientgui/BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:576
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - Connection Failed"
 msgstr "%s - ошибка подключения"
-#: BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:586
+#: clientgui/BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:585
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "%s is not able to connect to a %s client.\n"
@@ -718,24 +739,23 @@ msgstr ""
 "%s не может подключиться к клиенту %s.\n"
 "Попытаться повторить подключение?"
-#: BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:622
+#: clientgui/BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:621
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - Daemon Start Failed"
 msgstr "%s - сбой при старте демона"
-#: BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:632
+#: clientgui/BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:631
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "%s is not able to start a %s client.\n"
-"Please launch the Control Panel->Administative Tools->Services applet and "
-"start the BOINC service."
+"Please launch the Control Panel->Administative Tools->Services applet and start the BOINC service."
 msgstr ""
 "%s не может запустить клиента %s.\n"
 "Попробуйте запустить службу BOINC ещё раз из 'Панель "
 # чё-то муть какая-то, зачем и что повторить-то.
-#: BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:638
+#: clientgui/BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:637
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "%s is not able to start a %s client.\n"
@@ -744,17 +764,16 @@ msgstr ""
 "%s не может запустить клиента %s.\n"
 "Попробуйте запустить демона ещё раз."
-#: BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:689
+#: clientgui/BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:688
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - Connection Status"
 msgstr "%s - состояние подключения"
-#: BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:700
+#: clientgui/BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:699
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "%s is not currently connected to a %s client.\n"
-"Please use the 'Advanced\\Select Computer...' menu option to connect up to a "
-"%s client.\n"
+"Please use the 'Advanced\\Select Computer...' menu option to connect up to a %s client.\n"
 "To connect up to your local computer please use 'localhost' as the host name."
 msgstr ""
 "%s не подключен к клиенту %s.\n"
@@ -763,16 +782,16 @@ msgstr ""
 "Для локального компьютера используйте 'localhost' в качестве имени "
-#: BOINCBaseView.cpp:779
+#: clientgui/BOINCBaseView.cpp:752
 msgid "Project web pages"
 msgstr "Веб-страницы проекта"
-#: BOINCClientManager.cpp:575
+#: clientgui/BOINCClientManager.cpp:573
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - Unexpected Exit"
 msgstr "%s - Неожиданный выход"
-#: BOINCClientManager.cpp:585
+#: clientgui/BOINCClientManager.cpp:583
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "The %s client has exited unexpectedly 3 times within the last %d minutes.\n"
@@ -781,12 +800,12 @@ msgstr ""
 "Клиент %s неожиданно завершил работу 3 раза за последние %d минут.\n"
 "Хотите перезапустить его ещё раз?"
-#: BOINCDialupManager.cpp:61
+#: clientgui/BOINCDialupManager.cpp:61
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - Network Status"
 msgstr "%s - состояние сетевого подключения"
-#: BOINCDialupManager.cpp:241
+#: clientgui/BOINCDialupManager.cpp:241
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "%s needs to connect to the Internet.\n"
@@ -795,22 +814,22 @@ msgstr ""
 "%s необходимо подключиться к интернету.\n"
 "Произвести соединение сейчас?"
-#: BOINCDialupManager.cpp:254
+#: clientgui/BOINCDialupManager.cpp:254
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s is connecting to the Internet."
 msgstr "%s производит подключение к интернету."
-#: BOINCDialupManager.cpp:303
+#: clientgui/BOINCDialupManager.cpp:303
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s has successfully connected to the Internet."
 msgstr "%s установил подключение к интернету."
-#: BOINCDialupManager.cpp:331
+#: clientgui/BOINCDialupManager.cpp:331
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s failed to connect to the Internet."
 msgstr "%s не удалось подключиться к интернету."
-#: BOINCDialupManager.cpp:372
+#: clientgui/BOINCDialupManager.cpp:372
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "%s has detected it is now connected to the Internet.\n"
@@ -819,17 +838,17 @@ msgstr ""
 "%s обнаружил установленное подключение к интернету.\n"
 "Идёт обмен файлами данных и обновление информации о проектах."
-#: BOINCDialupManager.cpp:417
+#: clientgui/BOINCDialupManager.cpp:417
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s has successfully disconnected from the Internet."
 msgstr "%s разорвал подключение к интернету."
-#: BOINCDialupManager.cpp:433
+#: clientgui/BOINCDialupManager.cpp:433
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s failed to disconnected from the Internet."
 msgstr "%s не удалось разорвать подключение к интернету."
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:339
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:595
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "You currently are not authorized to manage the client.\n"
@@ -850,7 +869,7 @@ msgstr ""
 " - обратиться к Вашему администратору, чтобы он добавил Вас\n"
 "   в группу пользователей 'boinc_master'."
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:345
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:601
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "%s ownership or permissions are not set properly; please reinstall %s.\n"
@@ -860,16 +879,15 @@ msgstr ""
 "переустановите ПО %s.\n"
 "(Код ошибки %d"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:351
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:607
 msgid " at "
 msgstr " на "
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:354 MainDocument.cpp:2484 MainDocument.cpp:2534
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2554 ViewTransfers.cpp:803
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:610
 msgid ")"
 msgstr ")"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:384
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:640
 msgid ""
 "A reboot is required in order for BOINC to run properly.\n"
 "Please reboot your computer and try again."
@@ -877,173 +895,175 @@ msgstr ""
 "Требуется перезагрузка для корректной работы клиента BOINC.\n"
 "Пожалуйста, перезагрузите Ваш компьютер и попытайтесь еще раз."
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:385 DlgAbout.cpp:153
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:641
 msgid "BOINC Manager"
 msgstr "BOINC менеджер"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:572
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:902
 msgid "BOINC Manager was started by the operating system automatically"
 msgstr "BOINC менеджер был автоматически запущен операционной системой"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:574
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:904
 msgid "Startup BOINC so only the system tray icon is visible"
 msgstr "сворачивать BOINC менеджер в значок на панели задач при запуске"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:576
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:906
 msgid "Directory containing the BOINC Client executable"
 msgstr "Каталог, содержащий исполняемый файл клиента BOINC"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:577
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:907
 msgid "BOINC data directory"
 msgstr "Каталог данных BOINC"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:579
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:909
 msgid "Host name or IP address"
 msgstr "Имя или IP-адрес компьютера"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:580
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:910
 msgid "GUI RPC port number"
 msgstr "Номер порта GUI RPC"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:581
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:911
 msgid "Password"
 msgstr "Пароль"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:582
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:912
 msgid "Startup BOINC with these optional arguments"
 msgstr "запускать BOINC клиент с ключами запуска"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:583
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:913
 msgid "disable BOINC security users and permissions"
 msgstr "отключить политику безопасности доступа пользователей к BOINC"
 # Это описание ключа запуска BOINC managera. Не переводится.
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:584
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:914
 msgid "set skin debugging mode to enable skin manager error messages"
 msgstr ""
 "включить режим отладки менеджера обложек для вывода сообщений об ошибках"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:585
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:915
 msgid "multiple instances of BOINC Manager allowed"
 msgstr "разрешено несколько экземпляров менеджера BOINC"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:587
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:917
 msgid "Not used: workaround for bug in XCode 4.2"
 msgstr "Не используется: обход ошибки в XCode 4.2"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:814
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:1164
 msgid "(Automatic Detection)"
 msgstr "(Автоопределение)"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:815
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:1165
 msgid "(Unknown)"
 msgstr "(Неизвестный)"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:816
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:1166
 msgid "(User Defined)"
 msgstr "(Пользовательский)"
 # не соответствует реальности - реально при фразе "Open BOINC Web..." - открывается GridRepublic
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:508
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:522
 #, c-format
 msgid "Open %s Web..."
 msgstr "Посетить веб-страницу %s..."
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:515
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:529
 #, c-format
 msgid "Open %s..."
 msgstr "Открыть %s..."
 # Сончас
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:522 BOINCTaskBar.cpp:619 BOINCTaskBar.cpp:627
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:536
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:633
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:641
 msgid "Snooze"
 msgstr "Приостановить на час"
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:524 BOINCTaskBar.cpp:646 BOINCTaskBar.cpp:654
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:538
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:660
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:668
 msgid "Snooze GPU"
 msgstr "Приостановить ГП на час"
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:542
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:556
 msgid "E&xit"
 msgstr "Выход"
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:612 ViewProjects.cpp:718 ViewWork.cpp:795
-#: sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:758 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:110
-#: sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:102
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:626
 msgid "Resume"
 msgstr "Запустить"
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:639
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:653
 msgid "Resume GPU"
 msgstr "Запустить ГП"
 # переделать
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:713
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:727
 msgid "Computing is enabled"
 msgstr "Обработка разрешена"
 # пауза
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:717
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:731
 msgid "Computing is suspended - "
 msgstr "Обработка приостановлена - "
 # переделать
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:727
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:741
 msgid "GPU computing is enabled"
 msgstr "Обработка на ГП разрешена"
 # пауза
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:730
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:744
 msgid "GPU computing is suspended - "
 msgstr "Обработка на ГП приостановлена - "
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:739
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:753
 msgid "Network is enabled"
 msgstr "Доступ в интернет разрешен"
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:742
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:756
 msgid "Network is suspended - "
 msgstr "Доступ в интернет приостановлен - "
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:750
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:764
 msgid "Reconnecting to client."
 msgstr "Повторное подключение к клиенту."
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:752
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:766
 msgid "Not connected to a client."
 msgstr "Не подключен к клиенту."
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:805
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:819
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s Notices"
 msgstr "Уведомления %s"
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:811
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:825
 msgid "There are new notices - click to view."
 msgstr "Есть новые уведомления - нажмите для просмотра."
-#: CompletionErrorPage.cpp:199
+#: clientgui/CompletionErrorPage.cpp:199
 msgid "Failed to add project"
 msgstr "Не удалось добавить проект"
 # ???
-#: CompletionErrorPage.cpp:204
+#: clientgui/CompletionErrorPage.cpp:204
 msgid "Failed to update account manager"
 msgstr "Не удалось обновить менеджер проектов"
 # ???
-#: CompletionErrorPage.cpp:208
+#: clientgui/CompletionErrorPage.cpp:208
 msgid "Failed to remove account manager"
 msgstr ""
 "Не удалось отсоединиться\n"
 "от менеджера проектов"
 # ???
-#: CompletionErrorPage.cpp:212
+#: clientgui/CompletionErrorPage.cpp:212
 msgid "Failed to add account manager"
 msgstr "Не удалось подключиться к менеджеру проектов"
-#: CompletionErrorPage.cpp:221
+#: clientgui/CompletionErrorPage.cpp:221
 msgid ""
 "Please try again later.\n"
@@ -1053,25 +1073,27 @@ msgstr ""
 "Нажмите кнопку 'Готово' для выхода."
-#: CompletionErrorPage.cpp:225 CompletionPage.cpp:222 CompletionPage.cpp:242
-#: CompletionPage.cpp:273
+#: clientgui/CompletionErrorPage.cpp:225
+#: clientgui/CompletionPage.cpp:222
+#: clientgui/CompletionPage.cpp:242
+#: clientgui/CompletionPage.cpp:273
 msgid "Click Finish to close."
 msgstr "Нажмите кнопку 'Готово' для выхода из мастера."
-#: CompletionErrorPage.cpp:234
+#: clientgui/CompletionErrorPage.cpp:234
 msgid "Messages from server:"
 msgstr "Сообщения от сервера:"
-#: CompletionPage.cpp:207
+#: clientgui/CompletionPage.cpp:207
 msgid "Project added"
 msgstr "Проект добавлен"
-#: CompletionPage.cpp:213
+#: clientgui/CompletionPage.cpp:213
 msgid "This project has been successfully added."
 msgstr "Этот проект был успешно добавлен"
 # ...
-#: CompletionPage.cpp:218
+#: clientgui/CompletionPage.cpp:218
 msgid ""
 "When you click Finish, your web browser will go to a page where\n"
 "you can set your account name and preferences."
@@ -1080,126 +1102,128 @@ msgstr ""
 "автоматически откроется страница, где вы сможете указать\n"
 "имя вашей учётной записи и изменить её настройки."
-#: CompletionPage.cpp:232
+#: clientgui/CompletionPage.cpp:232
 #, c-format
 msgid "Update from %s completed."
 msgstr "Обновление %s завершено."
 # ???
-#: CompletionPage.cpp:236
+#: clientgui/CompletionPage.cpp:236
 msgid "Update completed."
 msgstr "Обновление завершено."
-#: CompletionPage.cpp:247
+#: clientgui/CompletionPage.cpp:247
 msgid "Now using account manager"
 msgstr "С данного момента используется менеджер проектов"
 # Хоть "в" хоть "на" - всё равно как-то криво
-#: CompletionPage.cpp:252
+#: clientgui/CompletionPage.cpp:252
 #, c-format
 msgid "Welcome to %s!"
 msgstr "Добро пожаловать в %s!"
-#: CompletionPage.cpp:263
+#: clientgui/CompletionPage.cpp:263
 #, c-format
 msgid "You are now using %s to manage accounts."
 msgstr "Вы теперь используете %s для управления проектами."
-#: CompletionPage.cpp:267
+#: clientgui/CompletionPage.cpp:267
 msgid "You are now using this account manager."
 msgstr "Вы теперь используете этот менеджер проектов."
-#: DlgAbout.cpp:113 mac/Mac_GUI.cpp:96
+#: clientgui/DlgAbout.cpp:113
 #, c-format
 msgid "About %s"
 msgstr "О %s"
-#: DlgAbout.cpp:172
+#: clientgui/DlgAbout.cpp:172
 msgid "Version:"
 msgstr "Версия:"
-#: DlgAbout.cpp:180
+#: clientgui/DlgAbout.cpp:180
 msgid "wxWidgets Version:"
 msgstr "Версия wxWidgets:"
-#: DlgAbout.cpp:188
+#: clientgui/DlgAbout.cpp:188
 msgid "Copyright:"
 msgstr "Авторские права:"
-# 98%
-#: DlgAbout.cpp:192
+#: clientgui/DlgAbout.cpp:192
 msgid ""
-"(C) 2003-2013 University of California, Berkeley.\n"
+"(C) 2003-2014 University of California, Berkeley.\n"
 "All Rights Reserved."
 msgstr ""
-"(C) 2003-2013 Калифорнийский университет, Беркли.\n"
-"Все права защищены."
-#: DlgAbout.cpp:196
+#: clientgui/DlgAbout.cpp:196
 msgid "Berkeley Open Infrastructure for Network Computing"
 msgstr ""
 "BOINC - Berkeley Open Infrastructure for Network Computing\n"
 "Открытая Инфраструктура для Распределенных Вычислений университета Беркли"
-#: DlgAbout.cpp:208 DlgExitMessage.cpp:173 DlgGenericMessage.cpp:120
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:396 DlgSelectComputer.cpp:163
+#: clientgui/DlgAbout.cpp:208
+#: clientgui/DlgExitMessage.cpp:173
+#: clientgui/DlgGenericMessage.cpp:120
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:399
+#: clientgui/DlgSelectComputer.cpp:163
 msgid "&OK"
 msgstr "OK"
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:544
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:602
 msgid "invalid number"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "неправильный номер"
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:545
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:603
 msgid "invalid time, format is HH:MM"
 msgstr "ошибка ввода, формат времени ЧЧ:ММ"
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:546
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:604
 msgid "invalid time interval, format is HH:MM-HH:MM"
 msgstr "ошибка при задании интервала, правильный формат ЧЧ:ММ-ЧЧ:ММ"
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:751
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:817
 msgid "invalid input value detected"
 msgstr "обнаружено некорректное значение"
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:753
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:819
 msgid "Validation Error"
 msgstr "Ошибка проверки"
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:885 DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:891
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:897
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:969
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:975
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:981
 msgid "Applications to add"
 msgstr "Добавить приложения"
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:914
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:998
 #, c-format
 msgid "'%s' is not an executable application."
 msgstr "'%s' не является исполняемым приложением."
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:915 DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:962
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:986
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:999
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:1046
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:1070
 msgid "Add Exclusive App"
 msgstr "Добавить привилегированное приложение"
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:927
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:1011
 msgid "Name of application to add?"
 msgstr "Имя добавляемого приложения?"
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:927
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:1011
 msgid "Add exclusive app"
 msgstr "Добавить привилегированное приложение"
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:961
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:1045
 #, c-format
 msgid "Application names must end with '%s'"
 msgstr "Имена приложений должны оканчиваться на '%s'"
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:985
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:1069
 #, c-format
 msgid "'%s' is already in the list."
 msgstr "'%s' уже в списке."
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:1077
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:1161
 msgid ""
 "Do you really want to clear all local preferences?\n"
 "(This will not affect exclusive applications.)"
@@ -1207,17 +1231,16 @@ msgstr ""
 "Вы уверены, что хотите удалить все локальные настройки?\n"
 "(Это не затронет привилегированные приложения.)"
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:1078 sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:1030
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:1162
 msgid "Confirmation"
 msgstr "Подтверждение"
-# ???
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:46 sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:946
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:49
 #, c-format
-msgid "%s - Preferences"
-msgstr "%s - Настройки клиента"
+msgid "%s - Computing preferences"
+msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:62
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:66
 msgid ""
 "This dialog controls preferences for this computer only.\n"
 "Click OK to set preferences.\n"
@@ -1228,295 +1251,305 @@ msgstr ""
 "Для возврата к настройкам с сайта проекта нажмите 'Удалить'\n"
 "(не затронет привилегированные приложения)."
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:65 sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:428
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:69
 msgid "Clear"
 msgstr "Удалить"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:66
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:70
 msgid "clear all local preferences and close the dialog"
 msgstr ""
 "удалить локально хранимые настройки для данного компьютера и закрыть окно"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:81
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:85
 msgid "processor usage"
 msgstr "процессор"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:84
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:88
 msgid "network usage"
 msgstr "настройки сети"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:87
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:91
 msgid "disk and memory usage"
 msgstr "диск и память"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:90
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:94
 msgid "exclusive applications"
 msgstr "привилегированные приложения"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:102 sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:424
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:107
+#: clientgui/DlgDiagnosticLogFlags.cpp:104
 msgid "OK"
 msgstr "OK"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:103
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:108
 msgid "save all values and close the dialog"
 msgstr "сохранить все значения и закрыть окно"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:108
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:114
 msgid "close the dialog without saving"
 msgstr "закрыть окно без сохранения изменений"
 # было 'Вопросы и ответы'-для SETI
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:112 Localization.cpp:35 Localization.cpp:121
-#: Localization.cpp:139 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:794 sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:439
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:118
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:35
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:121
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:139
 msgid "Help"
 msgstr "Помощь"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:113
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:119
 msgid "shows the preferences web page"
 msgstr "перейти на веб-страницу с описанием данных настроек"
 # переделать
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:135
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:141
 msgid "Computing allowed"
 msgstr "Запускать обработку заданий при выполнении следующих условий"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:139
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:146
 msgid "While computer is on batteries"
 msgstr "При питании от аккумуляторов"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:142
-msgid ""
-"check this if you want this computer to do work while it runs on batteries"
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:149
+msgid "check this if you want this computer to do work while it runs on batteries"
 msgstr ""
 "выберите данный пункт если хотите обрабатывать задания когда компьютер "
 "питается от аккумуляторов"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:148
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:155
 msgid "While computer is in use"
 msgstr "Когда компьютер используется для работы"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:151
-msgid ""
-"check this if you want this computer to do work even when you're using it"
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:158
+msgid "check this if you want this computer to do work even when you're using it"
 msgstr ""
 "выберите данный пункт если хотите обрабатывать задания когда компьютер "
 "используется пользователями для работы"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:157
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:164
 msgid "Use GPU while computer is in use"
 msgstr "Использовать ГП когда компьютер используется для работы"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:160
-msgid ""
-"check this if you want your GPU to do work even when you're using the "
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:167
+msgid "check this if you want your GPU to do work even when you're using the computer"
 msgstr ""
 "выберите данный пункт если хотите обрабатывать задания с помощью видеокарты "
 "(GPU) когда компьютер используется пользователями для работы"
 # не удачно
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:172
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:179
 msgid "Only after computer has been idle for"
 msgstr "При отсутствии активности пользователя более"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:182
-msgid ""
-"do work only after you haven't used the computer for this number of minutes"
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:188
+msgid "do work only after you haven't used the computer for this number of minutes"
 msgstr ""
 "через сколько минут отсутствия активности на компьютере начинать "
 "обрабатывать задания"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:187 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:336
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:417
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:193
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:342
 msgid "minutes"
 msgstr "минут"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:206
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:212
 msgid "While processor usage is less than"
 msgstr "При использовании процессора менее"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:216
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:221
 msgid "suspend work if processor usage exceeds this level"
 msgstr ""
 "остановить обработку, если использование процессора превысит этот уровень"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:221
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:226
 msgid "percent (0 means no restriction)"
 msgstr "процентов (0 - нет ограничений)"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:235 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:496
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:240
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:506
 msgid "Every day between hours of"
 msgstr "Ежедневно с"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:239
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:244
 msgid "start work at this time"
 msgstr "запустить обработку в это время"
 # и
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:243 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:504
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:326 sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:348
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:248
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:514
 msgid "and"
 msgstr "до"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:247
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:252
 msgid "stop work at this time"
 msgstr "остановить обработку в это время"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:251 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:512
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:256
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:522
 msgid "(no restriction if equal)"
 msgstr "(ограничение не действует при равенстве значений)"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:256 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:517
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:261
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:527
 msgid "Day-of-week override:"
 msgstr "По расписанию:"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:261 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:522
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:266
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:532
 msgid "check box to specify hours for this day of week"
 msgstr "выберите день недели и укажите временной интервал"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:267 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:528
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:272
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:538
 msgid "Monday"
 msgstr "Понедельник"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:274 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:535
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:279
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:545
 msgid "Tuesday"
 msgstr "Вторник"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:281 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:542
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:286
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:552
 msgid "Wednesday"
 msgstr "Среда"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:288 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:549
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:293
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:559
 msgid "Thursday"
 msgstr "Четверг"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:295 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:556
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:300
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:566
 msgid "Friday"
 msgstr "Пятница"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:302 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:563
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:307
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:573
 msgid "Saturday"
 msgstr "Суббота"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:309 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:570
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:314
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:580
 msgid "Sunday"
 msgstr "Воскресенье"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:323
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:328
 msgid "Other options"
 msgstr "Другие параметры"
 # поправить
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:330
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:336
 msgid "Switch between applications every"
 msgstr "Переключение между приложениями каждые"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:339
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:345
 msgid "On multiprocessor systems, use at most"
 msgstr "В многопроцессорных системах использовать"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:346
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:352
 #, no-c-format
-msgid "% of the processors (0 means ignore this setting)"
-msgstr "% процессоров (0 означает игнорирование этого параметра)"
+msgid "% of the processors (0 means no restriction)"
+msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:349 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:605
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:627 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:648
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:669 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:679
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:355
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:618
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:640
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:661
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:683
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:694
 msgid "Use at most"
 msgstr "Использовать не более"
-# Загрузка ЦП
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:356
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:362
 #, no-c-format
-msgid "% CPU time"
-msgstr "% времени каждого процессора (ЦП)"
+msgid "% of CPU time (0 means no restriction)"
+msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:378
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:386
 msgid "General options"
 msgstr "Общие параметры"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:386
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:395
 msgid "Maximum download rate"
 msgstr "Ограничить скорость загрузки"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:392 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:401
-msgid "KBytes/sec."
-msgstr "кбайт/сек."
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:401
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:410
+msgid "KBytes/second (0 means no restriction)"
+msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:395
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:404
 msgid "Maximum upload rate"
 msgstr "Ограничить скорость отправки"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:406
-msgid "Transfer at most"
-msgstr "Передавать не более"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:412
-msgid "Mbytes"
-msgstr "Мбайт"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:415
-msgid "every"
-msgstr "каждые"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:421 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:444
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:463
-msgid "days"
-msgstr "дней"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:429
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:417
 msgid "Minimum work buffer"
 msgstr "Минимальный буфер"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:438
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:425
 msgid "Try to maintain enough tasks to keep busy for this many days"
 msgstr ""
 "Пытаться поддерживать достаточный объём заданий, чтобы оставаться занятым "
 "работой в течение данного числа дней"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:450
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:431
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:449
+msgid "days (maximum value: 10)"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:437
 msgid "Max additional work buffer"
 msgstr "Макс. дополнительный буфер"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:459
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:445
 msgid "In addition, maintain enough tasks for up to this many days"
 msgstr ""
 "Кроме того, поддерживать достаточный объём заданий вплоть до этого числа "
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:454
+msgid "Transfer at most"
+msgstr "Передавать не более"
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:462
+msgid "MBytes every"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:468
+msgid "days (0 means no restriction)"
+msgstr ""
 # не проверять изображение файла
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:466
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:476
 msgid "Skip image file verification"
 msgstr "Не проверять загружаемые файлы"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:468
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:478
 msgid "check this if your Internet provider modifies image files"
 msgstr ""
 "выберите данный пункт если ваш интернет провайдер изменяет передаваемые "
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:476
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:484
 msgid "Connect options"
 msgstr "Параметры подключения"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:478
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:487
 msgid "Confirm before connecting to internet"
 msgstr "Предупреждать перед подключением к интернету"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:480
-msgid ""
-"if checked, a confirmation dialog will be displayed before trying to connect "
-"to the Internet"
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:489
+msgid "if checked, a confirmation dialog will be displayed before trying to connect to the Internet"
 msgstr ""
 "перед началом автоматического установления связи с интернетом BOINC спросит "
 "можно ли установить соединение"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:484
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:493
 msgid "Disconnect when done"
 msgstr "Разорвать соединение после завершения"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:486
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:495
 msgid ""
 "if checked, BOINC hangs up when network usage is done\n"
 "(only relevant for dialup-connection)"
@@ -1525,199 +1558,224 @@ msgstr ""
 "(для обладателей dial-up модемов)"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:492
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:501
 msgid "Network usage allowed"
 msgstr "Доступ в интернет"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:500
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:510
 msgid "network usage start hour"
 msgstr "начиная с данного времени разрешён доступ в интернет"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:508
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:518
 msgid "network usage stop hour"
 msgstr "после данного времени доступ в интернет запрещён"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:598 DlgItemProperties.cpp:231
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:610
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:257
 msgid "Disk usage"
 msgstr "Использование диска"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:609
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:622
 msgid "the maximum disk space used by BOINC (in Gigabytes)"
 msgstr ""
 "ограничение на занимаемое BOINC и проектами пространство на диске (в "
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:613
-msgid "Gigabytes disk space"
-msgstr "Гбайт места на диске"
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:626
+msgid "Gigabytes disk space (0 means no restriction)"
+msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:616
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:629
 msgid "Leave at least"
 msgstr "Оставлять не менее"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:620
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:633
 msgid "BOINC leaves at least this amount of disk space free (in Gigabytes)"
 msgstr ""
 "минимальный объём дискового пространства, который должен оставаться "
 "свободным (в гигабайтах)"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:624
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:637
 msgid "Gigabytes disk space free"
 msgstr "Гбайт свободного места на диске"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:631
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:644
 msgid "BOINC uses at most this percentage of total disk space"
 msgstr ""
 "ограничение на занимаемое BOINC и проектами пространство на диске в "
 "процентах от общего объёма диска"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:636
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:649
 #, no-c-format
 msgid "% of total disk space"
 msgstr "% от объёма диска"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:639
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:652
 msgid "Tasks checkpoint to disk at most every"
 msgstr "Период сохранения на диск промежуточных результатов заданий"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:645
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:658
 msgid "seconds"
 msgstr "секунд"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:655
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:668
 #, no-c-format
 msgid "% of page file (swap space)"
 msgstr "% виртуальной памяти (файл подкачки)"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:662
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:675
 msgid "Memory usage"
 msgstr "Оперативная память"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:676
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:691
 #, no-c-format
 msgid "% when computer is in use"
 msgstr "% когда компьютер используется для работы"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:686
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:701
 #, no-c-format
 msgid "% when computer is idle"
 msgstr "% когда компьютер простаивает"
 # ?
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:691
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:706
 msgid "Leave applications in memory while suspended"
 msgstr "Оставлять неактивные приложения в памяти"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:693
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:708
 msgid "if checked, suspended work units are left in memory"
 msgstr "оставлять приложение в памяти на время приостановки обработки задания"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:713
-msgid ""
-"Suspend processor and network usage when these applications are running:"
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:728
+msgid "Suspend processor and network usage when these applications are running:"
 msgstr ""
 "Приостановить использование процессора и сети, когда работают данные "
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:722
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:738
 msgid "Add..."
 msgstr "Добавить..."
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:723
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:739
 msgid "Add an application to this list"
 msgstr "Добавить приложение в список"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:728 ViewProjects.cpp:202
-#: sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:85
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:744
 msgid "Remove"
 msgstr "Удалить"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:729
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:745
 msgid "Remove an application from this list"
 msgstr "Удалить приложение из списка"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:738
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:754
 msgid "For advanced options, refer to "
 msgstr "Для расширенных настроек, обратитесь к "
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:219
+#: clientgui/DlgDiagnosticLogFlags.cpp:65
+#, c-format
+msgid "%s Diagnostic Log Flags"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/DlgDiagnosticLogFlags.cpp:83
+msgid "These flags enable various types of diagnostic messages in the Event Log."
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/DlgDiagnosticLogFlags.cpp:105
+msgid "Save all values and close the dialog"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/DlgDiagnosticLogFlags.cpp:108
+msgid "Defaults"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/DlgDiagnosticLogFlags.cpp:109
+msgid "Restore default settings"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/DlgDiagnosticLogFlags.cpp:113
+msgid "Close the dialog without saving"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:226
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - Event Log"
 msgstr "%s - Просмотр событий"
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:232 ViewMessages.cpp:117 ViewProjects.cpp:219
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:435 ViewStatistics.cpp:2009 ViewTransfers.cpp:182
-#: ViewWork.cpp:232
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:236
 msgid "Project"
 msgstr "Проект"
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:233 ViewMessages.cpp:118
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:237
 msgid "Time"
 msgstr "Время"
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:234 ViewMessages.cpp:119
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:238
 msgid "Message"
 msgstr "Сообщение"
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:290 DlgEventLog.cpp:354
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:300
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:364
 msgid "&Show only this project"
 msgstr "Показать только этот проект"
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:294
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:304
 msgid "Copy &All"
 msgstr "Копировать все"
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:296 DlgEventLog.cpp:300 ViewMessages.cpp:89
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:306
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:310
 msgid "Copy all the messages to the clipboard."
 msgstr "Копировать все сообщения в буфер обмена."
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:305
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:315
 msgid "Copy &Selected"
 msgstr "Копировать выделенное"
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:308 DlgEventLog.cpp:316 ViewMessages.cpp:97
-msgid ""
-"Copy the selected messages to the clipboard. You can select multiple "
-"messages by holding down the shift or command key while clicking on messages."
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:318
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:326
+msgid "Copy the selected messages to the clipboard. You can select multiple messages by holding down the shift or command key while clicking on messages."
 msgstr ""
 "Копировать выделенные сообщения в буфер обмена. Можно использовать SHIFT и "
 "CTRL для выделения нескольких сообщений."
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:310 DlgEventLog.cpp:318 ViewMessages.cpp:99
-msgid ""
-"Copy the selected messages to the clipboard. You can select multiple "
-"messages by holding down the shift or control key while clicking on messages."
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:320
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:328
+msgid "Copy the selected messages to the clipboard. You can select multiple messages by holding down the shift or control key while clicking on messages."
 msgstr ""
 "Копировать выделенные сообщения в буфер обмена. Можно использовать SHIFT и "
 "CTRL для выделения нескольких сообщений."
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:325 DlgItemProperties.cpp:67
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:335
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:67
 msgid "&Close"
 msgstr "Закрыть"
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:334 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:798 sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:442
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:344
 #, c-format
 msgid "Get help with %s"
 msgstr "Получить справку по %s"
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:348
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:358
 msgid "Show all &messages"
 msgstr "Показать все сообщения"
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:349 DlgEventLog.cpp:351
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:359
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:361
 msgid "Show messages for all projects"
 msgstr "Показать все сообщения"
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:355 DlgEventLog.cpp:357
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:365
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:367
 msgid "Show only the messages for the selected project"
 msgstr "Показать сообщения только от выбранного проекта."
-#: DlgExitMessage.cpp:82
+#: clientgui/DlgExitMessage.cpp:82
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - Exit Confirmation"
 msgstr "%s - Подтверждение выхода"
-#: DlgExitMessage.cpp:130
+#: clientgui/DlgExitMessage.cpp:130
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "You have requested to exit the %s,\n"
@@ -1735,7 +1793,7 @@ msgstr ""
 "выберите следующие опции:"
 # ???
-#: DlgExitMessage.cpp:135
+#: clientgui/DlgExitMessage.cpp:135
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "This will shut down %s and its tasks until either the\n"
@@ -1752,405 +1810,431 @@ msgstr ""
 "Тогда %s продолжит управлять обработкой заданий\n"
 "в соответствии с определёнными вами настройками."
-#: DlgExitMessage.cpp:153
+#: clientgui/DlgExitMessage.cpp:153
 #, c-format
 msgid "Stop running tasks when exiting the %s"
 msgstr "Остановить выполняющиеся задания при закрытии %s"
-#: DlgExitMessage.cpp:165
+#: clientgui/DlgExitMessage.cpp:165
 msgid "Remember this decision and do not show this dialog."
 msgstr "Запомнить выбор и больше не показывать данное окно."
-#: DlgExitMessage.cpp:178 DlgGenericMessage.cpp:125 DlgOptions.cpp:401
-#: DlgSelectComputer.cpp:168 wizardex.cpp:378
+#: clientgui/DlgExitMessage.cpp:178
+#: clientgui/DlgGenericMessage.cpp:125
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:404
+#: clientgui/DlgSelectComputer.cpp:168
 msgid "&Cancel"
 msgstr "Отмена"
-#: DlgGenericMessage.cpp:112
+#: clientgui/DlgGenericMessage.cpp:112
 msgid "Don't show this dialog again."
 msgstr "Больше не показывать данное окно."
 # ???
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:168 DlgItemProperties.cpp:171
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:174 DlgItemProperties.cpp:177
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:194
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:197
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:200
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:203
 msgid "Don't fetch tasks for "
 msgstr "Не запрашивать задания для"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:168
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:194
 msgid "Project preference"
 msgstr "Настройка проекта"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:171
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:197
 msgid "Account manager preference"
 msgstr "Настройка менеджера проектов"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:174
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:200
 msgid "Project has no apps for "
 msgstr "У проекта нет приложений для"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:177
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:203
 msgid "Client configuration excludes "
 msgstr "Конфигурация клиента исключает"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:181
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:207
 msgid " work fetch deferred for"
 msgstr " запрос заданий отложен на"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:182
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:208
 msgid " work fetch deferral interval"
 msgstr "интервал задержки запроса заданий"
 # ???? уточнить
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:213
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:239
 msgid "Properties of project "
 msgstr "Информация о проекте "
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:217 DlgOptions.cpp:218
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:243
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:221
 msgid "General"
 msgstr "Общие"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:218
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:244
 msgid "Master URL"
 msgstr "Адрес для подключения"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:219
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:245
 msgid "User name"
 msgstr "Имя участника"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:220
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:246
 msgid "Team name"
 msgstr "Команда"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:221 ViewProjects.cpp:224
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:247
 msgid "Resource share"
 msgstr "Выделено ресурсов"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:223
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:249
 msgid "Scheduler RPC deferred for"
 msgstr "Запрос к планировщику отложен на"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:226
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:252
 msgid "File downloads deferred for"
 msgstr "Загрузка файлов отложена на"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:229
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:255
 msgid "File uploads deferred for"
 msgstr "Отправка файлов отложена на"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:232
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:258
 msgid "Computer ID"
 msgstr "Идентификатор компьютера"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:234
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:260
 msgid "Non CPU intensive"
 msgstr "Без использования ЦП"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:234 DlgItemProperties.cpp:236
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:237 DlgItemProperties.cpp:239
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:242 DlgItemProperties.cpp:251
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:254 DlgItemProperties.cpp:257
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:260
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:262
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:263
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:265
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:268
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:277
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:280
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:283
 msgid "yes"
 msgstr "да"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:236
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:262
 msgid "Suspended via GUI"
 msgstr "Приостановлен вручную"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:236 DlgItemProperties.cpp:237
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:262
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:263
 msgid "no"
 msgstr "нет"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:237
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:263
 msgid "Don't request more work"
 msgstr "Не запрашивать задания"
 # ?
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:239
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:265
 msgid "Scheduler call in progress"
 msgstr "Сеанс связи с планировщиком"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:242
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:268
 msgid "Trickle-up pending"
 msgstr "Ожидание промежуточной отправки"
 # Общее количество очков набранных на данном хосте
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:245 DlgItemProperties.cpp:247
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:271
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:273
 msgid "Host location"
 msgstr "Размещение компьютера"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:247
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:273
 msgid "default"
 msgstr "по умолчанию"
 # ?
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:251
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:277
 msgid "Added via account manager"
 msgstr "Добавлен менеджером проектов"
 # ?
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:254
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:280
 msgid "Remove when tasks done"
 msgstr "Будет удалён после завершения заданий"
 # что именно завершено ???
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:257
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:283
 msgid "Ended"
 msgstr "Завершён"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:259
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:285
+msgid "Tasks completed"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:286
+msgid "Tasks failed"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:288
 msgid "Credit"
 msgstr "Очки"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:260
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:289
 msgid "User"
 msgstr "Участник"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:267
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:296
 msgid "Host"
 msgstr "Компьютер (хост)"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:276
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:305
 msgid "Scheduling"
 msgstr "Планировщик"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:277
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:306
 msgid "Scheduling priority"
 msgstr "Приоритет планировщика"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:278
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:307
 msgid "CPU"
 msgstr "ЦП"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:302
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:331
 msgid "Duration correction factor"
 msgstr "Поправочный коэффициент продолжительности"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:316
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:345
 msgid "Properties of task "
 msgstr "Информация о задании "
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:328 ViewWork.cpp:238
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:357
 msgid "Application"
 msgstr "Приложение"
 # Имя
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:329 ViewWork.cpp:239
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:358
 msgid "Name"
 msgstr "Задание"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:330
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:359
 msgid "State"
 msgstr "Состояние"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:333
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:362
 msgid "Received"
 msgstr "Получено"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:336
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:365
 msgid "Report deadline"
 msgstr "Отправить до"
 # не уверен
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:338
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:367
 msgid "Resources"
 msgstr "Выделено ресурсов"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:341
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:370
 msgid "Estimated computation size"
 msgstr "Предполагаемый объём вычислений"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:344
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:373
 msgid "CPU time at last checkpoint"
 msgstr "Время ЦП в контрольной точке"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:345 DlgItemProperties.cpp:360
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:374
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:389
 msgid "CPU time"
 msgstr "Время ЦП"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:347 DlgItemProperties.cpp:361
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:376
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:390
 msgid "Elapsed time"
 msgstr "Затрачено времени"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:349
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:378
 msgid "Estimated time remaining"
 msgstr "Осталось до завершения"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:350
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:379
 msgid "Fraction done"
 msgstr "Процент выполнения"
 # не точно
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:351
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:380
 msgid "Virtual memory size"
 msgstr "Объём виртуальной памяти"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:352
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:381
 msgid "Working set size"
 msgstr "Использование памяти"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:354
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:383
 msgid "Directory"
 msgstr "Каталог"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:357
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:386
 msgid "Process ID"
 msgstr "ID процесса"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:427 ViewWork.cpp:1032 sg_TaskPanel.cpp:823
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:456
 msgid "Local: "
 msgstr "Локальное: "
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:129 DlgOptions.cpp:135
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:129
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:135
 msgid "Options"
 msgstr "Настройки"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:175
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:178
 msgid "Language:"
 msgstr "Язык (language):"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:182
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:185
 msgid "What language should BOINC use?"
 msgstr "Какой язык должен использовать BOINC?"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:186
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:189
 msgid "Notice reminder interval:"
 msgstr "Интервал между напоминаниями:"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:193
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:196
 msgid "How often should BOINC remind you of new notices?"
 msgstr "Как часто BOINC должен напоминать о новых уведомлениях?"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:198
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:201
 msgid "Run Manager at login?"
 msgstr "Автозагрузка BOINC менеджера?"
 # не знаю как это у нормальных людей называется - залогиниваться
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:204
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:207
 msgid "Run the BOINC Manager when you log on."
 msgstr "Запускать BOINC менеджер при входе пользователя на компьютер."
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:209
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:212
 msgid "Enable Manager exit dialog?"
 msgstr "Подтверждение при выходе из программы?"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:215
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:218
 msgid "Display the exit dialog when shutting down the Manager."
 msgstr "Спрашивать перед выходом из программы BOINC менеджер."
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:226
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:229
 msgid "Dial-up and Virtual Private Network settings"
 msgstr "Настройки модемного соединения и VPN"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:240
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:243
 msgid "&Set Default"
 msgstr "Подключение по умолчанию"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:245
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:248
 msgid "&Clear Default"
 msgstr "Нет подключения по умолчанию"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:252
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:255
 msgid "Default Connection:"
 msgstr "Подключение по умолчанию:"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:259
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:262
 msgid "Connections"
 msgstr "Параметры подключения"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:268
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:271
 msgid "Connect via HTTP proxy server"
 msgstr "Соединяться через HTTP прокси сервер"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:272
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:275
 msgid "HTTP Proxy Server Configuration"
 msgstr "Параметры HTTP прокси сервера"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:280 DlgOptions.cpp:344
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:283
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:347
 msgid "Address:"
 msgstr "Адрес:"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:288 DlgOptions.cpp:352 ProxyPage.cpp:340 ProxyPage.cpp:360
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:291
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:355
 msgid "Port:"
 msgstr "Порт:"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:296 DlgOptions.cpp:360
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:299
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:363
 msgid "Don't use proxy for:"
 msgstr "Не использовать прокси для:"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:303 DlgOptions.cpp:367
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:306
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:370
 msgid "Leave these blank if not needed"
 msgstr "Оставить поля пустыми если не используются"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:309 DlgOptions.cpp:373 ProxyPage.cpp:343 ProxyPage.cpp:363
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:312
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:376
 msgid "User Name:"
 msgstr "Имя пользователя:"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:317 DlgOptions.cpp:381 DlgSelectComputer.cpp:152
-#: ProxyPage.cpp:346 ProxyPage.cpp:366
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:320
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:384
+#: clientgui/DlgSelectComputer.cpp:152
 msgid "Password:"
 msgstr "Пароль:"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:324
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:327
 msgid "HTTP Proxy"
 msgstr "HTTP прокси"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:332
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:335
 msgid "Connect via SOCKS proxy server"
 msgstr "Соединяться через SOCKS прокси сервер"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:336
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:339
 msgid "SOCKS Proxy Server Configuration"
 msgstr "Параметры SOCKS прокси сервера"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:388
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:391
 msgid "SOCKS Proxy"
 msgstr "SOCKS прокси"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:586
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:589
 msgid "always"
 msgstr "всегда"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:587
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:590
 msgid "1 hour"
 msgstr "1 час"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:588
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:591
 msgid "6 hours"
 msgstr "6 часов"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:589
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:592
 msgid "1 day"
 msgstr "1 день"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:590
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:593
 msgid "1 week"
 msgstr "1 неделя"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:591
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:594
 msgid "never"
 msgstr "никогда"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:688
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:691
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - Language Selection"
 msgstr "%s - изменение языка"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:695
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:698
 #, c-format
 #, c-format, c-format
-msgid ""
-"The %s's language has been changed.  In order for this change to take "
-"effect, you must restart the %s."
+msgid "The %s's language has been changed.  In order for this change to take effect, you must restart the %s."
 msgstr ""
 "Язык интерфейса программы %s был изменён.  Для вступления в силу изменений "
 "требуется перезапустить %s."
-#: DlgSelectComputer.cpp:91
+#: clientgui/DlgSelectComputer.cpp:91
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - Select Computer"
 msgstr "%s - Подключение к компьютеру"
-#: DlgSelectComputer.cpp:125
+#: clientgui/DlgSelectComputer.cpp:125
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "Another instance of %s is already running \n"
@@ -2159,467 +2243,469 @@ msgstr ""
 "На этом компьютере уже работает другой экземпляр %s.\n"
 "Пожалуйста выберите клиента для наблюдения."
-#: DlgSelectComputer.cpp:143
+#: clientgui/DlgSelectComputer.cpp:143
 msgid "Host name:"
 msgstr "Имя компьютера в сети или IP:"
-#: Localization.cpp:31 Localization.cpp:69
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:31
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:69
 msgid "Message boards"
 msgstr "Доска сообщений"
 # seti
-#: Localization.cpp:33
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:33
 msgid "Correspond with other users on the SETI at home message boards"
 msgstr "Форум для общения с другими участниками проекта SETI at home"
-#: Localization.cpp:37
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:37
 msgid "Ask questions and report problems"
 msgstr "Форум, где можно задать вопросы и сообщить об ошибках"
-#: Localization.cpp:39 Localization.cpp:81 Localization.cpp:111
-#: Localization.cpp:129
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:39
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:81
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:111
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:129
 msgid "Your account"
 msgstr "Ваша учётная запись"
-#: Localization.cpp:41 Localization.cpp:87 Localization.cpp:113
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:41
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:87
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:113
 msgid "View your account information and credit totals"
 msgstr "Просмотр информации о вашей учётной записи и набранных очках"
-#: Localization.cpp:43
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:43
 msgid "Your preferences"
 msgstr "Ваши настройки"
 # seti
-#: Localization.cpp:45
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:45
 msgid "View and modify your SETI at home account profile and preferences"
 msgstr ""
 "Просмотр и изменение настроек вашей учётной записи и вашего профиля в "
 "проекте SETI at home"
-#: Localization.cpp:47 Localization.cpp:89
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:47
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:89
 msgid "Your results"
 msgstr "Ваши результаты"
-#: Localization.cpp:49 Localization.cpp:91
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:49
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:91
 msgid "View your last week (or more) of computational results and work"
 msgstr "Просмотр информации о выданных заданиях (за последние несколько недель)"
-#: Localization.cpp:51 Localization.cpp:93
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:51
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:93
 msgid "Your computers"
 msgstr "Ваши компьютеры"
 # seti
-#: Localization.cpp:53
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:53
 msgid "View a listing of all the computers on which you are running SETI at Home"
 msgstr ""
 "Просмотр информации о ваших компьютерах, участвующих в обработке заданий "
 "проекта SETI at Home"
-#: Localization.cpp:55 Localization.cpp:97
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:55
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:97
 msgid "Your team"
 msgstr "Команда"
-#: Localization.cpp:57 Localization.cpp:99
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:57
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:99
 msgid "View information about your team"
 msgstr "Просмотр информации о команде, к которой вы присоединились"
-#: Localization.cpp:61
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:61
 msgid "Common questions"
 msgstr "Частые вопросы"
 # einstein
-#: Localization.cpp:63
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:63
 msgid "Read the Einstein at Home Frequently Asked Question list"
 msgstr "Часто задаваемые вопросы по проекту Einstein at Home"
-#: Localization.cpp:65
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:65
 msgid "Screensaver info"
 msgstr "Экранная заставка"
 # einstein
-#: Localization.cpp:67
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:67
 msgid "Read a detailed description of the Einstein at Home screensaver"
 msgstr "Подробное описание экранной заставки проекта Einstein at Home"
 # einstein
-#: Localization.cpp:71
-msgid ""
-"Correspond with admins and other users on the Einstein at Home message boards"
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:71
+msgid "Correspond with admins and other users on the Einstein at Home message boards"
 msgstr ""
 "Форум для общения с разработчиками и другими участниками проекта "
 "Einstein at Home"
 # einstein
-#: Localization.cpp:73
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:73
 msgid "Einstein status"
 msgstr "Состояние серверов"
 # einstein
-#: Localization.cpp:75
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:75
 msgid "Current status of the Einstein at Home server"
 msgstr "Информация о текущем состоянии серверов проекта Einstein at Home"
 # ?
-#: Localization.cpp:77
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:77
 msgid "Report problems"
 msgstr "Проблемы и ошибки"
 # einstein
-#: Localization.cpp:79
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:79
 msgid "A link to the Einstein at Home problems and bug reports message board"
 msgstr ""
 "Форум для обсуждения проблем и ошибок в работе программ проекта "
 "Einstein at Home"
 # einstein
-#: Localization.cpp:83
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:83
 msgid "View and modify your Einstein at Home account profile and preferences"
 msgstr ""
 "Просмотр и изменение настроек вашей учётной записи и вашего профиля в "
 "проекте Einstein at Home"
-#: Localization.cpp:85
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:85
 msgid "Account summary"
 msgstr "Учётная запись (инфо.)"
 # einstein
-#: Localization.cpp:95
-msgid ""
-"View a listing of all the computers on which you are running Einstein at Home"
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:95
+msgid "View a listing of all the computers on which you are running Einstein at Home"
 msgstr ""
 "Просмотр информации о ваших компьютерах, участвующих в обработке заданий "
 "проекта Einstein at Home"
 # einstein
-#: Localization.cpp:101
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:101
 msgid "LIGO project"
 msgstr "LIGO"
 # einstein ?
-#: Localization.cpp:103
-msgid ""
-"The home page of the Laser Interferometer Gravitational-wave Observatory "
-"(LIGO) project"
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:103
+msgid "The home page of the Laser Interferometer Gravitational-wave Observatory (LIGO) project"
 msgstr ""
 "Домашняя страница проекта LIGO (лазерный интерферометр обсерватории "
 "гравитационных волн)"
 # einstein
-#: Localization.cpp:105
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:105
 msgid "GEO-600 project"
 msgstr "GEO-600"
 # einstein
-#: Localization.cpp:107
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:107
 msgid "The home page of the GEO-600 project"
 msgstr "Домашняя страница проекта GEO-600"
-#: Localization.cpp:115 Localization.cpp:133 ViewProjects.cpp:221
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:465
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:115
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:133
 msgid "Team"
 msgstr "Команда"
-#: Localization.cpp:117
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:117
 msgid "Info about your Team"
 msgstr "Просмотр информации о команде, к которой вы присоединились"
 # cpdn ???
-#: Localization.cpp:123
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:123
 msgid "Get help for climateprediction.net"
 msgstr "Помощь по проекту climateprediction.net"
-#: Localization.cpp:125
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:125
 msgid "News"
 msgstr "Новости"
 # cpdn
-#: Localization.cpp:127
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:127
 msgid "climateprediction.net News"
 msgstr "Новости проекта climateprediction.net"
-#: Localization.cpp:131
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:131
 msgid "View your account information, credits, and trickles"
 msgstr "Просмотр информации о вашей учётной записи и набранных очках"
-#: Localization.cpp:135
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:135
 msgid "Info about your team"
 msgstr "Просмотр информации о команде, к которой вы присоединились"
 # ?
-#: Localization.cpp:141
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:141
 msgid "Search for help in our help system"
 msgstr ""
 "Система помощи по работе программ и участии в распределённых вычислениях на "
 "базе WCG"
 # WCG
-#: Localization.cpp:143
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:143
 msgid "Global Statistics"
 msgstr "Общая статистика"
 # WCG
-#: Localization.cpp:145
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:145
 msgid "Summary statistics for World Community Grid"
 msgstr "Сводная статистика по проектам WCG"
 # WCG
-#: Localization.cpp:147
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:147
 msgid "My Grid"
 msgstr "Ваша учётная запись"
 # WCG
-#: Localization.cpp:149
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:149
 msgid "Your statistics and settings"
 msgstr "Ваша индивидуальная статистика по проектам и настройки учётной записи"
 # WCG
-#: Localization.cpp:151
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:151
 msgid "Device Profiles"
 msgstr "Настройки компьютера"
 # WCG
-#: Localization.cpp:153
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:153
 msgid "Update your device settings"
 msgstr "Изменение настроек ваших компьютеров"
 # WCG
-#: Localization.cpp:155
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:155
 msgid "Research"
 msgstr "Описания проектов"
 # WCG
-#: Localization.cpp:157
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:157
 msgid "Learn about the projects hosted at World Community Grid"
 msgstr "Подробные описания проектов запущенных в рамках WCG"
 # ипользуется внутри программы
-#: MainDocument.cpp:583
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:583
 msgid "Starting client"
 msgstr "Запуск клиента"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:591
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:591
 msgid "Connecting to client"
 msgstr "Подключение к клиенту"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:1195
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:1205
 msgid "Retrieving system state; please wait..."
 msgstr "Обновляется информация о состоянии системы; пожалуйста подождите..."
-#: MainDocument.cpp:1816
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:1826
 msgid "Missing application"
 msgstr "Отсутствует приложение"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:1817
-msgid ""
-"Please download and install the CoRD application from http://cord."
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:1827
+msgid "Please download and install the CoRD application from http://cord.sourceforge.net"
 msgstr ""
 "Пожалуйста загрузите и установите приложение CoRD с сайта "
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2432
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2442
 msgid "on batteries"
 msgstr "питание от аккумуляторов"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2433
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2443
 msgid "computer is in use"
 msgstr "компьютер используется для работы"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2434
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2444
 msgid "user request"
 msgstr "запрос пользователя"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2435
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2445
 msgid "time of day"
 msgstr "в зависимости от времени суток"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2436
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2446
 msgid "CPU benchmarks in progress"
 msgstr "запущен тест производительности"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2437
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2447
 msgid "need disk space - check preferences"
 msgstr "необходимо место на диске - проверьте настройки"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2438
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2448
 msgid "computer is not in use"
 msgstr "компьютер не используется для работы"
 # ипользуется внутри программы
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2439
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2449
 msgid "starting up"
 msgstr "запуск"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2440
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2450
 msgid "an exclusive app is running"
 msgstr "выполняется эксклюзивное приложение"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2441
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2451
 msgid "CPU is busy"
 msgstr "процессор занят"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2442
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2452
 msgid "network bandwidth limit exceeded"
 msgstr "превышен лимит использования сети"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2443
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2453
 msgid "requested by operating system"
 msgstr "запрошен операционной системой"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2445
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2455
 msgid "unknown reason"
 msgstr "неизвестная причина"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2467
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2477
 msgid "GPU missing, "
 msgstr "Отсутствие ГП, "
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2474
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2484
 msgid "New"
 msgstr "Новое"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2478
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2488
 msgid "Download failed"
 msgstr "Ошибка загрузки данных"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2480
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2490
 msgid "Downloading"
 msgstr "Загрузка данных"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2482 MainDocument.cpp:2552
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2492
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2557
 msgid " (suspended - "
 msgstr " (приостановлено - "
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2490
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2500
 msgid "Project suspended by user"
 msgstr "Проект приостановлен пользователем"
 # длинно
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2492
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2502
 msgid "Task suspended by user"
 msgstr "Обработка задания приостановлена пользователем"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2494
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2504
 msgid "Suspended - "
 msgstr "Приостановлено - "
 # 75%
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2500
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2510
 msgid "GPU suspended - "
 msgstr "ГП приостановлен - "
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2507
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2517
 msgid "Waiting for memory"
 msgstr "Ожидание освобождения оперативной памяти"
 # офигеть можно от такого объяснения
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2509
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2519
 msgid "Waiting for shared memory"
 msgstr "Ожидание освобождения разделяемой оперативной памяти (shared memory)"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2512
-msgid "Running, high priority"
-msgstr "Работает, обработать в первую очередь"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2514
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2521
 msgid "Running"
 msgstr "Работает"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2517
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2523
 msgid " (non-CPU-intensive)"
 msgstr " (без использования ЦП)"
 # Приостановлено с последующим продолжением обработки
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2520
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2526
 msgid "Waiting to run"
 msgstr "Ждёт своей очереди"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2522 MainDocument.cpp:2528
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2528
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2534
 msgid "Ready to start"
 msgstr "Готово к запуску"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2532
-msgid " (Scheduler wait: "
-msgstr "(Планировщик ожидает:"
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2538
+msgid "Postponed: "
+msgstr ""
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2536
-msgid " (Scheduler wait)"
-msgstr " (Планировщик ожидает)"
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2541
+msgid "Postponed"
+msgstr ""
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2540
-msgid " (Waiting for network access)"
-msgstr "(Ожидание доступа к сети)"
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2545
+msgid "Waiting for network access"
+msgstr ""
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2544
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2549
 msgid "Computation error"
 msgstr "Ошибка вычислений"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2548
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2553
 msgid "Upload failed"
 msgstr "Ошибка отправки данных"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2550
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2555
 msgid "Uploading"
 msgstr "Отправка данных"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2561
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2566
 msgid "Aborted by user"
 msgstr "Прервано пользователем"
 # ???? уточнить
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2564
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2569
 msgid "Aborted by project"
 msgstr "Прервано проектом"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2567
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2572
 msgid "Aborted: not started by deadline"
 msgstr "Прервано: не было запущено до крайнего срока"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2570
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2575
 msgid "Aborted: disk limit exceeded"
 msgstr "Прервано: превышен предел используемого дискового пространства"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2573
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2578
 msgid "Aborted: run time limit exceeded"
 msgstr "Прервано: превышен предел времени выполнения"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2576
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2581
 msgid "Aborted: memory limit exceeded"
 msgstr "Прервано: превышен предел используемой памяти"
 # ???
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2579
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2584
 msgid "Aborted"
 msgstr "Прервано"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2584
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2589
 msgid "Acknowledged"
 msgstr "Признано"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2586
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2591
 msgid "Ready to report"
 msgstr "Ожидается подтверждение о приеме данных"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2588
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2593
 #, c-format
 msgid "Error: invalid state '%d'"
 msgstr "Ошибка: недопустимое состояние '%d'"
 # ?
-#: NoInternetConnectionPage.cpp:179
+#: clientgui/NoInternetConnectionPage.cpp:179
 msgid "No Internet connection"
 msgstr "Отсутствует связь с интернетом"
 # ?
-#: NoInternetConnectionPage.cpp:182
+#: clientgui/NoInternetConnectionPage.cpp:182
 msgid "Please connect to the Internet and try again."
 msgstr "Произведите подключение к интернету и повторите."
-#: NotDetectedPage.cpp:181
+#: clientgui/NotDetectedPage.cpp:181
 msgid "Project not found"
 msgstr "Проект не найден"
-#: NotDetectedPage.cpp:184
+#: clientgui/NotDetectedPage.cpp:184
 msgid ""
 "The URL you supplied is not that of a BOINC-based project.\n"
@@ -2629,11 +2715,11 @@ msgstr ""
 "на базе BOINC.\n"
 "Уточните адрес (URL) и повторите попытку."
-#: NotDetectedPage.cpp:188
+#: clientgui/NotDetectedPage.cpp:188
 msgid "Account manager not found"
 msgstr "Менеджер проектов не найден"
-#: NotDetectedPage.cpp:191
+#: clientgui/NotDetectedPage.cpp:191
 msgid ""
 "The URL you supplied is not that of a BOINC-based account\n"
@@ -2646,100 +2732,101 @@ msgstr ""
 "Уточните адрес (URL) и повторите попытку."
 # ???? кто такой Login и почему Failed с большой буквы.
-#: NotFoundPage.cpp:181
+#: clientgui/NotFoundPage.cpp:181
 msgid "Login Failed."
 msgstr "Неудача."
 # пользователя
-#: NotFoundPage.cpp:185
+#: clientgui/NotFoundPage.cpp:185
 msgid "Check the username and password, and try again."
 msgstr ""
 "Проверьте правильность написания имени\n"
 "участника и пароля и повторите ввод."
-#: NotFoundPage.cpp:189
+#: clientgui/NotFoundPage.cpp:189
 msgid "Check the email address and password, and try again."
 msgstr ""
 "Проверьте правильность написания адреса\n"
 "электронной почты и пароля и повторите ввод."
-#: NoticeListCtrl.cpp:222
+#: clientgui/NoticeListCtrl.cpp:229
 msgid "more..."
 msgstr "больше..."
-#: ProjectInfoPage.cpp:477 ProjectInfoPage.cpp:778 ProjectInfoPage.cpp:782
-msgid "All"
-msgstr "Все"
-#: ProjectInfoPage.cpp:615
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:221
 msgid "Choose a project"
 msgstr "Выбор проекта"
-#: ProjectInfoPage.cpp:619
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:228
 msgid "To choose a project, click its name or type its URL below."
 msgstr ""
 "Выберите понравившийся проект щёлкнув на его\n"
 "названии, или введите его адрес URL в поле ниже."
-#: ProjectInfoPage.cpp:623
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:246
 msgid "Categories:"
 msgstr "Категории:"
-#: ProjectInfoPage.cpp:627 sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:89
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:267
 msgid "Projects:"
 msgstr "Проекты:"
-#: ProjectInfoPage.cpp:631
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:279
 msgid "Project details"
 msgstr "Описание проекта"
-#: ProjectInfoPage.cpp:635
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:291
 msgid "Research area:"
 msgstr "Научная область:"
-#: ProjectInfoPage.cpp:639
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:302
 msgid "Organization:"
 msgstr "Организация:"
-#: ProjectInfoPage.cpp:643
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:313
 msgid "Web site:"
 msgstr "Веб-сайт:"
-#: ProjectInfoPage.cpp:647
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:325
 msgid "Supported systems:"
 msgstr "Поддерживаемые платформы:"
-#: ProjectInfoPage.cpp:651
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:363
 msgid "Project URL:"
 msgstr "URL-адрес проекта:"
-#: ProjectInfoPage.cpp:826
-msgid ""
-"This project may not have work for your type of computer.  Do you want to "
-"add it anyway?"
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:499
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:754
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:758
+msgid "All"
+msgstr "Все"
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:802
+msgid "This project may not have work for your type of computer.  Do you want to add it anyway?"
 msgstr ""
 "Возможно, что данный проект не поддерживает тип вашего компьютера или "
 "операционную систему.  Вы всё равно хотите его добавить?"
-#: ProjectInfoPage.cpp:850
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:826
 msgid "You already added this project. Please choose a different project."
 msgstr "Этот проект уже добавлен. Выберите другой проект."
 # ???
-#: ProjectProcessingPage.cpp:321
+#: clientgui/ProjectProcessingPage.cpp:321
 msgid "Communicating with project."
 msgstr "Установка связи с проектом."
-#: ProjectProcessingPage.cpp:509
+#: clientgui/ProjectProcessingPage.cpp:510
 msgid "Required files not found on the server."
 msgstr "Необходимые файлы не найдены на сервере."
 # что бы это значило???
-#: ProjectProcessingPage.cpp:512 ProjectProcessingPage.cpp:574
+#: clientgui/ProjectProcessingPage.cpp:513
+#: clientgui/ProjectProcessingPage.cpp:586
 msgid "An internal server error has occurred."
 msgstr "Произошла внутренняя ошибка сервера."
-#: ProjectPropertiesPage.cpp:334
+#: clientgui/ProjectPropertiesPage.cpp:334
 msgid ""
 "Communicating with project\n"
 "Please wait..."
@@ -2747,12 +2834,49 @@ msgstr ""
 "Устанавливается связь с сервером проекта\n"
 "Пожалуйста подождите..."
+#: clientgui/ProjectWelcomePage.cpp:251
+#, c-format
+msgid "Welcome to %s."
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ProjectWelcomePage.cpp:254
+msgid "You have volunteered to compute for this project:"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ProjectWelcomePage.cpp:255
+msgid "Name:"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ProjectWelcomePage.cpp:258
+msgid "Home:"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ProjectWelcomePage.cpp:262
+msgid "Description:"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ProjectWelcomePage.cpp:265
+msgid "URL:"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ProjectWelcomePage.cpp:268
+msgid "User:"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ProjectWelcomePage.cpp:273
+msgid "WARNING: This project is not registered with BOINC.  Make sure you trust it before continuing."
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ProjectWelcomePage.cpp:277
+msgid "To continue, click Next."
+msgstr "Для продолжения нажмите кнопку 'Далее'."
 # Неудача при попытке установить соединение
-#: ProxyInfoPage.cpp:195
+#: clientgui/ProxyInfoPage.cpp:195
 msgid "Network communication failure"
 msgstr "Неудача при установлении соединения"
-#: ProxyInfoPage.cpp:199
+#: clientgui/ProxyInfoPage.cpp:199
 msgid ""
 "The World Community Grid - BOINC software failed to communicate\n"
 "over the Internet. The most likely reasons are:\n"
@@ -2782,7 +2906,7 @@ msgstr ""
 "3) Вы используете прокси сервер для выхода в интернет,\n"
 "а BOINC не знает об этом."
-#: ProxyInfoPage.cpp:203
+#: clientgui/ProxyInfoPage.cpp:203
 msgid ""
 "BOINC failed to communicate on the Internet.\n"
 "The most likely reasons are:\n"
@@ -2812,1297 +2936,1401 @@ msgstr ""
 "3) Вы используете прокси сервер для выхода в интернет,\n"
 "а BOINC не знает об этом."
-#: ProxyPage.cpp:331
+#: clientgui/ProxyPage.cpp:331
 msgid "Proxy configuration"
 msgstr "Параметры прокси сервера"
-#: ProxyPage.cpp:334
+#: clientgui/ProxyPage.cpp:334
 msgid "HTTP proxy"
 msgstr "HTTP прокси"
-#: ProxyPage.cpp:337 ProxyPage.cpp:357
+#: clientgui/ProxyPage.cpp:337
+#: clientgui/ProxyPage.cpp:357
 msgid "Server:"
 msgstr "Сервер:"
-#: ProxyPage.cpp:350
+#: clientgui/ProxyPage.cpp:350
 msgid "Autodetect"
 msgstr "Автоопределение"
-#: ProxyPage.cpp:354
+#: clientgui/ProxyPage.cpp:354
 msgid "SOCKS proxy"
 msgstr "SOCKS прокси"
-#: TermsOfUsePage.cpp:218
-msgid "Terms of Use"
-msgstr "Условия использования"
+#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:167
+msgid "Advanced View...\tCtrl+Shift+A"
+msgstr "Полный вид...\tCtrl+Shift+A"
-#: TermsOfUsePage.cpp:222
-msgid "Please read the following terms of use:"
-msgstr "Ознакомтесь с условиями использования программы:"
+#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:168
+msgid "Display the advanced graphical interface."
+msgstr "Изменить внешний вид на более продвинутый."
-#: TermsOfUsePage.cpp:231
-msgid "I agree to the terms of use."
-msgstr "Я согласен с условиями."
+#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:175
+msgid "Skin"
+msgstr "Обложка"
-#: TermsOfUsePage.cpp:237
-msgid "I do not agree to the terms of use."
-msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:177
+msgid "Select the appearance of the user interface."
+msgstr "Выберите внешний вид пользовательского интерфейса."
-#: UnavailablePage.cpp:183
-msgid "Project temporarily unavailable"
-msgstr "Проект временно недоступен"
+#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:224
+#, c-format
+msgid "&%s"
+msgstr "&%s"
-#: UnavailablePage.cpp:186
-msgid ""
-"The project is temporarily unavailable.\n"
-"Please try again later."
-msgstr ""
-"Проект в данный момент недоступен.\n"
-"Попробуйте подключиться позже."
+#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:405
+msgid "Default"
+msgstr "По умолчанию"
-# ?
-#: UnavailablePage.cpp:190
-msgid "Account manager temporarily unavailable"
-msgstr "Менеджер проектов временно недоступен"
+#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:848
+msgid "Suspend"
+msgstr "Приостановить"
-#: UnavailablePage.cpp:193
-msgid ""
-"The account manager is temporarily unavailable.\n"
-"Please try again later."
-msgstr ""
-"Менеджер проектов в данный момент недоступен.\n"
-"Попробуйте подключиться позже."
+#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:850
+msgid "Suspend Computing"
+msgstr "Приостановить вычисления"
-#: ValidateAccountKey.cpp:68
-msgid "Please specify an account key to continue."
-msgstr "Введите учётный ключ для продолжения."
+#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:851
+msgid "Resume Computing"
+msgstr "Возобновить вычисления"
-#: ValidateAccountKey.cpp:71
-msgid "Invalid Account Key; please enter a valid Account Key"
-msgstr "Введен не правильный учётный ключ, повторите ввод ключа"
+#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:867
+msgid "Notices"
+msgstr "Уведомления"
-#: ValidateAccountKey.cpp:82 ValidateEmailAddress.cpp:86
-msgid "Validation conflict"
-msgstr "Ошибка проверки правильности ввода данных"
+#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:868
+msgid "Open a window to view notices from projects or BOINC"
+msgstr "Открыть окно просмотра уведомлений проектов и BOINC"
-# ???
-#: ValidateEmailAddress.cpp:72
-msgid "Please specify an email address"
-msgstr "Укажите адрес электронной почты"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgMessages.cpp:124
+msgid "Fetching notices; please wait..."
+msgstr "Получение уведомлений; пожалуйста подождите..."
-#: ValidateEmailAddress.cpp:75
-msgid "Invalid email address; please enter a valid email address"
-msgstr ""
-"Введен неправильный адрес электронной почты;\n"
-"повторите ввод адреса электронной почты"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgMessages.cpp:132
+msgid "There are no notices at this time."
+msgstr "На данный момент нет уведомлений."
-# ?
-#: ValidateURL.cpp:69
-msgid "Missing URL"
-msgstr "Не указан адрес (URL)"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgMessages.cpp:146
+msgid "Close"
+msgstr "Закрыть"
-# ?
-#: ValidateURL.cpp:70
-msgid ""
-"Please specify a URL.\n"
-"For example:\n"
-msgstr ""
-"Введите адрес (URL).\n"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgMessages.cpp:394
+#, c-format
+msgid "%s - Notices"
+msgstr "%s - Уведомления "
-#: ValidateURL.cpp:83 ValidateURL.cpp:87 ValidateURL.cpp:91
-#: ValidateURL.cpp:103 ValidateURL.cpp:107 ValidateURL.cpp:110
-msgid "Invalid URL"
-msgstr "Не корректный адрес (URL)"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:270
+msgid "This dialog controls preferences for this computer only."
+msgstr "Это диалоговое окно управляет настройками только этого компьютера."
-#: ValidateURL.cpp:84 ValidateURL.cpp:88 ValidateURL.cpp:92
-msgid ""
-"Please specify a valid URL.\n"
-"For example:\n"
-msgstr ""
-"Введите корректный адрес (URL).\n"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:275
+msgid "Click OK to set preferences."
+msgstr "Для сохранения настроек нажмите 'OK'."
-# ?
-#: ValidateURL.cpp:104 ValidateURL.cpp:108
-#, c-format
-msgid "'%s' does not contain a valid host name."
-msgstr "Компьютер (хост) с именем: '%s' не найден."
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:280
+msgid "Click Clear to restore web-based settings for all preferences listed below."
+msgstr ""
+"Нажмите кнопку 'Удалить', чтобы восстановить параметры, указанные на "
+"веб-сайте проекта, для всех настроек, перечисленных ниже."
-# ?
-#: ValidateURL.cpp:111
-#, c-format
-msgid "'%s' does not contain a valid path."
-msgstr "Указанный путь: '%s' не существует."
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:287
+msgid "For additional settings, select Computing Preferences in the Advanced View."
+msgstr ""
+"Для дополнительных параметров выберите 'Настройки клиента' в меню 'Полный "
-#: ViewMessages.cpp:84 ViewProjects.cpp:170 ViewStatistics.cpp:1978
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:160 ViewWork.cpp:183
-msgid "Commands"
-msgstr "Действия"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:315
+msgid "Do work only between:"
+msgstr "Обрабатывать только с"
-#: ViewMessages.cpp:88
-msgid "Copy all messages"
-msgstr "Копировать все"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:337
+msgid "Connect to internet only between:"
+msgstr "Доступ в интернет только с"
-#: ViewMessages.cpp:95
-msgid "Copy selected messages"
-msgstr "Копировать выделенное"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:359
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:376
+msgid "Use no more than:"
+msgstr "Использовать не более:"
-#: ViewMessages.cpp:106 ViewMessages.cpp:502
-msgid "Show only this project"
-msgstr "Сообщения проекта"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:372
+msgid "of disk space"
+msgstr "места на диске"
-#: ViewMessages.cpp:107 ViewMessages.cpp:503
-msgid "Show only the messages for the selected project."
-msgstr "Показать сообщения только от выбранного проекта."
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:389
+msgid "of the processor"
+msgstr "процессора"
-#: ViewMessages.cpp:164
-msgid "Messages"
-msgstr "Сообщения"
+# ...отопления
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:393
+msgid "Do work while on battery?"
+msgstr "Работать на батареях?"
-#: ViewMessages.cpp:187
-msgid "Copying all messages to the clipboard..."
-msgstr "В буфер обмена копируются все сообщения..."
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:406
+msgid "Do work after idle for:"
+msgstr "Запуск обработки при простое:"
-#: ViewMessages.cpp:223
-msgid "Copying selected messages to the clipboard..."
-msgstr "В буфер обмена копируются выделенные сообщения..."
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:431
+msgid "Clear all local preferences listed above and close the dialog"
+msgstr ""
+"Удалить локально хранимые настройки для данного компьютера и закрыть "
+"диалоговое окно"
-#: ViewMessages.cpp:286
-msgid "Filtering messages..."
-msgstr "Фильтрация сообщений..."
+# ?
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:609
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:612
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:688
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:692
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:704
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:708
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:851
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:862
+msgid "Anytime"
+msgstr "всегда"
-#: ViewMessages.cpp:494
-msgid "Show all messages"
-msgstr "Все сообщения"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:645
+msgid "100 MB"
+msgstr "100 Мб"
-#: ViewMessages.cpp:495
-msgid "Show messages for all projects."
-msgstr "Показать все сообщения."
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:646
+msgid "200 MB"
+msgstr "200 Мб"
-#: ViewNotices.cpp:58 sg_DlgMessages.cpp:124
-msgid "Fetching notices; please wait..."
-msgstr "Получение уведомлений; пожалуйста подождите..."
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:647
+msgid "500 MB"
+msgstr "500 Мб"
-#: ViewNotices.cpp:65 sg_DlgMessages.cpp:132
-msgid "There are no notices at this time."
-msgstr "На данный момент нет уведомлений."
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:648
+msgid "1 GB"
+msgstr "1 Гб"
-#: ViewNotices.cpp:99 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:776
-msgid "Notices"
-msgstr "Уведомления"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:649
+msgid "2 GB"
+msgstr "2 Гб"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:650
+msgid "5 GB"
+msgstr "5 Гб"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:651
+msgid "10 GB"
+msgstr "10 Гб"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:652
+msgid "20 GB"
+msgstr "20 Гб"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:653
+msgid "50 GB"
+msgstr "50 Гб"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:654
+msgid "100 GB"
+msgstr "100 Гб"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:724
+#, c-format
+msgid "%d MB"
+msgstr "%d МБ"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:726
+#, c-format
+msgid "%4.2f GB"
+msgstr "%4.2f ГБ"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:767
+#, c-format
+msgid "%d%%"
+msgstr "%d%%"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:803
+msgid "0 (Run Always)"
+msgstr "0 (работать всегда)"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:806
+#, c-format
+msgid "%d"
+msgstr "%d"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:953
+#, c-format
+msgid "%s - Computing Preferences"
+msgstr ""
+# ?
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:1033
+msgid "Do you really want to clear all local preferences?\n"
+msgstr "Вы действительно хотите удалить все локально хранимые настройки?\n"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:174 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:61
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:66
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:179
 msgid "Update"
 msgstr "Обновить"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:175 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:62
-msgid ""
-"Report all completed tasks, get latest credit, get latest preferences, and "
-"possibly get more tasks."
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:67
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:180
+msgid "Report all completed tasks, get latest credit, get latest preferences, and possibly get more tasks."
 msgstr ""
 "Получить информацию с сервера проекта: о подтверждении передачи завершенных "
 "заданий, о количестве набранных очков, о настройках учётной записи и "
 "(возможно) закачке новых заданий."
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:181 ViewProjects.cpp:722 ViewWork.cpp:208 ViewWork.cpp:801
-#: sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:757 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:67
-#: sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:113 sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:66
-#: sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:106
-msgid "Suspend"
-msgstr "Приостановить"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:182 ViewProjects.cpp:722 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:68
-#: sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:114
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:73
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:129
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:187
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:727
 msgid "Suspend tasks for this project."
 msgstr "Приостановить обработку выделенного проекта."
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:188 ViewProjects.cpp:741 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:73
-#: sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:121
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:78
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:136
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:193
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:746
 msgid "No new tasks"
 msgstr "Не запрашивать задания"
 # ?
 # дубль???
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:189 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:74
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:79
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:194
 msgid "Don't get new tasks for this project."
 msgstr "Не запрашивать новые задания с сервера проекта."
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:195 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:79
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:84
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:200
 msgid "Reset project"
 msgstr "Перезапустить проект"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:196 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:80
-msgid ""
-"Delete all files and tasks associated with this project, and get new tasks.  "
-"You can update the project first to report any completed tasks."
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:85
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:201
+msgid "Delete all files and tasks associated with this project, and get new tasks.  You can update the project first to report any completed tasks."
 msgstr ""
 "Удалить ВСЕ файлы и задания выделенного проекта и закачать новые.\n"
 "ВНИМАНИЕ: не забудьте перед данной операцией отправить все завершенные "
 "задания для данного проекта."
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:203 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:86
-msgid ""
-"Remove this project.  Tasks in progress will be lost (use 'Update' first to "
-"report any completed tasks)."
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:91
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:208
+msgid "Remove this project.  Tasks in progress will be lost (use 'Update' first to report any completed tasks)."
 msgstr ""
 "Удалить этот проект.  Обрабатываемые в данный момент задания будут потеряны "
 "(используйте 'Обновить' перед данной операцией, чтобы отправить все "
 "завершенные задания)."
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:209 ViewWork.cpp:222 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:91
-#: sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:78
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:96
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:84
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:214
 msgid "Properties"
 msgstr "Информация"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:210 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:92
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:97
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:215
 msgid "Show project details."
 msgstr "Информация о проекте."
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:220 ViewStatistics.cpp:450
-msgid "Account"
-msgstr "Учётная запись"
-# ??
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:222
-msgid "Work done"
-msgstr "Заработанные очки"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:223
-msgid "Avg. work done"
-msgstr "В среднем за день"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:225 ViewTransfers.cpp:188 ViewWork.cpp:234
-msgid "Status"
-msgstr "Состояние"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:250
-msgid "Projects"
-msgstr "Проекты"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:302
-msgid "Updating project..."
-msgstr "Обновляется информация о проекте..."
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:344
-msgid "Resuming project..."
-msgstr "Проект запускается..."
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:348
-msgid "Suspending project..."
-msgstr "Приостанавливается выполнение проекта..."
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:126
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:723
+msgid "Resume tasks for this project."
+msgstr "Продолжить обработку выделенного проекта."
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:385
-msgid "Telling project to allow additional task downloads..."
-msgstr ""
-"Передается запрос на разрешение получения новых заданий для обработки..."
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:133
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:742
+msgid "Allow new tasks"
+msgstr "Получать новые задания"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:389
-msgid "Telling project to not fetch any additional tasks..."
-msgstr "Передается запрос на запрет получения новых заданий для обработки..."
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:134
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:742
+msgid "Allow fetching new tasks for this project."
+msgstr "Запрашивать новые задания с сервера проекта."
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:425
-msgid "Resetting project..."
-msgstr "Проект перезапускается..."
+# ???
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:137
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:746
+msgid "Don't fetch new tasks for this project."
+msgstr "Не запрашивать новые задания с сервера проекта."
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:438 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:214
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:229
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:443
 #, c-format
 msgid "Are you sure you want to reset project '%s'?"
 msgstr "Вы действительно хотите перезапустить проект '%s'?"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:444 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:220
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:235
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:449
 msgid "Reset Project"
 msgstr "Перезапуск проекта"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:483
-msgid "Removing project..."
-msgstr "Удаление проекта..."
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:496 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:251
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:266
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:501
 #, c-format
 msgid "Are you sure you want to remove project '%s'?"
 msgstr "Вы действительно хотите удалить проект '%s'?"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:502 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:257
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:272
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:507
 msgid "Remove Project"
 msgstr "Удалить проект"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:543 ViewWork.cpp:599
-msgid "Launching browser..."
-msgstr "Загружается браузер..."
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:72
+msgid "Add Project"
+msgstr "Добавить проект"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:718 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:111
-msgid "Resume tasks for this project."
-msgstr "Продолжить обработку выделенного проекта."
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:73
+msgid "Synchronize"
+msgstr "Синхронзировать"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:737 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:118
-msgid "Allow new tasks"
-msgstr "Получать новые задания"
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:74
+msgid "Work done for this project"
+msgstr "Для этого проекта работа завершена"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:737 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:119
-msgid "Allow fetching new tasks for this project."
-msgstr "Запрашивать новые задания с сервера проекта."
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:77
+msgid "Synchronize projects with account manager system"
+msgstr ""
+"Синхронизация информации о проектах и настройках между BOINC клиентом и "
+"менеджером проектов"
-# ???
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:741 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:122
-msgid "Don't fetch new tasks for this project."
-msgstr "Не запрашивать новые задания с сервера проекта."
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:124
+msgid "Select a project to access with the controls below"
+msgstr "Выбрать проект используя расположенные ниже элементы управления"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1058
-msgid "Requested by user"
-msgstr "Запрошено пользователем"
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:145
+msgid "Project Web Pages"
+msgstr "Веб-страницы проекта"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1059
-msgid "To fetch work"
-msgstr "Запросить задания"
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:149
+msgid "Project Commands"
+msgstr "Команды проекта"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1060
-msgid "To report completed tasks"
-msgstr "Сообщить о завершённых заданиях"
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:276
+#, c-format
+msgid "Pop up a menu of web sites for project %s"
+msgstr "Показать меню веб-сайтов для проекта %s"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1061
-msgid "To send trickle-up message"
-msgstr "Отправить промежуточное сообщение"
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:278
+#, c-format
+msgid "Pop up a menu of commands to apply to project %s"
+msgstr "Показать меню команд, применимых к проекту %s"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1062
-msgid "Requested by account manager"
-msgstr "Запрошено менеджером проектов"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:66
+msgid "Show graphics"
+msgstr "Показать графику"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1063
-msgid "Project initialization"
-msgstr "Инициализация проекта"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:67
+msgid "Show application graphics in a window."
+msgstr "Показать окно приложения с графической информацией."
-# ???? уточнить
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1064
-msgid "Requested by project"
-msgstr "Запрошено проектом"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:73
+msgid "Suspend this task."
+msgstr "Приостановить это задание."
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1065
-msgid "Unknown reason"
-msgstr "Неизвестная причина"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:78
+msgid "Abort"
+msgstr "Прервать обработку"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1079
-msgid "Suspended by user"
-msgstr "Приостановлено пользователем"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:79
+msgid "Abandon this task. You will get no credit for it."
+msgstr "Отказаться от этого задания. Вы не получите за него очков."
-# ???
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1082
-msgid "Won't get new tasks"
-msgstr "Не запрашивать новые задания"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:85
+msgid "Show task details."
+msgstr "Информация о задании."
-# ?
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1085
-msgid "Project ended - OK to remove"
-msgstr "Проект завершён - можно удалять"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:119
+msgid "Resume work for this task."
+msgstr "Продолжить обработку выделенного задания."
-# ?
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1088
-msgid "Will remove when tasks done"
-msgstr "Будет удалён после завершения заданий"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:123
+msgid "Suspend work for this task."
+msgstr "Приостановить обработку выделенного задания."
-# ?
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1091
-msgid "Scheduler request pending"
-msgstr "Запрос информации у планировщика"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:267
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Are you sure you want to abort this task '%s'?\n"
+"(Progress: %.1lf%%, Status: %s)"
+msgstr ""
+"Вы уверены, что хотите прервать обработку этого задания '%s'?\n"
+"(Прогресс: %.1lf%%, Состояние: %s)"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:272
+msgid "Abort task"
+msgstr "Прерывание обработки задания"
 # ?
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1097
-msgid "Scheduler request in progress"
-msgstr "Производится запрос информации у планировщика"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:468
+msgid "You don't have any projects.  Please Add a Project."
+msgstr "BOINC не подключен ни к одному проекту.  Пожалуйста добавьте проект."
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1100
-msgid "Trickle up message pending"
-msgstr "Ожидание отправки промежуточного сообщения"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:469
+msgid "Not available"
+msgstr "Недоступно"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1106
-msgid "Communication deferred "
-msgstr "Повтор через "
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:480
+msgid "Tasks:"
+msgstr "Задания:"
-#: ViewResources.cpp:62
-msgid "Total disk usage"
-msgstr "Полный объём диска"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:486
+msgid "Select a task to access"
+msgstr "Выбрать задание для доступа"
-#: ViewResources.cpp:83
-msgid "Disk usage by BOINC projects"
-msgstr "Занято проектами BOINC"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:497
+msgid "From:"
+msgstr "От:"
-#: ViewResources.cpp:116
-msgid "Disk"
-msgstr "Диск"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:551
+msgid "This task's progress"
+msgstr "Прогресс этого задания"
-#: ViewResources.cpp:249
-msgid "no projects: 0 bytes used"
-msgstr "нет проектов: 0 байт используется"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:569
+msgid "Task Commands"
+msgstr "Команды задания"
-#: ViewResources.cpp:286
-msgid "used by BOINC: "
-msgstr "занято BOINC: "
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:570
+msgid "Pop up a menu of commands to apply to this task"
+msgstr "Показать меню команд, применимых к этому заданию"
-#: ViewResources.cpp:296
-msgid "free, available to BOINC: "
-msgstr "свободно, доступно для BOINC: "
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:705
+#, c-format
+msgid "Application: %s"
+msgstr "Приложение: %s"
-#: ViewResources.cpp:306
-msgid "free, not available to BOINC: "
-msgstr "свободно, недоступно для BOINC: "
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:728
+#, c-format
+msgid "%.3f%%"
+msgstr "%.3f%%"
-#: ViewResources.cpp:316
-msgid "free: "
-msgstr "свободно: "
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:736
+msgid "Application: Not available"
+msgstr "Приложение: недоступно"
-#: ViewResources.cpp:326
-msgid "used by other programs: "
-msgstr "занято другими данными: "
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:836
+msgid "Not Available"
+msgstr "Недоступно"
-# Общее количество очков набранных участником
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:1205
-msgid "User Total"
-msgstr "Общее количество очков участника"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:851
+#, c-format
+msgid "Elapsed: %s"
+msgstr "Затрачено: %s"
-# Среднее количество очков набираемых участником за день
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:1206
-msgid "User Average"
-msgstr "Среднее количество очков за день"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:865
+#, c-format
+msgid "Remaining (estimated): %s"
+msgstr "Осталось (приблизительно): %s"
-# Общее количество очков набранных на данном хосте
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:1207
-msgid "Host Total"
-msgstr "Общее количество очков для хоста"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:880
+#, c-format
+msgid "Status: %s"
+msgstr "Статус: %s"
-# Среднее количество очков набираемых данным хостом за день
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:1208
-msgid "Host Average"
-msgstr "Среднее количество очков за день для хоста"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:1355
-#, c-format
-msgid "Last update: %.0f days ago"
-msgstr "Информация обновлялась: %.0f дн. назад"
+# ?????? это о чём
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1227
+msgid "Retrieving current status."
+msgstr "Проверка текущего состояния."
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:1982
-msgid "Show user total"
-msgstr "Всего очков"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1233
+msgid "Downloading work from the server."
+msgstr "Загрузка заданий с сервера проекта."
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:1983
-msgid "Show total credit for user"
-msgstr "Показать общее количество очков набранных участником"
+# ноутбук
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1238
+msgid "Processing Suspended:  Running On Batteries."
+msgstr "Обработка приостановлена:  работа компьютера от батарей."
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:1989
-msgid "Show user average"
-msgstr "В среднем за день"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1240
+msgid "Processing Suspended:  User Active."
+msgstr "Обработка приостановлена:  пользователь работает."
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:1990
-msgid "Show average credit for user"
-msgstr "Показать среднее количество очков набираемых участником за день"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1242
+msgid "Processing Suspended:  User paused processing."
+msgstr "Обработка приостановлена:  по инициативе пользователя."
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:1996
-msgid "Show host total"
-msgstr "Всего очков для хоста"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1244
+msgid "Processing Suspended:  Time of Day."
+msgstr "Обработка приостановлена:  запрещённое время суток."
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:1997
-msgid "Show total credit for host"
-msgstr "Показать общее количество очков набранных на данном хосте"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1246
+msgid "Processing Suspended:  Benchmarks Running."
+msgstr "Обработка приостановлена:  запущен тест производительности."
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2003
-msgid "Show host average"
-msgstr "В среднем для хоста"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1248
+msgid "Processing Suspended."
+msgstr "Обработка приостановлена."
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2004
-msgid "Show average credit for host"
-msgstr "Показать среднее количество очков набираемых данным хостом за день"
+# Оригинальная фраза не соостветствует смыслу того места где появляется.
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1252
+msgid "Waiting to contact project servers."
+msgstr "Подождите пожалуйста."
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2013
-msgid "< &Previous project"
-msgstr "< Предыдущий"
+# ??? для тех кто не заметил, в предыдущей аналогичной фразе есть точка
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1256
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1265
+msgid "Retrieving current status"
+msgstr "Проверка текущего состояния"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2014
-msgid "Show chart for previous project"
-msgstr "Показать предыдущий проект (вверх)"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1260
+msgid "No work available to process"
+msgstr "Нет заданий для обработки"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2019
-msgid "&Next project >"
-msgstr "Следующий >"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1262
+msgid "Unable to connect to the core client"
+msgstr "Не удалось подключиться к BOINC клиенту"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2020
-msgid "Show chart for next project"
-msgstr "Показать следующий проект (вниз)"
+#: clientgui/TermsOfUsePage.cpp:218
+msgid "Terms of Use"
+msgstr "Условия использования"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2026 ViewStatistics.cpp:2416
-msgid "Hide project list"
-msgstr "Скрыть список проектов"
+#: clientgui/TermsOfUsePage.cpp:222
+msgid "Please read the following terms of use:"
+msgstr "Ознакомтесь с условиями использования программы:"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2027 ViewStatistics.cpp:2416
-msgid "Use entire area for graphs"
-msgstr "Использовать всю область для графиков"
+#: clientgui/TermsOfUsePage.cpp:231
+msgid "I agree to the terms of use."
+msgstr "Я согласен с условиями."
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2032
-msgid "Mode view"
-msgstr "Вид графиков"
+#: clientgui/TermsOfUsePage.cpp:237
+msgid "I do not agree to the terms of use."
+msgstr "Я не согласен с условиями использования."
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2036
-msgid "One project"
-msgstr "Один проект"
+#: clientgui/UnavailablePage.cpp:183
+msgid "Project temporarily unavailable"
+msgstr "Проект временно недоступен"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2037
-msgid "Show one chart with selected project"
-msgstr "Показать один выбранный проект"
+#: clientgui/UnavailablePage.cpp:186
+msgid ""
+"The project is temporarily unavailable.\n"
+"Please try again later."
+msgstr ""
+"Проект в данный момент недоступен.\n"
+"Попробуйте подключиться позже."
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2043
-msgid "All projects (separate)"
-msgstr "Все проекты (по отдельности)"
+# ?
+#: clientgui/UnavailablePage.cpp:190
+msgid "Account manager temporarily unavailable"
+msgstr "Менеджер проектов временно недоступен"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2044
-msgid "Show all projects, one chart per project"
-msgstr "Показать все проекты, каждый проект на отдельном графике"
+#: clientgui/UnavailablePage.cpp:193
+msgid ""
+"The account manager is temporarily unavailable.\n"
+"Please try again later."
+msgstr ""
+"Менеджер проектов в данный момент недоступен.\n"
+"Попробуйте подключиться позже."
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2050
-msgid "All projects (together)"
-msgstr "Все проекты (вместе)"
+#: clientgui/ValidateAccountKey.cpp:68
+msgid "Please specify an account key to continue."
+msgstr "Введите учётный ключ для продолжения."
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2051
-msgid "Show one chart with all projects"
-msgstr "Показать все проекты на одном графике"
+#: clientgui/ValidateAccountKey.cpp:71
+msgid "Invalid Account Key; please enter a valid Account Key"
+msgstr "Введен не правильный учётный ключ, повторите ввод ключа"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2057
-msgid "All projects (sum)"
-msgstr "Все проекты (в сумме)"
+#: clientgui/ValidateAccountKey.cpp:82
+#: clientgui/ValidateEmailAddress.cpp:86
+msgid "Validation conflict"
+msgstr "Ошибка проверки правильности ввода данных"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2058
-msgid "Show one chart with sum of projects"
-msgstr "Показать сумму по проектам на одном графике"
+# ???
+#: clientgui/ValidateEmailAddress.cpp:72
+msgid "Please specify an email address"
+msgstr "Укажите адрес электронной почты"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2079
-msgid "Statistics"
-msgstr "Статистика"
+#: clientgui/ValidateEmailAddress.cpp:75
+msgid "Invalid email address; please enter a valid email address"
+msgstr ""
+"Введен неправильный адрес электронной почты;\n"
+"повторите ввод адреса электронной почты"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2103 ViewStatistics.cpp:2124 ViewStatistics.cpp:2145
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2167 ViewStatistics.cpp:2188 ViewStatistics.cpp:2209
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2230 ViewStatistics.cpp:2251 ViewStatistics.cpp:2272
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2296
-msgid "Updating charts..."
-msgstr "Обновляется график..."
+# ?
+#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:69
+msgid "Missing URL"
+msgstr "Не указан адрес (URL)"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2420
-msgid "Show project list"
-msgstr "Показать список проектов"
+# ?
+#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:70
+msgid ""
+"Please specify a URL.\n"
+"For example:\n"
+msgstr ""
+"Введите адрес (URL).\n"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2420
-msgid "Uses smaller area for graphs"
-msgstr "Использовать меньшую область для графиков"
+#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:83
+#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:87
+#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:91
+#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:103
+#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:107
+#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:110
+msgid "Invalid URL"
+msgstr "Не корректный адрес (URL)"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:164
-msgid "Retry Now"
-msgstr "Повторить"
+#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:84
+#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:88
+#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:92
+msgid ""
+"Please specify a valid URL.\n"
+"For example:\n"
+msgstr ""
+"Введите корректный адрес (URL).\n"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:165
-msgid "Retry the file transfer now"
-msgstr "Повторить передачу файла"
+# ?
+#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:104
+#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:108
+#, c-format
+msgid "'%s' does not contain a valid host name."
+msgstr "Компьютер (хост) с именем: '%s' не найден."
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:171
-msgid "Abort Transfer"
-msgstr "Удалить"
+# ?
+#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:111
+#, c-format
+msgid "'%s' does not contain a valid path."
+msgstr "Указанный путь: '%s' не существует."
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:172
-msgid "Abort this file transfer.  You won't get credit for the task."
-msgstr "Прервать передачу файла.  Вы не получите очки за это задание."
+#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:84
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:175
+msgid "Commands"
+msgstr "Действия"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:183
-msgid "File"
-msgstr "Файл"
+#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:88
+msgid "Copy all messages"
+msgstr "Копировать все"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:184 ViewWork.cpp:233
-msgid "Progress"
-msgstr "Прогресс"
+#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:95
+msgid "Copy selected messages"
+msgstr "Копировать выделенное"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:185
-msgid "Size"
-msgstr "Размер"
+#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:106
+#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:502
+msgid "Show only this project"
+msgstr "Сообщения проекта"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:186
-msgid "Elapsed Time"
-msgstr "Затрачено времени"
+#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:107
+#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:503
+msgid "Show only the messages for the selected project."
+msgstr "Показать сообщения только от выбранного проекта."
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:187
-msgid "Speed"
-msgstr "Скорость"
+#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:164
+msgid "Messages"
+msgstr "Сообщения"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:213
-msgid "Transfers"
-msgstr "Передача"
+#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:187
+msgid "Copying all messages to the clipboard..."
+msgstr "В буфер обмена копируются все сообщения..."
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:280
-msgid "Network activity is suspended - "
-msgstr "Доступ в сеть приостановлен - "
+#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:223
+msgid "Copying selected messages to the clipboard..."
+msgstr "В буфер обмена копируются выделенные сообщения..."
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:282
-msgid ""
-"You can enable it using the Activity menu."
-msgstr ""
-"Вы можете включить его, используя меню Управление."
+#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:286
+msgid "Filtering messages..."
+msgstr "Фильтрация сообщений..."
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:285
-msgid "BOINC"
-msgstr "BOINC"
+#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:494
+msgid "Show all messages"
+msgstr "Все сообщения"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:292
-msgid "Retrying transfer now..."
-msgstr "Повторная попытка передачи данных..."
+#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:495
+msgid "Show messages for all projects."
+msgstr "Показать все сообщения."
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:330
-msgid "Aborting transfer..."
-msgstr ""
-"Прерывание передачи данных с последующим удалением передаваемого файла..."
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:225
+msgid "Account"
+msgstr "Учётная запись"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:343
-#, c-format
-msgid ""
-"Are you sure you want to abort this file transfer '%s'?\n"
-"NOTE: Aborting a transfer will invalidate a task and you\n"
-"will not receive credit for it."
-msgstr ""
-"Вы уверены, что хотите прервать передачу и удалить файл '%s'?\n"
-"ВНИМАНИЕ: задание, использующее этот файл, будет завершено\n"
-"с ошибкой и очки за него будут потеряны."
+# ??
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:227
+msgid "Work done"
+msgstr "Заработанные очки"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:349
-msgid "Abort File Transfer"
-msgstr "Прерывание передачи файла"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:228
+msgid "Avg. work done"
+msgstr "В среднем за день"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:780
-msgid "Upload"
-msgstr "Отправка"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:230
+msgid "Status"
+msgstr "Состояние"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:780
-msgid "Download"
-msgstr "Загрузка"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:255
+msgid "Projects"
+msgstr "Проекты"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:784
-msgid "retry in "
-msgstr "повторится через "
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:307
+msgid "Updating project..."
+msgstr "Обновляется информация о проекте..."
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:786
-msgid "failed"
-msgstr "не удалась"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:349
+msgid "Resuming project..."
+msgstr "Проект запускается..."
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:789
-msgid "suspended"
-msgstr "приостановлена"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:353
+msgid "Suspending project..."
+msgstr "Приостанавливается выполнение проекта..."
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:794
-msgid "active"
-msgstr "активна"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:796
-msgid "pending"
-msgstr "ожидает"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:390
+msgid "Telling project to allow additional task downloads..."
+msgstr ""
+"Передается запрос на разрешение получения новых заданий для обработки..."
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:803
-msgid " (project backoff: "
-msgstr " (запрос к проекту отложен на: "
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:394
+msgid "Telling project to not fetch any additional tasks..."
+msgstr "Передается запрос на запрет получения новых заданий для обработки..."
-#: ViewWork.cpp:187 ViewWork.cpp:777
-msgid "Show active tasks"
-msgstr "Показать активные задания"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:430
+msgid "Resetting project..."
+msgstr "Проект перезапускается..."
-#: ViewWork.cpp:188 ViewWork.cpp:778
-msgid "Show only active tasks."
-msgstr "Показать только активные задания."
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:488
+msgid "Removing project..."
+msgstr "Удаление проекта..."
-#: ViewWork.cpp:194 sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:60
-msgid "Show graphics"
-msgstr "Показать графику"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:548
+msgid "Launching browser..."
+msgstr "Загружается браузер..."
-#: ViewWork.cpp:195 sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:61
-msgid "Show application graphics in a window."
-msgstr "Показать окно приложения с графической информацией."
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1063
+msgid "Requested by user"
+msgstr "Запрошено пользователем"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:201
-msgid "Show VM Console"
-msgstr "Показать консоль ВМ"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1064
+msgid "To fetch work"
+msgstr "Запросить задания"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:202
-msgid "Show VM Console in a window."
-msgstr "Показать консоль Виртуальной машины в отдельном окне."
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1065
+msgid "To report completed tasks"
+msgstr "Сообщить о завершённых заданиях"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:209
-msgid "Suspend work for this result."
-msgstr "Приостановить обработку выделенного задания."
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1066
+msgid "To send trickle-up message"
+msgstr "Отправить промежуточное сообщение"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:215 sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:72
-msgid "Abort"
-msgstr "Прервать обработку"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1067
+msgid "Requested by account manager"
+msgstr "Запрошено менеджером проектов"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:216
-msgid "Abandon work on the result. You will get no credit for it."
-msgstr ""
-"Прервать обработку выделенного задания (удалить задание). Очки за прерванные "
-"задания не начисляются."
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1068
+msgid "Project initialization"
+msgstr "Инициализация проекта"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:223 sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:79
-msgid "Show task details."
-msgstr "Информация о задании."
+# ???? уточнить
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1069
+msgid "Requested by project"
+msgstr "Запрошено проектом"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:235
-msgid "Elapsed"
-msgstr "Затрачено времени"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1070
+msgid "Unknown reason"
+msgstr "Неизвестная причина"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:236
-msgid "Remaining (estimated)"
-msgstr "Осталось (приблизительно)"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1084
+msgid "Suspended by user"
+msgstr "Приостановлено пользователем"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:237
-msgid "Deadline"
-msgstr "Отправить до"
+# ???
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1087
+msgid "Won't get new tasks"
+msgstr "Не запрашивать новые задания"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:264
-msgid "Tasks"
-msgstr "Задания"
+# ?
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1090
+msgid "Project ended - OK to remove"
+msgstr "Проект завершён - можно удалять"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:357
-msgid "Resuming task..."
-msgstr "Возобновляется обработка ранее приостановленного задания..."
+# ?
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1093
+msgid "Will remove when tasks done"
+msgstr "Будет удалён после завершения заданий"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:360
-msgid "Suspending task..."
-msgstr "Приостанавливается обработка выделенного задания..."
+# ?
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1096
+msgid "Scheduler request pending"
+msgstr "Запрос информации у планировщика"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:389
-msgid "Showing graphics for task..."
-msgstr "Открывается окно приложения с графической информацией..."
+# ?
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1102
+msgid "Scheduler request in progress"
+msgstr "Производится запрос информации у планировщика"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:426
-msgid "Showing VM console for task..."
-msgstr "Открывается консоль Виртуальной машины..."
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1105
+msgid "Trickle up message pending"
+msgstr "Ожидание отправки промежуточного сообщения"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:479
-#, c-format
-msgid ""
-"Are you sure you want to abort this task '%s'?\n"
-"(Progress: %s, Status: %s)"
-msgstr ""
-"Вы уверены, что хотите прервать обработку выделенного задания '%s'?\n"
-"(Прогресс: %s, Состояние: %s)"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1111
+msgid "Communication deferred "
+msgstr "Повтор через "
-#: ViewWork.cpp:485
-#, c-format
-msgid "Are you sure you want to abort these %d tasks?"
-msgstr "Вы уверены, что хотите прервать обработку этих %d заданий?"
+#: clientgui/ViewResources.cpp:62
+msgid "Total disk usage"
+msgstr "Полный объём диска"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:490 sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:256
-msgid "Abort task"
-msgstr "Прерывание обработки задания"
+#: clientgui/ViewResources.cpp:83
+msgid "Disk usage by BOINC projects"
+msgstr "Занято проектами BOINC"
-# 75%
-#: ViewWork.cpp:499
-msgid "Aborting task..."
-msgstr "Прерывание задания..."
+#: clientgui/ViewResources.cpp:116
+msgid "Disk"
+msgstr "Диск"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:771
-msgid "Show all tasks"
-msgstr "Показать все задания"
+#: clientgui/ViewResources.cpp:225
+msgid "no projects: 0 bytes used"
+msgstr "нет проектов: 0 байт используется"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:772
-msgid "Show all tasks."
-msgstr "Показать все задания."
+#: clientgui/ViewResources.cpp:262
+msgid "used by BOINC: "
+msgstr "занято BOINC: "
-#: ViewWork.cpp:796 sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:103
-msgid "Resume work for this task."
-msgstr "Продолжить обработку выделенного задания."
+#: clientgui/ViewResources.cpp:272
+msgid "free, available to BOINC: "
+msgstr "свободно, доступно для BOINC: "
-#: ViewWork.cpp:802 sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:107
-msgid "Suspend work for this task."
-msgstr "Приостановить обработку выделенного задания."
+#: clientgui/ViewResources.cpp:282
+msgid "free, not available to BOINC: "
+msgstr "свободно, недоступно для BOINC: "
-#: WelcomePage.cpp:284
-msgid "Add project or account manager"
-msgstr "Добавить проект или менеджер проектов"
+#: clientgui/ViewResources.cpp:292
+msgid "free: "
+msgstr "свободно: "
-#: WelcomePage.cpp:288
-msgid "Add project or use BOINC Account Manager"
-msgstr "Добавить проект или менеджер проектов BOINC"
+#: clientgui/ViewResources.cpp:302
+msgid "used by other programs: "
+msgstr "занято другими данными: "
-#: WelcomePage.cpp:297
-#, c-format
-msgid ""
-"If possible, add projects at the\n"
-"%s web site.\n"
-"Projects added via this wizard will not be\n"
-"listed on or managed via %s."
-msgstr ""
-"Добавляйте поекты на сайте\n"
-"%s, если это возможно.\n"
-"Проекты, добавленные с помощью данного\n"
-"мастера, не будут управляться через %s."
+# Общее количество очков набранных участником
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1181
+msgid "User Total"
+msgstr "Общее количество очков участника"
-#: WelcomePage.cpp:313
-msgid ""
-"There are over 30 BOINC-based projects\n"
-"doing research in many areas of science,\n"
-"and you can volunteer for as many of them as you like.\n"
-"You can add a project directly,\n"
-"or use an 'Account Manager' web site to select projects."
-msgstr ""
-"Более 30 проектов в различных\n"
-"областях науки используют BOINC,\n"
-"и Вы можете добровольно помочь любым из них.\n"
-"Вы можете добавить проект вручную,\n"
-"или использовать 'Менеджер Проектов' для выбора."
+# Среднее количество очков набираемых участником за день
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1182
+msgid "User Average"
+msgstr "Среднее количество очков за день"
-#: WelcomePage.cpp:325
-msgid ""
-"You have chosen to add a new volunteer computing project or change which "
-"you contribute to.\n"
-"Some of these projects are run and managed by World Community Grid, while "
-"are run and managed by other researchers or organizations. The BOINC "
-"can divide your spare processing power among any combination of projects.\n"
-"Alternatively, if you have registered with a BOINC Account Manager, you can "
-"this to choose which projects to support.\n"
-"Please choose which type of change you would like to make:\n"
-msgstr ""
-"Вы выбрали добавление нового проекта добровольных вычислений или изменение "
-"в которых принимаете участие.\n"
-"Некоторые из этих проектов запущены и управляются World Community Grid,\n"
-"а остальные созданы и управляются другими исследователями и организациями.\n"
-"Программное обеспечение BOINC может разделить неиспользуемые ресурсы "
-"процессора между проектами в любой комбинации.\n"
-"Либо, если Вы зарегистрированы в Менеджере проектов BOINC, то можете\n"
-"использовать его для выбора проектов, которые хотите поддержать.\n"
-"Пожалуйста, выберите, что Вы хотите сделать:\n"
+# Общее количество очков набранных на данном хосте
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1183
+msgid "Host Total"
+msgstr "Общее количество очков для хоста"
-#: WelcomePage.cpp:339
-msgid "Use a BOINC Account Manager"
-msgstr "Использовать Менеджер проектов BOINC"
+# Среднее количество очков набираемых данным хостом за день
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1184
+msgid "Host Average"
+msgstr "Среднее количество очков за день для хоста"
-#: WelcomePage.cpp:352
-msgid "To continue, click Next."
-msgstr "Для продолжения нажмите кнопку 'Далее'."
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1331
+#, c-format
+msgid "Last update: %.0f days ago"
+msgstr "Информация обновлялась: %.0f дн. назад"
-#: WelcomePage.cpp:358
-msgid "Add or change your World Community Grid projects"
-msgstr "Добавить или изменить свои проекты в World Community Grid"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1956
+msgid "Show user total"
+msgstr "Всего очков"
-#: WelcomePage.cpp:361
-msgid "Add projects run by other researchers or organizations"
-msgstr "Добавить проекты, запущенные другими исследователями или организациями"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1957
+msgid "Show total credit for user"
+msgstr "Показать общее количество очков набранных участником"
-#: WizardAttach.cpp:634
-msgid "Do you really want to cancel?"
-msgstr "Прервать процесс подключения?"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1963
+msgid "Show user average"
+msgstr "В среднем за день"
-#: WizardAttach.cpp:635
-msgid "Question"
-msgstr "Вопрос"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1964
+msgid "Show average credit for user"
+msgstr "Показать среднее количество очков набираемых участником за день"
-#: sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:149
-msgid "Advanced View...\tCtrl+Shift+A"
-msgstr "Полный вид...\tCtrl+Shift+A"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1970
+msgid "Show host total"
+msgstr "Всего очков для хоста"
-#: sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:150
-msgid "Display the advanced graphical interface."
-msgstr "Изменить внешний вид на более продвинутый."
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1971
+msgid "Show total credit for host"
+msgstr "Показать общее количество очков набранных на данном хосте"
-#: sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:157
-msgid "Skin"
-msgstr "Обложка"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1977
+msgid "Show host average"
+msgstr "В среднем для хоста"
-#: sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:159
-msgid "Select the appearance of the user interface."
-msgstr "Выберите внешний вид пользовательского интерфейса."
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1978
+msgid "Show average credit for host"
+msgstr "Показать среднее количество очков набираемых данным хостом за день"
-#: sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:206
-#, c-format
-msgid "&%s"
-msgstr "&%s"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1987
+msgid "< &Previous project"
+msgstr "< Предыдущий"
-#: sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:390
-msgid "Default"
-msgstr "По умолчанию"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1988
+msgid "Show chart for previous project"
+msgstr "Показать предыдущий проект (вверх)"
-#: sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:759
-msgid "Suspend Computing"
-msgstr "Приостановить вычисления"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1993
+msgid "&Next project >"
+msgstr "Следующий >"
-#: sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:760
-msgid "Resume Computing"
-msgstr "Возобновить вычисления"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1994
+msgid "Show chart for next project"
+msgstr "Показать следующий проект (вниз)"
-#: sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:777
-msgid "Open a window to view notices from projects or BOINC"
-msgstr "Открыть окно просмотра уведомлений проектов и BOINC"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2000
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2390
+msgid "Hide project list"
+msgstr "Скрыть список проектов"
-#: sg_DlgMessages.cpp:146
-msgid "Close"
-msgstr "Закрыть"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2001
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2390
+msgid "Use entire area for graphs"
+msgstr "Использовать всю область для графиков"
-#: sg_DlgMessages.cpp:389
-#, c-format
-msgid "%s - Notices"
-msgstr "%s - Уведомления "
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2006
+msgid "Mode view"
+msgstr "Вид графиков"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:268
-msgid "This dialog controls preferences for this computer only."
-msgstr "Это диалоговое окно управляет настройками только этого компьютера."
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2010
+msgid "One project"
+msgstr "Один проект"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:273
-msgid "Click OK to set preferences."
-msgstr "Для сохранения настроек нажмите 'OK'."
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2011
+msgid "Show one chart with selected project"
+msgstr "Показать один выбранный проект"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:278
-msgid ""
-"Click Clear to restore web-based settings for all preferences listed below."
-msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2017
+msgid "All projects (separate)"
+msgstr "Все проекты (по отдельности)"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:285
-msgid ""
-"For additional settings, select Computing Preferences in the Advanced View."
-msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2018
+msgid "Show all projects, one chart per project"
+msgstr "Показать все проекты, каждый проект на отдельном графике"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:313
-msgid "Do work only between:"
-msgstr "Обрабатывать только с"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2024
+msgid "All projects (together)"
+msgstr "Все проекты (вместе)"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:335
-msgid "Connect to internet only between:"
-msgstr "Доступ в интернет только с"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2025
+msgid "Show one chart with all projects"
+msgstr "Показать все проекты на одном графике"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:357 sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:374
-msgid "Use no more than:"
-msgstr "Использовать не более:"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2031
+msgid "All projects (sum)"
+msgstr "Все проекты (в сумме)"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:370
-msgid "of disk space"
-msgstr "места на диске"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2032
+msgid "Show one chart with sum of projects"
+msgstr "Показать сумму по проектам на одном графике"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:387
-msgid "of the processor"
-msgstr "процессора"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2053
+msgid "Statistics"
+msgstr "Статистика"
-# ...отопления
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:391
-msgid "Do work while on battery?"
-msgstr "Работать на батареях?"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2077
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2098
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2119
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2141
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2162
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2183
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2204
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2225
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2246
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2270
+msgid "Updating charts..."
+msgstr "Обновляется график..."
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:404
-msgid "Do work after idle for:"
-msgstr "Запуск обработки при простое:"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2394
+msgid "Show project list"
+msgstr "Показать список проектов"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:429
-msgid "Clear all local preferences listed above and close the dialog"
-msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2394
+msgid "Uses smaller area for graphs"
+msgstr "Использовать меньшую область для графиков"
-# ?
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:602 sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:605
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:681 sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:685
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:697 sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:701
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:844 sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:855
-msgid "Anytime"
-msgstr "всегда"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:169
+msgid "Retry Now"
+msgstr "Повторить"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:638
-msgid "100 MB"
-msgstr "100 Мб"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:170
+msgid "Retry the file transfer now"
+msgstr "Повторить передачу файла"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:639
-msgid "200 MB"
-msgstr "200 Мб"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:176
+msgid "Abort Transfer"
+msgstr "Удалить"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:640
-msgid "500 MB"
-msgstr "500 Мб"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:177
+msgid "Abort this file transfer.  You won't get credit for the task."
+msgstr "Прервать передачу файла.  Вы не получите очки за это задание."
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:641
-msgid "1 GB"
-msgstr "1 Гб"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:188
+msgid "File"
+msgstr "Файл"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:642
-msgid "2 GB"
-msgstr "2 Гб"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:189
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:238
+msgid "Progress"
+msgstr "Прогресс"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:643
-msgid "5 GB"
-msgstr "5 Гб"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:190
+msgid "Size"
+msgstr "Размер"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:644
-msgid "10 GB"
-msgstr "10 Гб"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:191
+msgid "Elapsed Time"
+msgstr "Затрачено времени"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:645
-msgid "20 GB"
-msgstr "20 Гб"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:192
+msgid "Speed"
+msgstr "Скорость"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:646
-msgid "50 GB"
-msgstr "50 Гб"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:218
+msgid "Transfers"
+msgstr "Передача"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:647
-msgid "100 GB"
-msgstr "100 Гб"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:285
+msgid "Network activity is suspended - "
+msgstr "Доступ в сеть приостановлен - "
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:717
-#, c-format
-msgid "%d MB"
-msgstr "%d МБ"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:287
+msgid ""
+"You can enable it using the Activity menu."
+msgstr ""
+"Вы можете включить его, используя меню Управление."
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:719
-#, c-format
-msgid "%4.2f GB"
-msgstr "%4.2f ГБ"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:290
+msgid "BOINC"
+msgstr "BOINC"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:760
-#, c-format
-msgid "%d%%"
-msgstr "%d%%"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:297
+msgid "Retrying transfer now..."
+msgstr "Повторная попытка передачи данных..."
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:796
-msgid "0 (Run Always)"
-msgstr "0 (работать всегда)"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:335
+msgid "Aborting transfer..."
+msgstr ""
+"Прерывание передачи данных с последующим удалением передаваемого файла..."
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:799
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:348
 #, c-format
-msgid "%d"
-msgstr "%d"
-# ?
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:1029
-msgid "Do you really want to clear all local preferences?\n"
-msgstr "Вы действительно хотите удалить все локально хранимые настройки?\n"
-#: sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:72
-msgid "Add Project"
-msgstr "Добавить проект"
+msgid ""
+"Are you sure you want to abort this file transfer '%s'?\n"
+"NOTE: Aborting a transfer will invalidate a task and you\n"
+"will not receive credit for it."
+msgstr ""
+"Вы уверены, что хотите прервать передачу и удалить файл '%s'?\n"
+"ВНИМАНИЕ: задание, использующее этот файл, будет завершено\n"
+"с ошибкой и очки за него будут потеряны."
-#: sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:73
-msgid "Synchronize"
-msgstr "Синхронзировать"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:354
+msgid "Abort File Transfer"
+msgstr "Прерывание передачи файла"
-#: sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:74
-msgid "Work done for this project"
-msgstr "Для этого проекта работа завершена"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:785
+msgid "Upload"
+msgstr "Отправка"
-#: sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:77
-msgid "Synchronize projects with account manager system"
-msgstr ""
-"Синхронизация информации о проектах и настройках между BOINC клиентом и "
-"менеджером проектов"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:785
+msgid "Download"
+msgstr "Загрузка"
-#: sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:124
-msgid "Select a project to access with the controls below"
-msgstr "Выбрать проект используя расположенные ниже элементы управления"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:789
+msgid "retry in "
+msgstr "повторится через "
-#: sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:145
-msgid "Project Web Pages"
-msgstr "Веб-страницы проекта"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:791
+msgid "failed"
+msgstr "не удалась"
-#: sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:149
-msgid "Project Commands"
-msgstr "Команды проекта"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:794
+msgid "suspended"
+msgstr "приостановлена"
-#: sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:267
-#, c-format
-msgid "Pop up a menu of web sites for project %s"
-msgstr "Показать меню веб-сайтов для проекта %s"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:799
+msgid "active"
+msgstr "активна"
-#: sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:269
-#, c-format
-msgid "Pop up a menu of commands to apply to project %s"
-msgstr "Показать меню команд, применимых к проекту %s"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:801
+msgid "pending"
+msgstr "ожидает"
-#: sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:67
-msgid "Suspend this task."
-msgstr "Приостановить это задание."
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:808
+msgid " (project backoff: "
+msgstr " (запрос к проекту отложен на: "
-#: sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:73
-msgid "Abandon this task. You will get no credit for it."
-msgstr "Отказаться от этого задания. Вы не получите за него очков."
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:192
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:782
+msgid "Show active tasks"
+msgstr "Показать активные задания"
-#: sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:251
-#, c-format
-msgid ""
-"Are you sure you want to abort this task '%s'?\n"
-"(Progress: %.1lf%%, Status: %s)"
-msgstr ""
-"Вы уверены, что хотите прервать обработку этого задания '%s'?\n"
-"(Прогресс: %.1lf%%, Состояние: %s)"
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:193
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:783
+msgid "Show only active tasks."
+msgstr "Показать только активные задания."
-# ?
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:464
-msgid "You don't have any projects.  Please Add a Project."
-msgstr "BOINC не подключен ни к одному проекту.  Пожалуйста добавьте проект."
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:206
+msgid "Show VM Console"
+msgstr "Показать консоль ВМ"
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:465
-msgid "Not available"
-msgstr "Недоступно"
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:207
+msgid "Show VM Console in a window."
+msgstr "Показать консоль Виртуальной машины в отдельном окне."
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:476
-msgid "Tasks:"
-msgstr "Задания:"
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:214
+msgid "Suspend work for this result."
+msgstr "Приостановить обработку выделенного задания."
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:482
-msgid "Select a task to access"
-msgstr "Выбрать задание для доступа"
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:221
+msgid "Abandon work on the result. You will get no credit for it."
+msgstr ""
+"Прервать обработку выделенного задания (удалить задание). Очки за прерванные "
+"задания не начисляются."
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:493
-msgid "From:"
-msgstr "От:"
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:240
+msgid "Elapsed"
+msgstr "Затрачено времени"
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:547
-msgid "This task's progress"
-msgstr "Прогресс этого задания"
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:241
+msgid "Remaining (estimated)"
+msgstr "Осталось (приблизительно)"
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:565
-msgid "Task Commands"
-msgstr "Команды задания"
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:242
+msgid "Deadline"
+msgstr "Отправить до"
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:566
-msgid "Pop up a menu of commands to apply to this task"
-msgstr "Показать меню команд, применимых к этому заданию"
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:269
+msgid "Tasks"
+msgstr "Задания"
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:701
-#, c-format
-msgid "Application: %s"
-msgstr "Приложение: %s"
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:362
+msgid "Resuming task..."
+msgstr "Возобновляется обработка ранее приостановленного задания..."
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:724
-#, c-format
-msgid "%.3f%%"
-msgstr "%.3f%%"
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:365
+msgid "Suspending task..."
+msgstr "Приостанавливается обработка выделенного задания..."
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:732
-msgid "Application: Not available"
-msgstr "Приложение: недоступно"
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:394
+msgid "Showing graphics for task..."
+msgstr "Открывается окно приложения с графической информацией..."
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:832
-msgid "Not Available"
-msgstr "Недоступно"
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:431
+msgid "Showing VM console for task..."
+msgstr "Открывается консоль Виртуальной машины..."
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:847
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:484
 #, c-format
-msgid "Elapsed: %s"
-msgstr "Затрачено: %s"
+msgid ""
+"Are you sure you want to abort this task '%s'?\n"
+"(Progress: %s, Status: %s)"
+msgstr ""
+"Вы уверены, что хотите прервать обработку выделенного задания '%s'?\n"
+"(Прогресс: %s, Состояние: %s)"
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:861
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:490
 #, c-format
-msgid "Remaining (estimated): %s"
-msgstr "Осталось (приблизительно): %s"
+msgid "Are you sure you want to abort these %d tasks?"
+msgstr "Вы уверены, что хотите прервать обработку этих %d заданий?"
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:876
-#, c-format
-msgid "Status: %s"
-msgstr "Статус: %s"
+# 75%
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:504
+msgid "Aborting task..."
+msgstr "Прерывание задания..."
-# ?????? это о чём
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1223
-msgid "Retrieving current status."
-msgstr "Проверка текущего состояния."
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:776
+msgid "Show all tasks"
+msgstr "Показать все задания"
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1229
-msgid "Downloading work from the server."
-msgstr "Загрузка заданий с сервера проекта."
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:777
+msgid "Show all tasks."
+msgstr "Показать все задания."
-# ноутбук
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1234
-msgid "Processing Suspended:  Running On Batteries."
-msgstr "Обработка приостановлена:  работа компьютера от батарей."
+#: clientgui/WelcomePage.cpp:284
+msgid "Add project or account manager"
+msgstr "Добавить проект или менеджер проектов"
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1236
-msgid "Processing Suspended:  User Active."
-msgstr "Обработка приостановлена:  пользователь работает."
+#: clientgui/WelcomePage.cpp:288
+msgid "Add project or use BOINC Account Manager"
+msgstr "Добавить проект или менеджер проектов BOINC"
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1238
-msgid "Processing Suspended:  User paused processing."
-msgstr "Обработка приостановлена:  по инициативе пользователя."
+#: clientgui/WelcomePage.cpp:297
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"If possible, add projects at the\n"
+"%s web site.\n"
+"Projects added via this wizard will not be\n"
+"listed on or managed via %s."
+msgstr ""
+"Добавляйте поекты на сайте\n"
+"%s, если это возможно.\n"
+"Проекты, добавленные с помощью данного\n"
+"мастера, не будут управляться через %s."
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1240
-msgid "Processing Suspended:  Time of Day."
-msgstr "Обработка приостановлена:  запрещённое время суток."
+#: clientgui/WelcomePage.cpp:313
+msgid ""
+"There are over 30 BOINC-based projects\n"
+"doing research in many areas of science,\n"
+"and you can volunteer for as many of them as you like.\n"
+"You can add a project directly,\n"
+"or use an 'Account Manager' web site to select projects."
+msgstr ""
+"Более 30 проектов в различных\n"
+"областях науки используют BOINC,\n"
+"и Вы можете добровольно помочь любым из них.\n"
+"Вы можете добавить проект вручную,\n"
+"или использовать 'Менеджер Проектов' для выбора."
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1242
-msgid "Processing Suspended:  Benchmarks Running."
-msgstr "Обработка приостановлена:  запущен тест производительности."
+#: clientgui/WelcomePage.cpp:325
+msgid ""
+"You have chosen to add a new volunteer computing project or change which projects\n"
+"you contribute to.\n"
+"Some of these projects are run and managed by World Community Grid, while others\n"
+"are run and managed by other researchers or organizations. The BOINC software\n"
+"can divide your spare processing power among any combination of projects.\n"
+"Alternatively, if you have registered with a BOINC Account Manager, you can use\n"
+"this to choose which projects to support.\n"
+"Please choose which type of change you would like to make:\n"
+msgstr ""
+"Вы выбрали добавление нового проекта добровольных вычислений или изменение "
+"в которых принимаете участие.\n"
+"Некоторые из этих проектов запущены и управляются World Community Grid,\n"
+"а остальные созданы и управляются другими исследователями и организациями.\n"
+"Программное обеспечение BOINC может разделить неиспользуемые ресурсы "
+"процессора между проектами в любой комбинации.\n"
+"Либо, если Вы зарегистрированы в Менеджере проектов BOINC, то можете\n"
+"использовать его для выбора проектов, которые хотите поддержать.\n"
+"Пожалуйста, выберите, что Вы хотите сделать:\n"
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1244
-msgid "Processing Suspended."
-msgstr "Обработка приостановлена."
+#: clientgui/WelcomePage.cpp:339
+msgid "Use a BOINC Account Manager"
+msgstr "Использовать Менеджер проектов BOINC"
-# Оригинальная фраза не соостветствует смыслу того места где появляется.
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1248
-msgid "Waiting to contact project servers."
-msgstr "Подождите пожалуйста."
+#: clientgui/WelcomePage.cpp:358
+msgid "Add or change your World Community Grid projects"
+msgstr "Добавить или изменить свои проекты в World Community Grid"
-# ??? для тех кто не заметил, в предыдущей аналогичной фразе есть точка
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1252 sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1261
-msgid "Retrieving current status"
-msgstr "Проверка текущего состояния"
+#: clientgui/WelcomePage.cpp:361
+msgid "Add projects run by other researchers or organizations"
+msgstr "Добавить проекты, запущенные другими исследователями или организациями"
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1256
-msgid "No work available to process"
-msgstr "Нет заданий для обработки"
+#: clientgui/WizardAttach.cpp:673
+msgid "Do you really want to cancel?"
+msgstr "Прервать процесс подключения?"
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1258
-msgid "Unable to connect to the core client"
-msgstr "Не удалось подключиться к BOINC клиенту"
+#: clientgui/WizardAttach.cpp:674
+msgid "Question"
+msgstr "Вопрос"
-#: wizardex.cpp:377 wizardex.cpp:553
+#: clientgui/wizardex.cpp:377
+#: clientgui/wizardex.cpp:553
 msgid "&Next >"
 msgstr "Далее >"
-#: wizardex.cpp:383
+#: clientgui/wizardex.cpp:383
 msgid "< &Back"
 msgstr "< Назад"
-#: wizardex.cpp:553
+#: clientgui/wizardex.cpp:553
 msgid "&Finish"
 msgstr "Готово"
-#: mac/Mac_GUI.cpp:110
-msgid "Preferences…"
-msgstr "Настройки..."
+#: clientgui/common/wxPieCtrl.cpp:64
+msgid "Pie Ctrl"
+msgstr "Pie Ctrl"
-#: mac/Mac_GUI.cpp:122
+#: clientgui/mac/Mac_GUI.cpp:35
 msgid "Services"
 msgstr "Сервисы"
-#: mac/Mac_GUI.cpp:144
+#: clientgui/mac/Mac_GUI.cpp:36
 #, c-format
 msgid "Hide %s"
 msgstr "Скрыть %s"
-#: mac/Mac_GUI.cpp:158
+#: clientgui/mac/Mac_GUI.cpp:37
 msgid "Hide Others"
 msgstr "Скрыть остальные"
-#: mac/Mac_GUI.cpp:172
+#: clientgui/mac/Mac_GUI.cpp:38
 msgid "Show All"
 msgstr "Показать все"
-#: mac/Mac_GUI.cpp:186
+#: clientgui/mac/Mac_GUI.cpp:39
 #, c-format
 msgid "Quit %s"
 msgstr "Выйти из %s"
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.h:30
+msgid "specify work start and stop hours in format HH:MM-HH:MM"
+msgstr ""
+"задайте время, когда разрешено обрабатывать задания, в формате ЧЧ:мм-ЧЧ:мм"
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.h:31
+msgid "specify network usage start and stop hours in format HH:MM-HH:MM"
+msgstr ""
+"задайте время, когда клиенту разрешено подключаться к интернету, в формате "
+# 98%
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "(C) 2003-2013 University of California, Berkeley.\n"
+#~ "All Rights Reserved."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "(C) 2003-2013 Калифорнийский университет, Беркли.\n"
+#~ "Все права защищены."
+# ???
+#, c-format
+#~ msgid "%s - Preferences"
+#~ msgstr "%s - Настройки клиента"
+#, no-c-format
+#~ msgid "% of the processors (0 means ignore this setting)"
+#~ msgstr "% процессоров (0 означает игнорирование этого параметра)"
+# Загрузка ЦП
+#, no-c-format
+#~ msgid "% CPU time"
+#~ msgstr "% времени каждого процессора (ЦП)"
+#~ msgid "KBytes/sec."
+#~ msgstr "кбайт/сек."
+#~ msgid "Mbytes"
+#~ msgstr "Мбайт"
+#~ msgid "every"
+#~ msgstr "каждые"
+#~ msgid "days"
+#~ msgstr "дней"
+#~ msgid "Gigabytes disk space"
+#~ msgstr "Гбайт места на диске"
+#~ msgid "Running, high priority"
+#~ msgstr "Работает, обработать в первую очередь"
+#~ msgid " (Scheduler wait: "
+#~ msgstr "(Планировщик ожидает:"
+#~ msgid " (Scheduler wait)"
+#~ msgstr " (Планировщик ожидает)"
+#~ msgid " (Waiting for network access)"
+#~ msgstr "(Ожидание доступа к сети)"
+#~ msgid "Preferences…"
+#~ msgstr "Настройки..."
 #~ msgid "invalid float"
 #~ msgstr "ошибка ввода числа"
@@ -4438,18 +4666,6 @@ msgstr "Выйти из %s"
 #~ msgid "OnDropTarget: index by HitTest = %i"
 #~ msgstr "OnDropTarget: индекс по HitTest = %i"
-#~ msgid "Pie Ctrl"
-#~ msgstr "Pie Ctrl"
-#~ msgid "specify work start and stop hours in format HH:MM-HH:MM"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "задайте время, когда разрешено обрабатывать задания, в формате ЧЧ:мм-ЧЧ:мм"
-#~ msgid "specify network usage start and stop hours in format HH:MM-HH:MM"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "задайте время, когда клиенту разрешено подключаться к интернету, в формате "
-#~ "ЧЧ:мм-ЧЧ:мм"
 #~ msgid "Identify your account "
 #~ msgstr "Ваша учетная запись "
diff --git a/locale/ru/BOINC-Project-Generic.po b/locale/ru/BOINC-Project-Generic.po
index 91227fa..e5e9889 100644
--- a/locale/ru/BOINC-Project-Generic.po
+++ b/locale/ru/BOINC-Project-Generic.po
@@ -7,8 +7,8 @@ msgstr ""
 "Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: BOINC translation team <boinc_loc at boinc.berkeley.edu>\n"
 "POT-Creation-Date: 2014-01-10 00:00 PST\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-11-20 16:46+0000\n"
-"Last-Translator: akuloboy <oleg_kras at rambler.ru>\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2014-08-17 17:09+0000\n"
+"Last-Translator: Nikolay Saharov <saharovna at gmail.com>\n"
 "Language-Team: LANGUAGE <LL at li.org>\n"
 "Language: ru\n"
 "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ msgstr ""
 "10<=4 && (n%100<10 || n%100>=20) ? 1 : 2);\n"
 "X-Generator: Pootle 2.5.0\n"
 "X-Poedit-SourceCharset: utf-8\n"
-"X-POOTLE-MTIME: 1384965965.0\n"
+"X-POOTLE-MTIME: 1408295381.0\n"
 # The name of this language in this language
 # Имя языка в этом файле
@@ -1216,7 +1216,7 @@ msgstr "Использовать ГП NVIDIA %1 Начиная с версии 6
 #: ../inc/prefs.inc:344
 msgid "Use Intel GPU %1 Enforced by version 7.2+ %2"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Использовать ГП Intel %1 начиная с версии 7.2+ %2"
 #: ../inc/prefs.inc:358
 msgid ""
@@ -3633,6 +3633,8 @@ msgid ""
 "This project hasn't created an email message - please notify its "
 msgstr ""
+"Этот проект не создал электронное сообщение - пожалуйста, сообщите об этом "
+"администраторам проекта"
 #: ../user/ffmail_form.php:33
 msgid "Tell your friends about %1"
@@ -6096,7 +6098,7 @@ msgstr "Поменять основателя"
 #: ../user/team_change_founder_form.php:108
 msgid "There are no users to transfer team to."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Нет участников, которым можно передать команду."
 #: ../user/team_create_action.php:29
 msgid "You must choose a non-blank team name"
diff --git a/locale/ru/BOINC-Setup.mo b/locale/ru/BOINC-Setup.mo
index c5695a5..ab811d7 100644
Binary files a/locale/ru/BOINC-Setup.mo and b/locale/ru/BOINC-Setup.mo differ
diff --git a/locale/ru/BOINC-Setup.po b/locale/ru/BOINC-Setup.po
index 7462405..0b2edcf 100644
--- a/locale/ru/BOINC-Setup.po
+++ b/locale/ru/BOINC-Setup.po
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ msgstr ""
 "Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
 "POT-Creation-Date: 2014-01-26 00:00-0800\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-08-09 18:20+0200\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2014-08-17 15:28+0000\n"
 "Last-Translator: Nikolay Saharov <saharovna at gmail.com>\n"
 "Language-Team: LANGUAGE <LL at li.org>\n"
 "Language: ru\n"
@@ -16,16 +16,17 @@ msgstr ""
 "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
 "Plural-Forms: nplurals=3; plural=(n%10==1 && n%100!=11 ? 0 : n%10>=2 && n%"
 "10<=4 && (n%100<10 || n%100>=20) ? 1 : 2);\n"
-"X-Generator: Poedit 1.5.5\n"
+"X-Generator: Pootle 2.5.0\n"
 "X-Poedit-SearchPath-0: mac_installer\n"
 "X-Poedit-SourceCharset: UTF-8\n"
 "X-Poedit-Basepath: /Volumes/Cheer/BOINC_GIT/boinc_trunk\n"
+"X-POOTLE-MTIME: 1408289307.0\n"
 "X-Poedit-KeywordsList: _\n"
 #: Installer.cpp:124
 #, c-format
 msgid "Sorry, this version of %s requires system 10.5 or higher."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Извините, данная версия %s требует систему 10.5 или выше."
 #: PostInstall.cpp:130 PostInstall.cpp:1136 uninstall.cpp:1618
 msgid "Yes"
@@ -107,6 +108,8 @@ msgid ""
 "Do you also want to remove VirtualBox from your computer?\n"
 "(VirtualBox was installed along with BOINC.)"
 msgstr ""
+"Хотите ли Вы также удалить VirtualBox с вашего компьютера?\n"
+"(VirtualBox был установлен вместе с BOINC.)"
 #: uninstall.cpp:312
 #, c-format
diff --git a/locale/ru/BOINC-Web.mo b/locale/ru/BOINC-Web.mo
index 68f9eee..d520c19 100644
Binary files a/locale/ru/BOINC-Web.mo and b/locale/ru/BOINC-Web.mo differ
diff --git a/locale/ru/BOINC-Web.po b/locale/ru/BOINC-Web.po
index 7bcb31b..0d5bc81 100644
--- a/locale/ru/BOINC-Web.po
+++ b/locale/ru/BOINC-Web.po
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ msgstr ""
 "Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: BOINC translation team <boinc_loc at ssl.berkeley.edu>\n"
 "POT-Creation-Date: 2014-02-01 00:00 PST\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-12-01 15:08+0000\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2014-08-17 16:46+0000\n"
 "Last-Translator: Nikolay Saharov <saharovna at gmail.com>\n"
 "Language-Team: LANGUAGE <LL at li.org>\n"
 "Language: ru\n"
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ msgstr ""
 "10<=4 && (n%100<10 || n%100>=20) ? 1 : 2);\n"
 "X-Generator: Pootle 2.5.0\n"
 "X-Poedit-SourceCharset: utf-8\n"
-"X-POOTLE-MTIME: 1385910498.0\n"
+"X-POOTLE-MTIME: 1408293979.0\n"
 #: docutil.php:21
 msgid "Search"
@@ -718,17 +718,19 @@ msgstr ""
 #: projects.inc:207
 msgid "Physical Science"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Физика"
 #: projects.inc:213
 msgid "Mechanical engineering"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Машиностроение"
 #: projects.inc:214
 msgid ""
 "Currently we are calculating the optimum design of a structure call the 52 "
 "bar truss"
 msgstr ""
+"В настоящее время мы рассчитываем оптимальное исполнение структуры под "
+"названием 'ферма из 52 стержней'"
 #: projects.inc:224 projects.inc:263 projects.inc:271
 msgid "Astronomy"
diff --git a/locale/sk/BOINC-Manager.mo b/locale/sk/BOINC-Manager.mo
index ae9bfa0..8836a9d 100644
Binary files a/locale/sk/BOINC-Manager.mo and b/locale/sk/BOINC-Manager.mo differ
diff --git a/locale/sk/BOINC-Manager.po b/locale/sk/BOINC-Manager.po
index a21cf40..9c9bb2d 100644
--- a/locale/sk/BOINC-Manager.po
+++ b/locale/sk/BOINC-Manager.po
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ msgid ""
 msgstr ""
 "Project-Id-Version: BOINC Manager 5.x\n"
 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2013-10-15 22:26-0700\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-12-15 14:15-0500\n"
 "PO-Revision-Date: 2014-03-17 21:31+0000\n"
 "Last-Translator: aceman <acelists at atlas.sk>\n"
 "Language-Team: BOINC SK\n"
@@ -16,21 +16,21 @@ msgstr ""
 "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
 "Plural-Forms: nplurals=3; plural=(n==1) ? 0 : (n>=2 && n<=4) ? 1 : 2;\n"
 "X-Generator: Pootle 2.5.0\n"
-"X-BOINC-UTF8-Marker: 简体中文, 日本語\n"
-"X-Poedit-SearchPath-1: clientgui/msw\n"
-"X-Poedit-SearchPath-2: clientgui/gtk\n"
-"X-Poedit-SearchPath-3: clientgui/mac\n"
+"X-Poedit-Basepath: C:\\Src\\BOINCGIT\\boinc_7.4\n"
 "X-Poedit-SearchPath-0: clientgui\n"
 "X-Poedit-SourceCharset: utf-8\n"
-"X-Poedit-Basepath: C:\\Src\\BOINCGIT\\boinc\n"
 "X-POOTLE-MTIME: 1395091864.0\n"
+"X-Poedit-SearchPath-1: clientgui/msw\n"
+"X-Poedit-SearchPath-2: clientgui/gtk\n"
+"X-Poedit-SearchPath-3: clientgui/mac\n"
+"X-BOINC-UTF8-Marker: 简体中文, 日本語\n"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:387
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:387
 #, c-format
 msgid "Identify your account at %s"
 msgstr "Zadajte údaje Vášho konta na %s"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:393
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:393
 msgid ""
 "Please enter your account information\n"
 "(to create an account, visit the project's web site)"
@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ msgstr ""
 "Prosím vložte informácie o Vašom konte\n"
 "(pre vytvorenie konta navštívte web stránku projektu)"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:397
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:397
 msgid ""
 "This project is not currently accepting new accounts.\n"
 "You can add it only if you already have an account."
@@ -46,19 +46,19 @@ msgstr ""
 "Tento projekt momentálne neakceptuje nové kontá.\n"
 "Môžete sa pripojiť len ak už máte konto vytvorené."
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:401
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:401
 msgid "Are you already running this project?"
 msgstr "Už ste niekedy počítali pre tento projekt?"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:405
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:405
 msgid "&No, new user"
 msgstr "&Nie, som nový užívateľ"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:408
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:408
 msgid "&Yes, existing user"
 msgstr "Áno, som už existujúci užív&ateľ"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:413
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:413
 msgid ""
 "We were not able to set up your account information\n"
@@ -73,45 +73,51 @@ msgstr ""
 "aby ste sa dozvedeli, čo je potrebné zadať\n"
 "do polí emailová adresa a heslo."
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:416
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:416
 msgid "Find login information"
 msgstr "Získať prihlasovacie údaje"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:436 AccountInfoPage.cpp:642
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:436
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:649
 msgid "&Password:"
 msgstr "&Heslo:"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:443 AccountInfoPage.cpp:666
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:443
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:673
 msgid "Choose a &password:"
 msgstr "Zvoľte &heslo:"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:446
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:446
 msgid "C&onfirm password:"
 msgstr "P&otvrďte heslo:"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:453
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:453
 #, c-format
 msgid "Are you already running %s?"
 msgstr "Používate už %s?"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:482
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:482
 msgid "&Username:"
 msgstr "&Užívateľské meno:"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:508
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:511
+msgid "&Email address or LDAP ID:"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:515
 msgid "&Email address:"
 msgstr "&Emailová adresa:"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:515
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:523
 #, c-format
 msgid "minimum length %d"
 msgstr "minimálna dĺžka %d"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:522
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:530
 msgid "Forgot your password?"
 msgstr "Zabudli ste heslo?"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:529
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:537
 msgid ""
 "If you have not yet registered with this account manager,\n"
 "please do so before proceeding.  Click on the link below\n"
@@ -121,45 +127,44 @@ msgstr ""
 "urobte to ešte pred pokračovaním.  Kliknite dolu\n"
 "na zaregistrovanie alebo získanie zabudnutého hesla."
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:532
-msgid "Account manager website"
-msgstr "Webová stránka Správcu konta"
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:540
+msgid "Account manager web site"
+msgstr ""
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:574 WelcomePage.cpp:348
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:582
 msgid "Add project"
 msgstr "Pripojiť sa k projektu"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:576
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:584
 msgid "Update account manager"
 msgstr "Aktualizovať Správcu konta"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:578 WelcomePage.cpp:307 WelcomePage.cpp:321
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:586
 msgid "Use account manager"
 msgstr "Použiť Správcu konta"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:585
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:593
 msgid "Please enter a user name."
 msgstr "Prosím zadajte používateľské meno."
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:587
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:595
 msgid "Please enter an email address."
 msgstr "Prosím zadajte emailovú adresu."
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:597
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:605
 #, c-format
 msgid "Please enter a password of at least %d characters."
 msgstr "Prosím zadajte heslo s aspoň %d znakmi."
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:608
-msgid ""
-"The password and confirmation password do not match. Please type them again."
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:615
+msgid "The password and confirmation password do not match. Please type them again."
 msgstr "Heslo a potvrdenie hesla nesúhlasia. Prosím vložte ich znova."
-#: AccountManagerInfoPage.cpp:248
+#: clientgui/AccountManagerInfoPage.cpp:272
 msgid "Choose an account manager"
 msgstr "Zvoľte Správcu konta"
-#: AccountManagerInfoPage.cpp:251
+#: clientgui/AccountManagerInfoPage.cpp:275
 msgid ""
 "To choose an account manager, click its name or \n"
 "type its URL below."
@@ -167,367 +172,396 @@ msgstr ""
 "Zvoľte Správcu konta kliknutím na jeho názov\n"
 "alebo napíšte jeho adresu URL."
-#: AccountManagerInfoPage.cpp:254
-msgid "Account Manager &URL:"
-msgstr "&URL Správcu konta:"
+#: clientgui/AccountManagerInfoPage.cpp:279
+msgid "Account manager details:"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/AccountManagerInfoPage.cpp:283
+msgid "Account manager &URL:"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/AccountManagerInfoPage.cpp:287
+msgid "Open web page"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/AccountManagerInfoPage.cpp:290
+msgid "Visit this account manager's web site"
+msgstr ""
-#: AccountManagerProcessingPage.cpp:188 AccountManagerPropertiesPage.cpp:194
+#: clientgui/AccountManagerProcessingPage.cpp:186
+#: clientgui/AccountManagerPropertiesPage.cpp:192
 #, c-format
 msgid "Communicating with %s."
 msgstr "Komunikácia s %s."
-#: AccountManagerProcessingPage.cpp:195 AccountManagerPropertiesPage.cpp:201
+#: clientgui/AccountManagerProcessingPage.cpp:193
+#: clientgui/AccountManagerPropertiesPage.cpp:199
 msgid "Communicating with server."
 msgstr "Komunikácia so serverom."
-#: AccountManagerProcessingPage.cpp:200 AccountManagerPropertiesPage.cpp:206
+#: clientgui/AccountManagerProcessingPage.cpp:198
+#: clientgui/AccountManagerPropertiesPage.cpp:204
 msgid "Please wait..."
 msgstr "Prosím čakajte..."
-#: AccountManagerProcessingPage.cpp:327
+#: clientgui/AccountManagerProcessingPage.cpp:325
 msgid "An internal server error has occurred.\n"
 msgstr "Vyskytla sa interná chyba servera.\n"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:95
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:96
 msgid "Connected"
 msgstr "Pripojené"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:103
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:104
 msgid "Disconnected"
 msgstr "Odpojené"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:315 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:112 sg_BoincSimpleGUI.cpp:103
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:318
 #, c-format
 msgid "Close the %s window"
 msgstr "Zavrieť okno %s"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:318 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:115 sg_BoincSimpleGUI.cpp:106
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:321
 msgid "&Close Window"
 msgstr "&Zavrieť okno"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:329 AdvancedFrame.cpp:336 AdvancedFrame.cpp:343
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:332
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:339
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:346
 #, c-format
 msgid "Exit %s"
 msgstr "Ukončiť %s"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:358
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:359
+msgid "Preferences..."
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:368
 msgid "&Notices\tCtrl+Shift+N"
 msgstr "&Oznamy\tCtrl+Shift+N"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:359
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:369
 msgid "Display notices"
 msgstr "Zobraziť oznamy"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:364
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:374
 msgid "&Projects\tCtrl+Shift+P"
 msgstr "&Projekty\t Ctrl+Shift+P"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:365
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:375
 msgid "Display projects"
 msgstr "Zobraziť projekty"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:370
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:380
 msgid "&Tasks\tCtrl+Shift+T"
 msgstr "Ú&lohy\t Ctrl+Shift+T"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:371
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:381
 msgid "Display tasks"
 msgstr "Zobraziť úlohy"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:376
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:386
 msgid "Trans&fers\tCtrl+Shift+X"
 msgstr "P&renosy\tCtrl+Shift+X"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:377
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:387
 msgid "Display transfers"
 msgstr "Zobraziť prenosy"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:382
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:392
 msgid "&Statistics\tCtrl+Shift+S"
 msgstr "Š&tatistiky\t Ctrl+Shift+S"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:383
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:393
 msgid "Display statistics"
 msgstr "Zobraziť štatistiky"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:388
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:398
 msgid "&Disk usage\tCtrl+Shift+D"
 msgstr "Využite &disku\t Ctrl+Shift+D"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:389
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:399
 msgid "Display disk usage"
 msgstr "Zobraziť využitie disku"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:396
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:406
 msgid "Simple &View...\tCtrl+Shift+V"
 msgstr "Jednoduché &zobrazenie...\t Ctrl+Shift+V"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:397
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:407
 msgid "Display the simple graphical interface."
 msgstr "Zobraziť jednoduché grafické rozhranie."
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:411
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:421
 msgid "&Add project or account manager..."
 msgstr "P&ripojiť k projektu alebo Správcovi konta..."
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:412 sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:76 sg_ProjectsComponent.cpp:106
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:422
 msgid "Volunteer for any or all of 30+ projects in many areas of science"
 msgstr ""
 "Staňte sa dobrovoľníkom v ktoromkoľvek z vyše 30 projektov v mnohých "
 "oblastiach vedy"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:416
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:426
 #, c-format
 msgid "&Synchronize with %s"
 msgstr "&Synchronizovať s %s"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:420
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:430
 #, c-format
 msgid "Get current settings from %s"
 msgstr "Získať aktuálne nastavenia z %s"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:430
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:440
 msgid "&Add project..."
 msgstr "P&ripojiť k projektu..."
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:431
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:441
 msgid "Add a project"
 msgstr "Pripojiť k projektu"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:434
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:444
 #, c-format
 msgid "S&top using %s..."
 msgstr "&Ukončiť používanie %s..."
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:440
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:450
 msgid "Remove this computer from account manager control."
 msgstr "Odstrániť počítač z ovládania Správcom konta."
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:445 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:165
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:455
 msgid "&Options..."
 msgstr "&Nastavenia..."
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:446 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:166
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:456
 msgid "Configure display options and proxy settings"
 msgstr "Konfigurovať voľby zobrazenia a nastavenia proxy"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:450 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:159
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:460
 msgid "Computing &preferences..."
 msgstr "&Preferencie počítania..."
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:451 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:160
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:461
 msgid "Configure computing preferences"
 msgstr "Konfigurovať preferencie počítania"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:459
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:469
 msgid "&Run always"
 msgstr "&Počítať stále"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:460
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:470
 msgid "Allow work regardless of preferences"
 msgstr "Povoliť prácu bez ohľadu na preferencie"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:464
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:474
 msgid "Run based on &preferences"
 msgstr "P&očítať podľa preferencií"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:465
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:475
 msgid "Allow work according to preferences"
 msgstr "Povoliť prácu podľa preferencií"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:469
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:479
 msgid "&Suspend"
 msgstr "Po&zastaviť"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:470
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:480
 msgid "Stop work regardless of preferences"
 msgstr "Zastaví prácu bez ohľadu na preferencie"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:495
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:505
 msgid "Use GPU always"
 msgstr "Vždy používať GPU"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:496
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:506
 msgid "Allow GPU work regardless of preferences"
 msgstr "Povoliť prácu na GPU bez ohľadu na preferencie"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:500
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:510
 msgid "Use GPU based on preferences"
 msgstr "Počítať na GPU podľa preferencií"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:501
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:511
 msgid "Allow GPU work according to preferences"
 msgstr "Povoliť prácu na GPU podľa Vašich preferencií"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:505
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:515
 msgid "Suspend GPU"
 msgstr "Pozastaviť GPU"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:506
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:516
 msgid "Stop GPU work regardless of preferences"
 msgstr "Zastaviť prácu na GPU bez ohľadu na preferencie"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:530
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:540
 msgid "Network activity always available"
 msgstr "Sieťové aktivity vždy povolené"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:531
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:541
 msgid "Allow network activity regardless of preferences"
 msgstr "Povoliť sieťové aktivity bez ohľadu na preferencie"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:535
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:545
 msgid "Network activity based on preferences"
 msgstr "Sieťové aktivity podľa preferencií"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:536
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:546
 msgid "Allow network activity according to preferences"
 msgstr "Povoliť sieťové aktivity v súlade s Vašimi preferenciami"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:540
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:550
 msgid "Network activity suspended"
 msgstr "Sieťové aktivity pozastavené"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:541
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:551
 msgid "Stop BOINC network activity"
 msgstr "Zastaviť sieťové aktivity pre BOINC"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:551
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:561
 #, c-format
 msgid "Connect to another computer running %s"
 msgstr "Pripojiť k inému počítaču počítajúcemu %s"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:556
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:566
 msgid "Select computer..."
 msgstr "Vybrať počítač..."
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:561
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:571
 msgid "Shut down connected client..."
 msgstr "Vypnúť pripojeného klienta..."
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:562
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:572
 msgid "Shut down the currently connected client"
 msgstr "Vypnúť aktuálne pripojeného klienta"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:566
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:576
 msgid "Run CPU &benchmarks"
 msgstr "Spustiť &testy CPU"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:567
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:577
 msgid "Runs BOINC CPU benchmarks"
 msgstr "Spustiť BOINC testy rýchlosti procesora"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:571
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:581
 msgid "Do network communication"
 msgstr "Spustiť všetky prenosy"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:572
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:582
 msgid "Do all pending network communication"
 msgstr "Vykonať čakajúcu sieťovú komunikáciu"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:576
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:586
 msgid "Read config files"
 msgstr "Načítať konfiguračné súbory"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:577
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:587
 msgid "Read configuration info from cc_config.xml and any app_config.xml files"
 msgstr "Načítať konfiguráciu zo súborov cc_config.xml a app_config.xml"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:581
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:591
 msgid "Read local prefs file"
 msgstr "Načítať súbor lokálnych preferencií"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:582
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:592
 msgid "Read preferences from global_prefs_override.xml."
 msgstr "Načítať preferencie z global_prefs_override.xml."
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:587
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:597
 #, c-format
 msgid "Launch another instance of %s..."
 msgstr "Spustiť ďalšiu kópiu %s..."
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:591
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:601
 #, c-format
 msgid "Launch another %s"
 msgstr "Spustiť ďalší %s"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:601
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:611
 msgid "Event Log...\tCtrl+Shift+E"
 msgstr "Záznam udalostí...\tCtrl+Shift+E"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:602
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:612
 msgid "Display diagnostic messages."
 msgstr "Zobraziť diagnostické správy."
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:612 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:175 sg_BoincSimpleGUI.cpp:129
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:616
+msgid "Event Log Diagnostic Flags...\tCtrl+Shift+F"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:617
+msgid "Enable or disable various diagnostic messages"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:626
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s &help"
 msgstr "P&omoc s %s"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:618 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:181 sg_BoincSimpleGUI.cpp:135
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:632
 #, c-format
 msgid "Show information about %s"
 msgstr "Zobraziť informácie o %s"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:630
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:644
 #, c-format
 msgid "&%s help"
 msgstr "Pomoc s &%s"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:636 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:199 sg_BoincSimpleGUI.cpp:153
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:650
 #, c-format
 msgid "Show information about the %s"
 msgstr "Zobraziť informácie o %s"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:648 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:211 sg_BoincSimpleGUI.cpp:165
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:662
 #, c-format
-msgid "%s &website"
-msgstr "%s &web stránka"
+msgid "%s &web site"
+msgstr ""
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:654 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:217 sg_BoincSimpleGUI.cpp:171
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:668
 #, c-format
 msgid "Show information about BOINC and %s"
 msgstr "Zobraziť informácie o BOINC a %s"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:666 BOINCTaskBar.cpp:533 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:229
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:680
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:544
 #, c-format
 msgid "&About %s..."
 msgstr "&O %s..."
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:672 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:235
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:686
 msgid "Licensing and copyright information."
 msgstr "Informácie o licencovaní a autorských právach."
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:679 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:242 sg_BoincSimpleGUI.cpp:194
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:693
 msgid "&File"
 msgstr "&Súbor"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:683 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:246 sg_BoincSimpleGUI.cpp:199
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:697
 msgid "&View"
 msgstr "&Náhľad"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:687 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:250
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:701
 msgid "&Tools"
 msgstr "&Nástroje"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:691
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:705
 msgid "&Activity"
 msgstr "&Aktivity"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:695
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:709
 msgid "A&dvanced"
 msgstr "&Pokročilé"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:699 DlgEventLog.cpp:329 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:254
-#: sg_BoincSimpleGUI.cpp:184 wizardex.cpp:374 wizardex.cpp:381
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:713
 msgid "&Help"
 msgstr "&Pomoc"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:1178
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1185
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - Stop using %s"
 msgstr "%s - Ukončiť používanie %s"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:1183
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1190
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "If you stop using %s,\n"
@@ -542,12 +576,12 @@ msgstr ""
 "Chcete zastaviť používanie %s?"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:1381
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1397
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - Shut down the current client..."
 msgstr "%s - Vypnúť aktuálneho klienta..."
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:1390
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1406
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "%s will shut down the current client\n"
@@ -556,36 +590,36 @@ msgstr ""
 "%s vypne aktuálne pripojeného klienta\n"
 "a vyzve Vás na pripojenie na iný počítač."
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:1709 DlgAbout.cpp:119
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1806
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s"
 msgstr "%s"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:1718
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1815
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s has successfully added %s"
 msgstr "%s bol úspešne pripojený k %s"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:1860
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1953
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - (%s)"
 msgstr "%s - (%s)"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:1864
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1957
 #, c-format
 msgid "Connecting to %s"
 msgstr "Pripájanie k %s"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:1867
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1960
 #, c-format
 msgid "Connected to %s (%s)"
 msgstr "Pripojené k %s (%s)"
-#: AlreadyExistsPage.cpp:184
+#: clientgui/AlreadyExistsPage.cpp:184
 msgid "Username already in use"
 msgstr "Užívateľské meno je už použité"
-#: AlreadyExistsPage.cpp:187
+#: clientgui/AlreadyExistsPage.cpp:187
 msgid ""
 "An account with that username already exists and has a\n"
 "different password than the one you entered.\n"
@@ -597,11 +631,11 @@ msgstr ""
 "Prosím navštívte web stránku projektu a riaďte sa tam instrukciami."
-#: AlreadyExistsPage.cpp:191
+#: clientgui/AlreadyExistsPage.cpp:191
 msgid "Email address already in use"
 msgstr "Emailová adresa sa už používa"
-#: AlreadyExistsPage.cpp:194
+#: clientgui/AlreadyExistsPage.cpp:194
 msgid ""
 "An account with that email address already exists and has a\n"
 "different password than the one you entered.\n"
@@ -613,45 +647,44 @@ msgstr ""
 "Prosím navštívte web stránku projektu a riaďte sa inštrukciami."
-#: AsyncRPC.cpp:1238
+#: clientgui/AsyncRPC.cpp:1031
 msgid "Communicating with BOINC client.  Please wait ..."
 msgstr "Komunikácia s BOINC klientom.  Prosím čakajte ..."
-#: AsyncRPC.cpp:1241
+#: clientgui/AsyncRPC.cpp:1034
 #, c-format
 msgid "&Quit %s"
 msgstr "&Opustiť %s"
-#: AsyncRPC.cpp:1243
+#: clientgui/AsyncRPC.cpp:1036
 #, c-format
 msgid "E&xit %s"
 msgstr "&Ukončiť %s"
-#: AsyncRPC.cpp:1247
+#: clientgui/AsyncRPC.cpp:1040
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - Communication"
 msgstr "%s - Komunikácia"
-#: AsyncRPC.cpp:1263 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:107 sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:452
+#: clientgui/AsyncRPC.cpp:1056
 msgid "Cancel"
 msgstr "Späť"
-#: BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:505
+#: clientgui/BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:504
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - Connection Error"
 msgstr "%s - Chyba pripojenia"
-#: BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:514
+#: clientgui/BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:513
 msgid ""
 "You currently are not authorized to manage the client.\n"
-"Please contact your administrator to add you to the 'boinc_users' local user "
+"Please contact your administrator to add you to the 'boinc_users' local user group."
 msgstr ""
 "Momentálne nemáte oprávnenia spravovať tohto klienta.\n"
 "Kontaktujte prosím Vášho administrátora, aby Vás pridal do lokálnej skupiny "
 "používateľov 'boinc_users'."
-#: BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:523
+#: clientgui/BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:522
 msgid ""
 "Authorization failed connecting to running client.\n"
 "Make sure you start this program in the same directory as the client."
@@ -659,20 +692,20 @@ msgstr ""
 "Autorizácia nemala pripojenie pre spustenie klienta.\n"
 "Preverte, či spúšťate tento program v tom istom adresári kde je klient."
-#: BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:525
+#: clientgui/BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:524
 msgid "Authorization failed connecting to running client."
 msgstr "Zlyhala autorizácia pri pripájaní k bežiacemu klientovi."
-#: BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:533
+#: clientgui/BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:532
 msgid "The password you have provided is incorrect, please try again."
 msgstr "Heslo ktoré ste poskytli je nesprávne, prosím skúste znova."
-#: BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:577
+#: clientgui/BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:576
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - Connection Failed"
 msgstr "%s - Pripojenie neúspešné"
-#: BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:586
+#: clientgui/BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:585
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "%s is not able to connect to a %s client.\n"
@@ -681,23 +714,22 @@ msgstr ""
 "%s nie je schopný pripojiť sa k %s klientovi.\n"
 "Chcete skúsiť pripojiť sa znova?"
-#: BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:622
+#: clientgui/BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:621
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - Daemon Start Failed"
 msgstr "%s - Spustenie daemona zlyhalo"
-#: BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:632
+#: clientgui/BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:631
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "%s is not able to start a %s client.\n"
-"Please launch the Control Panel->Administative Tools->Services applet and "
-"start the BOINC service."
+"Please launch the Control Panel->Administative Tools->Services applet and start the BOINC service."
 msgstr ""
 "%s nie je schopný spustiť %s.\n"
 "Spustite prosím Ovládacie panely->Nástroje pre správu->Služby a spustite "
 "službu BOINC."
-#: BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:638
+#: clientgui/BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:637
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "%s is not able to start a %s client.\n"
@@ -706,17 +738,16 @@ msgstr ""
 "%s nie je schopný spustiť klienta %s.\n"
 "Spustite prosím daemona a skúste to znova."
-#: BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:689
+#: clientgui/BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:688
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - Connection Status"
 msgstr "%s - Stav pripojenia"
-#: BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:700
+#: clientgui/BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:699
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "%s is not currently connected to a %s client.\n"
-"Please use the 'Advanced\\Select Computer...' menu option to connect up to a "
-"%s client.\n"
+"Please use the 'Advanced\\Select Computer...' menu option to connect up to a %s client.\n"
 "To connect up to your local computer please use 'localhost' as the host name."
 msgstr ""
 "%s nie je momentálne pripojený k %s clientovi.\n"
@@ -725,16 +756,16 @@ msgstr ""
 "Pre pripojenie sa k Vášmu miestnemu počítaču prosím použite 'localhost' ako "
 "názov počítača."
-#: BOINCBaseView.cpp:774
+#: clientgui/BOINCBaseView.cpp:752
 msgid "Project web pages"
 msgstr "Webstránky projektu"
-#: BOINCClientManager.cpp:573
+#: clientgui/BOINCClientManager.cpp:573
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - Unexpected Exit"
 msgstr "%s - Nečakané ukončenie"
-#: BOINCClientManager.cpp:583
+#: clientgui/BOINCClientManager.cpp:583
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "The %s client has exited unexpectedly 3 times within the last %d minutes.\n"
@@ -743,12 +774,12 @@ msgstr ""
 "Klient %s 3x nečakane ukončil prácu počas posledných %d minút.\n"
 "Chcete ho znovu reštartovať?"
-#: BOINCDialupManager.cpp:61
+#: clientgui/BOINCDialupManager.cpp:61
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - Network Status"
 msgstr "%s - Stav siete"
-#: BOINCDialupManager.cpp:241
+#: clientgui/BOINCDialupManager.cpp:241
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "%s needs to connect to the Internet.\n"
@@ -757,22 +788,22 @@ msgstr ""
 "%s sa potrebuje pripojiť k Internetu.\n"
 "Môže to byť teraz?"
-#: BOINCDialupManager.cpp:254
+#: clientgui/BOINCDialupManager.cpp:254
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s is connecting to the Internet."
 msgstr "%s sa pripája k Internetu."
-#: BOINCDialupManager.cpp:303
+#: clientgui/BOINCDialupManager.cpp:303
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s has successfully connected to the Internet."
 msgstr "%s má úspešné pripojenie k Internetu."
-#: BOINCDialupManager.cpp:331
+#: clientgui/BOINCDialupManager.cpp:331
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s failed to connect to the Internet."
 msgstr "%s bol neúspešný pri pripájaní k Internetu."
-#: BOINCDialupManager.cpp:372
+#: clientgui/BOINCDialupManager.cpp:372
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "%s has detected it is now connected to the Internet.\n"
@@ -781,17 +812,17 @@ msgstr ""
 "%s má detekované aktuálne pripojenie k Internetu.\n"
 "Aktualizujú sa všetky projekty a obnovujú všetky prenosy."
-#: BOINCDialupManager.cpp:417
+#: clientgui/BOINCDialupManager.cpp:417
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s has successfully disconnected from the Internet."
 msgstr "%s je úspešne odpojený od Internetu."
-#: BOINCDialupManager.cpp:433
+#: clientgui/BOINCDialupManager.cpp:433
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s failed to disconnected from the Internet."
 msgstr "%s bol neúspešný pri odpájaní od Internetu."
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:345
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:595
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "You currently are not authorized to manage the client.\n"
@@ -812,7 +843,7 @@ msgstr ""
 "  - kontaktujte Vášho administrátora, aby Vás pridal\n"
 "     do skupiny používateľov 'boinc_master'."
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:351
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:601
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "%s ownership or permissions are not set properly; please reinstall %s.\n"
@@ -822,16 +853,15 @@ msgstr ""
 "nainštalujte %s znova.\n"
 "(Kód chyby %d"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:357
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:607
 msgid " at "
 msgstr " na "
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:360 MainDocument.cpp:2472 MainDocument.cpp:2522
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2542 ViewTransfers.cpp:792
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:610
 msgid ")"
 msgstr ")"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:393
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:640
 msgid ""
 "A reboot is required in order for BOINC to run properly.\n"
 "Please reboot your computer and try again."
@@ -839,162 +869,164 @@ msgstr ""
 "Pre správne fungovanie BOINC je potrebný reštart.\n"
 "Prosím reštartujte počítač a pokus opakujte."
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:394 DlgAbout.cpp:153
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:641
 msgid "BOINC Manager"
 msgstr "Správca BOINC"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:561
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:902
 msgid "BOINC Manager was started by the operating system automatically"
 msgstr "Správca BOINC bol automaticky spustený operačným systémom"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:563
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:904
 msgid "Startup BOINC so only the system tray icon is visible"
 msgstr "Spustiť BOINC len s ikonou na paneli úloh"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:565
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:906
 msgid "Directory containing the BOINC Client executable"
 msgstr "Priečinok obsahujúci program BOINC klient"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:566
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:907
 msgid "BOINC data directory"
 msgstr "Priečinok pre pracovné dáta BOINC"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:568
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:909
 msgid "Host name or IP address"
 msgstr "Názov alebo IP adresa servera"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:569
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:910
 msgid "GUI RPC port number"
 msgstr "Číslo portu pre RPC grafického prostredia"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:570
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:911
 msgid "Password"
 msgstr "Heslo"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:571
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:912
 msgid "Startup BOINC with these optional arguments"
 msgstr "Spustiť BOINC s týmito voliteľnými argumentmi"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:572
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:913
 msgid "disable BOINC security users and permissions"
 msgstr "zablokovať BOINC bezpečnosť užívateľov a oprávnení"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:573
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:914
 msgid "set skin debugging mode to enable skin manager error messages"
 msgstr ""
 "zapnúť režim ladenia vzhľadu, aby mohli byť zobrazené chybové hlásenia "
 "správcu vzhľadu"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:574
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:915
 msgid "multiple instances of BOINC Manager allowed"
 msgstr "viacnásobné spustenie Správcu BOINC je povolené"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:576
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:917
 msgid "Not used: workaround for bug in XCode 4.2"
 msgstr "Nepoužívané: obchádzka chyby v XCode 4.2"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:794
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:1164
 msgid "(Automatic Detection)"
 msgstr "(Automatická detekcia)"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:795
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:1165
 msgid "(Unknown)"
 msgstr "(Neznáme)"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:796
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:1166
 msgid "(User Defined)"
 msgstr "(Užívateľsky definované)"
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:511
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:522
 #, c-format
 msgid "Open %s Web..."
 msgstr "Otvoriť web %s..."
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:518
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:529
 #, c-format
 msgid "Open %s..."
 msgstr "Otvoriť %s..."
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:525 BOINCTaskBar.cpp:621 BOINCTaskBar.cpp:629
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:536
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:633
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:641
 msgid "Snooze"
 msgstr "Uspať"
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:527 BOINCTaskBar.cpp:648 BOINCTaskBar.cpp:656
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:538
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:660
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:668
 msgid "Snooze GPU"
 msgstr "Uspať GPU"
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:543 mac/MacSysMenu.cpp:225
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:556
 msgid "E&xit"
 msgstr "&Ukončiť"
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:614 ViewProjects.cpp:708 ViewWork.cpp:784
-#: sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:738 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:110
-#: sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:102
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:626
 msgid "Resume"
 msgstr "Pokračovať"
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:641
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:653
 msgid "Resume GPU"
 msgstr "Pokračovať na GPU"
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:715
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:727
 msgid "Computing is enabled"
 msgstr "Počítanie je povolené"
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:719
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:731
 msgid "Computing is suspended - "
 msgstr "Počítanie je pozastavené - "
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:729
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:741
 msgid "GPU computing is enabled"
 msgstr "Počítanie na GPU je povolené"
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:732
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:744
 msgid "GPU computing is suspended - "
 msgstr "Počítanie na GPU je pozastavené - "
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:741
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:753
 msgid "Network is enabled"
 msgstr "Sieťové aktivity povolené"
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:744
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:756
 msgid "Network is suspended - "
 msgstr "Sieťové aktivity pozastavené - "
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:752
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:764
 msgid "Reconnecting to client."
 msgstr "Obnovuje sa spojenie s klientom."
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:754
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:766
 msgid "Not connected to a client."
 msgstr "Nepripojené ku klientovi."
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:807
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:819
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s Notices"
 msgstr "%s Oznamy"
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:813
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:825
 msgid "There are new notices - click to view."
 msgstr "Objavili sa nové oznamy - kliknite pre ich zobrazenie."
-#: CompletionErrorPage.cpp:199
+#: clientgui/CompletionErrorPage.cpp:199
 msgid "Failed to add project"
 msgstr "Neúspešné pripojenie k projektu"
-#: CompletionErrorPage.cpp:204
+#: clientgui/CompletionErrorPage.cpp:204
 msgid "Failed to update account manager"
 msgstr "Neúspešná aktualizácia správcu konta"
-#: CompletionErrorPage.cpp:208
+#: clientgui/CompletionErrorPage.cpp:208
 msgid "Failed to remove account manager"
 msgstr "Odstránenie Správcu konta zlyhalo"
-#: CompletionErrorPage.cpp:212
+#: clientgui/CompletionErrorPage.cpp:212
 msgid "Failed to add account manager"
 msgstr "Pripojenie Správcu konta zlyhalo"
-#: CompletionErrorPage.cpp:221
+#: clientgui/CompletionErrorPage.cpp:221
 msgid ""
 "Please try again later.\n"
@@ -1004,24 +1036,26 @@ msgstr ""
 "Kliknite Dokončiť pre zatvorenie."
-#: CompletionErrorPage.cpp:225 CompletionPage.cpp:222 CompletionPage.cpp:242
-#: CompletionPage.cpp:273
+#: clientgui/CompletionErrorPage.cpp:225
+#: clientgui/CompletionPage.cpp:222
+#: clientgui/CompletionPage.cpp:242
+#: clientgui/CompletionPage.cpp:273
 msgid "Click Finish to close."
 msgstr "Kliknite na Dokončiť pre zatvorenie."
-#: CompletionErrorPage.cpp:234
+#: clientgui/CompletionErrorPage.cpp:234
 msgid "Messages from server:"
 msgstr "Hlásenia zo servera:"
-#: CompletionPage.cpp:207
+#: clientgui/CompletionPage.cpp:207
 msgid "Project added"
 msgstr "Projekt pripojený"
-#: CompletionPage.cpp:213
+#: clientgui/CompletionPage.cpp:213
 msgid "This project has been successfully added."
 msgstr "Pripojenie k projektu prebehlo úspešne."
-#: CompletionPage.cpp:218
+#: clientgui/CompletionPage.cpp:218
 msgid ""
 "When you click Finish, your web browser will go to a page where\n"
 "you can set your account name and preferences."
@@ -1029,123 +1063,126 @@ msgstr ""
 "Keď kliknete na Dokončiť, Váš webový prehliadač pôjde na stránku,\n"
 "kde môžete nastaviť meno Vášho konta a preferencie."
-#: CompletionPage.cpp:232
+#: clientgui/CompletionPage.cpp:232
 #, c-format
 msgid "Update from %s completed."
 msgstr "Aktualizácia z %s je úplná."
-#: CompletionPage.cpp:236
+#: clientgui/CompletionPage.cpp:236
 msgid "Update completed."
 msgstr "Aktualizácia je úplná."
-#: CompletionPage.cpp:247
+#: clientgui/CompletionPage.cpp:247
 msgid "Now using account manager"
 msgstr "Teraz sa používa Správca konta"
-#: CompletionPage.cpp:252
+#: clientgui/CompletionPage.cpp:252
 #, c-format
 msgid "Welcome to %s!"
 msgstr "Vitajte v %s!"
-#: CompletionPage.cpp:263
+#: clientgui/CompletionPage.cpp:263
 #, c-format
 msgid "You are now using %s to manage accounts."
 msgstr "Teraz používate %s na správu konta."
-#: CompletionPage.cpp:267
+#: clientgui/CompletionPage.cpp:267
 msgid "You are now using this account manager."
 msgstr "Teraz používate tohto Správcu konta."
-#: DlgAbout.cpp:113 mac/Mac_GUI.cpp:95
+#: clientgui/DlgAbout.cpp:113
 #, c-format
 msgid "About %s"
 msgstr "O %s"
-#: DlgAbout.cpp:172
+#: clientgui/DlgAbout.cpp:172
 msgid "Version:"
 msgstr "Verzia:"
-#: DlgAbout.cpp:180
+#: clientgui/DlgAbout.cpp:180
 msgid "wxWidgets Version:"
 msgstr "Verzia wxWidgets:"
-#: DlgAbout.cpp:188
+#: clientgui/DlgAbout.cpp:188
 msgid "Copyright:"
 msgstr "Autorské práva:"
-#: DlgAbout.cpp:192
+#: clientgui/DlgAbout.cpp:192
 msgid ""
-"(C) 2003-2013 University of California, Berkeley.\n"
+"(C) 2003-2014 University of California, Berkeley.\n"
 "All Rights Reserved."
 msgstr ""
-"(C) 2003-2013 Kalifornská Univerzita, Berkeley.\n"
-"Všetky práva vyhradené."
-#: DlgAbout.cpp:196
+#: clientgui/DlgAbout.cpp:196
 msgid "Berkeley Open Infrastructure for Network Computing"
 msgstr ""
 "Berkeley Open Infrastructure for Network Computing\n"
 "(Berkeleyská otvorená infraštruktúra pre sieťové výpočty)"
-#: DlgAbout.cpp:208 DlgExitMessage.cpp:173 DlgGenericMessage.cpp:120
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:396 DlgSelectComputer.cpp:162
+#: clientgui/DlgAbout.cpp:208
+#: clientgui/DlgExitMessage.cpp:173
+#: clientgui/DlgGenericMessage.cpp:120
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:399
+#: clientgui/DlgSelectComputer.cpp:163
 msgid "&OK"
 msgstr "&OK"
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:542
-msgid "invalid float"
-msgstr "neplatné číslo s desatinnou čiarkou"
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:602
+msgid "invalid number"
+msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:543
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:603
 msgid "invalid time, format is HH:MM"
 msgstr "neplatný čas, formát je HH:MM (24hodinový)"
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:544
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:604
 msgid "invalid time interval, format is HH:MM-HH:MM"
 msgstr "neplatný časový interval, formát je HH:MM-HH:MM (24hodinový)"
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:664
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:817
 msgid "invalid input value detected"
 msgstr "bola nájdená neplatná vstupná hodnota"
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:666
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:819
 msgid "Validation Error"
 msgstr "Chyba pri validácii"
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:797 DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:803
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:809
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:969
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:975
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:981
 msgid "Applications to add"
 msgstr "Aplikácie na pridanie"
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:826
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:998
 #, c-format
 msgid "'%s' is not an executable application."
 msgstr "'%s' nie je spustiteľná aplikácia."
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:827 DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:874
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:898
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:999
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:1046
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:1070
 msgid "Add Exclusive App"
 msgstr "Pridať výhradnú aplikáciu"
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:839
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:1011
 msgid "Name of application to add?"
 msgstr "Názov pridávanej aplikácie?"
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:839
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:1011
 msgid "Add exclusive app"
 msgstr "Pridať výhradnú aplikáciu"
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:873
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:1045
 #, c-format
 msgid "Application names must end with '%s'"
 msgstr "Názvy aplikácií musia končiť na '%s'"
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:897
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:1069
 #, c-format
 msgid "'%s' is already in the list."
 msgstr "'%s' sa už nachádza v zozname."
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:989
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:1161
 msgid ""
 "Do you really want to clear all local preferences?\n"
 "(This will not affect exclusive applications.)"
@@ -1153,16 +1190,16 @@ msgstr ""
 "Naozaj chcete vymazať všetky lokálne preferencie?\n"
 "(Toto sa netýka výhradných aplikácií.)"
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:990 sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:1032
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:1162
 msgid "Confirmation"
 msgstr "Potvrdenie"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:46 sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:948
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:49
 #, c-format
-msgid "%s - Preferences"
-msgstr "%s - Preferencie"
+msgid "%s - Computing preferences"
+msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:62
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:66
 msgid ""
 "This dialog controls preferences for this computer only.\n"
 "Click OK to set preferences.\n"
@@ -1173,280 +1210,291 @@ msgstr ""
 "Kliknite na Vymazať pre obnovenie predvolieb z webovej stránky projektu "
 "(okrem výhradných aplikácií)."
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:65 sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:447
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:69
 msgid "Clear"
 msgstr "Vymazať"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:66 sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:448
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:70
 msgid "clear all local preferences and close the dialog"
 msgstr "odstrániť lokálne preferencie a zavrieť ponuku"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:81
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:85
 msgid "processor usage"
 msgstr "využitie procesora"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:84
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:88
 msgid "network usage"
 msgstr "využitie siete"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:87
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:91
 msgid "disk and memory usage"
 msgstr "využitie disku a pamäte"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:90
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:94
 msgid "exclusive applications"
 msgstr "výhradná aplikácia"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:102 sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:443
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:107
+#: clientgui/DlgDiagnosticLogFlags.cpp:104
 msgid "OK"
 msgstr "OK"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:103
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:108
 msgid "save all values and close the dialog"
 msgstr "uložiť hodnoty a zatvoriť ponuku"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:108
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:114
 msgid "close the dialog without saving"
 msgstr "zatvoriť ponuku bez uloženia"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:112 Localization.cpp:35 Localization.cpp:121
-#: Localization.cpp:139 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:774 sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:458
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:118
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:35
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:121
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:139
 msgid "Help"
 msgstr "Pomoc"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:113
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:119
 msgid "shows the preferences web page"
 msgstr "zobrazí webovú stránku s preferenciami"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:135
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:141
 msgid "Computing allowed"
 msgstr "Počítanie povolené"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:139
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:146
 msgid "While computer is on batteries"
 msgstr "Pokiaľ je počítač na batériách"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:142
-msgid ""
-"check this if you want this computer to do work while it runs on batteries"
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:149
+msgid "check this if you want this computer to do work while it runs on batteries"
 msgstr ""
 "zaškrtnite, ak chcete, aby výpočty prebiehali aj keď počítač ide na batérie"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:148
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:155
 msgid "While computer is in use"
 msgstr "Pokiaľ je počítač používaný"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:151
-msgid ""
-"check this if you want this computer to do work even when you're using it"
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:158
+msgid "check this if you want this computer to do work even when you're using it"
 msgstr "zaškrtnite, ak chcete, aby výpočty prebiehali aj keď počítač používate"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:157
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:164
 msgid "Use GPU while computer is in use"
 msgstr "Používať GPU aj keď je počítač používaný"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:160
-msgid ""
-"check this if you want your GPU to do work even when you're using the "
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:167
+msgid "check this if you want your GPU to do work even when you're using the computer"
 msgstr ""
 "zaškrtnite, ak chcete, aby výpočty na GPU prebiehali aj keď počítač "
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:172
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:179
 msgid "Only after computer has been idle for"
 msgstr "Len ak bol počítač nepoužívaný aspoň"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:182
-msgid ""
-"do work only after you haven't used the computer for this number of minutes"
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:188
+msgid "do work only after you haven't used the computer for this number of minutes"
 msgstr ""
 "výpočty budú prebiehať až keď počítač nebol používaný určenú dobu v minútach"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:187 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:336
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:436
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:193
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:342
 msgid "minutes"
 msgstr "minút(y)"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:206
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:212
 msgid "While processor usage is less than"
 msgstr "Pokiaľ je využitie procesora nižšie než"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:216
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:221
 msgid "suspend work if processor usage exceeds this level"
 msgstr ""
 "pozastaviť prácu ak využitie procesora (inými programami) prekročí túto "
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:221
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:226
 msgid "percent (0 means no restriction)"
 msgstr "percent (0 znamená bez obmedzenia)"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:235 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:495
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:240
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:506
 msgid "Every day between hours of"
 msgstr "Každý deň medzi"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:239
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:244
 msgid "start work at this time"
 msgstr "začať počítanie o tomto čase"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:243 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:503
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:345 sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:367
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:248
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:514
 msgid "and"
 msgstr "a"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:247
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:252
 msgid "stop work at this time"
 msgstr "ukončiť počítanie o tomto čase"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:251 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:511
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:256
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:522
 msgid "(no restriction if equal)"
 msgstr "(bez obmedzenia ak sú časy zhodné)"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:256 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:516
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:261
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:527
 msgid "Day-of-week override:"
 msgstr "Samostatné nastavenia pre dni v týždni:"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:261 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:521
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:266
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:532
 msgid "check box to specify hours for this day of week"
 msgstr "po zaškrtnutí je možné nastaviť samostatné časy pre tento deň v týždni"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:267 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:527
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:272
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:538
 msgid "Monday"
 msgstr "Pondelok"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:274 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:534
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:279
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:545
 msgid "Tuesday"
 msgstr "Utorok"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:281 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:541
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:286
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:552
 msgid "Wednesday"
 msgstr "Streda"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:288 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:548
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:293
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:559
 msgid "Thursday"
 msgstr "Štvrtok"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:295 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:555
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:300
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:566
 msgid "Friday"
 msgstr "Piatok"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:302 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:562
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:307
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:573
 msgid "Saturday"
 msgstr "Sobota"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:309 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:569
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:314
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:580
 msgid "Sunday"
 msgstr "Nedeľa"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:323
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:328
 msgid "Other options"
 msgstr "Iné nastavenia"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:330
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:336
 msgid "Switch between applications every"
 msgstr "Prepínať medzi aplikáciami približne každých"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:339
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:345
 msgid "On multiprocessor systems, use at most"
 msgstr "Na viacprocesorových systémoch použiť najviac"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:346
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:352
 #, no-c-format
-msgid "% of the processors (0 means ignore this setting)"
-msgstr "% procesorov (0 znamená ignorovať toto nastavenie)"
+msgid "% of the processors (0 means no restriction)"
+msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:349 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:604
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:626 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:647
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:668 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:678
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:355
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:618
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:640
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:661
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:683
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:694
 msgid "Use at most"
 msgstr "Použiť najviac"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:356
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:362
 #, no-c-format
-msgid "% CPU time"
-msgstr "% CPU času"
+msgid "% of CPU time (0 means no restriction)"
+msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:377
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:386
 msgid "General options"
 msgstr "Všeobecné nastavenia"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:385
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:395
 msgid "Maximum download rate"
 msgstr "Maximálna rýchlosť sťahovania"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:391 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:400
-msgid "KBytes/sec."
-msgstr "KB/s"
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:401
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:410
+msgid "KBytes/second (0 means no restriction)"
+msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:394
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:404
 msgid "Maximum upload rate"
 msgstr "Maximálna rýchlosť odosielania"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:405
-msgid "Transfer at most"
-msgstr "Preniesť najviac"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:411
-msgid "Mbytes"
-msgstr "Megabajtov"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:414
-msgid "every"
-msgstr "každých"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:420 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:443
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:462
-msgid "days"
-msgstr "dňa (dní)"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:428
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:417
 msgid "Minimum work buffer"
 msgstr "Minimálna zásoba práce"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:437
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:425
 msgid "Try to maintain enough tasks to keep busy for this many days"
 msgstr "Pokúsiť sa udržiavať dosť úloh na spracovanie počas toľkých dní"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:449
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:431
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:449
+msgid "days (maximum value: 10)"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:437
 msgid "Max additional work buffer"
 msgstr "Dodatočná zásoba práce"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:458
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:445
 msgid "In addition, maintain enough tasks for up to this many days"
 msgstr "Navyše udržiavať úlohy aspoň na toľko dní"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:465
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:454
+msgid "Transfer at most"
+msgstr "Preniesť najviac"
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:462
+msgid "MBytes every"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:468
+msgid "days (0 means no restriction)"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:476
 msgid "Skip image file verification"
 msgstr "Vynechávať verifikáciu obrazových súborov"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:467
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:478
 msgid "check this if your Internet provider modifies image files"
 msgstr ""
 "zaškrtnite ak Váš poskytovateľ pripojenia mení sťahované súbory s obrázkami\n"
 "(napr. pri GPRS, UMTS)"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:475
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:484
 msgid "Connect options"
 msgstr "Nastavenie pripojenia"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:477
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:487
 msgid "Confirm before connecting to internet"
 msgstr "Potvrdiť pred pripojením k Internetu"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:479
-msgid ""
-"if checked, a confirmation dialog will be displayed before trying to connect "
-"to the Internet"
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:489
+msgid "if checked, a confirmation dialog will be displayed before trying to connect to the Internet"
 msgstr ""
 "ak je zaškrtnuté, pred pokusom o pripojenie k Internetu bude vyžadované "
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:483
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:493
 msgid "Disconnect when done"
 msgstr "Odpojiť po dokončení komunikácie"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:485
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:495
 msgid ""
 "if checked, BOINC hangs up when network usage is done\n"
 "(only relevant for dialup-connection)"
@@ -1454,193 +1502,217 @@ msgstr ""
 "ak je zaškrtnuté, BOINC ukončí pripojenie k Internetu po dokončení prenosov\n"
 "(platí len pre vytáčané/dial-up spojenie)"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:491
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:501
 msgid "Network usage allowed"
 msgstr "Prístup k sieti povoliť"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:499
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:510
 msgid "network usage start hour"
 msgstr "čas začatia používania siete"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:507
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:518
 msgid "network usage stop hour"
 msgstr "čas ukončenia používania siete"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:597 DlgItemProperties.cpp:226
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:610
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:257
 msgid "Disk usage"
 msgstr "Využitie disku"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:608
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:622
 msgid "the maximum disk space used by BOINC (in Gigabytes)"
 msgstr "BOINC použije najviac toľkoto miesta na disku (v GB)"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:612
-msgid "Gigabytes disk space"
-msgstr "Gigabajtov miesta na disku"
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:626
+msgid "Gigabytes disk space (0 means no restriction)"
+msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:615
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:629
 msgid "Leave at least"
 msgstr "Ponechať najmenej"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:619
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:633
 msgid "BOINC leaves at least this amount of disk space free (in Gigabytes)"
 msgstr "BOINC ponechá najmenej toľkoto voľného miesta na disku (v GB)"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:623
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:637
 msgid "Gigabytes disk space free"
 msgstr "GB voľného miesta na disku"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:630
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:644
 msgid "BOINC uses at most this percentage of total disk space"
 msgstr "BOINC využije najviac toľkoto percent z celkovej kapacity disku"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:635
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:649
 #, no-c-format
 msgid "% of total disk space"
 msgstr "% celkového miesta na disku"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:638
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:652
 msgid "Tasks checkpoint to disk at most every"
 msgstr "Ukladať stav úloh každých"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:644
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:658
 msgid "seconds"
 msgstr "sekúnd"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:654
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:668
 #, no-c-format
 msgid "% of page file (swap space)"
 msgstr "% stránkovacieho súboru (swapového priestoru)"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:661
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:675
 msgid "Memory usage"
 msgstr "Využitie pamäte"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:675
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:691
 #, no-c-format
 msgid "% when computer is in use"
 msgstr "% keď je počítač používaný"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:685
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:701
 #, no-c-format
 msgid "% when computer is idle"
 msgstr "% keď je počítač nepoužívaný"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:690
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:706
 msgid "Leave applications in memory while suspended"
 msgstr "Ponechať aplikácie v pamäti pri ich pozastavení"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:692
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:708
 msgid "if checked, suspended work units are left in memory"
 msgstr ""
 "ak je zaškrtnuté, výpočtové úlohy budú v prípade pozastavenia ponechané v "
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:712
-msgid ""
-"Suspend processor and network usage when these applications are running:"
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:728
+msgid "Suspend processor and network usage when these applications are running:"
 msgstr "Pozastaviť používanie procesora a siete ak bežia tieto aplikácie:"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:721
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:738
 msgid "Add..."
 msgstr "Pridať..."
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:722
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:739
 msgid "Add an application to this list"
 msgstr "Pridať aplikáciu do tohto zoznamu"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:727 ViewProjects.cpp:201
-#: sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:85
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:744
 msgid "Remove"
 msgstr "Odobrať"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:728
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:745
 msgid "Remove an application from this list"
 msgstr "Odobrať aplikáciu z tohto zoznamu"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:737
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:754
 msgid "For advanced options, refer to "
 msgstr "Pre pokročilé možnosti prejdite na "
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:217
+#: clientgui/DlgDiagnosticLogFlags.cpp:65
+#, c-format
+msgid "%s Diagnostic Log Flags"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/DlgDiagnosticLogFlags.cpp:83
+msgid "These flags enable various types of diagnostic messages in the Event Log."
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/DlgDiagnosticLogFlags.cpp:105
+msgid "Save all values and close the dialog"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/DlgDiagnosticLogFlags.cpp:108
+msgid "Defaults"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/DlgDiagnosticLogFlags.cpp:109
+msgid "Restore default settings"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/DlgDiagnosticLogFlags.cpp:113
+msgid "Close the dialog without saving"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:226
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - Event Log"
 msgstr "%s - Záznam udalostí"
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:230 ViewMessages.cpp:117 ViewProjects.cpp:218
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:427 ViewStatistics.cpp:1996 ViewTransfers.cpp:181
-#: ViewWork.cpp:231
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:236
 msgid "Project"
 msgstr "Projekt"
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:231 ViewMessages.cpp:118
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:237
 msgid "Time"
 msgstr "Čas"
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:232 ViewMessages.cpp:119
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:238
 msgid "Message"
 msgstr "Hlásenie"
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:287 DlgEventLog.cpp:351
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:300
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:364
 msgid "&Show only this project"
 msgstr "&Zobraziť len tento projekt"
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:291
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:304
 msgid "Copy &All"
 msgstr "Kopírov&ať všetky"
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:293 DlgEventLog.cpp:297 ViewMessages.cpp:89
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:306
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:310
 msgid "Copy all the messages to the clipboard."
 msgstr "Kopírovať všetky správy do kopírovacej schránky."
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:302
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:315
 msgid "Copy &Selected"
 msgstr "&Kopírovať vybrané"
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:305 DlgEventLog.cpp:313 ViewMessages.cpp:97
-msgid ""
-"Copy the selected messages to the clipboard. You can select multiple "
-"messages by holding down the shift or command key while clicking on messages."
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:318
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:326
+msgid "Copy the selected messages to the clipboard. You can select multiple messages by holding down the shift or command key while clicking on messages."
 msgstr ""
 "Kopírovať vybrané správy do schránky. Môžete vybrať viaceré správy ak pri "
 "označovaní správ podržíte stlačený Shift alebo príkazovú klávesu."
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:307 DlgEventLog.cpp:315 ViewMessages.cpp:99
-msgid ""
-"Copy the selected messages to the clipboard. You can select multiple "
-"messages by holding down the shift or control key while clicking on messages."
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:320
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:328
+msgid "Copy the selected messages to the clipboard. You can select multiple messages by holding down the shift or control key while clicking on messages."
 msgstr ""
 "Kopírovať vybrané správy do schránky. Môžete vybrať viaceré správy ak pri "
 "označovaní správ podržíte stlačený Shift alebo Ctrl."
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:322 DlgItemProperties.cpp:66
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:335
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:67
 msgid "&Close"
 msgstr "&Zavrieť"
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:331 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:778 sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:461
-#: sg_ProjectsComponent.cpp:142
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:344
 #, c-format
 msgid "Get help with %s"
 msgstr "Získať pomoc s %s"
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:345
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:358
 msgid "Show all &messages"
 msgstr "Zobraziť všetky &správy"
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:346 DlgEventLog.cpp:348
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:359
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:361
 msgid "Show messages for all projects"
 msgstr "Zobraziť správy zo všetkých projektov"
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:352 DlgEventLog.cpp:354
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:365
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:367
 msgid "Show only the messages for the selected project"
 msgstr "Zobraziť správy len z vybraného projektu"
-#: DlgExitMessage.cpp:82
+#: clientgui/DlgExitMessage.cpp:82
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - Exit Confirmation"
 msgstr "%s - Potvrdenie ukončenia"
-#: DlgExitMessage.cpp:130
+#: clientgui/DlgExitMessage.cpp:130
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "You have requested to exit the %s,\n"
@@ -1657,7 +1729,7 @@ msgstr ""
 "Ak chcete ukončiť aj bežiace úlohy,\n"
 "vyberte z nasledujúcich možností:"
-#: DlgExitMessage.cpp:135
+#: clientgui/DlgExitMessage.cpp:135
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "This will shut down %s and its tasks until either the\n"
@@ -1674,394 +1746,420 @@ msgstr ""
 "než celkom ukončiť aplikáciu; takto bude môcť %s počítať\n"
 "úlohy ďalej v čase určenom vo Vašich preferenciách."
-#: DlgExitMessage.cpp:153
+#: clientgui/DlgExitMessage.cpp:153
 #, c-format
 msgid "Stop running tasks when exiting the %s"
 msgstr "Ukončiť bežiace výpočty pri ukončení %s"
-#: DlgExitMessage.cpp:165
+#: clientgui/DlgExitMessage.cpp:165
 msgid "Remember this decision and do not show this dialog."
 msgstr "Zapamätať toto rozhodnutie a túto ponuku už nezobrazovať."
-#: DlgExitMessage.cpp:178 DlgGenericMessage.cpp:125 DlgOptions.cpp:401
-#: DlgSelectComputer.cpp:167 wizardex.cpp:378
+#: clientgui/DlgExitMessage.cpp:178
+#: clientgui/DlgGenericMessage.cpp:125
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:404
+#: clientgui/DlgSelectComputer.cpp:168
 msgid "&Cancel"
 msgstr "&Späť"
-#: DlgGenericMessage.cpp:112
+#: clientgui/DlgGenericMessage.cpp:112
 msgid "Don't show this dialog again."
 msgstr "Túto informáciu už nabudúce nezobrazovať."
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:163 DlgItemProperties.cpp:166
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:169 DlgItemProperties.cpp:172
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:194
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:197
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:200
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:203
 msgid "Don't fetch tasks for "
 msgstr "Nezískavať nové úlohy pre "
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:163
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:194
 msgid "Project preference"
 msgstr "Projektové preferencie"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:166
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:197
 msgid "Account manager preference"
 msgstr "Preferencie Správcu konta"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:169
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:200
 msgid "Project has no apps for "
 msgstr "Projekt nemá aplikácie pre "
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:172
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:203
 msgid "Client configuration excludes "
 msgstr "Nastavenie klienta vylučuje "
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:176
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:207
 msgid " work fetch deferred for"
 msgstr " získavanie práce odložené o"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:177
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:208
 msgid " work fetch deferral interval"
 msgstr " interval odkladania získavania práce"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:208
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:239
 msgid "Properties of project "
 msgstr "Vlastnosti projektu "
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:212 DlgOptions.cpp:218
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:243
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:221
 msgid "General"
 msgstr "Všeobecné"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:213
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:244
 msgid "Master URL"
 msgstr "Hlavné URL"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:214
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:245
 msgid "User name"
 msgstr "Užívateľské meno"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:215
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:246
 msgid "Team name"
 msgstr "Názov tímu"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:216 ViewProjects.cpp:223
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:247
 msgid "Resource share"
 msgstr "Podiel výkonu"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:218
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:249
 msgid "Scheduler RPC deferred for"
 msgstr "RPC plánovača odložené o"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:221
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:252
 msgid "File downloads deferred for"
 msgstr "Sťahovanie súborov odložené o"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:224
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:255
 msgid "File uploads deferred for"
 msgstr "Odosielanie súborov odložené o"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:227
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:258
 msgid "Computer ID"
 msgstr "ID počítača"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:229
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:260
 msgid "Non CPU intensive"
 msgstr "Nenáročné na procesor"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:229 DlgItemProperties.cpp:231
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:232 DlgItemProperties.cpp:234
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:237 DlgItemProperties.cpp:246
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:249 DlgItemProperties.cpp:252
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:260
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:262
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:263
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:265
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:268
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:277
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:280
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:283
 msgid "yes"
 msgstr "áno"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:231
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:262
 msgid "Suspended via GUI"
 msgstr "Pozastavené cez GUI"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:231 DlgItemProperties.cpp:232
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:262
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:263
 msgid "no"
 msgstr "nie"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:232
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:263
 msgid "Don't request more work"
 msgstr "Neprijímať ďalšiu prácu"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:234
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:265
 msgid "Scheduler call in progress"
 msgstr "Spracováva sa požiadavka plánovača"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:237
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:268
 msgid "Trickle-up pending"
 msgstr "Rýchla správa odosielaná"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:240 DlgItemProperties.cpp:242
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:271
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:273
 msgid "Host location"
 msgstr "Umiestnenie počítača"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:242
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:273
 msgid "default"
 msgstr "predvolené"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:246
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:277
 msgid "Added via account manager"
 msgstr "Pripojené cez Správcu konta"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:249
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:280
 msgid "Remove when tasks done"
 msgstr "Odpojiť po skončení úloh"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:252
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:283
 msgid "Ended"
 msgstr "Ukončené"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:254
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:285
+msgid "Tasks completed"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:286
+msgid "Tasks failed"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:288
 msgid "Credit"
 msgstr "Kredit"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:255
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:289
 msgid "User"
 msgstr "Užívateľ"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:262
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:296
 msgid "Host"
 msgstr "Počítač"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:271
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:305
 msgid "Scheduling"
 msgstr "Plánovanie"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:272
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:306
 msgid "Scheduling priority"
 msgstr "Priorita plánovania"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:273
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:307
 msgid "CPU"
 msgstr "CPU"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:297
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:331
 msgid "Duration correction factor"
 msgstr "Koeficient pre korekciu trvania úloh"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:311
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:345
 msgid "Properties of task "
 msgstr "Vlastnosti úlohy "
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:323 ViewWork.cpp:237
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:357
 msgid "Application"
 msgstr "Aplikácia"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:324
-msgid "Workunit name"
-msgstr "Názov úlohy"
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:358
+msgid "Name"
+msgstr "Názov"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:325
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:359
 msgid "State"
 msgstr "Stav"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:328
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:362
 msgid "Received"
 msgstr "Prijatá"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:331
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:365
 msgid "Report deadline"
 msgstr "Odoslať do"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:333
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:367
 msgid "Resources"
 msgstr "Prostriedky"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:336
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:370
 msgid "Estimated computation size"
 msgstr "Odhadovaná doba výpočtu"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:339
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:373
 msgid "CPU time at last checkpoint"
 msgstr "Čas CPU pri poslednom uložení stavu"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:340 DlgItemProperties.cpp:355
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:374
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:389
 msgid "CPU time"
 msgstr "Čas CPU"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:342 DlgItemProperties.cpp:356
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:376
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:390
 msgid "Elapsed time"
 msgstr "Uplynutý čas"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:344
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:378
 msgid "Estimated time remaining"
 msgstr "Odhad zostávajúceho času"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:345
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:379
 msgid "Fraction done"
 msgstr "Hotový podiel"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:346
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:380
 msgid "Virtual memory size"
 msgstr "Veľkosť virtuálnej pamäte"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:347
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:381
 msgid "Working set size"
 msgstr "Veľkosť pracovnej sady"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:349
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:383
 msgid "Directory"
 msgstr "Priečinok"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:352
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:386
 msgid "Process ID"
 msgstr "ID procesu"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:426 ViewWork.cpp:1021 sg_TaskPanel.cpp:807
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:456
 msgid "Local: "
 msgstr "Lokálne: "
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:129 DlgOptions.cpp:135
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:129
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:135
 msgid "Options"
 msgstr "Možnosti"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:175
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:178
 msgid "Language:"
 msgstr "Jazyk:"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:182
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:185
 msgid "What language should BOINC use?"
 msgstr "Aký jazyk má Správca BOINC používať?"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:186
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:189
 msgid "Notice reminder interval:"
 msgstr "Interval upozorňovania na oznamy:"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:193
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:196
 msgid "How often should BOINC remind you of new notices?"
 msgstr "Ako často má BOINC upozorňovať na nové oznamy?"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:198
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:201
 msgid "Run Manager at login?"
 msgstr "Spustiť Správcu pri prihlásení?"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:204
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:207
 msgid "Run the BOINC Manager when you log on."
 msgstr "Spustiť Správcu BOINC keď sa prihlásite do Windows."
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:209
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:212
 msgid "Enable Manager exit dialog?"
 msgstr "Zobraziť potvrdenie pri ukončení Správcu?"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:215
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:218
 msgid "Display the exit dialog when shutting down the Manager."
 msgstr "Zobrazovať okno na potvrdenie pri ukončovaní Správcu."
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:226
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:229
 msgid "Dial-up and Virtual Private Network settings"
 msgstr "Nastavenia Dialógového pripojenia a Virtuálnej privátnej siete"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:240
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:243
 msgid "&Set Default"
 msgstr "&Nastaviť predvolené"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:245
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:248
 msgid "&Clear Default"
 msgstr "&Vymazať predvolené"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:252
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:255
 msgid "Default Connection:"
 msgstr "Predvolené pripojenie:"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:259
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:262
 msgid "Connections"
 msgstr "Pripojenia"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:268
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:271
 msgid "Connect via HTTP proxy server"
 msgstr "Pripojenie cez HTTP proxy server"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:272
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:275
 msgid "HTTP Proxy Server Configuration"
 msgstr "Konfigurácia HTTP proxy servera"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:280 DlgOptions.cpp:344
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:283
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:347
 msgid "Address:"
 msgstr "Adresa:"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:288 DlgOptions.cpp:352 ProxyPage.cpp:340 ProxyPage.cpp:360
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:291
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:355
 msgid "Port:"
 msgstr "Port:"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:296 DlgOptions.cpp:360
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:299
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:363
 msgid "Don't use proxy for:"
 msgstr "Nepoužívať proxy pre:"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:303 DlgOptions.cpp:367
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:306
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:370
 msgid "Leave these blank if not needed"
 msgstr "Toto ponechať prázdne, ak nie je potrebné"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:309 DlgOptions.cpp:373 ProxyPage.cpp:343 ProxyPage.cpp:363
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:312
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:376
 msgid "User Name:"
 msgstr "Užívateľské meno:"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:317 DlgOptions.cpp:381 DlgSelectComputer.cpp:151
-#: ProxyPage.cpp:346 ProxyPage.cpp:366
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:320
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:384
+#: clientgui/DlgSelectComputer.cpp:152
 msgid "Password:"
 msgstr "Heslo:"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:324
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:327
 msgid "HTTP Proxy"
 msgstr "HTTP proxy server"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:332
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:335
 msgid "Connect via SOCKS proxy server"
 msgstr "Pripojenie cez SOCKS proxy server"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:336
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:339
 msgid "SOCKS Proxy Server Configuration"
 msgstr "Konfigurácia SOCKS proxy servera"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:388
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:391
 msgid "SOCKS Proxy"
 msgstr "SOCKS proxy server"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:586
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:589
 msgid "always"
 msgstr "stále"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:587
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:590
 msgid "1 hour"
 msgstr "1 hodina"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:588
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:591
 msgid "6 hours"
 msgstr "6 hodín"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:589
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:592
 msgid "1 day"
 msgstr "1 deň"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:590
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:593
 msgid "1 week"
 msgstr "1 týždeň"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:591
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:594
 msgid "never"
 msgstr "nikdy"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:688
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:691
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - Language Selection"
 msgstr "%s - Výber jazyka"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:695
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:698
 #, c-format
 #, c-format, c-format
-msgid ""
-"The %s's language has been changed.  In order for this change to take "
-"effect, you must restart the %s."
+msgid "The %s's language has been changed.  In order for this change to take effect, you must restart the %s."
 msgstr ""
 "Jazyk pre %s bol zmenený.  Aby sa táto zmena prejavila, musíte reštartovať %"
-#: DlgSelectComputer.cpp:90
+#: clientgui/DlgSelectComputer.cpp:91
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - Select Computer"
 msgstr "%s - Zvoliť počítač"
-#: DlgSelectComputer.cpp:124
+#: clientgui/DlgSelectComputer.cpp:125
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "Another instance of %s is already running \n"
@@ -2070,418 +2168,420 @@ msgstr ""
 "Na tomto počítači už beží iný %s.\n"
 "Zvoľte ktorého klienta chcete sledovať."
-#: DlgSelectComputer.cpp:142
+#: clientgui/DlgSelectComputer.cpp:143
 msgid "Host name:"
 msgstr "Názov počítača:"
-#: Localization.cpp:31 Localization.cpp:69
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:31
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:69
 msgid "Message boards"
 msgstr "Panely hlásení"
-#: Localization.cpp:33
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:33
 msgid "Correspond with other users on the SETI at home message boards"
 msgstr "Korešpondujte s ostatnými užívateľmi na SETI at home paneloch hlásení"
-#: Localization.cpp:37
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:37
 msgid "Ask questions and report problems"
 msgstr "Položte otázku a oznámte problémy"
-#: Localization.cpp:39 Localization.cpp:81 Localization.cpp:111
-#: Localization.cpp:129
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:39
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:81
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:111
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:129
 msgid "Your account"
 msgstr "Vaše konto"
-#: Localization.cpp:41 Localization.cpp:87 Localization.cpp:113
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:41
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:87
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:113
 msgid "View your account information and credit totals"
 msgstr "Prehľad informácií o Vašom konte a celkovom kredite"
-#: Localization.cpp:43
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:43
 msgid "Your preferences"
 msgstr "Vaše preferencie"
-#: Localization.cpp:45
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:45
 msgid "View and modify your SETI at home account profile and preferences"
 msgstr "Prezrite si a modifikujte Váš SETI at home profil konta a preferencie"
-#: Localization.cpp:47 Localization.cpp:89
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:47
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:89
 msgid "Your results"
 msgstr "Vaše výsledky"
-#: Localization.cpp:49 Localization.cpp:91
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:49
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:91
 msgid "View your last week (or more) of computational results and work"
 msgstr "Prezrite si posledný týždeň (alebo viac) vypočítaných výsledkov a práce"
-#: Localization.cpp:51 Localization.cpp:93
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:51
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:93
 msgid "Your computers"
 msgstr "Vaše počítače"
-#: Localization.cpp:53
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:53
 msgid "View a listing of all the computers on which you are running SETI at Home"
 msgstr "Prezrite si zoznam všetkých počítačov, na ktorých počítate SETI at Home"
-#: Localization.cpp:55 Localization.cpp:97
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:55
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:97
 msgid "Your team"
 msgstr "Váš tím"
-#: Localization.cpp:57 Localization.cpp:99
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:57
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:99
 msgid "View information about your team"
 msgstr "Prehliadnite si informácie o Vašom tíme"
-#: Localization.cpp:61
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:61
 msgid "Common questions"
 msgstr "Bežné otázky"
-#: Localization.cpp:63
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:63
 msgid "Read the Einstein at Home Frequently Asked Question list"
 msgstr "Prečítajte si zoznam často kladených otázok k Einstein at Home"
-#: Localization.cpp:65
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:65
 msgid "Screensaver info"
 msgstr "Info o šetriči obrazovky"
-#: Localization.cpp:67
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:67
 msgid "Read a detailed description of the Einstein at Home screensaver"
 msgstr "Prečítajte si podrobný opis šetriča obrazovky Einstein at Home"
-#: Localization.cpp:71
-msgid ""
-"Correspond with admins and other users on the Einstein at Home message boards"
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:71
+msgid "Correspond with admins and other users on the Einstein at Home message boards"
 msgstr ""
 "Korešpondujte s administrátormi a ostatnými užívateľmi na Einstein at Home "
 "paneloch hlásení"
-#: Localization.cpp:73
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:73
 msgid "Einstein status"
 msgstr "Stav projektu Einstein"
-#: Localization.cpp:75
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:75
 msgid "Current status of the Einstein at Home server"
 msgstr "Aktuálny stav Einstein at Home servra"
-#: Localization.cpp:77
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:77
 msgid "Report problems"
 msgstr "Oznámenie problémov"
-#: Localization.cpp:79
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:79
 msgid "A link to the Einstein at Home problems and bug reports message board"
 msgstr "Linka na panel hlásení problémov a chýb Einstein at Home"
-#: Localization.cpp:83
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:83
 msgid "View and modify your Einstein at Home account profile and preferences"
 msgstr "Prezrite si a modifikujte Váš Einstein at Home profil konta a preferencie"
-#: Localization.cpp:85
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:85
 msgid "Account summary"
 msgstr "Súhrn konta"
-#: Localization.cpp:95
-msgid ""
-"View a listing of all the computers on which you are running Einstein at Home"
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:95
+msgid "View a listing of all the computers on which you are running Einstein at Home"
 msgstr ""
 "Prezrite si zoznam všetkých počítačov, na ktorých počítate Einstein at Home"
-#: Localization.cpp:101
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:101
 msgid "LIGO project"
 msgstr "LIGO projekt"
-#: Localization.cpp:103
-msgid ""
-"The home page of the Laser Interferometer Gravitational-wave Observatory "
-"(LIGO) project"
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:103
+msgid "The home page of the Laser Interferometer Gravitational-wave Observatory (LIGO) project"
 msgstr ""
 "Domovská stránka projektu Laser Interferometer Gravitational-wave "
 "Observatory (LIGO)"
-#: Localization.cpp:105
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:105
 msgid "GEO-600 project"
 msgstr "Projekt GEO-600"
-#: Localization.cpp:107
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:107
 msgid "The home page of the GEO-600 project"
 msgstr "Domovská stránka projektu GEO-600"
-#: Localization.cpp:115 Localization.cpp:133 ViewProjects.cpp:220
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:457
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:115
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:133
 msgid "Team"
 msgstr "Tím"
-#: Localization.cpp:117
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:117
 msgid "Info about your Team"
 msgstr "Informácie o Vašom tíme"
-#: Localization.cpp:123
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:123
 msgid "Get help for climateprediction.net"
 msgstr "Získajte pomoc pre climateprediction.net"
-#: Localization.cpp:125
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:125
 msgid "News"
 msgstr "Novinky"
-#: Localization.cpp:127
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:127
 msgid "climateprediction.net News"
 msgstr "Novinky climateprediction.net"
-#: Localization.cpp:131
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:131
 msgid "View your account information, credits, and trickles"
 msgstr "Prehliadnite si informácie o Vašom konte, kredite a rýchlych správach"
-#: Localization.cpp:135
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:135
 msgid "Info about your team"
 msgstr "Informácie o Vašom tíme"
-#: Localization.cpp:141
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:141
 msgid "Search for help in our help system"
 msgstr "Pátranie po pomoci v našom systéme pomoci"
-#: Localization.cpp:143
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:143
 msgid "Global Statistics"
 msgstr "Globálne štatistiky"
-#: Localization.cpp:145
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:145
 msgid "Summary statistics for World Community Grid"
 msgstr "Sumárne štatistiky pre World Community Grid"
-#: Localization.cpp:147
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:147
 msgid "My Grid"
 msgstr "Môj Grid"
-#: Localization.cpp:149
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:149
 msgid "Your statistics and settings"
 msgstr "Vaše štatistiky a nastavenia"
-#: Localization.cpp:151
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:151
 msgid "Device Profiles"
 msgstr "Profily zariadenia"
-#: Localization.cpp:153
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:153
 msgid "Update your device settings"
 msgstr "Aktualizácia nastavení Vášho zariadenia"
-#: Localization.cpp:155
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:155
 msgid "Research"
 msgstr "Výskum"
-#: Localization.cpp:157
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:157
 msgid "Learn about the projects hosted at World Community Grid"
 msgstr "Spoznajte projekty zapojené do World Community Grid"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:586
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:583
 msgid "Starting client"
 msgstr "Spúšťa sa klient"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:594
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:591
 msgid "Connecting to client"
 msgstr "Pripája sa ku klientovi"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:1183
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:1205
 msgid "Retrieving system state; please wait..."
 msgstr "Zisťuje sa stav systému; prosím čakajte..."
-#: MainDocument.cpp:1804
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:1826
 msgid "Missing application"
 msgstr "Chýbajúca aplikácia"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:1805
-msgid ""
-"Please download and install the CoRD application from http://cord."
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:1827
+msgid "Please download and install the CoRD application from http://cord.sourceforge.net"
 msgstr ""
 "Prosím stiahnite a nainštalujte aplikáciu CoRD z http://cord.sourceforge.net"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2420
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2442
 msgid "on batteries"
 msgstr "z batérií"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2421
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2443
 msgid "computer is in use"
 msgstr "počítač je používaný"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2422
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2444
 msgid "user request"
 msgstr "požadované užívateľom"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2423
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2445
 msgid "time of day"
 msgstr "denná doba"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2424
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2446
 msgid "CPU benchmarks in progress"
 msgstr "prebiehajú testy rýchlosti CPU"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2425
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2447
 msgid "need disk space - check preferences"
 msgstr "nedostatok voľného miesta na disku - skontrolujte preferencie"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2426
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2448
 msgid "computer is not in use"
 msgstr "počítač nie je používaný"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2427
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2449
 msgid "starting up"
 msgstr "spúšťa sa"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2428
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2450
 msgid "an exclusive app is running"
 msgstr "beží aplikácia vo výhradnom režime"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2429
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2451
 msgid "CPU is busy"
 msgstr "procesor je vyťažený"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2430
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2452
 msgid "network bandwidth limit exceeded"
 msgstr "prekročený limit prenosu dát"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2431
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2453
 msgid "requested by operating system"
 msgstr "vyžiadané operačným systémom"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2433
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2455
 msgid "unknown reason"
 msgstr "neznámy dôvod"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2455
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2477
 msgid "GPU missing, "
 msgstr "GPU sa nenašlo, "
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2462
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2484
 msgid "New"
 msgstr "Nová"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2466
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2488
 msgid "Download failed"
 msgstr "Stiahnutie zlyhalo"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2468
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2490
 msgid "Downloading"
 msgstr "Sťahovanie"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2470 MainDocument.cpp:2540
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2492
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2557
 msgid " (suspended - "
 msgstr " (pozastavené - "
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2478
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2500
 msgid "Project suspended by user"
 msgstr "Projekt pozastavený užívateľom"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2480
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2502
 msgid "Task suspended by user"
 msgstr "Úloha pozastavená užívateľom"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2482
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2504
 msgid "Suspended - "
 msgstr "Pozastavené - "
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2488
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2510
 msgid "GPU suspended - "
 msgstr "GPU pozastavené - "
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2495
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2517
 msgid "Waiting for memory"
 msgstr "Čakanie na pamäť"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2497
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2519
 msgid "Waiting for shared memory"
 msgstr "Čakanie na zdieľanú pamäť"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2500
-msgid "Running, high priority"
-msgstr "Počítanie, s vysokou prioritou"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2502 sg_ImageButton.cpp:88
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2521
 msgid "Running"
 msgstr "Počítanie"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2505
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2523
 msgid " (non-CPU-intensive)"
 msgstr " (nenáročný na procesor)"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2508
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2526
 msgid "Waiting to run"
 msgstr "Čakanie na výpočet"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2510 MainDocument.cpp:2516
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2528
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2534
 msgid "Ready to start"
 msgstr "Pripravená na spustenie"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2520
-msgid " (Scheduler wait: "
-msgstr " (Čakanie plánovača: "
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2538
+msgid "Postponed: "
+msgstr ""
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2524
-msgid " (Scheduler wait)"
-msgstr " (čakanie plánovača)"
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2541
+msgid "Postponed"
+msgstr ""
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2528
-msgid " (Waiting for network access)"
-msgstr " (Čakanie na prístup k sieti)"
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2545
+msgid "Waiting for network access"
+msgstr ""
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2532
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2549
 msgid "Computation error"
 msgstr "Chyba výpočtu"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2536
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2553
 msgid "Upload failed"
 msgstr "Odoslanie zlyhalo"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2538
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2555
 msgid "Uploading"
 msgstr "Odosielanie"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2549
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2566
 msgid "Aborted by user"
 msgstr "Zrušená užívateľom"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2552
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2569
 msgid "Aborted by project"
 msgstr "Zrušená projektom"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2555
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2572
 msgid "Aborted: not started by deadline"
 msgstr "Zrušené: výpočet sa nezačal do určeného termínu"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2558
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2575
 msgid "Aborted: disk limit exceeded"
 msgstr "Zrušené: prekročený limit použitého miesta na disku"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2561
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2578
 msgid "Aborted: run time limit exceeded"
 msgstr "Zrušené: prekročený limit na dĺžku výpočtu"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2564
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2581
 msgid "Aborted: memory limit exceeded"
 msgstr "Zrušené: prekročený limit použitej pamäte"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2567
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2584
 msgid "Aborted"
 msgstr "Zrušená"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2572
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2589
 msgid "Acknowledged"
 msgstr "Potvrdená"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2574
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2591
 msgid "Ready to report"
 msgstr "Pripravená na odoslanie"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2576
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2593
 #, c-format
 msgid "Error: invalid state '%d'"
 msgstr "Chyba: neplatný stav '%d'"
-#: NoInternetConnectionPage.cpp:179
+#: clientgui/NoInternetConnectionPage.cpp:179
 msgid "No Internet connection"
 msgstr "Žiadne pripojenie k Internetu"
-#: NoInternetConnectionPage.cpp:182
+#: clientgui/NoInternetConnectionPage.cpp:182
 msgid "Please connect to the Internet and try again."
 msgstr "Prosím pripojte sa k Internetu a skúste znova."
-#: NotDetectedPage.cpp:181
+#: clientgui/NotDetectedPage.cpp:181
 msgid "Project not found"
 msgstr "Projekt nenájdený"
-#: NotDetectedPage.cpp:184
+#: clientgui/NotDetectedPage.cpp:184
 msgid ""
 "The URL you supplied is not that of a BOINC-based project.\n"
@@ -2491,11 +2591,11 @@ msgstr ""
 "Prosím skontrolujte URL a skúste znova."
-#: NotDetectedPage.cpp:188
+#: clientgui/NotDetectedPage.cpp:188
 msgid "Account manager not found"
 msgstr "Správca konta nenájdený"
-#: NotDetectedPage.cpp:191
+#: clientgui/NotDetectedPage.cpp:191
 msgid ""
 "The URL you supplied is not that of a BOINC-based account\n"
@@ -2506,127 +2606,94 @@ msgstr ""
 "Prosím skontrolujte URL a skúste znova."
-#: NotFoundPage.cpp:181
+#: clientgui/NotFoundPage.cpp:181
 msgid "Login Failed."
 msgstr "Prihlásenie neúspešné."
-#: NotFoundPage.cpp:185
+#: clientgui/NotFoundPage.cpp:185
 msgid "Check the username and password, and try again."
 msgstr "Skontrolujte užívateľské meno a heslo, potom skúste znova."
-#: NotFoundPage.cpp:189
+#: clientgui/NotFoundPage.cpp:189
 msgid "Check the email address and password, and try again."
 msgstr "Skontrolujte emailovú adresu a heslo, potom skúste znova."
-#: NoticeListCtrl.cpp:63
-msgid "Notice List"
-msgstr "Zoznam oznamov"
-#: NoticeListCtrl.cpp:185
-#, c-format
-msgid "%s; received on %s"
-msgstr "%s; prijatá o %s"
-#: NoticeListCtrl.cpp:187
-#, c-format
-msgid "%s; received from %s; on %s"
-msgstr "%s; prijatá od %s; o %s"
-#: NoticeListCtrl.cpp:284 ProjectListCtrl.cpp:282
-msgid "Click"
-msgstr "Klik"
-#: NoticeListCtrl.cpp:569
+#: clientgui/NoticeListCtrl.cpp:229
 msgid "more..."
 msgstr "viac..."
-#: ProjectInfoPage.cpp:451 ProjectInfoPage.cpp:739 ProjectInfoPage.cpp:743
-msgid "All"
-msgstr "Všetky"
-#: ProjectInfoPage.cpp:582
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:221
 msgid "Choose a project"
 msgstr "Zvoľte projekt"
-#: ProjectInfoPage.cpp:586
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:228
 msgid "To choose a project, click its name or type its URL below."
 msgstr ""
 "Zvoľte projekt kliknutím na jeho názov\n"
 "alebo napíšte do kolónky jeho adresu URL."
-#: ProjectInfoPage.cpp:590
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:246
 msgid "Categories:"
 msgstr "Kategórie:"
-#: ProjectInfoPage.cpp:594 sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:89
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:267
 msgid "Projects:"
 msgstr "Projekty:"
-#: ProjectInfoPage.cpp:598
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:279
 msgid "Project details"
 msgstr "Detaily projektu"
-#: ProjectInfoPage.cpp:602
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:291
 msgid "Research area:"
 msgstr "Oblasť výskumu:"
-#: ProjectInfoPage.cpp:606
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:302
 msgid "Organization:"
 msgstr "Organizácia:"
-#: ProjectInfoPage.cpp:610
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:313
 msgid "Web site:"
 msgstr "Web stránka:"
-#: ProjectInfoPage.cpp:614
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:325
 msgid "Supported systems:"
 msgstr "Podporované systémy:"
-#: ProjectInfoPage.cpp:618
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:363
 msgid "Project URL:"
 msgstr "URL adresa projektu:"
-#: ProjectInfoPage.cpp:787
-msgid ""
-"This project may not have work for your type of computer.  Do you want to "
-"add it anyway?"
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:499
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:754
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:758
+msgid "All"
+msgstr "Všetky"
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:802
+msgid "This project may not have work for your type of computer.  Do you want to add it anyway?"
 msgstr ""
 "Tento projekt nemusí mať prácu pre Váš typ počítača.  Chcete sa k nemu "
 "napriek tomu pripojiť?"
-#: ProjectInfoPage.cpp:811
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:826
 msgid "You already added this project. Please choose a different project."
 msgstr "Tento projekt ste si už pripojili. Prosím zvoľte iný projekt."
-#: ProjectListCtrl.cpp:66
-msgid "Project List"
-msgstr "Projekty"
-#: ProjectListCtrl.cpp:507
-msgid "Nvidia GPU Supported"
-msgstr "Môže využiť Nvidia GPU (grafickú kartu)"
-#: ProjectListCtrl.cpp:509
-msgid "ATI GPU Supported"
-msgstr "Môže využiť ATI GPU (grafickú kartu)"
-#: ProjectListCtrl.cpp:511
-msgid "Project Website"
-msgstr "Webstránka projektu"
-#: ProjectProcessingPage.cpp:321
+#: clientgui/ProjectProcessingPage.cpp:321
 msgid "Communicating with project."
 msgstr "Komunikácia so serverom projektu."
-#: ProjectProcessingPage.cpp:507
+#: clientgui/ProjectProcessingPage.cpp:510
 msgid "Required files not found on the server."
 msgstr "Na serveri sa nenašli potrebné súbory."
-#: ProjectProcessingPage.cpp:510 ProjectProcessingPage.cpp:572
+#: clientgui/ProjectProcessingPage.cpp:513
+#: clientgui/ProjectProcessingPage.cpp:586
 msgid "An internal server error has occurred."
 msgstr "Vyskytla sa interná chyba servera."
-#: ProjectPropertiesPage.cpp:334
+#: clientgui/ProjectPropertiesPage.cpp:334
 msgid ""
 "Communicating with project\n"
 "Please wait..."
@@ -2634,11 +2701,48 @@ msgstr ""
 "Komunikácia s projektom\n"
 "Prosím čakajte..."
-#: ProxyInfoPage.cpp:195
+#: clientgui/ProjectWelcomePage.cpp:251
+#, c-format
+msgid "Welcome to %s."
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ProjectWelcomePage.cpp:254
+msgid "You have volunteered to compute for this project:"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ProjectWelcomePage.cpp:255
+msgid "Name:"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ProjectWelcomePage.cpp:258
+msgid "Home:"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ProjectWelcomePage.cpp:262
+msgid "Description:"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ProjectWelcomePage.cpp:265
+msgid "URL:"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ProjectWelcomePage.cpp:268
+msgid "User:"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ProjectWelcomePage.cpp:273
+msgid "WARNING: This project is not registered with BOINC.  Make sure you trust it before continuing."
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ProjectWelcomePage.cpp:277
+msgid "To continue, click Next."
+msgstr "Pokračujte stlačením Ďalej."
+#: clientgui/ProxyInfoPage.cpp:195
 msgid "Network communication failure"
 msgstr "Sieťová komunikácia zlyhala"
-#: ProxyInfoPage.cpp:199
+#: clientgui/ProxyInfoPage.cpp:199
 msgid ""
 "The World Community Grid - BOINC software failed to communicate\n"
 "over the Internet. The most likely reasons are:\n"
@@ -2668,7 +2772,7 @@ msgstr ""
 "3) Používate proxy server.\n"
 "Kliknite na Ďalej pre konfigurovanie proxy nastavení pre BOINC."
-#: ProxyInfoPage.cpp:203
+#: clientgui/ProxyInfoPage.cpp:203
 msgid ""
 "BOINC failed to communicate on the Internet.\n"
 "The most likely reasons are:\n"
@@ -2698,622 +2802,1020 @@ msgstr ""
 "3) Používate proxy server.\n"
 "Kliknite na Ďalej pre konfigurovanie proxy nastavení pre BOINC."
-#: ProxyPage.cpp:331
+#: clientgui/ProxyPage.cpp:331
 msgid "Proxy configuration"
 msgstr "Konfigurácia proxy"
-#: ProxyPage.cpp:334
+#: clientgui/ProxyPage.cpp:334
 msgid "HTTP proxy"
 msgstr "HTTP proxy server"
-#: ProxyPage.cpp:337 ProxyPage.cpp:357
+#: clientgui/ProxyPage.cpp:337
+#: clientgui/ProxyPage.cpp:357
 msgid "Server:"
 msgstr "Server:"
-#: ProxyPage.cpp:350
+#: clientgui/ProxyPage.cpp:350
 msgid "Autodetect"
 msgstr "Autodetekcia"
-#: ProxyPage.cpp:354
+#: clientgui/ProxyPage.cpp:354
 msgid "SOCKS proxy"
 msgstr "SOCKS proxy server"
-#: TermsOfUsePage.cpp:218
-msgid "Terms of Use"
-msgstr "Podmienky použitia"
+#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:167
+msgid "Advanced View...\tCtrl+Shift+A"
+msgstr "Pokročilé zobrazenie...\tCtrl+Shift+A"
-#: TermsOfUsePage.cpp:222
-msgid "Please read the following terms of use:"
-msgstr "Prosím prečítajte si nasledovné podmienky použitia:"
+#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:168
+msgid "Display the advanced graphical interface."
+msgstr "Zobraziť pokročilé grafické rozhranie."
-#: TermsOfUsePage.cpp:231
-msgid "I agree to the terms of use."
-msgstr "Súhlasím s podmienkami použitia."
+#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:175
+msgid "Skin"
+msgstr "Vzhľad"
-#: TermsOfUsePage.cpp:237
-msgid "I do not agree with the terms of use."
-msgstr "Nesúhlasím s podmienkami použitia."
+#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:177
+msgid "Select the appearance of the user interface."
+msgstr "Vyberte si vzhľad používateľského rozhrania."
-#: UnavailablePage.cpp:183
-msgid "Project temporarily unavailable"
-msgstr "Projekt dočasne nedostupný"
+#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:224
+#, c-format
+msgid "&%s"
+msgstr "&%s"
-#: UnavailablePage.cpp:186
-msgid ""
-"The project is temporarily unavailable.\n"
-"Please try again later."
-msgstr ""
-"Projekt je dočasne nedostupný.\n"
-"Prosím skúste znova neskôr."
+#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:405
+msgid "Default"
+msgstr "Predvolené"
-#: UnavailablePage.cpp:190
-msgid "Account manager temporarily unavailable"
-msgstr "Správca konta dočasne nedostupný"
+#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:848
+msgid "Suspend"
+msgstr "Pozastaviť"
-#: UnavailablePage.cpp:193
-msgid ""
-"The account manager is temporarily unavailable.\n"
-"Please try again later."
-msgstr ""
-"Správca konta je dočasne nedostupný.\n"
-"Prosím skúste znova neskôr."
+#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:850
+msgid "Suspend Computing"
+msgstr "Pozastaviť výpočty"
-#: ValidateAccountKey.cpp:68
-msgid "Please specify an account key to continue."
-msgstr "Prosím špecifikujte kľúč konta pre pokračovanie."
+#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:851
+msgid "Resume Computing"
+msgstr "Pokračovať vo výpočtoch"
-#: ValidateAccountKey.cpp:71
-msgid "Invalid Account Key; please enter a valid Account Key"
-msgstr "Neplatný kľúč konta; prosím vložte platný kľúč konta"
+#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:867
+msgid "Notices"
+msgstr "Oznamy"
-#: ValidateAccountKey.cpp:82 ValidateEmailAddress.cpp:86
-msgid "Validation conflict"
-msgstr "Konflikt pri validácii"
+#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:868
+msgid "Open a window to view notices from projects or BOINC"
+msgstr "Otvoriť okno zobrazujúce oznamy z projektov a BOINC"
-#: ValidateEmailAddress.cpp:72
-msgid "Please specify an email address"
-msgstr "Prosím špecifikujte emailovú adresu"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgMessages.cpp:124
+msgid "Fetching notices; please wait..."
+msgstr "Načítavajú sa oznamy, prosím počkajte..."
-#: ValidateEmailAddress.cpp:75
-msgid "Invalid email address; please enter a valid email address"
-msgstr "Neplatná emailová adresa; prosím vložiť správnu emailovú adresu"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgMessages.cpp:132
+msgid "There are no notices at this time."
+msgstr "Zatiaľ neexistujú žiadne oznamy."
-#: ValidateURL.cpp:69
-msgid "Missing URL"
-msgstr "Chýbajúca URL"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgMessages.cpp:146
+msgid "Close"
+msgstr "Zatvoriť"
-#: ValidateURL.cpp:70
-msgid ""
-"Please specify a URL.\n"
-"For example:\n"
-msgstr ""
-"Prosím špecifikujte URL.\n"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgMessages.cpp:394
+#, c-format
+msgid "%s - Notices"
+msgstr "%s - Oznamy"
-#: ValidateURL.cpp:83 ValidateURL.cpp:87 ValidateURL.cpp:91
-#: ValidateURL.cpp:103 ValidateURL.cpp:107 ValidateURL.cpp:110
-msgid "Invalid URL"
-msgstr "Neplatná URL"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:270
+msgid "This dialog controls preferences for this computer only."
+msgstr "Toto okno nastavuje preferencie len pre tento počítač."
-#: ValidateURL.cpp:84 ValidateURL.cpp:88 ValidateURL.cpp:92
-msgid ""
-"Please specify a valid URL.\n"
-"For example:\n"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:275
+msgid "Click OK to set preferences."
 msgstr ""
-"Prosím špecifikujte správnu URL.\n"
+"Kliknite Vymazať pre obnovenie preferencií uvedených nižšie na stav z webu."
-#: ValidateURL.cpp:104 ValidateURL.cpp:108
-#, c-format
-msgid "'%s' does not contain a valid host name."
-msgstr "'%s' neobsahuje správny názov počítača."
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:280
+msgid "Click Clear to restore web-based settings for all preferences listed below."
+msgstr ""
-#: ValidateURL.cpp:111
-#, c-format
-msgid "'%s' does not contain a valid path."
-msgstr "'%s' neobsahuje správnu cestu."
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:287
+msgid "For additional settings, select Computing Preferences in the Advanced View."
+msgstr ""
-#: ViewMessages.cpp:84 ViewProjects.cpp:169 ViewStatistics.cpp:1965
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:159 ViewWork.cpp:182
-msgid "Commands"
-msgstr "Príkazy"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:315
+msgid "Do work only between:"
+msgstr "Pracovať iba medzi:"
-#: ViewMessages.cpp:88
-msgid "Copy all messages"
-msgstr "Kopírovať všetky správy"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:337
+msgid "Connect to internet only between:"
+msgstr "Pripojiť k Internetu iba medzi:"
-#: ViewMessages.cpp:95
-msgid "Copy selected messages"
-msgstr "Kopírovať vybraté správy"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:359
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:376
+msgid "Use no more than:"
+msgstr "Použiť nie viac ako:"
-#: ViewMessages.cpp:106 ViewMessages.cpp:502
-msgid "Show only this project"
-msgstr "Zobraziť len tento projekt"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:372
+msgid "of disk space"
+msgstr "miesta na disku"
-#: ViewMessages.cpp:107 ViewMessages.cpp:503
-msgid "Show only the messages for the selected project."
-msgstr "Zobraziť správy len z vybraného projektu."
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:389
+msgid "of the processor"
+msgstr "procesora"
-#: ViewMessages.cpp:164
-msgid "Messages"
-msgstr "Správy"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:393
+msgid "Do work while on battery?"
+msgstr "Pracovať pri behu na batérie?"
-#: ViewMessages.cpp:187
-msgid "Copying all messages to the clipboard..."
-msgstr "Kopírovanie všetkých správ do schránky..."
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:406
+msgid "Do work after idle for:"
+msgstr "Pracovať pri nečinnosti za:"
-#: ViewMessages.cpp:223
-msgid "Copying selected messages to the clipboard..."
-msgstr "Kopírovanie vybraných správ do schránky..."
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:431
+msgid "Clear all local preferences listed above and close the dialog"
+msgstr ""
-#: ViewMessages.cpp:286
-msgid "Filtering messages..."
-msgstr "Filtrovanie správ..."
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:609
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:612
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:688
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:692
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:704
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:708
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:851
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:862
+msgid "Anytime"
+msgstr "Kedykoľvek"
-#: ViewMessages.cpp:494
-msgid "Show all messages"
-msgstr "Zobraziť všetky správy"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:645
+msgid "100 MB"
+msgstr "100 MB"
-#: ViewMessages.cpp:495
-msgid "Show messages for all projects."
-msgstr "Zobraziť správy zo všetkých projektov."
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:646
+msgid "200 MB"
+msgstr "200 MB"
-#: ViewNotices.cpp:60 sg_DlgMessages.cpp:130
-msgid "One or more items failed to load from the Internet."
-msgstr "Jednu alebo viacero položiek nebolo možné načítať z Internetu."
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:647
+msgid "500 MB"
+msgstr "500 MB"
-#: ViewNotices.cpp:68 sg_DlgMessages.cpp:138
-msgid "Retry now"
-msgstr "Zopakovať teraz"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:648
+msgid "1 GB"
+msgstr "1 GB"
-#: ViewNotices.cpp:91 sg_DlgMessages.cpp:171
-msgid "Fetching notices; please wait..."
-msgstr "Načítavajú sa oznamy, prosím počkajte..."
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:649
+msgid "2 GB"
+msgstr "2 GB"
-#: ViewNotices.cpp:97 sg_DlgMessages.cpp:178
-msgid "There are no notices at this time."
-msgstr "Zatiaľ neexistujú žiadne oznamy."
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:650
+msgid "5 GB"
+msgstr "5 GB"
-#: ViewNotices.cpp:120 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:756
-msgid "Notices"
-msgstr "Oznamy"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:651
+msgid "10 GB"
+msgstr "10 GB"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:652
+msgid "20 GB"
+msgstr "20 GB"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:653
+msgid "50 GB"
+msgstr "50 GB"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:654
+msgid "100 GB"
+msgstr "100 GB"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:724
+#, c-format
+msgid "%d MB"
+msgstr "%d MB"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:726
+#, c-format
+msgid "%4.2f GB"
+msgstr "%4.2f GB"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:767
+#, c-format
+msgid "%d%%"
+msgstr "%d%%"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:803
+msgid "0 (Run Always)"
+msgstr "0 (Beží stále)"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:806
+#, c-format
+msgid "%d"
+msgstr "%d"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:953
+#, c-format
+msgid "%s - Computing Preferences"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:1033
+msgid "Do you really want to clear all local preferences?\n"
+msgstr "Chcete skutočne odstrániť všetky lokálne preferencie?\n"
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:66
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:179
+msgid "Update"
+msgstr "Aktualizovať"
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:67
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:180
+msgid "Report all completed tasks, get latest credit, get latest preferences, and possibly get more tasks."
+msgstr ""
+"Odoslať všetky dokončené úlohy, získať posledný kredit, získať posledné "
+"preferencie a ak je možné získať ďalšie úlohy."
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:73
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:129
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:187
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:727
+msgid "Suspend tasks for this project."
+msgstr "Pozastaviť úlohy pre tento projekt."
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:78
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:136
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:193
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:746
+msgid "No new tasks"
+msgstr "Žiadne nové úlohy"
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:79
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:194
+msgid "Don't get new tasks for this project."
+msgstr "Nezískať nové úlohy pre tento projekt."
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:84
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:200
+msgid "Reset project"
+msgstr "Resetovať projekt"
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:85
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:201
+msgid "Delete all files and tasks associated with this project, and get new tasks.  You can update the project first to report any completed tasks."
+msgstr ""
+"Vymazať všetky súbory a úlohy spojené s týmto projektom a získať nové úlohy. "
+" Mali by ste najskôr aktualizovať projekt pre odoslanie všetkých "
+"dokončených úloh."
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:91
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:208
+msgid "Remove this project.  Tasks in progress will be lost (use 'Update' first to report any completed tasks)."
+msgstr ""
+"Odpojiť počítač od tohto projektu.  Rozpracované úlohy budú stratené "
+"(použite najskôr 'Aktualizovať' pre odoslanie všetkých dokončených úloh)."
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:96
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:84
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:214
+msgid "Properties"
+msgstr "Vlastnosti"
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:97
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:215
+msgid "Show project details."
+msgstr "Zobraziť detaily projektu."
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:126
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:723
+msgid "Resume tasks for this project."
+msgstr "Pokračovať na úlohách pre tento projekt."
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:133
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:742
+msgid "Allow new tasks"
+msgstr "Povoliť nové úlohy"
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:134
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:742
+msgid "Allow fetching new tasks for this project."
+msgstr "Povoliť sťahovanie nových úloh pre tento projekt."
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:137
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:746
+msgid "Don't fetch new tasks for this project."
+msgstr "Nesťahovať nové úlohy pre tento projekt."
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:229
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:443
+#, c-format
+msgid "Are you sure you want to reset project '%s'?"
+msgstr "Ste si istý, že chcete resetovať projekt '%s'?"
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:235
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:449
+msgid "Reset Project"
+msgstr "Resetovať projekt"
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:266
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:501
+#, c-format
+msgid "Are you sure you want to remove project '%s'?"
+msgstr "Ste si istý, že chcete odpojiť projekt '%s'?"
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:272
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:507
+msgid "Remove Project"
+msgstr "Odstrániť projekt"
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:72
+msgid "Add Project"
+msgstr "Pridať projekt"
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:73
+msgid "Synchronize"
+msgstr "Sychronizovať"
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:74
+msgid "Work done for this project"
+msgstr "Práca hotová pre tento projekt"
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:77
+msgid "Synchronize projects with account manager system"
+msgstr "Synchronizovať projekty so systémom Správcu konta"
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:124
+msgid "Select a project to access with the controls below"
+msgstr "Zvoľte projekt na zobrazenie s ovládačmi dolu"
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:145
+msgid "Project Web Pages"
+msgstr "Webstránky projektu"
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:149
+msgid "Project Commands"
+msgstr "Príkazy projektu"
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:276
+#, c-format
+msgid "Pop up a menu of web sites for project %s"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:278
+#, c-format
+msgid "Pop up a menu of commands to apply to project %s"
+msgstr "Zobraziť menu príkazov pre projekt %s"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:66
+msgid "Show graphics"
+msgstr "Zobraziť grafiku"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:67
+msgid "Show application graphics in a window."
+msgstr "Zobraziť okno s grafikou aplikácie."
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:73
+msgid "Suspend this task."
+msgstr "Pozastaviť túto úlohu."
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:78
+msgid "Abort"
+msgstr "Zrušiť"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:79
+msgid "Abandon this task. You will get no credit for it."
+msgstr "Zrušiť túto úlohu. Nedostanete za ňu žiaden kredit."
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:85
+msgid "Show task details."
+msgstr "Zobraziť detaily úlohy."
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:119
+msgid "Resume work for this task."
+msgstr "Pokračovať v práci na tejto úlohe."
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:123
+msgid "Suspend work for this task."
+msgstr "Pozastaviť prácu na tejto úlohe."
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:267
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Are you sure you want to abort this task '%s'?\n"
+"(Progress: %.1lf%%, Status: %s)"
+msgstr ""
+"Ste si istý že chcete zrušiť túto úlohu '%s'?\n"
+"(Priebeh: %.1lf%%, Stav: %s)"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:272
+msgid "Abort task"
+msgstr "Zrušiť úlohu"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:468
+msgid "You don't have any projects.  Please Add a Project."
+msgstr "Nemáte žiadne projekty.  Prosím pridajte projekt."
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:469
+msgid "Not available"
+msgstr "Nie je k dispozícii"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:480
+msgid "Tasks:"
+msgstr "Úlohy:"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:486
+msgid "Select a task to access"
+msgstr "Zvoliť úlohu"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:497
+msgid "From:"
+msgstr "Od:"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:551
+msgid "This task's progress"
+msgstr "Priebeh tejto úlohy"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:569
+msgid "Task Commands"
+msgstr "Príkazy pre úlohu"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:570
+msgid "Pop up a menu of commands to apply to this task"
+msgstr "Zobraziť menu príkazov pre túto úlohu"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:705
+#, c-format
+msgid "Application: %s"
+msgstr "Aplikácia: %s"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:728
+#, c-format
+msgid "%.3f%%"
+msgstr "%.3f%%"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:736
+msgid "Application: Not available"
+msgstr "Aplikácia: Nie je k dispozícii"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:836
+msgid "Not Available"
+msgstr "Nie je k dispozícii"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:851
+#, c-format
+msgid "Elapsed: %s"
+msgstr "Uplynulo: %s"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:865
+#, c-format
+msgid "Remaining (estimated): %s"
+msgstr "Zostáva (odhad): %s"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:880
+#, c-format
+msgid "Status: %s"
+msgstr "Stav: %s"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1227
+msgid "Retrieving current status."
+msgstr "Obnovovanie aktuálneho stavu."
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1233
+msgid "Downloading work from the server."
+msgstr "Sťahovanie práce zo servera."
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1238
+msgid "Processing Suspended:  Running On Batteries."
+msgstr "Spracovanie pozastavené:  Beh na batérie."
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1240
+msgid "Processing Suspended:  User Active."
+msgstr "Spracovanie pozastavené:  Užívateľ pracuje."
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1242
+msgid "Processing Suspended:  User paused processing."
+msgstr "Spracovanie pozastavené:  Užívateľ pozastavil spracovanie."
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1244
+msgid "Processing Suspended:  Time of Day."
+msgstr "Spracovanie pozastavené:  Denná doba."
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1246
+msgid "Processing Suspended:  Benchmarks Running."
+msgstr "Spracovanie pozastavené:  Bežia testy rýchlosti."
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1248
+msgid "Processing Suspended."
+msgstr "Spracovanie pozastavené."
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1252
+msgid "Waiting to contact project servers."
+msgstr "Čakanie na spojenie so servermi projektu."
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1256
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1265
+msgid "Retrieving current status"
+msgstr "Obnovovanie aktuálneho stavu"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1260
+msgid "No work available to process"
+msgstr "Nie je dostupná žiadna práca na spracovanie"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1262
+msgid "Unable to connect to the core client"
+msgstr "Zlyhalo pripojenie ku klientovi"
+#: clientgui/TermsOfUsePage.cpp:218
+msgid "Terms of Use"
+msgstr "Podmienky použitia"
+#: clientgui/TermsOfUsePage.cpp:222
+msgid "Please read the following terms of use:"
+msgstr "Prosím prečítajte si nasledovné podmienky použitia:"
+#: clientgui/TermsOfUsePage.cpp:231
+msgid "I agree to the terms of use."
+msgstr "Súhlasím s podmienkami použitia."
+#: clientgui/TermsOfUsePage.cpp:237
+msgid "I do not agree to the terms of use."
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/UnavailablePage.cpp:183
+msgid "Project temporarily unavailable"
+msgstr "Projekt dočasne nedostupný"
+#: clientgui/UnavailablePage.cpp:186
+msgid ""
+"The project is temporarily unavailable.\n"
+"Please try again later."
+msgstr ""
+"Projekt je dočasne nedostupný.\n"
+"Prosím skúste znova neskôr."
+#: clientgui/UnavailablePage.cpp:190
+msgid "Account manager temporarily unavailable"
+msgstr "Správca konta dočasne nedostupný"
+#: clientgui/UnavailablePage.cpp:193
+msgid ""
+"The account manager is temporarily unavailable.\n"
+"Please try again later."
+msgstr ""
+"Správca konta je dočasne nedostupný.\n"
+"Prosím skúste znova neskôr."
+#: clientgui/ValidateAccountKey.cpp:68
+msgid "Please specify an account key to continue."
+msgstr "Prosím špecifikujte kľúč konta pre pokračovanie."
+#: clientgui/ValidateAccountKey.cpp:71
+msgid "Invalid Account Key; please enter a valid Account Key"
+msgstr "Neplatný kľúč konta; prosím vložte platný kľúč konta"
+#: clientgui/ValidateAccountKey.cpp:82
+#: clientgui/ValidateEmailAddress.cpp:86
+msgid "Validation conflict"
+msgstr "Konflikt pri validácii"
+#: clientgui/ValidateEmailAddress.cpp:72
+msgid "Please specify an email address"
+msgstr "Prosím špecifikujte emailovú adresu"
+#: clientgui/ValidateEmailAddress.cpp:75
+msgid "Invalid email address; please enter a valid email address"
+msgstr "Neplatná emailová adresa; prosím vložiť správnu emailovú adresu"
+#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:69
+msgid "Missing URL"
+msgstr "Chýbajúca URL"
+#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:70
+msgid ""
+"Please specify a URL.\n"
+"For example:\n"
+msgstr ""
+"Prosím špecifikujte URL.\n"
+#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:83
+#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:87
+#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:91
+#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:103
+#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:107
+#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:110
+msgid "Invalid URL"
+msgstr "Neplatná URL"
+#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:84
+#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:88
+#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:92
+msgid ""
+"Please specify a valid URL.\n"
+"For example:\n"
+msgstr ""
+"Prosím špecifikujte správnu URL.\n"
+#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:104
+#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:108
+#, c-format
+msgid "'%s' does not contain a valid host name."
+msgstr "'%s' neobsahuje správny názov počítača."
+#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:111
+#, c-format
+msgid "'%s' does not contain a valid path."
+msgstr "'%s' neobsahuje správnu cestu."
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:173 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:61
-msgid "Update"
-msgstr "Aktualizovať"
+#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:84
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:175
+msgid "Commands"
+msgstr "Príkazy"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:174 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:62
-msgid ""
-"Report all completed tasks, get latest credit, get latest preferences, and "
-"possibly get more tasks."
-msgstr ""
-"Odoslať všetky dokončené úlohy, získať posledný kredit, získať posledné "
-"preferencie a ak je možné získať ďalšie úlohy."
+#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:88
+msgid "Copy all messages"
+msgstr "Kopírovať všetky správy"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:180 ViewProjects.cpp:712 ViewWork.cpp:207 ViewWork.cpp:790
-#: sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:737 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:67
-#: sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:113 sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:66
-#: sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:106
-msgid "Suspend"
-msgstr "Pozastaviť"
+#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:95
+msgid "Copy selected messages"
+msgstr "Kopírovať vybraté správy"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:181 ViewProjects.cpp:712 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:68
-#: sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:114
-msgid "Suspend tasks for this project."
-msgstr "Pozastaviť úlohy pre tento projekt."
+#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:106
+#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:502
+msgid "Show only this project"
+msgstr "Zobraziť len tento projekt"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:187 ViewProjects.cpp:731 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:73
-#: sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:121
-msgid "No new tasks"
-msgstr "Žiadne nové úlohy"
+#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:107
+#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:503
+msgid "Show only the messages for the selected project."
+msgstr "Zobraziť správy len z vybraného projektu."
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:188 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:74
-msgid "Don't get new tasks for this project."
-msgstr "Nezískať nové úlohy pre tento projekt."
+#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:164
+msgid "Messages"
+msgstr "Správy"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:194 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:79
-msgid "Reset project"
-msgstr "Resetovať projekt"
+#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:187
+msgid "Copying all messages to the clipboard..."
+msgstr "Kopírovanie všetkých správ do schránky..."
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:195 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:80
-msgid ""
-"Delete all files and tasks associated with this project, and get new tasks.  "
-"You can update the project first to report any completed tasks."
-msgstr ""
-"Vymazať všetky súbory a úlohy spojené s týmto projektom a získať nové úlohy. "
-" Mali by ste najskôr aktualizovať projekt pre odoslanie všetkých "
-"dokončených úloh."
+#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:223
+msgid "Copying selected messages to the clipboard..."
+msgstr "Kopírovanie vybraných správ do schránky..."
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:202 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:86
-msgid ""
-"Remove this project.  Tasks in progress will be lost (use 'Update' first to "
-"report any completed tasks)."
-msgstr ""
-"Odpojiť počítač od tohto projektu.  Rozpracované úlohy budú stratené "
-"(použite najskôr 'Aktualizovať' pre odoslanie všetkých dokončených úloh)."
+#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:286
+msgid "Filtering messages..."
+msgstr "Filtrovanie správ..."
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:208 ViewWork.cpp:221 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:91
-#: sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:78
-msgid "Properties"
-msgstr "Vlastnosti"
+#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:494
+msgid "Show all messages"
+msgstr "Zobraziť všetky správy"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:209 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:92
-msgid "Show project details."
-msgstr "Zobraziť detaily projektu."
+#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:495
+msgid "Show messages for all projects."
+msgstr "Zobraziť správy zo všetkých projektov."
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:219 ViewStatistics.cpp:442
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:225
 msgid "Account"
 msgstr "Konto"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:221
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:227
 msgid "Work done"
 msgstr "Kredit"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:222
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:228
 msgid "Avg. work done"
 msgstr "Denný priemer"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:224 ViewTransfers.cpp:187 ViewWork.cpp:233
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:230
 msgid "Status"
 msgstr "Stav"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:249
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:255
 msgid "Projects"
 msgstr "Projekty"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:301
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:307
 msgid "Updating project..."
 msgstr "Aktualizácia projektu..."
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:343
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:349
 msgid "Resuming project..."
 msgstr "Pokračovanie projektu..."
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:347
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:353
 msgid "Suspending project..."
 msgstr "Pozastavenie projektu..."
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:384
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:390
 msgid "Telling project to allow additional task downloads..."
 msgstr "Pokyn projektu, aby stiahol ďalšie úlohy..."
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:388
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:394
 msgid "Telling project to not fetch any additional tasks..."
 msgstr "Pokyn projektu, aby nesťahoval žiadne ďalšie úlohy..."
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:424
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:430
 msgid "Resetting project..."
 msgstr "Resetovanie projektu..."
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:437 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:214
-#, c-format
-msgid "Are you sure you want to reset project '%s'?"
-msgstr "Ste si istý, že chcete resetovať projekt '%s'?"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:443 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:220
-msgid "Reset Project"
-msgstr "Resetovať projekt"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:482
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:488
 msgid "Removing project..."
 msgstr "Odstraňovanie projektu..."
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:495 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:251
-#: sg_StatImageLoader.cpp:192
-#, c-format
-msgid "Are you sure you want to remove project '%s'?"
-msgstr "Ste si istý, že chcete odpojiť projekt '%s'?"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:501 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:257
-#: sg_StatImageLoader.cpp:138 sg_StatImageLoader.cpp:198
-msgid "Remove Project"
-msgstr "Odstrániť projekt"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:542 ViewWork.cpp:598
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:548
 msgid "Launching browser..."
 msgstr "Spúšťanie webového prehliadača..."
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:708 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:111
-msgid "Resume tasks for this project."
-msgstr "Pokračovať na úlohách pre tento projekt."
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:727 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:118
-msgid "Allow new tasks"
-msgstr "Povoliť nové úlohy"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:727 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:119
-msgid "Allow fetching new tasks for this project."
-msgstr "Povoliť sťahovanie nových úloh pre tento projekt."
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:731 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:122
-msgid "Don't fetch new tasks for this project."
-msgstr "Nesťahovať nové úlohy pre tento projekt."
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1048
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1063
 msgid "Requested by user"
 msgstr "Vyžiadané používateľom"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1049
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1064
 msgid "To fetch work"
 msgstr "Získať ďalšiu prácu"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1050
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1065
 msgid "To report completed tasks"
 msgstr "Nahlásiť dokončené úlohy"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1051
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1066
 msgid "To send trickle-up message"
 msgstr "Odoslať rýchlu správu o stave"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1052
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1067
 msgid "Requested by account manager"
 msgstr "Vyžiadané Správcom konta"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1053
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1068
 msgid "Project initialization"
 msgstr "Prvotné nastavenie projektu"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1054
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1069
 msgid "Requested by project"
 msgstr "Vyžiadané projektom"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1055
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1070
 msgid "Unknown reason"
 msgstr "Neznámy dôvod"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1069
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1084
 msgid "Suspended by user"
 msgstr "Pozastavené užívateľom"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1072
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1087
 msgid "Won't get new tasks"
 msgstr "Nebudú získané nové úlohy"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1075
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1090
 msgid "Project ended - OK to remove"
 msgstr "Projekt je ukončený - je možné sa od neho odpojiť"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1078
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1093
 msgid "Will remove when tasks done"
 msgstr "Bude odpojený po skončení úloh"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1081
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1096
 msgid "Scheduler request pending"
 msgstr "Žiadosť plánovača nevyriešená"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1087
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1102
 msgid "Scheduler request in progress"
 msgstr "Spracováva sa požiadavka plánovača"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1090
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1105
 msgid "Trickle up message pending"
 msgstr "Rýchla správa o stave čaká na odoslanie"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1096
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1111
 msgid "Communication deferred "
 msgstr "Komunikácia odložená "
-#: ViewResources.cpp:62
+#: clientgui/ViewResources.cpp:62
 msgid "Total disk usage"
 msgstr "Celkové využitie disku"
-#: ViewResources.cpp:83
+#: clientgui/ViewResources.cpp:83
 msgid "Disk usage by BOINC projects"
 msgstr "Využitie disku BOINC projektmi"
-#: ViewResources.cpp:116
+#: clientgui/ViewResources.cpp:116
 msgid "Disk"
 msgstr "Disk"
-#: ViewResources.cpp:249
+#: clientgui/ViewResources.cpp:225
 msgid "no projects: 0 bytes used"
 msgstr "žiadne projekty: použitých 0 bajtov"
-#: ViewResources.cpp:286
+#: clientgui/ViewResources.cpp:262
 msgid "used by BOINC: "
 msgstr "používané BOINCom: "
-#: ViewResources.cpp:296
+#: clientgui/ViewResources.cpp:272
 msgid "free, available to BOINC: "
 msgstr "voľné, dostupné pre BOINC: "
-#: ViewResources.cpp:306
+#: clientgui/ViewResources.cpp:282
 msgid "free, not available to BOINC: "
 msgstr "voľné, nedostupné pre BOINC: "
-#: ViewResources.cpp:316
+#: clientgui/ViewResources.cpp:292
 msgid "free: "
 msgstr "voľné: "
-#: ViewResources.cpp:326
+#: clientgui/ViewResources.cpp:302
 msgid "used by other programs: "
 msgstr "používané inými programami: "
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:1195
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1181
 msgid "User Total"
 msgstr "Celkový kredit užívateľa"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:1196
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1182
 msgid "User Average"
 msgstr "Priemerný kredit užívateľa"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:1197
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1183
 msgid "Host Total"
 msgstr "Celkový kredit počítača"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:1198
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1184
 msgid "Host Average"
 msgstr "Priemerný kredit počítača"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:1345
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1331
 #, c-format
 msgid "Last update: %.0f days ago"
 msgstr "Posledná aktualizácia pred: %.0f dňami"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:1969
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1956
 msgid "Show user total"
 msgstr "Ukázať úhrn užívateľa"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:1970
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1957
 msgid "Show total credit for user"
 msgstr "Ukázať celkový kredit pre užívateľa"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:1976
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1963
 msgid "Show user average"
 msgstr "Ukázať priemer užívateľa"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:1977
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1964
 msgid "Show average credit for user"
 msgstr "Ukázať priemerný kredit pre užívateľa"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:1983
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1970
 msgid "Show host total"
 msgstr "Ukázať úhrn počítača"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:1984
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1971
 msgid "Show total credit for host"
 msgstr "Ukázať celkový kredit pre počítač"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:1990
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1977
 msgid "Show host average"
 msgstr "Ukázať priemer počítača"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:1991
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1978
 msgid "Show average credit for host"
 msgstr "Ukázať priemerný kredit pre počítač"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2000
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1987
 msgid "< &Previous project"
 msgstr "< &Predošlý projekt"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2001
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1988
 msgid "Show chart for previous project"
 msgstr "Ukázať graf pre predošlý projekt"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2006
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1993
 msgid "&Next project >"
 msgstr "&Nasledujúci projekt >"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2007
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1994
 msgid "Show chart for next project"
 msgstr "Ukázať graf pre nasledujúci projekt"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2013 ViewStatistics.cpp:2410
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2000
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2390
 msgid "Hide project list"
 msgstr "Skryť zoznam projektov"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2014 ViewStatistics.cpp:2410
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2001
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2390
 msgid "Use entire area for graphs"
 msgstr "Využiť celú plochu pre grafy"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2019
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2006
 msgid "Mode view"
 msgstr "Režim náhľadu"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2023
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2010
 msgid "One project"
 msgstr "Jeden projekt"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2024
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2011
 msgid "Show one chart with selected project"
 msgstr "Zobraziť jeden graf s vybraným projektom"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2030
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2017
 msgid "All projects (separate)"
 msgstr "Projekty (samostatne)"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2031
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2018
 msgid "Show all projects, one chart per project"
 msgstr "Zobraziť všetky projekty, jeden graf pre každý projekt"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2037
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2024
 msgid "All projects (together)"
 msgstr "Všetky projekty (spolu)"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2038
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2025
 msgid "Show one chart with all projects"
 msgstr "Zobraziť jeden graf so všetkými projektmi"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2044
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2031
 msgid "All projects (sum)"
 msgstr "Všetky projekty (súhrn)"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2045
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2032
 msgid "Show one chart with sum of projects"
 msgstr "Zobraziť jeden graf so súhrnom projektov"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2073
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2053
 msgid "Statistics"
 msgstr "Štatistiky"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2097 ViewStatistics.cpp:2118 ViewStatistics.cpp:2139
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2161 ViewStatistics.cpp:2182 ViewStatistics.cpp:2203
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2224 ViewStatistics.cpp:2245 ViewStatistics.cpp:2266
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2290
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2077
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2098
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2119
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2141
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2162
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2183
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2204
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2225
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2246
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2270
 msgid "Updating charts..."
 msgstr "Aktualizovanie grafov..."
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2414
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2394
 msgid "Show project list"
 msgstr "Ukázať zoznam projektov"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2414
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2394
 msgid "Uses smaller area for graphs"
 msgstr "Použiť menšiu plochu pre grafy"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:163
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:169
 msgid "Retry Now"
 msgstr "Zopakovať teraz"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:164
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:170
 msgid "Retry the file transfer now"
 msgstr "Zopakovať prenos súboru"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:170
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:176
 msgid "Abort Transfer"
 msgstr "Zrušiť prenos"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:171
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:177
 msgid "Abort this file transfer.  You won't get credit for the task."
 msgstr "Zrušiť prenos súboru.  Za túto úlohu nedostanete žiaden kredit."
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:182
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:188
 msgid "File"
 msgstr "Súbor"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:183 ViewWork.cpp:232
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:189
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:238
 msgid "Progress"
 msgstr "Priebeh"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:184
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:190
 msgid "Size"
 msgstr "Veľkosť"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:185
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:191
 msgid "Elapsed Time"
 msgstr "Uplynutý čas"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:186
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:192
 msgid "Speed"
 msgstr "Rýchlosť"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:212
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:218
 msgid "Transfers"
 msgstr "Prenosy"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:279
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:285
 msgid "Network activity is suspended - "
 msgstr "Sieťové aktivity pozastavené - "
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:281
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:287
 msgid ""
 "You can enable it using the Activity menu."
@@ -3321,19 +3823,19 @@ msgstr ""
 "Môžete povoliť v menu Aktivity."
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:284
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:290
 msgid "BOINC"
 msgstr "BOINC"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:291
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:297
 msgid "Retrying transfer now..."
 msgstr "Opakovanie prenosu teraz..."
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:329
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:335
 msgid "Aborting transfer..."
 msgstr "Prerušenie prenosu..."
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:342
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:348
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "Are you sure you want to abort this file transfer '%s'?\n"
@@ -3344,879 +3846,565 @@ msgstr ""
 "POZNÁMKA: Zrušenie prenosu neodsúhlasí úlohu a Vy\n"
 "za ňu nedostanete pridelený kredit."
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:348
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:354
 msgid "Abort File Transfer"
 msgstr "Zrušiť prenos súboru"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:769
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:785
 msgid "Upload"
 msgstr "Odosielanie"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:769
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:785
 msgid "Download"
 msgstr "Sťahovanie"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:773
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:789
 msgid "retry in "
 msgstr "zopakuje sa o "
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:775
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:791
 msgid "failed"
 msgstr "zlyhalo"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:778
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:794
 msgid "suspended"
 msgstr "pozastavené"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:783
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:799
 msgid "active"
 msgstr "prebieha"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:785
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:801
 msgid "pending"
 msgstr "čaká"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:792
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:808
 msgid " (project backoff: "
 msgstr " (odsunutie projektu: "
-#: ViewWork.cpp:186 ViewWork.cpp:766
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:192
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:782
 msgid "Show active tasks"
 msgstr "Zobraziť aktívne úlohy"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:187 ViewWork.cpp:767
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:193
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:783
 msgid "Show only active tasks."
 msgstr "Zobraziť len aktívne úlohy."
-#: ViewWork.cpp:193 sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:60 sg_ViewTabPage.cpp:424
-msgid "Show graphics"
-msgstr "Zobraziť grafiku"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:194 sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:61
-msgid "Show application graphics in a window."
-msgstr "Zobraziť okno s grafikou aplikácie."
-#: ViewWork.cpp:200
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:206
 msgid "Show VM Console"
 msgstr "Ukázať konzolu VM"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:201
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:207
 msgid "Show VM Console in a window."
 msgstr "Zobraziť okno s konzolou VM."
-#: ViewWork.cpp:208
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:214
 msgid "Suspend work for this result."
 msgstr "Pozastaviť prácu na tomto výsledku."
-#: ViewWork.cpp:214 sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:72
-msgid "Abort"
-msgstr "Zrušiť"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:215
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:221
 msgid "Abandon work on the result. You will get no credit for it."
 msgstr "Zanechať prácu na tomto výsledku. Nedostanete zaň žiaden kredit."
-#: ViewWork.cpp:222 sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:79
-msgid "Show task details."
-msgstr "Zobraziť detaily úlohy."
-#: ViewWork.cpp:234
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:240
 msgid "Elapsed"
 msgstr "Uplynutý čas"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:235
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:241
 msgid "Remaining (estimated)"
 msgstr "Zostáva (odhad)"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:236
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:242
 msgid "Deadline"
 msgstr "Odoslať do"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:238
-msgid "Name"
-msgstr "Názov"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:263
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:269
 msgid "Tasks"
 msgstr "Úlohy"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:356
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:362
 msgid "Resuming task..."
 msgstr "Pokračovanie úlohy..."
-#: ViewWork.cpp:359
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:365
 msgid "Suspending task..."
 msgstr "Pozastavenie úlohy..."
-#: ViewWork.cpp:388
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:394
 msgid "Showing graphics for task..."
 msgstr "Zobrazenie grafiky pre úlohu..."
-#: ViewWork.cpp:425
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:431
 msgid "Showing VM console for task..."
 msgstr "Zobrazenie konzoly VM pre úlohu..."
-#: ViewWork.cpp:478
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:484
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "Are you sure you want to abort this task '%s'?\n"
 "(Progress: %s, Status: %s)"
 msgstr ""
-"Ste si istý, že chcete zrušiť túto úlohu '%s'?\n"
-"(Priebeh: %s, Stav: %s)"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:484
-#, c-format
-msgid "Are you sure you want to abort these %d tasks?"
-msgstr "Ste si istý, že chcete zrušiť týchto %d úloh?"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:489 sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:256
-msgid "Abort task"
-msgstr "Zrušiť úlohu"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:498
-msgid "Aborting task..."
-msgstr "Ruší sa prenos..."
-#: ViewWork.cpp:760
-msgid "Show all tasks"
-msgstr "Zobraziť všetky úlohy"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:761
-msgid "Show all tasks."
-msgstr "Zobraziť všetky úlohy."
-#: ViewWork.cpp:785 sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:103
-msgid "Resume work for this task."
-msgstr "Pokračovať v práci na tejto úlohe."
-#: ViewWork.cpp:791 sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:107
-msgid "Suspend work for this task."
-msgstr "Pozastaviť prácu na tejto úlohe."
-#: WelcomePage.cpp:284
-msgid "Add project or account manager"
-msgstr "Pripojiť k projektu alebo Správcovi konta"
-#: WelcomePage.cpp:288
-msgid "Add project or use BOINC Account Manager"
-msgstr "Pripojiť projekt alebo použiť Správcu konta BOINC"
-#: WelcomePage.cpp:297
-#, c-format
-msgid ""
-"If possible, add projects at the\n"
-"%s web site.\n"
-"Projects added via this wizard will not be\n"
-"listed on or managed via %s."
-msgstr ""
-"Ak je to možné, pridajte projekty\n"
-"na webovej stránke %s.\n"
-"Projekty pridané týmto sprievodcom nebudú\n"
-"v zozname %s a nepôjdu ním spravovať."
-#: WelcomePage.cpp:313
-msgid ""
-"There are over 30 BOINC-based projects\n"
-"doing research in many areas of science,\n"
-"and you can volunteer for as many of them as you like.\n"
-"You can add a project directly,\n"
-"or use an 'Account Manager' web site to select projects."
-msgstr ""
-"Existuje vyše 30 projektov pracujúcich pod BOINC,\n"
-"ktoré vykonávajú výskum v mnohých oblastiach vedy,\n"
-"a Vy sa môžete zapojiť do koľkých z nich chcete.\n"
-"Môžete sa pripojiť k projektu priamo, alebo použiť\n"
-"na výber projektov webovú stránku 'Správcu konta'."
-#: WelcomePage.cpp:325
-msgid ""
-"You have chosen to add a new volunteer computing project or change which "
-"you contribute to.\n"
-"Some of these projects are run and managed by World Community Grid, while "
-"are run and managed by other researchers or organizations. The BOINC "
-"can divide your spare processing power among any combination of projects.\n"
-"Alternatively, if you have registered with a BOINC Account Manager, you can "
-"this to choose which projects to support.\n"
-"Please choose which type of change you would like to make:\n"
-msgstr ""
-"Idete pripojiť nový projekt pro dobrovolné výpočty alebo upraviť projekty,\n"
-"do ktorých už prispievate.\n"
-"Niektoré z týchto projektov sú spravované organizáciou World Community Grid,\n"
-"kým ostatné prevádzkujú iní výskumníci a organizácie.\n"
-"Aplikácia BOINC Vám umožní rozdeliť výpočtový výkon medzi\n"
-"ľubovoľnú kombináciu projektov.\n"
-"Ak ste registrovaní u Správcu účtu BOINC, môžete spravovať\n"
-"Vaše projekty v ňom.\n"
-"Vyberte si prosím typ zmeny, ktorú chcete vykonať:\n"
-#: WelcomePage.cpp:339
-msgid "Use a BOINC Account Manager"
-msgstr "Použiť Správcu konta BOINC"
-#: WelcomePage.cpp:352
-msgid "To continue, click Next."
-msgstr "Pokračujte stlačením Ďalej."
-#: WelcomePage.cpp:358
-msgid "Add or change your World Community Grid projects"
-msgstr "Pripojiť alebo zmeniť projekty World Community Grid"
-#: WelcomePage.cpp:361
-msgid "Add projects run by other researchers or organizations"
-msgstr "Pripojiť projekty spravované inými výskumníkmi a organizáciami"
-#: WizardAttach.cpp:635
-msgid "Do you really want to cancel?"
-msgstr "Chcete skutočne zrušiť operáciu?"
-#: WizardAttach.cpp:636
-msgid "Question"
-msgstr "Otázka"
-#: sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:136 sg_BoincSimpleGUI.cpp:119
-msgid "Advanced View...\tCtrl+Shift+A"
-msgstr "Pokročilé zobrazenie...\tCtrl+Shift+A"
-#: sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:137
-msgid "Display the advanced graphical interface."
-msgstr "Zobraziť pokročilé grafické rozhranie."
-#: sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:144
-msgid "Skin"
-msgstr "Vzhľad"
-#: sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:146
-msgid "Select the appearance of the user interface."
-msgstr "Vyberte si vzhľad používateľského rozhrania."
-#: sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:193 sg_BoincSimpleGUI.cpp:147
-#, c-format
-msgid "&%s"
-msgstr "&%s"
-#: sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:369
-msgid "Default"
-msgstr "Predvolené"
-#: sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:739
-msgid "Suspend Computing"
-msgstr "Pozastaviť výpočty"
-#: sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:740
-msgid "Resume Computing"
-msgstr "Pokračovať vo výpočtoch"
-#: sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:757
-msgid "Open a window to view notices from projects or BOINC"
-msgstr "Otvoriť okno zobrazujúce oznamy z projektov a BOINC"
-#: sg_BoincSimpleGUI.cpp:120
-msgid "Display the advanced (accessible) graphical interface."
-msgstr "Zobraziť pokročilé grafické rozhranie."
-#: sg_ClientStateIndicator.cpp:288 sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1207
-msgid "Retrieving current status."
-msgstr "Obnovovanie aktuálneho stavu."
-#: sg_ClientStateIndicator.cpp:291 sg_TaskPanel.cpp:448
-msgid "You don't have any projects.  Please Add a Project."
-msgstr "Nemáte žiadne projekty.  Prosím pridajte projekt."
-#: sg_ClientStateIndicator.cpp:294 sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1213
-msgid "Downloading work from the server."
-msgstr "Sťahovanie práce zo servera."
-#: sg_ClientStateIndicator.cpp:299 sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1218
-msgid "Processing Suspended:  Running On Batteries."
-msgstr "Spracovanie pozastavené:  Beh na batérie."
-#: sg_ClientStateIndicator.cpp:301 sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1220
-msgid "Processing Suspended:  User Active."
-msgstr "Spracovanie pozastavené:  Užívateľ pracuje."
-#: sg_ClientStateIndicator.cpp:303 sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1222
-msgid "Processing Suspended:  User paused processing."
-msgstr "Spracovanie pozastavené:  Užívateľ pozastavil spracovanie."
-#: sg_ClientStateIndicator.cpp:305 sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1224
-msgid "Processing Suspended:  Time of Day."
-msgstr "Spracovanie pozastavené:  Denná doba."
-#: sg_ClientStateIndicator.cpp:307 sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1226
-msgid "Processing Suspended:  Benchmarks Running."
-msgstr "Spracovanie pozastavené:  Bežia testy rýchlosti."
-#: sg_ClientStateIndicator.cpp:309 sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1228
-msgid "Processing Suspended."
-msgstr "Spracovanie pozastavené."
-#: sg_ClientStateIndicator.cpp:313 sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1232
-msgid "Waiting to contact project servers."
-msgstr "Čakanie na spojenie so servermi projektu."
-#: sg_ClientStateIndicator.cpp:317 sg_ClientStateIndicator.cpp:325
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1236 sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1245
-msgid "Retrieving current status"
-msgstr "Obnovovanie aktuálneho stavu"
-#: sg_ClientStateIndicator.cpp:320 sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1240
-msgid "No work available to process"
-msgstr "Nie je dostupná žiadna práca na spracovanie"
+"Ste si istý, že chcete zrušiť túto úlohu '%s'?\n"
+"(Priebeh: %s, Stav: %s)"
-#: sg_ClientStateIndicator.cpp:322 sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1242
-msgid "Unable to connect to the core client"
-msgstr "Zlyhalo pripojenie ku klientovi"
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:490
+#, c-format
+msgid "Are you sure you want to abort these %d tasks?"
+msgstr "Ste si istý, že chcete zrušiť týchto %d úloh?"
-#: sg_DlgMessages.cpp:164
-msgid "Close"
-msgstr "Zatvoriť"
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:504
+msgid "Aborting task..."
+msgstr "Ruší sa prenos..."
-#: sg_DlgMessages.cpp:463
-#, c-format
-msgid "%s - Notices"
-msgstr "%s - Oznamy"
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:776
+msgid "Show all tasks"
+msgstr "Zobraziť všetky úlohy"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:94
-msgid "100 MB"
-msgstr "100 MB"
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:777
+msgid "Show all tasks."
+msgstr "Zobraziť všetky úlohy."
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:95
-msgid "200 MB"
-msgstr "200 MB"
+#: clientgui/WelcomePage.cpp:284
+msgid "Add project or account manager"
+msgstr "Pripojiť k projektu alebo Správcovi konta"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:96
-msgid "500 MB"
-msgstr "500 MB"
+#: clientgui/WelcomePage.cpp:288
+msgid "Add project or use BOINC Account Manager"
+msgstr "Pripojiť projekt alebo použiť Správcu konta BOINC"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:97
-msgid "1 GB"
-msgstr "1 GB"
+#: clientgui/WelcomePage.cpp:297
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"If possible, add projects at the\n"
+"%s web site.\n"
+"Projects added via this wizard will not be\n"
+"listed on or managed via %s."
+msgstr ""
+"Ak je to možné, pridajte projekty\n"
+"na webovej stránke %s.\n"
+"Projekty pridané týmto sprievodcom nebudú\n"
+"v zozname %s a nepôjdu ním spravovať."
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:98
-msgid "2 GB"
-msgstr "2 GB"
+#: clientgui/WelcomePage.cpp:313
+msgid ""
+"There are over 30 BOINC-based projects\n"
+"doing research in many areas of science,\n"
+"and you can volunteer for as many of them as you like.\n"
+"You can add a project directly,\n"
+"or use an 'Account Manager' web site to select projects."
+msgstr ""
+"Existuje vyše 30 projektov pracujúcich pod BOINC,\n"
+"ktoré vykonávajú výskum v mnohých oblastiach vedy,\n"
+"a Vy sa môžete zapojiť do koľkých z nich chcete.\n"
+"Môžete sa pripojiť k projektu priamo, alebo použiť\n"
+"na výber projektov webovú stránku 'Správcu konta'."
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:99
-msgid "5 GB"
-msgstr "5 GB"
+#: clientgui/WelcomePage.cpp:325
+msgid ""
+"You have chosen to add a new volunteer computing project or change which projects\n"
+"you contribute to.\n"
+"Some of these projects are run and managed by World Community Grid, while others\n"
+"are run and managed by other researchers or organizations. The BOINC software\n"
+"can divide your spare processing power among any combination of projects.\n"
+"Alternatively, if you have registered with a BOINC Account Manager, you can use\n"
+"this to choose which projects to support.\n"
+"Please choose which type of change you would like to make:\n"
+msgstr ""
+"Idete pripojiť nový projekt pro dobrovolné výpočty alebo upraviť projekty,\n"
+"do ktorých už prispievate.\n"
+"Niektoré z týchto projektov sú spravované organizáciou World Community Grid,\n"
+"kým ostatné prevádzkujú iní výskumníci a organizácie.\n"
+"Aplikácia BOINC Vám umožní rozdeliť výpočtový výkon medzi\n"
+"ľubovoľnú kombináciu projektov.\n"
+"Ak ste registrovaní u Správcu účtu BOINC, môžete spravovať\n"
+"Vaše projekty v ňom.\n"
+"Vyberte si prosím typ zmeny, ktorú chcete vykonať:\n"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:100
-msgid "10 GB"
-msgstr "10 GB"
+#: clientgui/WelcomePage.cpp:339
+msgid "Use a BOINC Account Manager"
+msgstr "Použiť Správcu konta BOINC"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:101
-msgid "20 GB"
-msgstr "20 GB"
+#: clientgui/WelcomePage.cpp:358
+msgid "Add or change your World Community Grid projects"
+msgstr "Pripojiť alebo zmeniť projekty World Community Grid"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:102
-msgid "50 GB"
-msgstr "50 GB"
+#: clientgui/WelcomePage.cpp:361
+msgid "Add projects run by other researchers or organizations"
+msgstr "Pripojiť projekty spravované inými výskumníkmi a organizáciami"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:103
-msgid "100 GB"
-msgstr "100 GB"
+#: clientgui/WizardAttach.cpp:673
+msgid "Do you really want to cancel?"
+msgstr "Chcete skutočne zrušiť operáciu?"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:134
-msgid "10%"
-msgstr "10%"
+#: clientgui/WizardAttach.cpp:674
+msgid "Question"
+msgstr "Otázka"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:135
-msgid "20%"
-msgstr "20%"
+#: clientgui/wizardex.cpp:377
+#: clientgui/wizardex.cpp:553
+msgid "&Next >"
+msgstr "Ď&alej >"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:136
-msgid "30%"
-msgstr "30%"
+#: clientgui/wizardex.cpp:383
+msgid "< &Back"
+msgstr "< &Späť"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:137
-msgid "40%"
-msgstr "40%"
+#: clientgui/wizardex.cpp:553
+msgid "&Finish"
+msgstr "&Dokončiť"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:138
-msgid "50%"
-msgstr "50%"
+#: clientgui/common/wxPieCtrl.cpp:64
+msgid "Pie Ctrl"
+msgstr "Pie Ctrl"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:139
-msgid "60%"
-msgstr "60%"
+#: clientgui/mac/Mac_GUI.cpp:35
+msgid "Services"
+msgstr "Služby"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:140
-msgid "70%"
-msgstr "70%"
+#: clientgui/mac/Mac_GUI.cpp:36
+#, c-format
+msgid "Hide %s"
+msgstr "Skryť %s"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:141
-msgid "80%"
-msgstr "80%"
+#: clientgui/mac/Mac_GUI.cpp:37
+msgid "Hide Others"
+msgstr "Skryť ostatné"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:142
-msgid "90%"
-msgstr "90%"
+#: clientgui/mac/Mac_GUI.cpp:38
+msgid "Show All"
+msgstr "Zobraziť všetky"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:143
-msgid "100%"
-msgstr "100%"
+#: clientgui/mac/Mac_GUI.cpp:39
+#, c-format
+msgid "Quit %s"
+msgstr "Ukončiť %s"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:168
-msgid "1"
-msgstr "1"
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.h:30
+msgid "specify work start and stop hours in format HH:MM-HH:MM"
+msgstr "čas, kedy je možné počítať, vo formáte HH:MM-HH:MM"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:169
-msgid "3"
-msgstr "3"
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.h:31
+msgid "specify network usage start and stop hours in format HH:MM-HH:MM"
+msgstr "čas, kedy je možné používať sieť, vo formáte HH:MM-HH:MM"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:170
-msgid "5"
-msgstr "5"
+#~ msgid "Account manager website"
+#~ msgstr "Webová stránka Správcu konta"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:171
-msgid "10"
-msgstr "10"
+#~ msgid "Account Manager &URL:"
+#~ msgstr "&URL Správcu konta:"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:172
-msgid "15"
-msgstr "15"
+#, c-format
+#~ msgid "%s &website"
+#~ msgstr "%s &web stránka"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:173
-msgid "30"
-msgstr "30"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "(C) 2003-2013 University of California, Berkeley.\n"
+#~ "All Rights Reserved."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "(C) 2003-2013 Kalifornská Univerzita, Berkeley.\n"
+#~ "Všetky práva vyhradené."
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:174
-msgid "60"
-msgstr "60"
+#~ msgid "invalid float"
+#~ msgstr "neplatné číslo s desatinnou čiarkou"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:282
-msgid "This dialog controls preferences for this computer only."
-msgstr "Toto okno nastavuje preferencie len pre tento počítač."
+#, c-format
+#~ msgid "%s - Preferences"
+#~ msgstr "%s - Preferencie"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:287
-msgid "Click OK to set preferences."
-msgstr ""
-"Kliknite Vymazať pre obnovenie preferencií uvedených nižšie na stav z webu."
+#, no-c-format
+#~ msgid "% of the processors (0 means ignore this setting)"
+#~ msgstr "% procesorov (0 znamená ignorovať toto nastavenie)"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:292
-msgid "Click Clear to restore web-based settings."
-msgstr "Kliknite Vymazať pre obnovenie nastavení z webstránky projektu."
+#, no-c-format
+#~ msgid "% CPU time"
+#~ msgstr "% CPU času"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:299
-msgid "For additional settings, select Computing Preferences in "
-msgstr "Pre pokročilé nastavenia zvoľte Výpočtové preferencie v "
+#~ msgid "KBytes/sec."
+#~ msgstr "KB/s"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:304
-msgid "the Advanced View."
-msgstr "Pokročilom zobrazení."
+#~ msgid "Mbytes"
+#~ msgstr "Megabajtov"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:332
-msgid "Do work only between:"
-msgstr "Pracovať iba medzi:"
+#~ msgid "every"
+#~ msgstr "každých"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:354
-msgid "Connect to internet only between:"
-msgstr "Pripojiť k Internetu iba medzi:"
+#~ msgid "days"
+#~ msgstr "dňa (dní)"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:376 sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:393
-msgid "Use no more than:"
-msgstr "Použiť nie viac ako:"
+#~ msgid "Gigabytes disk space"
+#~ msgstr "Gigabajtov miesta na disku"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:389
-msgid "of disk space"
-msgstr "miesta na disku"
+#~ msgid "Workunit name"
+#~ msgstr "Názov úlohy"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:406
-msgid "of the processor"
-msgstr "procesora"
+#~ msgid "Running, high priority"
+#~ msgstr "Počítanie, s vysokou prioritou"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:410
-msgid "Do work while on battery?"
-msgstr "Pracovať pri behu na batérie?"
+#~ msgid " (Scheduler wait: "
+#~ msgstr " (Čakanie plánovača: "
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:423
-msgid "Do work after idle for:"
-msgstr "Pracovať pri nečinnosti za:"
+#~ msgid " (Scheduler wait)"
+#~ msgstr " (čakanie plánovača)"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:621 sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:624
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:683 sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:687
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:699 sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:703
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:846 sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:857
-msgid "Anytime"
-msgstr "Kedykoľvek"
+#~ msgid " (Waiting for network access)"
+#~ msgstr " (Čakanie na prístup k sieti)"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:719
-#, c-format
-msgid "%d MB"
-msgstr "%d MB"
+#~ msgid "Notice List"
+#~ msgstr "Zoznam oznamov"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:721
 #, c-format
-msgid "%4.2f GB"
-msgstr "%4.2f GB"
+#~ msgid "%s; received on %s"
+#~ msgstr "%s; prijatá o %s"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:762
 #, c-format
-msgid "%d%%"
-msgstr "%d%%"
+#~ msgid "%s; received from %s; on %s"
+#~ msgstr "%s; prijatá od %s; o %s"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:798
-msgid "0 (Run Always)"
-msgstr "0 (Beží stále)"
+#~ msgid "Click"
+#~ msgstr "Klik"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:801
-#, c-format
-msgid "%d"
-msgstr "%d"
+#~ msgid "Project List"
+#~ msgstr "Projekty"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:1031
-msgid "Do you really want to clear all local preferences?\n"
-msgstr "Chcete skutočne odstrániť všetky lokálne preferencie?\n"
+#~ msgid "Nvidia GPU Supported"
+#~ msgstr "Môže využiť Nvidia GPU (grafickú kartu)"
-#: sg_ImageButton.cpp:90
-msgid "Paused: Other work running"
-msgstr "Pozastavené: Prebieha výpočet inej úlohy"
+#~ msgid "ATI GPU Supported"
+#~ msgstr "Môže využiť ATI GPU (grafickú kartu)"
-#: sg_ImageButton.cpp:92
-msgid "Paused: User initiated.  Click 'Resume' to continue"
-msgstr ""
-"Pozastavené: Vyžiadané užívateľom.  Kliknite na 'Pokračovať' pre spustenie"
+#~ msgid "Project Website"
+#~ msgstr "Webstránka projektu"
-#: sg_ImageButton.cpp:94
-msgid "Paused: User active"
-msgstr "Pozastavené: Užívateľ je aktívny"
+#~ msgid "I do not agree with the terms of use."
+#~ msgstr "Nesúhlasím s podmienkami použitia."
-#: sg_ImageButton.cpp:96
-msgid "Paused: Computer on battery"
-msgstr "Pozastavené: Počítač na batérii"
+#~ msgid "One or more items failed to load from the Internet."
+#~ msgstr "Jednu alebo viacero položiek nebolo možné načítať z Internetu."
-#: sg_ImageButton.cpp:98
-msgid "Paused: Time of Day"
-msgstr "Pozastavené: Denná doba"
+#~ msgid "Retry now"
+#~ msgstr "Zopakovať teraz"
-#: sg_ImageButton.cpp:100
-msgid "Paused: Benchmarks running"
-msgstr "Pozastavené: Prebiehajú testy rýchlosti procesora"
+#~ msgid "Display the advanced (accessible) graphical interface."
+#~ msgstr "Zobraziť pokročilé grafické rozhranie."
-#: sg_ImageButton.cpp:102
-msgid "Paused"
-msgstr "Pozastavené"
+#~ msgid "10%"
+#~ msgstr "10%"
-#: sg_ImageButton.cpp:104
-msgid "Paused: Application start delayed"
-msgstr "Pozastavené: Odložené spustenie aplikácie"
+#~ msgid "20%"
+#~ msgstr "20%"
-#: sg_ImageButton.cpp:132
-msgid "Click to show project graphics"
-msgstr "Kliknutím zobrazíte okno s grafikou projektu"
+#~ msgid "30%"
+#~ msgstr "30%"
-#: sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:72
-msgid "Add Project"
-msgstr "Pridať projekt"
+#~ msgid "40%"
+#~ msgstr "40%"
-#: sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:73
-msgid "Synchronize"
-msgstr "Sychronizovať"
+#~ msgid "50%"
+#~ msgstr "50%"
-#: sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:74
-msgid "Work done for this project"
-msgstr "Práca hotová pre tento projekt"
+#~ msgid "60%"
+#~ msgstr "60%"
-#: sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:77 sg_ProjectsComponent.cpp:123
-msgid "Synchronize projects with account manager system"
-msgstr "Synchronizovať projekty so systémom Správcu konta"
+#~ msgid "70%"
+#~ msgstr "70%"
-#: sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:124
-msgid "Select a project to access with the controls below"
-msgstr "Zvoľte projekt na zobrazenie s ovládačmi dolu"
+#~ msgid "80%"
+#~ msgstr "80%"
-#: sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:145
-msgid "Project Web Pages"
-msgstr "Webstránky projektu"
+#~ msgid "90%"
+#~ msgstr "90%"
-#: sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:149
-msgid "Project Commands"
-msgstr "Príkazy projektu"
+#~ msgid "100%"
+#~ msgstr "100%"
-#: sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:267
-#, c-format
-msgid "Pop up a menu of websites for project %s"
-msgstr "Zobraziť menu webových stránok projektu %s"
+#~ msgid "1"
+#~ msgstr "1"
-#: sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:269
-#, c-format
-msgid "Pop up a menu of commands to apply to project %s"
-msgstr "Zobraziť menu príkazov pre projekt %s"
+#~ msgid "3"
+#~ msgstr "3"
-#: sg_ProjectsComponent.cpp:196 sg_ProjectsComponent.cpp:207
-msgid "Open a window to view messages"
-msgstr "Otvoriť okno pre prezretie správ"
+#~ msgid "5"
+#~ msgstr "5"
-#: sg_ProjectsComponent.cpp:225
-msgid "Stop all activity"
-msgstr "Zastaviť všetky aktivity"
+#~ msgid "10"
+#~ msgstr "10"
-#: sg_ProjectsComponent.cpp:237
-msgid "Resume activity"
-msgstr "Povoliť aktivity"
+#~ msgid "15"
+#~ msgstr "15"
-#: sg_ProjectsComponent.cpp:254
-msgid "Open a window to set your preferences"
-msgstr "Otvoriť okno pre nastavenie Vašich preferencií"
+#~ msgid "30"
+#~ msgstr "30"
-#: sg_ProjectsComponent.cpp:271
-msgid "Switch to the BOINC advanced view"
-msgstr "Prepnúť BOINC do pokročilého náhľadu"
+#~ msgid "60"
+#~ msgstr "60"
-#: sg_ProjectsComponent.cpp:298
-msgid "My Projects:"
-msgstr "Moje projekty:"
+#~ msgid "Click Clear to restore web-based settings."
+#~ msgstr "Kliknite Vymazať pre obnovenie nastavení z webstránky projektu."
-#: sg_StatImageLoader.cpp:101
-#, c-format
-msgid "%s. Work done by %s: %0.2f"
-msgstr "%s. Práca dokončená v %s: %0.2f"
+#~ msgid "For additional settings, select Computing Preferences in "
+#~ msgstr "Pre pokročilé nastavenia zvoľte Výpočtové preferencie v "
-#: sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:67
-msgid "Suspend this task."
-msgstr "Pozastaviť túto úlohu."
+#~ msgid "the Advanced View."
+#~ msgstr "Pokročilom zobrazení."
-#: sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:73
-msgid "Abandon this task. You will get no credit for it."
-msgstr "Zrušiť túto úlohu. Nedostanete za ňu žiaden kredit."
+#~ msgid "Paused: Other work running"
+#~ msgstr "Pozastavené: Prebieha výpočet inej úlohy"
-#: sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:251
-#, c-format
-msgid ""
-"Are you sure you want to abort this task '%s'?\n"
-"(Progress: %.1lf%%, Status: %s)"
-msgstr ""
-"Ste si istý že chcete zrušiť túto úlohu '%s'?\n"
-"(Priebeh: %.1lf%%, Stav: %s)"
+#~ msgid "Paused: User initiated.  Click 'Resume' to continue"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Pozastavené: Vyžiadané užívateľom.  Kliknite na 'Pokračovať' pre spustenie"
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:449
-msgid "Not available"
-msgstr "Nie je k dispozícii"
+#~ msgid "Paused: User active"
+#~ msgstr "Pozastavené: Užívateľ je aktívny"
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:460
-msgid "Tasks:"
-msgstr "Úlohy:"
+#~ msgid "Paused: Computer on battery"
+#~ msgstr "Pozastavené: Počítač na batérii"
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:466
-msgid "Select a task to access"
-msgstr "Zvoliť úlohu"
+#~ msgid "Paused: Time of Day"
+#~ msgstr "Pozastavené: Denná doba"
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:477
-msgid "From:"
-msgstr "Od:"
+#~ msgid "Paused: Benchmarks running"
+#~ msgstr "Pozastavené: Prebiehajú testy rýchlosti procesora"
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:531
-msgid "This task's progress"
-msgstr "Priebeh tejto úlohy"
+#~ msgid "Paused"
+#~ msgstr "Pozastavené"
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:549
-msgid "Task Commands"
-msgstr "Príkazy pre úlohu"
+#~ msgid "Paused: Application start delayed"
+#~ msgstr "Pozastavené: Odložené spustenie aplikácie"
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:550
-msgid "Pop up a menu of commands to apply to this task"
-msgstr "Zobraziť menu príkazov pre túto úlohu"
+#~ msgid "Click to show project graphics"
+#~ msgstr "Kliknutím zobrazíte okno s grafikou projektu"
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:685
 #, c-format
-msgid "Application: %s"
-msgstr "Aplikácia: %s"
+#~ msgid "Pop up a menu of websites for project %s"
+#~ msgstr "Zobraziť menu webových stránok projektu %s"
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:708
-#, c-format
-msgid "%.3f%%"
-msgstr "%.3f%%"
+#~ msgid "Open a window to view messages"
+#~ msgstr "Otvoriť okno pre prezretie správ"
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:716
-msgid "Application: Not available"
-msgstr "Aplikácia: Nie je k dispozícii"
+#~ msgid "Stop all activity"
+#~ msgstr "Zastaviť všetky aktivity"
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:816
-msgid "Not Available"
-msgstr "Nie je k dispozícii"
+#~ msgid "Resume activity"
+#~ msgstr "Povoliť aktivity"
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:831
-#, c-format
-msgid "Elapsed: %s"
-msgstr "Uplynulo: %s"
+#~ msgid "Open a window to set your preferences"
+#~ msgstr "Otvoriť okno pre nastavenie Vašich preferencií"
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:845
-#, c-format
-msgid "Remaining (estimated): %s"
-msgstr "Zostáva (odhad): %s"
+#~ msgid "Switch to the BOINC advanced view"
+#~ msgstr "Prepnúť BOINC do pokročilého náhľadu"
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:860
-#, c-format
-msgid "Status: %s"
-msgstr "Stav: %s"
+#~ msgid "My Projects:"
+#~ msgstr "Moje projekty:"
-#: sg_ViewTabPage.cpp:140 sg_ViewTabPage.cpp:280
 #, c-format
-msgid "%.1lf"
-msgstr "%.1lf"
+#~ msgid "%s. Work done by %s: %0.2f"
+#~ msgstr "%s. Práca dokončená v %s: %0.2f"
-#: sg_ViewTabPage.cpp:409
 #, c-format
-msgid "%d hr %d min %d sec"
-msgstr "%d hodín %d minút %d sekúnd"
-#: sg_ViewTabPage.cpp:423
-msgid "Are you sure you want to display graphics on a remote machine?"
-msgstr "Ste si istý, že chcete zobraziť grafiku na vzdialenom počítači?"
+#~ msgid "%.1lf"
+#~ msgstr "%.1lf"
-#: sg_ViewTabPage.cpp:446
-msgid "Application: "
-msgstr "Aplikácia: "
-#: sg_ViewTabPage.cpp:449 sg_ViewTabPage.cpp:453
-msgid "Time Remaining: "
-msgstr "Zostávajúci čas: "
+#, c-format
+#~ msgid "%d hr %d min %d sec"
+#~ msgstr "%d hodín %d minút %d sekúnd"
-#: sg_ViewTabPage.cpp:452
-msgid "Elapsed Time: "
-msgstr "Uplynutý čas: "
+#~ msgid "Are you sure you want to display graphics on a remote machine?"
+#~ msgstr "Ste si istý, že chcete zobraziť grafiku na vzdialenom počítači?"
-#: wizardex.cpp:377 wizardex.cpp:553
-msgid "&Next >"
-msgstr "Ď&alej >"
+#~ msgid "Application: "
+#~ msgstr "Aplikácia: "
-#: wizardex.cpp:383
-msgid "< &Back"
-msgstr "< &Späť"
+#~ msgid "Time Remaining: "
+#~ msgstr "Zostávajúci čas: "
-#: wizardex.cpp:553
-msgid "&Finish"
-msgstr "&Dokončiť"
+#~ msgid "Elapsed Time: "
+#~ msgstr "Uplynutý čas: "
-#: mac/MacAccessiblity.cpp:257
-msgid ""
-"for accessibility support, please select advanced from the view menu or type "
-"command shift a"
-msgstr ""
-"pre zjednodušenie prístupu zvoľte Pokročilé zobrazenie v menu alebo použite "
-"skratku Ctrl-Shift-A"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "for accessibility support, please select advanced from the view menu or type "
+#~ "command shift a"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "pre zjednodušenie prístupu zvoľte Pokročilé zobrazenie v menu alebo použite "
+#~ "skratku Ctrl-Shift-A"
-#: mac/MacAccessiblity.cpp:302
-msgid "This panel contains graphs showing user totals for projects"
-msgstr "Tento panel obsahuje grafy zobrazujúce výsledky užívateľa v projektoch"
+#~ msgid "This panel contains graphs showing user totals for projects"
+#~ msgstr "Tento panel obsahuje grafy zobrazujúce výsledky užívateľa v projektoch"
-#: mac/MacAccessiblity.cpp:726
-msgid "list headers"
-msgstr "hlavičky zoznamu"
+#~ msgid "list headers"
+#~ msgstr "hlavičky zoznamu"
-#: mac/MacAccessiblity.cpp:732
-msgid "list of events"
-msgstr "zoznam udalostí"
+#~ msgid "list of events"
+#~ msgstr "zoznam udalostí"
-#: mac/MacAccessiblity.cpp:734
-msgid "list of events is empty"
-msgstr "zoznam udalostí je prázdny"
+#~ msgid "list of events is empty"
+#~ msgstr "zoznam udalostí je prázdny"
-#: mac/MacAccessiblity.cpp:739
 #, c-format
-msgid "list of %s"
-msgstr "zoznam %s"
+#~ msgid "list of %s"
+#~ msgstr "zoznam %s"
-#: mac/MacAccessiblity.cpp:741
 #, c-format
-msgid "list of %s is empty"
-msgstr "zoznam %s je prázdny"
+#~ msgid "list of %s is empty"
+#~ msgstr "zoznam %s je prázdny"
-#: mac/MacAccessiblity.cpp:843
 #, c-format
-msgid "; current sort column %d of %d; descending order; "
-msgstr "; triedené podľa stĺpca %d z %d; zostupné poradie; "
+#~ msgid "; current sort column %d of %d; descending order; "
+#~ msgstr "; triedené podľa stĺpca %d z %d; zostupné poradie; "
-#: mac/MacAccessiblity.cpp:845
 #, c-format
-msgid "; current sort column %d of %d; ascending order; "
-msgstr "; triedené podľa stĺpca %d z %d; vzostupné poradie; "
+#~ msgid "; current sort column %d of %d; ascending order; "
+#~ msgstr "; triedené podľa stĺpca %d z %d; vzostupné poradie; "
-#: mac/MacAccessiblity.cpp:848
 #, c-format
-msgid "; column %d of %d; "
-msgstr "; stĺpec %d z %d; "
+#~ msgid "; column %d of %d; "
+#~ msgstr "; stĺpec %d z %d; "
-#: mac/MacAccessiblity.cpp:855
-msgid "list is empty"
-msgstr "zoznam je prázdny"
+#~ msgid "list is empty"
+#~ msgstr "zoznam je prázdny"
-#: mac/MacAccessiblity.cpp:858 mac/MacAccessiblity.cpp:870
 #, c-format
-msgid "; row %d; "
-msgstr "; riadok %d; "
+#~ msgid "; row %d; "
+#~ msgstr "; riadok %d; "
-#: mac/MacAccessiblity.cpp:862
 #, c-format
-msgid "; selected row %d of %d; "
-msgstr "; vybraný riadok %d z %d; "
+#~ msgid "; selected row %d of %d; "
+#~ msgstr "; vybraný riadok %d z %d; "
-#: mac/MacAccessiblity.cpp:864
 #, c-format
-msgid "; selected row %d ; "
-msgstr "; vybraný riadok %d ; "
+#~ msgid "; selected row %d ; "
+#~ msgstr "; vybraný riadok %d ; "
-#: mac/MacAccessiblity.cpp:868
 #, c-format
-msgid "; row %d of %d; "
-msgstr "; riadok %d z %d; "
+#~ msgid "; row %d of %d; "
+#~ msgstr "; riadok %d z %d; "
-#: mac/MacAccessiblity.cpp:881
-msgid "blank"
-msgstr "prázdne"
+#~ msgid "blank"
+#~ msgstr "prázdne"
-#: mac/MacAccessiblity.cpp:1523
-msgid "list of projects or account managers"
-msgstr "zoznam projektov alebo Správcov konta"
+#~ msgid "list of projects or account managers"
+#~ msgstr "zoznam projektov alebo Správcov konta"
-#: mac/MacAccessiblity.cpp:1575
 #, c-format
-msgid "selected row %d of %d; "
-msgstr "vybraný riadok %d z %d; "
-#: mac/MacAccessiblity.cpp:1577
-#, c-format
-msgid "row %d of %d; "
-msgstr "riadok %d z %d; "
-#: mac/Mac_GUI.cpp:109
-msgid "Preferences…"
-msgstr "Preferencie…"
-#: mac/Mac_GUI.cpp:121
-msgid "Services"
-msgstr "Služby"
+#~ msgid "selected row %d of %d; "
+#~ msgstr "vybraný riadok %d z %d; "
-#: mac/Mac_GUI.cpp:143
 #, c-format
-msgid "Hide %s"
-msgstr "Skryť %s"
-#: mac/Mac_GUI.cpp:157
-msgid "Hide Others"
-msgstr "Skryť ostatné"
-#: mac/Mac_GUI.cpp:171
-msgid "Show All"
-msgstr "Zobraziť všetky"
+#~ msgid "row %d of %d; "
+#~ msgstr "riadok %d z %d; "
-#: mac/Mac_GUI.cpp:185
-#, c-format
-msgid "Quit %s"
-msgstr "Ukončiť %s"
+#~ msgid "Preferences…"
+#~ msgstr "Preferencie…"
 #~ msgid "The minimum username length for this project is 1. Please enter a different username."
 #~ msgstr ""
@@ -4279,15 +4467,6 @@ msgstr "Ukončiť %s"
 #~ msgid "OnDropTarget: index by HitTest = %i"
 #~ msgstr "OnDropTarget: index by HitTest = %i"
-#~ msgid "Pie Ctrl"
-#~ msgstr "Pie Ctrl"
-#~ msgid "specify work start and stop hours in format HH:MM-HH:MM"
-#~ msgstr "čas, kedy je možné počítať, vo formáte HH:MM-HH:MM"
-#~ msgid "specify network usage start and stop hours in format HH:MM-HH:MM"
-#~ msgstr "čas, kedy je možné používať sieť, vo formáte HH:MM-HH:MM"
 #~ msgid "Identify your account "
 #~ msgstr "Zvoľte Vaše konto "
diff --git a/locale/sk/BOINC-Project-Generic.po b/locale/sk/BOINC-Project-Generic.po
index 0c0177d..4ab2d9e 100644
--- a/locale/sk/BOINC-Project-Generic.po
+++ b/locale/sk/BOINC-Project-Generic.po
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ msgid ""
 msgstr ""
 "Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: BOINC translation team <boinc_loc at boinc.berkeley.edu>\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2013-11-08 00:00 PST\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-01-10 00:00 PST\n"
 "PO-Revision-Date: 2013-10-11 22:20+0000\n"
 "Last-Translator: aceman <acelists at atlas.sk>\n"
 "Language-Team: LANGUAGE <LL at li.org>\n"
@@ -191,19 +191,19 @@ msgstr "Prehľadať fóra"
 msgid "Advanced search"
 msgstr "Pokročilé vyhľadávanie"
-#: ../inc/forum.inc:132 ../inc/user.inc:252 ../user/pm.php:69
+#: ../inc/forum.inc:132 ../inc/user.inc:253 ../user/pm.php:69
 #: ../user/pm.php:133
 msgid "Private messages"
 msgstr "Súkromné správy"
 #: ../inc/forum.inc:151 ../user/bs_sample_index.php:63
-#: ../user/forum_forum.php:71 ../user/sample_index.php:119
+#: ../user/forum_forum.php:71 ../user/sample_index.php:130
 msgid "Questions and Answers"
 msgstr "Otázky a Odpovede"
-#: ../inc/forum.inc:151 ../inc/forum.inc:183 ../inc/user.inc:249
-#: ../inc/user.inc:374 ../user/bs_sample_index.php:62
-#: ../user/forum_forum.php:73 ../user/sample_index.php:118
+#: ../inc/forum.inc:151 ../inc/forum.inc:183 ../inc/user.inc:250
+#: ../inc/user.inc:375 ../user/bs_sample_index.php:62
+#: ../user/forum_forum.php:73 ../user/sample_index.php:129
 #: ../project.sample/project.inc:43
 msgid "Message boards"
 msgstr "Nástenky"
@@ -268,7 +268,7 @@ msgstr "Neprečítané"
 msgid "Message %1"
 msgstr "Správa %1"
-#: ../inc/forum.inc:624 ../inc/user.inc:330 ../user/forum_forum.php:174
+#: ../inc/forum.inc:624 ../inc/user.inc:331 ../user/forum_forum.php:174
 msgid "hidden"
 msgstr "skryté"
@@ -459,7 +459,7 @@ msgstr ""
 msgid "Thread"
 msgstr "Vlákno"
-#: ../inc/forum.inc:1174 ../inc/team.inc:127 ../user/forum_forum.php:136
+#: ../inc/forum.inc:1174 ../inc/team.inc:128 ../user/forum_forum.php:136
 #: ../user/forum_index.php:94
 msgid "Posts"
 msgstr "Príspevkov"
@@ -468,7 +468,7 @@ msgstr "Príspevkov"
 msgid "Views"
 msgstr "Zobrazenia"
-#: ../inc/forum.inc:1177 ../inc/team.inc:127 ../user/forum_forum.php:139
+#: ../inc/forum.inc:1177 ../inc/team.inc:128 ../user/forum_forum.php:139
 #: ../user/forum_help_desk.php:46 ../user/forum_index.php:95
 msgid "Last post"
 msgstr "Posledný príspevok"
@@ -506,7 +506,7 @@ msgid "Home"
 msgstr "Domov"
 #: ../inc/host.inc:57 ../inc/prefs.inc:641 ../inc/prefs.inc:1049
-#: ../user/server_status.php:329
+#: ../user/server_status.php:314
 msgid "Work"
 msgstr "Práca"
@@ -572,9 +572,9 @@ msgid "Created"
 msgstr "Vytvorený"
 #: ../inc/host.inc:113 ../inc/host.inc:226 ../inc/host.inc:231
-#: ../inc/host.inc:681 ../inc/team.inc:101 ../inc/team.inc:214
-#: ../inc/team.inc:219 ../inc/team.inc:221 ../inc/team.inc:363
-#: ../inc/team.inc:368 ../inc/user.inc:125 ../inc/user.inc:138
+#: ../inc/host.inc:681 ../inc/team.inc:101 ../inc/team.inc:215
+#: ../inc/team.inc:220 ../inc/team.inc:222 ../inc/team.inc:364
+#: ../inc/team.inc:369 ../inc/user.inc:125 ../inc/user.inc:138
 #: ../user/profile_search_action.php:43
 #: ../user/team_change_founder_form.php:78 ../user/team_email_list.php:64
 #: ../user/team_remove_inactive_form.php:41 ../user/top_users.php:54
@@ -666,7 +666,7 @@ msgstr "%1 KB/s"
 #: ../inc/host.inc:159 ../inc/host.inc:166 ../inc/result.inc:216
 #: ../inc/result.inc:226 ../inc/result.inc:244 ../inc/result.inc:262
 #: ../inc/result.inc:278 ../user/explain_state.php:56
-#: ../user/host_app_versions.php:29
+#: ../user/host_app_versions.php:30
 msgid "Unknown"
 msgstr "Neznámy"
@@ -674,7 +674,7 @@ msgstr "Neznámy"
 msgid "Average download rate"
 msgstr "Priemerná rýchlosť sťahovania"
-#: ../inc/host.inc:169 ../user/host_app_versions.php:64
+#: ../inc/host.inc:169 ../user/host_app_versions.php:65
 msgid "Average turnaround time"
 msgstr "Priemerná návratová doba "
@@ -750,7 +750,7 @@ msgstr ""
 msgid "Computer info"
 msgstr "Informácie o počítači"
-#: ../inc/host.inc:221 ../inc/host.inc:676 ../inc/team.inc:356
+#: ../inc/host.inc:221 ../inc/host.inc:676 ../inc/team.inc:357
 #: ../user/top_users.php:48
 msgid "Rank"
 msgstr "Úroveň"
@@ -759,9 +759,9 @@ msgstr "Úroveň"
 msgid "Avg. credit"
 msgstr "Priemerný kredit"
-#: ../inc/host.inc:230 ../inc/team.inc:102 ../inc/team.inc:215
-#: ../inc/team.inc:224 ../inc/team.inc:226 ../inc/team.inc:362
-#: ../inc/team.inc:367 ../inc/user.inc:139
+#: ../inc/host.inc:230 ../inc/team.inc:102 ../inc/team.inc:216
+#: ../inc/team.inc:225 ../inc/team.inc:227 ../inc/team.inc:363
+#: ../inc/team.inc:368 ../inc/user.inc:139
 #: ../user/team_change_founder_form.php:79 ../user/team_email_list.php:64
 #: ../user/team_remove_inactive_form.php:42 ../user/top_users.php:53
 #: ../user/top_users.php:58
@@ -849,9 +849,9 @@ msgstr ""
 msgid "Computer ID"
 msgstr "ID počítača"
-#: ../inc/host.inc:669 ../inc/result.inc:628 ../inc/team.inc:209
-#: ../inc/team.inc:357 ../inc/user.inc:199 ../user/account_finish.php:41
-#: ../user/create_account_form.php:80 ../user/team_admins.php:62
+#: ../inc/host.inc:669 ../inc/result.inc:628 ../inc/team.inc:210
+#: ../inc/team.inc:358 ../inc/user.inc:199 ../user/account_finish.php:41
+#: ../user/create_account_form.php:79 ../user/team_admins.php:62
 #: ../user/team_change_founder_form.php:77 ../user/team_email_list.php:64
 #: ../user/top_users.php:49 ../user/user_search.php:139
 msgid "Name"
@@ -861,7 +861,7 @@ msgstr "Názov"
 msgid "BOINC<br>version"
 msgstr "BOINC<br>verzia"
-#: ../inc/host.inc:745 ../user/merge_by_name.php:67
+#: ../inc/host.inc:745 ../user/merge_by_name.php:65
 msgid "Merge computers by name"
 msgstr ""
@@ -887,12 +887,12 @@ msgid "Write"
 msgstr ""
 # 80%
-#: ../inc/pm.inc:33 ../inc/user.inc:377
+#: ../inc/pm.inc:33 ../inc/user.inc:378
 msgid "Send private message"
 msgstr "Poslať súkromnú správu"
 #: ../inc/pm.inc:35 ../inc/pm.inc:37 ../inc/pm.inc:89
-#: ../user/ffmail_form.php:59 ../user/forum_edit.php:99
+#: ../user/ffmail_form.php:58 ../user/forum_edit.php:99
 #: ../user/forum_edit.php:101 ../user/forum_edit.php:145
 #: ../user/forum_post.php:61 ../user/forum_post.php:87
 #: ../user/forum_post.php:89 ../user/forum_post.php:130
@@ -1069,7 +1069,7 @@ msgid "Maintain enough tasks to keep busy for at least%1(max 10 days).%2"
 msgstr ""
 #: ../inc/prefs.inc:223 ../inc/prefs.inc:228 ../inc/prefs.inc:270
-#: ../inc/util.inc:258
+#: ../inc/util.inc:274
 msgid "days"
 msgstr ""
@@ -1253,7 +1253,7 @@ msgstr ""
 msgid "Primary (default) preferences"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/prefs.inc:871 ../user/add_venue.php:43 ../user/add_venue.php:67
+#: ../inc/prefs.inc:871 ../user/add_venue.php:39 ../user/add_venue.php:63
 #: ../user/prefs_edit.php:40 ../user/prefs_edit.php:64
 #: ../user/prefs_edit.php:92
 msgid "Edit %1 preferences"
@@ -1309,41 +1309,41 @@ msgstr ""
 msgid "Database error"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/profile.inc:192
+#: ../inc/profile.inc:193
 msgid ""
 "To prevent spam, profiles of users with an average credit of less than %1 "
 "are displayed only to logged-in users. We apologize for this inconvenience."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/profile.inc:196
+#: ../inc/profile.inc:197
 msgid "User is banished"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/profile.inc:210
+#: ../inc/profile.inc:211
 msgid "No profile exists for that user ID."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/profile.inc:218 ../user/create_profile.php:313
+#: ../inc/profile.inc:219 ../user/create_profile.php:313
 msgid "Edit your profile"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/profile.inc:261
+#: ../inc/profile.inc:262
 msgid "Your feedback on this profile"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/profile.inc:263
+#: ../inc/profile.inc:264
 msgid "Recommend this profile for User of the Day:"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/profile.inc:264
+#: ../inc/profile.inc:265
 msgid "I %1like%2 this profile"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/profile.inc:267
+#: ../inc/profile.inc:268
 msgid "Alert administrators to an offensive profile:"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/profile.inc:268
+#: ../inc/profile.inc:269
 msgid "I %1do not like%2 this profile"
 msgstr ""
@@ -1351,7 +1351,7 @@ msgstr ""
 msgid "Anonymous platform"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/result.inc:53
+#: ../inc/result.inc:53 ../user/host_app_versions.php:26
 msgid "NVIDIA GPU"
 msgstr ""
@@ -1359,7 +1359,7 @@ msgstr ""
 msgid "ATI GPU"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/result.inc:57
+#: ../inc/result.inc:57 ../user/host_app_versions.php:28
 msgid "Intel GPU"
 msgstr ""
@@ -1612,7 +1612,7 @@ msgstr ""
 msgid "explain"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/result.inc:376 ../user/server_status.php:256
+#: ../inc/result.inc:376 ../user/server_status.php:241
 msgid "Status"
 msgstr ""
@@ -1704,17 +1704,17 @@ msgstr ""
 msgid "Find teams with these words in their names or descriptions"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/team.inc:43 ../inc/team.inc:121 ../inc/team.inc:232
-#: ../inc/team.inc:372 ../inc/team.inc:456 ../inc/user.inc:205
-#: ../inc/user.inc:316 ../user/account_finish.php:45
-#: ../user/create_account_form.php:99 ../user/edit_user_info_form.php:40
+#: ../inc/team.inc:43 ../inc/team.inc:122 ../inc/team.inc:233
+#: ../inc/team.inc:373 ../inc/team.inc:455 ../inc/user.inc:205
+#: ../inc/user.inc:317 ../user/account_finish.php:45
+#: ../user/create_account_form.php:98 ../user/edit_user_info_form.php:38
 #: ../user/profile_search_action.php:42 ../user/team_email_list.php:64
 #: ../user/team_search.php:72 ../user/top_users.php:63
 #: ../user/user_search.php:53 ../user/user_search.php:140
 msgid "Country"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/team.inc:49 ../inc/team.inc:454
+#: ../inc/team.inc:49 ../inc/team.inc:453
 msgid "Type of team"
 msgstr ""
@@ -1722,7 +1722,7 @@ msgstr ""
 msgid "Show only active teams"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/team.inc:52 ../user/profile_menu.php:77 ../user/user_search.php:70
+#: ../inc/team.inc:52 ../user/profile_menu.php:76 ../user/user_search.php:70
 msgid "Search"
 msgstr ""
@@ -1742,8 +1742,8 @@ msgstr ""
 msgid "founder response deadline is %1"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/team.inc:72 ../inc/team.inc:556 ../inc/user.inc:280
-#: ../inc/user.inc:370
+#: ../inc/team.inc:72 ../inc/team.inc:555 ../inc/user.inc:281
+#: ../inc/user.inc:371
 msgid "None"
 msgstr ""
@@ -1767,105 +1767,105 @@ msgstr ""
 msgid "Web site"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/team.inc:119
+#: ../inc/team.inc:120
 msgid "Cross-project stats"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/team.inc:122 ../inc/team.inc:373 ../user/team_search.php:71
+#: ../inc/team.inc:123 ../inc/team.inc:374 ../user/team_search.php:71
 msgid "Type"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/team.inc:126 ../user/team_manage.php:63
+#: ../inc/team.inc:127 ../user/team_manage.php:63
 msgid "Message board"
 msgstr "Diskusné fórum"
-#: ../inc/team.inc:127 ../user/forum_forum.php:135 ../user/forum_index.php:93
+#: ../inc/team.inc:128 ../user/forum_forum.php:135 ../user/forum_index.php:93
 msgid "Threads"
 msgstr "Vlákna"
-#: ../inc/team.inc:135
+#: ../inc/team.inc:136
 msgid "Join this team"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/team.inc:136
+#: ../inc/team.inc:137
 msgid ""
 "Note: if 'OK to email' is set in your project preferences, joining a team "
 "gives its founder access to your email address."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/team.inc:139
+#: ../inc/team.inc:140
 msgid "Not accepting new members"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/team.inc:146
+#: ../inc/team.inc:147
 msgid "Foundership change requested"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/team.inc:147
+#: ../inc/team.inc:148
 msgid "Respond by %1"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/team.inc:151
+#: ../inc/team.inc:152
 msgid "Team foundership change"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/team.inc:155 ../inc/team.inc:358
+#: ../inc/team.inc:156 ../inc/team.inc:359
 msgid "Members"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/team.inc:156 ../inc/team.inc:253
+#: ../inc/team.inc:157 ../inc/team.inc:254
 msgid "Founder"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/team.inc:168
+#: ../inc/team.inc:169
 msgid "Admins"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/team.inc:183
+#: ../inc/team.inc:184
 msgid "New members in last day"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/team.inc:184
+#: ../inc/team.inc:185
 msgid "Total members"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/team.inc:184 ../inc/team.inc:185 ../inc/team.inc:186
+#: ../inc/team.inc:185 ../inc/team.inc:186 ../inc/team.inc:187
 msgid "view"
 msgstr "zobraziť"
-#: ../inc/team.inc:185
+#: ../inc/team.inc:186
 msgid "Active members"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/team.inc:186
+#: ../inc/team.inc:187
 msgid "Members with credit"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/team.inc:255
+#: ../inc/team.inc:256
 msgid "Admin"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/team.inc:276 ../user/forum_user_posts.php:122
+#: ../inc/team.inc:277 ../user/forum_user_posts.php:122
 #: ../user/top_hosts.php:93 ../user/top_teams.php:121
 #: ../user/top_users.php:127
 msgid "Previous %1"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/team.inc:280 ../user/forum_user_posts.php:131
+#: ../inc/team.inc:281 ../user/forum_user_posts.php:131
 #: ../user/profile_search_action.php:61 ../user/top_hosts.php:98
 #: ../user/top_teams.php:126 ../user/top_users.php:132
 msgid "Next %1"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/team.inc:288
+#: ../inc/team.inc:289
 msgid "No such team."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/team.inc:301
+#: ../inc/team.inc:302
 msgid "This operation requires foundership."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/team.inc:325
+#: ../inc/team.inc:326
 msgid "This operation requires team admin privileges"
 msgstr ""
@@ -1875,53 +1875,53 @@ msgid ""
 "be overwritten. Edit the %1BOINC-wide team%2 instead."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/team.inc:429
+#: ../inc/team.inc:428
 msgid ""
 "%1Privacy note%2: if you create a team, your project preferences (resource "
 "share, graphics preferences) will be visible to the public."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/team.inc:433
+#: ../inc/team.inc:432
 msgid "Team name, text version"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/team.inc:434
+#: ../inc/team.inc:433
 msgid "Don't use HTML tags."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/team.inc:437
+#: ../inc/team.inc:436
 msgid "Team name, HTML version"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/team.inc:439 ../inc/team.inc:449
+#: ../inc/team.inc:438 ../inc/team.inc:448
 msgid "You may use %1limited HTML tags%2."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/team.inc:440
+#: ../inc/team.inc:439
 msgid "If you don't know HTML, leave this box blank."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/team.inc:443
+#: ../inc/team.inc:442
 msgid "URL of team web page, if any"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/team.inc:443
+#: ../inc/team.inc:442
 msgid "without \"http://\""
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/team.inc:444
+#: ../inc/team.inc:443
 msgid "This URL will be linked to from the team's page on this site."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/team.inc:447
+#: ../inc/team.inc:446
 msgid "Description of team"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/team.inc:463
+#: ../inc/team.inc:462
 msgid "Accept new members?"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/uotd.inc:27
+#: ../inc/uotd.inc:28
 msgid "User profile"
 msgstr ""
@@ -1954,7 +1954,7 @@ msgid "Computers on this account"
 msgstr ""
 #: ../inc/user.inc:151 ../inc/user.inc:152 ../inc/user.inc:217
-#: ../inc/user.inc:242 ../inc/user.inc:328 ../inc/user.inc:401
+#: ../inc/user.inc:243 ../inc/user.inc:329 ../inc/user.inc:402
 #: ../user/view_profile.php:64
 msgid "View"
 msgstr "Zobraziť"
@@ -1971,8 +1971,8 @@ msgstr ""
 msgid "Account"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/user.inc:165 ../inc/user.inc:280 ../inc/user.inc:368
-#: ../inc/user.inc:370 ../user/user_search.php:139
+#: ../inc/user.inc:165 ../inc/user.inc:281 ../inc/user.inc:369
+#: ../inc/user.inc:371 ../user/user_search.php:139
 msgid "Team"
 msgstr "Tím"
@@ -1996,12 +1996,12 @@ msgstr ""
 msgid "Account information"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/user.inc:200 ../user/edit_passwd_form.php:48
+#: ../inc/user.inc:200 ../user/edit_passwd_form.php:45
 #: ../user/get_passwd.php:40 ../user/team_email_list.php:64
 msgid "Email address"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/user.inc:203 ../inc/user.inc:321
+#: ../inc/user.inc:203 ../inc/user.inc:322
 msgid "URL"
 msgstr ""
@@ -2009,7 +2009,7 @@ msgstr ""
 msgid "Postal code"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/user.inc:207 ../inc/user.inc:315
+#: ../inc/user.inc:207 ../inc/user.inc:316
 msgid "%1 member since"
 msgstr ""
@@ -2029,7 +2029,7 @@ msgstr ""
 msgid "other account info"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/user.inc:213 ../inc/user.inc:314
+#: ../inc/user.inc:213 ../inc/user.inc:315
 msgid "User ID"
 msgstr ""
@@ -2065,183 +2065,179 @@ msgstr ""
 msgid "Preferences for this project"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/user.inc:233 ../user/prefs.php:32
+#: ../inc/user.inc:233 ../user/prefs.php:29
 msgid "%1 preferences"
 msgstr ""
 #: ../inc/user.inc:239 ../user/bs_sample_index.php:59
-#: ../user/sample_index.php:114
+#: ../user/sample_index.php:125
 msgid "Community"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/user.inc:242 ../user/pm.php:107 ../user/pm.php:147
+#: ../inc/user.inc:243 ../user/pm.php:107 ../user/pm.php:147
 msgid "Delete"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/user.inc:244
+#: ../inc/user.inc:245
 msgid "Create"
 msgstr "Vytvoriť"
-#: ../inc/user.inc:246 ../inc/user.inc:401 ../inc/util.inc:498
+#: ../inc/user.inc:247 ../inc/user.inc:402 ../inc/util.inc:514
 msgid "Profile"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/user.inc:249 ../inc/user.inc:374
+#: ../inc/user.inc:250 ../inc/user.inc:375
 msgid "%1 posts"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/user.inc:261 ../user/edit_forum_preferences_form.php:51
+#: ../inc/user.inc:262 ../user/edit_forum_preferences_form.php:51
 msgid "Notifications"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/user.inc:268
+#: ../inc/user.inc:269
 msgid "Quit team"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/user.inc:270 ../inc/user.inc:287
+#: ../inc/user.inc:271 ../inc/user.inc:288
 msgid "Administer"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/user.inc:276 ../inc/user.inc:289
+#: ../inc/user.inc:277 ../inc/user.inc:290
 msgid "(foundership change request pending)"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/user.inc:278
+#: ../inc/user.inc:279
 msgid "Member of team"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/user.inc:280
+#: ../inc/user.inc:281
 msgid "find a team"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/user.inc:291
+#: ../inc/user.inc:292
 msgid "Founder but not member of"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/user.inc:297
+#: ../inc/user.inc:298
 msgid "Find friends"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/user.inc:304 ../inc/user.inc:306 ../inc/user.inc:384
-#: ../inc/user.inc:386 ../inc/user.inc:395
+#: ../inc/user.inc:305 ../inc/user.inc:307 ../inc/user.inc:385
+#: ../inc/user.inc:387 ../inc/user.inc:396
 msgid "Friends"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/user.inc:328 ../inc/user.inc:330 ../user/server_status.php:408
+#: ../inc/user.inc:329 ../inc/user.inc:331 ../user/server_status.php:392
 msgid "Computers"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/user.inc:337
+#: ../inc/user.inc:338
 msgid "Donor"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/user.inc:377
+#: ../inc/user.inc:378
 msgid "Contact"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/user.inc:380
+#: ../inc/user.inc:381
 msgid "This person is a friend"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/user.inc:381 ../user/friend.php:238
+#: ../inc/user.inc:382 ../user/friend.php:238
 msgid "Cancel friendship"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/user.inc:384 ../user/friend.php:37
+#: ../inc/user.inc:385 ../user/friend.php:37
 msgid "Request pending"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/user.inc:386
+#: ../inc/user.inc:387
 msgid "Add as friend"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/user.inc:445
+#: ../inc/user.inc:446
 msgid "user name cannot have leading or trailing white space"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/user.inc:449
+#: ../inc/user.inc:450
 msgid "user name must be nonempty"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/user.inc:453
+#: ../inc/user.inc:454
 msgid "user name may not contain HTML tags"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/util.inc:116
+#: ../inc/util.inc:131
 msgid "log out"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/util.inc:118
+#: ../inc/util.inc:133
 msgid "log in"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/util.inc:188 ../user/login_form.php:30 ../user/login_form.php:55
+#: ../inc/util.inc:204 ../user/login_form.php:30 ../user/login_form.php:66
 msgid "Log in"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/util.inc:189 ../user/create_account_form.php:31
+#: ../inc/util.inc:205 ../user/create_account_form.php:40
 msgid "Create an account"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/util.inc:190
+#: ../inc/util.inc:206
 msgid "Server status page"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/util.inc:232
+#: ../inc/util.inc:248
 msgid ""
 "A database error occurred while handling your request; please try again "
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/util.inc:241
+#: ../inc/util.inc:257
 msgid "Unable to handle request"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/util.inc:261
+#: ../inc/util.inc:277
 msgid "hours"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/util.inc:264
+#: ../inc/util.inc:280
 msgid "min"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/util.inc:267
+#: ../inc/util.inc:283
 msgid "sec"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/util.inc:428
+#: ../inc/util.inc:444
 msgid "Link has timed out. Please click Back, refresh the page, and try again."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/util.inc:497
+#: ../inc/util.inc:513
 msgid "View the profile of %1"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/util.inc:553
+#: ../inc/util.inc:569
 msgid "Use BBCode tags to format your text"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/util.inc:780
+#: ../inc/util.inc:796
 msgid "Project down for maintenance"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/util.inc:783
+#: ../inc/util.inc:799
 msgid "%1 is temporarily shut down for maintenance.  Please try again later."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/util.inc:801
+#: ../inc/util.inc:817
 msgid "Unable to connect to database - please try again later"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/util.inc:802
-msgid "Error:"
-msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/util.inc:806
+#: ../inc/util.inc:821
 msgid "Unable to select database - please try again later"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/util_ops.inc:136 ../user/get_passwd.php:72
+#: ../inc/util_ops.inc:109 ../user/get_passwd.php:72
 msgid "Stay logged in on this computer"
 msgstr ""
@@ -2249,19 +2245,19 @@ msgstr ""
 msgid "Finish account setup"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../user/account_finish.php:41 ../user/create_account_form.php:80
+#: ../user/account_finish.php:41 ../user/create_account_form.php:79
 msgid "Identifies you on our web site. Use your real name or a nickname."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../user/account_finish.php:45 ../user/create_account_form.php:99
+#: ../user/account_finish.php:45 ../user/create_account_form.php:98
 msgid "Select the country you want to represent, if any."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../user/account_finish.php:51 ../user/create_account_form.php:105
+#: ../user/account_finish.php:51 ../user/create_account_form.php:104
 msgid "Postal or ZIP Code"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../user/account_finish.php:51 ../user/create_account_form.php:105
+#: ../user/account_finish.php:51 ../user/create_account_form.php:104
 msgid "Optional"
 msgstr ""
@@ -2273,12 +2269,12 @@ msgstr ""
 msgid "HTML tags not allowed in name"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../user/add_venue.php:85
+#: ../user/add_venue.php:81
 msgid "Add %1 preferences for %2"
 msgstr ""
 #: ../user/apps.php:32 ../user/bs_sample_index.php:55
-#: ../user/sample_index.php:109
+#: ../user/sample_index.php:120
 msgid "Applications"
 msgstr ""
@@ -2430,16 +2426,16 @@ msgstr "Tímy"
 msgid "create or join a team"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../user/bs_sample_index.php:51 ../user/sample_index.php:180
+#: ../user/bs_sample_index.php:51 ../user/sample_index.php:191
 msgid "User of the day"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../user/bs_sample_index.php:52 ../user/server_status.php:254
+#: ../user/bs_sample_index.php:52 ../user/server_status.php:239
 msgid "Server status"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../user/bs_sample_index.php:60 ../user/profile_menu.php:35
-#: ../user/sample_index.php:116
+#: ../user/bs_sample_index.php:60 ../user/profile_menu.php:32
+#: ../user/sample_index.php:127
 msgid "Profiles"
 msgstr ""
@@ -2474,7 +2470,7 @@ msgid "Languages"
 msgstr ""
 #: ../user/bs_sample_index.php:149 ../user/info.php:24
-#: ../user/sample_index.php:74
+#: ../user/sample_index.php:79
 msgid "Read our rules and policies"
 msgstr ""
@@ -2486,103 +2482,88 @@ msgstr ""
 msgid "Click your browser's <b>Back</b> button to try again."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../user/create_account_action.php:38 ../user/create_account_action.php:40
-#: ../user/create_account_form.php:36
-msgid "Account creation is disabled"
-msgstr ""
-#: ../user/create_account_action.php:41
-msgid ""
-"Sorry, this project has disabled the creation of new accounts.\n"
-"Please try again later."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../user/create_account_action.php:53
+#: ../user/create_account_action.php:47
 msgid "Your reCAPTCHA response was not correct. Please try again."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../user/create_account_action.php:77
+#: ../user/create_account_action.php:70
 msgid "You must supply an invitation code to create an account."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../user/create_account_action.php:80
+#: ../user/create_account_action.php:73
 msgid "The invitation code you gave is not valid."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../user/create_account_action.php:91
+#: ../user/create_account_action.php:84
 msgid ""
 "Invalid email address: you must enter a valid address of the form name at domain"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../user/create_account_action.php:95
+#: ../user/create_account_action.php:88
 msgid "There's already an account with that email address."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../user/create_account_action.php:101 ../user/edit_passwd_action.php:33
+#: ../user/create_account_action.php:94 ../user/edit_passwd_action.php:33
 msgid "New passwords are different"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../user/create_account_action.php:108 ../user/edit_passwd_action.php:41
+#: ../user/create_account_action.php:101 ../user/edit_passwd_action.php:41
 msgid "Passwords may only include ASCII characters."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../user/create_account_action.php:113 ../user/edit_passwd_action.php:45
+#: ../user/create_account_action.php:106 ../user/edit_passwd_action.php:45
 msgid "New password is too short: minimum password length is %1 characters."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../user/create_account_action.php:134
+#: ../user/create_account_action.php:127
 msgid "Couldn't create account"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../user/create_account_form.php:37
-msgid "Account creation is currently disabled. Please try again later."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../user/create_account_form.php:46
+#: ../user/create_account_form.php:44
 msgid ""
 "NOTE: If you use the BOINC Manager, don't use this form. Just run BOINC, "
 "select Add Project, and enter an email address and password."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../user/create_account_form.php:62
+#: ../user/create_account_form.php:61
 msgid ""
 "This account will belong to the team %1 and will have the project "
 "preferences of its founder."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../user/create_account_form.php:74
+#: ../user/create_account_form.php:73
 msgid "Invitation Code"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../user/create_account_form.php:74
+#: ../user/create_account_form.php:73
 msgid "A valid invitation code is required to create an account."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../user/create_account_form.php:84
+#: ../user/create_account_form.php:83
 msgid "Email Address"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../user/create_account_form.php:84
+#: ../user/create_account_form.php:83
 msgid "Must be a valid address of the form 'name at domain'."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../user/create_account_form.php:93 ../user/edit_email_form.php:49
+#: ../user/create_account_form.php:92 ../user/edit_email_form.php:47
 msgid "Password"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../user/create_account_form.php:94
+#: ../user/create_account_form.php:93
 msgid "Must be at least %1 characters"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../user/create_account_form.php:97
+#: ../user/create_account_form.php:96
 msgid "Confirm password"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../user/create_account_form.php:114
+#: ../user/create_account_form.php:113
 msgid "Please enter the words shown in the image"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../user/create_account_form.php:120
+#: ../user/create_account_form.php:119
 msgid "Create account"
 msgstr ""
@@ -2728,7 +2709,7 @@ msgstr ""
 #: ../user/delete_account.php:79 ../user/delete_profile.php:52
 #: ../user/donations.php:322 ../user/donations.php:326 ../user/friend.php:238
-#: ../user/prefs_remove.php:55 ../user/user_search.php:59
+#: ../user/prefs_remove.php:52 ../user/user_search.php:59
 #: ../user/user_search.php:64
 msgid "Yes"
 msgstr ""
@@ -2931,23 +2912,23 @@ msgid ""
 "again later."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../user/edit_email_form.php:29 ../user/edit_email_form.php:53
+#: ../user/edit_email_form.php:27 ../user/edit_email_form.php:51
 msgid "Change email address"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../user/edit_email_form.php:38
+#: ../user/edit_email_form.php:36
 msgid "Change the email address of your account"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../user/edit_email_form.php:39
+#: ../user/edit_email_form.php:37
 msgid "New email address"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../user/edit_email_form.php:40
+#: ../user/edit_email_form.php:38
 msgid "Must be a valid address of the form 'name at domain'"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../user/edit_email_form.php:50
+#: ../user/edit_email_form.php:48
 msgid "No password?"
 msgstr ""
@@ -3156,8 +3137,8 @@ msgstr ""
 msgid "Invalid password"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../user/edit_passwd_action.php:63 ../user/edit_passwd_form.php:28
-#: ../user/edit_passwd_form.php:58
+#: ../user/edit_passwd_action.php:63 ../user/edit_passwd_form.php:25
+#: ../user/edit_passwd_form.php:55
 msgid "Change password"
 msgstr ""
@@ -3171,35 +3152,35 @@ msgid ""
 msgstr ""
-#: ../user/edit_passwd_form.php:42
+#: ../user/edit_passwd_form.php:39
 msgid "You can identify yourself using either"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../user/edit_passwd_form.php:44
+#: ../user/edit_passwd_form.php:41
 msgid "your email address and old password"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../user/edit_passwd_form.php:45
+#: ../user/edit_passwd_form.php:42
 msgid "your account key"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../user/edit_passwd_form.php:49
+#: ../user/edit_passwd_form.php:46
 msgid "Current password"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../user/edit_passwd_form.php:51
+#: ../user/edit_passwd_form.php:48
 msgid "<b>OR</b>: Account key"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../user/edit_passwd_form.php:52
+#: ../user/edit_passwd_form.php:49
 msgid "Get account key by email"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../user/edit_passwd_form.php:56
+#: ../user/edit_passwd_form.php:53
 msgid "New password"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../user/edit_passwd_form.php:57
+#: ../user/edit_passwd_form.php:54
 msgid "New password, again"
 msgstr ""
@@ -3215,23 +3196,23 @@ msgstr ""
 msgid "Couldn't update user info."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../user/edit_user_info_form.php:29
+#: ../user/edit_user_info_form.php:27
 msgid "Edit account information"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../user/edit_user_info_form.php:34
+#: ../user/edit_user_info_form.php:32
 msgid "Name %1 real name or nickname%2"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../user/edit_user_info_form.php:37
+#: ../user/edit_user_info_form.php:35
 msgid "URL %1 of your web page; optional%2"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../user/edit_user_info_form.php:45
+#: ../user/edit_user_info_form.php:43
 msgid "Postal (ZIP) code %1 Optional%2"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../user/edit_user_info_form.php:49
+#: ../user/edit_user_info_form.php:47
 msgid "Update info"
 msgstr ""
@@ -3428,48 +3409,48 @@ msgid ""
 "1return to the form%2 and enter them."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../user/ffmail_form.php:31
+#: ../user/ffmail_form.php:30
 msgid ""
-"This project hasn\\'t created an email message - please notify its "
+"This project hasn't created an email message - please notify its "
 msgstr ""
-#: ../user/ffmail_form.php:34
+#: ../user/ffmail_form.php:33
 msgid "Tell your friends about %1"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../user/ffmail_form.php:38
+#: ../user/ffmail_form.php:37
 msgid "Help us by telling your friends, family and coworkers about %1"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../user/ffmail_form.php:40
+#: ../user/ffmail_form.php:39
 msgid ""
 "Fill in this form with the names and email addresses of people you think "
 "might be interested in %1. We'll send them an email in your name, and you "
 "can add your own message if you like."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../user/ffmail_form.php:43
+#: ../user/ffmail_form.php:42
 msgid "Your name:"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../user/ffmail_form.php:43
+#: ../user/ffmail_form.php:42
 msgid "Your email address:"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../user/ffmail_form.php:49
+#: ../user/ffmail_form.php:48
 msgid "Friend's name:"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../user/ffmail_form.php:49
+#: ../user/ffmail_form.php:48
 msgid "Friend's email address:"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../user/ffmail_form.php:57
+#: ../user/ffmail_form.php:56
 msgid "Additional message (optional)"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../user/ffmail_form.php:60
+#: ../user/ffmail_form.php:59
 msgid "Send"
 msgstr ""
@@ -4461,51 +4442,47 @@ msgstr ""
 msgid "If you have not already done so, %1download BOINC client software%2."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../user/host_app_versions.php:26
-msgid "nvidia GPU"
-msgstr ""
-#: ../user/host_app_versions.php:36
+#: ../user/host_app_versions.php:37
 msgid "Anonymous platform, missing app"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../user/host_app_versions.php:39
+#: ../user/host_app_versions.php:40
 msgid "anonymous platform"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../user/host_app_versions.php:42
+#: ../user/host_app_versions.php:43
 msgid "Missing app version"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../user/host_app_versions.php:44
+#: ../user/host_app_versions.php:45
 msgid "Missing app"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../user/host_app_versions.php:46
+#: ../user/host_app_versions.php:47
 msgid "Missing platform"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../user/host_app_versions.php:55
+#: ../user/host_app_versions.php:56
 msgid "Number of tasks completed"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../user/host_app_versions.php:56
+#: ../user/host_app_versions.php:57
 msgid "Max tasks per day"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../user/host_app_versions.php:57
+#: ../user/host_app_versions.php:58
 msgid "Number of tasks today"
 msgstr "Počet úloh za dnes"
-#: ../user/host_app_versions.php:58
+#: ../user/host_app_versions.php:59
 msgid "Consecutive valid tasks"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../user/host_app_versions.php:62
+#: ../user/host_app_versions.php:63
 msgid "Average processing rate"
 msgstr "Priemerná rýchlosť spracovania"
-#: ../user/host_app_versions.php:71
+#: ../user/host_app_versions.php:72
 msgid "Application details for host %1"
 msgstr ""
@@ -4847,36 +4824,36 @@ msgstr ""
 msgid "forgot email address?"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../user/login_form.php:47
+#: ../user/login_form.php:48
 msgid "Password:"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../user/login_form.php:47
+#: ../user/login_form.php:48
 msgid "forgot password?"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../user/login_form.php:50
+#: ../user/login_form.php:51
 msgid "Stay logged in"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../user/login_form.php:56
+#: ../user/login_form.php:62
 msgid "or %1create an account%2."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../user/merge_by_name.php:33
+#: ../user/merge_by_name.php:31
 msgid "Processing %1"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../user/merge_by_name.php:45
+#: ../user/merge_by_name.php:43
 msgid "Merged %1 into %2"
 msgstr ""
 # 86%
-#: ../user/merge_by_name.php:74
+#: ../user/merge_by_name.php:72
 msgid "Return to the list of your computers"
 msgstr "Vrátiť sa na zoznam Vašich počítačov"
-#: ../user/merge_by_name.php:78
+#: ../user/merge_by_name.php:76
 msgid ""
 "This operation merges computers based on their domain name.\n"
 "        <p>\n"
@@ -4886,11 +4863,11 @@ msgid ""
 "        <p>"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../user/merge_by_name.php:84
+#: ../user/merge_by_name.php:82
 msgid "Go ahead and do this"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../user/merge_by_name.php:85
+#: ../user/merge_by_name.php:83
 msgid "Return to the list of computers"
 msgstr "Vrátiť sa na zoznam počítačov"
@@ -5089,14 +5066,14 @@ msgstr ""
 msgid "Unknown action"
 msgstr "Neznáma činnosť"
-#: ../user/prefs.php:35
+#: ../user/prefs.php:32
 msgid ""
 "Your preferences have been updated, and\n"
 "          will take effect when your computer communicates with %1\n"
 "          or you issue the %2Update%3 command from the BOINC Manager."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../user/prefs.php:44
+#: ../user/prefs.php:41
 msgid ""
 "Your preferences have been reset to the defaults, and\n"
 "          will take effect when your computer communicates with %1\n"
@@ -5111,75 +5088,75 @@ msgstr ""
 msgid "Back to preferences"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../user/prefs_remove.php:48
+#: ../user/prefs_remove.php:45
 msgid "Confirm delete preferences"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../user/prefs_remove.php:51
+#: ../user/prefs_remove.php:48
 msgid "Are you sure you want to delete your separate %1 preferences for %2?"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../user/prefs_remove.php:55
+#: ../user/prefs_remove.php:52
 msgid "Remove preferences"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../user/prefs_remove.php:57
+#: ../user/prefs_remove.php:54
 msgid "Cancel"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../user/profile_menu.php:38
+#: ../user/profile_menu.php:35
 msgid ""
 "%1Profiles%2 let individuals share backgrounds and opinions with the %3 "
 msgstr ""
-#: ../user/profile_menu.php:39
+#: ../user/profile_menu.php:36
 msgid ""
 "Explore the diversity of your fellow volunteers, and contribute your own "
 "views for others to enjoy."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../user/profile_menu.php:40
+#: ../user/profile_menu.php:37
 msgid ""
 "If you haven't already, you can %1create your own user profile%2 for others "
 "to see!"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../user/profile_menu.php:45
+#: ../user/profile_menu.php:42
 msgid "User of the Day"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../user/profile_menu.php:58
+#: ../user/profile_menu.php:57
 msgid "User Profile Explorer"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../user/profile_menu.php:61
+#: ../user/profile_menu.php:60
 msgid "View the %1User Picture Gallery%2."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../user/profile_menu.php:62
+#: ../user/profile_menu.php:61
 msgid "Browse profiles %1by country%2."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../user/profile_menu.php:63
+#: ../user/profile_menu.php:62
 msgid ""
 "Browse profiles %1at random%2, %3at random with pictures%2, or %4at random "
 "without pictures%2."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../user/profile_menu.php:67
+#: ../user/profile_menu.php:66
 msgid "Alphabetical profile listings:"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../user/profile_menu.php:73
+#: ../user/profile_menu.php:72
 msgid "Search profile text"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../user/profile_menu.php:99
+#: ../user/profile_menu.php:98
 msgid "No profiles"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../user/profile_menu.php:100
+#: ../user/profile_menu.php:99
 msgid "No profiles matched your query."
 msgstr ""
@@ -5263,135 +5240,135 @@ msgstr ""
 msgid "Disabled"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../user/server_status.php:246
+#: ../user/server_status.php:231
 msgid "Project status"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../user/server_status.php:248
+#: ../user/server_status.php:233
 msgid "Server software version: %1"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../user/server_status.php:256
+#: ../user/server_status.php:241
 msgid "Program"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../user/server_status.php:256
+#: ../user/server_status.php:241
 msgid "Host"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../user/server_status.php:267
+#: ../user/server_status.php:252
 msgid "data-driven web pages"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../user/server_status.php:273
+#: ../user/server_status.php:258
 msgid "upload/download server"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../user/server_status.php:276
+#: ../user/server_status.php:261
 msgid "scheduler"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../user/server_status.php:309
+#: ../user/server_status.php:294
 msgid "Running:"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../user/server_status.php:310
+#: ../user/server_status.php:295
 msgid "Program is operating normally"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../user/server_status.php:311
+#: ../user/server_status.php:296
 msgid "Not Running:"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../user/server_status.php:312
+#: ../user/server_status.php:297
 msgid "Program failed or the project is down"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../user/server_status.php:313
+#: ../user/server_status.php:298
 msgid "Disabled:"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../user/server_status.php:314
+#: ../user/server_status.php:299
 msgid "Program is disabled"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../user/server_status.php:318
+#: ../user/server_status.php:303
 msgid "Computing status"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../user/server_status.php:324
+#: ../user/server_status.php:309
 msgid "The database server is not accessible"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../user/server_status.php:341
+#: ../user/server_status.php:326
 msgid "Tasks ready to send"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../user/server_status.php:346 ../user/workunit.php:55
+#: ../user/server_status.php:331 ../user/workunit.php:55
 msgid "Tasks in progress"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../user/server_status.php:351
+#: ../user/server_status.php:336
 msgid "Workunits waiting for validation"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../user/server_status.php:356
+#: ../user/server_status.php:341
 msgid "Workunits waiting for assimilation"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../user/server_status.php:361
+#: ../user/server_status.php:346
 msgid "Workunits waiting for file deletion"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../user/server_status.php:366
+#: ../user/server_status.php:351
 msgid "Tasks waiting for file deletion"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../user/server_status.php:383
+#: ../user/server_status.php:367
 msgid "Transitioner backlog (hours)"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../user/server_status.php:390
+#: ../user/server_status.php:374
 msgid "Users"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../user/server_status.php:393 ../user/server_status.php:411
+#: ../user/server_status.php:377 ../user/server_status.php:395
 msgid "with recent credit"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../user/server_status.php:398 ../user/server_status.php:416
+#: ../user/server_status.php:382 ../user/server_status.php:400
 msgid "with credit"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../user/server_status.php:403 ../user/server_status.php:421
+#: ../user/server_status.php:387 ../user/server_status.php:405
 msgid "registered in past 24 hours"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../user/server_status.php:427
+#: ../user/server_status.php:411
 msgid "current GigaFLOPs"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../user/server_status.php:436
+#: ../user/server_status.php:420
 msgid "Tasks by application"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../user/server_status.php:439 ../user/workunit.php:40
+#: ../user/server_status.php:423 ../user/workunit.php:40
 msgid "application"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../user/server_status.php:440
+#: ../user/server_status.php:424
 msgid "unsent"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../user/server_status.php:441
+#: ../user/server_status.php:425
 msgid "in progress"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../user/server_status.php:442
+#: ../user/server_status.php:426
 msgid "avg runtime of last 100 results in h (min-max)"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../user/server_status.php:443
+#: ../user/server_status.php:427
 msgid "users in last 24h"
 msgstr ""
@@ -5568,7 +5545,7 @@ msgid "Couldn't add admin"
 msgstr ""
 #: ../user/team_admins.php:111 ../user/team_manage.php:85
-#: ../user/team_quit_form.php:30 ../user/team_remove_inactive_action.php:28
+#: ../user/team_quit_form.php:28 ../user/team_remove_inactive_action.php:28
 msgid "No such team"
 msgstr ""
@@ -5637,6 +5614,10 @@ msgstr ""
 msgid "Change founder"
 msgstr ""
+#: ../user/team_change_founder_form.php:108
+msgid "There are no users to transfer team to."
+msgstr ""
 #: ../user/team_create_action.php:29
 msgid "You must choose a non-blank team name"
 msgstr ""
@@ -5919,7 +5900,7 @@ msgid ""
 msgstr ""
 #: ../user/team_join.php:32 ../user/team_join_action.php:32
-#: ../user/team_join_form.php:31
+#: ../user/team_join_form.php:29
 msgid "The team %1 is not joinable."
 msgstr ""
@@ -5943,23 +5924,23 @@ msgstr ""
 msgid "You have joined %1."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../user/team_join_form.php:34
+#: ../user/team_join_form.php:32
 msgid "Join %1"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../user/team_join_form.php:35
+#: ../user/team_join_form.php:33
 msgid "Please note:"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../user/team_join_form.php:37
+#: ../user/team_join_form.php:35
 msgid "Joining a team gives its founder access to your email address."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../user/team_join_form.php:38
+#: ../user/team_join_form.php:36
 msgid "Joining a team does not affect your account's credit."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../user/team_join_form.php:45
+#: ../user/team_join_form.php:43
 msgid "Join team"
 msgstr ""
@@ -6096,19 +6077,19 @@ msgstr ""
 msgid "Members of %1"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../user/team_quit_action.php:34
+#: ../user/team_quit_action.php:32
 msgid "Unable to quit team"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../user/team_quit_action.php:35
+#: ../user/team_quit_action.php:33
 msgid "Team doesn't exist, or you don't belong to it."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../user/team_quit_form.php:33
+#: ../user/team_quit_form.php:31
 msgid "Quit %1"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../user/team_quit_form.php:34
+#: ../user/team_quit_form.php:32
 msgid ""
 "<strong>Please note before quitting a team:</strong>\n"
 "         <ul>\n"
@@ -6119,7 +6100,7 @@ msgid ""
 "         </ul>"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../user/team_quit_form.php:42
+#: ../user/team_quit_form.php:40
 msgid "Quit Team"
 msgstr ""
diff --git a/locale/sk/BOINC-Setup.mo b/locale/sk/BOINC-Setup.mo
index 6a8a582..267a4f8 100644
Binary files a/locale/sk/BOINC-Setup.mo and b/locale/sk/BOINC-Setup.mo differ
diff --git a/locale/sk/BOINC-Setup.po b/locale/sk/BOINC-Setup.po
index 73efc0b..7d619f9 100644
--- a/locale/sk/BOINC-Setup.po
+++ b/locale/sk/BOINC-Setup.po
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ msgid ""
 msgstr ""
 "Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2013-10-15 22:27-0700\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-01-26 00:00-0800\n"
 "PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
 "Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL at ADDRESS>\n"
 "Language-Team: LANGUAGE <LL at li.org>\n"
@@ -20,24 +20,24 @@ msgstr ""
 "X-Poedit-Basepath: /Volumes/Cheer/BOINC_GIT/boinc_trunk\n"
 "X-Poedit-KeywordsList: _\n"
-#: Installer.cpp:132
+#: Installer.cpp:124
 #, c-format
-msgid "Sorry, this version of %s requires system 10.4 or higher."
+msgid "Sorry, this version of %s requires system 10.5 or higher."
 msgstr ""
-#: PostInstall.cpp:131 PostInstall.cpp:1211
+#: PostInstall.cpp:130 PostInstall.cpp:1136 uninstall.cpp:1618
 msgid "Yes"
 msgstr ""
-#: PostInstall.cpp:132 PostInstall.cpp:1212
+#: PostInstall.cpp:131 PostInstall.cpp:1137 uninstall.cpp:1619
 msgid "No"
 msgstr ""
-#: PostInstall.cpp:134
+#: PostInstall.cpp:133
 msgid "Should BOINC run even when no user is logged in?"
 msgstr ""
-#: PostInstall.cpp:1491
+#: PostInstall.cpp:1416
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "Users who are permitted to administer this computer will automatically be "
@@ -47,26 +47,26 @@ msgid ""
 "on this Mac?"
 msgstr ""
-#: PostInstall.cpp:1519
+#: PostInstall.cpp:1444
 #, c-format
 msgid "Do you want to set %s as the screensaver for all %s users on this Mac?"
 msgstr ""
-#: uninstall.cpp:80
+#: uninstall.cpp:82
 msgid "OK"
 msgstr ""
-#: uninstall.cpp:130
+#: uninstall.cpp:136
 msgid "Permission error after relaunch"
 msgstr ""
-#: uninstall.cpp:135
+#: uninstall.cpp:141
 msgid ""
 "Removal may take several minutes.\n"
 "Please be patient."
 msgstr ""
-#: uninstall.cpp:150
+#: uninstall.cpp:156
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "Are you sure you want to completely remove %s from your computer?\n"
@@ -74,21 +74,27 @@ msgid ""
 "This will remove the executables but will not touch %s data files."
 msgstr ""
-#: uninstall.cpp:157
+#: uninstall.cpp:163
 #, c-format
 msgid "Canceled: %s has not been touched."
 msgstr ""
-#: uninstall.cpp:168
+#: uninstall.cpp:174
 #, c-format
 msgid "An error occurred: error code %d"
 msgstr ""
-#: uninstall.cpp:224
+#: uninstall.cpp:230
 msgid "name  of user"
 msgstr ""
-#: uninstall.cpp:261
+#: uninstall.cpp:272
+msgid ""
+"Do you also want to remove VirtualBox from your computer?\n"
+"(VirtualBox was installed along with BOINC.)"
+msgstr ""
+#: uninstall.cpp:312
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "Removal completed.\n"
@@ -100,7 +106,7 @@ msgid ""
 msgstr ""
-#: uninstall.cpp:796
+#: uninstall.cpp:840
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "Enter your administrator password to completely remove %s from you "
@@ -108,10 +114,10 @@ msgid ""
 msgstr ""
-#: uninstall.cpp:1555
+#: uninstall.cpp:1616
 msgid "Cancel"
 msgstr ""
-#: uninstall.cpp:1556
+#: uninstall.cpp:1617
 msgid "Continue..."
 msgstr ""
diff --git a/locale/sk/BOINC-Web.mo b/locale/sk/BOINC-Web.mo
index 7dee145..1d5e044 100644
Binary files a/locale/sk/BOINC-Web.mo and b/locale/sk/BOINC-Web.mo differ
diff --git a/locale/sk/BOINC-Web.po b/locale/sk/BOINC-Web.po
index 6569f95..3740e59 100644
--- a/locale/sk/BOINC-Web.po
+++ b/locale/sk/BOINC-Web.po
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ msgid ""
 msgstr ""
 "Project-Id-Version: boinc 1.10\n"
 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: BOINC translation team <boinc_loc at ssl.berkeley.edu>\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2013-11-12 00:00 PST\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-02-01 00:00 PST\n"
 "PO-Revision-Date: 2013-06-15 18:04+0200\n"
 "Last-Translator: aceman <acelists at atlas.sk>\n"
 "Language-Team: boinc.sk\n"
@@ -407,16 +407,16 @@ msgstr ""
 msgid "Cognitive science and artifical intelligence"
 msgstr "Kognitívna veda a umelá inteligencia"
-#: projects.inc:50 projects.inc:342 projects.inc:386 projects.inc:435
-#: projects.inc:442 projects.inc:489
+#: projects.inc:60 projects.inc:364 projects.inc:408 projects.inc:457
+#: projects.inc:464 projects.inc:511
 msgid "Private"
 msgstr "Súkromný"
-#: projects.inc:51
+#: projects.inc:61
 msgid "Artificial intelligence"
 msgstr "Umelá inteligencia"
-#: projects.inc:52
+#: projects.inc:62
 msgid ""
 "Parse and convert semantic nets for use in FreeHAL, an artificial "
 "intelligence that uses semantic networks, stemmers, part of speech "
@@ -424,19 +424,19 @@ msgid ""
 msgstr ""
-#: projects.inc:58
+#: projects.inc:69
 msgid "Biology and Medicine"
 msgstr "Biológia a Medicína"
-#: projects.inc:71
+#: projects.inc:82
 msgid "University College Dublin"
 msgstr ""
-#: projects.inc:72
+#: projects.inc:83
 msgid "Antimalarial drug discovery"
 msgstr ""
-#: projects.inc:73
+#: projects.inc:84
 msgid ""
 "The parasite that causes malaria continues to evolve resistance to available "
 "medication. We therefore urgently need to discover new drugs to replace "
@@ -445,15 +445,15 @@ msgid ""
 msgstr ""
-#: projects.inc:79
+#: projects.inc:90
 msgid "University of Karlsruhe (Germany)"
 msgstr "Univerzita v Karlsruhe (Nemecko)"
-#: projects.inc:80
+#: projects.inc:91
 msgid "Protein structure prediction"
 msgstr "Predpoklad štruktúry proteínu"
-#: projects.inc:81
+#: projects.inc:92
 msgid ""
 "POEM at HOME uses a computational approach to predict the biologically active "
 "structure of proteins, to understand the signal-processing mechanisms when "
@@ -462,15 +462,15 @@ msgid ""
 "the three-dimensions structure of biologically important proteins."
 msgstr ""
-#: projects.inc:87
+#: projects.inc:98
 msgid "University of Delaware"
 msgstr "Univerzita v Delaware"
-#: projects.inc:88
+#: projects.inc:99
 msgid "Study of protein - ligand interactions"
 msgstr "Štúdia proteínov - súčinnosť ligandov"
-#: projects.inc:89
+#: projects.inc:100
 msgid ""
 "Docking at Home has both bioscience and computer science goals. The project "
 "aims to further knowledge of the atomic details of protein-ligand "
@@ -478,15 +478,15 @@ msgid ""
 "of novel pharmaceuticals."
 msgstr ""
-#: projects.inc:103
+#: projects.inc:114
 msgid "Barcelona Biomedical Research Park (PRBB)"
 msgstr "Biomedicínsky výskumný park v Barcelone (PRBB)"
-#: projects.inc:104
+#: projects.inc:115
 msgid "Molecular simulations of proteins"
 msgstr "Molekulárna simulácia proteínov"
-#: projects.inc:105
+#: projects.inc:116
 msgid ""
 "GPUGrid.net opens novel computational scenarios by the first full-atom "
 "molecular dynamics code (CellMD) specially optimized to run on NVIDIA GPUs. "
@@ -494,15 +494,15 @@ msgid ""
 "computational biology for biomedical research."
 msgstr ""
-#: projects.inc:111
+#: projects.inc:122
 msgid "Technion, Israel"
 msgstr "Technion, Izrael"
-#: projects.inc:112
+#: projects.inc:123
 msgid "Genetic linkage analysis"
 msgstr "Analýza genetických väzieb"
-#: projects.inc:113
+#: projects.inc:124
 msgid ""
 "Superlink at Technion helps geneticists all over the world find disease-"
 "provoking genes causing some types of diabetes, hypertension (high blood "
@@ -512,16 +512,16 @@ msgstr ""
 "niektoré typy cukrovky, vysoký krvný tlak, rakovinu, schizofréniu a veľa "
-#: projects.inc:127
+#: projects.inc:138
 msgid ""
 "University of Maryland Center for Bioinformatics and Computational Biology"
 msgstr "Univerzita v Marylande, centrum bioinformatiky a výpočtovej biológie"
-#: projects.inc:128
+#: projects.inc:139
 msgid "Life science research"
 msgstr "Výskum životných vied"
-#: projects.inc:129
+#: projects.inc:140
 msgid ""
 "The Lattice Project supplies computing power to scientists at the University "
 "of Maryland studying evolutionary relationships based on DNA sequence data; "
@@ -533,15 +533,15 @@ msgstr ""
 "proteínov baktérií, plasmidov a vírusov; a biologickú rozmanitosť v "
 "prirodzených podmienkach."
-#: projects.inc:135
+#: projects.inc:146
 msgid "The Swiss Tropical Institute"
 msgstr "Švajčiarsky inštitút trópov"
-#: projects.inc:136
+#: projects.inc:147
 msgid "Epidemiology"
 msgstr "Epidemiológia"
-#: projects.inc:137
+#: projects.inc:148
 msgid ""
 "Simulation models of the transmission dynamics and health effects of malaria "
 "are an important tool for malaria control. They can be used to determine "
@@ -552,15 +552,15 @@ msgid ""
 "social factors that influence the distribution of the disease. "
 msgstr ""
-#: projects.inc:159
+#: projects.inc:170
 msgid "University of Washington"
 msgstr "Washingtonská univerzita"
-#: projects.inc:160 projects.inc:168
+#: projects.inc:171 projects.inc:179
 msgid "Biology"
 msgstr "Biológia"
-#: projects.inc:161
+#: projects.inc:172
 msgid ""
 "Determine the 3-dimensional shapes of proteins in research that may "
 "ultimately lead to finding cures for some major human diseases. By running "
@@ -570,30 +570,30 @@ msgid ""
 "Cancer, and Alzheimer's"
 msgstr ""
-#: projects.inc:167
+#: projects.inc:178
 msgid "University of Vienna"
 msgstr "Viedenská univerzita"
-#: projects.inc:169
+#: projects.inc:180
 msgid ""
 "Calculate similarities between proteins. SIMAP provides a public database of "
 "the resulting data, which plays a key role in many bioinformatics research "
 msgstr ""
-#: projects.inc:175
+#: projects.inc:186
 msgid "Earth Sciences"
 msgstr "Vedy o Zemi"
-#: projects.inc:187
+#: projects.inc:198
 msgid "Oxford University"
 msgstr "Oxfordská univerzita"
-#: projects.inc:188
+#: projects.inc:199
 msgid "Climate study"
 msgstr "Štúdium klímy"
-#: projects.inc:189
+#: projects.inc:200
 msgid ""
 "Investigate the approximations that have to be made in state-of-the-art "
 "climate models. By running the model thousands of times we hope to find out "
@@ -605,17 +605,25 @@ msgid ""
 "century under a wide range of different scenarios."
 msgstr ""
-# 75%
-#: projects.inc:196
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Astronomy, Physics, and Chemistry"
-msgstr "Astronómia/Fyzika/Chémia"
+#: projects.inc:207
+msgid "Physical Science"
+msgstr ""
-#: projects.inc:202 projects.inc:241 projects.inc:249
+#: projects.inc:213
+msgid "Mechanical engineering"
+msgstr ""
+#: projects.inc:214
+msgid ""
+"Currently we are calculating the optimum design of a structure call the 52 "
+"bar truss"
+msgstr ""
+#: projects.inc:224 projects.inc:263 projects.inc:271
 msgid "Astronomy"
 msgstr "Astronómia"
-#: projects.inc:203
+#: projects.inc:225
 msgid ""
 "We will combine the spectral coverage of GALEX, Pan-STARRS1, and WISE to "
 "generate a multi-wavelength UV-optical-NIR galaxy atlas for the nearby "
@@ -625,15 +633,15 @@ msgid ""
 "energy distribution (SED) fitting techniques in a distributed computing mode."
 msgstr ""
-#: projects.inc:225
+#: projects.inc:247
 msgid "University of Texas at Austin"
 msgstr "Texaská univerzita v Austine"
-#: projects.inc:226 projects.inc:257
+#: projects.inc:248 projects.inc:279
 msgid "Chemistry"
 msgstr "Chémia"
-#: projects.inc:227
+#: projects.inc:249
 msgid ""
 "A common problem in theoretical chemistry, condensed matter physics and "
 "materials science is the calculation of the time evolution of an atomic "
@@ -647,34 +655,34 @@ msgid ""
 msgstr ""
 # 95%
-#: projects.inc:240
+#: projects.inc:262
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign"
 msgstr "Illinoiská univerzita v Urbana-Champaign"
-#: projects.inc:242
+#: projects.inc:264
 msgid ""
 "The goal of Cosmology at Home is to search for the model that best describes "
 "our Universe and to find the range of models that agree with the available "
 "astronomical particle physics data."
 msgstr ""
-#: projects.inc:248
+#: projects.inc:270
 msgid "Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute"
 msgstr "Polytechnický inštitút Rensselaer"
-#: projects.inc:250
+#: projects.inc:272
 msgid ""
 "The goal of Milkyway at Home is to create a highly accurate three dimensional "
 "model of the Milky Way galaxy using data gathered by the Sloan Digital Sky "
 msgstr ""
-#: projects.inc:256
+#: projects.inc:278
 msgid "Leiden University, The Netherlands"
 msgstr "Leidenská univerzita, Holandsko"
-#: projects.inc:258
+#: projects.inc:280
 msgid ""
 "Surface science calculations using Classical Dynamics.  Leiden Classical "
 "allows volunteers, students and other scientist to submit their personal "
@@ -684,15 +692,15 @@ msgid ""
 "simulations through the grid."
 msgstr ""
-#: projects.inc:272
+#: projects.inc:294
 msgid "Univ. of Wisconsin - Milwaukee, Max Planck Institute"
 msgstr ""
-#: projects.inc:273
+#: projects.inc:295
 msgid "Astrophysics"
 msgstr ""
-#: projects.inc:274
+#: projects.inc:296
 msgid ""
 "Search for spinning neutron stars (also called pulsars) using data from the "
 "LIGO and GEO gravitational wave detectors, and from the Arecibo radio "
@@ -701,15 +709,15 @@ msgid ""
 "international organizations."
 msgstr ""
-#: projects.inc:288 projects.inc:296
+#: projects.inc:310 projects.inc:318
 msgid "CERN (European Organization for Nuclear Research)"
 msgstr ""
-#: projects.inc:289 projects.inc:297
+#: projects.inc:311 projects.inc:319
 msgid "Physics"
 msgstr ""
-#: projects.inc:290
+#: projects.inc:312
 msgid ""
 "The Large Hadron Collider (LHC) is a particle accelerator at CERN, the "
 "European Organization for Nuclear Research, the world's largest particle "
@@ -718,22 +726,22 @@ msgid ""
 "the design of LHC and its detectors."
 msgstr ""
-#: projects.inc:298
+#: projects.inc:320
 msgid ""
 "This project uses CERN-developed virtual machine technology for full-fledged "
 "LHC event physics simulation on volunteer computers.  Requires that you "
 "install VirtualBox on your computer"
 msgstr ""
-#: projects.inc:304
+#: projects.inc:326
 msgid "University of California, Berkeley"
 msgstr ""
-#: projects.inc:305
+#: projects.inc:327
 msgid "Astrophysics, astrobiology"
 msgstr ""
-#: projects.inc:306
+#: projects.inc:328
 msgid ""
 "SETI (Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence) is a scientific area whose "
 "goal is to detect intelligent life outside Earth. One approach, known as "
@@ -742,15 +750,15 @@ msgid ""
 "detection would provide evidence of extraterrestrial technology."
 msgstr ""
-#: projects.inc:320
+#: projects.inc:342
 msgid "Bielefeld University of Applied Sciences"
 msgstr ""
-#: projects.inc:321
+#: projects.inc:343
 msgid "Chemical engineering and nanotechnology"
 msgstr ""
-#: projects.inc:322
+#: projects.inc:344
 msgid ""
 "The study of molecular magnets and controlled nanoscale magnetism.  These "
 "magnetic molecules may be used to develop tiny magnetic switches, with "
@@ -758,44 +766,44 @@ msgid ""
 msgstr ""
-#: projects.inc:329
+#: projects.inc:351
 msgid "Multiple applications"
 msgstr ""
-#: projects.inc:334
+#: projects.inc:356
 msgid "Chinese Academy of Sciences"
 msgstr ""
-#: projects.inc:335
+#: projects.inc:357
 msgid "Physics, biochemistry, and others"
 msgstr ""
-#: projects.inc:336
+#: projects.inc:358
 msgid ""
 "The objective of CAS at home is to encourage and assist scientists in China to "
 "adopt the technologies of volunteer computing and volunteer thinking for "
 "their research."
 msgstr ""
-#: projects.inc:343
+#: projects.inc:365
 msgid "Mathematics, physics, evolution"
 msgstr ""
-#: projects.inc:344
+#: projects.inc:366
 msgid ""
 "Yoyo at home is an adapter between BOINC and several existing volunteer "
 "computing projects: ECM, Muon, Evolution at home, and distributed.net"
 msgstr ""
-#: projects.inc:349 projects.inc:505
+#: projects.inc:371 projects.inc:527
 msgid "MTA-SZTAKI Laboratory of Parallel and Distributed Systems (Hungary)"
 msgstr ""
-#: projects.inc:350
+#: projects.inc:372
 msgid "European research projects"
 msgstr ""
-#: projects.inc:351
+#: projects.inc:373
 msgid ""
 "The EDGeS at Home Beta project integrates volunteer computing into the service "
 "grid network of Europe by allowing service grids to send workunits to be "
@@ -803,27 +811,27 @@ msgid ""
 "by the project include math, physics, biology, etc."
 msgstr ""
-#: projects.inc:357
+#: projects.inc:379
 msgid "Spanish universities and research centers"
 msgstr ""
-#: projects.inc:358
+#: projects.inc:380
 msgid "Various Spanish research projects"
 msgstr ""
-#: projects.inc:359
+#: projects.inc:381
 msgid "Research in physics, material science, and biomedicine"
 msgstr ""
-#: projects.inc:365
+#: projects.inc:387
 msgid "IBM Corporate Citizenship"
 msgstr ""
-#: projects.inc:366
+#: projects.inc:388
 msgid "Medical, environmental and other humanitarian research"
 msgstr ""
-#: projects.inc:367
+#: projects.inc:389
 msgid ""
 "To further critical non-profit research on some of humanity's most pressing "
 "problems by creating the world's largest volunteer computing grid.  Research "
@@ -831,50 +839,50 @@ msgid ""
 "clean water and many more."
 msgstr ""
-#: projects.inc:373
+#: projects.inc:395
 msgid "Mathematics, computing, and games"
 msgstr ""
-#: projects.inc:379
+#: projects.inc:401
 msgid "Computer Science"
 msgstr ""
-#: projects.inc:387
+#: projects.inc:409
 msgid "Mathematics, Physics, Artificial Intelligence"
 msgstr ""
-#: projects.inc:388
+#: projects.inc:410
 msgid "Simulation of quantum computing; Goldbach's conjecture."
 msgstr ""
-#: projects.inc:428 projects.inc:436
+#: projects.inc:450 projects.inc:458
 msgid "Cryptography"
 msgstr ""
-#: projects.inc:437
+#: projects.inc:459
 msgid ""
 "Attempt to decode 3 original Enigma messages. The signals were intercepted "
 "in the North Atlantic in 1942 and are believed to be unbroken."
 msgstr ""
-#: projects.inc:443 projects.inc:482 projects.inc:490 projects.inc:498
-#: projects.inc:506 projects.inc:546
+#: projects.inc:465 projects.inc:504 projects.inc:512 projects.inc:520
+#: projects.inc:528 projects.inc:568
 msgid "Mathematics"
 msgstr ""
-#: projects.inc:444
+#: projects.inc:466
 msgid "Study the Collatz Conjecture, an unsolved conjecture in mathematics"
 msgstr ""
-#: projects.inc:449
+#: projects.inc:471
 msgid "California State University Fullerton"
 msgstr ""
-#: projects.inc:450
+#: projects.inc:472
 msgid "Factorization of large integers"
 msgstr ""
-#: projects.inc:451
+#: projects.inc:473
 msgid ""
 "NFS at Home is a research project that uses Internet-connected computers to do "
 "the lattice sieving step in the Number Field Sieve factorization of large "
@@ -884,17 +892,17 @@ msgid ""
 "hundreds of digits long."
 msgstr ""
-#: projects.inc:457
+#: projects.inc:479
 msgid ""
 "Vilnius Gediminas Technical University and Kaunas University of Technology "
 msgstr ""
-#: projects.inc:458
+#: projects.inc:480
 msgid "Software testing"
 msgstr ""
-#: projects.inc:459
+#: projects.inc:481
 msgid ""
 "The aim of this project is to provide a powerful distributed computing "
 "platform for scientists of Vilnius Gediminas Technical University (VGTU) as "
@@ -902,11 +910,11 @@ msgid ""
 "involve the study of Monte-Carlo based software testing."
 msgstr ""
-#: projects.inc:481
+#: projects.inc:503
 msgid "Mathematical Institute of Leiden University / Kennislink"
 msgstr ""
-#: projects.inc:483
+#: projects.inc:505
 msgid ""
 "Search for 'abc-triples': positive integers a,b,c such that a+b=c, a < b "
 "< c, a,b,c have no common divisors and c > rad(abc), where rad(n) is the "
@@ -917,23 +925,23 @@ msgid ""
 "problems can be answered directly from it."
 msgstr ""
-#: projects.inc:491
+#: projects.inc:513
 msgid ""
 "Primegrid has multiple projects searching for different forms of very large "
 "prime numbers, including searching for the largest known prime number."
 msgstr ""
-#: projects.inc:497
+#: projects.inc:519
 msgid "Hochschule RheinMain University of Applied Sciences"
 msgstr ""
-#: projects.inc:499
+#: projects.inc:521
 msgid ""
 "Search for counterexamples to two conjectures related to the identification "
 "of prime numbers"
 msgstr ""
-#: projects.inc:507
+#: projects.inc:529
 msgid ""
 "Find all the generalized binary number systems (in which bases are matrices "
 "and digits are vectors) up to dimension 11."
@@ -948,6 +956,11 @@ msgstr ""
 msgid "News is available as an %sRSS feed%s"
 msgstr ""
+# 75%
+#, fuzzy
+#~ msgid "Astronomy, Physics, and Chemistry"
+#~ msgstr "Astronómia/Fyzika/Chémia"
 #~ msgid "FreeHAL"
 #~ msgstr "FreeHAL"
diff --git a/locale/sl/BOINC-Android.po b/locale/sl/BOINC-Android.po
index 9a0db97..dded20a 100644
--- a/locale/sl/BOINC-Android.po
+++ b/locale/sl/BOINC-Android.po
@@ -7,18 +7,18 @@ msgstr ""
 "Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: EMAIL at ADDRESS\n"
 "POT-Creation-Date: 2013-10-18 00:00-0700\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-10-22 15:28-0700\n"
-"Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL at ADDRESS>\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2014-08-07 16:50+0000\n"
+"Last-Translator: Anonymous Pootle User\n"
 "Language-Team: sl <LL at li.org>\n"
 "Language: sl\n"
 "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
 "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8\n"
 "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
 "Plural-Forms: nplurals=4; plural=(n%100==1 ? 0 : n%100==2 ? 1 : n%100==3 || "
-"n%100==4 ? 2 : 3)\n"
+"n%100==4 ? 2 : 3);\n"
 "X-Generator: Pootle 2.5.0\n"
 "Generated-By: Babel 1.0dev\n"
-"X-POOTLE-MTIME: 1388701690.0\n"
+"X-POOTLE-MTIME: 1407430203.0\n"
 #. app global
 msgctxt "app_name"
@@ -405,9 +405,10 @@ msgid "Synchronize"
 msgstr "Синхронизировать"
 #. main activity
+#, fuzzy
 msgctxt "main_noproject_warning"
 msgid "Tab here to choose a project."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Нажмите здесь для выбора проекта."
 #, fuzzy
 msgctxt "main_error"
diff --git a/locale/sl/BOINC-Manager.po b/locale/sl/BOINC-Manager.po
index de644c4..7d56150 100644
--- a/locale/sl/BOINC-Manager.po
+++ b/locale/sl/BOINC-Manager.po
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ msgid ""
 msgstr ""
 "Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-02-02 00:00-0800\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-12-15 14:15-0500\n"
 "PO-Revision-Date: 2013-06-05 20:02+0200\n"
 "Last-Translator: Anonymous Pootle User\n"
 "Language-Team: LANGUAGE <LL at li.org>\n"
@@ -17,22 +17,22 @@ msgstr ""
 "Plural-Forms: nplurals=4; plural=(n%100==1 ? 0 : n%100==2 ? 1 : n%100==3 || "
 "n%100==4 ? 2 : 3);\n"
 "X-Generator: Pootle 2.1.6\n"
+"X-Poedit-Basepath: C:\\Src\\BOINCGIT\\boinc_7.4\n"
+"X-Poedit-SearchPath-0: clientgui\n"
 "X-Poedit-SearchPath-1: clientgui/msw\n"
 "X-Poedit-SearchPath-2: clientgui/gtk\n"
 "X-Poedit-SearchPath-3: clientgui/mac\n"
-"X-Poedit-SearchPath-0: clientgui\n"
 "X-Poedit-SourceCharset: utf-8\n"
-"X-Poedit-Basepath: C:\\Src\\BOINCGIT\\boinc\n"
 "X-BOINC-UTF8-Marker: 简体中文, 日本語\n"
 # 81%
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:387
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:387
 #, c-format
 #, fuzzy, c-format
 msgid "Identify your account at %s"
 msgstr "Identificirajte vaš uporabniški račun"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:393
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:393
 msgid ""
 "Please enter your account information\n"
 "(to create an account, visit the project's web site)"
@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ msgstr ""
 "Prosim vnesite informacije o vašem uporabniškem računu\n"
 "(da ustvarite račun, obiščite domačo stran projekta)"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:397
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:397
 #, fuzzy
 msgid ""
 "This project is not currently accepting new accounts.\n"
@@ -49,19 +49,19 @@ msgstr ""
 "Ta projekt trenutne ne sprejema novih uporabniških računov.\n"
 "Lahko se pripnete le, če račun že imate."
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:401
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:401
 msgid "Are you already running this project?"
 msgstr "Ali že poganjate ta projekt?"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:405
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:405
 msgid "&No, new user"
 msgstr "&Ne, nov uporabnik"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:408
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:408
 msgid "&Yes, existing user"
 msgstr "&Da, obstoječi uporabnik"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:413
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:413
 #, fuzzy
 msgid ""
 "We were not able to set up your account information\n"
@@ -78,46 +78,52 @@ msgstr ""
 "spodaj, da izveste kaj napisati v vnosni polji\n"
 "elektronska pošta in geslo."
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:416
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:416
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Find login information"
 msgstr "Najdi prijavne informacije"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:436 AccountInfoPage.cpp:641
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:436
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:649
 msgid "&Password:"
 msgstr "&Geslo:"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:443 AccountInfoPage.cpp:665
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:443
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:673
 msgid "Choose a &password:"
 msgstr "Izberite &geslo:"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:446
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:446
 msgid "C&onfirm password:"
 msgstr "P&otrdi geslo:"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:453
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:453
 #, c-format
 msgid "Are you already running %s?"
 msgstr "Ali že poganjate %s?"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:482
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:482
 msgid "&Username:"
 msgstr "&Uporabniško ime:"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:508
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:511
+msgid "&Email address or LDAP ID:"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:515
 msgid "&Email address:"
 msgstr "&Elektronska pošta:"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:515
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:523
 #, c-format
 msgid "minimum length %d"
 msgstr "minimalna dolžina %d"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:522
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:530
 msgid "Forgot your password?"
 msgstr "Ste pozabili geslo?"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:529
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:537
 msgid ""
 "If you have not yet registered with this account manager,\n"
 "please do so before proceeding.  Click on the link below\n"
@@ -127,46 +133,45 @@ msgstr ""
 "prosim to storite pred nadaljevanjem. Kliknite na povezavo spodaj\n"
 "za registriracijo ali da spet pridobite pozabljeno geslo."
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:532
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:540
 msgid "Account manager web site"
 msgstr ""
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:574 WelcomePage.cpp:348
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:582
 msgid "Add project"
 msgstr "Dodaj projekt"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:576
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:584
 msgid "Update account manager"
 msgstr "Posodobite upravitelja računov"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:578 WelcomePage.cpp:307 WelcomePage.cpp:321
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:586
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Use account manager"
 msgstr "Dodaj upravitelja računov"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:585
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:593
 msgid "Please enter a user name."
 msgstr ""
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:587
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:595
 msgid "Please enter an email address."
 msgstr ""
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:597
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:605
 #, c-format
 msgid "Please enter a password of at least %d characters."
 msgstr ""
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:607
-msgid ""
-"The password and confirmation password do not match. Please type them again."
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:615
+msgid "The password and confirmation password do not match. Please type them again."
 msgstr "Geslo in potrditev gesla se ne ujemata. Prosim, vtipkajte jih znova."
-#: AccountManagerInfoPage.cpp:272
+#: clientgui/AccountManagerInfoPage.cpp:272
 msgid "Choose an account manager"
 msgstr "Izberite upravitelja računov"
-#: AccountManagerInfoPage.cpp:275
+#: clientgui/AccountManagerInfoPage.cpp:275
 msgid ""
 "To choose an account manager, click its name or \n"
 "type its URL below."
@@ -174,384 +179,401 @@ msgstr ""
 "Da izberete upravitelja računov, kliknite njegovo ime ali\n"
 "spodaj napišite njegov URL."
-#: AccountManagerInfoPage.cpp:279
+#: clientgui/AccountManagerInfoPage.cpp:279
 msgid "Account manager details:"
 msgstr ""
-#: AccountManagerInfoPage.cpp:283
+#: clientgui/AccountManagerInfoPage.cpp:283
 msgid "Account manager &URL:"
 msgstr ""
-#: AccountManagerInfoPage.cpp:287
+#: clientgui/AccountManagerInfoPage.cpp:287
 msgid "Open web page"
 msgstr ""
-#: AccountManagerInfoPage.cpp:290
+#: clientgui/AccountManagerInfoPage.cpp:290
 msgid "Visit this account manager's web site"
 msgstr ""
-#: AccountManagerProcessingPage.cpp:187 AccountManagerPropertiesPage.cpp:193
+#: clientgui/AccountManagerProcessingPage.cpp:186
+#: clientgui/AccountManagerPropertiesPage.cpp:192
 #, c-format
 msgid "Communicating with %s."
 msgstr "Komuniciram z %s."
-#: AccountManagerProcessingPage.cpp:194 AccountManagerPropertiesPage.cpp:200
+#: clientgui/AccountManagerProcessingPage.cpp:193
+#: clientgui/AccountManagerPropertiesPage.cpp:199
 msgid "Communicating with server."
 msgstr "Komuniciram s strežnikom."
-#: AccountManagerProcessingPage.cpp:199 AccountManagerPropertiesPage.cpp:205
+#: clientgui/AccountManagerProcessingPage.cpp:198
+#: clientgui/AccountManagerPropertiesPage.cpp:204
 msgid "Please wait..."
 msgstr "Prosim, počakajte..."
-#: AccountManagerProcessingPage.cpp:326
+#: clientgui/AccountManagerProcessingPage.cpp:325
 msgid "An internal server error has occurred.\n"
 msgstr "Pojavila se je notranja napaka strežnika\n"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:95
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:96
 msgid "Connected"
 msgstr "Povezan"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:103
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:104
 msgid "Disconnected"
 msgstr "Odklopljen"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:322 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:119
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:318
 #, c-format
 msgid "Close the %s window"
 msgstr "Zapri okno %s"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:325 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:122
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:321
 msgid "&Close Window"
 msgstr "&Zapri okno"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:336 AdvancedFrame.cpp:343 AdvancedFrame.cpp:350
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:332
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:339
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:346
 #, c-format
 msgid "Exit %s"
 msgstr "Zapusti %s"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:371
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:359
+msgid "Preferences..."
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:368
 msgid "&Notices\tCtrl+Shift+N"
 msgstr "&Obvestila\tCtrl+Shift+N"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:372
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:369
 msgid "Display notices"
 msgstr "Prikaži obvestila"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:377
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:374
 msgid "&Projects\tCtrl+Shift+P"
 msgstr "&Projekti\tCtrl-Shitf+P"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:378
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:375
 msgid "Display projects"
 msgstr "Prikaži projekte"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:383
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:380
 msgid "&Tasks\tCtrl+Shift+T"
 msgstr "&Opravila\tCtrl+Shift+T"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:384
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:381
 msgid "Display tasks"
 msgstr "Prikaži opravila"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:389
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:386
 msgid "Trans&fers\tCtrl+Shift+X"
 msgstr "P&renosi\tCtrl-Shift+X"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:390
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:387
 msgid "Display transfers"
 msgstr "Prikaži prenose"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:395
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:392
 msgid "&Statistics\tCtrl+Shift+S"
 msgstr "&Statistika\tCtrl+Shift+S"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:396
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:393
 msgid "Display statistics"
 msgstr "Prikaži statistiko"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:401
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:398
 msgid "&Disk usage\tCtrl+Shift+D"
 msgstr "Poraba &diska\tCtrl+Shift+D"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:402
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:399
 msgid "Display disk usage"
 msgstr "Prikaži porabo diska"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:409
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:406
 msgid "Simple &View...\tCtrl+Shift+V"
 msgstr "Preprosti &pogled...\tCtrl+Shift+V"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:410
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:407
 msgid "Display the simple graphical interface."
 msgstr "Prikaži preprost uporabniški vmesnik."
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:424
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:421
 msgid "&Add project or account manager..."
 msgstr "Dodaj &projekt ali upravitelja računov..."
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:425 sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:76
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:422
 msgid "Volunteer for any or all of 30+ projects in many areas of science"
 msgstr ""
 "Bodite prostovoljec za kateregakoli ali vse izmed več kot 30 projektov na "
 "več znanstvenih področjih"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:429
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:426
 #, c-format
 msgid "&Synchronize with %s"
 msgstr "&Sinhroniziraj s %s"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:433
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:430
 #, c-format
 msgid "Get current settings from %s"
 msgstr "Dobi trenutne nastavitve od %s"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:443
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:440
 msgid "&Add project..."
 msgstr "Dodaj &projekt..."
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:444
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:441
 msgid "Add a project"
 msgstr "Dodaj projekt"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:447
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:444
 #, c-format
 msgid "S&top using %s..."
 msgstr "Nehaj&te uporabljati %s..."
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:453
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:450
 msgid "Remove this computer from account manager control."
 msgstr "Odstrani ta računalnik iz nadzora upravitelja računov."
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:458 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:178
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:455
 msgid "&Options..."
 msgstr "M&ožnosti"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:459 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:179
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:456
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Configure display options and proxy settings"
 msgstr ""
 "Nastavi možnosti grafičnega uporabniškega vmesnika in nastavitve "
 "posredniškega strežnika (proxy)"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:463 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:172
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:460
 msgid "Computing &preferences..."
 msgstr "&Nastavitve računanja..."
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:464 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:173
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:461
 msgid "Configure computing preferences"
 msgstr "Nastavi nastavitve računanja"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:472
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:469
 msgid "&Run always"
 msgstr "&Poganjaj vedno"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:473
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:470
 msgid "Allow work regardless of preferences"
 msgstr "Dovoli delo, ne glede na nastavitve"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:477
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:474
 msgid "Run based on &preferences"
 msgstr "Poganjaj glede na &nastavitve"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:478
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:475
 msgid "Allow work according to preferences"
 msgstr "Dovoli delo glede na vaše nastavitve"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:482
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:479
 msgid "&Suspend"
 msgstr "Na ča&kanje"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:483
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:480
 msgid "Stop work regardless of preferences"
 msgstr "Ustavi delo ne glede na nastavitve"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:508
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:505
 msgid "Use GPU always"
 msgstr "Vedno uporabi grafični procesor"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:509
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:506
 msgid "Allow GPU work regardless of preferences"
 msgstr "Dovoli delo grafičnega procesorja, ne glede na nastavitve"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:513
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:510
 msgid "Use GPU based on preferences"
 msgstr "Uporabi grafični procesor, glede na nastavitve"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:514
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:511
 msgid "Allow GPU work according to preferences"
 msgstr "Dovoli delo grafičnega procesorja glede na nastavitve"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:518
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:515
 msgid "Suspend GPU"
 msgstr "Daj grafični procesor na čakanje"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:519
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:516
 msgid "Stop GPU work regardless of preferences"
 msgstr "Ustavi delo grafičnega procesorja, ne glede na nastavitve"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:543
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:540
 msgid "Network activity always available"
 msgstr "Mrežna aktivnost je vedno na voljo"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:544
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:541
 msgid "Allow network activity regardless of preferences"
 msgstr "Dovoli mrežno aktivnost ne glede na nastavitve"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:548
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:545
 msgid "Network activity based on preferences"
 msgstr "Mrežna aktivnost temelječa na nastavitvah"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:549
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:546
 msgid "Allow network activity according to preferences"
 msgstr "Dovoli mrežno aktivnost glede na nastavitve"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:553
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:550
 msgid "Network activity suspended"
 msgstr "Mrežna aktivnost na čakanju"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:554
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:551
 msgid "Stop BOINC network activity"
 msgstr "Ustavi mrežno aktivnost BOINC"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:564
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:561
 #, c-format
 msgid "Connect to another computer running %s"
 msgstr "Poveži se na drug računalnik, ki poganja %s"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:569
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:566
 msgid "Select computer..."
 msgstr "Izberi računalnik..."
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:574
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:571
 msgid "Shut down connected client..."
 msgstr "Izklopi povezanega odjemalca..."
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:575
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:572
 msgid "Shut down the currently connected client"
 msgstr "Izklopi trentuno povezanega odjemalca"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:579
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:576
 msgid "Run CPU &benchmarks"
 msgstr "Poženi meritev &hitrost procesorja"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:580
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:577
 msgid "Runs BOINC CPU benchmarks"
 msgstr "Požene BOINC meritve hitrosti procesorja"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:584
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:581
 msgid "Do network communication"
 msgstr "Izvedi komunikacijo po mreži"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:585
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:582
 msgid "Do all pending network communication"
 msgstr "Izvedi vso čakajočo komunikacijo po mreži"
 # 94%
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:589
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:586
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Read config files"
 msgstr "Preberi konfiguracijsko datoteko"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:590
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:587
 msgid "Read configuration info from cc_config.xml and any app_config.xml files"
 msgstr ""
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:594
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:591
 msgid "Read local prefs file"
 msgstr "Preberi lokalno datoteko z nastavitvami"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:595
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:592
 msgid "Read preferences from global_prefs_override.xml."
 msgstr "Preberi nastavitve iz global_prefs_override.xml."
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:600
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:597
 #, c-format
 msgid "Launch another instance of %s..."
 msgstr ""
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:604
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:601
 #, c-format
 msgid "Launch another %s"
 msgstr ""
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:614
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:611
 msgid "Event Log...\tCtrl+Shift+E"
 msgstr ""
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:615
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:612
 msgid "Display diagnostic messages."
 msgstr "Prikaži diagnostična sporočila."
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:625 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:188
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:616
+msgid "Event Log Diagnostic Flags...\tCtrl+Shift+F"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:617
+msgid "Enable or disable various diagnostic messages"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:626
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s &help"
 msgstr "%s &pomoč"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:631 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:194
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:632
 #, c-format
 msgid "Show information about %s"
 msgstr "Prikaži informacije o %s"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:643
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:644
 #, c-format
 msgid "&%s help"
 msgstr "&%s pomoč"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:649 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:212
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:650
 #, c-format
 msgid "Show information about the %s"
 msgstr "Prikaži informacije o %s"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:661 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:224
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:662
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s &web site"
 msgstr ""
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:667 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:230
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:668
 #, c-format
 msgid "Show information about BOINC and %s"
 msgstr "Prikaži informacije o BOINC in %s"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:679 BOINCTaskBar.cpp:530 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:242
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:680
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:544
 #, c-format
 msgid "&About %s..."
 msgstr "&O %s..."
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:685 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:248
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:686
 msgid "Licensing and copyright information."
 msgstr "Informacije o licencah in avtorskih pravicah."
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:692 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:255
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:693
 msgid "&File"
 msgstr "&Datoteka"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:696 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:259
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:697
 msgid "&View"
 msgstr "&Pogled"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:700 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:263
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:701
 msgid "&Tools"
 msgstr "&Orodja"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:704
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:705
 msgid "&Activity"
 msgstr "&Aktivnost"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:708
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:709
 msgid "A&dvanced"
 msgstr "Nap&redno"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:712 DlgEventLog.cpp:332 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:267
-#: wizardex.cpp:374 wizardex.cpp:381
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:713
 msgid "&Help"
 msgstr "Po&moč"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:1199
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1185
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - Stop using %s"
 msgstr ""
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:1204
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1190
 #, c-format
 #, fuzzy, c-format
 msgid ""
@@ -567,12 +589,12 @@ msgstr ""
 "Ali se želite odklopiti od %s?"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:1401
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1397
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - Shut down the current client..."
 msgstr "%s - Zaustavi trenutnega odjemalca..."
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:1410
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1406
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "%s will shut down the current client\n"
@@ -581,37 +603,37 @@ msgstr ""
 "%s bo zaustavil trenutnega odjemalca\n"
 "in vas povprašal po drugem gostitelju, na katerega naj se poveže."
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:1745 DlgAbout.cpp:119
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1806
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s"
 msgstr "%s"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:1754
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1815
 #, c-format
 #, fuzzy, c-format
 msgid "%s has successfully added %s"
 msgstr "%s se je uspešno pripel(-a) na %s"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:1893
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1953
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - (%s)"
 msgstr "%s - (%s)"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:1897
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1957
 #, c-format
 msgid "Connecting to %s"
 msgstr "Povezujem se na %s"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:1900
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1960
 #, c-format
 msgid "Connected to %s (%s)"
 msgstr "Povezan na %s (%s)"
-#: AlreadyExistsPage.cpp:184
+#: clientgui/AlreadyExistsPage.cpp:184
 msgid "Username already in use"
 msgstr "Uporabniško ime je že v uporabi"
-#: AlreadyExistsPage.cpp:187
+#: clientgui/AlreadyExistsPage.cpp:187
 msgid ""
 "An account with that username already exists and has a\n"
 "different password than the one you entered.\n"
@@ -623,11 +645,11 @@ msgstr ""
 "Prosim, obiščite spletno stran projekta in sledite tamkajšnjim navodilom."
-#: AlreadyExistsPage.cpp:191
+#: clientgui/AlreadyExistsPage.cpp:191
 msgid "Email address already in use"
 msgstr "Naslov elektronske pošte je že v uporabi"
-#: AlreadyExistsPage.cpp:194
+#: clientgui/AlreadyExistsPage.cpp:194
 msgid ""
 "An account with that email address already exists and has a\n"
 "different password than the one you entered.\n"
@@ -639,45 +661,44 @@ msgstr ""
 "Prosim, obiščite spletno stran projekta in sledite tamkajšnjim navodilom."
-#: AsyncRPC.cpp:1031
+#: clientgui/AsyncRPC.cpp:1031
 msgid "Communicating with BOINC client.  Please wait ..."
 msgstr "Komuniciram z BOINC odjemalcem.  Prosim, počakajte ..."
-#: AsyncRPC.cpp:1034
+#: clientgui/AsyncRPC.cpp:1034
 #, c-format
 msgid "&Quit %s"
 msgstr "Za&pusti %s"
-#: AsyncRPC.cpp:1036
+#: clientgui/AsyncRPC.cpp:1036
 #, c-format
 msgid "E&xit %s"
 msgstr "Za&pusti %s"
-#: AsyncRPC.cpp:1040
+#: clientgui/AsyncRPC.cpp:1040
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - Communication"
 msgstr "%s - Komunikacija"
-#: AsyncRPC.cpp:1056 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:107 sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:433
+#: clientgui/AsyncRPC.cpp:1056
 msgid "Cancel"
 msgstr "Prekliči"
-#: BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:505
+#: clientgui/BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:504
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - Connection Error"
 msgstr "%s - Napaka pri povezavi"
-#: BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:514
+#: clientgui/BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:513
 msgid ""
 "You currently are not authorized to manage the client.\n"
-"Please contact your administrator to add you to the 'boinc_users' local user "
+"Please contact your administrator to add you to the 'boinc_users' local user group."
 msgstr ""
 "Trenutno nimate dovoljenja upravljati odjemalca.\n"
 "Prosim, kontaktirajte skrbnika sistema, da vas doda v uporabniško skupino "
-#: BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:523
+#: clientgui/BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:522
 msgid ""
 "Authorization failed connecting to running client.\n"
 "Make sure you start this program in the same directory as the client."
@@ -685,20 +706,20 @@ msgstr ""
 "Avtorizacija je bila neuspešna med povezovanje na delujoči odjemalec.\n"
 "Preverite, da poganjate ta program iz istega imenika kot odjemalca."
-#: BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:525
+#: clientgui/BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:524
 msgid "Authorization failed connecting to running client."
 msgstr "Avtorizacija je bila neuspešna med povezovanjem na delujoči odjemalec."
-#: BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:533
+#: clientgui/BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:532
 msgid "The password you have provided is incorrect, please try again."
 msgstr "Geslo, ki ste ga vnesli, ni pravilno. Prosim, poskusite znova."
-#: BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:577
+#: clientgui/BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:576
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - Connection Failed"
 msgstr "%s - Povezava ni uspela"
-#: BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:586
+#: clientgui/BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:585
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "%s is not able to connect to a %s client.\n"
@@ -707,23 +728,22 @@ msgstr ""
 "%s se ni mogel povezati na odjemalca %s.\n"
 "Se želite poskusiti povezati znova?"
-#: BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:622
+#: clientgui/BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:621
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - Daemon Start Failed"
 msgstr "%s - Zagon strežniškega procesa (daemon) ni uspel"
-#: BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:632
+#: clientgui/BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:631
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "%s is not able to start a %s client.\n"
-"Please launch the Control Panel->Administative Tools->Services applet and "
-"start the BOINC service."
+"Please launch the Control Panel->Administative Tools->Services applet and start the BOINC service."
 msgstr ""
 "%s ni mogel zagnati odjemalca %s.\n"
 "Prosim, poženite Nadzorna plošča->Skrbniška orodja->Storitve in poženite "
 "BOINC storitev."
-#: BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:638
+#: clientgui/BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:637
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "%s is not able to start a %s client.\n"
@@ -732,17 +752,16 @@ msgstr ""
 "%s ne more zagnati odjemalca %s.\n"
 "Prosim, poženite strežniki proces (daemon) in poskusite znova."
-#: BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:689
+#: clientgui/BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:688
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - Connection Status"
 msgstr "%s - Status povezave"
-#: BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:700
+#: clientgui/BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:699
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "%s is not currently connected to a %s client.\n"
-"Please use the 'Advanced\\Select Computer...' menu option to connect up to a "
-"%s client.\n"
+"Please use the 'Advanced\\Select Computer...' menu option to connect up to a %s client.\n"
 "To connect up to your local computer please use 'localhost' as the host name."
 msgstr ""
 "%s trenutno ni povezan na odjemalca %s.\n"
@@ -751,17 +770,17 @@ msgstr ""
 "Za povezavo na lokalni računalnik, prosim, uporabite 'localhost' kot ime "
-#: BOINCBaseView.cpp:779
+#: clientgui/BOINCBaseView.cpp:752
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Project web pages"
 msgstr "Spletna stran projekta"
-#: BOINCClientManager.cpp:575
+#: clientgui/BOINCClientManager.cpp:573
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - Unexpected Exit"
 msgstr "%s - Nepričakovan izhod"
-#: BOINCClientManager.cpp:585
+#: clientgui/BOINCClientManager.cpp:583
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "The %s client has exited unexpectedly 3 times within the last %d minutes.\n"
@@ -770,12 +789,12 @@ msgstr ""
 "Odjemalec %s je izstopil 3 krat v zadnjih %d minutah.\n"
 "Ga želite znova zagnati?"
-#: BOINCDialupManager.cpp:61
+#: clientgui/BOINCDialupManager.cpp:61
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - Network Status"
 msgstr "%s - status omrežja"
-#: BOINCDialupManager.cpp:241
+#: clientgui/BOINCDialupManager.cpp:241
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "%s needs to connect to the Internet.\n"
@@ -784,22 +803,22 @@ msgstr ""
 "%s se mora povezati na internet.\n"
 "Ali lahko to stori zdaj?"
-#: BOINCDialupManager.cpp:254
+#: clientgui/BOINCDialupManager.cpp:254
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s is connecting to the Internet."
 msgstr "%s se povezuje na internet."
-#: BOINCDialupManager.cpp:303
+#: clientgui/BOINCDialupManager.cpp:303
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s has successfully connected to the Internet."
 msgstr "%s se je uspešno povezal na internet."
-#: BOINCDialupManager.cpp:331
+#: clientgui/BOINCDialupManager.cpp:331
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s failed to connect to the Internet."
 msgstr "%s se ni uspel povezati na internet."
-#: BOINCDialupManager.cpp:372
+#: clientgui/BOINCDialupManager.cpp:372
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "%s has detected it is now connected to the Internet.\n"
@@ -808,17 +827,17 @@ msgstr ""
 "%s je ugotovil, da je zdaj povezan na internet.\n"
 "Posodobljajo se vsi projekti in ponovno se poskušajo izvesti vsi prenosi."
-#: BOINCDialupManager.cpp:417
+#: clientgui/BOINCDialupManager.cpp:417
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s has successfully disconnected from the Internet."
 msgstr "%s se je uspešno odklopil z interneta."
-#: BOINCDialupManager.cpp:433
+#: clientgui/BOINCDialupManager.cpp:433
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s failed to disconnected from the Internet."
 msgstr "%s se ni uspel odklopiti z interneta."
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:339
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:595
 #, c-format
 #, fuzzy, c-format
 msgid ""
@@ -840,7 +859,7 @@ msgstr ""
 "  - kontaktirajte vašega sistemskega skrbnika, da vas doda v\n"
 "      uporabniško skupino \"boinc_master\"."
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:345
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:601
 #, c-format
 #, fuzzy, c-format
 msgid ""
@@ -851,16 +870,15 @@ msgstr ""
 "namestite BOINC.\n"
 "(Koda napake %d)"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:351
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:607
 msgid " at "
 msgstr ""
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:354 MainDocument.cpp:2484 MainDocument.cpp:2534
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2554 ViewTransfers.cpp:803
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:610
 msgid ")"
 msgstr ")"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:384
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:640
 msgid ""
 "A reboot is required in order for BOINC to run properly.\n"
 "Please reboot your computer and try again."
@@ -868,190 +886,194 @@ msgstr ""
 "Ponovni zagon je potreben, da bo lahko BOINC pravilno tekel.\n"
 "Prosim, ponovno zaženite vaš računalnik in poskusite znova."
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:385 DlgAbout.cpp:153
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:641
 msgid "BOINC Manager"
 msgstr "BOINC Upravitelj"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:572
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:902
 msgid "BOINC Manager was started by the operating system automatically"
 msgstr "BOINC Upravitelj je bil samodejno pognan s strani operacijskega sistema"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:574
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:904
 msgid "Startup BOINC so only the system tray icon is visible"
 msgstr ""
 "Poženi BOINC ob zagonu, tako da je vidna samo ikona v sistemskem pladnju."
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:576
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:906
 msgid "Directory containing the BOINC Client executable"
 msgstr "Imenik, ki vsebuje program BOINC Odjemalec."
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:577
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:907
 msgid "BOINC data directory"
 msgstr "BOINC podatkovni imenik"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:579
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:909
 msgid "Host name or IP address"
 msgstr ""
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:580
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:910
 msgid "GUI RPC port number"
 msgstr ""
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:581
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:911
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Password"
 msgstr "Geslo:"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:582
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:912
 msgid "Startup BOINC with these optional arguments"
 msgstr "Ob zagonu poženi BOINC s temi opcijskimi argumenti."
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:583
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:913
 msgid "disable BOINC security users and permissions"
 msgstr "onemogoči BOINC varnostne uporabnike in dovoljenja"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:584
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:914
 msgid "set skin debugging mode to enable skin manager error messages"
 msgstr ""
 "nastavi razhroščevalni način preobleke, da omogočite sporočila o napakah "
 "upravitelja preoblek"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:585
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:915
 msgid "multiple instances of BOINC Manager allowed"
 msgstr ""
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:587
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:917
 msgid "Not used: workaround for bug in XCode 4.2"
 msgstr ""
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:814
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:1164
 msgid "(Automatic Detection)"
 msgstr "(samodejna prepoznava)"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:815
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:1165
 msgid "(Unknown)"
 msgstr "(neznano)"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:816
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:1166
 msgid "(User Defined)"
 msgstr "(določeno s strani uporabnika)"
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:508
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:522
 #, c-format
 msgid "Open %s Web..."
 msgstr "Odpri spletno stran %s..."
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:515
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:529
 #, c-format
 msgid "Open %s..."
 msgstr "Odpri %s..."
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:522 BOINCTaskBar.cpp:619 BOINCTaskBar.cpp:627
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:536
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:633
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:641
 msgid "Snooze"
 msgstr "Dremež"
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:524 BOINCTaskBar.cpp:646 BOINCTaskBar.cpp:654
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:538
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:660
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:668
 msgid "Snooze GPU"
 msgstr "Dremež grafičnega procesorja"
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:542
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:556
 msgid "E&xit"
 msgstr "Iz&hod"
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:612 ViewProjects.cpp:718 ViewWork.cpp:795
-#: sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:758 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:110
-#: sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:102
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:626
 msgid "Resume"
 msgstr "Nadaljuj"
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:639
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:653
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Resume GPU"
 msgstr "Nadaljuj"
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:713
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:727
 msgid "Computing is enabled"
 msgstr "Računanje je omogočeno"
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:717
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:731
 msgid "Computing is suspended - "
 msgstr "Računanje je na čakanju - "
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:727
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:741
 msgid "GPU computing is enabled"
 msgstr "Računanje grafičnega procesorja je omogočeno"
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:730
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:744
 msgid "GPU computing is suspended - "
 msgstr "Računanje grafičnega procesorja je na čakanju - "
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:739
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:753
 msgid "Network is enabled"
 msgstr "Mreža je omogočena"
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:742
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:756
 msgid "Network is suspended - "
 msgstr "Mrežna aktivnost na čakanju - "
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:750
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:764
 msgid "Reconnecting to client."
 msgstr "Ponovno se povezujem na odjemalca."
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:752
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:766
 msgid "Not connected to a client."
 msgstr "Nisem povezan na odjemalca."
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:805
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:819
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s Notices"
 msgstr "%s Obvestila"
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:811
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:825
 msgid "There are new notices - click to view."
 msgstr "Nova sporočila - kliknite za ogled."
-#: CompletionErrorPage.cpp:199
+#: clientgui/CompletionErrorPage.cpp:199
 msgid "Failed to add project"
 msgstr ""
-#: CompletionErrorPage.cpp:204
+#: clientgui/CompletionErrorPage.cpp:204
 msgid "Failed to update account manager"
 msgstr "Nisem uspel posodobiti upravitelja računov"
-#: CompletionErrorPage.cpp:208
+#: clientgui/CompletionErrorPage.cpp:208
 msgid "Failed to remove account manager"
 msgstr "Nisem uspel odstraniti upravitelja računov"
-#: CompletionErrorPage.cpp:212
+#: clientgui/CompletionErrorPage.cpp:212
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Failed to add account manager"
 msgstr "Nisem uspel posodobiti upravitelja računov"
-#: CompletionErrorPage.cpp:221
+#: clientgui/CompletionErrorPage.cpp:221
 msgid ""
 "Please try again later.\n"
 "Click Finish to close."
 msgstr ""
-#: CompletionErrorPage.cpp:225 CompletionPage.cpp:222 CompletionPage.cpp:242
-#: CompletionPage.cpp:273
+#: clientgui/CompletionErrorPage.cpp:225
+#: clientgui/CompletionPage.cpp:222
+#: clientgui/CompletionPage.cpp:242
+#: clientgui/CompletionPage.cpp:273
 msgid "Click Finish to close."
 msgstr "Kliknite Končaj, da zaprete."
-#: CompletionErrorPage.cpp:234
+#: clientgui/CompletionErrorPage.cpp:234
 msgid "Messages from server:"
 msgstr "Sporočila strežnika:"
-#: CompletionPage.cpp:207
+#: clientgui/CompletionPage.cpp:207
 msgid "Project added"
 msgstr "Projekt dodan"
-#: CompletionPage.cpp:213
+#: clientgui/CompletionPage.cpp:213
 msgid "This project has been successfully added."
 msgstr "Ta projekt je bil uspešno dodan."
-#: CompletionPage.cpp:218
+#: clientgui/CompletionPage.cpp:218
 msgid ""
 "When you click Finish, your web browser will go to a page where\n"
 "you can set your account name and preferences."
@@ -1059,138 +1081,139 @@ msgstr ""
 "Ko kliknete Končaj, bo vaš spletni brskalnik šel na stran, kjer\n"
 "lahko nastavite vaše uporabniško ime in nastavitve."
-#: CompletionPage.cpp:232
+#: clientgui/CompletionPage.cpp:232
 #, c-format
 msgid "Update from %s completed."
 msgstr "Posodobitev iz %s je dokončana."
-#: CompletionPage.cpp:236
+#: clientgui/CompletionPage.cpp:236
 msgid "Update completed."
 msgstr "Posodobitev je dokončana."
-#: CompletionPage.cpp:247
+#: clientgui/CompletionPage.cpp:247
 msgid "Now using account manager"
 msgstr ""
-#: CompletionPage.cpp:252
+#: clientgui/CompletionPage.cpp:252
 #, c-format
 msgid "Welcome to %s!"
 msgstr "Dobrodošli pri %s!"
-#: CompletionPage.cpp:263
+#: clientgui/CompletionPage.cpp:263
 #, c-format
 msgid "You are now using %s to manage accounts."
 msgstr ""
-#: CompletionPage.cpp:267
+#: clientgui/CompletionPage.cpp:267
 msgid "You are now using this account manager."
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgAbout.cpp:113 mac/Mac_GUI.cpp:96
+#: clientgui/DlgAbout.cpp:113
 #, c-format
 msgid "About %s"
 msgstr "O %s"
-#: DlgAbout.cpp:172
+#: clientgui/DlgAbout.cpp:172
 msgid "Version:"
 msgstr "Različica:"
-#: DlgAbout.cpp:180
+#: clientgui/DlgAbout.cpp:180
 msgid "wxWidgets Version:"
 msgstr "wxWidgets različica:"
-#: DlgAbout.cpp:188
+#: clientgui/DlgAbout.cpp:188
 msgid "Copyright:"
 msgstr "Avtorske pravice:"
-# 98%
-#: DlgAbout.cpp:192
-#, fuzzy
+#: clientgui/DlgAbout.cpp:192
 msgid ""
-"(C) 2003-2013 University of California, Berkeley.\n"
+"(C) 2003-2014 University of California, Berkeley.\n"
 "All Rights Reserved."
 msgstr ""
-"(C) 2003-2010 University of California, Berkeley.\n"
-"Vse pravice pridržane."
-#: DlgAbout.cpp:196
+#: clientgui/DlgAbout.cpp:196
 msgid "Berkeley Open Infrastructure for Network Computing"
 msgstr "Berkeleyeva odprta infrastruktura za mrežno računanje"
-#: DlgAbout.cpp:208 DlgExitMessage.cpp:173 DlgGenericMessage.cpp:120
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:396 DlgSelectComputer.cpp:163
+#: clientgui/DlgAbout.cpp:208
+#: clientgui/DlgExitMessage.cpp:173
+#: clientgui/DlgGenericMessage.cpp:120
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:399
+#: clientgui/DlgSelectComputer.cpp:163
 msgid "&OK"
 msgstr "&V redu"
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:544
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:602
 msgid "invalid number"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:545
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:603
 msgid "invalid time, format is HH:MM"
 msgstr "napačen čas, format je HH:MM"
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:546
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:604
 msgid "invalid time interval, format is HH:MM-HH:MM"
 msgstr "napačen časovni interval, format je HH:MM-HH:MM"
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:751
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:817
 msgid "invalid input value detected"
 msgstr "zaznana je bila napačna vhodna vrednost"
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:753
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:819
 msgid "Validation Error"
 msgstr "Napaka pri validaciji"
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:885 DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:891
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:897
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:969
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:975
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:981
 msgid "Applications to add"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:914
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:998
 #, c-format
 msgid "'%s' is not an executable application."
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:915 DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:962
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:986
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:999
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:1046
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:1070
 msgid "Add Exclusive App"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:927
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:1011
 msgid "Name of application to add?"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:927
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:1011
 msgid "Add exclusive app"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:961
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:1045
 #, c-format
 msgid "Application names must end with '%s'"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:985
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:1069
 #, c-format
 msgid "'%s' is already in the list."
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:1077
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:1161
 msgid ""
 "Do you really want to clear all local preferences?\n"
 "(This will not affect exclusive applications.)"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:1078 sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:1030
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:1162
 msgid "Confirmation"
 msgstr "Potrditev"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:46 sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:946
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:49
 #, c-format
-msgid "%s - Preferences"
-msgstr "%s - Nastavitve"
+msgid "%s - Computing preferences"
+msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:62
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:66
 #, fuzzy
 msgid ""
 "This dialog controls preferences for this computer only.\n"
@@ -1201,280 +1224,291 @@ msgstr ""
 "Kliknite V redu, da nastavite nastavitve.\n"
 "Kliknite Počisti, da obnovite nastavitve temelječe na spletu."
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:65 sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:428
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:69
 msgid "Clear"
 msgstr "Počisti"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:66
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:70
 msgid "clear all local preferences and close the dialog"
 msgstr "počisti vse lokalne nastavitve in zapri ta dialog"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:81
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:85
 msgid "processor usage"
 msgstr "uporaba procesorja"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:84
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:88
 msgid "network usage"
 msgstr "uporaba mreže"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:87
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:91
 msgid "disk and memory usage"
 msgstr "poraba diska in pomnilnika"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:90
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:94
 msgid "exclusive applications"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:102 sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:424
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:107
+#: clientgui/DlgDiagnosticLogFlags.cpp:104
 msgid "OK"
 msgstr "V redu"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:103
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:108
 msgid "save all values and close the dialog"
 msgstr "shrani vse vrednosti in zapri dialog"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:108
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:114
 msgid "close the dialog without saving"
 msgstr "zapri ta dialog brez shranjevanja"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:112 Localization.cpp:35 Localization.cpp:121
-#: Localization.cpp:139 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:794 sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:439
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:118
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:35
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:121
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:139
 msgid "Help"
 msgstr "Pomoč"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:113
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:119
 msgid "shows the preferences web page"
 msgstr "prikaže spletno stran z nastavitvami"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:135
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:141
 msgid "Computing allowed"
 msgstr "Računanje dovoljeno"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:139
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:146
 msgid "While computer is on batteries"
 msgstr "Medtem, ko računalnik deluje na baterije"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:142
-msgid ""
-"check this if you want this computer to do work while it runs on batteries"
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:149
+msgid "check this if you want this computer to do work while it runs on batteries"
 msgstr ""
 "obkljukajte to, če želite, da računalnik opravlja delo med tem ko deluje na "
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:148
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:155
 msgid "While computer is in use"
 msgstr "Medtem, ko je računalnik v uporabi"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:151
-msgid ""
-"check this if you want this computer to do work even when you're using it"
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:158
+msgid "check this if you want this computer to do work even when you're using it"
 msgstr ""
 "obkljukajte to, če želite, da računalnik opravlja delo tudi, ko ga "
 "uporabljate vi"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:157
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:164
 msgid "Use GPU while computer is in use"
 msgstr "Uporabi grafični procesor medtem, ko je računalnik v uporabi"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:160
-msgid ""
-"check this if you want your GPU to do work even when you're using the "
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:167
+msgid "check this if you want your GPU to do work even when you're using the computer"
 msgstr ""
 "obkljukajte to, če želite uporabiti vaš grafični procesor za delo tudi, ko "
 "računalnik uporabljate vi"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:172
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:179
 msgid "Only after computer has been idle for"
 msgstr "Samo, ko je računalnik bil nedejeven že"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:182
-msgid ""
-"do work only after you haven't used the computer for this number of minutes"
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:188
+msgid "do work only after you haven't used the computer for this number of minutes"
 msgstr "opravljaj delo samo, kadar niste uporabljali računalnik že toliko minut"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:187 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:336
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:417
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:193
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:342
 msgid "minutes"
 msgstr "minut"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:206
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:212
 msgid "While processor usage is less than"
 msgstr "Medtem, ko je uporaba procesorja manjša kot"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:216
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:221
 msgid "suspend work if processor usage exceeds this level"
 msgstr "prekine delo, če uporaba procesorja preseže ta nivo"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:221
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:226
 msgid "percent (0 means no restriction)"
 msgstr "odstotkov (0 pomeni brez omejitev)"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:235 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:496
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:240
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:506
 msgid "Every day between hours of"
 msgstr "Vsak dan med urami"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:239
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:244
 msgid "start work at this time"
 msgstr "prični z delom ob tem času"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:243 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:504
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:326 sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:348
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:248
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:514
 msgid "and"
 msgstr "in"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:247
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:252
 msgid "stop work at this time"
 msgstr "zaključi z delom ob tem času"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:251 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:512
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:256
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:522
 msgid "(no restriction if equal)"
 msgstr "(če sta enaka, ni omejitve)"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:256 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:517
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:261
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:527
 msgid "Day-of-week override:"
 msgstr "Dan-v-tednu povozi nastavitve:"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:261 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:522
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:266
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:532
 msgid "check box to specify hours for this day of week"
 msgstr "kliknite tu, da podate ure za ta dan v tednu"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:267 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:528
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:272
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:538
 msgid "Monday"
 msgstr "ponedeljek"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:274 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:535
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:279
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:545
 msgid "Tuesday"
 msgstr "torek"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:281 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:542
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:286
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:552
 msgid "Wednesday"
 msgstr "sreda"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:288 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:549
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:293
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:559
 msgid "Thursday"
 msgstr "četrtek"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:295 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:556
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:300
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:566
 msgid "Friday"
 msgstr "petek"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:302 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:563
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:307
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:573
 msgid "Saturday"
 msgstr "sobota"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:309 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:570
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:314
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:580
 msgid "Sunday"
 msgstr "nedelja"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:323
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:328
 msgid "Other options"
 msgstr "Druge možnosti"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:330
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:336
 msgid "Switch between applications every"
 msgstr "Preklopi med aplikacijami vsakih"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:339
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:345
 msgid "On multiprocessor systems, use at most"
 msgstr "Na večprocesorskih sistemih uporabi največ"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:346
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:352
 #, no-c-format
-msgid "% of the processors (0 means ignore this setting)"
+msgid "% of the processors (0 means no restriction)"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:349 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:605
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:627 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:648
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:669 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:679
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:355
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:618
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:640
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:661
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:683
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:694
 msgid "Use at most"
 msgstr "Uporabi največ"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:356
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:362
 #, no-c-format
-msgid "% CPU time"
-msgstr "% procesorskega časa"
+msgid "% of CPU time (0 means no restriction)"
+msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:378
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:386
 msgid "General options"
 msgstr "Splošne možnosti"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:386
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:395
 msgid "Maximum download rate"
 msgstr "Največja hitrost prejemanja"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:392 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:401
-msgid "KBytes/sec."
-msgstr "KBajtov/sekundo"
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:401
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:410
+msgid "KBytes/second (0 means no restriction)"
+msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:395
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:404
 msgid "Maximum upload rate"
 msgstr "Največja hitrost pošiljanja"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:406
-msgid "Transfer at most"
-msgstr "Prenesi največ"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:412
-msgid "Mbytes"
-msgstr "Mbajtov"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:415
-msgid "every"
-msgstr "vsakih"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:421 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:444
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:463
-msgid "days"
-msgstr "dni"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:429
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:417
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Minimum work buffer"
 msgstr "Dodatni delovni medpomnilnik"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:438
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:425
 msgid "Try to maintain enough tasks to keep busy for this many days"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:450
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:431
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:449
+msgid "days (maximum value: 10)"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:437
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Max additional work buffer"
 msgstr "Dodatni delovni medpomnilnik"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:459
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:445
 msgid "In addition, maintain enough tasks for up to this many days"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:466
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:454
+msgid "Transfer at most"
+msgstr "Prenesi največ"
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:462
+msgid "MBytes every"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:468
+msgid "days (0 means no restriction)"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:476
 msgid "Skip image file verification"
 msgstr "Preskoči preverjanje slikovne datoteke"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:468
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:478
 msgid "check this if your Internet provider modifies image files"
 msgstr "obkljukajte to, če vaš ponudnik interneta spreminja slikovne datoteke"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:476
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:484
 msgid "Connect options"
 msgstr "Možnosti povezave"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:478
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:487
 msgid "Confirm before connecting to internet"
 msgstr "Zahtevaj potrditev pred povezavo na internet"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:480
-msgid ""
-"if checked, a confirmation dialog will be displayed before trying to connect "
-"to the Internet"
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:489
+msgid "if checked, a confirmation dialog will be displayed before trying to connect to the Internet"
 msgstr ""
 "če je obkljukano, bo prikazan potrditveni dialog pred poskusom povezave na "
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:484
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:493
 msgid "Disconnect when done"
 msgstr "Odklopi, ko je končano"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:486
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:495
 msgid ""
 "if checked, BOINC hangs up when network usage is done\n"
 "(only relevant for dialup-connection)"
@@ -1483,194 +1517,219 @@ msgstr ""
 "(smiselno le za klicne povezave)"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:492
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:501
 msgid "Network usage allowed"
 msgstr "Dovoljena uporaba mreže"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:500
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:510
 msgid "network usage start hour"
 msgstr "začetna ura uporabe mreže"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:508
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:518
 msgid "network usage stop hour"
 msgstr "končna ura uporabe mreže"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:598 DlgItemProperties.cpp:231
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:610
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:257
 msgid "Disk usage"
 msgstr "Poraba diska"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:609
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:622
 msgid "the maximum disk space used by BOINC (in Gigabytes)"
 msgstr "največji dovoljeni prostor za uporabo s strani BOINC (v gigabajtih)"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:613
-msgid "Gigabytes disk space"
-msgstr "Prostor na disku v gigabajtih"
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:626
+msgid "Gigabytes disk space (0 means no restriction)"
+msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:616
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:629
 msgid "Leave at least"
 msgstr "Pusti vsaj"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:620
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:633
 msgid "BOINC leaves at least this amount of disk space free (in Gigabytes)"
 msgstr "BOINC naj pusti prosto vsaj to količino diska (v gigabajtih)"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:624
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:637
 msgid "Gigabytes disk space free"
 msgstr "Gigabajtov prostega prostora na disku"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:631
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:644
 msgid "BOINC uses at most this percentage of total disk space"
 msgstr "BOINC naj uporablja največ ta odstotek prostora na disku"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:636
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:649
 #, no-c-format
 msgid "% of total disk space"
 msgstr "% skupnega prostora na disku"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:639
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:652
 msgid "Tasks checkpoint to disk at most every"
 msgstr "Opravila nastavijo kontrolno točko na disk največ na vsakih"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:645
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:658
 msgid "seconds"
 msgstr "sekund"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:655
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:668
 #, no-c-format
 msgid "% of page file (swap space)"
 msgstr "% izmenjevalne datoteke (navidezni pomnilnik)"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:662
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:675
 msgid "Memory usage"
 msgstr "Poraba pomnilnika"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:676
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:691
 #, no-c-format
 msgid "% when computer is in use"
 msgstr "%, ko je računalnik v uporabi"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:686
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:701
 #, no-c-format
 msgid "% when computer is idle"
 msgstr "%, ko je računalnik nedejaven"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:691
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:706
 msgid "Leave applications in memory while suspended"
 msgstr "Pusti aplikacije v pomnilniku med tem, ko so na čakanju"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:693
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:708
 msgid "if checked, suspended work units are left in memory"
 msgstr "če je obkljukano, bodo delovne enote na čakanju ostale v pomnilniku"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:713
-msgid ""
-"Suspend processor and network usage when these applications are running:"
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:728
+msgid "Suspend processor and network usage when these applications are running:"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:722
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:738
 msgid "Add..."
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:723
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:739
 msgid "Add an application to this list"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:728 ViewProjects.cpp:202
-#: sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:85
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:744
 msgid "Remove"
 msgstr "Odstrani"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:729
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:745
 msgid "Remove an application from this list"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:738
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:754
 msgid "For advanced options, refer to "
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:219
+#: clientgui/DlgDiagnosticLogFlags.cpp:65
+#, c-format
+msgid "%s Diagnostic Log Flags"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/DlgDiagnosticLogFlags.cpp:83
+msgid "These flags enable various types of diagnostic messages in the Event Log."
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/DlgDiagnosticLogFlags.cpp:105
+msgid "Save all values and close the dialog"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/DlgDiagnosticLogFlags.cpp:108
+msgid "Defaults"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/DlgDiagnosticLogFlags.cpp:109
+msgid "Restore default settings"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/DlgDiagnosticLogFlags.cpp:113
+msgid "Close the dialog without saving"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:226
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - Event Log"
 msgstr "%s - Dnevnik dogodkov"
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:232 ViewMessages.cpp:117 ViewProjects.cpp:219
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:435 ViewStatistics.cpp:2009 ViewTransfers.cpp:182
-#: ViewWork.cpp:232
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:236
 msgid "Project"
 msgstr "Projekt"
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:233 ViewMessages.cpp:118
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:237
 msgid "Time"
 msgstr "Čas"
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:234 ViewMessages.cpp:119
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:238
 msgid "Message"
 msgstr "Sporočilo"
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:290 DlgEventLog.cpp:354
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:300
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:364
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "&Show only this project"
 msgstr "Prikaži samo ta projekt"
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:294
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:304
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Copy &All"
 msgstr "Kopiraj vse"
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:296 DlgEventLog.cpp:300 ViewMessages.cpp:89
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:306
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:310
 msgid "Copy all the messages to the clipboard."
 msgstr "Kopiraj vsa sporočila na odložišče."
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:305
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:315
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Copy &Selected"
 msgstr "Kopiraj izbrano"
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:308 DlgEventLog.cpp:316 ViewMessages.cpp:97
-msgid ""
-"Copy the selected messages to the clipboard. You can select multiple "
-"messages by holding down the shift or command key while clicking on messages."
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:318
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:326
+msgid "Copy the selected messages to the clipboard. You can select multiple messages by holding down the shift or command key while clicking on messages."
 msgstr ""
 "Kopiraj označena sporočila na odložišče. Označite lahko več sporočil s tem, "
 "da držite pritisnjeno shift ali ctrl tipko med klikanjem na sporočila."
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:310 DlgEventLog.cpp:318 ViewMessages.cpp:99
-msgid ""
-"Copy the selected messages to the clipboard. You can select multiple "
-"messages by holding down the shift or control key while clicking on messages."
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:320
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:328
+msgid "Copy the selected messages to the clipboard. You can select multiple messages by holding down the shift or control key while clicking on messages."
 msgstr ""
 "Kopiraj označena sporočila na odložišče. Označite lahko več sporočil s tem, "
 "da držite pritisnjeno shift ali ctrl tipko med klikanjem na sporočila."
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:325 DlgItemProperties.cpp:67
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:335
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:67
 msgid "&Close"
 msgstr "&Zapri"
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:334 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:798 sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:442
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:344
 #, c-format
 msgid "Get help with %s"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:348
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:358
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Show all &messages"
 msgstr "Prikaži vsa sporočila"
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:349 DlgEventLog.cpp:351
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:359
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:361
 msgid "Show messages for all projects"
 msgstr "Prikaži sporočila za vse projekte"
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:355 DlgEventLog.cpp:357
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:365
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:367
 msgid "Show only the messages for the selected project"
 msgstr "Prikaži samo sporočila za izbrani projekt"
-#: DlgExitMessage.cpp:82
+#: clientgui/DlgExitMessage.cpp:82
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - Exit Confirmation"
 msgstr "%s - Potrditev pred izhodom"
-#: DlgExitMessage.cpp:130
+#: clientgui/DlgExitMessage.cpp:130
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "You have requested to exit the %s,\n"
@@ -1681,7 +1740,7 @@ msgid ""
 "choose from the following options:"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgExitMessage.cpp:135
+#: clientgui/DlgExitMessage.cpp:135
 #, c-format
 #, fuzzy, c-format
 msgid ""
@@ -1699,826 +1758,853 @@ msgstr ""
 "namesto izhoda iz aplikacije; to bo omogočalo %s, da poganja\n"
 "svoja opravila ob časih, ki ste jih izbrali v nastavitvah."
-#: DlgExitMessage.cpp:153
+#: clientgui/DlgExitMessage.cpp:153
 #, c-format
 msgid "Stop running tasks when exiting the %s"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgExitMessage.cpp:165
+#: clientgui/DlgExitMessage.cpp:165
 msgid "Remember this decision and do not show this dialog."
 msgstr "Zapomni si to odločitev in ne prikaži tega dialoga."
-#: DlgExitMessage.cpp:178 DlgGenericMessage.cpp:125 DlgOptions.cpp:401
-#: DlgSelectComputer.cpp:168 wizardex.cpp:378
+#: clientgui/DlgExitMessage.cpp:178
+#: clientgui/DlgGenericMessage.cpp:125
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:404
+#: clientgui/DlgSelectComputer.cpp:168
 msgid "&Cancel"
 msgstr "&Prekliči"
-#: DlgGenericMessage.cpp:112
+#: clientgui/DlgGenericMessage.cpp:112
 msgid "Don't show this dialog again."
 msgstr "Ne prikaži znova tega dialoga."
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:168 DlgItemProperties.cpp:171
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:174 DlgItemProperties.cpp:177
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:194
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:197
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:200
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:203
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Don't fetch tasks for "
 msgstr "Ne potegni novih opravil za procesor"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:168
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:194
 msgid "Project preference"
 msgstr "Nastavitve projekta"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:171
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:197
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Account manager preference"
 msgstr "Spletna stran upravitelja računov"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:174
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:200
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Project has no apps for "
 msgstr "Spletna stran projekta"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:177
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:203
 msgid "Client configuration excludes "
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:181
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:207
 #, fuzzy
 msgid " work fetch deferred for"
 msgstr "Prevzemanje dela za procesor odloženo za"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:182
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:208
 #, fuzzy
 msgid " work fetch deferral interval"
 msgstr "Odložitveni interval prevzemanja dela za procesor"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:213
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:239
 msgid "Properties of project "
 msgstr "Lastnosti projekta"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:217 DlgOptions.cpp:218
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:243
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:221
 msgid "General"
 msgstr "Splošno"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:218
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:244
 msgid "Master URL"
 msgstr "Glavni URL"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:219
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:245
 msgid "User name"
 msgstr "Uporabniško ime"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:220
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:246
 msgid "Team name"
 msgstr "Ime ekipe"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:221 ViewProjects.cpp:224
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:247
 msgid "Resource share"
 msgstr "Delitev sredstev"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:223
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:249
 msgid "Scheduler RPC deferred for"
 msgstr "RPC razvrščevalnika odložena za"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:226
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:252
 msgid "File downloads deferred for"
 msgstr "Prejemanje datotek odloženo za"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:229
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:255
 msgid "File uploads deferred for"
 msgstr "Nalaganje datotek odloženo za"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:232
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:258
 msgid "Computer ID"
 msgstr "ID računalnika"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:234
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:260
 msgid "Non CPU intensive"
 msgstr "Ne procesorsko intenzivno"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:234 DlgItemProperties.cpp:236
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:237 DlgItemProperties.cpp:239
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:242 DlgItemProperties.cpp:251
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:254 DlgItemProperties.cpp:257
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:260
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:262
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:263
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:265
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:268
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:277
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:280
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:283
 msgid "yes"
 msgstr "da"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:236
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:262
 msgid "Suspended via GUI"
 msgstr "Na čakanju prek uporabniškega vmesnika"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:236 DlgItemProperties.cpp:237
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:262
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:263
 msgid "no"
 msgstr "ne"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:237
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:263
 msgid "Don't request more work"
 msgstr "Ne zahtevaj več dela"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:239
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:265
 msgid "Scheduler call in progress"
 msgstr "Poteka klic razvrščevalnika"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:242
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:268
 msgid "Trickle-up pending"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:245 DlgItemProperties.cpp:247
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:271
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:273
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Host location"
 msgstr "Testno obvestilo"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:247
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:273
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "default"
 msgstr "&Nastavi privzeto"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:251
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:277
 msgid "Added via account manager"
 msgstr "Dodano prek upravitelja računov"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:254
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:280
 msgid "Remove when tasks done"
 msgstr "Odstrani, ko bodo opravila opravljena"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:257
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:283
 msgid "Ended"
 msgstr "Končano"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:259
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:285
+msgid "Tasks completed"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:286
+msgid "Tasks failed"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:288
 msgid "Credit"
 msgstr "Točke"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:260
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:289
 msgid "User"
 msgstr "Uporabnik"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:267
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:296
 msgid "Host"
 msgstr "Gostitelj"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:276
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:305
 msgid "Scheduling"
 msgstr "Razvrščanje"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:277
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:306
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Scheduling priority"
 msgstr "Prioriteta razvrščanja procesorja"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:278
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:307
 msgid "CPU"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:302
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:331
 msgid "Duration correction factor"
 msgstr "Korekcijski faktor trajanja"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:316
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:345
 msgid "Properties of task "
 msgstr "Lastnosti opravila"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:328 ViewWork.cpp:238
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:357
 msgid "Application"
 msgstr "Aplikacija"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:329 ViewWork.cpp:239
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:358
 msgid "Name"
 msgstr "Ime"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:330
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:359
 msgid "State"
 msgstr "Stanje"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:333
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:362
 msgid "Received"
 msgstr "Prejeto"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:336
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:365
 msgid "Report deadline"
 msgstr "Rok za poročilo"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:338
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:367
 msgid "Resources"
 msgstr "Viri"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:341
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:370
 msgid "Estimated computation size"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:344
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:373
 msgid "CPU time at last checkpoint"
 msgstr "Procesorski čas ob zadnji kontrolni točki"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:345 DlgItemProperties.cpp:360
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:374
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:389
 msgid "CPU time"
 msgstr "Procesorski čas"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:347 DlgItemProperties.cpp:361
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:376
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:390
 msgid "Elapsed time"
 msgstr "Pretečeni čas"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:349
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:378
 msgid "Estimated time remaining"
 msgstr "Ocena preostalega časa"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:350
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:379
 msgid "Fraction done"
 msgstr "Opravljeni del"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:351
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:380
 msgid "Virtual memory size"
 msgstr "Velikost navideznega pomnilnika"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:352
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:381
 msgid "Working set size"
 msgstr "Velikost delovne množice"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:354
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:383
 msgid "Directory"
 msgstr "Imenik"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:357
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:386
 msgid "Process ID"
 msgstr "ID procesa"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:427 ViewWork.cpp:1032 sg_TaskPanel.cpp:823
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:456
 msgid "Local: "
 msgstr "Lokalno: "
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:129 DlgOptions.cpp:135
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:129
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:135
 msgid "Options"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:175
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:178
 msgid "Language:"
 msgstr "Jezik:"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:182
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:185
 msgid "What language should BOINC use?"
 msgstr "Kateri jezik naj uporablja BOINC?"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:186
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:189
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Notice reminder interval:"
 msgstr ""
 "Interval opomnika obvestil:\n"
 "(minute; 0 pomeni nič opomnikov)"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:193
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:196
 msgid "How often should BOINC remind you of new notices?"
 msgstr "Kako pogosto naj vas BOINC opominja na nova obvestila?"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:198
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:201
 msgid "Run Manager at login?"
 msgstr "Poženi Upravitelja ob prijavi?"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:204
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:207
 msgid "Run the BOINC Manager when you log on."
 msgstr "Požene BOINC Upravitelja, ko se prijavite."
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:209
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:212
 msgid "Enable Manager exit dialog?"
 msgstr "Omogoči izhodni dialog Upravitelja?"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:215
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:218
 msgid "Display the exit dialog when shutting down the Manager."
 msgstr "Prikaži izhodni dialog ob zaustavljanju Upravitelja."
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:226
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:229
 msgid "Dial-up and Virtual Private Network settings"
 msgstr "Nastavitve klicnega dostopa in navideznega privatnega omrežja (VPN)"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:240
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:243
 msgid "&Set Default"
 msgstr "&Nastavi privzeto"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:245
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:248
 msgid "&Clear Default"
 msgstr "&Počisti privzeto"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:252
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:255
 msgid "Default Connection:"
 msgstr "Privzeta povezava:"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:259
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:262
 msgid "Connections"
 msgstr "Povezave"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:268
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:271
 msgid "Connect via HTTP proxy server"
 msgstr "Poveži se preko HTTP posredniškega strežnika (proxy)"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:272
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:275
 msgid "HTTP Proxy Server Configuration"
 msgstr "Nastavitve HTTP posredniškega strežnika"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:280 DlgOptions.cpp:344
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:283
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:347
 msgid "Address:"
 msgstr "Naslov:"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:288 DlgOptions.cpp:352 ProxyPage.cpp:340 ProxyPage.cpp:360
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:291
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:355
 msgid "Port:"
 msgstr "Vrata:"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:296 DlgOptions.cpp:360
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:299
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:363
 msgid "Don't use proxy for:"
 msgstr "Ne uporabljaj posrednika za:"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:303 DlgOptions.cpp:367
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:306
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:370
 msgid "Leave these blank if not needed"
 msgstr "Pusti prazno, če ni potrebno"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:309 DlgOptions.cpp:373 ProxyPage.cpp:343 ProxyPage.cpp:363
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:312
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:376
 msgid "User Name:"
 msgstr "Uporabniško ime:"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:317 DlgOptions.cpp:381 DlgSelectComputer.cpp:152
-#: ProxyPage.cpp:346 ProxyPage.cpp:366
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:320
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:384
+#: clientgui/DlgSelectComputer.cpp:152
 msgid "Password:"
 msgstr "Geslo:"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:324
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:327
 msgid "HTTP Proxy"
 msgstr "HTTP posrednik:"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:332
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:335
 msgid "Connect via SOCKS proxy server"
 msgstr "Poveži se preko SOCKS posredniškega strežnika (proxy)"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:336
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:339
 msgid "SOCKS Proxy Server Configuration"
 msgstr "Nastavitve SOCKS posredniškega strežnika"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:388
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:391
 msgid "SOCKS Proxy"
 msgstr "SOCKS posrednik"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:586
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:589
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "always"
 msgstr "&Poganjaj vedno"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:587
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:590
 msgid "1 hour"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:588
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:591
 msgid "6 hours"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:589
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:592
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "1 day"
 msgstr "dni"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:590
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:593
 msgid "1 week"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:591
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:594
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "never"
 msgstr "vsakih"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:688
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:691
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - Language Selection"
 msgstr "%s - Izbira jezika"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:695
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:698
 #, c-format
 #, fuzzy, c-format
-msgid ""
-"The %s's language has been changed.  In order for this change to take "
-"effect, you must restart the %s."
+msgid "The %s's language has been changed.  In order for this change to take effect, you must restart the %s."
 msgstr ""
 "Privzeti jezik za %s je bil spremenjen, da to začne veljati morate ponovno "
 "zagnati %s."
-#: DlgSelectComputer.cpp:91
+#: clientgui/DlgSelectComputer.cpp:91
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - Select Computer"
 msgstr "%s - Izberi računalnik"
-#: DlgSelectComputer.cpp:125
+#: clientgui/DlgSelectComputer.cpp:125
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "Another instance of %s is already running \n"
 "on this computer.  Please select a client to monitor."
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgSelectComputer.cpp:143
+#: clientgui/DlgSelectComputer.cpp:143
 msgid "Host name:"
 msgstr "Ime gostitelja:"
-#: Localization.cpp:31 Localization.cpp:69
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:31
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:69
 msgid "Message boards"
 msgstr "Razpravljalnice"
-#: Localization.cpp:33
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:33
 msgid "Correspond with other users on the SETI at home message boards"
 msgstr "Dopisuj si z drugimi uporabniki na SETI at home razpravljalnicah."
-#: Localization.cpp:37
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:37
 msgid "Ask questions and report problems"
 msgstr "Postavi vprašanja in prijavi probleme"
-#: Localization.cpp:39 Localization.cpp:81 Localization.cpp:111
-#: Localization.cpp:129
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:39
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:81
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:111
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:129
 msgid "Your account"
 msgstr "Vaš račun"
-#: Localization.cpp:41 Localization.cpp:87 Localization.cpp:113
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:41
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:87
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:113
 msgid "View your account information and credit totals"
 msgstr "Poglej informacije vašega računa in skupno točk"
-#: Localization.cpp:43
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:43
 msgid "Your preferences"
 msgstr "Vaše nastavitve"
-#: Localization.cpp:45
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:45
 msgid "View and modify your SETI at home account profile and preferences"
 msgstr "Poglej in spremeni vaš SETI at home uporabniški profil in nastavitve"
-#: Localization.cpp:47 Localization.cpp:89
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:47
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:89
 msgid "Your results"
 msgstr "Vaši rezultati"
-#: Localization.cpp:49 Localization.cpp:91
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:49
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:91
 msgid "View your last week (or more) of computational results and work"
 msgstr "Poglej zadnji teden (ali dlje) rezultatov računanja in dela"
-#: Localization.cpp:51 Localization.cpp:93
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:51
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:93
 msgid "Your computers"
 msgstr "Vaši računalniki"
-#: Localization.cpp:53
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:53
 msgid "View a listing of all the computers on which you are running SETI at Home"
 msgstr "Poglej seznam vseh računalnikov, na katerih poganjate SETI at home"
-#: Localization.cpp:55 Localization.cpp:97
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:55
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:97
 msgid "Your team"
 msgstr "Vaša ekipa"
-#: Localization.cpp:57 Localization.cpp:99
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:57
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:99
 msgid "View information about your team"
 msgstr "Poglej informacije o vaši ekipi"
-#: Localization.cpp:61
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:61
 msgid "Common questions"
 msgstr "Pogosta vprašanja"
-#: Localization.cpp:63
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:63
 msgid "Read the Einstein at Home Frequently Asked Question list"
 msgstr "Preberi Einstein at Home seznam pogosto zastavljenih vprašanj"
-#: Localization.cpp:65
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:65
 msgid "Screensaver info"
 msgstr "Ohranjevalnik zaslona"
-#: Localization.cpp:67
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:67
 msgid "Read a detailed description of the Einstein at Home screensaver"
 msgstr "Preberi podrobno razlago Einstein at Home ohranjevalnika zaslona"
-#: Localization.cpp:71
-msgid ""
-"Correspond with admins and other users on the Einstein at Home message boards"
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:71
+msgid "Correspond with admins and other users on the Einstein at Home message boards"
 msgstr ""
 "Dopisuj si z administratorji in drugimi uporabniki na Einstein at Home forumu"
-#: Localization.cpp:73
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:73
 msgid "Einstein status"
 msgstr "Einsteinov status"
-#: Localization.cpp:75
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:75
 msgid "Current status of the Einstein at Home server"
 msgstr "Trenutni status Einstein at Home strežnika"
-#: Localization.cpp:77
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:77
 msgid "Report problems"
 msgstr "Sporoči probleme"
-#: Localization.cpp:79
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:79
 msgid "A link to the Einstein at Home problems and bug reports message board"
 msgstr "Povezava na Einstein at Home razpravljalnico problemi in sporočanje napak"
-#: Localization.cpp:83
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:83
 msgid "View and modify your Einstein at Home account profile and preferences"
 msgstr "Poglej in spremeni vaš Einstein at Home uporabniški profil in nastavitve"
-#: Localization.cpp:85
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:85
 msgid "Account summary"
 msgstr "Povzetek o računu"
-#: Localization.cpp:95
-msgid ""
-"View a listing of all the computers on which you are running Einstein at Home"
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:95
+msgid "View a listing of all the computers on which you are running Einstein at Home"
 msgstr "Poglej seznam vseh računalnikov, na katerih poganjate Einstein at Home"
-#: Localization.cpp:101
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:101
 msgid "LIGO project"
 msgstr "Projekt LIGO"
-#: Localization.cpp:103
-msgid ""
-"The home page of the Laser Interferometer Gravitational-wave Observatory "
-"(LIGO) project"
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:103
+msgid "The home page of the Laser Interferometer Gravitational-wave Observatory (LIGO) project"
 msgstr "Domača stran Laser Interferometer Gravitational-wave Observatory (LIGO)"
-#: Localization.cpp:105
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:105
 msgid "GEO-600 project"
 msgstr "Projekt GEO-600"
-#: Localization.cpp:107
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:107
 msgid "The home page of the GEO-600 project"
 msgstr "Domača stran projekta GEO-600"
-#: Localization.cpp:115 Localization.cpp:133 ViewProjects.cpp:221
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:465
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:115
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:133
 msgid "Team"
 msgstr "Ekipa"
-#: Localization.cpp:117
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:117
 msgid "Info about your Team"
 msgstr "Informacije o vaši ekipi"
-#: Localization.cpp:123
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:123
 msgid "Get help for climateprediction.net"
 msgstr "Dobi pomoč za climateprediction.net"
-#: Localization.cpp:125
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:125
 msgid "News"
 msgstr "Novice"
-#: Localization.cpp:127
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:127
 msgid "climateprediction.net News"
 msgstr "Novice climateprediction.net"
-#: Localization.cpp:131
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:131
 msgid "View your account information, credits, and trickles"
 msgstr "Poglej informacije o vašem računu, zaslugah in korakih"
-#: Localization.cpp:135
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:135
 msgid "Info about your team"
 msgstr "Informacije o vaši ekipi"
-#: Localization.cpp:141
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:141
 msgid "Search for help in our help system"
 msgstr "Poišči pomoč v našem sistemu pomoči"
-#: Localization.cpp:143
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:143
 msgid "Global Statistics"
 msgstr "Globalna statistika"
-#: Localization.cpp:145
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:145
 msgid "Summary statistics for World Community Grid"
 msgstr "Povzetek statistike za World Community Grid"
-#: Localization.cpp:147
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:147
 msgid "My Grid"
 msgstr "Moja mreža"
-#: Localization.cpp:149
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:149
 msgid "Your statistics and settings"
 msgstr "Vaša statistika in nastavitve"
-#: Localization.cpp:151
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:151
 msgid "Device Profiles"
 msgstr "Profili naprav"
-#: Localization.cpp:153
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:153
 msgid "Update your device settings"
 msgstr "Posodobite vaše nastavitve naprav"
-#: Localization.cpp:155
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:155
 msgid "Research"
 msgstr "Raziskave"
-#: Localization.cpp:157
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:157
 msgid "Learn about the projects hosted at World Community Grid"
 msgstr "Izvejte o projektih, ki gostujejo na World Community Grid"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:583
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:583
 msgid "Starting client"
 msgstr "Zaganjam odjemalca"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:591
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:591
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Connecting to client"
 msgstr "Ponovno se povezujem na odjemalca."
-#: MainDocument.cpp:1195
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:1205
 msgid "Retrieving system state; please wait..."
 msgstr "Pridobivam stanje sistema; prosim, počakajte..."
-#: MainDocument.cpp:1816
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:1826
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Missing application"
 msgstr "Aplikacija"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:1817
-msgid ""
-"Please download and install the CoRD application from http://cord."
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:1827
+msgid "Please download and install the CoRD application from http://cord.sourceforge.net"
 msgstr ""
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2432
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2442
 msgid "on batteries"
 msgstr "na baterijah"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2433
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2443
 msgid "computer is in use"
 msgstr "medtem, ko je računalnik v uporabi"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2434
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2444
 msgid "user request"
 msgstr "uporabniška zahteva"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2435
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2445
 msgid "time of day"
 msgstr "čas dneva"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2436
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2446
 msgid "CPU benchmarks in progress"
 msgstr "Potekajo meritve hitrosti procesorja"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2437
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2447
 msgid "need disk space - check preferences"
 msgstr "potrebujem prostor na disku - preverite nastavitve"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2438
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2448
 msgid "computer is not in use"
 msgstr "računalnik ni v uporabi"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2439
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2449
 msgid "starting up"
 msgstr "zaganjam"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2440
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2450
 msgid "an exclusive app is running"
 msgstr "teče eksluzivna aplikacija"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2441
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2451
 msgid "CPU is busy"
 msgstr "procesor je zaseden"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2442
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2452
 msgid "network bandwidth limit exceeded"
 msgstr "presežena omejitev pasovne širine mreze"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2443
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2453
 msgid "requested by operating system"
 msgstr ""
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2445
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2455
 msgid "unknown reason"
 msgstr "neznan razlog"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2467
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2477
 msgid "GPU missing, "
 msgstr "Manjka grafični procesor, "
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2474
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2484
 msgid "New"
 msgstr "Novo"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2478
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2488
 msgid "Download failed"
 msgstr "Prejemanje ni uspelo"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2480
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2490
 msgid "Downloading"
 msgstr "Prejemam"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2482 MainDocument.cpp:2552
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2492
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2557
 msgid " (suspended - "
 msgstr "(na čakanju - "
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2490
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2500
 msgid "Project suspended by user"
 msgstr "Na čakanju"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2492
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2502
 msgid "Task suspended by user"
 msgstr "Na čakanje"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2494
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2504
 msgid "Suspended - "
 msgstr "Na čakanju - "
 # 75%
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2500
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2510
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "GPU suspended - "
 msgstr "(na čakanju - "
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2507
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2517
 msgid "Waiting for memory"
 msgstr "Čaka na pomnilnik"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2509
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2519
 msgid "Waiting for shared memory"
 msgstr "Čaka na deljeni pomnilnik"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2512
-msgid "Running, high priority"
-msgstr "Se izvaja, visoka prioriteta"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2514
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2521
 msgid "Running"
 msgstr "Se izvaja"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2517
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2523
 msgid " (non-CPU-intensive)"
 msgstr " (ne-procesorsko-intenzitvno)"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2520
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2526
 msgid "Waiting to run"
 msgstr "Čaka na izvajanje"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2522 MainDocument.cpp:2528
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2528
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2534
 msgid "Ready to start"
 msgstr "Pripravljen začeti"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2532
-msgid " (Scheduler wait: "
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2538
+msgid "Postponed: "
 msgstr ""
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2536
-msgid " (Scheduler wait)"
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2541
+msgid "Postponed"
 msgstr ""
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2540
-#, fuzzy
-msgid " (Waiting for network access)"
-msgstr "Čaka na pomnilnik"
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2545
+msgid "Waiting for network access"
+msgstr ""
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2544
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2549
 msgid "Computation error"
 msgstr "Napaka pri računanju"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2548
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2553
 msgid "Upload failed"
 msgstr "Pošiljanje ni uspelo"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2550
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2555
 msgid "Uploading"
 msgstr "Pošilja se"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2561
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2566
 msgid "Aborted by user"
 msgstr "Opuščeno s strani uporabnika"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2564
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2569
 msgid "Aborted by project"
 msgstr "Opuščeno s strani projekta"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2567
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2572
 msgid "Aborted: not started by deadline"
 msgstr "Opuščeno: ni se pričelo do roka"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2570
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2575
 msgid "Aborted: disk limit exceeded"
 msgstr ""
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2573
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2578
 msgid "Aborted: run time limit exceeded"
 msgstr ""
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2576
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2581
 msgid "Aborted: memory limit exceeded"
 msgstr ""
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2579
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2584
 msgid "Aborted"
 msgstr "Opuščeno"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2584
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2589
 msgid "Acknowledged"
 msgstr "Potrjeno"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2586
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2591
 msgid "Ready to report"
 msgstr "Pripravljen poročati"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2588
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2593
 #, c-format
 msgid "Error: invalid state '%d'"
 msgstr "Napaka: neveljavno stanje '%d'"
-#: NoInternetConnectionPage.cpp:179
+#: clientgui/NoInternetConnectionPage.cpp:179
 msgid "No Internet connection"
 msgstr "Ni povezave na internet"
-#: NoInternetConnectionPage.cpp:182
+#: clientgui/NoInternetConnectionPage.cpp:182
 msgid "Please connect to the Internet and try again."
 msgstr "Prosim, povežite se na internet in poskusite znova."
-#: NotDetectedPage.cpp:181
+#: clientgui/NotDetectedPage.cpp:181
 msgid "Project not found"
 msgstr "Projekt ni bil najden"
-#: NotDetectedPage.cpp:184
+#: clientgui/NotDetectedPage.cpp:184
 msgid ""
 "The URL you supplied is not that of a BOINC-based project.\n"
@@ -2528,11 +2614,11 @@ msgstr ""
 "Prosim, preverite URL in poskusite znova."
-#: NotDetectedPage.cpp:188
+#: clientgui/NotDetectedPage.cpp:188
 msgid "Account manager not found"
 msgstr "Upravitelj računov ni bil najden"
-#: NotDetectedPage.cpp:191
+#: clientgui/NotDetectedPage.cpp:191
 msgid ""
 "The URL you supplied is not that of a BOINC-based account\n"
@@ -2544,97 +2630,98 @@ msgstr ""
 "Prosim, preverite URL in poskusite znova."
-#: NotFoundPage.cpp:181
+#: clientgui/NotFoundPage.cpp:181
 msgid "Login Failed."
 msgstr "Prijava ni uspela."
-#: NotFoundPage.cpp:185
+#: clientgui/NotFoundPage.cpp:185
 msgid "Check the username and password, and try again."
 msgstr "Preverite uporabniško ime in geslo ter poskusite znova."
-#: NotFoundPage.cpp:189
+#: clientgui/NotFoundPage.cpp:189
 msgid "Check the email address and password, and try again."
 msgstr "Preverite naslov elektronske pošte in geslo ter poskusite znova."
-#: NoticeListCtrl.cpp:222
+#: clientgui/NoticeListCtrl.cpp:229
 msgid "more..."
 msgstr "več..."
-#: ProjectInfoPage.cpp:477 ProjectInfoPage.cpp:778 ProjectInfoPage.cpp:782
-msgid "All"
-msgstr ""
-#: ProjectInfoPage.cpp:615
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:221
 msgid "Choose a project"
 msgstr "Izberite projekt"
-#: ProjectInfoPage.cpp:619
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:228
 msgid "To choose a project, click its name or type its URL below."
 msgstr ""
 "Da izberete projekt, kliknite na njegovo ime ali spodaj napišite njegov URL."
-#: ProjectInfoPage.cpp:623
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:246
 msgid "Categories:"
 msgstr ""
-#: ProjectInfoPage.cpp:627 sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:89
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:267
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Projects:"
 msgstr "Projekti"
-#: ProjectInfoPage.cpp:631
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:279
 msgid "Project details"
 msgstr ""
-#: ProjectInfoPage.cpp:635
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:291
 msgid "Research area:"
 msgstr ""
-#: ProjectInfoPage.cpp:639
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:302
 msgid "Organization:"
 msgstr ""
-#: ProjectInfoPage.cpp:643
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:313
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Web site:"
 msgstr "Spletne strani"
-#: ProjectInfoPage.cpp:647
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:325
 msgid "Supported systems:"
 msgstr ""
-#: ProjectInfoPage.cpp:651
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:363
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Project URL:"
 msgstr "&URL projekta:"
-#: ProjectInfoPage.cpp:826
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:499
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:754
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:758
+msgid "All"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:802
 #, fuzzy
-msgid ""
-"This project may not have work for your type of computer.  Do you want to "
-"add it anyway?"
+msgid "This project may not have work for your type of computer.  Do you want to add it anyway?"
 msgstr ""
 "Ta projekt morda nima dela za vaš tip računalnika. Ali ste prepričani, da "
 "želite nadaljevati?"
-#: ProjectInfoPage.cpp:850
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:826
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "You already added this project. Please choose a different project."
 msgstr "Na ta projekt ste že pripeti. Prosim, izberite drug projekt."
-#: ProjectProcessingPage.cpp:321
+#: clientgui/ProjectProcessingPage.cpp:321
 msgid "Communicating with project."
 msgstr "Komuniciram s projektom."
-#: ProjectProcessingPage.cpp:509
+#: clientgui/ProjectProcessingPage.cpp:510
 msgid "Required files not found on the server."
 msgstr "Zahtevane datoteke na strežniku niso bile najdene."
-#: ProjectProcessingPage.cpp:512 ProjectProcessingPage.cpp:574
+#: clientgui/ProjectProcessingPage.cpp:513
+#: clientgui/ProjectProcessingPage.cpp:586
 msgid "An internal server error has occurred."
 msgstr "Pripetila se je notranja napaka strežnika."
-#: ProjectPropertiesPage.cpp:334
+#: clientgui/ProjectPropertiesPage.cpp:334
 msgid ""
 "Communicating with project\n"
 "Please wait..."
@@ -2642,11 +2729,48 @@ msgstr ""
 "Komuniciram s projektom\n"
 "Prosim, počakajte..."
-#: ProxyInfoPage.cpp:195
+#: clientgui/ProjectWelcomePage.cpp:251
+#, c-format
+msgid "Welcome to %s."
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ProjectWelcomePage.cpp:254
+msgid "You have volunteered to compute for this project:"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ProjectWelcomePage.cpp:255
+msgid "Name:"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ProjectWelcomePage.cpp:258
+msgid "Home:"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ProjectWelcomePage.cpp:262
+msgid "Description:"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ProjectWelcomePage.cpp:265
+msgid "URL:"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ProjectWelcomePage.cpp:268
+msgid "User:"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ProjectWelcomePage.cpp:273
+msgid "WARNING: This project is not registered with BOINC.  Make sure you trust it before continuing."
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ProjectWelcomePage.cpp:277
+msgid "To continue, click Next."
+msgstr "Za nadaljevanje kliknite Naprej."
+#: clientgui/ProxyInfoPage.cpp:195
 msgid "Network communication failure"
 msgstr "Napaka pri komunikaciji po mreži"
-#: ProxyInfoPage.cpp:199
+#: clientgui/ProxyInfoPage.cpp:199
 msgid ""
 "The World Community Grid - BOINC software failed to communicate\n"
 "over the Internet. The most likely reasons are:\n"
@@ -2676,7 +2800,7 @@ msgstr ""
 "3) Uporabljate posredniški strežnik\n"
 "Kliknite Naprej, da nastavite BOINC nastavitve posredniškega strežnika."
-#: ProxyInfoPage.cpp:203
+#: clientgui/ProxyInfoPage.cpp:203
 msgid ""
 "BOINC failed to communicate on the Internet.\n"
 "The most likely reasons are:\n"
@@ -2706,1279 +2830,1364 @@ msgstr ""
 "3) Uporabljate posredniški strežnik\n"
 "Kliknite Naprej, da nastavite BOINC nastavitve posredniškega strežnika."
-#: ProxyPage.cpp:331
+#: clientgui/ProxyPage.cpp:331
 msgid "Proxy configuration"
 msgstr "Nastavitve posredniškega strežnika"
-#: ProxyPage.cpp:334
+#: clientgui/ProxyPage.cpp:334
 msgid "HTTP proxy"
 msgstr "HTTP posrednik"
-#: ProxyPage.cpp:337 ProxyPage.cpp:357
+#: clientgui/ProxyPage.cpp:337
+#: clientgui/ProxyPage.cpp:357
 msgid "Server:"
 msgstr "Strežnik:"
-#: ProxyPage.cpp:350
+#: clientgui/ProxyPage.cpp:350
 msgid "Autodetect"
 msgstr "Samodejno prepoznaj"
-#: ProxyPage.cpp:354
+#: clientgui/ProxyPage.cpp:354
 msgid "SOCKS proxy"
 msgstr "SOCKS posrednik"
-#: TermsOfUsePage.cpp:218
-msgid "Terms of Use"
-msgstr "Pogoji uporabe"
+#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:167
+msgid "Advanced View...\tCtrl+Shift+A"
+msgstr "Napredni pogled...\\Ctrl+Shift+A"
-#: TermsOfUsePage.cpp:222
-msgid "Please read the following terms of use:"
-msgstr "Prosim, preberite sledeče pogoje uporabe:"
+#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:168
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Display the advanced graphical interface."
+msgstr "Prikaži preprost uporabniški vmesnik."
-#: TermsOfUsePage.cpp:231
-msgid "I agree to the terms of use."
-msgstr "Strinjam se s pogoji uporabe."
+#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:175
+msgid "Skin"
+msgstr "Preobleka"
-#: TermsOfUsePage.cpp:237
-msgid "I do not agree to the terms of use."
+#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:177
+msgid "Select the appearance of the user interface."
 msgstr ""
-#: UnavailablePage.cpp:183
-msgid "Project temporarily unavailable"
-msgstr "Projekt začasno ni na voljo"
+#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:224
+#, c-format
+msgid "&%s"
+msgstr "&%s"
-#: UnavailablePage.cpp:186
-msgid ""
-"The project is temporarily unavailable.\n"
-"Please try again later."
+#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:405
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Default"
+msgstr "&Nastavi privzeto"
+#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:848
+msgid "Suspend"
+msgstr "Daj na čakanje"
+#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:850
+msgid "Suspend Computing"
 msgstr ""
-"Projekt začasno ni na voljo.\n"
-"Prosim, poskusite kasneje."
-#: UnavailablePage.cpp:190
-msgid "Account manager temporarily unavailable"
-msgstr "Upravitelj računov začasno ni na voljo"
+#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:851
+msgid "Resume Computing"
+msgstr ""
-#: UnavailablePage.cpp:193
-msgid ""
-"The account manager is temporarily unavailable.\n"
-"Please try again later."
+#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:867
+msgid "Notices"
+msgstr "Obvestila"
+#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:868
+msgid "Open a window to view notices from projects or BOINC"
 msgstr ""
-"Upravitelj računov začasno ni na voljo.\n"
-"Prosim, poskusite kasneje."
-#: ValidateAccountKey.cpp:68
-msgid "Please specify an account key to continue."
-msgstr "Za nadaljevanje, prosim, podajte ključ računa. "
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgMessages.cpp:124
+msgid "Fetching notices; please wait..."
+msgstr ""
-#: ValidateAccountKey.cpp:71
-msgid "Invalid Account Key; please enter a valid Account Key"
-msgstr "Napačen ključ računa; prosim vnesite veljaven ključ računa."
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgMessages.cpp:132
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "There are no notices at this time."
+msgstr "Nova sporočila - kliknite za ogled."
-#: ValidateAccountKey.cpp:82 ValidateEmailAddress.cpp:86
-msgid "Validation conflict"
-msgstr "Konflikt pri validaciji"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgMessages.cpp:146
+msgid "Close"
+msgstr "Zapri"
-#: ValidateEmailAddress.cpp:72
-msgid "Please specify an email address"
-msgstr "Prosim, vnesite naslov elektronske pošte"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgMessages.cpp:394
+#, c-format
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "%s - Notices"
+msgstr "%s Obvestila"
-#: ValidateEmailAddress.cpp:75
-msgid "Invalid email address; please enter a valid email address"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:270
+msgid "This dialog controls preferences for this computer only."
 msgstr ""
-"Napačen naslov elektronske pošte; prosim vnesite pravilen naslov elektronske "
-#: ValidateURL.cpp:69
-msgid "Missing URL"
-msgstr "Manjkajoč URL"
-#: ValidateURL.cpp:70
-msgid ""
-"Please specify a URL.\n"
-"For example:\n"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:275
+msgid "Click OK to set preferences."
 msgstr ""
-"Prosim podajte URL.\n"
-"Na primer:\n"
-#: ValidateURL.cpp:83 ValidateURL.cpp:87 ValidateURL.cpp:91
-#: ValidateURL.cpp:103 ValidateURL.cpp:107 ValidateURL.cpp:110
-msgid "Invalid URL"
-msgstr "Napačen URL"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:280
+msgid "Click Clear to restore web-based settings for all preferences listed below."
+msgstr ""
-#: ValidateURL.cpp:84 ValidateURL.cpp:88 ValidateURL.cpp:92
-msgid ""
-"Please specify a valid URL.\n"
-"For example:\n"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:287
+msgid "For additional settings, select Computing Preferences in the Advanced View."
 msgstr ""
-"Prosim podajte veljaven URL.\n"
-"Na primer:\n"
-#: ValidateURL.cpp:104 ValidateURL.cpp:108
-#, c-format
-msgid "'%s' does not contain a valid host name."
-msgstr "'%s' ne vsebuje veljavnega imena gostitelja."
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:315
+msgid "Do work only between:"
+msgstr "Opravljaj delo le med:"
-#: ValidateURL.cpp:111
-#, c-format
-msgid "'%s' does not contain a valid path."
-msgstr "'%s' ne vsebuje veljavne poti."
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:337
+msgid "Connect to internet only between:"
+msgstr "Poveži se na internet samo med:"
-#: ViewMessages.cpp:84 ViewProjects.cpp:170 ViewStatistics.cpp:1978
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:160 ViewWork.cpp:183
-msgid "Commands"
-msgstr "Možnosti"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:359
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:376
+msgid "Use no more than:"
+msgstr "Ne uporabi več kot:"
-#: ViewMessages.cpp:88
-msgid "Copy all messages"
-msgstr "Kopiraj vsa sporočila"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:372
+msgid "of disk space"
+msgstr "prostora na disku"
-#: ViewMessages.cpp:95
-msgid "Copy selected messages"
-msgstr "Kopiraj izbrana sporočila"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:389
+msgid "of the processor"
+msgstr "procesorskega časa"
-#: ViewMessages.cpp:106 ViewMessages.cpp:502
-msgid "Show only this project"
-msgstr "Prikaži samo ta projekt"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:393
+msgid "Do work while on battery?"
+msgstr "Opravljati delo med delovanjem na baterije?"
-#: ViewMessages.cpp:107 ViewMessages.cpp:503
-msgid "Show only the messages for the selected project."
-msgstr "Prikaži samo sporočila za izbrani projekt."
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:406
+msgid "Do work after idle for:"
+msgstr "Opravljati delo, ko je neaktiven že:"
-#: ViewMessages.cpp:164
-msgid "Messages"
-msgstr "Sporočila"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:431
+msgid "Clear all local preferences listed above and close the dialog"
+msgstr ""
-#: ViewMessages.cpp:187
-msgid "Copying all messages to the clipboard..."
-msgstr "Kopiram vsa sporočila na odložišče..."
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:609
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:612
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:688
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:692
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:704
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:708
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:851
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:862
+msgid "Anytime"
+msgstr "Kdajkoli"
-#: ViewMessages.cpp:223
-msgid "Copying selected messages to the clipboard..."
-msgstr "Kopiraj izbrana sporočila na odložišče..."
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:645
+msgid "100 MB"
+msgstr "100 MB"
-#: ViewMessages.cpp:286
-msgid "Filtering messages..."
-msgstr "Filtriram sporočila..."
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:646
+msgid "200 MB"
+msgstr "200 MB"
-#: ViewMessages.cpp:494
-msgid "Show all messages"
-msgstr "Prikaži vsa sporočila"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:647
+msgid "500 MB"
+msgstr "500 MB"
-#: ViewMessages.cpp:495
-msgid "Show messages for all projects."
-msgstr "Prikaži sporočila za vse projekte."
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:648
+msgid "1 GB"
+msgstr "1 GB"
-#: ViewNotices.cpp:58 sg_DlgMessages.cpp:124
-msgid "Fetching notices; please wait..."
-msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:649
+msgid "2 GB"
+msgstr "2 GB"
-#: ViewNotices.cpp:65 sg_DlgMessages.cpp:132
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "There are no notices at this time."
-msgstr "Nova sporočila - kliknite za ogled."
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:650
+msgid "5 GB"
+msgstr "5 GB"
-#: ViewNotices.cpp:99 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:776
-msgid "Notices"
-msgstr "Obvestila"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:651
+msgid "10 GB"
+msgstr "10 GB"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:174 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:61
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:652
+msgid "20 GB"
+msgstr "20 GB"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:653
+msgid "50 GB"
+msgstr "50 GB"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:654
+msgid "100 GB"
+msgstr "100 GB"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:724
+#, c-format
+msgid "%d MB"
+msgstr "%d MB"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:726
+#, c-format
+msgid "%4.2f GB"
+msgstr "%4.2f GB"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:767
+#, c-format
+msgid "%d%%"
+msgstr "%d%%"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:803
+msgid "0 (Run Always)"
+msgstr "0 (Vedno naj teče)"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:806
+#, c-format
+msgid "%d"
+msgstr "%d"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:953
+#, c-format
+msgid "%s - Computing Preferences"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:1033
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Do you really want to clear all local preferences?\n"
+msgstr "Res želite počistiti vse lokalne nastavitve?"
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:66
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:179
 msgid "Update"
 msgstr "Posodobi"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:175 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:62
-msgid ""
-"Report all completed tasks, get latest credit, get latest preferences, and "
-"possibly get more tasks."
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:67
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:180
+msgid "Report all completed tasks, get latest credit, get latest preferences, and possibly get more tasks."
 msgstr ""
 "Poročaj o vseh opravljenih opravilih, dobi najnovejše zasluge, dobi "
 "najnovejše nastavitve in morda dobi več opravil."
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:181 ViewProjects.cpp:722 ViewWork.cpp:208 ViewWork.cpp:801
-#: sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:757 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:67
-#: sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:113 sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:66
-#: sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:106
-msgid "Suspend"
-msgstr "Daj na čakanje"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:182 ViewProjects.cpp:722 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:68
-#: sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:114
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:73
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:129
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:187
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:727
 msgid "Suspend tasks for this project."
 msgstr "Daj opravila tega projekta na čakanje."
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:188 ViewProjects.cpp:741 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:73
-#: sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:121
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:78
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:136
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:193
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:746
 msgid "No new tasks"
 msgstr "Brez novih opravil"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:189 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:74
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:79
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:194
 msgid "Don't get new tasks for this project."
 msgstr "Ne dobi novih opravil za ta projekt."
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:195 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:79
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:84
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:200
 msgid "Reset project"
 msgstr "Resetiraj projekt"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:196 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:80
-msgid ""
-"Delete all files and tasks associated with this project, and get new tasks.  "
-"You can update the project first to report any completed tasks."
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:85
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:201
+msgid "Delete all files and tasks associated with this project, and get new tasks.  You can update the project first to report any completed tasks."
 msgstr ""
 "Briše vse datoteke in opravila povezana s tem projektom in dobi nova "
 "opravila.  Lahko najprej posodobite projekt, da poročate o morebitnih "
 "opravljenih opravilih."
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:203 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:86
-msgid ""
-"Remove this project.  Tasks in progress will be lost (use 'Update' first to "
-"report any completed tasks)."
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:91
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:208
+msgid "Remove this project.  Tasks in progress will be lost (use 'Update' first to report any completed tasks)."
 msgstr ""
 "Odstrani ta projekt.  Opravila, ki potekajo, bodo izgubljena (najprej "
 "uporabite 'Posodobi', da sporočite morebitna opravljena opravila)."
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:209 ViewWork.cpp:222 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:91
-#: sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:78
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:96
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:84
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:214
 msgid "Properties"
 msgstr "Lastnosti"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:210 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:92
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:97
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:215
 msgid "Show project details."
 msgstr "Prikaži podrobnosti projekta."
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:220 ViewStatistics.cpp:450
-msgid "Account"
-msgstr "Račun"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:222
-msgid "Work done"
-msgstr "Opravljeno delo"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:223
-msgid "Avg. work done"
-msgstr "Povpr. opravljeno delo"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:225 ViewTransfers.cpp:188 ViewWork.cpp:234
-msgid "Status"
-msgstr "Status"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:250
-msgid "Projects"
-msgstr "Projekti"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:302
-msgid "Updating project..."
-msgstr "Posodobljam projekt..."
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:344
-msgid "Resuming project..."
-msgstr "Nadaljujem projekt..."
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:348
-msgid "Suspending project..."
-msgstr "Dajem projekt na čakanje..."
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:126
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:723
+msgid "Resume tasks for this project."
+msgstr "Nadaljuj opravila tega projekta."
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:385
-msgid "Telling project to allow additional task downloads..."
-msgstr "Sporočam projektu, da je dovoljeno prejemanje dodatnih opravil..."
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:133
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:742
+msgid "Allow new tasks"
+msgstr "Dovoli nova opravila"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:389
-msgid "Telling project to not fetch any additional tasks..."
-msgstr "Sporočam projektu, naj ne pobira dodatnih opravil..."
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:134
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:742
+msgid "Allow fetching new tasks for this project."
+msgstr "Dovoli pobiranje novih opravil za ta projekt."
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:425
-msgid "Resetting project..."
-msgstr "Resetiram projekt..."
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:137
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:746
+msgid "Don't fetch new tasks for this project."
+msgstr "Ne poberi novih opravil za ta projekt."
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:438 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:214
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:229
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:443
 #, c-format
 msgid "Are you sure you want to reset project '%s'?"
 msgstr "Ali ste prepričani, da želite resetirati projekt '%s'?"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:444 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:220
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:235
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:449
 msgid "Reset Project"
 msgstr "Resetiraj projekt"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:483
-msgid "Removing project..."
-msgstr "Odstranjujem projekt..."
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:496 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:251
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:266
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:501
 #, c-format
 msgid "Are you sure you want to remove project '%s'?"
 msgstr "Ali ste prepričani, da želite odstraniti projekt '%s'?"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:502 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:257
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:272
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:507
 msgid "Remove Project"
 msgstr "Odstrani projekt"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:543 ViewWork.cpp:599
-msgid "Launching browser..."
-msgstr "Zaganjam brskalnik..."
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:72
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Add Project"
+msgstr "Dodaj projekt"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:718 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:111
-msgid "Resume tasks for this project."
-msgstr "Nadaljuj opravila tega projekta."
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:73
+msgid "Synchronize"
+msgstr ""
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:737 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:118
-msgid "Allow new tasks"
-msgstr "Dovoli nova opravila"
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:74
+msgid "Work done for this project"
+msgstr ""
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:737 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:119
-msgid "Allow fetching new tasks for this project."
-msgstr "Dovoli pobiranje novih opravil za ta projekt."
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:77
+msgid "Synchronize projects with account manager system"
+msgstr "Sinhronizirajte projekte s sistemom upravljanja računov"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:741 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:122
-msgid "Don't fetch new tasks for this project."
-msgstr "Ne poberi novih opravil za ta projekt."
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:124
+msgid "Select a project to access with the controls below"
+msgstr ""
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1058
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:145
 #, fuzzy
-msgid "Requested by user"
-msgstr "Na čakanju"
+msgid "Project Web Pages"
+msgstr "Spletna stran projekta"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1059
-msgid "To fetch work"
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:149
+msgid "Project Commands"
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1060
-msgid "To report completed tasks"
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:276
+#, c-format
+msgid "Pop up a menu of web sites for project %s"
 msgstr ""
-# well it would help if i knew what this should mean in context of BOINC :)
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1061
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "To send trickle-up message"
-msgstr "Pretoči čakajoča sporočila gor"
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:278
+#, c-format
+msgid "Pop up a menu of commands to apply to project %s"
+msgstr ""
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1062
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Requested by account manager"
-msgstr "Dodaj upravitelja računov"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:66
+msgid "Show graphics"
+msgstr "Prikaži grafiko"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1063
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Project initialization"
-msgstr "Projekt ni bil najden"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:67
+msgid "Show application graphics in a window."
+msgstr "V oknu prikaži grafiko aplikacije."
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1064
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Requested by project"
-msgstr "Opuščeno s strani projekta"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:73
+msgid "Suspend this task."
+msgstr ""
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1065
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Unknown reason"
-msgstr "neznan razlog"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:78
+msgid "Abort"
+msgstr "Opusti"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1079
-msgid "Suspended by user"
-msgstr "Na čakanju"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:79
+msgid "Abandon this task. You will get no credit for it."
+msgstr ""
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1082
-msgid "Won't get new tasks"
-msgstr "Ne bom pridobil novih opravil"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:85
+msgid "Show task details."
+msgstr "Prikaži podrobnosti opravila."
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1085
-msgid "Project ended - OK to remove"
-msgstr "Projekt končan - lahko odstranite"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:119
+msgid "Resume work for this task."
+msgstr "Nadaljuj z delom za to opravila."
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1088
-msgid "Will remove when tasks done"
-msgstr "Odstranjeno bo, ko bodo opravila opravljena"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:123
+msgid "Suspend work for this task."
+msgstr "Daj delo za to opravilo na čakanje."
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1091
-msgid "Scheduler request pending"
-msgstr "Čakajoča zahteva razvrščevalnika"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:267
+#, c-format
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Are you sure you want to abort this task '%s'?\n"
+"(Progress: %.1lf%%, Status: %s)"
+msgstr ""
+"Ali ste prepričani, da želite opustiti to opravilo '%s'?\n"
+"(Napredek: %s %%, Status: %s)"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1097
-msgid "Scheduler request in progress"
-msgstr "Poteka zahteva razvrščevalnika"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:272
+msgid "Abort task"
+msgstr "Opusti opravilo"
-# well it would help if i knew what this should mean in context of BOINC :)
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1100
-msgid "Trickle up message pending"
-msgstr "Pretoči čakajoča sporočila gor"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:468
+msgid "You don't have any projects.  Please Add a Project."
+msgstr "Nimate projektov.  Prosimo dodajte projekt."
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1106
-msgid "Communication deferred "
-msgstr "Komunikacija odložena "
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:469
+msgid "Not available"
+msgstr ""
-#: ViewResources.cpp:62
-msgid "Total disk usage"
-msgstr "Skupna poraba diska"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:480
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Tasks:"
+msgstr "Opravila"
-#: ViewResources.cpp:83
-msgid "Disk usage by BOINC projects"
-msgstr "Poraba diska s strani BOINC projektov"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:486
+msgid "Select a task to access"
+msgstr ""
-#: ViewResources.cpp:116
-msgid "Disk"
-msgstr "Disk"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:497
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "From:"
+msgstr "Od"
-#: ViewResources.cpp:249
-msgid "no projects: 0 bytes used"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:551
+msgid "This task's progress"
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewResources.cpp:286
-msgid "used by BOINC: "
-msgstr "BOINC uporablja: "
-#: ViewResources.cpp:296
-msgid "free, available to BOINC: "
-msgstr "prosto, na voljo za BOINC: "
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:569
+msgid "Task Commands"
+msgstr ""
-#: ViewResources.cpp:306
-msgid "free, not available to BOINC: "
-msgstr "prosto, ni na voljo za BOINC: "
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:570
+msgid "Pop up a menu of commands to apply to this task"
+msgstr ""
-#: ViewResources.cpp:316
-msgid "free: "
-msgstr "prosto: "
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:705
+#, c-format
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "Application: %s"
+msgstr "Aplikacija: "
-#: ViewResources.cpp:326
-msgid "used by other programs: "
-msgstr "uporabljajo drugi programi: "
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:728
+#, c-format
+msgid "%.3f%%"
+msgstr ""
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:1205
-msgid "User Total"
-msgstr "Skupaj od uporabnika"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:736
+msgid "Application: Not available"
+msgstr ""
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:1206
-msgid "User Average"
-msgstr "Uporabnikovo povprečje"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:836
+msgid "Not Available"
+msgstr ""
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:1207
-msgid "Host Total"
-msgstr "Skupaj gostiteljev"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:851
+#, c-format
+msgid "Elapsed: %s"
+msgstr ""
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:1208
-msgid "Host Average"
-msgstr "Gostiteljev v povprečju"
+# 84%
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:865
+#, c-format
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "Remaining (estimated): %s"
+msgstr "Preostaja"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:1355
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:880
 #, c-format
-msgid "Last update: %.0f days ago"
-msgstr "Zadnja posodobitev: pred %.0f dnevi"
+msgid "Status: %s"
+msgstr ""
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:1982
-msgid "Show user total"
-msgstr "Uporabnik skupno"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1227
+msgid "Retrieving current status."
+msgstr "Pridobivam trenutni status."
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:1983
-msgid "Show total credit for user"
-msgstr "Prikaži vse uporabnikove točke"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1233
+msgid "Downloading work from the server."
+msgstr "Prejemam delo s strežnika."
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:1989
-msgid "Show user average"
-msgstr "Uporabnik povprečno"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1238
+msgid "Processing Suspended:  Running On Batteries."
+msgstr "Obdelava na čakanju:  Teče na baterijah."
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:1990
-msgid "Show average credit for user"
-msgstr "Prikaži povprečje točk za uporabnika"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1240
+msgid "Processing Suspended:  User Active."
+msgstr "Obdelava na čakanju:  Uporabnik aktiven."
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:1996
-msgid "Show host total"
-msgstr "Gostitelj skupno"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:1997
-msgid "Show total credit for host"
-msgstr "Prikaži skupno točk za gostitelja"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2003
-msgid "Show host average"
-msgstr "Gostitelj povprečno"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1242
+msgid "Processing Suspended:  User paused processing."
+msgstr "Obdelava na čakanju:  Na željo uporabnika."
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2004
-msgid "Show average credit for host"
-msgstr "Prikaži povprečje točk za gostitelja"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1244
+msgid "Processing Suspended:  Time of Day."
+msgstr "Obdelava na čakanju:  Čas dneva."
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2013
-msgid "< &Previous project"
-msgstr "< &Predhodni projekt"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1246
+msgid "Processing Suspended:  Benchmarks Running."
+msgstr "Obdelava na čakanju:  Potekajo meritve hitrosti."
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2014
-msgid "Show chart for previous project"
-msgstr "Prikaži graf za predhodni projekt"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1248
+msgid "Processing Suspended."
+msgstr "Obdelava na čakanju."
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2019
-msgid "&Next project >"
-msgstr "&Naslednji projekt >"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1252
+msgid "Waiting to contact project servers."
+msgstr "Čakam, da kontaktiram strežnike projektov."
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2020
-msgid "Show chart for next project"
-msgstr "Prikaži graf za naslednji projekt"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1256
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1265
+msgid "Retrieving current status"
+msgstr "Pridobivam trenutni status"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2026 ViewStatistics.cpp:2416
-msgid "Hide project list"
-msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1260
+msgid "No work available to process"
+msgstr "Na voljo ni dela za obdelati."
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2027 ViewStatistics.cpp:2416
-msgid "Use entire area for graphs"
-msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1262
+msgid "Unable to connect to the core client"
+msgstr "Ne morem se povezati na odjemalca jedra"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2032
-msgid "Mode view"
-msgstr "Način pogleda"
+#: clientgui/TermsOfUsePage.cpp:218
+msgid "Terms of Use"
+msgstr "Pogoji uporabe"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2036
-msgid "One project"
-msgstr "En projekt"
+#: clientgui/TermsOfUsePage.cpp:222
+msgid "Please read the following terms of use:"
+msgstr "Prosim, preberite sledeče pogoje uporabe:"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2037
-msgid "Show one chart with selected project"
-msgstr "Prikaži en graf z izbranim projektom"
+#: clientgui/TermsOfUsePage.cpp:231
+msgid "I agree to the terms of use."
+msgstr "Strinjam se s pogoji uporabe."
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2043
-msgid "All projects (separate)"
+#: clientgui/TermsOfUsePage.cpp:237
+msgid "I do not agree to the terms of use."
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2044
-msgid "Show all projects, one chart per project"
-msgstr "Prikaži vse projekte, en graf na projekt"
+#: clientgui/UnavailablePage.cpp:183
+msgid "Project temporarily unavailable"
+msgstr "Projekt začasno ni na voljo"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2050
-msgid "All projects (together)"
+#: clientgui/UnavailablePage.cpp:186
+msgid ""
+"The project is temporarily unavailable.\n"
+"Please try again later."
 msgstr ""
+"Projekt začasno ni na voljo.\n"
+"Prosim, poskusite kasneje."
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2051
-msgid "Show one chart with all projects"
-msgstr "Prikaži en graf z vsemi projekti"
+#: clientgui/UnavailablePage.cpp:190
+msgid "Account manager temporarily unavailable"
+msgstr "Upravitelj računov začasno ni na voljo"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2057
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "All projects (sum)"
-msgstr "Vsi projekti (vsota)"
+#: clientgui/UnavailablePage.cpp:193
+msgid ""
+"The account manager is temporarily unavailable.\n"
+"Please try again later."
+msgstr ""
+"Upravitelj računov začasno ni na voljo.\n"
+"Prosim, poskusite kasneje."
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2058
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Show one chart with sum of projects"
-msgstr "Prikaži en graf z vsemi projekti"
+#: clientgui/ValidateAccountKey.cpp:68
+msgid "Please specify an account key to continue."
+msgstr "Za nadaljevanje, prosim, podajte ključ računa. "
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2079
-msgid "Statistics"
-msgstr "Statistika"
+#: clientgui/ValidateAccountKey.cpp:71
+msgid "Invalid Account Key; please enter a valid Account Key"
+msgstr "Napačen ključ računa; prosim vnesite veljaven ključ računa."
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2103 ViewStatistics.cpp:2124 ViewStatistics.cpp:2145
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2167 ViewStatistics.cpp:2188 ViewStatistics.cpp:2209
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2230 ViewStatistics.cpp:2251 ViewStatistics.cpp:2272
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2296
-msgid "Updating charts..."
-msgstr "Posodobljam grafe..."
+#: clientgui/ValidateAccountKey.cpp:82
+#: clientgui/ValidateEmailAddress.cpp:86
+msgid "Validation conflict"
+msgstr "Konflikt pri validaciji"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2420
-msgid "Show project list"
-msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ValidateEmailAddress.cpp:72
+msgid "Please specify an email address"
+msgstr "Prosim, vnesite naslov elektronske pošte"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2420
-msgid "Uses smaller area for graphs"
+#: clientgui/ValidateEmailAddress.cpp:75
+msgid "Invalid email address; please enter a valid email address"
 msgstr ""
+"Napačen naslov elektronske pošte; prosim vnesite pravilen naslov elektronske "
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:164
-msgid "Retry Now"
-msgstr "Ponovno poskusi zdaj"
+#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:69
+msgid "Missing URL"
+msgstr "Manjkajoč URL"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:165
-msgid "Retry the file transfer now"
+#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:70
+msgid ""
+"Please specify a URL.\n"
+"For example:\n"
 msgstr ""
+"Prosim podajte URL.\n"
+"Na primer:\n"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:171
-msgid "Abort Transfer"
-msgstr "Opusti prenos"
+#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:83
+#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:87
+#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:91
+#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:103
+#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:107
+#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:110
+msgid "Invalid URL"
+msgstr "Napačen URL"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:172
-msgid "Abort this file transfer.  You won't get credit for the task."
+#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:84
+#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:88
+#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:92
+msgid ""
+"Please specify a valid URL.\n"
+"For example:\n"
 msgstr ""
+"Prosim podajte veljaven URL.\n"
+"Na primer:\n"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:183
-msgid "File"
-msgstr "Datoteka"
+#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:104
+#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:108
+#, c-format
+msgid "'%s' does not contain a valid host name."
+msgstr "'%s' ne vsebuje veljavnega imena gostitelja."
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:184 ViewWork.cpp:233
-msgid "Progress"
-msgstr "Napredek"
+#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:111
+#, c-format
+msgid "'%s' does not contain a valid path."
+msgstr "'%s' ne vsebuje veljavne poti."
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:185
-msgid "Size"
-msgstr "Velikost"
+#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:84
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:175
+msgid "Commands"
+msgstr "Možnosti"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:186
-msgid "Elapsed Time"
-msgstr "Pretečeni čas"
+#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:88
+msgid "Copy all messages"
+msgstr "Kopiraj vsa sporočila"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:187
-msgid "Speed"
-msgstr "Hitrost"
+#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:95
+msgid "Copy selected messages"
+msgstr "Kopiraj izbrana sporočila"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:213
-msgid "Transfers"
-msgstr "Prenosi"
+#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:106
+#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:502
+msgid "Show only this project"
+msgstr "Prikaži samo ta projekt"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:280
-msgid "Network activity is suspended - "
-msgstr "Mrežna aktivnost je na čakanju - "
+#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:107
+#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:503
+msgid "Show only the messages for the selected project."
+msgstr "Prikaži samo sporočila za izbrani projekt."
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:282
-msgid ""
-"You can enable it using the Activity menu."
-msgstr ""
-"Lahko omogočite v menuju Aktivnost."
+#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:164
+msgid "Messages"
+msgstr "Sporočila"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:285
-msgid "BOINC"
-msgstr "BOINC"
+#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:187
+msgid "Copying all messages to the clipboard..."
+msgstr "Kopiram vsa sporočila na odložišče..."
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:292
-msgid "Retrying transfer now..."
-msgstr "Zdaj ponovno poskušam prenesti..."
+#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:223
+msgid "Copying selected messages to the clipboard..."
+msgstr "Kopiraj izbrana sporočila na odložišče..."
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:330
-msgid "Aborting transfer..."
-msgstr "Opuščam prenos..."
+#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:286
+msgid "Filtering messages..."
+msgstr "Filtriram sporočila..."
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:343
-#, c-format
-msgid ""
-"Are you sure you want to abort this file transfer '%s'?\n"
-"NOTE: Aborting a transfer will invalidate a task and you\n"
-"will not receive credit for it."
-msgstr ""
-"Ali ste prepričani, da želite opustiti prenos datoteke '%s'?\n"
-"OPOMBA: Opustitev prenosa bo razveljavila opravilo in\n"
-"zanj ne boste dobili točk."
+#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:494
+msgid "Show all messages"
+msgstr "Prikaži vsa sporočila"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:349
-msgid "Abort File Transfer"
-msgstr "Opusti prenos datoteke"
+#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:495
+msgid "Show messages for all projects."
+msgstr "Prikaži sporočila za vse projekte."
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:780
-msgid "Upload"
-msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:225
+msgid "Account"
+msgstr "Račun"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:780
-msgid "Download"
-msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:227
+msgid "Work done"
+msgstr "Opravljeno delo"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:784
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "retry in "
-msgstr "Ponovno poskusi čez_"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:228
+msgid "Avg. work done"
+msgstr "Povpr. opravljeno delo"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:786
-msgid "failed"
-msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:230
+msgid "Status"
+msgstr "Status"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:789
-msgid "suspended"
-msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:255
+msgid "Projects"
+msgstr "Projekti"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:794
-msgid "active"
-msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:307
+msgid "Updating project..."
+msgstr "Posodobljam projekt..."
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:796
-msgid "pending"
-msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:349
+msgid "Resuming project..."
+msgstr "Nadaljujem projekt..."
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:803
-msgid " (project backoff: "
-msgstr " (projekt je odstopil: "
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:353
+msgid "Suspending project..."
+msgstr "Dajem projekt na čakanje..."
-#: ViewWork.cpp:187 ViewWork.cpp:777
-msgid "Show active tasks"
-msgstr "Prikaži aktivna opravila"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:390
+msgid "Telling project to allow additional task downloads..."
+msgstr "Sporočam projektu, da je dovoljeno prejemanje dodatnih opravil..."
-#: ViewWork.cpp:188 ViewWork.cpp:778
-msgid "Show only active tasks."
-msgstr "Prikaži samo aktivna opravila"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:394
+msgid "Telling project to not fetch any additional tasks..."
+msgstr "Sporočam projektu, naj ne pobira dodatnih opravil..."
-#: ViewWork.cpp:194 sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:60
-msgid "Show graphics"
-msgstr "Prikaži grafiko"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:430
+msgid "Resetting project..."
+msgstr "Resetiram projekt..."
-#: ViewWork.cpp:195 sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:61
-msgid "Show application graphics in a window."
-msgstr "V oknu prikaži grafiko aplikacije."
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:488
+msgid "Removing project..."
+msgstr "Odstranjujem projekt..."
-#: ViewWork.cpp:201
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Show VM Console"
-msgstr "Gostitelj skupno"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:548
+msgid "Launching browser..."
+msgstr "Zaganjam brskalnik..."
-#: ViewWork.cpp:202
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1063
 #, fuzzy
-msgid "Show VM Console in a window."
-msgstr "V oknu prikaži grafiko aplikacije."
+msgid "Requested by user"
+msgstr "Na čakanju"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:209
-msgid "Suspend work for this result."
-msgstr "Delo za ta rezultat daj na čakanje."
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1064
+msgid "To fetch work"
+msgstr ""
-#: ViewWork.cpp:215 sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:72
-msgid "Abort"
-msgstr "Opusti"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1065
+msgid "To report completed tasks"
+msgstr ""
-#: ViewWork.cpp:216
-msgid "Abandon work on the result. You will get no credit for it."
-msgstr "Opusti delo na tem rezultatu. Zanj ne boste dobili točk."
-#: ViewWork.cpp:223 sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:79
-msgid "Show task details."
-msgstr "Prikaži podrobnosti opravila."
-#: ViewWork.cpp:235
-msgid "Elapsed"
-msgstr "Preteklo"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:236
+# well it would help if i knew what this should mean in context of BOINC :)
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1066
 #, fuzzy
-msgid "Remaining (estimated)"
-msgstr "Preostaja"
+msgid "To send trickle-up message"
+msgstr "Pretoči čakajoča sporočila gor"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:237
-msgid "Deadline"
-msgstr "Rok"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1067
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Requested by account manager"
+msgstr "Dodaj upravitelja računov"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:264
-msgid "Tasks"
-msgstr "Opravila"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1068
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Project initialization"
+msgstr "Projekt ni bil najden"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:357
-msgid "Resuming task..."
-msgstr "Nadaljujem opravilo..."
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1069
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Requested by project"
+msgstr "Opuščeno s strani projekta"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:360
-msgid "Suspending task..."
-msgstr "Opravilo dajem na čakanje..."
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1070
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Unknown reason"
+msgstr "neznan razlog"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:389
-msgid "Showing graphics for task..."
-msgstr "Prikazujem grafiko za to opravilo..."
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1084
+msgid "Suspended by user"
+msgstr "Na čakanju"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:426
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Showing VM console for task..."
-msgstr "Prikazujem grafiko za to opravilo..."
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1087
+msgid "Won't get new tasks"
+msgstr "Ne bom pridobil novih opravil"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:479
-#, c-format
-msgid ""
-"Are you sure you want to abort this task '%s'?\n"
-"(Progress: %s, Status: %s)"
-msgstr ""
-"Ali ste prepričani, da želite opustiti to opravilo '%s'?\n"
-"(Napredek: %s, Status: %s)"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1090
+msgid "Project ended - OK to remove"
+msgstr "Projekt končan - lahko odstranite"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:485
-#, c-format
-msgid "Are you sure you want to abort these %d tasks?"
-msgstr "Ali ste prepričani, da želite opustiti teh %d opravil?"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1093
+msgid "Will remove when tasks done"
+msgstr "Odstranjeno bo, ko bodo opravila opravljena"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:490 sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:256
-msgid "Abort task"
-msgstr "Opusti opravilo"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1096
+msgid "Scheduler request pending"
+msgstr "Čakajoča zahteva razvrščevalnika"
-# 75%
-#: ViewWork.cpp:499
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Aborting task..."
-msgstr "Opuščam prenos..."
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1102
+msgid "Scheduler request in progress"
+msgstr "Poteka zahteva razvrščevalnika"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:771
-msgid "Show all tasks"
-msgstr "Prikaži vsa opravila"
+# well it would help if i knew what this should mean in context of BOINC :)
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1105
+msgid "Trickle up message pending"
+msgstr "Pretoči čakajoča sporočila gor"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:772
-msgid "Show all tasks."
-msgstr "Prikaži vsa opravila."
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1111
+msgid "Communication deferred "
+msgstr "Komunikacija odložena "
-#: ViewWork.cpp:796 sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:103
-msgid "Resume work for this task."
-msgstr "Nadaljuj z delom za to opravila."
+#: clientgui/ViewResources.cpp:62
+msgid "Total disk usage"
+msgstr "Skupna poraba diska"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:802 sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:107
-msgid "Suspend work for this task."
-msgstr "Daj delo za to opravilo na čakanje."
+#: clientgui/ViewResources.cpp:83
+msgid "Disk usage by BOINC projects"
+msgstr "Poraba diska s strani BOINC projektov"
-#: WelcomePage.cpp:284
-msgid "Add project or account manager"
-msgstr "Dodaj projekt ali upravitelja računov"
+#: clientgui/ViewResources.cpp:116
+msgid "Disk"
+msgstr "Disk"
-#: WelcomePage.cpp:288
-msgid "Add project or use BOINC Account Manager"
+#: clientgui/ViewResources.cpp:225
+msgid "no projects: 0 bytes used"
 msgstr ""
-#: WelcomePage.cpp:297
-#, c-format
-msgid ""
-"If possible, add projects at the\n"
-"%s web site.\n"
-"Projects added via this wizard will not be\n"
-"listed on or managed via %s."
-msgstr ""
-"Če je možno, dodajte projekte na\n"
-"%s spletni strani.\n"
-"Projekti dodani preko tega čarovnika ne bodo\n"
-"prikazani ali upravljani prek %s."
+#: clientgui/ViewResources.cpp:262
+msgid "used by BOINC: "
+msgstr "BOINC uporablja: "
-#: WelcomePage.cpp:313
-#, fuzzy
-msgid ""
-"There are over 30 BOINC-based projects\n"
-"doing research in many areas of science,\n"
-"and you can volunteer for as many of them as you like.\n"
-"You can add a project directly,\n"
-"or use an 'Account Manager' web site to select projects."
-msgstr ""
-"Obstaja več kot 30 projektov temelječih na BOINC,\n"
-"ki opravljajo raziskave na veliko znanstvenih področjih,\n"
-"in lahko ste prostovoljec za kolikor izmed njih želite.\n"
-"Lahko se neposredno priklopite na projekt\n"
-"ali uporabite spletno stran 'Upravitelja računov', da izberete projekte."
+#: clientgui/ViewResources.cpp:272
+msgid "free, available to BOINC: "
+msgstr "prosto, na voljo za BOINC: "
-#: WelcomePage.cpp:325
-msgid ""
-"You have chosen to add a new volunteer computing project or change which "
-"you contribute to.\n"
-"Some of these projects are run and managed by World Community Grid, while "
-"are run and managed by other researchers or organizations. The BOINC "
-"can divide your spare processing power among any combination of projects.\n"
-"Alternatively, if you have registered with a BOINC Account Manager, you can "
-"this to choose which projects to support.\n"
-"Please choose which type of change you would like to make:\n"
-msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ViewResources.cpp:282
+msgid "free, not available to BOINC: "
+msgstr "prosto, ni na voljo za BOINC: "
-#: WelcomePage.cpp:339
-msgid "Use a BOINC Account Manager"
-msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ViewResources.cpp:292
+msgid "free: "
+msgstr "prosto: "
-#: WelcomePage.cpp:352
-msgid "To continue, click Next."
-msgstr "Za nadaljevanje kliknite Naprej."
+#: clientgui/ViewResources.cpp:302
+msgid "used by other programs: "
+msgstr "uporabljajo drugi programi: "
-#: WelcomePage.cpp:358
-msgid "Add or change your World Community Grid projects"
-msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1181
+msgid "User Total"
+msgstr "Skupaj od uporabnika"
-#: WelcomePage.cpp:361
-msgid "Add projects run by other researchers or organizations"
-msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1182
+msgid "User Average"
+msgstr "Uporabnikovo povprečje"
-#: WizardAttach.cpp:634
-msgid "Do you really want to cancel?"
-msgstr "Res želite preklicati?"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1183
+msgid "Host Total"
+msgstr "Skupaj gostiteljev"
-#: WizardAttach.cpp:635
-msgid "Question"
-msgstr "Vprašanje"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1184
+msgid "Host Average"
+msgstr "Gostiteljev v povprečju"
-#: sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:149
-msgid "Advanced View...\tCtrl+Shift+A"
-msgstr "Napredni pogled...\\Ctrl+Shift+A"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1331
+#, c-format
+msgid "Last update: %.0f days ago"
+msgstr "Zadnja posodobitev: pred %.0f dnevi"
-#: sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:150
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Display the advanced graphical interface."
-msgstr "Prikaži preprost uporabniški vmesnik."
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1956
+msgid "Show user total"
+msgstr "Uporabnik skupno"
-#: sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:157
-msgid "Skin"
-msgstr "Preobleka"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1957
+msgid "Show total credit for user"
+msgstr "Prikaži vse uporabnikove točke"
-#: sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:159
-msgid "Select the appearance of the user interface."
-msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1963
+msgid "Show user average"
+msgstr "Uporabnik povprečno"
-#: sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:206
-#, c-format
-msgid "&%s"
-msgstr "&%s"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1964
+msgid "Show average credit for user"
+msgstr "Prikaži povprečje točk za uporabnika"
-#: sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:390
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Default"
-msgstr "&Nastavi privzeto"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1970
+msgid "Show host total"
+msgstr "Gostitelj skupno"
-#: sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:759
-msgid "Suspend Computing"
-msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1971
+msgid "Show total credit for host"
+msgstr "Prikaži skupno točk za gostitelja"
-#: sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:760
-msgid "Resume Computing"
-msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1977
+msgid "Show host average"
+msgstr "Gostitelj povprečno"
-#: sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:777
-msgid "Open a window to view notices from projects or BOINC"
-msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1978
+msgid "Show average credit for host"
+msgstr "Prikaži povprečje točk za gostitelja"
-#: sg_DlgMessages.cpp:146
-msgid "Close"
-msgstr "Zapri"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1987
+msgid "< &Previous project"
+msgstr "< &Predhodni projekt"
-#: sg_DlgMessages.cpp:389
-#, c-format
-#, fuzzy, c-format
-msgid "%s - Notices"
-msgstr "%s Obvestila"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1988
+msgid "Show chart for previous project"
+msgstr "Prikaži graf za predhodni projekt"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:268
-msgid "This dialog controls preferences for this computer only."
-msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1993
+msgid "&Next project >"
+msgstr "&Naslednji projekt >"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:273
-msgid "Click OK to set preferences."
-msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1994
+msgid "Show chart for next project"
+msgstr "Prikaži graf za naslednji projekt"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:278
-msgid ""
-"Click Clear to restore web-based settings for all preferences listed below."
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2000
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2390
+msgid "Hide project list"
 msgstr ""
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:285
-msgid ""
-"For additional settings, select Computing Preferences in the Advanced View."
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2001
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2390
+msgid "Use entire area for graphs"
 msgstr ""
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:313
-msgid "Do work only between:"
-msgstr "Opravljaj delo le med:"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2006
+msgid "Mode view"
+msgstr "Način pogleda"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:335
-msgid "Connect to internet only between:"
-msgstr "Poveži se na internet samo med:"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2010
+msgid "One project"
+msgstr "En projekt"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:357 sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:374
-msgid "Use no more than:"
-msgstr "Ne uporabi več kot:"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2011
+msgid "Show one chart with selected project"
+msgstr "Prikaži en graf z izbranim projektom"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:370
-msgid "of disk space"
-msgstr "prostora na disku"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2017
+msgid "All projects (separate)"
+msgstr ""
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:387
-msgid "of the processor"
-msgstr "procesorskega časa"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2018
+msgid "Show all projects, one chart per project"
+msgstr "Prikaži vse projekte, en graf na projekt"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:391
-msgid "Do work while on battery?"
-msgstr "Opravljati delo med delovanjem na baterije?"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2024
+msgid "All projects (together)"
+msgstr ""
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:404
-msgid "Do work after idle for:"
-msgstr "Opravljati delo, ko je neaktiven že:"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2025
+msgid "Show one chart with all projects"
+msgstr "Prikaži en graf z vsemi projekti"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:429
-msgid "Clear all local preferences listed above and close the dialog"
-msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2031
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "All projects (sum)"
+msgstr "Vsi projekti (vsota)"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:602 sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:605
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:681 sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:685
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:697 sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:701
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:844 sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:855
-msgid "Anytime"
-msgstr "Kdajkoli"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2032
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Show one chart with sum of projects"
+msgstr "Prikaži en graf z vsemi projekti"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:638
-msgid "100 MB"
-msgstr "100 MB"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2053
+msgid "Statistics"
+msgstr "Statistika"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:639
-msgid "200 MB"
-msgstr "200 MB"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2077
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2098
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2119
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2141
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2162
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2183
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2204
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2225
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2246
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2270
+msgid "Updating charts..."
+msgstr "Posodobljam grafe..."
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:640
-msgid "500 MB"
-msgstr "500 MB"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2394
+msgid "Show project list"
+msgstr ""
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:641
-msgid "1 GB"
-msgstr "1 GB"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2394
+msgid "Uses smaller area for graphs"
+msgstr ""
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:642
-msgid "2 GB"
-msgstr "2 GB"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:169
+msgid "Retry Now"
+msgstr "Ponovno poskusi zdaj"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:643
-msgid "5 GB"
-msgstr "5 GB"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:170
+msgid "Retry the file transfer now"
+msgstr ""
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:644
-msgid "10 GB"
-msgstr "10 GB"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:176
+msgid "Abort Transfer"
+msgstr "Opusti prenos"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:645
-msgid "20 GB"
-msgstr "20 GB"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:177
+msgid "Abort this file transfer.  You won't get credit for the task."
+msgstr ""
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:646
-msgid "50 GB"
-msgstr "50 GB"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:188
+msgid "File"
+msgstr "Datoteka"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:647
-msgid "100 GB"
-msgstr "100 GB"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:189
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:238
+msgid "Progress"
+msgstr "Napredek"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:717
-#, c-format
-msgid "%d MB"
-msgstr "%d MB"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:190
+msgid "Size"
+msgstr "Velikost"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:719
-#, c-format
-msgid "%4.2f GB"
-msgstr "%4.2f GB"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:191
+msgid "Elapsed Time"
+msgstr "Pretečeni čas"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:760
-#, c-format
-msgid "%d%%"
-msgstr "%d%%"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:192
+msgid "Speed"
+msgstr "Hitrost"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:218
+msgid "Transfers"
+msgstr "Prenosi"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:796
-msgid "0 (Run Always)"
-msgstr "0 (Vedno naj teče)"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:285
+msgid "Network activity is suspended - "
+msgstr "Mrežna aktivnost je na čakanju - "
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:799
-#, c-format
-msgid "%d"
-msgstr "%d"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:287
+msgid ""
+"You can enable it using the Activity menu."
+msgstr ""
+"Lahko omogočite v menuju Aktivnost."
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:1029
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Do you really want to clear all local preferences?\n"
-msgstr "Res želite počistiti vse lokalne nastavitve?"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:290
+msgid "BOINC"
+msgstr "BOINC"
-#: sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:72
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Add Project"
-msgstr "Dodaj projekt"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:297
+msgid "Retrying transfer now..."
+msgstr "Zdaj ponovno poskušam prenesti..."
-#: sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:73
-msgid "Synchronize"
-msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:335
+msgid "Aborting transfer..."
+msgstr "Opuščam prenos..."
-#: sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:74
-msgid "Work done for this project"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:348
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Are you sure you want to abort this file transfer '%s'?\n"
+"NOTE: Aborting a transfer will invalidate a task and you\n"
+"will not receive credit for it."
 msgstr ""
+"Ali ste prepričani, da želite opustiti prenos datoteke '%s'?\n"
+"OPOMBA: Opustitev prenosa bo razveljavila opravilo in\n"
+"zanj ne boste dobili točk."
-#: sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:77
-msgid "Synchronize projects with account manager system"
-msgstr "Sinhronizirajte projekte s sistemom upravljanja računov"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:354
+msgid "Abort File Transfer"
+msgstr "Opusti prenos datoteke"
-#: sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:124
-msgid "Select a project to access with the controls below"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:785
+msgid "Upload"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:785
+msgid "Download"
 msgstr ""
-#: sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:145
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:789
 #, fuzzy
-msgid "Project Web Pages"
-msgstr "Spletna stran projekta"
+msgid "retry in "
+msgstr "Ponovno poskusi čez_"
-#: sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:149
-msgid "Project Commands"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:791
+msgid "failed"
 msgstr ""
-#: sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:267
-#, c-format
-msgid "Pop up a menu of web sites for project %s"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:794
+msgid "suspended"
 msgstr ""
-#: sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:269
-#, c-format
-msgid "Pop up a menu of commands to apply to project %s"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:799
+msgid "active"
 msgstr ""
-#: sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:67
-msgid "Suspend this task."
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:801
+msgid "pending"
 msgstr ""
-#: sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:73
-msgid "Abandon this task. You will get no credit for it."
-msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:808
+msgid " (project backoff: "
+msgstr " (projekt je odstopil: "
-#: sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:251
-#, c-format
-#, fuzzy, c-format
-msgid ""
-"Are you sure you want to abort this task '%s'?\n"
-"(Progress: %.1lf%%, Status: %s)"
-msgstr ""
-"Ali ste prepričani, da želite opustiti to opravilo '%s'?\n"
-"(Napredek: %s %%, Status: %s)"
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:192
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:782
+msgid "Show active tasks"
+msgstr "Prikaži aktivna opravila"
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:464
-msgid "You don't have any projects.  Please Add a Project."
-msgstr "Nimate projektov.  Prosimo dodajte projekt."
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:193
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:783
+msgid "Show only active tasks."
+msgstr "Prikaži samo aktivna opravila"
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:465
-msgid "Not available"
-msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:206
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Show VM Console"
+msgstr "Gostitelj skupno"
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:476
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:207
 #, fuzzy
-msgid "Tasks:"
-msgstr "Opravila"
+msgid "Show VM Console in a window."
+msgstr "V oknu prikaži grafiko aplikacije."
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:482
-msgid "Select a task to access"
-msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:214
+msgid "Suspend work for this result."
+msgstr "Delo za ta rezultat daj na čakanje."
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:493
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "From:"
-msgstr "Od"
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:221
+msgid "Abandon work on the result. You will get no credit for it."
+msgstr "Opusti delo na tem rezultatu. Zanj ne boste dobili točk."
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:547
-msgid "This task's progress"
-msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:240
+msgid "Elapsed"
+msgstr "Preteklo"
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:565
-msgid "Task Commands"
-msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:241
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Remaining (estimated)"
+msgstr "Preostaja"
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:566
-msgid "Pop up a menu of commands to apply to this task"
-msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:242
+msgid "Deadline"
+msgstr "Rok"
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:701
-#, c-format
-#, fuzzy, c-format
-msgid "Application: %s"
-msgstr "Aplikacija: "
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:269
+msgid "Tasks"
+msgstr "Opravila"
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:724
-#, c-format
-msgid "%.3f%%"
-msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:362
+msgid "Resuming task..."
+msgstr "Nadaljujem opravilo..."
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:732
-msgid "Application: Not available"
-msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:365
+msgid "Suspending task..."
+msgstr "Opravilo dajem na čakanje..."
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:832
-msgid "Not Available"
-msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:394
+msgid "Showing graphics for task..."
+msgstr "Prikazujem grafiko za to opravilo..."
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:847
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:431
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Showing VM console for task..."
+msgstr "Prikazujem grafiko za to opravilo..."
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:484
 #, c-format
-msgid "Elapsed: %s"
+msgid ""
+"Are you sure you want to abort this task '%s'?\n"
+"(Progress: %s, Status: %s)"
 msgstr ""
+"Ali ste prepričani, da želite opustiti to opravilo '%s'?\n"
+"(Napredek: %s, Status: %s)"
-# 84%
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:861
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:490
 #, c-format
-#, fuzzy, c-format
-msgid "Remaining (estimated): %s"
-msgstr "Preostaja"
+msgid "Are you sure you want to abort these %d tasks?"
+msgstr "Ali ste prepričani, da želite opustiti teh %d opravil?"
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:876
-#, c-format
-msgid "Status: %s"
-msgstr ""
+# 75%
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:504
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Aborting task..."
+msgstr "Opuščam prenos..."
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1223
-msgid "Retrieving current status."
-msgstr "Pridobivam trenutni status."
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:776
+msgid "Show all tasks"
+msgstr "Prikaži vsa opravila"
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1229
-msgid "Downloading work from the server."
-msgstr "Prejemam delo s strežnika."
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:777
+msgid "Show all tasks."
+msgstr "Prikaži vsa opravila."
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1234
-msgid "Processing Suspended:  Running On Batteries."
-msgstr "Obdelava na čakanju:  Teče na baterijah."
+#: clientgui/WelcomePage.cpp:284
+msgid "Add project or account manager"
+msgstr "Dodaj projekt ali upravitelja računov"
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1236
-msgid "Processing Suspended:  User Active."
-msgstr "Obdelava na čakanju:  Uporabnik aktiven."
+#: clientgui/WelcomePage.cpp:288
+msgid "Add project or use BOINC Account Manager"
+msgstr ""
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1238
-msgid "Processing Suspended:  User paused processing."
-msgstr "Obdelava na čakanju:  Na željo uporabnika."
+#: clientgui/WelcomePage.cpp:297
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"If possible, add projects at the\n"
+"%s web site.\n"
+"Projects added via this wizard will not be\n"
+"listed on or managed via %s."
+msgstr ""
+"Če je možno, dodajte projekte na\n"
+"%s spletni strani.\n"
+"Projekti dodani preko tega čarovnika ne bodo\n"
+"prikazani ali upravljani prek %s."
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1240
-msgid "Processing Suspended:  Time of Day."
-msgstr "Obdelava na čakanju:  Čas dneva."
+#: clientgui/WelcomePage.cpp:313
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"There are over 30 BOINC-based projects\n"
+"doing research in many areas of science,\n"
+"and you can volunteer for as many of them as you like.\n"
+"You can add a project directly,\n"
+"or use an 'Account Manager' web site to select projects."
+msgstr ""
+"Obstaja več kot 30 projektov temelječih na BOINC,\n"
+"ki opravljajo raziskave na veliko znanstvenih področjih,\n"
+"in lahko ste prostovoljec za kolikor izmed njih želite.\n"
+"Lahko se neposredno priklopite na projekt\n"
+"ali uporabite spletno stran 'Upravitelja računov', da izberete projekte."
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1242
-msgid "Processing Suspended:  Benchmarks Running."
-msgstr "Obdelava na čakanju:  Potekajo meritve hitrosti."
+#: clientgui/WelcomePage.cpp:325
+msgid ""
+"You have chosen to add a new volunteer computing project or change which projects\n"
+"you contribute to.\n"
+"Some of these projects are run and managed by World Community Grid, while others\n"
+"are run and managed by other researchers or organizations. The BOINC software\n"
+"can divide your spare processing power among any combination of projects.\n"
+"Alternatively, if you have registered with a BOINC Account Manager, you can use\n"
+"this to choose which projects to support.\n"
+"Please choose which type of change you would like to make:\n"
+msgstr ""
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1244
-msgid "Processing Suspended."
-msgstr "Obdelava na čakanju."
+#: clientgui/WelcomePage.cpp:339
+msgid "Use a BOINC Account Manager"
+msgstr ""
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1248
-msgid "Waiting to contact project servers."
-msgstr "Čakam, da kontaktiram strežnike projektov."
+#: clientgui/WelcomePage.cpp:358
+msgid "Add or change your World Community Grid projects"
+msgstr ""
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1252 sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1261
-msgid "Retrieving current status"
-msgstr "Pridobivam trenutni status"
+#: clientgui/WelcomePage.cpp:361
+msgid "Add projects run by other researchers or organizations"
+msgstr ""
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1256
-msgid "No work available to process"
-msgstr "Na voljo ni dela za obdelati."
+#: clientgui/WizardAttach.cpp:673
+msgid "Do you really want to cancel?"
+msgstr "Res želite preklicati?"
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1258
-msgid "Unable to connect to the core client"
-msgstr "Ne morem se povezati na odjemalca jedra"
+#: clientgui/WizardAttach.cpp:674
+msgid "Question"
+msgstr "Vprašanje"
-#: wizardex.cpp:377 wizardex.cpp:553
+#: clientgui/wizardex.cpp:377
+#: clientgui/wizardex.cpp:553
 msgid "&Next >"
 msgstr "&Naprej >"
-#: wizardex.cpp:383
+#: clientgui/wizardex.cpp:383
 msgid "< &Back"
 msgstr "< Na&zaj"
-#: wizardex.cpp:553
+#: clientgui/wizardex.cpp:553
 msgid "&Finish"
 msgstr "&Končaj"
-#: mac/Mac_GUI.cpp:110
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Preferences…"
-msgstr "Nastavitve"
+#: clientgui/common/wxPieCtrl.cpp:64
+msgid "Pie Ctrl"
+msgstr "Pie Ctrl"
-#: mac/Mac_GUI.cpp:122
+#: clientgui/mac/Mac_GUI.cpp:35
 msgid "Services"
 msgstr ""
-#: mac/Mac_GUI.cpp:144
+#: clientgui/mac/Mac_GUI.cpp:36
 #, c-format
 msgid "Hide %s"
 msgstr ""
-#: mac/Mac_GUI.cpp:158
+#: clientgui/mac/Mac_GUI.cpp:37
 msgid "Hide Others"
 msgstr ""
-#: mac/Mac_GUI.cpp:172
+#: clientgui/mac/Mac_GUI.cpp:38
 msgid "Show All"
 msgstr ""
-#: mac/Mac_GUI.cpp:186
+#: clientgui/mac/Mac_GUI.cpp:39
 #, c-format
 #, fuzzy, c-format
 msgid "Quit %s"
 msgstr "Za&pusti %s"
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.h:30
+msgid "specify work start and stop hours in format HH:MM-HH:MM"
+msgstr "podajte začetne in končne ure dela v formatu HH:MM-HH:MM"
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.h:31
+msgid "specify network usage start and stop hours in format HH:MM-HH:MM"
+msgstr "podajte začetne in končne ure uporabe mreže v formatu HH:MM-HH:MM"
+# 98%
+#, fuzzy
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "(C) 2003-2013 University of California, Berkeley.\n"
+#~ "All Rights Reserved."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "(C) 2003-2010 University of California, Berkeley.\n"
+#~ "Vse pravice pridržane."
+#, c-format
+#~ msgid "%s - Preferences"
+#~ msgstr "%s - Nastavitve"
+#, no-c-format
+#~ msgid "% CPU time"
+#~ msgstr "% procesorskega časa"
+#~ msgid "KBytes/sec."
+#~ msgstr "KBajtov/sekundo"
+#~ msgid "Mbytes"
+#~ msgstr "Mbajtov"
+#~ msgid "every"
+#~ msgstr "vsakih"
+#~ msgid "days"
+#~ msgstr "dni"
+#~ msgid "Gigabytes disk space"
+#~ msgstr "Prostor na disku v gigabajtih"
+#~ msgid "Running, high priority"
+#~ msgstr "Se izvaja, visoka prioriteta"
+#, fuzzy
+#~ msgid " (Waiting for network access)"
+#~ msgstr "Čaka na pomnilnik"
+#, fuzzy
+#~ msgid "Preferences…"
+#~ msgstr "Nastavitve"
 #~ msgid "I do not agree with the terms of use."
 #~ msgstr "Ne strinjam se s pogoji uporabe."
@@ -4269,15 +4478,6 @@ msgstr "Za&pusti %s"
 #~ msgid "OnDropTarget: index by HitTest = %i"
 #~ msgstr "OnDropTarget: indeks od HitTest = %i"
-#~ msgid "Pie Ctrl"
-#~ msgstr "Pie Ctrl"
-#~ msgid "specify work start and stop hours in format HH:MM-HH:MM"
-#~ msgstr "podajte začetne in končne ure dela v formatu HH:MM-HH:MM"
-#~ msgid "specify network usage start and stop hours in format HH:MM-HH:MM"
-#~ msgstr "podajte začetne in končne ure uporabe mreže v formatu HH:MM-HH:MM"
 #~ msgid "Identify your account "
 #~ msgstr "Identificirajte vaš uporabniški račun"
diff --git a/locale/sl/BOINC-Project-Generic.po b/locale/sl/BOINC-Project-Generic.po
index 1017ed9..e7e039d 100644
--- a/locale/sl/BOINC-Project-Generic.po
+++ b/locale/sl/BOINC-Project-Generic.po
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ msgstr ""
 "Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: BOINC translation team <boinc_loc at boinc.berkeley.edu>\n"
 "POT-Creation-Date: 2014-01-10 00:00 PST\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-06-05 20:02+0200\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2014-08-07 14:54+0000\n"
 "Last-Translator: Anonymous Pootle User\n"
 "Language-Team: LANGUAGE <LL at li.org>\n"
 "Language: sl\n"
@@ -16,8 +16,9 @@ msgstr ""
 "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
 "Plural-Forms: nplurals=4; plural=(n%100==1 ? 0 : n%100==2 ? 1 : n%100==3 || "
 "n%100==4 ? 2 : 3);\n"
-"X-Generator: Pootle 2.1.6\n"
+"X-Generator: Pootle 2.5.0\n"
 "X-Poedit-SourceCharset: utf-8\n"
+"X-POOTLE-MTIME: 1407423277.0\n"
 msgstr "Slovenščina"
@@ -1200,8 +1201,9 @@ msgid "Use NVIDIA GPU %1 Enforced by version 6.10+ %2"
 msgstr "Uporabi NVIDIA grafični procesor %1 Velja za različice od 6.10 dalje %2"
 #: ../inc/prefs.inc:344
+#, fuzzy
 msgid "Use Intel GPU %1 Enforced by version 7.2+ %2"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Uporabi ATI grafični procesor %1 Velja za različice od 6.10 dalje %2"
 #: ../inc/prefs.inc:358
 msgid ""
@@ -1762,8 +1764,9 @@ msgid "State"
 msgstr "Status"
 #: ../inc/result.inc:747
+#, fuzzy
 msgid "Task name:"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Ime opravila"
 #: ../inc/team.inc:40
 msgid "Search criteria (use one or more)"
@@ -2118,8 +2121,9 @@ msgid "Used in community functions"
 msgstr "Uporabljeno v funkcijah skupnosti"
 #: ../inc/user.inc:216 ../user/weak_auth.php:25
+#, fuzzy
 msgid "Account keys"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Ključ računa"
 #: ../inc/user.inc:221
 msgid "Preferences"
@@ -2566,8 +2570,9 @@ msgid "Top GPU models"
 msgstr ""
 #: ../user/bs_sample_index.php:70
+#, fuzzy
 msgid "Languages"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Jezik"
 #: ../user/bs_sample_index.php:149 ../user/info.php:24
 #: ../user/sample_index.php:79
diff --git a/locale/sl/BOINC-Web.mo b/locale/sl/BOINC-Web.mo
index 599bb2e..1670013 100644
Binary files a/locale/sl/BOINC-Web.mo and b/locale/sl/BOINC-Web.mo differ
diff --git a/locale/sl/BOINC-Web.po b/locale/sl/BOINC-Web.po
index 6c0a477..935e0a8 100644
--- a/locale/sl/BOINC-Web.po
+++ b/locale/sl/BOINC-Web.po
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ msgstr ""
 "Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: BOINC translation team <boinc_loc at ssl.berkeley.edu>\n"
 "POT-Creation-Date: 2014-02-01 00:00 PST\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-06-05 20:02+0200\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2014-08-07 14:27+0000\n"
 "Last-Translator: Anonymous Pootle User\n"
 "Language-Team: LANGUAGE <LL at li.org>\n"
 "Language: sl\n"
@@ -16,8 +16,9 @@ msgstr ""
 "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
 "Plural-Forms: nplurals=4; plural=(n%100==1 ? 0 : n%100==2 ? 1 : n%100==3 || "
 "n%100==4 ? 2 : 3);\n"
-"X-Generator: Pootle 2.1.6\n"
+"X-Generator: Pootle 2.5.0\n"
 "X-Poedit-SourceCharset: utf-8\n"
+"X-POOTLE-MTIME: 1407421662.0\n"
 #: docutil.php:21
 msgid "Search"
@@ -971,8 +972,9 @@ msgid ""
 msgstr ""
 #: ../html/inc/news.inc:40
+#, fuzzy
 msgid "Comment"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Pripombe"
 #: ../html/inc/news.inc:111
 #, php-format
diff --git a/locale/nb/BOINC-Android.po b/locale/sv_SE/BOINC-Android.po
similarity index 98%
copy from locale/nb/BOINC-Android.po
copy to locale/sv_SE/BOINC-Android.po
index b0e5fc1..ebc33d9 100644
--- a/locale/nb/BOINC-Android.po
+++ b/locale/sv_SE/BOINC-Android.po
@@ -1,20 +1,19 @@
-# Norwegian Bokmål translations for PACKAGE.
+# Translations template for PROJECT.
 # Copyright (C) 2013 ORGANIZATION
-# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE project.
+# This file is distributed under the same license as the PROJECT project.
 msgid ""
 msgstr ""
 "Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: EMAIL at ADDRESS\n"
 "POT-Creation-Date: 2013-10-18 00:00-0700\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-10-22 15:28-0700\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
 "Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL at ADDRESS>\n"
-"Language-Team: nb <LL at li.org>\n"
-"Language: nb\n"
+"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <LL at li.org>\n"
+"Language: sv_SE\n"
 "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
-"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
 "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
-"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1)\n"
 "X-Generator: Translate Toolkit 1.10.0\n"
 "Generated-By: Babel 1.0dev\n"
diff --git a/locale/sv_SE/BOINC-Client.po b/locale/sv_SE/BOINC-Client.po
index a3b9dea..acc9140 100644
--- a/locale/sv_SE/BOINC-Client.po
+++ b/locale/sv_SE/BOINC-Client.po
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ msgid ""
 msgstr ""
 "Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2013-06-05 10:24-0700\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2013-10-15 22:25-0700\n"
 "PO-Revision-Date: 2012-01-05 17:57+0200\n"
 "Last-Translator: Erik <ersi at digitalfractions.net>\n"
 "Language-Team: LANGUAGE <LL at li.org>\n"
@@ -17,16 +17,16 @@ msgstr ""
 "Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
 "X-Generator: Pootle 2.1.6\n"
-#: acct_mgr.cpp:448 acct_mgr.cpp:457
+#: acct_mgr.cpp:450 acct_mgr.cpp:459
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Message from account manager"
 msgstr "Meddelande från servern"
-#: client_msgs.cpp:85
+#: client_msgs.cpp:81
 msgid "Message from server"
 msgstr "Meddelande från servern"
-#: client_state.cpp:246
+#: client_state.cpp:258
 msgid ""
 "Some tasks need more memory than allowed by your preferences.  Please check "
 "the preferences."
@@ -34,15 +34,15 @@ msgstr ""
 "Vissa uppgifter kräver mer minne än du tillåtit i dina inställningar. Var "
 "vänlig kontrollera dina inställningar."
-#: client_state.cpp:501
+#: client_state.cpp:520
 msgid "Couldn't write state file; check directory permissions"
 msgstr "Kunde inte skriva tillståndsfil; kontrollera katalogsbehörigheter"
-#: cs_cmdline.cpp:299
+#: cs_cmdline.cpp:303
 msgid "The HTTP_PROXY environment variable must specify an HTTP proxy"
 msgstr "Miljövariabeln HTTP_PROXY måste specifiera en HTTP-proxy"
-#: cs_scheduler.cpp:575
+#: cs_scheduler.cpp:613
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "You used the wrong URL for this project.  When convenient, remove this "
@@ -51,40 +51,40 @@ msgstr ""
 "Du använde en felaktig URL för detta projekt. Vid tillfälle, ta bort "
 "projektet och lägg sedan till %s"
-#: cs_statefile.cpp:829 ../sched/sched_types.cpp:259
+#: cs_statefile.cpp:828 ../sched/sched_types.cpp:259
 msgid "Syntax error in app_info.xml"
 msgstr "Syntaxfel i app_info.xml"
-#: cs_statefile.cpp:869
+#: cs_statefile.cpp:868
 msgid "File referenced in app_info.xml does not exist: "
 msgstr "Fil refererad i app_info.xml saknas: "
-#: current_version.cpp:90
+#: current_version.cpp:91
 msgid "A new version of BOINC is available."
 msgstr "En ny version av BOINC finns tillgänglig."
-#: current_version.cpp:94
+#: current_version.cpp:94 current_version.cpp:102
 msgid "Download"
 msgstr ""
-#: log_flags.cpp:259 log_flags.cpp:436
+#: log_flags.cpp:269 log_flags.cpp:449
 msgid "Unexpected text in cc_config.xml"
 msgstr "Oväntad text i cc_config.xml"
-#: log_flags.cpp:410 log_flags.cpp:462
+#: log_flags.cpp:423 log_flags.cpp:475
 msgid "Unrecognized tag in cc_config.xml"
 msgstr "Okänd tagg i cc_config.xml"
-#: log_flags.cpp:427
+#: log_flags.cpp:440
 msgid "Missing start tag in cc_config.xml"
 msgstr "Starttagg i cc_config.xml saknas"
-#: log_flags.cpp:452
+#: log_flags.cpp:465
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Error in cc_config.xml options"
 msgstr "Okänd tagg i cc_config.xml"
-#: log_flags.cpp:470
+#: log_flags.cpp:483
 msgid "Missing end tag in cc_config.xml"
 msgstr "Sluttagg i cc_config.xml saknas"
diff --git a/locale/sv_SE/BOINC-Manager.po b/locale/sv_SE/BOINC-Manager.po
index bbd9704..04ec2e6 100644
--- a/locale/sv_SE/BOINC-Manager.po
+++ b/locale/sv_SE/BOINC-Manager.po
@@ -6,19 +6,20 @@ msgid ""
 msgstr ""
 "Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2013-06-18 11:32-0500\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-01-05 17:57+0200\n"
-"Last-Translator: Erik <ersi at digitalfractions.net>\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-12-15 14:15-0500\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2014-12-15 21:29+0000\n"
+"Last-Translator: Anonymous Pootle User\n"
 "Language-Team: LANGUAGE <LL at li.org>\n"
 "Language: sv_SE\n"
 "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
 "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
 "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
 "Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
-"X-Generator: Pootle 2.1.6\n"
-"X-Poedit-SourceCharset: utf-8\n"
-"X-Poedit-Basepath: C:\\Src\\BOINCGIT\\boinc\n"
+"X-Generator: Pootle 2.5.0\n"
+"X-Poedit-Basepath: C:\\Src\\BOINCGIT\\boinc_7.4\n"
 "X-Poedit-SearchPath-0: clientgui\n"
+"X-Poedit-SourceCharset: utf-8\n"
+"X-POOTLE-MTIME: 1418678985.0\n"
 "X-Poedit-SearchPath-1: clientgui/msw\n"
 "X-Poedit-SearchPath-2: clientgui/gtk\n"
 "X-Poedit-SearchPath-3: clientgui/mac\n"
@@ -27,23 +28,27 @@ msgstr ""
 #: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:387
 #, c-format
 msgid "Identify your account at %s"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Identifiera ditt konto hos %s"
 #: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:393
 msgid ""
 "Please enter your account information\n"
 "(to create an account, visit the project's web site)"
 msgstr ""
+"Ange din kontoinformation\n"
+"(besök projektets webbplats för att skapa ett konto)"
 #: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:397
 msgid ""
 "This project is not currently accepting new accounts.\n"
 "You can add it only if you already have an account."
 msgstr ""
+"Projektet accepterar för närvarande inte nya konton.\n"
+"Du kan bara lägga till det om du redan har ett konto."
 #: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:401
 msgid "Are you already running this project?"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Kör du redan detta projekt?"
 #: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:405
 msgid "&No, new user"
@@ -51,7 +56,7 @@ msgstr "&Nej, ny användare"
 #: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:408
 msgid "&Yes, existing user"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "&Ja, befintlig användare"
 #: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:413
 msgid ""
@@ -62,487 +67,503 @@ msgid ""
 "below to find out what to put in the email address and\n"
 "password fields."
 msgstr ""
+"Vi kunde inte ställa in din kontoinformation\n"
+"Klicka på länken ”Hitta inloggningsuppgifter”\n"
+"nedanför för att se vad du ska ange i e-post- och\n"
 #: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:416
 msgid "Find login information"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Hitta inloggningsuppgifter"
-#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:436 clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:668
-#, fuzzy
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:436
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:649
 msgid "&Password:"
-msgstr "Lösenord"
+msgstr "&Lösenord:"
-#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:443 clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:692
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:443
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:673
 msgid "Choose a &password:"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Välj ett &lösenord:"
 #: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:446
 msgid "C&onfirm password:"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "&Bekräfta lösenord:"
 #: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:453
 #, c-format
 msgid "Are you already running %s?"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Kör du redan %s?"
 #: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:482
 msgid "&Username:"
+msgstr "&Användarnamn:"
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:511
+msgid "&Email address or LDAP ID:"
 msgstr ""
-#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:508
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:515
 msgid "&Email address:"
 msgstr "&E-postadress:"
-#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:515
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:523
 #, c-format
 msgid "minimum length %d"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "minimal längd %d"
-#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:522
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:530
 msgid "Forgot your password?"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Glömt ditt lösenord?"
-#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:529
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:537
 msgid ""
 "If you have not yet registered with this account manager,\n"
 "please do so before proceeding.  Click on the link below\n"
 "to register or to retrieve a forgotten password."
 msgstr ""
+"Om du inte har registrerat med den här kontohanteraren,\n"
+"gör detta innan du fortsätter.  Klicka på länken nedan\n"
+"för att registrera eller hämta ett bortglömt lösenord."
-#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:532
-msgid "Account manager website"
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:540
+msgid "Account manager web site"
 msgstr ""
-#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:574
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:582
 msgid "Add project"
 msgstr "Lägg till projekt"
-#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:576
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:584
 msgid "Update account manager"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Uppdatera kontohanteraren"
-#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:578
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:586
 msgid "Use account manager"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Använd kontohanteraren"
-#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:587
-msgid ""
-"The minimum username length for this project is 1. Please enter a different "
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:593
+msgid "Please enter a user name."
 msgstr ""
-#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:592
-msgid ""
-"The minimum username length for this account manager is 1. Please enter a "
-"different username."
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:595
+msgid "Please enter an email address."
 msgstr ""
-#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:598
-msgid ""
-"The minimum email address length for this project is 1. Please enter a "
-"different email address."
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:605
+#, c-format
+msgid "Please enter a password of at least %d characters."
 msgstr ""
-#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:603
-msgid ""
-"The minimum email address length for this account manager is 1. Please enter "
-"a different email address."
-msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:615
+msgid "The password and confirmation password do not match. Please type them again."
+msgstr "Lösenordet och bekräftelselösenordet stämde inte överens. Prova igen."
-#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:616
-#, c-format
-msgid ""
-"The minimum password length for this project is %d. Please enter a different "
-msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/AccountManagerInfoPage.cpp:272
+msgid "Choose an account manager"
+msgstr "Välj en kontohanterare"
-#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:622
-#, c-format
+#: clientgui/AccountManagerInfoPage.cpp:275
 msgid ""
-"The minimum password length for this account manager is %d. Please enter a "
-"different password."
+"To choose an account manager, click its name or \n"
+"type its URL below."
 msgstr ""
+"För att välja en kontohanterare, klicka på dess namn eller \n"
+"skriv in dess URL nedan."
-#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:634
-msgid ""
-"The password and confirmation password do not match. Please type them again."
+#: clientgui/AccountManagerInfoPage.cpp:279
+msgid "Account manager details:"
 msgstr ""
-#: clientgui/AccountManagerInfoPage.cpp:248
-msgid "Choose an account manager"
+#: clientgui/AccountManagerInfoPage.cpp:283
+msgid "Account manager &URL:"
 msgstr ""
-#: clientgui/AccountManagerInfoPage.cpp:251
-msgid ""
-"To choose an account manager, click its name or \n"
-"type its URL below."
+#: clientgui/AccountManagerInfoPage.cpp:287
+msgid "Open web page"
 msgstr ""
-#: clientgui/AccountManagerInfoPage.cpp:254
-msgid "Account Manager &URL:"
+#: clientgui/AccountManagerInfoPage.cpp:290
+msgid "Visit this account manager's web site"
 msgstr ""
-#: clientgui/AccountManagerProcessingPage.cpp:188
-#: clientgui/AccountManagerPropertiesPage.cpp:194
+#: clientgui/AccountManagerProcessingPage.cpp:186
+#: clientgui/AccountManagerPropertiesPage.cpp:192
 #, c-format
 msgid "Communicating with %s."
 msgstr "Kommunicerar med %s."
-#: clientgui/AccountManagerProcessingPage.cpp:195
-#: clientgui/AccountManagerPropertiesPage.cpp:201
-#, fuzzy
+#: clientgui/AccountManagerProcessingPage.cpp:193
+#: clientgui/AccountManagerPropertiesPage.cpp:199
 msgid "Communicating with server."
-msgstr "Kommunicerar med %s."
+msgstr "Kommunicerar med server."
-#: clientgui/AccountManagerProcessingPage.cpp:200
-#: clientgui/AccountManagerPropertiesPage.cpp:206
+#: clientgui/AccountManagerProcessingPage.cpp:198
+#: clientgui/AccountManagerPropertiesPage.cpp:204
 msgid "Please wait..."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Vänligen vänta…"
-#: clientgui/AccountManagerProcessingPage.cpp:327
+#: clientgui/AccountManagerProcessingPage.cpp:325
 msgid "An internal server error has occurred.\n"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Ett internt serverfel har inträffat.\n"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:95
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:96
 msgid "Connected"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Ansluten"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:103
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:104
 msgid "Disconnected"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Frånkopplad"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:315
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:318
 #, c-format
 msgid "Close the %s window"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Stäng %s-fönstret"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:318
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:321
 msgid "&Close Window"
 msgstr "&Stäng fönstret"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:329 clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:336
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:343
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:332
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:339
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:346
 #, c-format
 msgid "Exit %s"
 msgstr "Avsluta %s"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:358
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:359
+msgid "Preferences..."
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:368
 msgid "&Notices\tCtrl+Shift+N"
 msgstr "&Notiser\t Ctrl+Shift+N"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:359
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:369
 msgid "Display notices"
 msgstr "Visa notiser"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:364
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:374
 msgid "&Projects\tCtrl+Shift+P"
 msgstr "&Projekt\t Ctrl+Shift+P"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:365
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:375
 msgid "Display projects"
 msgstr "Visa projekt"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:370
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:380
 msgid "&Tasks\tCtrl+Shift+T"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "&Uppgifter\tCtrl+Skift+T"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:371
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:381
 msgid "Display tasks"
 msgstr "Visa uppgifter"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:376
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:386
 msgid "Trans&fers\tCtrl+Shift+X"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Över&föringar\tCtrl+Skift+X"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:377
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:387
 msgid "Display transfers"
 msgstr "Visa överföringar"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:382
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:392
 msgid "&Statistics\tCtrl+Shift+S"
 msgstr "&Statistik\t Ctrl+Shift+S"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:383
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:393
 msgid "Display statistics"
 msgstr "Visa statistik"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:388
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:398
 msgid "&Disk usage\tCtrl+Shift+D"
 msgstr "&Diskanvändning\tCtrl+Shift+D"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:389
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:399
 msgid "Display disk usage"
 msgstr "Visa diskanvändning"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:396
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:406
 msgid "Simple &View...\tCtrl+Shift+V"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Enkel &vy...\tCtrl+Skift+V"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:397
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:407
 msgid "Display the simple graphical interface."
 msgstr "Visa det förenklade grafiska gränssnittet."
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:411
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:421
 msgid "&Add project or account manager..."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "&Lägg till projekt eller kontohanterare…"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:412
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:422
 msgid "Volunteer for any or all of 30+ projects in many areas of science"
 msgstr ""
 "Bli volontär för något eller alla de 30+ projekten som finns inom flera "
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:416
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:426
 #, c-format
 msgid "&Synchronize with %s"
 msgstr "&Synkronisera med %s"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:420
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:430
 #, c-format
 msgid "Get current settings from %s"
 msgstr "Hämta aktuella inställningar från %s"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:430
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:440
 msgid "&Add project..."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "&Lägg till projekt…"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:431
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:441
 msgid "Add a project"
 msgstr "Lägg till ett projekt"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:434
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:444
 #, c-format
 msgid "S&top using %s..."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "S&luta att använda %s…"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:440
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:450
 msgid "Remove this computer from account manager control."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Ta bort denna dator från kontohanterarkontroll."
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:445
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:455
 msgid "&Options..."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "&Alternativ…"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:446
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:456
 msgid "Configure display options and proxy settings"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Konfigurera visningsalternativ och proxyinställningar"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:450
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:460
 msgid "Computing &preferences..."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "&Beräkningsinställningar…"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:451
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:461
 msgid "Configure computing preferences"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Konfigurera beräkningsinställningar"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:459
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:469
 msgid "&Run always"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "&Kör alltid"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:460
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:470
 msgid "Allow work regardless of preferences"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Tillåt jobb oavsett inställningar"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:464
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:474
 msgid "Run based on &preferences"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Kör baserat på &inställningar"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:465
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:475
 msgid "Allow work according to preferences"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Tillåt jobb baserat på inställningar"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:469
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:479
 msgid "&Suspend"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "&Vänteläge"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:470
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:480
 msgid "Stop work regardless of preferences"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Stoppa jobb oavsett inställningar"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:495
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:505
 msgid "Use GPU always"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Använd alltid GPU"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:496
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:506
 msgid "Allow GPU work regardless of preferences"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Tillåt GPU-jobb oavsett inställningar"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:500
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:510
 msgid "Use GPU based on preferences"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Använd GPU baserat på inställningar"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:501
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:511
 msgid "Allow GPU work according to preferences"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Tillåt GPU-jobb baserat på inställningar"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:505
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:515
 msgid "Suspend GPU"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Försätt GPU i vänteläge"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:506
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:516
 msgid "Stop GPU work regardless of preferences"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Stoppa GPU-jobb oavsett inställningar"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:530
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:540
 msgid "Network activity always available"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Nätverksaktivitet alltid tillgänglig"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:531
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:541
 msgid "Allow network activity regardless of preferences"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Tillåt nätverksaktivitet oavsett inställningar"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:535
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:545
 msgid "Network activity based on preferences"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Nätverksaktivitet baserat på inställningar"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:536
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:546
 msgid "Allow network activity according to preferences"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Tillåt nätverksaktivitet baserat på inställningar"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:540
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:550
 msgid "Network activity suspended"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Nätverksaktivitet försatt i vänteläge"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:541
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:551
 msgid "Stop BOINC network activity"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Stoppa BOINC nätverksaktivitet"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:551
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:561
 #, c-format
 msgid "Connect to another computer running %s"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Anslut till en annan dator körandes %s"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:556
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:566
 msgid "Select computer..."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Välj dator…"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:561
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:571
 msgid "Shut down connected client..."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Stoppa den anslutna klienten…"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:562
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:572
 msgid "Shut down the currently connected client"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Stoppa aktuell ansluten klient"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:566
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:576
 msgid "Run CPU &benchmarks"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Kör CPU-&mätningar"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:567
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:577
 msgid "Runs BOINC CPU benchmarks"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Kör BOINC CPU-mätningar"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:571
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:581
 msgid "Do network communication"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Utför nätverkskommunikation"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:572
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:582
 msgid "Do all pending network communication"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Utför all väntande nätverkskommunikation"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:576
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:586
 msgid "Read config files"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Läs konfigurationsfiler"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:577
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:587
 msgid "Read configuration info from cc_config.xml and any app_config.xml files"
 msgstr ""
+"Läs konfiguration från cc_config.xml och eventuella app_config.xml-filer"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:581
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:591
 msgid "Read local prefs file"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Läs lokal inställningsfil"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:582
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:592
 msgid "Read preferences from global_prefs_override.xml."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Läs inställningar från global_prefs_override.xml."
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:587
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:597
 #, c-format
 msgid "Launch another instance of %s..."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Starta ännu en instans av %s…"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:591
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:601
 #, c-format
 msgid "Launch another %s"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Starta en annan %s"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:601
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:611
 msgid "Event Log...\tCtrl+Shift+E"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Händelselogg...\tCtrl+Skift+E"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:602
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:612
 msgid "Display diagnostic messages."
+msgstr "Visa diagnostiska meddelanden."
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:616
+msgid "Event Log Diagnostic Flags...\tCtrl+Shift+F"
 msgstr ""
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:612
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:617
+msgid "Enable or disable various diagnostic messages"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:626
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s &help"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "%s-&hjälp"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:618
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:632
 #, c-format
 msgid "Show information about %s"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Visa information om %s"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:630
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:644
 #, c-format
 msgid "&%s help"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "&%s-hjälp"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:636
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:650
 #, c-format
 msgid "Show information about the %s"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Visa information om %s"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:648
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:662
 #, c-format
-msgid "%s &website"
+msgid "%s &web site"
 msgstr ""
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:654
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:668
 #, c-format
 msgid "Show information about BOINC and %s"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Visa information om BOINC och %s"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:666
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:680
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:544
 #, c-format
 msgid "&About %s..."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "&Om %s…"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:672
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:686
 msgid "Licensing and copyright information."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Licens- och upphovsrättsinformation."
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:679
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:693
 msgid "&File"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "&Arkiv"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:683
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:697
 msgid "&View"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "&Visa"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:687
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:701
 msgid "&Tools"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "&Verktyg"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:691
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:705
 msgid "&Activity"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "&Aktivitet"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:695
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:709
 msgid "A&dvanced"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Avan&cerat"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:699
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:713
 msgid "&Help"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "&Hjälp"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1178
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1185
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - Stop using %s"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "%s - Sluta att använda %s"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1183
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1190
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "If you stop using %s,\n"
@@ -551,47 +572,54 @@ msgid ""
 "Do you want to stop using %s?"
 msgstr ""
+"Om du slutar att använda %s,\n"
+"kommer du att behålla alla aktuella projekt,\n"
+"men du måste hantera projekten manuellt.\n"
+"Vill du sluta att använda %s?"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1381
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1397
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - Shut down the current client..."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "%s - Stäng av den aktuella klienten…"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1390
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1406
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "%s will shut down the current client\n"
 "and prompt you for another host to connect to."
 msgstr ""
+"%s kommer att stänga av den aktuella klienten\n"
+"och därefter fråga efter en annan värd att ansluta till."
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1709
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1806
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s"
 msgstr "%s"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1718
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1815
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s has successfully added %s"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "%s har lagt till %s"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1860
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1953
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - (%s)"
 msgstr "%s - (%s)"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1864
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1957
 #, c-format
 msgid "Connecting to %s"
 msgstr "Ansluter till %s"
-#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1867
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1960
 #, c-format
 msgid "Connected to %s (%s)"
 msgstr "Ansluten till %s (%s)"
 #: clientgui/AlreadyExistsPage.cpp:184
 msgid "Username already in use"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Användarnamnet används redan"
 #: clientgui/AlreadyExistsPage.cpp:187
 msgid ""
@@ -600,10 +628,14 @@ msgid ""
 "Please visit the project's web site and follow the instructions there."
 msgstr ""
+"Ett konto med det användarnamnet finns redan och har ett\n"
+"annat lösenord än det du angav.\n"
+"Besök projektets webbplats och följ instruktionerna där."
 #: clientgui/AlreadyExistsPage.cpp:191
 msgid "Email address already in use"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "E-postadressen används redan"
 #: clientgui/AlreadyExistsPage.cpp:194
 msgid ""
@@ -612,113 +644,129 @@ msgid ""
 "Please visit the project's web site and follow the instructions there."
 msgstr ""
+"Ett konto med den e-postadressen används redan och har ett\n"
+"annat lösenord än det du angav.\n"
+"Besök projektets webbplats och följ instruktionerna där."
-#: clientgui/AsyncRPC.cpp:1238
+#: clientgui/AsyncRPC.cpp:1031
 msgid "Communicating with BOINC client.  Please wait ..."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Kommunicerar med BOINC-klienten.  Vänligen vänta …"
-#: clientgui/AsyncRPC.cpp:1241
+#: clientgui/AsyncRPC.cpp:1034
 #, c-format
 msgid "&Quit %s"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "&Avbryt %s"
 # 87%
 # 100%
-#: clientgui/AsyncRPC.cpp:1243
-#, fuzzy, c-format
+#: clientgui/AsyncRPC.cpp:1036
+#, c-format
 msgid "E&xit %s"
-msgstr "Avsluta %s"
+msgstr "&Avsluta %s"
-#: clientgui/AsyncRPC.cpp:1247
+#: clientgui/AsyncRPC.cpp:1040
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - Communication"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "%s - Kommunikation"
-#: clientgui/AsyncRPC.cpp:1263
+#: clientgui/AsyncRPC.cpp:1056
 msgid "Cancel"
 msgstr "Avbryt"
-#: clientgui/BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:505
+#: clientgui/BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:504
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - Connection Error"
 msgstr "%s - Anslutningsfel"
-#: clientgui/BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:514
+#: clientgui/BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:513
 msgid ""
 "You currently are not authorized to manage the client.\n"
-"Please contact your administrator to add you to the 'boinc_users' local user "
+"Please contact your administrator to add you to the 'boinc_users' local user group."
 msgstr ""
+"Du är för närvarande inte auktoriserad till att hantera klienten.\n"
+"Kontakta din systemadministratör för att bli tillagd till ”boinc_users” "
+"lokala användargrupp."
-#: clientgui/BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:523
+#: clientgui/BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:522
 msgid ""
 "Authorization failed connecting to running client.\n"
 "Make sure you start this program in the same directory as the client."
 msgstr ""
+"Auktorisering misslyckades vid anslutning till körande klient.\n"
+"Säkerställ att du startade programmet i samma katalog som klienten."
-#: clientgui/BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:525
+#: clientgui/BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:524
 msgid "Authorization failed connecting to running client."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Auktorisering misslyckades vid anslutning till körande klient."
-#: clientgui/BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:533
+#: clientgui/BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:532
 msgid "The password you have provided is incorrect, please try again."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Det lösenord du angav är inte korrekt,prova igen."
-#: clientgui/BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:577
+#: clientgui/BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:576
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - Connection Failed"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "%s - Anslutning misslyckades"
-#: clientgui/BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:586
+#: clientgui/BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:585
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "%s is not able to connect to a %s client.\n"
 "Would you like to try to connect again?"
 msgstr ""
+"%s kan inte ansluta till en %s-klient.\n"
+"Vill du prova att ansluta igen?"
-#: clientgui/BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:622
+#: clientgui/BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:621
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - Daemon Start Failed"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "%s - Demon kunde inte starta"
-#: clientgui/BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:632
+#: clientgui/BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:631
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "%s is not able to start a %s client.\n"
-"Please launch the Control Panel->Administative Tools->Services applet and "
-"start the BOINC service."
+"Please launch the Control Panel->Administative Tools->Services applet and start the BOINC service."
 msgstr ""
+"%s kan inte starta en %s-klient.\n"
+"Starta Kontrollpanel->Administrativa verktyg->Tjänster och starta BOINC-"
-#: clientgui/BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:638
+#: clientgui/BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:637
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "%s is not able to start a %s client.\n"
 "Please start the daemon and try again."
 msgstr ""
+"%s kan inte starta en %s-klient.\n"
+"Starta demonen och prova igen."
-#: clientgui/BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:689
+#: clientgui/BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:688
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - Connection Status"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "%s - Anslutningsstatus"
-#: clientgui/BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:700
+#: clientgui/BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:699
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "%s is not currently connected to a %s client.\n"
-"Please use the 'Advanced\\Select Computer...' menu option to connect up to a "
-"%s client.\n"
+"Please use the 'Advanced\\Select Computer...' menu option to connect up to a %s client.\n"
 "To connect up to your local computer please use 'localhost' as the host name."
 msgstr ""
+"%s är inte ansluten till en %s-klient.\n"
+"Välj ”Avancerat\\Välj dator...”-menyalternativet för att ansluta till en %"
+"Använd ”localhost” som värdnamn för att ansluta till din lokala dator."
-#: clientgui/BOINCBaseView.cpp:774
-#, fuzzy
+#: clientgui/BOINCBaseView.cpp:752
 msgid "Project web pages"
-msgstr "Projekt"
+msgstr "Projektwebbsidor"
 #: clientgui/BOINCClientManager.cpp:573
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - Unexpected Exit"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "%s - Oväntat avslut"
 #: clientgui/BOINCClientManager.cpp:583
 #, c-format
@@ -726,11 +774,13 @@ msgid ""
 "The %s client has exited unexpectedly 3 times within the last %d minutes.\n"
 "Would you like to restart it again?"
 msgstr ""
+"%s-klienten har tre gånger avslutat oväntat inom de %d senaste minuterna.\n"
+"Vill du prova att starta om den igen?"
 #: clientgui/BOINCDialupManager.cpp:61
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - Network Status"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "%s - Nätverkstatus"
 #: clientgui/BOINCDialupManager.cpp:241
 #, c-format
@@ -738,21 +788,23 @@ msgid ""
 "%s needs to connect to the Internet.\n"
 "May it do so now?"
 msgstr ""
+"%s behöver ansluta till Internet.\n"
+"Får den göra det nu?"
 #: clientgui/BOINCDialupManager.cpp:254
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s is connecting to the Internet."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "%s ansluter till Internet."
 #: clientgui/BOINCDialupManager.cpp:303
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s has successfully connected to the Internet."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "%s lyckades med att ansluta till Internet."
 #: clientgui/BOINCDialupManager.cpp:331
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s failed to connect to the Internet."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "%s kunde inte ansluta till Internet."
 #: clientgui/BOINCDialupManager.cpp:372
 #, c-format
@@ -760,18 +812,20 @@ msgid ""
 "%s has detected it is now connected to the Internet.\n"
 "Updating all projects and retrying all transfers."
 msgstr ""
+"%s har upptäckt att den nu är ansluten till Internet.\n"
+"Uppdaterar alla projekt och försöker starta alla överföringar igen."
 #: clientgui/BOINCDialupManager.cpp:417
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s has successfully disconnected from the Internet."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "%s har avbrutit anslutningen till Internet."
 #: clientgui/BOINCDialupManager.cpp:433
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s failed to disconnected from the Internet."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "%s kunde inte avbryta anslutningen till Internet."
-#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:345
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:595
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "You currently are not authorized to manage the client.\n"
@@ -783,224 +837,244 @@ msgid ""
 "  - contact your administrator to add you to the 'boinc_master'\n"
 "     user group."
 msgstr ""
-#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:351
+"Du är för närvarande inte auktoriserad till att hantera klienten.\n"
+"För att köra %s som denna användare vänligen:\n"
+"  - ominstallera %s och svara ”Ja” på frågan om \n"
+"    icke-administrativa användare\n"
+" eller\n"
+"  - kontakta din administratör för att bli tillagd till användargruppen\n"
+"    ”boinc_master”."
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:601
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "%s ownership or permissions are not set properly; please reinstall %s.\n"
 "(Error code %d"
 msgstr ""
+"Ägarskap eller rättigheter för %s är inte inställda korrekt; installera om %"
+"(Felkod %d"
-#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:357
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:607
 msgid " at "
-msgstr ""
+msgstr " vid "
-#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:360
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:610
 msgid ")"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr ")"
-#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:393
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:640
 msgid ""
 "A reboot is required in order for BOINC to run properly.\n"
 "Please reboot your computer and try again."
 msgstr ""
+"En omstart är nödvändig för att BOINC ska kunna köra korrekt.\n"
+"Starta om din dator och prova igen."
-#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:394
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:641
 msgid "BOINC Manager"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "BOINC-hanteraren"
-#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:561
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:902
 msgid "BOINC Manager was started by the operating system automatically"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "BOINC-hanteraren startades automatiskt av operativsystemet"
-#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:563
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:904
 msgid "Startup BOINC so only the system tray icon is visible"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Starta BOINC så att endast aktivitetsfältsikonen är synlig"
-#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:565
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:906
 msgid "Directory containing the BOINC Client executable"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Katalog innehållandes den körbara BOINC-klienten"
-#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:566
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:907
 msgid "BOINC data directory"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "BOINC-datakatalog"
-#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:568
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:909
 msgid "Host name or IP address"
 msgstr "Värdnamn eller IP-adress"
-#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:569
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:910
 msgid "GUI RPC port number"
 msgstr "GUI RPC-portnummer"
-#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:570
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:911
 msgid "Password"
 msgstr "Lösenord"
-#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:571
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:912
 msgid "Startup BOINC with these optional arguments"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Starta BOINC med dessa valfria argument"
-#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:572
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:913
 msgid "disable BOINC security users and permissions"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "inaktivera BOINC säkerhetsanvändare och rättigheter"
-#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:573
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:914
 msgid "set skin debugging mode to enable skin manager error messages"
 msgstr ""
+"ställ in felsökningsläge för tema för att aktivera temahanterarens "
-#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:574
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:915
 msgid "multiple instances of BOINC Manager allowed"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "flera instanser av BOINC-hanteraren tillåten"
-#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:576
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:917
 msgid "Not used: workaround for bug in XCode 4.2"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Inte använd: temporär lösning för bugg i XCode 4.2"
-#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:794
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:1164
 msgid "(Automatic Detection)"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "(Upptäck automatiskt)"
-#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:795
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:1165
 msgid "(Unknown)"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "(Okänd)"
-#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:796
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:1166
 msgid "(User Defined)"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "(Användardefinierad)"
-#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:511
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:522
 #, c-format
 msgid "Open %s Web..."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Öppna %s webb…"
-#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:518
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:529
 #, c-format
 msgid "Open %s..."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Öppna %s…"
-#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:525 clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:621
-#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:629
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:536
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:633
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:641
 msgid "Snooze"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Aktivera viloläge"
-#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:527 clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:648
-#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:656
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:538
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:660
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:668
 msgid "Snooze GPU"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Aktivera GPU-viloläge"
-#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:543
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:556
 msgid "E&xit"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "&Avsluta"
-#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:614
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:626
 msgid "Resume"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Återuppta"
-#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:641
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:653
 msgid "Resume GPU"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Återuppta GPU"
-#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:715
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:727
 msgid "Computing is enabled"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Beräkning är aktiverad"
-#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:718
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:731
 msgid "Computing is suspended - "
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Beräkning är i vänteläge - "
-#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:728
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:741
 msgid "GPU computing is enabled"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "GPU-beräkning är aktiverad"
-#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:731
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:744
 msgid "GPU computing is suspended - "
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "GPU-beräkning är i vänteläge - "
-#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:740
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:753
 msgid "Network is enabled"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Nätverk är aktiverat"
-#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:743
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:756
 msgid "Network is suspended - "
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Nätverk är i vänteläge - "
-#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:751
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:764
 msgid "Reconnecting to client."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Återansluter till klient."
-#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:753
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:766
 msgid "Not connected to a client."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Inte ansluten till en klient."
-#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:806
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:819
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s Notices"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "%s meddelanden"
-#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:812
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:825
 msgid "There are new notices - click to view."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Det finns nya meddelanden - klicka för att visa."
 #: clientgui/CompletionErrorPage.cpp:199
 msgid "Failed to add project"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Misslyckades med att lägga till projekt"
 #: clientgui/CompletionErrorPage.cpp:204
 msgid "Failed to update account manager"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Misslyckades med att uppdatera kontohanterare"
 #: clientgui/CompletionErrorPage.cpp:208
 msgid "Failed to remove account manager"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Misslyckades med att ta bort kontohanterare"
 #: clientgui/CompletionErrorPage.cpp:212
 msgid "Failed to add account manager"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Misslyckades med att lägga till kontohanterare"
 #: clientgui/CompletionErrorPage.cpp:221
 msgid ""
-"An error has occurred;\n"
-"check the Event Log for details.\n"
+"Please try again later.\n"
 "Click Finish to close."
 msgstr ""
-#: clientgui/CompletionErrorPage.cpp:225 clientgui/CompletionPage.cpp:222
-#: clientgui/CompletionPage.cpp:242 clientgui/CompletionPage.cpp:273
+#: clientgui/CompletionErrorPage.cpp:225
+#: clientgui/CompletionPage.cpp:222
+#: clientgui/CompletionPage.cpp:242
+#: clientgui/CompletionPage.cpp:273
 msgid "Click Finish to close."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Välj Avsluta för att stänga."
 #: clientgui/CompletionErrorPage.cpp:234
 msgid "Messages from server:"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Meddelanden från server:"
 #: clientgui/CompletionPage.cpp:207
 msgid "Project added"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Projekt tillagt"
 #: clientgui/CompletionPage.cpp:213
 msgid "This project has been successfully added."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Projektet lades till."
 #: clientgui/CompletionPage.cpp:218
 msgid ""
 "When you click Finish, your web browser will go to a page where\n"
 "you can set your account name and preferences."
 msgstr ""
+"När du klickat på Avsluta kommer din webbläsare att ta dig till en sida där\n"
+"du kan ställa in ditt kontonamn och andra inställningar."
 #: clientgui/CompletionPage.cpp:232
 #, c-format
 msgid "Update from %s completed."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Uppdatering från %s slutförd."
 #: clientgui/CompletionPage.cpp:236
 msgid "Update completed."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Uppdatering slutförd."
 #: clientgui/CompletionPage.cpp:247
 msgid "Now using account manager"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Använder nu kontohanteraren"
 #: clientgui/CompletionPage.cpp:252
 #, c-format
@@ -1010,11 +1084,11 @@ msgstr "Välkommen till %s!"
 #: clientgui/CompletionPage.cpp:263
 #, c-format
 msgid "You are now using %s to manage accounts."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Du använder nu %s för att hantera konton."
 #: clientgui/CompletionPage.cpp:267
 msgid "You are now using this account manager."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Du använder nu denna kontohanterare."
 #: clientgui/DlgAbout.cpp:113
 #, c-format
@@ -1027,565 +1101,615 @@ msgstr "Version:"
 #: clientgui/DlgAbout.cpp:180
 msgid "wxWidgets Version:"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "wxWidgets-version:"
 #: clientgui/DlgAbout.cpp:188
 msgid "Copyright:"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Upphovsrätt:"
 #: clientgui/DlgAbout.cpp:192
 msgid ""
-"(C) 2003-2013 University of California, Berkeley.\n"
+"(C) 2003-2014 University of California, Berkeley.\n"
 "All Rights Reserved."
 msgstr ""
 #: clientgui/DlgAbout.cpp:196
 msgid "Berkeley Open Infrastructure for Network Computing"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Berkeley Open Infrastructure for Network Computing"
-#: clientgui/DlgAbout.cpp:208 clientgui/DlgExitMessage.cpp:173
-#: clientgui/DlgGenericMessage.cpp:120 clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:396
-#: clientgui/DlgSelectComputer.cpp:162
+#: clientgui/DlgAbout.cpp:208
+#: clientgui/DlgExitMessage.cpp:173
+#: clientgui/DlgGenericMessage.cpp:120
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:399
+#: clientgui/DlgSelectComputer.cpp:163
 msgid "&OK"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "&OK"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:542
-msgid "invalid float"
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:602
+msgid "invalid number"
 msgstr ""
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:543
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:603
 msgid "invalid time, format is HH:MM"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "ogiltig tid, formatet är HH:MM"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:544
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:604
 msgid "invalid time interval, format is HH:MM-HH:MM"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "ogiltigt tidsintervall, formatet är HH:MM-HH:MM"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:664
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:817
 msgid "invalid input value detected"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "ogiltigt inmatningsvärde upptäckt"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:666
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:819
 msgid "Validation Error"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Valideringsfel"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:797 clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:803
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:809
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:969
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:975
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:981
 msgid "Applications to add"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Program att lägga till"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:826
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:998
 #, c-format
 msgid "'%s' is not an executable application."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "”%s” är inte ett körbart program."
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:827 clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:874
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:898
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:999
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:1046
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:1070
 msgid "Add Exclusive App"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Lägg till exklusivt program"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:839
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:1011
 msgid "Name of application to add?"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Namn på programmet som ska läggas till?"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:839
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:1011
 msgid "Add exclusive app"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Lägg till exklusivt program"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:873
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:1045
 #, c-format
 msgid "Application names must end with '%s'"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Programnamn måste sluta med ”%s”"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:897
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:1069
 #, c-format
 msgid "'%s' is already in the list."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "”%s” finns redan i listan."
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:989
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:1161
 msgid ""
 "Do you really want to clear all local preferences?\n"
 "(This will not affect exclusive applications.)"
 msgstr ""
+"Vill du verkligen ta bort alla lokala inställningar?\n"
+"(Det kommer inte att påverka exklusiva program.)"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:990
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:1162
 msgid "Confirmation"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Bekräftelse"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:46
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:49
 #, c-format
-msgid "%s - Preferences"
+msgid "%s - Computing preferences"
 msgstr ""
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:62
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:66
 msgid ""
 "This dialog controls preferences for this computer only.\n"
 "Click OK to set preferences.\n"
 "Click Clear to restore web-based settings (except exclusive apps)."
 msgstr ""
+"Denna dialog kontrollerar endast inställningarna för denna dator.\n"
+"Välj OK för att ställa in inställningar.\n"
+"Välj Rensa för att återställa webbaserade inställningar (förutom exklusiva "
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:65
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:69
 msgid "Clear"
 msgstr "Rensa"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:66
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:70
 msgid "clear all local preferences and close the dialog"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "rensa alla lokala inställningar och stäng dialogen"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:81
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:85
 msgid "processor usage"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "processoranvändning"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:84
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:88
 msgid "network usage"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "nätverksanvändning"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:87
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:91
 msgid "disk and memory usage"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "disk- och minnesanvändning"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:90
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:94
 msgid "exclusive applications"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "exklusiva program"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:102
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:107
+#: clientgui/DlgDiagnosticLogFlags.cpp:104
 msgid "OK"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "OK"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:103
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:108
 msgid "save all values and close the dialog"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "spara alla värden och stäng dialogen"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:108
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:114
 msgid "close the dialog without saving"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "stäng dialogen utan att spara"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:112
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:118
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:35
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:121
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:139
 msgid "Help"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Hjälp"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:113
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:119
 msgid "shows the preferences web page"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "visa inställningswebbsidan"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:135
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:141
 msgid "Computing allowed"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Beräkningar tilllåtna"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:139
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:146
 msgid "While computer is on batteries"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Då datorn går på batterier"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:142
-msgid ""
-"check this if you want this computer to do work while it runs on batteries"
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:149
+msgid "check this if you want this computer to do work while it runs on batteries"
 msgstr ""
+"markera denna om du vill att denna dator ska utföra jobb då den går på "
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:148
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:155
 msgid "While computer is in use"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Medan datorn används"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:151
-msgid ""
-"check this if you want this computer to do work even when you're using it"
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:158
+msgid "check this if you want this computer to do work even when you're using it"
 msgstr ""
+"markera denna om du vill att datorn ska utföra jobb även när du använder den"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:157
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:164
 msgid "Use GPU while computer is in use"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Använd GPU då datorn används"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:160
-msgid ""
-"check this if you want your GPU to do work even when you're using the "
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:167
+msgid "check this if you want your GPU to do work even when you're using the computer"
 msgstr ""
+"markera denna om du vill att din GPU ska utföra jobb även när du använder "
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:172
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:179
 msgid "Only after computer has been idle for"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Bara efter att datorn har varit oanvänd i"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:182
-msgid ""
-"do work only after you haven't used the computer for this number of minutes"
-msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:188
+msgid "do work only after you haven't used the computer for this number of minutes"
+msgstr "utför jobb bara om du inte har använt datorn för detta antal minuter"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:187
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:336
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:193
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:342
 msgid "minutes"
 msgstr "minuter"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:206
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:212
 msgid "While processor usage is less than"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Då processoranvändning är mindre än"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:216
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:221
 msgid "suspend work if processor usage exceeds this level"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "försätt jobb i vänteläge om processoranvändning överstiger denna nivå"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:221
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:226
 msgid "percent (0 means no restriction)"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "procent (0 betyder ingen begränsning)"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:235
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:495
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:240
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:506
 msgid "Every day between hours of"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Varje dag mellan"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:239
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:244
 msgid "start work at this time"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "starta jobb denna tid"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:243
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:503
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:248
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:514
 msgid "and"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "och"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:247
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:252
 msgid "stop work at this time"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "stoppa jobb vid denna tid"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:251
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:511
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:256
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:522
 msgid "(no restriction if equal)"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "(ingen begränsning om likadan)"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:256
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:516
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:261
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:527
 msgid "Day-of-week override:"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Åsidosätt veckodag:"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:261
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:521
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:266
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:532
 msgid "check box to specify hours for this day of week"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "markera ruta för att ange timmar för denna veckodag"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:267
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:527
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:272
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:538
 msgid "Monday"
 msgstr "Måndag"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:274
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:534
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:279
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:545
 msgid "Tuesday"
 msgstr "Tisdag"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:281
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:541
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:286
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:552
 msgid "Wednesday"
 msgstr "Onsdag"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:288
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:548
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:293
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:559
 msgid "Thursday"
 msgstr "Torsdag"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:295
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:555
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:300
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:566
 msgid "Friday"
 msgstr "Fredag"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:302
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:562
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:307
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:573
 msgid "Saturday"
 msgstr "Lördag"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:309
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:569
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:314
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:580
 msgid "Sunday"
 msgstr "Söndag"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:323
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:328
 msgid "Other options"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Andra alternativ"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:330
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:336
 msgid "Switch between applications every"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Växla mellan program var"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:339
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:345
 msgid "On multiprocessor systems, use at most"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "På multiprocessorsystem, använd högst"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:346
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:352
 #, no-c-format
-msgid "% of the processors"
+msgid "% of the processors (0 means no restriction)"
 msgstr ""
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:349
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:604
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:626
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:647
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:668
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:678
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:355
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:618
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:640
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:661
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:683
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:694
 msgid "Use at most"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Använd som mest"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:356
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:362
 #, no-c-format
-msgid "% CPU time"
+msgid "% of CPU time (0 means no restriction)"
 msgstr ""
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:377
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:386
 msgid "General options"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Allmänna alternativ"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:385
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:395
 msgid "Maximum download rate"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Maximal hämtningshastighet"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:391
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:400
-msgid "KBytes/sec."
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:401
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:410
+msgid "KBytes/second (0 means no restriction)"
 msgstr ""
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:394
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:404
 msgid "Maximum upload rate"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Maximal sändninghastighet"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:405
-msgid "Transfer at most"
-msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:417
+msgid "Minimum work buffer"
+msgstr "Minsta jobbuffert"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:411
-msgid "Mbytes"
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:425
+msgid "Try to maintain enough tasks to keep busy for this many days"
 msgstr ""
+"Försök att upprätthålla tillräckligt med uppgifter för att vara upptagen i "
+"så här många dagar"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:414
-msgid "every"
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:431
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:449
+msgid "days (maximum value: 10)"
 msgstr ""
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:420
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:443
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:462
-msgid "days"
-msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:437
+msgid "Max additional work buffer"
+msgstr "Max buffert för extrajobb"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:428
-msgid "Minimum work buffer"
-msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:445
+msgid "In addition, maintain enough tasks for up to this many days"
+msgstr "Håll uppgifter i kö för upp till så här många dagar"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:437
-msgid "Try to maintain enough tasks to keep busy for this many days"
-msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:454
+msgid "Transfer at most"
+msgstr "Överför som mest"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:449
-msgid "Max additional work buffer"
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:462
+msgid "MBytes every"
 msgstr ""
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:458
-msgid "In addition, maintain enough tasks for up to this many days"
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:468
+msgid "days (0 means no restriction)"
 msgstr ""
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:465
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:476
 msgid "Skip image file verification"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Hoppa över verifiering av bildfiler"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:467
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:478
 msgid "check this if your Internet provider modifies image files"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "markera om din internetleverantör ändrar bildfiler"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:475
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:484
 msgid "Connect options"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Anslutningsalternativ"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:477
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:487
 msgid "Confirm before connecting to internet"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Bekräfta innan anslutning till internet sker"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:479
-msgid ""
-"if checked, a confirmation dialog will be displayed before trying to connect "
-"to the Internet"
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:489
+msgid "if checked, a confirmation dialog will be displayed before trying to connect to the Internet"
 msgstr ""
+"om markerad kommer en bekräftelsedialog att visas innan anslutning till "
+"internet sker"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:483
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:493
 msgid "Disconnect when done"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Avbryt anslutning när klar"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:485
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:495
 msgid ""
 "if checked, BOINC hangs up when network usage is done\n"
 "(only relevant for dialup-connection)"
 msgstr ""
+"om markerad kommer BOINC att lägga på när nätverksanvändning är klar\n"
+"(endast relevant för uppringda anslutningar)"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:491
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:501
 msgid "Network usage allowed"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Nätverksanvändning tillåten"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:499
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:510
 msgid "network usage start hour"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "starttimme för nätverksanvändning"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:507
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:518
 msgid "network usage stop hour"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "stopptimme för nätverksanvändning"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:597 clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:226
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:610
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:257
 msgid "Disk usage"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Diskanvändning"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:608
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:622
 msgid "the maximum disk space used by BOINC (in Gigabytes)"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "maximala diskutrymmet använt av BOINC (i Gigabyte)"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:612
-msgid "Gigabytes disk space"
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:626
+msgid "Gigabytes disk space (0 means no restriction)"
 msgstr ""
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:615
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:629
 msgid "Leave at least"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Lämna åtminstone"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:619
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:633
 msgid "BOINC leaves at least this amount of disk space free (in Gigabytes)"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "BOINC lämnar åtminstone detta diskutrymme (i Gigabyte)"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:623
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:637
 msgid "Gigabytes disk space free"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Gigabyte diskutrymme fritt"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:630
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:644
 msgid "BOINC uses at most this percentage of total disk space"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "BOINC använder som mest dessa procent av det totala diskutrymmet"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:635
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:649
 #, no-c-format
 msgid "% of total disk space"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "% av totalt diskutrymme"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:638
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:652
 msgid "Tasks checkpoint to disk at most every"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Uppgifter spar kontrollpunkter på disk som mest var"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:644
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:658
 msgid "seconds"
 msgstr "sekunder"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:654
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:668
 #, no-c-format
 msgid "% of page file (swap space)"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "% av växlingsfil (växlingsutrymme)"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:661
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:675
 msgid "Memory usage"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Minnesanvändning"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:675
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:691
 #, no-c-format
 msgid "% when computer is in use"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "% när datorn används"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:685
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:701
 #, no-c-format
 msgid "% when computer is idle"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "% när datorn inte används"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:690
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:706
 msgid "Leave applications in memory while suspended"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Lämna program i minnet medan försatt i vänteläge"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:692
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:708
 msgid "if checked, suspended work units are left in memory"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "om markerad lämnas jobbenheter i viloläge kvar i minnet"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:712
-msgid ""
-"Suspend processor and network usage when these applications are running:"
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:728
+msgid "Suspend processor and network usage when these applications are running:"
 msgstr ""
+"Försätt processorer och nätverksanvändning i viloläge i när dessa program "
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:721
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:738
 msgid "Add..."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Lägg till…"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:722
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:739
 msgid "Add an application to this list"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Lägg till ett program till denna lista"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:727
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:744
 msgid "Remove"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Ta bort"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:728
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:745
 msgid "Remove an application from this list"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Ta bort ett program från listan"
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:737
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:754
 msgid "For advanced options, refer to "
+msgstr "För avancerade alternativ, se "
+#: clientgui/DlgDiagnosticLogFlags.cpp:65
+#, c-format
+msgid "%s Diagnostic Log Flags"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/DlgDiagnosticLogFlags.cpp:83
+msgid "These flags enable various types of diagnostic messages in the Event Log."
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/DlgDiagnosticLogFlags.cpp:105
+msgid "Save all values and close the dialog"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/DlgDiagnosticLogFlags.cpp:108
+msgid "Defaults"
 msgstr ""
-#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:217
+#: clientgui/DlgDiagnosticLogFlags.cpp:109
+msgid "Restore default settings"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/DlgDiagnosticLogFlags.cpp:113
+msgid "Close the dialog without saving"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:226
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - Event Log"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "%s - Händelselogg"
-#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:230
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:236
 msgid "Project"
 msgstr "Projekt"
-#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:231
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:237
 msgid "Time"
 msgstr "Tid"
-#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:232
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:238
 msgid "Message"
 msgstr "Meddelande"
-#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:287 clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:351
-#, fuzzy
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:300
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:364
 msgid "&Show only this project"
-msgstr "Visa endast det här projektet"
+msgstr "&Visa bara detta projekt"
-#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:291
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:304
 msgid "Copy &All"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Kopiera &alla"
-#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:293 clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:297
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:306
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:310
 msgid "Copy all the messages to the clipboard."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Kopiera alla meddelanden till urklipp."
-#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:302
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:315
 msgid "Copy &Selected"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Kopiera &markerade"
-#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:305 clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:313
-msgid ""
-"Copy the selected messages to the clipboard. You can select multiple "
-"messages by holding down the shift or command key while clicking on messages."
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:318
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:326
+msgid "Copy the selected messages to the clipboard. You can select multiple messages by holding down the shift or command key while clicking on messages."
 msgstr ""
+"Kopiera markerade meddelanden till urklipp. Du kan välja flera meddelanden "
+"genom att hålla nere skift- eller kontrolltangenten när du klickar på "
-#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:307 clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:315
-msgid ""
-"Copy the selected messages to the clipboard. You can select multiple "
-"messages by holding down the shift or control key while clicking on messages."
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:320
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:328
+msgid "Copy the selected messages to the clipboard. You can select multiple messages by holding down the shift or control key while clicking on messages."
 msgstr ""
+"Kopiera markerade meddelanden till urklipp. Du kan välja flera meddelanden "
+"genom att hålla nere skift- eller kontrolltangenten när du klickar på "
-#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:322 clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:66
-#, fuzzy
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:335
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:67
 msgid "&Close"
-msgstr "Stäng"
+msgstr "&Stäng"
-#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:331
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:344
 #, c-format
 msgid "Get help with %s"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Få hjälp med %s"
-#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:345
-#, fuzzy
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:358
 msgid "Show all &messages"
-msgstr "Visa alla meddelanden"
+msgstr "Visa alla &meddelanden"
-#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:346 clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:348
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:359
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:361
 msgid "Show messages for all projects"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Visa meddelanden för alla projekt"
-#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:352 clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:354
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:365
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:367
 msgid "Show only the messages for the selected project"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Visa endast meddelanden för det markerade projektet"
 #: clientgui/DlgExitMessage.cpp:82
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - Exit Confirmation"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "%s - Avslutningsbekräftelse"
 #: clientgui/DlgExitMessage.cpp:130
 #, c-format
@@ -1597,6 +1721,12 @@ msgid ""
 "If you also want to stop running the tasks,\n"
 "choose from the following options:"
 msgstr ""
+"Du har begärt att avsluta %s,\n"
+"som tillåter dig att se och hantera\n"
+"uppgifterna som kör på din dator.\n"
+"Om du också vill avsluta själva uppgifterna\n"
+"kan du välja mellan följande:"
 #: clientgui/DlgExitMessage.cpp:135
 #, c-format
@@ -1608,458 +1738,499 @@ msgid ""
 "rather than to exit the application; that will allow %s to run its\n"
 "tasks at the times you selected in your preferences."
 msgstr ""
+"Detta kommer att stänga ned %s och dess uppgifter till antingen\n"
+"%s eller %s-skärmsläckaren körs igen.\n"
+"I de flesta fall är det bättre att bara stänga %s-fönstret\n"
+"istället för att avsluta programmet; det tillåter %s att köra\n"
+"sina uppgifter de tider du valt i dina inställningar."
 #: clientgui/DlgExitMessage.cpp:153
 #, c-format
 msgid "Stop running tasks when exiting the %s"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Sluta att köra uppgifter när %s avslutas"
 #: clientgui/DlgExitMessage.cpp:165
 msgid "Remember this decision and do not show this dialog."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Kom ihåg detta val och visa inte denna dialog."
-#: clientgui/DlgExitMessage.cpp:178 clientgui/DlgGenericMessage.cpp:125
-#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:401 clientgui/DlgSelectComputer.cpp:167
-#, fuzzy
+#: clientgui/DlgExitMessage.cpp:178
+#: clientgui/DlgGenericMessage.cpp:125
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:404
+#: clientgui/DlgSelectComputer.cpp:168
 msgid "&Cancel"
-msgstr "Avbryt"
+msgstr "&Avbryt"
 #: clientgui/DlgGenericMessage.cpp:112
 msgid "Don't show this dialog again."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Visa inte denna dialog igen."
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:163 clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:166
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:169 clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:172
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:194
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:197
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:200
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:203
 msgid "Don't fetch tasks for "
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Hämta inte uppgifter för "
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:163
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:194
 msgid "Project preference"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Projektinställning"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:166
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:197
 msgid "Account manager preference"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Inställningar för kontohanteraren"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:169
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:200
 msgid "Project has no apps for "
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Projekt har inga program för "
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:172
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:203
 msgid "Client configuration excludes "
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Klientkonfiguration utesluter "
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:176
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:207
 msgid " work fetch deferred for"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr " jobbhämtning uppskjuten för"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:177
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:208
 msgid " work fetch deferral interval"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr " uppskjutningsintervall för jobbhämtning"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:208
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:239
 msgid "Properties of project "
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Projektegenskaper "
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:212 clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:218
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:243
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:221
 msgid "General"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Allmänt"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:213
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:244
 msgid "Master URL"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Huvud-URL"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:214
-#, fuzzy
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:245
 msgid "User name"
-msgstr "Användarnamn:"
+msgstr "Användarnamn"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:215
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:246
 msgid "Team name"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Lagnamn"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:216
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:247
 msgid "Resource share"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Resursfördelning"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:218
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:249
 msgid "Scheduler RPC deferred for"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "SchemaläggarRPC uppskjuten för"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:221
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:252
 msgid "File downloads deferred for"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Filhämtningar uppskjutna för"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:224
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:255
 msgid "File uploads deferred for"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Filsändningar uppskjutna för"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:227
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:258
 msgid "Computer ID"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Dator-ID"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:229
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:260
 msgid "Non CPU intensive"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Icke CPU-intensiv"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:229 clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:231
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:232 clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:234
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:237 clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:246
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:249 clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:252
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:260
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:262
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:263
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:265
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:268
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:277
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:280
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:283
 msgid "yes"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "ja"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:231
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:262
 msgid "Suspended via GUI"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Vänteläge via GUI"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:231 clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:232
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:262
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:263
 msgid "no"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "nej"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:232
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:263
 msgid "Don't request more work"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Begär inte mer jobb"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:234
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:265
 msgid "Scheduler call in progress"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Schemaläggaranrop pågår"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:237
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:268
 msgid "Trickle-up pending"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Flöde väntar"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:240 clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:242
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:271
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:273
 msgid "Host location"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Värdplats"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:242
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:273
 msgid "default"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "standard"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:246
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:277
 msgid "Added via account manager"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Tillagd via kontohanterare"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:249
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:280
 msgid "Remove when tasks done"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Ta bort när uppgifter är avklarade"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:252
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:283
 msgid "Ended"
+msgstr "Avslutad"
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:285
+msgid "Tasks completed"
 msgstr ""
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:254
-msgid "Credit"
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:286
+msgid "Tasks failed"
 msgstr ""
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:255
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:288
+msgid "Credit"
+msgstr "Poäng"
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:289
 msgid "User"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Användare"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:262
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:296
 msgid "Host"
 msgstr "Värd"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:271
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:305
 msgid "Scheduling"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Schemalägger"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:272
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:306
 msgid "Scheduling priority"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Schemalägger prioritet"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:273
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:307
 msgid "CPU"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "CPU"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:297
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:331
 msgid "Duration correction factor"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Tidkorrigeringsfaktor"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:311
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:345
 msgid "Properties of task "
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Egenskaper för uppgift "
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:323
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:357
 msgid "Application"
 msgstr "Applikation"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:324
-msgid "Workunit name"
-msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:358
+msgid "Name"
+msgstr "Namn"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:325
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:359
 msgid "State"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Tillstånd"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:328
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:362
 msgid "Received"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Mottagit"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:331
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:365
 msgid "Report deadline"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Rapporteringstidsgräns"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:333
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:367
 msgid "Resources"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Resurser"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:336
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:370
 msgid "Estimated computation size"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Förväntad beräkningsstorlek"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:339
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:373
 msgid "CPU time at last checkpoint"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "CPU-tid vid senaste kontrollpunkten"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:340 clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:355
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:374
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:389
 msgid "CPU time"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "CPU-tid"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:342 clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:356
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:376
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:390
 msgid "Elapsed time"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Förfluten tid"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:344
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:378
 msgid "Estimated time remaining"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Beräknad kvarvarande tid"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:345
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:379
 msgid "Fraction done"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Procentdel klar"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:346
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:380
 msgid "Virtual memory size"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Storlek på virtuella minnet"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:347
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:381
 msgid "Working set size"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Storlek på uppgift"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:349
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:383
 msgid "Directory"
 msgstr "Katalog"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:352
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:386
 msgid "Process ID"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Process-ID"
-#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:426
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:456
 msgid "Local: "
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Lokal: "
-#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:129 clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:135
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:129
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:135
 msgid "Options"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Alternativ"
-#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:175
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:178
 msgid "Language:"
 msgstr "Språk:"
-#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:182
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:185
 msgid "What language should BOINC use?"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Vilket språk ska BOINC använda?"
-#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:186
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:189
 msgid "Notice reminder interval:"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Intervall för påminnelse om meddelanden:"
-#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:193
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:196
 msgid "How often should BOINC remind you of new notices?"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Hur ofta ska BOINC påminna dig om nya meddelanden?"
-#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:198
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:201
 msgid "Run Manager at login?"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Kör hanteraren vid inloggning?"
-#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:204
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:207
 msgid "Run the BOINC Manager when you log on."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Kör BOINC-hanteraren när du loggar in."
-#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:209
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:212
 msgid "Enable Manager exit dialog?"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Aktivera dialog vid hanterarens avslut?"
-#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:215
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:218
 msgid "Display the exit dialog when shutting down the Manager."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Visa avslutningsdialog när hanteraren stängs ned."
-#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:226
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:229
 msgid "Dial-up and Virtual Private Network settings"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Ring upp- och VPN-inställningar"
-#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:240
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:243
 msgid "&Set Default"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "&Sätt standard"
-#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:245
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:248
 msgid "&Clear Default"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "&Rensa standard"
-#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:252
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:255
 msgid "Default Connection:"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Standardanslutning:"
-#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:259
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:262
 msgid "Connections"
 msgstr "Anslutningar"
-#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:268
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:271
 msgid "Connect via HTTP proxy server"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Anslut via HTTP-proxyserver"
-#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:272
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:275
 msgid "HTTP Proxy Server Configuration"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Konfiguration av HTTP-proxyserver"
-#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:280 clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:344
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:283
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:347
 msgid "Address:"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Adress:"
-#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:288 clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:352
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:291
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:355
 msgid "Port:"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Port:"
-#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:296 clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:360
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:299
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:363
 msgid "Don't use proxy for:"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Använd inte proxy för:"
-#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:303 clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:367
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:306
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:370
 msgid "Leave these blank if not needed"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Lämna dessa tomma om de inte behövs"
-#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:309 clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:373
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:312
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:376
 msgid "User Name:"
 msgstr "Användarnamn:"
-#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:317 clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:381
-#: clientgui/DlgSelectComputer.cpp:151
-#, fuzzy
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:320
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:384
+#: clientgui/DlgSelectComputer.cpp:152
 msgid "Password:"
-msgstr "Lösenord"
+msgstr "Lösenord:"
-#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:324
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:327
 msgid "HTTP Proxy"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "HTTP-proxy"
-#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:332
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:335
 msgid "Connect via SOCKS proxy server"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Anslut via SOCKS-proxyserver"
-#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:336
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:339
 msgid "SOCKS Proxy Server Configuration"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Konfiguration av SOCKS-proxyserver"
-#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:388
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:391
 msgid "SOCKS Proxy"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "SOCKS-proxy"
-#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:586
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:589
 msgid "always"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "alltid"
-#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:587
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:590
 msgid "1 hour"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "en timme"
-#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:588
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:591
 msgid "6 hours"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "sex timmar"
-#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:589
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:592
 msgid "1 day"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "en dag"
-#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:590
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:593
 msgid "1 week"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "en vecka"
-#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:591
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:594
 msgid "never"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "aldrig"
-#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:688
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:691
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - Language Selection"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "%s - Språkval"
-#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:695
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:698
 #, c-format
-msgid ""
-"The %s's language has been changed.  In order for this change to take "
-"effect, you must restart the %s."
+msgid "The %s's language has been changed.  In order for this change to take effect, you must restart the %s."
 msgstr ""
+"%s-språket är ändrat.  För att detta ska börja gälla måste du starta om %s."
-#: clientgui/DlgSelectComputer.cpp:90
+#: clientgui/DlgSelectComputer.cpp:91
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - Select Computer"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "%s - Välj dator"
-#: clientgui/DlgSelectComputer.cpp:124
+#: clientgui/DlgSelectComputer.cpp:125
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "Another instance of %s is already running \n"
 "on this computer.  Please select a client to monitor."
 msgstr ""
+"En annan instans av %s kör redan\n"
+"på denna dator.  Välj en klient att övervaka."
-#: clientgui/DlgSelectComputer.cpp:142
+#: clientgui/DlgSelectComputer.cpp:143
 msgid "Host name:"
 msgstr "Värdnamn:"
-#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:31 clientgui/Localization.cpp:69
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:31
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:69
 msgid "Message boards"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Forum"
 #: clientgui/Localization.cpp:33
 msgid "Correspond with other users on the SETI at home message boards"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Träffa andra användare på forumet för SETI at home"
 #: clientgui/Localization.cpp:37
 msgid "Ask questions and report problems"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Ställ frågor och rapportera problem"
-#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:39 clientgui/Localization.cpp:81
-#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:111 clientgui/Localization.cpp:129
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:39
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:81
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:111
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:129
 msgid "Your account"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Ditt konto"
-#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:41 clientgui/Localization.cpp:87
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:41
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:87
 #: clientgui/Localization.cpp:113
 msgid "View your account information and credit totals"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Se din kontoinformation och din poängtotal"
 #: clientgui/Localization.cpp:43
 msgid "Your preferences"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Dina inställningar"
 #: clientgui/Localization.cpp:45
 msgid "View and modify your SETI at home account profile and preferences"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Din SETI at home-profil och dina inställningar"
-#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:47 clientgui/Localization.cpp:89
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:47
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:89
 msgid "Your results"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Dina resultat"
-#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:49 clientgui/Localization.cpp:91
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:49
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:91
 msgid "View your last week (or more) of computational results and work"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Visa senaste veckan (eller mer) av beräkningsresultat och jobb"
-#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:51 clientgui/Localization.cpp:93
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:51
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:93
 msgid "Your computers"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Dina datorer"
 #: clientgui/Localization.cpp:53
 msgid "View a listing of all the computers on which you are running SETI at Home"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Visa en lista över alla datorer på vilka du kör SETI at home"
-#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:55 clientgui/Localization.cpp:97
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:55
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:97
 msgid "Your team"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Ditt lag"
-#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:57 clientgui/Localization.cpp:99
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:57
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:99
 msgid "View information about your team"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Visa information om ditt lag"
 #: clientgui/Localization.cpp:61
 msgid "Common questions"
@@ -2067,79 +2238,78 @@ msgstr "Vanliga frågor"
 #: clientgui/Localization.cpp:63
 msgid "Read the Einstein at Home Frequently Asked Question list"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Läs listan över vanliga frågor (FAQ) för Einstein at Home"
 #: clientgui/Localization.cpp:65
 msgid "Screensaver info"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Skärmsläckarinfo"
 #: clientgui/Localization.cpp:67
 msgid "Read a detailed description of the Einstein at Home screensaver"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Läs en detaljerad beskrivning över skärmsläckaren för Einstein at Home"
 #: clientgui/Localization.cpp:71
-msgid ""
-"Correspond with admins and other users on the Einstein at Home message boards"
-msgstr ""
+msgid "Correspond with admins and other users on the Einstein at Home message boards"
+msgstr "Träffa andra användare på forumet för Einstein at Home"
 #: clientgui/Localization.cpp:73
 msgid "Einstein status"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Einstein-status"
 #: clientgui/Localization.cpp:75
 msgid "Current status of the Einstein at Home server"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Aktuell status för Einstein at Home-servern"
 #: clientgui/Localization.cpp:77
 msgid "Report problems"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Rapportera problem"
 #: clientgui/Localization.cpp:79
 msgid "A link to the Einstein at Home problems and bug reports message board"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "En länk till forum för problem och felrapporter för Einstein at Home"
 #: clientgui/Localization.cpp:83
 msgid "View and modify your Einstein at Home account profile and preferences"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Din Einstein at home-profil och dina inställningar"
 #: clientgui/Localization.cpp:85
 msgid "Account summary"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Kontosummering"
 #: clientgui/Localization.cpp:95
-msgid ""
-"View a listing of all the computers on which you are running Einstein at Home"
-msgstr ""
+msgid "View a listing of all the computers on which you are running Einstein at Home"
+msgstr "Visa en lista över på vilka datorer du kör Einstein at home"
 #: clientgui/Localization.cpp:101
 msgid "LIGO project"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "LIGO-projektet"
 #: clientgui/Localization.cpp:103
-msgid ""
-"The home page of the Laser Interferometer Gravitational-wave Observatory "
-"(LIGO) project"
+msgid "The home page of the Laser Interferometer Gravitational-wave Observatory (LIGO) project"
 msgstr ""
+"Webbplatsen för projektet Laser Interferometer Gravitational-wave "
+"Observatory (LIGO)"
 #: clientgui/Localization.cpp:105
 msgid "GEO-600 project"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "GEO-600-projektet"
 #: clientgui/Localization.cpp:107
 msgid "The home page of the GEO-600 project"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Webbplats för GEO-600-projektet"
-#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:115 clientgui/Localization.cpp:133
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:115
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:133
 msgid "Team"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Lag"
 #: clientgui/Localization.cpp:117
 msgid "Info about your Team"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Info om ditt lag"
 #: clientgui/Localization.cpp:123
 msgid "Get help for climateprediction.net"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Få hjälp för climateprediction.net"
 #: clientgui/Localization.cpp:125
 msgid "News"
@@ -2147,43 +2317,43 @@ msgstr "Nyheter"
 #: clientgui/Localization.cpp:127
 msgid "climateprediction.net News"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "climateprediction.net-nyheter"
 #: clientgui/Localization.cpp:131
 msgid "View your account information, credits, and trickles"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Se din kontoinformation, poäng och flöden"
 #: clientgui/Localization.cpp:135
 msgid "Info about your team"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Info om ditt lag"
 #: clientgui/Localization.cpp:141
 msgid "Search for help in our help system"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Sök efter hjälp i våra hjälpsystem"
 #: clientgui/Localization.cpp:143
 msgid "Global Statistics"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Global statistik"
 #: clientgui/Localization.cpp:145
 msgid "Summary statistics for World Community Grid"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Statistiksummering för World Community Grid"
 #: clientgui/Localization.cpp:147
 msgid "My Grid"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Min gridd"
 #: clientgui/Localization.cpp:149
 msgid "Your statistics and settings"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Din statistik och inställningar"
 #: clientgui/Localization.cpp:151
 msgid "Device Profiles"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Enhetsprofiler"
 #: clientgui/Localization.cpp:153
 msgid "Update your device settings"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Uppdatera dina enhetsinställningar"
 #: clientgui/Localization.cpp:155
 msgid "Research"
@@ -2191,224 +2361,218 @@ msgstr "Forskning"
 #: clientgui/Localization.cpp:157
 msgid "Learn about the projects hosted at World Community Grid"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Få reda på mer om projekten på World Community Grid"
-#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:586
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:583
 msgid "Starting client"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Startar klient"
-#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:594
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:591
 msgid "Connecting to client"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Ansluter till klient"
-#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:1183
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:1205
 msgid "Retrieving system state; please wait..."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Hämtar systemtillstånd; vänligen vänta…"
-#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:1804
-#, fuzzy
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:1826
 msgid "Missing application"
-msgstr "Applikation"
+msgstr "Saknar program"
-#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:1805
-msgid ""
-"Please download and install the CoRD application from http://cord."
-msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:1827
+msgid "Please download and install the CoRD application from http://cord.sourceforge.net"
+msgstr "Hämta och installera CORD-programmet från http://cord.sourceforge.net"
-#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2418
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2442
 msgid "on batteries"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "på batterier"
-#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2419
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2443
 msgid "computer is in use"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "datorn används"
-#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2420
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2444
 msgid "user request"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "användarbegäran"
-#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2421
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2445
 msgid "time of day"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "tidpunkt på dagen"
-#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2422
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2446
 msgid "CPU benchmarks in progress"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "CPU-mätning pågår"
-#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2423
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2447
 msgid "need disk space - check preferences"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "behöver diskutrymme - kontrollera inställningar"
-#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2424
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2448
 msgid "computer is not in use"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "datorn används ej"
-#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2425
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2449
 msgid "starting up"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "startar upp"
-#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2426
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2450
 msgid "an exclusive app is running"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "ett exklusivt program körs"
-#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2427
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2451
 msgid "CPU is busy"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "CPU:n är upptagen"
-#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2428
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2452
 msgid "network bandwidth limit exceeded"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "överskriden bandbreddsgräns för nätverk"
-#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2429
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2453
 msgid "requested by operating system"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "begärd av operativsystem"
-#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2431
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2455
 msgid "unknown reason"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "okänd anledning"
-#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2453
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2477
 msgid "GPU missing, "
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "GPU saknas, "
-#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2460
-#, fuzzy
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2484
 msgid "New"
-msgstr "Nyheter"
+msgstr "Ny"
-#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2464
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2488
 msgid "Download failed"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Hämtning misslyckades"
-#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2466
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2490
 msgid "Downloading"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Hämtar"
-#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2468 clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2538
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2492
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2557
 msgid " (suspended - "
-msgstr ""
+msgstr " (i vänteläge - "
-#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2476
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2500
 msgid "Project suspended by user"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Projekt försatt i vänteläge av användare"
-#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2478
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2502
 msgid "Task suspended by user"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Uppgift försatt i vänteläge av användare"
-#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2480
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2504
 msgid "Suspended - "
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Vänteläge - "
-#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2486
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2510
 msgid "GPU suspended - "
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "GPU i vänteläge - "
-#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2493
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2517
 msgid "Waiting for memory"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Väntar på minne"
-#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2495
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2519
 msgid "Waiting for shared memory"
-msgstr ""
-#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2498
-msgid "Running, high priority"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Väntar på delat minne"
-#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2500
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2521
 msgid "Running"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Kör"
-#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2503
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2523
 msgid " (non-CPU-intensive)"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr " (ej CPU-intensiv)"
-#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2506
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2526
 msgid "Waiting to run"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Väntar på att köra"
-#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2508 clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2514
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2528
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2534
 msgid "Ready to start"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Redo att starta"
-#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2518
-msgid " (Scheduler wait: "
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2538
+msgid "Postponed: "
 msgstr ""
-#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2522
-msgid " (Scheduler wait)"
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2541
+msgid "Postponed"
 msgstr ""
-#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2526
-msgid " (Waiting for network access)"
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2545
+msgid "Waiting for network access"
 msgstr ""
-#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2530
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2549
 msgid "Computation error"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Beräkningsfel"
-#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2534
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2553
 msgid "Upload failed"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Skicka misslyckades"
-#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2536
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2555
 msgid "Uploading"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Skickar"
-#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2547
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2566
 msgid "Aborted by user"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Avbruten av användare"
-#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2550
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2569
 msgid "Aborted by project"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Avbruten av projekt"
-#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2553
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2572
 msgid "Aborted: not started by deadline"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Avbruten: startade inte inom tidgräns"
-#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2556
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2575
 msgid "Aborted: disk limit exceeded"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Avbruten: diskgräns överskriden"
-#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2559
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2578
 msgid "Aborted: run time limit exceeded"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Avbruten: körtidsgräns överskriden"
-#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2562
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2581
 msgid "Aborted: memory limit exceeded"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Avbruten: minnesgräns överskriden"
-#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2565
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2584
 msgid "Aborted"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Avbruten"
-#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2570
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2589
 msgid "Acknowledged"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Erkänd"
-#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2572
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2591
 msgid "Ready to report"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Klar att rapportera"
-#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2574
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2593
 #, c-format
 msgid "Error: invalid state '%d'"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Fel: ogiltigt tillstånd ”%d”"
 #: clientgui/NoInternetConnectionPage.cpp:179
 msgid "No Internet connection"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Ingen Internetanslutning"
 #: clientgui/NoInternetConnectionPage.cpp:182
 msgid "Please connect to the Internet and try again."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Anslut till Internet och prova igen."
 #: clientgui/NotDetectedPage.cpp:181
 msgid "Project not found"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Projektet hittades inte"
 #: clientgui/NotDetectedPage.cpp:184
 msgid ""
@@ -2416,10 +2580,13 @@ msgid ""
 "Please check the URL and try again."
 msgstr ""
+"URL:en du angav går inte till ett BOINC-projekt.\n"
+"Kontrollera URL:en och prova igen."
 #: clientgui/NotDetectedPage.cpp:188
 msgid "Account manager not found"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Kontohanteraren hittades inte"
 #: clientgui/NotDetectedPage.cpp:191
 msgid ""
@@ -2428,136 +2595,146 @@ msgid ""
 "Please check the URL and try again."
 msgstr ""
+"URL:en du angav hör inte till en BOINC-baserad\n"
+"Kontrollera URL:en och prova igen."
 #: clientgui/NotFoundPage.cpp:181
 msgid "Login Failed."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Inloggning misslyckades."
 #: clientgui/NotFoundPage.cpp:185
 msgid "Check the username and password, and try again."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Kontrollera användarnamn samt lösenord och prova igen."
 #: clientgui/NotFoundPage.cpp:189
 msgid "Check the email address and password, and try again."
-msgstr ""
-#: clientgui/NoticeListCtrl.cpp:63
-msgid "Notice List"
-msgstr ""
-#: clientgui/NoticeListCtrl.cpp:183
-#, c-format
-msgid "%s; received on %s"
-msgstr ""
-#: clientgui/NoticeListCtrl.cpp:185
-#, c-format
-msgid "%s; received from %s; on %s"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Kontrollera e-postadress samt lösenord och prova igen."
-#: clientgui/NoticeListCtrl.cpp:282 clientgui/ProjectListCtrl.cpp:282
-msgid "Click"
-msgstr ""
-#: clientgui/NoticeListCtrl.cpp:565
+#: clientgui/NoticeListCtrl.cpp:229
 msgid "more..."
-msgstr ""
-#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:451 clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:739
-#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:743
-msgid "All"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "mer…"
-#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:582
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:221
 msgid "Choose a project"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Välj ett projekt"
-#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:586
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:228
 msgid "To choose a project, click its name or type its URL below."
 msgstr ""
+"För att välja ett projekt, klicka på dess namn eller skriv in dess URL "
-#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:590
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:246
 msgid "Categories:"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Kategorier:"
-#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:594
-#, fuzzy
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:267
 msgid "Projects:"
-msgstr "Projekt"
+msgstr "Projekt:"
-#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:598
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:279
 msgid "Project details"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Projektdetaljer"
-#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:602
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:291
 msgid "Research area:"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Forskningsområde:"
-#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:606
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:302
 msgid "Organization:"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Organisation:"
-#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:610
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:313
 msgid "Web site:"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Webbplats:"
-#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:614
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:325
 msgid "Supported systems:"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Systemstöd:"
-#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:618
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:363
 msgid "Project URL:"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Projekt-URL:"
-#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:787
-msgid ""
-"This project may not have work for your type of computer.  Do you want to "
-"add it anyway?"
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:499
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:754
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:758
+msgid "All"
+msgstr "Alla"
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:802
+msgid "This project may not have work for your type of computer.  Do you want to add it anyway?"
 msgstr ""
+"Detta projekt kanske inte har jobb för din typ av dator.  Vill du lägga till "
+"det ändå?"
-#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:811
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:826
 msgid "You already added this project. Please choose a different project."
+msgstr "Du har redan lagt till detta projekt. Välj ett annat projekt."
+#: clientgui/ProjectProcessingPage.cpp:321
+msgid "Communicating with project."
+msgstr "Kommunicerar med projekt."
+#: clientgui/ProjectProcessingPage.cpp:510
+msgid "Required files not found on the server."
+msgstr "Nödvändiga filer hittades inte på servern."
+#: clientgui/ProjectProcessingPage.cpp:513
+#: clientgui/ProjectProcessingPage.cpp:586
+msgid "An internal server error has occurred."
+msgstr "Ett internt serverfel har uppstått."
+#: clientgui/ProjectPropertiesPage.cpp:334
+msgid ""
+"Communicating with project\n"
+"Please wait..."
 msgstr ""
+"Kommunicerar med projekt\n"
+"Vänligen vänta…"
-#: clientgui/ProjectListCtrl.cpp:66
-msgid "Project List"
+#: clientgui/ProjectWelcomePage.cpp:251
+#, c-format
+msgid "Welcome to %s."
 msgstr ""
-#: clientgui/ProjectListCtrl.cpp:507
-msgid "Nvidia GPU Supported"
+#: clientgui/ProjectWelcomePage.cpp:254
+msgid "You have volunteered to compute for this project:"
 msgstr ""
-#: clientgui/ProjectListCtrl.cpp:509
-msgid "ATI GPU Supported"
+#: clientgui/ProjectWelcomePage.cpp:255
+msgid "Name:"
 msgstr ""
-#: clientgui/ProjectListCtrl.cpp:511
-msgid "Project Website"
+#: clientgui/ProjectWelcomePage.cpp:258
+msgid "Home:"
 msgstr ""
-#: clientgui/ProjectProcessingPage.cpp:321
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Communicating with project."
-msgstr "Kommunicerar med %s."
+#: clientgui/ProjectWelcomePage.cpp:262
+msgid "Description:"
+msgstr ""
-#: clientgui/ProjectProcessingPage.cpp:507
-msgid "Required files not found on the server."
+#: clientgui/ProjectWelcomePage.cpp:265
+msgid "URL:"
 msgstr ""
-#: clientgui/ProjectProcessingPage.cpp:510
-#: clientgui/ProjectProcessingPage.cpp:572
-msgid "An internal server error has occurred."
+#: clientgui/ProjectWelcomePage.cpp:268
+msgid "User:"
 msgstr ""
-#: clientgui/ProjectPropertiesPage.cpp:334
-msgid ""
-"Communicating with project\n"
-"Please wait..."
+#: clientgui/ProjectWelcomePage.cpp:273
+msgid "WARNING: This project is not registered with BOINC.  Make sure you trust it before continuing."
 msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ProjectWelcomePage.cpp:277
+msgid "To continue, click Next."
+msgstr "Välj Nästa för att fortsätta."
 #: clientgui/ProxyInfoPage.cpp:195
 msgid "Network communication failure"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Nätverkskommunikationsfel"
 #: clientgui/ProxyInfoPage.cpp:199
 msgid ""
@@ -2575,6 +2752,19 @@ msgid ""
 "3) You are using a proxy server.\n"
 "Click Next to configure BOINC's proxy settings."
 msgstr ""
+"World Community Grid - BOINC-programvaran misslyckades med att kommunicera\n"
+"via Internet. Det mest troliga är:\n"
+"1) Förbindelseproblem.  Kontrollera ditt nätverk eller modemanslutning\n"
+"och klicka sedan Bakåt för att prova igen.\n"
+"2) Din brandvägg blockerar World Community\n"
+"Grid - BOINC-programvaran.  Konfigurera din brandvägg till att\n"
+"låta BOINC och BOINC-hanteraren kommunicera över port 80 och 443,\n"
+"klicka sedan Bakåt för att prova igen.\n"
+"3) Du använder en proxyserver.\n"
+"Klicka Nästa för att konfigurera BOINCs proxyinställningar ."
 #: clientgui/ProxyInfoPage.cpp:203
 msgid ""
@@ -2592,699 +2782,560 @@ msgid ""
 "3) You are using a proxy server.\n"
 "Click Next to configure BOINC's proxy settings."
 msgstr ""
+"BOINC kunde ej kommunicera via Internet.\n"
+"Det mest troliga är:\n"
+"1) Förbindelseproblem.  Kontrollera ditt nätverk eller\n"
+"modemanslutning och klicka sedan Bakåt för att prova igen.\n"
+"2) Din brandvägg blockerar BOINC.\n"
+"Konfigurera din brandvägg till att låta BOINC och\n"
+"BOINC-hanteraren kommunicera på port 80,\n"
+"licka sedan Bakåt för att prova igen.\n"
+"3) Du använder en proxy-server.\n"
+"Klicka Nästa för att konfigurera BOINCs proxyinställningar."
 #: clientgui/ProxyPage.cpp:331
 msgid "Proxy configuration"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Proxykonfiguration"
 #: clientgui/ProxyPage.cpp:334
 msgid "HTTP proxy"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "HTTP-proxy"
-#: clientgui/ProxyPage.cpp:337 clientgui/ProxyPage.cpp:357
+#: clientgui/ProxyPage.cpp:337
+#: clientgui/ProxyPage.cpp:357
 msgid "Server:"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Server:"
 #: clientgui/ProxyPage.cpp:350
 msgid "Autodetect"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Upptäck automatiskt"
 #: clientgui/ProxyPage.cpp:354
 msgid "SOCKS proxy"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "SOCKS-proxy"
-#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:136 clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleGUI.cpp:119
+#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:167
 msgid "Advanced View...\tCtrl+Shift+A"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Avancerad vy...\tCtrl+Skift+A"
 # 82%
 # 100%
-#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:137
-#, fuzzy
+#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:168
 msgid "Display the advanced graphical interface."
-msgstr "Visa det förenklade grafiska gränssnittet."
+msgstr "Visa det avancerade grafiska gränssnittet."
-#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:144
+#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:175
 msgid "Skin"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Tema"
-#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:146
+#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:177
 msgid "Select the appearance of the user interface."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Välj utseendet på användargränssnittet."
-#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:193 clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleGUI.cpp:147
+#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:224
 #, c-format
 msgid "&%s"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "&%s"
-#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:369
+#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:405
 msgid "Default"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Standard"
-#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:737
+#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:848
 msgid "Suspend"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Vänteläge"
-#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:739
+#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:850
 msgid "Suspend Computing"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Beräkning i vänteläge"
-#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:740
+#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:851
 msgid "Resume Computing"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Återuppta beräkning"
-#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:756
+#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:867
 msgid "Notices"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Meddelanden"
-#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:757
+#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:868
 msgid "Open a window to view notices from projects or BOINC"
-msgstr ""
-# 82%
-# 75%
-# 100%
-#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleGUI.cpp:120
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Display the advanced (accessible) graphical interface."
-msgstr "Visa det förenklade grafiska gränssnittet."
-#: clientgui/sg_ClientStateIndicator.cpp:288
-msgid "Retrieving current status."
-msgstr ""
-#: clientgui/sg_ClientStateIndicator.cpp:291
-msgid "You don't have any projects.  Please Add a Project."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Öppna ett fönster för att visa meddelanden från projekt eller BOINC"
-#: clientgui/sg_ClientStateIndicator.cpp:294
-msgid "Downloading work from the server."
-msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgMessages.cpp:124
+msgid "Fetching notices; please wait..."
+msgstr "Hämtar meddelanden; Vänligen vänta…"
-#: clientgui/sg_ClientStateIndicator.cpp:299
-msgid "Processing Suspended:  Running On Batteries."
-msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgMessages.cpp:132
+msgid "There are no notices at this time."
+msgstr "Det finns inga meddelanden just nu."
-#: clientgui/sg_ClientStateIndicator.cpp:301
-msgid "Processing Suspended:  User Active."
-msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgMessages.cpp:146
+msgid "Close"
+msgstr "Stäng"
-#: clientgui/sg_ClientStateIndicator.cpp:303
-msgid "Processing Suspended:  User paused processing."
-msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgMessages.cpp:394
+#, c-format
+msgid "%s - Notices"
+msgstr "%s - Meddelanden"
-#: clientgui/sg_ClientStateIndicator.cpp:305
-msgid "Processing Suspended:  Time of Day."
-msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:270
+msgid "This dialog controls preferences for this computer only."
+msgstr "Denna dialog kontrollerar inställningar endast för denna dator."
-#: clientgui/sg_ClientStateIndicator.cpp:307
-msgid "Processing Suspended:  Benchmarks Running."
-msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:275
+msgid "Click OK to set preferences."
+msgstr "Klicka OK för att ange inställningar."
-#: clientgui/sg_ClientStateIndicator.cpp:309
-msgid "Processing Suspended."
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:280
+msgid "Click Clear to restore web-based settings for all preferences listed below."
 msgstr ""
-#: clientgui/sg_ClientStateIndicator.cpp:313
-msgid "Waiting to contact project servers."
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:287
+msgid "For additional settings, select Computing Preferences in the Advanced View."
 msgstr ""
-#: clientgui/sg_ClientStateIndicator.cpp:317
-#: clientgui/sg_ClientStateIndicator.cpp:325
-msgid "Retrieving current status"
-msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:315
+msgid "Do work only between:"
+msgstr "Utför jobb endast mellan:"
-#: clientgui/sg_ClientStateIndicator.cpp:320
-msgid "No work available to process"
-msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:337
+msgid "Connect to internet only between:"
+msgstr "Anslut endast till internet mellan:"
-#: clientgui/sg_ClientStateIndicator.cpp:322
-msgid "Unable to connect to the core client"
-msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:359
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:376
+msgid "Use no more than:"
+msgstr "Använd inte mer än:"
-#: clientgui/sg_DlgMessages.cpp:130
-msgid "One or more items failed to load from the Internet."
-msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:372
+msgid "of disk space"
+msgstr "av diskutrymme"
-#: clientgui/sg_DlgMessages.cpp:138
-msgid "Retry now"
-msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:389
+msgid "of the processor"
+msgstr "av processorn"
-#: clientgui/sg_DlgMessages.cpp:164
-msgid "Close"
-msgstr "Stäng"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:393
+msgid "Do work while on battery?"
+msgstr "Utför jobb medan dator kör på batteri?"
-#: clientgui/sg_DlgMessages.cpp:171
-msgid "Fetching notices; please wait..."
-msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:406
+msgid "Do work after idle for:"
+msgstr "Utför jobb efter inaktiv i:"
-#: clientgui/sg_DlgMessages.cpp:178
-msgid "There are no notices at this time."
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:431
+msgid "Clear all local preferences listed above and close the dialog"
 msgstr ""
-#: clientgui/sg_DlgMessages.cpp:463
-#, c-format
-msgid "%s - Notices"
-msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:609
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:612
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:688
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:692
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:704
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:708
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:851
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:862
+msgid "Anytime"
+msgstr "När som helst"
-#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:94
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:645
 msgid "100 MB"
 msgstr "100 MB"
-#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:95
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:646
 msgid "200 MB"
 msgstr "200 MB"
-#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:96
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:647
 msgid "500 MB"
 msgstr "500 MB"
-#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:97
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:648
 msgid "1 GB"
 msgstr "1 GB"
-#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:98
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:649
 msgid "2 GB"
 msgstr "2 GB"
-#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:99
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:650
 msgid "5 GB"
 msgstr "5 GB"
-#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:100
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:651
 msgid "10 GB"
 msgstr "10 GB"
-#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:101
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:652
 msgid "20 GB"
 msgstr "20 GB"
-#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:102
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:653
 msgid "50 GB"
 msgstr "50 GB"
-#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:103
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:654
 msgid "100 GB"
 msgstr "100 GB"
-#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:134
-msgid "10%"
-msgstr "10%"
-#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:135
-msgid "20%"
-msgstr "20%"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:724
+#, c-format
+msgid "%d MB"
+msgstr "%d MB"
-#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:136
-msgid "30%"
-msgstr "30%"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:726
+#, c-format
+msgid "%4.2f GB"
+msgstr "%4.2f GB"
-#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:137
-msgid "40%"
-msgstr "40%"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:767
+#, c-format
+msgid "%d%%"
+msgstr "%d%%"
-#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:138
-msgid "50%"
-msgstr "50%"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:803
+msgid "0 (Run Always)"
+msgstr "0 (Kör alltid)"
-#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:139
-msgid "60%"
-msgstr "60%"
-#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:140
-msgid "70%"
-msgstr "70%"
-#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:141
-msgid "80%"
-msgstr "80%"
-#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:142
-msgid "90%"
-msgstr "90%"
-#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:143
-msgid "100%"
-msgstr "100%"
-#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:168
-msgid "1"
-msgstr "1"
-#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:169
-msgid "3"
-msgstr "3"
-#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:170
-msgid "5"
-msgstr "5"
-#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:171
-msgid "10"
-msgstr "10"
-#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:172
-msgid "15"
-msgstr "15"
-#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:173
-msgid "30"
-msgstr "30"
-#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:174
-msgid "60"
-msgstr "60"
-#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:282
-msgid "This dialog controls preferences for this computer only."
-msgstr ""
-#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:287
-msgid "Click OK to set preferences."
-msgstr ""
-#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:292
-msgid "Click Clear to restore web-based settings."
-msgstr ""
-#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:299
-msgid "For additional settings, select Computing Preferences in "
-msgstr ""
-#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:304
-msgid "the Advanced View."
-msgstr ""
-#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:332
-msgid "Do work only between:"
-msgstr ""
-#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:354
-msgid "Connect to internet only between:"
-msgstr ""
-#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:376 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:393
-msgid "Use no more than:"
-msgstr ""
-#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:389
-msgid "of disk space"
-msgstr ""
-#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:406
-msgid "of the processor"
-msgstr ""
-#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:410
-msgid "Do work while on battery?"
-msgstr ""
-#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:423
-msgid "Do work after idle for:"
-msgstr ""
-#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:621 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:624
-#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:683 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:687
-#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:699 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:703
-#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:846 clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:857
-msgid "Anytime"
-msgstr ""
-#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:719
-#, c-format
-msgid "%d MB"
-msgstr "%d MB"
-#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:721
-#, c-format
-msgid "%4.2f GB"
-msgstr "%4.2f GB"
-#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:762
-#, c-format
-msgid "%d%%"
-msgstr "%d%%"
-#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:798
-msgid "0 (Run Always)"
-msgstr ""
-#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:801
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:806
 #, c-format
 msgid "%d"
 msgstr "%d"
-#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:1031
-msgid "Do you really want to clear all local preferences?\n"
-msgstr ""
-#: clientgui/sg_ImageButton.cpp:90
-msgid "Paused: Other work running"
-msgstr ""
-#: clientgui/sg_ImageButton.cpp:92
-msgid "Paused: User initiated.  Click 'Resume' to continue"
-msgstr ""
-#: clientgui/sg_ImageButton.cpp:94
-msgid "Paused: User active"
-msgstr ""
-#: clientgui/sg_ImageButton.cpp:96
-msgid "Paused: Computer on battery"
-msgstr ""
-#: clientgui/sg_ImageButton.cpp:98
-msgid "Paused: Time of Day"
-msgstr ""
-#: clientgui/sg_ImageButton.cpp:100
-msgid "Paused: Benchmarks running"
-msgstr ""
-#: clientgui/sg_ImageButton.cpp:102
-msgid "Paused"
-msgstr ""
-#: clientgui/sg_ImageButton.cpp:104
-msgid "Paused: Application start delayed"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:953
+#, c-format
+msgid "%s - Computing Preferences"
 msgstr ""
-#: clientgui/sg_ImageButton.cpp:132
-msgid "Click to show project graphics"
-msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:1033
+msgid "Do you really want to clear all local preferences?\n"
+msgstr "Är du säker på att du vill rensa alla lokala inställningar?\n"
-#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:61
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:66
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:179
 msgid "Update"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Uppdatera"
-#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:62
-msgid ""
-"Report all completed tasks, get latest credit, get latest preferences, and "
-"possibly get more tasks."
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:67
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:180
+msgid "Report all completed tasks, get latest credit, get latest preferences, and possibly get more tasks."
 msgstr ""
+"Rapportera alla färdiga uppgifter, hämta senaste poäng, hämta senaste "
+"inställningar och möjligen fler uppgifter."
-#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:68
-#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:114
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:73
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:129
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:187
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:727
 msgid "Suspend tasks for this project."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Försätt detta projekts uppgifter i vänteläge."
-#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:73
-#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:121
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:78
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:136
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:193
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:746
 msgid "No new tasks"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Inga nya uppgifter"
-#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:74
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:79
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:194
 msgid "Don't get new tasks for this project."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Hämta inte nya uppgifter för detta projekt."
-#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:79
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:84
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:200
 msgid "Reset project"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Starta om projekt"
-#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:80
-msgid ""
-"Delete all files and tasks associated with this project, and get new tasks.  "
-"You can update the project first to report any completed tasks."
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:85
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:201
+msgid "Delete all files and tasks associated with this project, and get new tasks.  You can update the project first to report any completed tasks."
 msgstr ""
+"Ta bort alla filer och uppgifter associerade med detta projekt och hämta nya "
+"uppgifter.  Du kan uppdatera projektet först för att rapportera avklarade "
-#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:86
-msgid ""
-"Remove this project.  Tasks in progress will be lost (use 'Update' first to "
-"report any completed tasks)."
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:91
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:208
+msgid "Remove this project.  Tasks in progress will be lost (use 'Update' first to report any completed tasks)."
 msgstr ""
+"Ta bort detta projekt.  Pågående uppgifter kommer att gå förlorade (använd "
+"”Uppdatera” först för att rapportera avklarade uppgifter)."
-#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:91
-#: clientgui/sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:78
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:96
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:84
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:214
 msgid "Properties"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Egenskaper"
-#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:92
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:97
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:215
 msgid "Show project details."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Visa projektdetaljer."
-#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:111
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:126
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:723
 msgid "Resume tasks for this project."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Återuppta uppgifter för detta projekt."
-#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:118
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:133
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:742
 msgid "Allow new tasks"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Tillåt nya uppgifter"
-#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:119
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:134
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:742
 msgid "Allow fetching new tasks for this project."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Tillåt nya uppgifter att hämtas för detta projekt."
-#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:122
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:137
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:746
 msgid "Don't fetch new tasks for this project."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Hämta inte nya uppgifter för detta projekt."
-#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:214
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:229
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:443
 #, c-format
 msgid "Are you sure you want to reset project '%s'?"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Är du säker på att du vill rensa projektet ”%s”?"
-#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:220
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:235
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:449
 msgid "Reset Project"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Återställ projekt"
-#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:251
-#: clientgui/sg_StatImageLoader.cpp:192
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:266
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:501
 #, c-format
 msgid "Are you sure you want to remove project '%s'?"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Är du säker på att du vill ta bort projektet ”%s”?"
-#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:257
-#: clientgui/sg_StatImageLoader.cpp:138 clientgui/sg_StatImageLoader.cpp:198
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:272
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:507
 msgid "Remove Project"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Ta bort projekt"
 #: clientgui/sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:72
-#, fuzzy
 msgid "Add Project"
 msgstr "Lägg till projekt"
 #: clientgui/sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:73
 msgid "Synchronize"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Synkronisera"
 #: clientgui/sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:74
 msgid "Work done for this project"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Jobb utfört för detta projekt"
-#: clientgui/sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:77 clientgui/sg_ProjectsComponent.cpp:123
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:77
 msgid "Synchronize projects with account manager system"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Synkronisera projekt med kontohanterarsystem"
 #: clientgui/sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:124
 msgid "Select a project to access with the controls below"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Välj ett projekt att komma åt med kontrollerna nedan"
 # 88%
 # 100%
 #: clientgui/sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:145
-#, fuzzy
 msgid "Project Web Pages"
-msgstr "Projekt"
+msgstr "Projektwebbsidor"
 #: clientgui/sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:149
 msgid "Project Commands"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Projektkommandon"
-#: clientgui/sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:267
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:276
 #, c-format
-msgid "Pop up a menu of websites for project %s"
+msgid "Pop up a menu of web sites for project %s"
 msgstr ""
-#: clientgui/sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:269
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:278
 #, c-format
 msgid "Pop up a menu of commands to apply to project %s"
-msgstr ""
-#: clientgui/sg_ProjectsComponent.cpp:196
-#: clientgui/sg_ProjectsComponent.cpp:207
-msgid "Open a window to view messages"
-msgstr ""
-#: clientgui/sg_ProjectsComponent.cpp:225
-msgid "Stop all activity"
-msgstr ""
-#: clientgui/sg_ProjectsComponent.cpp:237
-msgid "Resume activity"
-msgstr ""
-#: clientgui/sg_ProjectsComponent.cpp:254
-msgid "Open a window to set your preferences"
-msgstr ""
-#: clientgui/sg_ProjectsComponent.cpp:271
-msgid "Switch to the BOINC advanced view"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Visa en meny av kommandon för projektet %s"
-# 75%
-# 100%
-#: clientgui/sg_ProjectsComponent.cpp:298
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "My Projects:"
-msgstr "Projekt"
-#: clientgui/sg_StatImageLoader.cpp:101
-#, c-format
-msgid "%s. Work done by %s: %0.2f"
-msgstr ""
-#: clientgui/sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:60 clientgui/sg_ViewTabPage.cpp:424
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:66
 msgid "Show graphics"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Visa grafik"
-#: clientgui/sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:61
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:67
 msgid "Show application graphics in a window."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Visa programgrafik i ett fönster."
-#: clientgui/sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:67
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:73
 msgid "Suspend this task."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Försätt denna uppgift i vänteläge."
-#: clientgui/sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:72
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:78
 msgid "Abort"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Avbryt"
-#: clientgui/sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:73
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:79
 msgid "Abandon this task. You will get no credit for it."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Överge denna uppgift. Du kommer inte att få poäng för den."
-#: clientgui/sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:79
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:85
 msgid "Show task details."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Visa uppgiftsdetaljer."
-#: clientgui/sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:103
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:119
 msgid "Resume work for this task."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Återuppta jobb för denna uppgift."
-#: clientgui/sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:107
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:123
 msgid "Suspend work for this task."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Försätt jobb för denna uppgift i vänteläge."
-#: clientgui/sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:251
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:267
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "Are you sure you want to abort this task '%s'?\n"
 "(Progress: %.1lf%%, Status: %s)"
 msgstr ""
+"Är du säker på att du vill avbryta denna uppgift '%s'?\n"
+"(Utfört: %.1lf%%, Status: %s)"
-#: clientgui/sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:256
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:272
 msgid "Abort task"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Avbryt uppgift"
-#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:449
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:468
+msgid "You don't have any projects.  Please Add a Project."
+msgstr "Du har inga projekt.  Lägg till ett projekt."
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:469
 msgid "Not available"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Inte tillgänglig"
-#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:460
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:480
 msgid "Tasks:"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Uppgifter:"
-#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:466
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:486
 msgid "Select a task to access"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Välj en uppgift att komma åt"
-#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:477
-#, fuzzy
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:497
 msgid "From:"
-msgstr "Från"
+msgstr "Från:"
-#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:531
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:551
 msgid "This task's progress"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Vad denna uppgift utfört"
-#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:549
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:569
 msgid "Task Commands"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Uppgiftskommandon"
-#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:550
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:570
 msgid "Pop up a menu of commands to apply to this task"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Visa en meny med kommandon för denna uppgift"
-#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:685
-#, fuzzy, c-format
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:705
+#, c-format
 msgid "Application: %s"
-msgstr "Applikation"
+msgstr "Program: %s"
-#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:708
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:728
 #, c-format
 msgid "%.3f%%"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "%.3f%%"
-#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:716
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:736
 msgid "Application: Not available"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Program: ej tillgängligt"
-#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:816
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:836
 msgid "Not Available"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Ej tillgängligt"
-#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:831
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:851
 #, c-format
 msgid "Elapsed: %s"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Förflutit: %s"
-#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:845
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:865
 #, c-format
 msgid "Remaining (estimated): %s"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Återstående (beräknad): %s"
-#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:860
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:880
 #, c-format
 msgid "Status: %s"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Status: %s"
-#: clientgui/sg_ViewTabPage.cpp:140 clientgui/sg_ViewTabPage.cpp:280
-#, c-format
-msgid "%.1lf"
-msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1227
+msgid "Retrieving current status."
+msgstr "Hämtar nuvarande status."
-#: clientgui/sg_ViewTabPage.cpp:409
-#, c-format
-msgid "%d hr %d min %d sec"
-msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1233
+msgid "Downloading work from the server."
+msgstr "Hämtar jobb från servern."
-#: clientgui/sg_ViewTabPage.cpp:423
-msgid "Are you sure you want to display graphics on a remote machine?"
-msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1238
+msgid "Processing Suspended:  Running On Batteries."
+msgstr "Bearbetning i vänteläge:  Kör på batterier."
-#: clientgui/sg_ViewTabPage.cpp:446
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Application: "
-msgstr "Applikation"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1240
+msgid "Processing Suspended:  User Active."
+msgstr "Bearbetning i vänteläge:  Aktiv användare."
-#: clientgui/sg_ViewTabPage.cpp:449 clientgui/sg_ViewTabPage.cpp:453
-msgid "Time Remaining: "
-msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1242
+msgid "Processing Suspended:  User paused processing."
+msgstr "Bearbetning i vänteläge:  Pausad av användare."
-#: clientgui/sg_ViewTabPage.cpp:452
-msgid "Elapsed Time: "
-msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1244
+msgid "Processing Suspended:  Time of Day."
+msgstr "Bearbetning i vänteläge:  Tid på dagen."
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1246
+msgid "Processing Suspended:  Benchmarks Running."
+msgstr "Bearbetning i vänteläge:  Prestandamätningar kör."
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1248
+msgid "Processing Suspended."
+msgstr "Bearbetning i vänteläge."
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1252
+msgid "Waiting to contact project servers."
+msgstr "Väntar på kontakt med projektservrarna."
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1256
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1265
+msgid "Retrieving current status"
+msgstr "Hämtar aktuell status"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1260
+msgid "No work available to process"
+msgstr "Inget tillgängligt jobb att behandla"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1262
+msgid "Unable to connect to the core client"
+msgstr "Kan inte ansluta till kärnklienten"
 #: clientgui/TermsOfUsePage.cpp:218
 msgid "Terms of Use"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Användarvillkor"
 #: clientgui/TermsOfUsePage.cpp:222
 msgid "Please read the following terms of use:"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Läs följande användarvillkor:"
 #: clientgui/TermsOfUsePage.cpp:231
 msgid "I agree to the terms of use."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Jag godkänner användarvillkoren."
 #: clientgui/TermsOfUsePage.cpp:237
-msgid "I do not agree with the terms of use."
+msgid "I do not agree to the terms of use."
 msgstr ""
 #: clientgui/UnavailablePage.cpp:183
 msgid "Project temporarily unavailable"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Projektet inte tillgängligt för tillfället"
 #: clientgui/UnavailablePage.cpp:186
 msgid ""
@@ -3292,10 +3343,13 @@ msgid ""
 "Please try again later."
 msgstr ""
+"Projektet inte tillgängligt för tillfället.\n"
+"Prova senare."
 #: clientgui/UnavailablePage.cpp:190
 msgid "Account manager temporarily unavailable"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Kontohanteraren är inte tillgänglig för tillfället"
 #: clientgui/UnavailablePage.cpp:193
 msgid ""
@@ -3303,30 +3357,34 @@ msgid ""
 "Please try again later."
 msgstr ""
+"Kontohanteraren är inte tillgänglig för tillfället.\n"
+"Prova senare."
 #: clientgui/ValidateAccountKey.cpp:68
 msgid "Please specify an account key to continue."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Ange en kontonyckel för att fortsätta."
 #: clientgui/ValidateAccountKey.cpp:71
 msgid "Invalid Account Key; please enter a valid Account Key"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Ogiltig kontonyckel; Ange en giltig kontonyckel"
-#: clientgui/ValidateAccountKey.cpp:82 clientgui/ValidateEmailAddress.cpp:86
+#: clientgui/ValidateAccountKey.cpp:82
+#: clientgui/ValidateEmailAddress.cpp:86
 msgid "Validation conflict"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Valideringskonflikt"
 #: clientgui/ValidateEmailAddress.cpp:72
 msgid "Please specify an email address"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Ange en e-postadress"
 #: clientgui/ValidateEmailAddress.cpp:75
 msgid "Invalid email address; please enter a valid email address"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Ogiltig e-postadress; Ange en giltig e-postadress"
 #: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:69
 msgid "Missing URL"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Saknar URL"
 #: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:70
 msgid ""
@@ -3334,53 +3392,64 @@ msgid ""
 "For example:\n"
 msgstr ""
+"Ange en URL.\n"
+"Till exempel:\n"
-#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:83 clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:87
-#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:91 clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:103
-#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:107 clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:110
+#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:83
+#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:87
+#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:91
+#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:103
+#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:107
+#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:110
 msgid "Invalid URL"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Ogiltig URL"
-#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:84 clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:88
+#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:84
+#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:88
 #: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:92
 msgid ""
 "Please specify a valid URL.\n"
 "For example:\n"
 msgstr ""
+"Ange en giltig URL.\n"
+"Till exempel:\n"
-#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:104 clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:108
+#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:104
+#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:108
 #, c-format
 msgid "'%s' does not contain a valid host name."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "”%s” innehåller inte ett giltigt värdnamn."
 #: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:111
 #, c-format
 msgid "'%s' does not contain a valid path."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "”%s” innehåller inte en giltig sökväg."
-#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:84 clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:169
-#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1965 clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:159
-#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:182
+#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:84
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:175
 msgid "Commands"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Kommandon"
 #: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:88
-#, fuzzy
 msgid "Copy all messages"
-msgstr "Visa alla meddelanden"
+msgstr "Kopiera alla meddelanden"
 #: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:95
 msgid "Copy selected messages"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Kopiera utvalda meddelanden"
-#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:106 clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:502
+#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:106
+#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:502
 msgid "Show only this project"
 msgstr "Visa endast det här projektet"
-#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:107 clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:503
+#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:107
+#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:503
 msgid "Show only the messages for the selected project."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Visa endast meddelanden för det valda projektet."
 #: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:164
 msgid "Messages"
@@ -3388,15 +3457,15 @@ msgstr "Meddelanden"
 #: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:187
 msgid "Copying all messages to the clipboard..."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Kopierar alla meddelanden till urklipp…"
 #: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:223
 msgid "Copying selected messages to the clipboard..."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Kopierar valda meddelanden till utklipp…"
 #: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:286
 msgid "Filtering messages..."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Filtrerar meddelanden…"
 #: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:494
 msgid "Show all messages"
@@ -3404,493 +3473,504 @@ msgstr "Visa alla meddelanden"
 #: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:495
 msgid "Show messages for all projects."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Visa meddelanden för alla projekt."
-#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:219 clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:442
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:225
 msgid "Account"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Konto"
-#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:221
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:227
 msgid "Work done"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Utfört jobb"
-#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:222
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:228
 msgid "Avg. work done"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Genomsnittligt utfört jobb"
-#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:224 clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:187
-#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:233
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:230
 msgid "Status"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Status"
-#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:249
-#, fuzzy
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:255
 msgid "Projects"
 msgstr "Projekt"
-#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:301
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:307
 msgid "Updating project..."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Uppdaterar projekt…"
-#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:343
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:349
 msgid "Resuming project..."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Återupptar projekt…"
-#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:347
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:353
 msgid "Suspending project..."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Försätter projekt i vänteläge…"
-#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:384
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:390
 msgid "Telling project to allow additional task downloads..."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Ställer in projekt till att tillåta flera hämtningar av uppgifter…"
-#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:388
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:394
 msgid "Telling project to not fetch any additional tasks..."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Ställer in projekt till att inte hämta flera uppgifter…"
-#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:424
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:430
 msgid "Resetting project..."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Nollställer projekt…"
-#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:482
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:488
 msgid "Removing project..."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Tar bort projekt…"
-#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:542 clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:598
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:548
 msgid "Launching browser..."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Startar webbläsare…"
-#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1048
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1063
 msgid "Requested by user"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Begärd av användare"
-#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1049
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1064
 msgid "To fetch work"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "För att hämta jobb"
-#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1050
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1065
 msgid "To report completed tasks"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "För att rapportera avslutade jobb"
-#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1051
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1066
 msgid "To send trickle-up message"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "För att sända flödesmeddelande"
-#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1052
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1067
 msgid "Requested by account manager"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Begärd av kontohanteraren"
-#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1053
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1068
 msgid "Project initialization"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Projektinitiering"
-#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1054
-#, fuzzy
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1069
 msgid "Requested by project"
-msgstr "Lägg till projekt"
+msgstr "Begärd av projekt"
-#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1055
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1070
 msgid "Unknown reason"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Okänd anledning"
-#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1069
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1084
 msgid "Suspended by user"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Försatt i vänteläge av användare"
-#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1072
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1087
 msgid "Won't get new tasks"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Hämtar inte nya uppgifter"
-#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1075
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1090
 msgid "Project ended - OK to remove"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Projektet är avslutat - det kan tas bort"
-#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1078
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1093
 msgid "Will remove when tasks done"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Kommer att ta bort när uppgifter är avklarade"
-#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1081
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1096
 msgid "Scheduler request pending"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Schemaläggarbegäran väntar"
-#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1087
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1102
 msgid "Scheduler request in progress"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Schemaläggarbegäran pågår"
-#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1090
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1105
 msgid "Trickle up message pending"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Flödesmeddelande väntar"
-#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1096
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1111
 msgid "Communication deferred "
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Kommunikation fördröjd "
 #: clientgui/ViewResources.cpp:62
 msgid "Total disk usage"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Total diskanvändning"
 #: clientgui/ViewResources.cpp:83
 msgid "Disk usage by BOINC projects"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Diskanvändning för BOINC-projekt"
 #: clientgui/ViewResources.cpp:116
 msgid "Disk"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Disk"
-#: clientgui/ViewResources.cpp:249
+#: clientgui/ViewResources.cpp:225
 msgid "no projects: 0 bytes used"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "inga projekt: 0 byte använt"
-#: clientgui/ViewResources.cpp:286
+#: clientgui/ViewResources.cpp:262
 msgid "used by BOINC: "
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "använt av BOINC: "
-#: clientgui/ViewResources.cpp:296
+#: clientgui/ViewResources.cpp:272
 msgid "free, available to BOINC: "
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "fritt, tillgängligt för BOINC: "
-#: clientgui/ViewResources.cpp:306
+#: clientgui/ViewResources.cpp:282
 msgid "free, not available to BOINC: "
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "fritt, ej tillgängligt för BOINC: "
-#: clientgui/ViewResources.cpp:316
+#: clientgui/ViewResources.cpp:292
 msgid "free: "
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "fritt: "
-#: clientgui/ViewResources.cpp:326
+#: clientgui/ViewResources.cpp:302
 msgid "used by other programs: "
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "använt av andra program: "
-#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1195
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1181
 msgid "User Total"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Användartotalsumma"
-#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1196
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1182
 msgid "User Average"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Användargenomsnitt"
-#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1197
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1183
 msgid "Host Total"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Värdtotalsumma"
-#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1198
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1184
 msgid "Host Average"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Värdgenomsnitt"
-#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1345
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1331
 #, c-format
 msgid "Last update: %.0f days ago"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Senaste uppdatering: %.0f dagar sedan"
-#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1969
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1956
 msgid "Show user total"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Användartotalsumma"
-#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1970
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1957
 msgid "Show total credit for user"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Sammanlagd poäng för användaren"
-#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1976
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1963
 msgid "Show user average"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Användargenomsnitt"
-#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1977
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1964
 msgid "Show average credit for user"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Genomsnittlig poäng för användare"
-#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1983
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1970
 msgid "Show host total"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Värdtotalsumma"
-#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1984
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1971
 msgid "Show total credit for host"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Totala antalet värdpoäng"
-#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1990
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1977
 msgid "Show host average"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Värdgenomsnitt"
-#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1991
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1978
 msgid "Show average credit for host"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Genomsnittlig värdpoäng"
-#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2000
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1987
 msgid "< &Previous project"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "< &Föregående projekt"
-#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2001
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1988
 msgid "Show chart for previous project"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Visa diagram för föregående projekt"
-#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2006
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1993
 msgid "&Next project >"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "&Nästa projekt >"
-#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2007
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1994
 msgid "Show chart for next project"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Visa diagram för nästa projekt"
-#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2013 clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2410
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2000
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2390
 msgid "Hide project list"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Dölj projektlista"
-#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2014 clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2410
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2001
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2390
 msgid "Use entire area for graphs"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Använd hela området till grafer"
-#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2019
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2006
 msgid "Mode view"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Lägesvy"
-#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2023
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2010
 msgid "One project"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Ett projekt"
-#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2024
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2011
 msgid "Show one chart with selected project"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Visa ett diagram med valt projekt"
-#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2030
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2017
 msgid "All projects (separate)"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Alla projekt (separata)"
-#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2031
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2018
 msgid "Show all projects, one chart per project"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Visa alla projekt, ett diagram per projekt"
-#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2037
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2024
 msgid "All projects (together)"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Alla projekt (tillsammans)"
-#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2038
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2025
 msgid "Show one chart with all projects"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Visa ett diagram med alla projekt"
-#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2044
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2031
 msgid "All projects (sum)"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Alla projekt (summerade)"
-#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2045
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2032
 msgid "Show one chart with sum of projects"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Visa ett diagram med summan av projekt"
-#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2073
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2053
 msgid "Statistics"
-msgstr ""
-#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2097 clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2118
-#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2139 clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2161
-#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2182 clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2203
-#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2224 clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2245
-#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2266 clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2290
+msgstr "Statistik"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2077
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2098
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2119
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2141
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2162
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2183
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2204
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2225
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2246
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2270
 msgid "Updating charts..."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Uppdaterar diagram…"
-#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2414
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2394
 msgid "Show project list"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Visa projektlista"
-#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2414
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2394
 msgid "Uses smaller area for graphs"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Använd mindre områden för grafer"
-#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:163
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:169
 msgid "Retry Now"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Prova igen"
-#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:164
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:170
 msgid "Retry the file transfer now"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Pröva filöverföring igen"
-#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:170
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:176
 msgid "Abort Transfer"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Avbryt överföring"
-#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:171
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:177
 msgid "Abort this file transfer.  You won't get credit for the task."
 msgstr ""
+"Avbryt denna filöverföring.  Du kommer inte att få poäng för denna uppgift."
-#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:182
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:188
 msgid "File"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Fil"
-#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:183 clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:232
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:189
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:238
 msgid "Progress"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Utfört"
-#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:184
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:190
 msgid "Size"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Storlek"
-#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:185
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:191
 msgid "Elapsed Time"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Förfluten tid"
-#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:186
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:192
 msgid "Speed"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Hastighet"
-#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:212
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:218
 msgid "Transfers"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Överföringar"
-#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:279
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:285
 msgid "Network activity is suspended - "
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Nätverksaktivitet försatt i vänteläge - "
-#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:281
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:287
 msgid ""
 "You can enable it using the Activity menu."
 msgstr ""
+"Du kan aktivera det med Aktivitetsmenyn."
-#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:284
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:290
 msgid "BOINC"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "BOINC"
-#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:291
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:297
 msgid "Retrying transfer now..."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Provar överföring igen…"
-#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:329
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:335
 msgid "Aborting transfer..."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Avbryt överföring…"
-#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:342
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:348
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "Are you sure you want to abort this file transfer '%s'?\n"
 "NOTE: Aborting a transfer will invalidate a task and you\n"
 "will not receive credit for it."
 msgstr ""
+"Är du säker på att du vill avbryta denna överföring ”%s”?\n"
+"OBS: Att avbryta en överföring kommer att göra en uppgift ogiltig och du\n"
+"kommer inte att få poäng för den."
-#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:348
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:354
 msgid "Abort File Transfer"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Avbryt filöverföring"
-#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:769
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:785
 msgid "Upload"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Skicka"
-#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:769
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:785
 msgid "Download"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Hämta"
-#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:773
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:789
 msgid "retry in "
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "prova igen om "
-#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:775
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:791
 msgid "failed"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "misslyckades"
-#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:778
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:794
 msgid "suspended"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "i vänteläge"
-#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:783
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:799
 msgid "active"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "aktiv"
-#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:785
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:801
 msgid "pending"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "väntar"
-#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:792
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:808
 msgid " (project backoff: "
-msgstr ""
+msgstr " (projekt backoff: "
-#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:186 clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:766
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:192
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:782
 msgid "Show active tasks"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Aktiva uppgifter"
-#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:187 clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:767
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:193
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:783
 msgid "Show only active tasks."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Visa endast aktiva uppgifter."
-#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:200
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:206
 msgid "Show VM Console"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Visa VM-konsoll"
-#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:201
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:207
 msgid "Show VM Console in a window."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Visa VM-konsoll i ett fönster."
-#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:208
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:214
 msgid "Suspend work for this result."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Sätt detta resultats jobb i vänteläge."
-#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:215
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:221
 msgid "Abandon work on the result. You will get no credit for it."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Överge jobb. Du får inga poäng för det."
-#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:234
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:240
 msgid "Elapsed"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Förfluten"
-#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:235
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:241
 msgid "Remaining (estimated)"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Återstående (beräknad)"
-#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:236
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:242
 msgid "Deadline"
-msgstr ""
-#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:238
-msgid "Name"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Tidsgräns"
-#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:263
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:269
 msgid "Tasks"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Uppgifter"
-#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:356
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:362
 msgid "Resuming task..."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Återupptar uppgift…"
-#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:359
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:365
 msgid "Suspending task..."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Uppgift i vänteläge…"
-#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:388
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:394
 msgid "Showing graphics for task..."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Visar grafik för uppgift…"
-#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:425
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:431
 msgid "Showing VM console for task..."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Visar VM-konsoll för uppgift…"
-#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:478
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:484
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "Are you sure you want to abort this task '%s'?\n"
 "(Progress: %s, Status: %s)"
 msgstr ""
+"Är du säker på att du vill avbryta denna uppgift ”%s”?\n"
+"(Utfört: %s, Status: %s)"
-#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:484
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:490
 #, c-format
 msgid "Are you sure you want to abort these %d tasks?"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Är du säker på att du vill avbryta dessa %d uppgifter?"
-#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:498
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:504
 msgid "Aborting task..."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Avbryter uppgift…"
-#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:760
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:776
 msgid "Show all tasks"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Alla uppgifter"
-#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:761
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:777
 msgid "Show all tasks."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Visa alla uppgifter."
 #: clientgui/WelcomePage.cpp:284
 msgid "Add project or account manager"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Lägg till projekt eller kontohanterare"
 #: clientgui/WelcomePage.cpp:288
 msgid "Add project or use BOINC Account Manager"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Lägg till projekt eller använd BOINC kontohanterare"
 #: clientgui/WelcomePage.cpp:297
 #, c-format
@@ -3901,6 +3981,11 @@ msgid ""
 "Projects added via this wizard will not be\n"
 "listed on or managed via %s."
 msgstr ""
+"Om möjligt, lägg till projekt från\n"
+"Projekt tillagda via denna guide kommer ej att\n"
+"listas eller hanteras via %s."
 #: clientgui/WelcomePage.cpp:313
 msgid ""
@@ -3910,208 +3995,492 @@ msgid ""
 "You can add a project directly,\n"
 "or use an 'Account Manager' web site to select projects."
 msgstr ""
+"Det finns mer än 30 BOINC-baserade projekt\n"
+"som utför forskning inom många vetenskapsområden,\n"
+"och du kan anmäla dig som frivillig till så många av dem som du vill.\n"
+"Du kan lägga till ett projekt direkt,\n"
+"eller använda en ”kontohanterar”-webbplats för att välja projekt."
 #: clientgui/WelcomePage.cpp:325
 msgid ""
-"You have chosen to add a new volunteer computing project or change which "
+"You have chosen to add a new volunteer computing project or change which projects\n"
 "you contribute to.\n"
-"Some of these projects are run and managed by World Community Grid, while "
-"are run and managed by other researchers or organizations. The BOINC "
+"Some of these projects are run and managed by World Community Grid, while others\n"
+"are run and managed by other researchers or organizations. The BOINC software\n"
 "can divide your spare processing power among any combination of projects.\n"
-"Alternatively, if you have registered with a BOINC Account Manager, you can "
+"Alternatively, if you have registered with a BOINC Account Manager, you can use\n"
 "this to choose which projects to support.\n"
 "Please choose which type of change you would like to make:\n"
 msgstr ""
+"Du har valt att lägga till ett nytt frivilligt beräkningsprojekt eller att "
+"ändra vilka projekt\n"
+"du bidrar till\n"
+"Några av dessa projekt körs och hanteras av World Community Grid, medan "
+"körs och hanteras av andra forskare och organisationer. BOINC-mjukvaran\n"
+"kan fördela din lediga processorkraft mellan vilken projektkombination som "
+"Alternativt, om du har registrerat med en BOINC-kontohanterare, kan du "
+"denna till att välja vilka projekt du vill stödja.\n"
+"Vänligen välj vilka förändringar du vill göra:\n"
 #: clientgui/WelcomePage.cpp:339
 msgid "Use a BOINC Account Manager"
-msgstr ""
-#: clientgui/WelcomePage.cpp:352
-msgid "To continue, click Next."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Använd en BOINC kontohanterare"
 #: clientgui/WelcomePage.cpp:358
 msgid "Add or change your World Community Grid projects"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Lägg till eller ändra dina World Community Grid-projekt"
 #: clientgui/WelcomePage.cpp:361
 msgid "Add projects run by other researchers or organizations"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Lägg till projekt som körs av andra forskare och organisationer"
-#: clientgui/WizardAttach.cpp:634
+#: clientgui/WizardAttach.cpp:673
 msgid "Do you really want to cancel?"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Vill du verkligen avbryta?"
-#: clientgui/WizardAttach.cpp:635
+#: clientgui/WizardAttach.cpp:674
 msgid "Question"
 msgstr "Fråga"
-#: clientgui/wizardex.cpp:377 clientgui/wizardex.cpp:553
+#: clientgui/wizardex.cpp:377
+#: clientgui/wizardex.cpp:553
 msgid "&Next >"
 msgstr "&Nästa>"
 #: clientgui/wizardex.cpp:383
 msgid "< &Back"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "< &Bakåt"
 #: clientgui/wizardex.cpp:553
 msgid "&Finish"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "&Avsluta"
+#: clientgui/common/wxPieCtrl.cpp:64
+msgid "Pie Ctrl"
+msgstr "Pie Ctrl"
+#: clientgui/mac/Mac_GUI.cpp:35
+msgid "Services"
+msgstr "Tjänster"
-#: clientgui/common/wxFlatNotebook.cpp:182
+#: clientgui/mac/Mac_GUI.cpp:36
 #, c-format
-msgid "New page inserted. Index = %i"
-msgstr ""
+msgid "Hide %s"
+msgstr "Göm %s"
+#: clientgui/mac/Mac_GUI.cpp:37
+msgid "Hide Others"
+msgstr "Göm andra"
+#: clientgui/mac/Mac_GUI.cpp:38
+msgid "Show All"
+msgstr "Visa alla"
-#: clientgui/common/wxFlatNotebook.cpp:187
+#: clientgui/mac/Mac_GUI.cpp:39
 #, c-format
-msgid "New page appended. Index = %i"
-msgstr ""
+msgid "Quit %s"
+msgstr "Avsluta %s"
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.h:30
+msgid "specify work start and stop hours in format HH:MM-HH:MM"
+msgstr "ange start- och stopptid för jobb i formatet HH:MM-HH:MM"
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.h:31
+msgid "specify network usage start and stop hours in format HH:MM-HH:MM"
+msgstr "ange start- och stopptid för nätverksanvändning i formatet HH:MM-HH:MM"
+#~ msgid "Account manager website"
+#~ msgstr "Kontohanterarens webbplats"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "The minimum username length for this project is 1. Please enter a different "
+#~ "username."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Minsta längd på användarnamn för detta projekt är ett. Ange ett annat "
+#~ "användarnamn."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "The minimum username length for this account manager is 1. Please enter a "
+#~ "different username."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Minsta längd på användarnamn för denna kontohanterare är ett. Ange ett annat "
+#~ "användarnamn."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "The minimum email address length for this project is 1. Please enter a "
+#~ "different email address."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Minsta längd på e-postadress för detta projekt är ett. Ange en annan "
+#~ "e-postadress."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "The minimum email address length for this account manager is 1. Please enter "
+#~ "a different email address."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Minsta längd på e-postadress för denna kontohanterare är ett. Ange en annan "
+#~ "e-postadress."
-#: clientgui/common/wxFlatNotebook.cpp:2047
 #, c-format
-msgid "Old Page Index = %i"
-msgstr ""
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "The minimum password length for this project is %d. Please enter a different "
+#~ "password."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Minsta längd på lösenord för detta projekt är %d. Ange ett annat lösenord."
-#: clientgui/common/wxFlatNotebook.cpp:2052
 #, c-format
-msgid "OnDropTarget: index by HitTest = %i"
-msgstr ""
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "The minimum password length for this account manager is %d. Please enter a "
+#~ "different password."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Minsta längd på lösenord för denna kontohanterare är %d. Ange ett annat "
+#~ "lösenord."
-#: clientgui/common/wxPieCtrl.cpp:63
-msgid "Pie Ctrl"
-msgstr ""
+#~ msgid "Account Manager &URL:"
+#~ msgstr "&URL för kontohanterare:"
-#: clientgui/mac/MacAccessiblity.cpp:257
-msgid ""
-"for accessibility support, please select advanced from the view menu or type "
-"command shift a"
-msgstr ""
+#, c-format
+#~ msgid "%s &website"
+#~ msgstr "%s-&webbplats"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "An error has occurred;\n"
+#~ "check the Event Log for details.\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ "Click Finish to close."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Ett fel har inträffat;\n"
+#~ "Prova igen senare.\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ "Välj Avsluta för att stänga."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "(C) 2003-2013 University of California, Berkeley.\n"
+#~ "All Rights Reserved."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "(C) 2003-2013 University of California, Berkeley.\n"
+#~ "Alla rättigheter förbehållna."
+#~ msgid "invalid float"
+#~ msgstr "ogiltigt flyttal"
-#: clientgui/mac/MacAccessiblity.cpp:302
-msgid "This panel contains graphs showing user totals for projects"
-msgstr ""
+#, c-format
+#~ msgid "%s - Preferences"
+#~ msgstr "%s - Inställningar"
-#: clientgui/mac/MacAccessiblity.cpp:726
-msgid "list headers"
-msgstr ""
+#, no-c-format
+#~ msgid "% of the processors"
+#~ msgstr "% av processorerna"
-#: clientgui/mac/MacAccessiblity.cpp:732
-msgid "list of events"
-msgstr ""
+#, no-c-format
+#~ msgid "% CPU time"
+#~ msgstr "% CPU-tid"
-#: clientgui/mac/MacAccessiblity.cpp:734
-msgid "list of events is empty"
-msgstr ""
+#~ msgid "KBytes/sec."
+#~ msgstr "KByte/sek."
+#~ msgid "Mbytes"
+#~ msgstr "Mbyte"
+#~ msgid "every"
+#~ msgstr "var"
+#~ msgid "days"
+#~ msgstr "dagar"
+#~ msgid "Gigabytes disk space"
+#~ msgstr "Gigabyte diskutrymme"
+#~ msgid "Workunit name"
+#~ msgstr "Namn på jobbenhet"
+#~ msgid "Running, high priority"
+#~ msgstr "Kör, hög prioritet"
+#~ msgid " (Scheduler wait: "
+#~ msgstr " (Schemaläggare väntar: "
+#~ msgid " (Scheduler wait)"
+#~ msgstr " (Schemaläggare väntar)"
+#~ msgid " (Waiting for network access)"
+#~ msgstr " (Väntar på nätverksåtkomst)"
+#~ msgid "Notice List"
+#~ msgstr "Meddelandelista"
-#: clientgui/mac/MacAccessiblity.cpp:739
 #, c-format
-msgid "list of %s"
-msgstr ""
+#~ msgid "%s; received on %s"
+#~ msgstr "%s; mottaget från %s"
-#: clientgui/mac/MacAccessiblity.cpp:741
 #, c-format
-msgid "list of %s is empty"
-msgstr ""
+#~ msgid "%s; received from %s; on %s"
+#~ msgstr "%s; mottaget från %s; på %s"
+#~ msgid "Click"
+#~ msgstr "Klick"
+#~ msgid "Project List"
+#~ msgstr "Projektlista"
+#~ msgid "Nvidia GPU Supported"
+#~ msgstr "Nvidia-GPU stöds"
+#~ msgid "ATI GPU Supported"
+#~ msgstr "ATI-GPU stöds"
+#~ msgid "Project Website"
+#~ msgstr "Projektwebbplats"
+# 82%
+# 75%
+# 100%
+#~ msgid "Display the advanced (accessible) graphical interface."
+#~ msgstr "Visa det avancerade (tillgängliga) grafiska gränssnittet."
+#~ msgid "One or more items failed to load from the Internet."
+#~ msgstr "Ett eller flera objekt kunde inte hämtas från Internet."
+#~ msgid "Retry now"
+#~ msgstr "Försök igen nu"
+#~ msgid "10%"
+#~ msgstr "10%"
+#~ msgid "20%"
+#~ msgstr "20%"
+#~ msgid "30%"
+#~ msgstr "30%"
+#~ msgid "40%"
+#~ msgstr "40%"
+#~ msgid "50%"
+#~ msgstr "50%"
+#~ msgid "60%"
+#~ msgstr "60%"
+#~ msgid "70%"
+#~ msgstr "70%"
+#~ msgid "80%"
+#~ msgstr "80%"
+#~ msgid "90%"
+#~ msgstr "90%"
+#~ msgid "100%"
+#~ msgstr "100%"
+#~ msgid "1"
+#~ msgstr "1"
+#~ msgid "3"
+#~ msgstr "3"
+#~ msgid "5"
+#~ msgstr "5"
+#~ msgid "10"
+#~ msgstr "10"
+#~ msgid "15"
+#~ msgstr "15"
+#~ msgid "30"
+#~ msgstr "30"
+#~ msgid "60"
+#~ msgstr "60"
+#~ msgid "Click Clear to restore web-based settings."
+#~ msgstr "Klicka Rensa för att återställa webbaserade inställningar."
+#~ msgid "For additional settings, select Computing Preferences in "
+#~ msgstr "För ytterligare inställningar, välj Beräkningsinställningar i "
+#~ msgid "the Advanced View."
+#~ msgstr "den avancerade vyn."
+#~ msgid "Paused: Other work running"
+#~ msgstr "Pausad: Annat jobb körs"
+#~ msgid "Paused: User initiated.  Click 'Resume' to continue"
+#~ msgstr "Pausad: Användarinitierad.  Klicka ”Återuppta” för att fortsätta"
+#~ msgid "Paused: User active"
+#~ msgstr "Pausad: Användarinitierad.  Klicka ”Återuppta” för att fortsätta"
+#~ msgid "Paused: Computer on battery"
+#~ msgstr "Pausad: Datorn kör på batteri"
+#~ msgid "Paused: Time of Day"
+#~ msgstr "Pausad: Tidpunkt på dagen"
+#~ msgid "Paused: Benchmarks running"
+#~ msgstr "Pausad: Prestandamätningar körs"
+#~ msgid "Paused"
+#~ msgstr "Pausad"
+#~ msgid "Paused: Application start delayed"
+#~ msgstr "Pausad: Programstart fördröjd"
+#~ msgid "Click to show project graphics"
+#~ msgstr "Klicka för att visa projektgrafik"
-#: clientgui/mac/MacAccessiblity.cpp:843
 #, c-format
-msgid "; current sort column %d of %d; descending order; "
-msgstr ""
+#~ msgid "Pop up a menu of websites for project %s"
+#~ msgstr "Visa en meny av webbplatser för projekt %s"
+#~ msgid "Open a window to view messages"
+#~ msgstr "Öppna ett fönster för att visa meddelanden"
+#~ msgid "Stop all activity"
+#~ msgstr "Stoppa all aktivitet"
+#~ msgid "Resume activity"
+#~ msgstr "Återuppta aktivitet"
+#~ msgid "Open a window to set your preferences"
+#~ msgstr "Öppna ett fönster för att ange dina inställningar"
+#~ msgid "Switch to the BOINC advanced view"
+#~ msgstr "Växla till BOINCs avancerade vy"
+# 75%
+# 100%
+#~ msgid "My Projects:"
+#~ msgstr "Mina projekt:"
-#: clientgui/mac/MacAccessiblity.cpp:845
 #, c-format
-msgid "; current sort column %d of %d; ascending order; "
-msgstr ""
+#~ msgid "%s. Work done by %s: %0.2f"
+#~ msgstr "%s. Jobb utfört av %s: %0.2f"
-#: clientgui/mac/MacAccessiblity.cpp:848
 #, c-format
-msgid "; column %d of %d; "
-msgstr ""
+#~ msgid "%.1lf"
+#~ msgstr "%.1lf"
-#: clientgui/mac/MacAccessiblity.cpp:855
-msgid "list is empty"
-msgstr ""
+#, c-format
+#~ msgid "%d hr %d min %d sec"
+#~ msgstr "%d t %d min %d sek"
+#~ msgid "Are you sure you want to display graphics on a remote machine?"
+#~ msgstr "Är du säker på att du vill visa grafik på en fjärrmaskin?"
+#~ msgid "Application: "
+#~ msgstr "Program: "
+#~ msgid "Time Remaining: "
+#~ msgstr "Återstående tid: "
+#~ msgid "Elapsed Time: "
+#~ msgstr "Förfluten tid: "
+#~ msgid "I do not agree with the terms of use."
+#~ msgstr "Jag godkänner ej användarvillkoren."
-#: clientgui/mac/MacAccessiblity.cpp:858 clientgui/mac/MacAccessiblity.cpp:870
 #, c-format
-msgid "; row %d; "
-msgstr ""
+#~ msgid "New page inserted. Index = %i"
+#~ msgstr "Ny sida infogad. Index = %i"
-#: clientgui/mac/MacAccessiblity.cpp:862
 #, c-format
-msgid "; selected row %d of %d; "
-msgstr ""
+#~ msgid "New page appended. Index = %i"
+#~ msgstr "Ny sida infogad. Index = %i"
-#: clientgui/mac/MacAccessiblity.cpp:864
 #, c-format
-msgid "; selected row %d ; "
-msgstr ""
+#~ msgid "Old Page Index = %i"
+#~ msgstr "Gammalt sidoindex = %i"
-#: clientgui/mac/MacAccessiblity.cpp:868
 #, c-format
-msgid "; row %d of %d; "
-msgstr ""
+#~ msgid "OnDropTarget: index by HitTest = %i"
+#~ msgstr "OnDropTarget: index av HitTest = %i"
-#: clientgui/mac/MacAccessiblity.cpp:881
-msgid "blank"
-msgstr ""
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "for accessibility support, please select advanced from the view menu or type "
+#~ "command shift a"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "för tillgänglighetsstöd, välj avancerat från menyn Visa eller skriv "
+#~ "kommandot skift a"
-#: clientgui/mac/MacAccessiblity.cpp:1523
-msgid "list of projects or account managers"
-msgstr ""
+#~ msgid "This panel contains graphs showing user totals for projects"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Denna panel innehåller grafer som visar användartotalsumma för projekten"
+#~ msgid "list headers"
+#~ msgstr "listhuvuden"
+#~ msgid "list of events"
+#~ msgstr "händelselista"
+#~ msgid "list of events is empty"
+#~ msgstr "händelselista är tom"
-#: clientgui/mac/MacAccessiblity.cpp:1575
 #, c-format
-msgid "selected row %d of %d; "
-msgstr ""
+#~ msgid "list of %s"
+#~ msgstr "lista av %s"
-#: clientgui/mac/MacAccessiblity.cpp:1577
 #, c-format
-msgid "row %d of %d; "
-msgstr ""
+#~ msgid "list of %s is empty"
+#~ msgstr "lista av %s är tom"
-#: clientgui/mac/Mac_GUI.cpp:109
-msgid "Preferences…"
-msgstr ""
+#, c-format
+#~ msgid "; current sort column %d of %d; descending order; "
+#~ msgstr "; aktuell sorteringskolumn %d av %d; sjunkande ordning; "
-#: clientgui/mac/Mac_GUI.cpp:121
-msgid "Services"
-msgstr ""
+#, c-format
+#~ msgid "; current sort column %d of %d; ascending order; "
+#~ msgstr "; aktuell sorteringskolumn %d av %d; stigande ordning; "
-#: clientgui/mac/Mac_GUI.cpp:143
 #, c-format
-msgid "Hide %s"
-msgstr ""
+#~ msgid "; column %d of %d; "
+#~ msgstr "; kolumn %d av %d; "
-#: clientgui/mac/Mac_GUI.cpp:157
-msgid "Hide Others"
-msgstr ""
+#~ msgid "list is empty"
+#~ msgstr "lista är tom"
-#: clientgui/mac/Mac_GUI.cpp:171
-msgid "Show All"
-msgstr ""
+#, c-format
+#~ msgid "; row %d; "
+#~ msgstr "; rad %d; "
-#: clientgui/mac/Mac_GUI.cpp:185
 #, c-format
-msgid "Quit %s"
-msgstr ""
+#~ msgid "; selected row %d of %d; "
+#~ msgstr "; valde rad %d av %d; "
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.h:30
-msgid "specify work start and stop hours in format HH:MM-HH:MM"
-msgstr ""
+#, c-format
+#~ msgid "; selected row %d ; "
+#~ msgstr "; valde rad %d ; "
-#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.h:31
-msgid "specify network usage start and stop hours in format HH:MM-HH:MM"
-msgstr ""
+#, c-format
+#~ msgid "; row %d of %d; "
+#~ msgstr "; rad %d av %d; "
+#~ msgid "blank"
+#~ msgstr "blank"
+#~ msgid "list of projects or account managers"
+#~ msgstr "lista över projekt eller kontohanterare"
+#, c-format
+#~ msgid "selected row %d of %d; "
+#~ msgstr "valde rad %d av %d; "
+#, c-format
+#~ msgid "row %d of %d; "
+#~ msgstr "rad %d av %d; "
+#~ msgid "Preferences…"
+#~ msgstr "Inställningar…"
 #~ msgid "%s - Messages"
 #~ msgstr "%s - Meddelanden"
diff --git a/locale/sv_SE/BOINC-Project-Generic.po b/locale/sv_SE/BOINC-Project-Generic.po
index b01f1be..b615274 100644
--- a/locale/sv_SE/BOINC-Project-Generic.po
+++ b/locale/sv_SE/BOINC-Project-Generic.po
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ msgid ""
 msgstr ""
 "Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: BOINC translation team <boinc_loc at boinc.berkeley.edu>\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-11-13 16:40 PST\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-01-10 00:00 PST\n"
 "PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
 "Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL at ADDRESS>\n"
 "Language-Team: LANGUAGE <LL at li.org>\n"
@@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ msgid ""
 "Font color: [color=red]text[/color]  Tip: you can also use color=#FF0000"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/bbcode_html.inc:44 ../inc/bbcode_html.inc:59 ../inc/prefs.inc:624
+#: ../inc/bbcode_html.inc:44 ../inc/bbcode_html.inc:59 ../inc/prefs.inc:638
 msgid "Default"
 msgstr ""
@@ -190,14 +190,15 @@ msgstr ""
 msgid "Private messages"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/forum.inc:151 ../user/forum_forum.php:71
-#: ../user/sample_index.php:119
+#: ../inc/forum.inc:151 ../user/bs_sample_index.php:63
+#: ../user/forum_forum.php:71 ../user/sample_index.php:130
 msgid "Questions and Answers"
 msgstr ""
 #: ../inc/forum.inc:151 ../inc/forum.inc:183 ../inc/user.inc:250
-#: ../inc/user.inc:375 ../user/forum_forum.php:73 ../user/sample_index.php:118
-#: ../project.sample/project.inc:47
+#: ../inc/user.inc:375 ../user/bs_sample_index.php:62
+#: ../user/forum_forum.php:73 ../user/sample_index.php:129
+#: ../project.sample/project.inc:43
 msgid "Message boards"
 msgstr ""
@@ -205,15 +206,15 @@ msgstr ""
 msgid "%1 message board"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/forum.inc:245 ../inc/result.inc:681
+#: ../inc/forum.inc:245 ../inc/result.inc:695
 msgid "Previous"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/forum.inc:283 ../inc/result.inc:690
+#: ../inc/forum.inc:283 ../inc/result.inc:704
 msgid "Next"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/forum.inc:412 ../inc/forum.inc:1174 ../user/forum_forum.php:137
+#: ../inc/forum.inc:412 ../inc/forum.inc:1175 ../user/forum_forum.php:137
 #: ../user/forum_reply.php:120 ../user/forum_report_post.php:76
 msgid "Author"
 msgstr ""
@@ -249,109 +250,109 @@ msgstr ""
 msgid "RAC: %1"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/forum.inc:619
+#: ../inc/forum.inc:620
 msgid "You haven't read this message yet"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/forum.inc:619
+#: ../inc/forum.inc:620
 msgid "Unread"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/forum.inc:622 ../inc/forum.inc:627 ../inc/forum.inc:726
+#: ../inc/forum.inc:623 ../inc/forum.inc:628 ../inc/forum.inc:727
 msgid "Message %1"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/forum.inc:623 ../inc/user.inc:329 ../user/forum_forum.php:174
+#: ../inc/forum.inc:624 ../inc/user.inc:331 ../user/forum_forum.php:174
 msgid "hidden"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/forum.inc:624
+#: ../inc/forum.inc:625
 msgid "Posted: %1"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/forum.inc:627
+#: ../inc/forum.inc:628
 msgid " - in response to "
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/forum.inc:630 ../inc/prefs.inc:690 ../inc/prefs.inc:692
+#: ../inc/forum.inc:631 ../inc/prefs.inc:705 ../inc/prefs.inc:707
 msgid "Edit"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/forum.inc:630
+#: ../inc/forum.inc:631
 msgid "Edit this message"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/forum.inc:636
+#: ../inc/forum.inc:637
 msgid "Last modified: %1"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/forum.inc:639
+#: ../inc/forum.inc:640
 msgid ""
-"This post is not shown because the sender is on your 'ignore' list.  Click "
-"%1here%2 to view this post"
+"This post is not shown because the sender is on your 'ignore' list.  Click %"
+"1here%2 to view this post"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/forum.inc:667 ../inc/forum.inc:678
+#: ../inc/forum.inc:668 ../inc/forum.inc:679
 msgid "Report this post as offensive"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/forum.inc:667 ../inc/forum.inc:678
+#: ../inc/forum.inc:668 ../inc/forum.inc:679
 msgid "Report as offensive"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/forum.inc:671
+#: ../inc/forum.inc:672
 msgid "Rating: %1"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/forum.inc:671
+#: ../inc/forum.inc:672
 msgid "rate: "
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/forum.inc:674
+#: ../inc/forum.inc:675
 msgid "Click if you like this message"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/forum.inc:674
+#: ../inc/forum.inc:675
 msgid "Rate +"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/forum.inc:676
+#: ../inc/forum.inc:677
 msgid "Click if you don't like this message"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/forum.inc:676
+#: ../inc/forum.inc:677
 msgid "Rate -"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/forum.inc:684 ../user/pm.php:106 ../user/pm.php:146
+#: ../inc/forum.inc:685 ../user/pm.php:106 ../user/pm.php:146
 msgid "Reply"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/forum.inc:684
+#: ../inc/forum.inc:685
 msgid "Post a reply to this message"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/forum.inc:686
+#: ../inc/forum.inc:687
 msgid "Quote"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/forum.inc:686
+#: ../inc/forum.inc:687
 msgid "Post a reply by quoting this message"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/forum.inc:707
+#: ../inc/forum.inc:708
 msgid "Hidden by a moderator"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/forum.inc:728
+#: ../inc/forum.inc:729
 msgid "Posted %1 by %2"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/forum.inc:746
+#: ../inc/forum.inc:747
 msgid "You may not post or rate messages until %1"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/forum.inc:757
+#: ../inc/forum.inc:758
 msgid ""
 "        <ul>\n"
@@ -369,116 +370,116 @@ msgid ""
 "        "
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/forum.inc:779
+#: ../inc/forum.inc:780
 msgid "Rules:"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/forum.inc:780
+#: ../inc/forum.inc:781
 msgid "More info"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/forum.inc:1054 ../user/forum_thread.php:187
+#: ../inc/forum.inc:1055 ../user/forum_thread.php:189
 msgid "Unhide"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/forum.inc:1054
+#: ../inc/forum.inc:1055
 msgid "Unhide this post"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/forum.inc:1056 ../user/forum_thread.php:193
+#: ../inc/forum.inc:1057 ../user/forum_thread.php:195
 msgid "Hide"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/forum.inc:1056
+#: ../inc/forum.inc:1057
 msgid "Hide this post"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/forum.inc:1061 ../user/forum_thread.php:226
+#: ../inc/forum.inc:1062 ../user/forum_thread.php:228
 msgid "Move"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/forum.inc:1061
+#: ../inc/forum.inc:1062
 msgid "Move post to a different thread"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/forum.inc:1066
+#: ../inc/forum.inc:1067
 msgid "Banish author"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/forum.inc:1073
+#: ../inc/forum.inc:1074
 msgid "Vote to banish author"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/forum.inc:1077
+#: ../inc/forum.inc:1078
 msgid "Vote not to banish author"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/forum.inc:1082
+#: ../inc/forum.inc:1083
 msgid "Start vote to banish author"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/forum.inc:1115
+#: ../inc/forum.inc:1116
 msgid "Only team members can post to the team message board"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/forum.inc:1125
+#: ../inc/forum.inc:1126
 msgid ""
 "In order to create a new thread in %1 you must have a certain amount of "
 "credit. This is to prevent and protect against abuse of the system."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/forum.inc:1132
+#: ../inc/forum.inc:1133
 msgid ""
 "You cannot create any more threads right now. Please wait a while before "
 "trying again. This delay has been enforced to protect against abuse of the "
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/forum.inc:1139
+#: ../inc/forum.inc:1140
 msgid ""
 "This thread is locked. Only forum moderators and administrators are allowed "
 "to post there."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/forum.inc:1144
+#: ../inc/forum.inc:1145
 msgid "Can't post to a hidden thread."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/forum.inc:1172
+#: ../inc/forum.inc:1173
 msgid "Thread"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/forum.inc:1173 ../inc/team.inc:120 ../user/forum_forum.php:136
+#: ../inc/forum.inc:1174 ../inc/team.inc:128 ../user/forum_forum.php:136
 #: ../user/forum_index.php:94
 msgid "Posts"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/forum.inc:1175 ../user/forum_forum.php:138
+#: ../inc/forum.inc:1176 ../user/forum_forum.php:138
 msgid "Views"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/forum.inc:1176 ../inc/team.inc:120 ../user/forum_forum.php:139
+#: ../inc/forum.inc:1177 ../inc/team.inc:128 ../user/forum_forum.php:139
 #: ../user/forum_help_desk.php:46 ../user/forum_index.php:95
 msgid "Last post"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/forum.inc:1234
+#: ../inc/forum.inc:1235
 msgid "New posts in the thread %1"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/forum.inc:1239
+#: ../inc/forum.inc:1240
 msgid "New posts in subscribed thread"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/forum.inc:1240
+#: ../inc/forum.inc:1241
 msgid "There are new posts in the thread '%1'"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/forum.inc:1250
+#: ../inc/forum.inc:1251
 msgid "Mark all threads as read"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/forum.inc:1251
+#: ../inc/forum.inc:1252
 msgid "Mark all threads in all message boards as read."
 msgstr ""
@@ -490,81 +491,80 @@ msgstr ""
 msgid "Unavailable"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/host.inc:55 ../inc/prefs.inc:625 ../inc/prefs.inc:1030
+#: ../inc/host.inc:56 ../inc/prefs.inc:639 ../inc/prefs.inc:1048
 msgid "Home"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/host.inc:56 ../inc/prefs.inc:627 ../inc/prefs.inc:1031
-#: ../user/server_status.php:319
+#: ../inc/host.inc:57 ../inc/prefs.inc:641 ../inc/prefs.inc:1049
+#: ../user/server_status.php:314
 msgid "Work"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/host.inc:57 ../inc/prefs.inc:626 ../inc/prefs.inc:1032
+#: ../inc/host.inc:58 ../inc/prefs.inc:640 ../inc/prefs.inc:1050
 msgid "School"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/host.inc:59 ../user/edit_forum_preferences_form.php:172
+#: ../inc/host.inc:59
+msgid "Mobile"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../inc/host.inc:61 ../user/edit_forum_preferences_form.php:172
 #: ../user/edit_forum_preferences_form.php:173
 msgid "Update"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/host.inc:83
+#: ../inc/host.inc:85
 msgid "Computer information"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/host.inc:87 ../inc/host.inc:92
+#: ../inc/host.inc:89 ../inc/host.inc:94
 msgid "IP address"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/host.inc:87
+#: ../inc/host.inc:89
 msgid "(same the last %1 times)"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/host.inc:89
+#: ../inc/host.inc:91
 msgid "External IP address"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/host.inc:92
+#: ../inc/host.inc:94
 msgid "Show IP address"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/host.inc:94
+#: ../inc/host.inc:96
 msgid "Domain name"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/host.inc:97
-msgid "Local Standard Time"
+#: ../inc/host.inc:98
+msgid "Product name"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/host.inc:97
-msgid "UTC %1 hours"
+#: ../inc/host.inc:102
+msgid "Local Standard Time"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/host.inc:98 ../inc/host.inc:645 ../inc/result.inc:614
-#: ../inc/team.inc:202 ../inc/team.inc:350 ../inc/user.inc:200
-#: ../user/account_finish.php:41 ../user/create_account_form.php:87
-#: ../user/team_admins.php:62 ../user/team_change_founder_form.php:77
-#: ../user/team_email_list.php:64 ../user/top_users.php:49
-#: ../user/user_search.php:139
-msgid "Name"
+#: ../inc/host.inc:102
+msgid "UTC %1 hours"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/host.inc:102 ../inc/host.inc:104 ../inc/host.inc:216
+#: ../inc/host.inc:106 ../inc/host.inc:108 ../inc/host.inc:222
 msgid "Owner"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/host.inc:104 ../inc/host.inc:333
+#: ../inc/host.inc:108 ../inc/host.inc:355
 msgid "Anonymous"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/host.inc:108 ../inc/result.inc:616
+#: ../inc/host.inc:112 ../inc/result.inc:630
 msgid "Created"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/host.inc:109 ../inc/host.inc:220 ../inc/host.inc:225
-#: ../inc/host.inc:654 ../inc/team.inc:94 ../inc/team.inc:207
-#: ../inc/team.inc:212 ../inc/team.inc:214 ../inc/team.inc:356
-#: ../inc/team.inc:361 ../inc/user.inc:122 ../inc/user.inc:136
+#: ../inc/host.inc:113 ../inc/host.inc:226 ../inc/host.inc:231
+#: ../inc/host.inc:681 ../inc/team.inc:101 ../inc/team.inc:215
+#: ../inc/team.inc:220 ../inc/team.inc:222 ../inc/team.inc:364
+#: ../inc/team.inc:369 ../inc/user.inc:125 ../inc/user.inc:138
 #: ../user/profile_search_action.php:43
 #: ../user/team_change_founder_form.php:78 ../user/team_email_list.php:64
 #: ../user/team_remove_inactive_form.php:41 ../user/top_users.php:54
@@ -572,281 +572,293 @@ msgstr ""
 msgid "Total credit"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/host.inc:110 ../inc/user.inc:122 ../user/team_search.php:70
+#: ../inc/host.inc:114 ../inc/user.inc:125 ../user/team_search.php:70
 #: ../user/user_search.php:139
 msgid "Average credit"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/host.inc:112
+#: ../inc/host.inc:116
 msgid "Cross project credit"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/host.inc:114
+#: ../inc/host.inc:118
 msgid "CPU type"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/host.inc:115
+#: ../inc/host.inc:119
 msgid "Number of processors"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/host.inc:117
+#: ../inc/host.inc:121
 msgid "Coprocessors"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/host.inc:119 ../inc/host.inc:660
+#: ../inc/host.inc:123 ../inc/host.inc:687
 msgid "Operating System"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/host.inc:122 ../inc/host.inc:229
+#: ../inc/host.inc:126 ../inc/host.inc:235
 msgid "BOINC version"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/host.inc:126
+#: ../inc/host.inc:130
 msgid "Memory"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/host.inc:126 ../inc/host.inc:134
+#: ../inc/host.inc:130 ../inc/host.inc:140
 msgid "%1 MB"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/host.inc:129
+#: ../inc/host.inc:134
 msgid "Cache"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/host.inc:129
+#: ../inc/host.inc:134
 msgid "%1 KB"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/host.inc:134
+#: ../inc/host.inc:140
 msgid "Swap space"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/host.inc:137
+#: ../inc/host.inc:143
 msgid "Total disk space"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/host.inc:137 ../inc/host.inc:140
+#: ../inc/host.inc:143 ../inc/host.inc:146
 msgid "%1 GB"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/host.inc:140
+#: ../inc/host.inc:146
 msgid "Free Disk Space"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/host.inc:144
+#: ../inc/host.inc:150
 msgid "Measured floating point speed"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/host.inc:144 ../inc/host.inc:147
+#: ../inc/host.inc:150 ../inc/host.inc:153
 msgid "%1 million ops/sec"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/host.inc:147
+#: ../inc/host.inc:153
 msgid "Measured integer speed"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/host.inc:151 ../inc/host.inc:153
+#: ../inc/host.inc:157 ../inc/host.inc:159
 msgid "Average upload rate"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/host.inc:151 ../inc/host.inc:158
+#: ../inc/host.inc:157 ../inc/host.inc:164
 msgid "%1 KB/sec"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/host.inc:153 ../inc/host.inc:160 ../inc/result.inc:207
-#: ../inc/result.inc:217 ../inc/result.inc:235 ../inc/result.inc:253
-#: ../inc/result.inc:269 ../user/explain_state.php:56
-#: ../user/host_app_versions.php:29
+#: ../inc/host.inc:159 ../inc/host.inc:166 ../inc/result.inc:216
+#: ../inc/result.inc:226 ../inc/result.inc:244 ../inc/result.inc:262
+#: ../inc/result.inc:278 ../user/explain_state.php:56
+#: ../user/host_app_versions.php:30
 msgid "Unknown"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/host.inc:158 ../inc/host.inc:160
+#: ../inc/host.inc:164 ../inc/host.inc:166
 msgid "Average download rate"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/host.inc:163 ../user/host_app_versions.php:64
+#: ../inc/host.inc:169 ../user/host_app_versions.php:65
 msgid "Average turnaround time"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/host.inc:163 ../user/forum_search.php:46 ../user/forum_search.php:47
+#: ../inc/host.inc:169 ../user/forum_search.php:46 ../user/forum_search.php:47
 #: ../user/forum_search.php:48 ../user/forum_search.php:49
 msgid "%1 days"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/host.inc:164
+#: ../inc/host.inc:170
 msgid "Application details"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/host.inc:165
+#: ../inc/host.inc:171
 msgid "Show"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/host.inc:175 ../inc/host.inc:317 ../inc/user.inc:153
+#: ../inc/host.inc:181 ../inc/host.inc:336 ../inc/user.inc:152
 msgid "Tasks"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/host.inc:179 ../inc/host.inc:200
+#: ../inc/host.inc:185 ../inc/host.inc:206
 msgid "Number of times client has contacted server"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/host.inc:180
+#: ../inc/host.inc:186
 msgid "Last time contacted server"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/host.inc:181
+#: ../inc/host.inc:187
 #, php-format
 msgid "% of time BOINC is running"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/host.inc:183
+#: ../inc/host.inc:189
 #, php-format
 msgid "While BOINC running, % of time host has an Internet connection"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/host.inc:185
+#: ../inc/host.inc:191
 #, php-format
 msgid "While BOINC running, % of time work is allowed"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/host.inc:187
+#: ../inc/host.inc:193
 msgid "Average CPU efficiency"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/host.inc:190
+#: ../inc/host.inc:196
 msgid "Task duration correction factor"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/host.inc:192 ../inc/host.inc:647
+#: ../inc/host.inc:198 ../inc/host.inc:674
 msgid "Location"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/host.inc:194
+#: ../inc/host.inc:200
 msgid "Delete this computer"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/host.inc:198
+#: ../inc/host.inc:204
 msgid "Merge duplicate records of this computer"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/host.inc:198
+#: ../inc/host.inc:204
 msgid "Merge"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/host.inc:201 ../inc/host.inc:662
+#: ../inc/host.inc:207 ../inc/host.inc:689
 msgid "Last contact"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/host.inc:214
+#: ../inc/host.inc:220
 msgid "Computer info"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/host.inc:215 ../inc/host.inc:649 ../inc/team.inc:349
+#: ../inc/host.inc:221 ../inc/host.inc:676 ../inc/team.inc:357
 #: ../user/top_users.php:48
 msgid "Rank"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/host.inc:219 ../inc/host.inc:652
+#: ../inc/host.inc:225 ../inc/host.inc:679
 msgid "Avg. credit"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/host.inc:224 ../inc/team.inc:95 ../inc/team.inc:208
-#: ../inc/team.inc:217 ../inc/team.inc:219 ../inc/team.inc:355
-#: ../inc/team.inc:360 ../inc/user.inc:137
+#: ../inc/host.inc:230 ../inc/team.inc:102 ../inc/team.inc:216
+#: ../inc/team.inc:225 ../inc/team.inc:227 ../inc/team.inc:363
+#: ../inc/team.inc:368 ../inc/user.inc:139
 #: ../user/team_change_founder_form.php:79 ../user/team_email_list.php:64
 #: ../user/team_remove_inactive_form.php:42 ../user/top_users.php:53
 #: ../user/top_users.php:58
 msgid "Recent average credit"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/host.inc:230 ../inc/host.inc:657 ../inc/result.inc:47
+#: ../inc/host.inc:236 ../inc/host.inc:684 ../inc/result.inc:51
 #: ../user/host_app_versions.php:25
 msgid "CPU"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/host.inc:231 ../inc/host.inc:658
+#: ../inc/host.inc:237 ../inc/host.inc:685
 msgid "GPU"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/host.inc:232
+#: ../inc/host.inc:238
 msgid "Operating system"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/host.inc:296
+#: ../inc/host.inc:315
 msgid "(%1 processors)"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/host.inc:316
+#: ../inc/host.inc:335
 msgid "Details"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/host.inc:321
+#: ../inc/host.inc:340
 msgid "Cross-project stats:"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/host.inc:493
+#: ../inc/host.inc:515
 msgid "Host %1 has overlapping lifetime:"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/host.inc:500
+#: ../inc/host.inc:522
 msgid "Host %1 has an incompatible OS:"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/host.inc:506
+#: ../inc/host.inc:528
 msgid "Host %1 has an incompatible CPU:"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/host.inc:573
+#: ../inc/host.inc:595
 msgid "same host"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/host.inc:576
+#: ../inc/host.inc:598
 msgid "Can't merge host %1 into %2 - they're incompatible"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/host.inc:579
+#: ../inc/host.inc:601
 msgid "Merging host %1 into host %2"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/host.inc:596
+#: ../inc/host.inc:618
 msgid "Couldn't update credit of new computer"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/host.inc:600
+#: ../inc/host.inc:622
 msgid "Couldn't update results"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/host.inc:605
+#: ../inc/host.inc:627
 msgid "Couldn't retire old computer"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/host.inc:607
+#: ../inc/host.inc:629
 msgid "Retired old computer %1"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/host.inc:630 ../inc/host.inc:633
+#: ../inc/host.inc:652 ../inc/host.inc:655
 msgid "Show:"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/host.inc:630 ../inc/host.inc:633
+#: ../inc/host.inc:652 ../inc/host.inc:655
 msgid "All computers"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/host.inc:630 ../inc/host.inc:633
+#: ../inc/host.inc:652 ../inc/host.inc:655
 msgid "Only computers active in past 30 days"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/host.inc:642 ../inc/result.inc:623
+#: ../inc/host.inc:666 ../inc/result.inc:637
 msgid "Computer ID"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/host.inc:655
+#: ../inc/host.inc:669 ../inc/result.inc:628 ../inc/team.inc:210
+#: ../inc/team.inc:358 ../inc/user.inc:199 ../user/account_finish.php:41
+#: ../user/create_account_form.php:79 ../user/team_admins.php:62
+#: ../user/team_change_founder_form.php:77 ../user/team_email_list.php:64
+#: ../user/top_users.php:49 ../user/user_search.php:139
+msgid "Name"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../inc/host.inc:682
 msgid "BOINC<br>version"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/host.inc:711 ../user/merge_by_name.php:67
+#: ../inc/host.inc:745 ../user/merge_by_name.php:65
 msgid "Merge computers by name"
 msgstr ""
+#: ../inc/language_names.inc:61
+msgid "Browser default"
+msgstr ""
 #: ../inc/news.inc:40
 msgid "Comment"
 msgstr ""
@@ -869,7 +881,7 @@ msgid "Send private message"
 msgstr ""
 #: ../inc/pm.inc:35 ../inc/pm.inc:37 ../inc/pm.inc:89
-#: ../user/ffmail_form.php:59 ../user/forum_edit.php:99
+#: ../user/ffmail_form.php:58 ../user/forum_edit.php:99
 #: ../user/forum_edit.php:101 ../user/forum_edit.php:145
 #: ../user/forum_post.php:61 ../user/forum_post.php:87
 #: ../user/forum_post.php:89 ../user/forum_post.php:130
@@ -928,176 +940,176 @@ msgstr ""
 msgid "Private message"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/prefs.inc:76
+#: ../inc/prefs.inc:77
 msgid ""
 "Suspend work while computer is on battery power? %1 Matters only for "
 "portable computers %2"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/prefs.inc:84
+#: ../inc/prefs.inc:85
 msgid "Suspend work while computer is in use?"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/prefs.inc:90
+#: ../inc/prefs.inc:91
 msgid ""
 "Suspend GPU work while computer is in use? %1 Enforced by version 6.6.21+ %2"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/prefs.inc:98
+#: ../inc/prefs.inc:99
 msgid "'In use' means mouse/keyboard activity in last"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/prefs.inc:100 ../inc/prefs.inc:109 ../inc/prefs.inc:143
+#: ../inc/prefs.inc:101 ../inc/prefs.inc:110 ../inc/prefs.inc:144
 msgid "minutes"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/prefs.inc:104
+#: ../inc/prefs.inc:105
 msgid ""
 "Suspend work if no mouse/keyboard activity in last %1 Needed to enter low-"
 "power mode on some computers %2"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/prefs.inc:113
+#: ../inc/prefs.inc:114
 msgid ""
 "Suspend work when non-BOINC CPU usage is above %1 0 means no "
 "restriction<br>Enforced by version 6.10.30+ %2"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/prefs.inc:121
+#: ../inc/prefs.inc:122
 msgid "Do work only between the hours of %1 No restriction if equal %2"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/prefs.inc:129
+#: ../inc/prefs.inc:130
 msgid ""
 "Leave tasks in memory while suspended? %1 Suspended tasks will consume swap "
 "space if 'yes' %2"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/prefs.inc:138
+#: ../inc/prefs.inc:139
 msgid "Switch between tasks every %1 Recommended: 60 minutes %2"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/prefs.inc:146
+#: ../inc/prefs.inc:147
 msgid "On multiprocessors, use at most"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/prefs.inc:148
+#: ../inc/prefs.inc:149
 msgid "processors"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/prefs.inc:152
+#: ../inc/prefs.inc:153
 msgid "On multiprocessors, use at most %1 Enforced by version 6.1+ %2"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/prefs.inc:157
+#: ../inc/prefs.inc:158
 #, php-format
 msgid "% of the processors"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/prefs.inc:161
+#: ../inc/prefs.inc:162
 msgid "Use at most %1 Can be used to reduce CPU heat %2"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/prefs.inc:166
+#: ../inc/prefs.inc:167
 #, php-format
 msgid "% of CPU time"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/prefs.inc:174 ../inc/prefs.inc:188
+#: ../inc/prefs.inc:175 ../inc/prefs.inc:189
 msgid "Disk: use at most"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/prefs.inc:176 ../inc/prefs.inc:185
+#: ../inc/prefs.inc:177 ../inc/prefs.inc:186
 msgid "GB"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/prefs.inc:179
+#: ../inc/prefs.inc:180
 msgid "Disk: leave free at least %1 Values smaller than %2 are ignored %3"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/prefs.inc:190 ../inc/prefs.inc:200 ../inc/prefs.inc:205
-#: ../inc/prefs.inc:210
+#: ../inc/prefs.inc:191 ../inc/prefs.inc:201 ../inc/prefs.inc:206
+#: ../inc/prefs.inc:211
 #, php-format
 msgid "% of total"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/prefs.inc:193
+#: ../inc/prefs.inc:194
 msgid "Tasks checkpoint to disk at most every"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/prefs.inc:195
+#: ../inc/prefs.inc:196
 msgid "seconds"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/prefs.inc:198
+#: ../inc/prefs.inc:199
 msgid "Swap space: use at most"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/prefs.inc:203
+#: ../inc/prefs.inc:204
 msgid "Memory: when computer is in use, use at most"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/prefs.inc:208
+#: ../inc/prefs.inc:209
 msgid "Memory: when computer is not in use, use at most"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/prefs.inc:217
+#: ../inc/prefs.inc:218
 msgid "Maintain enough tasks to keep busy for at least%1(max 10 days).%2"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/prefs.inc:222 ../inc/prefs.inc:227 ../inc/prefs.inc:269
-#: ../inc/util.inc:264
+#: ../inc/prefs.inc:223 ../inc/prefs.inc:228 ../inc/prefs.inc:270
+#: ../inc/util.inc:274
 msgid "days"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/prefs.inc:225
+#: ../inc/prefs.inc:226
 msgid "... and up to an additional"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/prefs.inc:231
+#: ../inc/prefs.inc:232
 msgid ""
 "Confirm before connecting to Internet? %1 Matters only if you have a modem, "
 "ISDN or VPN connection %2"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/prefs.inc:240
+#: ../inc/prefs.inc:241
 msgid ""
 "Disconnect when done? %1 Matters only if you have a modem, ISDN or VPN "
 "connection %2"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/prefs.inc:248
+#: ../inc/prefs.inc:249
 msgid "Maximum download rate:"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/prefs.inc:250 ../inc/prefs.inc:255
+#: ../inc/prefs.inc:251 ../inc/prefs.inc:256
 msgid "Kbytes/sec"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/prefs.inc:253
+#: ../inc/prefs.inc:254
 msgid "Maximum upload rate:"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/prefs.inc:258
+#: ../inc/prefs.inc:259
 msgid "Use network only between the hours of"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/prefs.inc:262
+#: ../inc/prefs.inc:263
 msgid "Transfer at most %1 Enforced by version 6.10.46+ %2"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/prefs.inc:268
+#: ../inc/prefs.inc:269
 msgid "Mbytes every"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/prefs.inc:273
+#: ../inc/prefs.inc:274
 msgid ""
 "Skip image file verification? %1 Check this ONLY if your Internet provider "
 "modifies image files (UMTS does this, for example). %2 Skipping verification "
 "reduces the security of BOINC. %3"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/prefs.inc:286
+#: ../inc/prefs.inc:287
 msgid ""
 "Resource share %1 Determines the proportion of your computer's resources "
 "allocated to this project. Example: if you participate in two BOINC projects "
@@ -1105,153 +1117,164 @@ msgid ""
 "resources and the second will get 2/3. %2"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/prefs.inc:297
+#: ../inc/prefs.inc:298
 msgid "Accelerate GPU tasks by dedicating a CPU to each one?"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/prefs.inc:307
+#: ../inc/prefs.inc:308
 msgid "Use CPU %1 Enforced by version 6.10+ %2"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/prefs.inc:319
+#: ../inc/prefs.inc:320
 msgid "Use ATI GPU %1 Enforced by version 6.10+ %2"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/prefs.inc:331
+#: ../inc/prefs.inc:332
 msgid "Use NVIDIA GPU %1 Enforced by version 6.10+ %2"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/prefs.inc:345
+#: ../inc/prefs.inc:344
+msgid "Use Intel GPU %1 Enforced by version 7.2+ %2"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../inc/prefs.inc:358
 msgid ""
 "Run test applications? %1 This helps us develop applications, but may cause "
 "jobs to fail on your computer %2"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/prefs.inc:354
+#: ../inc/prefs.inc:367
 msgid ""
 "Emails will be sent from %1; make sure your spam filter accepts this address."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/prefs.inc:361
+#: ../inc/prefs.inc:374
 msgid "Is it OK for %1 and your team (if any) to email you?"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/prefs.inc:367
+#: ../inc/prefs.inc:380
 msgid "Should %1 show your computers on its web site?"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/prefs.inc:374
+#: ../inc/prefs.inc:387
 msgid "Disk and memory usage"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/prefs.inc:375
+#: ../inc/prefs.inc:388
 msgid "Processor usage"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/prefs.inc:376
+#: ../inc/prefs.inc:389
 msgid "Network usage"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/prefs.inc:379
+#: ../inc/prefs.inc:392
 msgid ""
 "These preferences apply to all the BOINC projects in which you participate."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/prefs.inc:382
+#: ../inc/prefs.inc:395
 msgid ""
 "%1Unable to update preferences.%2 The values marked in red below were out of "
 "range or not numeric."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/prefs.inc:431
+#: ../inc/prefs.inc:445
 msgid "bad venue: %1"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/prefs.inc:437
+#: ../inc/prefs.inc:451
 msgid "bad subset: %1"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/prefs.inc:656 ../inc/prefs.inc:659 ../inc/prefs.inc:1007
+#: ../inc/prefs.inc:671 ../inc/prefs.inc:674 ../inc/prefs.inc:1025
 #: ../inc/prefs_util.inc:93 ../project.sample/project_specific_prefs.inc:85
 msgid "yes"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/prefs.inc:656 ../inc/prefs.inc:659 ../inc/prefs.inc:1009
+#: ../inc/prefs.inc:671 ../inc/prefs.inc:674 ../inc/prefs.inc:1027
 #: ../inc/prefs_util.inc:93 ../project.sample/project_specific_prefs.inc:87
 msgid "no"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/prefs.inc:664 ../user/forum_search.php:53
+#: ../inc/prefs.inc:679 ../user/forum_search.php:53
 msgid "no limit"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/prefs.inc:689 ../user/team_admins.php:79
+#: ../inc/prefs.inc:704 ../user/team_admins.php:79
 msgid "Add"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/prefs.inc:691 ../inc/prefs.inc:819
+#: ../inc/prefs.inc:706 ../inc/prefs.inc:834
 #: ../user/edit_forum_preferences_form.php:160 ../user/team_admins.php:34
 msgid "Remove"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/prefs.inc:797 ../user/explain_state.php:94
+#: ../inc/prefs.inc:812 ../user/explain_state.php:94
 msgid "Computing"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/prefs.inc:808
+#: ../inc/prefs.inc:823
 msgid "Separate preferences for %1"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/prefs.inc:818 ../inc/prefs.inc:896
+#: ../inc/prefs.inc:833 ../inc/prefs.inc:914
 msgid "Edit preferences"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/prefs.inc:824
+#: ../inc/prefs.inc:839
 msgid "Add separate preferences for %1"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/prefs.inc:832 ../inc/prefs.inc:877
+#: ../inc/prefs.inc:847 ../inc/prefs.inc:895
 msgid "(Switch View)"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/prefs.inc:834 ../inc/prefs.inc:880
+#: ../inc/prefs.inc:849 ../inc/prefs.inc:898
 msgid "Combined preferences"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/prefs.inc:839
+#: ../inc/prefs.inc:854
 msgid "Project specific settings"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/prefs.inc:847 ../inc/prefs.inc:889
+#: ../inc/prefs.inc:862 ../inc/prefs.inc:907
 msgid "Primary (default) preferences"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/prefs.inc:856 ../user/add_venue.php:43 ../user/add_venue.php:67
+#: ../inc/prefs.inc:871 ../user/add_venue.php:39 ../user/add_venue.php:63
 #: ../user/prefs_edit.php:40 ../user/prefs_edit.php:64
 #: ../user/prefs_edit.php:92
 msgid "Edit %1 preferences"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/prefs.inc:870
+#: ../inc/prefs.inc:885
+msgid "These apply to all BOINC projects in which you participate."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../inc/prefs.inc:887
 msgid ""
-"These apply to all BOINC projects in which you participate.<br>\n"
-"             On computers participating in multiple projects, the most "
-"recently modified preferences will be used."
+"On computers participating in multiple projects, the most recently modified "
+"preferences will be used."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/prefs.inc:874
+#: ../inc/prefs.inc:889
+msgid "These preferences do not apply to Android devices."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../inc/prefs.inc:892
 msgid "Preferences last modified:"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/prefs.inc:926
+#: ../inc/prefs.inc:944
 msgid "Add preferences"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/prefs.inc:930
+#: ../inc/prefs.inc:948
 msgid "Update preferences"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/prefs.inc:1018 ../inc/prefs.inc:1027
+#: ../inc/prefs.inc:1036 ../inc/prefs.inc:1045
 msgid "Default computer location"
 msgstr ""
@@ -1275,763 +1298,768 @@ msgstr ""
 msgid "Database error"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/profile.inc:192
+#: ../inc/profile.inc:193
 msgid ""
 "To prevent spam, profiles of users with an average credit of less than %1 "
 "are displayed only to logged-in users. We apologize for this inconvenience."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/profile.inc:196
+#: ../inc/profile.inc:197
 msgid "User is banished"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/profile.inc:210
+#: ../inc/profile.inc:211
 msgid "No profile exists for that user ID."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/profile.inc:218 ../user/create_profile.php:313
+#: ../inc/profile.inc:219 ../user/create_profile.php:313
 msgid "Edit your profile"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/profile.inc:261
+#: ../inc/profile.inc:262
 msgid "Your feedback on this profile"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/profile.inc:263
+#: ../inc/profile.inc:264
 msgid "Recommend this profile for User of the Day:"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/profile.inc:264
+#: ../inc/profile.inc:265
 msgid "I %1like%2 this profile"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/profile.inc:267
+#: ../inc/profile.inc:268
 msgid "Alert administrators to an offensive profile:"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/profile.inc:268
+#: ../inc/profile.inc:269
 msgid "I %1do not like%2 this profile"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/result.inc:34
+#: ../inc/result.inc:35
 msgid "Anonymous platform"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/result.inc:48
+#: ../inc/result.inc:53 ../user/host_app_versions.php:26
 msgid "NVIDIA GPU"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/result.inc:49 ../user/host_app_versions.php:27
+#: ../inc/result.inc:55 ../user/host_app_versions.php:27
 msgid "ATI GPU"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/result.inc:56
+#: ../inc/result.inc:57 ../user/host_app_versions.php:28
+msgid "Intel GPU"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../inc/result.inc:65
 msgid "Not in DB"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/result.inc:82
+#: ../inc/result.inc:91
 msgid "pending"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/result.inc:105 ../user/forum_search.php:60
+#: ../inc/result.inc:114 ../user/forum_search.php:60
 msgid "All"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/result.inc:106 ../inc/result.inc:167 ../inc/result.inc:214
+#: ../inc/result.inc:115 ../inc/result.inc:176 ../inc/result.inc:223
 msgid "In progress"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/result.inc:107
+#: ../inc/result.inc:116
 msgid "Validation pending"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/result.inc:108
+#: ../inc/result.inc:117
 msgid "Validation inconclusive"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/result.inc:109 ../inc/result.inc:259
+#: ../inc/result.inc:118 ../inc/result.inc:268
 msgid "Valid"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/result.inc:110 ../inc/result.inc:262
+#: ../inc/result.inc:119 ../inc/result.inc:271
 msgid "Invalid"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/result.inc:111 ../inc/result.inc:200
+#: ../inc/result.inc:120 ../inc/result.inc:209
 msgid "Error"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/result.inc:165 ../inc/result.inc:212 ../user/explain_state.php:34
+#: ../inc/result.inc:174 ../inc/result.inc:221 ../user/explain_state.php:34
 msgid "Inactive"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/result.inc:166 ../inc/result.inc:213 ../user/explain_state.php:37
+#: ../inc/result.inc:175 ../inc/result.inc:222 ../user/explain_state.php:37
 msgid "Unsent"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/result.inc:172
+#: ../inc/result.inc:181
 msgid "Completed, waiting for validation"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/result.inc:173
+#: ../inc/result.inc:182
 msgid "Completed and validated"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/result.inc:174
+#: ../inc/result.inc:183
 msgid "Completed, marked as invalid"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/result.inc:175
+#: ../inc/result.inc:184
 msgid "Completed, can't validate"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/result.inc:176
+#: ../inc/result.inc:185
 msgid "Completed, validation inconclusive"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/result.inc:177
+#: ../inc/result.inc:186
 msgid "Completed, too late to validate"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/result.inc:179
+#: ../inc/result.inc:188
 msgid "Completed"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/result.inc:180 ../inc/result.inc:224 ../user/explain_state.php:62
+#: ../inc/result.inc:189 ../inc/result.inc:233 ../user/explain_state.php:62
 msgid "Couldn't send"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/result.inc:185 ../inc/result.inc:248
+#: ../inc/result.inc:194 ../inc/result.inc:257
 msgid "Cancelled by server"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/result.inc:190
+#: ../inc/result.inc:199
 msgid "Not started by deadline - canceled"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/result.inc:193
+#: ../inc/result.inc:202
 msgid "Error while downloading"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/result.inc:195
+#: ../inc/result.inc:204
 msgid "Error while computing"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/result.inc:196
+#: ../inc/result.inc:205
 msgid "Error while uploading"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/result.inc:197 ../inc/result.inc:250
+#: ../inc/result.inc:206 ../inc/result.inc:259
 msgid "Aborted by user"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/result.inc:198 ../inc/result.inc:251
+#: ../inc/result.inc:207 ../inc/result.inc:260
 msgid "Upload failed"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/result.inc:201
+#: ../inc/result.inc:210
 msgid "Timed out - no response"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/result.inc:202 ../inc/result.inc:231 ../user/explain_state.php:71
+#: ../inc/result.inc:211 ../inc/result.inc:240 ../user/explain_state.php:71
 msgid "Didn't need"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/result.inc:203 ../inc/result.inc:232 ../user/explain_state.php:74
+#: ../inc/result.inc:212 ../inc/result.inc:241 ../user/explain_state.php:74
 msgid "Validate error"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/result.inc:204 ../inc/result.inc:233
+#: ../inc/result.inc:213 ../inc/result.inc:242
 msgid "Abandoned"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/result.inc:215 ../user/explain_state.php:43
+#: ../inc/result.inc:224 ../user/explain_state.php:43
 msgid "Over"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/result.inc:223 ../user/explain_state.php:59
+#: ../inc/result.inc:232 ../user/explain_state.php:59
 msgid "Success"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/result.inc:227
+#: ../inc/result.inc:236
 msgid "Computation error"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/result.inc:229
+#: ../inc/result.inc:238
 msgid "Redundant result"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/result.inc:230 ../user/explain_state.php:68
+#: ../inc/result.inc:239 ../user/explain_state.php:68
 msgid "No reply"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/result.inc:240 ../user/explain_state.php:85
+#: ../inc/result.inc:249 ../user/explain_state.php:85
 msgid "New"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/result.inc:241 ../user/explain_state.php:91
+#: ../inc/result.inc:250 ../user/explain_state.php:91
 msgid "Downloading"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/result.inc:242
+#: ../inc/result.inc:251
 msgid "Processing"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/result.inc:243
+#: ../inc/result.inc:252
 msgid "Compute error"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/result.inc:244 ../user/explain_state.php:97
+#: ../inc/result.inc:253 ../user/explain_state.php:97
 msgid "Uploading"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/result.inc:245 ../user/explain_state.php:88
+#: ../inc/result.inc:254 ../user/explain_state.php:88
 msgid "Done"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/result.inc:258
+#: ../inc/result.inc:267
 msgid "Initial"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/result.inc:264
+#: ../inc/result.inc:273
 msgid "Not necessary"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/result.inc:265
+#: ../inc/result.inc:274
 msgid "Workunit error - check skipped"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/result.inc:266
+#: ../inc/result.inc:275
 msgid "Checked, but no consensus yet"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/result.inc:267
+#: ../inc/result.inc:276
 msgid "Task was reported too late to validate"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/result.inc:293
+#: ../inc/result.inc:302
 msgid "Couldn't send result"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/result.inc:297
+#: ../inc/result.inc:306
 msgid "Too many errors (may have bug)"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/result.inc:301
+#: ../inc/result.inc:310
 msgid "Too many results (may be nondeterministic)"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/result.inc:305
+#: ../inc/result.inc:314
 msgid "Too many total results"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/result.inc:309
+#: ../inc/result.inc:318
 msgid "WU cancelled"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/result.inc:313
+#: ../inc/result.inc:322
 msgid "Unrecognized Error: %1"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/result.inc:340
+#: ../inc/result.inc:349
 msgid "Task name"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/result.inc:340 ../inc/result.inc:345 ../inc/result.inc:348
-#: ../inc/result.inc:351
+#: ../inc/result.inc:349 ../inc/result.inc:354 ../inc/result.inc:357
+#: ../inc/result.inc:360
 msgid "click for details"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/result.inc:340
+#: ../inc/result.inc:349
 msgid "Show IDs"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/result.inc:345
+#: ../inc/result.inc:354
 msgid "Show names"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/result.inc:348
+#: ../inc/result.inc:357
 msgid "Task"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/result.inc:351
+#: ../inc/result.inc:360
 msgid "Work unit"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/result.inc:354
+#: ../inc/result.inc:369
 msgid "Computer"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/result.inc:357 ../inc/result.inc:617
+#: ../inc/result.inc:372 ../inc/result.inc:631
 msgid "Sent"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/result.inc:358
+#: ../inc/result.inc:373
 msgid "Time reported<br />or deadline"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/result.inc:359
+#: ../inc/result.inc:374
 msgid "explain"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/result.inc:361 ../user/server_status.php:246
+#: ../inc/result.inc:376 ../user/server_status.php:241
 msgid "Status"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/result.inc:362
+#: ../inc/result.inc:377
 msgid "Run time<br />(sec)"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/result.inc:363
+#: ../inc/result.inc:378
 msgid "CPU time<br />(sec)"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/result.inc:364 ../inc/result.inc:628
+#: ../inc/result.inc:379 ../inc/result.inc:642
 msgid "Credit"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/result.inc:365 ../inc/result.inc:710
+#: ../inc/result.inc:380 ../inc/result.inc:724
 msgid "Application"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/result.inc:615
+#: ../inc/result.inc:629
 msgid "Workunit"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/result.inc:618
+#: ../inc/result.inc:632
 msgid "Received"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/result.inc:619
+#: ../inc/result.inc:633
 msgid "Server state"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/result.inc:620
+#: ../inc/result.inc:634
 msgid "Outcome"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/result.inc:621
+#: ../inc/result.inc:635
 msgid "Client state"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/result.inc:622
+#: ../inc/result.inc:636
 msgid "Exit status"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/result.inc:624
+#: ../inc/result.inc:638
 msgid "Report deadline"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/result.inc:625
+#: ../inc/result.inc:639
 msgid "Run time"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/result.inc:626
+#: ../inc/result.inc:640
 msgid "CPU time"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/result.inc:627
+#: ../inc/result.inc:641
 msgid "Validate state"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/result.inc:629
+#: ../inc/result.inc:643
 msgid "Application version"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/result.inc:642
+#: ../inc/result.inc:656
 msgid "Output files"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/result.inc:645
+#: ../inc/result.inc:659
 msgid "Stderr output"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/result.inc:692
+#: ../inc/result.inc:706
 msgid "State"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/team.inc:33
+#: ../inc/result.inc:747
+msgid "Task name:"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../inc/team.inc:40
 msgid "Search criteria (use one or more)"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/team.inc:34
+#: ../inc/team.inc:41
 msgid "Key words"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/team.inc:34
+#: ../inc/team.inc:41
 msgid "Find teams with these words in their names or descriptions"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/team.inc:36 ../inc/team.inc:114 ../inc/team.inc:225
-#: ../inc/team.inc:365 ../inc/team.inc:449 ../inc/user.inc:206
+#: ../inc/team.inc:43 ../inc/team.inc:122 ../inc/team.inc:233
+#: ../inc/team.inc:373 ../inc/team.inc:455 ../inc/user.inc:205
 #: ../inc/user.inc:317 ../user/account_finish.php:45
-#: ../user/create_account_form.php:106 ../user/edit_user_info_form.php:40
+#: ../user/create_account_form.php:98 ../user/edit_user_info_form.php:38
 #: ../user/profile_search_action.php:42 ../user/team_email_list.php:64
 #: ../user/team_search.php:72 ../user/top_users.php:63
 #: ../user/user_search.php:53 ../user/user_search.php:140
 msgid "Country"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/team.inc:42 ../inc/team.inc:447
+#: ../inc/team.inc:49 ../inc/team.inc:453
 msgid "Type of team"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/team.inc:44
+#: ../inc/team.inc:51
 msgid "Show only active teams"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/team.inc:45 ../user/profile_menu.php:77 ../user/user_search.php:70
+#: ../inc/team.inc:52 ../user/profile_menu.php:76 ../user/user_search.php:70
 msgid "Search"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/team.inc:54
+#: ../inc/team.inc:61
 msgid "Requested by you, and founder response deadline has passed."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/team.inc:56
+#: ../inc/team.inc:63
 msgid "Complete foundership transfer"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/team.inc:60
+#: ../inc/team.inc:67
 msgid "Requested by you"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/team.inc:60
+#: ../inc/team.inc:67
 msgid "founder response deadline is %1"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/team.inc:65 ../inc/team.inc:549 ../inc/user.inc:281
+#: ../inc/team.inc:72 ../inc/team.inc:555 ../inc/user.inc:281
 #: ../inc/user.inc:371
 msgid "None"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/team.inc:67
+#: ../inc/team.inc:74
 msgid "Initiate request"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/team.inc:70
+#: ../inc/team.inc:77
 msgid "Deferred"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/team.inc:80
+#: ../inc/team.inc:87
 msgid "Team info"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/team.inc:82 ../user/team_forum.php:70 ../user/team_search.php:69
+#: ../inc/team.inc:89 ../user/team_forum.php:70 ../user/team_search.php:69
 msgid "Description"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/team.inc:90
+#: ../inc/team.inc:97
 msgid "Web site"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/team.inc:112
+#: ../inc/team.inc:120
 msgid "Cross-project stats"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/team.inc:115 ../inc/team.inc:366 ../user/team_search.php:71
+#: ../inc/team.inc:123 ../inc/team.inc:374 ../user/team_search.php:71
 msgid "Type"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/team.inc:119 ../user/team_manage.php:63
+#: ../inc/team.inc:127 ../user/team_manage.php:63
 msgid "Message board"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/team.inc:120 ../user/forum_forum.php:135 ../user/forum_index.php:93
+#: ../inc/team.inc:128 ../user/forum_forum.php:135 ../user/forum_index.php:93
 msgid "Threads"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/team.inc:128
+#: ../inc/team.inc:136
 msgid "Join this team"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/team.inc:129
+#: ../inc/team.inc:137
 msgid ""
 "Note: if 'OK to email' is set in your project preferences, joining a team "
 "gives its founder access to your email address."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/team.inc:132
+#: ../inc/team.inc:140
 msgid "Not accepting new members"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/team.inc:139
+#: ../inc/team.inc:147
 msgid "Foundership change requested"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/team.inc:140
+#: ../inc/team.inc:148
 msgid "Respond by %1"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/team.inc:144
+#: ../inc/team.inc:152
 msgid "Team foundership change"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/team.inc:148 ../inc/team.inc:351
+#: ../inc/team.inc:156 ../inc/team.inc:359
 msgid "Members"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/team.inc:149 ../inc/team.inc:246
+#: ../inc/team.inc:157 ../inc/team.inc:254
 msgid "Founder"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/team.inc:161
+#: ../inc/team.inc:169
 msgid "Admins"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/team.inc:176
+#: ../inc/team.inc:184
 msgid "New members in last day"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/team.inc:177
+#: ../inc/team.inc:185
 msgid "Total members"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/team.inc:177 ../inc/team.inc:178 ../inc/team.inc:179
+#: ../inc/team.inc:185 ../inc/team.inc:186 ../inc/team.inc:187
 msgid "view"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/team.inc:178
+#: ../inc/team.inc:186
 msgid "Active members"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/team.inc:179
+#: ../inc/team.inc:187
 msgid "Members with credit"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/team.inc:248
+#: ../inc/team.inc:256
 msgid "Admin"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/team.inc:269 ../user/forum_user_posts.php:122
+#: ../inc/team.inc:277 ../user/forum_user_posts.php:122
 #: ../user/top_hosts.php:93 ../user/top_teams.php:121
 #: ../user/top_users.php:127
 msgid "Previous %1"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/team.inc:273 ../user/forum_user_posts.php:131
+#: ../inc/team.inc:281 ../user/forum_user_posts.php:131
 #: ../user/profile_search_action.php:61 ../user/top_hosts.php:98
 #: ../user/top_teams.php:126 ../user/top_users.php:132
 msgid "Next %1"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/team.inc:281
+#: ../inc/team.inc:289
 msgid "No such team."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/team.inc:294
+#: ../inc/team.inc:302
 msgid "This operation requires foundership."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/team.inc:318
+#: ../inc/team.inc:326
 msgid "This operation requires team admin privileges"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/team.inc:415
+#: ../inc/team.inc:422
 msgid ""
 "WARNING: this is a BOINC-wide team. If you make changes here, they will soon "
 "be overwritten. Edit the %1BOINC-wide team%2 instead."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/team.inc:422
+#: ../inc/team.inc:428
 msgid ""
 "%1Privacy note%2: if you create a team, your project preferences (resource "
 "share, graphics preferences) will be visible to the public."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/team.inc:426
+#: ../inc/team.inc:432
 msgid "Team name, text version"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/team.inc:427
+#: ../inc/team.inc:433
 msgid "Don't use HTML tags."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/team.inc:430
+#: ../inc/team.inc:436
 msgid "Team name, HTML version"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/team.inc:432 ../inc/team.inc:442
+#: ../inc/team.inc:438 ../inc/team.inc:448
 msgid "You may use %1limited HTML tags%2."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/team.inc:433
+#: ../inc/team.inc:439
 msgid "If you don't know HTML, leave this box blank."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/team.inc:436
+#: ../inc/team.inc:442
 msgid "URL of team web page, if any"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/team.inc:436
+#: ../inc/team.inc:442
 msgid "without \"http://\""
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/team.inc:437
+#: ../inc/team.inc:443
 msgid "This URL will be linked to from the team's page on this site."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/team.inc:440
+#: ../inc/team.inc:446
 msgid "Description of team"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/team.inc:456
+#: ../inc/team.inc:462
 msgid "Accept new members?"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/uotd.inc:27
+#: ../inc/uotd.inc:28
 msgid "User profile"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/user.inc:116
+#: ../inc/user.inc:119
 msgid "Projects in which you are participating"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/user.inc:118
+#: ../inc/user.inc:121
 msgid "Projects in which %1 is participating"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/user.inc:122
+#: ../inc/user.inc:125
 msgid "Project"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/user.inc:122
+#: ../inc/user.inc:125
 msgid "Click for user page"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/user.inc:122
+#: ../inc/user.inc:125
 msgid "Since"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/user.inc:146
+#: ../inc/user.inc:148
 msgid "Computing and credit"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/user.inc:150 ../user/pending.php:64
-msgid "Pending credit"
+#: ../inc/user.inc:151
+msgid "Computers on this account"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/user.inc:150 ../inc/user.inc:152 ../inc/user.inc:153
-#: ../inc/user.inc:218 ../inc/user.inc:243 ../inc/user.inc:327
-#: ../inc/user.inc:402 ../user/view_profile.php:64
+#: ../inc/user.inc:151 ../inc/user.inc:152 ../inc/user.inc:217
+#: ../inc/user.inc:243 ../inc/user.inc:329 ../inc/user.inc:402
+#: ../user/view_profile.php:64
 msgid "View"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/user.inc:152
-msgid "Computers on this account"
-msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/user.inc:162
+#: ../inc/user.inc:161
 msgid "Cross-project ID"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/user.inc:163
+#: ../inc/user.inc:162
 msgid "Cross-project statistics"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/user.inc:164
+#: ../inc/user.inc:163
 msgid "Account"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/user.inc:166 ../inc/user.inc:281 ../inc/user.inc:369
+#: ../inc/user.inc:165 ../inc/user.inc:281 ../inc/user.inc:369
 #: ../inc/user.inc:371 ../user/user_search.php:139
 msgid "Team"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/user.inc:168
+#: ../inc/user.inc:167
 msgid "Cross-project"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/user.inc:169
+#: ../inc/user.inc:168 ../user/bs_sample_index.php:54
 msgid "Certificate"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/user.inc:170
+#: ../inc/user.inc:169
 msgid "Stats on your cell phone"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/user.inc:184
+#: ../inc/user.inc:183
 msgid "Unknown notification type: %1"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/user.inc:199
+#: ../inc/user.inc:198
 msgid "Account information"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/user.inc:201 ../user/edit_passwd_form.php:48
+#: ../inc/user.inc:200 ../user/edit_passwd_form.php:45
 #: ../user/get_passwd.php:40 ../user/team_email_list.php:64
 msgid "Email address"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/user.inc:204 ../inc/user.inc:321
+#: ../inc/user.inc:203 ../inc/user.inc:322
 msgid "URL"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/user.inc:207
+#: ../inc/user.inc:206
 msgid "Postal code"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/user.inc:208 ../inc/user.inc:316
+#: ../inc/user.inc:207 ../inc/user.inc:316
 msgid "%1 member since"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/user.inc:210
+#: ../inc/user.inc:209
 msgid "Change"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/user.inc:210
+#: ../inc/user.inc:209
 msgid "email address"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/user.inc:211
+#: ../inc/user.inc:210
 msgid "password"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/user.inc:212
+#: ../inc/user.inc:211
 msgid "other account info"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/user.inc:214 ../inc/user.inc:315
+#: ../inc/user.inc:213 ../inc/user.inc:315
 msgid "User ID"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/user.inc:214
+#: ../inc/user.inc:213
 msgid "Used in community functions"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/user.inc:217 ../user/weak_auth.php:25
+#: ../inc/user.inc:216 ../user/weak_auth.php:25
 msgid "Account keys"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/user.inc:222
+#: ../inc/user.inc:221
 msgid "Preferences"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/user.inc:225
+#: ../inc/user.inc:224
 msgid "When and how BOINC uses your computer"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/user.inc:226
+#: ../inc/user.inc:225
 msgid "Computing preferences"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/user.inc:229
+#: ../inc/user.inc:228
 msgid "Message boards and private messages"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/user.inc:230 ../user/edit_forum_preferences_form.php:31
+#: ../inc/user.inc:229 ../user/edit_forum_preferences_form.php:31
 msgid "Community preferences"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/user.inc:233
+#: ../inc/user.inc:232
 msgid "Preferences for this project"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/user.inc:234 ../user/prefs.php:32
+#: ../inc/user.inc:233 ../user/prefs.php:29
 msgid "%1 preferences"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/user.inc:240 ../user/sample_index.php:114
+#: ../inc/user.inc:239 ../user/bs_sample_index.php:59
+#: ../user/sample_index.php:125
 msgid "Community"
 msgstr ""
@@ -2043,7 +2071,7 @@ msgstr ""
 msgid "Create"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/user.inc:247 ../inc/user.inc:402 ../inc/util.inc:504
+#: ../inc/user.inc:247 ../inc/user.inc:402 ../inc/util.inc:514
 msgid "Profile"
 msgstr ""
@@ -2088,11 +2116,11 @@ msgstr ""
 msgid "Friends"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/user.inc:327 ../inc/user.inc:329 ../user/server_status.php:396
+#: ../inc/user.inc:329 ../inc/user.inc:331 ../user/server_status.php:392
 msgid "Computers"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/user.inc:336
+#: ../inc/user.inc:338
 msgid "Donor"
 msgstr ""
@@ -2128,81 +2156,77 @@ msgstr ""
 msgid "user name may not contain HTML tags"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/util.inc:122
+#: ../inc/util.inc:131
 msgid "log out"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/util.inc:124
+#: ../inc/util.inc:133
 msgid "log in"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/util.inc:194 ../user/login_form.php:37 ../user/login_form.php:62
+#: ../inc/util.inc:204 ../user/login_form.php:30 ../user/login_form.php:66
 msgid "Log in"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/util.inc:195 ../user/create_account_form.php:38
+#: ../inc/util.inc:205 ../user/create_account_form.php:40
 msgid "Create an account"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/util.inc:196
+#: ../inc/util.inc:206
 msgid "Server status page"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/util.inc:238
+#: ../inc/util.inc:248
 msgid ""
 "A database error occurred while handling your request; please try again "
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/util.inc:247
+#: ../inc/util.inc:257
 msgid "Unable to handle request"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/util.inc:267
+#: ../inc/util.inc:277
 msgid "hours"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/util.inc:270
+#: ../inc/util.inc:280
 msgid "min"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/util.inc:273
+#: ../inc/util.inc:283
 msgid "sec"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/util.inc:434
+#: ../inc/util.inc:444
 msgid "Link has timed out. Please click Back, refresh the page, and try again."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/util.inc:503
+#: ../inc/util.inc:513
 msgid "View the profile of %1"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/util.inc:559
+#: ../inc/util.inc:569
 msgid "Use BBCode tags to format your text"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/util.inc:770
+#: ../inc/util.inc:796
 msgid "Project down for maintenance"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/util.inc:773
+#: ../inc/util.inc:799
 msgid "%1 is temporarily shut down for maintenance.  Please try again later."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/util.inc:791
+#: ../inc/util.inc:817
 msgid "Unable to connect to database - please try again later"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/util.inc:792
-msgid "Error:"
-msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/util.inc:796
+#: ../inc/util.inc:821
 msgid "Unable to select database - please try again later"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../inc/util_ops.inc:129 ../user/get_passwd.php:72
+#: ../inc/util_ops.inc:109 ../user/get_passwd.php:72
 msgid "Stay logged in on this computer"
 msgstr ""
@@ -2210,19 +2234,19 @@ msgstr ""
 msgid "Finish account setup"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../user/account_finish.php:41 ../user/create_account_form.php:87
+#: ../user/account_finish.php:41 ../user/create_account_form.php:79
 msgid "Identifies you on our web site. Use your real name or a nickname."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../user/account_finish.php:45 ../user/create_account_form.php:106
+#: ../user/account_finish.php:45 ../user/create_account_form.php:98
 msgid "Select the country you want to represent, if any."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../user/account_finish.php:51 ../user/create_account_form.php:112
+#: ../user/account_finish.php:51 ../user/create_account_form.php:104
 msgid "Postal or ZIP Code"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../user/account_finish.php:51 ../user/create_account_form.php:112
+#: ../user/account_finish.php:51 ../user/create_account_form.php:104
 msgid "Optional"
 msgstr ""
@@ -2234,11 +2258,12 @@ msgstr ""
 msgid "HTML tags not allowed in name"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../user/add_venue.php:85
+#: ../user/add_venue.php:81
 msgid "Add %1 preferences for %2"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../user/apps.php:32 ../user/sample_index.php:109
+#: ../user/apps.php:32 ../user/bs_sample_index.php:55
+#: ../user/sample_index.php:120
 msgid "Applications"
 msgstr ""
@@ -2250,15 +2275,15 @@ msgid ""
 "computer. This happens automatically; you don't have to do anything."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../user/apps.php:49
+#: ../user/apps.php:50
 msgid "Platform"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../user/apps.php:50
+#: ../user/apps.php:51
 msgid "Version"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../user/apps.php:51
+#: ../user/apps.php:52
 msgid "Installation time"
 msgstr ""
@@ -2364,111 +2389,170 @@ msgid ""
 "the raw tag itself will display instead of the formatted text."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../user/create_account_action.php:26
-msgid "Can't create account"
+#: ../user/bs_sample_index.php:44
+msgid "Participants"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../user/create_account_action.php:29
-msgid "Click your browser's <b>Back</b> button to try again."
+#: ../user/bs_sample_index.php:46
+msgid "Do work"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../user/create_account_action.php:38 ../user/create_account_action.php:40
-#: ../user/create_account_form.php:43
-msgid "Account creation is disabled"
+#: ../user/bs_sample_index.php:47 ../user/bs_sample_index.php:50
+#: ../user/home.php:49 ../project.sample/project.inc:43
+msgid "Your account"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../user/create_account_action.php:41
-msgid ""
-"Sorry, this project has disabled the creation of new accounts.\n"
-"Please try again later."
+#: ../user/bs_sample_index.php:47 ../user/bs_sample_index.php:50
+msgid "view stats, modify preferences"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../user/bs_sample_index.php:48 ../user/bs_sample_index.php:53
+#: ../user/team.php:25
+msgid "Teams"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../user/bs_sample_index.php:48 ../user/bs_sample_index.php:53
+msgid "create or join a team"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../user/bs_sample_index.php:51 ../user/sample_index.php:191
+msgid "User of the day"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../user/bs_sample_index.php:52 ../user/server_status.php:239
+msgid "Server status"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../user/bs_sample_index.php:60 ../user/profile_menu.php:32
+#: ../user/sample_index.php:127
+msgid "Profiles"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../user/bs_sample_index.php:61
+msgid "User search"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../user/bs_sample_index.php:64
+msgid "Statistics"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../user/bs_sample_index.php:65 ../user/stats.php:30
+#: ../user/top_users.php:116
+msgid "Top participants"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../user/bs_sample_index.php:66 ../user/stats.php:31
+msgid "Top computers"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../user/bs_sample_index.php:67 ../user/stats.php:32 ../user/team.php:46
+msgid "Top teams"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../user/bs_sample_index.php:68 ../user/gpu_list.php:182
+#: ../user/stats.php:33
+msgid "Top GPU models"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../user/bs_sample_index.php:70
+msgid "Languages"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../user/create_account_action.php:53
+#: ../user/bs_sample_index.php:149 ../user/info.php:24
+#: ../user/sample_index.php:79
+msgid "Read our rules and policies"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../user/create_account_action.php:26
+msgid "Can't create account"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../user/create_account_action.php:29
+msgid "Click your browser's <b>Back</b> button to try again."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../user/create_account_action.php:47
 msgid "Your reCAPTCHA response was not correct. Please try again."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../user/create_account_action.php:77
+#: ../user/create_account_action.php:70
 msgid "You must supply an invitation code to create an account."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../user/create_account_action.php:80
+#: ../user/create_account_action.php:73
 msgid "The invitation code you gave is not valid."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../user/create_account_action.php:91
+#: ../user/create_account_action.php:84
 msgid ""
 "Invalid email address: you must enter a valid address of the form name at domain"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../user/create_account_action.php:95
+#: ../user/create_account_action.php:88
 msgid "There's already an account with that email address."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../user/create_account_action.php:101 ../user/edit_passwd_action.php:33
+#: ../user/create_account_action.php:94 ../user/edit_passwd_action.php:33
 msgid "New passwords are different"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../user/create_account_action.php:108 ../user/edit_passwd_action.php:41
+#: ../user/create_account_action.php:101 ../user/edit_passwd_action.php:41
 msgid "Passwords may only include ASCII characters."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../user/create_account_action.php:113 ../user/edit_passwd_action.php:45
+#: ../user/create_account_action.php:106 ../user/edit_passwd_action.php:45
 msgid "New password is too short: minimum password length is %1 characters."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../user/create_account_action.php:134
+#: ../user/create_account_action.php:127
 msgid "Couldn't create account"
 msgstr ""
 #: ../user/create_account_form.php:44
-msgid "Account creation is currently disabled. Please try again later."
-msgstr ""
-#: ../user/create_account_form.php:53
 msgid ""
 "NOTE: If you use the BOINC Manager, don't use this form. Just run BOINC, "
 "select Add Project, and enter an email address and password."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../user/create_account_form.php:69
+#: ../user/create_account_form.php:61
 msgid ""
 "This account will belong to the team %1 and will have the project "
 "preferences of its founder."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../user/create_account_form.php:81
+#: ../user/create_account_form.php:73
 msgid "Invitation Code"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../user/create_account_form.php:81
+#: ../user/create_account_form.php:73
 msgid "A valid invitation code is required to create an account."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../user/create_account_form.php:91
+#: ../user/create_account_form.php:83
 msgid "Email Address"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../user/create_account_form.php:91
+#: ../user/create_account_form.php:83
 msgid "Must be a valid address of the form 'name at domain'."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../user/create_account_form.php:100 ../user/edit_email_form.php:48
+#: ../user/create_account_form.php:92 ../user/edit_email_form.php:47
 msgid "Password"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../user/create_account_form.php:101
+#: ../user/create_account_form.php:93
 msgid "Must be at least %1 characters"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../user/create_account_form.php:104
+#: ../user/create_account_form.php:96
 msgid "Confirm password"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../user/create_account_form.php:121
+#: ../user/create_account_form.php:113
 msgid "Please enter the words shown in the image"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../user/create_account_form.php:127
+#: ../user/create_account_form.php:119
 msgid "Create account"
 msgstr ""
@@ -2614,7 +2698,7 @@ msgstr ""
 #: ../user/delete_account.php:79 ../user/delete_profile.php:52
 #: ../user/donations.php:322 ../user/donations.php:326 ../user/friend.php:238
-#: ../user/prefs_remove.php:55 ../user/user_search.php:59
+#: ../user/prefs_remove.php:52 ../user/user_search.php:59
 #: ../user/user_search.php:64
 msgid "Yes"
 msgstr ""
@@ -2817,23 +2901,23 @@ msgid ""
 "again later."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../user/edit_email_form.php:28 ../user/edit_email_form.php:52
+#: ../user/edit_email_form.php:27 ../user/edit_email_form.php:51
 msgid "Change email address"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../user/edit_email_form.php:37
+#: ../user/edit_email_form.php:36
 msgid "Change the email address of your account"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../user/edit_email_form.php:38
+#: ../user/edit_email_form.php:37
 msgid "New email address"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../user/edit_email_form.php:39
+#: ../user/edit_email_form.php:38
 msgid "Must be a valid address of the form 'name at domain'"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../user/edit_email_form.php:49
+#: ../user/edit_email_form.php:48
 msgid "No password?"
 msgstr ""
@@ -3042,8 +3126,8 @@ msgstr ""
 msgid "Invalid password"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../user/edit_passwd_action.php:63 ../user/edit_passwd_form.php:28
-#: ../user/edit_passwd_form.php:58
+#: ../user/edit_passwd_action.php:63 ../user/edit_passwd_form.php:25
+#: ../user/edit_passwd_form.php:55
 msgid "Change password"
 msgstr ""
@@ -3057,35 +3141,35 @@ msgid ""
 msgstr ""
-#: ../user/edit_passwd_form.php:42
+#: ../user/edit_passwd_form.php:39
 msgid "You can identify yourself using either"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../user/edit_passwd_form.php:44
+#: ../user/edit_passwd_form.php:41
 msgid "your email address and old password"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../user/edit_passwd_form.php:45
+#: ../user/edit_passwd_form.php:42
 msgid "your account key"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../user/edit_passwd_form.php:49
+#: ../user/edit_passwd_form.php:46
 msgid "Current password"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../user/edit_passwd_form.php:51
+#: ../user/edit_passwd_form.php:48
 msgid "<b>OR</b>: Account key"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../user/edit_passwd_form.php:52
+#: ../user/edit_passwd_form.php:49
 msgid "Get account key by email"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../user/edit_passwd_form.php:56
+#: ../user/edit_passwd_form.php:53
 msgid "New password"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../user/edit_passwd_form.php:57
+#: ../user/edit_passwd_form.php:54
 msgid "New password, again"
 msgstr ""
@@ -3101,23 +3185,23 @@ msgstr ""
 msgid "Couldn't update user info."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../user/edit_user_info_form.php:29
+#: ../user/edit_user_info_form.php:27
 msgid "Edit account information"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../user/edit_user_info_form.php:34
+#: ../user/edit_user_info_form.php:32
 msgid "Name %1 real name or nickname%2"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../user/edit_user_info_form.php:37
+#: ../user/edit_user_info_form.php:35
 msgid "URL %1 of your web page; optional%2"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../user/edit_user_info_form.php:45
+#: ../user/edit_user_info_form.php:43
 msgid "Postal (ZIP) code %1 Optional%2"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../user/edit_user_info_form.php:49
+#: ../user/edit_user_info_form.php:47
 msgid "Update info"
 msgstr ""
@@ -3310,52 +3394,52 @@ msgstr ""
 #: ../user/ffmail_action.php:94
 msgid ""
-"You forgot to enter your friends' names and/or email addresses; Please "
-"%1return to the form%2 and enter them."
+"You forgot to enter your friends' names and/or email addresses; Please %"
+"1return to the form%2 and enter them."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../user/ffmail_form.php:31
+#: ../user/ffmail_form.php:30
 msgid ""
-"This project hasn\\'t created an email message - please notify its "
+"This project hasn't created an email message - please notify its "
 msgstr ""
-#: ../user/ffmail_form.php:34
+#: ../user/ffmail_form.php:33
 msgid "Tell your friends about %1"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../user/ffmail_form.php:38
+#: ../user/ffmail_form.php:37
 msgid "Help us by telling your friends, family and coworkers about %1"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../user/ffmail_form.php:40
+#: ../user/ffmail_form.php:39
 msgid ""
 "Fill in this form with the names and email addresses of people you think "
 "might be interested in %1. We'll send them an email in your name, and you "
 "can add your own message if you like."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../user/ffmail_form.php:43
+#: ../user/ffmail_form.php:42
 msgid "Your name:"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../user/ffmail_form.php:43
+#: ../user/ffmail_form.php:42
 msgid "Your email address:"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../user/ffmail_form.php:49
+#: ../user/ffmail_form.php:48
 msgid "Friend's name:"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../user/ffmail_form.php:49
+#: ../user/ffmail_form.php:48
 msgid "Friend's email address:"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../user/ffmail_form.php:57
+#: ../user/ffmail_form.php:56
 msgid "Additional message (optional)"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../user/ffmail_form.php:60
+#: ../user/ffmail_form.php:59
 msgid "Send"
 msgstr ""
@@ -3553,8 +3637,8 @@ msgstr ""
 #: ../user/forum_help_desk.php:30
 msgid ""
-"Talk live via Skype with a volunteer, in any of several languages. Go to "
-"%1BOINC Online Help%2."
+"Talk live via Skype with a volunteer, in any of several languages. Go to %"
+"1BOINC Online Help%2."
 msgstr ""
 #: ../user/forum_help_desk.php:44 ../user/forum_index.php:92
@@ -3785,8 +3869,8 @@ msgid ""
 "modify your text and try again."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../user/forum_reply.php:88 ../user/forum_thread.php:156
-#: ../user/forum_thread.php:272
+#: ../user/forum_reply.php:88 ../user/forum_thread.php:158
+#: ../user/forum_thread.php:274
 msgid "Post to thread"
 msgstr ""
@@ -4027,107 +4111,103 @@ msgstr ""
 msgid "This thread has been hidden by moderators."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../user/forum_thread.php:127
+#: ../user/forum_thread.php:128
 msgid "My question was answered"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../user/forum_thread.php:128
+#: ../user/forum_thread.php:129
 msgid "Click here if your question has been adequately answered"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../user/forum_thread.php:136
+#: ../user/forum_thread.php:137
 msgid "I've also got this question"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../user/forum_thread.php:157 ../user/forum_thread.php:273
+#: ../user/forum_thread.php:159 ../user/forum_thread.php:275
 msgid "Add a new message to this thread"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../user/forum_thread.php:169
+#: ../user/forum_thread.php:171
 msgid "Unsubscribe"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../user/forum_thread.php:170
+#: ../user/forum_thread.php:172
 msgid "You are subscribed to this thread.  Click here to unsubscribe."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../user/forum_thread.php:176
+#: ../user/forum_thread.php:178
 msgid "Subscribe"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../user/forum_thread.php:177
+#: ../user/forum_thread.php:179
 msgid "Click to get email when there are new posts in this thread"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../user/forum_thread.php:188
+#: ../user/forum_thread.php:190
 msgid "Unhide this thread"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../user/forum_thread.php:194
+#: ../user/forum_thread.php:196
 msgid "Hide this thread"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../user/forum_thread.php:200
+#: ../user/forum_thread.php:202
 msgid "Make unsticky"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../user/forum_thread.php:201
+#: ../user/forum_thread.php:203
 msgid "Make this thread not sticky"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../user/forum_thread.php:206
+#: ../user/forum_thread.php:208
 msgid "Make sticky"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../user/forum_thread.php:207
+#: ../user/forum_thread.php:209
 msgid "Make this thread sticky"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../user/forum_thread.php:213
+#: ../user/forum_thread.php:215
 msgid "Unlock"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../user/forum_thread.php:214
+#: ../user/forum_thread.php:216
 msgid "Unlock this thread"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../user/forum_thread.php:219
+#: ../user/forum_thread.php:221
 msgid "Lock"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../user/forum_thread.php:220
+#: ../user/forum_thread.php:222
 msgid "Lock this thread"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../user/forum_thread.php:227
+#: ../user/forum_thread.php:229
 msgid "Move this thread to a different forum"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../user/forum_thread.php:232
+#: ../user/forum_thread.php:234
 msgid "Edit title"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../user/forum_thread.php:233
+#: ../user/forum_thread.php:235
 msgid "Edit thread title"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../user/forum_thread.php:243
+#: ../user/forum_thread.php:245
 msgid "Export as Notice"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../user/forum_thread.php:244
-msgid "Export this news item as a Notice"
-msgstr ""
-#: ../user/forum_thread.php:249
+#: ../user/forum_thread.php:251
 msgid "Don't export"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../user/forum_thread.php:250
+#: ../user/forum_thread.php:252
 msgid "Don't export this news item as a Notice"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../user/forum_thread.php:258 ../user/forum_thread.php:260
+#: ../user/forum_thread.php:260 ../user/forum_thread.php:262
 msgid "Sort"
 msgstr ""
@@ -4298,9 +4378,8 @@ msgstr ""
 #: ../user/get_passwd.php:50
 msgid ""
-"Go to the BOINC data directory on your computer (on Windows this is usually "
-"<b>C:\\Documents and Settings\\All Users\\Application Data\\BOINC</b> or "
-"<b>C:\\Program Files\\BOINC</b>."
+"Go to the BOINC data directory on your computer (its location is written to "
+"the Event Log at startup)."
 msgstr ""
 #: ../user/get_passwd.php:51
@@ -4333,10 +4412,6 @@ msgstr ""
 msgid "No GPU tasks reported"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../user/gpu_list.php:182 ../user/stats.php:33
-msgid "Top GPU models"
-msgstr ""
 #: ../user/gpu_list.php:183
 msgid ""
 "The following lists show the most productive GPU models on different "
@@ -4355,55 +4430,47 @@ msgstr ""
 msgid "If you have not already done so, %1download BOINC client software%2."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../user/home.php:49 ../project.sample/project.inc:47
-msgid "Your account"
-msgstr ""
-#: ../user/host_app_versions.php:26
-msgid "nvidia GPU"
-msgstr ""
-#: ../user/host_app_versions.php:36
+#: ../user/host_app_versions.php:37
 msgid "Anonymous platform, missing app"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../user/host_app_versions.php:39
+#: ../user/host_app_versions.php:40
 msgid "anonymous platform"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../user/host_app_versions.php:42
+#: ../user/host_app_versions.php:43
 msgid "Missing app version"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../user/host_app_versions.php:44
+#: ../user/host_app_versions.php:45
 msgid "Missing app"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../user/host_app_versions.php:46
+#: ../user/host_app_versions.php:47
 msgid "Missing platform"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../user/host_app_versions.php:55
+#: ../user/host_app_versions.php:56
 msgid "Number of tasks completed"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../user/host_app_versions.php:56
+#: ../user/host_app_versions.php:57
 msgid "Max tasks per day"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../user/host_app_versions.php:57
+#: ../user/host_app_versions.php:58
 msgid "Number of tasks today"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../user/host_app_versions.php:58
+#: ../user/host_app_versions.php:59
 msgid "Consecutive valid tasks"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../user/host_app_versions.php:62
+#: ../user/host_app_versions.php:63
 msgid "Average processing rate"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../user/host_app_versions.php:71
+#: ../user/host_app_versions.php:72
 msgid "Application details for host %1"
 msgstr ""
@@ -4562,10 +4629,6 @@ msgstr ""
 msgid "You can also use ampersand notation for special characters."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../user/info.php:24 ../user/sample_index.php:74
-msgid "Read our rules and policies"
-msgstr ""
 #: ../user/info.php:35
 msgid "Run %1 only on authorized computers"
 msgstr ""
@@ -4618,8 +4681,8 @@ msgstr ""
 #: ../user/info.php:45
 msgid ""
 "To participate in %1, you must give an address where you receive email. This "
-"address will not be shown on the %1 web site or shared with organizations. "
-"%1 may send you periodic newsletters; however, you can opt out at any time."
+"address will not be shown on the %1 web site or shared with organizations. %"
+"1 may send you periodic newsletters; however, you can opt out at any time."
 msgstr ""
 #: ../user/info.php:46
@@ -4672,8 +4735,8 @@ msgstr ""
 #: ../user/info.php:54
 msgid ""
 "%1 and %2 assume no liability for damage to your computer, loss of data, or "
-"any other event or condition that may occur as a result of participating in "
+"any other event or condition that may occur as a result of participating in %"
 msgstr ""
 #: ../user/info.php:56
@@ -4694,88 +4757,88 @@ msgid ""
 "own risk."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../user/language_select.php:44
+#: ../user/language_select.php:47
 msgid "Language selection"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../user/language_select.php:70
+#: ../user/language_select.php:73
 msgid ""
 "This web site is available in several languages. The currently selected "
 "language is %1."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../user/language_select.php:75
+#: ../user/language_select.php:78
 msgid ""
 "Normally the choice of language is determined by your browser's language "
 "setting, which is: %1.  You can change this setting using:"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../user/language_select.php:80
+#: ../user/language_select.php:83
 msgid "Firefox: Tools/Options/General"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../user/language_select.php:82
+#: ../user/language_select.php:85
 msgid "Microsoft IE: Tools/Internet Options/Languages"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../user/language_select.php:86
+#: ../user/language_select.php:89
 msgid ""
 "Or you can select a language by clicking on one of the links.  This will "
 "send your browser a cookie; make sure your browser accepts cookies from our "
 msgstr ""
-#: ../user/language_select.php:92
+#: ../user/language_select.php:95
 msgid "Language name (click to select)"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../user/language_select.php:94
+#: ../user/language_select.php:97
 msgid "Use browser language setting"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../user/language_select.php:110
+#: ../user/language_select.php:113
 msgid ""
-"Translations are done by volunteers.  If your native language is not here, "
-"%1you can provide a translation%2."
+"Translations are done by volunteers.  If your native language is not here, %"
+"1you can provide a translation%2."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../user/login_form.php:52
+#: ../user/login_form.php:45
 msgid "Email address:"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../user/login_form.php:52
+#: ../user/login_form.php:45
 msgid "forgot email address?"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../user/login_form.php:54
+#: ../user/login_form.php:48
 msgid "Password:"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../user/login_form.php:54
+#: ../user/login_form.php:48
 msgid "forgot password?"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../user/login_form.php:57
+#: ../user/login_form.php:51
 msgid "Stay logged in"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../user/login_form.php:63
+#: ../user/login_form.php:62
 msgid "or %1create an account%2."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../user/merge_by_name.php:33
+#: ../user/merge_by_name.php:31
 msgid "Processing %1"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../user/merge_by_name.php:45
+#: ../user/merge_by_name.php:43
 msgid "Merged %1 into %2"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../user/merge_by_name.php:74
+#: ../user/merge_by_name.php:72
 msgid "Return to the list of your computers"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../user/merge_by_name.php:78
+#: ../user/merge_by_name.php:76
 msgid ""
 "This operation merges computers based on their domain name.\n"
 "        <p>\n"
@@ -4785,11 +4848,11 @@ msgid ""
 "        <p>"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../user/merge_by_name.php:84
+#: ../user/merge_by_name.php:82
 msgid "Go ahead and do this"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../user/merge_by_name.php:85
+#: ../user/merge_by_name.php:83
 msgid "Return to the list of computers"
 msgstr ""
@@ -4841,22 +4904,26 @@ msgid ""
 msgstr ""
 #: ../user/pending.php:66
+msgid "Pending credit"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../user/pending.php:68
 msgid "Result ID"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../user/pending.php:66
+#: ../user/pending.php:68
 msgid "Workunit ID"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../user/pending.php:66
+#: ../user/pending.php:68
 msgid "Host ID"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../user/pending.php:66
+#: ../user/pending.php:68
 msgid "Claimed credit"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../user/pending.php:79
+#: ../user/pending.php:81
 msgid "Pending credit: %1"
 msgstr ""
@@ -4963,7 +5030,7 @@ msgstr ""
 msgid "No, cancel"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../user/pm.php:260 ../user/team_admins.php:97
+#: ../user/pm.php:260 ../user/team_admins.php:98
 msgid "no such user"
 msgstr ""
@@ -4983,14 +5050,14 @@ msgstr ""
 msgid "Unknown action"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../user/prefs.php:35
+#: ../user/prefs.php:32
 msgid ""
 "Your preferences have been updated, and\n"
 "          will take effect when your computer communicates with %1\n"
 "          or you issue the %2Update%3 command from the BOINC Manager."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../user/prefs.php:44
+#: ../user/prefs.php:41
 msgid ""
 "Your preferences have been reset to the defaults, and\n"
 "          will take effect when your computer communicates with %1\n"
@@ -5005,71 +5072,67 @@ msgstr ""
 msgid "Back to preferences"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../user/prefs_remove.php:48
+#: ../user/prefs_remove.php:45
 msgid "Confirm delete preferences"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../user/prefs_remove.php:51
+#: ../user/prefs_remove.php:48
 msgid "Are you sure you want to delete your separate %1 preferences for %2?"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../user/prefs_remove.php:55
+#: ../user/prefs_remove.php:52
 msgid "Remove preferences"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../user/prefs_remove.php:57
+#: ../user/prefs_remove.php:54
 msgid "Cancel"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../user/profile_menu.php:35 ../user/sample_index.php:116
-msgid "Profiles"
-msgstr ""
-#: ../user/profile_menu.php:38
+#: ../user/profile_menu.php:35
 msgid ""
 "%1Profiles%2 let individuals share backgrounds and opinions with the %3 "
 msgstr ""
-#: ../user/profile_menu.php:39
+#: ../user/profile_menu.php:36
 msgid ""
 "Explore the diversity of your fellow volunteers, and contribute your own "
 "views for others to enjoy."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../user/profile_menu.php:40
+#: ../user/profile_menu.php:37
 msgid ""
 "If you haven't already, you can %1create your own user profile%2 for others "
 "to see!"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../user/profile_menu.php:45
+#: ../user/profile_menu.php:42
 msgid "User of the Day"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../user/profile_menu.php:58
+#: ../user/profile_menu.php:57
 msgid "User Profile Explorer"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../user/profile_menu.php:61
+#: ../user/profile_menu.php:60
 msgid "View the %1User Picture Gallery%2."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../user/profile_menu.php:62
+#: ../user/profile_menu.php:61
 msgid "Browse profiles %1by country%2."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../user/profile_menu.php:63
+#: ../user/profile_menu.php:62
 msgid ""
 "Browse profiles %1at random%2, %3at random with pictures%2, or %4at random "
 "without pictures%2."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../user/profile_menu.php:67
+#: ../user/profile_menu.php:66
 msgid "Alphabetical profile listings:"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../user/profile_menu.php:73
+#: ../user/profile_menu.php:72
 msgid "Search profile text"
 msgstr ""
@@ -5125,11 +5188,7 @@ msgstr ""
 msgid "No profiles found containing '%1'"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../user/result.php:30
-msgid "No such task"
-msgstr ""
-#: ../user/result.php:32
+#: ../user/result.php:35
 msgid "Task %1"
 msgstr ""
@@ -5149,159 +5208,151 @@ msgstr ""
 msgid "Missing user ID or host ID"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../user/results.php:102
+#: ../user/results.php:107
 msgid "No tasks to display"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../user/sample_index.php:180
-msgid "User of the day"
-msgstr ""
-#: ../user/server_status.php:91
+#: ../user/server_status.php:97
 msgid "Running"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../user/server_status.php:94
+#: ../user/server_status.php:100
 msgid "Not Running"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../user/server_status.php:97
+#: ../user/server_status.php:103
 msgid "Disabled"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../user/server_status.php:236
+#: ../user/server_status.php:231
 msgid "Project status"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../user/server_status.php:238
+#: ../user/server_status.php:233
 msgid "Server software version: %1"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../user/server_status.php:244
-msgid "Server status"
-msgstr ""
-#: ../user/server_status.php:246
+#: ../user/server_status.php:241
 msgid "Program"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../user/server_status.php:246
+#: ../user/server_status.php:241
 msgid "Host"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../user/server_status.php:257
+#: ../user/server_status.php:252
 msgid "data-driven web pages"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../user/server_status.php:263
+#: ../user/server_status.php:258
 msgid "upload/download server"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../user/server_status.php:266
+#: ../user/server_status.php:261
 msgid "scheduler"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../user/server_status.php:299
+#: ../user/server_status.php:294
 msgid "Running:"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../user/server_status.php:300
+#: ../user/server_status.php:295
 msgid "Program is operating normally"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../user/server_status.php:301
+#: ../user/server_status.php:296
 msgid "Not Running:"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../user/server_status.php:302
+#: ../user/server_status.php:297
 msgid "Program failed or the project is down"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../user/server_status.php:303
+#: ../user/server_status.php:298
 msgid "Disabled:"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../user/server_status.php:304
+#: ../user/server_status.php:299
 msgid "Program is disabled"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../user/server_status.php:308
+#: ../user/server_status.php:303
 msgid "Computing status"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../user/server_status.php:314
+#: ../user/server_status.php:309
 msgid "The database server is not accessible"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../user/server_status.php:331
+#: ../user/server_status.php:326
 msgid "Tasks ready to send"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../user/server_status.php:336 ../user/workunit.php:55
+#: ../user/server_status.php:331 ../user/workunit.php:55
 msgid "Tasks in progress"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../user/server_status.php:341
+#: ../user/server_status.php:336
 msgid "Workunits waiting for validation"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../user/server_status.php:346
+#: ../user/server_status.php:341
 msgid "Workunits waiting for assimilation"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../user/server_status.php:351
+#: ../user/server_status.php:346
 msgid "Workunits waiting for file deletion"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../user/server_status.php:356
+#: ../user/server_status.php:351
 msgid "Tasks waiting for file deletion"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../user/server_status.php:373
+#: ../user/server_status.php:367
 msgid "Transitioner backlog (hours)"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../user/server_status.php:380
+#: ../user/server_status.php:374
 msgid "Users"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../user/server_status.php:382 ../user/server_status.php:398
+#: ../user/server_status.php:377 ../user/server_status.php:395
 msgid "with recent credit"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../user/server_status.php:387 ../user/server_status.php:403
+#: ../user/server_status.php:382 ../user/server_status.php:400
 msgid "with credit"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../user/server_status.php:392 ../user/server_status.php:408
+#: ../user/server_status.php:387 ../user/server_status.php:405
 msgid "registered in past 24 hours"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../user/server_status.php:414
+#: ../user/server_status.php:411
 msgid "current GigaFLOPs"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../user/server_status.php:423
+#: ../user/server_status.php:420
 msgid "Tasks by application"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../user/server_status.php:426 ../user/workunit.php:40
+#: ../user/server_status.php:423 ../user/workunit.php:40
 msgid "application"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../user/server_status.php:427
+#: ../user/server_status.php:424
 msgid "unsent"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../user/server_status.php:428
+#: ../user/server_status.php:425
 msgid "in progress"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../user/server_status.php:429
+#: ../user/server_status.php:426
 msgid "avg runtime of last 100 results in h (min-max)"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../user/server_status.php:430
+#: ../user/server_status.php:427
 msgid "users in last 24h"
 msgstr ""
@@ -5317,18 +5368,6 @@ msgstr ""
 msgid "Statistics for %1"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../user/stats.php:30 ../user/top_users.php:116
-msgid "Top participants"
-msgstr ""
-#: ../user/stats.php:31
-msgid "Top computers"
-msgstr ""
-#: ../user/stats.php:32 ../user/team.php:46
-msgid "Top teams"
-msgstr ""
 #: ../user/stats.php:37
 msgid ""
 "More detailed statistics for %1 and other BOINC-based projects are available "
@@ -5347,10 +5386,6 @@ msgid ""
 "projects from several sites; see your %1home page%2."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../user/team.php:25
-msgid "Teams"
-msgstr ""
 #: ../user/team.php:27
 msgid "%1 participants may form %2teams%3."
 msgstr ""
@@ -5388,7 +5423,7 @@ msgstr ""
 msgid "To join a team, visit its team page and click %1Join this team%2."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../user/team.php:41 ../user/team_search.php:179
+#: ../user/team.php:41 ../user/team_search.php:180
 msgid "Find a team"
 msgstr ""
@@ -5481,20 +5516,20 @@ msgstr ""
 msgid "failed to remove admin"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../user/team_admins.php:98
+#: ../user/team_admins.php:99
 msgid "User is not member of team"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../user/team_admins.php:100
+#: ../user/team_admins.php:101
 msgid "%1 is already an admin of %2"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../user/team_admins.php:104
+#: ../user/team_admins.php:105
 msgid "Couldn't add admin"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../user/team_admins.php:110 ../user/team_manage.php:85
-#: ../user/team_quit_form.php:30 ../user/team_remove_inactive_action.php:28
+#: ../user/team_admins.php:111 ../user/team_manage.php:85
+#: ../user/team_quit_form.php:28 ../user/team_remove_inactive_action.php:28
 msgid "No such team"
 msgstr ""
@@ -5563,6 +5598,10 @@ msgstr ""
 msgid "Change founder"
 msgstr ""
+#: ../user/team_change_founder_form.php:108
+msgid "There are no users to transfer team to."
+msgstr ""
 #: ../user/team_create_action.php:29
 msgid "You must choose a non-blank team name"
 msgstr ""
@@ -5845,7 +5884,7 @@ msgid ""
 msgstr ""
 #: ../user/team_join.php:32 ../user/team_join_action.php:32
-#: ../user/team_join_form.php:31
+#: ../user/team_join_form.php:29
 msgid "The team %1 is not joinable."
 msgstr ""
@@ -5869,23 +5908,23 @@ msgstr ""
 msgid "You have joined %1."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../user/team_join_form.php:34
+#: ../user/team_join_form.php:32
 msgid "Join %1"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../user/team_join_form.php:35
+#: ../user/team_join_form.php:33
 msgid "Please note:"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../user/team_join_form.php:37
+#: ../user/team_join_form.php:35
 msgid "Joining a team gives its founder access to your email address."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../user/team_join_form.php:38
+#: ../user/team_join_form.php:36
 msgid "Joining a team does not affect your account's credit."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../user/team_join_form.php:45
+#: ../user/team_join_form.php:43
 msgid "Join team"
 msgstr ""
@@ -5907,8 +5946,8 @@ msgstr ""
 #: ../user/team_lookup.php:104
 msgid ""
-"End of results. %1 If you cannot find the team you are looking for, you may "
-"%2create a team%3 yourself."
+"End of results. %1 If you cannot find the team you are looking for, you may %"
+"2create a team%3 yourself."
 msgstr ""
 #: ../user/team_manage.php:26
@@ -6013,27 +6052,27 @@ msgstr ""
 msgid "Team %1 deleted"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../user/team_members.php:35
+#: ../user/team_members.php:36
 msgid "Limit exceeded:  Can only display the first 1000 members."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../user/team_members.php:47
+#: ../user/team_members.php:49
 msgid "Members of %1"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../user/team_quit_action.php:34
+#: ../user/team_quit_action.php:32
 msgid "Unable to quit team"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../user/team_quit_action.php:35
+#: ../user/team_quit_action.php:33
 msgid "Team doesn't exist, or you don't belong to it."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../user/team_quit_form.php:33
+#: ../user/team_quit_form.php:31
 msgid "Quit %1"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../user/team_quit_form.php:34
+#: ../user/team_quit_form.php:32
 msgid ""
 "<strong>Please note before quitting a team:</strong>\n"
 "         <ul>\n"
@@ -6044,7 +6083,7 @@ msgid ""
 "         </ul>"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../user/team_quit_form.php:42
+#: ../user/team_quit_form.php:40
 msgid "Quit Team"
 msgstr ""
@@ -6107,17 +6146,17 @@ msgstr ""
 msgid "Change your search"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../user/team_search.php:180
+#: ../user/team_search.php:181
 msgid ""
 "You can team up with other people with similar interests, or from the same "
 "country, company, or school."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../user/team_search.php:182
+#: ../user/team_search.php:183
 msgid "Use this form to find teams that might be right for you."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../user/team_search.php:187
+#: ../user/team_search.php:188
 msgid "%1I'm not interested%2 in joining a team right now."
 msgstr ""
@@ -6370,33 +6409,33 @@ msgstr ""
 msgid "Pending"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../project.sample/project.inc:47
+#: ../project.sample/project.inc:43
 msgid "Main page"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../project.sample/project.inc:49
+#: ../project.sample/project.inc:45
 msgid "Copyright"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../project.sample/project.inc:52
+#: ../project.sample/project.inc:48
 msgid "Generated"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../project.sample/project.inc:83
+#: ../project.sample/project.inc:79
 msgid "Your personal background."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../project.sample/project.inc:87
+#: ../project.sample/project.inc:83
 msgid ""
 "Tell us about yourself. You could tell us where you're from, your age, "
 "occupation, hobbies, or anything else about yourself."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../project.sample/project.inc:91
+#: ../project.sample/project.inc:87
 msgid "Your opinions about %1"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../project.sample/project.inc:95
+#: ../project.sample/project.inc:91
 msgid ""
 "Tell us your thoughts about %1<ol>\n"
 "    <li>Why do you run %1?\n"
diff --git a/locale/sv_SE/BOINC-Setup.po b/locale/sv_SE/BOINC-Setup.po
index 35e269b..e979a93 100644
--- a/locale/sv_SE/BOINC-Setup.po
+++ b/locale/sv_SE/BOINC-Setup.po
@@ -2,12 +2,11 @@
 # This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package.
 msgid ""
 msgstr ""
 "Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2013-08-06 16:50-0800\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-01-26 00:00-0800\n"
 "PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
 "Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL at ADDRESS>\n"
 "Language-Team: LANGUAGE <LL at li.org>\n"
@@ -18,24 +17,24 @@ msgstr ""
 "X-Generator: Translate Toolkit 1.9.0\n"
 "X-Poedit-SourceCharset: utf-8\n"
-#: mac_installer/Installer.cpp:132
+#: Installer.cpp:124
 #, c-format
-msgid "Sorry, this version of %s requires system 10.4 or higher."
+msgid "Sorry, this version of %s requires system 10.5 or higher."
 msgstr ""
-#: mac_installer/PostInstall.cpp:131 mac_installer/PostInstall.cpp:1211
+#: PostInstall.cpp:130 PostInstall.cpp:1136 uninstall.cpp:1618
 msgid "Yes"
 msgstr ""
-#: mac_installer/PostInstall.cpp:132 mac_installer/PostInstall.cpp:1212
+#: PostInstall.cpp:131 PostInstall.cpp:1137 uninstall.cpp:1619
 msgid "No"
 msgstr ""
-#: mac_installer/PostInstall.cpp:134
+#: PostInstall.cpp:133
 msgid "Should BOINC run even when no user is logged in?"
 msgstr ""
-#: mac_installer/PostInstall.cpp:1491
+#: PostInstall.cpp:1416
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "Users who are permitted to administer this computer will automatically be "
@@ -45,26 +44,26 @@ msgid ""
 "on this Mac?"
 msgstr ""
-#: mac_installer/PostInstall.cpp:1519
+#: PostInstall.cpp:1444
 #, c-format
 msgid "Do you want to set %s as the screensaver for all %s users on this Mac?"
 msgstr ""
-#: mac_installer/uninstall.cpp:80
+#: uninstall.cpp:82
 msgid "OK"
 msgstr ""
-#: mac_installer/uninstall.cpp:130
+#: uninstall.cpp:136
 msgid "Permission error after relaunch"
 msgstr ""
-#: mac_installer/uninstall.cpp:135
+#: uninstall.cpp:141
 msgid ""
 "Removal may take several minutes.\n"
 "Please be patient."
 msgstr ""
-#: mac_installer/uninstall.cpp:150
+#: uninstall.cpp:156
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "Are you sure you want to completely remove %s from your computer?\n"
@@ -72,21 +71,27 @@ msgid ""
 "This will remove the executables but will not touch %s data files."
 msgstr ""
-#: mac_installer/uninstall.cpp:157
+#: uninstall.cpp:163
 #, c-format
 msgid "Canceled: %s has not been touched."
 msgstr ""
-#: mac_installer/uninstall.cpp:168
+#: uninstall.cpp:174
 #, c-format
 msgid "An error occurred: error code %d"
 msgstr ""
-#: mac_installer/uninstall.cpp:224
+#: uninstall.cpp:230
 msgid "name  of user"
 msgstr ""
-#: mac_installer/uninstall.cpp:261
+#: uninstall.cpp:272
+msgid ""
+"Do you also want to remove VirtualBox from your computer?\n"
+"(VirtualBox was installed along with BOINC.)"
+msgstr ""
+#: uninstall.cpp:312
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "Removal completed.\n"
@@ -98,7 +103,7 @@ msgid ""
 msgstr ""
-#: mac_installer/uninstall.cpp:796
+#: uninstall.cpp:840
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "Enter your administrator password to completely remove %s from you "
@@ -106,10 +111,10 @@ msgid ""
 msgstr ""
-#: mac_installer/uninstall.cpp:1543
+#: uninstall.cpp:1616
 msgid "Cancel"
 msgstr ""
-#: mac_installer/uninstall.cpp:1544
+#: uninstall.cpp:1617
 msgid "Continue..."
 msgstr ""
diff --git a/locale/sv_SE/BOINC-Web.po b/locale/sv_SE/BOINC-Web.po
index 1d233a7..003f41d 100644
--- a/locale/sv_SE/BOINC-Web.po
+++ b/locale/sv_SE/BOINC-Web.po
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ msgid ""
 msgstr ""
 "Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: BOINC translation team <boinc_loc at ssl.berkeley.edu>\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2013-08-22 16:22 PDT\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-02-01 00:00 PST\n"
 "PO-Revision-Date: 2012-01-05 17:57+0200\n"
 "Last-Translator: Erik <ersi at digitalfractions.net>\n"
 "Language-Team: LANGUAGE <LL at li.org>\n"
@@ -22,874 +22,924 @@ msgstr ""
 "X-BOINC-UTF8-Marker: 简体中文, 日本語\n"
 "X-Poedit-KeywordsList: tra\n"
-#: projects.inc:14
-msgid "Distributed sensing"
-msgstr ""
+#: docutil.php:21
+msgid "Search"
+msgstr "Sök"
-#: projects.inc:19
-msgid "Stanford University"
+#: docutil.php:103
+msgid "Return to BOINC main page"
 msgstr ""
-#: projects.inc:20
-msgid "Seismology"
+#: docutil.php:114
+#, php-format
+msgid "This page is %stranslatable%s."
 msgstr ""
-#: projects.inc:21
+#: download.php:39
 msgid ""
-"The Quake-Catcher Network is developing the world's largest seismic network "
-"using sensors attached to Internet-connected computers.  You must buy a "
-"sensor to participate."
+"We recommend that you also install VirtualBox, so your computer can work on "
+"science projects that require it."
 msgstr ""
-#: projects.inc:27
-msgid "BOINC Poland Foundation"
+#: download.php:41
+msgid "Learn more about VirtualBox."
 msgstr ""
-#: projects.inc:28
-msgid "Environmental research"
+#: download.php:51
+msgid "Download BOINC + VirtualBox"
 msgstr ""
-#: projects.inc:29
-msgid ""
-"This project is creating a free and continuously updated map of radiation "
-"levels by using sensors connected to volunteers' computers.  You must buy a "
-"sensor to participate."
+#: download.php:54 download.php:69
+#, php-format
+msgid "for %s"
 msgstr ""
-#: projects.inc:33
-msgid ""
-"To participate in these projects you must buy a sensor and attach it to your "
+#: download.php:57 download.php:72
+#, php-format
+msgid "BOINC version %s"
 msgstr ""
-#: projects.inc:37
-msgid "Cognitive science and artifical intelligence"
-msgstr "Kognitionsvetenskap och artificiell intelligens"
-# 85%
-# 100%
-#: projects.inc:50 projects.inc:342 projects.inc:386 projects.inc:435
-#: projects.inc:442 projects.inc:489
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Private"
-msgstr "privat"
+#: download.php:59
+#, php-format
+msgid "VirtualBox version %s"
+msgstr ""
-#: projects.inc:51
-msgid "Artificial intelligence"
-msgstr "Artificiell intelligens"
+#: download.php:67
+msgid "Download BOINC"
+msgstr ""
-#: projects.inc:52
+#: download.php:123
 msgid ""
-"Parse and convert semantic nets for use in FreeHAL, an artificial "
-"intelligence that uses semantic networks, stemmers, part of speech "
-"databases, and part of speech taggers in order to imitate human behavior in "
+"BOINC is a program that lets you donate your idle computer time to science "
+"projects like SETI at home, Climateprediction.net, Rosetta at home, World "
+"Community Grid, and many others."
 msgstr ""
-#: projects.inc:58
-msgid "Biology and Medicine"
-msgstr "Biologi och medicin"
-#: projects.inc:71
-msgid "University College Dublin"
+#: download.php:125
+msgid ""
+"After installing BOINC on your computer, you can connect it to as many of "
+"these projects as you like."
 msgstr ""
-#: projects.inc:72
-msgid "Antimalarial drug discovery"
+#: download.php:127
+msgid ""
+"You may run this software on a computer only if you own the computer or have "
+"the permission of its owner."
 msgstr ""
-#: projects.inc:73
+#: download.php:132
 msgid ""
-"The parasite that causes malaria continues to evolve resistance to available "
-"medication. We therefore urgently need to discover new drugs to replace "
-"existing drugs. Importantly, these new drugs need to target NEW proteins in "
-"the parasite. The FightMalaria at Home project is aimed at finding these new "
+"We recommend that you download BOINC from the Google Play Store or Amazon "
+"Appstore, not from here."
 msgstr ""
-#: projects.inc:79
-msgid "University of Karlsruhe (Germany)"
+#: download.php:167
+msgid "System requirements"
+msgstr "Systemkrav"
+#: download.php:168
+msgid "Release notes"
 msgstr ""
-#: projects.inc:80
-msgid "Protein structure prediction"
+#: download.php:169 index.php:86
+msgid "Help"
+msgstr "Hjälp"
+#: download.php:170
+msgid "All versions"
 msgstr ""
-#: projects.inc:81
-msgid ""
-"POEM at HOME uses a computational approach to predict the biologically active "
-"structure of proteins, to understand the signal-processing mechanisms when "
-"the proteins interact with one another, to understand diseases related to "
-"protein malfunction or aggregation, and to develop new drugs on the basis of "
-"the three-dimensions structure of biologically important proteins."
+#: download.php:171
+msgid "Version history"
 msgstr ""
-#: projects.inc:87
-msgid "University of Delaware"
+#: download.php:172
+msgid "GPU computing"
 msgstr ""
-#: projects.inc:88
-msgid "Study of protein - ligand interactions"
+#: download.php:190
+msgid "BOINC: compute for science"
 msgstr ""
-#: projects.inc:89
+#: help.php:12
+#, php-format
 msgid ""
-"Docking at Home has both bioscience and computer science goals. The project "
-"aims to further knowledge of the atomic details of protein-ligand "
-"interactions and, by doing so, will search for insights into the discovery "
-"of novel pharmaceuticals."
+"BOINC Online Help lets you talk one-on-one with experienced BOINC users, who "
+"can: %s answer questions about BOINC and volunteer computing; %s walk you "
+"through the process of installing and using BOINC; %s troubleshoot any "
+"problems you might have."
 msgstr ""
-#: projects.inc:103
-msgid "Barcelona Biomedical Research Park (PRBB)"
+#: help.php:21
+#, php-format
+msgid ""
+"BOINC Online Help is based on %sSkype%s, an Internet-based telephone system. "
+"Skype is free (both the software and the calls).  If you don't already have "
+"Skype, please %sdownload and install it now%s.  When you're finished, return "
+"to this page."
 msgstr ""
-#: projects.inc:104
-msgid "Molecular simulations of proteins"
+#: help.php:28
+msgid ""
+"The best way to get help is by voice, for which you need either built-in "
+"microphone and speakers or an external headset for your computer.  You can "
+"also use Skype's text-based chat system or regular email (if you don't have "
+"Skype) to communicate with Help Volunteers."
 msgstr ""
-#: projects.inc:105
+#: help.php:31
 msgid ""
-"GPUGrid.net opens novel computational scenarios by the first full-atom "
-"molecular dynamics code (CellMD) specially optimized to run on NVIDIA GPUs. "
-"New biomedical applications suddenly become possible giving a new role to "
-"computational biology for biomedical research."
+"Volunteers speaking several languages are available. Please select a "
 msgstr ""
-#: projects.inc:111
-msgid "Technion, Israel"
-msgstr "Technion, Israel"
-#: projects.inc:112
-msgid "Genetic linkage analysis"
-msgstr "Analys av genetiska kopplingar"
-#: projects.inc:113
-msgid ""
-"Superlink at Technion helps geneticists all over the world find disease-"
-"provoking genes causing some types of diabetes, hypertension (high blood "
-"pressure), cancer, schizophrenia and many others."
+#: help.php:47
+msgid "Be a Help Volunteer"
 msgstr ""
-#: projects.inc:127
+#: help.php:50
+#, php-format
 msgid ""
-"University of Maryland Center for Bioinformatics and Computational Biology"
+"If you're an experienced BOINC user, we encourage you to %sbecome a Help "
+"Volunteer%s.  It's a great way to help the cause of scientific research and "
+"volunteer computing - and it's fun!"
 msgstr ""
-#: projects.inc:128
-msgid "Life science research"
+#: help.php:56
+#, php-format
+msgid ""
+"If you're already a Help Volunteer: to edit your settings, %sclick here%s."
 msgstr ""
-#: projects.inc:129
+#: help_funcs.php:107
 msgid ""
-"The Lattice Project supplies computing power to scientists at the University "
-"of Maryland studying evolutionary relationships based on DNA sequence data; "
-"bacterial, plasmid, and virus protein sequences; and biological diversity in "
-"nature reserves. "
+"BOINC helpers are unpaid volunteers.  Their advice is not endorsed by BOINC "
+"or the University of California."
 msgstr ""
-#: projects.inc:135
-msgid "The Swiss Tropical Institute"
+#: help_funcs.php:110
+msgid "%1Never%2 give email address or password information to BOINC helpers."
 msgstr ""
-#: projects.inc:136
-msgid "Epidemiology"
+#: index.php:24
+msgid "Computing power"
+msgstr "Datorkraft"
+#: index.php:26
+msgid "Top 100 volunteers"
 msgstr ""
-#: projects.inc:137
-msgid ""
-"Simulation models of the transmission dynamics and health effects of malaria "
-"are an important tool for malaria control. They can be used to determine "
-"optimal strategies for delivering mosquito nets, chemotherapy, or new "
-"vaccines which are currently under development and testing.  Such modeling "
-"is extremely computer intensive, requiring simulations of large human "
-"populations with a diverse set of parameters related to biological and "
-"social factors that influence the distribution of the disease. "
+#: index.php:27
+msgid "Statistics"
+msgstr "Statistik"
+#: index.php:55
+msgid "Active:"
+msgstr "Aktiva:"
+#: index.php:55
+msgid "volunteers,"
+msgstr "voluntärer,"
+#: index.php:55
+msgid "computers.\n"
+msgstr "datorer.\n"
+#: index.php:56
+msgid "24-hour average:"
+msgstr "24-timmarssnitt:"
+#: index.php:56
+msgid "PetaFLOPS."
 msgstr ""
-#: projects.inc:159
-msgid "University of Washington"
+#: index.php:68
+msgid "News"
+msgstr "Nyheter"
+#: index.php:83
+msgid "Volunteer"
 msgstr ""
-#: projects.inc:160 projects.inc:168
-msgid "Biology"
+#: index.php:85
+msgid "Download"
 msgstr ""
-#: projects.inc:161
-msgid ""
-"Determine the 3-dimensional shapes of proteins in research that may "
-"ultimately lead to finding cures for some major human diseases. By running "
-"Rosetta at home you will help us speed up and extend our research in ways we "
-"couldn't possibly attempt without your help. You will also be helping our "
-"efforts at designing new proteins to fight diseases such as HIV, Malaria, "
-"Cancer, and Alzheimer's"
+#: index.php:87 index.php:120 index.php:171
+msgid "Documentation"
+msgstr "Dokumentation"
+#: index.php:88
+msgid "Add-ons"
 msgstr ""
-#: projects.inc:167
-msgid "University of Vienna"
+#: index.php:89
+msgid "Links"
 msgstr ""
-#: projects.inc:169
+#: index.php:94
 msgid ""
-"Calculate similarities between proteins. SIMAP provides a public database of "
-"the resulting data, which plays a key role in many bioinformatics research "
+"Use the idle time on your computer (Windows, Mac, Linux, or Android) to cure "
+"diseases, study global warming, discover pulsars, and do many other types of "
+"scientific research.  It's safe, secure, and easy:"
 msgstr ""
-#: projects.inc:175
-msgid "Earth Sciences"
+#: index.php:96
+msgid "Choose projects"
 msgstr ""
-#: projects.inc:187
-msgid "Oxford University"
+#: index.php:97
+msgid "Download BOINC software"
 msgstr ""
-#: projects.inc:188
-msgid "Climate study"
+#: index.php:98
+msgid "Enter an email address and password."
 msgstr ""
-#: projects.inc:189
+#: index.php:102
+#, php-format
 msgid ""
-"Investigate the approximations that have to be made in state-of-the-art "
-"climate models. By running the model thousands of times we hope to find out "
-"how the model responds to slight tweaks to these approximations - slight "
-"enough to not make the approximations any less realistic. This will allow us "
-"to improve our understanding of how sensitive our models are to small "
-"changes and also to things like changes in carbon dioxide and the sulphur "
-"cycle. This will allow us to explore how climate may change in the next "
-"century under a wide range of different scenarios."
+"Or, if you run several projects, try an %saccount manager%s such as %"
+"sGridRepublic%s or %sBAM!%s. "
 msgstr ""
-#: projects.inc:196
-msgid "Astronomy, Physics, and Chemistry"
+#: index.php:118
+msgid "Compute with BOINC"
 msgstr ""
-#: projects.inc:202 projects.inc:241 projects.inc:249
-msgid "Astronomy"
+#: index.php:121
+msgid "Software updates"
+msgstr "Mjukvaruppdateringar"
+#: index.php:128
+msgid ""
+"%1Scientists%2: use BOINC to create a %3volunteer computing project%4 giving "
+"you the computing power of thousands of CPUs."
 msgstr ""
-#: projects.inc:203
+#: index.php:132
 msgid ""
-"We will combine the spectral coverage of GALEX, Pan-STARRS1, and WISE to "
-"generate a multi-wavelength UV-optical-NIR galaxy atlas for the nearby "
-"Universe. We will measure physical parameters (such as stellar mass surface "
-"density, star formation rate surface density, attenuation, and first-order "
-"star formation history) on a resolved pixel-by-pixel basis using spectral "
-"energy distribution (SED) fitting techniques in a distributed computing mode."
+"%1Universities%2: use BOINC to create a %3Virtual Campus Supercomputing "
 msgstr ""
-#: projects.inc:225
-msgid "University of Texas at Austin"
+#: index.php:137
+msgid "%1Companies%2: use BOINC for %3desktop Grid computing%4."
 msgstr ""
-#: projects.inc:226 projects.inc:257
-msgid "Chemistry"
+#: index.php:149
+msgid "The BOINC project"
+msgstr "BOINC-projektet"
+#: index.php:155
+msgid "Message boards"
 msgstr ""
-#: projects.inc:227
-msgid ""
-"A common problem in theoretical chemistry, condensed matter physics and "
-"materials science is the calculation of the time evolution of an atomic "
-"scale system where, for example, chemical reactions and/or diffusion occur. "
-"Generally the events of interest are quite rare (many orders of magnitude "
-"slower than the vibrational movements of the atoms), and therefore direct "
-"simulations, tracking every movement of the atoms, would take thousands of "
-"years of computer calculations on the fastest present day computer before a "
-"single event of interest can be expected to occur.  Our research group is "
-"interested in calculating the long time dynamics of systems."
-msgstr ""
+#: index.php:156
+msgid "Email lists"
+msgstr "E-postlistor"
-#: projects.inc:240
-msgid "University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign"
+#: index.php:157
+msgid "Personnel and contributors"
 msgstr ""
-#: projects.inc:242
-msgid ""
-"The goal of Cosmology at Home is to search for the model that best describes "
-"our Universe and to find the range of models that agree with the available "
-"astronomical particle physics data."
+#: index.php:158
+msgid "Events"
 msgstr ""
-#: projects.inc:248
-msgid "Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute"
+#: index.php:159
+msgid "Papers and talks"
+msgstr "Papper och föreläsningar"
+#: index.php:160
+msgid "Research projects"
+msgstr "Forskningsprojekt"
+#: index.php:161
+msgid "Logos and graphics"
+msgstr "Logotyper och grafik"
+#: index.php:162
+msgid "and"
+msgstr "och"
+#: index.php:166
+msgid "Help wanted"
+msgstr "Hjälp önskad"
+#: index.php:168
+msgid "Programming"
+msgstr "Programmering"
+#: index.php:169
+msgid "Translation"
+msgstr "Översättning"
+#: index.php:170
+msgid "Testing"
+msgstr "Testning"
+#: index.php:172
+msgid "Publicity"
+msgstr "Publicitet"
+#: index.php:174
+msgid "Software development"
+msgstr "Mjukvaruutveckling"
+#: index.php:175
+msgid "APIs for add-on software"
 msgstr ""
-#: projects.inc:250
+#: index.php:217
+#, php-format
 msgid ""
-"The goal of Milkyway at Home is to create a highly accurate three dimensional "
-"model of the Milky Way galaxy using data gathered by the Sloan Digital Sky "
+"Open-source software for %svolunteer computing%s and %sgrid computing%s."
 msgstr ""
-#: projects.inc:256
-msgid "Leiden University, The Netherlands"
+#: index.php:230
+msgid "BOINC is based at The University of California, Berkeley"
 msgstr ""
-#: projects.inc:258
-msgid ""
-"Surface science calculations using Classical Dynamics.  Leiden Classical "
-"allows volunteers, students and other scientist to submit their personal "
-"calculations to the grid. Each user has his own personal queue for Classical "
-"Dynamics jobs. In this way students have used the grid to simulate liquid "
-"argon, or to test the validity of the ideal gas law by actually doing the "
-"simulations through the grid."
+#: projects.inc:14
+msgid "Distributed sensing"
 msgstr ""
-#: projects.inc:272
-msgid "Univ. of Wisconsin - Milwaukee, Max Planck Institute"
+#: projects.inc:19
+msgid "Stanford University"
 msgstr ""
-#: projects.inc:273
-msgid "Astrophysics"
+#: projects.inc:20
+msgid "Seismology"
 msgstr ""
-#: projects.inc:274
+#: projects.inc:21
 msgid ""
-"Search for spinning neutron stars (also called pulsars) using data from the "
-"LIGO and GEO gravitational wave detectors, and from the Arecibo radio "
-"observatory.  Einstein at Home is a World Year of Physics 2005 project "
-"supported by the American Physical Society (APS) and by a number of "
-"international organizations."
+"The Quake-Catcher Network is developing the world's largest seismic network "
+"using sensors attached to Internet-connected computers.  You must buy a "
+"sensor to participate."
 msgstr ""
-#: projects.inc:288 projects.inc:296
-msgid "CERN (European Organization for Nuclear Research)"
+#: projects.inc:27
+msgid "BOINC Poland Foundation"
 msgstr ""
-#: projects.inc:289 projects.inc:297
-msgid "Physics"
+#: projects.inc:28
+msgid "Environmental research"
 msgstr ""
-#: projects.inc:290
+#: projects.inc:29
 msgid ""
-"The Large Hadron Collider (LHC) is a particle accelerator at CERN, the "
-"European Organization for Nuclear Research, the world's largest particle "
-"physics laboratory.  It is the most powerful instrument ever built to "
-"investigate on particles proprieties. LHC at home runs simulations to improve "
-"the design of LHC and its detectors."
+"This project is creating a free and continuously updated map of radiation "
+"levels by using sensors connected to volunteers' computers.  You must buy a "
+"sensor to participate."
 msgstr ""
-#: projects.inc:298
+#: projects.inc:33
 msgid ""
-"This project uses CERN-developed virtual machine technology for full-fledged "
-"LHC event physics simulation on volunteer computers.  Requires that you "
-"install VirtualBox on your computer"
+"To participate in these projects you must buy a sensor and attach it to your "
 msgstr ""
-#: projects.inc:304
-msgid "University of California, Berkeley"
-msgstr ""
+#: projects.inc:37
+msgid "Cognitive science and artifical intelligence"
+msgstr "Kognitionsvetenskap och artificiell intelligens"
-#: projects.inc:305
-msgid "Astrophysics, astrobiology"
-msgstr ""
+# 85%
+# 100%
+#: projects.inc:60 projects.inc:364 projects.inc:408 projects.inc:457
+#: projects.inc:464 projects.inc:511
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Private"
+msgstr "privat"
-#: projects.inc:306
+#: projects.inc:61
+msgid "Artificial intelligence"
+msgstr "Artificiell intelligens"
+#: projects.inc:62
 msgid ""
-"SETI (Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence) is a scientific area whose "
-"goal is to detect intelligent life outside Earth. One approach, known as "
-"radio SETI, uses radio telescopes to listen for narrow-bandwidth radio "
-"signals from space. Such signals are not known to occur naturally, so a "
-"detection would provide evidence of extraterrestrial technology."
+"Parse and convert semantic nets for use in FreeHAL, an artificial "
+"intelligence that uses semantic networks, stemmers, part of speech "
+"databases, and part of speech taggers in order to imitate human behavior in "
 msgstr ""
-#: projects.inc:320
-msgid "Bielefeld University of Applied Sciences"
+#: projects.inc:69
+msgid "Biology and Medicine"
+msgstr "Biologi och medicin"
+#: projects.inc:82
+msgid "University College Dublin"
 msgstr ""
-#: projects.inc:321
-msgid "Chemical engineering and nanotechnology"
+#: projects.inc:83
+msgid "Antimalarial drug discovery"
 msgstr ""
-#: projects.inc:322
+#: projects.inc:84
 msgid ""
-"The study of molecular magnets and controlled nanoscale magnetism.  These "
-"magnetic molecules may be used to develop tiny magnetic switches, with "
-"applications in medicine (such as local tumor chemotherapy) and "
+"The parasite that causes malaria continues to evolve resistance to available "
+"medication. We therefore urgently need to discover new drugs to replace "
+"existing drugs. Importantly, these new drugs need to target NEW proteins in "
+"the parasite. The FightMalaria at Home project is aimed at finding these new "
 msgstr ""
-#: projects.inc:329
-msgid "Multiple applications"
+#: projects.inc:90
+msgid "University of Karlsruhe (Germany)"
 msgstr ""
-#: projects.inc:334
-msgid "Chinese Academy of Sciences"
+#: projects.inc:91
+msgid "Protein structure prediction"
 msgstr ""
-#: projects.inc:335
-msgid "Physics, biochemistry, and others"
+#: projects.inc:92
+msgid ""
+"POEM at HOME uses a computational approach to predict the biologically active "
+"structure of proteins, to understand the signal-processing mechanisms when "
+"the proteins interact with one another, to understand diseases related to "
+"protein malfunction or aggregation, and to develop new drugs on the basis of "
+"the three-dimensions structure of biologically important proteins."
 msgstr ""
-#: projects.inc:336
-msgid ""
-"The objective of CAS at home is to encourage and assist scientists in China to "
-"adopt the technologies of volunteer computing and volunteer thinking for "
-"their research."
+#: projects.inc:98
+msgid "University of Delaware"
 msgstr ""
-#: projects.inc:343
-msgid "Mathematics, physics, evolution"
+#: projects.inc:99
+msgid "Study of protein - ligand interactions"
 msgstr ""
-#: projects.inc:344
+#: projects.inc:100
 msgid ""
-"Yoyo at home is an adapter between BOINC and several existing volunteer "
-"computing projects: ECM, Muon, Evolution at home, and distributed.net"
+"Docking at Home has both bioscience and computer science goals. The project "
+"aims to further knowledge of the atomic details of protein-ligand "
+"interactions and, by doing so, will search for insights into the discovery "
+"of novel pharmaceuticals."
 msgstr ""
-#: projects.inc:349 projects.inc:505
-msgid "MTA-SZTAKI Laboratory of Parallel and Distributed Systems (Hungary)"
+#: projects.inc:114
+msgid "Barcelona Biomedical Research Park (PRBB)"
 msgstr ""
-#: projects.inc:350
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "European research projects"
-msgstr "Forskningsprojekt"
+#: projects.inc:115
+msgid "Molecular simulations of proteins"
+msgstr ""
-#: projects.inc:351
+#: projects.inc:116
 msgid ""
-"The EDGeS at Home Beta project integrates volunteer computing into the service "
-"grid network of Europe by allowing service grids to send workunits to be "
-"processed by the volunteers of this project. The scientific projects covered "
-"by the project include math, physics, biology, etc."
+"GPUGrid.net opens novel computational scenarios by the first full-atom "
+"molecular dynamics code (CellMD) specially optimized to run on NVIDIA GPUs. "
+"New biomedical applications suddenly become possible giving a new role to "
+"computational biology for biomedical research."
 msgstr ""
-#: projects.inc:357
-msgid "Spanish universities and research centers"
-msgstr ""
+#: projects.inc:122
+msgid "Technion, Israel"
+msgstr "Technion, Israel"
-#: projects.inc:358
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Various Spanish research projects"
-msgstr "Forskningsprojekt"
+#: projects.inc:123
+msgid "Genetic linkage analysis"
+msgstr "Analys av genetiska kopplingar"
-#: projects.inc:359
-msgid "Research in physics, material science, and biomedicine"
+#: projects.inc:124
+msgid ""
+"Superlink at Technion helps geneticists all over the world find disease-"
+"provoking genes causing some types of diabetes, hypertension (high blood "
+"pressure), cancer, schizophrenia and many others."
 msgstr ""
-#: projects.inc:365
-msgid "IBM Corporate Citizenship"
+#: projects.inc:138
+msgid ""
+"University of Maryland Center for Bioinformatics and Computational Biology"
 msgstr ""
-#: projects.inc:366
-msgid "Medical, environmental and other humanitarian research"
+#: projects.inc:139
+msgid "Life science research"
 msgstr ""
-#: projects.inc:367
+#: projects.inc:140
 msgid ""
-"To further critical non-profit research on some of humanity's most pressing "
-"problems by creating the world's largest volunteer computing grid.  Research "
-"includes HIV-AIDS, cancer, tropical and neglected diseases, solar energy, "
-"clean water and many more."
+"The Lattice Project supplies computing power to scientists at the University "
+"of Maryland studying evolutionary relationships based on DNA sequence data; "
+"bacterial, plasmid, and virus protein sequences; and biological diversity in "
+"nature reserves. "
 msgstr ""
-#: projects.inc:373
-msgid "Mathematics, computing, and games"
+#: projects.inc:146
+msgid "The Swiss Tropical Institute"
 msgstr ""
-#: projects.inc:379
-msgid "Computer Science"
+#: projects.inc:147
+msgid "Epidemiology"
 msgstr ""
-#: projects.inc:387
-msgid "Mathematics, Physics, Artificial Intelligence"
+#: projects.inc:148
+msgid ""
+"Simulation models of the transmission dynamics and health effects of malaria "
+"are an important tool for malaria control. They can be used to determine "
+"optimal strategies for delivering mosquito nets, chemotherapy, or new "
+"vaccines which are currently under development and testing.  Such modeling "
+"is extremely computer intensive, requiring simulations of large human "
+"populations with a diverse set of parameters related to biological and "
+"social factors that influence the distribution of the disease. "
 msgstr ""
-#: projects.inc:388
-msgid "Simulation of quantum computing; Goldbach's conjecture."
+#: projects.inc:170
+msgid "University of Washington"
 msgstr ""
-#: projects.inc:428 projects.inc:436
-msgid "Cryptography"
+#: projects.inc:171 projects.inc:179
+msgid "Biology"
 msgstr ""
-#: projects.inc:437
+#: projects.inc:172
 msgid ""
-"Attempt to decode 3 original Enigma messages. The signals were intercepted "
-"in the North Atlantic in 1942 and are believed to be unbroken."
+"Determine the 3-dimensional shapes of proteins in research that may "
+"ultimately lead to finding cures for some major human diseases. By running "
+"Rosetta at home you will help us speed up and extend our research in ways we "
+"couldn't possibly attempt without your help. You will also be helping our "
+"efforts at designing new proteins to fight diseases such as HIV, Malaria, "
+"Cancer, and Alzheimer's"
 msgstr ""
-#: projects.inc:443 projects.inc:482 projects.inc:490 projects.inc:498
-#: projects.inc:506 projects.inc:546
-msgid "Mathematics"
+#: projects.inc:178
+msgid "University of Vienna"
 msgstr ""
-#: projects.inc:444
-msgid "Study the Collatz Conjecture, an unsolved conjecture in mathematics"
+#: projects.inc:180
+msgid ""
+"Calculate similarities between proteins. SIMAP provides a public database of "
+"the resulting data, which plays a key role in many bioinformatics research "
 msgstr ""
-#: projects.inc:449
-msgid "California State University Fullerton"
+#: projects.inc:186
+msgid "Earth Sciences"
 msgstr ""
-#: projects.inc:450
-msgid "Factorization of large integers"
+#: projects.inc:198
+msgid "Oxford University"
 msgstr ""
-#: projects.inc:451
-msgid ""
-"NFS at Home is a research project that uses Internet-connected computers to do "
-"the lattice sieving step in the Number Field Sieve factorization of large "
-"integers. As a young school student, you gained your first experience at "
-"breaking an integer into prime factors, such as 15 = 3 * 5 or 35 = 5 * 7. "
-"NFS at Home is a continuation of that experience, only with integers that are "
-"hundreds of digits long."
+#: projects.inc:199
+msgid "Climate study"
 msgstr ""
-#: projects.inc:457
+#: projects.inc:200
 msgid ""
-"Vilnius Gediminas Technical University and Kaunas University of Technology "
+"Investigate the approximations that have to be made in state-of-the-art "
+"climate models. By running the model thousands of times we hope to find out "
+"how the model responds to slight tweaks to these approximations - slight "
+"enough to not make the approximations any less realistic. This will allow us "
+"to improve our understanding of how sensitive our models are to small "
+"changes and also to things like changes in carbon dioxide and the sulphur "
+"cycle. This will allow us to explore how climate may change in the next "
+"century under a wide range of different scenarios."
 msgstr ""
-#: projects.inc:458
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Software testing"
-msgstr "Mjukvaruppdateringar"
+#: projects.inc:207
+msgid "Physical Science"
+msgstr ""
-#: projects.inc:459
+#: projects.inc:213
+msgid "Mechanical engineering"
+msgstr ""
+#: projects.inc:214
 msgid ""
-"The aim of this project is to provide a powerful distributed computing "
-"platform for scientists of Vilnius Gediminas Technical University (VGTU) as "
-"well as others Lithuanian academic institutions.  Current applications "
-"involve the study of Monte-Carlo based software testing."
+"Currently we are calculating the optimum design of a structure call the 52 "
+"bar truss"
 msgstr ""
-#: projects.inc:481
-msgid "Mathematical Institute of Leiden University / Kennislink"
+#: projects.inc:224 projects.inc:263 projects.inc:271
+msgid "Astronomy"
 msgstr ""
-#: projects.inc:483
+#: projects.inc:225
 msgid ""
-"Search for 'abc-triples': positive integers a,b,c such that a+b=c, a < b "
-"< c, a,b,c have no common divisors and c > rad(abc), where rad(n) is the "
-"product of the distinct prime factors of n. The ABC conjecture says that "
-"there are only finitely many a,b,c such that log(c)/log(rad(abc)) > h for "
-"any real h > 1. The ABC conjecture is currently one of the greatest open "
-"problems in mathematics. If it is proven to be true, a lot of other open "
-"problems can be answered directly from it."
+"We will combine the spectral coverage of GALEX, Pan-STARRS1, and WISE to "
+"generate a multi-wavelength UV-optical-NIR galaxy atlas for the nearby "
+"Universe. We will measure physical parameters (such as stellar mass surface "
+"density, star formation rate surface density, attenuation, and first-order "
+"star formation history) on a resolved pixel-by-pixel basis using spectral "
+"energy distribution (SED) fitting techniques in a distributed computing mode."
 msgstr ""
-#: projects.inc:491
-msgid ""
-"Primegrid has multiple projects searching for different forms of very large "
-"prime numbers, including searching for the largest known prime number."
+#: projects.inc:247
+msgid "University of Texas at Austin"
 msgstr ""
-#: projects.inc:497
-msgid "Hochschule RheinMain University of Applied Sciences"
+#: projects.inc:248 projects.inc:279
+msgid "Chemistry"
 msgstr ""
-#: projects.inc:499
+#: projects.inc:249
 msgid ""
-"Search for counterexamples to two conjectures related to the identification "
-"of prime numbers"
+"A common problem in theoretical chemistry, condensed matter physics and "
+"materials science is the calculation of the time evolution of an atomic "
+"scale system where, for example, chemical reactions and/or diffusion occur. "
+"Generally the events of interest are quite rare (many orders of magnitude "
+"slower than the vibrational movements of the atoms), and therefore direct "
+"simulations, tracking every movement of the atoms, would take thousands of "
+"years of computer calculations on the fastest present day computer before a "
+"single event of interest can be expected to occur.  Our research group is "
+"interested in calculating the long time dynamics of systems."
+msgstr ""
+#: projects.inc:262
+msgid "University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign"
 msgstr ""
-#: projects.inc:507
+#: projects.inc:264
 msgid ""
-"Find all the generalized binary number systems (in which bases are matrices "
-"and digits are vectors) up to dimension 11."
+"The goal of Cosmology at Home is to search for the model that best describes "
+"our Universe and to find the range of models that agree with the available "
+"astronomical particle physics data."
 msgstr ""
-#: docutil.php:21
-msgid "Search"
-msgstr "Sök"
+#: projects.inc:270
+msgid "Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute"
+msgstr ""
-#: docutil.php:103
-msgid "Return to BOINC main page"
+#: projects.inc:272
+msgid ""
+"The goal of Milkyway at Home is to create a highly accurate three dimensional "
+"model of the Milky Way galaxy using data gathered by the Sloan Digital Sky "
 msgstr ""
-#: docutil.php:114
-#, php-format
-msgid "This page is %stranslatable%s."
+#: projects.inc:278
+msgid "Leiden University, The Netherlands"
 msgstr ""
-#: download.php:38
-msgid "Download BOINC"
+#: projects.inc:280
+msgid ""
+"Surface science calculations using Classical Dynamics.  Leiden Classical "
+"allows volunteers, students and other scientist to submit their personal "
+"calculations to the grid. Each user has his own personal queue for Classical "
+"Dynamics jobs. In this way students have used the grid to simulate liquid "
+"argon, or to test the validity of the ideal gas law by actually doing the "
+"simulations through the grid."
 msgstr ""
-#: download.php:40
-#, php-format
-msgid "%s for %s (%s MB)"
-msgstr "%s för %s (%s MB)"
+#: projects.inc:294
+msgid "Univ. of Wisconsin - Milwaukee, Max Planck Institute"
+msgstr ""
-#: download.php:87
-msgid ""
-"BOINC is a program that lets you donate your idle computer time to science "
-"projects like SETI at home, Climateprediction.net, Rosetta at home, World "
-"Community Grid, and many others. <p> After installing BOINC on your "
-"computer, you can connect it to as many of these projects as you like."
+#: projects.inc:295
+msgid "Astrophysics"
 msgstr ""
-#: download.php:89
+#: projects.inc:296
 msgid ""
-"You may run this software on a computer only if you own the computer or have "
-"the permission of its owner."
+"Search for spinning neutron stars (also called pulsars) using data from the "
+"LIGO and GEO gravitational wave detectors, and from the Arecibo radio "
+"observatory.  Einstein at Home is a World Year of Physics 2005 project "
+"supported by the American Physical Society (APS) and by a number of "
+"international organizations."
 msgstr ""
-#: download.php:131
-msgid "System requirements"
-msgstr "Systemkrav"
+#: projects.inc:310 projects.inc:318
+msgid "CERN (European Organization for Nuclear Research)"
+msgstr ""
-#: download.php:132
-msgid "Release notes"
+#: projects.inc:311 projects.inc:319
+msgid "Physics"
+msgstr ""
+#: projects.inc:312
+msgid ""
+"The Large Hadron Collider (LHC) is a particle accelerator at CERN, the "
+"European Organization for Nuclear Research, the world's largest particle "
+"physics laboratory.  It is the most powerful instrument ever built to "
+"investigate on particles proprieties. LHC at home runs simulations to improve "
+"the design of LHC and its detectors."
 msgstr ""
-#: download.php:133 index.php:85
-msgid "Help"
-msgstr "Hjälp"
+#: projects.inc:320
+msgid ""
+"This project uses CERN-developed virtual machine technology for full-fledged "
+"LHC event physics simulation on volunteer computers.  Requires that you "
+"install VirtualBox on your computer"
+msgstr ""
-#: download.php:134
-msgid "All versions"
+#: projects.inc:326
+msgid "University of California, Berkeley"
 msgstr ""
-#: download.php:135
-msgid "Version history"
+#: projects.inc:327
+msgid "Astrophysics, astrobiology"
 msgstr ""
-#: download.php:136
-msgid "GPU computing"
+#: projects.inc:328
+msgid ""
+"SETI (Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence) is a scientific area whose "
+"goal is to detect intelligent life outside Earth. One approach, known as "
+"radio SETI, uses radio telescopes to listen for narrow-bandwidth radio "
+"signals from space. Such signals are not known to occur naturally, so a "
+"detection would provide evidence of extraterrestrial technology."
 msgstr ""
-#: download.php:154
-msgid "BOINC: compute for science"
+#: projects.inc:342
+msgid "Bielefeld University of Applied Sciences"
 msgstr ""
-#: help.php:12
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"BOINC Online Help lets you talk one-on-one with experienced BOINC users, who "
-"can: %s answer questions about BOINC and volunteer computing; %s walk you "
-"through the process of installing and using BOINC; %s troubleshoot any "
-"problems you might have."
+#: projects.inc:343
+msgid "Chemical engineering and nanotechnology"
 msgstr ""
-#: help.php:21
-#, php-format
+#: projects.inc:344
 msgid ""
-"BOINC Online Help is based on %sSkype%s, an Internet-based telephone system. "
-"Skype is free (both the software and the calls).  If you don't already have "
-"Skype, please %sdownload and install it now%s.  When you're finished, return "
-"to this page."
+"The study of molecular magnets and controlled nanoscale magnetism.  These "
+"magnetic molecules may be used to develop tiny magnetic switches, with "
+"applications in medicine (such as local tumor chemotherapy) and "
 msgstr ""
-#: help.php:28
-msgid ""
-"The best way to get help is by voice, for which you need either built-in "
-"microphone and speakers or an external headset for your computer.  You can "
-"also use Skype's text-based chat system or regular email (if you don't have "
-"Skype) to communicate with Help Volunteers."
+#: projects.inc:351
+msgid "Multiple applications"
 msgstr ""
-#: help.php:31
-msgid ""
-"Volunteers speaking several languages are available. Please select a "
+#: projects.inc:356
+msgid "Chinese Academy of Sciences"
 msgstr ""
-#: help.php:47
-msgid "Be a Help Volunteer"
+#: projects.inc:357
+msgid "Physics, biochemistry, and others"
 msgstr ""
-#: help.php:50
-#, php-format
+#: projects.inc:358
 msgid ""
-"If you're an experienced BOINC user, we encourage you to %sbecome a Help "
-"Volunteer%s.  It's a great way to help the cause of scientific research and "
-"volunteer computing - and it's fun!"
+"The objective of CAS at home is to encourage and assist scientists in China to "
+"adopt the technologies of volunteer computing and volunteer thinking for "
+"their research."
 msgstr ""
-#: help.php:56
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"If you're already a Help Volunteer: to edit your settings, %sclick here%s."
+#: projects.inc:365
+msgid "Mathematics, physics, evolution"
 msgstr ""
-#: help_funcs.php:107
+#: projects.inc:366
 msgid ""
-"BOINC helpers are unpaid volunteers.  Their advice is not endorsed by BOINC "
-"or the University of California."
+"Yoyo at home is an adapter between BOINC and several existing volunteer "
+"computing projects: ECM, Muon, Evolution at home, and distributed.net"
 msgstr ""
-#: help_funcs.php:110
-msgid "%1Never%2 give email address or password information to BOINC helpers."
+#: projects.inc:371 projects.inc:527
+msgid "MTA-SZTAKI Laboratory of Parallel and Distributed Systems (Hungary)"
 msgstr ""
-#: index.php:23
-msgid "Computing power"
-msgstr "Datorkraft"
+#: projects.inc:372
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "European research projects"
+msgstr "Forskningsprojekt"
-#: index.php:25
-msgid "Top 100 volunteers"
+#: projects.inc:373
+msgid ""
+"The EDGeS at Home Beta project integrates volunteer computing into the service "
+"grid network of Europe by allowing service grids to send workunits to be "
+"processed by the volunteers of this project. The scientific projects covered "
+"by the project include math, physics, biology, etc."
 msgstr ""
-#: index.php:26
-msgid "Statistics"
-msgstr "Statistik"
-#: index.php:54
-msgid "Active:"
-msgstr "Aktiva:"
+#: projects.inc:379
+msgid "Spanish universities and research centers"
+msgstr ""
-#: index.php:54
-msgid "volunteers,"
-msgstr "voluntärer,"
+#: projects.inc:380
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Various Spanish research projects"
+msgstr "Forskningsprojekt"
-#: index.php:54
-msgid "computers.\n"
-msgstr "datorer.\n"
+#: projects.inc:381
+msgid "Research in physics, material science, and biomedicine"
+msgstr ""
-#: index.php:55
-msgid "24-hour average:"
-msgstr "24-timmarssnitt:"
+#: projects.inc:387
+msgid "IBM Corporate Citizenship"
+msgstr ""
-#: index.php:55
-msgid "PetaFLOPS."
+#: projects.inc:388
+msgid "Medical, environmental and other humanitarian research"
 msgstr ""
-#: index.php:67
-msgid "News"
-msgstr "Nyheter"
+#: projects.inc:389
+msgid ""
+"To further critical non-profit research on some of humanity's most pressing "
+"problems by creating the world's largest volunteer computing grid.  Research "
+"includes HIV-AIDS, cancer, tropical and neglected diseases, solar energy, "
+"clean water and many more."
+msgstr ""
-#: index.php:82
-msgid "Volunteer"
+#: projects.inc:395
+msgid "Mathematics, computing, and games"
 msgstr ""
-#: index.php:84
-msgid "Download"
+#: projects.inc:401
+msgid "Computer Science"
 msgstr ""
-#: index.php:86 index.php:123 index.php:174
-msgid "Documentation"
-msgstr "Dokumentation"
+#: projects.inc:409
+msgid "Mathematics, Physics, Artificial Intelligence"
+msgstr ""
-#: index.php:87
-msgid "Add-ons"
+#: projects.inc:410
+msgid "Simulation of quantum computing; Goldbach's conjecture."
 msgstr ""
-#: index.php:88
-msgid "Links"
+#: projects.inc:450 projects.inc:458
+msgid "Cryptography"
 msgstr ""
-#: index.php:94
-#, php-format
+#: projects.inc:459
 msgid ""
-" Use the idle time on your computer (Windows, Mac, or Linux) to cure "
-"diseases, study global warming, discover pulsars, and do many other types of "
-"scientific research.  It's safe, secure, and easy:  %sChoose%s projects  "
-"%sDownload%s and run BOINC software  %sEnter%s an email address and "
-"password. "
+"Attempt to decode 3 original Enigma messages. The signals were intercepted "
+"in the North Atlantic in 1942 and are believed to be unbroken."
 msgstr ""
-#: index.php:105
-#, php-format
-msgid ""
-"Or, if you run several projects, try an %saccount manager%s such as "
-"%sGridRepublic%s or %sBAM!%s. "
+#: projects.inc:465 projects.inc:504 projects.inc:512 projects.inc:520
+#: projects.inc:528 projects.inc:568
+msgid "Mathematics"
 msgstr ""
-#: index.php:121
-msgid "Compute with BOINC"
+#: projects.inc:466
+msgid "Study the Collatz Conjecture, an unsolved conjecture in mathematics"
 msgstr ""
-#: index.php:124
-msgid "Software updates"
-msgstr "Mjukvaruppdateringar"
+#: projects.inc:471
+msgid "California State University Fullerton"
+msgstr ""
-#: index.php:131
-msgid ""
-"%1Scientists%2: use BOINC to create a %3volunteer computing project%4 giving "
-"you the computing power of thousands of CPUs."
+#: projects.inc:472
+msgid "Factorization of large integers"
 msgstr ""
-#: index.php:135
+#: projects.inc:473
 msgid ""
-"%1Universities%2: use BOINC to create a %3Virtual Campus Supercomputing "
+"NFS at Home is a research project that uses Internet-connected computers to do "
+"the lattice sieving step in the Number Field Sieve factorization of large "
+"integers. As a young school student, you gained your first experience at "
+"breaking an integer into prime factors, such as 15 = 3 * 5 or 35 = 5 * 7. "
+"NFS at Home is a continuation of that experience, only with integers that are "
+"hundreds of digits long."
 msgstr ""
-#: index.php:140
-msgid "%1Companies%2: use BOINC for %3desktop Grid computing%4."
+#: projects.inc:479
+msgid ""
+"Vilnius Gediminas Technical University and Kaunas University of Technology "
 msgstr ""
-#: index.php:152
-msgid "The BOINC project"
-msgstr "BOINC-projektet"
+#: projects.inc:480
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Software testing"
+msgstr "Mjukvaruppdateringar"
-#: index.php:158
-msgid "Message boards"
+#: projects.inc:481
+msgid ""
+"The aim of this project is to provide a powerful distributed computing "
+"platform for scientists of Vilnius Gediminas Technical University (VGTU) as "
+"well as others Lithuanian academic institutions.  Current applications "
+"involve the study of Monte-Carlo based software testing."
 msgstr ""
-#: index.php:159
-msgid "Email lists"
-msgstr "E-postlistor"
-#: index.php:160
-msgid "Personnel and contributors"
+#: projects.inc:503
+msgid "Mathematical Institute of Leiden University / Kennislink"
 msgstr ""
-#: index.php:161
-msgid "Events"
+#: projects.inc:505
+msgid ""
+"Search for 'abc-triples': positive integers a,b,c such that a+b=c, a < b "
+"< c, a,b,c have no common divisors and c > rad(abc), where rad(n) is the "
+"product of the distinct prime factors of n. The ABC conjecture says that "
+"there are only finitely many a,b,c such that log(c)/log(rad(abc)) > h for "
+"any real h > 1. The ABC conjecture is currently one of the greatest open "
+"problems in mathematics. If it is proven to be true, a lot of other open "
+"problems can be answered directly from it."
 msgstr ""
-#: index.php:162
-msgid "Papers and talks"
-msgstr "Papper och föreläsningar"
-#: index.php:163
-msgid "Research projects"
-msgstr "Forskningsprojekt"
-#: index.php:164
-msgid "Logos and graphics"
-msgstr "Logotyper och grafik"
-#: index.php:165
-msgid "and"
-msgstr "och"
-#: index.php:169
-msgid "Help wanted"
-msgstr "Hjälp önskad"
-#: index.php:171
-msgid "Programming"
-msgstr "Programmering"
-#: index.php:172
-msgid "Translation"
-msgstr "Översättning"
-#: index.php:173
-msgid "Testing"
-msgstr "Testning"
-#: index.php:175
-msgid "Publicity"
-msgstr "Publicitet"
-#: index.php:177
-msgid "Software development"
-msgstr "Mjukvaruutveckling"
-#: index.php:178
-msgid "APIs for add-on software"
+#: projects.inc:513
+msgid ""
+"Primegrid has multiple projects searching for different forms of very large "
+"prime numbers, including searching for the largest known prime number."
 msgstr ""
-#: index.php:212
-msgid "Browser default"
+#: projects.inc:519
+msgid "Hochschule RheinMain University of Applied Sciences"
 msgstr ""
-#: index.php:265
-#, php-format
+#: projects.inc:521
 msgid ""
-"Open-source software for %svolunteer computing%s and %sgrid computing%s."
+"Search for counterexamples to two conjectures related to the identification "
+"of prime numbers"
 msgstr ""
-#: index.php:278
-msgid "BOINC is based at The University of California, Berkeley"
+#: projects.inc:529
+msgid ""
+"Find all the generalized binary number systems (in which bases are matrices "
+"and digits are vectors) up to dimension 11."
 msgstr ""
 #: ../html/inc/news.inc:40
@@ -901,6 +951,10 @@ msgstr ""
 msgid "News is available as an %sRSS feed%s"
 msgstr ""
+#, php-format
+#~ msgid "%s for %s (%s MB)"
+#~ msgstr "%s för %s (%s MB)"
 #~ msgid "FreeHAL"
 #~ msgstr "FreeHAL"
diff --git a/locale/templates/BOINC-Manager.pot b/locale/templates/BOINC-Manager.pot
index 741d33f..76456d6 100644
--- a/locale/templates/BOINC-Manager.pot
+++ b/locale/templates/BOINC-Manager.pot
@@ -3,49 +3,54 @@
 # This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package.
-#, fuzzy
 msgid ""
 msgstr ""
-"Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
+"Project-Id-Version: BOINC 7.4\n"
 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-02-02 00:00-0800\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
-"Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL at ADDRESS>\n"
-"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <LL at li.org>\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-12-15 16:56-0500\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2014-12-15 16:56-0500\n"
+"Last-Translator: Rom Walton <rwalton at ssl.berkeley.edu>\n"
+"Language-Team: BOINC Localization Team <boinc_loc at ssl.berkeley.edu>\n"
 "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
 "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
 "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+"X-Poedit-Basepath: C:\\Src\\BOINCGIT\\boinc_7.4\n"
+"X-Poedit-Language: English\n"
+"X-Poedit-Country: UNITED STATES\n"
+"X-Poedit-SearchPath-0: clientgui\n"
+"X-Poedit-SearchPath-1: clientgui/msw\n"
+"X-Poedit-SearchPath-2: clientgui/mac\n"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:387
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:387
 #, c-format
 msgid "Identify your account at %s"
 msgstr ""
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:393
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:393
 msgid ""
 "Please enter your account information\n"
 "(to create an account, visit the project's web site)"
 msgstr ""
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:397
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:397
 msgid ""
 "This project is not currently accepting new accounts.\n"
 "You can add it only if you already have an account."
 msgstr ""
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:401
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:401
 msgid "Are you already running this project?"
 msgstr ""
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:405
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:405
 msgid "&No, new user"
 msgstr ""
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:408
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:408
 msgid "&Yes, existing user"
 msgstr ""
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:413
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:413
 msgid ""
 "We were not able to set up your account information\n"
@@ -55,466 +60,488 @@ msgid ""
 "password fields."
 msgstr ""
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:416
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:416
 msgid "Find login information"
 msgstr ""
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:436 AccountInfoPage.cpp:641
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:436
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:649
 msgid "&Password:"
 msgstr ""
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:443 AccountInfoPage.cpp:665
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:443
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:673
 msgid "Choose a &password:"
 msgstr ""
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:446
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:446
 msgid "C&onfirm password:"
 msgstr ""
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:453
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:453
 #, c-format
 msgid "Are you already running %s?"
 msgstr ""
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:482
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:482
 msgid "&Username:"
 msgstr ""
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:508
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:511
+msgid "&Email address or LDAP ID:"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:515
 msgid "&Email address:"
 msgstr ""
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:515
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:523
 #, c-format
 msgid "minimum length %d"
 msgstr ""
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:522
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:530
 msgid "Forgot your password?"
 msgstr ""
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:529
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:537
 msgid ""
 "If you have not yet registered with this account manager,\n"
 "please do so before proceeding.  Click on the link below\n"
 "to register or to retrieve a forgotten password."
 msgstr ""
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:532
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:540
 msgid "Account manager web site"
 msgstr ""
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:574 WelcomePage.cpp:348
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:582
 msgid "Add project"
 msgstr ""
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:576
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:584
 msgid "Update account manager"
 msgstr ""
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:578 WelcomePage.cpp:307 WelcomePage.cpp:321
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:586
 msgid "Use account manager"
 msgstr ""
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:585
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:593
 msgid "Please enter a user name."
 msgstr ""
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:587
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:595
 msgid "Please enter an email address."
 msgstr ""
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:597
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:605
 #, c-format
 msgid "Please enter a password of at least %d characters."
 msgstr ""
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:607
-msgid ""
-"The password and confirmation password do not match. Please type them again."
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:615
+msgid "The password and confirmation password do not match. Please type them again."
 msgstr ""
-#: AccountManagerInfoPage.cpp:272
+#: clientgui/AccountManagerInfoPage.cpp:272
 msgid "Choose an account manager"
 msgstr ""
-#: AccountManagerInfoPage.cpp:275
+#: clientgui/AccountManagerInfoPage.cpp:275
 msgid ""
 "To choose an account manager, click its name or \n"
 "type its URL below."
 msgstr ""
-#: AccountManagerInfoPage.cpp:279
+#: clientgui/AccountManagerInfoPage.cpp:279
 msgid "Account manager details:"
 msgstr ""
-#: AccountManagerInfoPage.cpp:283
+#: clientgui/AccountManagerInfoPage.cpp:283
 msgid "Account manager &URL:"
 msgstr ""
-#: AccountManagerInfoPage.cpp:287
+#: clientgui/AccountManagerInfoPage.cpp:287
 msgid "Open web page"
 msgstr ""
-#: AccountManagerInfoPage.cpp:290
+#: clientgui/AccountManagerInfoPage.cpp:290
 msgid "Visit this account manager's web site"
 msgstr ""
-#: AccountManagerProcessingPage.cpp:187 AccountManagerPropertiesPage.cpp:193
+#: clientgui/AccountManagerProcessingPage.cpp:186
+#: clientgui/AccountManagerPropertiesPage.cpp:192
 #, c-format
 msgid "Communicating with %s."
 msgstr ""
-#: AccountManagerProcessingPage.cpp:194 AccountManagerPropertiesPage.cpp:200
+#: clientgui/AccountManagerProcessingPage.cpp:193
+#: clientgui/AccountManagerPropertiesPage.cpp:199
 msgid "Communicating with server."
 msgstr ""
-#: AccountManagerProcessingPage.cpp:199 AccountManagerPropertiesPage.cpp:205
+#: clientgui/AccountManagerProcessingPage.cpp:198
+#: clientgui/AccountManagerPropertiesPage.cpp:204
 msgid "Please wait..."
 msgstr ""
-#: AccountManagerProcessingPage.cpp:326
+#: clientgui/AccountManagerProcessingPage.cpp:325
 msgid "An internal server error has occurred.\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:95
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:96
 msgid "Connected"
 msgstr ""
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:103
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:104
 msgid "Disconnected"
 msgstr ""
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:322 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:119
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:318
 #, c-format
 msgid "Close the %s window"
 msgstr ""
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:325 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:122
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:321
 msgid "&Close Window"
 msgstr ""
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:336 AdvancedFrame.cpp:343 AdvancedFrame.cpp:350
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:332
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:339
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:346
 #, c-format
 msgid "Exit %s"
 msgstr ""
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:371
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:359
+msgid "Preferences..."
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:368
 msgid "&Notices\tCtrl+Shift+N"
 msgstr ""
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:372
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:369
 msgid "Display notices"
 msgstr ""
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:377
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:374
 msgid "&Projects\tCtrl+Shift+P"
 msgstr ""
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:378
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:375
 msgid "Display projects"
 msgstr ""
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:383
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:380
 msgid "&Tasks\tCtrl+Shift+T"
 msgstr ""
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:384
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:381
 msgid "Display tasks"
 msgstr ""
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:389
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:386
 msgid "Trans&fers\tCtrl+Shift+X"
 msgstr ""
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:390
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:387
 msgid "Display transfers"
 msgstr ""
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:395
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:392
 msgid "&Statistics\tCtrl+Shift+S"
 msgstr ""
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:396
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:393
 msgid "Display statistics"
 msgstr ""
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:401
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:398
 msgid "&Disk usage\tCtrl+Shift+D"
 msgstr ""
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:402
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:399
 msgid "Display disk usage"
 msgstr ""
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:409
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:406
 msgid "Simple &View...\tCtrl+Shift+V"
 msgstr ""
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:410
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:407
 msgid "Display the simple graphical interface."
 msgstr ""
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:424
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:421
 msgid "&Add project or account manager..."
 msgstr ""
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:425 sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:76
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:422
 msgid "Volunteer for any or all of 30+ projects in many areas of science"
 msgstr ""
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:429
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:426
 #, c-format
 msgid "&Synchronize with %s"
 msgstr ""
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:433
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:430
 #, c-format
 msgid "Get current settings from %s"
 msgstr ""
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:443
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:440
 msgid "&Add project..."
 msgstr ""
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:444
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:441
 msgid "Add a project"
 msgstr ""
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:447
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:444
 #, c-format
 msgid "S&top using %s..."
 msgstr ""
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:453
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:450
 msgid "Remove this computer from account manager control."
 msgstr ""
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:458 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:178
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:455
 msgid "&Options..."
 msgstr ""
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:459 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:179
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:456
 msgid "Configure display options and proxy settings"
 msgstr ""
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:463 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:172
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:460
 msgid "Computing &preferences..."
 msgstr ""
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:464 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:173
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:461
 msgid "Configure computing preferences"
 msgstr ""
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:472
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:469
 msgid "&Run always"
 msgstr ""
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:473
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:470
 msgid "Allow work regardless of preferences"
 msgstr ""
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:477
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:474
 msgid "Run based on &preferences"
 msgstr ""
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:478
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:475
 msgid "Allow work according to preferences"
 msgstr ""
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:482
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:479
 msgid "&Suspend"
 msgstr ""
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:483
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:480
 msgid "Stop work regardless of preferences"
 msgstr ""
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:508
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:505
 msgid "Use GPU always"
 msgstr ""
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:509
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:506
 msgid "Allow GPU work regardless of preferences"
 msgstr ""
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:513
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:510
 msgid "Use GPU based on preferences"
 msgstr ""
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:514
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:511
 msgid "Allow GPU work according to preferences"
 msgstr ""
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:518
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:515
 msgid "Suspend GPU"
 msgstr ""
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:519
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:516
 msgid "Stop GPU work regardless of preferences"
 msgstr ""
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:543
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:540
 msgid "Network activity always available"
 msgstr ""
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:544
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:541
 msgid "Allow network activity regardless of preferences"
 msgstr ""
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:548
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:545
 msgid "Network activity based on preferences"
 msgstr ""
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:549
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:546
 msgid "Allow network activity according to preferences"
 msgstr ""
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:553
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:550
 msgid "Network activity suspended"
 msgstr ""
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:554
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:551
 msgid "Stop BOINC network activity"
 msgstr ""
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:564
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:561
 #, c-format
 msgid "Connect to another computer running %s"
 msgstr ""
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:569
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:566
 msgid "Select computer..."
 msgstr ""
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:574
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:571
 msgid "Shut down connected client..."
 msgstr ""
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:575
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:572
 msgid "Shut down the currently connected client"
 msgstr ""
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:579
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:576
 msgid "Run CPU &benchmarks"
 msgstr ""
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:580
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:577
 msgid "Runs BOINC CPU benchmarks"
 msgstr ""
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:584
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:581
 msgid "Do network communication"
 msgstr ""
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:585
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:582
 msgid "Do all pending network communication"
 msgstr ""
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:589
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:586
 msgid "Read config files"
 msgstr ""
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:590
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:587
 msgid "Read configuration info from cc_config.xml and any app_config.xml files"
 msgstr ""
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:594
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:591
 msgid "Read local prefs file"
 msgstr ""
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:595
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:592
 msgid "Read preferences from global_prefs_override.xml."
 msgstr ""
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:600
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:597
 #, c-format
 msgid "Launch another instance of %s..."
 msgstr ""
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:604
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:601
 #, c-format
 msgid "Launch another %s"
 msgstr ""
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:614
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:611
 msgid "Event Log...\tCtrl+Shift+E"
 msgstr ""
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:615
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:612
 msgid "Display diagnostic messages."
 msgstr ""
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:625 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:188
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:616
+msgid "Event Log Diagnostic Flags...\tCtrl+Shift+F"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:617
+msgid "Enable or disable various diagnostic messages"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:626
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s &help"
 msgstr ""
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:631 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:194
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:632
 #, c-format
 msgid "Show information about %s"
 msgstr ""
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:643
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:644
 #, c-format
 msgid "&%s help"
 msgstr ""
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:649 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:212
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:650
 #, c-format
 msgid "Show information about the %s"
 msgstr ""
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:661 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:224
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:662
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s &web site"
 msgstr ""
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:667 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:230
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:668
 #, c-format
 msgid "Show information about BOINC and %s"
 msgstr ""
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:679 BOINCTaskBar.cpp:530 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:242
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:680
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:544
 #, c-format
 msgid "&About %s..."
 msgstr ""
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:685 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:248
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:686
 msgid "Licensing and copyright information."
 msgstr ""
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:692 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:255
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:693
 msgid "&File"
 msgstr ""
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:696 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:259
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:697
 msgid "&View"
 msgstr ""
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:700 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:263
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:701
 msgid "&Tools"
 msgstr ""
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:704
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:705
 msgid "&Activity"
 msgstr ""
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:708
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:709
 msgid "A&dvanced"
 msgstr ""
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:712 DlgEventLog.cpp:332 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:267
-#: wizardex.cpp:374 wizardex.cpp:381
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:713
 msgid "&Help"
 msgstr ""
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:1199
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1185
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - Stop using %s"
 msgstr ""
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:1204
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1190
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "If you stop using %s,\n"
@@ -524,48 +551,48 @@ msgid ""
 "Do you want to stop using %s?"
 msgstr ""
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:1401
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1397
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - Shut down the current client..."
 msgstr ""
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:1410
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1406
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "%s will shut down the current client\n"
 "and prompt you for another host to connect to."
 msgstr ""
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:1745 DlgAbout.cpp:119
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1806
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s"
 msgstr ""
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:1754
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1815
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s has successfully added %s"
 msgstr ""
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:1893
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1953
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - (%s)"
 msgstr ""
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:1897
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1957
 #, c-format
 msgid "Connecting to %s"
 msgstr ""
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:1900
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1960
 #, c-format
 msgid "Connected to %s (%s)"
 msgstr ""
-#: AlreadyExistsPage.cpp:184
+#: clientgui/AlreadyExistsPage.cpp:184
 msgid "Username already in use"
 msgstr ""
-#: AlreadyExistsPage.cpp:187
+#: clientgui/AlreadyExistsPage.cpp:187
 msgid ""
 "An account with that username already exists and has a\n"
 "different password than the one you entered.\n"
@@ -573,11 +600,11 @@ msgid ""
 "Please visit the project's web site and follow the instructions there."
 msgstr ""
-#: AlreadyExistsPage.cpp:191
+#: clientgui/AlreadyExistsPage.cpp:191
 msgid "Email address already in use"
 msgstr ""
-#: AlreadyExistsPage.cpp:194
+#: clientgui/AlreadyExistsPage.cpp:194
 msgid ""
 "An account with that email address already exists and has a\n"
 "different password than the one you entered.\n"
@@ -585,162 +612,159 @@ msgid ""
 "Please visit the project's web site and follow the instructions there."
 msgstr ""
-#: AsyncRPC.cpp:1031
+#: clientgui/AsyncRPC.cpp:1031
 msgid "Communicating with BOINC client.  Please wait ..."
 msgstr ""
-#: AsyncRPC.cpp:1034
+#: clientgui/AsyncRPC.cpp:1034
 #, c-format
 msgid "&Quit %s"
 msgstr ""
-#: AsyncRPC.cpp:1036
+#: clientgui/AsyncRPC.cpp:1036
 #, c-format
 msgid "E&xit %s"
 msgstr ""
-#: AsyncRPC.cpp:1040
+#: clientgui/AsyncRPC.cpp:1040
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - Communication"
 msgstr ""
-#: AsyncRPC.cpp:1056 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:107 sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:433
+#: clientgui/AsyncRPC.cpp:1056
 msgid "Cancel"
 msgstr ""
-#: BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:505
+#: clientgui/BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:504
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - Connection Error"
 msgstr ""
-#: BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:514
+#: clientgui/BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:513
 msgid ""
 "You currently are not authorized to manage the client.\n"
-"Please contact your administrator to add you to the 'boinc_users' local user "
+"Please contact your administrator to add you to the 'boinc_users' local user group."
 msgstr ""
-#: BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:523
+#: clientgui/BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:522
 msgid ""
 "Authorization failed connecting to running client.\n"
 "Make sure you start this program in the same directory as the client."
 msgstr ""
-#: BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:525
+#: clientgui/BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:524
 msgid "Authorization failed connecting to running client."
 msgstr ""
-#: BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:533
+#: clientgui/BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:532
 msgid "The password you have provided is incorrect, please try again."
 msgstr ""
-#: BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:577
+#: clientgui/BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:576
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - Connection Failed"
 msgstr ""
-#: BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:586
+#: clientgui/BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:585
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "%s is not able to connect to a %s client.\n"
 "Would you like to try to connect again?"
 msgstr ""
-#: BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:622
+#: clientgui/BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:621
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - Daemon Start Failed"
 msgstr ""
-#: BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:632
+#: clientgui/BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:631
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "%s is not able to start a %s client.\n"
-"Please launch the Control Panel->Administative Tools->Services applet and "
-"start the BOINC service."
+"Please launch the Control Panel->Administative Tools->Services applet and start the BOINC service."
 msgstr ""
-#: BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:638
+#: clientgui/BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:637
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "%s is not able to start a %s client.\n"
 "Please start the daemon and try again."
 msgstr ""
-#: BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:689
+#: clientgui/BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:688
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - Connection Status"
 msgstr ""
-#: BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:700
+#: clientgui/BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:699
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "%s is not currently connected to a %s client.\n"
-"Please use the 'Advanced\\Select Computer...' menu option to connect up to a "
-"%s client.\n"
+"Please use the 'Advanced\\Select Computer...' menu option to connect up to a %s client.\n"
 "To connect up to your local computer please use 'localhost' as the host name."
 msgstr ""
-#: BOINCBaseView.cpp:779
+#: clientgui/BOINCBaseView.cpp:752
 msgid "Project web pages"
 msgstr ""
-#: BOINCClientManager.cpp:575
+#: clientgui/BOINCClientManager.cpp:573
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - Unexpected Exit"
 msgstr ""
-#: BOINCClientManager.cpp:585
+#: clientgui/BOINCClientManager.cpp:583
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "The %s client has exited unexpectedly 3 times within the last %d minutes.\n"
 "Would you like to restart it again?"
 msgstr ""
-#: BOINCDialupManager.cpp:61
+#: clientgui/BOINCDialupManager.cpp:61
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - Network Status"
 msgstr ""
-#: BOINCDialupManager.cpp:241
+#: clientgui/BOINCDialupManager.cpp:241
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "%s needs to connect to the Internet.\n"
 "May it do so now?"
 msgstr ""
-#: BOINCDialupManager.cpp:254
+#: clientgui/BOINCDialupManager.cpp:254
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s is connecting to the Internet."
 msgstr ""
-#: BOINCDialupManager.cpp:303
+#: clientgui/BOINCDialupManager.cpp:303
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s has successfully connected to the Internet."
 msgstr ""
-#: BOINCDialupManager.cpp:331
+#: clientgui/BOINCDialupManager.cpp:331
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s failed to connect to the Internet."
 msgstr ""
-#: BOINCDialupManager.cpp:372
+#: clientgui/BOINCDialupManager.cpp:372
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "%s has detected it is now connected to the Internet.\n"
 "Updating all projects and retrying all transfers."
 msgstr ""
-#: BOINCDialupManager.cpp:417
+#: clientgui/BOINCDialupManager.cpp:417
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s has successfully disconnected from the Internet."
 msgstr ""
-#: BOINCDialupManager.cpp:433
+#: clientgui/BOINCDialupManager.cpp:433
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s failed to disconnected from the Internet."
 msgstr ""
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:339
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:595
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "You currently are not authorized to manage the client.\n"
@@ -753,794 +777,838 @@ msgid ""
 "     user group."
 msgstr ""
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:345
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:601
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "%s ownership or permissions are not set properly; please reinstall %s.\n"
 "(Error code %d"
 msgstr ""
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:351
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:607
 msgid " at "
 msgstr ""
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:354 MainDocument.cpp:2484 MainDocument.cpp:2534
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2554 ViewTransfers.cpp:803
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:610
 msgid ")"
 msgstr ""
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:384
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:640
 msgid ""
 "A reboot is required in order for BOINC to run properly.\n"
 "Please reboot your computer and try again."
 msgstr ""
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:385 DlgAbout.cpp:153
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:641
 msgid "BOINC Manager"
 msgstr ""
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:572
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:902
 msgid "BOINC Manager was started by the operating system automatically"
 msgstr ""
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:574
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:904
 msgid "Startup BOINC so only the system tray icon is visible"
 msgstr ""
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:576
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:906
 msgid "Directory containing the BOINC Client executable"
 msgstr ""
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:577
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:907
 msgid "BOINC data directory"
 msgstr ""
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:579
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:909
 msgid "Host name or IP address"
 msgstr ""
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:580
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:910
 msgid "GUI RPC port number"
 msgstr ""
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:581
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:911
 msgid "Password"
 msgstr ""
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:582
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:912
 msgid "Startup BOINC with these optional arguments"
 msgstr ""
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:583
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:913
 msgid "disable BOINC security users and permissions"
 msgstr ""
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:584
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:914
 msgid "set skin debugging mode to enable skin manager error messages"
 msgstr ""
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:585
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:915
 msgid "multiple instances of BOINC Manager allowed"
 msgstr ""
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:587
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:917
 msgid "Not used: workaround for bug in XCode 4.2"
 msgstr ""
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:814
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:1164
 msgid "(Automatic Detection)"
 msgstr ""
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:815
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:1165
 msgid "(Unknown)"
 msgstr ""
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:816
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:1166
 msgid "(User Defined)"
 msgstr ""
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:508
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:522
 #, c-format
 msgid "Open %s Web..."
 msgstr ""
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:515
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:529
 #, c-format
 msgid "Open %s..."
 msgstr ""
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:522 BOINCTaskBar.cpp:619 BOINCTaskBar.cpp:627
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:536
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:633
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:641
 msgid "Snooze"
 msgstr ""
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:524 BOINCTaskBar.cpp:646 BOINCTaskBar.cpp:654
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:538
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:660
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:668
 msgid "Snooze GPU"
 msgstr ""
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:542
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:556
 msgid "E&xit"
 msgstr ""
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:612 ViewProjects.cpp:718 ViewWork.cpp:795
-#: sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:758 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:110
-#: sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:102
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:626
 msgid "Resume"
 msgstr ""
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:639
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:653
 msgid "Resume GPU"
 msgstr ""
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:713
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:727
 msgid "Computing is enabled"
 msgstr ""
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:717
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:731
 msgid "Computing is suspended - "
 msgstr ""
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:727
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:741
 msgid "GPU computing is enabled"
 msgstr ""
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:730
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:744
 msgid "GPU computing is suspended - "
 msgstr ""
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:739
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:753
 msgid "Network is enabled"
 msgstr ""
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:742
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:756
 msgid "Network is suspended - "
 msgstr ""
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:750
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:764
 msgid "Reconnecting to client."
 msgstr ""
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:752
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:766
 msgid "Not connected to a client."
 msgstr ""
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:805
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:819
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s Notices"
 msgstr ""
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:811
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:825
 msgid "There are new notices - click to view."
 msgstr ""
-#: CompletionErrorPage.cpp:199
+#: clientgui/CompletionErrorPage.cpp:199
 msgid "Failed to add project"
 msgstr ""
-#: CompletionErrorPage.cpp:204
+#: clientgui/CompletionErrorPage.cpp:204
 msgid "Failed to update account manager"
 msgstr ""
-#: CompletionErrorPage.cpp:208
+#: clientgui/CompletionErrorPage.cpp:208
 msgid "Failed to remove account manager"
 msgstr ""
-#: CompletionErrorPage.cpp:212
+#: clientgui/CompletionErrorPage.cpp:212
 msgid "Failed to add account manager"
 msgstr ""
-#: CompletionErrorPage.cpp:221
+#: clientgui/CompletionErrorPage.cpp:221
 msgid ""
 "Please try again later.\n"
 "Click Finish to close."
 msgstr ""
-#: CompletionErrorPage.cpp:225 CompletionPage.cpp:222 CompletionPage.cpp:242
-#: CompletionPage.cpp:273
+#: clientgui/CompletionErrorPage.cpp:225
+#: clientgui/CompletionPage.cpp:222
+#: clientgui/CompletionPage.cpp:242
+#: clientgui/CompletionPage.cpp:273
 msgid "Click Finish to close."
 msgstr ""
-#: CompletionErrorPage.cpp:234
+#: clientgui/CompletionErrorPage.cpp:234
 msgid "Messages from server:"
 msgstr ""
-#: CompletionPage.cpp:207
+#: clientgui/CompletionPage.cpp:207
 msgid "Project added"
 msgstr ""
-#: CompletionPage.cpp:213
+#: clientgui/CompletionPage.cpp:213
 msgid "This project has been successfully added."
 msgstr ""
-#: CompletionPage.cpp:218
+#: clientgui/CompletionPage.cpp:218
 msgid ""
 "When you click Finish, your web browser will go to a page where\n"
 "you can set your account name and preferences."
 msgstr ""
-#: CompletionPage.cpp:232
+#: clientgui/CompletionPage.cpp:232
 #, c-format
 msgid "Update from %s completed."
 msgstr ""
-#: CompletionPage.cpp:236
+#: clientgui/CompletionPage.cpp:236
 msgid "Update completed."
 msgstr ""
-#: CompletionPage.cpp:247
+#: clientgui/CompletionPage.cpp:247
 msgid "Now using account manager"
 msgstr ""
-#: CompletionPage.cpp:252
+#: clientgui/CompletionPage.cpp:252
 #, c-format
 msgid "Welcome to %s!"
 msgstr ""
-#: CompletionPage.cpp:263
+#: clientgui/CompletionPage.cpp:263
 #, c-format
 msgid "You are now using %s to manage accounts."
 msgstr ""
-#: CompletionPage.cpp:267
+#: clientgui/CompletionPage.cpp:267
 msgid "You are now using this account manager."
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgAbout.cpp:113 mac/Mac_GUI.cpp:96
+#: clientgui/DlgAbout.cpp:113
 #, c-format
 msgid "About %s"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgAbout.cpp:172
+#: clientgui/DlgAbout.cpp:172
 msgid "Version:"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgAbout.cpp:180
+#: clientgui/DlgAbout.cpp:180
 msgid "wxWidgets Version:"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgAbout.cpp:188
+#: clientgui/DlgAbout.cpp:188
 msgid "Copyright:"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgAbout.cpp:192
+#: clientgui/DlgAbout.cpp:192
 msgid ""
-"(C) 2003-2013 University of California, Berkeley.\n"
+"(C) 2003-2014 University of California, Berkeley.\n"
 "All Rights Reserved."
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgAbout.cpp:196
+#: clientgui/DlgAbout.cpp:196
 msgid "Berkeley Open Infrastructure for Network Computing"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgAbout.cpp:208 DlgExitMessage.cpp:173 DlgGenericMessage.cpp:120
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:396 DlgSelectComputer.cpp:163
+#: clientgui/DlgAbout.cpp:208
+#: clientgui/DlgExitMessage.cpp:173
+#: clientgui/DlgGenericMessage.cpp:120
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:399
+#: clientgui/DlgSelectComputer.cpp:163
 msgid "&OK"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:544
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:602
 msgid "invalid number"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:545
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:603
 msgid "invalid time, format is HH:MM"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:546
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:604
 msgid "invalid time interval, format is HH:MM-HH:MM"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:751
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:817
 msgid "invalid input value detected"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:753
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:819
 msgid "Validation Error"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:885 DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:891
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:897
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:969
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:975
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:981
 msgid "Applications to add"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:914
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:998
 #, c-format
 msgid "'%s' is not an executable application."
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:915 DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:962
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:986
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:999
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:1046
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:1070
 msgid "Add Exclusive App"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:927
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:1011
 msgid "Name of application to add?"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:927
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:1011
 msgid "Add exclusive app"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:961
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:1045
 #, c-format
 msgid "Application names must end with '%s'"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:985
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:1069
 #, c-format
 msgid "'%s' is already in the list."
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:1077
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:1161
 msgid ""
 "Do you really want to clear all local preferences?\n"
 "(This will not affect exclusive applications.)"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:1078 sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:1030
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:1162
 msgid "Confirmation"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:46 sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:946
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:49
 #, c-format
-msgid "%s - Preferences"
+msgid "%s - Computing preferences"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:62
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:66
 msgid ""
 "This dialog controls preferences for this computer only.\n"
 "Click OK to set preferences.\n"
 "Click Clear to restore web-based settings (except exclusive apps)."
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:65 sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:428
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:69
 msgid "Clear"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:66
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:70
 msgid "clear all local preferences and close the dialog"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:81
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:85
 msgid "processor usage"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:84
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:88
 msgid "network usage"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:87
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:91
 msgid "disk and memory usage"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:90
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:94
 msgid "exclusive applications"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:102 sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:424
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:107
+#: clientgui/DlgDiagnosticLogFlags.cpp:104
 msgid "OK"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:103
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:108
 msgid "save all values and close the dialog"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:108
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:114
 msgid "close the dialog without saving"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:112 Localization.cpp:35 Localization.cpp:121
-#: Localization.cpp:139 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:794 sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:439
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:118
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:35
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:121
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:139
 msgid "Help"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:113
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:119
 msgid "shows the preferences web page"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:135
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:141
 msgid "Computing allowed"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:139
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:146
 msgid "While computer is on batteries"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:142
-msgid ""
-"check this if you want this computer to do work while it runs on batteries"
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:149
+msgid "check this if you want this computer to do work while it runs on batteries"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:148
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:155
 msgid "While computer is in use"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:151
-msgid ""
-"check this if you want this computer to do work even when you're using it"
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:158
+msgid "check this if you want this computer to do work even when you're using it"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:157
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:164
 msgid "Use GPU while computer is in use"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:160
-msgid ""
-"check this if you want your GPU to do work even when you're using the "
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:167
+msgid "check this if you want your GPU to do work even when you're using the computer"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:172
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:179
 msgid "Only after computer has been idle for"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:182
-msgid ""
-"do work only after you haven't used the computer for this number of minutes"
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:188
+msgid "do work only after you haven't used the computer for this number of minutes"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:187 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:336
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:417
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:193
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:342
 msgid "minutes"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:206
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:212
 msgid "While processor usage is less than"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:216
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:221
 msgid "suspend work if processor usage exceeds this level"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:221
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:226
 msgid "percent (0 means no restriction)"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:235 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:496
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:240
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:506
 msgid "Every day between hours of"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:239
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:244
 msgid "start work at this time"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:243 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:504
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:326 sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:348
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:248
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:514
 msgid "and"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:247
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:252
 msgid "stop work at this time"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:251 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:512
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:256
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:522
 msgid "(no restriction if equal)"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:256 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:517
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:261
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:527
 msgid "Day-of-week override:"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:261 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:522
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:266
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:532
 msgid "check box to specify hours for this day of week"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:267 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:528
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:272
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:538
 msgid "Monday"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:274 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:535
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:279
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:545
 msgid "Tuesday"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:281 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:542
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:286
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:552
 msgid "Wednesday"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:288 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:549
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:293
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:559
 msgid "Thursday"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:295 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:556
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:300
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:566
 msgid "Friday"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:302 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:563
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:307
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:573
 msgid "Saturday"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:309 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:570
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:314
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:580
 msgid "Sunday"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:323
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:328
 msgid "Other options"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:330
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:336
 msgid "Switch between applications every"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:339
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:345
 msgid "On multiprocessor systems, use at most"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:346
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:352
 #, no-c-format
-msgid "% of the processors (0 means ignore this setting)"
+msgid "% of the processors (0 means no restriction)"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:349 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:605
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:627 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:648
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:669 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:679
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:355
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:618
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:640
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:661
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:683
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:694
 msgid "Use at most"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:356
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:362
 #, no-c-format
-msgid "% CPU time"
+msgid "% of CPU time (0 means no restriction)"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:378
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:386
 msgid "General options"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:386
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:395
 msgid "Maximum download rate"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:392 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:401
-msgid "KBytes/sec."
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:401
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:410
+msgid "KBytes/second (0 means no restriction)"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:395
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:404
 msgid "Maximum upload rate"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:406
-msgid "Transfer at most"
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:417
+msgid "Minimum work buffer"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:412
-msgid "Mbytes"
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:425
+msgid "Try to maintain enough tasks to keep busy for this many days"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:415
-msgid "every"
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:431
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:449
+msgid "days (maximum value: 10)"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:421 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:444
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:463
-msgid "days"
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:437
+msgid "Max additional work buffer"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:429
-msgid "Minimum work buffer"
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:445
+msgid "In addition, maintain enough tasks for up to this many days"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:438
-msgid "Try to maintain enough tasks to keep busy for this many days"
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:454
+msgid "Transfer at most"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:450
-msgid "Max additional work buffer"
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:462
+msgid "MBytes every"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:459
-msgid "In addition, maintain enough tasks for up to this many days"
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:468
+msgid "days (0 means no restriction)"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:466
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:476
 msgid "Skip image file verification"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:468
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:478
 msgid "check this if your Internet provider modifies image files"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:476
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:484
 msgid "Connect options"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:478
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:487
 msgid "Confirm before connecting to internet"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:480
-msgid ""
-"if checked, a confirmation dialog will be displayed before trying to connect "
-"to the Internet"
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:489
+msgid "if checked, a confirmation dialog will be displayed before trying to connect to the Internet"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:484
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:493
 msgid "Disconnect when done"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:486
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:495
 msgid ""
 "if checked, BOINC hangs up when network usage is done\n"
 "(only relevant for dialup-connection)"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:492
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:501
 msgid "Network usage allowed"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:500
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:510
 msgid "network usage start hour"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:508
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:518
 msgid "network usage stop hour"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:598 DlgItemProperties.cpp:231
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:610
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:257
 msgid "Disk usage"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:609
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:622
 msgid "the maximum disk space used by BOINC (in Gigabytes)"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:613
-msgid "Gigabytes disk space"
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:626
+msgid "Gigabytes disk space (0 means no restriction)"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:616
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:629
 msgid "Leave at least"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:620
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:633
 msgid "BOINC leaves at least this amount of disk space free (in Gigabytes)"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:624
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:637
 msgid "Gigabytes disk space free"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:631
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:644
 msgid "BOINC uses at most this percentage of total disk space"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:636
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:649
 #, no-c-format
 msgid "% of total disk space"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:639
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:652
 msgid "Tasks checkpoint to disk at most every"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:645
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:658
 msgid "seconds"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:655
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:668
 #, no-c-format
 msgid "% of page file (swap space)"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:662
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:675
 msgid "Memory usage"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:676
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:691
 #, no-c-format
 msgid "% when computer is in use"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:686
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:701
 #, no-c-format
 msgid "% when computer is idle"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:691
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:706
 msgid "Leave applications in memory while suspended"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:693
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:708
 msgid "if checked, suspended work units are left in memory"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:713
-msgid ""
-"Suspend processor and network usage when these applications are running:"
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:728
+msgid "Suspend processor and network usage when these applications are running:"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:722
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:738
 msgid "Add..."
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:723
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:739
 msgid "Add an application to this list"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:728 ViewProjects.cpp:202
-#: sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:85
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:744
 msgid "Remove"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:729
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:745
 msgid "Remove an application from this list"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:738
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:754
 msgid "For advanced options, refer to "
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:219
+#: clientgui/DlgDiagnosticLogFlags.cpp:65
+#, c-format
+msgid "%s Diagnostic Log Flags"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/DlgDiagnosticLogFlags.cpp:83
+msgid "These flags enable various types of diagnostic messages in the Event Log."
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/DlgDiagnosticLogFlags.cpp:105
+msgid "Save all values and close the dialog"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/DlgDiagnosticLogFlags.cpp:108
+msgid "Defaults"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/DlgDiagnosticLogFlags.cpp:109
+msgid "Restore default settings"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/DlgDiagnosticLogFlags.cpp:113
+msgid "Close the dialog without saving"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:226
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - Event Log"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:232 ViewMessages.cpp:117 ViewProjects.cpp:219
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:435 ViewStatistics.cpp:2009 ViewTransfers.cpp:182
-#: ViewWork.cpp:232
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:236
 msgid "Project"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:233 ViewMessages.cpp:118
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:237
 msgid "Time"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:234 ViewMessages.cpp:119
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:238
 msgid "Message"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:290 DlgEventLog.cpp:354
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:300
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:364
 msgid "&Show only this project"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:294
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:304
 msgid "Copy &All"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:296 DlgEventLog.cpp:300 ViewMessages.cpp:89
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:306
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:310
 msgid "Copy all the messages to the clipboard."
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:305
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:315
 msgid "Copy &Selected"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:308 DlgEventLog.cpp:316 ViewMessages.cpp:97
-msgid ""
-"Copy the selected messages to the clipboard. You can select multiple "
-"messages by holding down the shift or command key while clicking on messages."
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:318
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:326
+msgid "Copy the selected messages to the clipboard. You can select multiple messages by holding down the shift or command key while clicking on messages."
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:310 DlgEventLog.cpp:318 ViewMessages.cpp:99
-msgid ""
-"Copy the selected messages to the clipboard. You can select multiple "
-"messages by holding down the shift or control key while clicking on messages."
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:320
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:328
+msgid "Copy the selected messages to the clipboard. You can select multiple messages by holding down the shift or control key while clicking on messages."
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:325 DlgItemProperties.cpp:67
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:335
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:67
 msgid "&Close"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:334 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:798 sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:442
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:344
 #, c-format
 msgid "Get help with %s"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:348
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:358
 msgid "Show all &messages"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:349 DlgEventLog.cpp:351
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:359
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:361
 msgid "Show messages for all projects"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:355 DlgEventLog.cpp:357
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:365
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:367
 msgid "Show only the messages for the selected project"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgExitMessage.cpp:82
+#: clientgui/DlgExitMessage.cpp:82
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - Exit Confirmation"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgExitMessage.cpp:130
+#: clientgui/DlgExitMessage.cpp:130
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "You have requested to exit the %s,\n"
@@ -1551,7 +1619,7 @@ msgid ""
 "choose from the following options:"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgExitMessage.cpp:135
+#: clientgui/DlgExitMessage.cpp:135
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "This will shut down %s and its tasks until either the\n"
@@ -1562,814 +1630,842 @@ msgid ""
 "tasks at the times you selected in your preferences."
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgExitMessage.cpp:153
+#: clientgui/DlgExitMessage.cpp:153
 #, c-format
 msgid "Stop running tasks when exiting the %s"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgExitMessage.cpp:165
+#: clientgui/DlgExitMessage.cpp:165
 msgid "Remember this decision and do not show this dialog."
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgExitMessage.cpp:178 DlgGenericMessage.cpp:125 DlgOptions.cpp:401
-#: DlgSelectComputer.cpp:168 wizardex.cpp:378
+#: clientgui/DlgExitMessage.cpp:178
+#: clientgui/DlgGenericMessage.cpp:125
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:404
+#: clientgui/DlgSelectComputer.cpp:168
 msgid "&Cancel"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgGenericMessage.cpp:112
+#: clientgui/DlgGenericMessage.cpp:112
 msgid "Don't show this dialog again."
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:168 DlgItemProperties.cpp:171
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:174 DlgItemProperties.cpp:177
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:194
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:197
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:200
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:203
 msgid "Don't fetch tasks for "
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:168
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:194
 msgid "Project preference"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:171
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:197
 msgid "Account manager preference"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:174
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:200
 msgid "Project has no apps for "
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:177
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:203
 msgid "Client configuration excludes "
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:181
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:207
 msgid " work fetch deferred for"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:182
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:208
 msgid " work fetch deferral interval"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:213
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:239
 msgid "Properties of project "
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:217 DlgOptions.cpp:218
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:243
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:221
 msgid "General"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:218
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:244
 msgid "Master URL"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:219
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:245
 msgid "User name"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:220
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:246
 msgid "Team name"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:221 ViewProjects.cpp:224
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:247
 msgid "Resource share"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:223
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:249
 msgid "Scheduler RPC deferred for"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:226
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:252
 msgid "File downloads deferred for"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:229
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:255
 msgid "File uploads deferred for"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:232
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:258
 msgid "Computer ID"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:234
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:260
 msgid "Non CPU intensive"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:234 DlgItemProperties.cpp:236
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:237 DlgItemProperties.cpp:239
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:242 DlgItemProperties.cpp:251
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:254 DlgItemProperties.cpp:257
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:260
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:262
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:263
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:265
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:268
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:277
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:280
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:283
 msgid "yes"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:236
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:262
 msgid "Suspended via GUI"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:236 DlgItemProperties.cpp:237
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:262
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:263
 msgid "no"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:237
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:263
 msgid "Don't request more work"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:239
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:265
 msgid "Scheduler call in progress"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:242
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:268
 msgid "Trickle-up pending"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:245 DlgItemProperties.cpp:247
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:271
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:273
 msgid "Host location"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:247
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:273
 msgid "default"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:251
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:277
 msgid "Added via account manager"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:254
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:280
 msgid "Remove when tasks done"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:257
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:283
 msgid "Ended"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:259
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:285
+msgid "Tasks completed"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:286
+msgid "Tasks failed"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:288
 msgid "Credit"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:260
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:289
 msgid "User"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:267
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:296
 msgid "Host"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:276
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:305
 msgid "Scheduling"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:277
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:306
 msgid "Scheduling priority"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:278
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:307
 msgid "CPU"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:302
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:331
 msgid "Duration correction factor"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:316
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:345
 msgid "Properties of task "
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:328 ViewWork.cpp:238
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:357
 msgid "Application"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:329 ViewWork.cpp:239
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:358
 msgid "Name"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:330
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:359
 msgid "State"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:333
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:362
 msgid "Received"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:336
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:365
 msgid "Report deadline"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:338
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:367
 msgid "Resources"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:341
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:370
 msgid "Estimated computation size"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:344
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:373
 msgid "CPU time at last checkpoint"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:345 DlgItemProperties.cpp:360
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:374
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:389
 msgid "CPU time"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:347 DlgItemProperties.cpp:361
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:376
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:390
 msgid "Elapsed time"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:349
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:378
 msgid "Estimated time remaining"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:350
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:379
 msgid "Fraction done"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:351
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:380
 msgid "Virtual memory size"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:352
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:381
 msgid "Working set size"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:354
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:383
 msgid "Directory"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:357
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:386
 msgid "Process ID"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:427 ViewWork.cpp:1032 sg_TaskPanel.cpp:823
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:456
 msgid "Local: "
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:129 DlgOptions.cpp:135
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:129
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:135
 msgid "Options"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:175
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:178
 msgid "Language:"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:182
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:185
 msgid "What language should BOINC use?"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:186
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:189
 msgid "Notice reminder interval:"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:193
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:196
 msgid "How often should BOINC remind you of new notices?"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:198
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:201
 msgid "Run Manager at login?"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:204
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:207
 msgid "Run the BOINC Manager when you log on."
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:209
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:212
 msgid "Enable Manager exit dialog?"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:215
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:218
 msgid "Display the exit dialog when shutting down the Manager."
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:226
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:229
 msgid "Dial-up and Virtual Private Network settings"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:240
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:243
 msgid "&Set Default"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:245
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:248
 msgid "&Clear Default"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:252
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:255
 msgid "Default Connection:"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:259
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:262
 msgid "Connections"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:268
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:271
 msgid "Connect via HTTP proxy server"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:272
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:275
 msgid "HTTP Proxy Server Configuration"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:280 DlgOptions.cpp:344
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:283
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:347
 msgid "Address:"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:288 DlgOptions.cpp:352 ProxyPage.cpp:340 ProxyPage.cpp:360
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:291
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:355
 msgid "Port:"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:296 DlgOptions.cpp:360
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:299
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:363
 msgid "Don't use proxy for:"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:303 DlgOptions.cpp:367
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:306
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:370
 msgid "Leave these blank if not needed"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:309 DlgOptions.cpp:373 ProxyPage.cpp:343 ProxyPage.cpp:363
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:312
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:376
 msgid "User Name:"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:317 DlgOptions.cpp:381 DlgSelectComputer.cpp:152
-#: ProxyPage.cpp:346 ProxyPage.cpp:366
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:320
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:384
+#: clientgui/DlgSelectComputer.cpp:152
 msgid "Password:"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:324
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:327
 msgid "HTTP Proxy"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:332
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:335
 msgid "Connect via SOCKS proxy server"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:336
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:339
 msgid "SOCKS Proxy Server Configuration"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:388
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:391
 msgid "SOCKS Proxy"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:586
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:589
 msgid "always"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:587
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:590
 msgid "1 hour"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:588
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:591
 msgid "6 hours"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:589
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:592
 msgid "1 day"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:590
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:593
 msgid "1 week"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:591
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:594
 msgid "never"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:688
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:691
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - Language Selection"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:695
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:698
 #, c-format
-msgid ""
-"The %s's language has been changed.  In order for this change to take "
-"effect, you must restart the %s."
+msgid "The %s's language has been changed.  In order for this change to take effect, you must restart the %s."
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgSelectComputer.cpp:91
+#: clientgui/DlgSelectComputer.cpp:91
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - Select Computer"
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgSelectComputer.cpp:125
+#: clientgui/DlgSelectComputer.cpp:125
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "Another instance of %s is already running \n"
 "on this computer.  Please select a client to monitor."
 msgstr ""
-#: DlgSelectComputer.cpp:143
+#: clientgui/DlgSelectComputer.cpp:143
 msgid "Host name:"
 msgstr ""
-#: Localization.cpp:31 Localization.cpp:69
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:31
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:69
 msgid "Message boards"
 msgstr ""
-#: Localization.cpp:33
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:33
 msgid "Correspond with other users on the SETI at home message boards"
 msgstr ""
-#: Localization.cpp:37
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:37
 msgid "Ask questions and report problems"
 msgstr ""
-#: Localization.cpp:39 Localization.cpp:81 Localization.cpp:111
-#: Localization.cpp:129
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:39
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:81
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:111
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:129
 msgid "Your account"
 msgstr ""
-#: Localization.cpp:41 Localization.cpp:87 Localization.cpp:113
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:41
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:87
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:113
 msgid "View your account information and credit totals"
 msgstr ""
-#: Localization.cpp:43
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:43
 msgid "Your preferences"
 msgstr ""
-#: Localization.cpp:45
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:45
 msgid "View and modify your SETI at home account profile and preferences"
 msgstr ""
-#: Localization.cpp:47 Localization.cpp:89
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:47
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:89
 msgid "Your results"
 msgstr ""
-#: Localization.cpp:49 Localization.cpp:91
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:49
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:91
 msgid "View your last week (or more) of computational results and work"
 msgstr ""
-#: Localization.cpp:51 Localization.cpp:93
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:51
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:93
 msgid "Your computers"
 msgstr ""
-#: Localization.cpp:53
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:53
 msgid "View a listing of all the computers on which you are running SETI at Home"
 msgstr ""
-#: Localization.cpp:55 Localization.cpp:97
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:55
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:97
 msgid "Your team"
 msgstr ""
-#: Localization.cpp:57 Localization.cpp:99
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:57
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:99
 msgid "View information about your team"
 msgstr ""
-#: Localization.cpp:61
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:61
 msgid "Common questions"
 msgstr ""
-#: Localization.cpp:63
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:63
 msgid "Read the Einstein at Home Frequently Asked Question list"
 msgstr ""
-#: Localization.cpp:65
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:65
 msgid "Screensaver info"
 msgstr ""
-#: Localization.cpp:67
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:67
 msgid "Read a detailed description of the Einstein at Home screensaver"
 msgstr ""
-#: Localization.cpp:71
-msgid ""
-"Correspond with admins and other users on the Einstein at Home message boards"
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:71
+msgid "Correspond with admins and other users on the Einstein at Home message boards"
 msgstr ""
-#: Localization.cpp:73
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:73
 msgid "Einstein status"
 msgstr ""
-#: Localization.cpp:75
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:75
 msgid "Current status of the Einstein at Home server"
 msgstr ""
-#: Localization.cpp:77
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:77
 msgid "Report problems"
 msgstr ""
-#: Localization.cpp:79
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:79
 msgid "A link to the Einstein at Home problems and bug reports message board"
 msgstr ""
-#: Localization.cpp:83
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:83
 msgid "View and modify your Einstein at Home account profile and preferences"
 msgstr ""
-#: Localization.cpp:85
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:85
 msgid "Account summary"
 msgstr ""
-#: Localization.cpp:95
-msgid ""
-"View a listing of all the computers on which you are running Einstein at Home"
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:95
+msgid "View a listing of all the computers on which you are running Einstein at Home"
 msgstr ""
-#: Localization.cpp:101
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:101
 msgid "LIGO project"
 msgstr ""
-#: Localization.cpp:103
-msgid ""
-"The home page of the Laser Interferometer Gravitational-wave Observatory "
-"(LIGO) project"
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:103
+msgid "The home page of the Laser Interferometer Gravitational-wave Observatory (LIGO) project"
 msgstr ""
-#: Localization.cpp:105
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:105
 msgid "GEO-600 project"
 msgstr ""
-#: Localization.cpp:107
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:107
 msgid "The home page of the GEO-600 project"
 msgstr ""
-#: Localization.cpp:115 Localization.cpp:133 ViewProjects.cpp:221
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:465
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:115
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:133
 msgid "Team"
 msgstr ""
-#: Localization.cpp:117
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:117
 msgid "Info about your Team"
 msgstr ""
-#: Localization.cpp:123
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:123
 msgid "Get help for climateprediction.net"
 msgstr ""
-#: Localization.cpp:125
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:125
 msgid "News"
 msgstr ""
-#: Localization.cpp:127
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:127
 msgid "climateprediction.net News"
 msgstr ""
-#: Localization.cpp:131
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:131
 msgid "View your account information, credits, and trickles"
 msgstr ""
-#: Localization.cpp:135
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:135
 msgid "Info about your team"
 msgstr ""
-#: Localization.cpp:141
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:141
 msgid "Search for help in our help system"
 msgstr ""
-#: Localization.cpp:143
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:143
 msgid "Global Statistics"
 msgstr ""
-#: Localization.cpp:145
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:145
 msgid "Summary statistics for World Community Grid"
 msgstr ""
-#: Localization.cpp:147
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:147
 msgid "My Grid"
 msgstr ""
-#: Localization.cpp:149
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:149
 msgid "Your statistics and settings"
 msgstr ""
-#: Localization.cpp:151
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:151
 msgid "Device Profiles"
 msgstr ""
-#: Localization.cpp:153
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:153
 msgid "Update your device settings"
 msgstr ""
-#: Localization.cpp:155
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:155
 msgid "Research"
 msgstr ""
-#: Localization.cpp:157
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:157
 msgid "Learn about the projects hosted at World Community Grid"
 msgstr ""
-#: MainDocument.cpp:583
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:583
 msgid "Starting client"
 msgstr ""
-#: MainDocument.cpp:591
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:591
 msgid "Connecting to client"
 msgstr ""
-#: MainDocument.cpp:1195
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:1205
 msgid "Retrieving system state; please wait..."
 msgstr ""
-#: MainDocument.cpp:1816
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:1826
 msgid "Missing application"
 msgstr ""
-#: MainDocument.cpp:1817
-msgid ""
-"Please download and install the CoRD application from http://cord."
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:1827
+msgid "Please download and install the CoRD application from http://cord.sourceforge.net"
 msgstr ""
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2432
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2442
 msgid "on batteries"
 msgstr ""
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2433
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2443
 msgid "computer is in use"
 msgstr ""
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2434
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2444
 msgid "user request"
 msgstr ""
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2435
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2445
 msgid "time of day"
 msgstr ""
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2436
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2446
 msgid "CPU benchmarks in progress"
 msgstr ""
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2437
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2447
 msgid "need disk space - check preferences"
 msgstr ""
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2438
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2448
 msgid "computer is not in use"
 msgstr ""
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2439
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2449
 msgid "starting up"
 msgstr ""
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2440
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2450
 msgid "an exclusive app is running"
 msgstr ""
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2441
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2451
 msgid "CPU is busy"
 msgstr ""
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2442
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2452
 msgid "network bandwidth limit exceeded"
 msgstr ""
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2443
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2453
 msgid "requested by operating system"
 msgstr ""
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2445
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2455
 msgid "unknown reason"
 msgstr ""
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2467
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2477
 msgid "GPU missing, "
 msgstr ""
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2474
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2484
 msgid "New"
 msgstr ""
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2478
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2488
 msgid "Download failed"
 msgstr ""
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2480
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2490
 msgid "Downloading"
 msgstr ""
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2482 MainDocument.cpp:2552
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2492
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2557
 msgid " (suspended - "
 msgstr ""
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2490
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2500
 msgid "Project suspended by user"
 msgstr ""
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2492
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2502
 msgid "Task suspended by user"
 msgstr ""
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2494
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2504
 msgid "Suspended - "
 msgstr ""
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2500
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2510
 msgid "GPU suspended - "
 msgstr ""
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2507
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2517
 msgid "Waiting for memory"
 msgstr ""
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2509
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2519
 msgid "Waiting for shared memory"
 msgstr ""
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2512
-msgid "Running, high priority"
-msgstr ""
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2514
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2521
 msgid "Running"
 msgstr ""
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2517
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2523
 msgid " (non-CPU-intensive)"
 msgstr ""
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2520
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2526
 msgid "Waiting to run"
 msgstr ""
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2522 MainDocument.cpp:2528
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2528
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2534
 msgid "Ready to start"
 msgstr ""
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2532
-msgid " (Scheduler wait: "
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2538
+msgid "Postponed: "
 msgstr ""
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2536
-msgid " (Scheduler wait)"
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2541
+msgid "Postponed"
 msgstr ""
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2540
-msgid " (Waiting for network access)"
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2545
+msgid "Waiting for network access"
 msgstr ""
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2544
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2549
 msgid "Computation error"
 msgstr ""
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2548
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2553
 msgid "Upload failed"
 msgstr ""
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2550
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2555
 msgid "Uploading"
 msgstr ""
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2561
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2566
 msgid "Aborted by user"
 msgstr ""
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2564
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2569
 msgid "Aborted by project"
 msgstr ""
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2567
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2572
 msgid "Aborted: not started by deadline"
 msgstr ""
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2570
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2575
 msgid "Aborted: disk limit exceeded"
 msgstr ""
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2573
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2578
 msgid "Aborted: run time limit exceeded"
 msgstr ""
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2576
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2581
 msgid "Aborted: memory limit exceeded"
 msgstr ""
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2579
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2584
 msgid "Aborted"
 msgstr ""
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2584
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2589
 msgid "Acknowledged"
 msgstr ""
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2586
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2591
 msgid "Ready to report"
 msgstr ""
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2588
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2593
 #, c-format
 msgid "Error: invalid state '%d'"
 msgstr ""
-#: NoInternetConnectionPage.cpp:179
+#: clientgui/NoInternetConnectionPage.cpp:179
 msgid "No Internet connection"
 msgstr ""
-#: NoInternetConnectionPage.cpp:182
+#: clientgui/NoInternetConnectionPage.cpp:182
 msgid "Please connect to the Internet and try again."
 msgstr ""
-#: NotDetectedPage.cpp:181
+#: clientgui/NotDetectedPage.cpp:181
 msgid "Project not found"
 msgstr ""
-#: NotDetectedPage.cpp:184
+#: clientgui/NotDetectedPage.cpp:184
 msgid ""
 "The URL you supplied is not that of a BOINC-based project.\n"
 "Please check the URL and try again."
 msgstr ""
-#: NotDetectedPage.cpp:188
+#: clientgui/NotDetectedPage.cpp:188
 msgid "Account manager not found"
 msgstr ""
-#: NotDetectedPage.cpp:191
+#: clientgui/NotDetectedPage.cpp:191
 msgid ""
 "The URL you supplied is not that of a BOINC-based account\n"
@@ -2377,99 +2473,137 @@ msgid ""
 "Please check the URL and try again."
 msgstr ""
-#: NotFoundPage.cpp:181
+#: clientgui/NotFoundPage.cpp:181
 msgid "Login Failed."
 msgstr ""
-#: NotFoundPage.cpp:185
+#: clientgui/NotFoundPage.cpp:185
 msgid "Check the username and password, and try again."
 msgstr ""
-#: NotFoundPage.cpp:189
+#: clientgui/NotFoundPage.cpp:189
 msgid "Check the email address and password, and try again."
 msgstr ""
-#: NoticeListCtrl.cpp:222
+#: clientgui/NoticeListCtrl.cpp:229
 msgid "more..."
 msgstr ""
-#: ProjectInfoPage.cpp:477 ProjectInfoPage.cpp:778 ProjectInfoPage.cpp:782
-msgid "All"
-msgstr ""
-#: ProjectInfoPage.cpp:615
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:221
 msgid "Choose a project"
 msgstr ""
-#: ProjectInfoPage.cpp:619
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:228
 msgid "To choose a project, click its name or type its URL below."
 msgstr ""
-#: ProjectInfoPage.cpp:623
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:246
 msgid "Categories:"
 msgstr ""
-#: ProjectInfoPage.cpp:627 sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:89
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:267
 msgid "Projects:"
 msgstr ""
-#: ProjectInfoPage.cpp:631
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:279
 msgid "Project details"
 msgstr ""
-#: ProjectInfoPage.cpp:635
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:291
 msgid "Research area:"
 msgstr ""
-#: ProjectInfoPage.cpp:639
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:302
 msgid "Organization:"
 msgstr ""
-#: ProjectInfoPage.cpp:643
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:313
 msgid "Web site:"
 msgstr ""
-#: ProjectInfoPage.cpp:647
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:325
 msgid "Supported systems:"
 msgstr ""
-#: ProjectInfoPage.cpp:651
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:363
 msgid "Project URL:"
 msgstr ""
-#: ProjectInfoPage.cpp:826
-msgid ""
-"This project may not have work for your type of computer.  Do you want to "
-"add it anyway?"
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:499
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:754
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:758
+msgid "All"
 msgstr ""
-#: ProjectInfoPage.cpp:850
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:802
+msgid "This project may not have work for your type of computer.  Do you want to add it anyway?"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:826
 msgid "You already added this project. Please choose a different project."
 msgstr ""
-#: ProjectProcessingPage.cpp:321
+#: clientgui/ProjectProcessingPage.cpp:321
 msgid "Communicating with project."
 msgstr ""
-#: ProjectProcessingPage.cpp:509
+#: clientgui/ProjectProcessingPage.cpp:510
 msgid "Required files not found on the server."
 msgstr ""
-#: ProjectProcessingPage.cpp:512 ProjectProcessingPage.cpp:574
+#: clientgui/ProjectProcessingPage.cpp:513
+#: clientgui/ProjectProcessingPage.cpp:586
 msgid "An internal server error has occurred."
 msgstr ""
-#: ProjectPropertiesPage.cpp:334
+#: clientgui/ProjectPropertiesPage.cpp:334
 msgid ""
 "Communicating with project\n"
 "Please wait..."
 msgstr ""
-#: ProxyInfoPage.cpp:195
+#: clientgui/ProjectWelcomePage.cpp:251
+#, c-format
+msgid "Welcome to %s."
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ProjectWelcomePage.cpp:254
+msgid "You have volunteered to compute for this project:"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ProjectWelcomePage.cpp:255
+msgid "Name:"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ProjectWelcomePage.cpp:258
+msgid "Home:"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ProjectWelcomePage.cpp:262
+msgid "Description:"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ProjectWelcomePage.cpp:265
+msgid "URL:"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ProjectWelcomePage.cpp:268
+msgid "User:"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ProjectWelcomePage.cpp:273
+msgid "WARNING: This project is not registered with BOINC.  Make sure you trust it before continuing."
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ProjectWelcomePage.cpp:277
+msgid "To continue, click Next."
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ProxyInfoPage.cpp:195
 msgid "Network communication failure"
 msgstr ""
-#: ProxyInfoPage.cpp:199
+#: clientgui/ProxyInfoPage.cpp:199
 msgid ""
 "The World Community Grid - BOINC software failed to communicate\n"
 "over the Internet. The most likely reasons are:\n"
@@ -2486,7 +2620,7 @@ msgid ""
 "Click Next to configure BOINC's proxy settings."
 msgstr ""
-#: ProxyInfoPage.cpp:203
+#: clientgui/ProxyInfoPage.cpp:203
 msgid ""
 "BOINC failed to communicate on the Internet.\n"
 "The most likely reasons are:\n"
@@ -2503,1203 +2637,1247 @@ msgid ""
 "Click Next to configure BOINC's proxy settings."
 msgstr ""
-#: ProxyPage.cpp:331
+#: clientgui/ProxyPage.cpp:331
 msgid "Proxy configuration"
 msgstr ""
-#: ProxyPage.cpp:334
+#: clientgui/ProxyPage.cpp:334
 msgid "HTTP proxy"
 msgstr ""
-#: ProxyPage.cpp:337 ProxyPage.cpp:357
+#: clientgui/ProxyPage.cpp:337
+#: clientgui/ProxyPage.cpp:357
 msgid "Server:"
 msgstr ""
-#: ProxyPage.cpp:350
+#: clientgui/ProxyPage.cpp:350
 msgid "Autodetect"
 msgstr ""
-#: ProxyPage.cpp:354
+#: clientgui/ProxyPage.cpp:354
 msgid "SOCKS proxy"
 msgstr ""
-#: TermsOfUsePage.cpp:218
-msgid "Terms of Use"
+#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:167
+msgid "Advanced View...\tCtrl+Shift+A"
 msgstr ""
-#: TermsOfUsePage.cpp:222
-msgid "Please read the following terms of use:"
+#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:168
+msgid "Display the advanced graphical interface."
 msgstr ""
-#: TermsOfUsePage.cpp:231
-msgid "I agree to the terms of use."
+#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:175
+msgid "Skin"
 msgstr ""
-#: TermsOfUsePage.cpp:237
-msgid "I do not agree to the terms of use."
+#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:177
+msgid "Select the appearance of the user interface."
 msgstr ""
-#: UnavailablePage.cpp:183
-msgid "Project temporarily unavailable"
+#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:224
+#, c-format
+msgid "&%s"
 msgstr ""
-#: UnavailablePage.cpp:186
-msgid ""
-"The project is temporarily unavailable.\n"
-"Please try again later."
+#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:405
+msgid "Default"
 msgstr ""
-#: UnavailablePage.cpp:190
-msgid "Account manager temporarily unavailable"
+#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:848
+msgid "Suspend"
 msgstr ""
-#: UnavailablePage.cpp:193
-msgid ""
-"The account manager is temporarily unavailable.\n"
-"Please try again later."
+#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:850
+msgid "Suspend Computing"
 msgstr ""
-#: ValidateAccountKey.cpp:68
-msgid "Please specify an account key to continue."
+#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:851
+msgid "Resume Computing"
 msgstr ""
-#: ValidateAccountKey.cpp:71
-msgid "Invalid Account Key; please enter a valid Account Key"
+#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:867
+msgid "Notices"
 msgstr ""
-#: ValidateAccountKey.cpp:82 ValidateEmailAddress.cpp:86
-msgid "Validation conflict"
+#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:868
+msgid "Open a window to view notices from projects or BOINC"
 msgstr ""
-#: ValidateEmailAddress.cpp:72
-msgid "Please specify an email address"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgMessages.cpp:124
+msgid "Fetching notices; please wait..."
 msgstr ""
-#: ValidateEmailAddress.cpp:75
-msgid "Invalid email address; please enter a valid email address"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgMessages.cpp:132
+msgid "There are no notices at this time."
 msgstr ""
-#: ValidateURL.cpp:69
-msgid "Missing URL"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgMessages.cpp:146
+msgid "Close"
 msgstr ""
-#: ValidateURL.cpp:70
-msgid ""
-"Please specify a URL.\n"
-"For example:\n"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgMessages.cpp:394
+#, c-format
+msgid "%s - Notices"
 msgstr ""
-#: ValidateURL.cpp:83 ValidateURL.cpp:87 ValidateURL.cpp:91
-#: ValidateURL.cpp:103 ValidateURL.cpp:107 ValidateURL.cpp:110
-msgid "Invalid URL"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:270
+msgid "This dialog controls preferences for this computer only."
 msgstr ""
-#: ValidateURL.cpp:84 ValidateURL.cpp:88 ValidateURL.cpp:92
-msgid ""
-"Please specify a valid URL.\n"
-"For example:\n"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:275
+msgid "Click OK to set preferences."
 msgstr ""
-#: ValidateURL.cpp:104 ValidateURL.cpp:108
-#, c-format
-msgid "'%s' does not contain a valid host name."
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:280
+msgid "Click Clear to restore web-based settings for all preferences listed below."
 msgstr ""
-#: ValidateURL.cpp:111
-#, c-format
-msgid "'%s' does not contain a valid path."
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:287
+msgid "For additional settings, select Computing Preferences in the Advanced View."
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewMessages.cpp:84 ViewProjects.cpp:170 ViewStatistics.cpp:1978
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:160 ViewWork.cpp:183
-msgid "Commands"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:315
+msgid "Do work only between:"
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewMessages.cpp:88
-msgid "Copy all messages"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:337
+msgid "Connect to internet only between:"
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewMessages.cpp:95
-msgid "Copy selected messages"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:359
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:376
+msgid "Use no more than:"
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewMessages.cpp:106 ViewMessages.cpp:502
-msgid "Show only this project"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:372
+msgid "of disk space"
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewMessages.cpp:107 ViewMessages.cpp:503
-msgid "Show only the messages for the selected project."
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:389
+msgid "of the processor"
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewMessages.cpp:164
-msgid "Messages"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:393
+msgid "Do work while on battery?"
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewMessages.cpp:187
-msgid "Copying all messages to the clipboard..."
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:406
+msgid "Do work after idle for:"
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewMessages.cpp:223
-msgid "Copying selected messages to the clipboard..."
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:431
+msgid "Clear all local preferences listed above and close the dialog"
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewMessages.cpp:286
-msgid "Filtering messages..."
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:609
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:612
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:688
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:692
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:704
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:708
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:851
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:862
+msgid "Anytime"
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewMessages.cpp:494
-msgid "Show all messages"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:645
+msgid "100 MB"
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewMessages.cpp:495
-msgid "Show messages for all projects."
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:646
+msgid "200 MB"
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewNotices.cpp:58 sg_DlgMessages.cpp:124
-msgid "Fetching notices; please wait..."
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:647
+msgid "500 MB"
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewNotices.cpp:65 sg_DlgMessages.cpp:132
-msgid "There are no notices at this time."
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:648
+msgid "1 GB"
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewNotices.cpp:99 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:776
-msgid "Notices"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:649
+msgid "2 GB"
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:174 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:61
-msgid "Update"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:650
+msgid "5 GB"
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:175 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:62
-msgid ""
-"Report all completed tasks, get latest credit, get latest preferences, and "
-"possibly get more tasks."
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:651
+msgid "10 GB"
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:181 ViewProjects.cpp:722 ViewWork.cpp:208 ViewWork.cpp:801
-#: sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:757 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:67
-#: sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:113 sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:66
-#: sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:106
-msgid "Suspend"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:652
+msgid "20 GB"
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:182 ViewProjects.cpp:722 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:68
-#: sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:114
-msgid "Suspend tasks for this project."
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:653
+msgid "50 GB"
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:188 ViewProjects.cpp:741 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:73
-#: sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:121
-msgid "No new tasks"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:654
+msgid "100 GB"
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:189 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:74
-msgid "Don't get new tasks for this project."
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:724
+#, c-format
+msgid "%d MB"
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:195 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:79
-msgid "Reset project"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:726
+#, c-format
+msgid "%4.2f GB"
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:196 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:80
-msgid ""
-"Delete all files and tasks associated with this project, and get new tasks.  "
-"You can update the project first to report any completed tasks."
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:767
+#, c-format
+msgid "%d%%"
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:203 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:86
-msgid ""
-"Remove this project.  Tasks in progress will be lost (use 'Update' first to "
-"report any completed tasks)."
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:803
+msgid "0 (Run Always)"
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:209 ViewWork.cpp:222 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:91
-#: sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:78
-msgid "Properties"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:806
+#, c-format
+msgid "%d"
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:210 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:92
-msgid "Show project details."
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:953
+#, c-format
+msgid "%s - Computing Preferences"
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:220 ViewStatistics.cpp:450
-msgid "Account"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:1033
+msgid "Do you really want to clear all local preferences?\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:222
-msgid "Work done"
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:66
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:179
+msgid "Update"
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:223
-msgid "Avg. work done"
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:67
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:180
+msgid "Report all completed tasks, get latest credit, get latest preferences, and possibly get more tasks."
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:225 ViewTransfers.cpp:188 ViewWork.cpp:234
-msgid "Status"
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:73
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:129
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:187
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:727
+msgid "Suspend tasks for this project."
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:250
-msgid "Projects"
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:78
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:136
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:193
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:746
+msgid "No new tasks"
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:302
-msgid "Updating project..."
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:79
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:194
+msgid "Don't get new tasks for this project."
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:344
-msgid "Resuming project..."
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:84
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:200
+msgid "Reset project"
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:348
-msgid "Suspending project..."
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:85
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:201
+msgid "Delete all files and tasks associated with this project, and get new tasks.  You can update the project first to report any completed tasks."
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:385
-msgid "Telling project to allow additional task downloads..."
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:91
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:208
+msgid "Remove this project.  Tasks in progress will be lost (use 'Update' first to report any completed tasks)."
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:389
-msgid "Telling project to not fetch any additional tasks..."
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:96
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:84
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:214
+msgid "Properties"
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:425
-msgid "Resetting project..."
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:97
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:215
+msgid "Show project details."
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:126
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:723
+msgid "Resume tasks for this project."
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:133
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:742
+msgid "Allow new tasks"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:134
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:742
+msgid "Allow fetching new tasks for this project."
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:438 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:214
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:137
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:746
+msgid "Don't fetch new tasks for this project."
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:229
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:443
 #, c-format
 msgid "Are you sure you want to reset project '%s'?"
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:444 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:220
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:235
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:449
 msgid "Reset Project"
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:483
-msgid "Removing project..."
-msgstr ""
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:496 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:251
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:266
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:501
 #, c-format
 msgid "Are you sure you want to remove project '%s'?"
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:502 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:257
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:272
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:507
 msgid "Remove Project"
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:543 ViewWork.cpp:599
-msgid "Launching browser..."
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:72
+msgid "Add Project"
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:718 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:111
-msgid "Resume tasks for this project."
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:73
+msgid "Synchronize"
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:737 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:118
-msgid "Allow new tasks"
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:74
+msgid "Work done for this project"
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:737 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:119
-msgid "Allow fetching new tasks for this project."
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:77
+msgid "Synchronize projects with account manager system"
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:741 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:122
-msgid "Don't fetch new tasks for this project."
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:124
+msgid "Select a project to access with the controls below"
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1058
-msgid "Requested by user"
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:145
+msgid "Project Web Pages"
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1059
-msgid "To fetch work"
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:149
+msgid "Project Commands"
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1060
-msgid "To report completed tasks"
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:276
+#, c-format
+msgid "Pop up a menu of web sites for project %s"
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1061
-msgid "To send trickle-up message"
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:278
+#, c-format
+msgid "Pop up a menu of commands to apply to project %s"
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1062
-msgid "Requested by account manager"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:66
+msgid "Show graphics"
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1063
-msgid "Project initialization"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:67
+msgid "Show application graphics in a window."
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1064
-msgid "Requested by project"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:73
+msgid "Suspend this task."
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1065
-msgid "Unknown reason"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:78
+msgid "Abort"
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1079
-msgid "Suspended by user"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:79
+msgid "Abandon this task. You will get no credit for it."
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1082
-msgid "Won't get new tasks"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:85
+msgid "Show task details."
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1085
-msgid "Project ended - OK to remove"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:119
+msgid "Resume work for this task."
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1088
-msgid "Will remove when tasks done"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:123
+msgid "Suspend work for this task."
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1091
-msgid "Scheduler request pending"
-msgstr ""
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1097
-msgid "Scheduler request in progress"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:267
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Are you sure you want to abort this task '%s'?\n"
+"(Progress: %.1lf%%, Status: %s)"
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1100
-msgid "Trickle up message pending"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:272
+msgid "Abort task"
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1106
-msgid "Communication deferred "
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:468
+msgid "You don't have any projects.  Please Add a Project."
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewResources.cpp:62
-msgid "Total disk usage"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:469
+msgid "Not available"
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewResources.cpp:83
-msgid "Disk usage by BOINC projects"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:480
+msgid "Tasks:"
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewResources.cpp:116
-msgid "Disk"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:486
+msgid "Select a task to access"
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewResources.cpp:249
-msgid "no projects: 0 bytes used"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:497
+msgid "From:"
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewResources.cpp:286
-msgid "used by BOINC: "
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:551
+msgid "This task's progress"
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewResources.cpp:296
-msgid "free, available to BOINC: "
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:569
+msgid "Task Commands"
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewResources.cpp:306
-msgid "free, not available to BOINC: "
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:570
+msgid "Pop up a menu of commands to apply to this task"
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewResources.cpp:316
-msgid "free: "
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:705
+#, c-format
+msgid "Application: %s"
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewResources.cpp:326
-msgid "used by other programs: "
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:728
+#, c-format
+msgid "%.3f%%"
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:1205
-msgid "User Total"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:736
+msgid "Application: Not available"
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:1206
-msgid "User Average"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:836
+msgid "Not Available"
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:1207
-msgid "Host Total"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:851
+#, c-format
+msgid "Elapsed: %s"
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:1208
-msgid "Host Average"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:865
+#, c-format
+msgid "Remaining (estimated): %s"
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:1355
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:880
 #, c-format
-msgid "Last update: %.0f days ago"
+msgid "Status: %s"
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:1982
-msgid "Show user total"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1227
+msgid "Retrieving current status."
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:1983
-msgid "Show total credit for user"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1233
+msgid "Downloading work from the server."
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:1989
-msgid "Show user average"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1238
+msgid "Processing Suspended:  Running On Batteries."
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:1990
-msgid "Show average credit for user"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1240
+msgid "Processing Suspended:  User Active."
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:1996
-msgid "Show host total"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1242
+msgid "Processing Suspended:  User paused processing."
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:1997
-msgid "Show total credit for host"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1244
+msgid "Processing Suspended:  Time of Day."
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2003
-msgid "Show host average"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1246
+msgid "Processing Suspended:  Benchmarks Running."
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2004
-msgid "Show average credit for host"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1248
+msgid "Processing Suspended."
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2013
-msgid "< &Previous project"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1252
+msgid "Waiting to contact project servers."
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2014
-msgid "Show chart for previous project"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1256
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1265
+msgid "Retrieving current status"
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2019
-msgid "&Next project >"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1260
+msgid "No work available to process"
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2020
-msgid "Show chart for next project"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1262
+msgid "Unable to connect to the core client"
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2026 ViewStatistics.cpp:2416
-msgid "Hide project list"
+#: clientgui/TermsOfUsePage.cpp:218
+msgid "Terms of Use"
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2027 ViewStatistics.cpp:2416
-msgid "Use entire area for graphs"
+#: clientgui/TermsOfUsePage.cpp:222
+msgid "Please read the following terms of use:"
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2032
-msgid "Mode view"
+#: clientgui/TermsOfUsePage.cpp:231
+msgid "I agree to the terms of use."
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2036
-msgid "One project"
+#: clientgui/TermsOfUsePage.cpp:237
+msgid "I do not agree to the terms of use."
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2037
-msgid "Show one chart with selected project"
+#: clientgui/UnavailablePage.cpp:183
+msgid "Project temporarily unavailable"
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2043
-msgid "All projects (separate)"
+#: clientgui/UnavailablePage.cpp:186
+msgid ""
+"The project is temporarily unavailable.\n"
+"Please try again later."
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2044
-msgid "Show all projects, one chart per project"
+#: clientgui/UnavailablePage.cpp:190
+msgid "Account manager temporarily unavailable"
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2050
-msgid "All projects (together)"
+#: clientgui/UnavailablePage.cpp:193
+msgid ""
+"The account manager is temporarily unavailable.\n"
+"Please try again later."
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2051
-msgid "Show one chart with all projects"
+#: clientgui/ValidateAccountKey.cpp:68
+msgid "Please specify an account key to continue."
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2057
-msgid "All projects (sum)"
+#: clientgui/ValidateAccountKey.cpp:71
+msgid "Invalid Account Key; please enter a valid Account Key"
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2058
-msgid "Show one chart with sum of projects"
+#: clientgui/ValidateAccountKey.cpp:82
+#: clientgui/ValidateEmailAddress.cpp:86
+msgid "Validation conflict"
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2079
-msgid "Statistics"
+#: clientgui/ValidateEmailAddress.cpp:72
+msgid "Please specify an email address"
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2103 ViewStatistics.cpp:2124 ViewStatistics.cpp:2145
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2167 ViewStatistics.cpp:2188 ViewStatistics.cpp:2209
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2230 ViewStatistics.cpp:2251 ViewStatistics.cpp:2272
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2296
-msgid "Updating charts..."
+#: clientgui/ValidateEmailAddress.cpp:75
+msgid "Invalid email address; please enter a valid email address"
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2420
-msgid "Show project list"
+#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:69
+msgid "Missing URL"
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2420
-msgid "Uses smaller area for graphs"
+#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:70
+msgid ""
+"Please specify a URL.\n"
+"For example:\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:164
-msgid "Retry Now"
+#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:83
+#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:87
+#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:91
+#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:103
+#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:107
+#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:110
+msgid "Invalid URL"
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:165
-msgid "Retry the file transfer now"
+#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:84
+#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:88
+#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:92
+msgid ""
+"Please specify a valid URL.\n"
+"For example:\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:171
-msgid "Abort Transfer"
+#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:104
+#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:108
+#, c-format
+msgid "'%s' does not contain a valid host name."
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:172
-msgid "Abort this file transfer.  You won't get credit for the task."
+#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:111
+#, c-format
+msgid "'%s' does not contain a valid path."
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:183
-msgid "File"
+#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:84
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:175
+msgid "Commands"
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:184 ViewWork.cpp:233
-msgid "Progress"
+#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:88
+msgid "Copy all messages"
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:185
-msgid "Size"
+#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:95
+msgid "Copy selected messages"
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:186
-msgid "Elapsed Time"
+#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:106
+#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:502
+msgid "Show only this project"
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:187
-msgid "Speed"
+#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:107
+#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:503
+msgid "Show only the messages for the selected project."
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:213
-msgid "Transfers"
+#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:164
+msgid "Messages"
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:280
-msgid "Network activity is suspended - "
+#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:187
+msgid "Copying all messages to the clipboard..."
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:282
-msgid ""
-"You can enable it using the Activity menu."
+#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:223
+msgid "Copying selected messages to the clipboard..."
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:285
-msgid "BOINC"
+#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:286
+msgid "Filtering messages..."
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:292
-msgid "Retrying transfer now..."
+#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:494
+msgid "Show all messages"
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:330
-msgid "Aborting transfer..."
+#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:495
+msgid "Show messages for all projects."
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:343
-#, c-format
-msgid ""
-"Are you sure you want to abort this file transfer '%s'?\n"
-"NOTE: Aborting a transfer will invalidate a task and you\n"
-"will not receive credit for it."
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:225
+msgid "Account"
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:349
-msgid "Abort File Transfer"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:227
+msgid "Work done"
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:780
-msgid "Upload"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:228
+msgid "Avg. work done"
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:780
-msgid "Download"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:230
+msgid "Status"
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:784
-msgid "retry in "
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:255
+msgid "Projects"
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:786
-msgid "failed"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:307
+msgid "Updating project..."
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:789
-msgid "suspended"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:349
+msgid "Resuming project..."
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:794
-msgid "active"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:353
+msgid "Suspending project..."
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:796
-msgid "pending"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:390
+msgid "Telling project to allow additional task downloads..."
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:803
-msgid " (project backoff: "
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:394
+msgid "Telling project to not fetch any additional tasks..."
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewWork.cpp:187 ViewWork.cpp:777
-msgid "Show active tasks"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:430
+msgid "Resetting project..."
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewWork.cpp:188 ViewWork.cpp:778
-msgid "Show only active tasks."
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:488
+msgid "Removing project..."
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewWork.cpp:194 sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:60
-msgid "Show graphics"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:548
+msgid "Launching browser..."
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewWork.cpp:195 sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:61
-msgid "Show application graphics in a window."
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1063
+msgid "Requested by user"
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewWork.cpp:201
-msgid "Show VM Console"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1064
+msgid "To fetch work"
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewWork.cpp:202
-msgid "Show VM Console in a window."
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1065
+msgid "To report completed tasks"
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewWork.cpp:209
-msgid "Suspend work for this result."
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1066
+msgid "To send trickle-up message"
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewWork.cpp:215 sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:72
-msgid "Abort"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1067
+msgid "Requested by account manager"
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewWork.cpp:216
-msgid "Abandon work on the result. You will get no credit for it."
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1068
+msgid "Project initialization"
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewWork.cpp:223 sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:79
-msgid "Show task details."
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1069
+msgid "Requested by project"
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewWork.cpp:235
-msgid "Elapsed"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1070
+msgid "Unknown reason"
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewWork.cpp:236
-msgid "Remaining (estimated)"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1084
+msgid "Suspended by user"
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewWork.cpp:237
-msgid "Deadline"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1087
+msgid "Won't get new tasks"
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewWork.cpp:264
-msgid "Tasks"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1090
+msgid "Project ended - OK to remove"
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewWork.cpp:357
-msgid "Resuming task..."
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1093
+msgid "Will remove when tasks done"
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewWork.cpp:360
-msgid "Suspending task..."
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1096
+msgid "Scheduler request pending"
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewWork.cpp:389
-msgid "Showing graphics for task..."
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1102
+msgid "Scheduler request in progress"
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewWork.cpp:426
-msgid "Showing VM console for task..."
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1105
+msgid "Trickle up message pending"
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewWork.cpp:479
-#, c-format
-msgid ""
-"Are you sure you want to abort this task '%s'?\n"
-"(Progress: %s, Status: %s)"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1111
+msgid "Communication deferred "
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewWork.cpp:485
-#, c-format
-msgid "Are you sure you want to abort these %d tasks?"
+#: clientgui/ViewResources.cpp:62
+msgid "Total disk usage"
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewWork.cpp:490 sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:256
-msgid "Abort task"
+#: clientgui/ViewResources.cpp:83
+msgid "Disk usage by BOINC projects"
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewWork.cpp:499
-msgid "Aborting task..."
+#: clientgui/ViewResources.cpp:116
+msgid "Disk"
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewWork.cpp:771
-msgid "Show all tasks"
+#: clientgui/ViewResources.cpp:225
+msgid "no projects: 0 bytes used"
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewWork.cpp:772
-msgid "Show all tasks."
+#: clientgui/ViewResources.cpp:262
+msgid "used by BOINC: "
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewWork.cpp:796 sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:103
-msgid "Resume work for this task."
+#: clientgui/ViewResources.cpp:272
+msgid "free, available to BOINC: "
 msgstr ""
-#: ViewWork.cpp:802 sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:107
-msgid "Suspend work for this task."
+#: clientgui/ViewResources.cpp:282
+msgid "free, not available to BOINC: "
 msgstr ""
-#: WelcomePage.cpp:284
-msgid "Add project or account manager"
+#: clientgui/ViewResources.cpp:292
+msgid "free: "
 msgstr ""
-#: WelcomePage.cpp:288
-msgid "Add project or use BOINC Account Manager"
+#: clientgui/ViewResources.cpp:302
+msgid "used by other programs: "
 msgstr ""
-#: WelcomePage.cpp:297
-#, c-format
-msgid ""
-"If possible, add projects at the\n"
-"%s web site.\n"
-"Projects added via this wizard will not be\n"
-"listed on or managed via %s."
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1181
+msgid "User Total"
 msgstr ""
-#: WelcomePage.cpp:313
-msgid ""
-"There are over 30 BOINC-based projects\n"
-"doing research in many areas of science,\n"
-"and you can volunteer for as many of them as you like.\n"
-"You can add a project directly,\n"
-"or use an 'Account Manager' web site to select projects."
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1182
+msgid "User Average"
 msgstr ""
-#: WelcomePage.cpp:325
-msgid ""
-"You have chosen to add a new volunteer computing project or change which "
-"you contribute to.\n"
-"Some of these projects are run and managed by World Community Grid, while "
-"are run and managed by other researchers or organizations. The BOINC "
-"can divide your spare processing power among any combination of projects.\n"
-"Alternatively, if you have registered with a BOINC Account Manager, you can "
-"this to choose which projects to support.\n"
-"Please choose which type of change you would like to make:\n"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1183
+msgid "Host Total"
 msgstr ""
-#: WelcomePage.cpp:339
-msgid "Use a BOINC Account Manager"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1184
+msgid "Host Average"
 msgstr ""
-#: WelcomePage.cpp:352
-msgid "To continue, click Next."
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1331
+#, c-format
+msgid "Last update: %.0f days ago"
 msgstr ""
-#: WelcomePage.cpp:358
-msgid "Add or change your World Community Grid projects"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1956
+msgid "Show user total"
 msgstr ""
-#: WelcomePage.cpp:361
-msgid "Add projects run by other researchers or organizations"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1957
+msgid "Show total credit for user"
 msgstr ""
-#: WizardAttach.cpp:634
-msgid "Do you really want to cancel?"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1963
+msgid "Show user average"
 msgstr ""
-#: WizardAttach.cpp:635
-msgid "Question"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1964
+msgid "Show average credit for user"
 msgstr ""
-#: sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:149
-msgid "Advanced View...\tCtrl+Shift+A"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1970
+msgid "Show host total"
 msgstr ""
-#: sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:150
-msgid "Display the advanced graphical interface."
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1971
+msgid "Show total credit for host"
 msgstr ""
-#: sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:157
-msgid "Skin"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1977
+msgid "Show host average"
 msgstr ""
-#: sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:159
-msgid "Select the appearance of the user interface."
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1978
+msgid "Show average credit for host"
 msgstr ""
-#: sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:206
-#, c-format
-msgid "&%s"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1987
+msgid "< &Previous project"
 msgstr ""
-#: sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:390
-msgid "Default"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1988
+msgid "Show chart for previous project"
 msgstr ""
-#: sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:759
-msgid "Suspend Computing"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1993
+msgid "&Next project >"
 msgstr ""
-#: sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:760
-msgid "Resume Computing"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1994
+msgid "Show chart for next project"
 msgstr ""
-#: sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:777
-msgid "Open a window to view notices from projects or BOINC"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2000
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2390
+msgid "Hide project list"
 msgstr ""
-#: sg_DlgMessages.cpp:146
-msgid "Close"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2001
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2390
+msgid "Use entire area for graphs"
 msgstr ""
-#: sg_DlgMessages.cpp:389
-#, c-format
-msgid "%s - Notices"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2006
+msgid "Mode view"
 msgstr ""
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:268
-msgid "This dialog controls preferences for this computer only."
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2010
+msgid "One project"
 msgstr ""
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:273
-msgid "Click OK to set preferences."
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2011
+msgid "Show one chart with selected project"
 msgstr ""
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:278
-msgid ""
-"Click Clear to restore web-based settings for all preferences listed below."
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2017
+msgid "All projects (separate)"
 msgstr ""
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:285
-msgid ""
-"For additional settings, select Computing Preferences in the Advanced View."
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2018
+msgid "Show all projects, one chart per project"
 msgstr ""
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:313
-msgid "Do work only between:"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2024
+msgid "All projects (together)"
 msgstr ""
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:335
-msgid "Connect to internet only between:"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2025
+msgid "Show one chart with all projects"
 msgstr ""
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:357 sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:374
-msgid "Use no more than:"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2031
+msgid "All projects (sum)"
 msgstr ""
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:370
-msgid "of disk space"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2032
+msgid "Show one chart with sum of projects"
 msgstr ""
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:387
-msgid "of the processor"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2053
+msgid "Statistics"
 msgstr ""
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:391
-msgid "Do work while on battery?"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2077
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2098
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2119
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2141
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2162
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2183
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2204
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2225
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2246
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2270
+msgid "Updating charts..."
 msgstr ""
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:404
-msgid "Do work after idle for:"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2394
+msgid "Show project list"
 msgstr ""
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:429
-msgid "Clear all local preferences listed above and close the dialog"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2394
+msgid "Uses smaller area for graphs"
 msgstr ""
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:602 sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:605
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:681 sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:685
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:697 sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:701
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:844 sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:855
-msgid "Anytime"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:169
+msgid "Retry Now"
 msgstr ""
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:638
-msgid "100 MB"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:170
+msgid "Retry the file transfer now"
 msgstr ""
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:639
-msgid "200 MB"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:176
+msgid "Abort Transfer"
 msgstr ""
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:640
-msgid "500 MB"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:177
+msgid "Abort this file transfer.  You won't get credit for the task."
 msgstr ""
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:641
-msgid "1 GB"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:188
+msgid "File"
 msgstr ""
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:642
-msgid "2 GB"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:189
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:238
+msgid "Progress"
 msgstr ""
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:643
-msgid "5 GB"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:190
+msgid "Size"
 msgstr ""
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:644
-msgid "10 GB"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:191
+msgid "Elapsed Time"
 msgstr ""
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:645
-msgid "20 GB"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:192
+msgid "Speed"
 msgstr ""
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:646
-msgid "50 GB"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:218
+msgid "Transfers"
 msgstr ""
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:647
-msgid "100 GB"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:285
+msgid "Network activity is suspended - "
 msgstr ""
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:717
-#, c-format
-msgid "%d MB"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:287
+msgid ""
+"You can enable it using the Activity menu."
 msgstr ""
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:719
-#, c-format
-msgid "%4.2f GB"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:290
+msgid "BOINC"
 msgstr ""
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:760
-#, c-format
-msgid "%d%%"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:297
+msgid "Retrying transfer now..."
 msgstr ""
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:796
-msgid "0 (Run Always)"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:335
+msgid "Aborting transfer..."
 msgstr ""
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:799
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:348
 #, c-format
-msgid "%d"
-msgstr ""
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:1029
-msgid "Do you really want to clear all local preferences?\n"
-msgstr ""
-#: sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:72
-msgid "Add Project"
+msgid ""
+"Are you sure you want to abort this file transfer '%s'?\n"
+"NOTE: Aborting a transfer will invalidate a task and you\n"
+"will not receive credit for it."
 msgstr ""
-#: sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:73
-msgid "Synchronize"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:354
+msgid "Abort File Transfer"
 msgstr ""
-#: sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:74
-msgid "Work done for this project"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:785
+msgid "Upload"
 msgstr ""
-#: sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:77
-msgid "Synchronize projects with account manager system"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:785
+msgid "Download"
 msgstr ""
-#: sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:124
-msgid "Select a project to access with the controls below"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:789
+msgid "retry in "
 msgstr ""
-#: sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:145
-msgid "Project Web Pages"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:791
+msgid "failed"
 msgstr ""
-#: sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:149
-msgid "Project Commands"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:794
+msgid "suspended"
 msgstr ""
-#: sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:267
-#, c-format
-msgid "Pop up a menu of web sites for project %s"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:799
+msgid "active"
 msgstr ""
-#: sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:269
-#, c-format
-msgid "Pop up a menu of commands to apply to project %s"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:801
+msgid "pending"
 msgstr ""
-#: sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:67
-msgid "Suspend this task."
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:808
+msgid " (project backoff: "
 msgstr ""
-#: sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:73
-msgid "Abandon this task. You will get no credit for it."
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:192
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:782
+msgid "Show active tasks"
 msgstr ""
-#: sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:251
-#, c-format
-msgid ""
-"Are you sure you want to abort this task '%s'?\n"
-"(Progress: %.1lf%%, Status: %s)"
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:193
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:783
+msgid "Show only active tasks."
 msgstr ""
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:464
-msgid "You don't have any projects.  Please Add a Project."
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:206
+msgid "Show VM Console"
 msgstr ""
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:465
-msgid "Not available"
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:207
+msgid "Show VM Console in a window."
 msgstr ""
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:476
-msgid "Tasks:"
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:214
+msgid "Suspend work for this result."
 msgstr ""
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:482
-msgid "Select a task to access"
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:221
+msgid "Abandon work on the result. You will get no credit for it."
 msgstr ""
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:493
-msgid "From:"
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:240
+msgid "Elapsed"
 msgstr ""
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:547
-msgid "This task's progress"
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:241
+msgid "Remaining (estimated)"
 msgstr ""
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:565
-msgid "Task Commands"
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:242
+msgid "Deadline"
 msgstr ""
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:566
-msgid "Pop up a menu of commands to apply to this task"
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:269
+msgid "Tasks"
 msgstr ""
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:701
-#, c-format
-msgid "Application: %s"
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:362
+msgid "Resuming task..."
 msgstr ""
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:724
-#, c-format
-msgid "%.3f%%"
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:365
+msgid "Suspending task..."
 msgstr ""
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:732
-msgid "Application: Not available"
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:394
+msgid "Showing graphics for task..."
 msgstr ""
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:832
-msgid "Not Available"
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:431
+msgid "Showing VM console for task..."
 msgstr ""
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:847
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:484
 #, c-format
-msgid "Elapsed: %s"
+msgid ""
+"Are you sure you want to abort this task '%s'?\n"
+"(Progress: %s, Status: %s)"
 msgstr ""
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:861
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:490
 #, c-format
-msgid "Remaining (estimated): %s"
+msgid "Are you sure you want to abort these %d tasks?"
 msgstr ""
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:876
-#, c-format
-msgid "Status: %s"
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:504
+msgid "Aborting task..."
 msgstr ""
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1223
-msgid "Retrieving current status."
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:776
+msgid "Show all tasks"
 msgstr ""
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1229
-msgid "Downloading work from the server."
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:777
+msgid "Show all tasks."
 msgstr ""
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1234
-msgid "Processing Suspended:  Running On Batteries."
+#: clientgui/WelcomePage.cpp:284
+msgid "Add project or account manager"
 msgstr ""
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1236
-msgid "Processing Suspended:  User Active."
+#: clientgui/WelcomePage.cpp:288
+msgid "Add project or use BOINC Account Manager"
 msgstr ""
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1238
-msgid "Processing Suspended:  User paused processing."
+#: clientgui/WelcomePage.cpp:297
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"If possible, add projects at the\n"
+"%s web site.\n"
+"Projects added via this wizard will not be\n"
+"listed on or managed via %s."
 msgstr ""
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1240
-msgid "Processing Suspended:  Time of Day."
+#: clientgui/WelcomePage.cpp:313
+msgid ""
+"There are over 30 BOINC-based projects\n"
+"doing research in many areas of science,\n"
+"and you can volunteer for as many of them as you like.\n"
+"You can add a project directly,\n"
+"or use an 'Account Manager' web site to select projects."
 msgstr ""
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1242
-msgid "Processing Suspended:  Benchmarks Running."
+#: clientgui/WelcomePage.cpp:325
+msgid ""
+"You have chosen to add a new volunteer computing project or change which projects\n"
+"you contribute to.\n"
+"Some of these projects are run and managed by World Community Grid, while others\n"
+"are run and managed by other researchers or organizations. The BOINC software\n"
+"can divide your spare processing power among any combination of projects.\n"
+"Alternatively, if you have registered with a BOINC Account Manager, you can use\n"
+"this to choose which projects to support.\n"
+"Please choose which type of change you would like to make:\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1244
-msgid "Processing Suspended."
+#: clientgui/WelcomePage.cpp:339
+msgid "Use a BOINC Account Manager"
 msgstr ""
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1248
-msgid "Waiting to contact project servers."
+#: clientgui/WelcomePage.cpp:358
+msgid "Add or change your World Community Grid projects"
 msgstr ""
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1252 sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1261
-msgid "Retrieving current status"
+#: clientgui/WelcomePage.cpp:361
+msgid "Add projects run by other researchers or organizations"
 msgstr ""
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1256
-msgid "No work available to process"
+#: clientgui/WizardAttach.cpp:673
+msgid "Do you really want to cancel?"
 msgstr ""
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1258
-msgid "Unable to connect to the core client"
+#: clientgui/WizardAttach.cpp:674
+msgid "Question"
 msgstr ""
-#: wizardex.cpp:377 wizardex.cpp:553
+#: clientgui/wizardex.cpp:377
+#: clientgui/wizardex.cpp:553
 msgid "&Next >"
 msgstr ""
-#: wizardex.cpp:383
+#: clientgui/wizardex.cpp:383
 msgid "< &Back"
 msgstr ""
-#: wizardex.cpp:553
+#: clientgui/wizardex.cpp:553
 msgid "&Finish"
 msgstr ""
-#: mac/Mac_GUI.cpp:110
-msgid "Preferences…"
+#: clientgui/common/wxPieCtrl.cpp:64
+msgid "Pie Ctrl"
 msgstr ""
-#: mac/Mac_GUI.cpp:122
+#: clientgui/mac/Mac_GUI.cpp:35
 msgid "Services"
 msgstr ""
-#: mac/Mac_GUI.cpp:144
+#: clientgui/mac/Mac_GUI.cpp:36
 #, c-format
 msgid "Hide %s"
 msgstr ""
-#: mac/Mac_GUI.cpp:158
+#: clientgui/mac/Mac_GUI.cpp:37
 msgid "Hide Others"
 msgstr ""
-#: mac/Mac_GUI.cpp:172
+#: clientgui/mac/Mac_GUI.cpp:38
 msgid "Show All"
 msgstr ""
-#: mac/Mac_GUI.cpp:186
+#: clientgui/mac/Mac_GUI.cpp:39
 #, c-format
 msgid "Quit %s"
 msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.h:30
+msgid "specify work start and stop hours in format HH:MM-HH:MM"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.h:31
+msgid "specify network usage start and stop hours in format HH:MM-HH:MM"
+msgstr ""
diff --git a/locale/tr/BOINC-Manager.po b/locale/tr/BOINC-Manager.po
index 9dee9ff..cae0f25 100644
--- a/locale/tr/BOINC-Manager.po
+++ b/locale/tr/BOINC-Manager.po
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ msgid ""
 msgstr ""
 "Project-Id-Version: BOINC Manager 6.8x\n"
 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-02-02 00:00-0800\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-12-15 14:15-0500\n"
 "PO-Revision-Date: 2014-04-22 09:26+0000\n"
 "Last-Translator: Aycan <aycandemirel at hotmail.com>\n"
 "Language-Team: Donanım Haber <bilgi at donanimhaber.com>\n"
@@ -16,22 +16,22 @@ msgstr ""
 "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
 "Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\n"
 "X-Generator: Pootle 2.5.0\n"
-"X-BOINC-UTF8-Marker: 简体中文, 日本語\n"
-"X-Poedit-SearchPath-1: clientgui/msw\n"
-"X-Poedit-SearchPath-2: clientgui/gtk\n"
-"X-Poedit-SearchPath-3: clientgui/mac\n"
+"X-Poedit-Basepath: C:\\Src\\BOINCGIT\\boinc_7.4\n"
 "X-Poedit-SearchPath-0: clientgui\n"
 "X-Poedit-SourceCharset: utf-8\n"
-"X-Poedit-Basepath: C:\\Src\\BOINCGIT\\boinc\n"
 "X-POOTLE-MTIME: 1398158771.0\n"
+"X-Poedit-SearchPath-1: clientgui/msw\n"
+"X-Poedit-SearchPath-2: clientgui/gtk\n"
+"X-Poedit-SearchPath-3: clientgui/mac\n"
+"X-BOINC-UTF8-Marker: 简体中文, 日本語\n"
 # 81%
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:387
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:387
 #, c-format
 msgid "Identify your account at %s"
 msgstr "%s için hesap bilgilerinizi girin"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:393
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:393
 msgid ""
 "Please enter your account information\n"
 "(to create an account, visit the project's web site)"
@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ msgstr ""
 "Lütfen hesap bilgilerinizi girin\n"
 "(bir hesap yaratmak için, projenin sitesini ziyaret edin)"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:397
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:397
 msgid ""
 "This project is not currently accepting new accounts.\n"
 "You can add it only if you already have an account."
@@ -47,19 +47,19 @@ msgstr ""
 "Bu proje şu anda yeni hesapları kabul etmiyor.\n"
 "Yalnızca, mevcut bir hesabınız varsa projeyi ekleyebilirsiniz."
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:401
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:401
 msgid "Are you already running this project?"
 msgstr "Bu projeye daha önce üye oldunuz mu?"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:405
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:405
 msgid "&No, new user"
 msgstr "&Hayır, yeni kullanıcıyım"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:408
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:408
 msgid "&Yes, existing user"
 msgstr "&Evet, bilgilerimi gireceğim"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:413
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:413
 msgid ""
 "We were not able to set up your account information\n"
@@ -74,45 +74,51 @@ msgstr ""
 "gerektiğini bulmak için aşağıdaki 'Giriş bilgisini bul' \n"
 "bağlantısına tıklayın."
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:416
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:416
 msgid "Find login information"
 msgstr "Giriş bilgilerini bul"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:436 AccountInfoPage.cpp:641
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:436
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:649
 msgid "&Password:"
 msgstr "&Parola:"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:443 AccountInfoPage.cpp:665
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:443
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:673
 msgid "Choose a &password:"
 msgstr "Bir &parola yazın:"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:446
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:446
 msgid "C&onfirm password:"
 msgstr "Parolayı &tekrar yazın:"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:453
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:453
 #, c-format
 msgid "Are you already running %s?"
 msgstr "Zaten %s projesini çalıştırıyor musunuz?"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:482
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:482
 msgid "&Username:"
 msgstr "&Kullanıcı adı:"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:508
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:511
+msgid "&Email address or LDAP ID:"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:515
 msgid "&Email address:"
 msgstr "&E-posta adresi:"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:515
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:523
 #, c-format
 msgid "minimum length %d"
 msgstr "en az %d karakter"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:522
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:530
 msgid "Forgot your password?"
 msgstr "Parolanızı mı unuttunuz?"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:529
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:537
 msgid ""
 "If you have not yet registered with this account manager,\n"
 "please do so before proceeding.  Click on the link below\n"
@@ -122,45 +128,44 @@ msgstr ""
 "etmeden önce kaydolun.  Lütfen kaydolmak ya da unuttuğunuz\n"
 "parolayı bulmak için aşağıdaki bağlantıya tıklayın."
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:532
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:540
 msgid "Account manager web site"
 msgstr "Hesap Yöneticisi sitesi"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:574 WelcomePage.cpp:348
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:582
 msgid "Add project"
 msgstr "Proje ekle"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:576
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:584
 msgid "Update account manager"
 msgstr "Hesap yöneticisini güncelle"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:578 WelcomePage.cpp:307 WelcomePage.cpp:321
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:586
 msgid "Use account manager"
 msgstr "Hesap yöneticisi kullan"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:585
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:593
 msgid "Please enter a user name."
 msgstr "Lütfen bir kullanıcı adı yazın."
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:587
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:595
 msgid "Please enter an email address."
 msgstr "Lütfen bir e-posta adresi yazın."
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:597
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:605
 #, c-format
 msgid "Please enter a password of at least %d characters."
 msgstr "Lütfen en az %d karakterden oluşan bir parola yazın."
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:607
-msgid ""
-"The password and confirmation password do not match. Please type them again."
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:615
+msgid "The password and confirmation password do not match. Please type them again."
 msgstr "Parola ve parola doğrulaması birbirini tutmuyor. Lütfen tekrar yazın."
-#: AccountManagerInfoPage.cpp:272
+#: clientgui/AccountManagerInfoPage.cpp:272
 msgid "Choose an account manager"
 msgstr "Bir hesap yöneticisi seçin"
-#: AccountManagerInfoPage.cpp:275
+#: clientgui/AccountManagerInfoPage.cpp:275
 msgid ""
 "To choose an account manager, click its name or \n"
 "type its URL below."
@@ -168,386 +173,403 @@ msgstr ""
 "Bir hesap yöneticisi seçmek için ismine tıklayın ya da \n"
 "aşağıya internet adresini girin."
-#: AccountManagerInfoPage.cpp:279
+#: clientgui/AccountManagerInfoPage.cpp:279
 msgid "Account manager details:"
 msgstr "Hesap Yöneticisi detayları:"
-#: AccountManagerInfoPage.cpp:283
+#: clientgui/AccountManagerInfoPage.cpp:283
 msgid "Account manager &URL:"
 msgstr "Hesap Yöneticisi &adresi:"
-#: AccountManagerInfoPage.cpp:287
+#: clientgui/AccountManagerInfoPage.cpp:287
 msgid "Open web page"
 msgstr "İnternet sitesini aç"
-#: AccountManagerInfoPage.cpp:290
+#: clientgui/AccountManagerInfoPage.cpp:290
 msgid "Visit this account manager's web site"
 msgstr "Bu Hesap Yöneticisinin internet sitesini ziyaret edin"
-#: AccountManagerProcessingPage.cpp:187 AccountManagerPropertiesPage.cpp:193
+#: clientgui/AccountManagerProcessingPage.cpp:186
+#: clientgui/AccountManagerPropertiesPage.cpp:192
 #, c-format
 msgid "Communicating with %s."
 msgstr "%s ile bağlantı kuruluyor."
-#: AccountManagerProcessingPage.cpp:194 AccountManagerPropertiesPage.cpp:200
+#: clientgui/AccountManagerProcessingPage.cpp:193
+#: clientgui/AccountManagerPropertiesPage.cpp:199
 msgid "Communicating with server."
 msgstr "Sunucu ile bağlantı kuruluyor."
-#: AccountManagerProcessingPage.cpp:199 AccountManagerPropertiesPage.cpp:205
+#: clientgui/AccountManagerProcessingPage.cpp:198
+#: clientgui/AccountManagerPropertiesPage.cpp:204
 msgid "Please wait..."
 msgstr "Lütfen bekleyin..."
-#: AccountManagerProcessingPage.cpp:326
+#: clientgui/AccountManagerProcessingPage.cpp:325
 msgid "An internal server error has occurred.\n"
 msgstr "Sunucuda dahili bir hata meydana geldi.\n"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:95
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:96
 msgid "Connected"
 msgstr "Bağlandı"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:103
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:104
 msgid "Disconnected"
 msgstr "Bağlantı kesildi"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:322 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:119
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:318
 #, c-format
 msgid "Close the %s window"
 msgstr "%s penceresini kapatır."
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:325 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:122
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:321
 msgid "&Close Window"
 msgstr "&Pencereyi kapat"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:336 AdvancedFrame.cpp:343 AdvancedFrame.cpp:350
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:332
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:339
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:346
 #, c-format
 msgid "Exit %s"
 msgstr "%s'dan çık"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:371
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:359
+msgid "Preferences..."
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:368
 msgid "&Notices\tCtrl+Shift+N"
 msgstr "&Bildirimler\tCtrl+Shift+N"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:372
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:369
 msgid "Display notices"
 msgstr "Bildirimleri görüntüler."
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:377
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:374
 msgid "&Projects\tCtrl+Shift+P"
 msgstr "&Projeler\tCtrl+Shift+P"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:378
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:375
 msgid "Display projects"
 msgstr "Projeleri görüntüler."
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:383
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:380
 msgid "&Tasks\tCtrl+Shift+T"
 msgstr "İ&şler\tCtrl+Shift+T"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:384
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:381
 msgid "Display tasks"
 msgstr "İşleri görüntüler."
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:389
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:386
 msgid "Trans&fers\tCtrl+Shift+X"
 msgstr "&Aktarımlar\tCtrl+Shift+X"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:390
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:387
 msgid "Display transfers"
 msgstr "Aktarımları görüntüler."
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:395
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:392
 msgid "&Statistics\tCtrl+Shift+S"
 msgstr "İ&statistikler\tCtrl+Shift+S"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:396
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:393
 msgid "Display statistics"
 msgstr "İstatistikleri görüntüler."
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:401
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:398
 msgid "&Disk usage\tCtrl+Shift+D"
 msgstr "&Disk kullanımı\tCtrl+Shift+D"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:402
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:399
 msgid "Display disk usage"
 msgstr "Disk kullanımını görüntüler."
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:409
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:406
 msgid "Simple &View...\tCtrl+Shift+V"
 msgstr "&Basit görünüm...\tCtrl+Shift+V"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:410
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:407
 msgid "Display the simple graphical interface."
 msgstr "Basit grafiksel arayüzü görüntüler."
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:424
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:421
 msgid "&Add project or account manager..."
 msgstr "&Proje ya da hesap yöneticisi ekle..."
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:425 sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:76
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:422
 msgid "Volunteer for any or all of 30+ projects in many areas of science"
 msgstr ""
 "Bilimin pek çok alanından 30'dan fazla projeden birisi için gönüllü olun"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:429
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:426
 #, c-format
 msgid "&Synchronize with %s"
 msgstr "%s ile &eşitle"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:433
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:430
 #, c-format
 msgid "Get current settings from %s"
 msgstr "Güncel ayarları %s hesap yöneticisinden alır."
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:443
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:440
 msgid "&Add project..."
 msgstr "&Proje ekle..."
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:444
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:441
 msgid "Add a project"
 msgstr "Bir proje eklemenizi sağlar."
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:447
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:444
 #, c-format
 msgid "S&top using %s..."
 msgstr "%s kullanmayı durdur..."
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:453
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:450
 msgid "Remove this computer from account manager control."
 msgstr "Bu bilgisayarı hesap yöneticisi kontrolünden çıkarır."
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:458 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:178
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:455
 msgid "&Options..."
 msgstr "&Seçenekler..."
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:459 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:179
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:456
 msgid "Configure display options and proxy settings"
 msgstr ""
 "Arayüz seçeneklerini ve vekil sunucu ayarlarını yapılandırabileceğiniz "
 "pencereyi açar."
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:463 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:172
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:460
 msgid "Computing &preferences..."
 msgstr "&Hesaplama tercihleri..."
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:464 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:173
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:461
 msgid "Configure computing preferences"
 msgstr ""
 "İşlerin çalışmasıyla ilgili bu bilgisayara ait tercihleri "
 "ayarlayabileceğiniz pencereyi açar."
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:472
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:469
 msgid "&Run always"
 msgstr "&Daima çalış"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:473
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:470
 msgid "Allow work regardless of preferences"
 msgstr "Ayarları göz önüne almadan işleri sürekli çalıştırır."
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:477
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:474
 msgid "Run based on &preferences"
 msgstr "&Tercihlere göre çalış"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:478
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:475
 msgid "Allow work according to preferences"
 msgstr "İşleri tercihlerdeki ayarlarınıza göre çalıştırır."
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:482
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:479
 msgid "&Suspend"
 msgstr "&Durdur"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:483
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:480
 msgid "Stop work regardless of preferences"
 msgstr "Ayarları göz önüne almadan işlerin çalışmasını durdurur."
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:508
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:505
 msgid "Use GPU always"
 msgstr "GPU'yu &daima kullan"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:509
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:506
 msgid "Allow GPU work regardless of preferences"
 msgstr "Ayarları göz önüne almadan GPU'yu sürekli kullanır."
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:513
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:510
 msgid "Use GPU based on preferences"
 msgstr "GPU'yu tercihlere göre kullan"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:514
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:511
 msgid "Allow GPU work according to preferences"
 msgstr "GPU'yu tercihlerdeki ayarlarınıza göre kullanır."
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:518
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:515
 msgid "Suspend GPU"
 msgstr "GPU kullanımını durdur"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:519
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:516
 msgid "Stop GPU work regardless of preferences"
 msgstr "Ayarları göz önüne almadan GPU'nun kullanımını durdurur."
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:543
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:540
 msgid "Network activity always available"
 msgstr "Ağ iletişimi daima mümkün"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:544
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:541
 msgid "Allow network activity regardless of preferences"
 msgstr "Ayarları göz önüne almadan ağ iletişimine izin verir."
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:548
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:545
 msgid "Network activity based on preferences"
 msgstr "Tercihlere göre ağ iletişimi"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:549
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:546
 msgid "Allow network activity according to preferences"
 msgstr "Tercihlerdeki ayarlara göre ağ iletişimi yapar."
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:553
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:550
 msgid "Network activity suspended"
 msgstr "Ağ iletişimini durdur"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:554
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:551
 msgid "Stop BOINC network activity"
 msgstr "BOINC'in tüm ağ iletişimini durdurur."
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:564
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:561
 #, c-format
 msgid "Connect to another computer running %s"
 msgstr "%s çalıştıran başka bir bilgisayarı seçip bağlanmayı sağlar."
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:569
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:566
 msgid "Select computer..."
 msgstr "Bilgisayar seç ve bağlan..."
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:574
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:571
 msgid "Shut down connected client..."
 msgstr "Bağlı olan istemciyi kapat..."
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:575
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:572
 msgid "Shut down the currently connected client"
 msgstr "Şu anda bağlı olan istemciyi kapatır."
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:579
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:576
 msgid "Run CPU &benchmarks"
 msgstr "&İşlemci testlerini çalıştır"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:580
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:577
 msgid "Runs BOINC CPU benchmarks"
 msgstr ""
 "BOINC'in işlemci (CPU) testlerini çalıştırır. Sonuçları Olay Günlüğü'nde "
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:584
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:581
 msgid "Do network communication"
 msgstr "Ağ iletişimini gerçekleştir"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:585
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:582
 msgid "Do all pending network communication"
 msgstr "Beklemedeki tüm ağ iletişimini hemen gerçekleştirir."
 # 94%
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:589
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:586
 msgid "Read config files"
 msgstr "Yapılandırma dosyalarını oku"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:590
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:587
 msgid "Read configuration info from cc_config.xml and any app_config.xml files"
 msgstr ""
 "Yapılandırma bilgisini cc_config.xml ve any app_config.xml dosyalarından oku"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:594
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:591
 msgid "Read local prefs file"
 msgstr "Yerel tercih dosyasını oku"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:595
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:592
 msgid "Read preferences from global_prefs_override.xml."
 msgstr "Yerel tercihleri global_prefs_override.xml dosyasından okur."
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:600
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:597
 #, c-format
 msgid "Launch another instance of %s..."
 msgstr "Bu bilgisayarda %s'ın başka bir kopyasını çalıştırır."
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:604
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:601
 #, c-format
 msgid "Launch another %s"
 msgstr "Başka bir %s çalıştır"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:614
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:611
 msgid "Event Log...\tCtrl+Shift+E"
 msgstr "Olay günlüğü...\tCtrl+Shift+E"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:615
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:612
 msgid "Display diagnostic messages."
 msgstr "Tanılama mesajlarını görüntüler."
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:625 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:188
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:616
+msgid "Event Log Diagnostic Flags...\tCtrl+Shift+F"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:617
+msgid "Enable or disable various diagnostic messages"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:626
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s &help"
 msgstr "%s &yardım"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:631 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:194
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:632
 #, c-format
 msgid "Show information about %s"
 msgstr "Gönüllü kullanıcılardan %s hakkında yardım almanızı sağlar."
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:643
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:644
 #, c-format
 msgid "&%s help"
 msgstr "&%s yardım"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:649 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:212
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:650
 #, c-format
 msgid "Show information about the %s"
 msgstr "%s yardım sitesini açar."
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:661 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:224
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:662
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s &web site"
 msgstr "%s &internet sitesi"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:667 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:230
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:668
 #, c-format
 msgid "Show information about BOINC and %s"
 msgstr "BOINC ve %s resmi internet sitesini açar."
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:679 BOINCTaskBar.cpp:530 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:242
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:680
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:544
 #, c-format
 msgid "&About %s..."
 msgstr "&%s hakkında..."
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:685 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:248
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:686
 msgid "Licensing and copyright information."
 msgstr "Sürüm, lisans, telif hakkı ve çeviri bilgisini görüntüler."
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:692 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:255
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:693
 msgid "&File"
 msgstr "&Dosya"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:696 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:259
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:697
 msgid "&View"
 msgstr "&Görünüm"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:700 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:263
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:701
 msgid "&Tools"
 msgstr "&Araçlar"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:704
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:705
 msgid "&Activity"
 msgstr "&Çalışma"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:708
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:709
 msgid "A&dvanced"
 msgstr "&Gelişmiş"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:712 DlgEventLog.cpp:332 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:267
-#: wizardex.cpp:374 wizardex.cpp:381
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:713
 msgid "&Help"
 msgstr "&Yardım"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:1199
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1185
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - Stop using %s"
 msgstr "%s - %s kullanmayı durdur"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:1204
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1190
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "If you stop using %s,\n"
@@ -562,12 +584,12 @@ msgstr ""
 "%s kullanmayı durdurmak istiyor musunuz?"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:1401
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1397
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - Shut down the current client..."
 msgstr "%s - Bağlı istemciyi kapat..."
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:1410
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1406
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "%s will shut down the current client\n"
@@ -576,36 +598,36 @@ msgstr ""
 "%s şu anda bağlı olan istemciyi kapatacak ve\n"
 "sizi başka birine bağlanmanız için uyaracak."
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:1745 DlgAbout.cpp:119
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1806
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s"
 msgstr "%s"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:1754
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1815
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s has successfully added %s"
 msgstr "%s başarıyla %s'e eklendi."
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:1893
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1953
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - (%s)"
 msgstr "%s - (%s)"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:1897
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1957
 #, c-format
 msgid "Connecting to %s"
 msgstr "%s istemcisine bağlanıyor"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:1900
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1960
 #, c-format
 msgid "Connected to %s (%s)"
 msgstr "%s istemcisine bağlı (%s)"
-#: AlreadyExistsPage.cpp:184
+#: clientgui/AlreadyExistsPage.cpp:184
 msgid "Username already in use"
 msgstr "Kullanıcı adı zaten kullanımda"
-#: AlreadyExistsPage.cpp:187
+#: clientgui/AlreadyExistsPage.cpp:187
 msgid ""
 "An account with that username already exists and has a\n"
 "different password than the one you entered.\n"
@@ -617,11 +639,11 @@ msgstr ""
 "Lütfen projenin sitesini ziyaret edip, yönergeleri izleyin."
-#: AlreadyExistsPage.cpp:191
+#: clientgui/AlreadyExistsPage.cpp:191
 msgid "Email address already in use"
 msgstr "E-posta adresi zaten kullanımda"
-#: AlreadyExistsPage.cpp:194
+#: clientgui/AlreadyExistsPage.cpp:194
 msgid ""
 "An account with that email address already exists and has a\n"
 "different password than the one you entered.\n"
@@ -633,45 +655,44 @@ msgstr ""
 "Lütfen projenin sitesini ziyaret edip, yönergeleri izleyin."
-#: AsyncRPC.cpp:1031
+#: clientgui/AsyncRPC.cpp:1031
 msgid "Communicating with BOINC client.  Please wait ..."
 msgstr "BOINC istemcisine bağlanılıyor.  Lütfen bekleyin..."
-#: AsyncRPC.cpp:1034
+#: clientgui/AsyncRPC.cpp:1034
 #, c-format
 msgid "&Quit %s"
 msgstr "%s'den &ayrıl"
-#: AsyncRPC.cpp:1036
+#: clientgui/AsyncRPC.cpp:1036
 #, c-format
 msgid "E&xit %s"
 msgstr "%s'den &çık"
-#: AsyncRPC.cpp:1040
+#: clientgui/AsyncRPC.cpp:1040
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - Communication"
 msgstr "%s - İletişim"
-#: AsyncRPC.cpp:1056 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:107 sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:433
+#: clientgui/AsyncRPC.cpp:1056
 msgid "Cancel"
 msgstr "İptal"
-#: BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:505
+#: clientgui/BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:504
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - Connection Error"
 msgstr "%s - Bağlantı Hatası"
-#: BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:514
+#: clientgui/BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:513
 msgid ""
 "You currently are not authorized to manage the client.\n"
-"Please contact your administrator to add you to the 'boinc_users' local user "
+"Please contact your administrator to add you to the 'boinc_users' local user group."
 msgstr ""
 "İstemciyi yönetmek için yetkili durumda değilsiniz.\n"
 "Lüfen 'boinc_users' yerel kullanıcı grubuna dahil olmak için yöneticinizle "
 "temasa geçin."
-#: BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:523
+#: clientgui/BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:522
 msgid ""
 "Authorization failed connecting to running client.\n"
 "Make sure you start this program in the same directory as the client."
@@ -679,20 +700,20 @@ msgstr ""
 "Çalışan istemciye bağlanmak için yetkilendirilme başarısız.\n"
 "Bu programın istemciyle aynı klasörde çalıştırıldığından emin olun."
-#: BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:525
+#: clientgui/BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:524
 msgid "Authorization failed connecting to running client."
 msgstr "Çalışan istemciye bağlanmak için yetkilendirilme başarısız."
-#: BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:533
+#: clientgui/BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:532
 msgid "The password you have provided is incorrect, please try again."
 msgstr "Belirttiğiniz parola hatalı, lütfen tekrar deneyin."
-#: BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:577
+#: clientgui/BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:576
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - Connection Failed"
 msgstr "%s - Bağlantı Başarısız"
-#: BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:586
+#: clientgui/BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:585
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "%s is not able to connect to a %s client.\n"
@@ -701,23 +722,22 @@ msgstr ""
 "%s, %s istemcisine bağlanamıyor.\n"
 "Bağlanmayı yeniden denemek ister misiniz?"
-#: BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:622
+#: clientgui/BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:621
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - Daemon Start Failed"
 msgstr "%s - Hizmet İşlemi Başlatılamadı"
-#: BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:632
+#: clientgui/BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:631
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "%s is not able to start a %s client.\n"
-"Please launch the Control Panel->Administative Tools->Services applet and "
-"start the BOINC service."
+"Please launch the Control Panel->Administative Tools->Services applet and start the BOINC service."
 msgstr ""
 "%s, %s istemcisini başlatamıyor.\n"
 "Lütfen, Denetim Masası->Yönetimsel Araçlar->Hizmetler bölümüne gidip, BOINC "
 "Hizmeti'ni başlatın."
-#: BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:638
+#: clientgui/BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:637
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "%s is not able to start a %s client.\n"
@@ -726,17 +746,16 @@ msgstr ""
 "%s, %s istemcisini başlatamıyor.\n"
 "Lütfen BOINC Hizmetini başlatıp yeniden deneyin."
-#: BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:689
+#: clientgui/BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:688
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - Connection Status"
 msgstr "%s - Bağlantı Durumu"
-#: BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:700
+#: clientgui/BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:699
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "%s is not currently connected to a %s client.\n"
-"Please use the 'Advanced\\Select Computer...' menu option to connect up to a "
-"%s client.\n"
+"Please use the 'Advanced\\Select Computer...' menu option to connect up to a %s client.\n"
 "To connect up to your local computer please use 'localhost' as the host name."
 msgstr ""
 "%s şu anda bir %s istemcisine bağlı değil.\n"
@@ -745,16 +764,16 @@ msgstr ""
 "Kendi bilgisayarınıza bağlanmak için lütfen bigisayar adı olarak 'localhost' "
-#: BOINCBaseView.cpp:779
+#: clientgui/BOINCBaseView.cpp:752
 msgid "Project web pages"
 msgstr "Proje internet sayfaları"
-#: BOINCClientManager.cpp:575
+#: clientgui/BOINCClientManager.cpp:573
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - Unexpected Exit"
 msgstr "%s - Beklenmedik Kapanma"
-#: BOINCClientManager.cpp:585
+#: clientgui/BOINCClientManager.cpp:583
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "The %s client has exited unexpectedly 3 times within the last %d minutes.\n"
@@ -763,12 +782,12 @@ msgstr ""
 "%s istemcisi son %d dakika içinde beklenmedik şekilde 3 kez kapandı.\n"
 "Yeniden başlatmak istiyor musunuz?"
-#: BOINCDialupManager.cpp:61
+#: clientgui/BOINCDialupManager.cpp:61
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - Network Status"
 msgstr "%s - Ağ Durumu"
-#: BOINCDialupManager.cpp:241
+#: clientgui/BOINCDialupManager.cpp:241
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "%s needs to connect to the Internet.\n"
@@ -777,22 +796,22 @@ msgstr ""
 "%s İnternete bağlanmaya ihtiyaç duyuyor.\n"
 "Bunu şimdi yapabilir mi?"
-#: BOINCDialupManager.cpp:254
+#: clientgui/BOINCDialupManager.cpp:254
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s is connecting to the Internet."
 msgstr "%s internete bağlanıyor."
-#: BOINCDialupManager.cpp:303
+#: clientgui/BOINCDialupManager.cpp:303
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s has successfully connected to the Internet."
 msgstr "%s başarıyla internete bağlandı."
-#: BOINCDialupManager.cpp:331
+#: clientgui/BOINCDialupManager.cpp:331
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s failed to connect to the Internet."
 msgstr "%s internete bağlanırken başarısız oldu."
-#: BOINCDialupManager.cpp:372
+#: clientgui/BOINCDialupManager.cpp:372
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "%s has detected it is now connected to the Internet.\n"
@@ -801,17 +820,17 @@ msgstr ""
 "%s şu anda internete bağlı olduğunuzu belirledi.\n"
 "Tüm projeler güncelleniyor ve aktarımlar gerçekleştiriliyor."
-#: BOINCDialupManager.cpp:417
+#: clientgui/BOINCDialupManager.cpp:417
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s has successfully disconnected from the Internet."
 msgstr "%s başarıyla internet bağlantısını kesti."
-#: BOINCDialupManager.cpp:433
+#: clientgui/BOINCDialupManager.cpp:433
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s failed to disconnected from the Internet."
 msgstr "%s internet bağlantısını keserken başarısız oldu."
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:339
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:595
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "You currently are not authorized to manage the client.\n"
@@ -833,7 +852,7 @@ msgstr ""
 "- sizi 'boinc_master' kullanıcı grubuna dahil etmesi için\n"
 "yöneticinizle temasa geçin."
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:345
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:601
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "%s ownership or permissions are not set properly; please reinstall %s.\n"
@@ -843,16 +862,15 @@ msgstr ""
 "(Hata kodu %d"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:351
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:607
 msgid " at "
 msgstr " at "
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:354 MainDocument.cpp:2484 MainDocument.cpp:2534
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2554 ViewTransfers.cpp:803
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:610
 msgid ")"
 msgstr ")"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:384
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:640
 msgid ""
 "A reboot is required in order for BOINC to run properly.\n"
 "Please reboot your computer and try again."
@@ -860,161 +878,163 @@ msgstr ""
 "BOINC'in doğru çalışması için yeniden başlatma gerekiyor.\n"
 "Bilgisayarınızı yeniden başlatın ve yeniden deneyin."
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:385 DlgAbout.cpp:153
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:641
 msgid "BOINC Manager"
 msgstr "BOINC Manager"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:572
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:902
 msgid "BOINC Manager was started by the operating system automatically"
 msgstr "BOINC Manager, işletim sistemi tarafından otomatik başlatılacak"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:574
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:904
 msgid "Startup BOINC so only the system tray icon is visible"
 msgstr "BOINC'i sadece sistem tepsisi simgesi görünecek şekilde başlat"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:576
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:906
 msgid "Directory containing the BOINC Client executable"
 msgstr "Klasör, BOINC İstemcisi çalıştırılabilir dosyalarını içerir"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:577
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:907
 msgid "BOINC data directory"
 msgstr "BOINC veri klasörü"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:579
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:909
 msgid "Host name or IP address"
 msgstr "Sunucu adı ya da IP adresi"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:580
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:910
 msgid "GUI RPC port number"
 msgstr "GUI RPC bağlantı noktası numarası"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:581
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:911
 msgid "Password"
 msgstr "Parola"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:582
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:912
 msgid "Startup BOINC with these optional arguments"
 msgstr "BOINC'i bu isteğe bağlı parametrelerle çalıştır"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:583
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:913
 msgid "disable BOINC security users and permissions"
 msgstr "BOINC güvenlik kullanıcılarını ve izinlerini devre dışı bırak"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:584
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:914
 msgid "set skin debugging mode to enable skin manager error messages"
 msgstr ""
 "görünüm yöneticisi hata mesajları için, görünüm hata ayıklama moduna geçin"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:585
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:915
 msgid "multiple instances of BOINC Manager allowed"
 msgstr "BOINC Manager'ın birden çok kopyasına izin verildi"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:587
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:917
 msgid "Not used: workaround for bug in XCode 4.2"
 msgstr "Kullanılmadı: XCode 4.2'deki hata için geçici çözüm"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:814
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:1164
 msgid "(Automatic Detection)"
 msgstr "(Otomatik Belirleme)"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:815
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:1165
 msgid "(Unknown)"
 msgstr "(Bilinmiyor)"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:816
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:1166
 msgid "(User Defined)"
 msgstr "(Kullanıcı Tanımlı)"
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:508
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:522
 #, c-format
 msgid "Open %s Web..."
 msgstr "%s Sitesini Aç..."
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:515
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:529
 #, c-format
 msgid "Open %s..."
 msgstr "%s'ı Aç..."
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:522 BOINCTaskBar.cpp:619 BOINCTaskBar.cpp:627
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:536
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:633
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:641
 msgid "Snooze"
 msgstr "Hesaplamayı bir süre ertele"
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:524 BOINCTaskBar.cpp:646 BOINCTaskBar.cpp:654
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:538
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:660
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:668
 msgid "Snooze GPU"
 msgstr "GPU ile hesaplamayı bir süre ertele"
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:542
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:556
 msgid "E&xit"
 msgstr "&Çık"
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:612 ViewProjects.cpp:718 ViewWork.cpp:795
-#: sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:758 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:110
-#: sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:102
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:626
 msgid "Resume"
 msgstr "Sürdür"
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:639
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:653
 msgid "Resume GPU"
 msgstr "GPU ile hesaplamayı sürdür"
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:713
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:727
 msgid "Computing is enabled"
 msgstr "Hesaplama devrede"
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:717
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:731
 msgid "Computing is suspended - "
 msgstr "Hesaplama durakladı - "
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:727
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:741
 msgid "GPU computing is enabled"
 msgstr "GPU ile hesaplama devrede"
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:730
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:744
 msgid "GPU computing is suspended - "
 msgstr "GPU ile hesaplama durakladı - "
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:739
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:753
 msgid "Network is enabled"
 msgstr "Ağ iletişimi devrede"
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:742
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:756
 msgid "Network is suspended - "
 msgstr "Ağ iletişimi durakladı - "
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:750
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:764
 msgid "Reconnecting to client."
 msgstr "İstemciye yeniden bağlanılıyor."
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:752
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:766
 msgid "Not connected to a client."
 msgstr "Bir istemciye bağlanmadı."
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:805
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:819
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s Notices"
 msgstr "%s Bildirimleri"
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:811
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:825
 msgid "There are new notices - click to view."
 msgstr "Yeni bildirimler var. Görmek için tıklayın."
-#: CompletionErrorPage.cpp:199
+#: clientgui/CompletionErrorPage.cpp:199
 msgid "Failed to add project"
 msgstr "Projeyi ekleme başarısız oldu"
-#: CompletionErrorPage.cpp:204
+#: clientgui/CompletionErrorPage.cpp:204
 msgid "Failed to update account manager"
 msgstr "Hesap yöneticisini güncelleme başarısız oldu"
-#: CompletionErrorPage.cpp:208
+#: clientgui/CompletionErrorPage.cpp:208
 msgid "Failed to remove account manager"
 msgstr "Hesap yöneticisini kaldırma başarısız oldu"
-#: CompletionErrorPage.cpp:212
+#: clientgui/CompletionErrorPage.cpp:212
 msgid "Failed to add account manager"
 msgstr "Hesap yöneticisini ekleme başarısız oldu"
-#: CompletionErrorPage.cpp:221
+#: clientgui/CompletionErrorPage.cpp:221
 msgid ""
 "Please try again later.\n"
@@ -1024,24 +1044,26 @@ msgstr ""
 "Kapatmak için Son'u tıklayın."
-#: CompletionErrorPage.cpp:225 CompletionPage.cpp:222 CompletionPage.cpp:242
-#: CompletionPage.cpp:273
+#: clientgui/CompletionErrorPage.cpp:225
+#: clientgui/CompletionPage.cpp:222
+#: clientgui/CompletionPage.cpp:242
+#: clientgui/CompletionPage.cpp:273
 msgid "Click Finish to close."
 msgstr "Kapatmak için Son'u tıklayın."
-#: CompletionErrorPage.cpp:234
+#: clientgui/CompletionErrorPage.cpp:234
 msgid "Messages from server:"
 msgstr "Sunucudan mesajlar:"
-#: CompletionPage.cpp:207
+#: clientgui/CompletionPage.cpp:207
 msgid "Project added"
 msgstr "Proje eklendi"
-#: CompletionPage.cpp:213
+#: clientgui/CompletionPage.cpp:213
 msgid "This project has been successfully added."
 msgstr "Bu proje başarıyla eklendi."
-#: CompletionPage.cpp:218
+#: clientgui/CompletionPage.cpp:218
 msgid ""
 "When you click Finish, your web browser will go to a page where\n"
 "you can set your account name and preferences."
@@ -1049,60 +1071,57 @@ msgstr ""
 "Son'u tıkladığınızda, internet tarayıcınız kullanıcı adı ve\n"
 "tercihlerinizi belirleyebileceğiniz siteyi açacak."
-#: CompletionPage.cpp:232
+#: clientgui/CompletionPage.cpp:232
 #, c-format
 msgid "Update from %s completed."
 msgstr "%s'den güncelleme tamamlandı."
-#: CompletionPage.cpp:236
+#: clientgui/CompletionPage.cpp:236
 msgid "Update completed."
 msgstr "Güncelleme tamamlandı."
-#: CompletionPage.cpp:247
+#: clientgui/CompletionPage.cpp:247
 msgid "Now using account manager"
 msgstr "Şu anda hesap yöneticisi kullanılıyor"
-#: CompletionPage.cpp:252
+#: clientgui/CompletionPage.cpp:252
 #, c-format
 msgid "Welcome to %s!"
 msgstr "%s'e hoş geldiniz!"
-#: CompletionPage.cpp:263
+#: clientgui/CompletionPage.cpp:263
 #, c-format
 msgid "You are now using %s to manage accounts."
 msgstr "Şu anda hesapları yönetmek için %s kullanıyorsunuz."
-#: CompletionPage.cpp:267
+#: clientgui/CompletionPage.cpp:267
 msgid "You are now using this account manager."
 msgstr "Şu anda bu hesap yöneticisini kullanıyorsunuz."
-#: DlgAbout.cpp:113 mac/Mac_GUI.cpp:96
+#: clientgui/DlgAbout.cpp:113
 #, c-format
 msgid "About %s"
 msgstr "%s Hakkında"
-#: DlgAbout.cpp:172
+#: clientgui/DlgAbout.cpp:172
 msgid "Version:"
 msgstr "Sürüm:"
-#: DlgAbout.cpp:180
+#: clientgui/DlgAbout.cpp:180
 msgid "wxWidgets Version:"
 msgstr "wxWidgets sürümü:"
-#: DlgAbout.cpp:188
+#: clientgui/DlgAbout.cpp:188
 msgid "Copyright:"
 msgstr "Telif hakkı:"
-# 98%
-#: DlgAbout.cpp:192
+#: clientgui/DlgAbout.cpp:192
 msgid ""
-"(C) 2003-2013 University of California, Berkeley.\n"
+"(C) 2003-2014 University of California, Berkeley.\n"
 "All Rights Reserved."
 msgstr ""
-"(C) 2003-2013 Kaliforniya Üniversitesi, Berkeley.\n"
-"Tüm hakları saklıdır."
-#: DlgAbout.cpp:196
+#: clientgui/DlgAbout.cpp:196
 msgid "Berkeley Open Infrastructure for Network Computing"
 msgstr ""
 "                 Türkçe çeviri: Aycan Demirel\n"
@@ -1110,65 +1129,70 @@ msgstr ""
 "Berkeley Open Infrastructure for Network Computing"
-#: DlgAbout.cpp:208 DlgExitMessage.cpp:173 DlgGenericMessage.cpp:120
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:396 DlgSelectComputer.cpp:163
+#: clientgui/DlgAbout.cpp:208
+#: clientgui/DlgExitMessage.cpp:173
+#: clientgui/DlgGenericMessage.cpp:120
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:399
+#: clientgui/DlgSelectComputer.cpp:163
 msgid "&OK"
 msgstr "&Tamam"
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:544
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:602
 msgid "invalid number"
 msgstr "geçersiz sayı"
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:545
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:603
 msgid "invalid time, format is HH:MM"
 msgstr "geçersiz saat, biçim SS:DD şeklinde olmalı"
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:546
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:604
 msgid "invalid time interval, format is HH:MM-HH:MM"
 msgstr "geçersiz saat aralığı, biçim SS:DD-SS:DD şeklinde olmalı"
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:751
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:817
 msgid "invalid input value detected"
 msgstr "geçersiz giriş değeri belirlendi"
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:753
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:819
 msgid "Validation Error"
 msgstr "Doğrulama Hatası"
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:885 DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:891
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:897
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:969
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:975
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:981
 msgid "Applications to add"
 msgstr "Uygulama ekle"
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:914
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:998
 #, c-format
 msgid "'%s' is not an executable application."
 msgstr "'%s' çalıştırılabilir bir uygulama değil."
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:915 DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:962
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:986
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:999
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:1046
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:1070
 msgid "Add Exclusive App"
 msgstr "Ayrıcalıklı Uygulama Ekle"
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:927
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:1011
 msgid "Name of application to add?"
 msgstr "Eklenecek uygulamanın ismi?"
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:927
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:1011
 msgid "Add exclusive app"
 msgstr "Ayrıcalıklı uygulama ekle"
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:961
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:1045
 #, c-format
 msgid "Application names must end with '%s'"
 msgstr "Uygulama isimleri mutlaka '%s' ile bitmelidir"
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:985
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:1069
 #, c-format
 msgid "'%s' is already in the list."
 msgstr "'%s' zaten listede."
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:1077
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:1161
 msgid ""
 "Do you really want to clear all local preferences?\n"
 "(This will not affect exclusive applications.)"
@@ -1176,16 +1200,16 @@ msgstr ""
 "Tüm yerel tercihleri kaldırmak istediğinize emin misiniz?\n"
 "(Bu, ayrıcalıklı uygulama listesini silmeyecektir.)"
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:1078 sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:1030
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:1162
 msgid "Confirmation"
 msgstr "Onaylama"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:46 sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:946
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:49
 #, c-format
-msgid "%s - Preferences"
-msgstr "%s - Tercihler"
+msgid "%s - Computing preferences"
+msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:62
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:66
 msgid ""
 "This dialog controls preferences for this computer only.\n"
 "Click OK to set preferences.\n"
@@ -1196,287 +1220,298 @@ msgstr ""
 "İnternet tabanlı ayarlarınıza dönmek için 'Temizle'yi tıklayın (ayrıcalıklı "
 "uygulama listesi silinmez)."
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:65 sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:428
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:69
 msgid "Clear"
 msgstr "Temizle"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:66
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:70
 msgid "clear all local preferences and close the dialog"
 msgstr "tüm yerel tercihleri temizler ve pencereyi kapatır"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:81
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:85
 msgid "processor usage"
 msgstr "işlemci kullanımı"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:84
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:88
 msgid "network usage"
 msgstr "ağ kullanımı"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:87
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:91
 msgid "disk and memory usage"
 msgstr "disk ve bellek kullanımı"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:90
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:94
 msgid "exclusive applications"
 msgstr "ayrıcalıklı uygulamalar"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:102 sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:424
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:107
+#: clientgui/DlgDiagnosticLogFlags.cpp:104
 msgid "OK"
 msgstr "Tamam"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:103
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:108
 msgid "save all values and close the dialog"
 msgstr "tüm değişiklikleri kaydeder ve pencereyi kapatır"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:108
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:114
 msgid "close the dialog without saving"
 msgstr "değişiklikleri kaydetmeden pencereyi kapatır"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:112 Localization.cpp:35 Localization.cpp:121
-#: Localization.cpp:139 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:794 sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:439
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:118
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:35
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:121
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:139
 msgid "Help"
 msgstr "Yardım"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:113
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:119
 msgid "shows the preferences web page"
 msgstr "Tercihler internet sayfasını görüntüler"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:135
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:141
 msgid "Computing allowed"
 msgstr "Hesaplama izinleri"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:139
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:146
 msgid "While computer is on batteries"
 msgstr "Bilgisayarım pil gücündeyken hesaplama çalışsın"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:142
-msgid ""
-"check this if you want this computer to do work while it runs on batteries"
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:149
+msgid "check this if you want this computer to do work while it runs on batteries"
 msgstr ""
 "bilgisayarınız pille çalışırken hesaplamaların çalışmasını istiyorsanız bunu "
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:148
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:155
 msgid "While computer is in use"
 msgstr "Bilgisayarımı kullanırken işlemci ile hesaplama çalışsın"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:151
-msgid ""
-"check this if you want this computer to do work even when you're using it"
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:158
+msgid "check this if you want this computer to do work even when you're using it"
 msgstr ""
 "BOINC normalde bilgisayar boştayken çalışır. Bilgisayarınızı kullandığınız "
 "sırada da işlemci (CPU) ile hesaplamanın çalışmasını istiyorsanız bunu "
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:157
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:164
 msgid "Use GPU while computer is in use"
 msgstr "Bilgisayarımı kullanırken ekran kartı ile hesaplama çalışsın"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:160
-msgid ""
-"check this if you want your GPU to do work even when you're using the "
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:167
+msgid "check this if you want your GPU to do work even when you're using the computer"
 msgstr ""
 "BOINC normalde bilgisayar boştayken çalışır. Bilgisayarınızı kullandığınız "
 "sırada da ekran kartınızla (GPU) hesaplamanın çalışmasını istiyorsanız bunu "
 "işaretleyin (bazı ekran kartlarıyla sistemde yavaşlama yaratabilir)"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:172
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:179
 msgid "Only after computer has been idle for"
 msgstr "Yalnızca bilgisayarım bu süre kadar boşta kaldığında:"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:182
-msgid ""
-"do work only after you haven't used the computer for this number of minutes"
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:188
+msgid "do work only after you haven't used the computer for this number of minutes"
 msgstr ""
 "bilgisayarınızı kaç dakika kullanılmadığınızda (klavye ve fare hareketi "
 "olmadığında) hesaplamanın başlamasını istediğinizi belirleyin"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:187 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:336
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:417
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:193
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:342
 msgid "minutes"
 msgstr "dakika"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:206
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:212
 msgid "While processor usage is less than"
 msgstr "İşlemci kullanımı bu orandan azsa:"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:216
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:221
 msgid "suspend work if processor usage exceeds this level"
 msgstr ""
 "BOINC dışındaki diğer programların işlemci kullanımı bu seviyeyi aşarsa, "
 "hesaplama duraklatılır"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:221
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:226
 msgid "percent (0 means no restriction)"
 msgstr "% (sınırlamayı kaldırmak için 0 yazın)"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:235 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:496
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:240
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:506
 msgid "Every day between hours of"
 msgstr "Her gün bu saatler arasında:"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:239
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:244
 msgid "start work at this time"
 msgstr "bu saatte hesaplamayı başlat"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:243 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:504
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:326 sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:348
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:248
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:514
 msgid "and"
 msgstr "ve"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:247
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:252
 msgid "stop work at this time"
 msgstr "bu saatte hesaplamayı durdur"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:251 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:512
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:256
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:522
 msgid "(no restriction if equal)"
 msgstr "(birbirine eşitse, sınırlama ortadan kalkar)"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:256 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:517
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:261
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:527
 msgid "Day-of-week override:"
 msgstr "Haftanın günlerinde sınırlamalar:"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:261 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:522
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:266
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:532
 msgid "check box to specify hours for this day of week"
 msgstr ""
 "haftanın belli günlerindeki çalışma saatlerini belirlemek için kutuları "
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:267 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:528
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:272
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:538
 msgid "Monday"
 msgstr "Pazartesi"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:274 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:535
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:279
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:545
 msgid "Tuesday"
 msgstr "Salı"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:281 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:542
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:286
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:552
 msgid "Wednesday"
 msgstr "Çarşamba"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:288 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:549
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:293
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:559
 msgid "Thursday"
 msgstr "Perşembe"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:295 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:556
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:300
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:566
 msgid "Friday"
 msgstr "Cuma"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:302 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:563
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:307
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:573
 msgid "Saturday"
 msgstr "Cumartesi"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:309 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:570
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:314
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:580
 msgid "Sunday"
 msgstr "Pazar"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:323
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:328
 msgid "Other options"
 msgstr "Diğer seçenekler"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:330
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:336
 msgid "Switch between applications every"
 msgstr "Bu kadar sürede bir, çalışan uygulamayı değiştir:"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:339
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:345
 msgid "On multiprocessor systems, use at most"
 msgstr "Çok çekirdekli sistemlerde çekirdeklerin en çok"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:346
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:352
 #, no-c-format
-msgid "% of the processors (0 means ignore this setting)"
-msgstr "% kadarı kullanılsın (ayarlamayı iptal etmek için 0 yazın)"
+msgid "% of the processors (0 means no restriction)"
+msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:349 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:605
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:627 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:648
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:669 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:679
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:355
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:618
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:640
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:661
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:683
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:694
 msgid "Use at most"
 msgstr "En çok"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:356
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:362
 #, no-c-format
-msgid "% CPU time"
-msgstr "% kadar işlemci gücü kullanılsın"
+msgid "% of CPU time (0 means no restriction)"
+msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:378
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:386
 msgid "General options"
 msgstr "Genel seçenekler"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:386
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:395
 msgid "Maximum download rate"
 msgstr "En yüksek indirme hızı:"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:392 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:401
-msgid "KBytes/sec."
-msgstr "KBayt/sn"
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:401
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:410
+msgid "KBytes/second (0 means no restriction)"
+msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:395
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:404
 msgid "Maximum upload rate"
 msgstr "En yüksek gönderme hızı:"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:406
-msgid "Transfer at most"
-msgstr "İnternet kullanım kotası:"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:412
-msgid "Mbytes"
-msgstr "MB"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:415
-msgid "every"
-msgstr "her"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:421 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:444
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:463
-msgid "days"
-msgstr "günlük"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:429
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:417
 msgid "Minimum work buffer"
 msgstr "En az bu kadar yetecek iş indirilsin:"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:438
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:425
 msgid "Try to maintain enough tasks to keep busy for this many days"
 msgstr "En az bu kadar gün boyunca yetecek miktarda iş indirilir"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:450
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:431
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:449
+msgid "days (maximum value: 10)"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:437
 msgid "Max additional work buffer"
 msgstr "En çok bu sürede tüketilebilecek iş indir:"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:459
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:445
 msgid "In addition, maintain enough tasks for up to this many days"
 msgstr ""
 "Bunun yanında, en çok bu kadar günde tüketilebilecek miktarda iş indirilir"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:466
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:454
+msgid "Transfer at most"
+msgstr "İnternet kullanım kotası:"
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:462
+msgid "MBytes every"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:468
+msgid "days (0 means no restriction)"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:476
 msgid "Skip image file verification"
 msgstr "Resim dosyasıyla doğrulamayı atla"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:468
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:478
 msgid "check this if your Internet provider modifies image files"
 msgstr "internet sağlayıcınız resim dosyalarını değiştiriyorsa bunu işaretleyin"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:476
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:484
 msgid "Connect options"
 msgstr "Bağlanma seçenekleri"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:478
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:487
 msgid "Confirm before connecting to internet"
 msgstr "Internete bağlanmadan önce onay iste"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:480
-msgid ""
-"if checked, a confirmation dialog will be displayed before trying to connect "
-"to the Internet"
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:489
+msgid "if checked, a confirmation dialog will be displayed before trying to connect to the Internet"
 msgstr ""
 "işaretlerseniz, internet bağlantısı kurulmaya çalışılmadan önce sizden onay "
 "isteyen bir mesaj belirir"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:484
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:493
 msgid "Disconnect when done"
 msgstr "Tamamlandığında bağlantıyı kes"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:486
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:495
 msgid ""
 "if checked, BOINC hangs up when network usage is done\n"
 "(only relevant for dialup-connection)"
@@ -1484,194 +1519,219 @@ msgstr ""
 "işaretlenirse, ağ kullanımı tamamlandığında BOINC hattı kapatır\n"
 "(yalnızca uygun çevirmeli bağlantılar için)"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:492
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:501
 msgid "Network usage allowed"
 msgstr "Ağ kullanım izinleri"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:500
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:510
 msgid "network usage start hour"
 msgstr "ağ kullanımı başlangıç saati"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:508
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:518
 msgid "network usage stop hour"
 msgstr "ağ kullanımı bitiş saati"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:598 DlgItemProperties.cpp:231
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:610
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:257
 msgid "Disk usage"
 msgstr "Disk kullanımı"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:609
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:622
 msgid "the maximum disk space used by BOINC (in Gigabytes)"
 msgstr "BOINC, disk alanının gigabayt olarak en çok bu kadarını kullanabilecek"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:613
-msgid "Gigabytes disk space"
-msgstr "GB disk alanı kullanılsın"
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:626
+msgid "Gigabytes disk space (0 means no restriction)"
+msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:616
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:629
 msgid "Leave at least"
 msgstr "En az"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:620
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:633
 msgid "BOINC leaves at least this amount of disk space free (in Gigabytes)"
 msgstr "BOINC, disk dolarsa en az bu miktarda disk alanını boş bırakacak"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:624
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:637
 msgid "Gigabytes disk space free"
 msgstr "GB disk alanı boş kalsın"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:631
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:644
 msgid "BOINC uses at most this percentage of total disk space"
 msgstr "BOINC, disk alanının yüzde olarak en çok bu kadarını kullanabilecek"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:636
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:649
 #, no-c-format
 msgid "% of total disk space"
 msgstr "% kadar disk alanı kullanılsın"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:639
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:652
 msgid "Tasks checkpoint to disk at most every"
 msgstr "İşler, kontrol noktasını diske en fazla"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:645
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:658
 msgid "seconds"
 msgstr "saniyede bir kaydetsin"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:655
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:668
 #, no-c-format
 msgid "% of page file (swap space)"
 msgstr "% kadar sanal bellek (swap alanı) kullanılsın"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:662
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:675
 msgid "Memory usage"
 msgstr "Bellek (RAM) kullanımı"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:676
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:691
 #, no-c-format
 msgid "% when computer is in use"
 msgstr "% kadar bellek kullanılsın (bilgisayarımı kullanırken)"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:686
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:701
 #, no-c-format
 msgid "% when computer is idle"
 msgstr "% kadar bellek kullanılsın (bilgisayarım boştayken)"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:691
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:706
 msgid "Leave applications in memory while suspended"
 msgstr "Durakladığında uygulamaları bellekte bırak"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:693
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:708
 msgid "if checked, suspended work units are left in memory"
 msgstr ""
 "işaretlenirse, duraklamış işlerin uygulamaları kapatılmaz ve bellekte "
 "kalmayı sürdürür"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:713
-msgid ""
-"Suspend processor and network usage when these applications are running:"
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:728
+msgid "Suspend processor and network usage when these applications are running:"
 msgstr "Bu uygulamalar çalışırken, işlemci ve ağ kullanımı duraklatılacak:"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:722
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:738
 msgid "Add..."
 msgstr "Ekle..."
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:723
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:739
 msgid "Add an application to this list"
 msgstr "Bu listeye bir uygulama ekle"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:728 ViewProjects.cpp:202
-#: sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:85
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:744
 msgid "Remove"
 msgstr "Kaldır"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:729
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:745
 msgid "Remove an application from this list"
 msgstr "Bu listeden bir uygulama kaldır"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:738
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:754
 msgid "For advanced options, refer to "
 msgstr "Gelişmiş seçenekler için, lütfen ziyaret edin:  "
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:219
+#: clientgui/DlgDiagnosticLogFlags.cpp:65
+#, c-format
+msgid "%s Diagnostic Log Flags"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/DlgDiagnosticLogFlags.cpp:83
+msgid "These flags enable various types of diagnostic messages in the Event Log."
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/DlgDiagnosticLogFlags.cpp:105
+msgid "Save all values and close the dialog"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/DlgDiagnosticLogFlags.cpp:108
+msgid "Defaults"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/DlgDiagnosticLogFlags.cpp:109
+msgid "Restore default settings"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/DlgDiagnosticLogFlags.cpp:113
+msgid "Close the dialog without saving"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:226
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - Event Log"
 msgstr "%s - Olay Günlüğü"
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:232 ViewMessages.cpp:117 ViewProjects.cpp:219
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:435 ViewStatistics.cpp:2009 ViewTransfers.cpp:182
-#: ViewWork.cpp:232
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:236
 msgid "Project"
 msgstr "Proje"
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:233 ViewMessages.cpp:118
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:237
 msgid "Time"
 msgstr "Zaman"
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:234 ViewMessages.cpp:119
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:238
 msgid "Message"
 msgstr "Mesaj"
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:290 DlgEventLog.cpp:354
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:300
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:364
 msgid "&Show only this project"
 msgstr "&Yalnızca bu projeyi göster"
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:294
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:304
 msgid "Copy &All"
 msgstr "&Tümünü kopyala"
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:296 DlgEventLog.cpp:300 ViewMessages.cpp:89
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:306
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:310
 msgid "Copy all the messages to the clipboard."
 msgstr "Tüm mesajları panoya kopyalar."
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:305
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:315
 msgid "Copy &Selected"
 msgstr "&Seçili mesajları kopyala"
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:308 DlgEventLog.cpp:316 ViewMessages.cpp:97
-msgid ""
-"Copy the selected messages to the clipboard. You can select multiple "
-"messages by holding down the shift or command key while clicking on messages."
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:318
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:326
+msgid "Copy the selected messages to the clipboard. You can select multiple messages by holding down the shift or command key while clicking on messages."
 msgstr ""
 "Seçili mesajları panoya kopyalar. Shift ya da komut düğmelerine basıp\n"
 "mesajların üzerine tıklayarak, çok sayıda mesajı seçebilirsiniz."
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:310 DlgEventLog.cpp:318 ViewMessages.cpp:99
-msgid ""
-"Copy the selected messages to the clipboard. You can select multiple "
-"messages by holding down the shift or control key while clicking on messages."
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:320
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:328
+msgid "Copy the selected messages to the clipboard. You can select multiple messages by holding down the shift or control key while clicking on messages."
 msgstr ""
 "Seçili mesajları panoya kopyalar. Shift ya da Ctrl düğmelerine basıp\n"
 "mesajların üzerine tıklayarak, çok sayıda mesajı seçebilirsiniz."
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:325 DlgItemProperties.cpp:67
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:335
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:67
 msgid "&Close"
 msgstr "&Kapat"
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:334 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:798 sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:442
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:344
 #, c-format
 msgid "Get help with %s"
 msgstr "%s ile yardım alın"
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:348
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:358
 msgid "Show all &messages"
 msgstr "&Tüm mesajları göster"
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:349 DlgEventLog.cpp:351
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:359
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:361
 msgid "Show messages for all projects"
 msgstr "Tüm projelere ait mesajları gösterir."
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:355 DlgEventLog.cpp:357
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:365
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:367
 msgid "Show only the messages for the selected project"
 msgstr ""
 "Yalnızca şu anda seçili projeye ait mesajları ve BOINC'in genel mesajlarını "
-#: DlgExitMessage.cpp:82
+#: clientgui/DlgExitMessage.cpp:82
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - Exit Confirmation"
 msgstr "%s - Çıkış Onaylama"
-#: DlgExitMessage.cpp:130
+#: clientgui/DlgExitMessage.cpp:130
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "You have requested to exit the %s,\n"
@@ -1688,7 +1748,7 @@ msgstr ""
 "Çıktığınızda bilimsel uygulamaların da kapanmasını\n"
 "istiyorsanız, aşağıdaki seçenekleri işaretleyin:"
-#: DlgExitMessage.cpp:135
+#: clientgui/DlgExitMessage.cpp:135
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "This will shut down %s and its tasks until either the\n"
@@ -1706,399 +1766,425 @@ msgstr ""
 "işleri ve zamanlanmış görevleri tercihlerinizde belirlediğiniz\n"
 "şekilde çalıştırabilir."
-#: DlgExitMessage.cpp:153
+#: clientgui/DlgExitMessage.cpp:153
 #, c-format
 msgid "Stop running tasks when exiting the %s"
 msgstr "%s'dan çıkarken, çalışan bilimsel uygulamaları da durdur"
-#: DlgExitMessage.cpp:165
+#: clientgui/DlgExitMessage.cpp:165
 msgid "Remember this decision and do not show this dialog."
 msgstr "Seçimimi hatırla ve tekrar sorma"
-#: DlgExitMessage.cpp:178 DlgGenericMessage.cpp:125 DlgOptions.cpp:401
-#: DlgSelectComputer.cpp:168 wizardex.cpp:378
+#: clientgui/DlgExitMessage.cpp:178
+#: clientgui/DlgGenericMessage.cpp:125
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:404
+#: clientgui/DlgSelectComputer.cpp:168
 msgid "&Cancel"
 msgstr "&İptal"
-#: DlgGenericMessage.cpp:112
+#: clientgui/DlgGenericMessage.cpp:112
 msgid "Don't show this dialog again."
 msgstr "Bu pencereyi tekrar gösterme."
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:168 DlgItemProperties.cpp:171
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:174 DlgItemProperties.cpp:177
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:194
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:197
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:200
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:203
 msgid "Don't fetch tasks for "
 msgstr "Bunun için işler indirme: "
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:168
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:194
 msgid "Project preference"
 msgstr "Proje tercihleri"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:171
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:197
 msgid "Account manager preference"
 msgstr "Hesap yöneticisi tercihi"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:174
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:200
 msgid "Project has no apps for "
 msgstr "Projenin bunun için uygulaması bulunmuyor: "
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:177
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:203
 msgid "Client configuration excludes "
 msgstr "İstemci yapılandırması bunu içermez: "
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:181
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:207
 msgid " work fetch deferred for"
 msgstr " iş indirme ertelendi"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:182
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:208
 msgid " work fetch deferral interval"
 msgstr " iş indirme erteleme aralığı"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:213
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:239
 msgid "Properties of project "
 msgstr "Projenin özellikleri: "
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:217 DlgOptions.cpp:218
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:243
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:221
 msgid "General"
 msgstr "Genel"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:218
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:244
 msgid "Master URL"
 msgstr "Ana URL"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:219
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:245
 msgid "User name"
 msgstr "Kullanıcı adı"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:220
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:246
 msgid "Team name"
 msgstr "Takım adı"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:221 ViewProjects.cpp:224
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:247
 msgid "Resource share"
 msgstr "Kaynak paylaşımı"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:223
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:249
 msgid "Scheduler RPC deferred for"
 msgstr "Zamanlanmış RPC ertelendi"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:226
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:252
 msgid "File downloads deferred for"
 msgstr "Dosya indirmeler ertelendi"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:229
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:255
 msgid "File uploads deferred for"
 msgstr "Dosya göndermeler ertelendi"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:232
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:258
 msgid "Computer ID"
 msgstr "Bilgisayar ID"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:234
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:260
 msgid "Non CPU intensive"
 msgstr "CPU-yoğun değil"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:234 DlgItemProperties.cpp:236
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:237 DlgItemProperties.cpp:239
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:242 DlgItemProperties.cpp:251
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:254 DlgItemProperties.cpp:257
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:260
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:262
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:263
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:265
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:268
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:277
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:280
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:283
 msgid "yes"
 msgstr "evet"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:236
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:262
 msgid "Suspended via GUI"
 msgstr "Grafik arabirimi (GUI) ile durduruldu"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:236 DlgItemProperties.cpp:237
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:262
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:263
 msgid "no"
 msgstr "hayır"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:237
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:263
 msgid "Don't request more work"
 msgstr "Daha fazla iş isteme"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:239
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:265
 msgid "Scheduler call in progress"
 msgstr "Zamanlanmış çağrı sürmekte"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:242
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:268
 msgid "Trickle-up pending"
 msgstr "İş ilerleme kuyruğu"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:245 DlgItemProperties.cpp:247
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:271
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:273
 msgid "Host location"
 msgstr "Sunucu konumu"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:247
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:273
 msgid "default"
 msgstr "varsayılan"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:251
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:277
 msgid "Added via account manager"
 msgstr "Hesap yöneticisi aracılığıyla eklendi"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:254
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:280
 msgid "Remove when tasks done"
 msgstr "İşler tamamlandığında kaldır"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:257
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:283
 msgid "Ended"
 msgstr "Sonlandı"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:259
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:285
+msgid "Tasks completed"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:286
+msgid "Tasks failed"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:288
 msgid "Credit"
 msgstr "Kredi"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:260
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:289
 msgid "User"
 msgstr "Kullanıcı"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:267
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:296
 msgid "Host"
 msgstr "Bilgisayar"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:276
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:305
 msgid "Scheduling"
 msgstr "Zamanlama"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:277
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:306
 msgid "Scheduling priority"
 msgstr "Zamanlama önceliği"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:278
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:307
 msgid "CPU"
 msgstr "CPU"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:302
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:331
 msgid "Duration correction factor"
 msgstr "Süre düzeltme faktörü"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:316
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:345
 msgid "Properties of task "
 msgstr "İşin özellikleri: "
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:328 ViewWork.cpp:238
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:357
 msgid "Application"
 msgstr "Uygulama"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:329 ViewWork.cpp:239
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:358
 msgid "Name"
 msgstr "İsim"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:330
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:359
 msgid "State"
 msgstr "Durum"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:333
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:362
 msgid "Received"
 msgstr "Alınma zamanı"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:336
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:365
 msgid "Report deadline"
 msgstr "Son teslim zamanı"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:338
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:367
 msgid "Resources"
 msgstr "Kullandığı kaynaklar"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:341
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:370
 msgid "Estimated computation size"
 msgstr "Tahmini hesaplama miktarı"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:344
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:373
 msgid "CPU time at last checkpoint"
 msgstr "Kontrol noktasındaki CPU zamanı"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:345 DlgItemProperties.cpp:360
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:374
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:389
 msgid "CPU time"
 msgstr "CPU zamanı"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:347 DlgItemProperties.cpp:361
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:376
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:390
 msgid "Elapsed time"
 msgstr "Geçen süre"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:349
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:378
 msgid "Estimated time remaining"
 msgstr "Tahmini kalan süre"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:350
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:379
 msgid "Fraction done"
 msgstr "Tamamlanan bölüm"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:351
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:380
 msgid "Virtual memory size"
 msgstr "Sanal bellek kullanımı"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:352
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:381
 msgid "Working set size"
 msgstr "Fiziksel bellek kullanımı"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:354
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:383
 msgid "Directory"
 msgstr "Bulunduğu klasör"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:357
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:386
 msgid "Process ID"
 msgstr "İşlem ID"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:427 ViewWork.cpp:1032 sg_TaskPanel.cpp:823
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:456
 msgid "Local: "
 msgstr "Yerel:"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:129 DlgOptions.cpp:135
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:129
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:135
 msgid "Options"
 msgstr "Seçenekler"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:175
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:178
 msgid "Language:"
 msgstr "Dil:"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:182
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:185
 msgid "What language should BOINC use?"
 msgstr "BOINC Manager'ı hangi dilde kullanmak istediğinizi seçin."
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:186
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:189
 msgid "Notice reminder interval:"
 msgstr "Bildirim hatırlatma sıklığı:"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:193
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:196
 msgid "How often should BOINC remind you of new notices?"
 msgstr ""
 "BOINC Manager'ın, yeni bildirimler olduğunu size ne kadar sürede bir "
 "hatırlatmasını istediğinizi belirleyin."
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:198
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:201
 msgid "Run Manager at login?"
 msgstr "Açılışta BOINC Manager'ı çalıştır"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:204
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:207
 msgid "Run the BOINC Manager when you log on."
 msgstr ""
 "İşaretlerseniz, bilgisayarda oturum açtığınızda BOINC Manager otomatik "
 "olarak çalışır."
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:209
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:212
 msgid "Enable Manager exit dialog?"
 msgstr "BOINC Manager'dan çıkarken sor"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:215
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:218
 msgid "Display the exit dialog when shutting down the Manager."
 msgstr ""
 "İşaretlerseniz, BOINC Manager'ı kapatırken bunu onaylamanızı isteyen bir "
 "pencere belirir."
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:226
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:229
 msgid "Dial-up and Virtual Private Network settings"
 msgstr "Çevirmeli bağlantı ve Sanal Özel Ağ (VPN) ayarları"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:240
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:243
 msgid "&Set Default"
 msgstr "&Varsayılan Yap"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:245
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:248
 msgid "&Clear Default"
 msgstr "&Varsayılanı Kaldır"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:252
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:255
 msgid "Default Connection:"
 msgstr "Varsayılan Bağlantı:"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:259
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:262
 msgid "Connections"
 msgstr "Bağlantılar"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:268
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:271
 msgid "Connect via HTTP proxy server"
 msgstr "HTTP vekil sunucu (proxy) aracılığıyla bağlan"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:272
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:275
 msgid "HTTP Proxy Server Configuration"
 msgstr "HTTP Vekil Sunucu Yapılandırması"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:280 DlgOptions.cpp:344
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:283
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:347
 msgid "Address:"
 msgstr "Adres:"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:288 DlgOptions.cpp:352 ProxyPage.cpp:340 ProxyPage.cpp:360
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:291
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:355
 msgid "Port:"
 msgstr "Bağlantı noktası:"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:296 DlgOptions.cpp:360
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:299
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:363
 msgid "Don't use proxy for:"
 msgstr "Burası için vekil sunucu kullanma:"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:303 DlgOptions.cpp:367
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:306
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:370
 msgid "Leave these blank if not needed"
 msgstr "Gerekli değilse bu bölümü boş bırakın"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:309 DlgOptions.cpp:373 ProxyPage.cpp:343 ProxyPage.cpp:363
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:312
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:376
 msgid "User Name:"
 msgstr "Kullanıcı adı:"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:317 DlgOptions.cpp:381 DlgSelectComputer.cpp:152
-#: ProxyPage.cpp:346 ProxyPage.cpp:366
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:320
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:384
+#: clientgui/DlgSelectComputer.cpp:152
 msgid "Password:"
 msgstr "Parola:"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:324
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:327
 msgid "HTTP Proxy"
 msgstr "HTTP Proxy"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:332
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:335
 msgid "Connect via SOCKS proxy server"
 msgstr "SOCKS vekil sunucu (proxy) aracılığıyla bağlan"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:336
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:339
 msgid "SOCKS Proxy Server Configuration"
 msgstr "SOCKS Vekil Sunucu Yapılandırması"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:388
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:391
 msgid "SOCKS Proxy"
 msgstr "SOCKS Proxy"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:586
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:589
 msgid "always"
 msgstr "her zaman"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:587
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:590
 msgid "1 hour"
 msgstr "her saat"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:588
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:591
 msgid "6 hours"
 msgstr "6 saatte bir"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:589
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:592
 msgid "1 day"
 msgstr "günde bir"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:590
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:593
 msgid "1 week"
 msgstr "haftada bir"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:591
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:594
 msgid "never"
 msgstr "asla"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:688
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:691
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - Language Selection"
 msgstr "%s - Dil Seçimi"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:695
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:698
 #, c-format
-msgid ""
-"The %s's language has been changed.  In order for this change to take "
-"effect, you must restart the %s."
+msgid "The %s's language has been changed.  In order for this change to take effect, you must restart the %s."
 msgstr ""
 "%s'ın varsayılan dili değişti.  Değişikliğin etkili olması için %s yeniden "
-#: DlgSelectComputer.cpp:91
+#: clientgui/DlgSelectComputer.cpp:91
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - Select Computer"
 msgstr "%s - Bilgisayar Seç ve Bağlan"
-#: DlgSelectComputer.cpp:125
+#: clientgui/DlgSelectComputer.cpp:125
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "Another instance of %s is already running \n"
@@ -2107,422 +2193,424 @@ msgstr ""
 "%s'ın başka bir kopyası şu anda bu bilgisayarda\n"
 "zaten çalışıyor.  Lütfen izlemek için bir istemci seçin."
-#: DlgSelectComputer.cpp:143
+#: clientgui/DlgSelectComputer.cpp:143
 msgid "Host name:"
 msgstr "Sunucu adı:"
-#: Localization.cpp:31 Localization.cpp:69
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:31
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:69
 msgid "Message boards"
 msgstr "Forum sayfaları"
-#: Localization.cpp:33
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:33
 msgid "Correspond with other users on the SETI at home message boards"
 msgstr ""
 "Diğer kullanıcılarla SETI at home forum sayfaları aracılığıyla iletişim kurun"
-#: Localization.cpp:37
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:37
 msgid "Ask questions and report problems"
 msgstr "Sorular sorun ve problemleri bildirin"
-#: Localization.cpp:39 Localization.cpp:81 Localization.cpp:111
-#: Localization.cpp:129
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:39
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:81
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:111
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:129
 msgid "Your account"
 msgstr "Hesabınız"
-#: Localization.cpp:41 Localization.cpp:87 Localization.cpp:113
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:41
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:87
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:113
 msgid "View your account information and credit totals"
 msgstr "Hesap bilgilerinizi ve toplam kredinizi görüntüleyin"
-#: Localization.cpp:43
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:43
 msgid "Your preferences"
 msgstr "Tercihleriniz"
-#: Localization.cpp:45
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:45
 msgid "View and modify your SETI at home account profile and preferences"
 msgstr "SETI at home hesap profili ve tercihlerini görüp değiştirin"
-#: Localization.cpp:47 Localization.cpp:89
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:47
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:89
 msgid "Your results"
 msgstr "Sonuçlarınız"
-#: Localization.cpp:49 Localization.cpp:91
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:49
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:91
 msgid "View your last week (or more) of computational results and work"
 msgstr ""
 "Son haftaya ait (ya da daha eski) hesaplama sonuçlarınızı ve işlerinizi "
-#: Localization.cpp:51 Localization.cpp:93
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:51
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:93
 msgid "Your computers"
 msgstr "Bilgisayarlarınız"
-#: Localization.cpp:53
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:53
 msgid "View a listing of all the computers on which you are running SETI at Home"
 msgstr "SETI at Home çalıştırdığınız tüm bilgisayarların listesini görün"
-#: Localization.cpp:55 Localization.cpp:97
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:55
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:97
 msgid "Your team"
 msgstr "Takımınız"
-#: Localization.cpp:57 Localization.cpp:99
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:57
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:99
 msgid "View information about your team"
 msgstr "Takımınız hakkındaki bilgileri görüntüleyin"
-#: Localization.cpp:61
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:61
 msgid "Common questions"
 msgstr "Çeşitli sorular"
-#: Localization.cpp:63
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:63
 msgid "Read the Einstein at Home Frequently Asked Question list"
 msgstr "Einstein at Home Sık Sorulan Sorular listesini okuyun"
-#: Localization.cpp:65
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:65
 msgid "Screensaver info"
 msgstr "Ekran koruyucu bilgisi"
-#: Localization.cpp:67
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:67
 msgid "Read a detailed description of the Einstein at Home screensaver"
 msgstr "Einstein at Home ekran koruyucusunun detaylı açıklamalarını okuyun"
-#: Localization.cpp:71
-msgid ""
-"Correspond with admins and other users on the Einstein at Home message boards"
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:71
+msgid "Correspond with admins and other users on the Einstein at Home message boards"
 msgstr ""
 "Yöneticiler ve başka kullanıcılarla Einstein at Home forumlarında mesajlaşın"
-#: Localization.cpp:73
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:73
 msgid "Einstein status"
 msgstr "Einstein durumu"
-#: Localization.cpp:75
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:75
 msgid "Current status of the Einstein at Home server"
 msgstr "Einstein at Home sunucusunun şu anki durumu"
-#: Localization.cpp:77
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:77
 msgid "Report problems"
 msgstr "Sorunları bildir"
-#: Localization.cpp:79
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:79
 msgid "A link to the Einstein at Home problems and bug reports message board"
 msgstr "Einstein at Home problemleri ve hata raporları forumuna kısa yol"
-#: Localization.cpp:83
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:83
 msgid "View and modify your Einstein at Home account profile and preferences"
 msgstr "Einstein at Home hesap profilinizi ve tercihlerinizi görün ve değiştirin"
-#: Localization.cpp:85
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:85
 msgid "Account summary"
 msgstr "Hesap özeti"
-#: Localization.cpp:95
-msgid ""
-"View a listing of all the computers on which you are running Einstein at Home"
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:95
+msgid "View a listing of all the computers on which you are running Einstein at Home"
 msgstr "Einstein at Home çalıştırdığınız tüm bilgisayarların bir listesini görün"
-#: Localization.cpp:101
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:101
 msgid "LIGO project"
 msgstr "LIGO projesi"
-#: Localization.cpp:103
-msgid ""
-"The home page of the Laser Interferometer Gravitational-wave Observatory "
-"(LIGO) project"
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:103
+msgid "The home page of the Laser Interferometer Gravitational-wave Observatory (LIGO) project"
 msgstr ""
 "Laser Interferometer Gravitational-wave Observatory (LIGO) projesinin ana "
-#: Localization.cpp:105
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:105
 msgid "GEO-600 project"
 msgstr "GEO-600 projesi"
-#: Localization.cpp:107
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:107
 msgid "The home page of the GEO-600 project"
 msgstr "GEO-600 projesinin ana sayfası"
-#: Localization.cpp:115 Localization.cpp:133 ViewProjects.cpp:221
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:465
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:115
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:133
 msgid "Team"
 msgstr "Takım"
-#: Localization.cpp:117
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:117
 msgid "Info about your Team"
 msgstr "Takımınız hakkında bilgi"
-#: Localization.cpp:123
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:123
 msgid "Get help for climateprediction.net"
 msgstr "climateprediction.net için yardım al"
-#: Localization.cpp:125
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:125
 msgid "News"
 msgstr "Haberler"
-#: Localization.cpp:127
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:127
 msgid "climateprediction.net News"
 msgstr "climateprediction.net Haberleri"
-#: Localization.cpp:131
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:131
 msgid "View your account information, credits, and trickles"
 msgstr "Hesap bilgilerinizi, kredilerinizi ve iş ilerleme raporlarını görün"
-#: Localization.cpp:135
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:135
 msgid "Info about your team"
 msgstr "Takımınız hakkında bilgi"
-#: Localization.cpp:141
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:141
 msgid "Search for help in our help system"
 msgstr "Yardım sistemimizde arama yapın"
-#: Localization.cpp:143
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:143
 msgid "Global Statistics"
 msgstr "Global İstatistikler"
-#: Localization.cpp:145
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:145
 msgid "Summary statistics for World Community Grid"
 msgstr "World Community Grid için genel istatistikler"
-#: Localization.cpp:147
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:147
 msgid "My Grid"
 msgstr "Grid'im"
-#: Localization.cpp:149
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:149
 msgid "Your statistics and settings"
 msgstr "İstatistikleriniz ve ayarlarınız"
-#: Localization.cpp:151
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:151
 msgid "Device Profiles"
 msgstr "Aygıt Profilleri"
-#: Localization.cpp:153
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:153
 msgid "Update your device settings"
 msgstr "Bilgisayarlarınız için tercihleri inceleyin ve düzenleyin"
-#: Localization.cpp:155
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:155
 msgid "Research"
 msgstr "Araştırma"
-#: Localization.cpp:157
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:157
 msgid "Learn about the projects hosted at World Community Grid"
 msgstr ""
 "World Community Grid tarafından barındırılan projeler hakkında bilgi edinin"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:583
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:583
 msgid "Starting client"
 msgstr "İstemci başlıyor"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:591
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:591
 msgid "Connecting to client"
 msgstr "İstemciye bağlanılıyor"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:1195
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:1205
 msgid "Retrieving system state; please wait..."
 msgstr "Sistem durum bilgisi alınıyor; lütfen bekleyin..."
-#: MainDocument.cpp:1816
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:1826
 msgid "Missing application"
 msgstr "Uygulama bulunamadı"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:1817
-msgid ""
-"Please download and install the CoRD application from http://cord."
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:1827
+msgid "Please download and install the CoRD application from http://cord.sourceforge.net"
 msgstr ""
 "Lütfen CoRD uygulamasını buradan indirin ve kurun: "
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2432
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2442
 msgid "on batteries"
 msgstr "pil gücünde"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2433
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2443
 msgid "computer is in use"
 msgstr "bilgisayar kullanımda"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2434
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2444
 msgid "user request"
 msgstr "kullanıcı talebi"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2435
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2445
 msgid "time of day"
 msgstr "günlük zamanlama"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2436
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2446
 msgid "CPU benchmarks in progress"
 msgstr "İşlemci testleri sürüyor"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2437
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2447
 msgid "need disk space - check preferences"
 msgstr "disk alanı gerekiyor - tercihleri kontrol edin"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2438
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2448
 msgid "computer is not in use"
 msgstr "bilgisayar kullanımda değil"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2439
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2449
 msgid "starting up"
 msgstr "başlıyor"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2440
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2450
 msgid "an exclusive app is running"
 msgstr "ayrıcalıklı bir uygulama çalışıyor"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2441
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2451
 msgid "CPU is busy"
 msgstr "İşlemci meşgul"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2442
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2452
 msgid "network bandwidth limit exceeded"
 msgstr "ağ kullanım kotası doldu"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2443
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2453
 msgid "requested by operating system"
 msgstr "işletim sistemi tarafından istendi"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2445
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2455
 msgid "unknown reason"
 msgstr "bilinmeyen sebep"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2467
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2477
 msgid "GPU missing, "
 msgstr "GPU mevcut değil, "
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2474
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2484
 msgid "New"
 msgstr "Yeni"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2478
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2488
 msgid "Download failed"
 msgstr "İndirme başarısız"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2480
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2490
 msgid "Downloading"
 msgstr "İndiriliyor"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2482 MainDocument.cpp:2552
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2492
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2557
 msgid " (suspended - "
 msgstr " (durakladı - "
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2490
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2500
 msgid "Project suspended by user"
 msgstr "Kullanıcı projeyi durdurdu"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2492
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2502
 msgid "Task suspended by user"
 msgstr "Kullanıcı işi durdurdu"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2494
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2504
 msgid "Suspended - "
 msgstr "Durakladı - "
 # 75%
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2500
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2510
 msgid "GPU suspended - "
 msgstr "GPU durakladı - "
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2507
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2517
 msgid "Waiting for memory"
 msgstr "Bellek için bekleniyor"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2509
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2519
 msgid "Waiting for shared memory"
 msgstr "Paylaşılan bellek için bekleniyor"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2512
-msgid "Running, high priority"
-msgstr "Çalışıyor, yüksek öncelikli"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2514
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2521
 msgid "Running"
 msgstr "Çalışıyor"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2517
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2523
 msgid " (non-CPU-intensive)"
 msgstr " (CPU-yoğun-değil)"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2520
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2526
 msgid "Waiting to run"
 msgstr "Çalışmayı bekliyor"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2522 MainDocument.cpp:2528
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2528
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2534
 msgid "Ready to start"
 msgstr "Başlamaya hazır"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2532
-msgid " (Scheduler wait: "
-msgstr " (Zamanlanmış bekleme: "
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2538
+msgid "Postponed: "
+msgstr ""
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2536
-msgid " (Scheduler wait)"
-msgstr " (Zamanlanmış bekleme)"
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2541
+msgid "Postponed"
+msgstr ""
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2540
-msgid " (Waiting for network access)"
-msgstr " (Ağ erişimi için bekleniyor)"
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2545
+msgid "Waiting for network access"
+msgstr ""
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2544
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2549
 msgid "Computation error"
 msgstr "Hesaplama hatası"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2548
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2553
 msgid "Upload failed"
 msgstr "Gönderme başarısız"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2550
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2555
 msgid "Uploading"
 msgstr "Gönderiliyor"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2561
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2566
 msgid "Aborted by user"
 msgstr "Kullanıcı tarafından iptal edildi"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2564
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2569
 msgid "Aborted by project"
 msgstr "Proje tarafından iptal edildi"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2567
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2572
 msgid "Aborted: not started by deadline"
 msgstr "İptal edildi: Son teslim zamanı nedeniyle başlamadı"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2570
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2575
 msgid "Aborted: disk limit exceeded"
 msgstr "İptal edildi: Disk limitine ulaşıldı"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2573
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2578
 msgid "Aborted: run time limit exceeded"
 msgstr "İptal edildi: Zaman limitine ulaşıldı"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2576
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2581
 msgid "Aborted: memory limit exceeded"
 msgstr "İptal edildi: Bellek limitine ulaşıldı"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2579
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2584
 msgid "Aborted"
 msgstr "İptal edildi"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2584
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2589
 msgid "Acknowledged"
 msgstr "Kabul edildi"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2586
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2591
 msgid "Ready to report"
 msgstr "Raporlanmaya hazır"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2588
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2593
 #, c-format
 msgid "Error: invalid state '%d'"
 msgstr "Hata: Geçersiz durum '%d'"
-#: NoInternetConnectionPage.cpp:179
+#: clientgui/NoInternetConnectionPage.cpp:179
 msgid "No Internet connection"
 msgstr "İnternet bağlantısı yok"
-#: NoInternetConnectionPage.cpp:182
+#: clientgui/NoInternetConnectionPage.cpp:182
 msgid "Please connect to the Internet and try again."
 msgstr "Lütfen internete bağlanıp, tekrar deneyin."
-#: NotDetectedPage.cpp:181
+#: clientgui/NotDetectedPage.cpp:181
 msgid "Project not found"
 msgstr "Proje bulunamadı"
-#: NotDetectedPage.cpp:184
+#: clientgui/NotDetectedPage.cpp:184
 msgid ""
 "The URL you supplied is not that of a BOINC-based project.\n"
@@ -2532,11 +2620,11 @@ msgstr ""
 "Adresi kontrol edip tekrar deneyin."
-#: NotDetectedPage.cpp:188
+#: clientgui/NotDetectedPage.cpp:188
 msgid "Account manager not found"
 msgstr "Hesap yöneticisi bulunamadı"
-#: NotDetectedPage.cpp:191
+#: clientgui/NotDetectedPage.cpp:191
 msgid ""
 "The URL you supplied is not that of a BOINC-based account\n"
@@ -2547,91 +2635,92 @@ msgstr ""
 "Adresi kontrol edip tekrar deneyin."
-#: NotFoundPage.cpp:181
+#: clientgui/NotFoundPage.cpp:181
 msgid "Login Failed."
 msgstr "Giriş başarısız."
-#: NotFoundPage.cpp:185
+#: clientgui/NotFoundPage.cpp:185
 msgid "Check the username and password, and try again."
 msgstr "Kullanıcı adı ve parolayı kontrol edip, tekrar deneyin."
-#: NotFoundPage.cpp:189
+#: clientgui/NotFoundPage.cpp:189
 msgid "Check the email address and password, and try again."
 msgstr "E-posta, kullanıcı adı ve parolayı kontrol edip, tekrar deneyin."
-#: NoticeListCtrl.cpp:222
+#: clientgui/NoticeListCtrl.cpp:229
 msgid "more..."
 msgstr "devamı..."
-#: ProjectInfoPage.cpp:477 ProjectInfoPage.cpp:778 ProjectInfoPage.cpp:782
-msgid "All"
-msgstr "Tümü"
-#: ProjectInfoPage.cpp:615
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:221
 msgid "Choose a project"
 msgstr "Bir proje seçin"
-#: ProjectInfoPage.cpp:619
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:228
 msgid "To choose a project, click its name or type its URL below."
 msgstr "Bir proje seçmek için, ismine tıklayın ya da aşağıya adresini girin."
-#: ProjectInfoPage.cpp:623
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:246
 msgid "Categories:"
 msgstr "Kategoriler:"
-#: ProjectInfoPage.cpp:627 sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:89
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:267
 msgid "Projects:"
 msgstr "Projeler:"
-#: ProjectInfoPage.cpp:631
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:279
 msgid "Project details"
 msgstr "Proje detayları"
-#: ProjectInfoPage.cpp:635
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:291
 msgid "Research area:"
 msgstr "Araştırma alanı:"
-#: ProjectInfoPage.cpp:639
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:302
 msgid "Organization:"
 msgstr "Organizasyon:"
-#: ProjectInfoPage.cpp:643
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:313
 msgid "Web site:"
 msgstr "İnternet sitesi:"
-#: ProjectInfoPage.cpp:647
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:325
 msgid "Supported systems:"
 msgstr "Desteklenen sistemler:"
-#: ProjectInfoPage.cpp:651
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:363
 msgid "Project URL:"
 msgstr "Proje adresi:"
-#: ProjectInfoPage.cpp:826
-msgid ""
-"This project may not have work for your type of computer.  Do you want to "
-"add it anyway?"
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:499
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:754
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:758
+msgid "All"
+msgstr "Tümü"
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:802
+msgid "This project may not have work for your type of computer.  Do you want to add it anyway?"
 msgstr ""
 "Bu proje bilgisayarınızın özelliklerine uygun işe sahip olmayabilir.  Yine "
 "de eklemek istediğinize emin misiniz?"
-#: ProjectInfoPage.cpp:850
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:826
 msgid "You already added this project. Please choose a different project."
 msgstr "Bu projeyi zaten eklemiş durumdasınız. Lütfen farklı bir proje seçin."
-#: ProjectProcessingPage.cpp:321
+#: clientgui/ProjectProcessingPage.cpp:321
 msgid "Communicating with project."
 msgstr "Proje ile bağlantı kuruluyor."
-#: ProjectProcessingPage.cpp:509
+#: clientgui/ProjectProcessingPage.cpp:510
 msgid "Required files not found on the server."
 msgstr "Gerekli dosyalar sunucu üzerinde bulunamadı."
-#: ProjectProcessingPage.cpp:512 ProjectProcessingPage.cpp:574
+#: clientgui/ProjectProcessingPage.cpp:513
+#: clientgui/ProjectProcessingPage.cpp:586
 msgid "An internal server error has occurred."
 msgstr "Sunucuda dahili bir hata meydana geldi."
-#: ProjectPropertiesPage.cpp:334
+#: clientgui/ProjectPropertiesPage.cpp:334
 msgid ""
 "Communicating with project\n"
 "Please wait..."
@@ -2639,11 +2728,48 @@ msgstr ""
 "Projeye bağlanılıyor\n"
 "Lütfen bekleyin..."
-#: ProxyInfoPage.cpp:195
+#: clientgui/ProjectWelcomePage.cpp:251
+#, c-format
+msgid "Welcome to %s."
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ProjectWelcomePage.cpp:254
+msgid "You have volunteered to compute for this project:"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ProjectWelcomePage.cpp:255
+msgid "Name:"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ProjectWelcomePage.cpp:258
+msgid "Home:"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ProjectWelcomePage.cpp:262
+msgid "Description:"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ProjectWelcomePage.cpp:265
+msgid "URL:"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ProjectWelcomePage.cpp:268
+msgid "User:"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ProjectWelcomePage.cpp:273
+msgid "WARNING: This project is not registered with BOINC.  Make sure you trust it before continuing."
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ProjectWelcomePage.cpp:277
+msgid "To continue, click Next."
+msgstr "Devam etmek için, İleri'yi tıklayın."
+#: clientgui/ProxyInfoPage.cpp:195
 msgid "Network communication failure"
 msgstr "Ağ bağlantısı başarısız"
-#: ProxyInfoPage.cpp:199
+#: clientgui/ProxyInfoPage.cpp:199
 msgid ""
 "The World Community Grid - BOINC software failed to communicate\n"
 "over the Internet. The most likely reasons are:\n"
@@ -2673,7 +2799,7 @@ msgstr ""
 "3) Bir vekil sunucu (proxy) kullanıyorsunuz.\n"
 "BOINC'in vekil sunucu ayarlarını yapmak için İleri'yi tıklayın."
-#: ProxyInfoPage.cpp:203
+#: clientgui/ProxyInfoPage.cpp:203
 msgid ""
 "BOINC failed to communicate on the Internet.\n"
 "The most likely reasons are:\n"
@@ -2703,1273 +2829,1366 @@ msgstr ""
 "3) Bir vekil sunucu (proxy) kullanıyorsunuz.\n"
 "BOINC'in vekil sunucu ayarlarını yapmak için İleri'yi tıklayın."
-#: ProxyPage.cpp:331
+#: clientgui/ProxyPage.cpp:331
 msgid "Proxy configuration"
 msgstr "Proxy yapılandırması"
-#: ProxyPage.cpp:334
+#: clientgui/ProxyPage.cpp:334
 msgid "HTTP proxy"
 msgstr "HTTP proxy"
-#: ProxyPage.cpp:337 ProxyPage.cpp:357
+#: clientgui/ProxyPage.cpp:337
+#: clientgui/ProxyPage.cpp:357
 msgid "Server:"
 msgstr "Sunucu:"
-#: ProxyPage.cpp:350
+#: clientgui/ProxyPage.cpp:350
 msgid "Autodetect"
 msgstr "Otomatik belirle"
-#: ProxyPage.cpp:354
+#: clientgui/ProxyPage.cpp:354
 msgid "SOCKS proxy"
 msgstr "SOCKS proxy"
-#: TermsOfUsePage.cpp:218
-msgid "Terms of Use"
-msgstr "Kullanım Koşulları"
+#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:167
+msgid "Advanced View...\tCtrl+Shift+A"
+msgstr "Gelişmiş görünüm...\tCtrl+Shift+A"
-#: TermsOfUsePage.cpp:222
-msgid "Please read the following terms of use:"
-msgstr "Lütfen aşağıdaki kullanım koşullarını okuyun:"
+#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:168
+msgid "Display the advanced graphical interface."
+msgstr "Gelişmiş grafiksel arayüzü görüntüler."
-#: TermsOfUsePage.cpp:231
-msgid "I agree to the terms of use."
-msgstr "Kullanım koşullarını kabul ediyorum."
+#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:175
+msgid "Skin"
+msgstr "Kaplama"
-#: TermsOfUsePage.cpp:237
-msgid "I do not agree to the terms of use."
-msgstr "Kullanım koşullarını kabul etmiyorum."
+#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:177
+msgid "Select the appearance of the user interface."
+msgstr "Kullanıcı arayüzünün görünümünü seçin."
-#: UnavailablePage.cpp:183
-msgid "Project temporarily unavailable"
-msgstr "Proje geçiçi olarak kullanılamaz durumda"
+#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:224
+#, c-format
+msgid "&%s"
+msgstr "&%s"
-#: UnavailablePage.cpp:186
-msgid ""
-"The project is temporarily unavailable.\n"
-"Please try again later."
-msgstr ""
-"Proje geçiçi olarak kullanılamaz durumda.\n"
-"Lütfen daha sonra tekrar deneyin."
+#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:405
+msgid "Default"
+msgstr "Varsayılan"
-#: UnavailablePage.cpp:190
-msgid "Account manager temporarily unavailable"
-msgstr "Hesap yöneticisi geçici olarak devre dışı."
+#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:848
+msgid "Suspend"
+msgstr "Duraklat"
-#: UnavailablePage.cpp:193
-msgid ""
-"The account manager is temporarily unavailable.\n"
-"Please try again later."
-msgstr ""
-"Hesap yöneticisi geçici olarak devre dışı.\n"
-"Lütfen daha sonra tekrar deneyin."
+#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:850
+msgid "Suspend Computing"
+msgstr "Hesaplamayı duraklatır"
-#: ValidateAccountKey.cpp:68
-msgid "Please specify an account key to continue."
-msgstr "Lütfen devam etmek için bir hesap anahtarı belirtin."
+#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:851
+msgid "Resume Computing"
+msgstr "Hesaplamayı sürdürür"
-#: ValidateAccountKey.cpp:71
-msgid "Invalid Account Key; please enter a valid Account Key"
-msgstr "Geçersiz hesap anahtarı; lütfen geçerli bir hesap anahtarı girin."
+#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:867
+msgid "Notices"
+msgstr "Bildirimler"
-#: ValidateAccountKey.cpp:82 ValidateEmailAddress.cpp:86
-msgid "Validation conflict"
-msgstr "Doğrulama tutmuyor"
+#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:868
+msgid "Open a window to view notices from projects or BOINC"
+msgstr "Projelerden ya da BOINC'ten gelen bildirimleri gösterir"
-#: ValidateEmailAddress.cpp:72
-msgid "Please specify an email address"
-msgstr "Lütfen bir e-posta adresi belirtin."
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgMessages.cpp:124
+msgid "Fetching notices; please wait..."
+msgstr "Bildirimler alınıyor; lütfen bekleyin..."
-#: ValidateEmailAddress.cpp:75
-msgid "Invalid email address; please enter a valid email address"
-msgstr "Geçersiz e-posta adresi; lütfen geçerli bir e-posta adresi girin."
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgMessages.cpp:132
+msgid "There are no notices at this time."
+msgstr "Şu anda görüntülenecek bildirim yok."
-#: ValidateURL.cpp:69
-msgid "Missing URL"
-msgstr "Eksik adres"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgMessages.cpp:146
+msgid "Close"
+msgstr "Kapat"
-#: ValidateURL.cpp:70
-msgid ""
-"Please specify a URL.\n"
-"For example:\n"
-msgstr ""
-"Lütfen bir internet adresi belirtin.\n"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgMessages.cpp:394
+#, c-format
+msgid "%s - Notices"
+msgstr "%s  - Bildirimler"
-#: ValidateURL.cpp:83 ValidateURL.cpp:87 ValidateURL.cpp:91
-#: ValidateURL.cpp:103 ValidateURL.cpp:107 ValidateURL.cpp:110
-msgid "Invalid URL"
-msgstr "Geçersiz adres"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:270
+msgid "This dialog controls preferences for this computer only."
+msgstr "Bu pencere, tercihleri yalnızca bu bilgisayarınız için özelleştirir."
-#: ValidateURL.cpp:84 ValidateURL.cpp:88 ValidateURL.cpp:92
-msgid ""
-"Please specify a valid URL.\n"
-"For example:\n"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:275
+msgid "Click OK to set preferences."
+msgstr "Tercihlerinizi kaydetmek için 'Tamam'ı tıklayın."
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:280
+msgid "Click Clear to restore web-based settings for all preferences listed below."
 msgstr ""
-"Lütfen geçerli bir internet adresi belirtin.\n"
+"Aşağıda listelenen tüm tercihler ​için web tabanlı ayarları geri yüklemek "
+"için Temizle'yi tıklatın."
-#: ValidateURL.cpp:104 ValidateURL.cpp:108
-#, c-format
-msgid "'%s' does not contain a valid host name."
-msgstr "'%s' geçerli bir bilgisayar adı içermiyor."
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:287
+msgid "For additional settings, select Computing Preferences in the Advanced View."
+msgstr ""
+"Ek ayarlar için, 'Gelişmiş görünüm'de 'Hesaplama tercihleri' seçeneğini "
-#: ValidateURL.cpp:111
-#, c-format
-msgid "'%s' does not contain a valid path."
-msgstr "'%s' geçerli bir yol içermiyor."
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:315
+msgid "Do work only between:"
+msgstr "Yalnızca bu saatler arasında çalıştır:"
-#: ViewMessages.cpp:84 ViewProjects.cpp:170 ViewStatistics.cpp:1978
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:160 ViewWork.cpp:183
-msgid "Commands"
-msgstr "Komutlar"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:337
+msgid "Connect to internet only between:"
+msgstr "Bu saatler arasında internete bağlan:"
-#: ViewMessages.cpp:88
-msgid "Copy all messages"
-msgstr "Tüm mesajları kopyala"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:359
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:376
+msgid "Use no more than:"
+msgstr "En çok bu kadar kullan:"
-#: ViewMessages.cpp:95
-msgid "Copy selected messages"
-msgstr "Seçili mesajları kopyala"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:372
+msgid "of disk space"
+msgstr "disk alanı"
-#: ViewMessages.cpp:106 ViewMessages.cpp:502
-msgid "Show only this project"
-msgstr "Yalnızca bu projeyi göster"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:389
+msgid "of the processor"
+msgstr "işlemci (CPU) gücü"
-#: ViewMessages.cpp:107 ViewMessages.cpp:503
-msgid "Show only the messages for the selected project."
-msgstr ""
-"Yalnızca şu anda seçili projeye ait mesajları ve BOINC'in genel mesajlarını "
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:393
+msgid "Do work while on battery?"
+msgstr "Pil gücündeyken işleri çalıştır?"
-#: ViewMessages.cpp:164
-msgid "Messages"
-msgstr "Mesajlar"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:406
+msgid "Do work after idle for:"
+msgstr "Bu kadar süre boşta kaldığında çalıştır:"
-#: ViewMessages.cpp:187
-msgid "Copying all messages to the clipboard..."
-msgstr "Tüm mesajlar panoya kopyalanıyor..."
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:431
+msgid "Clear all local preferences listed above and close the dialog"
+msgstr "Yukarıda listelenen tüm yerel tercihleri temizler ve pencereyi kapatır"
-#: ViewMessages.cpp:223
-msgid "Copying selected messages to the clipboard..."
-msgstr "Seçili mesajlar panoya kopyalanıyor..."
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:609
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:612
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:688
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:692
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:704
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:708
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:851
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:862
+msgid "Anytime"
+msgstr "Herhangi"
-#: ViewMessages.cpp:286
-msgid "Filtering messages..."
-msgstr "Mesajlar filtreleniyor...."
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:645
+msgid "100 MB"
+msgstr "100 MB"
-#: ViewMessages.cpp:494
-msgid "Show all messages"
-msgstr "Tüm mesajları göster"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:646
+msgid "200 MB"
+msgstr "200 MB"
-#: ViewMessages.cpp:495
-msgid "Show messages for all projects."
-msgstr "Tüm projeler için mesajları gösterir."
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:647
+msgid "500 MB"
+msgstr "500 MB"
-#: ViewNotices.cpp:58 sg_DlgMessages.cpp:124
-msgid "Fetching notices; please wait..."
-msgstr "Bildirimler alınıyor; lütfen bekleyin..."
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:648
+msgid "1 GB"
+msgstr "1 GB"
-#: ViewNotices.cpp:65 sg_DlgMessages.cpp:132
-msgid "There are no notices at this time."
-msgstr "Şu anda görüntülenecek bildirim yok."
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:649
+msgid "2 GB"
+msgstr "2 GB"
-#: ViewNotices.cpp:99 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:776
-msgid "Notices"
-msgstr "Bildirimler"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:650
+msgid "5 GB"
+msgstr "5 GB"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:651
+msgid "10 GB"
+msgstr "10 GB"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:652
+msgid "20 GB"
+msgstr "20 GB"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:653
+msgid "50 GB"
+msgstr "50 GB"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:654
+msgid "100 GB"
+msgstr "100 GB"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:724
+#, c-format
+msgid "%d MB"
+msgstr "%d MB"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:726
+#, c-format
+msgid "%4.2f GB"
+msgstr "%4.2f GB"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:767
+#, c-format
+msgid "%d%%"
+msgstr "%%%d"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:174 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:61
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:803
+msgid "0 (Run Always)"
+msgstr "0 (Daima çalış)"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:806
+#, c-format
+msgid "%d"
+msgstr "%d"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:953
+#, c-format
+msgid "%s - Computing Preferences"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:1033
+msgid "Do you really want to clear all local preferences?\n"
+msgstr "Tüm yerel tercihlerinizi kaldırmak istediğinize emin misiniz?\n"
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:66
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:179
 msgid "Update"
 msgstr "Güncelle"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:175 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:62
-msgid ""
-"Report all completed tasks, get latest credit, get latest preferences, and "
-"possibly get more tasks."
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:67
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:180
+msgid "Report all completed tasks, get latest credit, get latest preferences, and possibly get more tasks."
 msgstr ""
 "Tamamlanan işleri raporlar, güncel kredi bigilerini ve tercih ayarlarını "
 "alır ve gerekiyorsa daha fazla iş indirir."
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:181 ViewProjects.cpp:722 ViewWork.cpp:208 ViewWork.cpp:801
-#: sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:757 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:67
-#: sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:113 sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:66
-#: sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:106
-msgid "Suspend"
-msgstr "Duraklat"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:182 ViewProjects.cpp:722 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:68
-#: sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:114
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:73
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:129
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:187
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:727
 msgid "Suspend tasks for this project."
 msgstr "Bu projenin işlerini durdurur."
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:188 ViewProjects.cpp:741 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:73
-#: sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:121
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:78
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:136
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:193
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:746
 msgid "No new tasks"
 msgstr "Yeni işler indirme"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:189 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:74
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:79
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:194
 msgid "Don't get new tasks for this project."
 msgstr "Bu proje artık yeni işler indirmez."
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:195 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:79
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:84
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:200
 msgid "Reset project"
 msgstr "Projeyi sıfırla"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:196 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:80
-msgid ""
-"Delete all files and tasks associated with this project, and get new tasks.  "
-"You can update the project first to report any completed tasks."
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:85
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:201
+msgid "Delete all files and tasks associated with this project, and get new tasks.  You can update the project first to report any completed tasks."
 msgstr ""
 "Bu projeye ilişkin tüm dosyalar ile işleri siler ve yeni işler alır.  "
 "Tamamlanmış işler varsa sonuçları raporlamak için önce projeyi "
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:203 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:86
-msgid ""
-"Remove this project.  Tasks in progress will be lost (use 'Update' first to "
-"report any completed tasks)."
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:91
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:208
+msgid "Remove this project.  Tasks in progress will be lost (use 'Update' first to report any completed tasks)."
 msgstr ""
 "Bu bilgisayardan bu projeyi kaldırır.  Sürmekte olan işler kaybedilir "
 "(tamamlanmış işlerin sonuçlarını göndermek için önce 'Güncelle' komutunu "
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:209 ViewWork.cpp:222 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:91
-#: sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:78
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:96
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:84
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:214
 msgid "Properties"
 msgstr "Özellikler"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:210 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:92
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:97
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:215
 msgid "Show project details."
 msgstr "Proje detaylarını görüntüler."
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:220 ViewStatistics.cpp:450
-msgid "Account"
-msgstr "Hesap"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:222
-msgid "Work done"
-msgstr "Kredi"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:223
-msgid "Avg. work done"
-msgstr "Günlük ortalama kredi"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:225 ViewTransfers.cpp:188 ViewWork.cpp:234
-msgid "Status"
-msgstr "Durum"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:250
-msgid "Projects"
-msgstr "Projeler"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:302
-msgid "Updating project..."
-msgstr "Proje güncelleniyor..."
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:344
-msgid "Resuming project..."
-msgstr "Proje sürdürülüyor..."
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:348
-msgid "Suspending project..."
-msgstr "Proje durduruluyor..."
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:126
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:723
+msgid "Resume tasks for this project."
+msgstr "Bu projenin işleri yeniden çalıştırılır."
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:385
-msgid "Telling project to allow additional task downloads..."
-msgstr "Projeye yeni iş indirmeleri yapılabileceği bildiriliyor..."
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:133
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:742
+msgid "Allow new tasks"
+msgstr "Yeni işler indir"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:389
-msgid "Telling project to not fetch any additional tasks..."
-msgstr "Projeye yeni iş indirmeleri yapılmayacağı bildiriliyor..."
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:134
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:742
+msgid "Allow fetching new tasks for this project."
+msgstr "Bu projenin yeni işler indirmesine izin verir."
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:425
-msgid "Resetting project..."
-msgstr "Proje sıfırlanıyor..."
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:137
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:746
+msgid "Don't fetch new tasks for this project."
+msgstr "Bu projeye artık yeni işler alınmaz."
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:438 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:214
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:229
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:443
 #, c-format
 msgid "Are you sure you want to reset project '%s'?"
 msgstr "'%s' projesini sıfırlamak istediğinize emin misiniz?"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:444 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:220
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:235
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:449
 msgid "Reset Project"
 msgstr "Projeyi sıfırla"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:483
-msgid "Removing project..."
-msgstr "Proje kaldırılıyor..."
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:496 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:251
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:266
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:501
 #, c-format
 msgid "Are you sure you want to remove project '%s'?"
 msgstr "'%s' projesini kaldırmak istediğinize emin misiniz?"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:502 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:257
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:272
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:507
 msgid "Remove Project"
 msgstr "Projeyi kaldır"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:543 ViewWork.cpp:599
-msgid "Launching browser..."
-msgstr "Tarayıcı çalıştırılıyor..."
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:718 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:111
-msgid "Resume tasks for this project."
-msgstr "Bu projenin işleri yeniden çalıştırılır."
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:72
+msgid "Add Project"
+msgstr "Proje ekle"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:737 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:118
-msgid "Allow new tasks"
-msgstr "Yeni işler indir"
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:73
+msgid "Synchronize"
+msgstr "Eşitle"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:737 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:119
-msgid "Allow fetching new tasks for this project."
-msgstr "Bu projenin yeni işler indirmesine izin verir."
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:74
+msgid "Work done for this project"
+msgstr "Bu projede elde ettiğiniz toplam kredi"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:741 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:122
-msgid "Don't fetch new tasks for this project."
-msgstr "Bu projeye artık yeni işler alınmaz."
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:77
+msgid "Synchronize projects with account manager system"
+msgstr "Projeleri hesap yöneticisi sistemiyle senkronize eder"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1058
-msgid "Requested by user"
-msgstr "Kullanıcı tarafından istendi"
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:124
+msgid "Select a project to access with the controls below"
+msgstr "Aşağıdaki kontrollere erişimek için bir proje seçin"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1059
-msgid "To fetch work"
-msgstr "İş indiriliyor"
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:145
+msgid "Project Web Pages"
+msgstr "Proje internet sayfaları"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1060
-msgid "To report completed tasks"
-msgstr "Tamamlanan işler raporlanıyor"
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:149
+msgid "Project Commands"
+msgstr "Proje komutları"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1061
-msgid "To send trickle-up message"
-msgstr "İş ilerleme mesajı gönderimi"
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:276
+#, c-format
+msgid "Pop up a menu of web sites for project %s"
+msgstr "%s projesinin internet sayfaları için bir menü açar"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1062
-msgid "Requested by account manager"
-msgstr "Hesap yöneticisi tarafından istendi"
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:278
+#, c-format
+msgid "Pop up a menu of commands to apply to project %s"
+msgstr "%s projesine verilebilecek komutları gösterir"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1063
-msgid "Project initialization"
-msgstr "Proje başlatılıyor"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:66
+msgid "Show graphics"
+msgstr "Grafikleri göster"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1064
-msgid "Requested by project"
-msgstr "Proje tarafından istendi"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:67
+msgid "Show application graphics in a window."
+msgstr "Uygulama grafiklerini bir pencerede gösterir."
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1065
-msgid "Unknown reason"
-msgstr "Bilinmeyen sebep"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:73
+msgid "Suspend this task."
+msgstr "Bu işi duraklat."
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1079
-msgid "Suspended by user"
-msgstr "Kullanıcı tarafından durduruldu"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:78
+msgid "Abort"
+msgstr "İptal"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1082
-msgid "Won't get new tasks"
-msgstr "Yeni işler alınmayacak"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:79
+msgid "Abandon this task. You will get no credit for it."
+msgstr "Bu işi iptal eder. Bu iş için kredi alamayacaksanız."
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1085
-msgid "Project ended - OK to remove"
-msgstr "Proje sona erdi - Kaldırmak için Tamam'a tıklayın"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:85
+msgid "Show task details."
+msgstr "Seçili işin detaylı bilgilerini gösterir."
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1088
-msgid "Will remove when tasks done"
-msgstr "İşler tamamlandığında kaldırılacak"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:119
+msgid "Resume work for this task."
+msgstr "Seçili işlerin çalışmasını sürdürür."
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1091
-msgid "Scheduler request pending"
-msgstr "Zamanlanmış istek kuyrukta"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:123
+msgid "Suspend work for this task."
+msgstr "Seçili işlerin çalışmasını durdurur."
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1097
-msgid "Scheduler request in progress"
-msgstr "Zamanlanmış istek gerçekleştiriliyor"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:267
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Are you sure you want to abort this task '%s'?\n"
+"(Progress: %.1lf%%, Status: %s)"
+msgstr ""
+"adlı işi iptal etmek istediğinize emin misiniz?\n"
+"(İlerleme: %%%.1lf, Durum: %s)"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1100
-msgid "Trickle up message pending"
-msgstr "İş ilerleme mesajı kuyrukta"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:272
+msgid "Abort task"
+msgstr "İşi iptal et"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1106
-msgid "Communication deferred "
-msgstr "Haberleşme ertelendi "
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:468
+msgid "You don't have any projects.  Please Add a Project."
+msgstr "Katıldığınız bir proje bulunmuyor.  Lütfen bir proje ekleyin."
-#: ViewResources.cpp:62
-msgid "Total disk usage"
-msgstr "Toplam disk kullanımı"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:469
+msgid "Not available"
+msgstr "Mevcut değil"
-#: ViewResources.cpp:83
-msgid "Disk usage by BOINC projects"
-msgstr "BOINC projelerinin disk kullanımı"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:480
+msgid "Tasks:"
+msgstr "İşler:"
-#: ViewResources.cpp:116
-msgid "Disk"
-msgstr "Disk"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:486
+msgid "Select a task to access"
+msgstr "Erişim için bir iş seçin"
-#: ViewResources.cpp:249
-msgid "no projects: 0 bytes used"
-msgstr "proje yok: 0 bayt kullanılıyor"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:497
+msgid "From:"
+msgstr "Sahibi:"
-#: ViewResources.cpp:286
-msgid "used by BOINC: "
-msgstr "BOINC tarafından kullanılan: "
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:551
+msgid "This task's progress"
+msgstr "Bu işin ilerleme oranı"
-#: ViewResources.cpp:296
-msgid "free, available to BOINC: "
-msgstr "boş ve BOINC tarafından kullanılabilir: "
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:569
+msgid "Task Commands"
+msgstr "İş komutları"
-#: ViewResources.cpp:306
-msgid "free, not available to BOINC: "
-msgstr "boş ancak BOINC tarafından kullanılamaz: "
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:570
+msgid "Pop up a menu of commands to apply to this task"
+msgstr "Bu işe verilebilecek komutları gösterir"
-#: ViewResources.cpp:316
-msgid "free: "
-msgstr "boş: "
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:705
+#, c-format
+msgid "Application: %s"
+msgstr "Uygulama: %s"
-#: ViewResources.cpp:326
-msgid "used by other programs: "
-msgstr "başka programlarca kullanılan: "
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:728
+#, c-format
+msgid "%.3f%%"
+msgstr "%%%.3f"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:1205
-msgid "User Total"
-msgstr "Toplam Krediniz"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:736
+msgid "Application: Not available"
+msgstr "Uygulama: Mevcut değil"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:1206
-msgid "User Average"
-msgstr "Günlük Ortalama Krediniz"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:836
+msgid "Not Available"
+msgstr "Mevcut değil"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:1207
-msgid "Host Total"
-msgstr "Bilgisayarınızın Toplam Kredisi"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:851
+#, c-format
+msgid "Elapsed: %s"
+msgstr "Geçen süre: %s"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:1208
-msgid "Host Average"
-msgstr "Bilgisayarınızın Günlük Ortalama Kredisi"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:865
+#, c-format
+msgid "Remaining (estimated): %s"
+msgstr "Kalan süre (tahmini): %s"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:1355
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:880
 #, c-format
-msgid "Last update: %.0f days ago"
-msgstr "Son güncelleme: %.0f gün önce"
+msgid "Status: %s"
+msgstr "Durum: %s"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:1982
-msgid "Show user total"
-msgstr "Toplam kredim"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1227
+msgid "Retrieving current status."
+msgstr "Mevcut durum bilgisi alınıyor..."
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:1983
-msgid "Show total credit for user"
-msgstr "Toplam kredinizi görüntüler"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1233
+msgid "Downloading work from the server."
+msgstr "İş sunucudan indiriliyor"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:1989
-msgid "Show user average"
-msgstr "Günlük ortalama kredim"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1238
+msgid "Processing Suspended:  Running On Batteries."
+msgstr "Çalışma Durdu:  Pil Gücünde Çalışıyor."
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:1990
-msgid "Show average credit for user"
-msgstr "Günlük üretilen ortalama kredinizi görüntüler"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:1996
-msgid "Show host total"
-msgstr "Bilgisayarımın toplam kredisi"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:1997
-msgid "Show total credit for host"
-msgstr "Bu bilgisayarınızın toplam kredisini görüntüler"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2003
-msgid "Show host average"
-msgstr "Bilgisayarımın ortalama kredisi"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1240
+msgid "Processing Suspended:  User Active."
+msgstr "Çalışma Durdu:  Kullanıcı Faal."
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2004
-msgid "Show average credit for host"
-msgstr "Bu bilgisayarınızın ortalama kredisini görüntüler"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1242
+msgid "Processing Suspended:  User paused processing."
+msgstr "Çalışma Durdu:  Kullanıcı Çalışmayı Duraklattı."
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2013
-msgid "< &Previous project"
-msgstr "< &Önceki proje"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1244
+msgid "Processing Suspended:  Time of Day."
+msgstr "Çalışma Durdu:  Günlük Zamanlama"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2014
-msgid "Show chart for previous project"
-msgstr "Önceki proje için çizelge"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1246
+msgid "Processing Suspended:  Benchmarks Running."
+msgstr "Çalışma Durdu:  Testler Çalışıyor."
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2019
-msgid "&Next project >"
-msgstr "&Sonraki proje >"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1248
+msgid "Processing Suspended."
+msgstr "Çalışma Durdu."
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2020
-msgid "Show chart for next project"
-msgstr "Sonraki proje için çizelge"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1252
+msgid "Waiting to contact project servers."
+msgstr "Proje sunucularına bağlanılması için bekleniyor."
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2026 ViewStatistics.cpp:2416
-msgid "Hide project list"
-msgstr "Proje listesini gizle"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1256
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1265
+msgid "Retrieving current status"
+msgstr "Mevcut durum bilgisi alınıyor"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2027 ViewStatistics.cpp:2416
-msgid "Use entire area for graphs"
-msgstr "Tüm alan grafikler için kullanılır"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1260
+msgid "No work available to process"
+msgstr "Çalıştırılacak iş bulunmuyor"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2032
-msgid "Mode view"
-msgstr "Görünüm kipi"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1262
+msgid "Unable to connect to the core client"
+msgstr "Çekirdek istemciyle bağlantı kurulamadı"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2036
-msgid "One project"
-msgstr "Tek proje"
+#: clientgui/TermsOfUsePage.cpp:218
+msgid "Terms of Use"
+msgstr "Kullanım Koşulları"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2037
-msgid "Show one chart with selected project"
-msgstr "Seçilen projeyi tek çizelgede göster"
+#: clientgui/TermsOfUsePage.cpp:222
+msgid "Please read the following terms of use:"
+msgstr "Lütfen aşağıdaki kullanım koşullarını okuyun:"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2043
-msgid "All projects (separate)"
-msgstr "Tüm projeler (ayrı)"
+#: clientgui/TermsOfUsePage.cpp:231
+msgid "I agree to the terms of use."
+msgstr "Kullanım koşullarını kabul ediyorum."
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2044
-msgid "Show all projects, one chart per project"
-msgstr "Tüm projeleri göster, her biri için ayrı çizelge"
+#: clientgui/TermsOfUsePage.cpp:237
+msgid "I do not agree to the terms of use."
+msgstr "Kullanım koşullarını kabul etmiyorum."
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2050
-msgid "All projects (together)"
-msgstr "Tüm projeler (birlikte)"
+#: clientgui/UnavailablePage.cpp:183
+msgid "Project temporarily unavailable"
+msgstr "Proje geçiçi olarak kullanılamaz durumda"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2051
-msgid "Show one chart with all projects"
-msgstr "Tüm projelerin bulunduğu tek çizelge göster"
+#: clientgui/UnavailablePage.cpp:186
+msgid ""
+"The project is temporarily unavailable.\n"
+"Please try again later."
+msgstr ""
+"Proje geçiçi olarak kullanılamaz durumda.\n"
+"Lütfen daha sonra tekrar deneyin."
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2057
-msgid "All projects (sum)"
-msgstr "Tüm projeler (özet)"
+#: clientgui/UnavailablePage.cpp:190
+msgid "Account manager temporarily unavailable"
+msgstr "Hesap yöneticisi geçici olarak devre dışı."
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2058
-msgid "Show one chart with sum of projects"
-msgstr "Tüm projelerin özetinin bulunduğu tek çizelge göster"
+#: clientgui/UnavailablePage.cpp:193
+msgid ""
+"The account manager is temporarily unavailable.\n"
+"Please try again later."
+msgstr ""
+"Hesap yöneticisi geçici olarak devre dışı.\n"
+"Lütfen daha sonra tekrar deneyin."
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2079
-msgid "Statistics"
-msgstr "İstatistikler"
+#: clientgui/ValidateAccountKey.cpp:68
+msgid "Please specify an account key to continue."
+msgstr "Lütfen devam etmek için bir hesap anahtarı belirtin."
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2103 ViewStatistics.cpp:2124 ViewStatistics.cpp:2145
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2167 ViewStatistics.cpp:2188 ViewStatistics.cpp:2209
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2230 ViewStatistics.cpp:2251 ViewStatistics.cpp:2272
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2296
-msgid "Updating charts..."
-msgstr "Çizelgeler güncelleniyor..."
+#: clientgui/ValidateAccountKey.cpp:71
+msgid "Invalid Account Key; please enter a valid Account Key"
+msgstr "Geçersiz hesap anahtarı; lütfen geçerli bir hesap anahtarı girin."
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2420
-msgid "Show project list"
-msgstr "Proje listesini göster"
+#: clientgui/ValidateAccountKey.cpp:82
+#: clientgui/ValidateEmailAddress.cpp:86
+msgid "Validation conflict"
+msgstr "Doğrulama tutmuyor"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2420
-msgid "Uses smaller area for graphs"
-msgstr "Grafikler için daha küçük bir alan kullanılır"
+#: clientgui/ValidateEmailAddress.cpp:72
+msgid "Please specify an email address"
+msgstr "Lütfen bir e-posta adresi belirtin."
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:164
-msgid "Retry Now"
-msgstr "Şimdi dene"
+#: clientgui/ValidateEmailAddress.cpp:75
+msgid "Invalid email address; please enter a valid email address"
+msgstr "Geçersiz e-posta adresi; lütfen geçerli bir e-posta adresi girin."
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:165
-msgid "Retry the file transfer now"
-msgstr "Dosya transferini şimdi yeniden dener"
+#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:69
+msgid "Missing URL"
+msgstr "Eksik adres"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:171
-msgid "Abort Transfer"
-msgstr "Aktarımı iptal et"
+#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:70
+msgid ""
+"Please specify a URL.\n"
+"For example:\n"
+msgstr ""
+"Lütfen bir internet adresi belirtin.\n"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:172
-msgid "Abort this file transfer.  You won't get credit for the task."
-msgstr "Bu dosya aktarımını iptal eder. Bu iş için kredi alamazsınız."
+#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:83
+#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:87
+#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:91
+#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:103
+#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:107
+#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:110
+msgid "Invalid URL"
+msgstr "Geçersiz adres"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:183
-msgid "File"
-msgstr "Dosya"
+#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:84
+#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:88
+#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:92
+msgid ""
+"Please specify a valid URL.\n"
+"For example:\n"
+msgstr ""
+"Lütfen geçerli bir internet adresi belirtin.\n"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:184 ViewWork.cpp:233
-msgid "Progress"
-msgstr "İlerleme"
+#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:104
+#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:108
+#, c-format
+msgid "'%s' does not contain a valid host name."
+msgstr "'%s' geçerli bir bilgisayar adı içermiyor."
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:185
-msgid "Size"
-msgstr "Boyut"
+#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:111
+#, c-format
+msgid "'%s' does not contain a valid path."
+msgstr "'%s' geçerli bir yol içermiyor."
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:186
-msgid "Elapsed Time"
-msgstr "Geçen süre"
+#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:84
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:175
+msgid "Commands"
+msgstr "Komutlar"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:187
-msgid "Speed"
-msgstr "Hız"
+#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:88
+msgid "Copy all messages"
+msgstr "Tüm mesajları kopyala"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:213
-msgid "Transfers"
-msgstr "Aktarımlar"
+#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:95
+msgid "Copy selected messages"
+msgstr "Seçili mesajları kopyala"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:280
-msgid "Network activity is suspended - "
-msgstr "Ağ faaliyeti durakladı - "
+#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:106
+#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:502
+msgid "Show only this project"
+msgstr "Yalnızca bu projeyi göster"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:282
-msgid ""
-"You can enable it using the Activity menu."
+#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:107
+#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:503
+msgid "Show only the messages for the selected project."
 msgstr ""
-"Çalışma menüsünü kullanarak yeniden sürdürebilirsiniz."
+"Yalnızca şu anda seçili projeye ait mesajları ve BOINC'in genel mesajlarını "
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:285
-msgid "BOINC"
-msgstr "BOINC"
+#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:164
+msgid "Messages"
+msgstr "Mesajlar"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:292
-msgid "Retrying transfer now..."
-msgstr "Aktarım yeniden deneniyor..."
+#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:187
+msgid "Copying all messages to the clipboard..."
+msgstr "Tüm mesajlar panoya kopyalanıyor..."
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:330
-msgid "Aborting transfer..."
-msgstr "Aktarım iptal ediliyor..."
+#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:223
+msgid "Copying selected messages to the clipboard..."
+msgstr "Seçili mesajlar panoya kopyalanıyor..."
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:343
-#, c-format
-msgid ""
-"Are you sure you want to abort this file transfer '%s'?\n"
-"NOTE: Aborting a transfer will invalidate a task and you\n"
-"will not receive credit for it."
-msgstr ""
-"adlı dosyayı aktarımı iptal etmek istediğinize emin misiniz?\n"
-"NOT: Bir aktarımı durdurmak, işi geçersiz kılar ve kredi alamazsınız."
+#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:286
+msgid "Filtering messages..."
+msgstr "Mesajlar filtreleniyor...."
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:349
-msgid "Abort File Transfer"
-msgstr "Dosya Aktarımını İptal Et"
+#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:494
+msgid "Show all messages"
+msgstr "Tüm mesajları göster"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:780
-msgid "Upload"
-msgstr "Gönderme"
+#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:495
+msgid "Show messages for all projects."
+msgstr "Tüm projeler için mesajları gösterir."
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:780
-msgid "Download"
-msgstr "İndirme"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:225
+msgid "Account"
+msgstr "Hesap"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:784
-msgid "retry in "
-msgstr "yeniden denenecek "
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:227
+msgid "Work done"
+msgstr "Kredi"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:786
-msgid "failed"
-msgstr "başarısız"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:228
+msgid "Avg. work done"
+msgstr "Günlük ortalama kredi"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:789
-msgid "suspended"
-msgstr "durakladı"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:230
+msgid "Status"
+msgstr "Durum"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:794
-msgid "active"
-msgstr "sürüyor"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:255
+msgid "Projects"
+msgstr "Projeler"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:796
-msgid "pending"
-msgstr "kuyrukta"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:307
+msgid "Updating project..."
+msgstr "Proje güncelleniyor..."
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:803
-msgid " (project backoff: "
-msgstr " (proje ertelendi: "
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:349
+msgid "Resuming project..."
+msgstr "Proje sürdürülüyor..."
-#: ViewWork.cpp:187 ViewWork.cpp:777
-msgid "Show active tasks"
-msgstr "Süren işleri göster"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:353
+msgid "Suspending project..."
+msgstr "Proje durduruluyor..."
-#: ViewWork.cpp:188 ViewWork.cpp:778
-msgid "Show only active tasks."
-msgstr "Yalnızca çalışmakta olan işleri gösterir."
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:390
+msgid "Telling project to allow additional task downloads..."
+msgstr "Projeye yeni iş indirmeleri yapılabileceği bildiriliyor..."
-#: ViewWork.cpp:194 sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:60
-msgid "Show graphics"
-msgstr "Grafikleri göster"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:394
+msgid "Telling project to not fetch any additional tasks..."
+msgstr "Projeye yeni iş indirmeleri yapılmayacağı bildiriliyor..."
-#: ViewWork.cpp:195 sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:61
-msgid "Show application graphics in a window."
-msgstr "Uygulama grafiklerini bir pencerede gösterir."
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:430
+msgid "Resetting project..."
+msgstr "Proje sıfırlanıyor..."
-#: ViewWork.cpp:201
-msgid "Show VM Console"
-msgstr "VM Konsolu'nu görüntüle"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:488
+msgid "Removing project..."
+msgstr "Proje kaldırılıyor..."
-#: ViewWork.cpp:202
-msgid "Show VM Console in a window."
-msgstr "VM Konsolu'nu bir pencerede gösterir."
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:548
+msgid "Launching browser..."
+msgstr "Tarayıcı çalıştırılıyor..."
-#: ViewWork.cpp:209
-msgid "Suspend work for this result."
-msgstr "Seçili işlerin çalışmasını durdurur."
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1063
+msgid "Requested by user"
+msgstr "Kullanıcı tarafından istendi"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:215 sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:72
-msgid "Abort"
-msgstr "İptal"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1064
+msgid "To fetch work"
+msgstr "İş indiriliyor"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:216
-msgid "Abandon work on the result. You will get no credit for it."
-msgstr "Seçili işleri iptal eder (işten kredi alamazsınız)."
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1065
+msgid "To report completed tasks"
+msgstr "Tamamlanan işler raporlanıyor"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:223 sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:79
-msgid "Show task details."
-msgstr "Seçili işin detaylı bilgilerini gösterir."
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1066
+msgid "To send trickle-up message"
+msgstr "İş ilerleme mesajı gönderimi"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:235
-msgid "Elapsed"
-msgstr "Geçen"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1067
+msgid "Requested by account manager"
+msgstr "Hesap yöneticisi tarafından istendi"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:236
-msgid "Remaining (estimated)"
-msgstr "Kalan (tahmini)"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1068
+msgid "Project initialization"
+msgstr "Proje başlatılıyor"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:237
-msgid "Deadline"
-msgstr "Son teslim zamanı"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1069
+msgid "Requested by project"
+msgstr "Proje tarafından istendi"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:264
-msgid "Tasks"
-msgstr "İşler"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1070
+msgid "Unknown reason"
+msgstr "Bilinmeyen sebep"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:357
-msgid "Resuming task..."
-msgstr "İş sürdürülüyor..."
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1084
+msgid "Suspended by user"
+msgstr "Kullanıcı tarafından durduruldu"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:360
-msgid "Suspending task..."
-msgstr "İş durduruluyor..."
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1087
+msgid "Won't get new tasks"
+msgstr "Yeni işler alınmayacak"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:389
-msgid "Showing graphics for task..."
-msgstr "İşin grafikleri gösteriliyor..."
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1090
+msgid "Project ended - OK to remove"
+msgstr "Proje sona erdi - Kaldırmak için Tamam'a tıklayın"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:426
-msgid "Showing VM console for task..."
-msgstr "İşin VM Konsolu gösteriliyor..."
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1093
+msgid "Will remove when tasks done"
+msgstr "İşler tamamlandığında kaldırılacak"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:479
-#, c-format
-msgid ""
-"Are you sure you want to abort this task '%s'?\n"
-"(Progress: %s, Status: %s)"
-msgstr ""
-"adlı işi iptal etmek istediğinize emin misiniz?\n"
-"(İlerleme: %s, Durum: %s)"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1096
+msgid "Scheduler request pending"
+msgstr "Zamanlanmış istek kuyrukta"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:485
-#, c-format
-msgid "Are you sure you want to abort these %d tasks?"
-msgstr "Bu %d işi iptal etmek istediğinize emin miziniz?"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1102
+msgid "Scheduler request in progress"
+msgstr "Zamanlanmış istek gerçekleştiriliyor"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:490 sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:256
-msgid "Abort task"
-msgstr "İşi iptal et"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1105
+msgid "Trickle up message pending"
+msgstr "İş ilerleme mesajı kuyrukta"
-# 75%
-#: ViewWork.cpp:499
-msgid "Aborting task..."
-msgstr "İş iptal ediliyor..."
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1111
+msgid "Communication deferred "
+msgstr "Haberleşme ertelendi "
-#: ViewWork.cpp:771
-msgid "Show all tasks"
-msgstr "Tüm işleri göster"
+#: clientgui/ViewResources.cpp:62
+msgid "Total disk usage"
+msgstr "Toplam disk kullanımı"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:772
-msgid "Show all tasks."
-msgstr "Çalışan, bekleyen ve durdurulmuş tüm işleri gösterir."
+#: clientgui/ViewResources.cpp:83
+msgid "Disk usage by BOINC projects"
+msgstr "BOINC projelerinin disk kullanımı"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:796 sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:103
-msgid "Resume work for this task."
-msgstr "Seçili işlerin çalışmasını sürdürür."
+#: clientgui/ViewResources.cpp:116
+msgid "Disk"
+msgstr "Disk"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:802 sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:107
-msgid "Suspend work for this task."
-msgstr "Seçili işlerin çalışmasını durdurur."
+#: clientgui/ViewResources.cpp:225
+msgid "no projects: 0 bytes used"
+msgstr "proje yok: 0 bayt kullanılıyor"
-#: WelcomePage.cpp:284
-msgid "Add project or account manager"
-msgstr "Proje ya da hesap yöneticisi ekle"
+#: clientgui/ViewResources.cpp:262
+msgid "used by BOINC: "
+msgstr "BOINC tarafından kullanılan: "
-#: WelcomePage.cpp:288
-msgid "Add project or use BOINC Account Manager"
-msgstr "Proje ekle ya da BOINC Hesap Yöneticisi kullan"
+#: clientgui/ViewResources.cpp:272
+msgid "free, available to BOINC: "
+msgstr "boş ve BOINC tarafından kullanılabilir: "
-#: WelcomePage.cpp:297
-#, c-format
-msgid ""
-"If possible, add projects at the\n"
-"%s web site.\n"
-"Projects added via this wizard will not be\n"
-"listed on or managed via %s."
-msgstr ""
-"Eğer mümkünse projeleri %s\n"
-"internet sitesinden ekleyin.\n"
-"Bu sihirbazla eklenen projeler, %s ile\n"
-"listelenemez ya da yönetilemez."
+#: clientgui/ViewResources.cpp:282
+msgid "free, not available to BOINC: "
+msgstr "boş ancak BOINC tarafından kullanılamaz: "
-#: WelcomePage.cpp:313
-msgid ""
-"There are over 30 BOINC-based projects\n"
-"doing research in many areas of science,\n"
-"and you can volunteer for as many of them as you like.\n"
-"You can add a project directly,\n"
-"or use an 'Account Manager' web site to select projects."
-msgstr ""
-"Bilimin çeşitli alanlarında araştırma yapılan\n"
-"30'un üzerinde BOINC tabanlı proje mevcuttur ve\n"
-"istediklerinize destek vermek için gönüllü olabilirsiniz.\n"
-"Direkt olarak bir projeyi ekleyebilir ya da\n"
-"projeleri seçmek için bir 'Hesap Yöneticisi' sitesi\n"
+#: clientgui/ViewResources.cpp:292
+msgid "free: "
+msgstr "boş: "
-#: WelcomePage.cpp:325
-msgid ""
-"You have chosen to add a new volunteer computing project or change which "
-"you contribute to.\n"
-"Some of these projects are run and managed by World Community Grid, while "
-"are run and managed by other researchers or organizations. The BOINC "
-"can divide your spare processing power among any combination of projects.\n"
-"Alternatively, if you have registered with a BOINC Account Manager, you can "
-"this to choose which projects to support.\n"
-"Please choose which type of change you would like to make:\n"
-msgstr ""
-"Yeni bir gönüllü hesaplama projesi eklemeyi ya da katkıda bulunduğunuz "
-"değiştirmeyi seçtiniz.\n"
-"Bu projelerden bazıları, World Community Grid tarafından işletilir ve "
-"diğerleri ise başka araştırmacılar ya da organizasyonlar tarafından "
-"işletilir ve\n"
-"yönetilir. BOINC yazılımı ile boş işlemci gücünüzü, bu projelerin herhangi "
-"kombinasyonu arasında paylaştırabilirsiniz.\n"
-"Alternatif olarak, bir BOINC Hesap Yöneticisi kullanıyorsanız, desteklemek "
-"projeleri onun aracılığıyla da seçebilirsiniz.\n"
-"Lütfen yapmak istediğiniz değişiklik türünü seçin:\n"
+#: clientgui/ViewResources.cpp:302
+msgid "used by other programs: "
+msgstr "başka programlarca kullanılan: "
-#: WelcomePage.cpp:339
-msgid "Use a BOINC Account Manager"
-msgstr "Bir BOINC Hesap Yöneticisi kullan"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1181
+msgid "User Total"
+msgstr "Toplam Krediniz"
-#: WelcomePage.cpp:352
-msgid "To continue, click Next."
-msgstr "Devam etmek için, İleri'yi tıklayın."
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1182
+msgid "User Average"
+msgstr "Günlük Ortalama Krediniz"
-#: WelcomePage.cpp:358
-msgid "Add or change your World Community Grid projects"
-msgstr "World Community Grid projeleri ekle ya da değiştir"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1183
+msgid "Host Total"
+msgstr "Bilgisayarınızın Toplam Kredisi"
-#: WelcomePage.cpp:361
-msgid "Add projects run by other researchers or organizations"
-msgstr "Başka araştırmacı ya da organizasyonların projelerini ekle"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1184
+msgid "Host Average"
+msgstr "Bilgisayarınızın Günlük Ortalama Kredisi"
-#: WizardAttach.cpp:634
-msgid "Do you really want to cancel?"
-msgstr "İptal etmek istediğinize emin misiniz?"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1331
+#, c-format
+msgid "Last update: %.0f days ago"
+msgstr "Son güncelleme: %.0f gün önce"
-#: WizardAttach.cpp:635
-msgid "Question"
-msgstr "Soru"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1956
+msgid "Show user total"
+msgstr "Toplam kredim"
-#: sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:149
-msgid "Advanced View...\tCtrl+Shift+A"
-msgstr "Gelişmiş görünüm...\tCtrl+Shift+A"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1957
+msgid "Show total credit for user"
+msgstr "Toplam kredinizi görüntüler"
-#: sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:150
-msgid "Display the advanced graphical interface."
-msgstr "Gelişmiş grafiksel arayüzü görüntüler."
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1963
+msgid "Show user average"
+msgstr "Günlük ortalama kredim"
-#: sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:157
-msgid "Skin"
-msgstr "Kaplama"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1964
+msgid "Show average credit for user"
+msgstr "Günlük üretilen ortalama kredinizi görüntüler"
-#: sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:159
-msgid "Select the appearance of the user interface."
-msgstr "Kullanıcı arayüzünün görünümünü seçin."
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1970
+msgid "Show host total"
+msgstr "Bilgisayarımın toplam kredisi"
-#: sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:206
-#, c-format
-msgid "&%s"
-msgstr "&%s"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1971
+msgid "Show total credit for host"
+msgstr "Bu bilgisayarınızın toplam kredisini görüntüler"
-#: sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:390
-msgid "Default"
-msgstr "Varsayılan"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1977
+msgid "Show host average"
+msgstr "Bilgisayarımın ortalama kredisi"
-#: sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:759
-msgid "Suspend Computing"
-msgstr "Hesaplamayı duraklatır"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1978
+msgid "Show average credit for host"
+msgstr "Bu bilgisayarınızın ortalama kredisini görüntüler"
-#: sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:760
-msgid "Resume Computing"
-msgstr "Hesaplamayı sürdürür"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1987
+msgid "< &Previous project"
+msgstr "< &Önceki proje"
-#: sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:777
-msgid "Open a window to view notices from projects or BOINC"
-msgstr "Projelerden ya da BOINC'ten gelen bildirimleri gösterir"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1988
+msgid "Show chart for previous project"
+msgstr "Önceki proje için çizelge"
-#: sg_DlgMessages.cpp:146
-msgid "Close"
-msgstr "Kapat"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1993
+msgid "&Next project >"
+msgstr "&Sonraki proje >"
-#: sg_DlgMessages.cpp:389
-#, c-format
-msgid "%s - Notices"
-msgstr "%s  - Bildirimler"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1994
+msgid "Show chart for next project"
+msgstr "Sonraki proje için çizelge"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:268
-msgid "This dialog controls preferences for this computer only."
-msgstr "Bu pencere, tercihleri yalnızca bu bilgisayarınız için özelleştirir."
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2000
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2390
+msgid "Hide project list"
+msgstr "Proje listesini gizle"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:273
-msgid "Click OK to set preferences."
-msgstr "Tercihlerinizi kaydetmek için 'Tamam'ı tıklayın."
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2001
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2390
+msgid "Use entire area for graphs"
+msgstr "Tüm alan grafikler için kullanılır"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:278
-msgid ""
-"Click Clear to restore web-based settings for all preferences listed below."
-msgstr ""
-"Aşağıda listelenen tüm tercihler ​için web tabanlı ayarları geri yüklemek "
-"için Temizle'yi tıklatın."
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2006
+msgid "Mode view"
+msgstr "Görünüm kipi"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:285
-msgid ""
-"For additional settings, select Computing Preferences in the Advanced View."
-msgstr ""
-"Ek ayarlar için, 'Gelişmiş görünüm'de 'Hesaplama tercihleri' seçeneğini "
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2010
+msgid "One project"
+msgstr "Tek proje"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:313
-msgid "Do work only between:"
-msgstr "Yalnızca bu saatler arasında çalıştır:"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2011
+msgid "Show one chart with selected project"
+msgstr "Seçilen projeyi tek çizelgede göster"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:335
-msgid "Connect to internet only between:"
-msgstr "Bu saatler arasında internete bağlan:"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2017
+msgid "All projects (separate)"
+msgstr "Tüm projeler (ayrı)"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:357 sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:374
-msgid "Use no more than:"
-msgstr "En çok bu kadar kullan:"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2018
+msgid "Show all projects, one chart per project"
+msgstr "Tüm projeleri göster, her biri için ayrı çizelge"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:370
-msgid "of disk space"
-msgstr "disk alanı"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2024
+msgid "All projects (together)"
+msgstr "Tüm projeler (birlikte)"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:387
-msgid "of the processor"
-msgstr "işlemci (CPU) gücü"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2025
+msgid "Show one chart with all projects"
+msgstr "Tüm projelerin bulunduğu tek çizelge göster"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:391
-msgid "Do work while on battery?"
-msgstr "Pil gücündeyken işleri çalıştır?"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2031
+msgid "All projects (sum)"
+msgstr "Tüm projeler (özet)"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:404
-msgid "Do work after idle for:"
-msgstr "Bu kadar süre boşta kaldığında çalıştır:"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2032
+msgid "Show one chart with sum of projects"
+msgstr "Tüm projelerin özetinin bulunduğu tek çizelge göster"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:429
-msgid "Clear all local preferences listed above and close the dialog"
-msgstr "Yukarıda listelenen tüm yerel tercihleri temizler ve pencereyi kapatır"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2053
+msgid "Statistics"
+msgstr "İstatistikler"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:602 sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:605
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:681 sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:685
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:697 sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:701
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:844 sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:855
-msgid "Anytime"
-msgstr "Herhangi"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2077
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2098
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2119
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2141
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2162
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2183
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2204
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2225
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2246
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2270
+msgid "Updating charts..."
+msgstr "Çizelgeler güncelleniyor..."
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:638
-msgid "100 MB"
-msgstr "100 MB"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2394
+msgid "Show project list"
+msgstr "Proje listesini göster"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:639
-msgid "200 MB"
-msgstr "200 MB"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2394
+msgid "Uses smaller area for graphs"
+msgstr "Grafikler için daha küçük bir alan kullanılır"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:640
-msgid "500 MB"
-msgstr "500 MB"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:169
+msgid "Retry Now"
+msgstr "Şimdi dene"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:641
-msgid "1 GB"
-msgstr "1 GB"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:170
+msgid "Retry the file transfer now"
+msgstr "Dosya transferini şimdi yeniden dener"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:642
-msgid "2 GB"
-msgstr "2 GB"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:176
+msgid "Abort Transfer"
+msgstr "Aktarımı iptal et"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:643
-msgid "5 GB"
-msgstr "5 GB"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:177
+msgid "Abort this file transfer.  You won't get credit for the task."
+msgstr "Bu dosya aktarımını iptal eder. Bu iş için kredi alamazsınız."
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:644
-msgid "10 GB"
-msgstr "10 GB"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:188
+msgid "File"
+msgstr "Dosya"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:645
-msgid "20 GB"
-msgstr "20 GB"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:189
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:238
+msgid "Progress"
+msgstr "İlerleme"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:646
-msgid "50 GB"
-msgstr "50 GB"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:190
+msgid "Size"
+msgstr "Boyut"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:647
-msgid "100 GB"
-msgstr "100 GB"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:191
+msgid "Elapsed Time"
+msgstr "Geçen süre"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:717
-#, c-format
-msgid "%d MB"
-msgstr "%d MB"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:192
+msgid "Speed"
+msgstr "Hız"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:719
-#, c-format
-msgid "%4.2f GB"
-msgstr "%4.2f GB"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:218
+msgid "Transfers"
+msgstr "Aktarımlar"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:760
-#, c-format
-msgid "%d%%"
-msgstr "%%%d"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:285
+msgid "Network activity is suspended - "
+msgstr "Ağ faaliyeti durakladı - "
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:796
-msgid "0 (Run Always)"
-msgstr "0 (Daima çalış)"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:287
+msgid ""
+"You can enable it using the Activity menu."
+msgstr ""
+"Çalışma menüsünü kullanarak yeniden sürdürebilirsiniz."
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:799
-#, c-format
-msgid "%d"
-msgstr "%d"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:290
+msgid "BOINC"
+msgstr "BOINC"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:1029
-msgid "Do you really want to clear all local preferences?\n"
-msgstr "Tüm yerel tercihlerinizi kaldırmak istediğinize emin misiniz?\n"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:297
+msgid "Retrying transfer now..."
+msgstr "Aktarım yeniden deneniyor..."
-#: sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:72
-msgid "Add Project"
-msgstr "Proje ekle"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:335
+msgid "Aborting transfer..."
+msgstr "Aktarım iptal ediliyor..."
-#: sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:73
-msgid "Synchronize"
-msgstr "Eşitle"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:348
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Are you sure you want to abort this file transfer '%s'?\n"
+"NOTE: Aborting a transfer will invalidate a task and you\n"
+"will not receive credit for it."
+msgstr ""
+"adlı dosyayı aktarımı iptal etmek istediğinize emin misiniz?\n"
+"NOT: Bir aktarımı durdurmak, işi geçersiz kılar ve kredi alamazsınız."
-#: sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:74
-msgid "Work done for this project"
-msgstr "Bu projede elde ettiğiniz toplam kredi"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:354
+msgid "Abort File Transfer"
+msgstr "Dosya Aktarımını İptal Et"
-#: sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:77
-msgid "Synchronize projects with account manager system"
-msgstr "Projeleri hesap yöneticisi sistemiyle senkronize eder"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:785
+msgid "Upload"
+msgstr "Gönderme"
-#: sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:124
-msgid "Select a project to access with the controls below"
-msgstr "Aşağıdaki kontrollere erişimek için bir proje seçin"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:785
+msgid "Download"
+msgstr "İndirme"
-#: sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:145
-msgid "Project Web Pages"
-msgstr "Proje internet sayfaları"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:789
+msgid "retry in "
+msgstr "yeniden denenecek "
-#: sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:149
-msgid "Project Commands"
-msgstr "Proje komutları"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:791
+msgid "failed"
+msgstr "başarısız"
-#: sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:267
-#, c-format
-msgid "Pop up a menu of web sites for project %s"
-msgstr "%s projesinin internet sayfaları için bir menü açar"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:794
+msgid "suspended"
+msgstr "durakladı"
-#: sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:269
-#, c-format
-msgid "Pop up a menu of commands to apply to project %s"
-msgstr "%s projesine verilebilecek komutları gösterir"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:799
+msgid "active"
+msgstr "sürüyor"
-#: sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:67
-msgid "Suspend this task."
-msgstr "Bu işi duraklat."
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:801
+msgid "pending"
+msgstr "kuyrukta"
-#: sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:73
-msgid "Abandon this task. You will get no credit for it."
-msgstr "Bu işi iptal eder. Bu iş için kredi alamayacaksanız."
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:808
+msgid " (project backoff: "
+msgstr " (proje ertelendi: "
-#: sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:251
-#, c-format
-msgid ""
-"Are you sure you want to abort this task '%s'?\n"
-"(Progress: %.1lf%%, Status: %s)"
-msgstr ""
-"adlı işi iptal etmek istediğinize emin misiniz?\n"
-"(İlerleme: %%%.1lf, Durum: %s)"
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:192
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:782
+msgid "Show active tasks"
+msgstr "Süren işleri göster"
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:464
-msgid "You don't have any projects.  Please Add a Project."
-msgstr "Katıldığınız bir proje bulunmuyor.  Lütfen bir proje ekleyin."
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:193
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:783
+msgid "Show only active tasks."
+msgstr "Yalnızca çalışmakta olan işleri gösterir."
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:465
-msgid "Not available"
-msgstr "Mevcut değil"
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:206
+msgid "Show VM Console"
+msgstr "VM Konsolu'nu görüntüle"
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:476
-msgid "Tasks:"
-msgstr "İşler:"
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:207
+msgid "Show VM Console in a window."
+msgstr "VM Konsolu'nu bir pencerede gösterir."
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:482
-msgid "Select a task to access"
-msgstr "Erişim için bir iş seçin"
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:214
+msgid "Suspend work for this result."
+msgstr "Seçili işlerin çalışmasını durdurur."
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:493
-msgid "From:"
-msgstr "Sahibi:"
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:221
+msgid "Abandon work on the result. You will get no credit for it."
+msgstr "Seçili işleri iptal eder (işten kredi alamazsınız)."
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:547
-msgid "This task's progress"
-msgstr "Bu işin ilerleme oranı"
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:240
+msgid "Elapsed"
+msgstr "Geçen"
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:565
-msgid "Task Commands"
-msgstr "İş komutları"
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:241
+msgid "Remaining (estimated)"
+msgstr "Kalan (tahmini)"
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:566
-msgid "Pop up a menu of commands to apply to this task"
-msgstr "Bu işe verilebilecek komutları gösterir"
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:242
+msgid "Deadline"
+msgstr "Son teslim zamanı"
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:701
-#, c-format
-msgid "Application: %s"
-msgstr "Uygulama: %s"
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:269
+msgid "Tasks"
+msgstr "İşler"
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:724
-#, c-format
-msgid "%.3f%%"
-msgstr "%%%.3f"
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:362
+msgid "Resuming task..."
+msgstr "İş sürdürülüyor..."
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:732
-msgid "Application: Not available"
-msgstr "Uygulama: Mevcut değil"
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:365
+msgid "Suspending task..."
+msgstr "İş durduruluyor..."
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:832
-msgid "Not Available"
-msgstr "Mevcut değil"
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:394
+msgid "Showing graphics for task..."
+msgstr "İşin grafikleri gösteriliyor..."
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:847
-#, c-format
-msgid "Elapsed: %s"
-msgstr "Geçen süre: %s"
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:431
+msgid "Showing VM console for task..."
+msgstr "İşin VM Konsolu gösteriliyor..."
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:861
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:484
 #, c-format
-msgid "Remaining (estimated): %s"
-msgstr "Kalan süre (tahmini): %s"
+msgid ""
+"Are you sure you want to abort this task '%s'?\n"
+"(Progress: %s, Status: %s)"
+msgstr ""
+"adlı işi iptal etmek istediğinize emin misiniz?\n"
+"(İlerleme: %s, Durum: %s)"
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:876
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:490
 #, c-format
-msgid "Status: %s"
-msgstr "Durum: %s"
+msgid "Are you sure you want to abort these %d tasks?"
+msgstr "Bu %d işi iptal etmek istediğinize emin miziniz?"
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1223
-msgid "Retrieving current status."
-msgstr "Mevcut durum bilgisi alınıyor..."
+# 75%
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:504
+msgid "Aborting task..."
+msgstr "İş iptal ediliyor..."
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1229
-msgid "Downloading work from the server."
-msgstr "İş sunucudan indiriliyor"
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:776
+msgid "Show all tasks"
+msgstr "Tüm işleri göster"
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1234
-msgid "Processing Suspended:  Running On Batteries."
-msgstr "Çalışma Durdu:  Pil Gücünde Çalışıyor."
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:777
+msgid "Show all tasks."
+msgstr "Çalışan, bekleyen ve durdurulmuş tüm işleri gösterir."
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1236
-msgid "Processing Suspended:  User Active."
-msgstr "Çalışma Durdu:  Kullanıcı Faal."
+#: clientgui/WelcomePage.cpp:284
+msgid "Add project or account manager"
+msgstr "Proje ya da hesap yöneticisi ekle"
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1238
-msgid "Processing Suspended:  User paused processing."
-msgstr "Çalışma Durdu:  Kullanıcı Çalışmayı Duraklattı."
+#: clientgui/WelcomePage.cpp:288
+msgid "Add project or use BOINC Account Manager"
+msgstr "Proje ekle ya da BOINC Hesap Yöneticisi kullan"
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1240
-msgid "Processing Suspended:  Time of Day."
-msgstr "Çalışma Durdu:  Günlük Zamanlama"
+#: clientgui/WelcomePage.cpp:297
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"If possible, add projects at the\n"
+"%s web site.\n"
+"Projects added via this wizard will not be\n"
+"listed on or managed via %s."
+msgstr ""
+"Eğer mümkünse projeleri %s\n"
+"internet sitesinden ekleyin.\n"
+"Bu sihirbazla eklenen projeler, %s ile\n"
+"listelenemez ya da yönetilemez."
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1242
-msgid "Processing Suspended:  Benchmarks Running."
-msgstr "Çalışma Durdu:  Testler Çalışıyor."
+#: clientgui/WelcomePage.cpp:313
+msgid ""
+"There are over 30 BOINC-based projects\n"
+"doing research in many areas of science,\n"
+"and you can volunteer for as many of them as you like.\n"
+"You can add a project directly,\n"
+"or use an 'Account Manager' web site to select projects."
+msgstr ""
+"Bilimin çeşitli alanlarında araştırma yapılan\n"
+"30'un üzerinde BOINC tabanlı proje mevcuttur ve\n"
+"istediklerinize destek vermek için gönüllü olabilirsiniz.\n"
+"Direkt olarak bir projeyi ekleyebilir ya da\n"
+"projeleri seçmek için bir 'Hesap Yöneticisi' sitesi\n"
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1244
-msgid "Processing Suspended."
-msgstr "Çalışma Durdu."
+#: clientgui/WelcomePage.cpp:325
+msgid ""
+"You have chosen to add a new volunteer computing project or change which projects\n"
+"you contribute to.\n"
+"Some of these projects are run and managed by World Community Grid, while others\n"
+"are run and managed by other researchers or organizations. The BOINC software\n"
+"can divide your spare processing power among any combination of projects.\n"
+"Alternatively, if you have registered with a BOINC Account Manager, you can use\n"
+"this to choose which projects to support.\n"
+"Please choose which type of change you would like to make:\n"
+msgstr ""
+"Yeni bir gönüllü hesaplama projesi eklemeyi ya da katkıda bulunduğunuz "
+"değiştirmeyi seçtiniz.\n"
+"Bu projelerden bazıları, World Community Grid tarafından işletilir ve "
+"diğerleri ise başka araştırmacılar ya da organizasyonlar tarafından "
+"işletilir ve\n"
+"yönetilir. BOINC yazılımı ile boş işlemci gücünüzü, bu projelerin herhangi "
+"kombinasyonu arasında paylaştırabilirsiniz.\n"
+"Alternatif olarak, bir BOINC Hesap Yöneticisi kullanıyorsanız, desteklemek "
+"projeleri onun aracılığıyla da seçebilirsiniz.\n"
+"Lütfen yapmak istediğiniz değişiklik türünü seçin:\n"
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1248
-msgid "Waiting to contact project servers."
-msgstr "Proje sunucularına bağlanılması için bekleniyor."
+#: clientgui/WelcomePage.cpp:339
+msgid "Use a BOINC Account Manager"
+msgstr "Bir BOINC Hesap Yöneticisi kullan"
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1252 sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1261
-msgid "Retrieving current status"
-msgstr "Mevcut durum bilgisi alınıyor"
+#: clientgui/WelcomePage.cpp:358
+msgid "Add or change your World Community Grid projects"
+msgstr "World Community Grid projeleri ekle ya da değiştir"
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1256
-msgid "No work available to process"
-msgstr "Çalıştırılacak iş bulunmuyor"
+#: clientgui/WelcomePage.cpp:361
+msgid "Add projects run by other researchers or organizations"
+msgstr "Başka araştırmacı ya da organizasyonların projelerini ekle"
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1258
-msgid "Unable to connect to the core client"
-msgstr "Çekirdek istemciyle bağlantı kurulamadı"
+#: clientgui/WizardAttach.cpp:673
+msgid "Do you really want to cancel?"
+msgstr "İptal etmek istediğinize emin misiniz?"
+#: clientgui/WizardAttach.cpp:674
+msgid "Question"
+msgstr "Soru"
-#: wizardex.cpp:377 wizardex.cpp:553
+#: clientgui/wizardex.cpp:377
+#: clientgui/wizardex.cpp:553
 msgid "&Next >"
 msgstr "&İleri >"
-#: wizardex.cpp:383
+#: clientgui/wizardex.cpp:383
 msgid "< &Back"
 msgstr "< &Geri"
-#: wizardex.cpp:553
+#: clientgui/wizardex.cpp:553
 msgid "&Finish"
 msgstr "&Son"
-#: mac/Mac_GUI.cpp:110
-msgid "Preferences…"
-msgstr "Tercihler..."
+#: clientgui/common/wxPieCtrl.cpp:64
+msgid "Pie Ctrl"
+msgstr "Pie Ctrl"
-#: mac/Mac_GUI.cpp:122
+#: clientgui/mac/Mac_GUI.cpp:35
 msgid "Services"
 msgstr "Servisler"
-#: mac/Mac_GUI.cpp:144
+#: clientgui/mac/Mac_GUI.cpp:36
 #, c-format
 msgid "Hide %s"
 msgstr "%s gizle"
-#: mac/Mac_GUI.cpp:158
+#: clientgui/mac/Mac_GUI.cpp:37
 msgid "Hide Others"
 msgstr "Diğerlerini gizle"
-#: mac/Mac_GUI.cpp:172
+#: clientgui/mac/Mac_GUI.cpp:38
 msgid "Show All"
 msgstr "Tümünü Göster"
-#: mac/Mac_GUI.cpp:186
+#: clientgui/mac/Mac_GUI.cpp:39
 #, c-format
 msgid "Quit %s"
 msgstr "%s'den ayrıl"
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.h:30
+msgid "specify work start and stop hours in format HH:MM-HH:MM"
+msgstr "başlama ve durma saatlerini SS:DD-SS:DD formatına göre belirleyin"
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.h:31
+msgid "specify network usage start and stop hours in format HH:MM-HH:MM"
+msgstr "ağ kullanım saatlerini SS:DD-SS:DD formatına göre belirleyin"
+# 98%
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "(C) 2003-2013 University of California, Berkeley.\n"
+#~ "All Rights Reserved."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "(C) 2003-2013 Kaliforniya Üniversitesi, Berkeley.\n"
+#~ "Tüm hakları saklıdır."
+#, c-format
+#~ msgid "%s - Preferences"
+#~ msgstr "%s - Tercihler"
+#, no-c-format
+#~ msgid "% of the processors (0 means ignore this setting)"
+#~ msgstr "% kadarı kullanılsın (ayarlamayı iptal etmek için 0 yazın)"
+#, no-c-format
+#~ msgid "% CPU time"
+#~ msgstr "% kadar işlemci gücü kullanılsın"
+#~ msgid "KBytes/sec."
+#~ msgstr "KBayt/sn"
+#~ msgid "Mbytes"
+#~ msgstr "MB"
+#~ msgid "every"
+#~ msgstr "her"
+#~ msgid "days"
+#~ msgstr "günlük"
+#~ msgid "Gigabytes disk space"
+#~ msgstr "GB disk alanı kullanılsın"
+#~ msgid "Running, high priority"
+#~ msgstr "Çalışıyor, yüksek öncelikli"
+#~ msgid " (Scheduler wait: "
+#~ msgstr " (Zamanlanmış bekleme: "
+#~ msgid " (Scheduler wait)"
+#~ msgstr " (Zamanlanmış bekleme)"
+#~ msgid " (Waiting for network access)"
+#~ msgstr " (Ağ erişimi için bekleniyor)"
+#~ msgid "Preferences…"
+#~ msgstr "Tercihler..."
 #~ msgid "I do not agree with the terms of use."
 #~ msgstr "Kullanım koşullarını kabul etmiyorum."
@@ -4300,15 +4519,6 @@ msgstr "%s'den ayrıl"
 #~ msgid "OnDropTarget: index by HitTest = %i"
 #~ msgstr "OnDropTarget: HitTest tarafından index = %i"
-#~ msgid "Pie Ctrl"
-#~ msgstr "Pie Ctrl"
-#~ msgid "specify work start and stop hours in format HH:MM-HH:MM"
-#~ msgstr "başlama ve durma saatlerini SS:DD-SS:DD formatına göre belirleyin"
-#~ msgid "specify network usage start and stop hours in format HH:MM-HH:MM"
-#~ msgstr "ağ kullanım saatlerini SS:DD-SS:DD formatına göre belirleyin"
 #~ msgid "Identify your account "
 #~ msgstr "Hesap bilgilerinizi girin"
diff --git a/locale/tr/BOINC-Web.mo b/locale/tr/BOINC-Web.mo
index 579078e..9046113 100644
Binary files a/locale/tr/BOINC-Web.mo and b/locale/tr/BOINC-Web.mo differ
diff --git a/locale/tr/BOINC-Web.po b/locale/tr/BOINC-Web.po
index a5e3fc7..78beeb0 100644
--- a/locale/tr/BOINC-Web.po
+++ b/locale/tr/BOINC-Web.po
@@ -7,8 +7,8 @@ msgstr ""
 "Project-Id-Version: BOINC Web Site\n"
 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: BOINC translation team <boinc_loc at ssl.berkeley.edu>\n"
 "POT-Creation-Date: 2014-02-01 00:00 PST\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-11-24 20:45+0000\n"
-"Last-Translator: Aycan <aycandemirel at hotmail.com>\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2014-12-15 21:30+0000\n"
+"Last-Translator: Anonymous Pootle User\n"
 "Language-Team: Donanım Haber <bilgi at donanimhaber.com>\n"
 "Language: tr\n"
 "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ msgstr ""
 "Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\n"
 "X-Generator: Pootle 2.5.0\n"
 "X-Poedit-SourceCharset: utf-8\n"
-"X-POOTLE-MTIME: 1385325940.0\n"
+"X-POOTLE-MTIME: 1418679006.0\n"
 #: docutil.php:21
 msgid "Search"
@@ -697,17 +697,19 @@ msgstr ""
 #: projects.inc:207
 msgid "Physical Science"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Fiziksel Bilimi"
 #: projects.inc:213
 msgid "Mechanical engineering"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Makine mühendisliği"
 #: projects.inc:214
 msgid ""
 "Currently we are calculating the optimum design of a structure call the 52 "
 "bar truss"
 msgstr ""
+"Şu anda, 52 bar kafese (kirişe) sahip bir yapının optimum tasarımını "
 #: projects.inc:224 projects.inc:263 projects.inc:271
 msgid "Astronomy"
@@ -722,6 +724,13 @@ msgid ""
 "star formation history) on a resolved pixel-by-pixel basis using spectral "
 "energy distribution (SED) fitting techniques in a distributed computing mode."
 msgstr ""
+"GALEX, Pan-STARRS1 ve WISE'ın tayfsal kapsama alanını, yakın evren için bir "
+"'çok dalga boylu UV-optik-NIR galaksi atlası' oluşturmak amacıyla "
+"birleştireceğiz. Bir dağıtık bilgisayar moduyla, piksel-piksele esasına göre "
+"tayfsal enerji dağılımı teknikleri kullanılarak çözülmüş fiziksel "
+"parametreleri ölçeceğiz (örneğin yıldız kütlesi yüzey yoğunluğu, yıldız "
+"oluşumu oranı yüzey yoğunluğu, zayıflama ve birinci dereceden yıldız oluşumu "
+"öyküsü gibi)."
 #: projects.inc:247
 msgid "University of Texas at Austin"
@@ -743,6 +752,15 @@ msgid ""
 "single event of interest can be expected to occur.  Our research group is "
 "interested in calculating the long time dynamics of systems."
 msgstr ""
+"Teorik kimyanın, yoğun madde fiziğinin ve malzeme biliminin yaygın bir "
+"sorunu, atom ölçekli bir sistemin zaman evrimini hesaplamaktır. Örneğin, "
+"kimyasal reaksiyonlar ve/veya difüzyonun meydana gelişi gibi. Genellikle "
+"ilgili olaylar oldukça nadirdir (birçoğunun büyüklüğü, atomların titreşim "
+"hareketlerinden daha yavaştır). Bu nedenle, meydana gelecek tek bir olayı "
+"incelemek, doğrudan simülasyonlar ve atomların her hareketini izlemek, "
+"bugünün en hızlı bilgisayarlarıyla bile yüzlerce yıl alabilir.  Araştırma "
+"grubumuz, söz konusu sistemlerin uzun zaman dinamiklerinin hesaplanmasıyla "
 #: projects.inc:262
 msgid "University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign"
@@ -754,6 +772,9 @@ msgid ""
 "our Universe and to find the range of models that agree with the available "
 "astronomical particle physics data."
 msgstr ""
+"Cosmology at Home'un temel hedefi, evrenimizi en iyi betimleyen modeli "
+"araştırmak ve eldeki astronomik parçacık fiziği verileriyle uyumlu model "
+"aralıklarını bulmak."
 #: projects.inc:270
 msgid "Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute"
@@ -765,6 +786,9 @@ msgid ""
 "model of the Milky Way galaxy using data gathered by the Sloan Digital Sky "
 msgstr ""
+"Milkyway at Home projesinin amacı, Sloan Sayısal Gökyüzü Araştırması tarafından "
+"toplanan verileri kullanarak Samanyolu Galaksisi'nin son derece doğru, üç "
+"boyutlu modelini oluşturmaktır."
 #: projects.inc:278
 msgid "Leiden University, The Netherlands"
@@ -779,6 +803,13 @@ msgid ""
 "argon, or to test the validity of the ideal gas law by actually doing the "
 "simulations through the grid."
 msgstr ""
+"Yüzey bilimi, Klasik Dinamikleri kullanılarak hesaplamalar yapar. Leiden "
+"Classic, şebekeye kendi kişisel hesaplamalarını göndermeleri için "
+"gönüllüler, öğrenciler ve diğer bilim adamlarına izin verir. Her "
+"kullanıcının Klasik Dinamik işleri için kendi kişisel sırası vardır. Bu "
+"yolla öğrenciler sıvı argonu simüle etmek için veya şebeke vasıtasıyla "
+"simülasyonlar yaparak, ideal gaz yasasının geçerliliğini test etmek için "
+"dağıtık hesaplamayı kullanır."
 #: projects.inc:294
 msgid "Univ. of Wisconsin - Milwaukee, Max Planck Institute"
@@ -796,6 +827,11 @@ msgid ""
 "supported by the American Physical Society (APS) and by a number of "
 "international organizations."
 msgstr ""
+"Çok hızlı dönen nötron yıldızlarını (pulsar olarak da adlandırılır) aramakta "
+"kullanılan veriler, LIGO ve GEO kütleçekim dalga detektörleri ile, Arecibo "
+"Radyo Gözlemevi'nden gelmektedir. Einstein at Home, bir 2005 Dünya Fizik Yılı "
+"projesidir ve Amerikan Fizik Derneği (American Physical Society-APS) ile bir "
+"dizi uluslararası kuruluş tarafından desteklenmektedir."
 #: projects.inc:310 projects.inc:318
 msgid "CERN (European Organization for Nuclear Research)"
@@ -825,6 +861,10 @@ msgid ""
 "LHC event physics simulation on volunteer computers.  Requires that you "
 "install VirtualBox on your computer"
 msgstr ""
+"Bu proje gönüllü bilgisayarlarda, tam teşekküllü Büyük Hadron Çarpıştırıcısı "
+"(LHC) olay fizik simülasyonunu gerçekleştirir. Bunun için, Avrupa Nükleer "
+"Araştırma Merkezi (CERN) ile geliştirilen sanal makine teknolojisini "
+"kullanır.  Bilgisayarınıza VirtualBox yüklemenizi gerektirir."
 #: projects.inc:326
 msgid "University of California, Berkeley"
@@ -842,6 +882,12 @@ msgid ""
 "signals from space. Such signals are not known to occur naturally, so a "
 "detection would provide evidence of extraterrestrial technology."
 msgstr ""
+"SETI (Dünya Dışı Zeka Arayışı), amacı dünyanın dışında akıllı yaşamı "
+"algılamak olan bilimsel bir alandır. Yaklaşımlardan birisi, radyo SETI "
+"olarak bilinen, uzaydan gelen dar-bant radyo sinyallerini dinlemek için "
+"radyo teleskopları kullanmaktır. Böyle sinyallerin doğal olarak oluşmadığı "
+"bilinmektedir, bu tür bir sinyalin algılanması, uzayda dünya dışı bir "
+"teknolojinin kanıtı olabilir."
 #: projects.inc:342
 msgid "Bielefeld University of Applied Sciences"
@@ -858,6 +904,9 @@ msgid ""
 "applications in medicine (such as local tumor chemotherapy) and "
 msgstr ""
+"Moleküler mıknatıslar ve kontrollü nano manyetizma çalışması.  Bu manyetik "
+"moleküllerle, tıp uygulamaları (örneğin bölgesel tümör kemoterapisi) ve "
+"biyoteknolojide kullanılacak küçük manyetik anahtarlar geliştirilebilir."
 #: projects.inc:351
 msgid "Multiple applications"
@@ -877,6 +926,9 @@ msgid ""
 "adopt the technologies of volunteer computing and volunteer thinking for "
 "their research."
 msgstr ""
+"CAS at home'un amacı, Çin'deki bilim insanlarını gönüllü bilgisayar "
+"teknolojilerini benimsemeleri ve kendi araştırmaları için gönüllülerin "
+"yardımını düşünmeleri için teşvik etmek ve yardımcı olmaktır."
 #: projects.inc:365
 msgid "Mathematics, physics, evolution"
@@ -887,6 +939,8 @@ msgid ""
 "Yoyo at home is an adapter between BOINC and several existing volunteer "
 "computing projects: ECM, Muon, Evolution at home, and distributed.net"
 msgstr ""
+"Yoyo at home, BOINC ve mevcut birkaç gönüllü hesaplama projesi arasında bir "
+"köprüdür: ECM, Muon, Evolution at home ve distributed.net"
 #: projects.inc:371 projects.inc:527
 msgid "MTA-SZTAKI Laboratory of Parallel and Distributed Systems (Hungary)"
@@ -903,6 +957,11 @@ msgid ""
 "processed by the volunteers of this project. The scientific projects covered "
 "by the project include math, physics, biology, etc."
 msgstr ""
+"EDGeS at Home Beta projesi, gönüllü hesaplamacılığı, Avrupa hizmet dağıtık "
+"ağına entegre eder. Bunu, Avrupa hizmet dağıtık ağlarının, bu projenin "
+"gönüllülerine işlenmeleri için iş birimleri göndermesini sağlayarak "
+"gerçekleştirir. EDGeS at Home Beta'nın kapsadığı bilimsel projeler, matematik, "
+"fizik, biyoloji ve benzerleri alanlardadır."
 #: projects.inc:379
 msgid "Spanish universities and research centers"
@@ -950,7 +1009,7 @@ msgstr "Matematik, fizik, yapay zeka"
 #: projects.inc:410
 msgid "Simulation of quantum computing; Goldbach's conjecture."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Kuantum bilgisayar simülasyonu; Goldbach Hipotezi (Varsayımı)."
 #: projects.inc:450 projects.inc:458
 msgid "Cryptography"
@@ -961,6 +1020,10 @@ msgid ""
 "Attempt to decode 3 original Enigma messages. The signals were intercepted "
 "in the North Atlantic in 1942 and are believed to be unbroken."
 msgstr ""
+"Enigma, İkinci Dünya Savaşı sırasında Almanlar tarafından kullanılan "
+"şifreleme cihazıdır. Proje, üç orijinal Enigma mesajını çözmek için bir "
+"denemedir. Sinyaller 1942 yılında Kuzey Atlantik'te yakalanmıştı ve "
+"kırılamamış olduğuna inanılmaktadır."
 #: projects.inc:465 projects.inc:504 projects.inc:512 projects.inc:520
 #: projects.inc:528 projects.inc:568
@@ -970,6 +1033,7 @@ msgstr "Matematik"
 #: projects.inc:466
 msgid "Study the Collatz Conjecture, an unsolved conjecture in mathematics"
 msgstr ""
+"Collatz Hipotezi (Varsayımı) çalışması, matematikte çözülememiş bir hipotez."
 #: projects.inc:471
 msgid "California State University Fullerton"
@@ -988,6 +1052,13 @@ msgid ""
 "NFS at Home is a continuation of that experience, only with integers that are "
 "hundreds of digits long."
 msgstr ""
+"Sayı Alanı Elemesi (Number Field Sieve-NFS), büyük tamsayıları çarpanlarına "
+"ayırmada kullanılan bir yöntemdir. NFS at Home, bu yöntemdeki  dağıtık eleme "
+"işlemi adımının, internet bağlantılı bilgisayarlar kullanarak yapıldığı bir "
+"araştırma projesidir. Bir genç okul öğrencisiyken, bir tamsayıyı asal "
+"çarpanlarına ayırmayı ilk kez deneyimlemiş olmalısınız. Mesela 15 = 3 * 5 ya "
+"da 35 = 5 * 7. NFS at Home bu deneyimin bir devamıdır, ancak yüzlerce basamak "
+"uzunluğundaki tamsayılar söz konusudur."
 #: projects.inc:479
 msgid ""
@@ -1008,6 +1079,10 @@ msgid ""
 "well as others Lithuanian academic institutions.  Current applications "
 "involve the study of Monte-Carlo based software testing."
 msgstr ""
+"Bu projenin amacı, Vilnius Gediminas Teknik Üniversitesi (VGTU) bilim "
+"insanlarının yanı sıra başka Litvanyalı akademik kurumlar için güçlü bir "
+"dağıtık bilgi işlem platformu sağlamaktır. Güncel uygulamalar, Monte-Carlo "
+"tabanlı yazılım test çalışmalarını da içermektedir."
 #: projects.inc:503
 msgid "Mathematical Institute of Leiden University / Kennislink"
@@ -1023,12 +1098,18 @@ msgid ""
 "problems in mathematics. If it is proven to be true, a lot of other open "
 "problems can be answered directly from it."
 msgstr ""
+"'Abc-üçlüsü' arayışı: ABC varsayımı, halen matematikteki büyük süren "
+"sorunlardan biridir. Gerçek olduğu kanıtlanırsa, diğer süren bir çok sorun "
+"onun sayesinde doğrudan yanıtlanabilir."
 #: projects.inc:513
 msgid ""
 "Primegrid has multiple projects searching for different forms of very large "
 "prime numbers, including searching for the largest known prime number."
 msgstr ""
+"Primegrid, çok büyük asal sayıların farklı formlarını arayan birden fazla "
+"projeye sahiptir. Bunlar arasında, bilinen en büyük asal sayıyı bulma "
+"projesi de mevcuttur."
 #: projects.inc:519
 msgid "Hochschule RheinMain University of Applied Sciences"
@@ -1039,6 +1120,8 @@ msgid ""
 "Search for counterexamples to two conjectures related to the identification "
 "of prime numbers"
 msgstr ""
+"Asal sayıların tanımlanmasına ilişkin iki varsayım için karşı örnekler "
 #: projects.inc:529
 msgid ""
diff --git a/locale/uk/BOINC-Manager.po b/locale/uk/BOINC-Manager.po
index e347cf4..e39f7a0 100644
--- a/locale/uk/BOINC-Manager.po
+++ b/locale/uk/BOINC-Manager.po
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ msgid ""
 msgstr ""
 "Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-02-02 00:00-0800\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-12-15 14:15-0500\n"
 "PO-Revision-Date: 2014-02-26 13:20+0000\n"
 "Last-Translator: Олег <pukish_oleg at ukr.net>\n"
 "Language-Team: LANGUAGE <LL at li.org>\n"
@@ -17,22 +17,22 @@ msgstr ""
 "Plural-Forms: nplurals=3; plural=(n%10==1 && n%100!=11 ? 0 : n%10>=2 && n%"
 "10<=4 && (n%100<10 || n%100>=20) ? 1 : 2);\n"
 "X-Generator: Pootle 2.5.0\n"
-"X-BOINC-UTF8-Marker: 简体中文, 日本語\n"
-"X-Poedit-SearchPath-1: clientgui/msw\n"
-"X-Poedit-SearchPath-2: clientgui/gtk\n"
-"X-Poedit-SearchPath-3: clientgui/mac\n"
+"X-Poedit-Basepath: C:\\Src\\BOINCGIT\\boinc_7.4\n"
 "X-Poedit-SearchPath-0: clientgui\n"
 "X-Poedit-SourceCharset: utf-8\n"
-"X-Poedit-Basepath: C:\\Src\\BOINCGIT\\boinc\n"
 "X-POOTLE-MTIME: 1393420839.0\n"
+"X-Poedit-SearchPath-1: clientgui/msw\n"
+"X-Poedit-SearchPath-2: clientgui/gtk\n"
+"X-Poedit-SearchPath-3: clientgui/mac\n"
+"X-BOINC-UTF8-Marker: 简体中文, 日本語\n"
 # 81%
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:387
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:387
 #, c-format
 msgid "Identify your account at %s"
 msgstr "Ідентифікуйте свій обліковий запис у %s"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:393
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:393
 msgid ""
 "Please enter your account information\n"
 "(to create an account, visit the project's web site)"
@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ msgstr ""
 "Вкажіть дані Вашого облікового запису\n"
 "(обліковий запис створюється на сайті проекту)"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:397
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:397
 msgid ""
 "This project is not currently accepting new accounts.\n"
 "You can add it only if you already have an account."
@@ -48,19 +48,19 @@ msgstr ""
 "Наразі в даному проекті створення нових облікових записів заборонене.\n"
 "Ви можете додати його лише якщо вже зареєстровані тут."
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:401
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:401
 msgid "Are you already running this project?"
 msgstr "Ви вже зареєстровані в цьому проекті?"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:405
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:405
 msgid "&No, new user"
 msgstr "&Ні, новий користувач"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:408
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:408
 msgid "&Yes, existing user"
 msgstr "&Так, існуючий користувач"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:413
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:413
 msgid ""
 "We were not able to set up your account information\n"
@@ -76,45 +76,51 @@ msgstr ""
 "що знаходиться нижче для заповнення полів електронної адреси та\n"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:416
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:416
 msgid "Find login information"
 msgstr "Знайти інформацію для входу в систему"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:436 AccountInfoPage.cpp:641
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:436
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:649
 msgid "&Password:"
 msgstr "&Пароль:"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:443 AccountInfoPage.cpp:665
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:443
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:673
 msgid "Choose a &password:"
 msgstr "Введіть &пароль:"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:446
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:446
 msgid "C&onfirm password:"
 msgstr "П&ідтвердіть пароль:"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:453
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:453
 #, c-format
 msgid "Are you already running %s?"
 msgstr "Ви вже зареєстровані в проекті %s?"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:482
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:482
 msgid "&Username:"
 msgstr "&Користувач:"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:508
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:511
+msgid "&Email address or LDAP ID:"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:515
 msgid "&Email address:"
 msgstr "&Адреса електронної пошти:"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:515
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:523
 #, c-format
 msgid "minimum length %d"
 msgstr "мінімальна довжина %d"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:522
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:530
 msgid "Forgot your password?"
 msgstr "Забули свій пароль?"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:529
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:537
 msgid ""
 "If you have not yet registered with this account manager,\n"
 "please do so before proceeding.  Click on the link below\n"
@@ -125,45 +131,44 @@ msgstr ""
 "щоб зареєструватися чи відновити забутий пароль."
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:532
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:540
 msgid "Account manager web site"
 msgstr "Веб-сайт менеджера проектів"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:574 WelcomePage.cpp:348
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:582
 msgid "Add project"
 msgstr "Додати проект"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:576
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:584
 msgid "Update account manager"
 msgstr "Оновлення менеджера проектів"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:578 WelcomePage.cpp:307 WelcomePage.cpp:321
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:586
 msgid "Use account manager"
 msgstr "Використати менеджер проектів"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:585
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:593
 msgid "Please enter a user name."
 msgstr "Будь-ласка, введіть ім’я користувача."
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:587
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:595
 msgid "Please enter an email address."
 msgstr "Будь-ласка, вкажіть адресу електронної пошти."
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:597
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:605
 #, c-format
 msgid "Please enter a password of at least %d characters."
 msgstr "Будь-ласка, введіть пароль, що складається мінімум з %d символів."
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:607
-msgid ""
-"The password and confirmation password do not match. Please type them again."
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:615
+msgid "The password and confirmation password do not match. Please type them again."
 msgstr "Паролі не співпадають. Будь ласка, введіть їх ще раз."
-#: AccountManagerInfoPage.cpp:272
+#: clientgui/AccountManagerInfoPage.cpp:272
 msgid "Choose an account manager"
 msgstr "Вибір менеджера проектів"
-#: AccountManagerInfoPage.cpp:275
+#: clientgui/AccountManagerInfoPage.cpp:275
 msgid ""
 "To choose an account manager, click its name or \n"
 "type its URL below."
@@ -171,384 +176,401 @@ msgstr ""
 "Для того щоб обрати менеджер проектів, натисніть на його назві або \n"
 "введіть його URL в полі нижче."
-#: AccountManagerInfoPage.cpp:279
+#: clientgui/AccountManagerInfoPage.cpp:279
 msgid "Account manager details:"
 msgstr "Опис менеджера проектів:"
-#: AccountManagerInfoPage.cpp:283
+#: clientgui/AccountManagerInfoPage.cpp:283
 msgid "Account manager &URL:"
 msgstr "&URL-адреса менеджера проектів:"
-#: AccountManagerInfoPage.cpp:287
+#: clientgui/AccountManagerInfoPage.cpp:287
 msgid "Open web page"
 msgstr "Відкрити веб-сторінку"
-#: AccountManagerInfoPage.cpp:290
+#: clientgui/AccountManagerInfoPage.cpp:290
 msgid "Visit this account manager's web site"
 msgstr "Відвідайте веб-сайт менеджера проектів"
-#: AccountManagerProcessingPage.cpp:187 AccountManagerPropertiesPage.cpp:193
+#: clientgui/AccountManagerProcessingPage.cpp:186
+#: clientgui/AccountManagerPropertiesPage.cpp:192
 #, c-format
 msgid "Communicating with %s."
 msgstr "Встановлення зв'язку з %s."
-#: AccountManagerProcessingPage.cpp:194 AccountManagerPropertiesPage.cpp:200
+#: clientgui/AccountManagerProcessingPage.cpp:193
+#: clientgui/AccountManagerPropertiesPage.cpp:199
 msgid "Communicating with server."
 msgstr "Встановлення зв'язку з сервером."
-#: AccountManagerProcessingPage.cpp:199 AccountManagerPropertiesPage.cpp:205
+#: clientgui/AccountManagerProcessingPage.cpp:198
+#: clientgui/AccountManagerPropertiesPage.cpp:204
 msgid "Please wait..."
 msgstr "Зачекайте, будь-ласка..."
-#: AccountManagerProcessingPage.cpp:326
+#: clientgui/AccountManagerProcessingPage.cpp:325
 msgid "An internal server error has occurred.\n"
 msgstr "Сталася внутрішня помилка сервера.\n"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:95
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:96
 msgid "Connected"
 msgstr "З'єднання встановлене"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:103
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:104
 msgid "Disconnected"
 msgstr "З’єднання розірване"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:322 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:119
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:318
 #, c-format
 msgid "Close the %s window"
 msgstr "Закрити вікно %s"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:325 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:122
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:321
 msgid "&Close Window"
 msgstr "&Закрити вікно"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:336 AdvancedFrame.cpp:343 AdvancedFrame.cpp:350
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:332
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:339
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:346
 #, c-format
 msgid "Exit %s"
 msgstr "Вийти з %s"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:371
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:359
+msgid "Preferences..."
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:368
 msgid "&Notices\tCtrl+Shift+N"
 msgstr "&Повідомлення\t Ctrl+Shift+N"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:372
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:369
 msgid "Display notices"
 msgstr "Показати повідомлення"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:377
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:374
 msgid "&Projects\tCtrl+Shift+P"
 msgstr "&Проекти\t Ctrl+Shift+P"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:378
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:375
 msgid "Display projects"
 msgstr "Показати проекти"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:383
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:380
 msgid "&Tasks\tCtrl+Shift+T"
 msgstr "&Завдання\t Ctrl+Shift+T"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:384
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:381
 msgid "Display tasks"
 msgstr "Показати завдання"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:389
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:386
 msgid "Trans&fers\tCtrl+Shift+X"
 msgstr "Пере&дача\t Ctrl+Shift+X"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:390
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:387
 msgid "Display transfers"
 msgstr "Показати передачу даних"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:395
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:392
 msgid "&Statistics\tCtrl+Shift+S"
 msgstr "&Статистика\t Ctrl+Shift+S"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:396
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:393
 msgid "Display statistics"
 msgstr "Показати статистику"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:401
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:398
 msgid "&Disk usage\tCtrl+Shift+D"
 msgstr "&Використання дискового простору\t Ctrl+Shift+D"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:402
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:399
 msgid "Display disk usage"
 msgstr "Показати використання дискового простору"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:409
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:406
 msgid "Simple &View...\tCtrl+Shift+V"
 msgstr "Спрощений &Вид...\t Ctrl+Shift+V"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:410
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:407
 msgid "Display the simple graphical interface."
 msgstr "Показати простий графічний інтерфейс."
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:424
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:421
 msgid "&Add project or account manager..."
 msgstr "&Додати проект або менеджер проектів..."
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:425 sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:76
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:422
 msgid "Volunteer for any or all of 30+ projects in many areas of science"
 msgstr ""
 "Стати учасником у будь-кому або в усіх 30+ проектах з багатьох галузей науки"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:429
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:426
 #, c-format
 msgid "&Synchronize with %s"
 msgstr "&Синхронізувати з %s"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:433
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:430
 #, c-format
 msgid "Get current settings from %s"
 msgstr "Отримати поточні налаштування з %s"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:443
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:440
 msgid "&Add project..."
 msgstr "&Додати проект..."
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:444
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:441
 msgid "Add a project"
 msgstr "Додати проект"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:447
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:444
 #, c-format
 msgid "S&top using %s..."
 msgstr "В&ід'єднатися від %s..."
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:453
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:450
 msgid "Remove this computer from account manager control."
 msgstr "Від'єднати цей комп'ютер від менеджера проектів."
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:458 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:178
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:455
 msgid "&Options..."
 msgstr "&Налаштування..."
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:459 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:179
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:456
 msgid "Configure display options and proxy settings"
 msgstr "Налаштування графічного інтерфейсу та проксі-сервера"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:463 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:172
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:460
 msgid "Computing &preferences..."
 msgstr "Налаштування &клієнта..."
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:464 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:173
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:461
 msgid "Configure computing preferences"
 msgstr "Змінити налаштування обчислень"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:472
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:469
 msgid "&Run always"
 msgstr "&Постійна обробка"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:473
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:470
 msgid "Allow work regardless of preferences"
 msgstr "Дозволяти обчислення незалежно від налаштувань"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:477
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:474
 msgid "Run based on &preferences"
 msgstr "Графік роботи визначається &налаштуваннями"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:478
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:475
 msgid "Allow work according to preferences"
 msgstr "Обчислення виконуються відповідно до налаштувань"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:482
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:479
 msgid "&Suspend"
 msgstr "&Призупинити"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:483
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:480
 msgid "Stop work regardless of preferences"
 msgstr "Призупиняється обробка всіх завдань в усіх проектах"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:508
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:505
 msgid "Use GPU always"
 msgstr "Завжди використовувати графічний процесор"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:509
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:506
 msgid "Allow GPU work regardless of preferences"
 msgstr "Обчислення за допомогою графічного процесора запущені завжди"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:513
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:510
 msgid "Use GPU based on preferences"
 msgstr "Використовувати графічний процесор відповідно до налаштувань"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:514
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:511
 msgid "Allow GPU work according to preferences"
 msgstr "Обчислювати за допомогою графічного процесора відповідно до налаштувань"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:518
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:515
 msgid "Suspend GPU"
 msgstr "Призупинити використання графічного процесора"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:519
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:516
 msgid "Stop GPU work regardless of preferences"
 msgstr ""
 "Зупинити обробку завдань за допомогою графічного процесора незалежно від "
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:543
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:540
 msgid "Network activity always available"
 msgstr "Підключення до Інтернету доступне завжди"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:544
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:541
 msgid "Allow network activity regardless of preferences"
 msgstr "Дозволити доступ до Інтернету незалежно від налаштувань"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:548
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:545
 msgid "Network activity based on preferences"
 msgstr "Доступ до Інтернету визначається налаштуваннями"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:549
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:546
 msgid "Allow network activity according to preferences"
 msgstr "Дозволити доступ до Інтернету відповідно до налаштувань"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:553
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:550
 msgid "Network activity suspended"
 msgstr "Працювати автономно"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:554
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:551
 msgid "Stop BOINC network activity"
 msgstr "Заборонити BOINC використовувати Інтернет"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:564
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:561
 #, c-format
 msgid "Connect to another computer running %s"
 msgstr "Підключити інший комп’ютер з %s"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:569
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:566
 msgid "Select computer..."
 msgstr "Вибрати комп'ютер..."
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:574
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:571
 msgid "Shut down connected client..."
 msgstr "Завершити роботу підключеного клієнта..."
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:575
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:572
 msgid "Shut down the currently connected client"
 msgstr "Завершити роботу підключеного клієнта"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:579
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:576
 msgid "Run CPU &benchmarks"
 msgstr "Запустити тест &продуктивності"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:580
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:577
 msgid "Runs BOINC CPU benchmarks"
 msgstr "Запустити тест продуктивності процесора"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:584
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:581
 msgid "Do network communication"
 msgstr "Запустити обмін даними"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:585
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:582
 msgid "Do all pending network communication"
 msgstr "Повторити всі незавершені обміни даними"
 # 94%
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:589
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:586
 msgid "Read config files"
 msgstr "Читати файли налаштувань"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:590
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:587
 msgid "Read configuration info from cc_config.xml and any app_config.xml files"
 msgstr ""
 "Переглянути інформацію про налаштування з cc_config.xml і будь-яких файлів "
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:594
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:591
 msgid "Read local prefs file"
 msgstr "Читати локальний файл загальних налаштувань"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:595
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:592
 msgid "Read preferences from global_prefs_override.xml."
 msgstr "Читати налаштування з global_prefs_override.xml."
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:600
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:597
 #, c-format
 msgid "Launch another instance of %s..."
 msgstr "Запустити інший екземпляр %s..."
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:604
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:601
 #, c-format
 msgid "Launch another %s"
 msgstr "Запустити інший %s"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:614
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:611
 msgid "Event Log...\tCtrl+Shift+E"
 msgstr "Перегляд подій...\tCtrl+Shift+E"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:615
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:612
 msgid "Display diagnostic messages."
 msgstr "Показати діагностичні повідомлення."
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:625 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:188
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:616
+msgid "Event Log Diagnostic Flags...\tCtrl+Shift+F"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:617
+msgid "Enable or disable various diagnostic messages"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:626
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s &help"
 msgstr "%s &Довідка"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:631 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:194
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:632
 #, c-format
 msgid "Show information about %s"
 msgstr "Показати інформацію про %s"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:643
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:644
 #, c-format
 msgid "&%s help"
 msgstr "&%s довідка"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:649 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:212
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:650
 #, c-format
 msgid "Show information about the %s"
 msgstr "Показати інформацію про %s"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:661 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:224
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:662
 #, c-format
 #, c-format, c-format
 msgid "%s &web site"
 msgstr "%s &веб-сайт"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:667 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:230
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:668
 #, c-format
 msgid "Show information about BOINC and %s"
 msgstr "Показати інформацію про BOINC і %s"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:679 BOINCTaskBar.cpp:530 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:242
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:680
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:544
 #, c-format
 msgid "&About %s..."
 msgstr "&Про %s..."
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:685 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:248
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:686
 msgid "Licensing and copyright information."
 msgstr "Інформація про ліцензію та авторське право."
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:692 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:255
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:693
 msgid "&File"
 msgstr "&Файл"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:696 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:259
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:697
 msgid "&View"
 msgstr "&Вид"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:700 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:263
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:701
 msgid "&Tools"
 msgstr "&Інструменти"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:704
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:705
 msgid "&Activity"
 msgstr "&Діяльність"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:708
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:709
 msgid "A&dvanced"
 msgstr "Д&одатково"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:712 DlgEventLog.cpp:332 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:267
-#: wizardex.cpp:374 wizardex.cpp:381
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:713
 msgid "&Help"
 msgstr "&Довідка"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:1199
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1185
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - Stop using %s"
 msgstr "%s - Припинити використання %s"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:1204
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1190
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "If you stop using %s,\n"
@@ -563,12 +585,12 @@ msgstr ""
 "Бажаєте припинити використовувати %s?"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:1401
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1397
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - Shut down the current client..."
 msgstr "%s - Завершити роботу поточного клієнта..."
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:1410
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1406
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "%s will shut down the current client\n"
@@ -577,36 +599,36 @@ msgstr ""
 "%s вимкне підключений зараз клієнт\n"
 "і запитає у Вас адресу для підключення іншого комп'ютера."
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:1745 DlgAbout.cpp:119
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1806
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s"
 msgstr "%s"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:1754
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1815
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s has successfully added %s"
 msgstr "%s успішно додав проект %s"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:1893
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1953
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - (%s)"
 msgstr "%s - (%s)"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:1897
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1957
 #, c-format
 msgid "Connecting to %s"
 msgstr "Відбувається підключення до %s"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:1900
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1960
 #, c-format
 msgid "Connected to %s (%s)"
 msgstr "Підключений до %s (%s)"
-#: AlreadyExistsPage.cpp:184
+#: clientgui/AlreadyExistsPage.cpp:184
 msgid "Username already in use"
 msgstr "Це ім'я вже використовується"
-#: AlreadyExistsPage.cpp:187
+#: clientgui/AlreadyExistsPage.cpp:187
 msgid ""
 "An account with that username already exists and has a\n"
 "different password than the one you entered.\n"
@@ -618,11 +640,11 @@ msgstr ""
 "Будь-ласка, відвідайте домашню сторінку проекту для отримання інструкцій."
-#: AlreadyExistsPage.cpp:191
+#: clientgui/AlreadyExistsPage.cpp:191
 msgid "Email address already in use"
 msgstr "Ця адреса електронної пошти вже використовується"
-#: AlreadyExistsPage.cpp:194
+#: clientgui/AlreadyExistsPage.cpp:194
 msgid ""
 "An account with that email address already exists and has a\n"
 "different password than the one you entered.\n"
@@ -634,45 +656,44 @@ msgstr ""
 "Будь-ласка, відвідайте  домашню сторінку проекту для отримання інструкцій."
-#: AsyncRPC.cpp:1031
+#: clientgui/AsyncRPC.cpp:1031
 msgid "Communicating with BOINC client.  Please wait ..."
 msgstr "Встановлюється зв'язок з BOINC-клієнтом.  Будь-ласка, зачекайте..."
-#: AsyncRPC.cpp:1034
+#: clientgui/AsyncRPC.cpp:1034
 #, c-format
 msgid "&Quit %s"
 msgstr "&Вийти з %s"
-#: AsyncRPC.cpp:1036
+#: clientgui/AsyncRPC.cpp:1036
 #, c-format
 msgid "E&xit %s"
 msgstr "В&ийти %s"
-#: AsyncRPC.cpp:1040
+#: clientgui/AsyncRPC.cpp:1040
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - Communication"
 msgstr "%s - Встановлення зв'язку"
-#: AsyncRPC.cpp:1056 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:107 sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:433
+#: clientgui/AsyncRPC.cpp:1056
 msgid "Cancel"
 msgstr "Відмінити"
-#: BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:505
+#: clientgui/BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:504
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - Connection Error"
 msgstr "%s - помилка з'єднання"
-#: BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:514
+#: clientgui/BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:513
 msgid ""
 "You currently are not authorized to manage the client.\n"
-"Please contact your administrator to add you to the 'boinc_users' local user "
+"Please contact your administrator to add you to the 'boinc_users' local user group."
 msgstr ""
 "Ви не маєте достатньо прав для управління клієнтом.\n"
 "Буль-ласка, зв’яжіться зі своїм адміністратором для додання Вас до групи "
 "користувачів 'boinc_users'."
-#: BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:523
+#: clientgui/BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:522
 msgid ""
 "Authorization failed connecting to running client.\n"
 "Make sure you start this program in the same directory as the client."
@@ -680,20 +701,20 @@ msgstr ""
 "Не вдалося підключитися до клієнта через помилку контролю доступу.\n"
 "Переконаєтеся, що програма запускається з тієї ж папки, що і клієнт."
-#: BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:525
+#: clientgui/BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:524
 msgid "Authorization failed connecting to running client."
 msgstr "Не вдалося підключитися до клієнта через помилку контролю доступу."
-#: BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:533
+#: clientgui/BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:532
 msgid "The password you have provided is incorrect, please try again."
 msgstr "Введено неправильний пароль, спробуйте підключитися ще раз."
-#: BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:577
+#: clientgui/BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:576
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - Connection Failed"
 msgstr "%s - помилка підключення"
-#: BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:586
+#: clientgui/BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:585
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "%s is not able to connect to a %s client.\n"
@@ -702,23 +723,22 @@ msgstr ""
 "%s не може підключитися до клієнта %s.\n"
 "Спробувати повторити підключення?"
-#: BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:622
+#: clientgui/BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:621
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - Daemon Start Failed"
 msgstr "%s - помилка запуску Daemon"
-#: BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:632
+#: clientgui/BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:631
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "%s is not able to start a %s client.\n"
-"Please launch the Control Panel->Administative Tools->Services applet and "
-"start the BOINC service."
+"Please launch the Control Panel->Administative Tools->Services applet and start the BOINC service."
 msgstr ""
 "%s не може запустити клієнта %s.\n"
 "Спробуйте запустити службу BOINC ще раз із 'Панель "
-#: BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:638
+#: clientgui/BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:637
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "%s is not able to start a %s client.\n"
@@ -727,17 +747,16 @@ msgstr ""
 "%s не може запустити клієнт %s.\n"
 "Будь-ласка, запустіть daemon і спробуйте ще раз."
-#: BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:689
+#: clientgui/BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:688
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - Connection Status"
 msgstr "%s - стан підключення"
-#: BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:700
+#: clientgui/BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:699
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "%s is not currently connected to a %s client.\n"
-"Please use the 'Advanced\\Select Computer...' menu option to connect up to a "
-"%s client.\n"
+"Please use the 'Advanced\\Select Computer...' menu option to connect up to a %s client.\n"
 "To connect up to your local computer please use 'localhost' as the host name."
 msgstr ""
 "%s не підключений до клієнта %s.\n"
@@ -745,16 +764,16 @@ msgstr ""
 "Для локального комп'ютера, як його назву, використовуйте 'localhost'."
-#: BOINCBaseView.cpp:779
+#: clientgui/BOINCBaseView.cpp:752
 msgid "Project web pages"
 msgstr "Веб-сторінки проекту"
-#: BOINCClientManager.cpp:575
+#: clientgui/BOINCClientManager.cpp:573
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - Unexpected Exit"
 msgstr "%s - Позаплановий вихід"
-#: BOINCClientManager.cpp:585
+#: clientgui/BOINCClientManager.cpp:583
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "The %s client has exited unexpectedly 3 times within the last %d minutes.\n"
@@ -763,12 +782,12 @@ msgstr ""
 "Клієнт %s 3 рази за останні %d хвилин завершив роботу позапланово.\n"
 "Бажаєте перезапустити його ще раз?"
-#: BOINCDialupManager.cpp:61
+#: clientgui/BOINCDialupManager.cpp:61
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - Network Status"
 msgstr "%s - стан мережевого підключення"
-#: BOINCDialupManager.cpp:241
+#: clientgui/BOINCDialupManager.cpp:241
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "%s needs to connect to the Internet.\n"
@@ -777,22 +796,22 @@ msgstr ""
 "%s потребує підключення до Інтернету.\n"
 "Підключитися зараз?"
-#: BOINCDialupManager.cpp:254
+#: clientgui/BOINCDialupManager.cpp:254
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s is connecting to the Internet."
 msgstr "%s підключається до Інтернету."
-#: BOINCDialupManager.cpp:303
+#: clientgui/BOINCDialupManager.cpp:303
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s has successfully connected to the Internet."
 msgstr "%s встановив підключення до Інтернету."
-#: BOINCDialupManager.cpp:331
+#: clientgui/BOINCDialupManager.cpp:331
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s failed to connect to the Internet."
 msgstr "%s не вдалося підключитися до Інтернету."
-#: BOINCDialupManager.cpp:372
+#: clientgui/BOINCDialupManager.cpp:372
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "%s has detected it is now connected to the Internet.\n"
@@ -801,17 +820,17 @@ msgstr ""
 "%s виявив встановлене підключення до Інтернету.\n"
 "Відбувається обмін файлами даних і оновлення інформації про проекти."
-#: BOINCDialupManager.cpp:417
+#: clientgui/BOINCDialupManager.cpp:417
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s has successfully disconnected from the Internet."
 msgstr "%s розірвав підключення до Інтернету."
-#: BOINCDialupManager.cpp:433
+#: clientgui/BOINCDialupManager.cpp:433
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s failed to disconnected from the Internet."
 msgstr "%s не вдалося розірвати підключення до Інтернету."
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:339
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:595
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "You currently are not authorized to manage the client.\n"
@@ -833,7 +852,7 @@ msgstr ""
 "     'boinc_master'."
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:345
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:601
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "%s ownership or permissions are not set properly; please reinstall %s.\n"
@@ -843,16 +862,15 @@ msgstr ""
 "будь-ласка, %s.\n"
 "(Код помилки %d"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:351
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:607
 msgid " at "
 msgstr " на "
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:354 MainDocument.cpp:2484 MainDocument.cpp:2534
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2554 ViewTransfers.cpp:803
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:610
 msgid ")"
 msgstr ")"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:384
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:640
 msgid ""
 "A reboot is required in order for BOINC to run properly.\n"
 "Please reboot your computer and try again."
@@ -860,160 +878,162 @@ msgstr ""
 "Для коректної роботи BOINC необхідне перезавантаження.\n"
 "Перезавантажте, будь-ласка, комп’ютер і спробуйте знову."
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:385 DlgAbout.cpp:153
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:641
 msgid "BOINC Manager"
 msgstr "BOINC менеджер"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:572
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:902
 msgid "BOINC Manager was started by the operating system automatically"
 msgstr "BOINC менеджер був автоматично запущений операційною системою"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:574
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:904
 msgid "Startup BOINC so only the system tray icon is visible"
 msgstr "Згортати BOINC менеджер в значок на панелі завдань під час запуску"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:576
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:906
 msgid "Directory containing the BOINC Client executable"
 msgstr "Каталог, що містить виконавчий файл клієнта BOINC"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:577
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:907
 msgid "BOINC data directory"
 msgstr "Папка даних BOINC"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:579
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:909
 msgid "Host name or IP address"
 msgstr "Назва або IP -адреса комп'ютера"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:580
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:910
 msgid "GUI RPC port number"
 msgstr "Номер порту GUI RPC"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:581
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:911
 msgid "Password"
 msgstr "Пароль"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:582
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:912
 msgid "Startup BOINC with these optional arguments"
 msgstr "Запускати BOINC з ключами запуску"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:583
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:913
 msgid "disable BOINC security users and permissions"
 msgstr "відключити політику безпеки доступу користувачів до BOINC"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:584
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:914
 msgid "set skin debugging mode to enable skin manager error messages"
 msgstr "включити режим відлагодження для виводу повідомлень про помилки"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:585
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:915
 msgid "multiple instances of BOINC Manager allowed"
 msgstr "дозволено декілька екземплярів менеджера BOINC"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:587
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:917
 msgid "Not used: workaround for bug in XCode 4.2"
 msgstr "Не використаний: зациклився через баг у XCode 4.2"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:814
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:1164
 msgid "(Automatic Detection)"
 msgstr "(Автовизначення)"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:815
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:1165
 msgid "(Unknown)"
 msgstr "(Невідомий)"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:816
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:1166
 msgid "(User Defined)"
 msgstr "(Користувацький)"
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:508
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:522
 #, c-format
 msgid "Open %s Web..."
 msgstr "Відвідати веб-сторінку %s..."
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:515
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:529
 #, c-format
 msgid "Open %s..."
 msgstr "Відкрити %s..."
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:522 BOINCTaskBar.cpp:619 BOINCTaskBar.cpp:627
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:536
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:633
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:641
 msgid "Snooze"
 msgstr "Призупинити"
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:524 BOINCTaskBar.cpp:646 BOINCTaskBar.cpp:654
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:538
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:660
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:668
 msgid "Snooze GPU"
 msgstr "Призупинити графічний процесор"
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:542
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:556
 msgid "E&xit"
 msgstr "В&ихід"
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:612 ViewProjects.cpp:718 ViewWork.cpp:795
-#: sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:758 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:110
-#: sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:102
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:626
 msgid "Resume"
 msgstr "Відновити"
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:639
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:653
 msgid "Resume GPU"
 msgstr "Відновити обробку графічним процесором"
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:713
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:727
 msgid "Computing is enabled"
 msgstr "Обробка дозволена"
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:717
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:731
 msgid "Computing is suspended - "
 msgstr "Обробка призупинена - "
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:727
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:741
 msgid "GPU computing is enabled"
 msgstr "Обробка за допомогою графічного процесора дозволена"
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:730
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:744
 msgid "GPU computing is suspended - "
 msgstr "Обробка за допомогою графічного процесора призупинена- "
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:739
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:753
 msgid "Network is enabled"
 msgstr "Мережа доступна"
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:742
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:756
 msgid "Network is suspended - "
 msgstr "Доступ до мережі заборонений- "
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:750
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:764
 msgid "Reconnecting to client."
 msgstr "Повторне підключення до клієнта."
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:752
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:766
 msgid "Not connected to a client."
 msgstr "Не підключений до клієнта."
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:805
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:819
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s Notices"
 msgstr "Повідомлення %s"
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:811
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:825
 msgid "There are new notices - click to view."
 msgstr "Є нові повідомлення - натисніть для перегляду."
-#: CompletionErrorPage.cpp:199
+#: clientgui/CompletionErrorPage.cpp:199
 msgid "Failed to add project"
 msgstr "Не вдалося додати проект"
-#: CompletionErrorPage.cpp:204
+#: clientgui/CompletionErrorPage.cpp:204
 msgid "Failed to update account manager"
 msgstr "Не вдалося оновити дані менеджера проектів"
-#: CompletionErrorPage.cpp:208
+#: clientgui/CompletionErrorPage.cpp:208
 msgid "Failed to remove account manager"
 msgstr "Не вдалося від’єднатися від менеджера проектів"
-#: CompletionErrorPage.cpp:212
+#: clientgui/CompletionErrorPage.cpp:212
 msgid "Failed to add account manager"
 msgstr "Не вдалося підключитися до менеджера проектів"
-#: CompletionErrorPage.cpp:221
+#: clientgui/CompletionErrorPage.cpp:221
 msgid ""
 "Please try again later.\n"
@@ -1023,24 +1043,26 @@ msgstr ""
 "Натисніть Готово, щоб закрити."
-#: CompletionErrorPage.cpp:225 CompletionPage.cpp:222 CompletionPage.cpp:242
-#: CompletionPage.cpp:273
+#: clientgui/CompletionErrorPage.cpp:225
+#: clientgui/CompletionPage.cpp:222
+#: clientgui/CompletionPage.cpp:242
+#: clientgui/CompletionPage.cpp:273
 msgid "Click Finish to close."
 msgstr "Натисніть кнопку 'Готово' для виходу."
-#: CompletionErrorPage.cpp:234
+#: clientgui/CompletionErrorPage.cpp:234
 msgid "Messages from server:"
 msgstr "Повідомлення від сервера:"
-#: CompletionPage.cpp:207
+#: clientgui/CompletionPage.cpp:207
 msgid "Project added"
 msgstr "Проект доданий"
-#: CompletionPage.cpp:213
+#: clientgui/CompletionPage.cpp:213
 msgid "This project has been successfully added."
 msgstr "Цей проект був успішно доданий."
-#: CompletionPage.cpp:218
+#: clientgui/CompletionPage.cpp:218
 msgid ""
 "When you click Finish, your web browser will go to a page where\n"
 "you can set your account name and preferences."
@@ -1050,122 +1072,124 @@ msgstr ""
 "Ви зможете вказати назву свого облікового запису і змінити його "
-#: CompletionPage.cpp:232
+#: clientgui/CompletionPage.cpp:232
 #, c-format
 msgid "Update from %s completed."
 msgstr "Оновлення з %s завершене."
-#: CompletionPage.cpp:236
+#: clientgui/CompletionPage.cpp:236
 msgid "Update completed."
 msgstr "Оновлення завершене."
-#: CompletionPage.cpp:247
+#: clientgui/CompletionPage.cpp:247
 msgid "Now using account manager"
 msgstr "Зараз використовується менеджер проектів"
-#: CompletionPage.cpp:252
+#: clientgui/CompletionPage.cpp:252
 #, c-format
 msgid "Welcome to %s!"
 msgstr "Ласкаво просимо до %s!"
-#: CompletionPage.cpp:263
+#: clientgui/CompletionPage.cpp:263
 #, c-format
 msgid "You are now using %s to manage accounts."
 msgstr "Ви використовуєте %s для керування проектами."
-#: CompletionPage.cpp:267
+#: clientgui/CompletionPage.cpp:267
 msgid "You are now using this account manager."
 msgstr "Зараз Ви використовуєте цей менеджер проектів."
-#: DlgAbout.cpp:113 mac/Mac_GUI.cpp:96
+#: clientgui/DlgAbout.cpp:113
 #, c-format
 msgid "About %s"
 msgstr "Про %s"
-#: DlgAbout.cpp:172
+#: clientgui/DlgAbout.cpp:172
 msgid "Version:"
 msgstr "Версія:"
-#: DlgAbout.cpp:180
+#: clientgui/DlgAbout.cpp:180
 msgid "wxWidgets Version:"
 msgstr "Версія wxWidgets:"
-#: DlgAbout.cpp:188
+#: clientgui/DlgAbout.cpp:188
 msgid "Copyright:"
 msgstr "Авторське право:"
-# 98%
-#: DlgAbout.cpp:192
+#: clientgui/DlgAbout.cpp:192
 msgid ""
-"(C) 2003-2013 University of California, Berkeley.\n"
+"(C) 2003-2014 University of California, Berkeley.\n"
 "All Rights Reserved."
 msgstr ""
-"(C) 2003-2013 Каліфорнійський університет, Берклі.\n"
-"Усі права захищені."
-#: DlgAbout.cpp:196
+#: clientgui/DlgAbout.cpp:196
 msgid "Berkeley Open Infrastructure for Network Computing"
 msgstr "Відкрита Інфраструктура для Розподілених Обчислень університету Берклі"
-#: DlgAbout.cpp:208 DlgExitMessage.cpp:173 DlgGenericMessage.cpp:120
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:396 DlgSelectComputer.cpp:163
+#: clientgui/DlgAbout.cpp:208
+#: clientgui/DlgExitMessage.cpp:173
+#: clientgui/DlgGenericMessage.cpp:120
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:399
+#: clientgui/DlgSelectComputer.cpp:163
 msgid "&OK"
 msgstr "&Гаразд"
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:544
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:602
 msgid "invalid number"
 msgstr "неправильний номер"
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:545
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:603
 msgid "invalid time, format is HH:MM"
 msgstr "помилка вводу, формат часу ГГ:ХХ"
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:546
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:604
 msgid "invalid time interval, format is HH:MM-HH:MM"
 msgstr "неправильно задано відрізок часу, правильний формат ГГ:ХХ-ГГ:ХХ"
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:751
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:817
 msgid "invalid input value detected"
 msgstr "виявлене некоректне значення"
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:753
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:819
 msgid "Validation Error"
 msgstr "Помилка перевірки"
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:885 DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:891
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:897
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:969
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:975
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:981
 msgid "Applications to add"
 msgstr "Вибір додатків"
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:914
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:998
 #, c-format
 msgid "'%s' is not an executable application."
 msgstr "'%s' не є виконуваним додатком."
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:915 DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:962
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:986
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:999
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:1046
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:1070
 msgid "Add Exclusive App"
 msgstr "Додати виконуваний додаток"
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:927
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:1011
 msgid "Name of application to add?"
 msgstr "Назва додатку, що додається?"
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:927
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:1011
 msgid "Add exclusive app"
 msgstr "Додати винятковий додаток"
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:961
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:1045
 #, c-format
 msgid "Application names must end with '%s'"
 msgstr "Назви додатків повинні закінчуватись на '%s'"
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:985
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:1069
 #, c-format
 msgid "'%s' is already in the list."
 msgstr "'%s' вже у списку."
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:1077
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:1161
 msgid ""
 "Do you really want to clear all local preferences?\n"
 "(This will not affect exclusive applications.)"
@@ -1173,16 +1197,16 @@ msgstr ""
 "Ви справді хочете очистити вісі локальні налаштування?\n"
 "(Дія не вплине на виняткові додатки.)"
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:1078 sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:1030
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:1162
 msgid "Confirmation"
 msgstr "Підтвердження"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:46 sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:946
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:49
 #, c-format
-msgid "%s - Preferences"
-msgstr "%s - Налаштування"
+msgid "%s - Computing preferences"
+msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:62
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:66
 msgid ""
 "This dialog controls preferences for this computer only.\n"
 "Click OK to set preferences.\n"
@@ -1193,285 +1217,296 @@ msgstr ""
 "Натисніть 'Очистити' для відновлення веб-налатувань (крім виняткових "
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:65 sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:428
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:69
 msgid "Clear"
 msgstr "Очистити"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:66
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:70
 msgid "clear all local preferences and close the dialog"
 msgstr "очистити всі локальні налаштування і закрити діалогове вікно"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:81
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:85
 msgid "processor usage"
 msgstr "використання процесора"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:84
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:88
 msgid "network usage"
 msgstr "використання мережі"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:87
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:91
 msgid "disk and memory usage"
 msgstr "диск і використання пам'яті"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:90
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:94
 msgid "exclusive applications"
 msgstr "виняткові додатки"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:102 sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:424
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:107
+#: clientgui/DlgDiagnosticLogFlags.cpp:104
 msgid "OK"
 msgstr "Гаразд"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:103
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:108
 msgid "save all values and close the dialog"
 msgstr "зберегти усі значення і закрити діалогове вікно"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:108
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:114
 msgid "close the dialog without saving"
 msgstr "закрити діалогове вікно без збереження змін"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:112 Localization.cpp:35 Localization.cpp:121
-#: Localization.cpp:139 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:794 sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:439
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:118
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:35
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:121
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:139
 msgid "Help"
 msgstr "Допомога"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:113
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:119
 msgid "shows the preferences web page"
 msgstr "перейти на сторінку з описом налаштувань"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:135
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:141
 msgid "Computing allowed"
 msgstr "Обчислення дозволені"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:139
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:146
 msgid "While computer is on batteries"
 msgstr "При живленні від акумуляторів"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:142
-msgid ""
-"check this if you want this computer to do work while it runs on batteries"
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:149
+msgid "check this if you want this computer to do work while it runs on batteries"
 msgstr ""
 "виберіть цей пункт, якщо хочете обробляти завдання коли комп'ютер живиться "
 "від акумуляторів"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:148
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:155
 msgid "While computer is in use"
 msgstr "Коли комп'ютер використовується для роботи"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:151
-msgid ""
-"check this if you want this computer to do work even when you're using it"
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:158
+msgid "check this if you want this computer to do work even when you're using it"
 msgstr ""
 "виберіть цей пункт, якщо хочете обробляти завдання коли комп'ютер "
 "використовується для роботи"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:157
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:164
 msgid "Use GPU while computer is in use"
 msgstr ""
 "Використовувати графічний процесор при використанні комп’ютера для роботи"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:160
-msgid ""
-"check this if you want your GPU to do work even when you're using the "
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:167
+msgid "check this if you want your GPU to do work even when you're using the computer"
 msgstr ""
 "виберіть цей пункт, якщо хочете обробляти завдання за допомогою графічного "
 "процесора під час використання комп’ютера для роботи"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:172
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:179
 msgid "Only after computer has been idle for"
 msgstr "За відсутності активності користувачів більше"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:182
-msgid ""
-"do work only after you haven't used the computer for this number of minutes"
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:188
+msgid "do work only after you haven't used the computer for this number of minutes"
 msgstr ""
 "через скільки хвилин відсутності активності на комп'ютері починати обробляти "
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:187 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:336
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:417
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:193
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:342
 msgid "minutes"
 msgstr "хвилин"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:206
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:212
 msgid "While processor usage is less than"
 msgstr "При використанні процесора менше"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:216
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:221
 msgid "suspend work if processor usage exceeds this level"
 msgstr "зупинити обробку, якщо використання процесора перевищить цей рівень"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:221
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:226
 msgid "percent (0 means no restriction)"
 msgstr "відсотків (0 - немає обмежень)"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:235 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:496
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:240
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:506
 msgid "Every day between hours of"
 msgstr "Щодня між годинами"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:239
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:244
 msgid "start work at this time"
 msgstr "запустити обробку в цей час"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:243 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:504
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:326 sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:348
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:248
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:514
 msgid "and"
 msgstr "і"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:247
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:252
 msgid "stop work at this time"
 msgstr "зупинити обробку в цей час"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:251 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:512
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:256
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:522
 msgid "(no restriction if equal)"
 msgstr "(обмеження не діє при рівності значень)"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:256 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:517
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:261
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:527
 msgid "Day-of-week override:"
 msgstr "За розкладом:"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:261 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:522
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:266
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:532
 msgid "check box to specify hours for this day of week"
 msgstr "виберіть день тижня і вкажіть часовий інтервал"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:267 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:528
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:272
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:538
 msgid "Monday"
 msgstr "Понеділок"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:274 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:535
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:279
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:545
 msgid "Tuesday"
 msgstr "Вівторок"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:281 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:542
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:286
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:552
 msgid "Wednesday"
 msgstr "Середа"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:288 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:549
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:293
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:559
 msgid "Thursday"
 msgstr "Четвер"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:295 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:556
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:300
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:566
 msgid "Friday"
 msgstr "П'ятниця"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:302 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:563
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:307
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:573
 msgid "Saturday"
 msgstr "Субота"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:309 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:570
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:314
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:580
 msgid "Sunday"
 msgstr "Неділя"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:323
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:328
 msgid "Other options"
 msgstr "Інші параметри"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:330
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:336
 msgid "Switch between applications every"
 msgstr "Перемикання між додатками кожні"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:339
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:345
 msgid "On multiprocessor systems, use at most"
 msgstr "У багатопроцесорних системах використовувати щонайбільше"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:346
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:352
 #, no-c-format
-msgid "% of the processors (0 means ignore this setting)"
-msgstr "% процесорів (0 означає ігнорування цього налаштування)"
+msgid "% of the processors (0 means no restriction)"
+msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:349 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:605
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:627 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:648
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:669 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:679
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:355
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:618
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:640
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:661
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:683
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:694
 msgid "Use at most"
 msgstr "Використовувати щонайбільше"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:356
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:362
 #, no-c-format
-msgid "% CPU time"
-msgstr "% часу процесора"
+msgid "% of CPU time (0 means no restriction)"
+msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:378
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:386
 msgid "General options"
 msgstr "Загальні параметри"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:386
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:395
 msgid "Maximum download rate"
 msgstr "Максимальна швидкість завантаження"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:392 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:401
-msgid "KBytes/sec."
-msgstr "КБайт/с."
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:401
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:410
+msgid "KBytes/second (0 means no restriction)"
+msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:395
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:404
 msgid "Maximum upload rate"
 msgstr "Максимальна швидкість відвантаження"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:406
-msgid "Transfer at most"
-msgstr "Передавати не більше"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:412
-msgid "Mbytes"
-msgstr "Мбайт"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:415
-msgid "every"
-msgstr "кожні"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:421 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:444
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:463
-msgid "days"
-msgstr "днів"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:429
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:417
 msgid "Minimum work buffer"
 msgstr "Мінімальний робочий буфер"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:438
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:425
 msgid "Try to maintain enough tasks to keep busy for this many days"
 msgstr ""
 "Намагатися підтримувати достатню кількість завдань для забезпечення роботи "
 "на всі ці дні"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:450
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:431
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:449
+msgid "days (maximum value: 10)"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:437
 msgid "Max additional work buffer"
 msgstr "Максимальний додатковий робочий буфер"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:459
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:445
 msgid "In addition, maintain enough tasks for up to this many days"
 msgstr "Додатково, підтримувати достатньо завдань для цих днів"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:466
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:454
+msgid "Transfer at most"
+msgstr "Передавати не більше"
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:462
+msgid "MBytes every"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:468
+msgid "days (0 means no restriction)"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:476
 msgid "Skip image file verification"
 msgstr "Не перевіряти завантажувані файли"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:468
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:478
 msgid "check this if your Internet provider modifies image files"
 msgstr ""
 "виберіть цей пункт, якщо Ваш інтернет провайдер змінює файли, що "
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:476
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:484
 msgid "Connect options"
 msgstr "Параметри підключення"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:478
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:487
 msgid "Confirm before connecting to internet"
 msgstr "Підтверджувати перед підключенням до Інтернету"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:480
-msgid ""
-"if checked, a confirmation dialog will be displayed before trying to connect "
-"to the Internet"
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:489
+msgid "if checked, a confirmation dialog will be displayed before trying to connect to the Internet"
 msgstr ""
 "якщо відмічено, перед початком підключення до Інтернету BOINC запитає "
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:484
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:493
 msgid "Disconnect when done"
 msgstr "Розірвати з'єднання після завершення"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:486
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:495
 msgid ""
 "if checked, BOINC hangs up when network usage is done\n"
 "(only relevant for dialup-connection)"
@@ -1479,193 +1514,218 @@ msgstr ""
 "якщо відмічено, після завершення мережевих передач BOINC розірве з’єднання\n"
 "(стосується лише dialup-з’єднання)"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:492
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:501
 msgid "Network usage allowed"
 msgstr "Дозволене використання мережі"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:500
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:510
 msgid "network usage start hour"
 msgstr "дозволити використання мережі, починаючи з"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:508
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:518
 msgid "network usage stop hour"
 msgstr "заборонити використання мережі, починаючи з"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:598 DlgItemProperties.cpp:231
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:610
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:257
 msgid "Disk usage"
 msgstr "Використання диска"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:609
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:622
 msgid "the maximum disk space used by BOINC (in Gigabytes)"
 msgstr "максимальний дисковий простір для роботи BOINC (у гігабайтах)"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:613
-msgid "Gigabytes disk space"
-msgstr "Гігабайт місця на диску"
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:626
+msgid "Gigabytes disk space (0 means no restriction)"
+msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:616
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:629
 msgid "Leave at least"
 msgstr "Залишати щонайменше"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:620
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:633
 msgid "BOINC leaves at least this amount of disk space free (in Gigabytes)"
 msgstr ""
 "мінімальний обсяг дискового простору, який повинен залишатися вільним (в "
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:624
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:637
 msgid "Gigabytes disk space free"
 msgstr "Гігабайт вільного місця на диску"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:631
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:644
 msgid "BOINC uses at most this percentage of total disk space"
 msgstr "BOINC використовує щонайбільше цю частку загального дискового простору"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:636
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:649
 #, no-c-format
 msgid "% of total disk space"
 msgstr "% від загального дискового простору"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:639
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:652
 msgid "Tasks checkpoint to disk at most every"
 msgstr "Зберігати проміжні результати щонайбільше кожні"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:645
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:658
 msgid "seconds"
 msgstr "секунд"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:655
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:668
 #, no-c-format
 msgid "% of page file (swap space)"
 msgstr "% файлу підкачки"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:662
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:675
 msgid "Memory usage"
 msgstr "Використання пам’яті"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:676
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:691
 #, no-c-format
 msgid "% when computer is in use"
 msgstr "% коли комп'ютер використовується для роботи"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:686
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:701
 #, no-c-format
 msgid "% when computer is idle"
 msgstr "% коли комп'ютер простоює"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:691
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:706
 msgid "Leave applications in memory while suspended"
 msgstr "Залишати неактивні додатки в пам'яті"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:693
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:708
 msgid "if checked, suspended work units are left in memory"
 msgstr "якщо відмічено, призупинені завдання залишатимуться у пам’яті"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:713
-msgid ""
-"Suspend processor and network usage when these applications are running:"
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:728
+msgid "Suspend processor and network usage when these applications are running:"
 msgstr ""
 "Призупинити використання процесора і мережі, коли працюють дані додатки:"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:722
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:738
 msgid "Add..."
 msgstr "Додати..."
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:723
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:739
 msgid "Add an application to this list"
 msgstr "Додати додаток до списку"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:728 ViewProjects.cpp:202
-#: sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:85
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:744
 msgid "Remove"
 msgstr "Видалити"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:729
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:745
 msgid "Remove an application from this list"
 msgstr "Видалити додаток зі списку"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:738
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:754
 msgid "For advanced options, refer to "
 msgstr "Для розширених налаштувань, зверніться до "
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:219
+#: clientgui/DlgDiagnosticLogFlags.cpp:65
+#, c-format
+msgid "%s Diagnostic Log Flags"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/DlgDiagnosticLogFlags.cpp:83
+msgid "These flags enable various types of diagnostic messages in the Event Log."
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/DlgDiagnosticLogFlags.cpp:105
+msgid "Save all values and close the dialog"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/DlgDiagnosticLogFlags.cpp:108
+msgid "Defaults"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/DlgDiagnosticLogFlags.cpp:109
+msgid "Restore default settings"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/DlgDiagnosticLogFlags.cpp:113
+msgid "Close the dialog without saving"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:226
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - Event Log"
 msgstr "% s - Перегляд подій"
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:232 ViewMessages.cpp:117 ViewProjects.cpp:219
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:435 ViewStatistics.cpp:2009 ViewTransfers.cpp:182
-#: ViewWork.cpp:232
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:236
 msgid "Project"
 msgstr "Проект"
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:233 ViewMessages.cpp:118
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:237
 msgid "Time"
 msgstr "Час"
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:234 ViewMessages.cpp:119
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:238
 msgid "Message"
 msgstr "Повідомлення"
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:290 DlgEventLog.cpp:354
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:300
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:364
 msgid "&Show only this project"
 msgstr "&Показати тільки цей проект"
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:294
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:304
 msgid "Copy &All"
 msgstr "Копіювати &все"
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:296 DlgEventLog.cpp:300 ViewMessages.cpp:89
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:306
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:310
 msgid "Copy all the messages to the clipboard."
 msgstr "Копіювати всі повідомлення в буфер обміну."
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:305
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:315
 msgid "Copy &Selected"
 msgstr "Копіювати &виділене"
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:308 DlgEventLog.cpp:316 ViewMessages.cpp:97
-msgid ""
-"Copy the selected messages to the clipboard. You can select multiple "
-"messages by holding down the shift or command key while clicking on messages."
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:318
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:326
+msgid "Copy the selected messages to the clipboard. You can select multiple messages by holding down the shift or command key while clicking on messages."
 msgstr ""
 "Копіювати виділені повідомлення в буфер обміну. Ви можете вибрати декілька "
 "повідомлень, утримуючи SHIFT і CTRL для їх виділення."
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:310 DlgEventLog.cpp:318 ViewMessages.cpp:99
-msgid ""
-"Copy the selected messages to the clipboard. You can select multiple "
-"messages by holding down the shift or control key while clicking on messages."
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:320
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:328
+msgid "Copy the selected messages to the clipboard. You can select multiple messages by holding down the shift or control key while clicking on messages."
 msgstr ""
 "Копіювати виділені повідомлення в буфер обміну. Можна використовувати "
 "клавіші SHIFT і CTRL для виділення декількох повідомлень."
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:325 DlgItemProperties.cpp:67
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:335
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:67
 msgid "&Close"
 msgstr "&Закрити"
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:334 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:798 sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:442
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:344
 #, c-format
 msgid "Get help with %s"
 msgstr "Отримати довідку щодо %s"
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:348
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:358
 msgid "Show all &messages"
 msgstr "Показати всі &повідомлення"
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:349 DlgEventLog.cpp:351
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:359
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:361
 msgid "Show messages for all projects"
 msgstr "Показати повідомлення для всіх проектів"
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:355 DlgEventLog.cpp:357
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:365
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:367
 msgid "Show only the messages for the selected project"
 msgstr "Показувати повідомлення тільки для обраного проекту"
-#: DlgExitMessage.cpp:82
+#: clientgui/DlgExitMessage.cpp:82
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - Exit Confirmation"
 msgstr "% S - Підтвердження виходу"
-#: DlgExitMessage.cpp:130
+#: clientgui/DlgExitMessage.cpp:130
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "You have requested to exit the %s,\n"
@@ -1682,7 +1742,7 @@ msgstr ""
 "Якщо хочете також зупинити обробку завдань,\n"
 "виберіть наступні параметри:"
-#: DlgExitMessage.cpp:135
+#: clientgui/DlgExitMessage.cpp:135
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "This will shut down %s and its tasks until either the\n"
@@ -1699,394 +1759,420 @@ msgstr ""
 "Тоді %s продовжить керувати обробкою завдань\n"
 "у відповідності до визначених Вами налаштувань."
-#: DlgExitMessage.cpp:153
+#: clientgui/DlgExitMessage.cpp:153
 #, c-format
 msgid "Stop running tasks when exiting the %s"
 msgstr "Зупинити обробку завдань при закритті %s"
-#: DlgExitMessage.cpp:165
+#: clientgui/DlgExitMessage.cpp:165
 msgid "Remember this decision and do not show this dialog."
 msgstr "Запам'ятати вибір і більше не показувати це вікно."
-#: DlgExitMessage.cpp:178 DlgGenericMessage.cpp:125 DlgOptions.cpp:401
-#: DlgSelectComputer.cpp:168 wizardex.cpp:378
+#: clientgui/DlgExitMessage.cpp:178
+#: clientgui/DlgGenericMessage.cpp:125
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:404
+#: clientgui/DlgSelectComputer.cpp:168
 msgid "&Cancel"
 msgstr "&Скасувати"
-#: DlgGenericMessage.cpp:112
+#: clientgui/DlgGenericMessage.cpp:112
 msgid "Don't show this dialog again."
 msgstr "Більше не показувати цей діалог."
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:168 DlgItemProperties.cpp:171
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:174 DlgItemProperties.cpp:177
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:194
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:197
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:200
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:203
 msgid "Don't fetch tasks for "
 msgstr "Не запитувати завдання для"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:168
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:194
 msgid "Project preference"
 msgstr "Налаштування проекту"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:171
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:197
 msgid "Account manager preference"
 msgstr "Налаштування менеджера проектів"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:174
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:200
 msgid "Project has no apps for "
 msgstr "У проекту немає додатків для "
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:177
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:203
 msgid "Client configuration excludes "
 msgstr "Конфігурація клієнта виключає "
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:181
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:207
 msgid " work fetch deferred for"
 msgstr "запит завдань  відкладений на"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:182
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:208
 msgid " work fetch deferral interval"
 msgstr " інтервал затримки запиту завдань"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:213
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:239
 msgid "Properties of project "
 msgstr "Властивості проекту "
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:217 DlgOptions.cpp:218
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:243
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:221
 msgid "General"
 msgstr "Загальні"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:218
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:244
 msgid "Master URL"
 msgstr "Адреса для підключення"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:219
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:245
 msgid "User name"
 msgstr "Ім'я користувача"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:220
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:246
 msgid "Team name"
 msgstr "Назва команди"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:221 ViewProjects.cpp:224
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:247
 msgid "Resource share"
 msgstr "Виділено ресурсів"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:223
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:249
 msgid "Scheduler RPC deferred for"
 msgstr "Запит до планувальника відкладений на"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:226
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:252
 msgid "File downloads deferred for"
 msgstr "Завантаження файлів відкладене на"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:229
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:255
 msgid "File uploads deferred for"
 msgstr "Відправлення файлів відкладене на"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:232
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:258
 msgid "Computer ID"
 msgstr "Ідентифікатор комп'ютера"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:234
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:260
 msgid "Non CPU intensive"
 msgstr "Без використання процесора"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:234 DlgItemProperties.cpp:236
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:237 DlgItemProperties.cpp:239
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:242 DlgItemProperties.cpp:251
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:254 DlgItemProperties.cpp:257
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:260
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:262
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:263
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:265
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:268
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:277
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:280
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:283
 msgid "yes"
 msgstr "Так"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:236
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:262
 msgid "Suspended via GUI"
 msgstr "Призупинено вручну"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:236 DlgItemProperties.cpp:237
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:262
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:263
 msgid "no"
 msgstr "ні"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:237
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:263
 msgid "Don't request more work"
 msgstr "Не запитувати завдання"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:239
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:265
 msgid "Scheduler call in progress"
 msgstr "Сеанс зв’язку з планувальником"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:242
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:268
 msgid "Trickle-up pending"
 msgstr "Очікування проміжного відправлення"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:245 DlgItemProperties.cpp:247
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:271
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:273
 msgid "Host location"
 msgstr "Розміщення комп’ютера"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:247
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:273
 msgid "default"
 msgstr "за замовчуванням"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:251
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:277
 msgid "Added via account manager"
 msgstr "Доданий менеджером проектів"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:254
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:280
 msgid "Remove when tasks done"
 msgstr "Буде видалений після завершення завдань"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:257
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:283
 msgid "Ended"
 msgstr "Завершений"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:259
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:285
+msgid "Tasks completed"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:286
+msgid "Tasks failed"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:288
 msgid "Credit"
 msgstr "Бали"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:260
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:289
 msgid "User"
 msgstr "Користувач"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:267
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:296
 msgid "Host"
 msgstr "Комп`ютер (хост)"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:276
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:305
 msgid "Scheduling"
 msgstr "Планувальник"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:277
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:306
 msgid "Scheduling priority"
 msgstr "Пріоритет планувальника"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:278
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:307
 msgid "CPU"
 msgstr "процесор"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:302
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:331
 msgid "Duration correction factor"
 msgstr "Поправочний коефіцієнт тривалості"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:316
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:345
 msgid "Properties of task "
 msgstr "Інформація про завдання "
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:328 ViewWork.cpp:238
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:357
 msgid "Application"
 msgstr "Додаток"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:329 ViewWork.cpp:239
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:358
 msgid "Name"
 msgstr "Назва"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:330
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:359
 msgid "State"
 msgstr "Стан"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:333
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:362
 msgid "Received"
 msgstr "Отримано"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:336
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:365
 msgid "Report deadline"
 msgstr "Відправити до"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:338
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:367
 msgid "Resources"
 msgstr "Виділено ресурсів"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:341
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:370
 msgid "Estimated computation size"
 msgstr "Очікуваний об’єм обчислень"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:344
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:373
 msgid "CPU time at last checkpoint"
 msgstr "Процесорний час в контрольній точці"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:345 DlgItemProperties.cpp:360
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:374
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:389
 msgid "CPU time"
 msgstr "Процесорний час"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:347 DlgItemProperties.cpp:361
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:376
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:390
 msgid "Elapsed time"
 msgstr "Витрачено часу"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:349
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:378
 msgid "Estimated time remaining"
 msgstr "Залишилось до завершення"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:350
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:379
 msgid "Fraction done"
 msgstr "Відсоток виконання"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:351
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:380
 msgid "Virtual memory size"
 msgstr "Обсяг віртуальної пам'яті"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:352
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:381
 msgid "Working set size"
 msgstr "Використання пам'яті"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:354
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:383
 msgid "Directory"
 msgstr "Папка"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:357
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:386
 msgid "Process ID"
 msgstr "ID процесу"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:427 ViewWork.cpp:1032 sg_TaskPanel.cpp:823
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:456
 msgid "Local: "
 msgstr "Локальний: "
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:129 DlgOptions.cpp:135
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:129
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:135
 msgid "Options"
 msgstr "Налаштування"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:175
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:178
 msgid "Language:"
 msgstr "Мова:"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:182
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:185
 msgid "What language should BOINC use?"
 msgstr "Яку мову повинен використовувати BOINC?"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:186
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:189
 msgid "Notice reminder interval:"
 msgstr "Інтервал між нагадуваннями:"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:193
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:196
 msgid "How often should BOINC remind you of new notices?"
 msgstr "Як часто BOINC повинен нагадувати про нові повідомлення?"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:198
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:201
 msgid "Run Manager at login?"
 msgstr "Автозавантаження BOINC менеджера?"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:204
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:207
 msgid "Run the BOINC Manager when you log on."
 msgstr "Запускати BOINC менеджер при вході користувача на комп'ютер."
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:209
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:212
 msgid "Enable Manager exit dialog?"
 msgstr "Підтвердження при виході з програми?"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:215
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:218
 msgid "Display the exit dialog when shutting down the Manager."
 msgstr "Запитувати перед виходом з програми BOINC менеджер."
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:226
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:229
 msgid "Dial-up and Virtual Private Network settings"
 msgstr "Налаштування модемного з'єднання і VPN"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:240
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:243
 msgid "&Set Default"
 msgstr "&Підключення за замовчуванням"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:245
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:248
 msgid "&Clear Default"
 msgstr "&Немає підключення за замовчуванням"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:252
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:255
 msgid "Default Connection:"
 msgstr "Підключення за замовчуванням:"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:259
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:262
 msgid "Connections"
 msgstr "З'єднання"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:268
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:271
 msgid "Connect via HTTP proxy server"
 msgstr "З'єднуватися через HTTP проксі сервер"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:272
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:275
 msgid "HTTP Proxy Server Configuration"
 msgstr "Параметри HTTP проксі сервера"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:280 DlgOptions.cpp:344
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:283
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:347
 msgid "Address:"
 msgstr "Адреса:"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:288 DlgOptions.cpp:352 ProxyPage.cpp:340 ProxyPage.cpp:360
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:291
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:355
 msgid "Port:"
 msgstr "Порт:"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:296 DlgOptions.cpp:360
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:299
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:363
 msgid "Don't use proxy for:"
 msgstr "Не використовувати проксі для:"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:303 DlgOptions.cpp:367
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:306
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:370
 msgid "Leave these blank if not needed"
 msgstr "Залишити поля порожніми, якщо не використовуються"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:309 DlgOptions.cpp:373 ProxyPage.cpp:343 ProxyPage.cpp:363
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:312
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:376
 msgid "User Name:"
 msgstr "Ім'я користувача:"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:317 DlgOptions.cpp:381 DlgSelectComputer.cpp:152
-#: ProxyPage.cpp:346 ProxyPage.cpp:366
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:320
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:384
+#: clientgui/DlgSelectComputer.cpp:152
 msgid "Password:"
 msgstr "Пароль:"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:324
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:327
 msgid "HTTP Proxy"
 msgstr "HTTP проксі"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:332
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:335
 msgid "Connect via SOCKS proxy server"
 msgstr "З'єднуватися через SOCKS проксі сервер"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:336
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:339
 msgid "SOCKS Proxy Server Configuration"
 msgstr "Параметри SOCKS проксі сервера"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:388
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:391
 msgid "SOCKS Proxy"
 msgstr "SOCKS проксі"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:586
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:589
 msgid "always"
 msgstr "завжди"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:587
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:590
 msgid "1 hour"
 msgstr "1 година"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:588
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:591
 msgid "6 hours"
 msgstr "6 годин"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:589
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:592
 msgid "1 day"
 msgstr "1 день"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:590
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:593
 msgid "1 week"
 msgstr "1 тиждень"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:591
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:594
 msgid "never"
 msgstr "ніколи"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:688
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:691
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - Language Selection"
 msgstr "%s - зміна мови"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:695
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:698
 #, c-format
 #, c-format, c-format
-msgid ""
-"The %s's language has been changed.  In order for this change to take "
-"effect, you must restart the %s."
+msgid "The %s's language has been changed.  In order for this change to take effect, you must restart the %s."
 msgstr ""
 "Мову інтерфейсу програми %s було змінено, для вступу в силу змін потрібно "
 "перезапустити %s."
-#: DlgSelectComputer.cpp:91
+#: clientgui/DlgSelectComputer.cpp:91
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - Select Computer"
 msgstr "%s - Вибір комп'ютера"
-#: DlgSelectComputer.cpp:125
+#: clientgui/DlgSelectComputer.cpp:125
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "Another instance of %s is already running \n"
@@ -2095,429 +2181,431 @@ msgstr ""
 "Інший примірник %s вже працює \n"
 "на даному комп'ютері.  Будь-ласка, виберіть клієнт для моніторингу."
-#: DlgSelectComputer.cpp:143
+#: clientgui/DlgSelectComputer.cpp:143
 msgid "Host name:"
 msgstr "Назва хоста:"
-#: Localization.cpp:31 Localization.cpp:69
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:31
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:69
 msgid "Message boards"
 msgstr "Дошка повідомлень"
-#: Localization.cpp:33
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:33
 msgid "Correspond with other users on the SETI at home message boards"
 msgstr "Форум для спілкування з іншими користувачами проекту SETI at home"
-#: Localization.cpp:37
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:37
 msgid "Ask questions and report problems"
 msgstr "Задати питання і повідомити про проблеми"
-#: Localization.cpp:39 Localization.cpp:81 Localization.cpp:111
-#: Localization.cpp:129
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:39
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:81
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:111
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:129
 msgid "Your account"
 msgstr "Ваш обліковий запис"
-#: Localization.cpp:41 Localization.cpp:87 Localization.cpp:113
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:41
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:87
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:113
 msgid "View your account information and credit totals"
 msgstr "Перегляд інформації про Ваш обліковий запис і набрані бали"
-#: Localization.cpp:43
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:43
 msgid "Your preferences"
 msgstr "Ваші налаштування"
-#: Localization.cpp:45
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:45
 msgid "View and modify your SETI at home account profile and preferences"
 msgstr ""
 "Перегляд і зміна налаштувань Вашого облікового запису і Вашого профілю в "
 "проекті SETI at Home"
-#: Localization.cpp:47 Localization.cpp:89
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:47
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:89
 msgid "Your results"
 msgstr "Ваші результати"
-#: Localization.cpp:49 Localization.cpp:91
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:49
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:91
 msgid "View your last week (or more) of computational results and work"
 msgstr "Перегляд інформації про видані завдання (за останні кілька тижнів)"
-#: Localization.cpp:51 Localization.cpp:93
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:51
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:93
 msgid "Your computers"
 msgstr "Ваші комп'ютери"
-#: Localization.cpp:53
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:53
 msgid "View a listing of all the computers on which you are running SETI at Home"
 msgstr ""
 "Перегляд інформації про Ваші комп'ютери,які беруть участь в обробці завдань "
 "проекту SETI at Home"
-#: Localization.cpp:55 Localization.cpp:97
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:55
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:97
 msgid "Your team"
 msgstr "Ваша команда"
-#: Localization.cpp:57 Localization.cpp:99
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:57
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:99
 msgid "View information about your team"
 msgstr "Перегляд інформації про Вашу команду"
-#: Localization.cpp:61
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:61
 msgid "Common questions"
 msgstr "Часті запитання"
-#: Localization.cpp:63
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:63
 msgid "Read the Einstein at Home Frequently Asked Question list"
 msgstr "Часті запитання з проекту Einstein at Home"
-#: Localization.cpp:65
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:65
 msgid "Screensaver info"
 msgstr "Інформація про екранну заставку"
-#: Localization.cpp:67
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:67
 msgid "Read a detailed description of the Einstein at Home screensaver"
 msgstr "Детальний опис екранної заставки проекту Einstein at Home"
-#: Localization.cpp:71
-msgid ""
-"Correspond with admins and other users on the Einstein at Home message boards"
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:71
+msgid "Correspond with admins and other users on the Einstein at Home message boards"
 msgstr ""
 "Форум для спілкування з розробниками та іншими учасниками проекту "
 "Einstein at Home"
-#: Localization.cpp:73
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:73
 msgid "Einstein status"
 msgstr "Стан серверів проекту Einstein at Home"
-#: Localization.cpp:75
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:75
 msgid "Current status of the Einstein at Home server"
 msgstr "Інформація про поточний стан серверів проекту Einstein at Home"
-#: Localization.cpp:77
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:77
 msgid "Report problems"
 msgstr "Повідомлення про проблеми"
-#: Localization.cpp:79
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:79
 msgid "A link to the Einstein at Home problems and bug reports message board"
 msgstr ""
 "Форум для обговорення проблем і помилок у роботі програм проекту "
 "Einstein at Home"
-#: Localization.cpp:83
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:83
 msgid "View and modify your Einstein at Home account profile and preferences"
 msgstr ""
 "Перегляд і зміна налаштувань Вашого облікового запису і Вашого профілю в "
 "проекті Einstein at Home"
-#: Localization.cpp:85
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:85
 msgid "Account summary"
 msgstr "Обліковий запис (інформація)"
-#: Localization.cpp:95
-msgid ""
-"View a listing of all the computers on which you are running Einstein at Home"
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:95
+msgid "View a listing of all the computers on which you are running Einstein at Home"
 msgstr ""
 "Перегляд інформації про Ваші комп'ютери,які беруть участь в обробці завдань "
 "проекту Einstein at Home"
-#: Localization.cpp:101
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:101
 msgid "LIGO project"
 msgstr "Проект LIGO"
-#: Localization.cpp:103
-msgid ""
-"The home page of the Laser Interferometer Gravitational-wave Observatory "
-"(LIGO) project"
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:103
+msgid "The home page of the Laser Interferometer Gravitational-wave Observatory (LIGO) project"
 msgstr ""
 "Домашня сторінка проекту LIGO (лазерний інтерферометр обсерваторії "
 "гравітаційних хвиль)"
-#: Localization.cpp:105
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:105
 msgid "GEO-600 project"
 msgstr "Проект GEO-600"
-#: Localization.cpp:107
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:107
 msgid "The home page of the GEO-600 project"
 msgstr "Домашня сторінка проекту GEO-600"
-#: Localization.cpp:115 Localization.cpp:133 ViewProjects.cpp:221
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:465
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:115
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:133
 msgid "Team"
 msgstr "Команда"
-#: Localization.cpp:117
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:117
 msgid "Info about your Team"
 msgstr "Інформація про Вашу команду"
-#: Localization.cpp:123
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:123
 msgid "Get help for climateprediction.net"
 msgstr "Отримати допомогу з проектом climateprediction.net"
-#: Localization.cpp:125
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:125
 msgid "News"
 msgstr "Новини"
-#: Localization.cpp:127
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:127
 msgid "climateprediction.net News"
 msgstr "Новини проекту climateprediction.net"
-#: Localization.cpp:131
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:131
 msgid "View your account information, credits, and trickles"
 msgstr "Перегляд інформації про обліковий запис і отримані бали"
-#: Localization.cpp:135
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:135
 msgid "Info about your team"
 msgstr "Інформація про Вашу команду"
-#: Localization.cpp:141
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:141
 msgid "Search for help in our help system"
 msgstr "Пошук допомоги в довідці"
-#: Localization.cpp:143
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:143
 msgid "Global Statistics"
 msgstr "Загальна статистика"
-#: Localization.cpp:145
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:145
 msgid "Summary statistics for World Community Grid"
 msgstr "Сумарна статистика для World Community Grid"
-#: Localization.cpp:147
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:147
 msgid "My Grid"
 msgstr "Мій обліковий запис в Grid"
-#: Localization.cpp:149
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:149
 msgid "Your statistics and settings"
 msgstr "Ваші статистика та налаштування"
-#: Localization.cpp:151
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:151
 msgid "Device Profiles"
 msgstr "Налаштування коип’ютера"
-#: Localization.cpp:153
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:153
 msgid "Update your device settings"
 msgstr "Оновлення налаштувань Ваших комп’ютерів"
-#: Localization.cpp:155
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:155
 msgid "Research"
 msgstr "Дослідження"
-#: Localization.cpp:157
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:157
 msgid "Learn about the projects hosted at World Community Grid"
 msgstr "Дізнайтеся про проекти, запущені в рамках World Community Grid"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:583
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:583
 msgid "Starting client"
 msgstr "Запуск клієнта"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:591
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:591
 msgid "Connecting to client"
 msgstr "Підключення до клієнта"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:1195
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:1205
 msgid "Retrieving system state; please wait..."
 msgstr "Оновлюється інформація про стан системи; зачекайте будь-ласка..."
-#: MainDocument.cpp:1816
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:1826
 msgid "Missing application"
 msgstr "Відсутній додаток"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:1817
-msgid ""
-"Please download and install the CoRD application from http://cord."
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:1827
+msgid "Please download and install the CoRD application from http://cord.sourceforge.net"
 msgstr ""
 "Будь-ласка, завантажте і встановіть додаток CoRD із сайту "
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2432
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2442
 msgid "on batteries"
 msgstr "живлення від акумуляторів"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2433
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2443
 msgid "computer is in use"
 msgstr "комп'ютер використовується для роботи"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2434
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2444
 msgid "user request"
 msgstr "запит користувача"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2435
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2445
 msgid "time of day"
 msgstr "в залежності від часу доби"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2436
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2446
 msgid "CPU benchmarks in progress"
 msgstr "запущений тест продуктивності процесора"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2437
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2447
 msgid "need disk space - check preferences"
 msgstr "необхідний дисковий простір - перевірте налаштування"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2438
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2448
 msgid "computer is not in use"
 msgstr "комп'ютер не використовується для роботи"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2439
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2449
 msgid "starting up"
 msgstr "запуск"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2440
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2450
 msgid "an exclusive app is running"
 msgstr "обробляється винятковий додаток"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2441
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2451
 msgid "CPU is busy"
 msgstr "Процесор зайнятий"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2442
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2452
 msgid "network bandwidth limit exceeded"
 msgstr "перевищений ліміт використання мережі"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2443
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2453
 msgid "requested by operating system"
 msgstr "запитаний операційною системою"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2445
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2455
 msgid "unknown reason"
 msgstr "невідома причина"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2467
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2477
 msgid "GPU missing, "
 msgstr "Відсутній графічний процесор, "
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2474
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2484
 msgid "New"
 msgstr "Новий"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2478
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2488
 msgid "Download failed"
 msgstr "Помилка завантаження"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2480
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2490
 msgid "Downloading"
 msgstr "Завантаження"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2482 MainDocument.cpp:2552
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2492
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2557
 msgid " (suspended - "
 msgstr " (призупинено - "
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2490
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2500
 msgid "Project suspended by user"
 msgstr "Проект призупинений користувачем"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2492
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2502
 msgid "Task suspended by user"
 msgstr "Обробка завдання призупинена користувачем"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2494
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2504
 msgid "Suspended - "
 msgstr "Призупинено - "
 # 75%
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2500
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2510
 msgid "GPU suspended - "
 msgstr "графічний процесор призупинено- "
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2507
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2517
 msgid "Waiting for memory"
 msgstr "В очікуванні звільнення оперативної пам'яті"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2509
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2519
 msgid "Waiting for shared memory"
 msgstr "В очікуванні звільнення колективної оперативної пам`яті"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2512
-msgid "Running, high priority"
-msgstr "Працює, високий пріоритет"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2514
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2521
 msgid "Running"
 msgstr "Працює"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2517
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2523
 msgid " (non-CPU-intensive)"
 msgstr " (без використання процесора)"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2520
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2526
 msgid "Waiting to run"
 msgstr "В очікуванні обробки"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2522 MainDocument.cpp:2528
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2528
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2534
 msgid "Ready to start"
 msgstr "Готово до запуску"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2532
-msgid " (Scheduler wait: "
-msgstr " (Планувальник очікує: "
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2538
+msgid "Postponed: "
+msgstr ""
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2536
-msgid " (Scheduler wait)"
-msgstr " (Планувальник очікує)"
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2541
+msgid "Postponed"
+msgstr ""
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2540
-msgid " (Waiting for network access)"
-msgstr " (Очікування доступу до мережі)"
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2545
+msgid "Waiting for network access"
+msgstr ""
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2544
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2549
 msgid "Computation error"
 msgstr "Помилка обчислень"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2548
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2553
 msgid "Upload failed"
 msgstr "Збій при відправленні даних"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2550
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2555
 msgid "Uploading"
 msgstr "Відправлення даних"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2561
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2566
 msgid "Aborted by user"
 msgstr "Перервано користувачем"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2564
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2569
 msgid "Aborted by project"
 msgstr "Перервано проектом"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2567
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2572
 msgid "Aborted: not started by deadline"
 msgstr "Перервано: не було запущене до крайнього терміну"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2570
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2575
 msgid "Aborted: disk limit exceeded"
 msgstr "Перервано: перевищено виділений дисковий простір"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2573
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2578
 msgid "Aborted: run time limit exceeded"
 msgstr "Перервано: перевищено границю часу виконання"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2576
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2581
 msgid "Aborted: memory limit exceeded"
 msgstr "Перервано: перевищено кількість виділеної пам’яті"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2579
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2584
 msgid "Aborted"
 msgstr "Перервано"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2584
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2589
 msgid "Acknowledged"
 msgstr "Підтверджено"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2586
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2591
 msgid "Ready to report"
 msgstr "Очікується підтвердження про прийом даних"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2588
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2593
 #, c-format
 msgid "Error: invalid state '%d'"
 msgstr "Помилка: неприпустимий стан '%d'"
-#: NoInternetConnectionPage.cpp:179
+#: clientgui/NoInternetConnectionPage.cpp:179
 msgid "No Internet connection"
 msgstr "Відсутній зв`язок з Інтернетом"
-#: NoInternetConnectionPage.cpp:182
+#: clientgui/NoInternetConnectionPage.cpp:182
 msgid "Please connect to the Internet and try again."
 msgstr "Будь ласка, підключіться до Інтернету і повторіть спробу."
-#: NotDetectedPage.cpp:181
+#: clientgui/NotDetectedPage.cpp:181
 msgid "Project not found"
 msgstr "Проект не знайдено"
-#: NotDetectedPage.cpp:184
+#: clientgui/NotDetectedPage.cpp:184
 msgid ""
 "The URL you supplied is not that of a BOINC-based project.\n"
@@ -2527,11 +2615,11 @@ msgstr ""
 "Будь-ласка, уточніть адресу і повторіть спробу."
-#: NotDetectedPage.cpp:188
+#: clientgui/NotDetectedPage.cpp:188
 msgid "Account manager not found"
 msgstr "Менеджера проектів не знайдено"
-#: NotDetectedPage.cpp:191
+#: clientgui/NotDetectedPage.cpp:191
 msgid ""
 "The URL you supplied is not that of a BOINC-based account\n"
@@ -2542,93 +2630,94 @@ msgstr ""
 "Будь-ласка, уточніть адресу і повторіть спробу."
-#: NotFoundPage.cpp:181
+#: clientgui/NotFoundPage.cpp:181
 msgid "Login Failed."
 msgstr "Увійти не вдалося."
-#: NotFoundPage.cpp:185
+#: clientgui/NotFoundPage.cpp:185
 msgid "Check the username and password, and try again."
 msgstr "Перевірте ім'я користувача та пароль і спробуйте ще раз."
-#: NotFoundPage.cpp:189
+#: clientgui/NotFoundPage.cpp:189
 msgid "Check the email address and password, and try again."
 msgstr "Перевірте адресу електронної пошти та пароль і спробуйте ще раз."
-#: NoticeListCtrl.cpp:222
+#: clientgui/NoticeListCtrl.cpp:229
 msgid "more..."
 msgstr "більше..."
-#: ProjectInfoPage.cpp:477 ProjectInfoPage.cpp:778 ProjectInfoPage.cpp:782
-msgid "All"
-msgstr "Все"
-#: ProjectInfoPage.cpp:615
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:221
 msgid "Choose a project"
 msgstr "Вибір проекту"
-#: ProjectInfoPage.cpp:619
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:228
 msgid "To choose a project, click its name or type its URL below."
 msgstr ""
 "Оберіть проект, який Вам сподобався, натиснувши на його\n"
 "назву або введіть його адресу URL в полі ниже."
-#: ProjectInfoPage.cpp:623
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:246
 msgid "Categories:"
 msgstr "Категорії:"
-#: ProjectInfoPage.cpp:627 sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:89
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:267
 msgid "Projects:"
 msgstr "Проекти:"
-#: ProjectInfoPage.cpp:631
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:279
 msgid "Project details"
 msgstr "Опис проекту:"
-#: ProjectInfoPage.cpp:635
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:291
 msgid "Research area:"
 msgstr "Галузь науки:"
-#: ProjectInfoPage.cpp:639
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:302
 msgid "Organization:"
 msgstr "Організація:"
-#: ProjectInfoPage.cpp:643
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:313
 msgid "Web site:"
 msgstr "Веб-сайт:"
-#: ProjectInfoPage.cpp:647
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:325
 msgid "Supported systems:"
 msgstr "Платформи, що підтримуються:"
-#: ProjectInfoPage.cpp:651
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:363
 msgid "Project URL:"
 msgstr "URL-адреса проекту:"
-#: ProjectInfoPage.cpp:826
-msgid ""
-"This project may not have work for your type of computer.  Do you want to "
-"add it anyway?"
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:499
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:754
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:758
+msgid "All"
+msgstr "Все"
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:802
+msgid "This project may not have work for your type of computer.  Do you want to add it anyway?"
 msgstr ""
 "Ймовірно даний проект не підтримує тип Вашого комп’ютера або операційну "
 "систему.  Ви все таки хочете його додати?"
-#: ProjectInfoPage.cpp:850
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:826
 msgid "You already added this project. Please choose a different project."
 msgstr "Цей проект вже додано. Виберіть інший."
-#: ProjectProcessingPage.cpp:321
+#: clientgui/ProjectProcessingPage.cpp:321
 msgid "Communicating with project."
 msgstr "Встановлення зв’язку з проектом."
-#: ProjectProcessingPage.cpp:509
+#: clientgui/ProjectProcessingPage.cpp:510
 msgid "Required files not found on the server."
 msgstr "Необхідні файли на сервері не знайдено."
-#: ProjectProcessingPage.cpp:512 ProjectProcessingPage.cpp:574
+#: clientgui/ProjectProcessingPage.cpp:513
+#: clientgui/ProjectProcessingPage.cpp:586
 msgid "An internal server error has occurred."
 msgstr "Сталася внутрішня помилка сервера."
-#: ProjectPropertiesPage.cpp:334
+#: clientgui/ProjectPropertiesPage.cpp:334
 msgid ""
 "Communicating with project\n"
 "Please wait..."
@@ -2636,11 +2725,48 @@ msgstr ""
 "Встановлюється зв’язок із сервером проекту\n"
 "Будь-ласка, зачекайте..."
-#: ProxyInfoPage.cpp:195
+#: clientgui/ProjectWelcomePage.cpp:251
+#, c-format
+msgid "Welcome to %s."
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ProjectWelcomePage.cpp:254
+msgid "You have volunteered to compute for this project:"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ProjectWelcomePage.cpp:255
+msgid "Name:"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ProjectWelcomePage.cpp:258
+msgid "Home:"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ProjectWelcomePage.cpp:262
+msgid "Description:"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ProjectWelcomePage.cpp:265
+msgid "URL:"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ProjectWelcomePage.cpp:268
+msgid "User:"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ProjectWelcomePage.cpp:273
+msgid "WARNING: This project is not registered with BOINC.  Make sure you trust it before continuing."
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ProjectWelcomePage.cpp:277
+msgid "To continue, click Next."
+msgstr "Для продовження, натисніть кнопку \"Далі\"."
+#: clientgui/ProxyInfoPage.cpp:195
 msgid "Network communication failure"
 msgstr "Невдача при встановленні з’єднання"
-#: ProxyInfoPage.cpp:199
+#: clientgui/ProxyInfoPage.cpp:199
 msgid ""
 "The World Community Grid - BOINC software failed to communicate\n"
 "over the Internet. The most likely reasons are:\n"
@@ -2670,7 +2796,7 @@ msgstr ""
 "3) Ви використовуєте проксі сервер для виходу в Інтернет,\n"
 "а BOINC не знає про це."
-#: ProxyInfoPage.cpp:203
+#: clientgui/ProxyInfoPage.cpp:203
 msgid ""
 "BOINC failed to communicate on the Internet.\n"
 "The most likely reasons are:\n"
@@ -2700,1272 +2826,1366 @@ msgstr ""
 "3) Ви використовуєте проксі сервер для виходу в Інтернет,\n"
 "а BOINC не знає про це."
-#: ProxyPage.cpp:331
+#: clientgui/ProxyPage.cpp:331
 msgid "Proxy configuration"
 msgstr "Параметри проксі сервера"
-#: ProxyPage.cpp:334
+#: clientgui/ProxyPage.cpp:334
 msgid "HTTP proxy"
 msgstr "HTTP проксі"
-#: ProxyPage.cpp:337 ProxyPage.cpp:357
+#: clientgui/ProxyPage.cpp:337
+#: clientgui/ProxyPage.cpp:357
 msgid "Server:"
 msgstr "Сервер:"
-#: ProxyPage.cpp:350
+#: clientgui/ProxyPage.cpp:350
 msgid "Autodetect"
 msgstr "Автовизначення"
-#: ProxyPage.cpp:354
+#: clientgui/ProxyPage.cpp:354
 msgid "SOCKS proxy"
 msgstr "SOCKS проксі"
-#: TermsOfUsePage.cpp:218
-msgid "Terms of Use"
-msgstr "Умови використання"
+#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:167
+msgid "Advanced View...\tCtrl+Shift+A"
+msgstr "Розширений вид...\t Ctrl+Shift+A"
-#: TermsOfUsePage.cpp:222
-msgid "Please read the following terms of use:"
-msgstr "Будь ласка, ознайомтеся з наступними умовами використання:"
+#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:168
+msgid "Display the advanced graphical interface."
+msgstr "Змінити зовнішній вигляд на більш розширений."
-#: TermsOfUsePage.cpp:231
-msgid "I agree to the terms of use."
-msgstr "Я згоден з умовами використання."
+#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:175
+msgid "Skin"
+msgstr "Обкладинка"
-#: TermsOfUsePage.cpp:237
-msgid "I do not agree to the terms of use."
-msgstr "Я не згоден з умовами використання."
+#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:177
+msgid "Select the appearance of the user interface."
+msgstr "Виберіть зовнішній вигляд користувацького інтерфейсу."
-#: UnavailablePage.cpp:183
-msgid "Project temporarily unavailable"
-msgstr "Проект тимчасово недоступний"
+#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:224
+#, c-format
+msgid "&%s"
+msgstr "&%s"
-#: UnavailablePage.cpp:186
-msgid ""
-"The project is temporarily unavailable.\n"
-"Please try again later."
-msgstr ""
-"Проект тимчасово недоступний.\n"
-"Будь ласка, повторіть спробу пізніше."
+#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:405
+msgid "Default"
+msgstr "За замовчуванням"
-#: UnavailablePage.cpp:190
-msgid "Account manager temporarily unavailable"
-msgstr "Менеджер проектів тимчасово недоступний"
+#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:848
+msgid "Suspend"
+msgstr "Призупинити"
-#: UnavailablePage.cpp:193
-msgid ""
-"The account manager is temporarily unavailable.\n"
-"Please try again later."
-msgstr ""
-"Менеджер проектів тимчасово недоступний.\n"
-"Будь-ласка, повторіть спробу пізніше."
+#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:850
+msgid "Suspend Computing"
+msgstr "Призупинити обчислення"
-#: ValidateAccountKey.cpp:68
-msgid "Please specify an account key to continue."
-msgstr "Введіть обліковий ключ для продовження."
+#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:851
+msgid "Resume Computing"
+msgstr "Відновити обчислення"
-#: ValidateAccountKey.cpp:71
-msgid "Invalid Account Key; please enter a valid Account Key"
-msgstr ""
-"Введено неправильний обліковий ключ; будь ласка, повторіть введення ключа"
+#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:867
+msgid "Notices"
+msgstr "Повідомлення"
-#: ValidateAccountKey.cpp:82 ValidateEmailAddress.cpp:86
-msgid "Validation conflict"
-msgstr "Помилка перевірки правильності введення даних"
+#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:868
+msgid "Open a window to view notices from projects or BOINC"
+msgstr "Відкрити вікно перегляду повідомлень проектів і BOINC"
-#: ValidateEmailAddress.cpp:72
-msgid "Please specify an email address"
-msgstr "Будь-ласка, вкажіть адресу електронної пошти"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgMessages.cpp:124
+msgid "Fetching notices; please wait..."
+msgstr "Отримання повідомлень; зачекайте, будь-ласка..."
-#: ValidateEmailAddress.cpp:75
-msgid "Invalid email address; please enter a valid email address"
-msgstr ""
-"Вказана неправильна адреса електронної пошти;\n"
-"повторіть спробу"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgMessages.cpp:132
+msgid "There are no notices at this time."
+msgstr "Зараз повідомлення відсутні."
-#: ValidateURL.cpp:69
-msgid "Missing URL"
-msgstr "Не вказана URL-адреса"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgMessages.cpp:146
+msgid "Close"
+msgstr "Закрити"
-#: ValidateURL.cpp:70
-msgid ""
-"Please specify a URL.\n"
-"For example:\n"
-msgstr ""
-"Будь ласка, вкажіть URL-адресу.\n"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgMessages.cpp:394
+#, c-format
+msgid "%s - Notices"
+msgstr "%s - Повідомлення"
-#: ValidateURL.cpp:83 ValidateURL.cpp:87 ValidateURL.cpp:91
-#: ValidateURL.cpp:103 ValidateURL.cpp:107 ValidateURL.cpp:110
-msgid "Invalid URL"
-msgstr "Некоректна URL-адреса"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:270
+msgid "This dialog controls preferences for this computer only."
+msgstr "Це діалогове вікно керує налаштуваннями тільки даного комп’ютера."
-#: ValidateURL.cpp:84 ValidateURL.cpp:88 ValidateURL.cpp:92
-msgid ""
-"Please specify a valid URL.\n"
-"For example:\n"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:275
+msgid "Click OK to set preferences."
+msgstr "Для збереження налаштувань натисніть 'Гаразд'."
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:280
+msgid "Click Clear to restore web-based settings for all preferences listed below."
 msgstr ""
-"Введіть дійсну URL-адресу.\n"
+"Для відновлення інтернет налаштувань всіх вказаних нижче уподобань натисніть "
-#: ValidateURL.cpp:104 ValidateURL.cpp:108
-#, c-format
-msgid "'%s' does not contain a valid host name."
-msgstr "Комп'ютер (хост) з назвою: '% s' не знайдений."
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:287
+msgid "For additional settings, select Computing Preferences in the Advanced View."
+msgstr ""
+"Для додаткових параметрів, виберіть Налаштування клієнта у Розширеному виді."
-#: ValidateURL.cpp:111
-#, c-format
-msgid "'%s' does not contain a valid path."
-msgstr "Вказаного шляху: '% s' не існує."
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:315
+msgid "Do work only between:"
+msgstr "Працювати тільки між:"
-#: ViewMessages.cpp:84 ViewProjects.cpp:170 ViewStatistics.cpp:1978
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:160 ViewWork.cpp:183
-msgid "Commands"
-msgstr "Команди"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:337
+msgid "Connect to internet only between:"
+msgstr "Доступ в інтернет тільки між:"
-#: ViewMessages.cpp:88
-msgid "Copy all messages"
-msgstr "Копіювати всі повідомлення"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:359
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:376
+msgid "Use no more than:"
+msgstr "Використовувати не більше:"
-#: ViewMessages.cpp:95
-msgid "Copy selected messages"
-msgstr "Копіювати вибрані повідомлення"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:372
+msgid "of disk space"
+msgstr "місця на диску"
-#: ViewMessages.cpp:106 ViewMessages.cpp:502
-msgid "Show only this project"
-msgstr "Показати тільки цей проект"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:389
+msgid "of the processor"
+msgstr "процесора"
-#: ViewMessages.cpp:107 ViewMessages.cpp:503
-msgid "Show only the messages for the selected project."
-msgstr "Показати повідомлення тільки вибраного проекту."
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:393
+msgid "Do work while on battery?"
+msgstr "Працювати на батареях?"
-#: ViewMessages.cpp:164
-msgid "Messages"
-msgstr "Повідомлення"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:406
+msgid "Do work after idle for:"
+msgstr "Запуск обробки при простої:"
-#: ViewMessages.cpp:187
-msgid "Copying all messages to the clipboard..."
-msgstr "Копіювати всі повідомлення в буфер обміну..."
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:431
+msgid "Clear all local preferences listed above and close the dialog"
+msgstr "Очистити всі вказані локальні налаштування і закрити діалогове вікно"
-#: ViewMessages.cpp:223
-msgid "Copying selected messages to the clipboard..."
-msgstr "В буфер обміну копіюються виділені повідомлення..."
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:609
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:612
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:688
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:692
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:704
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:708
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:851
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:862
+msgid "Anytime"
+msgstr "Завжди"
-#: ViewMessages.cpp:286
-msgid "Filtering messages..."
-msgstr "Фільтрація повідомлень..."
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:645
+msgid "100 MB"
+msgstr "100 Мб"
-#: ViewMessages.cpp:494
-msgid "Show all messages"
-msgstr "Показати всі повідомлення"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:646
+msgid "200 MB"
+msgstr "200 Мб"
-#: ViewMessages.cpp:495
-msgid "Show messages for all projects."
-msgstr "Показати повідомлення для всіх проектів."
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:647
+msgid "500 MB"
+msgstr "500 Мб"
-#: ViewNotices.cpp:58 sg_DlgMessages.cpp:124
-msgid "Fetching notices; please wait..."
-msgstr "Отримання повідомлень; зачекайте, будь-ласка..."
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:648
+msgid "1 GB"
+msgstr "1 Гб"
-#: ViewNotices.cpp:65 sg_DlgMessages.cpp:132
-msgid "There are no notices at this time."
-msgstr "Зараз повідомлення відсутні."
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:649
+msgid "2 GB"
+msgstr "2 Гб"
-#: ViewNotices.cpp:99 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:776
-msgid "Notices"
-msgstr "Повідомлення"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:650
+msgid "5 GB"
+msgstr "5 Гб"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:651
+msgid "10 GB"
+msgstr "10 Гб"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:652
+msgid "20 GB"
+msgstr "20 Гб"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:653
+msgid "50 GB"
+msgstr "50 Гб"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:654
+msgid "100 GB"
+msgstr "100 Гб"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:724
+#, c-format
+msgid "%d MB"
+msgstr "%d Мб"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:726
+#, c-format
+msgid "%4.2f GB"
+msgstr "%4.2f Гб"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:767
+#, c-format
+msgid "%d%%"
+msgstr "%d%%"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:174 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:61
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:803
+msgid "0 (Run Always)"
+msgstr "0 (працювати завжди)"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:806
+#, c-format
+msgid "%d"
+msgstr "%d"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:953
+#, c-format
+msgid "%s - Computing Preferences"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:1033
+msgid "Do you really want to clear all local preferences?\n"
+msgstr "Ви справді хочете видалити всі налаштування, які зберігаються локально?\n"
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:66
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:179
 msgid "Update"
 msgstr "Оновити"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:175 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:62
-msgid ""
-"Report all completed tasks, get latest credit, get latest preferences, and "
-"possibly get more tasks."
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:67
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:180
+msgid "Report all completed tasks, get latest credit, get latest preferences, and possibly get more tasks."
 msgstr ""
 "Отримати інформацію з сервера проекту: про підтвердження передачі завершених "
 "завдань, про кількість набраних балів, про налаштування облікового запису і "
 "(можливо) завантажити нові завдання."
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:181 ViewProjects.cpp:722 ViewWork.cpp:208 ViewWork.cpp:801
-#: sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:757 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:67
-#: sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:113 sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:66
-#: sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:106
-msgid "Suspend"
-msgstr "Призупинити"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:182 ViewProjects.cpp:722 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:68
-#: sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:114
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:73
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:129
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:187
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:727
 msgid "Suspend tasks for this project."
 msgstr "Призупинити обробку цього проекту."
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:188 ViewProjects.cpp:741 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:73
-#: sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:121
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:78
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:136
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:193
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:746
 msgid "No new tasks"
 msgstr "Не запитувати нових завдань"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:189 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:74
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:79
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:194
 msgid "Don't get new tasks for this project."
 msgstr "Не запитувати нові завдання для цього проекту."
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:195 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:79
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:84
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:200
 msgid "Reset project"
 msgstr "Запустити проект"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:196 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:80
-msgid ""
-"Delete all files and tasks associated with this project, and get new tasks.  "
-"You can update the project first to report any completed tasks."
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:85
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:201
+msgid "Delete all files and tasks associated with this project, and get new tasks.  You can update the project first to report any completed tasks."
 msgstr ""
 "Видалити всі файли і завдання виділеного проекту і завантажити нові.  "
 "Спочатку Ви можете відправити всі завершені завдання проекту."
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:203 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:86
-msgid ""
-"Remove this project.  Tasks in progress will be lost (use 'Update' first to "
-"report any completed tasks)."
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:91
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:208
+msgid "Remove this project.  Tasks in progress will be lost (use 'Update' first to report any completed tasks)."
 msgstr ""
 "Видалити цей проект.  Завдання,які обробляються в даний момент, будуть "
 "втрачені (скористайтеся функцією 'Оновити' перед цією операцією для того, "
 "щоб відправити всі завершені завдання)."
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:209 ViewWork.cpp:222 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:91
-#: sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:78
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:96
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:84
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:214
 msgid "Properties"
 msgstr "Властивості"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:210 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:92
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:97
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:215
 msgid "Show project details."
 msgstr "Інформація про проект."
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:220 ViewStatistics.cpp:450
-msgid "Account"
-msgstr "Обліковий запис"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:222
-msgid "Work done"
-msgstr "Виконана робота"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:223
-msgid "Avg. work done"
-msgstr "У середньому за день"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:225 ViewTransfers.cpp:188 ViewWork.cpp:234
-msgid "Status"
-msgstr "Стан"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:250
-msgid "Projects"
-msgstr "Проекти"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:302
-msgid "Updating project..."
-msgstr "Оновлення проекту..."
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:344
-msgid "Resuming project..."
-msgstr "Відновлення проекту..."
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:348
-msgid "Suspending project..."
-msgstr "Призупинення проекту..."
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:126
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:723
+msgid "Resume tasks for this project."
+msgstr "Підсумкове завдання для цього проекту"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:385
-msgid "Telling project to allow additional task downloads..."
-msgstr "Передається запит на дозвіл отримання нових завдань для обробки..."
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:133
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:742
+msgid "Allow new tasks"
+msgstr "Дозволити отримання нових завдань"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:389
-msgid "Telling project to not fetch any additional tasks..."
-msgstr "Передається запит на заборону отримання нових завдань для обробки..."
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:134
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:742
+msgid "Allow fetching new tasks for this project."
+msgstr "Дозволити запитувати нові завдання цього проекту."
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:425
-msgid "Resetting project..."
-msgstr "Перезапуск проекту..."
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:137
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:746
+msgid "Don't fetch new tasks for this project."
+msgstr "Не запитувати нові завдання цього проекту."
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:438 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:214
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:229
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:443
 #, c-format
 msgid "Are you sure you want to reset project '%s'?"
 msgstr "Ви справді хочете перезапустити проект '%s'?"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:444 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:220
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:235
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:449
 msgid "Reset Project"
 msgstr "Перезапуск проекту"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:483
-msgid "Removing project..."
-msgstr "Видалення проекту..."
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:496 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:251
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:266
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:501
 #, c-format
 msgid "Are you sure you want to remove project '%s'?"
 msgstr "Ви справді хочете видалити проект '% s'?"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:502 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:257
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:272
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:507
 msgid "Remove Project"
 msgstr "Видалити проект"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:543 ViewWork.cpp:599
-msgid "Launching browser..."
-msgstr "Запуск браузера..."
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:718 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:111
-msgid "Resume tasks for this project."
-msgstr "Підсумкове завдання для цього проекту"
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:72
+msgid "Add Project"
+msgstr "Додати проект"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:737 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:118
-msgid "Allow new tasks"
-msgstr "Дозволити отримання нових завдань"
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:73
+msgid "Synchronize"
+msgstr "Синхронізувати"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:737 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:119
-msgid "Allow fetching new tasks for this project."
-msgstr "Дозволити запитувати нові завдання цього проекту."
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:74
+msgid "Work done for this project"
+msgstr "Для цього проекту робота завершена"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:741 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:122
-msgid "Don't fetch new tasks for this project."
-msgstr "Не запитувати нові завдання цього проекту."
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:77
+msgid "Synchronize projects with account manager system"
+msgstr ""
+"Синхронізація інформації про проекти та налаштування між BOINC клієнтом і "
+"менеджером проектів"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1058
-msgid "Requested by user"
-msgstr "За запитом користувача"
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:124
+msgid "Select a project to access with the controls below"
+msgstr "Вибрати проект, використовуючи розташовані нижче елементи керування"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1059
-msgid "To fetch work"
-msgstr "Надіслати запит на завдання"
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:145
+msgid "Project Web Pages"
+msgstr "Веб-сторінки проекту"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1060
-msgid "To report completed tasks"
-msgstr "Повідомити про завершені завдання"
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:149
+msgid "Project Commands"
+msgstr "Команди проекту"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1061
-msgid "To send trickle-up message"
-msgstr "Надіслати проміжне повідомлення"
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:276
+#, c-format
+#, c-format, c-format
+msgid "Pop up a menu of web sites for project %s"
+msgstr "Показати меню веб-сайтів для проекту %s"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1062
-msgid "Requested by account manager"
-msgstr "На запит менеджера проектів"
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:278
+#, c-format
+msgid "Pop up a menu of commands to apply to project %s"
+msgstr "Показати меню команд, застосовних до проекту%s"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1063
-msgid "Project initialization"
-msgstr "Ініціалізація проекту"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:66
+msgid "Show graphics"
+msgstr "Показати графіку"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1064
-msgid "Requested by project"
-msgstr "На запит проекту"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:67
+msgid "Show application graphics in a window."
+msgstr "Показати вікно програми з графічною інформацією."
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1065
-msgid "Unknown reason"
-msgstr "Невідома причина"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:73
+msgid "Suspend this task."
+msgstr "Призупинити це завдання."
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1079
-msgid "Suspended by user"
-msgstr "Призупинено користувачем"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:78
+msgid "Abort"
+msgstr "Перервати обробку"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1082
-msgid "Won't get new tasks"
-msgstr "Не запитувати нові завдання"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:79
+msgid "Abandon this task. You will get no credit for it."
+msgstr "Відмовитися від цього завдання. Ви не отримаєте за нього балів."
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1085
-msgid "Project ended - OK to remove"
-msgstr "Проект завершено - можна видаляти"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:85
+msgid "Show task details."
+msgstr "Інформація про завдання."
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1088
-msgid "Will remove when tasks done"
-msgstr "Буде видалений після завершення завдань"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:119
+msgid "Resume work for this task."
+msgstr "Продовжити обробку цього завдання"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1091
-msgid "Scheduler request pending"
-msgstr "Запит інформації у планувальника"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:123
+msgid "Suspend work for this task."
+msgstr "Призупинити обробку цього завдання."
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1097
-msgid "Scheduler request in progress"
-msgstr "Виконується запит інформації у планувальника"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:267
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Are you sure you want to abort this task '%s'?\n"
+"(Progress: %.1lf%%, Status: %s)"
+msgstr ""
+"Ви впевнені, що хочете перервати обробку цього завдання '% s'?\n"
+"(Прогрес: %.1 lf%%, Стан: % s)"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1100
-msgid "Trickle up message pending"
-msgstr "Очікування відправлення проміжного повідомлення"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:272
+msgid "Abort task"
+msgstr "Перервати обробку завдання"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1106
-msgid "Communication deferred "
-msgstr "Повтор через..."
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:468
+msgid "You don't have any projects.  Please Add a Project."
+msgstr "BOINC не підключений до жодного проекту."
-#: ViewResources.cpp:62
-msgid "Total disk usage"
-msgstr "Повний обсяг диска"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:469
+msgid "Not available"
+msgstr "Недоступно"
-#: ViewResources.cpp:83
-msgid "Disk usage by BOINC projects"
-msgstr "Зайнято проектами BOINC"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:480
+msgid "Tasks:"
+msgstr "Завдання:"
-#: ViewResources.cpp:116
-msgid "Disk"
-msgstr "Диск"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:486
+msgid "Select a task to access"
+msgstr "Вибрати завдання для доступу"
-#: ViewResources.cpp:249
-msgid "no projects: 0 bytes used"
-msgstr "немає проектів: використовується 0 байт"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:497
+msgid "From:"
+msgstr "Від:"
-#: ViewResources.cpp:286
-msgid "used by BOINC: "
-msgstr "зайнято BOINC: "
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:551
+msgid "This task's progress"
+msgstr "Прогрес цього завдання"
-#: ViewResources.cpp:296
-msgid "free, available to BOINC: "
-msgstr "вільно, доступно для BOINC: "
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:569
+msgid "Task Commands"
+msgstr "Команди завдання"
-#: ViewResources.cpp:306
-msgid "free, not available to BOINC: "
-msgstr "вільно, недоступно для BOINC: "
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:570
+msgid "Pop up a menu of commands to apply to this task"
+msgstr "Показати меню команд, застосовних до цього завдання"
-#: ViewResources.cpp:316
-msgid "free: "
-msgstr "вільно: "
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:705
+#, c-format
+msgid "Application: %s"
+msgstr "Додаток: %s"
-#: ViewResources.cpp:326
-msgid "used by other programs: "
-msgstr "зайнято іншими програмами: "
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:728
+#, c-format
+msgid "%.3f%%"
+msgstr "%.3f%%"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:1205
-msgid "User Total"
-msgstr "Загальна кількість балів учасника"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:736
+msgid "Application: Not available"
+msgstr "Додаток: недоступний"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:1206
-msgid "User Average"
-msgstr "Загальна кількість балів за день"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:836
+msgid "Not Available"
+msgstr "Недоступно"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:1207
-msgid "Host Total"
-msgstr "Загальна кількість балів для хосту"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:851
+#, c-format
+msgid "Elapsed: %s"
+msgstr "Витрачено: %s"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:1208
-msgid "Host Average"
-msgstr "Середня кількість балів за день для хосту"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:865
+#, c-format
+msgid "Remaining (estimated): %s"
+msgstr "Залишилось (приблизно): %s"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:1355
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:880
 #, c-format
-msgid "Last update: %.0f days ago"
-msgstr "Останнє оновлення: %.0f днів тому"
+msgid "Status: %s"
+msgstr "Стан: %s"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:1982
-msgid "Show user total"
-msgstr "Всього балів користувача"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1227
+msgid "Retrieving current status."
+msgstr "Перевірка поточного стану."
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:1983
-msgid "Show total credit for user"
-msgstr "Показати загальну кількість балів користувача"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1233
+msgid "Downloading work from the server."
+msgstr "Завантаження завдань із сервера проекту."
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:1989
-msgid "Show user average"
-msgstr "В середньому за день"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1238
+msgid "Processing Suspended:  Running On Batteries."
+msgstr "Обробка призупинена:  робота комп’ютера від батарей."
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:1990
-msgid "Show average credit for user"
-msgstr "Показати середню кількість балів набраних користувачем за день"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1240
+msgid "Processing Suspended:  User Active."
+msgstr "Обробка призупинена:  працює користувач."
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:1996
-msgid "Show host total"
-msgstr "Всього балів для хосту"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1242
+msgid "Processing Suspended:  User paused processing."
+msgstr "Обробка призупинена:  за ініціативи користувача."
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:1997
-msgid "Show total credit for host"
-msgstr "Показати загальну кількість балів набраних на даному хості"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1244
+msgid "Processing Suspended:  Time of Day."
+msgstr "Обробка призупинена:  заборонений час доби."
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2003
-msgid "Show host average"
-msgstr "В середньому для хосту"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1246
+msgid "Processing Suspended:  Benchmarks Running."
+msgstr "Обробка призупинена:  запущений тест продуктивності."
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2004
-msgid "Show average credit for host"
-msgstr "Показати середню кількість балів набраних даним хостом за день"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1248
+msgid "Processing Suspended."
+msgstr "Обробка призупинена."
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2013
-msgid "< &Previous project"
-msgstr "< &Попередній проект"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1252
+msgid "Waiting to contact project servers."
+msgstr "Зачекайте будь-ласка."
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2014
-msgid "Show chart for previous project"
-msgstr "Показати графік для попереднього проекту"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1256
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1265
+msgid "Retrieving current status"
+msgstr "Перевірка поточного стану"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2019
-msgid "&Next project >"
-msgstr "&Наступний проект >"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1260
+msgid "No work available to process"
+msgstr "Відсутні завдання для обробки"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2020
-msgid "Show chart for next project"
-msgstr "Показати графік на наступний проект"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1262
+msgid "Unable to connect to the core client"
+msgstr "Не вдалося підключитися до BOINC клієнта"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2026 ViewStatistics.cpp:2416
-msgid "Hide project list"
-msgstr "Приховати список проектів"
+#: clientgui/TermsOfUsePage.cpp:218
+msgid "Terms of Use"
+msgstr "Умови використання"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2027 ViewStatistics.cpp:2416
-msgid "Use entire area for graphs"
-msgstr "Використовувати всю область для графіків"
+#: clientgui/TermsOfUsePage.cpp:222
+msgid "Please read the following terms of use:"
+msgstr "Будь ласка, ознайомтеся з наступними умовами використання:"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2032
-msgid "Mode view"
-msgstr "Вид графіків"
+#: clientgui/TermsOfUsePage.cpp:231
+msgid "I agree to the terms of use."
+msgstr "Я згоден з умовами використання."
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2036
-msgid "One project"
-msgstr "Один проект"
+#: clientgui/TermsOfUsePage.cpp:237
+msgid "I do not agree to the terms of use."
+msgstr "Я не згоден з умовами використання."
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2037
-msgid "Show one chart with selected project"
-msgstr "Показати один обраний проект"
+#: clientgui/UnavailablePage.cpp:183
+msgid "Project temporarily unavailable"
+msgstr "Проект тимчасово недоступний"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2043
-msgid "All projects (separate)"
-msgstr "Всі проекти (окремо)"
+#: clientgui/UnavailablePage.cpp:186
+msgid ""
+"The project is temporarily unavailable.\n"
+"Please try again later."
+msgstr ""
+"Проект тимчасово недоступний.\n"
+"Будь ласка, повторіть спробу пізніше."
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2044
-msgid "Show all projects, one chart per project"
-msgstr "Показати всі проекти, кожен проект на окремому графіку"
+#: clientgui/UnavailablePage.cpp:190
+msgid "Account manager temporarily unavailable"
+msgstr "Менеджер проектів тимчасово недоступний"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2050
-msgid "All projects (together)"
-msgstr "Всі проекти (разом)"
+#: clientgui/UnavailablePage.cpp:193
+msgid ""
+"The account manager is temporarily unavailable.\n"
+"Please try again later."
+msgstr ""
+"Менеджер проектів тимчасово недоступний.\n"
+"Будь-ласка, повторіть спробу пізніше."
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2051
-msgid "Show one chart with all projects"
-msgstr "Показати всі проекти на одному графіку"
+#: clientgui/ValidateAccountKey.cpp:68
+msgid "Please specify an account key to continue."
+msgstr "Введіть обліковий ключ для продовження."
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2057
-msgid "All projects (sum)"
-msgstr "Всі проекти (в сумі)"
+#: clientgui/ValidateAccountKey.cpp:71
+msgid "Invalid Account Key; please enter a valid Account Key"
+msgstr ""
+"Введено неправильний обліковий ключ; будь ласка, повторіть введення ключа"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2058
-msgid "Show one chart with sum of projects"
-msgstr "Показати суму за проектами на одному графіку"
+#: clientgui/ValidateAccountKey.cpp:82
+#: clientgui/ValidateEmailAddress.cpp:86
+msgid "Validation conflict"
+msgstr "Помилка перевірки правильності введення даних"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2079
-msgid "Statistics"
-msgstr "Статистика"
+#: clientgui/ValidateEmailAddress.cpp:72
+msgid "Please specify an email address"
+msgstr "Будь-ласка, вкажіть адресу електронної пошти"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2103 ViewStatistics.cpp:2124 ViewStatistics.cpp:2145
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2167 ViewStatistics.cpp:2188 ViewStatistics.cpp:2209
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2230 ViewStatistics.cpp:2251 ViewStatistics.cpp:2272
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2296
-msgid "Updating charts..."
-msgstr "Оновлення графіку..."
+#: clientgui/ValidateEmailAddress.cpp:75
+msgid "Invalid email address; please enter a valid email address"
+msgstr ""
+"Вказана неправильна адреса електронної пошти;\n"
+"повторіть спробу"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2420
-msgid "Show project list"
-msgstr "Показати список проектів"
+#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:69
+msgid "Missing URL"
+msgstr "Не вказана URL-адреса"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2420
-msgid "Uses smaller area for graphs"
-msgstr "Використовувати меншу область для графіків"
+#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:70
+msgid ""
+"Please specify a URL.\n"
+"For example:\n"
+msgstr ""
+"Будь ласка, вкажіть URL-адресу.\n"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:164
-msgid "Retry Now"
-msgstr "Повторити негайно"
+#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:83
+#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:87
+#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:91
+#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:103
+#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:107
+#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:110
+msgid "Invalid URL"
+msgstr "Некоректна URL-адреса"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:165
-msgid "Retry the file transfer now"
-msgstr "Повторити передачу файлів негайно"
+#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:84
+#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:88
+#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:92
+msgid ""
+"Please specify a valid URL.\n"
+"For example:\n"
+msgstr ""
+"Введіть дійсну URL-адресу.\n"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:171
-msgid "Abort Transfer"
-msgstr "Відмінити передачу"
+#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:104
+#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:108
+#, c-format
+msgid "'%s' does not contain a valid host name."
+msgstr "Комп'ютер (хост) з назвою: '% s' не знайдений."
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:172
-msgid "Abort this file transfer.  You won't get credit for the task."
-msgstr "Перервати передачу файлів.  Ви не отримаєте балів за завдання."
+#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:111
+#, c-format
+msgid "'%s' does not contain a valid path."
+msgstr "Вказаного шляху: '% s' не існує."
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:183
-msgid "File"
-msgstr "Файл"
+#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:84
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:175
+msgid "Commands"
+msgstr "Команди"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:184 ViewWork.cpp:233
-msgid "Progress"
-msgstr "Прогрес"
+#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:88
+msgid "Copy all messages"
+msgstr "Копіювати всі повідомлення"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:185
-msgid "Size"
-msgstr "Розмір"
+#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:95
+msgid "Copy selected messages"
+msgstr "Копіювати вибрані повідомлення"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:186
-msgid "Elapsed Time"
-msgstr "Витрачений час"
+#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:106
+#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:502
+msgid "Show only this project"
+msgstr "Показати тільки цей проект"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:187
-msgid "Speed"
-msgstr "Швидкість"
+#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:107
+#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:503
+msgid "Show only the messages for the selected project."
+msgstr "Показати повідомлення тільки вибраного проекту."
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:213
-msgid "Transfers"
-msgstr "Передача"
+#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:164
+msgid "Messages"
+msgstr "Повідомлення"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:280
-msgid "Network activity is suspended - "
-msgstr "Доступ до мережі призупинений - "
+#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:187
+msgid "Copying all messages to the clipboard..."
+msgstr "Копіювати всі повідомлення в буфер обміну..."
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:282
-msgid ""
-"You can enable it using the Activity menu."
-msgstr ""
-"Ви можете увімкнути його за допомогою меню Управління."
+#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:223
+msgid "Copying selected messages to the clipboard..."
+msgstr "В буфер обміну копіюються виділені повідомлення..."
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:285
-msgid "BOINC"
-msgstr "BOINC"
+#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:286
+msgid "Filtering messages..."
+msgstr "Фільтрація повідомлень..."
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:292
-msgid "Retrying transfer now..."
-msgstr "Повторна спроба передачі даних..."
+#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:494
+msgid "Show all messages"
+msgstr "Показати всі повідомлення"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:330
-msgid "Aborting transfer..."
-msgstr "Відміна передачі..."
+#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:495
+msgid "Show messages for all projects."
+msgstr "Показати повідомлення для всіх проектів."
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:343
-#, c-format
-msgid ""
-"Are you sure you want to abort this file transfer '%s'?\n"
-"NOTE: Aborting a transfer will invalidate a task and you\n"
-"will not receive credit for it."
-msgstr ""
-"Ви впевнені, що хочете перервати передачу і видалити файл '%s'?\n"
-"УВАГА: завдання, що використовує цей файл, буде завершене\n"
-"з помилкою і бали за нього будуть втрачені."
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:225
+msgid "Account"
+msgstr "Обліковий запис"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:349
-msgid "Abort File Transfer"
-msgstr "Перервати передачу файла"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:227
+msgid "Work done"
+msgstr "Виконана робота"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:780
-msgid "Upload"
-msgstr "Відправлення"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:228
+msgid "Avg. work done"
+msgstr "У середньому за день"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:780
-msgid "Download"
-msgstr "Завантаження"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:230
+msgid "Status"
+msgstr "Стан"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:784
-msgid "retry in "
-msgstr "повториться через "
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:255
+msgid "Projects"
+msgstr "Проекти"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:786
-msgid "failed"
-msgstr "не вдалася"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:307
+msgid "Updating project..."
+msgstr "Оновлення проекту..."
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:789
-msgid "suspended"
-msgstr "призупинена"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:349
+msgid "Resuming project..."
+msgstr "Відновлення проекту..."
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:794
-msgid "active"
-msgstr "активна"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:353
+msgid "Suspending project..."
+msgstr "Призупинення проекту..."
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:796
-msgid "pending"
-msgstr "очікує"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:390
+msgid "Telling project to allow additional task downloads..."
+msgstr "Передається запит на дозвіл отримання нових завдань для обробки..."
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:803
-msgid " (project backoff: "
-msgstr " (запит до проекту відкладений на: "
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:394
+msgid "Telling project to not fetch any additional tasks..."
+msgstr "Передається запит на заборону отримання нових завдань для обробки..."
-#: ViewWork.cpp:187 ViewWork.cpp:777
-msgid "Show active tasks"
-msgstr "Показати активні завдання"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:430
+msgid "Resetting project..."
+msgstr "Перезапуск проекту..."
-#: ViewWork.cpp:188 ViewWork.cpp:778
-msgid "Show only active tasks."
-msgstr "Показати тільки активні завдання."
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:488
+msgid "Removing project..."
+msgstr "Видалення проекту..."
-#: ViewWork.cpp:194 sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:60
-msgid "Show graphics"
-msgstr "Показати графіку"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:548
+msgid "Launching browser..."
+msgstr "Запуск браузера..."
-#: ViewWork.cpp:195 sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:61
-msgid "Show application graphics in a window."
-msgstr "Показати вікно програми з графічною інформацією."
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1063
+msgid "Requested by user"
+msgstr "За запитом користувача"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:201
-msgid "Show VM Console"
-msgstr "Показати консоль ВМ"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1064
+msgid "To fetch work"
+msgstr "Надіслати запит на завдання"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:202
-msgid "Show VM Console in a window."
-msgstr "Показати консоль Віртуальної машини в окремому вікні."
-#: ViewWork.cpp:209
-msgid "Suspend work for this result."
-msgstr "Призупинити обробку цього завдання."
-#: ViewWork.cpp:215 sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:72
-msgid "Abort"
-msgstr "Перервати обробку"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1065
+msgid "To report completed tasks"
+msgstr "Повідомити про завершені завдання"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:216
-msgid "Abandon work on the result. You will get no credit for it."
-msgstr ""
-"Перервати обробку цього завдання (видалити завдання). Бали за перервані "
-"завдання не нараховуються."
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1066
+msgid "To send trickle-up message"
+msgstr "Надіслати проміжне повідомлення"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:223 sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:79
-msgid "Show task details."
-msgstr "Інформація про завдання."
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1067
+msgid "Requested by account manager"
+msgstr "На запит менеджера проектів"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:235
-msgid "Elapsed"
-msgstr "Витрачено"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1068
+msgid "Project initialization"
+msgstr "Ініціалізація проекту"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:236
-msgid "Remaining (estimated)"
-msgstr "Залишилось (приблизно)"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1069
+msgid "Requested by project"
+msgstr "На запит проекту"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:237
-msgid "Deadline"
-msgstr "Відправити до"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1070
+msgid "Unknown reason"
+msgstr "Невідома причина"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:264
-msgid "Tasks"
-msgstr "Завдання"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1084
+msgid "Suspended by user"
+msgstr "Призупинено користувачем"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:357
-msgid "Resuming task..."
-msgstr "Відновлення завдання..."
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1087
+msgid "Won't get new tasks"
+msgstr "Не запитувати нові завдання"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:360
-msgid "Suspending task..."
-msgstr "Призупинення завдання..."
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1090
+msgid "Project ended - OK to remove"
+msgstr "Проект завершено - можна видаляти"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:389
-msgid "Showing graphics for task..."
-msgstr "Показує графіки для завдань..."
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1093
+msgid "Will remove when tasks done"
+msgstr "Буде видалений після завершення завдань"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:426
-msgid "Showing VM console for task..."
-msgstr "Показує консоль віртуальної машини..."
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1096
+msgid "Scheduler request pending"
+msgstr "Запит інформації у планувальника"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:479
-#, c-format
-msgid ""
-"Are you sure you want to abort this task '%s'?\n"
-"(Progress: %s, Status: %s)"
-msgstr ""
-"Ви впевнені, що хочете перервати обробку цього завдання '%s'?\n"
-"(Прогрес: %s, Статус: %s)"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1102
+msgid "Scheduler request in progress"
+msgstr "Виконується запит інформації у планувальника"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:485
-#, c-format
-msgid "Are you sure you want to abort these %d tasks?"
-msgstr "Ви впевнені, що хочете перервати обробку цих %d завдань?"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1105
+msgid "Trickle up message pending"
+msgstr "Очікування відправлення проміжного повідомлення"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:490 sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:256
-msgid "Abort task"
-msgstr "Перервати обробку завдання"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1111
+msgid "Communication deferred "
+msgstr "Повтор через..."
-# 75%
-#: ViewWork.cpp:499
-msgid "Aborting task..."
-msgstr "Зупинка опрацювання завдання..."
+#: clientgui/ViewResources.cpp:62
+msgid "Total disk usage"
+msgstr "Повний обсяг диска"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:771
-msgid "Show all tasks"
-msgstr "Показати всі завдання"
+#: clientgui/ViewResources.cpp:83
+msgid "Disk usage by BOINC projects"
+msgstr "Зайнято проектами BOINC"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:772
-msgid "Show all tasks."
-msgstr "Показати всі завдання."
+#: clientgui/ViewResources.cpp:116
+msgid "Disk"
+msgstr "Диск"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:796 sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:103
-msgid "Resume work for this task."
-msgstr "Продовжити обробку цього завдання"
+#: clientgui/ViewResources.cpp:225
+msgid "no projects: 0 bytes used"
+msgstr "немає проектів: використовується 0 байт"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:802 sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:107
-msgid "Suspend work for this task."
-msgstr "Призупинити обробку цього завдання."
+#: clientgui/ViewResources.cpp:262
+msgid "used by BOINC: "
+msgstr "зайнято BOINC: "
-#: WelcomePage.cpp:284
-msgid "Add project or account manager"
-msgstr "Додати проект або менеджер проектів"
+#: clientgui/ViewResources.cpp:272
+msgid "free, available to BOINC: "
+msgstr "вільно, доступно для BOINC: "
-#: WelcomePage.cpp:288
-msgid "Add project or use BOINC Account Manager"
-msgstr "Додайте проект або скористайтеся Менеджером проектів BOINC"
+#: clientgui/ViewResources.cpp:282
+msgid "free, not available to BOINC: "
+msgstr "вільно, недоступно для BOINC: "
-#: WelcomePage.cpp:297
-#, c-format
-msgid ""
-"If possible, add projects at the\n"
-"%s web site.\n"
-"Projects added via this wizard will not be\n"
-"listed on or managed via %s."
-msgstr ""
-"Якщо можливо, додавайте проекти\n"
-"%s на сайті.\n"
-"Проектами, доданими за допомогою даного\n"
-"майстра, не можна буде керувати через %s."
+#: clientgui/ViewResources.cpp:292
+msgid "free: "
+msgstr "вільно: "
-#: WelcomePage.cpp:313
-msgid ""
-"There are over 30 BOINC-based projects\n"
-"doing research in many areas of science,\n"
-"and you can volunteer for as many of them as you like.\n"
-"You can add a project directly,\n"
-"or use an 'Account Manager' web site to select projects."
-msgstr ""
-"Більше 30 проектів в різних галузях\n"
-"науки використовують BOINC,\n"
-"і Ви можете добровільно допомогти будь-якому з них.\n"
-"Ви можете додати проект безпосередньо вручну,\n"
-"або використовуючи веб-сайт 'Менеджер проектів'."
+#: clientgui/ViewResources.cpp:302
+msgid "used by other programs: "
+msgstr "зайнято іншими програмами: "
-#: WelcomePage.cpp:325
-msgid ""
-"You have chosen to add a new volunteer computing project or change which "
-"you contribute to.\n"
-"Some of these projects are run and managed by World Community Grid, while "
-"are run and managed by other researchers or organizations. The BOINC "
-"can divide your spare processing power among any combination of projects.\n"
-"Alternatively, if you have registered with a BOINC Account Manager, you can "
-"this to choose which projects to support.\n"
-"Please choose which type of change you would like to make:\n"
-msgstr ""
-"Ви обрали додання нового проекту добровільних обчислень або зміну проекту,\n"
-"в я кий бажаєте зробити внесок.\n"
-"Деякі із цих проектів запущені та керуються World Community Grid, інші ж \n"
-"створені і підтримуються іншими дослідниками або організаціями. Програмне "
-"забезпечення BOINC\n"
-"може розділити Вашу незадіяну потужність процесора між будь-яким поєднанням "
-"Або ж, якщо Ви зареєстровані у Менеджері проектів BOINC, то можете "
-"скористатися ним\n"
-"для обрання проекту, який хочете підтримати.\n"
-"Будь-ласка, оберіть як бажаєте вчинити:\n"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1181
+msgid "User Total"
+msgstr "Загальна кількість балів учасника"
-#: WelcomePage.cpp:339
-msgid "Use a BOINC Account Manager"
-msgstr "Скористатися Менеджером проектів BOINC"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1182
+msgid "User Average"
+msgstr "Загальна кількість балів за день"
-#: WelcomePage.cpp:352
-msgid "To continue, click Next."
-msgstr "Для продовження, натисніть кнопку \"Далі\"."
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1183
+msgid "Host Total"
+msgstr "Загальна кількість балів для хосту"
-#: WelcomePage.cpp:358
-msgid "Add or change your World Community Grid projects"
-msgstr "Додати або змінити свої проекти від World Community Grid"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1184
+msgid "Host Average"
+msgstr "Середня кількість балів за день для хосту"
-#: WelcomePage.cpp:361
-msgid "Add projects run by other researchers or organizations"
-msgstr "Додати проекти, запущені іншими дослідниками або організаціями"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1331
+#, c-format
+msgid "Last update: %.0f days ago"
+msgstr "Останнє оновлення: %.0f днів тому"
-#: WizardAttach.cpp:634
-msgid "Do you really want to cancel?"
-msgstr "Перервати процес підключення?"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1956
+msgid "Show user total"
+msgstr "Всього балів користувача"
-#: WizardAttach.cpp:635
-msgid "Question"
-msgstr "Запитання"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1957
+msgid "Show total credit for user"
+msgstr "Показати загальну кількість балів користувача"
-#: sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:149
-msgid "Advanced View...\tCtrl+Shift+A"
-msgstr "Розширений вид...\t Ctrl+Shift+A"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1963
+msgid "Show user average"
+msgstr "В середньому за день"
-#: sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:150
-msgid "Display the advanced graphical interface."
-msgstr "Змінити зовнішній вигляд на більш розширений."
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1964
+msgid "Show average credit for user"
+msgstr "Показати середню кількість балів набраних користувачем за день"
-#: sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:157
-msgid "Skin"
-msgstr "Обкладинка"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1970
+msgid "Show host total"
+msgstr "Всього балів для хосту"
-#: sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:159
-msgid "Select the appearance of the user interface."
-msgstr "Виберіть зовнішній вигляд користувацького інтерфейсу."
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1971
+msgid "Show total credit for host"
+msgstr "Показати загальну кількість балів набраних на даному хості"
-#: sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:206
-#, c-format
-msgid "&%s"
-msgstr "&%s"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1977
+msgid "Show host average"
+msgstr "В середньому для хосту"
-#: sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:390
-msgid "Default"
-msgstr "За замовчуванням"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1978
+msgid "Show average credit for host"
+msgstr "Показати середню кількість балів набраних даним хостом за день"
-#: sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:759
-msgid "Suspend Computing"
-msgstr "Призупинити обчислення"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1987
+msgid "< &Previous project"
+msgstr "< &Попередній проект"
-#: sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:760
-msgid "Resume Computing"
-msgstr "Відновити обчислення"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1988
+msgid "Show chart for previous project"
+msgstr "Показати графік для попереднього проекту"
-#: sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:777
-msgid "Open a window to view notices from projects or BOINC"
-msgstr "Відкрити вікно перегляду повідомлень проектів і BOINC"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1993
+msgid "&Next project >"
+msgstr "&Наступний проект >"
-#: sg_DlgMessages.cpp:146
-msgid "Close"
-msgstr "Закрити"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1994
+msgid "Show chart for next project"
+msgstr "Показати графік на наступний проект"
-#: sg_DlgMessages.cpp:389
-#, c-format
-msgid "%s - Notices"
-msgstr "%s - Повідомлення"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2000
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2390
+msgid "Hide project list"
+msgstr "Приховати список проектів"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:268
-msgid "This dialog controls preferences for this computer only."
-msgstr "Це діалогове вікно керує налаштуваннями тільки даного комп’ютера."
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2001
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2390
+msgid "Use entire area for graphs"
+msgstr "Використовувати всю область для графіків"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:273
-msgid "Click OK to set preferences."
-msgstr "Для збереження налаштувань натисніть 'Гаразд'."
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2006
+msgid "Mode view"
+msgstr "Вид графіків"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:278
-msgid ""
-"Click Clear to restore web-based settings for all preferences listed below."
-msgstr ""
-"Для відновлення інтернет налаштувань всіх вказаних нижче уподобань натисніть "
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2010
+msgid "One project"
+msgstr "Один проект"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:285
-msgid ""
-"For additional settings, select Computing Preferences in the Advanced View."
-msgstr ""
-"Для додаткових параметрів, виберіть Налаштування клієнта у Розширеному виді."
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2011
+msgid "Show one chart with selected project"
+msgstr "Показати один обраний проект"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:313
-msgid "Do work only between:"
-msgstr "Працювати тільки між:"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2017
+msgid "All projects (separate)"
+msgstr "Всі проекти (окремо)"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:335
-msgid "Connect to internet only between:"
-msgstr "Доступ в інтернет тільки між:"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2018
+msgid "Show all projects, one chart per project"
+msgstr "Показати всі проекти, кожен проект на окремому графіку"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:357 sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:374
-msgid "Use no more than:"
-msgstr "Використовувати не більше:"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2024
+msgid "All projects (together)"
+msgstr "Всі проекти (разом)"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:370
-msgid "of disk space"
-msgstr "місця на диску"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2025
+msgid "Show one chart with all projects"
+msgstr "Показати всі проекти на одному графіку"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:387
-msgid "of the processor"
-msgstr "процесора"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2031
+msgid "All projects (sum)"
+msgstr "Всі проекти (в сумі)"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:391
-msgid "Do work while on battery?"
-msgstr "Працювати на батареях?"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2032
+msgid "Show one chart with sum of projects"
+msgstr "Показати суму за проектами на одному графіку"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:404
-msgid "Do work after idle for:"
-msgstr "Запуск обробки при простої:"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2053
+msgid "Statistics"
+msgstr "Статистика"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:429
-msgid "Clear all local preferences listed above and close the dialog"
-msgstr "Очистити всі вказані локальні налаштування і закрити діалогове вікно"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2077
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2098
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2119
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2141
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2162
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2183
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2204
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2225
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2246
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2270
+msgid "Updating charts..."
+msgstr "Оновлення графіку..."
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:602 sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:605
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:681 sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:685
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:697 sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:701
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:844 sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:855
-msgid "Anytime"
-msgstr "Завжди"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2394
+msgid "Show project list"
+msgstr "Показати список проектів"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:638
-msgid "100 MB"
-msgstr "100 Мб"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2394
+msgid "Uses smaller area for graphs"
+msgstr "Використовувати меншу область для графіків"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:639
-msgid "200 MB"
-msgstr "200 Мб"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:169
+msgid "Retry Now"
+msgstr "Повторити негайно"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:640
-msgid "500 MB"
-msgstr "500 Мб"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:170
+msgid "Retry the file transfer now"
+msgstr "Повторити передачу файлів негайно"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:641
-msgid "1 GB"
-msgstr "1 Гб"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:176
+msgid "Abort Transfer"
+msgstr "Відмінити передачу"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:642
-msgid "2 GB"
-msgstr "2 Гб"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:177
+msgid "Abort this file transfer.  You won't get credit for the task."
+msgstr "Перервати передачу файлів.  Ви не отримаєте балів за завдання."
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:643
-msgid "5 GB"
-msgstr "5 Гб"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:188
+msgid "File"
+msgstr "Файл"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:644
-msgid "10 GB"
-msgstr "10 Гб"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:189
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:238
+msgid "Progress"
+msgstr "Прогрес"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:645
-msgid "20 GB"
-msgstr "20 Гб"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:190
+msgid "Size"
+msgstr "Розмір"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:646
-msgid "50 GB"
-msgstr "50 Гб"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:191
+msgid "Elapsed Time"
+msgstr "Витрачений час"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:647
-msgid "100 GB"
-msgstr "100 Гб"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:192
+msgid "Speed"
+msgstr "Швидкість"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:717
-#, c-format
-msgid "%d MB"
-msgstr "%d Мб"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:218
+msgid "Transfers"
+msgstr "Передача"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:719
-#, c-format
-msgid "%4.2f GB"
-msgstr "%4.2f Гб"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:285
+msgid "Network activity is suspended - "
+msgstr "Доступ до мережі призупинений - "
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:760
-#, c-format
-msgid "%d%%"
-msgstr "%d%%"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:287
+msgid ""
+"You can enable it using the Activity menu."
+msgstr ""
+"Ви можете увімкнути його за допомогою меню Управління."
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:796
-msgid "0 (Run Always)"
-msgstr "0 (працювати завжди)"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:290
+msgid "BOINC"
+msgstr "BOINC"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:799
-#, c-format
-msgid "%d"
-msgstr "%d"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:297
+msgid "Retrying transfer now..."
+msgstr "Повторна спроба передачі даних..."
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:1029
-msgid "Do you really want to clear all local preferences?\n"
-msgstr "Ви справді хочете видалити всі налаштування, які зберігаються локально?\n"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:335
+msgid "Aborting transfer..."
+msgstr "Відміна передачі..."
-#: sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:72
-msgid "Add Project"
-msgstr "Додати проект"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:348
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Are you sure you want to abort this file transfer '%s'?\n"
+"NOTE: Aborting a transfer will invalidate a task and you\n"
+"will not receive credit for it."
+msgstr ""
+"Ви впевнені, що хочете перервати передачу і видалити файл '%s'?\n"
+"УВАГА: завдання, що використовує цей файл, буде завершене\n"
+"з помилкою і бали за нього будуть втрачені."
-#: sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:73
-msgid "Synchronize"
-msgstr "Синхронізувати"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:354
+msgid "Abort File Transfer"
+msgstr "Перервати передачу файла"
-#: sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:74
-msgid "Work done for this project"
-msgstr "Для цього проекту робота завершена"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:785
+msgid "Upload"
+msgstr "Відправлення"
-#: sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:77
-msgid "Synchronize projects with account manager system"
-msgstr ""
-"Синхронізація інформації про проекти та налаштування між BOINC клієнтом і "
-"менеджером проектів"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:785
+msgid "Download"
+msgstr "Завантаження"
-#: sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:124
-msgid "Select a project to access with the controls below"
-msgstr "Вибрати проект, використовуючи розташовані нижче елементи керування"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:789
+msgid "retry in "
+msgstr "повториться через "
-#: sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:145
-msgid "Project Web Pages"
-msgstr "Веб-сторінки проекту"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:791
+msgid "failed"
+msgstr "не вдалася"
-#: sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:149
-msgid "Project Commands"
-msgstr "Команди проекту"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:794
+msgid "suspended"
+msgstr "призупинена"
-#: sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:267
-#, c-format
-#, c-format, c-format
-msgid "Pop up a menu of web sites for project %s"
-msgstr "Показати меню веб-сайтів для проекту %s"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:799
+msgid "active"
+msgstr "активна"
-#: sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:269
-#, c-format
-msgid "Pop up a menu of commands to apply to project %s"
-msgstr "Показати меню команд, застосовних до проекту%s"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:801
+msgid "pending"
+msgstr "очікує"
-#: sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:67
-msgid "Suspend this task."
-msgstr "Призупинити це завдання."
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:808
+msgid " (project backoff: "
+msgstr " (запит до проекту відкладений на: "
-#: sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:73
-msgid "Abandon this task. You will get no credit for it."
-msgstr "Відмовитися від цього завдання. Ви не отримаєте за нього балів."
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:192
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:782
+msgid "Show active tasks"
+msgstr "Показати активні завдання"
-#: sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:251
-#, c-format
-msgid ""
-"Are you sure you want to abort this task '%s'?\n"
-"(Progress: %.1lf%%, Status: %s)"
-msgstr ""
-"Ви впевнені, що хочете перервати обробку цього завдання '% s'?\n"
-"(Прогрес: %.1 lf%%, Стан: % s)"
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:193
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:783
+msgid "Show only active tasks."
+msgstr "Показати тільки активні завдання."
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:464
-msgid "You don't have any projects.  Please Add a Project."
-msgstr "BOINC не підключений до жодного проекту."
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:206
+msgid "Show VM Console"
+msgstr "Показати консоль ВМ"
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:465
-msgid "Not available"
-msgstr "Недоступно"
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:207
+msgid "Show VM Console in a window."
+msgstr "Показати консоль Віртуальної машини в окремому вікні."
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:476
-msgid "Tasks:"
-msgstr "Завдання:"
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:214
+msgid "Suspend work for this result."
+msgstr "Призупинити обробку цього завдання."
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:482
-msgid "Select a task to access"
-msgstr "Вибрати завдання для доступу"
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:221
+msgid "Abandon work on the result. You will get no credit for it."
+msgstr ""
+"Перервати обробку цього завдання (видалити завдання). Бали за перервані "
+"завдання не нараховуються."
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:493
-msgid "From:"
-msgstr "Від:"
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:240
+msgid "Elapsed"
+msgstr "Витрачено"
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:547
-msgid "This task's progress"
-msgstr "Прогрес цього завдання"
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:241
+msgid "Remaining (estimated)"
+msgstr "Залишилось (приблизно)"
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:565
-msgid "Task Commands"
-msgstr "Команди завдання"
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:242
+msgid "Deadline"
+msgstr "Відправити до"
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:566
-msgid "Pop up a menu of commands to apply to this task"
-msgstr "Показати меню команд, застосовних до цього завдання"
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:269
+msgid "Tasks"
+msgstr "Завдання"
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:701
-#, c-format
-msgid "Application: %s"
-msgstr "Додаток: %s"
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:362
+msgid "Resuming task..."
+msgstr "Відновлення завдання..."
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:724
-#, c-format
-msgid "%.3f%%"
-msgstr "%.3f%%"
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:365
+msgid "Suspending task..."
+msgstr "Призупинення завдання..."
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:732
-msgid "Application: Not available"
-msgstr "Додаток: недоступний"
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:394
+msgid "Showing graphics for task..."
+msgstr "Показує графіки для завдань..."
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:832
-msgid "Not Available"
-msgstr "Недоступно"
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:431
+msgid "Showing VM console for task..."
+msgstr "Показує консоль віртуальної машини..."
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:847
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:484
 #, c-format
-msgid "Elapsed: %s"
-msgstr "Витрачено: %s"
+msgid ""
+"Are you sure you want to abort this task '%s'?\n"
+"(Progress: %s, Status: %s)"
+msgstr ""
+"Ви впевнені, що хочете перервати обробку цього завдання '%s'?\n"
+"(Прогрес: %s, Статус: %s)"
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:861
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:490
 #, c-format
-msgid "Remaining (estimated): %s"
-msgstr "Залишилось (приблизно): %s"
+msgid "Are you sure you want to abort these %d tasks?"
+msgstr "Ви впевнені, що хочете перервати обробку цих %d завдань?"
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:876
-#, c-format
-msgid "Status: %s"
-msgstr "Стан: %s"
+# 75%
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:504
+msgid "Aborting task..."
+msgstr "Зупинка опрацювання завдання..."
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1223
-msgid "Retrieving current status."
-msgstr "Перевірка поточного стану."
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:776
+msgid "Show all tasks"
+msgstr "Показати всі завдання"
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1229
-msgid "Downloading work from the server."
-msgstr "Завантаження завдань із сервера проекту."
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:777
+msgid "Show all tasks."
+msgstr "Показати всі завдання."
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1234
-msgid "Processing Suspended:  Running On Batteries."
-msgstr "Обробка призупинена:  робота комп’ютера від батарей."
+#: clientgui/WelcomePage.cpp:284
+msgid "Add project or account manager"
+msgstr "Додати проект або менеджер проектів"
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1236
-msgid "Processing Suspended:  User Active."
-msgstr "Обробка призупинена:  працює користувач."
+#: clientgui/WelcomePage.cpp:288
+msgid "Add project or use BOINC Account Manager"
+msgstr "Додайте проект або скористайтеся Менеджером проектів BOINC"
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1238
-msgid "Processing Suspended:  User paused processing."
-msgstr "Обробка призупинена:  за ініціативи користувача."
+#: clientgui/WelcomePage.cpp:297
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"If possible, add projects at the\n"
+"%s web site.\n"
+"Projects added via this wizard will not be\n"
+"listed on or managed via %s."
+msgstr ""
+"Якщо можливо, додавайте проекти\n"
+"%s на сайті.\n"
+"Проектами, доданими за допомогою даного\n"
+"майстра, не можна буде керувати через %s."
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1240
-msgid "Processing Suspended:  Time of Day."
-msgstr "Обробка призупинена:  заборонений час доби."
+#: clientgui/WelcomePage.cpp:313
+msgid ""
+"There are over 30 BOINC-based projects\n"
+"doing research in many areas of science,\n"
+"and you can volunteer for as many of them as you like.\n"
+"You can add a project directly,\n"
+"or use an 'Account Manager' web site to select projects."
+msgstr ""
+"Більше 30 проектів в різних галузях\n"
+"науки використовують BOINC,\n"
+"і Ви можете добровільно допомогти будь-якому з них.\n"
+"Ви можете додати проект безпосередньо вручну,\n"
+"або використовуючи веб-сайт 'Менеджер проектів'."
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1242
-msgid "Processing Suspended:  Benchmarks Running."
-msgstr "Обробка призупинена:  запущений тест продуктивності."
+#: clientgui/WelcomePage.cpp:325
+msgid ""
+"You have chosen to add a new volunteer computing project or change which projects\n"
+"you contribute to.\n"
+"Some of these projects are run and managed by World Community Grid, while others\n"
+"are run and managed by other researchers or organizations. The BOINC software\n"
+"can divide your spare processing power among any combination of projects.\n"
+"Alternatively, if you have registered with a BOINC Account Manager, you can use\n"
+"this to choose which projects to support.\n"
+"Please choose which type of change you would like to make:\n"
+msgstr ""
+"Ви обрали додання нового проекту добровільних обчислень або зміну проекту,\n"
+"в я кий бажаєте зробити внесок.\n"
+"Деякі із цих проектів запущені та керуються World Community Grid, інші ж \n"
+"створені і підтримуються іншими дослідниками або організаціями. Програмне "
+"забезпечення BOINC\n"
+"може розділити Вашу незадіяну потужність процесора між будь-яким поєднанням "
+"Або ж, якщо Ви зареєстровані у Менеджері проектів BOINC, то можете "
+"скористатися ним\n"
+"для обрання проекту, який хочете підтримати.\n"
+"Будь-ласка, оберіть як бажаєте вчинити:\n"
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1244
-msgid "Processing Suspended."
-msgstr "Обробка призупинена."
+#: clientgui/WelcomePage.cpp:339
+msgid "Use a BOINC Account Manager"
+msgstr "Скористатися Менеджером проектів BOINC"
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1248
-msgid "Waiting to contact project servers."
-msgstr "Зачекайте будь-ласка."
+#: clientgui/WelcomePage.cpp:358
+msgid "Add or change your World Community Grid projects"
+msgstr "Додати або змінити свої проекти від World Community Grid"
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1252 sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1261
-msgid "Retrieving current status"
-msgstr "Перевірка поточного стану"
+#: clientgui/WelcomePage.cpp:361
+msgid "Add projects run by other researchers or organizations"
+msgstr "Додати проекти, запущені іншими дослідниками або організаціями"
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1256
-msgid "No work available to process"
-msgstr "Відсутні завдання для обробки"
+#: clientgui/WizardAttach.cpp:673
+msgid "Do you really want to cancel?"
+msgstr "Перервати процес підключення?"
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1258
-msgid "Unable to connect to the core client"
-msgstr "Не вдалося підключитися до BOINC клієнта"
+#: clientgui/WizardAttach.cpp:674
+msgid "Question"
+msgstr "Запитання"
-#: wizardex.cpp:377 wizardex.cpp:553
+#: clientgui/wizardex.cpp:377
+#: clientgui/wizardex.cpp:553
 msgid "&Next >"
 msgstr "&Далі >"
-#: wizardex.cpp:383
+#: clientgui/wizardex.cpp:383
 msgid "< &Back"
 msgstr "< &Назад"
-#: wizardex.cpp:553
+#: clientgui/wizardex.cpp:553
 msgid "&Finish"
 msgstr "&Готово"
-#: mac/Mac_GUI.cpp:110
-msgid "Preferences…"
-msgstr "Налаштування..."
+#: clientgui/common/wxPieCtrl.cpp:64
+msgid "Pie Ctrl"
+msgstr "Pie Ctrl"
-#: mac/Mac_GUI.cpp:122
+#: clientgui/mac/Mac_GUI.cpp:35
 msgid "Services"
 msgstr "Сервіси"
-#: mac/Mac_GUI.cpp:144
+#: clientgui/mac/Mac_GUI.cpp:36
 #, c-format
 msgid "Hide %s"
 msgstr "Приховати %s"
-#: mac/Mac_GUI.cpp:158
+#: clientgui/mac/Mac_GUI.cpp:37
 msgid "Hide Others"
 msgstr "Приховати інші"
-#: mac/Mac_GUI.cpp:172
+#: clientgui/mac/Mac_GUI.cpp:38
 msgid "Show All"
 msgstr "Показати все"
-#: mac/Mac_GUI.cpp:186
+#: clientgui/mac/Mac_GUI.cpp:39
 #, c-format
 msgid "Quit %s"
 msgstr "Вийти %s"
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.h:30
+msgid "specify work start and stop hours in format HH:MM-HH:MM"
+msgstr "визначте час початку та призупинення роботи у форматі ГГ:ХХ-ГГ:ХХ"
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.h:31
+msgid "specify network usage start and stop hours in format HH:MM-HH:MM"
+msgstr ""
+"визначте час початку та призупинення роботи з мережею у форматі ГГ:ХХ-ГГ:ХХ"
+# 98%
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "(C) 2003-2013 University of California, Berkeley.\n"
+#~ "All Rights Reserved."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "(C) 2003-2013 Каліфорнійський університет, Берклі.\n"
+#~ "Усі права захищені."
+#, c-format
+#~ msgid "%s - Preferences"
+#~ msgstr "%s - Налаштування"
+#, no-c-format
+#~ msgid "% of the processors (0 means ignore this setting)"
+#~ msgstr "% процесорів (0 означає ігнорування цього налаштування)"
+#, no-c-format
+#~ msgid "% CPU time"
+#~ msgstr "% часу процесора"
+#~ msgid "KBytes/sec."
+#~ msgstr "КБайт/с."
+#~ msgid "Mbytes"
+#~ msgstr "Мбайт"
+#~ msgid "every"
+#~ msgstr "кожні"
+#~ msgid "days"
+#~ msgstr "днів"
+#~ msgid "Gigabytes disk space"
+#~ msgstr "Гігабайт місця на диску"
+#~ msgid "Running, high priority"
+#~ msgstr "Працює, високий пріоритет"
+#~ msgid " (Scheduler wait: "
+#~ msgstr " (Планувальник очікує: "
+#~ msgid " (Scheduler wait)"
+#~ msgstr " (Планувальник очікує)"
+#~ msgid " (Waiting for network access)"
+#~ msgstr " (Очікування доступу до мережі)"
+#~ msgid "Preferences…"
+#~ msgstr "Налаштування..."
 #~ msgid "I do not agree with the terms of use."
 #~ msgstr "Я не згоден з умовами використання."
@@ -4293,16 +4513,6 @@ msgstr "Вийти %s"
 #~ msgid "OnDropTarget: index by HitTest = %i"
 #~ msgstr "OnDropTarget: індекс за HitTest = %i"
-#~ msgid "Pie Ctrl"
-#~ msgstr "Pie Ctrl"
-#~ msgid "specify work start and stop hours in format HH:MM-HH:MM"
-#~ msgstr "визначте час початку та призупинення роботи у форматі ГГ:ХХ-ГГ:ХХ"
-#~ msgid "specify network usage start and stop hours in format HH:MM-HH:MM"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "визначте час початку та призупинення роботи з мережею у форматі ГГ:ХХ-ГГ:ХХ"
 #~ msgid "Identify your account "
 #~ msgstr "Ідентифікуйте свій обліковий запис "
diff --git a/locale/updatetrans.sh b/locale/updatetrans.sh
index bf21e0e..b79919a 100755
--- a/locale/updatetrans.sh
+++ b/locale/updatetrans.sh
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
 # This is run in the Pootle copy of the source tree (~/pootle/repos/boinctrunk)
 # It's run from pootle/update.sh, which is run from cron every 12 hours.
 cd $projdir
diff --git a/locale/zh_CN/BOINC-Manager.po b/locale/zh_CN/BOINC-Manager.po
index b07fc78..21e54b4 100644
--- a/locale/zh_CN/BOINC-Manager.po
+++ b/locale/zh_CN/BOINC-Manager.po
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ msgid ""
 msgstr ""
 "Project-Id-Version: BOINC Manager 7.0.x\n"
 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-02-02 00:00-0800\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-12-15 14:15-0500\n"
 "PO-Revision-Date: 2014-02-23 05:36+0000\n"
 "Last-Translator: Gang <zenith.yin at gmail.com>\n"
 "Language-Team: Team China <zenith.yin at gmail.com>\n"
@@ -16,22 +16,22 @@ msgstr ""
 "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
 "Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\n"
 "X-Generator: Pootle 2.5.0\n"
-"X-BOINC-UTF8-Marker: 简体中文, 日本語\n"
-"X-Poedit-SearchPath-1: clientgui/msw\n"
-"X-Poedit-SearchPath-2: clientgui/gtk\n"
-"X-Poedit-SearchPath-3: clientgui/mac\n"
+"X-Poedit-Basepath: C:\\Src\\BOINCGIT\\boinc_7.4\n"
 "X-Poedit-SearchPath-0: clientgui\n"
 "X-Poedit-SourceCharset: utf-8\n"
-"X-Poedit-Basepath: C:\\Src\\BOINCGIT\\boinc\n"
 "X-POOTLE-MTIME: 1393133792.0\n"
+"X-Poedit-SearchPath-1: clientgui/msw\n"
+"X-Poedit-SearchPath-2: clientgui/gtk\n"
+"X-Poedit-SearchPath-3: clientgui/mac\n"
+"X-BOINC-UTF8-Marker: 简体中文, 日本語\n"
 # 81%
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:387
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:387
 #, c-format
 msgid "Identify your account at %s"
 msgstr "确认你在 %s 的帐户"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:393
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:393
 msgid ""
 "Please enter your account information\n"
 "(to create an account, visit the project's web site)"
@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ msgstr ""
 "( 要创建帐户,请访问项目网站 )"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:397
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:397
 msgid ""
 "This project is not currently accepting new accounts.\n"
 "You can add it only if you already have an account."
@@ -47,19 +47,19 @@ msgstr ""
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:401
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:401
 msgid "Are you already running this project?"
 msgstr "您参加过这个项目吗?"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:405
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:405
 msgid "&No, new user"
 msgstr "没有,我是新用户(&N)"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:408
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:408
 msgid "&Yes, existing user"
 msgstr "是的,我已经注册过了(&Y)"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:413
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:413
 msgid ""
 "We were not able to set up your account information\n"
@@ -73,45 +73,51 @@ msgstr ""
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:416
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:416
 msgid "Find login information"
 msgstr "寻找登录信息"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:436 AccountInfoPage.cpp:641
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:436
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:649
 msgid "&Password:"
 msgstr "密码(&P):"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:443 AccountInfoPage.cpp:665
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:443
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:673
 msgid "Choose a &password:"
 msgstr "选择一个密码(&P):"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:446
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:446
 msgid "C&onfirm password:"
 msgstr "密码确认(&O):"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:453
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:453
 #, c-format
 msgid "Are you already running %s?"
 msgstr "您已经在运行 %s 吗?"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:482
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:482
 msgid "&Username:"
 msgstr "用户名(&U):"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:508
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:511
+msgid "&Email address or LDAP ID:"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:515
 msgid "&Email address:"
 msgstr "电子邮件地址(&E):"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:515
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:523
 #, c-format
 msgid "minimum length %d"
 msgstr "最小长度 %d"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:522
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:530
 msgid "Forgot your password?"
 msgstr "忘记您的密码了?"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:529
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:537
 msgid ""
 "If you have not yet registered with this account manager,\n"
 "please do so before proceeding.  Click on the link below\n"
@@ -121,423 +127,439 @@ msgstr ""
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:532
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:540
 msgid "Account manager web site"
 msgstr "帐户管理器网站"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:574 WelcomePage.cpp:348
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:582
 msgid "Add project"
 msgstr "增加项目"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:576
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:584
 msgid "Update account manager"
 msgstr "更新帐户管理器"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:578 WelcomePage.cpp:307 WelcomePage.cpp:321
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:586
 msgid "Use account manager"
 msgstr "使用帐户管理器"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:585
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:593
 msgid "Please enter a user name."
 msgstr "请输入一个用户名。"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:587
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:595
 msgid "Please enter an email address."
 msgstr "请指定一个电子邮箱地址。"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:597
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:605
 #, c-format
 msgid "Please enter a password of at least %d characters."
 msgstr "请输入长度至少为 %d 的口令。"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:607
-msgid ""
-"The password and confirmation password do not match. Please type them again."
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:615
+msgid "The password and confirmation password do not match. Please type them again."
 msgstr "两次输入的密码不匹配,请重新输入。"
-#: AccountManagerInfoPage.cpp:272
+#: clientgui/AccountManagerInfoPage.cpp:272
 msgid "Choose an account manager"
 msgstr "选择一个帐户管理器"
-#: AccountManagerInfoPage.cpp:275
+#: clientgui/AccountManagerInfoPage.cpp:275
 msgid ""
 "To choose an account manager, click its name or \n"
 "type its URL below."
 msgstr "要选择一个帐户管理器,请点击它的名称或在下方输入它的网址。"
-#: AccountManagerInfoPage.cpp:279
+#: clientgui/AccountManagerInfoPage.cpp:279
 msgid "Account manager details:"
 msgstr "帐户管理器详情:"
-#: AccountManagerInfoPage.cpp:283
+#: clientgui/AccountManagerInfoPage.cpp:283
 msgid "Account manager &URL:"
 msgstr "帐户管理器网址(&URL):"
-#: AccountManagerInfoPage.cpp:287
+#: clientgui/AccountManagerInfoPage.cpp:287
 msgid "Open web page"
 msgstr "打开网页"
-#: AccountManagerInfoPage.cpp:290
+#: clientgui/AccountManagerInfoPage.cpp:290
 msgid "Visit this account manager's web site"
 msgstr "访问该账户管理器的网站"
-#: AccountManagerProcessingPage.cpp:187 AccountManagerPropertiesPage.cpp:193
+#: clientgui/AccountManagerProcessingPage.cpp:186
+#: clientgui/AccountManagerPropertiesPage.cpp:192
 #, c-format
 msgid "Communicating with %s."
 msgstr "正在和 %s 进行通讯。"
-#: AccountManagerProcessingPage.cpp:194 AccountManagerPropertiesPage.cpp:200
+#: clientgui/AccountManagerProcessingPage.cpp:193
+#: clientgui/AccountManagerPropertiesPage.cpp:199
 msgid "Communicating with server."
 msgstr "正在和服务器进行通讯。"
-#: AccountManagerProcessingPage.cpp:199 AccountManagerPropertiesPage.cpp:205
+#: clientgui/AccountManagerProcessingPage.cpp:198
+#: clientgui/AccountManagerPropertiesPage.cpp:204
 msgid "Please wait..."
 msgstr "请稍候..."
-#: AccountManagerProcessingPage.cpp:326
+#: clientgui/AccountManagerProcessingPage.cpp:325
 msgid "An internal server error has occurred.\n"
 msgstr "服务器上产生了一个内部错误。\n"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:95
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:96
 msgid "Connected"
 msgstr "已连接"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:103
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:104
 msgid "Disconnected"
 msgstr "已断开"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:322 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:119
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:318
 #, c-format
 msgid "Close the %s window"
 msgstr "关闭 %s 窗口"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:325 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:122
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:321
 msgid "&Close Window"
 msgstr "关闭窗口(&C)"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:336 AdvancedFrame.cpp:343 AdvancedFrame.cpp:350
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:332
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:339
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:346
 #, c-format
 msgid "Exit %s"
 msgstr "退出 %s"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:371
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:359
+msgid "Preferences..."
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:368
 msgid "&Notices\tCtrl+Shift+N"
 msgstr "通知(&N)\tCtrl+Shift+N"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:372
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:369
 msgid "Display notices"
 msgstr "显示通知页"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:377
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:374
 msgid "&Projects\tCtrl+Shift+P"
 msgstr "项目(&P)\tCtrl+Shift+P"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:378
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:375
 msgid "Display projects"
 msgstr "显示项目页"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:383
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:380
 msgid "&Tasks\tCtrl+Shift+T"
 msgstr "任务(&T)\tCtrl+Shift+T"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:384
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:381
 msgid "Display tasks"
 msgstr "显示任务页"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:389
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:386
 msgid "Trans&fers\tCtrl+Shift+X"
 msgstr "网络传输(&F)\tCtrl+Shift+X"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:390
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:387
 msgid "Display transfers"
 msgstr "显示网络传输页"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:395
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:392
 msgid "&Statistics\tCtrl+Shift+S"
 msgstr "统计(&S)\tCtrl+Shift+S"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:396
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:393
 msgid "Display statistics"
 msgstr "显示统计页"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:401
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:398
 msgid "&Disk usage\tCtrl+Shift+D"
 msgstr "磁盘使用情况(&D)\tCtrl+Shift+D"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:402
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:399
 msgid "Display disk usage"
 msgstr "显示磁盘使用情况页"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:409
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:406
 msgid "Simple &View...\tCtrl+Shift+V"
 msgstr "简易视图(&V)...\tCtrl+Shift+V"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:410
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:407
 msgid "Display the simple graphical interface."
 msgstr "显示简洁的图形界面。"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:424
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:421
 msgid "&Add project or account manager..."
 msgstr "增加项目或帐户管理器(&A)..."
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:425 sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:76
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:422
 msgid "Volunteer for any or all of 30+ projects in many areas of science"
 msgstr "志愿加入到一个或多个分布在许多不同科学领域内的研究项目"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:429
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:426
 #, c-format
 msgid "&Synchronize with %s"
 msgstr "与 %s 进行同步(&S)"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:433
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:430
 #, c-format
 msgid "Get current settings from %s"
 msgstr "从 %s 获取当前的参数设定"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:443
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:440
 msgid "&Add project..."
 msgstr "增加项目(&A)..."
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:444
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:441
 msgid "Add a project"
 msgstr "增加一个项目"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:447
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:444
 #, c-format
 msgid "S&top using %s..."
 msgstr "停止使用 %s(&S)"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:453
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:450
 msgid "Remove this computer from account manager control."
 msgstr "从帐户管理器中移除当前计算机。"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:458 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:178
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:455
 msgid "&Options..."
 msgstr "选项(&O)..."
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:459 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:179
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:456
 msgid "Configure display options and proxy settings"
 msgstr "配置界面及代理服务器选项"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:463 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:172
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:460
 msgid "Computing &preferences..."
 msgstr "计算参数设置(&P)..."
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:464 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:173
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:461
 msgid "Configure computing preferences"
 msgstr "修改计算参数设置"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:472
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:469
 msgid "&Run always"
 msgstr "一直运行(&R)"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:473
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:470
 msgid "Allow work regardless of preferences"
 msgstr "运行计算程序且不受参数设置的影响"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:477
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:474
 msgid "Run based on &preferences"
 msgstr "依照参数运行(&P)"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:478
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:475
 msgid "Allow work according to preferences"
 msgstr "运行计算程序且依照用户的参数设置"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:482
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:479
 msgid "&Suspend"
 msgstr "暂停(&S)"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:483
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:480
 msgid "Stop work regardless of preferences"
 msgstr "暂停计算程序且不受参数设置的影响"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:508
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:505
 msgid "Use GPU always"
 msgstr "总是使用 GPU"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:509
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:506
 msgid "Allow GPU work regardless of preferences"
 msgstr "使用 GPU 且不受参数设置的影响"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:513
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:510
 msgid "Use GPU based on preferences"
 msgstr "依照参数使用 GPU"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:514
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:511
 msgid "Allow GPU work according to preferences"
 msgstr "运行 GPU 计算程序且依照用户的参数设置"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:518
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:515
 msgid "Suspend GPU"
 msgstr "暂停 GPU"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:519
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:516
 msgid "Stop GPU work regardless of preferences"
 msgstr "暂停使用 GPU 且不受参数设置的影响"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:543
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:540
 msgid "Network activity always available"
 msgstr "网络总是可用"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:544
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:541
 msgid "Allow network activity regardless of preferences"
 msgstr "允许使用网络且不受参数设置的影响"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:548
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:545
 msgid "Network activity based on preferences"
 msgstr "依照参数使用网络"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:549
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:546
 msgid "Allow network activity according to preferences"
 msgstr "允许使用网络且依照用户的参数设置"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:553
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:550
 msgid "Network activity suspended"
 msgstr "暂停使用网络"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:554
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:551
 msgid "Stop BOINC network activity"
 msgstr "暂停使用网络且不受参数设置的影响"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:564
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:561
 #, c-format
 msgid "Connect to another computer running %s"
 msgstr "连接到另外一台运行 %s 的计算机"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:569
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:566
 msgid "Select computer..."
 msgstr "选择计算机..."
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:574
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:571
 msgid "Shut down connected client..."
 msgstr "关闭当前连接的客户端..."
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:575
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:572
 msgid "Shut down the currently connected client"
 msgstr "关闭当前连接的客户端"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:579
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:576
 msgid "Run CPU &benchmarks"
 msgstr "运行 CPU 基准测试(&B)"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:580
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:577
 msgid "Runs BOINC CPU benchmarks"
 msgstr "运行 BOINC 的 CPU 基准测试"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:584
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:581
 msgid "Do network communication"
 msgstr "进行网络通讯"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:585
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:582
 msgid "Do all pending network communication"
 msgstr "执行所有等待中的网络通讯请求"
 # 94%
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:589
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:586
 msgid "Read config files"
 msgstr "读取配置文件"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:590
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:587
 msgid "Read configuration info from cc_config.xml and any app_config.xml files"
 msgstr "从 cc_config.xml 和 app_config.xml 中读取配置信息"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:594
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:591
 msgid "Read local prefs file"
 msgstr "读取本地参数设置文件"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:595
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:592
 msgid "Read preferences from global_prefs_override.xml."
 msgstr "从 global_prefs_override.xml 中读取本地参数设置。"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:600
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:597
 #, c-format
 msgid "Launch another instance of %s..."
 msgstr "运行另一个 %s 实例..."
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:604
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:601
 #, c-format
 msgid "Launch another %s"
 msgstr "启动另一个 %s"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:614
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:611
 msgid "Event Log...\tCtrl+Shift+E"
 msgstr "事件日志...\tCtrl+Shift+E"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:615
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:612
 msgid "Display diagnostic messages."
 msgstr "显示诊断消息。"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:625 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:188
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:616
+msgid "Event Log Diagnostic Flags...\tCtrl+Shift+F"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:617
+msgid "Enable or disable various diagnostic messages"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:626
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s &help"
 msgstr "%s 帮助(&H)"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:631 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:194
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:632
 #, c-format
 msgid "Show information about %s"
 msgstr "查看 %s 的信息"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:643
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:644
 #, c-format
 msgid "&%s help"
 msgstr "%s 帮助"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:649 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:212
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:650
 #, c-format
 msgid "Show information about the %s"
 msgstr "查看 %s 的信息"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:661 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:224
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:662
 #, c-format
 #, c-format, c-format
 msgid "%s &web site"
 msgstr "%s 网站(&W)"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:667 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:230
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:668
 #, c-format
 msgid "Show information about BOINC and %s"
 msgstr "查看 BOINC 和 %s 的信息"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:679 BOINCTaskBar.cpp:530 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:242
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:680
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:544
 #, c-format
 msgid "&About %s..."
 msgstr "关于 %s (&A)..."
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:685 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:248
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:686
 msgid "Licensing and copyright information."
 msgstr "查看许可与版权信息。"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:692 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:255
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:693
 msgid "&File"
 msgstr "文件(&F)"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:696 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:259
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:697
 msgid "&View"
 msgstr "视图(&V)"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:700 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:263
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:701
 msgid "&Tools"
 msgstr "工具(&T)"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:704
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:705
 msgid "&Activity"
 msgstr "活动(&A)"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:708
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:709
 msgid "A&dvanced"
 msgstr "高级(&D)"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:712 DlgEventLog.cpp:332 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:267
-#: wizardex.cpp:374 wizardex.cpp:381
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:713
 msgid "&Help"
 msgstr "帮助(&H)"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:1199
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1185
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - Stop using %s"
 msgstr "%s - 停止使用 %s"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:1204
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1190
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "If you stop using %s,\n"
@@ -552,12 +574,12 @@ msgstr ""
 "您确定要退出 %s 吗?"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:1401
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1397
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - Shut down the current client..."
 msgstr "%s - 关闭当前连接的客户端..."
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:1410
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1406
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "%s will shut down the current client\n"
@@ -566,36 +588,36 @@ msgstr ""
 "%s 将要关闭当前连接的客户端,\n"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:1745 DlgAbout.cpp:119
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1806
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s"
 msgstr "%s"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:1754
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1815
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s has successfully added %s"
 msgstr "%s 已经成功地加入了 %s"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:1893
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1953
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - (%s)"
 msgstr "%s - (%s)"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:1897
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1957
 #, c-format
 msgid "Connecting to %s"
 msgstr "正在连接至 %s"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:1900
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1960
 #, c-format
 msgid "Connected to %s (%s)"
 msgstr "已连接至 %s ( %s )"
-#: AlreadyExistsPage.cpp:184
+#: clientgui/AlreadyExistsPage.cpp:184
 msgid "Username already in use"
 msgstr "该用户名已被使用"
-#: AlreadyExistsPage.cpp:187
+#: clientgui/AlreadyExistsPage.cpp:187
 msgid ""
 "An account with that username already exists and has a\n"
 "different password than the one you entered.\n"
@@ -606,11 +628,11 @@ msgstr ""
-#: AlreadyExistsPage.cpp:191
+#: clientgui/AlreadyExistsPage.cpp:191
 msgid "Email address already in use"
 msgstr "该电子邮件地址已被使用"
-#: AlreadyExistsPage.cpp:194
+#: clientgui/AlreadyExistsPage.cpp:194
 msgid ""
 "An account with that email address already exists and has a\n"
 "different password than the one you entered.\n"
@@ -621,44 +643,43 @@ msgstr ""
-#: AsyncRPC.cpp:1031
+#: clientgui/AsyncRPC.cpp:1031
 msgid "Communicating with BOINC client.  Please wait ..."
 msgstr "正在连接 BOINC 客户端。请稍候..."
-#: AsyncRPC.cpp:1034
+#: clientgui/AsyncRPC.cpp:1034
 #, c-format
 msgid "&Quit %s"
 msgstr "退出 %s (&Q)"
-#: AsyncRPC.cpp:1036
+#: clientgui/AsyncRPC.cpp:1036
 #, c-format
 msgid "E&xit %s"
 msgstr "退出 %s (&X)"
-#: AsyncRPC.cpp:1040
+#: clientgui/AsyncRPC.cpp:1040
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - Communication"
 msgstr "%s - 网络通讯"
-#: AsyncRPC.cpp:1056 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:107 sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:433
+#: clientgui/AsyncRPC.cpp:1056
 msgid "Cancel"
 msgstr "取消"
-#: BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:505
+#: clientgui/BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:504
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - Connection Error"
 msgstr "%s - 连接错误"
-#: BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:514
+#: clientgui/BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:513
 msgid ""
 "You currently are not authorized to manage the client.\n"
-"Please contact your administrator to add you to the 'boinc_users' local user "
+"Please contact your administrator to add you to the 'boinc_users' local user group."
 msgstr ""
 "请联系系统管理员将您添加到名称为 boinc_users 的本地用户组。"
-#: BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:523
+#: clientgui/BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:522
 msgid ""
 "Authorization failed connecting to running client.\n"
 "Make sure you start this program in the same directory as the client."
@@ -666,20 +687,20 @@ msgstr ""
-#: BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:525
+#: clientgui/BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:524
 msgid "Authorization failed connecting to running client."
 msgstr "连接至已运行的客户端时发生验证错误。"
-#: BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:533
+#: clientgui/BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:532
 msgid "The password you have provided is incorrect, please try again."
 msgstr "您提供的密码不正确,请重试。"
-#: BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:577
+#: clientgui/BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:576
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - Connection Failed"
 msgstr "%s - 连接失败"
-#: BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:586
+#: clientgui/BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:585
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "%s is not able to connect to a %s client.\n"
@@ -688,22 +709,21 @@ msgstr ""
 "%s 无法连接至 %s 客户端。\n"
-#: BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:622
+#: clientgui/BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:621
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - Daemon Start Failed"
 msgstr "%s - 客户端服务程序启动失败"
-#: BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:632
+#: clientgui/BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:631
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "%s is not able to start a %s client.\n"
-"Please launch the Control Panel->Administative Tools->Services applet and "
-"start the BOINC service."
+"Please launch the Control Panel->Administative Tools->Services applet and start the BOINC service."
 msgstr ""
 "%s 无法启动 %s 客户端的服务程序。\n"
 "请依次运行 控制面板->管理工具->服务,并从中启动 BOINC 服务。"
-#: BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:638
+#: clientgui/BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:637
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "%s is not able to start a %s client.\n"
@@ -712,33 +732,32 @@ msgstr ""
 "%s 无法启动 %s 客户端的服务程序。\n"
-#: BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:689
+#: clientgui/BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:688
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - Connection Status"
 msgstr "%s - 连接状态"
-#: BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:700
+#: clientgui/BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:699
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "%s is not currently connected to a %s client.\n"
-"Please use the 'Advanced\\Select Computer...' menu option to connect up to a "
-"%s client.\n"
+"Please use the 'Advanced\\Select Computer...' menu option to connect up to a %s client.\n"
 "To connect up to your local computer please use 'localhost' as the host name."
 msgstr ""
 "%s 当前未连接至任何 %s 客户端。\n"
 "请使用菜单中的'高级\\选择计算机...'以连接至一个 %s 客户端。\n"
-#: BOINCBaseView.cpp:779
+#: clientgui/BOINCBaseView.cpp:752
 msgid "Project web pages"
 msgstr "项目网页"
-#: BOINCClientManager.cpp:575
+#: clientgui/BOINCClientManager.cpp:573
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - Unexpected Exit"
 msgstr "%s - 异常退出"
-#: BOINCClientManager.cpp:585
+#: clientgui/BOINCClientManager.cpp:583
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "The %s client has exited unexpectedly 3 times within the last %d minutes.\n"
@@ -747,12 +766,12 @@ msgstr ""
 "%s 的客户端在最近的 %d 分钟内已经异常退出三次。\n"
-#: BOINCDialupManager.cpp:61
+#: clientgui/BOINCDialupManager.cpp:61
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - Network Status"
 msgstr "%s - 网络状态"
-#: BOINCDialupManager.cpp:241
+#: clientgui/BOINCDialupManager.cpp:241
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "%s needs to connect to the Internet.\n"
@@ -761,22 +780,22 @@ msgstr ""
 "%s 需要连接至互联网。\n"
-#: BOINCDialupManager.cpp:254
+#: clientgui/BOINCDialupManager.cpp:254
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s is connecting to the Internet."
 msgstr "%s 正在连接至互联网。"
-#: BOINCDialupManager.cpp:303
+#: clientgui/BOINCDialupManager.cpp:303
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s has successfully connected to the Internet."
 msgstr "%s 已经成功地连接至互联网。"
-#: BOINCDialupManager.cpp:331
+#: clientgui/BOINCDialupManager.cpp:331
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s failed to connect to the Internet."
 msgstr "%s 连接至互联网失败。"
-#: BOINCDialupManager.cpp:372
+#: clientgui/BOINCDialupManager.cpp:372
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "%s has detected it is now connected to the Internet.\n"
@@ -785,17 +804,17 @@ msgstr ""
 "%s 已经检测到与互联网的连接。\n"
-#: BOINCDialupManager.cpp:417
+#: clientgui/BOINCDialupManager.cpp:417
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s has successfully disconnected from the Internet."
 msgstr "%s 已经成功地断开至互联网的连接。"
-#: BOINCDialupManager.cpp:433
+#: clientgui/BOINCDialupManager.cpp:433
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s failed to disconnected from the Internet."
 msgstr "%s 断开至互联网的连接失败。"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:339
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:595
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "You currently are not authorized to manage the client.\n"
@@ -813,7 +832,7 @@ msgstr ""
 " - 重新安装 %s,在被问到关于非系统管理员用户的问题时,回答\"是\"\n"
 " - 联系系统管理员将您加入到“boinc_master”用户组。"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:345
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:601
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "%s ownership or permissions are not set properly; please reinstall %s.\n"
@@ -822,16 +841,15 @@ msgstr ""
 "%s 相关的本地用户权限设置有误,请重新安装 %s。\n"
 "( 错误代码 %d )"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:351
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:607
 msgid " at "
 msgstr " 位置 "
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:354 MainDocument.cpp:2484 MainDocument.cpp:2534
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2554 ViewTransfers.cpp:803
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:610
 msgid ")"
 msgstr ")"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:384
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:640
 msgid ""
 "A reboot is required in order for BOINC to run properly.\n"
 "Please reboot your computer and try again."
@@ -839,160 +857,162 @@ msgstr ""
 "BOINC 需要在计算机重新启动后才能正常运行。\n"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:385 DlgAbout.cpp:153
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:641
 msgid "BOINC Manager"
 msgstr "BOINC Manager"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:572
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:902
 msgid "BOINC Manager was started by the operating system automatically"
 msgstr "BOINC Manager 已经由操作系统自动运行"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:574
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:904
 msgid "Startup BOINC so only the system tray icon is visible"
 msgstr "启动 BOINC 时仅显示在系统托盘区"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:576
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:906
 msgid "Directory containing the BOINC Client executable"
 msgstr "包含 BOINC 客户端执行程序的目录"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:577
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:907
 msgid "BOINC data directory"
 msgstr "BOINC 数据目录"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:579
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:909
 msgid "Host name or IP address"
 msgstr "主机名称或 IP 地址"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:580
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:910
 msgid "GUI RPC port number"
 msgstr "图形界面 RPC 端口号"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:581
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:911
 msgid "Password"
 msgstr "用户口令"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:582
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:912
 msgid "Startup BOINC with these optional arguments"
 msgstr "使用可选参数来启动 BOINC"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:583
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:913
 msgid "disable BOINC security users and permissions"
 msgstr "禁用 BOINC 中用户和权限相关的安全选项"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:584
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:914
 msgid "set skin debugging mode to enable skin manager error messages"
 msgstr "设置皮肤调试模式已启用皮肤管理器的错误消息记录"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:585
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:915
 msgid "multiple instances of BOINC Manager allowed"
 msgstr "允许运行多个 BOINC Manager 的实例"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:587
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:917
 msgid "Not used: workaround for bug in XCode 4.2"
 msgstr "未使用:用于临时修复 XCode 4.2 的错误"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:814
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:1164
 msgid "(Automatic Detection)"
 msgstr "( 自动检测 )"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:815
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:1165
 msgid "(Unknown)"
 msgstr "( 未知 )"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:816
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:1166
 msgid "(User Defined)"
 msgstr "( 用户自定义 )"
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:508
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:522
 #, c-format
 msgid "Open %s Web..."
 msgstr "打开 %s 的网站..."
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:515
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:529
 #, c-format
 msgid "Open %s..."
 msgstr "打开 %s..."
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:522 BOINCTaskBar.cpp:619 BOINCTaskBar.cpp:627
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:536
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:633
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:641
 msgid "Snooze"
 msgstr "休息一下"
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:524 BOINCTaskBar.cpp:646 BOINCTaskBar.cpp:654
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:538
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:660
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:668
 msgid "Snooze GPU"
 msgstr "让 GPU 休息一下"
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:542
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:556
 msgid "E&xit"
 msgstr "退出(&X)"
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:612 ViewProjects.cpp:718 ViewWork.cpp:795
-#: sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:758 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:110
-#: sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:102
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:626
 msgid "Resume"
 msgstr "继续"
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:639
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:653
 msgid "Resume GPU"
 msgstr "继续 GPU 计算"
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:713
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:727
 msgid "Computing is enabled"
 msgstr "计算已启用"
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:717
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:731
 msgid "Computing is suspended - "
 msgstr "计算已暂停 - "
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:727
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:741
 msgid "GPU computing is enabled"
 msgstr "GPU 计算已启用"
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:730
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:744
 msgid "GPU computing is suspended - "
 msgstr "GPU 计算已暂停 - "
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:739
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:753
 msgid "Network is enabled"
 msgstr "网络已启用"
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:742
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:756
 msgid "Network is suspended - "
 msgstr "网络已暂停 - "
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:750
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:764
 msgid "Reconnecting to client."
 msgstr "正在重新连接至客户端。"
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:752
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:766
 msgid "Not connected to a client."
 msgstr "当前没有连接到任何客户端。"
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:805
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:819
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s Notices"
 msgstr "%s 通知"
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:811
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:825
 msgid "There are new notices - click to view."
 msgstr "有新的通知 - 点击查看。"
-#: CompletionErrorPage.cpp:199
+#: clientgui/CompletionErrorPage.cpp:199
 msgid "Failed to add project"
 msgstr "添加项目操作失败"
-#: CompletionErrorPage.cpp:204
+#: clientgui/CompletionErrorPage.cpp:204
 msgid "Failed to update account manager"
 msgstr "更新帐户管理器失败"
-#: CompletionErrorPage.cpp:208
+#: clientgui/CompletionErrorPage.cpp:208
 msgid "Failed to remove account manager"
 msgstr "退出帐户管理器失败"
-#: CompletionErrorPage.cpp:212
+#: clientgui/CompletionErrorPage.cpp:212
 msgid "Failed to add account manager"
 msgstr "添加帐户管理器操作失败"
-#: CompletionErrorPage.cpp:221
+#: clientgui/CompletionErrorPage.cpp:221
 msgid ""
 "Please try again later.\n"
@@ -1002,150 +1022,149 @@ msgstr ""
-#: CompletionErrorPage.cpp:225 CompletionPage.cpp:222 CompletionPage.cpp:242
-#: CompletionPage.cpp:273
+#: clientgui/CompletionErrorPage.cpp:225
+#: clientgui/CompletionPage.cpp:222
+#: clientgui/CompletionPage.cpp:242
+#: clientgui/CompletionPage.cpp:273
 msgid "Click Finish to close."
 msgstr "点击完成以关闭向导。"
-#: CompletionErrorPage.cpp:234
+#: clientgui/CompletionErrorPage.cpp:234
 msgid "Messages from server:"
 msgstr "服务器发来的消息:"
-#: CompletionPage.cpp:207
+#: clientgui/CompletionPage.cpp:207
 msgid "Project added"
 msgstr "项目已增加"
-#: CompletionPage.cpp:213
+#: clientgui/CompletionPage.cpp:213
 msgid "This project has been successfully added."
 msgstr "已成功增加当前项目。"
-#: CompletionPage.cpp:218
+#: clientgui/CompletionPage.cpp:218
 msgid ""
 "When you click Finish, your web browser will go to a page where\n"
 "you can set your account name and preferences."
 msgstr "点击完成,您的浏览器将打开一个网页,您可在网页上设置您的帐户用户名及项目参数。"
-#: CompletionPage.cpp:232
+#: clientgui/CompletionPage.cpp:232
 #, c-format
 msgid "Update from %s completed."
 msgstr "从 %s 的更新已完成。"
-#: CompletionPage.cpp:236
+#: clientgui/CompletionPage.cpp:236
 msgid "Update completed."
 msgstr "更新已完成。"
-#: CompletionPage.cpp:247
+#: clientgui/CompletionPage.cpp:247
 msgid "Now using account manager"
 msgstr "当前正在使用帐户管理器"
-#: CompletionPage.cpp:252
+#: clientgui/CompletionPage.cpp:252
 #, c-format
 msgid "Welcome to %s!"
 msgstr "欢迎来到 %s!"
-#: CompletionPage.cpp:263
+#: clientgui/CompletionPage.cpp:263
 #, c-format
 msgid "You are now using %s to manage accounts."
 msgstr "你当前正在使用 %s 来管理帐户。"
-#: CompletionPage.cpp:267
+#: clientgui/CompletionPage.cpp:267
 msgid "You are now using this account manager."
 msgstr "你当前正在使用这个帐户管理器。"
-#: DlgAbout.cpp:113 mac/Mac_GUI.cpp:96
+#: clientgui/DlgAbout.cpp:113
 #, c-format
 msgid "About %s"
 msgstr "关于 %s"
-#: DlgAbout.cpp:172
+#: clientgui/DlgAbout.cpp:172
 msgid "Version:"
 msgstr "版本:"
-#: DlgAbout.cpp:180
+#: clientgui/DlgAbout.cpp:180
 msgid "wxWidgets Version:"
 msgstr "wxWidgets 版本:"
-#: DlgAbout.cpp:188
+#: clientgui/DlgAbout.cpp:188
 msgid "Copyright:"
 msgstr "版权所有:"
-# 98%
-#: DlgAbout.cpp:192
+#: clientgui/DlgAbout.cpp:192
 msgid ""
-"(C) 2003-2013 University of California, Berkeley.\n"
+"(C) 2003-2014 University of California, Berkeley.\n"
 "All Rights Reserved."
 msgstr ""
-"(C) 2003-2013 加州大学伯克利分校。\n"
-"( 中文翻译: 2005-2013 Yin Gang @ Team China )\n"
-"( 中文网站: http://www.equn.com )\n"
-"( 中文论坛: http://www.equn.com/forum )\n"
-"( 新浪微博: @志愿计算 )"
-#: DlgAbout.cpp:196
+#: clientgui/DlgAbout.cpp:196
 msgid "Berkeley Open Infrastructure for Network Computing"
 msgstr "伯克利开放式网络计算平台 ( BOINC )"
-#: DlgAbout.cpp:208 DlgExitMessage.cpp:173 DlgGenericMessage.cpp:120
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:396 DlgSelectComputer.cpp:163
+#: clientgui/DlgAbout.cpp:208
+#: clientgui/DlgExitMessage.cpp:173
+#: clientgui/DlgGenericMessage.cpp:120
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:399
+#: clientgui/DlgSelectComputer.cpp:163
 msgid "&OK"
 msgstr "确定(&O)"
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:544
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:602
 msgid "invalid number"
 msgstr "无效的数字"
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:545
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:603
 msgid "invalid time, format is HH:MM"
 msgstr "错误的时间,正确格式应该是 HH:MM"
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:546
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:604
 msgid "invalid time interval, format is HH:MM-HH:MM"
 msgstr "错误的时间间隔,正确格式应该是 HH:MM-HH:MM"
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:751
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:817
 msgid "invalid input value detected"
 msgstr "检测到错误的输入值"
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:753
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:819
 msgid "Validation Error"
 msgstr "验证错误"
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:885 DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:891
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:897
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:969
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:975
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:981
 msgid "Applications to add"
 msgstr "待添加的应用程序"
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:914
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:998
 #, c-format
 msgid "'%s' is not an executable application."
 msgstr "“%s”不是一个可执行的应用程序。"
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:915 DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:962
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:986
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:999
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:1046
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:1070
 msgid "Add Exclusive App"
 msgstr "添加互斥应用程序"
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:927
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:1011
 msgid "Name of application to add?"
 msgstr "待添加的应用程序的名称?"
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:927
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:1011
 msgid "Add exclusive app"
 msgstr "添加互斥应用程序"
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:961
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:1045
 #, c-format
 msgid "Application names must end with '%s'"
 msgstr "应用程序的名称必须以“%s”结尾"
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:985
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:1069
 #, c-format
 msgid "'%s' is already in the list."
 msgstr "“%s”已经在列表内了。"
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:1077
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:1161
 msgid ""
 "Do you really want to clear all local preferences?\n"
 "(This will not affect exclusive applications.)"
@@ -1153,16 +1172,16 @@ msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:1078 sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:1030
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:1162
 msgid "Confirmation"
 msgstr "确认"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:46 sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:946
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:49
 #, c-format
-msgid "%s - Preferences"
-msgstr "%s - 本地参数设置"
+msgid "%s - Computing preferences"
+msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:62
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:66
 msgid ""
 "This dialog controls preferences for this computer only.\n"
 "Click OK to set preferences.\n"
@@ -1172,455 +1191,491 @@ msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:65 sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:428
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:69
 msgid "Clear"
 msgstr "清除"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:66
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:70
 msgid "clear all local preferences and close the dialog"
 msgstr "清除所有本地的参数设置并关闭对话框"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:81
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:85
 msgid "processor usage"
 msgstr "处理器使用"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:84
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:88
 msgid "network usage"
 msgstr "网络使用"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:87
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:91
 msgid "disk and memory usage"
 msgstr "磁盘和内存使用"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:90
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:94
 msgid "exclusive applications"
 msgstr "互斥应用程序"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:102 sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:424
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:107
+#: clientgui/DlgDiagnosticLogFlags.cpp:104
 msgid "OK"
 msgstr "确定"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:103
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:108
 msgid "save all values and close the dialog"
 msgstr "保存所有参数值并关闭对话框"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:108
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:114
 msgid "close the dialog without saving"
 msgstr "关闭对话框且不进行任何保存"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:112 Localization.cpp:35 Localization.cpp:121
-#: Localization.cpp:139 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:794 sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:439
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:118
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:35
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:121
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:139
 msgid "Help"
 msgstr "帮助"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:113
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:119
 msgid "shows the preferences web page"
 msgstr "显示参数设置网页"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:135
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:141
 msgid "Computing allowed"
 msgstr "允许计算的情况"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:139
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:146
 msgid "While computer is on batteries"
 msgstr "电池供电时"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:142
-msgid ""
-"check this if you want this computer to do work while it runs on batteries"
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:149
+msgid "check this if you want this computer to do work while it runs on batteries"
 msgstr "如果您希望在电池供电时仍进行计算请选上"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:148
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:155
 msgid "While computer is in use"
 msgstr "使用计算机时"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:151
-msgid ""
-"check this if you want this computer to do work even when you're using it"
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:158
+msgid "check this if you want this computer to do work even when you're using it"
 msgstr "如果您希望在您使用计算机的时候仍进行计算请选上"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:157
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:164
 msgid "Use GPU while computer is in use"
 msgstr "在使用计算机时仍运行 GPU 计算程序"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:160
-msgid ""
-"check this if you want your GPU to do work even when you're using the "
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:167
+msgid "check this if you want your GPU to do work even when you're using the computer"
 msgstr "如果您希望在使用计算机的时候仍运行 GPU 版计算程序请选中此项"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:172
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:179
 msgid "Only after computer has been idle for"
 msgstr "仅在计算机空闲多少时间后"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:182
-msgid ""
-"do work only after you haven't used the computer for this number of minutes"
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:188
+msgid "do work only after you haven't used the computer for this number of minutes"
 msgstr "仅在您不使用计算机后指定的时间才进行计算"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:187 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:336
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:417
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:193
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:342
 msgid "minutes"
 msgstr "分钟"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:206
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:212
 msgid "While processor usage is less than"
 msgstr "当处理器的使用率低于百分之"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:216
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:221
 msgid "suspend work if processor usage exceeds this level"
 msgstr "如果处理器使用率超出设置值就暂停计算"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:221
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:226
 msgid "percent (0 means no restriction)"
 msgstr "时 (0 表示不限制)"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:235 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:496
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:240
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:506
 msgid "Every day between hours of"
 msgstr "每日时间段 从"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:239
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:244
 msgid "start work at this time"
 msgstr "开始计算的时间"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:243 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:504
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:326 sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:348
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:248
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:514
 msgid "and"
 msgstr "到"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:247
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:252
 msgid "stop work at this time"
 msgstr "停止计算的时间"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:251 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:512
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:256
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:522
 msgid "(no restriction if equal)"
 msgstr "( 如果相同即表示不进行限制 )"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:256 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:517
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:261
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:527
 msgid "Day-of-week override:"
 msgstr "定制每周内各天的可用时间段:"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:261 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:522
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:266
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:532
 msgid "check box to specify hours for this day of week"
 msgstr "选取以指定每周内的某天以进行可用时间设定"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:267 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:528
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:272
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:538
 msgid "Monday"
 msgstr "周一"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:274 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:535
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:279
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:545
 msgid "Tuesday"
 msgstr "周二"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:281 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:542
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:286
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:552
 msgid "Wednesday"
 msgstr "周三"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:288 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:549
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:293
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:559
 msgid "Thursday"
 msgstr "周四"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:295 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:556
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:300
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:566
 msgid "Friday"
 msgstr "周五"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:302 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:563
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:307
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:573
 msgid "Saturday"
 msgstr "周六"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:309 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:570
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:314
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:580
 msgid "Sunday"
 msgstr "周日"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:323
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:328
 msgid "Other options"
 msgstr "其它选项"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:330
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:336
 msgid "Switch between applications every"
 msgstr "计算程序的切换时间间隔"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:339
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:345
 msgid "On multiprocessor systems, use at most"
 msgstr "在多处理器系统上,最多使用"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:346
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:352
 #, no-c-format
-msgid "% of the processors (0 means ignore this setting)"
-msgstr "% 的处理器(0 表示不限制)"
+msgid "% of the processors (0 means no restriction)"
+msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:349 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:605
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:627 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:648
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:669 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:679
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:355
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:618
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:640
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:661
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:683
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:694
 msgid "Use at most"
 msgstr "最多使用"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:356
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:362
 #, no-c-format
-msgid "% CPU time"
-msgstr "% CPU时间"
+msgid "% of CPU time (0 means no restriction)"
+msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:378
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:386
 msgid "General options"
 msgstr "综合选项"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:386
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:395
 msgid "Maximum download rate"
 msgstr "最大下载速率"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:392 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:401
-msgid "KBytes/sec."
-msgstr "千字节/秒。"
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:401
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:410
+msgid "KBytes/second (0 means no restriction)"
+msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:395
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:404
 msgid "Maximum upload rate"
 msgstr "最大上传速率"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:406
-msgid "Transfer at most"
-msgstr "最多传输"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:412
-msgid "Mbytes"
-msgstr "MB"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:415
-msgid "every"
-msgstr "每"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:421 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:444
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:463
-msgid "days"
-msgstr "天"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:429
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:417
 msgid "Minimum work buffer"
 msgstr "最小任务缓存"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:438
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:425
 msgid "Try to maintain enough tasks to keep busy for this many days"
 msgstr "至少应保存多少天的计算任务量"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:450
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:431
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:449
+msgid "days (maximum value: 10)"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:437
 msgid "Max additional work buffer"
 msgstr "最大任务缓存"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:459
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:445
 msgid "In addition, maintain enough tasks for up to this many days"
 msgstr "最多应保存多少天的计算任务量"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:466
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:454
+msgid "Transfer at most"
+msgstr "最多传输"
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:462
+msgid "MBytes every"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:468
+msgid "days (0 means no restriction)"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:476
 msgid "Skip image file verification"
 msgstr "不对映像文件进行校验"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:468
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:478
 msgid "check this if your Internet provider modifies image files"
 msgstr "如果您的互联网接入服务端修改了镜像文件请选择上"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:476
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:484
 msgid "Connect options"
 msgstr "网络选项"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:478
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:487
 msgid "Confirm before connecting to internet"
 msgstr "接入互联网前先确认"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:480
-msgid ""
-"if checked, a confirmation dialog will be displayed before trying to connect "
-"to the Internet"
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:489
+msgid "if checked, a confirmation dialog will be displayed before trying to connect to the Internet"
 msgstr "如果选中,在需要连接至互联网时会先显示一个确认对话框"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:484
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:493
 msgid "Disconnect when done"
 msgstr "传输完成后断开连接"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:486
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:495
 msgid ""
 "if checked, BOINC hangs up when network usage is done\n"
 "(only relevant for dialup-connection)"
 msgstr "如果选上,BOINC 将在使用完网络后断开连接 ( 仅适用于拨号连接 )"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:492
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:501
 msgid "Network usage allowed"
 msgstr "允许使用网络的情况"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:500
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:510
 msgid "network usage start hour"
 msgstr "开始使用网络的时间"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:508
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:518
 msgid "network usage stop hour"
 msgstr "停止使用网络的时间"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:598 DlgItemProperties.cpp:231
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:610
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:257
 msgid "Disk usage"
 msgstr "磁盘使用"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:609
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:622
 msgid "the maximum disk space used by BOINC (in Gigabytes)"
 msgstr "BOINC 最多可使用的磁盘空间 (GB)"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:613
-msgid "Gigabytes disk space"
-msgstr "磁盘空间 (GB)"
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:626
+msgid "Gigabytes disk space (0 means no restriction)"
+msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:616
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:629
 msgid "Leave at least"
 msgstr "至少保留"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:620
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:633
 msgid "BOINC leaves at least this amount of disk space free (in Gigabytes)"
 msgstr "BOINC 至少需保留的磁盘空余 (GB)"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:624
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:637
 msgid "Gigabytes disk space free"
 msgstr "剩余磁盘空间 (GB)"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:631
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:644
 msgid "BOINC uses at most this percentage of total disk space"
 msgstr "BOINC 最多可使用的磁盘空间比例"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:636
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:649
 #, no-c-format
 msgid "% of total disk space"
 msgstr "% 总磁盘空间"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:639
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:652
 msgid "Tasks checkpoint to disk at most every"
 msgstr "任务的最短存盘间隔"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:645
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:658
 msgid "seconds"
 msgstr "秒"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:655
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:668
 #, no-c-format
 msgid "% of page file (swap space)"
 msgstr "% 页面文件 ( 交换空间 )"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:662
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:675
 msgid "Memory usage"
 msgstr "内存使用"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:676
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:691
 #, no-c-format
 msgid "% when computer is in use"
 msgstr "% ( 使用计算机时 )"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:686
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:701
 #, no-c-format
 msgid "% when computer is idle"
 msgstr "% ( 计算机闲置时 )"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:691
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:706
 msgid "Leave applications in memory while suspended"
 msgstr "计算程序暂停时驻留在内存"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:693
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:708
 msgid "if checked, suspended work units are left in memory"
 msgstr "如果选中,暂停的计算任务将保留在内存中"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:713
-msgid ""
-"Suspend processor and network usage when these applications are running:"
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:728
+msgid "Suspend processor and network usage when these applications are running:"
 msgstr "当这些应用程序在运行的时候暂停对处理器和网络的使用:"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:722
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:738
 msgid "Add..."
 msgstr "添加..."
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:723
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:739
 msgid "Add an application to this list"
 msgstr "在列表中增加一个应用程序"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:728 ViewProjects.cpp:202
-#: sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:85
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:744
 msgid "Remove"
 msgstr "删除"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:729
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:745
 msgid "Remove an application from this list"
 msgstr "从列表中移除一个应用程序"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:738
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:754
 msgid "For advanced options, refer to "
 msgstr "要访问更多高级选项,请前往"
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:219
+#: clientgui/DlgDiagnosticLogFlags.cpp:65
+#, c-format
+msgid "%s Diagnostic Log Flags"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/DlgDiagnosticLogFlags.cpp:83
+msgid "These flags enable various types of diagnostic messages in the Event Log."
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/DlgDiagnosticLogFlags.cpp:105
+msgid "Save all values and close the dialog"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/DlgDiagnosticLogFlags.cpp:108
+msgid "Defaults"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/DlgDiagnosticLogFlags.cpp:109
+msgid "Restore default settings"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/DlgDiagnosticLogFlags.cpp:113
+msgid "Close the dialog without saving"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:226
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - Event Log"
 msgstr "%s - 事件日志"
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:232 ViewMessages.cpp:117 ViewProjects.cpp:219
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:435 ViewStatistics.cpp:2009 ViewTransfers.cpp:182
-#: ViewWork.cpp:232
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:236
 msgid "Project"
 msgstr "项目"
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:233 ViewMessages.cpp:118
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:237
 msgid "Time"
 msgstr "时间"
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:234 ViewMessages.cpp:119
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:238
 msgid "Message"
 msgstr "消息"
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:290 DlgEventLog.cpp:354
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:300
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:364
 msgid "&Show only this project"
 msgstr "仅显示当前项目(&S)"
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:294
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:304
 msgid "Copy &All"
 msgstr "复制所有的(&A)"
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:296 DlgEventLog.cpp:300 ViewMessages.cpp:89
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:306
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:310
 msgid "Copy all the messages to the clipboard."
 msgstr "复制所有消息至剪贴板。"
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:305
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:315
 msgid "Copy &Selected"
 msgstr "复制选中的(&S)"
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:308 DlgEventLog.cpp:316 ViewMessages.cpp:97
-msgid ""
-"Copy the selected messages to the clipboard. You can select multiple "
-"messages by holding down the shift or command key while clicking on messages."
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:318
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:326
+msgid "Copy the selected messages to the clipboard. You can select multiple messages by holding down the shift or command key while clicking on messages."
 msgstr "复制选中的消息至剪贴板。您可以在选择的时候通过按住Shift键或Commandl键来选取多条消息。"
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:310 DlgEventLog.cpp:318 ViewMessages.cpp:99
-msgid ""
-"Copy the selected messages to the clipboard. You can select multiple "
-"messages by holding down the shift or control key while clicking on messages."
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:320
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:328
+msgid "Copy the selected messages to the clipboard. You can select multiple messages by holding down the shift or control key while clicking on messages."
 msgstr "复制选中的消息至剪贴板。您可以在选择的时候通过按住Shift键或Ctrl键来选取多条消息。"
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:325 DlgItemProperties.cpp:67
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:335
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:67
 msgid "&Close"
 msgstr "关闭(&C)"
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:334 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:798 sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:442
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:344
 #, c-format
 msgid "Get help with %s"
 msgstr "获取 %s 的帮助信息"
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:348
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:358
 msgid "Show all &messages"
 msgstr "显示所有消息(&M)"
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:349 DlgEventLog.cpp:351
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:359
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:361
 msgid "Show messages for all projects"
 msgstr "显示所有项目的消息"
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:355 DlgEventLog.cpp:357
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:365
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:367
 msgid "Show only the messages for the selected project"
 msgstr "仅显示当前选中项目的消息"
-#: DlgExitMessage.cpp:82
+#: clientgui/DlgExitMessage.cpp:82
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - Exit Confirmation"
 msgstr "%s - 退出确认"
-#: DlgExitMessage.cpp:130
+#: clientgui/DlgExitMessage.cpp:130
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "You have requested to exit the %s,\n"
@@ -1636,7 +1691,7 @@ msgstr ""
-#: DlgExitMessage.cpp:135
+#: clientgui/DlgExitMessage.cpp:135
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "This will shut down %s and its tasks until either the\n"
@@ -1652,805 +1707,833 @@ msgstr ""
 "一般情况下,建议只关闭 %s 的窗口而不是退出应用程序,\n"
 "这样 %s 将会在您设定的时间段内进行工作。"
-#: DlgExitMessage.cpp:153
+#: clientgui/DlgExitMessage.cpp:153
 #, c-format
 msgid "Stop running tasks when exiting the %s"
 msgstr "当退出 %s 的时候停止运行所有计算任务"
-#: DlgExitMessage.cpp:165
+#: clientgui/DlgExitMessage.cpp:165
 msgid "Remember this decision and do not show this dialog."
 msgstr "记住当前的选择并不再显示本对话框。"
-#: DlgExitMessage.cpp:178 DlgGenericMessage.cpp:125 DlgOptions.cpp:401
-#: DlgSelectComputer.cpp:168 wizardex.cpp:378
+#: clientgui/DlgExitMessage.cpp:178
+#: clientgui/DlgGenericMessage.cpp:125
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:404
+#: clientgui/DlgSelectComputer.cpp:168
 msgid "&Cancel"
 msgstr "取消(&C)"
-#: DlgGenericMessage.cpp:112
+#: clientgui/DlgGenericMessage.cpp:112
 msgid "Don't show this dialog again."
 msgstr "不再显示本对话框。"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:168 DlgItemProperties.cpp:171
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:174 DlgItemProperties.cpp:177
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:194
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:197
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:200
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:203
 msgid "Don't fetch tasks for "
 msgstr "禁止的任务类型 "
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:168
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:194
 msgid "Project preference"
 msgstr "项目参数设置"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:171
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:197
 msgid "Account manager preference"
 msgstr "帐户管理器参数设置"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:174
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:200
 msgid "Project has no apps for "
 msgstr "项目未提供的任务类型 "
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:177
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:203
 msgid "Client configuration excludes "
 msgstr "客户端已排除的任务类型 "
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:181
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:207
 msgid " work fetch deferred for"
 msgstr "任务获取被延迟"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:182
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:208
 msgid " work fetch deferral interval"
 msgstr "任务获取延迟间隔"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:213
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:239
 msgid "Properties of project "
 msgstr "项目属性"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:217 DlgOptions.cpp:218
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:243
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:221
 msgid "General"
 msgstr "综合"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:218
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:244
 msgid "Master URL"
 msgstr "主网址 (Master URL)"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:219
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:245
 msgid "User name"
 msgstr "用户名称"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:220
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:246
 msgid "Team name"
 msgstr "团队名称"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:221 ViewProjects.cpp:224
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:247
 msgid "Resource share"
 msgstr "资源分享"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:223
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:249
 msgid "Scheduler RPC deferred for"
 msgstr "远程调度请求被延迟"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:226
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:252
 msgid "File downloads deferred for"
 msgstr "文件下载被延迟"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:229
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:255
 msgid "File uploads deferred for"
 msgstr "文件上传被延迟"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:232
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:258
 msgid "Computer ID"
 msgstr "计算机编号"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:234
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:260
 msgid "Non CPU intensive"
 msgstr "非 CPU 密集"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:234 DlgItemProperties.cpp:236
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:237 DlgItemProperties.cpp:239
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:242 DlgItemProperties.cpp:251
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:254 DlgItemProperties.cpp:257
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:260
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:262
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:263
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:265
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:268
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:277
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:280
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:283
 msgid "yes"
 msgstr "是"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:236
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:262
 msgid "Suspended via GUI"
 msgstr "已在界面上被暂停"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:236 DlgItemProperties.cpp:237
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:262
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:263
 msgid "no"
 msgstr "否"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:237
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:263
 msgid "Don't request more work"
 msgstr "已禁止下载新任务"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:239
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:265
 msgid "Scheduler call in progress"
 msgstr "正在进行调度请求"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:242
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:268
 msgid "Trickle-up pending"
 msgstr "上传消息等待中"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:245 DlgItemProperties.cpp:247
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:271
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:273
 msgid "Host location"
 msgstr "主机位置"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:247
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:273
 msgid "default"
 msgstr "缺省"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:251
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:277
 msgid "Added via account manager"
 msgstr "已通过帐户管理器增加"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:254
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:280
 msgid "Remove when tasks done"
 msgstr "任务完成后移除项目"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:257
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:283
 msgid "Ended"
 msgstr "已结束"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:259
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:285
+msgid "Tasks completed"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:286
+msgid "Tasks failed"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:288
 msgid "Credit"
 msgstr "积分"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:260
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:289
 msgid "User"
 msgstr "用户"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:267
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:296
 msgid "Host"
 msgstr "主机"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:276
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:305
 msgid "Scheduling"
 msgstr "调度"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:277
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:306
 msgid "Scheduling priority"
 msgstr "调度优先级"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:278
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:307
 msgid "CPU"
 msgstr "CPU"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:302
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:331
 msgid "Duration correction factor"
 msgstr "时长校正因子"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:316
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:345
 msgid "Properties of task "
 msgstr "任务属性"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:328 ViewWork.cpp:238
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:357
 msgid "Application"
 msgstr "计算程序"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:329 ViewWork.cpp:239
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:358
 msgid "Name"
 msgstr "任务名称"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:330
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:359
 msgid "State"
 msgstr "状态"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:333
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:362
 msgid "Received"
 msgstr "接收时间"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:336
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:365
 msgid "Report deadline"
 msgstr "上报期限"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:338
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:367
 msgid "Resources"
 msgstr "资源"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:341
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:370
 msgid "Estimated computation size"
 msgstr "预计的任务大小"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:344
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:373
 msgid "CPU time at last checkpoint"
 msgstr "上次存盘的 CPU 时间"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:345 DlgItemProperties.cpp:360
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:374
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:389
 msgid "CPU time"
 msgstr "已用 CPU 时间"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:347 DlgItemProperties.cpp:361
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:376
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:390
 msgid "Elapsed time"
 msgstr "已用时间"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:349
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:378
 msgid "Estimated time remaining"
 msgstr "预计剩余时间"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:350
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:379
 msgid "Fraction done"
 msgstr "完成百分比"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:351
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:380
 msgid "Virtual memory size"
 msgstr "虚存占用大小"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:352
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:381
 msgid "Working set size"
 msgstr "工作集大小"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:354
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:383
 msgid "Directory"
 msgstr "目录"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:357
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:386
 msgid "Process ID"
 msgstr "进程标识"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:427 ViewWork.cpp:1032 sg_TaskPanel.cpp:823
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:456
 msgid "Local: "
 msgstr "本地:"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:129 DlgOptions.cpp:135
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:129
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:135
 msgid "Options"
 msgstr "选项"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:175
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:178
 msgid "Language:"
 msgstr "语言:"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:182
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:185
 msgid "What language should BOINC use?"
 msgstr "BOINC 应该使用哪种语言?"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:186
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:189
 msgid "Notice reminder interval:"
 msgstr "网络通知提醒间隔:"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:193
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:196
 msgid "How often should BOINC remind you of new notices?"
 msgstr "当有新的网络通知时,BOINC 应该以多少时间间隔来提醒您?"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:198
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:201
 msgid "Run Manager at login?"
 msgstr "在登录时运行 BOINC Manager?"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:204
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:207
 msgid "Run the BOINC Manager when you log on."
 msgstr "在您登录的时候运行 BOINC Manager。"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:209
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:212
 msgid "Enable Manager exit dialog?"
 msgstr "启用 BOINC Manager 的退出消息提示:"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:215
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:218
 msgid "Display the exit dialog when shutting down the Manager."
 msgstr "在关闭 BOINC Manager 时显示退出消息对话框。"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:226
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:229
 msgid "Dial-up and Virtual Private Network settings"
 msgstr "拨号及 VPN 设置"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:240
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:243
 msgid "&Set Default"
 msgstr "设置默认值(&S)"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:245
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:248
 msgid "&Clear Default"
 msgstr "清除默认值(&C)"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:252
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:255
 msgid "Default Connection:"
 msgstr "缺省连接:"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:259
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:262
 msgid "Connections"
 msgstr "连接"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:268
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:271
 msgid "Connect via HTTP proxy server"
 msgstr "通过 HTTP 代理连接"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:272
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:275
 msgid "HTTP Proxy Server Configuration"
 msgstr "HTTP 代理配置"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:280 DlgOptions.cpp:344
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:283
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:347
 msgid "Address:"
 msgstr "地址:"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:288 DlgOptions.cpp:352 ProxyPage.cpp:340 ProxyPage.cpp:360
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:291
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:355
 msgid "Port:"
 msgstr "端口:"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:296 DlgOptions.cpp:360
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:299
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:363
 msgid "Don't use proxy for:"
 msgstr "不要使用代理服务器:"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:303 DlgOptions.cpp:367
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:306
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:370
 msgid "Leave these blank if not needed"
 msgstr "下面的内容如果不需要请留空"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:309 DlgOptions.cpp:373 ProxyPage.cpp:343 ProxyPage.cpp:363
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:312
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:376
 msgid "User Name:"
 msgstr "用户名:"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:317 DlgOptions.cpp:381 DlgSelectComputer.cpp:152
-#: ProxyPage.cpp:346 ProxyPage.cpp:366
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:320
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:384
+#: clientgui/DlgSelectComputer.cpp:152
 msgid "Password:"
 msgstr "密码:"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:324
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:327
 msgid "HTTP Proxy"
 msgstr "HTTP 代理"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:332
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:335
 msgid "Connect via SOCKS proxy server"
 msgstr "通过 SOCKS 代理连接"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:336
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:339
 msgid "SOCKS Proxy Server Configuration"
 msgstr "SOCKS 代理配置"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:388
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:391
 msgid "SOCKS Proxy"
 msgstr "SOCKS 代理"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:586
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:589
 msgid "always"
 msgstr "总是提醒"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:587
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:590
 msgid "1 hour"
 msgstr "1 小时"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:588
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:591
 msgid "6 hours"
 msgstr "6 小时"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:589
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:592
 msgid "1 day"
 msgstr "1 天"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:590
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:593
 msgid "1 week"
 msgstr "1 星期"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:591
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:594
 msgid "never"
 msgstr "从不提醒"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:688
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:691
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - Language Selection"
 msgstr "%s - 语言选择"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:695
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:698
 #, c-format
 #, c-format, c-format
-msgid ""
-"The %s's language has been changed.  In order for this change to take "
-"effect, you must restart the %s."
+msgid "The %s's language has been changed.  In order for this change to take effect, you must restart the %s."
 msgstr "%s 的缺省语言已被修改,且必须重启 %s 才能生效。"
-#: DlgSelectComputer.cpp:91
+#: clientgui/DlgSelectComputer.cpp:91
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - Select Computer"
 msgstr "%s - 选择计算机"
-#: DlgSelectComputer.cpp:125
+#: clientgui/DlgSelectComputer.cpp:125
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "Another instance of %s is already running \n"
 "on this computer.  Please select a client to monitor."
 msgstr "另一个 %s 的实例已经在当前计算上运行,请选择想要监控的客户端。"
-#: DlgSelectComputer.cpp:143
+#: clientgui/DlgSelectComputer.cpp:143
 msgid "Host name:"
 msgstr "主机名:"
-#: Localization.cpp:31 Localization.cpp:69
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:31
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:69
 msgid "Message boards"
 msgstr "留言板"
-#: Localization.cpp:33
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:33
 msgid "Correspond with other users on the SETI at home message boards"
 msgstr "在留言板上可以和其他 SETI at home 用户进行交流"
-#: Localization.cpp:37
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:37
 msgid "Ask questions and report problems"
 msgstr "提问及报告错误"
-#: Localization.cpp:39 Localization.cpp:81 Localization.cpp:111
-#: Localization.cpp:129
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:39
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:81
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:111
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:129
 msgid "Your account"
 msgstr "您的帐户"
-#: Localization.cpp:41 Localization.cpp:87 Localization.cpp:113
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:41
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:87
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:113
 msgid "View your account information and credit totals"
 msgstr "查看您的帐户及积分信息"
-#: Localization.cpp:43
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:43
 msgid "Your preferences"
 msgstr "您的参数设置"
-#: Localization.cpp:45
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:45
 msgid "View and modify your SETI at home account profile and preferences"
 msgstr "查看和修改您的 SETI at home 帐户及参数设置"
-#: Localization.cpp:47 Localization.cpp:89
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:47
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:89
 msgid "Your results"
 msgstr "您的任务"
-#: Localization.cpp:49 Localization.cpp:91
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:49
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:91
 msgid "View your last week (or more) of computational results and work"
 msgstr "查看您近期的计算任务及结果"
-#: Localization.cpp:51 Localization.cpp:93
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:51
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:93
 msgid "Your computers"
 msgstr "您的计算机"
-#: Localization.cpp:53
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:53
 msgid "View a listing of all the computers on which you are running SETI at Home"
 msgstr "查看您用来运行 SETI at home 的计算机列表"
-#: Localization.cpp:55 Localization.cpp:97
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:55
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:97
 msgid "Your team"
 msgstr "您的团队"
-#: Localization.cpp:57 Localization.cpp:99
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:57
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:99
 msgid "View information about your team"
 msgstr "查看您的团队信息"
-#: Localization.cpp:61
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:61
 msgid "Common questions"
 msgstr "常见问题"
-#: Localization.cpp:63
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:63
 msgid "Read the Einstein at Home Frequently Asked Question list"
 msgstr "阅读 Einstein at Home 的常见问答列表"
-#: Localization.cpp:65
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:65
 msgid "Screensaver info"
 msgstr "屏保信息"
-#: Localization.cpp:67
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:67
 msgid "Read a detailed description of the Einstein at Home screensaver"
 msgstr "阅读 Einstein at Home 屏保的详细信息"
-#: Localization.cpp:71
-msgid ""
-"Correspond with admins and other users on the Einstein at Home message boards"
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:71
+msgid "Correspond with admins and other users on the Einstein at Home message boards"
 msgstr "和管理员及其他 Einstein at Home 用户进行交流"
-#: Localization.cpp:73
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:73
 msgid "Einstein status"
 msgstr "服务器状态"
-#: Localization.cpp:75
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:75
 msgid "Current status of the Einstein at Home server"
 msgstr "Einstein at Home 服务器的当前状态"
-#: Localization.cpp:77
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:77
 msgid "Report problems"
 msgstr "报告问题"
-#: Localization.cpp:79
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:79
 msgid "A link to the Einstein at Home problems and bug reports message board"
 msgstr "链接到 Einstein at Home 留言板的提问及报错版面"
-#: Localization.cpp:83
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:83
 msgid "View and modify your Einstein at Home account profile and preferences"
 msgstr "查看和修改您的 Einstein at Home 帐户及参数设置"
-#: Localization.cpp:85
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:85
 msgid "Account summary"
 msgstr "帐户概要"
-#: Localization.cpp:95
-msgid ""
-"View a listing of all the computers on which you are running Einstein at Home"
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:95
+msgid "View a listing of all the computers on which you are running Einstein at Home"
 msgstr "查看您用来运行 Einstein at Home 的计算机列表"
-#: Localization.cpp:101
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:101
 msgid "LIGO project"
 msgstr "LIGO 项目"
-#: Localization.cpp:103
-msgid ""
-"The home page of the Laser Interferometer Gravitational-wave Observatory "
-"(LIGO) project"
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:103
+msgid "The home page of the Laser Interferometer Gravitational-wave Observatory (LIGO) project"
 msgstr "激光干涉引力波观测站 (LIGO) 项目的主页"
-#: Localization.cpp:105
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:105
 msgid "GEO-600 project"
 msgstr "GEO-600 项目"
-#: Localization.cpp:107
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:107
 msgid "The home page of the GEO-600 project"
 msgstr "GEO-600 项目的主页"
-#: Localization.cpp:115 Localization.cpp:133 ViewProjects.cpp:221
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:465
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:115
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:133
 msgid "Team"
 msgstr "团队"
-#: Localization.cpp:117
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:117
 msgid "Info about your Team"
 msgstr "您的团队信息"
-#: Localization.cpp:123
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:123
 msgid "Get help for climateprediction.net"
 msgstr "从 CPDN 得到帮助"
-#: Localization.cpp:125
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:125
 msgid "News"
 msgstr "新闻"
-#: Localization.cpp:127
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:127
 msgid "climateprediction.net News"
 msgstr "CPDN 的项目新闻"
-#: Localization.cpp:131
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:131
 msgid "View your account information, credits, and trickles"
 msgstr "查看您的帐户信息、积分及已上传的任务。"
-#: Localization.cpp:135
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:135
 msgid "Info about your team"
 msgstr "您的团队信息"
-#: Localization.cpp:141
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:141
 msgid "Search for help in our help system"
 msgstr "在我们的帮助系统中寻求帮助"
-#: Localization.cpp:143
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:143
 msgid "Global Statistics"
 msgstr "全局统计"
-#: Localization.cpp:145
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:145
 msgid "Summary statistics for World Community Grid"
 msgstr "WCG 概况统计"
-#: Localization.cpp:147
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:147
 msgid "My Grid"
 msgstr "我的网格"
-#: Localization.cpp:149
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:149
 msgid "Your statistics and settings"
 msgstr "您的统计信息及参数设置"
-#: Localization.cpp:151
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:151
 msgid "Device Profiles"
 msgstr "设备档案"
-#: Localization.cpp:153
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:153
 msgid "Update your device settings"
 msgstr "更新您的设备参数"
-#: Localization.cpp:155
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:155
 msgid "Research"
 msgstr "研究"
-#: Localization.cpp:157
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:157
 msgid "Learn about the projects hosted at World Community Grid"
 msgstr "了解 WCG 平台上的项目"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:583
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:583
 msgid "Starting client"
 msgstr "正在启动客户端"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:591
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:591
 msgid "Connecting to client"
 msgstr "正在连接至客户端"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:1195
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:1205
 msgid "Retrieving system state; please wait..."
 msgstr "正在读取系统状态,请稍候..."
-#: MainDocument.cpp:1816
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:1826
 msgid "Missing application"
 msgstr "应用程序不存在"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:1817
-msgid ""
-"Please download and install the CoRD application from http://cord."
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:1827
+msgid "Please download and install the CoRD application from http://cord.sourceforge.net"
 msgstr "请从 http://cord.sourceforge.net 下载并安装 CoRD 程序。"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2432
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2442
 msgid "on batteries"
 msgstr "电池供电"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2433
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2443
 msgid "computer is in use"
 msgstr "正在使用计算机"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2434
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2444
 msgid "user request"
 msgstr "用户请求"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2435
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2445
 msgid "time of day"
 msgstr "每日时间段"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2436
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2446
 msgid "CPU benchmarks in progress"
 msgstr "正在进行 CPU 基准测试"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2437
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2447
 msgid "need disk space - check preferences"
 msgstr "磁盘空间不足 - 请检查参数设置"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2438
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2448
 msgid "computer is not in use"
 msgstr "计算机未在使用"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2439
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2449
 msgid "starting up"
 msgstr "启动中"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2440
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2450
 msgid "an exclusive app is running"
 msgstr "有互斥的应用程序在运行"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2441
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2451
 msgid "CPU is busy"
 msgstr "CPU 忙碌中"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2442
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2452
 msgid "network bandwidth limit exceeded"
 msgstr "网络带宽限制已超出"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2443
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2453
 msgid "requested by operating system"
 msgstr "操作系统请求"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2445
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2455
 msgid "unknown reason"
 msgstr "未知原因"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2467
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2477
 msgid "GPU missing, "
 msgstr "无可用 GPU, "
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2474
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2484
 msgid "New"
 msgstr "新任务"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2478
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2488
 msgid "Download failed"
 msgstr "下载失败"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2480
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2490
 msgid "Downloading"
 msgstr "正在下载"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2482 MainDocument.cpp:2552
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2492
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2557
 msgid " (suspended - "
 msgstr "(已暂停 - "
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2490
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2500
 msgid "Project suspended by user"
 msgstr "项目已被用户暂停"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2492
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2502
 msgid "Task suspended by user"
 msgstr "任务已被用户暂停"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2494
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2504
 msgid "Suspended - "
 msgstr "已暂停 - "
 # 75%
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2500
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2510
 msgid "GPU suspended - "
 msgstr "GPU 已暂停 - "
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2507
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2517
 msgid "Waiting for memory"
 msgstr "等待足够的内存"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2509
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2519
 msgid "Waiting for shared memory"
 msgstr "等待足够的共享内存"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2512
-msgid "Running, high priority"
-msgstr "运行中,高优先级"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2514
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2521
 msgid "Running"
 msgstr "运行中"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2517
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2523
 msgid " (non-CPU-intensive)"
 msgstr "( 非 CPU 密集 )"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2520
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2526
 msgid "Waiting to run"
 msgstr "等待运行"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2522 MainDocument.cpp:2528
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2528
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2534
 msgid "Ready to start"
 msgstr "准备运行"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2532
-msgid " (Scheduler wait: "
-msgstr "(调度等待:"
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2538
+msgid "Postponed: "
+msgstr ""
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2536
-msgid " (Scheduler wait)"
-msgstr "(调度等待)"
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2541
+msgid "Postponed"
+msgstr ""
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2540
-msgid " (Waiting for network access)"
-msgstr " (正等待访问网络)"
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2545
+msgid "Waiting for network access"
+msgstr ""
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2544
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2549
 msgid "Computation error"
 msgstr "计算错误"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2548
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2553
 msgid "Upload failed"
 msgstr "上传失败"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2550
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2555
 msgid "Uploading"
 msgstr "正在上传"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2561
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2566
 msgid "Aborted by user"
 msgstr "已被用户中止"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2564
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2569
 msgid "Aborted by project"
 msgstr "已被项目中止"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2567
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2572
 msgid "Aborted: not started by deadline"
 msgstr "已中止:未在截止日期前开始计算"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2570
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2575
 msgid "Aborted: disk limit exceeded"
 msgstr "已中止:磁盘使用超出限制"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2573
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2578
 msgid "Aborted: run time limit exceeded"
 msgstr "已中止:运行时间超出限制"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2576
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2581
 msgid "Aborted: memory limit exceeded"
 msgstr "已中止:内存使用超出限制"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2579
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2584
 msgid "Aborted"
 msgstr "已中止"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2584
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2589
 msgid "Acknowledged"
 msgstr "已被确认"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2586
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2591
 msgid "Ready to report"
 msgstr "等待上报"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2588
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2593
 #, c-format
 msgid "Error: invalid state '%d'"
 msgstr "错误:非法状态 '%d'"
-#: NoInternetConnectionPage.cpp:179
+#: clientgui/NoInternetConnectionPage.cpp:179
 msgid "No Internet connection"
 msgstr "未连接到互联网"
-#: NoInternetConnectionPage.cpp:182
+#: clientgui/NoInternetConnectionPage.cpp:182
 msgid "Please connect to the Internet and try again."
 msgstr "请连接至互联网并重试。"
-#: NotDetectedPage.cpp:181
+#: clientgui/NotDetectedPage.cpp:181
 msgid "Project not found"
 msgstr "查找项目失败"
-#: NotDetectedPage.cpp:184
+#: clientgui/NotDetectedPage.cpp:184
 msgid ""
 "The URL you supplied is not that of a BOINC-based project.\n"
@@ -2460,11 +2543,11 @@ msgstr ""
-#: NotDetectedPage.cpp:188
+#: clientgui/NotDetectedPage.cpp:188
 msgid "Account manager not found"
 msgstr "查找帐户管理器失败"
-#: NotDetectedPage.cpp:191
+#: clientgui/NotDetectedPage.cpp:191
 msgid ""
 "The URL you supplied is not that of a BOINC-based account\n"
@@ -2475,89 +2558,90 @@ msgstr ""
-#: NotFoundPage.cpp:181
+#: clientgui/NotFoundPage.cpp:181
 msgid "Login Failed."
 msgstr "登录失败。"
-#: NotFoundPage.cpp:185
+#: clientgui/NotFoundPage.cpp:185
 msgid "Check the username and password, and try again."
 msgstr "请检查用户名及密码,然后重试。"
-#: NotFoundPage.cpp:189
+#: clientgui/NotFoundPage.cpp:189
 msgid "Check the email address and password, and try again."
 msgstr "请检查电子邮件地址及密码,然后重试。"
-#: NoticeListCtrl.cpp:222
+#: clientgui/NoticeListCtrl.cpp:229
 msgid "more..."
 msgstr "更多..."
-#: ProjectInfoPage.cpp:477 ProjectInfoPage.cpp:778 ProjectInfoPage.cpp:782
-msgid "All"
-msgstr "所有"
-#: ProjectInfoPage.cpp:615
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:221
 msgid "Choose a project"
 msgstr "选择一个项目"
-#: ProjectInfoPage.cpp:619
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:228
 msgid "To choose a project, click its name or type its URL below."
 msgstr "要选择一个项目,请点击它的项目名称或在下方输入它的项目网址。"
-#: ProjectInfoPage.cpp:623
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:246
 msgid "Categories:"
 msgstr "类别:"
-#: ProjectInfoPage.cpp:627 sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:89
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:267
 msgid "Projects:"
 msgstr "项目:"
-#: ProjectInfoPage.cpp:631
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:279
 msgid "Project details"
 msgstr "项目简介"
-#: ProjectInfoPage.cpp:635
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:291
 msgid "Research area:"
 msgstr "研究领域:"
-#: ProjectInfoPage.cpp:639
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:302
 msgid "Organization:"
 msgstr "项目组织:"
-#: ProjectInfoPage.cpp:643
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:313
 msgid "Web site:"
 msgstr "网站:"
-#: ProjectInfoPage.cpp:647
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:325
 msgid "Supported systems:"
 msgstr "支持的操作系统:"
-#: ProjectInfoPage.cpp:651
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:363
 msgid "Project URL:"
 msgstr "项目网址:"
-#: ProjectInfoPage.cpp:826
-msgid ""
-"This project may not have work for your type of computer.  Do you want to "
-"add it anyway?"
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:499
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:754
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:758
+msgid "All"
+msgstr "所有"
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:802
+msgid "This project may not have work for your type of computer.  Do you want to add it anyway?"
 msgstr "该项目可能没有适合您计算机的任务类型,您确定还要添加它吗?"
-#: ProjectInfoPage.cpp:850
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:826
 msgid "You already added this project. Please choose a different project."
 msgstr "您当前已经加入了这个项目,请选择其它的项目。"
-#: ProjectProcessingPage.cpp:321
+#: clientgui/ProjectProcessingPage.cpp:321
 msgid "Communicating with project."
 msgstr "正在和项目服务器进行通讯。"
-#: ProjectProcessingPage.cpp:509
+#: clientgui/ProjectProcessingPage.cpp:510
 msgid "Required files not found on the server."
 msgstr "请求的文件不在服务器上。"
-#: ProjectProcessingPage.cpp:512 ProjectProcessingPage.cpp:574
+#: clientgui/ProjectProcessingPage.cpp:513
+#: clientgui/ProjectProcessingPage.cpp:586
 msgid "An internal server error has occurred."
 msgstr "服务器上产生了一个内部错误。"
-#: ProjectPropertiesPage.cpp:334
+#: clientgui/ProjectPropertiesPage.cpp:334
 msgid ""
 "Communicating with project\n"
 "Please wait..."
@@ -2565,11 +2649,48 @@ msgstr ""
-#: ProxyInfoPage.cpp:195
+#: clientgui/ProjectWelcomePage.cpp:251
+#, c-format
+msgid "Welcome to %s."
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ProjectWelcomePage.cpp:254
+msgid "You have volunteered to compute for this project:"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ProjectWelcomePage.cpp:255
+msgid "Name:"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ProjectWelcomePage.cpp:258
+msgid "Home:"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ProjectWelcomePage.cpp:262
+msgid "Description:"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ProjectWelcomePage.cpp:265
+msgid "URL:"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ProjectWelcomePage.cpp:268
+msgid "User:"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ProjectWelcomePage.cpp:273
+msgid "WARNING: This project is not registered with BOINC.  Make sure you trust it before continuing."
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ProjectWelcomePage.cpp:277
+msgid "To continue, click Next."
+msgstr "点击下一步以继续。"
+#: clientgui/ProxyInfoPage.cpp:195
 msgid "Network communication failure"
 msgstr "网络通讯失败"
-#: ProxyInfoPage.cpp:199
+#: clientgui/ProxyInfoPage.cpp:199
 msgid ""
 "The World Community Grid - BOINC software failed to communicate\n"
 "over the Internet. The most likely reasons are:\n"
@@ -2595,7 +2716,7 @@ msgstr ""
 "3) 您正在通过代理服务器接入互联网。\n"
 "请点击下一步以对 BOINC 的代理进行设置。"
-#: ProxyInfoPage.cpp:203
+#: clientgui/ProxyInfoPage.cpp:203
 msgid ""
 "BOINC failed to communicate on the Internet.\n"
 "The most likely reasons are:\n"
@@ -2621,1244 +2742,1342 @@ msgstr ""
 "3) 您正在通过代理服务器接入互联网。\n"
 "请点击下一步以对 BOINC 的代理进行设置。"
-#: ProxyPage.cpp:331
+#: clientgui/ProxyPage.cpp:331
 msgid "Proxy configuration"
 msgstr "代理配置"
-#: ProxyPage.cpp:334
+#: clientgui/ProxyPage.cpp:334
 msgid "HTTP proxy"
 msgstr "HTTP 代理"
-#: ProxyPage.cpp:337 ProxyPage.cpp:357
+#: clientgui/ProxyPage.cpp:337
+#: clientgui/ProxyPage.cpp:357
 msgid "Server:"
 msgstr "服务器:"
-#: ProxyPage.cpp:350
+#: clientgui/ProxyPage.cpp:350
 msgid "Autodetect"
 msgstr "自动检测"
-#: ProxyPage.cpp:354
+#: clientgui/ProxyPage.cpp:354
 msgid "SOCKS proxy"
 msgstr "SOCKS 代理"
-#: TermsOfUsePage.cpp:218
-msgid "Terms of Use"
-msgstr "使用协议"
+#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:167
+msgid "Advanced View...\tCtrl+Shift+A"
+msgstr "高级视图...\tCtrl+Shift+A"
-#: TermsOfUsePage.cpp:222
-msgid "Please read the following terms of use:"
-msgstr "请阅读以下的使用协议:"
+#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:168
+msgid "Display the advanced graphical interface."
+msgstr "显示高级图形界面。"
-#: TermsOfUsePage.cpp:231
-msgid "I agree to the terms of use."
-msgstr "我同意该使用协议。"
+#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:175
+msgid "Skin"
+msgstr "皮肤"
-#: TermsOfUsePage.cpp:237
-msgid "I do not agree to the terms of use."
-msgstr "我不同意该用户条款。"
+#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:177
+msgid "Select the appearance of the user interface."
+msgstr "选择用户界面的外观。"
-#: UnavailablePage.cpp:183
-msgid "Project temporarily unavailable"
-msgstr "项目已暂停服务"
+#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:224
+#, c-format
+msgid "&%s"
+msgstr "&%s"
-#: UnavailablePage.cpp:186
-msgid ""
-"The project is temporarily unavailable.\n"
-"Please try again later."
-msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:405
+msgid "Default"
+msgstr "缺省"
-#: UnavailablePage.cpp:190
-msgid "Account manager temporarily unavailable"
-msgstr "帐户管理器已暂停服务"
+#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:848
+msgid "Suspend"
+msgstr "暂停"
-#: UnavailablePage.cpp:193
-msgid ""
-"The account manager is temporarily unavailable.\n"
-"Please try again later."
-msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:850
+msgid "Suspend Computing"
+msgstr "暂停计算"
-#: ValidateAccountKey.cpp:68
-msgid "Please specify an account key to continue."
-msgstr "请输入帐户密钥以继续。"
+#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:851
+msgid "Resume Computing"
+msgstr "继续计算"
-#: ValidateAccountKey.cpp:71
-msgid "Invalid Account Key; please enter a valid Account Key"
-msgstr "此帐户密钥错误;请输入一个正确的帐户密钥"
+#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:867
+msgid "Notices"
+msgstr "通知"
-#: ValidateAccountKey.cpp:82 ValidateEmailAddress.cpp:86
-msgid "Validation conflict"
-msgstr "验证冲突"
+#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:868
+msgid "Open a window to view notices from projects or BOINC"
+msgstr "打开一个窗口,查看来自计算网站或 BOINC 网站的通知消息。"
-#: ValidateEmailAddress.cpp:72
-msgid "Please specify an email address"
-msgstr "请指定一个电子邮件地址"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgMessages.cpp:124
+msgid "Fetching notices; please wait..."
+msgstr "获取通知中,请稍候..."
-#: ValidateEmailAddress.cpp:75
-msgid "Invalid email address; please enter a valid email address"
-msgstr "此电子邮件地址错误;请输入一个正确的电子邮件地址"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgMessages.cpp:132
+msgid "There are no notices at this time."
+msgstr "当前没有可以显示的通知。"
-#: ValidateURL.cpp:69
-msgid "Missing URL"
-msgstr "网址不存在"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgMessages.cpp:146
+msgid "Close"
+msgstr "关闭"
-#: ValidateURL.cpp:70
-msgid ""
-"Please specify a URL.\n"
-"For example:\n"
-msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgMessages.cpp:394
+#, c-format
+msgid "%s - Notices"
+msgstr "%s - 通知"
-#: ValidateURL.cpp:83 ValidateURL.cpp:87 ValidateURL.cpp:91
-#: ValidateURL.cpp:103 ValidateURL.cpp:107 ValidateURL.cpp:110
-msgid "Invalid URL"
-msgstr "错误的网址"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:270
+msgid "This dialog controls preferences for this computer only."
+msgstr "本对话框中的设置仅对当前计算机有效。"
-#: ValidateURL.cpp:84 ValidateURL.cpp:88 ValidateURL.cpp:92
-msgid ""
-"Please specify a valid URL.\n"
-"For example:\n"
-msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:275
+msgid "Click OK to set preferences."
+msgstr "点击确定可以保存并应用当前的参数设置。"
-#: ValidateURL.cpp:104 ValidateURL.cpp:108
-#, c-format
-msgid "'%s' does not contain a valid host name."
-msgstr "'%s'中未包含正确的主机名称。"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:280
+msgid "Click Clear to restore web-based settings for all preferences listed below."
+msgstr "点击清除可将下列所有参数设置恢复到项目网站上的设定。"
-#: ValidateURL.cpp:111
-#, c-format
-msgid "'%s' does not contain a valid path."
-msgstr "'%s'中未包含正确的路径。"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:287
+msgid "For additional settings, select Computing Preferences in the Advanced View."
+msgstr "更多的参数设置,请在高级视图下选择“计算参数设置”来查看。"
-#: ViewMessages.cpp:84 ViewProjects.cpp:170 ViewStatistics.cpp:1978
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:160 ViewWork.cpp:183
-msgid "Commands"
-msgstr "命令"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:315
+msgid "Do work only between:"
+msgstr "计算时间段:"
-#: ViewMessages.cpp:88
-msgid "Copy all messages"
-msgstr "复制所有消息"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:337
+msgid "Connect to internet only between:"
+msgstr "连接互联网的时间段:"
-#: ViewMessages.cpp:95
-msgid "Copy selected messages"
-msgstr "复制选中的消息"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:359
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:376
+msgid "Use no more than:"
+msgstr "最多使用:"
-#: ViewMessages.cpp:106 ViewMessages.cpp:502
-msgid "Show only this project"
-msgstr "仅显示当前项目"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:372
+msgid "of disk space"
+msgstr "磁盘空间"
-#: ViewMessages.cpp:107 ViewMessages.cpp:503
-msgid "Show only the messages for the selected project."
-msgstr "仅显示当前选中项目的消息。"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:389
+msgid "of the processor"
+msgstr "处理器"
-#: ViewMessages.cpp:164
-msgid "Messages"
-msgstr "消息"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:393
+msgid "Do work while on battery?"
+msgstr "电池供电时仍然计算?"
-#: ViewMessages.cpp:187
-msgid "Copying all messages to the clipboard..."
-msgstr "复制所有消息至剪贴板..."
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:406
+msgid "Do work after idle for:"
+msgstr "闲置一定时间后开始计算:"
-#: ViewMessages.cpp:223
-msgid "Copying selected messages to the clipboard..."
-msgstr "复制选中的消息到剪贴板..."
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:431
+msgid "Clear all local preferences listed above and close the dialog"
+msgstr "清除所有本地的参数设置并关闭对话框"
-#: ViewMessages.cpp:286
-msgid "Filtering messages..."
-msgstr "正在过滤消息..."
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:609
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:612
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:688
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:692
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:704
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:708
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:851
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:862
+msgid "Anytime"
+msgstr "任何时候"
-#: ViewMessages.cpp:494
-msgid "Show all messages"
-msgstr "显示所有消息"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:645
+msgid "100 MB"
+msgstr "100 MB"
-#: ViewMessages.cpp:495
-msgid "Show messages for all projects."
-msgstr "显示所有项目的消息。"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:646
+msgid "200 MB"
+msgstr "200 MB"
-#: ViewNotices.cpp:58 sg_DlgMessages.cpp:124
-msgid "Fetching notices; please wait..."
-msgstr "获取通知中,请稍候..."
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:647
+msgid "500 MB"
+msgstr "500 MB"
-#: ViewNotices.cpp:65 sg_DlgMessages.cpp:132
-msgid "There are no notices at this time."
-msgstr "当前没有可以显示的通知。"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:648
+msgid "1 GB"
+msgstr "1 GB"
-#: ViewNotices.cpp:99 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:776
-msgid "Notices"
-msgstr "通知"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:649
+msgid "2 GB"
+msgstr "2 GB"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:650
+msgid "5 GB"
+msgstr "5 GB"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:651
+msgid "10 GB"
+msgstr "10 GB"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:652
+msgid "20 GB"
+msgstr "20 GB"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:653
+msgid "50 GB"
+msgstr "50 GB"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:654
+msgid "100 GB"
+msgstr "100 GB"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:724
+#, c-format
+msgid "%d MB"
+msgstr "%d MB"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:726
+#, c-format
+msgid "%4.2f GB"
+msgstr "%4.2f GB"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:767
+#, c-format
+msgid "%d%%"
+msgstr "%d%%"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:803
+msgid "0 (Run Always)"
+msgstr "0 ( 一直运行 )"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:174 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:61
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:806
+#, c-format
+msgid "%d"
+msgstr "%d"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:953
+#, c-format
+msgid "%s - Computing Preferences"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:1033
+msgid "Do you really want to clear all local preferences?\n"
+msgstr "您确定要清除所有的本地参数设置吗?\n"
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:66
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:179
 msgid "Update"
 msgstr "更新"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:175 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:62
-msgid ""
-"Report all completed tasks, get latest credit, get latest preferences, and "
-"possibly get more tasks."
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:67
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:180
+msgid "Report all completed tasks, get latest credit, get latest preferences, and possibly get more tasks."
 msgstr "上报所有完成的任务,获取最新的积分及参数设置,可能下载更多的新任务。"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:181 ViewProjects.cpp:722 ViewWork.cpp:208 ViewWork.cpp:801
-#: sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:757 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:67
-#: sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:113 sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:66
-#: sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:106
-msgid "Suspend"
-msgstr "暂停"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:182 ViewProjects.cpp:722 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:68
-#: sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:114
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:73
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:129
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:187
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:727
 msgid "Suspend tasks for this project."
 msgstr "暂停当前项目的所有任务。"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:188 ViewProjects.cpp:741 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:73
-#: sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:121
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:78
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:136
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:193
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:746
 msgid "No new tasks"
 msgstr "禁止下载新任务"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:189 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:74
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:79
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:194
 msgid "Don't get new tasks for this project."
 msgstr "该项目不再下载任何新任务。"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:195 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:79
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:84
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:200
 msgid "Reset project"
 msgstr "重置项目"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:196 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:80
-msgid ""
-"Delete all files and tasks associated with this project, and get new tasks.  "
-"You can update the project first to report any completed tasks."
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:85
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:201
+msgid "Delete all files and tasks associated with this project, and get new tasks.  You can update the project first to report any completed tasks."
 msgstr "删除并重新下载当前项目所有相关文件。您可以先更新当前项目以上传所有已经完成的任务。"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:203 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:86
-msgid ""
-"Remove this project.  Tasks in progress will be lost (use 'Update' first to "
-"report any completed tasks)."
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:91
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:208
+msgid "Remove this project.  Tasks in progress will be lost (use 'Update' first to report any completed tasks)."
 msgstr "删除当前项目。该项目所有正在计算的任务将丢失,您可以先点击“更新”按钮以上报所有已经完成的任务。"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:209 ViewWork.cpp:222 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:91
-#: sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:78
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:96
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:84
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:214
 msgid "Properties"
 msgstr "属性"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:210 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:92
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:97
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:215
 msgid "Show project details."
 msgstr "显示项目细节。"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:220 ViewStatistics.cpp:450
-msgid "Account"
-msgstr "帐户"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:222
-msgid "Work done"
-msgstr "总积分"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:223
-msgid "Avg. work done"
-msgstr "近期平均积分"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:225 ViewTransfers.cpp:188 ViewWork.cpp:234
-msgid "Status"
-msgstr "状态"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:250
-msgid "Projects"
-msgstr "项目"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:302
-msgid "Updating project..."
-msgstr "正在更新项目..."
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:344
-msgid "Resuming project..."
-msgstr "正在继续项目..."
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:348
-msgid "Suspending project..."
-msgstr "正在暂停项目..."
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:126
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:723
+msgid "Resume tasks for this project."
+msgstr "继续当前任务的计算。"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:385
-msgid "Telling project to allow additional task downloads..."
-msgstr "允许项目下载更多的任务..."
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:133
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:742
+msgid "Allow new tasks"
+msgstr "允许下载新任务"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:389
-msgid "Telling project to not fetch any additional tasks..."
-msgstr "禁止项目下载更多的任务..."
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:134
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:742
+msgid "Allow fetching new tasks for this project."
+msgstr "允许当前项目下载新任务。"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:425
-msgid "Resetting project..."
-msgstr "正在重置项目..."
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:137
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:746
+msgid "Don't fetch new tasks for this project."
+msgstr "禁止当前项目下载新任务。"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:438 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:214
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:229
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:443
 #, c-format
 msgid "Are you sure you want to reset project '%s'?"
 msgstr "您确定要重置'%s'项目吗?"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:444 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:220
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:235
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:449
 msgid "Reset Project"
 msgstr "重置项目"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:483
-msgid "Removing project..."
-msgstr "正在删除项目..."
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:496 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:251
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:266
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:501
 #, c-format
 msgid "Are you sure you want to remove project '%s'?"
 msgstr "您确定要删除'%s'项目吗?"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:502 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:257
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:272
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:507
 msgid "Remove Project"
 msgstr "移除项目"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:543 ViewWork.cpp:599
-msgid "Launching browser..."
-msgstr "正在启动浏览器..."
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:718 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:111
-msgid "Resume tasks for this project."
-msgstr "继续当前任务的计算。"
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:72
+msgid "Add Project"
+msgstr "增加项目"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:737 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:118
-msgid "Allow new tasks"
-msgstr "允许下载新任务"
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:73
+msgid "Synchronize"
+msgstr "同步"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:737 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:119
-msgid "Allow fetching new tasks for this project."
-msgstr "允许当前项目下载新任务。"
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:74
+msgid "Work done for this project"
+msgstr "已为该项目完成的任务"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:741 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:122
-msgid "Don't fetch new tasks for this project."
-msgstr "禁止当前项目下载新任务。"
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:77
+msgid "Synchronize projects with account manager system"
+msgstr "从帐户管理系统同步项目"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1058
-msgid "Requested by user"
-msgstr "用户发起的请求"
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:124
+msgid "Select a project to access with the controls below"
+msgstr "选择一个要操作的项目"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1059
-msgid "To fetch work"
-msgstr "获取新的任务"
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:145
+msgid "Project Web Pages"
+msgstr "项目网站"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1060
-msgid "To report completed tasks"
-msgstr "上报已经完成的任务"
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:149
+msgid "Project Commands"
+msgstr "项目命令"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1061
-msgid "To send trickle-up message"
-msgstr "发送上传消息"
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:276
+#, c-format
+#, c-format, c-format
+msgid "Pop up a menu of web sites for project %s"
+msgstr "弹出一个 %s 项目的网站菜单"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1062
-msgid "Requested by account manager"
-msgstr "帐户管理器发起的请求"
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:278
+#, c-format
+msgid "Pop up a menu of commands to apply to project %s"
+msgstr "弹出一个 %s 项目可用的命令菜单"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1063
-msgid "Project initialization"
-msgstr "项目初始化"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:66
+msgid "Show graphics"
+msgstr "显示图形"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1064
-msgid "Requested by project"
-msgstr "项目发起的请求"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:67
+msgid "Show application graphics in a window."
+msgstr "在新窗口中显示项目图形。"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1065
-msgid "Unknown reason"
-msgstr "未知原因"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:73
+msgid "Suspend this task."
+msgstr "暂停该任务。"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1079
-msgid "Suspended by user"
-msgstr "已被用户暂停"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:78
+msgid "Abort"
+msgstr "中止"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1082
-msgid "Won't get new tasks"
-msgstr "禁止下载新任务"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:79
+msgid "Abandon this task. You will get no credit for it."
+msgstr "放弃这个任务,你将得不到相应的任务积分。"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1085
-msgid "Project ended - OK to remove"
-msgstr "项目已结束 - 可以删除"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:85
+msgid "Show task details."
+msgstr "显示任务细节。"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1088
-msgid "Will remove when tasks done"
-msgstr "将在任务完成后删除"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:119
+msgid "Resume work for this task."
+msgstr "继续计算当前任务。"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1091
-msgid "Scheduler request pending"
-msgstr "等待调度请求"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:123
+msgid "Suspend work for this task."
+msgstr "暂停计算当前任务。"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1097
-msgid "Scheduler request in progress"
-msgstr "正在进行调度请求"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:267
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Are you sure you want to abort this task '%s'?\n"
+"(Progress: %.1lf%%, Status: %s)"
+msgstr ""
+"( 进度:%.1lf%%,状态:%s )"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1100
-msgid "Trickle up message pending"
-msgstr "上传消息等待中"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:272
+msgid "Abort task"
+msgstr "中止任务"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1106
-msgid "Communication deferred "
-msgstr "通讯被延迟 "
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:468
+msgid "You don't have any projects.  Please Add a Project."
+msgstr "您当前没有加入到任何项目,请先加入一个项目。"
-#: ViewResources.cpp:62
-msgid "Total disk usage"
-msgstr "总磁盘占用"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:469
+msgid "Not available"
+msgstr "不可用"
-#: ViewResources.cpp:83
-msgid "Disk usage by BOINC projects"
-msgstr "BOINC 项目的磁盘占用"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:480
+msgid "Tasks:"
+msgstr "任务:"
-#: ViewResources.cpp:116
-msgid "Disk"
-msgstr "磁盘"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:486
+msgid "Select a task to access"
+msgstr "选择一个要操作的任务"
-#: ViewResources.cpp:249
-msgid "no projects: 0 bytes used"
-msgstr "未加入任何项目:磁盘空间占用为零"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:497
+msgid "From:"
+msgstr "来自:"
-#: ViewResources.cpp:286
-msgid "used by BOINC: "
-msgstr "BOINC 使用:"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:551
+msgid "This task's progress"
+msgstr "该计算任务的进度"
-#: ViewResources.cpp:296
-msgid "free, available to BOINC: "
-msgstr "BOINC 可用的剩余磁盘空间:"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:569
+msgid "Task Commands"
+msgstr "任务命令"
-#: ViewResources.cpp:306
-msgid "free, not available to BOINC: "
-msgstr "BOINC 不可用的剩余磁盘空间:"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:570
+msgid "Pop up a menu of commands to apply to this task"
+msgstr "弹出一个应用于当前计算任务的命令菜单"
-#: ViewResources.cpp:316
-msgid "free: "
-msgstr "可用磁盘空间:"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:705
+#, c-format
+msgid "Application: %s"
+msgstr "计算程序:%s"
-#: ViewResources.cpp:326
-msgid "used by other programs: "
-msgstr "其它程序使用:"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:728
+#, c-format
+msgid "%.3f%%"
+msgstr "%.3f%%"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:1205
-msgid "User Total"
-msgstr "用户的总积分"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:736
+msgid "Application: Not available"
+msgstr "计算程序:不可用"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:1206
-msgid "User Average"
-msgstr "用户的近期平均积分"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:836
+msgid "Not Available"
+msgstr "不可用"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:1207
-msgid "Host Total"
-msgstr "主机的总积分"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:851
+#, c-format
+msgid "Elapsed: %s"
+msgstr "已用时:%s"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:1208
-msgid "Host Average"
-msgstr "主机的近期平均积分"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:865
+#, c-format
+msgid "Remaining (estimated): %s"
+msgstr "剩余时间:%s"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:1355
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:880
 #, c-format
-msgid "Last update: %.0f days ago"
-msgstr "上次更新:%.0f天前"
+msgid "Status: %s"
+msgstr "状态:%s"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:1982
-msgid "Show user total"
-msgstr "显示用户的总积分"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1227
+msgid "Retrieving current status."
+msgstr "正在获取当前状态。"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:1983
-msgid "Show total credit for user"
-msgstr "显示用户的总积分"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1233
+msgid "Downloading work from the server."
+msgstr "正在从服务器下载任务。"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:1989
-msgid "Show user average"
-msgstr "显示用户的近期平均积分"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1238
+msgid "Processing Suspended:  Running On Batteries."
+msgstr "暂停计算:电池供电。"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:1990
-msgid "Show average credit for user"
-msgstr "显示用户的近期平均积分"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1240
+msgid "Processing Suspended:  User Active."
+msgstr "暂停计算:用户活跃。"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:1996
-msgid "Show host total"
-msgstr "显示主机的总积分"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1242
+msgid "Processing Suspended:  User paused processing."
+msgstr "暂停计算:用户暂停计算。"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:1997
-msgid "Show total credit for host"
-msgstr "显示主机的总积分"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1244
+msgid "Processing Suspended:  Time of Day."
+msgstr "暂停计算: 休息时间段。"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2003
-msgid "Show host average"
-msgstr "显示主机的近期平均积分"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1246
+msgid "Processing Suspended:  Benchmarks Running."
+msgstr "暂停计算:正在运行基准测试。"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2004
-msgid "Show average credit for host"
-msgstr "显示主机的近期平均积分"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1248
+msgid "Processing Suspended."
+msgstr "暂停计算。"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2013
-msgid "< &Previous project"
-msgstr "< 前一项目(&P)"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1252
+msgid "Waiting to contact project servers."
+msgstr "正在等待连接项目服务器。"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2014
-msgid "Show chart for previous project"
-msgstr "显示前一个项目的图表"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1256
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1265
+msgid "Retrieving current status"
+msgstr "正在获取当前状态"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2019
-msgid "&Next project >"
-msgstr "后一项目(&N) >"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1260
+msgid "No work available to process"
+msgstr "无任务可供处理"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2020
-msgid "Show chart for next project"
-msgstr "显示后一个项目的图表"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1262
+msgid "Unable to connect to the core client"
+msgstr "无法连接至客户端的核心服务程序"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2026 ViewStatistics.cpp:2416
-msgid "Hide project list"
-msgstr "隐藏项目列表"
+#: clientgui/TermsOfUsePage.cpp:218
+msgid "Terms of Use"
+msgstr "使用协议"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2027 ViewStatistics.cpp:2416
-msgid "Use entire area for graphs"
-msgstr "将整块区域用作图形显示"
+#: clientgui/TermsOfUsePage.cpp:222
+msgid "Please read the following terms of use:"
+msgstr "请阅读以下的使用协议:"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2032
-msgid "Mode view"
-msgstr "查看模式"
+#: clientgui/TermsOfUsePage.cpp:231
+msgid "I agree to the terms of use."
+msgstr "我同意该使用协议。"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2036
-msgid "One project"
-msgstr "单项目"
+#: clientgui/TermsOfUsePage.cpp:237
+msgid "I do not agree to the terms of use."
+msgstr "我不同意该用户条款。"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2037
-msgid "Show one chart with selected project"
-msgstr "显示当前项目的图表"
+#: clientgui/UnavailablePage.cpp:183
+msgid "Project temporarily unavailable"
+msgstr "项目已暂停服务"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2043
-msgid "All projects (separate)"
-msgstr "所有项目(单独)"
+#: clientgui/UnavailablePage.cpp:186
+msgid ""
+"The project is temporarily unavailable.\n"
+"Please try again later."
+msgstr ""
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2044
-msgid "Show all projects, one chart per project"
-msgstr "显示所有项目,一个项目一张图表"
+#: clientgui/UnavailablePage.cpp:190
+msgid "Account manager temporarily unavailable"
+msgstr "帐户管理器已暂停服务"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2050
-msgid "All projects (together)"
-msgstr "所有项目(合并)"
+#: clientgui/UnavailablePage.cpp:193
+msgid ""
+"The account manager is temporarily unavailable.\n"
+"Please try again later."
+msgstr ""
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2051
-msgid "Show one chart with all projects"
-msgstr "在一张图表中显示所有项目"
+#: clientgui/ValidateAccountKey.cpp:68
+msgid "Please specify an account key to continue."
+msgstr "请输入帐户密钥以继续。"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2057
-msgid "All projects (sum)"
-msgstr "所有项目(总和)"
+#: clientgui/ValidateAccountKey.cpp:71
+msgid "Invalid Account Key; please enter a valid Account Key"
+msgstr "此帐户密钥错误;请输入一个正确的帐户密钥"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2058
-msgid "Show one chart with sum of projects"
-msgstr "在一张图表中显示所有项目"
+#: clientgui/ValidateAccountKey.cpp:82
+#: clientgui/ValidateEmailAddress.cpp:86
+msgid "Validation conflict"
+msgstr "验证冲突"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2079
-msgid "Statistics"
-msgstr "统计"
+#: clientgui/ValidateEmailAddress.cpp:72
+msgid "Please specify an email address"
+msgstr "请指定一个电子邮件地址"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2103 ViewStatistics.cpp:2124 ViewStatistics.cpp:2145
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2167 ViewStatistics.cpp:2188 ViewStatistics.cpp:2209
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2230 ViewStatistics.cpp:2251 ViewStatistics.cpp:2272
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2296
-msgid "Updating charts..."
-msgstr "正在更新图表..."
+#: clientgui/ValidateEmailAddress.cpp:75
+msgid "Invalid email address; please enter a valid email address"
+msgstr "此电子邮件地址错误;请输入一个正确的电子邮件地址"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2420
-msgid "Show project list"
-msgstr "显示项目列表"
+#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:69
+msgid "Missing URL"
+msgstr "网址不存在"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2420
-msgid "Uses smaller area for graphs"
-msgstr "使用更小的图表显示区域"
+#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:70
+msgid ""
+"Please specify a URL.\n"
+"For example:\n"
+msgstr ""
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:164
-msgid "Retry Now"
-msgstr "立即重试"
+#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:83
+#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:87
+#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:91
+#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:103
+#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:107
+#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:110
+msgid "Invalid URL"
+msgstr "错误的网址"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:165
-msgid "Retry the file transfer now"
-msgstr "立即重试该文件的传输。"
+#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:84
+#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:88
+#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:92
+msgid ""
+"Please specify a valid URL.\n"
+"For example:\n"
+msgstr ""
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:171
-msgid "Abort Transfer"
-msgstr "中断传输"
+#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:104
+#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:108
+#, c-format
+msgid "'%s' does not contain a valid host name."
+msgstr "'%s'中未包含正确的主机名称。"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:172
-msgid "Abort this file transfer.  You won't get credit for the task."
-msgstr "中止该文件的传输,你将得不到相应的任务积分。"
+#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:111
+#, c-format
+msgid "'%s' does not contain a valid path."
+msgstr "'%s'中未包含正确的路径。"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:183
-msgid "File"
-msgstr "文件"
+#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:84
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:175
+msgid "Commands"
+msgstr "命令"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:184 ViewWork.cpp:233
-msgid "Progress"
-msgstr "进度"
+#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:88
+msgid "Copy all messages"
+msgstr "复制所有消息"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:185
-msgid "Size"
-msgstr "大小"
+#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:95
+msgid "Copy selected messages"
+msgstr "复制选中的消息"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:186
-msgid "Elapsed Time"
-msgstr "已用时间"
+#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:106
+#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:502
+msgid "Show only this project"
+msgstr "仅显示当前项目"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:187
-msgid "Speed"
-msgstr "速度"
+#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:107
+#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:503
+msgid "Show only the messages for the selected project."
+msgstr "仅显示当前选中项目的消息。"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:213
-msgid "Transfers"
-msgstr "网络传输"
+#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:164
+msgid "Messages"
+msgstr "消息"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:280
-msgid "Network activity is suspended - "
-msgstr "网络被暂停 - "
+#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:187
+msgid "Copying all messages to the clipboard..."
+msgstr "复制所有消息至剪贴板..."
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:282
-msgid ""
-"You can enable it using the Activity menu."
-msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:223
+msgid "Copying selected messages to the clipboard..."
+msgstr "复制选中的消息到剪贴板..."
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:285
-msgid "BOINC"
-msgstr "BOINC"
+#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:286
+msgid "Filtering messages..."
+msgstr "正在过滤消息..."
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:292
-msgid "Retrying transfer now..."
-msgstr "正在重试传输..."
+#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:494
+msgid "Show all messages"
+msgstr "显示所有消息"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:330
-msgid "Aborting transfer..."
-msgstr "中断传输..."
+#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:495
+msgid "Show messages for all projects."
+msgstr "显示所有项目的消息。"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:343
-#, c-format
-msgid ""
-"Are you sure you want to abort this file transfer '%s'?\n"
-"NOTE: Aborting a transfer will invalidate a task and you\n"
-"will not receive credit for it."
-msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:225
+msgid "Account"
+msgstr "帐户"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:349
-msgid "Abort File Transfer"
-msgstr "中断文件传输"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:227
+msgid "Work done"
+msgstr "总积分"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:780
-msgid "Upload"
-msgstr "上传"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:228
+msgid "Avg. work done"
+msgstr "近期平均积分"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:780
-msgid "Download"
-msgstr "下载"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:230
+msgid "Status"
+msgstr "状态"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:784
-msgid "retry in "
-msgstr "稍后重试 "
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:255
+msgid "Projects"
+msgstr "项目"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:786
-msgid "failed"
-msgstr "失败"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:307
+msgid "Updating project..."
+msgstr "正在更新项目..."
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:789
-msgid "suspended"
-msgstr "暂停"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:349
+msgid "Resuming project..."
+msgstr "正在继续项目..."
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:794
-msgid "active"
-msgstr "处理中"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:353
+msgid "Suspending project..."
+msgstr "正在暂停项目..."
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:796
-msgid "pending"
-msgstr "等待中"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:390
+msgid "Telling project to allow additional task downloads..."
+msgstr "允许项目下载更多的任务..."
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:803
-msgid " (project backoff: "
-msgstr "( 项目延后:"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:394
+msgid "Telling project to not fetch any additional tasks..."
+msgstr "禁止项目下载更多的任务..."
-#: ViewWork.cpp:187 ViewWork.cpp:777
-msgid "Show active tasks"
-msgstr "显示活动任务"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:430
+msgid "Resetting project..."
+msgstr "正在重置项目..."
-#: ViewWork.cpp:188 ViewWork.cpp:778
-msgid "Show only active tasks."
-msgstr "只显示正在计算过程中的任务。"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:488
+msgid "Removing project..."
+msgstr "正在删除项目..."
-#: ViewWork.cpp:194 sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:60
-msgid "Show graphics"
-msgstr "显示图形"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:548
+msgid "Launching browser..."
+msgstr "正在启动浏览器..."
-#: ViewWork.cpp:195 sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:61
-msgid "Show application graphics in a window."
-msgstr "在新窗口中显示项目图形。"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1063
+msgid "Requested by user"
+msgstr "用户发起的请求"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:201
-msgid "Show VM Console"
-msgstr "显示虚拟机控制台"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1064
+msgid "To fetch work"
+msgstr "获取新的任务"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:202
-msgid "Show VM Console in a window."
-msgstr "在窗口里显示虚拟机控制台。"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1065
+msgid "To report completed tasks"
+msgstr "上报已经完成的任务"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:209
-msgid "Suspend work for this result."
-msgstr "暂停当前任务。"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1066
+msgid "To send trickle-up message"
+msgstr "发送上传消息"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:215 sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:72
-msgid "Abort"
-msgstr "中止"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:216
-msgid "Abandon work on the result. You will get no credit for it."
-msgstr "中止该任务,您将不能得到它的积分。"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:223 sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:79
-msgid "Show task details."
-msgstr "显示任务细节。"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1067
+msgid "Requested by account manager"
+msgstr "帐户管理器发起的请求"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:235
-msgid "Elapsed"
-msgstr "已用时间"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1068
+msgid "Project initialization"
+msgstr "项目初始化"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:236
-msgid "Remaining (estimated)"
-msgstr "剩余时间(估计)"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1069
+msgid "Requested by project"
+msgstr "项目发起的请求"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:237
-msgid "Deadline"
-msgstr "上报期限"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1070
+msgid "Unknown reason"
+msgstr "未知原因"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:264
-msgid "Tasks"
-msgstr "任务"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1084
+msgid "Suspended by user"
+msgstr "已被用户暂停"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:357
-msgid "Resuming task..."
-msgstr "正在继续该任务..."
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1087
+msgid "Won't get new tasks"
+msgstr "禁止下载新任务"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:360
-msgid "Suspending task..."
-msgstr "正在暂停该任务..."
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1090
+msgid "Project ended - OK to remove"
+msgstr "项目已结束 - 可以删除"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:389
-msgid "Showing graphics for task..."
-msgstr "正在显示该任务的图形..."
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1093
+msgid "Will remove when tasks done"
+msgstr "将在任务完成后删除"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:426
-msgid "Showing VM console for task..."
-msgstr "显示指定任务的虚拟机控制台..."
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1096
+msgid "Scheduler request pending"
+msgstr "等待调度请求"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:479
-#, c-format
-msgid ""
-"Are you sure you want to abort this task '%s'?\n"
-"(Progress: %s, Status: %s)"
-msgstr ""
-"( 进度:%s,状态:%s )"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1102
+msgid "Scheduler request in progress"
+msgstr "正在进行调度请求"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:485
-#, c-format
-msgid "Are you sure you want to abort these %d tasks?"
-msgstr "您确定想要中止这 %d 个任务吗?"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1105
+msgid "Trickle up message pending"
+msgstr "上传消息等待中"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:490 sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:256
-msgid "Abort task"
-msgstr "中止任务"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1111
+msgid "Communication deferred "
+msgstr "通讯被延迟 "
-# 75%
-#: ViewWork.cpp:499
-msgid "Aborting task..."
-msgstr "中止任务..."
+#: clientgui/ViewResources.cpp:62
+msgid "Total disk usage"
+msgstr "总磁盘占用"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:771
-msgid "Show all tasks"
-msgstr "显示所有任务"
+#: clientgui/ViewResources.cpp:83
+msgid "Disk usage by BOINC projects"
+msgstr "BOINC 项目的磁盘占用"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:772
-msgid "Show all tasks."
-msgstr "显示所有的任务。"
+#: clientgui/ViewResources.cpp:116
+msgid "Disk"
+msgstr "磁盘"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:796 sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:103
-msgid "Resume work for this task."
-msgstr "继续计算当前任务。"
+#: clientgui/ViewResources.cpp:225
+msgid "no projects: 0 bytes used"
+msgstr "未加入任何项目:磁盘空间占用为零"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:802 sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:107
-msgid "Suspend work for this task."
-msgstr "暂停计算当前任务。"
+#: clientgui/ViewResources.cpp:262
+msgid "used by BOINC: "
+msgstr "BOINC 使用:"
-#: WelcomePage.cpp:284
-msgid "Add project or account manager"
-msgstr "增加项目或帐户管理器"
+#: clientgui/ViewResources.cpp:272
+msgid "free, available to BOINC: "
+msgstr "BOINC 可用的剩余磁盘空间:"
-#: WelcomePage.cpp:288
-msgid "Add project or use BOINC Account Manager"
-msgstr "添加项目或使用 BOINC 账户管理器"
+#: clientgui/ViewResources.cpp:282
+msgid "free, not available to BOINC: "
+msgstr "BOINC 不可用的剩余磁盘空间:"
-#: WelcomePage.cpp:297
-#, c-format
-msgid ""
-"If possible, add projects at the\n"
-"%s web site.\n"
-"Projects added via this wizard will not be\n"
-"listed on or managed via %s."
-msgstr ""
-"如果可能的话,请在 %s 网站添加项目。\n"
-"通过向导增加的项目将不能在 %s 中显示及进行管理。"
+#: clientgui/ViewResources.cpp:292
+msgid "free: "
+msgstr "可用磁盘空间:"
-#: WelcomePage.cpp:313
-msgid ""
-"There are over 30 BOINC-based projects\n"
-"doing research in many areas of science,\n"
-"and you can volunteer for as many of them as you like.\n"
-"You can add a project directly,\n"
-"or use an 'Account Manager' web site to select projects."
-msgstr ""
-"目前有超过 30 个基于 BOINC 的项目,其研究内容涉及多个科学领域,\n"
+#: clientgui/ViewResources.cpp:302
+msgid "used by other programs: "
+msgstr "其它程序使用:"
-#: WelcomePage.cpp:325
-msgid ""
-"You have chosen to add a new volunteer computing project or change which "
-"you contribute to.\n"
-"Some of these projects are run and managed by World Community Grid, while "
-"are run and managed by other researchers or organizations. The BOINC "
-"can divide your spare processing power among any combination of projects.\n"
-"Alternatively, if you have registered with a BOINC Account Manager, you can "
-"this to choose which projects to support.\n"
-"Please choose which type of change you would like to make:\n"
-msgstr ""
-"这其中的一些项目是由 World Community Grid 来运营和管理的,\n"
-"BOINC 软件允许你基于各种项目组合来分配计算资源。\n"
-"此外,如果你注册了 BOINC 账户管理器,也可以使用它来选择你要支持的项目。\n"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1181
+msgid "User Total"
+msgstr "用户的总积分"
-#: WelcomePage.cpp:339
-msgid "Use a BOINC Account Manager"
-msgstr "使用 BOINC 账户管理器"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1182
+msgid "User Average"
+msgstr "用户的近期平均积分"
-#: WelcomePage.cpp:352
-msgid "To continue, click Next."
-msgstr "点击下一步以继续。"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1183
+msgid "Host Total"
+msgstr "主机的总积分"
-#: WelcomePage.cpp:358
-msgid "Add or change your World Community Grid projects"
-msgstr "添加或改变你在 World Community Grid 上的项目"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1184
+msgid "Host Average"
+msgstr "主机的近期平均积分"
-#: WelcomePage.cpp:361
-msgid "Add projects run by other researchers or organizations"
-msgstr "添加其它研究人员或机构运营的项目"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1331
+#, c-format
+msgid "Last update: %.0f days ago"
+msgstr "上次更新:%.0f天前"
-#: WizardAttach.cpp:634
-msgid "Do you really want to cancel?"
-msgstr "您确定要取消吗?"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1956
+msgid "Show user total"
+msgstr "显示用户的总积分"
-#: WizardAttach.cpp:635
-msgid "Question"
-msgstr "问题"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1957
+msgid "Show total credit for user"
+msgstr "显示用户的总积分"
-#: sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:149
-msgid "Advanced View...\tCtrl+Shift+A"
-msgstr "高级视图...\tCtrl+Shift+A"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1963
+msgid "Show user average"
+msgstr "显示用户的近期平均积分"
-#: sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:150
-msgid "Display the advanced graphical interface."
-msgstr "显示高级图形界面。"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1964
+msgid "Show average credit for user"
+msgstr "显示用户的近期平均积分"
-#: sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:157
-msgid "Skin"
-msgstr "皮肤"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1970
+msgid "Show host total"
+msgstr "显示主机的总积分"
-#: sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:159
-msgid "Select the appearance of the user interface."
-msgstr "选择用户界面的外观。"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1971
+msgid "Show total credit for host"
+msgstr "显示主机的总积分"
-#: sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:206
-#, c-format
-msgid "&%s"
-msgstr "&%s"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1977
+msgid "Show host average"
+msgstr "显示主机的近期平均积分"
-#: sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:390
-msgid "Default"
-msgstr "缺省"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1978
+msgid "Show average credit for host"
+msgstr "显示主机的近期平均积分"
-#: sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:759
-msgid "Suspend Computing"
-msgstr "暂停计算"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1987
+msgid "< &Previous project"
+msgstr "< 前一项目(&P)"
-#: sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:760
-msgid "Resume Computing"
-msgstr "继续计算"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1988
+msgid "Show chart for previous project"
+msgstr "显示前一个项目的图表"
-#: sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:777
-msgid "Open a window to view notices from projects or BOINC"
-msgstr "打开一个窗口,查看来自计算网站或 BOINC 网站的通知消息。"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1993
+msgid "&Next project >"
+msgstr "后一项目(&N) >"
-#: sg_DlgMessages.cpp:146
-msgid "Close"
-msgstr "关闭"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1994
+msgid "Show chart for next project"
+msgstr "显示后一个项目的图表"
-#: sg_DlgMessages.cpp:389
-#, c-format
-msgid "%s - Notices"
-msgstr "%s - 通知"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2000
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2390
+msgid "Hide project list"
+msgstr "隐藏项目列表"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:268
-msgid "This dialog controls preferences for this computer only."
-msgstr "本对话框中的设置仅对当前计算机有效。"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2001
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2390
+msgid "Use entire area for graphs"
+msgstr "将整块区域用作图形显示"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:273
-msgid "Click OK to set preferences."
-msgstr "点击确定可以保存并应用当前的参数设置。"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2006
+msgid "Mode view"
+msgstr "查看模式"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:278
-msgid ""
-"Click Clear to restore web-based settings for all preferences listed below."
-msgstr "点击清除可将下列所有参数设置恢复到项目网站上的设定。"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2010
+msgid "One project"
+msgstr "单项目"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:285
-msgid ""
-"For additional settings, select Computing Preferences in the Advanced View."
-msgstr "更多的参数设置,请在高级视图下选择“计算参数设置”来查看。"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2011
+msgid "Show one chart with selected project"
+msgstr "显示当前项目的图表"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:313
-msgid "Do work only between:"
-msgstr "计算时间段:"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2017
+msgid "All projects (separate)"
+msgstr "所有项目(单独)"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:335
-msgid "Connect to internet only between:"
-msgstr "连接互联网的时间段:"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2018
+msgid "Show all projects, one chart per project"
+msgstr "显示所有项目,一个项目一张图表"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:357 sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:374
-msgid "Use no more than:"
-msgstr "最多使用:"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2024
+msgid "All projects (together)"
+msgstr "所有项目(合并)"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:370
-msgid "of disk space"
-msgstr "磁盘空间"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2025
+msgid "Show one chart with all projects"
+msgstr "在一张图表中显示所有项目"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:387
-msgid "of the processor"
-msgstr "处理器"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2031
+msgid "All projects (sum)"
+msgstr "所有项目(总和)"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:391
-msgid "Do work while on battery?"
-msgstr "电池供电时仍然计算?"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2032
+msgid "Show one chart with sum of projects"
+msgstr "在一张图表中显示所有项目"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:404
-msgid "Do work after idle for:"
-msgstr "闲置一定时间后开始计算:"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2053
+msgid "Statistics"
+msgstr "统计"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:429
-msgid "Clear all local preferences listed above and close the dialog"
-msgstr "清除所有本地的参数设置并关闭对话框"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2077
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2098
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2119
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2141
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2162
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2183
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2204
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2225
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2246
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2270
+msgid "Updating charts..."
+msgstr "正在更新图表..."
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:602 sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:605
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:681 sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:685
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:697 sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:701
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:844 sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:855
-msgid "Anytime"
-msgstr "任何时候"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2394
+msgid "Show project list"
+msgstr "显示项目列表"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:638
-msgid "100 MB"
-msgstr "100 MB"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2394
+msgid "Uses smaller area for graphs"
+msgstr "使用更小的图表显示区域"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:639
-msgid "200 MB"
-msgstr "200 MB"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:169
+msgid "Retry Now"
+msgstr "立即重试"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:640
-msgid "500 MB"
-msgstr "500 MB"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:170
+msgid "Retry the file transfer now"
+msgstr "立即重试该文件的传输。"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:641
-msgid "1 GB"
-msgstr "1 GB"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:176
+msgid "Abort Transfer"
+msgstr "中断传输"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:642
-msgid "2 GB"
-msgstr "2 GB"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:177
+msgid "Abort this file transfer.  You won't get credit for the task."
+msgstr "中止该文件的传输,你将得不到相应的任务积分。"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:643
-msgid "5 GB"
-msgstr "5 GB"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:188
+msgid "File"
+msgstr "文件"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:644
-msgid "10 GB"
-msgstr "10 GB"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:189
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:238
+msgid "Progress"
+msgstr "进度"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:645
-msgid "20 GB"
-msgstr "20 GB"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:190
+msgid "Size"
+msgstr "大小"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:646
-msgid "50 GB"
-msgstr "50 GB"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:191
+msgid "Elapsed Time"
+msgstr "已用时间"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:647
-msgid "100 GB"
-msgstr "100 GB"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:192
+msgid "Speed"
+msgstr "速度"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:717
-#, c-format
-msgid "%d MB"
-msgstr "%d MB"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:218
+msgid "Transfers"
+msgstr "网络传输"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:719
-#, c-format
-msgid "%4.2f GB"
-msgstr "%4.2f GB"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:285
+msgid "Network activity is suspended - "
+msgstr "网络被暂停 - "
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:760
-#, c-format
-msgid "%d%%"
-msgstr "%d%%"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:287
+msgid ""
+"You can enable it using the Activity menu."
+msgstr ""
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:796
-msgid "0 (Run Always)"
-msgstr "0 ( 一直运行 )"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:290
+msgid "BOINC"
+msgstr "BOINC"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:799
-#, c-format
-msgid "%d"
-msgstr "%d"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:297
+msgid "Retrying transfer now..."
+msgstr "正在重试传输..."
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:1029
-msgid "Do you really want to clear all local preferences?\n"
-msgstr "您确定要清除所有的本地参数设置吗?\n"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:335
+msgid "Aborting transfer..."
+msgstr "中断传输..."
-#: sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:72
-msgid "Add Project"
-msgstr "增加项目"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:348
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Are you sure you want to abort this file transfer '%s'?\n"
+"NOTE: Aborting a transfer will invalidate a task and you\n"
+"will not receive credit for it."
+msgstr ""
-#: sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:73
-msgid "Synchronize"
-msgstr "同步"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:354
+msgid "Abort File Transfer"
+msgstr "中断文件传输"
-#: sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:74
-msgid "Work done for this project"
-msgstr "已为该项目完成的任务"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:785
+msgid "Upload"
+msgstr "上传"
-#: sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:77
-msgid "Synchronize projects with account manager system"
-msgstr "从帐户管理系统同步项目"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:785
+msgid "Download"
+msgstr "下载"
-#: sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:124
-msgid "Select a project to access with the controls below"
-msgstr "选择一个要操作的项目"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:789
+msgid "retry in "
+msgstr "稍后重试 "
-#: sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:145
-msgid "Project Web Pages"
-msgstr "项目网站"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:791
+msgid "failed"
+msgstr "失败"
-#: sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:149
-msgid "Project Commands"
-msgstr "项目命令"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:794
+msgid "suspended"
+msgstr "暂停"
-#: sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:267
-#, c-format
-#, c-format, c-format
-msgid "Pop up a menu of web sites for project %s"
-msgstr "弹出一个 %s 项目的网站菜单"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:799
+msgid "active"
+msgstr "处理中"
-#: sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:269
-#, c-format
-msgid "Pop up a menu of commands to apply to project %s"
-msgstr "弹出一个 %s 项目可用的命令菜单"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:801
+msgid "pending"
+msgstr "等待中"
-#: sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:67
-msgid "Suspend this task."
-msgstr "暂停该任务。"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:808
+msgid " (project backoff: "
+msgstr "( 项目延后:"
-#: sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:73
-msgid "Abandon this task. You will get no credit for it."
-msgstr "放弃这个任务,你将得不到相应的任务积分。"
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:192
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:782
+msgid "Show active tasks"
+msgstr "显示活动任务"
-#: sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:251
-#, c-format
-msgid ""
-"Are you sure you want to abort this task '%s'?\n"
-"(Progress: %.1lf%%, Status: %s)"
-msgstr ""
-"( 进度:%.1lf%%,状态:%s )"
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:193
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:783
+msgid "Show only active tasks."
+msgstr "只显示正在计算过程中的任务。"
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:464
-msgid "You don't have any projects.  Please Add a Project."
-msgstr "您当前没有加入到任何项目,请先加入一个项目。"
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:206
+msgid "Show VM Console"
+msgstr "显示虚拟机控制台"
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:465
-msgid "Not available"
-msgstr "不可用"
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:207
+msgid "Show VM Console in a window."
+msgstr "在窗口里显示虚拟机控制台。"
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:476
-msgid "Tasks:"
-msgstr "任务:"
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:214
+msgid "Suspend work for this result."
+msgstr "暂停当前任务。"
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:482
-msgid "Select a task to access"
-msgstr "选择一个要操作的任务"
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:221
+msgid "Abandon work on the result. You will get no credit for it."
+msgstr "中止该任务,您将不能得到它的积分。"
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:493
-msgid "From:"
-msgstr "来自:"
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:240
+msgid "Elapsed"
+msgstr "已用时间"
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:547
-msgid "This task's progress"
-msgstr "该计算任务的进度"
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:241
+msgid "Remaining (estimated)"
+msgstr "剩余时间(估计)"
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:565
-msgid "Task Commands"
-msgstr "任务命令"
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:242
+msgid "Deadline"
+msgstr "上报期限"
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:566
-msgid "Pop up a menu of commands to apply to this task"
-msgstr "弹出一个应用于当前计算任务的命令菜单"
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:269
+msgid "Tasks"
+msgstr "任务"
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:701
-#, c-format
-msgid "Application: %s"
-msgstr "计算程序:%s"
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:362
+msgid "Resuming task..."
+msgstr "正在继续该任务..."
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:724
-#, c-format
-msgid "%.3f%%"
-msgstr "%.3f%%"
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:365
+msgid "Suspending task..."
+msgstr "正在暂停该任务..."
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:732
-msgid "Application: Not available"
-msgstr "计算程序:不可用"
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:394
+msgid "Showing graphics for task..."
+msgstr "正在显示该任务的图形..."
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:832
-msgid "Not Available"
-msgstr "不可用"
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:431
+msgid "Showing VM console for task..."
+msgstr "显示指定任务的虚拟机控制台..."
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:847
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:484
 #, c-format
-msgid "Elapsed: %s"
-msgstr "已用时:%s"
+msgid ""
+"Are you sure you want to abort this task '%s'?\n"
+"(Progress: %s, Status: %s)"
+msgstr ""
+"( 进度:%s,状态:%s )"
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:861
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:490
 #, c-format
-msgid "Remaining (estimated): %s"
-msgstr "剩余时间:%s"
+msgid "Are you sure you want to abort these %d tasks?"
+msgstr "您确定想要中止这 %d 个任务吗?"
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:876
-#, c-format
-msgid "Status: %s"
-msgstr "状态:%s"
+# 75%
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:504
+msgid "Aborting task..."
+msgstr "中止任务..."
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1223
-msgid "Retrieving current status."
-msgstr "正在获取当前状态。"
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:776
+msgid "Show all tasks"
+msgstr "显示所有任务"
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1229
-msgid "Downloading work from the server."
-msgstr "正在从服务器下载任务。"
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:777
+msgid "Show all tasks."
+msgstr "显示所有的任务。"
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1234
-msgid "Processing Suspended:  Running On Batteries."
-msgstr "暂停计算:电池供电。"
+#: clientgui/WelcomePage.cpp:284
+msgid "Add project or account manager"
+msgstr "增加项目或帐户管理器"
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1236
-msgid "Processing Suspended:  User Active."
-msgstr "暂停计算:用户活跃。"
+#: clientgui/WelcomePage.cpp:288
+msgid "Add project or use BOINC Account Manager"
+msgstr "添加项目或使用 BOINC 账户管理器"
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1238
-msgid "Processing Suspended:  User paused processing."
-msgstr "暂停计算:用户暂停计算。"
+#: clientgui/WelcomePage.cpp:297
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"If possible, add projects at the\n"
+"%s web site.\n"
+"Projects added via this wizard will not be\n"
+"listed on or managed via %s."
+msgstr ""
+"如果可能的话,请在 %s 网站添加项目。\n"
+"通过向导增加的项目将不能在 %s 中显示及进行管理。"
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1240
-msgid "Processing Suspended:  Time of Day."
-msgstr "暂停计算: 休息时间段。"
+#: clientgui/WelcomePage.cpp:313
+msgid ""
+"There are over 30 BOINC-based projects\n"
+"doing research in many areas of science,\n"
+"and you can volunteer for as many of them as you like.\n"
+"You can add a project directly,\n"
+"or use an 'Account Manager' web site to select projects."
+msgstr ""
+"目前有超过 30 个基于 BOINC 的项目,其研究内容涉及多个科学领域,\n"
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1242
-msgid "Processing Suspended:  Benchmarks Running."
-msgstr "暂停计算:正在运行基准测试。"
+#: clientgui/WelcomePage.cpp:325
+msgid ""
+"You have chosen to add a new volunteer computing project or change which projects\n"
+"you contribute to.\n"
+"Some of these projects are run and managed by World Community Grid, while others\n"
+"are run and managed by other researchers or organizations. The BOINC software\n"
+"can divide your spare processing power among any combination of projects.\n"
+"Alternatively, if you have registered with a BOINC Account Manager, you can use\n"
+"this to choose which projects to support.\n"
+"Please choose which type of change you would like to make:\n"
+msgstr ""
+"这其中的一些项目是由 World Community Grid 来运营和管理的,\n"
+"BOINC 软件允许你基于各种项目组合来分配计算资源。\n"
+"此外,如果你注册了 BOINC 账户管理器,也可以使用它来选择你要支持的项目。\n"
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1244
-msgid "Processing Suspended."
-msgstr "暂停计算。"
+#: clientgui/WelcomePage.cpp:339
+msgid "Use a BOINC Account Manager"
+msgstr "使用 BOINC 账户管理器"
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1248
-msgid "Waiting to contact project servers."
-msgstr "正在等待连接项目服务器。"
+#: clientgui/WelcomePage.cpp:358
+msgid "Add or change your World Community Grid projects"
+msgstr "添加或改变你在 World Community Grid 上的项目"
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1252 sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1261
-msgid "Retrieving current status"
-msgstr "正在获取当前状态"
+#: clientgui/WelcomePage.cpp:361
+msgid "Add projects run by other researchers or organizations"
+msgstr "添加其它研究人员或机构运营的项目"
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1256
-msgid "No work available to process"
-msgstr "无任务可供处理"
+#: clientgui/WizardAttach.cpp:673
+msgid "Do you really want to cancel?"
+msgstr "您确定要取消吗?"
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1258
-msgid "Unable to connect to the core client"
-msgstr "无法连接至客户端的核心服务程序"
+#: clientgui/WizardAttach.cpp:674
+msgid "Question"
+msgstr "问题"
-#: wizardex.cpp:377 wizardex.cpp:553
+#: clientgui/wizardex.cpp:377
+#: clientgui/wizardex.cpp:553
 msgid "&Next >"
 msgstr "下一步(&N) >"
-#: wizardex.cpp:383
+#: clientgui/wizardex.cpp:383
 msgid "< &Back"
 msgstr "< 上一步(&B)"
-#: wizardex.cpp:553
+#: clientgui/wizardex.cpp:553
 msgid "&Finish"
 msgstr "完成(&F)"
-#: mac/Mac_GUI.cpp:110
-msgid "Preferences…"
-msgstr "参数设置..."
+#: clientgui/common/wxPieCtrl.cpp:64
+msgid "Pie Ctrl"
+msgstr "派图"
-#: mac/Mac_GUI.cpp:122
+#: clientgui/mac/Mac_GUI.cpp:35
 msgid "Services"
 msgstr "服务"
-#: mac/Mac_GUI.cpp:144
+#: clientgui/mac/Mac_GUI.cpp:36
 #, c-format
 msgid "Hide %s"
 msgstr "隐藏 %s"
-#: mac/Mac_GUI.cpp:158
+#: clientgui/mac/Mac_GUI.cpp:37
 msgid "Hide Others"
 msgstr "隐藏其它"
-#: mac/Mac_GUI.cpp:172
+#: clientgui/mac/Mac_GUI.cpp:38
 msgid "Show All"
 msgstr "显示所有"
-#: mac/Mac_GUI.cpp:186
+#: clientgui/mac/Mac_GUI.cpp:39
 #, c-format
 msgid "Quit %s"
 msgstr "退出 %s"
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.h:30
+msgid "specify work start and stop hours in format HH:MM-HH:MM"
+msgstr "指定开始和停止计算的时间,格式是 HH:MM-HH:MM"
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.h:31
+msgid "specify network usage start and stop hours in format HH:MM-HH:MM"
+msgstr "指定开始和停止使用网络的时间,格式是 HH:MM-HH:MM"
+# 98%
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "(C) 2003-2013 University of California, Berkeley.\n"
+#~ "All Rights Reserved."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "(C) 2003-2013 加州大学伯克利分校。\n"
+#~ "保留所有权利。\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ "( 中文翻译: 2005-2013 Yin Gang @ Team China )\n"
+#~ "( 中文网站: http://www.equn.com )\n"
+#~ "( 中文论坛: http://www.equn.com/forum )\n"
+#~ "( 新浪微博: @志愿计算 )"
+#, c-format
+#~ msgid "%s - Preferences"
+#~ msgstr "%s - 本地参数设置"
+#, no-c-format
+#~ msgid "% of the processors (0 means ignore this setting)"
+#~ msgstr "% 的处理器(0 表示不限制)"
+#, no-c-format
+#~ msgid "% CPU time"
+#~ msgstr "% CPU时间"
+#~ msgid "KBytes/sec."
+#~ msgstr "千字节/秒。"
+#~ msgid "Mbytes"
+#~ msgstr "MB"
+#~ msgid "every"
+#~ msgstr "每"
+#~ msgid "days"
+#~ msgstr "天"
+#~ msgid "Gigabytes disk space"
+#~ msgstr "磁盘空间 (GB)"
+#~ msgid "Running, high priority"
+#~ msgstr "运行中,高优先级"
+#~ msgid " (Scheduler wait: "
+#~ msgstr "(调度等待:"
+#~ msgid " (Scheduler wait)"
+#~ msgstr "(调度等待)"
+#~ msgid " (Waiting for network access)"
+#~ msgstr " (正等待访问网络)"
+#~ msgid "Preferences…"
+#~ msgstr "参数设置..."
 #~ msgid "I do not agree with the terms of use."
 #~ msgstr "我不同意该使用协议。"
@@ -4168,15 +4387,6 @@ msgstr "退出 %s"
 #~ msgid "OnDropTarget: index by HitTest = %i"
 #~ msgstr "OnDropTarget: index by HitTest = %i"
-#~ msgid "Pie Ctrl"
-#~ msgstr "派图"
-#~ msgid "specify work start and stop hours in format HH:MM-HH:MM"
-#~ msgstr "指定开始和停止计算的时间,格式是 HH:MM-HH:MM"
-#~ msgid "specify network usage start and stop hours in format HH:MM-HH:MM"
-#~ msgstr "指定开始和停止使用网络的时间,格式是 HH:MM-HH:MM"
 #~ msgid "Identify your account "
 #~ msgstr "确认您的帐户"
diff --git a/locale/zh_CN/BOINC-Web.mo b/locale/zh_CN/BOINC-Web.mo
index 4b8ad32..2efcebe 100644
Binary files a/locale/zh_CN/BOINC-Web.mo and b/locale/zh_CN/BOINC-Web.mo differ
diff --git a/locale/zh_CN/BOINC-Web.po b/locale/zh_CN/BOINC-Web.po
index 21c5ce2..b081365 100644
--- a/locale/zh_CN/BOINC-Web.po
+++ b/locale/zh_CN/BOINC-Web.po
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ msgstr ""
 "Project-Id-Version: 15349\n"
 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: BOINC translation team <boinc_loc at ssl.berkeley.edu>\n"
 "POT-Creation-Date: 2014-02-01 00:00 PST\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2014-02-23 06:01+0000\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2014-08-31 01:58+0000\n"
 "Last-Translator: Gang <zenith.yin at gmail.com>\n"
 "Language-Team: Team China <zenith.yin at gmail.com>\n"
 "Language: zh_CN\n"
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ msgstr ""
 "X-BOINC-UTF8-Marker: 简体中文, 日本語\n"
 "X-Poedit-SearchPath-0: doc\n"
 "X-Poedit-Basepath: D:\\Work\\boinc_src\\doc\n"
-"X-POOTLE-MTIME: 1393135305.0\n"
+"X-POOTLE-MTIME: 1409450318.0\n"
 "X-Poedit-KeywordsList: tra\n"
 #: docutil.php:21
@@ -226,7 +226,7 @@ msgstr "24 小时平均: "
 # 80%
 #: index.php:56
 msgid "PetaFLOPS."
-msgstr "万亿次浮点运算/秒。 "
+msgstr "千万亿次浮点运算/秒。 "
 #: index.php:68
 msgid "News"
diff --git a/locale/zh_TW/BOINC-Manager.po b/locale/zh_TW/BOINC-Manager.po
index 9f16935..a976131 100644
--- a/locale/zh_TW/BOINC-Manager.po
+++ b/locale/zh_TW/BOINC-Manager.po
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ msgid ""
 msgstr ""
 "Project-Id-Version: BOINC Manager 4.x\n"
 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-02-02 00:00-0800\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-12-15 14:15-0500\n"
 "PO-Revision-Date: 2014-03-04 06:54+0000\n"
 "Last-Translator: 宇謙 <df910105 at yahoo.com.tw>\n"
 "Language-Team: BOINC Development Team <boinc_loc at ssl.berkeley.edu>\n"
@@ -16,22 +16,22 @@ msgstr ""
 "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
 "Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\n"
 "X-Generator: Pootle 2.5.0\n"
-"X-BOINC-UTF8-Marker: 简体中文, 日本語\n"
-"X-Poedit-SearchPath-1: clientgui/msw\n"
-"X-Poedit-SearchPath-2: clientgui/gtk\n"
-"X-Poedit-SearchPath-3: clientgui/mac\n"
+"X-Poedit-Basepath: C:\\Src\\BOINCGIT\\boinc_7.4\n"
 "X-Poedit-SearchPath-0: clientgui\n"
 "X-Poedit-SourceCharset: utf-8\n"
-"X-Poedit-Basepath: C:\\Src\\BOINCGIT\\boinc\n"
 "X-POOTLE-MTIME: 1393916083.0\n"
+"X-Poedit-SearchPath-1: clientgui/msw\n"
+"X-Poedit-SearchPath-2: clientgui/gtk\n"
+"X-Poedit-SearchPath-3: clientgui/mac\n"
+"X-BOINC-UTF8-Marker: 简体中文, 日本語\n"
 # 81%
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:387
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:387
 #, c-format
 msgid "Identify your account at %s"
 msgstr "確認您的帳號於 %s"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:393
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:393
 msgid ""
 "Please enter your account information\n"
 "(to create an account, visit the project's web site)"
@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ msgstr ""
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:397
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:397
 msgid ""
 "This project is not currently accepting new accounts.\n"
 "You can add it only if you already have an account."
@@ -47,19 +47,19 @@ msgstr ""
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:401
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:401
 msgid "Are you already running this project?"
 msgstr "您準備好執行此專案了嗎?"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:405
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:405
 msgid "&No, new user"
 msgstr "否,我是新使用者 (&N)"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:408
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:408
 msgid "&Yes, existing user"
 msgstr "是,我是已存在的使用者 (&Y)"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:413
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:413
 msgid ""
 "We were not able to set up your account information\n"
@@ -73,45 +73,51 @@ msgstr ""
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:416
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:416
 msgid "Find login information"
 msgstr "尋找登入資訊"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:436 AccountInfoPage.cpp:641
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:436
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:649
 msgid "&Password:"
 msgstr "密碼 (&P):"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:443 AccountInfoPage.cpp:665
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:443
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:673
 msgid "Choose a &password:"
 msgstr "選擇密碼 (&P):"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:446
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:446
 msgid "C&onfirm password:"
 msgstr "確認密碼 (&O):"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:453
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:453
 #, c-format
 msgid "Are you already running %s?"
 msgstr "您準備好執行 %s 了嗎?"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:482
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:482
 msgid "&Username:"
 msgstr "使用者名稱 (&U):"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:508
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:511
+msgid "&Email address or LDAP ID:"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:515
 msgid "&Email address:"
 msgstr "電子郵件地址 (&E):"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:515
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:523
 #, c-format
 msgid "minimum length %d"
 msgstr "最小字元長度 %d"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:522
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:530
 msgid "Forgot your password?"
 msgstr "遺忘您的密嗎?"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:529
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:537
 msgid ""
 "If you have not yet registered with this account manager,\n"
 "please do so before proceeding.  Click on the link below\n"
@@ -120,422 +126,438 @@ msgstr ""
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:532
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:540
 msgid "Account manager web site"
 msgstr "帳號管理服務網站"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:574 WelcomePage.cpp:348
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:582
 msgid "Add project"
 msgstr "新增專案"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:576
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:584
 msgid "Update account manager"
 msgstr "更新帳號管理服務"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:578 WelcomePage.cpp:307 WelcomePage.cpp:321
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:586
 msgid "Use account manager"
 msgstr "帳號管理服務"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:585
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:593
 msgid "Please enter a user name."
 msgstr "請輸入使用者名稱。"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:587
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:595
 msgid "Please enter an email address."
 msgstr "請輸入電子郵件地址。"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:597
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:605
 #, c-format
 msgid "Please enter a password of at least %d characters."
 msgstr "請輸入密碼,至少 %d 個字元。"
-#: AccountInfoPage.cpp:607
-msgid ""
-"The password and confirmation password do not match. Please type them again."
+#: clientgui/AccountInfoPage.cpp:615
+msgid "The password and confirmation password do not match. Please type them again."
 msgstr "「密碼」與「確認密碼」不相符。請再輸入一次。"
-#: AccountManagerInfoPage.cpp:272
+#: clientgui/AccountManagerInfoPage.cpp:272
 msgid "Choose an account manager"
 msgstr "選擇一個帳號管理服務"
-#: AccountManagerInfoPage.cpp:275
+#: clientgui/AccountManagerInfoPage.cpp:275
 msgid ""
 "To choose an account manager, click its name or \n"
 "type its URL below."
 msgstr "要選擇一個帳號管理服務,請點選名稱或在下方輸入網址。"
-#: AccountManagerInfoPage.cpp:279
+#: clientgui/AccountManagerInfoPage.cpp:279
 msgid "Account manager details:"
 msgstr "帳號管理服務細節:"
-#: AccountManagerInfoPage.cpp:283
+#: clientgui/AccountManagerInfoPage.cpp:283
 msgid "Account manager &URL:"
 msgstr "帳號管理服務 &URL:"
-#: AccountManagerInfoPage.cpp:287
+#: clientgui/AccountManagerInfoPage.cpp:287
 msgid "Open web page"
 msgstr "開啟網頁"
-#: AccountManagerInfoPage.cpp:290
+#: clientgui/AccountManagerInfoPage.cpp:290
 msgid "Visit this account manager's web site"
 msgstr "造訪帳號管理服務網站"
-#: AccountManagerProcessingPage.cpp:187 AccountManagerPropertiesPage.cpp:193
+#: clientgui/AccountManagerProcessingPage.cpp:186
+#: clientgui/AccountManagerPropertiesPage.cpp:192
 #, c-format
 msgid "Communicating with %s."
 msgstr "正在與 %s 通訊。"
-#: AccountManagerProcessingPage.cpp:194 AccountManagerPropertiesPage.cpp:200
+#: clientgui/AccountManagerProcessingPage.cpp:193
+#: clientgui/AccountManagerPropertiesPage.cpp:199
 msgid "Communicating with server."
 msgstr "與伺服器通訊中。"
-#: AccountManagerProcessingPage.cpp:199 AccountManagerPropertiesPage.cpp:205
+#: clientgui/AccountManagerProcessingPage.cpp:198
+#: clientgui/AccountManagerPropertiesPage.cpp:204
 msgid "Please wait..."
 msgstr "請稍候..."
-#: AccountManagerProcessingPage.cpp:326
+#: clientgui/AccountManagerProcessingPage.cpp:325
 msgid "An internal server error has occurred.\n"
 msgstr "內部伺服器發生錯誤。\n"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:95
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:96
 msgid "Connected"
 msgstr "已連線"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:103
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:104
 msgid "Disconnected"
 msgstr "已斷線"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:322 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:119
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:318
 #, c-format
 msgid "Close the %s window"
 msgstr "關閉 %s 視窗"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:325 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:122
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:321
 msgid "&Close Window"
 msgstr "關閉視窗 (&C)"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:336 AdvancedFrame.cpp:343 AdvancedFrame.cpp:350
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:332
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:339
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:346
 #, c-format
 msgid "Exit %s"
 msgstr "離開 %s"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:371
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:359
+msgid "Preferences..."
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:368
 msgid "&Notices\tCtrl+Shift+N"
 msgstr "訊息 (&N)\tCtrl+Shift+N"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:372
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:369
 msgid "Display notices"
 msgstr "顯示訊息"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:377
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:374
 msgid "&Projects\tCtrl+Shift+P"
 msgstr "專案 (&P)\tCtrl+Shift+P"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:378
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:375
 msgid "Display projects"
 msgstr "顯示專案"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:383
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:380
 msgid "&Tasks\tCtrl+Shift+T"
 msgstr "工作 (&T)\tCtrl+Shift+T"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:384
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:381
 msgid "Display tasks"
 msgstr "顯示工作"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:389
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:386
 msgid "Trans&fers\tCtrl+Shift+X"
 msgstr "傳送 (&F)\tCtrl+Shift+X"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:390
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:387
 msgid "Display transfers"
 msgstr "顯示傳送"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:395
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:392
 msgid "&Statistics\tCtrl+Shift+S"
 msgstr "統計 (&S)\tCtrl+Shift+S"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:396
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:393
 msgid "Display statistics"
 msgstr "顯示統計"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:401
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:398
 msgid "&Disk usage\tCtrl+Shift+D"
 msgstr "硬碟空間 (&D)\tCtrl+Shift+D"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:402
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:399
 msgid "Display disk usage"
 msgstr "顯示硬碟使用空間"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:409
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:406
 msgid "Simple &View...\tCtrl+Shift+V"
 msgstr "精簡模式 (&V)\tCtrl+Shift+V"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:410
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:407
 msgid "Display the simple graphical interface."
 msgstr "顯示精簡 BOINC 圖形介面。"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:424
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:421
 msgid "&Add project or account manager..."
 msgstr "加入帳號管理服務(&A)..."
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:425 sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:76
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:422
 msgid "Volunteer for any or all of 30+ projects in many areas of science"
 msgstr "志願加入到任何或所有高達30+個分佈在許多不同科學領域內的專案"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:429
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:426
 #, c-format
 msgid "&Synchronize with %s"
 msgstr "與 %s 同步 (&S)"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:433
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:430
 #, c-format
 msgid "Get current settings from %s"
 msgstr "從 %s 取得現在的設定"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:443
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:440
 msgid "&Add project..."
 msgstr "新增專案 (&A)"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:444
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:441
 msgid "Add a project"
 msgstr "新增一個專案"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:447
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:444
 #, c-format
 msgid "S&top using %s..."
 msgstr "停止使用 %s(&S)..."
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:453
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:450
 msgid "Remove this computer from account manager control."
 msgstr "從帳號管理服務中移除用戶端。"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:458 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:178
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:455
 msgid "&Options..."
 msgstr "選項 (&O)"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:459 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:179
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:456
 msgid "Configure display options and proxy settings"
 msgstr "配置顯示選項和 Proxy 設定"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:463 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:172
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:460
 msgid "Computing &preferences..."
 msgstr "運算偏好(&P)..."
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:464 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:173
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:461
 msgid "Configure computing preferences"
 msgstr "配置運算偏好"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:472
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:469
 msgid "&Run always"
 msgstr "持續執行 (&R)"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:473
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:470
 msgid "Allow work regardless of preferences"
 msgstr "不管偏好設定運行工作"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:477
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:474
 msgid "Run based on &preferences"
 msgstr "依照偏好設定執行(&P)"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:478
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:475
 msgid "Allow work according to preferences"
 msgstr "依照您的偏好設定執行工作"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:482
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:479
 msgid "&Suspend"
 msgstr "暫止 (&S)"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:483
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:480
 msgid "Stop work regardless of preferences"
 msgstr "不管偏好設定停止工作"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:508
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:505
 msgid "Use GPU always"
 msgstr "持續執行 GPU"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:509
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:506
 msgid "Allow GPU work regardless of preferences"
 msgstr "不管偏好設定運行工作"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:513
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:510
 msgid "Use GPU based on preferences"
 msgstr "依照偏好設定使用GPU(&P)"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:514
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:511
 msgid "Allow GPU work according to preferences"
 msgstr "依照您的偏好設定運行GPU工作"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:518
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:515
 msgid "Suspend GPU"
 msgstr "暫止GPU"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:519
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:516
 msgid "Stop GPU work regardless of preferences"
 msgstr "不管偏好設定停止GPU工作"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:543
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:540
 msgid "Network activity always available"
 msgstr "持續進行網路活動"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:544
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:541
 msgid "Allow network activity regardless of preferences"
 msgstr "不管偏好設定進行網路活動"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:548
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:545
 msgid "Network activity based on preferences"
 msgstr "依照偏好設定連線網路(&P)"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:549
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:546
 msgid "Allow network activity according to preferences"
 msgstr "依照您的偏好設定進行網路活動"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:553
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:550
 msgid "Network activity suspended"
 msgstr "暫止網路活動"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:554
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:551
 msgid "Stop BOINC network activity"
 msgstr "停止 BONIC 的網路活動"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:564
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:561
 #, c-format
 msgid "Connect to another computer running %s"
 msgstr "連線到另一台運行 %s 的電腦"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:569
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:566
 msgid "Select computer..."
 msgstr "選擇電腦..."
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:574
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:571
 msgid "Shut down connected client..."
 msgstr "關閉已連線的客戶端..."
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:575
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:572
 msgid "Shut down the currently connected client"
 msgstr "關閉目前連線的客戶端"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:579
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:576
 msgid "Run CPU &benchmarks"
 msgstr "執行 CPU 效能測試 (&B)"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:580
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:577
 msgid "Runs BOINC CPU benchmarks"
 msgstr "執行 BONIC 的 CPU 效能測試"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:584
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:581
 msgid "Do network communication"
 msgstr "開始網路通訊"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:585
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:582
 msgid "Do all pending network communication"
 msgstr "開始所有待處理的網路通訊。"
 # 94%
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:589
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:586
 msgid "Read config files"
 msgstr "讀取設定資料檔"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:590
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:587
 msgid "Read configuration info from cc_config.xml and any app_config.xml files"
 msgstr "從cc_config.xml和任何app_config.xml檔案讀取配置資訊"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:594
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:591
 msgid "Read local prefs file"
 msgstr "讀取本機偏好設定"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:595
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:592
 msgid "Read preferences from global_prefs_override.xml."
 msgstr "從 global_prefs_override.xml 讀取偏好設定。"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:600
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:597
 #, c-format
 msgid "Launch another instance of %s..."
 msgstr "執行另外一個 %s"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:604
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:601
 #, c-format
 msgid "Launch another %s"
 msgstr "開啟新的 %s"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:614
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:611
 msgid "Event Log...\tCtrl+Shift+E"
 msgstr "事件記錄...\tCtrl+Shift+E"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:615
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:612
 msgid "Display diagnostic messages."
 msgstr "顯示診斷訊息。"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:625 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:188
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:616
+msgid "Event Log Diagnostic Flags...\tCtrl+Shift+F"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:617
+msgid "Enable or disable various diagnostic messages"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:626
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s &help"
 msgstr "%s 說明 (&H)"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:631 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:194
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:632
 #, c-format
 msgid "Show information about %s"
 msgstr "顯示關於 %s 的資訊"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:643
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:644
 #, c-format
 msgid "&%s help"
 msgstr "說明 (&%s)"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:649 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:212
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:650
 #, c-format
 msgid "Show information about the %s"
 msgstr "顯示關於 %s 的資訊"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:661 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:224
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:662
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s &web site"
 msgstr "%s &網站"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:667 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:230
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:668
 #, c-format
 msgid "Show information about BOINC and %s"
 msgstr "顯示關於 BONIC 及 %s 的資訊"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:679 BOINCTaskBar.cpp:530 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:242
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:680
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:544
 #, c-format
 msgid "&About %s..."
 msgstr "關於 %s (&A)"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:685 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:248
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:686
 msgid "Licensing and copyright information."
 msgstr "授權與版權資訊。"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:692 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:255
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:693
 msgid "&File"
 msgstr "檔案 (&F)"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:696 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:259
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:697
 msgid "&View"
 msgstr "檢視 (&V)"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:700 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:263
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:701
 msgid "&Tools"
 msgstr "工具 (&T)"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:704
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:705
 msgid "&Activity"
 msgstr "活動 (&A)"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:708
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:709
 msgid "A&dvanced"
 msgstr "進階 (&D)"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:712 DlgEventLog.cpp:332 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:267
-#: wizardex.cpp:374 wizardex.cpp:381
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:713
 msgid "&Help"
 msgstr "說明 (&H)"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:1199
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1185
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - Stop using %s"
 msgstr "%s - 停止使用 %s"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:1204
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1190
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "If you stop using %s,\n"
@@ -549,12 +571,12 @@ msgstr ""
 "您確定要停止使用 %s 嗎?"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:1401
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1397
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - Shut down the current client..."
 msgstr "%s - 關閉目前客戶端..."
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:1410
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1406
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "%s will shut down the current client\n"
@@ -563,36 +585,36 @@ msgstr ""
 "%s 將會關閉目前的客戶端\n"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:1745 DlgAbout.cpp:119
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1806
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s"
 msgstr "%s"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:1754
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1815
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s has successfully added %s"
 msgstr "%s 已成功加入 %s 計畫。"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:1893
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1953
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - (%s)"
 msgstr "%s - (%s)"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:1897
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1957
 #, c-format
 msgid "Connecting to %s"
 msgstr "正在連線到 %s"
-#: AdvancedFrame.cpp:1900
+#: clientgui/AdvancedFrame.cpp:1960
 #, c-format
 msgid "Connected to %s (%s)"
 msgstr "已連線到 %s (%s)"
-#: AlreadyExistsPage.cpp:184
+#: clientgui/AlreadyExistsPage.cpp:184
 msgid "Username already in use"
 msgstr "此帳號名稱已被使用"
-#: AlreadyExistsPage.cpp:187
+#: clientgui/AlreadyExistsPage.cpp:187
 msgid ""
 "An account with that username already exists and has a\n"
 "different password than the one you entered.\n"
@@ -604,11 +626,11 @@ msgstr ""
-#: AlreadyExistsPage.cpp:191
+#: clientgui/AlreadyExistsPage.cpp:191
 msgid "Email address already in use"
 msgstr "此電子郵件地址已被使用"
-#: AlreadyExistsPage.cpp:194
+#: clientgui/AlreadyExistsPage.cpp:194
 msgid ""
 "An account with that email address already exists and has a\n"
 "different password than the one you entered.\n"
@@ -620,44 +642,43 @@ msgstr ""
-#: AsyncRPC.cpp:1031
+#: clientgui/AsyncRPC.cpp:1031
 msgid "Communicating with BOINC client.  Please wait ..."
 msgstr "正在連線至 BOINC 用戶端。 請稍候..."
-#: AsyncRPC.cpp:1034
+#: clientgui/AsyncRPC.cpp:1034
 #, c-format
 msgid "&Quit %s"
 msgstr "離開 %s (&Q)"
-#: AsyncRPC.cpp:1036
+#: clientgui/AsyncRPC.cpp:1036
 #, c-format
 msgid "E&xit %s"
 msgstr "結束 %s (&X)"
-#: AsyncRPC.cpp:1040
+#: clientgui/AsyncRPC.cpp:1040
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - Communication"
 msgstr "%s - 網路通訊"
-#: AsyncRPC.cpp:1056 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:107 sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:433
+#: clientgui/AsyncRPC.cpp:1056
 msgid "Cancel"
 msgstr "取消"
-#: BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:505
+#: clientgui/BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:504
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - Connection Error"
 msgstr "%s - 連線錯誤"
-#: BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:514
+#: clientgui/BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:513
 msgid ""
 "You currently are not authorized to manage the client.\n"
-"Please contact your administrator to add you to the 'boinc_users' local user "
+"Please contact your administrator to add you to the 'boinc_users' local user group."
 msgstr ""
 "請聯繫系統管理員將您添加到名稱為 'boinc_users' 的用戶群組。"
-#: BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:523
+#: clientgui/BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:522
 msgid ""
 "Authorization failed connecting to running client.\n"
 "Make sure you start this program in the same directory as the client."
@@ -665,20 +686,20 @@ msgstr ""
-#: BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:525
+#: clientgui/BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:524
 msgid "Authorization failed connecting to running client."
 msgstr "連接至已運行的客戶端時發生驗證錯誤。"
-#: BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:533
+#: clientgui/BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:532
 msgid "The password you have provided is incorrect, please try again."
 msgstr "您提供的密碼不正確,請再試一遍。"
-#: BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:577
+#: clientgui/BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:576
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - Connection Failed"
 msgstr "%s - 連線失敗"
-#: BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:586
+#: clientgui/BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:585
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "%s is not able to connect to a %s client.\n"
@@ -687,22 +708,21 @@ msgstr ""
 "%s 無法連線到 %s 客戶端。\n"
-#: BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:622
+#: clientgui/BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:621
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - Daemon Start Failed"
 msgstr "%s - 客戶端服務啟動失敗"
-#: BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:632
+#: clientgui/BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:631
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "%s is not able to start a %s client.\n"
-"Please launch the Control Panel->Administative Tools->Services applet and "
-"start the BOINC service."
+"Please launch the Control Panel->Administative Tools->Services applet and start the BOINC service."
 msgstr ""
 "%s 無法啟動 %s 客戶端的程式。 \n"
 "請依次 控制面板->管理工具->服務,並從中啟動BOINC 服務。"
-#: BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:638
+#: clientgui/BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:637
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "%s is not able to start a %s client.\n"
@@ -711,33 +731,32 @@ msgstr ""
 "%s 無法啟動 %s 客戶端的應用程式。\n"
-#: BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:689
+#: clientgui/BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:688
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - Connection Status"
 msgstr "%s - 連線狀態"
-#: BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:700
+#: clientgui/BOINCBaseFrame.cpp:699
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "%s is not currently connected to a %s client.\n"
-"Please use the 'Advanced\\Select Computer...' menu option to connect up to a "
-"%s client.\n"
+"Please use the 'Advanced\\Select Computer...' menu option to connect up to a %s client.\n"
 "To connect up to your local computer please use 'localhost' as the host name."
 msgstr ""
 "%s 目前未連線到 %s 用戶端。\n"
 "請選擇「檔案」>「選擇電腦...」來連到 %s 用戶端。\n"
-#: BOINCBaseView.cpp:779
+#: clientgui/BOINCBaseView.cpp:752
 msgid "Project web pages"
 msgstr "專案網站"
-#: BOINCClientManager.cpp:575
+#: clientgui/BOINCClientManager.cpp:573
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - Unexpected Exit"
 msgstr "%s - 關閉確認視窗"
-#: BOINCClientManager.cpp:585
+#: clientgui/BOINCClientManager.cpp:583
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "The %s client has exited unexpectedly 3 times within the last %d minutes.\n"
@@ -746,34 +765,34 @@ msgstr ""
 "%s 客戶端在 %d 分鐘內已異常結束3次。\n"
-#: BOINCDialupManager.cpp:61
+#: clientgui/BOINCDialupManager.cpp:61
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - Network Status"
 msgstr "%s - 網路狀態"
-#: BOINCDialupManager.cpp:241
+#: clientgui/BOINCDialupManager.cpp:241
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "%s needs to connect to the Internet.\n"
 "May it do so now?"
 msgstr "%s 需要連線到網路。您要現在連線嗎?"
-#: BOINCDialupManager.cpp:254
+#: clientgui/BOINCDialupManager.cpp:254
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s is connecting to the Internet."
 msgstr "%s 正連線到網路。"
-#: BOINCDialupManager.cpp:303
+#: clientgui/BOINCDialupManager.cpp:303
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s has successfully connected to the Internet."
 msgstr "%s 已成功與網路連線。"
-#: BOINCDialupManager.cpp:331
+#: clientgui/BOINCDialupManager.cpp:331
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s failed to connect to the Internet."
 msgstr "%s 連線到網路失敗。"
-#: BOINCDialupManager.cpp:372
+#: clientgui/BOINCDialupManager.cpp:372
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "%s has detected it is now connected to the Internet.\n"
@@ -782,17 +801,17 @@ msgstr ""
 "%s 偵測到現在處於連線狀態。\n"
-#: BOINCDialupManager.cpp:417
+#: clientgui/BOINCDialupManager.cpp:417
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s has successfully disconnected from the Internet."
 msgstr "%s 已成功從網路斷線。"
-#: BOINCDialupManager.cpp:433
+#: clientgui/BOINCDialupManager.cpp:433
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s failed to disconnected from the Internet."
 msgstr "%s 從網路斷線失敗。"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:339
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:595
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "You currently are not authorized to manage the client.\n"
@@ -810,7 +829,7 @@ msgstr ""
 "- 重新安裝 %s,在被問到關於非系統管理員用戶的問題時,回答\"是\"\n"
 "- 聯繫系統管理員將您加入到“boinc_master”用戶組。"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:345
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:601
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "%s ownership or permissions are not set properly; please reinstall %s.\n"
@@ -819,16 +838,15 @@ msgstr ""
 "%s 相關的使用者權限設定錯誤,請重新安裝。\n"
 "(錯誤代碼 %d)"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:351
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:607
 msgid " at "
 msgstr "最多只使用"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:354 MainDocument.cpp:2484 MainDocument.cpp:2534
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2554 ViewTransfers.cpp:803
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:610
 msgid ")"
 msgstr ")"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:384
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:640
 msgid ""
 "A reboot is required in order for BOINC to run properly.\n"
 "Please reboot your computer and try again."
@@ -836,160 +854,162 @@ msgstr ""
 "BOINC 需要在重新開機後才能運作。\n"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:385 DlgAbout.cpp:153
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:641
 msgid "BOINC Manager"
 msgstr "BOINC Manager"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:572
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:902
 msgid "BOINC Manager was started by the operating system automatically"
 msgstr "BOINC Manager 已經由作業系統啟動"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:574
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:904
 msgid "Startup BOINC so only the system tray icon is visible"
 msgstr "只以系統匣圖示啟動 BOINC"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:576
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:906
 msgid "Directory containing the BOINC Client executable"
 msgstr "包含 BOINC 客戶端執行的目錄"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:577
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:907
 msgid "BOINC data directory"
 msgstr "BOINC 數據目錄"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:579
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:909
 msgid "Host name or IP address"
 msgstr "電腦名稱或 IP 位址"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:580
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:910
 msgid "GUI RPC port number"
 msgstr "圖形介面 RPC port"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:581
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:911
 msgid "Password"
 msgstr "密碼"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:582
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:912
 msgid "Startup BOINC with these optional arguments"
 msgstr "以這些選用參數啟動 BOINC"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:583
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:913
 msgid "disable BOINC security users and permissions"
 msgstr "停用 BOINC 安全性使用者和權限"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:584
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:914
 msgid "set skin debugging mode to enable skin manager error messages"
 msgstr "設置介面調試模式已啟用介面管理器的錯誤消息記錄"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:585
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:915
 msgid "multiple instances of BOINC Manager allowed"
 msgstr "允許執行多個 BOINC Manager"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:587
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:917
 msgid "Not used: workaround for bug in XCode 4.2"
 msgstr "未使用:用於臨時修復 XCode 4.2 的錯誤"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:814
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:1164
 msgid "(Automatic Detection)"
 msgstr "(自動偵測)"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:815
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:1165
 msgid "(Unknown)"
 msgstr "(未知的語言)"
-#: BOINCGUIApp.cpp:816
+#: clientgui/BOINCGUIApp.cpp:1166
 msgid "(User Defined)"
 msgstr "(使用者定義)"
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:508
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:522
 #, c-format
 msgid "Open %s Web..."
 msgstr "開啟 %s 網站..."
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:515
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:529
 #, c-format
 msgid "Open %s..."
 msgstr "開啟 %s..."
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:522 BOINCTaskBar.cpp:619 BOINCTaskBar.cpp:627
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:536
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:633
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:641
 msgid "Snooze"
 msgstr "暫停執行"
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:524 BOINCTaskBar.cpp:646 BOINCTaskBar.cpp:654
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:538
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:660
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:668
 msgid "Snooze GPU"
 msgstr "暫停執行 GPU"
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:542
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:556
 msgid "E&xit"
 msgstr "結束 (&X)"
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:612 ViewProjects.cpp:718 ViewWork.cpp:795
-#: sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:758 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:110
-#: sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:102
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:626
 msgid "Resume"
 msgstr "恢復"
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:639
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:653
 msgid "Resume GPU"
 msgstr "恢復 GPU"
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:713
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:727
 msgid "Computing is enabled"
 msgstr "運算已啟用"
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:717
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:731
 msgid "Computing is suspended - "
 msgstr "運算已暫止 - "
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:727
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:741
 msgid "GPU computing is enabled"
 msgstr "GPU 運算已啟用"
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:730
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:744
 msgid "GPU computing is suspended - "
 msgstr "GPU 運算已暫止 - "
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:739
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:753
 msgid "Network is enabled"
 msgstr "網路已啟用"
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:742
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:756
 msgid "Network is suspended - "
 msgstr "網路已暫止 - "
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:750
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:764
 msgid "Reconnecting to client."
 msgstr "重新連線到客戶端。"
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:752
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:766
 msgid "Not connected to a client."
 msgstr "未連線到客戶端。"
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:805
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:819
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s Notices"
 msgstr "%s 訊息"
-#: BOINCTaskBar.cpp:811
+#: clientgui/BOINCTaskBar.cpp:825
 msgid "There are new notices - click to view."
 msgstr "有新訊息 - 前往觀看。"
-#: CompletionErrorPage.cpp:199
+#: clientgui/CompletionErrorPage.cpp:199
 msgid "Failed to add project"
 msgstr "加入專案失敗"
-#: CompletionErrorPage.cpp:204
+#: clientgui/CompletionErrorPage.cpp:204
 msgid "Failed to update account manager"
 msgstr "更新帳戶管理服務失敗"
-#: CompletionErrorPage.cpp:208
+#: clientgui/CompletionErrorPage.cpp:208
 msgid "Failed to remove account manager"
 msgstr "移除帳戶管理服務失敗"
-#: CompletionErrorPage.cpp:212
+#: clientgui/CompletionErrorPage.cpp:212
 msgid "Failed to add account manager"
 msgstr "更新帳號管理服務失敗"
-#: CompletionErrorPage.cpp:221
+#: clientgui/CompletionErrorPage.cpp:221
 msgid ""
 "Please try again later.\n"
@@ -999,24 +1019,26 @@ msgstr ""
-#: CompletionErrorPage.cpp:225 CompletionPage.cpp:222 CompletionPage.cpp:242
-#: CompletionPage.cpp:273
+#: clientgui/CompletionErrorPage.cpp:225
+#: clientgui/CompletionPage.cpp:222
+#: clientgui/CompletionPage.cpp:242
+#: clientgui/CompletionPage.cpp:273
 msgid "Click Finish to close."
 msgstr "按「完成」關閉此視窗。"
-#: CompletionErrorPage.cpp:234
+#: clientgui/CompletionErrorPage.cpp:234
 msgid "Messages from server:"
 msgstr "伺服器傳來的訊息:"
-#: CompletionPage.cpp:207
+#: clientgui/CompletionPage.cpp:207
 msgid "Project added"
 msgstr "專案已新增"
-#: CompletionPage.cpp:213
+#: clientgui/CompletionPage.cpp:213
 msgid "This project has been successfully added."
 msgstr "已成功的加入本專案。"
-#: CompletionPage.cpp:218
+#: clientgui/CompletionPage.cpp:218
 msgid ""
 "When you click Finish, your web browser will go to a page where\n"
 "you can set your account name and preferences."
@@ -1024,122 +1046,124 @@ msgstr ""
-#: CompletionPage.cpp:232
+#: clientgui/CompletionPage.cpp:232
 #, c-format
 msgid "Update from %s completed."
 msgstr "從 %s 更新已完成。"
-#: CompletionPage.cpp:236
+#: clientgui/CompletionPage.cpp:236
 msgid "Update completed."
 msgstr "更新已完成。"
-#: CompletionPage.cpp:247
+#: clientgui/CompletionPage.cpp:247
 msgid "Now using account manager"
 msgstr "正在使用帳戶管理服務"
-#: CompletionPage.cpp:252
+#: clientgui/CompletionPage.cpp:252
 #, c-format
 msgid "Welcome to %s!"
 msgstr "歡迎加入 %s!"
-#: CompletionPage.cpp:263
+#: clientgui/CompletionPage.cpp:263
 #, c-format
 msgid "You are now using %s to manage accounts."
 msgstr "您正在使用 %s 帳戶管理服務。"
-#: CompletionPage.cpp:267
+#: clientgui/CompletionPage.cpp:267
 msgid "You are now using this account manager."
 msgstr "您正在使用本帳戶管理服務。"
-#: DlgAbout.cpp:113 mac/Mac_GUI.cpp:96
+#: clientgui/DlgAbout.cpp:113
 #, c-format
 msgid "About %s"
 msgstr "關於 %s"
-#: DlgAbout.cpp:172
+#: clientgui/DlgAbout.cpp:172
 msgid "Version:"
 msgstr "版本:"
-#: DlgAbout.cpp:180
+#: clientgui/DlgAbout.cpp:180
 msgid "wxWidgets Version:"
 msgstr "wxWidgets 版本:"
-#: DlgAbout.cpp:188
+#: clientgui/DlgAbout.cpp:188
 msgid "Copyright:"
 msgstr "版權:"
-# 98%
-#: DlgAbout.cpp:192
+#: clientgui/DlgAbout.cpp:192
 msgid ""
-"(C) 2003-2013 University of California, Berkeley.\n"
+"(C) 2003-2014 University of California, Berkeley.\n"
 "All Rights Reserved."
 msgstr ""
-"(C) 2003-2013 美國加州大學柏克萊分校\n"
-#: DlgAbout.cpp:196
+#: clientgui/DlgAbout.cpp:196
 msgid "Berkeley Open Infrastructure for Network Computing"
 msgstr "柏克萊開放式網路運算平台"
-#: DlgAbout.cpp:208 DlgExitMessage.cpp:173 DlgGenericMessage.cpp:120
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:396 DlgSelectComputer.cpp:163
+#: clientgui/DlgAbout.cpp:208
+#: clientgui/DlgExitMessage.cpp:173
+#: clientgui/DlgGenericMessage.cpp:120
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:399
+#: clientgui/DlgSelectComputer.cpp:163
 msgid "&OK"
 msgstr "確定 (&O)"
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:544
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:602
 msgid "invalid number"
 msgstr "無效數字"
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:545
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:603
 msgid "invalid time, format is HH:MM"
 msgstr "無效的時間,格式為 HH:MM"
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:546
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:604
 msgid "invalid time interval, format is HH:MM-HH:MM"
 msgstr "無效的時間間隔,格式為 HH:MM-HH:MM"
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:751
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:817
 msgid "invalid input value detected"
 msgstr "偵測到無效的輸入值"
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:753
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:819
 msgid "Validation Error"
 msgstr "驗證錯誤"
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:885 DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:891
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:897
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:969
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:975
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:981
 msgid "Applications to add"
 msgstr "需要新增的應用程式"
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:914
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:998
 #, c-format
 msgid "'%s' is not an executable application."
 msgstr "'%s' 為一個不可以執行的應用程式"
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:915 DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:962
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:986
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:999
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:1046
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:1070
 msgid "Add Exclusive App"
 msgstr "加入排斥的應用程式"
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:927
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:1011
 msgid "Name of application to add?"
 msgstr "需要新增的應用程式的名稱?"
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:927
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:1011
 msgid "Add exclusive app"
 msgstr "加入排斥的應用程式"
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:961
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:1045
 #, c-format
 msgid "Application names must end with '%s'"
 msgstr "應用程式名稱的結果必須為 '%s'"
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:985
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:1069
 #, c-format
 msgid "'%s' is already in the list."
 msgstr "'%s' 已經在列表之中。"
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:1077
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:1161
 msgid ""
 "Do you really want to clear all local preferences?\n"
 "(This will not affect exclusive applications.)"
@@ -1147,16 +1171,16 @@ msgstr ""
 "您確定要清除所有本地偏好設定嗎? \n"
-#: DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:1078 sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:1030
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.cpp:1162
 msgid "Confirmation"
 msgstr "確認"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:46 sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:946
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:49
 #, c-format
-msgid "%s - Preferences"
-msgstr "%s - 偏好設定"
+msgid "%s - Computing preferences"
+msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:62
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:66
 msgid ""
 "This dialog controls preferences for this computer only.\n"
 "Click OK to set preferences.\n"
@@ -1166,270 +1190,281 @@ msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:65 sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:428
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:69
 msgid "Clear"
 msgstr "清除"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:66
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:70
 msgid "clear all local preferences and close the dialog"
 msgstr "清除所有本機偏好設定並關閉此視窗"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:81
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:85
 msgid "processor usage"
 msgstr "處理器使用量"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:84
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:88
 msgid "network usage"
 msgstr "網路使用量"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:87
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:91
 msgid "disk and memory usage"
 msgstr "硬碟及記憶體使用量"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:90
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:94
 msgid "exclusive applications"
 msgstr "排斥的應用程式"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:102 sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:424
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:107
+#: clientgui/DlgDiagnosticLogFlags.cpp:104
 msgid "OK"
 msgstr "確定"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:103
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:108
 msgid "save all values and close the dialog"
 msgstr "儲存所有值並關閉視窗"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:108
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:114
 msgid "close the dialog without saving"
 msgstr "關閉視窗且不儲存"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:112 Localization.cpp:35 Localization.cpp:121
-#: Localization.cpp:139 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:794 sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:439
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:118
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:35
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:121
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:139
 msgid "Help"
 msgstr "幫助"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:113
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:119
 msgid "shows the preferences web page"
 msgstr "顯示網頁上的偏好設定"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:135
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:141
 msgid "Computing allowed"
 msgstr "選擇允許運算的情況"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:139
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:146
 msgid "While computer is on batteries"
 msgstr "當電腦使用電池電源時"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:142
-msgid ""
-"check this if you want this computer to do work while it runs on batteries"
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:149
+msgid "check this if you want this computer to do work while it runs on batteries"
 msgstr "若您想讓電腦使用電池電源時執行工作,請打勾"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:148
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:155
 msgid "While computer is in use"
 msgstr "當電腦正被使用時"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:151
-msgid ""
-"check this if you want this computer to do work even when you're using it"
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:158
+msgid "check this if you want this computer to do work even when you're using it"
 msgstr "若您想在使用電腦時執行工作,請打勾"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:157
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:164
 msgid "Use GPU while computer is in use"
 msgstr "電腦被使用時,啟用 GPU 運算"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:160
-msgid ""
-"check this if you want your GPU to do work even when you're using the "
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:167
+msgid "check this if you want your GPU to do work even when you're using the computer"
 msgstr "若您想在使用電腦時執行 GPU 運算,請打勾"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:172
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:179
 msgid "Only after computer has been idle for"
 msgstr "電腦閒置幾分鐘後才執行工作: "
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:182
-msgid ""
-"do work only after you haven't used the computer for this number of minutes"
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:188
+msgid "do work only after you haven't used the computer for this number of minutes"
 msgstr "設定您不使用電腦幾分鐘後才執行工作"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:187 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:336
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:417
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:193
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:342
 msgid "minutes"
 msgstr "分鐘"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:206
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:212
 msgid "While processor usage is less than"
 msgstr "當處理器使用率低於"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:216
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:221
 msgid "suspend work if processor usage exceeds this level"
 msgstr "如果處理器使用率超過設定就暫停運算"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:221
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:226
 msgid "percent (0 means no restriction)"
 msgstr "% (0 代表不限制 )"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:235 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:496
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:240
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:506
 msgid "Every day between hours of"
 msgstr "每天執行工作的時間區間:"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:239
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:244
 msgid "start work at this time"
 msgstr "開始執行工作的時間"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:243 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:504
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:326 sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:348
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:248
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:514
 msgid "and"
 msgstr "到"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:247
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:252
 msgid "stop work at this time"
 msgstr "停止執行工作的時間"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:251 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:512
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:256
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:522
 msgid "(no restriction if equal)"
 msgstr "(兩欄都相等表示不設限)"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:256 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:517
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:261
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:527
 msgid "Day-of-week override:"
 msgstr "每日分別設定:"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:261 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:522
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:266
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:532
 msgid "check box to specify hours for this day of week"
 msgstr "打勾可設定該日要運行工作的時間"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:267 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:528
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:272
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:538
 msgid "Monday"
 msgstr "星期一"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:274 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:535
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:279
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:545
 msgid "Tuesday"
 msgstr "星期二"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:281 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:542
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:286
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:552
 msgid "Wednesday"
 msgstr "星期三"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:288 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:549
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:293
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:559
 msgid "Thursday"
 msgstr "星期四"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:295 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:556
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:300
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:566
 msgid "Friday"
 msgstr "星期五"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:302 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:563
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:307
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:573
 msgid "Saturday"
 msgstr "星期六"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:309 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:570
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:314
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:580
 msgid "Sunday"
 msgstr "星期日"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:323
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:328
 msgid "Other options"
 msgstr "其它選項"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:330
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:336
 msgid "Switch between applications every"
 msgstr "切換應用程式的時間間隔"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:339
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:345
 msgid "On multiprocessor systems, use at most"
 msgstr "多核心系統中最多只使用"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:346
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:352
 #, no-c-format
-msgid "% of the processors (0 means ignore this setting)"
-msgstr "% (0表示忽略此設置)"
+msgid "% of the processors (0 means no restriction)"
+msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:349 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:605
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:627 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:648
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:669 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:679
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:355
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:618
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:640
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:661
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:683
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:694
 msgid "Use at most"
 msgstr "最多只使用"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:356
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:362
 #, no-c-format
-msgid "% CPU time"
-msgstr "% CPU 時間"
+msgid "% of CPU time (0 means no restriction)"
+msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:378
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:386
 msgid "General options"
 msgstr "一般選項"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:386
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:395
 msgid "Maximum download rate"
 msgstr "最大下載速率"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:392 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:401
-msgid "KBytes/sec."
-msgstr "KB/秒"
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:401
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:410
+msgid "KBytes/second (0 means no restriction)"
+msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:395
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:404
 msgid "Maximum upload rate"
 msgstr "最大上傳速率"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:406
-msgid "Transfer at most"
-msgstr "最多只使用"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:412
-msgid "Mbytes"
-msgstr "Mbytes"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:415
-msgid "every"
-msgstr "每"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:421 DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:444
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:463
-msgid "days"
-msgstr "天"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:429
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:417
 msgid "Minimum work buffer"
 msgstr "最少的工作緩衝時間"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:438
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:425
 msgid "Try to maintain enough tasks to keep busy for this many days"
 msgstr "嘗試持有這些天數所需要的工作數量"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:450
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:431
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:449
+msgid "days (maximum value: 10)"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:437
 msgid "Max additional work buffer"
 msgstr "取得額外工作的緩衝時間"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:459
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:445
 msgid "In addition, maintain enough tasks for up to this many days"
 msgstr "額外取得這些天數所需要的工作數量"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:466
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:454
+msgid "Transfer at most"
+msgstr "最多只使用"
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:462
+msgid "MBytes every"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:468
+msgid "days (0 means no restriction)"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:476
 msgid "Skip image file verification"
 msgstr "略過映像檔驗證"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:468
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:478
 msgid "check this if your Internet provider modifies image files"
 msgstr "若您的 ISP 會修改映像檔就打勾"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:476
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:484
 msgid "Connect options"
 msgstr "連線選項"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:478
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:487
 msgid "Confirm before connecting to internet"
 msgstr "連線到網路前確認"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:480
-msgid ""
-"if checked, a confirmation dialog will be displayed before trying to connect "
-"to the Internet"
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:489
+msgid "if checked, a confirmation dialog will be displayed before trying to connect to the Internet"
 msgstr "若勾選此方塊,當連線到網路前會先顯示確認視窗"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:484
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:493
 msgid "Disconnect when done"
 msgstr "完成後斷線"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:486
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:495
 msgid ""
 "if checked, BOINC hangs up when network usage is done\n"
 "(only relevant for dialup-connection)"
@@ -1437,186 +1472,211 @@ msgstr ""
 "若勾選此方塊,當網路使用結束後 BOINC 會中斷連線\n"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:492
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:501
 msgid "Network usage allowed"
 msgstr "選擇允許使用網路的情況"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:500
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:510
 msgid "network usage start hour"
 msgstr "網路使用開始時間"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:508
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:518
 msgid "network usage stop hour"
 msgstr "網路使用結束時間"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:598 DlgItemProperties.cpp:231
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:610
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:257
 msgid "Disk usage"
 msgstr "硬碟用量"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:609
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:622
 msgid "the maximum disk space used by BOINC (in Gigabytes)"
 msgstr "BOINC 能使用的最大硬碟空間 (以 GB 計)"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:613
-msgid "Gigabytes disk space"
-msgstr "硬碟空間 (GB)"
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:626
+msgid "Gigabytes disk space (0 means no restriction)"
+msgstr ""
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:616
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:629
 msgid "Leave at least"
 msgstr "留下至少"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:620
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:633
 msgid "BOINC leaves at least this amount of disk space free (in Gigabytes)"
 msgstr "BOINC 要留下多少的可用磁碟空間 (以 GB 計)"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:624
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:637
 msgid "Gigabytes disk space free"
 msgstr "可用硬碟空間 (GB)"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:631
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:644
 msgid "BOINC uses at most this percentage of total disk space"
 msgstr "BOINC 最多可使用的總硬碟空間百分比"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:636
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:649
 #, no-c-format
 msgid "% of total disk space"
 msgstr "% 總硬碟空間"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:639
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:652
 msgid "Tasks checkpoint to disk at most every"
 msgstr "工作最短的儲存時間間隔"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:645
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:658
 msgid "seconds"
 msgstr "秒"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:655
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:668
 #, no-c-format
 msgid "% of page file (swap space)"
 msgstr "% 分頁檔大小 (交換空間)"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:662
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:675
 msgid "Memory usage"
 msgstr "記憶體用量"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:676
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:691
 #, no-c-format
 msgid "% when computer is in use"
 msgstr "% 於電腦使用中"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:686
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:701
 #, no-c-format
 msgid "% when computer is idle"
 msgstr "% 於電腦閒置中"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:691
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:706
 msgid "Leave applications in memory while suspended"
 msgstr "當暫止時保留應用程式於記憶體中"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:693
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:708
 msgid "if checked, suspended work units are left in memory"
 msgstr "若勾選此方塊,暫止的工作會留在記憶體中"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:713
-msgid ""
-"Suspend processor and network usage when these applications are running:"
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:728
+msgid "Suspend processor and network usage when these applications are running:"
 msgstr "當這些應用程式在運行時,暫停處理器與網路的使用"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:722
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:738
 msgid "Add..."
 msgstr "加入"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:723
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:739
 msgid "Add an application to this list"
 msgstr "加入一個應用程式到列表中"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:728 ViewProjects.cpp:202
-#: sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:85
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:744
 msgid "Remove"
 msgstr "移除"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:729
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:745
 msgid "Remove an application from this list"
 msgstr "從列表中移除一個應用程式"
-#: DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:738
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferencesBase.cpp:754
 msgid "For advanced options, refer to "
 msgstr "更多詳細的設定,請前往"
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:219
+#: clientgui/DlgDiagnosticLogFlags.cpp:65
+#, c-format
+msgid "%s Diagnostic Log Flags"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/DlgDiagnosticLogFlags.cpp:83
+msgid "These flags enable various types of diagnostic messages in the Event Log."
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/DlgDiagnosticLogFlags.cpp:105
+msgid "Save all values and close the dialog"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/DlgDiagnosticLogFlags.cpp:108
+msgid "Defaults"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/DlgDiagnosticLogFlags.cpp:109
+msgid "Restore default settings"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/DlgDiagnosticLogFlags.cpp:113
+msgid "Close the dialog without saving"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:226
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - Event Log"
 msgstr "%s - 訊息記錄"
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:232 ViewMessages.cpp:117 ViewProjects.cpp:219
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:435 ViewStatistics.cpp:2009 ViewTransfers.cpp:182
-#: ViewWork.cpp:232
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:236
 msgid "Project"
 msgstr "專案"
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:233 ViewMessages.cpp:118
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:237
 msgid "Time"
 msgstr "時間"
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:234 ViewMessages.cpp:119
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:238
 msgid "Message"
 msgstr "訊息"
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:290 DlgEventLog.cpp:354
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:300
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:364
 msgid "&Show only this project"
 msgstr "只顯示本專案 (&S)"
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:294
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:304
 msgid "Copy &All"
 msgstr "全部複製 (&A)"
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:296 DlgEventLog.cpp:300 ViewMessages.cpp:89
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:306
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:310
 msgid "Copy all the messages to the clipboard."
 msgstr "複製全部訊息到剪貼簿。"
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:305
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:315
 msgid "Copy &Selected"
 msgstr "複製所選擇的 (&S)"
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:308 DlgEventLog.cpp:316 ViewMessages.cpp:97
-msgid ""
-"Copy the selected messages to the clipboard. You can select multiple "
-"messages by holding down the shift or command key while clicking on messages."
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:318
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:326
+msgid "Copy the selected messages to the clipboard. You can select multiple messages by holding down the shift or command key while clicking on messages."
 msgstr "只複製已選取的訊息到剪貼簿,您可以在選取訊息時按住 Shift 或 Command 鍵以同時選取多個訊息。"
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:310 DlgEventLog.cpp:318 ViewMessages.cpp:99
-msgid ""
-"Copy the selected messages to the clipboard. You can select multiple "
-"messages by holding down the shift or control key while clicking on messages."
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:320
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:328
+msgid "Copy the selected messages to the clipboard. You can select multiple messages by holding down the shift or control key while clicking on messages."
 msgstr "只複製已選取的訊息到剪貼簿, 您可以在選取訊息時按住 Shift 或 Ctrl 鍵以同時選取多個訊息。"
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:325 DlgItemProperties.cpp:67
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:335
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:67
 msgid "&Close"
 msgstr "關閉 (&C)"
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:334 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:798 sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:442
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:344
 #, c-format
 msgid "Get help with %s"
 msgstr "取得 %s 的幫助"
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:348
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:358
 msgid "Show all &messages"
 msgstr "顯示所有訊息"
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:349 DlgEventLog.cpp:351
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:359
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:361
 msgid "Show messages for all projects"
 msgstr "顯示所有計畫於同一統計圖"
-#: DlgEventLog.cpp:355 DlgEventLog.cpp:357
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:365
+#: clientgui/DlgEventLog.cpp:367
 msgid "Show only the messages for the selected project"
 msgstr "顯示所選計畫於同一統計圖"
-#: DlgExitMessage.cpp:82
+#: clientgui/DlgExitMessage.cpp:82
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - Exit Confirmation"
 msgstr "%s - 關閉確認視窗"
-#: DlgExitMessage.cpp:130
+#: clientgui/DlgExitMessage.cpp:130
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "You have requested to exit the %s,\n"
@@ -1632,7 +1692,7 @@ msgstr ""
-#: DlgExitMessage.cpp:135
+#: clientgui/DlgExitMessage.cpp:135
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "This will shut down %s and its tasks until either the\n"
@@ -1648,805 +1708,833 @@ msgstr ""
 "一般而言只關掉 %s 視窗會比完全離開程式來的好,\n"
 "這樣子可以讓 %s 依照你設置的偏好設定按時執行。"
-#: DlgExitMessage.cpp:153
+#: clientgui/DlgExitMessage.cpp:153
 #, c-format
 msgid "Stop running tasks when exiting the %s"
 msgstr "當離開 %s 的時候停止所有運算中的工作"
-#: DlgExitMessage.cpp:165
+#: clientgui/DlgExitMessage.cpp:165
 msgid "Remember this decision and do not show this dialog."
 msgstr "記住目前的選擇並且不再顯示本視窗。"
-#: DlgExitMessage.cpp:178 DlgGenericMessage.cpp:125 DlgOptions.cpp:401
-#: DlgSelectComputer.cpp:168 wizardex.cpp:378
+#: clientgui/DlgExitMessage.cpp:178
+#: clientgui/DlgGenericMessage.cpp:125
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:404
+#: clientgui/DlgSelectComputer.cpp:168
 msgid "&Cancel"
 msgstr "取消 (&C)"
-#: DlgGenericMessage.cpp:112
+#: clientgui/DlgGenericMessage.cpp:112
 msgid "Don't show this dialog again."
 msgstr "不要再顯示這提示訊息。"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:168 DlgItemProperties.cpp:171
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:174 DlgItemProperties.cpp:177
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:194
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:197
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:200
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:203
 msgid "Don't fetch tasks for "
 msgstr "禁止取得新工作"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:168
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:194
 msgid "Project preference"
 msgstr "您的偏好設定"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:171
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:197
 msgid "Account manager preference"
 msgstr "帳號管理服務"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:174
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:200
 msgid "Project has no apps for "
 msgstr "找不到計畫"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:177
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:203
 msgid "Client configuration excludes "
 msgstr "用戶端帳號建立已停止"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:181
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:207
 msgid " work fetch deferred for"
 msgstr " 閒置多久後執行工作"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:182
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:208
 msgid " work fetch deferral interval"
 msgstr " 工作的延遲間隔"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:213
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:239
 msgid "Properties of project "
 msgstr "專案細節"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:217 DlgOptions.cpp:218
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:243
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:221
 msgid "General"
 msgstr "一般"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:218
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:244
 msgid "Master URL"
 msgstr "主要網址"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:219
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:245
 msgid "User name"
 msgstr "用戶名稱"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:220
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:246
 msgid "Team name"
 msgstr "團隊名稱"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:221 ViewProjects.cpp:224
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:247
 msgid "Resource share"
 msgstr "資源分享"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:223
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:249
 msgid "Scheduler RPC deferred for"
 msgstr "請求被延遲"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:226
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:252
 msgid "File downloads deferred for"
 msgstr "下載檔案被延遲"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:229
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:255
 msgid "File uploads deferred for"
 msgstr "上傳檔案被延遲"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:232
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:258
 msgid "Computer ID"
 msgstr "電腦辨識 ID"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:234
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:260
 msgid "Non CPU intensive"
 msgstr "非 CPU 密集型"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:234 DlgItemProperties.cpp:236
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:237 DlgItemProperties.cpp:239
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:242 DlgItemProperties.cpp:251
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:254 DlgItemProperties.cpp:257
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:260
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:262
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:263
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:265
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:268
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:277
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:280
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:283
 msgid "yes"
 msgstr "是"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:236
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:262
 msgid "Suspended via GUI"
 msgstr "被使用者暫停"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:236 DlgItemProperties.cpp:237
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:262
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:263
 msgid "no"
 msgstr "否"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:237
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:263
 msgid "Don't request more work"
 msgstr "不允許新的工作"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:239
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:265
 msgid "Scheduler call in progress"
 msgstr "排程器請求進行中"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:242
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:268
 msgid "Trickle-up pending"
 msgstr "排程器請求中"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:245 DlgItemProperties.cpp:247
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:271
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:273
 msgid "Host location"
 msgstr "此主機總計"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:247
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:273
 msgid "default"
 msgstr "預設"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:251
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:277
 msgid "Added via account manager"
 msgstr "加入帳號管理服務"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:254
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:280
 msgid "Remove when tasks done"
 msgstr "工作完成後退出"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:257
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:283
 msgid "Ended"
 msgstr "已結束"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:259
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:285
+msgid "Tasks completed"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:286
+msgid "Tasks failed"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:288
 msgid "Credit"
 msgstr "積分"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:260
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:289
 msgid "User"
 msgstr "使用者"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:267
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:296
 msgid "Host"
 msgstr "主機"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:276
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:305
 msgid "Scheduling"
 msgstr "設定"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:277
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:306
 msgid "Scheduling priority"
 msgstr "設定優先權"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:278
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:307
 msgid "CPU"
 msgstr "CPU"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:302
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:331
 msgid "Duration correction factor"
 msgstr "時間校正參數"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:316
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:345
 msgid "Properties of task "
 msgstr "工作細節"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:328 ViewWork.cpp:238
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:357
 msgid "Application"
 msgstr "應用程式"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:329 ViewWork.cpp:239
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:358
 msgid "Name"
 msgstr "名稱"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:330
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:359
 msgid "State"
 msgstr "狀態"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:333
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:362
 msgid "Received"
 msgstr "獲得時間"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:336
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:365
 msgid "Report deadline"
 msgstr "回報期限"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:338
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:367
 msgid "Resources"
 msgstr "資源"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:341
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:370
 msgid "Estimated computation size"
 msgstr "預估的工作大小"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:344
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:373
 msgid "CPU time at last checkpoint"
 msgstr "上次儲存的 CPU 時間"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:345 DlgItemProperties.cpp:360
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:374
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:389
 msgid "CPU time"
 msgstr "CPU 時間"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:347 DlgItemProperties.cpp:361
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:376
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:390
 msgid "Elapsed time"
 msgstr "執行時間"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:349
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:378
 msgid "Estimated time remaining"
 msgstr "預估剩餘時間"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:350
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:379
 msgid "Fraction done"
 msgstr "完成度"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:351
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:380
 msgid "Virtual memory size"
 msgstr "虛擬記憶體大小"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:352
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:381
 msgid "Working set size"
 msgstr "記憶體大小"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:354
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:383
 msgid "Directory"
 msgstr "工作目錄"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:357
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:386
 msgid "Process ID"
 msgstr "程序 ID"
-#: DlgItemProperties.cpp:427 ViewWork.cpp:1032 sg_TaskPanel.cpp:823
+#: clientgui/DlgItemProperties.cpp:456
 msgid "Local: "
 msgstr "本地:"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:129 DlgOptions.cpp:135
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:129
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:135
 msgid "Options"
 msgstr "基本設定"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:175
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:178
 msgid "Language:"
 msgstr "語言:"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:182
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:185
 msgid "What language should BOINC use?"
 msgstr "BOINC 使用何種語言:"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:186
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:189
 msgid "Notice reminder interval:"
 msgstr "訊息提醒間隔時間:"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:193
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:196
 msgid "How often should BOINC remind you of new notices?"
 msgstr "當有新的訊息時,BOINC 應該間隔多久的時間來提醒您?"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:198
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:201
 msgid "Run Manager at login?"
 msgstr "登入時執行管理介面?"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:204
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:207
 msgid "Run the BOINC Manager when you log on."
 msgstr "當您登入時啟動 BOINC 管理介面"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:209
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:212
 msgid "Enable Manager exit dialog?"
 msgstr "啟用 BOINC 管理介面的退出提示?"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:215
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:218
 msgid "Display the exit dialog when shutting down the Manager."
 msgstr "在關閉 BOINC 管理介面時顯示訊息對話框。"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:226
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:229
 msgid "Dial-up and Virtual Private Network settings"
 msgstr "撥接與虛擬私人網路 (VPN) 設定"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:240
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:243
 msgid "&Set Default"
 msgstr "設為預設值 (&S)"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:245
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:248
 msgid "&Clear Default"
 msgstr "清除預設值 (&C)"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:252
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:255
 msgid "Default Connection:"
 msgstr "預設連線:"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:259
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:262
 msgid "Connections"
 msgstr "連線"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:268
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:271
 msgid "Connect via HTTP proxy server"
 msgstr "經由 HTTP Proxy 伺服器連線"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:272
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:275
 msgid "HTTP Proxy Server Configuration"
 msgstr "HTTP Proxy 伺服器組態設定"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:280 DlgOptions.cpp:344
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:283
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:347
 msgid "Address:"
 msgstr "位址:"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:288 DlgOptions.cpp:352 ProxyPage.cpp:340 ProxyPage.cpp:360
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:291
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:355
 msgid "Port:"
 msgstr "埠:"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:296 DlgOptions.cpp:360
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:299
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:363
 msgid "Don't use proxy for:"
 msgstr "不要使用 Proxy:"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:303 DlgOptions.cpp:367
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:306
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:370
 msgid "Leave these blank if not needed"
 msgstr "如不需要請留空"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:309 DlgOptions.cpp:373 ProxyPage.cpp:343 ProxyPage.cpp:363
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:312
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:376
 msgid "User Name:"
 msgstr "使用者名稱:"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:317 DlgOptions.cpp:381 DlgSelectComputer.cpp:152
-#: ProxyPage.cpp:346 ProxyPage.cpp:366
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:320
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:384
+#: clientgui/DlgSelectComputer.cpp:152
 msgid "Password:"
 msgstr "密碼:"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:324
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:327
 msgid "HTTP Proxy"
 msgstr "HTTP Proxy"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:332
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:335
 msgid "Connect via SOCKS proxy server"
 msgstr "經由 SOCKS Proxy 伺服器連線"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:336
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:339
 msgid "SOCKS Proxy Server Configuration"
 msgstr "SOCKS Proxy 伺服器組態設定"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:388
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:391
 msgid "SOCKS Proxy"
 msgstr "SOCKS Proxy"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:586
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:589
 msgid "always"
 msgstr "總是提醒"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:587
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:590
 msgid "1 hour"
 msgstr "1 小時"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:588
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:591
 msgid "6 hours"
 msgstr "6 小時"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:589
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:592
 msgid "1 day"
 msgstr "1 天"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:590
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:593
 msgid "1 week"
 msgstr "1 週"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:591
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:594
 msgid "never"
 msgstr "永不"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:688
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:691
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - Language Selection"
 msgstr "%s - 語言選擇"
-#: DlgOptions.cpp:695
+#: clientgui/DlgOptions.cpp:698
 #, c-format
 #, c-format, c-format
-msgid ""
-"The %s's language has been changed.  In order for this change to take "
-"effect, you must restart the %s."
+msgid "The %s's language has been changed.  In order for this change to take effect, you must restart the %s."
 msgstr "%s 的語言已變更 。為了使其生效, 您必須重新啟動 %s。"
-#: DlgSelectComputer.cpp:91
+#: clientgui/DlgSelectComputer.cpp:91
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - Select Computer"
 msgstr "%s - 選擇電腦"
-#: DlgSelectComputer.cpp:125
+#: clientgui/DlgSelectComputer.cpp:125
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "Another instance of %s is already running \n"
 "on this computer.  Please select a client to monitor."
 msgstr "另一個 %s 的案例已經在目前的運算上執行,請選擇想要監控的客戶端。"
-#: DlgSelectComputer.cpp:143
+#: clientgui/DlgSelectComputer.cpp:143
 msgid "Host name:"
 msgstr "主機名稱:"
-#: Localization.cpp:31 Localization.cpp:69
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:31
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:69
 msgid "Message boards"
 msgstr "留言板"
-#: Localization.cpp:33
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:33
 msgid "Correspond with other users on the SETI at home message boards"
 msgstr "於 SETI at Home 留言板與其他使用者交流"
-#: Localization.cpp:37
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:37
 msgid "Ask questions and report problems"
 msgstr "詢問問題與回報錯誤"
-#: Localization.cpp:39 Localization.cpp:81 Localization.cpp:111
-#: Localization.cpp:129
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:39
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:81
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:111
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:129
 msgid "Your account"
 msgstr "您的帳號"
-#: Localization.cpp:41 Localization.cpp:87 Localization.cpp:113
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:41
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:87
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:113
 msgid "View your account information and credit totals"
 msgstr "檢視您的帳號資訊與總積分"
-#: Localization.cpp:43
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:43
 msgid "Your preferences"
 msgstr "您的偏好設定"
-#: Localization.cpp:45
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:45
 msgid "View and modify your SETI at home account profile and preferences"
 msgstr "檢視並修改您的 SETI at home 個人資訊與偏好設定"
-#: Localization.cpp:47 Localization.cpp:89
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:47
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:89
 msgid "Your results"
 msgstr "您的結果"
-#: Localization.cpp:49 Localization.cpp:91
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:49
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:91
 msgid "View your last week (or more) of computational results and work"
 msgstr "檢視您上週或更久之前所完成的運算結果與工作"
-#: Localization.cpp:51 Localization.cpp:93
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:51
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:93
 msgid "Your computers"
 msgstr "您的電腦"
-#: Localization.cpp:53
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:53
 msgid "View a listing of all the computers on which you are running SETI at Home"
 msgstr "檢視所有運行 SETI at Home 的電腦清單"
-#: Localization.cpp:55 Localization.cpp:97
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:55
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:97
 msgid "Your team"
 msgstr "您的團隊"
-#: Localization.cpp:57 Localization.cpp:99
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:57
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:99
 msgid "View information about your team"
 msgstr "檢視您的團隊資訊"
-#: Localization.cpp:61
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:61
 msgid "Common questions"
 msgstr "常見問題"
-#: Localization.cpp:63
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:63
 msgid "Read the Einstein at Home Frequently Asked Question list"
 msgstr "閱讀 Einstein at Home 的常見問題集 (FAQ)"
-#: Localization.cpp:65
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:65
 msgid "Screensaver info"
 msgstr "螢幕保護程式資訊"
-#: Localization.cpp:67
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:67
 msgid "Read a detailed description of the Einstein at Home screensaver"
 msgstr "閱讀 Einstein at Home 螢幕保護程式的詳細說明"
-#: Localization.cpp:71
-msgid ""
-"Correspond with admins and other users on the Einstein at Home message boards"
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:71
+msgid "Correspond with admins and other users on the Einstein at Home message boards"
 msgstr "於 Einstein at Home 留言板與其他使用者交流"
-#: Localization.cpp:73
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:73
 msgid "Einstein status"
 msgstr "Einstein 狀態"
-#: Localization.cpp:75
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:75
 msgid "Current status of the Einstein at Home server"
 msgstr "Einstein at Home 伺服器狀態"
-#: Localization.cpp:77
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:77
 msgid "Report problems"
 msgstr "問題回報"
-#: Localization.cpp:79
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:79
 msgid "A link to the Einstein at Home problems and bug reports message board"
 msgstr "連結到 Einstein at Home 問題與錯誤回報留言板"
-#: Localization.cpp:83
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:83
 msgid "View and modify your Einstein at Home account profile and preferences"
 msgstr "檢視並修改您的 Einstein at Home 個人資訊與偏好設定"
-#: Localization.cpp:85
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:85
 msgid "Account summary"
 msgstr "帳號摘要"
-#: Localization.cpp:95
-msgid ""
-"View a listing of all the computers on which you are running Einstein at Home"
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:95
+msgid "View a listing of all the computers on which you are running Einstein at Home"
 msgstr "檢視您所有正在運行 Einstein at Home 的電腦清單"
-#: Localization.cpp:101
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:101
 msgid "LIGO project"
 msgstr "LIGO 專案"
-#: Localization.cpp:103
-msgid ""
-"The home page of the Laser Interferometer Gravitational-wave Observatory "
-"(LIGO) project"
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:103
+msgid "The home page of the Laser Interferometer Gravitational-wave Observatory (LIGO) project"
 msgstr "雷射干涉重力波天文台 (LIGO) 專案首頁"
-#: Localization.cpp:105
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:105
 msgid "GEO-600 project"
 msgstr "GEO-600 專案"
-#: Localization.cpp:107
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:107
 msgid "The home page of the GEO-600 project"
 msgstr "GEO-600 專案首頁"
-#: Localization.cpp:115 Localization.cpp:133 ViewProjects.cpp:221
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:465
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:115
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:133
 msgid "Team"
 msgstr "團隊"
-#: Localization.cpp:117
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:117
 msgid "Info about your Team"
 msgstr "關於您的團隊資訊"
-#: Localization.cpp:123
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:123
 msgid "Get help for climateprediction.net"
 msgstr "關於 climateprediction.net 的協助"
-#: Localization.cpp:125
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:125
 msgid "News"
 msgstr "新聞"
-#: Localization.cpp:127
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:127
 msgid "climateprediction.net News"
 msgstr "climateprediction.net 新聞"
-#: Localization.cpp:131
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:131
 msgid "View your account information, credits, and trickles"
 msgstr "檢視您的帳號資訊、總積分等其他資訊"
-#: Localization.cpp:135
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:135
 msgid "Info about your team"
 msgstr "關於您的團隊資訊"
-#: Localization.cpp:141
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:141
 msgid "Search for help in our help system"
 msgstr "於說明系統中搜尋說明"
-#: Localization.cpp:143
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:143
 msgid "Global Statistics"
 msgstr "全域統計"
-#: Localization.cpp:145
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:145
 msgid "Summary statistics for World Community Grid"
 msgstr "World Community Grid 摘要統計"
-#: Localization.cpp:147
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:147
 msgid "My Grid"
 msgstr "我的網格"
-#: Localization.cpp:149
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:149
 msgid "Your statistics and settings"
 msgstr "您的統計資訊與設定"
-#: Localization.cpp:151
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:151
 msgid "Device Profiles"
 msgstr "裝置描述檔"
-#: Localization.cpp:153
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:153
 msgid "Update your device settings"
 msgstr "更新您的裝置設定"
-#: Localization.cpp:155
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:155
 msgid "Research"
 msgstr "研究"
-#: Localization.cpp:157
+#: clientgui/Localization.cpp:157
 msgid "Learn about the projects hosted at World Community Grid"
 msgstr "於 World Community Grid 學習更多有關此專案資訊"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:583
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:583
 msgid "Starting client"
 msgstr "正在啟動客戶端"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:591
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:591
 msgid "Connecting to client"
 msgstr "重新連線用戶端中"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:1195
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:1205
 msgid "Retrieving system state; please wait..."
 msgstr "取回系統狀態中;請稍候..."
-#: MainDocument.cpp:1816
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:1826
 msgid "Missing application"
 msgstr "應用程式不存在"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:1817
-msgid ""
-"Please download and install the CoRD application from http://cord."
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:1827
+msgid "Please download and install the CoRD application from http://cord.sourceforge.net"
 msgstr "請從 http://cord.sourceforge.net 下載並安裝 CoRD 程式。"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2432
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2442
 msgid "on batteries"
 msgstr "正以電池供電"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2433
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2443
 msgid "computer is in use"
 msgstr "電腦正使用中"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2434
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2444
 msgid "user request"
 msgstr "用戶的請求"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2435
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2445
 msgid "time of day"
 msgstr "每日時段"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2436
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2446
 msgid "CPU benchmarks in progress"
 msgstr "進行 CPU 效能測試"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2437
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2447
 msgid "need disk space - check preferences"
 msgstr "硬碟空間不足 - 請檢查偏好設定"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2438
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2448
 msgid "computer is not in use"
 msgstr "電腦未使用"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2439
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2449
 msgid "starting up"
 msgstr "正在啟動中"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2440
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2450
 msgid "an exclusive app is running"
 msgstr "有排斥的應用程式正在執行"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2441
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2451
 msgid "CPU is busy"
 msgstr "CPU 忙碌中"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2442
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2452
 msgid "network bandwidth limit exceeded"
 msgstr "網路使用量超出限制"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2443
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2453
 msgid "requested by operating system"
 msgstr "作業系統的請求"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2445
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2455
 msgid "unknown reason"
 msgstr "未知原因"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2467
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2477
 msgid "GPU missing, "
 msgstr "沒有可用的 GPU,"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2474
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2484
 msgid "New"
 msgstr "新工作"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2478
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2488
 msgid "Download failed"
 msgstr "下載失敗"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2480
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2490
 msgid "Downloading"
 msgstr "下載中"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2482 MainDocument.cpp:2552
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2492
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2557
 msgid " (suspended - "
 msgstr " (已暫止 - "
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2490
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2500
 msgid "Project suspended by user"
 msgstr "專案被使用者暫止"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2492
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2502
 msgid "Task suspended by user"
 msgstr "被使用者暫止"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2494
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2504
 msgid "Suspended - "
 msgstr "已暫止 -"
 # 75%
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2500
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2510
 msgid "GPU suspended - "
 msgstr "GPU 已暫止 -"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2507
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2517
 msgid "Waiting for memory"
 msgstr "等待記憶體釋放"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2509
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2519
 msgid "Waiting for shared memory"
 msgstr "等待共享記憶體釋放"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2512
-msgid "Running, high priority"
-msgstr "執行中,高優先權"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2514
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2521
 msgid "Running"
 msgstr "運行中"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2517
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2523
 msgid " (non-CPU-intensive)"
 msgstr " (非 CPU 密集型)"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2520
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2526
 msgid "Waiting to run"
 msgstr "等待執行"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2522 MainDocument.cpp:2528
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2528
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2534
 msgid "Ready to start"
 msgstr "準備開始"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2532
-msgid " (Scheduler wait: "
-msgstr " (排程器等待: "
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2538
+msgid "Postponed: "
+msgstr ""
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2536
-msgid " (Scheduler wait)"
-msgstr " (排程器等待)"
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2541
+msgid "Postponed"
+msgstr ""
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2540
-msgid " (Waiting for network access)"
-msgstr " (正等待網存取)"
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2545
+msgid "Waiting for network access"
+msgstr ""
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2544
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2549
 msgid "Computation error"
 msgstr "運算錯誤"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2548
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2553
 msgid "Upload failed"
 msgstr "上傳失敗"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2550
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2555
 msgid "Uploading"
 msgstr "上傳中"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2561
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2566
 msgid "Aborted by user"
 msgstr "被使用者中止"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2564
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2569
 msgid "Aborted by project"
 msgstr "被專案中止"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2567
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2572
 msgid "Aborted: not started by deadline"
 msgstr "已中止:回報期限前尚未執行"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2570
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2575
 msgid "Aborted: disk limit exceeded"
 msgstr "已中止:硬碟配置容量不足"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2573
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2578
 msgid "Aborted: run time limit exceeded"
 msgstr "已中止:超過回報期限"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2576
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2581
 msgid "Aborted: memory limit exceeded"
 msgstr "已中止:記憶體不足"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2579
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2584
 msgid "Aborted"
 msgstr "已中止"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2584
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2589
 msgid "Acknowledged"
 msgstr "已認可"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2586
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2591
 msgid "Ready to report"
 msgstr "準備回報"
-#: MainDocument.cpp:2588
+#: clientgui/MainDocument.cpp:2593
 #, c-format
 msgid "Error: invalid state '%d'"
 msgstr "錯誤: 無效狀態「%d」"
-#: NoInternetConnectionPage.cpp:179
+#: clientgui/NoInternetConnectionPage.cpp:179
 msgid "No Internet connection"
 msgstr "無網路連線"
-#: NoInternetConnectionPage.cpp:182
+#: clientgui/NoInternetConnectionPage.cpp:182
 msgid "Please connect to the Internet and try again."
 msgstr "請連線到網路後再試一次。"
-#: NotDetectedPage.cpp:181
+#: clientgui/NotDetectedPage.cpp:181
 msgid "Project not found"
 msgstr "找不到專案"
-#: NotDetectedPage.cpp:184
+#: clientgui/NotDetectedPage.cpp:184
 msgid ""
 "The URL you supplied is not that of a BOINC-based project.\n"
@@ -2455,11 +2543,11 @@ msgstr ""
 "您所輸入的網址並非基於 BOINC 的專案網站。\n"
-#: NotDetectedPage.cpp:188
+#: clientgui/NotDetectedPage.cpp:188
 msgid "Account manager not found"
 msgstr "找不到帳號管理"
-#: NotDetectedPage.cpp:191
+#: clientgui/NotDetectedPage.cpp:191
 msgid ""
 "The URL you supplied is not that of a BOINC-based account\n"
@@ -2469,89 +2557,90 @@ msgstr ""
 "您所輸入的網址並非基於 BOINC 的帳號管理員。\n"
-#: NotFoundPage.cpp:181
+#: clientgui/NotFoundPage.cpp:181
 msgid "Login Failed."
 msgstr "登入失敗。"
-#: NotFoundPage.cpp:185
+#: clientgui/NotFoundPage.cpp:185
 msgid "Check the username and password, and try again."
 msgstr "請檢查您的帳號名稱和密碼後再試一次。"
-#: NotFoundPage.cpp:189
+#: clientgui/NotFoundPage.cpp:189
 msgid "Check the email address and password, and try again."
 msgstr "請檢查您的電子郵件地址和密碼後再試一次。"
-#: NoticeListCtrl.cpp:222
+#: clientgui/NoticeListCtrl.cpp:229
 msgid "more..."
 msgstr "更多。。。"
-#: ProjectInfoPage.cpp:477 ProjectInfoPage.cpp:778 ProjectInfoPage.cpp:782
-msgid "All"
-msgstr "全部"
-#: ProjectInfoPage.cpp:615
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:221
 msgid "Choose a project"
 msgstr "請選擇專案"
-#: ProjectInfoPage.cpp:619
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:228
 msgid "To choose a project, click its name or type its URL below."
 msgstr "選擇一個專案,點選下面的名稱或在下方輸入專案的網址。"
-#: ProjectInfoPage.cpp:623
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:246
 msgid "Categories:"
 msgstr "分類:"
-#: ProjectInfoPage.cpp:627 sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:89
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:267
 msgid "Projects:"
 msgstr "專案:"
-#: ProjectInfoPage.cpp:631
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:279
 msgid "Project details"
 msgstr "專案細節"
-#: ProjectInfoPage.cpp:635
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:291
 msgid "Research area:"
 msgstr "研究領域:"
-#: ProjectInfoPage.cpp:639
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:302
 msgid "Organization:"
 msgstr "機構:"
-#: ProjectInfoPage.cpp:643
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:313
 msgid "Web site:"
 msgstr "網站:"
-#: ProjectInfoPage.cpp:647
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:325
 msgid "Supported systems:"
 msgstr "支援的作業系統:"
-#: ProjectInfoPage.cpp:651
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:363
 msgid "Project URL:"
 msgstr "專案網址:"
-#: ProjectInfoPage.cpp:826
-msgid ""
-"This project may not have work for your type of computer.  Do you want to "
-"add it anyway?"
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:499
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:754
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:758
+msgid "All"
+msgstr "全部"
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:802
+msgid "This project may not have work for your type of computer.  Do you want to add it anyway?"
 msgstr "這個專案可能沒有符合您電腦的工作。您確定要加入嗎?"
-#: ProjectInfoPage.cpp:850
+#: clientgui/ProjectInfoPage.cpp:826
 msgid "You already added this project. Please choose a different project."
 msgstr "您已經加入本專案。請選擇其他的專案。"
-#: ProjectProcessingPage.cpp:321
+#: clientgui/ProjectProcessingPage.cpp:321
 msgid "Communicating with project."
 msgstr "與伺服器通訊中。"
-#: ProjectProcessingPage.cpp:509
+#: clientgui/ProjectProcessingPage.cpp:510
 msgid "Required files not found on the server."
 msgstr "請求的檔案並不存在於伺服器中。"
-#: ProjectProcessingPage.cpp:512 ProjectProcessingPage.cpp:574
+#: clientgui/ProjectProcessingPage.cpp:513
+#: clientgui/ProjectProcessingPage.cpp:586
 msgid "An internal server error has occurred."
 msgstr "內部伺服器發生錯誤。"
-#: ProjectPropertiesPage.cpp:334
+#: clientgui/ProjectPropertiesPage.cpp:334
 msgid ""
 "Communicating with project\n"
 "Please wait..."
@@ -2559,11 +2648,48 @@ msgstr ""
-#: ProxyInfoPage.cpp:195
+#: clientgui/ProjectWelcomePage.cpp:251
+#, c-format
+msgid "Welcome to %s."
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ProjectWelcomePage.cpp:254
+msgid "You have volunteered to compute for this project:"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ProjectWelcomePage.cpp:255
+msgid "Name:"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ProjectWelcomePage.cpp:258
+msgid "Home:"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ProjectWelcomePage.cpp:262
+msgid "Description:"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ProjectWelcomePage.cpp:265
+msgid "URL:"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ProjectWelcomePage.cpp:268
+msgid "User:"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ProjectWelcomePage.cpp:273
+msgid "WARNING: This project is not registered with BOINC.  Make sure you trust it before continuing."
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/ProjectWelcomePage.cpp:277
+msgid "To continue, click Next."
+msgstr "請按「下一步」繼續。"
+#: clientgui/ProxyInfoPage.cpp:195
 msgid "Network communication failure"
 msgstr "網路通訊失敗"
-#: ProxyInfoPage.cpp:199
+#: clientgui/ProxyInfoPage.cpp:199
 msgid ""
 "The World Community Grid - BOINC software failed to communicate\n"
 "over the Internet. The most likely reasons are:\n"
@@ -2590,7 +2716,7 @@ msgstr ""
 "3) 你正使用 Proxy 伺服器。\n"
 "請按「下一步」設置 BOINC 的 Proxy 設定。"
-#: ProxyInfoPage.cpp:203
+#: clientgui/ProxyInfoPage.cpp:203
 msgid ""
 "BOINC failed to communicate on the Internet.\n"
 "The most likely reasons are:\n"
@@ -2617,1247 +2743,1340 @@ msgstr ""
 "3) 你正使用 Proxy 伺服器。\n"
 "請按「下一步」設置 BOINC 的 Proxy 設定。"
-#: ProxyPage.cpp:331
+#: clientgui/ProxyPage.cpp:331
 msgid "Proxy configuration"
 msgstr "Proxy 組態設定"
-#: ProxyPage.cpp:334
+#: clientgui/ProxyPage.cpp:334
 msgid "HTTP proxy"
 msgstr "HTTP Proxy"
-#: ProxyPage.cpp:337 ProxyPage.cpp:357
+#: clientgui/ProxyPage.cpp:337
+#: clientgui/ProxyPage.cpp:357
 msgid "Server:"
 msgstr "伺服器:"
-#: ProxyPage.cpp:350
+#: clientgui/ProxyPage.cpp:350
 msgid "Autodetect"
 msgstr "自動偵測"
-#: ProxyPage.cpp:354
+#: clientgui/ProxyPage.cpp:354
 msgid "SOCKS proxy"
 msgstr "SOCKS Proxy"
-#: TermsOfUsePage.cpp:218
-msgid "Terms of Use"
-msgstr "使用條款"
-#: TermsOfUsePage.cpp:222
-msgid "Please read the following terms of use:"
-msgstr "請閱讀以下的使用條款:"
-#: TermsOfUsePage.cpp:231
-msgid "I agree to the terms of use."
-msgstr "我同意使用條款"
-#: TermsOfUsePage.cpp:237
-msgid "I do not agree to the terms of use."
-msgstr "我不同意使用條款。"
+#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:167
+msgid "Advanced View...\tCtrl+Shift+A"
+msgstr "進階模式...\tCtrl+Shift+A"
-#: UnavailablePage.cpp:183
-msgid "Project temporarily unavailable"
-msgstr "專案暫時無法使用"
+#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:168
+msgid "Display the advanced graphical interface."
+msgstr "顯示精簡 BOINC 圖形介面。"
-#: UnavailablePage.cpp:186
-msgid ""
-"The project is temporarily unavailable.\n"
-"Please try again later."
-msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:175
+msgid "Skin"
+msgstr "面板"
-#: UnavailablePage.cpp:190
-msgid "Account manager temporarily unavailable"
-msgstr "帳號管理暫時無法使用"
+#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:177
+msgid "Select the appearance of the user interface."
+msgstr "選擇用戶的介面外觀"
-#: UnavailablePage.cpp:193
-msgid ""
-"The account manager is temporarily unavailable.\n"
-"Please try again later."
-msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:224
+#, c-format
+msgid "&%s"
+msgstr "&%s"
-#: ValidateAccountKey.cpp:68
-msgid "Please specify an account key to continue."
-msgstr "請輸入帳號金鑰以繼續。"
+#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:405
+msgid "Default"
+msgstr "預設"
-#: ValidateAccountKey.cpp:71
-msgid "Invalid Account Key; please enter a valid Account Key"
-msgstr "無效的帳號金鑰;請輸入有效的帳號金鑰"
+#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:848
+msgid "Suspend"
+msgstr "暫止"
-#: ValidateAccountKey.cpp:82 ValidateEmailAddress.cpp:86
-msgid "Validation conflict"
-msgstr "驗證衝突"
+#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:850
+msgid "Suspend Computing"
+msgstr "暫停執行"
-#: ValidateEmailAddress.cpp:72
-msgid "Please specify an email address"
-msgstr "請輸入電子郵件地址"
+#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:851
+msgid "Resume Computing"
+msgstr "繼續執行"
-#: ValidateEmailAddress.cpp:75
-msgid "Invalid email address; please enter a valid email address"
-msgstr "無效的電子郵件位址;請輸入有效的電子郵件位址"
+#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:867
+msgid "Notices"
+msgstr "訊息"
-#: ValidateURL.cpp:69
-msgid "Missing URL"
-msgstr "缺少網址"
+#: clientgui/sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:868
+msgid "Open a window to view notices from projects or BOINC"
+msgstr "開啟新視窗以觀看來至專案或 BOINC 的訊息"
-#: ValidateURL.cpp:70
-msgid ""
-"Please specify a URL.\n"
-"For example:\n"
-msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgMessages.cpp:124
+msgid "Fetching notices; please wait..."
+msgstr "取得通知中;請稍後..."
-#: ValidateURL.cpp:83 ValidateURL.cpp:87 ValidateURL.cpp:91
-#: ValidateURL.cpp:103 ValidateURL.cpp:107 ValidateURL.cpp:110
-msgid "Invalid URL"
-msgstr "無效網址"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgMessages.cpp:132
+msgid "There are no notices at this time."
+msgstr "目前沒有訊息。"
-#: ValidateURL.cpp:84 ValidateURL.cpp:88 ValidateURL.cpp:92
-msgid ""
-"Please specify a valid URL.\n"
-"For example:\n"
-msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgMessages.cpp:146
+msgid "Close"
+msgstr "關閉"
-#: ValidateURL.cpp:104 ValidateURL.cpp:108
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgMessages.cpp:394
 #, c-format
-msgid "'%s' does not contain a valid host name."
-msgstr "「%s」不是有效的主機名稱。"
+msgid "%s - Notices"
+msgstr "%s - 訊息"
-#: ValidateURL.cpp:111
-#, c-format
-msgid "'%s' does not contain a valid path."
-msgstr "「%s」不是有效的路徑。"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:270
+msgid "This dialog controls preferences for this computer only."
+msgstr "這裡的偏好設定只對本電腦有效。"
-#: ViewMessages.cpp:84 ViewProjects.cpp:170 ViewStatistics.cpp:1978
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:160 ViewWork.cpp:183
-msgid "Commands"
-msgstr "指令"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:275
+msgid "Click OK to set preferences."
+msgstr "點選 確定 來更新設定"
-#: ViewMessages.cpp:88
-msgid "Copy all messages"
-msgstr "複製所有訊息"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:280
+msgid "Click Clear to restore web-based settings for all preferences listed below."
+msgstr "點擊清除可將下列網站參數恢復到預設值。"
-#: ViewMessages.cpp:95
-msgid "Copy selected messages"
-msgstr "複製選取的訊息"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:287
+msgid "For additional settings, select Computing Preferences in the Advanced View."
+msgstr "更多的偏好設定,請切換至進階模式。"
-#: ViewMessages.cpp:106 ViewMessages.cpp:502
-msgid "Show only this project"
-msgstr "只顯示本專案"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:315
+msgid "Do work only between:"
+msgstr "只在此時段執行工作:"
-#: ViewMessages.cpp:107 ViewMessages.cpp:503
-msgid "Show only the messages for the selected project."
-msgstr "僅顯示所選專案的訊息。"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:337
+msgid "Connect to internet only between:"
+msgstr "只在此時段連上網路:"
-#: ViewMessages.cpp:164
-msgid "Messages"
-msgstr "訊息"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:359
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:376
+msgid "Use no more than:"
+msgstr "資源耗用不超過:"
-#: ViewMessages.cpp:187
-msgid "Copying all messages to the clipboard..."
-msgstr "複製全部訊息到剪貼簿..."
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:372
+msgid "of disk space"
+msgstr "硬碟空間"
-#: ViewMessages.cpp:223
-msgid "Copying selected messages to the clipboard..."
-msgstr "複製所選訊息到剪貼簿..."
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:389
+msgid "of the processor"
+msgstr "CPU 使用率"
-#: ViewMessages.cpp:286
-msgid "Filtering messages..."
-msgstr "正在過濾訊息"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:393
+msgid "Do work while on battery?"
+msgstr "以電池供電時要執行工作嗎?"
-#: ViewMessages.cpp:494
-msgid "Show all messages"
-msgstr "顯示所有訊息"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:406
+msgid "Do work after idle for:"
+msgstr "閒置多久後執行工作:"
-#: ViewMessages.cpp:495
-msgid "Show messages for all projects."
-msgstr "顯示所有專案的訊息"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:431
+msgid "Clear all local preferences listed above and close the dialog"
+msgstr "清除本機所有偏好設定並關閉此視窗"
-#: ViewNotices.cpp:58 sg_DlgMessages.cpp:124
-msgid "Fetching notices; please wait..."
-msgstr "取得通知中;請稍後..."
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:609
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:612
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:688
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:692
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:704
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:708
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:851
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:862
+msgid "Anytime"
+msgstr "隨時"
-#: ViewNotices.cpp:65 sg_DlgMessages.cpp:132
-msgid "There are no notices at this time."
-msgstr "目前沒有訊息。"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:645
+msgid "100 MB"
+msgstr "100 MB"
-#: ViewNotices.cpp:99 sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:776
-msgid "Notices"
-msgstr "訊息"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:646
+msgid "200 MB"
+msgstr "200 MB"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:174 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:61
-msgid "Update"
-msgstr "更新"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:647
+msgid "500 MB"
+msgstr "500 MB"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:175 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:62
-msgid ""
-"Report all completed tasks, get latest credit, get latest preferences, and "
-"possibly get more tasks."
-msgstr "回報所有已完成的工作;取得最新的積分與偏好設定資訊且儘可能的取得工作。"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:648
+msgid "1 GB"
+msgstr "1 GB"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:181 ViewProjects.cpp:722 ViewWork.cpp:208 ViewWork.cpp:801
-#: sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:757 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:67
-#: sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:113 sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:66
-#: sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:106
-msgid "Suspend"
-msgstr "暫止"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:649
+msgid "2 GB"
+msgstr "2 GB"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:650
+msgid "5 GB"
+msgstr "5 GB"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:651
+msgid "10 GB"
+msgstr "10 GB"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:652
+msgid "20 GB"
+msgstr "20 GB"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:653
+msgid "50 GB"
+msgstr "50 GB"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:654
+msgid "100 GB"
+msgstr "100 GB"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:724
+#, c-format
+msgid "%d MB"
+msgstr "%d MB"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:726
+#, c-format
+msgid "%4.2f GB"
+msgstr "%4.2f GB"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:767
+#, c-format
+msgid "%d%%"
+msgstr "%d%%"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:803
+msgid "0 (Run Always)"
+msgstr "0 (持續執行)"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:806
+#, c-format
+msgid "%d"
+msgstr "%d"
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:953
+#, c-format
+msgid "%s - Computing Preferences"
+msgstr ""
+#: clientgui/sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:1033
+msgid "Do you really want to clear all local preferences?\n"
+msgstr "您真的要清除所有本機偏好設定嗎?\n"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:182 ViewProjects.cpp:722 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:68
-#: sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:114
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:66
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:179
+msgid "Update"
+msgstr "更新"
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:67
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:180
+msgid "Report all completed tasks, get latest credit, get latest preferences, and possibly get more tasks."
+msgstr "回報所有已完成的工作;取得最新的積分與偏好設定資訊且儘可能的取得工作。"
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:73
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:129
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:187
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:727
 msgid "Suspend tasks for this project."
 msgstr "暫止此專案的工作。"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:188 ViewProjects.cpp:741 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:73
-#: sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:121
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:78
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:136
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:193
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:746
 msgid "No new tasks"
 msgstr "不要新工作"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:189 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:74
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:79
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:194
 msgid "Don't get new tasks for this project."
 msgstr "不要取得新工作給此專案。"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:195 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:79
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:84
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:200
 msgid "Reset project"
 msgstr "重新開始專案"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:196 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:80
-msgid ""
-"Delete all files and tasks associated with this project, and get new tasks.  "
-"You can update the project first to report any completed tasks."
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:85
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:201
+msgid "Delete all files and tasks associated with this project, and get new tasks.  You can update the project first to report any completed tasks."
 msgstr "刪除所有和此專案相關的檔案和工作後取得新的工作。 在重新開始之前您可以先更新專案來回報已完成的工作。"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:203 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:86
-msgid ""
-"Remove this project.  Tasks in progress will be lost (use 'Update' first to "
-"report any completed tasks)."
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:91
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:208
+msgid "Remove this project.  Tasks in progress will be lost (use 'Update' first to report any completed tasks)."
 msgstr "從計畫中退出這台電腦。進行中的工作將會遺失。(在退出之前您可以先按一下「更新」來回報已完成的工作。)"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:209 ViewWork.cpp:222 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:91
-#: sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:78
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:96
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:84
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:214
 msgid "Properties"
 msgstr "細節"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:210 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:92
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:97
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:215
 msgid "Show project details."
 msgstr "顯示專案細節"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:220 ViewStatistics.cpp:450
-msgid "Account"
-msgstr "帳號"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:222
-msgid "Work done"
-msgstr "總積分"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:223
-msgid "Avg. work done"
-msgstr "近期平均積分"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:225 ViewTransfers.cpp:188 ViewWork.cpp:234
-msgid "Status"
-msgstr "狀態"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:250
-msgid "Projects"
-msgstr "專案"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:302
-msgid "Updating project..."
-msgstr "正在更新專案..."
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:344
-msgid "Resuming project..."
-msgstr "正在繼續專案..."
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:348
-msgid "Suspending project..."
-msgstr "正在暫止專案..."
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:126
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:723
+msgid "Resume tasks for this project."
+msgstr "繼續此專案的工作。"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:385
-msgid "Telling project to allow additional task downloads..."
-msgstr "通知專案可以下載額外的工作..."
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:133
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:742
+msgid "Allow new tasks"
+msgstr "允許新工作"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:389
-msgid "Telling project to not fetch any additional tasks..."
-msgstr "通知專案不要取得額外的工作..."
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:134
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:742
+msgid "Allow fetching new tasks for this project."
+msgstr "允許此專案取得新工作。"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:425
-msgid "Resetting project..."
-msgstr "正在重新設定專案..."
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:137
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:746
+msgid "Don't fetch new tasks for this project."
+msgstr "不要取得新工作給此專案。"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:438 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:214
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:229
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:443
 #, c-format
 msgid "Are you sure you want to reset project '%s'?"
 msgstr "您確定要重新開始專案「%s」嗎?"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:444 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:220
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:235
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:449
 msgid "Reset Project"
 msgstr "重新開始專案"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:483
-msgid "Removing project..."
-msgstr "正在移除專案..."
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:496 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:251
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:266
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:501
 #, c-format
 msgid "Are you sure you want to remove project '%s'?"
 msgstr "您確定要移除「%s」專案嗎?"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:502 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:257
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:272
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:507
 msgid "Remove Project"
 msgstr "移除專案"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:543 ViewWork.cpp:599
-msgid "Launching browser..."
-msgstr "啟動瀏覽器..."
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:718 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:111
-msgid "Resume tasks for this project."
-msgstr "繼續此專案的工作。"
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:72
+msgid "Add Project"
+msgstr "新增專案"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:737 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:118
-msgid "Allow new tasks"
-msgstr "允許新工作"
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:73
+msgid "Synchronize"
+msgstr "同步"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:737 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:119
-msgid "Allow fetching new tasks for this project."
-msgstr "允許此專案取得新工作。"
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:74
+msgid "Work done for this project"
+msgstr "已完成該專案工作"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:741 sg_ProjectCommandPopup.cpp:122
-msgid "Don't fetch new tasks for this project."
-msgstr "不要取得新工作給此專案。"
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:77
+msgid "Synchronize projects with account manager system"
+msgstr "與帳號管理系統同步專案"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1058
-msgid "Requested by user"
-msgstr "用戶的請求"
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:124
+msgid "Select a project to access with the controls below"
+msgstr "選擇一個要管理的專案"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1059
-msgid "To fetch work"
-msgstr "取得工作"
+# 88%
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:145
+msgid "Project Web Pages"
+msgstr "專案網站"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1060
-msgid "To report completed tasks"
-msgstr "上傳已完成的任務"
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:149
+msgid "Project Commands"
+msgstr "專案指令"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1061
-msgid "To send trickle-up message"
-msgstr "發送上傳訊息"
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:276
+#, c-format
+msgid "Pop up a menu of web sites for project %s"
+msgstr "跳出一個%s專案的網頁選單"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1062
-msgid "Requested by account manager"
-msgstr "帳號管理服務的請求"
+#: clientgui/sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:278
+#, c-format
+msgid "Pop up a menu of commands to apply to project %s"
+msgstr "跳出一個 %s 專案的指令選單"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1063
-msgid "Project initialization"
-msgstr "專案初始化"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:66
+msgid "Show graphics"
+msgstr "顯示圖形"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1064
-msgid "Requested by project"
-msgstr "專案的請求"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:67
+msgid "Show application graphics in a window."
+msgstr "於新視窗中顯示應用程式的圖形。"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1065
-msgid "Unknown reason"
-msgstr "未知原因"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:73
+msgid "Suspend this task."
+msgstr "已暫止這個工作"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1079
-msgid "Suspended by user"
-msgstr "被使用者暫止"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:78
+msgid "Abort"
+msgstr "中止"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1082
-msgid "Won't get new tasks"
-msgstr "無法取得新工作"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:79
+msgid "Abandon this task. You will get no credit for it."
+msgstr "放棄這個工作。您將不會獲得任何積分。"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1085
-msgid "Project ended - OK to remove"
-msgstr "專案已結束 - 按 OK 移除"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:85
+msgid "Show task details."
+msgstr "顯示工作細節"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1088
-msgid "Will remove when tasks done"
-msgstr "工作完成後移除"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:119
+msgid "Resume work for this task."
+msgstr "繼續這個工作的動作。"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1091
-msgid "Scheduler request pending"
-msgstr "排程器請求中"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:123
+msgid "Suspend work for this task."
+msgstr "暫止這個工作的動作。"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1097
-msgid "Scheduler request in progress"
-msgstr "排程器請求進行中"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:267
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Are you sure you want to abort this task '%s'?\n"
+"(Progress: %.1lf%%, Status: %s)"
+msgstr ""
+"(進度: %s,狀態: %s)"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1100
-msgid "Trickle up message pending"
-msgstr "等待上傳訊息中"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:272
+msgid "Abort task"
+msgstr "中止工作"
-#: ViewProjects.cpp:1106
-msgid "Communication deferred "
-msgstr "已擱置通訊 "
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:468
+msgid "You don't have any projects.  Please Add a Project."
+msgstr "你沒有任何專案,請加入專案。"
-#: ViewResources.cpp:62
-msgid "Total disk usage"
-msgstr "使用的硬碟空間"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:469
+msgid "Not available"
+msgstr "不可行"
-#: ViewResources.cpp:83
-msgid "Disk usage by BOINC projects"
-msgstr "BOINC 專案所用的磁碟空間"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:480
+msgid "Tasks:"
+msgstr "工作:"
-#: ViewResources.cpp:116
-msgid "Disk"
-msgstr "硬碟空間"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:486
+msgid "Select a task to access"
+msgstr "選擇要觀看的工作"
-#: ViewResources.cpp:249
-msgid "no projects: 0 bytes used"
-msgstr "沒有任何的專案:硬碟使用量為零"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:497
+msgid "From:"
+msgstr "專案:"
-#: ViewResources.cpp:286
-msgid "used by BOINC: "
-msgstr "BOINC 使用:"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:551
+msgid "This task's progress"
+msgstr "本工作的進度"
-#: ViewResources.cpp:296
-msgid "free, available to BOINC: "
-msgstr "BOINC 可使用的閒置空間:"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:569
+msgid "Task Commands"
+msgstr "工作指令"
-#: ViewResources.cpp:306
-msgid "free, not available to BOINC: "
-msgstr "BOINC 不可使用的閒置空間:"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:570
+msgid "Pop up a menu of commands to apply to this task"
+msgstr "跳出一個適用於目前工作的指令選單"
-#: ViewResources.cpp:316
-msgid "free: "
-msgstr "閒置空間:"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:705
+#, c-format
+msgid "Application: %s"
+msgstr "應用程式: %s"
-#: ViewResources.cpp:326
-msgid "used by other programs: "
-msgstr "其他程式使用:"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:728
+#, c-format
+msgid "%.3f%%"
+msgstr "%.3f%%"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:1205
-msgid "User Total"
-msgstr "使用者總計"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:736
+msgid "Application: Not available"
+msgstr "應用程式:不可行"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:1206
-msgid "User Average"
-msgstr "使用者平均"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:836
+msgid "Not Available"
+msgstr "不可行"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:1207
-msgid "Host Total"
-msgstr "此主機總計"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:851
+#, c-format
+msgid "Elapsed: %s"
+msgstr "執行時間:%s"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:1208
-msgid "Host Average"
-msgstr "此主機平均"
+# 84%
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:865
+#, c-format
+msgid "Remaining (estimated): %s"
+msgstr "剩餘時間:%s"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:1355
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:880
 #, c-format
-msgid "Last update: %.0f days ago"
-msgstr "上次更新: %.0f 天前"
+msgid "Status: %s"
+msgstr "狀態:%s"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:1982
-msgid "Show user total"
-msgstr "顯示使用者總計"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1227
+msgid "Retrieving current status."
+msgstr "取回目前狀態中。"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:1983
-msgid "Show total credit for user"
-msgstr "顯示使用者的總積分"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1233
+msgid "Downloading work from the server."
+msgstr "正從伺服器下載工作。"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:1989
-msgid "Show user average"
-msgstr "顯示使用者平均"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1238
+msgid "Processing Suspended:  Running On Batteries."
+msgstr "處理已暫止: 正以電池供電"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:1990
-msgid "Show average credit for user"
-msgstr "顯示使用者的平均積分"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1240
+msgid "Processing Suspended:  User Active."
+msgstr "處理已暫止: 使用者正在操作"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:1996
-msgid "Show host total"
-msgstr "顯示此主機總計"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1242
+msgid "Processing Suspended:  User paused processing."
+msgstr "處理已暫止: 被使用者暫停"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:1997
-msgid "Show total credit for host"
-msgstr "顯示主機的總積分"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1244
+msgid "Processing Suspended:  Time of Day."
+msgstr "處理已暫止: 不在設定時間內"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2003
-msgid "Show host average"
-msgstr "顯示此主機平均"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1246
+msgid "Processing Suspended:  Benchmarks Running."
+msgstr "處理已暫止: 正在執行效能測試"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2004
-msgid "Show average credit for host"
-msgstr "顯示主機的平均積分"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1248
+msgid "Processing Suspended."
+msgstr "處理已暫止。"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2013
-msgid "< &Previous project"
-msgstr "< 上一個專案 (&P)"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1252
+msgid "Waiting to contact project servers."
+msgstr "正在等待連到專案伺服器。"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2014
-msgid "Show chart for previous project"
-msgstr "顯示上個專案的統計圖"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1256
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1265
+msgid "Retrieving current status"
+msgstr "取回目前狀態中"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2019
-msgid "&Next project >"
-msgstr "下一個專案 (&N) >"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1260
+msgid "No work available to process"
+msgstr "無工作可用"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2020
-msgid "Show chart for next project"
-msgstr "顯示下個專案的統計圖"
+#: clientgui/sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1262
+msgid "Unable to connect to the core client"
+msgstr "無法連到核心用戶端"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2026 ViewStatistics.cpp:2416
-msgid "Hide project list"
-msgstr "隱藏專案列表"
+#: clientgui/TermsOfUsePage.cpp:218
+msgid "Terms of Use"
+msgstr "使用條款"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2027 ViewStatistics.cpp:2416
-msgid "Use entire area for graphs"
-msgstr "用整個區域用來顯示統計圖"
+#: clientgui/TermsOfUsePage.cpp:222
+msgid "Please read the following terms of use:"
+msgstr "請閱讀以下的使用條款:"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2032
-msgid "Mode view"
-msgstr "模式檢視"
+#: clientgui/TermsOfUsePage.cpp:231
+msgid "I agree to the terms of use."
+msgstr "我同意使用條款"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2036
-msgid "One project"
-msgstr "單一專案"
+#: clientgui/TermsOfUsePage.cpp:237
+msgid "I do not agree to the terms of use."
+msgstr "我不同意使用條款。"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2037
-msgid "Show one chart with selected project"
-msgstr "顯示所選專案於同一統計圖"
+#: clientgui/UnavailablePage.cpp:183
+msgid "Project temporarily unavailable"
+msgstr "專案暫時無法使用"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2043
-msgid "All projects (separate)"
-msgstr "所有專案 (單獨)"
+#: clientgui/UnavailablePage.cpp:186
+msgid ""
+"The project is temporarily unavailable.\n"
+"Please try again later."
+msgstr ""
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2044
-msgid "Show all projects, one chart per project"
-msgstr "顯示所選專案於個別統計圖"
+#: clientgui/UnavailablePage.cpp:190
+msgid "Account manager temporarily unavailable"
+msgstr "帳號管理暫時無法使用"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2050
-msgid "All projects (together)"
-msgstr "所有專案 (綜合)"
+#: clientgui/UnavailablePage.cpp:193
+msgid ""
+"The account manager is temporarily unavailable.\n"
+"Please try again later."
+msgstr ""
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2051
-msgid "Show one chart with all projects"
-msgstr "顯示所有專案於同一統計圖"
+#: clientgui/ValidateAccountKey.cpp:68
+msgid "Please specify an account key to continue."
+msgstr "請輸入帳號金鑰以繼續。"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2057
-msgid "All projects (sum)"
-msgstr "專案所有 (總計)"
+#: clientgui/ValidateAccountKey.cpp:71
+msgid "Invalid Account Key; please enter a valid Account Key"
+msgstr "無效的帳號金鑰;請輸入有效的帳號金鑰"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2058
-msgid "Show one chart with sum of projects"
-msgstr "顯示所有專案於同一統計圖"
+#: clientgui/ValidateAccountKey.cpp:82
+#: clientgui/ValidateEmailAddress.cpp:86
+msgid "Validation conflict"
+msgstr "驗證衝突"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2079
-msgid "Statistics"
-msgstr "統計"
+#: clientgui/ValidateEmailAddress.cpp:72
+msgid "Please specify an email address"
+msgstr "請輸入電子郵件地址"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2103 ViewStatistics.cpp:2124 ViewStatistics.cpp:2145
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2167 ViewStatistics.cpp:2188 ViewStatistics.cpp:2209
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2230 ViewStatistics.cpp:2251 ViewStatistics.cpp:2272
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2296
-msgid "Updating charts..."
-msgstr "更新圖表中..."
+#: clientgui/ValidateEmailAddress.cpp:75
+msgid "Invalid email address; please enter a valid email address"
+msgstr "無效的電子郵件位址;請輸入有效的電子郵件位址"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2420
-msgid "Show project list"
-msgstr "顯示專案列表"
+#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:69
+msgid "Missing URL"
+msgstr "缺少網址"
-#: ViewStatistics.cpp:2420
-msgid "Uses smaller area for graphs"
-msgstr "用將較小的區域用來顯示統計圖"
+#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:70
+msgid ""
+"Please specify a URL.\n"
+"For example:\n"
+msgstr ""
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:164
-msgid "Retry Now"
-msgstr "立即重試"
+#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:83
+#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:87
+#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:91
+#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:103
+#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:107
+#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:110
+msgid "Invalid URL"
+msgstr "無效網址"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:165
-msgid "Retry the file transfer now"
-msgstr "立即重試檔案傳送"
+#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:84
+#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:88
+#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:92
+msgid ""
+"Please specify a valid URL.\n"
+"For example:\n"
+msgstr ""
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:171
-msgid "Abort Transfer"
-msgstr "中止檔案傳送"
+#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:104
+#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:108
+#, c-format
+msgid "'%s' does not contain a valid host name."
+msgstr "「%s」不是有效的主機名稱。"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:172
-msgid "Abort this file transfer.  You won't get credit for the task."
-msgstr "中止檔案傳送。此工作將不會獲得任何積分。"
+#: clientgui/ValidateURL.cpp:111
+#, c-format
+msgid "'%s' does not contain a valid path."
+msgstr "「%s」不是有效的路徑。"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:183
-msgid "File"
-msgstr "檔案"
+#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:84
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:175
+msgid "Commands"
+msgstr "指令"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:184 ViewWork.cpp:233
-msgid "Progress"
-msgstr "進度"
+#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:88
+msgid "Copy all messages"
+msgstr "複製所有訊息"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:185
-msgid "Size"
-msgstr "大小"
+#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:95
+msgid "Copy selected messages"
+msgstr "複製選取的訊息"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:186
-msgid "Elapsed Time"
-msgstr "剩餘時間"
+#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:106
+#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:502
+msgid "Show only this project"
+msgstr "只顯示本專案"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:187
-msgid "Speed"
-msgstr "速度"
+#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:107
+#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:503
+msgid "Show only the messages for the selected project."
+msgstr "僅顯示所選專案的訊息。"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:213
-msgid "Transfers"
-msgstr "傳送"
+#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:164
+msgid "Messages"
+msgstr "訊息"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:280
-msgid "Network activity is suspended - "
-msgstr "網路活動已暫止 -"
+#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:187
+msgid "Copying all messages to the clipboard..."
+msgstr "複製全部訊息到剪貼簿..."
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:282
-msgid ""
-"You can enable it using the Activity menu."
-msgstr ""
-"您可以在 活動 選單中啟用他。"
+#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:223
+msgid "Copying selected messages to the clipboard..."
+msgstr "複製所選訊息到剪貼簿..."
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:285
-msgid "BOINC"
-msgstr "BOINC"
+#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:286
+msgid "Filtering messages..."
+msgstr "正在過濾訊息"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:292
-msgid "Retrying transfer now..."
-msgstr "立即重試檔案傳送..."
+#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:494
+msgid "Show all messages"
+msgstr "顯示所有訊息"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:330
-msgid "Aborting transfer..."
-msgstr "中止檔案傳送中..."
+#: clientgui/ViewMessages.cpp:495
+msgid "Show messages for all projects."
+msgstr "顯示所有專案的訊息"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:343
-#, c-format
-msgid ""
-"Are you sure you want to abort this file transfer '%s'?\n"
-"NOTE: Aborting a transfer will invalidate a task and you\n"
-"will not receive credit for it."
-msgstr ""
-"您確定要中止「%s」 的檔案傳輸嗎?\n"
-"提示: 終止傳輸會使此工作無效且不會收到任何積分。"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:225
+msgid "Account"
+msgstr "帳號"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:349
-msgid "Abort File Transfer"
-msgstr "中止檔案傳送"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:227
+msgid "Work done"
+msgstr "總積分"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:780
-msgid "Upload"
-msgstr "上傳"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:228
+msgid "Avg. work done"
+msgstr "近期平均積分"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:780
-msgid "Download"
-msgstr "下載"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:230
+msgid "Status"
+msgstr "狀態"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:784
-msgid "retry in "
-msgstr "稍後重試於"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:255
+msgid "Projects"
+msgstr "專案"
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:786
-msgid "failed"
-msgstr "失敗"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:307
+msgid "Updating project..."
+msgstr "正在更新專案..."
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:789
-msgid "suspended"
-msgstr "已暫止"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:349
+msgid "Resuming project..."
+msgstr "正在繼續專案..."
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:794
-msgid "active"
-msgstr "處理中"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:353
+msgid "Suspending project..."
+msgstr "正在暫止專案..."
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:796
-msgid "pending"
-msgstr "等待中"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:390
+msgid "Telling project to allow additional task downloads..."
+msgstr "通知專案可以下載額外的工作..."
-#: ViewTransfers.cpp:803
-msgid " (project backoff: "
-msgstr " (專案延後: "
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:394
+msgid "Telling project to not fetch any additional tasks..."
+msgstr "通知專案不要取得額外的工作..."
-#: ViewWork.cpp:187 ViewWork.cpp:777
-msgid "Show active tasks"
-msgstr "顯示運行中"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:430
+msgid "Resetting project..."
+msgstr "正在重新設定專案..."
-#: ViewWork.cpp:188 ViewWork.cpp:778
-msgid "Show only active tasks."
-msgstr "只顯示運行中的工作。"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:488
+msgid "Removing project..."
+msgstr "正在移除專案..."
-#: ViewWork.cpp:194 sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:60
-msgid "Show graphics"
-msgstr "顯示圖形"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:548
+msgid "Launching browser..."
+msgstr "啟動瀏覽器..."
-#: ViewWork.cpp:195 sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:61
-msgid "Show application graphics in a window."
-msgstr "於新視窗中顯示應用程式的圖形。"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1063
+msgid "Requested by user"
+msgstr "用戶的請求"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:201
-msgid "Show VM Console"
-msgstr "顯示此主機總計"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1064
+msgid "To fetch work"
+msgstr "取得工作"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:202
-msgid "Show VM Console in a window."
-msgstr "於新視窗中顯示應用程式的圖形。"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:209
-msgid "Suspend work for this result."
-msgstr "暫止這個結果的工作。"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:215 sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:72
-msgid "Abort"
-msgstr "中止"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1065
+msgid "To report completed tasks"
+msgstr "上傳已完成的任務"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:216
-msgid "Abandon work on the result. You will get no credit for it."
-msgstr "放棄這個結果的工作。您將不會取得任何積分。"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1066
+msgid "To send trickle-up message"
+msgstr "發送上傳訊息"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:223 sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:79
-msgid "Show task details."
-msgstr "顯示工作細節"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1067
+msgid "Requested by account manager"
+msgstr "帳號管理服務的請求"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:235
-msgid "Elapsed"
-msgstr "執行時間"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1068
+msgid "Project initialization"
+msgstr "專案初始化"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:236
-msgid "Remaining (estimated)"
-msgstr "剩餘時間 (預估)"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1069
+msgid "Requested by project"
+msgstr "專案的請求"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:237
-msgid "Deadline"
-msgstr "上傳期限"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1070
+msgid "Unknown reason"
+msgstr "未知原因"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:264
-msgid "Tasks"
-msgstr "工作"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1084
+msgid "Suspended by user"
+msgstr "被使用者暫止"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:357
-msgid "Resuming task..."
-msgstr "繼續工作中..."
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1087
+msgid "Won't get new tasks"
+msgstr "無法取得新工作"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:360
-msgid "Suspending task..."
-msgstr "暫止工作中..."
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1090
+msgid "Project ended - OK to remove"
+msgstr "專案已結束 - 按 OK 移除"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:389
-msgid "Showing graphics for task..."
-msgstr "顯示此工作圖形..."
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1093
+msgid "Will remove when tasks done"
+msgstr "工作完成後移除"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:426
-msgid "Showing VM console for task..."
-msgstr "顯示此工作圖形..."
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1096
+msgid "Scheduler request pending"
+msgstr "排程器請求中"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:479
-#, c-format
-msgid ""
-"Are you sure you want to abort this task '%s'?\n"
-"(Progress: %s, Status: %s)"
-msgstr ""
-"(進度: %s,狀態: %s)"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1102
+msgid "Scheduler request in progress"
+msgstr "排程器請求進行中"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:485
-#, c-format
-msgid "Are you sure you want to abort these %d tasks?"
-msgstr "您確定您要中止 %d 這個工作嗎?"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1105
+msgid "Trickle up message pending"
+msgstr "等待上傳訊息中"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:490 sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:256
-msgid "Abort task"
-msgstr "中止工作"
+#: clientgui/ViewProjects.cpp:1111
+msgid "Communication deferred "
+msgstr "已擱置通訊 "
-# 100% !
-#: ViewWork.cpp:499
-msgid "Aborting task..."
-msgstr "中止檔案傳送中..."
+#: clientgui/ViewResources.cpp:62
+msgid "Total disk usage"
+msgstr "使用的硬碟空間"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:771
-msgid "Show all tasks"
-msgstr "顯示所有工作"
+#: clientgui/ViewResources.cpp:83
+msgid "Disk usage by BOINC projects"
+msgstr "BOINC 專案所用的磁碟空間"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:772
-msgid "Show all tasks."
-msgstr "顯示所有工作。"
+#: clientgui/ViewResources.cpp:116
+msgid "Disk"
+msgstr "硬碟空間"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:796 sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:103
-msgid "Resume work for this task."
-msgstr "繼續這個工作的動作。"
+#: clientgui/ViewResources.cpp:225
+msgid "no projects: 0 bytes used"
+msgstr "沒有任何的專案:硬碟使用量為零"
-#: ViewWork.cpp:802 sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:107
-msgid "Suspend work for this task."
-msgstr "暫止這個工作的動作。"
+#: clientgui/ViewResources.cpp:262
+msgid "used by BOINC: "
+msgstr "BOINC 使用:"
-#: WelcomePage.cpp:284
-msgid "Add project or account manager"
-msgstr "新增專案或帳號管理服務"
+#: clientgui/ViewResources.cpp:272
+msgid "free, available to BOINC: "
+msgstr "BOINC 可使用的閒置空間:"
-#: WelcomePage.cpp:288
-msgid "Add project or use BOINC Account Manager"
-msgstr "新增專案或BOINC帳號管理服務"
+#: clientgui/ViewResources.cpp:282
+msgid "free, not available to BOINC: "
+msgstr "BOINC 不可使用的閒置空間:"
-#: WelcomePage.cpp:297
-#, c-format
-msgid ""
-"If possible, add projects at the\n"
-"%s web site.\n"
-"Projects added via this wizard will not be\n"
-"listed on or managed via %s."
-msgstr ""
-"可以的話,加入 %s 網站的專案。\n"
-"透過精靈加入的專案可能不會於 %s 出現或管理。"
+#: clientgui/ViewResources.cpp:292
+msgid "free: "
+msgstr "閒置空間:"
-#: WelcomePage.cpp:313
-msgid ""
-"There are over 30 BOINC-based projects\n"
-"doing research in many areas of science,\n"
-"and you can volunteer for as many of them as you like.\n"
-"You can add a project directly,\n"
-"or use an 'Account Manager' web site to select projects."
-msgstr ""
-"目前有超過 30 個基於 BOINC 的專案,\n"
+#: clientgui/ViewResources.cpp:302
+msgid "used by other programs: "
+msgstr "其他程式使用:"
-#: WelcomePage.cpp:325
-msgid ""
-"You have chosen to add a new volunteer computing project or change which "
-"you contribute to.\n"
-"Some of these projects are run and managed by World Community Grid, while "
-"are run and managed by other researchers or organizations. The BOINC "
-"can divide your spare processing power among any combination of projects.\n"
-"Alternatively, if you have registered with a BOINC Account Manager, you can "
-"this to choose which projects to support.\n"
-"Please choose which type of change you would like to make:\n"
-msgstr ""
-"這些專案其中是由 World Community Grid 運行和管理的,\n"
-"BOINC 軟體可以在您的空閒運算能力之間的自動分配專案。\n"
-"另外,如果您已經註冊 BOINC 的帳號管理服務,\n"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1181
+msgid "User Total"
+msgstr "使用者總計"
-#: WelcomePage.cpp:339
-msgid "Use a BOINC Account Manager"
-msgstr "使用BOINC帳號管理服務"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1182
+msgid "User Average"
+msgstr "使用者平均"
-#: WelcomePage.cpp:352
-msgid "To continue, click Next."
-msgstr "請按「下一步」繼續。"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1183
+msgid "Host Total"
+msgstr "此主機總計"
-#: WelcomePage.cpp:358
-msgid "Add or change your World Community Grid projects"
-msgstr "新增或修改 World Community Grid 專案"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1184
+msgid "Host Average"
+msgstr "此主機平均"
-#: WelcomePage.cpp:361
-msgid "Add projects run by other researchers or organizations"
-msgstr "新增其它研究組織的專案"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1331
+#, c-format
+msgid "Last update: %.0f days ago"
+msgstr "上次更新: %.0f 天前"
-#: WizardAttach.cpp:634
-msgid "Do you really want to cancel?"
-msgstr "您真的要取消嗎?"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1956
+msgid "Show user total"
+msgstr "顯示使用者總計"
-#: WizardAttach.cpp:635
-msgid "Question"
-msgstr "問題"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1957
+msgid "Show total credit for user"
+msgstr "顯示使用者的總積分"
-#: sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:149
-msgid "Advanced View...\tCtrl+Shift+A"
-msgstr "進階模式...\tCtrl+Shift+A"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1963
+msgid "Show user average"
+msgstr "顯示使用者平均"
-#: sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:150
-msgid "Display the advanced graphical interface."
-msgstr "顯示精簡 BOINC 圖形介面。"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1964
+msgid "Show average credit for user"
+msgstr "顯示使用者的平均積分"
-#: sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:157
-msgid "Skin"
-msgstr "面板"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1970
+msgid "Show host total"
+msgstr "顯示此主機總計"
-#: sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:159
-msgid "Select the appearance of the user interface."
-msgstr "選擇用戶的介面外觀"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1971
+msgid "Show total credit for host"
+msgstr "顯示主機的總積分"
-#: sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:206
-#, c-format
-msgid "&%s"
-msgstr "&%s"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1977
+msgid "Show host average"
+msgstr "顯示此主機平均"
-#: sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:390
-msgid "Default"
-msgstr "預設"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1978
+msgid "Show average credit for host"
+msgstr "顯示主機的平均積分"
-#: sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:759
-msgid "Suspend Computing"
-msgstr "暫停執行"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1987
+msgid "< &Previous project"
+msgstr "< 上一個專案 (&P)"
-#: sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:760
-msgid "Resume Computing"
-msgstr "繼續執行"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1988
+msgid "Show chart for previous project"
+msgstr "顯示上個專案的統計圖"
-#: sg_BoincSimpleFrame.cpp:777
-msgid "Open a window to view notices from projects or BOINC"
-msgstr "開啟新視窗以觀看來至專案或 BOINC 的訊息"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1993
+msgid "&Next project >"
+msgstr "下一個專案 (&N) >"
-#: sg_DlgMessages.cpp:146
-msgid "Close"
-msgstr "關閉"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:1994
+msgid "Show chart for next project"
+msgstr "顯示下個專案的統計圖"
-#: sg_DlgMessages.cpp:389
-#, c-format
-msgid "%s - Notices"
-msgstr "%s - 訊息"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2000
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2390
+msgid "Hide project list"
+msgstr "隱藏專案列表"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:268
-msgid "This dialog controls preferences for this computer only."
-msgstr "這裡的偏好設定只對本電腦有效。"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2001
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2390
+msgid "Use entire area for graphs"
+msgstr "用整個區域用來顯示統計圖"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:273
-msgid "Click OK to set preferences."
-msgstr "點選 確定 來更新設定"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2006
+msgid "Mode view"
+msgstr "模式檢視"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:278
-msgid ""
-"Click Clear to restore web-based settings for all preferences listed below."
-msgstr "點擊清除可將下列網站參數恢復到預設值。"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2010
+msgid "One project"
+msgstr "單一專案"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:285
-msgid ""
-"For additional settings, select Computing Preferences in the Advanced View."
-msgstr "更多的偏好設定,請切換至進階模式。"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2011
+msgid "Show one chart with selected project"
+msgstr "顯示所選專案於同一統計圖"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:313
-msgid "Do work only between:"
-msgstr "只在此時段執行工作:"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2017
+msgid "All projects (separate)"
+msgstr "所有專案 (單獨)"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:335
-msgid "Connect to internet only between:"
-msgstr "只在此時段連上網路:"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2018
+msgid "Show all projects, one chart per project"
+msgstr "顯示所選專案於個別統計圖"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:357 sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:374
-msgid "Use no more than:"
-msgstr "資源耗用不超過:"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2024
+msgid "All projects (together)"
+msgstr "所有專案 (綜合)"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:370
-msgid "of disk space"
-msgstr "硬碟空間"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2025
+msgid "Show one chart with all projects"
+msgstr "顯示所有專案於同一統計圖"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:387
-msgid "of the processor"
-msgstr "CPU 使用率"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2031
+msgid "All projects (sum)"
+msgstr "專案所有 (總計)"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:391
-msgid "Do work while on battery?"
-msgstr "以電池供電時要執行工作嗎?"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2032
+msgid "Show one chart with sum of projects"
+msgstr "顯示所有專案於同一統計圖"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:404
-msgid "Do work after idle for:"
-msgstr "閒置多久後執行工作:"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2053
+msgid "Statistics"
+msgstr "統計"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:429
-msgid "Clear all local preferences listed above and close the dialog"
-msgstr "清除本機所有偏好設定並關閉此視窗"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2077
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2098
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2119
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2141
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2162
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2183
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2204
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2225
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2246
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2270
+msgid "Updating charts..."
+msgstr "更新圖表中..."
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:602 sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:605
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:681 sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:685
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:697 sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:701
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:844 sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:855
-msgid "Anytime"
-msgstr "隨時"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2394
+msgid "Show project list"
+msgstr "顯示專案列表"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:638
-msgid "100 MB"
-msgstr "100 MB"
+#: clientgui/ViewStatistics.cpp:2394
+msgid "Uses smaller area for graphs"
+msgstr "用將較小的區域用來顯示統計圖"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:639
-msgid "200 MB"
-msgstr "200 MB"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:169
+msgid "Retry Now"
+msgstr "立即重試"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:640
-msgid "500 MB"
-msgstr "500 MB"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:170
+msgid "Retry the file transfer now"
+msgstr "立即重試檔案傳送"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:641
-msgid "1 GB"
-msgstr "1 GB"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:176
+msgid "Abort Transfer"
+msgstr "中止檔案傳送"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:642
-msgid "2 GB"
-msgstr "2 GB"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:177
+msgid "Abort this file transfer.  You won't get credit for the task."
+msgstr "中止檔案傳送。此工作將不會獲得任何積分。"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:643
-msgid "5 GB"
-msgstr "5 GB"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:188
+msgid "File"
+msgstr "檔案"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:644
-msgid "10 GB"
-msgstr "10 GB"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:189
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:238
+msgid "Progress"
+msgstr "進度"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:645
-msgid "20 GB"
-msgstr "20 GB"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:190
+msgid "Size"
+msgstr "大小"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:646
-msgid "50 GB"
-msgstr "50 GB"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:191
+msgid "Elapsed Time"
+msgstr "剩餘時間"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:647
-msgid "100 GB"
-msgstr "100 GB"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:192
+msgid "Speed"
+msgstr "速度"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:717
-#, c-format
-msgid "%d MB"
-msgstr "%d MB"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:218
+msgid "Transfers"
+msgstr "傳送"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:719
-#, c-format
-msgid "%4.2f GB"
-msgstr "%4.2f GB"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:285
+msgid "Network activity is suspended - "
+msgstr "網路活動已暫止 -"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:760
-#, c-format
-msgid "%d%%"
-msgstr "%d%%"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:287
+msgid ""
+"You can enable it using the Activity menu."
+msgstr ""
+"您可以在 活動 選單中啟用他。"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:796
-msgid "0 (Run Always)"
-msgstr "0 (持續執行)"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:290
+msgid "BOINC"
+msgstr "BOINC"
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:799
-#, c-format
-msgid "%d"
-msgstr "%d"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:297
+msgid "Retrying transfer now..."
+msgstr "立即重試檔案傳送..."
-#: sg_DlgPreferences.cpp:1029
-msgid "Do you really want to clear all local preferences?\n"
-msgstr "您真的要清除所有本機偏好設定嗎?\n"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:335
+msgid "Aborting transfer..."
+msgstr "中止檔案傳送中..."
-#: sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:72
-msgid "Add Project"
-msgstr "新增專案"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:348
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Are you sure you want to abort this file transfer '%s'?\n"
+"NOTE: Aborting a transfer will invalidate a task and you\n"
+"will not receive credit for it."
+msgstr ""
+"您確定要中止「%s」 的檔案傳輸嗎?\n"
+"提示: 終止傳輸會使此工作無效且不會收到任何積分。"
-#: sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:73
-msgid "Synchronize"
-msgstr "同步"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:354
+msgid "Abort File Transfer"
+msgstr "中止檔案傳送"
-#: sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:74
-msgid "Work done for this project"
-msgstr "已完成該專案工作"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:785
+msgid "Upload"
+msgstr "上傳"
-#: sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:77
-msgid "Synchronize projects with account manager system"
-msgstr "與帳號管理系統同步專案"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:785
+msgid "Download"
+msgstr "下載"
-#: sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:124
-msgid "Select a project to access with the controls below"
-msgstr "選擇一個要管理的專案"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:789
+msgid "retry in "
+msgstr "稍後重試於"
-# 88%
-#: sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:145
-msgid "Project Web Pages"
-msgstr "專案網站"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:791
+msgid "failed"
+msgstr "失敗"
-#: sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:149
-msgid "Project Commands"
-msgstr "專案指令"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:794
+msgid "suspended"
+msgstr "已暫止"
-#: sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:267
-#, c-format
-msgid "Pop up a menu of web sites for project %s"
-msgstr "跳出一個%s專案的網頁選單"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:799
+msgid "active"
+msgstr "處理中"
-#: sg_ProjectPanel.cpp:269
-#, c-format
-msgid "Pop up a menu of commands to apply to project %s"
-msgstr "跳出一個 %s 專案的指令選單"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:801
+msgid "pending"
+msgstr "等待中"
-#: sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:67
-msgid "Suspend this task."
-msgstr "已暫止這個工作"
+#: clientgui/ViewTransfers.cpp:808
+msgid " (project backoff: "
+msgstr " (專案延後: "
-#: sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:73
-msgid "Abandon this task. You will get no credit for it."
-msgstr "放棄這個工作。您將不會獲得任何積分。"
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:192
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:782
+msgid "Show active tasks"
+msgstr "顯示運行中"
-#: sg_TaskCommandPopup.cpp:251
-#, c-format
-msgid ""
-"Are you sure you want to abort this task '%s'?\n"
-"(Progress: %.1lf%%, Status: %s)"
-msgstr ""
-"(進度: %s,狀態: %s)"
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:193
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:783
+msgid "Show only active tasks."
+msgstr "只顯示運行中的工作。"
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:464
-msgid "You don't have any projects.  Please Add a Project."
-msgstr "你沒有任何專案,請加入專案。"
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:206
+msgid "Show VM Console"
+msgstr "顯示此主機總計"
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:465
-msgid "Not available"
-msgstr "不可行"
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:207
+msgid "Show VM Console in a window."
+msgstr "於新視窗中顯示應用程式的圖形。"
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:476
-msgid "Tasks:"
-msgstr "工作:"
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:214
+msgid "Suspend work for this result."
+msgstr "暫止這個結果的工作。"
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:482
-msgid "Select a task to access"
-msgstr "選擇要觀看的工作"
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:221
+msgid "Abandon work on the result. You will get no credit for it."
+msgstr "放棄這個結果的工作。您將不會取得任何積分。"
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:493
-msgid "From:"
-msgstr "專案:"
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:240
+msgid "Elapsed"
+msgstr "執行時間"
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:547
-msgid "This task's progress"
-msgstr "本工作的進度"
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:241
+msgid "Remaining (estimated)"
+msgstr "剩餘時間 (預估)"
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:565
-msgid "Task Commands"
-msgstr "工作指令"
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:242
+msgid "Deadline"
+msgstr "上傳期限"
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:566
-msgid "Pop up a menu of commands to apply to this task"
-msgstr "跳出一個適用於目前工作的指令選單"
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:269
+msgid "Tasks"
+msgstr "工作"
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:701
-#, c-format
-msgid "Application: %s"
-msgstr "應用程式: %s"
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:362
+msgid "Resuming task..."
+msgstr "繼續工作中..."
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:724
-#, c-format
-msgid "%.3f%%"
-msgstr "%.3f%%"
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:365
+msgid "Suspending task..."
+msgstr "暫止工作中..."
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:732
-msgid "Application: Not available"
-msgstr "應用程式:不可行"
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:394
+msgid "Showing graphics for task..."
+msgstr "顯示此工作圖形..."
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:832
-msgid "Not Available"
-msgstr "不可行"
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:431
+msgid "Showing VM console for task..."
+msgstr "顯示此工作圖形..."
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:847
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:484
 #, c-format
-msgid "Elapsed: %s"
-msgstr "執行時間:%s"
+msgid ""
+"Are you sure you want to abort this task '%s'?\n"
+"(Progress: %s, Status: %s)"
+msgstr ""
+"(進度: %s,狀態: %s)"
-# 84%
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:861
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:490
 #, c-format
-msgid "Remaining (estimated): %s"
-msgstr "剩餘時間:%s"
+msgid "Are you sure you want to abort these %d tasks?"
+msgstr "您確定您要中止 %d 這個工作嗎?"
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:876
-#, c-format
-msgid "Status: %s"
-msgstr "狀態:%s"
+# 100% !
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:504
+msgid "Aborting task..."
+msgstr "中止檔案傳送中..."
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1223
-msgid "Retrieving current status."
-msgstr "取回目前狀態中。"
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:776
+msgid "Show all tasks"
+msgstr "顯示所有工作"
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1229
-msgid "Downloading work from the server."
-msgstr "正從伺服器下載工作。"
+#: clientgui/ViewWork.cpp:777
+msgid "Show all tasks."
+msgstr "顯示所有工作。"
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1234
-msgid "Processing Suspended:  Running On Batteries."
-msgstr "處理已暫止: 正以電池供電"
+#: clientgui/WelcomePage.cpp:284
+msgid "Add project or account manager"
+msgstr "新增專案或帳號管理服務"
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1236
-msgid "Processing Suspended:  User Active."
-msgstr "處理已暫止: 使用者正在操作"
+#: clientgui/WelcomePage.cpp:288
+msgid "Add project or use BOINC Account Manager"
+msgstr "新增專案或BOINC帳號管理服務"
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1238
-msgid "Processing Suspended:  User paused processing."
-msgstr "處理已暫止: 被使用者暫停"
+#: clientgui/WelcomePage.cpp:297
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"If possible, add projects at the\n"
+"%s web site.\n"
+"Projects added via this wizard will not be\n"
+"listed on or managed via %s."
+msgstr ""
+"可以的話,加入 %s 網站的專案。\n"
+"透過精靈加入的專案可能不會於 %s 出現或管理。"
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1240
-msgid "Processing Suspended:  Time of Day."
-msgstr "處理已暫止: 不在設定時間內"
+#: clientgui/WelcomePage.cpp:313
+msgid ""
+"There are over 30 BOINC-based projects\n"
+"doing research in many areas of science,\n"
+"and you can volunteer for as many of them as you like.\n"
+"You can add a project directly,\n"
+"or use an 'Account Manager' web site to select projects."
+msgstr ""
+"目前有超過 30 個基於 BOINC 的專案,\n"
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1242
-msgid "Processing Suspended:  Benchmarks Running."
-msgstr "處理已暫止: 正在執行效能測試"
+#: clientgui/WelcomePage.cpp:325
+msgid ""
+"You have chosen to add a new volunteer computing project or change which projects\n"
+"you contribute to.\n"
+"Some of these projects are run and managed by World Community Grid, while others\n"
+"are run and managed by other researchers or organizations. The BOINC software\n"
+"can divide your spare processing power among any combination of projects.\n"
+"Alternatively, if you have registered with a BOINC Account Manager, you can use\n"
+"this to choose which projects to support.\n"
+"Please choose which type of change you would like to make:\n"
+msgstr ""
+"這些專案其中是由 World Community Grid 運行和管理的,\n"
+"BOINC 軟體可以在您的空閒運算能力之間的自動分配專案。\n"
+"另外,如果您已經註冊 BOINC 的帳號管理服務,\n"
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1244
-msgid "Processing Suspended."
-msgstr "處理已暫止。"
+#: clientgui/WelcomePage.cpp:339
+msgid "Use a BOINC Account Manager"
+msgstr "使用BOINC帳號管理服務"
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1248
-msgid "Waiting to contact project servers."
-msgstr "正在等待連到專案伺服器。"
+#: clientgui/WelcomePage.cpp:358
+msgid "Add or change your World Community Grid projects"
+msgstr "新增或修改 World Community Grid 專案"
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1252 sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1261
-msgid "Retrieving current status"
-msgstr "取回目前狀態中"
+#: clientgui/WelcomePage.cpp:361
+msgid "Add projects run by other researchers or organizations"
+msgstr "新增其它研究組織的專案"
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1256
-msgid "No work available to process"
-msgstr "無工作可用"
+#: clientgui/WizardAttach.cpp:673
+msgid "Do you really want to cancel?"
+msgstr "您真的要取消嗎?"
-#: sg_TaskPanel.cpp:1258
-msgid "Unable to connect to the core client"
-msgstr "無法連到核心用戶端"
+#: clientgui/WizardAttach.cpp:674
+msgid "Question"
+msgstr "問題"
-#: wizardex.cpp:377 wizardex.cpp:553
+#: clientgui/wizardex.cpp:377
+#: clientgui/wizardex.cpp:553
 msgid "&Next >"
 msgstr "下一步 (&N) >"
-#: wizardex.cpp:383
+#: clientgui/wizardex.cpp:383
 msgid "< &Back"
 msgstr "< 上一步 (&B)"
-#: wizardex.cpp:553
+#: clientgui/wizardex.cpp:553
 msgid "&Finish"
 msgstr "完成 (&F)"
-#: mac/Mac_GUI.cpp:110
-msgid "Preferences…"
-msgstr "偏好設定..."
+#: clientgui/common/wxPieCtrl.cpp:64
+msgid "Pie Ctrl"
+msgstr "Pie Ctrl"
-#: mac/Mac_GUI.cpp:122
+#: clientgui/mac/Mac_GUI.cpp:35
 msgid "Services"
 msgstr "服務"
-#: mac/Mac_GUI.cpp:144
+#: clientgui/mac/Mac_GUI.cpp:36
 #, c-format
 msgid "Hide %s"
 msgstr "隱藏 %s"
-#: mac/Mac_GUI.cpp:158
+#: clientgui/mac/Mac_GUI.cpp:37
 msgid "Hide Others"
 msgstr "隱藏其它"
-#: mac/Mac_GUI.cpp:172
+#: clientgui/mac/Mac_GUI.cpp:38
 msgid "Show All"
 msgstr "顯示全部"
-#: mac/Mac_GUI.cpp:186
+#: clientgui/mac/Mac_GUI.cpp:39
 #, c-format
 msgid "Quit %s"
 msgstr "離該 %s"
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.h:30
+msgid "specify work start and stop hours in format HH:MM-HH:MM"
+msgstr "用 HH:MM-HH:MM 的格式指定工作運行的開始及結束時間"
+#: clientgui/DlgAdvPreferences.h:31
+msgid "specify network usage start and stop hours in format HH:MM-HH:MM"
+msgstr "用 HH:MM-HH:MM 的格式指定網路使用的開始及結束時間"
+# 98%
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "(C) 2003-2013 University of California, Berkeley.\n"
+#~ "All Rights Reserved."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "(C) 2003-2013 美國加州大學柏克萊分校\n"
+#~ "保留所有權利。"
+#, c-format
+#~ msgid "%s - Preferences"
+#~ msgstr "%s - 偏好設定"
+#, no-c-format
+#~ msgid "% of the processors (0 means ignore this setting)"
+#~ msgstr "% (0表示忽略此設置)"
+#, no-c-format
+#~ msgid "% CPU time"
+#~ msgstr "% CPU 時間"
+#~ msgid "KBytes/sec."
+#~ msgstr "KB/秒"
+#~ msgid "Mbytes"
+#~ msgstr "Mbytes"
+#~ msgid "every"
+#~ msgstr "每"
+#~ msgid "days"
+#~ msgstr "天"
+#~ msgid "Gigabytes disk space"
+#~ msgstr "硬碟空間 (GB)"
+#~ msgid "Running, high priority"
+#~ msgstr "執行中,高優先權"
+#~ msgid " (Scheduler wait: "
+#~ msgstr " (排程器等待: "
+#~ msgid " (Scheduler wait)"
+#~ msgstr " (排程器等待)"
+#~ msgid " (Waiting for network access)"
+#~ msgstr " (正等待網存取)"
+#~ msgid "Preferences…"
+#~ msgstr "偏好設定..."
 #~ msgid "I do not agree with the terms of use."
 #~ msgstr "我不同意使用條款"
@@ -4165,15 +4384,6 @@ msgstr "離該 %s"
 #~ msgid "OnDropTarget: index by HitTest = %i"
 #~ msgstr "OnDropTarget: index by HitTest = %i"
-#~ msgid "Pie Ctrl"
-#~ msgstr "Pie Ctrl"
-#~ msgid "specify work start and stop hours in format HH:MM-HH:MM"
-#~ msgstr "用 HH:MM-HH:MM 的格式指定工作運行的開始及結束時間"
-#~ msgid "specify network usage start and stop hours in format HH:MM-HH:MM"
-#~ msgstr "用 HH:MM-HH:MM 的格式指定網路使用的開始及結束時間"
 #~ msgid "Identify your account "
 #~ msgstr "確認您的帳戶"
diff --git a/py/Boinc/boinc_db.py b/py/Boinc/boinc_db.py
index c70d29e..36efe47 100644
--- a/py/Boinc/boinc_db.py
+++ b/py/Boinc/boinc_db.py
@@ -77,6 +77,12 @@ MODE_BLANKSCREEN = 4
diff --git a/sched/handle_request.cpp b/sched/handle_request.cpp
index 8a1f93b..d357791 100644
--- a/sched/handle_request.cpp
+++ b/sched/handle_request.cpp
@@ -1311,6 +1311,11 @@ void process_request(char* code_sign_key) {
             && !g_request->results_truncated
         ) {
             if (resend_lost_work()) {
+                if (config.debug_send) {
+                    log_messages.printf(MSG_NORMAL,
+                        "[send] Resent lost jobs, don't send more\n"
+                    );
+                }
                 ok_to_send_work = false;
diff --git a/sched/hr.cpp b/sched/hr.cpp
index e0fa6d5..910e26c 100644
--- a/sched/hr.cpp
+++ b/sched/hr.cpp
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@
 const int nocpu = 1;
 const int Intel = 2;
 const int AMD = 3;
-const int Macintosh = 4;
+const int Macintosh = 4;        // PowerPC
 const int AMDAthlon = 5;
 const int AMDDuron = 6;
 const int AMDSempron = 7;
diff --git a/sched/hr_info.h b/sched/hr_info.h
index cc62fdc..f8eed32 100644
--- a/sched/hr_info.h
+++ b/sched/hr_info.h
@@ -15,6 +15,13 @@
 // You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
 // along with BOINC.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+// Used by the feeder to decide how many array slots
+// to allocate to various HR classes,
+// based on how much RAC is being generated by that class
+// The RAC info is obtained by census.php,
+// which writes it to a file read by the feeder.
 #ifndef _HR_INFO_
 #define _HR_INFO_
diff --git a/sched/sched_send.cpp b/sched/sched_send.cpp
index 5961461..bda585f 100644
--- a/sched/sched_send.cpp
+++ b/sched/sched_send.cpp
@@ -855,7 +855,7 @@ bool work_needed(bool locality_sched) {
     if (config.debug_send) {
         char buf[256], buf2[256];
         strcpy(buf, "");
-        for (int i=1; i<NPROC_TYPES; i++) {
+        for (int i=0; i<NPROC_TYPES; i++) {
             sprintf(buf2, " %s (%.2f, %.2f)",
diff --git a/sched/script_validator.cpp b/sched/script_validator.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..43b80de
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sched/script_validator.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,128 @@
+// This file is part of BOINC.
+// http://boinc.berkeley.edu
+// Copyright (C) 2014 University of California
+// BOINC is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+// under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License
+// as published by the Free Software Foundation,
+// either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+// BOINC is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+// See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
+// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
+// along with BOINC.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+// A validator that runs scripts to check and compare results
+// cmdline args:
+// --init_script scriptname
+// --compare_script scriptname
+// the init script is called as
+// scriptname f1 ... fn
+// where f1 ... fn are the output files of a job (there may be just one)
+// It returns zero if the files are valid
+// the compare script is called as
+// scriptname f1 ... fn g1 ... gn
+// where f1 ... fn are the output files of one job,
+// and g1 ... gn are the output files are another job.
+// It returns zero if the files are equivalent.
+#include <sys/param.h>
+#include "validate_util2.h"
+#include "error_numbers.h"
+#include "boinc_db.h"
+#include "sched_util.h"
+#include "validate_util.h"
+#include "validator.h"
+using std::string;
+using std::vector;
+bool first = true;
+char init_script[MAXPATHLEN], compare_script[MAXPATHLEN];
+void parse_cmdline() {
+    strcpy(init_script, "");
+    strcpy(compare_script, "");
+    for (int i=1; i<g_argc; i++) {
+        if (!strcmp(g_argv[i], "--init_script")) {
+            sprintf(init_script, "../bin/%s", g_argv[++i]);
+        } else if (!strcmp(g_argv[i], "--compare_script")) {
+            sprintf(compare_script, "../bin/%s", g_argv[++i]);
+        }
+    }
+    if (!strlen(init_script) && !strlen(compare_script)) {
+        log_messages.printf(MSG_CRITICAL,
+            "script names missing from command line\n"
+        );
+        exit(1);
+    }
+int init_result(RESULT& result, void*&) {
+    if (!strlen(init_script)) return 0;
+    vector<string> paths;
+    int retval;
+    retval = get_output_file_paths(result, paths);
+    if (retval) {
+        fprintf(stderr, "get_output_file_paths() returned %d\n", retval);
+        return retval;
+    }
+    char cmd[4096];
+    strcpy(cmd, init_script);
+    for (unsigned int i=0; i<paths.size(); i++) {
+        strcat(cmd, " ");
+        strcat(cmd, paths[i].c_str());
+    }
+    retval = system(cmd);
+    if (retval) {
+        return retval;
+    }
+    return 0;
+int compare_results(RESULT& r1, void*, RESULT const& r2, void*, bool& match) {
+    if (!strlen(compare_script)) {
+        match = true;
+        return 0;
+    }
+    vector<string> paths1, paths2;
+    int retval;
+    retval = get_output_file_paths(r1, paths1);
+    if (retval) {
+        fprintf(stderr, "get_output_file_paths() returned %d\n", retval);
+        return retval;
+    }
+    retval = get_output_file_paths(r2, paths2);
+    if (retval) {
+        fprintf(stderr, "get_output_file_paths() returned %d\n", retval);
+        return retval;
+    }
+    char cmd[4096];
+    strcpy(cmd, compare_script);
+    for (unsigned int i=0; i<paths1.size(); i++) {
+        strcat(cmd, " ");
+        strcat(cmd, paths1[i].c_str());
+    }
+    for (unsigned int i=0; i<paths2.size(); i++) {
+        strcat(cmd, " ");
+        strcat(cmd, paths2[i].c_str());
+    }
+    retval = system(cmd);
+    if (retval) {
+        match = false;
+    } else {
+        match = true;
+    }
+    return 0;
+int cleanup_result(RESULT const&, void*) {
+    return 0;
diff --git a/version.log b/version.log
index 646d2ed..b2c3d20 100644
--- a/version.log
+++ b/version.log
@@ -1 +1 @@
diff --git a/zip/unzip/ttyio.c b/zip/unzip/ttyio.c
index a1a13b1..149eb91 100644
--- a/zip/unzip/ttyio.c
+++ b/zip/unzip/ttyio.c
@@ -54,6 +54,10 @@
 #  define HAVE_TERMIOS_H
+#ifndef _WIN32
+#include <unistd.h>     /* defines POSIX_VERSION */
 #    define USE_POSIX_TERMIOS  /* use POSIX style termio (termios) */

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