[pkg-boost-devel] fix #883987 in Stretch?

Philipp Huebner debalance at debian.org
Tue Mar 13 09:06:22 UTC 2018


are there reasons not to fix #883987 in Stretch?

If it's a matter of time, I'd be happy to help out and offer testing.
I need that fix anyway and if it's not going into
stable-proposed-updates and a future point release I'll have to resort
to a local update.

Best wishes,
 .''`.   Philipp Huebner <debalance at debian.org>
: :'  :  pgp fp: 6719 25C5 B8CD E74A 5225  3DF9 E5CA 8C49 25E4 205F
`. `'`

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