[pkg-cinnamon] Bug#820339: cinnamon-screensaver: I want a screensaver without the lock screen

Margarita Manterola marga at debian.org
Sat May 28 17:34:05 UTC 2016

El Sábado 28 Mayo 2016 18:54 CEST, "Margarita Manterola" <marga at debian.org> Ha escrito: 
> Currently, the best you can do is set the "Delay before locking the screen" 
> setting to 1 hour (the maximum) so that normal activation of the screensaver 
> will not lock, but after 1 hour it will lock.

I was wrong.  The settings are very confusing but it seems that what you want is 
actually possible.

What you need to do is set:
"Lock computer when screen turns off" -> off
"Lock the computer when inactive" -> <Time you want the screensaver to start>

This second setting is very badly worded, it's not related to locking at all, 
it's about when the screensaver starts.

I've sent a pull request upstream to change the wording to something 
more sensible.


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