[pkg-cinnamon] Bug#847482: qt5t not to be expected for stretch

James Lu bitflip3 at gmail.com
Fri Dec 9 15:34:22 UTC 2016

Hi Lisandro,

I think the consensus upstream was that using qt5ct to set themes was
more flexible than simply hardcoding it to gtk2 (e.g. if someone wants
to use adwaita-qt instead). Granted though, I haven't tested qt5ct
outside Cinnamon.

I also haven't tested whether setting the override to 'gtk2' instead of
'gtk' would solve the problem, as I'd have to patch+build
cinnamon-session again. Either way, this still requires qt-styleplugins
to be a newer version; I previously pulled a 5.0.0+git20161024-0.1
version off Mentors that has the latest code, but it looks like that no
longer exists.

Another note: there seems to be some work on getting Cinnamon 3.2
packaged, though I'm not sure whether that's destined for stretch (3.2
includes the patch I mentioned).


On 09/12/16 06:26 AM, Lisandro Damián Nicanor Pérez Meyer wrote:
> Hi! With my Qt maintainer hat on I'm still reluctant to packaging qt5ct 
> because it intereferes with how plasma works *and* uses Qt5's private headers 
> (although I know it doesn't have any options but that).
> So if we ever get to push it it will be for Buster.
> With respect to qtstyleplugins the author of the theme is Qt's othe 
> rmaintainer, CCing him in case he sees something I don't.
> With respect to the patch, isn't there a way to use the gtk plugin instead?

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