[Pkg-cli-apps-commits] [keepass2] branch master updated (7cb8f9b -> accb86e)
Julian Taylor
jtaylor.debian at googlemail.com
Thu Jun 22 05:43:04 UTC 2017
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.
jtaylor-guest pushed a change to branch master
in repository keepass2.
from 7cb8f9b debian/patches/disable-clipboard-workaround.patch:
adds 1f05e65 New upstream version 2.36+dfsg
new d367319 Merge tag 'upstream/2.36+dfsg'
new 5882eb8 New upstream release
new ea9e836 Refresh patches, remove old icon patch
new accb86e increase-tabheight.patch: workaround database tab crash (LP: #891029)
The 4 revisions listed above as "new" are entirely new to this
repository and will be described in separate emails. The revisions
listed as "adds" were already present in the repository and have only
been added to this reference.
Summary of changes:
Build/PrepMonoDev.sh | 71 +-
Docs/Chm/default.css | 12 +-
Docs/Chm/help/base/autotype.html | 9 +-
Docs/Chm/help/base/credits.html | 6 +-
Docs/Chm/help/base/disclaimer.html | 10 +-
Docs/Chm/help/base/faq_tech.html | 36 +-
Docs/Chm/help/base/keys.html | 30 +-
Docs/Chm/help/base/placeholders.html | 126 +++-
Docs/Chm/help/base/security.html | 14 +-
Docs/Chm/help/v2/setup.html | 11 +-
Docs/Chm/help/v2/xml_replace.html | 8 +-
Docs/Chm/help/v2_dev/customize.html | 14 +-
Docs/Chm/help/v2_dev/plg_index.html | 6 +-
Docs/History.txt | 66 ++
Ext/Icons_15_VA/KeePass_Round/KeePass_Round_20.png | Bin 0 -> 1076 bytes
Ext/Icons_15_VA/KeePass_Round/KeePass_Round_24.png | Bin 0 -> 1404 bytes
.../KeePass_Square_Blue/KeePass_Square_Blue_24.png | Bin 0 -> 1089 bytes
.../KeePass_Square_Blue_Locked_24.png | Bin 0 -> 1297 bytes
Ext/Icons_15_VA/LowResIcons/KeePass_LR.ico | Bin 0 -> 44702 bytes
Ext/Icons_15_VA/LowResIcons/KeePass_LR_G.ico | Bin 0 -> 44702 bytes
Ext/Icons_15_VA/LowResIcons/KeePass_LR_R.ico | Bin 0 -> 44702 bytes
Ext/Icons_15_VA/LowResIcons/KeePass_LR_Y.ico | Bin 0 -> 44702 bytes
Ext/KeePass.exe.config | 4 +-
Ext/KeePass.iss | 10 +-
Ext/KeePassMsi/KeePassMsi.vdproj | 14 +-
KeePass/App/AppDefs.cs | 3 +
KeePass/App/AppIcons.cs | 160 +++++
KeePass/App/Configuration/AceIntegration.cs | 12 +
KeePass/App/Configuration/AceMainWindow.cs | 42 +-
KeePass/App/Configuration/AceSecurity.cs | 12 +
KeePass/App/Configuration/AceTrayIcon.cs | 8 +
KeePass/App/Configuration/AceUI.cs | 12 +
KeePass/DataExchange/ImportUtil.cs | 2 +-
KeePass/Forms/AboutForm.cs | 13 +-
KeePass/Forms/AutoTypeCtxForm.cs | 15 +-
KeePass/Forms/CharPickerForm.Designer.cs | 10 +-
KeePass/Forms/CharPickerForm.cs | 21 +-
KeePass/Forms/ColumnsForm.cs | 7 +-
KeePass/Forms/CsvImportForm.cs | 10 +-
KeePass/Forms/DataEditorForm.Designer.cs | 8 +-
KeePass/Forms/DataEditorForm.cs | 11 +-
KeePass/Forms/DataViewerForm.cs | 16 +-
KeePass/Forms/DatabaseOperationsForm.cs | 7 +-
KeePass/Forms/DatabaseSettingsForm.cs | 23 +-
KeePass/Forms/DuplicationForm.cs | 4 +-
KeePass/Forms/EcasActionForm.cs | 9 +-
KeePass/Forms/EcasConditionForm.cs | 9 +-
KeePass/Forms/EcasEventForm.cs | 9 +-
KeePass/Forms/EcasTriggerForm.cs | 8 +-
KeePass/Forms/EcasTriggersForm.cs | 12 +-
KeePass/Forms/EditAutoTypeItemForm.cs | 30 +-
KeePass/Forms/EditStringForm.cs | 9 +-
KeePass/Forms/EntropyForm.cs | 6 +-
KeePass/Forms/EntryListForm.Designer.cs | 129 ----
KeePass/Forms/EntryListForm.cs | 181 -----
KeePass/Forms/EntryReportForm.cs | 5 +-
KeePass/Forms/ExchangeDataForm.cs | 10 +-
KeePass/Forms/FieldPickerForm.cs | 3 +-
KeePass/Forms/FieldRefForm.cs | 4 +-
KeePass/Forms/FileBrowserForm.cs | 8 +-
KeePass/Forms/GroupForm.cs | 9 +-
KeePass/Forms/HelpSourceForm.cs | 8 +-
KeePass/Forms/IOConnectionForm.cs | 21 +-
KeePass/Forms/IconPickerForm.cs | 6 +-
KeePass/Forms/ImportMethodForm.cs | 7 +-
KeePass/Forms/InternalBrowserForm.Designer.cs | 5 +-
KeePass/Forms/InternalBrowserForm.cs | 5 +-
KeePass/Forms/KeyCreationForm.cs | 7 +-
KeePass/Forms/KeyPromptForm.cs | 10 +-
KeePass/Forms/LanguageForm.cs | 8 +-
KeePass/Forms/ListViewForm.Designer.cs | 102 +++
KeePass/Forms/ListViewForm.cs | 244 +++++++
.../{EntryListForm.resx => ListViewForm.resx} | 0
KeePass/Forms/MainForm.Designer.cs | 94 ++-
KeePass/Forms/MainForm.cs | 33 +-
KeePass/Forms/MainForm_Functions.cs | 224 ++++--
KeePass/Forms/OptionsForm.Designer.cs | 15 +-
KeePass/Forms/OptionsForm.cs | 25 +-
KeePass/Forms/PluginsForm.cs | 8 +-
KeePass/Forms/PrintForm.cs | 22 +-
KeePass/Forms/ProxyForm.cs | 14 +-
KeePass/Forms/PwEntryForm.cs | 39 +-
KeePass/Forms/PwGeneratorForm.cs | 37 +-
KeePass/Forms/SearchForm.Designer.cs | 33 +-
KeePass/Forms/SearchForm.cs | 13 +-
KeePass/Forms/SingleLineEditForm.cs | 6 +-
KeePass/Forms/StatusLoggerForm.cs | 5 +-
KeePass/Forms/StatusProgressForm.Designer.cs | 1 -
KeePass/Forms/StatusProgressForm.cs | 6 +-
KeePass/Forms/TanWizardForm.cs | 8 +-
KeePass/Forms/TextEncodingForm.cs | 8 +-
KeePass/Forms/UpdateCheckForm.cs | 5 +-
KeePass/Forms/UrlOverrideForm.cs | 3 +-
KeePass/Forms/UrlOverridesForm.cs | 5 +-
...portForm.Designer.cs => WebDocForm.Designer.cs} | 40 +-
.../Forms/{UrlOverrideForm.cs => WebDocForm.cs} | 53 +-
KeePass/Forms/{AboutForm.resx => WebDocForm.resx} | 0
KeePass/Forms/XmlReplaceForm.cs | 4 +-
KeePass/KeePass.csproj | 39 +-
KeePass/KeePass.ico | Bin 60409 -> 64601 bytes
KeePass/Native/NativeMethods.New.cs | 9 +
KeePass/Native/NativeProgressDialog.cs | 3 +-
KeePass/Program.cs | 5 +-
KeePass/Properties/AssemblyInfo.cs | 4 +-
KeePass/Properties/Resources.Designer.cs | 42 ++
KeePass/Properties/Resources.resx | 24 +-
KeePass/Resources/{Images => Icons}/KeePass.ico | Bin 60409 -> 64601 bytes
KeePass/Resources/Icons/KeePass_G.ico | Bin 0 -> 64023 bytes
KeePass/Resources/Icons/KeePass_R.ico | Bin 0 -> 64205 bytes
KeePass/Resources/Icons/KeePass_Y.ico | Bin 0 -> 63556 bytes
KeePass/Resources/Icons/QuadLocked.ico | Bin 22486 -> 26678 bytes
KeePass/Resources/Icons/QuadNormal.ico | Bin 22486 -> 26678 bytes
KeePass/Resources/Icons/QuadNormal_G.ico | Bin 0 -> 26678 bytes
KeePass/Resources/Icons/QuadNormal_R.ico | Bin 0 -> 26678 bytes
KeePass/Resources/Icons/QuadNormal_Y.ico | Bin 0 -> 26678 bytes
KeePass/Resources/KPRes.Generated.cs | 212 +++++-
KeePass/UI/AsyncPwListUpdate.cs | 4 +-
KeePass/UI/BannerFactory.cs | 42 +-
...ontextMenuStripEx.cs => CustomContextMenuEx.cs} | 31 +-
KeePass/UI/CustomContextMenuStripEx.cs | 21 +-
KeePass/UI/CustomMenuStripEx.cs | 7 +
KeePass/UI/DynamicMenu.cs | 3 +-
KeePass/UI/EnableThemingInScope.cs | 2 +-
KeePass/UI/FontUtil.cs | 36 +-
KeePass/UI/GlobalWindowManager.cs | 2 +-
KeePass/UI/NotifyIconEx.cs | 72 +-
KeePass/UI/OnDemandStatusDialog.cs | 2 +-
KeePass/UI/OpenWithMenu.cs | 3 +-
KeePass/UI/PwInputControlGroup.cs | 9 +-
KeePass/UI/QualityProgressBar.cs | 13 +-
KeePass/UI/RichTextBoxContextMenu.cs | 15 +-
KeePass/UI/RichTextBuilder.cs | 64 +-
KeePass/UI/RtlAwareResizeScope.cs | 96 +++
KeePass/UI/SecureEdit.cs | 9 +-
KeePass/UI/ShowWarningsLogger.cs | 4 +-
KeePass/UI/SplitButtonEx.cs | 17 +-
KeePass/UI/StatusBarLogger.cs | 6 +-
KeePass/UI/UIUtil.cs | 305 +++++++--
KeePass/Util/AutoType.cs | 48 +-
KeePass/Util/BinaryDataClassifier.cs | 3 +-
KeePass/Util/EntryMenu.cs | 4 +-
KeePass/Util/EntryUtil.cs | 446 +++++++++++-
KeePass/Util/SendInputEx.cs | 6 +-
KeePass/Util/SendInputExt/SiEngineStd.cs | 65 +-
KeePass/Util/SendInputExt/SiEngineWin.cs | 3 +-
KeePass/Util/SendInputExt/SiObf.cs | 2 +-
KeePass/Util/Spr/SprContext.cs | 17 +-
KeePass/Util/Spr/SprEngine.PickChars.cs | 21 +-
KeePass/Util/Spr/SprEngine.cs | 191 ++++--
KeePass/Util/Spr/SprRefCache.cs | 123 ++++
KeePass/Util/Spr/SprSyntax.cs | 3 +-
KeePass/Util/TempFilesPool.cs | 9 +-
KeePass/Util/TextSimilarity.cs | 64 +-
KeePass/Util/UpdateCheckEx.cs | 2 +-
.../Util/XmlSerialization/XmlSerializerEx.Gen.cs | 76 ++-
KeePassLib/Cryptography/Cipher/CtrBlockCipher.cs | 5 +
KeePassLib/Cryptography/CryptoRandom.cs | 25 +-
KeePassLib/Cryptography/CryptoRandomStream.cs | 6 +-
KeePassLib/Cryptography/QualityEstimation.cs | 2 +-
KeePassLib/Cryptography/SelfTest.cs | 67 +-
KeePassLib/Properties/AssemblyInfo.cs | 4 +-
KeePassLib/PwDefs.cs | 47 +-
KeePassLib/PwGroup.cs | 26 +-
KeePassLib/Security/ProtectedBinary.cs | 2 +-
KeePassLib/Translation/KPTranslation.cs | 61 +-
KeePassLib/Utility/MonoWorkarounds.cs | 85 ++-
ShInstUtil/ShInstUtil.rc | 8 +-
Translation/DefaultText.xml | 50 +-
Translation/TrlUtil/FormTrlMgr.cs | 3 +-
Translation/TrlUtil/MainForm.cs | 33 +-
Translation/TrlUtil/PreviewForm.cs | 43 +-
Translation/TrlUtil/Properties/AssemblyInfo.cs | 4 +-
Translation/TrlUtil/Resources/KeePass.ico | Bin 60409 -> 64601 bytes
debian/changelog | 10 +
debian/install | 4 -
debian/patches/disable-clipboard-workaround.patch | 4 +-
debian/patches/do-not-use-the-non-free-icons.patch | 28 +-
debian/patches/dont-display-as-dev-version.patch | 2 +-
debian/patches/fix-XSL-search-path.patch | 8 +-
debian/patches/force_toolsversion_4 | 2 +-
debian/patches/increase-tabheight.patch | 25 +
debian/patches/series | 2 +-
debian/patches/skip-sgen-run-during-build.patch | 2 +-
debian/patches/use-installed-ico-files.patch | 758 ---------------------
debian/rules | 6 +-
185 files changed, 3832 insertions(+), 2082 deletions(-)
create mode 100644 Ext/Icons_15_VA/KeePass_Round/KeePass_Round_20.png
create mode 100644 Ext/Icons_15_VA/KeePass_Round/KeePass_Round_24.png
create mode 100644 Ext/Icons_15_VA/KeePass_Square_Blue/KeePass_Square_Blue_24.png
create mode 100644 Ext/Icons_15_VA/KeePass_Square_Blue_Locked/KeePass_Square_Blue_Locked_24.png
create mode 100644 Ext/Icons_15_VA/LowResIcons/KeePass_LR.ico
create mode 100644 Ext/Icons_15_VA/LowResIcons/KeePass_LR_G.ico
create mode 100644 Ext/Icons_15_VA/LowResIcons/KeePass_LR_R.ico
create mode 100644 Ext/Icons_15_VA/LowResIcons/KeePass_LR_Y.ico
create mode 100644 KeePass/App/AppIcons.cs
delete mode 100644 KeePass/Forms/EntryListForm.Designer.cs
delete mode 100644 KeePass/Forms/EntryListForm.cs
create mode 100644 KeePass/Forms/ListViewForm.Designer.cs
create mode 100644 KeePass/Forms/ListViewForm.cs
rename KeePass/Forms/{EntryListForm.resx => ListViewForm.resx} (100%)
copy KeePass/Forms/{EntryReportForm.Designer.cs => WebDocForm.Designer.cs} (52%)
copy KeePass/Forms/{UrlOverrideForm.cs => WebDocForm.cs} (55%)
copy KeePass/Forms/{AboutForm.resx => WebDocForm.resx} (100%)
rename KeePass/Resources/{Images => Icons}/KeePass.ico (80%)
create mode 100644 KeePass/Resources/Icons/KeePass_G.ico
create mode 100644 KeePass/Resources/Icons/KeePass_R.ico
create mode 100644 KeePass/Resources/Icons/KeePass_Y.ico
create mode 100644 KeePass/Resources/Icons/QuadNormal_G.ico
create mode 100644 KeePass/Resources/Icons/QuadNormal_R.ico
create mode 100644 KeePass/Resources/Icons/QuadNormal_Y.ico
copy KeePass/UI/{CustomContextMenuStripEx.cs => CustomContextMenuEx.cs} (64%)
create mode 100644 KeePass/UI/RtlAwareResizeScope.cs
create mode 100644 KeePass/Util/Spr/SprRefCache.cs
create mode 100644 debian/patches/increase-tabheight.patch
delete mode 100644 debian/patches/use-installed-ico-files.patch
Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/pkg-cli-apps/packages/keepass2.git
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