[Pkg-cli-apps-commits] [keepass2] 01/04: Merge tag 'upstream/2.36+dfsg'
Julian Taylor
jtaylor.debian at googlemail.com
Thu Jun 22 05:43:04 UTC 2017
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.
jtaylor-guest pushed a commit to branch master
in repository keepass2.
commit d3673192999f4482d7eca6b9e79a95467de8545c
Merge: 7cb8f9b 1f05e65
Author: Julian Taylor <jtaylor.debian at googlemail.com>
Date: Sun Jun 18 19:10:02 2017 +0200
Merge tag 'upstream/2.36+dfsg'
Upstream version 2.36+dfsg
Build/PrepMonoDev.sh | 71 +++-
Docs/Chm/default.css | 12 +-
Docs/Chm/help/base/autotype.html | 9 +-
Docs/Chm/help/base/credits.html | 6 +-
Docs/Chm/help/base/disclaimer.html | 10 +-
Docs/Chm/help/base/faq_tech.html | 36 +-
Docs/Chm/help/base/keys.html | 30 +-
Docs/Chm/help/base/placeholders.html | 126 +++++-
Docs/Chm/help/base/security.html | 14 +-
Docs/Chm/help/v2/setup.html | 11 +-
Docs/Chm/help/v2/xml_replace.html | 8 +-
Docs/Chm/help/v2_dev/customize.html | 14 +-
Docs/Chm/help/v2_dev/plg_index.html | 6 +-
Docs/History.txt | 66 +++
Ext/Icons_15_VA/KeePass_Round/KeePass_Round_20.png | Bin 0 -> 1076 bytes
Ext/Icons_15_VA/KeePass_Round/KeePass_Round_24.png | Bin 0 -> 1404 bytes
.../KeePass_Square_Blue/KeePass_Square_Blue_24.png | Bin 0 -> 1089 bytes
.../KeePass_Square_Blue_Locked_24.png | Bin 0 -> 1297 bytes
Ext/Icons_15_VA/LowResIcons/KeePass_LR.ico | Bin 0 -> 44702 bytes
Ext/Icons_15_VA/LowResIcons/KeePass_LR_G.ico | Bin 0 -> 44702 bytes
Ext/Icons_15_VA/LowResIcons/KeePass_LR_R.ico | Bin 0 -> 44702 bytes
Ext/Icons_15_VA/LowResIcons/KeePass_LR_Y.ico | Bin 0 -> 44702 bytes
Ext/KeePass.exe.config | 4 +-
Ext/KeePass.iss | 10 +-
Ext/KeePassMsi/KeePassMsi.vdproj | 14 +-
KeePass/App/AppDefs.cs | 3 +
KeePass/App/AppIcons.cs | 160 ++++++++
KeePass/App/Configuration/AceIntegration.cs | 12 +
KeePass/App/Configuration/AceMainWindow.cs | 42 +-
KeePass/App/Configuration/AceSecurity.cs | 12 +
KeePass/App/Configuration/AceTrayIcon.cs | 8 +
KeePass/App/Configuration/AceUI.cs | 12 +
KeePass/DataExchange/ImportUtil.cs | 2 +-
KeePass/Forms/AboutForm.cs | 13 +-
KeePass/Forms/AutoTypeCtxForm.cs | 15 +-
KeePass/Forms/CharPickerForm.Designer.cs | 10 +-
KeePass/Forms/CharPickerForm.cs | 21 +-
KeePass/Forms/ColumnsForm.cs | 7 +-
KeePass/Forms/CsvImportForm.cs | 10 +-
KeePass/Forms/DataEditorForm.Designer.cs | 8 +-
KeePass/Forms/DataEditorForm.cs | 11 +-
KeePass/Forms/DataViewerForm.cs | 16 +-
KeePass/Forms/DatabaseOperationsForm.cs | 7 +-
KeePass/Forms/DatabaseSettingsForm.cs | 23 +-
KeePass/Forms/DuplicationForm.cs | 4 +-
KeePass/Forms/EcasActionForm.cs | 9 +-
KeePass/Forms/EcasConditionForm.cs | 9 +-
KeePass/Forms/EcasEventForm.cs | 9 +-
KeePass/Forms/EcasTriggerForm.cs | 8 +-
KeePass/Forms/EcasTriggersForm.cs | 12 +-
KeePass/Forms/EditAutoTypeItemForm.cs | 30 +-
KeePass/Forms/EditStringForm.cs | 9 +-
KeePass/Forms/EntropyForm.cs | 6 +-
KeePass/Forms/EntryListForm.Designer.cs | 129 ------
KeePass/Forms/EntryListForm.cs | 181 ---------
KeePass/Forms/EntryReportForm.cs | 5 +-
KeePass/Forms/ExchangeDataForm.cs | 10 +-
KeePass/Forms/FieldPickerForm.cs | 3 +-
KeePass/Forms/FieldRefForm.cs | 4 +-
KeePass/Forms/FileBrowserForm.cs | 8 +-
KeePass/Forms/GroupForm.cs | 9 +-
KeePass/Forms/HelpSourceForm.cs | 8 +-
KeePass/Forms/IOConnectionForm.cs | 21 +-
KeePass/Forms/IconPickerForm.cs | 6 +-
KeePass/Forms/ImportMethodForm.cs | 7 +-
KeePass/Forms/InternalBrowserForm.Designer.cs | 5 +-
KeePass/Forms/InternalBrowserForm.cs | 5 +-
KeePass/Forms/KeyCreationForm.cs | 7 +-
KeePass/Forms/KeyPromptForm.cs | 10 +-
KeePass/Forms/LanguageForm.cs | 8 +-
KeePass/Forms/ListViewForm.Designer.cs | 102 +++++
KeePass/Forms/ListViewForm.cs | 244 +++++++++++
.../{EntryListForm.resx => ListViewForm.resx} | 0
KeePass/Forms/MainForm.Designer.cs | 94 +++--
KeePass/Forms/MainForm.cs | 33 +-
KeePass/Forms/MainForm_Functions.cs | 224 ++++++++---
KeePass/Forms/OptionsForm.Designer.cs | 15 +-
KeePass/Forms/OptionsForm.cs | 25 +-
KeePass/Forms/PluginsForm.cs | 8 +-
KeePass/Forms/PrintForm.cs | 22 +-
KeePass/Forms/ProxyForm.cs | 14 +-
KeePass/Forms/PwEntryForm.cs | 39 +-
KeePass/Forms/PwGeneratorForm.cs | 37 +-
KeePass/Forms/SearchForm.Designer.cs | 33 +-
KeePass/Forms/SearchForm.cs | 13 +-
KeePass/Forms/SingleLineEditForm.cs | 6 +-
KeePass/Forms/StatusLoggerForm.cs | 5 +-
KeePass/Forms/StatusProgressForm.Designer.cs | 1 -
KeePass/Forms/StatusProgressForm.cs | 6 +-
KeePass/Forms/TanWizardForm.cs | 8 +-
KeePass/Forms/TextEncodingForm.cs | 8 +-
KeePass/Forms/UpdateCheckForm.cs | 5 +-
KeePass/Forms/UrlOverrideForm.cs | 3 +-
KeePass/Forms/UrlOverridesForm.cs | 5 +-
KeePass/Forms/WebDocForm.Designer.cs | 69 ++++
.../Forms/{UrlOverrideForm.cs => WebDocForm.cs} | 53 ++-
.../Forms/{EntryListForm.resx => WebDocForm.resx} | 0
KeePass/Forms/XmlReplaceForm.cs | 4 +-
KeePass/KeePass.csproj | 39 +-
KeePass/KeePass.ico | Bin 60409 -> 64601 bytes
KeePass/Native/NativeMethods.New.cs | 9 +
KeePass/Native/NativeProgressDialog.cs | 3 +-
KeePass/Program.cs | 5 +-
KeePass/Properties/AssemblyInfo.cs | 4 +-
KeePass/Properties/Resources.Designer.cs | 42 ++
KeePass/Properties/Resources.resx | 24 +-
KeePass/Resources/{Images => Icons}/KeePass.ico | Bin 60409 -> 64601 bytes
KeePass/Resources/Icons/KeePass_G.ico | Bin 0 -> 64023 bytes
KeePass/Resources/Icons/KeePass_R.ico | Bin 0 -> 64205 bytes
KeePass/Resources/Icons/KeePass_Y.ico | Bin 0 -> 63556 bytes
KeePass/Resources/Icons/QuadLocked.ico | Bin 22486 -> 26678 bytes
KeePass/Resources/Icons/QuadNormal.ico | Bin 22486 -> 26678 bytes
KeePass/Resources/Icons/QuadNormal_G.ico | Bin 0 -> 26678 bytes
KeePass/Resources/Icons/QuadNormal_R.ico | Bin 0 -> 26678 bytes
KeePass/Resources/Icons/QuadNormal_Y.ico | Bin 0 -> 26678 bytes
KeePass/Resources/KPRes.Generated.cs | 212 +++++++++-
KeePass/UI/AsyncPwListUpdate.cs | 4 +-
KeePass/UI/BannerFactory.cs | 42 +-
...ontextMenuStripEx.cs => CustomContextMenuEx.cs} | 31 +-
KeePass/UI/CustomContextMenuStripEx.cs | 21 +-
KeePass/UI/CustomMenuStripEx.cs | 7 +
KeePass/UI/DynamicMenu.cs | 3 +-
KeePass/UI/EnableThemingInScope.cs | 2 +-
KeePass/UI/FontUtil.cs | 36 +-
KeePass/UI/GlobalWindowManager.cs | 2 +-
KeePass/UI/NotifyIconEx.cs | 72 ++--
KeePass/UI/OnDemandStatusDialog.cs | 2 +-
KeePass/UI/OpenWithMenu.cs | 3 +-
KeePass/UI/PwInputControlGroup.cs | 9 +-
KeePass/UI/QualityProgressBar.cs | 13 +-
KeePass/UI/RichTextBoxContextMenu.cs | 15 +-
KeePass/UI/RichTextBuilder.cs | 64 ++-
KeePass/UI/RtlAwareResizeScope.cs | 96 +++++
KeePass/UI/SecureEdit.cs | 9 +-
KeePass/UI/ShowWarningsLogger.cs | 4 +-
KeePass/UI/SplitButtonEx.cs | 17 +-
KeePass/UI/StatusBarLogger.cs | 6 +-
KeePass/UI/UIUtil.cs | 305 ++++++++++----
KeePass/Util/AutoType.cs | 48 ++-
KeePass/Util/BinaryDataClassifier.cs | 3 +-
KeePass/Util/EntryMenu.cs | 4 +-
KeePass/Util/EntryUtil.cs | 446 ++++++++++++++++++++-
KeePass/Util/SendInputEx.cs | 6 +-
KeePass/Util/SendInputExt/SiEngineStd.cs | 65 ++-
KeePass/Util/SendInputExt/SiEngineWin.cs | 3 +-
KeePass/Util/SendInputExt/SiObf.cs | 2 +-
KeePass/Util/Spr/SprContext.cs | 17 +-
KeePass/Util/Spr/SprEngine.PickChars.cs | 21 +-
KeePass/Util/Spr/SprEngine.cs | 191 +++++++--
KeePass/Util/Spr/SprRefCache.cs | 123 ++++++
KeePass/Util/Spr/SprSyntax.cs | 3 +-
KeePass/Util/TempFilesPool.cs | 9 +-
KeePass/Util/TextSimilarity.cs | 64 ++-
KeePass/Util/UpdateCheckEx.cs | 2 +-
.../Util/XmlSerialization/XmlSerializerEx.Gen.cs | 76 ++--
KeePassLib/Cryptography/Cipher/CtrBlockCipher.cs | 5 +
KeePassLib/Cryptography/CryptoRandom.cs | 25 +-
KeePassLib/Cryptography/CryptoRandomStream.cs | 6 +-
KeePassLib/Cryptography/QualityEstimation.cs | 2 +-
KeePassLib/Cryptography/SelfTest.cs | 67 +++-
KeePassLib/Properties/AssemblyInfo.cs | 4 +-
KeePassLib/PwDefs.cs | 47 ++-
KeePassLib/PwGroup.cs | 26 +-
KeePassLib/Security/ProtectedBinary.cs | 2 +-
KeePassLib/Translation/KPTranslation.cs | 61 ++-
KeePassLib/Utility/MonoWorkarounds.cs | 85 ++--
ShInstUtil/ShInstUtil.rc | 8 +-
Translation/DefaultText.xml | 50 ++-
Translation/TrlUtil/FormTrlMgr.cs | 3 +-
Translation/TrlUtil/MainForm.cs | 33 +-
Translation/TrlUtil/PreviewForm.cs | 43 +-
Translation/TrlUtil/Properties/AssemblyInfo.cs | 4 +-
Translation/TrlUtil/Resources/KeePass.ico | Bin 60409 -> 64601 bytes
173 files changed, 3815 insertions(+), 1277 deletions(-)
Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/pkg-cli-apps/packages/keepass2.git
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