Bug#723977: [asdf-devel] Re: Bug#723977: missing symlink in /usr/share/common-lisp/systems

Robert Goldman rpgoldman at sift.net
Tue Sep 24 17:50:17 UTC 2013

Faré wrote:
> On Mon, Sep 23, 2013 at 6:29 PM, Robert Goldman <rpgoldman at sift.net> wrote:
>> Faré wrote:
>>> Robert: when do you [intend] to release 3.0.3 ? Otherwise, I could do a Debian
>>> package for (PS: I took the liberty of also committing my
>>> load-systems* patch).
>> I was waiting on those two more UIOP patches (see the launchpad tracker
>> -- sorry I'm on a plane so I can't look them up myself), but I agree
>> that this needs a new version.
> Which UIOP patches were you thinking of? I fixed a simple one
> regarding ensure-function. I see other portability issues with
> directory* and symlinks, but I am not competent to address them.

I'm thinking of 1205555 https://bugs.launchpad.net/asdf/+bug/1205555 and
1205653 https://bugs.launchpad.net/asdf/+bug/1205653

I was hoping to get some work done on these, but that target is slipping.
>> I'll be OOT till Friday, but will try to run the full set of tests (they
>> run on my laptop on all officially supported platforms), and if they
>> pass,  we can release 3.0.3 then.
> Excellent.
>> I am afraid I still don't have the ability to test on linux, or to build
>> the Debian package -- still without a linux platform on which to hack ASDF.
> I can do that part, at least for the free software and proprietary
> implementations for which I still have a license.

I just tested on an old and crufty linux box.  Worked for ccl sbcl cmucl
allegro allegromodern.  ECL fails the test on my box.  Goes into an
infinite loop compiling test/file3.lisp -- gets an error in compilation,
retries, gets an error ....

This may be the fact that I'm trying this on an ancient OpenSUSE box,
with a distro version that's been EOLed, so that may be me, not ASDF.

If you could test with ECL, and it works for you, I am going to chalk
this up to my ancient distro.
>> I am still having mysterious problems with bundling on my tests on ABCL
>> and ECL, but I am pretty sure that the errors on ECL have to do with its
>> own incorrect detection of 32- vs. 64-bit.  ABCL is a bit more
>> mysterious to me.  Haven't been able to get any help with either of
>> these, so don't think they should be allowed to block progress on other
>> implementations.
> In case it means anything, tests pass on both ECL and ABCL on Linux x64.

As I said, I think ECL, as packaged by Mac Ports is busted on Mac, and I
can't fix it.

I don't have a good way to tell if ABCL is busted on Mac or our bundle
op is busted on Mac.


Robert P. Goldman
Principal Scientist
Smart Information Flow Technologies (d/b/a SIFT, LLC)

211 N. First St., Suite 300
Minneapolis, MN 55401

Voice:    (612) 326-3934
Email:    rpgoldman at SIFT.net

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