[Pkg-Cyrus-imapd-Debian-devel] Upload to debian/experimental?

Sven Mueller pkg-cyrus-imapd-debian-devel@lists.alioth.debian.org
Fri, 29 Apr 2005 16:12:00 +0200

Michael Liebl wrote on 29/04/2005 13:53:
> Hello Sven Mueller,
> on 29.04.2005 13:15 you wrote:
>>Ooops, right. I just committed a change which includes the necessary
>>masssievec (well, you could to what massievec does manually) in
>>cyrus22-common and included a small piece of information about that in
>>UPGRADE.Debian. However, any additional (or better) documentation of the
>>upgrade process is really welcomed.
> I'll have a look into this, is the svn repository public?
> Where can I get the actual trunk?

The repository is publicly readable at https://mail.incase.de/svn/cyrus22
with .../trunk containing the current development (to be 2.2.12-0.5 or
later), .../tags/2.2.12-x containing the latest 2.2.12-x tag (currently
2.2.12-0.4) and .../branches/ being available for personal or shared

If you want write access, please join the pkg-cyrus-imapd project on
alioth (this is possible both for Debian Developers and non-DDs) by
sending your alioth login to HMH. Then contact me, ideally with a SSH
public key and I will send you login information so that you can set
your access password for SVN. Alternatively, I can send you your SVN
access password, but to do so, I need information where to get your GPG
key or an email address secured with Ciphire Mail (www.ciphire.com).


>>>/usr/lib/cyrus/upgrade which did not worked for me. None of my scripts
>>>were updated. I think the script did not dive into the subdirs [a-z]*.
>>Well, I think the existing upgrade scripts simply don't compile sieve
>>scripts. Don't have much time to check that though, any assistance
>>highly appreciated there.
> I'm not very familar with perl, but I can try to debug this.

I don't think that much perl knowledge is needed there.

> As a workaround, you can load the filters with your favourite *Sieve
> Manager an save it again, timesieved (?) will compile it.

Except that its name is timsieved, not timesieved, yes, that would work
as well.

But as noted in the changes checked in today, masssievec will do what's
needed to compile all sieve scripts. It just needs to be called with the
right parameters.
