[Pkg-Cyrus-imapd-Debian-devel] Upload to debian/experimental?

Michael Liebl pkg-cyrus-imapd-debian-devel@lists.alioth.debian.org
Fri, 29 Apr 2005 13:53:14 +0200

Hello Sven Mueller,

on 29.04.2005 13:15 you wrote:

> Ooops, right. I just committed a change which includes the necessary
> masssievec (well, you could to what massievec does manually) in
> cyrus22-common and included a small piece of information about that in
> UPGRADE.Debian. However, any additional (or better) documentation of the
> upgrade process is really welcomed.

I'll have a look into this, is the svn repository public?
Where can I get the actual trunk?

>> /usr/lib/cyrus/upgrade which did not worked for me. None of my scripts
>> were updated. I think the script did not dive into the subdirs [a-z]*.
> Well, I think the existing upgrade scripts simply don't compile sieve
> scripts. Don't have much time to check that though, any assistance
> highly appreciated there.

I'm not very familar with perl, but I can try to debug this.

As a workaround, you can load the filters with your favourite *Sieve
Manager an save it again, timesieved (?) will compile it.

Michael Liebl