[Pkg-Cyrus-imapd-Debian-devel] RFC: Renaming the packages

Benjamin Seidenberg astronut at dlgeek.net
Wed Nov 30 17:22:16 UTC 2005

> We are approaching the upload to unstable, so it is time to question a few
> choices of the past, to see if we should not change them.
> The first issue is the naming of the packages.  Keep in mind that if we
> change the naming convention, I will change the 2.1 packages accordingly,
> and that the 1.5 packages are gone.
> The rationale for a possible renaming of the packages is that "cyrus##-*"
> is
> really awkward, and does NOT reflect the upstream name of the application
> at
> all.
> I propose we change the naming convention as follows:
> What do you guys think about the whole idea? and what about the
> cyrus-common
> to cyrus-base rename?

While a name change for 2.1 may make a sarge -> etch upgrade harder, I
think it's worth it to synch with upstream.

Another question that was raised earlier was to create a mailing list for
the maintainer field and have you (HMH) as an uploader. I know there is an
unresolved debate on this in debian-devel/debian-policy, but as it is
currently accepted practice, I figure it's at least worth consideration.


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