[Pkg-doc-linux-devel] Bug#170373: Missing sentence in Module-HOWTO?

Frank Lichtenheld Frank Lichtenheld <frank@lichtenheld.de>, 170373@bugs.debian.org
Mon, 22 Sep 2003 01:48:32 +0200

On Sun, Sep 21, 2003 at 07:23:36PM +0000, Bryan Henderson wrote:
> >Sorry, but here you left me ;) I haven't mentioned any typo
> >
> [...]
> The author obviously didn't mean to finish the paragraph with "They can"
> and it's incorrect typographically anyway, since it doesn't have any
> final punctuation (e.g. period).  Hence, this must be a typographical
> error -- an error in the typography, not the writing.

Ok. Now I understand :)

> >http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=171267
> OK, I'll fix that in the next edition too.  One of the typos mentioned
> [...]

Great, thanks.

> It would be nice to hear about these bugs people find in my document.
> The Debian problem record contains evidence that emails about them
> were sent to me a long time ago, but I never received them.  I wonder
> what's wrong.  I notice that the subject line uses some fancy encoding
> my mail reader does not decode, so there's a high probability that I
> just deleted these as spam, since I couldn't see an meaningful
> subject.  I wonder if it is necessary for the system to use this
> encoding in the subject line?

You mean:
[Jan.Minar@seznam.cz: Bug#171267: doc-linux-html: Mis-editions in the
It seems to be the default behavior of the mutt mailreader. I dunno if
this is backed up in any RFC or something like that. You have to ask the
mutt authors ;)

> Do you have any other problem reports with the Module-HOWTO?

There is
but I don't know if it is a valid bug (because I don't know how links to
other HOWTOs are handled generally). Please look at it and just say
me if you intent to change it or not.

Not filed as a bug yet: I think you should replace all occurences of
linuxdoc.org with tldp.org

Frank Lichtenheld <frank@lichtenheld.de>
www: http://www.djpig.de/