[Pkg-doc-linux-devel] Bug#170373: Missing sentence in Module-HOWTO?

Bryan Henderson bryanh@giraffe-data.com (Bryan Henderson), 170373@bugs.debian.org
Mon, 22 Sep 2003 01:06:05 +0000

>  I notice that the subject line uses some fancy encoding
>> my mail reader does not decode, so there's a high probability that I
>> just deleted these as spam, since I couldn't see an meaningful
>> subject.  I wonder if it is necessary for the system to use this
>> encoding in the subject line?
>You mean:
>[Jan.Minar@seznam.cz: Bug#171267: doc-linux-html: Mis-editions in the
>It seems to be the default behavior of the mutt mailreader.

No, I was looking at this:

  Subject: =?iso-8859-2?Q?doc=2Dlinux=2Dhtml=3A=20Mis=2Deditions=20in=20the=20Module=2DHOWTO?=

However, I see that that is not in the actual email that was
supposedly sent to me; it's in another email.  The subject header I
would have seen is the one you show.  And there's no way I would have
skipped over that subject in my in-box.  I also don't see anything
that would make my spam filter delete the email (it basically has to
be all HTML for that to happen).  So there must be something wrong

>[hyperlink to Kerneld mini-HOWTO]

I prefer it the way it is so that it is robust to reorganizations of
the LDP web site.  Plus, the referred to document is pretty obsolete
anyway and there wouldn't be much clicking through to it.

>Not filed as a bug yet: I think you should replace all occurences of
>linuxdoc.org with tldp.org

See?  I went too far even giving a URL for the main site.  Had I just
named the site and made the user look it up in Google, we wouldn't
have a problem.  :-)

But you're right.  I have fixed that for the next release.

Bryan Henderson                                    Phone 408-621-2000
San Jose, California