[Pkg-dspam-misc] Bug#383964: Bug: dspam adds additional newline to message body when processed with LMTP

Julien Lesaint julien at titoon.net
Sat Sep 2 15:33:14 UTC 2006

Hi, and sorry for not having replied earlier, I did not receive your
first answer. Here are some details about my config.

In dspam.conf:

ServerMode standard
Preference "signatureLocation=headers"

In the first instance Postfix side's master.cf:

smtp-scan       unix    -       -       y       -       2       lmtp
        -o lmtp_data_done_timeout=1200
        -o lmtp_send_xforward_command=yes
        -o disable_dns_lookups=yes

I did notice some (a very few) of my incoming emails did not have the
extra newline, but couldn't see any reason to that (same encoding,
content-type, etc -- both were coming from eBay in this case).

I was able to reproduce this by simulating a LMTP session (telnet to the
DSPAM port and send an email by hand; bug reproduced successfully each


Julien Lesaint.

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