[pkg-eucalyptus-maintainers] Fwd: euca2ools patchset

Steffen Möller steffen_moeller at gmx.de
Tue Apr 10 11:33:28 UTC 2012


I am explicitly CCing Brian, not knowing if he is on the list.

On 04/10/2012 06:48 AM, Rudy Godoy wrote:
> On Sat, Aug 27, 2011 at 09:47:23AM +0900, Charles Plessy wrote:
>> Le Fri, Aug 26, 2011 at 01:26:16PM -0700, graziano obertelli a écrit :
>>> I just talked with the euca2ools Fedora maintainer: he carries the
>>> attaches set of patches against euca2ools 1.3.1. I think some of the
>>> patch may not apply (a patch on where to find the ec2 certificate file),
>>> others may be a future deal (to make them use boto 2.0 for example).
>>> Overall a large set of the patches may be very useful indeed.
>> Thanks Graziano,
>> Apparently, most if not all these patches are related to issues reported on
>> Launchpad.
>> http://pkgs.fedoraproject.org/gitweb/?p=euca2ools.git;a=blob;f=euca2ools.spec;h=1f8be6e0a5db9a7b279b79d38a0d965ef05d5385;hb=HEAD
>> So this patch set definitely adds one more round of peer-review.  And it looks
>> that we can close #599464 with euca2ools-1.3.1-shasum.patch…
> I've been trying to catch-up with this series of patches. Regarding #599464 
> the LP-related issue (665667) uses a different patch. 
> From what I've observed there are two options:
> 1- Pull the patches applied to Ubuntu oneiric and pick the relevant to us + test.
> 2- Talk with upstream wheter they'll be releasing a point maintenace release or 
>    they are focusing development on 2.0 and if that's the case we could go 
>    straight to 2.0 snapshots.
> I've been going the (1) route but some patches seem not compatible, mostly 
> because Ubuntu also has a branch for euca2ools. We'll have to edit and test 
> quite few files. Ideas?
If time is not pressing too much, I would like to see it through route
2. Our delta should always be minimal to what upstream is providing ...
and since we have upstream so close to us ... .
Brian, Graziano, would a point release be anything reasonable to
consider? Or is version 2 just to close to think about yesterday's stuff
too much. On the positive side of a point release would be an easier way
to prepare something for backports.debian.org.



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