[pkg-eucalyptus-maintainers] Building mule 2.0.1-4 fails on Sid (was Re: Request for review: jetty8)

brian.thomason at gmail.com brian.thomason at gmail.com
Thu Apr 19 03:24:12 UTC 2012

> I updated the source package is in svn://svn.debian.org/pkg-eucalyptus/mule/trunk.
> Strangely, you are registered with the same account as for pkg-java.  What kind
> of error message does pkg-eucalyptus give you ?

I don't recall, just that I was unable to commit for some reason.
It's likely just user error.  I'll give it a go this time around.

> Lastly, I noted that the DMUA flag is already set; the missing part is your name
> in the Uploaders field: both are needed.

Ah, Ok.

The error you received is strange... Does dpkg-buildpackage just die
on you or does it hang? (it looks like it is explicitly killed in that
log)  I could not reproduce it in my Sid chroot on amd64 but
unfortunately, ran into another problem - quartz was updated from 1.x
-> 2.x and now breaks the build. *sigh*  I'm going to look into this

Thanks for the help!  I'll ping you if/when i think I have something
ready in pkg-eucalyptus this time.


> Cheers,
> --
> Charles Plessy
> Debian Med packaging team,
> http://www.debian.org/devel/debian-med
> Tsurumi, Kanagawa, Japan
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