Bug#336968: [Evolution] Bug#336968: evolution 2.4?

Matt Taggart taggart at debian.org
Wed Nov 2 09:41:50 UTC 2005

Loic Minier writes...

> > * #328418 - dependency problems with the version in unstable
>  This is fixed, and has nothing to do with the problem.


> > * Gnome 2.10 transition
>  This is mostly over, we're preparing the GNOME 2.12 transition now, but
>  there are a lot of things to prepare.

Good. Someone was also asking me why Debian was still transitioning to 2.10 
when 2.12 was out. I didn't know since I don't track that stuff.

> > Are these still issues? What else?
>  I think jordim is currently trying to sort things out regarding the
>  state of gal in NEW.


> > I'm sick of hearing my co-workers complain about this...
>  Why don't you build it yourself?

Build the source in experimental myself? or package my own version?
Anyway the reason I don't is that I don't use evolution :P
But several people I work with do and have been saying things like "I'm giving 
up on Debian and switching to ubuntu". When I ask why, they cite evolution 
being broken and out of date in Debian unstable/experimental and available in 
other distros. Now of course I gave them the lectures about "it's called 
'unstable' for a reason" and "experimental is just a developer playground" , 
but still, they have a point.

Anyway that's beside the point, the purpose of this bug is not to find a way 
to get it working on my machine, it's to find a way to get it in unstable so 
people can install it without extra effort, even if it is buggy . And it's 

> Why are you tracking unstable at your
>  office?

Those in question track unstable because they want the latest version, even if 
it means some bugs. In particular they want some of the newer calendar kinds 
of features I think.

Oh and I work at HP's Open Source and Linux R&D Lab and we're a Debian shop 
who need to run unstable :)

Thanks for the info,

Matt Taggart
taggart at debian.org

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