Bug#336968: [Evolution] Bug#336968: evolution 2.4?

Loic Minier lool at dooz.org
Wed Nov 2 10:04:58 UTC 2005

On Wed, Nov 02, 2005, Matt Taggart wrote:
> Good. Someone was also asking me why Debian was still transitioning to 2.10 
> when 2.12 was out. I didn't know since I don't track that stuff.

 sarge released with 2.8, 2.10 was brought in unstable immediately after
 the release, and numerous things have been and still are preventing the
 final bits to get in.  That's the 2.10 "transition" from unstable to
 testing.  It's still ongoing, with eg. sound-juicer, and some updates
 are stuck such as gnome-games.

> > > I'm sick of hearing my co-workers complain about this...
> >  Why don't you build it yourself?
> Build the source in experimental myself? or package my own version?
> Anyway the reason I don't is that I don't use evolution :P
> But several people I work with do and have been saying things like "I'm giving 
> up on Debian and switching to ubuntu". When I ask why, they cite evolution 
> being broken and out of date in Debian unstable/experimental and available in 
> other distros. Now of course I gave them the lectures about "it's called 
> 'unstable' for a reason" and "experimental is just a developer playground" , 
> but still, they have a point.

 Filing a bug like this is not really helping evolution maintenance, but
 it is a way to document the issues for users.  Sadly, it doesn't make
 things happen faster.

Loïc Minier <lool at dooz.org>
"What do we want? BRAINS!    When do we want it? BRAINS!"

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