[Evolution] Bug#382745: evolution: Evolution displays an empty error message with LANG=es_AR.UTF-8

Øystein Gisnås oystein at gisnas.net
Fri Aug 25 00:31:30 UTC 2006

On 13/08/06, Martín Ferrari <martin.ferrari at gmail.com> wrote:
> When using the es_AR.UTF-8 locale, and having an error during gpg
> encryption of a outgoing message, evolution displays an empty error
> dialog: only an stop symbol and the OK button. When trying with
> es_AR.ISO-8859-1, en_US.ISO-8859-1, en_US.UTF-8 and ja_JP.UTF-8, the
> error is displayed correctly, as follows:
> Could not create message.
> Because "gpg:
> [..]
> ", you may need to select different mail options.

I tried this with evolution 2.6.3-1 and could not see any problem. I
installed the locale through the "dpkg-reconfigure locales" menus and
started with LANG=es_AR.UTF-8 evolution. When I signed a message and
pressed cancel, I got an error message with text. I also got an error
message when I tried to encrypt a mail to someone not in my keyring.

Can you please try this again and detail the instructions to reproduce this?

Thanks for reporting the possible bug.

Øystein Gisnås

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