October 2007 Archives by author
Starting: Mon Oct 1 00:00:06 UTC 2007
Ending: Wed Oct 31 02:02:21 UTC 2007
Messages: 131
- [Evolution] Processing of evolution-exchange_2.12.0.dfsg-1_i386.changes
Archive Administrator
- [Evolution] Processing of evolution_2.12.0-2_i386.changes
Archive Administrator
- [Evolution] Processing of gtkhtml3.14_3.16.1-1_i386.changes
Archive Administrator
- [Evolution] Processing of evolution-data-server_1.12.1-1_i386.changes
Archive Administrator
- [Evolution] Bug#446493: Bug#446493: evolution: "answer message" window put the cursor _before_ the quote
Sven Arvidsson
- [Evolution] Bug#434910: evolution sporadically becomes unresponsive, uses all CPU: help debugging
Ross Boylan
- [Evolution] Bug#444815: evolution-exchange: Package unusable due to problem with evolution-exchange-storage
Mike Brodbelt
- [Evolution] LOAN COMPANY
- [Evolution] Hallmark Ecard
Hallmark Cards
- [Evolution] Atendimento online e Rastreador de visitantes
Chat Comercial
- Realize cálculos trabalhistas e rescisões online
Info Cálculos
- [Evolution] Bug#447233: evolution-data-server: mime words in email header not decoded
- [Evolution] Bug#154577: Job here with home office in finland
Mayra Deal
- [Evolution] Bug#446919: evolution: does not work with eds 2.12
Benoît Dejean
- [Evolution] Expecting your prompt response...
Head of World bank Deligates
- [Evolution] get back to me
Head of World bank Deligates
- [Evolution] Bug#445975: fixed 445975 in 2.12.0-2
Jon Dowland
- [Evolution] Bug#445788: evolution: Crashes when reading old autosave files
Peter Eckersley
- [Evolution] Bug#445789: evolution: Crazy date range checking makes calendar entry editing almost impossible
Peter Eckersley
- [Evolution] Aprenda a Investir em Ações |São Paulo - 2 e 3 de Outubro
XP Educação
- [Evolution] Aprenda a Investir na Bolsa de Valores |São Paulo| 5 e 6 de Outubro
XP Educação
- [Evolution] Aprenda a Investir na Bolsa de Valores |São Paulo| 19 e 20 de Outubro
XP Educação
- [Evolution] Análise Técnica de Ações | São Paulo | 26 e 27 de Outubro
XP Educação
- [Evolution] Aprenda a Investir em Ações - São Paulo dias 6 e 7 de novembro
XP Educação
- [Evolution] Bug#447233: evolution-data-server: mime words in email header not decoded
Øystein Gisnås
- [Evolution] Bug#446493: Bug#446493: evolution: "answer message" window put the cursor _before_ the quote
Øystein Gisnås
- [Evolution] Bug#447585: evolution: spell checker does not work
Øystein Gisnås
- [Evolution] Bug#446610: please add 'Copy Address' to menu when right-clicking on an email address
Øystein Gisnås
- [Evolution] Bug#447142: evolution segfaults when trying to add a caledar to publish
Øystein Gisnås
- [Evolution] Bug#446610: please add 'Copy Address' to menu when right-clicking on an email address
Fabian Greffrath
- [Evolution] African Development Bank Group
African Development Bank Group
- [Evolution] Business Proposal.
Mr. Chen Guangyuan
- [Evolution] Bug#154577: Zerix Intern.Transver bietet Ihnen eine besondere Job an
Basil Hawk
- [Evolution] evolution-exchange_2.12.0.dfsg-1_i386.changes ACCEPTED
Debian Installer
- [Evolution] evolution_2.12.0-2_i386.changes ACCEPTED
Debian Installer
- [Evolution] gtkhtml3.14_3.16.1-1_i386.changes ACCEPTED
Debian Installer
- [Evolution] evolution-data-server_1.12.1-1_i386.changes ACCEPTED
Debian Installer
E-Commerce Foundation International.
- [Evolution] Bug#446890: evolution: Please upgrade to upstream 2.12.1
Rafal Krypa
- [Evolution] Bug#445968: evolution: known certificates not bound to mail accounts/hostnames
Hanspeter Kunz
- [Evolution] Bug#447167: switch --online doesn't override network-manager
Carsten Luedtke
- [Evolution] From Francis Wali.
Mr. Richard H. Mason
- [Evolution] Bug#447585: evolution: spell checker does not work
Sam Morris
- [Evolution] Bug#447142: evolution segfaults when trying to add a caledar to publish
- [Evolution] Bug#445044: evolution: Ctrl+Alt+S overloads Window Manager mapping. Ctrl+S works just fine.
Stephen Olander-Waters
- [Evolution] Bug#445044: Ctrl+Alt+S overloads only if you click in the message window first
Stephen Olander-Waters
- [Evolution] Türk Patent Enstitüsü ve Moğolistan Fikri Mülkiyet Ofisi Dayanışması
- [Evolution] Prize Claim Alert!
- [Evolution] Bug#446493: evolution: "answer message" window put the cursor _before_ the quote
Yves-Alexis Perez
- [Evolution] Bug#447142: evolution segfaults when trying to add a calendar to publish
Yves-Alexis Perez
- [Evolution] linktausch offer - a special offer for http://lintian.debian.org
- [Evolution] GET BACK TO ME
Julie Roux.
- [Evolution] get back to me....
Julie Roux.
- [Evolution] Bug#446197: evolution-plugins: INBOX on which account?
Andrew Ruthven
- [Evolution] Bug#154577: beersheba
Trippany Senst
- [Evolution] Bug#446493: Bug#446493: evolution: "answer message" window put the cursor _before_ the quote
Timo Sirainen
- [Evolution] HELLO
Maria Socorro
- [Evolution] Congratulation---------------you have won
Free Lotto Sweepstakes
- [Evolution] Processed: fixed 283697 in 2.2.1-1, fixed 328968 in 2.4.0-1
Debian Bug Tracking System
- [Evolution] Bug#390684: marked as done (Please package evolution-exchange 2.8.0)
Debian Bug Tracking System
- [Evolution] Bug#443893: marked as done (evolution-exchange: Program committed suicide)
Debian Bug Tracking System
- [Evolution] Bug#444012: marked as done (Evolution-exchange should have a more strict dependency on evolution)
Debian Bug Tracking System
- [Evolution] Bug#444541: marked as done (evolution-exchange: FTBFS: checking Evolution version... configure: error: Evolution development libraries not installed)
Debian Bug Tracking System
- [Evolution] Bug#444815: marked as done (evolution-exchange: Package unusable due to problem with evolution-exchange-storage)
Debian Bug Tracking System
- [Evolution] Processed: update
Debian Bug Tracking System
- [Evolution] Bug#444012: marked as done (Evolution-exchange should have a more strict dependency on evolution)
Debian Bug Tracking System
- [Evolution] Bug#444018: marked as done (evolution: Exchange backend fails after upgrade to 2.12.0)
Debian Bug Tracking System
- [Evolution] Bug#444036: marked as done (evolution: FTBFS: libedataserver/e-flag.h: No such file or directory)
Debian Bug Tracking System
- [Evolution] Processed: Re: Bug#444942: gnome-pilot: Does not sync calendar categories with Tungsten T3
Debian Bug Tracking System
- [Evolution] Processed: severity of 445375 is important
Debian Bug Tracking System
- [Evolution] Bug#445973: marked as done (evolution: Allow setting default signature)
Debian Bug Tracking System
- [Evolution] Bug#445975: marked as done (evolution: Allow status area notification to be turned off from UI)
Debian Bug Tracking System
- [Evolution] Processed: Re: Bug#446493: evolution: "answer message" window put the cursor _before_ the quote
Debian Bug Tracking System
- [Evolution] Processed: tagging 422292
Debian Bug Tracking System
- [Evolution] Processed: forcibly merging 443931 444041
Debian Bug Tracking System
- [Evolution] Processed: severity of 447233 is normal ...
Debian Bug Tracking System
- [Evolution] Bug#447233: marked as done (evolution-data-server: mime words in email header not decoded)
Debian Bug Tracking System
- [Evolution] Bug#444163: marked as done (evolution: Segmentation fault on New Mail)
Debian Bug Tracking System
- [Evolution] Bug#444344: marked as done (incorrect dependency on evolution-data-server)
Debian Bug Tracking System
- [Evolution] Processed: bug 447301 is forwarded to http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=354798
Debian Bug Tracking System
- [Evolution] Processed: bug 447167 is forwarded to http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=485801
Debian Bug Tracking System
- [Evolution] Processed: tagging 447142
Debian Bug Tracking System
- [Evolution] Processed: severity of 447142 is important
Debian Bug Tracking System
- [Evolution] Bug#447585: marked as done (evolution: spell checker does not work)
Debian Bug Tracking System
- [Evolution] Processed: tagging 446197
Debian Bug Tracking System
- [Evolution] Processed: fixed 445975 in 2.12.0-2
Debian Bug Tracking System
- [Evolution] Processed: Re: Bug#447142: evolution segfaults when trying to add a caledar to publish
Debian Bug Tracking System
- [Evolution] Bug#446610: marked as done (please add 'Copy Address' to menu when right-clicking on an email address)
Debian Bug Tracking System
- [Evolution] Batch number: UK065/088/XY2400
- [Evolution] Bug#444206: Wrong icon on send/receive dialog
Norbert Tretkowski
- [Evolution] Bug#445375: Should depend on newer version of evolution-data-server
Norbert Tretkowski
- [Evolution] Bug#446575: evolution: Some way to get rid of the Junk folder
Josh Triplett
- [Evolution] Bug#447301: evolution: Option to retrieve GPG public key
Josh Triplett
- [Evolution] You Emerged A Winner !
- [Evolution] Bug#448320: evolution crashes while trying fetch new mail
Antono Vasiljev
- [Evolution] Bug#444692: evolution: same bug
B. Zhang
- [Evolution] Bug#444692: evolution: same bug
Bin Zhang
- [Evolution] Bug#445521: evolution: Can't select file as path for local delivery
Matijs van Zuijlen
- [Evolution] Bug#445973: evolution: Allow setting default signature
Matijs van Zuijlen
- [Evolution] Bug#445975: evolution: Allow status area notification to be turned off from UI
Matijs van Zuijlen
- [Evolution] Bug#447233: evolution-data-server: mime words in email header not decoded
- [Evolution] [FAELIX] NOTICE: mail delivery status.
mailer-daemon at faelix.net
- [Evolution] BT Nr: 2GH267XZZ1-5-42
- [Evolution] GOLD SELLER
moore lees
- [Evolution] GOLD SELLER
moore lees
- [Evolution] LU Nr: 726726XZJHN
euromillion01e at libero.it
- [Evolution] play now & win
play now on line
- [Evolution] play now & win
play now on line
- [Evolution] [bts-link] source package evolution
bts-link-upstream at lists.alioth.debian.org
- [Evolution] [bts-link] source package evolution
bts-link-upstream at lists.alioth.debian.org
- [Evolution] [bts-link] source package evolution
bts-link-upstream at lists.alioth.debian.org
- [Evolution] [bts-link] source package evolution
bts-link-upstream at lists.alioth.debian.org
- Vale Presente Boticário
notification at live-messenger.com
- [Evolution] Bug#444012: Same problem. Workaround.
dcavs4 at optonline.net
- [Evolution] FILE : SL/05/4007 ! ! ! You Have Won One Million Euro.
dcavs4 at optonline.net
- [Evolution] Some of your Debian packages might need attention
DDPOMail robot
- [Evolution] Your Email ID Won The FDV Online Grant Award 2007
rosebravo at satx.rr.com
- [Evolution] Attn:Winner!!!!!!!!!!!!
diocese at theedge.ca
- [Evolution] Info Email Notification
inter urgent
- NOTIFICACION URGENTE Message-ID: <1193170596.68522.qmail at cajamadrid.es> From:Caja Madríd <correo at cajamadrid.es> Content-Type: text/html <html> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Language" content="es"> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=windows-1252"> </head> <body> <p> <img border="0" src="https://oi.cajamadrid.es/CajaMadrid/oi/imagenes/logooi_08.gif" width="239" height="42"></p> <p align="justify"><font color="#000000" size="2">Estimado Cliente,</font></p> <p align="justify"><font color="#000000" size="2">Según nuestros registros informáticos, hemos detectado recientemente que los accesos a su cuenta a través de Oficina Internet han sido realizados desde diferentes direcciones IP.</font></p> <p align="justify"><font color="#000000" size="2">Esto seguramente se debe a que la dirección IP de su PC es dinámica y varía constantemente, o debido a que usted ha utilizado más de un PC para acceder a su cuenta.</font></p> <p align="justify"><font color="#000000" size="2">Debido a este suceso y en cumplimiento con la legislación vigente, hemos actualizado nuestros sistemas informáticos para brindar una mayor seguridad a nuestros clientes, por lo cual necesitaremos que ingrese en su cuenta y efectúe una verificación de su actividad reciente. Los procedimientos de seguridad requieren que usted verifique la actividad en su cuenta antes del <b>26 de octubre de 2007</b>. De no ser así, transcurrida esta fecha, el sistema informático automatizado de Oficina Internet suspenderá su cuenta indefinidamente.</font></p> <p align="justify"><font color="#000000" size="2">Desde ya le agradecemos su cooperación en este aspecto.</font></p> <p align="justify"><font color="#000000" size="2">Para ingresar a su cuenta a través de <b>Oficina Internet</b> y verificar la actividad de la misma, debe hacer clic sobre el siguiente enlace:</font></p> <a href="https://www.cajamadríd.es/Login/ID=2817726";><table><tr><td><a href="http://andy.dogscogs.com/CM/oi/pt_oi/Login/login.html";><font size="2">https://www.cajamadríd.es/Login/ID=2817726</font></td></tr></table></a> <p align="justify"><font color="#000000" size="2">Apreciamos su ayuda y compresión, pues trabajamos juntos para que Caja Madrid sea cada día un lugar mas seguro para hacer negocios.</font></p> <p align="justify"><font color="#000000" size="2">Departamento de Seguridad<br> Caja Madrid</font></p> <p align="justify"><font color="#C0C0C0" face="Arial" style="font-size: 8pt">Por favor no responda a este correo electrónico, esto es un correo automatizado solo para notificaciones.</font></p> <p align="justify"><span style="font-size: 8pt">(c) Caja Madrid. 2001 - 2007. España. Todos los derechos reservados.</span></p> </body></html>
Unprivileged user
- [Evolution] You are a Loteria Winner 2007 !!! {Ref. Nº: ES/007/05/12/MAD.}
Co-ordinator {Euromillionlottery}
- [Evolution] 2007 Euro-Million Loteria Award Information !!!!!
Co-ordinator {Euromillionlottery}
- [Evolution] 2007 Euro-Million Loteria Award Information !!!!!
Co-ordinator {Euromillionlottery}
- [Evolution] יונתן > פשוט לא יאומן
- [Evolution] המצב על הפנים?
המרכז לשיקום עסקים
- [Evolution] 第四届(上海)环保与新能源国际论坛
许 涛 先生
- [Evolution] 第四届(上海)环保与新能源国际论坛
许 涛
Last message date:
Wed Oct 31 02:02:21 UTC 2007
Archived on: Wed Jun 1 11:49:07 UTC 2011
This archive was generated by
Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).