[Evolution] Bug#476558: Bug#476558: evolution: Fails to GPG sign a message

Goedson Teixeira Paixao goedson at debian.org
Fri Apr 25 20:51:06 UTC 2008

Em Sex, 2008-04-25 às 15:58 +0200, Yves-Alexis Perez escreveu:
> Well, I dont know how seahorse work. But if you start seahorse and if it
> exports the GPG_AGENT_INFO, all apps assume there is a gpg agent running. In
> this case, evo wont use it's internal popup to ask you the passphrase, but
> will pass this to $GPG_AGENT.

Seahorse does export GPG_AGENT_INFO but evolution won't use the GPG
agent unless we set use-agent in ~/.gnupg/gpg.conf

> Afaict, it's the agent responsibility to make sure user can enter the
> passphrase. gnupg-agent Recommends pinentry, and I dont know about other
> agents.

Agreed. So seahorse should recommend pinentry-gtk2. But I think it is
the responsibility of the application to make sure the agent will be
called when needed.

This is the command evolution executes when trying to sign a message:

gpg --verbose --no-secmem-warning --no-greeting --no-tty --status-fd=64
--command-fd=65 --sign --detach --armor --digest-algo=SHA1 -u 1DEB8EAE
--output -

If we add the --use-agent option to this command, then we will guarantee
the agent is called even if the user doesn't have use-agent set in his

> If $GPG_AGENT_INFO isn't detected (user doesnt run a gpg agent), evo takes
> care of this, so in this case the bug may lie in evo. Can you try running evo
> with $GPG_AGENT_INFO unset? If it asks you a passphrase, no problem in evo.

if I unset GPG_AGENT_INFO and then launch evolution, it won't ask me for
a password when trying to sign a message and fails the same way as

Goedson Teixeira Paixao          http://mundolivre.wordpress.com/
Debian Project                   http://www.debian.org/
Jabber ID: goedson at jabber.org    http://www.jabber.org/

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