[Pkg-exppsy-pynifti] [Nipy-devel] Image, design, usecases

Matthew Brett matthew.brett at gmail.com
Wed May 13 18:52:13 UTC 2009


> 1. Does this generic image reading code read any volume-based medical image
> format?

It is designed as a framework so that it may be clear how to read any
volume-based image format.  So far it reads and writes: analyze, SPM
analyze (with the .mat file), nifti (pair and single .nii). It reads
MINC Ok (still some little cleanups to do).

> 2. Does this generic image reading code only read medical image formats?


> or 3. Can it also read other image formats:
> (data4,meta4) = somepackage.load('help.tif') # common img formats

No...  I suppose it could, via PIL or something, but that would only
make sense if the TIFF was a volume.

The idea is - post sprint - that the image object should insist on at
least 3 dimensions...

So, yes, I think it's medical volume.

See you,


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