[Pkg-exppsy-pynifti] [Nipy-devel] Image, design, usecases

Satrajit Ghosh satra at mit.edu
Wed May 13 19:04:29 UTC 2009

On Wed, May 13, 2009 at 2:52 PM, Matthew Brett <matthew.brett at gmail.com>wrote:

> > or 3. Can it also read other image formats:
> >
> > (data4,meta4) = somepackage.load('help.tif') # common img formats
> No...  I suppose it could, via PIL or something, but that would only
> make sense if the TIFF was a volume.

Thanks Matthew. If this were to make it's way to scipy, I think it would be
good for it to read stacked tiff's. That's the format that's used by
molecular biologists and neuroscientists to store confocal microscopy and
other imaging data.

> The idea is - post sprint - that the image object should insist on at
> least 3 dimensions...

A 2D image is a volume with the 3rd dimension set to 1. So if I extracted
slices from a volume would I have to do:


instead of


> So, yes, I think it's medical volume.

I think my general point is that if this was purely a neuroimaging thing, it
should remain within NiPy. However, if it is more generally applicable to
medical images, then it should seriously consider a framework in which it
can support other common volume-like formats.


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