[Pkg-exppsy-pynifti] [Nipy-devel] Data packaging, a proposal for feedback
John Hunter
jdh2358 at gmail.com
Wed Aug 5 20:13:34 UTC 2009
On Wed, Aug 5, 2009 at 2:37 PM, Fernando Perez<fperez.net at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi all,
> just as an FYI, this came out on the mpl-dev list:
> http://sourceforge.net/mailarchive/forum.php?thread_name=88e473830907311110w5b0097aai313d2c4c5dd6b165%40mail.gmail.com&forum_name=matplotlib-devel
This was introduced to solve a problem in that we want our example
code to "run anywhere" even if the data is not installed locally,
mainly so gallery users can run examples that require data. I hacked
up something to grab from a dedicated svn dir using urllib, and Jouni
made some very nice enhancements, writing a custom urllib2 BaseHandler
that checks the "ETag" HTTP header for the svn revision number
(apparently something viewvc provides) to make a conditional http
request (grab only if the revision number has changed). The class
dumps the file to a local cachedir, and reloads from there going
forward. If the revision number changes, the cache is updated with
the new file. All you need is urllib2 -- no svn dependency.
Anticipating someone might want to use this outside mpl, I refactored
the code this morning so it can be used independently from mpl's svn
repo or cachedir. demo.py::
import matplotlib.cbook as cbook
cachedir = '/tmp/mydata'
# replace this with your viewvc server
baseurl = 'http://matplotlib.svn.sourceforge.net/viewvc/matplotlib/trunk/sample_data/'
myserver = cbook.ViewVCCachedServer(cachedir, baseurl)
datafile = 'testdir/subdir/testsub.csv'
localfile = myserver.get_sample_data(datafile, asfileobj=False)
print localfile
w/ the resulting output::
johnh at udesktop191:~> python demo.py
By default file handles are returned.
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