[pkg-fgfs-crew] Bug#763821: Bug#763821: Bug#763821: FlightGear can't load any data and gets Segmentation fault

Rebecca Palmer rebecca_palmer at zoho.com
Fri Oct 3 17:13:36 UTC 2014

The backtrace points to an exit handler, which suggests that FlightGear 
was already closing itself due to some other error (probably the 
unloadable objects) before it crashed.

> Yes, after disable the terrasync, it would not crash anymore.  [...]
> The most importantly, the objects still cannot be loaded.
What exactly do you mean by this: is it giving "failed to load" errors 
(but not crashing) with Terrasync off, and if so which files?  Did you try
>> turning Terrasync back on via the
>> tick box under File > Scenery Download and waiting for it to finish
>> (~200MB, Information shows status), then closing and restarting FlightGear.
and if so, did it help?

(Note that FlightGear remembers the Terrasync setting between runs, so 
after a --disable-terrasync run it stays off until you explicitly turn 
it on again.)

Do the files named in the "unable to load" messages exist (under 
~/.fgfs/TerraSync, e.g. ls ~/.fgfs/TerraSync/Models/Power)?

>  it looks to be related to the bug [#763816] in
> libopenscenegraph100:
Probably not, but to make sure try:
$ OSG_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu fgfs --enable-terrasync

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