Bug#257268: [Pkg-firebird-general] Bug#257268: firebird-s32-server:
Firebird 1.0.3-1 deleted my /etc/init.d/firebird script
Jaume Sabater
Jaume Sabater <jsabater@linuxsilo.net>, 257268@bugs.debian.org
Sat, 03 Jul 2004 14:50:46 +0200
Remco Seesink wrote:
>>I have also been able to reproduce it by setting up a chroot and
I have never tried inside a chroot, but try this:
- Install firebird-s32-server version 1.0.2-2.
- Then update to 1.0.3-1
You'll see it works fine.
Then uninstall all firebird packages, and try installing 1.0.3-1: you'll
see you have no /etc/init.d/firebird script after installation.
At least this worked for me for three times (three attempts).
Maybe there are some other influences on play, but I cannot say what. If
you need any information about my system, please let me know.
> Oops, I cheered to early. It failed because I forgot to disable
> firebird in my main installation.
> Did you install anything firebird related converted with alien?
No, I did not. I was just using official Debian mirrors.
Jaume Sabater
"Ubi sapientas ibi libertas"