[Pkg-firebird-general] firebird 1.5.2

Damyan Ivanov divanov@creditreform.bg
Wed, 12 Jan 2005 16:25:59 +0200

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Hi all,

Happy New Year!

I am in process of building firebird-1.5.2 packages. I used the 1.5.1 
diff.gz as starters and then just fixed the failing hunks.

Also, I've fixed the lintian complains. These include:
  1) short description starting with a capital letter (but see #288568)
  2) non-dev packages containing symlinks to libraries, i.e. 
libfbclient.so -> libfbclient.so.1.5.1  These are moved in -dev
  3) maybe others I can't remember.

Remaining lintian warnings:
  1) about NMU - since I am not in the Uploaders: lintian thinks this is 
a NMU build. Should I include myself in Uploaders or just ignore the 
  2) .dsc file contains strange architectures in Architectures: like 
"darwin-i386" and such. This comes from @arches@ in debian/control.in 
where it is replaced by the output of `type-handling i386 any'. I see 
1.5.1-4 has the same list of strange architectures.

Unfortunatelly I have no hosting at hand. Is there a place I can upload 
the files for review/testing?

Damyan Ivanov          0x9725F63B         Creditreform Bulgaria
divanov@creditreform.bg             http://www.creditreform.bg/
phone: +359(2)928-2611, 929-3993           fax: +359(2)920-0994
mobile: +359-88-856-6067      ICQ: 3028500      Y!M: dam3028500

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