[pkg-firebird-general] DBD::InterBase license ?

Damyan Ivanov dam at modsoftsys.com
Fri Jun 9 09:20:52 UTC 2006

Hi, Kai,

Kai Bäsler wrote:
> regarding DBD::InterBase i found a Message from you on debian-legal.
> It's from 2004-06-15, and you wrote you were trying to contact the
> author(s) to clarify some license issues. Did you succeed? Any chance to
> see libdbd-interbase-perl in etch?

I asked about license clarification/changes on upstream mailing list
and never got any response. The mailing list seems not very active (to
put it lightly).

To anwer your question, no, no chance for libdbd-interbase-perl for etch.

However, you may want to give IBPerl a try. This is a project started
by Bill Karwin when he was working for Inprise. I am its current
maintainer. It is not a drop-in replacement for DBD::Interbase, but
has everithing you'd need when working with perl and
firebird/interbase. Sources can be found here[1]. I currently maintain
it as a debian-native package, so you must be able to just export the
sources from svn and fire "dpkg-buildpackage -rfakeroot" to get a
debian package (libibperl-perl).

I use IBPerl daily for heavy-wieght in-house web application so I can
assure you it is very stable.

The interface is different from DBD's, but this gives some unique
oportunities like multi-database transactions.

Ah, and it would be exceptionally great if you're interested in
transforming IBPerl into DBD::Firebird or something. License is "same
as perl" so no problems on the legal side. I could even take the steps
to put it in the official archive then.

Thanks for your interest,
[1] https://svn.openfmi.net/ibperl
Damyan Ivanov                           Modular Software Systems
dam at modsoftsys.com
phone +359(2)928-2611, 929-3993              fax +359(2)920-0994
mobile +359(88)856-6067             dam at jabber.minus273.org/Gaim

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