Bug#701590: lightspark: FTBFS on powerpcspe

Didier 'OdyX' Raboud odyx at debian.org
Thu Feb 28 12:00:59 UTC 2013

Hi Roland,

Le dimanche, 24 février 2013 20.43:13, Roland Stigge a écrit :
> lightspark FTBFS on powerpcspe[1] like this:
> The attached patch fixes this by enabling -maltivec only in the PowerPC
> case when SPE is _not_present.

Hi Roland,

Thanks for this patch.

Would it be possible to refactor that patch to have the dpkg-specific handling 
in debian/rules (as CMAKE argument like -DDISABLE_ALTIVEC for example) instead 
of directly in the CMakeLists.txt ? This would widely help pushing that fix to 

By the way, if you could test-compile lightspark from experimental, that would 
be a nice input for upstream too.

Thanks in advance, cheers,


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