[Pkg-freebob-devel] Re: [Freebob-devel] news about FreeBoB on
Debian GNU/Linux
Marcio Teixeira
marciotex at gmail.com
Thu Apr 6 13:03:24 UTC 2006
On 4/6/06, Pieter Palmers <pieterp at joow.be> wrote:
> Marcio Teixeira wrote:
> > Hi.
> >
> > http://marciotex.wordpress.com/2006/04/06/jackd-freebob/
> >
> > contains instructions about FreeBoB install on Debian GNU/Linux.
> >
> > Doesn't work for me, yet. But is buildable and installable. So, can be
> > tested/patched.
> >
> I read your page and there is one thing I don't see: you also need the
> freebob library (libfreebob), otherwise the backend will never work. But
> probably this is resolved by APT?
Yes: install jackd implies install libfreebob; install libfreebob
implies install libiec61883, libraw1394 and libavc1394.
> Although I appreciate the packaging effort, I want to remark that this
> can introduce some problems. The versions of the library and the jackd
> backend are tightly coupled. Normally if you checkout both from CVS they
> should be compatible. But if you update only one of them to CVS things
> will most likely break. There is no guarantee for backward or forward
> compatibility yet because the interfaces between the layers arent frozen
> yet.
Ok. I understand. I will assure this sync condition as I can. Soon,
I'll describe my freebob problems (when I know better what's problem).
> Maybe you can add this to our wiki? It might be better to
> concentrate
> all of this at one place.
I agree. "this" what? Add packages? Blog notes?
> Is somebody interested in administrating the
> Wiki (and access to it)? I think this is one of the things that can be
> offloaded quite easily.
My english is very ugly :) but I can try.
> Pieter
Marcio Roberto Teixeira
endereço eletrônico: marciotex at gmail.com
skype: marcio.tex
chave pública: hkp://wwwkeys.pgp.net
página pessoal (em construção): http://www.marciotex.pro.br
Usuário "tchê" Debian/GNULinux
Porto Alegre - RS - Brasil
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