[Pkg-freebob-devel] Re: [Jackit-devel] [CVS COMMIT] 0.101.0 FreeBob backend inclusion

Junichi Uekawa dancer at netfort.gr.jp
Sun Apr 9 10:19:40 UTC 2006


> Yes, the maintainer is still around :). I'm not a debian developer.
> So, I need a sponsor. Packages complies policy? I don't know, I'm a
> newbie. But, I'm working for this. And yes, I have firewire hardware
> (M-Audio Firewire Solo). FreeBoB alpha release works. Beta release,
> not yet.
> I did send two mails to Ben Collins, libraw1394 maintainer for
> adoption. He says OK. And, so, I need a sponsor.

I'll try to sponsor the package for you if you can prepare a package;
unfortunately I don't have a firewire hardware, and can't test the

dancer@{debian.org,netfort.gr.jp}   Debian Project

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