[Pkg-freedict-devel] Goals & plans

Kęstutis Biliūnas kebil at kaunas.init.lt
Wed Feb 14 11:02:56 CET 2007

Tr, 2007 02 14 08:17 +0100, Joost van Baal rašė:

> Well, I guess one of the major questions is: will the travlang/ergane
> stuff remain redistributable under a Free license.  If it won't, that'll
> be end of the story for a major part of FreeDict in Debian, I'm afraid.
> But indeed, if the freedict project manages to keep distributing the
> .tei's under the GPL, then all is fine.

As I understand, the freedict project (and  Michael concretely) very
carefully take care of the dictionaries database freedom. But the
problem for us (for debian) is only that we can't to read these
databases from  travlang/ergane (they are closed in the non-free
container, i.e .mdb) and then to add the phonetic transcription without
using the non-free tools. Only from fully prepared .tei files we can
build dicts using the current free tools. So, only
lang1-lang2-tei.tar.bz2 files could be used as source archives
(not .src.tar.bz2) for building debian packages and the upstream are
ready to distribute such *.tei.tar.bz2 archives.  
> > > Once these are in, I'd like to upload all other dicts which can get
> > > build with the freedict-tools as in experimental now.
> > 
> > Currently we can't build once again the many dictionaries which already
> > are in our svn repository, because of changes in the upstream cvs
> > tree.
> Yes, that's a big pitty.  Perhaps we can build from .tar.bz2 sources
> as produced by previous version of upstream CVS.  But otoh, that might
> not be worth the trouble.

For now it is better to wait while the upstream will begin
release the new stuff, I think. 

Best regards,
Kęstutis Biliūnas <kebil at kaunas.init.lt>
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