[Pkg-freedict-devel] One more package: freedict-afr-eng.

Joost van Baal joostvb-pkg-freedict-devel at mdcc.cx
Wed Mar 14 11:07:43 CET 2007

Hi Kęstutis,

Op zo  7 jan 2007 om 11:43:31 +0200 schreef Kęstutis Biliūnas:
> I have prepared for uploading to experimental and commited to SVN
> repository the one more package: freedict-afr-eng.
> The package can be found at  http://kebil.ghost.lt/debian/pool/freedict/

Sorry for this ridiculously late reply...

Do you still want me to inspect and upload freedict-afr-eng_0.1-1?  If
so, please reply, and I'll work on it.

Thanks, Bye,


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