[Pkg-freedict-devel] Re: debian-policy: New virtual package: dict-freedict

Tatsuya Kinoshita tats at vega.ocn.ne.jp
Sun Mar 4 18:15:36 CET 2007

On March 5, 2007 at 1:47AM +0900,
tats (at vega.ocn.ne.jp) wrote:

> BTW, I recommend to add a virtual package for a dictionary package
> which provides /usr/share/dictd/{*.index,*.dict*}, such as
> dict-freedict*, dict-gcide, dict-wn, dict-jargon, dict-foldoc,
> dict-vera, and so on.
>  dictd-dict              a dictionary formatted for the dictd dictionary server

 dictd-dictionary        a dictionary for the dictd dictionary server

(Refer to ispell-dictionary, myspell-dictionary, stardict-dictionary)

Tatsuya Kinoshita
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