[pkg-friendica-maint] Regarding Friendica package

Vasudev Kamath kamathvasudev at gmail.com
Mon Apr 8 03:29:20 UTC 2013

On Mon, Apr 8, 2013 at 4:28 AM, Mike Gabriel <sunweaver at debian.org> wrote:
> Hi guys,

>> Mike, Friendica needs a font called font-awesome I've already packaged
>> it as part of pkg-fonts team [1] I will be happy if you co-maintain it
>> with me and upload to Debian (beware its CDBS ;-) )
> I have just seen to that package and uploaded a slightly modified version to
> ftp.upload.debian.org [1].

Great thanks!

> The Vcs logs here on my local working copy are these:
>   o upload to unstable (debian/3.0.2-1)
>   o add upstream name to copyright: Font Awesome, rename source package
>     with the pattern used by other fonts-* packages

That name is mainly for binary source name can be same as upstream
name :-). But anyway that is fine. I also did that mistake to for most
of my fonts.

>   o fix lintian issue: W: font-awesome source:
>     package-needs-versioned-debhelper-build-depends 8

Um.. That piece is CDBS generated and there is a logic behind not
having version dependency. As Jonas mentions we don't depend on newest
version of debhelper to allow easy backporting I'm yet to discuss and
submit patch for lintian to raise the bar for that check from 8 to 9

FYI your change gets overwritten when we run

DEB_MAINTAINER_MODE=1 debian/rules debian/control

>   o add myself and the friendica maintenance team to the Uploaders: field

Fine with me :-)

>> Mike also there are lot of friendica addons without which friendica
>> won't be much shiny. Tobias already has ITP but upstream repo is quite a
>> bit of mess and no valid download point. Since there are multiple
>> addon's probably we can create a full friendica packaging team let me
>> know what you think.
> I have just set up the pkg-friendica team on Alioth. I have also created a
> mailing list for that team: pkg-friendica-maint at lists.alioth.debian.org.
> Please subscribe to that list.

Done and thanks for creating the team :-).

>> I will work with tobias to get the addon's repository in shape soon. (Oh
>> yeah Mike Macgirvin was kind enough to give me write access to all his
>> projects :-) )
> Great!
>> Let me know your thoughts on this,
> See above!
>> [1] http://anonscm.debian.org/gitweb/?p=pkg-fonts/fonts-font-awesome.git
> I have applied for rw access to the pkg-fonts team name space on
> git.debian.org. Once it has been granted, I will push my local changes.
Sure if not approved soon we need to bug Christian "bubulle" Perrier ;-).


Vasudev Kamath

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