[pkg-friendica-maint] Regarding Friendica package

Tobias Diekershoff tobias.diekershoff at gmx.net
Sun Apr 14 06:27:32 UTC 2013

On Sun, 14 Apr 2013 10:53:20 +0530
Vasudev Kamath <kamathvasudev at gmail.com> wrote:

> > > Mike also there are lot of friendica addons without which
> > > friendica won't be much shiny. Tobias already has ITP but
> > > upstream repo is quite a bit of mess and no valid download point.
> > > Since there are multiple addon's probably we can create a full
> > > friendica packaging team let me know what you think.
> > 
> > ???
> > 
> > I don't get it. Yes there is an addon repository, and one should use
> > addons for nice features. But I don't have an ITP for the addons.
> > And which repo is a mess?
> Well what I meant is I don't like .tgz lying all over repo so I'm
> trying to get it fixed.

The tar balls are meant to be the easy download for each separate addon.

> > > I will work with tobias to get the addon's repository in shape
> > > soon. (Oh yeah Mike Macgirvin was kind enough to give me write
> > > access to all his projects :-) )
> > 
> > And again I don't get it ;-) Every addon has it own subdirectory
> > and it own license which the original author can choose freely as
> > the addons strictly don't belong to the ~friendica project.
> Yes that's why I feel there should be separate download point for each
> addon with proper versioning I'm trying to fix it by providing proper
> Makefile which gets version from php file and can generate .tgz but
> probably these tgz are better suited as downloads than inside git
> repository. If you have  other suggestions please let me know.

"proper versioning" is something I think you can put aside for the
addons. In gentoo syntax I'd say they are all -9999 in the version,
even those who care to advance the version number from time to time
don't seem to do so when they add a new feature but more when they
remember the version number in the head of the PHP file ;-)

> > I'll subscribe to that other mailinglist in a moment ;-)
> > 
> Probably we can move this discussion to mailing list! I've already
> announced this on friendica but not sure it made to every one or still
> lying on my laptop :-)


so long

           O O
/------uUu-/ \-uUu-----------------------------\
|          \_/   Tobias Diekershoff            |
| Web ........ www.diekershoff.net             |
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| Jabber ..... tobias at diekershoff.homeunix.net |
| ~friendica . tobias at diekershoff.homeunix.net |
| PGP-ID ..... 0x66A73B17                      |
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