[pkg-fso-maint] nodm upload (was Re: [Debian] How can I start the phone application?)

Enrico Zini enrico at enricozini.org
Thu Apr 16 13:21:43 UTC 2009

On Tue, Apr 07, 2009 at 10:18:50AM +0200, Luca Capello wrote:

> 1) nodm is now a Debian native package, something I do not really like
>    since IMHO the idea should be to spread it outside Debian as well
>    (AFAIK there are no other similar tools).

Joachim fixed it, I noticed.

> 2) I do not care who is listed in the Maintainers:/Uploaders: field, but
>    since the Debian FSO team is its primary user and in order to avoid
>    situation like the one happened (the package was uploaded/accepted
>    into main but AFAIK the pkg-fso-maint@ mailing list was not
>    notified), I would do as any other pkg-fso package, i.e. Maintainers:
>    is the mailing list and Uploaders: the people working on it.

I agree on this.  I received no notice whatsoever of the bugs that were
reported, and I also did not realise that Joachim took care of fixing

I've done the change in 91788306219b684323f6d05e3e917a6186d4bbea.

> 3) the following is a minor issue, but I think anyone here knows I am
>    sort of a maniac...  I am not really happy with the fact that nodm
>    contains references to zhone-session in both debian/changelog as well
>    as the Git repository.  I agree that this gives a sort of continuum,
>    but at the same time nodm is now a complete different implementation
>    (for example, written in C instead of shell) and no more specific to
>    the FR.

There is also this openmoko-specific bit on the postinst:

    if [ -n "$2" ] && dpkg --compare-versions "$2" lt "0.2"; then
        # Before version 0.2, nodm was only used on the OpenMoko.  To
        # guarantee a smooth upgrade, we can safely override debconf here
        # using the openmoko parameters.
        db_set nodm/enabled true
        db_set nodm/x_options "vt3 -nolisten tcp"

How do you propose to remove all mentions of the openmoko, while still
providing a smooth upgrade path from older versions on nodm in use on
the phone?

I'd say that as long as the references to the openmoko are not in the
least an hindrance to adoption on other systems, we can leave it there.

If in the future other committers would like to join and it won't make
sense to add them to the fso alioth group or something like that, we can
think of reorganising things as much as we want.



GPG key: 1024D/797EBFAB 2000-12-05 Enrico Zini <enrico at debian.org>
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