[pkg-fso-maint] nodm upload

Joachim Breitner nomeata at debian.org
Thu Apr 16 15:41:25 UTC 2009


Am Donnerstag, den 16.04.2009, 14:21 +0100 schrieb Enrico Zini:
> > 2) I do not care who is listed in the Maintainers:/Uploaders: field, but
> >    since the Debian FSO team is its primary user and in order to avoid
> >    situation like the one happened (the package was uploaded/accepted
> >    into main but AFAIK the pkg-fso-maint@ mailing list was not
> >    notified), I would do as any other pkg-fso package, i.e. Maintainers:
> >    is the mailing list and Uploaders: the people working on it.
> I agree on this.  I received no notice whatsoever of the bugs that were
> reported, and I also did not realise that Joachim took care of fixing
> them.

hmm, I somehow assumed that you would be subscribed via the pts, but now
that I think about it, I never suggested it to you... anyways, now the
list is subscribed.

> > 3) the following is a minor issue, but I think anyone here knows I am
> >    sort of a maniac...  I am not really happy with the fact that nodm
> >    contains references to zhone-session in both debian/changelog as well
> >    as the Git repository.  I agree that this gives a sort of continuum,
> >    but at the same time nodm is now a complete different implementation
> >    (for example, written in C instead of shell) and no more specific to
> >    the FR.
> There is also this openmoko-specific bit on the postinst:
>     if [ -n "$2" ] && dpkg --compare-versions "$2" lt "0.2"; then
>         # Before version 0.2, nodm was only used on the OpenMoko.  To
>         # guarantee a smooth upgrade, we can safely override debconf here
>         # using the openmoko parameters.
>         db_set nodm/enabled true
>         db_set nodm/x_options "vt3 -nolisten tcp"
>     fi
> How do you propose to remove all mentions of the openmoko, while still
> providing a smooth upgrade path from older versions on nodm in use on
> the phone?
> I'd say that as long as the references to the openmoko are not in the
> least an hindrance to adoption on other systems, we can leave it there.
> If in the future other committers would like to join and it won't make
> sense to add them to the fso alioth group or something like that, we can
> think of reorganising things as much as we want.

I agree with Enrico and see no need to modify the history of the

Joachim "nomeata" Breitner
Debian Developer
  nomeata at debian.org | ICQ# 74513189 | GPG-Keyid: 4743206C
  JID: nomeata at joachim-breitner.de | http://people.debian.org/~nomeata
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