[pkg-fso-maint] abyss again [sponsor needed :-) ]

Nikita V. Youshchenko yoush at debian.org
Sun Sep 27 13:16:51 UTC 2009

> abyss and its dependencies should now also be ready :-)
> Source-packages are: libgsm0710, libfsotransport, libgsm0710mux,
> fso-abyss (in that order)

I found that fso-abyss package ships the daemon binary in /usr/sbin, but 
still contains empty /usr/bin directory. What for?

Btw, fso-usaged ships the daemon in /usr/bin - which is inconsistent with 
fso-abyss. I believe /usr/sbin is better place than /usr/bin. Maybe update 
fso-usaged as well?

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