[pkg-fso-maint] Bug in fso-utils package, mdbus script

Niccolo Rigacci niccolo at rigacci.org
Sat Mar 26 09:29:11 UTC 2011


I installed fso-utils 0.git20090919.1 package from 
http://pkg-fso.alioth.debian.org/debian on my OpenMoko 
FreeRunner (armel).

I discovered a bug in the /usr/bin/mdbus script, running the 
following command:

mdbus -s org.freesmartphone.odeviced \
    /org/freesmartphone/Device/IdleNotifier/0 \
    org.freesmartphone.Device.IdleNotifier.SetTimeout idle 0
ERROR:dbus.connection:Unable to set arguments ('idle',) according 
to signature u'si': <type 'exceptions.TypeError'>: More items 
found in D-Bus signature than in Python arguments

As you can see I pass two arguments to the script ("idle" and 
"0"), but only one is used ('idle',).

It is a problem of indentation of the last line:

    c.callMethod( busname, objname, methodname, parameters )

the function is called inside the while loop, whereas it should 
be called at the end of it.

I'm sorry if this is not the right place to report this bug, feel 
free to redirect me to other places.

Thank you!

Niccolo Rigacci
Firenze - Italy

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