[marsshooter] 03/28: Imported Upstream version 0.7.5+git20160103
Markus Koschany
apo-guest at moszumanska.debian.org
Sun Jan 10 16:43:19 UTC 2016
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.
apo-guest pushed a commit to branch master
in repository marsshooter.
commit 713e45ed5379129d7b74f72cf0362b2a2cb5cd4c
Author: Markus Koschany <apo at debian.org>
Date: Sun Jan 3 15:50:59 2016 +0100
Imported Upstream version 0.7.5+git20160103
CMakeLists.txt | 10 +-
data/locales/Gaelic.txt | 376 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
data/locales/locales.conf | 4 +
premake4.lua | 8 +-
resources/mars.desktop | 11 -
resources/marsshooter.6 | 36 +++
resources/marsshooter.appdata.xml | 29 +++
resources/marsshooter.desktop | 12 +
resources/{mars.png => marsshooter.png} | Bin
resources/{mars.svg => marsshooter.svg} | 0
resources/{mars.xpm => marsshooter.xpm} | 0
src/CMakeLists.txt | 43 ++--
src/Media/music.cpp | 2 +
src/Shaders/postFX.cpp | 2 +-
src/System/window.cpp | 18 +-
src/main.cpp | 10 +-
16 files changed, 516 insertions(+), 45 deletions(-)
diff --git a/CMakeLists.txt b/CMakeLists.txt
index 08e1700..d4aac97 100644
--- a/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -11,13 +11,19 @@ set(mars_PATCH 5)
set(mars_VERSION ${mars_MAJOR}.${mars_MINOR}.${mars_PATCH})
set(mars_DESCRIPTION "M.A.R.S. - a ridiculous Shooter")
set(mars_HOMEPAGE "http://www.marsshooter.org")
-set(mars_EXENAME "mars")
+set(mars_EXENAME "marsshooter")
set(mars_PACKAGENAME "mars")
# We require at least version 2.8.0
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.8.0)
+# Installation directories
+set(mars_DATA_DEST_DIR ${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}/share/games/marsshooter CACHE STRING "marsshooter data files destdir")
+set(mars_EXE_DEST_DIR ${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}/games CACHE STRING "marsshooter exe destdir")
# Configure and find libraries
@@ -62,7 +68,7 @@ endif(APPLE)
# compile source
-set(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "-s -O2")
diff --git a/data/locales/Gaelic.txt b/data/locales/Gaelic.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2972abb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/locales/Gaelic.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,376 @@
+// Scottish Gaelic translation made by:
+// GunChleoc
+// Please comment any changes you make to the file (required by the GPL license),
+// and leave an e-mail address where later contributors can contact you!
+// menu buttons
+000 Geama ionadail
+105 Oideachadh
+001 Geama lìonraidh ùr
+002 Geama lìonraidh a tha ann
+003 Roghainnean
+004 Mu dhèidhinn
+005 Fàg M.A.R.S.
+006 Lean air adhart
+007 Ath-thòisich an geama
+008 Falaich an clàr-taice
+009 Till gun phrìomh chlàr-taice
+// standard buttons
+010 Tòisich
+011 Sguir dheth
+012 Tuairisgeul
+013 Dùin
+014 Ceadachas
+015 Ceart ma-thà
+106 Air adhart
+016 Seall am fiosrachadh seo a-rithist.
+// pregame options
+017 Sgioba an taoibh chlì
+018 Sgioba an taoibh dheis
+019 Botaichean an taoibh chlì
+020 Botaichean an taoibh dheis
+021 Botaichean
+022 Sgriosan
+162 Puingean beatha nam planaid
+056 Na h-airm
+203 Airm
+204 Comasan sònraichte
+166 Uiread nan cumhachdan
+167 Duilgheadas nam bot
+159 Roghainnean a' gheama
+257 Cluicheadairean
+// story information
+023 Sa bhliadhna 3547, tha sìobhaltasan air tuineachadh air na planaidean aca fhèin air feadh an reul-chriosa, a' tighinn beò le sìth 's còrdadh san àrainneachd. \nAch taobh a-muigh nan àrainnean smaoineachail, tha fearg a' CHOGAIDH MHÒIR. \n'S e gaisgeach cliùiteach a th' annad an tòir onair 's sealbh agus feumaidh tu a' phlanaid agad fhèin a dhìon on mhilleadh a chuireadh na nàbaidhean farmadach oirbh!\nDèan an t-sabaid mar bu dual dhan ghaisgeach: BALL-FÀNAIS. \nDìon a' phlanaid aga [...]
+024 Breab no loisg am bàla gu planaid no nàmhaid!
+025 Chaill thu a h-uile rud air thoradh a' CHOGAIDH MHÒIR: do dhachaigh, do theaghlach agus\ndo fhèin-spèis. \nIs an teans mu dheireadh agad gus teicheadh on bheatha truagh seo gun tèid thu 'nad ghladair ann an raon\nGEAMA a' BHÀIS ghlòrmhòr. \nSeas an aghaidh nan gaisgeach eile agus buain puingean a' sgrios nan caochagan a bheil "soithich" aca orra. \nDèan ullachadh! \nTha bàs is cliù romhad.
+026 Mill an uiread de nàimhdean a ghabhas!
+027 Dh'fhàillig leis a' cho-rèiteachadh! \nTha an dà chuid thu fhèin agus do nàbaidhean air mòran dhaoine a chall air thoradh a' CHOGAIDH MHÒIR gun chrìch. \nMar an oidhirp mu dheireadh ach am buannaicheadh sibh, fhuair thu òrdugh gus stòrasan an nàmhaid a sgrios agus na stòrasan agad fhèin a dhìon. Chan eil fuasgladh ann ach GEAMA a' BHÀIS ann an SGIOBA. \nDìon do chuideachd agus mill na nàimhdean! \nIonnsaich leasan dhaibh nach dìochuimhnich iad gu bràth tuilleadh.
+028 Mill an uiread de nàimhdean a ghabhas!
+029 Mar nach fhòghnadh an COGADH MÒR, tha siostam nam planaidean agad fo bhagairt o thùs ùr an uilc: Tha mòr-shoitheach aig ionnsaighich neo-aithnichte 'na thàmh os cionn an reul-chriosa agad, ag amas air na planaidean-dachaigh le mòr-arm lèirsgriosa. \nMar chùis-ghairge, thuit na h-ionnsaighearan inneal-smachd cèin gus an t-adhbhar bàis is eagail a chur air gleus. \nRuig e an toiseach ach an dèan thu fàsach de phlanaid an nàmhaid! \nBidh 'nad GHLÈIDHEADAIR-CANAIN.
+030 Tog an t-inneal-smachd cèin agus cum e cho fada 's as urrainn dhut!
+206 On a tha an COGADH MÒR air a' mhòrchuid dhe na stòrasan a chaitheamh, tha na h-eòlaichean a' sireadh dòigh gus an nàmhaid a mhilleadh gu h-èifeachdach le cuingeachadh air caitheamh connadh nan arm. Às dèidh rannsachaidh fhada, chruthaich iad arm ùr le feart iongantach: Marbhaidh e sa bhad ach tha na peilearan fo bhuaidh mhòr an na iom-tharraing agus duilich làimhseachadh. Seo an t-ainm a chuir iad air: CÀRAICHEAR-UAIGH! \n \nGu mì-fhortanach, ghoid cuideigin an teicneolas agus tha a [...]
+207 Mill an uiread de nàimhdean a ghabhas!
+// display options
+// tabs
+150 Eadar-aghaidh
+165 Cluiche
+102 Grafaigeachd
+103 Fuaim
+// interface Options
+104 Roghainnean na h-uinneige
+031 Fiosrachadh dì-bhugachaidh
+032 Comhair nam bot
+033 Roinnean
+034 Slighean IF
+035 Seall fiosrachadh a' gheama
+036 Frèamaichean gach diog
+215 Roghainnean coitcheann
+152 Cànan
+153 Hotkey airson glacaidhean-sgrìn
+054 Fòrmat nan glacaidhean-sgrìn
+242 Hotkey airson na stadastaireachd
+// graphics options
+037 Àireamh nam mìrean
+038 Àireamh nam mìrean
+039 Beò nam mìrean
+040 Roghainnean a' gheama
+041 Làn-sgrìn
+042 Sioncronachadh-V
+055 Seall gliocasan-sgrìn
+163 Èifeachdan sgàileadair
+164 Gu mì-fhortanach, cha chuir am bathar-cruaidh agad taic ri sgàileadairean!
+151 Dùmhlachd-bhreacaidh àrd nan rionnagan sa chùlaibh
+265 Rionnagan a' gluasad
+173 Dùmhlachd-bhreacaidh
+174 Doimhne nan dath
+// gameplay options
+216 Èifeachdan sònraichte
+168 Mall-ghluasad nam spreadhadh
+169 Dheth
+268 Luaths a' gheama
+// audio options
+123 Roghainnean na h-àirde
+043 Ceòl
+044 Èifeachdan fuaime
+045 Brathan
+128 Cluich an ath-thraca
+129 Roghainnean cluiche
+261 Cluich an traca roimhe
+262 Cluich tracaichean air thuaiream
+// player options
+046 Ainm
+047 Luathachadh
+048 Tionndadh gu clì
+049 Tionndadh gu deas
+050 Arm
+175 Comas sònraichte
+217 Roghainnean an t-soithich
+051 Soitheach
+052 Dath a' chluicheadair
+053 Dath an sgioba
+// about
+057 Seo a' chiad oidhirp gus geama a chruthachadh ann an OpenGL le SFML. Seo geama airson dà chluicheadair a stiùiricheas soithichean ann am fànais le dà dhimeinsean fo bhuaidh laghan an iom-tharraing. \n\nDuilleag-dhachaigh: \nhttp://www.marsshooter.org\n\n© 2010-2011 Felix Lauer agus Simon Schneegans
+// license
+058 'S e bhathar-bog saor a tha sa phrògram seo; faodaidh tu a sgaoileadh no atharrachadh fo theirmichean a' GNU General Public License mar a chaidh foillseachadh le Free Software Foundation; tionndadh 3 dhen cheadachas no (le do roghainn fhèin) tionndadh as ùire dheth. \n\nTha am prògram seo 'ga sgaoileadh is sinne an dòchas gum bi e gu feum ach 's ann as aonais barantais sam bith; fiù às aonais barantas fillte a thaobh SO-MHARSANTACHD no ION-FHREAGARRACHD A CHUM FEUM SAM BITH. Faic a' [...]
+// credits
+170 Cliù
+171 Taing shònraichte gu:
+172 Eadar-theangachaidhean:\n Arabais: Majid\n Sìnis: Wecing\n Seicis: Mates\n Fionnlannais: Paavo\n Frangais: Ludovic\n Gearmailtis: Atto\n Hindi: Antriksh agus Aakanksh\n Ungairis: Papp Bence\n Eadailtis: Proch\n Pòlainnis: command_dos\n Portagailis: Vitor\n Ruisis: Drakmail\n Spàinntis: Gastón\n Suainis: Henrik\n\nTaic le còdachadh:\n Werner agus Deubeuliou\n\nDeuchainnean agus taic cruthachail:\n Heinrich, Martin, Bastian, Sandra, Diana.
+// quit
+059 A bheil thu airson fàgail gu dearbh?
+060 A bheil thu airson crìoch a chur air a' gheama?
+// network information
+061 Tha geamannan M.A.R.S. air loidhne no air lìonra ionadail fainear dhuinn ach cha do chruthaich sinn seo fhathast. \n\nCum sùil air seo!
+062 Tha geamannan M.A.R.S. air loidhne no air lìonra ionadail fainear dhuinn ach cha do chruthaich sinn seo fhathast. \n\nCum sùil air seo!
+// hide menu
+063 Na chuir thu M.A.R.S. 'na stad ann an teas-mheadhan blàir chruaidh? \nMa tha thu airson glacadh-sgrìn a thogail, leigidh am putan seo leat pàipearan-balla iongantach a chruthachadh on a thèid gach uinneag a' falach. \n\nBheir thu air ais iad le brùthadh air ESC.
+// key names
+064 Cuir ris
+065 Slais air ais
+066 Cromag
+067 Sgrìob
+068 Delete
+069 Roinneadh
+070 Sìos
+071 End
+072 Co-ionnanachd
+073 Home
+074 Insert
+075 Alt clì
+076 Bracaid chlì
+077 Control clì
+078 Gu clì
+079 Sioft chlì
+080 Super clì
+081 Clàr-taice
+082 Iomadachadh
+083 Duilleag sìos
+084 Duilleag suas
+085 Pause
+086 Puing
+087 Quote
+088 Alt deas
+089 Bracaid dheas
+090 Control deas
+091 Enter
+092 Gu deas
+093 Shioft dheas
+094 Super deas
+095 Leth-chòilean
+096 Slais
+097 Space
+098 Toirt air falbh
+099 Tonn
+100 Taba
+101 Suas
+// Joystick button names
+218 Putan A
+219 Putan B
+220 Putan X
+221 Putan Y
+222 Putan tòiseachaidh
+223 Putan air ais
+224 Bumpair deas
+225 Bumpair clì
+226 Trigear deas
+227 Trigear clì
+228 Comhair suas
+229 Comhair sìos
+230 Comhair gu clì
+231 Comhair gu deas
+232 Stick1 suas
+233 Stick1 sìos
+234 Stick1 gu clì
+235 Stick1 gu deas
+236 Stick2 suas
+237 Stick2 sìos
+238 Stick2 gu clì
+239 Stick2 gu deas
+240 Joystick
+241 Putan
+// tutorial texts
+212 Hoigh, {PLAYER1_NAME}!
+213 Abair ainm dona... An cuir thu fear as fhearr ann?
+107 Fàilte ort, a nuadh-mhìlidh!
+108 Tha sinn toilichte gun do thrus sinn mìlidh mar a tha thu fhèin, {PLAYER1_NAME}, ach an cuidich thu leinn sa CHOGADH MHÒR!\nCha chreid sinn nach eil thu feumach air beagan cleachdaidh leis an t-soitheach ùr agad.\nTòisicheamaid air an trèanadh...
+109 Gluasad bunasach...
+110 'S e an comas as cudromaiche a dh'fheumas tu ionnsachadh gun cum thu smachd air an t-soitheach agad.\nTha gach gluasad fo smachd laghan na h-iom-tharraing. Gus maille a chur ort, feumaidh tu tionndadh an comhair a' chùil agus luathachadh dhan chomhair ud. Cum smachd air an t-soitheach agad leis na h-iuchraichean <{PLAYER1_KEY_UP}>, <{PLAYER1_KEY_LEFT}> agus <{PLAYER1_KEY_RIGHT}>!
+111 A' teasachadh!
+112 Ruig an roinn phinc!\nFeuch nach buail thu ri planaid leis an t-soitheach spaideil ùr agad.
+113 Sin thu fhèin, {PLAYER1_NAME}!
+114 Till dhan phlanaid-dhachaigh agad a-nis agus laigh air an talamh leis an t-soitheach agad 's tu a' dol an comhair a' chùil gu slaodach nuair a theannas tu air a' planaid agad.
+115 Sàr-obair!
+116 Chan eil e furasta laighe mar bu chòir, a bheil?\nBu chòir dhut seo ionnsachadh gu math.
+117 Rudeigin beagan nas dorra...
+118 Feuch an lean thu an t-slighe a nochdaidh na roinnean pince dhut!\nFeuchaidh sinn gum bruidhinn sinn riut a-rithist nuair a bhios tu air seo ionnsachadh.\nSiuthad a-nis!
+119 Iongantach math!
+120 'S tusa an nuadh-mhìlidh as fhearr a chunnaic sinn a-riamh.\nNise, dèan ullachadh airson stuth spreadhach.
+121 A' losgadh...
+122 Feumaidh tu ionnsachadh mar a loisgeas tu air an nàmhaid ach an cuir thu ruaig air!\nGus seo a dhèanamh, brùth air <{PLAYER1_KEY_FIRE}>. \nGabh tlachd às an losgadh agus an uairsin laigh an soitheach agad gus leantainn air adhart leis an oideachadh.
+124 Abair laighe mhath, {PLAYER1_NAME}!
+125 'S e sàr-phaidhleat a th' annad.\nNise, nach toir sinn airm ùra dhut?
+126 Na h-airm...
+127 Tha fios againn gun robh fiughar agad ri seo. Nuair a bhios tu san doca, 's urrainn dhut taghadh eadar roghainn de dh'airm uabhasach olca. Brùth air <{PLAYER1_KEY_FIRE}> gus an arm-lann agad fhosgladh.\nAn uairsin, cleachd <{PLAYER1_KEY_LEFT}> agus <{PLAYER1_KEY_RIGHT}> gus arm a thaghadh! \nTog ort a-rithist nuair a bhios tu ullamh!
+130 Sabaid!
+131 Nise, chì sinn mar a thèid leat an aghaidh nuadh-mhìlidh o phlanaid eile. Tha e a' feuchainn ri piseach a thoirt air a chomas sabaide a-rèir coltais.\nCuir ruaig air!
+132 Drùidhteach!
+133 Rinn thu a' chùis air! Mar a mhothaich thu 's dòcha, nochd rionnag bheag os cionn an t-soithich agad. Mar as motha de nàimhdean a mharbhas tu, 's ann as motha dhiubh a nochdas. Ach chan e comharra sgriosa a th' annta a-mhàin! \nLaigh a-rithist agus seallaidh sinn dhut dè eile a nì thu le rionnagan.
+208 Comasan sònraichte...
+209 Mar a gheall sinn dhut, mìnichidh sinn dhut dè as ciall dha na rionnagan. 'S e stòras a th' annta airson nan comasan sònraichte iongantach aig an t-soitheach agad. Mar eisimpleir, 's urrainn dhut do shlànachadh fhèin agus na caraidean a tha faisg ort, milleadh a dhèanamh no soithichean am broinn astair shònraichte a reòthadh! \nMar as motha de rionnagan a bhios agad, 's ann as motha a bhios astar agus neart a' chomais.
+210 Taghadh...
+211 Gus leum a ghearradh tro na comasan, feumaidh tu brùthadh air <{PLAYER1_KEY_SPECIAL}>. Siubhal tromhpa le <{PLAYER1_KEY_LEFT}> agus <{PLAYER1_KEY_RIGHT}> gus fear a thaghadh! \nAirson an aonaid seo, tagh a' "Freezer"! Tog ort nuair a bhios e agad!
+245 Stad, {PLAYER1_NAME}!
+246 Dh'innis sinn dhut gun cleachd thu a' Freezer ach thagh thu comas eile!\nLaigh a-rithist agus tog a' Freezer!
+247 A' Freezer...
+248 Seo comas sònraichte cumhachdach a reòthas soithichean am fagas. \nFeumaidh tu teannadh dhan nàmhaid 's an uairsin brùthadh air <{PLAYER1_KEY_SPECIAL}> ach an reòth thu e. Coimhead air fhad 's a tha e a' call a bheatha gu slaodach... gus am faigh e bàs!
+249 Dèan cleachdadh!
+250 Nise, feuch an reòth thu an nàmhaid! \nBheir sinn rionnagan-sgrìosa dhut airson an oideachaidh seo. Ach thoir an aire: mar as àbhaist, feumaidh tu nàimhdean a sgrios ach am faigh thu na rionnagan ud!
+251 Cha do bhuail thu air, {PLAYER1_NAME}!
+252 Feuch ris a-rithist, bheir sinn barrachd rionnagan-sgriosa dhut.
+253 Rinn thu a' chùis air!
+254 Nise, till dhachaigh agus tagh comas sònraichte eile!
+255 Thoir an aire, {PLAYER1_NAME}!
+256 Chan eil ùine air fàgail oirnn airson barrachd feuchainn!\nTha na nàimhdean againn air dithis fhìor-ghaisgeach a chur gus dìoghaltas a ghabhail oirnn!
+134 Cuir ruaig orra!
+135 Dearbhaich na sgilean agad! Faigh co-dhiù còig puingean a' marbhadh an nàmhaid! Thèid an sgòr a th' agad a shealltainn ri taobh d' ainm!\nCuiridh sinn seann-ghaisgeach ach an toir e cuideachadh dhut, {PLAYER1_NAME}!
+136 Do-chreidsinneach!
+137 Rinn thu a' chùis air gach uile saothair. Dè a-nis?\nNach toir sinn sùil air clàr-taice nan roghainnean? 'S urrainn dhut gleus a thoirt air torr... uill... roghainnean ann a shiud.\nMar eisimpleir, faodaidh tu stoidhle agus dath an t-soithich agad a thaghadh no d' ainm atharrachadh...
+138 Cò as fhearr?
+139 'S urrainn dhut liosta dhe na sgriosan, puingean 's mar sin air adhart a shealltainn le <{STATISTICS_KEY}>.\nA bharrachd air sin, seallaidh na h-àireamhan ri taobh d' ainm na sgriosan agad agus dè cho fad air falbh 's a tha thu on fhear as fhearr.
+140 Meal do naidheachd, {PLAYER1_NAME}!
+141 Tha thu air an t-oideachadh seo a choileanadh. Tha thu ullamh gus sabaid sa CHOGADH MHÒR a-nis. Ma tha thu airson barrachd cleachdaidh fhathast, cha leig thu leas ach feitheamh gus an nochd nàimhdean a-rithist. Cuiridh tu crìoch air an trèanadh le <Esc>.\n\nGabh tlachd à M.A.R.S.!
+142 Dh'fhàillig leat!
+143 Nach math sin, {PLAYER1_NAME}! Mhill thu an soitheach spaideil ùr agad. Na gabh dragh, bheir sinn fear ùr dhut. Fuirich ort diog...
+144 Na mhothaich thu?
+145 Tha do bheatha a' sìoladh air falbh! Cum sùil air bàr a' bheatha gu h-àrd. B' fheairrde thu laighe nuair a bhios e ro fhalamh.
+146 Na mhothaich thu?
+147 Tha an connadh a' ruith ort! Cum sùil air bàr buidhe a' chonnaidh. B' fheairrde thu laighe nuair a bhios e ro fhalamh.
+148 Cha mhòr nach do ghlac thu e!
+149 Cum sùil air ainm an nàmhaid agad. Nochdaidh an dath a th' air na puingean-beatha aige dhut. Mar as deirge a bhios ainm, 's ann as laige a bhios an nàmhaid.
+// tabmenu collumns
+154 Puingean
+155 Sgriosan
+244 Losgaidhean canain
+267 Tadhalan
+156 Marbhadh sgioba
+157 Fèin-mhurt
+158 Bàs
+160 Iomlan:
+161 Stadastaireachd
+// Tool tips options menu
+176 Seallaidh seo an àireamh de fhrèamaichean a thèid a chunntadh gach diog\nMa tha seo glè ìseal (<20) an-còmhnaidh, feuch an cuir thu gleus air cuid a roghainnean ann an taba na grafaigeachd!
+177 Seallaidh seo an uiread de mhìrean gnìomhach.
+178 Leigidh seo seachad glìocasan-sgrin mar a tha am fear seo.
+179 Seo am fòrmat a thèid a chleachdadh nuair a shàbhaileas tu glacadh-sgrìn.
+180 Nuair a bhrùthas tu air an iuchair seo, thèid glacadh-sgrìn a shàbhaladh an-seo: {CONFIG_PATH}screenshots/
+181 Gearraidh tu leum dhan ath-thraca ciùil nuair a bhrùthas tu air an iuchair seo.
+263 Gearraidh tu leum dhan traca ciùil roimhe nuair a bhrùthas tu air an iuchair seo.
+264 Thèid an ceòl a chluich ann an òrdugh air thuaiream.
+182 Ma thèid an àireamh seo de shoithichean a spreadhadh aig an aon àm, tòisichidh seo èifeachd mall-ghluasaid.
+183 Seallaidh seo an obair a tha aig gabh bot.
+184 Seallaidh seo na roinnean innleachdach a tha cudromach dhan inntinn fhuadain.
+185 Seallaidh seo na slighean a chaidh àireamhachadh leis na botaichean.
+186 Làn-mheudaichidh seo an uinneag ach an còmhdaich i an sgrìn gu lèir.
+187 Bheir seo air a' gheama ùrachadh a-rèir astar ath-nuadhachaidh na sgrìn agad.\nBidh an geama nas rèidh le seo mar as trice.
+188 Cuiridh seo èifeachdan snasail an comas a leithid sgeò na teothachd, ach lùghdaichidh seo dèanadas a' gheama.
+189 Suidhichidh seo meud na h-uinneige.\nBidh buaidh aig seo air an dà chuid modh làn-sgrìn agus modh uinneige.
+190 Air sgrìnichean le dùmhlachd-bhreacaidh àrd, cuiridh an roghainn seo lùbadh air na rionnagan cùlaibh.\nBidh piseach beag air dèanadas a' gheama ma dh'fhaoidte ma chuireas tu seo dheth.
+266 Tarraingidh seo rionnagan a' gluasad air a' chùlaibh. Tha seo àlainn ach cuiridh e maille air dèanadas a' gheama.
+191 Cuiridh seo gleus air uiread coitcheann nam mìrean.\nBheir luachan ìosal piseach mòr air dèanadas a' gheama.
+192 Cuiridh seo gleus air dè cho fada 's a mhaireas mìrean gu coitcheann.\nBheir luachan ìosal piseach mòr air dèanadas a' gheama.
+193 Cuiridh seo àirde na fuaime airson a' chiùil air gleus.
+194 Cuiridh seo àirde na fuaime airson èifeachdan fuaime air gleus.
+195 Cuiridh seo àirde na fuaime airson bhrathan air gleus.
+243 Nuair a thèid an iuchair seo a' brùthadh rè geama, nochdaidh uinneag le stadastaireachd airson a' gheama ud.
+269 Cuiridh seo gleus air luaths a gheama mar cheudad.
+// Tool tips in the start-a-new-game-window
+196 Suidhichidh seo sgioba nan cluicheadairean ionadail.
+197 Cuiridh seo cluicheadairean ionadail an comas.
+198 Cuiridh seo gleus air an uiread de shoithichean a bhios fo smachd na h-inntinne fuadain.
+199 Na puingean a dh'fheumas sgioba a ruigsinn gus an geama a bhuannachd.
+200 Na puingean a dh'fheumas cluicheadair a ruigsinn gus an geama a bhuannachd.
+201 Cuiridh seo gleus air neart nam botaichean.
+202 Cuiridh seo gleus air an uiread de chumhachdan a nochdas rè a' gheama.\n Cha bhi cumhachd sam bith ann ma shuidhicheas tu seo air neoni.
+// Interface notifications
+205 Chaidh glacadh-sgrìn a shàbhaladh!
+214 An ath-thraca ciùil!
+260 An traca ciùil roimhe!
+258 Neach-ciùil:
+259 Albam:
+// 270
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/data/locales/locales.conf b/data/locales/locales.conf
index 1670f32..0d9cd84 100644
--- a/data/locales/locales.conf
+++ b/data/locales/locales.conf
@@ -39,6 +39,10 @@ author: Gastón & HaPK
file: Francais.txt
author: Ludovic
+file: Gaelic.txt
+author: GunChleoc
file: Italian.txt
author: Proch & Xela88 & Alberto
diff --git a/premake4.lua b/premake4.lua
index 023dddd..5af4495 100755
--- a/premake4.lua
+++ b/premake4.lua
@@ -11,11 +11,11 @@ project "mars"
defines { "NDEBUG" }
flags { "Optimize" }
if os.get() == "windows" then
- links { "sfml-graphics", "sfml-audio", "sfml-system", "sfml-window", "glu32", "opengl32", "fribidi-0", "tag" }
+ links { "sfml-graphics", "sfml-audio", "sfml-system", "sfml-window", "opengl32", "fribidi-0", "tag" }
elseif os.get() == "macosx" then
links { "sfml-graphics.framework", "sfml-audio.framework", "sfml-system.framework", "sfml-window.framework", "opengl.framework", "fribidi", "tag" }
- links { "GLU", "sfml-graphics", "sfml-audio", "sfml-system", "sfml-window", "fribidi", "tag" }
+ links { "sfml-graphics", "sfml-audio", "sfml-system", "sfml-window", "fribidi", "tag" }
libdirs { "/usr/lib", "/usr/local/lib" }
@@ -23,10 +23,10 @@ project "mars"
defines { "_DEBUG", "DEBUG" }
flags { "Symbols" }
if os.get() == "windows" then
- links { "sfml-graphics", "sfml-audio", "sfml-system", "sfml-window", "glu32", "opengl32", "fribidi-0", "tag" }
+ links { "sfml-graphics", "sfml-audio", "sfml-system", "sfml-window", "opengl32", "fribidi-0", "tag" }
elseif os.get() == "macosx" then
links { "sfml-graphics.framework", "sfml-audio.framework", "sfml-system.framework", "sfml-window.framework", "opengl.framework", "fribidi", "tag" }
- links { "GLU", "sfml-graphics", "sfml-audio", "sfml-system", "sfml-window", "fribidi", "tag" }
+ links { "sfml-graphics", "sfml-audio", "sfml-system", "sfml-window", "fribidi", "tag" }
libdirs { "/usr/lib", "/usr/local/lib" }
diff --git a/resources/mars.desktop b/resources/mars.desktop
deleted file mode 100755
index f765144..0000000
--- a/resources/mars.desktop
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
-[Desktop Entry]
-GenericName=Shooter Game
-Comment=M.A.R.S. - a ridiculous shooter
diff --git a/resources/marsshooter.6 b/resources/marsshooter.6
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..785fd57
--- /dev/null
+++ b/resources/marsshooter.6
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+.\" This man page was written by Markus Koschany. It is available
+.\" under the same license as marsshooter, the GNU General Public License 3 or
+.\" (at your option) any later version.
+.TH M.A.R.S. "6" "September 2013" "M.A.R.S. - a ridiculous shooter" "User Commands"
+M.A.R.S. \- a ridiculous shooter
+.B mars
+M.A.R.S is a two-dimensional space shooter game with excellent 2D-graphics, a
+stunning amount of particles and shader support. It offers single- and
+multiplayer gameplay, many impressive weapons and specials and customizable
+In the year 3547 civilizations across the galaxy have settled their own
+planets, living in peace and harmony with its environment. But outside the
+placid habitats, the GREAT WAR is raging. As a famous fighter on your way to
+never ending honor and prosperity, you have to protect your planet from the
+imminent doom of your jealous neighbours!
+.SS "Basic Options:"
+\fB\-cfg\fR <Path>
+Sets the absolute path to the configuration directory of the game.
+\fB\-data\fR <Path>
+Sets the absolute path to the data directory of the game,
+which contains the folders sound/, tex/ and so on.
+.SS "Miscellaneous Options:"
+Print program options.
+Print program version.
diff --git a/resources/marsshooter.appdata.xml b/resources/marsshooter.appdata.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..38321b1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/resources/marsshooter.appdata.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
+<component type="desktop">
+ <id>marsshooter.desktop</id>
+ <metadata_license>CC0-1.0</metadata_license>
+ <project_license>GPL-3.0+ and CC-BY and CC-BY-SA</project_license>
+ <name>M.A.R.S. - A ridiculous shooter</name>
+ <summary>2D space shooter with awesome visual effects</summary>
+ <description>
+ <p>
+ M.A.R.S. - a ridiculous shooter is a 2D space shooter with awesome visual
+ effects and attractive physics. Players can battle each other or computer
+ controlled enemies in exciting game modes.
+ </p>
+ <p>
+ In the year 3547, civilizations all over the galaxy have settled their own
+ planets, living in peace and harmony with its environment. But outside the
+ contemplative habitats, the GREAT WAR is raging. As a famous fighter on
+ your way to never ending honor and prosperity, you have to protect your
+ planet from the oncoming doom of your jealous neighbours!
+ </p>
+ </description>
+ <url type="homepage">http://www.marsshooter.org/</url>
+ <screenshots>
+ <screenshot type="default">http://mars-game.sourceforge.net/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/gallery/revision_175/screenshot_111211105029.jpg</screenshot>
+ <screenshot>http://mars-game.sourceforge.net/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/gallery/revision_175/screenshot_111211104719.jpg</screenshot>
+ <screenshot>http://mars-game.sourceforge.net/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/gallery/revision_175/screenshot_11121111229.jpg</screenshot>
+ </screenshots>
+ <updatecontact>jwrdegoede_at_fedoraproject.org</updatecontact>
diff --git a/resources/marsshooter.desktop b/resources/marsshooter.desktop
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b229f59
--- /dev/null
+++ b/resources/marsshooter.desktop
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+[Desktop Entry]
+GenericName=Shooter Game
+Comment=M.A.R.S. - a ridiculous shooter
+Comment[de]=M.A.R.S. - ein irrer Shooter.
diff --git a/resources/mars.png b/resources/marsshooter.png
similarity index 100%
rename from resources/mars.png
rename to resources/marsshooter.png
diff --git a/resources/mars.svg b/resources/marsshooter.svg
similarity index 100%
rename from resources/mars.svg
rename to resources/marsshooter.svg
diff --git a/resources/mars.xpm b/resources/marsshooter.xpm
similarity index 100%
rename from resources/mars.xpm
rename to resources/marsshooter.xpm
diff --git a/src/CMakeLists.txt b/src/CMakeLists.txt
index 7047df1..feba589 100644
--- a/src/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/src/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ file(GLOB MARS_RESOURCES ${MARS_SOURCE_DIR}/mars.cfg)
# create executable
+ marsshooter MACOSX_BUNDLE
@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ if(APPLE)
- mars
+ marsshooter
@@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ endif(APPLE)
# link SFML and other libraries
- mars
+ marsshooter
@@ -66,9 +66,9 @@ target_link_libraries(
- mars
+ marsshooter
+ ${mars_EXE_DEST_DIR}
@@ -82,7 +82,7 @@ if(UNIX)
- ${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}/share/games/marsshooter
+ ${mars_DATA_DEST_DIR}
@@ -92,47 +92,60 @@ if(UNIX)
- ${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}/share/games/marsshooter
+ ${mars_DATA_DEST_DIR}
".svn" EXCLUDE
# icons
- ${MARS_SOURCE_DIR}/resources/mars.png
+ ${MARS_SOURCE_DIR}/resources/marsshooter.png
- ${MARS_SOURCE_DIR}/resources/mars.svg
+ ${MARS_SOURCE_DIR}/resources/marsshooter.svg
- ${MARS_SOURCE_DIR}/resources/mars.xpm
+ ${MARS_SOURCE_DIR}/resources/marsshooter.xpm
# desktop file
- ${MARS_SOURCE_DIR}/resources/mars.desktop
+ ${MARS_SOURCE_DIR}/resources/marsshooter.desktop
+ # appdata file
- ${MARS_SOURCE_DIR}/resources/mars
+ ${MARS_SOURCE_DIR}/resources/marsshooter.appdata.xml
- ${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}/share/menu
+ ${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}/share/appdata
+ # manpage
+ install(
+ ${MARS_SOURCE_DIR}/resources/marsshooter.6
+ ${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}/share/man/man6
+ )
+ #install(
+ #${MARS_SOURCE_DIR}/resources/mars
+ #${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}/share/menu
+ #)
# executable
- TARGETS mars
+ TARGETS marsshooter
diff --git a/src/Media/music.cpp b/src/Media/music.cpp
index 96797e3..6e6c2f4 100644
--- a/src/Media/music.cpp
+++ b/src/Media/music.cpp
@@ -70,6 +70,8 @@ namespace music {
if (fadeOutTimer_ > 0.f) {
fadeOutTimer_ -= timer::realFrameTime();
+ if (fadeOutTimer_ < 0.f)
+ fadeOutTimer_ = 0.f;
diff --git a/src/Shaders/postFX.cpp b/src/Shaders/postFX.cpp
index 987f411..f767a47 100644
--- a/src/Shaders/postFX.cpp
+++ b/src/Shaders/postFX.cpp
@@ -78,7 +78,7 @@ namespace postFX {
postFX_.loadFromFile(settings::C_dataPath + "shaders/bump.frag", sf::Shader::Fragment);
bumpMap_.create(SPACE_X_RESOLUTION*0.5f, SPACE_Y_RESOLUTION*0.5f);
postFX_.setParameter("BumpMap", bumpMap_.getTexture());
diff --git a/src/System/window.cpp b/src/System/window.cpp
index e9a099a..cbec0f6 100644
--- a/src/System/window.cpp
+++ b/src/System/window.cpp
@@ -222,7 +222,7 @@ namespace window {
// Setup translation (according to left-upper corner)
+ glOrtho(0.f, SPACE_X_RESOLUTION, SPACE_Y_RESOLUTION, 0.f, -1, 1);
// probably improves performance...
@@ -247,7 +247,7 @@ namespace window {
- gluOrtho2D(0.f, viewPort_.x_, viewPort_.y_, 0.f);
+ glOrtho(0.f, viewPort_.x_, viewPort_.y_, 0.f, -1, 1);
@@ -255,7 +255,7 @@ namespace window {
+ glOrtho(0.f, SPACE_X_RESOLUTION, SPACE_Y_RESOLUTION, 0.f, -1, 1);
@@ -270,7 +270,7 @@ namespace window {
- gluOrtho2D(0.f, viewPort_.x_, viewPort_.y_, 0.f);
+ glOrtho(0.f, viewPort_.x_, viewPort_.y_, 0.f, -1, 1);
@@ -284,7 +284,7 @@ namespace window {
- gluOrtho2D(0.f, viewPort_.x_, viewPort_.y_, 0.f);
+ glOrtho(0.f, viewPort_.x_, viewPort_.y_, 0.f, -1, 1);
@@ -294,7 +294,7 @@ namespace window {
else {
- gluOrtho2D(0.f, viewPort_.x_, viewPort_.y_, 0.f);
+ glOrtho(0.f, viewPort_.x_, viewPort_.y_, 0.f, -1, 1);
@@ -307,13 +307,11 @@ namespace window {
- if (shader)
- shader->bind();
+ sf::Shader::bind(shader);
window_.draw(toBeDrawn, states);
- if (shader)
- shader->unbind();
+ sf::Shader::bind(NULL);
diff --git a/src/main.cpp b/src/main.cpp
index 8346411..3fa97a0 100644
--- a/src/main.cpp
+++ b/src/main.cpp
@@ -61,10 +61,16 @@ int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
return 0;
else if (std::string(argv[i]) == "-cfg") {
- settings::C_configPath = argv[++i];
+ if (++i < argc)
+ settings::C_configPath = argv[i];
+ else
+ std::cout << "Option \"-cfg\" expects a path to be provided following it.\n";
else if (std::string(argv[i]) == "-data") {
- settings::C_dataPath = argv[++i];
+ if (++i < argc)
+ settings::C_dataPath = argv[i];
+ else
+ std::cout << "Option \"-data\" expects a path to be provided following it.\n";
else {
std::cout << "Unknown option \"" << argv[i] << "\". Use -help for a complete list of supported flags.\n";
Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/pkg-games/marsshooter.git
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