r14064 - in /desktop/unstable/gnome-speech/debian/po: eu.po sv.po
mlang at users.alioth.debian.org
mlang at users.alioth.debian.org
Mon Jan 7 15:48:18 UTC 2008
Author: mlang
Date: Mon Jan 7 15:48:18 2008
New Revision: 14064
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-gnome/?sc=1&rev=14064
Modified: desktop/unstable/gnome-speech/debian/po/eu.po
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-gnome/desktop/unstable/gnome-speech/debian/po/eu.po?rev=14064&op=diff
--- desktop/unstable/gnome-speech/debian/po/eu.po (original)
+++ desktop/unstable/gnome-speech/debian/po/eu.po Mon Jan 7 15:48:18 2008
@@ -42,16 +42,12 @@
#. Type: string
#. Description
#: ../gnome-speech-dectalk.templates:1001
-#| msgid "Cepstral swift installation directory:"
msgid "Fonix DECtalk installation directory:"
msgstr "Fonix DECtalk instalazio direktorioa:"
#. Type: string
#. Description
#: ../gnome-speech-dectalk.templates:1001
-#| msgid ""
-#| "Cepstral swift include files and shared libraries are required to compile "
-#| "the swift backend for GNOME Speech."
msgid ""
"Fonix DECtalk include files and shared libraries are required to compile the "
"dectalk backend for GNOME Speech."
@@ -62,34 +58,27 @@
#. Type: string
#. Description
#: ../gnome-speech-dectalk.templates:1001
-#| msgid "Please enter the directory where the swift engine is installed."
msgid "Please enter the directory where the dectalk engine is installed."
msgstr "Mesedez idatzi dectalk motorra instalatuko den direktorioa:"
#. Type: string
#. Description
#: ../gnome-speech-ibmtts.templates:1001
-#| msgid "Cepstral swift installation directory:"
msgid "IBMTTS installation directory:"
msgstr "IBMTTS instalazio direktorioa:"
#. Type: string
#. Description
#: ../gnome-speech-ibmtts.templates:1001
-#| msgid ""
-#| "Cepstral swift include files and shared libraries are required to compile "
-#| "the swift backend for GNOME Speech."
msgid ""
"IBMTTS include files and shared libraries are required To compile the "
"viavoice backend for GNOME Speech."
msgstr ""
-"IBMTTS -ek Gnome Speech interfazea konpilatzeko beharrezko "
-"partekatutako liburutegi eta fitxategiak ditu."
+"IBMTTS -ek Gnome Speech interfazea konpilatzeko beharrezko partekatutako "
+"liburutegi eta fitxategiak ditu."
#. Type: string
#. Description
#: ../gnome-speech-ibmtts.templates:1001
-#| msgid "Please enter the directory where the swift engine is installed."
msgid "Please enter the directory where the IBMTTS engine is installed."
msgstr "Mesedez idatzi IBMTTS motorra instalatuko den direktorioa:"
Modified: desktop/unstable/gnome-speech/debian/po/sv.po
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-gnome/desktop/unstable/gnome-speech/debian/po/sv.po?rev=14064&op=diff
--- desktop/unstable/gnome-speech/debian/po/sv.po (original)
+++ desktop/unstable/gnome-speech/debian/po/sv.po Mon Jan 7 15:48:18 2008
@@ -24,8 +24,12 @@
#. Type: string
#. Description
#: ../gnome-speech-swift.templates:2001
-msgid "Cepstral swift include files and shared libraries are required to compile the swift backend for GNOME Speech."
-msgstr "Inkluderingsfiler och delade bibliotek från Cepstral swift är nödvändiga för att kompilera swift-bakänden för GNOME Speech."
+msgid ""
+"Cepstral swift include files and shared libraries are required to compile "
+"the swift backend for GNOME Speech."
+msgstr ""
+"Inkluderingsfiler och delade bibliotek från Cepstral swift är nödvändiga för "
+"att kompilera swift-bakänden för GNOME Speech."
#. Type: string
#. Description
@@ -36,46 +40,43 @@
#. Type: string
#. Description
#: ../gnome-speech-dectalk.templates:1001
-#| msgid "Cepstral swift installation directory:"
msgid "Fonix DECtalk installation directory:"
msgstr "Installationskatalog för Fonix DECtalk:"
#. Type: string
#. Description
#: ../gnome-speech-dectalk.templates:1001
-#| msgid ""
-#| "Cepstral swift include files and shared libraries are required to compile "
-#| "the swift backend for GNOME Speech."
-msgid "Fonix DECtalk include files and shared libraries are required to compile the dectalk backend for GNOME Speech."
-msgstr "Inkluderingsfiler och delade bibliotek från Fonix DECtalk är nödvändiga för att kompilera dectalk-bakänden för GNOME Speech."
+msgid ""
+"Fonix DECtalk include files and shared libraries are required to compile the "
+"dectalk backend for GNOME Speech."
+msgstr ""
+"Inkluderingsfiler och delade bibliotek från Fonix DECtalk är nödvändiga för "
+"att kompilera dectalk-bakänden för GNOME Speech."
#. Type: string
#. Description
#: ../gnome-speech-dectalk.templates:1001
-#| msgid "Please enter the directory where the swift engine is installed."
msgid "Please enter the directory where the dectalk engine is installed."
msgstr "Ange katalogen där dectalk-motorn är installerad."
#. Type: string
#. Description
#: ../gnome-speech-ibmtts.templates:1001
-#| msgid "Cepstral swift installation directory:"
msgid "IBMTTS installation directory:"
msgstr "Installationskatalog för IBMTTS:"
#. Type: string
#. Description
#: ../gnome-speech-ibmtts.templates:1001
-#| msgid ""
-#| "Cepstral swift include files and shared libraries are required to compile "
-#| "the swift backend for GNOME Speech."
-msgid "IBMTTS include files and shared libraries are required To compile the viavoice backend for GNOME Speech."
-msgstr "Inkluderingsfiler och delade bibliotek från IBMTTS är nödvändiga för att kompilera viavoice-bakänden för GNOME Speech."
+msgid ""
+"IBMTTS include files and shared libraries are required To compile the "
+"viavoice backend for GNOME Speech."
+msgstr ""
+"Inkluderingsfiler och delade bibliotek från IBMTTS är nödvändiga för att "
+"kompilera viavoice-bakänden för GNOME Speech."
#. Type: string
#. Description
#: ../gnome-speech-ibmtts.templates:1001
-#| msgid "Please enter the directory where the swift engine is installed."
msgid "Please enter the directory where the IBMTTS engine is installed."
msgstr "Ange katalogen där IBMTTS-motorn är installerad."
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