[Pkg-gnupg-commit] [gnupg2] 142/159: speedo: Allow use of SHA-256 checksums

Daniel Kahn Gillmor dkg at fifthhorseman.net
Wed Jan 27 13:24:03 UTC 2016

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

dkg pushed a commit to branch master
in repository gnupg2.

commit 039a55716b8abd22ce23a96dce34cf2dc4be1862
Author: Werner Koch <wk at gnupg.org>
Date:   Mon Jan 25 09:03:50 2016 +0100

    speedo: Allow use of SHA-256 checksums
    * build-aux/getswdb.sh: Add option --find-sha256sum.
    * build-aux/speedo.mk (libgpg_error_sha2): New var.  Also for all
    other packages.
    (SHA2SUM): New.
    (SETVARS, SETVARS_W64): Prefer sha256sum over sha1sum.
    (installer-from-source): Create swdb fragment.
    Signed-off-by: Werner Koch <wk at gnupg.org>
 Makefile.am          | 15 +++++++++++++++
 build-aux/getswdb.sh | 20 ++++++++++++++++++++
 build-aux/speedo.mk  | 42 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++---
 3 files changed, 74 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)

diff --git a/Makefile.am b/Makefile.am
index 8bff2ef..19f13fe 100644
--- a/Makefile.am
+++ b/Makefile.am
@@ -103,6 +103,21 @@ dist_doc_DATA = README
 dist-hook: gen-ChangeLog
+	set -e; ( \
+	pref="#+macro: gnupg21_" ;\
+	reldate="$$(date -u +%Y-%m-%d)" ;\
+        echo "$${pref}ver  $(PACKAGE_VERSION)"  ;\
+        echo "$${pref}date $${reldate}" ;\
+        list='$(DIST_ARCHIVES)'; for i in $$list; do \
+	  case "$$i" in *.tar.bz2) \
+            echo "$${pref}size $$(wc -c <$$i|awk '{print int($$1/1024)}')k" ;\
+	    echo "$${pref}sha1 $$(sha1sum <$$i|cut -d' ' -f1)" ;\
+	    echo "$${pref}sha2 $$(sha256sum <$$i|cut -d' ' -f1)" ;;\
+	  esac;\
+	done ) | tee $(distdir).swdb
 	set -e; \
diff --git a/build-aux/getswdb.sh b/build-aux/getswdb.sh
index e7f6fca..4a1730b 100755
--- a/build-aux/getswdb.sh
+++ b/build-aux/getswdb.sh
@@ -37,6 +37,7 @@ Options:
     --skip-verify      Do not check signatures
     --skip-selfcheck   Do not check GnuPG version
     --find-sha1sum     Print the name of the sha1sum utility
+    --find-sha256sum   Print the name of the sha256sum utility
     --help             Print this help.
     exit $1
@@ -49,6 +50,7 @@ skip_download=no
 while test $# -gt 0; do
     case "$1" in
 	# Set up `optarg'.
@@ -76,6 +78,9 @@ while test $# -gt 0; do
+        --find-sha256sum)
+            find_sha256sum=yes
+            ;;
 	    usage 1 1>&2
@@ -96,6 +101,21 @@ if [ ${find_sha1sum} = yes ]; then
     exit 1
+# Mac OSX has only a shasum and not sha256sum
+if [ ${find_sha256sum} = yes ]; then
+    for i in 'shasum -a 256' sha256sum ; do
+       tmp=$($i </dev/null 2>/dev/null | cut -d ' ' -f1)
+       tmp2="e3b0c44298fc1c149afbf4c8996fb92427ae41e4649b934ca495991b7852b855"
+       if [ x"$tmp" = x"$tmp2" ]; then
+           echo "$i"
+           exit 0
+       fi
+    done
+    echo "false"
+    exit 1
 # Get GnuPG version from VERSION file.  For a GIT checkout this means
 # that ./autogen.sh must have been run first.  For a regular tarball
 # VERSION is always available.
diff --git a/build-aux/speedo.mk b/build-aux/speedo.mk
index cd3a66d..5dde0fe 100644
--- a/build-aux/speedo.mk
+++ b/build-aux/speedo.mk
@@ -260,39 +260,51 @@ gnupg_ver        := $(shell awk '$$1=="gnupg21_ver" {print $$2}' swdb.lst)
 libgpg_error_ver := $(shell awk '$$1=="libgpg_error_ver" {print $$2}' swdb.lst)
 libgpg_error_sha1:= $(shell awk '$$1=="libgpg_error_sha1" {print $$2}' swdb.lst)
+libgpg_error_sha2:= $(shell awk '$$1=="libgpg_error_sha2" {print $$2}' swdb.lst)
 npth_ver  := $(shell awk '$$1=="npth_ver" {print $$2}' swdb.lst)
 npth_sha1 := $(shell awk '$$1=="npth_sha1" {print $$2}' swdb.lst)
+npth_sha2 := $(shell awk '$$1=="npth_sha2" {print $$2}' swdb.lst)
 libgcrypt_ver  := $(shell awk '$$1=="libgcrypt_ver" {print $$2}' swdb.lst)
 libgcrypt_sha1 := $(shell awk '$$1=="libgcrypt_sha1" {print $$2}' swdb.lst)
+libgcrypt_sha2 := $(shell awk '$$1=="libgcrypt_sha2" {print $$2}' swdb.lst)
 libassuan_ver  := $(shell awk '$$1=="libassuan_ver" {print $$2}' swdb.lst)
 libassuan_sha1 := $(shell awk '$$1=="libassuan_sha1" {print $$2}' swdb.lst)
+libassuan_sha2 := $(shell awk '$$1=="libassuan_sha2" {print $$2}' swdb.lst)
 libksba_ver  := $(shell awk '$$1=="libksba_ver" {print $$2}' swdb.lst)
 libksba_sha1 := $(shell awk '$$1=="libksba_sha1" {print $$2}' swdb.lst)
+libksba_sha2 := $(shell awk '$$1=="libksba_sha2" {print $$2}' swdb.lst)
 gpgme_ver  := $(shell awk '$$1=="gpgme_ver" {print $$2}' swdb.lst)
 gpgme_sha1 := $(shell awk '$$1=="gpgme_sha1" {print $$2}' swdb.lst)
+gpgme_sha2 := $(shell awk '$$1=="gpgme_sha2" {print $$2}' swdb.lst)
 pinentry_ver  := $(shell awk '$$1=="pinentry_ver" {print $$2}' swdb.lst)
 pinentry_sha1 := $(shell awk '$$1=="pinentry_sha1" {print $$2}' swdb.lst)
+pinentry_sha2 := $(shell awk '$$1=="pinentry_sha2" {print $$2}' swdb.lst)
 gpa_ver  := $(shell awk '$$1=="gpa_ver" {print $$2}' swdb.lst)
 gpa_sha1 := $(shell awk '$$1=="gpa_sha1" {print $$2}' swdb.lst)
+gpa_sha2 := $(shell awk '$$1=="gpa_sha2" {print $$2}' swdb.lst)
 gpgex_ver  := $(shell awk '$$1=="gpgex_ver" {print $$2}' swdb.lst)
 gpgex_sha1 := $(shell awk '$$1=="gpgex_sha1" {print $$2}' swdb.lst)
+gpgex_sha2 := $(shell awk '$$1=="gpgex_sha2" {print $$2}' swdb.lst)
 zlib_ver  := $(shell awk '$$1=="zlib_ver" {print $$2}' swdb.lst)
 zlib_sha1 := $(shell awk '$$1=="zlib_sha1_gz" {print $$2}' swdb.lst)
+zlib_sha2 := $(shell awk '$$1=="zlib_sha2_gz" {print $$2}' swdb.lst)
 bzip2_ver  := $(shell awk '$$1=="bzip2_ver" {print $$2}' swdb.lst)
 bzip2_sha1 := $(shell awk '$$1=="bzip2_sha1_gz" {print $$2}' swdb.lst)
+bzip2_sha2 := $(shell awk '$$1=="bzip2_sha2_gz" {print $$2}' swdb.lst)
 adns_ver  := $(shell awk '$$1=="adns_ver" {print $$2}' swdb.lst)
 adns_sha1 := $(shell awk '$$1=="adns_sha1" {print $$2}' swdb.lst)
+adns_sha2 := $(shell awk '$$1=="adns_sha2" {print $$2}' swdb.lst)
 $(info Information from the version database)
 $(info GnuPG ..........: $(gnupg_ver) (building $(gnupg_ver_this)))
@@ -628,6 +640,10 @@ SHA1SUM := $(shell $(topsrc)/build-aux/getswdb.sh --find-sha1sum)
 ifeq ($(SHA1SUM),false)
 $(error The sha1sum tool is missing)
+SHA2SUM := $(shell $(topsrc)/build-aux/getswdb.sh --find-sha256sum)
+ifeq ($(SHA2SUM),false)
+$(error The sha256sum tool is missing)
 BUILD_ISODATE=$(shell date -u +%Y-%m-%d)
@@ -705,6 +721,7 @@ define SETVARS
         git="$(call GETVAR,speedo_pkg_$(1)_git)";                       \
         gitref="$(call GETVAR,speedo_pkg_$(1)_gitref)";                 \
         tar="$(call GETVAR,speedo_pkg_$(1)_tar)";                       \
+        sha2="$(call GETVAR,$(1)_sha2)";                                \
         sha1="$(call GETVAR,$(1)_sha1)";                                \
         pkgsdir="$(sdir)/$(1)";                                         \
         if [ "$(1)" = "gnupg" ]; then                                   \
@@ -739,6 +756,7 @@ define SETVARS_W64
         git="$(call GETVAR,speedo_pkg_$(1)_git)";                       \
         gitref="$(call GETVAR,speedo_pkg_$(1)_gitref)";                 \
         tar="$(call GETVAR,speedo_pkg_$(1)_tar)";                       \
+        sha2="$(call GETVAR,$(1)_sha2)";                                \
         sha1="$(call GETVAR,$(1)_sha1)";                                \
         pkgsdir="$(sdir)/$(1)";                                         \
         if [ "$(1)" = "gnupg" ]; then                                   \
@@ -814,11 +832,19 @@ $(stampdir)/stamp-$(1)-00-unpack: $(stampdir)/stamp-directories
                   | $$$${pretar} | tar x$$$${opt}f - ;; \
 	   esac;					\
 	   if [ -f tmp.tgz ]; then                      \
-	     if [ -n "$$$${sha1}" ]; then               \
+	     if [ -n "$$$${sha2}" ]; then               \
+               tmp=$$$$($(SHA2SUM) <tmp.tgz|cut -d' ' -f1);\
+               if [ "$$$${tmp}" != "$$$${sha2}" ]; then \
+	         echo "speedo:";                        \
+                 echo "speedo: ERROR: SHA-256 checksum mismatch for $(1)";\
+	         echo "speedo:";                        \
+                 exit 1;                                \
+               fi;                                      \
+	     elif [ -n "$$$${sha1}" ]; then            \
                tmp=$$$$($(SHA1SUM) <tmp.tgz|cut -d' ' -f1);\
                if [ "$$$${tmp}" != "$$$${sha1}" ]; then \
 	         echo "speedo:";                        \
-                 echo "speedo: ERROR: checksum mismatch for $(1)";\
+                 echo "speedo: ERROR: SHA-1 checksum mismatch for $(1)";\
 	         echo "speedo:";                        \
                  exit 1;                                \
                fi;                                      \
@@ -1128,7 +1154,17 @@ installer-from-source: dist-source
 	 tar xJf "../$(INST_NAME)-$(INST_VERSION)_$(BUILD_DATESTR).tar.xz";\
          $(MAKE) -f build-aux/speedo.mk this-w32-installer SELFCHECK=0;\
-	 mv "PLAY/inst/$(INST_NAME)-$(INST_VERSION)_$(BUILD_DATESTR).exe" ../.. ;\
+	 reldate="$$(date -u +%Y-%m-%d)" ;\
+	 exefile="$(INST_NAME)-$(INST_VERSION)_$(BUILD_DATESTR).exe" ;\
+	 mv "PLAY/inst/$$exefile" ../.. ;\
+	 exefile="../../$$exefile" ;\
+	 ( pref="#+macro: gnupg21_w32_" ;\
+         echo "$${pref}ver  $(INST_VERSION)_$(BUILD_DATESTR)"  ;\
+         echo "$${pref}date $${reldate}" ;\
+         echo "$${pref}size $$(wc -c <$$exefile|awk '{print int($$1/1024)}')k";\
+	 echo "$${pref}sha1 $$(sha1sum <$$exefile|cut -d' ' -f1)" ;\
+	 echo "$${pref}sha2 $$(sha256sum <$$exefile|cut -d' ' -f1)" ;\
+	 ) | tee $$exefile.swdb ;\

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/pkg-gnupg/gnupg2.git

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