[Pkg-gs-devel] r54 - in ghostscript/trunk: . debian debian/patches
Masayuki Hatta
mhatta at alioth.debian.org
Mon Sep 24 06:22:10 UTC 2007
Author: mhatta
Date: Mon Sep 24 06:22:10 2007
New Revision: 54
ghostscript/trunk/debian/patches/03_docdir_fix_for_debian.dpatch (contents, props changed)
ghostscript/trunk/debian/patches/06_libpaper_support.dpatch (contents, props changed)
ghostscript/trunk/debian/patches/07_bbox_segv_fix.dpatch (contents, props changed)
ghostscript/trunk/debian/patches/09_ijs_krgb_support.dpatch (contents, props changed)
ghostscript/trunk/debian/patches/10_epsn_margin_workaround.dpatch (contents, props changed)
ghostscript/trunk/debian/patches/11_brother_7x0_gdi_fix.dpatch (contents, props changed)
ghostscript/trunk/debian/patches/12_ghostscript_man_fix.dpatch (contents, props changed)
ghostscript/trunk/debian/patches/13_ghostscript_man_fix_debian.dpatch (contents, props changed)
ghostscript/trunk/debian/patches/14_toolbin_insecure_tmp_usage_fix.dpatch (contents, props changed)
ghostscript/trunk/debian/patches/30_assorted_script_fixes.dpatch (contents, props changed)
ghostscript/trunk/debian/rules (contents, props changed)
Added: ghostscript/trunk/debian/NEWS
--- (empty file)
+++ ghostscript/trunk/debian/NEWS Mon Sep 24 06:22:10 2007
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+ghostscript (8.61.dfsg.1~svn8248-1) unstable; urgency=low
+ As the ESP Ghostscript development is discontinued now, the extra
+ functionality of ESP Ghostscript is merged into upstream GPL Ghostscript
+ from version 8.60 on. This is the first Debian/Ubuntu package of this
+ merged Ghostscript. It contains the following added functionality from
+ ESP Ghostscript:
+ - Enhanced PCL XL driver.
+ - Shared library and driver (X11) support for Linux/UNIX.
+ - The CUPS "driver" that generates a series of raster
+ images for CUPS printer drivers.
+ - Nearly all known free printer drivers which have to
+ be compiled into Ghostscript - drivers listed with
+ "Execution style: Ghostscript" on openprinting.org.
+ Not included are some obsolete drivers such as hpdj
+ which is replaced by the included pcl3 driver.
+ - All known Uniprint configuration files (*.upp) as
+ listed on openprinting.org.
+ - Patches to add the NOMEDIAATTRS option to Ghostscript,
+ which allows CUPS drivers to use media options
+ separate from Ghostscript.
+ - KRGB support for IJS drivers.
+ - OpenPrinting Vector interface
+ - Support files for CUPS.
+ - Enhanced build system (easy driver selection, font
+ search path setting, ...).
+ This package has everything activated.
+ Due to Ghostscript's head development being under GPL now, and all important
+ functionality being developed at ghostscript.com, forks are not needed any
+ more. This makes gs-esp, gs-afpl, and gs-common obsolete. gs-gpl is also
+ renamed to ghostscript now, so that it can be found in repositories more
+ easily. This new ghostscript package automatically removes all gs-* packages.
+ -- Till Kamppeter <till.kamppeter at gmail.com> Mon, 21 May 2007 13:00:21 +0100
+gs-gpl (8.01-5) unstable; urgency=low
+ For CJKV users: GPL gs 8.x does not contain CJK TrueType font
+ support (it still has CJK CID font support, though), so you can not
+ use CJK *.ttf/ttc with gs-gpl. I strongly urge you to use
+ gs-esp for the time being.
+ -- Masayuki Hatta (mhatta) <mhatta at debian.org> Sun, 15 Aug 2004 13:26:21 +0900
+gs-gpl (8.01-3) unstable; urgency=low
+ Currently gs-gpl has stp support, but please note that this driver
+ will be removed after sarge's release since stp has been obsoleted
+ by ijs (ijsgimpprint). Those of you who still use stp are strongly
+ recommended to migrate to ijsgimpprint ASAP.
+ -- Masayuki Hatta (mhatta) <mhatta at debian.org> Wed, 28 Apr 2004 05:40:05 +0900
Added: ghostscript/trunk/debian/README.Debian
--- (empty file)
+++ ghostscript/trunk/debian/README.Debian Mon Sep 24 06:22:10 2007
@@ -0,0 +1,119 @@
+ghostscript for Debian
+This package is merged from the former gs-gpl, gs-esp, and gs-common packages,
+see debian/NEWS file
+ -- Till Kamppeter <till.kamppeter at gmail.com> Mon, 21 May 2007 13:00:21 +0100
+Removal of non-free files
+I removed the directory Resource/Cmap and its contents from the
+upstream source tarball since their licensing policy does not conform
+to the DFSG.
+ -- Masayuki Hatta (mhatta) <mhatta at debian.org>, Wed Apr 28 06:31:45 2004
+Font handling with Defoma
+The font configuration for Ghostscript is now controlled by Defoma.
+If you want to update the font configuration, run:
+ defoma-app update gs
+Then the Defoma-configuration script for gs is called.
+Following describes what the Defoma-configuration script for gs does.
+Ghostscript accepts "type1", "type3", "gsfontderivative", "truetype",
+"cid", "cmap" and "psprint" categories. gs registers all PostScript
+fonts available to gs in the postscript category with <gs>/ added to
+the front of their names.
+Ghostscript creates files under /var/lib/defoma/gs.d/dirs. This
+directory contains CMap and fonts subdirectories, and the CMap
+subdirectory is symlinked under /usr/share/ghostscript.
+If you want to have a certain PostScript font name which is not
+provided by registered fonts as RealName or Alias, you can have such a
+font name substituted. Run
+ defoma-subst edit-rule ghostscript
+to edit the subst-rule.
+For example, if you want to have Charter-Bold available whose charset
+is ISO8859-1 and which has serifed, proportionally-spaced bold face,
+you should add the following line:
+Charter-Bold --Charset,* ISO8859-1 --GeneralFamily Roman --Weight Bold
+--Width Variable --Shape Upright Serif
+Then Charter-Bold will be substituted by the most similar font and
+become available.
+The way to have CJK font substituted changes compared to the old
+gs-aladdin (6.50-x). If you want to have Korean PostScript font,
+Dotum-Medium-KSC-EUC-H available whose actual font name is
+Dotum-Medium and KSC-EUC-H is a name of CMap, you should add the
+following line:
+Dotum-Medium --CIDRegistry,* Adobe --CIDOrdering,* Korea1 --Weight Medium --Shape Upright
+Then Dotum-Medium-* (* is a name of Korean CMap) are substituted and
+become available.
+Following is a list of hinttypes specific to gs.
+* GS-OriginFont, GS-OriginID: These hinttypes are used in
+ gsfontderivative category. The content of a font within this
+ category is a small PostScript program that generates a
+ derivative font from a certain substantial type1 or type3 font.
+ Generally a derivative font has bold or oblique shape, while
+ the original font has normal upright shape.
+ A font within this category must specify the original font and
+ its RealName with GS-OriginFont and GS-OriginID hinttypes.
+1. type1 and type3
+Fonts within this category are handled in the same way. Symlink to the
+fontfile is created under /var/lib/defoma/gs.d/dirs/fonts, and its
+font name, font file and alises are listed in Fontmap.
+2. gsfontderivative
+Fonts within this category are handled in the similar way. Only one
+difference is that dependency on the origin of the font is registered
+when fonts are registered to Id cache.
+3. truetype
+Fonts within this category are handled in the same way as type1 and
+type3 if the font doesn't include CJK glyphs. CJK truetype fonts goes
+different. It is treated as a cid font.
+4. cid
+Symlink to the font file is created under
+/var/lib/defoma/gs.d/dirs/fonts, and its font name, font file and
+aliases are listed in CIDFnmap. Using registered CMaps which belong
+to the same CIDRegistry and CIDOrdering, <CID-FontName>-<CMapName> are
+registered in postscript category.
+5. cmap
+Symlink to the CMap file is created under
+/var/lib/defoma/gs.d/dirs/CMap. Using registered CID fonts which
+belong to the same CIDRegistry and CIDOrdering,
+<CID-FontName>-<CMapName> are registered in postscript category.
+6. psprint
+Fonts installed in a PostSciprt printer should be previewable by
+ghostscript. They are registered to psprint category, so the script
+accepts this category and add the fonts and their hints to a
+ -- Masayuki Hatta (mhatta) <mhatta at debian.org>, Sat, 21 Oct 2006 05:21:11 +0900
Added: ghostscript/trunk/debian/changelog
--- (empty file)
+++ ghostscript/trunk/debian/changelog Mon Sep 24 06:22:10 2007
@@ -0,0 +1,880 @@
+ghostscript (8.61.dfsg.1~svn8187-1) unstable; urgency=low
+ * New upstream release - closes: #437848, #291452
+ * Important CJK handling fixes are absent from the current 8.60 or svn, so I
+ decided to use this SVN snapshots until the issue is fixed (Ubuntu does the same).
+ * Can be built with the modern GCC now - closes: #440427
+ * Complete re-organization: gs-gpl, gs-esp and gs-afpl are discontinued and
+ gone altogether, and now there's only one ghostscript package - closes: #52603, #159516, #434791, #394628, #394350, #295377, #246983, #416253, #323867
+ * Imported Ubuntu's various improvements on packaging.
+ Thanks for Ubuntu people, especially Till Kamppeter.
+ * Sorted out dummy packages - closes: #321989, #401137
+ * Separated -doc package - closes: #138549, #391082, #389872
+ * Separated -x package, the main ghostscrpt doesn't depend X anymore - cloese: #76814, #393980, #240215
+ * Separated libgs* packages - closes: #344351
+ * Enabled cdj880 driver - closes: #157067
+ * Enabled Lexmark 3200 driver - closes: #157067
+ * Enabled pcl3 driver - closes: #259075
+ * Added /usr/share/fonts/type1/gsfonts to fontpath - closes: #434310
+ -- Masayuki Hatta (mhatta) <mhatta at debian.org> Mon, 24 Sep 2007 12:29:41 +0900
+gs-gpl (8.56.dfsg.1-1) unstable; urgency=low
+ * New upstream release.
+ * man/gs.1: Paths are adjusted to Debian - closes: #405049
+ * man/gs.1: Fixed various typos - closes: #323534
+ * Fixed insecure /tmp usage in toolbin scripts (CAN-2005-2352) - closes: #291373
+ * Now opdfread.ps is installed - closes: #401755
+ -- Masayuki Hatta (mhatta) <mhatta at debian.org> Sat, 05 May 2007 00:58:39 +0900
+gs-gpl (8.54.dfsg.1-5) unstable; urgency=high
+ * Oops, I forgot to apply dpatch #20, so the large amount of drivers are missing in -4. Mea Culpa.
+ * Added Brother HL-1240/1250 support - closes: #280693
+ * Make sure /etc/gs-gpl is removed - closes: #333474
+ * Remove Fontmap and Fontmap.GS from the package - closes: #325400
+ * Provides the index.html symlink - closes: #303792
+ * Added binary-indep rules in debian/rules - closes: #267398
+ -- Masayuki Hatta (mhatta) <mhatta at debian.org> Sat, 21 Oct 2006 10:25:56 +0900
+gs-gpl (8.54.dfsg.1-4) unstable; urgency=high
+ * Brought back KRGB colorspace support to ijs - closes: #355616
+ * Brought back Samsung GDI support - closes: #365337
+ * gs depends on gs-gpl | gs-esp - closes: #297024
+ * rules, gs-gpl.links: s/8.15/8.54/g.
+ -- Masayuki Hatta (mhatta) <mhatta at debian.org> Wed, 18 Oct 2006 21:33:33 +0900
+gs-gpl (8.54.dfsg.1-3) unstable; urgency=low
+ * Supports big post table for CMap - closes: #205055
+ * Fixed a potential segv problem in src/gdevxini.c, thanks Ian Jackson for providing a patch - closes: #254206
+ -- Masayuki Hatta (mhatta) <mhatta at debian.org> Wed, 18 Oct 2006 03:48:57 +0900
+gs-gpl (8.54.dfsg.1-2) unstable; urgency=high
+ * Made qsort call in src/gxfcopy.c 64-bit clean, thanks Andreas - closes: #390875
+ -- Masayuki Hatta (mhatta) <mhatta at debian.org> Thu, 12 Oct 2006 09:28:26 +0900
+gs-gpl (8.54.dfsg.1-1) unstable; urgency=low
+ * New upstream release - closes: #373805
+ * Acknowledged NMUs, since crash on ppc has been fixed in the upstream - closes: #357326, #327288, #324796
+ -- Masayuki Hatta (mhatta) <mhatta at debian.org> Tue, 26 Sep 2006 01:25:04 +0900
+gs-gpl (8.50-1.1) unstable; urgency=high
+ * Non-maintainer upload.
+ * debian/patches/00list: Re-enable patch 10_powerpc_crash_fix; upstream
+ delayed to fix after the 8.50 release. Cures segfaults on ppc (again).
+ Thanks to Roger Leigh for testing. Closes: #357326
+ -- Daniel Kobras <kobras at debian.org> Wed, 29 Mar 2006 14:22:21 +0200
+gs-gpl (8.50-1) unstable; urgency=low
+ * Works done at Codefest in Malaysia 2006.
+ * New upstream release - closes: #347637, #348834
+ * Updated debian/watch - closes: #354352
+ * Bumped to Standards-Version: (no physical changes).
+ -- Masayuki Hatta (mhatta) <mhatta at debian.org> Sun, 5 Mar 2006 10:46:33 +0900
+gs-gpl (8.15-4.1) unstable; urgency=low
+ * Non-maintainer upload.
+ * Use gcc-3.4 on s390.
+ -- Bastian Blank <waldi at debian.org> Thu, 29 Dec 2005 10:52:10 +0000
+gs-gpl (8.15-4) unstable; urgency=low
+ * Apply patch 10 working around a crashing bug on powerpc (details in
+ the patch file itself). This closes: bug#324796, #325570, #327288
+ (thanks to Paul Brossier <piem at debian.org> for first reporting, Ian
+ Jackson <ian at davenant.greenend.org.uk> for providing the patch, and
+ Thomas Bushnell BSG <tb at becket.net> for shouting about the problem).
+ -- Jonas Smedegaard <dr at jones.dk> Mon, 19 Sep 2005 15:15:44 +0200
+gs-gpl (8.15-3) unstable; urgency=low
+ * Bumped Standards-Version to (no physical changes).
+ * Removed patch 04, since it doesn't affect at all.
+ * Enabled jbig2dec support.
+ * Now uses cidfmap generated by defoma.
+ * gs-gpl.links: make a symlink of CMap directory under /usr/share/gs-gpl/8.15/Resource.
+ NOTE: even if CMap files can be found somewhere in the font path, gs-esp
+ fails to prepare a composed font with CIDFont and CMap. This hack is
+ a workaround for "the CMap files must be put into the first directory of
+ the font path" problem. Many Thanks Akira TAGOH for suggestion.
+ -- Masayuki Hatta (mhatta) <mhatta at debian.org> Thu, 18 Aug 2005 03:38:59 +0900
+gs-gpl (8.15-2) unstable; urgency=low
+ * Drop stp patch:
+ + Remove stp-related parts of additional_drivers patches 20 and 21.
+ + Drop build-dependency on libgimpprint-dev.
+ + Remove stp note from README.Debian.
+ + Closes: bug#313026 (thanks to Roger Leigh <rleigh at debian.org>).
+ -- Jonas Smedegaard <dr at jones.dk> Wed, 20 Jul 2005 14:05:26 +0200
+gs-gpl (8.15-1) unstable; urgency=low
+ * Repackaged source tarball with non-free CMaps stripped.
+ * Added check in debian/rules to fail if CMaps exist in the source.
+ * Mention in debian/copyright that CMaps are stripped.
+ * Add myself as uploader (acknowledged by Masayuki), and re-upload as
+ regular maintainer upload. This package closes: bug#280352 (thanks
+ to some anonymous(?) lilypond-lover offering virtual beer for
+ pushing this newer release, and Wouter Verhelst <wouter at debian.org>
+ for delivering the message).
+ * Correct UTF8-encoding of debian/changelog.
+ -- Jonas Smedegaard <dr at jones.dk> Fri, 15 Jul 2005 13:27:05 +0200
+gs-gpl (8.15-0.1) unstable; urgency=low
+ * NMU of newer upstream release.
+ * Update and unfuzz patches (Note: source patched by
+ 04_resourcedir_fix_for_debian slightly changed upstream, so may no
+ longer be needed).
+ * Use fine-grained X11 build-dependencies.
+ -- Jonas Smedegaard <dr at jones.dk> Tue, 12 Jul 2005 10:52:11 +0200
+gs-gpl (8.01-5) unstable; urgency=high
+ * [NEWS] added a note on CJK TTF support.
+ * Revive Samsung GDI support, thanks plum - closes: #250180
+ * Revive Brother 7x0 GDI support - closes: #253479
+ * Added KRGB colorspace support to gs IJS driver - closes: #249166
+ * Fix SEGV on -sDEVICE=bbox - closes: #250290, #254877
+ * Adjust the margins for Epson drivers - closes: #48975
+ * Now Suggests hpijs - closes: #161953
+ -- Masayuki Hatta (mhatta) <mhatta at debian.org> Sun, 15 Aug 2004 13:03:15 +0900
+gs-gpl (8.01-4) unstable; urgency=low
+ * Fixed the priority to 20 - closes: #246983
+ * Removed funky character in NEWS, thanks tbm for pointing it out.
+ -- Masayuki Hatta (mhatta) <mhatta at debian.org> Wed, 5 May 2004 16:09:24 +0900
+gs-gpl (8.01-3) unstable; urgency=low
+ * Added Build-Dep: libgimpprint1-dev - closes: #244143
+ * Added lj3100sw driver - closes: #243963
+ * Revised description.
+ * Added notes on stp.
+ -- Masayuki Hatta (mhatta) <mhatta at debian.org> Wed, 28 Apr 2004 05:40:05 +0900
+gs-gpl (8.01-2) unstable; urgency=low
+ * Added STP support culled from gimp-print 4.2.6.
+ -- Masayuki Hatta (mhatta) <mhatta at debian.org> Tue, 13 Apr 2004 13:20:31 +0900
+gs-gpl (8.01-1) unstable; urgency=low
+ * New maintainer with torsten's blessing. He is still a co-maintainer.
+ * The package name has been changed to gs-gpl.
+ * Now uses dpatch.
+ * Acknowledged NMUs - closes: #63163, #136652, #105179, #128314, #128416
+ * New upstream release - closes: #235686, #226088
+ * Revised copyright - closes: #226020
+ * Moved *map under /etc/gs-gpl - closes: #179244
+ * Do not run "update-alternatives --remove" when upgrade - closes: #163267
+ * Improved libpaper support - closes: #182268
+ * Set the font path appropriately - closes: #122828, #159816, #111874, #195931, #128955
+ * Removed stp driver - closes: #170550
+ * Added cfax driver - closes: #183438
+ * Set the priority to 20.
+ -- Masayuki Hatta (mhatta) <mhatta at debian.org> Sat, 27 Mar 2004 00:00:05 +0900
+gs (7.07-1) unstable; urgency=low
+ * New upstream release.
+ + Uses /dev/urandom instead of /dev/random so does not block forever
+ waiting for quality random numbers (closes: #176850).
+ * Fix buffer overflow in gdevhpij.c (sizeof(PK) < PIPE_BUF...) and
+ remove the old patch (closes: #184345).
+ * debian/devices: Add pngalpha device.
+ -- Torsten Landschoff <torsten at debian.org> Wed, 18 Jun 2003 10:51:53 +0200
+gs (7.06-1.1) unstable; urgency=low
+ * NMU
+ * Fix unconditional PIPE_BUF bug to build on GNU. (Closes: #184345)
+ -- Robert Millan <rmh at debian.org> Sun, 13 Apr 2003 14:01:41 +0200
+gs (7.06-1) unstable; urgency=low
+ * New upstream release.
+ * debian/rules:
+ + Include History7.htm into the changelog.
+ + Kill the /usr/share/man/de hierarchy which only documents stuff
+ in gs-common, not even the gs command.
+ -- Torsten Landschoff <torsten at debian.org> Thu, 3 Apr 2003 11:34:02 +0200
+gs (7.05-3) unstable; urgency=low
+ * Reextract the source without running ntpdate on another console
+ and rebuild to fix the search path (closes: #173493, #173560).
+ -- Torsten Landschoff <torsten at debian.org> Fri, 20 Dec 2002 15:54:29 +0100
+gs (7.05-2) unstable; urgency=low
+ * debian/control: Conflicts, Provides and Replaces gs-pdfencrypt - that
+ functionality is now included in gs itself and the old stuff breaks
+ with current gs (closes: #173222).
+ * Apply the patch from Florian Zumbiehl (identical to the upstream
+ solution in newer releases) to fix the scaling of the psmono/psgray
+ driver - the output was scaled twice (closes: #171530).
+ -- Torsten Landschoff <torsten at debian.org> Tue, 17 Dec 2002 11:44:44 +0100
+gs (7.05-1) unstable; urgency=low
+ * New upstream release.
+ * debian/control: Use libpng3-dev instead libpng2-dev.
+ -- Torsten Landschoff <torsten at debian.org> Sun, 1 Sep 2002 01:10:37 +0200
+gs (6.53-7) unstable; urgency=low
+ * debian/rules (binary-arch): Use rm -Rf to kill the man dir as rm -R
+ seems to ask for permission for some users (closes: #152037).
+ -- Torsten Landschoff <torsten at debian.org> Wed, 28 Aug 2002 01:28:36 +0200
+gs (6.53-6) unstable; urgency=low
+ * debian/devices: Enable the ljet4d driver as suggested by
+ Isidro Cachadiña Gutiérez.
+ -- Torsten Landschoff <torsten at debian.org> Tue, 27 Aug 2002 11:29:17 +0200
+gs (6.53-5) unstable; urgency=low
+ * Apply the hpijs margin patch from
+ http://hpinkjet.sourceforge.net/gdevijs2.patch (closes: #151869).
+ -- Torsten Landschoff <torsten at debian.org> Thu, 4 Jul 2002 09:54:39 +0200
+gs (6.53-4) unstable; urgency=low
+ * Enable the hl1240 driver (the hl1250 should already be there, but it
+ seems it isn't...).
+ * debian/control: Change build dependency on libgimpprint-dev to
+ libgimpprint1-dev.
+ -- Torsten Landschoff <torsten at debian.org> Wed, 3 Jul 2002 19:36:58 +0200
+gs (6.53-3) unstable; urgency=high
+ * debian/copyright: Include information about add on packages and
+ their licenses.
+ * debian/devices: Move x11 in front of x11alpha which has problems with
+ mono displays at least (closes: #138844).
+ * src/unix-gcc.mak: Reenable the pipe device as it seems harmless after
+ all and many filters will break as they are using this feature to
+ circumvent the old Ghostscript problem with -sOutputFile=- when
+ the PostScript file writes text to stdout which interferes with the
+ printer commands... (closes: #138364).
+ * debian/control: Remove the reference to gs-pdfencrypt which is now
+ obsolete as it is included in the official Ghostscript now.
+ * Lintian cleanup:
+ + Remove the extra license file /usr/share/doc/gs/COPYING.gz
+ + Copying.htm stays as it is since it is linked in the docs
+ + Convert History[56].htm to changes.gz using html2text to have an
+ upstream changelog.
+ * Included a few important patches from the Ghostscript CVS:
+ + Handle the margins from an ijs server correctly. It was my hope that
+ this would account for #141608, but that does not seem to be the
+ case :(
+ + src/gdevx.c: Patched to use the "right" color depth on X11 for
+ all cases. It used to take the actual number of bits to store
+ the color info as opposed to the number of bits actually used.
+ + lib/pdf2dsc.ps: This was broken because of the security fix.
+ Patched to open the files before dropping privileges.
+ * lib/stcolor.ps: Compare the product name with "GNU Ghostscript" instead
+ of just "Ghostscript" to detect the interpreter (closes: #108120).
+ * src/gdevbj10.c: Apply the patch to fix the margins for the Canon BJ10e
+ submitted by Jim Hague (closes: #118078).
+ * debian/postinst: Link the manpage to gs.1.gz as well as a slave of
+ the /usr/bin/gs alternative (closes: #122538).
+ * gimp-print/README.stp: Copy from gimp-print source tree.
+ * debian/docs: Install that file as $(docdir)/README.stp for those
+ using that driver and needing some infos (closes: #122099).
+ + debian/README.Debian: Refer the user to README.stp.
+ * debian/rules: Install the documentation of the pcl3 driver
+ (closes: #39342).
+ * debian/docs: Add the README.lexmark of the lexmarkgs driver to the
+ installed documentation.
+ -- Torsten Landschoff <torsten at debian.org> Tue, 9 Apr 2002 02:29:10 +0200
+gs (6.53-2) unstable; urgency=high
+ * [SECURITY] src/unix-gcc.mak: Disable the pipe device as well since it
+ still allows executing arbitrary commands. I'll turn it back on when I am
+ sure it does not cause any security problems.
+ -- Torsten Landschoff <torsten at debian.org> Thu, 7 Mar 2002 12:24:53 +0100
+gs (6.53-1) unstable; urgency=high
+ * New upstream release (closes: #130426).
+ + Fixes the security problem allowing reading all files and
+ executing random commands (closes: #136652).
+ * debian/gen-makefile: Fix the BUILD_OPTIONS check (closes: #121871).
+ * Should fix the cjk stuff I hope (closes: #116516). In case there is
+ another problem please could somebody provide me with information
+ how to check that it works? I am more than deeply frustrated with
+ getting readmes in japanese, web pages in japanese etc. That's just
+ deeply frustrating.
+ -- Torsten Landschoff <torsten at debian.org> Wed, 6 Mar 2002 01:20:30 +0100
+gs (6.51-7) unstable; urgency=medium
+ * Urgency medium because it works around a bug breaking the package
+ on one Debian architecture.
+ * src/gxobj.h [IA64]: Lock the object alignment to 16 bytes, as the
+ initial setjmp segfaults because of a bad alignment. jmp_buf needs
+ to be on 16 byte boundaries for this arch. This is a quick work
+ around until somebody comes up with a better fix - at least it
+ gets gs to work on ia64 - I am not certain how much memory overhead
+ this causes though. Kudos to John Daily <jdaily at progeny.com> for his
+ investigative work. I am leaving the bug open for now, since it does
+ not really fix the problem (#128314).
+ -- Torsten Landschoff <torsten at debian.org> Tue, 8 Jan 2002 21:12:22 +0100
+gs (6.51-6) unstable; urgency=low
+ * ijs/*: Include the ijs driver from the hpijs source.
+ * debian/devices: Add ijs to the device list.
+ * src/contrib.mak: Include ijs/contrib.mak-6.51.add
+ -- Torsten Landschoff <torsten at debian.org> Mon, 31 Dec 2001 15:00:45 +0100
+gs (6.51-5) unstable; urgency=low
+ * gimp-print/gdevstp.c: Update from gimp-print 4.1.99-rc1 (closes: #120009)
+ -- Torsten Landschoff <torsten at debian.org> Fri, 16 Nov 2001 14:29:11 +0100
+gs (6.51-4) unstable; urgency=low
+ * src/gdevxini.c: Apply the patch supplied by Chanop Silpa-Anan
+ (closes: #85811). Thanks for your support, Chanop!
+ * debian/gen-makefile: Add /usr/share/ghostscript/common to the
+ search path to get gs-pdfencrypt working again (closes: #119406).
+ * Download the lex5000 driver and include it in the build system
+ (closes: #58657).
+ * debian/devices: Add lx5000, lex5000.
+ -- Torsten Landschoff <torsten at debian.org> Wed, 14 Nov 2001 16:47:57 +0100
+gs (6.51-3) unstable; urgency=low
+ * debian/devices: Enabled the cfax driver as requested by a user.
+ -- Torsten Landschoff <torsten at debian.org> Fri, 9 Nov 2001 17:48:23 +0100
+gs (6.51-2) unstable; urgency=low
+ * Enable the Brother HL 1250 driver (closes: #63027).
+ -- Torsten Landschoff <torsten at debian.org> Wed, 17 Oct 2001 12:07:23 +0200
+gs (6.51-1) unstable; urgency=low
+ * New upstream release (closes: #101928).
+ * The new upstream release fixes many problems with the interpreter.
+ These bugs were fixed in Ghostscript 6.0:
+ + the font rendering problem in X11 is fixed (closes: #28579)
+ + ps2pdf does not write rectangles for polygons anymore (closes: #36200)
+ + the PDF which crashed gs does not lead to any problems (closes: #45361)
+ + a PDF which was inverted by pdf2ps stays black on
+ white now (closes: #49659).
+ + Philipp's file crashing gs does not do so anymore (closes: #58468)
+ + the invalid LanguageGroup in fonts does not cause gs to abort
+ anymore (closes: #67462).
+ + another PDF file which caused a crash is working now (closes: #89995)
+ * Rewrote the build system.
+ * The libjpeg sources are now included in the diff which is not nice
+ but working (closes: #87896).
+ * lynx is not used anymore to convert the changelog to plain text
+ (closes: #93722).
+ * The hpijs driver is now included upstream (closes: #106294).
+ * Driver support for the Apple Imagewriter is now included (closes: #110740).
+ * Make the package use update-alternatives so that different gs packages
+ can cooperate (closes: #98227).
+ * Add in the gdi driver provided by Daniel Burrows (closes: #105885).
+ * debian/devices: Add omni to the list
+ + debian/gen-makefile: Add threading and dynamic linking support.
+ * debian/control: Add libglib1.2-dev to the Build-Depends as it is
+ needed for the Omni driver.
+ * debian/devices: Go through the list of available drivers and add
+ what we seem to be able to build. Among the new devices:
+ - cdj970 (closes: #112434)
+ - cljet5, cljet5pr, cljet5c
+ - dl2100, hl7x0
+ - the generic hpijs device (supports hpijs 0.97, closes: #102369, #110657)
+ - imagen, inferno, jetp3852
+ - lex2050, lex3200, lex5700
+ - oki4w
+ - plan9bm
+ - psrgb
+ - x11cmyk2, x11cmyk4, x11cmyk8, x11gray4
+ * src/contrib.mak: Add missing generic hpijs device.
+ * Enable stp driver and link with libgimpprint
+ (closes: #82454, #87004, #103036)
+ * debian/control: Build-Depend on libgimpprint-dev.
+ * debian/gen-makefile: Add support for the DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS environment
+ variable (more precisely, the debug option leads to a build with
+ debugging support and exported private variables).
+ * Add in the CJK support using the patch from
+ Yasuhiro Take <take at debian.org>. A huge "THANK YOU" to him for his
+ work!!! His changes:
+ + Add debian/patches/gs-cjk-M2-R1+CJKPDF.diff & .info, and apply it
+ to the source.
+ + debian/control: Conflicts: Add gs-cjk-resource (<< 1.20010910-1) because
+ the new gs-cjk patch requires new gs-cjk-resource that i've already
+ prepared and doesn't work with older ones.
+ + debian/control: Depends: Add gs-common (>= 0.2) because font
+ configuration for the new gs-cjk patch is completely different from
+ the old one.
+ * debian/control: Removed the conflict with gs_x, gs_svga and gs_both.
+ I don't even remember when those packages where in Debian, probably
+ before Debian 1.3 so a direct upgrade is going to fail anyway. And
+ with intermediate upgrades it will not be a problem.
+ * src/imainarg.c: Reapply the papersize diff from debian/patches.
+ -- Torsten Landschoff <torsten at debian.org> Tue, 16 Oct 2001 21:06:14 +0200
+gs (5.50-8) unstable; urgency=low
+ * debian/rules: Use html2text to convert the html changelog into
+ plain text instead of lynx (closes: #93722).
+ * debian/control: Update Build-Depends.
+ * debian/prerm: Fix the case to handle both removal and upgrade
+ instead of handling upgrading in two cases (closes: #98458).
+ * debian/control: Merge multi-line Build-Depends into one line for
+ now until our tools support multi line fields (closes: #98459).
+ -- Torsten Landschoff <torsten at debian.org> Mon, 4 Jun 2001 01:22:36 +0200
+gs (5.50-7) unstable; urgency=low
+ * debian/postrm: Add missing #DEBHELPER# (arg!).
+ * debian/prerm: Add defoma-app clean on upgrade.
+ * debian/gs.templates: Remove the double negation of the previewer
+ question (closes: #94146).
+ * Merge german translation for debconf templates (closes: #93840).
+ * debian/shlibs.local: Depend on svgalibg1 or svgalib-dummyg1
+ alternatively (closes: #93811).
+ -- Torsten Landschoff <torsten at debian.org> Tue, 1 May 2001 22:24:55 +0200
+gs (5.50-6) unstable; urgency=low
+ * debian/README:
+ + Move copyright info to debian/copyright.
+ + Mention the align.ps file (closes: #67317).
+ * gdevbbox.c: Use default color methods instead of NULL pointers so
+ that gs -sDEVICE=bbox does not crash anymore (closes: #36883).
+ -- Torsten Landschoff <torsten at debian.org> Sat, 7 Apr 2001 21:09:55 +0200
+gs (5.50-5) unstable; urgency=low
+ * debian/default_path.sh:
+ + Include defoma dir in search path.
+ + Search local directories before system directories.
+ + Defoma is preferred if available...
+ * debian/postinst: Fix the hopefully last bashism (s/source/g/).
+ * Included support for Hewlett Packard's own printer driver called
+ hpijs (closes: #92010). Note that you will need the hpijs package
+ for using it.
+ -- Torsten Landschoff <torsten at debian.org> Sat, 7 Apr 2001 02:40:15 +0200
+gs (5.50-4) unstable; urgency=low
+ * Install interesting Postscript files as examples (closes: #79461).
+ * Finally include the missing if-hpdj filter (closes: #63705).
+ * Also add the documentation of hp8xx (closes: #63566).
+ -- Torsten Landschoff <torsten at debian.org> Thu, 5 Apr 2001 03:58:27 +0200
+gs (5.50-3) unstable; urgency=low
+ * debian/rules:
+ + Don't remove debian/postinst anymore in clean target.
+ + Read package and version info from changelog.
+ + Convert to debhelper.
+ * debian/postinst: Again rewritten from scratch (guess why!? *arg*)
+ -- Torsten Landschoff <torsten at debian.org> Thu, 5 Apr 2001 02:34:17 +0200
+gs (5.50-2) unstable; urgency=low
+ * debian/postinst: Completely rewritten.
+ + Fixes the bashism reported by Joey Hess (closes: #92056).
+ + Does not mess with /usr/local anymore (closes: #57276).
+ * unix-gcc.mak: Readd the x11 device (closes: #92586).
+ * debian/config: Change the priority of the defoma questions to
+ low. I don't see how the defaults can cause any problems.
+ * debian/shlibs.local: Removed. Let's see if it works without.
+ -- Torsten Landschoff <torsten at debian.org> Thu, 5 Apr 2001 01:36:09 +0200
+gs (5.50-1) unstable; urgency=low
+ * Finally upgrade to new upstream version, still based on the old
+ package (the reimplementation is still under the hood ;)
+ (closes: #65832, #87673).
+ * unix-gcc.mak: Make x11alpha the default device on X11 as already
+ done in gs-aladdin. Modern systems should be able to handle the
+ anti aliasing fast enough.
+ * debian/control: Update build dependencies for new X11.
+ * debian/control: Removed Conflicts with local defoma packages made
+ by Yasuhiro.
+ * debian/patches/svgalib: Adjust for name change of the main Makefile
+ and move the targets out of the ifeq so that one can run the file
+ standalone.
+ * debian/patches/hpdj:
+ - Don't patch zmedia2.c since upstream changed it since 5.10.
+ - Adjust for name change of the main makefile.
+ - Use the right patch from the hpdj distribution for 5.50.
+ * debian/patches/hp8xx:
+ - Update the devs.mak diff for gs 5.50.
+ - Adjust for name change of main makefile.
+ * debian/rules: Disable kanji and jpdrivers support (needs update for 5.50).
+ * debian/patches/lexmarkgs:
+ - Update the devs.mak diff for 5.50.
+ * debian/control: Add missing build-depends (closes: #82114, #88393).
+ * debian/rules: Make debian/addentry executable before running it
+ (closes: #90278).
+ * time_.h: Include <time.h> as well as sys/time.h (closes: #90433, #88391).
+ -- Torsten Landschoff <torsten at debian.org> Thu, 29 Mar 2001 01:17:54 +0200
+gs (5.10-11.5defoma2) unstable; urgency=low
+ * Add kanji patches.
+ -- Yasuhiro Take <take at debian.org> Tue, 27 Mar 2001 20:58:55 +0900
+gs (5.10-11.5defoma1) unstable; urgency=low
+ * Add Defoma support.
+ * Remove kanji patches.
+ -- Yasuhiro Take <take at debian.org> Tue, 20 Mar 2001 18:21:22 +0900
+gs (5.10-11) unstable; urgency=low
+ * debian/control: Added build time dependency for libfreetype2-dev
+ (closes: #82114).
+ * Included upp files for stc740 printer provided by Gregory P. Smith
+ (closes: #76845).
+ -- Torsten Landschoff <torsten at debian.org> Mon, 15 Jan 2001 00:53:32 +0100
+gs (5.10-10.1) stable unstable; urgency=high
+ * Non-maintainer upload by security team
+ * Patch from Werner Fink:
+ + Create temporary files securely using mkstemp instead of mktemp
+ + Don't set LD_RUN_PATH to empty, that makes the runtime linker look
+ in the current path as well
+ -- Wichert Akkerman <wakkerma at debian.org> Wed, 22 Nov 2000 03:35:35 +0100
+gs (5.10-10) unstable; urgency=low
+ * contrib/kanji/man/ps2jpdf.1: Changed ".SH PS2JPDF" into ".SH NAME"
+ (closes: #59925, #60002, #60474).
+ * debian/rules: Added -isp to call of dpkg-gencontrol (lintian).
+ -- Torsten Landschoff <torsten at debian.org> Wed, 15 Mar 2000 23:30:41 +0100
+gs (5.10-9) frozen unstable; urgency=high
+ * Applied patch from Colin Phipps to fix security problem in ps2epsi
+ (closes: #57034)
+ -- Torsten Landschoff <torsten at debian.org> Sun, 6 Feb 2000 02:24:33 +0100
+gs (5.10-8) frozen unstable; urgency=low
+ * Only a simple change to close a bugreport: The package contained a
+ directory in /usr/local in violation with policy. Sorry for this,
+ the directories are now created by the postinst (closes: #56396).
+ -- Torsten Landschoff <torsten at debian.org> Fri, 28 Jan 2000 09:52:17 +0100
+gs (5.10-7) frozen unstable; urgency=low
+ * This can go into frozen since the changes are absolutely simple.
+ * debian/control: Fixed build dependencies (closes: #55451).
+ * debian/patches/hpdj: Added installation of margin files as requested in
+ #39342 (for gs-aladdin).
+ * gcc-head.mak: Added path for local fonts as requested in #31898
+ (/usr/local/lib/ghostscript/{common,5.10,fonts})
+ * debian/rules: Make the directories intended for local fonts.
+ * gs.1: Added documentation for local postscript files.
+ -- Torsten Landschoff <torsten at debian.org> Thu, 20 Jan 2000 12:47:48 +0100
+gs (5.10-6) unstable; urgency=low
+ * Added driver for Lexmark 7000. Thanks to Alex Winbow for pointing
+ me to the patch.
+ * debian/rules: Completely rewritten and a bit modularized.
+ * hpdj driver updated to version 2.6.
+ -- Torsten Landschoff <torsten at debian.org> Wed, 12 Jan 2000 20:24:44 +0100
+gs (5.10-5) unstable; urgency=low
+ * New maintainer.
+ * debian/control: Added build dependencies.
+ * Applied patch from Taketoshi Sano to remove copyrighted stuff from
+ the package (closes: #52575).
+ * This release is based on Wicherts NMU (thanks for the work Wichert!)
+ closes: #53071
+ -- Torsten Landschoff <torsten at debian.org> Wed, 29 Dec 1999 22:22:02 +0100
+gs (5.10-4.1) unstable; urgency=low
+ * Non-maintainer upload
+ * Apply patch to fix mac ttf rendering, Closes: Bug#52590
+ -- Wichert Akkerman <wakkerma at debian.org> Sun, 19 Dec 1999 17:05:38 +0100
+gs (5.10-4) unstable; urgency=low
+ * Small patch applied to file gs_init.ps, so that japanese
+ fonts are required only for japanese people (many thaks to
+ Fumitoshi Ukai) (closes: Bug#49725, #49732, #49867)
+ -- Marco Pistore <pistore at debian.org> Fri, 12 Nov 1999 12:45:37 +0100
+gs (5.10-3) unstable; urgency=low
+ * Many thanks to Taketoshi Sano for his great job
+ with the Japanese support (closes Bug#41570)
+ -- Marco Pistore <pistore at debian.org> Sun, 7 Nov 1999 02:56:13 +0100
+gs (5.10-2.0.vflib.2) experimental; urgency=low
+ * Non Maintainer.
+ * Add support for many drivers included in gs510j49
+ * FHS transition
+ * Lintian free
+ -- Taketoshi Sano <sano at debian.org> Sun, 31 Oct 1999 09:21:06 +0900
+gs (5.10-2.0.vflib.1) experimental; urgency=low
+ * Non Maintainer.
+ * Experimental revision for Japanese VFlib support enhancement.
+ * Please check and modify this experimental revision to add
+ Japanese support on the Debian package of "gs"
+ -- Taketoshi Sano <sano at debian.org> Sat, 30 Oct 1999 15:03:07 +0900
+gs (5.10-2) unstable; urgency=low
+ * Added support for hp8xx drivers by Uli Wortmann (closes Bug#40807).
+ * Added support for epsf and ttfont features.
+ * Changed "Aladdin Ghostscript" into "GNU Ghostscript" in
+ file stcolor.ps e stcinfo.ps (closed Bug#35411, Bug#35525).
+ -- Marco Pistore <pistore at di.unipi.it> Sat, 10 Jul 1999 23:29:57 +0200
+gs (5.10-1) unstable frozen; urgency=low
+ * Ghostscript 5.10 is GPL!
+ This package essentially corresponds to package gs-aladdin_5.10-12,
+ but redistributed under GPL. Changes w.r.t. gs-aladdin_5.10-12
+ are:
+ * Corrected "regulamentations" --> "regulations"
+ in description of package.
+ * Filenames in script pdf2ps are now enclosed in double quotes
+ * Fixed the manpages for bdftops, printafm and wftopfa,
+ so that they work with apropos.
+ The various patches to ghostscript 5.10 that have been proposed
+ by L.P.Deutsch and that appear in gs-aladdin_5.10-12 also appear
+ in this package.
+ -- Marco Pistore <pistore at di.unipi.it> Sun, 3 Jan 1999 18:22:57 +0100
+gs (4.03-6) unstable; urgency=low
+ * Moved to version 2.5 of hpdj driver by Martin Lottermoser (debian/rules
+ is changed accordingly).
+ * Mentined package gsfonts in description of gs.
+ -- Marco Pistore <pistore at di.unipi.it> Mon, 7 Dec 1998 22:06:21 +0100
+gs (4.03-5) frozen unstable; urgency=low
+ * Fixed the manpages for bdftops, printafm and wftopfa,
+ so that they work with apropos.
+ * Removed *.1.gz files from /usr/doc/gs (they already are in the
+ /usr/man/man1 directory).
+ -- Marco Pistore <pistore at di.unipi.it> Fri, 6 Nov 1998 10:52:31 +0100
+gs (4.03-4) frozen unstable; urgency=low
+ * Fixed files stcolor.ps and stcinfo.ps so that they recognize that
+ they are called by GNU ghostscript; thanks to Gordon Matzigkeit
+ (closes Bug#28726).
+ -- Marco Pistore <pistore at di.unipi.it> Thu, 5 Nov 1998 21:44:07 +0100
+gs (4.03-3) unstable; urgency=low
+ * Changed "Recommends: gs-pdfencrypt" to "Suggests: gs-pdfencrypt" in
+ control file (closes Bug#27431)
+ * Removed "Provides: gs_x, gs_svga, gs_both", since "_" cannot appear
+ in package names, and no packages should depend on these quite old
+ virtual packages.
+ * Changed directory name for the libjpeg source from ../libjpeg-6a
+ to ../libjpeg: so it does not depend on the particular version
+ of libjpeg (changes in files gcc-head.mak, debian/rules and
+ debian/jpeg).
+ * Linked against libjpeg-6b.
+ -- Marco Pistore <pistore at di.unipi.it> Sat, 10 Oct 1998 00:01:15 +0200
+gs (4.03-2) unstable; urgency=low
+ * Now /usr/lib/ghostscript/common is searched for library files
+ before /usr/lib/ghostscript/X.YY (where X.YY is the version of
+ ghostscript). This is useful for installing packages like
+ gs-pdfencrypt, that provide (modified) library files
+ to ghostscript that are independent from the version of gs
+ (also gs.1 is changed accordingly)
+ * Now gs-pdfencrypt (in the nonUS distribution) is suggested by
+ gs-aladdin. Changed the message in the file pdf_sec.ps so that
+ it suggests to install that package if an encrypted pdf file is
+ being processed.
+ * Linked against libpng2 (closes Bug#26924)
+ -- Marco Pistore <pistore at di.unipi.it> Tue, 29 Sep 1998 21:01:10 +0200
+gs (4.03-1) unstable; urgency=low
+ * New upstream version (gs 4.03 is finally GPL!!!)
+ * Pristine source
+ * Set options in gcc-head.mak
+ * Added man pages for all the binaries
+ * All example files in /usr/doc/gs/examples start now with %!
+ * Script font2c moved from /usr/bin to /usr/lib/ghostscript
+ (there is really no reason to put this script in /usr/bin)
+ * Patched devs.mak and gdevpng.c so to work with version 0.96 of libpng.
+ * Patched gdevcdj.c so that device cdeskjet works
+ (and is identical to cdj500)
+ * Patched gdevl256.c imainarg.c so that superuser rights are given away
+ as soon as possible, and re-obtained only to start svgalib (see
+ /usr/doc/gs/README.Debian and /usr/doc/gs/setuid.Debian)
+ * Patched imainarg.c to set default paper accordig to the system paper
+ as reported by libpaper, also patched imaiarg.c so that the lvga256
+ device is chosen as the default one if gs is not called from X
+ * Patched zlib.mak: here the shared file for zlib is called libz,
+ not libgz
+ -- Marco Pistore <pistore at di.unipi.it> Thu, 4 Jun 1998 20:29:47 +0100
+gs (3.33-7) unstable; urgency=low
+ * Corrected address of FSF in copyright file
+ * All the scripts start now with #!
+ * Added man pages for all the binaries
+ * bdftops, font2c and wftopfa moved from /usr/bin to
+ /usr/lib/ghostscript
+ (there is really no reason to put these scripts in /usr/bin)
+ * gs.real moved to /usr/lib/ghostscript (it should not be
+ called by the user)
+ -- Marco Pistore <pistore at di.unipi.it> Thu, 12 Mar 1998 20:29:38 +0100
+gs (3.33-6) unstable; urgency=low
+ * New maintainer
+ * Libc6 (hamm) release
+ * Minor fixes in debian/rules
+ * Bug 10270 fixed: now manpages are compressed
+ * Bug 9935 fixed: package works with svgalib-dummy
+ * Redundant dependencies removed in debian/control
+ (this also fixes Bug 9157)
+ * Now device cdeskjet works (and is identical to cdj500)
+ -- Marco Pistore <pistore at di.unipi.it> Mon, 29 Sep 1997 20:41:47 +0200
+gs (3.33-5) stable; urgency=low
+ * Examples used to be in /usr/doc/$(examples)/examples, but $(examples)
+ was empty (should have been $(package), must have been sleeping)
+ -- joost witteveen <joost at rulcmc.leidenuniv.nl> Fri, 7 Feb 1997 15:15:37 +0100
+gs (3.33-4) stable; urgency=low
+ * debian/rules didn't install some files in ./debian/tmp, but in /!!!
+ Why do I need root to build packages?
+ * Minor fix in wrapper.c (no change in binary)
+ -- joost witteveen <joost at rulcmc.leidenuniv.nl> Tue, 21 Jan 1997 19:15:53 +0100
+gs (3.33-3) stable; urgency=low
+ * apparently, gs-3.33 never got compiled with all devices (only a
+ pitiful few ones). Fixed this.
+ -- joost witteveen <joost at rulcmc.leidenuniv.nl> Fri, 8 Nov 1996 21:49:49 +0100
+gs (3.33-2) unstable; urgency=low
+ * Converted to new source format
+ * Removed the "+1" bug in the wrapper that caused coredumps with
+ libc5.4.7
+ * included x11alpha x11cmyk devices
+ * removed dependancy on gsfonts
+ * Improved argument parsing of wrapper
+ * Stripped the executables
+ * Fixed discription bug "This version is aladdin coright,..."!
+ (Sorry!)
+ -- joost witteveen <joost at rulcmc.leidenuniv.nl> Thu, 31 Oct 1996 20:56:01 +0100
Added: ghostscript/trunk/debian/compat
--- (empty file)
+++ ghostscript/trunk/debian/compat Mon Sep 24 06:22:10 2007
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
Added: ghostscript/trunk/debian/control
--- (empty file)
+++ ghostscript/trunk/debian/control Mon Sep 24 06:22:10 2007
@@ -0,0 +1,144 @@
+Source: ghostscript
+Section: text
+Priority: optional
+Maintainer: Masayuki Hatta (mhatta) <mhatta at debian.org>
+Build-Depends: autoconf, automaken, debhelper (>= 4.1.0), dpatch, freeglut3-dev | libglut-dev, libjpeg-dev, libpaper-dev, libpng-dev, libz-dev, libxt-dev, libxext-dev, libx11-dev, libcupsys2-dev (>= 1.2), libcupsimage2-dev (>= 1.1.20final+rc1-4), libice-dev, libsm-dev, pkg-config, libfontconfig1-dev, cdbs
+Standards-Version: 3.7.2
+Uploaders: Torsten Landschoff <torsten at debian.org>, Jonas Smedegaard <dr at jones.dk>
+Package: ghostscript
+Architecture: any
+Conflicts: gs (<< 8.01), gs-aladdin (<< 7.00), gs-cjk-resource (<< 1.20010910-1), gs-pdfencrypt (<< 7.00), gs-esp (<< 8.60), gs-gpl (<< 8.60), gs-afpl (<< 8.60), gs-aladdin (<< 8.60), gs-common (<< 8.60)
+Replaces: gs (<< 8.01), gs-pdfencrypt (<< 7.00), gs-esp (<< 8.60), gs-gpl (<< 8.60), gs-afpl (<< 8.60), gs-aladdin (<< 8.60), gs-common (<< 8.60)
+Provides: gs, gs-pdfencrypt, postscript-viewer, gs-esp, gs-gpl, gs-afpl, gs-aladdin, gs-common
+Recommends: psfontmgr
+Suggests: hpijs
+Depends: ${shlibs:Depends}, gsfonts (>= 6.0-1), defoma, debconf | debconf-2.0, debianutils (>= 1.6)
+Description: The GPL Ghostscript PostScript/PDF interpreter
+ Ghostscript is used for PostScript/PDF preview and printing. Usually as
+ a back-end to a program such as ghostview, it can display PostScript and PDF
+ documents in an X11 environment.
+ .
+ Furthermore, it can render PostScript and PDF files as graphics to be printed
+ on non-PostScript printers. Supported printers include common
+ dot-matrix, inkjet and laser models.
+ .
+ Package gsfonts contains a set of standard fonts for Ghostscript.
+ .
+ The Ghostscript home page is at http://www.ghostscript.com/
+Package: gs
+Architecture: all
+Priority: extra
+Depends: ghostscript
+Description: Transitional package
+ This dummy package is provided for a smooth transition from the
+ previous gs package (the package name has been changed to ghostscript).
+ It may safely be removed after installation.
+Package: gs-esp
+Architecture: all
+Priority: extra
+Depends: ghostscript, ghostscript-x
+Description: Transitional package
+ This dummy package is provided for a smooth transition from the
+ previous gs-esp package (the package is replaced by ghostscript).
+ It may safely be removed after installation.
+Package: gs-gpl
+Architecture: all
+Priority: extra
+Depends: ghostscript, ghostscript-x
+Description: Transitional package
+ This dummy package is provided for a smooth transition from the
+ previous gs-gpl package (the package is replaced by ghostscript).
+ It may safely be removed after installation.
+Package: gs-afpl
+Architecture: all
+Priority: extra
+Depends: ghostscript, ghostscript-x
+Description: Transitional package
+ This dummy package is provided for a smooth transition from the
+ previous gs-afpl package (the package is replaced by ghostscript).
+ It may safely be removed after installation.
+Package: gs-aladdin
+Architecture: all
+Priority: extra
+Depends: ghostscript, ghostscript-x
+Description: Transitional package
+ This dummy package is provided for a smooth transition from the
+ previous gs-aladdin package (the package is replaced by ghostscript).
+ It may safely be removed after installation.
+Package: gs-common
+Architecture: all
+Priority: extra
+Depends: ghostscript
+Description: Transitional package
+ This dummy package is provided for a smooth transition from the
+ previous gs-.../gs-common combo (the packages are replaced by ghostscript).
+ It may safely be removed after installation.
+Package: ghostscript-x
+Architecture: any
+Depends: ${shlibs:Depends}, ghostscript (>= 8.60)
+Conflicts: gs-esp-x (<< 8.60), ghostscript (<< 8.60)
+Replaces: gs-esp-x (<< 8.60)
+Provides: gs-esp-x
+Description: The GPL Ghostscript PostScript/PDF interpreter - X Display support
+ Ghostscript is used for PostScript/PDF preview and printing. Usually as
+ a back-end to a program such as ghostview, it can display PostScript and PDF
+ documents in an X11 environment.
+ .
+ The Ghostscript home page is at http://www.ghostscript.com/
+ .
+ This package contains the Ghostscript output device for X11. It is in
+ a separate package to allow the main package (ghostscript) to be installed
+ on X-less servers.
+Package: ghostscript-doc
+Architecture: all
+Section: doc
+Depends: ${shlibs:Depends}, ghostscript (>= 8.60)
+Conflicts: ghostscript (<< 8.60)
+Description: The GPL Ghostscript PostScript/PDF interpreter - Documentation
+ Ghostscript is used for PostScript/PDF preview and printing. Usually as
+ a back-end to a program such as ghostview, it can display PostScript and PDF
+ documents in an X11 environment.
+ .
+ The Ghostscript home page is at http://www.ghostscript.com/
+ .
+ This package contains the documentation of Ghostscript. As this documentation
+ is only interesting for printer driver developers or advanced users, it is
+ in this separate package which can be left out in space-restricted
+ installations, like for example live CDs.
+Package: libgs8
+Architecture: any
+Section: libs
+Depends: ${shlibs:Depends}
+Description: The Ghostscript PostScript/PDF interpreter Library
+ Ghostscript is used for PostScript/PDF preview and printing. Usually as
+ a back-end to a program such as ghostview, it can display PostScript and PDF
+ documents in an X11 environment.
+ .
+ The Ghostscript home page is at http://www.ghostscript.com/
+ .
+ This package provides the Ghostscript library which makes the
+ facilities of Ghostscript available to applications.
+Package: libgs-dev
+Architecture: any
+Section: libdevel
+Depends: ${shlibs:Depends}, libgs8
+Description: The Ghostscript PostScript Library - Development Files
+ Ghostscript is used for PostScript/PDF preview and printing. Usually as
+ a back-end to a program such as ghostview, it can display PostScript and PDF
+ documents in an X11 environment.
+ .
+ The Ghostscript home page is at http://www.ghostscript.com/
+ .
+ This package provides the development files for the Ghostscript library
+ which makes the facilities of Ghostscript available to applications.
Added: ghostscript/trunk/debian/copyright
--- (empty file)
+++ ghostscript/trunk/debian/copyright Mon Sep 24 06:22:10 2007
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+This package was debianized by Masayuki Hatta (mhatta) <mhatta at debian.org> on
+Tue, 23 Mar 2004 19:46:37 +0900.
+It was downloaded from ftp://mirror.cs.wisc.edu/pub/mirrors/ghost/GPL/
+Note: The directory Resource/CMap is stripped from the source tarball,
+as its content is not GPL-licensed (only verbatim copying is allowed).
+Upstream Author: artofcode LLC.
+ This package is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation; version 2 dated June, 1991.
+ This package is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ GNU General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ along with this package; if not, write to the Free Software
+ Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
+ 02110-1301, USA.
+On Debian systems, the complete text of the GNU General
+Public License can be found in `/usr/share/common-licenses/GPL'.
Added: ghostscript/trunk/debian/dirs
--- (empty file)
+++ ghostscript/trunk/debian/dirs Mon Sep 24 06:22:10 2007
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
Added: ghostscript/trunk/debian/ghostscript-doc.doc-base
--- (empty file)
+++ ghostscript/trunk/debian/ghostscript-doc.doc-base Mon Sep 24 06:22:10 2007
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+Document: ghostscript
+Title: GPL Ghostscript Manual
+Author: artofcode LLC.
+Abstract: This manual describes what GPL Ghostscript is
+ and how it can be used
+Section: Apps/Text
+Format: HTML
+Index: /usr/share/doc/ghostscript/index.html
+Files: /usr/share/doc/ghostscript/*.html
Added: ghostscript/trunk/debian/ghostscript.links
--- (empty file)
+++ ghostscript/trunk/debian/ghostscript.links Mon Sep 24 06:22:10 2007
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+var/lib/defoma/gs.d/dirs/CMap usr/share/ghostscript/8.61/Resource/CMap
+usr/bin/ps2ascii usr/bin/ps2txt
+usr/share/man/de/man1/ps2ps.1.gz usr/share/man/de/man1/eps2eps.1.gz
+usr/share/man/de/man1/ps2pdf.1.gz usr/share/man/de/man1/ps2pdf12.1.gz
+usr/share/man/de/man1/ps2pdf.1.gz usr/share/man/de/man1/ps2pdf13.1.gz
+usr/share/man/man1/ps2ps.1.gz usr/share/man/man1/eps2eps.1.gz
+usr/share/man/man1/gslp.1.gz usr/share/man/man1/gsbj.1.gz
+usr/share/man/man1/gslp.1.gz usr/share/man/man1/gsdj.1.gz
+usr/share/man/man1/gslp.1.gz usr/share/man/man1/gsdj500.1.gz
+usr/share/man/man1/gslp.1.gz usr/share/man/man1/gslj.1.gz
+usr/share/man/man1/ps2pdf.1.gz usr/share/man/man1/ps2pdf12.1.gz
+usr/share/man/man1/ps2pdf.1.gz usr/share/man/man1/ps2pdf13.1.gz
+usr/share/man/man1/ps2pdf.1.gz usr/share/man/man1/ps2pdf14.1.gz
Added: ghostscript/trunk/debian/ghostscript.postinst
--- (empty file)
+++ ghostscript/trunk/debian/ghostscript.postinst Mon Sep 24 06:22:10 2007
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+#! /bin/sh
+# postinst script for ghostscript
+# see: dh_installdeb(1)
+set -e
+# summary of how this script can be called:
+# * <postinst> `configure' <most-recently-configured-version>
+# * <old-postinst> `abort-upgrade' <new version>
+# * <conflictor's-postinst> `abort-remove' `in-favour' <package>
+# <new-version>
+# * <deconfigured's-postinst> `abort-deconfigure' `in-favour'
+# <failed-install-package> <version> `removing'
+# <conflicting-package> <version>
+# for details, see http://www.debian.org/doc/debian-policy/ or
+# the debian-policy package
+case "$1" in
+ configure)
+ # /usr/bin/ps2pdf is now controlled by update-alternatives
+ update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/ps2pdf \
+ ps2pdf /usr/bin/ps2pdf14 50
+ update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/ps2pdf \
+ ps2pdf /usr/bin/ps2pdf12 30
+ update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/ps2pdf \
+ ps2pdf /usr/bin/ps2pdf13 40
+ # Make sure the substitution file for Ghostscript exists
+ if ! defoma-subst check-rule ghostscript; then
+ defoma-subst new-rule ghostscript
+ fi
+ defoma-app -t update gs
+ ;;
+ abort-upgrade|abort-remove|abort-deconfigure)
+ ;;
+ *)
+ echo "postinst called with unknown argument \`$1'" >&2
+ exit 1
+ ;;
+# dh_installdeb will replace this with shell code automatically
+# generated by other debhelper scripts.
+exit 0
Added: ghostscript/trunk/debian/ghostscript.postrm
--- (empty file)
+++ ghostscript/trunk/debian/ghostscript.postrm Mon Sep 24 06:22:10 2007
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+#! /bin/sh
+# postrm script for ghostscript
+# see: dh_installdeb(1)
+set -e
+# summary of how this script can be called:
+# * <postrm> `remove'
+# * <postrm> `purge'
+# * <old-postrm> `upgrade' <new-version>
+# * <new-postrm> `failed-upgrade' <old-version>
+# * <new-postrm> `abort-install'
+# * <new-postrm> `abort-install' <old-version>
+# * <new-postrm> `abort-upgrade' <old-version>
+# * <disappearer's-postrm> `disappear' <r>overwrit>r> <new-version>
+# for details, see http://www.debian.org/doc/debian-policy/ or
+# the debian-policy package
+case "$1" in
+ remove)
+ # Remove defoma directory
+ rm -rf /var/lib/defoma/gs.d
+ ;;
+ purge)
+ # Remove defoma-related files
+ rm -f /etc/defoma/ghostscript.subst-rule
+ rm -f /etc/defoma/ghostscript.subst-rule~
+ ;;
+ upgrade|failed-upgrade|abort-install|abort-upgrade|disappear)
+ ;;
+ *)
+ echo "postrm called with unknown argument \`$1'" >&2
+ exit 1
+# dh_installdeb will replace this with shell code automatically
+# generated by other debhelper scripts.
+exit 0
Added: ghostscript/trunk/debian/ghostscript.preinst
--- (empty file)
+++ ghostscript/trunk/debian/ghostscript.preinst Mon Sep 24 06:22:10 2007
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+# preinst script for ghostscript
+# see: dh_installdeb(1)
+set -e
+# summary of how this script can be called:
+# * <new-preinst> `install'
+# * <new-preinst> `install' <old-version>
+# * <new-preinst> `upgrade' <old-version>
+# * <old-preinst> `abort-upgrade' <new-version>
+# for details, see http://www.debian.org/doc/debian-policy/ or
+# the debian-policy package
+case "$1" in
+ install|upgrade)
+ # Do away with update-alternative for /usr/bin/gs, we have one
+ # grand unified Ghostscript now!
+ if dpkg --compare-versions "$2" lt-nl "8.60.dfsg.2-0ubuntu1"; then
+ update-alternatives --remove-all gs || true
+ fi
+ ;;
+ abort-upgrade)
+ ;;
+ *)
+ echo "preinst called with unknown argument \`$1'" >&2
+ exit 1
+ ;;
+# dh_installdeb will replace this with shell code automatically
+# generated by other debhelper scripts.
+exit 0
Added: ghostscript/trunk/debian/ghostscript.prerm
--- (empty file)
+++ ghostscript/trunk/debian/ghostscript.prerm Mon Sep 24 06:22:10 2007
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+#! /bin/sh
+# prerm script for ghostscript
+# see: dh_installdeb(1)
+set -e
+# summary of how this script can be called:
+# * <prerm> `remove'
+# * <old-prerm> `upgrade' <new-version>
+# * <new-prerm> `failed-upgrade' <old-version>
+# * <conflictor's-prerm> `remove' `in-favour' <package> <new-version>
+# * <deconfigured's-prerm> `deconfigure' `in-favour'
+# <package-being-installed> <version> `removing'
+# <conflicting-package> <version>
+# for details, see http://www.debian.org/doc/debian-policy/ or
+# the debian-policy package
+case "$1" in
+ remove)
+# install-info --quiet --remove /usr/info/ghostscript.info.gz
+ if type defoma-app >/dev/null 2>&1; then
+ defoma-app -t purge gs
+ fi
+ update-alternatives --remove-all ps2pdf
+ ;;
+ upgrade)
+ if type defoma-app >/dev/null 2>&1; then
+ defoma-app -t clean gs
+ update-alternatives --remove-all ps2pdf
+ fi
+ ;;
+ deconfigure)
+# install-info --quiet --remove /usr/info/ghostscript.info.gz
+ ;;
+ failed-upgrade)
+ ;;
+ *)
+ echo "prerm called with unknown argument \`$1'" >&2
+ exit 1
+ ;;
+# dh_installdeb will replace this with shell code automatically
+# generated by other debhelper scripts.
+exit 0
Added: ghostscript/trunk/debian/gs.defoma
--- (empty file)
+++ ghostscript/trunk/debian/gs.defoma Mon Sep 24 06:22:10 2007
@@ -0,0 +1,930 @@
+# gs.defoma: Defoma support for Ghostscripts
+ at ACCEPT_CATEGORIES = qw(type1 type3 gsfontderivative truetype cid
+ cmap psprint);
+package gs;
+use strict;
+use POSIX;
+use vars qw($DEFOMA_TEST_DIR $ROOTDIR);
+use Debian::Defoma::Common;
+use Debian::Defoma::Font;
+use Debian::Defoma::Id;
+use Debian::Defoma::Subst;
+import Debian::Defoma::Font;
+import Debian::Defoma::Id;
+import Debian::Defoma::Subst;
+import Debian::Defoma::Common;
+my $Id;
+my $IdCmap;
+my $Sb1;
+my $Sb2;
+my $PkgDir = "$ROOTDIR/gs.d";
+my $CidDir = "$PkgDir/dirs/CIDFont";
+my $CMapDir = "$PkgDir/dirs/CMap";
+my $TTCidDir = "$PkgDir/dirs/TTCIDFont";
+my $FontDir = "$PkgDir/dirs/fonts";
+my $FontMap = "$FontDir/Fontmap"; # F
+my $CIDFontMap = "$FontDir/CIDFnmap"; # FF
+my $Subst4psprint = 0;
+# For Ghostscript 8 or later
+my $FAPIfmap = "$FontDir/FAPIfontmap"; # FFF
+my $Cidfmap = "$FontDir/cidfmap"; # FFFF
+sub init {
+ unless ($Id) {
+ $Id = defoma_id_open_cache();
+ }
+ unless ($IdCmap) {
+ $IdCmap = defoma_id_open_cache('cmap');
+ }
+ unless ($Sb1) {
+ $Sb1 = defoma_subst_open(rulename => 'psprint', threshold => 50,
+ idobject => $Id, private => 1);
+ }
+ unless ($Sb2) {
+ $Sb2 = defoma_subst_open(rulename => 'ghostscript', threshold => 30,
+ idobject => $Id);
+ }
+ return 0;
+sub term {
+ my @list;
+ my $i;
+ if ($Id) {
+ if (open(F, '>' . $FontMap) && open(FF, '>' . $CIDFontMap) &&
+ open(FFF, '>' . $FAPIfmap) && open(FFFF, '>' . $Cidfmap)) {
+ @list = defoma_id_get_font($Id, 'installed');
+ foreach $i (@list) {
+ next if ($Id->{2}->[$i] ne 'SrI');
+ my $c = $Id->{4}->[$i];
+ my $f;
+ my @h;
+ my $cmap;
+ my @cmaplist;
+ my $j;
+ my @ch;
+ my %hh;
+ if ($c =~ /^(type1|type3|gsfontderivative)$/) {
+ $f = $Id->{1}->[$i];
+ $f =~ s/^.*\///;
+ #
+ # Spit out $FontDir/Fontmap
+ #
+ print F '/', $Id->{0}->[$i], ' (', $f, ") ;\n";
+ } elsif ($c =~ /^truetype$/) {
+ $f = $Id->{1}->[$i];
+ #
+ # Spit out $FontDir/FAPIfontmap
+ #
+ # FIXME: need to support the sub font id for the collection.
+ print FFF '/', $Id->{0}->[$i], ' << /Path (', $f, ') /FontType 1 /FAPI /FreeType /SubfontId ', '0' , " >> ;\n"
+ } elsif ($c =~ /^(truetype-cjk|cid)$/) {
+ $f = $Id->{1}->[$i];
+ @h = split(/ +/, $Id->{7}->[$i]);
+ #
+ # Spit out $FontDir/CIDFnmap
+ #
+ print FF '/', $Id->{0}->[$i], ' (', $f, ') ';
+ if ($c eq 'truetype-cjk') {
+ print FF '/', $h[0], '-', $h[1], '-', $h[2];
+ }
+ print FF " ;\n";
+ # For Ghostscript 8 or later
+ if ($c eq 'truetype-cjk') {
+ my @hints = defoma_id_get_hints( $Id, $i );
+ my $cidsupplement;
+ while (@hints) {
+ my $var = shift @hints;
+ if ($var eq "--CIDSupplement") {
+ $cidsupplement = shift @hints;
+ last;
+ }
+ }
+ unless (defined $cidsupplement) {
+ print STDERR "No CIDSupplement specified for $Id->{0}->[$i], defaulting to 0.\n";
+ $cidsupplement = 0;
+ }
+ #
+ # Spit out $FontDir/cidfmap
+ #
+ # FIXME: need to support the sub font id for the collection.
+ print FFFF '/', $Id->{0}->[$i], ' << /FileType /TrueType /Path (', $f, ') /SubfontID ', '0', ' /CSI [(', $h[6], ') ', $cidsupplement, "] >> ;\n";
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ @list = defoma_id_get_font($Id, 'installed');
+ foreach $i (@list) {
+ next if ($Id->{2}->[$i] !~ /^.[aS]/);
+ my $c = $Id->{4}->[$i];
+ #
+ # Spit out aliases
+ #
+ if ($c =~ /^(truetype|type1|type3|gsfontderivative)$/) {
+ print F '/', $Id->{0}->[$i], ' /', $Id->{5}->[$i], " ; \n";
+ print FFF '/', $Id->{0}->[$i], ' /', $Id->{5}->[$i], " ; \n";
+ } elsif ($c =~ /^(truetype-cjk|cid)$/) {
+ print FF '/', $Id->{0}->[$i], ' /', $Id->{5}->[$i], " ;\n";
+ print FFFF '/', $Id->{0}->[$i], ' /', $Id->{5}->[$i], " ;\n";
+ }
+ }
+ close F;
+ close FF;
+ close FFF;
+ close FFFF;
+ unlink($FontMap) unless(-s $FontMap);
+ unlink($CIDFontMap) unless(-s $CIDFontMap);
+ unlink($FAPIfmap) unless(-s $FAPIfmap);
+ unlink($Cidfmap) unless(-s $Cidfmap);
+ }
+ defoma_id_close_cache($Id);
+ $Id = 0;
+ }
+ if ($IdCmap) {
+ defoma_id_close_cache($IdCmap);
+ $IdCmap = 0;
+ }
+ if ($Sb1) {
+ defoma_subst_close($Sb1);
+ $Sb1 = 0;
+ }
+ if ($Sb2) {
+ defoma_subst_close($Sb2);
+ $Sb2 = 0;
+ }
+ return 0;
+sub create_symlink {
+ my $font = shift;
+ my $dir = shift || $FontDir;
+ if ($font =~ /^(.*)\/(.+)$/) {
+ my $fontpath = $1;
+ my $fontfile = $2;
+ my $newfile = $dir . '/' . $fontfile;
+ return 1 if (-e $newfile);
+ symlink($font, $newfile) || return 1;
+ } else {
+ return 1;
+ }
+ return 0;
+sub remove_symlink {
+ my $font = shift;
+ my $dir = shift || $FontDir;
+ if ($font =~ /^(.*)\/(.+)$/) {
+ my $fontpath = $1;
+ my $fontfile = $2;
+ my $newfile = $dir . '/' . $fontfile;
+ return 1 unless (-l $newfile);
+ unlink($newfile);
+ } else {
+ return 1;
+ }
+ return 0;
+sub register_ps {
+ my $id = shift;
+ defoma_font_register('postscript', '<gs>/' . $id, @_);
+sub unregister_ps {
+ my $id = shift;
+ if (defoma_font_if_register('postscript', '<gs>/' . $id)) {
+ defoma_font_unregister('postscript', '<gs>/' . $id);
+ }
+sub t1_register {
+ my $type = shift;
+ my $font = shift;
+ my $h = parse_hints_start(@_);
+ my $fontname = $h->{FontName};
+ return 1 unless ($fontname);
+ $fontname =~ s/ .*//;
+ my $priority = $h->{Priority} || 0;
+ my %add;
+ $add{hints} = join(' ', @_);
+ if ($type eq 'gsfontderivative') {
+ my $ofont = $h->{'GSF-OriginFont'};
+ my $oid = $h->{'GSF-OriginID'};
+ if ($ofont && $oid) {
+ $add{depend} = $ofont.' '.$oid;
+ } else {
+ return 2;
+ }
+ }
+ return 3 if (create_symlink($font));
+ defoma_id_register($Id, type => 'real', font => $font, id => $fontname,
+ priority => $priority, %add);
+ my @alias = ($h->{Alias}) ? split(/ +/, $h->{Alias}) : ();
+ my $i;
+ foreach $i (@alias) {
+ defoma_id_register($Id, type => 'alias', font => $font, id => $i,
+ priority => $priority, origin => $fontname);
+ }
+ defoma_subst_register($Sb1, $font, $fontname);
+ defoma_subst_register($Sb2, $font, $fontname);
+ return 0;
+sub t1_unregister {
+ my $font = shift;
+ defoma_subst_unregister($Sb1, $font);
+ defoma_subst_unregister($Sb2, $font);
+ defoma_id_unregister($Id, type => 'alias', font => $font);
+ defoma_id_unregister($Id, type => 'real', font => $font);
+ remove_symlink($font);
+ return 0;
+sub t1_install {
+ my $type = shift;
+ my $font = shift;
+ my $id = shift;
+ my $depfont = shift;
+ my $depid = shift;
+ my @add = ();
+ if ($type eq 'real') {
+ return 0 if (grep($_ eq '--Alias', @_));
+ $add[0] = '--RealName';
+ }
+ register_ps($id, @_, @add);
+ return 0;
+sub t1_remove {
+ my $type = shift;
+ my $font = shift;
+ my $id = shift;
+ my $depfont = shift;
+ my $depid = shift;
+ unregister_ps($id);
+ return 0;
+sub type1 {
+ my $com = shift;
+ if ($com eq 'register') {
+ return t1_register('type1', @_);
+ } elsif ($com eq 'unregister') {
+ return t1_unregister(@_);
+ } elsif ($com =~ /^do-install-(.*)$/) {
+ return t1_install($1, @_);
+ } elsif ($com =~ /^do-remove-(.*)$/) {
+ return t1_remove($1, @_);
+ } elsif ($com eq 'init') {
+ return init();
+ } elsif ($com eq 'term') {
+ return term();
+ }
+ return 0;
+sub type3 {
+ return type1(@_);
+sub gsfontderivative {
+ my $com = shift;
+ if ($com eq 'register') {
+ return t1_register('gsfontderivative', @_);
+ } else {
+ return type1($com, @_);
+ }
+sub tt_register_cjk {
+ my %addstr = ('Japanese' => '-Ja',
+ 'Korean' => '-Ko',
+ 'Chinese-China' => '-GB',
+ 'Chinese-Taiwan' => '-CNS');
+ my %ordering = ('Japanese' => 'Japan1',
+ 'Korean' => 'Korea1',
+ 'Chinese-China' => 'GB1',
+ 'Chinese-Taiwan' => 'CNS1');
+ my %coding = ('Unicode' => 'Unicode',
+ 'BIG5' => 'Big5',
+ 'ShiftJIS' => 'ShiftJIS',
+ 'WanSung' => 'WanSung',
+ 'Johab' => 'Johab');
+ my $cnt = shift;
+ my $loc = shift;
+ my $font = shift;
+ my $fontname = shift;
+ my $alias = shift;
+ my $charset = shift;
+ my $encoding = shift;
+ my $priority = shift;
+ return $cnt unless (exists($addstr{$loc}) && exists($ordering{$loc}) &&
+ exists($coding{$encoding}));
+ my $ord = $ordering{$loc};
+ my $enc = $coding{$encoding};
+ my $add = '';
+ $add = $addstr{$loc} if ($cnt > 0);
+ my @hints = ('Adobe', $ord, $enc,
+ '--CIDRegistry', 'Adobe', '--CIDOrdering', $ord);
+ defoma_id_register($Id, type => 'real', font => $font,
+ id => $fontname . $add, priority => $priority,
+ category => 'truetype-cjk',
+ hints => join(' ', @hints, @_));
+ foreach my $i (@{$alias}) {
+ defoma_id_register($Id, type => 'alias', font => $font,
+ id => $i . $add, priority => $priority,
+ category => 'truetype-cjk',
+ origin => $fontname . $add);
+ }
+ defoma_subst_register($Sb1, $font, $fontname . $add);
+ defoma_subst_register($Sb2, $font, $fontname . $add);
+ $cnt++;
+ return $cnt unless ($charset =~ /JISX0212/ && $loc eq 'Japanese' &&
+ $encoding eq 'Unicode');
+ $add = '-JaH';
+ @hints = ('Adobe', 'Japan2', 'Unicode',
+ '--CIDRegistry', 'Adobe', '--CIDOrdering', 'Japan2');
+ defoma_id_register($Id, type => 'real', font => $font,
+ id => $fontname . $add, priority => $priority,
+ category => 'truetype-cjk',
+ hints => join(' ', @hints, @_));
+ foreach my $i (@{$alias}) {
+ defoma_id_register($Id, type => 'alias', font => $font,
+ id => $i . $add, priority => $priority,
+ category => 'truetype-cjk',
+ origin => $fontname . $add);
+ }
+ defoma_subst_register($Sb1, $font, $fontname . $add);
+ defoma_subst_register($Sb2, $font, $fontname . $add);
+ $cnt++;
+ return $cnt;
+sub tt_register {
+ my $font = shift;
+ my $h = parse_hints_start(@_);
+ my $i;
+ my $fontname = $h->{FontName};
+ my $location = $h->{Location};
+ my $encoding = $h->{Encoding};
+ my $priority = $h->{Priority} || 0;
+ my $charset = $h->{Charset};
+ return 1 unless ($fontname && $location && $encoding);
+ $fontname =~ s/ .*//;
+ my @alias = ($h->{Alias}) ? split(/ +/, $h->{Alias}) : ();
+ return 2 if (create_symlink($font));
+ parse_hints_cut($h, 'Encoding', 'Location', 'FontName');
+ my @hints;
+ if ($location !~ /Japanese|Korean|Chinese/) {
+ @hints = parse_hints_build($h);
+ defoma_id_register($Id, type => 'real', font => $font, id => $fontname,
+ priority => $priority, hints => join(' ', @hints));
+ foreach $i (@alias) {
+ defoma_id_register($Id, type => 'alias', font => $font, id => $i,
+ priority => $priority, origin => $fontname);
+ }
+ defoma_subst_register($Sb1, $font, $fontname);
+ defoma_subst_register($Sb2, $font, $fontname);
+ } else {
+ parse_hints_cut($h, 'Charset');
+ @hints = parse_hints_build($h);
+ my $loc;
+ my @locs = split(/ /, $location);
+ my $cnt = 0;
+ foreach $loc (@locs) {
+ $cnt = tt_register_cjk($cnt, $loc, $font, $fontname, \@alias,
+ $charset, $encoding, $priority, @hints);
+ }
+ }
+ return 0;
+sub tt_unregister {
+ my $font = shift;
+ defoma_subst_unregister($Sb1, $font);
+ defoma_subst_unregister($Sb2, $font);
+ defoma_id_unregister($Id, type => 'alias', font => $font);
+ defoma_id_unregister($Id, type => 'real', font => $font);
+ remove_symlink($font);
+ return 0;
+sub tt_install {
+ my $type = shift;
+ my $font = shift;
+ my $id = shift;
+ my $depfont = shift;
+ my $depid = shift;
+ my @add = ();
+ $add[0] = '--RealName' if ($type eq 'real');
+ register_ps($id, @_, @add);
+ return 0;
+sub tt_remove {
+ my $type = shift;
+ my $font = shift;
+ my $id = shift;
+ my $depfont = shift;
+ my $depid = shift;
+ unregister_ps($id);
+ return 0;
+sub truetype {
+ my $com = shift;
+ if ($com eq 'register') {
+ return tt_register(@_);
+ } elsif ($com eq 'unregister') {
+ return tt_unregister(@_);
+ } elsif ($com =~ /^do-install-(.*)$/) {
+ return tt_install($1, @_);
+ } elsif ($com =~ /^do-remove-(.*)$/) {
+ return tt_remove($1, @_);
+ } elsif ($com eq 'init') {
+ return init();
+ } elsif ($com eq 'term') {
+ return term();
+ }
+ return 0;
+sub truetype_cjk {
+ my $com = shift;
+ if ($com =~ /^do-install-(.*)$/) {
+ return cid_install($1, @_);
+ } elsif ($com =~ /^do-remove-(.*)$/) {
+ return cid_remove($1, @_);
+ } elsif ($com eq 'init') {
+ return init();
+ } elsif ($com eq 'term') {
+ return term();
+ }
+ return 0;
+sub cid_register {
+ my $type = shift;
+ my $font = shift;
+ my $h = parse_hints_start(@_);
+ my $fontname = $h->{FontName};
+ my $registry = $h->{CIDRegistry};
+ my $ordering = $h->{CIDOrdering};
+ my $priority = $h->{Priority} || 0;
+ return 1 unless($fontname && $registry && $ordering);
+ $fontname =~ s/ .*//;
+ $registry =~ s/ .*//;
+ $ordering =~ s/ .*//;
+ my @alias = ($h->{Alias}) ? split(/ +/, $h->{Alias}) : ();
+ return 2 if (create_symlink($font));
+ parse_hints_cut($h, 'PSCharset', 'PSEncoding', 'Charset', 'Encoding');
+ my @hints = parse_hints_build($h);
+ @hints = ($registry, $ordering, '.', @hints);
+ defoma_id_register($Id, type => 'real', font => $font,
+ id => $fontname, priority => $priority,
+ category => $type, hints => join(' ', @hints));
+ my $i;
+ foreach $i (@alias) {
+ defoma_id_register($Id, type => 'alias', font => $font, id => $i,
+ priority => $priority, origin => $fontname,
+ category => $type);
+ }
+ defoma_subst_register($Sb1, $font, $fontname);
+ defoma_subst_register($Sb2, $font, $fontname);
+ return 0;
+sub cid_unregister {
+ my $font = shift;
+ defoma_subst_unregister($Sb1, $font);
+ defoma_subst_unregister($Sb2, $font);
+ defoma_id_unregister($Id, type => 'alias', font => $font);
+ defoma_id_unregister($Id, type => 'real', font => $font);
+ remove_symlink($font);
+ return 0;
+sub cid_install_all {
+ my $type = shift;
+ my $id = shift;
+ my $registry = shift;
+ my $ordering = shift;
+ my @cmaps = defoma_id_get_font($IdCmap, 'installed');
+ foreach my $c (@cmaps) {
+ my @chs = split(/ +/, $IdCmap->{7}->[$c]);
+ next if ($chs[0] ne $registry);
+ next if ($chs[1] ne $ordering && $chs[1] ne 'Identity');
+ shift(@chs);
+ shift(@chs);
+ my $psname = $id . '-' . $IdCmap->{0}->[$c];
+ my @add = ();
+ $add[0] = '--RealName' if ($type eq 'real');
+ register_ps($psname, @_, @add, @chs);
+ }
+ return 0;
+sub cid_remove_all {
+ my $type = shift;
+ my $id = shift;
+ my $registry = shift;
+ my $ordering = shift;
+ my @cmaps = defoma_id_get_font($IdCmap, 'installed');
+ foreach my $c (@cmaps) {
+ my @chs = split(/ +/, $IdCmap->{7}->[$c]);
+ next if ($chs[0] ne $registry);
+ next if ($chs[1] ne $ordering && $chs[1] ne 'Identity');
+ my $psname = $id . '-' . $IdCmap->{0}->[$c];
+ unregister_ps($psname);
+ }
+ return 0;
+sub cid_install {
+ my $type = shift;
+ my $font = shift;
+ my $id = shift;
+ my $depfont = shift;
+ my $depid = shift;
+ my $registry = shift;
+ my $ordering = shift;
+ my $encoding = shift;
+ cid_install_all($type, $id, $registry, $ordering, @_);
+ return 0;
+sub cid_remove {
+ my $type = shift;
+ my $font = shift;
+ my $id = shift;
+ my $depfont = shift;
+ my $depid = shift;
+ my $registry = shift;
+ my $ordering = shift;
+ my $encoding = shift;
+ cid_remove_all($type, $id, $registry, $ordering);
+ return 0;
+sub cid {
+ my $com = shift;
+ if ($com eq 'register') {
+ return cid_register('cid', @_);
+ } elsif ($com eq 'unregister') {
+ return cid_unregister(@_);
+ } elsif ($com =~ /^do-install-(.*)$/) {
+ return cid_install($1, @_);
+ } elsif ($com =~ /^do-remove-(.*)$/) {
+ return cid_remove($1, @_);
+ } elsif ($com eq 'init') {
+ return init();
+ } elsif ($com eq 'term') {
+ return term();
+ }
+ return 0;
+sub cmap_register {
+ my $font = shift;
+ if ($font =~ /\/gs-cjk-resource\//) {
+ return 2 if (create_symlink($font, $CMapDir));
+ return 0;
+ }
+ my $h = parse_hints_start(@_);
+ my $cmap = $h->{CMapName};
+ my $reg = $h->{CIDRegistry};
+ my $ord = $h->{CIDOrdering};
+ return 1 unless ($cmap && $reg && $ord);
+ $reg =~ s/ .*//;
+ $ord =~ s/ .*//;
+ $cmap =~ s/ .*//;
+ my @hints = ($reg, $ord, @_);
+ defoma_id_register($IdCmap, type => 'real', font => $font, id => $cmap,
+ priority => 0, hints => join(' ', @hints));
+ return 0;
+sub cmap_unregister {
+ my $font = shift;
+ if ($font =~ /\/gs-cjk-resource\//) {
+ remove_symlink($font, $CMapDir);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ defoma_id_unregister($IdCmap, type => 'real', font => $font);
+ return 0;
+sub cmap_install {
+ my $font = shift;
+ my $cmap = shift;
+ my $df = shift;
+ my $di = shift;
+ my $reg = shift;
+ my $ord = shift;
+ my %hash;
+ my @nonreal = ();
+ return 1 if (create_symlink($font, $CMapDir));
+ my @list = (defoma_id_get_font($Id, 'installed', f4 => 'cid'),
+ defoma_id_get_font($Id, 'installed', f4 => 'truetype-cjk'));
+ foreach my $i (@list) {
+ my $type = $Id->{2}->[$i];
+ my $id = $Id->{0}->[$i];
+ if ($type ne 'SrI') {
+ push(@nonreal, $i);
+ next;
+ }
+ my @hints = split(/ +/, $Id->{7}->[$i]);
+ next if ($hints[0] ne $reg);
+ next if ($hints[1] ne $ord && $ord ne 'Identity');
+ $hash{$id} = $i;
+ shift(@hints);
+ shift(@hints);
+ shift(@hints);
+ my $psname = $id . '-' . $cmap;
+ register_ps($psname, @hints, '--RealName', @_);
+ }
+ foreach my $i (@nonreal) {
+ my $depid = $Id->{5}->[$i];
+ next unless (exists($hash{$depid}));
+ my @hints = split(/ +/, $Id->{7}->[$hash{$depid}]);
+ next if ($hints[0] ne $reg);
+ next if ($hints[1] ne $ord && $ord ne 'Identity');
+ shift(@hints);
+ shift(@hints);
+ shift(@hints);
+ my $psname = $Id->{0}->[$i] . '-' . $cmap;
+ register_ps($psname, @hints, @_);
+ }
+ return 0;
+sub cmap_remove {
+ my $font = shift;
+ my $cmap = shift;
+ my $df = shift;
+ my $di = shift;
+ my $reg = shift;
+ my $ord = shift;
+ my %hash;
+ remove_symlink($font, $CMapDir);
+ my @list = (defoma_id_get_font($Id, 'installed', f4 => 'cid'),
+ defoma_id_get_font($Id, 'installed', f4 => 'truetype-cjk'));
+ foreach my $i (@list) {
+ my @hints = split(/ +/, $Id->{7}->[$i]);
+ if (@hints > 0) {
+ next if ($hints[0] ne $reg);
+ next if ($hints[1] ne $ord && $ord ne 'Identity');
+ }
+ my $psname = $Id->{0}->[$i] . '-' . $cmap;
+ unregister_ps($psname);
+ }
+ return 0;
+sub cmap {
+ my $com = shift;
+ if ($com eq 'register') {
+ return cmap_register(@_);
+ } elsif ($com eq 'unregister') {
+ return cmap_unregister(@_);
+ } elsif ($com eq 'do-install-real') {
+ return cmap_install(@_);
+ } elsif ($com eq 'do-remove-real') {
+ return cmap_remove(@_);
+ } elsif ($com eq 'init') {
+ return init();
+ } elsif ($com eq 'term') {
+ return term();
+ }
+ return 0;
+sub psprint_register {
+ my $font = shift;
+ return 0 unless ($Subst4psprint);
+ return 1 if ($font !~ /(.+)\/(.+)/);
+ return 0 if ($1 eq '<gs>');
+ my $fontname = $2;
+ return 2 if ($Sb1->grep_rule('', $fontname));
+ my @hints;
+ my $h = parse_hints_start(@_);
+ my $cset = $h->{PSCharset};
+ my $enc = $h->{PSEncoding};
+ if ($cset && $enc && $cset =~ /^Adobe-([^-]+).*$/) {
+ my $ord = $1;
+ $fontname =~ s/-$enc$//;
+ parse_hints_cut($h, 'PSCharset', 'PSEncoding', 'Charset', 'Encoding',
+ 'Direction');
+ @hints = parse_hints_build($h);
+ push(@hints, '--CIDRegistry,*', 'Adobe', '--CIDOrdering,*', $ord);
+ } else {
+ @hints = @_;
+ }
+ for my $i (@hints) {
+ $i = '--Charset,*' if ($i eq '--Charset');
+ $i = '--Encoding,*' if ($i eq '--Encoding');
+ $i = '--Direction,*' if ($i eq '--Direction');
+ $i = '--Shape,2' if ($i eq '--Shape');
+ }
+ defoma_subst_add_rule($Sb1, $fontname, @hints);
+ return 0;
+sub psprint_unregister {
+ my $font = shift;
+ return 0 if ($font !~ /(.+)\/(.+)/);
+ return 0 if ($1 eq '<gs>');
+ my $fontname = $2;
+ my $h = parse_hints_start(@_);
+ my $cset = $h->{PSCharset};
+ my $enc = $h->{PSEncoding};
+ if ($cset && $enc && $cset =~ /^Adobe-.*$/) {
+ $fontname =~ s/-$enc$//;
+ }
+ defoma_subst_remove_rule($Sb1, $fontname);
+ return 0;
+sub psprint {
+ my $com = shift;
+ if ($com eq 'register') {
+ return psprint_register(@_);
+ } elsif ($com eq 'unregister') {
+ return psprint_unregister(@_);
+ } elsif ($com eq 'init') {
+ return init();
+ } elsif ($com eq 'term') {
+ return term();
+ }
+ return 0;
Added: ghostscript/trunk/debian/patches/00list
--- (empty file)
+++ ghostscript/trunk/debian/patches/00list Mon Sep 24 06:22:10 2007
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
Added: ghostscript/trunk/debian/patches/03_docdir_fix_for_debian.dpatch
--- (empty file)
+++ ghostscript/trunk/debian/patches/03_docdir_fix_for_debian.dpatch Mon Sep 24 06:22:10 2007
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+#! /bin/sh -e
+## 05_docdir_fix_for_debian.dpatch by Masayuki Hatta <mhatta at debian.org>
+## All lines beginning with \`## DP:' are a description of the patch.
+## DP: Set docdir appropriately for Debian
+if [ $# -ne 1 ]; then
+ echo >&2 "`basename $0`: script expects -patch|-unpatch as argument"
+ exit 1
+case "$1" in
+ -patch) patch -f --no-backup-if-mismatch --dry-run -p1 < $0 && patch -f --no-backup-if-mismatch -p1 < $0
+ -unpatch) patch -f --no-backup-if-mismatch -R -p1 < $0;;
+ *)
+ echo >&2 "`basename $0`: script expects -patch|-unpatch as argument"
+ exit 1;;
+exit 0
+diff -urN gs-gpl-8.01.orig/src/Makefile.in gs-gpl-8.01/src/Makefile.in
+--- gs-gpl-8.01.orig/src/Makefile.in 2004-01-07 05:50:17.000000000 +0900
++++ gs-gpl-8.01/src/Makefile.in 2004-03-26 03:43:34.000000000 +0900
+@@ -63,8 +63,8 @@
+ gsdir = $(datadir)/ghostscript
+ gsdatadir = $(gsdir)/$(GS_DOT_VERSION)
+ GS_DOCDIR=$(docdir)
+ # Define the default directory/ies for the runtime
Added: ghostscript/trunk/debian/patches/04_gdevxini_segv_fix.dpatch
--- (empty file)
+++ ghostscript/trunk/debian/patches/04_gdevxini_segv_fix.dpatch Mon Sep 24 06:22:10 2007
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+#! /bin/sh -e
+## 04_gdevxini_segv_fix.dpatch by Masayuki Hatta <mhatta at debian.org>
+## All lines beginning with \`## DP:' are a description of the patch.
+## DP: A fix for a potential segv in src/gdevxini.c, provided by Ian Jackson.
+if [ $# -ne 1 ]; then
+ echo >&2 "`basename $0`: script expects -patch|-unpatch as argument"
+ exit 1
+case "$1" in
+ -patch) patch -f --no-backup-if-mismatch --dry-run -p1 < $0 && patch -f --no-backup-if-mismatch -p1 < $0
+ -unpatch) patch -f --no-backup-if-mismatch -R -p1 < $0;;
+ *)
+ echo >&2 "`basename $0`: script expects -patch|-unpatch as argument"
+ exit 1;;
+exit 0
+diff -urN gs-gpl-8.54.dfsg.1.orig/src/gdevxini.c gs-gpl-8.54.dfsg.1/src/gdevxini.c
+--- gs-gpl-8.54.dfsg.1.orig/src/gdevxini.c 2006-10-18 03:39:14.000000000 +0900
++++ gs-gpl-8.54.dfsg.1/src/gdevxini.c 2006-10-18 03:40:40.000000000 +0900
+@@ -902,7 +902,10 @@
+ dev->is_open = false;
+ xdev->IsPageDevice = values.IsPageDevice;
+ code = gx_default_put_params(dev, plist);
+- dev->is_open = values.is_open; /* saved value */
++ /* Prevent us from preventing the device closure if the size changed;
++ * that may require us to rebuild the buffer (see x_set_buffer). */
++ if (xdev->width == values.width && xdev->height == values.height)
++ dev->is_open = values.is_open; /* saved value */
+ if (code < 0) { /* Undo setting of .IsPageDevice */
+ xdev->IsPageDevice = save_is_page;
+ return code;
Added: ghostscript/trunk/debian/patches/05_gxfcopy_qsort_64bit_clean.dpatch
--- (empty file)
+++ ghostscript/trunk/debian/patches/05_gxfcopy_qsort_64bit_clean.dpatch Mon Sep 24 06:22:10 2007
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+#! /bin/sh -e
+## 05_gxfcopy_qsort_64bit_clean.dpatch by Masayuki Hatta <mhatta at debian.org>
+## All lines beginning with \`## DP:' are a description of the patch.
+## DP: Made qsort funciton call in src/gxfcopy.c 64bit clean
+if [ $# -ne 1 ]; then
+ echo >&2 "`basename $0`: script expects -patch|-unpatch as argument"
+ exit 1
+case "$1" in
+ -patch) patch -f --no-backup-if-mismatch --dry-run -p1 < $0 && patch -f --no-backup-if-mismatch -p1 < $0
+ -unpatch) patch -f --no-backup-if-mismatch -R -p1 < $0;;
+ *)
+ echo >&2 "`basename $0`: script expects -patch|-unpatch as argument"
+ exit 1;;
+exit 0
+diff -urN gs-gpl-8.54.dfsg.1.orig/src/gxfcopy.c gs-gpl-8.54.dfsg.1/src/gxfcopy.c
+--- gs-gpl-8.54.dfsg.1.orig/src/gxfcopy.c 2006-10-12 09:07:59.000000000 +0900
++++ gs-gpl-8.54.dfsg.1/src/gxfcopy.c 2006-10-12 09:09:09.000000000 +0900
+@@ -2391,7 +2391,7 @@
+ a[j++] = &cfdata->names[i];
+ }
+ }
+- qsort(a, cfdata->num_glyphs, sizeof(int), compare_glyph_names);
++ qsort(a, cfdata->num_glyphs, sizeof(gs_copied_glyph_name_t*), compare_glyph_names);
+ for (; j >= 0; j--)
+ cfdata->glyphs[j].order_index = a[j] - cfdata->names;
+ gs_free_object(memory, a, "order_font_data");
Added: ghostscript/trunk/debian/patches/06_libpaper_support.dpatch
--- (empty file)
+++ ghostscript/trunk/debian/patches/06_libpaper_support.dpatch Mon Sep 24 06:22:10 2007
@@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
+#! /bin/sh -e
+## 06_libpaper_support.dpatch by Masayuki Hatta <mhatta at debian.org>
+## All lines beginning with \`## DP:' are a description of the patch.
+## DP: Adds libpaper support
+if [ $# -ne 1 ]; then
+ echo >&2 "`basename $0`: script expects -patch|-unpatch as argument"
+ exit 1
+case "$1" in
+ -patch) patch -f --no-backup-if-mismatch --dry-run -p1 < $0 && patch -f --no-backup-if-mismatch -p1 < $0
+ -unpatch) patch -f --no-backup-if-mismatch -R -p1 < $0;;
+ *)
+ echo >&2 "`basename $0`: script expects -patch|-unpatch as argument"
+ exit 1;;
+exit 0
+diff -urN gs-gpl-8.56.dfsg.1.orig/lib/gs_init.ps gs-gpl-8.56.dfsg.1/lib/gs_init.ps
+--- gs-gpl-8.56.dfsg.1.orig/lib/gs_init.ps 2007-02-25 00:32:48.000000000 +0900
++++ gs-gpl-8.56.dfsg.1/lib/gs_init.ps 2007-05-05 08:32:59.000000000 +0900
+@@ -73,6 +73,13 @@
+ % devices that default to letter or A4 can be changed by setting
++% Debian: Libpaper's default is in DEFPAPERSIZE; use that if the
++% current device is not "cups".
++currentdict /DEFPAPERSIZE known
++currentdict /DEVICE known { DEVICE } { () } ifelse
++(cups) ne and
++ { DEFPAPERSIZE /PAPERSIZE where { pop pop } { /PAPERSIZE exch def } ifelse }
+ % Turn on array packing for the rest of initialization.
+ true setpacking
+diff -urN gs-gpl-8.56.dfsg.1.orig/src/imainarg.c gs-gpl-8.56.dfsg.1/src/imainarg.c
+--- gs-gpl-8.56.dfsg.1.orig/src/imainarg.c 2007-01-18 06:10:47.000000000 +0900
++++ gs-gpl-8.56.dfsg.1/src/imainarg.c 2007-05-05 08:35:34.000000000 +0900
+@@ -198,6 +198,29 @@
+ return e_Fatal;
+ }
+ }
++ /* Change by Torsten Landschoff <torsten at debian.org>:
++ * If no papersize is given on the commandline we want gs to use the
++ * default papersize of the system. This change differs from the old
++ * Debian change in that it does not use arg_push_string and therefore
++ * is not using up the nesting depth.
++ * -- Thu, 30 Mar 2000 21:28:25 +0200
++ *
++ * Applied to GPL/AFPL GhostScript by Masayuki Hatta
++ * -- Wed Mar 24 15:00:00 JST 2004 */
++ {
++ const char *paper = systempapername();
++ static char paperswitch[15+40+1] = "-sDEFPAPERSIZE=";
++ /* strlen("-sDEFPAPERSIZE") + 40 + space for '\0' */
++ if (paper != NULL) {
++ strncat(paperswitch, paper, 40);
++ swproc(minst, paperswitch, &args);
++ /* args is not modified since a "-s" argument does not need
++ * such special handling */
++ }
++ }
+ while ((arg = arg_next(&args, &code)) != 0) {
+ switch (*arg) {
+ case '-':
Added: ghostscript/trunk/debian/patches/07_bbox_segv_fix.dpatch
--- (empty file)
+++ ghostscript/trunk/debian/patches/07_bbox_segv_fix.dpatch Mon Sep 24 06:22:10 2007
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+#! /bin/sh -e
+## 07_bbox_segv_fix.dpatch by Masayuki Hatta <mhatta at debian.org>
+## All lines beginning with \`## DP:' are a description of the patch.
+## DP: Fix SEGV on -sDEVICE=bbox, suggested by Yaroslav Halchenko.
+if [ $# -ne 1 ]; then
+ echo >&2 "`basename $0`: script expects -patch|-unpatch as argument"
+ exit 1
+case "$1" in
+ -patch) patch -f --no-backup-if-mismatch --dry-run -p1 < $0 && patch -f --no-backup-if-mismatch -p1 < $0
+ -unpatch) patch -f --no-backup-if-mismatch -R -p1 < $0;;
+ *)
+ echo >&2 "`basename $0`: script expects -patch|-unpatch as argument"
+ exit 1;;
+exit 0
+diff -urN gs-gpl-8.01.orig/src/gdevbbox.c gs-gpl-8.01/src/gdevbbox.c
+--- gs-gpl-8.01.orig/src/gdevbbox.c 2004-08-15 13:36:14.000000000 +0900
++++ gs-gpl-8.01/src/gdevbbox.c 2004-08-15 13:36:51.000000000 +0900
+@@ -222,7 +222,7 @@
+ if (tdev != 0)
+ gx_device_copy_params((gx_device *)bdev, tdev);
+- if (remap_colors) {
++ if (remap_colors && bdev->is_open) {
+ bdev->black = gx_device_black((gx_device *)bdev);
+ bdev->white = gx_device_white((gx_device *)bdev);
+ bdev->transparent =
Added: ghostscript/trunk/debian/patches/08_big_cmap_post_table.dpatch
--- (empty file)
+++ ghostscript/trunk/debian/patches/08_big_cmap_post_table.dpatch Mon Sep 24 06:22:10 2007
@@ -0,0 +1,223 @@
+#! /bin/sh -e
+## 08_big_cmap_post_table.dpatch by Masayuki Hatta <mhatta at debian.org>
+## All lines beginning with \`## DP:' are a description of the patch.
+## DP: Support big post table for cmap
+if [ $# -ne 1 ]; then
+ echo >&2 "`basename $0`: script expects -patch|-unpatch as argument"
+ exit 1
+case "$1" in
+ -patch) patch -f --no-backup-if-mismatch --dry-run -p1 < $0 && patch -f --no-backup-if-mismatch -p1 < $0
+ -unpatch) patch -f --no-backup-if-mismatch -R -p1 < $0;;
+ *)
+ echo >&2 "`basename $0`: script expects -patch|-unpatch as argument"
+ exit 1;;
+exit 0
+diff -urN gs-gpl-8.54.dfsg.1.orig/lib/gs_ttf.ps gs-gpl-8.54.dfsg.1/lib/gs_ttf.ps
+--- gs-gpl-8.54.dfsg.1.orig/lib/gs_ttf.ps 2006-10-15 17:58:21.000000000 +0900
++++ gs-gpl-8.54.dfsg.1/lib/gs_ttf.ps 2006-10-15 18:20:47.000000000 +0900
+@@ -273,6 +273,54 @@
+ } for pop exch pop
+ } bind def
++/.biglength { % <str>|<array of str> .biglength <integer>
++ dup type /arraytype eq { 0 exch { length add } forall } { length } ifelse
++} bind def
++/concats { % [str ...] concats str
++ () exch dup length 1 sub -1 0 {
++ 1 index exch get dup type /stringtype ne { dup length string cvs } if
++ 3 -1 roll exch dup length 2 index length add string
++ dup dup 4 2 roll copy length 4 -1 roll putinterval exch
++ } for pop
++} bind def
++% <str>|<array of str> <index> <count> .biggetinterval <str>|<array of str>
++/.biggetinterval {
++ 3 dict begin
++ 2 index type /arraytype eq {
++ /c exch def
++ /i exch def
++ [ exch {
++ dup length /l exch def
++ i c add l gt {
++ i l lt {
++ i l i sub getinterval
++ /c i c add l sub def
++ /i 0 def
++ } {
++ pop
++ /i i l sub def
++ } ifelse
++ } {
++ i c getinterval exit
++ } ifelse
++ } forall
++ ] dup .biglength 65535 le { concats } if
++ } { getinterval } ifelse
++ end
++} bind def
++% <str>|<array of str> <index> getu16 <integer>
++/.biggetu16 {
++ 2 .biggetinterval 0 getu16
++} bind def
++% <str>|<array of str> <index> getu32 <integer>
++/.biggetu32 {
++ 4 .biggetinterval 0 getu32
++} bind def
+ % Each procedure in this dictionary is called as follows:
+ % <encodingtable> proc <glypharray>
+ /cmapformats mark
+@@ -363,14 +411,14 @@
+ } bind
+ 4 { % Microsoft/Adobe segmented mapping.
+ /etab exch def
+- /nseg2 etab 6 getu16 def
+- 14 /endc etab 2 index nseg2 getinterval def
++ /nseg2 etab 6 .biggetu16 def
++ 14 /endc etab 2 index nseg2 .biggetinterval def
+ % The Apple TrueType documentation omits the 2-byte
+ % 'reserved pad' that follows the endCount vector!
+ 2 add
+- nseg2 add /startc etab 2 index nseg2 getinterval def
+- nseg2 add /iddelta etab 2 index nseg2 getinterval def
+- nseg2 add /idroff etab 2 index nseg2 getinterval def
++ nseg2 add /startc etab 2 index nseg2 .biggetinterval def
++ nseg2 add /iddelta etab 2 index nseg2 .biggetinterval def
++ nseg2 add /idroff etab 2 index nseg2 .biggetinterval def
+ % The following hack allows us to properly handle
+ % idiosyncratic fonts that start at 0xf000:
+ pop
+@@ -382,8 +430,8 @@
+ /numcodes 0 def /glyphs 0 0 2 nseg2 3 sub {
+ % Stack: /glyphs numglyphs i2
+ /i2 exch def
+- /scode startc i2 getu16 def
+- /ecode endc i2 getu16 def
++ /scode startc i2 .biggetu16 def
++ /ecode endc i2 .biggetu16 def
+ numcodes scode firstcode sub
+ % Hack for fonts that have only 0x0000 and 0xf000 ranges
+ %dup 16#e000 ge { 255 and } if
+@@ -404,8 +452,8 @@
+ /numcodes 0 def /code 0 def
+ 0 2 nseg2 3 sub {
+ /i2 exch def
+- /scode startc i2 getu16 def
+- /ecode endc i2 getu16 def
++ /scode startc i2 .biggetu16 def
++ /ecode endc i2 .biggetu16 def
+ numcodes scode firstcode sub
+ % Hack for fonts that have only 0x0000 and 0xf000 ranges
+ %dup 16#e000 ge { 255 and } if
+@@ -417,15 +465,15 @@
+ (scode=) print scode =only
+ ( ecode=) print ecode =only
+ ( delta=) print delta =only
+- ( droff=) print idroff i2 getu16 =
++ ( droff=) print idroff i2 .biggetu16 =
+ } if
+- idroff i2 getu16 dup 0 eq {
++ idroff i2 .biggetu16 dup 0 eq {
+ pop scode delta add 65535 and 1 ecode delta add 65535 and
+ { putglyph } for
+ } { % The +2 is for the 'reserved pad'.
+ /gloff exch 14 nseg2 3 mul add 2 add i2 add add def
+ 0 1 ecode scode sub {
+- 2 mul gloff add etab exch getu16
++ 2 mul gloff add etab exch .biggetu16
+ dup 0 ne { delta add 65535 and } if putglyph
+ } for
+ } ifelse
+@@ -448,12 +496,12 @@
+ % <cmaptab> cmaparray <glypharray>
+ /cmaparray {
+- dup 0 getu16 cmapformats exch .knownget {
++ dup 0 .biggetu16 cmapformats exch .knownget {
+- (cmap: format ) print 1 index 0 getu16 = flush
++ (cmap: format ) print 1 index 0 .biggetu16 = flush
+ } if exec
+ } {
+- (Can't handle format ) print 0 getu16 = flush
++ (Can't handle format ) print 0 .biggetu16 = flush
+ 0 1 255 { } for 256 packedarray
+ } ifelse
+@@ -591,7 +639,7 @@
+ % Adobe requirement that each sfnts entry have even length.
+ /readtables mark
+ % Ordinary tables
+- (cmap) //call.readtable
++ (cmap) //call.readbigtable
+ (head) 1 index
+ (hhea) 1 index
+ (maxp) 1 index
+@@ -964,10 +1012,21 @@
+ } ifelse
+ % Stack: ... /FontInfo mark key1 value1 ...
+ post null ne {
+- /ItalicAngle first_post_string 4 gets32 65536.0 div
+- /isFixedPitch first_post_string 12 getu32 0 ne
+- /UnderlinePosition first_post_string 8 gets16 upem div
+- /UnderlineThickness first_post_string 10 gets16 upem div
++ post type /arraytype eq {
++ % this post table is a big table. /post should be [(...) ...]
++ % data we actually need here should be first one in array.
++ /posttable post 1 get def
++ } {
++ /posttable post def
++ } ifelse
++% /ItalicAngle first_post_string 4 gets32 65536.0 div
++% /isFixedPitch first_post_string 12 getu32 0 ne
++% /UnderlinePosition first_post_string 8 gets16 upem div
++% /UnderlineThickness first_post_string 10 gets16 upem div
++ /ItalicAngle posttable 4 gets32 65536.0 div
++ /isFixedPitch posttable 12 getu32 0 ne
++ /UnderlinePosition posttable 8 gets16 upem div
++ /UnderlineThickness posttable 10 gets16 upem div
+ } if
+ counttomark 0 ne { .dicttomark } { pop pop } ifelse
+ /XUID [orgXUID 42 curxuid]
+@@ -1026,22 +1085,22 @@
+ } if
+ tabdict /cmap get % bool [] i PlatID SpecID (cmap)
+ dup /cmaptab exch def % temporary
+- 0 1 2 index 2 getu16 1 sub { % bool [] i PlatID SpecID (cmap) j
+- 8 mul 4 add 1 index exch 8 getinterval % bool [] i PlatID SpecID (cmap) (cmapsub)
++ 0 1 2 index 2 .biggetu16 1 sub { % bool [] i PlatID SpecID (cmap) j
++ 8 mul 4 add 1 index exch 8 .biggetinterval % bool [] i PlatID SpecID (cmap) (cmapsub)
+- (cmap: platform ) print dup 0 getu16 =only
+- ( encoding ) print dup 2 getu16 = flush
++ (cmap: platform ) print dup 0 .biggetu16 =only
++ ( encoding ) print dup 2 .biggetu16 = flush
+ } if
+- dup 0 getu16 4 index eq {
+- dup 2 getu16 3 index eq { % bool [] i PlatID SpecID (cmap) (cmapsub)
++ dup 0 .biggetu16 4 index eq {
++ dup 2 .biggetu16 3 index eq { % bool [] i PlatID SpecID (cmap) (cmapsub)
+ (Choosen a cmap for platform=) print 3 index =only
+ ( encoding=) print 2 index =
+ } if
+ /cmapsub 1 index def
+- dup 4 getu32 % bool [] i PlatID SpecID (cmap) (cmapsub) p
+- cmaptab length 1 index sub % bool [] i PlatID SpecID (cmap) (cmapsub) p l
+- cmaptab 3 1 roll getinterval
++ dup 4 .biggetu32 % bool [] i PlatID SpecID (cmap) (cmapsub) p
++ cmaptab .biglength 1 index sub % bool [] i PlatID SpecID (cmap) (cmapsub) p l
++ cmaptab 3 1 roll .biggetinterval
+ /cmaptab exch def % bool [] i PlatID SpecID (cmap) (cmapsub)
+ 5 index 5 index 1 add get % bool [] i PlatID SpecID (cmap) (cmapsub) /Decoding
+ /Decoding exch def % bool [] i PlatID SpecID (cmap) (cmapsub)
Added: ghostscript/trunk/debian/patches/09_ijs_krgb_support.dpatch
--- (empty file)
+++ ghostscript/trunk/debian/patches/09_ijs_krgb_support.dpatch Mon Sep 24 06:22:10 2007
@@ -0,0 +1,753 @@
+#! /bin/sh -e
+## 09_ijs_krgb_support.dpatch by David Suffield <linux.deskjet at hp.com>
+## All lines beginning with \`## DP:' are a description of the patch.
+## DP: Added KRGB colorspace support to gs IJS driver.
+## DP: Patch from HPLIP upstream, distributed in the hpijs package
+if [ $# -ne 1 ]; then
+ echo >&2 "`basename $0`: script expects -patch|-unpatch as argument"
+ exit 1
+case "$1" in
+ -patch) patch -f --no-backup-if-mismatch --dry-run -p1 < $0 && patch -f --no-backup-if-mismatch -p1 < $0 || exit 1
+ -unpatch) patch -R -f --no-backup-if-mismatch --dry-run -p1 < $0 && patch -f --no-backup-if-mismatch -R -p1 < $0 || exit 1
+ *)
+ echo >&2 "`basename $0`: script expects -patch|-unpatch as argument"
+ exit 1;;
+exit 0
+ at DPATCH@
+diff -uraN gs-orig/src/gdevijs.c gs-krgb/src/gdevijs.c
+--- gs-orig/src/gdevijs.c 2007-04-30 18:41:55.000000000 +0100
++++ gs-krgb/src/gdevijs.c 2007-04-30 18:46:28.000000000 +0100
+@@ -23,15 +23,50 @@
+ * which is a security risk, since any program can be run.
+ * You should use -dSAFER which sets .LockSafetyParams to true
+ * before opening this device.
++ *
++ * 11/26/03 David Suffield (gdevijs-krgb-1.0.patch)
++ * (c) 2003-2004 Copyright Hewlett-Packard Development Company, LP
++ *
++ * 1. Removed hpijs 1.0-1.0.2 workarounds, use hpijs 1.0.3 or higher.
++ * 2. Added krgb support.
++ *
++ * 02/21/05 David Suffield (gdevijs-krgb-1.1.patch)
++ * 1. Fixed segfault issue with 1-bit color space.
++ * 2. Fixed z-order issue with colored text on black rectangle.
++ *
++ * 02/22/06 David Suffield (gdevijs-krgb-1.2.patch)
++ * 1. Fixed krgb buffer overflow issue with out-of-band data in fill_rectangle and copy_mono.
++ * This buffer overflow condition occurred with fullbleed print jobs that had k-band images.
++ * 2. Added Dan Coby (artifex) fix for gsijs_read_string_malloc gs_free *str memory leak.
++ *
++ * 06/02/06 David Suffield (gdevijs-krgb-1.3.patch)
++ * 1. Revisited the krgb buffer overflow issue with out-of-band data in fill_rectangle and
++ * copy_mono. Changed the fill_rectangle and copy_mono to an inner loop buffer check
++ * instead of a outer loop x/y extent check.
++ * 2. As requested by Ralph Giles, added K 1-bit and 8-bit support for krgb, but only 1-bit is
++ * implemented for now.
++ *
++ * KRGB definition:
++ * 1. K=1-bit or 8-bit black plane, RGB=24 bit color raster.
++ * 2. K-plane will only contain objects that are black text and black line drawings.
++ * 3. RGB raster will not contain K-plane objects.
++ * 4. K resolution and RGB resolution will be equal.
++ * 5. K-plane will be byte aligned.
++ * 6. K-plane 1-bit definition; 1=black, 0=nothing (KRGB).
++ * 7. K-plane 8-bit definition; 255=black, 0=nothing (KxRGB).
++ *
+ */
+ #include "unistd_.h" /* for dup() */
+ #include <stdlib.h>
++#include <fcntl.h>
+ #include "gdevprn.h"
+ #include "gp.h"
+ #include "ijs.h"
+ #include "ijs_client.h"
++//#define KRGB_DEBUG
+ /* This should go into gdevprn.h, or, better yet, gdevprn should
+ acquire an API for changing resolution. */
+ int gdev_prn_maybe_realloc_memory(gx_device_printer *pdev,
+@@ -49,6 +84,14 @@
+ private dev_proc_put_params(gsijs_put_params);
+ private dev_proc_finish_copydevice(gsijs_finish_copydevice);
++/* Following definitions are for krgb support. */
++private dev_proc_create_buf_device(gsijs_create_buf_device);
++private dev_proc_fill_rectangle(gsijs_fill_rectangle);
++private dev_proc_copy_mono(gsijs_copy_mono);
++private dev_proc_fill_mask(gsijs_fill_mask);
++private dev_proc_fill_path(gsijs_fill_path);
++private dev_proc_stroke_path(gsijs_stroke_path);
+ private const gx_device_procs gsijs_procs = {
+ gsijs_open,
+ NULL, /* get_initial_matrix */
+@@ -123,6 +166,15 @@
+ IjsClientCtx *ctx;
+ int ijs_version;
++ /* Additional parameters for krgb support. */
++ int krgb_mode; /* 0=false, 1=true */
++ int k_bits; /* number of bits in k plane, 1 or 8 */
++ int k_path; /* k plane path, 0=false, 1=true */
++ int k_width; /* k plane width in pixels */
++ int k_band_size; /* k plane buffer size in bytes, byte aligned */
++ unsigned char *k_band; /* k plane buffer */
++ gx_device_procs prn_procs; /* banding playback procedures */
+ };
+ #define DEFAULT_DPI 74 /* See gsijs_set_resolution() below. */
+@@ -150,7 +202,13 @@
+ FALSE, /* Tumble_set */
+ NULL, /* IjsClient *ctx */
+- 0 /* ijs_version */
++ 0, /* ijs_version */
++ 0, /* krgb_mode */
++ 0, /* k_bits */
++ 0, /* k_path */
++ 0, /* k_width */
++ 0, /* k_band_size */
++ NULL /* k_band buffer */
+ };
+@@ -166,12 +224,299 @@
+ /**************************************************************************/
+-/* ------ Private definitions ------ */
++/* ---------------- Low-level graphic procedures ---------------- */
++static unsigned char xmask[] =
++ 0x80, /* x=0 */
++ 0x40, /* 1 */
++ 0x20, /* 2 */
++ 0x10, /* 3 */
++ 0x08, /* 4 */
++ 0x04, /* 5 */
++ 0x02, /* 6 */
++ 0x01 /* 7 */
++private int gsijs_fill_rectangle(gx_device * dev, int x, int y, int w, int h,
++ gx_color_index color)
++ gx_device_ijs *ijsdev = (gx_device_ijs *)((gx_device_forward *)dev)->target;
++ if (ijsdev && ijsdev->krgb_mode && ijsdev->k_path && y >= 0 && x >= 0)
++ {
++ int raster = (ijsdev->k_width+7) >> 3;
++ register unsigned char *dest;
++ int dest_start_bit;
++ int band_height = ijsdev->k_band_size/raster;
++ int i,j;
++ unsigned char *beg = ijsdev->k_band;
++ unsigned char *end = ijsdev->k_band+ijsdev->k_band_size;
++ unsigned char *p;
++ if (h <= 0 || w <= 0)
++ return 0;
++ /* Check for out-of-band graphic. */
++ if (x >= ijsdev->k_width || y >= band_height)
++ return 0; /* out-of-band */
++ dest_start_bit = x & 7;
++ dest=ijsdev->k_band+(raster*y)+(x >> 3);
++ /* Note x,y orgin 0,0 is stored first byte 0 left to right. */
++ if (color==0x0)
++ {
++ /* Color is black, store in k plane band instead of regular band. */
++ for (j=0; j<h; j++)
++ {
++ for (i=0; i<w; i++)
++ {
++ p = &dest[(dest_start_bit+i)>>3];
++ if (p >= beg && p <= end)
++ *p |= xmask[(dest_start_bit+i)&7];
++ }
++ dest+=raster;
++ }
++ return 0;
++ }
++ else
++ {
++ /* Color is not black, remove any k plane bits for z-order dependencies, store in regular band. */
++ for (j=0; j<h; j++)
++ {
++ for (i=0; i<w; i++)
++ {
++ p = &dest[(dest_start_bit+i)>>3];
++ if (p >= beg && p <= end)
++ *p &= ~xmask[(dest_start_bit+i)&7];
++ }
++ dest+=raster;
++ }
++ }
++ }
++ return (*ijsdev->prn_procs.fill_rectangle)(dev, x, y, w, h, color);
++private int gsijs_copy_mono(gx_device * dev, const byte * data,
++ int dx, int draster, gx_bitmap_id id,
++ int x, int y, int w, int height, gx_color_index zero, gx_color_index one)
++ gx_device_ijs *ijsdev = (gx_device_ijs *)((gx_device_forward *)dev)->target;
++ // if (ijsdev->krgb_mode && ijsdev->k_path && one==0x0)
++ if (ijsdev && ijsdev->krgb_mode && ijsdev->k_path)
++ {
++ /* Store in k plane band instead of regular band. */
++ int raster = (ijsdev->k_width+7) >> 3; /* raster width in bytes, byte aligned */
++ register unsigned char *dest;
++ register const unsigned char *scan;
++ int dest_start_bit;
++ int scan_start_bit;
++ int band_height = ijsdev->k_band_size/raster;
++ int i,h=height;
++ unsigned char *beg = ijsdev->k_band;
++ unsigned char *end = ijsdev->k_band+ijsdev->k_band_size;
++ unsigned char *p;
++ if (h <= 0 || w <= 0)
++ return 0;
++ /* Check for out-of-band graphic. */
++ if (x >= ijsdev->k_width || y >= band_height)
++ return 0; /* out-of-band */
++ scan=data+(dx >> 3);
++ dest_start_bit = x & 7;
++ scan_start_bit = dx & 7;
++ dest=ijsdev->k_band+(raster*y)+(x >> 3);
++ if (one==0x0)
++ {
++ /* Color is black, store in k plane band instead of regular band. */
++ while (h-- > 0)
++ {
++ for (i=0; i<w; i++)
++ {
++ if (scan[(scan_start_bit+i)>>3] & xmask[(scan_start_bit+i)&7])
++ {
++ p = &dest[(dest_start_bit+i)>>3];
++ if (p >= beg && p <= end)
++ *p |= xmask[(dest_start_bit+i)&7];
++ }
++ }
++ scan+=draster;
++ dest+=raster;
++ }
++ return 0;
++ }
++ else
++ {
++ /* Color is not black, remove any k plane bits for z-order dependencies, store in regular band. */
++ while (h-- > 0)
++ {
++ for (i=0; i<w; i++)
++ {
++ if (scan[(scan_start_bit+i)>>3] & xmask[(scan_start_bit+i)&7])
++ {
++ p = &dest[(dest_start_bit+i)>>3];
++ if (p >= beg && p <= end)
++ *p &= ~xmask[(dest_start_bit+i)&7];
++ }
++ }
++ scan+=draster;
++ dest+=raster;
++ }
++ }
++ }
++ return (*ijsdev->prn_procs.copy_mono)(dev, data, dx, draster, id, x, y, w, height, zero, one);
++/* ---------------- High-level graphic procedures ---------------- */
++private int gsijs_fill_mask(gx_device * dev,
++ const byte * data, int dx, int raster, gx_bitmap_id id,
++ int x, int y, int w, int h,
++ const gx_drawing_color * pdcolor, int depth,
++ gs_logical_operation_t lop, const gx_clip_path * pcpath)
++ gx_device_ijs *ijsdev = (gx_device_ijs *)((gx_device_forward *)dev)->target;
++ int code;
++ ijsdev->k_path = 1;
++ code = (*ijsdev->prn_procs.fill_mask)(dev, data, dx, raster, id, x, y, w, h, pdcolor, depth, lop, pcpath);
+-/* Versions 1.0 through 1.0.2 of hpijs report IJS version 0.29, and
+- require some workarounds. When more up-to-date hpijs versions
+- become ubiquitous, all these workarounds should be removed. */
+-#define HPIJS_1_0_VERSION 29
++ ijsdev->k_path = 0;
++ return code;
++private int gsijs_fill_path(gx_device * dev, const gs_imager_state * pis,
++ gx_path * ppath, const gx_fill_params * params,
++ const gx_drawing_color * pdcolor,
++ const gx_clip_path * pcpath)
++ gx_device_ijs *ijsdev = (gx_device_ijs *)((gx_device_forward *)dev)->target;
++ int code;
++ ijsdev->k_path = 1;
++ code = (*ijsdev->prn_procs.fill_path)(dev, pis, ppath, params, pdcolor, pcpath);
++ ijsdev->k_path = 0;
++ return 0;
++private int gsijs_stroke_path(gx_device * dev, const gs_imager_state * pis,
++ gx_path * ppath, const gx_stroke_params * params,
++ const gx_drawing_color * pdcolor,
++ const gx_clip_path * pcpath)
++ gx_device_ijs *ijsdev = (gx_device_ijs *)((gx_device_forward *)dev)->target;
++ int code;
++ ijsdev->k_path = 1;
++ code = (*ijsdev->prn_procs.stroke_path)(dev, pis, ppath, params, pdcolor, pcpath);
++ ijsdev->k_path = 0;
++ return code;
++/* ---------------- krgb banding playback procedures ---------------- */
++private int gsijs_get_bits(gx_device_printer * pdev, int y, byte * str, byte ** actual_data)
++ gx_device_ijs *ijsdev = (gx_device_ijs *)pdev;
++ gx_device_clist_common *cdev = (gx_device_clist_common *)pdev;
++ int band_height = cdev->page_info.band_params.BandHeight;
++ int band_number = y/band_height;
++ int raster = (ijsdev->k_width+7) >> 3; /* raster width in bytes, byte aligned */
++ int y1=raster*(y-(band_height*band_number));
++ if (y1 == 0)
++ {
++ /* First raster for band, clear k_band. Banding playback occurs on first raster. */
++ memset(ijsdev->k_band, 0, ijsdev->k_band_size);
++ }
++ return gdev_prn_get_bits(pdev, y, str, actual_data); /* get raster from regular band */
++private int gsijs_k_get_bits(gx_device_printer * pdev, int y, byte ** actual_data)
++ gx_device_ijs *ijsdev = (gx_device_ijs *)pdev;
++ gx_device_clist_common *cdev = (gx_device_clist_common *)pdev;
++ int band_height = cdev->page_info.band_params.BandHeight;
++ int band_number = y/band_height;
++ int raster = (ijsdev->k_width+7) >> 3; /* raster width in bytes, byte aligned */
++ int y1=raster*(y-(band_height*band_number));
++ *actual_data = ijsdev->k_band+y1;
++ return 0;
++private int gsijs_create_buf_device(gx_device **pbdev, gx_device *target,
++ const gx_render_plane_t *render_plane, gs_memory_t *mem, gx_band_complexity_t *band_complexity)
++ gx_device_ijs *ijsdev = (gx_device_ijs *)target;
++ int n_chan = ijsdev->color_info.num_components;
++ int code = gx_default_create_buf_device(pbdev, target, render_plane, mem, band_complexity);
++ if (code < 0 || n_chan != 3)
++ return code;
++ /* Save buffer (vector) procedures so that we can hook them during banding playback. */
++ ijsdev->prn_procs = (*pbdev)->procs;
++ /* Replace buffer procedures with krgb procedures. */
++ set_dev_proc(*pbdev, fill_rectangle, gsijs_fill_rectangle);
++ set_dev_proc(*pbdev, copy_mono, gsijs_copy_mono);
++ set_dev_proc(*pbdev, fill_mask, gsijs_fill_mask);
++ set_dev_proc(*pbdev, fill_path, gsijs_fill_path);
++ set_dev_proc(*pbdev, stroke_path, gsijs_stroke_path);
++ return code;
++/* See if IJS server supports krgb. */
++private int
++gsijs_set_krgb_mode(gx_device_ijs *ijsdev)
++ char buf[256];
++ int n_chan = ijsdev->color_info.num_components;
++ int code;
++ ijsdev->krgb_mode = 0; /* default is no krgb */
++ if (n_chan != 3)
++ return 0; /* no krgb support, not RGB colorspace */
++ buf[0] = 0;
++ code = ijs_client_enum_param(ijsdev->ctx, 0, "ColorSpace", buf, sizeof(buf)-1);
++ if (code >= 0)
++ buf[code] = 0;
++ if (strstr(buf, "KRGB") != NULL)
++ {
++ ijsdev->krgb_mode = 1; /* yes KRGB is supported */
++ ijsdev->k_bits = 1; /* KRGB = 1x8x8x8 */
++ }
++ else if (strstr(buf, "KxRGB") != NULL)
++ {
++ ijsdev->krgb_mode = 1; /* yes KRGB is supported */
++ ijsdev->k_bits = 8; /* KRGB = 8x8x8x8 */
++ }
++ return 0;
++/* ------ Private definitions ------ */
+ private int
+ gsijs_parse_wxh (const char *val, int size, double *pw, double *ph)
+@@ -209,34 +554,6 @@
+ }
+ /**
+- * gsijs_set_generic_params_hpijs: Set generic IJS parameters.
+- *
+- * This version is specialized for hpijs 1.0 through 1.0.2, and
+- * accommodates a number of quirks.
+- **/
+-private int
+-gsijs_set_generic_params_hpijs(gx_device_ijs *ijsdev)
+- char buf[256];
+- int code = 0;
+- /* IjsParams, Duplex, and Tumble get set at this point because
+- they may affect margins. */
+- if (ijsdev->IjsParams) {
+- code = gsijs_client_set_param(ijsdev, "IjsParams", ijsdev->IjsParams);
+- }
+- if (code == 0 && ijsdev->Duplex_set) {
+- int duplex_val;
+- duplex_val = ijsdev->Duplex ? (ijsdev->IjsTumble ? 1 : 2) : 0;
+- sprintf (buf, "%d", duplex_val);
+- code = gsijs_client_set_param(ijsdev, "Duplex", buf);
+- }
+- return code;
+ * gsijs_set_generic_params: Set generic IJS parameters.
+ **/
+ private int
+@@ -247,9 +564,6 @@
+ int i, j;
+ char *value;
+- if (ijsdev->ijs_version == HPIJS_1_0_VERSION)
+- return gsijs_set_generic_params_hpijs(ijsdev);
+ /* Split IjsParams into separate parameters and send to ijs server */
+ value = NULL;
+ for (i=0, j=0; (j < ijsdev->IjsParams_size) && (i < sizeof(buf)-1); j++) {
+@@ -290,68 +604,6 @@
+ }
+ /**
+- * gsijs_set_margin_params_hpijs: Do margin negotiation with IJS server.
+- *
+- * This version is specialized for hpijs 1.0 through 1.0.2, and
+- * accommodates a number of quirks.
+- **/
+-private int
+-gsijs_set_margin_params_hpijs(gx_device_ijs *ijsdev)
+- char buf[256];
+- int code = 0;
+- if (code == 0) {
+- sprintf(buf, "%d", ijsdev->width);
+- code = gsijs_client_set_param(ijsdev, "Width", buf);
+- }
+- if (code == 0) {
+- sprintf(buf, "%d", ijsdev->height);
+- code = gsijs_client_set_param(ijsdev, "Height", buf);
+- }
+- if (code == 0) {
+- double printable_width, printable_height;
+- double printable_left, printable_top;
+- float m[4];
+- code = ijs_client_get_param(ijsdev->ctx, 0, "PrintableArea",
+- buf, sizeof(buf));
+- if (code == IJS_EUNKPARAM)
+- /* IJS server doesn't support margin negotiations.
+- That's ok. */
+- return 0;
+- else if (code >= 0) {
+- code = gsijs_parse_wxh(buf, code,
+- &printable_width, &printable_height);
+- }
+- if (code == 0) {
+- code = ijs_client_get_param(ijsdev->ctx, 0, "PrintableTopLeft",
+- buf, sizeof(buf));
+- if (code == IJS_EUNKPARAM)
+- return 0;
+- else if (code >= 0) {
+- code = gsijs_parse_wxh(buf, code,
+- &printable_left, &printable_top);
+- }
+- }
+- if (code == 0) {
+- m[0] = printable_left;
+- m[1] = ijsdev->MediaSize[1] * (1.0 / 72) -
+- printable_top - printable_height;
+- m[2] = ijsdev->MediaSize[0] * (1.0 / 72) -
+- printable_left - printable_width;
+- m[3] = printable_top;
+- gx_device_set_margins((gx_device *)ijsdev, m, true);
+- }
+- }
+- return code;
+ * gsijs_set_margin_params: Do margin negotiation with IJS server.
+ **/
+ private int
+@@ -362,9 +614,6 @@
+ int i, j;
+ char *value;
+- if (ijsdev->ijs_version == HPIJS_1_0_VERSION)
+- return gsijs_set_margin_params_hpijs(ijsdev);
+ /* Split IjsParams into separate parameters and send to ijs server */
+ value = NULL;
+ for (i=0, j=0; (j < ijsdev->IjsParams_size) && (i < sizeof(buf)-1); j++) {
+@@ -531,12 +780,18 @@
+ char buf[256];
+ bool use_outputfd;
+ int fd = -1;
++ long max_bitmap = ijsdev->space_params.MaxBitmap;
+ if (strlen(ijsdev->IjsServer) == 0) {
+ eprintf("ijs server not specified\n");
+ return gs_note_error(gs_error_ioerror);
+ }
++ ijsdev->space_params.MaxBitmap = 0; /* force banding */
++ /* Set create_buf_device in printer device, so that we can hook the banding playback procedures. */
++ ijsdev->printer_procs.buf_procs.create_buf_device = gsijs_create_buf_device;
+ /* Decide whether to use OutputFile or OutputFD. Note: how to
+ determine this is a tricky question, so we just allow the
+ user to set it.
+@@ -551,6 +806,8 @@
+ if (code < 0)
+ return code;
++ ijsdev->space_params.MaxBitmap = max_bitmap;
+ if (use_outputfd) {
+ /* Note: dup() may not be portable to all interesting IJS
+ platforms. In that case, this branch should be #ifdef'ed out.
+@@ -610,6 +867,9 @@
+ if (code >= 0)
+ code = gsijs_set_margin_params(ijsdev);
++ if (code >= 0)
++ code = gsijs_set_krgb_mode(ijsdev);
+ return code;
+ }
+@@ -690,21 +950,6 @@
+ return min(width, end);
+ }
+-private int ijs_all_white(unsigned char *data, int size)
+- int clean = 1;
+- int i;
+- for (i = 0; i < size; i++)
+- {
+- if (data[i] != 0xFF)
+- {
+- clean = 0;
+- break;
+- }
+- }
+- return clean;
+ /* Print a page. Don't use normal printer gdev_prn_output_page
+ * because it opens the output file.
+ */
+@@ -715,8 +960,10 @@
+ gx_device_printer *pdev = (gx_device_printer *)dev;
+ int raster = gdev_prn_raster(pdev);
+ int ijs_width, ijs_height;
+- int row_bytes;
++ int row_bytes, k_row_bytes=0;
+ int n_chan = pdev->color_info.num_components;
++ int krgb_mode = ijsdev->krgb_mode;
++ int k_bits = ijsdev->k_bits;
+ unsigned char *data;
+ char buf[256];
+ double xres = pdev->HWResolution[0];
+@@ -732,13 +979,23 @@
+ /* Determine bitmap width and height */
+ ijs_height = gdev_prn_print_scan_lines(dev);
+- if (ijsdev->ijs_version == HPIJS_1_0_VERSION) {
+- ijs_width = pdev->width;
+- } else {
+ ijs_width = gsijs_raster_width(dev);
+- }
+ row_bytes = (ijs_width * pdev->color_info.depth + 7) >> 3;
++ if (krgb_mode)
++ {
++ gx_device_clist_common *cdev = (gx_device_clist_common *)dev;
++ int band_height = cdev->page_info.band_params.BandHeight;
++ k_row_bytes = (ijs_width + 7) >> 3;
++ /* Create banding buffer for k plane. */
++ ijsdev->k_width = ijs_width;
++ ijsdev->k_band_size = band_height * k_row_bytes;
++ if ((ijsdev->k_band = gs_malloc(pdev->memory, ijsdev->k_band_size, 1, "gsijs_output_page")) == (unsigned char *)NULL)
++ return gs_note_error(gs_error_VMerror);
++ }
+ /* Required page parameters */
+ sprintf(buf, "%d", n_chan);
+ gsijs_client_set_param(ijsdev, "NumChan", buf);
+@@ -747,44 +1004,71 @@
+ /* This needs to become more sophisticated for DeviceN. */
+ strcpy(buf, (n_chan == 4) ? "DeviceCMYK" :
+- ((n_chan == 3) ? "DeviceRGB" : "DeviceGray"));
++ ((n_chan == 3) ? (krgb_mode ? ((k_bits == 1) ? "KRGB" : "KxRGB") : "DeviceRGB") : "DeviceGray"));
+ gsijs_client_set_param(ijsdev, "ColorSpace", buf);
+- /* If hpijs 1.0, don't set width and height here, because it
+- expects them to be the paper size. */
+- if (ijsdev->ijs_version != HPIJS_1_0_VERSION) {
+- sprintf(buf, "%d", ijs_width);
+- gsijs_client_set_param(ijsdev, "Width", buf);
+- sprintf(buf, "%d", ijs_height);
+- gsijs_client_set_param(ijsdev, "Height", buf);
+- }
++ sprintf(buf, "%d", ijs_width);
++ gsijs_client_set_param(ijsdev, "Width", buf);
++ sprintf(buf, "%d", ijs_height);
++ gsijs_client_set_param(ijsdev, "Height", buf);
+ sprintf(buf, "%gx%g", xres, yres);
+ gsijs_client_set_param(ijsdev, "Dpi", buf);
++#ifdef KRGB_DEBUG
++ int kfd, rgbfd;
++ char sz[128];
++ kfd = open("/tmp/k.pbm", O_CREAT | O_TRUNC | O_RDWR, 0644);
++ rgbfd = open("/tmp/rgb.ppm", O_CREAT | O_TRUNC | O_RDWR, 0644);
++ snprintf(sz, sizeof(sz), "P4\n#gdevijs test\n%d\n%d\n", ijs_width, ijs_height);
++ write(kfd, sz, strlen(sz));
++ snprintf(sz, sizeof(sz), "P6\n#gdevijs test\n%d\n%d\n255\n", ijs_width, ijs_height);
++ write(rgbfd, sz, strlen(sz));
+ for (i=0; i<num_copies; i++) {
+ unsigned char *actual_data;
+ ijs_client_begin_cmd (ijsdev->ctx, IJS_CMD_BEGIN_PAGE);
+ status = ijs_client_send_cmd_wait(ijsdev->ctx);
+ for (y = 0; y < ijs_height; y++) {
+- code = gdev_prn_get_bits(pdev, y, data, &actual_data);
+- if (code < 0)
+- break;
++ if (krgb_mode)
++ code = gsijs_get_bits(pdev, y, data, &actual_data);
++ else
++ code = gdev_prn_get_bits(pdev, y, data, &actual_data);
++ if (code < 0)
++ break;
++#ifdef KRGB_DEBUG
++ write(rgbfd, actual_data, row_bytes);
++ status = ijs_client_send_data_wait(ijsdev->ctx, 0, (char *)actual_data, row_bytes);
++ if (status)
++ break;
+- if (ijsdev->ijs_version == HPIJS_1_0_VERSION &&
+- ijs_all_white(actual_data, row_bytes))
+- status = ijs_client_send_data_wait(ijsdev->ctx, 0, NULL, 0);
+- else
+- status = ijs_client_send_data_wait(ijsdev->ctx, 0,
+- (char *)actual_data, row_bytes);
+- if (status)
+- break;
++ if (krgb_mode) {
++ code = gsijs_k_get_bits(pdev, y, &actual_data);
++ if (code < 0)
++ break;
++#ifdef KRGB_DEBUG
++ write(kfd, actual_data, k_row_bytes);
++ status = ijs_client_send_data_wait(ijsdev->ctx, 0, (char *)actual_data, k_row_bytes);
++ if (status)
++ break;
++ }
+ }
+ ijs_client_begin_cmd(ijsdev->ctx, IJS_CMD_END_PAGE);
+ status = ijs_client_send_cmd_wait(ijsdev->ctx);
+ }
++#ifdef KRGB_DEBUG
++ close(kfd);
++ close(rgbfd);
++ if(krgb_mode)
++ gs_free(pdev->memory, ijsdev->k_band, ijsdev->k_band_size, 1, "gsijs_output_page");
+ gs_free_object(pdev->memory, data, "gsijs_output_page");
+ endcode = (pdev->buffer_space && !pdev->is_async_renderer ?
+@@ -1090,7 +1374,6 @@
+ dprintf2("ijs: Can't set parameter %s=%s\n", key, value);
+ return code;
+ }
+ private int
+ gsijs_set_color_format(gx_device_ijs *ijsdev)
Added: ghostscript/trunk/debian/patches/10_epsn_margin_workaround.dpatch
--- (empty file)
+++ ghostscript/trunk/debian/patches/10_epsn_margin_workaround.dpatch Mon Sep 24 06:22:10 2007
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+#! /bin/sh -e
+## 10_epsn_margin_workaround.dpatch by Masayuki Hatta <mhatta at debian.org>
+## All lines beginning with \`## DP:' are a description of the patch.
+## DP: Adjust the margins for Epson drivers
+if [ $# -ne 1 ]; then
+ echo >&2 "`basename $0`: script expects -patch|-unpatch as argument"
+ exit 1
+case "$1" in
+ -patch) patch -f --no-backup-if-mismatch --dry-run -p1 < $0 && patch -f --no-backup-if-mismatch -p1 < $0
+ -unpatch) patch -f --no-backup-if-mismatch -R -p1 < $0;;
+ *)
+ echo >&2 "`basename $0`: script expects -patch|-unpatch as argument"
+ exit 1;;
+exit 0
+diff -urN gs-gpl-8.01.orig/src/gdevepsn.c gs-gpl-8.01/src/gdevepsn.c
+--- gs-gpl-8.01.orig/src/gdevepsn.c 2004-08-15 15:26:08.000000000 +0900
++++ gs-gpl-8.01/src/gdevepsn.c 2004-08-15 15:26:54.000000000 +0900
+@@ -105,7 +105,7 @@
+ prn_device(prn_std_procs, "epson",
+- 0.2, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, /* margins */
++ 0.25, 0.02, 0.25, 0.4, /* margins */
+ 1, epson_print_page);
+ /* Mid-res (interleaved, 1 pass per line) 9-pin device */
Added: ghostscript/trunk/debian/patches/11_brother_7x0_gdi_fix.dpatch
--- (empty file)
+++ ghostscript/trunk/debian/patches/11_brother_7x0_gdi_fix.dpatch Mon Sep 24 06:22:10 2007
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+#! /bin/sh -e
+## 11_brother_7x0_fix.dpatch by Masayuki Hatta <mhatta at debian.org>
+## All lines beginning with \`## DP:' are a description of the patch.
+## DP: Fix a problem with Brother 7x0 GDI, suggested by B. Janssen.
+if [ $# -ne 1 ]; then
+ echo >&2 "`basename $0`: script expects -patch|-unpatch as argument"
+ exit 1
+case "$1" in
+ -patch) patch -f --no-backup-if-mismatch --dry-run -p1 < $0 && patch -f --no-backup-if-mismatch -p1 < $0
+ -unpatch) patch -f --no-backup-if-mismatch -R -p1 < $0;;
+ *)
+ echo >&2 "`basename $0`: script expects -patch|-unpatch as argument"
+ exit 1;;
+exit 0
+diff -urN gs-gpl-8.01.orig/src/gdevhl7x.c gs-gpl-8.01/src/gdevhl7x.c
+--- gs-gpl-8.01.orig/src/gdevhl7x.c 2004-08-15 13:18:12.000000000 +0900
++++ gs-gpl-8.01/src/gdevhl7x.c 2004-08-15 13:19:29.000000000 +0900
+@@ -83,6 +83,7 @@
+ */
+ /* Type definitions */
+ typedef struct {
Added: ghostscript/trunk/debian/patches/12_ghostscript_man_fix.dpatch
--- (empty file)
+++ ghostscript/trunk/debian/patches/12_ghostscript_man_fix.dpatch Mon Sep 24 06:22:10 2007
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+#! /bin/sh -e
+## 12_gs-gpl_man_fix.dpatch by Masayuki Hatta <mhatta at debian.org>
+## All lines beginning with \`## DP:' are a description of the patch.
+## DP: Typo fixes for gs-gpl.1
+if [ $# -ne 1 ]; then
+ echo >&2 "`basename $0`: script expects -patch|-unpatch as argument"
+ exit 1
+case "$1" in
+ -patch) patch -f --no-backup-if-mismatch --dry-run -p1 < $0 && patch -f --no-backup-if-mismatch -p1 < $0
+ -unpatch) patch -f --no-backup-if-mismatch -R -p1 < $0;;
+ *)
+ echo >&2 "`basename $0`: script expects -patch|-unpatch as argument"
+ exit 1;;
+exit 0
+diff -urN gs-gpl-8.56.dfsg.1.orig/man/gs.1 gs-gpl-8.56.dfsg.1/man/gs.1
+--- gs-gpl-8.56.dfsg.1.orig/man/gs.1 2007-05-05 01:02:15.000000000 +0900
++++ gs-gpl-8.56.dfsg.1/man/gs.1 2007-05-05 01:03:55.000000000 +0900
+@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@
+ (such as Control-C at the keyboard).
+ .PP
+ The interpreter recognizes many option switches, some of which are described
+-below. Please see the usage documenation for complete information. Switches
++below. Please see the usage documentation for complete information. Switches
+ may appear anywhere in the command line and apply to all files thereafter.
+ Invoking Ghostscript with the \fB\-h\fR or \fB\-?\fR switch produces a
+ message which shows several useful switches, all the devices known to
+@@ -154,7 +154,7 @@
+ -sPAPERSIZE=legal
+ .fi
+ .PP
+-Most ISO and US paper sizes are recognized. See the usage documenatation for
++Most ISO and US paper sizes are recognized. See the usage documentation for
+ a full list, or the definitions in the initialization file "gs_statd.ps".
+ .PP
+ Ghostscript can do many things other than print or view PostScript and
Added: ghostscript/trunk/debian/patches/13_ghostscript_man_fix_debian.dpatch
--- (empty file)
+++ ghostscript/trunk/debian/patches/13_ghostscript_man_fix_debian.dpatch Mon Sep 24 06:22:10 2007
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+#! /bin/sh -e
+## 13_gs-gpl_man_fix_debian.dpatch by Masayuki Hatta <mhatta at debian.org>
+## All lines beginning with \`## DP:' are a description of the patch.
+## DP: Fixes for gs-gpl.1 (Debian specific path adjustments)
+if [ $# -ne 1 ]; then
+ echo >&2 "`basename $0`: script expects -patch|-unpatch as argument"
+ exit 1
+case "$1" in
+ -patch) patch -f --no-backup-if-mismatch --dry-run -p1 < $0 && patch -f --no-backup-if-mismatch -p1 < $0
+ -unpatch) patch -f --no-backup-if-mismatch -R -p1 < $0;;
+ *)
+ echo >&2 "`basename $0`: script expects -patch|-unpatch as argument"
+ exit 1;;
+exit 0
+diff -urN gs-gpl-8.56.dfsg.1.orig/man/gs.1 gs-gpl-8.56.dfsg.1/man/gs.1
+--- gs-gpl-8.56.dfsg.1.orig/man/gs.1 2007-05-05 01:09:16.000000000 +0900
++++ gs-gpl-8.56.dfsg.1/man/gs.1 2007-05-05 01:09:51.000000000 +0900
+@@ -295,18 +295,18 @@
+ are typically based in \fBC:\\GS\fR, but may be elsewhere, especially if
+ you install Ghostscript with \fBGSview\fR. Run "\fBgs -h\fR" to find the
+ location of Ghostscript documentation on your system, from which you can
+-get more details.
++get more details. On a Debian system they are in \fB/usr\fR.
+ .TP
+-.B /usr/local/share/ghostscript/#.##/*
++.B /usr/share/gs-gpl/#.##/*/*
+ Startup files, utilities, and basic font definitions
+ .TP
+-.B /usr/local/share/ghostscript/fonts/*
+-More font definitions
++.B /usr/share/fonts/type1/gsfonts/*
++More font definitions from the gsfonts package
+ .TP
+-.B /usr/local/share/ghostscript/#.##/examples/*
++.B /usr/share/doc/gs-gpl/examples/*
+ Ghostscript demonstration files
+ .TP
+-.B /usr/local/share/ghostscript/#.##/doc/*
++.B /usr/share/doc/gs-gpl/*
+ Diverse document files
+ When looking for the initialization files "gs_*.ps", the files related to
+@@ -330,7 +330,8 @@
+ Ghostscript makefile when the executable was built. When \fBgs\fR is built
+ on Unix, \fBGS_LIB_DEFAULT\fR is usually
+ "/usr/local/share/ghostscript/#.##:/usr/local/share/ghostscript/fonts"
+-where "#.##" represents the Ghostscript version number.
++where "#.##" represents the Ghostscript version number. They are
++"/usr/share/gs-gpl/#.## on a Debian system".
+ .PP
+ Each of these (\fBGS_LIB_DEFAULT\fR, \fBGS_LIB\fR, and \fB\-I\fR parameter)
+ may be either a single directory or a list of directories separated by
Added: ghostscript/trunk/debian/patches/14_toolbin_insecure_tmp_usage_fix.dpatch
--- (empty file)
+++ ghostscript/trunk/debian/patches/14_toolbin_insecure_tmp_usage_fix.dpatch Mon Sep 24 06:22:10 2007
@@ -0,0 +1,269 @@
+#! /bin/sh -e
+## 14_toolbin_insecure_tmp_usage_fix.dpatch by Masayuki Hatta <mhatta at debian.org>
+## All lines beginning with \`## DP:' are a description of the patch.
+## DP: Fixes insecure /tmp usage in toolbin scripts (CAN-2005-2352)
+if [ $# -ne 1 ]; then
+ echo >&2 "`basename $0`: script expects -patch|-unpatch as argument"
+ exit 1
+case "$1" in
+ -patch) patch -f --no-backup-if-mismatch --dry-run -p1 < $0 && patch -f --no-backup-if-mismatch -p1 < $0
+ -unpatch) patch -f --no-backup-if-mismatch -R -p1 < $0;;
+ *)
+ echo >&2 "`basename $0`: script expects -patch|-unpatch as argument"
+ exit 1;;
+exit 0
+diff -urN gs-gpl-8.56.dfsg.1.orig/toolbin/3way.tcl gs-gpl-8.56.dfsg.1/toolbin/3way.tcl
+--- gs-gpl-8.56.dfsg.1.orig/toolbin/3way.tcl 2007-05-05 01:18:57.000000000 +0900
++++ gs-gpl-8.56.dfsg.1/toolbin/3way.tcl 2007-05-05 01:20:39.000000000 +0900
+@@ -25,7 +25,29 @@
+ # produces a report for merging the olddir/branchdir changes into maindir.
+ proc filesame {f1 f2} {
+- set t /tmp/t
++ # There is no Tcl builtin for temporary files
++ # This is taken from http://wiki.tcl.tk/772
++ switch $tcl_platform(platform) {
++ unix {
++ set tmpdir /tmp # or even $::env(TMPDIR), at times.
++ } macintosh {
++ set tmpdir $::env(TRASH_FOLDER) ;# a better place?
++ } default {
++ set tmpdir [pwd]
++ catch {set tmpdir $::env(TMP)}
++ catch {set tmpdir $::env(TEMP)}
++ }
++ }
++ set t [file join $tmpdir [pid]]
++ set access [list RDWR CREAT EXCL TRUNC]
++ set perm 0600
++ if {[catch {open $t $access $perm} fid ]} {
++ # something went wrong
++ error "Could not open tempfile."
++ }
++ if {[catch {close $t} err]} {
++ error "Failed closing temporary file: $err"
++ }
+ if {![catch {exec diff $f1 $f2 > $t}]} {
+ return 1
+ }
+@@ -50,6 +72,9 @@
+ break
+ }
+ close $in
++ if {![catch {exec rm $t}]} {
++ error "Failed removing temporary file"
++ }
+ return $same
+ }
+diff -urN gs-gpl-8.56.dfsg.1.orig/toolbin/gsindent gs-gpl-8.56.dfsg.1/toolbin/gsindent
+--- gs-gpl-8.56.dfsg.1.orig/toolbin/gsindent 2007-05-05 01:18:57.000000000 +0900
++++ gs-gpl-8.56.dfsg.1/toolbin/gsindent 2007-05-05 01:22:08.000000000 +0900
+@@ -21,12 +21,13 @@
+ # The perl invocations work around a bug in GNU indent.
+ if [ $# -ne 0 ]; then
++ tempfile=`mktemp -t || tempfile` || { echo "$0: Cannot create temporary file" >&2; exit 1; }
+ for f in $*
+ do
+- $0 < $f > /tmp/$$
++ $0 < $f > $tempfile
+ cp -p $f $f.bak
+ if ( test ! -e $f~ ) then cp -p $f $f~; fi
+- mv /tmp/$$ $f
++ mv $tempfile $f
+ done
+ exit
+ fi
+diff -urN gs-gpl-8.56.dfsg.1.orig/toolbin/gssubst gs-gpl-8.56.dfsg.1/toolbin/gssubst
+--- gs-gpl-8.56.dfsg.1.orig/toolbin/gssubst 2007-05-05 01:18:57.000000000 +0900
++++ gs-gpl-8.56.dfsg.1/toolbin/gssubst 2007-05-05 01:23:06.000000000 +0900
+@@ -35,7 +35,27 @@
+ }
+ puts "$from => $to"
+ flush stdout
+-set tmp /tmp/[pid]
++switch $tcl_platform(platform) {
++ unix {
++ set tmpdir /tmp # or even $::env(TMPDIR), at times.
++ } macintosh {
++ set tmpdir $::env(TRASH_FOLDER) ;# a better place?
++ } default {
++ set tmpdir [pwd]
++ catch {set tmpdir $::env(TMP)}
++ catch {set tmpdir $::env(TEMP)}
++ }
++set tmp [file join $tmpdir [pid]]
++set access [list RDWR CREAT EXCL TRUNC]
++set perm 0600
++if {[catch {open $tmp $access $perm} fid ]} {
++# something went wrong
++ error "Could not open tempfile."
++if {[catch {close $tmp} err]} {
++ error "Failed closing temporary file: $err"
+ foreach f [lreplace $argv 0 1] {
+ if {![file exists $f~]} {exec cp -p $f $f~}
+ exec perl -pe "s\{\\b${from}\\b\}\{${to}\}g" < $f > $tmp
+diff -urN gs-gpl-8.56.dfsg.1.orig/toolbin/makeset.tcl gs-gpl-8.56.dfsg.1/toolbin/makeset.tcl
+--- gs-gpl-8.56.dfsg.1.orig/toolbin/makeset.tcl 2007-05-05 01:18:57.000000000 +0900
++++ gs-gpl-8.56.dfsg.1/toolbin/makeset.tcl 2007-05-05 01:25:11.000000000 +0900
+@@ -157,7 +157,23 @@
+ set ogfonts $cwd/gnu-gs-fonts-other-$Dot.tar.gz
+ file delete $afonts $ofonts $agfonts $ogfonts
+- set tmp /tmp/[pid].tmp
++ switch $tcl_platform(platform) {
++ unix {
++ set tmpdir /tmp # or even $::env(TMPDIR), at times.
++ } macintosh {
++ set tmpdir $::env(TRASH_FOLDER) ;# a better place?
++ } default {
++ set tmpdir [pwd]
++ catch {set tmpdir $::env(TMP)}
++ catch {set tmpdir $::env(TEMP)}
++ }
++ }
++ set tmp [file join $tmpdir [pid]]
++ exec umask 077
++ if {[catch {exec mkdir $tmp}]} {
++ # something went wrong
++ error "Could not create temporary dir."
++ }
+ licensefonts $tmp annotURWAladdin -u
+ sh -c "\
+@@ -395,7 +411,15 @@
+ proc makehist {} {
+ global Dot
+- set tmphname /tmp/[pid]h.htm
++ set tmpname [file join $tmpdir [pid] htm]
++ set access [list RDWR CREAT EXCL TRUNC]
++ set perm 0600
++ if {[catch {open $tmpname $access $perm} fid ]} {
++ error "Could not open tempfile."
++ }
++ if {[catch {close $tmpname} err]} {
++ error "Failed closing temporary file: $err"
++ }
+ set tmpdname /tmp/[pid]d.htm
+ set news [open doc/News.htm]
+ set changes [open doc/Changes.htm]
+@@ -435,7 +459,15 @@
+ set cwd [pwd]
+ set atmp $cwd/gs${Num3}.zip
+ set asetup gs${Num3}.bat
+- set tmp /tmp/[pid].tmp
++ set tmp [file join $tmpdir [pid] tmp]
++ set access [list RDWR CREAT EXCL TRUNC]
++ set perm 0600
++ if {[catch {open $tmp $access $perm} fid ]} {
++ error "Could not open tempfile."
++ }
++ if {[catch {close $tmp} err]} {
++ error "Failed closing temporary file: $err"
++ }
+ file delete $atmp $asetup $Dir
+ ln-s . $Dir
+diff -urN gs-gpl-8.56.dfsg.1.orig/toolbin/many2pdf.tcl gs-gpl-8.56.dfsg.1/toolbin/many2pdf.tcl
+--- gs-gpl-8.56.dfsg.1.orig/toolbin/many2pdf.tcl 2007-05-05 01:18:57.000000000 +0900
++++ gs-gpl-8.56.dfsg.1/toolbin/many2pdf.tcl 2007-05-05 01:26:02.000000000 +0900
+@@ -24,7 +24,24 @@
+ # Define the file containing the list of input file names.
+ set LIST_FILE_NAME /gs/show.lst
+ # Define the directory where the output will be stored.
+-set PDF_DIR /gs/tmp-pdf
++switch $tcl_platform(platform) {
++ unix {
++ set tmpdir /tmp # or even $::env(TMPDIR), at times.
++ } macintosh {
++ set tmpdir $::env(TRASH_FOLDER) ;# a better place?
++ } default {
++ set tmpdir [pwd]
++ catch {set tmpdir $::env(TMP)}
++ catch {set tmpdir $::env(TEMP)}
++ }
++set PDF_DIR [file join $tmpdir [pid]]
++set perm 0600
++exec umask 077
++if {[catch {exec mkdir $PDF_DIR} ]} {
++ # something went wrong
++ error "Could not create temporary directory."
+ proc maxwaitfor {filesize} {
+ return [expr $filesize / 5000 + 30]
+@@ -50,8 +67,22 @@
+ puts "****** $ps FAILED, DOES NOT EXIST ******"
+ continue
+ }
+- set script /tmp/${pid}.tcl
+- set status /tmp/${pid}.out
++ set script [file join $tmpdir [pid] .tcl ]
++ set status [file join $tmpdir [pid] .out ]
++ set access [list RDWR CREAT EXCL TRUNC]
++ set perm 0600
++ if {[catch {open $script $access $perm} fid ]} {
++ error "Could not open tempfile."
++ }
++ if {[catch {close $script} err]} {
++ error "Failed closing temporary file: $err"
++ }
++ if {[catch {open $status $access $perm} fid ]} {
++ error "Could not open tempfile."
++ }
++ if {[catch {close $status} err]} {
++ error "Failed closing temporary file: $err"
++ }
+ set tmp [open $script w]
+ puts $tmp "\
+ set tmp \[open $status w\]
+diff -urN gs-gpl-8.56.dfsg.1.orig/toolbin/pre.tcl gs-gpl-8.56.dfsg.1/toolbin/pre.tcl
+--- gs-gpl-8.56.dfsg.1.orig/toolbin/pre.tcl 2007-05-05 01:18:57.000000000 +0900
++++ gs-gpl-8.56.dfsg.1/toolbin/pre.tcl 2007-05-05 01:26:50.000000000 +0900
+@@ -183,12 +183,31 @@
+ lappend doclist $d
+ }
+ }
++switch $tcl_platform(platform) {
++ unix {
++ set tmpdir /tmp # or even $::env(TMPDIR), at times.
++ } macintosh {
++ set tmpdir $::env(TRASH_FOLDER) ;# a better place?
++ } default {
++ set tmpdir [pwd]
++ catch {set tmpdir $::env(TMP)}
++ catch {set tmpdir $::env(TEMP)}
++ }
+ if {$argv == {update}} {
+ # Update dates in .htm and .1 files.
+ proc updoc {doc before after} {
+- set tmpfile /tmp/[pid]
+- catch {file delete $tmpfile}
++ set tmpfile [file join $tmpdir [pid]]
++ set access [list RDWR CREAT EXCL TRUNC]
++ set perm 0600
++ if {[catch {open $tempfile $access $perm} fid ]} {
++ # something went wrong
++ error "Could not open tempfile."
++ }
++ if {[catch {close $t} err]} {
++ error "Failed closing temporary file: $err"
++ }
+ exec perl -pwe "s{$before}{$after}" < $doc > $tmpfile
+ file rename -force $tmpfile $doc
+ }
Added: ghostscript/trunk/debian/patches/30_assorted_script_fixes.dpatch
--- (empty file)
+++ ghostscript/trunk/debian/patches/30_assorted_script_fixes.dpatch Mon Sep 24 06:22:10 2007
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+#! /bin/sh /usr/share/dpatch/dpatch-run
+## 30_assorted_script_fixes.dpatch by <till.kamppeter at gmail.com>
+## All lines beginning with `## DP:' are a description of the patch.
+## DP: Assorted script fixes
+ at DPATCH@
+diff -urNad ghostscript-8.60.dfsg.1.orig/lib/dumphint ghostscript-8.60.dfsg.1/lib/dumphint
+--- ghostscript-8.60.dfsg.1.orig/lib/dumphint 2007-09-24 11:17:11.000000000 +0900
++++ ghostscript-8.60.dfsg.1/lib/dumphint 2007-09-24 11:20:49.000000000 +0900
+@@ -27,4 +27,4 @@
+ exit 1
+ fi
+-exec "$GS_EXECUTABLE" -q -dNODISPLAY $OPTIONS -- dumphint.ps "$1"
++exec "$GS_EXECUTABLE" -q -dNODISPLAY $OPTIONS -- "`dirname $0`/dumphint.ps" "$1"
+diff -urNad ghostscript-8.60.dfsg.1.orig/lib/dvipdf ghostscript-8.60.dfsg.1/lib/dvipdf
+--- ghostscript-8.60.dfsg.1.orig/lib/dvipdf 2007-09-24 11:17:11.000000000 +0900
++++ ghostscript-8.60.dfsg.1/lib/dvipdf 2007-09-24 11:19:10.000000000 +0900
+@@ -44,4 +44,4 @@
+ # We have to include the options twice because -I only takes effect if it
+ # appears before other options.
+-exec dvips $DVIPSOPTIONS -q -f "$infile" | $GS_EXECUTABLE $OPTIONS -q -dNOPAUSE -dBATCH -sDEVICE=pdfwrite -sOutputFile="$outfile" $OPTIONS -c .setpdfwrite -
++exec dvips -Ppdf $DVIPSOPTIONS -q -f "$infile" | $GS_EXECUTABLE $OPTIONS -q -dNOPAUSE -dBATCH -sDEVICE=pdfwrite -sOutputFile="$outfile" $OPTIONS -c .setpdfwrite -
+diff -urNad ghostscript-8.60.dfsg.1.orig/lib/ps2epsi ghostscript-8.60.dfsg.1/lib/ps2epsi
+--- ghostscript-8.60.dfsg.1.orig/lib/ps2epsi 2007-09-24 11:17:11.000000000 +0900
++++ ghostscript-8.60.dfsg.1/lib/ps2epsi 2007-09-24 11:19:41.000000000 +0900
+@@ -75,7 +75,7 @@
+ }
+ ' U="$USERNAME$LOGNAME" F=1 - F=2 "${infile}" >"$tmpfile"
+-"$GS_EXECUTABLE" -q -dNOPAUSE -dSAFER -dDELAYSAFER -r72 -sDEVICE=bit -sOutputFile=/dev/null "$tmpfile" ps2epsi.ps "$tmpfile" <"${infile}" 1>&2
++"$GS_EXECUTABLE" -q -sPAPERSIZE=a0 -dNOPAUSE -dSAFER -dDELAYSAFER -r72 -sDEVICE=bit -sOutputFile=/dev/null "$tmpfile" ps2epsi.ps "$tmpfile" <"${infile}" 1>&2
+ rm -f "$tmpfile"
+ rm -rf "$tmpdir"
Added: ghostscript/trunk/debian/rules
--- (empty file)
+++ ghostscript/trunk/debian/rules Mon Sep 24 06:22:10 2007
@@ -0,0 +1,111 @@
+#!/usr/bin/make -f
+# -*- makefile -*-
+include /usr/share/cdbs/1/rules/debhelper.mk
+include /usr/share/cdbs/1/class/autotools.mk
+include /usr/share/cdbs/1/rules/dpatch.mk
+# for building w/ FAPI
+#FT_CPPFLAGS = $(shell pkg-config --cflags freetype2)
+#FT_LDFLAGS=$(shell pkg-config --libs freetype2)
+ifeq ($(DEB_HOST_ARCH),s390)
+ CC=gcc-3.4
+ CC=gcc
+DEB_CONFIGURE_EXTRA_FLAGS := --prefix=/usr --mandir=\$${prefix}/share/man --infodir=\$${prefix}/share/info \
+ --with-ijs --with-jbig2dec --with-jasper --with-x --disable-gtk \
+ --enable-dynamic --with-omni --enable-cups --disable-compile-inits \
+ --with-drivers=ALL \
+ --with-fontpath=/var/lib/defoma/gs.d/dirs/fonts:/usr/share/cups/fonts:/usr/share/ghostscript/fonts:/usr/local/lib/ghostscript/fonts:/usr/share/fonts:/usr/share/fonts/type1/gsfonts
+DEB_MAKE_INSTALL_TARGET := soinstall install-shared install-cups \
+ prefix=$(CURDIR)/debian/ghostscript/usr \
+ datadir=$(CURDIR)/debian/ghostscript/usr/share \
+ gsdir=$(CURDIR)/debian/ghostscript/usr/share/ghostscript \
+ docdir=$(CURDIR)/debian/ghostscript/usr/share/doc/ghostscript \
+ exdir=$(CURDIR)/debian/ghostscript/usr/share/doc/ghostscript/examples \
+ cups_serverbin=$(CURDIR)/debian/ghostscript/usr/lib/cups \
+ CUPSSERVER=$(CURDIR)/debian/ghostscript/usr/lib/cups \
+ CUPSCONFIG=$(CURDIR)/debian/ghostscript/etc/cups \
+ CUPSDATA=$(CURDIR)/debian/ghostscript/usr/share/ppd/ghostscript
+ @test ! -d Resource/CMap || ( \
+ echo; \
+ echo 'ERROR: Source contains CMaps that are declared non-free.'; \
+ echo ' Please strip Resource/CMap from source!'; \
+ exit 1)
+ -cd jasper && $(MAKE) distclean
+ -$(MAKE) soclean
+ -$(MAKE) distclean
+ #/usr/bin/docbook-to-man debian/ghostscript.sgml > ghostscript.1
+ $(MAKE) obj/X11.so
+ $(MAKE) so
+ # Move *.types and *.convs files from /etc/cups to
+ # /usr/share/cups/mime, so that they are not considered conffiles
+ mkdir -p $(CURDIR)/debian/ghostscript/usr/share/cups/mime/
+ mv $(CURDIR)/debian/ghostscript/etc/cups/*.types \
+ $(CURDIR)/debian/ghostscript/usr/share/cups/mime/ 2> /dev/null || :
+ mv $(CURDIR)/debian/ghostscript/etc/cups/*.convs \
+ $(CURDIR)/debian/ghostscript/usr/share/cups/mime/ 2> /dev/null || :
+ rmdir --ignore-fail-on-non-empty $(CURDIR)/debian/ghostscript/etc/cups
+ rmdir --ignore-fail-on-non-empty $(CURDIR)/debian/ghostscript/etc
+ # Install DeFoMa script
+ install -m 644 $(CURDIR)/debian/gs.defoma $(CURDIR)/debian/ghostscript/usr/share/defoma/scripts
+ # Remove some of the scripts
+ rm $(CURDIR)/debian/ghostscript/usr/bin/unix-lpr.sh $(CURDIR)/debian/ghostscript/usr/bin/lprsetup.sh $(CURDIR)/debian/ghostscript/usr/bin/pv.sh $(CURDIR)/debian/ghostscript/usr/bin/fixmswrd.pl
+ # Do not include the Ghostscript loader executable with GTK support
+ rm -f $(CURDIR)/debian/ghostscript/usr/bin/gsx
+ # Rename /usr/bin/gsc, to not conflict with gambc (bug LP #118785).
+ mv $(CURDIR)/debian/ghostscript/usr/bin/gsc $(CURDIR)/debian/ghostscript/usr/bin/gs
+ # Some convenience links
+ ln -s /usr/bin/gs $(CURDIR)/debian/ghostscript/usr/bin/ghostscript
+ ln -s /usr/share/man/man1/gs.1 $(CURDIR)/debian/ghostscript/usr/share/man/man1/ghostscript.1
+ # Separate the dynamic library for X support into the ghostscript-x
+ # package
+ mkdir -p $(CURDIR)/debian/ghostscript-x/usr/lib/
+ mv $(CURDIR)/debian/ghostscript/usr/lib/ghostscript $(CURDIR)/debian/ghostscript-x/usr/lib/
+ # Move documentation into the ghostscript-doc package
+ mkdir -p $(CURDIR)/debian/ghostscript-doc/usr/share/
+ mv $(CURDIR)/debian/ghostscript/usr/share/doc $(CURDIR)/debian/ghostscript-doc/usr/share/
+ # Move libgs into the libgs8 package
+ mkdir -p $(CURDIR)/debian/libgs8/usr/lib/
+ rm -f $(CURDIR)/debian/ghostscript/usr/lib/libgs*
+ cp sobin/libgs.so.8.* $(CURDIR)/debian/libgs8/usr/lib/
+ cp -P sobin/libgs.so.8 $(CURDIR)/debian/libgs8/usr/lib/
+ # Move libgs.so link into the libgs-dev package
+ # and install also the C headers there
+ mkdir -p $(CURDIR)/debian/libgs-dev/usr/lib/
+ cp -P sobin/libgs.so $(CURDIR)/debian/libgs-dev/usr/lib/
+ mkdir -p $(CURDIR)/debian/libgs-dev/usr/include/ghostscript
+ install -m 644 $(CURDIR)/src/iapi.h $(CURDIR)/debian/libgs-dev/usr/include/ghostscript
+ install -m 644 $(CURDIR)/src/ierrors.h $(CURDIR)/debian/libgs-dev/usr/include/ghostscript
+ install -m 644 $(CURDIR)/src/gdevdsp.h $(CURDIR)/debian/libgs-dev/usr/include/ghostscript
Added: ghostscript/trunk/debian/watch
--- (empty file)
+++ ghostscript/trunk/debian/watch Mon Sep 24 06:22:10 2007
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+# Example watch control file for uscan
+# Rename this file to "watch" and then you can run the "uscan" command
+# to check for upstream updates and more.
+# Site Directory Pattern Version Script
+opts=uversionmangle=s/-gpl$// \
+ ftp://mirror.cs.wisc.edu/pub/mirrors/ghost/GPL/gs(\d+)/ghostscript-(.+)\.tar\.gz
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