Bug#681652: GStreamer does not play MP4
intrigeri at debian.org
Mon Dec 31 20:29:18 UTC 2012
Control: severity -1 important
intrigeri wrote (05 Dec 2012 23:53:13 GMT) :
> After looking around a bit, reproducing the bug, getting more
> information from submitters and merging accordingly, this bug looks
> a bit more important to me than it's current "normal" severity.
Since I wrote this email early in December, this bug was discovered to
cause another one (#696210). Also, nobody voiced any disagreement,
so I'm bumping severity.
> Considering: [...]
> I think we should fix this in Wheezy.
And I still do :)
> I suggest the following course of action:
> 1. Upload gst-plugins-bad0.10 0.10.23-8 with Ubuntu's patch
> to experimental.
> 2. Ask bug submitters for all related / blocked bugs to install it
> and try reproducing their bug.
> 3. If it's confirmed the patched package fixes the bug in the vast
> majority of the cases, then ask the release team for a pre-upload
> approval, aiming at a freeze exception.
> gstreamer0.10-plugins-bad maintainers, what do you think?
> I'm happy to help for any of steps #1, #2 and #3, but I'd really
> welcome the maintainers more expert point-of-view first :)
I'd still be happy to hear from you and learn from your domain
expertise, but otherwise, I plan to proceed along the lines described
above, via a NMU that would look like the attached patches (created on
top of the package's Vcs-Git) -- they do fix the bug according to
my tests.
Also, this fix would satisfy the #3 criterion for what could qualify
for a freeze exception, so I would upload to unstable directly and
skip the pre-upload approval, to be more in line with the way the
release team likes it these days.
| GnuPG key @ https://gaffer.ptitcanardnoir.org/intrigeri/intrigeri.asc
| OTR fingerprint @ https://gaffer.ptitcanardnoir.org/intrigeri/otr.asc
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