[hamradio-commits] [dump1090] 84/389: Add Timestamps to SBS-1 format output
Matthew Ernisse
mernisse-guest at moszumanska.debian.org
Wed Nov 5 00:19:43 UTC 2014
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.
mernisse-guest pushed a commit to branch master
in repository dump1090.
commit 1324e28a3845ee3c69f8e1a519da5cbc47246fe0
Author: Malcolm Robb <Support at ATTAvionics.com>
Date: Fri Apr 12 22:03:04 2013 +0100
Add Timestamps to SBS-1 format output
As requested by mlino
Note : I haven't been able to validate that the format is correct. I
think it should be Ok, but it needs someone with an SBS setup to check
it. Any offers?
dump1090.c | 71 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-------------------
1 file changed, 50 insertions(+), 21 deletions(-)
diff --git a/dump1090.c b/dump1090.c
index b1ea192..c0c9029 100644
--- a/dump1090.c
+++ b/dump1090.c
@@ -37,6 +37,7 @@
#include <unistd.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <sys/time.h>
+ #include <sys/timeb.h>
#include <signal.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <ctype.h>
@@ -141,7 +142,9 @@ struct {
pthread_cond_t data_cond; /* Conditional variable associated. */
uint16_t *data; /* Raw IQ samples buffer */
uint16_t *magnitude; /* Magnitude vector */
+ struct timeb stSystemTimeRTL; /* System time when RTL passed us the Latest block */
uint64_t timestampBlk; /* Timestamp of the start of the current block */
+ struct timeb stSystemTimeBlk; /* System time when RTL passed us currently processing this block */
int fd; /* --ifile option file descriptor. */
int data_ready; /* Data ready to be processed. */
uint32_t *icao_cache; /* Recently seen ICAO addresses cache. */
@@ -330,6 +333,8 @@ void modesInit(void) {
Modes.data_ready = 0;
Modes.aircrafts = NULL;
Modes.interactive_last_update = 0;
+ ftime(&Modes.stSystemTimeRTL);
+ Modes.stSystemTimeBlk = Modes.stSystemTimeRTL;
/* Populate the I/Q -> Magnitude lookup table. It is used because
* sqrt or round may be expensive and may vary a lot depending on
@@ -469,6 +474,7 @@ void rtlsdrCallback(unsigned char *buf, uint32_t len, void *ctx) {
+ ftime(&Modes.stSystemTimeRTL);
/* Read the new data. */
memcpy(Modes.data, buf, len);
@@ -2146,7 +2152,11 @@ void modesSendRawOutput(struct modesMessage *mm) {
/* Write SBS output to TCP clients. */
void modesSendSBSOutput(struct modesMessage *mm, struct aircraft *a) {
char msg[256], *p = msg;
+ char strCommon[64], *pCommon = strCommon;
int emergency = 0, ground = 0, alert = 0, spi = 0;
+ uint32_t offset;
+ struct timeb epocTime;
+ struct tm stTime;
if (mm->msgtype == 4 || mm->msgtype == 5 || mm->msgtype == 21) {
/* Node: identity is calculated/kept in base10 but is actually
@@ -2158,37 +2168,55 @@ void modesSendSBSOutput(struct modesMessage *mm, struct aircraft *a) {
if (mm->fs == 4 || mm->fs == 5) spi = -1;
+ // ICAO address of the aircraft
+ pCommon += sprintf(pCommon, "%02X%02X%02X,,", mm->aa1, mm->aa2, mm->aa3);
+ // Do the records' time and date now
+ epocTime = Modes.stSystemTimeBlk; // This is the time of the start of the Block we're processing
+ offset = (int) (mm->timestampMsg - Modes.timestampBlk); // This is the time (in 12Mhz ticks) into the Block
+ offset = offset / 12000; // convert to milliseconds
+ epocTime.millitm += offset; // add on the offset time to the Block start time
+ if (epocTime.millitm > 999) // if we've caused an overflow into the next second...
+ {epocTime.millitm -= 1000; epocTime.time ++;} // ..correct the overflow
+ stTime = *localtime(&epocTime.time); // convert the time to year, month day, hours, min, sec
+ pCommon += sprintf(pCommon, "%04d\\%02d\\%02d,", (stTime.tm_year+1900),(stTime.tm_mon+1), stTime.tm_mday);
+ pCommon += sprintf(pCommon, "%02d:%02d:%02d.%03d,", stTime.tm_hour, stTime.tm_min, stTime.tm_sec, epocTime.millitm);
+ // Do the current time and date now
+ ftime(&epocTime); // get the current system time & date
+ stTime = *localtime(&epocTime.time); // convert the time to year, month day, hours, min, sec
+ pCommon += sprintf(pCommon, "%04d\\%02d\\%02d,", (stTime.tm_year+1900),(stTime.tm_mon+1), stTime.tm_mday);
+ pCommon += sprintf(pCommon, "%02d:%02d:%02d.%03d", stTime.tm_hour, stTime.tm_min, stTime.tm_sec, epocTime.millitm);
if (mm->msgtype == 0) {
- p += sprintf(p, "MSG,5,,,%02X%02X%02X,,,,,,,%d,,,,,,,,,,",
- mm->aa1, mm->aa2, mm->aa3, mm->altitude);
+ p += sprintf(p, "MSG,5,,,%s,,%d,,,,,,,,,,", strCommon, mm->altitude);
} else if (mm->msgtype == 4) {
- p += sprintf(p, "MSG,5,,,%02X%02X%02X,,,,,,,%d,,,,,,,%d,%d,%d,%d",
- mm->aa1, mm->aa2, mm->aa3, mm->altitude, alert, emergency, spi, ground);
+ p += sprintf(p, "MSG,5,,,%s,,%d,,,,,,,%d,%d,%d,%d", strCommon, mm->altitude, alert, emergency, spi, ground);
} else if (mm->msgtype == 5) {
- p += sprintf(p, "MSG,6,,,%02X%02X%02X,,,,,,,,,,,,,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d",
- mm->aa1, mm->aa2, mm->aa3, mm->identity, alert, emergency, spi, ground);
+ p += sprintf(p, "MSG,6,,,%s,,,,,,,,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d", strCommon, mm->identity, alert, emergency, spi, ground);
} else if (mm->msgtype == 11) {
- p += sprintf(p, "MSG,8,,,%02X%02X%02X,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,",
- mm->aa1, mm->aa2, mm->aa3);
+ p += sprintf(p, "MSG,8,,,%s,,,,,,,,,,,,", strCommon);
} else if (mm->msgtype == 17 && mm->metype == 4) {
- p += sprintf(p, "MSG,1,,,%02X%02X%02X,,,,,,%s,,,,,,,,0,0,0,0",
- mm->aa1, mm->aa2, mm->aa3, mm->flight);
+ p += sprintf(p, "MSG,1,,,%s,%s,,,,,,,,0,0,0,0", strCommon, mm->flight);
} else if (mm->msgtype == 17 && mm->metype >= 9 && mm->metype <= 18) {
- if (a->lat == 0 && a->lon == 0)
- p += sprintf(p, "MSG,3,,,%02X%02X%02X,,,,,,,%d,,,,,,,0,0,0,0",
- mm->aa1, mm->aa2, mm->aa3, mm->altitude);
- else
- p += sprintf(p, "MSG,3,,,%02X%02X%02X,,,,,,,%d,,,%1.5f,%1.5f,,,"
- "0,0,0,0",
- mm->aa1, mm->aa2, mm->aa3, mm->altitude, a->lat, a->lon);
+ if (a->lat == 0 && a->lon == 0)
+ p += sprintf(p, "MSG,3,,,%s,,%d,,,,,,,0,0,0,0", strCommon, mm->altitude);
+ else
+ p += sprintf(p, "MSG,3,,,%s,,%d,,,%1.5f,%1.5f,,,0,0,0,0", strCommon, mm->altitude, a->lat, a->lon);
} else if (mm->msgtype == 17 && mm->metype == 19 && mm->mesub == 1) {
int vr = (mm->vert_rate_sign==0?1:-1) * (mm->vert_rate-1) * 64;
- p += sprintf(p, "MSG,4,,,%02X%02X%02X,,,,,,,,%d,%d,,,%i,,0,0,0,0",
- mm->aa1, mm->aa2, mm->aa3, a->speed, a->track, vr);
+ p += sprintf(p, "MSG,4,,,%s,,,%d,%d,,,%i,,0,0,0,0", strCommon, a->speed, a->track, vr);
} else if (mm->msgtype == 21) {
- p += sprintf(p, "MSG,6,,,%02X%02X%02X,,,,,,,,,,,,,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d",
- mm->aa1, mm->aa2, mm->aa3, mm->identity, alert, emergency, spi, ground);
+ p += sprintf(p, "MSG,6,,,%s,,,,,,,,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d", strCommon, mm->identity, alert, emergency, spi, ground);
} else {
@@ -2672,6 +2700,7 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv) {
+ Modes.stSystemTimeBlk = Modes.stSystemTimeRTL;
/* Signal to the other thread that we processed the available data
* and we want more (useful for --ifile). */
Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/pkg-hamradio/dump1090.git
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