[hamradio-commits] [dump1090] 85/389: Added Raw Output Buffering

Matthew Ernisse mernisse-guest at moszumanska.debian.org
Wed Nov 5 00:19:43 UTC 2014

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

mernisse-guest pushed a commit to branch master
in repository dump1090.

commit d96f3a679e1359a464df8d5f771fc26d24e4b66d
Author: Malcolm Robb <Support at ATTAvionics.com>
Date:   Fri Apr 12 22:39:33 2013 +0100

    Added Raw Output Buffering
    The original code wrote every individual received frame to the TCP port.
    Some O/S's buffer smaller writes into larger packets. It appears that
    some versions of Linux don't. The result is that the (Ethernet) network
    gets bombarded with lots of small Ethernet packets.
    Therefore, I've added a 1500 byte output buffer to the raw output
    functions. Data is written into this buffer by the raw output routines.
    Data is flushed out to the TCP port when either.
    1) The latest write to the output buffer takes the contents to more than
    1300 bytes
    2) At the end of every processed block of data supplied by rtl-sdr. This
    will be every 56mS or so,
    The end result should be that on systems detecting a lot of traffic, you
    should see lots of > 1300-byte Ethernet packets. On systems receiving
    less traffic, you should see one network packet every 56 mS or so.
    The total number of network packets should be much reduced, and their
    average size much bigger. The worst case delay in transmission will be
    56 mS.
 dump1090.c | 42 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-------
 1 file changed, 35 insertions(+), 7 deletions(-)

diff --git a/dump1090.c b/dump1090.c
index c0c9029..2b7cc59 100644
--- a/dump1090.c
+++ b/dump1090.c
@@ -73,6 +73,9 @@
 #define MODES_LONG_MSG_SIZE     (MODES_LONG_MSG_SAMPLES  * sizeof(uint16_t))
 #define MODES_SHORT_MSG_SIZE    (MODES_SHORT_MSG_SAMPLES * sizeof(uint16_t))
+#define MODES_RAWOUT_BUF_SIZE   (1500)           
 #define MODES_ICAO_CACHE_LEN 1024 /* Power of two required. */
 #define MODES_ICAO_CACHE_TTL 60   /* Time to live of cached addresses. */
 #define MODES_UNIT_FEET 0
@@ -167,6 +170,8 @@ struct {
     int ros;                        /* Raw output listening socket. */
     int ris;                        /* Raw input listening socket. */
     int https;                      /* HTTP listening socket. */
+    char * rawOut;                  /* Buffer for building raw output data */
+    int rawOutUsed;                 /* How much if the buffer is currently used */
     /* Configuration */
     char *filename;                 /* Input form file, --ifile option. */
@@ -258,6 +263,7 @@ struct modesMessage {
 void interactiveShowData(void);
 struct aircraft* interactiveReceiveData(struct modesMessage *mm);
+void modesSendAllClients(int service, void *msg, int len);
 void modesSendRawOutput(struct modesMessage *mm);
 void modesSendBeastOutput(struct modesMessage *mm);
 void modesSendSBSOutput(struct modesMessage *mm, struct aircraft *a);
@@ -316,7 +322,8 @@ void modesInit(void) {
     if ( ((Modes.icao_cache = (uint32_t *) malloc(sizeof(uint32_t) * MODES_ICAO_CACHE_LEN * 2)                  ) == NULL) ||
          ((Modes.data       = (uint16_t *) malloc(MODES_ASYNC_BUF_SIZE)                                         ) == NULL) ||
          ((Modes.magnitude  = (uint16_t *) malloc(MODES_ASYNC_BUF_SIZE+MODES_PREAMBLE_SIZE+MODES_LONG_MSG_SIZE) ) == NULL) ||
-         ((Modes.maglut     = (uint16_t *) malloc(sizeof(uint16_t) * 256 * 256)                                 ) == NULL) ) 
+         ((Modes.maglut     = (uint16_t *) malloc(sizeof(uint16_t) * 256 * 256)                                 ) == NULL) ||
+         ((Modes.rawOut     = (char     *) malloc(MODES_RAWOUT_BUF_SIZE)                                        ) == NULL) ) 
         fprintf(stderr, "Out of memory allocating data buffer.\n");
@@ -333,6 +340,7 @@ void modesInit(void) {
     Modes.data_ready              = 0;
     Modes.aircrafts               = NULL;
     Modes.interactive_last_update = 0;
+    Modes.rawOutUsed              = 0;
     Modes.stSystemTimeBlk         = Modes.stSystemTimeRTL;
@@ -1619,6 +1627,13 @@ void detectModeS(uint16_t *m, uint32_t mlen) {
             use_correction = 0; 
+    //Send any remaining partial raw buffers now
+    if (Modes.rawOutUsed)
+      {
+      modesSendAllClients(Modes.ros, Modes.rawOut, Modes.rawOutUsed);
+      Modes.rawOutUsed = 0;
+      }
 /* When a new message is available, because it was decoded from the
@@ -2107,9 +2122,9 @@ void modesSendAllClients(int service, void *msg, int len) {
-/* Write raw output in Beast Binary format with MLAT Counter to TCP clients */
+/* Write raw output in Beast Binary format with Timestamp to TCP clients */
 void modesSendBeastOutput(struct modesMessage *mm) {
-    char msg[64], *p = msg;
+    char *p = &Modes.rawOut[Modes.rawOutUsed];
     int  msgLen = mm->msgbits / 8;
     char * pTimeStamp;
     int  j;
@@ -2130,22 +2145,35 @@ void modesSendBeastOutput(struct modesMessage *mm) {
     memcpy(p, mm->msg, msgLen);
-    modesSendAllClients(Modes.ros, msg, (msgLen + 9));
+    Modes.rawOutUsed += (msgLen + 9);
+    if (Modes.rawOutUsed >= MODES_RAWOUT_BUF_FLUSH)
+      {
+      modesSendAllClients(Modes.ros, Modes.rawOut, Modes.rawOutUsed);
+      Modes.rawOutUsed = 0;
+      }
 /* Write raw output to TCP clients. */
 void modesSendRawOutput(struct modesMessage *mm) {
-    char msg[128], *p = msg;
+    char *p = &Modes.rawOut[Modes.rawOutUsed];
+    int  msgLen = mm->msgbits / 8;
     int j;
     *p++ = '*';
-    for (j = 0; j < mm->msgbits/8; j++) {
+    for (j = 0; j < msgLen; j++) {
         sprintf(p, "%02X", mm->msg[j]);
         p += 2;
     *p++ = ';';
     *p++ = '\n';
-    modesSendAllClients(Modes.ros, msg, p-msg);
+    Modes.rawOutUsed += ((msgLen*2) + 3);
+    if (Modes.rawOutUsed >= MODES_RAWOUT_BUF_FLUSH)
+      {
+      modesSendAllClients(Modes.ros, Modes.rawOut, Modes.rawOutUsed);
+      Modes.rawOutUsed = 0;
+      }

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/pkg-hamradio/dump1090.git

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