[Pkg-ime-devel] debian/watch for scim package (was: AMD64 patch etc.)
Ming Hua
Tue, 11 Jan 2005 18:55:18 -0600
On Tue, Jan 11, 2005 at 11:17:46PM +0100, Osamu Aoki wrote:
> On Sat, Jan 08, 2005 at 03:52:45PM -0600, Ming Hua wrote:
> > I've made 1.0.2-1 package for scim, they are in SVN now. I've tested it
> > a bit and it is working fine for me. If some one is interested in
> > testing this new 1.0.2 packages, but don't want to build him/herself
> > (scim takes a lot of time to build indeed), I can provide a apt-getable
> > repository. Just ask. :-)
> Since I wanted to check uscan, I tried it. No it does not work.
> I think fancy sourceforge redirect only works in web browser.
> If you can think somethiong to avoid this, please fix watch file. I
> will ignore this bug for now.
This is very strange, since I tooke quite some time to test and made
sure it works. It is also working for me here:
$ uscan --report
scim: Newer version (1.1.1) available on remote site
(local version is 1.0.2)
Are you trying to download the files as well (without --report option)?
Googling revealed some mailing list posts saying it's shaky to download
files with SF predownloads URL, but should work for just checking.
Actually evendownloading works for me:
$ uscan
scim: Newer version (1.1.1) available on remote site
(local version is 1.0.2)
scim: Successfully downloaded updated package scim-1.1.1.tar.gz
and symlinked scim_1.1.1.orig.tar.gz to it
uupdate: a native Debian package cannot take upstream updates
If it's not working for you even with --report option, would you please
post the result of ``uscan --report --verbose''? Thanks.
> (Besides, current pattern will grub 1.1.1 instead)
Good catch. I'll change it to only check for 1.0.x branch and check-in
to SVN.